#like whatever man you're ruining your own experience
wizardsix · 1 year
people are so weird about why they don't like gale. like ive never seen anyone who has played through his entire story share actual critiques, it's always people meeting him once and deciding his entire backstory, personality, and motivations right there. "he's full of himself/manipulative/incompetent/etc" i am taking psychic damage from how stupid these takes are. if I poured my heart and soul into writing a character and people gave up on them after their introduction you'd see me on the national news
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bkd-b3ans · 4 months
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You try to repair a watch, Boothill is being annoying as usual, you end up discovering his neurolink perfectly mimics human emotions.
-> Ship: Boothill X Mechanic!Reader (or just tech savvy idk the term really)
-> Rating: Safe for All
-> TL;DR: Boothill visits you after closing hours, nearly ruins a 5 million watch repair commission, stares for a bit too long while you work and overheats for a bit, ends up learning you live above your own workshop and you learn he gets flustered easy.
-> Extra notes: No idea where I will go with these, I just love writing stuff. Next one is going to be more about touching / feeling, but until then, you too can experience casual chatter. I do not proof read, whatever is written is in accordance to Ellios script, go meow at him. Take this "2nd" part as pure world-building.
-> Word count: 2k~ ish
-> First part: here
Thank you for reading and bearing with my awful English. If you have any prompts I would be more than happy to hear them.
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"Pardner? Yoohooo~" Boothill was waving his arm like a manic from the front of the counter, trying to catch your attention, but you were too engrossed in your work, tinkering away with some expensive watch you were paid to fix, the tiny gears and springs neatly organized in your table in tiny boxes with labels, while you were hunched over the table, looking through a magnifying glass and listening to music, tongue almost sticking out like some cartoon character while you were trying to place the gear in its place carefully using some precise tweezers.
For all you cared, your shop was closed for the day, so why would anyone in their right mind, or that knows how to read a sign, would even bother you? Of course you didn't take into account a Galaxy Ranger that had a passion for annoying you at random times.
"Psst, hey, over 'ere..." he sighed, "Fudge this". Impatient as ever, Boothill just helped himself with one of the expensive motor oil cans in the counter and stepped around it, taking off his hat and placing it on your head.
The whole motion made you jump out of your skin, dropping the tweezers together with the very important, one of a kind gear, that you could barely notice while it was on your table, let alone on your floor, rolling off into the void like all of the pens you've lost throughout the years.
"WHAT THE FUCK, MY FUCKING WORK OF MY AEONS-" you took off the hat annoyed, hand still shaking from the scare and heart running laps in your chest. Shoving the hat into Boothills chest, you couldn't help but be angry at the man, sighing.
"Damn sugar-cube, didn't know ye were this jumpy. Ye should be more aware of yer surroundings you know?"
"What the hell does that mean. MY SHOP IS CLOSED BOOTHILL, CAN'T YOU READ??"
"Well, not your language no, it's all a bunch of jumbles and lines"
You looked confused for a moment before realizing that neither of you were from the same planet. You rubbed the bridge of your nose, trying to get rid of your furrow.
"Just, shut up and help me look for that gear. AND PUT THE DAMN CAN DOWN"
He raised his arms in defeat, putting down the can of motor oil and looking around your workbench while you were painfully looking for the gear with your magnifying glasses.
"Lotta' shiny pieces you have on the table. Are these really more important than your good old buddy, Boothill?"
"Unless you're willing to give me 5 million, then yes"
Boothill choked
"5 million?? For some beautiful watch?"
"What can I say, some people have more than they know what to do with. Now stop yapping and get on your knees, I can't see shit."
"Is that an invitation, darling?"
"Aye aye, don't get your feathers ruffled like this darling, just sit there and be pretty"
You couldn't help but be annoyed still, slumped in your chair, fiddling with your pen, while Boothill was looking around. How long has it been already, maybe a few minutes? Hours? Days??? Your work couldn't wait that much, and each ticking second felt agonizing. You were so close too, getting interrupted was the last thing you needed right now. You always had plans, a schedule, deadlines, you couldn't afford the unpredictability that is Boothill sometimes.
You almost got too lost in your thoughts before you heard a sudden thud, metal against wood, and a proud exclamation.
"Here it is sugar-cube, your pretty little thing... Cogwheel whatever. Now can you stop looking like someone spat in your food or do I need to repair this watch myself to make you happy?"
You could swear sometimes he was like a dog, a big doberman. For as scary as he could look sometimes, you couldn't help but be unable to push him away. All you could do was just let out an amused scoff, taking the gear piece in the palm of your hand, and gently placing it in it's box.
"No, no, you've done enough damage already. Why are you here even?"
"Just wanted to pay my best buddy a visit? What, a man can't do that no more?"
"No fixing your body? No maintenance work? Really nothing? Just a visit? Odd, thought you were a busy man"
"Oh I sure am sugar-cube, but sometimes even I need to sit down and relax."
"... In my workshop"
"In yer workshop, yes."
You sighed
"Fine, fine, stay for as long as you need, but don't touch anything that is in this-" you motion around your workbench "general area"
He tipped his hat in acknowledgment
"Aye aye, I'll stay put, fudge me, you can be very serious sometimes."
"5 million"
"Right yes, that's understandable."
You went back to work, trying to finish placing the last pieces inside that damned watch, headphones back on your ears. Boothill was simply slumped on the couch you kept around the waiting area, that barely saw any use to begin with. He was just looking around, bored out of his mind, the silence really starting to get to him. On occasion he's throw you glances, looking like a kicked puppy only to be met by your back either way. Yet he couldn't help but notice the few tics you had, tapping your foot, humming to yourself from time to time, arranging your hair by shaking your head around, and just how damn beautiful you looked in that dim warm light.
By no means we're you prettied up and groomed, after all, working with machinery all day will just lead to one always being covered by oil or sutt, clothes messy, the tools around your belt loud and heavy, but to him, it was part of the charm. The passion you had for what you did, the care you treated everything with, even his own body when it needed repairs. Sure, you two may butt heads more often than goats, but you were the reason he kept making his trips back to your workshop for any needs. He trusted you, felt comfort in your presence.
He could feel his insides start to heat up, his mind trailing off. Sure, he couldn't blush for the love of him, after all blood stopped flowing through his body long, long ago, but his body still reacted from time to time to strong emotions, and now it was no different. It felt, uncomfortable almost, a strange emptiness in his metal gut. Maybe it was the bullets he snacked in like some chips, or maybe it was more than that. He just simply pulled his hat over his eyes to focus and calm down.
Finally, after so many hours, you were finally done, the watch ticking gleefully, almost as if happy with it's new look. You sighed in relief, finally placing down your headphones and slumping in your chair, pulling your glasses up.
"Finally... I swear they are trying to drive me insane with all these new 'trinkets' that have way too many small pieces for their own good. How you holding up, Boots?"
"Fine as ever sugar, bored out of my mind, but rested"
"Yeah, I can see that, you've already made a dent in my couch"
"Hey, I helped ya find that gear for free, can't I get some more respect"
"And who's fault was it that I dropped it?" You said, raising your eyebrow.
"Aye aye, sorry 'bout that."
There was a moment of pause
"Say, partner, you've messed around inside my body for a while now. Do you know if there's any functions that might mimic proper human emotions?"
"Human emotions? Hmmm"
You thought for a moment, trying to remember if you've seen any kind of code that might do that.
"I don't think I've seen anything like that, but I've also never like, actually paid attention. There may be some functions that mimic that, after all, you might need them to think and work properly. Why?"
"Ah, nothing important, was just wondering."
"I can always check if you want. Of course, for a price"
He couldn't help but scoff, amused "You were never free eh?"
"Someone has to eat"
"Sure, sure. I mean why not, might as well get this mystery solved, since I'm here and have nothing better to do."
"Then come with me"
You both went inside your garage, Boothill already used to all the steps, laying down on the weird table chair as he put it while you connected the cables to the back of his neck, opening the hologram screens.
"Let's see..." you rubbed your chin, pacing around while moving around screens, trying to find anything remotely similar to what Boothill mentioned, but it was rather hard. Every line kept changing dictating different functions every moment.
"Anything the matter?"
"No, I just realized why I might have never seen that kind of function. Your neurolink is adapting to everything you do, so it's changing constantly. I think the only way to spot anything us to trigger whatever made you so curious about your 'emotions'"
"Trigger em? And how the fork do you plan on doing that?"
You thought for a moment, moving next to Boothill, dragging the screens along with you. You didn't really give a warning as you poked his chest with a screwdriver, noticing some changes.
"What in the beautiful sky are you doing?"
"There it is" you just pointed at the screen at the suddenly changing lines.
"Your body reacts to your mental state. Right now you are confused"
"I sure as warm lake I am, you're poking me around with a screwdriver."
"What else would have you wanted me to do? Touch you with my own hands?"
He was about to say something, but you grabbed one of the screens, squinting at it.
"Getting flustered, Boots?" You could almost feel your own smug smile forming on your face.
"Flustered? Please, you'd think I'd get 'flustered' from just a check-up?"
"Bashful... Interesting"
"Hey! Stop saying things and answer me, sweetheart"
"And annoyed. Yeah, you do seem to have those functions, and they're damn advanced to mimic human emotions. Guess you aren't just metal after all. You still have the ability to feel. It's interesting how this changes..."
You got too focused on the lines of code, not paying attention to how you started leaning against the table, your hand extremely close to Boothills, fingers almost touching. Sure, you were just staring at the lines changing, but Boothill was staring at your hand, annoyed almost that he couldn't just grab it, only to be confused over why he was annoyed. You just chuckled to yourself and pushed the screen away, unplugging the cables.
"Well, mystery solved, your neurolink functions exactly like a brain and it sends the proper signals, so your body will be affected by your emotions."
"Great-" he rolled his eyes, standing up and scratching the back of his head "You need a new table, this one is forking uncomfortable."
"I don't take feedback"
"Yeah yeah, whatever you say darling." he just hopped off the table, adjusting his hat.
"1k credits"
"Damn, let me finish at least. Fine, you know the drill"
"Nah, I'll let it slide this time. Getting to check your internals can be fun sometimes" you patted his back
"I'll go home, unless you want to guard my shop, you should leave too."
"You don't just live in your workshop??"
"You know, like, I've always only seen you here, where is your home even."
"Oh... Oh! I guess you can say that? My home is upstairs, I bought the whole building when I opened so everything on the ground floor is the shop, upstairs is my place."
"Ok that makes sense... Can I-"
"Fine fine, I'll go my merry way then. I'll see you next time partner, and thank you for the free check-up"
"Don't get too used to them"
He nodded, tipping his hat and leaving.
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paradiseprincesss · 2 months
my random jonathan crane headcanons 🦇☕️🩺
i’m bored at work so i decided to jot down some of my personal headcanons & thoughts of our favourite little psycho doctor :] im talking about nolanverse!jonathan crane in these also <3
warning: nsfw themes/18+ MDNI
• i think he's a scorpio sun, capricorn moon, and a virgo rising because it just...makes sense
• if we're on the topic of astrology, he'd definitely think it's bullshit - like i know he'd roll his eyes as soon as someone starts to talk about astrology because where's the scientific evidence proving this stuff is legit?
