#like to me kakashi is a person who feels so so so guilty about wanting things
maoam · 8 months
What do you think of this post
I stopped reading when op brought up "the truth about itachi?" panel as proof that Sakura can't be judged for not knowing. But okay, I will explain this in more details AGAIN.
1. The difference in how Kishi portrayed Naruto/Sakura reasoning with Sasuke
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Naruto's reasoning why Sasuke shouldn't go to Orochimaru: "He will kill you." Naruto is concerned for Sasuke's well-being.
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Sakura's reasoning why Sasuke shouldn't go to Orochimaru: "Revenge won't make you... ME happy." And Sasuke says "I knew it (yappari)" because he realizes Sakura is making this about herself. That's why that line is isolated with Sasuke in the background.
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She specifically claims she understood what Sasuke meant yet she compares her pain to Sasuke's entire clan being massacred and taken from him, and takes her own parents for granted.
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Then when it doesn't work, she starts to confess her feelings (why the hell she always looks angry when she confesses?).
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And then she completely flips on her arguments. So much for "revenge won't make you happy" like she cares about Sasuke's happiness. Unlike with Naruto, whose arguments were very simple, Kishi chose to portray Sakura in this insincere and hypocritical manner. This is a writing choice.
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He actually says in Japanese "I knew it (yappari), you really are annoying." Notice how Sasuke always uses "I knew it" with Sakura, it's because his first impression of her being ignorant, selfish and childish was correct. So despite him giving her chances his first impression continues to be right.
2. Naruto's reasoning stays the same
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Kishi acknowledged that Naruto didn't quite get Sasuke yet at this point, but his intentions were good nonetheless. He just didn't want Sasuke to die/throw his life away.
3. Kage arc and how Kishi again portrayed Naruto and Sakura differently:
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Yes, Naruto reacts like this at first.
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Kishi showed that Naruto did care and did understand Sasuke's love for his clan. He also showed Naruto was completely fine with letting the massacre be exposed. He did not care about how it would make Konoha look, even when he didn't know it to be true yet. Kishi wrote this for a reason. Kakashi then stops Naruto.
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Sakura, who supposedly "loves" Sasuke, heard how much Sasuke loves his clan, was aware that Itachi had been killed, yet she didn't bother to ASK Sasuke, something Naruto was planning to do, why he is now acting the way he is since Itachi had been killed. She just didn't want to feel guilty about the promise between her and Naruto (because her ego really made her believe Naruto was only chasing Sasuke for her). So she decided to kill Sasuke.
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Sakura then hears all this (after her failed attempt to kill Sasuke) which means that there is more to Itachi's case than meets the eye, and that Sasuke thinks Konoha is responsible for what happened to his clan. Yet she still doesn't ask anyone what all that was about because she does not care. Her main motivation was always to get into Sasuke's pants, she never cared about Sasuke's feelings or him as a person, that's how Kishi wrote her. The fact op used this last panel to defend Sakura is baffling to me. She was specifically given an opportunity here, and she just shrugged it off.
4. Portraying Naruto and Sakura differently yet again:
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Sakura is given the chance to understand Sasuke wants CHANGE and yet does she care?
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Nope, she starts yapping about her feelings and how things can go back to the way they were if Sasuke just stays with her, completely discarding Sasuke's desire for change. Which mirrors the confession she made in part 1. Kishi was showing how she has not changed in ways that matter. She is still selfish, and she still doesn't listen/nor care about Sasuke's feelings. This is why Sasuke calls her annoying yet again.
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But Naruto, regardless of the shitty ending, does want change. He was shown over and over again to want to change things for the better. You can't possibly use Boruto to deny this part of his character.
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Guess who again discarded what Sasuke wanted and asked to come with him on his journey he wanted to take alone, just for romantic purposes? Guess who later CHASED Sasuke just to be with him, once again discarding his wants?
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"Naruto forced Sasuke to come back to Konoha" no he didn't. At no point did Naruto say Sasuke needs to live in Konoha. He let Sasuke leave at the end, and didn't force himself with him because Sasuke wanted to go alone.
People who act like Sakura would be revolutionary when Kishi over and over again showed that not only does Sakura not grow as a person, she also does not care about Sasuke's feelings or change.
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Same way, Kishi had Shizune tell Sai that Naruto is not chasing Sasuke only for Sakura's sake. Yet Sakura still thought it was just for her, and thought her confession would make Naruto stop chasing Sasuke, and was shocked when Naruto said the promise doesn't even matter. Sakura constantly discards the information she receives because she just does not care if it's not about her relevance or her being together with Sasuke.
"People celebrate Naruto for doing the same things they hate Sakura for" no we don't, we just read the manga and understand what Kishi was trying to tell, hope this helps.
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cursed-peanut · 1 month
About the reunited au (tw suicide)
What if after realising how bad sukuna is reader ends her life instead of moving someplace very far and starting a new life. I mean she finds herself in a completely different era and the man who she loved for so long isn't who she thought he was. Plus the guilt from sharing stuff about gojo, i could imagine she would have a very hard time and it would be interesting to see how sukuna would react if she ended the turmoil for herself in this way. Would he destroy everything in a fit of rage or feel responsible and guilty for her death and stop? Idk i think this could be interesting but i do realise its a quite heavy topic so no worries :)
This is definitely something that could happen.
Reader was last in the real world 1,000 years ago, the world has changed hugely since then. Sure, they know some things about the new world (curtesy to the students at Jujutsu High and Gojo) but everything’s so new and overwhelming. So starting anew in a world Reader doesn’t know would be daunting and terrifying.
The only consistent person in Reader’s life was Sukuna, but after finding out who he truly is, Reader would become even more lost in this new world. With the realisation and guilt that Sukuna was exploiting Reader’s love to get information about Gojo and then Gojo’s death, everything would shatter.
In every version of the ending, Gojo’s death will always be the tipping point for Reader. He’s helped them so much and was a great guy who only wanted the best for Reader.
I can 100% see Reader being so devastated and overwhelmed that they would end it all.
Sukuna would be absolutely destroyed by Reader’s death, and even more so because they took it themself. He would blame himself for Reader’s death (which it is), and then it would go one of many ways.
Sukuna would become so depressed and ashamed, he would end it all as well.
Sukuna would become so angry about Reader’s death, he would destroy the world, kill everyone and then himself.
Sukuna would carry on with his plan for the perfect future in the name of Reader’s legacy and memory. However, he would never truly be happy as they are not there but he continues to live his life anyway as punishment for pushing Reader towards their demise.
Sukuna would stop all the killing, make amends with everyone and try to become a better being for the sake of Reader. However, he still would be unhappy as his one true love is gone and he will never see them again thanks to his blindness and stupidity.
There are many more possibilities where he lives, but if he does, he would never be truly happy. Reader is the only person he actually cares about and to have them dead is effectively killing Sukuna.
Taglist: @makuzume @spicyhyunn @pearlescentwonderland @namjooningera @six-eyed-samurai @natriae @domainofmarie @lixern @fluttershyfangs @girlyuuta @anabort @yu-87 @sukunaglazer4ever @madison777x @nothankyew @holylonelyponyeatingmacaroni @dervngedgf @calisnewworld @ilybbg @the-banshee @mostnormalsukunastan2024real @williamafton26 @alinacore @mythoswarrior-23 @megantheefann @mindless-rock @kimsunoo2003 @anayesha1 @lelelenlenn @shyshybabyy @unlikelystay @shigemis0ra @iloveboysinred @eresel4mordemivid4 @meo66 @frozen-waffles @awispywillow @youngghostpeachslime @mrsslytherin00 @lazyperfectioniste @whosmarjj @princess-peachys @itawifeyy @sugurubabe @lalalandincraz @hanniebanggi @mrs-monkey-d-luffy @sukunadckrider @shadowlover321 @mwtsxri @lysaray @kakashi-addict @blindbabycadder @qmsvpx @bakedpotato12 @poisnhoneyy @wooasecret
Please don’t copy or take as your own. Likes and reblogs are appreciated!
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tcookies777 · 6 months
Where I am now
Many of you have left such kind comments and sent me messages out of concern for my wellbeing. For that, I thank you from the bottom of my heart. I also appreciate your patience as I understand it can be difficult to wait months for a chapter update on a long, tedious fic such as The Anatomy of Love. Your patience for this story is always sincerely appreciated.
I've been struggling for months to find the right words to say. To decide whether to express the ache in my heart or draw lines and stay silent. But while a part of me wishes to say little to nothing on the matter out of a sense of shame, the better part of me recognizes that conversations like the one I'm about to raise are something that needs to be discussed more. If only to raise awareness of the topic or help destigmatize it. If only to normalize issues like these. If only to just help someone else who might be going through a dark period in their life as well.
It's here that I'll give a final warning of the sensitive topics of this post. So feel free to turn away now if the topic of mental illness might be upsetting.
Trigger warning: suicide and mental illness
Ok, so here goes....
My sister committed suicide. I won't go into details of course, but it was not peaceful or quiet - it was violent, gruesome, and excruciatingly painful. So much so that the police thought it might've been a murder and harshly investigated us, making everything more difficult and traumatizing than it already was.
She had battled with depression for nearly 2 decades, deteriorating far beyond recognition. We had grown estranged over the years of my childhood because she pushed loved ones away, blaming them for the way she turned out but also still relying on them to survive. An awful cycle of codependency.
I myself have been battling with high-functioning depression for the past decade, which is one reason why I struggle to respond to people's messages. From readers, friends, and family alike. I, too, have an issue of pushing people away. Because I'm ashamed for them to see how broken my life is. Because I have seen the way people judge you for having a mental illness. I have witnessed friends, family, and even Healthcare workers gaze upon the mentally ill as if they are a sore sight.
To be honest, I understand both sides; it can also be frustrating to pool all your time, effort and resources into trying to help someone who does not want to be helped. It burns you out. That despite your efforts to fight for that person, they do not fight for themselves and you're forced to watch them deteriorate in a slow, agonizing process.
"At the beginning, you’ll do your best to shoulder all my burdens. At the beginning, you’ll be strong about it. But over time, you’ll come to regret it—you'll come to regret me, and the burden that I have become to you." — Kakashi, Chapter 30 of The Anatomy of Love
On the other side, it's hard to take that step to accept the help offered to you. It's hard to find the strength to meet your loved ones halfway and help them to help you when you hardly have the strength to even get out of bed. Yet, you also feel guilty because it feels as if you are just dragging down those around you.
These are the feelings Kakashi expresses to Sakura in Chapter 30, when he tries to explain the reasons why they cannot and should not pursue a relationship. Guilt and self-loathing are the feelings that have been eating me up inside for years, as they ate at my sister as well.
We were born from a loveless, violent marriage. So we didn't know how to love each other, though we did whether we wanted to or not. Likely it was the trauma that bonded us. But put together, my sister and I were oil and water. Loving someone who is your family but is practically a stranger to you is incredibly difficult and taxing.
Yet, I understood completely. You just don't know how to show love to someone when you were never given love.
But despite my estrangement from my sister, I still love her. Being a 1st generation American often means you have nothing but your family. When you have no house, no savings, no relatives to turn to - just your immediate family - it can be a toxic, tough love where you have only that person whether you like them or not. And in Asian culture, family is especially everything even when it's completely dysfunctional.
So why am I updating TAOL now?
It's mostly for myself. Because it's my own comfort fic that allows me to engage in therapeutic writing. It's a story of loneliness and love of all forms (romantic, sexual, familial, etc). More importantly, it's a story about finding family, finding love, and finding home. Something that I've yearned for all my life.
And it's a story of pursuing happiness even when you think you don't deserve it. It's a story that shows good coping mechanisms and bad coping mechanisms and their consequences. It's a story of picking yourself up by the bootstraps even when you just want to sit and wallow in despair. And it's also a story of embracing the love of those around you and taking their hands when they reach out to you and offer their support.
At its core, The Anatomy of Love is a story about fighting loneliness, self-hatred, guilt, and mental illness with love. With the love of friends and family. And with the love for yourself. Because while it's important to have a strong support system to love and look out for you, it is just as important to love yourself and really put in the effort to take care of yourself. And sometimes that means being ""selfish"" and prioritizing yourself over others.
Why am I saying all this?
I'll admit, I'm uncomfortable revealing the skeletons in my closet to strangers online where everyone can judge and share my secrets. I'm embarrassed to admit that TAOL's themes are projections of my own desires, and for people to know that I write about such things in fanfic because of the fact that I don't have them. But I'm just too insecure to talk to anyone 1 on 1. Not to mention that, unfortunately, it's not that simple to just go to therapy (especially when the healthcare system is broke here).
Most importantly, I hope that if there's anyone out there reading this and going through a shitty point in their lives as well... I hope you are able to take comfort in the fact that you are not alone in this. We individually have our own demons to fight, but we're all fighting the same battle.
I wish I could say it gets better, but there's honestly no guarantee. So many times, I've had to stop myself from telling patients "things'll get better" because that's a promise that we're taught never to make. The truth is no one knows if things really do get better. Personally, I haven't been feeling better at all. For most of my life, people have been telling me it gets better and to just be patient, but every year it actually gets worse and worse. And just when you think things are starting to look up, it instead gets even more worse.
It's tiresome waiting years for things to get better when it seems it's nowhere in sight.
But I'm trying my best to take it day by day. I do my best to get out of bed, go to work, take a proper shower, feed myself. I do my best to love myself - mostly out of fear that what little family I have will one day disappear and I will have no one left to love me. No one but myself.
But sometimes my best does not feel enough. Sometimes I hate myself more days than others.
That's okay, I tell myself. I hate myself today, but I will love myself tomorrow. I will forgive myself eventually. I can be happy eventually. One day at a time.
Because on my better days, I realize that not every person can afford to wait for things to get better. You have to be the one to take the initiative - get off your ass and take that step forward and make things better yourself. All the people around you can offer you all the help that you need, but the most important thing is that YOU have to want to help yourself.
So that's all I am able to say for now. I do apologize if my thoughts are a bit discombobulated. I am still struggling to find my feet when it feels like I'm still drowning under pounding waves of darkness. If you've read this far, I appreciate you taking the time to read this.
Meanwhile, I hope you guys can continue to enjoy reading The Anatomy of Love. The chapter is not entirely to my satisfaction due to the last minute revisions I made, but I wanted a sprinkle of happiness in the moment. I think that's something we all need.
Also, thank you for the messages you have sent me and the comments you left. I'm truly sorry I do not have the courage or strength to respond, but please know I am forever grateful and touched that people would reach out to a stranger like me.
Hope to see you soon,
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I've never seen someone hate or dislike Kakashi before, but looking at your Kakashi posts (which I later realized were "anti Kakashi" posts), I feel like these make some people talk shit about Kakashi for no reason and it also gives me the feeling that even though you read the manga you're just blinded as a defender of Sasuke and that you don't understand Kakashi's character at all, almost always the posts are one-sided, making Sasuke look poor or the only one misunderstood and you make Kakashi look like someone bad or that he liked to manipulate people, you even make him look pro Konoha when many times the anime/manga shows Kakashi disobeying the orders of the Hokage...
I'm not saying this to talk shit about your post, but for you to read more objectively, since I love Sasuke and I don't think Kakashi is bad at all (either in writing or as a character)
You know, I'm a little weirded out by this ask, because your blog has no posts, no likes, and follows no one; so you are either using a side-blog to send this as you don't want me to know who you are... or you created this blog with the sole purpose of communicating with me. Both options are equally weird to me.
I've never seen someone hate or dislike Kakashi before, but looking at your Kakashi posts (which I later realized were "anti Kakashi" posts), I feel like these make some people talk shit about Kakashi for no reason
Are you honestly making me the sole responsible for some people not liking Kakashi? Do you really think I hold that much power over people's views? I provide images of manga panels in order to support my arguments, so you can easily access the panels and pages that led me to my reasoning.
and it also gives me the feeling that even though you read the manga you're just blinded as a defender of Sasuke and that you don't understand Kakashi's character at all
If you like Kakashi's character and you think my judgment of him is unfair, you can easily write your own post analyzing him, I'm not obligated to fit your tastes as I do believe I'm fair in judgment, as I not only write what he did wrong but also the reasoning behind his behavior. You can still think that everything he does is redeemable, but that doesn't reflect my personal beliefs.
almost always the posts are one-sided, making Sasuke look poor or the only one misunderstood and you make Kakashi look like someone bad or that he liked to manipulate people
What are you talking about? Have you honestly read all my posts about Kakashi? Can you back up anything you say with some evidence? I never stated Kakashi likes to manipulate people, I specifically said he does it as it's a tool used by the shinobi system that he was taught and he later on naturalized as a genuine way of communication. The fact that he was a victim during his formative years doesn't mean he isn't perpetuating the same system that oppressed him and others. He's just as guilty as those who wronged him in the past.
you even make him look pro-Konoha when many times the anime/manga shows Kakashi disobeying the orders of the Hokage...
The anime isn't canon, If it happened in the anime but not in the manga, then it makes absolutely no difference to me. Anything you say to me that isn't backed up by a manga panel is nothing but mere talk, and I won't take any of it seriously. Show me some evidence for your claims. Also, even if Kakashi did "go against" the Hokage's decision, did he truly go against Konoha's interests or did he argue against his leader somewhat? He was always faithful to the Hokage and Konoha.
I'm not saying this to talk shit about your post, but for you to read more objectively, since I love Sasuke and I don't think Kakashi is bad at all (either in writing or as a character)
I'll reiterate, if you don't agree with my analysis of him you can easily write one of your own, I don't have to cater to your tastes.
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tsukuyomii45 · 1 year
Got some more headcanons of my Uchiha Ghost AU. It’s about this Obito’s personality. I like to hear your thoughts on it…
Tobi is very sarcastic and he has a devil may care attitude. He simply doesn’t give a flying fuck. I’ve seen Swagkage’s Leave Obito Alone video, and he mentions that Obito has a dark sense of humor and just memes around. I just wanted to showcase that part of his personality in this AU.
During a fight, Tobi would sometimes make fun of his opponents. Tobi during his fight Rin, Kakashi, and Minato would roast the shit out of them because none of them can hit him because of his fucking kamui ability.   
Tobi would call Kakashi by his last name, Hatake. Tobi would sometimes insult the anbu shinobi for being a porn addict. But he does sympathize with his former friend, and would sometimes question how Kakashi continues to be himself after all the loss and trauma he has experienced.  
Tobi would call Rin, jinchuuriki. Tobi would find her new found mischievous nature annoying. But he would find it hard to be mean towards Rin because of her friendly and caring personality. As much as he wants to deny it, Tobi still has feelings for her.
Tobi would call Minatio, 4th hokage. He would call him a poser under his breath, because of the jacket Minato wears. As much as he resents the man, Tobi is happy and proud that his former sensei was able to achieve his dream of becoming hokage. 
Tobi doesn’t fuck with Kushina. When they first met years after Tobi tried to kill her, Kushina pretty much threatened the masked man. 
Kushina: If ever tried to hurt me or my family again… You’ll be a dead man.
Tobi: (nervously sweating in terror) Yes ma'am.
Tobi doesn’t mess with her for 2 reasons.
He knows Kushina personally from his time as Obito, and he knows not to get on her bad side. (her really bad side he hopes he’ll never meet.)
He feels guilty for what he almost did 2 years ago, how he tried to take the tailed beasts and use them to destroy the hidden leaf village. 
If he’s not being a sarcastic troll, Tobi would be quiet most of the time. As much as Tobi acts like a complete jackass. Behind the mask, he still is a kind and caring person who is just broken by loss and trauma. That’s why either acts like a jerk or doesn’t talk much. Obito doesn’t want to get reattached to his former friends, because of the fear of losing them and turning back into a monster he almost became. He’s afraid of his clan’s curse of hatred coming back.
Tobi also somewhat resents his former team. He resents Kakashi for almost failing to keep his promise, he resents Rin for trying to kill herself, and he resents Minato for not being there to save Rin or himself. But as much as he resents them, he also misses his former friends, and just wants to be with them again. But he can’t because of his fears. So he uses his resentment to act like a jerk in order to push them away. But eventually he does open up a little to them.
Not bad. I wouldn't say I have things to add, all I can say that this works out.
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depressedhatakekakashi · 11 months
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Mission Time!
Words: 1,886
Age Swap AU
Characters: Haruno Sakura, Hatake Kakashi, Maito Gai
Also written for the Kakagai Halloween event being held by @kakagaievents with the prompt 'Ghost'
Hatake Kakashi was the spitting image of his father.
Sakura had never understood how they were supposed to keep the truth of his parentage a secret from him. Not just because it was incredibly hard to keep those precious memories to herself when all she wanted to do was sit Kakashi down and tell him everything, but because anyone who looked at Kakashi would be able to see who his father was.
It was just so obvious.
His hair was just as silver as Sakumo-sensei’s.
His eyes had that same playful sparkle when he was about to knock someone on their ass for thinking they could face off against him.
One look at Kakashi and anyone with an IQ over fifty would know who he was. Those who claimed they didn’t were either incredibly stupid or lying to themselves so they wouldn’t feel guilty about hating the Fourth Hokage’s son. 
The only thing that Kakashi hadn’t received from his father, was his personality.
That was all Yua-San.
“Cut it out,” peering over her paperwork, Sakura watched as Kakashi leaned away from Gai, who was currently standing a little too close trying to sneak a peek into the book Kakashi was reading. “Personal space, Gai.”
