#like the day after she was making fun of the situation on ig
very-uncorrect · 11 months
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What y'all thinking about this
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heyidkyay · 7 months
And I'm petrified of being alone, now |
Part Fourteen
Matty Healy x reader
Summary: She’s just trying to get by, really. What with being a single parent to her four year old son whilst simultaneously trying to kick start a successful career as a radio presenter. She’s got everything she’s ever wanted though, friends close by, a mum who’s merely a phone call away, and of course her baby boy. What else is there to wish for? But then, it’s not long before her relatively normal life gets upended and turned on its head, and she’s suddenly forced to deal with situations she’s never even thought to imagine.
What happens when one mention of a certain controversial singer on her show sends a flood of unexpected challenges her way? 
Authors Note: First bit is a lil messy! BUT it's just a way of moving through time whilst letting you know what's going on. Apologising anyway, tried to make it as simple as possible! Idk how I’m really feeling about this series atm ngl, hopefully I’ll find some more inspiration soon x
> Just a reminder! We left the last update with Mouse and her mum talking about Matty:) You can look back here if you'd like!
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14:04, 26 Dec 2023
For Christmas Denise Welch reunites with..
LOOSE Women star Denise Welch had a fun-filled Christmas this year with her two sons and...
*picture: family gathering featuring Matty Healy in red beanie*
@/user1  Glasses and beanie combo>>> @/user2 He was wearing that yesterday too @/user3 I wish my family was chill enough to take a xmas pic😭
Facetime now Matty:)!! Incoming Call
Messages 4m Finnleyyy So will I be seeing my best mate this nye??
Instagram 11m Trumanblack mentioned you in a private story
TWITTER: ‘75 updates @/75updateacc Matty spotted out in Manchester!  *picture: long trench and red beanie*
Ugh! @/user1 Matty on new years! *with old friends // red beanie tucked into a jacket pocket* > Loveme @/user2 The beanie is spotted again.. >> Saidhello @/user3 @/user2 Been all over his ig stories too 👀 friends? @/user4 I'm sort of obsessed w it and the fact it's stirring up so many questions💀 ppl, @/user5 it's so nice to see him actually happy!! lemmebepartoftheband @/user6 WAITING ON THE NEXT ALBUMMMM
Trumanblack Story today
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The Sun
23:47, 31 Dec 2023
The 1975 frontman was seen out in London this evening with friends and other members of the band celebrating a...
*picture: Matty Healy all dressed up and sporting a red beanie*
@/user1  shit like this ruins people @/user2 That hat again! Was it a Christmas present? @/user3 another celeb trying at sobriety, another bullshit article @/user4 Where in London even was this?
TWITTER: ‘75 updates @/75updateacc Band's interview with Variety today, click here for the video! Will be updating later on today:) *boys all pictured: George/shades, Matty/beanie&longtee, Ross/hairdown, Adam/leatherjacket*
Messages 3m Matty:)!! Just wrapping up now, should be able to call in 10 x
Youtube 9m Recommended: The 1975 - Talks of tour? | VM Radio Uk
Instagram 21m Trumanblack just added to his story
AdelineWells sent you a direct message
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TWITTER: Partoftheband @/user1 Talks of tour??? Are they trying to kill me? Gotabf @/user2 The beanie!! It's back!! Milk @/user3 You reckon he's washed it? People! @/user4 He wears so much designer shit, why's he wearing a hat that looks like it was knitted by my nan??
With January, came sleet and heavy rain. Forcing us all indoors and making quick regrets over arduous New Year’s resolutions.
I had half a dozen interviews lined up in the first month alone, which was a promising start to the year but also incredibly nerve wracking. I’d spent the majority of the wavering days between Christmas and the 31st fretting over each and every detail, beyond thankful that my mum had stuck around a little longer after the festivities to help keep Teddy preoccupied.
Adi, thankfully, was stuck in the exact same boat, which meant that we could both bear the burden together. Leading to a whole lot of time being spent on the phone, making plans, or down at the studio, where Teddy could roam free. We were moving up in the world, as Matty now liked to claim, and so that meant more of our time being taken up by mundane tasks such as asking Hozier’s PA what kind of drink he preferred and avoiding a couple of Podcaster's sudden opinions on us.
Still, we were forever grateful.
Though it wasn’t just the radio show getting shafted with a shit ton of toil either, it appeared that work had Finn headed off to the States for a few gallery openings, and Matty pulled in all sorts of directions whilst the band sorted out their upcoming album.
I hadn’t heard a word of it, although the singer kept on endlessly chattering away about how much he loved the songs they were now producing, suddenly leased with a newfound life. Which always left me feeling happy, even if I did have to wait alongside the rest of the world to listen in. It was nice knowing that he was enjoying it all once more. Seeing as, music made Matty and Matty made music. And all that.
So anyway, what I’d been getting at there was that the last few weeks had been all too trying. Enough so that Matty and I had hardly seen hide nor hair of each other, and our Facetime calls had been fair and few. Which was something that didn’t just sadden me, but Teddy too it seemed, who’d come to quite like the musician and all of his odd quirks.
That fact in itself had almost sent me running, in truth.
And maybe that was silly of me, but Teddy was my everything and it killed me to see him upset over someone he barely even knew. But then again, I supposed he did know Matty in a way. Whenever Matty called, Teddy was there to tell the man about his day, whenever Matty texted he never failed to ask after Teds, whenever he sent pictures and videos of the studio and whatever else he was doing they were usually for Teddy to see. 
I didn’t think Teddy had ever attached himself to a person so quickly. Which really did surprise me. Though oddly enough, what surprised me much more was the fact that Matty had just soldiered on and stuck with it, instead of running for the hills the first chance he’d gotten, like I’d expected. 
Which was perhaps a bit of an unfair assumption on my part, but it was something I didn’t feel too guilty over- I’d made that clear to Matty the very first day the two of them had met after all.
Saying that though, I was left to eat my words as I watched that same man galavant his way around a London Zoo with a four year old plopped atop his shoulders. Doing so without complaint, and thoroughly enjoying it too.
“There! There, Matty! You see?” I heard Teddy call out in loud excitement as I trailed my way on after them, his little fingers holding onto the red beanie Matty now often favoured. Something I relentlessly teased him about but which left me feeling all warm every time I saw it.
“Oh yeah! I do now. Wow monster, how’d you even spot him over there?” Matty replied, feigning obvious awe and grinning madly when Teddy leaned over the top of his head to poke his face into view.
“I eat carrots.”
I snorted at the simple answer Teddy gave and Matty, forever charmed by my toddler’s antics, nodded around a low chuckle of his own. “I’ll make sure to buy a couple on my way home then.”
Stepping closer, I found it strange to be in a zoo so lifeless. Which probably sounded even more peculiar, but then again, it hadn’t been my idea to go ahead and rent the entire place out just so that we could have a nose around at all the wildlife without Matty getting mobbed. What a diva, hey?
“I still can’t believe you did all this.” I murmured to him once Matty had set Teddy back down on the ground, leaving my son to run on over towards one of the caged fences, calling out to the languid lions that laid beyond it.
“It’s sick.” 
That had been Matty’s only defence since having arrived and me figuring this all out, it was as endearing as it was bewildering. 
“It’s mental is what it is, you idiot.”
He glanced over at me, hands tucked up in his pockets, a smug grin now painted on his face. I crossed my arms over my chest, refusing to be charmed by him and his inane antics. 
“Admit it, you’re loving this. Not having to worry about losing the kid and actually being able to get a look in at this lot.” Matty argued, and if he were anyone else he’d be swaying back and forth in utter delight- Wilmslow’s very own Willy Wonka- but all he did was simply look back at Teddy with a prideful grin, who was now currently trying to lure a lioness in closer.
Thing is, he wasn’t wrong. And Matty was enough of a git to know it too.
I didn’t grant him a reply though and instead wandered over to drag my son away from the ever nearing lion. “Did you see, mama? She likes me!”
I had to grin and bite back my sudden hysteria, although Matty snorted from his place now back beside us. “I did see, lovely! How about we go look at the snakes though now, hey?” And with that, Teddy was eager to part from us (and thankfully the lion) , sprinting ahead in the direction of a lizard sign that stood not too far away, leaving Matty and I to trail behind.
“Where all the animals are locked behind glass, yeah?” Matty piped up after and I narrowed my eyes at him in return, refraining from giving him a right good shove.
“Shut it.”
He merely cackled and looped an arm around my shoulders.
“They should just get back together. I mean- the money alone!”
I chuckled quietly to myself, moving about the tiny kitchenette at the studio and rolling my eyes at the man propped up between a Guinness World Records book we had and the sugar tin.
“I’m not saying that they shouldn’t! I’m just saying that they won’t.” I argued back, still rifling my way through a drawer in search of a sharp enough knife. “Those are two completely different things.”
“So what?” Matty scoffed, his displeasure with the whole debate managing to seep its way through the phone. “Fucking pair of pillocks, can’t even imagine how the world would react, the industry alone!”
I smiled, all too familiar with the daily rants of one Matthew Healy. This particular tirade of his had been spurred on by a comment I’d made on today’s show, it seemed he’d been listening in.
“Oo, is there a brew going for me?”
I glanced behind me just in time to spot Adi making her way into the studio, a large duffle bag for tomorrow's shoot thrown over her left shoulder. 
“Who else?” I quipped back, grinning victoriously when I finally found the trusty blade I’d brought over from mine so many years ago now that laid between a wooden spoon and a jar opener.
“What are you even doing?” She asked me next, having already tossed the bag down onto the sofa and made her way over. She waved when she spotted Matty’s familiar face upon opening the fridge, used to his presence cropping up here and there by now, “Alright, Healy? Thought you had big meetings today.”
“We do. I’m currently hiding out in a bin.”
Adi paused to blink at the absurd reply and then shrugged, not seeing the point in questioning it any further. “And you?” She prompted me, plucking a pint of milk from the fridge and slamming it closed.
“So full of questions today, high inquisitor.” I sang, already moving to slice into the whole watermelon I’d brought on my way in, having right fancied it when I’d passed by the fruit & veg stall up on the high street. “And what do you think, Ads? Exactly what it looks like.”
“Yeah, but why?”
I just shook my head in answer and Adi seemed to take that for what it was, a blatant dismissal. Matty though, ever so sweet, must’ve felt a bit bad because I heard him pipe up again, “She’s gone and brought a whole watermelon. Paid five quid for the thing, you believe that?”
“Five quid! Did he ask if he could spit in your face too?” Adi all but exclaimed, eyes as wide as saucers as she looked over at me.
“Yes, five quid.” I stressed, having already heard enough of it from Matty, who didn’t have a leg to stand on here. “Now leave off, or I won't share.” I wielded the knife between the pair of them jokingly and Adi relented easily enough, already moving to skim a piece I’d just cut from off the counter. I cast a shrewd glance towards my phone, “And besides you can’t talk, Mr. Millionaire.”
Matty snorted.
“Is it really that much?” Adi wondered out loud, sweeping over to get a better glimpse at my screen and the man hidden within it.
I rolled my eyes and smirked, already figuring that she’d try her luck with just that thought alone. 
“Piss off, Wells.” Matty laughed, amused by the ever so sweet smile Adi had suddenly conjured up for him and the way she was now batting her lashes, “How the fuck did we go from watermelon to my networth anyway?”
I stopped slicing to taste test a chunk of watermelon and heard Matty heave a heavy sigh.
Adi, though, just moved to ask, “Did you threaten the fruit & veg man then?”
“Fucking should’ve.” I muttered, but couldn't quite bring myself to regret the wasted fiver then, not when the fruit was almost heavenly.
“Can you stop eating? I’m in a crisis you know, and fucking starving.” I heard Matty complain, his voice practically petulant.
“Actually, you’re in a bin.” I corrected, taking another chunk, “So don’t be a drama queen. If you’re hungry, order a Deliveroo or fuck off home.”
Matty was almost pouting when I slid on over to join Adi by the phone, a plate overwhelmed with watermelon now towering between us. His frown deepened. “You’re proper evil, you know that?”
I simply grinned, “You love it.”
Only Adi noticed the faint hue that bloomed across the singer’s cheeks then. Seeing as I was already rambling away once again, talking about the weekend get-together we’d planned now we all had some time to spare.
“You’re still coming, right?” I then asked Adi, who was now smirking for some reason. I raised a brow.
She merely hummed around her next slice and dipped her head at me, “Wouldn’t miss it for the world, babe.”
Matty’s eyes narrowed at that but I deemed it better to ignore whatever the two of them had going on, I found life to be much simpler that way.
It was almost gone nine and still no sign of her. 
She had texted almost half an hour ago now, saying she was headed out, but Matty still kept his phone in hand, spinning it this way and that, just in case she tried messaging again.
“You’re driving me mad with that, man.” George suddenly announced, drawing Matty’s attention back to the table at the overcrowded club they’d picked out. “Stop it.” He added, swatting at Matty’s forearm when he’d barely acknowledged him the first time round.
Matty’s brow pinched but he let the mobile go with a clatter to the tabletop, “Happy?”
