#like there's none on e6 at least
hi-im-kaybee · 4 months
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i wonder how little slow-burn taur tf there is in the world...
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greenthena · 6 months
Metatron is the Murder Hornet
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Hear me out. The Metatron is a bitch no matter what. Way back before the bookshop burned, he was a manipulative twat to Aziraphale, but we only ever saw him as a Wizard of Oz style giant floating head. So when we meet The Metatron's corporation is S2 E6, we assume that this is the man behind the curtain, yes? This is the "heavenly" authority who stands between God and the rest of the angels. Are you with me so far? So tell me, why is he wearing Hell's color palette? Black topcoat over a black (or at least very dark gray) sport jacket. Even his shirt has black stripes. His tie is black with his signature sapphire blue sigil design. You know why? Because The Metatron is a demon. Now that I've probably pissed off about half of the fandom, let's dive in.
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I'm going to accept that the corporeal form of The Metatron that we meet in S2 E6 is the man behind the curtain. But I'm wondering if, in the same way that the Wizard of Oz floating head spectacle is just a projection the actual wizard (a two-penny magician from Kansas), the Floating Head Monstrosity (FHM) is a projection The Metatron has rigged up rather than The Metatron himself. Essentially, the FHM is the projected "essence" of the asshat with whom Aziraphale spoke before the bookshop fire, the same one who wanted to discipline Gabriel and strip him of his memories. And if it is merely a projection, like the Wizard of Oz floating head, the man behind the curtain is likely in a different physical space.
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If The Metatron can control the FHM remotely that suggests that he (the corporeal form or spiritual essence of the Metatron) isn't necessarily stationed in Heaven. Perhaps he can't even get into Heaven, but has managed to project his presence there to manipulate the Heavenly Host throughout the course of history.
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Sidestep along with me while I take a quick detour. I promise it's relevant and necessary to understand the implications of The Metatron's arrival in Soho. (But I'm a demon. I might be lying.) Good Omens relies heavily on mirroring* as a narrative technique. One of the most obvious places we see this structure is in character sets: Crowley and Aziraphale, Newt and Anathema, Shadwell and Tracy, Nina and Maggie, Gabriel and Beelzebub. The character sets function as mirrors of one another (angel and demon, witch and witchfinder), while simultaneously reflecting other character sets in the story (Nina and Maggie reflect Crowley and Aziraphale, etc.) But we also see it repeatedly through plot structure--the pair of 1941 flashbacks in S1 and S2; the way S2 begins with Azirphale moving toward Crowley and ends with him pulling away. My personal favorite reflected imagery in the whole damn show is when Aziraphale shields Crowley from the first rain in Eden and Crowley shields Aziraphale from the celestial hailstorm Before the Beginning.
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Alright, let's re-route back to Soho, to The Metatron's introduction in S2 E6 and how it embodies mirrored structure. The first shot we get of The Metatron in Soho in S2 E6 is when he's buying a cup of coffee from Nina. He's not actually identified as The Metatron in this scene, and Nina just views him as a regular customer. Next, we see him enter the bookshop and approach the Archangels, none of whom seem to know who he is. In fact Michael just assumes he's a human, tries to shoo him away, and even asks him, "And who are you?" The Metatron never gives his name; instead he presses the angels, "You don't know me?" He then addresses Crowley, "What about you, demon? Do you know me?" It's at this juncture that Crowley identifies him as the big giant floating head, and Aziraphale, in a rush of comprehension shouts, "Oh, The Metatron!"
This scene's other half is the introduction of Bildad the Shuhite in the Job flashback sequence. Crowley presents himself to Job and Sitis, who do not recognize him. When questioned about who he is, he says to Sitis, "You tell me." Sitis proceeds to identify as him Bildad the Shuhite. Crowley shrugs and agrees to the suggestion. This mirroring of dialog shows us that in both scenarios, there's deception in the presented identity. Just as we can't trust that Bildad the Shuhite is who is says he is, we similarly can't trust The Metatron's identity at face value.
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When it comes right down to it, The Metatron is a pretty sketchy character. During his S1 interaction with Aziraphale, our angel doesn't even know who he is. The Metatron has to introduce himself as the Voice of God, a go-between, if you will, whom Aziraphale, in all his ageless time in the universe, has never even met or heard of. Dodgy? You betcha. When we see him in the Gabriel trial sequence during S2, he's just one of the several floating heads overseeing the progress of Armageddon Round Two. We're able to gloss over the fact that he's presented as a floating head fairy, because all the angels appear as floating heads in this sequence. However, unlike Uriel, Michael, Saraquel, and Gabriel, we never see The Metatron interact with the other angels in anything resembling a corporeal form.
So with this evidence, let's return to mirroring structure as a narrative device: a Clue to point us to the crux of the deception that The Metatron is performing. But to get there, we'll need to look at the reflected plot beat for context.
At the end of S2 E5, Crowley needs to get into Heaven to access information about Gabriel. Problem is, since he's a demon, he can't just waltz into the Heaven-Hell-evator and go to the up. He needs an angel to escort him, so he tricks our beloved Inspector Constable Muriel into arresting him: "I'm a demon with knowledge of a crime against Heaven. I demand that you arrest me!" Crowley uses the art of deception to sneak his way into the Heavenly hive.
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Once in Heaven, when Muriel starts to fret that she's been tricked and will get in trouble for bringing a demon into Heaven, Crowley tells her, "Angels are like bees, fiercely protective of their hive if you're trying to get inside. Once you're in....I mean....is it even faintly possible that an unauthorized demon might be just wandering around in Heaven unescorted? Bees." Muriel then worries over Crowley's outfit, telling him he looks like a murder hornet, so Crowley changes into his most wonderful and excellent angel disguise.
Still with me? Have a gold star to match Crowley's nail polish.
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Crowley's gambit to get into Heaven is a clever tactic, no doubt, and necessary for the final beats of the narrative. But I believe it's also there as the first half of a mirrored plot point that we will see play out in S3. Ya see, Crowley's not a murder hornet. He doesn't infiltrate Heaven to plunder their proverbial food stores or to destroy the hive. He does his quick bit of reconnaissance and is on his way. I think Crowley's ploy ultimately functions as foreshadowing for the real murder hornet: The Metatron.
To get his full essence into Heaven, his spiritual body and not just his projection, The Metatron needs an angelic escort. That's why he's so insistent that Aziraphale joins him on his journey up to Heaven. He needs an angel--one he perceives as an easy target--to break him into the hive. And Aziraphale fits the bill. He's vulnerable, having been implicated in the business with Gabriel, which could earn both him and Crowley extreme sanctions, being struck from the Book of Life. So The Metatron coaxes and manipulates Aziraphale to accompany him to Heaven, implicitly reflecting the way in which Crowley manipulated Muriel into arresting him and accompanying him as his Heavenly escort.
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Do I still believe that The Metatron manipulates Aziraphale in order to divide the angel and the demon who, when working together, can produce miracles of un-paralleled power. Oh, hell yes! But that's not something only Heaven would want to mitigate. The sheer miracle force Crowley and Aziraphale manifest when working together is a threat to any oppressive structure that wants to consolidate power, and that certainly includes Hell. The fact that The Metatron realizes he can separate the angel and the demon in the same stroke as infiltrating Heaven is icing on the cake.
So there ya go. That's all I've got for today. Is The Metatron a Demon? Honestly, I don't know. But it's too interesting a theory for me to leave it alone.
*Please note, I'm intentionally using the term mirroring rather than chiastic structure to make this analysis. I deliberated for a while, but decided that it'd be a little loosey-goosey in this situation. So, yes, I am aware of chiastic structure and it's use in Good Omens, I just don't think this quite matches up.**
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foreststranger · 9 months
DAN FENG - Tethering The Sky and Reaching For Heaven
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ꜱᴛᴀʀʀɪɴɢ *:・゚✧*:・゚
↳ 『honkai: star rail』dan feng/imbibitor lunae/yinyue jun (ugh can he stop having so many names??? it makes tagging a complete nightmare) x gn!reader
ꜱʏɴᴏᴘꜱɪꜱ *:・゚✧*:・゚
↳ parting ways with silly dragon guy before he reincarnates and dies idk idgaf abt his backstory 👍👍👍
𑁍 ᴡᴏʀᴅ ᴄᴏᴜɴᴛ: 1.0k
ɴᴏᴛᴇ ꜰʀᴏᴍ ᴀᴜᴛʜᴏʀ *:・゚✧*:・゚
↳ surprise!!!! yet another short fanfic abt a long haired man! anyways happy early 1.3! i wish everyone a very e6 lynx and good luck on whoever you’re pulling for. ALSO HOW TF DO YOU DO CHINESE DIMINUTIVES/HONOURIFICS IN X READER FICS??? 阿Y/N???? OR MAYBE IN PINYIN??? a’y/n or ah’y/n??? OR WOULD IT BE LIKE 阿[the first character of your name] LMFAO
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“What do you mean ‘you’re leaving?’ Where are you going?” You ask, taking a step closer to him, trying in vain to figure him out.
