#like they didn't hate each other in fact I think they enjoyed each others company well enough
bistaxx · 6 months
Honestly k!Staxx and k!Quackity's dynamic was extremely underrated like yes they were mother and son but more importantly I firmly they would've casually sold each other to satan should the opportunity come up
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akutasoda · 19 days
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'do you think that this, us, ever could be something more'
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synopsis - you both have painfully obvious feelings for eachother but both of you are hesitant to take that step until they decide to brave their feelings and confess in their own way
includes - dr ratio, argenti, jiaoqiu, aventurine
warnings - gn!reader, fluff, slight angst (mainly aventurine), pining, wc - 2.2k
a/n: guys i promise im working on requests :))
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dr ratio ★↷
ratio detested you, namely the way you constantly refuted his words and theses. nonetheless, he adored nothing more than seeing you everyday - he'd say you were the one competent mind to converse with in an average day but you both knew deep down that it was purely because you enjoyed each other's company.
your friendship with the doctor was one of the most unlikely, others at the intelligentsia guild couldn't imagine anyone developing more than a simple coworker relationship with ratio. to some, even maintaining something as simple as a coworker relation was an arduous task.
however, you never saw the issue. ratio was a dear friend, it's merely the fact that he naturally gave off a rather off-putting first impression thanks to his slightly gloomy and eccentric nature. deep down he still retained these qualities but he could be a lot more caring in his own way.
although, for all his intellect, ratio struggled to maintain a grasp on his own emotional intelligence. a fact that could maybe be said for you as well, although compared to ratio you simply didn't know how to, or even if you should bring up the undoubtedly growing feelings for the doctor.
ratio knew what he was feeling, simply a release of oxytocin that caused those fuzzy feelings when he was around you. however he couldn't quite piece together the idea of you being behind those feelings, why your friendship wasn't enough, longing for something more than what you two currently had.
he'd never confide in anyone about his dilemma - he didn't need unwanted outsiders budging in on his personal issues. although, ever since he started looking for solutions, he started noticing signs that had previously gone unnoticed. namely how you acted around him.
a major concern between two crushes is the possibility of unrequited feelings. veritas would prefer to avoid such mistakes and push any potential feelings away if that was the case. so he often dwelled on the possibility of such. but it appeared that all the signs he misconstrued as friendly gestures and behaviour from you, could in fact be taken as more romantic.
he observed more as he had to be one hundred percent and in his quest, his mind slowly became more aware of his own feelings and why they only seemed to blossom more around you. ratio hated it. his feelings were like a gnawing feeling, constantly playing on his brain and it got to the point where he couldn't focus on his research - he would blame you, but he blamed himself more.
veritas knew he had to do something about it. and so he did. ratio was never one to beat around the bush, and so he took a direct approach to his confession - as soon as he could, he sought you out and told you about his feelings. relief washed over the doctor's unknowingly tense form when you told him about reciprocating such feelings.
you couldn't help but note his slight embarrassment afterwards, made evident by the heavy blushing which he quickly covered up by wearing his plaster head.
argenti ★↷
the encounter between the two of you among the cosmos was one of the more fortunate ones. a fleeting moment within the universe that set a start for the tale of a friendship that would last practically forever.
in his opinion, meeting you on his journey felt like a blessing from idrila themselves. in argenti’s eye's you were practically breathtaking in any way, everything about you from your mere presence to your voice to your appearance. it was only natural that he wanted to know more about someone such as yourself - and he was forever grateful he indulged his curiosity.
a blossoming friendship was easily formed between the two of you, one that had solid foundations to continue headstrong, even becoming something more should that be the path you took together. for all his charms, argenti made a true friend - someone that was always there for you in your corner, supported you, a pure soul that listened intently, someone that cared.
and for someone that seeked the aeon of beauty, it was hard for him to miss seeing the beauty of which were his feelings. flurries of emotion that could hold a powerful grip on someone's heart and actions if left unchecked and untended to. so as soon as those signs of warmth and calmness appeared strongly around you, argenti knew what it was.
that infatuation and pure admiration for you could only suggest that he subconsciously longed for something more than a friendship. in truth, argenti was devoted to idrila. he found beauty in practically everything, followed idrila’s teachings diligently and so he never truly imagined having someone else in his life that meant more to him than an aeon he devoted his life to.
but it couldn't be ignored, those feelings couldn't be left to simmer in the back of his mind as deep down he knew he wasn't content to sit by and keep the current relationship with you - although if that was what you wished, he would gladly sacrifice his own feelings just for you. however argenti was one to take risks.
a direct approach to voice the beauty of his feelings for you, should you decline them then so be it, but he wouldn't know until he tried. comoared to his usual gestures which could often be described as “grand” or “charasmatic”, a confession from him would be noticeably more gentle and intimate.
a moment of pure safety, he'd waste no time in reciting to you exactly what he wanted to say with a smile of lovestruck fondness as he presented you with a rose, all the thorns layed upon it's stem signalling the dedication and sacrifices he'd be willing to make for you - it's petals in full bloom.
jiaoqiu ★↷
being friends with jiaoqiu was never easy, although nobody exactly said it was easy. the pink foxian had the tendency to be rather cunning, mischievous even, and these traits only seemed to double when you actually got closer to him.
however, some could argue that eventually one would get used to jiaoqiu and everything he'd do or say - to an extent, they wouldn't be wrong but it still never made it any easier on most days. (un)fortunately you still put up with him as he was still a dear friend in the end.
jiaoqiu did have people he acquainted with or even people he was friendly with but ultimately he still had very few he would truly refer to as friends. he spent most of his time serving his dedication to helping the merlins claw and that was mainly his sole priority, jiaoqiu was determined to treat her.
so naturally, those closest to him did end up being those close to feixiao in the first place. yet he still found time to spend with those he held dearest, which was either you or moze and feixiao.
however, it didn't go unnoticed to either you or jiaoqiu that there was something there. something that couldn't be described as a simple friendly relationship, yet neither of you addressed it and continued on with your lives as if that feeling wasn't there in the slightest.
jiaoqiu knew very well that he longed for something more with you. you were the only person which drew out these warm feelings from him that had been killed during his time in the field and yet you had a way of bringing them back to him.but he simply couldn't cime to terms with it.
he'd withdraw from practicing medicine once before due to a broken heart, and deep down a part of him feared that you would make that a second time. so he tried to drown away those fuzzy feelings and tell himself over and over that you two were simply just friends, nothing more despite the clear longing urge to be that made him feel an immense sadness at the idea of never being something more.
and so jiaoqiu was hesitant. he wasn't dumb and he knew exactly how he felt for you, and he even could pick up on the way that you felt the same but somewhere in his mind he'd convinced himself that it was simply his own wishful thinking, not your true feelings. however, his hesitancy couldn't last much longer as he cursed you for affecting his work.
he'd be more of a fool to continue on without coming to grips with his blaringly obvious feelings for you, he knew it would eventually eat him from the inside out. and so jiaoqiu would begrudgingly find a way to confess, still letting that nagging fear affect just how he'd do so.
he'd catch you in the morning, handing you a personal meal for lunch like he occasionally did when he had free time in the morning. except this time, your gaze would immediately notice the small note tucked away within, one that you wasted no time in reading it's contents.
a part of him regretted giving you a note as the anticipation weighed heavy upon his mind, but otherwise he knew his nerves would've got the best of him. jiaoqiu specified in the note about his feelings, and how if you were to reciprocate them then you should come find him. this way he could avoid the painful rejection if it so came to that. until then, he waited in anticipation, still fearing your answer.
aventurine ★↷
he had coworkers, he had business partners who lways got the short end of the straw in a deal with him, and he had acquaintances. someone could even say they were the bare minimum for being a good use as stoneheart for the IPC. however, he did have some people that were closer than that, namely veritas and you.
and to reach that level with him was no easy feat. the man known as aventurine had put up many walls, facade after facade all in order to keep what little of himself left safe. the small parts of him left untouched by experiences that were painfully his and yet he could fool himself into believing that they belonged to an identity that no longer existed.
sometimes ‘aventurine’ didn't feel like him. it wasn't. if anything it was another defense that the past identity had let be forced upon him to help scramble for something good in his life. for someone blessed with luck, it never felt like it.
but his luck finally brought him something pure, something that finally felt like luck. and that was meeting you. a light that shined ever so brightly in his life despite all else, evoking feelings from him that he swore he buried when he bid goodbye to his past self. yet you dredged them from the darkest depths of himself, the parts that he feared and constantly kept hidden from himself.
however, old habits die hard. the very moment aventurine became conscious of what had bubled to the surface of his facade, he desperately tries to push them away. those warm, fuzzy feelings that he felt around you meant only weakness to him - something that you could choose to exploit.
his feelings were merely a chip. a means to use and manipulate at his disposal. they got in the way majority of the time, they could reveal ones desires or wants unknowingly and that never led to anything prosperous - especially in a high stakes gamble. but they were a chip for him and him only.
nevertheless, how could he possibly ignore them any longer when it seemed that his own brain was working against him. it made him feel all the more vulnerable, especially because of the idea of him confronting them just to have his heart painfully stomped upon and have his feelings left to painfully mull over into bitter sadness and reject.
fortunately, aventurine was quite the adept one at reading other people - a skill he'd learnt very quickly. so the hopeful part of him observed how you acted around him, picking up on the obvious signs that he previously misconstrued as friendly or simply ignored. eventually, he decided that the gnawing feeling needed to be sorted.
and so aventurine decided it was best to finally let down those final walls and comfess. because he was putting himself in a vulnerable position, he would get straight to the point. people may guess that he would go all out for a confession but that would be the last thing he'd do.
admittedly he let a small part of his fear get the best of him but he would still build up the courage to request to see you and confess face to face. he truly didn't know what he would do if you turned him down but he'd figure that out if it happened. it wouldn't go unnoticed by you that he held one hand behind his back at all times during his confession - the only time in ages that he'd been completely honest with his feelings to someone he trusted.
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taglist - @little-miss-chaoss, @frankiesteinn
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ladykibutsuji · 1 year
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Human! Muzan Kibutsuji Headcanons
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• Premise: You are the beloved wife of Muzan Kibutsuji, although it was a arranged marriage your love for Muzan Kibutsuji was real. so what is it exactly like being his wife?
- Muzan always hated the fact that he have a sickness that is almost impossible to cure so he is always mad about it leading to him having such a nasty personality.
- He mostly takes his anger out on his own Servants and his doctor to whom he refer to as 'Fraudulent Doctor'
- In the beginning, Muzan despised you and didn't want to be near you.
- "Why the fuck do I even need a wife? She's as useless as the servants!"
- You dislike his nasty personality but you also understood that he's only mad about his illness that he takes his anger out on others.
- Despite Muzan's cruel words and actions, you have continued to look after him no matter how hard he tries to push you away.
- But as time goes on, Muzan started to appreciate the love and care that he is receiving from you
- And eventually he developed feelings for you
- He'd still be tough on you, but not so tough.
- Sometimes when he notices how tired you are, he wouldn't say cruel words towards you like what he usually does but instead he would be quiet
- In the end, you would notice that he's too quiet so you started asking him questions if he's okay
- He would get mad at you for asking such a question
- "Do I look okay? I have a fucking illness you dumb woman! just shut the fuck up and rest for the day"
- His sentence got you confused, You don't even know whether he's being cruel or nice
- When it comes to drinking medicine, he would make a huge fuss over it saying that it wouldn't even work but when it's you he would just drink it quietly he would still roll his eyes at you though or let out a 'tch' sound
- He only wants YOU to take care of him and refuses to let anyone else to take the spot
- the only time he lets anyone else do it is when you are sick
- since his body is weak he couldn't really take you out on fancy dates
- but sometimes when he feels like having a date with you he would make his servants cook and prepare a romantic table just for the two of you at home
- Muzan's favorite thing to do is to cuddle with you, he won't admit it but he really enjoys your company and touch
- although he wouldn't really ask directly, he would stare deeply into your eyes in silent with a >:| face
- "Do you need anything?"
- "You already know what I want"
- Aside Muzan's nasty personality, he also have a soft personality that only YOU have access to
- When muzan can't sleep at late night, you and him would have a conversation about life and would often be joking around with each other
- "Would you find someone else if I died?"
- "Don't say stuffs like that, You will survive you just have to believe in yourself"
- "Don't be so dramatic Y/N. it's just a what if, I want to hear your honest answer."
- "No, I don't want to... I'd rather stay at your grave for hours!"
- "Just hours?"
- "No, I'll live in your grave"
- "Good"
- That conversation right there is one of the rare moments you have with him since 99% of the time he's an asshole to you and his servants mostly his doctor
- "Y/N, When my illness is gone. I promise to give you the best life you deserve."
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- DICK: 4 soft, 6'5 erected (Length), 6 in girth, curved upward, Veiny, hairy and tip color is ff9999
- He whimpers
- He's more submissive than dominant due to his body being weak
- You are the one who initiates
- His favorite part of sex is his dick getting sucked on by you
- He likes shoving his cock all the way down your throat
- And he thinks that you are really pretty with his cock on your mouth
- "f-fuck y/n. . . You're sucking it so good~"
- Since he has low stamina you are usually the one on top and the sex position you often do is Cowgirl and Reverse cowgirl
- While doing cowgirl his hands would be on your boobs playing with your nipples or sometimes they are just placed at your thighs giving them a squeeze
- If it's reverse cowgirl his hands would be on your hips and just like cow girl they would also be on your thighs
- You would bounce on his cock while he whimpers and begs you for more
- "ah~....ha~ ...pl-please more"
- Seeing muzan beg for more was amusing so you would tease him about it
- "Please what? Use your words my love~"
- He would get annoyed and grunt but greed took over him wanting more and more, he couldn't get enough of you so he would give in to your tease
- "Please Y/N...Please give me more of you"
- "Good boy~"
- And this is where you would bounce faster
- Muzan doesn't really use nicknames in sex because he's not really that sort of a romantic guy so he mostly just calls you by your own name
- And Muzan doesn't want any nicknames from you
- However you threatened that you would stop moving when he doesn't accept the nickname "Good boy" so he had no other choice but to accept the nickname you gave him
- When cumming he prefers to shoot it inside of you, into your mouth or all over your face.
- "Fuck... I'm close"
- If it's inside of you: he would tightly grip on your hips or thighs
- If it's into your mouth: He would ask you to stop bouncing and to suck his dick, after doing so he would have a tight grip on your hair forcing your mouth all the way down while his seed overfilled your mouth
- If it's on your face: He also would ask you to stop bouncing so he could pull out and come in your face, after cumming in your face he would cupped your cheeks admiring the mess he made
- He could only go for 1-2 rounds so if you are left unsatisfied and still wanting more he would just offer you to ride his face
- Poor muzan's dick was so exhausted after just 1 round
- "Seriously woman? Are you fucking trying to drain me?"
- "Please?"
- Muzan's greatest weakness was YOU, he couldn't refuse your request with that cute face of yours
- Too bad his dick was already exhausted so he offers another way to please you
- "Fuck you woman, Just ride my face and after this go kill yourself"
- Aftercare is important in sex but muzan is too weak to move on his own so you have to be the one taking care of him
- After having a warm bath together and putting on some comfy clothes You would bring in some foods for you and Muzan to eat together.
- After eating, Muzan will offer to let you cuddle with him to which you always Accepts and never once have refused.
- "I hate you but I also love you, but I still hate you more"
- "I love you most"
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authorhjk1 · 6 months
Since you're a fellow Fromis_9 nagyung enjoyer do you think you could do a nagyung short about her and her significant other trying to sneak around the other members to find “a quiet moment to themselves”
Nowhere to hide
(Lee Nagyung X Male Reader)
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You hate lying. If there is something everyone knows about you, it's that you don't lie. Never.
"Oh no! I hope it doesn't hurt too much?"
Being the caring woman she is, Lee Saerom looks at you with love in her eyes as she hears what happened.
"Well, the doctor said he shouldn't be alone for a while, since he can't walk properly."
You are able to send an angry glare in your girlfriend's direction.
This isn't how it was supposed to go.
The members of Fromis_9 planned on going on a two week trip to Hawaii. The flight was booked for today and everyone was already at the airport. Except for your girlfriend.
Nagyung still has to do a shoot for her new drama in two days. Which would've meant that she would have flown to Hawaii later.
Because you have to work, there was no way you could come with them. That's why you and Nagyung decided to use the two days of this weekend to enjoy each other's company. Aka fuck like rabbits, until one of you passes out.
But to your dismay, your alone time didn't last very long. Nagyung was already on your lap, grinding her ass onto your cock. Your pants were around your ankles, your wet dick leaving small marks on her blue jeans. Your messy kiss made her moan into your mouth.
Suddenly both of you heard the electronic lock getting unlocked. Nagyung quickly got off your lap and you were able to cover yourself with one of the blankets on the couch.
The seven girls weren't that surprised to see you. You are Nagyung's boyfriend after all. They explained that the bad weather, which is now haunting the whole Korean peninsula, made air traffic come to a halt. Which means that they would stay home.
And being the thoughtless, horny maniac she is, Nagyung told everyone that you would have to stay with her over the weekend.
"He almost got hit by a car!"
She exclaimed, after the girls asked for the reason.
She wasn't lying at that point in time. You really almost got run over by a car on the way to their dorm. The woman ignored the red light and drove over your right foot. It hurt a little, but it wasn't bad.
But you definitely did not see a doctor. Because it already stopped hurting.
You know why Nagyung said it though. This girl lives for sex. She literally can't help it. It might come from the fact that she always lives with her members and just has barely any opportunity to satisfy her carnal desires like a normal person.
But it can't be the only reason. You noticed very early into your relationship with her, how addicted Nagyung is to sex. She could do it anytime anywhere. Whenever you were the one who initiated something, she was already dripping wet. It didn't matter where you were, or what you did. A restaurant date, a stroll through the park, hanging out with her members, shopping. Nagyung would always find a way to get what she wanted.
But it's not always as great as it sounds. Of course you like to have sex with her. But Nagyung is just different. The longer the time period without sex, the more aggressive she becomes. You wonder, if you just deny her long enough, would she just drop to the her knees in the middle of a shopping mall and suck you off? Maybe.
But the longer this sexless period becomes, the less she is interested in your pleasure as well. Nagyung does care for you. But if she has to wait for too long, your needs come second.
Which brings us back to the present. The eight girls stand in the living room of their dorm, Nagyung in front of you, next to Saerom.
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You are aware that with only one movement of her hand, you would be sitting completely naked in front of all of them.
"Why don't you unpack your things again, girls? The weather forecast said it's gonna take a while, until we can fly again."
You sigh in relief, when the members follow Nagyung's advice.
As soon as the last one leaves the room, you throw the blanket off your lap. Nagyung drops to her knees again, just like she did a couple of minutes ago. You expect her to help you with putting your pants back on. Instead, Nagyung puts her elbows on your knees, taking your cock into her hand.
You watch in disbelief as she wraps her lips around your tip.
"What the fuck are you doing? They will be back in a second."
Nagyung glares at you as you pull her off your cock.
"I'm so fucking horny. I need you right now."
You hiss at her, closing the zipper of your pants.
A second later, Jiheon and Soyeon stand in the doorway.
One hour later~
You are still sitting on the couch. Some of the girls have joined, wanting to keep you company and distract you from the pain in your foot. When the movie you are now watching started, Saerom put the blanket back onto your lap, wanting to take care of you. Nagyung, who is sitting on your left, while Saerom, Jiwon and Hayoung are sitting on your right, uses this opportunity to invade your privacy.
You feel her hand on your thigh first, the blanket covering it. After barely a minute (she couldn't hold out longer) her hand starts to move towards your crotch. Moving your head, you glare at your girlfriend.
You whisper, trying to stop her.
But you know she won't. At the seame time, she uses her other hand to take one of yours. She slowly guides it towards her own core.
A moment later, you find yourself rubbing your girlfriend's pussy over her jeans, while her fingers wrap around your cock. You are afraid that one of the girls could just turn her head.
But nothing happens as Nagyung slowly makes you unzip her jeans. You know she isn't wearing underwear. She barely does. Especially not at home.
You dip a finger inside of her, making her sigh. Giving Nagyung another glare, you try to tell her to be quiet. If you can be silent, surely she can be too.
Her thumb draws circles on your tip, while she slowly pumps your cock. You finger her slowly, still afraid of getting caught.
"You guys wanna order some food?"
Your heart drops as you hear Jiheon's voice.
As the maknae walks in, you quickly pull your finger out of Nagyung's wet cavern. Your girlfriend still has her hand wrapped around your cock, but she at least stopped stroking you.
"Or we could just cook, you know?"
Saerom turns her head to look at Jiheon.
"Are you gonna cook?"
Jiwon looks at their leader.
You feel how Nagyung starts to stroke your cock again. Very very slowly. But it still makes you shift around a little.
"Don't worry Saerom. We can cook together. The movie is over anyways."
You were so focused on not getting caught for the last couple of minutes that you didn't even notice.
As you watch how the four of them head to the kitchen, Nagyung is already tugging at your hand. The two of you close the door of her room behind you a moment later.
"Oh god. You have me so fucking wet."
You can't answer Nagyung, because she gets on her tiptoes and puts her tongue into your mouth.
Not that you are complaining. Her teasing, no matter how dangerous it was, left you horny as well. You quickly sit down on the edge of her bed as Nagyung straddles you once more. She grinds her core against yours, getting off on how hard she made you.
"Give it to me. I need to get fucked."
She breathlessly whispers into your mouth, before the two of you break away for air.
A moment later, Nagyung is on her knees, your pants are around your ankles once more. Her blowjob is quick and effective. She knows how to push your buttons and she is making use of that.
"Fuck, Nakko."
A couple of moments later, Nagyung stands up and walks over to the bed on the other side of the room. She takes Jiheon's plushy. A small brown bear, holding a red heart.
"I need this, because you are going to fuck me hard now."
She pushes the chair away from the desk between the beds, bending over.
"Fuck me like you hate me."
With that, your girlfriend puts the bear into her mouth, biting down on it.
You are not surprised that it fits inside. And you are not surprised at her words. When she is this horny, Nagyung doesn't care about her own wellbeing. As long as she is getting fucked.
You quickly stand behind her, unbuttoning her jeans.
"Fuck you are tight."
You groan as you push inside of Nagyung. The jeans around her knees press her legs together, making her tighter than usual.
Saerom and Jiwon seem to argue in the kitchen. You can hear their distant voices as you start to take your girlfriend from behind. Just like she wanted. No build up. No going slowly. You are supposed to fuck her like you hate her.
Quickly, the sound of your hips snapping against her ass cheeks fill the otherwise silent room. Nagyung's moans are muffled by the stuffed bear in her mouth. Her knuckles turn white as she holds onto the edge of the desk. Both your hands hold onto her waist as you marvel how tight and fit Nagyung's body feels underneath your palms.
"Swpnk mwe."
You barely catch what she is trying to say. But knowing your girlfriend, you can guess what she is asking for.
Your tear one of your hands off her waist. It hits her left cheek a moment later. The sound is louder than you fucking her. Afraid that someone might have heard you, you wait a couple of thrusts, until you spank her again.
Nagyung's skin starts to turn red as you take out your anger at her on her cheeks. The way her pussy squeezes around you, tells you how well you are doing. She is barely able to keep it together. To hold the bear inside her mouth must be hard for her. She lost her hold on the edge of the desk a couple of thrusts ago. Now her nails scratch the wooden surface.
"Mm my gowd!"
You hear Nagyung scream into the stuffed bear. The sign that she is close to her first orgasm of the day. If it weren't for the members, you would've made her cum several times already.
You heart freezes. And so does the rest of your body as you hear Jiheon's voice behind the door.
Before you are even able to think, you leave Nagyung's slick pussy. She is still too groggy to actively help you as you pull her jeans back up. Jumping under the covers, you take Nagyung with you, making her sit on the edge of the bed. You would get teased if Jiheon would find the both if you lying in the same bed.
"Come in."
You manage to say, right as the maknae opens the door.
The way Nagyung squeezes your hand tells you that she is raging inside. And hornier than ever. In that split second, she would've preferred getting caught, instead of failing to reach her orgasm.
"We are done cooking. Oh, how cute you guys look."
Jiheon's eye smile makes it hard to get worked up about her teasing the two of you.
"In a minute."
You say, very aware of the fact that you are still naked from the waist down.
9 pm~
You groan in disbelief. Nakko can't be serious. Checking the text you just got from her, you shake your head.
"Eat me out💦"
"We are still eating!!!"
"Don't you want dessert"
There is no use in arguing with her.
Walking out of the bathroom, you try to come up with a way to not make this mission too obvious. Luckily, everyone is glued to Jisun's phone. Seems like she is showing the girls a funny video.
Reaching the table, you quickly drop to your knees, getting underneath it. Finding Nagyung's lower half, you put your hands on her ankles. You feel her flinch, when you touch her.
You make your way up her legs, trying to at least build a little bit of anticipation. Once you reach her waist, you start to undo Nagyung's jeans once again. She slightly raises her hips, enabling you to pull them down to her ankles.
Now that you have a good view of your girlfriend's snatch. You realize that she wasn't completely off. You really want dessert now. Its wet folds invite you to have taste. The scent of vanilla invades your nostrils, evidence of the fact that Nagyung is very conscious about how she smells.
Instead of just diving in, you start to pepper her inner thighs with small kisses. It makes her legs quiver in need. The heat coming from her core increases as you keep teasing Nagyung. You start to lick the skin of her thighs from the bottom to the top, just stopping an inch away from her pussy.
Once you've worked her up well enough, you place your tongue right below her snatch. You trace the outlines of her lips, getting your first taste of your girlfriend's pussy for tonight. Because of the strong vanilla scent, it almost seems like she tastes like vanilla herself.
You feel Nagyung's leg tensing, when you finally press your tongue flat against her pussy. Her toes start to curl into the carpet underneath the table as you start to properly eat her out. The other girls' voices seem to fade into the distance as Nagyung's thighs start to close around your head. You like the feeling of them wrapped around you as you indulge in your dessert.
Your hands are placed on her waist, your fingertips exploring her tight midriff. Nagyung either wears something very comfortable, or something very sexy at home. It depends on her mood and the time of the day. Either way, she always ensures that you have quick access to any area you need to stimulate for her to cum. Her midriff being one of them. Nagyung loves the way you adore her tight body and with that, her discipline and hard work. She gets wet when ever you praise her. It doesn't have to be in a sexual way though. A simple "Your food tastes great." can make her rub her thighs together in need of stimulation.
You feel like you are in your own world as you enjoy your girlfriend's pussy. It's something that happens quite a lot actually. Especially when the two if you don't have time or a quiet place, like today. In moments like this, her needs come before yours. You are happy going with that, knowing that she will reward you even more, when the time comes.