George exaggerated his smile in the same sense Matty just had whilst he clasped his hands in mock prayer before him, “Incredibly.” Then he relaxed back in his chair once more, face softening as Matty’s eyes shot out across the floor for the umpteenth time, “God, you’re really fucking strung up on this one.”
“Eh?” Matty immediately asked him, his head spinning back around to spare a glance at his mate.
“Just,” George began with a slow shrug, his chin dipped against his chest now in the way that he’d leaned back making his eyes appear all the more solemn. “It’s been a while since I’ve seen you so invested, is all.”
“Invested, fuck’s that meant to mean?”
Goerge just huffed. “I don’t know, Matty. Just, you’re not usually the type to get so caught up on a girl you’re chasing.”
“I’m not chasing her. We’re mates.” Matty hastily defended and could feel the way his face had instantly scrunched up with the force of it.
He was gifted a short snort in return, “Yeah man, sure, and I can fly a shitting plane.” At Matty’s ever darkening expression, George sighed once more and moved to prop himself up on his knees, “Look yeah? I didn’t mean nothing by it, only curious. It’s weird seeing you all moody and pent up about somebody. Been a while.”
It had been a while since he’d last seen someone properly, but that didn’t suddenly mean that he and Mouse currently had anything going on. He’d been too focused on staying clean, working on the album, and trying to forget the last year and a half had ever happened. And Mouse… well, she had a kid and didn’t seem the type to take to anyone so easily. They were mates. Just, mates.
Matty must’ve been quiet a little too long though because when George spoke again his voice had softened, as had his face. It almost looked pitiful now, enough that Matty wanted to force him away from his line of sight. But he didn’t, only glanced back out towards the floor.
“Matty, mate. I really didn’t mean to piss you off, you know that. I’m just saying it how I see it.” Matty rolled his eyes but George only continued to talk, “It’s obvious that you like her, man. Whether it’s just as friends or something more. But do me a favour and just have a long think about it, yeah? She’s nice and all, but I don’t wanna see you hurt.”
Matty bit back the scoff that lodged itself in his throat, “If anything, G, it’d be me hurting her. Wouldn’t be that unexpected though, would it?”
George’s hand came to grasp his shoulder at that and with a firm but gentle grip he forced Matty to better face him, he leaned in so his voice would carry over the music, his forehead now furrowed. “You’re not a bad person, man. Not everyone’s expecting you to fuck up all the time.”
Didn’t that feel like a fucking lie.
The hand pressed further and George shook Matty a tad, wanting him to comprehend his words. Take them in. “You’re doing good, mate. Really good. And we’re proud, alright? We are. All I’m saying is, have a think about what you want. Make sure you’re happier for it, make sure… that you can deal with everything that comes along with it. Understand?”
Matty’s mouth felt a little dry as he stared up into George’s eyes, seeing the genuine care held within them. Almost immediately Matty felt his walls crumble down around him and he struggled to find the right words to respond with. They were proud. So instead, he just nodded and George’s hand clapped the back of his neck with a winning grin.
“Good. Now, go get her, yeah?”
Matty frowned at the words but before he could think to question it the table was moving to welcome in a couple of newcomers and he turned in his seat to meet the eyes of a smiling Squeaks.
“Hey you.”
“You made it!”
She grinned back at him, beamed actually, and Matty felt his eyes flicker down to her lips for a second, then down further to the lovely little dress she’d decided on. He hastily stood up to greet her, wrapping her up in a hug- something that had come more and more naturally to them in the last few weeks- and rocked slightly. “Get all dressed up for me, did you?”
Mouse pulled away with a laugh, her head thrown back a tad before her glistening eyes set themselves back on him, she squeezed his arm, “You wish.”
He did wish. But he didn’t voice that passing thought out loud, filing it away to stress about later, and instead shuffled nearer to whisper, “You do look gorgeous though.”
The skin by her ear prickled with goosebumps and Matty pulled away before he could get too caught up in what that might have meant. He graced her with a slow smile, “Drinks?”
She let go of a breath, then smiled brightly back at him with a dip of her chin, “Drinks.”
“I haven't heard a word of it!” I said, pushing my drink down onto the table. I was currently on my fifth of the night, but the guys were forever getting new rounds in and so I knew it wouldn’t take me long before I was handed another. 
“You said you didn’t like our stuff!” Matty immediately answered back, his voice a tad bit higher now.
I gaped at the claim, “I did not!”
“Yes, you fuckin’ did!”
The rest of the table was watching on in ever growing amusement, Ross’s eyes were dancing back and forth between Matty and I, whilst Adi wore a grin that could probably help power Blackpool Tower. 
“I said I loved your earlier work. I didn’t say I hated the newer stuff!” I rebuked, desperately trying to think back to that first show I’d mentioned Matty in. Had I really said that?
Matty went to speak but Hann cut in before he could, “You two are mental. All I asked was whether she’d heard anything we’d been working on.”
George snorted, managing to drag his eyes away from his fiance to smirk at the pair of us. “Remember she claimed the band looked spent.”
Matty jumped to point in George’s direction, pleased, whilst my eyes widened, “I wouldn’t!”
“You did, love.” George laughed, looking more amused than hurt which was the only thing keeping me from being physically sick. “It’s alright, no harm done.”
I fish-mouthed, but even with that having been said, Matty was still grinning victoriously. “Fucking told you.”
Wrinkling my nose, I turned to neck the rest of my drink. “Yeah, well. I do love your songs, alright?”
Matty’s brows upturned, as if he was about to deny the claim and accuse me of lying, but Adi cut in, “No it’s true, she's been listening to your shit nonstop since you two met. Like it’s grating at this point.”
“Harsh.” Ross dragged out and Adi gave him a coy smile when she went to pat his chest, “You try listening to his gob on repeat and then we’ll talk, yeah?” She retorted easily, dipping her head towards Matty, whose face scrunched up unhappily.
“Careful, Wells. Starting to sound like you might not like me.”
Adi flashed him a toothy smile, “Who claimed I ever did?”
I was quick to reach out and grab Matty’s wrist when he frowned, ready to open his mouth once more. The motion seemed to grab most, if not all, of his attention because he wavered in his stance before letting himself be pulled over.
“He’s fragile, Ads.” I chuckled to her, hand cradling the back of Matty’s head when he leaned in to press his face against my shoulder. “All the big rockstars have delicate egos.”
Adi snorted and I watched as she let Ross drape an arm over her shoulders, her hand finding his.
“Not fucking fragile.” Matty said, but the heat of it was lost in the mumble against my skin, I laughed.
“Sure, babe.” I murmured fondly, smiling when I felt the curve of his grin against my neck. I started to run my hand through his hair almost unconsciously, letting the alcohol dim the anxious worries that would typically cloud my mind. “You’re a real man.”
“A real fuckin’ man.”
I rolled my eyes with a shake of my head that must've disrupted Matty’s newfound peace because he pulled away slightly, hands falling to rest on my hips, keeping us close.
“You’re proper nice, you know?” He mumbled in contradiction to our previous argument, his head falling forward to press his forehead to mine. His eyes appeared so much darker in this light, the little space between us had me holding my breath. “So nice.”
Instantly I was reminded of one of the first conversations I’d had with Adi about Matty, he’d been nice then too. “Thanks.” I chuckled before swallowing, eyes trailing between his before I voiced the thought. “You’re nice too.”
He smiled, one of those lazy ones where his eyelids drooped and the skin around his mouth wrinkled. His stare dropped ever so slightly and my mouth parted on instinct.
Matty licked at his lower lip, teeth grazing it ever so slightly. “I’m glad I met you.”
My heart stuttered in my chest, squeezing in on itself so tightly that I thought it might just give out, before it finally let go. “I don’t think I’ve ever been told that before.”
Matty tilted his head at me causing the tip of his nose to brush against mine, I struggled to remember to keep breathing. “I’m glad I met you, Squeaks.” He repeated with an air of finality, either unaware or uncaring for the reaction it drew from me as he raised a hand to drag his thumb across my jaw.
I looked up into his eyes, unblinking. Aware that I’d never felt quite like anything this before.
“I’m glad I met you too.”
Metro News
Feb 2024 06:21
Last night it seems our local heartthrob was back out on the town again after a few weeks of silence, only this time he wasn't alone! Read more...
Facetime now Finnleyyy Incoming Call
Messages 7m Adi x Babe wake up, shits going down over on twitter!! Also (very much related) did you shag Healy last night???
Twitter 11m You now have 378 notifications
TWITTER: ‘75 updates @/75updateacc The Band spotted out in London last night with the MouseOnAMic girls! *picture: a story from Adelinewells instagram//blurred group photo*
backofmyvan @/user1 Is this real?? *picture: blurred Matty and Mouse in a dark club* Funnyface @/user2 Is that the radio host? she has a kid?? Saidhello! @/user3 I woke up to chaos. On another note, how are my matty girlies doing today?
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lazywrites · 4 months
Hey I was wondering if you could write a piece about my OC Dina Khoury x Kurt wagner, I'll be giving her info in jot note from because that's my best way of doing it.
I wasn't sure which info would be useful for whatever you plan to write, but ig having the whole picture helps
-Dina was born to human x-gene carrier parents, a Palestinian mother and an afro Egyptian father. She also has an older brother who tormented her as a child.
-she was born into a strict religious household(Christian) and suffered spiritual abuse because of them, being shamed often(religion is a very spiky topic for her because of it but it doesn't effect how she feels about Kurt)
-she ran away from home at 10 after discovering her powers, which unfortunately lead to her being snatched off of the streets and thrown into mutant fighting rings.
-she has scars all over her body from these fights and feels sickened looking at them, for some reason her powers can't get rid of them.
-after escaping the ring she was discovered have dead in the street by Magneto and her took her in as his daughter.
-dina believed in magneto's cause after hearing about it and reflecting on how she doesn't want to continue experiencing like the way she has been as a mutant, why should she settle for being tolerated?
- appearance wise Dina has dark skin, dark brown(almost black)eyes, and light blond 4a texture hair thats in a different style almost every day.
-she loves wearing hair accessories like loc charms and jewels hanging by gold twin wrapped around the ends her braids/locs, and she wears purple all the time with different shades and color pairings.
-she's trans mtf and used her reality manipulation abilities to make the physical transition easier.
-She's funny, asertive, intense, and will go above and beyond to protect her loved ones, usually violently if the situation allows it; she's very adamant about the rights of mutants and is not going to be undermined in anyway shape or form much like her adoptive father.
I hope you like Dina and I hope you can come up with an interesting fic idea for her and Kurt. If you have anything you wanna ask me about feel free to message me😊😁
I had a lot of fun designing this character, and she's got such an entertaining backstory as well, i'm inclined to draw her later sometime again
sorry for the delay this week has been especially busy, if anyone else wants me to design an outfit for their OC just send an ask, i love drawing superhero outfits so much.
You are free to color it how you like, i don't know which colors you would've wanted her outfit to be besides the jacket, thanks for telling me her story!
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Also she's into this weird little guy idk why lol
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lunalight01 · 1 month
Taehyung and Jungkook fucks you hard
Jungkook and Taehyung as your roommates
warning: smut, minors don't interact, double penetration, boobie play, eating out both m&f, many more
Jungkook and Taehyung were your roommates, you were a college student you lived far from home with your childhood friends. 
Your family loved both of them and their family loved u as well. It was all like friendship so the three of you agreed to share the apartment since you were admitted to the same college.
It was Sunday morning you & Taehyung loved sleeping till late whereas Jungkook loved going for a run in the morning. 
Well, you and Taehyung were on the same bed cause you liked sharing a bed with them when u missed your family yesterday JK was late from "his friend meet up" so you and Taehyung slept together after waiting for him. 
 Taehyung POV
I was half awake and could feel Y/N hugging my arm while asleep which is very normal but today I can't ignore those perky nipples that I could feel through her tee, gosh that is just making me horny. I think I should wake her up or it is going to end up in a bad situation.
I shooked her but she didn't wake up until I saw Jungkook coming from his morning run and seeing us like this which is again normal for him and smiled to which I smiled as well but when he saw her he smirked and I understood why he made such expression. 
I woke up seeing Jungkook and Taehyung smirking at each other, 
"why are you making such weird faces in the morning?" They both came to their senses ig.
I let go of Taehyung's arm and sat while rubbing my eyes and asking who would cook for today's breakfast since it was Sunday so there was no hurry.
"Why don't we three try to cook all together" Taehyung said to which I replied "Taehyung do you remember the time when we tried this JK made such a mess in the kitchen"
"Umm I agree would never let JK touch the blender we had to clean it for like an hour and jk was chilling in his gaming since he said he would pay for the food for the whole day" Taehyung replied with a sigh 
We were both discussing but JK wasn't responding seems like he was in his world I saw JK's eyes which were amm somewhere on my tee oh my nipples geez.
I guess Taehyung got to know bout it "Where are you staring JK?" he teased him and suddenly Jungkook came out of his world and said "Nowhere"
"I saw JK where u were peeking" 
We both teased him and he said "Really u know then lemme have them" After this the room became so awkward and we three of us were very uncomfortable to say a word. 