• he drives a mercedes prove me wrong; and i know he'd always pick you up because he insists on doing it. just got off work? he's there. need a lift to class? you best believe he's driving you and picking you up after
• for safety reasons too, of course
• and its tinted like im talking completely blacked out so nobody can see him because he values his privacy or whatever
• despite what everyone thinks, he drinks his coffee with cream and sugar just not overly sweet. he dislikes black coffee because it's just too bitter and i think he wouldn't even bother drinking something that doesn't taste that good if u know what i mean?
• if you brought him coffee AND you remembered his order he would pretend to not care but deep down, his cold heart is melting lol
• he wears mont blanc cologne. no i will not elaborate any further — but he does. specifically mont blanc legend
• he gets flustered when you compliment him on how good he smells i can definitely see him having a hard time accepting compliments from you
• i also think when he compliments you, it's a little stiff or awkward at first because he doesn't really know how to show genuine love because he rarely ever feels this way
• if he was to move in with you, even if you were the girliest girl ever with all the shoes, clothes, and handbags you could dream of... his suit collection would still take up more closet space than your things to the point where you'd probably have to have two walk in closets or separate closets
• he will NOT compromise getting rid of any of his suits to make space for your things, BUT he will buy you another closet/get your place renovated and pay for it so you have more closet space
• he would want a girl who is smart — intellectual stimulation to jonathan is extremely important. you simply cannot be with him unless you're willing to talk about theories, psychology, anatomy, etc with him because who else is going to be able to share his thoughts with?
nsfw themes below
• i think he'd much rather give than receive because he strikes me as a little insecure — if he's eating you out you're focused on the way he's making you feel and he gets to focus on your body, rather than his own
• his stamina is fucking WILD because the self control this man has... like it's insane? could go round after round and will let you have your pleasure before his own, not a selfish lover despite what people think
• i think he's one of if not the most selfless lover in bed because i just know he'd fuck you so good, leave you a mess and make you come over and over again first before letting himself go
• i also think if you aren't into the whole "fear play" thing, he wouldn't force you. he would want you to be kinky and he'd totally experiment with you, but he'd never ever make you uncomfortable or push your limits if you didn't want to or agree to it
• he would 100% pay for your hair, nails, etc whatever is is you want because he thinks it's even sexier when you're all dressed up and done up for him before he ruins you
• especially the whole manicured nails thing...he'd pay for you to have them done because he likes to see them while your hands are wrapped around his cock and you're taking him in your mouth, looking up at him desperately
• buuuuut him actually letting you give him head is kind of...rare? because like i said, he's a lil insecure so he really has to trust you if he's going to let you in like that? and we're not going to talk about how long it takes for him to actually fuck you without any pieces of clothing on
• literally would rather you be naked and him fully dressed for obvious power dynamic reasons, but also because HE LITERALLY IS A NERD LOL he's not confident in his body
• even though you'd die for him and kiss the ground he walked on he's like :[
• lowkey...he's into body worshipping. everyone's like oh he's into bondage, punishment, fear play, all the extremes and stuff - ok sure. yes, but also BODY WORSHIPPING. i already know he falls more in love with you every time you do it to him
• but there's a fine line between body worshipping and letting you take the reins for real. he would rather die than be a sub :]
• lowkey after care is giving!!!
• towels, warm baths, glasses of wine and if you don't feel like drinking, maybe some hot tea and lots of gentle love after
• sigh, you love your little psycho nerdy doctor
• come at me for making him soft but i believe he's like this due to 1) his actual canon backstory and 2) nerds lowkey do it best sorry i don't make the rules
• ps, the glasses STAY on
@girlinterrupted505 @ciriceimpera @jordyn-yeager @thevelvetvampyre @galactict3a
@xanaxiii @nocturnest @psylrd @bloodandglitter207 @humbuginmybones
@oceanstem @futurefamousdeadmusician @jonathancraneslittlepet @esotericdoe
@ll4n4 @ilovetoxicfictionalmen @the-buddy-things @ellebelleshelby @wiseyouthinfluencer
@abprill @minedofmoria @strangeobsessed @5tud10-54r4h @franzine-xii
@stsrfujid @psylrd @eyraaaaaae @nyxxie-pooh @momoewn
@fauxcongenialite @ceruleanrainblues @o0laura @fiona-my-love
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wholoveseggs · 7 months
Hi babygirl!! I’m back yet again 🤭 I’ve got a spicier one for you this time.
Okay so y/n (aka me bc why not) and Rebekah are bffs, talking like usual in her room when y/n one day asks her if she had always been with men only, maybe if she dated women she’d had found love or whatever. Bex says she’s not into women but she has experimented with them before. Elijah and Klaus are in the family room, minding their business when they hear noises. Both brothers have always have a huge ass crush on y/n, Bex knew about it, but they never told her because they didn’t know how to. Rebekah decides to take full advantage of this and fucks y/n, knowing damn well her brothers can hear how loud they are. So from the family room, they follow the noise to Bex’s room & find the two girls scissoring. They watch quietly and jack off but when Klaus moans, both girls hear and quickly turn to the door, catching both brothers redhanded. This obviously leads to a 4some. {kinks: double penetration, voyeurism, breeding, boob play (lots btwn the girls), praise, degradation, choking, and ofc scissoring for the girls}
Ménage à Quatre
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18+ ---- {Masterlist} {Tag-List}
Just a quick little ménage à quatre with Rebekah & the boys...
♡♡ Thanks for the request sweet Aurora! This was so much fun to write & also a bit of a challenge (lots of moving parts haha) ♡♡
5.3k words - Warnings: pure smut, foursome, NO INCEST, girl on girl, fingering, handjobs, oral sex, scissoring, double penetration, voyeurism, choking, lots of praise and a sprinkling of degradation, my Elijah favoritism shining through, Klaus and Elijah being a little rough, Rebekah likes to watch...
PS: This is unofficially extra-extra-extra-extraordinary ~lol
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Rebekah's room was always your favorite place in the Mikaelson compound. It was feminine and elegant, and had beautiful pieces of furniture. Whenever you would go to your best friend's bedroom, you couldn't help but admire the view; and the woman.
She was beautiful with her long blonde hair and stunning features, not to mention that gorgeous accent of hers. You had always harbored a bit of a crush, but kept it to yourself, afraid to ruin the friendship.
As always, you were both sitting on her bed, legs crossed and telling each other the latest gossip. And today, you found yourself telling Rebekah about a recent fling and hook-up.
Rebekah was listening intently as she rummaged through her closet, tossing you some clothes she wanted you to try. You always felt a little shy getting undressed in front of her but you got more comfortable over time.
You pulled on a vintage pleated mini skirt from the early 2000s, it didn't even cover your buttcheeks. 
You gave Rebekah a spin while giggling, "How do I look?"
She laughs, her eyes gazing over your body appreciatively. "Sexy, as always."
You blush under her gaze and pull off your top, rummaging through the pile of clothes to find a new shirt.
"Try this on," Rebekah suggests, holding up a lacy red push up bra.
"Sure," you reply with a shrug, taking off your own plain white one and throwing it across the room.
As you put on the new bra, Rebekah took the opportunity to admire your half naked figure. You bite your lip, feeling the tension building in the room.
You sat down on the bed, leaning against the headboard, her eyes followed you closely. Your skin felt hot under her gaze and your heart beat faster in your chest.
"I have a question for you, love," she says softly, looking down at her fingernails casually, acting as if nothing happened.
"What is it?"
"Elijah and Klaus are both quite taken with you. I've heard them talk about you before," Rebekah replies. Her voice is low and her eyes dark, she looks up at you from beneath her eyelashes. "Did you know that?"
"Really? I don't know…" You can't stop your eyes from widening in surprise. "But they've never said anything to me…”
"Is it so hard to believe they are attracted to you? You're beautiful. Sexy. Any man would be lucky to have you."
Your entire body feels hot under her gaze and you're unable to form a sentence. But to your luck, you don't have to answer her as she speaks again.
"Or maybe," she drawls, slowly starting to crawl towards you on the bed. "You're into women."
You gulp, paralyzed by her hypnotizing gaze. Before you can think of anything witty to say, you're pinned against her pillows, soft fabric squished under your back.
She pushes her knee between your legs, straddling you in the process. You gasp at her boldness, lust taking over your mind. She leans closer, so close that her lips are almost brushing against yours.
"So which one would you choose?" she asks softly, her breath ghosting over your face.
"Choose?" You repeat breathily.
"My brothers. Which one?" she clarifies, her eyes twinkling with mischief.
"I-I" You stop to clear your throat, trying to swallow down the sudden nerves. "Probably Elijah, he seems more gentle than Klaus," you mumble.
Rebekah chuckles, enjoying the effect she is having on you. "He would be thrilled to hear you say that. But," she stops, bringing her lips next to your ear. "I was hoping you'd choose me," she whispers.
It takes everything in your body not to moan when her soft lips move over the sensitive skin on your neck.
Her hands slide up your body before cupping your breasts through the lacy bra. She kneads your flesh firmly before pulling the cups down. Your breasts spill out, nipples pebbling under her ravenous stare.
"I didn't realize it was an option," you breathe.
Rebekah grins at you, eyes flashing dangerously before dipping her head.
"It's always been an option," she husks.
Her attention shifts to your exposed tits, nipples pink and puffy from her touch. She gives them a little smack, knocking the breath out of you.
Her actions instantly cause a throbbing between your thighs as you subconsciously try to close them.
Without warning, she leans down and swipes her tongue along one nipple. Her saliva leaves a cool coating over your skin as she works her way across your chest to give the same treatment to your other tit.
She hums softly against your skin before she bites down lightly, causing your body to arch up towards her, a breathy sigh leaving your lips.
You close your eyes, savoring the sensation of her touch. You want to touch her too, feel her soft skin beneath your fingertips, hear her delicate moans in your ear.
Your hands slowly slide up her thighs, teasing the exposed skin. She doesn't stop you as your hands travel higher and higher, crawling up the slope of her stomach.
She takes your wrists and guides your arms over your head, pinning them against the headboard with one hand, biting her lip in concentration. Her stare is intense, dark and arousing, lust and hunger burning brightly in her eyes.
"Not so fast," she murmurs, kissing the side of your mouth, then quickly withdrawing. "This is all about you,”
Her free hand dips underneath your skirt, reaching the damp fabric of your panties, and pushes it aside. She grins as her finger runs up and down your slit, teasing and prodding your entrance, you let out a soft moan, arching into her touch.
Her lips attach to the skin on your neck, suckling at the tender flesh. She grazes her teeth across the fluttering pulse point, causing goosebumps to erupt all over your body.
You tried to stifle your moans, suddenly becoming aware of your surroundings. There was a possibility others in the house could also hear you. Klaus and Elijah were only just downstairs, and with their vampire hearing they could definitely pick up on your moans, even through the closed door. And that thought, of them listening in on you and Rebekah having sex, turned you on even more.
Rebekah grinned, as if she was reading your mind. She removed her hand from between your legs and moved back a little on the bed, grabbing your skirt and pulling it off before pulling off her down clothes. You feel the cold air hit your now bare pussy as she tosses her garments onto the floor.
"Come here," she said softly, grabbing your hips and pulling you under her.
She pressed her chest to yours, the soft skin of her breasts brushing against your own. Your nipples brushed against hers and you both moaned softly. The two of you gazed into each other's eyes for a moment before capturing her lips.