You hear Nagyung stutter a reply, when Jiheon asks her something. Your girlfriend is slowly starting to lose her composure. Wanting to punish her for taking such risks, you start to suck on her clit.
The switch up makes Nagyung's legs shake once more. You know that she is close already. Her juices are starting to make her pussy glisten in the dim light underneath the table.
Another flick of your tongue against her clit and Nagyung finally becomes undone. Her hand reaches down to take a handful of your hair into her fist, trying to find an outlet for her pleasure. Her thighs threaten to suffocate you as they close around you, shaking.
"Are you alright, Nakko?"
Your eyes widen in fear of getting caught. It would be really awkward if someone would look under the table right now.
"Y-Yes, unnie. T-The food is just very delicious."
Nagyung answers Hayoung with her shaky voice.
9:45 pm~
"Are you sure this isn't too much for your foot?"
You almost sigh in annoyance. Not because of Saerom, who asked the question, because of Nagyung who made you stick to her lie.
"Don't worry, noona. It's not bad. Plus, we will be sitting the whole time anyway."
The girls spontaneously decided to go watch a movie, after Jisun showed them a funny trailer on her phone.
Nagyung convinced the others that you and her should take your car, while her members walk to the cinema, since it's not far, but your foot still hurts. All were okay with it, except Saerom. Being the caring leader she is, she wanted to make sure that you are doing alright. You knew why Nagyung suggested for you two to get into the car alone. She is now sulking in backseat. You can't help but glance at her occasionally.
Nagyung couldn't have been more clear about her intentions, once she stepped out of her room, after she changed her outfit. Her black top exposed just enough skin to not be inappropriate at a movie theater. Her skirt is the highlight of her outfit. And you know, why she is wearing one.
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She catches you glancing a couple of times. With flirty winks or suggestive looks at her core, she makes it clear to you what she is expecting to happen soon.
10: 30 pm~
The movie had already begun and you enjoy the bucket of popcorn that is sitting on your lap. You are sharing it with Nagyung, who is sitting on your left. The other members are sitting in order of age on your right, Jiheon being the one sitting right next to you.
After a jump scare early on, the maknae instinctively buried her head in your shoulder, trying not to look at the screen. After Nagyung regained her composure, she saw what was going on. You knew that this would only fuel her desire for your cock even more. The fact that Jiheon is physically intimate with you isn't a new thing. It's more like a brother/sister relationship. And yet, Nagyung's narrowed eyes, which glisten in the dark theater, tell you that you are in for a long and rough night.
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Your girlfriend finally jumps into action halfway through the movie. While she has been holding your hand this entire time, Jiheon kept hugging your arm, whenever she was afraid of another jump scare.
When you glance at Nagyung again, she gives you a meaningful look. You can't hold her back as you see her getting off her seat. She gets on her knees in front of you. The dark theater and the rather dark movie make her almost invisible.
You feel her pushing the bucket of popcorn a little higher, making room for her head underneath. From now on, you feel more than you see what she is doing. Her hands unbuckle your belt in silence, before she unzips your pants. Pulling down your boxers a little bit, your cock falls victim to her tongue.
Nagyung starts to suck you off in the middle of the theater. The girls and you aren't even the only once present. You shift around in your seat as Nagyung takes you deeper into her warm mouth. She is trying to stay quiet, but you can feel her hum in blissful delight at the taste of your cock.
You almost scream internally as Jiheon reaches inside the bucket on top of Nagyung's head. She pushes it down a little as she searches for a handful of popcorn. The unexpected push forces Nagyung further down your cock. In that moment, you are thankful for the fact that Nagyung got used to your size early on in your relationship. Even when your cock is halfway down her throat, just like right now, she is able to fight her gag reflex like a pro. The beautiful and lewd sounds and slurps she usually does for show are replaced by silent anticipation and determination.
Once Jiheon's hand leaves the bucket, Nagyung gets back to properly giving you head. Her hands now rest on your thighs as she starts to fuck her face with your cock. Silently of course. But hot as fuck nonetheless. You can't tell how long you will be able to keep it together. Is she going to make you nut right here?
You feel Nagyung's tongue play with the underside of your shaft, whenever she lifts her head off your cock. Afterwards, you hit the back of her throat, when she buries her face in your lap again. There is pretty much no sound coming from her. You are actually amazed at how good she is. And at the same time, you realize that you won't be able to stay silent for much longer. If she keeps going, you're gonna cum in the middle of the theater.
You are glad when Nagyung finally lifts her head off your cock completely. But your heart sinks once more, when she announces in a slightly raspy voice:
"I'm cold, oppa. Can we cuddle some more?"
Before you can protest, Nagyung is already sitting on your lap. Or rather on your cock. The bucket has moved to her own lap now. Apart from Chaeyoung and Jiheon, who glance at your direction, no one really cares. Except for Jiheon, who has a teasing grin on her face.
You feel your girlfriend grinding against your hard, wet cock, fitting it between her perfect cheeks. Resigning to your inevitable fate, you reach under Nagyung's skirt. No panties. Who would've thought? You wrap one arm around her waist, while the other aligns your cock with her wet core. Nagyung seems to have gotten off just as much as you by giving you head in public.
When she smoothly glides down your shaft, you can't help but sink your teeth into her naked shoulder to muffle your moan. Nagyung gasps, the others probably think because she is feeling cold.
But you know better. With both hands on her round ass cheeks, you lift Nagyung off your cock, after you've recovered from that initial spike of pleasure. Only your tip remains inside your girlfriend, before you slowly impale her on your cock again. You don't care about not being able to watch the movie. The way Nagyung's head slightly tilts back in pleasure is entertaining enough. Her pussy is leaving your cock coated with her juices, whenever you push her upwards.
"Too bad we can't go faster."
You whisper into her left ear, making sure Jiheon is oblivious.
Nagyung is too busy with biting her lip to be able to respond. It gives you control of the situation and you plan on using it to your advantage.
"You are such a slut."
Nagyung gasps as her ass meets your lap. You use your left hand to cover her mouth, while your right is flatly pressed against her midriff.
"You can't even wait a couple of hours, until we are alone, huh?"
You can't see Nagyung's head, but you can feel her shaking it.
"Needy whore."
You degrade her further with your words. Nagyung's pussy seems to tighten in response. The amount of juices that slowly trickle out of her makes her body glide down your cock like it's part of a well oiled machine.
"You would do anything for my cock. Right?"
She nods her head. Knowing that that's the only right answer. Even when she has you inside of her, just like right now, she would still do anything to keep you in place.
"Would you even let me fuck one of the girls?"
Nagyung immediately shakes her head.
You wouldn't have asked that question, if it wasn't for her search history. She asked you to google something on her phone a couple of days ago, because yours was out of battery and she was busy. Like the thoughtless, horny maniac she is, Nagyung didn't use the private tab option, or erased her browser history, after her sinful alone time.
You don't have anything against her watching porn. You can barely keep up with her sex drive anyway. And it's not like she has to watch it out of frustration, because you don't perform. It's just a way for her to get rid off just a little bit of stress.
Anyway, you know what kind of stuff she is usually looking for. And recently a new category has been popping up in her browser history several times. You were surprised to see it at first, because Nagyung is usually quite possessive of you. Your girlfriend seems to like porn, where the wife/girlfriend watches her man fuck her friend. Or at least have a threesome with a female friend.
"You don't want to watch how one of the girls give me head?"
You never really thought about her members like this before. Of course the are pretty. But you are in a relationship with Nagyung. And while she shakes her head again, you feel how her body is trying to tell you yes.
You ponder for a moment, if you should go further. Maybe mention someone in particular?
In that moment, Nagyung leans back against you, since she has kept her back straight this entire time. Her head leans against your shoulder. You see the teeth marks you left in her own. Nagyung carefully bites your hand, signaling you that she wants to say something. You release her off your grip.
"A-All o-of t-them."
Her needy moan makes you see stars. Is she actually serious? Even now, you don't actually consider doing this. It's just dirty talk to you. It's only there for making sure that you drive Nagyung over the edge as soon as possible.
"All of them?"
You cover her mouth again, so Nagyung is only able to nod.
"I bet Jiheon is really tight."
That sentence is all she needed. With a strong bite into your hand, Nagyung orgasms in your lap. It hurts. Not just her teeth, but her pussy as well. Because Nagyung is trying to stay silent, her entire body is already tense. It makes the muscles of her vagina work overtime, almost strangling your cock.
Luckily, she is able to stay silent. But you are now unable to hide your desire to finish yourself. You can't do that here though.
"Restroom. One minute."
Once Nagyung recovers, you squeeze her ass cheek as hard as you can, making her flinch in pain. Punishment for being such a naughty girlfriend.
1 am~
You never made it to the restroom. Both of you were unaware of what was going on around you. You only realised that the movie was over, when the members started to get up, once by one. It was still dark though, so you were able to pull your pants back up, before anyone noticed.
Now you are lying on the couch, staring at the white ceiling of the dorm's living room. All the girls are asleep. But you know it won't take long until...
And there she is. You hear her door open. And a moment layer, Nagyung is underneath the blanket.
2 am~
You have switched positions several times by now. First, Nagyung gave you head again, wanting you to be as hard as possible. You focused on her pussy next, eating her out to completion and earning a cute thank you. Nagyung rode you afterwards. Her hands on your shoulder, while she enjoyed the feeling of bouncing on your cock again and again. Then, you decided to bend her ove the back rest of the couch. You fucked your girlfriend hard and fast, making her cum for a forth time today.
She is now sitting on your lap, slowly riding you. After having satisfied her throughout the day, it is now her turn to offer her body to you in any way you want it.
You lean back, a little tired since it's late already, and just watch Nagyung slowly bounce up and down. Wanting to show off, she lets her hands wander over her midriff. You follow them with your eyes. Nakko plays with her own breasts, her head falling back as she enjoys the slow love making.
Eventually, she looks back down at you, smiling.
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"I love you so much, oppa."
She kisses your lips. Her vanilla scent is still there, but one hour of fucking makes her smell a little sweaty. Evidence of having a good time.
"I love you too, Nakko."
You put your arms around her, holding onto one of your wrists with your other hand. It presses your girlfriend's body against yours, trapping her in your embrace.
"Why do you always have to be such a naughty brat?"
"Nagyung is no brat. She is just a needy slut for oppa's cock."
You're surprised that Nagyung is doing aegyo now.
"Is that so? Then why did Nagyung make me lie?"
"I just told you."
She pouts at you.
"Nagyung can't live without oppa's dick inside of her."
"What do you want oppa to do now?"
You play her little game, knowing how much it turns her on. Although, there isn't really something you can do that wouldn't turn her on. Nakko really is yours.
"Nagyung wants oppa to blast her face with cum. He must've build up a really big load throughout the day."
You can't say she is lying. After all these shenanigans, you are ready to finally let go of it all.
When you don't respond, because you want to see what happens next, Nagyung pouts at you.
"If... If you don't want to, you could come on someone else's face. Jiheon for example. Just let Nagyung watch please?"
You can't believe how far she is going with this.
"Would you wake her up?"
You feel Nagyung tightening around you as her pussy is still gliding along your shaft.
"No, oppa. Just cum on her. I'm sure she wouldn't mind."
You wonder for a moment if that's actually true. The idea makes you want to cum right now.
"Alright. If you promis to be a good girl from now on, I will cum on your face."
Her smile seems to light up the room.
"Thank you, oppa. Nagyung will be a good girl for oppa."
You help her with getting off of you. Nagyung quickly gets on her knees, ready to blow you to completion. She greedily sucks on your cock, big eyes looking up at you. You are almost there already. Nagyung is only able to get a couple of sucks and licks in, before you take your cock out of her mouth.
Her eyes give you permission to completely ruin her face. Wit your cock in your hand, you quickly get off the couch. A second later, you start to cum all over Nagyung. She blissfully gasps in surprise, when she feels your hot semen coat her face. Her lips, cheeks, nose, eyes, none of it got spared. You aim a little lower, making your last shots hit her collarbone and tits.
Nagyung sighs lustfully, her lips still connected by a string of cum, even when she speaks.
"This was worth lying about. Am I not right?"
Her cheeky grin makes you take a fistful of her long, silky hair.
"Let's see what Jiheon says, when she wakes up and sees your face covered in my cum."
Hi everyone!
Once again, I have to apologize for not being able for keeping this short. I planned on spending 20 minutes on it at most. It took me way more in the end. Hope you guys will be able to enjoy it anyways.
Because of some issues with Tumblr, I lost the last scene completely and had to rewrite it, so I apologize if it feels a little bit rushed. After losing like 20 minutes of work, I just wanted to finish it and post it.
The aegyo stuff is probably something not all of you are into, but I wanted to try and write the duality Nagyung sometimes has.
Thank you for reading!
Stay healthy!
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lacroixwh0r3 · 1 year
The First Taste
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DBF!Joel Miller x F!Reader
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Summary: You meet Joel, your dad's best friend, for the first time after your dad begged you to join them at the lake to keep Sarah company. Both you and Joel become fascinated by each other the moment the two of you met.
Warnings: SMUT!!! DUB CON, heavy sexual tension, drug usage (weed only), petnames, age gap (Joel is 36 and reader is 21), masturbation (F and M), fingering, voyerism, daddy kink, dom!Joel, Joel is a perv and an asshole, cursing, swimming??, no outbreak
Song inspo (feel free to read if you want): The First Taste by Fiona Apple
A/N: This takes place four years before Blow My Load, but can be read as a standalone.
Please share, comment, like, and reblog...enjoy lovies! <33
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"Dad, I thought it was supposed to be a "boy's trip," and the last time I checked, I am not a boy." You point at your body as you tell your dad. For some reason, he is begging you to come to the lake with him and his friends the day before they leave. "Why won't you just tell me why you want me to go? And maybe I'll give you an answer."
You finally got him to crack.
Your dad let out a defeated sigh as he scratched the back of his head and avoided eye contact. You mentally prepared yourself for whatever bullshit your dad was about to say. "Well, you see, honey, one of the guys couldn't get a babysitter for his kid, and I offered you to keep her company." He winced.
And there it is. The thing he was holding back from you
You let out a sarcastic chuckle. You really couldn't believe this shit. "Are you serious, dad? I refuse to babysit some random kid because you offered me up without even asking me first!" You exclaimed at him. "I don't even know a damn thing about this kid."
"Look, I know it was wrong for me to do that, sweetheart, but I swear Sarah is a good kid. Most of the time she has her headphones in and minds her business." He tries to reason with you, almost pleading with you. You began to feel bad for blowing up on him like that, but it really did piss you off that you had to watch someone else's kid. "I'll even pay you."
This weekend, you planned on doing nothing but self-care. You wanted to do nothing but stay home, watch movies, get a mani and pedi, go get a massage, drink, and maybe even play with the new toy you just bought yourself at Spencers.
You feel yourself giving into your dad; it wasn't the money that made you say yes, but the fact that he always found a way to make you feel bad, even if he didn't mean to do it. "Ugh, fine!" You scoff as you turn to look away from him. From the corner of your eye, you can see his body perk up.
Your dad lets out a sigh of relief, saying, "Thank you so much, sweetheart! You're such a lifesaver; you know that, right?" He slaps your shoulder playfully, causing you to shrug it off and narrow your eyes at him playfully as well.
"Yeah, yeah, yeah. How old is your friend's daughter, anyway?" You asked him, unfazed by it all.
"I think she's around 14?" Your dad said cluelessly. "Not too bad, right? I'm sure that you can find something to talk about with her."
It wasn't that bad, but what the fuck would you, a 21-year-old, have in common with a 14–15-year-old girl?
"I guess. I'm gonna start getting my stuff all packed up," You tell him as you turn around to go up to your room.
"Alright, sweetheart, and thanks again!" He exclaims to you as you make your way farther up the steps.
"Yup!" You yell it out dismissively.
As much as you hated the circumstances, you were happy you were finally able to get away for a little bit.
It was the next day, and you were tired as hell after only getting four hours of sleep. You had spent all night packing and stressing about what you were going to wear. It wasn't like you were trying to impress anyone, but this was your first time meeting your dad's friends, and you wanted to look decent.
You had left it up to your dad to pack your things into the car as you were too tired to do anything besides shower, put your clothes on, and lay back down for a little until it was time to go. As you lay face down on the bed, knocked out, you heard your dad knock on the door. "Hey, kiddo, are you ready to head out?" He asked you as he stood at the door.
You slowly sit up on your bed as you yawn and stretch your arms over your head. "Yeah, let me just get up and grab my purse and stuff."
"Got it." Your dad says this before turning around and making his way downstairs.
After moments of sitting on your bed, stairing into space, you got up, grabbed your purse, and began to leave your room. However, on your way to the door, you see the pouch that contained your weed and weed paraphernalia. You hesitantly swiped it from your dresser, dropped it into your bag, and went downstairs.
If the men got to have their fun, why couldn't you?
Once you get to the last step, you hear your dad saying bye to someone on the phone before turning to you. "My buddy, Joel, just got to the lake house, so we should start headin' out." He says this as he grabs his keys and motions for you to follow him to the door.
After making sure the security alarm was set and locking the door, the two of you were finally on your two-hour journey to the lake house.
You and your dad finally made it to the lake house. It was a three story house that sat on top of a hill, surrounded by nothing but trees.
You and your dad hop out of the car and start bringing your bags to the front door. All of a sudden, the moment you sat the last bag down and brought your fist up to knock at the door, it swung open, revealing a man who looked to be in his early 30s with short, dark, curly hair.
Beside him was a woman with long locs, smiling warmly at you. Meanwhile, the man looked at you with confusion, trying to piece together who you were. You looked familiar to him, but he couldn't put a name to your face.
"Tommy!" Your dad said loudly behind you. You could hear the excitement in his voice as he greeted him. Tommy's eyes moved to look behind you at your dad, and his eyes lit up.
"Oh man, y'all come on in!" He opened the door wider as he and the unnamed woman moved out of the way to allow you to walk in first, followed by your dad. "I'll grab the rest of the bags out there." Tommy says.
Tommy brought the bags in as your dad greeted the lady. "Hey, Maria!" He asked her as he gave her a side hug. "I didn't know you were gonna be joining us this weekend as well."
So that was her name.
"I didn't think I was going to be joining either. Tommy invited me last minute, so I just decided to take some time off of work," She replies back.
They stood near the entrance as they began to get deeper into the conversation, talking about God knows what, leaving you standing there awkwardly as you watched them. You decided to take that moment to observe the room. Even though the house was spacious, it still had a cozy feel to it.
As you were in your own world, your dad gently slapped his hand on your shoulder unexpectedly. "And this young lady right here is my daughter." He smiles at the two as Maria and Tommy turn their attention to you.
"Nice to meet you, kid," He says as he offers his hand to shake yours, which you accept. You shake hands with him before dropping them to your side. Tommy then points to Maria. "This is my wife, Maria."
You shake hands with her as well while you tell them your name. "It's so great to meet you two!" You beam at the couple.
They begin to ask you a series of questions about yourself, such as what university you attended, what your major was, and so on, to which you gladly answer.
However, in the midst of your conversation, your words are abruptly interrupted by the sound of the sliding door opening, followed by heavy footsteps. "And here comes my asshole brother, Joel, and my niece, Sarah," Tommy says to you, prompting both you and your dad to look behind you. You can hear Maria let out a loud laugh at Tommy's words.
Your eyes immediately focused on him as he got closer to you, not even paying attention to the fact that his daughter was right behind him as well.
The man named Joel had short, dark, curly hair like Tommy’s; the only difference is that he is a lot shorter, and the roots of his hair were slightly gray at his temples. Joel also had a patchy beard with a thick mustache. He has this rugged and mysterious look to him that completely enraptures you.
He and your dad greet each other, giving a quick bro hug and pulling away. Joel then turns to you, and you feel your hands quiver. His dark, dominant eyes intensify the intimidating aura that surrounds him, yet it still makes him even more interesting to you.
Holy hell, you think to yourself. This man is so fucking fine.
You continued to stare at Joel, saying absolutely nothing, until you realized that he was giving you a confused look as if he were waiting for something. Your eyes darted down, and you realized that he had his hand out, waiting for you to shake it. You felt your face heat up with embarrassment as you went to shake his hand.
"Joel," was all he said as the two of you shook hands before he let go and discreetly rubbed his hands into his shirt. You could feel yourself shrink with embarrassment as he did this. Not only did he not even give you a chance to introduce yourself, but he wiped his hands after shaking yours.
What a fucking jerk! Tommy was right; he is an asshole.
You quickly snapped out of your feelings when you realized that Sarah was now in front of you. She wore a pink crop top and jean shorts, while her curly hair was placed in a low ponytail.
She suddenly brings you in for a hug with a massive smile on her face, catching you off guard. Nonetheless, you still happily return the hug.
"I'm Sarah. It's nice to meet you!" Unlike Joel, Sarah was a lot more friendly with you. She had this radiant energy to her that made you wonder where she got it from because it definitely wasn't from Joel's grumpy ass. You tell her your name.
"It's nice to meet you as well, Sarah!" I return a smile back to her. She seems like the sweetest 14-year-old you've ever met. "I think we're gonna get along just fine this weekend."
"We sure are!"" She agrees.
"Sarah, sweetheart, how've you been?" Your dad asked her.
As your dad began to talk to Sarah, you decided to check Joel out while he listened to the conversation, occasionally putting in his two cents. Unlike the rest of the group, Joel wore a dark gray shirt, jeans, and some boots.
How is he not hot?
I mean, he is hot, but I meant temperature-wise, you think, causing yourself to let out a low chuckle.
You guess you said that out loud because Joel’s head, along with Maria's, Sarah's, and Tommy's, suddenly snapped over to you with eyes wide and eyebrows raised. Your dad's voice slowly began to fade when he saw the mortified expression on Sarah's face.
"Wait, what happened?" Your dad asked cluelessly as he looked around the group. He was so in his own world that he didn't hear what you said. Thank-fucking-goodness. "Everyone just stopped talking all of a sudden."
"Nothing!" You quickly tell him as you give him a disengenious smile before looking at everyone else. Sarah looked embarrassed for you, as Tommy and Maria still looked shocked. You get a glimpse of Joel as you wince in embarrassment and close your eyes; he had this smug look on his face.
You gathered that Tommy obviously loves to fuck around with people because he let out a stifled laugh, causing his wife to slap his arm and tell him to shut up.
You just wanted to die right then and there. This is now the second time today you've embarrassed yourself in front of this sexy ass man.
Your dad, being the clueless person he is, continues on with whatever he is talking about, not even realizing that no one is paying attention to him. Maria interrupts your dad as she clears her throat to catch your attention. She had a sympathetic look on her face. "Sweetie, your room is on the second floor next to, uh, Joel's, if you wanna get settled in," She offered to you. "We're going to head out to the lake and start putting some things on the grill around 2 or so." You just nodded your head because you were too afraid to speak.
"Hey, Joel?" Tommy looked at his brother with a teasing look on his face. "Why don't you go show her to her room, yeah?" He nods his head in the direction of the staircase.
You wished that you could just punch Tommy across the face at this very moment.
"Umm yeah..." Joel agrees slowly as he gives Tommy a dirty look before glancing at you. "Follow me," You nodded your head and grabbed your purse and other bags. As you followed Joel, the group quietly picked up their conversation again.
Without saying a word to each other, you and Joel arrive in the room. He steps aside, allowing you to enter, and turns around to make his way down the hallway to go back downstairs, but you quickly stopped him before he could get any further. "Hey, I'm sorry about what happened down there." You apologized to him. "I hope I didn't make you uncomfortable or anything."
Joel just turns around and gives you a small smirk. "Oh, darlin', I'm far from uncomfortable. I'm actually flattered...more than flattered as a matter of fact." He winks at you before departing down the hallway, leaving you shocked.
You were somewhat relieved that Joel wasn't disgusted by you, but it still didn't help with your embarrassment as much as you hoped it would.
You scanned the room, taking in the room that you were going to be spending your weekend sleeping in. The walls were painted a light gray. There was a queen-sized bed that looked really comfortable and had bedside tables on each side as well as a TV, which was mounted onto the wall opposite the bed. There was a door that led to a balcony. You could see an overview of the calm lake and the tall trees. It was a beautiful view.
It's been a while since you went downstairs with everyone. You were still so embarrassed by the incident this morning that you decided to spend most of your time scrolling through social media and catching up with your college friends. The only time you came out of the room was to go to the bathroom.
You eventually rolled out of bed and worked up the courage to join everyone.
After changing your clothes that you had on earlier and putting on your swim suit, you slipped on your oversized shirt, put on some waterproof mascara, and put on some lip gloss.
You made sure to grab your sunglasses, put on your flip-flops, and jogged down the steps.
Once you got down there, you realized that Maria was in the kitchen. You headed towards her, quickly greeting her. "Hi, Maria," You say while positioning yourself behind the chairs on the island. She was gathering something that she needed to put outside.
"Hey, sweetheart!" Maria happily greets you back with a smile as she turns her attention to you. "How're you feeling?" She asked you gingerly as she looked at you with sympathy. Her goal wasn't to embarrass you; she truly wanted to know if you were okay after earlier.
You felt yourself begin to get flustered. "I'm fine. Thanks for asking." You sheepishly replied. You avoided her eyes, beginning to feel awkward.
"Of course. They're out in the back; you should join them." She points to the sliding door. You just nodded your head and made your way to the door. Before you went out there, you stood there looking outside. You could see Joel's tall figure standing over the grill as he flipped the meat and sipped on his beer.
You felt yourself getting nervous just looking at him.
You then looked and saw your dad helping Joel take the food off the grill and start to place it on the table. Meanwhile, Sarah and Tommy sat at the table, talking to each other. Whatever Tommy had said made them let out loud laughs, causing Joel quickly turned around, let out a chuckle, and shook his head. He then went back to putting things on the rest of the food on the serving platter.
His smile is so gorgeous, it almost takes your breath away.
"Are you going out, sweetheart?" Maria asked behind you, startling you. You had forgotten that she was still here.
You turned to her as you began to stammer over your words and realized that her hands were full with plasticware and plates. "Do you need me to help you take those?" You asked her without even answering her question.
"I do actually," She just looked at you with a questionable look before speaking up again. "Can you just grab the forks and spoons from the top and place them on the table out there, please?" She asked. You grabbed the utensils before turning back around and opening the door.
They didn't notice you at first until Sarah caught sight of you and loudly called out your name as you got closer, causing Joel to look over at you as he closed the grill's top.
"Sarah!" You exclaimed dramatically. Once you reached the table, you sat the plasticware down and went over to sit next to her.
You noticed that her hair was wet and that she was wrapped in a towel. "What've you been up to, girlfriend?" You asked her as you sat down in the seat.
"Nothing much; I just took a quick dip in the lake, and now I am starving," Sarah whined out as she looked over at her dad, who was coming over with the food.