"I am sorry Y/N it is not what I meant by I mean lemme have my breakfast while any of you both cook haha" He did an awkward laugh and left the room as quickly as possible.
The three of them hung out all day going to the malls and playing a few games they had fun after having dinner they came back to their apartment.
At the apartment
Y/N was changing her clothes in her room the door was shut suddenly Taehyung came and said "Y/N your t-shirt came in my ba- uhh sorry" seeing her half naked made blood rushed to his dic
To which Y/N said "Wait Tae, I was thinking bout what JK said in the morning" 
"Amm did that make u uncomfortable I'm sorry from his beh-" Taehyung said while blushing
"Shh" she came in front of him and placed her finger on his lips said "I- I kinda want that too"
"WHAT????" He said being shocked but happy.
Listening to Taehyung's loud voice Jungkook came and saw Y/N in her black bra while her shorts button was open showing her black panties, which made JK's mouth hanging open and said "Wao hot" Suddenly, the atmosphere became hot and awkward until Taehyung said, "So you really wanna have some juicy kinds of stuff that you read in the book with us?"
To which Jk hear that and becomes confused "What are you saying??"
"You heard it right JK, I exactly mean what he said" and JK was shocked and said "Really?"
To which Y/N pulled him by his collar and said "Yes baby boi" While looking into his eyes jk held her waist while kissing her immediately and soon Taehyung also joined them,
He unhooked her bra letting her boobs be free, while jk was giving hickeys down her neck and Taehyung was squeezing her boobs hard while pinching her nipples.
She helped JK take off his shirt as well as Taehyung and now Taehyung held her and made her sit on her fours while Jk pulled her shorts off with the panties and said "Hyung she is so wet for us"
Taehyung smirked and said "We wanted this for so long but were scared to make u uncomfortable," he said while pulling off his pants and taking his dic out and jerking it a lil asked her "Will u suck for me bbg" to which she nodded immediately and started sucking him whereas Jungkook was eating her out while fingering her and she was moaning out loud which sent vibration to Taehyung dic.
Soon the positions were changed and now jk was on top of her his dic between her boobs and spitting on her boobs he started to boob fuck her. whereas Taehyung was down there pushing his dic in her cunt and fucking her hard.
"You are awesome bbg I love this lil tight pussy so warm," said Tae whereas  jk said I love these tits as well they're so good and beautiful"
They both smiled and fucked her till she came and then Jungkook took her in his arms her being on top while facing Taehyung while jk was inside her Taehyung tried to get in slowly "saying we r gonna stretch you baby" While kissing her forehead he pushed himself in and fucking her till they finished and cumming inside her at the same time.
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brooooswriting · 1 year
Writer's block :( Noooo
I hope following prompts help
" why wouldn't i save you? "
“ why is it so difficult for you to believe that you deserve to be protected? “
" i'm on my way. "
" get out of here! now! "
" it's all over now. don't panic. it's not my blood. "
with Tara (I don't quite remember if you write for her if you don't pick another <Jenna's preferably>character idm ;))
Now you don't have to use them all I just put them there so you can have options. Use as many as you want
I hope writers block goes away :)
And don't push yourself <3
Jenna Ortega x reader
Slight Scream 6 spoilers
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A/N: I feel like this is a mess but have fun reading it Ig🫡
‘How the fuck did I get into this?’ Was a common question in your head at the moment as you were being chased by some psychopath with ghost face mask.
You were friends with Anika, have been for a while, and at the same time you were her tutor. You were two semesters above her and started tutoring to earn money, the girl who has seen you around every now and then was your third student. Somehow, along the line you guessed, it became some kind of friendship, which then pulled you into her friend group. Often you’d sit in her dorm and explain stuff when the whole group let themselves inside, talking loudly while you tried to keep her focused.
And while Anika was focused on anything but you, a certain brunette was focused on nothing but you. She stared at you the whole time, every time but when you tried to talk to her she acted cold. It was confusing and it makes the situation you were in right now even more confusing.
But, at some point you finally got her to talk to you, and she even asked you for help for her math class. It went great, she was extremely nice and friendly and you started to fall for the girl. It felt like she also fell for you as she’d always be with you. People barely saw you alone anymore, if one of you came it was pretty sure that the other one was gonna be there too. You often slept over as you fell asleep cuddling. It was perfect and you were staring to build up the confidence to ask her if she wanted to make whatever you guys had official.
Until she suddenly pulled away, Sam did too. Chad and Mindy were quieter and the only one who was still normal was Anika. You wrecked your brain, trying to figure out what you did, if you hurt Tara in any way or said something wrong, but nothing came to mind. Tara hadn’t talked to you in over 6 days, she ignored your messages and calls and changed her path when she saw you. Anika knew the reason but she didn’t tell you as she said that it was something the girl had to tell you herself.
It was during one of your tutoring sessions when you got a text from Tara asking you to come to their apartment but you agreed nonetheless, saying that you’d arrive in around an hour and a half. After the session you went and changed into some sweatpants before making your way towards the carpenters apartment, sending a quick ‘i’m on my way’ text. You were looking around the city, enjoying the quietness, well as quiet as New York could be, until you suddenly heard something shatter which caused you to flinch. You kept walking towards the sound, discovering that it came from a small store, another sound emerging from the store. A gun shot and a scream, the voice so sweet it could only be from one person, Tara.
You ran towards the store to see some dressed up fucker with a gun, you couldn’t see the brunette but decided that you’d have to act nonetheless. Quickly hiding behind the wall, you started to think of a plan, you knew the gun as it was the same one your grandfather had for when he went hunting, you knew that it was able to fit 7 bullets before you had to reload (I don’t know shit about guns, sorry:0). You had already counted four and two just followed now. You relaxed a bit when no sound followed the shots, it hopefully meant that the bullet didn’t hit anybody.
You looked inside again, finally seeing your crush and her sister as they were crawling on the ground trying to escape. The younger girl tried to shoo you away the moment she saw you but how could you leave when she was in danger?
The moment the 7th shot fell you started sprinting, the four years you played football finally being useful as you tackled the person to the ground. The two of you fell, you on top pushing the gun as far away as you could. You didn’t expect them to pull a knife from somewhere. They slit your arm causing you to fall back, giving them the advantage of being on top, the knife now slicing through the skin on your stomach. Tara’s scream could be heard throughout the entire store causing you to turn your head until you could see her, Sam was holding her back. You could see that she was trying to figure out how she could help you without risking Tara. “Get out of here! now!” You screamed as you were finally able to turn you and the person with the knife again.
Out of the corner of your eye you could see Sam pulling the smaller girl outside, relieve bubbling in your chest. For a small second you forgot what situation you were in. After a bit of wrestling you somehow got ahold of the knife, pushing it into their stomach around two times before you heard a sirens. The psychopath underneath you suddenly threw you off with newfound strength and disappeared, police started swarming inside only to find you with a bit of blood smeared on you.
“Why’d you save me?” Tara asked you as you sat in a cop car on your way to the station, Sam in the front you and Tara in the back. “Why wouldn’t I save you?” You were so confused, the girl grew so much on you that just the thought of her getting hurt broke your heart. “Are you fucking stupid? You put yourself in unbelievable danger, youre crazy, out of your mind” she said with a raised voice, “yeah, I put myself in danger to safe you, I didn’t do it for nothing” you answered trying to keep your cool.
“That’s what I just said! You’re crazy, you were ready to sacrifice yourself for someone like me. Do you know how crazy and stupid that is?” She kept on talking about how stupid you were for doing something like that for someone like her. It went on until you arrived inside the police station where you decided to put an End to it, you had listened to her degrade herself for over 10 minutes now and it was enough.
“Why is it so difficult for you to believe that you deserve to be protected?” You asked her, your voice raised this time. The way she talked about herself made her angry. “Because I don’t” she screamed back as some officer lead you into an interrogation room. “Who made you believe that shit?!” You asked, your voice still loud but this time Tara only looked down. You added a ‘huh?’ to finally make her answer but it only caused Sam to speak up.
“Y/n, I think that’s enough” she tried to keep her calm as she understood both sides and at the moment she was only happy that you were there to save them. “No Sam, I wanna know who made her feel like that so I can kill them for doing that to her” you countered, maybe that wasn’t the smartest thing to say at that moment but you were so full of hate that you didn’t think straight. “I already did” you turned to Tara, your face filled with surprise. “Amber, my ex girlfriend, was the ghost face in the attack that happened last year. She used me and my trust, so she could kill me and Sam. She killed two of my best friends, our sheriff, she nearly killed Chad and Mindy and I shot her when she tried to kill Sam. All these people were in danger because I trusted her! That’s why I don’t deserve to be protected. Everybody who is around me is in danger! You shouldn’t even talk to me but you wouldn’t leave me alone!” Tears fell from her eyes as she explained, Sam was also quietly sniffling behind you.
“You can’t really think that” your voice was the complete opposite of what it had been just a couple of minutes before, it was soft and quiet, soothing. You kneeled in front of her, your hand carefully landing on her knee while the other one reached up to caress her cheek. She melted into your touch causing your heart to skip a beat. “What that girl did to you was terrible and what these people are trying to do to you now is just as terrible. But it’s not your fault, these people are crazy and psychotic, they shouldn’t be living freely. And if you think that I didn’t know who you were is kinda cute, I heard some people talk about it in class, but the thing is, I didn’t care. Because I got to know the real you and whoever says that you and Sam are crazy killers or some shit do not know you. You are amazing Tara and if you ask me, you’re totally worth dying for. I mean it”
Your thumb wiped away her flowing tears before she threw herself at you causing you to crash to the ground. Her arms wrapped around your neck as she sat on your lap with her face buried in your neck. “You knew who I was the whole time and didn’t say anything?” She pulled her head away as she spoke to look at you, “well, I figured the topic would make you uncomfortable, so I didn’t say anything. I guessed that you would talk about it once you’re ready” you told her as your hands stroked her back. She leaned forward and planted a kiss on your lips. “Once this is over, we are going on a date”
“Yes ma’am”
You couldn’t wait for this to be over
So this kinda sucks but if I try to rewrite it I’ll never finish it and it will just sit in my drafts forever. Sorry
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skywarpie · 18 days
In the Shadow of Memories
Anyway, ao3 is down and my computer is broken, so you guys get the fic here for the time being.
Tw: nothing much except isolation, and depression. But nothing like super bad. Nsft at the end and use of sex as a vice ig
Word count: 3,758
Copia learns he doesn't have to be alone anymore.
Longing is something that he sometimes thinks he was born with. An itch that can't be scratched, save only for the sake that no one offers to scratch it. The longing of childhood – knowing that he never fits in no matter what. How he watched the other children as he was growing up, saw how their parents doted on them. How their siblings poked fun at them. It was something he never had, even though it was no further than arms length away.
He was seven when he slowly began to piece the pieces together.
Sister Imperator, though stern, seemed to show favoritism to him. It did nothing to help his social standings.
Then he'd overheard her speaking to Nihil. Talking about how their child was not shaping up to be everything he should be. Copia had wanted to scream at them, but it would draw attention to himself, and that didn't really bode well for eavesdropping.
Shortly after he'd tried to make connections with the elder three brothers.
Primo had seemed indifferent. Kind but indifferent.
Secondo had ignored him altogether, acting like he didn't even exist. Sometimes he didn't feel like he really did.
Terzo had – well Terzo had been his last hope. They were closer in age than the other two. Sure he was nearly fifteen years his senior, but it couldn't hurt to try, right? As a result of his hopefulness, Terzo had taken advantage of every situation, doing any and everything and leaving Copia to take the blame for. He was well aware Copia would never voice his own innocence.
By age ten, he'd been reprimanded more than any other child in the ministry for crimes he wasn't responsible for. Sister's irritation had grown and Papa Nihil’s hatred had taken a dark turn. Sometimes he shut the door in Copia's face, sent him on wild goose chases, it was all too much.
It shouldn't have been any surprise when a ghoul fetched him from his lessons one morning. Informed him his things had been packed and he would be set on a train to the airport. From there, he would make his way to Rome, where he would stay for the foreseeable future.
He'd wanted to ask. Why am I being sent away? I can be better. Where is Sister Imperator? Why wasn't she taking him to the airport?
But he already knew all the answers to those questions.
He was a bother. Cumbersome in a small bubble that held the Emeritus line, something that was already fragile enough without his unannounced parenthood.
Copia remembers trying to hold the large ghoul's hand as he stood in the airport. Wanting some sort of comfort, even if it was from someone sending him away. Instead, he'd been scolded. Told he should know better at his age.
He'd retracted his hand as if burnt and boarded the plane without so much as a hug, let alone a goodbye.
The years slowly bleed together as time continues its endless march.
Now at the young age of twenty-six, Copia has managed to become the youngest Cardinal in the church. He should be proud of himself, happy that he's accomplished something, but he's not. Being completely abandoned by one's family tends to have that sort of effect. Since his arrival here, Sister has sent not a single letter. He should know better but it doesn't sting any less.
“Are you listening?”
Cardinal Astra's voice draws Copia from his spiraling thoughts. “Huh?”
