#like we went to an art museum and they were telling me how some of the photographs were taken bc they’re into photography
glittertimes · 2 years
it’s wild to me that my partner is literally just the polar opposite of my previous best friend who was really awful loll!
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tranzjen · 3 months
🖤💙 4 days until my Surgery 💙🖤
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(Picture taken Dec 9th, 2023)
I'm very very excited for my surgery (it's my second gender affirming surgery but this one is more significant to me since it'll be top and bottom surgery) and I'm obviously counting the days until it and I thought some people might be interested in my trans journey 🏳️‍⚧️ So see part 7 below the cut.
Part 1 here
As the summer was ending, I got really lucky! A lesbian hairstylist (who helped organize the drag show I went in the last update) gave my name to this sales lady who sold accounting work to like companies and she needed help with researching CEO and CFO types. And she paid me out of pocket and honestly it was pretty easy internet research using Google. I felt like a little rat scurrying across the Internet 🐀 So, thank you lesbians 🙏🙏
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(Picture taken Nov 6th, 2022)
Apparently I really impressed her so she got me hired full time as a sales admin for her company (I wouldn't have gotten with my lack of a college degree without her) and I've had that job since! And a lot of my transition wouldn't be possible without the pay and benefits of this job. Also this is my first job where I get gendered correctly and I'm slowly getting less anxious about going to the bathroom at work 🥰
She honestly mom'd up on me and bought me a bunch of new business casual clothes for the job. And here's an example of one of my new work outfits 😁
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(Picture taken Nov 14, 2022)
Bc of the new job I was able to afford a lot more things for transitioning! Like voice training. I remember when I first cracked I tried to just teach myself using videos but I wasn't good at it 😅 Also a friend during the summer of 2022 helped me and I did make some progress with her help. But, I started making a lot more progress once I started seeing a speech therapist. But, there was a barrier since I could tell she hadn't worked too much with trans people. I went to a speech therapist bc it was covered by my insurance but she moved and then I couldn't find anyone for insurance covered speech therapy. So, I eventually just paid for lessons Your Lessons Now. And, honestly it's going a lot better! It's really nice to be able to talk about my frustrations with voice training with another transfem. The biggest thing I'm learning from here is how to break the bad habit of pitching up my voice by squeezing my vocal chords.
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(Picture taken Sept 8th, 2023)
I had also switched to injections and I highly recommend it! A friend even made my first two vials into earrings 🔥
I also got a lot lazier with makeup 😅 I do eyeliner wings, mascara, and blush for when I go into the office. Which for a bunch of accountants means I do about as much makeup that is normal for the women in the office 🤷‍♀️
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(Pictures taken October 31st and December 2nd of 2022)
These were two notable exceptions. I really love the makeup I did for the Halloween of 2022 bc I decided to go as a ghost-type trainer. And the one on the right is when I learned how to use concealer to cover my 'raccoon eyes' as my dad liked to call them 🦝
Also this would be a good time to mention something I probably should've mentioned earlier 😅 I never learned how to use foundation. I know it's easy but I have a weird mental block around it 🤷‍♀️ But, in the summer of 2021 I started doing twice daily skincare routine for my face. Which took me from a very acne heavy face to people being surprised I'm not wearing foundation. Also the routine is really nice. Would recommend to those who want to get rid of their acne (send an ask if you want to know specifics).
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(Picture taken Aug 20, 2023)
Romance update since I've been doing that lol: Well, things ended with all the girlfriends I had so I am down to 1 partner. And I got caught in a romance scam for a few months 😭 However, I can't really complain because I got engaged!!! It was so sweet in cute. My partner and I had this date the night before Valentine's Day under a statue outside of a local art museum. We read sapphic poetry by candle light and then they popped the question 🥰🥰
But, I say another big part of this era was I made a lot more local trans friends. Went to a good amount of house parties which would've surprised pre-transition me! And I really love my community of queer people I've been building 🥺🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍⚧️💕
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(Picture taken July 21st, 2023)
Oh yeah!! I also started laser hair removal at the beginning of 2021 as well. Which was before this era but time is a lie. But the new job definitely made it easier to afford.
The biggest step for my transition was getting my surgeries set up!! And my FFS (facial feminization surgery) marks the end of this era. Below was the last picture I took before my FFS.
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(Picture taken Feb 17th, 2024)
So, in my next update, I'll be showing my post-op pictures once most of the swelling went down. See you tomorrow!! 😁✌️
Next Part Here
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mysteryshoptls · 2 months
SSR Kalim Al-Asim - Platinum Jacket Vignette
"Happy 100th Anniversary"
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­­­­[Land of Dawning – National Museum of Art]
Kalim: Woah! I've seen this artist's work before. I think we have a bunch of their stuff on the walls back home.
Kalim: So, the Land of Dawning's National Museum of Art's gottem on display too, huh. Hehe, that's pretty neat!
Vil: Oh, this… I think this is a painting of the moment when the beloved princess and the impoverished, yet kindhearted young man were set to be married.
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Kalim: Yeah, that's right! The guy on the left is the sultan, and…
Kalim: Just so the princess could marry who she wanted, he went and changed the law for her.
Vil: Oh, hello, Kalim. I wasn't expecting you to know the particular details of the tale.
Kalim: The attendants back home would read me books with their stories. I really like the ones that have happy endings!
Kalim: Oh yeah, and did you know? The sultan here loved to collect miniature models.
Kalim: In his room, he had carriages large enough even a kid could ride in it, and statues of horses with wings…
Kalim: He even had a model of the royal palace! Apparently he'd always be playing with it.
Vil: Mhmm. Quite the childish hobby for a country's ruler to have.
Kalim: Oh, is playing with models childish? I'm always playing with mine whenever I go back home.
Kalim: Once, I mentioned to my dad I was curious what our home looked like from above, y'see.
Kalim: So then, he went and made a miniature model of our whole estate and a special room to put it in.
Vil: He made something like that just because you asked one thing… I suppose I shouldn't expect anything less from the Asim family.
Vil: But if it had its own room… How big was this model, anyway?
Kalim: Uhhh… I think at first, it was about the size of a magic carpet.
Kalim: Back then, it was just the estate buildings, but before I knew it, the land had been tacked on as well.
Kalim: And every time we added to the house, the model got an addition too, so it just got bigger and bigger.
Kalim: Whenever we'd buy new furniture, the stuff in my room, or my siblings' rooms would move around and change, too…
Kalim: There was always some kind of change whenever I looked into it. Sometimes I really couldn't tell what changed, though. Ahahah!
Vil: Even your furniture is a part of the model? Well, isn't that ridiculously elaborate…
Kalim: Yeah! That model is super awesome! The small clocks and furniture actually function, and…
Kalim: The roof and the walls of the model are made of the same stuff as our actual home, so it looks just like it.
Kalim: Water'll actually come out of the marble fountains, and even the trees and lawn are apparently made of real moss.
Kalim: Anyway, since it's a perfect replica of my real home, it really lets me feel like I'm a giant!
Kalim: Oh yeah. And on the ceiling of the room with the model, there are monitors and sprinklers…
Kalim: So night can turn into day, or it can rain or whatever.
Kalim: If the switch next to the model is pressed while in nighttime mode, the whole model lights up and it's so pretty!
Kalim: Also, we'd get miniature elephants and camels on parade…
Vil: Enough already! You've already convinced me just how special your personal miniature model is!
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­­­­[Land of Dawning – National Museum of Art]
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Vil: This is a painting of the Lord of the Underworld and his men.
Vil: From what I hear, the Lord of the Underworld's subordinates had the power to change their form and voice at well, and even could take on the appearance of children.
Kalim: Woah~ They must've been amazing. Oh, that reminds me, I once turned myself into an adult, y'know.
Vil: You turned yourself into an adult…? Do you mean you disguised yourself as one?
Kalim: Yeah! When I was little, my family and I went to go see a play and there was this one scene where a ruler dressed up like one of his servants.
Kalim: I wanted to try the dame thing, so that night after the play, I put my plan into action.
Kalim: Like, if I were to wear the household attendant's clothes and wear shoes with bigger soles, I'd look just like an adult, right?
Kalim: And then I even put on a huge hat and covered my face with sunglasses, too.
Vil: You really seem proud of yourself… And you're saying no one realized it was you?
Kalim: They didn't even call my name, just said stuff like, "Perhaps it is time for bed, my young, esteemed colleague?"
Vil: They absolutely knew. No one in their right mind would tell their colleague to go rest in the middle of their duties.
Kalim: Eh? …YOU'RE SO RIGHT!! You're amazing, Vil. I never even realized before you said that just now.
Kalim: But then, how did they even figure out it was me?
Vil: I wouldn't call what you did a disguise or anything. All you did was wear your attendants' clothing.
Vil: Your behavior and speech were the same as usual, weren't they? Then there was nothing disguised. It was no different than you changing between your school or dorm uniforms.
Kalim: So if they figured it out 'cause of my behavior…? So then, I shouldn't've talked like I normally do, right?
Vil: Yes. Think back to the mannerisms of the attendants in your estate and how they treat you.
Kalim: Their mannerisms… Hmm…
Kalim: Oh, I think I got it! So I should've tried to speak more polite-like!
Vil: I wasn't really talking about something as minor as that, but… Well, I suppose that's a step in the right direction.
Vil: If you are going to disguise yourself as another person, you cannot just mimic them. You must completely change your mannerisms, speech, everything.
Kalim: I got it. Thanks for the advice!
Kalim: I know what I have to fix now, so… I gotta try again as soon as I can!
Vil: You're going to try again…? Here? And who exactly are you planning to disguise yourself as?
Kalim: Obviously, one of my family's attendants! This time for sure, it'll be the best disguise ever!
Vil: I think dressing up as an Asim family attendant would just be too conspicuous… But I do look forward to seeing how you pull it off.
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­­­­[Land of Dawning – National Museum of Art]
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Kalim: Woah! Look, Vil! There's a painting of a tea party.
Vil: According to legend, this tea party was ridiculously strange…
Kalim: It's super cool, don'tcha think! This is one of my favorite displays.
Kalim: It had teapots whistling along to songs, and plates that could be eaten after being doused in tea…
Kalim: On top of that, there was a cake that would fly up into fireworks as soon as its candles were lit!
Kalim: And their large table was just completely covered in all those tableware and foodstuffs! Awesome, right!?
Vil: …You look at that tea party and genuinely think it 'awesome'? It looks as though we have completely different tastes.
Kalim: Oh, you don't think so, Vil?
Vil: Mhm. That's because I like enjoying a quiet teatime.
Kalim: They say that the girl in the tale didn't even have time to drink her tea, so it sounded pretty fun to me.
Kalim: If I ever get to attend a tea party that's this chaotic, I'd totally be down!
Kalim: Ooh, or, should I throw a tea party myself? We can act out this specific scene.
Kalim: I bet it'd be fun to sing along with my dormmates as the teapots jammed.
Kalim: Oh yeah! Don'tcha think everyone'll be surprised if the teapots also danced and leaped around with the rest of us?
Vil: Yes, I'm sure they would be.
Kalim: Yeah, I can't just try to imitate the legends. It should be an even grander extravaganza!
Kalim: I'll have to prep a lot of edible plates… And a buncha different teas they can use to dip the dishes in…
Kalim: What's left… Oh right, the cake!
Kalim: I should make it a much larger cake than what the girl in the tale got.
Kalim: That way there'd be even bigger fireworks, and it'll get everyone real excited!
Vil: I can absolutely picture your dormmates running around so loudly.
Kalim: Right!? After that… Hmmm. Vil, you got any good ideas?
Vil: You shouldn't ask me, but instead ask your dormmates for their opinion.
Kalim: Yeah! Of course, I'll definitely check with them.
Kalim: But, I want to invite you too, Vil. So tell me, what kind of party do you want it to be?
Vil: [sighs] …I just told you. I would rather enjoy a quiet teatime.
Vil: Thank you for the invite, but I'll have to decline. Bye, now.
Kalim: Okay…  Then you definitely gotta come to the next party I throw!
Kalim: All right, which painting should I check out next? Ooh! Is that…?
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Kalim: Yeah, just as I thought! It's artwork that shows the young man marching in a parade on an elephant's back!
Kalim: There were 75 golden camels, 53 peacocks, and a bunch of other animals and dancers following him...
Kalim: Looks like he was trying to entertain the whole country on the way to visit the princess.
Kalim: He went through all that effort just to make everyone happy… There's no doubt about it.
Kalim: This guy is definitely an awesomely good guy. I'm a real good judge of character, after all!
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Requested by @starshiningsirius.
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izzywantscheesecake · 8 months
leo valdez x female reader!! dating headcanons *blows kiss*
Dating Leo Valdez Headcanons!
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Pairing: Leo Valdez x Fem!Reader Fandom: Camp Half-Blood Chronicles/Heroes of Olympus Quick Synopsis: Just some paragraphs headcanons on how you and Leo would meet/what dating him would be like. Tags: Use of Y/N, Fluff, no specific physical description of the reader (other than the fact they're female coded), Comfort
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HOW YOU TWO WOULD MEET I imagine Leo to be someone who looks for a person he's able to have a lot of common ground with in a relationship. Of course, he's able to crack jokes (even the not so funny ones) around practically everyone, but there's a difference between small banter and just full on being able to vibe with someone. I think he'd be very attracted to someone interested in the arts, or someone who likes to make their own things as a mean of self expression in general. We all know how Leo is in terms of self confidence - he'd like a person who is unapologetically them, proud of their art and self expression and someone who has enough emotional awareness to give him reassurance in a relationship when they can sense he needs it. You guys would probably first meet at some type of event or workshop, or if you're a camper, probably at the dining pavilion when he sees you and has to do a double take because "who is that cool girl I've never seen before?" he'd muster enough confidence to come up and tell you a corny joke, stumbling on his words, which makes you laugh.
"Hey, can I ask you something?"
You looked up from your feet, now practically face to face with this guy you'd never seen before. His clothes were wrecked with dirt and debris, so were his gloves.
He was standing awkwardly, and his hands, clearly shaking, were clenched into tight fists.
"So um, riddle me this. Why can't you hear a pterodactyl going to the bathroom?"
"Because pterodactyls went extinct 65 million years ago?"
His eyes widened, and a red tint began to become more visible around his face as he scratched his head, messing up his already tangled locks of hair.
"Oh.. That wasn't what I was going to say," He chuckled.
You smiled, suddenly feeling a warm aura coming from this boy.
"Well, what were you going to say?"
"Because, uh.. The P is.. Damn, whatever. My name's Leo. What's yours?"
