#enneagram types in relationships
enneagram-reblogs · 9 months
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Enneagram Types in Relationships: Type Nine. From NineTypesCo by Steph Barron Hall.
In relationships, Nines value comfort and harmony. Nines extend acceptance to others, which creates a safe, loving space for the relationship to thrive. It’s important to Nines that others are also just, fair, and open to different perspectives. When less aware, Nines can merge so strongly with their partner that they no longer know who they truly are. Beneath the merging is a desire to be loved and cared for in a way that supports their peace and creates true, deep, connected love.
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moontrinemars · 9 months
after the mass retrograde event that aligned with multiple intense malefic conjunctions in my chart and seeing that reflected in my real life it really is so funny hearing people say like, "you THINK astrology is real because when you think something is going to happen, you end up making it happen!! self-fulfilling prophecy!!" like... that may make sense in some cases but my cat died? my grandma is in the hospital? my tire blew out? an owl got stuck in my chimney? like you're allowed to think astrology is silly, but don't make stupid arguments, the idea that we control every facet of our own circumstances is new age cult bullshit in itself #TheSecret
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naurasweetarudesu · 1 year
How the heck do you even type them??? They dont even have lines in the books nor the show 🗿
Website: Personality Database
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I personally headcannon them as:
Ivo Hugh : ISFJ 9w1
Proteus : INTJ 6w5
Although it's because that's how i wrote them in my personal AU. It's just a personal headcannon after all.
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guardian-angle22 · 2 years
I think I’m just tipsy enough to finally finish the Owen gifset for my 911LS + Enneagram series. I feel like I’m forging a new path here making a set entirely for Owen ngl. It will probably get about 2 notes lmaoooo
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disaster-by-chance · 2 years
Story Time:
For the past two weeks, I've been working on an extensive PowerPoint for my mom on the Enneagram because she wanted to use it as a tool to help her coworkers understand each other (and themselves) better so that their meetings aren't so tense and awkward. I love making PowerPoints (because they give me an excuse not to work on other things) and every now and then I regain interest in the concept of the Enneagram so it was just something I had to do.
Now, if you didn't know, the Enneagram is a personality typing tool just like the Myers Briggs one. Instead of 16 types, it has 9 types (with 27 different subtypes and 29 Wing-types) and it focuses on personality as a coping mechanism developed in childhood in times of trauma or stress that didn't leave when we grew up. Also, it's sorta built around our motivations but motivations that are fueled by negative traits (like the 7 deadly sins) or a vice such as anger, fear, or shame. Personally, I think that the Enneagram is a little more accurate and a lot more helpful in understanding yourself and others. I'm sure there's a lot of debate on which one is better but since I've done so much research on it for the PowerPoint, I'm more familiar with this one and I feel a lot more connections with my Enneagram type (Type 5) than I do with my supposed MBTI type (INTP).
That being said though, as I read through articles and watch videos detailing the Type Five, I keep getting smacked upside the face because holy SHIT do things start making sense about me. Like I'll read something, things just start to click, and then all of a sudden I want to cry because, "Yes, this makes sense. Oh my god, so I'm not just a fucking weirdo." The more I read, the more I'm starting to regret my choice in my current major because it is just NOT fitting for me but at this point, it's too late and even if it wasn't, I'm too afraid to change it. Had I known these things about me earlier, why I act a certain way, why I think the way I do, why I'm so fearful of everything, why I consume so much trivia and hate being around people, then MAYBE I would've been able to make better decisions in my life.
And I know that humans are unique and you can't possibly place them in these little boxes that the Enneagram or the MBTI types create (or hell, even fucking Zodiac signs) but I'm like a poster child for Type Fives,, it's not even funny at this point. It really is just helpful little tool neatly organized in a cool little diagram that can potentially help you learn more about yourself but I'm not saying it's like,, absolute or the key to unlocking everything there is to know about someone. It's just cool!
There's just so much information on the Types and the Enneagram design and concept just scratches an itch in my brain that makes me just wanna,,, like punch something or whatever. With Type Fives, they're fucking terrified of the world around them so they withdraw themselves and seek out knowledge in a way to better understand how the world works in order "come back later," so of course I'm fucking obsessed with this neat little tool that helps me figure out people on a deeper level! I have such a hard time connecting and being around people but knowing all this will (maybe) make things easier!
And I've been also seeing a lot of "growth tips" for the Type Five because I'm a very unhealthy Type Five but,, I read them and I'm like,, "Yeah,,, no." It's like,, exercising, stepping out of your comfort zone, and like asking for help. All things that scare me and I hate so,, unhealthy Five it is!
But,, yeah,
TDLR; I fucking LOVE the Enneagram and you should definitely check it out if you haven't already!
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covenstrays · 2 years
the absolute VISCERAL need to comment directly on some instagram accounts stupid little enneagram post because they put one of your fave characters in the wrong section.
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writing-chats · 20 days
ultimate character development template
name: meaning of name: nicknames/titles: age: gender: location: birthday: strengths + example where it's shown: weaknesses + example where it's shown: how it affects others:
emotional depth
attachment style + how it manifests in the story: physical fear: emotional/abstract fear: happy memory: sad memory: object of significance: philosophical outlook/belief: what characters are ignorant about themselves: how confident are they: goal: long-term dreams: what they're embarrassed/ashamed to tell others about: regrets: source of pride: source of misery: what they admire above all else: do they believe in fate:
mbti: enneagram: big five: character archetype: star sign: who they pretend to be on the outside: who they actually are/how they feel towards the mask: mental health conditions: how it manifests for them: iq: eq: humour: reputation:
bad habits: mannerisms when stressed: mannerisms when content: mannerisms when scared: mannerisms normally: verbal mannerisms/distinctive speaking style: how do they move across a room: what do they say and what remains unsaid: how they express love: hobbies:
defining features: eye shape + colour: hair texture + colour: skin texture + tone: vibe: height: build: clothing: any bodily disfigurement (scars, etc.): overall attractiveness: their opinion on their appearance: appeals to:
who they trust most: what they wish they could do for them: what's holding them back: who they hate most: what they wish they could do to them: what's holding them back: relationship with the protagonist: relationship with the antagonist: siblings: relationship with them: parents/step-parents: relationship with them: previous broken relationships: why did it break: what others expect of them: who believes in them: their mentor character/who they look up to: political/religious/other affiliations: what makes them different from every other character: non-human relationships + why: romantic "type" + why: relationship dynamics:
primary emotion towards their past: primary feelings while in their past: where did they grow up: defining incidents: earliest childhood memory: saddest memory: happiest memory: major accomplishments: their opinion on it: notable people in their backstory: effect on them today: trauma: what have they already lost: financial circumstance:
why are they important (eg. why're they the only one able to do something?): what do they learn about themselves throughout the story: what do they learn about the world: how do they feel towards their newfound knowledge: character arc (positive, negative, neutral): how relationships change because of their actions: what mistakes do they make: what scene is their character highlighted: do they get what they want: why or why not: what happens to them after the story ends:
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actiaslunaris · 1 year
Enneagram Ones and Fives are alike in many ways, particularly in their reticence to show their emotions directly and in their identification with their minds. [...] Both bring to their relationship a desire to be objective; they both want to avoid falling into sentimentality, or to allow their feelings to cloud their mental clarity. Ones and Fives share a rich mental life of intellectual stimulation, curiosity, and a multiplicity of mutual interests—from the opera to sports to politics to economics to history, and so forth. Ones and Fives often enjoy each other's company and intellectual stimulation, loving to debate and admiring the intelligence and expertise exhibited by the other. They both are highly respectful of personal boundaries, rarely being the one to make the first move in anything regarding intimacy unless they have pretty strong signals from the other that they would be welcomed. Thus, Ones and Fives tend to bring a certain formality and courtesy to each other that can be charmingly courtly and old-fashioned. Ones add to this a concern with logic and order, with systematic thinking, attention to details and the desire to improve the world around them. Fives bring curiosity, the willingness to be intellectually (and sexually) adventuresome, a taste for the bizarre and illogical, and the ability to relish disorder, chaos, and lack of apparent meaning. There is quiet affectionate appreciation in this pairing. If romance develops, it develops slowly but deeply.
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metavvinteractive · 1 year
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dearesmeray · 7 months
Character Chart
Peace and blessings upon everyone!
I hope life's treating you well. I’m Esmeray and I welcome you to this post on my blog Dear Esmeray.
Today I'll be sharing with you a character chart to help you properly plan out your OC. This is what I use for my OCs, This might not work for everyone so feel free to remove details that are not relevant to your story. Here you go.
-Insert a character quote here-
-Also insert a picture of the character-
Full Name:
His/Her Aesthetic Colour:
Body Build: (ectomorph, mesomorph, or endomorph)
Height: Weight:
Hair Colour: Hair Length:
Eye Colour:
Any glasses/contacts?
Physical Appearance:
Role in story:
Language/s spoken:
Favorite Colour:
Favorite Foods and drinks:
Likes: - - -
Dislikes: - - -
Education level:
Relationship status:
Life Goal/s & Amibitions:
Normal speaking tone:
Dressing Style:
Dominant hand:
Biggest Positive trait:
Other Positive Traits: - - -
Neutral Traits: - - -
Biggest Flaw:
Other Flaws: - - -
Proud of: Ashamed of:
Most Likeable trait: Most Unlikeable trait:
His/her Quirks:
MBTI Type: Enneagram Type: Enneagram Tritype: Enneagram tri-center with wings: Instinctual Stacking: Temperament: OCEAN Test: Attachment Style:
Primary love language:
Mother: Father:
Relationship with Mother: Relationship with Father:
Siblings (In age Order):
Significant Other:
The person/s s/he is closest to:
His/Her biggest enemy:
Other Important Relations (If relevant):
Where did s/he grow up:
Traumas (If any. Also note whether the traumas are concealed or public):
Biggest secret:
I hope this character chart helps you with your story. Happy writing!
With Love, Esmeray ♡
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darkcircles4lyfe · 8 months
Behind the locked door
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In honor of Izuku’s mask disintegrating into rubble, I think it’s finally time for me to really dig deep into his character. I’ve been keeping this one in my back pocket for a while. Amid all the talk about Izuku’s fading narration, the “control your heart” subplot, I’ve been trying to find the words to articulate how I know exactly where this is going, at least on a certain level. Most recently, I read this meta from pika who brings up how the word “control” alone can be misconstrued (by us). And then I thought about how a while back I made a similar point, although I said Izuku was the one who got it wrong. At that time, I was holding back a huge piece of evidence because it was external to the story and I wasn’t sure it would be received well. As a result, my argument fell a little flat. Well, now—after 411, right before leaks for 412—it might be my last chance to play this card.
So about that external evidence. I struggle to bring it up because it’s gonna sound an awful lot like I’m projecting onto Izuku if I don’t do it justice. But… I look at the way his storyline has been going lately and I see a pattern emerging that I’m very familiar with. Fortunately, I don’t have to dump a bunch of personal junk on you in order to illustrate this pattern, because a certain personality typing system already has it all figured out: the Enneagram.