Her tongue pushed in roughly, exploring every inch of your mouth. You reciprocated eagerly, humming against her lips and gripping her waist to pull her closer.
Rebekah slides her hand down your body and between your legs, and begins to slowly stroke your clit. You arch your back, moaning loudly. She chuckles and slowly pushes a finger inside of you, then another.
She thrusts her fingers in and out of your dripping cunt, curling them in just the right way to make you squirm.
"You're so wet, darling," she coos, licking her lips. "Tell me what you want."
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Elijah was sitting in the courtyard, book in his lap, enjoying one of the rare moments he had to himself. Klaus was sketching something, and the silence was comfortable.
But their moment of peace was interrupted by the sounds of giggling coming from upstairs.
"Sounds like someone is having a good time," the hybrid muttered.
"Yes, I suppose so," Elijah agreed, trying not to listen to the noises.
They are both a little jealous of Rebekah's bond with you, she seemed to have a connection with you that they couldn't achieve. And while they were both aware that the two of you were just friends, sometimes it was hard not to feel left out.
"Maybe we should go see what's going on," Klaus suggested, glancing at his brother.
"No, leave them be, they are probably just trying on clothes again," Elijah replied, trying to focus on his book. He wasn't actually sure what the girls were up to, but he didn't want to disturb them.
Suddenly there's a loud moan, followed by a giggle, and the brothers are unable to ignore it anymore.
They both looked at eachother then got up, heading for the stairs. They could hear the girls whispering and laughing, the sounds getting louder as they reached the door.
Klaus stopped Elijah before he walked in, pressing his index finger to his lips and listening.
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You were flushed and trembling, Rebekah between your legs, teasing your pussy with her tongue.
"Fuck," you gasp, grabbing her hair and pulling her closer.
Rebekah loved this, having you at her mercy. You were so hot and responsive, and she couldn't get enough. She could hear her brothers downstairs, questioning what the two of you were doing and she decided to put on a show. 
Torture them a little.
Your breathing grew faster as you bucked your hips, riding her face as she kept sucking your clit, your pleasure climbing higher and higher, the tension building in your core.
"Bekah, I'm gonna-"
She pulled back and looked up at you, her smirk the most mischievous you've ever seen.
"Don't come yet, beautiful," she coaxed you, grinning wickedly. "I have one more thing to show you,"
She grins and leans forward, her breasts pressed against yours, she gently positions one of your legs over hers, pulling your bodies flush against each other. She kisses you softly, her hands tangling in your hair, pulling a little before breaking the kiss.
She takes her hands and intertwines them with yours as she starts moving her hips slowly, gently sliding her wet pussy against yours. You gasp at the feeling and move your hips, trying to match her rhythm.
Your eyes close and your head falls back. Rebekah looks down at you, smiling proudly at the effect she has on you.
"Just like that," she whispers. "Feel me move against you..."
You looked down at the sight of your pussies grinding together, and groaned, biting your lip. It was so erotic, and you can't get enough. The way her clit brushes against yours, sending jolts of pleasure through your body.
The bed creaked beneath you as you moved faster, trying to chase the high that's just out of reach. It was too much, the pleasure building deep within your belly, your muscles clenching tight. Just when you are about to reach your peak you hear a noise coming from the hallway and you freeze.
Both of you look towards the door, waiting for it to open, and sure enough, the knob turns, revealing the intruders. Klaus and Elijah, of course.
"Looks like we have company, love," Rebekah teased, continuing to grind on you.
They both looked a little caught, as if they didn't expect the door to be unlocked. They stepped in sheepishly, the both of them looking over the two of you, their eyes darkening.
"Hello brothers, it seems we have a new toy to play with," Rebekah stated, eyeing them intensely, her smile full of mischief. "Would you like that darling? To be shared between the three of us?"
You let out a soft moan as Rebekah moves her body in a particular way that has your eyes rolling back into your head. When you speak, you almost sound like you are begging, desperate for their touch.
"Yes," you breathe.
You watched Elijah and Klaus eagerly undress, their eyes still lingering on the two of you, hunger evident in their gaze.
"Look at how you're blushing," Klaus teases, chuckling and moving closer to the bed.
"Such a pretty little thing," Elijah agreed, his lips turning up in a knowing smile.
Rebekah continued to move her hips against yours. "I know," she moaned, running a hand through your hair. "You really are beautiful."
You moan louder as Klaus begins running his hands over your exposed body. Elijah soon joins him, moving to your other side, fingers tracing the outline of your lips. He pushes the tips of his fingers into your mouth and you immediately suck them, eyes fluttering shut. You moan around his fingers, pulling them deeper inside.
Rebekah groans, watching you swirl your tongue around his skin, the wetness gathering between your thighs growing, and you whine, rutting against her to create some friction.
"How desperate," Rebekah smirked, slowing down her movements so that the friction isn't enough to satisfy you.
Elijah removes his fingers and moves to kiss you, his tongue exploring your mouth, hungrily tasting you. Klaus touches your breasts, squeezing and playing with your sensitive nipples. You moan into the kiss, arching your back to rub your skin against his calloused fingers.
You are trapped between the three of them, completely at the mercy of their hands and mouths and you’d never been more turned on.
"I want to see her cum," Klaus murmurs, nipping your earlobe, making you shudder.
Rebekah increases the pace, grinding her clit into yours over and over. You mewl in pleasure, bucking your hips, begging for more. You look up and notice that Elijah has already started stroking his cock, his eyes fixed on you.
"I bet her pussy feels incredible, don't you think?" Klaus asks Elijah huskily, pinching your nipple between two fingers and pulling on it.
You yelp from the overload of sensations, your whole body convulsing. You can't hear what Elijah says because Rebekah reaches between your legs and circles her index finger around your swollen clit, pushing you over the edge.
Your pussy contracts, clamping down around nothing, convulsing against Rebekah's thumb. She sucks in a ragged breath, her hips spasming and rocking back and forth, your hips moving together. Your clit brushes against hers and you let out an embarrassing noise of surprise, coming at the same time as her.
Rebekah collapsed, sweaty and shaking. She buried her face in your neck, mumbling your name over and over, her body still pulsating with the aftershocks of her orgasm.
She pulls back, her blonde hair cascading around her shoulders. She smiles down at you and leans in for another kiss, this time it's slow and gentle, filled with affection.
"You look so beautiful when you come," she whispers against your lips, pressing another soft peck on the side of your mouth. "I think I'll let my brothers have a turn with you now," she gently nips at your skin, tickling you, making you giggle.
Then she moves from the bed and sits on the armchair across the room, watching with dark eyes. Her legs spread as she watches the show, hand finding her clit and rubbing it slowly.
Elijah guides you to lay on your side facing him, while Klaus presses himself to your back, their strong hands gliding along your curves. Elijah wastes no time and leans down to kiss you, pulling your tongue between his lips and sucking it.
Klaus bites down on the skin of your neck, leaving hickeys along the area from your collarbone to the junction of your neck.
Their hands wander over your curves. Elijah's hand cups your breasts, toying with the hard peaks. "Such a pretty little slut." His voice is low, and he smirks at the way your body reacts to his words.
You can feel Klaus' hard member pressing against your back, along with Elijah's length pressed against your front.
You palm Elijah's cock through his boxers, stroking him in slow strokes, loving the way he feels and smells. His dark eyes watch you with adoration as he gives a gentle thrust into your hand.
"Do you like that?" You ask, your voice soft as you continue to pump him, occasionally bringing your hand higher up his shaft and teasing his sensitive head.
He nods eagerly, his fingers tangling into your hair, pressing his hips into you with more urgency. You can feel the veins on his cock pulsate under your touch as his breathing becomes erratic and shallow.
Klaus turns you so you are lying on your back between them, your free hand reaching for his cock, mimicking what you are doing to Elijah.
The feeling of having their cocks in your hands at the same time drives you crazy, you love being surrounded by them. They start kissing your neck and shoulder blades, leaving little marks of their own. You feel them getting harder and harder as they rut into your hands.
The heat between the three of you begins to rise, moans, gasps and whispered praises filling the air. They tease your breasts, letting their fingers and lips roam your body, softly caressing your nipples.
Rebekah groans at the sight and starts rubbing her clit faster, her breath catching as she watches you from across the room. You turn your head slightly, your eyes meeting hers, and you bite your lip, your hand speeding up, stroking them faster.
Elijah's hand wanders lower, touching your inner thigh and his mouth is pressing lightly on your neck and jaw.
"Fuck, just like that darling," he breathes, slowly circling your clit with the pad of his finger, pulling a small gasp from your lips, your eyes fluttering closed at the sensation.
"You like that?" Klaus whispers into your ear, biting on your lobe as he does.
You look towards him and lean over, capturing his lips and teasing him with your tongue, keeping up the movements of your hands on their cocks. He takes control easily, taking charge and deepening the kiss.
"Why don't you come sit on my lap," Klaus murmurs against your lips, brushing back the strands of hair away from your face, smiling down at you with affection.
You let go of them and let yourself be maneuvered so that you were straddling him, the tip of his thick shaft pressing against your entrance, teasing your soaked pussy.
Before you can slide onto his cock, his thumb brushes against your slit and gently taps your swollen clit, causing bolts of pleasure to pass through you, you suck in a gasp and start riding his finger, feeling tiny pleasure sparks shooting through your body.
Your nails dig into his shoulders, and he grabs your hips roughly pushing you down onto his cock, causing you to moan as the pleasure of being filled so deep hits you. You lift your hips and his cock slides out a little bit, before you push yourself back down on him. You move slowly, adjusting to his large size. The way your muscles tighten around him makes him groan in pleasure.
Klaus smiled wickedly, his hand coming down to smack your ass, making you yelp and fall forward, burying your head into the crook of his neck.
Rebekah rubbed her clit as she watched you bounce on Klaus' cock, her chest heaving and a desperate expression on her beautiful features.
"Ride him properly now, he's not a particularly patient man," she teased.
Klaus chuckled and smacked you again, harder this time, his other hand wrapping around your throat. You positioned your legs on either side of his and started really moving. Rolling your hips, clenching, using his thighs to your advantage. Each time you pushed yourself down you clenched hard, dragging a long low groan from his parted lips.
"Such a perfect little whore," Klaus grunted as you picked up your pace. His grip tightened around your neck and his other hand squeezed your breasts, twisting your nipples roughly. Your rhythm grew messy, your hips moving in earnest, searching for friction.
Rebekah couldn't tear her eyes away from the scene, watching you fall apart in Klaus' lap had her chasing her high too.
Elijah gazed fondly at the two of you, moving behind you and licking along your back, grabbing your cheeks in his large hands and massaging them before smacking them harshly. You whined loudly, gripping Klaus' forearms tightly, both men chuckled at your responses.
Klaus slowed your movements as Elijah pressed his chest against your back, you could feel the warmth radiating from his body, his muscular arms wrapping around you. He wrapped one hand around your body and traced small circles across your clit. You gasped and ground against him, desperate for more friction, he ignored your frantic pleading, holding your trembling thighs steady, growling commands in your ear telling you to settle down.
Elijah's hands moved over your hips then between your ass cheeks and slowly circled the edges of your tight hole.
"Have you ever had two men take you at once?" he purred, your blush deepened, and you shook your head.
"Well then we have so much to teach you," Rebekah cheered, spreading her legs further apart.
