#like the imps aren't assassins
porcelaintoybox23 · 1 year
I wonder if Viv made Stella so idiotically shallow to be a hatesink for the fandom's misogyny. The way many of you talk about her...
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Views are lower than ever. Helluva Boss used to get over ten million views in a day or two. Despite the "imp assassins plotline would get stale" (not true + cope + as if constant annoying melodrama doesn't get draining and stale lightning quick) bs that the stolitz echo chamber likes to parrot at people with critical thinking, it's clear that the shift to DRAMedy has caused Helluva Boss to nosedive at terminal velocity towards irrelevancy.
They wasted the fun concept of a ragtag group of lower class hellborn demons being hitmen-for-hire for bitter sinners- growing closer and confronting their traumas as a found family while on their missions- while also battling the systematic obstacles they face as the lowest classes of demons in Hell.
These plot elements are mere blips that are either rushed to oblivion or completely ignored in order to make more room for the stolitz soap opera.
Hate to break it to some of y'all, but shows (cartoons especially) gravitating from wacky comedy with character arcs sprinkled throughout to melodrama that has nothing to offer but "sad moments", crumbs of lore, and shipping slop has been done to death since the early 2010's. Nobody wants that shit anymore because it's overdone and exhausting to sit through, especially when the comedy bits aren't even funny.
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Soooo. The new Helluva Boss pride thing and that comment about Striker and Stella not being there. I am genuinely more and more irritated by this "Strikers Straight" horse shit as time goes on.
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Really? This guy is your no-pride straight homophobe? -_-
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How in any way was this scene not homosexual in nature. Like am I just stupid or what? Striker was specifically latching onto how Blitz is strong and impressive for making his own business and gassing him up over it even before there was a need to to still carry out his assassination "Not many imps start businesses on their own... thats pretty impressive sir". There's clear admiration there. He suggests Stolas dying would be good because it would end "the one who treats you like a plaything" he implies he'd like to see Stolas dead not only for his own sake and for his hate of royals, but for Blitz's sake too. Like, HELLO!?
I'm sorry but the more I look back on it, the whole Striker's straight thing does feel like a retcon. He wasn't originally. I believe that he was changed, because he's mean about Stolas and "good ones" rich people, and we can't have that. He's an antagonist to Stolitz AND a potential "shipped with Blitz" character so he's not a pet/favoured villain or morally grey character. No, instead hes just full on MEANIE BAD!!!! Who's only purpose is creating Stolitz drama. Making him straight is a way of trying to make him boring and more laughable to the yaoi obsessed audience (if you like gay male ships YOU ARE FINE I DO TOO I'm specifically talking about the ones who take it to a fetishistic degree and are raging misogynists). The less Striker is able to be paired up with other male characters in this show, the less value he has outside of being a joke and the less interest in exploring relationships with him there will be since so often do only gay male relationships get to have any interesting depth. Note how other male characters who aren't in gay relationships are treated by this show, COUGH MOXXIE.
And you know what the saddest part of this is to me? In this one single Striker and Blitz scene, they literally had more chemistry and were a more interesting dynamic than Stolitz despite several episodes of that god awful ship. Think about it. They both have clear admiration and respect for each other, interest in each other. They've both been mistreated by royals and had rough pasts so understand each other on that level. They've both had to claw their way to success at the cost of great struggle. So now, they're conflicted. Because they're both obstacles to each other as much as they are love interests. Striker does not want to compromise slaughtering royals and wants to do his job. Blitz wants to preserve his business. They are competing over their goals in life while also attracted to each other. They are a "toxic" or complicated ship without there having to be a creepy unaddressed power dynamic and without the empowered one constantly needing to be portrayed as victimized by the narrative to try and make the relationship seem more even and less creepy.
This is so much more interesting as a kind of "relationship that never could be", to me, than "OMG my daddy bought me that imp for a day as a child then he randomly reappeared into my life again and stole from me, so now I will hold his business over his head to get sex from him and constantly demean him. All while he clearly indicates that he is repulsed by me. Then I will proceed to cry he doesn't like me romantically!"
But no. Striker doesn't get to be bi or gay. However, pan IS slapped onto several female characters... THAT NEVER GET ANY SCENES WITH WOMEN LIKE STRIKER GOT WITH BLITZ. Good fucking God man! If you're gonna make all these supposed women that like women, WHY DO NONE OF THEM BARELY EVER EXPRESS INTEREST IN WOMEN THAT WE GET TO SEE!?
Only the men's sexualities are actively shown. The women, we need to be told what their sexuality is. Because Viv hardly ever bothers with pairing them with anyone or letting them express sexual behaviors. Tiring.
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strawb3rrystar · 6 months
hi I was TOTALLY not stalking ur acc cus it’s so good..nooo way🥰🤞🏼
buttttt I was her to rec a lucifer x reader!preferably fem,but gn is always alr,all the power to u!
so maybe like reader looks super innocent,and is like shorter than him,has a golden retriever kinda demon form and is a overlord,and the reason she is a overlord is cus she’s a assassin and is VERY well known lol.
and luci didn’t know that and is just like 😨 when she casually told him.
you can do this by hcs,one shot,or blurb ur choice :3
Simplicity is far from simple.
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Pairing: Lucifer Morningstar x Fem! Overlord! Reader
Warnings: A tiny wee bit of hurt, but lots of comfort and fluff
Word count: 534
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When you first met Lucifer you were one of the many, many sinners who had never seen him before. You had only ever heard about him in stories. You must admit he looked very different than how you pictured him in your head.
You were immediately enthralled by his charm and wittyness. He was also quite charmed by you, as you were unlike any sinners he'd seen before. After Lilith left him, Lucifer was scared to start dating again. But he decided to give it a shot with you.
The two of you would meet outside his palace, frequenting a small, Imp owned, café. Lucifer liked you very much, and wanted to spend his day with you. The first time he held your hand, he realized that you were smaller than him. The way your palms fit together so perfectly made him giddy inside.
When you told Lucifer you were an Overlord, he was shocked. To him, you seemed way too innocent to even be in Hell in the first place. Your upbeat personality and bright eyes confused him. Most of the Overlords he knew about took on a much more sinister form. But you? You were much, much different.