“Where do you go, piccolo ratto?”
Astra has been nothing but Hell sent from the day Copia arrived. The man had taken him under his wing and for a short while Copia got to truly experience what it felt like to have a figurative father. Even now, he still looks over Copia. He just wishes Astra's love could heal that continued hole inside himself. Maybe if he'd been his father instead of Nihil, maybe he wouldn't feel this way.
“I – I am sorry.” Anxious eyes travel downward to settle on the stone floor. He gets lost often, something everyone is accustomed to.
Cardinal Astra smiles softly. “Working hours are over. You are free to leave this cramped office and spend time with your friends.”
Friends. That word makes him nauseous. He's never had friends. He's had acquaintances but never friends.
“Ah – ehm – apologies.” Copia jumps up quickly, collecting his paperwork. “I will leave now. I –”
Astra grabs his wrist. “Copia, you do not need to hide yourself away. We are a congregation and we take care of each other, no?”
Copia nods, knowing he will not be doing that.
Copia grunts as his face is pushed further into the sheets. One eye squished shut. The other is trying to remain open despite the massive hand planted on his cheek. A brother of sin mounts him from behind, hips pounding into him like a jackhammer. He should feel something – anything, Copia knows this. Yet his cock hangs limp between his legs, swaying every now and then with each thrust. Copia knows he won't cum tonight. The brother of sin is a bit too harsh for his liking, but then again, Copia hasn't ever cum during these trysts at all to begin with.
A squeak escapes him as the brother thrusts at an uncomfortable angle. Unfortunately for Copia, the man takes it as encouragement and begins pistoning his hips in that motion until he finally cuts.
Copia clamps his eyes shut tight as what should be warmth from the cum inside him is slightly uncomfortable rather than pleasurable. The man pulls out with a grunt, flopping down beside him.
“Fuck that was good.”
Well, at least someone enjoyed it.
It's not like he agrees to these things because he necessarily wants them, rather than in times of desperation for other human touch he'll take a partner to bed. Sometimes he goes to their bed. It depends on his mood at the time.
He's also found himself preferring the brothers to the sisters. The brothers are easily able to over power his lithe frame, manhandle him in any way they want. Sometimes if Copia closes his eyes he can almost imagine it's a loving hug.
But it's not and it never will be.
Copia grunts as he tries to stretch his body out. The position having left him in a cramped state. He squeaks as a hard slap meets the meat of his ass.
“For a twitchy little guy, you sure are a good lay.”
It's a joke – or rather it should be, judging by the way the man laughs breathlessly.
Copia's barely had time to pull his face from the sheets before the brother is dressing and collecting his things. He says something, but honestly Copia doesn't bother to register it. He's leaving anyway. They always leave after.
He grabs the towel, drying off his hair and then his body. Then he steps out of the shower, discarding the towel.
Copia wipes the condensation from the bathroom mirror. He sees – honestly, he isn't sure what he sees looking back at him.
His reflection is tired. Even without the black eye makeup. His ribs poke out just a bit too much to be considered healthy. A tired sigh leaves his lips as his gaze settles on the bruises that decorate his whole body. It's a symbol that at least for a short while someone considered him something worthy of love. Even if it was just for a quick fuck.
Copia rubs his eyes before grabbing his robe and wrapping himself in the fluffy fabric. It grounds him. Gives him something to hold onto, to prove he's real.
He makes his way to his bedroom and lies on his back on the freshly changed sheets. He stares at the ceiling. Maybe tomorrow will be another day. A better one.
It won't be, but maybe he can hope.
The pen scratches against the paper as he signs off on another document. By now, he's more than positive that he could sign his own name with his eyes closed. That's not really something to be proud of, so to say. But there isn't really much to be proud of when it comes to him.
“You missed breakfast.”
Cardinal Astra stands in the doorway, tray in hand.
Copia knows how lethargic he must look when he glances up. “Mi dispiace. I have been working on this.” He motions to the paperwork.
Astra purses his lips. “You also missed lunch.”
Oh please, don't do this again. Please. Please. Please.
“And it seems that you also missed dinner last night. If the ghouls are to be believed.”
Copia tries to respond but he's shushed.
“We talked about this, Copia. It is unhealthy. You must eat.”
It's not that he doesn't want to eat, so much as what has he done to deserve it? Did he finish all his paperwork? Did he answer correctly when asked questions? Is he even worth keeping around?
It's easy for him to brush it off as forgetfulness. Oh, I was so busy I forgot to eat. Silly me! It doesn't work on anyone, but then again, does anyone even care? Well, besides Astra.
“Sì. Sì. I am well aware of that.”
Is he though? If he was he wouldn't be putting himself through all this emotional and physical turmoil.
“I just – just got distracted.”
Copia sees the look he receives. Distracted enough to still be able to take a brother of sin to your bed?
Copia wilts.
Astra heaves a sigh as he comes fully into the room, shutting the door behind him.
No. No. No. This is not good.
“I had planned to tell you this over dinner last night.” He heaves another sigh. “You are leaving the abbey by the end of the month.”
Leaving? His head is spinning a mile a minute. What has he fucked up now? Why's he never able to fucking do anything right? Why – “Be-because I missed a few meals?” Copia hates the way his voice cracks.
“No.” There's a pregnant pause and Copia finds himself spiraling even more. “Your mo – Sister Imperator, requests that you return to the main abbey.”
Astra smooths the front of his cassock. “I have no say in the matter, piccolo ratto. If I did, you'd never have to leave this place.”
He doesn't want this. He wants to stay here, in Rome. He wants –
“Sometimes He gives us obstacles that he thinks will strengthen us. Even if they seem like punishments at the time.”
It's then that Copia finally breaks down. He's being sent away as a punishment yet again.
The Swedish abbey is larger than he remembers. It's colder – not a surprise, and more densely populated. Albeit polite, a majority of the siblings look at him with disdain. He's a high ranking newcomer, of course they would.
The first week had been odd. Imperator doted on him as if she were a loving mother finally seeing her son again. Only one of those things was true.
She'd ensured he knew where is office was. How far away his room was. How much paperwork he was to expect and it was expected to be done.
She'd even introduced him to a gaggle of ghouls. Saying that since he ranked so highly, he required protection. Something told him it was just so she could spy on him. Copia was already a nervous man, this did nothing to help ease the issue.
It was easy to fall into a quick routine. The paperwork is really no different than what he did in Rome. It's the one familiarity in this new foreign land.
Unlike his younger self, Copia makes no effort to engage his brothers. He already knows how those interactions will end. Him with an even more broken heart and the feeling of isolation strangling him.
It still confuses him how Sister acts. When he was younger, she never even gave him a glance. Now it's like he was some sort of prodigal son returned to his home.
It made his skin crawl.
Slowly, Copia begins to acquaint himself with the ghouls.
Cirrus and Cumulus, the two ghoulettes seem to welcome him with open arms. Cumulus is quick to always have a firm hand on his upper arm. She'll then flash him a smile and it leaves Copia at a loss that someone else he hardly knows is aware of how to calm him. Cirrus is always first to give praise. Good boy! Oh, Cardinal, you work so hard. Take a break. It makes his head swim and he feels like he's in a fog at sea.
It doesn't take long for him to piece together that ghoul packs are female dominant. After the two of them start treating him like one, Copia notes how the other ghouls begin following the same act.
Rain is quiet. Mostly communicating through chirps and trills. He's small, not the smallest, but it's clear he's the youngest. In no time, Copia finds himself with a lap full of ghoul anytime he's in the den. It's almost comforting.
Mountain is – large. So much so that Copia has to tilt his head back to even see the ghoul's face. Not only is he the largest ghoul Copia has ever seen, but he's also the most quiet. The ghoul hardly ever makes a sound.
Swiss is…well, Copia isn't sure how to feel about Swiss. He seems feral most of the time, stalking the rooms, looking for something or someone to get into. It makes Copia uneasy and he tries to avoid him at all costs.
Dewdrop is entirely unapproachable. The ghoul hisses and spits anytime Copia is even in the same room as him. His words are just as harsh as his bite. On more than several accounts, Copia has left the room feeling like he is the size of an ant.
Then there's Aether.
The ghoul is large. Not as large as Mountain, but he's stocky. Oftentimes when in his company, Copia finds himself wondering how those large arms would feel encircled around him. How Aether could easily manhandle him into whatever situation he wants. It sends a chill down his spine and it often ends with him in his room at night, cock in hand and working himself to completion.
It's a nice change from the typical absence of arousal he's felt. But it's also frightening. What does this say about him? That he's so desperate he's gone to fantasizing about ghouls – his ghouls. It's a new feeling he's unfamiliar with and it fills him with dread. It's bad enough his habit of taking partners to bed has followed him here, but if Imperator finds out he's having feelings – let alone relations with his ghouls, well…that could be disastrous.
Aether's smooth voice settles in Copia's ears like a warm hug.
“Uh – please – ehm – call me C-Copia.”
His voice wavers and he knows he has to look just as miserable as he sounds.
It ignites something inside the Cardinal. The way his name rolls off Aether's tongue like honey. He wants more. He wants to hear his name said like that for the rest of his days.
“It's lunch time.”
Oh. Copia shakes himself. “Ah – thank you, but I need to finish this first.” Copia points to the stack of papers on his desk. He wears a weary smile.
“You can take time to eat. You're allotted a lunch break, right?”
“Well, uh yes but –”
“No buts.” Aether makes his way to plant both hands on Copia's desk. “You need to eat.”
Copia sighs defeatedly. “Alright. Fine. Fine.”
He lets himself be led in the direction of the cafeteria. He manages to eat half of some sort of sorry excuse for pasta. The whole while he listens to Aether speak of his packmates. How they're annoying. How he loves them even if he thinks of killing some of them sometimes.
It makes Copia sad and it must show as he begins picking at his food.
“Hmm?” He doesn't look up from the plate. It feels like far too much effort.
“Is everything okay?” Aether's voice is tentative.
“Sì, just a bit distracted.” He offers a tired smile and it seeks to settle the ghoul.
“And you?”
Copia is entirely caught off guard. He's zoned out during Aether's spiel, getting lost in the lull of his voice. It's only now he realizes this part of the conversation is aimed at him.
It must show on his face and Aether takes pity, repeating the question. “I said my pack mates can be an issue, but they're still important to me. Then I asked about you.”
“What about me?”
“I asked if you felt the same way with your brothers.”
The fork makes a loud clunking noise as he drops it and it bounces on the floor. Does everyone know? Did they know long before he even did?
Copia feels bile rising in the back of his throat. Feels his eyes beginning to sting in that all too familiar way. He has to get out of here. It was a mistake even coming to the cafeteria with the ghoul. He doesn't even realize he's trembling, breathing heavily until a large hand covers his own.
“It's okay.” Aether's voice is soft. Almost as soft as his eyes. “You don't have to answer. I shouldn't have asked to begin with.”
“No, it's – it's –” Copia deflates altogether. He's so tired of pretending nothing is ever wrong. He's just …tired. “To be completely honest, I do not even think they know I exist.” The laugh that follows is meant to be relaxing, but it's self depreciating.
“What do you mean?”
Why does Aether just keep making this more and more harsh. “It is…hard to explain.” His hands move as he talks. “They are aware that I exist. They just ..eh –” he scratches his head. “I can not think of the word in this language.”
“Care.” Aether finishes for him. “They don't care?”
Copia nods. It sounds even worse when it's said out loud. It sounds even more crushing.
“That's okay. You don't need them. You got us, and me.”
Aether winks at Copia as he squeezes his hand. He wants to shout, exclaim how it's so nice to finally maybe feel like a person. But it doesn't keep the question between them from hanging in the air.
But for how long?
Months eventually turn into a year and Copia has made a semi comfortable life for himself here. Each day he eats most of his meals with Aether. The ghoul has made it his personal mission to ensure he eats three solid meals a day. As a result, he's picked up a couple pounds. Where once his ribs protruded, now a small paunch makes itself known.
It happens when Aether is at his apartments one night. He's helping Copia go over some numbers for the yearly budget. Who initiates it, he can't say, but be quickly finds himself sinking into the ghoul's affection.
Copia has his arms wrapped around Aether's neck, kissing him like his life depends on it. Their teeth clack together. Aether's tongue hesitantly asks entrance and Copia lets him in. As soon as his jaw is slack enough, Aether is licking into the Cardinal's mouth. A large hand on the back of his head pulls him further into the kiss until Aether is essentially tongue fucking his throat. He wants it to last but he really needs air.
They break apart, a small trail of saliva still connecting them. Copia gulps down lungfuls of air. His brain doesn't even have time to second guess itself, as Aether undresses him in a swiftness he wasn't aware the ghoul had.
It's only when he's lying naked beneath the ghoul that it dawns on him. He's actually erect this time. It knocks the air from his lungs to realize this is all because of Aether.
Their lips are on each other again, hands exploring. Copia jolts when he feels a slick finger rub over his entrance.
“It's okay. I got you.”
Copia whimpers and withers as Aether sinks a finger into him, working him open. Then adding a second and doing the same. When the ghoul pulls out, Copia scrambles to grab for him.