You can hear the sound of Joel's heavy feet approaching behind you and stopping at the free seat at the end of the table, which was next to you. He first put the food in the middle of the table, then plopped himself down. We all began to put things on our plates and begin eating.
Tommy grumbled something about starving, causing Sarah to make a joke about how he was always starving. In reply, Tommy stuck his tongue out at the young girl in a teasing manner.
As Joel ate, he was manspreading under the table. You could feel his hairy, bare leg graze against yours, making you move your leg away. Joel wiped his mouth with the napkin, took a sip of his beer, and looked at you with a blank stare, not saying anything.
You decided to speak up and compliment him on the food. "Joel, this is really good," You smile. Everyone hummed in agreement as they ate.
"Why thank you, darlin'?" Joel says, going back to eating.
After eating, we all sat there with our tummies full as we sat around talking about whatever came to mind. That was until Sarah ran into the house without saying a word.
"Oh goodness, that girl." He sat back as he watched his daughter running around the house through the sliding door before running back outside with a box of Uno cards.
"Who wants to play?" She asked the whole table as she ran to her seat and plopped down.
We all agreed. She began to shuffle the cards, dealt them out to everyone, and then set up the game. It first started with you, Joel, Maria, Tommy, then your dad, and lastly Sarah.
Sarah was the first one to get Uno, even though she had the most cards at one point. We all accused her of cheating, which she was quick to deny. No one at the table believed her, especially Tommy and Maria. She just rolled her eyes and helped your dad while he was stuck figuring out which cards to play next.
While the two silently argued about which card was the best, you looked over at Joel and saw that all his cards were showing. You looked around and noticed that no one was paying attention to his cards. Tommy and Maria were sitting there watching your dad and Sarah.
"You're bleedin', Joel," you whisper to him as you point to his card. His face scrunched up with confusion as to what you meant. He looked down at himself and saw no blood.
"What, sugar? I ain't bleedin' anywhere," He said as he tried to recall if he had maybe scraped himself anywhere, but it wasn't coming to him. You couldn't help, but laugh at his confusion.
"It means your cards are showing, Joel." You giggled at him as he chuckled a bit and put his cards up so that he wasn't "bleeding" anymore.
"That's so stupid, who taught you that?" You just shrugged your shoulders at his question and looked back over to see if your dad had finally picked up his card yet.
"Oh my gosh, this isn't rocket science, dad! Just pick a card already!" You exclaimed it, causing everyone to laugh.
"I'm tryin', I'm tryin'!" Your dad waved you off as he went back to silently arguing with Sarah about which card to choose.
The game got drawn out longer than it was supposed to because every other minute someone (usually Tommy) would start arguing about another person cheating. And in the end, Tommy lost the game.
We put the cards away as everyone except for Maria decided to hang out by the dock and take a swim. She said something about having to get on the phone with a client of hers, but she would come join us when she was done and would bring popsicles.
You and Sarah walked in front of your dad, Joel, and Tommy until you yelled out, "Beat you there!" to Sarah as you both haphazardly ran down the steps to get to the dock.
"You girls, be careful down those stairs now! Don't want y'all gettin' hurt," Joel yells out from behind. The two of you don't respond or slow down; you just keep giggling and running. Joel had to suppress a smile from appearing on his face. It brought him joy to hear how much fun Sarah was having with you.
Once you make it to the dock, Sarah flings off her towel and jumps into the lake with a squiel before she goes under water and floates back up. You quickly kick off your flip flops, throw your sunglasses down, and take off your shirt. Unlike Sarah, you didn't jump into the water, you sat down on the dock and scooched into the water.
Oh, come on! You should've jumped in!" She says this to you as she splashes you with water. You splashed her back.
"I'm too afraid, Sar-bear!" You yelled out to her, and she gasped. The men appeared from the concrete steps just as she did so. Joel dropped the towels in his arms before walking over in front of us, while your dad and Tommy moved to the other side of the dock with their beers and their folding chairs.
"Dad, can you believe that she's too afraid to jump into the water?" Sarah yells out to her dad.
He looked down at you from the dock with his hands on his hips and cocked his head to the side in confusion. "Really? It's not that scary, sweetheart," He tells you.
"Then how about you get in, Joel?" You say to him without even thinking.
"Yeah, come on, dad. Get in and show her how it's done!" Sarah yells out as she encourages her dad to get in.
You watched Joel as he took off his shoes and shirt, all while keeping his eyes on you. You couldn't help but suck in a breath and bite your bottom lip when he pulled off his shirt. You got a glimpse of his shirtless chest. Joel wasn't the most muscular man, but whatever his job was, it kept him fit, and you loved it. Your eyes quickly scanned over his neck, then his broad shoulders.
Those damn shoulders of his. You wished you could hold onto them as you rode on his co-
Your thoughts were abruptly shattered when Joel took a big leap into the lake, causing a splash of water to hit your face and go up your nose. You tried to make an attempt at turning your head, but it was too late. You coughed as you tried to clear the water from your lungs. As you do so, Joel comes up from beneath the water.
He gasped as he allowed the air back into his lungs and used his big hands to wipe his face. Once he noticed that you were coughing, he quickly swam over to you with a look of concern.
"You okay, sweetheart?" He asked you as you let out one last cough and nodded your head. He brought his hand up to stroke the side of your head and gave you this tender look before pulling away when he noticed that Sarah was coming over.
If it were just you and Joel on the lake, he would've probably pulled you into his body and placed a soft kiss on your lips.
Even though he had just gotten into the lake, Joel decided to get out before he did something that he would regret.
"Alright, girls. I'm gonna get out now." He says more to Sarah than to you. Once again, you just nodded your head at him. You knew that if you spoke, you'd embarrass yourself again.
"Wha-Dad! You literally just got in." She tries to convince him, but he just shook his head and grabbed onto the rails. He pulls himself up with a grunt and walks onto the dock.
"I'll get back in in a little bit." He dismissed her as he went to get a towel.
Sarah began to say something to you as she swam around you, but you were too focused on Joel to listen to what she was saying. She was too busy talking to notice that you weren't listening. Your attention was stuck on Joel, and his wet shorts stuck to his surprisingly nice ass. He then turns around as he dries off. Your eyes drifted down and widening when you saw his bulge. You were taken aback by the sight.
Oh my god, you thought to yourself.
You looked back up at his face to realize that Joel was already staring at you and smirking while he wrapped the towl around his waist.
Oh fuck!
He obviously saw you staring at his cock because he was fucking smirking.
Joel walked over to have a seat with his brother and your dad. You diverted your attention back to Sarah, acting as if you knew what she was talking about. You just nodded your head a couple of times, and she believed it, but again, your mind drifted.
You were thinking about her dad; snap out of it for Christ's sake.
For the rest of your time at the lake, you refused to look at Joel. And just as promised, Maria finally joined you all about an hour later with the popsicles she said she would bring. Once we ate them, Maria convinced the other adults to have a swim in the lake, to which they all agreed after some groans and pressure from her and Sarah.
After spending most of the afternoon outside, everyone went off to do their own thing. Sarah decided to take a shower and then go to sleep while your dad, Tommy, and Maria opted to go out to a bar that a local had told them about, and Joel refused to go out tonight because he said that he was beat from the lake. As for you, you took a quick shower and decided to watch the sunset on the balcony that was connected to your room and smoke.
Before slipping onto the balcony, you grabbed a preroll and a lighter from the pouch, your headphones, and a water bottle from the bed.
When you first got here, you didn't notice that there was a door connected to the balcony that led to Joel's room. However, the sheer curtains were closed, so you could only assume that he was asleep, meaning it was safe for you to smoke without him seeing you. You sat down on the lounge chair, put your headphones on, turned on some music, and began your session.
After two hits of the preroll, you felt the effects of the weed. Your body began to relax, and your eyelids felt slightly heavy. As you continued smoking, you couldn't escape the thought of Joel. You know that he is your dad's friend, and you would never think to go after him, but you have to admit that he is an attractive older man. Just your type.
You barely spoke to him throughout the couple of hours you had been there, yet you could tell the type of man he was. He is very reserved, doesn't speak unless spoken to, and likes to observe. Joel is respectful, but he didn't take shit from anyone. It was very visible that he was protective of not only Sarah but also Tommy.
Everything about him drew you in more and more.
With a few more hits of your preroll, you see a figure standing in the corner of your eye just a few feet away from you, causing you to quickly pull off your headphones and flick the preroll from your fingers and off the balcony. You look over to see Joel watching you with his eyebrows frowned and his hands on his hips. Your eyes widen with shock.
"Shit! I mean, hey, Joel..." You smile up at him awkwardly, trying to seem as sober as possible. "What are you doing out here?" You asked him in a sickly sweet voice. He continues to stare at you before answering.
"I just came out here to check on you. Heard you out here, so I decided to see what you were up to." Joel grumbles as he switches his weight to his other foot.
You prayed that Joel didn't know you were out here smoking weed; your dad would kill you if he heard about you doing this. Little did you know that your attempt would be a complete failure. As soon as Joel walked outside, he could smell the smoke and aroma of weed. He could also see your bloodshot eyes.
"Oh, yknow, nothing much really, just out here enjoying the view and listening to music!" You say this while waving your hand, gesturing to the view in front of both of you. You visibly cringe after this sentence because, even though it was the truth, it wasn't the full truth. He seemed to buy it, so you relaxed a bit.
"Mm, you enjoyed yourself today?" he asked.
"Yeah, I had a lot of fun today. Sarah definitely made it fun for me, she's amazing." You admitted to him, and it was true. His daughter was truly a joy to be around.
"Yeah," He laughs out as he looks out at the sunset, his handsome smile threatening to appear on his face. "She's amazing, for sure." He whispers. You can't help but smile at his words. It was refreshing to see that there was someone who was able to crack his hard exterior.
A silence falls over the two of you before he speaks up again. "Y'know, when we were walking back to the car after the lake, she talked about you the whole time. I couldn't shut up about how much cooler you are than Tommy and me." He scoffs as he rolls his eyes playfully and folds his arms to his chest. His confession made you laugh so hard that you couldn't stop, which caused him to laugh as well.
"I mean, she isn't wrong." You teasingly say it to him, causing him to shake his head.
"Yeah-fuckin'-right, darlin'. I can be cool, too."
"Mmhmm.." You reply back to him as you turn your head to look back at the view. However, Joel's eyes remained on you, but you didn't mind too much.
Once again, silence fell over you two. You wanted to look back at Joel, but you knew that if you looked at him in the eyes, your heart would beat out of your chest.
"Did you enjoy yourself, Joel?" You asked him without looking at him.
"What?" Joel asked.
Was he that engrossed in my face that he wasn't even paying attention, or were you not loud enough?
You suppress your laugh as you turn your head to look at him again. "I asked if you enjoyed yourself today." He quickly snaps out of his trance and looks away.
"Oh, yeah, it was enjoyable for the most part, sweetie," Joel sighs out. You said nothing else after this.
You didn't realize it until now, but you were starting to grow tired from the weed. You also wanted a snack.
"Well, I'm going to head back in, maybe fall asleep to a movie or something." You tell him as you grab your belongings, get up from the chair, and walk to the door.
"Alright," He says as he watches every step you take. "And one last thing, darlin'," You stop with your hand on the doorknob and look up at Joel as you wait to hear what he has to say. With a mix of your high and the nervousness you were feeling because of Joel, your heart was pounding out of your chest at this point.
"You don't gotta lie to me, sweet girl. You know that, right?" He says lowly as he motioned to his eyes.
Your body tenses up, and you freeze. You decided to play dumb, even though you were caught. "I have no idea what you're talking about, Joel," You say as you let out a nervous laugh. Your eyes shifted to the ground, avoiding eye contact with Joel like a guilty puppy.
"Oh, no need to play stupid with me, sweet girl; I won't tell your daddy." Something about the way he said these words made you want him so bad; it was almost like he was teasing you.
You felt your walls crumbling, no longer feeling the need to lie to him. "You swear, Joel?" You asked him as you looked at him with pleading eyes.
Joel wished that you would look at him with those pretty eyes while you were on your knees, pleading and begging for him to feed you his cock. In all honesty, he'd give you the world if you asked for it with that look. You made Joel feel something he hasn't felt for a woman in years, and he was willing to do just about anything to have you. However, he could tell you weren't ready for that yet, but he knew in due time he'd have you.
"You have my word, darlin'," He nods his head. "Just don't lie to me again," Joel tells you as he points a finger.
You frantically nod your head in agreement as you bite your lip. "I won't do it again, Joel."
All Joel could think about was how obedient you are, so eager to please him and do as he says. He could feel his cock getting hard in his shorts as he looked at your bare thighs and had these thoughts. Not once did you realize that Joel was checking you out.
Oh, how badly Joel wanted to grab your chin and kiss those lips of yours. He kept reminding himself that he needed to be patient.
"Good." He says before speaking up again. "You should go inside, darlin', maybe get some rest." Joel insisted as he made his way to the door and gave you one last look before walking inside, leaving you outside by yourself.
You stand there dumbfounded for a moment as you think about your interaction with Joel. You weren't sure if it was just you thinking too much into the interaction, but you felt like there was some sexual tension between you and Joel.
Any time you're around him, nervousness takes over, and a sense of yearning aches deep in your bones.
You needed him badly.
"Don't," You say to yourself. "Don't fucking think about it." You say it lowly as you try to shake the thoughts out of your head.
Joel is off limits; he's your dad's best friend.
You realized how crazy you must look standing at the door thinking about Joel, so you went inside.
Once you entered the room, you noticed that it was a little too warm in there for your liking, so you decided to leave the balcony door cracked to get some fresh air.
You put your things away, got into bed, and watched a movie on the TV across the room.
You weren't sure when you fell asleep, but you did during the movie without even realizing it. You felt very discombobulated, so you sat in the dark for a few minutes. Your clothes felt disgusting on your body as you sweated through them, and your throat was dry.
You quickly got out of bed, slipped off your clothes, got back into bed, and took a sip of the water bottle that lay next to you. During this, you got a glimpse of the digital clock that sat on the bedside table. It read 12:48.
The house was quiet. You were sure that Maria, Tommy, and your dad were back from the bar by now and asleep. Sarah and Joel were probably sleeping as well.
You laid back down on the bed, pushing away the uncomfortable blanket, leaving your body bare. You should have gotten up to close the door because if Joel were to come to your balcony door, he'd surely get a glimpse of your naked body. However, you were still sleepy and a little high, so you lacked the motivation to get up.
It really didn't matter anyway; he's probably still sleeping.
You had laid restless in the bed, constantly flipping the pillows to get the cool side and changing positions, but you still couldn't sleep. You decided to lay on your stomach; it helped you fall asleep sometimes.
You knew one thing that would definitely make you fall asleep, but with a particular someone lingering in your thoughts, it felt wrong. It is completely wrong to have these thoughts about him.
He's way too old for you, and he's your dad's best friend.
Though you tried your best to resist these thoughts, you couldn't help yourself.
Fuck it, it's not like I'm gonna actually fuck him, you think to yourself.
You were suddenly taken back to earlier, when you first laid eyes on him. Those eyes and the curve of his nose. You wanted nothing more than to feel his beautiful nose rub against your clit while he ate you out.
Or when he shook your hands and you felt those thick, rough fingers against your smooth hands.
You were sure that Joel knew how to use them very well.
Subconsciously, your hips had bucked into the bed, trying to get friction onto your clit causing the headboard to hit against the wall ever-so-slightly.
"Shit!" You cursed out loud, hoping that Joel didn't hear. Your heart was pounding at the thought of being caught by him, but your pussy dripped with your wetness.
You waited a couple seconds until you took your hand from underneath the pillow and slowly moved it between the bed and your body, allowing your finger tips to graze against your pussy. You couldn't help but whimper at the feeling. Your arousal ran down your fingers, to your knuckles, and onto the bed.
What you didn't know was that Joel wasn't even in his room; he was sitting out on the balcony. He had been sitting out there for about an hour or so because he couldn't sleep, not with you on his mind, so he decided to sit out there and bore himself to death until he got some sleep. When he first came outside, he checked on you and saw that you were knocked out. The room was dark, and the only thing that brought some light to the room was the bright moonlight reflecting over the lake.
As Joel got up to check on you one last time before he went back to his room, he heard you let out a whimper. He slowly walked to your balcony door so that he wouldn't scare you in case you were having a nightmare, but that wasn't the case at all. Again, Joel heard you let out another noise.
First, you sharply gasped, then moaned out, "Oh, Fuck!"
Joel became more intrigued with whatever was going on in your room because it became very apparent that you weren't having a nightmare. In fact, it didn't even sound like you were sleeping anymore.
Like a thief in the night, Joel peered through the door that was half open. What he saw before him could've brought him to his knees.
You were lying down on your stomach, fully naked on the bed. He noticed that with your right hand, you were touching yourself. Joel wasn't hard before, but he's definitely hard now. He felt as his cock strained against the fabric of his shorts.
Joel knew it was wrong to watch you masturbate without knowing, but he couldn't take his eyes off of you. It had been nearly two years since the last time he had been sexually active, and quite honestly, it was catching up to him at that very moment. He had been so busy with everything in his life that sex was the last thing on his mind until now.
As Joel watched you hump your hips into your fingers, you were imagining a shirtless Joel sat up on the bed, with you sitting in between his legs. Your legs would be wide open, propped up over his, as you allowed his calloused middle and ring finger to collect your arousal from between your folder and rub it into your clit. With his deep Texas accent, he would be whispering into your ear about how much of a good girl you are and how wet you were for him. Your head would be laid on his sexy, broad shoulders as your eyes rolled with pleasure. You imagined that as he played with your clit, his other hand would touch your breast and quickly tweak your nipples as they continued going up and firmly wrapping around your neck.
You were so caught up in your thoughts and pleasure that you hadn't realized that you were moaning out Joel's name.
"J-Joel, please," You quivered out quietly enough so that you weren't too loud, but loud enough for Joel to hear. "I'll be good, p-please, daddy." You followed up.
Even though you thought that Joel was in the next room over (which he wasn't) and there were other people in the house, you still continued to touch yourself as the headboard faintly knocked against the wall.
Yet you were so blissfully unaware of it all. So unaware of the fact that Joel was standing right outside the door, watching you rubbing yourself completely nude, and unaware that Joel had pulled his cock out while he watched and listened to you.
Joel didn't care that what he was doing was wrong. He didn't care that watching you, this freshly 21-year-old, masturbate without your knowledge was bad.
The sounds of your panting, moans, and dirty talk made him want to walk right into the room and give you the pleasure you needed.
Joel has always been a selfish lover when it came to the bedroom; he liked to be the one who was dominant and always took control. He could tell you needed someone like him to fulfill your desires—not some foolish 20-something year old, but a real man.
As you continued to grind against your fingers, Joel saw how your ass moved back and forth. He wanted to spank you for being such a naughty girl. Touching yourself without asking for his permission. He would remind you that only slutty, bad girls did that.
He jerked his cock at the same speed as your hips moved. "Oh my god, daddy!" You moaned into the pillow, causing it to be muffled. The thrusting of your hips had sped up. You were on the cusp of cumming, but that changed when you suddenly pulled your hands from between your legs and got up to change positions.
You were now lying on your back with your legs bent up to your chest as far as they could go. Using the hand you just used to grind up against, you bring your middle and ring fingers to your mouth. You began to suckle on them intensely, pretending they were Joel's fingers. You could taste yourself as you did so.
A minute later, you pop your fingers out of your mouth and bring them down to your pussy. As you sink your fingers inside yourself, you can feel the wetness, allowing you to slip deeper into your tight hole. You squirmed as you felt a little discomfort due to your fingers. You decided to slowly thrust your fingers in and out, allowing yourself to get used to the feeling. With your free hand, you brought it up to your mouth to muffle your soft whines.
Oh, my baby, she can barely take her own fingers, Joel thought as he watched you.
To Joel's surprise, you still didn't see him standing by the door, hastily jerking himself off at the sight of you. It wasn't like he was being discreet about it either. He was almost fully through the door at that point. Your eyes were closed as you fingered yourself.
Finally, you were able to adjust to your fingers. As you picked up the speed, Joel could hear the wet, slick sounds coming from your pussy all the way across the room. Hearing this only heightens the pleasure for him.
"Joel, I'm-oh my god-I'm gonna cum!" You moaned lowly.
Joel wanted to be the one to make you cry, but he knew he couldn't at that moment.
Your messy wetness had allowed your fingers to go deeper inside, causing you a certain spot. Your legs shuddered as your finger tips grazed the spot. In a 'come here' motion, you continued to hit the spot over and over again. "Fuck! That's it, baby. Keep going just like that." You purred out.
Joel convulsed at the way you said these words. He was ready to cum at any moment, but he wanted to cum with you.
With his hand still rapidly moving up and down his length, he finally heard your release.
"Yes! I'm cumming all over your fingers, Joel!" You moaned a little louder this time. Joel could hear you breathing hard as you continued to ramble about how good it felt.
Instantly, Joel was cumming. He withheld his groans and grunts as the hot cum hit the palm of his other hand. Instead, he was breathing hard through his nose, hoping to God that you couldn't hear him.
Finally, your orgasm began to die down. "Oh my god," You sighed out blissfully, as you pulled your finger from your pussy. Your legs moved from your chest and you dropped down on the bed. You were still trying to catch your breath. With his mind still cloudy from cumming so hard, when Joel saw you move your legs, he thought that you were going to get off the bed, causing him to panic and move away from the door so that you couldn't see him.
You could feel the cum webbing between your two fingers. You decided that you wanted a look, so you opened your eyes and brought your hand close to your face. You could see the bright moonlight illuminate your cum. You'd never come so hard. Not with any of your hookups, let alone when you masturbated.
You felt spent after that, but you needed to get up to clean yourself off. You decided to rest your eyes a bit before getting up, but without even realizing it, you had dozed off into a dreamless sleep.
Less than five minutes later, Joel heard light snores coming from your room, so he decided that it was safe to look again. You were dead to the world. Joel saw your limp hand hanging off the bed—the same one you had used to fuck yourself with. He could see the wetness gleaming on your fingers. He wanted to come over them and suck your cum off of your fingers, but he stopped himself.
The post-nut clarity had hit Joel, and he realized that he must've looked like a creep with his cock out while he watched you sleep. So he closed your balcony door and headed back into the house to wash the cum from his hands.
Joel knew that he would have you one day; it didn't matter how long it took for him to get you. He would get you right where he wanted you eventually.
You woke up feeling like a brand new person that morning. Your limbs felt loose, and you felt like you could conquer the world.
You could feel the sun on your naked body as you rose out of bed to stretch. The sounds of people moving around let you know that everyone was awake.
You suddenly realized that the balcony door was now closed. You don't remember getting up to clean yourself, and you definitely don't remember ever getting up to close the door.
Realization had hit you hard, and your heart dropped.
Shit! Fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck!
There was no way anyone could have come into your room because you had locked the bedroom door. However, Joel had access to the shared balcony.
He was the only one who could've closed that door.
Whatever, you were going to enjoy yourself this weekend and act like nothing happened.
A/N: I had a lot of trouble writing this for some reason, but next one is going to be a lot better. I got so much planned already hehe
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euphoniumpets · 1 year
Climbing over the wall | Nikolai Lantsov x reader
Summary: You haven't met your bethroted yet and from what you've been knowing by your overthinking, you didn't waste a second to come up with an escape plan that didn't go that well.
Requested? Yes by @lexilulove: Love your writing and excited requests are open!! I saw this on insta the other day and now I want nothing more than a Nikolai based around this idea. With Nikolai’s love interest constantly sneaking away during events and parties. Dealer’s choice if it’s an established relationship of it Nikolai charms the shy girl and the relationship grows.
A/N: ngl, took this inspiration from queen charlotte at the attempt of climbing the wall while george is behind her like ??? and that got me thinking about y/n and nik.
Warnings: painfully longing eyes behind Nik and the reader.
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The king was late.
And you were growing nervous and thought of every possible way to escape the room.
You didn't enjoyed parties, in fact, you hated them. You didn't like to be the center of attention and it was even worse when you haven't met your bethroted yet.
You was a child from a duke and your father wanted you to marry since he worried of you that you would end up alone knowing that you were too shy to even make social intercation. You had been like that ever since you was a child and when your mother had passed away. Always so quiet and enjoyed your own company.
So, when the rumor had spoken that the king of Ravka was looking for a wife to marry, let alone to rule a whole country, your father had suggested you to him.
You had been hesitant but you wanted to please your father and said yes to the arranged marrige. You haven't met the king personally, but from what you've been told by the maidens and by Genya, Zoya, and Alina, that he's kind and handsome.
You've heard some stories and the rumors about the youngest prince that he was a bastard, but you didn't care that he was one. All you cared that if he was going to treat you right as a husband.
Genya and Zoya had invited everyone to the ball to celebrate your marriage and of course, Nikolai himself was late. Zoya had already gone off to scold Nikolai for being late while Genya was somewhere in the room with Alina, leaving you all alone full with nerves.
You scanned the room and saw an opportunity to escape the ball while nobody was noticing that you were gone. You placed your glass of champange down as everybody continued to chat with each other and the music played loud enough that nobody saw you slipping away.
You walked through the gardens but stopped when you saw a wall in front of you. You huffed with annoyance as you knew that you had to climb the wall over.
But you knew that it would be a struggle because of your dress that Zoya had picked for you and she would kill you for destroying the dress. ''Ah, what the hell,'' You muttered to yourself as you embraced that Zoya will kill you for ruining the dress.
You grabbed one of the branches from the tree on the wall and tried to climb up. Upon hearing, you heard footsteps from behind. ''Milady, do you need help of an assistance of some kind?'' You heard a male voice coming from behind you.
''I am, uh, quite fine, thank you,'' You spoke and didn't look behind and tried to figure out a way to climb up higher. ''You can go back inside and wait with all the other gwakes, '' You dismissed and didn't think much of it since you thought it was one of the maidens that had found you.
''I will, but first, I'm curious, what are you doing?''
''Nothing,'' You spoke and huffed.
''You're doing something,'' The man replied with a deadpanned look.
''I am not,'' You spoke. ''You are,''
''I am not,'' You argued and let out a sigh and looked at the tree in front of you. ''If you must know, I'm trying to ascertian the best way to climb over the garden wall,'' You responded and gestured toward the tree.
''Climb? Whatever for?''
''Because I think he may be a beast,'' You replied and placed your hands over your hips. ''A beast?''
''Or a troll,'' You responded. ''A troll?'' The man replied with an offended expression.
''Who are we discussing?'' The man asked. ''Oh, that is impertinent, none of your buisness,'' You replied and glanced back at him before looking around.
''The king,'' You answered after a short silence. ''From what I've heard: that he's handsome, kind, but some people won't even speak of him,'' You informed.