ACTUAL RELATIONSHIP HEADCANONS He was awkward at the start of the relationship, not really knowing what to say or what exactly "being a boyfriend" entails, but once he starts getting comfortable and more confident around you, that's where the fun begins (yes this is a star wars reference) Expect every Spanish nickname to be pulled out of the book. "Mi amor," "Hermosa," "Bonita," "Mi vida," "Corazón," if it exists in the Spanish language, he's most definitely said it. And he won't skip out on variations of your preferred name, or even silly sounding nicknames in public, like: "pookie" and "sugarplum" or some other stupidness. For dates, I believe he'd very much vary between educational and immersive dates and just straight up goofing off. It honestly depends on the season. Late Fall/Winter is for going to museums, workshops, possibly a joint coding class or hanging together in one of your rooms, and Spring/Summer is for exploring the town and having those cute little boardwalk + beach + ferris wheel dates. (I also imagine him to be somewhat clumsy and he WOULD drop ice cream all over the pavement.) As the son of Hephaestus, he is most definitely a human radiator. Definitely had a lot of fever scares just because of his temperature alone. But don't worry, he's fine. And the heat is an extra bonus if you're cuddling. Speaking of cuddling and physical proximity, Leo's love languages are gift-giving and physical touch. It doesn't matter if you guys have been apart for 2 minutes or 2 days, if he hasn't seen you in a little bit, he will greet you with one of those spin around hugs or a kiss on the hand. And for gift giving, he enjoys giving and receiving gifts. He likes to either make you little trinkets, or make/buy your favorite foods. He is a firm believer of giving his lady princess treatment, even on a dollar store budget. Though he wouldn't consider himself much of a photographer, I think he probably enjoys taking lots of pictures of you, both with and without him. It's to savor the moment, and also because he wishes he could've taken more pictures with his mother when she was still alive. He has a photo album of just you, him, and the adventures you two go on. You're not a stranger to pranking by him, by the way. If anything, he probably pranks you the most, out of love. You'll chase him down for a few hours, and he gets a thrill out of it knowing you won't stay mad at him forever. In conclusion, dating Leo can be rocky, calming, and give you a whirlwind of emotions, similar to how being on a floating trireme would feel.
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A/N: I'm going to be real I never really paid much attention to Leo in the books, so I'm hoping this is accurate?? my bad if it isnt gang 🙏🏽🙏🏽
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faithst · 1 year
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pairing zb1 x gn!reader
genre fluff
warnings mentions of food?
notes hellooooo, thank you for requesting <3 i’m sorry for the delay ☹️ and i hope you enjoy this ^^
also trying out a new style of writing reactions, (inspired by @chxrrymxxnlight , go check them out !) tell me if i should stick with this or my old one ❤️
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— zhang hao
awkward. like really awkward
awkward smiles, trying to brush them off
unless they get too close to him or anything, he’s really polite 😇
zhanghao had brought you on a date to a new café that recently opened. everything was great; the service, the vibes, the food and especially your boyfriend. you thought nothing could ruin this moment until a waiter decided to come back to your table right after taking your orders.
the waiter didn’t even look at you and went straight to zhanghao. “you’re really cute, can i have your number?” zhanghao was really shocked, now very uncomfortable and looking at you for help. he tried to brush the waiter off by saying “i’m sorry, i’m kind of in the middle of a dat-” the waiter put a hand on his shoulder.
“i know we can work it out.” the waiter said, smiling at him. he pushed their hand off, standing up obviously annoyed. “you shouldn’t just touch people like that. let’s go babe.”
— sung hanbin
v v v v v polite
awkward laughs whenever they do a pickupline 😀
makes an excuse to get out of it
you were shopping with hanbin for skincare products. he said he’d help you find a product that was good for your skin type. as he looked around the wellness store, he found a brand that he wanted to recommend. he grabbed one of the moisturisers and showed it to you “this one is great, i use this.” you took it from his hand and looked at the product information.
a worker came up to you both, smiling as they look at the product in your hand. “oh, this product is very good for a cutie like you!” they say, beaming to hanbin who was now laughing trying to brush them off, awkwardly shifting to you.
“you should give me your number and maybe i can tell you about our promotions.” they continue, offering their phone to him. “haha, no worries.. i actually have somewhere to go now!” hanbin took your hand, running out the store in a flash.
— seok matthew
makes it obvious he’s in a relationship
doesn’t want to be mean
but he still shoves it in their face that he’s perfectly happy and in love w you 🥰
matthew had brought you to dinner, with you looking so stunning in his eyes. everyone could’ve seen how lovestruck he was; basically giggling and twirling his hair around. well, everyone except this one person.
they came up to you both, confused on the sudden approach. they gave you a disgusted look but then faced straight to your boyfriend. “you’re definitely my type.” they say, smiling as they hand him their phone asking for his number.
“my partner thinks that too!” he says, grabbing both your hands as he kisses your knuckles making you blush a rosy red. matthew made sure the love in his eyes were even more prominent after that.
— shen ricky
politely declines
“no thanks.”
if the person is persistent, he just leaves them hanging 🧍
going out with ricky was very common and people staring at your amazing boyfriend in awe was also quite common. when you both decided to visit an art museum, he got more attention than the art displayed.
usually, people would just stop and stare. but this time, someone came up to him. “i couldn’t help myself because you’re very attractive.” they smiled before continuing “can i invite you out to dinner?” ricky looked at you before looking back at them.
“no, thank you.” he intertwines your hands, bringing them up to show it off to them “but-” they try to speak up but ricky already walked away to another section of the museum with you.
— park gunwook
confused 😐
looks to you for help
lets you speak to the person
you and gunwook were going to buy some stuff from the convenience store for a movie date at home. as he scans the shelves for a pack of his favourite snack, he reaches for the last pack of homerun balls when another person snatches it away from him.
his mood sullens until they offer the pack back to him “you can have this in exchange for your number.” they state, completely ignoring you. he was caught off guard by the abrupt bold move from a stranger.
gunwook looked to you, eyes signalling for help. you caught onto this and went in-front of him “sorry, he doesn’t have a number.” you pass by them, pulling gunwook along with you to another convenience store.
— kim taerae
the way he looks at people is so 😵‍💫
so naturally, he attracts alot of people
super dense and nice
taerae had prepared a cute little picnic date for you two to get away from work stress and spend more time together. he helped lay out the mat and the food that he made beforehand. while munching away on his sandwich, he noticed someone in the distance.
“they have a nice bag.” he says, pointing to the bag. you nod in agreement when the person that owned the bag came up to you. “sorry, i just happened to notice you staring.” they say, shyly smiling “oh, i’m so sorry!” taerae apologised profusely for staring.
“it’s okay, i think you’re quite cute.” the statement made taerae laugh, smiling as he thanked them. “i just thought your bag was cool!” he mentioned, his hand forming a ‘thumbs up’. they smile, thanking him before asking him for his number. he tilted his head “oh, do you sell this bag? i don’t think you should be selling them with your personal number.”
— kim gyuvin
honestly a bit scared
stranger danger ‼️
might call 911
as you both were about to line up to get onto the ferris wheel ride, someone approached you both. gyuvin was confused at first and just wanted to deal with it until they hit him with ‘i never believed in love at first sight until i saw you.’ his eyes widened at the pickup line.
immediately, he grabbed your hand and ran far away. “gyuvin, what was that for?” you ask, slowing down to catch your breath. gyuvin paced around, checking every corner to make sure the coast was clear.
“i’m gonna call 911.” he stated, absolutely mortified. before he could dial the number, you snatched his phone away. he tried getting it back but you stopped him. “they didn’t do anything, gyuvin.” you say, shaking your head while crossing your arms. gyuvin held his hands to his hips “hey, i could’ve gotten kidnapped!”
— kim jiwoong
he’s really pretty so naturally, it attracts
but you’re in luck cause he only has eyes for you 🫣
legit just ignores them
a perfect date with your perfect boyfriend; an ideal situation everyone wanted to be in. a situation that you were in right now. jiwoong wanted to make up for not having dates as he was busy with work so he brought you to a nice restaurant.
everything was perfect until someome came up to him with a sultry gaze. jiwoong didn’t notice them though, he didn’t want to. the person tried to get his attention but he didn’t budge. his eyes were locked onto yours, hands resting his chin. “how was your day, my love?” he asked, not breaking the eye contact.
in another attempt to get your boyfriend’s attention; they speak up “do you think i could get your-“ jiwoong shushes them with one finger on his lips before turning back to you, smiling. “where were we?”
— han yujin
says no but if they still try
he gets annoyed and he might be a bit mean 💥
brutally honest ?
hanging out after school with yujin were your favourite times, his too. loving the peace and quiet after a exhausting school day. you were about to ask yujin a question about an assignment that was due but was quickly interrupted by another student handing him a letter that had a paper heart on it.
“i hope you accept my feelings.” they say, shyly looking down. yujin just stares at the letter before placing the letter back into their hands. “no, i like them.” he said, looking at you. “i can be better than them.” they remarked, giving you a glare.
“no you can’t.” he said with a blunt expression, standing up. he offered his hand to help you up before picking up his bag and moving to another quiet place “we won’t be disturbed there.”
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© keiwook | 2023
taglist @bruhiamistake @trashhdez @chxrrymxxnlight @haesunflower @big-uwu-stan @gnwookie @yjhcloud
here, if you want to join the taglist !
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flemingsjersey · 18 days
Sous le ciel de Paris
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Warnings : none this is just fluff
A/N: I tried to describe the places I talked about as best as I can as an ex Parisian but since it was sometimes ago I might have gotten some stuffs wrong . Once again excuse my poor English as I am not a native English speaker . Feel free to send in requests , I’ll get to them asap next week
The sun was high and the weather was warm . I stared around the Parc des Champions as athletes who had won medals in the previous days made their way on stage and were cheered on by everyone .
I clapped my hands at each one and laughed when some of them even started dancing or hyping the crowd .
I stared at my left as I heard Jessie laugh too .
It was only five days after Canada’s loss in the quarter finals . Five days after I I saw them lose and everything that had happened prior with the drone and Jessie’s injury .At first , I thought that it would be better to cancel our small trip we had planned to Paris for when Canada finished their play in the Olympics. I remember telling Jessie about it , thinking that she would be upset to stay here after everything but she insisted we still kept up with our initial plans so here we were .
Even if she seemed happy to be here it was pretty obvious that Jessie still seemed a bit down from seeing people celebrate their medals while she and the team couldn’t . I stared at the athletes on stage one last time and looked at Jessie .
« Should we head somewhere else ? We could go see Notre-Dame or just go visit The Louvre . What do you think ? We aren’t here for long so it might be better to directly get to visiting » I said softly , Jessie thought for a moment before agreeing .
It wasn’t long before we were on the parvis of Notre-Dame . Jessie was taking pictures of the cathedral and other buildings we came across as we made our way here . Notre-Dame was a good spot to start our trip , not too far from the Louvre by walking and the Seine surrounding the area .
« You know , it’s a bit sad it’s still closed for renovations, I would have liked to take pictures of the inside to add to the ones I took there some years ago when I came with the team » said Jessie as she took a specific shot of the cathedral . I nodded as I looked at her camera to see the picture « I agree , sadly back when it was still open I never went to Paris so I never really got to see the inside . It must be really cool to see it from up close »
We continued our way alongside the Seine towards the Louvre . It was pretty packed , not because of the museum in itself , no . But because of the Olympic flame being shown not far from the main building in the back gardens of the Louvre . I heard Jessie sigh behind me as we saw just how long the line to see it up close was .
« Guess we’ll just have to stick to the museum » shrugged Jessie as we made our way down the stairs of the main area before entering the museum .
We made our way across the statues galerie , the museum was far bigger than I remembered and walking all around it was getting tiring . Apparently it was the opposite for Jessie who only seemed to get happier the more we came across different statues or old relics . As we made our way to the art galleries I saw Jessie take pictures of some statues and the Crown Jewels in the French royal history part of the gallerie that was right before the art one .
Thanks to Jessie having managed to get us a specific badge it was possible for us to take a picture of the Joconde up close which seemed to overjoy the freckled Canadian .
When we made our way out of the museum it was already late evening . I gasped when I saw Phryge , the Olympic mascot for Paris , near the entrance .
« Babe look !! » I exclaimed as I pointed to Phryge « We need to take a picture with Phryge before we leave » . I led Jessie to the mascot who greeted us both with a hand sign . Jessie chuckled as she waved back at Phryge . She went up to someone near and handed them her phone , asking them if they could take a picture of us . The three of us posed while the person took the photo . We said our goodbyes to the mascot as Jessie picked up her phone and thanked them for the photo .
That night we had dinner at a fancy restaurant before we made our way to bed in our hotel room . Jessie cuddled into my side as we both looked through her camera at all the pictures she had taken today . I blushed slightly as I saw she also took pictures of me without me knowing . We both chuckled when we saw the ones of us and Phryge .
It wasn’t long before both of us fell asleep , cuddled up to each other . I couldn’t wait for tomorrow , being able to continue exploring the city of love once again .
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menlove · 5 months
some of the gayest things i did w my girl besties as a kid that haunt me daily even though i'm almost 25
laying on the hot cement of the playground watching the clouds, talking about which boys we'd date in class, and i look over at her and notice how the sun is turning her black hair slightly red in the sun and sigh and say "i wish i were a boy, 'cause then i'd date you"
made a new best friend a little after her who was a year younger than me and i wanted to live inside her skin, a little bit, and went over to her house constantly. i drew her silly art, those weird emo blobs from the mid aughts, and she hung it up on her door. we joked about being married a lot. when i had to move away across the country, one night i was staring up at the moon while listening to a love song and started sobbing wondering if she was also looking at the moon. i never texted her again.
when i was 12 i fell in love with a girl for the first time i knew about. i had just gotten over being weirded out by gay people & when the kids in class started whispering about us being dykes, my teacher called home about it. i cried my eyes out in a red pickup truck with my mom as i told her i was in love with her, but it was fine because she was straight. i was drinking a red slushie.
once with that same girl, we went on a field trip to a nearby science museum. it was within walking distance and she held my hand the whole way, even though we were too old for it. at some point i started swinging her hand and knocking into her and laughing and eventually she just picked me up, put me on her back, and carried me the rest of the way while we laughed. at the museum, she kept finding me and holding my hand again. i went home that night, so giddy, and just kept thinking about her hand in mine and didn't even care about what the rest of the kids were whispering
in february, before that, she'd asked me which girl i had a crush on in class because i'd posted about it on tumblr. it took me a half hour to finally tell her it was her, blushing to my ears as we walked around the perimeter of the playground (we were at a small private school with less than 100 students, so even the middle schoolers got to use the playground), refusing to look at her. she told me she didn't feel like that, but i was still her best friend and she wasn't mad at me or weirded out. if one of us were boys, she said, maybe it would've worked out. her mom moved her back to california at the end of the school year. i never saw her again and she wasn't allowed to talk to me. she messaged me once, years later on here, to tell me i was pretty in a prom dress i'd tried on. she blocked me later.
i wrote down a story about her, a year later, for 8th grade english class. in it, i imagined that she'd never left, and that she'd kissed me while we laid in the grass, mixing up my stories and my life. my teacher looked at me with such a soft sadness and told me it was very beautifully written. she wanted me to submit it to a contest. it won.
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libraryofantiquitea · 2 years
𝐰𝐡𝐢𝐬𝐤𝐞𝐲 𝐦𝐨𝐮𝐭𝐡.
