#like what EVEN was left of him. he got crushed by a whole elevator
the-acid-pear · 6 months
I wish Everett had such a strong line as "we'll make it fit" or "joe remembered" or even "not like that" but bro just died a, fairly normal death brought down on him by his kind soul. Which is arguably sadder but less impactful.
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hayw1res · 2 months
Can I request headcanons for ZZZ Anton, Ben, Wise, and Lycaon being stuck in close proximity with his GN crush please?
♡﹒﹒ 𝒕𝒐 𝒄𝒍𝒐𝒔𝒆 !
𝅄; synopsis: HC , getting a little too close for comfort ft Anton, Ben, Wise and Von Lycaon
𝅄; warnings: none! , fluff, flirting , humor , GN! Reader
𝅄; a/n: ill be answering my requests more frequently now! if you sent a request earlier don’t worry i will be posting those soon as well! also i dont know much about Anton so sorry if hes a bit ooc! not proofread
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You and Anton were pretty close friends at this point and often would run errands together for Koleda or Grace, today was just one of those days. You were taking spare parts to another company , Anton accompanied you of course. You made it to the first floor of the large building, the elevator was just a bit too small for the two of you especially due to his rather muscular build. It was a bit of tight squeeze up almost 13 floors..
the damn elevator was so cramped you swore you could feel the rise and fall of Antons chest with how close you were to him, how on EARTH was this thing certified? “Kinda..cramped in here isn’t it?” Anton spoke quietly, you were in close proximity after all. You looked up at him the best you could, but you could only laugh.. “What’s so funny—eh..” Anton looked down at you, your pretty eyes stared up at his and that’s when he realized just how close you two were, how his height compared to yours and just how pretty you looked from this angle.. so much so that he didn’t even hear you.
“Anton—Anton??” You called out to him, confused as to why he was just..looking at you? Anton snapped out of his trance and laughed awkwardly “WOW this elevator is slow isn’t it—doesn’t even feel like we’re goin anywhere” Surely he played that off cool enough. You snicker- “Anton I was telling you to push the button.. we haven’t moved.” Anton almost choked on his breath, turning to the array of buttons to see that he in fact.. did not push the button to the 13th floor..and you hadn’t been moving this whole time.
“I..I knew that.” He pushed the button to finally get you guys going, you could only smile at his cute demeanor..
“Course you did.”
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Ben probably has saved your life in the Hollows more than once at this point, he was intimidating and sometimes just his presence alone would scare off anyone bothering you, you truly felt comfortable and happy around him more than anyone..though you didn’t actually know his underlying feelings for you just yet. Unlike everyone else.. So when you get sent off on “special” requests for Koleda- you never question her knowing smirk.
you and Ben just left on another small “mission” for Koleda, just to retrieve some item from the Hollow? You didnt fully understand what she needed, or why she needed you two to go alone specifically- but you never questioned her judgement ! Ben was pretty much your guard…bear? while you searched around the Hollow in search for the missing item. Ben just honestly loved seeing you run around freely with no problems, of course you could fend for yourself but..nothing made him feel better than knowing that he was your protector and you relied on him for that.
“Ben! Think I found something here- down there!” You called to him as you leaned over the bar overhead a pretty dastardly fall- Ben walked over to you, worried that you may fall over.. “Careful there y/n…” He said softly as he stood behind you, and boy was his intuition right. Almost as soon as he said that you could feel yourself lose balance and almost fall down , if it wasn’t for large arms immediately grabbing you and pulling you back, down with him..
“Are you okay?! You had me nervous there you know—“ Ben panicked , his eyes finally opening to you sitting almost completely on his lap, fixing your hair from the tumble..you were so cute, you looked..perfect. “Ah—sorry Ben I got too excited again didnt I” You chuckle and make eye contact with him. The position you were in.. his arms still protectively around your waist and your hands on his chest. You both didnt speak, but after a few seconds you finally see it..
“…Thirens can blush?” You tease, his cheeks in fact had a pinkish red tint to them , you found it adorable.. in fact, you found A LOT about the bear pretty cute for someone so intimidating and strong.. “Well don’t just sit and stare..lets hurry up so we can get home and maybe test that theory?” You stand on your own feet now, and before Ben could..he swore his cheeks burned harder.
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Wise loved having you around when he and Belle did any proxy duties, you were not only great help around the store but you also hung out with the two of them as a close friend. On days when the two weren’t busy with commissions you usually would help out with whatever they needed- and occasionally go out with Belle or Wise when they needed to drop things off or maybe pick some things up. Today you went to the video store with Wise to pick up some new dvd’s for the store, the manager told you two about a few great movies they had in stock but unfortunately couldn’t reach, that was no problem for you two! It was just down the dark and creepy basement..
You and Wise crept down the dark room, only a flashlight in hand. Wise walked beside you , he laughed a bit at your nervousness- he found it adorable how at every creak you would slightly jump back. It wasn’t a hard search , just not a preferable one. “Wiseee come on.. its cold and creepy down here” You groaned as you held the light up for him as he searched through crates. “Yeah dont worry.. just hold it still okay?” He said back, holding back his grin.You swore he was moving slow on purpose , you almost completely lost it and ran back upstairs- the creepy factor increased with every passing second..
Wise was just about to turn with the few movies he found when he heard you shriek- he could barely react when you practically leapt into him! You surely weren’t thinking clearly and Wise was the only warm body around so.. to no surprise you went to him when you heard something fall behind you. You didn’t open your eyes until you felt his arms wrap around you, you looked up at him as you realize what just happened.. and there was that shit eating grin on his face, “Well if you wanted me to hold you..you could’ve just asked” He teased, his smirk turning to a fond smile as he felt you relax slightly in his arms. “Just—get the movies and lets go..” You mumble as you pull away , he nodded at you and took your hand this time, so you “wouldn’t get scared again”.
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Victoria Housekeeping was like a second family to you at this point, you weren’t a maid/butler at all but that didnt stop you from occasionally running with them into Hollows when they time needed, and this was one of those times. Luckily when you all split up to escape a rather large and dangerous crowd of ethereals , you ran with Von Lycaon.. the tall handsome wolf thiren. You knew with him by your side, you wouldn’t have to worry much.
“This way- quickly now.” He called to you as you both ran around the corner of what was like an abandoned school building, with Lycaon quick movement and sharp turns it was hard to keep up. He noticed this and decided it would be best for you two to hide. He grabbed your arm and pulled you into a supply closet nearby, though it ws quick thinking..he didnt take into account that it would be a rathe small and tight fit. You were quickly pressed against his chest as his arms came up above you to make at least some room..
“A-Apologies .. this is a rather odd position” He said calmly but the way he avoided eye contact made you think twice.. you and Lycaon had some small moments here and there that would be labeled as harmless flirting , but this felt different. “Im enjoying the view” You were quick to reply, your laugh caused the wolf to scoff a bit “Focus..” He mumbled .. but you could feel his tail increase in speed just a little after that comment..
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beansnsoup · 2 months
You Stupid B!tch
Summary: As your closest friend, it's Sero's job to be supportive of you, and that also means he has to support you and your new boyfriends even though he is head over heels for you.
Relationship: Platonic going on romantic
Character: Hanta Sero
Warnings: Fluff, some angst??, gn reader, self doubt??
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"So?" You twirl around in your outfit, giving Sero a full 360 while he sits on your bed. "How do I look?"
"Fantastic, you're going to take his breath away."
"You think so?"
"Yes, now go get 'em tiger, don't do anything I wouldn't do."
He pushes you out of your dorm as you grab your bag, you wave him one last goodbye before stepping into the elevator and leaving the dormitory entirly.
Sero lets out a big sigh and walks back to his room. There were so many nights like this where he would help you get ready for your dates, and the hope of you one day getting ready for a date with him was slipping away.
It's not that he was open about his little crush, though he had mentioned it to Denki, Ejiro, and Katsuki many times. He knew if he told Mina she would let it slip within minutes.
He knows it's bad to think, but every time you go out, he wishes that you would get stood up so he can pick you up and comfort you so you can finally see he's the one you need, the one that has been there for you this whole time.
As Sero lays on his bed, thoughts of you wandering about, he gets a notification from his phone from Kirishima.
Kirishima: Movie night???
He sighs, making his way down to the lounge area in his pajamas. He's met with Kirishima, Bakugo, and Denki, "Where's Mina?" He asks, sitting down next to Kirishima on the large couch.
"She said she was sleeping over with Hagakure tonight." Kirishima replies as he scrolls through movie options.
"Which gives us the perfect opportunity to talk about why Y/n looked so nice when they left tonight. Who's the guy?" Denki asks, eyeing down Sero.
Bakugo slaps the back of his head, "What?! I was only asking!" Denki defends himself.
"Oh, I don't know much about him, but I think they really like him." Sero replies mindlessly.
Sometimes he didn't realize how pathetic his crush was towards you, he suppressed it so much that his whole deminer was pitiful, and his friends hated seeing him so down.
When you were around it brought out the best in him, sometimes when you weren't even around, he'd always find ways to bring you up in a conversation.
But when you had a date lined up and he'd overhear you telling Mina, he would tense up, going into his own little world where he was the one you wanted to be with.
These feelings made him into a person he hated, he didn't want to be hooked on you when he was studying to become a pro hero, but at the same time he couldn't just let you go.
He wanted you to be their when he finally reached success, and he wanted to be their when you reached yours.
"Listen, man, I know they're like the love of your life or whatever, but your moping around isn't very manly." Kirishima snorted as he finally chose a movie.
Sero just rolled his eyes at the remark and turned his focus to the TV in front of them.
As the movie went on, Sero was craving a text from you, wondering if everything was all right, even if the text was you informing you this guy was the best you've ever met.
The sky got darker, and the movie was close to being over when you finally walked through the door again.
"Oh my god, you guys are watching Deadpool without me?" You slipped off your shoes and ran towards the couch, sliding next to Sero.
"Me and Denki are rewatching them so we can watch the new one this weekend if Aizawa doesn't load more work on us." Kirishima informs you, before you can say anything in reply Denki interrupts you.
"So, how was the date?"
You fluster a bit, feeling your face get hot, "It was good."
Sero can't help but notice the bashful smile on your face, that could be him you're smiling about.
"Do we not get details?" Denki is pushing more information out of you, not realizing Kirishima and Bakugos glare, he also doesn't notice Sero's carefree demeanor fading away.
"Well, I met him at the restaurant, which was so nice, then after that we went to the arcade near here, we won a toy bear, but we gave it to this little girl sitting outside, then we walked me all the way back here." You described the night to Denki, Sero had stopped listening when you said 'Well'.
"Do you think he's the one?" Denki asks, the last part coming out in a more dramatic tone and the back of his hand meets his forehead.
This is when Sero perks up again, waiting for your answer.
You shrug your shoulders, "I don't know, maybe. But you know me, I said that about the last guy, and he turned out to be a total jerk."
Sero remembers that nigh all too well, you had just found out he was only using you due to Class 1-A's popularity. Sero had offered to stay with you in your dorm that night to watch your favorite movies with your favorite snacks and let you cry onto his shoulder.
All he could think about while you would cry was how he never wanted to see you like this again, he always wanted to see a smile on your face and witness you be treated like royalty.
Before Denki can say anything else Sero excuses himself, commenting on how it's late and that he's tired, not tired of lack of sleep, but tired of his lack of you.
Bakugo groans once he leaves the room, "He is so pathetic."
"Bakugo, just leave it." Kirishima warns, turning off the movie after the credits have rolled.
"He's just tired. What's the problem?" You chime in, all of the boys look at you, Bakugo just chuckles in disbelief.
"What? Why are you all looking at me like that?"
"Nothing, nothing." Kirishima says, trying to stay composed.
"Y/n, what do you think of Sero?" Denki blurts out without thinking.
"What do you mean?"
"Like, would you go out with him?" Denki continued, knowing it was too late to shut up now.
"We've always just been friends; I don't want to ruin what we have, and I don't think he likes me like that."
"Have you ever tried to show him any type of affection aside from the friendly kind?" Kirishima finally speaks up.
"No? What is this? What's going on?"
"Nothing, forget we said anything." Kirishima says
You awkwardly get up from your spot on the couch, giving all your friends a goodnight. Only that night you couldn't sleep with the number of questions that raced through your mind.
You reach for your phone, just to check the time but that leads to you scrolling through various apps. You close out the tabs so you can finally sleep, but instead you go to text Sero.
Y/n: You up??
Sero rolls over when he hears the ping of his phone, not being able to fully fall asleep either. His eyes widen at the sight of your name on the screen, picking it up quickly.
Sero: Yea, I can't sleep
Y/n: Same
He stares at his phone, thinking of what to say next until he sees the little typing bubbles appear. Sero sits there, watching them disappear then slowly reappear again.
Finally, the message you had apparently been slaving away at sends.
Y/n: Can I come over?
His jaw falls open, to which he quickly closes and composes himself.
Sero: Sure
Sero wants to throw his phone across the room and stuff his face into a pillow and scream, but he refrains himself and tries to act as sane as possible.
It's not like he hasn't had to disguise his crush on you before, so why was now so different?
Was it the seeing you look absolutely stunning for your date? Was it you reaching out to him instead of the boy you went out with tonight? Was it you texting him in the middle of the night? Or was it you wanting to come over in the middle of the night?
His thoughts are put to a sudden stop by a knock and your voice, Sero gets up to open the door to let you in, and you walk straight to his bed, getting as comfortable as possible.
"If you fall asleep in here and Aizawa finds out it isn't my fault." He warns, sitting beside you on the comforter.
"I'll keep that in mind." You reply, curling up next to him. The two of you sit in long comfortable silence before you break it again.
"Denki and Kirishima said some things that got me thinking."
Sero tenses up, "Yeah? Like what?"
"They asked if I would go out with you, or if I've ever put any moves on you, totally out of the blue."
At this point, Seros' heart was beating out of his chest, and he had pretty much lost all feeling in his face, "What did you say?"
"I was just confused, so I didn't really say anything. Why?"
"Nothing, just wondering."
This time, the silence that filled the room wasn't comfortable, it was more awkward if anything.
Sero is the one that speaks up this time, "What would you do if I did? Hypothetically."
"I've never really thought about it before."
"But I don't think I'd hate the idea of it." You add, peaking his interest.
"Yeah, I just don't want to ruin what we have Sero, what if it didn't work out?"
"Nothing could ever change us, I'd never not want to be with you."
"You mean it?"
All Sero can do is nod. This moment is so surreal to him.
"Are you going to do it?"
He looks at you, confused, "Do what?"
"Ask me out."
Sero is frozen in place. The only thing he can do is avert his gaze from you. He's dreamt of this moment so many times, but now that it's actually sort of happening, he can't get any words out.
Your hand grazes his as you continue to look at him, trying to ease his stress a little. He lets out a breath, looking back at you.
"Y/n, will you go out with me?"
He feels like he's going to throw up, or he's just going to hear the sound of his alarm and get ready to go to class.
"Yes, Sero, I would love to."
You give him a wide smile, engulfing him in a hug.
Okay, maybe this isn't a dream.
Sero feels as if the hugest weight was lifted off of his shoulders, like the whole world has come to a stop.
Until he starts to think of your date again, he pulls you off of him, but still keeping a grasp on you.
"What about your man candy from tonight?"
You laugh, "I'm sure he'd understand. He kept bringing up a girl best friend anyway, which isn't a good sign."
"So you lied about it being a good date?"
"No, it was great. You have a lot to compete with."
"I've been waiting so long to plan this date, it's going to be the best one you've been on yet."
"I can't wait."
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Lowkey gave me Phineas and Isabella vibes ngl 😬😬
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bitchinbarzal · 7 months
Ends in tears | T Meier
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summary: he loved the girl across the hall but he couldn’t help make her cry.
warnings: contains mentions of sex, smut!
Nico had asked around about an apartment early February and you jumped to tell him your neighbour had just moved.
When Timo moved in you fell head first in love and it was bad for your health. With every soft smile, every platonic hug and wink you fell harder.
Nico had warned both of you not to get involved
“It can only end in tears”
His warning fell on deaf ears as you found yourself falling into bed with the devil.
“Oh, fuck!” You moaned into the pillow while Timo’s hips snapped to yours.
“God babygirl…” he groaned, grabbing a handful of your to lift the top of your body off the sheets “You’re fucking perfect”
You cried out, reaching back to hold onto his hand that’s in your hair “T- Fuck, harder!”
A smirk crept onto his face “Yeah? This what you want?” He muttered before slamming into you, throwing both of you forward onto the sheets again, his cum dripping of you onto the black sheets.
He stayed the night and multiple nights after.
