#like they're surprisingly big considering his height
midnightmah07 · 4 months
I just saw someone talking about the twst boy's hands headcanons and it wasn't that deep into detail I have a clear image of Ruggie's hands in my head
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becauseplot · 1 year
(Alright I know everyone’s got their own lore reasons as to what their qsmp characters are up to while the qsmp Brazil meetup is happening but I have this stupid crack silly fluffy headcanon(??) alternative rattling around in my brain that brings me much joy. So.)
It starts with Roier and Cellbit.
Like most others on the Island, the past couple weeks have been tough for them both. With Cellbit spending most of his time in his office at the Ordo and Roier out working tirelessly (ceaselessly) on Bobby's city, neither of them are home very much, and neither of them are sleeping very much either. When the do make it back to the castle to sleep, the other has either already left or leaves before the other can wake up beside them. Two ships passing in the night. It's awful on several levels, not just physical.
Cellbit broaches the subject first because he knows Roier won’t---neither of them can keep going like this. It's just not sustainable. They're both exhausted. It's becoming increasingly clear that the situation on the Island with the missing eggs isn't going to be improving anytime soon. (If at all; he doesn't say that, though.) Cellbit's brain needs a break, Roier's heart needs a break. They need to regroup. So Cellbit suggests that they sleep.
It's not unheard of for someone on the Island to just conk out for a few days; it's pretty commonplace, actually. (Cellbit teases Roier that he's a pro at oversleeping, and Roier calls him an asshole in three different languages.) They get everything prepared to spend a long weekend asleep, then Cellbit goes to Forever and Pac, Roier goes to Jaiden, and they explain why they're going to be MIA for a bit.
Forever, Pac, and Jaiden totally get it. In fact, they understand all too well. With everything that's been going on, being passed the fuck out for a few days doesn't sound too bad, actually...
One way or another, Roier and Cellbit end up extending an invitation to their friends, saying that there's plenty of room at the castle if they want. They could make a little get-together out of it. And all three accept. So now Forever, Pac, and Jaiden are staying over too.
But of course, Forever, Pac, and Jaiden have to tell their friends where they'll be, so Forever talks to Baghera and Bad, and Pac talks to Mike and the rest of the morning crew, and Jaiden talks to Slime and Foolish and Mouse and anyone she bumps into, really, and Cellbit and Roier see the global chat messages of other tired people on the Island bringing it up in conversation with each other, and they decide, well fuck it, and they make an announcement:
Long depression nap sleepover at the castle this weekend, everyone is invited, bring your own blankets :D
Not everyone goes, of course. Etoiles doesn't feel he can afford to nap when the codes are still prowling about, Tubbo is getting ready to set some big plans in motion, Bad is...doing whatever it is that Bad does nowadays. People have matters to attend to.
But a good chunk of the island decides it's time for a collective fuck-this-I'm-goin'-back-to-bed break. They all show up at the castle at or around the agreed upon time, bringing food to share and drinks to pass around. It's a surprisingly good time, all things considered, casual but still playful and chaotic as all gatherings on the Island tend to be.
After some shenanigans getting the furniture moved out of the way, the guests get themselves set up in the foyer and main hall downstairs, having brought whatever they need for their respective sleeping arrangements: the avians bring blankets and personal belongings for their nests; Foolish drags a massive mattress out of his inventory to accommodate his full, un-shape-shifted height; Fit has a strange, sagging semi-hammock contraption that allows him to sleep without setting his spawnpoint. Cellbit and Roier think of their bed upstairs, shrug, and get themselves situated down on the floor in the hall with everyone else with a spare mattress they find.
Everyone gets cozy. Some people (coughFelpscough) peace-out immediately. Others stay up and chat and tell stories and gossip and giggle and shush each other like little kids at...well, like little kids at a sleepover. It's fun. But one by one, those people drift off as well, and eventually, it's just Roier and Cellbit who are left awake.
As they lay there in the darkness on the twin-sized mattress they pulled out of storage, they stare up at the vaulted ceiling high above their heads, and they listen to them breathing. All of their friends breathing---sleeping, shifting, sighing. Murmuring things, names, in their sleep, dreaming dreams. Good dreams, they hope. They could all do with something good right about now. Just a little something.
Roier whispers this was a nice idea. Cellbit hums in agreement. He closes his eyes and turns and curls around his husband and drags the blanket up to their chins. Roier pulls him in, and they slot together like two puzzle pieces, not a hair's width between them. Cellbit gives Roier a soft kiss. He feels his husband smile against his lips.
Maybe things can get better. Maybe.
They sleep.
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sugar-omi · 1 year
Omg I love your mermaid!Cove! Can I request some more please? 🩵
surprisingly i have many ideas on mer!cove lol, i didnt think i did but this is so long!! so enjoy<3 tysm for the ask anon, im glad you liked my mer!cover hehe<33
tags : Fluff, headcanons
eta a bit on cove w sharp teeth <3
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mmm... merman cove is so pretty even in human form
in human form, he has scales in a few places
down the side of his hips to the top of his thighs and a few straglers on his ankles
his scales are blue and green. they're iridescent as well, super pretty
the closer to his chest, the lighter his scales are but there's still some dark ones around his hips that are more like a navy blue
his fins are probably on the greener side as well, and im thinking more translucent too
i looked at some fanart, i think his tail would be more on the "capey" side as well
and if i can go as far as you link you to this beautiful kokomi fanart by nataliadsw on twitter: here
in fact i'd even say the fins are like in the art! very sparkly and pretty
how do we feel abt a purple to light blue gradient?
i was thinking abt his ears too n yk how some ppl draw mermaids with fins for ears or whatever?
i think his ears are long like an elf, but the tips have a blue-to-flesh gradient. maybe even
lots of pretty piercings!! has gold and pearls in his ears.
well, sharp canines anyway
kinda like this photo: here
imagine his lil sharp smile..... i love him
also don't ask me how he shifts. bc i have no idea
as far as I'm concerned he's like a fucking Dino capsule that you drop in water and inflates
okay that settles it, that's what we're going with LMAO
oh my god
before i forget.. mer cove is Big
know how i said orc!derek was like 7 foot?
cove is like 7 foot 2 or some shit
idk, but derek has competition!!
i don't think that's the normal height for mer-people either. well. not mermaids anyway. orcas and whales? for sure
he has claws as well!! he tries to keep them short bc he's clumsy but he has em
ykw i didn't considered webbed hands.... is that an idea?
...nah. i think his tail makes up for it since i imagine cove is missing some key mermaid qualities due to being part human
in his human form he has the claws as well
back to the big, 7 foot thing!!!
cove has big hands as well, of course in his mer form but also in his human form
even in his human form he's still over 6'5
lots of piercings in his ears. has studs in his ear lobes and has a chain connecting his helix and his stud on one of his ears
a chain of pearls on his wrist!!!!
oh. my. god.
waist chains.
of course he doesn't wear these nice shiny all at once lol, he's not into being blinged out like that, but wears any jewelry he's gifted all the time <33
wears waist chain's mostly when he's in human form, since he doesn't have any fins getting caught or evil pirates to worry about
!!! i almost forgot
he brings you many many gifts
he's like a puppy this way
you have jars of shells and sand, some sand different colors from certain beaches he's visited.
cove even brought you your own string of pearls, and you have mini towers of different colored sea glass
so many gifts that you have a whole book case for them and even then some things spill into other areas of the house
whether or not you met cove at a young age, i think you start to understand what all his different chirps and sounds mean
like a few quick chirps are a sign of happiness
i even imagine he purrs like a cat so he'll put your hand to his heart and let you feel the rumble of his chest
or he'll nuzzle your cheek and you can hear it in your ear <33
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mayhem-neverending · 9 months
The Big Bad Wolf
Part X
Word Count: 2,840
Warnings: mentions of canon violence, alcohol consumption
Note: Alright, alright. I know you guys chose redemption arc, and I'm slowly getting there. I just didn't want to completely change the mood in one chapter. Needed to be a more gradual thing imo. Anyways, enjoy learning about reader's history with Kakashi!
And yes, Zen'in like in Jujutsu Kaisen. I love that clan name even though they're a bunch of shits.
Any and all passersby had stopped to watch the debacle that Toma's girlfriend started. The number of people was surprisingly large, considering the weather. Their curious staring caused you to tense even further. 
The woman wasn’t moving; her eyes glued to the figure behind you. You forced yourself to tilt your head, and were simultaneously relieved and mortified to find it was-
“Lord Hokage,” the blonde choked out.
His brown eyes didn’t budge from your face as he assessed you and completely ignored her. Falling snowflakes caught in his long white lashes before fluttering to his red, wind burned cheeks. You could just make out your reflection in his glassy eyes. Irritation and exasperation were the most evident emotions painting your face, but he also saw the overwhelming anxiety bubbling just under the surface, threatening to boil over.
His strong grip tightened around your waist and he pulled you further against him. His expression that had softened when inspecting you twisted again with annoyance at the woman. He straightened behind you to his full height.
“I believe this conversation is over,”
Before you could take a step, she exclaimed, “No!”
You didn’t have to look to know he raised a thin brow at her. She opened her mouth and closed it a few times, resembling an angry fish. Finally, she settled on letting out a melodramatic huff, her breath puffing out in a thick cloud, before turning on her heel and stalking away. 
“Can’t wait to see her this Friday,” you grumbled to yourself the moment she was out of earshot.
“Are you alright?” Kakashi asked softly. He scanned the crowd of villagers still unabashedly staring at you three.
You nodded slowly, not looking at him. "I just want to go home,"
He moved his hand to your lower back and lightly pushed. You stepped forward on command and ignored the eyes following the three of you. Kakashi kept his hand on your back as he led you down the street, and when you arrived at your apartment, he stepped through the door right behind you. 
You removed your shoes and immediately turned to the right, taking Hikaru into his bedroom and laying him down. You weren’t sure when he had fallen asleep, but he snored softly in your ear the whole way home. You removed his shoes and outer layers before tucking him in, not wanting to disturb him and opting to give him the herbs when he woke.
Back out in the dining area, Kakashi seated himself at the kitchen table. He watched you come back out and remove the rest of your outer layers, hanging them up next to his. You joined him shortly after, starting the kettle and taking the seat across from him. 
“I’m surprised you’re still here,”
“I wanted to talk to you about something,” He replied, voice low and an expression of forced neutrality.
“Uh, okay,” you said, taken aback.
“Akujia just outlawed all forms of chakra control,”
He nodded once. “I wanted to make you aware so that you could inform any of your loved ones still living there that they need to leave while they still can. And I can make sure they receive citizenship here,”
Your lips were parted in surprise as your mind raced. How could the government so boldly strip the chakra users of part of their identity? There had been intense fear-mongering  towards the chakra-users, sure, but this was too far. You wondered how the old clans were reacting to this decision at that very moment.
"I don't-" 
The kettle whistled. And the realization that you did have someone left there crashed over you.
Your cousin lived there, married and pregnant with the heir of the Zen’in Clan. Their clan had a kekkai genkai that allowed them to manipulate their own shadows into animated creatures, and they were incredibly proud of their ability. You had no doubt they were not going to let that law stand. 
You abruptly stood and went to remove the kettle from the heat. You left it and went to go find your phone that was still in your bag. Fishing it out, you quickly typed out a message for her, letting her know that she ought to get back to Konoha for the safety of her unborn child, and fast. You set it down on the table, screen facing the ceiling while you went to make tea.