''And that makes you think that the king is a troll or a beast?'' The man asked. ''Well, I haven't seen him yet,'' You answered. ''And I'm overthinking things,'' You spoke.
''Ah, understood,'' He replied. ''You know, if I grab there,'' You said and pointed toward the garden wall. ''Perhaps you could assist me by lifting up,'' You told him and began to climb again.
''Uh, one question, you do not like beast or trolls? What he looks like matters?'' He asked you.
''I do not care what he looks like, what I do not like is not knowing, now, here, just take a hold here with a lift, I believe that I can make it over the garden wall,'' You said and went back to the garden wall and gestured him to help you.
''You want me to lift you over the wall so you may can escape?''
''That is what I said, yes,'' You replied and rolled your eyes. ''People will notice you are missing will they not?''
''Oh, please, they won't,'' You assured him and waved him off. ''Now, if you please, I just need a little help, come, make haste,''
''I have no absolutely no intention of helping you,'' He responded, making you pause before turning to him. ''I am in lady in distress, you refuse to help a lady in distress?'' You asked him with an offended expression.
''I refuse when that lady in distress is trying to go over the wall so that she does not want to marry me,'' He replied making you look at him with wide eyes and shock. Nikolai only found it amusing when he saw the reaction in your face.
''Hello, Y/n,'' He greeted you with a smile. ''I'm Nikolai,'' He introduced himself and you looked at him. ''Please accept my apology, if I had known that you were you...''
''You would have what?'' Nikolai interrupted you. ''Not told me that you were trying to escape?'' He asked with an amusing expression.
''Well, yes, I mean, I do apologize, moi tsar,'' You spoke quietly and looked down at the ground.
''Just call me Nik,'' Nikolai responded and looked at you with a kind smile. ''The king situation, it towers over us, accident of birth on my part, but I thought maybe perhaps, as my wife, you could ignore it, and I could be just Nik to you,'' He spoke.
''That was of course, before I found out that you do not want to be married to me,''
''I did not say that,'' You looked at him with an offended expression.
''Oh you did,'' He responded. ''I did not,'' You argued. ''You did!''
''It is not,'' You argued and paused. ''I do not know you,'' You replied and sighed. ''I do not know you either, except that you are terrible at climbing a wall,'' Nikolai teased and you saw the smile in the corner of his lips.
''You try climbing a wall in all of this,'' You gestured towards your dress that now was ruined for the ball and huffed at him.
''I was told that you were late,'' You replied and looked at him. ''Yes, my apologies for that, king duties you know,'' Nikolai informed and you nodded slightly.
''There you are!'' You heard Zoya's voice exclaim from behind as the two of you turned around. ''What have you done to your dress!'' You heard Zoya exclaim angirly. ''Zoya, calm down,'' You replied.
''She was trying to climb over the wall,'' Nikolai responded and you looked at him with a glare.
''Over the wall?'' Zoya questioned with a confused look. ''That's is not important, now we have to change you into a new dress,'' Zoya grunted with annoyance and dragged you from Nikolai.
''You will pay for this,'' You mouthed over to him as he looked back at you with a smile as Zoya dragged you away.
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moodymisty · 2 months
Hiii!!! I LOVE everything you write since I followed you a long time ago. I would like to read something about Rogal Dorn. I can't find ANYTHING about him and i just can't stop thinking about him.
I don't mind if it's smut, whatever you feel confortable with, but if it can have a little bit of fluff i would LOVE It.
Thank you for everything.💞
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Author's note: Ok so I am deciding to do an idea i have for awhile, that I believe someone else posted but I cannot remember who. anyhoo, enjoy. Perhaps it's not as fluffy as you might have wanted, but fluffy Dorn is sort of awkward, nice Dorn so I hope you still like it;;
Relationships: Rogal Dorn/Fem!Reader (reader is a remembrancer)
Warnings: Perturabo calls you a whore but other than that nothing really of note
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"I never did thank you properly for all of the clothes, Lord Dorn."
You look up at him, golden armor still shining in the relative dimness of the bridge- to only get a light nod of his head in response.
Inwit is freezing, unfathomably cold, and the clothes you had worn previously on Olympia failed to cut it. That had been a very quick, and very upsetting realization. Dorn had- in his stalwart silence - requisitioned you more only a few days later. Many more, custom-made. They were lined with warm furs and comfortable, built for hard winds and ice, trapping your body heat close to you. You had taken some of the layers off since you were arriving to Terra, a planet with a much more tempered climate. You don't miss the burning of your cheeks and frozen snot, but you do miss the planet overall.
Terra... Coming here makes you nervous. You know who is going to be here. Take a few deep, self-assuring breaths before looking in Dorn's general direction. The large glass viewport at the front of the bridge illuminates most of the floor, casting you all in a variety of colors.
"Lord Dorn, may I ask you a question about something?"
He turns to you, looking down at your hesitant expression.
"Did Perturabo make you beg permission to speak to him? Just ask it."
He did, more often than not. You remember more than a few instances.
"Well, he was actually going to be what I wanted to ask about."
You twisted your wrists in your hands, trying to do some sort of fidget to focus on while Dorn had his full attention on you.
"Has he always hated you? The entire time I was in his company, there was always just undertone of pure, seething hatred for you, but whenever I saw you, you didn't seem to even care."
There are a few other Imperial Fists on the bridge, watching as Terra comes into view. You're in the process of getting caught by the planet's orbit and mooring close enough to come down to the surface. You can see the palace already, even from this far, a golden target that is still growing larger with each day.
"Perturabo has always been that way, yes."
Dorn turns to briefly give an order to a questioning Imperial Fist, before returning to you and his explanation.
"He sees competition in my existence. I don't care."
Polux approaches, choosing to stand on your opposing side and wait patiently for his moment to speak. You give him a brief smile as greeting before returning your eyes to his primarch. Dorn looks forward and out the viewport, watching the palace of his design inch closer and closer.
"Sanguinius and Horus' rivalry is even matched. They both find growth from it. Perturabo's rivalry with me is a childish urge to beat me into the ground and prove to everyone that he is better."
You don't disagree with him in even the slightest. Perturabo was always so desperate to beat Dorn above all else, even to the detriment of other facets of his life.
"Despite the fact that he isn't?"
Dorn looks at you fully again, eyebrows raised and you swear, you swear, the inkling of a smile on his face.
"You have spent more time with him than I. Do you think that?" He turns on his heel slightly, armor shifting and clanking against eachother to face you more.
"Do you think The Emperor was right in claiming me Praetorian over him?"
You've been with the Imperial fists for a few months now, and this is far from the first time you've spoken to Dorn. Far more than you ever interacted with Perturabo, despite the fact that Dorn is known for being tight lipped and humorless.
You nod.
"Yes, I do. Perturabo's plans are always so complex, and he hinges them and his entire self worth on being better than you. And when he fails, he sulks." You smile. "I don't imagine you or your sons to be the type to sit and pout if something went wrong. You would all be too busy trying to correct it."
Dorn looks down at you, face as stoic and frozen as you've become quite used to. You don't know entirely what he's thinking, but you don't get a chance to ask before someone else's voice interrupts you.
Polux has a younger astartes walk up to him, stating some information that flows in one ear and out the other for you before walking away. He turns to the both of you, looking two his primarch but referring to the both of you.
"My lord, we are ready to depart for the palace. Is she accompanying us?"
You've never stepped foot on Terra before, to even come into it's orbit is an idea that you could barely handle; Alongside the fact that the primarch and his captains have little need for you there. You gather yourself, preparing to return to the Librarium aboard the ship to continue your work before Dorn's voice stops you in your tracks and sends almost every emotion through you at once.
"She is. Let us go."
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Your first time on Terra was going well, in the first hour or so.
Dorn isn't much of a communicator, so he has spent the long of it conversing with his men, giving orders even while not aboard his ship. Either orders given to send back to the Phalanx, or to the Imperial Fists on Terra assisting with the Palace construction. You stand idly by and occasionally draw, or write something down that interests you.
The smoothness stops however, when Dorn looks away abruptly. His sons are confused, before they also perk up not a moment later. You look to Polux, as you know he's the one who will most likely acquiesce to your questions.
"What is it?" You say. He tilts his head vaguely in your direction, but doesn't actually look at you.
"Primarch Perturabo is on his way. He must've heard we had arrived," Polux takes a breath, presumably steeling himself for whatever is to come.
"His... footsteps are quite loud." Not a few more moments later now even you can hear them, and then see him shortly thereafter.
Perturabo storms closer; You can tell by the red flush over his tanned skin, that he is beyond furious.
Dorn looks down at you, and points behind him. His voice leaves no room for question, not as if you would even considering doing so in the first place.
"Go to Vulkan."
The Salamander's primarch had finished speaking to Dorn not long ago, now standing across the massive open area that you presumed served as a training ground for the astartes. You do as your now primarch commands and rush towards him, feeling his eyes on him as you approach.
"I am terribly sorry to bother you Lord Vulkan, but My lord Dorn told me to-" He ushers you closer with a hand, his voice gentle despite his overwhelming size.
"I am well aware of your circumstances, and what is more than likely about to play out. You can stay here with me."
You take refuge close to the Salamander's primarch, both standing and watching as Perturabo confronts Dorn. Multiple of his Imperial Fists straighten up and hold themselves at the ready, prepared to fight for their primarch if it ever be needed.
A disrespectful finger points his way, but Dorn pays it no mind. The white fabric of Perturabo's Olympian clothes flow softly and comfortably in the gentle wing, in contrast to the sharp, unforgiving features of his face.
"You think you can just steal from me now? Are you truly so bold now that you're praetorian?"
Dorn only speaks up when Perturabo is close enough that he doesn't have to yell.
"She wanted to leave."
Dorn speaks plainly, bluntly, as if he's just totally uncaring of the conversation.
You've learned over time that Dorn is far from emotionless; He merely doesn't waste it on things he deems pointless. This is pointless, and so he only speaks with the most blunt, monotone voice. It pisses Perturabo off to an unfathomable degree.
To think he was so upset about your departure without his dismissal. He had been nothing but cold and cruel to you, despite the fact that you were merely there to document his legion's progresses.
"I don't care what she wanted. She was indebted to my legion, and I will not tolerate deserters no matter how useless I think they are,"
Perturabo yells. Once his frustration at Dorn is exhausted enough that his attention can be deviated, he turns his gaze to you.
It feels like the gravity of a planet is pushing down onto you, the sheer weight of his anger. Even from so far away. Even the weight of Primarch Vulkan's hand on your shoulder does nothing to shield you from it.
"I hope you heard me, you lying, traitorous little whore. I hope you know I'll wring your neck myself when I catch you."
It takes every bit of energy to avoid crumbling instantly, at the threat of a primarch. Thankfully he leaves shortly after, storming off with the flowing white fabric of his clothes flowing behind him.
Vulkan sighs. You think he said something to reassure you, but you can't hear it over the thumping of your heart in your ears.
"I truly don't think there is much we can do to change him." Corvus- whom you've only just realized was here the entire time with a startle upon hearing his voice - shakes his head.
"His desire to be superior is tripped up at every point by his insufferable personality."
Vulkan looks down at you as an Imperial Fist approaches.
"Are you alright?" He says, and the caring nature of it is a bit overwhelming.
"I, I hope so." Vulkan doesn't laugh, but there is a softness on his face as he smiles at you. Corvus simply watches, and you once again realized that he was there.
"We all know Dorn. He has mentioned you quite a bit,"
"For him," Corvus adds. Vulkan gives him a quick look before turning back to you.
"I do not think he would ever allow anything to happen to you."
The reassurance of a primarch is a feeling next to none; But so it's the threat of one. They both battle in your heart and soul as the Imperial Fist reaches you.
"Lord Dorn is going to have one of us escort you back to the ship."
You nod, looking up to Vulkan to thank him. He simply smiles and speaks before you have a chance to give any gratitude.
"Stay safe, little one."
You follow that Imperial Fist back, before he leaves you on your own close to your quarters. Once you get into them, the door shutting behind you with a hiss, your chest starts to tighten like something has a hold on it.
Every Iron Warrior now likely knows that Perturabo wants your head on a pike. You try to steady your breathing, dumping your papers onto your small desk and sitting on the edge of your bed with a soft thud.
It's getting harder to breath, you swallow a massive knot in your throat. You try to shake your leg, dig your fingers into your palms to stop the feeling, like your heart is going to explode, the thumping of blood in your ears-
It starts to level down after awhile, the room steadies and no longer is spinning. Once that happens, the tears actually start to come, and you keep trying to wipe them away each time a few fall.
You don't regret leaving the Iron Warriors; Olympia. You don't know what Dorn saw in you that was enough for him to offer you a place but you don't regret taking it. His legion's treatment of you compared to your time on Olympia was incomparable, but the petty nature you had witnessed from the primarch was now focused on you; Your betrayal of fleeing to Dorn.
You have your arms wrapped around yourself, tightening them as someone opens your door. Your momentary startle fades when you realize who it is.
It's Dorn. You don't know when his presence stopped being so intimidating, even as a primarch; Perhaps it's the time you've spent with him recently that has gotten you used to him.
"You have been crying."
It would surely be easy to tell- you can still fear the wetness of tears on your face. You take a deep breath and clear your throat to try and speak normally.
"Primarch Perturabo wants my beaten corpse at his feet, and I don't, I don't know what to do-"
He comes closer, face neutral and stoic. You try and contain the emotion on your face.
Stupid, all of it, is what Perturabo would've said to you. You were always a stupid, pointless inconvenience forced upon him. But yet one he was still so upset to see leave.
"I knew very well how he would behave when I offered you a place here. I will not allow him to harm you."
In his own, odd way, the sentence calms you. It's not a lie, it is the utmost truth put into blunt, simple words. You sniffle and unwrap your arms from around yourself, returning to some level of normalcy.
"Thank you..." You say, and Dorn- to your surprise - kneels.
"Do not thank me for something I should do. I put you in this predicament and made you an enemy of him."
Dorn is quiet for a moment. You look at him questioningly, but he doesn't seem to notice. Then suddenly a hand rests heavy on your shoulder, and he leans in to press his lips to yours.
It's only a split second, it's chaste and quick, and he pulls away as a string of spit snaps between you both. You barely even have a chance to process it all; A primarch just kissed you. You had liked him, but you firmly pushed those thoughts from your mind for the sheer absurdity of them.
“You shouldn’t cry.” At first you think he’s telling you not to be weak- To suck it up.
“I, should not have allowed him to speak to you that way. I allowed him to make you cry.”
Crying is nothing; the fact that he has said he would protect you from an enraged primarch that by all intents and purposes you betrayed, is more than worth its weight. You don’t care about the crying.
"I'll be fine. I just needed a minute, and," You laugh. "Hopefully that's the last time I ever see his face." Dorn doesn't smile, but his voice has a gentle tilt of amusement that makes you smile a bit wider.
"I admit I would be jealous of you if that were to be the case."
You don't envy that he will have to continue to deal with Perturabo, especially now that your presence has created a deeper rift. Alongside his duties as Praetorian.
Dorn rises up from his knee and reaches out a hand.
"I am going to speak to my men about progress of the Palace walls. Come with me."
You take his hand, and you expect him to just allow you to pull yourself up, but instead he wraps his fingers around it and holds your hand, guiding you out of your room. He lets go moments after, but the gesture was there none the less.
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spamgyu · 8 months
I 100% imagine College!OC joking about Mingyu lisp and accidentally letting slip that she finds it adorable
stop......... wait i have been staring at this request for days now and finally got something lkfjsd
College!Mingyu Drabble - glasses and lisps
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no bc college!mingyu as someone who lives down the hall from your dorm and you always run into him doing something questionable
College!Mingyu Masterlist
He was beginning to grow on her.
Maybe it was because of her father and brother's constant need to bring him up in any conversation. Or maybe it was the fact that he only lived a few doors down from her – their run ins turning into her or Mingyu hanging out in each other's dorms.
She hated to admit it, but she considered him as a friend and enjoyed his company – despite his constant need to annoy and bother her.
Mid-terms had rolled around and after the countless of text messages he had sent her, asking to accompany him to the library to study, she had finally agreed. Y/n may have considered Mingyu as more than an aquaintance, but the thought of doing something school related with the chaotic puppy-like boy gave her headaches.
If her brother didn't mention how smart Mingyu was, she probably wouldn't have agreed – she needed that extra help.
"Nice look, nerd." She snorted, taking a seat across from him.
Mingyu looked up from his notebook, sticking his tongue out at the girl. "I ran out of contacts."
Tilting her head, she took in his new look. "Eh, it kinda suits you." She shrugged, unpacking her belongings.
"Really?" He smiled, leaning forward.
"Alright, don't get too crazy now." She held her hand up.
"You like me in glasses, Y/n?" Mingyu continued to tease.
"You like me in glasses." She mocked, making sure to emphasize his pronunciation of his 's'.
The smile on his face fell, leaning back on his chair. "So mean."
"So mean." She did it again.
Mingyu jokingly glared at her, raising his hand up to showcase his middle finger – earning a laugh from the girl.
In all honesty, he didn't care how much she teased him. He lived for it, looking forward to all her snide remarks. She could call him stupid ugly troll and it would send his heart swooning.
"I'm kidding. It's adorable." She mumbled, flipping through her book.
Snapping her head up, y/n shook her head quickly. "No, no– shut up. Don't even–"
"You think I'm adorable?" His smile wide, his fangs in full display.
"Your lisp. Not you."
"No, you think I'm adorable." Mingyu giggled, reaching over to pinch the tip of her nose. "You're adorable too."
"Get your hand off–" She pushed his hand away from her face, only for him to move onto pinching her cheek. "I'm going to kill you."
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@thegirlwhoimagined @ohmygodwhyareallusernamestaken @f4iryjjosh @akeminy @yonabutnotyuna @tacosandbitch @vanillacheol @aaniag @bettybotterboughtabitofbutter @xbaekcult @alwaysalmostthere @ashkuuuu @morkswatermelonnnn @isabellah29 @lottogyu @bubbly-moon @lllucere @bo-fairykim
(for some reason it's not allowing me to tag some who wanted to be added to the perm tag list ... cries... pls check ur settings so i can for future posts)
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moon-alight · 8 months
i was wondering if you could write for &team, like how they would act through the childhood friends to lovers situation? like, how would they feel through the whole transition?
General Masterlist &Team Masterlist
&Team falling in love with their childhood best friend
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Warnings: fluff, slight miscommunication, confused feelings, gender neutral reader
Word Count: 2227 (I went a little far lol)
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-He had known you since you guys went to pre-school together and never strayed away from each others side for too long
-He enjoyed knowing he always had somebody he could talk to when he needed it and he would always be there for you
-But he realized that after debuting with &Team (which you were really supportive of) he began to see you in a different light
-Being an idol was hard and took a lot of time from him which he would usually spend with you. He started to miss you
-Of course, he thought it was just normal to miss someone he was so close to but was it normal that his heart began to race whenever a thought about you crossed his mind? Or that whenever he heard your voice his cheeks would glow softly?
-So, he realized he liked you more than just friends after pining for months and avoiding his own feelings.
-He decided not to tell you too afraid to be rejected. He kept hoping that maybe he was wrong and that he just enjoyed your company
-Honestly, he had to gather courage from everywhere to finally tell you how he felt about you
-Once he did (and you felt the same) he was soo relieved and kind of beated himself up because he didn't tell you sooner
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-He had always loved you, yes, but in a way only friends did.
-Fuma never thought there would ever be more between you two than the everlasting friendship which developed in primary school.
-But, of course, he was wrong and realized this when he started to get jealous every time you talked about a guy you fancied
-At first he thought he was just afraid you'd give up your friendship if you got in a relationship but when this feeling wouldn't leave even though you remained a healthy friendship, he knew something else was up.
-It was clear in the way he began to avoid you instead of taking every oportunity to spend time with you like he usually did.
-He hated himself for hurting you but he couldn't stand the fact that you'd talk about other guys the way he wished you'd talk about him.
-You thought he was angry at something you did or didn't want to be friends anymore.
-Unfortunately when your heart got broken by an idiot, you didn't have anywhere else to go but Fuma and his heart broke alongside yours when he saw the tears in your eyes.
-Immediately craddled you in his arms and apologized over and over again as he hastily explained that he was afraid
-He promised you to never avoid you again and talk things out which eventually led to a nice sweet confession :)
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-This man knew how he felt about you when he realized how much your touch stressed him out
-He was continuesly feeling his heart speed up whenever your finger accidentally brushed against his or when your shoulder bumped on his. He was lost.
-Never did he think he would feel so strongly about the person he grew up with since he was six but here he is.
-Decided to test the waters and began to flirt with you subtly to see if you'd respond but you're bloody oblivious so that didn't work.
-He became bolder when he noticed your cheeks heating up after he had let a sweet compliment fall from his lips.
-His teasing became braver, his attitude changed for the better and whenever he could help you with something he would just to be close to you and hopefully pull that same reaction out of you.
-And it worked every time.
-He was very confident when he confessed since he had seen the way you reacted to his flirting and God was he happy when you said 'yes'.
-This relationship was awkward at first, he wasn't sure if the change would be good but it proved to be very similar to your friendship.
-Just more kissing and cuddling and ykkk
-So, he relaxed about a month in and never looked back lol
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-Being bff's since ya'll were ten years old meant sharing secrets, rumours and just general tea with one another whenever you both had time to do so
-When he became the leader of &Team, you began to help him whenever you could to make it all easier for him which he appreciated
-But whenever you were together you never really got anything done
-EJ was too distracted to be able to work on &Team stuff because whatever you did was just so admirable
-You treated the boys with kindness, you made sure to organize everything, your hair always seemed to fall perfectly even though it was windy outside and your outfits always rocked--
-He was clueless why he couldn't keep his eyes off of you until Nicholas teased him by saying that he liked you
-The realization hit him like a damn truck and from that moment onward every interaction between you two was awkward as hell
-He didn't mean to make it so awkward but he had no clue what he was supposed to do
-When you decided to stay away from him for a while because you couldn't understand what changed between you two, he showed up at your door in the middle of the night scrambling to get any words out of his mouth
-When he finally confessed, apologized and decided to wear his heart on his sleeve you understood his reason for being so weird suddenly
-He promised to do better from now on, haha!
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-This man is competetive, alright, he likes to win and when he doesn't he can get a bit grumpy
-However with you he always seemed to lose with such sportmanship that everyone else called him a lovesick puppy
-Which was a joke of course
-Until it wasn't
-He didn't know when the change happened or what caused it but he did notice how much more mature you began to look and how much smoother you began to move
-Yuma could never keep his eyes off of you and it began to bother him because you were his best friend since you were 8, he couldn't possibly like you -- that was against the rules
-But he did and it sucked especially when you guys were watching a movie together and you'd get tired so you rested your head on his shoulder which caused him to freeze up every time
-He tried to change his feelings and talk to other classmates of his or (after debut) he began to communicate more with his fans but nobody could make him feel the way you made him feel
-He hated it!
-It was his downfall when you wore a more revealing outfit and he instantly got a boner which he needed to hide
-So, he did what every loser in love would do and asked advice from Kei who spent an hour laughing at his situation before helping him
-And the only thing Kei said was 'tell them how you feel' and eventually he did which caught you off guard because you felt as though you were the one who needed to confess
-He was awkward at the beginning of the relationship but grew into it more the longer you dated
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-He hadn't been awkward around you since you were nine and finally grew accustumed to one another but his new discovered feelings for you set your friendship back instantly
-You weren't sure what had happened or why Jo seemed distant all of a sudden almost as though he didn't want you near him anymore.
-Asking him led to many stupid excuses which you knew where lies but he didn't have the heart to confess to you then and there
-Which eventually led to your friendship sinking just like the titanic did back in 1912. . .
-He felt so bad but there was truly nothing he could do -- at least he felt this way.
-He tried calling you because not being around you anymore made him so anxious, he didn't want to lose you
-Unfortunately you didn't pick up, telling him via text that you did not want to be lied to once more
-Jo eventually showed up at your house and quite literally fell to his knees to apologize for being so incredibly stupid
-You told him to stand up because there were probably people watching you guys
-He explained the situation while stuttering and trembling over his own words but got it out in the end
-You appreciated his honesty and hugged him the way you did before everything became awkward
-He actually didn't have much trouble stepping over to a relationship with you since he felt comfortable -- it was just confessing that was a mess for him
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-It was when he performed his debut showcase and you watched from the sidelines that the whole 'catching feelings' thing became obvious to him.
-He had just finished and ran off stage to you who was too excited for your own good so you kissed him on his cheek out of happiness
-When I tell you this guy malfunctioned at that very moment as though he was a robot who hit the water suddenly
-You began to congratulate the other members but he could only stare at you as you did, unable to move
-This happened many more times, just moments where he realized how amazing you were and how much he cared about you where he froze in place
-He started to drop very small hints every now and then like getting you your favorite sweets whenever you were feeling a bit off or he brushed your hair away from your face whenever he could just to touch you
-He needed to be closer to you and unlike some other boys, he did his best to spend more time with you and found excuses just to hug you
-You obviously started to notice this weird behavior so, one day, you asked him about it
-He didn't hide it at all and decided it would be best to just confess
-Harua wasn't necessarily confident as he told you how he felt but he wasn't very insecure either
-Ya'll probably had the easiest transition from friendship to relationship because he'd just crack jokes whenever things were a bit awkward which helped a lot.
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-He was chilling with his members when someone dropped your name in a casual conversation
-Taki started to listen closer and felt himself blush when he heard your name fall once more.
-It was Yuma who pointed out to him that he was red in the face which he played off to be just hot
-This wasn't the only time, however, because when you showed up unannounced, he felt himself get giddy suddenly
-There were many moments in which he should've realized how he felt but it was when you started talking about this person you were seeing and he got a bit jealous
-He started asking many questions about said person, just to know if they were worth chasing for you
-Whenever you ditched him to be with this person, he got incredibly angry and refused to speak to anyone
-When you finally questioned him after many texts from EJ about Taki's weird behavior, he caved and told you everything
-Hearing you laugh at the absurty of the situation drew a smile on his face as well which only proved further how much he liked you
-The beginning of the relationship was very new to the both of you
-You tried to find a rhythm which eventually you found and everything became easier
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-Oh, he knew exactly how he felt about you the way your scent made him smile subconciously and how whenever you spoke he'd listen with his undivided attention
-But that did not mean he accepted his own feelings. . . like at all
-Every time he reacted in a weird way because of you or things you did, he'd told himself to shut up and chill down. You were his best friend after all, he couldn't ruin it
-One day when you had received some bad news you hugged him which shouldn't have caught his breath the way it did
-He suddenly wasn't able to breathe anymore, your arms wrapped around him in a way that left him unable to get his lungs functioning
-When you pulled back he allowed air to enter his nose again but he did realize his feelings laid much deeper than he'd like to admit
-His heart stopped when he saw your tears because you were upset one day, he wanted to hug you, kiss you, tell you everything would be okay but he couldn't. . . ya'll were just friends
-He started to get frustrated, constantly hiding his feelings took a bit of a toll on him so when he deemed to find a good enough oportunity he confessed his feelings, letting out his thoughts and problems
-And of course you understood because hell, you weren't blind. You noticed the way your friendship changed over the past months
-The moment you said you liked him too, his lips were against yours and his arms were wrapped around you because finally he was able to do it without being creepy. :)
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oliversrarebooks · 3 months
The Rare Bookseller Part 59: Jenny's Rescue
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tw: character death, mind control, hypnotism, stabbing, adult woman called girl
October 1925
Jenny woke up.