When the season ended in the heartbreaking way it did, he didn’t go straight back to Herisau he stayed to be with you for a couple of weeks.
The two of you headed to Cancun to tan on sun loungers, drink cocktails and have way too much sex.
You were on cloud nine, the smile never left your face. You spent the sunset by the beach, leaning back into his chest while he held you.
“I think this is the happiest I’ve ever been… Nico was wrong, no tears”
He kisses the top of your head “I’d never make you cry”
Your love bubble popped swiftly after heading back to New Jersey when Timo did have to go back to Switzerland, leaving you just waiting for him to come back.
During the off season you still had work, stuck to your routine and watching Timo living life on Yachts and partying in Ibiza.
With each week his texts slowly fizzled out until you were left on read.
You knew he’d returned to Jersey, Nico had told you but also you’d seen him coming into the building from time to time.
You ran into him on the first day of training camp, both of you leaving the house at the same time.
You caught eyes and his immediately darted away, as if he couldn’t look at you.
A lump formed in your throat and you smiled softly “Good to see you got back safe, haven’t heard from you”
“Yeah” he mumbled, trying to find his key “Been busy”
You hummed “Yeah ok” and walked off, rushing to close the elevator door before he could get in.
You tried your best to avoid him for weeks, not being able to handle the crushing feeling in your chest.
Timo had noticed your absence in the hallways and the elevator or even at team events when you’d usually be with Nico the whole time.
The season was a few weeks in and you were making dinner, only to find you hadn’t bought an onion. Instead of walking to the store you were just going to ask Timo for one.
You stared at his door from yours for a moment to gain courage before you knocked. Except instead of a
“Hang on” or a “Gimme a sec!”
You could hear him moaning along with female voice calling out to him
“Oh Timo, harder! Harder!”
You gasped lowly, hand clasping over your mouth while you tried not to cry.
Back in your apartment you slammed the door shut, throwing yourself against it and lowering yourself to the floor before you began sobbing.
You’d been there long enough to hear him letting her out, watching through the peephole as they kissed, her hands lingering on his shirtless body too long for your liking.
You thought back to that day on the beach, pressed against his chest while he told you he’d never make you cry.
He lied right to you and you trusted him like an idiot.
The devils headed out on a week long roadie after that so you had time, no Timo around.
When they returned that weekend Timo immediately noticed your front door mat was gone.
Then before he could open his door yours opened and out walked a couple and a woman with a clipboard
“So as you can see the house- oh hello! Nice to meet the neighbours” Timo frowns
“We just bought this apartment! It’s lovely to meet you” the husband explains.
“But that’s y/n’s house” is all he said before the agent said
“Yes Miss Y/L/N moved this past week, let’s go get that paperwork done!”
Leaving Timo more than confused when he entered his apartment. He looked down to his feet where an envelope sat with his name in your handwriting.
He shut his eyes and sighed before picking it up, the weight of it let him know exactly what it was.
Settling into the apartment he ripped the envelope, his keys falling out along with a note.
I’m returning your spare key, I won’t need it anymore. Maybe your new neighbour will water the plants! I can’t be here anymore, watching you be happy when you single handedly broke my heart.
Nico was right, this ended in tears and you promised you’d never make me cry.
Goodbye T
The paper scrunched in his hand while he huffed, attempting not to let his tears fall.
“It always ends in tears”
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gojo-mochi · 1 year
A/N: Thank you all so much for the 300 followers Milestone!! I’m so happy that all you decide to stick around with me! Sorry this took a while and is gonna to take a while to complete haha! But I am doing a very special event! Where you, my dear reader, have the chance to pick a lovely man to spend the night with!
This is a Escort Service AU with characters from both One Piece and Jujutsu Kaisen!
Each character will have their own separate fic written at a later date.
The Prompt is: Virgin Reader picks who she wants to spend her first night with!
Some of these choices are more…spicy.. than others so be warned! But most of all have fun!! :3 Thank you again for the milestone! Hope to see y’all at 500 next time!
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You nervously paced around the elevator, clutching the booklet in your hands with a fierce grip. Taking in shallow breaths and jumping slightly when the elevator doors ding open on your floor. You held the booklet close to your chest as you quickly walked past other hotel guests, hoping that they wouldn’t notice you. You search for your room number and dig out your keycard to be let in. Swiping it on the door, and with a soft click, you pressed on forward. The cold air of the hotel room gives you a slight jolt as you look at your surroundings, first checking out the bathroom. It was a sliding door with no locks that slid easily with a little push. You stepped on the tiled floor, and the first thing that grabbed your attention was the huge floor-to-ceiling mirror right in front of the doorway; "Woah.." Woah… woah…….. There was a small echo in the bathroom as well when you spoke out, causing your shoulders to hunch up even more. You glance at the two sinks and then the large shower across from them. ‘Enough to fit five people…’ You thought to yourself, imagining a scenario where five people would use that shower together with a blush.
The sinks being right across from the shower means that the sink’s mirror is also across from it, giving anyone showering the perfect view of themselves. You let out a shaky sigh. ‘This hotel really knows what it's doing, huh…’ Backing out of the shower to check out the rest of the room, a king size bed, a tv, a small couch on the corner, and other very normal things you expect in any hotel. You were expecting a whole wall of whips and chains, to be honest. Glad to be mistaken around that, you sat on the foot of the bed, smoothing out the booklet that had been wrinkled to all hell since you had been crushing it in your hands this whole time. You bit your lower lips as you opened it, your eyes scanning through all the names, pictures, and descriptions scattered in the pages.
Your friend had recommended this service to you, tired of hearing you whine and bitch about how you were going to be a virgin forever. A ‘Escort Service’, your friend had tried it before, multiple times, they said, and every single time they left with a smile on their face, legs trembling, and pussy wrecked. With a bit of pressure from your friend, you finally decide to take the plunge and see what all the hype is about. You already booked the hotel room and paid for everything, the only thing left was to choose who you wanted to be your first…..
Roronoa Zoro:
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"I like drinking sake and working out…what? What the fuck else am I supposed to say here?"
Looking for a hot and dense muscular man to turn you into a drooling mess? Well, look no further! Zoro here may have a hard noggin, but that's not the only thing that's hard about him. Rocking six-pack abs with wide shoulders and bulging arms with those veins, I know you ladies just love to look at. He can pick you up and mold you into any position you can think of! Don’t be scared by the alluring scar over his eye and his seemingly permanent scowl etched on his face, he’s got a soft heart on the inside and is willing to cater to your every need; just say the word! If you want this fierce-looking, rough but gentle piece of man-meat, call this number now! XXX-XXX-XX01
Don Quixote Doflamingo
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6’8ft/ 203cm
"Some call me the ‘Heavenly Demon’, Pick me, and I’ll show you the true meaning of worship"
DO NOT PICK THIS MAN!!!! I DON’T KNOW WHY HE ISNT BANNED OR IN JAIL YET *A warning written by your friend*
Mere words cannot even begin to describe the greatness that is the ‘Heavenly Demon’, Sir. Don Quixote Doflamingo himself! Just basking in his godlike glow can make any man or lady cream in their pants instantly. You should be honored that you have the chance to spend a lovely night with this Celestial being! After just one night with him, every other person on this earth will never compare, so be warned; this is a ride that you will never forget. But be honest with yourself… can you really resist this sinful temptation? Call now :) XXX-XXX-XX02
“Black Leg” Sanji
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"I believe that every single beautiful lady in the world should experience earth-shaking orgasms at least once…"
Yowch! Watch out, ladies! This saucy cook not only know his way around a kitchen but also around and inside a lady’s pants as well. He’s almost as sweet as the desserts he whips up, so if you’re looking for a tender and loving night with a man that will treat you and eat you out like a five-star meal, well, look no further! Sanji here is everything you could ask for in a man, his skilled hands will have you trembling under him before the moon is fully up! And don’t get me started on his sultry voice and accent, oh la la~! A few words are enough to even make me fall to my knees! Don’t you worry, though; Sanji will never let a lady suffer in his sights. Call now and be treated right! XXX-XXX-XX03
Trafalgar Law
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“Don’t act like a brat unless you’re ready to be punished… try to test my patience and I’ll have you begging to turn back time..”
Tan, tattooed and pierced, Law is man of mystery, stricter than most with a seemingly cold personality. Don’t worry though, if you play nice, he’ll quickly warm up to you! If you want to spend the night with this hunky man, make sure you listen to whatever the Doctor say, unless you’re ready to be strapped down and pounded all night. We know your type though, acting all bratty and spoiled so you would end up a drooling mess faced down in the bed. Tsk Tsk, naughty girl! If you think you’re prepared to go head-to-head with this MD (and get his D heh) Call now! XXX-XXX-XX04
Eustass “Captain” Kid
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"My dick is big, and I know how to fuck and eat pussy. Why bother picking any of the losers when you can pick a champ like me?"
Such a crass mouth on this wild red-hair! He’s better off putting that mouth to use somewhere else, don’t you think? That is, if you’re able to tame him~ "Captain" Kid is not for the faint of heart, dear reader, you have to be ready to ride if you end up choosing him. He is as fiery as the color in his hair. You can dream of biting back, but he will bite back harder and leave marks on your body that you won’t even see coming. If you ever dreamed of being tossed around like a sack of potatoes, then Kid is the man for you! Just don’t sue us if you end up more sore than you signed up for. Call now! XXX-XXX-XX05
Gojo Satoru
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"Handsome, strong, and charming~ I’m the total package, baby, ain’t no one better than me <;3"
You should have said "Cocky" as well, though we all know that some ladies love a man who knows his worth and Gojo? Gojo definitely knows his worth (Maybe he blows it out of proportion sometimes, but still). Pearly white hair as soft as fresh snow with stunning blue eyes that will capture the heart of anyone that dares gaze upon them. Gojo Satoru is the ‘total package’, and you’re guaranteed to at least have a laugh with him by your side. Not here for laughs? Well, let me tell you all about Gojo’s soft lips, which he moisturizes every day, and his long and slender fingers, which he also moisturizes every day. (Who let Gojo in the writing room again?) He also wears a blindfold most of the time; did we mention that? Call now and see what this "package" has to offer you! XXX-XXX-XX06
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"Everywhere I go, I am the ‘King’, my mere presence alone is enough to make the masses fall to their knees. So why aren’t you already down there?"
GOOD LORD DO NOT PICK THIS ONE EITHER, FOR YOUR OWN GOOD  *another warning from your friend*
You already heard of the ‘Heavenly Demon, now meet the "King of Curses", Mister Sukuna! Cue Applauses. Ahem, those who are still reading this far and have not quivered and ran away in fear yet, behold and rejoice! You are some of the few who are worthy to spend a night with a King. Make no mistake now.. You are here to serve him, not the other way around. If he says ‘Sit’, you are expected to already be sitting on the ground near his feet. If he says ‘jump’, you will not ask ‘how high’ because you should already know what he wants. After one night with Sukuna, his teachings will be ingrained in your mind, body, and soul. :) If that sounds like a fun time to you! Call now! XXX-XXX-XX07
Geto Suguru
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"Hmm? Something about me? Ah…. I rather let my actions do the speaking for me..*chuckles*"
Wowee… is it getting hot in here, or is it just Suguru? If I could, I would cut in front of the line to spend the night with this charming man. His sultry voice can lure anyone into his clutches; Suguru could start a whole cult with all the people he attracts! If you want to be treated right by a man and fucked to the high heavens, whew, I don’t know who else I can offer but Suguru. Just don’t get too sad once the night ends and the morning comes, ladies. I know it's going to be hard not to fall in love instantly with a man like this. If you think your heart can handle it, Suguru will be waiting for you at the end of this call. XXX-XXX-XX08
Nanami Kento
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"I plan to execute my work well and leave every customer satisfied with the end result…. Uhh Nanami, could you be more.. sexy about this? Sigh…many people say I have a very ‘toned body’ and that my jawline can cut diamonds…also don’t expect me to stay longer than I need to; I don’t work overtime under any circumstances."
All work and no play make Nanami a dull boy… at least that’s what I would say if he wasn’t so damn good in bed. He does the job right, and oh boy, does he know how exactly to make any lady squirm and squirt underneath him. Don’t be put off by his cold-hearted look, he is a big-ol softy beneath all that muscle. He’s cool and calculating, not like some of the other muscleheads on here; just be honest with what you want from him and Nanami will make sure that all your wants and needs will be met to the letter. Though if you want, you could always try to push his buttons and see where that will go….:) Call here! XXX-XXX-XX09
Fushiguro Toji
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“You know what you’re getting with me doll.. heh…if you want a good, long, and hard fuck all night, you better pay the right price…” A whole hulking mass of a man, Toji is not for the faint-hearted, mind you. Lewd, crass, and a goddamn mess of a man as well! It's hard to believe that a guy like this can get with any girl; oh, who am I kidding, We all know why we simp for him (his muscles). Don’t think you can try to fix him, ladies; he’ll end up wrecking you and have you drooling on his cock in five seconds flat. You ain’t never been forced into a real mating press or a full nelson before unless you spent the night with Toji, he’ll show you that no matter your size or weight, you’re nothing but his cocksleeve. Call now and see what’s its all about! XXX-XXX-XX10
A/N: Comments and reblogs are appreciated and loved!
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mrstsugikuni · 1 year
Hi! I was one of the people who had sent an ask! Basically I had asked for a Muzan x f!reader, collge au. I had thought of Y/N losing a bet to her friends and having to kiss Muzan as a punishment. However, Muzan wants more and they end up in bed together?
Ooooooo yes yes yes yess 😍😍
I'ma have a lot of fun with this one 💪🏻
Warnings: Oral sex(Reader receiving), vaginal sex, creampie, unprotected sex, and a possible breeding kink.
'What did I get myself into.. I can't believe I lost to a dumb bet and now I have to kiss Muzan.. literally the hottest guy on our campus!' I thought to myself as sweat dropped from my face class was about to be over meaning I would have to face my punishment.
There it was the bell, everyone rushed out the room except for me I was still a little nervous and don't get me wrong I've had a crush on Muzan since freshman year back in high school but he got a little distant when we got in college he's always busy so I can understand but now I have to kiss him and I was scared he would feel different and reject the kiss, but I have to do this.
I silently made my way to where he usually was over by the campus doors and before I approached him I turned around just to see my friends watching behind a tree giggling like little girls who just go their favorite doll for Christmas.
"Hey! [Name] haven't seen you in forever how have ya been?" His voice was deep yet calm and it was just so dreamy I missed his voice so much and hearing it is like music to my ears. "Oh! I've been great Muzan, and you?" I smiled at him with adoration, he was just so perfect. "Oh same old same old, always busy with something, did you need something?" That's when I remembered, The bet! The punishment! Oooh the punishment.
"Yeah actually. Um could you maybe come a little closer I have a secret for you." He nodded and leaned over to hear your "secret" and before he could get closer to your ear you kissed him. His whole face went into a state of shock before sinking into the kiss, his right hand latched behind your head and his left was on your waist keeping you in place the kiss was passionate and spicy blanded together.
After a while he pulled back a smirk plastered apon his beautiful features, his red cherry eyes staring into yours love was in his eyes but there was something else In those eyes there was something more sinister lying between his eyes. "Y'know skipping never harmed anyone especially if it was just once." His deep voice sent shivers down your spine as lust sugar coated it's way on his tongue. "I suppose just once is a innocent crime." You looked him up and down and smirked he chuckled at he wrapped his arm around you and guided you to his apartment, as the two of you walked off you flipped off your friends who were now shocked at what just happened.
Not even a second into his apartment and he was all on you leaving love bites all over your neck as he left his mark on your soft skin, the whole up the elevator was nothing but the firey passion y'all felt for each other, His lips were addictive and sweet and you couldn't get enough he was like a drug to you and you wanted more.
When the elevator stopped at his floor he picked you up, your legs wrapped around him as he ran down to his room, giggles filled the halls as he continued to run with you in his hands the giggles only stopped and we're instead replaced by a loud thud. He threw you against his room door as he struggled to get the right key out.
When the door finally opened, he took no hesitance in slamming it and running to his room and throwing you on the bed. He stopped for a while and took in the beautiful view he had of you, it was magnificent he loved every inch of your body and couldn't wait to see it with out clothes. He began to take his shirt off his toned body was a sight for sore eyes he was gorgeous, you went to repeat what he did but he stopped you. "Allow me." He grabbed the hem of your shirt and slowly pulled it off, he pulled you close to his chest as he reached over your body and unclipped your bra letting it fall to the floor your boobs pressed against his chest as the passion in your eyes grew by the moment. He slowly placed you back on the bed before kneeling in front of the bed and where your clothes vagina played, he slowly took off [Clothing wear of choice] exposing your soaked panties it looked like a pool down there and he enjoyed every inch of it, before pulling your panties down as well. He stared at it for what seemed like forever not giving it any physical contact and it made you feel embarrassed. He continued to stare at it a little longer until his lips made contact with your sensitive bud sending chills up your spine from the sudden contact, his tongue danced with your clit making you feel so good and warm inside, as sweet noises erupt from your throat your hand finding it's way into his black locks and gripping it, a little a grunt could be heard as he continued to lick and suck your clitoris at a rhythm.
