#like the necessity of communication or boundary setting
aro-culture-is · 5 months
Aro culture is wanting to scream at your friend to just dump their hateful racist asshole boyfriend, while at the same time knowing that they won't listen to you because they are in love and apparently, that erases their ability for critical thinking
While also not saying any of that because it would be rude
A "hateful racist asshole boyfriend" sounds ripe for a situation in which your friend could be dating someone actively grooming them for domestic abuse.
In those cases, individuals often already have poor boundary control, and it's not the critical thinking actually missing: it's the security that creating boundaries doesn't mean losing someone who they feel cares about them. Judgements on their ability to "think clearly" are both misplaced and encouraged by the abusers, as worsening self esteem leads to an abuse victim seeking comfort... often from the abuser.
I think it's very, very important to recognize that the best thing you can do for them is to be there, continually reaffirm that they can always tell you anything, and rather than pressure them to break up... ask them to tell you about the relationship. You can guide them to red flags, but also try to present possible communication elements. There are guides online by great resources talking about how to best support these conversations.
And, of course, it's always possible it is simply that your friend actually is racist and they put up with the behavior because of that. It's not hard for some bigots to find an in through less overt bigotry. But I strongly encourage folks to realize that "in love with no capacity for critical thought" is a very dangerous warning sign that someone may be unable to recognize healthy boundaries, and worse - to recognize unhealthy boundaries.
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yavin42 · 4 months
some people love to pit black sails and ofmd against each other for a weird and unfounded battle over pirate show supremacy. but apart from the tonal differences and totally different perspectives of their main themes, and the fact that it doesn’t diminish either shows to recognise the other, it seems to me that in ofmd there are numerous quotes and appreciative nods to black sails in both dramaturgy and minor details (despite their differing genres) that make clear that it’s not the intention to be the “better queer pirate show” that some fans seem to read from it as an act of insolence but a recognition of the great work that at least in some way paved the road for their show. ofmd is in itself a transformative work both in it being in a way like fan fiction and its consistent commitment to giving tropes of incredibly popular genres of fiction (both the adventure/pirate story and the rom com - genres that come with a whole force of normative power) a different spin and a new reading.
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cy-cyborg · 2 months
We have communities - Writing disability quick tips
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So often, stories centred on disabled characters, especially in modern settings, emphasise how lonely or isolated the character is because of their disability, especially if it’s a newly acquired disability or one that non-disabled people assume would have a big impact on our ability to do “fun stuff”. This will often be accompanied by statements of “no-one understands what living with [insert disability here]” is like!
And while isolation and loneliness are things a lot of disabled people deal with, a lot of us are not completely alone either, especially in the modern day.
Just like any group of people with shared experiences, we find one another. Sometimes this is through formal systems; some spinal rehabilitation centres for example, will pair newly paralysed people up with a mentor who’s had a similar form of paralysis for much longer to help guide the person while the adjust to their new disability. Other more formal systems can look like disability sporting organisations - the one I used to work for used to specifically encourage very newly disabled people to join so they didn’t feel like the had to learn everything about their disability alone, or support groups.
Other times though, these communities are much less formal. They may look like online forums, such as the ones on Reddit, built by and for disabled people to talk about their experiences and seek recommendations from others in the same boat, or parts of larger social media sites. For example, on Tumblr, there aren’t really any formal groups, but thanks to the hashtags we use in our posts, we often find one another fairly quickly there. We sometimes also carve out our own little subsections of fandom or hobby spaces, brought together by the shared interest itself, how things like disability might impact the way you interpret or interact with it, and how we can modify it (in the case of hobbies) to make it work for us.
A lot of disability communities, formal or otherwise, also form out of necessity, such as advocacy groups run by and for disabled people, and those built around ensuring the rights of disabled people are protected.
Isolation and loneliness are problems within the disabled community that many of us deal with, but this tends to be more in the context of isolation from the wider public, exclusion from public spaces and events (despite there being laws that are supposed to stop this because they’re often not enforced), disconnect from non-disabled friends and family, etc, most of which are the result of systematic issues or the lack of understanding or care and support from non-disabled people in our lives. Not always, but often.
The communities made by and for disabled people though are often (at least in part) made to help make up for this, and they’re more common than you might think, you just have to know where to look. It would be nice to see more creators reflecting this in their work a bit more often, or at least acknowledging that they are there, even if your character chooses not to engage with them.
However, as a reminder to authors and creatives: These communities, especially the online ones, are for disabled people, they are not there for you to use as a reference as a creator. Some communities are ok with you being there to learn, so long as you listen and don’t try to speak over/bombard their members with questions. Others are not. The ones that are, typically will have something written somewhere if it’s online (e.g. subreddits that accept writers wanting to write disabled characters will often have it written in the “about” section or the rules). There are also dedicated groups and platforms for non-disabled people seeking to learn more about us and our communities, which can be excellent resources for creatives like writers. Just remember to be mindful of where you are and respectful of people’s spaces and boundaries when doing your research.
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breelandwalker · 4 months
Wolf Moon - January 24-25, 2024
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Shake off the cold and sing to the sky, witches - it's time for the Wolf Moon!
Wolf Moon
The Wolf Moon is the name given to the full moon which occurs in the month of January. The name is said to be derived from the sound of wolves howling with hunger while prey is scarce in the midst of winter. Given that we now know that wolves howl mostly for communication, my personal opinion is that people huddled in their homes during a very dark and dangerous time of year probably noticed these sounds a lot more readily with little else to occupy their time as they waited out the winter, and thus were set to worrying about ravenous beasts invading their villages and farmsteads. (It's worth noting that wolves preying on livestock was a very real concern for most people outside major cities for many centuries, so this isn't entirely unfounded.)
The name also calls to mind the howling of the wind during winter storms, or whistling around the eaves during the long cold nights. And for those of us who might not have been careful with our spending over the holidays, I might cite a tongue-in-cheek reference to the wolves being at the door when those credit card bills come due.
[For those not familiar with the phrase, to have "a wolf at the door" is a saying that refers to some imminent hardship or disaster. In modern parlance, this is usually applied to poor finances or looming bankruptcy.]
This month, the moon peaks at 12:54pm EST on January 25th, so the moon will likely appear to be full on the nights of the 24th and 25th, depending on where you are in the world.
Some North American indigenous names for the month of January and its' moon are Cold Moon (Cree), Center Moon (Assiniboine), Severe Moon (Dakota), Ice Moon (Catawba), and Spirit Moon (Ojibwe). Other names include Mantis Moon (South African origins), Quiet Moon (Celtic), and Moon After Yule (Anglo-Saxon).
What Does It Mean For Witches?
As a new year dawns, it's time for rest and reflection before we set out on the next phase of our journey. While the cold weather lingers, take some time to sit by the fire, literally or metaphorically, and take stock of where you stand, what resources are available, and what you plan to do with them.
Check in with your near-and-dear following the mad rush of the holiday season as well. Make sure that friends, family, and community members around you are doing all right. Offer support and kindness where you can, but don't overextend yourself. It's your time to recuperate too, and it is good and healthy to set boundaries which allow time and space for yourself.
What Witchy Things Can We Do?
Winter is a prime time for storytelling. Back in the days before internet or television or radio, people would often read to each other or tell tales to pass the time. Consider re-reading a favorite book that inspires you or exploring some region of folklore or mythology you've been meaning to look into. If you have children who are of an age to enjoy stories, read them some of your favorites or introduce them to something new. Share stories and discussions with your witchy circle too!
While you're at it, take a moment to examine the role that folklore and stories play in your practice. If you subscribe to a particular mythos, be it through deities or just general belief, consider which parts of it resonate the most with you and why.
Consider also the lessons of the winter season - the necessity of rest between periods of growth and activity, and the role of death, cold, and darkness in the natural cycles of life. What do these things mean to you and your practice? Are they a source of fear or fascination? Do you come alive in the winter or bundle up and wait for spring? How can you best remind yourself to pause for breath as the year goes on?
And of course, the beginning of a new year is an excellent time for goal-setting and divination. You're making resolutions for your mundane life, so make a few for your craft while you're at it, and pull out your cards or runes or pendulum for a New Year forecast on how things might go.
Happy Wolf Moon, witches! 🐺🌕
Bree's Lunar Calendar Series
Bree's Secular Celebrations Series
Wolf Moon: Full Moon in January, The Old Farmer's Almanac.
Full Moon January 2024: Discover the Wolf's Thrilling Spiritual Meaning, The Peculiar Brunette.
Moon Info - Full Moon Dates for 2024
Calendar-12 - 2024 Moon Phases
Image Source: What Is A Wolf Moon?, The Fact Site.
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femdomliterature · 2 months
FemLit 0589 - How to train a male slave & How to get trained as a male slave?
Credits: https://sanaslave.tumblr.com/ I thought I had overcome this feeling, but lately, I’ve been again disheartened with FLR stuff online. I recently saw a post with over 32k+ notes on Tumblr on “How to train your slave?” That post mentioned stuff like:
It is absolutely mandatory to lock your man in a cage. Chastity cage is an absolute necessity.
Humiliate him. Make sure you degrade him. This way he will strive for better. Additionally, it will affirm your superiority.
Tease and Deny him. Unless you tease him, you aren’t doing it right.
Ruined Orgasms. All his orgasms must be ruined. If he will have orgasms, he will not feel submissive and he will take 2 weeks to get back into his zone.
Emasculate him.
Make him feel used
And on and on and on…..
Now, imagine a newbie sub trying to learn about Female Led Relationships
and explore his kinks. He will look at such articles and these articles will feed his brain about his training process. He is going to get conditioned in such a way that the only way for him to submit would be when his kinks are satisfied. He will develop expectations from his future Dom that she is going to train him by undertaking similar measures as mentioned above.