Elijah leaned back and spread your cheeks further, teasing the hole and coaxing a litany of pleads from your pretty mouth. Your hole was tight and sensitive, only the tip of Elijah's middle finger slowly inserted inside, pushing against your walls to the first knuckle. Klaus's hand tightened around your throat, his eyes glued to your face. Elijah applied more pressure, before he began to move his finger slowly in and out of your ass.
"Shit, Elijah," you groaned, the sensation making you squeeze around Klaus' cock.
With Klaus's grip on you, there was very little range of movement and Elijah smirked at your efforts, removing his finger altogether for a moment.
You weren't sure if you were relieved or frustrated by this.
You let out a shaky gasp as his fingers circled the tense ring of muscle once again, your nails digging into Klaus's shoulders harder when you felt a second finger at your entrance, the slight burn adding to the never-ending list of sensations flooding your mind.
"Relax, sweetheart, take a deep breath." Elijah said softly, kissing the side of your neck and letting his breath fan over the sensitive skin.
You couldn't stop yourself from trembling as Klaus and Elijah shared a chuckle at your eagerness.
"Do you like the thought of having two cocks inside you?" Klaus said, letting go of your throat and twining his fingers into your hair instead. "Of being stuffed full, stretched to your limit, our little whore?”
You could practically feel Rebekah rolling her eyes and grinning.
"Aren't you glad you indulged Rebekah now." Klaus pressed his mouth to your cheekbone, nuzzling the skin until your eyelashes fluttered. "Can't get enough, can you love? So greedy."
"Y-yes," you stutter, feeling Elijah's cock brush against your hole.
Rebekah made a pleased noise at your shaky answer, but didn't make any indication to interrupt, instead just slowly circling her clit, watching with rapt attention.
"Tell them what you want, darling," Rebekah asked quietly.
You turned and stared into her blue eyes and Rebekah breathed out heavily at your desperate gaze. "I want you to put both your cocks in me, I...want to be stuffed full, please," you rambled breathily, shutting your eyes and gasping out when your reward for those begging words was Elijah slowly easing his cock into your ass.
Your back arched slightly and you let out a loud moan, Elijah wrapped an arm around you, the other on your hip, gently urging you to move.
"Good girl, I'll go slow." Elijah's voice sent a shiver of want through you as he continued pressing in more of his thick length with an agonizing pace that left you begging and gasping.
"If only Elijah could see your pretty little face." Klaus chuckled, slowly thrusting up as his brother eventually bottomed out with a low groan, slowly shifting inside you so as not to hurt you.
After a moment, Elijah guided you with small rocks of his hips, kissing your neck and running his hand through your hair and cupping your chin. You sigh into a kiss, and with a few slow experimental pumps of his hips, the painful stretching turned into waves of pleasure.
"Oh, she likes it," Klaus laughed deeply, using his hands to roll your hips into Elijah's, guiding your hips with the upthrusts of his own.
You were completely overwhelmed as you let Klaus guide your hips. You moaned softly with each movement from either side. You had never been filled so deep. You could feel your climax rapidly approaching and all at once you wanted nothing more than both their cum buried deep inside of you.
The two of them used their combined strengths to pound you at a faster, harsher pace.
"S - shit. Fuck." Your hands started roaming your own body; touching every part of you they couldn't while on the search for release, you pinched your nipples and Klaus dipped his fingers to your clit, furiously strumming the bud in rough circles.
All three of them watched you squirming in pure ecstasy and grunting as their pleasure crashed. The heat was growing intense, leaving you weak and desperate. They didn't stop as your walls began to tighten, continuing at their hurried pace until you finally fell over the edge, taking them with you.
For a moment, everything went hazy as they filled you with their cum, their moans echoed in the room and they caught your shaking body, murmuring praise and reassurances until you regained your ability to think.
Elijah pulled out of you and Klaus caressed your thighs with his hands, his thumb rubbing circles across your skin. He kisses you gently on your forehead and moves you off his lap, laying you down on the bed.
Rebekah laid down beside you, kissing your cheeks and making you giggle. She looked gorgeous, gently biting at her lip as she admired your blissed out expression. You wanted to make her feel good, since she'd been so left out in this adventure.
You pushed her gently on to her back, kissing her neck and lips. You move down her body, licking and biting and tugging. She threads her fingers into your hair and you shuffle between her legs, sucking on her nipples and swirling them with the tip of your tongue. She moans and bucks her hips.
"Thank you for being so patient Becca," you smirk and wink, sending a flush of color rushing through her pretty face.
Using both of your hands, you raise her left thigh higher onto your shoulder as you lick between her soft pussy lips. You glance back towards Rebekah's brothers, expecting one of them to take advantage of your inviting posture.
Elijah steps forwards and bends over you, kissing your ass cheeks before easing his cock into your pussy, moving with slow, lazy thrusts. His hands roam your ass, murmuring praise and making you blush.
Rebekah groans softly, and that is all the encouragement you need to start focusing your attention on her clit, slurping messily, loving the sounds you are pulling from her. You ease two fingers into her heat, curling your fingers as you thrust and swirl them inside her, drawing out more and more of the erotic symphony she makes.
You can tell she is close by the way her legs are trembling. You pull your mouth away from her core to let out a sharp cry as Elijah picks up the speed. You quickly re-attach your mouth to her pussy and fuck her fast and hard with your fingers. The rapid pressure of your fingers against her g-spot has Rebekah grabbing at your hair and trying to hold your mouth firmly to her clit as she falls apart, squeezing your head with her thighs.
She pulls you back by the hair and lets out a contented sigh, softly moaning as your fingers continue moving deep inside her.
Rebekah giggled at the look on your face, watching you being slowly fucked by Elijah, she could tell you were desperate for more.
"You love to torture her, don't you Elijah," Rebekah hissed, feeling the soft bites your teeth delivered to her tender skin. "You want her to beg for more, don't you?"
"She can hardly beg with your thighs clamped around her head," Elijah chuckled.
You moaned as Elijah's hand tangled into your hair, pulling you up so your face was pulled away from Rebekah's pussy, her wetness covered your lips and chin.
Klaus was watching the scene, stroking himself, smirking as you gasped when Elijah took complete control.
"You are ours," Elijah growled, nipping at your neck. "And we are going to show you just how much we love having our little play thing around."
His lips traced along your pulse-point before nipping his teeth across your flesh, leaving red and purplish bite marks as he went.
Klaus and Rebekah moved closer, both of them sitting up on their knees in front of you. You reached out to Rebekah, your fingers moving back between her legs. Her eyes fluttered closed, her breath catching in her throat. Your fingers found her clit and gently circled it.
Her hips jerked towards your hand as you continued to grind your ass back on Elijah's cock.
You took Klaus in your other hand and stroked his length, the four of you moving in sync, your hands, lips, hips and tongue working in tandem to tease and pleasure them.
There were so many different sensations and you were trembling from the intensity of it all. You had no control over anything, and yet you had complete power over the sensations they were all receiving. 
It was filthy, scandalous, but it felt so good.
Elijah sank his cock deeper into you and his mouth trailed kisses along the back of your neck. Klaus, Rebekah and you were panting and moaning, each of you edging closer to climax.
Rebekah came first, she threw her head back and moaned loudly, her body tensed, her muscles clenching around your fingers. You watched as she rode your hand, her cunt pulsing and you moaned with delight as her thighs tightened.
Klaus was next, and he grunted as he came, spilling into your hand. His eyes were glazed over and he grinned lazily.
Elijah picked up the pace, his thrusts growing faster and harder as he approached his own climax. "Going to fill your delicious little pussy up," he growled, his grip on your hips tightening.
He buried his cock inside you and came, causing you to buck and whimper. You felt his release fill you and you couldn't help but groan.
"Such a pretty little thing, so good for us," Klaus whispered as he stroked your hair. Watching your eyebrows arch as you came on Elijah's cock. Rebekah cooed in the background, smiling with pride.
All thoughts evaporated as the sweet tension took over and you let go, moaning long and low as your climax hit.
Elijah pulled out of you, letting you fall forward into Klaus' arms. Elijah smacked your ass, loving the way the light burn added to your fading high.
You giggled softly as Klaus laid you down on top of him, while Elijah and Rebekah snuggled up on either side of you.
All thoughts dissolved with the warm afterglow, and the loving caresses on your heated skin. You buried your face into Klaus's chest, Rebekah massaging your scalp, Elijah gently rubbing circles across your lower back.
"I think she's the best one yet," Rebekah yawned, her cheeks still red.
"Definitely," Klaus replied, closing his eyes.
Elijah murmured softly in agreement, breathing deeply through his nose. The brothers were quickly fading to sleep.
"You guys do this often?" You chuckled, listening to their hearts thump as they calmed down.
"Only occasionally," Elijah admitted sleepily, kissing the top of your head. "For special occasions with special people,"
You smiled contently, pleased with yourself and the three immortals surrounding you.
"So are you saying I'm special?" You teased, giggling at their groans.
"Yes darling, extraordinarily so," Rebekah sighed happily, nuzzling into your shoulder. "Please, don't leave."
"Ever." Klaus and Elijah grumbled.
"Never ever." You sighed contently, drifting off to sleep in the warm embrace of three, perfect lovers.
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luvleyk · 2 months
༶•┈┈⛧┈♛ Trying something new with my Bae
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| CW: Smut, strap on usage, fingering, Bada trying figure out her shits on her own, her being gentle but then things went rough when she lost her control, that's it.
| A/N: wasn't proofread so expect that there'll be some typos or grammatical errors.. I'm having a writers block and trying to figure out how to make a fluff without the smut afterwards... So have this for now.. Please I just want to write angst or fluff. I have issues
**•̩̩͙✩•̩̩͙*˚ ⋇⋆✦⋆⋇ ˚*•̩̩͙✩•̩̩͙*˚*
You two have been dating for few years. She gave you a lot of experience, especially on intimate moments. But, slowly.. She's running out of ideas on how to pleasure you in different ways. You two tried a lot of positions, overstimulate, edging, oral and other stuff but she feels like she needs more to pleasure you, to make you feel good. But what is it? She thought.
She's good at it, of course. But she's still trying new things to have more experience and make sure that she can have you all ruined underneath her. You moaning out her name till you cum again and again. God.. She thought.. Maybe her friends could help her out? But she's too prideful to even ask for a help. So she felt defeated by her own ego as she slumped down on her chair, her finger were tapping above her lips as she tries to think.
Her mind completely went back after it was drifting out of nowhere as she looked over her shoulder, seeing you standing by the door frame. She sighs in relief before gesturing you to come closer..
"What's wrong? You seemed spaced out?" You asked once you were standing beside her..
She shakes her head. Of course, she wouldn't tell you that the things were bothering her was about sex.. "Nothing, love.. I'm just trying to think of another choreo to make" she lied.
And of course you're oblivious to know if she's lying or not... "Oh I see.. Well.. Can I see you dance once you formed that choreo?" She asked, which she nodded in response.. After a few minutes, you told her that you be at the kitchen to make some snacks for the both of you. She just hummed as an approval before pulling you, forcing you to lean down to her as she plant a kiss on your forehead and gesturing you to leave.
You sound like a puppy that was given a treat as you giggled while hopping towards the door to leave. She chuckled as she watches you disappear from her sight. Now, she's alone with her thoughts again..