“Then tell me what it’s about.” Gai insisted.
Kakashi shook his head. “You wouldn’t like it.”
“You don’t know that.”
“I do,” he insisted. “You like action and adventure. This,” he held his book up, flashing the front cover so Gai could see the title. “Is a romance. You wouldn’t like that.”
Setting her work aside, Sakura reached out for the glass of water. It was rare to see Kakashi in the village, so even though she had called the pair of them in to present them with a mission she hoped Kakashi would agree to help on, she wasn’t in any sort of rush to put an end to his conversation with Gai.
After all, the two of them had lost three years when Kakashi left the village to join Danzo. These few precious moments they had together needed to be savored. Even if Sakura had to wait a bit longer than usual to actually give them the mission. 
“Well, I bet you that I would like it,” Gai huffed, earning himself a rather judgemental expression from Kakashi. An impressive feat considering Kakashi usually saved his most judgemental looks for Obito. “Let’s have a challenge! If I win-”
“We’re here because Sakura-Sensei called us in for what I presume is a mission,” Kakashi reminded his friend, barely hiding the way his eyes crinkled at the edges with fondness. “Though, I’m not sure why I’m here. I don’t really take missions for Konoha.”
Seeing her que, Kakashi picked the mission file up and held it out to Kakashi. “I wouldn’t ask if I didn’t think you would help,” she assured her old student. “Besides, I thought you would appreciate an opportunity to do a mission with Gai. You know, like old times.”
“Old times,” Kakashi scuffed at the term. “You say that as if there are fond memories in this village for me.”
The words cut deep, but Sakura did her best not to let the regret show on her face. She knew that she’d failed her student by not standing beside him when the whole village turned their backs on him.
She’d failed him in so many ways over the years.
Not being there for him when he was growing up. 
Not being able to protect him when Danzo infiltrated the chunin exams and left the curse mark seal on Kakashi’s shoulder.
She’d even failed to secure him the promotion to Chunin that he’d so deserved, but which was denied to him because of the curse mark seal and the unstable effect it had on him. 
“Come on, Kakashi,” Gai clapped his friend across the back and grinned so brightly that Sakura was sure he was going to blind Kakashi. “You still had me. Oh, and Rin and Obito, of course.”
“How nice of you to remember them,” Kakashi sighed. Finally, with a slight glare aimed at Sakura, he took the mission file from her. “What is it about this mission that requires my attention, exactly?”
“S-Ranked shinobi,’ She began explaining. “Been causing some problems in the five great nations and even had the courage to go straight into Suna and get into a fight with Baki,” Kakashi’s eye twitched at the mention of his old Suna friend. “He’s alright, just so you know. A few scratches that healed up right away with Shukaku’s help.”
“Of course he is,” Kakashi huffed. “But why does this require my attention? You have a lot of Shinbobi in Konoha capable of taking care of such a threat. Three notable one’s being Obito, Rin, and Gai.”
Sakura was forced to bite her tongue when she saw a blush creeping into Gai’s cheeks. Even though he’d been officially recognized as one of Konoha’s best shinobi, Gai could still be considered ‘weak to praise’. Especially if that praise came from Hatake Kakashi himself. 
It was rather adorable in her opinion.
“It doesn’t require your attention,” she corrected him while Gai turned his head away in a rather poor attempt to hide his blush. “I just thought you would like to take it on yourself.”
“Because that S-ranked shinobi is Guren,” At the mention of her name she saw Kakashi’s entire body straighten up. A reaction she’d fully expected. “The file I have on her says that she was a part of Danzo’s crew. I know you have a …personal vendetta against anyone who worked under Danzo.”
“Anyone who deserves to have a personal vendetta against them,” Kakashi corrected her swiftly. “And she does.” Whatever his reason for hating the woman, Sakura didn’t care. She only needed someone to deal with the issue and it seemed that Kakashi was, in fact, up to the task. 
“You and Gai will go together then,” she declared with a proud smile. “After all, you’re not really a Konoha shinobi or even a chunin. I need a Konoha Jonin on this mission to make it official,” Kakashi’s eye twitched, but he said nothing in argument. “Gai?”
Snapping to attention, Gai nodded his head. “I would be more than happy to take this mission, Hokage-sama,” he agreed. “Kakashi and I will deal with the threat swiftly and be back within three days.”
“Well, I’ll give you a week,” she chuckled. “Based on the last bit of information we received on her she’s in the Land of Stone. It will take you a bit of time to get there and back.”
“We’ll be back as quickly as possible,” Kakashi corrected his friend while opening the file Sakura had given him. 
“That sounds perfect,” Settling back into her seat, Sakura watched as Gai invaded Kakashi’s personal space once more, this time peering over his friend’s shoulder to read the file. “You’re dismissed.”
Kakashi rolled his eyes. “I’m getting paid for this, right?”
“Oh of course,” even if she had to fight with a few of the council members about it she would make sure Kakashi got his fair share of pay from the mission. “Then you can have enough money to buy Obito and Rin lunch when you get back.”
Kakashi leveled her with another glare but said nothing. Shutting the file, he turned to Gai. “Let’s go,” he instructed. “We can get Dango on the way out.”
“Before a mission?” 
“Why not?” Kakashi shrugged his shoulder, his voice dripping with boredom. “Guren is dangerous in a battle, but catching up to her won’t be a problem.”
Sakura’s interest was now piqued, but she refrained from asking about it. There were few things her old student was willing to speak to her about and it was better for her not to ask and avoid getting that deadly glare that reminded her far too much of her Sensei when he would get angry with her, Naruto and Sasuke.
Gai was not so respectful, though. 
“How can you know that?” he asked, gasping when Kakashi began walking toward the office doors without a word. “Kakashi, don’t ignore me!”
Stopping, Kakashi glanced back at Gai with a rather bored expression. “I’ll tell you over dango.”
For the first time in years, Sakura could swear she saw a sparkle of excitement in her student’s good eye. A little light twinkled in the darkest part of his iris, promising Gai all of the answers he was seeking without having to say a word.
It was a look Sakura had seen many times in her life, and in that moment Sakura could swear she saw her Sensei standing right behind Kakashi with a warm smile on his face.
“Ok,” Gai chased after Kakashi, and within a second the two of them were gone.
Sakura’s office was empty once more. At least, as empty as it could be with a ghost still hovering beside the doors, his smile now directed at her.
“Sensei,” lowering her eyes she sighed. There were so many things that she wanted to say, but it was pointless. It wasn’t her Sensei she was speaking to, but just an image of him left over by Kakashi. The Sensei she’d known was long gone and all that remained of him was the little bits of his looks and personality that had cemented themselves into his only son. 
“He really is your son,” leaning back in her chair, she tilted her head back and stared up at the ceiling. As a Sensei she’d pleaded with the universe to make Kakashi into a shinobi just like his father, and she’d been so upset and disappointed when her pleas had gone unanswered.
Hatake Kakashi was his own shinobi. He’d carved out his own path and made himself into a shinobi that didn’t resemble his father in even the slightest. Their fighting style, tactical minds, teamwork. All of it was vastly different from Sakumo-Sensei.
As a person, though, Kakashi was the spitting image of his father in looks and personality. Even if he tried his best to hide those bits of his personality that resembled his father, they came crawling out once in a while. 
Sakura considered herself lucky when she got a glimpse into those rare moments when her Sensei’s ghost would hove behind his son staring down at him with so much love.
Love that she’d only wished he’d had the opportunity to show his son in life.
“So,” she moved on with a chuckle, unwilling to dwell on what could not be changed. “Do you think he’ll ask Gai out this time?”
Her Sensei’s ghost wasn’t there when she looked back at the door war but there was a coldness that seemed to seep into the room, and right after the question had left her mouth she felt a weight settling on her shoulder.
A comforting hand that seemed to squeeze just like her Sensei always had when he was trying to offer her support. 
Give him another week. 
A smile stretched across her face. A week was around how long Kakashi and Gai would be on this mission. Just enough time for her student to finally realize, or admit, his feelings for Gai.
By the time they came home, maybe they would finally be more than ‘Eternal Rivals’.
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kiyomi-uchiha777 · 2 years
Naruto sibling scenario
what type there are
Naruto uzumaki
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⁃ he is the funny one ⁃ always put pranks on the villagers with you ⁃ Alone it’s quite boring for him ⁃ both of you are orphans so he has take the responsibility for you Because he’s the older one by 4 min ⁃ He is not good in it but he try’s ⁃ Can not cook but he has Rahmen coupons ⁃ Even if he don’t say it, you’re his biggest treasure ⁃ You are the one who remember him that you have homework, and than let him copy yours ⁃ The only fight that you have was one time about Rahmen topic ⁃ “One day I become hokage and then you gonna help me right Yn ?”
Kakashi hatake
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⁃ Definitely the over protective one
⁃ Dude lost his whole team and family way to fast
⁃ Not letting you become a Shinobi
⁃ Feel guilty that he must leave you alone so often
⁃ Put his books Far far far far away from you
⁃ In his eyes you never will grow up
⁃ He try to spend all his free time just with you
⁃ You too fight sometimes because you will not understand why he is so protective
⁃ You a cute and quite clueless girl
⁃ Everyone like you because you like everyone
⁃ “You’re too precious to me that I let you out to the danger as a Shinobi”
Shikamaru Nara
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⁃ He is the lazy one SURPRISE
⁃ Shout across the whole house just so you bring him his book that next to him
⁃ Even if nobody not even you see it he truly love you
⁃ Often play shogi with you because you the only one who is on his level
⁃ You have Way To much energy If you ask him
⁃ They are invincible if you put both siblings in one team
⁃ You’re are support him where you can ⁃ because if you wouldn’t he will give up everything in his life before it really start
⁃ “Your not such a drag Yn you know”
Sasuke uchiha
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⁃ he is the one who act like he didn’t care for you but Deeply love you ⁃ he just don’t want another person close to him that he can Lose
⁃ You pass out in the night because of the shock so you don’t know that you Older brother did this
⁃ Sasuke really want to tell you what that monster did but he can’t
⁃ He didn’t want you become a Shinobi too but in this case he can’t stop it
⁃ Often try’s to get out of your way
⁃ You think he did this because he is angry of you that you so weak
⁃ You wish he would become the old sasuke that care for you
⁃ He is a TSUNDERE
⁃ “Dont come with me I don’t want you To get hurt…I’m mean Hold me back”
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capriciouswrites · 2 years
on the seventh day of halloween my true boo gave to me...a failure to cook
“Look,” says Sakura’s favorite kunoichi class teacher, pulling her aside after class, “you’re a civilian kid, right?”
Sakura nods and tangles her fingers together. Analee-sensei is her favorite teacher because she teaches more practical things — but the kunoichi classes aren’t Sakura’s best subject. Ino always shows her up here, unlike with the academics. Except, sometimes, for Analee-sensei’s lessons.
“When you get put on a team,” she says, seriously, crouching down and grabbing Sakura’s hands, “because you’re a girl and a civilian they will expect you to do all the ‘female’ chores. Start off by being worse than them at all of them, if you want to ever have a chance to do anything else.”
“But —“ Sakura isn’t even sure what her protest will be, maybe just that she is skilled at those things and doesn’t want to be seen as bad at something — or maybe just something about wanting to prove to Sasuke-kun that she’d be a good wife.
Analee-sensei doesn’t give her a chance. “You don’t have to totally fail at them, just be worse than the worst person on your team. You can get better. But I promise you, you don’t want to be stuck in that role.”
If it was anyone but Analee-sensei, Sakura wouldn’t have listened. But Analee-sensei is her favorite teacher and — “I promise, sensei,” she says, with a determined nod.
It’s possible she wouldn’t have done it, even still, but then Naruto had seemed so excited about cup ramen and —
(Looking back, she doesn’t regret this decision, which is more than she can say for a lot of things that she did at twelve, but she does feel a little guilty that her first action was out of spite against Naruto. She knows, now, that he didn’t deserve it, and yet.)
“I brought lunch!” she announces, brightly, not even lying when she says, “I’m really proud of this! Please let me know what you think!” She is proud, of course. But what she’s proud of is her experimental hypothesis (“there is a way to prepare ramen that Naruto won’t eat”), but, well, Sakura has always been an over achiever. (She is a bit dismayed to find that her hypothesis isn’t totally supported — although he does cry the entire time eating it, and they are not tears of joy, so she’s willing to count it as a partial success. Neither of the other two take more than a bite — though Kakashi-sensei does do her the favor of just making his disappear.)
And she knows she could stop there. But, well, Sasuke keeps insisting that tomatoes count as a desert, and she’s going to make him eat his words. So she does make the cookies just for him. Alas, he does not eat his words, and he mostly fails to eat the tomato-cookie as well, since he just opens his mouth and lets it fall out after one chew.
(She does count this as an almost successful bid to see Kakashi-sensei’s face as he steals a cookie and has eaten it before anyone else and almost fails to hold back his gag reflex and has to take off his mask. Or maybe he does fail, but he vanishes before he fails. Still, she almost succeeds.)
(He's the one who taught them to look underneath the underneath — surely he can see her attempts at cooking warfare for what they are?)
The rice is, she’s willing to admit, not intentional. She intends to prove her ability to make plain rice — that should be safe and keep her from having to cook every meal, after all, but still able to help out. Unfortunately her parents are involved in a prank war and she’s an innocent bystander.
(She’s not sure why her father swapped out the salt in the salt shaker for sugar, since it seems just as likely to harm him as her mother, but mostly it ends up harming her team.)
And to be fair, she does try the rice before bringing it, but she doesn’t have money to buy cooked rice, or time to make more. And she thinks it could at least be a desert. But then she gets distracted because Naruto splashes her with water when he’s lunging at Sasuke for an insult and she doesn’t warn anyone that the rice is sweet and — ah well.
So Team Seven is fully of the opinion that she doesn’t know how to cook. She tries, a few times, to insist that she can. But Kakashi-sensei miraculously finds coupons that are going to expire in a few hours and so they must be used and she never gets a chance to prove she’s not a total disaster.
There are definitely worse things. (Like most of the rest of the their short time as a team.)
But it’s funny, and she thinks that once they all make chunnin she’ll surprise everyone with a glorious feast that she’s cooked herself, but, ah, well…
And to be honest, by the time Team Kakashi is formed she’s forgotten about her culinary warfare.
(Looking back, she thinks that even if she’d wanted to convince them she was still a menace in the kitchen she wouldn’t have come up with something this good.)
Before their first mission, Tsunade hands her a Tupperware of what look like perfect brownies. Sakura is too jaded to eye them with anything but suspicion, but when Tsunade arches an eyebrow and says, “Eat one,” she does.
She immediately regrets the decision.
“You know how to control your own reflexes,” Tsunade says with a smirk, “keep it down.”
She’s only taken a bite — not shoved the whole thing in, she knows better than that — but it still takes her several minutes to be sure she’s not going to bring it all back up if she opens her mouth. “Ugh,” is all she manages once she can make noise through a throat that’s trying to close to keep her from feeding more toxic waste to it — Tsunade pushes a cup filled with a clear liquid towards her (probably poured while her eyes were shut in the hopes of having that control her mentor had insisted she had). She shoots it back, relieved when it is sake and not water.
It burns through some, although not all, of the taste. She eyes the Tupperware — still alarming full — with wide eyes. Tsunade laughs at her, although it should probably be characterized as a cackle. “We just went over shuffling tastebuds, kid. Your secondary assignment when you’re on this mission is to figure out the ideal way to shuffle your tastebuds, the right amount to use so that the effect only lasts for the time it takes to eat one of the bars, and the fastest way to do it. Don't go just shutting off your tastebuds, I want a shuffle.”
“If I eat more of those,” Sakura says, already considering the likely rewiring to make them not taste like a fate worse than death, “am I going to be poisoned?”
Tsunade laughs again, “They’re protein bars with vitamins. Good for you! You better eat all of ‘em before you get back!”
Sakura grimaces but nods, and accepts the container. She doesn’t bother to label the container with any sorts of warnings, because it’s been long enough since she’s traveled with anyone who would just go riffling through someone else’s possessions that she assumes they’ll be safe.
So it’s a surprise to her, on the second day of their mission, when she comes back from cleaning off in the river to see Naruto gagging and rolling around in the dirt and the other two members of the team staring in horror at her protein bars.
“Hey!” she protests, upset because she’s only just figured out the right way to shuffle her taste buds and she’s still working on the time and they’re wasting them! “Those are mine! Why are you eating them!” She grabs the ones out of Kakashi and Sai’s hands, scowling, and stares at the one that Naruto has dropped in the dirt with a frown before deciding it's not actually worth recovery. She carefully places the two bitten ones back into their container and scowls.
“Dickless thought you were hiding treats from the rest of us,” Sai says, eventually, voice tight like he’s fighting something, “but maybe you brought them in case we needed to torture someone?”
“Stay out of my stuff!” she scowls and then after a moments concentration rearranges her tastebuds and pops one of the bitten ones into her mouth — the flavor is now lightly nutty and fruity and kind of bland to be honest but so much better than the real thing — and chews it to show dominance.
Sai pales more than she would’ve expected possible, considering that he’s the color of a piece of paper, and Kakashi covers his mask with a hand, gags, and vanishes. Naruto is still hollering like someone’s stabbed him as she stalks to her sleeping roll clutching her assignment from Tsunade.
So really it’s not her fault how bad a reputation she’s got around cooking.
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electrasev5nwrites · 1 year
Ninja Daily: Vapors 56
'I'm seeing two possibilities. Either this is another test to see if I unquestioningly follow orders, or it's a sign that Kakashi is going to mercilessly mock me for the rest of my life and Konoha supports his decision.'
Either way, pouting was the wrong response, so she sullenly took the proffered mask and gave a polite bow to the bulky man who'd brought her to the armory.
Granted, it was a bit abstract. But she was pretty sure that the animal depicted on her mask was a butterfly. It looked… it looked… it looked like the rear end of a pride parade had exploded all over it, smearing green, blues, and purple on the white porcelain. It was only missing glitter to be truly fabulous.
She had the sinking feeling that it hadn't just come out of storage, either. It would be incredibly dangerous to leave ANBU masks lying around. That thought and the fact that the vivid blue ink of the bones of the drawing matched her wig gave her the impression that it had been from Tsunade. It was probably her idea of a joke.
Aiko wasn't amused in the least. A butterfly? What the hell was that supposed to mean?
With her disappointing mask tucked under her arm she paced the rows, collecting ANBU gear in her own sizes. Most of it was standard stuff that she could get in bulk on her own, like the black shirt, pants, and bandages, but the lavender ceramic plate armor and distinctive hip pouches were only available from this armory. The gloves could probably be found elsewhere but she didn't know where, so she just got a few extras. She was going to be charged for all her equipment anyway, so she didn't have to feel guilty about getting more than she was meant to.
She had to be nearing the end of her training, although Aiko didn't actually know the date. Genjutsu-sensei had sought her out twice more with his unique blend of 'creeptastic' and 'informative' help. (She had figured out that it was safer to dispel multiple times in a row just in case he'd layered multiple levels of what just looked like a hallway or something). Taijutsu hadn't made her throw up from exertion in at least a week, and she had strong muscles corded along her arms and legs that hadn't been there before. The men who had been in front of her in training had finished, and she was now in the strange position of being the senior to three junior recruits, seeing them struggle as she had not so long ago. Her free time was now ten hours, which left her plenty of time to sleep after she was done studying regulations and being taught how she was expected to behave in various circumstances. All in all, she felt like a different person than she'd been when she entered.
'No. That's not right. I feel like a better version of me.'
At least, she felt better as a shinobi, if not a person. Despite knowing it was what she was supposed to feel (and hating doing what they wanted), being able to call herself ANBU made pride well up in her chest. They were the elite… well, sort of.
ANBU were like Konoha's secret services division. Not every member was extraordinarily strong: she knew that ANBU recruited plenty of Chuunin. Rank wasn't as relevant as a shinobi's skill in certain specialized areas. But still, there was a tinge of prestige associated with the ranking.
And hey, she wasn't perfect. Pride was a bit of a vice, but denying the tendency wouldn't have been any better.
Wearing the uniform for the first time felt good. She'd worked to be able to deserve it, even if it was a little lumpy and unflattering. For the first time, she had the girlish desire for a long mirror so that she could spin and twist and admire herself from multiple angles.
'Don't be ridiculous,' she chided herself, pulling her hair up and pinning it in a braid that circled her skull like a headband. (It was the only way to prevent it from slipping out from under the wig when she moved around a lot). She bit her lip in concentration as she worked the blue strands on over her head, securing it with a few hairpins. When loose, it fell in a cute asymmetrical bob around her jaw… but it did look really weird with her coloring, she felt. Her skin had warm pink undertones, so the cool blue was her opposite in a way. It didn't look bad, but it looked very strange. She hurriedly secured the mask and turned away from her little mirror, securing the straps of her short sword (her own blade was close enough to standard issue that they'd let her use it) and hip pouch as she walked out of her room.
Her arms burnt every time she moved them, but for once it wasn't muscle discomfort. The stop immediately before the armory had been a little office full of (what she thought was) bizarre equipment that turned out to belong to a tattooist. If they weren't bandaged, Aiko probably wouldn't have been able to keep her eyes off the Konoha swirls on her upper arms. She'd never thought of herself as a 'tattoo' person, but they were actually pretty cool… even if it was Konoha branding its ownership of her flesh.