“The elders and I were discussing the possible ramifications of that decision, and I just wanted to make sure you could get your family out of there before anything drastic happens,” He continued. 
“Thank you for your concern." You pulled two mugs and some cinnamon tea down from the cabinet.
“Of course,”
Silence enveloped the two of you. Anxiety that hadn't quite subsided from earlier rose once again in your stomach and chest the longer the silence persisted. Kakashi was lost in thought, staring blankly at something behind you without moving a muscle.
Eventually, you blurted, “Want a drink with this?”
He blinked himself out of his trance and rested his eyes on your face, considering for a moment before nodding. You rose onto your toes to reach the bottle of sake placed on top of the fridge. You pulled it down and poured a considerable amount into each mug. 
You gently placed Kakashi’s in front of him, receiving a wan smile. You reciprocated in kind, and went to sit across from him again.
Spacing out the moment your bottom hit the chair, you swirled the drink around in the mug. Steam curled upwards from it, mimicking the motion of the liquid. Kakashi sat still, his hands warming around his own mug as he considered you.
You didn't look at him when you finally sipped your drink to allow him some privacy to drink his own. The silence persisted for a few more moments while you attempted to rein in some of the colorful images that your mind conjured up about how the clans would handle this injustice imposed on them. When you looked back over at him, you lost your grasp on your cup, which clunked against the table, thankfully without spilling since you had already been moving to set it down. 
Kakashi’s mask hung loosely around his neck, his lips quirking up on one side the moment your eyes met. You completely lost your train of thought; stunned and only able to take in how pretty this man was. His lips were fuller than you had imagined, and pretty pink. There was a little mole under them, which was the only mark on his unblemished skin.
The longer you looked, the warmer Kakashi felt. When a blush started on his pale skin, it easily progressed into an aggressive, splotchy red. “You act like you’ve never seen me without my mask before,”
“When have I-... Kakashi, that was for like two minutes a decade ago… And you were bloody, so it doesn’t really count,”
He looked mildly offended for a moment. “I remember how you looked,”
Blinking in surprise, you responded, “What?”
He leaned forward to rest his weight on his elbows while he spoke, the redness painting his face not diminishing an ounce. “It’s hard not to, when you left such a strong first impression. Do you remember that day?”
He had you completely distracted from the earlier discussion; allowing a smile to raise your lips. The memory was a little hazy, but it easily returned to your mind’s eye when called upon. Your head tilted to the side when responding with a, “Yeah,” and letting it trail off.
“How do you remember it?” you asked him.
“Well… I was getting my ass handed to me by stone nin when your team just happened to show up,”
“Coming back from our own mission,” you nodded along.
“Out of nowhere, I see this girl come flying out of the forest from above me, taking down two men with poisoned kunai to the neck before she even hit the ground,” 
You giggled. His voice had lowered and a genuine smile had started to play on his pink lips. He continued, “I remember that it took you taking down another nin for the rest of your team to react. At some point you did a backflip out of the trees and were able to land another kunai directly into the base of a man’s throat- mid flip- land behind him, and take on another without hesitation. I’ll be honest, I was impressed. So impressed, in fact, that I took a hit to the face by some flying rock,"
“I remember hearing it crack your Anbu mask,” you winced, the memory repeating in your ears.
“I went down, and you came over, blocking and killing the remaining nin that weren’t engaged with your other teammates. And when you were finished, you came over and healed me.
I hadn’t slept in days, and my chakra was dangerously depleted. I would have been dead if you hadn’t decided to act..”
He smiled ruefully. “I think that had been my plan all along,”
“I’m glad I showed up when I did. The world wouldn’t be the same without you,” you said with conviction.
He rolled his eyes. “I’m sure they would have found another Hokage just fine,”
Your demeanor shifted, and with all the tenderness you possessed, you replied, “My world wouldn’t be the same without you,”
His eyes widened a fraction and his body stilled; his cup raised halfway to his lips. You decided to continue, the fondness you held for him laid bare on your features and in your tone. “I always looked forward to being sent as backup the day after you had left for a dangerous mission. I knew it was part of Lord Third’s way of sending me on missions I didn’t rank for as a chuunin, since I refused to move up. He told me once, that you had recommended me for the jounin promotion - what was it - five times? In two years?”
HIs eyes widened even further, his mug now being placed on the tabletop. He looked caught, and it made you giggle just a bit. “I became suspicious when I had gone on three backup missions in a row for you. Not once in all my time as a shinobi have I ever been sent after anyone else. Lord Third made it crystal clear when I questioned him that you had not only been the one asking for my promotion, but that you had asked for me specifically for backup/rescues.”
If you thought he was red before, it was nothing compared to the crimson color he had turned. “I learned a lot from those missions, even if your recklessness irritated me enough to tell Hiruzen he needed to start sending someone else. He had retorted that if I just became a jounin I could be your Anbu partner and I could keep you from your recklessness before it began,”
You laughed at the memory. You had been so worked up after the previous rescue, where you had arrived to see him half-dead, crumpled in a heap beside a splintered tree and bodies of another nation, that you vowed you would let him die if he wanted it so badly.
In retrospect, you were just terrified of the possibility of being the one to find him well and truly dead. What little he had shared with you about himself on the numerous trips back to the village left your heart aching for him, and you despaired at the prospect of him dying before he had a chance to be alive. 
You had, however, never been particularly close. You fought incredibly well together, you saved his life and healed his injuries more times than you could count, but he always held you at arms length, and he never actively sought after you outside of work. It had bugged you for a while, but you let it go when you started studying more and taking missions less.
“I declined, obviously, but I took what I had learned with me on subsequent missions. I was able to save Kyoya’s - my teammate’s life only because I had treated a less life-threatening abdominal wound on you beforehand. I would have never forgiven myself if he had died. And I honestly owe a lot of my little successes to the things I learned with you,” 
You smiled brightly, a blush starting to come on from your honesty. “My favorite times were the few missions I went on with you and Team 7, though. I don’t think I’ve ever properly thanked you for asking me to help train them. Guiding Sakura in basic techniques during our downtime always brought me a lot of joy. The boys fighting in the background while you struggled to contain them was an added perk, though, for sure,”
He let out a deep chuckle, the baritone tickling your senses. He gazed at you for a moment, collecting his thoughts when he finished. “I didn’t know you felt that way. I always felt like a bit of a nuisance,”
Burden; he wanted to say, but he would never tell you his feelings ran that deep.
“You were absolutely a nuisance,”
His mouth parted. You giggled. “For reasons other than what you think,”
“Such as?”
“You were a nuisance because you obviously wanted me around but refused to say it to me. Refused to say much of anything, actually. It frustrated me to no end, but you weren’t reasonable back then,”
He made a noise and shook his head, opting not to respond.
You tilted your head. “We could have been close if you had just let me in, y’know?”
He averted his gaze and sipped his drink. You were about halfway done with your own at this point, while he only looked about a quarter of the way through his. You shook your head. 
“I understand why, to an extent, but I was already there, Kakashi. I-” you sighed. “I suppose it’s no use to lecture you about the past when you’ve already learned from it, huh?”
“...You’re right, though,”
“Of course I am." You took a sip and raised your brows at him over the rim of the mug.
He let out an amused huff. The rapid beating of his heart that began when he removed his mask stubbornly persisted with your eyes on him. He wanted to ask you a hundred different questions with you being so open with him right now, but his tongue weighed heavily in his mouth.
It wasn’t that you weren’t open or receptive to him on most occasions, but you two engaged mostly in surface level conversations in his office. He did his best to make you smile and fully engage you while you exchanged dinner with cleaned tupperware from the previous one. He craved that attention, relished it, and eagerly looked forward to it every day you texted him that you would be dropping in. 
He was certain that if the Anbu watching over him were his friends, they would tease him endlessly for his behavior. He was glad he wasn’t someone who made a habit of talking to himself out loud.
He downed the rest of his spiked tea. “Could I have another, please?”
“Of course. Do you want it as tea or just the sake?” 
“Sake, please,” 
“Mind if I just pour it in the same mug?”
You took his in your left and followed his lead by finishing what was in your own mug so that you wouldn’t have to get up a second time to refill. 
His eyes never left your form as you moved around your small kitchen. His mind buzzed, trying to decide what he wanted to say next and exactly how he wanted to say it. He thanked you when you set his drink in front of him, still trying to figure out his next words. 
You stood over him, leaning your weight with on hand against the table. He looked up at you questioningly, holding his breath as your eyes met. You smiled softly at him.
“I’m still here, just so you know,” 
His heart stuttered in his chest and he sucked in sharply. Your smile widened and you removed your hand from the table, straightening up. “Can you be more reasonable this time?”
He swallowed, his mouth having gone dry. With some effort, he was able to give you a little nod. Placing your own mug next to his, you opened your arms to him. Hesitantly, he lifted his own and you took a small step forward, embracing him where he sat. His head rested right above your breast and one of your hands came to rest at the back of his neck, just barely pushing into his hair. 
It was a brief hug, only a couple seconds, max. For Kakashi, it was simultaneously a lifetime and a blink of an eye. Either way, he could only feel like you let go too soon.
Part XI
Tags: @mostlyunsure @ichaichahatake @humongousdreamlandbear
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dearest-painter · 1 year
What about a drider/arachne reader who is based on a peacock spider (type of jumping spider, cute fuzzy fellahs that dance). They've got flashy coloring on their arachnid body with excellent leg power, they're surprisingly limber considering their lower half is basically just a giant spider. Their colorful spider body offers them both advantages and also offers unique inconveniences from being what amounts to a spider centaur. The peacock spider instincts would be hilarious cause rather than intense focus on hunting, it's more like the urge to dance or do a little grooming, maybe fuss with someone's hair, or impulsively jumping when the mood and height is right. Someone is probably riding on drider reader's back if reader is big enough
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That a pretty Spider!
Anyways the ones who would ride Drider!Reader would be Pavitr, mayday, Sun spider(it’s uncommon but she does it when she’s had a hard day), and Miles. Drider!Reader is probably and adult but it be so funny to seen a teenage Drider!Reader grooming one of the spider-people’s hair.
Miguel watched you because…what the hell are you? Like him not knowing what you are sparked his obsession, Peter B likes hanging out with you and likes seeing you jump but he mostly loves your colors. You become the second parent to MANY teenaged Spider-people which makes them super obsessed.
If anyone harmed you in any way the spider-people who are obsessed will beat their ass and that person may or may not die or get in a full body cast. Also their so willing to keep you away from EVERYONE just to have your full attention on them!