You can feel tight knot in your stomach as you arrive towards your climate. Your body shook out of control as the knot came undone, catching Muzan off guard as your juices covered his face. "Perhaps give me a warning next time?" He said chuckling right after taking his hand and wiping away the slick from his face.
He stood up from the kneeling position he was in, his hands reaching for his belt and the sound of metal touching as he unbuckles his belt. His eyes never leaving yours as a staring competition was started. Without even noticing his pants were lying on the floor next to him and he was stroking his cock right in front of you, his smirk only growing as he watched your eyes widen and your face turn red. He stopped stroking it and began crawling on top of you asserting his dominance. His lips leaving kisses all over your neck as he slowly aligned his cock to your pussy, Without warning he pushed his way in, just his tip was in and you knew you were in for a ride, he slowly kept making his way in sinking his cock through your tight walls. Suddenly with a swift movement he was all the way in and you felt so full, it didn't last long as you felt him slowly pull out, Your whines filled the room from the loss of his cock that was until he slammed back in and a loud yelp echoed through the room, he repeated that action keeping a rough yet slow pace. Skin slapping against skin, moans, grunts, groans, and pants were the only things that could be heard. Suddenly he flipped you over, your stomach facing the bed but your body kept upwards and your back was arched deliciously, he loved this position. Now he has access to everything better, He wasn't being slow and rough anymore he was being fast and rough his pace never resting and only getting faster. He was getting close to his climax and so we're you, his thrust were starting to get sloppy yet he kept his pace the same your moans getting more broken, your eyes were lost in the ceiling and drool ran from the corner of your mouth you were lost in pure euphoria and so was he. Yet again the knot in your stomach came undone all over his cock and your moans got so loud you knew the neighbors could hear, just hearing that moan led him to his climax, his semen filing you up from deep inside your walls painting it a lovely white color.
He kept himself inside until he knew his semen would stay in there, slowly pulling out before going to the bathroom to clean himself and prepare you two a nice warm bath to relax in.
Ok ok oml! I hope this was good cause like I had to rush it a little at the end cause I have to do stuff but I think it was really good!
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spotlightlowlife · 9 months
Helluva Boss has responsibility issues - Stolas, Stella and Octavia edition
Yep, Stolas is likeable, in his own right and the fact that he's part of a ship, which is a formula to certain success. However we know Stolas, we don't know Stella nor Octavia.
Let's be honest, this drama started off pretty reasonable.
We had no reason to believe Stella had done anything wrong, when we met her in a flashback, what was there to indicate Stella and Stolas didn't like one another?
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We even see them sharing a bed in that big whole castle.
Fast forward to the future and Stolas has cheated which lead to their bitter divorce, which is an unfortunate common case, Stolas is in the wrong, doesn't mean he's a monster who deserves the worst to happen to him. Stella on the other hand has put a hit on him, a horrible thing to do yes, but a random act of malice, no.
Yet the worst happened in making light of Stolas's very common mistake and pushing it onto Stella
Why do this? Why take away from his story, his tough decision making and the fallout from his actions, the loneliness he feels in his big dark home and the fear of retaliation? He was a complex character in the making and pretty likeable regardless of his questionable conduct.
He has been absolved of responsibility in an attempt to make him more liked than he already was.
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He could have been sympathetic simply down to the unsuitable arrangement and being born to fulfil a purpose, something that seems a theme in his lineage.
Now he's another victim. A victim of years of abuse at the hands of this horrible volatile woman who humiliated him every chance she got who he had no choice but to put up with because arranged of the evil institution of arranged marriage. He initiated the divorce, easily, which would have to be on grounds of his adultery
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so Stella moved out, but he had to put with years of this marriage, which had the clause of a child being essential, their child is 17.
Stella and Stolas get given the exact same sob story
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yet where Stolas was a cute, innocent and inquisitive child who just met his first friend and crush in little Blitzø, Stella was an aggressive scary fiend from day one, so as Stolas grows up to keep some of his childhood attributes, where does this leave Sella? A mean girl at her core?
This is a absolutely what we get, a simply irredeemable villain, a dramatic woman scorned who put a hit on her ex, then when we learn more, she's elevated to a wicked woman who just loves the drama.
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With Stolas being a victim now who deserves the transactional relationship with his first crush and Stella being a evil and proud yet probably set to be shadowed by her probably more padded out brother, we also have their neglected daughter.
We don't have any evidence of Stella being a bad or inattentive parent, just because she was a bad wife that one episode, but we also don't know anything about their dynamic, this rare example of a character having parents, having a mother and being of an age of dependency, but nothing.
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One interesting thing about Stolas's backstory was that he appeared to have his own palace, no mother only staff, his dad visited and wasn't sure which of his children Stolas was but what he did know was that this particular one had that purpose and this business arrangement had been made for him. Loneliness and the realisation of dysfunction could have served as Stolas's personal conflict in choosing to upkeep the unsuitable relationship, rather than 'Stella is a meangirl'.
We are used to sad backstories, yet we have Octavia, a child being left behind in real time and as grown as she may seem, she's still a kid, yet she manages to be one of the most sensible characters in this.
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On top of maybe knowing about the bounty on her dad (pity we never see how his hospitalization impacted on her as his technical only loved one)
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and having to be reminded of his cringy hookups with Blitzø (that dirty talk over the phone in her presence, also the reminder that though Blitzø is our likeable leading character, he's someone deeply obnoxious by design) and the time he manages for him,
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along with growning up amungst hostility, she is now a child of divorce, which shouldn't be a bad thing considering her parents open dislike of one another and their marriage being something forced, however there are other factors, the back and forth continues dispite her being old enough for neither of them to speak again, along with her birth alone being the contracts completion.
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Yet she doesn't ask for much, a dad who's interested on the occasions we see her, hears her and sticks to their plans. She expressed no idealistic wishes for her parents to be back together nor did she feeling the need to know what their issues were nor pick a side and fight for it.
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Her interests are in the stars and sky, Stolas's line of work.
When it comes to interest and investment in a subject that could go on to be her trade, Octavia may be up there with the sin leaders we have met so far. She has been show to want to learn and be resourceful, going as far as to sneak into IMP to steal back the travel grimoire in order go about alone a day out she looked forward to.
It wasn't as heartwarming as I'm sure it was intended to be when Octavia's very valid upset undermined by Loona, who truly doesn't know any better, who advised Octavia to cut her dad some slack, Loona who is in her mid 20s and proved that episode that a toddler has more reason and self control than her. But this was Loona's time to shine in her grow up moment before returning to her usual aggressive self, so that's that.
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sowoozoo-7 · 9 months
Love, Lust & Litigation | Ch 6 (JJK, KNJ)
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Pairing: Jungkook x Fem Reader x Namjoon
Genre: lawyer!AU, coworkers to lovers, slow burn, eventual smut
Rating: PG-13 (whole fic M, minors DNI)
Warnings: alcohol consumption, swearing
Word Count: 4k
A/N: Happy New Year everyone! This chapter has been a long time coming. Hope you enjoy~~
mlist | ch 1 | ch 2 | ch 3 | ch 4 | ch 5 | interlude | ch 6 | ch 7
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The whirring of the hotel elevator reverberates through your head as you, Namjoon, and Jungkook ride up to your floor. You landed, finally, in another city after what should have been a direct, three-hour flight turned into a thirty-six hour travel nightmare. You were supposed to arrive on Saturday night and have all of Sunday to prepare for a week’s-worth of depositions. It’s your first class-action suit and you wanted to be fully prepared for Monday morning, but thanks to the reroutes, thunderstorms, and airplane malfunctions, every moment you spend with your eyes open is another moment without sleep. 
The firm booked a three room suite for the trip, for strategizing purposes, apparently. You suspect it was just cheaper, but at this point, you would take anything that has a bed. 
Namjoon sags against the wall of the elevator. Jungkook, the traitor, can fall asleep anywhere and managed to get some rest on the plane, but even he’s clutching the handle of his luggage for dear life. A headache that started at the beginning of your last flight pounds behind your eyes. You’re ready to wash the smell of airplane out of your hair and you desperately need to brush your teeth. Sweet, crisp hotel linen is in your future and it’s the only thing keeping you going. 
Before you left for the trip, you had the idea to sneak into Jungkook's room if the opportunity presented itself. Things have been going well with your maybe-boyfriend. You're still not sure what you are, and you're not in any hurry to define anything, especially since you blush like an idiot schoolgirl with a crush every time you see Namjoon. Namjoon, whom you have seen more in the past thirty six hours than you have in the last month. Endless meetings have kept him out of the office. Still, every time you see him, you can't help but notice Jungkook's eyes tracking him too. Things felt a little awkward at the airport as you waited for your flight, the conversation stilted, hesitant.
The elevator dings, and the door opens. Not that can spare more than a passing thought to all of that now. Your legs feel like lead, and you send up a quick prayer that the room isn’t in the furthest corner of the hotel, and that the keycard works once you get there. If the keycard doesn’t work, you may just curl up in a ball on the hallway carpet. 
Namjoon waves the keycard in front of the reader a few doors down from the elevator. It beeps green and you sigh in relief as the door opens to a kitchenette and a small living area. 
At first, you think you’re seeing things, that you’re just too tired to see the other bedroom doors branching off from the living room. That if you rub your eyes enough, two more rooms will materialize. Because this can’t be right. You get closer to the door to investigate, Namjoon and Jungkook behind you. 
“You’ve got to be fucking kidding me.” 
Yeah, no. When all you wished for was a bed, you didn’t mean one singular bed. 
You’re the first to take action, locating the room phone and dialing reception. It doesn’t take long to confirm your worst fears. There was a mistake in your booking and thanks to conventions and concerts in town, the hotel has no other available rooms for the night. 
“So you’re saying there’s nowhere else for us to stay.” 
“The couch in the living room should be a pull-out couch?” At least the receptionist sounds appropriately apologetic on the other end of the line. 
You gesture to the couch, but as Jungkook tries to remove the cushions, they stay firmly attached to the base. 
You sigh into the receiver. “It’s not a pull out couch.” 
“All our couches are supposed to be pull-out couches,” she says in dismay. 
“Maybe this one sprouted legs and switched places with a regular couch.” You wince as the words come out of your mouth. It’s not her fault, you try to remind yourself. Don’t shoot the messenger.
“I do apologize ma’am. Normally, I would be able to resolve this issue but we don’t have any other rooms available…”
The poor girl sounds like she’s about to burst into tears. You can’t help sighing once more into the receiver. “I understand, but I expect this issue will be resolved in the morning? A three bedroom suite for the duration of our stay.” 
“Yes, ma’am. Understood, ma’am.”
The click of the phone into the receiver echoes through the quiet room. When you look up at Jungkook and Namjoon, they look back at you with dumbfounded expressions. 
“You’re mean when you’re cranky,” says Jungkook. 
You don’t have the energy to send a glare his way. 
“So, what do we do?” asks Namjoon. 
It’s clear none of you can think straight, not after all the regional airports and middle seat economy seats. No one moves. Your headache goes from pounding to piercing, and you pinch your nose to help you think. 
The clock on the bedside table ticks over to three a.m. You have had enough.
“Okay, here’s what we’re going to do. We have—shit—five hours before we have to be out the door. We’re all exhausted, we all need sleep. This is king size bed. There’s plenty of space for all three of us.” 
A look of panic comes over Namjoon’s face. “I’m sleeping on the couch.” 
You let out a bark of a laugh. “I can’t even stretch my legs out on that thing.” 
“I have to, it’s—“ 
“Go sit on the couch Namjoon, see if you can stretch your legs out.” 
He does. It’s almost comical how hard he tries to stuff himself into a comfortable position.
“See? We’re only getting a few hours of sleep, so we’re all gonna do this on a comfy bed. You know how important this meeting is tomorrow. If it doesn’t go well, all our prep will be for nothing.”
They still look dubious. You feel delirious with exhaustion. 
“Look, we’ll do this. It’ll be me, then Jungkook, then Namjoon.” You gesture to the bed, indicating where each person will sleep. “There’s plenty of room, we don’t even have to touch each other.” 
Jungkook nods along, but Namjoon makes a choked sound. “But you guys are dating.”
You and Jungkook share a look. Even thinking about doing anything remotely intimate is exhausting. Jungkook looks like he can barely keep his eyes open.
“That is the furthest thing from my mind, but if you’re worried, you can be in the middle.” 
He opens his mouth to protest again, but you put up a hand. “I don’t care what order we sleep in. I’m taking this edge, but I’m gonna shower first.” 
Showering is a sweet relief, and the warmth of the water eases your tired muscles. As you come out of the bathroom in a cloud of steam, you don’t even have it in you to be self-conscious about being in your pajamas around Namjoon, or to get all swoony about sleeping next to him. You start dozing off as soon as you tuck yourself between the covers, eyes heavy and mind tired. The sounds of the guys getting ready for bed sound distant to your ears. You don’t feel the dip in the bed as Namjoon gets in next to you, your dreams already swirling with depositions and settlements. 
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“I had to share a bed with my colleagues. This is unacceptable.” 
The receptionist, a different one from the one you talked to on the phone, glances over to Namjoon and Jungkook and fails to cover a smirk. Infuriatingly, they look refreshed and handsome as ever. You tried your best to look presentable, but it’s like you can feel the lack of sleep hanging in bags under your eyes. No amount of concealer could hide that. 
“I am so sorry. That must have been an awkward night.” 
“Don’t give me that look. I barely got any sleep.” 
She lets out a strangled giggle.
“And not because of that either. They both snore like grandpas who need CPAP machines. Will the suite be ready for us by this afternoon, or not?” 
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There’s a slow heartbeat beneath your ear, and it’s dragging you up to consciousness. 
Your mouth feels like cotton and just thinking that thought feels like someone reached into your head and squeezed your brain. How much did you drink last night? 
You don’t want to be awake right now. You don’t even know if it’s worth it to be alive right now.
Maybe if you close your eyes even tighter, you can convince yourself you’re not awake. You snuggle in closer and try to will yourself back to sleep.
A thought floats slowly to the surface. Your arm is wrapped around a waist, but it is not the enviably tiny waist you're used to.
You don’t panic, not at first. 
You crack open an eye only to squeeze it shut again. Morning sunlight streams in from the open window, sending a piercing pain through your head.
But… was that…? 
You look again, squinting against the brightness. Yes, confirmed. That is Jungkook’s tattooed arm draped across the same torso you’re clinging onto. You lift your head, blearily seeing that the has his head tucked into a neck. And that neck is attached to… 
Now you’re wide awake, your stomach flipping in surprise. 
How the hell did you end up sleeping on top of Namjoon? 
You poke Jungkook’s arm and you want to strangle him when he makes a bothered, mumbled noise and burrows his head deeper into Namjoon’s neck. The movement makes him stir, a deep grumble going through his chest. You feel it more than hear it. Your stomach does a funny flop again. 
Several things happen at once: 
1) Jungkook opens his eyes and freezes when he sees it’s not you he’s cuddling. 
2) Namjoon wakes up and clocks that you and Jungkook are sprawled on top of him. “This has to be a dream,” he mutters, the sound vibrating through his chest. 
3) You realize the funny feeling in your stomach isn’t because of Namjoon’s morning voice. 
No, your stomach feels funny because you had one too many cocktails the night before. And several glasses of champagne. Stumbling back to the hotel room with Namjoon and Jungkook, who were just as shitfaced as you. You all tumbled in through the door together and — 
You’re about to puke up the contents of your stomach. You bolt upright, pushing past the tight embrace of Namjoon’s arms around you. The only thing more mortifying than waking up as one of the slices of bread in a Namjoon sandwich would be to throw up all over the glorious sandwich. You make it to the bathroom, barely.
As you’re decanting the contents of your stomach, flashes of the day before come back to you. The claimants settling before noon on Tuesday. Celebratory cocktails for happy hour. Ordering too much sushi. A second round at a karaoke bar. Pulling Jungkook and Namjoon by their ties to your bedroom. 
The rumble of deep voices comes from your bedroom as you hug the porcelain bowl. You’re never having alcohol again, you decide. 