Since that day, Lucifer heard your name be brought up during the topic of Overlords. So, he had to guess you were very popular. One day, while at the café, he overheard some sinners talking about you. He heard them mention something about assassination, which peaked his curiosity. But he decided to ignore it, focusing on his outing with you.
Later, when the two of you were in his workshop, he decided to ask you about it. He cleared his throat, gaining your attention. "My dear, may I ask you something?"
"Well, you just did. But sure Luci, what's up?" You reply, walking over next to him.
"I heard something today. About you being an assassin? I know it's silly, and you probably aren't even one." Lucifer rambles.
"Oh no, I am." You say, making him pause and turn towards you.
"Huh?" He questions, utterly confused.
"Yeah, I'm an assassin." You shrug, like it wasn't a big deal.
Lucifer rubs his temples then stares at you "And why didn't you tell me, my dear?"
"You never asked. And also, I didn't want my job to change your view of me." You admit, looking away from him.
"Why would that change my view of you?" He asks, tilting his head.
"Well, you're amazing, and kind, and funny. And I'm.. well.. me." You answer truthfully.
"My dear, you're all those things as well. I'm literally the King of Hell, I've seen it all. Trust me, you being an Overlord-assassin doesn't change what we have." Lucifer cups your cheek, turning your head back towards him.
"Really?" Your eyes get the same shine they always have when you're around Lucifer.
"Yes, really." He kisses your forehead. That was the first time the King of Hell had ever kissed you. A smile fills your face as you wrap your arms around his torso. He graciously wraps his arms around your shoulder, holding you close. The two of you stayed like that for a while, just enjoying each others presence.
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Star's notes -> I TOTALLY do not feel super honored that someone is stalking my blog.. noooo way >:}
(Thank you, sweet anon, for requesting!) (Requests are open!)
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Taglist -> @alexandria-fandom @corruptcoder @astrolovedy @perfectlycraftychaos @stressedbleach @idontreallyexistyet @ghostdoodlen @roboticsuccubus83 @blood-heart22 @cirrus-sampling-sanity @hazbinhottel @sugarplumz100 @myamythos @hazbinhappy @samohxt2-0 @mollzaj @sunshines-bright @t0uchst4rv3d | Join the taglist
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lucifers-rubber-duck · 6 months
𖤓 Being part of I.M.P
would include 𖤓
Warnings: Blitzø's stalking tendencies.
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Having to deal with Loona
• Loona by herself is already a piece of work, she's rude to everyone for no reason, doesn't do her job well and is lazy as fuck.
• You would be no exception and she would make comments about your clothes, your hair, the way you talk, anything that can put you down.
• She constantly steals your lunch, and doesn't matter where you hide it, she will just sniff it and eat it all, she even throws tantruns if you get angry with her about it.
• You constantly have to do her job for her. She will just take a break no matter the time and leave the clients hanging on the phone. Not only you have to work as a assassin but also as a secretary when she just decides to not be around.
• It doesn't help that 60% of the time the calls aren't from raging clients but from that horny owl prince Blitzø slept with and you have to listen to his deranged commentary on your boss.
Blitzø's shenanigans
• Your boss is far from being responsible and you learned that way too late. He's loud, unprofessional, has a weird thing for horses and doesn't care on respecting your personal life.
• He constantly spies on you the same way he does with Millie and Moxxie. You already changed the locker five times and always makes sure the windows are closed but he always gets in and eats your goddam food.
• His weird thing for horses also makes your life worse, most of the times the cleaning duty is up to you and his drawers are full of pictures, art and horses figurines, you want to clean your eyes with bleach after seeing some of those images. He also info dumps to you about his OCs.
• There's also multiple occasions were you have to pick him up from places, either because he got way too drunk or because he got in trouble with another demon and got kicked out of the place he was.
• You don't even bother asking about your paycheck anymore, you just wait until Blitzø feels like paying you for the month and try not to waste it all at once 'cause you never know when he will remember to pay you again.
Moxxie and Millie being clingy
• At first you thought the two were very cute together, who wouldn't? A loving couple that like showing to the world they were in love, what's so wrong about it?
• But then you actually started working with them and oh Satan were they a handful to deal with. They just can't keep their tongues away from each other and in the worst timing too.
• You'll enter a room and the two of them will be all over each other, being all flirty and gross that you can't help but make fake vomiting noises and leave. Or you all will be in the middle of killing and they will get turned on by nothing and will start making out while shooting the target, you just don't get why.
• Working with them is basically just being a third wheel for hours and is a mental test because they will make sure you know they love each other and will start singing togheter like they're in some type of musical.
Villain of the week kinda bullshit
• Your paycheck doesn't make justice for the amount of trouble you are pulled to by default just by existing close to them. You lost count of how many close to death experiences you had with these Imps.
• When you thought it would be a easy job, boom, your target was actually a crazy woman with a shotgun. You wanted a nice time at a theme park while working as security for the owl guy, nuh-uh, can't have that, the park is now on fire. Going to the Warth ring to have some fun and happened to meet a hot cowboy guy? Too bad, he's also evil.
• You all somehow always get out of it unharmed, sometimes with major brusies like the time you came back with a big cut on your arm because one of the Cherub's arrows actually hit you, but it's still a miracle to you that you're all alive. But your coworkers always move past it like it's nothing.
• And to be honest? You do the same, after so much time having to deal with this crazy scenarios, you just grow used to it. Your free time at the office is just waiting for a new costumer to come or to a new wacky adventure to start.
• Also, I hope you know how to sing because said Villains of the week like singing a lot and will do at any given opportunity.