Now, hang on. I’m not one to put people in boxes. My trans ass? I managed to get a different result every time I retook the P0ttermore quiz. MBTI, zodiacs—not my thing. But the Enneagram comes the closest I’ve ever seen to covering all the bases and revealing actually meaningful insight, at least for myself. On top of that, I find it extremely useful for fleshing out fictional characters, hence this post will be taking advantage of that.
For those who aren’t familiar with it, here’s a quick overview: The Enneagram consists of 9 individual personality types, each arranged carefully in a sequential, circular manner. They are also simply named 1 through 9. While this might seem kinda basic, there is actually a surprising amount of nuance and fluidity involved. Typing is done largely through personal introspection (you don’t really have to take a test). Adjacent numbers share some core themes with each other, and according to a web of arrows between them, one type can take on either positive or negative traits associated with other types depending on how emotionally ‘healthy’ they are, causing a lengthy spectrum of different ways each type can manifest. That part gets kinda complicated to explain here, so for more info, the Enneagram Institute website is a decent place to start. I also highly recommend the Enneagram album by Sleeping At Last (and if you really want to dedicate some time, the accompanying podcast) to really get inside the heads of the types on a deeper level.
My interest in applying the Enneagram to Izuku comes from observing how differently one can interpret his character based on whether you read him as a 2 or a 9. And even though no one uses this language to talk about him, the distinction accounts for a bunch of different rifts in the fandom: whether you appreciate bkdk’s relationship, whether you can acknowledge Izuku’s flaws and weaknesses, the severity of his vigilante/rogue phase, and most importantly the gravity of his concealed heart, his rage, and what it all means—what he needs in order to grow and triumph.
Discussion of Enneagram types in the fandom is pretty scarce, but where it exists, I have only seen him labeled as a 2. Type 9 and type 2 can be similar at a glance in a lot of ways (actually, 9s can be mistaken for any type because they are like all of them combined). It’s easy to see Izuku as a 2 because he is the helping hero archetype. He puts others’ needs above his own and he is always ready and eager to help. If you listen to Sleeping At Last’s song for 2, you’ll notice that it’s all about care and noble sacrifice with the underlying theme of neglecting or even harming oneself: “I just want to build you up, until your good as new, and maybe one day I will get around to fixing myself too.” Sounds pretty obvious, right? Well, here’s the thing. You really get to know what your type is by how it hits you where it hurts, so I like to focus on each type’s basic fear and basic desire, first and foremost, as a tell. A 2′s basic fear is of being worthless and unloved. Consequently, their most basic desire is to be loved. And 2s have been taught through their negative experiences that love is conditional, something they have to earn from others. They need to be needed. So let’s say you think Izuku is a 2. This means you consider his heroic, self-sacrificing tendencies to be a result of his growing up quirkless and being told he is worthless and powerless because of it. Through this lens, he is trying to prove himself to the world by being useful. Along these lines, you may also assume he is trying to prove himself to Katsuki. Taking this train of thought even further, you may interpret Izuku’s relationship with Katsuki as an obsession of his, where he is either blind to Katsuki’s more negative traits in favor of gaining his love and praise, or else bitterly determined to prove him wrong. This is how a 2 might behave in an unhealthy relationship with an 8, which, yes, I do think Katsuki is an 8. That’s a tangent for another time, though.
But does Izuku ever “need to be needed?” It’s worth noting that while 2s’ search for validation might seem insincere, it is actually motivated by a deep, heartbreaking insecurity. They think they don’t even deserve love unless they are useful to someone, so they do everything they can to be worthy. Does Izuku show signs of this motivation?
If I stop to think about it, I can’t exactly see this in Izuku’s character. Yeah, his dream is to be a hero, and in his childhood, he was denied that dream. However I think we need to take a step back from that for a second if we want to dig deep. I mean, a lot of the other characters also behave heroically, act selflessly, and strive to help. Does that mean all of them are 2s as well? Of course not. So let’s instead turn to observe how Izuku acts with his loved ones, friends, and peers in other/adjacent contexts:
Inko: He is committed to protecting his mother from fearing for his safety. He wants to be good enough to not cause her to worry, rather than good enough to make her proud or make her love him. Idk about his father but at this point I think it’s safe to assume he is deeply unimportant.
All Might: I would describe their relationship as one of mutual responsibility. Izuku feels a responsibility to uphold All Might’s legacy, All Might feels a responsibility to teach him well. Because of this mutuality, I don’t think it quite makes sense to say Izuku deliberately seeks approval for its own sake. You know what I mean? They may be a mentor and a pupil but in practice they are almost more like co-conspirators. They don’t really have a power dynamic going on.
Shouto, Tenya, other friends: Izuku seems to take an interest in what makes his friends tick, and he sets himself aside in order to both analytically and intuitively determine what’s wrong and how to solve it. Examples include his fight against Shouto in the sports festival, and his stubborn concern for Tenya’s reaction to his brother’s forced retirement. He will put himself in the line of fire specifically when confronted with another person’s inner demons. This is not a labor that is asked of professional heroes, it’s just who Izuku is. You can also extend this observation to how he sees through Tomura to Tenko, but I’ll get to that later. Basically, while 2s seek to help in all kinds of ways, a 9’s strategy is always centered on the realm of the mind.
Kota: Adjacent to the paragraph above, before Izuku literally gets into a position where he needs to save Kota, he becomes interested in the boy’s point of view out of genuine curiosity. He doesn’t go “oh no, this kid doesn’t like heroes, I better get him to like heroes.” Instead he seeks out information as to why he thinks that way, and patiently listens. He’s sorry about what happened to Kota, and he understands. Twice (ch 71 and 72), he recognizes the fact that everyone has their own point of view on quirks, and he can’t really do anything about that.
Mirio: This might be one of the most telling examples. Mirio is the platonic ideal of an All Might successor. He’s “perfect.” He even looks the part. While this initially makes Izuku uncomfortable, he doesn’t become insecure and defensive over it. On the contrary, he easily comes to the conclusion that actually, Mirio should have One for All. Just like that (ch 172). If Mirio hadn’t dismissed the “hypothetical,” he probably would have gone through with giving it to him. That’s not how a 2 would respond. A 2 would double down and aim to be better than Mirio by trying to establish some relationship of need, fueled by the insecurity. Their shared subplot with Eri would have looked pretty different, I think.
Katsuki: I’ve mentioned before that I believe their rivalry only exists because Katsuki put it there. First of all, we can see that after the sludge villain incident, Izuku weirdly takes Katsuki’s dismissal of Izuku’s help as practical advice. Like, “oh yeah, I guess what I did was pretty stupid and dangerous, and I’m not cut out for this hero stuff. Now I can move on and find a realistic career.” Hello?? He accepted that so easily. So Izuku clearly isn’t motivated by a desire to prove himself to Katsuki. Even when he proclaims he’s going to surpass him, it’s like he’s happily mimicking Katsuki, not reacting based on insecurity or pride. Izuku is content to meet Katsuki wherever he is, and he’s satisfied with whatever kind of relationship they are able to have, including a rivalry, so he isn’t vying for his affection either. We can observe this when he gives up the role of reaching out a hand to save Katsuki to Kirishima, and also when he thinks about how “blessed” he is to even have a normal conversation with Katsuki. He doesn’t push things. It’s also stated in Deku vs. Kacchan 2 that Izuku doesn’t excuse or overlook Katsuki’s “bad side” but still admires him for his other traits. This is not at all characteristic of a toxic 2x8 relationship.
When 2s are at their very worst or pushed into unhealthy situations, they tend to become more needy and self-centered, even downright manipulative. But at Izuku’s worst, when he went rogue, he pushed everyone away to avoid being a burden. When the refugees at UA tried to prevent him from returning, he was like, “you’re right” and would have turned back immediately if not for his friends, loved ones, and other people who care about him telling him it was all okay. Meanwhile, Katsuki, in true 8 fashion, was pissed off at being rejected and having to deal with Izuku’s stubborn and evasive side (oh yeah, have I mentioned 9s are actually stubborn as hell?), but he made sure to establish that they are (he is) here to step in when Izuku can’t handle things by himself. Katsuki even opened up and admitted to his own weaknesses to show why mutual support is so important. Tbh, a lot of the above can be construed as just super healthy type 2 behavior, but not this. The way Izuku acts at his lowest, and his dynamic with Katsuki? Totally different. Dead giveaway for a 9.
Let’s get into the type 9 itself in more detail to show how it applies to Izuku more deeply—seriously, it’s beat for beat. One of the key differences is, while 2s seek validation, 9s are actually resigned to the belief that they aren’t important. Similar to 2s, a 9′s basic fear is of separation, but their basic desire is actually just peace or harmony rather than love. Notice how these motivations are just like a 2’s, except they have the “self” part taken out. With that in mind, they “achieve” their basic desire through selflessness in and of itself, without the need for recognition. That’s not to say that 9s are better than 2s. In fact, a 9 can be worse, in a way. If unhealthy, they will seek peace at almost any cost to themselves. In other words, they can be more self-destructive while still under the impression that they are doing just fine. “Peace” may refer to the expression of empathy, fulfilling the needs of others, sheltering someone, or mediating a fight—but also to repressing their own opinions and needs, not “rocking the boat,” ignoring negative emotions, or becoming a vessel for someone else to vent to.
What about inner peace? 9s value serenity, and thus they have a complicated relationship with the most tumultuous of emotions: anger. On the surface, 9s look like the type that is extremely slow to anger and highly tolerant. However, as much as they would like to believe this about themselves too, deep down, 9s are afraid of what might happen if they lose control. My phrase for it is this: I feel like a bottled tornado. Personally, I also think of anger as a basic desire to make others feel your pain—not necessarily sadistically, but in an effort to be known, to be understood. The difficult thing to grasp, especially for a 9, is that this is NOT inherently a bad thing. It isn’t wrong to seek sympathy. On the contrary, it is harmful to tell yourself that getting angry is wrong, because it’s like telling yourself that your pain is wrong, your pain doesn’t matter.
The problem is it doesn’t stop there. A 9, in shutting down their anger, ends up with such a low opinion of their own heart, their other emotions dull along with it. They cry less, laugh less, love less. It’s often said that they “fall asleep” to themselves. It all starts with anger. It’s interesting to note how different this whole mindset is from toxic masculinity—where men only feel allowed/able to express emotions through anger. This is sorta like the opposite. Anger becomes the dam rather than the river. For Izuku, I want us to consider that his suppression of anger carries with it the implication that he is hiding other things, too. It’s a given. There’s a whole sea of feelings out there, and we can only see the waves hitting the shore. This brings me to the whole “control your heart” thing. I do think it is worth mentioning that Banjou didn’t just tell Izuku to exercise control. He also told him that his anger could be useful if it is harnessed. With this added context, “control” here means “to master.” And Izuku seemed to grasp this concept… sorta. I think that if Izuku is like a 9, we can assume he has trouble understanding how anger could be a worthy source of strength. His emotions in relation to Katsuki feel more like a weakness to him, a character flaw in a hero, who is supposed to be detached and selfless. But he’s trying to understand, even though he’s afraid of it. He essentially applied the same strategy he used for mastering OFA itself: incremental strength training. Which, okay. Take a moment to absorb how odd that is, in relation to emotions, specifically. Does one learn to cry incrementally? Does one learn to use anger by bottling a fucking tornado?? Like, what, you think you’re gonna be able to let out juuust the right amount of air to avoid an explosion??? No, man… if you want to be the master of your emotions you have to be willing to sit with them. Confront them. Listen to them. Take them in completely and accept them as a part of yourself.