Once your stomach settles, you pull yourself to your feet. Your reflection in the mirror startles you. You look like shit, your hair knotted and tangled, mascara smudged under your eyes. The thought of Jungkook—let alone Namjoon—seeing you like this makes you want to heave again. 
Wait, no. You do have to heave again. 
It takes twenty minutes for you to be sure that your stomach won’t rebel again, and for you to wash your face and brush your teeth. Your hair, you decide, is a lost cause. You pull on a robe before leaving the bathroom, because even if you made a mistake and slept on your boss in your undies, you sure as hell don’t want to parade around without pants. 
Namjoon and Jungkook sit on opposite sides of the bed when you come out of the bathroom, two feet of space between them. Jungkook looks like a dream, because life is unfair, and he always looks like a dream. Namjoon, mere mortal, looks like someone that just woke up after a night of drinking, face a little puffy, and hair sleep-mussed. They’re in similar states of undress as you, in undershirts and boxers. 
Namjoon notices you first, but Jungkook speaks first.
”Are you okay?” 
His voice is hoarse. He always goes too hard at karaoke. 
“I’ve been worse,” you say, voice croaky from all the karaoke and all the puking. You clear your throat and try again. “I can’t remember when, but this is surely not the worst. Um, how are you guys doing?” 
Jungkook looks down at his hands, his gaze flitting to Namjoon. 
Namjoon scrubs his hands over his face and takes a deep breath. “I’m sorry,” he says, his deep morning voice sending shivers down your spine. “I don’t know what happened.” 
“We drank too much is what happened,” says Jungkook under his breath. 
Namjoon shakes his head. “Drinking is never an excuse. It wasn’t appropriate.”
You sink into an armchair in the corner of the room. “I’m pretty sure it was me who dragged both of you in here.”
“‘A win calls for a cuddle.’” Jungkook imitates you in a high voice. 
If you had a pillow and the energy, you would chuck it at him. 
A little crease appears between Namjoon’s brows as he frowns. “Still…” 
“I need an aspirin if we’re going to keep talking about this,” you say. Your gut is a jumble of embarrassment, satisfaction, and yearning, and combined with the queasiness, you want to hit pause on this conversation. It takes you a second to muster up the energy to heave yourself off the armchair, but you get up, somehow, and go to your suitcase to take out the bottle of painkillers you always carry with you. “Want one?” 
They both nod, looking as miserable as you feel. 
You make your way to the kitchen to get yourself a glass of water. They follow you like little ducklings, copying you as you swallow down the medicine and several gulps of water. It brings sweet relief to your scratchy throat. You want to chug the entire glass, but the water sloshes around in your empty stomach, making you feel a little sick. The clink of the glass on the counter shoots through your brain. You climb onto the barstools by the kitchen counter and rest your head on the counter, the cool marble soothing. Your headache starts to fade a little, but not by much. 
“I’m sorry,” says Namjoon into the silence.
“Stop apologizing,” you say into the counter, words muffled. “If anyone should be sorry, it’s me.” You hope the words sound sincere coming out of your mouth, but a voice inside of you keeps repeating that you don’t regret it at all. Not when you can still feel the warmth of him beneath you, the tight squeeze of his arms around you, too. 
He shakes his head. “It wasn’t appropriate. I’ll report myself to HR when we return to the office.” 
You sit up, room swaying a bit. Jungkook stands against the counter, worrying his lip ring with his teeth. Namjoon grips his water glass so tightly you fear he’s going to break it. 
“Did something beyond sleeping happen, and I’m not remembering?”
A look of panic comes over Namjoon’s face. “I don’t think so.” 
Jungkook shakes his head. “No.” 
“Okay, then. We’re all adults here. I wasn’t touched in a way I didn’t want to be touched.” You try not to cringe as the half-confession slips from your lips. “Did you feel uncomfortable Namjoon?” 
“No, but that’s not the point.” Your stomach does a funny flip and this time it is because of him. He doesn’t regret last night. “I’m your boss, and there’s a power im—“
“Jungkook,” you say, turning to him. “Were you touched in a way that you didn’t want to be touched?” He shakes his head. “Were you in a situation you didn’t want to be in?” He shakes his head again. 
Something shifts in the silence that follows. Everything has been all but said, and you’re left feeling unbalanced. Or maybe that’s just the alcohol still talking. The throbbing behind your eyes makes it hard to think straight. 
“There you go.” You put your head back on the countertop, unable to look at either of them directly. 
“Still—“ Namjoon starts. 
You hold up a hand without raising you read. “Stop beating yourself up about it. The worst thing we did was sleep in the same bed together. It’s not like this is the first time, anyway.” 
Someone chokes on water. You keep your eyes closed, waiting for the painkillers to kick in. 
No one says anything for a while. 
Just as you’re about to fall asleep hunched over the counter, Jungkook’s quiet voice jars you back to reality. 
“What’s the plan now?” 
“What do you mean?” comes Namjoon’s response. 
“We’re supposed to be here all week for these depositions, but now that they’ve settled…” 
“I’ll check with the firm.” 
You hear movement in the kitchen, clothes rustling, glasses being placed down. When you muster the energy to sit up, only Jungkook remains. He looks lost in thought, staring into space. 
“I’m gonna shower.” 
He only gives you a grunt in response, eyes focused on another plane of existence.
You stand under the spray until your skin is red and wrinkly. When you come out, the sight of the rumpled bed reminds you of how warm and tight Namjoon’s embrace as around you, how right it felt to be with the two of them in the same space. You want to wail, because you got a taste of the impossibilities you’ve been dreaming of. It would have been best to leave it to your imagination. Why did you have to give in to your drunk impulses? 
You pull on the closest comfy clothes that look clean and go to sit in the living room. Jungkook, also freshly showered, sits on the sofa, scrolling aimlessly on his phone. The way he’s looking through his feed, you can tell he’s not processing what he’s seeing. You slump down next to him and rest your head on his shoulder, closing your eyes. He takes his hand in yours, thumb tracing slow circles on the back of your hand. The repetitive motion almost puts you to sleep. 
You open your eyes to see Namjoon in the doorway, looking at you two on the couch as if he walked in on something forbidden. He starts to back out of the living room. You sit up, and take your hand back. Or maybe Jungkook takes his hand away; you’re not really sure.
“I didn’t mean to interrupt—“
“No, you aren’t. We were waiting for you,” says Jungkook. 
You feel like all the air has been sucked out of the room. Namjoon looks like a deer caught in the headlights, not knowing whether to run away or come closer. The three of you are standing on a knife’s edge, waiting for something to tip you to one side or the other.
“Did you get in touch with the firm?” clarifies Jungkook. 
Air fills the room again, and you slump back into the couch, winded. Back to pretending like everything is okay, then. Like nothing has changed between the three of you.
Namjoon clears his throat. “Yeah, we’re staying as planned.” 
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It’s Friday night, and the three of you are outside of the hotel waiting for a cab. Namjoon made a reservation on Yoongi’s recommendation for a trendy new restaurant that just opened. The cold, February air has a bite to it, and you pull your coat tighter around you. 
The world felt askew all of Wednesday and Thursday, as if you were on a ship permanently tilted by waves.  Work kept your mind off things, for the most part. As soon as Namjoon made the call Wednesday morning, Jimin and Hoseok got to work and scheduled a full afternoons of meetings for the remainder of your time on your trip. When you weren’t in meetings, you were in your room, sitting cross-legged on your bed as you answered emails and drafted briefs. 
During your free time, you had to remind yourself to act normally around Namjoon, as if acting normal was the only thing keeping everything from careening out of control. Every time you looked at Namjoon, he was either turning his gaze away from you, or looking at Jungkook with a sad expression on his face. Jungkook, on the other hand... you were worried he would chew off his lip piercing with how much he fiddled with it as he worked. 
Though by Friday morning, things felt like they settled down, with normal, easy banter between the three of you. It felt like a relief to laugh, and not feel on edge. You’re looking forward to going back home, to settling back into your normal routine. 
“Oh hey,” says Jungkook as he checks his phone, “it’s Valentine’s Day.” 
“Is it?” Your breath puffs out in a small cloud and you try to suppress a shiver. The longer the car takes to arrive, the more you’re regretting sacrificing warmth for fashion. You’re wearing your warm winter coat, but your legs are bare under your dress. 
Jungkook wraps an arm around your shoulders and rubs your arms to warm you up. He whispers into your ear, “Will you be my Valentine?”
Even though he whispered it, you see Namjoon stiffen out of the corner of your eye. 
You scoff and push Jungkook away, rolling your eyes, in an attempt to clear the tension. “It’s a stupid capitalist construct.” 
“C’mon, I’ll buy you discount chocolate tomorrow.” He pouts and gives you puppy dog eyes. 
Had you been alone, you would have made him beg for it. With Namjoon present, though, you want to kill Jungkook for acting like this.
Thankfully, the cab pulls up before he can do anything else. 
“Okay, but only because no one else is going to put up with your annoying ass.”
Luckily, there’s no more talk of Valentines on the way to the restaurant. You worry a bit if you’re going to be surrounded by lovey-dovey couples and if that will make the whole evening even more awkward, but unlike other places, there’s no red hearts plastered everywhere, no romantic candlelit tables with pink confetti. 
You get distracted by the good food in front of you and by the end of the main course, you forget about the tense atmosphere of the beginning of the night. A couple of drinks and everything gets right back to normal, the alcohol softening the edges of all the emotions you’ve been feeling. It finally feels like you’re at ease, like the three of you can go without blushing every time you make eye contact. It feels normal, instead of illicit, when Jungkook slips his hand onto your thigh under the table.
You’re laughing at a story Namjoon is telling about his first trial out of school, embarrassing in the moment, but hilarious in hindsight.
“Hey, hey, if it isn’t Rap Monster!” 
“Oh no.” Namjoon cringes as he twists to see who called out. 
Rap Monster? You try not to laugh as you exchange confused looks with Jungkook. 
“Who’s that?” asks Jungkook. 
“My past,” says Namjoon with a rueful smile. He gets up to greet the newcomer, a lean brunette with all the attitude of a carefree frat boy. 
“Hey man, how’s it going?” The man extends a hand out in a handshake.
“Hey Jackson. All good man.” Namjoon takes it and pulls him into a one-armed hug. “These are my colleagues.” He introduces you and Jungkook. “This guy was my freshman year roommate in college and we went to law school together.” 
“Oh, the stories I could tell…”
“Please tell us about Rap Monster,” you say. 
Jackson lets out a loud laugh. “Believe it or not, Namjoon was an underground rapper back in the day.” 
“No way.” 
“You never mentioned that!” says Jungkook. 
“With a name like Rap Monster, I’d like to leave that in my past.” 
“I’ll send you a link on YouTube,” says Jackson in a stage whisper, winking dramatically. He turns to Namjoon. “You should have told me you were in town for work! We haven’t caught up in ages.” 
“Big case. Took up all my spare brainpower, you know?” 
“Last big case, then? Rumor mill says you’re moving on.” 
You go cold. Namjoon’s eyes go wide, and he tries to get Jackson to stop talking, but Jackson keeps talking, unaware. You and Jungkook look at each other, then back at Namjoon, who looks like he’s watching a train wreck in slow motion. 
“What’s that all about, bro? Jumping ship just as we all thought you were about to make partner at Bang & Associates.” 
“You’re leaving?” 
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A/N 2: Sorry for the cliffhanger 😘 Next installment coming soon, I promise! I'd love to hear from you if you have any comments!
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©sowoozoo-7 2024
Please do not copy or repost. I do not crosspost anywhere else.
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lowkeyrobin · 3 months
Hey! So if you're writing ghostbusters things right now (apologies if you arent, my Tumblr is acting up and it's not letting me see some of the fonts its just squares 😑) anyway I would love to request a podcast x reader of you're up for that because the dude does not get enough love 😔😔
I was thinking like the reader was childhood friends (mayyybeee first crushes?) but the reader moved to NYC and is now a regular at rays occult and now meets the reader again? What do we think?
Anyway hope you write this and have a GREAT day/night 😊
it's okay!! my requests r open as long as my mailbox is available haha, can't rlly stop ppl from requesting if it's still up so yeah dw ; but yeah of course! this actually sounds rlly fun to write lol ; have a good day/night to you too! ; thanks for requesting, hope you enjoy :) ; also since we don't know much about podcast I kinda made some stuff up, I've watched both afterlife and frozen empire at least 3 times each so... hopefully I gathered all the canon podcast lore idk ; also reqs back open! gonna post the rest of the queue then work on anything yall send
PODCAST ; i think we're alone now
summary ; a little childhood best friends/first crushes reunite at rays occult books
warnings ; language
disclaimers ; we don't know a whole lot about podcast so I made some a lot stuff up lol ; also I'm just using Logan's name as podcasts legal name bc idk what else to call him + I just use actor names to fill in names in other movies/shows
track ; i think we're alone now ; tiffany
word count ; 1k
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Your first crush was silly and dumb, being on your at-the-time best friend, Logan, or Podcast, as he was now mostly known. He always had a fascination for film and commentary, no wonder he had his own podcast.
You'd recently moved to New York, surprisingly, where Podcast also lived these days. You reconnected over social media and found out you'd be living near each other again like the good old days, and decided to meet up once you got comfortable in the new environment. And that's what had happened. You now await his arrival at Ray's Occult Books, where you skim through the bookshelves, reading each spine to see if any title jumped out at you.
The bell above the door jingles, causing you to look up to see who it is again. Him, thankfully.
He scans the store, looking for you. Ray nods his head toward you, leading him right to you.
He smiles as he approaches, stuffing his phone in his jorts pocket. "Hey"
"Hey," you reply, a soft smile pulling on the corners of your lips.
"Uh, how are you?" He asks, clearly struggling to make conversation.
"Good, I like your outfit," you reply, pointing out his colorful collared shirt. Even now, it reflected his curious and extroverted personality.
He glances down at his shirt, having forgotten what he was even wearing, "Oh, thanks! Uh, do you wanna go walk around or something?" He asks, glancing over at Ray, staring you two down at the counter.
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You end up strolling around the city, catching up and talking about life until you retrieve to the basement of Ray's Occult Books, where Podcast was currently living for the summer. He already told you how he was supposed to be at summer camp and how he'd been consecutively lying to his mom. You already knew that was pretty in character for him. He wasn't great at fitting in and would've rather stayed with people he knew and his other actual friend, Phoebe.
You let some of the mini marshmallow pufts climb all over you, using you like a giant stool. A few use your arms as little slides. Logan takes a picture, framing your goofy smile while another mini puft jumps off your head and onto your shoulder.
A few slide down your left arm back onto the desk, then use your right hand as an elevator to go again. As you hoist a little group back up to your shoulder, Logan is now recording on his phone, laughing behind the camera.
"They're so cute," You happy-pout, looking at him for a moment.
Oh, how he wanted to pull the Uno reverse card on you with that, but he couldn't. He thought about it far too long, then backed out because he was too scared, but told himself it was just to late.
You look around his room, two of the little pufts sitting on your head like Remy in Ratatouille. You note all the posters and little trinkets and things around the room, making a weak assumption that he just liked collecting little random things.
You notice the orange lava lamp sitting on his bedside table, turned on, and providing an orange glow throughout that corner of the room. It shines off the side of Logan's face, creating an omniscient kind of glow that you can't look away from.
Denying you still had a crush on him would just make this even worse.
He looks back at you after saving the video to his photos and putting it in his Friends and Shenanigans folders, catching you quickly looking away. He raises an eyebrow, seeing your slightly jittery movements as you use your hand as an elevator for the mini pufts again. They don't keep it a secret though, 'oo'ing and 'ah'ing and bouncing on your shoulders and head.
You can feel your face flushing, attempting to hide it by not looking back at him.
The mini pufts land back on the desk, skattering behind the array of glass jars. You look back at him, seeing he's already looking at you. He's close, closer than you remembered, you felt closer to him, really.
You look down at the mini pufts at your feet, wondering if you'd zoned out as they slid you across the floor. You look back up at Logan, giving you that same soft look you were giving him.
Look, what a funny, simple word. There was no other word for that almost hypnotizing gaze shared between the two of you. There was so much tension. So much so that it was killing the mini pufts. They wanted to shove you into each other to just kiss already.
"I think we're alone now," He quietly speaks, glancing down at the desk where the mini pufts had flee'd from.
The beating of your hearts was the only sound as you pressed your hands against his jawline, his hands slinking down to your waist. You press your lips to his for a moment, then again and again before properly pulling away.
He opens his eyes, a grin painting his face. He pecks your lips once more before he knows you'll say that you have to leave.