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pairing: jake "hangman" seresin x civilian female reader
summary: jake visits you at the gallery where you work after he's done training for the day. it becomes very apparent that you've both caught feelings.
warnings: explicit, minors do not interact! oh look, it's smut again! but this time there is [drumroll] some plot! unprotected vaginal sex, oral sex (female receiving), jake being turned on by his own callsign.
word count: 5.1k
author's notes: no beta, we die like goose. mainly because i didn't want to subject anyone to how long this part is!
i hadn't intended for this to become a series, but this is the third part in august slipped away.
previous: pt. i | tell me my name pt. ii | tokyo summer
likes / comments / reblogs are very much appreciated! thank you for reading! ♥
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There was a small art gallery just outside of Miramar; if you wanted to wander around for hours you’d need to make your way into the city proper to go to the San Diego Museum of Art, but if you just wanted to browse some more local art and perhaps purchase a painting or piece of artwork, Evergreen Brush was there for all of your artsy needs.
And that was where you worked as a curator, helping select the pieces and artists that you featured, and turning on your charm to sell artwork to sailors and aviators who might not know the first thing about artwork but wanted a little piece of San Diego to bring home with them.
Jake had texted you early in the morning, he was training pretty much all day but would come and pick you up after you closed the gallery and take you out. For what, he didn’t say, but you didn’t really give a damn where you went, you just wanted to spend time with him.
You had just flipped the sign on the door over to CLOSED for the evening as the familiar sound of fighter jets passed overhead, and you idly wondered if Jake was in one of them.
Fidgeting with some of the everyday rings you wore on your fingers, you wandered further into the gallery to do your “end of day” tasks. It had been a few weeks since you’d met Jake at The Hard Deck, a few weeks since you’d begun this situationship with him. You had promised yourself a very long time ago that you’d never get involved with another military man, but then had realized that if you were going to live in Fightertown that you really didn’t have much of a choice if you wanted to date ever again.
Jake was the type you should’ve run away from, but you had been powerless then to say no to his invitation out for a drink. He was definitely the type you’d normally go out with once, bring back to your home for the night, and that would be that. But there was something incredibly disarming about him that you hadn’t anticipated, a wall that he knocked down everytime you were in his presence.
You got the feeling that wasn’t something that he did often, and wondered what made you so special.
That first night, Jake had told you that he didn’t know how long he would be around. He couldn’t tell you much about what he was doing, it was very hush hush, but you got the impression that the mission was perilous enough that he might not return. And even if he did, this wasn’t where he would be posted long term. Whenever he left that would be it.
You’d had relationships, flings, with expiration dates before, but this was different. With the unknown “best before” date looming over your head, you tried your hardest not to catch feelings. It was fucking impossible with the likes of Jake Seresin.
Sighing, setting some invoices down on the counter, you raised your head and looked across the room to a series of abstract paintings, hoping they would put your mind at ease, quell the noise that would just not shut up.
There was no future with Jake, so it was best to just have a good time while you had him.
Convincing yourself of that was easier said than done.
In the employee lounge, the owner kept all kinds of liquor. Wine, whiskey, beer, anything a customer making a big purchase, an artist making a big sale, or a stressed out curator might crave. You made your way back there and grabbed a bottle of whiskey and two glasses, knowing that it was Jake’s favourite. You didn’t know if he’d want to stick around, or what manner of plans he had for you both when he inevitably arrived, but there was no way you were going to have a drink and not offer him some.
You were just wrapping up recording sales for the day when there was a knock on the door. Glass of whiskey lifted halfway to your lips,  you looked over to see Jake at the front door, hands in his pockets, smiling broadly when you made eye contact.
You giggled, feeling like a teenager being picked up for a school dance.
Somehow you managed to keep yourself from running to the door, though you moved as quickly as your feet and self respect could take you. From the other side of the door, Jake held your gaze as you unlocked it, before swinging it open and allowing him access.
“Hey darlin’,” he said brightly, wrapping his arms around you and pulling you in close for a kiss.
“Hey,” you murmured, returning his kiss and draping your arms over his shoulder. “Gimmie a sec and I’ll lock the door.”
You mournfully pulled yourself from Jake’s embrace and moved to lock the door, while he stepped further into the gallery. “I never knew this place existed until you told me about it,” he said, looking around at some of the paintings.
“I don’t think it’s in the pamphlets they give you when you arrive at TOPGUN about sights to see while you’re here,” you teased, locking up and turning around. “I found a bottle of whiskey in the break room. Would you like some?”
“Baby girl,” Jake said, tilting his head slightly and raising his eyebrows as he turned to look at you. “C’mon.”
You grinned so brightly that your face hurt, and you walked over to the counter to pour a glass for Jake and another one for yourself. 
“Very different work environment from mine,” Jake teased, taking a glass and then clinking it against yours. “Cheers.”
“Cheers,” you repeated, watching him for a moment before taking a sip from your glass.
You couldn’t stop watching him; the way his Adam's apple bobbed as the alcohol slid down his throat, the way his green eyes practically twinkled in the low light, the closeness of him when he truly did not have to be that close at all.
It had been a few days since you’d seen him, and all you could think about was the last time you had seen him. Your face felt warm, and whether it was from Jake’s presence or the liquor you would never truly know.
“I just need to finish some paperwork, and then I’m all yours for the night,” you said, shuffling some papers and clearing your throat. More for your own benefit than Jake’s. “Feel free to have a browse.”
Jake smiled at you, before slowly pacing over to the wall of paintings. “I think I will, darlin’.”
Swallowing hard, you forced yourself to look down to finish what you had been working on, even if your eyes wanted to follow Jake through the gallery, watch the way his hand clutched at the glass of whiskey, the broad span of his shoulders, his perfect ass.
You told yourself the sooner you got done with paperwork, the sooner your hands could busy themselves with something else.
It was just as you were finishing up that you heard Jake say, “Could you tell me more about this one?”
Smiling, you moved from behind the counter, grabbing your drink along the way and sauntering over to where Jake was standing. When you realized exactly which painting he was talking about, something in your stomach began to flutter.
It was one of yours.
“Well,” you began, as you stood next to Jake, “this is a contemporary figurative painting. The artist specializes in the genres of portraiture and landscape. But, with this painting she has found a way to … sort of combine the two.” You looked out the corner of your eye to observe Jake, to find that he was hanging on your every word, and seemed genuinely interested. “The landscape in question is the artist’s own body.”
“Hmm,” Jake hummed, before looking closely. “She’s laying down, right? The curves of her body look like rolling hills.”
“That was precisely her intent,” you continued, looking over at Jake. “She isn’t always her body’s biggest fan, and society as a whole still has a problem with bodies that don’t fit the typical beauty standard. So, she is subverting their judgemental gaze by focusing on just a small part of her body, at an angle that most people would not see her in.”
Jake inhaled sharply, as if processing, and you briefly wondered if you’d made yourself too vulnerable, put too much on the table. Of course you and Jake had enjoyed some deeper discussions since meeting, and you’d talked about your art with him, but this was different than all of that. This was opening up in a way that you didn’t with even people you’d known for quite a long time. He’d be right to be put off by it.
“I think it’s stunning,” Jake said quietly, before polishing off what remained of his whiskey and then letting his arm hang loosely at his side, holding the glass by the rim. “And I’ve seen this body from this angle. It’s one of the most gorgeous and magnetic things I’ve ever seen.”
“Jake,” you whispered, shaking your head slightly. You were alternately touched and thought that he was putting on quite the show.
“What?” he asked, turning his attention from the painting to look over at you, eyebrow raised quizzically.
“You don’t have to flatter me so much,” you said, reaching for the empty glass and offering him a smile. “You already have me.”
“Darlin’,” Jake began, his voice dropping into that low register that drove you wild, “I’m not … saying that to try and butter you up. This is gorgeous.” He gestured to the painting. “I don’t know much about art, but I think I know what I like.” He paused, simply looking into your eyes for a moment. “I want to buy it.”
“Jake,” you began, biting at your bottom lip and shaking your head slightly. “C’mon. You don’t really want to buy a painting of my back curving into my ass. There are so many better paintings here. If you want some art I’d be happy to -”
“I’m not playing at something,” Jake insisted, brow furrowing as you turned toward the breakroom. He reached out and grabbed your wrist. “Hey. I like you. We wouldn’t be doing … this, if I didn’t. I like your art. I want to buy some.”
You’d whirled around, facing him, and swallowed hard. God, he was going to make you talk about all of this, wasn’t he?
“I can make you some art. Some better art. You don’t want that one,” you insisted. “Besides, it costs far too much money.”
“So give me a discount then,” Jake said, smiling at you. You set the empty glasses down on a nearby shelf. “I don’t understand. Why don’t you want me to have this?”
“Do you really want a painting of a part of my naked body?” you asked incredulously, raising your eyebrows. “I have so much better work than that. Something that will actually look nice hanging in your home. Something that people won’t ask you questions about.”
“Yes, I want a painting of a part of your naked body,” Jake insisted, reaching for your hand. “I really like your naked body. I really like you. Besides it would be nice to have something -”
“- to remember you.”
Even though you had desperately wanted to have this conversation, even though your heart threatened to beat out of the space behind your rib cage every time you thought of him, the last thing that you wanted to talk about was the after. Aside from a couple of slip ups, you’d generally done pretty well about ignoring the fact that this was all going to end.
Somehow, Jake acknowledging it made the whole thing real, and worse, stating that he wanted to remember you felt like a dagger to your heart.
“We agreed not to talk about it,” you said simply, trying to turn away from him, but he was still holding on tightly to your wrist.
Jake pulled you toward him, against his chest, and held you close. “I know,” he said, a kindness in his voice as he relinquished his hold on your wrist to brush your hair away from his face. “I know we did. But, as we’ve established, I like you, want to remember you after I leave. What’s so wrong with that?”
“Because we agreed that when this was over, whenever that might be, that we wouldn’t,” you said sternly, trying desperately to act like your heart wasn’t cracking open like a ship against the rocks. But in a good way. You didn’t want to hold back what you felt, but you did it because of what you’d both agreed to. “And now you’re trying to change the rules. That’s not fair.”
Jake pursed his lips together. “You’re right, it’s not.” You puffed your chest out, having felt like you’d won a little victory. “But I never said I was fair.” He held you a little closer, and you could feel the heat radiating off of his body. “I like you. A lot. More than I was anticipating. I don’t want to act like you don’t mean anything to me. You do. I’m not going to forget you when this is over. How could I?”
“I don’t want to talk about the expiration date,” you murmured, a little breathless. Jake was leaning in closer to you, his nose bumping against yours. “We have right now. We’ll worry about later when we get there.”
It was easy enough to say. You had been worrying about later since yours and Jake’s first date, when he’d left your home and headed back to the base, while you had sat on the floor, his come dripping down your thighs.
You wouldn’t have changed what the two of you had for anything in the world. Even if it would inevitably be painful in a matter of weeks.
“Right now,” Jake murmured in agreement. God, he was so close. You tried to close the space between you and he pulled back a little, smirking at you with a flash of perfect, white teeth, the corners of his eyes crinkling. Fuck, you hated him in that moment. “I kind of want to bend you over something and fuck you.”
“Dress hiked up over your hips,” he continued, his hands moving down along your sides before settling on your aforementioned hips.
“Jake,” you repeated, wrapping an arm around his neck and trying to haul him closer. He still wouldn’t kiss you, and you decided that you were done playing fair. With your free hand you reached down between Jake’s legs, and grabbed his stiffening cock through his pants.
“Fuck,” he growled, hips canting forward toward your touch.
“Hike my dress up over my hips then,” you breathed, squeezing him gently through his jeans, your lips brushing against the shell of his ear. “Raw me.”
He said nothing, and instead gave you that kiss that you had so been craving. It wasn’t sweet, it wasn’t gentle, and there was the very real possibility that your teeth knocking together would result in a trip to the dentist for one of you. But you didn’t care. It was so passionate, so incredibly raw, and you lived for the intensity that he put into every kiss that he bestowed upon your waiting and eager lips.
You found yourself crowded against a wall, between two contemporary impressionist paintings, and visions of your first time together flooded back in your mind. Not one to reminisce while in the process of being ravished, you turned your attention back to what was happening in the then and now, Jake’s teeth scraping along the column of your throat. You tangled a hand in his hair, loving the feeling of the soft tendrils wrapping around your fingers, where his hair was a little longer. 
During a moment of respite, where you both needed to come up for air, you held Jake’s gaze as you hiked your dress up slowly, hooking your thumbs into the waistband of your underwear and shoving them down your legs. Jake didn’t tear his eyes away from yours, but you could tell from the shift in his breathing that he wanted to. Your underwear off, you relinquished your hold on the hem of your dress and reached forward, palming Jake’s hardening cock through his jeans.
“Do you want me, love?” you rasped, and only regretted calling him love a little bit. It was a term of endearment that you used with many people, but it seemed like such a loaded word with him.
“Yes,” he gasped, still rapt as he looked into your eyes, nodding his head slowly as you began to undo his belt.
“Do you want to split my pussy open on your thick cock?” you purred, pulling the belt from its loops and tossing it onto the floor.
Jake leaned forward slightly, bracing one hand against the wall, the other against your throat. You gasped, tipping your head back slightly as he applied just the slightest bit of pressure. “Yes,” he growled, that southern drawl making your cunt pulse around nothing, his thumb smoothing over the delicate skin along the column of your throat.
Your hands trembling, you shoved the waistband of his shorts down just enough to free him. Your hand circled around his length, stroking him slowly, and you marvelled at how wet he was already, how eager he was. Whenever you were together you never doubted how much he wanted you. It was always quite apparent.
The angle was all wrong - he had several inches on you height-wise. Jake dipped his head down, claiming your mouth in one final brutal kiss, before he reluctantly pulled himself away. You whimpered, but didn’t have long to look at him questioningly, or look at him at all. He grabbed you roughly and turned you around, slamming your front against the wall. Your hands automatically went out to brace yourself, and you let out a satisfied groan.
“Not too rough?” he asked you.
“No,” you replied breathlessly. “Fuckin’ perfect …”
The only downside was that you couldn’t see him, and you loved looking at him, his face, watching as every emotion he felt, everything he thought passed over his features. At least with you. You looked back over your shoulder to find him stroking himself, and you let out a low moan, wriggling against the wall in anticipation. He must’ve felt your eyes on him, because he looked up and regarded you for a moment before reaching for the hem of your dress and pushing it up over your hips, just as he said that he wanted to.
“God, look at you,” Jake rumbled.
You let out a soft noise that died on your lips when he drew his hand back and cracked it hard against your exposed ass. “Oh!” you cried, forehead dropping against the wall. “Holy shit …”
“Okay?” he asked with some trepidation.
You appreciated him asking, but it took you a few moments to find the words. “Yes,” you finally replied. “I’ll - you can do whatever you want to me. I’ll tell you if it’s too much.”