“We won’t see each other again. I’ve… done something horrible.”
“Care to elaborate?”
“…It’s not our main concern as of now. I’m sure my punishment will come for me soon. I don’t know how much time I have left with you.”
“Okay, what’s going on? I still have no idea what you’re talking about.”
“You’ll understand soon. I’d just like to spend one final moment with you.” Dan Feng grabs ahold of your hands, his grip almost painful as his fingers lock with yours.
“Are you… You don’t love me anymore?” A thousand thoughts rush through your head, yet none of them makes sense. “Do you want to see other people?”
“No, no, no. Of course not. That’s not what I meant. I meant that…” He pauses, concentrating. “We don’t have much time left.”
“But what does that-“
“Forget it. Would you just follow me, 心肝? Humour me. Please.” Your eyebrows furrow at the odd hypocorism. Before you can answer him, Dan Feng is leading you towards the dock. Bright yellow ginkgo leaves drift down from the sky, signalling a change in the year as they fall. There’s a scent in the early autumn air, and it reeks of… gloom; fraught with melancholy and a lingering anxiety that seems to cling to you. It whispers into your ear sweet serenades, singing a cacophony of incoming danger. The signal of change grows to a warning.
“Why are we heading towards the water?”
“Please, 亲爱的. Do not question me right now. Just… let us have a simple conversation. Would that be alright?” He sighs as the two of you exit the main area of the Alchemy Commission.
“I guess… You’re acting weird, you know that?” you sigh. “How was your day?”
“Great. And yours?” He answers a little too quickly.
“It’d be better if I knew what was happening.” Dan Feng turns his head to look back at you, a million words he wants to say are hidden behind his watery eyes.
Your shoe gets stuck in a crack in the stone walkway as you’re busy staring at him. You stop to pull it out but Dan Feng yanks on you, your shoe slipping off of your foot as he continues walking.
“Hey, wait! 枫仔! My shoe!” He doesn’t let go, his hand shaking in yours with a sense of urgency. “How am I supposed to walk without it?” You hop on a single foot, trying to keep up with his pace. In response, he picks you up into a bridal carry, cradling you like a parent would for their child.
“O-oh. Uh… okay. I guess I don’t mind…” You look up at his trembling jaw. Whatever’s going on, it must be very important to Dan Feng. If only he’d spit it out already so that you could offer your comfort. But the most you can offer right now is a small kiss. You bring your head up, pressing your lips against his cheek before resting your head back down on his forearm. The display of affection causes Dan Feng to stop in his tracks, but he quickly starts walking again.
“I...” He clears his throat, a light blush blossoming on his face. “That… means a lot to me right now. Thank you.”
“It’s the least I could offer you, 枫仔. You look so sad… Tell me what’s wrong.” He looks towards the horizon and the setting sun, a forlorn expression painting his face. The shadows of the evening light leave him looking especially somber. For a moment, he wants to tell you the whole truth. But he holds himself back to spare your feelings.
“I’m going somewhere. And… I won’t be returning. I am sorry, [name]. Truly. I do not wish to part ways but…” He looks down at you. A tear drips off of his face and onto yours. “There is nothing to be done about it. I… wouldn’t have done it if I realized the consequences sooner.”
“You’re… not joking. Would you tell me where you’re going? And when? Why are you being so vague?” You still couldn’t grasp the concept.
“亲爱的,you would hate me if I told you the whole truth. I could not leave knowing that you despised me. But… I’m sure you’ll find out soon when the news gets out.” Dan Feng looks back up towards the sky. You follow his gaze towards a few clouds that are coloured a hue of red from the sunset.
“I love you dearly. I apologize… I have forgone our future and forsaken you. Please remember me as someone you loved, and not a traitor to the Luofu.”
“Er… okay…? You’re really leaving?”
“Yes, I am afraid so…”
“…I love you too. Wherever you’re going, don’t forget that, okay? I… I really can’t believe it. I’m not gonna see you again. Ever…? Will you come visit me?”
“That is not possible, I fear. Though I wish more than anything that I could.”
The two of you reach the harbour. Dan Feng sets you down on the wooden planks and takes a seat beside you, dipping his legs into the water.
“Your pants are gonna be soaked, 笨蛋!”
“I am aware of that fact.” He pays you no mind, looking on into the horizon again. You gently hold is hand in yours.
“This… this is it? The last time I’ll see you? And we’re just… staring at nothing in complete silence?”
“You are speaking right now, [name].”
“What did you even do?” He glances at you. But as you make eye contact, he can’t seem to look away.
“…What are you doing?”
“You ask so many questions, 亲亲. I prefer it when you’re asleep. You’re much cuter in bed, too.” Dan Feng lightens up a little, a smile on his face as he teases you. “I’m just…” He shakes his head, as if to get himself out of a daze. “I’m just trying to remember your face. I need to make sure I don’t forget it…” His expression returns to how it was before, desolate and heartbroken.
“Make me a promise, 亲亲.”
“Go on.”
“We will meet in my next lifetime. And… we will live out a future that we could not have in this one.” He holds out his pinky finger and you take it.
“Sounds nice. I’ll hold you to it, Dan Feng.”
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ask before translating, taking inspo from (not copy), reposting, etc. my work. remember to credit me and if you’re taking inspo from it, please @ me as I’d like to see what you do with my ideas!
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mirtola87 · 7 months
"Tale as old as time", or how Good Omens planted a seed in my soul that's growing more and more (bettah) [2/2]
[Continues from Part 1] Then we started watching S2, and as it happens in any good mystery story, clues became evidences. Crowley and Aziraphale started laying their cards on the table. Throughout the episodes, they act more and more like an "us" and we get used to the idea that their side is a fact. No matter what happens, they will face it together, as they did more and more in the last 6.000 years of their "tale as old as time". Being a coup... ehm, "group of the two of us" without telling themselves and each other, walking on a wire. And then came the rainstorm, the canopy, Jane Austen, the ball, Beelzebub and Gabriel going off together, Nina and Maggie talking with Crowley. The moment not only the characters but the audience, too, realize that the ineffable love could be actually named and told. "Just a little change, small to say the least / Both a little scared, neither one prepared." It was pure revelation, mind-blowing and delightful. After 9 long years, I finally knew that they loved each other, that I loved them, and that I wanted them to be happy together, forever. If I could feel it so deeply, I wonder what it could have been like for Neil himself to discover that the two characters he knew so well from almost 30 years were in love with each other. And then, after 6 "quiet, gentle and romantic" episodes, exploring the evolution of the characters and their relationship and mutual influence through the time (6.000 years of bickering, longing glances and building trust in each other, "bittersweet and strange, finding you can change, learning you were wrong"), the last 15 minutes suddenly came and leave them (and us) heartbroken, as their love is told and denied in the very same moment. It was painful and devastating. And here I am now. Two months have passed since I saw S2 E6, and all that I, all that we can do is wait (and see, hopefully). But it's not, it can't be as before. Something in me has definitely changed. Or rather, it woke as if it had been long asleep. And it grows better and better. This story made me feel things I hadn't felt for years. It's making me feel love, and pain, and longing, and hope. It made me remember how great stories (amazing lies) can make you experience true, deep feelings ("true as it can be"); and it awoke my desire to tell stories and share feelings as well, a wish that had lied sleeping in the back of my mind for a long time. So yes, I am obsessed with GO, but it's not just about this story I love, it's also about me, I believe. And all the time in-between reading the book, watching S1 once, rewatching it and then watching S2 lead me to this, because things can develop and grow only with time. So I guess I should be grateful for that heartbreaking cliffhanger. If S3 had already been there for us to watch, I would have already consumed the answers I wanted. My mind would be at peace and probably none of this would have happened. Instead, I find myself full of questions (about the story, and about my life), I'm restless and eager, I'm painfully alive. And I feel like a new path, a new chapter, is opening before me. "Certain as the sun rising in the East", in the next years I'll be waiting for Neil to tell us about the "Neighbour of the Beast", and in the meantime I'll try my best to cling to that feelings as a precious gift, don't let them go, nurture them and use them for the best. There are many things I wish to thank @neil-gaiman for, but this is probably the most important so far.