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chaifootsteps · 3 months
can't find this tweet anymore but it's one of the hazbin/helluva animators making fun of fans who want helluva boss original plot back; three imp assassins killing humans. and seeing other well known animators that I used to followed working on the show also joining on the insult "ooohh they want helluva boss to be EXACTLY like the pilot where millie eats popcorn all day oooh they want blitz to be a funny boss again oooh they want the show to feel like The Office euehejsjen"
and it's so.... childish and immature reading those comments. those grown adults making fun of their own fans who are tired of the stolitz soap drama and wants what they expected to see in HELLUVA BOSS is so sad and pathetic. imagine you looked up to them and see that type of behaviour from them. it's even worse seeing the other side of fans fully agreed on that post "haha you expect hazbin HOTEL to be about hotels??? losers it's about the abusive drama that viv likes to fetishise and we eat that slop up!!!!!"
man I'm so glad I'm no longer a fan of this shit show and viv herself
"Isn't it funny how our fans are stupid idiot pigs? Hey, why aren't people watching the way they used to?!
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Howdy howdy! Could I request Blitzø, Fizarolli and Millie (separate, not poly) with a chubby s/o?
No worries if you're not interested in writing this one. Take care 💛💛
"More To Love" ; Blitzø, Fizzarolli, Millie
AN: Aw, hun, don't worry about it!! These are always some of the sweetest requests!! I'm super thin tho, so if something is inaccurate or offensive, please tell me!!
Also, new format who is SHE??
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Let's get this out of the way: Blitzø does not care. Like, at all. Sometimes, you aren't even sure he notices your appearance.
Which, yes, is very comforting. He's attracted to you regardless, he wouldn't be with you if he wasn't.
Blitzø's favorite thing in the world is to cook for you. Half of his attempts could be considered lethal, sure, but hey, he's fed himself and his daughter for at least a few years off of his skills, right? He'll do his best to adhere to any special diets and eating routines you have, too, since he totally understands if you have any insecurities. He knows how cruel Hell and earth alike can be toward anybody who isn't a stick figure.
Allergic to nuts? Sweet, guess what's no longer in the house. Pescatarian? He's suddenly the hugest fan of fish. Vegetarian? That's fine, he didn't like meat, anyway. Even though he did.
He's a dad, after all, and if he's that doting with his daughter, imagine how doting he is with his partner. You're the light in his dark world, and he hates the idea of you ever feeling like anything less than you really are.
Now, granted, sometimes, some of the things he says sound insensitive, but he really is trying to learn more about your situation. So he gets some very... er... sweet-intentioned, but possibly perverted-sounding nicknames for you.
"Heeeeyyy, Sexy~." "Woah! Got someone you're tryna impress today~?" "Well, aren't you a sight for sore eyes~?"
I wouldn't be surprised if your face is eternally red, like, at all.
If you ever confessed to actually being insecure about your body... oh god. Good luck, that's it for you.
He's basically going to be so touchy on you, it'll be like you have a Blitzø-sized tumor attached to your hip.
If you've got a tail, Blitzø will ensure that your tails are basically always intertwined.
Unless you tell him to stop, of course. He's a dick, but he's not that much of a dick.
But he'll make sure you're always comfortable and feeling loved and basically worshipped. Seriously, have you ever seen an assassin get pissed off because somebody insulted their S/O?
Well, you did after meeting him.
And it didn't end pretty for the other person in question.
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Millie is someone who grew up around a lot of farm folk, a lot of whom were also on the chubbier side. It happened, it wasn't a bad thing. If anything, she liked it more on you.
And she'd be the one who'd actually fucking maul someone over insulting that trait of yours, my god- I'm not sure if there's ever been so much blood from one person-
You're insecure? Aw, you've got a little sweetheart right at your side.
"Baby, you're the cutest thang I've ever seen! I could just gobble you up~!"
As long as your physique doesn't pose any issues for your health, she's all for it! She finds it so cute and she loves how soft you are!!
And although she's never experienced it, herself, you can always count on her endless support and love, regardless of whatever it is you may need!
She'll always try to be right next to you, both because she's ready to strike if anybody dare makes a rude comment toward her lovely S/O, but also because she just adores you that much.
Like Fizz, she'll also wrap her tail around you when she wants cuddles because it's a way that imps like her often show love.
Another thing I think she'd like is comparing hand sizes.
And cheek pinching!! My God, with chubby cheeks, she'll be on them like glue!!
"Ain't you just the cutest lil honeybee in the hive, baby~? Yes you are! I love you so much~."
Honestly? Marry her. She's sweet, she's loving, she loves your appearance and running her hands over your curves, she adores you.
Plus, she'll protect you from fatphobic assholes. What's not to love?
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sir-subpar · 11 months
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All right! Redesigned/reimagined Blitzo.
So, heres the thing, I don't hate his current design, but I don't love it either.
Under the cut I will talk more
Alright, Blitzo. Biy do I have some thoughts on Blitzo.
I do love the idea of a failed clown turning into an assassin. I love the idea of an assassin from hell slaughtering people that sinners pay him to. I like the idea that this is his way of proving others wrong and trying to redeem himself. Him not wanting to be a failure anymore is a decent idea for a character.
The issues I have:
His treatment towards other characters. I am not opposed to him being an asshole. I like characters who start off terrible but then become good people through consequences and change in Behavior. But blitz's Behavior doesn't actually change for the better in the show. It's more like everyone around him changes to justify everything that he does.
Stalking your employees? Barely addressed.
Setting your best friend on fire? And insulting and guilttripping said friend in a half-assed apology? Apparently good enough.
Stealing from your girlfriend? (I have thoughts on Verosika too, I'll get to her at some point). It brought up in maybe two conversations and never again.
My big issue here isn't so much that Blitz is a bad person as much as the fact that there's no consequences for him except for when the plot demands it. And then said consequences go away an episode later. Especially if we're meant to sympathize with him.
I hate this line. So much. This is one of those times where you can't really redeem a person. Not when they say something like this:
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Anyway, back to the design.
Once again, like usual with Viv, there's too much red.
It's kind of easy to lose track of details in his design.
His feet are just really weird to me. Why are they shaped like shoes? His heels are really weird
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As mentioned in some of my concept sketches, I feel like if he survived a fire that did *this* to fizz
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It should have done more damage to Blitzo. Hence why I made him blind in one eye
I gave him fingers similar to his sister Barbie wire, it just looks better to me. And since they're twins I think it makes sense. Once again, I will do her design as well soon
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I do keep his striped horns, as I feel like it makes sense for him to have them with the whole ex clown thing, but since a lot of the other characters aren't clown based they won't get the same stripes on their horns. I know Viv said that hell is like a circus, but it so rarely comes up outside of the jester designs that I decided to omit that in my rewrite
I really want to lean into the idea that he goes through change and improves his behavior bit by bit. With little hints of his soft side towards the beginning, that comes out more clearly as time goes on. Him learning something different from each character
He could learn to take accountability from fizz. Learn professionalism and good business practices from Moxxie. Learn boundaries from his daughter Loona. Etc.