He will develop a mental image of how his FLR is going to look like. When he does not experience this mental image in real life, he is going to put pressure on his girlfriend/wife to be a “good dom”. According to him, a good Dom would be one who caters to his kinks and fetishes. FLR would be revolving around his kinks instead of Her needs. No wonder why so many men “Top from the Bottom”.
Another reason for massive widespread BS is that the majority of the audience of these blogs and articles is Men, Horny Men, who are looking forward to reading erotic Femdom stuff in the name of “Educational articles”. These men would just read stuff that will seem erotic to them, they are not going to stick to articles that are sensible.
These men then share these articles to their wives or partners in the name of “Femdom Education” and women get freaked out! We women think rationally. We imagine why a man would need to be trained based on kinks? Why his submission is contingent on fantasies? If I can dominate without sex in the picture, why can’t a man submit without it?
Just like “Unconditional Love”, why has no one talked about “Unconditional  Submission”?
Below I’m going to mention stuff that actually leads to the training of a slave. These are the things that I have implemented in my Female Led Relationship and these are an absolute necessity:
Communication – No relationship, whether FLR or vanilla, can exist without proper communication. I have specifically ordered my slave to keep an open communication with me. I am not going to tolerate any hideous signals in his conversations. Whatever he feels should be expressed. I have also made sure to never judge him and always support him. No one is a mind reader.
Respecting boundaries.
Adapting to each other – Just like he has to adapt to my ways of leading the relationship, I also had to tweak my training methods to train him. One approach cannot fit all. This adds to my point using kinks as training tool. How can this approach be appropriate for training all submissive men in the world? You need to communicate and adapt. My slave himself told me his thought process and how he analyses things. He gave me insights into his mind to make my work easy.
Setting the right expectations – I already talked a little about this above. My slave also began his journey by reading BS articles but luckily he was intellectual enough to unlearn stuff and start focussing on just sensible things.
Taking feedbacks – Absolute necessity for both – Doms and subs. You aren’t going to be the perfect Dom and he isn’t going to be the perfect sub if you both don’t talk about the shortcomings of each other.
Supporting each other – Our first scene was not perfect. I was a bit nervous. But he supported me because he knew my mental stage. Similarily, His first nailpaint session was not perfect because he had never held a nailpaint before. But I was supportive. Being supportive instead of discouraging goes a long way.
Psychological conditioning and behavioural modification – I have already talked about it detail here.
These are the things that I believe are absolutely necessary for training a Long Term Male Slave. Kinks are a part of FLR and can definitely be used as bait, but they are surely not permanent tools for training.
Additonal Thoughts :
I want my slave’s submission to be as natural as his love for me. Just like his love is not dependent on my weight (whether I’m fat or thin), the way I look (dolled up or in baggy clothes) etc; his submission should also not be dependent on how I dress, tease and denial, sexual fantasies, chastity etc.
If he cannot serve me without a chastity cage or if he cannot serve me after a full orgasm, is he even actually submissive? Is his submission so fragile that it would go away with such petty things? His submission should be foundational. He should want to serve me because he wants to see me as a Goddess. He should serve me because he wants to make my life easier. He should submit because he actually is submissive and not just because of some submissive fantasies.
When I would encounter his heartfelt and true submission, I myself would want to reward him and cater to his kinky fantasies. I myself would want to tease and deny him. Since he would keep me so happy and satisfied, I myself would want to return to him and treat him the way he wants to be treated.
Since he has already told me his fantasies and weaknesses, I would use them as bait to train him. I would misuse (consensually) them to make him a better person, a better partner and a better slave.
I’m sure that only a minority will read this post till the end and it is not going to get as much reach as kinky articles, but I’m not going to stop spreading positivity and awareness about Female Led Relationships.
Until next time :)
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bluestar22x · 3 months
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The Outcast - Falling
Summary: There is beauty in the heart of winter, especially when shared with someone special
Pairing: Pero Tovar x F!Reader
Rating: 18+
Word Count: 3,300 (ish)
Warnings: Longing, hard on and masturbation implied (not explicit), violence towards a rabbit (sorry buddy, they've got to eat)
Author’s Note: Not going to lie, I had a hard time getting this one out into words, but I did it. Also not going to lie, I listened to "Can you feel the love tonight" by Elton John to set the mood while writing this.
Of the many things that had eluded Pero in his time, peace was one of the most evasive. It had once been a friend when he was a child, innocent of the harsh realities outside his family's homestead, but it slowly wandered away from him as he was exposed to the world beyond, and it had finally fled him the year he'd lost his entire family.
It only worsened when he became a mercenary out of pure necessity, no longer haunted only by events he could not have prevented.
At times, even in war, the world could be serene, but not for Pero, whose thoughts darkened whenever they were left to roam with nothing else to turn to.
He had learned to hate complete silence. As much as he sometimes groaned over William's waffling, in the end it had helped ease his mind, fill it with anything but what the monster at the back of his head wished for him to focus on. Being around his friend had made life a little more tolerable.
It was different with you. You hardly spoke most days, unless you deemed it necessary. You seemed to thrive on it, the silence, and at first Pero envied you, until he stumbled into peace once more.
Sometime in the dead of winter he found it again, discovering it had not been as far out of his grasp as he'd once thought. It had just taken some coaxing, luring out by the nature of the way you lived and the nature that surrounded you.
In many ways living with you reminded him of his childhood. After over two decades he found himself once more secluded, left to focus on his basic needs and the needs of the animals he found himself caring for.
Many of his fellow mercenaries would have found it boring compared to the thrill of battle, one he'd had a love/hate relationship with, but he'd surprisingly settled well back into the lifestyle once he'd given it a chance.
In truth, this life could never be dull. Even with your quiet, even with your consistent schedule, the animals would not let it be so. On any given day a goat may escape its paddock or a horse might find itself tangled up in something (the latest had been Thor's nasty run in with some fallen branches from a hawthorn tree after he'd jumped the boundary of his pasture again).
Even when they weren't busy escaping, the animals sometimes got into trouble other ways or caused mischief.
You had one particular event you liked to remind him of most, to taut him with, on those days you were feeling playful. He'd been assisting you with the feeding of your billy goats one morning when the youngest, the almost pure white one who was appropriately named Trouble, came up behind him and gave him a good, literal nip on the butt for no apparent reason other than being a goat. Even with the padding of his pants between his skin and the goat's teeth it had still left Pero sore for days, not that he had admitted it to you. No, you had enough fuel from seeing his face when it had occurred. Had been thrown into a fit of laughter over it many times since, to his dismay.
Despite his grievances with that particular goat, he did find plenty of pleasant times amongst them, even smiling on occasion at their daily antics when you weren't looking, of course.
While he kept that side of himself hidden from you, and you kept pieces of yourself from him, you still both learned much about each other by just being in close proximity.
You'd learned enough to be able to communicate with each other without spoken word, something that became invaluable during your hunts together.
It was especially useful on the days when voices easily echoed through the forest.
On one such day, when the air was crisp and the sun bright, you walked your horses in single file through the thick forest a quarter mile from your cottage, the snow almost up to your boots before the horses plowed through. Pero was in saddle on Thor and you were bareback on Clover as you often were. With your knowledge of the area Pero always let you lead, not that he really had any power to choose. You were strong willed and used to getting your way. His presence had not done anything to change that. He wouldn't have wanted it to anyway; his respect for you was too great.
About an hour into the hunt you abruptly halted Clover and looked over your shoulder at him, head angled downward. He followed the gesture and glanced at the ground by her mare's front feet. After peering at the spot for a few seconds he noticed what she had. Rabbit footprints. A trail of them that happened to follow the same path you both were on, though the much smaller creature had been able to hop along without sinking into the snow.
He gave you a nod to assure you he'd seen the same thing and pulled the bow he was carrying off his back as well as an arrow from a quiver that he had strapped over his shoulder. It was yours, but you allowed him borrow it whenever he joined you on hunts. You had a matching one, except yours was more lightweight. Yours was spread out on your lap, your arrows on your hip inside a smaller quiver.
You encouraged Clover to very slowly push through the snow as you watched for the rabbit to appear ahead and Pero did the same with Thor. When your eyes set on a fallen log in the path, the white rabbit appeared from behind it.
Pero saw you tense up and scanned ahead, eyes locking on the rabbit in a matter of a second or two. He had time to lift his bow into position and nock an arrow before you could, only by a moment, but it was long enough for him to fire on the creature.
The arrow landed at the animal's hind feet and it bolted, startled by the near miss. Pero cursed loudly over his lousy shot, but you kept your cool, still eying the rabbit and moving with it as it put distance between you both.
It felt entirely too long to Pero, but it was just enough before you released your arrow and sent it flying right into the rabbit's chest, instantly rendering it lifeless, its body flopping over on a patch of bare stone.
You glanced back at him with a smug expression on your face, eyebrows hiked up.
He scowled at you. "Lucky shot."
"It's called skill, Pero," you boasted, a broad smile plastered on your face.
Sometimes you reminded him of William. William had been almost supernaturally good at archery, and you weren't too far behind. Neither of you were humble about it.
He wouldn't admit it, but he was thoroughly impressed by you, even though being far outdone by yet another person wounded his ego. I ought to stick to swords, he thought bitterly.
"You're just mad a woman is better at something than you are," you added as you dismounted to collect the dead animal.
You weren't entirely wrong. It did sting more, but it wasn't the only reason. Pero knew he was generally a sore loser. As far as he was concerned though, it was useful. He was certain he'd survived many a battle out of his pure unwillingness to be showed up by opposing soldiers and mercenaries.
You squatted to snatch the limp rabbit up by its hind legs and approached him, nodding to the saddlebag attached to his saddle by a couple tie down straps.
He unbuckled the flap that closed the bag and opened it up so you could stuff the rabbit's body inside it.