She would be assigned to a temporary team today and led through procedures. ANBU specific hand-signs had been included in the endless rounds of copying from earlier to help prepare her to work with the captain who should be training her in team work. If it hadn't been taught before, working with a group would have been all but impossible. ANBU weren't meant to talk on the job, although she was willing to bet that experienced units bent that rule. No one had bothered to teach much about ANBU standard procedure, but that was probably because it was much like the regular units.
'No matter. I'm sure that my team will show me the ropes.'
It only took a few hours for her to curse her own naivety.
'Kakashi spoiled me,' she sighed, feeling the heat of her own breath wash over her cheeks where it was trapped by the porcelain. 'He's a much better team leader than Fish. He never just ran around and assumed I'd figure things out and catch up.'
At least she felt slightly better about her own ANBU designation after meeting the team. It could have been much worse than a silly butterfly. Someone somewhere in this town had a paintbrush and not enough healthy outlets for their sadism.
Sai would have hummed if he were capable of having the thought, swirling red ink around the mask that would belong to ANBU squid. Large cats and forest dwelling mammals were all well and good, but it was so strange that no one had thought to branch out to all the other varieties of animals for these masks. He had acquired a zoology text from the civilian library and learned all about sea animals, insects, and all sorts of fascinating things. For example, there were living creatures in the ocean that in fact resembled plants. Was that not most intriguing?
'I suppose I'll never know.' She cracked her neck and tried to focus on the drills they were running. Not a single one of her new comrades had uttered a word to her since she had reported. Aiko couldn't help but hope that this wasn't her permanent placement. Fish, Donkey, and Boar were ridiculous enough as a group on their own. (And she couldn't help but wonder where the glamour of ANBU was. Shouldn't there be 'Lions' and 'Bears' and 'Dragons' with fierce teeth and scary eyes? No, all she saw were huge noses, puffy cheeks, and ridiculous porcelain ears. She'd never admit it to his face, but apparently Yamato had gotten off lightly with his kitty mask.)
For a group of isolated loners, ANBU seemed to put a lot of stock in team drills. It made sense that they would need to be able to fight together in close quarters. She was seeing some frightfully powerful attacks from her current teammates. Being in the wrong place could end with taking a fatal hit from friendly fire.
That would be an enormous waste and a stupid way to die, so she paid attention and tried to pick up on the patterns they were showing her on bunshin for different tactical situations that would be dealt with as a group. They probably figured that everyone present was already capable of individual combat. ANBU didn't take protection missions except under bizarre circumstances—they were shock and awe troops. So they didn't have to do much in the way of pretending to protect a client or target. Those defensive types of formation were easier and safer because a team wasn't facing each other. They might all have their backs together or have one at the rear watching backs. But ANBU apparently didn't put much stock in that. If you missed an attack from the rear, no one was about to pick up your slack because they were concerned with their own targets. That danger was very real, but so was the possibility of getting hit with your teammate's attacks.
That first practice was not pretty. It might have been better if she had been familiar with everyone's repertoire. She took mental notes as the day passed, hoping that paying close attention would help her improve quickly.
Fish seemed to rely heavily on his short sword, wires, and fire ninjutsu. She could easily stay out of range of his blade, but the sharp wires were easy to miss and she didn't much fancy the idea of being burnt alive. She'd seen that happen before, and it was an ugly thing.
Boar, on the other hand, was a hulking mass of a man with hands the size of her forearm who favored brute force taijutsu interspersed with shurikenjutsu and minor misdirective genjutsu. She didn't mind fighting him—he couldn't possibly hit harder than Gai, and he wasn't as fast. She was pretty numb to having the stuffing beat out of her. Granted, he was fast enough to score hits on her, but never rapid enough that she was unable to block or mitigate the force of the blow. Plus, he didn't seem to be intentionally trying to hurt her to prove his superiority like the last member of the crew did.
Donkey was a much better genjutsu user than Boar. He apparently favored flashy illusions and terrifying explosions. The thought of what he would have done if that bunshin had been a real human had managed to make her turn a little green under her mask.
She kept her distance from him.
'and isn't that bizarre? Here I thought I was so numb to gore.'
There was really no purpose to what he did. If it had just been about killing a target, Donkey wouldn't utilize such flamboyant attacks. No, he was a showman. And probably a bit of a sadist. Aiko killed a lot of people, but she didn't enjoy it and she didn't intentionally cause more pain than necessary. Her ANBU teammates seemed not to share her compunctions, though Fish displayed a similarly minimalist sensibility in a fight.
'At least village patrols are easy. Even if I am stuck with this team, it's not going to be for weeks at a time outside the village.'
Sure, there were a lot of search patterns to memorize, but after that it was just a matter of moving around and paying attention to anything potentially hazardous or suspicious. In the four days that she had been running patrols, she'd only had to make her presence known once. That had been in order to break up a bar fight.
Bar fights were always sort of stupid and sad, as far as Aiko was concerned. But if it was between civilians or even Samurai, they weren't a big deal. After all, they usually weren't armed when they went to go get smashed, and even a trained Samurai wasn't likely to actually kill someone in a drunken fistfight. Ninja were different because they couldn't be disarmed. Aside from having been specifically trained in hand-to-hand unlike Samurai who were weapon masters, ninja always had chakra; and alcohol didn't make those abilities less dangerous. Sometimes they were actually worse. When inebriated, chakra-based attacks became erratic. Even an experienced user might cause significant bystander damage or fuck up entirely and lose control of the technique.
It had still been a bit annoying to have to grab two Chuunin who were significantly older and larger than she was and shake them like naughty kittens. Boar had helpfully taken it upon himself to relieve her of one of them when her group came back around, but the others didn't offer assistance and so she'd painstakingly dragged her nearly unconscious cargo across town to the temporary holding facilities. She very nearly snapped and killed her cargo when he drunkenly felt her up, but somehow maintained professionalism.
However dull and repetitive patrols seemed to be, at least they didn't take very long. She was left plenty of time for personal development in between morning workouts and night patrols, which meant training. After the restrictions of the last weeks, it was a fucking comfortable routine. It was broken when an enormous bear of a man with horrible scarring introduced himself as Morino Ibiki and collected her from the group training fields. Even if she hadn't recognized him by reputation as a big name in Interrogations, she would have known he wasn't ANBU from the simple fact that he didn't seem to begrudge every word. She didn't dare ask as she trotted to keep up with his larger strides, but he matter-of-factly informed her that he was taking her to perform her exit evaluations.
That was a bit of a surprise, despite the fact that she hadn't had a full evaluation done since she had become a Chuunin. Her stats were probably out of date before she'd come in to ANBU, so it was a logical move. But…
'Exit evaluations? I had no idea I was done.'
There was apparently no need to test taijutsu and strength—ANBU Turtle had already provided his evaluation.
Genjutsu testing was much like every time the creep came to find her: she just tried to identify when she was in an illusion, break it, and had to explain how she knew.
The stamina portion was actually just part of a quick medical check up to see how her childishly growing chakra core was changing. It shouldn't have been surprising, since she was a growing (hopefully growing, anyway) girl, but it had shot up a full point in capacity since her last official testing prior to signing up for ANBU.
Handseals were easy as always to test in—she identified her repertoire and ran through various nonsense combinations that the examiner gave her at top speed. Dexterity, a bit of reading, and fingers that were as speedy as the user's mind made it pretty simple to prop that rating up. It was one of the easiest categories to gain high proficiency in.
The last two categories were the only ones she was worried about. Her examiner seemed to notice her unease. "Don't worry." She looked directly at him, trying to judge if he was just being comforting or if he was actually saying she could use techniques that Tsunade had still classified for the general public. He gave her a wry smile. "We don't make physical records of your techniques. I will merely assess your level and record your new statistics."
Well… they did need accurate information. She bit her lower lip, but conceded with a nod. "May I fetch something from my room?"
He seemed a bit baffled by that, but rolled his eyes long sufferingly. "You have two minutes."
It didn't take anywhere near that long. Her room was empty enough that the one kunai she had brought with her (the last pre-made Hiraishin in her possession) was easy to grab and get out. Morino-san looked outright irritated when he saw that she'd wasted his time to get a single kunai, but didn't say anything.
"Speed or ninjutsu first?"
Hiraishin was sort of the middle ground between the two. It counted towards both skill sets, so she'd want to do it last out of whichever category was first.
'Okay then.'
She pulsed a quick check of her reserves out of unthinking habit, and then whipped through her water-based repertoire. Mist, bunshin, hard bullets, a wave that completely knocked over a wooden target, and then… "Sen Tsurara!"
Normally she didn't say the names of techniques, but this one deserved a bit of theatricality. She aimed it at the 'chest' to make a more accurate illustration of just how deep it could cut. It shredded her wooden target, flinging chips and splinters out ten feet, and she ended with her fingers poking out the back of the target.
She'd never killed anyone with this, but it would probably be pretty easy.
Morino-san didn't look particularly impressed while he brushed splinters off his coat, but then, this was ANBU. He'd probably seen similar techniques. Sen Tsurara wasn't unique for its destructive power. In fact, it was a little weaker than its lightning-based predecessor.
She wasn't hung up on that at all, though. Chidori could cut pretty literally anything, so being less efficient than Chidori wasn't a big black mark. It still possessed enough force to seriously fuck some shit up. Since she was show boating, Aiko tilted her head to the right as she extended her left arm and wound increasingly thin chakra chains around it in a high-speed shot that collided with the hard target and left a spiderweb of cracks and small impact crater.
That time, he really did curse. But that may have been because cement chunks were sharper than the wood. If she hadn't been wearing a mask she would have given an apologetic smile. Since her features were hidden and she really wasn't sorry in the least, Aiko grinned. This was actually pretty fun. She didn't know the last time she'd actually gotten to show off like this. Kakashi was the only other one who knew her full repertoire, and since he'd taught her most of it… well. This was just a new experience, that was all.
"Are you quite done throwing things at me?"
'Ooo, someone is crabby today.'
She was sorely tempted to fling her kunai at him to be a smartass, but somehow refrained and threw it straight up without looking, flashed to it, threw it again to the target, and then tugged again to catch the ring on the knife's end around her finger. Aiko turned to face Morino-san, twirling it idly around her finger and blandly stated, "Hiraishin."
He was doing a remarkable impression of a fish for just an instant. "No shit, kid." Ibiki slowly shook his head, eyes locked on her. "Well, not much point in doing a speed assessment now," he said wryly. "Instantaneous travel is a 5."
'That is correct, bitches.'
Aiko didn't say that, of course. But she thought it really loudly.
Being out in the village proper again was really weird. The crowds were everywhere, and it was so much louder than either night patrols or the ANBU facility. The feeling that she didn't quite fit in the way she had before was about literal: the quarter sleeves on the green tunic she'd worn in stretched and pulled at her shoulders and upper arms. She somewhat miserably noted that she'd have to go shopping again. The sleeves on her old clothes were just a little too tight now to allow full freedom of movement. As soon as she got to the house, she stripped out of her old outfit and changed into black stretchy shorts and a belly-baring purple tanktop for comfort. A quick survey of her closet revealed that some of her wardrobe was going to fit better than other parts.
She didn't exactly regret getting a bit more muscle mass, but it was an inconvenience when she liked to buy her clothes in the snuggest size instead of buying baggy fabrics and securing the ends with bandages like her boys did.
It was probably a good thing that she had replicas of this outfit, even if she normally slept in it. She was perfectly decent, at least. All the important bits were covered. She could wander around in shorts and a tanktop with her boots and gloves for a while until she had a chance to go shopping.
"Hi, Karin," she absently replied, turning her head to see the girl leaning against her doorway. "How's working with your temp team going?"
Karin rolled her eyes. "Things change when you leave the village for a few weeks," she pointed out dully, rubbing her fingernails compulsively against her hip bone. "The first and second stages are over. It was seriously bad."
"What?" Aiko furrowed her brow, genuinely confused. "What do you mean? You're definitely Chuunin level by now."
"That's what I meant," Karin explained, coming in to flop down on Aiko's bed like a starfish. "Since so many of our age group weren't allowed to go to the last foreign exams, we outnumbered the competition like eight to one. I don't think there was a single Konoha team that didn't make it past the first exam. The second got rid of a few rookie teams, but the final line-up pretty much entirely Konoha. It's not really fair to the younger group. Like, that Neji guy is combat-Jounin level already, so it's a pretty big farce to have him fighting against twelve year olds."
Aiko took a moment to visualize that, and had to start giggling helplessly. Karin was smiling like a Cheshire cat, but regally tilted her head up to avoid eye contact. "It was every bit as hilarious as you're probably imagining," she confided.
"I can't stop picturing his grumpy little face," Aiko wheezed, leaning over slightly. Ow. Laughing hurt.
Karin sat up suddenly and swiveled to face the window—and then shrieked and fell off the bed onto her ass with a thump.
To be fair, some of those ANBU masks were seriously creepy. Seeing one pressed up against the glass was a bit surprising. Aiko pushed the frame up and stuck her head out. "I need to report?" Karin seemed baffled at how casually she reacted, but did an admirable job of recovering from her earlier startle. "To the Hokage? Do I need to change?"
Karin snorted at that, but Aiko took the shaken head as indication that she didn't have to go in ANBU gear. She couldn't very well ask more directly with Karin right there.
As the ANBU left the property, Aiko got up on her toes to pull down a clean pair of open toed boots off the top shelf of her closet and ran a mental checklist. 'Should I grab my gear in case this is a mission assignment?'
Just to be safe, she strapped on a single pre-packed hip pouch and a kunai holster, shoving her marked knife in almost as an afterthought.
"Don't forget to come to the finals tomorrow," Karin called out from behind her while she pulled the door shut. Aiko stopped just long enough to yell a confirmation back in the door and then took off.
Shizune was notably absent from the office, but Sasuke managed to give her a semi-friendly nod when she walked up and directed her in. Tsunade looked up dully. Then she slowly raised an eyebrow and pinned Aiko with an unimpressed look. "My people wear these things called clothes," she drawled pointedly. "Perhaps you've heard of them?"
Unashamed, Aiko shrugged and closed the door behind her with a bang. When your abs were this good, who cared if they were showing?
"In any case, have a seat. I suppose that the first thing I should do is congratulate you for passing the basic training. I'll inform you when it's time for you to return for more specialized training"
She didn't particularly like the sound of that. "Specialized training?" she repeated in as normal a voice as possible.
Tsunade glanced up, mildly interested. "Silly girl. Of course there's specialized training; both role and gender specific. You'll need to pick at least one specialty eventually, like infiltration or heavy combat. And besides." She gave Aiko a rather saucy expression. "Unless I miss my guess, Hatake never got around to teaching you all about the feminine wiles he's so good with."
Point taken.
"I have definitely noticed his feminine wiles and am envious beyond words," she agreed dryly.
"In any case." The blonde woman pushed her chair back and leaned forward with her elbows on the table. "If you're ever going to sing for me, little bird, you're going to have to find your way into Root." Aiko cringed. Honestly, she was sort of hoping that she didn't succeed in that part of her mission. It would be one thing to note oddities in behaviors and such, and quite another to try to get Danzo's attention.
But she couldn't outright tell the Hokage no. At best, she could quietly sabotage her own efforts, but it would have to be subtle enough that she didn't even get reprimanded for incompetence.
Unaware of the ironically subversive thoughts that the girl she'd intended to sniff out traitors was having, Tsunade continued. "You will have to present yourself as a neutral party. From now on, our interactions will be limited to when you are on ANBU guard duty, and at a distance in public. With your connections to important figures like Hatake and Naruto, it's a coin toss as to whether Danzo will see an unrivaled opportunity or unnecessary risk. He does have his own forces, but you're going to have to be a more attractive option despite your unorthodox training."
'Unorthodox? Does she mean from Danzo's perspective?'
"In order to make this work, we will need to give several impressions about your possible worth as an ANBU recruit. Good job on your recent evaluation. I'm certain that Danzo still has eyes in the processing department and will pick up on promising potential recruits. When I keep Sai at a distance from anyone Danzo is interested in, he'll have to go looking for a new source of information." Tsunade cracked her neck, and wryly added, "And believe me, he'll be interested in reassessing Naruto after a two year absence with someone he considers dangerously liberal."
It took a moment to remember whether or not she was supposed to already know that Sai was one of Danzo's goons.
'She told me that last time,' Aiko reassured herself, thankful that her lack of reaction hadn't given anything away. The point was moot, of course, because Tsunade wasn't paying attention while she talked through the problem. However accidentally, Tsunade had brought up one point that resonated with Aiko. She didn't want Danzo messing around with Naruto. Who knew what he might try?
Ceasing to pay her full attention didn't make Tsunade stop talking. Aiko half-heartedly tuned in with one ear, wondering what kind of resources Danzo really had. He didn't have influence on the council anymore, but he did have a private militia and the respect of the general populace. What did he have for material resources? She had no idea, but it might be something to look into.
"I may put you in repeated close contact with Sai or other suspected Root agents to give Danzo a chance to recruit you, but you'll obviously still have to be close to your regular team for the potential information to seem worth the risk. Luckily," she paused to level Aiko with an unimpressed look, "Your childhood dislike of the Sandaime was such a source of distress to him that I can guarantee Danzo knew about it. We can give the impression that you think he and I by extension are too soft and that Konoha needs to toughen up. He'll lap that shit up. You're not going to convince him that you don't care about Naruto, but he might believe that you think you know what's best for him and are willing to go above his head to act in his interests. People are often tempted to believe others are like them."
'Is she implying that an elementary aged kid was responsible for the happiness of a full-grown man? Aiko had to resist the urge to snort and barely managed to keep her expression impassive. That was stupid. No, if the Sandaime had been miserable, it was his own sense of guilt or other sources of sorrow to blame. No one really cared that much about what a child thought. Children were notorious for their poor memory and misperceptions, after all.
Her 'talk' with Tsunade continued much in that fashion. Tsunade worked her way through various contingencies and gave advice and orders for whatever possible situations she could think of.
When Aiko trotted down the stairs, Sasuke poked his head into the office. "I didn't hear excited shrieking," he pointed out disinterestedly.
Tsunade's eyes widened innocently. "Oh, right. That's because I forgot to tell her we're expecting Naruto tomorrow."
If it were possible to activate the Sharingan by rolling one's eyes too hard, Sasuke might have gotten a nice photographic reference of the inside of his skull. 'Of course you did. Or… you're just pretending to have forgotten because you think it'll be amusing to see everyone surprised tomorrow.' He eyed her suspiciously, waiting for a clue as to whether this was another bizarrely circuitous plot of genuine absentmindedness. His mentor just held his gaze and sloowwwly let her mouth curl into a parody of a smile.
'The world will never know.' He sighed and pretended to dismiss her in boredom, sauntering out the door with an intentional bit of swagger. Tsunade always got twitchy when he appeared to find her dull.
Shizune had made him promise to keep Tsunade focused on her work while she was in Sand overseeing their medical program, and Sasuke would nobly follow through. The sacrifice of playing mind games that annoyed and kept her working angrily was a heavy burden to bear, but he felt himself capable of the task.
Besides, it kept him away from that blonde sand kunoichi who'd escorted Suna's genin teams to the exams. He was relatively certain that Sabaku no Temari looked at him with impure thoughts. It was a little uncomfortable. Sure, he'd had female admirers, but most of them weren't people he had to work with diplomatically. It was impossible to run away and ill-advised to kill her, so he was at a bit of a loss as to an appropriately measured reaction.
'At least she should be leaving after tomorrow's finals,' he reminded himself. He only had one more day of her inappropriate attempts to hold eye contact across the negotiation table. Just one.
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kiljoius-writes · 2 years
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Chapter Nine
Jōnin – Part Two
Hanabi – 17-18 Konohamaru – 19
While the trip back was somber, it was also quicker than expected. The 20-day trip was cut down to just 14 days, and they were all glad to be home. It was tough motivating themselves to go report in to Kakashi with how dead tired and emotionally exhausted they all were.
Hanabi was probably experiencing the worst of it, though. Whenever Konohamaru stopped to check in with her and make sure she was alright, she always lied through her teeth.
Yes, of course. Just dealing with the fact I took several lives and am having a crisis over my identity as heiress. Just peachy.
She didn’t mean to snap at him when he asked her, he was just being considerate of her, she knew. She felt guilty she wasn’t returning the favor, checking in on his wound or how the trip had affected him. He was the one who got stabbed, after all. And he had to watch her beat the life out of several people they had never gotten to find out whether were shinobi or simple bandits, as they were under orders to avoid crossing through the Rock again. Whether he had killed anyone during the fight, she wasn’t sure, she had been so wrapped up in her own vengeance.
At one point during the trip back, she volunteered to take watch by herself, claiming she needed time to think by herself. Konohamaru had put up some resistance, but they were close enough to home she was able to convince him to let her be alone. The first hour was silent as she sat next to a brook, staring at her reflection under the moonlight. It should have been a gentle, serene scene. The soft sound of water splashing as it travelled, the gleam on damp leaves, the light breeze that, despite it being winter, didn’t feel so frigid as it might on some other nights. Perhaps she was craving that numbness, and it wasn’t affecting her like it normally did. She’d never been a cold weather girl, but for now, it was comforting.
As she looked at her reflection, she frowned, a deep, ugly frown that she knew Natsu would scold her for letting take over her features. If she looked too hard, she could swear she was already developing wrinkles in her forehead from raising her eyebrows too often, another thing Natsu chided her for. She wasn’t one to be very concerned about her appearance, everyone around her worried about that for her. But right now, she didn’t want to be attractive. She didn’t admire the person staring back at her, not in the slightest.