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bookgeekgrrl · 3 months
My media this week (11-17 Feb 2024)
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😠 A Damsel in Distress (PG Wodehouse) - via Serial Reader app; hadn't read before. mostly a pretty standard PGW but the final chapter was off the charts fatphobic even for PGW ☹️
😍 Dishonor on Your Cow (mandarou) - reread, forever fave. shrunkyclunks canon-adjacent AU
🥰 "Pistol Grip" (Vina Jie-Min Prasad) - described in tumblr post as "m/m pwp super soldier gunfucking" and they are telling no lies. This was fantastic.
😊 Howitzer (spacebuck) - 111K, stucky, college hockey AU - got some OMGCP inspo for the set up but very much its own tale; very enjoyable.
💖💖 +99K of shorter fic so shout out to these I really loved 💖💖
Duende (astolat) - Master & Commander: Aubrey/Maturin, 14K -a truly impressive amount of worldbuilding in so few words
The One Where They Adopt a Selkie (mikkimouse) - Teen Wolf: Sterek, 7K - a fun accidental (supernatural) baby acquisition fic
perne in a gyre (enemyofrome) - Punic Wars RPF, Ancient History RPF: Scipio Africanus/Hannibal Barca, 7K - brilliant & hilarious modern AU for fucking PUNIC WARS RPF! hannibal's taking a gap year/getting away from being the rich kid & ends up staying at Scipio's family AirBnB. and there's only one bed. Fave quotes: 'He was sharing a room with some kind of glittery Italian twink, and there was a grumpy eagle glowering at him from the headboard as if he’d offended it in a past life, but at least he couldn’t see the wolf piercings anymore, so it was fine. It was all just fine.' and 'Then Mago came back. “Soggy twink at the door for you.” “Didn't order one,” said Hannibal. Then the word twink sank in, and he looked up. “Is he glittery?” “Like a unicorn.” “Mierda,” said Hannibal. “That’s my twink.”'
The Graham Norton Show - s31, e14 (Andrew Scott, Paul Mescal, Da'Vine Joy Randolph, Kingsley Ben-Adir)
The Repair Shop - s1, e1
QI - series S, ep 6
Ghosts (US) - s2, e8-15
Game Changer - s6, e1
Dirty Laundry - s3, e12
D20: Fantasy High: Junior Year - "Party Politics" (s21, e6)
D20: Adventuring Party - "You Are The Chosen None" (s16, e6)
⭐ Up First - The Sunday Story: More Than Friends
What Next: TBD - Breaking Up with Dating Apps
The Allusionist - 189. Mouthful of Fortune
⭐ Hit Parade - Hello, Gorgeous Edition
Vibe Check - UsherBowl…and Beyoncé?!
Pop Culture Happy Hour - 2024 Super Bowl, Plus Beyoncé's New Singles
Throughline - The Hindu Text That Continues to Influence Indian Politics
Short Wave - The Shared History Of The Chinese And Gregorian Calendars
The Sporkful - Can A Stanley Drinking Cup Really Withstand A Car Fire?
⭐ The Atlas Obscura Podcast - Robert Is Here
I Said No Gifts! - Joel Kim Booster Disobeys Bridger
The Atlas Obscura Podcast - Toy Story
NPR's Book of the Day - 'Toxic' looks back on Janet Jackson, Britney Spears and tabloid culture in the 2000s
All Songs Considered - Mix messages: Listeners share the songs that say 'I've got a crush on you'
Switched on Pop - The Star Spangled Banger!
I Said No Gifts! - Emma Thompson Disobeys Bridger
Vibe Check - Rollercoaster of Love (and Hate)
Short Wave - Celebrate Valentine's Day With These Queer Animals
Outward - The Inherent Queerness of Poetry
⭐ Code Switch - Before the apps, people used newspapers to find love
Pop Culture Happy Hour - Platonic Love In Pop Culture
Culture Gabfest - We’re Saving Our Own Lives
⭐ The Atlas Obscura Podcast - Owamni
Decoder Ring - Why Do So Many Coffee Shops Look the Same?
The Weirdest Thing I Learned This Week - Government Cheese, Mitochondria NOT Powerhousing, Dawn of the Cockroach
Ologies with Alie Ward - Hydrochoerology (CAPYBARAS) with Elizabeth Congdon
Throughline - Love, Throughline
The Assignment with Audie Cornish - Gen Z In the Workplace: Rethinking Business Etiquette
The Atlas Obscura Podcast - Damanhur
Up First - KC Parade Shooting, Russian Space Nukes, Migrant Crossings Drop
Films To Be Buried With - Eddie Marsan
⭐ 99% Invisible #570 - The White Castle System of Eating Houses
Welcome to Night Vale #242 - The New Branch
Short Wave - The U.N.'s First-Ever Analysis Of World's Migratory Species Just Dropped
Dear Prudence - How Do I Get Over Someone I Never Dated? Help!
Pop Culture Happy Hour - Feud And What's Making Us Happy
Endless Thread - Dinner and a (Slide) Show
All Songs Considered - New Music Friday: 5 albums out Feb. 16, plus 'Rhapsody in Blue' still thrills at 100
⭐ You're Dead to Me - History of Bollywood
Sound Up! - Audience reaction to Rock Hall Noms, Mark reviews Stevie Nicks live and Chris Molanphy breaks down how Beyonce will impact country music and radio.
It's Been a Minute - Legendary choreographer Fatima Robinson on moving through changes in dance
99% Invisible - The Power Broker #2: Jamelle Bouie
Wait Wait… Don't Tell Me! - WWDTM: Sleater-Kinney
Presenting Barbra Streisand
Scott Bradlee's Postmodern Jukebox
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strangelock221b · 1 year
E6 still. "He is well." I can't decide if Charlotte is naïve or just optimistic.
Agatha vs Augusta, round number whatever. Just go to Charlotte directly, Agatha. The china they're using is striking. Augusta is desperate for relevancy. Unless she has power over people -- Agatha, George, Charlotte -- then she knows she's got absolutely nothing. No leverage, nothing to continue her power. Being just The King's Mother would be a pretty title but in the end, it's empty without power of her own, and that's what she's afraid of.
Would it be so bad to just make Augusta wait forever?
"I am your queen." FUCKING FINALLY!
"This is on you now." Oh fuck off, Augusta. I mean, yeah, she's right, but doesn't have to be a bitter bitch about it.
"Did you never marry?" Charlotte, the fact that you have to ask this after knowing this man for DECADES says a lot about you, none of it good.
Young Agatha, you are a horrid liar but Charlotte isn't perceptive enough to realize it. Just tell her. You don't need to go through Augusta to get the king to make the earldom inheritable. (I'm still mad about Shonda getting the title wrong, it's an earldom, dammit.) Oh lord, Agatha. You were willing to draw for Charlotte every sexual position you know in graphic detail but you won't tell her exactly how much childbirth hurts? It's amazing their relationship survives that.
Oh lord, we're back to Older Violet and Older Agatha. They're in public, I'm praying they don't cause a scene. God, this subplot is never-ending. Agatha and Adolphus? Is she lying or did that happen off-screen? I'm leaning towards lying. Presumably, both Lord Ledger and Adolphus are dead by this point, so I guess it doesn't really matter who Agatha says she had a relationship with. Oh, I guess she really was with Adolphus.
"out of mourning" Yeah, Shonda greatly reduced the traditional mourning period to move the plot along -- Agatha should have been officially mourning her husband (wearing only black and not socializing) for two years. Honestly, Bridgertonverse is an imitation of Georgian Era life, some parts better than others.
I can understand why they'd want the father to wait outside (childbirth death rates were HIGH and the last thing the doctor needs is a freaked-out husband getting in the way) but he really should be in there with her.