Those had apparently been the magic words, because you heard him groan, heard the slick sound of his hand moving over his cock before he smacked your ass hard again. He hit you with such force that you felt your entire body jostle from it, could feel the ache that lingered between your legs permeating through your entire core. You pushed away from the wall, pushed back against him, cock moving between your cheeks.
“Oh my god,” he murmured, hips jerking forward, his hands settling on your hips. “Baby girl -”
“Jake, please,” you whined, wriggling against him. “Don’t - don’t make me wait.”
That was apparently the last thing that he wanted to do. One of his hands relinquished its hold on you, reaching between them to grab at the base of his cock. He shifted it so that it was nestled between your thighs, letting out a shuddering breath as it dragged against your clit, your lips.
“Fuck me,” you gasped desperately, reaching behind yourself and curling an arm around his neck, drawing them closer. His mouth immediately sought out your throat, and he nudged the collar of your jean jacket to the side with his fingers. “Hangman, give me your cock.”
You’d never called him by his callsign before, and he let out the most pathetic, devastatingly sexy sound you’d ever heard. 
He didn’t make you wait any longer, pressing his fingers along his length and guiding it into your wet and waiting cunt. You both gasped, relieved, and seemingly melted against one another as he began to press inside. Jake’s hands sought your breasts, squeezing them gently through the fabric of your dress, your bra, a low moan echoing off the walls of the art gallery as he sunk deeper inside of you.
“Fuck. Fuck,” he moaned as you pressed back against him. “Baby girl … oh my god.”
You, in that moment, felt so incredibly powerful. You felt used, like a plaything for little more than his pleasure. But the way that he filled you, worshipped your body with every touch, every kiss, every shift of his hips let you know the truth - you were cherished, you were ultimately the one in control. You could bend him to your every whim, and he would go willingly. 
You whined and gasped as he filled you, and when his hips met your ass and he couldn’t move any deeper inside of you, you made a small, frustrated sound. You would’ve gladly taken more of him if there were more to take - and he certainly wasn’t lacking.
Swaying your hips, you tipped your head back against his shoulder, your own hands settling over his, encouraging him to grab your breasts harder. “Hangman,” you murmured breathlessly. “Fuck me. Split me open, love.”
“You’re gonna fuckin’ kill me,” he moaned, peppering your face and throat with desperate, messy kisses.
“Why would I do that?” you asked with a breathless smile, turning your head slightly so that you could get one of those kisses on your lips. 
After taking a moment to get accustomed to the feeling of being inside you, of finding the position that made you cry out the most, Jake began to move. Slowly at first, but then in earnest, his hands coming to settle on your hips once more. He guided you along him as he moved, his hips snapping forward and meeting your ass again and again, the deliciously improper smacking sound filling the gallery.
Christ, how you wanted to see him.
“Jake,” you whimpered as he fucked you with abandon. “Love, I can’t - let me - I want to see you.”
He seemed only too happy to oblige, and though he reluctantly pulled out of you (you both let out mournful sounds), he quickly rectified it by manhandling you until you were facing him. Your eyes wide and startled, you barely had a moment to react, to adjust, before he was swooping in and kissing you, pushing you back against the wall. You lifted a leg, hooking it over his hip, and he groaned something against your mouth about you being so flexible, and you smiled. You ground your hips against him, and he bucked against you, growling as his tongue delved into your mouth.
“Put it - put it back in,” you whimpered, arching against him, draping your arms over his shoulders. The angle was still all wrong, and for the first time in a very long while you hated how short you were compared to him. “Jake,” you whined, frustrated, head thumping back against the wall.
You had no idea what had gotten into you that night, but you felt all manner of things all at once. You could scarcely remember a time when you had wanted anyone but Jake, despite the fact that he’d only come into your life a few weeks previous. Your heart ached from how strongly that you felt for him, and from the inevitable end of your relationship. You were so overjoyed, while simultaneously being absolutely gutted.
“Sweetheart,” Jake murmured, pressing his mouth along the curve of your jaw. “It’s okay. It’s okay. I’ve got you.”
One of his hands moved under the thigh of the leg you had up over his hip, while the other traced idle patterns on your other leg. You whimpered quietly, looking into his green eyes as he searched your face for a moment. You didn’t know what he was looking for, but whatever it was you wanted to give it to him.
“You’re so beautiful,” he murmured, as if he’d never said it to you before. He had, that night of your first date, but your heart felt full from hearing it again.
“So are you,” you responded in kind, and Jake smiled and bit at his lip.
“Put your arms around my neck,” he murmured. “A little tighter than you already are.” You did as instructed, looking at him quizzically. “Hold on.”
You didn’t have the time to ask him what he was doing. He hooked his arm under the back of your knee against his hip, and then crouched down, doing the same with the other leg, hoisting you up off the floor. You let out a startled noise and held onto him tighter, your hand fisted the collar of his shirt in your hand.
“Jake,” you gasped.
“I’ve got you,” he murmured, pressing his face against your throat for a moment.
Jake pushed you back up against the wall, using that as leverage to hoist you a little higher. You untangled one of your arms from being wrapped around him and reached down between the two of you, grabbing his cock and guiding the tip inside of yourself. Gravity took care of the rest.
“Oh, fuck,” you whined, eyebrows furrowing as you looked down to watch Jake’s cock slipping inside. “Fuck, fuck, fuck!”
At that point, Jake seemed to be beyond even four letter, single syllable words, and simply pressed his mouth against your throat, alternating between breathing harshly and moaning, delicious sounds coming from that you hadn’t been aware he was capable of making.
You wriggled, attempting to move yourself up and down along Jake’s cock, using his shoulders as leverage. You were able to move slightly, but mostly it was left up to gravity, and Jake’s arms lifting you. He was so strong, but you were sure that he couldn’t keep that up for long. Thankfully, the angle was fucking perfect and he wouldn’t have to.
“Jake,” you gasped, tangling one hand in his hair and tugging. He moved shallowly, the base of his shaft rubbing against your clit. You wouldn’t last. “Jake!”
He gasped your name in turn, tongue darting out to taste your skin, covered in a fine sheen of sweat. “I’m - I’m coming. Come with me. Sweetheart, please -”
You didn’t need to be asked twice, his pleas and the way he stretched you open, hit all of the sweetest spots inside you ensuring that you came tumbling along with him. Jake was inelegant as he came - grunting and gasping and twitching against you, and it only spurred your own orgasm on further, your entire body trembling with the force of it. It rocked you to your core so hard that when you closed your eyes for a moment you saw the brightest of stars.
Gingerly, you attempted to lower your legs, but your feet still didn’t touch the floor. You could feel his entire body quaking against you, and he crouched slightly to pull his cock out of you, ease you onto the floor, still breathing hard, still making soft sounds against your skin. He seemed reluctant to pull away from the warmth of your throat.
“Fuck,” you gasped, tipping your head back against the wall, your fingers gently scratching at his scalp. “Jake …”
You had said little else for several minutes. They seemed to be the best two words, at least for the moment. They were good words. They were undoubtedly your favourites.
Jake leaned his forehead against yours, and you traded ragged breaths as you attempted to regain any semblance of composure. You didn’t know how the rest of the evening was likely to shake out, but you hoped that it didn’t include being upright for any length of time, as you felt you were barely capable then of standing without assistance.
He pulled away from you, and you were about to tighten your grip on his hair, not wanting him to go anywhere, but he began to slowly sink to his knees. There was a question that died on your lips as he lifted the hem of your dress, which you took a hold of in your hands and hiked up over your thighs as you watched him. Hands settling on your thighs, Jake leaned in and licked the sensitive bundle of nerves at your center. You cried out, relinquishing your hold on your dress with at least one hand, which you tangled into his soft, mused hair once more.
Without a word, he tilted his head to the side and began to lick into you and it was through a haze that you realized that he was licking his own come out of you. 
You may have come again from the sheer knowledge of that alone.
“Oh,” you gasped, watching him intently. “Oh god. Fuckin’ ... Jake.”
He moaned against you like it was the sweetest thing that he’d ever tasted, his own release mixed with yours. And you didn't doubt for a moment that he thought just that. Jake ate your pussy like it was a goddamn honour.
“You … holy fuck,” you purred, fingers carding gently through his hair.
You spread your legs a little wider, Jake’s tongue probing your cunt, as if he didn’t want to lose a single drop. He was positively filthy, and looked so incredibly debauched on his knees in front of you, neck craned, brow furrowed in concentration. He opened his eyes to look up at you, and you shuddered under the heat and intensity of his gaze. When Jake deemed you sufficiently clean, he drew back, licking at his lips and smoothing a hand over his face, his eyes still locked with yours.
“I …” You found that you couldn’t speak, and instead let go of your dress, letting it tumble over your thighs. Your now free hand joined the other in Jake’s hair, the both of them sweeping down over his face, thumbs brushing over his cheeks. “Wow.”
Jake chuckled, turning his head and pressing a kiss to one of your palms. “Yes, darlin’. Wow.”
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niki-phoria · 1 year
SORRY LAST ONE i promise but can you do heeseung x male reader and the song is back to December by Taylor swift. thank you so much 😊
- 🦋
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pairing: heeseung x male!reader (no pronouns used; implied masc reader) genre: angst (??)/songfic word count: 1.0k
includes: exes to lovers, kinda implied non idol heeseung, slightly ambiguous ending i'll write a part 02 if someone asks for it, painting is based on this by peter weber !!
a/n: thank you for requesting !! i'm so sorry reqs have just been sitting in my inbox, i promise i'm working on them. i hope you like it :))
reblogs and feedback are greatly appreciated <33
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the soft noise of shoes scuffling across the floor around you echoes throughout the extravagant art gallery. your gaze remains fixated on the painting in front of you; eyes lingering on each brush stroke and intricate detail. 
you pause at one particular painting hanging on a wall in the corner - almost isolated from the others. two men take up most of the frame; their arms tightly wrapped around one another. their hands cling onto each other’s bodies. the hug feels intimate - as if you’re intruding on the moment by simply observing the portrait. 
memories begin haunting you once again. with no facial features visible, it's far too easy for your still-heartbroken mind to imprint yourself and your ex-boyfriend into the places of the two men.
you shake your head, taking a step back away from the painting as if to escape your own past. turning on your heel, you begin to venture into another part of the museum when something - someone - catches your eye. 
i miss your tan skin, your sweet smile / so good to me, so right
your breath hitches in your throat. heeseung is beautiful. he always has been. even from a distance, you can see that time has been good to him. 
he’s wearing a pair of black jeans and a white t-shirt underneath a black leather jacket - the black leather jacket that you had bought him for his birthday. his hair has been dyed so blonde highlights stain his previously ink black fringe. his bangs lay flat against his forehead, styled in the same way they were when you went to school together. 
heeseung’s shoulders have gotten slightly broader, though you aren’t sure if it’s the result of continuous exercise or a change in his posture. his biceps look more toned even in their relaxed position resting against his hips. 
you find yourself admiring heeseung as if he’s another exhibit. despite all of the changes you can pick out, some things always remain the same. his laughter sounds the same as it did years ago when it echoes throughout the building. heeseung reaches over to playfully swat at his friend’s shoulder the way he used to do to you. his eyes crinkle slightly when he smiles. it’s the same smile that you fell in love with. 
and how you held me in your arms that september night / the first time you ever saw me cry
your heart skips a beat for a second when heeseung’s gaze meets yours for a second. you can tell the moment he recognizes you. his eyes widen and he stops dead in his tracks, much to the concern of his friends. you almost feel numb as you immediately spin back around, returning to the painting you had been admiring only a few minutes before. 
heeseung’s steps echo against the floor as he quietly walks over to stand beside you. he glances at the painting in front of you for a few seconds before he turns to face you. “y/n?”
“heeseung.” a nervous smile tugs at the corner of your lips as you turn slightly to face him. the word feels uncomfortable as it leaves your lips. each vowel is curt and stunted. 
an unbearable few seconds of silence pass before your politeness gets the better of you. “it’s good to see you again.”
“you too,” he softly smiles. another period of silence passes before heeseung breaks it again. “how have you been?”
“i’m fine,” you nod. “i got into that university we talked about.” i wish you were there to see it. the words linger on the tip of your tongue before you swallow them down, forcing them back into a deep recess of your mind. 
“congratulations,” heeseung smiles. there’s an almost misplaced familiarity in his tone. “i always knew you would make it in.”
this time you allow yourself to face him. the corners of his lips quirk upwards. he’s proud. you can tell. “thank you. and what about you? how have you been?”
“oh, you know,” heeseung sighs softly. “i’m good. i finally traveled to tokyo.”
some of the tension relaxes from your shoulders. he’s always had an uncanny ability to relax you. “how was it?”
“the trip was great. japan is prettier than i was expecting.” there’s a small beat of silence once again. you debate making an excuse to leave for the sake of avoiding the awkward situation before heeseung speaks again - though this time the words are barely a whisper. “i wish you could’ve come. i kept thinking about how much you would’ve enjoyed it.”
maybe this is wishful thinkin’ / probably mindless dreamin’
you pretend not to notice heeseung’s gaze lingering on the side of your face. the quiet is nearly unbearable; both of you silently staring at the painting before you. facing the artwork is far easier than facing the man you used to love. the man you do love. 
heeseung shuffles slightly to stand a little closer to you. you can just barely feel the faux leather of his jacket brush against the cotton of your oversized sweater. it feels eerily familiar - the silence falling over you as you admire the artwork. 
your hand unconsciously drifts to brush against heeseungs’ before you can stop yourself. you both jump away from each other like a jolt of electricity has passed. “y/n,” heeseung murmurs.
but if we loved again, i swear i’d love you right
heeseung’s eyes are glossy when you meet them. he nervously bites at his bottom lip - twisting the muscle between his teeth for a few seconds. tears sting at your own eyes despite your continuous efforts to blink them away. 
“i miss you,” heeseung finally whispers. his voice shakes as he forces the words out of his mouth. an ache burns in your chest - something you haven’t felt since he left. “i promise i’ll do better. i’ll be better.”
“heeseung,” you choke out. your hands tremble at your sides. 
he swallows once. his gaze never leaves yours. there’s nothing but sincerity reflecting back at you in the darkness of his eyes. “can we please try again?”
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s3raphimssins · 1 year
Dazai x reader coworker besties
After completing a mission in France. Dazai and the reader they still have one day remaining before leaving for yokohama. Dazai suggests they should tour around Paris. But the reader is low in energy and gets tired easily and dislikes rollar coasters. she finally agrees to dazai. Basically, take pics, visit the eiffel Tower, go to amusement parks,gets ice creams.
(Also if it'd be nice dazai having a lil crush on her uwu)
➼Authors note: THANK YOU SO MUCH AAHH! I love your reqs so much their so unique I enjoy writing them, you ask and I shall deliver!
➼Pairings: dazai x fem!reader
➼Summary: a trip to France, an unexpected confession
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"Pleaseee Donna!"
"no" you had been saying this for 2 days ever since you both completed the mission in France, today is your last day, it's 9 am the day hadn't even started Dazai started begging to go tour Paris.
"We have only a day left here and I'd say it would be a waste of time to just stay in a hotel room" dazai reasoned.