“Killer…” she whispered with a scowl. “You’re a killer.”
She shot to her feet when she heard crunching behind her. She had gotten a bit lazy with her byakugan, she probably should have had it activated the entire time she was keeping watch. She relaxed briefly when Konohamaru came into sight, sighing before shooting him an irritated look. Quietly, he asked “is that what’s been on your mind?”
“Konohamaru…” she whispered, turning away from him. “I don’t want to talk about it…”
“You saved me,” he pressed, drawing closer to her. “They were trying to kill us and take you. We had no choice.”
Hanabi didn’t respond, simply pressed her lips in a grim line as he situated himself next to her. She looked up briefly as he stared down at the brook, mirroring their likeness back at them. Finally, she let out a shaky breath, resting on the ground atop her knees. He joined her, sitting lotus. She twisted her hands together, pulling the muscles apart as she debated how to proceed. With effort, she forced herself to speak, “I’m scared of myself.”
She watched his reflection in the water as he considered those words, looking thoughtful for a moment before responding, “I would be, too. But it’s okay to feel that way, sometimes.”
“It means you’re not the monster you think you are.”
She stopped herself from snickering out of instinct. When did this boy become articulate? “But sometimes I feel like…I lose control. I lose control and just…”
“Instinct takes over,” he helped with a shrug. “That’s natural. Fight or flight, right? You fight.”
“But…but I did it to you, and I did it again to those guys…and that woman…she was a Hyūga.” To this, he remained silent, keen to hear what she might reveal. She had to get it off her chest. “Her eyes were stolen, and they exiled her. My clan. She already suffered having her eyes stolen and they didn’t even help her…they just sent her away to avoid shame. That…that’s in my blood. That’s who I am—”
“No.” He cut her off quickly, completely turning his body to face her, hand resting next to her on the ground. “No it’s not. It doesn’t have to be.”
“But it does!” She cursed herself for raising her voice, instantly lowering it. “It does. Hyūga are monsters, Konohamaru.”
“What about your sister?” He threw her off guard, causing her to go silent. “Do you think she’s a monster?”
With a sigh, she hung her head, “no. My sister’s the opposite of a monster.”
“But by your logic, she has to be a monster.”
“I get it,” she conceded, wrapping her arms around her middle. “But what if I can’t control that side of me? What if I just turn into my father? Cold and cruel…”
“I won’t let you.” His voice was soft and it make her skin tingle. She didn’t look up as he scooted closer. “You can change things, you know.”
“I can’t…”
“I know you can.” She pursed her lips when she felt his index finger and thumb envelope her chin, lifting her head so she had to face him. She was surprised to find a little smile on his lips. “You’re so much greater than you think, Hanabi. I hate seeing you beat up on yourself.”
“Do you ever feel that way, though?” she asked weakly, feeling selfish hoping he would say yes.
“Scared?” he inquired, carefully pulling his hand back as she nodded. “Well, yeah. Of course I do. Everyone does. Seeing Moegi at knife point…” he trailed his eyes away briefly before looking back at hers, eyes a bit darker, “I was ready to put every single one of those guys in the ground.”
“Understandably,” she reached out to brush her fingers against the hand resting on his knee, “you care deeply about your friends. It doesn’t surprise me you’d feel that way.”
“But it’s scary how much I feel it,” he admitted, his eyes now dropping, “it’s like you said…but,” he raised back up to look at her, turning the hand she was touching over so that their palms were against each other, “I still stand by what I said. It means we’re not the monsters we sometimes feel like.”
The moment felt longer than it actually was. His thoughtful words swirled in her head, and she was surprised by how comforting they were. She wondered how he got so good at this. Maybe it was Naruto, Hinata always gushed about how he could cheer any one up, even when they were on the brink of despair. Hanabi wished she could indulge in his words all of the time.
It felt magnetic, how they both seemed to be drawn together, fingers gently interlacing. Their faces were mere centimeters away, begging to connect when the sound of the earth crunching underneath feet behind them ripped them apart.
“I heard yelling?” Udon asked tiredly as he rubbed at his eyes, approaching the duo without his glasses.
If he had them on, he would have witnessed the sight of two teenagers, red from their ears to their necks, scrambling to put distance between themselves.
Damnit, Udon.
Kakashi had congratulated them on a job well done when they arrived home so early. He informed them that they would progress to the next steps soon, but for now, to go rest. She had asked to be left alone with him when the rest of the team tried to wait for her. Once they were by themselves, she struggled to find her words.
“Lord Sixth…did you know?” she asked vaguely, causing the masked man to perk an eyebrow. “About…the woman there…”
“The Hyūga,” he finished for her, eyes never leaving hers.
“Why didn’t you…” She hated how hesitant she was being. Normally, it was easy for her to demand information. This felt so heavy now.
“Tell you? I didn’t think it was necessary,” he said, casually leaning back in his seat. “It wasn’t relevant to the mission.”
“Right, but—” she looked him in the eye as she stepped forward, “—so you must know about her exile. How can my clan just send Leaf shinobi away?”
Kakashi shrugged and it irked her how aloof he could be. “As I’m sure you’re aware, or will become aware as the heiress, it’s part of our agreement. The Leaf does not interfere with Hyūga business.”
“You’re the Hokage, though. Doesn’t that supersede any stupid agreement?” she asked doubtfully.
He seemed to mull over her words before responding. “Unfortunately, no. The agreement goes back to the original founding of the Leaf. It hasn’t been changed since.” She almost missed the way his eyes flashed over hers. “No past leader has felt the need to amend it.”
The words struck her. Was he trying to hint at something? “Lord Sixth, what are you trying to say?”
“Nothing at all.” He hummed, calmly turning his seat to stand up. He rested a hand on his stomach as he waved at her. “Now if you’ll excuse me, I’m feeling famished.” She turned her body to follow his path, baffled by the fact he just seemed to leave her standing in the middle of his office.
Her head felt too full right now. With a sigh, she exited shortly after him. She nearly jumped when Konohamaru appeared in front of her. “Jeeze, Konohamaru! How are you so damn silent?”
His puzzled look down at her made something inside her feel warm. He was cute. Wordlessly, he pointed at his Leaf shinobi headband with raised eyebrows. She let a little laugh slip at it. He smirked down at her and folded his arms, joining her down the stairs. “Thought I’d just check to make sure you were alright.”
“Don’t you want to rest?” she asked, tilting her head at him. He shrugged. She bit her lips together briefly as she looked out one of the windows towards the neighborhood where her sister was now living. “Do you…want to come with me, to my sister and Naruto’s?”
“Yeah, I’d like that.” He offered her a warm smile and she wasn’t sure she liked the way it made her heart flutter.
Within moments, they were being greeted by Hinata and Boruto. Boruto, nearly three now, locked her legs in a tight squeeze as he greeted her, “sissy!”
“Hey, buddy,” she responded wearily, patting the top of his blond head, his grip unrelenting as Hinata leaned over to embrace her.
“No hug for big bro?” Konohamaru jested lightly, which Boruto seemed to ignore. Hanabi did give him a smile, though.
“Naruto will be home in a few hours. Let me make you two something to eat,” Hinata offered kindly as they settled in.
Despite her nerves and exhaustion, Hanabi gave Boruto her time and relented to playing with him on the ground with his blocks. Konohamaru seemed to fall asleep the instant he hit the couch, so she chose not to disturb him, in spite of her fatigue as well. When her sister came out with little sandwiches, she giggled at Konohamaru’s sleeping form and offered to take Boruto and Himawari out so Hanabi could get a nap in as well.
She couldn’t complain. Hinata packed up Boruto and Himawari and set off for a walk, and Hanabi scarfed down the food. They had been eating rations for the most part unless they stopped through a village, so it was welcome in her gut. As a team, they agreed not to stop for too long, all more than ready to be home sooner rather than later. Shortly after, she situated herself with her back against the bottom of the couch and let her head rest near Konohamaru’s arm, though not touching it, and allowed sleep to take her.
They awoke to Naruto’s boisterous voice ringing through the living space. Hanabi opened her eyes to find Konohamaru’s already open and staring down at her with what seemed to be a blush. She wasn’t sure how often she saw him blush—definitely not as often as he had her blushing. She glanced around with a frown, “what? What is it?” She followed his eyes as they trailed downward and she looked down as well, then gasped when she found her robe had loosened, exposing more of herself than she cared to. “PERVERT!” she shouted as she yanked it back closed, tearing away from him.
“What? I wasn’t—I didn’t—” he stuttered, looking back up at her with panicked eyes. She rolled her own and got to her feet, stomping away as she felt her entire body heat up.
“Sounds like you two are awake,” Hinata spoke playfully as Hanabi entered the kitchen with an irritated puff.
“What time is it?” she asked, reaching up to rub her eyes. Hinata informed her it was close to dinner time and that she should go wash up. With a teasing ‘yes, elder sister,’ she dutifully went to the bathroom. Finally, she got to properly see herself in the mirror.
If she was honest, she looked like a mess. Her hair was wild and unbrushed, she had scrapes and bruises all over her neck and collarbone. There was a tear in her robe that she hadn’t even noticed on the shoulder, almost as if a blade had sliced through it. Had one of them almost landed a kunai on her? She looked down at her hands, covered in bandages from the work she had put in during the mission. Her fingernails were stubby, pads calloused. She didn’t look much like an heiress, now, and it made her snicker. She carefully unwrapped the bandages so she could properly wash her hands, then fished out a brush from under the sink to pull through her hair.
When she looked back up, she was much more presentable. Not completely so, but enough. She ensured her obi was tight around her waist and her robe was covering her adequately this time. With that, she returned to her sister, finding Konohamaru in the kitchen as well now, looking cleaned up, too.
Now, he was cradling Himawari, and the sight was a little too sweet for her liking. With the few months-old baby in his arms, he was rocking her and whispering to her in a sweet voice. He poked her stomach in an attempt to elicit a laugh, but simply was returned by the girl latching onto his finger. He chuckled down at her and something in Hanabi’s mind turned over.
How was he so wonderful despite what they had just been through? Even Hanabi was finding it difficult to muster a smile for her niece and nephew. They had killed people, their hands were metaphorically bloody, and here he was, cradling her baby niece with those hands. Those hands that ended lives.
It was a cruel thought, she knew, but she couldn’t get it out of her mind. She wished so much she could be more like him. Able to find the joy in everything around them. Able to comfort others and help them find the joy, too.
It didn’t help that something primal in her noted that he looked good like this. As a caretaker.
He’d probably be an amazing father…
The thought was intrusive and she immediate shot it down.
Don’t do that.
After they sat down to eat, they were able to indulge the two older shinobi with their tale. In his usual style, Konohamaru played up a lot of the juicier bits of the travels, but they both knew where to draw the line in how much they revealed. Hanabi hated the fact she couldn’t tell Hinata about the Hyūga they had delivered to. Konohamaru understood that as well. It was probably why she confided it in him, because really, he was the only one she could confide it in.
She certainly couldn’t try to talk to her father about it.
Hanabi cleaned up the dishes while Konohamaru entertained Boruto, that mirthful expression ever present on his face. She found herself staring at him way too often tonight. When they had a moment alone, save for the little infant Himawari in his arms, she had to ask, “how do you do it?”
“Do what?” He looked up at her with raised eyebrows, still attempting to get a smile out of the little girl.
“We…we went through so much…how do you…” she bit her lips together before continuing, “how do you push it all down? How can you be so happy with them?”
He shrugged, smiling back down at the little purple headed girl, “it’s not their fault. They don’t need to be burdened with our bad experiences.” When did he get so…good with words? “It’s up to us to provide them with positive experiences. Isn’t that right?” That sweet voice came back as he leaned down to nuzzle his nose against the girls. When Hanabi didn’t respond, he looked up to find her staring at him.
The urge to kiss him was the strongest it had ever been in her. Even after everything, the fact he could still make her feel like this…she didn’t understand it. Despite the sugary sweetness of the scene, she really wished he wasn’t holding Himawari right now.
When the little girl gave a small whine, he chuckled. “What was that thing babies needed?” he asked her pointedly with a teasing grin on his face. She did her best to suppress a blush, turning away from him as she rolled her eyes. “Oh, right. Sleep. I think it’s time for someone to get to bed.” She didn’t look up when he left the kitchen, instead slapping her hands on her cheeks in an attempt to force the blush away.
“Keep it cool…” she mumbled to herself, sighing as she stared at her reflection in the window, revealing night outside and her own red face back at her.
When he rejoined her in the kitchen, she fought the urge to run away. She felt like she might do something she would regret. He heaved a pleasant sigh, leaning against the kitchen counter on his hand in front of her. “Ah, she’s too cute, y’know? Looks like she’s gonna end up looking like your sister.”
She crossed her arms as she turned her body to face him, lowering her eyes. “You think my sister is cute?” she questioned with a raised brow, causing him to laugh.
“What if I did? Would it make you jealous?” he asked, exposing his teeth in a grin as he rubbed at the shadow on his chin.
That damn blush just went away!
“I might be a little scared of a jealous Hanabi,” he continued his teasing, “so let’s just say no, how about that?” She rolled her eyes once more, finding it to be her go-to for responses. “Besides, Hima’s cute, but you’re…” Something about the way he spoke felt wicked.
“I’m--?” She found her voice caught in her throat, which was understandable; there wasn't much room with her heart jammed in there. That familiar tightness in her chest. She couldn’t stop thinking about the adorable way he doted on her little niece. It felt like her head was cloudy with the vision.
Before he could respond, she had pushed him against the fridge and smashed her lips against his, causing something from the top to fall. It drew a surprised chuckle from him and she couldn’t find it in herself to care that he was teasing her. She just wanted him to kiss her.
And kiss her he did. He wiggled his arms from his front and slid them around her waist, pulling her body closer into his. She clutched at the material of his jacket, feeling a silly sense of fear that he might pull away. No, she wanted this kiss to last longer than the others. Because she wasn’t sure she’d get the chance again.
Their mouths felt like they slotted together like puzzle pieces. She was surprised to find he was a much better kisser than she realized and pushed down the idea that he might be practicing with someone else. She urgently returned the forcefulness of his movements, pressing her body further into his and reveling in the way it felt to be held like this. It reminded her of their slow dancing at her sister’s wedding, but so much nicer now that it felt intentional, not forced. Like he was clutching onto her as well, not allowing her to move back even a little.
A tiny, surprised gasp escaped her when he yanked her against him after she moved slightly to readjust herself. It felt possessive, and it sparked something in her. He took advantage of her lips parting for the gasp and now had his tongue teasing against her lips. Tongue. She had never experienced anything like it, and despite the act sounding so crude, found she enjoyed it. She enjoyed it more than she could describe and allowed him further.
The moment was swiftly ended, however, when the slam of a door was heard from the living room, and Hanabi tore herself away from his greedy embrace. Breathless, she turned away from him and braced herself over the sink, inhaling as much air as her lungs could take. She heard him repeating that action behind her, head leaning back to rest on the fridge.
“I…” she whispered, clenching the edge of the sink, “…should go…see my father…”
“Yeah…” he gave a similarly breathy response, “my mom…”
“I’ll see you.” Without looking up, she turned on her heel and bolted out of the kitchen, mumbling a goodbye to her sister and Naruto before throwing the front door open.
She prayed no one had seem them, not realizing that the door slam was intentionally done by Hinata to mess with them.
Hanabi would later tell Hinata that perhaps she did have the Hyūga cold streak in her somewhere.
To say Konohamaru could be cocky was an understatement. The way she looked at him, with those eyes like saucers, pink cheekbones, lips parted, he knew exactly what was going through her mind.
But they were still playing their game of tag, and it was her turn. Even if he wanted to take her himself. Then he was rewarded for his patience when he found himself being painfully shoved into the awkward surface of the fridge. Despite the sting, it was a wonderful sensation, having the oxygen stolen from his lungs. Wanted so much that she couldn’t even wait for him to finish his compliment.
He meant to say she was beautiful. Gorgeous. Stunning. Breathtaking. Every compliment he could pull out of his brain. He meant all of it. Especially the breathtaking one.
To hold the Hyūga heiress against his body like that and have his tongue in her mouth? Unreal.
He was guilty. He was selfish. He knew that. After all the work he put in to try to ensure they remained just friends became undone in a single night.
And he let it happen, because he wanted it to happen.
Like he’s thought so many times before, he knew he was an idiot. Something about Hanabi made him an even larger idiot, unable to control his own impulses.
He had to give himself credit for restraining. Those eyes she was giving him damn near made him break himself. He was just relieved that this time, it was her who had given in.
He wondered if she was looking at him the same way he looked at her the night Boruto had been born. Adoring affection. Perhaps it suited them. Internally, he cursed these thoughts. It was a constant fight in himself.
He really did mean it when he said she can change things. What she had to deal with, he could never imagine. He was the Third Hokage’s grandson, the Honorable Grandson, a title he himself had spent so much time trying to distance himself from. But he didn’t have to become Hokage just because of it. Sure, it was his dream, but there were no hard and fast rules putting him in that position. For her, she had to become the leader of the Hyūga. She didn’t get a choice. It figured that it would weigh on her. Despite everything, he knew she had a good heart, and he really believed she could change her clan. Something about that made him foolishly hopeful that maybe, just maybe, she could change things and they could be…
Guilt quickly started to weigh him down, making him slow his pace as he walked home. He didn’t want to confront his mother while he was dealing with these feelings, she could always read him like a book. He knew as soon as he got one foot in the door, she would be bombarding him with questions.
It was all borne of the idea that he could find a loophole to have her, but it was always an internal fight between the voice that told him that was possible, and the voice that told him he was being selfish and he would only make things worse. Cause them both pain. Or, at best, she didn’t see him that way.
The way she kissed him begged to differ, however, and it was almost enough to make him wish it hadn’t happened at all.
“Jōnin!” Eiji exclaimed the next day after Hanabi found her team. “We were wondering why you got sent out on such a long mission without us.”
“That’s great, Hanabi,” Jun complimented. “Tora-sensei was actually talking about recommending all of us.”
“Sorry, I didn’t know Naruto was going to.” Hanabi frowned, folding her arms. Despite enjoying her time with Konohamaru and his team (barring traumatic events), she felt a little guilty surpassing her own team. She had to be grateful though, because if Eiji and Jun had been there, she wasn’t sure she could have kept them safe.
“Don’t be sorry,” Jun interjected, “Eiji doesn’t want to advance, anyway.”
“What?” Hanabi shot Eiji a look, who simply rolled her eyes.
“So what? I’m fine with where I’m at.” She shrugged, Yorimaru giving an agreed whine. “Besides, my cousin wants me to join the police force.”
“You’re gonna be a cop?” Hanabi furrowed her eyebrows and leaned away. “I can’t imagine it.”
“I can.” Jun chuckled, glancing between the two girls. “I think she’d be good at it. Not everyone wants to make jōnin, Hanabi. I think what Eiji’s doing is commendable.”
“Alright, enough.” Eiji jabbed a finger into Jun’s side to silence him. “Jun’s only going onto jōnin because they need more jōnin healers, anyway.”
“I just want to help the village.” Jun shrugged and Hanabi tilted her head. That was commendable. “Anyway, do you know what your next steps are?”
“I’m supposed to demonstrate a new jutsu,” Hanabi responded, fiddling her fingers together. “I’ve already been working on something new with Hinata, so it shouldn’t be too hard. But it has to be a-rank.”
“Really?” Eiji frowned. “That sounds really difficult.”
“It is,” Hanabi admitted, folding her arms. “But my sister and father have been aiding me in preparation for the recommendation by helping me create one. So, I’ll be alright, I think.”
“Can we see it?” Jun asked with a head tilt.
“Well it’s not really…”
“Just show us! C’mon!” Eiji demanded, giving her a little shove. Yorimaru yipped agreement.
“Ahhh…” Hanabi sighed, looking down at her hands. She suddenly felt especially self-conscious, she hadn’t tried showing anyone outside of the clan.
Relenting, she got to her feet and activated her byakugan. She weaved the hand signs of the dog and summoned a chakra waterfall, then began shaping it. Within moments, it had grown into a large wave, and with a forceful shove of her palm, it began swirling into something that almost looked like a water tornado. Then, a gush of wind forced it upwards until it formed into several giant sharp edges slicing through the air that all at once came crashing down in a circle around her, stabbing into the ground. Then, they soaked into the soil, leaving several large holes around her.
“Wow!” Eiji cheered, Yorimaru barking in approval and Jun clapping next to her. “That was crazy! How’d you come up with it?”
“I’ve been at the library studying,” she laughed a bit as she returned to the grass next to them, “it’s based on other a-rank water jutsu’s but I mixed in wind release and used the gentle techniques to shape it.”
“You are very skilled, Hanabi,” Jun complimented, and it made her blush in a way that didn’t bother her, accepting the praise.
“So this probably means we’re not gonna be going on many more missions together, huh?” Eiji asked and Hanabi caught the sadness behind her tone.
“We might, still. We are the successor to your cousin and your sister’s team,” Jun reasoned, and Hanabi nodded along.
“Yeah, right!” Hanabi stated resolutely. “Since Kiba’s on the police force, they can’t send him out on regular missions anymore, we’re gonna need you.”
“I guess.” Eiji shrugged, looking up towards the sky. “Well, congrats, Hanabi. You’re gonna become a jōnin. Don’t let it get to your head.” Hanabi shot her a look and watched questioningly as the girl looked over her head, waving at someone behind her.