For someone like Izuku, though, it is very difficult to imagine how this is even possible. Tomura, as with every villain, can be used to reflect his hero counterpart’s greatest fear about himself. Tomura literally touches everyone and everything with his rage, and as a physical manifestation of that desire to pass his own pain onto others, destruction radiates from his fingertips. Thus, losing control in this manner must be Izuku’s worst nightmare, as if he would be completely unable to stop the collateral damage like an infinite line of dominoes. But his anger is not something he can overcome, as such.
An overarching theme in this heroes vs. villains conflict is that the villains are not merely obstacles to be overcome. Just think back to Himiko’s bitter rejection of the heroic sense of superiority. She demanded not to be pitied, condescended to, or lied to. Likewise, the answer cannot be that Izuku needs to restrain himself where Tomura doesn’t. What purpose would it serve to show that Izuku is better than him? Certainly not saving Tomura. If this was a battle against AFO, it might have been a different story. In that case, Izuku would have to overcome his emotional manipulation tactics. Tomura, on the other hand, is not so strategic. With his strangely childlike tendencies, he must relish making Izuku mad because it brings them closer to the same wavelength. It’s his own twisted way or seeking sympathy, or at least, the closest thing to sympathy he can get anymore, because he believes he is beyond saving. With that in mind, Izuku isn’t going to get anywhere unless he rises to meet him. Izuku has to match Tomura’s hatred with equally strong emotions of his own, whatever they may be, or else face the loss of OFA (as established in 305). This is not an easy thing to ask of a 9, once they have started to pull the blood from their extremities, become cold and numb. Bringing back circulation is painful and makes the skin crawl.
In case you’re worried about the focus on anger here, I want to reiterate that concealed anger in a 9 is just one sign of so much more. Back when everyone started fretting about Izuku’s habit of self-sacrifice, which would have been the only thing we need to worry about if he were a 2, I was freaking out because Izuku was also starting to look like a person who has too many secrets. You don’t even have to acknowledge the possibility that he lied about what triggered blackwhip. It’s written all over his face all the time these days. It’s especially noticeable when you contrast him with Katsuki after all his own growth. Katsuki confides in people. He acknowledges his weaknesses. He enjoys being himself. He asserts his place. He thinks about Izuku all the damn time and now he even lets himself be soft about it. All this warmth while Izuku is distant, muted, and blank. I know all too well what this state of mind is like. Man, I hate secrets. You get to the point where you don’t know how to talk about even the simplest most inconsequential shit. And the bigger things? They’re like a growing snowball of words in your throat that cannot possibly fit out of your mouth. The “easiest” way to cope is to simply fade into the rhythm of life. Go with the flow.
Since 9s have a natural curiosity about the interiority of other people, they may choose to focus on that in order to divert their own attention away from themselves. Taken to the extreme, they will lose track of their sense of self. Like I said, you can see Izuku doing this as he fights, analyzing the psyche of his opponent, and his match against Shouto in the sports festival was a fantastic early example. They became friends because of how observant Izuku is. His emotional intelligence and intuition are very strong, but gradually, as he has taken on greater responsibilities and experienced more trauma, he has gotten worse at applying these skills to himself. You know, we go on and on about how his narration has been reduced to nearly nothing, and it’s not just an absence of introspection, it’s an absence of self. It creates a lack of ownership over the narrative—what should be his narrative.
Right now, he’s focusing on trying to see Tomura as a person, figuring him out. I think it would be really satisfyingly ironic if in the process, he ends up uncovering insights about himself instead. It’s about time we learn what Izuku’s secrets are. I don’t actually think that Izuku mastering anger will constitute the emotion that is strong enough to keep Tomura from taking OFA. Moreover, he can’t expect to reach Tomura’s core, Tenko, unless he exposes his own. Rather, anger is the conduit for Izuku to unlock something else. Think of the way he described how Katsuki is his image of victory. The feeling manifests when he asserts a stronger sense of self (the urge to win) and he becomes more free with his words. I have no doubt that Tomura has the power to make unfiltered honesty spill out of him. He knows how to bring out his selfish needs, his pain, his pressure points, his fears, his insecurities. Hell, maybe Mt. Fuji erupting is a metaphor. I want to see Izuku explode while Tomura watches with mad glee. But then I want Izuku to Realize Things such that it finally sets him free. Then, instead of Tomura witnessing yet another person he touches fall apart, he gets to see someone become whole.
"I let the scale tip, feel all of it. It's uncomfortable but right. And we were born to try to see each other through. To know and love ourselves and others well is the most difficult and meaningful work we'll ever do." --Sleeping At Last, 'Nine'
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enneagram-reblogs · 7 months
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Relationships: Type Four. From NineTypesCo by Steph Barron Hall.
Deep | Introspective | Passionate | Affected | Novel⁠⠀ ⁠⠀ In relationships, Fours value depth and empathy. Fours long to be mirrored and deeply understood by their partner, and they spend a great deal of time thinking about their own identity and who they are in the partnership. When less aware, Fours get so caught up in their own thoughts or daydreams that they are no longer attached to reality. In this state, they may ignore their partner. Fours are passionate and expressive of their moods and creativity, and they long to be seen for who they truly are.⁠⠀
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Yandere Enneagram: The 27 Tritypes
please reblog. i'm begging you. this took 4 hours... open this link for the google document version open this link for the personality test for this system
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Inspired by Enneagram Tritypes, I made this yandere theory system! It's just for fun, but feel free to type yourself or characters in it.
This is based on the idea that there are 3 centers to the Enneagram: the gut, the head, and the heart. They're made up of the 8, 9, 1, then 5, 6, 7, and 2, 3, 4 types respectively. The tritype is then all of the traits of one type from each center combined.
Some of the traits are negative and may not apply to a more healthy yandere, while some might be too positive for a more unhealthy yandere. It cannot describe the yandere 100% accurately, however, it can give a good description of their behavior.
The explanations will be explained in how each type interacts with each other in the tritype.
Core: Your main type.
Fix: Your secondary/tertiary type, one of the other 2 numbers in your tritype besides your core.
125 - The Guardian Angel
1+2: ♡ Stressed about darling's safety ♡ "I CAN FIX THEM" ♡ Critical ♡ Has a very specific ideal for darling ♡ Attracted to troubled darlings ♡ Feels like it's only right to interfere with darling's life, whatever that means to them ♡ Self-righteous ♡ Martyr ♡ Needs validation from darling despite how they may act ♡ Acts of service ♡ 1 fix can help core 2 be more careful about their actions/be more rational ♡ 2 fix can help core 1 be less brash and more emotionally comforting
1+5: ♡ Very meticulous ♡ A planner and a stalker ♡ Still somewhat critical despite idealizing nature of 5 fix ♡ Struggles with the touchy-feely part of relationship ♡ Often too cold ♡ Emotionally aloof ♡ Especially intimidating when angry ♡ Curious about darling ♡ Can seem like they're interrogating darling at times with their curiosity ♡ Perfectionist ♡ 5 fix can help 1 core see darling less critically ♡ 1 fix can help 5 core be more persistent and less susceptible to surrender
2+5: ♡ Needs alone time despite craving attention from darling ♡ Covert obsession ♡ Would set up cameras in darling's room and/or watch them at all times ♡ Needs to know they're safe and content ♡ Asks darling so many questions and wants to know exactly how they feel ♡ Keeps their true intentions hidden ♡ Interested in darling's connections with other people ♡ Likes to give advice to darling and to be of service ♡ Really, really loves analyzing darling ♡ Love letters and love poetry enjoyer ♡ 2 fix can help 5 core interact with darling more ♡ 5 fix can help 2 core become less suffocating to darling
126 - The Martyr
1+2: ♡ Stressed about darling's safety ♡ "I CAN FIX THEM" ♡ Critical ♡ Has a very specific ideal for darling ♡ Attracted to troubled darlings ♡ Feels like it's only right to interfere with darling's life, whatever that means to them ♡ Self-righteous ♡ Martyr ♡ Needs validation from darling despite how they may act ♡ Acts of service ♡ 1 fix can help core 2 be more careful about their actions/be more rational ♡ 2 fix can help core 1 be less brash and more emotionally comforting
1+6: ♡ Very strict ♡ Wants to be aware of what darling is doing, not out of curiosity like 5, but out of fear ♡ Rigid expectations; will panic if they fail to follow their expectations or act differently ♡ Extremely controlling due to need for security and ♡ Criticism + paranoia = becomes very angry if they see something "wrong" with darling ♡ Imagines problems that don't exist and becomes upset about them ♡ Especially hateful of everyone darling interacts with ♡ 1 fix can help core 6 focus on an ideal and focus on something rather than irrational anxieties ♡ 6 fix can help core 1 be less harsh and more lovey-dovey
2+6: ♡ Strong desire to be of service to darling ♡ Most anxious about making a mistake and hurting darling rather than helping ♡ Hates hates hates being alone and separated from darling the most; most clingy and needy ♡ Needs security and plenty of "I love you"s ♡ Needy. Did I mention needy? ♡ Forgets their own needs and instead focuses on darling's ♡ Needs to be important to darling ♡ Becomes very flustered and upset if they don't know how to help darling ♡ Hates it when other people help darling with anything ♡ Often self-sacrifical for darling but not humble about it, at least not internally ♡ 6 fix can help 2 core be more understanding of darling and think things through more carefully rather than only seeking affection; helps 2 be more thoughtful ♡ 2 fix can help 6 core feel more of a specific purpose, to help darling
127 - The Savior
1+2: ♡ Stressed about darling's safety ♡ "I CAN FIX THEM" ♡ Critical ♡ Has a very specific ideal for darling ♡ Attracted to troubled darlings ♡ Feels like it's only right to interfere with darling's life, whatever that means to them ♡ Self-righteous ♡ Martyr ♡ Needs validation from darling despite how they may act ♡ Acts of service ♡ 1 fix can help core 2 be more careful about their actions/be more rational ♡ 2 fix can help core 1 be less brash and more emotionally comforting