It'd been happening less often these days. She spent most of her life in a half-remembered, hypnotized haze, but every so often her mind would shake itself just barely free. She wasn't sure what triggered it -- a memory, perhaps, triggered by a sound or a smell. It never lasted long before her master effortlessly put her under again.
That's where she was now, with Master Edgar, kneeling at attention beside his favorite armchair. The fact that he was keeping her close at hand probably meant that he intended to feed, but for now he was relaxing with a magazine and his favorite pipe. She stayed still, trying to maintain her posture, so that he wouldn't immediately realize that she was awake. The fireplace was warm with a cheerful crackle, the cushion below her knees was mercifully comfortable, and she was generally content with just remaining like this for some time.
Back when she was first put under her master's spell, whenever she woke up like this, she would try her best to find a way to escape. She'd never gotten far, and she'd earned harsh punishments each time. She touched the place on her hand where her smallest finger used to be, remembering why she had stopped trying. It was far better to enjoy a moment of relative peace and relaxation than incur her master's wrath for no gain.
She'd just about accepted that she was never getting out. She had wished to never see the lace factory again, and like a girl in a fairy tale, she'd had her wish granted in the most awful way. Even so, on quiet nights like this, it seemed bearable.
"Hm. Are you awake, girl?"
"Yes, master. Sorry, master," she sad demurely.
He sighed. "I suppose I ought to put you back to sleep, then, so I can feed later."
"Master --" She hated to ask, fearful of getting in trouble even though it was such a small request. "May I stay awake just a little longer? I'm enjoying the fire and your company, sir."
"…I suppose there's no harm in it, as long as you're silent and don't make any trouble," he said, to her surprise. "I'd like to finish up the article I was reading, anyway. You may stay up for a bit longer."
"Oh, thank you, sir," she said, straightening her posture to show her dedication to being obedient, even when not fully entranced.
Or was she? It was hard to tell the difference sometimes. Maybe her serene attitude was only because she was still very much entranced, despite feeling awake.
She sat in silence, basking in the warmth of the fire, and letting her mind wander. Her thoughts quickly latched on to the many things she missed: sunshine on her face, the scent of flowers blooming, cool summer rains, the bustle of shops, sweets at the county fair. How she regretted not appreciating those more when she had the chance! She hadn't left the manor since she arrived. If only her master would let her outside, even once…
She would appreciate the fire and the quiet of the study now, though. She feared there was a time when she would go to sleep and never again be awake enough to think such thoughts.
Master Edgar tossed his magazine onto the side table with a huff. "Rubbish," he said, and Jenny knew he was talking to himself, not to her. "I can't believe what passes for publishable these days."
Jenny didn't move a muscle as she heard the familiar sound of her master's pocket watch's chain, the soft tick-tock already beginning to make her drowsy. Master Edgar placed one hand on her head as the other dangled the watch in front of her face. It began to swing in slow rhythm, the weight of the watch bearing down on her mind, her eyelids already starting to droop. Her short reprieve was over.
"Focus, girl," he said, unnecessarily, because she already had all of her attention fixed on the watch. "Each swing will make you sleepier and more obedient. You know what it is you need to do."
"Sleep and obey," she murmured.
"That's it, girl, sleep and obey. Sleep and obey…"
She was so well trained that it took very little for her master to put her under. She knew from her hazy memories that once she was fast asleep, she would be made to open her eyes and conduct her master's household business with very little input from her mind, a dream of servitude.
That is, except on nights like this, when he chose her to feed from, when fangs in her neck would only drive her deeper into unconsciousness. She thought perhaps that she was his favorite, the one he chose more often than the rest, and this gave her some odd comfort. Falling into her master's arms during his feedings was the only tenderness she had in this place, and she would be permitted to spend the rest of the night in bed afterwards, so she welcomed it.
"What is that sound?" The watch was abruptly removed from her sight, and she blinked slowly, trying to adjust. Master Edgar looked deeply concerned in a way that was unusual. Had another vampire come to challenge him? Master had a number of enemies, for reasons she was not allowed to understand. "Wait here in the study, girl. Don't move from this spot."
But her master didn't have time to leave the study before the sounds grew louder, loud enough that Jenny could hear it with her ordinary human senses. The door to the study burst inward, revealing a most unusual sight.
The woman was small but looked athletic, her hair pulled back into a severe bun. She was wearing a practical man's suit with a sort of leather vest. Her thick belt had holsters for knives, wooden stakes, and other items Jenny couldn't identify, and she had a large leather satchel and an enormous silver cross on a chain around her neck. Most unusual was the crossbow and quiver strapped to her back.
A vampire? A human here to rescue her? She felt a pang of excitement followed by immediate guilt. She shouldn't wish for her master's death when he'd given her food and shelter and work for so long now -- and for all she knew, this wouldn't be a rescue at all, but an even crueler master.
Master Edgar thrust his pocket watch towards her like a weapon. "Focus," he said with enough force that Jenny was easily caught up in it too, staring at the swaying watch regardless of how much she wanted to observe the new visitor.
She glared. "Fiend, do you think you can --"
"Focus," he said, gesturing towards the watch. "You will focus. Focus now, little hunter. Focus, girl."
So she was a hunter! Jenny's heart clenched. She could just see the hunter behind the swinging watch that threatened to capture her full attention. To her disappointment, the hunter was already focusing, her eyes moving back and forth perfectly in time with the hypnotic watch.
"That's it, girl, that's it. Keep focusing. More and more hypnotized with every swing and sway. Feel my hypnotic power beginning to set in, no matter how hard you fight it."
"Nnnngh," the hunter groaned, trying to tear herself away.
"No, no, none of that, little hunter. You're too hypnotized to resist. You're going to start sleepwalking forward… closer… closer and deeper into my spell, little hunter. Deeper and deeper into hypnosis…"
She took one slow step forward, then another, clearly trying and failing to resist Master Edgar's commands. Jenny couldn't help but wish for her success, but she knew that none could defy her master for long, not when they were caught up in his mesmerism. It was already too late for this poor hunter, a dead woman walking. Jenny did hope that he wouldn't kill her right here and now.
"Your limbs are growing heavy, little hunter. Your eyelids are growing so heavy. You're tired, so tired. You want to rest," said Master Edgar with a wicked grin, as the hunter drew closer. "Don't be afraid. My pretty watch will help you sleep."
Jenny was fighting sleep herself, wanting to stay awake and see what would happen. The hunter was so close now, close enough that her master could reach out and pet the top of her head. She was so small -- how could a woman like this hope to stand up to a vampire like her master?
"Awww, poor little sleepy vampire hunter. You're being hypnotized by the scary vampire, aren't you?" he laughed, as her eyes began to fall shut for longer and longer. "You're just too hypnotized to resist. You will sleep, little hunter, and you will obey. Sleep… sleep…"
The hunter made a soft sound of protest, swaying gently in time with the watch, falling asleep on her feet.
"Go to sleep, girl… sleep… sleep…"
A fountain of blood was gushing down her master's chest.
Jenny was so dazed, and it had all happened so quickly, that it took her a few moments to comprehend. As her master crumpled to the floor, the hunter was standing before him with a bloody stake, her eyes perfectly awake and aware. Master Edgar began to crumble into dust, and Jenny was screaming.
"It's all right." The hunter put her stake down and pulled Jenny into her chest, and Jenny clung to her, not knowing what else to do. "Shhh, I won't hurt you. He won't hurt you any more. You're safe."
"You -- you killed --"
"Listen to me now. Are there any other vampires in the manor?"
"No, only Master Edgar."
"How many thralls does he keep?"
"Six, including myself, miss."
"Hm. That's far too many for me to support. I'll have to contact the guild," she said. "Are any of these thralls in immediate danger?"
Jenny could barely answer through her choked sobs -- what exactly she was crying about, she wasn't entirely certain. "No, miss, they're all -- they're asleep, under his spell, and doing the chores --"
"That's fine, then. I'll leave them be for now, and you can come along with me. Can you stand?"
"I -- I -- I --"
"Here, let me help you up. There you go. Can you sit here for a moment? I need to do something important before we leave and I send the guild in to clean up."
Jenny nodded as she was placed onto the same armchair where Master Edgar had been lounging a few moments before. She couldn't seem to quite comprehend that he was dead. Perhaps she had fallen asleep after all and this was all a dream.
The hunter picked the pocket watch off the floor and stuffed it in her satchel, along with several gold rings her master had been wearing. "I need light valuables to carry with me. Do you know where he would keep them?"
"His bedroom, miss," she said. Uncertain as she was about helping the hunter, it was easy for her to fall into a state of obedience.
"And where's his bedroom?"
Jenny directed her, and the hunter was off to ransack her master's belongings, as Jenny huddled in on herself for comfort. Her master was gone. What would happen to her now? Would she have to go back to her job in the lace factory, after all that had happened? Would they even accept her now? She felt so frail and weak compared to the woman she used to be, a life barely remembered. All she was good for was doing chores and providing blood.
…Would she get to see sunshine?
Was her master truly dead? How did this hunter defy him? Jenny had never seen anyone escape from his hypnotism.
"I'm back," the hunter announced. "That was very fruitful." She held her hand out to Jenny. "Come with me. My car is outside."
Jenny took her hand in a daze, stumbling past the dusting corpse that was once her master and out of the study. She couldn't seem to quiet the part of her insisting that this was all a trick, that she was to be punished, that she was going to be discarded and left destitute…
The cool night air hit her face, and for the first time in years, Jenny looked up at the moon. It was beautiful, the most beautiful thing she had ever seen. Tears were streaming down her cheeks.
"Here, you can ride in the passenger's seat." The hunter was gently directing her into a waiting car as Jenny stared at everything around her like a woman possessed. The moon and stars, the streets and the gaslamps, the shops and houses -- it had been so, so long since she'd seen the outside. "It's going to be okay," said the hunter. "You're going to be safe now."
Jenny sat inside the car, trembling. After years of being asleep and obedient, her mind was now swirling with so many thoughts and worries that she felt she might burst. The hunter got into the driver's seat.
"It's going to be okay, I promise," she reassured again. "I know it's a lot to deal with right now, but you're going to be fine."
"Yes, miss," she said numbly.
"Oh, you don't need to call me miss -- I didn't introduce myself at all, did I? My name is Vivian, and I'm a vampire hunter and a witch."
"A witch?" Jenny really had fallen into a fairy tale.
"That's right," Vivian said with pride. "It's probably nothing like you're thinking, though. I can explain more later."
"How did you defy him?" said Jenny, unable to hold back the top question in her mind. "His hypnotism -- I couldn't resist him at all, not ever, and you just…"
"I can make myself immune to vampiric enthrallment for a short time. The method is a secret, though, I hope you understand," she said. "It's how I'm able to kill vampires that no other hunter can touch."
"Like my master…"
"Like your master." She started the car. "I hope you won't hold it against me for too long. You're free now."
She didn't feel free, not yet. But she had gotten to see the moon.
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I've been looking forward to introducing these characters.
Next week, Oliver finally gets to meet Alexander's mysterious friend.
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bjornswoman · 11 months
Enemy's cruelty
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Author's note: Hello, I know that I've been away for a long time and I'm sorry for that but I needed some time away. Recently I came back in the app and realised that I never posted this part so this is my way to apologise for being inactive for so long. I hope you will enjoy this.
Pairing: Ubbe x Reader.
Genre: Mini!series, drama, angst, slight romance.
Summary: You are planning to leave Ubbe after the news you received.
Warnings: Violence (emotional and physical), mentions of strangulation, mentions of marriage and strong language.
My enemy and me masterlist | Nemesis's wish |
History had always had this odd tendency repeating itself.
The first one was Ragnar Lothbrok. He cheated on his wife with princess Aslaug – Ubbe's mother – and she showed up on his doorstep with child – his child. Lagertha had no choice but to leave him. After all, that should be the actions of everyone who had a little bit of dignity left in them.
History is the greatest tutor. It taught you that being a great man, doesn't have to mean that you are an equally great husband.
The sons of Ragnar had a long legacy behind them from the past coming from their father and from the future because they were destined to score great achievements matching their father's reputation or even overcoming him. Though they were famous about their battle and political exploits, when it came to their intimate relationships things were completely the opposite. All their glory were coming in contrast to the infamous rumours surrounding them.
To be honest, the loyal husband didn't exist – or it was extremely rare to exist among them. It was a common secret that they had their affairs in the lands they were raiding, but it was only because they wanted someone to warm their bed for some nights before they come back to their families.
You had never cared about Ubbe's affairs. In fact, you wished something like that happened because you wanted to be free away from this who you hated passionately. But never guessed that the day your wish came true would come. Also, you would never believe that you could feel any other feeling than hate or disgust or anything bad about this awful man.
This was the worst thing that could happen and it did happen at the worst time possible. Ubbe and you had started developing weird feeling for each other – but probably it happened for the best. You were only in the beginning of feeling less abhorrence about the other person and luckily you were back on same terms before you would disappear from Kattegat for good.
Thinking about taking your child and walking away made your heart clench in your chest. You didn't want young Ragnar to grow up apart from Ubbe. You wanted them close, but you couldn't keep them close anymore. You couldn't stay and be more humiliated than before. It wasn't right neither for you nor for your son.
You knew you had to leave immediately and you would when the boy would recover from the flue. He was better the past three days – the fever was almost gone.
The same as Ubbe. Ubbe was barely around. You two couldn't stand each other in the same house. As you were informed by Torvi, he was having restless nights at Great Hall in the company of his brothers.
He wasn't seeing Margrethe anymore.
He barely talked to her.
He didn't talk at all to you.
You didn't talk at all to him.
The only moments his tired hoarse voice made it in your ears were when he was talking to your son, but even then you didn't want to hear him at all. His voice was irritating you even more than before.
You didn't want him around, but you couldn't keep him apart from his son – not when you were about to take him away from him in a matter of days.
You were trying not to think – especially not for him and not when he was around. It was even worse thinking about him and sensing his presence being in the same place as you were.
It was one of those moments, Ragnar was laying on his father's lap and was listening carefully to the stories Ubbe was telling him about his father and the cities they had raided. Ubbe was speaking about his family's legacy proudly and your son was looking at him magnetized. It felt like he was hanging from each word coming out of his mouth.
You dared to dream about a total different life for a damned second, but you erased that bloody thought from your mind the following one. There couldn't be any other alternative life that Ubbe and you could live happily married with Ragnar. You were meant to be at each others throat.
You turned around and pretended to clean your already cleaned house because you didn't want to look at him anymore. You didn't even want to breathe the same air as him.
It was all back to normal – you were back to hate him. The only difference was that after all these events you hated yourself more than you hated him. You were at fault more than he was because you let your guards down. Even for a little amount of time you let yourself change your feelings. It wasn't a wasn't a great change but still it was enough to get hurt.
Hopefully, you wouldn't get to be around him anymore if everything worked according to your plan. You didn't really like the idea of Ragnar growing up without his father, but you couldn't stay. You had been enough humiliated so far because of him and his mistress.
You would have left sooner if it hadn't been for your sick son, but he was getting better now. If your plan worked right, you would be away from this place in two nights from this moment. You would grab your son and leave at dawn before the any fisherman or merchant saw you. You had even paid some fisherman a great amount of gold to let you sail on his boat in the nearest town and there you would find your way alone.
Your mind was so absorbed in your thought about your escape plan that you didn't notice Ubbe and your son moving from the bed. Ubbe stood up and had the child on his lap before placing him inside his crib. After that he came behind you, standing there uncomfortably without saying a word. When, in fact, Ubbe wanted to say something – anything.
You almost startled when you faced him so close to you, but you didn't do any action that would let him notice. It had felt so long since the last time you were facing each other this close – the last time you had fought about his child with that girl. This time didn't feel any different.
You were standing facing each other without speaking, but there were so many unsaid things between you. So much tension that both of you couldn't unsee the fact that it existed.
Before, in moments like that – when you were staring at each other – you were throwing blades at each other. It felt like a whole single combat between the two of you. The first to take his eyes away from the other was the one who lost the battle. But this time, it didn't feel like it.
The anger and hatred were participating as any other time. Only now, another emotion was there too, in addition with the other two. It felt like guilt, coming from both sides for different reasons.
Though Ubbe was the one to blame for the best part of this situation they were put into. It would be only fair to let her go without any word and he knew it himself deep in his heart, but it was hard to accept it – to deal with it. They weren't in the best of terms ever – in fact not even close to good ones – but she had never left or had done anything to humiliate him in public. Their personal matters were kept to themselves within the walls of this house – though it was a common secret that they weren't getting along. Apart from that they kept themselves civil in public and in front of his family even though they knew everything about them.
Ubbe cleared his throat first. He had been wanting to say something since the moment he set his foot in the house, but couldn't form a word. But he knew that he couldn't keep himself from speaking. He had to say something – it felt now or never. Ubbe wanted to clear his position, to apologize. He knew that you wouldn't let him do so.
You were a proud woman – he knew it as he knew that you wouldn't let him say anything about the matter that would be keep things civil between you. In any case, this would end up bad, like it always did. You would fight again and this time it might be worse than the other times because this time you had something really serious to argue about.
"The child seems better." This was the only thing Ubbe managed to say.
You rolled your eyes at his statement and felt your blood boiling. It felt like he was in disbelief that you managed to take good care of your son and he was healthy all over again. You were mad at him for all the other situation with the slave girl, but him undermining you was worse than cheating.
"Did you believe that he wouldn't?" You tone was harsh and bitter. At the sound of it, Ubbe's expression changed. His features hardened and his jaw was clenched. The battle had started once more – like any other time.
"Would you blame me for that? It isn't like you are the most caring person around." His tone was matching to your own which enraged you even more than before. You had all rights of Midgard to be angry and he was trying to turn it to you being a bad mother because you were mean to him.
It wasn't like you didn't know it – you knew that your actions towards him wasn't kind but the opposite. But you weren't this way to your son. Ragnar the Younger was your only comfort, your only companion. The person who made you like your life when you hated it more than ever.
Your love for him was sincere. How could it now be, he was your only child even though he was also the son of your nemesis you couldn't feel any less love for the person who grew inside your body and got out of it. He was yours and you adored him.
"But your whore is, right?" You felt like you were going to strangle him to death with your bare hands. After your words, you didn't even wait for an answer of his or any movement, you were mad and you wanted to take it out of you without pressing your hands on his throat. You had never did something like that – you had slapped him, yes, but your hands never went further than that. "If you believe that she is, you are stupid enough. I have learned not to underestimate any rival of mine and I certainly haven't underestimated you or her. How could I underestimate a slave girl? Slave girls can do anything to get them out of the low position they are and be in power and when they manage to free themselves, they want more and more." A fire was dancing inside the color of your eyes. You were mad and you couldn't keep the words from getting out – you didn't want to keep them.
Ubbe didn't get to say anything. His eyes were glaring directly inside your own burning eyes – his gaze was no different than yours. He didn't answer and you after a short breath you started again with the poisonous words.
"It's so easy to notice that she is a gold digger after your status. Just by looking at the way she has all of you – the sons of the mighty Ragnar Lothbrok – wrapped around her little finger you can say it. You fools have sincere and true feelings for her – how pathetic. But I won't blame you, you can't choose who your heart belonges – unfortunately. Just don't ever judge me again. You can't because you don't me." One long breath again. Your eyes always on his – sign of you believing every word that came out of your mouth. Ubbe was listening to you, preparing for his own little speech.
"I won't deny that I am a cruel woman – I know I can be harsh and bitter, but that's how I grew up. It wasn't easy for me either. I am not a thrall, but all my life it felt like I was. My fate – it seems – is controlled by men, treating me like an object they can use to secure some kind of alliance or a womb that's only use is to produce heirs. But I am a woman – a person." You almost tear up, but before even your tear came make it further than your eye you manage to wipe it away.
When you finished, Ubbe was running his hand through hair, ready to speak himself.
"You speak a lot without really knowing what you are saying – yet your words is your truth. I am not saying that life was kind to you – I can't know what has happened to you before I met you, I can only assume. My life hasn't been kind as well. Everyone is expecting extraordinary things from me because of my father – a father that was never there for me. Most of my life I've been only with my mother – who was never really there – and my brother – Bjorn. If it wasn't for him, I probably wouldn't be the man I am." Ubbe was starting calmly and yet so intensely.
"As for Margrethe, don't judge her you don't know her the way me or my siblings do. The problem is between us – it had always been there. We are the people to blame about the tragedies of our lives. You and I have made mistakes and the worst of them all was our lack of interest in hearing to each other. You had problems and I had mine when we married and we let those problem tear us apart. Both of us haven't been the ideal person for the other, but here we other stuck with each other having a conversation that had to be made a long time ago.
"We fucked up our lives with our bare hands and now after all this time of failing ourselves we are called to deal with the consequences."
"You fucked up our lives big time." Your words came out in the most selfish way possible when his own were spoken wisely and reasonably. That was Ubbe people knew and loved.
"Me, alone? As if you are a saint." His bitterness was back, but it wasn't enough to make you stop. You were mad at him.
Yes, his words were right. You were the authors of your destruction and downfall, but his doing – his intimate relationship with her and the aftermath of it, their child – was the worst part of it and was his own doing. He had tore you apart and signed your end. He couldn't say it was both your doing. Well, partially it was, but Ubbe was the one to take the most of the credit about it.
"I am not, but I wasn't the one who humiliated you by sleeping and impregnating a thrall. Be the reasonable man you claim you are and accept the amount of the blame you have, along with the consequences that follow." You spoke calmer than before and took first your eyes away from his. You moved away from him to the crib of your son to check on him. He was asleep, luckily you were calmer than usual and he was able to take his nap.
"This incident is just the tip of the iceberg. We have equal amount of blame for the rift in our marriage." He continued behind you in a tired tone of voice.
Your eyes moved away from the small form of your son and moved to the much larger one of Ubbe. You rolled your eyes once more frustrated. You were done by this. You knew what you had to do to stop all these arguments and drama – you were going to leave just a couple of days had left for you to endure Kattegat and Ubbe.
"Which marriage are you talking about? There's no marriage. You destroyed that." You weren't yelling – just scoffing. But your words, you damn well that wasn't the entire truth. It would be the whole truth if you said that you both destroyed your marriage with your foolish actions.
Your scoffing made Ubbe even more than he was. He moved towards the table and sat down on one of the wooden chairs. You stayed at your former position. You were standing close to your son's crib in front of him.
"You are my wife and that won't change even though both of us would like that." Harsh and calm tone, enough to make your blood boiling for once more. Your lips pursed in a thin line and your jaw clenched.
"Yeah, I forgot you would love to free her and then marry her." Your own tone was an ironic one when you referred to her.
"I intend to marry her regardless."
Your eyes turned to meet his – his blue ones were already gazing you. It was one of those rare moments he caught off guard. For a moment or so you thought that you misheard him, but the fucking expression on his face told you otherwise – told you that you heard clearly his words.
"What?" Your voice wasn't louder than a whisper.
"I'll take her as a second wife of mine. I would tell you under different circumstances, but I have to realize that there would never be ideal or even better circumstances between us. So, yes, Margrethe will be my wife and she will give birth to my child." The whole time Ubbe was speaking, his eyes were studying you – your eyes, your expressions, everything.
You managed to take a couple of steps away from the crib. You couldn't even form a word, because you couldn't process his words.
"Your first and only wife you meant to say."
"You are my first wife."
"I am not your wife anymore."
Your whole conversation was happening – surprisingly – in the most civil way possible. No bitterness, not poisonous words, nothing. The first and hopefully the last time.
"This conversation goes nowhere. You are way too stubborn to understand a couple of things and I have a tone of fucking stuff to deal with. If you decide to calm down before the marriage, good. If not, then I'll take matters in my own hands the way I know." Ubbe stood up from the chair and moved towards you not too close, but not far enough.
"Don't do anything impulsive for your sake."
Low voice, quite threatening and eyes gazing deep in your soul. But you would never let him notice that. You were eyeing him the same way – you would never back down to none especially him.
"I am not afraid of you." Your voice was challenging and for the first time after days a vicious smirk formed on his face.
Ubbe leaned towards you, his hot breath fell on your neck. He took a sip of your scent before any word came out of mouth.
"Maybe not at the moment, but you will be." His voice was soft – softer than ever. Yet that was definitely a threat.
You didn't get to answer to that because he stormed out of the house, leaving you behind confused and angry – definitely not afraid.
The days felt insufferable. Each was another torment for you. You couldn't even step out of the door of your house, everyone was pointing their fingers at you, gossiping about your husband's offspring with the slave girl. They were mocking you – something that you proud self couldn't accept. You glared at them but that wasn't enough to restore your dignity. The only thing that would help your reputation would be to leave him for good and never ever step a foot on this damned grounds.
And the big was finally there. You were only an hour away from your freedom, but your heart was aching. It felt wrong and apart from this another strange feeling were eating you up alive. You felt like you shouldn't leave with your son, but this wasn't an option. You were out of options indeed at the end of the day.
You didn't bother to wake up Ragnar. You wrapped him in a thick fur and put your own black cloak on.
The sheet of snow on the ground and the roofs of the houses was thick. It was very cold this time of the night out there. You shouldn't be out, but you had to make it in the dock and leave to save any little dignity you had left after your husband's achievements.
You walked like a shadow in the way that led on the dock. Your weird feeling was getting stronger and stronger at each step you took towards the directions you wanted. It felt like your heart was trying to warn you not to go – not to leave Ubbe – but your mind was telling you otherwise. You had to leave, to get in that boat and move away from Kattegat.
Eventually, you made it on your destination and took off the hood of your cloak, but something felt off. Things didn't go as you planned them to.
Two men were standing in front of the dock and there wasn't any boat close enough. Moreover, the fisherman you had paid to help you was nowhere to be found. You were watching them like a hawk, trying to study them and find to get away somehow. There was no way back to Kattegat.
You turned around to step back – not to your house – to the forest. There should be a way to escape from the forest. However, when you did turned around, your eyes widened when you spotted Ubbe eyeing you with two men standing next him. Both of them were his brothers – Bjorn and Hvitserk. You couldn't read his face, but you knew by heart that he was angry and tried to hide it under this mixed expression.