Then something popped up in her mind.. You two haven't tried using sex toys before... She thought it would be nice try it out. She browse on a certain online shop to look for some toys to try when she came across with a purple dildo.. The size was maybe 7 to 9 inch who knows.. Of course she'll try that out first. She purchased it along with a strap/harness (whatever you call that) before setting her phone down on the table..
**•̩̩͙✩•̩̩͙*˚ ⋇⋆✦⋆⋇ ˚*•̩̩͙✩•̩̩͙*˚*
It's been a few days. It's Bada's day off from her work so you two had the whole day to spend with each other. She's taking a shower while you're at the living room, watching some Kdramas to kill the time.
You perked up when you hear a door bell, as you quickly gets up from the couch to answer the door.. "Cominggg" you said in a sing-song tone as you walk towards it as you turn the handle..
A man with a bag, holding a small package was revealed when you open the door... "A package delivery for Miss Lee?" He asked..
"Oh" you paused.. "Ah.. she's busy at the moment... But I can take the package" you added as he nodded and handed you the package before you close the door.. Huh.. You wonder what she ordered online.. It's rare for her to do online shopping since she usually love to go out and buy things with you.. "Bada... Your package arrived" you called out before you went through her room. You placed the package on the top of her bed and stared at it. Of course, there's a part of you that just want to open the box. But it's also bad to open the stuff that isn't yours..
But it wouldn't hurt to look what's inside, no?
You slowly opened the package and your jaw dropped when you saw the stuff that Bada bought... "What the hell..." You uttered as you raised the toy to take a closer look. It's the first time to see something so... Huge... You quickly looked at your back, seeing Bada, standing at the door frame. A hand towel over her head, she's wearing a grey sweatpants and a sports bra, showing her toned abs. You gulped, seeing her shocked reaction when she sees you holding the toy. "Y/N.." She uttered..
"N.. Nuh-uh... It's not what it looks like... I mean... I.." You stutter as you toss the toy back on the package... "I mean... What is this... You bought this??? What are you planning, Miss Lee...?" You questioned as you stared at her. You can't help but feel embarrassed and aroused at the same time.. What the hell?
You feel your mind floats that you didn't notice that Bada was standing in front of you, her figure was towering you. You let out a yelp when she lift you up and lay you dow on the bed.. "B.. Bada..?" You gasped out but she shushed you..
"I want to try something new.." She started as she looked down at you, her hand slowly trails up to your thigh, gently squeezing it, earning another gasp from you.. "It's fine to use a toy to make you feel good, hm?" She asked as she tilts her head to the side...
You looked up at to her, your cheeks flushed at her questions.. "I... It looks big tho...?" You uttered as you watched her took out the harness and the toy... "But I'm sure you'll get used to it?" She replied as she took off her sweatpants, only leaving with her sports bra and her grey underwear, setting the harness of her strap.. "Don't worry... I'll be gentle.. Since it's also my first time using this" she added, reassuring you that everything will be fine.
She attached the toy on her strap as she spreads your legs, letting the tip of the toy, touch your heated core. You shuddered at the anticipation, causing her to smirk at the sight.. Her hand trails up from your thigh to the fabric of her short, that's covering your aching cunt. You watches her thumb slowly rub a circle against the bundle your nerves, causing you to let out a muffled sigh, your hand balling into a fist against the bedsheets.
"Let's take this off.." She uttered as her both hands, grip at the waistband of your short. You took the initiative and lift your hips up to help her take off your shorts and your underwear..
She tossed it on the floor as her thumb went back from rubbing your clit, earning a loud gasp coming from you. Your fingers were between your lips as your gaze was focus on her.
Bada chuckles at your changed expression... "Look at you, love.." She uttered as her slender fingers slowly plays with your entrance.. You gasped again.. "M.. Mn.. Bada.. Hurryyy..." You whined, but you feel like your mind went blank quickly when you felt her middle finger slid inside..
She slowly move her finger inside, slowly adding more digit to stretch you, just enough to fit the toy inside you.. You two haven't even reach the exciting part but you're already sensitive. "Love, don't tell me you're gonna cum? I'm just getting started" you heard her say as she continues to move her fingers inside of you... She knew you very well, where your sweet spot was located.. But she's not gonna let you go off, just yet..
You whined loudly when she pulled her fingers quickly... "N.. No.. Wait.. Why'd you pulled out..?" You stuttered as you watched her hovers on top of you.. "Because... I'm not finished yet.." She hummed as she teases the tip of the toy on your sensitive bud, making you shudder, underneath her.
Her hand gripped tightly as she slowly pushes the length on your entrance, causing you to part your lips and arching your back. You choking to let out a moan.. "W.. T.. Too much.." You whine.. Her free hand caress your face, removing the strand of your hair, that was covering your beautiful face... "Shh... You'll be okay, yeah? I'll take it slow, don't worry" she reassured as she leaned down, planting a kiss on your forehead..
Bada slowly pushes the length, till she's fully inside of you... You cried out, feeling overwhelmed and full at the same time.. Heavy breaths slowly starts to come out from you as she tries to soothe you... "It fit in, see?" She said as she lift herself up showing you the close distance between her hips and yours... "You did well, love.." She praised..
After a few moments, she noticed you slowly relaxing and seems to get used to the feeling of it, inside of you. She took the initiative to move herself. The move was slow and passionate, enough for you to writhe and moan underneath her. Her grip on your hips, slowly tightens as she muffled a huffs and grunts, imagining the toy was her actually part of her.. "Fuck... So tight..." You heard her muttered as she bit her lips, watching you getting lost on the overwhelming pleasure..
You cried out loud when you felt her starts rubbing your bundle of nerves as she continues to assault your insides.. "Y/N... Fuck... You feel so good.." She uttered... God she can't even feel any shit, but she could imagine you actually wrapping yourself around her cock, like it's a real thing...
A tight feeling starts to form inside as your hand balls into a fist... "B... Bada... I.." You started to form out words but failed to do, as your mind was clouded. She knew what you meant as she starts to pick up the pace. Moving her hips in a fluid but fast motion. Her eyes never leaving you, watching you bit your fingers as you arched your back. Her gaze, catching a tears, starting to form on your eyes..
"Fuck... I feel like I'm gonna cum.." She murmured before leaning down, catching your lips for a kiss, swallowing all the erotic sound that you make..
Soon enough, you felt your orgasm overflows you, letting out a cry, hips trembling from the intense pleasure, whining as she slowly rode out your orgasm.. Once she's satisfied, she slowly pulled out before laying down beside you... "So.. Did it satisfy you?" She asked as she wrapped her arms around you, securing you into an embrace. "Because it sure did, to me" she added as she laughs..
You just let out a muffled grunt... "We're not gonna use that, next time..." You uttered as she quickly pulled away, slightly to look at you. "Why?"
"That's so big? What if you got carried away, and almost killed with it?" You asked in a joking manner. She snorts before pulling you closer again.. "That's not gonna happen... I promised to be gentle, didn't i? So just trust me." She said as she plants a kiss on the top of your head.. You just let out a weak sigh as a response, feeling the fatigue, slowly spreading in your body, making you tired and vulnerable..
You took a mental note to keep checking on her whenever she's on her phone.. Who knows what she might buy next...
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dwobbitfromtheshire · 11 months
Eddie has strong feelings for Steve. Feelings he thought he had gotten rid of once Steve rescued him from hell. His hatred of him didn't even make sense, even before all of this. So, because he's a jock he has to be a jerk like all the rest? Eddie had made an assumption about him and Lucas just like they made about him. He hated that he had done that. It hadn't been his proudest moment. Now, those frustrating feelings are resurfacing, which is ridiculous because not only is he a good guy, but he is also a complete dork as well and he's so fucking great with the kids. He should be happy that he's friends with him, so why does his stomach feel like there's a bird trying to get out of its cage when he looks at Steve?
"Eddie, man, why are you scowling at me?" Steve asked.
He was hanging out with Steve, Robin, and Robin's girlfriend, Vickie. It was supposed to be a nice, casual get-together. Of course, Eddie had to ruin it.
"I hate you!" Eddie burst out.
There was silence in the living room as everyone stared at him. Steve looked hurt. Robin looked angry, and if Vickie wasn't holding her back, Eddie was sure she would rip out his throat with her bare hands.
"What?" Steve asked.
"It doesn't make any sense why I do, though!" Eddie burst out. "Because you're a great guy! Fantastic even! When I look at you, I get these feelings in my chest that annoy the fucking shit out of me. Everything about you is so fucking perfect like a goddamn prince out of a storybook! With your perfect hair, your perfect eyes, and your perfect teeth. My God, you're even great with the kids! When you talk about going out on dates, I hate that, too! I know you're just trying to do that to get over Nancy. Speaking of Nancy, I like her and all, but when I think about you two together, it makes my fucking skin scrawl! What the fuck is that? I mean, I like Nancy, but fuck, the idea of you two together makes me want to rip off my own eyebrows and eat them! Jesus H Christ! There's no reason for me to hate you, and yet somehow . . . Wait, why are you guys laughing?"
Vickie was giggling into Robin's shoulder while Robin laughed into a pillow. Steve was laughing with his hands over his eyes.
"He's so cute!" Vickie laughed.
"Why are you guys laughing at me?" Eddie asked. "Stop it!"
"You poor Dingus!" Robin laughed.
"What?!" Eddie asked.
"You like me, Eddie," Steve said.
"Yeah, I like you, but I also seem to hate you," he sighed.
"No, I mean, you like me," Steve said, standing up.
"You said that already," Eddie replied.
"Alright, can I do something so I can get my point across?" Steve asked.
"Yeah, do whatever you want to me, man," Eddie said and Steve grinned widely.
"Within reason, Steven!" Robin exclaimed.
Steve cupped his face and kissed him. Eddie gasped, a jolt of what felt like electricity shot through him. He liked it. The kiss was short and to the point. Steve pulled away.
"Oh, I like you! Oh, thank God! I thought I hated you! Wait, am I gay? No, I still like like girls. . .hold on, give me a minute," Eddie said, raising his finger to do invisible math in the air.
"You like this man, Steve?" Robin asked as they watched Eddie erase something.
"Oh, yeah," Steve replied.
"I've never actually seen someone figure out their sexuality before," Vickie said.
"Oh, I had a chance to do that with Steve. It was a wonderful experience. Definitely a lot less stupid than this," Robin said.
"I like both!" Eddie exclaimed, clapping his hands together. "And I like you!"
"I like both too, Eddie, and I like you too," Steve laughed. "I'm bisexual."
"Bi - sex - u - al," Eddie said like, drawing out the words, and he shook his head from side to side as if rolling the word around in his head. "Yes! Me too! Bisexual! Does this mean this is a double date now?"
Steve grinned, sat down on the love seat, and pulled him into his lap.
"Definitely," Steve said.
"Let me tell you, I feel this huge relief now that I know I like you," Eddie said. "I can't believe I thought I hated you!"
"Dingus!" Robin giggled.
"How long are you guys going to laugh at me about this?" Eddie pouted as Steve shook with laughter beneath him.
Eddie buried his head into Steve’s neck as he laughed with them, sighing in contentment when Steve kissed his forehead.