1+7: ♡ Very idealistic ♡ Focused on a dream/perfect world ♡ Serious but also enthusiastic ♡ Can get quickly bored of darlings if they aren't "good enough" ♡ Loves giving gifts to darling ♡ Unpredictable emotions; prone to anger issues ♡ Unpredictable and somewhat random in general despite desire for structure and control; 7 conflicts with 1 ♡ Likes to plan trips and dates in detail ♡ Romanticizes darling and gets upset if they don't match the ideal they have for them ♡ Desires perfection ♡ In love with the idea of darling ♡ 7 fix can help 1 core be less strict, demanding, and critical ♡ 1 fix can help 7 core focus and be more structured
2+7: ♡ Very social, even with those that aren't darling (but especially with darling) ♡ Possibly a bit delusional in likely thinking that darling is obsessed with them as well ♡ Friendly and upbeat ♡ More likely to compromise with others that get in their way of darling rather than act in a manner that is emotionally-charged ♡ Manipulative; love-bombs darling and even others ♡ Likes messing with darling and teasing them ♡ Extremely affectionate ♡ Probably enjoys physical touch ♡ Fantasizes about saving darling from danger ♡ 2 fix can help core 7 be more caring about darling's wellbeing ♡ 7 fix can help core 2 relax
135 - The Perfectionist
1+3: ♡ Strong desire to have a positive image of and with darling ♡ Needs a perfect relationship ♡ 2 wing is especially likely to sabotage darling then try to "fix" things ♡ Needs... everything to be perfect ♡ Sensitive ♡ Will completely break down if darling criticizes them; more likely sadly if 3 core, more likely angrily if 1 core ♡ Identifies with relationship with darling ♡ Expects darling and themself to be perfect ♡ Especially critical of who darling associates with ♡ Stressed out ♡ Perfectionist ♡ Works hard to please darling, especially with 2 wing ♡ Likely to see darling as lesser and like a pet or toy to them ♡ 1 fix can help core 3 control darling ♡ 3 fix can help core 1 consider the view of other people rather than only their own
1+5: ♡ Very meticulous ♡ A planner and a stalker ♡ Still somewhat critical despite idealizing nature of 5 fix ♡ Struggles with the touchy-feely part of relationship ♡ Often too cold ♡ Emotionally aloof ♡ Especially intimidating when angry ♡ Curious about darling ♡ Can seem like they're interrogating darling at times with their curiosity ♡ Perfectionist ♡ 5 fix can help 1 core see darling less critically ♡ 1 fix can help 5 core be more persistent and less susceptible to surrender
3+5: ♡ Arrogant about how well they "know" darling ♡ Intelligent ♡ Meticulous and careful ♡ Stalker but likes to be a little fun with it ♡ Would secretly give possibly creepy gifts to darling ♡ Likes to look good for darling but is less flashy than a 3+7 for example ♡ Strong mask around everyone but especially darling ♡ Fearful of vulnerability ♡ Puts a barrier between themself and darling ♡ Fear of failure ♡ 3 fix can help 5 core be less reserved and act more on their desires, despite still having a mask of some kind ♡ 5 fix can help 3 core understand darling better and care more about darling rather than looking good together
136 - The Sculptor
1+3: ♡ Strong desire to have a positive image of and with darling ♡ Needs a perfect relationship ♡ 2 wing is especially likely to sabotage darling then try to "fix" things ♡ Needs... everything to be perfect ♡ Sensitive ♡ Will completely break down if darling criticizes them; more likely sadly if 3 core, more likely angrily if 1 core ♡ Identifies with relationship with darling ♡ Expects darling and themself to be perfect ♡ Especially critical of who darling associates with ♡ Stressed out ♡ Perfectionist ♡ Works hard to please darling, especially with 2 wing ♡ Likely to see darling as lesser and like a pet or toy to them ♡ 1 fix can help core 3 control darling ♡ 3 fix can help core 1 consider the view of other people rather than only their own
1+6: ♡ Very strict ♡ Wants to be aware of what darling is doing, not out of curiosity like 5, but out of fear ♡ Rigid expectations; will panic if they fail to follow their expectations or act differently ♡ Extremely controlling due to need for security and ♡ Criticism + paranoia = becomes very angry if they see something "wrong" with darling ♡ Imagines problems that don't exist and becomes upset about them ♡ Especially hateful of everyone darling interacts with ♡ 1 fix can help core 6 focus on an ideal and focus on something rather than irrational anxieties ♡ 6 fix can help core 1 be less harsh and more lovey-dovey
3+6: ♡ Cares a lot about loyalty ♡ Wants darling to pledge their loyalty to them ♡ Needs darling to show how much they love them in actions ♡ Highly dedicated to darling ♡ Insecure about how others see their relationship ♡ Shows darling off to make sure everyone knows they're together ♡ Anxious ♡ Especially anxious if they feel darling has criticized them in any way ♡ Matching pfps, layouts, outfits, etc with darling ♡ Anxious about how their darling views them; needs to be perfect ♡ Wants to be extremely talented and accomplished so darling admires them ♡ Competitive to please darling ♡ Adapts to darling's preferences like a chameleon ♡ 3 fix can help 6 core be more confident ♡ 6 fix can help 3 core think more
137 - The Idealist
1+3: ♡ Strong desire to have a positive image of and with darling ♡ Needs a perfect relationship ♡ 2 wing is especially likely to sabotage darling then try to "fix" things ♡ Needs... everything to be perfect ♡ Sensitive ♡ Will completely break down if darling criticizes them; more likely sadly if 3 core, more likely angrily if 1 core ♡ Identifies with relationship with darling ♡ Expects darling and themself to be perfect ♡ Especially critical of who darling associates with ♡ Stressed out ♡ Perfectionist ♡ Works hard to please darling, especially with 2 wing ♡ Likely to see darling as lesser and like a pet or toy to them ♡ 1 fix can help core 3 control darling ♡ 3 fix can help core 1 consider the view of other people rather than only their own
1+7: ♡ Very idealistic ♡ Focused on a dream/perfect world ♡ Serious but also enthusiastic ♡ Can get quickly bored of darlings if they aren't "good enough" ♡ Loves giving gifts to darling ♡ Unpredictable emotions; prone to anger issues ♡ Unpredictable and somewhat random in general despite desire for structure and control; 7 conflicts with 1 ♡ Likes to plan trips and dates in detail ♡ Romanticizes darling and gets upset if they don't match the ideal they have for them ♡ Desires perfection ♡ In love with the idea of darling ♡ 7 fix can help 1 core be less strict, demanding, and critical ♡ 1 fix can help 7 core focus and be more structured
3+7: ♡ Flashy ♡ Positive and optimistic about their relationship ♡ Especially wants darling to think they're cool and the best ♡ Might be fake or two-faced ♡ Can manipulate others easily ♡ Doesn't hesitate to harm others if they're in the way of their relationship with darling ♡ Romanticizes darling and their relationship ♡ Loves doing cute couple things with darling ♡ Playful, likes teasing darling ♡ Drags darling into adventures with them ♡ Struggles with vulnerability ♡ Has a "mask" or false self ♡ 3 fix can help 7 core focus more on one darling rather than bouncing around as much ♡ 7 fix can help 3 core be more lovey-dovey and playful
145 - The Researcher
1+4: ♡ Most focused on darling being perfect ♡ Hates everything that isn't darling the most, finds them boring and subpar ♡ Hard to please ♡ Very particular ♡ Possibly follows religious ideals with darling ♡ Or might worship darling instead - or desire that darling worships them ♡ Harsh standards for themself ♡ 1 wants to control darling while 4 wants to simply love darling as they are ♡ Feels conflicted in how they feel about darling ♡ Manipulative ♡ Doesn't daydream as much as other 4 types and isn't as emotional; 1 stunts the dreamy, emotional part of 4 ♡ Erratic view of darling ♡ 1 fix can help 4 core romanticize things less and be more serious ♡ 4 fix can help 1 core love darling more comfortably
1+5: ♡ Very meticulous ♡ A planner and a stalker ♡ Still somewhat critical despite idealizing nature of 5 fix ♡ Struggles with the touchy-feely part of relationship ♡ Often too cold ♡ Emotionally aloof ♡ Especially intimidating when angry ♡ Curious about darling ♡ Can seem like they're interrogating darling at times with their curiosity ♡ Perfectionist ♡ 5 fix can help 1 core see darling less critically ♡ 1 fix can help 5 core be more persistent and less susceptible to surrender
4+5: ♡ Detached from actually being with darling ♡ Watches darling from afar and daydreams about them rather than acting ♡ Doubled daydreaming aspects ♡ Quiet resentment towards others in darling's life; 4, 1, or 8 core more likely to act on resentment ♡ Deeply engrossed in analyzing darling ♡ Writes and enjoys love poetry and love letters ♡ Deep down, needs words of affirmation ♡ Sees darling as perfect (unless splitting or something of the sort, as is common with 4 types...!) ♡ Quite delusional ♡ 5 fix might make 4 core a little less emotional than other 4s ♡ Bizzare-seeking ♡ Struggles to explain their feelings for darling when asked about it ♡ Somewhat dislikes simple conversation with darling; prefers deep conversations with them ♡ 4 fix can help 5 core be more likely to act, though it is still a bit detached ♡ 5 fix can help 4 core analyze darling more and see them more as a person rather than entirely as their "lover"
146 - The Philosopher
1+4: ♡ Most focused on darling being perfect ♡ Hates everything that isn't darling the most, finds them boring and subpar ♡ Hard to please ♡ Very particular ♡ Possibly follows religious ideals with darling ♡ Or might worship darling instead - or desire that darling worships them ♡ Harsh standards for themself ♡ 1 wants to control darling while 4 wants to simply love darling as they are ♡ Feels conflicted in how they feel about darling ♡ Manipulative ♡ Doesn't daydream as much as other 4 types and isn't as emotional; 1 stunts the dreamy, emotional part of 4 ♡ Erratic view of darling ♡ 1 fix can help 4 core romanticize things less and be more serious ♡ 4 fix can help 1 core love darling more comfortably
1+6: ♡ Very strict ♡ Wants to be aware of what darling is doing, not out of curiosity like 5, but out of fear ♡ Rigid expectations; will panic if they fail to follow their expectations or act differently ♡ Extremely controlling due to need for security and ♡ Criticism + paranoia = becomes very angry if they see something "wrong" with darling ♡ Imagines problems that don't exist and becomes upset about them ♡ Especially hateful of everyone darling interacts with ♡ 1 fix can help core 6 focus on an ideal and focus on something rather than irrational anxieties ♡ 6 fix can help core 1 be less harsh and more lovey-dovey
4+6: ♡ Extremely sensitive ♡ Cries easily about darling ♡ Manipulative ♡ Definitely be the type to kill or at least hurt anyone in the way ♡ Only trusts darling ♡ "I fucking hate everyone but you" ♡ Tests darling's loyalty ♡ Soulmates ♡ Very delusional but especially persecutory ♡ Paranoid ♡ Vulnerable ♡ Empathetic to darling ♡ Likely reverent ♡ 6 fix can help 4 core be more careful and wary ♡ 4 fix can help 6 core stay in touch with emotions