I made him pink as I've heard a few ideas floating around that he might be part succubus or part lust imp and I think that fits him.
And finally... the elephant in the room. Where does Stolas come in?
Look. The way it's portrayed in the show, I don't like it. I liked Stoas better in the pilot. He was just a rich 1% who did what he wanted regardless of who it hurt. I like the idea of that for an antagonist. Blitzo uses him, he uses Blitzo. They both did things for selfish gains.
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I also liked the idea that he would send IMP on hit jobs as well. That would have been really interesting to see in the show
I will discuss more about their Dynamic when I do stolas's design. I will give some quick bullet points for now
Blitzo and Stolas don't fall in love.
Stolas constantly holds the grimoire over Blitzo's head to get what he wants. He knows Blitzo's business and livelihood depends on it and he takes full advantage of it.
Blitzo doesn't want to be Shackled to the prince, but doesn't see any other options until Striker appears (again, I will explain that when I get to it).
He resents stolas (and himself) for being trapped in this arrangement
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xerith-42 · 9 months
What is, in your opinion, the best and the worst moments of the entire series and why? If you haven't already made a post about that
[cracks knuckles]
It's hard to put a finger on what I would say are best moments because through my rewatch I've actually discovered a lot of good moments early on that I think are overlooked because they don't play into the larger story later on. I talked about one of them in the context of a rewrite on my side blog, but I want to talk about a smaller moment that I actually don't think needs to be rewritten. (this isn't me saying this is the best moment in mcd, just that I think it deserves appreciation)
It's the entire opening sequence of episode 11. Like the whole thing is just really good. It opens with Aph finding out that Donna has gained sentience building that idea into the world, and she gets the story started right away by telling Aph about how Brendan got injured at the end of last episode. Aph instantly rushes in to help, finds out what she has to do from Garroth, and then takes off to do it. Earlier episodes have a problem of being kind of nothing a lot of the time, or Jess will get distracted and take way too long to get to the story, but that just isn't a problem here.
At this point Brendan has been established as a character with gripes, ambitions, wants, love for hamsters, and has an emotional connection to another character in the cast. So both the audience and Aph are invested in his safety, and it's great to see how seriously she can take these situations when circumstances demand it. Furthermore once she gets the medicine Garroth needs, it's Garroth who actually treats Brendan's wounds as this is before Zoey entered the series and became the resident healer.
I really like this aspect of Garroth's character and think it has a ton of potential! Garroth learning battle medicine during the year Phoenix Drop didn't have their lord because he failed to protect his lord before? Maybe he learned it even earlier, like in the guard academy shortly after the death of his brother to ensure that he doesn't lose someone again. As far as I'm aware this is never expanded on outside of this episode but I think it was a really solid piece of character work with Garroth.
And Zenix in this scene?? On point. He is playing up the whole scared guard who's a rookie and new to everything aspect so well, and the way he talks about the whole ordeal is just fantastic. He's so good at playing on Aph's trusting nature and when you learn that he knew the arrow was meant for him and put Brendan in the way? It makes the entire scene all the more heartbreaking. Overall a really great showing from one of the earlier episodes of the series.
And on the complete opposite end of the spectrum, we have one of the much later episodes in the series run that if you ask me, is one of the worst scenes in anything I have ever witnessed. Season 2 Episode 95 of Minecraft Diaries is perhaps the best example of character assassination happening in real time I have ever seen. The rot upon Laurance's character has been creeping in for some time during season 2, but this is when it hits it's crescendo.
I can and will do an entire post breaking down this entire episode minute by minute one of these days because it's failures are something I take personally. For those of you who aren't actually going insane over the block show, Season 2 Episode 95 is titled "Shadows of the Past", and this is the episode where everything with Laurance hits it's breaking point. In this episode while Aph is just having a fun day playing with Dante, Leona, and the other child who is there, she sees an imp in the forest disguised as Aaron. (Keep in mind Aaron died in episode 81 so the wound is still sort of fresh)
Aph is shaken by this and halfway through the episode she sits on the beaches of the Phoenix Alliance island holding Aaron's bandana and having a quiet moment. Laurance comes up behind her, before he sits next to her, and the two start talking. In theory, I like this conversation. Laurance has largely not been able to express his feelings on Aaron and what he did because he ran away right after it happened, and showed up only 5 episodes ago trying to kill Aph while she was in disguise. He hasn't had a moment to really process Aaron's sacrifice and what it means for him. The strange contradictory feelings he has over his jealousy, his desire to protect, the calling, and dare I say it, his respect for Aaron.
In theory, I really like this conversation. In practice this conversation manages to drag not one, not two, but all three of Minecraft Diaries main characters to their lowest points. In this scene Laurance proceeds to berate Aph for her feelings, invalidate previous lines he said about Aaron, completely betrays his own character and motivation, and forever ruins his character arc. And that's not including how much of a fucking asshole Garroth is in this scene, like Laurance was being bad, but Garroth saying "You were lucky to come back alive" after Laurance was forcibly raised into undeath??? Not cool dude.
The entire scene also reduced Aph into just a grieving widow. She's so grief stricken she can't even stand up to Laurance, which could be good in theory, but I just don't like it. It just doesn't feel right. It doesn't feel like the character I've been following. Aph has always been a proactive and reactive character, bad stuff happens and her response is to do something about it. This scene makes her far more passive and while I don't object to her grieving, this just isn't it. I can't explain it better than that, it just isn't it.
As stated before, Garroth may have had some good points but completely lost all merit he had in this argument when he hit Laurance with that line. That was just uncalled for.