"You wouldn't need to use mine if you had yours," Pero said pointedly, still not understanding why she hardly used her saddle. She'd once told him it was for warmth, to share body heat with her mare, but the weather that day could hardly be called bitter.
"I never do," she told him. "I could easily swing the body over Clover's neck with a rope. But then I'd risk losing the meat while racing you back."
He had no time to react to her words before she swung back up onto Clover's back and kicked her sides, sending her into a reckless canter through the forest, along the same trail they'd just stomped out.
Thor pranced in place, yearning to run as well, and Pero muttered to himself about how pointless it was to do so before letting his reins loose anyway, giving the stallion permission to bolt down the path after you both.
He'd never done this before. Let his horse run for the sake of it, and as wayward branches smacked him in the chest and face he was quickly reminded why. Moving at such speeds could be dangerous and it was an unnecessary waste of energy for any horse about to see battle or any that were recovering from one.
Neither was the case for Thor that day, and when the trees gave way to field Pero suddenly forgot all his other concerns.
He could see you several lengths ahead, flying head long into the soft morning breeze on Clover's wide back, the horse kicking up powder as she threw herself into a gallop, albeit a slow one due to the snow not being quite trampled down enough to prevent her from sinking into it.
He couldn't see much of you besides your winter coat as he trailed behind you, but for a moment you had your head thrown back, nose pointed to the sky, and he could sense the joy, imagine the wide grin on your face. It made his lips curl up and his heart skip in a way he could not explain if someone had asked him to.
He urged Thor into a pace that would allow him to keep up, and felt the same kind of thrill you were likely experiencing bubbling up in his chest. The rush of adrenaline one gets when you take a risk, not for survival, but for the hell of it. He'd experienced it plenty enough during his youth to remember what it felt like. It was a more than welcome feeling after so long.
He'd almost caught up with you when the cottage came into view and you started to slow Clover down, though the horse was hardly breathless. Pero pulled Thor up beside you, face neutral, once more hiding the side of him he'd deemed soft from you.
"Rabbit stew?" you inquired, a smile still adorning your face. "My grandmother created a recipe in her twenties that's to die for."
He grunted. "If you intend to fatten me up so I cannot leave come spring, your family's secrets are indeed the best route to success."
You chortled at his comment, and he almost laughed too. Almost.
"Amma's famous rabbit stew it is."
Pero ate so much rabbit stew for both his meals that day that he fell asleep by the fire after the last, waking only after the night was in full force. There was a blanket draped over him that hadn't been there before and he smiled slightly at the thought of you taking the time to shield his body from the chill that often found its way into your home after dark. You were always looking after him like that, even though you didn't need to, even though he was very capable of taking care of himself.
He liked that about you most, your selflessness. The kind that led you to care for a stranger, though you were hardly strangers by then, were you? At least not anymore.
Pero stood with a groan, his stiff, aching back and knees ever reminding him of his last two decades spent in battle and on horseback.
He glanced around the cottage for you, but you weren't there, and he wondered if it was early enough that you were still out feeding the animals. He donned his coat and made his way outside, surprised by the calm, stillness of the night. Usually night meant bitter wind.
The weather was not all he was surprised by.
Instead of being behind or in the barn, you were out in the field in front of the cottage, your upper body lying flat on Clover's bare back, though your butt and legs were still properly positioned for riding. Pero trudged your way, wondering what in God's name you were doing on your horse so late at night, until he got close enough to see that you were gazing up at the clear sky above you, studying the thousands of shining white specks, stars, that were spread across its midnight blue.
The peace in your expression almost made him turn back, not wanting to spoil your alone time, but something had him rooted to the ground he was standing upon a few yards from you, watching, taking in the view. Not of the sky, but of you. Your silhouette blended with Clover's in the dark, as if you'd morphed into a very flexible centaur, and he realized then that you did not ride bareback just for shared warmth, but also because of the oneness you felt with her when the saddle wasn't present. Clover was always more responsive to you when you left the saddle in the barn. She could read you better, as you could her.
His conclusion had Pero scrambling to recall the last time he'd felt at one with anything or anyone, but his mind blanked out. Though he'd been close to other people emotionally, had experienced physical intimacy of every kind, spiritual closeness had evaded him as well as he'd avoided devotion to any religion.
He had never yearned for that kind of connection until that night, as he observed yours with Clover and to the world around you. He could have watched you all night, lived vicariously through you.
You felt him near you before he could.
"Beautiful night," you declared, only just loud enough for him to hear. You did not turn your head to look at him, you just kept on talking, your eyes still focused on the heavens above. "It's not often it's clear enough to stargaze in the winter. I could not resist."
He cleared his throat. "No need to resist because of my presence. I will leave you to it and return to the cottage, if I am to presume the animals are already fed?"
You nodded confirmation that they were and sat upright, using nothing but your core strength to do it, and he had to adjust himself in his pants before you looked his way, aroused by your motion. If anyone asked, he could not deny his attraction to you, but he knew he could not act on it. You had shown no sign of feeling the same towards him, and he was your guest, so he dealt with his discomfort however he could when you weren't near enough to overhear him.
"I'd rather you join me for a ride," you said as your eyes fell upon him.
He arched his brows. "At this time of night?"
"I want to see if the dancing lights are out," you explained.
"Dancing lights?" Pero was lost. He had no idea what you were talking about.
"It's worth the trip to the top of the mountain," you promised. "Trust me."
Who was he to resist your plea?
He agreed to the ride and headed for the pasture, leading Thor out by his mane.
You frowned as you rode Clover over to the fence line. "Aren't you going to get your saddle?"
Pero stood at Thor's shoulder and readied himself to climb on, using a large rock to give him a little extra height. As tall as he was, he hadn't tried this in a long time and mounting from the ground with stirrups was already difficult enough for him.
“Not tonight,” he replied shortly, swinging up on his steed. It wasn't easy, even with the assist from the stone. He almost slipped back off by Thor's shoulder, but managed to cling on and straighten himself out, though his grunts of effort probably could have been heard for a mile. At least you seemed amused by his lack of grace, choking on the laugh bubbling up in your chest. As embarrassed as he was, Pero liked the sound of your laughter.
You forced a cough, trying to compose yourself, then silently guided him away from the farm, starting up the steepest side of the mountain, without any supplies.
He followed you hesitantly, praying a sudden storm would not form.
You rode towards the top of the mountain with a relaxed confidence, only occasionally twisting around to make sure Pero was still close behind.
He hung back a few yards, attempting to appear at ease, but you could tell your impromptu trip had spiked some anxiety within him. You wondered how much was because of who he was and how much was from his near death experience.
You felt an unexplainable twinge as you thought back to the fateful day that you'd found him. If you had never known him, if you'd been too late or hadn't stumbled upon him, you wouldn't know who you were missing, but you did know him, and there was pain in knowing how close you'd been to not sharing your life with him.
It was dangerous to your heart, thinking in such a manner, but even if all you could ever be were friends, even if he left in the spring and you never saw him again, you knew you wouldn't trade this winter with him for anything. Wouldn't trade the moment that came next as you crested your mountain and the rest of the chain it belonged to materialized into view, all eight of its companions snow capped and massive in their own right, most even taller than the one you'd claimed as yours.
But it wasn't the mountain range's beauty that you focused on that night - it was the glowing, dancing, green wavy lights in the sky that kissed a few of the other peaks.
You'd witnessed them a few times each winter since you'd moved into the cottage, but the lights never failed to cause you to catch your breath, to marvel at the beauty of it. You did not know why they only sometimes formed at night during the winter, why they formed at all, but you didn't need to know to enjoy the view.
"Do you have these lights in the south?" you asked Pero as Thor came to a stop alongside Clover.
"We do not," he answered, studying the sky before him, eyes narrowed, as if he were trying to figure out the source of the mysterious lights. "But I have heard of these lights before, from other mercenaries."
"Aren't they magical?" you questioned dreamily, staring ahead.
You heard him huff. "Magic does not exist. Just because we do not understand it doesn't make it supernatural."
"That's not the kind of magic I'm talking about," you told him, glancing in his direction. "I meant the kind of magic that we know has an explanation, even if we have not figured it out yet, but is still wondrous to us anyway. Like how a babe grows in their mother's womb, or how sometimes the ground shakes for no apparent reason. Episteme will not change the feeling I have every time I am blessed with witnessing these lights."
Pero nodded in understanding. "They are indeed, wondrous."
You glanced over to him again, finding his eyes on you instead of the lights, and your heart pounded in your chest as he smiled at you briefly. A real smile that filled your belly with warmth.
You wondered then if he felt the same for you as you did him, or if you were reading into things too much. If you were simply just a friend to him, a sister, maybe, or something more. You were too afraid to ask. Too convinced it didn't matter.
After all, come spring he would part from you, and you'd be alone once more.
You couldn't see the benefit in exposing yourself to that kind of heartbreak.
You wouldn't admit to yourself you'd already fallen.
Tagged: @elegantduckturtle @harriedandharassed
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judasrpc · 8 months
a collection of character development questions based on the arcana and their themes !! this is part of a collection of tarot-themed asks. if multi, please specify which muse(s) the question is directed toward !!
[PAGE] - Are they an explorer? If so, what kinds of places have they traveled to recently? Do they have any preferences for the types of places they visit?
[PAGE, REVERSED] - Have they gone on a journey/exploration that they disliked? If so, why did they dislike the journey?
[ACE] - Are they a creative? If so, what types of things do they do? Are they a painter? A writer? Do they make music?
[ACE, REVERSED] - Do people consider them punctual? Are they punctual, or do they tend to be late?
[TWO] - What is the most notable discovery they have made? Was it something new, or something they just didn't know?
[TWO, REVERSED] - Do they fear the unknown, and prefer staying within their comfort zone?