Before you even thought about anything to say, Ubbe had already started walking in your direction. You couldn't really anything – you didn't need to. Both of you knew that this was the only right thing to do for the sake of your dignity, but Ubbe would never let you slip away in the middle of the night with his son on hands. Once Lagertha had managed to leave his father and Bjorn had gone her. Ubbe couldn't let you take his eldest away. He couldn't bear the thought of his boy growing away from him.
"I told you not to do anything impulsive, but per usual you didn't listen to me." Ubbe whispered to you when he was just a breath away from you. His hands wrapped around your son's little body and pulled away from your hands violently, waking him up by the way he pulled him.
The boy started crying and you yelling.
"Don't touch him! Give him to me! Ubbe!" You were yelling at him as he was walking at the other way around towards his brothers. You tried to reach him and take your son back, but the two men you saw earlier grabbed you by force by both of your arm and didn't let you approach. You were hitting them and were trying to break free but they were far more stronger than you. "No! No! No! You can't do that to me, Ubbe! NO!" You were yelling crying. Your son was crying as well on Hvitserk's lap. You sank on your knees, still trying to break free and reach your son. "You are a monster! I fucking hate you!"
Hvitserk was trying to calm down your son, but he couldn't unsee your state.
"Ubbe, maybe you should—" Hvitserk tried to reason with him, but Ubbe stopped him using both words and movements of his hands.
"Don't get involved in that, Hvitserk. This is between me and my wife." Ubbe's voice was stern as his steps were bringing him closer to your wrecked form.
"Your former wife. Former." You spitted as he was kneeling in front of you. He clicked his tongue inside his mouth when he heard you.
Swiftly his hand pulled your face by your chin and your eyes met – yours were burning full in tears and his had gone darker, they had the darkest shade of blue you had ever seen. Shortly after your eyes met, his hand moved from your chin to your throat. It wrapped around your neck so firmly that you almost couldn't breathe, but you didn't care at this point. The worst part of this situation you were into was your son's crying – it broke your heart. You wanted to reach him and caress him, sing to him and calm him down.
"You are my wife. Mine. Like it or not this is the way." Ubbe was speaking in hoarse and stern tone all the time. He was imposing and serious. "Now you have two options here and that's because I am a generous person. If it was for another man, you wouldn't have the option to see your son again, because you would be dead or worse." He left your throat and ordered his men to help you stand. At first you resisted, but eventually you did as he said. Ubbe stood up as well and for once more you were facing each other.
"Your first option is to leave. You are free to go where ever you like away from Kattegat – away from me." He started say and motioned to his men to set you free – something they did instantly.
You frowned you couldn't believe your ears. There has to be something there he wasn't going to let you leave just like that – not after all this chaos.
"But my son stays here. You will leave and never lay a foot on Kattegat. You will never see him again."
At the sound of this, you felt your heart clenching. It was like he had stabbed you with his knife directly in your heart and then ripped it out of your body. You couldn't leave your son behind and never see him again.
"No, I can't do that! You can't do that!" You cried and gazed only at your son, but Ubbe's hand wrapped around your jaw tightly and forced you to look at him, when you tried to look back at your son he didn't let you. He kept your face stable at your former position.
After your words, Ubbe smirked.
"So this leaves us with the second option. You will stay here, be my wife – my loyal wife – and you will move in the Great Hall with me. You will accept my marriage with Margrethe and give us your blessing. Also, you will never try to harm her or my child or else you will never see Ragnar the Younger again. That's a promise." He continued and left your face. After that, he moved back to his brothers who were watching the whole scene without talking after Hvitserk's attempt to reason with him. "I'll give you a second to think about your options. Think about it well."
Ubbe took Ragnar on his hands trying to calm him down himself, but he couldn't – Ragnar was still crying.
You approached them – tears were falling like waterfalls from your eyes – and opened your hands for Ragnar. Ubbe didn't give him to you even after he saw the boy's hands lifting towards you – he wanted you.
"You won't get to touch my son unless you choose correctly."
Before you mumble your answer, you wiped your tears from your soaking cheeks.
"Everything will happen as you wish. We will go to the Great Hall and I'll give you my blessing for your marriage. I'll take care of your wife and your child. Just give me my son. Please Ubbe." You hadn't felt more humiliated than this moment ever again. Even when you learned about the slave girl and her child, you didn't feel like this.
He let you have your son. When he brought him on your hands, you let your tears fall freely. You closed your eyes and smelled his scent. After that, you placed a long kiss on his forehead.
"He is my son and don't you dare think of doing something like this again, because next time I won't be this generous to you." Ubbe whispered to you and you didn't answer.
As long as you had Ragnar on your hands, you didn't care about anything else. Neither your dignity nor who Ubbe slept with. You were defeated for good. You had lost the war of your life. Your life had no meaning apart from your son. You were nothing more than a mother. Ragnar was all that had left in your life and you would give it to protect him – or end with the worst way possible whoever dared to harm him.
The following day you moved in the Great Hall, earning scoffing and mocking looks from the people in it – even the queen had a weird look on her face like she was questioning the choices you had made and your approval for Ubbe's second marriage with a thrall. The people who knew were the only ones who showed quite the sympathy, but still they were on Ubbe's side. You had no allies in this place. You were on your own as you had always been.
"Welcome in the Great Hall." The queen was the one to welcome you first. You didn't even pretend that you were glad about it, didn't even bother to force a fake smile on your face.
"It's good to have you here. Maybe you could help us with the preparations of the wedding." Margrethe was the one to speak next. She approached you smiling. Your gaze met the one of Ubbe's who was already on you, expecting your answer to his bride. You knew better than to cause a scene.
"Sure. It would be nice." You spoke, earning the laughter and mockery of Ivar. You couldn't blame him though. If it wasn't for Ragnar, you would scoff at yourself for your foolishness.
The day of the wedding was even worse than anything you had to endure so far. Maybe that was the worst day of your life and not the day of your own wedding to him. This day and the day you tried to escape with your son had been marked on your memory as the worst day of your life – you couldn't really choose which one had been worse than the one. You only knew that on those days you had been humiliated and violated in the worst ways possible.
You used to be a proud woman – now you were the exact opposite of that. You were dishonoured. You felt small and vulnerable in public, but kept trying to not break in front of the prying eyes. They had disgrace your honor, but you would never let them see how much it affected you.
You wore one of your finest dresses and put on your best of efforts to keep forcing fake smiles on your face. Your hair was braided on a tight bun. The dress you wore was black unlike the bride's white.
You were the first one to walk down the aisle and notice everyone. It was an open wedding – all Kattegat participated to confess your public humiliation, but you kept your forced smile there and waited for them. Ubbe and Margrethe followed shortly after you.
Everything was blurry for you until the Gothi asked who would give the bride to her husband. You forced a smile and without a lot words you gave her the ring made of gold Ubbe had picked for her. Then, the priestess blessed the three of you with the blessed blood of the sacrifice and it was you who had to give your bless about their union next, before the Gothi would bless the ring and Ubbe would put it on her finger.
That was the most difficult part of it. You weren't hurt about the fact they were getting married – you couldn't be. Ubbe had treated you the way your father did and that was enough to had the same feelings for him as you had for your father – to despise him. They treated you like one of their possessions, like an object. You wantes to believe that even the person he were towards you – Ubbe was different from him. But eventually they were all the same.
Margrethe lifted her hands which were inside a wreath and you touched it. You wanted to destroyed the moment your hands touched it, but you didn't do that. Instead, you freed her hands from and let it slip on the floor.
"You are free." You looked at her with your fake smile and tears threatening your eyes. Tears that you would never let them fall. You were stronger than that. Apart from relying on your own strength, you had asked Frigg herself to help you endure this. "Go, marry my husband... with my blessing." You paused for the shortest of breaths and touched your hands with Ubbe's and Margrethe's. After that you were enough not to remember the rest of the ceremony.
A feast came after this parody of a wedding. You were seated on the right side of Ubbe and Margrethe on the left. You didn't really payed attention to the conversations in the Hall, neither tried to start one. You were seated on your chair drinking ale from a curved horn.
You were quiet until Lagertha – or Earl Ingstad – approached and sat down in the empty chair next to yours. You smiled politely at her and fake. By the look on her face you were sure that she could say whether or not that smile was sincere. She knows more than people would like to.
"I have a question for you, though I know the answer myself." She started and got all of your attention on her.
"What would that question be?"
"Why did you blessed this union? Why did you stay?" Her voice was soft along, but her gaze sharp. She was studying you – reading your mind. "You and I have more in common that we would like. Once I was in your place as well. I know the feeling."
You took a long sip from your drink and worked on your answer for some seconds. You weren't going to say the truth – you weren't going to mention anything about that night. You wouldn't like to be called a coward, but better a coward than a childless mother. After all, you were there because of Ragnar the Younger, not because of Ubbe.
"Not all of us are as strong as you."
Lagertha seemed pleased by the way you chose to answer. Her hand reached for yours and she leaned closer to you. Her voice was softer than a whisper – you barely heard her – and when her words made it in your ears you were surprised.
"Yes, because you are stronger. No woman would let herself be disgraced in such way because of the love for her child. I – I didn't. When I left Ragnar, Bjorn didn't choose to come along, but eventually changed his mind. A son should be close to his father – yes – but no mother must be away from her child." Her words made your heart clench. As one mother to another she could understand your agony and pain for your only child.
A true smile formed on your face and you gave it to her, before she retreat to her original seat.
The rest of your night went by the same way it did before Lagertha showed up. Ivar would leave his offensive remarks which didn't really bother you anymore. Hvitserk wouldn't be in his usual mood due to this marriage – something like yourself. Sigurd didn't really seem offended or affected by Ubbe's choice to marry the girl. Bjorn was Bjorn – he was his usual self. After all he was the only one who never had or seeked any kind of relationship with her.
When you retreated to your chamber, you found Ubbe having Ragnar on his lap, talking to him about one more story of his family's saga. When he spotted you, he left the chair he was sitting and came closer to you, giving you the child.
"You were unexpected today." Ubbe noted and you almost let a bitter chuckle leave your mouth.
"I didn't have a choice." You spoke, looking only at your son. The only time you decided to look at him was to ask him about something. "And why are you here, anyway? Isn't your wedding night? Shouldn't you be with your new wife?" There were more than a question – more than you intended to ask – but it came out naturally.
Ubbe decided to avoid the answer you gave him after his remark and focused on your questions.
"I wanted to see my son." He said casually tickling with one of his hands your boy, making him jiggling and laughing. You smiled at the sound of his angelic laughter. "And you." This time his voice was much softer than any other time. Your eyes met and you tried to focus back on your son and not on the fast rate of your heartbeat.
"Ragnar is fine, I am fine. Go to your wife." You said quickly turning your back.
You were walking through the room, caressing your son's back. That was one of your desperate attempts to put him to sleep. He was upset the nights away from home – your former home. He wasn't used here and he would refuse to go to sleep.
"You are also my wife."
You sighed harshly when he reminded you – like you could forget when he was around all the time. Or you could forget when you were giving your blessing to wed another. Or when he forced you to stay. Or—
A soft knock on your door was enough to stop all your thoughts and prevent you from giving him any answer. Ubbe opened the door himself and revealed Hvitserk.
"Sorry to interrupt you." He spoke looking at you and you smiled at him.
"You don't. Ubbe was just leaving."
"Yeah, that was exactly the reason I came. We are expecting you. Don't be late." He whispered to his brother, but not low enough for you not to hear them. You didn't even want to think about the topic of their conversation, but you could imagine – much to your displeasure. Your mind was getting there not following your attempts not to. After these words from brother to brother, Hvitserk turned to apologetically. "Sorry again."
"Goodnight." You muttered and he winked at you. Ubbe closed the door, but not before he overheard your whisper to yourself. "I suppose that it will indeed be a good night." You laughed to yourself and he did the same as he closed the door behind his brother.
"We—" Ubbe started saying awkwardly. A hand was at the back of his head, scratching him skin. You stopped him, before he could even form a second word.
"No need to tell me anything. It's your personal life." You told him quickly, raising one of your hands – the one which wasn't holding the child – to stop him.
"You are part of my personal life." His voice was hoarse and calm for once more. As he was speaking, he was moving towards you for once more.
"I am part of your chores. I suppose." You smiled. One more real smile that evening. He smiled as well.
"No. Do you want one truth?" Ubbe was whispering now. He had stopped right in front of you. Your son was the only thing who kept you apart.
"Only one?" You kept whispering as he did.
Both of you were smiling.
"Just one."
"Go ahead, say it. I promise I won't tell a soul."
"Good. Coming back to you had always been my top priority since we met."
Your whole conversation was made of whispers and smiles – like a sacred prayer. One that was so sacred and holy that shouldn't be heard from the other. Your first and only silent one without yelling or anything loud.
You hadn't noticed how close to each you were standing until you stopped talking. All this closeness felt uncomfortable.
You took your eyes off of him and looked at your son – he was asleep. You smiled at the sight.
"He is asleep." You told Ubbe softly enough not to wake the boy.
"Yeah – um – I should probably get going." He was saying awkwardly as you were placing your son inside his crib.
"Yes, I think you should. Goodnight." You muttered and smiled uncomfortably at him.
Ubbe took a few steps back and mouthed a rushed "goodnight" before he was out of your door.
You felt yourself smiling at the memory of your previous conversation, the most real in all this time you knew each other. The only one which didn't end up in a fight or happened within one. The most calm and yet the most intensive you had.
If only this was the beginning and nothing had happened before that.
You moved you head in an attempt to remove these thoughts. Ubbe was in Margrethe's chamber with Hvitserk celebrating their first night as a wed couple and before he had forced to stay in Kattegat and suffer under the roof of the Great Hall.
Things wouldn't change with a couple of romantic thoughts. After all, any time you had one of those things had the tendency to become even more wild between Ubbe and yourself. As far as you stayed in the comfort of your chamber – away from everyone and their drama – you were safe.
Your child was the only person you needed around and Ubbe was the opposite – the person you definitely hated to have around. He and his new wife were the people you wanted to avoid and you were going to try.
Tag list: @bruher, @utterlyhopeful-fics, @hypocritic-trash-baby, @fofisstilinski, @brianochka, @thelirofnorthlands, @malamistka
250 notes · View notes
rantaroamamifuturegf · 3 months
I see danganronpa fanfic blog and i click 😈
OKAY ON A SERIOUS NOTE 1ST YOUR LAYOUT IS SO CUTE AND 2ND is it okay if i request like Kaito Momota, Shuichi Saihara, and Maki Harukawa (seperately) x a gender neutral s/o who acts EXACTLY like them? Feel free to just use 1 character or to skip!
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A/N: Firstly THANK YOUU secondly I love ur pfp I like kel is soo cute n feel free to send a request anytime also sorry it took a while to come out I've been busy this week, spoilers on Maki's part
Plot: When they dated the exact same person as them
Characters being used: Shuichi Saihara, Maki Harukawa, Kaito Momota
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Oh boy that talking stage you both had 😭😭😭, it’s like watching 2 people who have a crush on each other knows the other has a crush on them but yet still don’t know how to even process words to each other yet
And since Kaede and Shuichi were close she had to in between both of you guys awkwardness
But soon or later you both got together and still the quiet reminds somewhat, You usual started the the conversations but you were both to shy with one another lol
And since Kaede and Shuichi were close she had to in between both of you guys awkwardness
Despite being detective it took bro a while that you both acted exactly like the other but he didn't really mind I mean you both were getting along and plus same interests
I guess the pros that came with it, is that you both were really good at investigating with one another and during the trials when Kokichi wants to be annoying you're really helpful with finding out his lies and which is the truth
Overall pretty good!!
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You were as quiet as her, I mean you both liked each other in a romantic way but neither of you are romantic in such a way
You usually started the conversations and she’ll carry em out or she’ll start it but most of the time it’s just you lol
If you guys have nothing to talk, you two would just together enjoy each other’s company in silence
Maki was a bit weirded out by the fact you were like the 2nd version but then again you both got along so not really much of her to think about it.
You both equally hated Kokichi and but you would get annoyed by him faster than she does.
You both are very open with each other so you were the first person to know about her actually ultimate, She was a bit worried you might leave her over it or might not want her anymore because she lied about her ultimate to you but to her surprised you stayed with her. Didn't even overreact on it either.
Private workouts togetherrrr
Def investigating with each other even if you both found nothing at least you both tried together
Once the killing game got more insane Maki want you stay by her side not wanting you to get hurt even if you know how to defend yourself. She still wanted to be there.
Lowkey she was promise you both would survive the killing game.
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The amount of time you both talked at the same time and even said the same thing at the same time, it’s like both of you were sharing a brain cell lol
Kaito didn't mind you exactly like he actual finds funny and cute
You both workout with each other from time to time and always so supportive of each other
When someone talks one of you down the other would stick up even if they get talked down too
You both equally have you're dumb moments honestly lol
He didn't want you around Koichi or anyone he found suspicious especially once the killing game gets more heated, He'll mostly trust you alone with Shuichi and Maki
Bro WILL rant about space to you and how he's so excited to soon and says how both of you are going to leave the killing game and he's gonna send pics of space even if there's no service
You both are the motivational speakers of the group if anyone is scared or worried about dying you both will motivate the hell out of em till they feels safe once more
Ofc y'all are investigating together most it's just the 2 of investigating with Shuichi honestly lol
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43 notes · View notes
draco-dormiens · 9 months
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draco x fem!ravenclaw reader / postwar au series
an: happy new year guys ♡ your kindness and patience has been very much appreciated. i hope your holidays have been wonderful, if you have celebrated :)
warnings: possible strong language, angst, unrequited love, alcohol use (characters are 18+)
wc: 4194
taglist is now closed - i’ve officially run out of tags! thank you all
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The Greengrasses Come to Tea
Days pass by rather quickly when you're miserable as sin and dreading a certain something.
Another letter from Narcissa arrived the day before the dinner was planned to go ahead. In her letter she had explained, in thorough detail, exactly how she expects the evening to go, exactly how she expects Draco to behave, and exactly when to get down on one knee.
It was so calculated Draco felt like he was reading an instruction booklet.
Nothing much had changed, apart from the fact Granger's visit did nothing but play reruns in his mind. He was pretty certain you had no idea she'd come down to see him, otherwise she wouldn't have been there. The information she gave to him had scenarios playing out in his head. What would happen if he did show up? Would you be happy? Mad? Would you kiss him, slap him, or just tell him to get the hell away from you? He likes to think you'd run into his arms, but after how foul he was, he wouldn't blame you for breaking a piece of your mind. It's not too late, Granger said.
Can he really fix this mess? Would you really love him despite his cowardice, despite him making all the wrong decisions and leaving you no choice but to turn away. Could you find it in you to forgive him?
Over the last few weeks, as you've been avoiding each other like the plague, he's come to see that he never even tried to fight for you. Never once did he prepare himself to stand up to his parents. That's not to say he hadn't thought of it, because he most certainly had, but the bravery he would need escaped him. No wonder you're finished with him, he'd once again allowed himself to be pushed along the road by someone else. You were far too good for someone like him anyway, he tells himself. Someone else out there will have the guts he doesn't possess, and fight for you, just how he should have done. With only a day left until he was made to give his life away, Draco's patience was running very thin, and even someone being within his proximity irritated him, but Astoria seemed to be oblivious to this and invaded his space regardless. He held his tongue, because he's about to spend every waking moment with the girl, but in his mind he was thinking of several ways he could disappear without anyone knowing.
"Beautiful afternoon," Astoria sighs, once again trying to brush her hand against his as they walked along the edge of the lake, "don't you think, Draco?"
He retracts his hand into his pocket. Astoria was a fan of walks, and since the engagement was settled to happen, and you were out of the picture, she'd been asking him to join her most days. Draco, feeling like, somehow, his mother was watching his every move, agreed, but hated every second of being away from his dorm room. From the corner of his eye, he could see her growing impatient with his inability to reciprocate her efforts.
"It's nice," he mutters, "always liked the lake."
"As I've heard," she smiles across at him, "didn't you befriend the giant squid in your younger years?"
Draco chuckles lightly.
"The squid is harmless, and actually enjoys the company of many students," he explains, "I'm not special, I'm afraid."
"I think you are," she compliments, and he can't help but feel a little nauseous. It's so wrong that this girls feelings are being wasted on him, "even if the squid doesn't."
Draco only smiles thinly.
"Thanks," he answers quickly. He feels her getting closer, her arm brushing his. He knows he must show some sort of willingness if this was to work, so he gestures for her to loop her arm around his. She does so in a heartbeat, and leans into him.
"So," she begins, sounding a little cautious, "you and your friend are still not speaking?"
Once the incident in the woods happened, Draco returned to the Slytherin common room looking worse than ever. His hair was a mess, his face was pale and his eyes puffy. Astoria, because why would anything be in his favour, happened to be reading in the common room when he entered looking like that. She rushed to him, of course, fussed about how upset he looked and sat him down, rubbing his arm. Draco felt so numb he didn't even feel her presence beside him, or really hear what she was saying. That's when he mumbled, staring into the fire;
"It's over. We're done."
Astoria knew in that moment, within a day, you had held your end of the bargain. It was perhaps cruel, but she felt a weight lift off her shoulders. He never questioned her about approaching you, he simply didn't have the energy for an argument. You knew, and you'd made your decision. Maybe, in some sick way, it was a blessing he didn't have to be the one to do it. He wasn't sure he could.
Draco refuses to speak about you, and Astoria knows this, but asks, in a roundabout way, if he's been reckless and gone back to you. Each time she asks, he feels his heart snap all over again, and forces out an answer that pleases his future wife.
"No," he answers shortly, and Astoria says no more on the matter. She only nods.
"Have you thought about what you might do after school?" she changes the subject as they stop at the water's edge. Gentle, little waves roll up the shore and crash by their feet, "I'm sure your exam results will be good."
"Hopefully," he says, his voice as empty as always, "the Ministry, maybe. Or something in medicine. Haven't decided yet."
"You'll be great, no matter what you do," she said, looking up at him with longing eyes. He looks back at her, another guilty feeling taking over him, "you're wonderful, Draco."
From the way she's looking at him, he knows what the girl is asking. It's not the first time she's looked at him that way, either. She wants him to kiss her. To show her that this decision is the right one, and that she's worthy. God, he feels like a criminal. He moves his head to look over the water, but Astoria's hand brings his gaze back to her. The look in her face tells him her patience is running rather thin, too.
"Draco," she whispers to him, fingers tracing his jaw. The only touch he can feel is yours, "you know we have to at some point, right? And tomorrow, they'll expect it."
He feels like he's being unfaithful. Her eyes are screaming it, asking him to lean in and take her as his wife. To accept her. Draco feels lightheaded, like he might pass out at any minute, when she's gently pulling him down to her level. Her lips almost brush his when Draco puts his hand on her wrist lightly, stopping all her movements.
"I can't," he whispers hoarsely, and Astoria's face drops, "I'm sorry, 'Storia. I can't kiss you."
"Because of her," Astoria mutters almost bitterly.
This was affecting her, too. He knew that, and just how unfair his behaviour must seem to her.
"I can't help it," he takes in a shaky breath, "I'm still... I'm not over it yet. I understand it's not what you want to hear, and I'm deeply sorry for that. I just... I- I need time."
She nods, and remains close, but she doesn't pressure him anymore. He can see, that even she is doubting his ability to see this through. He tries to move away, but she holds on to him. She needs someone right now, so they stay like that for a while. It was the least he could do for her, offer some comfort, so he rubs her back soothingly and she leans into him. From the corner of his eye, he sees two figures approaching them from a far. He focuses his eyes to see who it was, and his heart drops to the very pit of his stomach.
It's Granger, and you.
Astoria rests her head against his chest, unaware of their company. All he can do is stare back at you, and Granger tugs the arm of your sweater. Without taking your eyes from his, the two of you double back, and walk in the opposite direction. Once you've processed the image before you, you're turning away, rushing before Granger as she picks up pace to walk beside you. If he was feeling any kind of guilt, he was feeling worse than ever now.
"On the one day I convince you to actually come outside," Hermione huffs and puffs as she tries to keep up with your incredibly quick pace, "I can't believe it. I really can't."
"It's fine," you mumble miserably, quickening your pace to get as far away as possible, "this is mostly my doing, anyway."
"There you go again, blaming yourself," Hermione pants, "he's no saint in this, you know. He's just as responsible."
"That somehow doesn't help," you said, now marching back towards the castle, "this feeling... it doesn't make it go away. Ever. The guilt."
"After this weekend, you'll never have to see them again," said Hermione, desperately trying to keep up with you, "and I know that sounds awful, but being away from him, from this school, and the ever growing fear of running into them, might be what you need."
You stop at the edge of the school grounds, Hermione coming to a halt behind you. Hogwarts looked gloomy, even under the midsummer sun. Even in the hazy afternoon sunshine, in the warm and sweet air, it seemed miserable. Graduation was approaching quick and fast. Families and guests of the school will be arriving over the next couple of days, readying for a day of celebration when Saturday rolls around. There was nothing more sickening than that thought right now. Your mother had owled over freshly pressed robes and presents from family members. Flowers, cards, chocolates. Happy little messages and congratulations.
Shame you can't seem to enjoy such a pivotal time.
"Someone up there hates me," you mumble, and Hermione's hand rests against your shoulder.
"Well, someone down here doesn't," she says kindly, and you turn to face her, etching a smile across your solemn face, "and no one at the dinner tomorrow does. In fact, Ron owled me to say how excited he was to see you. I'm sure it's the same for everyone else, too. You're not alone, Y/N. There are so many people who wish you happiness."
"Thanks, 'Mione," you mutter softly, and then look back up at the towering heights of the castle as Hermione starts to walk ahead of you. A gentle breeze ruffles your hair, as two birds soar across the sky to disappear behind a tower. You take a deep breath, and exhale slowly, before whispering to yourself, "in another life, Draco. In another life."
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The day breaks into blistering sunshine and clear blue skies. Friday morning greeted the grounds of Malfoy manor with the sound of whistling birds and fresh, crisp air. The flowers were in bloom; brilliant shades of red, pink and yellow. Rather a contrast to the glooming building in the distance. Watering cans, seemingly moving by themselves, sprinkled water over the petals and the neatly trimmed shrubbery as they danced across the gardens. The dark and dreary exterior of his childhood home looked evermore depressing as Draco stood just beyond the gates, gathering the will to enter the front door. Just inside, no doubt, his mother was ordering the house elf to fold napkins and polish cutlery. His father, he presumes, would be tucked away in his study, out of the way and minding his own business. He expects his mother has arranged more house elves to prepare the dining room for what some might say is a wondrous occasion.
Her son was getting engaged, after all. To the woman she had desired, no less.