And poor poor Laurance. Let's just give a quick rundown on things in Laurance's life that greatly impact the way he views death: His parents dying when he was a kid, his lord dying while under his watch, seeing someone he knew was dead walking around alive, literally actually dying and being forcibly raised into partial undeath with a great curse to bear and no control over any of this happening, his best friend sacrificing their life to save him, AND losing his OTHER parent after being thrown 15 years into the future. Laurance has been a victim of death and it's many ways of truly ruining someone's brain in ways we mortals aren't even able to comprehend.
He would never yell at someone for grieving. He would never get mad at someone for being sad that someone they care about is gone, no matter how jealous he can be. He would never see Aph with tears in her eyes and keep yelling. The only circumstances I could see him doing this under is if the calling is influencing him, but that isn't explicitly shown to the viewer or ever even implied to be the reason for this outburst. We are just expected to take this at face value. That his is who Laurance is, who he has become.
And it's not Laurance. I don't know who it is, but it's just not him. It's someone else who's using Laurance's likeness to prop up the story of two people falling in love and losing each other that takes longer than Romeo and Juliet and manages to somehow be worse than that. In a sick and twisted sense, Jess is how we've all been headcanoning the Shadow King, turning Laurance into her little puppet that she can control to do whatever she wants when the plot demands it, previously established character be damned. She didn't write this scene because she wanted to explore Laurance's character, she wrote this scene so fans would get off her back.
Laurance deserved better than this.
cutting myself off here because if I keep going I will just rewrite this entire episode in real time for the third time
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youllallriseintheink · 4 months
What would happen if hella boss and hazbin characters meet each other. Like Charlie and blizo. Alastor and stoles. Val and asmodeus ((you can pick anyone to meet ))
It's very easy to see Blitz developing a one-sided petty rivalry with Charlie if one of Blitz's previous repeat customers checked in at the Hazbin Hotel and decided that revenge murders aren't for them anymore. What would follow is Blitz trying to tempt all of Charlie's customers back to sin. Charlie might attempt to reform him even though he's a hellborn imp and not a sinner, because a) that way he'll cut this out, and b) Blitz is clearly miserable and Charlie would see the good in him. Of course, this scenario would lead to all kinds of interactions between the Hazbin cast and I.M.P.
-Cherri Bomb and Millie would have a figurative and literal blast together.
-Despite the obvious jokes about cats and dogs, Loona and Husker would get along great and would probably trade snarky remarks with each other as they watch the others' antics.
-Alastor would most likely be interested in Moxxie since Moxxie can be very malleable in the right circumstances. Expect Charlie to have to intervene on an attempted deal, perhaps multiple times.
-Vaggie would NOT like this and want Charlie to get these assassins out NOW. Charlie, they aren't even sinners! They can't go to heaven if they aren't dead people!
-Stolas is content to watch the shenanigans from afar and intervene only if Blitz is in trouble, but if he did show up, Angel Dust would be flirting with him in seconds and Blitz would not be a fan of that.
-Assuming Charlie could get Blitz to open up at all, she'd praise him on his progress in his relationship with his brother, and would encourage greater openness and a better sense of boundaries both in his own actions and the actions he chooses to accept. Maybe, even though he's just there to mess things up, the Hazbin Hotel could be a good experience for him.
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gaygoetia · 8 months
Background Details in Helluva Boss S1 E5 - The Harvest Moon Festival
Millie's Family
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We can see from the family photos in Millie's parents' home that Millie has three brothers in addition to her sister Sallie-Mae, though their names aren't mentioned in the episode. We see two of them briefly helping load pumpkins into their dad's truck, looking visibly older than in the family photos.
Also this isn't a background detail as such but unlike most female imps shown in the series, Sallie-Mae has striped black and white horns and her hair is white at the roots, implying that she dyes it. This suggests that Sallie-Mae is a trans woman, something which I believe has been confirmed by the show creators and/or the trans voice actress who plays her.
Moxxie being a theatre kid
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There are several fun references to Moxxie's love of musical theatre in this episode, including the music notes on his wallpaper and alarm clock and theatrical posters in his bedroom. His phone case says "I don't cry, I sing" and the stickers on his suitcase also reference the theatre (one says "break a leg" and the other is a picture of tragedy and comedy masks)
Striker's Motel
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The Motel Striker stays at is called "The Hideaway Motel" and the guy that tried to kill you definitely isn't there.
Blitzo's Car
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Once again the little horse decoration makes an appearance but we also see that the back window includes a decal of Blitzo, Loona, Moxxie and Millie.
Stolas being horny for imps
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Just a couple of Stolas details this episode but both relate to him having a thing for imps.
The book he's reading at the dinner table while Stella is openly making arrangements to assassinate him is called "Imps in the sheets".
He's also fanning himself pretty emphatically when Blitzo and Striker (both of whom he's canonically attracted to) are wrestling in the mud. This may or may not be for horny reasons but knowing Stolas it probably is.
Blitzo's Horse Thing
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Blitzo's thing for horses manifests in this episode mainly as him admiring Striker's hellhorse Bombproof. Don't have much to add to this except look how cute his lil face looks! If Stolas witnessed this he would probably buy Blitzo a horse on the spot.
Blitzo and Stolas' bedroom scene
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I wasn't sure whether to include this because once again it's more foreground than background details, but I thought while I'm talking about this episode I might as well.
This scene is probably the most insight we get into Blitzo and Stolas' sexual relationship. It starts with Stolas tied to the headboard and absolutely beaming so clearly something kinky has just gone down. This is also apparent from the harness he's wearing and the ball-gag around his neck (which additionally references the fact That Blitzo doesn't like it when Stolas talks about/during sex)
Another thing I thought was interesting in this scene is that Stolas stubs his cigarette out on Blitzo's horn to no visible reaction on Blitzo's part. This leads me to believe that imp horns either don't have pain receptors or that they have some level of fire resistance even within Hell which is preventing this from harming him.
I also think this moment and this scene in general is a great example of why Blitzo thinks that Stolas views him as a novelty and a plaything. This gesture is so casually objectifying and Stolas' tone of voice comes off as quite condescending. I don't think either of these things is intentional on Stolas' part but it shows that Blitzo's cynical view of their relationship hasn't come out of nowhere.