"We can just relax here I'm already drained after the mission and my legs cannot take another long day out" you told him, it was true you got tired easily and your legs already hurt alot. Though you think he was right about it being a waste to sit around in Paris. You sighed and said eventually giving up. "Fine we can go, but you will leave me alone in Yokohama."
"DEAL" it didn't take long for dazai to accept that offer.
You both got dressed and left to tour Paris and Dazai said they had seen an amusement park, you could go to. You weren't sure about that since you HATED rollercoasters but it would be fun to sit on the teacups or carousel.
Dazai was mostly dragging you across the whole thing, you sat on carousels, teacups, the Faris wheel and more rides that you actually enjoyed as you only had to sit on them. But Dazai begged you to come to atleast one rollercoaster. To that he got a strong no. there's NO WAY you're sitting on a rollercoaster no matter what he says-
"AAAAHHHH WHY DID I AGREE TO THIS" that was you screaming even before the rollercoaster dropped. You don't know how this sly man even convinced you but it happened. Meanwhile Dazai was over excited squirming in his seat and teasing you relentlessly "ride hasn't even started yet [name]~" and like the after a few minutes the rollercoaster started. You were screaming like 95% of the time and the minute it stopped your head bumped on the back, you were tired after just screaming your lungs out. Dazai laughed so hard at that and pat your back once you made it out, he also teased you on how your legs were still shaking after the ride but you smacked him on the head.
To make up for it you both left the park and Dazai took you to an ice cream vendor and you both got a huge ice cream glass with scoops of ice-cream and shared it. You both went on a bridge area nearby and sat down on the bench with the river view. Dazai let you eat the toppings as he felt bad for you. You both rested Abit there and took pictures of the view and of yourselves to show your colleagues. Dazai also took a photo of you after the rollercoaster but you don't need to know about that.
After you relaxed Abit and finished your ice cream you both took a cab and with a terrible attempt at french you both ended up at a museum. This was more your type you really enjoyed this and we're excited. You took alot of pictures of the relics and Dazai posing next to them. Dazai gladly took some photos of you next to the art their too and he thought you looked mesmerizing in them. Though he would never tell you that seriously.
After a quick snack break you resumed your journey to a long awaited spot of Dazai, the Eiffel Tower. You both could see it from a distance and took another cab there. The sun slowly began to fade as you both approached your final destination. You were captivated by the view of the pink/orange sky and the Eiffel Tower standing Infront of it. The sounds of people chattering away and taking pictures. You and dazai went to a waffle cart that was there and took two delicious waffles and stood on the bridge leaning on it where you had a perfect view of the sky and the Tower.
"this was definitely worth it" you smiled "thank you for bringing me here"
Dazai looked at you with a calm expression, he looked relaxed and said "thank you for accompanying me here".
You both stared off into the distance as the sun slowly faded into the horizon and he spoke up. " I bought you something" you looked at him in surprise. He reached into his trench coat and pulled out a hair pin which was full of tiny gems. It was in shape of a butterfly and it was champagne colored.
"Thank you! This is so...Pretty" you looked at it observing it's details and how good it looks. Dazai slowly raised it and pinned it on your hair at he side pulling them back out of your face.
"I thought you didn't want to come here donna~" he broke out of his serious expression and his playful demeanor was back. "Well I didn't want to, and I still think I would be much well rested at home, but this was a new experience thanks to you and I actually enjoyed". He laughed at that and you both ate your waffles staring into the distance.
Dazai excused himself for some time while you clicked a few pictures. He returned back after some time with 2 champagne glasses in his hands. "I saw this bar at the corner there so I thought I might get them!" He said cheerfully. You gladly accepted the glass and he had the other in his hand. "This is the perfect place for a suicide.." he with sparkles in his eyes. "And I thought I'll have a day without hearing you talk about suicide" you sighed. "There's no stopping you I guess" you chuckled.
"Je t'aime"
"what??" You looked at him curiously. He looked ethereal looking into the distance like that before he turned to you and spoke
"nothing you'll learn"
He toasted your champagne and took a sip out of his glass as you did the same.
What did he say? You'll find out eventually if you remember.
A.n: I THOUGHT IT'D BE NICE TO HAVE A FRENCH WORD IDK, but I got this off Google so I don't know if it's right or wrong but je t'aime means I love you! I don't know I apologize if it's short! I had fun writing this!
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frenchkisstheabyss · 1 year
♡ merry go 'round ♡
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♡ This request truly warmed my Monbebe heart. I'm so happy this darling requested this. If you happen to want to listen to the song you dance to together at your reception it's "Merry Go Round of Life" by Joe Hisaishi! ♡
Pairing: newlywed!kihyun x newlywed!fem!reader
Genre: fluffy smut...smutty fluff ♡
Word Count: 1k-ish
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Warnings: unprotected sex, creampie, your nipples get a lil nibble, sex gets a bit rough, & that's about it.
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There’s no one else but you… 
Twinkling lights and bundles of exquisite silk are draped from one pillar to the next in the courtyard of a chic art museum brimming with the people you hold dearest. Months of effort put in by a dedicated team of interior designers, florists, chefs, and endless others went into making it feel as though you were tossed into the happy ending of some fairytale. Only, this isn’t the end of anything. It’s the beginning of everything and, with his arms around you, as you float across the dancefloor to his favorite song, Kihyun can’t imagine the beginning of any story being more important than this one. 
As graceful and ethereal as you are in your wedding dress, he can feel the faint trembling of your body against his. He leans in closer to your ear, maintaining a charming smile for the cameras, “You’re shaking. Are you okay?” “Yeah, it’s just---I never thought I’d---” you stutter, tears pricking the corners of your eyes, “And now we’re---married.” You exhale “married” like birdsong. Light, feathery, and peaceful. “We are. Don’t tell me you’re having second thoughts already” he teases, coaxing a smile out of you. “Shut up” you sniffle, a few tears streaming from your eyes.
Taking a tissue from his pocket, Kihyun pats your cheeks dry, careful not to smudge your makeup. It’s only now, staring into his starry brown eyes, that you notice he’s on the verge of tears too. A single tear breaks free for a brief second before you gently wipe it away, eliciting a wave of admiration from the crowd gathered to watch your first dance. Kihyun tilts his head back, trying his hardest to prevent another tear from escaping. “I said I wouldn’t cry.” You bring your arms from around his neck, manicured fingers cradling his cheeks, and kiss him. 
With his lips against yours, you tremble still, maybe even more so, at the sparks that fly between you. Sparks that always have and always will.
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“I love you” he whispers between the warmth of your lips. A chill runs down your spine as his fingertips trace the arch of your back. The plush mattress embraces the pressure of your naked bodies dancing across it, your limbs entangled like vines climbing a polished stone wall. His tongue tickles the surface of your skin in search of the stiff bud at the peak of your plump breasts. “I---ah---love you too” you gasp at the sensation of him taking the bud between his lips, nibbling at it just enough to widen your lidded eyes. 
His left hand dips between your legs, delighting in the audible wetness of your pussy. “You’re so wet for me, baby” he hums, coating his fingers in your arousal. They sink into your core and you can hardly help the noises you make as he pumps them in and out of you. You spread your legs wider, desperate for more, and he adds another finger. “Kihyun---baby---mmm” you whine, riding his fingers until you feel his knuckles flush against you. These past two weeks leading up to the wedding have been so hectic that you haven’t had the time to be alone. And now that you are… 
“I need you. Need to taste you” he says like a wish---a prayer---curling his fingers to feel the tightness of your walls. Propping himself up with one arm, he lifts off of you enough to glimpse the decadence streaming from your slit onto the hotel’s satin sheets. How unfair, he thinks, that it’s your wedding night and they got to taste you before he did. But it’s his turn now. Your nipple springs free from his lips, his spit still glistening on the swollen, tingling bud. He kisses his way down your stomach, stopping to let his mouth hover above your aching clit.
Your nails comb through velvet strands of his short hair, hips lifting to get closer to the friction you crave. Kihyun slips his fingers out of you, slathering your juices between your folds before he spreads them to fully expose your clit. “Mmm, missed this so much” he groans, his mouth descending upon you with an insatiable hunger. There’s nothing inside of you and yet you catch yourself clenching, sharp moans between short breaths letting him know when he hits just the right spot.
“Oh my god. Oh---fuck---yes. So good” you whimper, eyes rolling to the back of your head from how well he slurps you down. He flicks his tongue against the sensitive nub and you’re gripping his hair tighter, body trembling the way you did in his arms only a few hours ago. You’re a classical instrument that he knows how to play with such precision that the tension inside of you is already building. You lift his head away from you, staring down lovingly at the face of a man intoxicated by the taste of you, “Fuck me and don’t hold back, okay?” 
No sooner than the words “Fuck me” leave your lips is he kissing you again, his cock thrust into you so deeply that you’re pinned to the bed. You wrap your legs around his waist, clinging to him as his rhythmic thrusts overstimulate your pulsing core. The way you can feel him---the way he feels you---is so complete. So satisfying. There isn’t an inch of him, not a single vein pumping blood along the shaft of his thick cock, that you can’t feel drag against your walls. Soon your legs collapse and you’re coming so hard around him that your ears are ringing. 
He hooks a thumb into your mouth, keeping your jaw open to hear you cry out his name. “Ki---uh---ki!” It’s incoherent but so beautiful. Pushing himself up onto his knees, he throws your legs over his shoulders, slamming into you harder every time. “Fuck” he hisses, his hips stuttering as his cock twitches, pumping you full of his seed until it’s flowing down your thighs. He collapses onto you and your arms are around him again. As you come down together, the tremors in your bodies calming, he takes deep breaths, inhaling your scent swearing that there’s no one else---no one at all for him---but you.
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mysteryshoptls · 11 months
SSR Floyd Leech - Platinum Jacket Vignette
"Happy 100th Anniversary"
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[Land of Dawning – National Museum of Art]
Floyd: Honestly, before comin' here, I was only expecting to see paintings of the Great Seven…
Floyd: But there's actually a ton of unusual and cool lookin' stuff, like paintings of all their underlings.
Floyd: What should I check out next…? AH!
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Floyd: It's the eels who worked for the Sea Witch. Look at those glowing eyes and those sharp fangs… So cool~
???: Hey, hey, don't you think these two look alike? Are they brothers?
Kalim: Also, kinda feels like they're similar to you and Jade.
Floyd: Oh hey, it's Sea Otter-chan. Yeah, I guess we might have similar color scales 'n all.
Floyd: But it's not like Jade and me think we're actually similar to each other at all.
Kalim: Eh, really?
Floyd: Yeah. Sometimes people'll mess me and Jade up and can't tell us apart, but I really don't get how they can't figure it out.
Floyd: Back when I first came to the surface, there was this one time that I got some funny looks in a hair salon that I went into for a haircut.
Floyd: They cut it just the way I asked, but what they were saying just wasn't adding up. And then, when I went to pay, they said this:
Floyd: "Leech-san, your hair grows back very quickly. I only just cut it a moment ago, I'm so surprised that it grew this long already."
Floyd: Yeaah, I'd say I was the one who was more surprised. This was my first time, but they said "a moment ago." Isn't that weird?
Kalim: Eh? What does it mean? Did you lengthen your hair with magic?
Floyd: Nah, come on, think. It was my first time in the shop, but…
Kalim: Ah, no way…!?
Floyd: Did you finally figure it out, Sea Otter-chan? Yeah, basically, Jade went and got his hair cut from the same place right before I did.
Kalim: I get it. So basically, the stylists there thought you two were the same person.
Floyd: Yup. Guess they didn't realize it because we both made the reservation under the name "Leech."
Floyd: Before that, even, when I went to get my passport photo taken to come to the surface, something similar happened.
Floyd: I'm like, seriously, how do they not realize it? Everyone's so bad at details.
Kalim: Wooow. I thought it'd be fun to have a twin sibling, but I guess it's not always great.
Floyd: Not really? Just like you said, there's a ton of fun that comes out of it.
Floyd: I'm never bored when Jade's around. Also…
Floyd: If I ever randomly feel like wearing something completely different from my usual stuff, I can just borrow stuff from him, from the clothes down to the shoes.
Floyd: Me 'n Jade like different colors and styles of clothes, and even go to completely different clothing stores.
Floyd: I can swap up my style in a snap, so it's actually pretty cool.
Kalim: Ahaha, yeah, that sounds like a blast!
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[Land of Dawning – National Museum of Art]
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Kalim: The King of Beasts here looks like he's relaxing, what a great painting~!
Floyd: Oh, there's an explanation next to it. It says, "This depicts the scene where the hornbill chamberlain is soothing the King of Beasts with a song."
Floyd: Huuuuh. So even lions relax while listening to music, huh.
Floyd: They say that this king was always strategizing, so maybe it was important for him to have his relaxation time, huh.
Floyd: Y'know, Sea Lion-senpai's the same, but aren't lions always just sleeping?
Floyd: I thought they were supposed to be ferocious, but even when I went to the zoo as a part of our land boot camp, they were all asleep… That was a major letdown.
Kalim: Hm? What do you mean by boot camp? Did you attend somewhere else other than Night Raven College?
Floyd: Yeah. Uh, so basically, the land boot camp is basically where the merfolk that're lookin' to come up to the surface go to study and practice stuff about land.
Floyd: You live there for a month, and they do a ton of different lessons, like how to walk, or how to live on land.
Kalim: Wow, that sounds really cool! So, what kind of stuff did you learn at the zoo?
Floyd: Uhhh, something about figuring the differences out between land animals? I have a super hard time telling apart animals that look similar, so.
Floyd: At first, I thought a giraffe was just a horse with a long neck, and I couldn't even tell the difference between foxes, dogs, and racoons.
Floyd: Are they? They're all fuzzballs to me.
Floyd: But I could tell that an elephant was different from horses and the like, because it wasn't all fuzzy.
Floyd: Oh yeah, and the lions too. I thought all those cats I'd run into would one day grow large like them.
Kalim: EEEHH!! You'd mix up cats and lions too? I don't think I've ever seen cats with a mane…
Kalim: Ah, but… I guess I can't say anything. I used to think that when dolphins grew up, they turned into whales.
Floyd: Huuuh~? No way that'd happen. Why'd you think the name'd change like that?
Kalim: I don't really know, but I think I can get how someone who was raised in the ocean could believe that a cat would grow into a lion.
Floyd: Yeah, yeah. I bet if one of you surface dwellers came to the ocean floor, there'd be a ton of stuff you don't know, too.
Floyd: ―Oooh! That painting over there looks awesome. I'ma go check it out.
Kalim: Oh, which one? …HEY, FLOYD! WAIT FOR ME, I'M COMING TOO!
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[Land of Dawning – National Museum of Art]
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Floyd: The color composition in this painting's super amazing. The blue sky with the golden bug is a perfect combo.
Kalim: It's a painting of the Sorcerer of the Sands and a scarab! Both his posture and expression is really cool.
Floyd: I heard that this golden bug thing was the key to finding a magical cave… Why'd they make it look like a bug?