Draco drags himself to the front door, and with a small flick of his hand, the large piece of oak begins to scrape along the tiled floor, revealing the foyer. His mother had freshly picked flowers decorating the entryway and lined along the corridors. The giant windows cast gorgeous rays of gold into the dark hallways, specs of dust floating in the light as he made his way towards his room. He could at least get a little bit of time alone before the dreaded dinner.
Or, at least, he thought he could.
"Draco," he hears his mother's voice call from the other end of the hallway, hand clasped around the handle of his bedroom door, "I had no idea you were here," Narcissa said as she crosses the space between them, "Why are you hiding in there? Are you feeling well?"
She presses her palm to his forehead, looks at his throat as she instructs him to say ah, darling, and feels under his jaw. With a perplexed look, she huffs, holding his face in her hands.
"Do you need to lay down? You look pale, sweetheart. Is everything alright? Is it nerves?"
Her eyes were kind. When his mother showed her true affection for him, it was oddly warming. Draco knew his mother loved him - that's why he was feeling this pain. That's why she was breaking her back to make sure he became a respectable pureblood, because she knew how it felt to be shunned and whispered about in the street. She knew how it felt to have the world watching as your reputation crashed and burned in a courtroom full of judgmental faces. More than anything, did she want him to avoid that. The less pain he had the better, and yet, because of her divine protection, Draco had never felt so much pain in his life.
"I just need to rest before tonight," he smiles thinly, "please, don't worry yourself."
Narcissa doesn't stop him from turning the handle and disappearing behind the dark wood door. His room came into view; green satin sheets neatly made up on his bed, fresh towels folded at the end and his suit for the evening freshly pressed and hanging from his wardrobe. His belongings were exactly where he had left them; papers on his desk, half read book on the bedside table and his curtains shut. Draco pulls back the long, heavy material from his bedroom window to look down at the grounds below. Glorious sunshine. Water fountain gently trickling in the middle of the maze that was his back garden. A few house elves were trimming the hedges. It's a shame really, because when you were a guest in his house, it was near freezing and covered in thick white snow outside. You never got to see the garden in its full glory. He wonders what you're doing now, if you're already at Weasley's house. Surely having a better time that he was...
"What do you mean you're not coming?"
Hermione bellows over the muggle phone that Mr Weasley has. Her hands were covered in batter, her apron speckled with flour as Ron and George attempt to hang the "Happy Gradation!" bunting over the dining table (Mrs Weasley, in a rush, had forgotten the 'u'.)
"I thought we'd gone over this," Hermione said, leaning to speak into the phone that was sitting on the side, its cord winding back to the holder at the other end of the kitchen, "everyone would love to see you, and you'll enjoy it once you're here."
You hear a kerfuffle in the background. "I said to your right, Ron, that's your left." George's distant voice laughs, as Ron protests "Do you want to try? I'm trying not to stand on the forks." Then a clash and a bang, and George's laughter erupts into hysterics.
"Is everything alright there, 'Mione?" you ask, and she sighs irritably.
"Ron's just fallen off the table," she said nonchalantly, "anyway, back to you. I would really love it if you could make it, Y/N. It might do you good, to get out and be around familiar faces. Besides, we graduate this weekend! We need to celebrate."
"I'm not exactly a joy to be around," you said miserably, "I'd hate to be a buzzkill."
"You won't be!" Hermione reassures you, panicking slightly that if, by some grace of the Gods, Draco decides to take her advice, you won't even be there when he shows, "please, Y/N. Rethink it? You have time, it doesn't start for a few more hours."
"I'll... think on it," you mutter, but Hermione isn't convinced, "please don't think I'm not grateful to you all. What you're doing is lovely and I do want to celebrate with everyone."
"I know," Hermione's kind voice said over the noise; George's roaring laughter and Ron's angry chuntering just audible,"I understand. Just promise me you'll think more about it before making a decision?"
There's a silence, as you stare out of your living room window, a white lie rolling off your tongue.
"Yeah," you breathe, smiling sadly on the other end, "I promise."
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Night crawls in like a bad omen, seeping darkness into the unlit parts of the Malfoy's home; lamps and candles now lighting the long hallways, dining hall and main drawing room. The huge windows cast light across the dark grounds, the humid summer heat still hanging in the air. The antique clock on Draco's bedside table ticks, and ticks, and ticks. He fixes his tie one last time. Smooths down his hair, his suit, and takes a long, raggedy breath.
Grangers words still circle his mind.
There was one last chance still lingering, waiting for his hands to grasp it. He took a long hard look in the mirror at his pale complexion, something that never seemed to change about him after all these years. Still pasty, eyes still sharp and greyish blue, hair still thick and fair. The only thing that ever seemed to change about Draco was his age; the rest of him, even his bitterness, never faltered. Although, even those around him were not blind to the way he had softened - despite him always being Malfoy, his hard demeanour and nasty glare weren't as they once were. Something, or someone, rather, had managed to shift him slightly. 
But to Draco, as he looks into the mirror, dressed in his best, all he could see was the same old coward. The same old Malfoy.
"Draco, dear," a loud knock on his door tore his eyes away from the reflection, "they'll be here any minute, I need you down in the foyer to greet them."
"Yes, mother," he calls back, slipping the tiny velvet box on his desk into his pocket and leaving the safety of his bedroom.
The house was filled with the sweet aroma of summer flowers, grown in his mothers flower beds and arranged by the house elf for tonight's festivities. Candles and sconces lit his way, and he entered the main foyer to stand beside the large oak doors that Astoria Greengrass was no doubt about to walk through. He thinks back on Christmas, and how you showed up, in blistering cold and thick snow to bring him a simple box of chocolates. How you both drank the cellar dry and played pool like two giggling school girls. A smile creeps onto his face, just as his mother comes galloping down the staircase in a rush.
"Any moment," she mutters to herself, grabbing Draco's arm to stand beside her, directly opposite the door. One last look over her son, she smooths his tie and gives him a loving look, "so handsome," she whispers, pinching his cheek lightly as he grimaces at the gesture.
Then a loud, almost nautisating bell rings throughout the foyer, and Draco's stomach drops. Narcissa hurries over, and with a flick of her hand, the door scrapes along the tiled floor to reveal Mr and Mrs Greengrass, Daphne Greengrass, and her younger sister, Astoria Greengrass. 
"Ah, how wonderful it is to see you, Mr and Mrs Greengrass, please, do come in." Narcissa graciously moves aside, as Draco extends his hand to Astoria's father, kisses her mother's hand and gives his old classmate Daphne a little bow.
"Daph," he smiles thinly, and she curtsies in return.
"Draco," she greets him kindly, "it's been a while."
"Yeah, just a little," he jokes with a lifeless chuckle, "you look well."
"Thank you," she nudges him on the arm, "and so do you. But, you've always scrubbed up well. Remember the Yule Ball? Gosh, I regret that gigantic pink gown to this day."
The two remenice a little while as Astoria stands at a comfortable distance, watching Draco's every move whilst speaking to her older sister. They laugh about some past memories as young Slytherins, until Daphne finally remembers why she's there.
"Oh, Merlin, listen to me ramble," she says, turning to face her little sister, "I'm sure it's my kid sister you really want to speak to. Right, 'Storia? You've done nothing but talk about Dr-"
"Shut it," Astoria, red cheeked, snapped quietly to her sister, before giving Draco a kind, almost reassuring smile, "good evening, Draco."
"Evening, 'Storia," he reaches out to press a kiss to her hand politely, "you look lovely."
She blushed a furious red, and in true Slytherin fashion, Daphne started chuckling to herself, opening her mouth to comment on her sisters tomato face when the tiny house elf that lived at the Malfoy residence offered to take the ladies coats. A look of relief washed over Astoria, thankful at the interruption. Drinks were poured in the drawing room, Lucius discussing current Ministry affairs with Mr Greengrass as Narcissa gave Mrs Greengrass a very lengthy description of the many portraits on the walls. Astoria excused herself to use the restroom, giving Draco a moment's peace after she talked and talked and talked about her interest in becoming an activist for magical creatures in captivity. As noble as her cause was, Draco was bored to tears. Then the couch dipped down beside him, and he looks up to see Daphne had claimed her sisters spot, a knowing smirk at her lips.
"You're so miserable, do you know that, Malfoy?" She says, swirling sparkling wine in her glass. Draco chokes on his.
"Excuse me?" he coughs, "you do realise you're in my house, drinking my wine as you insult me.”
She laughed. 
"Oh stop being so uptight," she said. Daphne had known Draco for many years, and as a result of that, knew his tell tale signs. She was in his circle of friends, and Pansy stuck herself to Daphne just as much as she did Draco. Her fair share of childhood mischief was done with Draco at her side. Parties and celebrations as children were spent sneaking about their parents houses and making trouble for the guests. All those years had gone now, though, but Daphne was still someone Draco remembered fondly, even if he was marrying her sister unwillingly. But Daphne, unlike her sister, had the qualities of a true Slytherin, and nothing, absolutely nothing, got past her, "you do look bloody miserable. What's wrong? Wait, don't tell me. 'Storia's been talking your ear off about magical creatures rights, hasn't she? Girl's about as interesting as a mop bucket."
Draco can't help but chuckle at that, and Daphne smiles over her glass at her old friend.
"Her hearts in the right place, Daph," Draco then defends the poor girl, who isn't even present to do it herself, "it's just... not for me, that's all."
"Sure enough, but my God, she needs a hobby, Dray," Daphne shakes her head, and the nickname was nice to hear from someone other than Pansy. It had some good memories attached to it, as well, "and so do you, by the sounds of it. All I've heard from 'Storia is how much time you spend in your damn room."
"It's called studying, Daphne," Draco points out, finishing his last drop of wine, "I didn't go back to Hogwarts to just sit around, you know."
"Oh, really?" she says sarcastically, "here's me thinking you just fancied a change in scenery," she sips her drink, noticing Draco's glare from the corner of her eye. "So," she then goes to say, "tell me. Why are you doing this, exactly?"
Draco almost gets whiplash from how quickly he turns his head. 
"I asked why you're doing this," Daphne repeats nonchalantly, "you clearly don't want to be here. I'm not saying that my sister isn't a catch, because for the right guy, I'm sure she is, but for you... I guess I thought you'd be against all this arranged marriage nonsense." 
"I am," he mutters bitterly, deciding to stare hard into the fire instead of face Daphne anymore, because, as usual, her observation was off the charts, "but I don't want to disappoint anyone."
"But you're happy to disappoint yourself?"
He swallows thickly. Daphne sips her wine and watches as he squirms under pressure, how he still plays with his fingers when he gets nervous. Then, she shrugs, sighs, and gets up from her seat, "better get ready for dinner. Nice talking, Dray."
As quickly as Daphne left, Astoria reappears, sitting awfully close to Draco as she fills up his glass with wine she had collected along the way. 
"So," she says, sitting back comfortably beside him, "what did I miss?"
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disclaimer: i do not own hp or any of the characters in this story
if your name is bold - i either couldn��t tag you or i’ve hit the tag limit :( sorry lovelies ♡
@lovesanimals0000 @cappgyuccino @lightning1ce @onlygetaway @honeyyypeach @namelesslosers @ghostyv @mikadorbs @redactedhimbo @morganadpl @scarecrowscaresthomas @camille-1019 @valkyrie418 @animeloverfreak310 @budugu @marplest @torresbarnes @bunny24sstuff @champagneesupernova @serafilms @siriusly-parker-main @lovely-maryj @i-bitch-you-bitch @astablacksword @sun-fiower-seed @tinafuentes @venusjustleft @omgitstatertot @aangsupremacy @ilovezy @leclerc16s @aslanvez @talesofadragon @3vasaur @the-skys-musical-echo @yeolsbubbles @idk-dolans @xx-kiraa-xx @sunbruized @vinkiesz @snickersmee @fandomrulesall-blog @astheraa @idkatee @marsanhwa @vintageoldfashion @63sucker @j-n-i-c-o-l-e @anarchistsons @smallsweetvanillabean @newbooksmell777 @tangomangroves @neoteezrenyoung @l0v3lies @delusionally-loveless-by-choice @higanbanagirl @ace152435 @arcanebabe @slythermuf @hea-vin @zucchinimalfoy
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candysweetposts · 1 month
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MCL NG ep 6 (pt3)
I was exhausted these days and that why this came out a bit late. Also, I'll make it shorter.
HC time:
Chloé didn't really experience the carnival and was very curious about how it was. She only went once as a child on a class excursion. They did eat some sweets and tried some very tamed rides. Since then, she hasn't had a chance to go again for a variety of reasons, such as studying, taking care of her brothers, and working.
About Danica: Chloé loves pets as well and had a dog and a couple of cats over the years and understands that maintaining a happy healthy pet takes a lot of effort and money. Despite that, leaving Devenementiel who seemed like a family was a skanky move, something that Chloé herself disapproved silently. She felt like Jason basically brainwashed her to join them (more reasons to hate him).
She thought the team acted way too nice and respectful toward someone who just ditched them. And when the tension had raised it seemed natural, especially because Jason wouldn't stop commenting.
The rides: Since it was her first time experiencing so many rides, Chloé felt overwhelmed but in a good way. She felt in a different world completely and would surely go again. She made sure to stay close to Roy and mostly went where he did. But what she enjoyed the most was the merry-go-round ride because it reminded her of the first time she went to the carnival, plus it didn't make her feel sick.
The fortune teller: Chloé actually believes in stuff like this and when he heard hers and Roy's predictions, everything made sense, and couldn't stop thinking about it. She was one of those girls who fantasized about her and her crush married and having children, growing up old together, and spending the last moments of their lives in each other's company. Also, Roy's reaction was pretty cute.
Speaking of cute, then they were at the shooting range, the fact that Roy went along with the couple stuff, strengthened Chloé's belief that Roy must feel something for her as well. Also, the fact that he offered to pay at the caw machine was sweet.
Toward the end, Chloe went with Roy on the Merry-go-round ride and it felt magic. The way the things moved, the lights, and the fact that Roy was there made everything better. Also, let's not forget about the holding hands.
After they were done, they regrouped with eh others and said goodbye. Chloe went home super happy and excited.
Here's the outfit:
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bloodhoundluke · 1 year
for the love of strange medicine ✧ luke hemmings
pairing: luke hemmings x friend! reader
description: luke loves y/n in secret and his flirty comments make y/n's head spin. after calum's party, y/n finally gets an answer to luke's strange behavior.
warnings: alcohol consumption, cursing. please let me know if there’s anything else.
word count: 2,7k. a/n: hi there! this won the poll, the title was supposed to be 'it's impossible to ignore you' but i like for the love of strange medicine more :) i'm a bit rusty so please forgive me <33 and because i loved writing this so much, i think i'll do a pt. 2 to this!
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The Californian sky was covered in haze that one Thursday. Luke stared at the cafe arguably named after a Steve Perry song: For the Love of Strange Medicine. It was fitting since Luke basically considered coffee to be his medicine, not to mention the delicious pretzels he had bought from the very same cafe a few days ago.
Luke rubbed his eyes and yawned, taking in the last smokes of the cigarette he had been inhaling on for the last three minutes. He swore to himself that it would be the last day he'd smoke. It wasn't. He pulled his phone out: 6:58am. He hated early mornings, and he hated how the cafe still wasn't open. Two more minutes, he told himself. He was growing impatient. Maybe it was the stress of recording a new album, maybe it was the fight he had with the manager last night.
When the clock hit 7am, you opened up the cafe. You gave Luke a soft yet tiresome smile which screamed It’s too damn early for this and he returned the favor. Luke saw the name tag on your black t-shirt: Y/N.
As time went by, Luke visited the cafe several times in an attempt to see your face again. To his misfortune, you weren’t working during any of those shifts. You had cut down your hours because of the intense lecture schedule. Luckily for Luke, you bumped into each other at a local festival while you both were watching Green Day play.
Your and Luke's friend groups emerged that night and you enjoyed his company too much for your own liking. You didn’t do men. You didn’t hang around them. Not even as friends. They all caused trouble for you. But with him, everything was different somehow. The night ended with you and Luke in your hotel room. There was nothing sexual about that night if not counting your lingering gazes at each other. You and Luke stayed up until seven in the morning, sharing your love of Green Day and Stranger Things, and talking about everything and nothing at the same time.
Luke and you started to grow closer since spending time together. It had been nearly 3 months since you had met and you felt as if you've known him for your whole life. Then Luke went on tour and he didn't want to believe he couldn't see your face as frequently anymore. You made him feel seen and most importantly, safe.
One time Ashton, Calum and Michael caught Luke looking at your Instagram pictures before a show. The boys couldn’t let it go and stop teasing about the way he was biting his lip nervously while scrolling through your Instagram page. Luke convinced them there was nothing to tease about. You were just friends, and that’s the way it would always be. Your lives were so different from each other; you, a part-time barista and a university student and Luke, a touring rockstar. It could never work.
You tried to forget your feelings for your friend, you really did. But you couldn't. Every corner of your flat and everyone you met reminded you of Luke. Even if it was someone’s blonde hair or a tiny detail in their jacket. Everyday activities such as going grocery shopping which you normally enjoyed couldn’t get him off your mind. You’d see the Australian-grown coffee beans. Boom, Luke. Lavender-scented laundry detergent he used. Luke again. And the fact that Luke texted you every day didn't help in the process of trying to forget the feelings you had for him.
You were attending a party tonight. But not just any party, Calum's party. His parties were known for a good time and endless bottles of free booze.
You wiggled on your black leather dress, which you had just bought. It barely covered your knees and you loved how it hugged you from all the right places. The combo of the leather dress, red lipstick and curly hair gave you all the confidence you needed to go out tonight and see Luke. Yes, he was your friend but you still felt nervous around him. And you blamed him for that. His James Dean glossy eyes and irresistibly long curly hair. His charm and his stupid dad jokes. You were whipped for him and it was a wonder no one around you noticed that. Or that’s what you thought anyway. 
You recall the last time you had seen Luke. He had called you and asked to pick him up from his apartment a week ago. You knocked on his door and saw him with someone. A tall, gorgeous woman. Seeing the model-looking brunette beside Luke made your stomach flip. He seemed so happy with his arms around her waist. Maybe he had met her when he was on tour. You greeted them both and bit the insides of your cheek. That memory reminded you of the time you were helping him to pick out an outfit for him for his date a few weeks ago. Maybe it was for her. He had just returned back home from the tour and the poor man was all over the place. Maybe it was nerves, maybe he was just tired from touring. You imagined how Luke would get ready for your date and ask for assistance from Ashton, Michael and Calum. But that would never happen, so you snapped out of the thought. You were only hurting yourself by having these thoughts. You were such a fool for him, and you didn't know how to make it stop.
You sat down on top of your bed and decided to check Instagram on your phone. “He’s so pretty I think I’m gonna faint”, you whispered mainly just to yourself. 
“Who are you talking about?”, your friend heard your little comment and frowned their eyebrows.
“Uh….maybe I’ll keep it a secret”, you winked.
“C’mon Y/N!”.
“Okay, I was talking about Timothée Chalamet. He looks so pretty”, was the lie you came up with. You couldn’t tell them you were talking about Luke. You had just seen his new Instagram photo and can’t get over his pretty blue eyes. And his curly locks. And that god-damn jawline. And his….well, everything.
“I know right! Maybe we should go watch the new movie so we’ll have some eye candy”, your friend winked.
“It’s a date”, you laughed.
You were still waiting for Luke to pick you and your two friends up. But he was late, like he always was. You had lectured him about his tendency to be late countless times. But he could never learn, could he? It was needless to say that you were pissed off. 
Twenty minutes rolled by and Luke finally showed up. He offered his apologies to you and your friends. Your friends had already gone out and got themselves seated in the car, while you and Luke were still inside of your flat. Luke needed hairspray to lock his hair in place. Then Luke made his way to the hallway while you were checking that you had everything necessary with you. That one time you forgot your keys back home still haunted you, hence you had to double-check everything now.
“You got everything?”, Luke held the door open for you and the button of his already opened black and white star-patterned collar shirt popped off. “Oops”, he chuckled to himself. He didn’t bother to fix it. Not when he noticed you basically drooling over him. 
“Yeah”, you answered nonchalantly and avoided eye contact with him. You had been on the edge the whole day and Luke being late didn’t exactly make you feel any better.
“I hate that you’re mad at me, but you look so hot right now”, he smirked at you. Luke was always like this with you. He flirted with you and you flirted back when it felt natural. But since he started to hang around the brunette woman - whose name you didn’t even know - you started to think that maybe you should stop flirting back. But you didn’t know if they were exclusive or not. Luke didn’t exactly bother to open up about the romance department in his life. Not to you anyway. 
“Thanks. I like your hair”, you commented. You noted how he saw you fiddling with your bracelet. It was the one Luke won from Push A Prize that one Saturday night in July. Its pearls were your favorite color, blue.
“Don’t you think it’s a bit too long?”.
“I think it’s good”.
“Just good? Don’t you mean gorgeous? Perfect?”, the blonde rockstar snarked.
“Shut up”, you slapped his hand gently and giggled.
"You okay?", he asked quietly as you were still fiddling with the bracelet.
"Yep, let's go", you gave Luke a small smile and received a nod in return. You took the passenger seat and he sat next to you and fired the engine.
“Took long enough”, one of your friends commented. “Blame Luke and his Prince Charming hair”, you rolled your eyes and looked at your friends in the backseat, and then at the man beside you.
"Geez, thanks for throwing me under the bus", Luke answered sarcastically, tapped the steering wheel with his fingers and turned the music up. Nickelback, of course.
You arrived at Calum’s house. You were walking side to side with the blondie, hand in hand. It was natural. You gravitated towards each other all the time, but you took it as a sign that you felt comfortable with him. Not just anyone could make you feel this way. 
“We’re in public, you know that right?”, you asked him as he was still holding your hand. You couldn't even count the times people mistook you for a couple, and doing these kinds of things that could be seen as couple-y felt a bit odd for you sometimes.
“Yup”, he popped the p and offered you a cheeky grin.
“So why are you still holding my hand?”, you genuinely asked Luke whose eyes were fixated on the crowd of people mingling.
“Don’t want you to get lost. I know you’re bad at taking directions”, he smirked and saw you looking at him with a questionable look. Those words sounded like honey and you hated yourself for it. Oh, only if he wasn’t as charming as he was. It would make everything so much easier for you.
“Right”, you laughed it off and rolled your eyes. It’s not like you haven’t been to Calum’s house a million times before…
“You should wear that dress more often”, he cooed confidently into your ear and let go of your hand. 
“Okay, Mr. Leather Pants”, you laughed and avoided his eye contact. You disappeared into the sea of people and fixed yourself a drink. You didn't really know what to think about Luke's behavior. He was flirtier than usual and you couldn't pinpoint why. The next few hours were spent by dancing with your friends and having conversations with drunken strangers.
Later, you noticed Luke navigating through the crowd to get to you. He spent a few minutes explaining how his leather boots got stuck in the mud in Europe while touring and how you would have laughed your ass off if you had seen that. Then, the unimaginable happened and he started spinning you around the dance floor. He had always been a fun drunk, that's for sure. He dropped you down carefully from the air and his hands laid comfortably on your waist. But not for long as the upbeat song shifted into a slow one, a shortened version of Give Me Love by Ed Sheeran. Shit.
You wrapped your hands around his neck almost intuitively. “Fuck it, let’s show them how to dance”, you lifted your left eyebrow and thought of how your hands will be sweaty in under a minute. Or twenty seconds, if you were being completely honest.
Luke placed his ring-covered hands, noticeably bigger than yours, back to your waist. “We’re so much better at this than these amateurs”, he looked deeply into your eyes and it felt like he scanned every little feature in your face. It felt intimidating. Being that close to Luke. Being that close with Luke.
“You should definitely consider Dancing with the Stars”, you commented and smiled as you intertwined your fingers behind his neck.
“You reckon?”, his eyes lit up and it's like you could almost see a blush creeping upon his cheeks.
“I see the UK accent has made a mark on you. Has a nice ring to it”, you confessed as you slow danced with your best friend.
“Thanks to you, ms. English Love Affair", Luke gave you a dirty look and chuckled semi-nervously afterwards.
"Oh, you wish", you replied with a nervous giggle and you two continued dancing in silence.
At 3am the party seems to die out and as usual, Luke walks you to your apartment. About half of the 15 minute walk you have talked about utter nonsense, like how many squirrels Luke saw during the tour and how many latte macchiatos you did during the time he was away.
“Can I ask you a question?", you asked as your heels clacked along the concrete.
“Sure”, Luke answers almost instantly, coughing afterwards.
“You were flirting with me the whole night and…”, you started your monologue which you had planned during the party.
“That’s not a question”, he interrupted and gave you a wink.
“Let me finish, you dumbass”, you answered, your tone being a mixture of playful and irritated.
He zipped his mouth and smiled back at you. You were standing in the front of your apartment, feeling a little cold in the chilly autumn air.
“I just wonder…why?”.
“Don’t we do that, like, all the time?”, he chuckled and stared down at his hands, then scanning your face for a while.
“I guess so, yeah. But it’s innocent. It wasn’t like that today. Or am I crazy? Am I imagining this? Please tell me it was just my imagination, I can- ”, you explained and could already feel how humiliated you'd feel soon.
“I don’t really like to tell you to shut up, but just for once, shhh Y/N. It wasn’t just you”, he took a step closer to you and placed a strand of your hair behind your ear. “I like you. Definitely have for a while. Maybe the whole time I’ve known you. I like spending time with you. You are the funniest person I know. And you give the best fashion advice. And beneath that sarcastic exterior is such a soft and empathetic soul. You don’t brag about your kindness, which makes it real. And I could talk to you for hours and never get bored. And for you, I would do the dishes happily. Believe it or not, no one has ever managed to bring out that side of me”, he chuckled as you remain speechless. His sudden declaration of love - well maybe not love, interest perhaps - made you grin like a child who just got a new toy.
“And shit, Y/N, I just adore you. And the way your laugh reminds me of home. I lo-, like how you play with your earrings when you are nervous. It’s adorable. And I-”,
“I don’t need to hear a novel of how much you like me, Luke”, you interrupted him.
“I know, but you deserve it”, he spoke softly and his lips turned into the classic Luke smile, which you found incredibly sweet.
“Save it for later”, you took a long look at those eyes that reminded you of the ocean and down to his pink and plump lips which you had dreamt of kissing for so long. 
And then it happened. His lips were pressed against yours, making the time stop for a while. And his hands in your hair, tugging them slightly, not enough to hurt. Your fingers held the waistband of his pants. The way he moved his lips against yours was hungry, desperate, full of emotion he had never been able to release. It was electric, enough to make you release a little moan into his mouth.
“What the fuck is happening here?”, you heard all of the sudden and both of you turned to see none other than the Michael Clifford pressed against the door.
“And what the fuck are you doing in my apartment?”.
© 2023 bloodhoundluke.