[THREE] - Do they embrace the unknown, and make an effort to leave their comfort zone?
[THREE, REVERSED] - Is their sense of self-preservation strong, or do they take action without a regard to its impact on them?
[FOUR] - Are they involved with their community? If so, how are they involved?
[FOUR, REVERSED] - Are they isolated from their community? If so, why?
[FIVE] - How do they react to a tense situation? Do they try to cut the air, or do they back off?
[FIVE, REVERSED] - How do they release tension? What types of tension do they hold onto (physical, emotional, etc.?)
[SIX] - Can they confidently speak in front of a crowd/in public? If so, what kind of talks would they/do they give?
[SIX, REVERSED] - Do others consider them to be "on a high horse"? Are they prideful? If so, how do they express that?
[SEVEN] - Is there someone/something they're protective of? If so, what are they protecting from?
[SEVEN, REVERSED] - Is there someone/something they feel they aren't protecting enough? If so, what do they believe they could do better?
[EIGHT] - Is there a person or commitment that they dedicated themselves to? If so, who/what?
[EIGHT, REVERSED] - Are they easily frustrated? What tends to make them frustrated, regardless of how easy/difficult it is to frustrate them?
[NINE] - Do they set boundaries with people? If so, does the act come easy to them, or do they have difficulty setting boundaries?
[NINE, REVERSED] - Are they a defensive person? Do they often feel the need to justify setting boundaries/making decisions?
[TEN] - What/who are they responsible for? Do they feel like they have a choice in this responsibility, or is it out of necessity?
[TEN, REVERSED] - Do they internalize their stress? If so, do they try to manage the weight on their shoulders, or do they bottle it up until they explode?
[KNIGHT] - Are they a high-energy or low-energy person? How does that impact the way they communicate with others?
[KNIGHT, REVERSED] - Do others consider them reckless? Do they consider themselves reckless? Are there any behaviors that support or contradict these perceptions?
[QUEEN] - How do they inspire confidence in others? Are they good at giving pep talks?
[QUEEN, REVERSED] - Do they experience mood swings? If so, what does their typical swing look like? Do they start high and end low? Do they find themselves quickly irritable?
[KING] - Have they considered starting their own business, be it aligned with their current work or from a hobby? Do they already have their own business?
[KING, REVERSED] - Do others consider them selfish? Do they consider themselves selfish? Are there any behaviors that support or contradict these perceptions?
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dimdiamond · 3 months
What are some of your favourite Tintin headcanons? Whether that be about Tintin himself, the albums, his relationships or just any other character :)
OH I HAVE MANY OF THEM!!! I am afraid this would be a looooong post so I will put headcanons about Tintin and his relationship with some characters under the cut!
Many maybe won't agree with this but I headcanon him as not being fluent in languages. He tries really hard to learn them but he has difficulty and even after studying them he's more comfortable to listen than speak in this language. The reason he has managed to communicate with other foreigners is because they know French (as French was a worldwide language at least before WW2).
He LOVES comics and picture books but he's ashamed of buying them or asking them from the library so he always mixes them with more serious books and magazines to get them unnoticed. In the early stage of living in Marlinespike mansion he hid them (although the rest eventually found out, after Haddock having suspected that Tintin might have a secret investigation going on and Calculus and Nestor having suspected that he just hid porn magazines or something) but gradually he let himself enjoy his hobby freely, finally feeling comfortable and safe.
Tintin and Milou
They're both coquettish but Milou is more than Tintin and Tintin is reminded of this everytime Milou refuses to wear any other collar except the most fancy one.
The first period Tintin had Milou he tried to discipline him but gave up and let his puppy sleep with him on his bed. When eventually Milou wanted his space and started sleeping in his own basket (or other random places) the one who was sad wasn't the dog.
Tintin and the cat of Marlinespike
They're both cats, they needed time to get used to each other but now if you can't find the cat with Haddock, you'll find it with Tintin. Don't you dare separate them!
Tintin and Haddock
No matter what they will always say Good Morning and Goodnight. It's the only rule they have set between them and try to follow it every day. It happened gradually, having spent so many days together traveling and if not traveling talking on the phone, but after The Land of Black Gold, where it was the first time they separated since they met, it just felt like a necessity, to make sure the other is fine and well. Living together made it only easier for them to keep this up. And if one of them doesn't get to say one of the two it immediately means that something is wrong.
Their birthdays are one day apart (Tintin's on 10 January and Haddock's on 9 January) so they celebrate them together by blowing the candles on the birthday cake at midnight. They usually have a gathering with friends on 9 January and leave the 10th of January for something fun to do together. (I will stop here because I won't be able to shut up about them)
Tintin and Calculus
Tintin has mad respect for Calculus and always listens carefully to what he's saying and Calculus considers Tintin the only one who can actually keep up with his way of thinking but at the same time he can't keep up with Tintin's way of thinking so their interactions are mostly: Tintin absorbing all the infodump by Calculus/ Calculus worried but intrigued to see what Tintin will do (for example when he shows a new invention).
Calculus will never initiate a hug with Tintin (like he does with Haddock) because he knows Tintin has his boundaries and if he wants a hug or touching he will initiate it.
Tintin and Nestor
Nestor will never let Tintin alone in the kitchen no matter how much Tintin nags that he can manage well enough warming his milk. He doesn't. He put the kitchen in fire. (Note: not that Tintin can't handle a kitchen but Marlinespike mansion's kitchen is another story and till he got used to it he was careless and Nestor loves his kitchen alright).
Nestor kinda still feels bad for how their first meeting was (although when he gets pissed off with Tintin he remembers that time he hit his head longingly) but Tintin doesn't even count this time he got hit on his head by an old man as the list is long and frankly other bad guys deserve to be in the list than Nestor.
Tintin never asked things from Nestor during his visits and he kept this attitude the first period of his living in the mansion until Nestor had enough and started asking him what he wants (like "Do you want coffee or tea?", "Do you want me to add the towels in the laundry?"). Slowly Tintin got used to have someone doing the chores for him but never neglects saying "Thank you" to Nestor.
Tintin and Thompsons
They had a rough start but this was what made Tintin respect them and regard them as good policemen and detectives and now friends. The same goes for them as now they fully respect and admire Tintin. Tintin's secret is that he finds himself agreeing with them many times but he won't ever admit that as it would end up being embarrassing since their thoughts are proven false. But yes, this is why he is always open to hear their ideas and thoughts but won't comment on them until they are proven wrong or Haddock says his snarky comment. Tintin laughs but it's mostly of the thought "Oh, your comment made me see how this doesn't make sense, thank you". Nevertheless, Tintin likes to tease them too, as he likes to tease all his close friends.
Tintin and Chang
They exchange letters regularly and even more often after Tibet. When Chang starts traveling to the world and shares the news with Tintin, who has gradually lessened his trips, Tintin can't help but feel proud and happy for him (and a bit jealous but mostly because he misses his friend so every time after Chang's letter he starts planning with Haddock a visit to him).
After Tibet their friendship changes to one more sincere and equal, meaning that both are more open and honest with each other and see each other on the same level (because Chang always saw Tintin above him before that, idolizing him even). This leads to fighting but they always make up immediately. (I have a long post about my thoughts on them so I will stop here before it becomes too long)
Tintin and Castafiore
Of all the relationships, this might be the most "familial" that any other. Tintin likes opera but that's not the only reason he admires Castafiore. She is a strong woman with a loud personality but elegance and most of all a huge heart, even if she tends to love luxury way more than Tintin, and this heart was what made Tintin trust her and consider her a dear friend. Castafiore sees Tintin as most people won't dare to see Tintin, a young gentleman who needs to be protected and spoiled. Maybe she sees in him something of herself as she was young and proud and confident and she knows how desperately he needs to be reminded of his vulnerability. Whatever it is, Tintin lets her be, to the surprise of everyone, because he can't find himself being strict with her, in a way spoiling her in return.
They are both into messing up with Haddock and that's why Tintin not only lets her do it but mostly gets amused by this torment. Of course, it's because he knows there's no ill intention behind it. Tintin sees it as it really is, teasing between two much alike friends who otherwise would fight all day.
Tintin and Captain Chester
At first, Tintin didn't see Haddock's old friend with a good eye (mostly because he was afraid that Haddock would prefer the company of his old friend to his new friend) but he soon realised that in Chester he can see an ally and mostly a friend that he can catch up with his way of thinking. Without either of them realising, they share more common traits besides their mutual care for Haddock and they can read each other dangerously well.
The rare times they happen to meet and go to someplace where it's music, it's over, they will dance nonstop (they're both excellent dancers with a good sense of rhythm).
Tintin and Abdullah
I have mentioned before how much these two are alike but the thing is that neither of them sees it. They both refuse to back down and insist on the other to indulge them and their relationship only starts to get fixed with time, as Tintin changes his point of view regarding children and gets more sympathetic and more like "the adult who is here to understand the kid" and not "the adult whom the kid must listen to". Abdullah changes his opinion on Tintin too as he gets to learn him better. His pranks are aimed at Haddock, anyway.
I imagine when Abdullah is a teenager, he confides in Tintin and asks for advice on various matters and Tintin is more than eager to help him. (He wouldn't go to Haddock because it's embarrassing to go to your childhood crush for advice and such)
Tintin and Zorrino
Tintin gets really well with Zorrino but he doesn't realize it's mostly because Zorrino idolizes him and most probably is his first crush. As Zorrino gets older and gets over his childhood crush he can see Tintin as the older friend who can always count on. Tintin remains oblivious.
Zorrino keeps in touch with both Tintin and Haddock (the last one securing the boy's education and anything he needs for his life and he is ready to even host him in the mansion if he ever needs it) but mostly ends up exchanging letters with Haddock, something that makes Tintin evaluate again his relationship with kids and teenagers.