“Hey, it's okay. I'm not going anywhere.”
It's accentuated as Copia feels the ghoul's cock head slip inside him. Fuck they've barely even started and he's already on the verge of blowing his load.
“Such a good boy.” Aether sinks himself deeper until he's finally bottomed out. “Taking me so well. Like you were handcrafted for me.”
He wants it to be rough and demanding, but Aether throws him for a loop when he keeps it soft and comfortable. It has his thighs shaking as he wraps his legs around Aether's waist. He makes the half-hearted attempt to match the thrusts, but he's gone already.
With a cry, Copia's back arches, sending the ghoul's cock further inside himself. He paints his own stomach with white as he cums so forcefully that he sees stars. He only barely registers when Aether cums inside him, fucking it back into him as it drips free. When he's satisfied, Aether pulls out, eliciting a pathetic whine from Copia.
Copia is still staring at the ceiling dazed when a strong hand grabs him and manhandles him over. Oh. This is new. He lets Aether position him until his head is rested comfortably on a large bicep.
The quiet is comfortable at first but quickly sours as his thoughts spin once more. He thinks he does a better job of masking his emotions than he does, but Copia knows Aether can feel the tears against his skin.
“Hey, what's wrong?” Aether tips Copia's head to look up at him. “Did I hurt you?” There's panic in his voice and Copia hates himself even more for being the cause of it.
He laughs tiredly, wiping his eyes. “No, it's not that. It's just – no one has ever stayed the night before.” He tries to laugh again but it turns into a sob.
“Do you want me to leave?”
“No!” He answers far too quickly. But he doesn't care. “It – it's just nice to feel – it's just nice to have someone stay.”
Aether shushes him and eventually their breathing evens out. Copia's eyes flutter as he tries to stay awake. Ultimately sleep wins over. It's here when he's wrapped in Aether's strong arms that for once in his life Copia feels safe.
He feels loved.
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deathbxnny · 1 year
Oml i love self aware aus and i crave sahsrau ones anyways
I wanna request a sahsrau of the reader literally writing fanfics about them (lets say they can see what you're doing on your device literally stalking you but we wont talk about that it's just background context), what would be their reaction :0
With Serval, Caelus, Yanqing, Blade
RAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA idfk if this enough detailed information for u or smth just dm me if theres any problems wowow
I cant wait to see it bbg 🤡🤡👹👹✋
A/N: Hello there! I've never written anything about self aware au's before, but I'll try my best here! Thank you for the request!<33
Content: Self aware au, stalking ig??, kinda unserious, it is not explained how the characters can see what you're doing, reader is a fanfic writer, sfw
Reader has no set pronouns!
((Not fully proofread))
》Serval Landau
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Serval liked watching you do things on your phone. She found it amusing and her curiosity was endless. Ever since she gained self-awareness, she saw you as her best form of entertainment, even if she was hesitant at first. You weren't aware, that she was essentially stalking you after all.
But she pushed those thoughts away and watched you, as you wrote your newest fanfiction. She liked reading along, mainly because she thought that you were a very talented writer. She was surprised however, when she realised that the fanfic was about her.
She was confused as to why you chose her at first, but then she started becoming flattered. You must like her alot, if you chose her of all people to write about, right? She will definitely read every word and enjoy it too.
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Blade didn't care about what you did at first. He was already baffled about attaining self-awareness and being able to see what you do in the first place, that he decided to not even bother with you. Or at least, he tried not to, as he sometimes caught himself looking anyways. Especially when he noticed that you were a writer.
He would sometimes read along and scoff, whenever he thought that you could certainly write something better. But what he didn't expect was you writing a fanfiction about him one day. He was confused, but intrigued, much to his stubborn dismay.
He'd read every word carefully, frowning whenever he felt like he would never do that or he'd react to the situation differently. He became very invested and might even make some changes, when you aren't looking. If you want to write something about him, then you better make it accurate.
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Caelus went through an existential crisis, once he realised that he was suddenly self-aware. He was confused and even a little scared, until he began finding comfort in watching you. He felt very guilty at first, but tried to still his worries by reminding himself that you wouldn't ever know that he was watching anyways.
He found your writing beautiful and often watched you create your work with wide, fascinated eyes, as he read every word attentively. He was surprised and even a little bashful however, when he noticed that you were writing a fanfic about him one day.
He wasn't sure why you chose him necessarily, but was still grateful that you did and read every word of it too. He found it nice of you and hoped to one day somehow express how thankful he was to you in person.
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Yanqing was very excited to know that he had gained self-awareness somehow. He found it fun and cool, especially when it came to watching you do things on your phone every day. It became his favourite pass time activity and it never crossed his mind, that it might even be a form of stalking.
Instead, he watched you write your little fanfics and read along sometimes, since he found you quite talented. You practically became his favourite author. And when he saw you write a fanfic about him one day, he became so overjoyed!
He was so proud and giddy, that he couldn't stop reading and praising your work. You captured him so well and he was fascinated by how well you understood him as a person. You truly were a rare talent and unmatched at that, in his eyes. He is eternally grateful to you too, that's for sure.
A/N: I hope this was okay! Thank you again for the request!<33
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perfctvelvet · 27 days
hi!! saw ur post abt ur request being dry so im chiming in..
ok so, how abt one with kendall jenner which on a very boring day in, she asks her girlfriend to take pics of her bc she needs to update her feed on ig. after many pics taken kendall asks her girlfriend to now start filming and when she does she starts undressing for the camera.
this is just a base ideia you can definitely work your way around it and have fun with it!!
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Taking Pictures of You; Kendall/Reader
Content: 2nd POV. Established relationship, recording/sex tape, oral sex, fingering.
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The floor of your bedroom was littered with boxes. PR boxes from luxury companies, and some you never even heard of, were everywhere. Usually Kendall's team was responsible for getting her her packages (in a more neat manner too), but it was a Saturday afternoon with just the two of you in the house.
"I told you not to wait until the last minute to do this," you poke at her.
You were in the living room, minding your business with a book you'd given up on resting on your chest while you searched for something for something to watch. Kendall came into the living room and she had that look on her face. She looked stressed to the point she seemed pained. You knew something was wrong, but you thought something was really wrong until she uttered the words, "I'm behind on posting."
Sometimes you found everything about her life a little ridiculous. You couldn't help but let out a little laugh before composing yourself. This has happened time and time before in relationship. She has an obligation, but because it isn't one a large contractual obligation, she puts it off until the last minute. At this point you considered yourself a pro at helping her figure out these situations. So instead of watching something on Netflix, you were in your bedroom trying to help her out.
"Okay, I've separated everything into two piles; instagram posts and instagram stories."
"You know you didn't have to unbox everything at once right?"
"Well, I wanted to see what was sent!"
She was like a kid on Christmas with all of her presents. You rummaged through the 'instagram stories' pile and it was just a hodgepodge of things. She was sent things from brand collaborations of celebrities she hasn't even said more than three words to. Some of the brands were familiar and from friends, but everything else seemed so random.
"Don't worry about that stuff babe. I wanna try this on."
You turn around to see her holding up a sheer Alaia dress. Kendall looks at it with pure adoration in her eyes, and you yourself were no longer interested in the other stuff that was sent to her. You needed to see her in that.
"Should I try it on first?"
"Yes," you say a little too quickly. She laughs at how eager and interested you are now, but she knows that you like to see her all dressed up.
The loungewear comes off, and soon her body is adorned in body-hugging, black viscose. Underneath is just a lacy thong. She took her hair out of the ponytail, let it come down over her shoulders. She looks too good for just an instagram post.
"Make up or no make up?"
"I think you look perfect, honey."
"Well, I should at least do blush."
She finishes making herself more "presentable" to be posted, but you love the juxtaposition of her in something so gorgeous with a bare face. She promises not to over do it, only dusting her cheeks with a light pink blush. Moments later and she's ready for you to resume your role as her unofficial photographer.
Kendall poses right in front of the big window in your bedroom; the light coming in and hitting her in the best way possible. The sun was still high in the sky and you could feel its rays warming your skin as you stand in front of her. Your appearance on her instagram page was always subtle, but you couldn't help the fact that your shadow was in the photos.
"Lets come by the window," she directed you. She knew what she was doing, but over the years you've gotten accustomed to what angles she liked the best.
You viewed her through the LED screen of your phone but glanced up a few times at her to see just how beautiful she is. You're sure some of your photos are duds because you're distracted by her instead of focusing on taking the pictures. Your camera roll is probably filled with nearly 50 photos of her before she asks you to start film.
"I want a close up of the dress. Let everyone see the details." The camera picks up on those little details she wants everyone to see. It captures the quality of the material and her skin underneath. "Okay, now back up a little."
Kendall turns around when you frame her just right. She knows what she's doing directing you behind the camera and herself in front. She unattached the clasp at the top of the neck and begins to peel the fabric off of her body to reveal her bare back and a peak of the thong sitting on her hips. You're in awe, but not shocked seeing as Kendall is no stranger in taking advantage of your "personal photographer" role as her girlfriend. She peaks over her shoulder and cups her breast before turning around to face the camera. You step back and you record her standing there in nothing but a lacy thong and the dress near her feet.
"This one going on instagram too?" You ask coyly behind the camera.
“Yeah right,” she jokes before stepping closer to you. Her whole account would be taken down if she were to post what you two were going to do.
The camera keeps recording while she kisses you. Your fingers ghost against her bare skin and she sighs into the kiss. You wanted to break the kiss, just to be able to set the camera down, but she couldn’t pull away from you. The phone nearly fell out of your hands as the kiss grew intensely. It wasn’t until you forced yourself away from her soft lips to put the camera down on the table where both of your bodies were in perfect view.
“I could kiss you forever,” you give a soft kiss to her cheek. “But, I really want to taste you,” you confess.
She smiles at you in excitement and the ache between her legs grow. Your confession gets her to crawl onto the bed and spread her legs for you. That little thong barely contains her pussy. You can see the beads of her arousal on her skin and seeping through the white material. She looked good enough to eat and you were determined to get a taste.
You crawl onto the bed and in between her legs. Kendall keeps them wide open for you while your finger tips graze against her inner thighs. Each time you drag them down her thighs, you move up and inch closer to her sex. She inhales deeply and holds her breath as she anticipates you giving her what she wants. She knows you like to tease her before your fully giving in and lapping at her pussy, and today is no different.
Kendall hooks her finger around her thong and pulls them to the side to expose herself to you. It was her way of saying c’mon baby, stop teasing already. You thought you were stronger to give into that, but seeing her bare and spread out for you had you seeing stars. You can’t help but rip the dainty thong off her of her just to have her fully naked for you. You grab her thighs and spread her wide open, her lips moving in the process and hole spreading. Hours and hours could be spent between these divine legs and it still wouldn’t be enough.
You tease Kendall’s opening, a single finger only pushing into almost two inches before you pull out. You look up at her and can see how annoyed she looks. You tilt your head at the phone recording everything to remind her of it’s presence.
“You don’t want everyone to see you being a brat, or do you?”
Usually the videos you film are on a more secure device so no one would be able to see. But, Kendall’s pussy clenches around your finger after warning her. She would never, ever want your private moments to be exposed, when she thinks about it in a fantasy world it makes her wet.
Her silence gives you the green light to keep teasing her. She’s soaking now having gotten herself all worked up trying on clothes for you. Her attempt to tease you ended up turning herself on.
“Should I have a little taste?”
“Yes, baby, please!” Kendall begs. She thinks about your tongue sliding against her clit and she shivers. Unfortunately for her you weren’t so willing to give it to her so easily. You felt like teasing her some more.
“Hmm. I don’t know if I’m ready yet. Maybe we should change positions?”
Kendall stops herself from complaining. Patiences it’s going to get her what she wants (and she knows you won’t be able to resist her for too long). You ask her to get on all fours and she listens. She’s facing the camera, staring into the lens as you bend over behind her and kiss her cheek. “Make sure you don’t hide your pretty face,” you warn. You don’t want to rewatch the video later and see her burying her face into the bed sheets no matter how good it feels. She nods affirmatively and you reward her with another kiss, this time on her back. Your kisses move lower and lower until you reach her ass. You palm the soft flesh before spreading them apart. This time you couldn’t resist how good her sweet pussy looked and you gave into the desire to taste her. Kendall almost shuts her eyes as she moans, but she reminds herself at the last second to keep them open.
Her clit is pulsing against your tongue and you can’t help but suck on it give it some relief. Poor Kendall must’ve been horny all day and only bothered you as a way to get you to play with her. You were more than happy to give her want she wants, sucking harder on her clit. Your mouth makes the nastiest, lewdest noises against her twat. Her arousal flows out of her and covers your tongue. She was so wet that it was easy to slide your thumb in her aching pussy while you sucked her clit. How she was able to keep herself up on all four was nothing short of a miracle. But, if you keep this up she’s going to collapse against the bed soon.
She’s very obedient, keeping her eyes locked with the camera as you eat her needy cunt.
“Fuck baby! Your mouth feels so good,” she whines loudly just for the camera. The mix of pussy eating and moans is so beautiful to you. Your body feels like it’s on fire from so much want. However you’re able to find relief as you hump the pillow while you eat her out.