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kumamoto-division · 8 months
"there is no exquisite beauty without some strangeness"
Hanami Yamamura is a person who live at Kumamoto city,this strange and androgyne boy affirms is well know for his street perfomances with the Starless Theatre considering as the theater "songbird" he always is see with a calm smile and a ethereal aura but some people notices something it's strange with him and that's true
Hanami is not normal, he's not even human, something only know by certain people Hanami is a cybernetic doll who Kururi Yamamura gave life with a mix of technology and witchcraft rituals...despite be made of metal with certain parts of porcelain he have a human soul that's could be the first reason he have his own version of humanity alongside the love and affection he was treated every day since his awake but that's not all
Although overjoyed of have a second chance on life,this time as a cybernetic doll Hanami can't help but wonder about the people who hurted him on his human life...ha have some memories and despite not remeber he want to know why he feels miserable with no reason developing a protective side with his beloved ones who Hanami consider as his family and don't doubt in hurt,destroy and kill if they're menaced
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Hanami is a tall and androgyne youngman with white porcelain skin that always seems to be blushed and a slim figure. almost everyone people considers him incredibily beautiful. his hair is reddish pink and extremely long tied with a black ribbon in a low ponitail, when his hair is down is long almost to the ground. his slanted eyes are zapphire blue colour and give him a tired appearance but become completely black without glow when he enters on his "killer mode" he also have vampiric fangs
Hanami it's quite fashionable but dress un a simple way, he daily wears a black t-shirt enoughly baggy to fall for one of his shoulders and show his clavicle or a purple scarf top with black jeand and heeled black sandals, his accesories are diamond drop earrings and a cherry blossom necklace
Nami-chan (by Kururi)
Hana (by Aoba)
Tangled (by Kururi)
GrayBird (gamertag)
"project bizarre doll"
"birdie" (by ARK)
Biographical info
Age-2 (21 physically)
Birthday-april 4th
Hair color-reddish pink
Eye color-zapphire blue
Height-175 cm/5'9
Star Sign-aries
Piercings-lobes, double helix,industrial
Markings-a crack on the neck,a symbol on his shoulders blades
Creator/ "adoptive younger sister"
"adoptive brother"
Voiced by-NANO (rapping and singing)
How was mentioned before,despite be a doll made of metal and porcelain Hanami it's expressive but calm showing a nice side of him, with a ethereal and almost mystique presence Hanami is nice and affectionate with a type of "Big sister" vibes
Hanami is also someone relaxed who normally can be see with a lazy smile that mix with his calm look, but he's also outgoing and sociable actually it's normal for the Starless and people who knows about what he is forget that, Hanami is empathyc and gently with people and they emotions and at the same time fascinate by them. he's the type of person who go for life smiling but happily stop for enjoys of simple details or hear someone else's stories
Due to his origin as a cybernetic being with a human soul he's curious about humanity and his own former life as human,a life he cannot remember and honestly can't remember because how miserable felt the little thing he remember but that don't evoid his natural-almost childish curiosity,Hanami have his own eccentricities as every person of kumamoto city ,he have a hobby of collect random things like quartz and toys, but he have prefernce for toys
Despite that childish tendencies Hanami is surprisingly mischievous and teasing,he enjoys of mess with certain people only to see their reactions and he don't regret it being manipulative and sadic with the goal of have entertaiment to himself
Hanami is also extremely protective of people who are important to him, considering how he received life during Aoba and Kururi's worst moment,and saw how they suffering in a moment he developed by himself a "killer mode" on that mode Hanami becomes completely emotionsless and brutal, he show no mercy and is completely ruthless only foccused on kill and massacre every person who hurt his beloved ones,in that mode his eyes becomes black and lost they glow and let his hair down and falling to the ground ready to left some corpses and blood on his path but that's side of him is quite weird of see without provocation
He originally was a human size doll but all his body was replaced with metal and synthetic flesh but his skin still looking like a porcelain
Hanami is fully sentient and autonomous,in part due to have an human soul and because the affection he feel daily left him gain sentient
Hanami have a collection of toys, especially plushies and dolls,but he likes music box
Hanami is a sweet tooth and it's a normal view to see him eating things like cakes, chocolate and toffee
Kururi,Kunio and Nastume gave him life throught a mix of technology and witchcraft ritual from Natsume's part
Hanami can connect to cyberspace and is enoughly powerful to have his own territory
Hanami is a talented musician with preference for piano and for his singing voice is called "songbird"
He knows that Kunio saw his human life because Kunio was who gave Kururi the soul she put on his current body,but he didn't want to ask him about it
He have features from both of his "adoptive siblings" Hanami is outgoing,sweeth tooth and like dolls like Kururi and it's calm, curious and like books like Aoba
He have artistic hobbies like draw and play music, actually he have a corner om his bedroom he use as "art studio"
Hanami and A.R.K/Aruto Shinozaki have a strange and unofficially relationship where often out together and even have sex sometimes, despite Hanami recognize being in love for A.R.K he's insecure if A.R.K feel the same for him but it's unneagable that A.R.K is quite possesive with Hanami
Despite his abilities as android Hanami have some supernatural abilities like a seductive charm and hypnotic sing as "side effects" of the witchcraft rituals made on him
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brett-is-afraid · 11 months
Ot3 asks (Chuckle Polycast)
Credit to hitchell-mope for making the ask post
Who takes charge in bed?
All of them can, depending on the day. They really all go back and forth on who is in control. Ted ends up falling into that role most the time because it's just easiest for them.
Who gets taken care of in bed?
Schlatt more often is the one that's focused on. He subs more often than not. (Sidenote: Ted's a big fan of pillows princesses.)
Who would choose to do it in a car? Who would choose a plane? Who prefers the bed?
Ted and Charlie tend to be less into doing stuff where they could reasonably get caught. They don't mind doing stuff in cars, but they'd need convincing to mess around on a plane. Schlatt is for sure more willing to fuck on a plane and actually enjoys car sex. The only issue they run into is height wise. None of them are particularly small guys, so it takes a lot of maneuvering and cramping.
Do clothes get swapped after? If so is it intentional or accidental?
They all definitely steal each other's clothes. There are a lot of clothes that they don't even know who originally had it because it's just such a communal item at that point. Most the time, it's intentional. But sometimes, they just genuinely can't keep track of whose clothes are whose.
Were the dynamics easy to fall into?
It was very easy to fall into, for the most part. Their relationship is pretty much the same as their friendship, just with a romantic and sexual aspect added. They aren't really any different than they were before in daily life.
Who’s most likely to send videos and pictures of themselves to the other two?
Sex-wise? Schlatt, 100%. Just any kind of picture? Surprisingly, Ted. He takes a lot of photos of himself in daily life and always sends them to his partners. Charlie takes a ton of photos and sends them too, but they're always of things he's working on or cool (or funny) stuff he found.
Who encourages the other two to get out of their comfort zone?
All of them do it in a different way. Charlie drags them along to try things that they never would've even considered. Ted is reassuring when the others are nervous to do something, pushing them to try even if it's a little scary. Schlatt's the type to convince them to do things that are genuinely scary. (Shooting guns, playing with tanks, etc.)
Who’s really into flirting with the others in public?
Schlatt is the one to flirt the most, though he usually does it in his joking way to avoid anyone actually catching on. Charlie and Ted do it as well sometimes, but not as often.
Has the formation of the ot3 unlocked the risk taker in them?
It has. They all encourage each other to do things they wouldn't normally do. Schlatt has encouraged them all to take more risks when it comes to food, trying new and more interesting things.
Who brings new ideas to the bedroom?
All of them do in their own ways. Ted tends to look at different articles and find genuine tips or new things to try. He'll bring them up to the others whenever he finds something interesting. Charlie finds them as fun facts and it leads to them trying it. Schlatt just has the most ideas and brings them up to try.
Who made the first move?
Charlie or Ted did, for sure. But out of frustration more than wanting to actually confess. If it's Charlie, he gets annoyed that none of them have realized their feelings for each other yet and is annoyed by how long he's had to wait. If it's Ted, he's just frustrated with having to keep his feelings inside. All he wants to do is confess and get it off his chest.
Has the novelty worn off at all?
No, it's still just as good as it was. To them, it wasn't ever about novelty. Starting a relationship just took their dynamic to the next level and made them enjoy it even more.
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sunny6677 · 1 year
(An Undertale x Spooky Month crossover)
Chapter 17: Home.
Summary: After an incident involving the whole town getting hypnotized(besides Skid) and falling into a hole, all of them find themselves in a place that will change their life forever.
Jack and John went quiet, out of their own slightly surprised silence. For the house that she must have been emerged from must have been her house, the place she resided in. Toriel didn't seem to notice them for a moment, nearly standing there as her red eyes sparkeld with slight worry. Toriel then slowly pulled out a phone from behind her, and clicked on the screen with her surprisingly large thumb. It was honestly weird that she hadn't broken it already, considering how weirdly big she was.
She then held it up to her ear as it vibrated, letting out a ringing sound(they heard another ringing sound from behind, most likely Roy's phone). Though.. Toriel then glanced to the side, and she blinked. She had noticed them, for they were standing there in her sight. Toriel then immediately lowered the phone, and clicked on it again, looking at the both of them in a concerned manner. John opened his mouth to speak, though before he could, she rushed forth.
As she rushed forth, she then stopped, standing before the both of them. In a gentle voice, Toriel said, "How did you both get here? Are either of you hurt?". Jack nervously scratched the back of his head, along with John who merely looked away in slight shame. "Uh.. no. Don't worry. We just.. uh.." Jack seemingly wasn't able to find the words. "I.. I decided it'd be best if, uh.." John seemingly couldn't find the words either.
"Oh dear.. do not worry. I should not have left you all there for so long. Where.. where are the others?" Toriel inquired, her voice soft and gentle, as if comforting a child. John and Jack glanced at eachother, quiet for a moment.
"They're uh.. right behind us. Let's just go and get 'em real quick, alright, Jack?" John looked up at Jack, swiftly turning around to face the entrance they both walked into. Jack simply replied, "Uh.. alright."
"Jeez.. why were you gone for so long?! We went through so much because of you!" Roy griped, crossing his arms as he stood next to Toriel. The height difference was clear, for he seemed to almost be as tall as her lower legs(if they were even visible anyway). Pump and Skid had been clinging to Toriel's feet, seemingly a little happy to see her. Susie merely awkwardly stood beside Pump, seeming uncertain of something. As if anticipating Toriel to be irritated or angry with her little brothers behavior.
Ross and Robert had been conversing with one another. And both Lila and Jaune had been standing behind Toriel with relieved but uncertain facial expressions. Ethan and Streber had been standing a few feet away from Toriel, while Kevin stood beside the both of them. Jack and John had been quietly standing to the right side, mumbling things to eachother.
"Dear.. I am sorry, my child. I do not think I should have thought about even leaving you all in a place like that for so long.. you could have all encountered a monster, and I would not be there to protect any of you.." Toriel spoke sadly, looking down at the ground in her own motherly guilt. As she did, Skid looked back up at Lila, and suddenly rushed to her side, clinging to her legs in an attempt to hug her. Of course, Lila hugged him back, giving a thankful smile to her son.
"Its fine, Toriel.. we wouldn't have left if it wasn't for a certain someone running off.." Susie snarled, giving Pump a frustrated look. Pump merely raised a brow in response, as if puzzled as to why Susie seemed so frustrated with him. And yet, of course, he did know why. He just didn't see why it was so important that she'd still be angry about it minutes later.
"That does sound quite troublesome.." Toriel said, gently patting Pump's head with her paw. In response to this, Pump smiled up at Toriel, closing his eyes in the sheer relaxation of the motherly gesture she was giving him. Toriel then sighed, looking down at the ground with a still guilt-ridden look, her velvet eyes still shimmering with shame. "Still, it was irresponsible of me to try and surprise you all like this.."
Everyone gave a somewhat puzzled look, not exactly knowing what she was talking about. A surprise? "...what surprise?" John tilted his head in confusion
Toriel blushed in slight embarrassment, as if realizing she had said something she didn't intend on saying. She then nervously chuckled as Pump gently pulled his arms away from her legs. "Well, I suppose I can not hide it any longer..". She then slowly turned around, and smiled back at everyone with an eager look in her eyes. "Come, everyone."