Tintin and Martine
After Martine getting rejected, they end up being besties who go to art exhibitions together, to shopping, to drinking cocktails, etc. Look, I just need Tintin to have a friend his age close to where he lives, especially a girl so they can do all the girly stuff he hesitated to do alone (like wearing dresses or talking about emotions- he's a repressed man, I am not making the rules). In return, Tintin helps her to stop basing her confidence on things like fortune-telling and boosts her confidence by teaching her how to demand what she deserves.
Tintin and Mrs. Flinch
He still stops from time to time at his old apartment building to check on his landlady and drink tea or coffee together while exchanging news. She always buys his newspaper and reads all his articles and writes down her thoughts to share them with him whenever he comes. Tintin will never say out loud how much he is grateful to her for all the help she had given him when he didn't even have a bed to sleep in because he can't find enough words to express that. Mrs. Flinch sees that through his visits.
Tintin and Jolyon Wagg
Tintin doesn't like him. Especially every time he comments on his bachelorhood.
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crushingcasanova · 5 days
Pros and Cons of being with me! >_<
Cute fashion sense
can contribute in intellectual conversation
can act and do other performative arts
sweet lover + romantic at heart
will brag about you a lot
can write + somewhat paint, you will be a muse
Very devoted and loyal
silly and is on tumblr
can and will make you jewelry
loves to send physical love letters and such
likes to give gifts
can sing semi decently
knows a lot of fandoms and stuffs so common interests are likely
Loves to listen to yapping but can also yap
Also okay with just existing in the same space with no obligation for talking (parallel play)
good relationship with family + friends
can articulate emotions and thoughts and introspect
emotionally and self aware
sweet friend (according to sol)
very supportive and cares deeply about close people
Has a plan for the future + goals
Motivated academically
doesn't mind deep convos or revealing personal lore
Communicative + open about issues
Loves taking notes and learning about darlings, usually in a shrine format (which you can see)
Will allow you to make choices about outfits, what to do, daily life, etc and values your opinion a lot
Possessive but not overbearingly so
Can adapt to any and all love types
Ambiamorous + willing to let you explore other partners within reason / with boundaries
chronically online
swaps from formal to cute to chill to low energy to high energy a lot
Not good at leading conversation
Recovering people pleaser but doing okay at it
Follower, not as much of a leader (unless out of necessity) 
Sometimes a bit reserved + closed off, would rather listen than overshare sometimes
Very careful about the perception of self in the eyes of others
Physically needs to know everything + every thought you have
Keeps busy a lot with games / painting / other media 
Spontaneous plans irl tend to spring out of nowhere
Keeps self small + is afraid in pressuring social settings if not irl
Not great at directly befriending people, awkward
Gets distracted easily
Indecisive at times
Can be clingy
Not great at comforting at all
Possible adhd / untested but def has some issues 
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May I request Tendou Satori and Meilodas with a s/o who does not care that he is a yandere but sets some ground rules like no kidnapping her but other than that they fine with it.
Wooohoooooo! My first Haikyuu request! I am thrilled! Hell yeah!
Also, I added Ban to this request since I’ve been itching to write for him for a while now. Hope you don’t mind, enjoy~
Yandere Tendou with a darling who sets ground rules
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The moment you ask to speak with him he is nervous wreck, barely hiding apprehensiveness. The two of you haven’t been together for very long and you looked quite serious, it doesn’t take much for Tendou to assume the worst case scenario. He’ll try to joke about it, his fidgeting giving him away as he awaits your reaction. Surely you would glare at him now, disliking the fact that he would joke as you would break up with him. He sighs in relief when you instead give an amused smile, reassuring him that it’s nothing bad but something that still needs to be discussed.
You sit him down across from you and suddenly he feels as if he was about to be interrogated, your gaze fixed on him and gauging his reactions. Your former comfort is the only thing keeping him sane in that moment as he tries not to move around too much. You start the conversation with a clear statement that leaves him stunned. Explaining that you knew of his obsessive and even stalker habits you watch as he starts sputtering, his mind in overdrive as he tries to come up with an excuse. Before he can continue you stop him, explaining that while you were not particularly worried about his behavior you still wished to set a few ground rules. You go on to tell him that you have thought about which rules to set for a long time and that this relationship is important to you - he can’t help but blush as you do the same at admitting the sentiment so early in the relationship - which is why you decided to do this.
Tendou listens attentively while you recite each rule, thankful that you want to be with him despite his habits, adding a comment here and there, agreeing to each point you make. It’s noticeable that you put a lot of effort into this and he can’t help but feel blessed that you are working so hard to make this relationship strive. Though he does find some rules ridiculous, he would never kidnap you, even if he could see the advantages of such an action. Still, if you feel better with this he has no choice but to comply, that is the least he can do.
Once you are finished you smile, satisfied with this talk. As your boyfriend sits up he confesses how worried he was before wrapping his arms around you, hugging you tightly as he whispers a thanks for wanting to be with him despite everything. He is close to tears at that point, relief and happiness that you accept him almost overwhelming him.
From then on he can’t help but put you even more on a pedestal, admiring you and practically suffocating you with affection. He feels so much more relaxed now, even when he sometimes falls back into his insecurities, the reassurance that you love him so much and feel comfortable enough to openly communicate your boundaries pulls him right back up. He follows your rules, too, careful to always keep them in mind even if it is hard sometimes, the struggle is worth it. 
Yandere Meliodas with a darling who sets ground rules
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Setting some rules with him is not a choice but more of a necessity, this guy is possessive and protective to a fault and is not ashamed of it. He might hide it behind a cheerful attitude and apologize to you if he does anything he considers drastic but that has never stopped him from acting on his urges. You will need to talk to him as soon as you notice his behavior or otherwise you risk getting kidnapped and forced to travel with him. 
He’ll don a neutral face when you start the conversation, expression unreadable as he listens to your demands while he contemplates how to answer. He’ll pretend to be embarrassed that you noticed his intentions but the facade isn’t hard to look through as he avoids agreeing with you. Gaze averting he chuckles nervously as you tell him to focus as this is important to you. It’s not his objective to upset you and so he slowly starts to refute some of the arguments, making sure to promise to comply to some of the rules to keep you calm. 
Meliodas was planning to woo you, there is no question that this is not what he planned and expected to happen. Though he does feel relieved that you seem to accept him nonetheless, thankful that there is at least one good thing about this.
When he won’t outright agree with everything you keep pushing him, making his nonchalant smile disappear as he becomes serious, explaining that following these rules could even endanger you, the safest place for you to be is beside him and sometimes you would have to travel for that. Depending on when this is all taking place there is the option though that the Seven Deadly Sins are finally accepted in the kingdom again and so the topic of maybe settling down with you crosses his mind. He does not bring it up, not yet at least and changes the topic, distracting you in some way or another.
Meliodas is not planning to simply dismiss your feeling though and he even feels impressed that you are so open with him, glad that you trust him so much. He’ll try his best to follow your rules and you notice, the smile and small thank you each time convincing him that doing so is a good thing. However, there will be times that he judges that he simply has to break one or two rules and while regrettable he won’t hesitate to do so, apologizing afterwards and leaving you alone to cool off if you wish so, understanding that he upset you.
Yandere Ban with a darling who sets ground rules
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Similar to Meliodas, setting some rules is a must with Ban, his possessiveness being almost insufferable and his protectiveness more often than not feeling overwhelming along with his clinginess making it hard to get stuff done. Sure there are times where he is off to fight but even then there is not much you can do. His controlling behavior stems from his worry for you though and it’s hard to say no to him with his damn smile.
When you set your boundaries he is seriously paying attention, head resting on his hand and his gaze set on you, patiently waiting for you to finish. He can’t help but crack a smile, finding it quite adorable and lovable that despite you telling him off for some stuff, you still make it clear that you love and appreciate him and that you only wish for him to tone it down a bit. Seeing as you are most likely travelling with him either way kidnapping is unnecessary but instead you ask him to give you some room to breathe along with thinking twice before harming some strangers just because they treated you in some way that Ban decided wasn’t polite enough. 
The guy is very well aware that his demeanor up till now was anything but normal and that something like this was due some time. As such, he is already prepared to answer, grinning and asking you if you don’t like him being so affectionate in a teasing tone as he leans dangerously close, gleefully noting your bashful expression and you denying that claim before leaning back and turning serious. Above all else Ban wants you to be comfortable and safe around him and he takes it as a good sign that you are so honest with him, despite the slight annoyance that he might have to hold back a bit now.
He’ll agree to your terms, admitting that he actually expected you to address this sooner or later. There will be times that he won’t follow the rules however and he tells you so beforehand, yet promising that you and your opinion are important to him and that he will do his best. His whole body language and his expression will show how sincere he is, not breaking eye contact as he vows to take your request to heart.
After he has made sure that you are content he will drag you onto his lap, asking you to repeat the part where you confessed your undying love, his words, not yours, in a joking manner. Still, he will stay true to his word, however he can’t help but tease you a bit, seeing just how flustered he can get you. There will also be moments where you will actively have to remind him of his promise as you hold him back from assaulting a random person for running into you on accident, even if he would never admit that he is actually very much overplaying his reaction just to enjoy yours.
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saturniandevil · 7 months
November 2023 Important Dates
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AKA my notes on The Astrology Podcast's November Forecast, hosted by Chris Brennan and Austin Coppock. Recap of last month is extensive and has been moved to the end of the post.
We're going into this month right off the back of a lunar eclipse, which astrologically sets the tone for November.