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dragon-watcher03 · 3 months
I like when ppl write their own version of mk intros, so I shall request those. I don't have any specific idea for reader's backstory so I'd love to see what you come up with o/
Thx for the motivation, you gave me a brilliant idea-
Mk1 x Gn! Doom God! Reader
Note: Reader uses mini scythes connected via chains as a Krucible and has armour more like those from Halo. Implied Doom Slayer x reader.
Ft. Liu Kang, Johnny Cage, Raiden, Kitana, Shang Tsung
Liu Kang: You are a God in your realm?
You: I'd rather go with Slayer, but yes.
Liu Kang: The fact that your realm's Seraphims see you as nothing but a weapon... doesn't sit right with me.
You: Why? It is my sole purpose.
Liu Kang: Slaying demons for many decades must have been challenging.
You: Less challenging, more soul-draining.
You: I do not intend to stay here long, Lord Liu Kang.
Liu Kang: At least grant me one last spar?
You: There is another like me, but he is a lot less talkative.
Liu Kang: I have no doubt he isn't as honorable as you.
You: The humans in this world are very different than the ones back at home...
Liu Kang: How so?
Johnny Cage: So, what exactly are you the God of?
You: I am no God, but people have no better words to describe me.
Johnny Cage: C'mon, you and your buddy would totally fit in a first-person shooter!
You: I have better demons to fight than Paparazzi, Cage.
Johnny Cage: So, this buddy of yours, he anything other than just your partner in crime?
You: Even if we were, I wouldn't tell you.
You: I have no time for trivial things like "love".
Johnny Cage: Sheesh, talk about workaholic.
You: I know what you're going to ask, and no, you can't hold my Krucible.
Johnny Cage: Y'know if you weren't such a buzzkill, I'd totally tap that.
You: Do you get anything out of flirting with me?
Johnny Cage: The possibility of courting a Goddess/God.
Raiden: Your people see you as a God?
You: Yeah, they even made a whole religion based on us.
Raiden: This other "Doom God" you speak of, he sounds like a ruthless man.
You: Oh trust me, he is.
Raiden: Is it foolish of me to request a spar with a demon-killing God?
You: Don't worry, I'll be gentle.
You: That amulet you have is fascinating...
Raiden: As is that weapon of yours.
You: Ashrah is a Demon? She looks so human compared to the ones back at home.
Raiden: Whatever monsters you deal with at home, I can assure you she is nothing like them.
You: Are you sure you want to meet him?
Raiden: When you speak so highly of him, how can I not?
Kitana: The war you fight sounds worse than Outworlds.
You: I pray this universe will never experience such a war...
Kitana: I feel like you and my sister would get along well.
You: I take from the way you say that, that it's a compliment.
Kitana: The humans of your world call you "Ruin God"?
You: They are so creative, aren't they?
You: I must say, you were right about getting along with Mileena.
Kitana: The blood coating your armour seems to prove so.
You: I have been alive for so long with the mind of a human, that I started to forget who my parents were...
Kitana: I'm... sorry to hear that, Ruin.
You: I hoped to not get attached to any of you to make my departure easier.
Kitana: laughs Guess that didn't work out so well, did it?
Shang Tsung: Well, aren't you a fine specimen.
You: Back off you cretin, or you'll see why we are called Gods.
Shang Tsung: I could set you and your partner free from the shackles of being weapons for your world.
You: And be yours instead? I'd rather serve the Seraphims.
Shang Tsung: We could have been such a powerful couple, you and I.
You: I already have a stronger and better suitor, sorcerer.
You: You are worse than the demons back at home...
Shang Tsung: Oh~ feeling feisty now are we?
You: You are playing with forces beyond your power, sorcerer.
Shang Tsung: Then let's play~
You: You look horrible. Did you finally meet him?
Shang Tsung: Tch, how you two have such power for mere humans is beyond my comprehension.
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mitchellnman · 21 days
I wrote this for you based on the Michael and Martin thing you posted in the tags. It's yours to repost or do whatever you want, you can change it a bit too if you want. Post it in the tags so more people can read it (of course if you want) I hope you like it ❤️❤️❤️🥰🥰🥰
Sharing is loving
Initially Y/n feels a little sorry for Michael when the private lessons start. He's all awkward and embarrassed barely looking her in the eyes when he speaks.
But then she starts to find it interesting, mainly because he clearly has no experience with women. Little by little, she starts to clench her thighs whenever she hears him explain the material to her, and she can no longer even concentrate on what she should be doing.
Y/n then decides to talk about it with her boyfriend, Martin. He just laughs as the two fuck the night away. And when they are exhausted under the sheets he tells her that if she wants to ruin the little virgin nerd he won't be the one to stand in her way.
From the moment Martin gives Y/n carte blanche, she begins to provoke Michael more and more, wearing short skirts and revealing necklines. Feeling her own pussy getting wet whenever she notices the lustful looks he gives her.
He never does anything about it, and Martin just laughs and fucks her when she tells him about what happened that day, unable to understand how the poor guy has the ability to not jump on such a beautiful girl offering herself to him on a silver platter. He would have already spread her legs and eaten that pussy until she cried, which was exactly what he was doing now since that idiot had no ability.
Weeks passed and Michael took no action. Martin lost his patience. He went to the nerd's dorm.
-I don't know what part of the fact that my girlfriend wants you to fuck her you didn't understand. - He said as soon as Michael opened the door and entered the dorm without being invited.
Michael's eyes widened in shock as he walked in behind him as the door slammed shut behind them both.
-W-What do you mean by that? - Michael stammered in bewilderment.
-She wants you to fuck that pussy. - Martin rolled his eyes as he looked at Michael's wall. - Got it? Fuck her until she screams.
-Dude, I'm not going to fuck your girlfriend. - Michael said, blushing, looking at the floor, trying to hide the erection that was forming in his pants just at the thought of fucking Y/n.
-Damn, you're hard just from hearing me talk about her, aren't you? - Martin bit his lips in a mischievous smile making Michael blush even more.
-N-No. - Michael's eyes widened. - I swear I've never looked at your girlfriend like that.
-I know you looked man. - Martin laughed looking at the ceiling. - And it's okay.. no problem at all, I don't mind sharing that hot pussy.
-You shouldn't talk about her like that. - Michael blushed, starting to get irritated by the crazy and disrespectful stranger in his room.
-She doesn't mind. In fact, she likes it. - Martin rolled his eyes. - We both share it, and she also doesn't mind if I eat another girl every now and then.
Suddenly a light knock sounded on the door followed by Y/n's sweet voice calling Michael's name, making his eyes widen and Martin smile widely.
-It's her! - Martin ran towards the closet leaving Michael stunned. - Don't tell her I'm here, or that I came here... just... just eat her pussy already!
Michael stood there without moving for a few moments before he walked mechanically to the door and opened it, his face red and still slightly shocked.
-Is everything okay Michael? - Y/n sounded worried and he just nodded positively letting her in while his eyes fixed on her thighs exposed by the very short skirt.
Michael could barely teach Y/n that session, his gaze wandering from Y/n's tits to Y/n's thighs and then to the closed closet door. He could barely hide his own erection anymore and when Y/n looked him in the eye and asked with those beautiful red lipstick lips if everything was okay, he practically begged.
-Can I fuck you? - The smile that appeared on Y/n's face made his cock tingle.
-Of course you can. - She nodded, already taking off her thin blouse and leaving her breasts bare before his hungry eyes.
-Have you ever seen tits before Michael? - She asked very sweetly and he denied it with his eyes glazed over at her.
Y/n then took off her skirt and panties, slowly opening her legs for his animalistic gaze.
-And a wet pussy just for you? - She sighed, running her fingers through the slit and pulling the moisture to her clitoris. - Have you seen it before?
Michael just shook his head once more, completely enchanted by the sight before him, momentarily even forgetting about Y/n's freak boyfriend hiding in the closet.
-You can touch me Michael. - She moaned, looking at him as she slowly masturbated for him. -I want you to touch me.
And Michael did what he had been wanting to do for a long time. He lay between her legs and sucked a pussy for the first time in his life. It was incredible. Her taste was divine and he wanted to suck her until he died while she pulled him by the hair and moaned his name, begging for more.
He was clumsy and had no technique, but Y/n was loving it anyway since his desire to suck her off overcame everything else.
-Oh Michael, more, more. - She pulled him closer and closer. - Fuck me. Put your cock inside me.
Michael almost came in his pants after that, it took all his strength of mind not to let it happen.
And afraid that he wouldn't be able to do it a second time, he quickly undressed and without thinking about anything else he penetrated her, moaning with contentment as he felt her pussy pressing against him.
Y/n moaned and whimpered as she scratched his bare back. And unable to contain herself any longer with her wet and tight heat around him, Michael came inside Y/n, almost crying with pleasure at the overwhelming sensation never felt before, not being able to be compared to cumming in one's own hand not even in a million years.
And when he fell next to Y/n's trembling body, the closet door opened and Martin came out, his eyes dark with desire as he massaged his own cock. Michael felt his whole body burn with shame as he pulled the bed sheet to cover some of his nakedness. Y/n barely seemed to care, still lying on the carpet, panting.
-What are you doing here baby? - He asked still panting.
-I came to make sure you got what you deserve, but now I need a round too. - He said lying on top of her still dressed only with his pants open and fucking his own cock into Y/n's sensitive pussy that was still leaking with Michael's cum.
-So fucking wet and hot. - He growled, fucking her roughly. - What a delicious pussy you have, my love.
And seeing Martin fuck her in that shameless way before his eyes while Y/n moaned and asked for more, Michael felt himself harden once more and squeezed his own cock under the blanket.
-Let me return the favor. - When Y/n realized she just smiled mischievously and pulling the scarf brought her mouth to his dick. And Michael thought he would die right there.
As Martin fucked her Y/n moaned against Michael's cock, and with the waves of pleasure growing bigger he came a second time in Y/n's mouth who swallowed it all with a smile, then arched her back and rolled her eyes as she came on Martin's cock, who biting her neck tightly came in Y/n's pussy.
The three of them lay panting on the carpet, and Martin turned to Michael with a lazy smile on his face.
-I told you to fuck her, idiot.
Good morning to me, hot damn! 10/10, no notes anon. Thank you for the gift, and for allowing me to share it! I'm glad my late night tired ramblings inspire some folks /gen
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romanarose · 4 months
You'd Love Me If I Was a Worm, Would You Love Me If I Was A Man?
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Santiago Garcia x transman!reader
Masterlist : Triple Frontier Masterlist
Made for the Oscar/Pedro Pride Event
Summary: You're Santi's wife or so he thinks, he loves you very, very much... You're scared to ruin it with honesty.
You come out as trans to Santi
Warnings: Pretty mild, Santi is perfect. Gender dysphoria, body dysphoria, mentions of conversion therapy.
AN: This is just based on my feelings right now. IDK exactly how I identify, but doing things like cutting my hair and dressing more masculine has helped me a lot. No one needs to cut their hair short to be a man, trans or otherwise, nor does a trans person NEED surgery or any changes. This is simply based on my experience. People feel this differently.
1k words
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“How’s my favorite girl?”
Santi greeted you as he came home, finding you in your bathroom staring at your face and your body in your underwear, cringing at him calling you a girl but trying to hide the visceral reaction. You hated your hair, you hated how feminine it made you look, but you knew Santi loved it, so you kept it long and usually in a ponytail.No matter how hard you tried, no matter the body positivity, no matter how good you objectively looked and how Santiago worshiped it, none of it felt right to you. You’d been considering telling him how you’d been feeling for some time, but it felt selfish. How could you tell him you thought you might be a man when he fell in love with a woman?