"I have to go, I think my mom's waiting outside"
He watches as you stumble up the basement stairs, your face flushed. A smile still tugs at his lips, cheeks a light shade of pink.
The mini pufts come out from hiding and cheer him on, then flick the lights off to reveal colorful LED lights and a disco ball. He sighs with a pout, unable to hide the joy behind it.
"Okay, okay, party's over. We have an episode to record"
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toppersjeep · 1 year
Chapter 6- All For Love Charles LeClerc
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Elena’s POV
With summer break being almost over ,I knew all the drama surrounding me and Charles would begin to start.
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“Have you seen these tweets” I said. “Yeah tweets,messages it’s whatever” Charles said. “But why would Daniel tweet that” I said. “I don’t know love” Charles said. “I can’t deal with this petty shit” I said. “Then don’t” he said taking my phone.
“Charles” I said. “Get your suit on and we are going to hang out on the boat no technology” Charles said. “Okay fine” I said. I then went into my room and changed into a red swimsuit. I quickly threw on a dress over it and grabbed my sandals.
“What are you love birds doing” Addie said. “Going on my boat” Charles said. “Cute a little romantic trip” Addie said. “Where’s Pato” I asked. “Uhhh he should be coming soon” Addie said. “Has he been sending you all those little gifts” I said. “I think so I haven’t asked” Addie said.
“Come on love before the sun goes down” Charles said grabbing my hand. “Bye Addie see you later” I said. We then left my apartment. And of course in the elevator was Daniel. It was just silent between all of us. “Are we walking Char” I said.
“Uhh no we can take my car so afterwards we can grab lunch” Charles said. “Will you let me drive the Ferrari yet” I said. “No not yet until you become a Ferrari girl” he said I smiled. “Doubtful” I said. “Okay I get your dating” Daniel said. I looked at him. “What’s this about” I said.
“Elena it really doesn’t matter” he said leaving. “Love it’s alright let him go” Charles said. We then walked over to his car and got in. We parked by the docks and walked to his boat. “Such a pretty day” I said he smiled.
“It really is” he said helping me up onto his boat. “Why thank you such a gentleman” I said he smiled. “Alright my love you ready” he said. “Absolutely” I said. We drove out to a little spot in the water he threw the anchor down.
“Wanna get in” Charles said. “Oh my god look the cliff we used to jump off” I said. “You did this on purpose” I said. “Maybe” he said. “Alright let’s go” I said taking my dress off. We then jumped in together. “This was much needed” Charles said pulling me close to him. “Very” I said.
“You in red it suits you” Charles said. “You still won’t convince me to join Ferrari” I said. “No” he said kissing my cheek. “Never” I said. “What will you do your contract is up next year” Charles said. “I will figure everything out then” I said. “And I’ll help” Charles said.
“You saying you see us together in a year” I said. “I see us together for years to come” Charles said. “Are you asking me to be your girlfriend” I said. “Yeah I guess so” Charles said. “I’d love to be your girlfriend” I said he kissed me.
We went back to my apartment. I then noticed Lando was waiting outside the door.
“Hey what are you up too” I said. “Uhhh I wanted to talk to Addie but I realized nobody was home” Lando said. “She should be back tonight” I said. “Ahhh it’s alright” Lando said. “You alright mate” Charles said.
“It’s nothing to worry about really I’ll let you two enjoy your evening” Lando said walking away from us. “I’ll have to call him later” Charles said as I opened my apartment door. “Yeah I mean that’s weird” I said. “He does have a huge crush on Addie” Charles said shutting my door.
“Yeah I know” I said. “Maybe this whole Pato thing bothers him” Charles said. “That’s what I was thinking” I said. “You alright love you seem sad” he said wrapping his arms around me from behind. “Just think Daniel situation it’s bothering me” I said. “Can I ask you something” Charles said.
“Go ahead” I said. “Do you still love him” Charles asked. “I’ll always love him but no not like that anymore” I said. “I just know how it feels to walk away from your first love” Charles said. “Yeah.. but I do know everything happens for a reason” I said.
“Want me to talk to him” Charles said. “No I think that I should” I said. “Alright love” Charles said. “Let me go change first” I said.
After I changed I went over to Daniels apartment. I knocked on the door. Waiting for him him to open the door.
“What” Daniel said opening the door. “Can we please talk about everything” I said. “There’s nothing to talk about Elena” Daniel said. “Dan please you owe me it” I said. “I owe you it do you really wanna know why I broke up with you” Daniel said.
“Yes” I said. “It’s because of Charles you’ve always loved him” Daniel said. “You know that’s not true I loved you too” I said. “Elena you always wanted him just admit that” Daniel said. “You act like we had nothing Daniel” I said. “Maybe it was nothing Elena” Daniel said I teared up.
“Can you really say that you felt nothing for me” I said looking at him. “That we were nothing Daniel” I said. “I felt everything for you but it’s hard to want a future with someone, who wants another person” Daniel said. “What do you mean future” I asked.
“I wanted to marry you Elena” Daniel said. “What” I said. “But something told me you’d never commit to me” Daniel said. “Daniel I’m sorry” I said. “Your brother was right ever since you met Charles you’ve only had eyes for him” Daniel said.
“Danny” I said. “Don’t just go Elena go be with him I can’t do this right now” he said shutting the door in my face. I then went back into my apartment. “Did you hear everything” I said looking at Charles. “Yeah… I’m” he said hugging me.
“I just… feel stupid” I said. “Don’t worry about him Elena he’ll be fine” Charles said. “Will he though” I said. “Yes Elena now how about a massage or something” he whispered in my ear. “That sounds nice Charles” I said.
“Oh I was thinking you give me one” he said I smacked his arm. “I’m kidding my love come on” Charles said. “You are so lucky” I said.
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wordsandrobots · 7 months
IBO reference notes on . . . deals with the devil
As @gremoria411 rightly commented, I skipped over Isurugi in my essay on character parallels in Iron-Blooded Orphans, even though he's part of a fourth 'leader/follower' dynamic, after Orga and Mika, Gaelio and Ein, and Rustal and Julieta.
And I was thinking about that and why exactly I left him out of the previous essay (beyond tripartite symmetry) when I got to contemplating an aspect of the show of which he's an excellent illustration. So let's get Faustian and unpick the devil's bargains made throughout IBO. Spoilers, as ever, ahoy, and this was also partly inspired by a post from @ember-amber, so cheers for that!
An arm and a leg
I should start with the obvious. Mikazuki's 'deal' with Barbatos, unleashing the Gundam's full power in exchange for the loss of his motor functions, first in his right arm, then down his whole right side, is the bluntest example of a character bargaining for greater power. Indeed, we might press the point and say it's not just his body Mika gives up for the sake of victory but his soul, tying himself ever closer to his mobile suit to the exclusion of the things he once sought beyond the battlefield. He resigns himself to always being what Barbatos allows him to be: the gun Orga fires to destroy obstacles. The hints of livelier, more well-rounded person are subsumed by unrelenting warfare. A boy who cannot stop, even when there is nobody left to order him into the fray, bound to a mechanical nightmare.
Yet to single this out is to overlook that Barbatos isn't the first devil's bargain Mika and the rest of Tekkadan have made in their short lives. Employment as a child at the CGS is predicated on Alaya-Vijnana surgery, after all, and even if that doesn't cripple them, their elevation from the gutter is marked by exchanging one uncaring environment for another. The Third Group are mistreated by adults who see them as disposable and draw scant distinction between volunteers, like Orga, Mikazuki and Takaki, and Human Debris, indentured workers on whom the surgery is actively imposed.
There is an extent to which the distinct is scant in any case. A choice may still be an active one when it is coerced but there are reasons we consider coercion a factor in making moral judgements. Can people be held responsible for decisions made under duress? We generally agree responsibility is lessened or even mitigated in such cases. And what is more coercive than facing a choice between slow starvation and the offer of being fed and paid, albeit at the cost of risking a much quicker end?
Well. Except we also – socially speaking – judge harshly those who trade acts of violence for money. Even when circumstances are considered to mitigate some of the blame, are we ever prepared to excuse fighting and killing on the basis those responsible would otherwise have suffered in poverty?
I don't raise simply as a vague 'makes you think' point. Iron-Blooded Orphans does not overly concern itself with the morality of killing (I'd go so far as to say it actively dismisses the question as meaningless). It is, however, rooted in a world where killing is an ugly necessity, not just for the sake of various causes, but as an act of survival. That is what Tekkadan becomes, for the CGS Third Group. A means of surviving in the face of forces that really would crush them if they did not take a stand. Through their bargain with the adult mercenaries who augmented them, they entered a life of fight or be killed. A struggle for dominance at the bottom of the heap. And they are damned for it.
In the eyes of their society, they are monstrous aberrations. It does not matter that they are in many respects typical, reflecting the exploitation on which the world runs. Their brief stint as heroes is overshadowed by contempt and disgust, by the social taboos they break simply by existing, and by their status as scapegoats, sinking the entirety of the blame for the violence they were a party to. Isn't that the ultimate cost of the deal they made? Their innocence as perceived by others, tarnished such that they can never again be the children they were when they signed on the dotted line.
It is interesting to consider the implications this has regarding the Calamity War and the origin of the Gundam frames. We know, of course, that Gjallarhorn actively demonised (hur hur) the very technology that staved off humanity's extermination by the mobile armours. This appears to have been an act of self-interest, ensuring those advancements remained solely in their control, though the details are vague at best – as always, McGillis must be considered an unreliable source. Nevertheless, their efforts were only partially successful, with a cruder version of the Alaya-Vijnana becoming prevalent in the outer-spheres of Mars and Jupiter (and indeed the inner-sphere of Venus; basically everywhere outside Earth and the near-Earth colonies). They managed to make the thing taboo at home while failing to suppress its use abroad. Stop me if you've heard this one before.
And yet the fact remains: the Alaya-Vijnana and the Gundam frames ended the War. We get to see exactly what a fully-unleashed Gundam is capable of and if we are to parallel the deal Mikazuki makes with Barbatos to those Tekkadan as a whole made on entering their life as soldiers, what then can we say about the original Gundam pilots? They must have been under immense pressure to achieve victory, with the fate of the species on the line. Said victory depended on releasing limiters placed inside their mobile suits to protect them from the strain maximum power would put on their bodies. How many, therefore, willingly ended up in the same state as Mika – or worse?
We don't know. But I don't think it an irrelevant detail that Gjallarhorn's prominence as a military organisation is rooted in this possibility, especially since there are more direct parallels with Tekkadan. Ein opts to side with those who oppress his mother's home planet on behalf of a distant imperial centre and he too trades something for security with that decision, though what we call it may depend on well-disposed we feel towards him. Self-respect? Loyalty to his fellow Martians? Whatever the case, his fanatical tendencies were likely not mellowed by the weight of his choice.
Moreover, what the boys in Tekkadan materially are is at most an extreme version of what your average Gjallarhorn solider is: somebody selling their capacity for violence for the means to survive. For all that the show focuses on the likes of Ein, Julieta, and the other extra-loyal elite forces, we still get plenty of cutaways to troops just doing their jobs. The captain of the Sleipnir, grudgingly setting sail on his daughter's birthday. The CO on the bridge at Edmonton, refusing to waste his men's effort doing more than holding the line. The men deployed during the final episode, frightened and scrambling to survive Mikazuki's ferocity.
They all signed up to do violence. They must have had some idea about what they were getting into, likely more so than anyone who joined the CGS as a pre-teen. Again, this is their job. It could get them killed, or at least maimed, and will certainly lead to them killing others. But in the end, it beats poverty.
These characters exist on a spectrum of bodily sacrifice in exchange for material gains. From Human Debris (fight or die), through Tekkadan (fight to have basic human necessities), on to Gjallarhorn (fight or have less power within society) and to the original Gundam pilots (fight or watch the entire species die), the divisions are by degree rather than kind.
Even Gaelio, the most privileged and 'righteous' character (in the sense of being driven by moral indignation, not practical concerns), expends his body and personal beliefs to get what he's after. Though ending the series in a state comparable to Mikazuki is a personal decision rather than a direct consequence of his Gundam claiming a price for its power, it still stems from an embrace of the taboo.
A soldier is, definitionally, a paid gun. States and businesses exchange money with those willing to kill others – something otherwise generally agreed to be an act punishable by society's rules. This is, for better and worse, the transaction that defines our cast.
Dealing with the devious
In this context, the Gundams are admirably frank. As machines, they cannot dress up what they offer or will take for it. It is left to human characters to play the part of the deceitful tempter.
Via Hush's flashbacks to a cheery Builth heading off to join the CGS, we can form the impression that Arkay Maruba's men did not initially present themselves as the harsh taskmasters they proved to be for anyone who receive a successful implant. This may seem trivial compared to other lies witnessed throughout the show, but I don't know that the rest are much deeper. Honeyed words covering a brutal reality is par for the course when the world is brutal realities all the way down.
In this regard, there is a distinction to be drawn between those offering things at a terrible cost and those who do so dishonestly. Consider Teiwaz: their wealth is underpinned by cold, ruthless calculation and cold, ruthless violence. The conglomerate is staffed by perfectly nice people like Merribit Stapleton, but run by the likes of McMurdo Barriston and Jasley Donomikols, who will kill those who get in their way. McMurdo displays many endearing traits and an indulgent generosity. He also uses Tekkadan to remove a threat to his power, then cuts them off so this act cannot cause infighting between his other lieutenants. His breaking of the sakazuki cup Orga returns to him is a canny move, as by doing so he washes his hands of culpability in Tekkadan's actions. Given the structure of Teiwaz, the other subsidiary leaders would likely have felt threatened if he'd overtly squashed Jasley. This way, he gets that same outcome while also dispelling any notion he plays favourites, because he instantly expels those punk kids everyone was worried about, despite his proven soft-spot for them. Order and peace are restored; business can continue as usual.
Which is appalling and hardly counterbalanced by the aid he gives to Orga afterwards (although, to be clear, I don't think you can dismiss said aid either: he is taking a risk by helping Tekkadan out of the hole he shoved them into; he's just also the one who shoved them into it in the first place).
But we're told who McMurdo is from the word go. And so are Tekkadan. Naze makes very clear the Old Man is driven primarily by seeking profit. This has an upside in that he is not concerned with how said profits are made or who he has to deal with to get them. It also has a major downside for those exact same reasons. I don't believe he ever misrepresents himself. He is frighteningly blunt with Orga by the end. His actions, ultimately, are in line with everything anybody ever says about him (except Jasley, who makes the mistake of assuming McMurdo growing old represents weakness, not outliving challengers). The grandfatherly persona, the cannoli and the bonsai trees – these aren't affectations concealing monstrous depths. McMurdo Barriston simply happens to be a gentleman getting on in years, who enjoys good food and gardening, who will absolutely crush anyone who obstructs his interests.
No, for the real devious bastards we have to look elsewhere. Let's start with the Moustache Man. Todo Micronen is introduced in all his pot-bellied glory slacking off on beating Takaki, Danji and Ride over being too slow at their mine-laying practice. For a brief, shining moment, he gets to look semi-decent in comparison to the real bruisers of the CGS First Group.
Then he sells the newly-formed Tekkadan out to Gjallarhon.
Todo makes a show of being on Orga's side, ingratiating himself to the new leadership with his connections and greater life-experience. That experience, however, is predicated on looking out for number one. In the face of the space police stomping them all to get hold of Kudelia, Todo makes a deal to save his own skin. Unfortunately for him, he isn't what we might call good at appearing trustworthy. Orga and Biscuit twig he's up to something and Tekkadan escape the trap, leaving a beaten-up Todo for McGillis to find. This nicely demonstrates that our heroes aren't complete suckers: Orga follows Todo's suggestions because he's not in a position refuse the assistance if it's genuine, but he's smart enough to plan for the alternative.
At first, Kudelia's dealings with Nobliss Gordon lack this awareness. Where Todo gives strong used-car salesman vibes, Nobliss is more competent at wrapping other people around his little finger. Additionally, rather than trusting solely to gullibility, he positions Fumitan as a watchdog on Kudelia's actions, so that whatever he says, he'll always have final control of the outcome. And it seems he really would say anything, to anyone, to get what he's after. He deals with virtually every major faction in the show, assisting them by turns, the proverbial arms-dealer who will sell to both sides, willing to set in moment immense amounts of bloodshed if it increases his revenue.