Floyd: Wouldn't that be hard to figure out? Insects and keys look nothin' alike.
Kalim: Hmmm, well, maybe… Maybe they tried to make it hard to figure out on purpose.
Kalim: They say there was some legendary treasure inside the cave. So I guess it's because no one would ever think a little bug would be the key, right?
Floyd: I get it. So then, if this was the ocean, the key might've been in the shape of a shell, or a crab.
Floyd: I bet it took the Sorcerer of the Sands a long time to find that magic cave because of that key.
Floyd: Or maybe, he was actually enjoying the treasure hunt?
Floyd: I know I get more excited tryin' everything I can to get my hands on something. The more difficult the better.
Kalim: What, have you gone treasure hunting too, Floyd?
Floyd: Not really treasure, but a ring.
Floyd: I once found this silver ring online that looks like an eel is wrapped around your finger.
Kalim: Woah! I've never seen a ring that looks like that before! I bet it'd look good on you.
Floyd: Riiight? But the manufacturers had already discontinued it. I wouldn't be able to find it so easily.
Floyd: And when something is hard to get… doesn't it just make you want it more?
Floyd: So, after that, I went looking for it, big time.
Floyd: I went 'round to a bunch of second-hand shops that carry the brand, and even asked my pops to reach out to some of his connections who'd know about stuff like that.
Floyd: I get bored pretty easily, so I usually don't try that hard trying to find just one thing. Cool, huh?
Kalim: You must have really wanted it, then! So? Were you able to find it?
Floyd: Yup. One of pop's connections was able to find it and get it for me.
Floyd: When I put it on, it totally felt like the ring was made just for me! And I got super attached to it.
Floyd: So then, I wore it pretty much all the time after that, even when I exercised or took showers…
Floyd: It ended up getting a ton of scratches, and got all tarnished, man~
Floyd: Silver stuff tends to degrade pretty quickly if you don't take care of it, but the ring's design was a bit complicated, so it was way too annoying to clean.
Kalim: Then, what if you remake it in platinum or white gold? They don't tarnish that easily. I can introduce you to one of my family's craftsmen!
Floyd: Naaah.
Kalim: Eh, why? I thought that was a pretty good idea…
Floyd: C'mon, Sea Otter-chan. I was all happy because it was hard to get my hands on.
Floyd: If I had someone make it for me, then that's not the same thing.
Floyd: It's 'cause it took a ton of hard work and searching for it was fun that I like that specific ring.
Floyd: Maybe it's a pain to clean, but I like it. So I'll use it until it breaks.
Kalim: Searching for it was fun, huh. I guess I never thought of it like that.
Kalim: Okay then, well, let me know if you're ever in a bind again. I'll totally help you then!
Floyd: 'Kaaay. I think I'm bored of this floor. I'm gonna go somewhere else. Bye, Sea Otter-chan.
Kalim: Yeah! See you later, Floyd.
Floyd: Hmmm, what should I look at next… Ooh. I've seen this painting of the Mer-King before, back in the ocean~
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Floyd: I think they said that he was a super good guy, but could be unreasonable, too… Ugh, stubborn leaders like that sound like a paaain.
Floyd: Yeaaaah... The best kinda boss's gotta be someone like the benevolent Sea Witch.
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marksbear · 1 year
So I was thinking about yandere reader who fell in love with Steven at first sight. He overheard Steven talk about Egypt and then went to go learn about his likes to know him better. Which leads to them picking the same book by accident and reader asking sub Steven out. They go to his house and it leads to reader saying how perfect he is. Steven is shocked thinking anyone would see him. Which leads to reader kissing all over Steven body and saying what he loves about him such as his eyes when he gets excited,his body when he hunches over to read, his reading glasses. Steven wonders how he knows this when it's only at home but stops thinking when he feels good. And reader asks Steven if he will let him love him forever,how he won't leave him and always make him happy. Steven of course never heard this and says yes and readers says he loves him,wanting to start a family and get married when they fucking.( I just realized this is kinda similar as the last one. Am so uncreative sorry bout that😭😔)-🐻‍❄️
We love a good reverse yandere! Thank you as always for requesting my friend! Please don't be scared to tell me more ideas like you always do!🐻‍❄!
warning! obsessive reader, stalker reader, a bit delusional reader, breeding kink, being called a toy used, breaking in slightly, SMUT, hand job, fingering, spit as lube, kissing all over, nipple play.
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Y/n stood next to his friends as they look at one of the pieces inside the museum. The friends was talking and stating their own opinions on the art while Y/n stood behind them day dreaming.
Y/n snaps out of his thoughts and looks around the museum. “It’s boring here we should….“
Y/n trails off spotting a man crouched down by one of the pyramids talking to a little girl. “Actually, you guys stay here.” Y/n says leaving walking closer to get a better look.
“But in there something wicked” The worker says to the little girl pointing at a nearby tomb.
Y/n stands from afar watching the man talk with the little girl until a woman comes giving him things to carry.
As the worker moves to the gift shop register Y/n moves closer not making it obvious.
“Your not the bloody tour guide Stevie—“ The woman says before the worker interrupts “Steven actually I am Steven.”
“Steven” Y/n thinks to himself as he stare at the man.
Y/n felt someone’s arm around him. “Y/n! There you went we was looking for you everywhere!” One of Y/n’s friends says. “Cmon we’re just about to leave. Right after Viktor is done buying some souvenirs.” The friend adds before dragging Y/n closer to the register.
“In Egypt they don’t have these—“ Steven says showing Viktor the product. As Steven talked about Egypt to the group, Y/n leaned against the counter looking at Steven hopelessly.
“Thanks for the facts Steven and have a good one!” Viktor thanks before grabbing what he bought and leaving with the rest of the group.
Y/n’s eyes were glued to Stevens as he thought.
“That tiny crooked smile you have is so gorgeous. Your to kind and beautiful for everyone to be seeing you. No one besides me should ever lay their eyes on.”
The last sentence made Y/n think even harder. Y/n felt like he should be the only one for Steven.
No. He just didn’t felt it he knew he could the only person for Steven.
“Cmon Y/n!”
One y/n’s friends called out to him letting the man get out of his thoughts.
Y/n stares at Steven a bit longer before turning and leaving with his friends, but as he walked he turned his head back to Steven giving him one long glance.
Y/n began to learn and stalk Steven. He learned Steven’s work schedule, the usual bus he takes, where his apartment is located and etc. Not just that Y/n learned that Steven had a huge thing about Egypt and the culture so Y/n took it upon himself to learn more about it.
He spends the time when he’s not stalking Steven learning Egypt like going to various places about it and even started to read books about it. Somehow Y/n didn’t know the library he frequently visited was the same place that his crush goes to.
“Where is this stupid book at?!”
Y/n says to himself as he looks for a specific book.
The book the man is looking for was just recently released and apart of this famous book series about the Gods of Egypt.
Y/n had to find this book. He was determined to find it so in case Steven ever rambles to him about Egypt Y/n would know what to say.Y/n finally sees the bright brown book he’s been looking for half the entire day. Y/n reached out for it not noticing that someone is to.
Then both hands meet at the book at the same side hands brushed up against each other.
Y/n’s head turns to the side with a confused expression.
“Oh! Sorry excuse me!…”
Y/n’s eyes flare open once he hears the family voice. Y/n’s eyes meet Steven’s.
“No- Sorry excuse me you didn’t do anything wrong.” Y/n says with the sweetest smile he could muster.
“No it’s my fault.” Steven apologizes again with a tiny frown on his face much to Y/n’s dismay.
Y/n let’s out a low chuckle before taking the book offering it to Steven.
“Here you take it.” Before Steven could argue back Y/n adds in “I assist” Steven hesitantly takes the book from the man’s hands before smiling brightly.
“Thank you thank you!” Steven blurts out even bowing his head a little “Your welcome, but hey can I say something?” Y/n asks. Steven hums in response as a yes.
“Do you think I can take you out? Like for dinner or something?” Y/n asks already having the perfect place in mind.“Yeah! Oh I’m mean sure… As in a date?” Steven questions already smiling to ear to ear. “Yes as a date.” Y/n says with a small giggle.
“I would love to!” Steven responds back. “Great! I forgot shit- My name is Y/n L/n” Y/n holds out his hand offering it to Steven.
Steven takes his hand and shakes it. “Steven Grant” “Steven grant” Y/n thinks to himself as Steven answered.
“Could I see your phone?” Y/n asks with a smile.
“Yeah uhm-let me just get it out.” Steven responds back digging inside his pockets before getting his phone and hands it to Y/n.
Y/n takes the phone and gives Steven his number before handing it back.
Y/n took out his own phone handing it to Steven as he does the same.
“Well then, bye Y/n!” Steven says before leaving with the book tight to his chest. Y/n watched Steven leave with love full in his eyes.
"Thank you to whoever that is up there to bless me with this angel I have a date with."
Y/n took Steven to a nice and relaxing vegan restaurant with all kinds of things Steven could eat.Y/n maybe had put every last cent he had into this dinner and god it was worth it. Y/n paid for everything even bought Steven flowers and chocolate.
Now Y/n was walking Steven home with an arm around him as he used his free hand to hold the bouquet of flowers he bought.
“You know… You didn’t had to do all of this for me. We only had met once and you went all out for me.” Steven says quietly.
Y/n only let out a stiff laugh. In Y/n’s mind he was a bit betrayed that the love of his life didn’t recognize him from they “met” But Y/n couldn’t blame him. He was with a lot of people and he was quiet.
Y/n snapped out of thought and responded back to Steven.
“Well I had to. It would had been crazy if I asked you out but didn’t make a effort to persuade you to have another date with me.”
Y/n says hinting to Steven, but sadly Steven didn’t catch it.
The walk went back to its comfortable silence with Steven leading to the way of his house not having a tiny clue that the man behind him knows the route by heart.
“We’re here!” Steven says looking at his apartment building before turning back around to Y/n. “I really don’t want this date to end…Hum would you mind coming up for tea?” Steven asks looking at Y/n with hope full in his eyes.
“I’d love to have tea.” Y/n says with a smile.
After both men went inside the apartment and inside Steven’s flat they sat at the dinning table drinking tea.
“Sorry if the tea isn’t good… I tried my best to please you.” Steven says with a light chuckle.
“Steven. I think it’s perfect. You are perfect to me Steven.” Y/n responds back setting down his cup of tea lightly on the table.
“You think I’m perfect?” Steven breathes out mostly to himself.
“Yes. I think your more than perfect. Everything about you is.” Y/n compliments before standing up with his chair. Steven watches Y/n in awe as he moves closer.
“Let me show and tell you how perfect you are.” Y/n says taking Steven’s hands and pulling him up off the chair onto his feet.Y/n holds onto Steven’s hands softly as he pulls him to the bed bed before sitting him down on it.
Y/n kisses Steven’s lips softly as he push him down on the sheets towering over him. Y/n begins to strip Steven out of his clothes pulling each layer off until he’s fully naked.
Steven watched Y/n fully in a trance as Y/n’s lips trailed across his body.
“I love your eyes when you get excited.” Y/n says into Steven’s neck kissing every single spot.
“I love how you try to fall asleep in the cutest ways.” Y/n adds kissing Steven’s body lower and lower. Steven’s heart kept fluttering with each compliment. Steven never had been seen like this. He’s never had been treated like this so right now he’s loving it.
But something was on the back of Steven’s mind.
How does Y/n this about him?
“I love how you hunch over to read and I love your reading glasses.” Y/n says compliments one last time before hovering over him. Y/n moves his hand in between Steven's thighs rubbing and squeezing them before trailing up until he reaches Steven's cock.
Y/n wraps his arms around Steven's cock giving it a few lazy pumps before leaning back down kissing Steven's neck. Steven moans and squirms as Y/n touches him.
Steven begins to roll his hips into Y/n's hands as Y/n pumps his cock.
Y/n's hand began to move faster and faster as he began to lower his head until he reached Steven's chest kissing and biting onto his nipples.
Steven squeezed his eyes shut and head rolled back slowly as he moaned out endlessly. Steven's cock twitched inside Y/n's hand as he felt his orgasm nearing.
"ohh!~ fuck me! Y---y/n i'm close!" Steven moans out moving his hands to Y/n's shoulders holding onto them tight.
Y/n hand jacks off Steven faster before pulling away from Steven's chest to encourage him to cum. "Steven cum for me baby.~" Y/n whispers against his ear. With one last long moan Steven cums hard inside Y/n's hand painting his fingers white.
Steven whipped his head to the side kissing Y/n deeply. As the two messily makeout Y/n used his cum covered fingers as lube pushing them slowly inside Steven.
A light gasp escapes Steven's mouth as he feels Y/n's finger buried deep inside him. Y/n pulled away from the kiss with a smirk as Steven tries to chase his lips.
Y/n moves his finger in and out as Steven tries to tug the clothes off of Y/n.
"P---please take them off!~ I want to feel you~" Steven whines out kissing Y/n's jaw. Y/n giggles at Steven's eagerness before pulling out his finger to take his clothes off.
Steven watches in awe as Y/n pulls off his shirt revealing his body. Once Y/n's hands reached down to take off his pants Steven's hands were already there pulling them off in a hurry leaving Y/n in his boxers.
Steven's eyes were met by Y/n's hard cock bulging inside Y/n's underwear. Steven's cock begins to harden again just at the sight of Y/n. Before Steven could pull down Y/n's underwear Y/n pushes Steven back on his back.
Y/n inserts his finger back inside Steven reaching further and further inside. Steven throws his head back slightly moaning. Y/n carefully adds another finger this time curving and twisting them.
Y/n's fingers rub deeper and deeper inside Steven's walls causing Steven to whine and moan out. Y/n spreads his fingers apart stretching Steven nicely.
Finally once Y/n thought Steven was prepped enough Y/n pulls his fingers out slowly before moving his hands to the band of his underwear pulling them down letting his hard cock spring out.
Steven watches in awe as Y/n spits into his hand jerking off his cock using the spit as lube before crawling between Steven's thighs.
Y/n holds Steven up by his thighs as he grinds his cock against Steven's hole teasing him. "fuck me! please!~ just fuc- me already.~" Steven moans out with a whine. Y/n only chuckles in response, and slowly moves his cock inside Steven.
Thrusting slow and gentle at first Y/n thrust inside Steven carefully looking for any sign of discomfort. Steven's body grinds down onto Y/n's cock as soft moans escapes his lips.
Y/n grips onto Steven's thighs tightly as he rocks inside him back and forth.
Steven felt full and overstimulated. Y/n's cock began rock inside him with a different force lust over taking Y/n. Y/n began to pick up the pace with his thrust no longer treating Steven like glass.
Y/n's cock moved in and out roughly as he abused Steven's hole with his cock.
Steven's moans and cries filled the room with skin slapping against each other from the two men causing the bed to shake alongside some of the books on the shelves.
Y/n moved Steven's legs onto his shoulders as he used his new free hands to grip Steven's waist pulling him up and down onto his cock as he thrust inside him as if he was a toy.
Steven moaned and cried endlessly in pleasure as Y/n used him.