It’s not long before your pretty girl is shaking and cumming against your mouth. You make sure to lick up each drop of arousal that seeps out of her. You hum against her pussy one last time before her legs start to give away. She grips the bedsheets, but never once does she dip her head down and hide away.
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thenmichael · 5 months
Hero of Twilight, ie Reaper
His name is Reaper cus, it's cool asf, and it has both connotations of farming and death (the tool and grim reaper etc etc) wolf go bark. He is stubborn, especially when it comes to people helping him, it's foreign to him ig, having ppl relay on him for stuff in a small village without giving anything in return does smth to a guy.
He is a perfectionist (after me :3) he is very VERY passionate about what he thinks is best for him, and he dislikes being criticised about something the other person doesn't know the full story to (This led to an argument he had with Shad during his adventure, i wont spoil tho).
Only him, Zelda and Midna know about wolfie, and its very isolating having to keep such a big thing secret from everyone. (Just listen to Bottom by McCafferty)
It took a WHILE for him to kind of accept that he will never see Midna again and to help with that he dates the only other ginger in Hyrule that's around his age, Shad !! (in this au Link is 19, Shad 21 so two years post game) At first their relationship was very much Reaper trying to grasp onto anything that could remind him of Midna, ie, ginger hair, and that got his mind off of it for a while, but he still felt empty, Shad began to realise and asked him about it, Reaper, reluctant the first few times he was asked, but eventually he had to come clean about SOME things. Still keeping it vague, like
"There was someone who I loved. She didn't see me that way, and she had to leave forever," yada yada. Shad, obviously is hurt after this, and steps away for a while (a week or so to gather his thoughts) this destroys Reaper, and so he uses the twilight crystal for the first time in a year or so and just runs, no goal in mind, he stays in Faron woods for a few days, specifically the spring of faron, and folks at ordon r like "oh shit, wheres Link? He normally says when he is leaving, what the hell"
Time goes on, Shad and Reaper make up I don't wanna have this whole thing just abt that situation, but I will say, Colin is the one to go out and try and find Link.
Zelda wanted to make Link a knight of Hyrule post game, and he refused, cus he already has a life, and goats.
Rusl is a Father figure to Reaper
Reaper is half ordonian, I was debating on making him fully ordonian, but I liked the ears. His ears are shorter than regular Hylians, fun stuff.
His face markings from when he is a wolf fade over time when he isn't constantly transforming, same with his teeth (sharper) but it's a slower process.
He has one Shad's bracelets on his left wrist, Shad gave it to him after they made up.
He is ambidextrous, I thought this was a cool way to link (get it) his Wii and gamecube/HD appearances, he uses his left hand to fight (switches between them on horse back), he can write with both, but he uses his left hand more, since he is left handed in the majority of games he's in (the versions of tp)
( @mosaixe )
+ doodles of him
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(More will come, I will link this, and others, to my pinned post)
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humannish · 12 days
My Ranfren Self Insert/OC's Relationships w the characters. I made this a long time ago but deleted it. This is an updated version I guess. Most of these are characters that are alive, main characters, and relevent characters Ig. And my faves. Lmk if I should add any other characters, or just ask about their relationship with a certain character and Ill answer.
Randal: When they stay over, finds him interesting and amusing at times but too chaotic, confusing and unpredictable alot of the time. Likes his weird dolls, though. They sleepover sometimes when it's bad weather, so they like to watch Randal play with his dolls sometimes. They find it fascinating. Other than that he just exists to them. Randal treats them how he treats the catmen basically, but with less familiarity. He's overall friendly to them though.
Nyen: Opposition. Honestly its complicated. Nameless and Nyen are natural enemies because of Nyen's loyalty to Luther and protecting him by any means necessary. No name avoids Nyen like the plague in most cases and tries to just mind their business. They can hold their own against him and aren't exactly afraid of him, just cautious because I mean who wants to be attacked like that? Nyon and Null are both silent hunters, so they are of course wary and volatile when it comes to each other. Since Nyen is usually off doing his own thing or in the house, they rarely encounter each other. However, since No name associates themself and is on good terms with Luther, Nyen has to hold back on killing them. They actually connect in many ways due to having similar personalities, interests, and goals, which they find out much later after they both let their guard down. A potential for a I guess friendship with mutual respect (or more) or something like that. Luther acts as like a medium for them, though.
Nyon: Due to his docile nature, Null does not see him as a threat at all. They feel safe around him. Nyon is naturally cautious (so is Null), so he of course avoids Nameless at first. Nameless finds him to him very cute, soft, and cuddly and like that he is calm and not aggressive like the other cat. They try to prove to him that for him they are not dangrous which took some time. They usually aren't dangrous or aggressive unless they have to defend themself so their and Nyon's dynamic is chill. They like to discuss philosophy and Russian culture with him. Nameless thinks that he is very intelligent and insightful. In a way they balance each other out because Nameless is kind of like Nyen but not as mean or aggressive and actually have alot in common.
Luther: Is quite fond of Luther. Very fond. He is nice to them like he is to most people. He sometimes encounters them on his walks out of the house. At first, he tried to shoo them away, but they wouldn't leave so he was forced to get to know the critter and grew a fondness for them. When the weather is really bad, he lets them stay in the house (the catmen don't like this, eventually Nyon comes around), and he takes care of them, making them feel fuzzy on the inside. They try to make excuses to see him, or hope that he comes into the forest sometimes. Feels a connection to him and there is a possibility (not really its pretty much canon) they have developped a crush/feelings for him. It probably won't go further than that due to their age, but that doesn't stop Null from admiring him. (I know I depict them in a relationship but its usually just me tryna indulge in my crush on Luther. At the end of the day its all just fiction, speculation and fun.)
Carpet kitty: When Null stays over, they simply acknowledge her. They think she is odd and they never seen anything like her before. But other than that its tital indifference.
Nana: Natural. Null and Nana enjoy each other's company. They hang out and stuff. 2 spooky amnimals hanging out doing what? Who knows.
Sebastian: Doesnt interact much, but feels for him and his unfortunate situation. Has moments of vulnerablility with him where they understand each other, to an extent. They think Sebastian is sobering, and Sebastian thinks they are to scary, dangerous and to an extent grotesque, but he has gotten use to that just like he had to everything else. He is suprised at how good of a listener Null is.
Robert: Ever since he was released into the forest, they happened upon him after hunting. They avoid each other and know nothing about each other. Havent interacted thus far.
Werewoof: (I HC him as alive) Peas in a pod. They hunt, be wild and do untamed things together in the woods. No name cant howl, so they just sit and watch the moon while Werewoof does the howling. They've tried though. They have a close friend relationship.
Ran Over Raccoon: ( (I hc him as alive hopefully thats the case) Null sees him around. They see him in the woods sometimes. Null thinks he is cute, lets put it that way. They have alot in common being wild animals that live solitary lives. They both have been through alot. Due to their feelings for Luther and their lack of social skills and experience with relationships they have no idea what's happening inside of them. These two probably like eachother tbh.
Satoru: They dont enter the dream world, so they have no idea of Satoru.
The other Ratmen: they are dead and only lived in the Ivory house walls. They never were introduced.
Ethereal Q: When they stay over, Null thinks Ethereal Q is annoying and creepy but they like oatmeal so they tolerate him to get oatmeal out of him. Preferably blueberry flavor because they like blueberries.
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seeminglyranch87 · 1 year
Taylor & Travis Timeline
October 2023 - part 1
October 1 - Travis is seen leaving Taylor's NYC apartment around 11am. Travis heads back to his hotel where the team is staying before his Chiefs vs Jets Game at MetLife Stadium
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Taylor attends the Chiefs vs Jets game at MetLife Stadium, NJ, with Blake Lively, Ryan Reynolds, Hugh Jackman, Shawn Levy, Donna Kelce, Sophie Turner, Sabrina Carpenter, Brittany Mahomes, Melanie Nyema, Austin Swift & girlfriend Sydney Ness, Ashley Avignone, Robyn Lively, and more. The camera cut to Taylor approx. 17 times during the game and the Eras Tour film trailer played twice during ad breaks. Taylor was seen hugging Donna, saying "you're amazing, I don't know how you do it" when the score was 20-20. Taylor was also seen mimicking Travis. The NFL change their tiktok and twitter pages again to reference Taylor's attendance. Various media outlets post footage of Taylor at the game, Travis likes a post of Taylor's reaction to a Chiefs touchdown. The Chiefs won 23-20.
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After the game, Taylor was pictured leaving Zero Bond in the early hours of October 2. (x)
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October 3 - Taylor is at Electric Lady Studios, walking in with Keleigh Teller. Taylor's shirt is referencing the song 'Any Man of Mine' by Shania Twain, the first lyrics of which are (x)
"This is what a woman wants Any man of mine better be proud of me"
Her hat says "Still Here", possibly referencing her Karma lyric
"Ask me why so many fade, but I'm still here"
October 3 is also National Boyfriend Day.
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US Weekly releases an article with quotes from 6 sources on "Why Taylor isn't hiding her romance with Travis Kelce" (x)
"Taylor has decided she's not going to hide anymore"
"She's going to be her authentic self and enjoy life"
The two "talk every day"
"Taylor's really enjoying getting to know Travis, they're taking it day by day, but she has high hopes. She likes that he's a normal nice guy. He's down-to-earth and isn't affected by fame. She also thinks he's hot"
"Travis is completely smitten"
"Taylor is at a point in her life where she's no longer willing to hold back. If something feels right - like it does with Travis - she's jumping in with both feet. She's very happy and loving life right now"
October 4 - Ep 57 of New Heights airs, part of the title is "The NFL Needs to Calm Down" (x)
"Is the NFL overdoing it? What is your honest opinion on how the NFL is treating celebrities at games?" asks Jason
"I think it's fun when they show who is at the game, I think it brings a little bit more to the atmosphere, brings a little bit more to what you're watching but at the same time I think they're overdoing it a little bit for sure, especially my situation. I think they're just trying to have fun with it... [the celebrities] are not there to get thrown on TV" responds Travis
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October 5 - It's Travis' birthday today! He turns 34.
Donna Kelce makes an appearance on the 'Got it From My Momma' podcast. When asked what her favourite Taylor Swift song is, she responds (x)
"I think probably 'Shake It Off' -- we're getting a lot of that lately, about haters," Donna said with a laugh. 
When asked if she's surprised about the infatuation surrounding Taylor and Travis' relationship
"I feel like I'm in an alternate universe because it's something that I've never been involved with ever before," Donna said. 
The NFL release a statement in response to the New Heights podcast episode discussing the NFL "overdoing" coverage of Taylor at the Chiefs games, saying (x)
"The Taylor Swift and Travis Kelce news has been a pop cultural moment we've leaned into in real time, as it's an intersection of sport and entertainment, and we've seen an incredible amount of positivity around the sport."
DJ's Loud Luxury post to IG with a video of Travis saying "POV taylor's bf came to your show before swifties found out about football", to which Travis likes and comments saying "I was turnt up!!" (x)
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October 6 - Travis speaks at a press conference. When asked about how he is adjusting to public interest in his relationship with Taylor, he says (x)
"As all the attention comes, it feels like I was on top of the world after the Super Bowl and right now, even more on top of the world. So it's fun,"
“We’re learning with the paparazzi just taking photos from all over the place. But at the same time, it comes with it,” he continued. “You got a lot of people that care about Taylor for good reason. You just got to keep living and learning and enjoying the moments. At the end of the day, I’ve always been pretty good at compartmentalising and being able to stay focused in this building.”
“I always check myself and my ego at the door and make sure that I come in with a clear mind,” he said, before being asked his thoughts on Swift’s world. “It’s worldwide, it’s worldwide, man. It’s been magnified for sure, though.”
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A report comes out stating that the NFL asked its networks to promote the Taylor Swift Eras Tour Film at the Chiefs vs Jets game, likely in a bid to get Taylor to perform at the Super Bowl halftime show. (x)
October 6 - Taylor reportedly flew to Kansas City "to see Travis" for his birthday to have a "chill night" (x). A sneaky little visit for Trav's birthday.
October 7 - Taylor leaves Kansas City.
Travis flies into Minnesota for the Chiefs vs Vikings game
October 8 - Travis plays in the Chiefs vs Vikings game in Minnesota. Travis injures his ankle during the game but after an x-ray he returns to the field and scores a touchdown. The Chiefs win 27-20 (x) (x) (x)
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Travis would later post pictures of this walk-in fit with the caption (x)
"keep it chill like Sauvignon Blanc"
These are lyrics from the song "Lil Boo Thang" by Paul Russell, which contains other lyrics such as
"I'll be shootin' that shot like 2K, girl"
"But I'm tryna get to know you at least Don't take my talkin' to you wrong I can keep it chill like a sauvignon blanc I'ma keep it real when your man long gone If you're lookin' for a friend, then you got the wrong song"
"You a ten, baby girl, but I'm the one"
October 9 - The Messenger puts out an article in which a source states (x x)
"[Travis] jokes [Taylor] is his good luck charm.