He clocked your cringe, as he always did your discomfort. “What’s wrong, bebita?”
You shake your head. “Nothing, just tired.”
“I don’t believe you for a second, c’mon.�� taking your hand, Santi pulls you into the bedroom and sits you down with him, his eyes pleading with you for honesty. “You can talk to me, it’s okay.”
Your eyes fill up with tears, stressing out and over thinking it all so much. “It’s not fair to you.” You begin to cry, and it isn’t. This isn't what Santi signed up for when he married you. He married his wife, not whatever was happening to you right now. You should’ve told him, you should’ve been honest with from the start. “I thought this would go away, I’m sorry, I’m so sorry I lied to you!”
Horrified at the tears, Santiago pulls you into his arms. “Oh honey… whatever it is, you can tell me, please. Nothing is too much, you’re my wife, and I’m gonna take care of you, always.” 
It couldn’t be hidden anymore. You had to be honest before you wasted more of his time. Pulling back, you look him in the eyes, your own still watering. “I don’t… I don’t think I’m your wife…” You watch his eye widen and you realize your choice of words was poor. “Nonono! Not like that!” You’re quick to reassure him you aren’t leaving him. He’ll probably leave you, however. “I just mean…” Big breath. “I feel… like I’m a man.”
He looked confused for a second before recognition registered on his face.
“Oh… how long have you felt this way?” You couldn’t get a read on his reaction yet, but he still held your hands.
“I really, really long time, Santi. I thought I’d grow out of it…”
He nods. “Since you were a kid?”
“Yeah.” You sniffle. “I tried to tell my parents but… they… They sent me away.”
Santiago’s face hardened at that. “Conversion therapy?”
Memories flooded back to what you suffered there, creating a fresh bout of tears down your face. “I’m sorry! I’m sorry, I tried to put it away but nothing worked! I know you probably don’t want me any more but please, please I’m gonna try, I can go to therapy again-”
You try to tell him that you can change, to give you a chance and you’ll fix it, trying to walk yourself back into the closet after being out less than 5 minutes, but he cuts you off with a kiss.
“Baby,” He stresses, pain on his face as cups your cheek with his hands, thumbing away a tear. “I’m not leaving you, and you are not going to conversion therapy, you hear me? That is not happening. We’re gonna do whatever we need to do to make you feel comfortable with yourself, okay? If that means transitioning, then we’ll make it happen.”
In shock, you blink. “But… Santi, you’re not gay…”
Santiago chuckles a little. “I don’t really know how this works, to be honest. I didn’t think I was either but… I love you. I’m attracted to you. That’s what I know.” When you didn’t look convinced, he continued. “Remember all the times you asked me if I’d love you if you were a worm?”
You giggle a little at the memory, beginning to feel better. “Yeah, you were confused.”
He nods with a smile. “Yeah, so were most of the guys. But Will told me it’s not about if I’d actually love you if you were a worm, because you’d never actually be a worm. It’s about being reassured that no matter what, I’d still be yours and you’d still be mine. So I told you I’d make you a little garden like Oscar the grouch has for wormy.”
You’re smiling now too. “And read me worm versions of fairy tales before bed.”
“And kiss your little worm head, because I love you. So, if you feel like you are a man, and you want to live life as man and if that makes me gay then yeah. I’m gay. I don’t really care about that. I care about you.”
"And... maybe, maybe its not even that I'm a man... just maybe not fully a woman?"
"Like, one of those in between things?"
You laugh at his wording. He may not have the best terminology, but he tries.
He sighs softly, holding your face. "If you feel like you're non... binary?" He asks questioningly, and you nod so he continues. "Or half and half or non at all... that's okay too. Whatever you are, i's what you are, and you're still you to me. But, baby." He kisses the tip of your nose. "Don't try and lessen it for me, okay? If you want to live and be fully as man, then that's what it is."
Letting his words sink in, your heart fills with love at his unconditional affection. “So… what next? What do I even do now?”
“Well,” Santi considers next steps. “I think we try to get you in with a doctor. I don’t think it goes straight to surgery,” He says with a tease. “But maybe hormones? I don’t know. I can talk to Ben whenever you’re ready for me to, I know he knows more of this than I do.”
“Can we maybe…” Your reach for a tissue, blowing it as you calm down more and more. “Can I maybe start with a haircut.”
This makes Santi laugh, standing up and taking you with him to capture you in a full body hug. “Of course we can! You don’t need my permission to get a haircut, mi cielo!” You notice how he immediately changed to masculine gendered terms of endearment. “Santi peppered kisses all over your face. “Wanna go today?”
You’re so excited at the idea, you readily agree.
An hour later, the kind stylist is chopping off your hair. As she gives you a moment to sit with the cut, Santi comes up behind the chair, wrapping his arms around you. “How do you feel, mi amor.” He says with a kiss to your neck.
You take in this first step, the start of a journey that you knew wouldn’t be easy but you had the best person ever by your side.
“I think… I actually feel like myself.”
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shout out to @hee-blee-art for these cute ass dividers that were wierdly specific to this story lol
Most unrealistic thing about this fic is reader saying Santi isn't gay. Did we see the same movie? homosexual activity was hapeing on those mountains
HAPPY PRIDE!!! I can't wait to see what everyone did for this event <3
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vicsy · 3 months
Had no idea what to pitch so I literally looked up one word prompts and chose the first few. Pick whichever inspires: Daniel x Max + Sunburn/Tease/Emerge/Afternoon/Impulse/Nurture/Rough/Polaroid/Good
maxiel + polaroid, sunburn
"Nah, I'm good, thanks. Can't stay long. Duty calls!" Daniel makes an exaggerated gesture. Max cracks a smile. He probably follows the pundit stuff Daniel does more than actual racing these days. "Just wanted to pop by since you're back to calling Monaco home. Nice place, mate."
If not for the sim rig installed in an empty guest room that could have been a nursery in a life he brushed aside, nobody would have ever guessed Max lived here. His new apartment was clean, spacious, incredibly faceless. A simple home for a creature of habit Max always was but not quite a home.
"I wanted to go watch the race this weekend," Max admits and pads through the cluttered living room to the adjacent kitchen, straight to the fridge. It's shiny, sophisticated and very empty, except for a monthly supply of Red Bull and yesterday's leftovers. He grabs a can for himself, wishing he had that beer Daniel used to love. "But I am of course happy to see you after, well. Who knows, yeah?"
Couple years, give or take. Max stopped counting after turning thirty-three.
Behind him, Daniel claps his hands together. Max throws a surprised look over his shoulder, blindly rummaging in the fridge. The shine of Daniel's smile hasn't diminished over the years, but the crow's feet around his eyes, Max discovers, are more prominent than he remembers. He wonders if Daniel notices the little changes about him, too; if he cares for them at all. Max does.
"Oh, congrats on your team winning, uh, another virtual racing thingy," he delivers the line with that old, addictive enthusiasm and, to Max, it's a gut punch. He schools his face, a lump forming in his throat. Daniel gives him a thumbs up, turns around and walks along the empty shelves attached to the TV wall. The lack of decor there makes it look kind of pathetic. Max had only managed to put two of his WEC trophies on display, a helmet he wore for the last race and a nice-looking box of assorted knick-knacks dear to his memory. "Any plans to decimate Le Mans this year, Mr Three Time champ?"
"Fernando is busy with Dakar, so probably I'll skip it. Oscar texted me about doing it next year together, so," Daniel's back is facing him still. Max closes the fridge and opens the Red Bull can, places it on the kitchen counter. Stares at it for a second or two. Then, out of a long-forgotten habit, Max goes for a poorly planned half-joke. "Didn't know you started watching iRacing in your old age. Quick, what's a livestream?"
It's a desperate attempt to even the gap between now and before. Daniel flips him a bird without looking, too occupied with whatever he found on Max's sad little shelves.
"Har, har, fucker. I mean, I gotta keep myself in the game, everything is changing, like, a lot. And, come on, it's you–" he stops talking. Max takes a sip from the can, watching Daniel finally face him. "Huh. Didn't know you still have these."
Max has gone lengths without having to experience a solid enough crash and the debilitating aftermath reverberating through his body. In the sun-flooded apartment, on the freshly turned page, it catches up to Max as abruptly as a rainstorm in the summer.
Forty-three year old Daniel is standing in his unfurnished living room, a splotch of color among the backdrop of generic white paint and a mount of unpacked boxes. Forty-three year old Daniel, with a sprinkle of salt in his hair and a tan line on the ring finger of his left hand, looks at Max like he's a ghost from the past, like it's him who just had to ruin everything when things got too real. He wasn't there when Max paid the price of his own happiness in retaliation.
Forty-three year old Daniel, who sent out an invitation to a wedding Max never attended, holds up two tiny polaroids taken almost a decade ago and all Max can think of is his signature on the divorce papers, the ink still wet.
He swiftly closes the distance to Daniel and snatches both pictures from him, cradles them to his chest. Daniel's hand is left suspended in the air between them. Max ignores the wobble in between his ribs. His eyes trace the line of the rose tattoo in the direct line of vision, memory bristling, anger thrumming underneath his skin.
"I kept them," Max spits. He doesn't mask the bitterness in his voice. He had it bottled up long enough the cork had gone rotten.
Daniel stares back, mouth slack. He looks good and Max hates that, hates his stupid colorful hoodie and his meager attempts to make amends. Above all, Max hates himself for ever conceding. Daniel has always had one foot out the door. Missed chances were Max's fuel and they've still propelled him back to square one.
"Yeah. I figured," Daniel says, too soft, too familiar. Placating. Max should ask him to leave.
Instead, he drops his gaze to the polaroids laid flat on his palm. They're in good condition but Max also hadn't looked at them in months, maybe years; it doesn't matter since those Daniel and Max, everything they stood for, ossified and turned into dust. It doesn't keep Max awake at night anymore.
Out of the two photos, only one comes from the Red Bull PR department. They never cared when it went missing. Max remembers the video they shot too starkly to be unbothered it ever happened — him and Daniel in matching team gear, insane rain in Monaco; Max winning that weekend and Daniel watching from the pit wall.
The other polaroid, a bit rough on the edges, had never seen the light of day. It captured just a part of Max's sunburnt face, a corner of his smile; Daniel's lips pressed to his cheek, his wet curls in disarray. Max gets a phantom ache in his chest when he remembers how the camera ended up in the sand, falling off a small table where they had propped it up against a half-empty cocktail glass.
Daniel cups Max's hand holding the photos from underneath, painfully hesitant. Max flits his eyes up to the hollow of Daniel's throat, to his full beard; to the pleading look stabbing daggers into the soft edges of Max that were once hard and unforgiving. 
Stashing those polaroids was Max’s way to forget he wished to go back. He was never the one to leave in the first place; that was Daniel's sworn prerogative. But he's in Max's living room now, a lifetime away from running.
"I think," he cuts in before Daniel makes it worse or gives him hope. His hand slips from Daniel's hold and Max retraces his steps back to the kitchen. Daniel tracks his every move. "I think I will put them here."
He sticks the polaroids to the enormous fridge door with a Welcome to Monaco magnet he fished out of a nearby drawer. The photos look whacky but, to Max, it's a long shot. He lingers in place, berating himself for giving this another chance. 