Notably, when Kudelia eventually discovers his true nature, her reaction differs from Orga's jettisoning of Todo. Rather than breaking from Nobliss, she seeks to reverse their relative positions so that she is using him. Thereafter, she continues to take his money in spite of recognising his motives. If he wants her to be the face of a revolutionary movement creating profitable instabilities, he must keep giving her the resources to pursue her goals. It's a tenuous, strained relationship that ultimately proves a hindrance to saving the people she cares for. But it too is an demonstration, of how sometimes one cannot simply extract oneself from bargains that provide material advantages. For the sake of inching the world forward, it can be necessary to make deals you know benefit those whose aims run contrary to your own.
Which brings us to McGillis.
With McGillis, the lines between deceiver and deceived blur. It's hard to claim he's honest in his dealings with Tekkadan. There is a lopsidedness to the arrangement, whereby he exploits their combat ability for his own ends while offering little more than pie in the sky in return. His grand promises amount to nothing and for all the munitions he funnels their way, he never gives them anything that doesn't ultimately serve his goals alone. He simply provides the means to fight more effectively: the thing he needs from them, not what they require to prosper.
On the other hand, did he believe he would be able to fulfil those promises, eventually? McGillis spends the entire series working towards a dream of absolute control over Gjallarhorn, a position from which he would have the means to dispense boons to his supporters. Whether he'd have followed through on doing so is an open question. But his admiration for Tekkadan appears sincere, so he might well have tried, as poor an idea as it is to give planet-ruling power to a bunch of violent children and, by extension, their mafia benefactors.
We don't know for sure, because ultimately the person McGillis fooled most was himself. He sold his soul to an ideal taken from an old book and willingly embraced the cost, taking an active role in tearing apart everything good in his life. He is at once devil and bargainer, spinning fairytales from his own self-deception and becoming a Pied Piper, leading others inexorably to the same doom that awaits him.
Any star in the dark
Knowing what you're getting into is a vital component of Faustian pacts. Some people do, and work frantically to ameliorate the negative consequences. Some do not, and are struck down when things do not work out the way they imagined. Getting out of the bargain, or trying to, is usually the meat of stories that feature this device so it follows that it matters whether entering them is done with knowledge or ignorance.
I've discussed Kudelia, who starts out naïve and learns better, and Orga, who makes some bargains with full understanding (Todo, Teiwaz, Makanai too) and some with a mistaken belief in their worth (McGillis). Of these two, I would categorise Kudelia as a pragmatist who recognises the world is such that a successful path forward is built on compromise, and Orga as a gambler, always seeking the quickest route to the highest reward. I won't dwell here too much on stuff I've discussed elsewhere about what drives Orga to act this way except to say that it is as much about the desperation of his circumstances as the desire to possess greater riches.
This is a pattern throughout the show, with characters committing to long odds and risky activities to escape miserable situations. And it repeats once more with Isurugi Camice, McGillis' stalwart aide-de-camp, introduced at the start of Season 2.
It is clear from the word go that he is as loyal a supporter of McGillis' intentions to reform Gjallarhorn as you could hope to find. Furthermore, McGillis trusts him to an exceptional degree. Isurugi is party to all the technical details of the coup, serving as the means by which the moving parts are organised, representing McGillis when it is no longer possible for 'The General' to leave Earth unnoticed, and acting as his wingman in battle. Eventually, this dogged support proves Isurugi's undoing. He is fatally injured while intercepting a killing blow Gaelio meant for McGillis.
At this point, we learn what lies behind his loyalty: like Ein, he is a colony-born member of Gjallarhorn and without a well-placed patron, he would have no prospects. With McGillis' help, he was able to achieve a higher rank and consequently, as he puts it, in McGillis' presence he was able to dream of a better future. Even if it meant the bloodshed that comes of trying to overthrow the Seven Stars' historical control of the organisation – including his own blood, shed on Gaelio's knee-mounted drill bit – he believed it worthwhile to throw in his lot with his General.
Predictably, Gaelio reacts by declaring this a delusion perpetrated by McGillis, with no real possibility of coming true. And while he is broadly correct about the second part of that conclusion, it's worth stressing that Gaelio is textually Always Wrong™ about McGillis right up to their final scene together. He thoroughly misunderstands his ex-friend's motivations and fails to recognise where McGillis' priorities lie at key moments (see the business with the mobile armour; Gaelio takes a fully cynical view of it, not realising McGillis is about the only person to genuinely comprehend the threat Hashmal poses ahead of time).
Moreover, as Isurugi tells him during a dying monologue, Gaelio lacks first-hand experience of what it's like to have no future worth a damn. For all Ein taught Gaelio to look beyond his privileged life, he never has to live long-term with the knowledge that things cannot get better. Isurugi did. And when given the option, he chose a path offering a chance of improvement, however far-fetched and however costly.
Now, we are talking about another character who voluntarily joined the colonial police to improve his lot. Isurugi is presented more sympathetically than Ein but their similarities extend to partaking in the same moral compromise. Becoming a solider, specifically one tasked with enforcing imperial rule, is a way out of being just another oppressed citizen, sure, but the fact that oppression extends to the inside is perhaps not a sob-story stirring too much sympathy. At the same time, the structure of the dilemma echoes those faced by the members of Tekkadan or the people of the Dorts: when the stakes are (or are perceived to be) extreme, extreme responses become understandable.
Indeed, the Dort arc is a useful point of comparison, since it represents an opposing pole of reaction. Rather than seeking to escape via collaboration with the authorities, the workers aim to match strength with them, forcing conditions on the colonies to be recognised and resolved. Consequently, Mr Navona's union makes a deal with Nobliss Gordon, under the misassumption that he is a benefactor to their cause. In this way, they are set up to take a fall Gjallarhorn wipes out those who wanted merely to strongarm the Dort Company to the negotiation table and allows those in favour of more immediately violent solutions to run riot as an excuse for further executions.
Notable here is that the union commits to the threat of violence when they march on the Company HQ. There are no pacifists in this scenario, only a debate about the most effective use of the available weaponry. Everyone gambles that fighting the system head-on will bring a reward.
And the system slaughters them, because it has a far greater capacity for violence than they could hope to possess. It is only through the last-minute tying of Gjallarhorn's hands that anything good comes out of the uprising (and even this is tainted, both by the bargain Kudelia makes with Nobliss, binding herself closer to the devil she knows, and by the long-term consequences of Gjallarhorn's escalating action against colonial liberation movements come Season 2).
Perhaps having seen this kind of thing happen, it isn't any wonder Isurugi would look to someone within the system for hope. To him, McGillis is a bright spark of possibility, worth chasing because at least then he can believe there might be a better world than the one he currently finds himself in. McGillis has institutional power, he is charismatic and clever, and he wants to sweep aside those who administer an unjust structure without complaint. These are alluring qualities even when it is clear the endeavour will to lead to loss, violence and death.
There is no gain without cost. And sometimes, the cost is worth the prospect of the gain.
The final bargain
To an extent, Iron-Blooded Orphans is a story about how this is a fool's logic. In the end, even Mikazuki's honest bargain with Barbatos is a trap, stripping him of the capacity to be anything more than an instrument of violence. 'When all you have is a hammer, everything looks like a nail' is not quite the phrase we want here, but Tekkadan are certainly a group of people who, via the deals they have made, lack opportunities to learn how to use other tools. In many ways, Kudelia, Ein, Isurugi, Naze, Savarin etc. are no different. So many people driven into arrangements that come around to harm them, because that is the nature of things. However pure or understandable or sympathetic the reasons behind the choice, there are always consequences.
And yet, in a world built from pacts between devils and fools, everyone is subject to the same traps. The figures we can identify as playing Satan to our many Fausts are each themselves someone else's supplicant. Todo becomes McGillis' cat's-paw. Nobliss is cowed by McMurdo's greater power, while McMurdo has to tread carefully around Gjallarhorn, as embodied in Rustal Elion. And Elion himself has to make his own deals. As he admits to Julieta, he is not some bastion of integrity but just another shady adult, doing what's necessary even when it conflicts with his stated principles.
At the end, Supreme Commander Elion, the one person we can confidently say came out of this whole business with his goals achieved, sits across from Kudelia Aina Bernstein, chairperson of a free Mars. The man who stood for a modified status quo, freed of disruptive influences, alongside the Maiden of Revolution, who has gotten a measure of what she sought despite everything he took from her.
Two pragmatists, making their compromises, for the sake of moving forward.
I don't mean to position Elion as 'just as much a victim' as the rest. He clearly isn't. What I'm seeking to highlight is a consistent thread whereby everyone has to make arrangements with forces that could destroy them. Which is a lesson worth taking with us to the real world. Compromise is often the death of good intentions, yes, but absent a socialist paradise dropping from the sky, the steps towards building a better world for the people living in it involves working around those who'd stand in the way. Bringing the beneficiaries of the system to the point where they have to make deals with you is a long, hard process involving a great many costs – including that of accepting it is going to be long, that things won't change at single stroke, and anyone promising such a speedy outcome probably can't or won't deliver the goods.
At the very least, I find something worth grappling with here, viewing the series through this lens. Iron-Blooded Orphans is uncompromising in its depiction of violence carrying horrific consequences. It places the callousness of the boardroom and the cabinet meeting on par with the casual brutality of a police baton or a pirate's gun. There is no 'good' fighting in this show and no untainted cause. Mythic heroes occupy a space defined by child-soldiers who know no reaction beyond 'kill the other guy first'. The result is a frank admission that it's rarely a question of if someone is going to sell their soul.
It's a matter of when, and to whom, and how far they can get before the price comes due.
Other reference posts include:
IBO reference notes on … Gjallarhorn (Part 1)
IBO reference notes on … Gjallarhorn (Part 2)
IBO reference notes on … Gjallarhorn (corrigendum) [mainly covering my inability to recognise mythical wolves]
IBO reference notes on … three key Yamagi scenes
IBO reference notes on … three key Shino scenes
IBO reference notes on … three key Eugene scenes
IBO reference notes on … three key Ride scenes
IBO reference notes on … the tone of the setting
IBO reference notes on … character parallels and counterpoints
IBO reference notes on … a perfect villain
IBO reference notes on … Iron-Blooded Orphans: Gekko
IBO reference notes on … an act of unspeakable cruelty
IBO reference notes on … original(ish) characters [this one is mainly fanfic]
IBO reference notes on … Kudelia’s decisions
IBO reference notes on … assorted head-canons
IBO reference notes on … actual, proper original characters [explicit fanfic – as in, actually fanfic. None of them have turned up in the smut yet]
IBO reference notes on … the aesthetics of the mobile frame
IBO reference notes on … mobile suit designations
IBO reference notes on … the Gundams (part 1)
IBO reference notes on … the Gundams (part 2)
IBO reference notes on … the Gundams (part 3)
IBO reference notes on … the Turbines, or ‘Tekkadan done right’
IBO reference notes on … the Gundams (Addendum 1)
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aleksa-sims · 7 months
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RL Story
CW: panic attack, disease
Sandra’s last chapter started... 🌼😞
The next day I went to Sandra to pick up Liam. S. was the middle of moving. She asked me to take care of her little one. Before I went to her, I was in the hospital. My doc called me. He wanted to examine me again. It was about my blood levels. My leukocytes were elevated and since I was pregnant, he was a bit worried.
Though this was nothing new to me (my elevated Leukos), I was still scared as hell, when I got the call from the hospital. I was so terrified, that I got a panic attack.
Sandra: Did you have enough money for the cab? Why didn’t you call your parents to get you, or Daniel?
Me: Daniel has an appointment. I called my Mom. But it would have taken too long to wait for her. She was on the phone with me during the whole ride to distract me. She was so worried, it made me even more nervous, so I called you. And of course I had money with me.
Sandra: Now you're here & safe. You don’t have to be afraid, A.! Everything will be fine! Just continue to take those deep breaths..... Come, lay down on the couch.
Me: ..... Sorry S., but now I just don't want to be hugged. Pls don’t stress me!!
Sandra: Okay, I leave you alone. I won’t touch you, A... Try to relax.
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Me: Thanks S.... Tell me something. What’s Liam doing?
Sandra: He’s asleep, but he’ll wake up soon. Yk, if this gets too much for you today with Liam, I can ask my Mom, or I take him with me? I just thought it would be good for you and Daniel to spend a day alone with Liam. Kind of.... a test.
Me: Daniel is good with Babies. Liam loves him. But you’re right! Now that I’m pregnant.... Let’s see, if Daniel even wants to take care of a Baby with me.
Sandra: I trust Daniel and you anyway. Is everything ok with you two? He seemed so quiet the other day.
Me: I slept with him last night. But.... agh, Idk? He's been so cold to me, this morning. Anyway, I don't wanna talk about it.
Sandra: Okay then.... tell me how your check up was? Why do you worry sm?
Me: Same damn issue as always.... My doc wanted to examine me more closely. He did an ultrasound to see if any white blood cells had accumulated in my organs. They’ll call me as soon as they get the results. But my Baby's fine. He told me not to worry.
Sandra: I know you’re terrified of being seriously ill. But you’re fine, A.! Your Baby is fine too, you just have to do something about your panic attacks. Did you take your pills?
Me: Yes! But I know why I got a panic attack. I’ve been thinking too much about the shit Irma told me six months ago. Daniel saw her. And just this morning, I also got that call from my doc. Right after D. told me about Irma that weirdo. You know?
As Sandra and I kept talking, the doorbell rang. Sandra told me she met a nice guy. He was her new neighbor. They met in that building/house, where her new apartment was. She liked him. He offered to help Sandra with the move, so he came by today.
While Sandra opened the door to her new neighbor, I walked over to Liam’s nursery. The little one woke up, but was still a bit tired. I stroked his head and smiled at him. As soon as Liam noticed me, he stretched out his arms, to take him out of his crib. So cute. Together we went back to the living room, where I put Liam in his high chair. At that moment Sandra’s new neighbor entered her apartment.
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As I turned around, I saw a tall, young man standing in front of Sandra. While I was waiting for S. to introduce me to him, I noticed how she looked at him.  It was obvious, Sandra had a crush on that guy. Hm?... Ok, I got it! S. wanted to be alone with him. That’s why she needed me as a babysitter.
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All right, then it's time for me to call Daniel to pick me & Liam up. I texted him. He’ll be there in a few minutes, but before Liam & I left, Sandra of course introduced me to her new... friend?
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Sandra: That’s the...... nice guy, I told you about. Dario. He helps me with wallpapering and building up some furniture.
Me: Hey, D.! I'm Aleksa. Nice to meet you.
Dario: Hi!
Me: Um, well! You two are busy today. Can you please pack Liam’s things, S.? Daniel's already down there waiting for us.
Sandra: It's all done. I just have to get his sleeping bag. But we’ll help you carry his stuff in the car.
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Me: C'mon sweetie! Uncle Danny’s waiting for you.
I didn’t talk much to Sandra’s new friend that day. From the first impression he seemed okay, but.....no! This guy’s gonna be S.’s worst nightmare, her..... end.😞 Some of you know what I’m talking about. Anyway, rn I don’t want to say more about him. At first everything seemed perfect. They were both in love and happy with each other, for almost 2 years. But unfortunately this guy was..... a psycho. 😔😢
And Daniel, he didn’t know Liam was gonna stay with us. But somehow D. knew, that I wanted to.... test him, to see if he could take care of a Baby with me. Well, let's see... 😬
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blueandbetaraptors · 7 days
Got this idea from someone, I tagged them at the bottom of the story, thanks for letting me write it!
It was a bright and sunny afternoon. Ned and Peter were walking back from school to the tower. Peter was sharing his personal experience from when the vulture tried to kill him.
“I tell you Ned, I don’t think I’ve ever been so scared, at first I thought he was just trying to hit me with his metal wings. I joked that he missed. Then he gave me this evil look and was like “I just needed to distract you” and I see him grab his wing hoverboard thingy and he shot off and the ceiling started to collapse!”
“Wow dude, that’s freaky. I mean, you probably would have been less stuck if Mr.Stark hadn’t taken your suit.”
“Yea but I don’t really wanna tell him, cause then I’m worried I’ll make him feel bad.” Pete said as they walked into the front doors.
“How did you get out?”
“Well I cried, I was definitely panicked, but I forced myself to push the rubble off my back and crawl out… and that’s how I almost died!
“excuse me?” Tony said, he suddenly stops his conversation with Steve and Bruce.
Pete and Ned stop in their tracts when they suddenly see Tony, Steve and Bruce gathered around the elevators when Tony caught the tail end of the conversation.
“who and where?” Steve adds, makeing himself look tall, a face of a man who wants justice served.
Bruce looks at Peter, “No one’s going to get away with that one, need me to send the other guy?” A hint of green starts to show on his neck.
Suddenly a large sound comes from up above as Clint comes down from the vents,” I can take care of them.” As he lands on his feet.
Suddenly Peter and Ned are in front of 4 of the avengers, all who look bent on stopping the person that apparently almost killed Peter.