"Do you like being Archbishop of Canterbury? Would you like to remain Archbishop of Canterbury? Do you believe you can remain Archbishop by defying the Head of the Church of England?" Good for George for pulling that rank (he probably doesn't get the chance very often).
This doctor would've let Charlotte and baby Georgie die if everything had been left up to him, fuck him.
Augusta, you're a grandmother now, at least put on a fake smile for the new father and your grandbaby.
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bora-panda · 2 years
TWD Daryl Dixon Aroace
The Walking Dead Headcannon
Okay. I’ve had this headcannon for quite a while now and I can’t think of a better place than Tumblr to spew it out. 
I’ve been watching The Walking Dead for about a year now (I’ve almost finished season 10) And through the entirety of what i’ve watched I feel sooo strongly that Daryl is Aroace (or at least Aromantic)
He has never had a love interest despite him being a main character amongst many, most all of which have a love interest (or at least mention of one). Many people think he had a romantic relationship with Carol, Beth, and Connie (not all at once...) throughout the show. And you can see them however you want of course, but I never saw those as anything more than a very strong bond of unromantic love (similar to Daryl and Rick’s relationship). I feel like Aroace is such a hard concept for (non aroace) people to understand. Romantic love is shown in almost every single piece of media, and its forced so much into the spotlight, so many people don’t realize that non-romantic love is just as strong of love as romantic. The relationship Daryl has with Carol, Beth, and Connie throughout the show is such a unique thing to see in shows like this, where romance is forced so hard with every character to make things more interesting. But the fact that Daryl has multiple characters that we see him have a very strong bond with, and none of them are canonically said to be romantic, proves my headcannon further. 
Him and Connie are probably my favorite duo. And I was worried for a second that they would become romantic, but then I saw a scene that really solidified my aroace Daryl headcannon. S10:E6 (about 13 min in) Daryl and Carol are talking and Carol mentions Connie, asking if they’re anything special. Daryl replies “Nah, it’s not like that. Not at all” 
Not to mention that there are many canonically queer characters in TWD already. Obviously there could/should be more, but...as far as tv shows go I feel like they did a good job normalizing it within the series. For instance, Aaron has said on many occasions “the man I am in love with”, and there has never been a negative reaction from the characters to that.  Aroace is just such an unknown identity within the queer spectrum, so I feel like it wouldn’t ever happen canonically, purely cause they wouldn’t know it’s a thing.
I’m just sayin’ in a show where most every single character has a love interest or some sort of romantic thing, the fact that a main character that’s been there since the very beginning hasn’t showed even an interest in having one...in the span of 13 years since the beginning of the apocalypse, or even mention of one before then, sounds pretty aro to me.
Idk...I like it. He’s my blorbo and I love him. So I will indeed queer-ify him mmhm. If he ever gets a love interest I will...idk...not do anything I guess but I will be very very sad.
(ummm ok. Just found out he got a love interest.....but I stand by what I said, every BIT OF IT. Still a very valid headcannon. Like it makes so much sense, the creators are just cowards that probably don’t even know aroace is a thing. But if aroace was a more well known identity, I really feel like that is the path they would have taken with Daryl’s character. That is all :))
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gar-trek · 2 years
your favorite/ least favorite episodes of ds9 from each season
Interesting question sammy! A little hard because ds9 rarely disappoints!
Season one: worst E7 Dax, best E4 Babel
Season one is always hard because you don’t know as much about the characters so it’s hard to get excited about anything you see them doing. I just remembered the Dax episode being really boring and the concept was kind of dumb. You really want me to believe in the whole history of trill, no one had ever been tried for the crime of a past host??? Stupid. Babel was the first episode I remember going “wow this show is kinda awesome….” Just in general a disease that makes you not talk right is a cool concept….. BREAD!
Season 2: worst E16 shadowplay, best E23 crossover
It’s already so awesome and there are so many episodes I like I can barely choose. Great. Anyway at the end of shadowplay they reveal the whole society was made of holograms and it’s just kinda like…. Who cares man. Felt the same as when they end a story being like “It was all a dream…” it’s like okay then none of it mattered and I just wasted my time. CROSSOVER IS AWESOME BECAUSE IT ESTABLISHES THE MIRROR UNIVERSE WITH IN DS9 AND IT LITERALLY BLEW MY DICK CLEAN OFF.
Season 3: worst E9 defiant, best E7 Civil defivil I mean defense
If you know how I feel about Thomas Riker then you will understand why I don’t like defiant. What a stupid episode and waste of potential that was. In my humble opinion they shouldn’t have even TRIED TO BRING THOMAS BACK… whatever. I don’t need to say why civil defense is awesome it’s literally just awesome. Perfect in every way. Hijinks that just gets worse and worse. Perfection.
Season 4: worst E2 the visitor, best: E5 rejoined
Sorry the visitor was so boring to me…. And I knew sisko wasn’t actually gonna die so where were the stakes ??? And Again I don’t need to tell you how awesome rejoined is we all already know. When I watched it for the first time I had to pause it half way through and stare silently at the screen man. That shit got me
Season 5: worst E25 blaze of glory, best E6 trails and tribble-ations
I actually kinda hated blaze of glory just because it was the Eddington show. And yes I know trial and tribble-ations is just fan service but my god it worked
Still in season 6 so I can’t speak on that or season 7. It was VERY hard to choose what episode I liked the best and none of this is hard and fast as I have a couple favorites per season. There was some episodes of TNG I actually felt were unwatchable, but I don’t feel this way about these less good episodes.
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Steamy/Smut Prompts:
D1. “We have to be quiet.”
D2. “You’re trembling.”
D3. “Mmm… you’re warm”
D4. “Your lips are so soft. I could kiss them all day.”
D5. “Are you here to finish me off, Sweetheart?”
D6. “I’ll just go ahead and go fuck myself”
D7. “I’m gonna fuck you so hard that you’ll forget you’ve ever even met that asshole”
D8. “If you don’t like me teasing, then why are you moaning?”
D9. “What? Does that feel good?”
D10. “C’mere, you can sit on my lap until I’m done working.”
D11. “I haven’t even touched you , and you’re already this wet.”
D12. “I could just pull your bikini bottoms to the side, no one will notice.”
D13. “If i don’t stop, you won’t be able to walk for the next week.”
D14. “Just let me finish this level and I swear I’ll go down on you until you cum at least three times”
D15. “The only way you’re getting off is on my thigh.”
D16. “You taste like fucking candy.”
D17. “Bite me” “ well if you insist.“
D18. “ Come to bed. I can’t sleep without your hips pressed against mine.”
D19. “Look at you, stretched out and trembling.”
D20. “I don’t care if it takes all night, you will submit.”
Soft Prompts:
E1. “If I could, I would kiss away all your scars.”
E2. “It’s not bad to cry. In fact, I think it makes a person stronger.”
E3. “I’ve had a rough day and honestly all I want right now is a drink and someone to cuddle with..”
E4. “No, you can’t get up! You’re my prisoner for today.”
E5. “Shh, it was just a bad dream. Just a dream, okay? None of it was real.”
E6. “ You know I’m/we’re always here for you, right?”
E7. “I’m sorry, what? I keep getting lost in your eyes.”
E8. “Stay for me.”
Insomnia Prompts:
F1. “It’s nearly two in the morning, what are you doing up?”
F2. “I’m pulling an all-nighter.”
F3. “I can’t sleep.”
F4. “I’m having nightmares.”
F5. “Will you stay awake with me?
F6. “It’s past midnight, why are you still up?”
F7. “Don’t worry, I’m going to take care of you.”
Angst Prompts:
G1. “Do you love him/her?”
G2. “You’re not sorry.”
G3. “How did you find out?”
G4. “Don’t lie to me.”
G5. “Am I not important to you anymore?”
G6. “I didn’t realize I was such an inconvenience.”
G7. “ Do you think about them when you look at me?”
G8. “How many times am I supposed to forgive you?”
G9. “Don’t raise your fucking voice at me.”
G10. “ I trusted you.”
G11. “Are you ashamed of me?”
Sarcasm Prompts
H1. “Well, what can I say? I’m a badass.”
H2. “Do I get bonus points if I act like I care?”
H3. “Were you dropped on your head?”
H4. “Excuse me, I have to go make a scene.”
H5. “I already know that I’m going to hell. At this point, it’s really go big or go home.