October 28th Lunar eclipse:
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The Moon at 05Taurus opposes Jupiter at 05Scorpio, while Mercury (10♏) is conjunct Mars (11♏), opposing Jupiter (11♉). This is the last of a series of eclipses on the Taurus/Scorpio axis over the past 2 years. Thus this signals the culmination of a series of events and end of a chapter in people's lives. Austin describes it as an epilogue--one last thing that modifies what came after it--as the nodes have already moved on to Aries/Libra. Chris brings up how Taurus lunar eclipses have coincided with high-profile cryptocurrency crashes (Lunacoin in 2021, FTX last year), and Austin points out the FTX CEO's upcoming trial and sentencing. Taurus signifies both currency and food; the spike in cost of basic necessities worldwide is part of this story. Eclipses are the end of one era and the beginning of another: "the king is dead, long live the new king!" This has played out literally with UK monarchs in the 20th century. The Scorpio-Taurus eclipses have also occurred with increased labor actions. We'd like to think Jupiter's presence on this eclipse is an ameliorating factor, but the December 2019 eclipse "ruined" Jupiter's chances of helping us (Austin's words), so don't count on it.
Mars opposite Jupiter is tension between war and peace, both in our personal lives and world events generally. Even when these planets work together, Jupiter enables Mars's combativeness. Formicus writes in that in martial pursuits, Mars aspecting Jupiter indicates full legal and social support for aggression.
November 4th - Saturn stations Direct in Pisces This will intensify Saturn's significations in Pisces. Saturn entered Pisces earlier this year with nautical disasters, and with Mars in a water sign as well Austin advises us to keep our eyes on the seas. Saturn in Pisces also connotes poisons in the water and sources of water drying up. If there is water, it's not of the right type or amount for sustaining life. In nativities, this station signals the final Saturn return for those born under Saturn in late degrees of Aquarius (Chris suggests an orb of 3°).
Just before Saturn stations, Venus opposes Neptune on the 3rd; soon after Mercury opposes Uranus, with Venus trining Pluto on the 6th. Venus may want to bring us peace, but Neptune's tendency to dissolve boundaries bodes ill for human beings. Mercury-Uranus keywords include disrupted communication and jarring messages. This all happens after Jupiter in Taurus opposes the Sun in Scorpio on the 2nd, shining a light on a lack of basic necessities.
November 8th - Venus enters Libra The Moon enters Libra soon after Venus, activating the ingress and bringing us a good day in the bad week. Domicile Venus will have the strength to help balance us. After Mars's trampled through the Scales, she can help us balance and cool off, especially with the South Node copresent. She sextiles Mercury around the 15th as well, easing communication and bringing harmony to previously polarized talks.
November 10th - Mercury enters Sagittarius Though he initially confronts Saturn, Mercury approaches a sextile to Venus, definitively ending his copresence with Mars. Though Mercury is in detriment, he's optimistic, especially in the first decan of Sagittarius, which he rules. Mercury runs into a barrier wall with Saturn, his optimism immediately quashed, but after changing direction is able to bring some small victories. While the greater structure must be endured, we can do a few things to make the situation better.
November 11th - Mars opposite Uranus The Sun opposes Uranus around the same time, with the Moon following soon after.
November 13th - New Moon in Scorpio
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Usually we expect relief with the first New Moon after an eclipse, but with a Sun-Moon-Mars conjunction opposite Uranus, things are gonna be intense. Mars-Uranus is an especially explosive contact, and an opposition is the most tense aspect. Calls for freedom are intense and combative. However, once the faster planets pass this Uranus opposition, we'll have seen the last unexpected stick of dynamite. The upcoming Mars-Sun conjunction is far from calm, but it is expected.
November 18th - Sun conjunct Mars in Scorpio (cazimi) This happens opposite Uranus, trine Neptune, and sextile Pluto. As with other planets, this is a renewal of Mars's 2-year cycle, resetting the paradigm for Mars matters. Mars has his domicile in Scorpio, bringing intense tenacity, even if we may not want it. Distressingly, Chris has found this aspect to historically coincide with shootings and bombings. Austin has identified engineering developments, water-based natural disasters, and setting a new direction/paradigm in ongoing conflicts (though not new wars starting).
Mars cazimis in Scorpio don't happen that often; this is the first one in 32 years (the preceding was 32 years before the most recent, and the next one out was ~60 years before its successor). Hot-headedness, special forces (especially in Scorpio), and ambition or daring are some keywords. To quote a song by Sun-Mars conjunction native Nelly, "it's getting hot in here, so"...put on your blast-proof gear. Other Sun-Mars natives include Jonas Salk, inventor of the polio vaccine, politician Robert F. Kennedy, and controversial investigative journalist Nancy Grace. This is a very powerful reset with Mars in domicile, and in a fixed sign. It has the most staying power and determination.
November 22nd/23rd - Sun enters Sagittarius
November 23rd/24th - Mars enters Sagittarius Soon after he squares Saturn. He's also under the beams of the Sun (invisible) from the cazimi well into December, and takes longer than any other planet to emerge from beneath the rays. Thus the meanings of Mars's journey through the underworld won't be apparent all at once.
November 25th - Mars square Saturn Something that normally happens quickly hits a wall and has to slow down suddenly--this aspect aligned with COVID lockdowns and the discoveries of new variants. The theme of this month: there will be some initial attempts to speed ahead, but we'll run into insurmountable obstacles we have to accept. Mars square Saturn is still fully operative when we encounter our next lunation of the month.
November 27th - Full Moon in Gemini
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Still close to the Sun, Mars (02♐) opposes the Moon (04♊), forming a T-square with Saturn (00♓). Additionally, the Moon's ruler Mercury (24♐) squares Neptune (24♓) exactly, bringing muddled communication or even outright deception. Thus Mercury, the Moon's ruler, is not much help to her. Neptune doesn't bring hostility and bad news to Mercury like Mars did, but makes it difficult to see clearly. Think of a goldfish's (purportedly) short memory. Full Moon in Gemini wants to go fast, but Mercury-Neptune confuses the direction. Overall this is a rather difficult lunation.
November 30th - Auspicious election for the month (not pictured)
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Around 1-2AM local time, with the Ascendant around 6° of Libra, giving you Venus in the first house in a night chart (a very potent place for her). Note that the South Node is conjunct Venus (though Spica nearby affirms our aspirations). The Moon is domicile in Cancer in the 10th house, separating from a sextile to Jupiter (07♉) and applying to a square with Venus (24♎). This gives us two very strong rulers in the first and tenth houses, good for aesthetic situations and public image. With Saturn in the 6th house, it's not recommended for matters involving people you employ or matters of illness. This election takes advantage of our domicile benefic Venus, and is at the end of the month to give as much distance as we can from the difficult Mars & outer planet configurations.
October Recap: There were 4 major earthquakes in Afghanistan, 2 of which coincided with the Mars-Pluto square on Oct. 7th, and the next two on the 11th and 15th clustered around the solar eclipse in Libra; the WHO estimates 100,000 people need humanitarian aid.
In the US, a shop that offered Tarot readings in Pennsylvania was threatened by police, citing anti-fortune-telling laws. There are quite a few similar laws still on the books across the country that are rarely enforced...until they are. 20 years ago, metaphysical bookshops were being raided by police, with their lawyers citing freedom of speech and religion to exonerate them. As Saturn approaches Neptune in Pisces and Neptune prepares to exit the sign, we can expect a backlash against astrology. No rising tide lasts forever; what's it going to look like when this tide breaks? Austin advises viewers to be careful how they represent the craft and not to take for granted that we can talk openly about it right now. Chris urges astrology organizations to prepare for litigation and pushback from skeptics and religious crowds alike.
The Pluto, Mars, and South Node activity last month heralded difficulty or conflict, which we've seen most prominently with the warfare in Palestine and Israel. Eclipses feature heavily in this history. The timing of recent major events has aligned strongly with the Mars & Pluto movements: Mars squared Pluto exactly on the 7th-9th, Pluto stationed on the 10th, Mars entered Scorpio on the 12th, and there was a solar eclipse in Libra on the 14th. (A/N: After this episode was recorded, the second (lunar) eclipse occurred today, October 28th, with the blackout and ground invasion in Gaza). Our hosts had stayed metaphorical last month in predicting asymmetric conflicts or excessive strength with Mars-Pluto last month, and in Indian astrology Mars-Ketu (SN) conjunctions indicate one who acts as if possessed by rage, which is how even supporters have characterized Netanyahu's actions.
Going into more detail on this:
The chart of Israel's founding has 25 Libra rising, the degree Mars was transiting on the 7th when Hamas launched their surprise attack; Mars was also square the Midheaven, while Pluto was directly on the IC and thus opposing the MC, all of which was activated by the Moon's transit on Oct. 7th--the Moon triggers that which is waiting to happen. Venus was also at 28Leo, the degree at which she stationed this summer, conjunct Israel's Mars. Eclipses like the pair in October have always coincided with defining new borders for Israel, which was founded shortly after a Taurus solar eclipse (same as today's, Oct. 28th). Israeli PM Netanyahu was born under a total solar eclipse in Libra as well. If we take December 10, 1987 as the founding date for Hamas, whose military arm led the October 7th attack, it was founded under a Pluto-Mars conjunction in Scorpio and a Saturn-Uranus conjunction (orb 1°) in Sagittarius.
More generally, many nations founded soon after WWII with Saturn in Leo (malefic in a sign of ruling or sovereignty) have had major disputes over where the border lines have been drawn. 2025 brings a Uranus return for both Israel and the US, close allies.
Chris was also looking at the astrology of different peace attempts, and found that while the Oslo accords were discussed under Saturn in Aquarius, the Peace Prize for it was given out during Saturn in Pisces, (where Saturn is now) with rx Venus conjunct Jupiter & the North Node (a nodal opposition to Israel's founding chart). However, Rabin (Israel's PM who signed the accords) was assassinated during an eclipse the following year. Eclipses occur in the same sign every 19 years, and in 2004 Israel began invading and settling northern Gaza. With the advent of smartphones and Jupiter-Saturn conjunctions moving from earth to air signs (200-year cycle), there may be some small hope that the fighting won't be as prolonged and ugly as it has been in the past. Unfortunately, November's astrology does not bode well for peace.