“That’s right.” She shot up to her feet at the sound of her sensei. “You’ll always be my little lamb.” She whirled around to launch herself into her, and Tora stumbled backwards, chuckling as she accepted the embrace. “Even if we’re going to be comrades.”
“Wow.” Hanabi sighed before pulling away, beaming at the older woman who she now matched in height. “Comrades.”
“And if you’re promoted, I’ll finally give it up and pass the torch onto you,” she continued with an amused smile, stepping back from the girl. “You’ll be the leader of Team 15. Team Hanabi.”
“So you think we’ll still mission together, sensei?” Jun inquired as he, Eiji and Yorimaru joined the other two in a group. Hanabi, turning Tora’s words over in her head, suddenly felt a touch of dread, visions of motionless corpses surrounding her.
“Certainly, barring anything from happening.” Tora shrugged, shoving her hands in her pockets. “Don’t worry. You four can still be troublesome together.”
“Yes!” Eiji fist pumped, that excitement still present despite their nearing adulthood. Hanabi had to admire it, despite the tension mounting in her head. Their voices became muffled as she reflected on the events.
Her stomach felt tight as Eiji began rambling about ‘all of the cool a and s-rank missions’ they might get to do if her and Jun became jōnin. She wondered if they could even imagine the horrors she had seen during her trip. The swath of lifeless bodies around her. Bloody, bruised, working off adrenaline. How often did jōnin have to face that kind of thing? Truthfully, she wasn’t sure she could handle it again…she almost felt nauseous just thinking about it. No, she did feel nauseous.
The group gasped when she turned around abruptly and vomited away from them.
“Hanabi!” Jun exclaimed, rushing over as the first to tend to her. “Are you alright? Are you sick?” He launched into medic mode and began patting at her face and neck.
Hanabi shook her head, trying to swat away his hands. “I’m fine! Fine!”
“Then what was that?” Eiji grimaced down at the pile of puke beside them, covering her nose.
“I’m just—I don’t know. Nerves, probably?” Hanabi tried, hands falling. “I should probably get home anyway.”
“Yes, you should lay down.” Jun’s rested his hands on her shoulders. Hanabi gritted her teeth and reluctantly nodded. “Would you like us to escort you?”
“No, I’m fine. Stop using your medic voice on me,” she brushed away his hands, stepping backwards. She really didn’t want them to join her, she needed some space from what felt like a suffocating situation. “I’ll see you guys later, okay?”
“Alrighty…feel better.” Eiji eyed her suspiciously as she took off, breathing a sigh of relief as she made her escape.
She tried to pull back to Konohamaru’s words.
We’re not the monsters we sometimes think we are.
What would Eiji and Jun have thought if they had seen her wipe out that group? What would Tora think? What would her elder sister think?
She knew what her father would think. He would simply tell her she demonstrated Hyūga skill. Like she was supposed to.
That woman flickered through her mind more times than she’d like. She wondered if the woman lied to placate her by telling her she was happier away from the clan. She couldn’t help but assume it was true. Perhaps Hanabi would be happier if she was away from the clan, too.
Hinata was always too kind for her own good. Despite everything, she still loved their father unconditionally. No matter what they did, Hinata was loyal to her family to a fault. She wished so much she could just shake her out of it. Make her understand that it’s all wrong.
You can change things, you know.
Could she change things? The thought made her heart clench painfully. Inevitably, she would be made the leader of the Hyūga. Could she lead them to a fair future? Could the caged bird seal even be taken off? She frowned as she thought of Neji. Her entire life, she struggled with her identity.
Could she pave the way to less pain? Less turmoil?
Could she have control over her own future? Love who she wanted to love?
She thought of Hinata’s wedding. She didn’t realize it at the time, but she was jealous of her sister.
Because she was weaker, she had freedom. If she hadn’t been weaker, Hanabi would be the one who was free. If she knew back then what she knows now, she thought she would have been happy to take the seal if it meant being eased of this overwhelming responsibility.
And now here she was, entering the compound of the place that put all of this obligation on her.
How she wanted to run away, sometimes.
The urge hit her every now and then. The urge to wake up one morning and take off. Become a missing nin, despite it all. She was pretty sure she could evade arrest. Evading other Hyūga might prove difficult, but it could work. Then she would be drawn back to thoughts of Boruto and Himawari. Of Hinata. Of her team and her sensei. Of Konohamaru.
Konohamaru. Why did he have to put such silly fantasies in her head? Why did he break down every barrier she carefully constructed? Every time, it became harder to build those walls around her heart.
She wished she could just give in. But she couldn’t. She was a Hyūga.
Hanabi’s 18th birthday passed quietly as she worked towards becoming a jōnin, simply celebrating Boruto’s third birthday with her sister and family, not much thought of her own. They were evaluated shortly afterwards, and the four recommended shinobi were awarded the title of jōnin. According to Moegi, they simply had to have a party. Hanabi lied to her father and told her she’d be spending the night at Hinata’s. She prayed it wouldn’t come back to bite her in the ass. It wasn’t often she got away with lying to the elder Hyūga.
Later into the night, the four plus Eiji and Jun would meet in the Inuzuka compound, one of the less monitored areas of the Leaf. She and her team converged on top of the roof to Eiji’s home before Konohamaru and his team arrived, and with her, Eiji carried a case of sake.
“Where did you get that?!” Jun asked incredulously once he realized what the clinking in the box was. Eiji shrugged.
“My dad knows the brewer for Lady Hokage’s special sake. Went with him and snatched a box.”
“You stole?!” Hanabi whispered disbelievingly. “Don’t tell people that openly, Eiji!”
“How else was I gonna get it?!” Eiji snapped, looking offended.
“Your cousin is a cop! And best friends with my sister!” Hanabi rolled her eyes and damn near panicked when she saw Konohamaru, Moegi, and Udon appear on the roof next to them. “Do not tell them you stole that.”
“Hey guys!” Konohamaru waved, settling next to Hanabi, a bit closer than he normally would. His eyes went wide at the box in Eiji’s hands. “Is that—is that sake?”
“Keep your voice down!” Eiji growled, and Hanabi found the way his cheeks heated up endearing.
“Oh, you’re bad, Eiji,” Moegi teased as it seemed all the boys in the group were flushed. “Can’t wait two more years?”
“I figure this is the last of our days as kids.” Eiji shrugged, setting the box down in between the group. “With all of you promoting to jōnin, soon Jun, and then me…well, I’m moving on, too. We should celebrate, right?”
“That seems so sad, Eiji.” Hanabi frowned as the girl yanked a bottle from the box, swiftly twisting off the lid.
She took a hurried drink before shoving the bottle into Hanabi’s hands. “Drink this, and you won’t be sad anymore,” she snickered, Hanabi instinctively reaching up to grasp the neck.
“You—uh, don’t have to drink if you don’t want to, Hanabi,” Konohamaru cut in, looking worried.
“Well, I’m gonna!” Moegi declared, grabbing another bottle for herself. “C’mon, at least cheers me!”
“Moegi’s got the right idea!” Eiji hooted, grabbing a fresh bottle as well. The boys looked at each other apprehensively as Eiji and Moegi lifted their bottles in the air. Hanabi meekly raised hers to tap theirs, and finally, Konohamaru sucked in a deep breath and took a bottle, too.
“I’m not drinking, but I suppose I’ll cheers you.” Jun conceded, and both he and Udon picked up the last two bottles.
Eiji and Moegi giggled together as they took swigs from their bottles, looking expectantly at Hanabi.
Would the Hyūga heiress partake in illicit activity?
She thought back to her previous anxiety about what she perceived to be her dark side.
Could she really justify this being her first step to changing her path? Her destiny? With sake?
With friends.
Finally, she looked up and brought the neck of the bottle to her lips and drunk deeply, doing her best to ignore the burning sensation coating her throat. When she pulled it away, she gasped for breath and stuck out her tongue, glancing at Konohamaru who had been watching her with eyes blown wide. She raised her eyebrows expectantly at the dumb look on his face, lips parted as if surprised by her.
Good. She wanted to make sure she kept him on his toes.
Finally, he looked intently at the bottle in his hands and nodded, taking a deep drink as well.
“Whoo!!” Moegi and Eiji hollered despite Eiji’s previous scolding for making noise.
“We’re getting the Hyūga heiress and honorable grandson drunk!” Eiji whisper-yelled, looking so very smug. Hanabi rolled her eyes, her cheeks instantly heating up at the connection everyone seemed to make between them.
“You guys are awful.” Jun frowned, setting the bottle on the ground unopened. Finally, all eyes turned to Udon, who was the last one left that hadn’t taken a drink, save Jun who Hanabi knew they would probably never be able to convince.
“C’mon Udon!” Moegi jeered, shoving her elbow into his. They watched him inhale a long breath before taking his pull from the alcoholic beverage. And so there they were, a bunch of 18- and 19-year old’s, drinking illegally to celebrate their promotions.
“To new paths!” Eiji toasted, and something about it felt very on the nose.
“To new paths!”
Being drunk was an odd sensation. Her stomach felt warm with the liquid, and as she drank, it became easier and easier to tolerate the burning of the sake. It barely even burned, now. Eiji had failed to mention that the ‘Lady Hokage special sake’ had a far higher alcohol percentage than most sake, hence why it was preferred by Tsunade. The teens were a bumbling mess within hours, and eventually, Jun grew tired of it and told them to be safe before he took off.
It was just the five now.
“I been thinkin…” Konohamaru mumbled, swaying a bit as he sat between Udon and Hanabi. Moegi and Eiji looked across at him expectantly. “I bet Yorimaru weighs more than you do, Eiji.”
“Hey!” Eiji snapped, lurching forward to hit his shoulder as he and Udon descended into laughter. “You’re just freakishly tall!”
“Ouch,” Konohamaru taunted, rubbing his arm.
“I’ve always wondered,” Moegi changed the subject as she reached for Udon’s glasses, “what does your world look like, Udon?”
“Moegi!” Udon yelped, trying to grab the pair back from her.
Moegi gasped as she slid them on, “Udon, you are legitimately blind!”
“Let me see!” Eiji snatched them off her face, giving a similar dramatic gasp. “Whoa!”
“My turn!” Konohamaru grabbed them from Eiji, leaning away from Udon’s reaching hands trying to retrieve his abused glasses. “Wow buddy, I am so sorry I ever made fun of your eyesight. Look, Hanabi.” She squinted as he clumsily slid them on her face and she giggled even more at the blurry sight of Konohamaru. He leaned in very close to her and she could barely make out his features, all she could hear was, “you look pretty cute with glasses, Hanabi.”
Cheeks already flush with the effects of alcohol, the comment made her turn fiery. Quickly, she gave Udon a break and handed them back, turning her face from Konohamaru’s. Moegi whistled from across and Eiji made a gagging sound, “you guys are too sappy for me!”
“You two are devilish together!” Hanabi accused back with embarrassment as Moegi clutched her stomach from laughing. She glanced out of the corner of her eye to find Konohamaru grinning his smug grin down at her, looking pink in the face as well.
“Yes, you are,” Udon mumbled agreement as he wiped at the glasses with his shirt. “Glasses are expensive! If you guys scratched ‘em, I’m gonna be pissed.”
“Oh nehh—” Moegi stuck her tongue out playfully, which relaxed Hanabi as she forced another shot of sake down.
Hours flew by, and soon, each of the group began passing out—first Udon, then Eiji, and Moegi was the last to hold out, Konohamaru and Hanabi’s discussion clearly boring her.
“Oh shit.” Konohamaru interrupted whatever Hanabi had been rambling on about, staring over her shoulder.
“It’s damn near daytime!” Hanabi whirled around to see what Konohamaru had gone pale at: an irritated looking older Inuzuka she unfortunately knew. “Hanabi?!”
“Oh no.” Hanabi gulped audibly as a tired looking Kiba stomped towards them.
“Eiji! What have you done!” He grabbed the passed-out girls’ collar to shake her awake. Hanabi briefly considered fleeing, only for Kiba to hiss at her, “don’t even think about trying to run off.”
“What’s going—oh gods—” Udon roused with the activity, face turning white at the sight of him.
“Ow!” Eiji groaned as she awakened as well to her cousin’s rough handling of her. “Let me go!”
“Did you get the freaking Hyūga heiress AND the Hokage’s grandson drunk, Eiji?!” His voice was in complete disbelief, loudly whispering as he kicked at the now empty box. “Fuck, you’ve really done it, little one.”
“Kiba—please—” Hanabi tried, gritting her teeth as he shushed her.
“Just—I have to think!” he snapped, roughly letting go of the younger Inuzuka. He rubbed at his face, glaring at Moegi who was well and truly dead asleep, snoring loudly. “Alright, Eiji, take them to my place. I’ll clean this up. Just be fucking quiet, got it? And don’t stop to talk to anyone, you guys smell like a goddamn brewery.”
“Yes, big brother.” Eiji voice was dejected as she and Konohamaru grabbed either of Moegi’s hands, heaving the girl up.
“Do not tell your sister about this,” Kiba whispered bitterly to Hanabi as she got up, looking at her warningly. She nodded in understanding as she wobbly attempted to follow behind the group.
Eiji shoved the door of a little home open with a great yawn, holding it open for the rest of the group. They shuffled in, Udon helping Konohamaru lay Moegi down on the couch.
“Do you think he’s going to arrest us?” Udon whispered as Eiji dragged her feet towards the kitchen
Eiji snorted, “no way. Why would he send us here? He’s just a cranky old man.” Hanabi couldn’t help but snicker at the comment. It was just like a teenager to call a 23-year-old a cranky old man. “Just make yourselves comfy and sleep the inevitable hang over away.”
“How often do you drink, Eiji?” Konohamaru asked in disbelief as he settled on the ground, back against the couch Moegi was passed out on.
“Just once before! With my cousins,” she snapped as she returned to the living room with water for the group. “Nighty night.”
They watched as Eiji pulled out a sleeping bag from the closet and made herself comfortable, Udon seemingly passing out within the minute his head hit the ground. Hanabi sighed as she situated herself next to Konohamaru, leaning against the couch. “No use worrying about it right now, I guess.” Konohamaru whispered, shimmying so that his head rested on her shoulder. She bit her lips together and nodded, resting her head against his as well.
“It’s pretty funny you guys think I’d let you sleep in after the shit you pulled.”
Hanabi groaned at the sound of Kiba’s voice, struggling to peel her eyes open. As soon as she lifted one just a tad, she hissed at the bright light piercing her eye.
“Doesn’t feel good, does it?” Kiba mocked and though she couldn’t see him, she knew he was standing over them with his hands on his hips, glowering down at them.
“Big bro, c’mon…” Eiji grumbled as she flipped in her sleeping bag. “Hanabi and Konohamaru and stuff just made jōnin…we were just trying to celebrate.”
“Oh yeah, I’m sure Kakashi totally promoted you all to jōnin and assumed you’d all go binging right afterwards, huh?”
Hanabi threw her forearm over her eyes, grumbling irritably as she felt Konohamaru’s head leave her, causing her to fall towards him slightly. Normally, he’d probably laugh and straighten her back out, but instead just held her up and put her back against the couch, no playfulness in his movements.
“Let this hangover be a lesson,” Kiba continued, “and you’re all coming to the nursery to wash the dogs. Every single one. I want their fur to feel like satin.”
“Right now?” Udon’s tired voice chimed in.
“Yup. Now make sure that one isn’t dead.” Hanabi finally got her eyes open enough to see him pointing at Moegi, still passed out. Hanabi sighed as she turned around, gently shaking the girl until she roused as well.
“Where…where are we?” Moegi yawned, slowly lifting up, then turning pale white at the sight of the older Inuzuka. “Shit.”
“Shit is right. Bullshit you’ve put me through,” Kiba grumbled, turning away from them. “You’ve got ten minutes to get ready. Go wash your nasty mouths out, I can smell the sake pouring out of you.”
Spending a day with puppies would normally sound delightful. But here the group was, soaked from head to toe in dirty dog bathwater, fingers pruning, and the smell of wet dog permeating the air around them. They all glared at Jun when he arrived, and in a rare act, it was to tell them: “I told you so.”
“Yeah, yeah,” Eiji grumbled as she scrubbed a brush through a pup’s fur. “We’re suffering enough already!”
“Oooh, I wonder what they did to deserve this.” They looked up to see Kiba’s older sister Hana join his side, gloved hands folded in front of her. “I’m always happy to have free labor!”
“Yep. They’ll be doing this once a month for a while.” Kiba fangy grin glimmered.
Hana laughed as the group groaned, slumping over. “Well thank you lot for whatever stupid thing you did. I’m glad to have you.”
The older Inuzuka’s eventually left them and Jun gave in to his loyalty to his team and ended up helping them, reasoning that he should have tried harder to be a better influence. Hanabi wondered how they ended up with such a compassionate teammate. Soon, they were down to the last few pups, and all felt relieved as noon rolled around.
“I’m going to reek for weeks…” Hanabi grimaced, brushing at her robes. She gasped when she felt a wet handful of bubbles hit the top of her head, soaking her hair. She looked up to see Konohamaru grinning at her and she lowered her eyes. “Don’t start what you can’t finish.”
“Oooh, those are dangerous words,” Konohamaru teased, only for his face to turn to one of shock as another pile of bubbles clung to his cheek, courtesy of Eiji. “Inuzuka!” he yelled accusingly, only to double over in laughter when Moegi returned fire to Eiji. Soon it became an all-out war of bubbles, soap and water intermingling as everyone shot bubbles and sponges at one another and received hits back.
“Look what you did!” Hanabi exclaimed, though her tone was joyful. “Jun! You got me!”
“Sorry!” Jun yelped, ducking to avoid Udon’s incoming sponge.
A few minutes passed of this before the group tired out, the hangover still affecting them (except for Jun, who was just relieved not to be getting hit anymore).
After they cleaned up the nursery, Kiba returned to inspect their work and decidedly nodded, satisfied. “Hanabi, you can clean up at my place,” he started as she began walking with the group. She stopped and tilted her head, “you really shouldn’t go home like that, and I don’t want Hinata to find out. It’d break her heart.”
“Oh, right,” Hanabi sighed.
Konohamaru cleared his throat, “you could uh…clean up at my place, Hanabi. My mom could never turn you away, y’know.”
Kiba eyed him with a smirk, then rolled his eyes before turning. “Do what you want. Just be back here in a month. I’m holding you to it.”
Hanabi raised her eyebrows as she looked up at Konohamaru and gave a little nod, deciding to follow him home. As the five walked through the village and broke off for their homes, Hanabi and Konohamaru went up the steps of his home. He gently opened the door, clearly trying to be at least a little bit sneaky, and quietly ushered her in. He pressed his finger to his lips and she nodded briskly, silently following him through his home. Lightly, he pushed the door to the bathroom open and allowed her inside.
“I think my mom’s clothes will be too short for you,” he frowned as he rummaged through his dresser, “so here’s my sweatpants and a t-shirt you can wear while your robes are washed. Better baggy than short, right?”
“Oh.” Her face began burning as he handed her his clothes. To wear. With a wink, he gently pushed her inside so he could shut the door for her, leaving her alone.
In Konohamaru’s bathroom. With his clothes in her hands. About to shower in his shower.
What a strange scenario to be in.
As she washed up, she examined his shampoos and conditioners. She was a little surprised to see his good taste in scents and moisturizers. As they grew older, he had been looking more and more well-groomed, a far cry from that pre-teen who often had dirt under his nails and grime in his hair. The change was gradual, so perhaps she hadn’t even really noticed. Once she exited and toweled off, she gingerly pulled his clothing over herself and felt herself heat up at the feel of his clothing on her. Clothing that had been on Konohamaru now clung to her body. How intimate.
When she exited the bathroom, she cringed inwardly at the sound of his mother. “Oh, sounds like she’s out. Send her over, Kono.”
They weren’t as sneaky as she thought. It was tough being a teenager in a shinobi family.
He rounded the corner and gave her a weak smile when they met eyes. He held out his hand for her, assuring “don’t worry. She’s not mad.” She glanced at the hand and while she wanted to hold it, she couldn’t bring herself to. She stepped forward and simply brushed her fingertips against his before retracting, and he seemed to get the hint.
“I see you two had some fun last night.” Her voice was light as she patted the chair next to her upon Hanabi’s entrance. Hanabi’s face went white at the accusation, and Moriko gave a small giggle, “I don’t mean it like that, dear, no worries. Tea? Go shower, Kono. You smell like—”
“—like a brewery, yeah, I’ve been told.” He chuckled as he pulled out a seat for Hanabi, which she reluctantly accepted. He leaned down to whisper in her ear before he left, “we’ll never live this down.”
She shuddered at his voice in her ear as he swiftly took off, leaving her alone with his mother. She had a hard time meeting her eyes. “Uhm…I apologize, Moriko.”
“Forgiven,” she said, simply, pushing a cup of tea towards her. With a deep breath, she bowed her head and accepted the tea. “Everyone needs their chance to rebel a little bit. I just hope it’s out of your system.”
“Hopefully that sake will be out of my system sooner rather than later,” Hanabi grumbled, eliciting a laugh from the older woman.
“Konohamaru tells me you all impressed Lord Sixth with your jōnin testing.” It surprised Hanabi how she could so easily change the topic despite what they had just been guilty of doing. “I always thought you two would work together well.”