Conversation Prompts:
J1. “Oh, the things I’d do if you were mine.” “So take me.” “Is that what you really want, Sweetheart?” “Yes, That is all I’ve wanted. So take me”
J2. “I’ll kill you.” “Darling, I’m already dead.”
J3. “They’re right behind me, aren’t they?” “Actually, they’re right in front of you.”
J4. “ You’re okay, right? You’re not hurt?” “No, no, no, I’m fine! Totally fine, no, no, I’m fine.” ’‘Really? Because you’re repeating your words, you’re pale and you look like you’re going to pass out” ’'Yeah, you might wanna catch me.”
J5. "they trained you for this” “I don’t I don’t want this. I haven’t ever wanted this.” Oh, but darling, you can’t erase the past… Not even if you don’t remember it.“
K1. “I like the way your hand fits in mine.”
K2. “You have something in your hair, umm… Do you want me to get it out?”
K3. “It’s nice that your voice was the first thing I heard today.”
K4. “You can call me whenever you want… Even if you don’t have a reason to.”
K5. “I’m bad at texting first, so I always end up hoping you will”
K6. “This movie is really scary, but you’re into it so I’m trying not to cover my face the whole time, but- WHAT IS THAT?”
K7. “You look really cute in that sweater.”
K8. “No, like… It’s just, I can’t believe you’re actually wearing my clothes.”
K9. “I wanted to say ‘I love you’ for the first time without stuttering, but that failed.”
K10. “I can’t get over how a few months ago I wanted to learn your name and now you’re having breakfast with me in my sweater.”
K11. “Quit smiling at me, I can’t stop messing up my sentences when you look at me like that.”
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danishprince · 2 years
Top 5 TV episodes (with reasons why, if you want.)
"if you want" do you KNOW me. apologies for the literal fucking essay incoming.
forcing myself to make sure none are from the same series. but five of my favorites, in no particular order:
bojack horseman s2 e11 — “escape from l.a.”
there are objectively more inventive/more heartbreaking bojack episodes out there (“time’s arrow,” “fish out of water," “free churro”), but this one wins for me because it marks a clearly delineated descent from “depressed horse guy who’s kind of shitty” to “depressed horse guy who actively ruins others’ lives”. straightforward plot, no todd shenanigans (just pete repeat, who’s admittedly hilarious). bojack wants to change, and in new mexico, he thinks he will. for a moment, we’re in a wacky family sitcom! but this episode’s strength comes through a distinct lack of structural trickery: early on you know exactly where “escape from l.a.” is going to go, and you spend the next fifteen minutes watching while frozen, terrified it’s actually going to happen. and it does. horror! olivia wilde’s “if you ever try to contact me or my family again, i will fucking kill you” might be THE best line delivery of the series. 
i may destroy you e12 —“ego death”
“ego death” is a reflection of a reflection: a perfect example of a) the cyclical nature of trauma/ptsd and b) revenge fantasy as both freedom and imprisonment. (again. go back to the bar again. maybe this time it’ll work. maybe this time you’ll figure it out.) arabella feels real in all her contradictions, and we want her to find relief even though on some level that’s not possible. the writing is so, so tight. michaela coel is firing on all cylinders. ultimately i may destroy you is an argument in favor of empathy and against binary notions of good/evil, victim/perpetrator, oppressed/oppressor; this episode sticks the landing thematically while being a deeply cathartic—and realistic!—ending note for arabella’s story. trauma will change you, and there’s no way around it, but there are ways to keep living, keep moving. also it’s just a gorgeous-looking hour. absolute masterwork from a criminally underwatched miniseries.
succession s3 e9 — “all the bells say”
my feelings on this episode mostly boil down to [inconsolable wailing about roy siblings]. but on a writing level, this does a phenomenal job tying together both s3 and the whole series. as vicious and heartbreaking (and funny) as season 3 is, it’s structured anticlimactically—most of the big "plot developments" fizzle out. this episode undermines all that: turns out the important parts of the season were a) character-focused and b) existed all along, gliding under the surface until they re-emerge here as genuinely shocking plot twists. wonderful character moments (kendall’s confession! the siblings coming together! roman standing up to his father!) resonate because they’re so hard-earned, because all series the three have been pitted against each other over and over. the opposite of the capitalistic empty drive for wealth—the opposite of the abuse and neglect the siblings received from their parents—is connection. even if it only lasts a moment, at least it happened. fantastic season finale, simultaneously heartbreaking and revelatory in its own right. 
watchmen e6 — “this extraordinary being” 
one of many things i like about this ep is how it takes previous “canon” and flips it on its head—without actually contradicting anything. we’ve been shown this universe’s so-called history in earlier episodes via those goofy “american hero story” clips. but like the comic that inspired it (a favorite of mine!), watchmen the tv show is constantly reflecting on stories-within-stories, narratives inside the narrative. episode 6 takes pains to disassemble that predominant “history” right in front of our eyes. more importantly, it fucking hurts. angela’s grandfather was hooded justice—survived the tulsa race massacre!—and she never even knew. history isn’t all made up, but the victors get to tell it. “this extraordinary being” asks what if they didn’t? the black-and-white film and flashes to angela’s face both add to a sense of being simultaneously present and not; the past is the past, but it’s never that far away. we carry our parents/grandparents’ trauma within us even if we never consciously know it!!
the sopranos s5 e12 — “long term parking”
it’s kind of cheating to list this one because i haven’t even finished the series yet, but uh—holy fuck. this one destroyed me. devastating penultimate episode of season 5’s meticulously plotted death spiral (which thus far is my favorite sopranos season by a mile). just watched a couple days ago so can’t articulate my feelings beyond “AAAAA” but this recap by emily st. james (spoilers, ofc) says it better than i ever could.
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bitletsanddrabbles · 25 days
WIP Wednesday: Who saw this coming?
So I think part of my problem writing lately is that my brain needs a break from Downton. I mean, it's been all I've written since 2017? And while my brain has taken a couple of breaks to think about other things, nothing's really manifested.
So I'm not really questioning the Gilded Age plots, even though, as usual, I'd like my brain to just pick one. This one, at any rate, is a one scene wonder, so I should be able to get through it. Of course, I wrote it between watching S2 E5 and S2 E6 and already see things that need changing due to new info. I won't be polishing it up until I'm done with the whole season.
But for now...have a bored boy at a boring party.
Also, enjoy my placeholder names.
Oscar was certain he’d been to more boring parties, but none that he could remember. Still, cousin Aurora had invited him and it was to raise money for a good cause, so it was his cousinly duty to attend. It wouldn’t have been so bad if there had been dancing, or if he hadn’t counted as one of the “young” people. As it was, most of the actual entertainment came from watching Mrs. Russell and Mrs. Winterton try to out snub each other.
He was just lifting his glass to his lips when someone collided with him hard enough that his champagne sloshed to the rim.
“Oh!” a young, feminine voice exclaimed. Turning, Oscar found himself looking down at Gladys Russell. “I’m so sorry, I didn’t see…” she trailed off, suddenly nervous as she realized who she’d collided with.
“It’s alright, no harm done.” He gave his most reassuring smile, trying not to show how much her nervousness hurt. After all, it wasn’t as if he’d kept chasing her after her father had said no. “At least, I don’t think there was. Are you alright?”
She blushed and lowered her eyes. “I’m alright. I just wasn’t watching…” As she spoke, her eyes slid back the way she’d come. She broke off abruptly, her eyes widening a fraction before she visibly flinched and hurried around to his other side, standing carefully so that he blocked as much of her from view as possible.
Curious. Still, it was obvious that he was being pressed into service as a shield. He carefully angled his body to present more of his back to anyone coming from the direction she had come and asked, sotto voce, “So, who are we hiding from?”
“Shitty McAsserton,” she whispered back in a pained voice. “Mother thinks he might do for me. I suppose he’s not bad, but he’s very full of himself. I don’t think I can listen to much more.”
Glancing carefully over his shoulder, Oscar easily spotted the man in question. He was obviously looking for his lost quarry. Oscar took a sip of his champagne to clear the sour taste from his mouth. Really? Mrs. Russell hadn’t seen fit to let Gladys read his letters, but Shitty McAsserton was a candidate? There was proof that life wasn’t fair. Then again, he supposed the McAsserton’s did put quite a lot of effort into making their son look respectable, even if he wasn’t. “I can think of worst things to say about him. Still, if you don’t like him, your father will shoot him down like a duck.” He knew that from experience.