“oh, hey guys, i was just telling Ned about the time a building fell on me. It’s all good now. Yall don’t have to do anything.” Peter, confused responded as he rubbed the back of his neck, Ned by his side, his mouth slightly agape like a fish.
“ Yup! Buts it’s cool now. Like Peter said.” Ned recovers and tries to help Pete calm the avengers down.
Tony, Steve, Bruce, and Clint, “WHAT?” The foursome yell in unison
“Fri- get me info on this!”
“Are you hurt”
“When did this happen.”
“Son, who did this to you?”
“Why the hell didn’t you tell anyone.”
“Shut it Steve”
Suddenly Peter is getting overwhelmed by all the talking that Ned grabs him and pulls him away while the avengers start talking over each other not realizing that Peter and Ned left to go upstairs. However, Nat stops them.
“Ok, I heard the commotion. Something about you almost dying, someone not telling us that a building nearly crushed them… care to explain?” She folds her arms, giving a ‘don’t try to fake it’ expression.
“It’s not a big deal now Nat. I found the guys who were stealing the alien weapons and I tried to call Mr.Stark but he was busy with the move, but I didn’t have my suit cause Mr.Stark told me I don’t need it if I’m gonna be reckless. Well I found out it was Liz’s dad and I went to confront him and he was talking he was just buying time for his wing thing to come and get him loose and then he circled around me, I thought he missed but he was just going for the support systems and he got away right as the building collapsed on me.. a..and I was scared but I know I had to be strong and I survived.” Pete kinda said it in a rush, and then realized that the whole team, was listening in.
Peter watched as expressions turn from concern and anger to solemn, and even some guilt faces, Clint literally punches Tony’s arm.
“Hey! What was that for Legolas?” Tony asks as he rubs his arm.
“That’s for almost getting Peter killed by taking his suit.”
“Guys seriously, it’s not a big deal, i survived and I learned from my mistakes.” Pete tried to explain, trying to calm the nerves of everyone.
“Peter, gosh, this world is too good for you. Look, I was wrong for taking your suit, just with what happened with the ferry, i thought you were getting to gun ho and I needed to slow yourself before you killed yourself.” Tony signed and ran his hand through his head.
After sitting down and the avengers learning more of Peter’s experience with the vulture, they all gained a new respect for their teammate and also thanked Ned for helping him.
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mimissubway · 2 years
I'm never drinking again
pairing: xiao x gn reader
tw: alcohol consumption, being absolutely wasted, a bit of swearing, someone gets a little bit hurt (no open wound or anything), mildly suggestive (if u squint)
tags: college au, modern au, xiao has a big fat crush on u (u do too), ayaka is your roommate!
word count: 638 words
author note: I saw this on my Instagram and omg IT'S JUST SKGKDI I LOVE IT SM
Xiao already told you not to drink but of course that just goes over your pretty head and now you're absolutely wasted. Xiao was the unfortunate one to walk you home, but to him and his little crush on you. He was more than happy to deal with your little drunk ass.
Your words slur around your drunk state
"What is it?"
He asks while dragging your body through the empty night streets. If anyone walks pass the both of you they would most probably misunderstand the scene but fortunately for Xiao no one was left this late at night
"Hold me tighter!!!"
Your words made Xiao pause in his head, he was trying to find some sort of meaning into it but brushed it off. It wasn't the first time he saw you drunk, and he knew you were a needy and clingy drunk. Still he carried on by pulling you closer as he held you by your shoulder.
Soon you were in front of your apartment. Xiao reached into your jean jacket pocket to find your wallet but to no avail he couldn't seem to find it. You were falling in and out of consciousness at that point. No you weren't tired, you just weren't good in alcohol and mixed with the late night you felt sleepy. At that moment you were still going through your half asleep state.
"Where is your wallet..."
Xiao mumbled to himself trying not to wake you up. Suddenly you burst awake and pulled him down on the ground with you. Your head was going to hit the hard, rough concrete but luckily for you, Xiao's hand took the fall for you giving him a nasty scratch. His hand held the back of your head, your body under his, your bloodshot eyes looking at his. His entire face was red, blushing deeply at your positions but he quickly got the both of you.
Xiao pulled you back up, to your feet as you continue to be held back by a daydream. Your mind was somewhere but your eyes were starring dead at Xiao's amber eyes. He's so pretty you thought to yourself. You might be drunk but even sober you knew he looked good.
"Are you okay?"
He asks you with concern. You nod your head understanding his word even though everything around you felt like static. He manages to find your wallet in your back pocket and brings out your dorm access card.
As the both of you (as in you limping around him) went to the lobby he realizes that the elevator was close. How can they just close the whole ass elevator???
Xiao curses under his breath and decides to walk up the stairs than leave you alone in the lobby. At that point it was already close to 3am.
"You need to work with me, okay?"
He pats your back as he tries to sober you up but to no avail, he decides that he just wanted to get you up to a comfy bed and brings you to the stairwell.
As he helps you walk up slowly you misstep causing the both of you to plummet to the ground. Now the situation from earlier is flipped. You're on top of him and holding his waist.
You look at his amber eyes, he looks at yours. You couldn't help but to lean into his lips. Yes, you were drunk but you would do it sober anyways. He leans into your kiss and holds the back of hair.
After a while you both pull away, it seemed like you were sober, and he was drunk by how red his face was.
"I'm sober now,"
You whisper into his ears before going in for another kiss.
It's safe to say you didn't drink again until a long time.
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moosemonstrous · 10 months
Inspired by @cicada-candy's brilliant comic 🥰 surround sound screaming coming later down the timeline tho 😶‍🌫️
Ghost Rider Pacific Rim AU - foreign substance detected
He is… running. He has no idea where to, only that he has to keep going, the rage in his chest writing over the pain in his useless right arm. The corridor is familiar – it’s the hangar access. Robbie walked it for the first time, or the first time he can remember, only–
It feels like only a few hours ago, but time seems stretchy, inconsistent. He turns to aim a shot over his shoulder, hits one of the pursuing men square in the face – pure luck, Robbie isn’t left-handed, he’s never even held a gun before, why does he have a gun? Why are they chasing him? Doesn’t matter, he has to– he has to get to The Charger.
A sequence skips; he’s in the elevator up to the Conn-Pod. (What? There is no elevator, only stairs.) He can barely stand, blood pooling on the floor at his feet. Just a few more seconds. The pain is unbearable and he screams, kicks at the wall and that just makes it worse – he didn’t even realise he got hit in the thigh, too. He feels his eyes water, squeezes them shut just for a second – he’s not going to cry. No time to be a baby about a couple of scratches.
Opening the hatch is a two-arm job. That’s going to hurt. He throws his pistol down the walkway, hears it scatter away as more and more shouts join his pursuers. The techs will be trying to disconnect the power from the cockpit – but he’s faster than them, he’s done it a hundred times now. The whole set-up is still in place, still sizzling with the demon’s blood. Nobody had the balls to try and clean it up yet. All the better. Saves him having to hot-wire Pons into his spinal clamp.
Activating drift sequence, the AI drones. His HUD is cracked, covered in the black goo. Pilot One absent. Abort–
“Override code six-zero-zero-two-eight-five,” he barks. His voice is different, deeper. Older.
Override authorised. Relay gel deployed. Thank-fucking-God he didn’t bother doffing the drivesuit. Of all the things to be buried in–
No. He’s not going to die here. Engaging emergency connection protocol. Pilot confirm: yes/no. “Yes, damn it!” Stand by. Emergency connection in three, two, one–
Something drips on his face from the crack in the helmet. It’s not relay gel. The demon blood burns on contact. Beto’s arms will be–
Nothing. They won’t be anything, anymore. The drift feels like a vice around his temples without someone to share the load – Robbie thinks he might be screaming, but it doesn’t matter. He’s got control. When he lifts his arm, The Charger moves with him – and down on the people coming up the walkway. Soldiers, techs, it doesn’t matter. He has a date with the LOCCENT overlook, and it doesn’t matter how many fuckers he will have to crush to get there, to get to–
The burn spreads over the whole right side of his face, sharp and blinding. Doesn’t matter. The concrete cracks under The Charger’s feet when he steps forward, but the reactor is tripping up, making his movements stutter on relay. “Reactor status,” he calls out.
Foreign substance detected in the reactor core, the AI supplies in its stupid monotone. It sounds even slower than usual. Urgent maintenance recommended. Power levels at six percent.
Shit. He’s not going far then.
Doesn’t matter. Six percent is plenty to charge the shoulder cannon. He might not get to feel Ivanov’s spine snap in his jaeger’s hand, but he sure as hell will melt it as a second choice.
Shoulder cannon deployed. Confirm target.
He nearly misses it, the tiniest of movements from this high – ants crawling through the quarters access, and amongst them that stupid little suit. It’s too late to move, but he has enough power for two more shots, and it’s not like Rasmussen and the rest of the cunts on the bridge crew don’t have their own coming, either–
The Charger is unstable, the right leg damaged. It wobbles from the kickback. Robbie has to put his spine into remaining upright, nobody to balance him, but the top of the dome is now just a smoking ruin and falling debris. More and more parts light up in red on the HUD. Fuck this. He’s getting revenge if he has to tear the whole base apart. He survived this far. He’s not going to die here.
“Full power to shoulder cannon,” he commands, and turns The Charger to aim at the wall, towards the living quarters. The joints creak like they’re about to break apart.
Request denied.
“What?! Override code–“
Request denied. Message incoming.
“Cancel! Full power to cannon, now!”
The AI fizzles out, tripping over the q several times before going dead. His HUD flickers, like it wasn’t hard enough to see through the demon blood, fucking useless–
What? The pressure in his temples spikes dramatically. Blood pours down from his nose, and he tastes copper at the back of his throat. It doesn’t matter. He screams, forcing The Charger another step along, then another. He will get there, he will get that cannon working, he will drop it on those fucking traitors if that’s what it takes–
“Robbie-Robbie, wake up!”
Robbie sits up in the bed – no, a cot, where the hell is he? Medical. He’s in medical, he was– fuck, he can’t catch his breath, but that doesn’t matter. Gabe has his hands clasped around his ears, and he’s crying, and what the hell was that about?
You tell me.
“Gabe,” he rasps. There’s someone– a nurse. She’s got both hands on the back of Gabe’s chair, ready to wheel him out. “Gabe, what–?”
“Loud,” his brother sobs. “You screamed loud, I hate loud noises, are you okay?”
 “I think Robbie needs a minute,” the nurse says, but Gabe releases his ears to grab Robbie’s half-outstretched arm.
“No, stay! Robbie, are you–“
“I’m okay,” he squeezes Gabe’s hand. His heart is pounding like he just ran a mile, but he has to keep it together – Gabe is calming down, his thumb running up and down Robbie’s, but he still looks a little shaky. He lets Robbie gather him up in a hug. “I’m okay, I’m sorry, I’m sorry I shouted.”
“We’ll see about okay,” the nurse mutters. Robbie scowls at her over his brother’s head. “You really need to stop moving, Mr Reyes, your neck is–“
There’s still a brace around his neck. Through the haze of the weird – weird – nightmare, Robbie remembers how impossible it felt to move last time he was awake. The doctor said healing will take a few days… but he feels fine. Maybe they were overreacting. “I feel better. What time is it?”
“Time for you to lie back down, now!”
Gabe doesn’t let go of his hand. Robbie is grateful the nurse doesn’t make him, even when it makes it a little awkward to get around the cot to check the readings on the cot’s panel. She’s pretty good at describing what she’s doing, too – have they been doing it for a while? How long was he out, this time? Shouldn’t Gabe be–
“Quit it,” the nurse threatens cheerfully when the soft beeping of the oximeter picks up in speed. “Deep breaths. Your readings are fine, I suppose you had a nightmare?”
“Bad dreams are the worst,” Gabe squeezes his hand again. “Was it about the demon?”
Uh, no. Rude twerp.
Robbie swallows. “Yeah. Just a bad dream.”
18 notes · View notes
sabraeal · 6 months
Seven Swipes for Shirayuki, Chapter 6
[Read on AO3]
Obiyuki Trope Madness 2024, Semifinal #1: Bodyguard Crush
“Yuuta.” Names have never been Shirayuki’s forte; she struggles with Sarah and Sara, crosses her fingers when she comes across a Siobhan or a Ciaran, and now labors to decipher whether this is a ‘u’ sound or an ‘oo’ sound— gosh, it might even be a ‘uu’ situation, which is a whole other disaster entirely—
“Does he have a last name to go with that?” Obi murmurs, just loud enough for her to catch it. Well, so she hopes. “Or maybe you could just ask him for his number. Skip the whole swiping song-and-dance and just get down to—”
“Could you spell that for me?” she asks, a hair louder than necessary, hoping her smile doesn’t flicker under pressure the way old fluorescents do . “The patient’s name, I mean.”
“Oh! The…the patient’s…” Her well-meaning visitor shuffles, pink flaring up right under the spray of small freckles across his cheeks. It really is just like being back at the old B&B again, trying to smother a laugh as the sweet retriever from down the street keeps bringing back the wrong ball. “Right, of course. You need the patient’s…god, sorry, I wasn’t even thinking…”
“Happens all the time.” She bites back a smile as pink blooms into carnelian red. “We don’t tend to see people at their most put-together here.”
“Haah, right, makes sense.” His tanned hand digs into the tousles mass of his hair, sending it wild. It's a charming look, she has to admit. Makes her wish there were Beggin’ Strips for people too— he looks like he could use a treat. “Just feels a little stupid, that’s all. Not like you could look me up. In a patient registry, I mean.”
“You got a Tinder, though?” Obi crosses an knobby ankle over his knee, pant leg riding up enough to show the chili peppers on his socks. “OkCupid? Plenty of Fish?”
"Uh." The man blinks, first at him, then at her, as if she might confirm that this line of questioning is somehow part of the official visitor registration process. It's not. “Y-yes?”
"Ooh?" Obi pitches forward, fingers poised over the app store. “Which—?”
“What?” Having reached the end of his leash, her wayward hound finally comes to heel. With a tug of his coat, he slouches back, not a hint of contrition lingering in that smirk of his. “I was just wondering.”
She lets her glare do the heavy lifting as she repeats, “What was the name again?”
“Ah, my dad’s? Katsu. Katsu Baudin.” The man coughs, clearing his throat. “And I’m, uh, his son. Yuuta.”
“We know,” Obi chirps helpfully as she puts in her login. It shouldn’t work— IT’s supposed to update the registry at midnight, and she’s been legally off payroll for three days— but the system only takes a long, hard think and rolls over, displaying patient information with the same enthusiasm as a dog wagging its tail. “With two ‘u’s?”
Her visitor— Yuuta— glances at her, but she’s too busy tallying the number of security and privacy regulations violated to give him much more than, “Katsu Baudin, Room 7760.”
There should be some palpable relief on the air, or at least the barest whiff of gratitude, but instead their wayward visitor shuffles awkwardly behind the counter, not flushed but— strained, maybe. “Um, sorry, I don’t mean to be a pain or anything, but do you think—?”
“Two floors down.” Wistal is hardly as labyrinthine as Wirant— built into a hill, each wing designed to be the magmum opus of architects thirty years apart, resulting in atria so beautiful they graced the covers of Architectural Digests and hallways so nonsensical as to be be hostile to human life, with entrances on every floor between the first and the fourth besides the third— but with each level laid out exactly like the last, it’s easy to get turned around. “If you go straight out from the elevators, take your second right. 7760 should be down that hall on your left.”
“Ahh, right, thanks. That’s…a huge help.” He hesitates, gaze fixed down the hall as if it were a thousand yards instead of five. His fingers fingers drum nervously on the counter top. “I don’t want to— I mean, it’s just—”
He hangs his head, dark eyes huge and pleading as they peer up from under that fluffy flop of hair, as helpless as a dog that’s found a door it can’t nose open. “I suck at directions.”
It takes every last ounce of her self control to keep only the corners of her mouth twitching. “That’s no problem at all. Just let me call down to their desk and give them the heads up that you're coming. Then you can go there and have someone take you right to the room.”
“Oh!” His head snaps up, eyes so wide she can nearly see a waggling tail behind him. “You can do that? Er, I mean…I wouldn’t want to put you out…?”
In Wilant there would have been some grumbling, some pointed questions about just how many times his parents had dropped him on his head as a child if he couldn’t go two floors down and take a turn without getting it all twisted, but here—
Shirayuki glances across the hall, catching a flash of pale hair above a designer button-down, of a profile that has graced more covers of GQ than she’s got fingers on one hand. As exceptional as Izana is, she doubts that’s even the most impressive statistics on the floor. There’s a husband just around the corner she’s pretty sure has a collection of Super Bowl rings. Recent ones, considering all the rubbernecking outside their door.