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Not What We Bargained For
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PART 1 of 2
|| PART 2 ||
<< Request >> "If it's possible, could you make a story about harry hating you and you didn't know why and then one day you have to share a hotel room with him and you find him jacking off in bed!?! Smut obviously and a fluff ending please?" @pandisasterthatlived
Summary: Harry dislikes YN. She dislikes him. As long as they avoid each other, they can manage to be in the same office. But an unexpected work trip creates more tension than anticipated.
A/N: This was fun to write! I've been wanting to do an enemies to lovers story and this was the perfect way for me to dip my toes into that trope. Hopefully you enjoy it. Might do a pt. 2 later?
>> Warnings: some explicit language, workplace rivalry & jealousy, sexual tension, self-pleasure, oral (male receiving), mild fingering, unprotected penetration
She isn't supposed to be here.
Harry is cursing Doug for his weak immune system, which is currently being attacked by the flu. He should've sucked it up, this is too important. Of course, that's a selfish thought, and Harry knows that, but he can't stop it from popping into his head ever since he was told that YN will be the one to take Doug's place.
He can't stand her. He basically hasn't since the beginning. When she first walked into the office, it seemed like she would be a pleasant presence to have around, another pleasant person to work with. But he was wrong.
Right off the bat, she is rude, and ignores Harry if there happens to be a moment that they are near each other, which he tries to avoid as much as possible. He is one of the top associates. It would only help her career if she was willing to work with him. She doesn't seem to care about anyone else's ideas, she just presents her own as soon as a question is asked in a meeting, and she is constantly taking assignments that could be covered by anyone else. She just comes across as so arrogant, and it does nothing but annoy him at this point.
Why would he want to work with someone like that? To work with an outside hire who thought she was better than everyone else as soon as she got tnere? He wouldn't. He doesn't. And he can't stand the fact that he is being forced to work with her now. He can't stand her.
"Have you gone over the presentation? Read the notes?"
"Yes, Styles. I have. I am prepared."
She will have to prove that in the meeting. However, he doesn't really want to give her much of a chance to do so. This was his assignment. He deserves to present it. He deserves the credit and recognition.
"Just so you know, I'm taking the lead on this."
"I figured as much."
"Good." He responds. "I'm glad we're on the same page."
She sighs and out of the corner of his eye, he catches YN rolling hers.
"If you don't think you can handle it-"
"Seriously? I've done this plenty of times before. This isn't my first presentation!" She snaps back, taking him a little by surprise. He's never heard her raise her voice, but then again he isn't around her much to hear it.
"Sure. But I won't need much help, yeah?"
"Whatever. Fine by me." She responds, crossing her arms and staring out the window.
He rolls his eyes at the way she is pouting. She obviously can't handle that she isn't in charge of this assignment. It serves her right, always trying to one-up everyone else and not being a team player. This is a taste of her own medicine.
"I can pretty much close this deal on my own."
"What our company is presenting to you is an opportunity to grow your business with-"
"Growth, Ms. YLN? Can you guarantee growth?"
"Well, yes-"
"Thank you, Ms. YLN…" Harry clenches his jaw in her direction. "Mr. Tills, the data speaks for itself. What Downings & Co. can guarantee is that your business is worth the risk for the company. And if you consider the ramifications of a drastic change in the financial climate, I believe it is worth the risk for your business to let Downings & Co. oversee things."
Harry glares right at YN as soon as the other members in the meeting are distracted in conversation with each other.
How dare she? This was his presentation. He was the lead and she had no right to add anything else. In fact, she caused doubt and more questions to be raised. He just hopes that she has not ruined his chance to acquire this client.
"Let us have a moment to converse, if you don't mind." Mr. Tills requests.
"Of course." Harry agrees, gathering all of his notes and throwing another quick glare in YN's direction.
They both walk out of the conference room and take a seat just outside.
"What the hell was that?" He scolds.
"Excuse me?"
"You did not need to add anything to the pitch, YN! I had it under control." He begins to raise his voice, taking a deep breath as he notices the receptionist's quick glance in his direction.
"I was just trying to help."
"I told you that I don't need your help."
Although she is quiet, he can hear her scoff, and her body turns to face him.
"You know what, Styles?" She whispers, her eyes scanning the lobby to be certain that no one else is in earshot. "Fuck you."
"What?" He replies, his brow furrowing deep at her astonishing statement, especially in this professional setting.
"Oh, I'm sorry, I said fuck you."
"Me?" He pulls his lips in and does a scan of their surroundings too. "I had this. It was going perfectly, until you caused them to question the growth of their company."
"You weren't doing as well as you think." She quietly chuckles.
"Oh, because you think you can do everything better than anyone else?"
"No…" She huffs. "Because I saw what they-"
"I don't want to hear it, YN. You better hope we don't-... I don't… lose this deal now."
She turns her body away from his and they sit in silence, waiting for the board's decision to be made.
A few minutes later, the conference room door opens and the pair are motioned back inside.
"Mr. Styles and Ms. YLN, we have considered all you have proposed and have agreed to take up the offer."
Harry manages to keep his composure and continue with professionalism.
"Fantastic. I believe that this will be a very beneficial partnership, Mr. Tills."
Another meeting is set up for tomorrow to go over and sign paperwork, so the job is finished for tonight, and they both head back to the hotel.
As the silverware clanks against their plates at the hotel restaurant, the silence feels refreshing to Harry. At least he doesn't have to hear her speak or engage in any kind of awkward conversation.
He whines to himself as he hears YN suddenly clear her throat. He's not surprised she can't keep her mouth shut, or her opinions to herself.
"Look, I really tho-"
"Honestly, I'm not in the mood to talk about it. Yeah?" He interrupts. "I'm just glad it worked out in the end."
"Yeah." She responds. "Now you can celebrate."
"No." He shakes his head.
"Wait, what? You're not gonna celebrate because… why? Because you thought I was going to ruin everything for you? Even though I didn't…"
He wants to argue with her so badly. This is not all about her, as she makes everything out to be. But they are in public, and he is not about to make a scene. So, he decides to bite his tongue and give her a quick honest answer as politely as he can. He lowers his fork, wipes his hand on his napkin, and clasps his hands in his lap.
"No." He reiterates. "I don't celebrate 'til the deal is fully done."
"But we-... I mean, you…"
"I wait 'til everything is official. Signatures and stamps and all that shit."
"Oh." She sits up straighter in her chair.
"What?" He asks sternly.
"Nothing." She pulls her lips inward and drops her gaze. It might be the first time Harry has ever seen her look like this. She almost looks insecure.
"What?" He asks again.
"I just…" She shrugs, gaze still downward. Her new demeanor is completely throwing him off. "I celebrate too early, compared to the 'Styles way'... I guess."
Harry returns his hands to his utensils, shoving a large fork full of his dinner into his mouth.
"That's 'cause you're too cocky." He mumbles, enjoying the fact that his food is muffling his words.
"What's that?" She asks, leaning closer to potentially make out the statement she hopes he will reiterate.
"I said… I said that I guess I'm too cocky." He lies, starting to clench his teeth as he notices that her reaction is giving away that she agrees.
"Well…" She shrugs. "We have our own ways of doing things."
"Certainly do." He replies, beginning to see her shoulders relax a bit, but he quickly straightens up and pushes his plate to the side. "I'm finished."
"Oh! Okay. I'm almost done too." She replies, stabbing as much food as she can with her fork.
"No, please, don't rush." He holds his hand up to reassure her that she doesn't need to hurry, hoping she will listen so that there isn't an awkward elevator ride and walk back to the room. He shudders at the odd thought of how that scene would look to others. As if they were a couple. "M'just gonna take a shower. I'll see you back in the room."
"Right." She nods. "See you back there then."
With a shirt and sweats on, and a towel drying his hair, Harry walks out of the bathroom and almost collides into YN.
"Bloody hell!" He blurts out.
This obviously wasn't the original plan. Harry was supposed to be sharing a room with Doug, someone he would most likely have been spending time with at the bar, being wingman to each other whenever someone caught their eye.
But Doug isn't here, it's YN instead, and because the universe seems to hate Harry, the company wasn't able to find her a separate room.
"Oh shit!" She responds, taking a few more steps away from him. "I just got back. I didn't realize you were right there."
He is thankful he didn't risk it and walk out in a towel, or how he usually walks around. Naked.
She places her jacket and bag next to her suitcase, and sits on her bed to remove her heels.
"Stupid fucking things." She states, tossing them to the side and massaging her feet. "Is the bathroom free now?"
He simply nods and she swiftly grabs some clothes, heading straight in there and closing the door.
While he hears the water running, Harry sends a quick, scolding text to Doug, and puts an alarm on his phone.
He puts it down on the nightstand and turns his lamp off before he brings his hands up underneath his head.
His eyes close, and he replays the meeting in his head. He critiques himself on the areas he could have improved, still mentally patting himself on the back for the win, and clenches his jaw as he remembers YN's interruption. One thing pops in his mind that he didn't think anything of before. It was the look of embarrassment on her face when he glared at her. He attributes it to the fact that she couldn't handle a bruise to her ego, but he can't seem to shake the small feeling that it may have actually been genuine.
The bathroom door suddenly swings open, with the scent of lavender and vanilla floating through the air as she returns her work outfit to her suitcase. He subtly opens his eyes, curious to see what YN looks like in a normal setting. Well, in a 'not-the-office' setting.
Harry can't help but notice the way her wet hair falls down and frames her face, no longer being confined into a ponytail. He notices the freckles on her cheeks that are usually hidden by her makeup. He also notices how smooth her bare skin looks, now that it's showing off as a cotton shirt and shorts sit nicely on her body.
He had already admitted to himself, on the first day they met, that she was attractive. She has always looked presentable and professional, and attractive. But this is different. He has never seen her look so natural, there's no reason he would have, and he is taken back by how much he likes seeing her this way.
He is brought out of his thoughts as soon as he hears the creaking of her bed. She turns off the lamp closest to her, but with the city lights peeking through the small opening of the curtains, he can just make out her silhouette.
"Goodnight." She softly speaks.
"Yeah. Goodnight." He replies, turning away onto his side and letting his mind wander as he drifts off to sleep.
Harry wakes up and notices that the sliver of the window he can see still displays a dark sky. He checks the bedside clock to confirm that he has only been asleep for a few hours. He is annoyed that he has randomly woken up, but more so than that, he is annoyed that he has woken up with his dick stiff and throbbing.
He's a man, this has obviously happened to him before, but tonight's is painfully desperate for some relief and he knows he will not be able to return to sleep without taking care of himself.
He turns over to evaluate YN's current position and finds her asleep, facing the other wall. He begins to weigh his options, but his hand uncontrollably makes its way down to the bulge in his sweats, and it feels too good to discontinue those motions.
He glances back over to YN, letting out a heavy breath to test her ability to stay in slumber. When she doesn't react, he slides his hand into his briefs and continues to palm himself, breathing out heavily at the touch.
It feels too good, and he is desperate for relief. He needs it now. He can be quiet, and can stop if he suspects she is waking up. Plus, the risk of getting caught is surprisingly making this all the more enticing for him right now.
He brings his hand out of his pants, pulling them down to free his throbbing dick from its confines, and spits in his hands for some lubrication.
As he checks on YN's position once again, becoming more aroused at the sight of an attractive woman laying there, he begins to stroke himself. The immediate pleasure that his motions create cause him to bite his lower lip and buck up his hips. His thumb rubs over his tip and he can feel himself leaking already. He manages to pull his other lip inward just in time to muffle a moan, and he begins to thrust his hips up to the rhythm of his strokes.
But as good as it feels, he can't seem to get himself over the edge. He spits in his hand for more lubrication and pumps faster, and an uncontrollable, but quiet, moan is released from his lips.
"Come on…" He whispers, tilting his head back further against the pillow and squeezing his eyes shut even tighter.
"Can't close the deal?"
"Shit!" Harry immediately stops stroking himself and his free hand flies up to slap his face.
This is just perfect. Not only does he need release from such an intense erection, but now the one person he can't stand has caught him in the act. Everything about this moment is painful.
He turns his head and peeks through his fingers, just making out her figure and her face staring back at him.
"I… fuck… I…" He stumbles, his ego fading and being overshadowed by embarrassment.
"Need some help?" She chuckles. "I can help."
"Oh fuck off, you're not making this any better for me." He states, an intense blush raging in his cheeks as the intense erection rages within his grasp.
"I could make it better. If you want me to."
"You're not serious! Are you?" He asks, astonished by what he thinks, and also sort of hopes, that she is offering.
"Well, if you can't do the job yourself…" She laughs. "I might as well take the lead on this."
He groans, aching for release.
She shrugs. "It's funny how you didn't need my help earlier in the meeting, but now you clearly do."
"It's not funny." He frowns as he experiences her arrogance yet again.
"It's just too damn bad I don't have the right skills for the job." She adds.
His frown turns into a smirk, actually delighted by her teasing nature. "I can sense your sarcasm."
She shakes her head, looking his body up and down as he lays there on the bed.
"And I can sense your desperation."
Harry clears the lump in his throat. He knows she is being witty, giving him the same back talk that he's given her, but god he thinks it's sexy. Saying she'll help him cum almost makes him explode right there, but he suddenly realizes that he wants what she is offering. Wants and desperately needs at this point.
"I'm very good." She chuckles. "But if you don't think you can handle it-"
"I can!" He interrupts. "I want to."
YN crawls her way onto his bed and closer to him, making her way to lay over his legs, as his breathing picks up its pace.
She gets positioned over his tip and flickers her gaze up to him as she bites her lower lip. He squirms as he lays there, desperate for her to please him.
Her gaze drops down to his dick, and she grabs ahold of his base as her smooth tongue glides up his length. He moans out, not meaning to make so much noise, but the way it feels against his skin sends him into a tizzy already.
"Oh my god."
She licks up one more time, before pushing her lips around him and taking his dick in her mouth. From the feeling alone, one hand jolts down and entangles in her hair, causing her to hum against him.
"Fuck, it feels good." He admits. And it does. It feels better than he would've thought. She takes him in so easily, her soft lips sliding around him as his dick enters between them.
She suddenly pulls off of him and sits back on her knees, pumping him slowly with her hand.
"You know, you're a major asshole to me."
His gaze immediately shoots down to meet hers.
"Umm…" he begins to pant, his dick twitching in her grasp and his heart racing at her statement.
"I haven't done anything to deserve that." She frowns.
He would assume she is furious, except he notices the way her teeth are digging into her bottom lip. Instinct wants him to argue, but his body wants him to shut up so she will continue the pleasuring she is giving him. His body wins over.
"No." He replies, his strong palms moving down to grab onto the part of her knees that are just within reach. "You haven't."
"And you haven't really done anything to deserve this…" She proclaims, squeezing her hand just enough around him to cause a buck up of his hips.
"No, I… haven't…" He breathes out.
"Good. I'm glad we're on the same page."
She quickly drops herself back down and wastes no time taking his dick back into her pretty little mouth.
The sensation flows over him and he throws his head back into the pillow.
"Fuck." He whispers.
The way she begins to use her mouth is as if she knows what he needs. She swirls her tongue exactly how he likes it, and moves her hand to cup his balls, which causes one hand to grab onto her hair again as the other grips onto the pillow underneath his head.
"YN… you're…" He grunts. "Fuck, you're good at this."
Once again, she hums against him, and the vibration ignites his body. It feels so good for him, and he feels his body tensing. He wants to last longer, but with his hand having started things off, and her amazing oral skills, he knows he cannot hold back much longer.
"Shit!" He growls.
"Hm?" She hums, her eyes snapping up to his as her mouth continues to do its work.
"I usually… last longer." He growls. "But m'bout to cum."
By the look in her eyes, he can tell she is smiling around his dick, and his body bucks up.
"Where… can I…" He tries to breathe out.
YN gives his balls a subtle squeeze and moves her hand on top of the one grabbing her hair. She stops her motions, stabilizing herself with her hands on his thighs, and he begins to thrust.
"Oh my god." He moans out.
He continues to pump in and out, as she effortlessly takes him as deep as he can go. It's perfect. She whines out, and his eyes shoot down to her in concern, but he sees her eyes closed. She isn't resisting. She isn't uncomfortable. She's enjoying it, and that sends him over the edge.
His movements get sloppy and his entire body clenches. He squeezes his eyes shut and bites his lower lip as his release rapidly spills down her throat.
He slows down his pace and hears her whimper as she keeps her mouth surrounding him, massaging his thighs as he works through the sensational orgasm coursing through him.
As he finishes giving her every last drop, he releases the hand grasping her hair, and she sits back up onto her knees.
"Fuck." He pants, eyes still squeezed shut. "That was..."
"Outstanding?" She chuckles, and he opens his eyes to see a wide grin displayed on her plump-lipped face, instantly matching it with his own. Usually her arrogance would annoy the hell out of him, but she has every right to be. It really was outstanding.
"Yeah." He nods.
She begins to move around his body, but he gently grabs her wrists and pulls her closer, causing her to straddle his waist.
"What are you doing?" She gasps, propping herself up with her hands on his chest.
"What if I told you… that I want to flip you over right now and give you a good fuck?"
Her mouth drops open slightly. "What?"
Harry's eyes take in her body. She's still wearing her cotton shirt and shorts, and he is so tempted to see what's underneath. He begins to softly glide his palms against her thighs, running them over her hips and up to her waist.
Her breath hitches and he smirks.
"You did something for me…"
"I did it out of necessity…"
"Really? It's not part of your job description to wrap those pretty pink lips around my dick and suck me off."
"Well, it was a lot of work." She smirks, causing his own breath to hitch at her quick wit. He's finding her sexier by the minute.
"Well, you have one satisfied customer."
"Of course I do! That was some of my best work. I knew you'd like it." She smirks again, causing him to grab tighter on her waist and she lets out a sweet subtle gasp. He can tell she is pretending to resist, because by the heat he can feel between her legs, he knows she wants it, and it makes him want it even more.
"I fucking loved it."
His hands dip under her shirt after seeing her smile, and he is enticed by the smoothness of her skin. Without warning, she grabs the hem of her shirt and swiftly pulls it over her head, tossing it to the side.
Harry licks his lips at the sight of her beautiful body, his eyes taking in every inch of the smooth skin. Never in a million years did he think he'd ever be watching her half naked body as it slowly begins to grind on him.
His gaze moves up to her lips. Those pretty, plump lips that were just taking him in and pleasuring him moments ago.
He can't help himself, wanting to know what they feel and taste like, so he pulls her down on top of him, their chests flush with each other.
One palm reaches around to the back of her head, and there is absolutely no resistant as he smashes their lips together. They do taste good, just as he thought.
An arm wraps around her waist and he swiftly rolls over, keeping their lips together as he hovers over her.
His index finger runs down her body and teases the hem of her panties. She bites her lower lip and he slips his hand inside, running it over her center.
"You're already so wet." He whispers, leaning down and placing another kiss on her lips. He smirks when she responds with a whimper, as he swipes his fingers along her folds once more.
He begins to circle her clit and she moans out, causing a twitch in his dick at the sound.
"Oh my god."
He plays with it one more time, then slides his fingers inside of her and curls them up. She moans again, bucking up her hips as he pumps his digits in and out.
"Fuck, YN, I need to be inside you." He exclaims, with a low and deep exhale. "I need my dick inside of you."
"Please." She whines. "I need it too."
He chuckles at her pleas. He has to admit, he likes seeing her like this- squirming at his touch, yearning for more of him, laying there exposed underneath him.
"You were so cocky before, YN. Now… it looks like you're the one who needs the help…"
"Come on, Harry, please!" She proclaims.
That's the first time she has called him 'Harry' and suddenly a rush of euphoria washes over him. It was such a beautiful sound. The desire to hear, see, and feel more from her begins to overwhelm him.
He sits back and grabs the sides of her panties, slowly removing them from her legs. It's a thong. A sexy, little thong. He's glad he didn't know that she was wearing this during the meeting, because he would've been dazed by the thought, and he's confident he will be distracted tomorrow thinking about another one sitting right down the middle of her ass cheeks.
Another twitch of his dick brings him back to the physical activities, so he quickly removes his sweats and briefs.
He teases his tip at her entrance, coating himself with her wetness before pushing himself in.
It feels good. Being inside her feels really good, and he immediately begins thrusting, as if he is smothering his dick with the feeling of her tight, coated walls.
She lets out a strong whine and he is instantly snapped out of the bliss.
"Shit. Y'alright?" He asks, keeping his voice tender with concern.
"Yeah." She pants. "It's just… I knew you were big, since my mouth was just on you, but… I just need a second… to get used to it this way."
The compliment leaving her lips makes his dick twitch yet again, and he adjusts himself so he can slowly, steadily slide in and out of her.
"That better?" He asks, gazing into her eyes to gauge her level of comfort.
"Yes." She nods in response. "And I want you deeper."
"Yeah?" He smirks. "Want my dick to fill you up?"
"Yes!" She moans, her chest moving quickly with each of his movements.
He pushes her knees closer to her chest as he begins to thrust in deeper.
"Yeah." She moans again, the sound inflating every part of his ego. He actually likes knowing he's pleasing her more than he thought he would. More than be usually does during sex. "Just like that, Harry. Oh my god."
"You're so fucking tight, YN. You're squeezing around me perfectly."
"It feels so good." She whimpers.
"How good? Tell me how good I'm making you feel."
"So good, Harry!" She moans, locking her eyes on his as the praise spills out of her mouth. "You're making me feel so good!"
"What else will make you feel good, baby?"
"Faster." She bites her lip for a moment. "Faster and harder."
Her request sends shivers down his spine. She wants it all and he is so intoxicated by her that he's ready to give it all to her.
"Fuck, YN." He grunts, feeling her straighten her legs to rest on his shoulders. "Fuck I'll do it all for you."
He grabs onto her thighs and begins to pound into her.
"Oh god, Harry!"
"Mmm. So fucking good."
He gives everything he has with each thrust in, pulling out quickly so he can do it all again.
He looks back down at her and feels the indescribable desire to be closer. He wants to feel every inch of her.
He maneuvers his hands between her legs and lowers himself down, resting one forearm on the side of her head, as he uses the opposite to hold onto the back of her thigh.
Both of her hands reach around and tangle themselves in his curls. As he continues his deep, hard, fast thrusts, his breath quickens at the intense desire to take her completely.
"God, I want to ravish you." He admits, unsure how his confession will be perceived.
"I can't guarantee I won't scratch and bite…" She replies, causing his hand to instinctually grab tighter onto the back of her thigh.
"But I can guarantee you'll cum."
His lips swiftly move to her neck, sucking every spot he comes in contact with, not worried about the marks that might show during tomorrow's meeting.
She grabs his shoulders and runs her nails down his back, shooting a sensation through his entire body. Once again, it's as if she knows exactly what he wants, likes, and needs.
He kisses back up her neck to her lips again, parting them with his tongue and gliding his in.
Their tongues move in synchronization, as his hands roam her body. His fingers meet with her nipple, and the high-pitched whimper that leaves her lips is enough to encourage him to play with it.
She squirms and moans, causing him to remove his lips from hers and join his hand. His tongue immediately licks her nipple, and a pleasure-filled shriek echoes through the entire room. His palm grabs her breast and provides a better vantage point to suck all around the breast.
Her breaths and whimpers are all he can hear as he moves over every inch of her smooth skin, and gives everything his dick can provide her.
"Ohhh. Harry, I'm…"
"Tell me." He grunts into her ear.
"I'm gonna cum."
"Cum… YN, I wanna…" He grunts again as his movements get sloppy. "I wanna feel it!"
He props her leg on his shoulder and brings that hand up to her jaw, pressing his lips firmly against hers again.
She lets out a vibrant moan, one that could set every fiber of his body ablaze.
"Oh my god, Harry!"
"Yes. Fuck yes."
Her hands run up and grip his hair, tugging on it as her body squirms beneath him.
"H-... Har… oh god!"
Her hips suddenly buck up, getting him as deep as he can go before she drops down onto the bed after one last, beautiful moan of his name.
"I'm close, baby, I can… in you?"
"Fuck I'm gonna give you… all of it."
"I want all of it." She whispers.
With that, he spills into her once again, reducing his thrusts as he melts down on top of her, kissing her neck as they both work through their orgasms together.
"Harry, that was…"
"Outstanding?" He chuckles against her skin and she breathes out a laugh of her own.
"Yeah. Outstanding."
He rolls off, leaving them both laying on their backs in bliss, and trying to catch their breath.
"You can, umm, stay in my bed tonight… if you want."
She rolls onto her side and props herself up on her elbow.
"Mr. Styles wants to cuddle?" She giggles.
The sassy, yet sexy expression on her face causes a blush to cover his.
"Forget it." He responds, embarrassment filling him as the reality, and original cause, of what happened reenters his mind.
She scoots closer, running one hand through his tossled hair, then cupping his cheek as she places a gentle kiss on his lips.
He can't fully comprehend what he's feeling, definitely not in any coherent matter at the moment, but he melts at her touch. Then he melts more as she looks into his eyes with the sweetest gaze.
"You want to be big spoon or little spoon, Harry?"
Harry is pulled out of his sleep to the sound of beeping and YN calling his name.
"What?" He asks.
"Can you turn off your fucking alarm?"
"M'sorry." He fumbles around on the nightstand next to him, barely opening his eyes enough to silence his phone.
"Thank you!" She sternly exclaims.
He finally blinks his eyes open to find YN laying in the other bed, hands covering her face and she begins to blink her eyes open. He frowns, not remembering when she left his bed, and a little confused as to why.
"Well good morning to you too." He chuckles, propping his head up on his hand. "How are you feeling?"
"Uh, happy that this deal will be done and that I can go back home…"
"Well, yeah." He chuckles again. "But, I mean, how are you feeling about last night?"
She twists her head in his direction and gives him an unsettling frown.
"Dinner was fine."
"Right…" He dramatically rolls his eyes.
"I had a good sleep… if that's what you mean..?"
His heart sinks and stomach twists into knots, as she raises up and gets off her bed, walking towards her suitcase and grabbing her toiletry bag.
Does she regret it? Was she actually disappointed? Or is she just that heartless? She can't be. Not the way she was treating him last night. That definitely wasn't heartless.
"Right, but-"
He scoots closer to the edge of the bed and his hip slides over a large damp spot on his sheets. He looks down and feels around for a clue as to what it is and why she is suddenly acting a little cold towards him.
He examines the bed, the room, and her figure as she heads towards the bathroom.
He suddenly realizes what's going on, and his heart stops as he buries his face in his pillow.
She is in her bed. She is wearing her cotton shirt and shorts. He is wearing his briefs and sweats, and there's a damp spot on his bed.
They didn't have sex.
He looks up to catch one last glimpse of her before she walks into the other room, and his stomach drops.
Nope, they didn't have sex.
He just had a wet dream.
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