Hanabi paused, thoughtful. She wondered if Moriko was ever angry with her like Moegi had been during the chūnin exams. It was before Hanabi had become acquainted with Moriko, but she must have witnessed the battle. However, when they first met properly, Moriko had been nothing but kind. She almost had a silly sense of jealousy of Konohamaru, with such a loving mother who was so quick to forgive and show love. Hinata’s stories of their own mother were similar to her. “Konohamaru is…a very good leader.”
Moriko’s lips twitched upwards. “Yes, he is, isn’t he?” Hanabi nodded in agreement. “And he says you do well as his partner.”
“P—partner?” Hanabi gulped, shooting her eyes up.
Moriko shrugged as she nonchalantly sipped her tea. Hanabi was surprised to feel Konohamaru’s presence behind her already, turning to find him toweling drying his hair. He looked down at the two women before giving a little smile. “Sometimes I wonder if you love her more than me, ma.”
“Oh stop!” His mother swatted at his arm with a laugh and Hanabi felt a little smile creep up.
“Then what’s this about—” his voice turned mocking, “’oh, it’s so good you got to rebel, and by the way, I heard you did so amazing on jōnin testing’,” the mocking turned to a more serious tone, “but then with me, it’s ‘how dare you get her drunk! You’re a bad influence on that girl!’ When it was her who took the first drink!”
Moriko clicked her tongue while Hanabi’s face went beet red. Had he heard their entire conversation? Did he have keen hearing or something? And he was throwing her under the bus! “You’re older, my dear boy. You should know better.”
“Oh whatever!” Konohamaru laughed as he pecked a kiss on top of his mother’s head, grabbing a seat next to Hanabi. “And no tea for me on top of it all. I see how it is, mother.”
“Don’t use ‘mother’ on me!” Moriko snapped and Hanabi had to admire their playful relationship, despite her embarrassment.
She watched them banter with amusement until his mother looked up at the sound of beeping. “That’ll be your clothes. I’ll go pin them up.”
“Let me,” Hanabi interrupted, getting to her feet. His mother looked up at her slightly surprised but shrugged, nevertheless.
“I suppose it’s the least you can do,” she teased as Konohamaru got up to join her, winking at his mother. He guided her to the washing machine and loaded them into a basket before carrying it outside. Together, they began methodically hanging clothes, and found herself hanging up some of his shirts and pants. She did a double take and her eyes nearly popped out of their sockets when she saw him very casually clipping her panties to the line.
“Ko—Konohamaru!” She choked out, launching to grab the garment, “what in the hell do you think you’re doing?”
“What?” He asked, a cheeky grin present. “Just clothes, Hanabi! Don’t get so worked up.”
“Those are…” she started, feeling her face go deep red with both embarrassment and anger, “intimate!”
“So are these.” She stumbled backward when he grabbed a pair of his boxers and waved them in front of her face. “But it’s normal, who cares?”
“I do!” She stammered, hastily shoving her underwear into the pocket of his sweatpants she was wearing. Her eyes blew wide when she realized his eyes had trailed down to follow the movement, and now he was turning pink as well. “I didn’t know you were that big of a pervert, Konohamaru!”
“Hey!” He defended, hands raised. “You’re the one doing all that!”
“I—ugh!” She slapped her hands over her face, dragging them over her bloodshot eyes. Suddenly, she felt incredibly out of place. Konohamaru and his mother were so…different, from her own family. Her father, her sister, herself. She was embarrassing herself and she knew it. “I have to go!”
“But your robes are—”
“It’s fine!” She snapped, grabbing the clothing in question out of the basket and pulling it on, despite their dampness. She fished out of her obi and secured it before stomping back towards the house, desperate to escape.
“What about—my clothes?” He jogged after her, a little weakness behind his voice.
“I’ll drop them off later!” She continued her mission through the house, feeling guilty as she avoided Moriko’s lingering gaze. She yanked on her sandals quickly before pulling the front door open. “Thank you for your hospitality, Moriko!” She called, and she knew it sounded accusatory, but she couldn’t seem to stop herself. She tried to drag the door shut before Konohamaru could stop her, but was unsuccessful.
“Look—I’m sorry!” he tried, following her out the door, “I really didn’t think it was that big of a deal!”
“It’s fine, Konohamaru,” she huffed, still on her mission to her sister’s without looking back. “We’re just fundamentally different, okay? I feel idiotic that I ever thought I could fit into your world.”
She winced when she heard his footsteps stop abruptly behind her, but tried to keep going. His voice drew her back. “What’s that supposed to mean?”
She cursed herself for stopping. Why did she keep doing this to herself? With a deep sigh, she glanced around to make sure there were no prying eyes, then turned to look at him. “I’m not like you, Konohamaru.” His eyebrows furrowed at this. “It’s like I said earlier. I’m…a Hyūga. What my father is, that’s what I am. You and your mother are the opposite. You know how to be calm, relaxed, kind. You never let anything bother you, even if it should.” She regretted how deep his frown was becoming, his grimace as if she was punching him in the gut. She should have just cleaned up at Kiba’s. Her eyes dropped to the ground.
“That’s not…that’s not completely true, Hanabi—my life isn’t all sunshine and roses, you know—”
“Yeah, well, if that’s true, then mine is truly something awful,” she snapped her interruption. “I’m not you. I can’t…we can’t…’
“My life isn’t something to envy,” he breathed, staring at her despite her unwillingness to meet his eyes. “This is my life,” he gestured towards his home, “just me and my mom. We’ve lost a lot, Hanabi. When you go through that, you learn to look for the positive, alright? It can’t all be angst and anger, you know?”
She finally looked up to glare at him, feeling the sting of his insult, even if he hadn’t meant it. After a pointed pause, she finally ground out a response “is that right? Well, sorry, Konohamaru, but that’s all it’s been for me my entire existence on this gods-forsaken planet! So yeah, this,” she gestured behind her towards where the compound lay, “this is my life, and that’s yours! You don’t fit into mine, and I don’t fit into yours.”
“Yeah.” His flat tone caught her off guard. “I guess I can only take so much, Hanabi.”
“What?” She leaned back as if he had pushed her, but they were several meters apart.
He shook his head, and the chuckle he gave was not the usual playful one. “I’ll see you around, okay?”
Hanabi’s mouth fell into a silly looking ‘o’ shape as he turned away from her, still clad in sweatpants and a t shirt, hair glistening from the shower it just had. She watched him take off back to his home without looking back at her and something inside of her felt like it broke. Like she had expected him to stay, to come after her, to grab her and shake her and tell her all of the right things, like he always did. But not this time. This time he took her at face value and simply…left.
Tag - Chapter Nine
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Chapter Nine
Jōnin – Part Two
Hanabi – 17-18
Konohamaru – 19
While the trip back was somber, it was also quicker than expected. The 20-day trip was cut down to just 14 days, and they were all glad to be home. It was tough motivating themselves to go report in to Kakashi with how dead tired and emotionally exhausted they all were.
Hanabi was probably experiencing the worst of it, though. Whenever Konohamaru stopped to check in with her and make sure she was alright, she always lied through her teeth.
Yes, of course. Just dealing with the fact I took several lives and am having a crisis over my identity as heiress. Just peachy.
Keep reading
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debatenarutooocs · 2 years
What's your opinion on the mary-su—*COUGH*- i mean... OC Kiyomi Uchiha, by Jennapark04?
As far as I know, she is an overrated female twin Sasuke who is so powerful at everything ( ripping off medusa, sasuke, naruto and nagato ) that she is a Mary Sue. Why is she still alive after the Uchiha massacre? Because she is his twin sister?.Sasuke is the only survivor of the Uchiha Clan Massacre, and that's still canon even in the Boruto series.. Itachi was ordered to kill all the members of his clan and he even killed his own parents, but he was "allowed" by Danzo to spare Sasuke if he did his job well.
So after the massacre, there can be no other Uchiha-ocs unless they are Sasuke x Sakura's oc children. What about Obito and Madara, you ask? They were presumed dead long before the massacre and were abandonned, even Kakashi felt guilty about losing his friend. Anyway, Kiyomi's facial expression always looks like she's condescending and making fun of people. It annoys me that she thinks she's the best and better than sasuke even when she's been called crazy.
She wants so much to be a perfect and better Sasuke 0.2 that she copied his storyline with Teka team and Orochimaru. Even Sarada didn't know or recognize her own oc "aunt"'??. The oc creator has lazy writing because I feel their oc does not have her own personality but is product of their wish fullfilment/ self insert fantasy.
My other problem with her is the type of relationship that she has with her snake summoning.
"He's loyal to Kiyomi, even if he doesn't trust her. Their relationship begins with a convenient threat and would continue with a game for the cunning of both, the first that silk would betray the other. That kept them from letting their guard down with the other one."
So what is the point of a summoning creature and jutsu? Is the snake a toy to satisfy her sadistic and selfish needs? It's not a great personality trait to have or normalize. Sasuke and Itachi had to be cunning at times because they had no choice. So what about her? why is she proud to be cunning to people and animals that she can't mind her own business.She's a turn off to me.
Again, she makes no sense and this confirms my belief that she likes to treat people and animals like shit because she enjoys it and thinks she is best. She tries so hard to be an interesting character that she isn't interesting. I honestly don't think Gaara should be her love partner, he wouldn't like people like her. He's had his own share of mental trauma so he doesn't need another cunning person who does mental gymnastics like pro. I can imagine her getting along with Sugeistu though.
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nagipops · 3 years
hii I love your blogs sooo much you're really talented (I just needed to say it sorry) so straight to the point, I already made 2 requests to you and I really enjoyed your writing so I would like to make another again. As I'm clueless about what to request I'll just ask for random hcs for konoha 11, idk if it's too much but if so then you can do with Neji (I love him so much), Kakashi and Naruto. Thank you in advance and sorry anything ^^
FEATURING: naruto, sakura, shikamaru, ino, choji, neji, rock lee, tenten, kiba, hinata, and shino
WARNINGS: mentions alcohol, drugs, food, bugs, and the tiniest nsfw mention if you get the joke. hehe
A/N: AHHHH ANONN this seriously made my day, im so so glad you enjoy my work!! 💖
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you know how we all have “the chair”, where we throw all of our dirty clothes onto?
yeah, imagine that, but from the seat to the fricking ceiling
its just a GINORMOUS MOUND of clothes, you wonder how he even goes through that many clothes so quickly???
definitely shoves it under his bed whenever guests come over (somehow)
holds chopsticks really weirdly. but it works.
asked tenten to put his hair into space buns to mimic his sexy jutsu and went around flirting with the village
jiraiya was so proud of him T-T
comes up with the WORST pickup lines
they’re so bad, its almost charming. almost
has gone AWOL multiple times, disappearing from everywhere, just everywhere
it scared you a little, so you searched the entire village for him
you finally found him sitting on the ledge of a cliff, gazing out at the vast sea
concerned and panicked, you cried out to ask him what was wrong
he turned to you with a crestfallen, devastated look on his face and said,
“i bought shrimp ramen instead of chicken ramen.”
you’ve never searched for him after his disappearance ever again.
100% makes origami shurikens and chucks them at you
they are deathly precise and deathly sharp. seriously, how are these not illegal weapons yet???
writes threatening motivational notes to herself on the mirror
“u got this!” “make sure to smack naruto today!” “ino sucks!”
her backpack would always be way too high up on her back. idk why but. it would
does her hair all nice and pretty before she goes out but once she arrives to her destination SHE KEEP. TAKING. IT OUT. and redoing it over and over and over again
like it’s impossible to make eye contact with her because she’s holding a bobby pin between her teeth while braiding her hair
her guilty pleasure would be hostess treats
ding dongs are her favorite. don’t ask me how i know, i just know.
eats the yellow starbursts just to spite naruto and all her haters
loves small lap dogs, she think’s they’re so cute and cuddly
but she especially loves chihuahuas
they’re so feisty and naruto HATES them, so of course she had to go and get one for herself
dresses the poor dog up in little bonnets and jackets and ties its tiny fuzzy hairs into pigtails
she and the chihuahua are not that much unlike <3
this man is a god at shogi but he absolutely SUCKSSSS at cup pong.
is this an ick? idk. but he is absolute trash at this game.
it gets even worse when he’s got a couple drinks in him
tries to calculate the velocity and acceleration and angle and shit but his shot is always a good two feet off BYE 😭
just mutters an “aw, shit” before awaiting his turn again
hates checkers, loves chess
“checkers is for WUSSIES” - shikamaru nara
i said this in another post, but he is Very Good at whistling
like that’s his hidden talent
can copy any tune with the perfect pitch and rhythm
speaking of, he can do really cool tricks with his tongue
like making a four leaf clover, touching the bridge of his nose with it, flipping it upside down, you name it
he has slanted, scrawled handwriting, to the point where it’s almost illegible
wbk he cheats in school SO OFTEN. but he never gets caught. he’s not stupid, he just couldn’t care less about his classes.
thinks weed and e-cigs are stupid, cigarettes are where it’s at
you just can’t replicate the feeling of taking a drag from a cig after a long, tiring day
plus he looks hella cool while doing it B)
teaches the boyz™️ how to braid their hair
like they all gather in a circle around this feisty fashionista and fail attempt to braid their hair
sakura was just fuming in the sidelines
yeah, ino 🙄
the only one that can actually do it is neji because a) this man is talented af and b) he’s got the long hairrr
ino probably envies his thick, sleek hair because hE’S a bOy
also asks everyone for their blood type and zodiac signs and tells them if they’re compatible with her or not
and definitely judges you for your sign 😣
“oh, you’re a gemini? hmm, what a shame...”
makes bouquets for her favorite people and kin assigns everyone a flower
only assigns the pretty nice ones to the people she likes (sorry sakura, you’re out of luck)
one of her favorite hobbies is crafting! she’s really good with details and small things so she loves making those miniature dollhouses and stuff
also really good at watercoloring. especially painting flowers and landscapes
also i feel like she would be really good at playing any instrument because of her skilled hands
can play a badass flute solo. period.
would honestly rather die than get anywhere NEAR an asparagus
he just thinks they’re so gross and bitter and NOT SALTY
he always eats his yakiniku a little bit undercooked because he’s way too impatient to wait for it to cook fully. who do you think he is??
whenever he cloud gazes with shikamaru, when asked what he thinks a cloud looks like, he just says some sort of food
“oi, choji, what does that one look like to you?”
“a... yakiniku grill... with... pineapple rings on it! ooh, and a wagyu steak right there!”
he thinks pringles are an abomination to society. where’s the crisp? where’s the grease? where’s the saltiness?!!!
asks ino to teach him how to do his hair all fancy and the two of them devote an entire day learning different hairstyles
it’s his new favorite thing to do now :D
he really likes crayons!!!!
like he’ll write with them, draw with them, color with them, do everything with them
he’s even tried to eat them. he said they tasted good.
definitely had the 128 crayon pack WITH THE BUILT-IN SHARPENER, and everyone thought he was the coolest kid in town
he ate it UP, he even scored some bbq dates with the ladies
i also feel like he loves basketball, and he has a MEAN slam dunk
like his vertical isn’t that high, but the man can REACH
he loves when people laugh at him when he challenges them to a 1v1 and then proceeds to absolutely destroy them <3
he seems like a cucumber kind of guy.
just cucumber
like i feel like he puts it in everything; soba, salads, sandwiches, his face, yeah
it’s mellow and cool, just like him!
speaking of, i feel like he lives for spa days and facials
it just lets him be alone in his little cucumber scented world for an hour or two and he gets damn clear skin from it as well
seriously he has PERFECT skin. flawless. not a single blemish. his cheeks feel like baby butts they’re so smooth.
i feel like he’d be a god at solving rubik’s cubes, don’t ask me why
like if anyone scrambled theirs on accident they would just take it to neji and he’d solve it in the blink of an eye
CAT PERSON!!! loves the little meow meows
who are we kidding, neji basically is a cat; agile, aloof, does silly things without trying to, very cute
he just feels akin to the little fuzzballs and he thinks petting cats are extremely therapeutic. good for the soul
he is a golf man. he would take his juniors golfing and everyone thinks he’s uncool. cmon neji let them go to the skate park at least T-T
also very good at karaoke, definitely surprised everyone once he got a few drinks in him since he started serenading you
LIGHTWEIGHT!!! do not get more than one shot of alcohol in him. he will go berserk.
i also feel like he’d really love photography; not taking pictures of people, but of nature
he loves taking a quiet stroll through a pretty forest and snapping pictures of all the unique flora and fauna
it’s so serene ︶ ‿ ︶
100% milly rocks everywhere
gai got in on it too once he asked what lee was doing
“is that what all the youthful cool kids do these days!”
they also dab together. a lot
DO NOT BE SEEN WITH THESE TWO!!! you are not associated with them.
definitely is the one breakdancing in the middle of the dance circle at a high school party
he’s mad skilled at it too
headspins and windmills galore
challenged naruto to a dance-off and completely OBLITERATED him
lee then asked if naruto wanted a rematch, this time with one hand tied behind lee’s back
naruto obliged, and he STILL lost
RIP naruto and his fangirls, they all scrambled to lee afterwards T-T
i feel like his favorite subject is science
not the boring physics equations and laws and theories but the fun EXPERIMENTS
definitely has singed all of his hair off one time and he went to gai blubbering to help him grow back his precious hair
but he loves experimenting with different combinations and chemicals to get different reactions each time
created a potent love potion and carried it around with him all day one day
and it was actually working
girls were flocking to him left and right, staring at his lips and his face
he was so abashed at the sudden attention
heck, it even worked on sakura
“oi, lee-san!”
“hehe, yes, sakura-san?”
her eyes shifted downwards to his lips and his heart thumped harder
“hey... lee-san?”
“what is it?”
“you have something on your lip. we’ve been trying to tell you all day but you just winked and blew kisses at us.”
legend has it lee has still not recovered to this day.
has THE prettiest handwriting. and she can write SUPER fast
it’s like a superpower
like she transcribed five pages of a report in less than two minutes with perfect handwriting
naruto is so jealous.
she is also super good at origami! those diligent, accurate hands aren’t just for throwing things
taught sakura how to make shurikens but does NOT endorse any violent uses of them
she can replicate all of her weapons with paper and they can actually function, it’s so cool
made paper kunai knives one day and the wholeee village wanted to get their hands on them
i feel like she’d listen to mitski. idk i just get those vibes
LOVES BIG DOGS!! especially fluffy wuffy samoyeds
like man’s best friend?? no, GIRL’S BEST FRIEND!!
hugs and cuddles and squishes all the big dogs
she thinks small dogs are spawns of satan
sakura and her have definitely quarreled over this
but at the end of the day, all dogs are adorable fur babies, so she lets it slide :,)
kiba always looks SO GOOD in photos you take of him, candid or not
like you could just whip out a camera and snap a photo of him at any given moment and he would look perfect
you framed a picture of him yelling at akamaru for peeing inside the house
it’s pure artwork
i feel like he tries to swagger around with his hands shoved in his pockets but it fails MISERABLY and the girls are wondering if he broke his leg or something 😭
kiba just walk normally. for the love of god please just walk normally.
he tries to slump back in his chair really low but one time he slouched way too low so he slipped off of his chair and onto the ground LMFAOOOO
he just wallowed there... in shame...
also.. he LOVES when the girls put makeup on him!!
he tries to act like he hates it. but it secretly gives him so much confidence
not to mention the girls hyping him up are a huge ego boost
okay the inside of his jacket hood is the warmest. thing. EVER!!!
seriously, no wonder this dude is so happy-go-lucky all the time, he’s living in literal heaven 24/7
it’s like you’re sleeping on a cloud inside a warm, cozy bed during a cold winter morning
10/10 would recommend letting him give you his sweatshirt when you’re chillin with a hair tie ❤️
always smells like lavender soap. always
also has the cutest pencil pouches with little puppy faces and kawaii things
oH and she has those mini yoobi highlighters, she thinks they’re so cute (and functional!)
everyone flocks to her to try them out and marvel at the cute tiny highlighters
and they try to steal them from her but she doesn’t even stop them because she’s too timid to 😭
naruto goes BALLISTIC over them
she lets him have all of them <3
tennis girl!!! tennis girl.
all of her opponents always underestimate her because she’s so timid and shy and quiet
but she has a KILLER serve
and then she takes her opponents to the slaughterhouse with a complete shutout ;)
she’s really athletic believe it or not, she can beat most of the boys in a mile run and she has incredible endurance
i feel like she really loves velvet scrunchies
she just thinks they’re so pretty and they keep her hair soft so they’re cute and functional
also takes the PRETTIEST notes!!
color codes, dividers, headers, you name it, it’s all super readable too its insane
everyone asks her for her notes, not to study but just to appreciate the pure artwork that it is ^w^
shino is SO easy to prank
“how do you catch an eyemaster?” *cue naruto and kiba snickering*
“eyemaster bait. that is because—”
even when everyone’s laughing their asses off, he still continues to explain his answer since he does NOT GET THE JOKE
tried his hand at writing haikus
here’s his best one so far:
“Bugs are amazing. That is because they are bugs. Bugs are very nice.” - Shino Aburame
VERY proud of it, since it took him weeks to perfect
praise it, pls
had one of those ant farms and bug-catching kits as a kid
he loves the little chitters of the different bugs
he had jars of different bugs all lined up on a wall shelf in his room
collects silkworms off of trees and sticks them into his pockets (no i definitely did not do this as a kid...)