147 - The Visionary
1+4: ♡ Most focused on darling being perfect ♡ Hates everything that isn't darling the most, finds them boring and subpar ♡ Hard to please ♡ Very particular ♡ Possibly follows religious ideals with darling ♡ Or might worship darling instead - or desire that darling worships them ♡ Harsh standards for themself ♡ 1 wants to control darling while 4 wants to simply love darling as they are ♡ Feels conflicted in how they feel about darling ♡ Manipulative ♡ Doesn't daydream as much as other 4 types and isn't as emotional; 1 stunts the dreamy, emotional part of 4 ♡ Erratic view of darling ♡ 1 fix can help 4 core romanticize things less and be more serious ♡ 4 fix can help 1 core love darling more comfortably
1+7: ♡ Very idealistic ♡ Focused on a dream/perfect world ♡ Serious but also enthusiastic ♡ Can get quickly bored of darlings if they aren't "good enough" ♡ Loves giving gifts to darling ♡ Unpredictable emotions; prone to anger issues ♡ Unpredictable and somewhat random in general despite desire for structure and control; 7 conflicts with 1 ♡ Likes to plan trips and dates in detail ♡ Romanticizes darling and gets upset if they don't match the ideal they have for them ♡ Desires perfection ♡ In love with the idea of darling ♡ 7 fix can help 1 core be less strict, demanding, and critical ♡ 1 fix can help 7 core focus and be more structured
4+7: ♡ Dreamer and idealist ♡ Romanticizes darling a lot ♡ Rose-colored glasses ♡ Plays with darling ♡ Overindulges in fantasies and love for darling ♡ Prone to giving into desires, even darker ones ♡ Believes they and darling are special and fated to be together ♡ Manic ♡ Moody ♡ Can become bratty ♡ Childish at times ♡ "That's mine!!" ♡ 4 fix can help 7 core feel a stronger connection to just one darling rather than jumping around ♡ 7 fix can help 4 core get over any lost darlings quicker
258 - The Strategist
2+5: ♡ Needs alone time despite craving attention from darling ♡ Covert obsession ♡ Would set up cameras in darling's room and/or watch them at all times ♡ Needs to know they're safe and content ♡ Asks darling so many questions and wants to know exactly how they feel ♡ Keeps their true intentions hidden ♡ Interested in darling's connections with other people ♡ Likes to give advice to darling and to be of service ♡ Really, really loves analyzing darling ♡ Love letters and love poetry enjoyer ♡ 2 fix can help 5 core interact with darling more ♡ 5 fix can help 2 core become less suffocating to darling
2+8: ♡ Very very very possessive ♡ Hates when people talk to darling ♡ Would lock darling in their closet and be their sole caretaker if t hey could ♡ Especially controlling ♡ Acts of service ♡ Likely physical touch for 8 core especially ♡ Dislikes being vulnerable and prefers to make darling vulnerable ♡ Conflicted between protecting their own needs and pleasing darling ♡ Aggressive in love and cute aggression ♡ Lovey-dovey ♡ Darling's hero ♡ Anger issues to both darling and others ♡ Sees darling as helpless and weak, needing their help and protection ♡ 2 fix can help 8 core care more about making darling happy and fulfilling their needs rather than simply possessing them ♡ 8 fix can help 2 core become less obsessed with pleasing darling and care more about protecting themself
5+8: ♡ Mastermind ♡ Often intimidating, darling may be afraid of them ♡ Quietly stalks darling and waits to pounce ♡ Invulnerable ♡ Dominant ♡ Watches from afar rather than closely interacting with darling ♡ Especially hates everyone in darling's life; possessive and jealous but wields it like a weapon ♡ Likely has street smarts ♡ Prone to manipulation and violence; lethal ♡ Hates superficiality and dislikes small talk, especially with darling ♡ Wants a true, deep connection with darling, especially with 4 core or fix ♡ 5 fix can help 8 core be less impulsive and reflect more ♡ 8 fix can help 5 core eventually pounce rather than never acting
259 - The Problem Solver
2+5: ♡ Needs alone time despite craving attention from darling ♡ Covert obsession ♡ Would set up cameras in darling's room and/or watch them at all times ♡ Needs to know they're safe and content ♡ Asks darling so many questions and wants to know exactly how they feel ♡ Keeps their true intentions hidden ♡ Interested in darling's connections with other people ♡ Likes to give advice to darling and to be of service ♡ Really, really loves analyzing darling ♡ Love letters and love poetry enjoyer ♡ 2 fix can help 5 core interact with darling more ♡ 5 fix can help 2 core become less suffocating to darling
2+9: ♡ Most self-sacrifical ♡ Forgets own needs in favor of darling's ♡ Conflicted between hidden pride of 2 and self-abasement of 9 ♡ Deeply fearful of hurting darling or upsetting darling ♡ Very sweet to darling, probably the sweetest to darling except maybe 4+9 ♡ Passive-aggressive ♡ Lots of built-up resentment ♡ Might snap on darling one day ♡ Deeply afraid of losing darling ♡ Especially bad abandonment issues ♡ Prone to feeling unappreciated ♡ Denies their pride ♡ Wants to help darling ♡ Delicate and mellow ♡ 2 fix can help 9 core have some kind of pride and enhances desire to help darling, giving some kind of purpose ♡ 9 fix can help 2 core be less prideful and more gentle
5+9: ♡ Lots of daydreaming about darling ♡ May write love poetry that they will probably never share with darling ♡ Withdrawn ♡ Nervous ♡ Stalks darling out of curiosity and love rather than paranoia or for a desire to control them ♡ Seems to disappear ♡ Covert obsession ♡ Reverent ♡ Represses their anxiety and anger ♡ Might have a mask with darling, especially if 3 fix or core ♡ 9 fix can help 5 core be more submissive ♡ 5 fix can help 9 core understand darling more strongly
268 - The Hero
2+6: ♡ Strong desire to be of service to darling ♡ Most anxious about making a mistake and hurting darling rather than helping ♡ Hates hates hates being alone and separated from darling the most; most clingy and needy ♡ Needs security and plenty of "I love you"s ♡ Needy. Did I mention needy? ♡ Forgets their own needs and instead focuses on darling's ♡ Needs to be important to darling ♡ Becomes very flustered and upset if they don't know how to help darling ♡ Hates it when other people help darling with anything ♡ Often self-sacrifical for darling but not humble about it, at least not internally ♡ 6 fix can help 2 core be more understanding of darling and think things through more carefully rather than only seeking affection; can help 2 be more thoughtful ♡ 2 fix can help 6 core feel more of a specific purpose, to help darling
2+8: ♡ Very very very possessive ♡ Hates when people talk to darling ♡ Would lock darling in their closet and be their sole caretaker if t hey could ♡ Especially controlling ♡ Acts of service ♡ Likely physical touch for 8 core especially ♡ Dislikes being vulnerable and prefers to make darling vulnerable ♡ Conflicted between protecting their own needs and pleasing darling ♡ Aggressive in love and cute aggression ♡ Lovey-dovey ♡ Darling's hero ♡ Anger issues to both darling and others ♡ Sees darling as helpless and weak, needing their help and protection ♡ 2 fix can help 8 core care more about making darling happy and fulfilling their needs rather than simply possessing them ♡ 8 fix can help 2 core become less obsessed with pleasing darling and care more about protecting themself
6+8: ♡ Most paranoid combination ♡ Needs to have control over darling ♡ Especially with 5 fix, wants to know what darling's up to, where they are, etc at all times ♡ Tests darling often in multiple ways (loyalty, their love, etc) ♡ Quick reflexes ♡ Almost always in attack mode ♡ Fight rather than flight ♡ Dominant and controlling ♡ POSSESSIVE. So possessive ♡ Denies their anxiety about darling but really is anxious ♡ Loyal and protective over darling (might hate 7s...) ♡ Confrontational and argumentative ♡ Would kill or at least hurt darling if they cheated ♡ Definitely the "Me murdering everyone he's ever looked at" type ♡ 6 fix can help 8 core bond with darling more ♡ 8 fix can help 6 core be more confident and act more rather than simply be anxious
269 - The Nurturer
2+6: ♡ Strong desire to be of service to darling ♡ Most anxious about making a mistake and hurting darling rather than helping ♡ Hates hates hates being alone and separated from darling the most; most clingy and needy ♡ Needs security and plenty of "I love you"s ♡ Needy. Did I mention needy? ♡ Forgets their own needs and instead focuses on darling's ♡ Needs to be important to darling ♡ Becomes very flustered and upset if they don't know how to help darling ♡ Hates it when other people help darling with anything ♡ Often self-sacrifical for darling but not humble about it, at least not internally ♡ 6 fix can help 2 core be more understanding of darling and think things through more carefully rather than only seeking affection; can help 2 be more thoughtful ♡ 2 fix can help 6 core feel more of a specific purpose, to help darling
2+9: ♡ Most self-sacrifical ♡ Forgets own needs in favor of darling's ♡ Conflicted between hidden pride of 2 and self-abasement of 9 ♡ Deeply fearful of hurting darling or upsetting darling ♡ Very sweet to darling, probably the sweetest to darling except maybe 4+9 ♡ Passive-aggressive ♡ Lots of built-up resentment ♡ Might snap on darling one day ♡ Deeply afraid of losing darling ♡ Especially bad abandonment issues ♡ Prone to feeling unappreciated ♡ Denies their pride ♡ Wants to help darling ♡ Delicate and mellow ♡ 2 fix can help 9 core have some kind of pride and enhances desire to help darling, giving some kind of purpose ♡ 9 fix can help 2 core be less prideful and more gentle
6+9: (lol funny number) ♡ Very clingy and anxious ♡ Does not deny anxiety at all ♡ Gentle and agreeable with darling ♡ Reverent ♡ More likely to be honest than manipulative ♡ Changes to fit darling's desires, especially if with a 3 fix or core ♡ Absolutely terrified of conflict with darling ♡ Sees relationship with darling as their source of security and safety in their life ♡ Needy ♡ Needs reassurance often ♡ 6 fix can help 9 core be more proactive ♡ 9 fix can help 6 core be more accepting
278 - The Playful
2+7: ♡ Very social, even with those that aren't darling (but especially with darling) ♡ Possibly a bit delusional in likely thinking that darling is obsessed with them as well ♡ Friendly and upbeat ♡ More likely to compromise with others that get in their way of darling rather than act in a manner that is emotionally-charged ♡ Manipulative; love-bombs darling and even others ♡ Likes messing with darling and teasing them ♡ Extremely affectionate ♡ Probably enjoys physical touch ♡ Fantasizes about saving darling from danger ♡ 2 fix can help core 7 be more caring about darling's wellbeing ♡ 7 fix can help core 2 relax
2+8: ♡ Very very very possessive ♡ Hates when people talk to darling ♡ Would lock darling in their closet and be their sole caretaker if t hey could ♡ Especially controlling ♡ Acts of service ♡ Likely physical touch for 8 core especially ♡ Dislikes being vulnerable and prefers to make darling vulnerable ♡ Conflicted between protecting their own needs and pleasing darling ♡ Aggressive in love and cute aggression ♡ Lovey-dovey ♡ Darling's hero ♡ Anger issues to both darling and others ♡ Sees darling as helpless and weak, needing their help and protection ♡ 2 fix can help 8 core care more about making darling happy and fulfilling their needs rather than simply possessing them ♡ 8 fix can help 2 core become less obsessed with pleasing darling and care more about protecting themself