“Taylor is having the time of her life at these football games cheering on Travis. [Taylor] and her friends are fully embracing this era and are having a lot of fun being there. Taylor has worked very hard this last year and It’s fun for her to bring all of her friends along, let loose and show support.”
October 11 - Taylor is in LA for her Taylor Swift: The Eras Tour Film premiere. She shuts down The Grove, LA to host a red carpet and early screening event with selected fans, wearing a very 1989-coded blue Oscar de la Renta dress.
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Travis, take note, she loved us first <3
TMZ releases an article saying that Taylor intends to attend Travis' next game. The question is, will Travis play with his injured ankle? (x)
"Sources with direct knowledge tell TMZ Taylor plans to travel to Missouri to watch Travis and the Kansas City Chiefs take on the Denver Broncos"
October 12 - Taylor attends Arrowhead Stadium to support Travis as the Kansas Chiefs take on Denver Broncos. Taylor is seen cheering on the team alongside Donna Kelce and Ed Kelce. Chiefs defeat Broncos 19 - 8 (x)
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The Eras Tour concert film is released today (a day early) due to high demand in the USA and Canada (x)
October 13 - I go to see the Eras Tour concert film! just an FYI :)
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October 14 - Taylor, Travis and friends fly to NYC
Taylor and Travis photographed holding hands as they arrive at Nobu, NYC, publicly confirming that they are a couple (x)
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Taylor and Travis make guest appearances on SNL - Travis makes a cameo at the end of a sketch parodying the NFL frenzy over their romance. Taylor introduces Ice Spice as the musical guest. (full skit x) SNL IG (x x)
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Taylor & Travis attend the SNL afterparty at Catch Steak NYC (x)
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October 15 - Travis attends Eagles vs Jets game to support his brother Jason Kelce at MetLife Stadium, NJ. He is seen leaving Taylor's NYC apartment. Travis is given a friendship bracelet with beads spelling out "on the map" referencing a tiktok trend. He smiles and holds it to his heart. (x) (x)
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Taylor & Travis are pictured leaving The Waverly Inn, NYC (x).
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A nosey diner shares her observations of Taylor & Travis getting cosy (x)
Annie Williamson told The Messenger. "It looked super romantic and was super intimate."
"I cannot emphasize enough how close they were sitting, like so close and snuggled up."
Ms Williamson also shared a video of the couple leaving the restaurant (x). Thank you for your service Annie 🫡
Erin Andrews and Charissa Thompson remind their listeners of the Calm Down with Erin and Charissa podcast recorded on August 3 where they implore Taylor to date their friend Travis (x)
“please try our friend Travis. He is fantastic” 
to which Travis commented on IG
“😂😂 You two are something else!! 🙌🏻🙌🏻 I owe you big time!!”
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xf-cases-solved · 20 days
S2E1: Little Green Men
Case: Welcome to season 2, where we start our journey with a melodramatic Mulder monologue. We love to see it. Or... hear it. Whatever. Point is, Mulder is feeling very poetic and melancholic about the Voyager program and the High Resolution Microwave Survey (both are real, btw), and this is relevant, bc at the long abandoned HRMS observatory in Puerto Rico, a transmission has suddenly started coming in. Could it possibly be from... aliens???
Well, Mulder certainly thinks so, and apparently so does his friend in congress, who tells him about the situation in Puerto Rico, and tells him to get his butt down there while he tries to hold off whoever it is who wants Mulder not to learn things this episode. Mulder—having no sense of self-preservation in the slightest and also a new job that he fucking hates—goes without a second thought. From there, the episode becomes a fun back and forth between Mulder's exciting Puerto Rican holiday (in a dark, abandoned building, as he makes melancholic tape recordings for Scully, bc that's who he was talking to in the voiceover, the fucking sap loser), and Scully desperately trying to get to Puerto Rico so that she can drag him back to Washington like a dog that got loose from its collar. Again.
Mulder and Scully both miss the X-Files and each other and it's cute as well as sad; Scully's "Mulder is doing something stupid" senses start tingling, so she guesses another password and breaks into Mulder's computer files; Mulder plays charades and pictionary with a terrified Puerto Rican man named Jorge; and Assistant Director Walter Skinner says NO to secondhand smoking. 
We're off to a great start, fam!
Does someone die in the cold open: Yes. Senator Richard Bryan murdered the High Resolution Microwave Survey project in cold blood 
Does Mulder present a slideshow: No, but he does eat an INSANE amount of sunflower seeds
Does the evidence survive the investigation: Well, Mulder literally says the words, "Nothing but evidence, and again, no evidence at all," so I'll let you take a guess.
Whodunit: You know, I don't think either of them were technically on a case this episode, so. No one, ig. 
Convictions: See above.
Did they solve it: Nothing to solve bc it wasn't a case, but also... yeah, no. They did not. -sad trombone sound-
[how do i determine if a case is solved? check the scale here: x]
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THIS EPISODE IS SPONSORED BY: The Duolingo Owl. There are over seven thousand languages in the world, and yet, we as a species know so few (especially if you're American -- y'all, we do not do enough language learning in school). Learning a new language can broaden your mind, open you up to new cultures, and expand your social circle. You also never know when you may be trapped in a derelict building during a thunderstorm/alien invasion with a frightened Puerto Rican man you are incapable of communicating with because you didn't pay attention in Spanish class.  Lucky for you, the Duolingo Owl can help! By sending you moderately threatening lesson reminders every day, the Duolingo Owl helps ensure that you're on your way to learning a brand new language. So don't hesitate! Download Duolingo now to get started. The Duolingo Owl — our favorite little green man!
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[as of the moment i am posting this, my duolingo streak is 2,632 days. anyway]
General Total Stats:
(green means stat has changed since last ep; red means new stat added to list)
Total Cases *Definitively* Solved So Far: 12 (nothin'. off to a good start guys!)
Total Number of "Mulder/Scully, It's Me": 3
Total Number of Times Scully Has Conveniently Not Seen Something Crucial: 6 (yeah, you know what, i'll say her conveniently not getting to puerto rico until after the whole -gestures at whatever that whole bright light situation was- counts)
Total Number of Times Mulder Has Been in Mortal Danger: 8 (i feel like if he had been in legitimate mortal danger then he would have died, but nothing hurt him, just freaked him out a little)
Total Number of Times Scully Has Been in Mortal Danger: 8
Total Number of Sexually Charged, Uncomfortably Intimate, and/or Flirty Moments Between Friendly Coworkers: 13 (there were a few i could count here that are borderline, but the two that definitely cross the line are mulder saying "i used to only be able to trust myself... now i can only trust you. and they've taken you from me," bc what the fuck, and then also the end where he says "i still have my work, i still have you," and scully grabs his hand, bc again, what—and i cannot stress this enough—the fuck)
Total Number of Autopsies Scully Has Performed On Screen: 3 (none, but it was actually really adorable how mulder was dictating to her in the recording about the state of jorge's body. i mean, rip jorge, but he was doing his best to give her information about the scene, not just for himself, but bc he knew she'd need as much documentation/evidence as possible to come to any conclusions)
Total Number of Times Scully Plays Doctor: 2
Total Number of Times Mulder Talks to an Informant: 14 (he doesn't come up much, but i'll count senator what's his face as an informant, sure) 
Total Number of Times People Making Out in a Car Are Hurt or Killed: 2
Total Number of Times Someone Correctly Guesses a Password: 3 (the impenetrable computer password of special agent fox mulder: trustno1. god i love the 90s)
Total Number of Nosebleeds: 4
Total Number of Times Mulder Has Tasted/Sniffed/Touched Something Questionable Without Following Proper Safety Procedures: 2 
Total Number of Times Someone Says "Trust No One": 3 (ok, i wasn't sure how to count this bc it was said aloud, but then it was also caught in a loop being said on the tape, and so instead of counting every individual time, i'm just going to a singular blanket tally for the whole episode)
Total Number of Times Someone Says "I Want to Believe": 3
Total Number of Times Someone Says "The Truth is Out There": 2
Total Number of Cigarettes Cigarette Smoking Man Has Smoked: 8 (but skinner told him NO SMOKING!! 😡) 
Total Number of Maggie Scully Sightings: 1
Total Number of Lone Gunmen Sightings: 1
Total Number of Alex Krycek Sightings: 0 :(
Total Number of Times I Had to Look Up What State the Episode Takes Place in Even Though I Literally Just Watched It: 9½ 
Total Number of Times I Had to Look at an Episode's Wikipedia Page to Fill This Out Because It Was Fucking Confusing and/or Too Boring for Me to Pay Attention: 5 
[oh good, the next episode is the host. that's definitely an episode i don't find unbearably disgusting and haven't watched in years bc i always skip it when i rewatch the series. so excited. hooray 😐]
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nighthaterfrfr · 9 months
take a deep breath for me
1st request from @jben073 , grace getting overstimulated and steph comforting!
im no stranger to being overstimulated, but im still not sure how to write it as someone who im pretty sure is neurotypical?
so fair warning if its inaccurate, i tried pulling from peoples experiences and a bit of my own for grace.
anywho, lets get to it! a nighthater tumblr preview ig
If someone had told Stephanie Lauter, reluctant daughter and overall "girl-who-doesn't-give-a-shit" that she'd have to help someone like Grace Chasity with being overstimulated, she'd look at the them confused and laugh in their face.
So how the fuck did she get into a situation like this?
Ever since she's been hanging out with Pete, Grace, and the rest of the school's so-called "Nerdiest Prudes," most of them have been safe. Well, because of her and Jägerman. Even then, some people still harass the students often. Especially Grace. Yet today was a little different.
It's a rare occasion when Max Jägerman misses school. The boy rarely got sick, and his father never cared enough to take him anywhere besides school and football games. So whenever he's gone, the rest of the school preys upon the prudes. Today was also a good day to go after Hatchetfield High's resident preacher.
Grace has had a relatively rough day already. Her father ended up dropping her off late for homeroom and she's been behind in completing all of her assignments. Her mind's a mess since the Waylon Place, and it has not been treating her good.
On her way to her AP Biology class, two of Max's football friends had decided to smack the notebook she had held and laughed at her while she picked it up. One of them taunted, "Aww, what's the matter? You gonna cry to Jesus about it?" Usually, Grace would easily refute back at them with the very repetitive, "You will all be going to hell!" speech, but today she just let them continue. One more thing to add onto a massive, unstopping headache that left her agitated.
When she got to AP Bio, some of the cheerleaders were waiting there. They immediately took the notebook again, and tossed it over to the two originally picking on Grace. She was mad, but it felt odd. It felt like it was all too much. The louder they laughed, the more that Grace felt like she needed to get out of there and scream. The loud insults, the sun getting in her eyes, the bell ringing? It was all too much for Grace "Chastity Belt" Chasity.
Somehow, Steph was also in Grace's AP Bio period. She may be a bit misguided, but she's certainly not that stupid. Sure, it's almost a failing grade, but hey, a 63% is all right with the mayor's daughter. As she was once again late to her classes, she saw that people were once again, picking on Grace. Steph knows better, and she knows that Grace Chasity always wards people like that easy. However, seeing her run off, tears rolling down her face and a face that looks like she'll kill someone was a different situation.
The group of people teasing and making fun of Steph quickly left, and Steph went after the crying girl right after they left. Look, she's not one to help comfort people, but seeing one of her closest friends cry is her limit. Following Grace, she ended up in a storage closet in the school. Steph decided not to go in right after Grace, as to give her some time to relax a little.
"Oh gosh darn it!" Grace had been breathing heavily and shaking for quite a bit. She's obviously upset, but for what? She has no idea what in the world is causing this, and it seriously sucks! To be honest, this kind of thing would happen frequently with her, especially when she was younger, but it was never like this. Never where Grace Chasity would have to skip a class to calm down.
The smell of the wood in the room was a familiar sense. Shop Class, from her junior year. She always did like Mr. Houston the best as a teacher. Looking around, Grace's breathing slowing down and her temper cooling, she hears a knock at the door. She quickly backed away and considered hiding, but she knew she'd been caught.
"Chasity? You... you doing better? It's um, Steph. I just wanna check on you, that's all." The voice of Stephanie Lauter soothed her a lot more. Yet, it also scared her. The fact that Steph was also skipping Bio just to see how she was doing? It was charming. And really thoughtful, too.
Grace stood up and walked towards the door, letting Steph in as her notebook dropped on the ground. Steph quickly went to go pick it up as the two of them sat on the floor right by the door. Sitting shoulder to shoulder, the room was silent. Steph had no idea what to do in this situation, so she didn't talk or engage in anything with Grace unless she did it first.
Breaking the silence, Grace had began to ramble, saying, "I'm sorry Stephie, I just kind of freak out sometimes like that. I don't even know why I do this! I mean, I've been doing this since I was young, but I guess I've been repressing like my parents sa-" Steph quickly saw that her breathing got quick and her face was about to cry, so she stopped her, holding out a palm with one of her rings on the inside.
"Just take a deep breath, ok? It's fine, Grace. You're just here in the shop storage room, and- and it's clear that a lot is getting to you."