“I know, and I intend to tell him, but I still have to get through the rest of the party.” Gladys sighed. “If mother gets her way, we’ll be seated next to each other at dinner.”
“Well fortunately, it’s cousin Aurora’s party, so we’ll just have to make sure that doesn’t happen.”
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postsforposting · 2 years
Has anyone tried marking the time passed in ofmd by counting Buttons' moonbathing sessions?
According to NASA, the eight phases of the moon are, in order, new Moon, waxing crescent, first quarter, waxing gibbous, full Moon, waning gibbous, third quarter and waning crescent. They look like this, spread over ~29 days:
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It's possible to confuse the waxing and waning gibbous moons for full moons, but they would look squished and we can use other things to tell if it's been ~week vs half a month.
That said, here are the full moons in the show:
ep 1-3, there are none shown. moonlight is shown, but no actual moon. all of ep3 seems to be only one day going by the lack of clothes changes; 4 is the day after 3, because 4 shows ed and izzy discussing the damage to the ship and ed going through stede's stuff, which both would have been immediate actions, not put off. ep4 establishes that "tomorrow is the full moon", sept 2
There's a full moon in ep5, the kissing scene. This is "an extraordinary few days of training with bb's crew", as Stede narrates his journal, but we know that Stede exaggerates his journal entries so it may very well just be the next day after ep4, the same full moon.
e6, seen in the intro, right after the sword lessons. This ep also opens with Izzy saying they've been there for a "fortnight"/two weeks. A probably gibbous moon is shown when the Dutch are jumping ship and at the beginning of the duel, given it’s the day after the sword lessons.
obviously in ep8, when Jack kills Karl during moonbathing; it's 1.5 days between Jack showing up to the navy showing up.
Notably it's a new moon during the night when Stede abandons Ed on the dock after the kiss. It's possibly only a few days from then to the end of the show. So they were at the navy academy for ~two weeks, plus a couple days until the end of the show.
There's two months plus ~two weeks from when Stede and Ed meet to the end of the show. It took Izzy a whole month to pull off his betrayal.
It appears that time/the story only moves with the full moon...meaning it only moves by the light of the romance, for good or for ill. New moon, no light, means regression--there's no guiding light to follow, only when they're together is there light, is there safety in the lighthouse, otherwise you crack up on the rocks. Mary served as Stede's lighthouse, but Ed not only didn't have one, he had Izzy instead.
Possibly all voiceover intro bits are fakeouts/false info; Pete's story of BB, Mary's story of Stede being happy at home, Stede's of spending time with BB, and Izzy's of time with Stede, are all not true, all skewed. Had it been true that it was only two weeks aboard the Revenge, we would have seen a crescent or new moon, not a full moon. Izzy doesn't want people to know how long he's been with Stede; he's literally not seeing what's happening right under his nose, missing at least half of what's going on--just as everyone else is embellishing in their own favor too. I think that's the more important narrative choice than that they'd use the wrong moon. In that same vein of falsehoods, every time you see BB smoking, he's pulling your leg, creating an illusion, literally blowing smoke up your ass.
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watchingspnagain · 2 years
Rewatching No Exit
Welcome to “He’s Just Not That into You, Jo: A Supernatural Rewatch Blog” with Lor and Mace!
 Up today, s2,e6: No Exit
  Sam and Dean discover that Jo wants to hunt but Ellen is vehemently against it. They try to stay out of it, but when Jo gives them a case file on a building in Philly where young blond women keep disappearing in impossible ways, they take the case. When they get there, they find Jo already there, working the case herself. The three team up (against Dean’s better judgement), and while Jo makes a bit of a mess of it at first, she does successfully act as bait for the ghost of H.H. Holmes, American’s first serial killer and the monster of the episode. So it’s not a complete disaster, and when Ellen shows up spitting nails, Dean tries to defend Jo. But it turns out John was along on the hunt that got Ellen’s husband and Jo’s father killed. The episode ends with the Winchesters on the outs with the Harvelles—at least for the moment.
 Below is a log of our real-time reactions as we watched. Remember that there may be spoilers for any part of SPN’s 15-season run here. Note also that the nature of our conversation is adult and thus it may contain adult language and themes.
 [and we begin:]
 oh goodie. the one where Jo tried to be a big girl hunter
 would Dean be afraid of your mother?
it would take a little bit to realize it, but yeah
 he wouldn't be afraid of mine - he'd LOVE her. she makes THE BEST pies
I think he'd like my mom, too. just, you know. also afraid
 Ha! My mom can make people cry, too, but she'd love Dean so there's be no reason for him to feel her wrath
 thanks, Dean, I thought it was the other Los Angeles
 "and for you so bitchy" HAHAHA
  OMG this family
 WHY would you think this pithole is a place to take your toddlers?!
 the look on Dean's face
 they probably have some dumb idea about seeing the local shit
 spoiler yes, yes she will lose her
well, not really. cause she dies at the same time =p
 hand freeeeeckles
 HAHAHA Ghostbusters reference
 dream on, Jo, he'll never be your boyfriend
 Dean-o? REALLY?!
 did she FLY?
to get there before them?
  "untwist your boxers" hahahahaha
 Dean only seems like the kind to speed - he'd never put Baby in danger so he generally drives the speed limit
so she beat them here easy
 hahahaha I love it
 THIS 100% sibling behavior Jo and Dean are doing
 YES, on his part
she's got the whole puppy love thing going
 Dean drives EXACTLY one mile under the speed limit
 she's trying to act like a badass and Dean's having none of it
 fuck off, Jo
 "women can do the job fine. amateurs can't"
 no, Jo, you are not twisted AT ALL
he's not interested in you and your tough girl act will not entice him GO HOME
 there was no garbage bag in that can
 kick it! kick it's fingers!
he is gonna need a massage
 isn't that the exact sleeping pose of Marty McFly?
 if not it is VERY CLOSE
 FUCK YOU JO if you weren't gonna sleep, let the poor guy have the bed
 "sorry. my mistake"
I love him
he knows when not to be that way
 (she still needs a better knife though)
 but she was flashing that knife around just waiting for him to say something so she could play the I-lost-my-daddy card
 is he talking? i can't hear him over the freckles
 can you tell that she annoys the piss out of me?
 how do you feel about Jo, Mace?
 we hates her, precious
 oh, I'll tell you what's wrong with that: it's selfish as hell
 John used to pick Dean up like too, but he stopped bc he got awful
 don't threaten Ash, lady
Ash is absolutely more afraid of Ellen than he is of Jo
  aw Sammy's freakish love of serial killers for the win
 aw, Sammy knowing the serial killer stuff
 omg Sammy, a little less joy over the facts of the dude's serial killing
 starting to freak out a little, JO?
 yeah, GO HOME, child
 she could have been SO COOL. it annoys me
 same with Ellen
 and Mary
 also, is Jo significantly narrower than Dean?
in that direction?
 i think turned sideways they are equally tiny
 congrats Jo, you just made more work for the boys
 like, imagine if Ellen and Jo were as good at hunting as SnD
like if they KNEW things
 "feminine business" and the way he knows that's not gonna work before he's even done saying it
 "this building doesn't have a basement" I love that he just knows. he doesn't have to check. pets his competent little head
 snork! well, they have been looking at the floor plans lately
but yes, yes, your Dean is a smarty
 yes, yes he is
 thanks for mentioning that Sammy figured out the sewer system thing, btw
you're not biased at all...
 I mean, i have to concentrate on something other than how annoyed I am that Jo could have been awesome and isn't'
 Sammy is also so very, very smart
 isn't she a little sort for a stormtrooper
 "just be quiet" oh don't act like you didn't scream like a putz when he caught you, Jo
 HOW do you look that hot carrying a shovel?