7+8: ♡ Assertive ♡ Playful ♡ Likes teasing darling ♡ Enjoys intensity and seeks thrills ♡ Excessive and grandiose ♡ Hates being controlled, especially by darling! ♡ Wants to control darling and play with them ♡ Needs freedom ♡ Especially possessive ♡ Sees darling like their own toy that nobody else can play with ♡ Possibly a bit childish ♡ May switch between darlings frequently ♡ Indecisive ♡ 7 fix can help 8 core be happier and less serious ♡ 8 fix can help 7 core with idealizing darling excessively
279 - The Peacemaker
2+7: ♡ Very social, even with those that aren't darling (but especially with darling) ♡ Possibly a bit delusional in likely thinking that darling is obsessed with them as well ♡ Friendly and upbeat ♡ More likely to compromise with others that get in their way of darling rather than act in a manner that is emotionally-charged ♡ Manipulative; love-bombs darling and even others ♡ Likes messing with darling and teasing them ♡ Extremely affectionate ♡ Probably enjoys physical touch ♡ Fantasizes about saving darling from danger ♡ 2 fix can help core 7 be more caring about darling's wellbeing ♡ 7 fix can help core 2 relax
2+9: ♡ Most self-sacrifical ♡ Forgets own needs in favor of darling's ♡ Conflicted between hidden pride of 2 and self-abasement of 9 ♡ Deeply fearful of hurting darling or upsetting darling ♡ Very sweet to darling, probably the sweetest to darling except maybe 4+9 ♡ Passive-aggressive ♡ Lots of built-up resentment ♡ Might snap on darling one day ♡ Deeply afraid of losing darling ♡ Especially bad abandonment issues ♡ Prone to feeling unappreciated ♡ Denies their pride ♡ Wants to help darling ♡ Delicate and mellow ♡ 2 fix can help 9 core have some kind of pride and enhances desire to help darling, giving some kind of purpose ♡ 9 fix can help 2 core be less prideful and more gentle
7+9: ♡ Dreamy and idealizes darling ♡ A bit more aggressive than other 9 types ♡ Childlike ♡ May get bored of darlings just as quickly as they get attached to darlings ♡ Seems to get addicted to darling ♡ Self-destructive ♡ Very idealistic ♡ Sees darling in a romanticized light, especially with 4 fix or core ♡ Probably gets along with darling well as they have a comforting energy ♡ Likes going on fun, cute dates with darling ♡ Not at all rough ♡ 7 fix can help 9 core be more confident and playful ♡ 9 fix can help 7 core be softer and less temperamental
358 - The Overachiever
3+5: ♡ Arrogant about how well they "know" darling ♡ Intelligent ♡ Meticulous and careful ♡ Stalker but likes to be a little fun with it ♡ Would secretly give possibly creepy gifts to darling ♡ Likes to look good for darling but is less flashy than a 3+7 for example ♡ Strong mask around everyone but especially darling ♡ Fearful of vulnerability ♡ Puts a barrier between themself and darling ♡ Fear of failure ♡ 3 fix can help 5 core be less reserved and act more on their desires, despite still having a mask of some kind ♡ 5 fix can help 3 core understand darling better and care more about darling rather than looking good together
3+8: ♡ Marks darling, probably would get them a collar or something like that! ♡ Wants everyone to know who darling belongs to ♡ Very aggressive and assertive to darling and others ♡ Dominant ♡ Intimidates others, especially anyone who gets in the way of their relationship ♡ Would kill for darling (...or maybe kill darling, too) ♡ Invulnerable ♡ Afraid of showing emotion to darling ♡ Has a "mask" ♡ Thinks those in darling's life are insignificant and weak ♡ Likely sees darling as their cute little pet or something of the sort ♡ 3 fix can help 8 core love their relationship with darling more ♡ 8 fix can help 3 core fight against obstacles more
5+8: ♡ Mastermind ♡ Often intimidating, darling may be afraid of them ♡ Quietly stalks darling and waits to pounce ♡ Invulnerable ♡ Dominant ♡ Watches from afar rather than closely interacting with darling ♡ Especially hates everyone in darling's life; possessive and jealous but wields it like a weapon ♡ Likely has street smarts ♡ Prone to manipulation and violence; lethal ♡ Hates superficiality and dislikes small talk, especially with darling ♡ Wants a true, deep connection with darling, especially with 4 core or fix ♡ 5 fix can help 8 core be less impulsive and reflect more ♡ 8 fix can help 5 core eventually pounce rather than never acting
359 - The Observer
3+5: ♡ Arrogant about how well they "know" darling ♡ Intelligent ♡ Meticulous and careful ♡ Stalker but likes to be a little fun with it ♡ Would secretly give possibly creepy gifts to darling ♡ Likes to look good for darling but is less flashy than a 3+7 for example ♡ Strong mask around everyone but especially darling ♡ Fearful of vulnerability ♡ Puts a barrier between themself and darling ♡ Fear of failure ♡ 3 fix can help 5 core be less reserved and act more on their desires, despite still having a mask of some kind ♡ 5 fix can help 3 core understand darling better and care more about darling rather than looking good together
3+9: ♡ Especially attached to darling ♡ Adaptable and accommodating to darling ♡ Most reverent 3 type ♡ Mostly stable emotions ♡ Clingy to darling ♡ Still cares about their image with darling ♡ Might want darling to take care of them ♡ Prefers a diplomatic approach to obstacles ♡ Avoids conflict ♡ Highly adaptive to darling's preferences; chameleon-like ♡ 3 fix can help 9 core be more confident ♡ 9 fix can help 3 core be more humble and careful
5+9: ♡ Lots of daydreaming about darling ♡ May write love poetry that they will probably never share with darling ♡ Withdrawn ♡ Nervous ♡ Stalks darling out of curiosity and love rather than paranoia or for a desire to control them ♡ Seems to disappear ♡ Covert obsession ♡ Reverent ♡ Represses their anxiety and anger ♡ Might have a mask with darling, especially if 3 fix or core ♡ 9 fix can help 5 core be more submissive ♡ 5 fix can help 9 core understand darling more strongly
368 - The Owner
3+6: ♡ Cares a lot about loyalty ♡ Wants darling to pledge their loyalty to them ♡ Needs darling to show how much they love them in actions ♡ Highly dedicated to darling ♡ Insecure about how others see their relationship ♡ Shows darling off to make sure everyone knows they're together ♡ Anxious ♡ Especially anxious if they feel darling has criticized them in any way ♡ Matching pfps, layouts, outfits, etc with darling ♡ Anxious about how their darling views them; needs to be perfect ♡ Wants to be extremely talented and accomplished so darling admires them ♡ Competitive to please darling ♡ Adapts to darling's preferences like a chameleon ♡ 3 fix can help 6 core be more confident ♡ 6 fix can help 3 core think more
3+8: ♡ Marks darling, probably would get them a collar or something like that! ♡ Wants everyone to know who darling belongs to ♡ Very aggressive and assertive to darling and others ♡ Dominant ♡ Intimidates others, especially anyone who gets in the way of their relationship ♡ Would kill for darling (...or maybe kill darling, too) ♡ Invulnerable ♡ Afraid of showing emotion to darling ♡ Has a "mask" ♡ Thinks those in darling's life are insignificant and weak ♡ Likely sees darling as their cute little pet or something of the sort ♡ 3 fix can help 8 core love their relationship with darling more ♡ 8 fix can help 3 core fight against obstacles more
6+8: ♡ Most paranoid combination ♡ Needs to have control over darling ♡ Especially with 5 fix, wants to know what darling's up to, where they are, etc at all times ♡ Tests darling often in multiple ways (loyalty, their love, etc) ♡ Quick reflexes ♡ Almost always in attack mode ♡ Fight rather than flight ♡ Dominant and controlling ♡ POSSESSIVE. So possessive ♡ Denies their anxiety about darling but really is anxious ♡ Loyal and protective over darling (might hate 7s...) ♡ Confrontational and argumentative ♡ Would kill or at least hurt darling if they cheated ♡ Definitely the "Me murdering everyone he's ever looked at" type ♡ 6 fix can help 8 core bond with darling more ♡ 8 fix can help 6 core be more confident and act more rather than simply be anxious
369 - The Attached
3+6: ♡ Cares a lot about loyalty ♡ Wants darling to pledge their loyalty to them ♡ Needs darling to show how much they love them in actions ♡ Highly dedicated to darling ♡ Insecure about how others see their relationship ♡ Shows darling off to make sure everyone knows they're together ♡ Anxious ♡ Especially anxious if they feel darling has criticized them in any way ♡ Matching pfps, layouts, outfits, etc with darling ♡ Anxious about how their darling views them; needs to be perfect ♡ Wants to be extremely talented and accomplished so darling admires them ♡ Competitive to please darling ♡ Adapts to darling's preferences like a chameleon ♡ 3 fix can help 6 core be more confident ♡ 6 fix can help 3 core think more
3+9: ♡ Especially attached to darling ♡ Adaptable and accommodating to darling ♡ Most reverent 3 type ♡ Mostly stable emotions ♡ Clingy to darling ♡ Still cares about their image with darling ♡ Might want darling to take care of them ♡ Prefers a diplomatic approach to obstacles ♡ Avoids conflict ♡ Highly adaptive to darling's preferences; chameleon-like ♡ 3 fix can help 9 core be more confident ♡ 9 fix can help 3 core be more humble and careful
6+9: (lol funny number) ♡ Very clingy and anxious ♡ Does not deny anxiety at all ♡ Gentle and agreeable with darling ♡ Reverent ♡ More likely to be honest than manipulative ♡ Changes to fit darling's desires, especially if with a 3 fix or core ♡ Absolutely terrified of conflict with darling ♡ Sees relationship with darling as their source of security and safety in their life ♡ Needy ♡ Needs reassurance often ♡ 6 fix can help 9 core be more proactive ♡ 9 fix can help 6 core be more accepting
378 - The Energizer
3+7: ♡ Flashy ♡ Positive and optimistic about their relationship ♡ Especially wants darling to think they're cool and the best ♡ Might be fake or two-faced ♡ Can manipulate others easily ♡ Doesn't hesitate to harm others if they're in the way of their relationship with darling ♡ Romanticizes darling and their relationship ♡ Loves doing cute couple things with darling ♡ Playful, likes teasing darling ♡ Drags darling into adventures with them ♡ Struggles with vulnerability ♡ Has a "mask" or false self ♡ 3 fix can help 7 core focus more on one darling rather than bouncing around as much ♡ 7 fix can help 3 core be more lovey-dovey and playful
3+8: ♡ Marks darling, probably would get them a collar or something like that! ♡ Wants everyone to know who darling belongs to ♡ Very aggressive and assertive to darling and others ♡ Dominant ♡ Intimidates others, especially anyone who gets in the way of their relationship ♡ Would kill for darling (...or maybe kill darling, too) ♡ Invulnerable ♡ Afraid of showing emotion to darling ♡ Has a "mask" ♡ Thinks those in darling's life are insignificant and weak ♡ Likely sees darling as their cute little pet or something of the sort ♡ 3 fix can help 8 core love their relationship with darling more ♡ 8 fix can help 3 core fight against obstacles more