"Steven-- Can I love you forever? Would you let me love you forever really? I would never leave you alone not even for a second. I'll make it my life mission to just make you happy. So would you let me love you?" Y/n blurts out runt inside Steven faster and deeper.
Steven was shocked and new to those words. "Love me forever?" Steven thought to himself even though his brain was in scrambles right now.
"y-yes!~ OhhHh fuck!~" Steven answers with a moan. Y/n's eyes insistently brighten up with a smile on his face. Y/n moves Steven's legs to be around his waist as he moves closer to Steven fucking him even faster.
Steven wrapped his legs around Y/n's waist holding onto his shoulders for dear life.
"I love you Steven! I love you!" Y/n exclaims feeling his cock twitch deep inside Steven. Steven's cock leaked precum showing that he was close.
"I can't wait to start a family together! With my cum deep inside you everyday until you get pregnant!" Y/n says snapping his hips back and forth.
"Then were gonna get married! We'll share last names, and own a big house. Me you and the kids even Gus would be a big happy family!" Y/n says already making plans in his head.
Without warning Steven's cock shoots his load all over the two of them. White streaks of cum kept coming and coming from Steven as Y/n sped up his thrust trying not to leave his husband behind.
"Steven i'm cumming! Fuck! i'm cumming!" Y/n moans out cumming deep inside Steven painting his walls white. Y/n slows down his thrust as he rides out his high finishing his orgasm with a few more thrust before pulling out.
Y/n watched as his own cum leaks out of Steven.
Steven unwraps his legs from Y/n's waist as he breathes heavily. Y/n lays on the side of Steven pulling him close in a tight grip. As Steven falls asleep in Y/n's arms Y/n is wide awake thinking about the future.
I love you Steven Y/n thinks one last time before drifting asleep.
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wooahaeruby · 3 months
Chapter 24: Future Promises
Chapter Word Count: 4,651
Anything in Bold Italics are Korean/Another language.
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“ Stop pacing,” Seungcheol rolled his eyes, sitting on the couch of Jihoon and Ruby’s apartment. 
“ That’s easy for you to say. I’m about to bare my heart to Ruby-ah and I’m nervous!” Jihoon sighed, turning for the hundredth time, continuing his pacing. 
“ Ruby-ah can probably feel how nervous you are, sit down and breathe.” Standing up, Cheol walked over and grabbed the shorter man’s hand, pulling him to the couch and sitting him down. “ They will be back from the art museum with Minghao soon and you need to take a chill pill, clear your head, and not absolutely embarrass yourself when you give them the necklace.” 
Taking a deep breath in, Jihoon held the air in his chest, swallowing down the nerves that bubbled through his body. Seungcheol sat beside him, taking the same breath and joining him in calming down. When Jihoon let the breath out, he groaned, falling to the side and pressing his face into a pillow. 
“ This is so stupid, it’s just Ruby-ah.” The words were muffled but Seungcheol could hear him well enough. 
“ It is stupid, you are freaking out for literally no reason.” 
“ What if they hate it?” Turning his head, Jihoon gazed up at his friend. 
Seungcheol looked unamused, even a little disappointed with a blank expression and pointed stare. “ Ruby-ah? Hate something from you? Aside from the laundry you leave in your gym bag? You really have lost your mind. Love is one hell of a feeling.” 
“I’m serious, hyung.”
“Ruby-ah isn’t going to hate it, you rock head. The most they will do is call you cheesy if you get all heartfelt and romantic.” 
Seungcheol was right. Ruby wouldn’t hate it. They’d probably never take the necklace off and wear it with every outfit no matter what. It was really dumb of him to even think they’d hate it but the fretfulness that was running through his mind was making him irrational. God why was he even so nervous? What will Ruby do, reject him?
“ You look kind of pathetic right now.” Seungcheol spoke again and Jihoon grimaced. 
“ I should have called someone else.” 
The leader laughed, patting him on the back. “ First of all, most of the group aren’t home, and secondly, none of them could probably keep a secret well enough for your future plans.” 
The realization had a shutter shooting down his spine. 
“We can’t tell Mingyu-ah or Soonyoungie. Ever.” 
“When you want to sit down and actually discuss this all, we can make sure they either don’t know or know very little.” 
Seungcheol left not long after Jihoon collected himself. Or well, stopped sulking in his own stupidity to get up and clean around the apartment before Ruby returned. 
When the familiar hum went down his spine and the bond tugged his soul, he knew they were home. Ruby came in alone, most likely after Minghao dropped them off since he lived in another building with them all mostly living apart. They were bundled up for the freezing weather, but to no one's surprise it was mainly his own clothes that they stole from the shared closet. Kicking off their shoes, they shuffled over to the couch where he sat with his legs pulled up, falling into the spot beside him. 
“Hi.” Ruby hugged his arm that was in his sweatshirt pocket, curling their legs up, stealing his body heat. 
“ Did you have a good time?” He brushed some hair from their face, seeing the pink of their cheeks from the cold outside. 
“Mhmm. It was a lot of fun, Minghao told me about some of the artists and about some of the pieces which was really nice.” Ruby hummed, closing their eyes. Their side of the bond was calm and comforting, it let him take a slow deep breath and release some of the tension in his limbs. “ Were you okay earlier?” 
“For the most part…” He let his fingers run over the fabric of the jewelry pouch that rested in his pocket. “ Can you sit up for a second?” 
It’s now or never, Jihoon. He thought, shaking off any of the irrational thoughts that still plagued his mind. 
“Huh? Yeah.” Ruby looked concerned but sat up, unwrapping themself from Jihoon’s arm. They sat up, turning to face him and sitting cross legged. “Is everything okay?”
Jihoon hummed, nodding and mirroring their sitting position. “ I want to give you something.” 
“If it’s your watch because you forgot to charge it again, I’m going to kill you.” 
“ Okay, first off, that was funny. And secondly, no, it’s something different.” 
“After that, I am of little faith.” Narrowing their eyes, Ruby stayed quiet, watching as he pulled the small pouch from his pocket. 
“I’ve been holding onto this since the day after new years. I was meaning to give this to you earlier, but I kept second guessing myself.” He pulled the necklace out, two of his rings still secured well around the chain. Presenting it to Ruby, their eyes went wide.
“ Are those-” 
“Yeah. The second and third one. You know how much these rings mean to the group and me, it signifies the accomplishments we have achieved over the years.” He reached out and took their hand, gently placing the necklace into it. “ But it is also a bond we have formed between the thirteen of us. It signifies the care we have for one another, we love each other. I want to give them to you. I trust you with them, but also because I love you and I feel like I haven’t shown that enough. You have done so much in terms of accommodating and caring for me while I feel as if I am lacking in those fields. It’s my promise to you that I love you and I will for the rest of my life. It’s my promise that what we have grown into is more than just the bonds doing. It’s my promise that I want the rest of my life to be with you beside me, supporting one another.” 
There was something bubbling up from their side of the bond. It has his throat getting choked up and he let his eyes dart around their face, seeing them blink a few times before a tear fell from one of their eyes. Ruby looked awestruck, staring down at the necklace he placed in their palm. He felt a few conflicting emotions that were racing through them but they managed to open their mouth but quickly closed it, unsure of what to say.
When they finally did speak, it was quiet, a little shaky. “ Really?” They raised their gaze to his face. 
“Really. I want you to have them.” Taking the necklace into his hand, he held it up for them to leave forward. He unclasped it once they were close enough, easy to secure the clasp behind their head. Ruby reached up and took the rings between their fingers. 
“ Thank you for trusting me with these.” Their whisper was barely loud enough for him to hear. 
Jihoon gently placed his hand under their chin and raised their head, smiling lightly. “ I’ve trusted you with my life, Ruby-ah. This is the least I can do. I love you after all.” 
“Stop! I’m already trying not to cry!” Ruby whined, swatted his hand away. 
A child-like giggle left Jihoon as he put his hands up in defense. “ I didn’t do anything!” 
“You- Don’t give me that, you literally just put your heart on your sleeve and gave me something irreplaceable and meaningful and you say all this mushy gushy stuff!” Ruby reached out and wrapped their arms around his waist, using their weight to push him back until he was laying flat on his back. With Ruby’s head resting on his chest, he rubbed a hand up and down their back, basking in the warmth they radiated and the fond emotions that rushed through the bond. 
“ I’m never taking them off.” Ruby’s face was pressed into his chest, voice muffled. 
Jihoon snickered. “ I’d be surprised if you did. Might even be a little sad.” 
“That is not fair.” Pushing themself up on their elbows, they sent him a glare. “ But I’m serious. I’m almost never taking it off.” 
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It was a week later when Jihoon reached out to Jamie regarding his future plans and the idea for Caratland. Mimi was quick to give Jamie’s contact information before her and Papa flew home. Jamie was also quick in making a group chat for himself, Jihoon, and Kazuki.
[To JJK 9:19PM]  JJK? Like the anime? [Jamie 9:20 PM]  Yes, Jamie, Jihoon, Kazuki. JJK. It works.   [Kazuki 9:32 PM]  I stopped questioning him a while ago, Jihoon-ah. Can I now have an answer to why Jamie said we can’t tell Y/N about this group chat?  [Jamie 9:45PM]  Because love, Kazuki. Love.  Love will always win Jihoon-ah is in love Y/N is in love Love. [To JJK 9:49PM] I can see why Ruby-ah is friends with him. Reminds me too much of Mingyu-ah [Kazuki 9:56 PM] Try living with him.  At least Mingyu-ah cleans.  [Jamie 10:01 PM]  :D  Now, let’s get to planning the best day of my best friend’s life. 
[To Cheol-hyung 10:26 PM] I want to set up a meeting with the staff and the members (minus Mingyu-ah and Soonyoungie).  And we can’t tell Ruby-ah.  [ Cheol-hyung 10:32 PM] Why without those two? [To Cheol-hyung 10:34 PM] Because neither of them can keep a secret. [ Cheol-hyung 10:37 PM] Makes sense.  I can talk to the managers. Hyeji can be a big help with the staff.  When do you want to do all this again?  [To Cheol-hyung 10:38 PM] Right after Caratland before we start full force for FML [ Cheol-hyung 10:45 PM] We can make it work. [To Cheol-hyung 10:53 PM] We have to make it work. 
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“ You work tomorrow, right?” Jihoon asked from the kitchen, grabbing himself a water and Ruby the tea they asked for. He shuffled back into the living room where they were lounging on the couch. 
With a hum, Ruby nodded. “ I have a few meetings and a handful of people to email. I will probably be busy most of the work day, why?” 
“No reason, I’m going to be heading to Hybe with some of the guys to work on something.” 
Ruby wiggled their eyebrows, taking the tea from him. “ Anything spoil worthy?” 
He rolled his eyes and sat down beside him, letting Ruby kick their legs over his lap. “ Not really, just need to review some things and discuss the upcoming comeback and Caratland.”
“Ohh~ so many exciting plans that I’m not allowed to know.” Ruby gave a dramatic sigh, holding the mug close to their chest. “ Soulmates and I can’t know all your secrets. How am I going to live like this forever?” 
“Like a normal celebrity's soulmate,” Jihoon pulled a blanket over both their legs. “ Deal with it, nerd.” 
Was he lying? Oh, one thousand percent, but was he getting better at lying? Maybe just a little. 
The next day, when Ruby was set up in the office, curled up with a nice cup of coffee, a blanket, and one of his hoodies, Jihoon easily slipped out and took a taxi to the Hybe building. He had called everyone on their management team, PR and social media teams, and the members into a meeting with the help of Seungcheol. With the number of people, it was easier to fit everyone in a dance studio, many standing and sitting around. 
“ Alright,” Jihoon stood before the mess of people, having already informed the managers what was going on. “ I need everyone’s help. I know with Caratland coming up, BooSeokSoon’s comeback, and FML planning, we have a lot going on.”
“And we can’t tell Ruby-ah.” Hyeji jumped in beside him, placing her hands on her hips. She looked determined and ready to burst with how happy she looked. “ Specifically, Mingyu and Soonyoung, so before we continue, both of you get out.” 
“ What?! But Ruby-ah is my best friend!” Mingyu whined and threw himself onto the ground. Beside him Seokmin and Jeonghan laughed, the latter nudging him with a foot. 
“ You should have expected this one, Mingyu-ah~” Jeonghan teased and the taller man flailed his limbs. 
“ I can keep a secret!” Soonyoung tried to defend but everyone trained their eyes on him and he shrunk down in his seat on the floor, pouting. “ Okay…” 
Though it took more convincing for Mingyu, they both left the room for the time being, told they’d be filled in on the most limited amount of information once the main stuff was out of the way. 
Jihoon looked around the room then to Hyeji who was still bouncing with excitement. 
“ I need all of your help in planning a proposal for Ruby-ah.” He said the words carefully, watching the shifting of expressions before Seokmin jumped up. 
There were a few cheers and some of the members were running up to give tight hugs and pats on his back. The management team was smiling and giving hugs. Energy was bustling in the room, giving words of excitement and laughter following behind it. Seokmin was in his face once his hug was finished, grabbing onto the shorter man’s forearms.
“ Can we help with the ring shop?” His eyes were filled with sparkles and he sounded so sincere. 
Jihoon rolled the idea around in his head, tilting his head side to side. “ I was going to ask some of you but I guess the guys can help.” 
Hyeji was next to interject, “ What is the plan right now?” 
“Well- I set aside four tickets for Caratland right now, two for Ruby-ah’s friends that were already planning on coming, and two for their grandparents, but we won’t be telling Ruby-ah that their grandparents are coming. I want to have Caratland finished then a few days after everything goes down, so we have just over a month to plan everything. I know Ruby-ah wouldn’t want something public, but I want the friends and family they have around us when it happens.” 
“Easy, let me know if you ever need to have them distracted. I’m very good at distractions.” Hyeji winked, “ We can also draft up the announcements since it will be told publicly.” 
“Thank you,” Jihoon sighed, knowing that was one thing off his plate. “ For the members, probably more Minghao-ah, I’m going to need your help being covert in questions regarding a ring, but try not to make it obvious. Joshua-hyung, I might need your help with talking to their grandparents since you are better at English than me. We need to keep this quiet, we will hold some other meetings to figure out some of the other things once I have some better ideas.” 
The management team was great in giving a better timeline of events and gave a few solid dates to consider between Caratland, practices, and filming. He made some notes of his own but Hyeji was quick to write things down, knowing it was easier for her to have the information stored away so Ruby didn’t find anything. 
Once the meeting was finished, Seungcheol did pull Jihoon aside once Mingyu and Soonyoung were told some information, which they were majorly excited for. They were back in his studio for privacy. Jihoon held some concern with the serious look in Seungcheol’s eye, but he deflated when the other stated what was on his mind. 
“ I know there is still some tension, but I think it would be a good idea to talk to your mom, Jihoonie.” 
It left a bit of a bad taste in his mouth, knowing he was most likely right but there was still some residual anger that stirred in his chest. 