More on the Moon triggering configurations into action: aside from Oct. 7th, when her opposition to Pluto/square to Mars triggered that configuration with the initial Hamas attack, during the hospital bombing on the 28th she squared Saturn from 28Scorpio. More positively, on the 20th Hamas released two hostages when the Moon (♑) approached a grand trine with Venus (11-12♍) and Jupiter (12♉), and Israel let in 20 aid trucks on the 21st when this aspect went exact. Positive aspects in the midst of difficult configurations indicate a glimmer of hope.
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barnabytremayne · 6 months
From Nursing to Creative Expression: Embracing My Autistic Identity
I have often contemplated the rituals of the corporate world, the intricacies of a system built on unwritten codes and societal expectations. I am the observer, the one who dissects patterns with a singular perspective. In a career as an autistic nurse, I found myself immersed in a realm that demanded empathy, precision, and a profound comprehension of the human condition.
It began with an unwavering curiosity about the human body, its inner workings, and the labyrinth of illnesses and treatments. Medicine beckoned, and I answered the call. But the domain of healthcare swiftly revealed itself as a perplexing maze, laden with its hierarchies, protocols, and the unspoken subtleties of human interaction.
For an autistic individual, these corridors were often shrouded in opacity. The fluidity of social engagements, the discreet dance of office politics, and the sensory cacophony of a bustling hospital were challenges uniquely poised for those like me. In the corporate healthcare sphere, I treaded through enigmatic territories without a compass, guided solely by a compass of my own creation.
Nonetheless, my determination to leave an indelible imprint remained unswerving. I discerned that my ardent interest in dentistry held the power to mold my career in unforeseen ways. Dentistry ceased to be a profession; it metamorphosed into an impassioned journey, a vessel for the meticulous focus and the attention to minute details inherent to my autistic disposition.
The path led me to a role as a dental nurse, a departure from the standard clinical terrain. The dental practice, with its subdued ambience and more intimate teams, suited my sensory predilections. Here, I reveled in the minutiae of dental procedures, meticulously sterilising instruments, and lending vital support to the dental practitioners.
Yet, the clinical veneer of dentistry carried its own share of tribulations. My devotion to precision, my capacity to discern patterns, and my unique perspective often set me apart, not always to my advantage. My colleagues respected my commitment to detail, but the intricate realm of workplace social dynamics continued to be an intricate puzzle, a terrain I negotiated with caution.
Autism, I realized, was not a chink in my armour but the source of my fortitude. My singular focus, my undivided dedication to accuracy, and my unwavering commitment to patient well-being were attributes that transcended the boundaries of convention. Over time, I assumed a more confident stance in my role, as my colleagues recognised the intrinsic value I contributed to the team.
The challenges, however, escalated. The relentless pace and the perpetual demand for excellence gradually eroded my mental well-being. Incessant hours, the emotional toll, and the pressures of maintaining unswerving standards within a rapidly evolving field, exacerbated the internal struggle. The dire need for self-care could no longer be sidestepped.
Thus, I found myself on the brink of an abrupt departure from the vocation I had devoted my heart and soul to. It was not a decision made lightly but one dictated by the compelling necessity to safeguard my mental health.
The trials were not confined to the professional front alone. The interpersonal intricacies of the corporate milieu, the unspoken protocols, and the demanding aspects of human relationships were arduous terrain. The sensory maelstrom of the bustling healthcare landscape was an added complication.
And then, amid this transformative chapter, emerged a new path—an unforeseen creative trajectory. Music and art became my sanctuaries, avenues where I could articulate my distinct perspective and engage with a community that shared similar experiences. Here, I found a platform for advocacy and connection, a channel to communicate my journey and discover others who understood.
In the end, the exit from the healthcare profession, while abrupt, became a necessary course. The relentless demands of nursing had unearthed profound revelations about my inner strengths and vulnerabilities, prompting a newfound chapter of self-care and creative expression.
My tenure as a nurse had left an indelible mark on my soul, akin to the traces on an ECG - a testament to the highs and lows, the heartbeats of life's chronicle. While the world of healthcare had its labyrinthine passageways and hidden passages, it also concealed the treasures of understanding, adaptation, and eventual self-discovery.
My journey, as an autistic nurse, revealed that our distinctions were not hindrances but powerful assets. The acute focus on tasks, the unwavering commitment to precision, and the absolute dedication to patient care were traits that transcended the borders of convention. In the corporate world, the unexpected was often the realm of the exceptional.
Thus, the path ahead remains enigmatic, with a desire to shape and navigate the landscapes of self-discovery, creative expression, and well-being. The echoes of my journey resonate in the corridors I've walked, and the lessons learned become the guiding stars in the uncharted night sky of possibilities.
Barnaby J Tremayne
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jadedloverart · 8 months
Here's the thing about cats.
I see so many people talking about how they would like a dog but "cats are just easier" and I'm here to say that they are not???
They are complex, intelligent creatures, who have more independent mannerisms than dogs, so people tend to leave them to their own devices, but by nature of the dynamic between pet owner and pet, they cannot meet all of their needs on their own.
If anything, learning to communicate with cats takes MORE effort because building trust with a cat is not a given, nor is it commonly discussed. The necessity of that trust is undermined by so many pet owners, probably because they are harder to force into doing things than dogs are. (That, and the expression of their needs are far less overt than the communication of a dog's needs.)
This means that ensuring that a cat feels safe when learning to work with their owner, and that takes LOTS of time. It takes a commitment to listening to their needs.
Cats (arguably all pets) require autonomy to feel safe.
But they need to go outside.
They need to be taught consensual socialization with humans.
They need enrichment from their owner.
They need to be taught how to set boundaries. (Which requires their boundaries to be listened to first.)
They need to be taught, in safe environments first, how to accept invasive touch from the vet.
They, like their owners, need to learn how to communicate effectively, and the only way to teach them that in consensual ways requires time and effort.
Obviously (and if it's not obvious spend like 5 minutes of your time researching before deciding to take on the care of an entire life) it's fucked up to just allow your cat to freely roam the outdoors because it shortens their lifespans Considerably and wreacks havoc on the local ecosystem.
Which means IF YOU HAVE A CAT. You Need To Work With It so you can take it outside. Contrary to popular belief, cats can be trained to walk quite happily outside on a harness and lead; they can be worked with so they feel safe enough to sit in a little cat backpack so you can carry them outside.
They need to trust that if they want you to stop touching them you will. They need to trust that if you have to touch them when they don't want to be touched, that it will always, without fail, be for their own health and safety.
They can learn what "Yes" and "No" means to the same degree a toddler can understand those concepts. They can learn how to 'say' "yes" and "no".
But only if they are respected and listened to and worked with.
They aren't just extra roommates. They are a little creature under the care of their owner.
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pu1itzer · 3 months
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myers briggs . . .
lois is an ENFP personality , the campaigner . tending to embrace big ideas and actions that reflect their sense of hope and goodwill toward others . their vibrant energy can flow in many directions . extraverted , intuitive , feeling and prospecting .
strengths :
curious : ENFP personalities aren’t afraid to venture beyond their comfort zone in search of new ideas , experiences , and adventures . moreover, their curiosity extends beyond simply seeking novelty .
perceptive : sensitive to other people’s feelings and needs , ENFPs can make full use of their caring , considerate nature .
enthusiastic : eager to hear other people’s ideas and opinions – even if those thoughts are wildly different from their own .
excellent communicators : brim with things to say , but they can be caring listeners as well . this gives them a nearly unmatched ability to have positive and enjoyable conversations with all sorts of people – even people who aren’t particularly sociable or agreeable .
easygoing : ENFPs may live for deep , meaningful conversations , but they can also be spontaneous and lighthearted . 
good-natured and positive : a person who is warmhearted and approachable , with an altruistic spirit and a friendly disposition .
weaknesses :
disorganised : specifically , people with this personality type may try to avoid the routine tasks that they view as boring like household chores , basic maintenance , or paperwork . the resulting sense of disorganisation can become a major source of stress in their life .
restless : with their positive , upbeat attitude , ENFPs rarely seem upset or dissatisfied on the outside . but their inner idealism can leave them with a nagging feeling that some major areas of their life just aren’t good enough – whether that’s their work , their home life , or their relationships .
overly accommodating : ENFP personalities feel called to uplift others , and they may find themselves saying yes whenever anyone asks them for guidance or help . but unless they set boundaries , even the most energetic among them can become overcommitted , with too little time and energy to tackle the necessities of their own life .
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qhazuban · 6 months
thinking a lot about how phrases like
“I’m at capacity, I can’t engage [with you] right now” / “I don’t have the capacity to reconnect” / “I don’t have capacity for more connections” / etc.
“Thank you for sharing [your vulnerability]”
“These are my boundaries, I’m articulating them so we can better show up and care for each other / be in community with each other”
“I want to honour your needs and boundaries” / “What do you need / what are your boundaries?”
“What’s bringing you joy these days?”
“I want to be intentional with our plans” / “I’m setting an intention to…”
“Let’s unpack that” / “There’s a lot to unpack here” / etc.