 "don't mind us, we're just using a metal detector and carrying a shovel. not up to anything at all. look, we're cute"
 gah creeepy
gives me the shivers
 grrr she didn't want to finish the job
 yup, amateur, just like Dean said
hehehehe traps
 Ha! yep
  not because of you, Jo, don't take any credit here, honey
 I'm gonna need the story of how Dean got a cement mixer
 um, he just told you
 shrug I'll give it back
 he borrowed it
 look. I don't think the mockery is called for. I'm just little
 Oh, Dean
 Dean, bud. Read the car
 I guess shotgun doesn't shut her cakehole when it's Ellen?
 ooooof, Ellen, Dean did not deserve that
it is not HIS fault John was awful
 no their other father, Jo
 JO. You ASS. He just saved your life. You owe him much more than your bitchiness
 such poor writing here
 female characters are so poorly written on this show
(well, at least at first)
  [after the episode ended]
 it's like they're trying to force something bt Jo and Dean that's not working and then trying to complicate it with something that doesn't feel authentic
(yep. the back half is full of female characters I LOVE)
 (I think part of the mistake early is making them all narratively tied to Sam and Dean. they are there to push the boys' story and... that's it. so if the actors don't have chemistry, it dies. the later female characters are all massively weaved into SnD's story (obviously, that's the show), but they are their own thing too/first)
also, I think they just get better at writing believable strong female characters. they learn somewhere along the way that a strong woman doesn't need to be a scary mother hen
or a size 2 girl trying to wear big boy hunter pants and failing
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I don't think I've seen anyone else pointing this out, but can we talk about how the Sparrow siblings all being in the mansion with Reginald in 2019 ( therefore the same age as the Umbrella siblings at the beginning of S1) means none of them ever left?
I think that says a lot since it would mean 1 of 2 things:
They weren't abused (or at least not as badly) like the Umbrella siblings, so, they didn't felt the need to escape.
They were even more brainwashed than the Umbrella siblings and therefore they think they have to stay and/or are scared of leaving and disobeying their father.
I personally believe it's the second one because Reginald has proved time and again that he is a horrible person and an even worse father. He abused 7 kids their whole lifes and when he is confronted both in the afterlife (S1 E7) and in the past (S2 E6) about how horrible he was, he just blames it on them. I reallyyy find it difficult to believe this man would be a good father to the Sparrows.
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fantastic-rambles · 3 years
Your Move [1]
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Fandom: Yuukoku no Moriarty
Summary: I just wanted William to play chess with Sherlock because I’m a nerd. Starts shortly before the events of “Scandal in the British Empire” and will loosely follow the manga (hopefully). A real game is played throughout the story. [NOTE: Given the time period, there’s an argument to be made that they should be using descriptive notation, which was far more common in England at the time. But I personally believe that William would opt to use the more elegant algebraic notation. I also wanted to confuse John initially, not that that’s hard. Lol.]
Characters: Sherlock Holmes, William James Moriarty, John Watson, Louis James Moriarty, Sebastian Moran, Fred Porlock, Albert James Moriarty (mentioned)
Warnings: None.
Word Count: 2.5k
"Holmes! Hey, Holmes! Message for you!"
John and Sherlock looked up at the cheeky call, watching Wiggins run up to them while waving an envelope. It was about the size of a calling card, and after Sherlock accepted it and turned it over, they both saw that the front was blank.
"I've got orders to wait for your reply," Wiggins informed Sherlock with a grin, a shilling flashing briefly between his fingers before it disappeared. Curious, John peered over Sherlock's shoulder as he opened the envelope, pulling out a small card with a cryptic message written in a neat script.
1. e4 Your move, Mr. Detective.
But Sherlock seemed to have understood it immediately, given the way his face had lit up. Usually, he only looked that excited when he was solving an interesting case or talking about the mysterious Lord of Crime.
"John, give me a pen," Sherlock said, holding a hand out expectantly as he flipped the card over to the other side. Even though he was still confused, John obeyed, unclipping the pen from his pocket and handing it over. Grinning, the master detective scrawled "e6" onto the back before stuffing it back in the envelope and handing it to Wiggins, who immediately dashed off.
"What was that about, Sherlock?" John asked as he tucked his pen away again. "Something related to the Lord of Crime?"
"Nah, it was Liam. He must be in London today!" Sherlock's stride lengthened as he made as if to follow the urchin, and John had to hurry to catch up to his sudden energy. He'd only really seen William James Moriarty in passing, when he had been arrested on the train and subsequently exonerated, but Lestrade had told him afterwards about the young noble who had proved himself to be as intelligent as Sherlock. John found it hard to believe that there could be anyone who could compete with his flatmate, but he did feel a sense of gratitude to Moriarty for his contributions to securing his freedom.
Still, seeing how Sherlock could behave like a child… or rather, a child looking forward to playing with a friend (since he behaved like a child most of the time), John felt that he could believe Lestrade. Just talking to anyone else seemed to bore Sherlock since it was incredibly difficult--if not impossible--to keep up with him, so for him to actively seek out someone else suggested that, at the very least, he sincerely found them to be fascinating. John couldn't help feeling bad for William, though; Sherlock was difficult enough to deal with when he had no personal interest in someone. To be an object of his obsession seemed like it would be positively exhausting.
"Wait, Sherlock. Wiggins went that way," John pointed out as they crossed an intersection where he'd seen the boy turn left, but Sherlock shook his head.
"Do you really think I'm going to chase after a child? As long as I can figure out where Liam is, that's what's important. Taxi!"
John sighed, but he followed Sherlock into the hansom cab, listening to his friend give instructions to the driver. Their route brought them to the outskirts of London, depositing them outside a large manor, and John had a sinking feeling that he knew just who the owner was. Sherlock didn't hesitate to step inside the gates and walk up the broad walkway framed by carefully manicured gardens, while John followed more hesitantly.
"Sherlock, there's etiquette that should be observed when you're calling on someone," he whispered. If the card had really come from the second son of the Moriarty family, then wouldn't he be in town, rather than at home? John simply couldn't fathom how Sherlock had come to the conclusion that the man was here, and he hoped that his friend wouldn't make too much of a fuss when he was told otherwise.
"Don't be such a bore, John. Knowing Liam, he's probably expecting me." He rapped smartly on the door before John could reply. Bracing himself for the inevitable confrontation, John glanced around the grounds. There seemed to be a surprising lack of servants: John had only spotted one young-looking gardener kneeling by some rose bushes. He had looked up briefly as the two men passed by before returning to his work, and John wondered if the other workers were just taking a break. It hardly seemed likely that such a well-tended estate could be managed by just one worker.
When the door opened, a rather rough-looking butler looked out at the two of them, and John tried to look apologetic, but Sherlock didn't seem put off at all, speaking up before the other man could even inquire about their visit.
"Is Liam in?" Sherlock asked.
The man seemed to contemplate them for a little longer before turning around and calling, "Oi, Will, there's two blokes here to see you! I think one of them's that famous detective!"
His lack of propriety shocked John. Were the Moriartys some sort of eccentric family? Their servants certainly gave him that impression. Or maybe they had hired them out of noblesse oblige, giving them an opportunity to earn a living and learn how to work, so that they could find employment in other houses afterwards, as some other families did. After all, they had adopted and cared for two orphan children, one of whom had died in a fire, but the other one still lived with them. If so, that was rather admirable, though still odd, as there didn't appear to be any upper servants who would normally be given the role of training new workers. But before he could contemplate the situation further, a familiar face appeared in the doorway of another room.
"Mr. Holmes? And Dr. Watson?"
The young aristocrat approached the two of them, his expression curious, but not surprised.
"We were just about to have tea," William informed them. "Would you like to join us?"
"Thanks for the invitation!" Sherlock replied enthusiastically, stepping inside without any reservations. John followed more slowly, letting the butler close the door behind them. All three of them followed William through the room that he had appeared from, stepping out onto a low patio that looked out over the garden. William's adopted brother--Louis, if John remembered correctly--was standing by a table already set for afternoon tea, meticulously polishing one of the knives before setting it down. Four places had been set, which surprised John. It seemed that Sherlock had been right: William had been expecting them.
"Please, sit." William gestured to the chairs, and Sherlock and Louis immediately claimed the seats closest to him, leaving John to gingerly take his own seat across from William. Louis poured out the tea with a deft hand as Sherlock leaned towards William, his eyes glittering with excitement.
"So, Liam, what brings you to London? Another plot by the Lord of Crime?" he asked, plucking a scone off the platter and shoving it whole into his mouth. John, who had just begun to sip on his tea, choked. Seizing a napkin, he began to cough vigorously into it, his eyes huge. Was Sherlock really suggesting that William was a murderer, or at least working with one? His coughing fit prevented him from hearing most of the answer, but judging from William's face, he hadn't taken any offense at the accusation.
"... just helping Albert out," William was saying airily when John finally managed to get himself back under control. Taking a deep breath, he managed another sip of tea without incident before helping himself to a madeleine.