7+8: ♡ Assertive ♡ Playful ♡ Likes teasing darling ♡ Enjoys intensity and seeks thrills ♡ Excessive and grandiose ♡ Hates being controlled, especially by darling! ♡ Wants to control darling and play with them ♡ Needs freedom ♡ Especially possessive ♡ Sees darling like their own toy that nobody else can play with ♡ Possibly a bit childish ♡ May switch between darlings frequently ♡ Indecisive ♡ 7 fix can help 8 core be happier and less serious ♡ 8 fix can help 7 core with idealizing darling excessively
379 - The Masked
3+7: ♡ Flashy ♡ Positive and optimistic about their relationship ♡ Especially wants darling to think they're cool and the best ♡ Might be fake or two-faced ♡ Can manipulate others easily ♡ Doesn't hesitate to harm others if they're in the way of their relationship with darling ♡ Romanticizes darling and their relationship ♡ Loves doing cute couple things with darling ♡ Playful, likes teasing darling ♡ Drags darling into adventures with them ♡ Struggles with vulnerability ♡ Has a "mask" or false self ♡ 3 fix can help 7 core focus more on one darling rather than bouncing around as much ♡ 7 fix can help 3 core be more lovey-dovey and playful
3+9: ♡ Especially attached to darling ♡ Adaptable and accommodating to darling ♡ Most reverent 3 type ♡ Mostly stable emotions ♡ Clingy to darling ♡ Still cares about their image with darling ♡ Might want darling to take care of them ♡ Prefers a diplomatic approach to obstacles ♡ Avoids conflict ♡ Highly adaptive to darling's preferences; chameleon-like ♡ 3 fix can help 9 core be more confident ♡ 9 fix can help 3 core be more humble and careful
7+9: ♡ Dreamy and idealizes darling ♡ A bit more aggressive than other 9 types ♡ Childlike ♡ May get bored of darlings just as quickly as they get attached to darlings ♡ Seems to get addicted to darling ♡ Self-destructive ♡ Very idealistic ♡ Sees darling in a romanticized light, especially with 4 fix or core ♡ Probably gets along with darling well as they have a comforting energy ♡ Likes going on fun, cute dates with darling ♡ Not at all rough ♡ 7 fix can help 9 core be more confident and playful ♡ 9 fix can help 7 core be softer and less temperamental
458 - The Enraptured
4+5: ♡ Detached from actually being with darling ♡ Watches darling from afar and daydreams about them rather than acting ♡ Doubled daydreaming aspects ♡ Quiet resentment towards others in darling's life; 4, 1, or 8 core more likely to act on resentment ♡ Deeply engrossed in analyzing darling ♡ Writes and enjoys love poetry and love letters ♡ Deep down, needs words of affirmation ♡ Sees darling as perfect (unless splitting or something of the sort, as is common with 4 types...!) ♡ Quite delusional ♡ 5 fix might make 4 core a little less emotional than other 4s ♡ Bizzare-seeking ♡ Struggles to explain their feelings for darling when asked about it ♡ Somewhat dislikes simple conversation with darling; prefers deep conversations with them ♡ 4 fix can help 5 core be more likely to act, though it is still a bit detached ♡ 5 fix can help 4 core analyze darling more and see them more as a person rather than entirely as their "lover"
4+8: ♡ Reactive ♡ Hates superficiality and small talk, wants to have deep conversations and understanding with darling ♡ Daydreams at times ♡ Feels like they're the only one who can understand darling and vice versa ♡ Needs to be the most important and needed person for darling ♡ Needs darling to need them ♡ Hates it if darling lies to them and can tell ♡ Controlling of darling ♡ Aggressive towards obstacles ♡ Easily made possessive and jealous ♡ Protective over darling ♡ Wants to deeply understand darling, even the dark and taboo parts of them ♡ Values that darling is completely vulnerable with them and DOES. NOT. LIE. ♡ 4 fix can help 8 core be more comfortable with vulnerability and emotion ♡ 8 fix can help 4 core be more protective and assertive
5+8: ♡ Mastermind ♡ Often intimidating, darling may be afraid of them ♡ Quietly stalks darling and waits to pounce ♡ Invulnerable ♡ Dominant ♡ Watches from afar rather than closely interacting with darling ♡ Especially hates everyone in darling's life; possessive and jealous but wields it like a weapon ♡ Likely has street smarts ♡ Prone to manipulation and violence; lethal ♡ Hates superficiality and dislikes small talk, especially with darling ♡ Wants a true, deep connection with darling, especially with 4 core or fix ♡ 5 fix can help 8 core be less impulsive and reflect more ♡ 8 fix can help 5 core eventually pounce rather than never acting
459 - The Dreamer
4+5: ♡ Detached from actually being with darling ♡ Watches darling from afar and daydreams about them rather than acting ♡ Doubled daydreaming aspects ♡ Quiet resentment towards others in darling's life; 4, 1, or 8 core more likely to act on resentment ♡ Deeply engrossed in analyzing darling ♡ Writes and enjoys love poetry and love letters ♡ Deep down, needs words of affirmation ♡ Sees darling as perfect (unless splitting or something of the sort, as is common with 4 types...!) ♡ Quite delusional ♡ 5 fix might make 4 core a little less emotional than other 4s ♡ Bizzare-seeking ♡ Struggles to explain their feelings for darling when asked about it ♡ Somewhat dislikes simple conversation with darling; prefers deep conversations with them ♡ 4 fix can help 5 core be more likely to act, though it is still a bit detached ♡ 5 fix can help 4 core analyze darling more and see them more as a person rather than entirely as their "lover"
4+9: ♡ A daydreamer ♡ Dreamy ♡ Especially obsessed with the idea of soulmates ♡ Quiet resentment to those in darling's life ♡ Withdrawn from darling ♡ Prone to isolating self from darling when anxious or upset ♡ Jealousy is quiet but profound ♡ Hesitates to interact with darling out of anxiety ♡ Romantic and nostalgic ♡ Passive ♡ Fearful of conflict with darling ♡ Afraid of communicating feelings ♡ Strongest fear of abandonment ♡ Hides their sadness from darling ♡ 4 fix can help 9 core think more about their and their darling's emotional needs more ♡ 9 fix can help 4 core be more gentle and less likely to manipulate or hurt others on purpose
5+9: ♡ Lots of daydreaming about darling ♡ May write love poetry that they will probably never share with darling ♡ Withdrawn ♡ Nervous ♡ Stalks darling out of curiosity and love rather than paranoia or for a desire to control them ♡ Seems to disappear ♡ Covert obsession ♡ Reverent ♡ Represses their anxiety and anger ♡ Might have a mask with darling, especially if 3 fix or core ♡ 9 fix can help 5 core be more submissive ♡ 5 fix can help 9 core understand darling more strongly
468 - The Fervent
4+6: ♡ Extremely sensitive ♡ Cries easily about darling ♡ Manipulative ♡ Definitely be the type to kill or at least hurt anyone in the way ♡ Only trusts darling ♡ "I fucking hate everyone but you" ♡ Tests darling's loyalty ♡ Soulmates ♡ Very delusional but especially persecutory ♡ Paranoid ♡ Vulnerable ♡ Empathetic to darling ♡ Likely reverent ♡ 6 fix can help 4 core be more careful and wary ♡ 4 fix can help 6 core stay in touch with emotions
4+8: ♡ Reactive ♡ Hates superficiality and small talk, wants to have deep conversations and understanding with darling ♡ Daydreams at times ♡ Feels like they're the only one who can understand darling and vice versa ♡ Needs to be the most important and needed person for darling ♡ Needs darling to need them ♡ Hates it if darling lies to them and can tell ♡ Controlling of darling ♡ Aggressive towards obstacles ♡ Easily made possessive and jealous ♡ Protective over darling ♡ Wants to deeply understand darling, even the dark and taboo parts of them ♡ Values that darling is completely vulnerable with them and DOES. NOT. LIE. ♡ 4 fix can help 8 core be more comfortable with vulnerability and emotion ♡ 8 fix can help 4 core be more protective and assertive
6+8: ♡ Most paranoid combination ♡ Needs to have control over darling ♡ Especially with 5 fix, wants to know what darling's up to, where they are, etc at all times ♡ Tests darling often in multiple ways (loyalty, their love, etc) ♡ Quick reflexes ♡ Almost always in attack mode ♡ Fight rather than flight ♡ Dominant and controlling ♡ POSSESSIVE. So possessive ♡ Denies their anxiety about darling but really is anxious ♡ Loyal and protective over darling (might hate 7s...) ♡ Confrontational and argumentative ♡ Would kill or at least hurt darling if they cheated ♡ Definitely the "Me murdering everyone he's ever looked at" type ♡ 6 fix can help 8 core bond with darling more ♡ 8 fix can help 6 core be more confident and act more rather than simply be anxious
469 - The Love-seeker
4+6: ♡ Extremely sensitive ♡ Cries easily about darling ♡ Manipulative ♡ Definitely be the type to kill or at least hurt anyone in the way ♡ Only trusts darling ♡ "I fucking hate everyone but you" ♡ Tests darling's loyalty ♡ Soulmates ♡ Very delusional but especially persecutory ♡ Paranoid ♡ Vulnerable ♡ Empathetic to darling ♡ Likely reverent ♡ 6 fix can help 4 core be more careful and wary ♡ 4 fix can help 6 core stay in touch with emotions
4+9: ♡ A daydreamer ♡ Dreamy ♡ Especially obsessed with the idea of soulmates ♡ Quiet resentment to those in darling's life ♡ Withdrawn from darling ♡ Prone to isolating self from darling when anxious or upset ♡ Jealousy is quiet but profound ♡ Hesitates to interact with darling out of anxiety ♡ Romantic and nostalgic ♡ Passive ♡ Fearful of conflict with darling ♡ Afraid of communicating feelings ♡ Strongest fear of abandonment ♡ Hides their sadness from darling ♡ 4 fix can help 9 core think more about their and their darling's emotional needs more ♡ 9 fix can help 4 core be more gentle and less likely to manipulate or hurt others on purpose
6+9: (lol funny number) ♡ Very clingy and anxious ♡ Does not deny anxiety at all ♡ Gentle and agreeable with darling ♡ Reverent ♡ More likely to be honest than manipulative ♡ Changes to fit darling's desires, especially if with a 3 fix or core ♡ Absolutely terrified of conflict with darling ♡ Sees relationship with darling as their source of security and safety in their life ♡ Needy ♡ Needs reassurance often ♡ 6 fix can help 9 core be more proactive ♡ 9 fix can help 6 core be more accepting
478 - The Love-struck
4+7: ♡ Dreamer and idealist ♡ Romanticizes darling a lot ♡ Rose-colored glasses ♡ Plays with darling ♡ Overindulges in fantasies and love for darling ♡ Prone to giving into desires, even darker ones ♡ Believes they and darling are special and fated to be together ♡ Manic ♡ Moody ♡ Can become bratty ♡ Childish at times ♡ "That's mine!!" ♡ 4 fix can help 7 core feel a stronger connection to just one darling rather than jumping around ♡ 7 fix can help 4 core get over any lost darlings quicker
4+8: ♡ Reactive ♡ Hates superficiality and small talk, wants to have deep conversations and understanding with darling ♡ Daydreams at times ♡ Feels like they're the only one who can understand darling and vice versa ♡ Needs to be the most important and needed person for darling ♡ Needs darling to need them ♡ Hates it if darling lies to them and can tell ♡ Controlling of darling ♡ Aggressive towards obstacles ♡ Easily made possessive and jealous ♡ Protective over darling ♡ Wants to deeply understand darling, even the dark and taboo parts of them ♡ Values that darling is completely vulnerable with them and DOES. NOT. LIE. ♡ 4 fix can help 8 core be more comfortable with vulnerability and emotion ♡ 8 fix can help 4 core be more protective and assertive