That's it for episode 5 but you can see all my other Helluva Boss background details posts here.
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gritsandbrits · 1 year
Rewrite vs. Canon: stolas helluva boss
Now early Stolas was ok but s2 is where i felt his character took a nosedive. So instead of being le woobie he is the one with all the power. The main conflict between Stolas and Stella is right of inheritance and methods on how to effectively rule the star domain. Their started out fine but deteriorated over the years. The causes aren't just their own flaws but outside sources as well.
Stolas is a huge flirt and imp fetishist. He sees Imps more like squishmallows than a whole race of demons with their own customs and agency. While he slowly learns to recognize imps as their own persons, he tends to mess it up because he just can't keep it in his pants.
Stolas met Blitzo a few times when they were kids, but their relationship never went anywhere, so they're not childhood friends - that's just Stolas's fantasizing the past. Blitzo hates his attempts at seduction but sucks it up for the pay. Stolas does come to seriously love Blitzo but it becomes possessive and Blitzo reminds him that he needs space.
One of Stolas's biggest flaw is projection. He does care for Octavia but mostly sees her as a vessel to live out HIS childhood dreams. He also loves to talk shit about her mom ignoring her discomfort with being dragged into their drama. He projects his shortcomings on to other people; projects his insecurities onto Blitzo.
As a star he has issues with his vanity and overzealous lifestyle. While he does see everything as a game he also kinda takes it too seriously because he wants to win. Caring for his happiness and pleasure. This leads to his court and peasants seeing him as a joke and seriously reconsidering. When Stolas finds out there are stella sympathizers he is horrified and decides to step up his A Game by taking his duties more seriously.
When he gets targeted for assassination he ends up moving in with IMP for protection, or the Hotel. Which kickstarts his character arc. He admits he did mess up by cheating on Stella and dragging Octavia into the mess he created and hopes to have a solution that can satisfy everyone.
Essentially Stolas has to learn even with his upsetting backstory and failing marriage it is NOT an excuse to do whatever he wants and that real people got hurt by his actions.
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Helluva Boss is Mean to its Audience
Helluva Boss, the show, is mean. This isn't an attack on anyone who worked on the show. This is also not an attack on people who like Helluva Boss. If despite all of the things I'll discuss you still enjoy the show than good for you!
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Helluva Boss is about IMP, a business run by low class demons in hell. They're assassines who kill targeted humans for their clients. It's a work place comady with an edge.
Damn! That's a really cool and original premise. But is Helluva Boss really any of these things? Currently we have 9 episodes (excluding the pilot) but only 3 of them are actually about the business. And based on seank pics, leaks and set up from season 1 it doesn't seem like the show is interested in telling the story that they promised.
I'm sure a lot of people, including me, were disappointed that the show isn't actually about the amazing premise.
Helluva Boss promises an awesome premise only to focus on whatever they feel like focusing on.
Helluva Boss takes place in hell, which means there are a lot of basic rules to establish, both the basics of how the world operates, and in order to understand the stakes and plot.
Case and point, how does death works for demons? We need to know this because death is at stake on multiple epidodes, but we don't know what's at stake. Another example is the threat of getting discovered by humans. We're told that if IMP will get discovered, there will be serious consequences. What serious consequences? Are they gonna go to jail? Is there even jail in hell? Are they gonna get killed? But wait we don't even know how death works. Who's enforcing this? The questions that arise from Helluva Boss are endless. What are Stolas's powers?
Did you ever realise that they never explain the rings of hell? They mention them a lot, yeah, but they never explain that there are seven rings, one for each sin, stacked on top of eachother. What's the difference between each ring?
Well, if you do want to understand these basics that should be in the show, than I have some sad news for you. You're gonna have to watch hours of livestreams and podcasts. While taking everything with a grain of salt because the information could be outdated. If you even find the information. You shouldn't have to go on twitter to find something as basic as this:
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This is not a "fan fact", it's information that should be in the show. But when you aren't this lucky to find a screenshot of a tweet.. I'm so sorry.
Helluva Boss doesn't bother explaining important and/or basic information to its audience. And gives them the massive chore of sitting though all the livesteams and podcasts to potentially find answers to their questions.
The rules that are established, are contradicted by the show. You have to take everything with a grain of salt, because the show will do whatever it wants.
An example could be the need for human disguises. In Spring Broken we're told that it's forbidden to go to the human world wothout disguises, you can't be spotted by humans. But in that very episode humans spot Moxxie and mistake him for a possum, and it was played off as a joke.
But wait! In C.H.E.R.U.B they take very good care to not be spotted. And when they aren't in disguises in Truth Seekers, they're caught by an FBI-like organization. Okay so human disguises are a must! Right? Well no!
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Because in Seeing Stars Moxxie and Millie straight up profit from the attention. But aren't there government officials after them? All Octavia got was a couple of weird looks?
And wait if all the sudden it's not super dangerous why did Blitzø try to get a costume while the other characters are just casually walk as demons? Druing my first watch of Seeing Stars I waited for the agents to show up. This was so confusing.
Another instance of this happening is with Stolas's affair. We're told (and shown) that Stolas's affair is scandalous, that it should be kept a secret. And yet:
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Stolas "flirts" with Blitzø on a stage in front of a big crowd. You're left thinking: So Stolas's affair is a secret but not to those people? Why is that? Is that because of their low status? But they can start rumors..
The show has these sort of inconsistencies while you're the one doing all the work to make it make sense. But it's not canon. I'm sure many audience members were confused after trying to understand why the show didn't follow its rules these times, but not on other times. You can't trust anything the show says, because it doesn't remember.
Helluva Boss establishes rules only to ignore them, yet simultaneously follow them. Creating confusion and frustration because the show does whatever it wants with no regard to the actual people watching.
Helluva Boss has a lot of big moments of meaningful character development. These moments leave the audience excited for the next episode, expecting a paradigm shift and a (sometimes) massive change in the status quo.
For instance, in Loo Loo Land Stolas and Octavia had a conversation in which Stolas realised that his affair is seriously hurting Octavia. It appares that Stolas will Stop "flirting" with Blitzø and try to fix the broken home he's creating.