Jihoon pulled his hair off, tossing it on his desk, sighing quietly. “ I know…” 
“And she doesn’t have to accept it, it’s more for her not to be surprised when it's all announced. I’d hate for you to regret the decision not to say anything to her later on.” 
“Yeah…” Tugging his phone from his pocket, Jihoon opened up his messages to his dad, only a few days ago since the two last messaged one another. “ I’ll…call them and have them travel up to talk. I’m not going to tell Ruby yet, depending on how my mom reacts to things.” 
“If you think that is best, go for it.” 
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It was surprising when the two were willing to travel up the next day to sit down and speak with him when he asked. He knew how long the drive was, but they were willing to be there and stay the night in a hotel at the drop of the pin. 
“Another meeting?” Ruby was up relatively early, only nine forty-five, sitting on the couch with the laptop already looking over some documents. 
Jihoon did feel a little bad about lying but didn’t want to disappoint them with false hope if it didn’t go the way he wanted. “ Yeah, with time crunching down, we want to really hammer out some things.” 
Ruby stared at him for a moment, eyeing his stance and probably his town if he had to guess. They were decent at reading him like a book so Jihoon hoped that he was hiding the lie well. “ Will you be home for dinner?” 
He turned to start sliding on his sneakers, grabbing his jacket from the coat closet. “ I’ll text you, if not we can meet up and eat?” 
“Mhmm, sounds good. Love you.” 
He snorted and looked over his shoulder to the expectant look they were giving him. “ I love you too, I’ll see you later.” 
Meeting up at Hybe was one of the best places to have some privacy. When he got to the main entrance, his parents were already sitting, waiting patiently. He was quick to have security get them guest passes once IDs were shown and identities were confirmed before leading the two of them upstairs to his studio, where he’d be more comfortable to sit and talk. The time going up was the usual small talk, both his mother and him feeling the tension but not avoiding each other, which he appreciated. 
He unlocked his studio and motioned for them to enter and sit on the couch towards the back of the room. It took a moment for them to get there since they were looking around and taking in the new environment. At the moment, it hit him that his parents have never been to Hybe, let alone in his studio. It was…much different than the personality he gave at home all those years ago. 
“ This is…nice.” His mother said and he took a breath in and sat down, moving the weighted blanket aside. 
“ The ceiling lights are a nice touch.” His dad was more enthusiastic when he spoke about it, sitting beside his wife while Jihoon took a seat across from them. 
“ Thank you both for coming up today so we could talk.” He gave a small bow of his head, drumming a hand against the top of his covered thigh. 
“ Aside from speaking about Y/N-ah, your message read more like you wanted to talk about something else.” His father sat straight, focusing his attention on Jihoon. 
“ Can we start with Ruby-ah?” He asked, looking between his parents who both nodded. “ We moved in together a few weeks back, and I’ve met their grandparents. We’ve started to make a life for ourselves with equal contribution. Ruby-ah actually fought me on that front. They have been nothing short of perfect, and I’m still confused on why you didn’t like them, mom.” 
The look on his mother’s face was unreadable, not that he was good at knowing what his mother was feeling. “ I was worried about the type of person they were. You are my child, Jihoon-ah, I carried you and raised you, I want to protect you.” 
His expression fell and he gave a sigh. “ Mom, I said this last time, I’m not a kid anymore. I’ve made my choice and while you might not agree, I chose Ruby-ah wholeheartedly. Trust me when I say that Ruby-ah has done everything in their power to make sure everything has equal contribution from the both of us.” 
She gave him a similar stare to Ruby’s before he left the apartment, it was analytical, possibly searching for something. He felt more exposed here than he did with Ruby. 
“ Is there any way I can apologize to Y/N-ah?” 
He didn’t realize he was holding his breath until he huffed it out, relief flooding through his body. “ Yeah, I think we can work that out, but there is something else that I’d like to tell you as well.” 
She raised a brow, looking at her husband who was a little giddy in his seat. “ Do you know something I don’t?” 
“No! But I have an idea.” Turning his attack to Jihoon, his father smiled wide. 
“ With Caratland coming up, two of their best friends are going to be in town for the shows, and I’ve invited their grandparents back out because I’d like to ask Ruby-ah to marry me between Caratland and the next album release.” 
There was a pause before his father was standing and pulling Jihoon into a hug, patting him on the back. “ Ah, my boy is growing up! Look at you!” 
Jihoon laughed, embracing him in a tight hug, “ I already have staff and the entire group on board, I’m keeping it a secret until it happens, so don’t say anything.” 
Looking over to his mom, she looked conflicted but shook her head, giving one of her genuine smiles. Standing up, she shooed her husband away to give Jihoon a proper hug, patting his hair down and holding his face in her hands. “ I hate seeing you grow up so fast, Jihoon-ah. What happened to my little boy that would hide behind my leg when meeting new people?” 
“I’m not a little kid anymore.” He chuckled, smiling in return to his mom. “ I’m a guy that wants to spend the rest of my life with the person I love.”
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“ So you lied to me?” Hearing Ruby’s voice on the phone sounded so serious but the amusement that flooded through his bond told another story. They were going to play that game today…
“ I didn’t tell a whole lie…I did end up having a meeting with some of the staff.” He’d rather ask for forgiveness instead of permission kinda thing. “ Plus…we can sit down with my parents again and level things out.” 
They were silent for a moment, he could hear the tapping of the computer keys in the background. “ Can we go to the ramen shop? Song-nim?” 
Yeah, that should have been expected. “ Yes, does five-thirty sound good?” 
“Mhmm. I’ll see you then.” 
Sitting in the ramen shop with his parents, waiting for Ruby wasn’t too bad. Song-nim was kind enough to make some conversation between customers and even set out all the side dishes. When Ruby did show up, bundled in his sweatshirt and a pair of sweatpants to keep out the cold, Song-nim was pulling them into a hug, asking how things have been, both smiling like long time friends. It had been a while since both of them were able to sit and eat here. 
“ Ahh, we will have to catch up more later, I promise I will at least come back and chat.” Ruby gave one last hug before spotting the three of them and sitting down. Their expression was a bit stoney, but still a small smile when they took their seat. “ Hello.” 
His father was first to speak up, brightly greeting them while his mother was quieter but still kind when she bowed her head and greeted Ruby. 
“ I hope the trip wasn’t too bad, it’s been quite cold out, I was hoping for snow.” The words from them seemed tense but weren’t forced. 
Song-nim was quick with taking the orders and hurrying off to get things started. Jihoon watched his mother shift in her seat in the silence and clear his throat, casting her eyes down at the table. 
“ Y/N-ah,” Ruby tilted their head curious before his mother met their eyes, straightening her back. “ I’d like to formally apologize for the behavior I displayed the first time we met.” 
Being the person they were, Ruby nodded, drumming their fingers on the table to keep their hand busy. “ May I ask specifically why you are apologizing?” 
And he should have expected that. His mom looked ready to give up for a moment, but gave a small nod, folding her hands in her lap. Jihoon had to agree that she did deserve some of the harshness after last time. 
“ For one thing, my judgment against you. I let myself be swayed by the toxicity of hurtful rumors and didn’t form my own opinion on who you are.” Ruby stopped drumming their fingers. “ Secondly for how harsh I judged you and the relationship between you and Jihoon-ah in general. I will not lie to you when I say that I was worried you’d use him in some way, have it be money or to hurt him in the media. In his line of work, you can’t be too careful. I apologize for making it sound as if your accomplishments were below average, that there was nothing meaningful between the two of you. I see now that I was wrong.” 
His mother lowered her eyes once more, giving a deep bow of her head. “ I should not expect forgiveness for my wrongdoings, however I’d like if we can start anew. I would like to properly know more about the person my son has taken a liking too. I wish to do everything in my power to repair the relations between us.” 
Jihoon couldn’t really pinpoint what Ruby was feeling. There was some annoyance, even some surprise mingled within, but overall they were calm and relatively collected. 
“ While I am willing to accept your apology, I am not willing to forgive you at this moment.” They started, “ However, I am of the mindset that I can forgive you later on. Back then, you did say things that really hurt me. For the future sake and Jihoonie’s sake, I’d like to mend the relationship between us. Just because I don’t have my parents does not mean that he should have that bond scratched off because of opinions about me. Please raise your head.” 
Ruby reached out, placing one of their hands atop his mother’s. She raised her head, keeping her face relatively neutral. 
“ I know you are worried about him. There are days when I worry about him, but I can promise you that I’ll be helping take care of him everyday until the end of our time together.” Ruby pulled back and elbowed Jihoon. “ At least you're not the one cleaning up after him anymore.” 
His mother huffed a laugh. “ Does he still leave all his clothes on the bathroom floor?” 
“And his gym bag.” 
Jihoon was glad to see some progress between the two. There was still some tension, but it was much less than previously, with a renewed feeling. Time would only tell what the relationship between them would hold, but he was happy they could just get along. 
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chvoswxtch · 2 years
ik your requests are closed but if you have time n feel up to it, could you write a fic, blurb or even just head canons about how Frank would celebrate you and your birthday? Hes seems like the “anything you want is yours” kinda guy, even if it’s getting coffee then spending the day at home he would still make it special. Its my birthday haha and i dont want a big celebration just a low key day doing little things i love with the ppl i love. Omg this is sappy hahah but yeah if you have the time, thank you!! And I totally understand if you dont ❤️❤️
-Max 💥
my fic requests are currently closed, but i'd be more than happy to whip you up a little birthday treat! i'm gonna go with a headcannon if that's okay bc I have a lot of thoughts about frankie & birthdays I don't think I can properly translate into a blurb right now so please find my rambling below the cut :)
frank castle & your birthday
frankie strikes me as someone that is a hopeless romantic at heart, and I feel like his love language is physical touch but also acts of service. I think we've seen that he pays a huge attention to detail, so he might not go like all out for your birthday, especially if he knows you prefer something small and intimate, but he would definitely make sure it felt special
he would probably start by taking you to your favorite coffee shop, getting you a little birthday breakfast treat with your coffee, and it would probably be the one time he doesn't criticize your drink order (he definitely thinks plain black coffee is real coffee) or comment on how much espresso you added to it (i'm on that pedro pascal shit myself, & I know the only time frankie wouldn't give me shit about it is my birthday bc he's legally required to be extra nice that day)
"you're gonna be hoppin' around like the goddamn energizer bunny with all that. it's your day though. get what you want, sweetheart."
he would insist that you sit down at one of the cute little tables so you can enjoy your coffee and little breakfast together, while you try to get hints from him about what he has planned (he'd resist as long as he could but it's really hard for him to say no to you)
I could see him taking you to do something that you had been begging him to do for awhile. something he kept putting off, or there wasn't time, or he acted like he didn't wanna go, but really he was just saving it for your special day. maybe a trip to an art museum, the aquarium, some botanical gardens, or the zoo even
or maybe a romantic stroll through central park. he'd bring a blanket and your favorite book, let you cuddle up in his lap as he read to you, play with your hair and point out all the cute dogs you saw to each other
even though he'd already gotten your birthday gifts weeks ago, he'd take you to your favorite store and let you pick out anything you wanted
"what? i'm not allowed to spoil my girl on her birthday? if that's a crime, it sure ain't the worst one i've ever committed."
as far as the evening, I see it going two ways: frankie either makes a reservation at your favorite restaurant and invites your closest friends and family to keep it intimate, or he surprises you with a special dinner he cooked himself (your favorite meal) along with a homemade birthday cake (it might not be the prettiest, but it would be delicious) because we know frankie can throw down in the kitchen
if you went out for dinner, he would insist on giving you your gifts & card at home because they're special and sentimental and he's shy when it comes to things like that, and he likes it better when those moments just consist of the two of you
if you had dinner at home, he would roll his eyes when you begged him to sing you happy birthday, but he would oblige because he can't tell you no
"alright, fine. but you're patchin' up your own ears when they start bleedin'. you know I can't sing for shit."
he would ask you several times throughout the day if you were having a good birthday, because he wants to make sure that you are because he thinks you deserve nothing less than as close to perfection as he can provide
he'd also continuously tell you how pretty he thought you were and how much he loved you and how lucky he felt to get to spend your special day with you
I could see him putting your favorite song on and asking you to slow dance with him in the living room to it, drawing out every single minute of your birthday all the way up to 11:59 and making sure you spent every second of it feeling loved and special
"today's one of my favorite days. know why? cause it was the day you were brought into this world, and I think that deserves a goddamn celebration. happy birthday, sweetheart. I love you."
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breadvidence · 2 months
Some of you have expressed interest in the Dammit lore, so for that audience of 3-4:
Thinking today about striving for verisimilitude and laziness, and whether readers can tell where Dammit is dipping into one pot or the other (as a writer, one of my great tips is laziness: if you do not want to do the work, don't [if it is work you feel you need to and you do not like to do it, that is different than not wanting to do it]). I went from vexing myself over available fabric dyes, debating anachronistic use of Old Irish in place of Primitive Irish, & feeling bitchy about reading the Ulster Cycle, to hourly weather reports, Google street view, fashion blogs. Dizzying change!
My partner has on two occasions mockingly replied, when I've complained about a historical detail of the 2010s, "Heaven forbid the fiction contain fiction."
And, OK, some of it is me being neurotic, but I am perfectly aware that accurate hourly weather does nothing for verisimilitude: a big storm that left a trace on regional (or even national) memory, yes, that's a miss if you skip it—you don't write 2021 Texas winter and not send Cruz to Cancún—but the fog on December 17th, 2014? Naw. What it does do is let me be incredibly fucking lazy—as a writer I like weather, I like how temp and rain and visibility and barometer pressure confine the character into a world and body, but I do not like deciding on it, so I am perfectly happy to kick back and let the actual sky come up (or down, as it were) with the scenery. (Also, whether or not anybody's playing along with me, it's kinda a bit now.)
Then there's the places where checking against fact has sparked a bonus—I knew I wanted Valjean to take Cosette to a big female pop star concert in 2006 as a response to Fauchelevent's death and went with Madonna (why not Britney Spears or Beyoncé or Kelly Clarkson? we don't get Cosette's insight, here, but she saw Madonna as shared—Valjean would've listened to her work back in the '80s, and Cosette is aware of that—though there was presumably an agonizing non-conversation about the naughtier tracks as a result), and when I idly looked at tour dates, realized Las Vegas was a venue option—like, um, of course I want to send Jean Valjean from Victor Hugo's hit 1862 novel Les Misérables to modern Sin City, c'mon.
Anyway, and related to my previous post, color me delighted that the Dallas Museum of Art had the work of Sadamasa Motonaga on display in 2015, which gave me an in to depict Javert being a very Kinsey 6 in his social analysis of dicks, and also—listen, it's not all my fault this chapter is so cock-forward, the DMA and history made that decision for me, right?
I don't anticipate my original work will ever move to a contemporary timeframe, so I'm enjoying this aspect of writing Dammit as it lasts. Which—looks like it'll be a while, given if I don't abandon the fic at the end of the second arc (possible—it's a perfectly reasonable spot to end the story) we're not even 2/3rds of the way to the end of this adventure.
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