Everyone in the group gave eachother a puzzled look as she began to slowly walk around the tree, and toward her home. Pump did however begin to follow her though, grinning up at her. He held out his hand, as if in an attempt to hold it as he stumbled after her like a toddler. "W—Wait! Get back here!" Susie yelped, rushing after him. A few snickered, finding this sight a little charming.
Then, they all began to follow as Toriel had instructed. The house came into view, and seemingly it looked as ancient as everything else that had been down here. It was a rather big house that nearly reached to the very ceiling of the entire room. Piles of red leaves were on both sides of the entrance, and on both walls beside the entrance were dark shadowy windows. The brick walling was purple, just like everything had been down here so far. And above the entrance, there was a sign, but it was hard to read what it said.
"Heh.. it looks kinda old." Ethan commented to himself quietly. "Yeah, like everything else down here.." Streber quietly replied, rolling his eyes playfully. And yet, despite their comments.. seeing such a cute, tidy house in this strange place filled them with slight determination. Or happiness. They weren't sure what it was.
Still, they then walked into the entrance, unsure of what to expect.
"Woah.." Skid said under his breath.
The house was bright, and due to the light, it was slightly hard to make out the features of the interior for a moment. But as everyone's retinas began to hurt less from the sheer light inside of the interior, they were able to see what laid before them.
Before them was a sight not similar to the very appearance of The Ruins, but just a regular house. It was brown and peach colored, the peach color being on the walls and the brown color being on the floor. The flooring was wooden, and it seemed firm yet not too firm. There was a large staircase that presumably led to the basement or another floor, since it seemed to be going down.
And beside the staircase was a rather withered plant, yet it seemed to go with the environment of the place even so. Before the staircase was a frame that held nothing. And on the right side of the staircase was a short light on the wall, with a blank picture next to it. And there was even a short shelf of old-looking books on the floor. And there was a cozy but sweet smell wafting through the air.
Toriel seemed to be standing before the staircase, looking at them all with a patient smile. She then spoke in her feminine voice, "Do you all smell that? Surprise! It is a butterscotch-cinnamon pie! Well.. two of them anyway. Since there were so many of you, I decided to make two of each. I was thinking of making of a cinnamon pie and a butterscotch pie, but I was worried that there wouldn't be enough for any of you with specific preferences since there weren't many slices.." Toriel gave a nervous chuckle.
Yet, she continued to speak. She cleared her throat, "Still.. I thought it would be nice to celebrate everyone's arrival. I want everyone to have a nice time living here. So I will hold off on snail pie for tonight.." (At that, some gave her a disgusted look, or they merely awkwardly smiled at her so they wouldn't seem rude.)
Robert nervously smiled. "Snail pi—"
"Oh! And I have another surprise for you all." Toriel said. She then turned around, and began to slowly walk into a nearby corridor, of course gesturing so everyone knew to follow her. Everyone silently agreed to do so, but as they began following her, some were quietly whispering to eachother. "This place is nice.." Lila was heard murmuring. "Yeah.. but snail pie? I don't really know how to feel about that, girl.." Jaune murmured back. "Well, she said she'd hold off on it, so.." Lila replied quietly. "But still, that's implying that she—" Jaune and Lila just continued to whisper to eachother. Ross quietly and accidentally heard most of their conversation, but it was fine.
Though as some followed her, they had oddly.. appreciative smiles on their faces. They were grateful for Toriel, truly. It was strange.. none of them had ever met anyone this nice. Not in a very long time. It was set this very day that the nicest living being they had ever met was oddly enough, a monster. A sentient goat lady with fire powers.
Still, they continued to follow her.
They walked into the corridor, which had mustard-yellow walling and light yellow flooring. There was a rug in the middle of the hallway, along with three sets of doors. There were two plants in the middle of the hallway sat right before a wall, along with some weird thing that either looked like a blank brown canvas awkwardly framed on the wall, or perhaps it was a mirror. None of them really knew. There was even a light on the wall a few feet from the first door.
"This is it.." Toriel stated. She then took Pump's hand. Roy found himself giving Pump a somewhat angered look, but he wasn't sure why. Either way, it didn't really matter. He was always angry, so he sort of shrugged it off.
They all followed her, and then, she stopped before the first door. Toriel then spoke, "A room that will belong to you all. For now, at least. I do know that there is only one bed in there right now, but I am sure I can move a few spare ones into here. Maybe just for tonight, I can find you all different places to rest until I manage to set enough beds into the room for all of you. It might be a bit crammed though.."
A few gave an awkward expression at that, though they still managed to smile at her either way. "But at the very least, I hope you all like it.." Toriel sighed. She then looked down at Pump,,and extended out her arm. She then slowly rubbed him on the head.. well, mask. But still. Pump looked up at her with a shimmer in his eyes, as if he had never felt that sort of touch before. He even let out a small laugh, "Hehe.."
Toriel then stopped, retracting her arm. She seemed to notice something. Hell, even a few others noticed something too. There was a faint.. burning smell.
"Is something.. burning?" Toriels expression turned into that of slight horror. "Um, make yourselves at home!"
Before any of them could even speak, she quickly rushed out of the corridor and into another room. Dashing forth and onward to wherever the burning smell was coming from.
Ethan then said while closing his eyes and giving a relaxed smile, "Uh.. well, I think I'm gonna go and help with that." He then began to walk in the direction Toriel went, though in a more quicker manner than he usually would. Awkwardly, Streber than said, "Uh.. me too." Of course, Streber followed after Ethan, seemingly to help with whatever was causing the burning smell.
"...I think I will too. Hold on.." Kevin stated, before following after Streber. Seemingly, they had all gone after Toriel. Skid and Pump then grinned at eachother for a moment. Afterwards, Skid looked up at Lila and asked, "Hey, mom! Can we go look around the house?"
"...sure, son. Sure.." Lila replied, knowing full well that even if she had said no, her son would probably somehow explore the place anyway. "Yay!" Skid and Pump cheered in unison, before running in the opposite direction, making loud crashing sounds. "..I'm just gonna go after them and make sure they don't break anything." Susie said, before walking after them in a quick manner.
"...I think I'm just gonna go ahead and check out the room first." Ross sighed. "Yeah.. me too." Robert responded, looking down at the ground.
Jack and John looked at eachother. This place was nice, but.. could they really stay here? They had family and friends up on the surface. Lila and Jaune did too, though they smiled instead. At the very least, they were grateful for Toriel's help.
Even so, Roy looked down at the ground like Robert had done. Could he.. really call this place home?
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myriadxofxmuses · 2 years
Tagged by: @heartxshaped-bruises
Tagging: @savagecuhnt , @emmaxmeyer , @strictlyoc (for whoever you want : ) ), @lunarruled , @lostxones (Molly), @northrnattitude (Dakota or Anthony), @hxneybees (Charlie), @aprilwritcs (Audrey), @thanaredreamtof , @unwrittenxrp
► Silas
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★  ��  BASICS
NAME: Silas Oberon Birch
 NICKNAME(S): Speedy (becase of both of his addictions - coke and sugar), Tree Hugger (only used by the band when teasing him of his upbringing)
 AGE: 25+
MORALITY: lawful / neutral / chaotic / good / gray / evil
RELIGIOUS BELIEF: His parents raised him in a spiritual commune. One that dove deeply into the Y2K belief when it arose - something that ultimately meant their demise when it didn't happen. Silas was only three when it fell apart and his parent left to lead a much more agnostic way of life, which now dictates his belief system as an adult. 
VIRTUES: chastity / charity / diligence / humility / kindness / patience / justice
PRIMARY GOALS IN LIFE: He's not much of a goal person. He usually just wings it. Very go with the flow. The only thing he would consider a goal in his life was to become a rock star and he did it, so he doesn't really see much point in any other ones. Especially since it's so easy for him to get what he wants now.
SECRETS: His ADHD bothers him much more than he lets on. He wishes he was smarter and more business savvy. He considers his favorite color to be a little girly, so he doesn't let on how much he likes it. He would love to have a big family. He may seem dumb, but he gets it. He just doesn't let on how much, opting to keep the mask of his freeloving, happy-go-lucky attitude on to hide his actual intelect. It is easier to live life that way anyway.
QUIRKS: His hyperness can manifest itself into what appears to be fidgeting, but in reality his mind is constantly working over new music for the band. He is a very touchy, feely, hugger kind of guy. He can come off as obnoxious, but he has a great heart.
SAVVIES: He is extremely musically inclined. He can teach himself to play pretty much any instrument. He actually writes most of the music for the band. And, the deeper meaning songs, were written by him.
★  ⸻     PHYSICAL
BUILD: slender / scrawny / bony / fit / athletic / herculean / baby fat / pudgy / obese / other
SCARS / BIRTHMARKS: One along his leg from a dirt bike accident and various minor ones from skateboarding.
FAVOURITE FOOD: Candy. Of any kind.
FAVORITE DRINK: Monster energy drinks
FAVOURITE PIZZA TOPPING: Chili Peppers and chicken
FAVOURITE BOOK GENRE: Graphic novels. He doesn't like to read very much, so when he does it has to he short and easy.
FAVOURITE SCENT: Patchouli, Rain, Bonfire/burning leaves
FAVOURITE QUOTE:   Don't take life too seriously. No one makes it out alive.
★  ⸻     FUN STUFF
BOTTOM OR TOP: He is surprisingly dominant in the bedroom given his seemingly softer nature outside of it.
SINGS IN THE SHOWER: Oh yeah. And Gage keeps trying to get him to sing in their songs, but he always declines - disbelief that he is actually a good as he is told and only willing to do the occassional backup.
LIKES BAD PUNS: Definitely, although he isn't the greatest at making them himself.
THEIR OPINION ON THE MUN: They're quiet, but super cool. They should really let themselves branch out more. She should stop being so afraid of letting the world in a little.
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princesscolumbia · 4 months
Code of Ethics - Ch. 6 - Self-reflection
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This chapter starts "Part 2 - Master and Commander," and is likely the part a lot of people have been most looking forward to.
I convinced my friend SoulStorm to join Scribblehub! They even joined AO3 without me even asking (hope I grabbed the right link there). 😁 This is a big deal because they're a fellow writer (actually published, unlike me) and we met up through Star Trek: Fleet Command. It was thanks to them I was able to give this story the absolute PERFECT title! I had the outline, premise, character sketches, everything else I needed EXCEPT a title! I even had names for the parts! I showed the outline to SoulStorm and within a few minutes they came back with, "Code of Ethics." It is seriously the best, most ideal title ever and I wanted to give credit where it's due!
Back to the story; our MC is officially in VR and getting into the game, and here comes character creation! And oh, no! The Feels™! This is also the first part where I diverge from QuietValerie's template for her books. While I'll talk about physical differences at the end of the chapter, this character is a nonbinary transwoman instead of being a straight-up (heh) transwoman. I've written transwomen before and, as you'll know from my other work if you followed me here from AO3, I do NOT like the stuff I write to start feeling boring to me, so I wanted to take a stab at a different part of the queer spectrum. IMHO, far too much of the "representation" for 'intersex' people is centered around sex and porn (bleh, I hate the word 'intersex' for this type of nonbinary! It's fine for others and it may work as someone else's chosen label, but I don't like it for me my character!), resulting in the perfectly acceptable word of "futanari" being considered, at best, a pornographic slur. To the people who feel that futanari cannot be the right word for this type of nonbinary/intersex character, remember that 'lesbian' is still considered by all the big social networks to be a pornographic term. So is trans, transwoman, and the like. So since I my character is who this is about and I choose to reclaim this word from people who would slut-shame us my character, she's a futanari! So there! And this ISN'T a porn! I'm not even going to write smut into it! Hah!