7+8: ♡ Assertive ♡ Playful ♡ Likes teasing darling ♡ Enjoys intensity and seeks thrills ♡ Excessive and grandiose ♡ Hates being controlled, especially by darling! ♡ Wants to control darling and play with them ♡ Needs freedom ♡ Especially possessive ♡ Sees darling like their own toy that nobody else can play with ♡ Possibly a bit childish ♡ May switch between darlings frequently ♡ Indecisive ♡ 7 fix can help 8 core be happier and less serious ♡ 8 fix can help 7 core with idealizing darling excessively
479 - The Romantic
4+7: ♡ Dreamer and idealist ♡ Romanticizes darling a lot ♡ Rose-colored glasses ♡ Plays with darling ♡ Overindulges in fantasies and love for darling ♡ Prone to giving into desires, even darker ones ♡ Believes they and darling are special and fated to be together ♡ Manic ♡ Moody ♡ Can become bratty ♡ Childish at times ♡ "That's mine!!" ♡ 4 fix can help 7 core feel a stronger connection to just one darling rather than jumping around ♡ 7 fix can help 4 core get over any lost darlings quicker
4+9: ♡ A daydreamer ♡ Dreamy ♡ Especially obsessed with the idea of soulmates ♡ Quiet resentment to those in darling's life ♡ Withdrawn from darling ♡ Prone to isolating self from darling when anxious or upset ♡ Jealousy is quiet but profound ♡ Hesitates to interact with darling out of anxiety ♡ Romantic and nostalgic ♡ Passive ♡ Fearful of conflict with darling ♡ Afraid of communicating feelings ♡ Strongest fear of abandonment ♡ Hides their sadness from darling ♡ 4 fix can help 9 core think more about their and their darling's emotional needs more ♡ 9 fix can help 4 core be more gentle and less likely to manipulate or hurt others on purpose
7+9: ♡ Dreamy and idealizes darling ♡ A bit more aggressive than other 9 types ♡ Childlike ♡ May get bored of darlings just as quickly as they get attached to darlings ♡ Seems to get addicted to darling ♡ Self-destructive ♡ Very idealistic ♡ Sees darling in a romanticized light, especially with 4 fix or core ♡ Probably gets along with darling well as they have a comforting energy ♡ Likes going on fun, cute dates with darling ♡ Not at all rough ♡ 7 fix can help 9 core be more confident and playful ♡ 9 fix can help 7 core be softer and less temperamental
Final Notes
I took inspiration from the explanations here. A few of the nicknames are the same.
My original post for the normal Enneagram system is here.
Feel free to comment any questions/comments or send me asks about any questions/comments about this system or the main Yandere Enneagram system ^_^!
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kitseledka · 7 days
All information (for this moment) about Lucy post!
References/sprites :
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Psst! Main sprite can be remodeled soon! Because she STILL not looking right to me on it. I couldn't get her face right again..
Main info!
Full Name: Natasha Lucy Kaminsky. Natasha - the first name. Given at birth, Lucy - second name.
Height: 5.35 ft/163 cm
Birthday: April 18th
Homeland: Nevivon
Arcana / Taro card: "The Moon"
Totem animal: Lynx
Zodiac sign: Aries
Enneagram : 9w1/941
Profession (Modern Arcana AU): astronomer, astrologer.
✧An innate gift for magic, a hereditary sorceress.
Favorite color: blue-purple
Favorite flower: blue-purple and/or pale blue delphinium
Favorite fruit: plum
Gem: Amethyst
Fashion sense: spacecore, comfortable and oversized, manylayed, medieval impressed(?)
Fashion sense (Modern Arcana AU): spacecore, whimsigoth, 80's, comfortable and oversized.
Most likely to do: will be worried about someone or something, even if there is no need for it; will ask "is everything alright?" several times.
Twisted Wonderland crossover! + relationships circle:
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Card edit!
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Chibi/Lessons & batteles version! (distribution robe)
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Relationships circle! ft. teachers + special characters
That's all for now. Bye bye! 👋💜
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(Happy Lucy bonus :3)
{Please reblog and like this post. This is very important in order for more people to notice it. Thank you ✧}
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wormsin · 1 year
"Bruce’s protective control and Dick’s perfectionist caregiving are core dysfunctions for their characters" oh this is such a beautiful, and perfectly fitting, way of describing them that ive ever seen! and it's really interesting to note that, their dysfunctions are.. how do i say it, 'complement' the other's? giving a 'perfect' looping feedback?
like, bruce's protective control pushes dick's perfectionist self to work even harder--to achieve the impossible and essentially makes him more desperate to take care of bruce, and in return this pushes bruce's protectiveness to another whole new degree which then lead to his need to keep everything under his control become even worse. and that makes it harder for them to break from the cycle (am i making sense? i hope im making sense)
hold my beer, I'm using this as an excuse to write the Bruce & Dick enneagram meta in my head.
"He's so determined to prove he isn't like Master Bruce it scares me. In their own way they are so similar that I thank heaven for the differences." - Alfred Pennyworth Batman 1940 #438
I've mentioned before that I use enneagram typing to characterize Bruce and Dick. like all personality typing, it's unscientific bogus. (this one is sold as a business tool lol.) but i find the types compelling.
first of all, their types
Bruce is an 8, the challenger or protector. an 8's ego is attached to the idea of vengeance—destruction of self or others out of a sense of injustice. if the person has a huge ego, has a deluded perception of the world, it is tied to the idea of vengeance. their "holy idea" is truth, which is basically a core value and potential. their trap is justice, which they think is the right path, but it will actually keep them stuck in their bullshit.
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[Dick calls Bruce out on going too far as he's breaking down after Jason's death. Batman 1940 #439]
an 8's deepest fear is being controlled, harmed, or violated. their base desire is to be influential, self sufficient and protect themself. their temptation is to think that they are self sufficient.
like, you see why I like this for Bruce.
Bruce saw his parents being murdered and his reaction to that trauma was to control himself and create a powerful alternate ego that gets vengeance on Gotham's criminals and protects the innocent.
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[Bruce appealing to family court to take in Dick. Batman 1940 #439]
at his worst, Bruce is a control freak who doesn't let anyone help him and has a warped sense of justice. so much emotional armor.
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[Bruce possessed by Antithesis and lashing out at Dick, which Dick correctly identifies as a fear reaction. Teen Titans Year One #3]
at his best, Bruce is a strong leader, is willing to do what is right even at personal cost, wants to protect and help others fairly, and strives to create a better world.
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[Bruce creating a victims advocacy program. Batman 1940 #217]
tl;dr Bruce is driven by fear of loss and compensates by controlling his world and protecting himself and others.
Dick is a 2, the helper or giver. 2's ego fixation is flattery, pleasing and giving to others in order to be liked. their "holy idea" is freedom/will; there's several interpretations of this but for Dick I see it as wanting others and himself to be free of metaphorical shackles and to fly. the 2's trap is also freedom: from having personal needs and needing others.
2's fear is being unlovable and their base desire is to be loved unconditionally. their temptation is to deny their own needs and be manipulative.
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[Dick hiding his sadness as he leaves Wayne Manor for college. Batman 1940 #217]
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[Hugo Strange psychoanalyzing Dick's relationship to Bruce. Batman Gotham Knights #11]
Dick is constantly pushing himself to the limit to be the perfect hero and mentor, and wants to help others but doesn't accept help himself. he maintains an image of being the bringer of light. I think being raised as a performer made him associate doing well and making people happy with love and family; after losing his parents he searched for that unconditional love from Bruce, being a hero, and romantic partners.
at his worst, he's prideful, and both ignores his own needs and sacrifices himself for others in order to get those needs met.
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[Dick killing himself to save people in nuclear-bombed Bludhaven and feeling good about it. Nightwing 996 #116]
at his best, he is compassionate, helpful, parental, and warms the hearts of others.
tl;dr Dick is driven by fear of not having love and family, and compensates by caring for others and being perfect.
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[Dick having a nightmare during a month's long mental breakdown. Nightwing 1996 #117]
you are correct: Bruce and Dick's personalities complement each other at their best and worse.
at their worst, Bruce is emotionally withholding and pushes Dick away. this is out of need to protect himself; any emotional intimacy or love is a threat because what if they die? Dick interprets this as not being good enough for Bruce's praise or a place by his side, and tries to be better. no matter how far gone Bruce is, Dick has to be the exceptional one who stays and loves him. the fact that Dick always comes back to him and gets under his skin makes Bruce lash out or become more controlling. so the cycle continues!
"That's what eats away at you at night—not just that you're forever in his shadow—but that you love him. That you're the loyal son who has never been allowed to truly help—never permitted to save him from himself." - Hugo Strange, Batman Gotham Knights #10
at their best, Bruce uses his own traumatic experience and leadership to better Dick's life. Dick is a ray of light for him. their fears are eased in relation to each other, they both help others and improve their world.
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[Alfred remembers Dick early in his Robin career. Batman 1940 #438]
I think they have a lot to learn from each other. but they can also be deeply stuck in this dysfunctional cycle because they can both hold onto their negative delusions.
"I love Bruce. He's my family. But I couldn't bring him out of the past... I was sacrificing my own future. I don't want that for you... Trust me, Tim. At some point... you have to set yourself free." - Dick, Batman Urban Legends #10. demonstrates a healthy Dick's relation to an unhealthy Bruce.
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yesornopolls · 1 month
Are you an Enneagram Type 4?
Enneagram 4's are called The Originalist. They are motivated by a longing to avoid seeming ordinary. Fours like to search for deeper meaning, experience authentic feelings, and to be understood. Type fours are typically empathetic in relationships, supportive, gentle, playful, passionate, and witty.
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