Another example would be in Truth Seekers. Moxxie and Blitzø have a heart to heart about their partnership, the development is that going foreword Blitzø will treat Moxxie with respect.
But do any of these moments stick?
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Wouldn't you know it, in the next apparence it's like the big development never happened. They even reference the events of Loo Loo Land in the very episode where they ignore them, because that's the type of middle finger you get for caring.
Helluva Boss does massive developments, gets it's audience excited to see the change, only to ignore it completely sometimes as soon as an episode later.
Remember when Helluva Boss straight up clickbaited us?
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Loona and Octavia were together for like two minutes.
Helluva Boss constantly punishes it's audience for their sheer investment in it. The premise, the worldbuilding, the contradictions anf the character development – It's just mean.
To have the show make sense on a very basic level you need to work. You need to watch livesstreams and listen to podcasts, you need to rationalize inconsistencies in characters you were very invested in, for a show that promised you something really special only to ignore it.
I honestly feel so bad for the fans who are getting slapped in the face for caring. This shouldn't be the viewing experience for any show. What a mean way to be treating an audience.
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You know it's pretty wild that since S2 started, Stolas isn't needed as a character anymore. This whole arc with Blitz could be done with basically anyone from his past like(Fizz, Verosika, Barbie) or with the other actual main characters in Mox, Millie and Loona.
The whole Asmodean Crystal thing, given how fast Fizz was willing to just give him one after making up with Blitz and getting his life saved. ...There was a whole 1st Season worth of content right there that could have been explored, how Blitz gets to Earth for his company that way. Blitz also mentions that I.M.P. was killing in Hell before, so it's not as if they would be out of money if they weren't killing up top anyway(as well as actually exploring Hell itself). But there is a story hook there for a whole 1st Season.
It explores Blitz not only as a character, but also his past, who he interacted with, so on and so forth. This would then fit to make S1 more consistent with what S2 is going on with his character. Stolas isn't needed for any of this, he's just a S1 hanger on that no longer really matters from a writing standpoint.
Let's see what's more interesting for S1 as a character for Blitz?
Getting into a transaction deal with a Royal in order to keep his company afloat?
Trying to make amends to those he wronged in the past, exploring his internal issues, while at the same time trying to keep his company afloat?
The former fits more with just a sort of "Ha Ha" comedy/dark sort of line where you can have character moments, but they aren't really a focus and it's more just a side thing.
The latter fits more with....well what S2 is trying to do, in that it's become this character soap opera drama thing. In fact S1 was also building up to that, but they instead just brush by it so quick in S2 to instead focus on this 'romance'.
Notice how S2 is basically retreading all of S1, just with a different coat of paint? Because I swear we've been through all of this before already in S1, the only difference being is that Stolas isn't needed as a character anymore.
And yeah sure, I get same sex couples aren't exactly swimming through media. But this show wasn't setup as telling this 'soap opera romance' thing. It was setup as a whacky assassination show, that was the premise, it just so happened there were also 2 guys screwing.
I dunno, I just feel like a whole lot of other great potential was lost somewhere that would actually fit both of the Seasons way better.
Honestly yeah. ANYTHING would be better than St*litz. And I really feel you about retreading, we do it every 5 fucking minutes with Moxxie as well as with the constant Stolitz drama. It gets really tiring when meanwhile we barely know anything about stuff like Stella and Octavia's relationship, Barbie Wire, etc. Also yeah seeing hell more would be nice as I definitely want to see more of rings other than pride lust and greed, the rings are such a fun concept that I wish was utlilized more. Especially since Hazbin will probably only really show pride since its about earth born sinners and they only exist there.
To build off this idea of focusing more on a show where Blitz makes ammends, something I think that would have potentially been a better idea instead of the-stolitz-show would have been to make each season focused more on a certain side character. You'd have S1 Fizz, S2 Verosika, S3 Barbie Wire. And each one is an opposition of sorts.
Like, maybe in S1 Fizz has beef once hes with Ozzie since Blitz keeps robbing crystals to try and set up IMP without having to rely on St*las (you could just scrap the registration thing, maybe Blitz found a way to hack and bypass it even). Also make the crystals able to run out of power and need replacing, hence Blitz keeps stealing them. As a result of this we see Fizz on and off before they finally reconcile. And slowly through their beef we'd uncover what exactly happened at the circus and what they were like as kids.
Then in S2 when IMP starts doing well Verosika hears about it and shows up to ruin Blitz's life and they're both explored before coming to an understanding. We'd get to directly see the aftermath of what Blitz did, and how it put her in rehab, and how she clawed her way out and kept her career going anyway. She'd get to have her life outside of Blitz explored more like Fizz got to have.
Finally, in s3 rather than being an opposition, Blitz wants to save or help Barbie Wire and fix his relationship with his sister. Maybe Barbie was even friends with Verosika in this version so Verosika coming to terms with Blitz sends her spiraling/feels like a betrayal and Blitz becomes determined to make it up with her too so they can all be at ease. Or, maybe not, and instead when the understanding between Verosika and Blitz comes, later she contacts him that she knows Barbie needs help and that maybe Blitz should try reconcile with her too.
I feel you anon about St*las being unnecessary other than for the ship but I do think what we had of him in S1 was very powerful and had a lot of potential. I think a lot of the problem is that hes a side character that wasn't allowed to stay one. And so I raise you this:
St*las still exists in this each-season-focuses-on-an-ex-something-of-Blitz alternate show. But he exists as a side drama and a side character, especially since for S1 he'd be a kind of comparison to the healthy Ozzie/Fizz relationship. Perhaps he even becomes an antagonist especially towards the end. And ultimately they both part ways once Blitz has a legal way of always obtaining a crystal of his own at the end of S1 or start of S2. Sadly that would mean less Octavia and Stella and idk how Striker would then be used exactly but I feel like letting the St*litz ship die would have allowed for it to properly be explored in an interesting way instead of a fetishized sexual extortion way and without needing to make St*las a poor wooby baby. Hell, we could even have a catch up episode to see how the whole family is after St*las moves on.
The 3 side characters from Blitz's past focuses would also be overarching over the season they pertain to, so we'd have time to stop to explore Millie, Moxxie, Loona, side threads etc.