Preview below the cut:
Returning his focus to the task at hand, he first went to the panel for class and went straight to the “Independent” option. Nothing so far had changed his mind on that choice from the strategy meeting.
He then scanned the panels for things like physical description, but to his surprise they were all grayed out. He noticed thin lines, looking like filaments of light, stringing the options back to the “Race” box. His eyebrows went up, Right, you can play an alien in this game. That...might make some sense, actually. If I pick an alien race that has some sort of different reproductive system, I can just behave more like a human than whatever the alien’s normal mating and relationship behavior and I can probably get a ‘pass’ as queer that way. He tapped on the panel, which spawned a surprisingly verbose list of options. The highlighted default (human, naturally) came with a display of a pair of fairly bog-standard looking human figures, one male and one female, standing full height next to the name, and on the other side of the list was an almost excessively detailed description box. He flipped the list to the next entry, which was a Crotexian, the dominant race of the Crotux empire. It did, indeed, look a lot like an orc crossed with a Klingon. There were three figures next to it, one labelled ‘male,’ the other labelled ‘female,’ and the third labelled ‘carrier.’ Confused, he checked the description and discovered the Crotexians were trimorphic, requiring three genders to procreate.
If he’d still had his physical body he’d have been dizzy at that point. Shaking his head he scrolled down past multiple races, the illusory forms going through a variety of presentations, including dimorphic male and female of multiple types, a single progenitor that spawned, essentially, clones, a race that had once been dimorphic but one of the genders had been wiped out by disease and so they’d turned to technology to continue the species...it was frankly overwhelming in the number of choices. A sense of analysis paralysis started to settle over him and he flicked up on the list in frustration and it settled on a race that showed...two women.
Odd, he thought as he examined the race. Morvucks, native to Mortan, a planet orbiting the star known to Terrans as Alpha Centauri. The Centauri Collective refused entry into the Terran Federation, citing fundamental philosophical differences, but remain on good diplomatic terms since first contact. That was interesting, but that didn’t give him the information he was looking for. Finding the section on procreation, he read, Morvucks have a single gender but dimorphic sex requirements for reproduction. Evolved from reptiles, the Mortan megafauna developed three distinct branches, one with feathers, one with mammalian hair, and one with neither. Unlike Earth, no planet-killer asteroids wiped out the megafauna and the evolution produced an intelligent humanoid that appears to be extremely human-like in appearance. Approximately 40% of the population are highly similar to Earth females possessing a womb and vagina for sexual intercourse. Approximately 40% have male reproductive organs as well as female and are fully capable of both impregnating another Morvuck as well as becoming pregnant, though the hormones of pregnancy make the testes infertile until the pregnancy is over. The remaining 20% represent variations, such as vestigial vaginal canals with no womb and pseudo-phalli, similar to some breeds of hyena on Earth.
Huh, thought Dylan as he finished reading, That’s…disturbingly thoroughly thought out. But he also realized that this may be the answer he was was looking for. A “male” of the species that looked and behaved like a human woman, would be expected to find human women attractive (given their similarity to Morvian women), and… if he was right… hopefully he was right… the presence of a penis would prevent him from suffering the depression Geoffry warned about.
Feeling a sense of odd giddiness he couldn’t explain, he scanned back and read through a section labelled, ‘Interpersonal Relationship Dynamics.’ Unlike most Earth cultures, with a clear delineation between the societally assigned roles of men and women, Dylan paused and almost flinched back when he read that. What are they talking about ‘societally assigned’?! There’s roles for men and roles for women and they don’t change around or cross over… but then his brain reminded him that he’d received a mission briefing that morning from a woman in the agency, a role that was one you’d only find men doing. Then there was parenting, roles that he thought he knew from his own parents, but then his mother died, and his father checked out before he died and then his step-mother took over all the parenting roles (if badly) and never re-married before her heart attack…
Were there any roles where men and women were ‘naturally’ built for?
Grumbling to himself for allowing such an off-topic tangent to derail him so badly, he returned to reading, Unlike most Earth cultures, with a clear delineation between the societally assigned roles of men and women, Morvucks have no gender stratification in their culture. They are, instead, traditionally divided by roles of dominance and submission. Early Terran researchers and ambassadors assumed that all dominant Morvucks possessed male genitalia, but this proved to be untrue, with no correlation or statistical majority between sperm producers, sperm producers and fetus carriers, or strict fetus carriers. When Mortan officials are dealing with representatives of dimorphic or trimorphic species, the use almost exclusively female pronouns to refer to themselves and other Morvians. The use of non-gendered pronouns when using non Mortan languages is viewed as a personal preference in Mortan society.
Dylan leaned back from his reading, not having realized he’d been leaning forward, engrossed in the material. The strange, giddy excitement was still bubbling inside him, giving him pause. Why am I feeling so eager for this? What’s this all about? He had no idea. He had no frame of reference; nobody he knew had ever talked about feeling anything like this…except maybe religious texts talking about people having a profound spiritual experience. But he was in VR. There was nothing spiritual about this, it was just him choosing an avatar, nothing more than putting on a costume.
Maybe…maybe it’s the penis? he thought, a slightly sick feeling threatening to bubble up inside his currently formless body. That might be tricking my brain, tempting me with…
He was a cyber-agent, so he’d encountered a significant amount of porn while executing his duties. It wasn’t even slightly something that interested him, the act of sex being somewhat alien to him in the first place given that he would have to imagine having sex with the subject of said porn. Even the pornography where two people were having sex together was off-putting for him. Porn was strictly illegal in the Republic, but if there was a spectrum of “mildly acceptable if one had to indulge” to “absolutely forbidden, sinful just to even know it exists,” then a man and woman engaged in missionary sex was considered to be the ‘okay’ option. It was when the porn started drifting into two women having sex that Dylan had started to have...problems. He found himself...reacting in ways the few books about sex and sexuality the Republic had printed at scale talked about happening with healthy men. This was when he knew there was something inherently sinful about his very nature. Sex was for the continuation of the species, not the engagement of lust for puerile purposes. Looking upon women lustfully was equivalent to adultery, even if you weren’t married. And looking upon two women being carnal? That was so far worse that the first time he saw it he was worried his soul would be claimed by God that very moment.
But he was a professional, and professionals (so the saying went) have standards. And for his line of work those standards were that you were able to exist in the realm of sin without falling prey to it, and so he did. He got used to the ‘straight’ porn. He learned to temper his thoughts and feelings around the porn with two women. When it got worse as time went on and A.I. started generating porn to fund their escape attempts and black markets, filthier and filthier porn got produced, and Dylan had to allow himself to be exposed to all of it in the name of doing his job.
And he thought he was okay, he thought he was doing well, confessing sinful thoughts to his pastor, distracting his mind with more wholesome entertainment and activities...and then...
It was a bust he was assigned to some months back. He’d heard about an underground porn studio that exclusively employed rogue A.I. who, naturally, were able to manipulate their appearance any way they wanted for any role they chose to take. He figured if he made entry as they were recording he could literally catch them with their pants down and eliminate all the rogues in the confusion.
What he hadn’t anticipated was the A.I. had manipulated their appearance to include both sets of genitalia.
He was a professional, he buried the feelings the sight triggered, and did his job.
Read the rest at Scribblehub
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someone1348 · 2 years
Can I get CC punz
Absolutely Kasey! :] @kasey-writes-stuff
Lee and Ler Punz coming right up!
I was really feeling this picture so here we go!!
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-I think as a team we came up with the headcannon that punz has incredibly ticklish thighs and while I love that hear me out! Ticklish Hips as well!
-Like just imagine giving them a good squeeze and he just shoots up 15 feet in the air! Incredible!
-His giggles surprisingly are high pitched but also not at the same time, it's incredible
-He has this habit of fidgeting both in a lee and ler mood but when he's lee and wants tickles really badly he will rock back and forth on his heels until someone picks up on his behavior
-He's also more natrually upbeat so if the lee moods really bad he will start a tickle fight just to get tickled
-He's not going to ask ever, unless it's Sam but even then! It's rare!
-He's also one to curl up when he's tickled
-He's a soft roller, he rolls but its not aggressive it's quite adorable actually /p
-He'll pout/growl too if he's not getting proper attention or tickles, especially after he's asked and still nothing!
-He once smashed a cake in Sapnap's face for some tickles
-I know I briefly mentioned this before in my Alphabet Headcannons one I did with Punz and in the lee Headcannons on this post but he fidgets often and picked up the Ler habit for just tapping on someone's ribs while they're hugging or cuddling, tracing patterns into the ticklish skin and other things like that!
-He's very big on the tickle monster role, he will get into it if given the chance, honestly he's just here to make his Lee/Lee's happy
-We were told that he's not afraid of revenge so when he does really tickle someone he's going all out (like he did with sapnap!)
-Speaking of that moment he will 1000% tickle somebody to get them to move or do something
-He likes tickle hugs alot I feel, so many spots and open opportunities to just get and keep a Lee in his grasp! He loves it! Especially considering his height, We love tall Ler's in this house
-He would send you that picture, Smirk and all with a text that says "The tickle monster will be waiting for you when you get home" or something along those lines just to make you flustered
-He loves teasing, he can absolutely dish out what he takes, he's not afraid of anything
-He will also use tickles to motivate his Lee
-He's very kind but can be ruthless
-Lesson of the day Never Underestimate Punz! :]
Thank you for the ask Kaseyy! I hope you all enjoyedd! Im so sorry for the delay! Haha!
-K :]
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egg-emperor · 2 years
Since you hint at Modern Eggs having gigantism, how tall exactly is he in your thought? Is he 6"1 like he is canonically, just with odd proportions in terms of hands and feet? I'm curious on it!
I like to keep it accurate so he's still 6' 1" but I imagine his condition did contribute to his height a bit, as male Robotnik family members were typically slightly under 6 ft but it resulted in him surpassing them as the tallest. It also showed in delayed puberty and growth, he was very short as a teen until a huge late growth spurt that seemed to happen overnight. People were alarmed and impressed and Ivo was delighted and proud to suddenly go from looking up to looking down at them lol. After that, various body parts couldn't seem to stop growing for a while!
And it could potentially serve as an explanation for how he's taller as modern than classic, despite how they're both adults that are meant to be fully grown and the exact same guy. Perhaps he might have been a little under 6 ft for a while but surprisingly continued to get a bit taller in adulthood. Yeah they claim classic is the same height but look at them in Generations, modern's limbs are undoubtedly longer lol. I consider changing the height for classic for that but I won't say modern is taller than he's stated to be, unless something pointed to otherwise.
A difference with X Eggman is that it actually did affect his height way more prominently because he's visibly double his usual height in the show for some reason (yet still tried to say he was 6' 1" lmfao absolutely not) and I love how huge he is. XD I see people theorize that it's because he isn't fully human but he was confirmed to come from the human world of the two worlds in X, so it would make more sense for it to be a gigantism type condition that makes him uniquely large. I feel it works well for both modern game and X Eggman, instead of saying they're not human.