“Let’s practice authenticity”
“I’m looking for slowness and intentionality”
“That’s so valid”
“I want to be mindful of…”
& other such vocabulary popular in the lexicon of western social justice communities, gentle parenting and nonviolent communication circles, tenderqueer social circles, various new age / woo / healing social spheres, etc etc
just feel like lies, codes, ways of obfuscating and justifying, getting away from really being direct and honest (while ironically purporting to be direct and honest forms of communication), ways to say “wow you’re toxic / oversharing / crossing boundaries / immature / clearly in need of healing / etc, get away from me” without actually saying it
I need to articulate this more, but I guess it all feels related to my thoughts on liberal boundaries discourse
I do use some of this language too, sometimes, both out of necessity and exposure and habit and whatever, often because it feels like the only way to communicate with all these people who don’t even realize how deeply individualistic and alienating this kind of communication is, I’m not saying it’s always terrible or should never be used or whatever, it’s complicated obviously
but then I have to feel guilty both for using the language when it feels so fake *and* for feeling angry about the language itself since apparently that means I’m just a terrible person who doesn’t believe in boundaries or respect or whatever at all 🙄
anyway I need to articulate this more & there’s so much constantly swirling in my head about it but it all feels very very much part of disposability culture, the thing we do not name or talk about enough or properly, all these ways to seem so “evolved” and “self-actualized”
honestly i would just prefer if you said
“I’m exhausted I can’t deal with this”
“I’m angry about [xyz], I don’t want to talk to you anymore”
“yeah I don’t trust you, bye”
“why are you oversharing so much” / “that’s too much information” / “just shut up now”
“yeah if you do this again I’m leaving, bye”
“if you can’t communicate in a healthy way then I don’t want to talk to you”
“why are you so upset all the time, can’t you be happy sometimes”
“you’re too chaotic to do things with”
“this is too overwhelming”
“I don’t want to deal with all that”
“you’re overwhelming me”
“yeah you’re being too real, stop it”
“that’s crazy, get away from me”
“okay whatever but that’s too much again”
or whatever else
and, you know, it’s valid (haha) to feel overwhelmed, tired, scared, etc
and I wish we could just say that
instead of inventing all these ways to obfuscate and act like we’re so “in touch with our feelings” when we are really, really not
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enneagram-reblogs · 5 months
Enneagram Types in Relationships: Type Eight.
From NineTypesCo by Steph Barron Hall.
In relationships, Eights are often daring, authentic, purposeful, dynamic, & invested. Eights value authenticity and passion. Eights do everything in life with gusto; this intensity sometimes acts as a shield for their softer side, but it can also originate in the idea that anything worth doing is worth doing to the fullest. A relationship with an Eight offers mutual trust, respect, and protection. When less aware, Eights can struggle to show anything other than their tough exterior, and they may speak declaratively rather than communicating as equals. Eights are tenderhearted and deeply loving in relationships, but very few people get to see that side of them.
Type Eight & Type One
Strengths: We are justice-oriented, fair, and truthful. We stand firm in our convictions, and we both take responsibility to right the wrongs in the world around us. The One offers a detailed, methodical approach to the relationship and life, while the Eight can see the big picture. The One is trustworthy, and the Eight is deeply loyal and protective over the One and the relationship. We are intentional in the way we cultivate a deep love for one another.
Weaknesses: Our differing energies can cause tension. While the One prioritizes self-control, carefully chosen words, and appropriate responses, the Eight believes in showing up fully with all their anger, honesty, and directness. The One can get frustrated with the Eight's impropriety, and the Eight feels that the One is trying to control them. Because both value control, conflict can devolve into a battle of wills.
Type Eight & Type Two
Strengths: We are both caring and passionate people. We are drawn to each other because we each see something in the other that we need. The Eight is drawn to the Two's gentleness both because they want to protect it and because they know they need it in their lives. The Two is drawn to the Eight's power and tenacity out of admiration and necessity. The Two softens the Eight's edges, and the Eight helps the Two set healthy boundaries and say no. We see something of ourselves in one another, and we are able to bring out the best in each other.
Weaknesses: Differing concepts of independence can get us into trouble. The Eight enjoys autonomy and is guarded and self-reliant. The Eight can easily feel overwhelmed or smothered by the Two's need for affirmation or constant affection. The Two is conscientious and considerate. The Eight's independent streak feels unloving because the Two would rarely go off and do their own thing without considering their partner (unless there was something wrong). When unhealthy, we can both get demanding about our own needs.
Type Eight & Type Three
Strengths: We are intense, influential, and lively. We are passionate and assertive, and we both go after what we want in life. We appreciate that we've found someone who can match our energy. The Eight offers the Three a safe space to land: because they aren't easily swayed, the Three can be the fullest version of themselves, and the Eight will not be bulldozed by their intensity. The Three helps the Eight let go of control a little: being with a competent, responsible partner lets the Eight off the hook so they don't feel like they have to do it all alone.
Weaknesses: We can both be extreme in our personalities. Just as we match each other in positive ways, we can also match each other in tension and conflict. The Eight can easily see under the Three's outer performance, and this can cause the Eight to feel they can't trust the Three. They fear betrayal, so they will only trust those who are reliable and authentic. The Three tends to take the emotional temperature of the room and may shy away from the Eight's anger, unsure if it's safe or not for them to coexist.
Type Eight & Type Four
Strengths: We are authentic, passionate, and intense. We both bring keen intuition to the relationship, and we tend to understand and act on our gut reactions. We both appreciate that the other can match our intensity. The Four brings sensitivity and emotional vulnerability to the relationship, which the Eight knows they need. The Eight offers a sense of practicality, strength, and protection, which the Four craves. There is a magnetic pull between us, and we are on a quest to understand (or conquer) the mystery of one another.
Weaknesses: We are both reactive in conflict, so disagreements can easily get explosive. Neither of us likes to be controlled, and we each have a visceral reaction to feeling misunderstood, especially when the other person assumes how we're feeling. Because we are reactionary and like excitement, we can get into a cycle of fighting and making up—it keeps things interesting, but it's not always healthy. The Eight's power can be overwhelming for the Four, who tends to be more of an internal processor, while the Four's withdrawing nature can frustrate the Eight.
Type Eight & Type Five
Strengths: We are autonomous, self-assured, and loyal. We share the same independent streak, but we each find something we need in the other. We both tend to feel misunderstood in the world, but we feel understood by each other. The Eight helps the Five become more in tune with their own power, their intuition, and their practical needs. The Five helps the Eight become more aware of their impact on others and the importance of slowing down every now and then. We enjoy a good debate, and we can have deep, thought-provoking conversations.
Weaknesses: We both seek to silo ourselves in different ways. The Eight desires to be entirely self-reliant and often does so by attaining physical and material resources such that they do not need to depend on the other. The Five takes pride in needing nothing from others and becomes self-reliant by needing or wanting less. We both become self-reliant individuals who refuse to admit that we need or want anything from one another, which can drive a wedge between us.
Type Eight & Type Six
Strengths: We are both deeply loyal. We both tend to be direct in communication, and we like to get everything out on the table. This offers a deep sense of security since we don't have to wonder what the other is thinking. Because Sixes crave safety, the Eight's clarity, decisiveness, and transparency open the door for building trust, and the Eight's protective nature can be comforting for the Six. The Six's warmth and kindness can help the Eight feel embraced and cared for, and we both enjoy having a partner that is dependable. We complement each other well.
Weaknesses: We are both reactive in conflict, and when we don't feel we can trust each other, we avoid showing all our cards. The Six might find the Eight's bullish approach to life off-putting or destabilizing and may revert to self-protection. The Eight might see the Six's questioning, concerns, or alertness as a lack of trust (at which point, the Eight might throw in the towel, especially if they feel they've done everything they can to garner trust). Both may attempt to control the situation, which can cause further division since neither party will back down easily.
Type Eight & Type Seven
Strengths: We are dynamic, intense, and captivating. We are both assertive, and we staunchly resist being told what to do. The Eight helps the Seven stay rooted in reality, attentive to practical matters, and focused on what actually matters for them. The Eight may challenge the Seven to think about what they really want. The Seven helps the Eight lighten up and have fun. The Seven encourages the Eight to loosen their grip on control and live a little.
Weaknesses: We both get frustrated when things aren't going our way, and neither of us wants to be controlled. The Eight may see the Seven's cheerful disposition as lacking authenticity. When others aren't authentic, the Eight may feel self-protective to avoid betrayal. The Seven can see the Eight's assertive nature as controlling and will do anything to avoid being stuck. We are both strong-willed, so our relationship can devolve into a battle for autonomy.
Type Eight & Type Eight
Strengths: We are passionate, compelling, energetic, and protective. While we both are strong-willed and powerful, we actually create a safe space for one another to relax and be more at ease. What you see is what you get, and we both love that we can trust one another. Our straightforwardness is comforting for both of us and allows us to open up, show vulnerability, and engage in a softer approach than we would with others. We love that we respect and challenge one another, and we are happy to have found a partner who can match our intensity. We have great discussions and a colorful, dynamic life.
Weaknesses: We are similar in our reactivity, especially in conflict. When trust is lost, it's extremely difficult to get back. Neither wants to be controlled by the other, and we are both very sensitive to feeling like the other is attempting to take control. If we fear being controlled, we will shut down and withdraw from the relationship. While we tend to be contrarian, we can both get exhausted if we feel everything we say is challenged. We have to work hard to be thoughtful in our dynamic communication.
Type Eight & Type Nine
Strengths: We are devoted, earnest, and dynamic. We are both justice-oriented, and we value fairness, respect, and trust in our relationship. The Eight is always pushing ahead, but the Nine helps the Eight learn when to pull back and how to relax. The Eight helps the Nine find their voice, see their value, and assert themselves, which can be difficult. for the Nine. We are both autonomous, but we enjoy the connection, companionship, and safe space we offer to one another.
Weaknesses: We are opposite in our responses to conflict. As things get difficult, the Nine withdraws further, becoming disengaged and distant. The frustration is evident in passive-aggression, which angers the Eight who would prefer to confront the issue head-on. The Eight pushes harder when things get difficult, and they want the Nine to stand their ground and fight it out. When the Nine is passive-aggressive, the Eight finds it dishonest and may lose trust or fear betrayal. The Nine can easily feel overwhelmed by the Eight's intensity.
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