“They’re used to worse,” Obi offers, so helpful as he scrolls. “A little hand holding isn’t going to break the scale.”
Yuuta blinks down at him. “Er, all right. If you’re sure.”
“Please,” he scoffs, slouching further into the ergonomic plastic. “Unless you’re bringing your mistress to watch your wife go through labor, no one's even going to—”
“Just a minute!” Shirayuki smiles as she picks up the phone, refusing to acknowledge anything over her shoulder. “Let me see what I can do.”
There may be no phone trees or music on internal lines, but there’s still plenty of waiting, especially with no voicemail for stale calls to be shunted to. Still, it’s only a few minutes before someone picks up— a nurse fresh from shift change, happy to take of ‘that old charmer’s baby.’ Watching Yuuta’s back disappear into the elevator makes a nice ending to an unplanned long night, and Shirayuki—
“What, you aren’t going to go with him?” Obi leans back in his chair, straining the ergonomic claims of those cushions. “Make sure the prodigal son makes it back home? Maybe hold his hand a little?”
“I think he’ll manage just fine.” She blows out her cheeks as she sits, letting her mouth settle into her sternest frown. “Now, I trust you deleted that thing?”
“Me? No. I’ve swiped right on three real studs already. And let me just say” —he presses a hand to his chest, the silk of his tie rumpling under the pressure— “I chose better for you than you choose for yourself.”
“Obi!” It’s a strangled noise, one she just barely keeps to quiet-hours guidelines. “I told you that I wasn’t interested in—!”
“Trust me, Miss,” he soothes, entirely too smug. “You’ll be interested in these guys. Or at least their traps.”
“I thought we agreed that—”
“We didn’t agree on anything.” His eyebrows may twitch up to angelic heights, but his attempts at innocence are ruined by the downright sly curl his mouth takes. “You said I should, and I declined to take your advice.”
All at once, the fight seeps out of her, leaving only the weariest sigh in its wake. “Obi…”
“Aww, come on, now, Miss. No need to go borrowing trouble yet. It's not like you've matched.” His lips twitch. “Yet. But let’s be real, who could say no to a knock-out like y—?”
“You are going to delete that,” she informs him with all the authority of a limp dish rag. “Right now. While I can watch.”
“Aw, Miss,” he whines, using only the most pitiful pitches. “I’m just helping.”
Shirayuki stares. “You think this is helping?”
“Of course.” His shoulders twitch, halfway between a shrug and a shield. “What better way to recover from a bad break up then having someone blow out your—?”
“Ah, no!” Her hand flies up, the flimsiest barrier between them. “Don’t— don’t finish that thought.”
“But, Miss—”
“I appreciate your…consideration,” she informs him, gracious. “Really, I do. But I think that maybe you and I process this sort of thing differently. Very…very differently.”
“I didn’t say you had to jump right into bed.” Though he sounds dubious on that order of operations. “But you could let someone take you out, treat you right. And then maybe on date three, you—”
“Three?” It’d taken almost six months for her to even kiss Zen, let alone even think about the sort of activities that might require the removal of clothes. And by then, it took them three months of planning to even get them in the same room. “Do people really…?”
“You know how it is, Miss.” Obi’s sprawled across the chair, lounging in a way its ergonomic bullet points were never supposed to accommodate, but there’s nothing casual about the way his eyes settle on her. “People are busy nowadays. Not much time to take it slow.”
“I have time.”
Shirayuki nearly jolts straight out of her chair. “Ryuu?”
(Shirayuki’s not given to believe in the supernatural— not ghosts, not ESP, not sixth senses that seem to only work in hindsight— but she’ll give Yuzuri this: her ability to locate her anywhere in this rabbit warren of hallways is downright occult.
“Have I got the goss for you, girl,” she squeals, stealing a baby carrot out of her lunch box as she slips into the empty seat beside her. It’s all empty seats in the break room right now, but Yuzuri rolls even closer, voice pitched low. “Word on the street is that Ryuu’s got something going on with the new intern.”
“In Imaging?” It’s hard to picture her— she’s a shy thing, always disappearing behind a white coat as a cart turns a corner, just a blonde ponytail above pink scrubs. “I guess they’re around the same age.”
“Same age,” Yuzuri scoffs, gnawing on her ill-gotten gains. “Is that what you think people care about? The same age? No, this girl is like…his type.”
That doesn’t sound quite right, not to her ears. “I don’t really think Ryuu has—”
“Of course he does. Everyone has a type, Shirayuki, even you.” Her voice drops to mutter something that sounds suspiciously like, “Even if you don’t realize it.”
“I just mean that Ryuu hasn’t shown much interest in…anything like that.” Romance, she means. But if she says it, Yuzuri will probably counter with something about sex, and quite honestly, she’s not sure if she can handle Ryuu and... and that idea in the same sentence. “I’m not really sure he wants to, either.”
“Yeah, yeah, normally I’d agree with you,” Yuzuri says with a dismissive wave. “But this girl is like, smart. And super cute. Like freckles everywhere! And her laugh— seriously, you have to hear it. He like, smiled and stuff.”
Well, the smile is a start. “Is that what his type is? Smart and cute? Freckles?”
“I mean, basically right?” Her hand flop open into something between a slouch and a shrug. “That’s what you’re like.”
It’s a good thing there’s no silverware involved in eating hummus, otherwise it would have clattered to the floor. It’s sad enough that she’ll have to toss out this baby carrot casualty. “Excuse me?”
“Oh, you know how it is,” Yuzuri presses on, as if she didn’t just drop a detail more devastating than an atom bomb. “It’s not about you. It’s just that every guy wants to fuck their mom or whatever. Freudian stuff.”
Shirayuki has opinions on Freud— capital ‘O’ Opinions, as Obi likes to call them, along with, the kind that don’t get us asked back to the country’s finest conferences— but all she can manage is, “I think I’m more like a sister than a mother.”
Yuzuri shrugs. “Same difference.”)
“Ryuu.” Her hand slaps to her chest, as if that might keep her heart beneath it better than own her ribcage. Which might be true, from how hard its pounding to get out. Shirayuki can hardly blame it. “What are you…? Ah, I mean, were you…?”
It’s still strange to have to look up to meet his eyes, to see the way his face furrows with the beginnings of annoyance. “It’s now or not until after four. Should I come back?”
“Wha— oh, the ultrasound.” Now that she’s on her feet, she can see the cart at his side, loaded up with one of the mobile units he must have requisitioned from Imaging. “Are you doing it?”
“I said I would.”
There’s no humble shrug to go with his words, no inflection to imply emotion, just a simple recitation of the facts. “Well, yes, but I thought you would have one of the techs on shift come up and—”
“I had time.” His shoulders settle into stern angles as his chin lifts, as imperious as any MD. “Is there a problem with that?”
There’s a half dozen, starting and ending with how he’s the Attending today; someone who has a thousand more pressing responsibilities than doing some investigative ultrasound for her patient. But as much as she might try, the words won’t stick together in her mouth, won’t let her make anything but the most unconvincing sputter. “N-no, it’s only—”
“Aw, come on, big guy.” Obi saunters up to the counter, elbow brushing her shoulder as he furls himself up for a lean. It’s nice; steadying. “You know there’s no one else Miss would trust to do this more than you. But don’t big shots like you have busy schedules? I wouldn’t think you’d have the time to come help little old us.”
A stubborn red that clings to the tips of his ears. “As I said, I do. Is it in that room, there?”
His head bobs toward the door. There’s no one behind the window now, just a straight view from hall to window, blinds strung tight across the glass.
“Yes, 9060.” He’s already wheeling the cart towards it when she adds, “Izana should be with her, too.”
The cart squeals to a stop.
“Oh.” His knuckles blanch so white she can see bone where they grip the handle. “Then maybe I should come back. Later. After…”
He doesn’t finish the thought. Shirayuki frowns. “I don’t see why. Is there something wrong with—?”
“Oh, I get it.” Obi’s smirk stretches long into a leer as he leans toward her, voice pitched to be heard as he whispers, “I think he’s afraid of Her Majesty. Intimidated by laying hands on America’s Sweetheart. Little too famous for his blood, I—”
“I didn’t say that,” Ryuu grumbles, sullen. “I’m not laying hands on her anyway. It’s only the probe that will—”
“So it’s His Majesty then,” Obi amends, so considerate. It’s a struggle to keep her mouth from twitching, giggles straining behind her teeth. “Can’t say I blame you for that one, little guy. That guy makes me break out into a cold sweat.”
“I’m not afraid of Izana Wisteria.” The name snaps between his teeth, cold. “I just thought that if she has a visitor, she might not want to be interrupt—”
“You know, Miss.” It’s hard to call something as languid as Obi’s lounging aggressive, but that’s what it is— weaponized slinkiness, the way a cat weaves through legs at dinnertime. “If Ryuu thinks that this is too rich for his blood, you should really just get someone else to—”
“I’m doing it.” The cart squeals as it angles toward the door, wheels grinding with the same single-minded focus as Ryuu’s teeth. “I— I’m already going!”
He doesn’t so much march as storm over, shoulders hiked like pickets by his ears as he knocks at the door. “Excuse me,” he says, swinging it open. “Name and birth date, please.”
It shuts before she can hear Haki’s answer.
“Boo.” Obi doesn’t so much sit as he does slump, a puppet with all his strings cut. “He coulda kept that door open a smidge longer. I've heard that America’s Sweetheart fudged the date on her birth certificate to get that role in Mean Girls.”
“I doubt that.” Shirayuki spares him the flattest stare, fingers striking the keys with a pointed power as she logs out from the system. “Her family’s a big deal, aren’t they? Hollywood Royalty, isn’t that what Yuzuri called it?”
“Miss.” His shoulders shake along with his head. “Only you could ask if the Arleons were a big deal.”
Years ago she might have blushed, might have stammered out excuses about the how cable didn’t run out that far until she was in college, and the combination post office/movie theater in town only ran movies two years out of date, but now— now she simply says, “That proves my point, doesn’t it? There were probably newspaper articles about it. An entertainment Weekly birth announcement? Something. It can’t be much of a mystery.”
“There was also some website that counted down to her eighteenth birthday.” He shrugs, casual, as if that isn’t the most horrifying thing he’s ever heard. Then again, knowing Obi, it probably doesn’t even make the top thirty. “But you know, once you get a thing like that in your head…”
He lets his grin do the rest of the talking. Like all of his outrageous behavior, she simply ignores.
“Thank you for that, by the way.” One of his narrow brows hikes up toward his hairline, and she clarifies, “With Ryuu. You’ve always known how to handle him better than I do.”
“You do just fine.” The seat creaks as he tucks his thigh against its arm, elbow lazily hooking over his knee. “He just needs a little heat to get him into the kitchen sometimes. And you’re not someone who’s comfortable with turning it up. Especially when it comes to Ryuu.”
Shirayuki doubts her interns would agree with that particular assessment, but she simply says, “Thank you anyway. If you hadn’t been here, I think we really would have been waiting until four.”
Obi hums. “Oh, I’m not sure about that, Miss. Seems like you handled it just fine the other day.”
She blinks. “The other day?”
“You know.” His shoulders twitch, the laziest suggestion of a shrug. “Ms. Luteal Cyst?”
(The cart wheels catch on the threshold, casters making a nasty ka-crack as they struggle over the metal strip. The noise alone has got her grimacing, but when she sees the close-cropped dark hair, so like Obi’s now that all the curls have been left on the barber shop floor, her mouth pulls thinner still.
“Ryuu.” He’s supposed to be on days this week— at least according to the schedule posted up in the break room— but yet he’s here, wincing as the last wheel wails across the floor. Ah, and he’s gotten the squeaky cart. “I didn’t think you’d be…?”
In, she wants to say, but doing the tech’s job keeps trying to elbow its way out at the same time, and instead the question just hangs, awkward.
“Oh, Shirayuki.” He blinks, first at her, then as he leans out the door, as if—
“This is the right room!” she assures him, a laugh startling out of here. “It’s just a slow shift, so I though I might keep my friend here company while she waited.”
“Oh.” The girl sinks further into her pillows as he stares, withering under the stern furrow of his brows. Shirayuki’s half-tempted to tell her that it’s not personal, that without regular reminders, Ryuu’s face defaults to forbidding. “The gel’s going to be cold.”
“I-I don’t care.” She lifts her chin, defiant; a challenge if he means to make it one. “Anything’s fine as along as my baby’s okay.”
Ryuu shoots her a wary glance across the bed— don’t let this girl have emotions on me, it says, loud and clear— before he turns back to the computer, fingers clacking pointedly across the keys. That leaves her to help the girl lift up her johnny, rearranging blankets and drop cloth so her legs and clothes are covered, terrible mesh underwear and all.
“I’m surprised to see you here.” The words might be for Ryuu, but Shirayuki keeps smiling down at her patient, trying to keep her in the conversation. “Usually we don’t have doctors doing untrasound, but Dr Goldregen sometimes helps out when there’s a bit of a scheduling back up—”
“Or when the tech no-shows.”
Her smile stiffens. “O-or that.”)
“Ah…” Shirayuki shakes her head. “That didn’t have anything to do with me. Mihaya was late for shift change—”
“Must be nice to have a wing of a hospital named after your family,” Obi muses, head tilted over the back of the chair. “Then you can just waltz into work at any old time, and everyone just says ‘thank you for your time.’”
“I don’t think anyone says that to him,” she snorts. “And he does a passable job when he’s here, so—”
“So no one can fire him.”
Shirayuki struggles against a smile. “So no one can fire him. Ryuu just got here early for shift change and saw there had been a request pending for over an hour. It had more to do with being efficient than helping me.”
Obi hums, unconvinced. “I think you underestimate just how much that kid likes to please you. Maybe he didn’t know it was your patient or whatever, but I bet he showed off once he knew you were there. Probably had good bedside manner and everything.”
(The girl yips at the first touch of gel on her stomach, but Ryuu doesn’t even flinch, already pressing the probe down to spread it around. “It’s cold!”
He sends her a sidelong look. “I did warn you.”)
“Not…measurably.” It’s effort to keep her tone even. “Ryuu respects my opinion, but he’s really not the sort of person to give special treatment just because—”
“I’m done.”
“Ryuu!” Zen used to joke about putting a bell on Obi— or at least he did, before Obi sent him an Amazon link to a few human-sized collars— but Shirayuki is beginning to wonder if they might need to find one for Ryuu. Last thing they need is for him to startle someone into coding. “A-already?”
He nods. “One sac.”
Shirayuki frowns. That’s hardly what she expected. “Are you sure? Sometimes it’s tricky to see if—”
“I checked for a posterior placenta too.” His shoulders twitch, the barest shrug. “Sometimes hyperemesis gravidium is just hyperemesis gravidium.”
“I guess.” There’s just something unsatisfying about saying it’s hormones; something that feels dismissive rather than diagnostic. “I just could have sworn…”
“What I said before.” Ryuu clears his throat, looking like he’d rather be anywhere than right here, standing in front of the nurse’s desk. “About not doing it again.”
“I know, I know.” She sighs, waving a hand. “It was already kind of you to do it this time— and personally too. I won’t ask again.”
“No, that’s not…” His lips press tight, a white line cutting across his face. “I mean, I’ll do it, if you really need it.”
She blinks. “Really?”
“In a few weeks,” he tells her, stern, as if she might turn around and tell him to go back in there. “There’s things that might not show up now. Rare things. But…things.”
“That’s really kind of you, Ryuu.” For anyone else, she might reach out— pat their shoulder, shake their hand— but for him, she just smiles. But the way he straightens, it’s enough. “But I’d hate to bother you after—”
“It’s not a bother. If you think something’s wrong, I believe you.” It’s been ages since he was the boy genius, a teenager that trembled when he walked onto the floor. But there’s shades of it now in the way he looks at her, gratitude and trust and affection all tangled up into something that makes it hard to look away from his too-blue eyes. “Garrack always told me that you have good intuition. My own experience agrees. It would be foolish to deny that based on something so subjective as statistics.”
It must be a little too earnest even for him, since he shakes himself, quickly adding, “I have other things to do today. Goodbye.”
He rolls off, squeaky cart wheel wailing, and all she can do is stare at his back.
Obi snorts. “No special treatment, huh?”
She’s not sure how to answer, but she’s saved from having to figure it out when Obi’s phone blings obnoxiously. “What’s that?”
He glances down at the screen, mouth unfurling into a terribly devious grin.
“Why look at that, Miss,” he drawls. “Looks like we got a match.”
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