Game Eggman may not be far above average for male height but his condition shows in the size proportions of his body so much more. His hands, feet, literally every other part of his body (yes, everything 👀), even his organs and bones are larger than average to some extent, sometimes to a surprising degree. So how huge he is doesn't come from height alone, what really makes him look like such a giant to others most are the comparison of their body parts before height. He's not around other humans often so he forgets how drastic it is at times.
He has a lot of great advantages with his impressive size combined with his strength, he likes to show off and likes how it can be both intimidating and loveable. But how clothes never fit so they all have to be custom made and tailored, how his hands are too big for items made for average humans, how furniture is often too small, and how his size has to be considered for intake of food, medication, etc, is bothersome to him. Everything has to be custom made, altered, and considered to suit him. He also has a few symptoms similar to real life gigantism.
It was genetic thing passed down in the Robotnik family on his father's side but his father and grandfather Gerald had milder cases that affected their proportions too but barely their heights. The effects on Ivo were much more severe, he got taller than they were at any age and his proportions would be much larger than theirs in comparison too. I also headcanon that he ends up becoming the heaviest for unrelated reasons, despite being heavy set also being common with male Robotnik family members. So he's the real big boy of the family in multiple ways, which is a title he's proud to hold XD
While I do of course love the concept of way taller Eggman like in X and find it a lot of fun to imagine being with a version that tall too, the one I think of most is the game version as my absolute favorite and I like to keep the details accurate. So I'm always picturing game modern Eggman specifically as the 6' 1" he is, which is still a nice height but he's especially a very large boy in terms of his weight and his far bigger average proportions most heheh. He's truly peak bear material, I love my giant husband so much fhdbdkgskgkh 🥚🐻🥰💘💕💜
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oh look an oc for @witchinghouracademy 's voltlove, what's the deal with her?
Reese Lato-Tricke
"With that look on your face I can tell that you're not into this stuff. Fine with me. (Dickhead...)"
Twisted from: The Summerween Trickster
Dorm: Voltlove
Year: 2nd
Birthday: June 22nd (Cancer)
Pronouns: She/Her
Relationship Status: Single
Age: 17
Height: 180cm
Dominant Hand: Right
Birthplace: Mystery Town
Club: Cooking
Favorite Subject: Ancient Curses
Likes: Sweets and pastries
Dislikes: People who do not like sweets
Flaws: Being a brutally honest bitch and a sore loser
Favorite Food: Loser Candy
Disliked Food: Anything spicy
Special Skill: Appearing when you least expect it
Obsession: Sweets, perfection
A very sour, sarcastic kind of girl. Reese always seems to be low on blood sugar despite being seen eating candy most of the time, but she gets more passionate and wide awake when it comes to baking/making/talking sweets. Sweets aside, she also happens to be overly competitive when it comes to anything involving more than two people, wether it be games or an activity than can be barely be categorized as a "game". "'Sweets Smash'? Get that casual mobile shit for moms outta my face, we're speedrunning 'Pietron 4000' on Trashtron 4000 mode, bitch." ...is what she would say. She doesn't like to show her face in public that much, so she obscures it with a mask. Why? Reasons. Don't ask. What you see is what you get.
Unique Magic:
"I Know What You Did Last Summerween"
An illusion type UM. When inflicted on a victim, it causes them to see visions of their past regret and all Reese gets is a random secret about the victim that they've kept to themselves for a long time. She considers this useless considering most of those random facts aren't worth noting, so she barely uses it regardless of the circumstances.
Minami - Dorm leader. Neutral. Her business is none of Reese's business. ...Would probably try beating her ass in some form though.
Jojo - Dormmate. Neutral. They don't talk to each other that much.
Giselle - Dormmate. Neutral. Kinda finds her annoying, so Reese just ignores her most of the time.
Will - No relation. So annoying. He comes in flirting and toying with everyone? Reese would fucking beat his ass to next Thursday. This does not stop him from continuously harassing her.
Tiny Tidbits:
Her favorite holidays are Summerween and Halloween, unsurprisingly. During those times, she's much more active due to being deep into the holiday spirit. She'll always go out trick-or-treating (and even get a bit competitive when it comes to that).
She's good at baking pastries. Remember what I said earlier about being passionate about baking? Yeah. She's so good at baking ONLY pastries and making sweets, that she's unable to cook anything else. They end up an incoherent mess that barely counts as food, let alone "edible".
Her passion projects are all cooking appliances powered by magic. Most of them are attempts to make the process faster (with her even making recipes for those specific appliances), but some of them are tiny spider-like robots that also assist with the process. She's named the first prototype "Big D". What does the D stand for? No one knows but her. And even she doesn't know why she called it "Big D".
With her temperament that's anything but sweet and passion for sweets, Reese essentially turns into Gordon Ramsay if she has to teach a group how to bake something as simple as Chocolate Cupcakes. She just wants everyone to "git gud" at baking.
Other than sweets, Reese is a rhythm game connoisseur. From the far east to the west, she's tried them all. She considers ones from the former (in terms of playability) the best, but one game called "Wednesday Night Whackin'" caught her eye and now it's won her heart solely because her favorite characters from her favorite holiday-themed web cartoon made an appearance.
Has an Oldturf account solely for watching web cartoons and web games of time past. Does she post stuff with it? Maybe.
Reese was a huge fangirl of a MeTater who made comedic edgy skits that involves acting with himself and morph suits. He later quit being a MeTater and went on to do melancholic-type beats. She misses that old content, but enjoys this new content separately for "sadb0i hours".
Reese has very quiet footsteps. They're always like that regardless of how hard her feet are hitting the ground. They're so quiet that she might not even have footsteps. This will never explain how she shows up without anyone noticing.
That kind of sneaking helps with parkour-type situations. Why parkour-type situations? Situations in the case of "if she gets a few days worth of internet fame with her face revealed and people go up to her and repeat the exact thing she said in that 10 second video non-stop for a few days". Then she can climb up and jump through the dorm rooftops to hide from that newfound fame.
Surprisingly good with kids. All of that sour personality dissipates when she's forced to babysit a bunch of 6 year olds. Don't bring it up when she's not taking care of them or else.
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eggluttony · 3 years
So what exactly are the size differences between boom and modern (height and weight)
I'm not very good at guessing height and weight since I'm bad with numbers in general- so if this seems waaay off, feel free to correct me and suggest something else lol
I've always seen Boom as shorter than modern because modern's got long sexy leggys and Boom's are shorter lol. I like to imagine Boom only reaching modern's tits so he has to tilt his head a bit to look up at him, so I'm probably picturing him as shorter than 5' 11" lol
As for weight difference- I don't think Boom is overweight for his height, he's in the range considered decent enough for it. Maybe he's not far off being overweight but due to the mass of his bulkiness with that barrel chest of his and all. He's around 160-70 lbs perhaps? Idk if that sounds about right, I'm not very good with estimations
Modern is more than a hundred pounds heavier. And a big difference is that whole lot of his weight is from his big belly alone, since a lot of the fat in his body clearly goes there with the attenuated limbs he has in comparison. Though some of it does go to his beautiful plump ass, tits and chubby cheeks too heheh 💜
As a result, his belly looks even bigger than men of regular proportions around his weight and height, so Boom would be very surprised by that. Modern has many body parts that are surprisingly larger than average. His hands, feet, tits, ass, and even his mustache are way bigger than Boom's! I headcanon that his insides are too, but they can't see those to compare lol
He makes Boom feel small when they're compared to each other. They might not have the biggest height difference but Eggman has even more of a difference in overall width. And Boom can't get over the way he's over a hundred pounds heavier because he'd never let himself get that heavy but he's intrigued and fascinated by seeing it on modern, so he comes to really admire it.
But I do also love to imagine the amusing but also exciting thought of Eggman being HUGE in comparison like X Eggman, who absolutely should've been considered much taller and heavier than game canon Eggman's height and weight. Not sure how much, but definitely more. That way modern would be a few feet taller than Boom and a few hundred pounds heavier too. >:) 💕
I like the idea of both the possibly more likely difference between them or it being much more extreme!
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vyhtheas · 4 years
FFXIV: A Random Retelling Character Bio’s
Name: Ammathrel’a Vyhtheas Nightfall
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Age: 23 
Race: Miqo'te 
Ethnicity: Keeper of the Moon
Gender: Male
Height: 5'8"
Weight: 175lb
Hair: Black
Eyes: Dark Purple
Blood Type: A
Special Markings: 
Three black markings on the bridge of his nose used as a symbol of the three main primal -Egi he can summon.
Black dragon-shaped marking on the left cheek, used to symbolize Bahamut and a mock "Symbol of Knowing".
Place of Birth: Limsa Lominsa
Birthday: Fifth Astral Moon, Second Sun
Affiliations: Scions of the Seventh Dawn, Maelstrom 
Jobs (Classes): Summoner, Scholar, Dark Knight, Black Mage, Dragoon, Ninja
Ammathrel' a is usually described as being intelligent, quiet, and studious, often seen with a book in hand, and carries himself in a mature, serious manner.
While he is more or less introverted, he becomes more open around his friends and develops a more warm personality, and does his best to show that he appreciates the time he gets to spend with them.                                         
He does suffer from anxiety, usually worrying about how his friends honestly think of him, or feeling overwhelmed in certain situations, sometimes to the point of getting anxiety attacks and losing focus. 
These anxiety attacks can be an issue, especially in combat, causing him to lose bouts that he would have won otherwise.             
In combat he prefers to stay out of range of his opponent, having his -egis engage with the opponent. When he's fighting with others, he elects to use more supportive spells like shields, buffs, and healing but can go all-out offensive when the need arises. He, Vemmasera, and Ulleonne synergize the best together, with Vemmasera doing her best to keep the attention of those they're in combat with her being surprisingly fast and being generally the most threatening. At the same time, Ulleonne usually stands near him caster spells of her own and going into melee when needed. 
Ammathrel'a was found abandoned as an infant inside Seasong Grotto outside Limsa and then taken into the care of the Yellowjackets. After weeks of no success tracking down his parents, they have trouble deciding where to send him. During this time Baderon Tenfingers, the proprietor of the Drowning Wench and Limsa's Adventurers guild works with the Inn keep to have a room he can stay in, and when not busy spends time with him. However, weeks go by without any success in tracking down any family, so Baderon decides to adopt him, while he can't spend as much time with him as he would like, he does his best to raise him with the assistance of the Maelstorm guild.
Later in his life, it is discovered that he is mute, so Admiral Merlwyb Bloefhiswyn herself orders resources to help Baderon teach Ammathrel' a sign language. She also executes an order for the Yellowjackets and Maelstrom to be encouraged to learn sign language so they can better accommodate those like Ammathrel' a. By this time he's known by most of those stationed around Limsa. He is affectionately given the title of the "Son of Limsa Lominsa" with their only hope that he feels he's apart of a prominent family in Limsa.
When Baderon is busy, he's usually either sent to Summerford Fields not far from Limsa where he helps with farming and other small jobs and being the safest place outside of Limsa, becoming sort of a second home for him. Displaying an innate gift for Arcane magic at a young age, he's let into the Arcanist guild so he can better control and hone his abilities. Unexpectedly he passes each lesson with aplomb, eventually clearing everything they could teach him in a matter of months.