HELP I FEEL LIKE he would record a timelapse of his ant farm growing and upload it to youtube with a movie maker title screen that says
“my ants”
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if you enjoyed this post, likes and reblogs are much appreciated :) feel free to request here, and make sure to read the rules first! have a lovely day everyone <3
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animeomegas · 3 years
(infertile alpha request) oh, sorry! Preferably Naruto, Death Note or Obey me
(Thank you so much for clarifying! I’ve done Naruto and Death Note 💓 Enjoy!)
Naruto – He is a bit sad when he hears the news. He definitely wanted to adopt at least one child, so he’s not sad about never having children, because he knows he still can easily, but he was kinda really looking forward to being pregnant. He wanted to know what it was like, all the things he’d seen other couples go through (ultrasounds, cravings, birth classes), and it’s a little startling to have that dream suddenly ripped away from him. He’s not comfortable with any other conception methods, so he adopts all his children. But, when he’s cuddled up with his three adopted children, he can’t believe he was ever upset about not having biological children, and the thought that having biological children would have stopped him adopting all of his current children makes him feel sick because he can’t imagine a life without all his precious pups. Where would they be if he didn’t adopt them? Naruto decides that it was better this way, in the end.
Sasuke canon – Sasuke is very conflicted, at first. He had been clinging onto this dream of reviving his clan since he was a child, but now the only person he could ever tolerate having sex with can’t give him that… He’s not getting a donor, no way. There are no orphans from his clan to adopt. He honestly doesn’t know what to do, there seems to be no good answer. In the end, I think he would decide to just never use birth control and see what happens. The chances may be extremely slim, but he’s not comfortable with any other conception method, so it’s this or nothing. It might actually be quite a good experience for Sasuke in the end, because he is finally forced to examine some of the goals he clung to as a child to keep himself from breaking down and see if they are something he ever actually wanted. He might think about what life would have been like with his own pup occasionally, but he’s never been as happy as he is with his alpha and that is more than good enough for him (but not good enough for the council who harass him about having as many children as possible, constantly.)
Sasuke non-massacre AU – He doesn’t think it’s a big deal tbh. He got himself sterilised while he was in his early twenties because he didn’t want to deal with the possibility of getting pregnant, and he had to fight his clan for it! So, he’s glad that you won’t have to do that same, but it’s easier for alphas anyway. If you’re in a relationship with him, then you obviously don’t want pups, so he doesn’t think much about it. He’s like ���Oh, okay,” then ends the discussion.
Shikamaru – This might be a problem… His child will be the next clan leader and they have to be of his blood, as is clan tradition. He would probably have to go for a donor to get pregnant, probably some distant clan member he’s never met before, but he feels really weird about it. He doesn’t like it, but he bites his tongue for once and gets on with it. He keeps it a secret from most people. The other biological parent is a clan member, so he just lets people believe that Shikamaru’s Nara genes were super strong, and that’s why there’s none of his alpha in their pup. I don’t think he would ever tell his pup that they weren’t biologically the child of both of their parents, he doesn’t think it matters and he doesn’t want to cause drama or have to involve the other bio parent if his pup asks after them. It’s better left as a family secret.
Shino – His situation is similar to Shikamaru’s. His child will be the next clan leader and in order to have a kikaichu and be trained like his clanmates, they have to be biologically an Aburame. Shino is also not comfortable with other conception methods, but mainly because he’s terrified of his alpha rejecting the pup if they aren’t theirs or reacting badly if Shino is pregnant with someone else. Some alphas have a hard time with those instincts and can’t accept non-biological pups or get violent when their mate is carrying someone else’s offspring. Shino is pretty scared. He also is so humiliated during the invasive insemination procedure. In the end, he had nothing to worry about, as his alpha was the perfect parent to their pup, but for about a year, Shino is constantly stressed that everything is going to change suddenly, and his mate will snap and leave them or something. It’s a tough time for him.
Neji – He’s actually quite relieved. It makes him feel a lot less guilty for his own fertility problems. If you’re both sterile, he’s sad that you’re both lacking something you want, but it makes dealing with his own problems easier. There are many orphans in the clan, so you both adopt from that pool, and Neji couldn’t be happier and prouder of his children.
Kakashi – Thank fuck for that. He got sterilised when he was in ANBU, just in case he had any missions that involved seduction. Kakashi might make a joke about how you’re lucky that you got to avoid the hospital and still be sterile. He wishes lol. Anything that helps him remain childless is good in his book.
Iruka – He makes sure his mate isn’t upset, but Iruka himself is totally fine. He wouldn’t mind not having children at all, and if they both decided to have children, Iruka would want to adopt anyway. He thinks it makes so much more sense to adopt when there are so many pups who need loving homes. He does get a little sad if his mate is sad though, but only out of empathy, not because he himself is sad.
Itachi canon – It is very helpful for him. While Itachi has issues with his heat and his health, he doesn’t have many problems getting pregnant, he just can't carry to term. And birth control is hard as a missing nin, so he’s very glad that he doesn’t have to worry about it. (Miscarriages are not fun, and with a fertile mate he would certainly have suffered through a few). It’s better for him this way, his circumstances prevent him from having children anyway.
Itachi non-massacre AU – He’s devastated. He doesn’t blame his alpha at all, but he’s very upset. His clan will never let him adopt, if they're losing one of their best shinobi to stay at home and raise children, those children better be the new top shinobi, so they have to be his biological children. He using artificial insemination, and he uses the sperm of another Uchiha (one that he's not directly related to). The clan elders are overjoyed that Itachi's pups will be 100% Uchiha blood rather than mixed. But Itachi is very, very firm about making legal protections for his mate as their pups' parent. He doesn't want his clan to pull anything to try and exclude his alpha or claim that his mate doesn't have authority over their own child. He's very firm about those conditions.
Sai – Huh, well, he hadn’t given pups much thought tbh. He’s totally okay with not having children, he genuinely doesn’t care that much. He likes it just being his alpha and him, so why change it?
Gaara – He’s another one who is completely devastated when he hears the news, but he is very stoic about it on the outside because he wants to be a good support for his alpha who might be struggling. He really mourns being able to carry his alpha’s pups. He doesn’t want to adopt because he really wants to carry a pup and breastfeed and everything, but he’s also worried about his alpha feeling betrayed or excluded if he goes for a sperm donor. He’s desperate for his own children, two at least, so he wants to use a sperm donor.
L – He nods and files it away in his brain with all the other information about his beloved, but he doesn’t file it as important. You have already agreed to not have children, so it doesn’t matter either way.
Light – Hmm, this is a problem for his plan. He needs someone to take over the perfect world he’s creating, and he was planning on it being the biological child of him and his mate. Well, it needs to be his child, but it doesn’t matter too much if it’s also his alpha’s biological child. Light isn’t comfortable with artificial insemination, but he’s down for seducing one of his fangirls/fanboys and using them. He wouldn’t tell them that the pup is theirs though because he doesn’t want to be tied down to someone he can’t stand. If they got too suspicious that his pup was theirs, they might find themselves the victims of a mysterious death.
Matsuda – He’s distraught for you and himself. He’s a very traditional person who wants traditional things, a couple of kids, a nice house, a dog, that kind of thing. He would want to try every possible method to conceive naturally, but after two years going back and forth between various fertility clinics, it’s clear that he’s not going to get what he wants. Matsuda goes back and forth between various other methods but eventually decides to adopt an infant. He never really stops hoping that he’ll magically become pregnant, but that doesn’t mean he loves his child any less, because he absolutely dotes on them.
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chemmerson · 3 years
the way you make me feel - chapter 5
Chapters: 5/5
Words: 3.1k
Warnings: lots of kissing
A/N: AHHHH this is the last chapter!! thank you to everyone who had read this story and showed their love, i am so so thankful for every single comment and like and everything. thank you for letting me share this fun, silly, and cute story with all of you. i hope you enjoy this last chapter, and thanks for reading!! <3
read on ao3
i'm yours
It was Saturday night, and you were working your shift at the small, local diner frequented by most university students. Saturday wasn’t busy by any means, but there were always students who would set up camp for the night, order some food, and study. You always liked Saturday nights because it was quiet and calm (and your shift ended before all of the drunk kids coming back from parties flooded the place).
A week ago, your Saturday night was the most insane Saturday night you had ever experienced in your life. You did not expect playing a simple game of key to the fifth would’ve turned out the way it did, but the unexpected often led to happiness.
Wiping down the counter in front of you, you smiled. It was hard not to think about the happiness that had resulted from those unexpected events.
Kakashi and you had eventually gotten out of his room and gotten the handcuffs off your wrists. He walked you home with your hand in his and kissed you goodnight, and the next week was full of giddy smiles and butterflies and new beginnings. Though Kakashi had always given you butterflies, it was so much better that you finally accepted your true feelings, and the fact that they had been reciprocated made it almost too good to be true.
Cool, smart, handsome Kakashi Hatake who had always been there and a constant presence in your life liked you. Had always liked you apparently.
It made you realize that it was never too late to begin again. Kakashi was your friend, and you had felt guilty for not being a better one in return, for pushing him away and denying what you really felt. Although it took a little meddling on Obito’s part, there was relief that you could finally accept what you knew was true all along.
Your thoughts were distracted by the small bell ringing by the door. Your other co-worker was in the back grabbing more supplies, so you happily waltzed up to the register to take the customer’s order.
The person that had waltzed in however was not someone you expected to see. In fact, it was someone you hoped you could avoid seeing for a while.
Itachi Uchiha looked the same as ever. Messy ponytail, baggy sweater, a blank look on his face. The feeling in the pit of your stomach felt the same as it had a week ago, but for different reasons now. And the way he had his eyes locked on you as he walked towards the register made you realize immediately the reason he was here was you.
You couldn’t even speak. You just watched him stop at the register, still holding eye contact with you.
“Hey, Y/N,” he rasped.
You gulped, already nervously twisting your sweatshirt sleeve in your hand. “Um, hi, Itachi. What can I get you?”
He shook his head and then smiled. “I’m…not here for…” he laughed dryly. “…I’m here to talk to you.”
A nervous shock ran through you. “Oh…me?”
His normally blank look softened as he smiled at you. “Yeah. About last Saturday.”
You shook your head. “We don’t have to—“
“No,” he interrupted. “I want to.”
You didn’t say anything. You couldn’t say anything.
Itachi sighed. “I’m really sorry about everything. I wasn’t expecting you to be there that night, and I guess I reacted on my initial feelings. When Obito told me a few weeks ago that you and Kakashi had supposedly gone out on a date…well, I was pretty fucking pissed.”
He laughed dryly again, putting his hands in his pockets. “Kakashi and I…we’re fine, we just don’t get along too well as I’m sure he told you that. And when I found out a guy I’m not too fond of had gone out on a date with the girl I liked…well, yeah.”
Your mouth parted in shock and realization, but your words were caught in your throat.
Itachi just continued. “Obviously I talked to Obito and he told me how he messed everything up. That idiot…”
“Itachi…” you finally said, though it barely came out in a whisper. “I’m…”
Itachi paused, a smile finding his face again while he scanned your face over. Your heart was beating a million miles a second at everything that was being said.
“I just wanted to say I would never…I would never stand you up like that. I’m not that kind of guy. Especially because…” he shrugged. “I really like—“
Itachi cleared his throat, and you swore you saw something like hurt flash in his eyes. “I really liked you. And I just wanted you to know I would never do anything like that.”
“Itachi,” your voice finally found itself. “I’m so sorry. About everything that happened. I didn’t really…I didn’t really plan on any of this happening—“
“I know you didn’t,” Itachi smiled. “No hard feelings.”
Before you could say anything else, Itachi took a step back. “Have a good night, Y/N.”
Your mouth parted again to say something, something to this guy in front of you who was telling you his feelings.
But Itachi paused again before turning around to leave, and this time you saw the hurt in his dark eyes.
“Kakashi’s a lucky guy. I hope he knows that.”
Itachi had almost made it out the door when you found your voice for the final time. “Itachi!”
Itachi paused once more and turned his head slightly.
“I’m so sorry,” you breathed out. “I really am.”
Itachi just nodded and walked out of the cafe.
You watched him go with a knot in your chest.
Although it was late, it was Saturday night which meant that Obito and Kakashi’s regular gathering was in full swing. You weren’t sure what they would be up to tonight, but it was always something fun. Normally, you wouldn’t think to go to Obito’s after work because you were always so tired and just wanted to sleep. But now, you had butterflies in your stomach thinking of Kakashi. Kakashi with his moonlight hair and kind eyes and comforting embrace.
On the bike ride to Obito and Kakashi’s, Itachi’s words played over and over again in your head. Itachi had said he liked you. Of course you knew that he probably wouldn’t have ditched on you if Obito hadn’t meddled, but you realized that he thought you had gone out with someone he had a tense history with.
Obito’s meddling had made you realize your true feelings for Kakashi. Although Itachi had been hurt more than you realized, you couldn’t deny that you probably would be drowning in denial for much longer without everything that happened. There was a part of your heart that belonged to Kakashi that you had buried so deep, you didn’t know if you could’ve ever dug it up on your own. Everything that had happened…you were still glad it did. You couldn’t lie to Itachi or anyone else. And you especially couldn’t lie to yourself anymore. Facing your true feelings was more freeing than anything.
You locked your bike by the apartment complex and made your way up to the apartment of chaos.
Opening the door, you didn’t hear much of the usual screaming and loud chatter. Instead, all of the lights were off and it was dead silent. The only light was the bright TV that lit up the main area. It was horror movie night.
On the couch sat Raido, Genma, Gai, and Kakashi. Raido and Genma were clutching each other as they glued their eyes to the TV, anticipating what would jump out next. Gai sat casually next to them, obviously unphased by the horror on the screen. Kakashi sat next to him with the same reaction.
On the floor and lying on their stomachs were Kotetsu and Izumo who loved horror movies, and they watched with almost feral looks in their eyes. It was probably their idea to watch it. Shizune and Rin also held each other close with fear in their eyes, and Obito sat next to them, probably disappointed that Rin wasn’t clutching onto him. Anko was sitting next to Obito, but it looked like she had already fallen asleep. Kurenai and Asuma sat a little closer than usual, and it made you smile.
Quietly closing the door, you heard quiet footsteps padding across the floor towards you. You turned to find Kakashi with a warm smile on his face. He wore his usual comfy sweatpants and sweatshirt.
“Anko didn’t tell me you were coming,” Kakashi whispered and grabbed your hand.
You couldn’t help the giddy smile that grew when you looked at Kakashi’s eyes in the dark. “I didn’t tell her. I just thought I’d see if you guys were still hanging out.”
“The movie is only halfway over,” Kakashi led you to the couch. Gai leaned over to see the commotion, and he waved enthusiastically at you. You smiled back and squeezed next to Kakashi on the end of the couch.
Everyone else seemed too engrossed in the movie to notice you had arrived. Being so close to Kakashi made a heat prickle on your neck. Once settled on the couch, Kakashi looked over at you, his face extremely close to yours. Even in the dark, his dark eyes sparkled.
“How was work?” He whispered.
You nodded. “It was alright.”
Kakashi smiled, and you felt his fingers find their way in between yours. You returned the action to fully hold his hand and grinned with a flush in your cheeks.
“So,” you nodded towards the TV. “Was this a Kotetsu and Izumo pick?”
Kakashi hummed quietly. “They somehow convinced everyone to do a movie night. Though Genma and Raido already ate all of the popcorn.
You stifled a giggle. “Of course.”
You couldn’t turn your attention to the movie, however. The encounter you had earlier was still leaving a weird feeling in your stomach, and you had no idea why.
Kakashi evidently picked up on this. You felt his lips close to your ear. “What happened?”
Your eyes flipped over to meet his. Though there was no possible way you could tell him what happened. Would it just make him upset? You wanted all of this to blow over, to forget about everything and just be happy…
Kakashi was looking at you with patient eyes with a hint of concern. You looked at your intertwined with Kakashi’s.
“Do you want this?” You whispered underneath the loud music of the horror movie, but you weren’t paying attention in the slightest.
You weren’t expecting a small smile to shape on Kakashi’s lips, and it instantly made your anxiety start to disappear.
“Of course,” Kakashi whispered back. “Why wouldn’t I?”
You shook your head. “I don’t know. It’s stupid—“
You leaned forward to look at the end of the couch to see a glaring Genma staring you down.
“Shut up. We’re trying to watch a movie,” he whispered harshly.
You narrowed your eyes back. “Why don’t you shut up, dumbass?”
“Genma, you’re missing it,” Raido whispered to Genma.
“GENMA,” Kotetsu whipped his head around to whisper yell. “Shut the fuck up!”
“I’m not the one talking!” Genma growled back.
“Shhhhh!” Rin shushed everyone, and everyone quickly obeyed.
Kakashi’s eyes on you didn’t falter, however, and you met them in the dark once more. With the side of his face illuminated by the light on the TV, you could see the honesty in his expression. “I want this more than anything,” he said. “I’m…really happy.”
The words melted your heart, and you squeezed his hand. “I’m happy too. So happy.”
Kakashi’s eyebrows fell slightly together in worry. “Something is still bothering you.”
You shook your head. “Nothing is, I just—“
The next second, several blood-curdling screams erupted around you, and everyone had jumped at the scare that had just occurred on the screen.
“FUCK FUCK FUCK—“ Genma yelled and jumped up from the couch, running down into the hallway to hide.
Rin and Shizune hid behind a pillow, and Obito’s lip quivered as he pretended not to be scared.
“Kotetsu, save me!” Izumo cried dramatically, falling onto his best friend's back. Kotetsu was laughing hysterically from the intense jump scare himself, and he grabbed a pillow to hit Izumo off of him.
Anko didn’t even stir.
“I don’t see what was so scary!” Gai exclaimed next to Kakashi. “I knew that was going to happen!”
“Oh whatever,” Raido said on the end of the couch, his face still twisted in discomfort from the scare.
Your attention had been brought to the dramatic reactions of your friends, but it was brought back to Kakashi when he squeezed your hand.
“Come on,” he whispered, and you followed him as he got up from the couch. With everything still freaking out, they wouldn’t notice you two slip away in the dark.
Kakashi led you down the other hallway into his room, and you shut the door behind you. Kakashi sat on his bed and shoved his hands in his pockets. You slowly made your way to stand in front of him, trying to find the words to explain.
“What’s up?” Kakashi asked calmly, his steady voice always making your worries melt away.
“When I was at work,” you started. “Itachi stopped by.”
Kakashi’s eyes visibly darkened, and before he could say anything, you continued.
“He just came by to apologize. I don’t think he…I just think he wanted to clear the air, you know…” you took a deep breath. “But it kind of threw me off, because I was expecting it.”
You took a step closer to Kakashi. “And because it made me feel bad. I never meant to hurt anyone, you know? I just wish things didn’t have to happen like that, and I’m not mad at anyone or anything. I just…”
Your steps took you to stand in between Kakashi’s legs as he sat on the bed. The close proximity forced you to look into Kakashi’s eyes. It was similar to how they were that night when he found out Itachi had been the one you were supposed to go on a date with when Itachi had looked too long at Kakashi’s hand intertwined with yours.
The realization of it made a small breath get caught in your throat, and your words came out quietly. “But I realized that…I wouldn’t have wanted it any other way. It…made me realize how I feel about you, and that I don’t want to be with anyone else.”
You swallowed, watching Kakashi’s expression soften slightly at your words, but there was still an edge in the darkness of his eyes.
“Good,” Kakashi replied with a rumbling timbre, quiet but alluring.
He grabbed your hand gently, watching your fingers as he intertwined with them. You wondered if the electricity his touch induced through your body would ever stop, and you also realized how much you never wanted it to. He pulled you to him, so close now that your faces were practically touching.
As you stood in between Kakashi’s legs and looked down at him, his thumb brushed your wrist as he held it firm. “Because I’m yours. I have been yours.”
“Kakashi…” His name fell out of your mouth in a whispered disbelief.
“I don’t want you to have any doubts about this,” his tone firm as he continued. “So tell me if you do. Please. I don’t want you to have any.”
“I don’t,” your answer was immediate but assured. “I don’t have any doubts. I’m serious about this. I’m…”
The distance between your faces had somehow gotten smaller and smaller, and looking into Kakashi’s serious, dark gaze, you spoke with more certainty in your words than you ever had in your life.
“I’m yours.”
Kakashi’s other hand grazed up your arm and made its way to the back of your neck, but your lips were moving towards his anyway. As his fingers wrapped around, you felt his thumb brush over a rather sensitive patch of skin by your ear, and the shiver traveled down your spine pushed you to close the gap.
He always kissed you with unyielding tenderness, lips catching yours with no hesitation. The way he made you feel was like nothing you could’ve imagined, but it made everything make sense, made everything fall into place as he untangled his fingers from yours and placed it on your hip, pulling you closer. Your hands didn’t hesitate to hold his face and then wave their way into his ardent hair.
Close was never close enough, but that didn’t stop Kakashi from making you feel butterflies a million times over. His hand on the back of your neck tilted your head, and you obeyed. His hand on your hip gripped you with more firmness, causing you to melt into his touch all over again.
This kiss wasn’t just you and Kakashi telling each other how you felt. It was making up for lost time, it was confirmation that you wanted each other and a way to show just exactly how badly you both felt it. It was what both of you had held in for so long, but no longer. It was what words couldn’t describe because there were simply too many. It was honesty and desperation that needed your touch against his.