Steph may haven't been the quietest person, but she's a damn good observer. So much so, she knows that Grace loves to play with a ring whenever she has one on. Steph also knows that Grace frequently taps her foot in a very syncopated rhythm when nervous. She also knows that Chasity repeats the phrase "cool beans" as a way of motivating or calming herself down. Along with biting her nails when nervous, shaking her hands and almost spinning when she gets excited, and biting her tongue when confused.
Steph had quietly noticed all of these traits. Thought it would be no big deal until now. After all, it's just her friend Grace Chasity and all the little things she does.
Grace grabbed the ring, sighing as she puts it on her finger and fidgets with it. "How did you know I liked to do this, Stephie?" Grace asked her, causing Steph to twiddle her thumbs and looking elsewhere. She replied, "Oh, y'know. Just noticed it during AP Calc, I guess." Grace smiled slightly as she put her hands down, mumbling to herself.
"Stephie, do you know what autism is?" Steph looked at her, a bit off guard with the question. "Yeah, I do. How come?" Grace looked a bit nervous, trying to keep eye contact with Steph. "So- uh, I'm on the spectrum? I mean, I was diagnosed when I was younger, but I have just kind of been ignoring. My mommy and daddy says to just pray to God and hope it goes away, y'know. I've prayed and prayed everyday, pleading that I won't be so overwhelmed."
"So why won't it go away?"
Steph looked at Grace, her face filled with concern and a hint of confusion on how to answer a question like this. "Because... it's just a part of you. You've been denying you've been so overstimulated for a while, haven't you?" Steph asked, Grace nodding yes. "Um, I'm not on the spectrum, so I have no idea how you're feeling, Grace. However, I know that, if needed, I'm here for you. If you want, of course." Grace faces Steph fully, her attention on her as she smiles.
"Thanks, Stephie." Grace said, getting her notebook back from the other girl. Standing up, Grace looked around the storage room. SHe didn't want to go to the class, but she also knew that both Steph and herself would be in trouble if caught skipping. Trying to think about the possibilities for trying to hide in the room, Grace walked around.
Weirdly enough, the rows of plywood in the room comforted Grace, letting her think more. Maybe it reminded her of her favorite class, or her favorite class, or her favorite kid to babysit. Nonetheless, she knew that she couldn't be here for long. Breathing in deeply, she walked back to the door, opening it. Steph stood up, peeking out once Grace opened it slightly.
Thankfully, there was never many students that would skip a class so early in Hatchetfield High, so there are rarely any hall monitors in the school. Because of this, Steph and Grace quickly snuck out of the big storage room and returned back to their Biology class in the same hallway they were in. Steph held onto Grace's hand to reassure her and to remind that she has someone to rely on when something like this happens again.
After all that, Steph was still trying to make sure that Grace wasn't too overwhelmed with any of the classes they had together. From giving her one of her airpods to take a break from all the noise and instead listening to Steph's very explicit (and very good) playlist to helping isolate herself during a group activity if it seemed like too much.
Grace was very appreciative of this, and got even closer to Steph. Every time she'd get overwhelmed at school, somehow, Steph was there.
Even then, what's that feeling that Grace gets whenever she's around Steph?
Whatever- she's gotta cool her beans.
Cool, cool beans.
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gnoccigon · 1 year
Leo Valdez Friends to Lovers headcanons asf 😍😍 pt. 1
i luv the idea of leo having a friends to lovers trope. like it’s so cutie and makes me feel safe ig idk bruh
okie anyway
yes this mans is constantly flirting w people and wants to be a PLAYAH, but his intentions were never rly serious (until he met u 😏)
cuz ya know, abandonment issues :(
from the first time he saw you, he thought you were incredibly pretty
Leo brain: new girl at camp… new girl cute… hope not Hephaestus kid… she smiled at me… *passes away*
but from then you’d hang out with piper a lot and leo would be loitering in your guys’s general vicinity, until eventually you were introduced by her
cuz of that you became friends quick, which he cherished and didn’t want to ruin by pursuing you
but i meannn, let the shameless flirting begin. yall would throw pick up lines back and forth like there is no tmrw
the more outrageous, the better.
but it was also a genuine friendship you guys created; as well as being very honest with each other
a genuine friendship full of THICK sexual tension and longing… but real nonetheless :D
imagine: one time you, leo and ur friends went swimming and were hanging out on the dock
people were running around and splashing in the water
you were sitting on the edge of the dock with leo. he was messing with a fishing pole, trying to make it automatic w whatever scraps he found lying around (lil genius mechanic) and you were j observing him
and gods, did he look good.
he was shirtless, and after spending all day in the sun he had a light bronze glow to his typical tan.
a few more freckles dusted his face and shoulders
and his curly hair, dried from sun and the sea salt, gave it this messy beach vibe. he was focused on his project, blessing his face with the cute concentration expression he makes whenever he is working.
there was no denying that you found him attractive, but in that moment; the mix of spending such a fun day with him, thinking about how much you like him as a person, and just looking at him shirtless–
it was like he was magnetic
“you look really good right now” you say out of the blue
despite him being focused on his fishing rod, he turned to look at you in surprise.
“what?” he said, not really comprehending your words.
“I saaaid you look really good right now.”
and for a few seconds, he just stared at you with his mouth agape.
“i- um… thank you?” he said, keeping his same shocked expression
you kind of broke him in that moment, he couldn’t process that you thought he looked good. he thinks you’re out of his league by miles (no bby ur gorgeous) and couldn’t 100% tell if you were making fun of him or not… buttt
“i’m just being honest you dingus” you said to him, laughing lightly
“your hair is extra curly right now, it’s cute.”
twirling a stray curl around your finger, giving him an adoring look
“welp, i’m gonna go grab a drink, brb” you say getting up and walking inside
Leo was left sitting on the dock, stunned and red from something else besides a sunburn.
piper: hey! earth to leoo, did you get sun poisoning or some shit? you’re all red
leo: …
piper: percy can u help me with this?
percy: i gotch u
*tsunami wave* -drenched asf leo
moving on…
you and leo would randomly say what’s on your mind
more time spent together, more small habits abt each other you would discover and treasure
at that point, leo couldn’t deny it anymore, he might have developed a lil crush on u (cough the bigggggest crush on u cough).
He didn't know how to go about it though, so of course he confided in piper.
“i mean at first i thought I just admired her as a friend yaknow? like a super sexy hot friend who i wanted to be with all the time, but keeping our relationship as just friends.
Piper listening, definitely finds this whole situation funny. you guys are so painfully obvious, but also so fucking oblivious at the same time.
but in response to leo’s rant: “leo, i know”
“omg how did you know!?” 😦😦 he says genuinely baffled.
but as they talk, he makes piper promise to keep it a secret, even though she tells him that you’re interested too and pretty much everyone can tell.
alas, leo does not want to ruin anything, and decides to suffer in silence and keep talking about you to piper.
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camphorror · 5 months
ok so hello people of tumblr. who wants to know what happened since i last regularly posted here????
i became friends with this girl at work i was loooowkey crushing on, we became too close way too quickly. she confided in me a month and a half into out friendship how she had a crush on a***d which caused her a sexuality crisis bc she was convinced she was gay until then. i felt weird but loved her too much to let something silly like this ruin the friendship. he started hanging out with us, i felt real fucking baaaaaad. life situations led me into telling a***d i liked him for ages. he said we're too good friends to ruin it, we're beyond that point! if i had said something earlier then maybe! then i found out he liked her!!! but he decided because of me he would stop talking to her!! i was living thru insanity bc of it. then me and him spent a month and a half being friends but also more than friends? but also "it's just good friends it's nothing romantic bc i said i don't feel the same i don't wanna ruin it you're one of the utmost important people in my life up there with my childhood friends blahblah" and we cuddled and hugged every time we met, texted every day after work until late at night, went thru a kissing/making out one evening after drinking a lot of alcohol drama. he initiated all of this!!! always!! i was in this weird grey area and thought everything is Fine because i know it's not a good idea
then almost a month ago he decided to ask her out! he didn't tell me in advance (despite the fact i told him if you ever choose to act about your feelings just say so). she did not tell me about it despite me being transparent with her all along, and despite telling me she thinks friendship is more important than all of this. so this went on for a week and a half, without me being told, whilst i was feeling weird asf and convincing myself i'm going crazy because of my anxiety bc everything was Normal. and then i found out thursday march 28th (haha a month ago exactly.. what a coincidence) because we were together and he said he can't wait for a "right time" like she wanted to. all of life collapsed from the feeling of betrayal from and anger at both of them. first i hated her, now i realised i hate him because he was at fault for all this messed up shit and took zero responsibility the one time we talked. i gave 2 of them chances to talk as some closure and we haven't spoken since. i truly hate him and think he's a shit person.
took a whole week off work after that first happened. was depressed at home. one day i decided to dress nicely and go meet my friend who just came back from abroad at the city of christ..... told her everything. then she took me to see a cool hostel i'd like bc it's in an ancient building. guy who works there studied with us but i didn't remember him lol. we talked & had wine then i got tipsy i overshared everything. he was the most charming and cute person i met.... (& a proper proper leftist too). we spent 3 hours there with him despite my friend wanting to kill me bc that WASN'T the plan. he was overly friendly, had a very interesting vibe.. esp abt the situation... then he told me how he's going abroad the next day and perhaps is gonna break up with his ldr gf... we sat together whilst my friend was in another room/on the side on her phone (I APOLOGISED PROFOUNDLY) and he even showed me pics of him from the gym... my biggest regret is when we left, had food with my friend and just got on the bus, he texted me on ig that i should come back to say bye again.. i didnt... then he came back from abroad last week and sort of said if i got the time i should come visit.. so of ci did lol but the Vibe was gone (as like... he didnt break up with the gf and therefore there was no vibe & i was fine with it lol). he asked me if i want him to teach me how to fight and i said yeah so besides updating him again on my woes we also literally fought with each other which was fucking fun. like he was properly teaching me what to do in a fight. i'm still feeling sore (that was 2 days ago) he is so cool and i wanna be his friend now that i am not cr*shing on him...
besides that life is still grim and i am going back to work in a day and gonna have to see those 2 people who ruined my life again aaaaand i know my mental health will take a dive. what do you even do when this shit happens
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skylarbee · 1 year
Over the years I have seen many fandoms and fans of all kinds, but yes, in fact lately the AM fandom is really becoming something unmanageable for anyone even for those who perhaps follow the band for the music without wanting to know anything about the gossip. I think this is also partly the fault of Tiktok which has led many young people to want to follow the band and therefore to become attached to certain characters without knowing what they have done in the past, they want to throw shit at people they didn't know until two years ago like Miles for example and blaming him for everything is saying disgusting things towards him that really, just reading it brings tears to my eyes. I don't know what will happen as soon as the tour ends, I hope things calm down even if it's hard for me given Amanda and Matt's attitude in the last few days
yes to all of this! the only times that i've searched for gossip were when i already heard a lot of rumours against my will and i wanted to see if they were true (other people should do this too instead of immediately believing/disbelieving something they've read on the internet...). other than that, the moment i open any social media, it's all there without me having to press a single button, and i'm sure that lots of other people have it the same way.
i do think too that tiktok might have something to do with it. i wasn't this deep in the fandom until only like three years ago, so i don't know what the situation was with younger fans before that. i also said a lot of stupid shit on the internet when i was really young, so i can't expect much from the young fans, especially the ones who have no idea about how problematic LV is and love her to bits. the extremely sad thing is that i've seen SO many people who do know a thing or two, and they still think that she's done nothing wrong (like ppl saying that she's a 'queen' for being the one alex cheated with, that she should be proud of it and brag about it, or the ones that congratulate her and say that they would've done even worse things just to get in alex's pants - just some vomit-inducing stuff)
the thing with miles makes me the saddest, i feel you anon. there are loads of people out there who spread false information and call him things that he's not - but what's even worse than this is there are people who have no idea about these things, and still hate on him and make fun of him for absolutely no reason. like he said, we have to accept the fact that this is the way it always will be; i can't even get mad anymore when interviewers constantly bring up alex/tlsp when talking to him. i don't think it will ever change. let's all learn from LV and do the opposite of what she does - when we see people talking shit, we should just click that block/mute button and go about our day without paying attention to it and posting on our stories about it (if i were to sit down and argue with every person on twitter who says something bad about him, i'd do that 24/7). miles' fans are the sweetest people out there (like artist like fan) and we should focus on not ruining the pure and good vibes that miles transmits to us via his IG (reason why i don't tag these posts with his name). if he can take some minutes out of his life (almost) every day to post cute things for us, we should also send him back positive things - out of tens of fake people in am's circle, he continues to be the only genuine, honest, and pure-hearted person - let's not take it for granted.
i imagine that after the tour ends all we'll have will be L&A's stories, specifically LV's stories where she'll position her phone so that we'll be able to see alex's elbow and lose our minds over it; and similar shenanigans. i am not looking forward to it. this community will be rotten for as long as those two will be present in the boys' lives (i wish it wouldn't be true, but everything has been going downhill since 2018/2019)
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