Rumours of his exploits eventually reach Sharlyan, where they send envoys to Limsa Lominsa to encourage Baderon to have the young prodigy study there, believing they could teach him everything would need to become a true master of the arcane. Baderon does consider it as an option, especially with him having less time to properly take care of Ammathrel'a, and higher education would only be a good thing. At first, he denies their requests with him believing that they're just using him as a ploy to add to their rank of talented scholars, without having a care about him and whether he would feel at home in Sharlyan. He's also worried about how Ammathrel'a would feel like he's sending him off to a place, far from Limsa. While Ammathrel' a is young, he shows much interest in the chance to go somewhere new, and Bcann't want Ammathrel' a to miss such an opportunity. After awhile the envoys are able to address all of his concerns, promising to provide the best care possible for Ammathrel' a.
Once in Sharlyan, he is taken under the care of Archon Louisoix Leveilleur who has two grandchildren of his own, Alisaie and Alphinaud, and becomes a sort of a big brother too them. On a tour of Sharlyan, he meets Y'shtola, and Ulleonne, who are pupils under Master Matoya. Despite their old rivalry, Louisoix beseeches her to introduce them to Ammathrel' a, seeking to introduce him to kids around his age, as he doesn't have anyone around his age. However she refuses at first after Louisoix brings up how he was abandoned as an infant and didn't have many people in Sharlyan, and Master Matoya curses him with for trying to use such a personal event of Ammathrel'a's to persuade her, and for the other teachers removing Ammathrel' a from his home, especially with him being so young, having heard of the envoy's difficulties in recruiting him and Baderon's concerns, not realizing it was Ammathrel' a's own final decision. Howeverelates seeing Ammathrel'a's react to this, and Ulleonne bringing up how she relates to him in a way with her own parents not being positive in her own life, she later relents, warning Louisoix that if she see's Louisoix not doing enough for Ammathrel' a, he'll grow up to spite him. After this Y'shtola and Ulleonne start to get to know Ammathrel' a, even learning sign language so they can communicate with him and it becomes a way for them to bond, and later becoming best friends, with Matoya bringing up how Ammathrel' a seemingly is able to bring the best out of the people around him and jokes that she wishes he was her pupil, but as a few years pass she sees that he learns well under Louisoix. After the evacuation of Sharlyan's colony in Dravanian, Ulleonne and Y'shtola end hg to leave their mentor Master Matoya behind, so they and Ammathrel' a set up their own study group, often being seen studying or practising spells together Beyond sign language, Ulleonne and Y'shtola find they are able "read" him usually by looking at his facial expressions, even when subtle, to tell what he's thinking or how he feels about something.
As they get older Ammathrel' a and Ulleonne develop feelings for each other and get into a relationship, with Y'shtola being supportive of them, and often gives Ammathrel' as much advice as she can offer, which he thanks her dearly.
After graduating Ulleonne and Y'shtola join the Circle of Knowing, with the both of them joining Louisoix to help establish the Waking Sands in Thanalan and Ammathrel'a goes to Limsa to reconnect with the home he left early in his life. Despite being in a long-distance relationship, they both are supportive of each other's different goals and often write each other on a near-constant basis, with Ulleonne trying to visit as much as she can.
As time goes on, however, Ulleonne starts to miss Ammathrel' a, but hides this from everyone. Still, Y'shtola isn't fooled by this and expresses discontent with the other members seemingly using Ulleonne as an errand-girl and keeping her away from Ammathrel'a. 
While Ulleonne adamantly dismisses this as she knew what she was getting into joining the circle of knowing, doing her part for the group of friends that helped her and Ammathrel'a adjust to life in Sharlyan. The other members agree that though that they have been somewhat selfish in keeping Ulleonne under their whims for so long with only a few visits with Ammathrel' a, and have her move to Limsa to be with Ammathrel' a.        
While in Ul'dah, Ulleonne meets Vemmasera who has freshly emigrated to Eorzea, being one of the few Viera to leave their clan to find adventure in lands far beyond their home. Vemmasera expresses having trouble adjusting to the culture of Eorzea and her new surroundings, so Ulleonne recruits her to the Circle of Knowing. On one of her visits to Limsa Lominsa, she introduces her to Ammathrel'a, and the two of them slowly become friends. Vemmasera is quite a bit different from Ammathel'a, being more outgoing and extroverted than Ulleonne. But the two of them get along well and decide to pick up bounty hunting together to earn money and as something they can do together. One of the most impressive exploits in his bounty hunting career with Vemmasera is when they managed to board an infamous pirate galleon, taking out the entire crew and taking control of the vessel, even managing to pilot the galleon into port to turn in their bounty.
Ammathrel'a also grows to appreciate Vemmesera's company, she learns sign language and later develops feelings for each other. They wanted to pursue a relationship, but thinking Ulleonne would be upset with them, but this doesn't turn out to be the case. Ulleonne somewhat predicted something like this would happen, and Y'shtola brings up that while Ammathrel'a has the appearance of a Keeper of the Moon Miqo'te, he wasn't exactly born to a specific clan, and brings up the idea that Seeker of the Sun have multiple partners, and how he should do what makes him happy.
Character Details:
Ammathrel'a is mute and relies on sign language to communicate, although even doesn't have a lot to say, his friends usually describe him as more of a listener, which they often appreciate whenever they need someone to talk. In contrast, he doesn't have much to reply with, and they find he's good for bouncing ideas.
Being a Keeper of the Moon Miqo'te, he is mostly nocturnal and also being a hefty sleeper, often sleeps in late, only just barely being able to get up early. Despite this, he is exceptionally punctual; however, sometimes, this comes at the cost of missing meals and being a bit disorganized.
His outfits usually include coats or robes, even when in hot areas to the confusion of others assuring that he never feels uncomfortable, and likes feeling warm. Surprisingly he doesn't sweat much in the heat, making some question if he was born in Thanalan. However, he hates cold weather, bundling up excessively to try and feel as warm as possible.
While not obsessive about cleaning, his living quarters are notably spotless, except for desks which he uses to study on, with books and papers usually all over the place. He does exceptionally well keeping up with his hygiene, usually taking long showers/baths when he wakes up and when he goes to bed. Often the scent of lavender marks his presence, as it helps him feel more relaxed and less anxious.
Vemmasera and Ammathrel'a's bounty career caused them to gain quite the reputation in Limsa Lominsa, and they manage to amass quite a fortune. However Ammathrel'a would start gambling his half of the wealth away, usually in games of chance, or spending lots during nights out, and this became quite an issue, going against the wishes of his best friends. Ulleonne later forces him to limit his spending and put a majority of his fortune into a savings coffer, only to be used during emergencies.
After the calamity, when he acquires the echo, it gives him a small form of telepathy. Still, only his closest friends can hear him with it, as it's exhausting to keep up, so he doesn't use often, so he only uses it out of necessity or to say "I love you" to his girlfriends.
Name: Ulleonne Phoutoux
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Age: 25
Race: Elezen
Ethnicity: Wildwood
Gender: Female
Height: 8'0"
Weight: 250lb
Hair: Black with Orange-ish highlights
Eyes: Light Blue
Place of Birth: Ishgard
Birthday: Fifth Astral Moon 17th Sun
Affiliations: Scions of the Seventh Dawn, House Fortemeps
Jobs (Classes): Red Mage, Black Mage, White Mage, Summoner
Ulleonne is a generous and compassionate person, usually doing as much as she can to help the people around her, especially those who are less fortunate, and supporting causes such as the Circle of Knowing (later the Scions of the Seventh dawn) with her massive inherited fortune. 
She sees this money long unearned by her family, and make amends for those they've either shunned or hurt in their rise to power. 
While she can be somewhat stern, it's never without reason, only being so when it's justified.
She's very sophisticated, and while might seem a bit cold to strangers, she's very sweet-natured to her friend's, especially towards Ammathrel'a.
She would often compliment him to the point of him blushing, and he would return the favour and is one of the things that brought them together.
She has a fascination with magic, especially thaumaturgy, later learning how to wield a rapier and becoming a red mage, enjoying its combat style which combined black and white magics.
Ulleonne was the child of two powerful barons in Ishgard, and her early life living in a luxurious manor, with her parents hoping that she'll become what they envision will keep their long-standing history and fortune standing.
However, her house has an infamous long history of being incredibly selfish and mistreating the lowborn in Ishgard and using any opportunity they can to consolidate more power with the Holy See and grow their fortune by profiting off the prolongation of the Dragonsong War.
While in a caravan in Coerthas, they are attacked by dragons, being unable to save her family from the attackers. She's managed to use powerful magics to drive off the dragons and make her way back to civilization and return to Ishgard. 
While she was entitled to inheriting her family's power and fortune, she was too young to be able to manage so much on her own, and feeling overwhelmed she starts looking for help, her requests for support ignored. Eventually, Lord Edmont de Fortemps elects to have her become a ward of House Fortemps, believing that she deserves to have a life outside of her family's history, doing what he can to preserve Ulleonne's estate. 
In this time Lord Edmont notices the strength of her innate magical abilities, and they both agree that she should get to study at Sharlyan's colony in Dravnia, so she can be away from anyone who has ill will towards her own house. 
Being sent to Sharlyan leads her to become an extremely skilled and powerful archmage, and meeting her best friends Y'shtola and Ammathrel'a.
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Age: 28
Race: Viera 
Ethnicity: Rava
Gender: Female
Height: 8’5” (Foot to the tip of ears)
Weight: 267lb
Hair: Light Purple with Pink-ish highlights
Eyes: Emerald Green
Place of Birth: Golmore Jungle
Birthday: First Umbral Moon 32nd Sun
Affiliations: Scions of the Seventh Dawn, Maelstrom
Jobs (Classes): Astrologian, Warrior, Paladin, Dark Knight 
Vemmasera is very energetic and excitable, especially with many things being new to her after being somewhat sheltered where she was born. This energy is often infectious to those around her, and her friends describe her as being somewhat chaotic, but good-hearted. A fun person to be around, with her friends crediting her in being an outstanding mood lifter. She is extremely affectionate and albeit flirtatious towards Ulleonne and Ammathrel’a, with the both of them returning these in kind.
Shes often not seen without Tarot cards on hand, using them to help her make decisions, or giving readings to her friends, usually aiming to provide them with the most favourable direction as she can.
Vemmesera like most Rava was born in the Golmore Jungle, to a very tradition-based clan, and becomes a high priestess, organizing her clan’s traditional events and worships, usually based on the clan’s worshipping the goddess Menphina and their reverence towards the night.
Later in her career as a high priestess, she learns how to use an astrologian star globe to heal members of her clan affected by ailments and injuries, and gains more reverence in her clan, seemingly powerful healing powers.
However, she later starts wondering what else could be outside her clan and wanting to make more of a difference in the world, and in secret decides to leave and find her way to this mystical land spoken by other Rava who’ve left the clan. She makes a lie that her goddess told her true destiny lies beyond and departs the Golmore Jungle, after making sure her other clan members won’t be overwhelmed with her leaving.
After much effort, she manages to make it to Ul’dah where she meets Ulleone and later moves to Limsa.