Your fingers in your hair moved on their own to press Kakashi’s lips closer to yours. The impatience to be closer was almost agonizing, but if you had to chance to be close to him like this forever, you would. Because nothing had ever been like this before. Had felt like him before. Had felt like his sprawled hand traveling down your back and causing another shiver to make you want to drown in it forever.
If you could drown in it forever you would, and a sigh escaped you as Kakashi deepened the kiss again. One of your hands moved out from his hair and to his face again, your thumb brushing over his soft cheeks.
The impatience was addicting, and you moved your hands down to his shoulders. But you wanted to be nearer, to drown in his honest touch and you began to wrap your arms around his neck to press closer.
Kakashi broke away from the kiss at that, and as you caught your breath, you kept your eyes closed to recover from the feeling you had been lost in. But his thumb brushing over your chin and then your lips made you open them, and you were met with his lovely, sparkling eyes.
“Yours,” he whispered. “I’m yours.”
It wasn’t said in question, it was said in affirmation. It made you smile, reeling from emotion and such passionate feelings. Everything had led up to this moment, and it didn’t matter what anyone else had done or what had happened. It was undeniable that this was meant to be.
You nodded, leaning in to press your lips to his again. “And I’m yours.”
taglist: @apricitobio @hatake-kunoichi @silverhairsimp @ms-sasa @xjaneeeen @kerouacbridge @sonja3
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shewrites02 · 3 years
Wounded |Shikamaru x Reader|
Summary: The reader is wounded while on a mission, This leads to a rift in their relationship
Word count: 2.2k
A/N: I'm new to putting Naruto fanfics on my Account. If you have an suggestions or requests I'm open to all of them. Thank you so much.
fuck! This was your ass when you got home, and you knew it. You pleaded to Lady Tsunade to send you on this mission, short of getting on your hands and knees you said and did anything in hopes of persuading her to say yes. Eventually she caved. Knowing very few things got you this emotional she couldn't bring herself to say no even if she had felt you weren't ready. Plus she knew even if she declined you would devise a scheme to end up there anyway, and she wasn't wrong. You had a plan a, b, and c just incase she was adamant in her refusal.
What you didn't have a plan for was explaining to Shikamaru what you were about to do. Go on a S ranked mission despite just clearing your Chunin examinations. When word finally did get back to him, he was furious! that same morning he marched into the Hokage's office and demanded answers.
"I understand you are angry, but I will not explain myself to the likes of you! You want an explanation you speak to your girlfriend!" She snapped at him.
He knew better than to argue further, to expose himself and allow himself to be vulnerable and open with his concerns even just in front of the Hokage. He also knew she was right, it wasn't really her he was angry at.
When the door swung open and slammed against the wall of yall's shared living space you knew who it was, and what was coming.
"Do you want to get yourself killed?!" Shikamaru belted out down the corridor of the small two bedroom apartment. When you did not respond he barged into the master bedroom forcing your attention.
"Who the fuck do you think you are?" He continued "You must be invincible, death must not be a concern of yours. No your just that fucking strong despite needing three attempts to pass your Chunin exams."
His words stung, even brought tears to your eyes. You tried to remind yourself that they didn't come from a place of malice, but of concern. That did not stop them from hurting, it did not stop them from making you feel small, and weak.
"I need to do this!" You croaked stifling tears that threatened to fall. Your voice trying it's hardest to be strong.
"EVEN IF IT KILLS YOU?!" Shikamaru quickly rebutted.
you took a deep breath before calmly responding, as if to accept the words as they fell out of your mouth.
"Even if it kills me."
The way Shikamaru's eyes fell you could've sworn you'd thrown a kunai straight through his heart. He was gutted, almost to the extent of feeling betrayed.
"Even if that means leaving me here alone."
You could hear the tears trembling in his throat but not a single one fell. He simply turned and walked out the apartment. This was two days before you were supposed to leave, and was the last direct conversation you had with him before you're departure.
While on the journey Kakashi told you two things. One that he had promised Shikamaru that you'd return to the village even if it meant he did not and secondly that Shikamaru had asked him to give you note.
Inside was a detailed apology for suggesting that you were weak or incompetent. Shikamaru said he didn't want you leaving the village believing he had no faith in you or your abilities. Instead he outlined his fears for you. That you weren't ready physically or emotionally to tackle a mission such as this one, that the cost of this mission may have a higher price than you bargained for. Most importantly that you would never come back. He emphasized how much he loved you but was sure to let it be known how angry he was at you. Your complete disregard for his feelings and concern hurt him. He wrote of how unsure it was that he would be there when you returned. He wasn't sure if his methodical mind could forgive such reckless behavior.
That's all you could think of as you laid motionless on the cold forest floor, how correct Shikamaru was. The mission was a success but now you weren't even sure you'd be around to celebrate the victory that seemed to be worth your life just a week ago. In this moment your were heartbroken, distraught, most of all guilty.
The last memory the love of your life would have of you is you telling him that completing some personal vendetta was worth giving up spending the rest of yall's lives together. This was a risk you didn't have to take, a mission you weren't assigned to but you looked Shikamaru in his eyes and told him it was more important than him. And look at you now, fulfilling the very prophecy he feared you would. He would never forgive you for this.
The warm sensation of your blood coating the back of your hands, drew you out of your thoughts. The voices of Sakura and Kakashi were a faint whisper to you, despite the fact they were shouting at each other. You could make out Kakashi telling her to hurry and patch your wounds. He knew it would be a while before the medical core could make it all the way out here, and he wasn't sure you had that much time. He was hoping if Sakura could just stop the bleeding, he could carry you to the village himself. If she could only stabilize you he could do the rest.
"Kashi." You grunted out, twitching your fingers till they meet his hands. His panicked eyes looked over at you and softened some. He was trying hard not to let on how worried he truly was, but the usually stoic ninja, could not handle the thought of breaking his promise.
"Please... tell Shikamaru I'm sorry. Tell him he was right, he'll like that." A pained laugh fumbled from your lips, along with a weak smile.
"Tell him yourself."
You went to protest but felt every bit of chakra drain for your body. Kakashi and Sakura slowly began to fade until everything went black.
When you awoke the agonizingly bright lights along with the low hums of all the equipment were a clear indication of where exactly you are, The Leaf Village hospital.
"And she lives." Kakashi announced. A copy of make out tactics in hand, although his masks was up you felt he had a small smile plastered on his face. As you observed his clean, tidy appearance it was clear you had been here longer than it seemed.
"How long have I been here?"
"A week!" Lady Tsunade scolded her arms folded against her chest as she stormed in Sakura trailing behind her. "Just as I said You nearly got yourself killed out there!"
"But I didn't." You rebutted offering a meek smile. Despite Kakashi and Sakura's giggles Lady Tsunade was not amused.
While you scanned the crowded room, you couldn't help but notice Shikamaru was nowhere to be found. You knew he would be angry with you, but so angry he wouldn't even check up on you. Had you really spent a week in the hospital without a single visit from him? was it true you had survive this mission but your relationship had not? The eerie feeling was too strong to ignore, you couldn't even focus on Lady Tsunade chastising you.
"He's come by everyday!" Sakura interrupted pointing over to a bouquet of Jasmines and Roses, Ino no doubt picked for him.
"He.. didn't want to be here when you woke up." Kakashi confessed.
Sakura elbowed him, right in the middle of his ribs causing him to wince in pain. He nurtured his side shuffling his feet slowly away from her. Clearly he wasn't supposed to share that part. But you appreciated Kakashi's honesty, even if it did break your heart.
"I'll be walking you home." he continued throwing the backpack that you carried everywhere with you over your shoulder.
"Remember, you're on bed rest as soon as you make it home. If I even hear that you've be training so help me God!" Lady Tsunade narrowed her eyes to further emphasize her point. Message received loud and clear.
As you and Kakashi strolled through the village neither of you spoke. You were far to focused on what you might find when you returned home, while he just enjoyed the silence. He feared you might request his input with the situation you and Shikamaru had going on. He was sure all he would do is make you feel worse. The copy ninja was a man of few words, and none of them were inherently comforting.
Once yall approached the front door, you noticed the house completely dark, not even the shine of a table lamp. This was peculiar, your home was usually fully lit at this hour. Shikamaru would usually be home to eat lunch or at the very least find some peace away from his comrades to work out a strategy for a new mission he was assigned. No matter what the reason... he was always here and the house was always vibrant. This dark ominous empty home was not one you knew.
You tried to tell Kakashi that you were more than capable of carrying your bookbag in, but he insisted. You think he's just afraid if word gets back to the Fifth Hokage you exerted any type of unnecessary energy the blame would fall on him. But when the two of you walked across the threshold yall immediately stopped.
Shikamaru was home, sitting completely in the dark staring at the ceiling. The sound of the door opening not even making him move an inch.
"I'll, just leave this here." Kakashi mumbled, placing your bag beside you and walking out closing the door behind him.
Shikamaru still didn't move, not a glance your way, not a word spoken. Absolutely still and absolutely silent.  You wanted to jump on him, kiss him all over, tell him just how wrong you were. Tell him that with what you thoughts were your last breaths the only person you wanted to talk to was him. But you didn't, your guilt weighed so heavy on your chest it felt as if you couldn't speak.
You walked over sitting on the couch next to him, your hand meet his cheek and Shikamaru flinched making you quickly draw your hand back. It was as if he had just realized you were even there. Your eyes quickly examined every contour and mark on your boyfriends face. His flushed cheeks, the slightly puffy eyes that gleamed with a sutble red tinge. Could it be that your stoic aloof boyfriend had been sitting here crying all day? The sight shattered your heart into a million pieces. How could you do this to him? How could you be so selfish?
You reached out for his hand grasping it firmly almost as if you didn't grab him now he would be gone forever. In spite of not even being able to look at you Shikamaru held your hand just as tight.
"Do you know how mad I am at you?" he interrupted. "Lady Tsunade had to put you in a medically induced coma for a week... A FUCKING WEEK Y/N!"
"I'm sorry you were right. you were right, baby you were right." You cried tears streaming your face.  "I'm sorry."
You didn't wanna argue, you had no fight left in you. For God's sake you just wanted the man you loved to look you in your eyes. Tell you how much he missed you, that he was worried about you, and he's still in love with you. That he'll always be in love with you. But he was as cold as ever, he refused to cast his gaze upon you. instead his eyes continue to linger at the ceiling.
Shikamaru wanted to stay angry, as glad as he was to have you alive here with him he still wanted to punish you. He wanted you to hurt just like he did when he had to watch Kakashi carry you unconscious through the front gates, or when Lady Tsunade told him your injuries were to extensive to wake you up after surgery. or maybe when you looked him in his eyes and proclaimed how little your life was worth in comparison to a mission you weren't even officially assigned. Shikamaru wanted you to feel a fraction of what he has the past two weeks.
"Shikamaru... baby. Please, look at me." You begged him reaching for his face again. This time you forced his eyes to meet yours.
As angry as he was, when Shikamaru looked into your tear filled eyes he melted. After a week of watching you lay basically lifeless in a hospital bed, seeing that glimmer of life in your eyes nothing seemed to matter anymore.
"Baby, I'm so sorr-"
Shikamaru didn't let you finish your sentence, he crashed his lips into yours for a sloppy passionate kiss. He pulled you onto his lap never breaking away from you. His hands held your waist tight, you were sure he would leave marks, but the thought of letting you go was almost traumatizing for him. In his arms, he knew you were safe that you wouldn't run off again.
"I was so worried about you." He mumbled against yours lips, light gasp for air in-between his words. "I love you so much y/n... you can't die on me."
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panharmonium · 3 years
[@dreamersscape​ I started a new thread because our old post was getting so long - link to the previous post is here, just to keep this conversation coherent!]
“raw love and affection” > That’s it exactly.  The perfect descriptor.  Untempered, unqualified, unconditional, unrestrained - Naruto’s love is just like his jutsu, a giant explosion that you can’t dodge or block, and the wielder is shouting and running straight at you the whole time he throws it right at your face XD  You just can’t escape him.  He’s gonna love you no matter who you are or what you’ve done or how fast you run away from him, which poor Sasuke has been figuring out for years (to his everlasting irritation, I’m sure).  Kakashi needs people like that – like Gai, actually, who’s a little bit similar in the sense that he’s determined to be Kakashi’s friend no matter how much Kakashi resists.  And I do love the fact that Naruto and Kakashi will be able to connect about Naruto’s parents now that the secret is out – it wasn’t possible before, and they’ve all been running a million miles an hour since Naruto found out, but eventually, once things calm down, it will such a good thing for both of them to complete that circuit.  That’s the way things are supposed to be – the connections between generations are supposed to be maintained and strengthened by the people left behind, like Iruka says in the early days of the show -   
When someone passes away, it’s the end.  His past and future, all the dreams he once had - they disappear along with him.  This is true even if he dies honorably in battle, as so many have...all the ties that bind him to the living are severed.  All but one, the most important of all: people.  Parents, siblings, friends, lovers - the people who were important to him.  And these people, the ones left behind, are joined together in a great circle by their shared memories of him.  A circle of friendship, trust, and sacrifice that grows larger and stronger as time passes. 
It’s so good that Naruto and Kakashi are soon going to be in a space where they will be able to re-forge the links that were disrupted by a malicious system that wasn’t serving either of them.
Well, I don’t want to build it up like the show makes A Big Deal out of it 
Oh, don’t worry.  I was already expecting it to be the tiniest crumb they could possibly give us.  But even crumbs will make me very happy, for these two! XD
But I think he might have doubts that Yamato would want/choose him as a source of help, given the circumstances of Yamato’s capture and torture?
THAT.  Yamato getting captured taking care of Kakashi’s kids would have been complicated enough to navigate enough on its own, but the fact that the person who orchestrated all of it was Obito makes it a truly labyrinthine mess.  The number of layers of guilt that Kakashi feels - not all of them rational or accurate, obviously, but in his mind they’re real - given all those things, of course he’s uncertain that Yamato would want his help.  Kakashi’s internal blame calculator right now is like -
GUILTY [was weak.  wanted companionship too much.  let you share my burdens.] GUILTY [took advantage of your loyalty] GUILTY [put you in harm’s way] GUILTY [abandoned you to die] GUILTY [created the person who hurt you (by being the reason obito ‘died,’ by failing to save rin)] GUILTY [still love the person who hurt you] GUILTY [still grieving for the person who hurt you]
It’s complicated enough just handling the “i put you in this position and then didn’t even come to save you” level of things, but adding in the “my personal hero/most sacred, precious source of inspiration is the one who did this to you” level makes it practically impossible to manage, especially when Kakashi is actively experiencing (natural and out of his control) feelings of grief for the person who caused Yamato’s entire ordeal.  Kakashi doesn’t condone or excuse anything Obito did - he fully understands that Obito caused unforgivable harm to untold numbers of people (himself included) - but he still feels things for him, and he can’t do anything about that, and even if he’s accepted that fact on a private level, I still don’t think he’s entirely comfortable feeling those things in the context of Yamato’s situation.  
It’s like what you said about him “wanting to be very careful not to ‘force’ his company on Yamato” - I think he feels like Yamato has every right to reassess or step back from their relationship, given everything that’s happened.  Kakashi may recognize on some level that he can’t control his own feelings about the Obito situation, but he also doesn’t think Yamato should have to be understanding of that.  Kakashi has never considered himself an appropriate recipient of anyone’s respect or devotion to begin with (“you should find someone more suitable”/“then drop the ‘senpai’”), but with Yamato, especially, I think Kakashi feels now that he’s lost whatever scrap of credibility/worthiness he ever had of being looked up to, and he would be very careful not to put Yamato in a position where Yamato feels pressure to accommodate or defer to Kakashi for any reason, whether it be because of the difference in their ranks or the potential lingering feelings of gratitude/debt that Yamato might still associate with the things Kakashi has done for him in the past.  (But of course, like you said, Yamato would probably interpret this as “reticence,” or deliberate distancing, and obviously that would heighten his pre-existing anxieties, which would just complicate things further.)
...it wouldn’t be about the name itself, it’d be Yamato trying to find a way to express that he doesn’t want Kakashi to keep seeing him as the “Tenzo” he’s always known...as his subordinate “Tenzo” that he has to “take care of”...
THIS.  I totally agree with you - I can definitely see Yamato getting frustrated at being (unintentionally) put into a box by Kakashi, because even though Kakashi absolutely does not mean it this way, the fact of the matter is that Kakashi taking on all of the responsibility/guilt/blame about this situation disregards the active choices and sacrifices Yamato made.  It’s almost...disrespectful.  Dismissive of Yamato’s agency.  And of course we as the audience know that it isn’t intended that way at all - Kakashi respects Yamato more than anyone in the world, and his reaction comes from a very real place where he legitimately feels that he’s been taking advantage of unearned/undeserved loyalty and devotion - but I absolutely can see Yamato getting snappy about being treated like what happened to him was the result of something Kakashi “made” him do, like all the work he’s been doing for the last year was just him following orders and not something he also had a personal stake in. 
The whole point of Yamato escaping the Foundation (and even the ANBU) was that he wouldn’t have to be anybody’s lapdog anymore.  It wasn’t about him trading one master for another.  He doesn’t follow Kakashi because he’s obligated to do so; he does it because he believes Kakashi is worthy of being followed.  It’s not that Yamato doesn’t feel a debt of gratitude to Kakashi; he does, and he probably always will, but Yamato also believes in the same mission as Kakashi, cares about the same children, wants to protect the same future.  Maybe, when he accepted that first substitute assignment from Tsunade, he did so in the spirit or following orders or doing Kakashi a favor, but at this point, Yamato is just as invested in the struggle as everyone else.  He cares about the kids just as much, and he’s just as committed to saving the world.  He ended up getting captured because he was willing to give his life for the cause, and he deserves to have that decision honored as the true sacrifice it is, instead of having it minimized as an artificial choice that he was compelled or deceived into making.  
I think, deep down, it’s hard for Kakashi to conceive of the idea that someone would choose to follow him for valid reasons.  He feels like everyone who loves and respects him does so because they’re laboring under a false impression of his goodness.  But for Yamato, hearing this is essentially tantamount to being told that he’s still someone else’s thrall.  Like he isn’t making his own informed decisions about who to follow or who to serve, like he’s still being led around by the nose by someone who can make him do anything they want, like someone else (however benevolent) still has him under their thumb.  I’m sure he knows Kakashi doesn’t mean it that way, but I also can imagine, in a moment of upset, that he would react poorly to being portrayed like that - at the implication, however unintentional, that he isn’t truly free.  
It’s like you said - Yamato doesn’t want Kakashi to keep thinking of him as a prisoner who needs to be rescued.  He doesn’t want to be limited to being a tool in someone else’s hands (especially not a tool for Kakashi’s continued self-flagellation), and he doesn’t want his friendship with Kakashi to be limited to what it was back when Yamato was an enslaved child.  He needs Kakashi to give him credit for his own decisions, which means he needs Kakashi to let go of the guilt and absorb the message ‘i have not been coerced into caring about you!’  Tenzo, in his capacity as Kakashi’s comrade, has never been confused about what kind of person Kakashi is.  He hasn’t been taken advantage of or manipulated into doing something he didn’t want to do.  He has never been a tool for Kakashi to use; he has always been Kakashi’s willing partner.  His loyalty to Kakashi is not unquestioning obedience or obligatory repayment of a debt; it’s justified respect, genuine admiration, and more-than-earned affection.  All Yamato did during the war was take the same risks that Kakashi himself has taken on Yamato’s behalf countless times, and if Kakashi can’t accept the fact that Yamato took those risks willingly - if Tenzo can only be “Tenzo, Kakashi’s charge” instead of “Tenzo, a true equal” - then maybe it’s time to leave that old identity behind entirely.
I do think they’ll eventually figure this all out and it will be okay.  But I 100% understand why we might see Yamato chafing at being addressed in a certain way prior to all these knots being untangled.
He doesn’t need to be “Yamato” to Kakashi, but he might be unconsciously seeking reassurance Kakashi still wants “Yamato” around.
Ohh, this...I’m... 😭😭😭
#naruto#pan watches naruto#a true equal#i know you said you weren't sure you were articulating your thoughts in a 'comprehensible' way#but i think you're hitting the nail exactly on the head#yamato's worst fear is that things are going to go back to the way they used to be#he'll go home and go back to the anbu#he'll put the mask back on and disappear#the kids will remember him vaguely#like a teacher they once had in high school#every few years he and kakashi will run into each other#and kakashi will be casually friendly#but that's all it will ever be: two acquaintances who don't really know each other anymore#because yamato is back to being 'tenzo' now; and kakashi has never tried to stay in touch with 'tenzo' before#'yamato' had something essential to offer#and now that the mission he was assigned is over#'yamato' doesn't exist anymore#'yamato' was just a code name.  it was a pretend identity.#this entire year with team 7 was a temporary assignment#and yamato knew that#but what he didn't know was how desperately he wouldn't want it to end#living outside the anbu was like a dream; and yamato doesn't want to wake up#we know that.  we SAW that.  canonically - what he wants most in the world is to stay right where he is#his tsukuyomi dream is to hear kakashi say 'this is where you truly belong'#and it makes sense that yamato isn't sure if 'tenzo' can achieve that#because kakashi always let 'tenzo' drift away before#and of course that had everything to do with kakashi's own personal issues and nothing to do with yamato#but how is yamato supposed to know that?#i just think...yamato is more afraid of going home than of anything that ever happened to him during the war#because nothing can possibly be worse that being that alone again
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