HB consistently has banger side characters. Say what you will about it but so many of its side characters have people in love and hooked. I feel like giving the female ones as well as male ones special focus, and focusing on Blitz's past drama since its so interesting via cool side characters instead of just showing us hints or snippets before jumping back to yet more gross annoying St*litz would be superior.
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goetiiaprince · 8 days
Send "What if they kissed?" and I'll write a scene where our muses kiss, even if they aren't shipped together. it is it's own thing and doesn't have to lead to an official ship. a "what if scenario"
travelers-of-the-multiverse asked: "What if they kissed?" (For my Blitz and Stolas)
Their fingers were laced together, the heat of their palms making Stolas' heart skip furiously in his chest. He swears he could feel it rattling his bones. Why was he so nervous? Perhaps because everything was so tender. He felt like anything he said or did could cause this castle of glass to shatter. And he would be the one to stand in the ruins, the culprit at heart. He dispels the thoughts and brings himself back to the present, flashing Blitz a small smile when the assassin lifts his head to glance his way.
This was supposed to be a reunion; an attempt at something casual, something smaller than the way it all started. A date. A simple outing, sharing space, sharing affections to some extent, with no obligations for anything further. Everything was tentative. Aside from the occasional swish of Blitz's tail, Stolas could hardly read him. Meanwhile, the prince was sure every little kaleidoscope range of his emotions was making its rounds across his facial disc. How exactly he managed to play it all off to well in the face of nobility, he would never understand.
Keen senses pick up a familiar, jovial tune. Vermillion eyes blink as Stolas turns his head in directions before finalizing where it came from. Without much thought, he grips Blitz' hand firmly in his own and pulls him along. In the streets performs a small band where some of the passerby and audience members dance or clap. With a soft, entertained trill, Stolas guides Blitz into the giddy dance. It's pace was swift but the steps were simple, and of course, he had an excellent partner to lead.
Lost somewhere in the music and the half-hearted complaints of the imp, Stolas throws caution to the wind. He captures Blitz mid-sentence, kissing him deeply. By then, the song is coming to an end, and he slowly offers space, awestruck by his own actions.
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madefate · 6 months
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so, like, why clowning ?
some worldbuilding headcanons about imps & clowning ! cw for mentions of classism ( fantasy, but still ) that also borders on racism ( fantasy but STILL and i'm trying not to touch that as much as i can ).
let's get out of the way that viv just seems to really love a good circus theme - like, yeah, okay, it's everywhere. we can understand that as an aesthetic choice, and then dig into why it's interesting and honestly, why it fits! because it does fit.
o1. wow, it's brutal out here.
hell is not kind to imps. it's explicitly in the text of the show that imps are not well respected or privileged within hell, and widely held that they actively hold the position of the bottom of the social ladder. specifically, we know that economically there's very little room for mobility - see, striker's it's rare to see an imp start their own business. we also see the assumptions and prejudice faced outside of wrath, see the waiting room scene in western energy, and striker's monologue about hard lives in the same episode.
entertainment in general is not a vein that is even particularly conducive for imps, just one where they can succeed. the most famous performers that we see in the hellaverse are angel, a mortal sinner, vox and alastor, mortal overlords, verosika, a hellborn succubus, and ozzie and mammon themselves, deadly sins. even the performers at mammon's contest aren't exclusively imps - most of them are just another form of hellborn, and the glam sisters in particular seem to come from envy and have money behind them.
fizz is unequivocally the most famous imp performer, and most famous imp in general, that we see. even in the flashbacks, the buckzo circus was billed as the all imp circus - indicating that it's not a common practice.
given how hard it is to find a foothold in economic and social mobility, it makes sense that the one venue we do see it in, performing, is extremely important.
o2. i've ( don't ) got the magic
thus far, imps and hellhounds are the only beings in hell that we've seen without any access to magic. even sinners are granted some inherent power and we see that increase dramatically if they gain power as an overlord. it is, simply put, hard to stand out in a world where some people can snap their fingers and conjure up the most incredible displays, or even just neatly get the job done.
a lot of the social / economic mobility we see for imps comes from their willingness to put in the work. I.M.P. has access to the living world, which is not unheard of but rare, but they are also willing to hunt down a target and get blood on their hands on behalf of those who can't get to the living world (and we know the other ways to access that living world are rare and expensive). striker also does assassination work - but largely for those who are simply not a position to get the job done themselves.
we explicitly see how hard fizz works to have the station and reputation he does - how much pressure he puts on himself to be perfect. in the flashbacks, we see that blitz & fizz (and barbie presumably) are already performing real shows at the age of five or six, and cash is already putting an enormous amount of pressure on fizz as one of his highest earners and biggest draws. it would be a lot easier to attract attention or create these entertaining displays if you have access to magic - or at least MONEY for a better tent, better costumes, better special effects.
so to succeed as a clown as an imp? you have to be very, very good. the pressure is always on, which leads me to -
o3. you're simply the best
when you're working with a deck that's not nearly as stacked as everyone else's, you have to be on top of your fucking game, no questions. the reason fizzarolli wins that contest every year, the reason why he's the face of mammon's brand, is because he's so utterly charismatic - a real showman. magic and pyrotechnics may get you some fancy spectacle, but there's no replacement for being an absolute fucking delight with a killer joke and banger music and a natural rapport with the crowd.
it's why, even if blitz wasn't as skilled as fizz - or at least TOLD he wasn't - his acrobatic skills are above and beyond. those circus instincts come in handy on a daily basis - he has to be quick thinking, fast on his feet, able to improv and roll with the punches, able to distract someone with patter and banter, and yeah - he needs some Sick Flips.
he holds a little shame that he never really pursued a clowning career, mostly because it was such a fundamental part of his life for the entirety of his formative years. he didn't LOVE it - in fact, he was deeply disillusioned by first his father and then mammon - and it only got worse as he got older, but we see on screen how much the idea of performing can send him into a spiral - and how much it means to him if he succeeds.
when you can hold your own against people you're told are better than you, it means a hell of a lot - it's a source of pride, a way to make a life, and an unwitting tradition among some circles of imps.
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