"Albert is your elder brother, right? And he's in the military?"
"He was, but he's been discharged. Currently, he's setting up a company to invest in trading companies or factories in England. After all, it would be beneficial to our society to support progress and provide people with opportunities to break free of the traditional system in which the poor are bound to the land they are born on, with no choice but to work for the gentry, don't you think?"
"Aaaah, that sort of stuff doesn't concern me," Sherlock replied, waving his hand dismissively, and John winced. Of course, he knew that Sherlock was the kind of person who completely ignored anything that didn't interest him, but for him to continue behaving in such a way when they were guests was deeply insulting to the host. "You're probably right, though, Liam. Anyways, it seems that my reply hasn't arrived yet? e6."
William arched an eyebrow, then leaned back and beckoned the butler over, murmuring something to him before turning back to Sherlock. "d4."
They spat strange codes at each other, and John glanced at Louis, who looked irritated as he stared at Sherlock. John couldn't blame him: if William was half as obnoxious as Sherlock when it came to flaunting his intellect, then the other man must have also gone through a lot. Feeling as though the two of them had been left out of whatever was happening, John leaned towards the other man.
"The tea is very nice," he said awkwardly, but at least it caught Louis' attention.
"Thank you," Louis replied with some stiffness.
"Do you know what they're doing?"
Just as Louis was about to reply, William and Sherlock's next exchange answered the question for him, though it seemed that they were using some sort of system that John was unfamiliar with.
"Knight to c3."
"Bishop to b4."
By then, the butler had reappeared with a chess board, placing it down between Sherlock and William. As William reached out to move a piece, Sherlock chuckled.
"You can't expect me to believe that you need that, Liam. Come on, let's keep going."
But William just smiled as he continued to rearrange the board.
"There's a certain charm in moving the pieces yourself, Mr. Holmes. It's easy to just use words to command others, but if you distance yourself from the feeling of having their lives in your hands, it's very easy to forget what's important. A game of chess is ultimately a game of war, and even the pieces that fall to the wayside or are sacrificed should have their value remembered. Don't you agree, Dr. Watson?"
"Excuse me?" John blinked, surprised to be suddenly addressed, and William picked up a bishop, toying idly with the carved birch piece.
"As an army doctor, you would have a better insight into this discussion, wouldn't you?" William asked, staring at him intently. John was reminded of the unwavering stare of a viper, coiled in the trenches and ready to strike at any man unwary enough to walk about without checking if there was anything underfoot. "To you, are the men you treated, or those who died on the operating table, just numbers? Or did they have names and families, reasons to travel so far from home to die in a distant land?"
"Well..." John shifted uncomfortably, his mind shying away from those memories, so he was relieved when Sherlock suddenly reached out and grabbed William's hand.
"Oi, Liam, it's just a game. Make your move already."
William blinked, and the intense pressure that John was feeling faded. "Ah. I apologize if my questions upset you, Dr. Watson. Excessive curiosity is not a very attractive trait, I'm afraid, but it is one of my flaws."
He contemplated the board briefly before placing down the piece in his hand. "Bishop to d2."
"Brother," Louis interrupted softly. "We're supposed to meet Albert soon."
"Is it that time already?" William pulled out a pocket watch, opening it to examine the dial. Then, he snapped it closed again, getting to his feet and straightening his clothing. "I do apologize, gentlemen, but we have a prior engagement. If you'll just wait a short while, Mr. Moran will call you a cab."
"Eh, don't be such a killjoy, Liam. You're heading into town, right? You could give us a ride," Sherlock protested, but William shook his head, smiling enigmatically.
"Unfortunately, I would not be good company. There are several documents that I was planning to go over this afternoon, so I'll need to catch up on them in the carriage instead. But it was worth it, as this was far more enjoyable. Mr. Holmes, Dr. Watson." He inclined his head slightly in a clear farewell, leaving the patio with his brother trailing behind him.
"Liam! Knight to e7!" Sherlock called after him before slumping back in his chair. He reached out to nudge his knight forward before sighing and tilting his head back to stare at the sky. John recognized the signs for the start of one of his flatmate's dark moods, but fortunately, the butler came to fetch them before Sherlock tried to do anything extreme. Again, John was struck by how unprofessional the man seemed as he ushered them out the door and into the waiting carriage.
"Sherlock, what do you think of the butler? Mr. Moran?" John asked in an attempt to distract his friend as the horses clopped through the gate. Sherlock was digging around in his pockets, eventually pulling out his cigarette case and taking one out.
"Match," he ordered brusquely, and John handed him the requested match, waiting for him to light his cigarette and take a long drag. Only after that did Sherlock deign to answer his question.
"He isn't a butler by trade. He was a soldier before--an officer, most likely, since he seems to come from a noble family. He probably saw a lot of men that he cared about die while he was abroad, but unlike you, he seems to be mostly over it now. Perhaps you should ask him for a referral to his therapist."
John frowned. "What's a man like that doing as a butler?"
"What's an army doctor doing as an assistant to the world's only consulting detective?" Sherlock retorted. "People have their own circumstances, and their decisions don't always make sense to others. What?"
John was gaping at his friend as though he'd suddenly grown another head.
"What?" Sherlock repeated, and John shook off his surprise slowly.
"I didn't expect you to actually show consideration towards someone else," he replied, his eyebrows still raised.
"What are you talking about? What about Hope?" Sherlock pointed out, sounding mildly irritated, as he usually did whenever John pointed out something patently obvious--at least to Sherlock. But before John could respond, the carriage stopped, and their driver announced, "221 Baker Street!"
They exited the cab, and as they were crossing the threshold of 221B, John suddenly remembered another, more pressing issue.
"And what was that about? Accusing William of being the Lord of Crime? Even as a joke, that was incredibly rude of you!" he reprimanded Sherlock, only to be taken aback when the other man actually laughed out loud. The suddenness of it even prompted Miss Hudson to poke her head around the corner to see what was happening.
"He's brilliant, isn't he? But you don't need to worry about that, John. He's just playing along, like he did on the train. God, if he really was the Lord, it would be perfect!"
Still laughing, he headed upstairs. John exchanged an exasperated look with Miss Hudson's confused one, then headed up himself.
[Part 2]
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strangelock221b · 1 year
E6. Monro, still? I thought we'd seen the last of him. Augusta, fuck off, seriously. You're just like Monro's blood-sucking leeches.
Violet's gonna find the birthday crown her dad made for Agatha and there'll be a big blow-up. Do we really need to see Violet and Agatha fighting, Shonda? Why pit two bad-ass bitches against each other?
I swear, Shonda's plotting gives me a headache sometimes.
Oh, no fighting. At least, not yet. Violet isn't the best at keeping things to herself so it's gonna come out at some point.
Love the family portrait, I'm gonna need a screenshot later to diagram the group shot. God, what a dysfunctional family but at least they're entertaining.
I love how Brimsley is still loyal to Charlotte even after all these years and the occasional verbal abuse.
I just checked the Wikipedia page for QC and it lists the "present day" year as 1817. I assume they're just going off the year the real Princess Charlotte Augusta died because unless Anthony and Kate are on a three-year honeymoon and Augustus Basset doesn't age AT ALL, it's not 1817 in the Bridgertonverse.
"My heart calls your name." Emmys for Corey and India for this scene alone. Netflix, get on this. I want a For Your Consideration campaign like none other.
I like Young Agatha and Lord Ledger's subtext, they know exactly what they can say around Young Violet without the kid understanding what's really going on. Looks like the affair is ending, good, this was a dumb subplot. I mean, Hyacinth's grandfather having an affair with Gareth's grandmother? Has Shonda not read the later books? Or has she read them and she thinks this little foreshadowing is romantic? Whatever, it's done. And it looks like Agatha didn't get pregnant, thank God.
"I do not remember names, I am female." Augusta is making the misogyny work for her, I can almost respect it.
"You have been our queen but you have never really been our mother." Georgie's got a point but their society is at least partially to blame for this -- parenting was very hands-off by the child's actual parents back then. Nannies and governesses did at least 80% of the parenting while the child was growing up. Also, having up to fourteen siblings around at any given point while each child was growing up meant that they didn't get enough individual time with their parents. I'm betting everyone except oldest Georgie and youngest Amelia often got lost in the crowd. BTW, the actor playing Georgie is very good at looking sad.
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