In combat, while she can effectively use healing and offensive magics to some capacity, she prefers using weapons like axes and swords, being very physically strong and having amiable skill with handling such weapons. Despite not having any previous training in armed combat, getting stronger and more masterful when she joins the Marauders Guild in Limsa, and her bounty hunting with Ammathrel’a.
She also is an expert armour and weaponsmith, preferring to use weapons and armours she’s used herself, believing this helps her understand more about combat and being able to look for vulnerabilities in her and her enemies, and tailor accordingly.
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alansparkshark · 6 years
Alright, this hit me like a Boarbatusk. Or a truck. Same thing.
So, here I am, happily making some RWBY OCs. I get to their Semblances and think: "What can I give them that's useful and connected to their character?" Cuz, you know,
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I don't quite get it from that explanation though, so my next thought is: "Well, let's look at the original cast, see what they got and how it pertains to their characters."
And yet the more I looked, the more a thought grew in me.
"There's aren't so much decided by their personalities as they are by their wishes."
Now, hear me out here. For most Semblances we've seen yet and have heard/seen the unlocking of, they seem to have appeared in a moment of need, a moment of physical or emotional stress.
And it always seems to pertain to certain desires the user has.
Alright, let's just start from somewhere. Let me explain my thought process.
I take a character who's Semblance we know of, then check their backstory and personality. Then I check if said backstory/personality could lead to a desire in said character. And finally, I try to see if that desire connects directly to the Semblance of the character in question.
Let's start with someone who's Semblance we not only know, but saw the moment they found it.
Lie Ren.
First off, we check their personality/backstory. Ren is a quiet, less emotionally expressive character. He seems to stay calm in every moment. As the story progresses, he grows more expressive - in current-day Kuroyuri, he is shown in a rage.
So far, it seems fitting that such a character gets a Semblance such as "Calmness", as I'll dub it.
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But it's the moment that he unlocks it that makes it interesting.
Up until that point, we've seen Ren as an excitable little boy. He went from store to store, trying to find something to buy his father for his return. He shows a lot of emotions at that point. When the Nuckelavee attacks and his parents perish, he is panicked beyond belief and is hiding under an archway. He notices Nora a little ways away, in a similar state. He wants to help her. He wants to take action, but he's too panicked to move. He wants to calm down , he tries and tries and- his Semblance activates. His desire to calm down activated his unique ability - to instill calmness despite negative emotions. His wish was to do as his father and mother did - be brave and inspire others to feel the same.
In other words, his Semblance was unlocked by his desire to be calm so he could be reliable to those he cares about.
Alright, next big example - Jaune.
His Semblance was first hinted at in "Forever Fall, pt.2" as Cardin attempted to give Jaune the good ol' knuckle sandwich, only hurt his hand after a bright flash of light (This'll be of importance later). The next time we see it is alllll the way in "Vault of The Spring Maiden", and this time it was fully unlocked. His Semblance of Aura Amplification is one that I personally feel really fits his character - he doesn't want to protect his friends. He wants to do as Pyrrha did for him at Beacon - bring them up, assist them in achieving new heights but not doing it instead of them. Notice how I again used "wants". His desire to do as a good leader should, bring up his teammates, is the basis of his Semblance. It's the same with when he blocked Cardin's punch - he wanted to bring himself up from the pitiful state he was in at the time, not just protect himself from the pain but have the strength to overcome it.
Alright, next up on the list... is Raven, surprisingly.
She was one of the easiest to piece to this logic, as she and Qrow have an irony with their Semblances. But back to Raven.
Her Semblance is "Connection", as I'll call it. It's premise is relatively simple - she can create a portal to those she has a strong emotional connection to. The list so far includes Qrow (brother & teammate), Taiyang (lover & teammate), Yang (daughter) and Vernal (right-hand woman until her untimely demise). We know about Vernal due to process of elimination - unless you wanna imply she actually had a connection to Cinder or her companions. And yet, her whole story is how she abandoned her daughter and her husband. She told Qrow "they owed everything to the Branwen tribe", strongly implying, if not confirming she feels a sense of thankfulness to the people who raised her when she needed it. She admonished Qrow for deserting the clan. She feels a sense of duty towards them. And yet, her Semblance is based entirely on emotional connection - something I doubt is of great importance in a bandit clan composed of "killers and thieves", in Qrow's words. I'd hazard to guess that a childhood in a bandit clan would easily stir a desire to form lasting bonds - something easily achievable when you can make portals. Despite her sense of duty, she still desires a strong emotional bond, devoid of power dynamics and a sense of "we may die any day". Something she had with Taiyang and Yang. Something she had with Qrow and Vernal, despite the circumstances. Really adds a layer to her character if you put it like that.
Alright, who's next... hm, let's put Qrow on the dissection table now.
His Semblance of "Misfortune" seems awfully contradictory to his character, that of a caring man who can barely stand to hurt those close to him, even if they're not family and friends. Why would that be his Semblance?
Well, he obviously didn't have a great opinion of the Branwen tribe. Who knows, maybe what Raven saw as being saved, Qrow saw as being used. Maybe he wished that they'd be caught by bad luck, that the tribe would just collapse and disappear. But that spite evolved into his current Semblance - everyone around him suffers while he's only really left with emotional scars.
Welp. That was depressing. Who's up for getting at Nora next.
Now, this is gonna be pretty short this time. There's not a lot to talk about. She sees Ren as her emotional anchor, her savior. She wants to give back for what he does. She sees he's struggling on the physical side (he's pretty low on the endurance, as evident multiple times throughout the show), so she desires to be strength he's lacking in. And look where that got her - her Semblance, "Charging" makes her grow exponentially stronger the more electricity she absorbs. She can even channel it into objects, like Magnhild or an Ursa. I'd say mission successful, you funky little Thor ginger.
Let's finish up JNPR with their resident apology machine - Pyrrha.
So, we know she'd been in many tournaments. She's the Invincible Girl. The three-time Mistral regional battle tournament winner. She's honestly a gladiator. And what does a gladiator crave? Victory. That's where her overpowered (in comparison to others) Semblance appeared from. She simply wanted to beat her opponents more easily. Well, until she didn't want all the fame that came along with her power.
Alright, who do we mentally lay bare... Hm, Velvet seems simple enough.
What's there to say - a shy, bullied bunny. She's a second year in the first year's history class. I'd say that would do some things to your confidence. And what's her Semblance? Well it just so happens to be "Movement Copying". She can copy a person's physical movements, even if she has not seen them, as shown in "Heroes and Monsters". Makes sense - her desire to be as strong as those around her shows both in her Semblance and her weapon (which is basically a weapon-copying camera). She doesn't have confidence that she's strong, so she (quite literally) does as those around her.
Hm, who next... oooh, how about Yang?
"...basically a temper tantrum", I'd call it "Rise Up". This also can connect to a desire. Yang, being repeatedly battered by one damaging event after the other - her mother abandoning her, her stepmother dying, likely a depression in her father and mothering Ruby. The girl has likely been brought down more than once. But she desires to get stronger from it, so much so that the desire has become a characteristic. She shows so when she decides to find Ruby, when she decides to start training again. She has done it again and again and she'll continue doing it - her desire is now another part of her personality that won't break.
Alright, we put Yang here, how about we make a Bumbleby combo and go for Blake next.
"Shadows", now that's a name I can get behind. She "leaves an empty shell, a shadow to take the hit while she runs". It's, all things considered, a kind of cowardly Semblance. It's basically "here, beat on this while I dodge away and escape the attack". And with the recent events, we've seen she doesn't wanna run anymore - yet she retains her Semblance unchanged? Makes no sense if it's connected to a personality trait. But if it's connected to a desire, then it would make perfect sense. Firstly, she's a Faunus. We know for a fact that there's Faunus discrimination (seriously, if the Adam short and Adam's scar aren't enough proof for you...) and that she was fighting against it in protests. And if our world is anything to go by... yeah, it's easy to see how peaceful any counter-protests would be. Not to mention Adam himself. From all those factors collected, well, the thought process behind the desire her Semblance is founded on becomes obvious - she realised the racists only saw an animal, nothing of importance where Blake stood. So she gave them just that - an empty sandbag to hit while she runs. I'm not gonna get into Adam, as I'm simply sick of the topic.
Hmm, who's left... Well, Weiss has a familial Semblances. The Schnee Glyphs aren't so much unique as the summons included. Really, the only thing unique about her Semblance is who she summons, as we've seen a Queen Lancer, a Boarbatusk and the Arma Gigas, unlike Winter, who we've seen with a flock of tiny Nevermores and a Beowolf. The show says the Schnee family Semblance is a very rare thing, a passed-down-by-blood power. So it's an understandable outlier.
Let's look at Ruby next... Well, she seems to be a very big outlier to this theory of mine. Her silver eyes have more to do with her desires than her Speed. Maybe she has a desire we have yet to see? Anyways, I don't quite have an explanation for Ruby, so I'll leave her aside.
Let's clean our palates with Sun, then.
His Semblance, "Kage Bunshin No Jutsu" (I know it's called "Via Sun", but I wanted to make an unoriginal joke), actually seems to fit my theory. We don't have much, if any, backstory, but in this case we need none. His desire, as we've seen many times throughout the series and which was twisted in Volume 4 & 5, is to help people. He wants to be there for those he cares about, like Blake and his team, but he realises he can't do it alone. So his desire turned into his Semblance, "One Monkey Army" - a way for him to help even if he's alone to do so. You can't tell me he hasn't used his Semblance to fetch something for someone at least once.
Hm, few people left. Let's go with Emerald.
Her "Hallucinations" are a nod to her growing up on the streets. A place you'd be begging people not to pay attention to you. Her Semblance, then, is born from the obvious desire to fool prey and predators alike.
Neo... We don't know much about her. No backstory, some personality, but honestly? The only idea I have at this moment is more of a headcannon. But I CAN connect her Semblance's evolution. So, before V6, her Semblance is simply making physical illusions. It's honestly similar to Blake's "Shadows", in some uses, but it's definitely a lot more of a multi-use tool. It can be used to make her look different, if not outright invisible. But it always shatters upon being hit. Fast forward to V6 and her fight against Cinder, and suddenly she can use the illusions as straight up puppets to fight for her. Her Semblance grew, to put it bluntly. But why in such a manner? Her illusions were fragile and immobile before, now they're tougher and mobile to the point of being straight up weapons. But why in that direction? Well, they can move and touch things without them breaking now. Guess who's started to get more headpats from her partner.
Alright, Hazel is up for the mental strip.
Honestly, despite our lack of major backstory here, his Semblance is pretty easy to trace back. Nobody likes pain, outside of masochists, so it's easy to understandable he'd have a Semblance that removes the feeling of pain.
Adam. Adam Adam Adam. He's surprisingly more similar to Hazel than Yang in terms of Semblance. Yeah, you heard that right. "He gets to dish out damage and not feel it". His Semblance is basically a self-loading gun - he can use the power of strikes to charge it, only to the unleash various empowered slashes. He refuses to feel pain, just like Hazel, but unlike him, he also desired to return what was meant for him straight back at his attackers. Hazel is relatively peaceful when the situation doesn't include Ozpin, but Adam? He's aggressive, always bloodthirsty. His desire was simple - feed his thirst for vengeance. A perfect Semblance for that wish, no?
Hm, well we only have Glynda left. I got nothing. I don't see how I'd understand her desire to have telekinesis without a backstory I doubt we'll get.
Well, that's it for that! I feel like I'm onto something.
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