When he turns back around, Daniel is just an arm's length away.
"About that drink," Daniel says, low. Max watches his tongue dart out, wetting his lips. His heart jackhammers against his ribs.
Max's back hits the fridge.
Send me a ship/character(s) and a one word prompt and I will write a 5 sentence fic abou
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azulock · 11 months
shidou and aiku NSFW headcanons??
Oh boy, my two faves, thank you for this ask, babe <3
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Ryusei Shidou NSFW Headcanons
⟳ Switch king, big time kinky, not even afraid of showing it. He knows what he wants and he can be pretty straight forward about it. Will be noisy about asking you what you like and want from him too. Big into communication, aggressive communication maybe, but still.
⟳ He really is whatever on the whole dom or sub thing. By his choice he will be changing up pretty constantly, but he can adapt to your rhythm. Shidou is pretty flexible on what role he is playing and how he is doing it. Though, be it dom or sub, he will be teasing you, he can never stop running that fucking mouth.
⟳ Tits man, and it doesn't matter if it's muscular manly tits or soft femme tits, just tits, this man loves sucking on them. Wanna see him crazy? Wear something with a low neckline, show some cleavage and he'll be running up walls. Might just have a lactation kink.
⟳ Loves getting his hair pulled, likes pulling on yours too but really into getting his hair pulled. That's an easy way to get him hard pretty much straight away, just tug on his hair. But watch out: he moans loudly when you do that, so maybe don't do it in public.
⟳ Pretty loud in general, what to expect from a guy who starts his day screaming naked from the balcony? If he is subbing you can try to put a gag on him, or wrap something around his mouth, but otherwise, good luck.
⟳ Likes biting, and leaving hickeys all over you, and he likes receiving both of these as well. You'll be left with a ton of bite marks, but if you ask him not to mark certain spots he will respect.
⟳ Will cross dress for you if you want him to. Tho if you think he will do it as a sub you are very wrong. You can get him into a maid dress but he is going to hammer you to the bed with force while dressed as a maid. The frilly little dress won't stop him from drilling into you brutally until you are a crying mess. He likes the mixed signals this gives, it's fun.
⟳ Is a "try anything once" type of guy, and honestly he can do a lot, though his limits are hard limits, he knows very well what he doesn't like. But here is a incomplete list of things he like: free use, bondage, sensory play, overstimulation, edging, ruined orgasm, cumplay, body writing, primal, anal play, dacryphilia, somnophilia, intox, role play, the occasional threesome, etc.
⟳ Walks around naked in the house. Not even sexually, tho he is going to fuck you into every piece of furniture he owns, but he just likes being naked. So, if you have a problem with casual nudism, you'd better lose it. Like, for a guy who can be so sexual he also has a very "a body is just a body" approach to being naked. He likes taking showers and baths together too, doesn't even need to fuck just likes to wash you and for you to wash him, especially his hair.
⟳ He is clean shaven, which just makes it even more obvious that this motherfucker is hung. Has got fucking undoubtably great length, not too thick but thick enough to feel good and look proportional. Not really veiny, keeps more or less the same thickness all over the shaft, more of a shower than a grower too, so he is always stuck with a bit of a bulge. Also I like to imagine he has a Jacob's ladder.
Oliver Aiku NSFW Headcanons
⟳ Slut, we know he got around, so he has enough experience to know what he is doing. Which is worse cause he is hot and a good fuck, simply unfair. You are guaranteed satisfaction and a good fucking time, but not much more than that.
⟳ A dom, and mostly a pleasure dom. Doesn't mean he is gonna be all nice and soft, but even when he is mean he is driving you insane with pleasure. He can be a bit of a tease but you're guaranteed a lot of praising, and all of it spoken in this smooth and deep voice.
⟳ Very vocal, not loud but vocal. Lots of grunting, groaning, growling, moaning and even some whimpering. He is a talker too, be it muttering curses under his breath or saying something nasty to you. Worst part is that the bastard knows he has a sexy voice and will use it in his favor.
⟳ An ass man, a lover of tiny shorts, tight pants, mini skirts and anything else that can put a nice ass on display. He is a very touch oriented person so expect groping, slapping, and for Oliver to just generally have a hand on your ass on any way. Loves hitting it from behind cause that gives him a nice view, loves seeing an ass jiggling as it bounces on his cock.
⟳ Loves getting scratch marks on his back, he takes them as positive reviews, so you can go crazy on that. You'll end up with some finger shaped bruises tho, cause he loves some manhandling and his hands are pretty strong, so he might bruise you without even noticing.
⟳ Thigh riding, thigh riding for days. He has got massive fucking thighs that are pretty much all muscle and he loves to have someone riding them. Will manhandle you through that if he needs to, holding onto your hips dragging you over his thigh until he is satisfied.
⟳ Contrary to fuckboy expectations, not the type of guy to be in a rush. Likes to take his time, start of slow, kinda edging both himself and you with that. Not tat going slow makes him go easy, it's slow and hard, slamming all the way in with force, but not speeding up until he feels like it. Might have you begging him to go faster, his reaction will depend on his mood, he might keep it slow to tease you or give into your pleas.
⟳ Loves oral, both giving and receiving, though he knows receiving can be a bit hard cause of how thick his cock is. But he really loves giving, not afraid to get down and dirty, thing that if he doesn't end up with half of his face sloppy he didn't do a good job. And good thing he is like that too cause once again his dick is thick, so it's important he can do a good prep.
⟳ Has got a big free use kink, he has a pretty high sex drive, which leaves him horny all the time so its useful too. Loves the freedom of being able to just come up behind you and bend you over, already grinding his hips into yours or getting down on his knees to give you some head. Or maybe even coming up to you when you are sat down on the couch, his pants with a big and clear bulge that he is almost rubbing into your face the minute he finds you.
⟳ Somno, it comes with the free use really. Oliver is a morning person, and sometimes he doesn't want to disturb your sleep when he wakes up hard but he still wants to fuck you. So why not just let him fuck you in your sleep? He promises to be nice about it too, always has a bottle of lube on his bedside table so he is gonna make sure he is covered in it to slide in nice and easy. Or even if he doesn't manage to get in, he'd be happy to just fuck himself with your thighs until he cums between them. He likes the idea of coming inside you, or on you, while you sleep, leaving a surprise for when you wake up.
⟳ He keeps himself trimmed rather than clean shaven cause he likes the visual of the happy trail, it leads very nicely into that big ass cock he has. He is in the longer side of the spectrum, but not the longest of the bunch, tho he more than makes up for it in girth. Sure he is long but the standout feature is just how thick he is, that thing is gonna give you a stretch that you'll feel the next day (and maybe the day after). Is thicker in the middle, and the head is small, which makes him look even bigger, pretty damn veiny too.
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dating RE2R!Leon Kennedy... and what Taylor Swift songs it would be like
pairings: Leon Kennedy x GN!Reader
warnings: just your typical canon violence mentioned, Leon's trauma is discussed.
requested?: nope!
word count: 2343
a/n: guys i'm sorry for being gone for so long! i said i was gonna post this on sunday but i have commitment issues. so yeah this is my take on Leon Kennedy. specifically RE2R!Leon. i want to do all eras (if you will) of Leon but i'm nervous that i'm gonna like...BUTCHER his character. so sorry if he's out of character or anything! also this is a long one so buckle up.
also if you're new to my blog then these are headcanons mixed with Taylor Swift inspired blurb type of thing at the end.
okay being honest y'all
dating Leon before and after Raccoon City are way two different experiences (because duh trauma and all that good shit)
so let's start with before Raccoon City
a common thing I see is that he's like a puppy dog which ok yeah
but I'd like to put my own spin on him ok?
even before Raccoon City, Leon is definitely traumatized from his family yknow…
being brutally murdered
which makes him hesitant to get into a relationship
but when he first meets you, he’s already absolutely smitten
I picture Leon to be a very awkward yet sweet lover
like sure he's had partners before you but I think you'd be the first person he sees a realistic future with
he doesn’t want to ruin anything with you
he may be a 21 year old man
but romance and being in love makes him feel/act like a blushing high school girl
what can he say? he's a hopeless romantic
he's the type to remember small anniversaries at the beginning of y'all dating
and makes somewhat of a big deal out of them
"happy 4 months babe! I got us dinner reservations at (your favorite restaurant) :)"
oh yeah he loves to use pet names
babe and honey are the names he uses the most
chivalry isn't dead when it comes to Leon
always holding doors for you
getting you "just because" flowers
definitely is the type of guy to wait for you to tie your shoe while everyone else is walking ahead
his love language receiving is physical touch and giving love language is words of affirmation
knows you can stand up for yourself but won't hesitate to put someone in their place for you
taking things super slow because he doesn't want to rush into things
didn't actually kiss you until the fifth date
and he asked for permission of course
holds your hand every time you guys go out together
his favorite types of dates would be walks through the park and picnics
it's cheesy sure but classic and he loves to hear you talk
also loves to make you laugh
one of his favorite sounds to exist
has tried to cook a romantic dinner for you once
but got distracted by how beautiful you are and almost burnt the place down
yes he almost died from embarrassment but eating take out and cuddling with you was worth it
mans is such a supportive boyfriend and your #1 fan
he loves to imagine your guys’ future together
when he gets into the police academy he's a bit worried about the relationship
but when he sees your eyes light up and the way you squeeze him once he tells you the news
he wants to laugh at himself for having doubts in the first place
dating while he was in the academy was tough but y'all made it work
was shocked when you agreed to come with him to Raccoon City
but happy nonetheless
wow! everything he's ever dreamed of is coming true
your guys relationship is stronger than ever and you both are on the path to success
what could go wrong??
...Raccoon City is what could go wrong.
so your relationship after the events of Raccoon City is... different
you weren't there with him during that unfortunate night in Raccoon City
he thanks God or whatever higher being for that
truthfully you were one of the things that got him through that fateful night
whenever it felt hopeless, he thought about your smile and the way your eyes crinkle when you do
that kept him going throughout the horrors he saw
also just the fact that he wanted to tell you “I love you” one last time
trying not to throw up when you hear about Raccoon City
not being able to get ahold of Leon was one of the worse things you'd ever been through
finally getting a hold of him and the both of you sobbing into the phone
"I thought you were gone and I was going to be alone-" "I would never leave you. Never in a million years."
when you finally see him, you give him a long hug
you were careful about touching his shoulder of course
he's not exactly the Leon you knew before
the light that used to sparkle in his eyes had been put out
but he still looks at you like you hung the moon in the sky
being there by his side during nightmares and calming him down
helping take care of his shoulder wound for a while
studying up on PTSD to understand him better
squeezing his hand when he gets that faraway look in his eyes
patience and understanding becoming your best friends
doesn't open up right away with what happened in Raccoon City
if/when he does, it's a loooong night of him slowly opening up and talking about it
and you of course listening
holding him and being gentle with him when he eventually breaks down
sometimes he lashes out at you when he's in that headspace
but he immediately apologizes after and that brings him out of it
constantly reassuring him about things
the date nights y'all have now consists of ordering take out and cuddling on the couch
binge watching cheesy sitcom series becomes another way of spending time together
it’s a way of trying to hold onto the sliver of normalcy between you two
he feels bad about not being ready to go out in the world yet but again you reassure him it's okay
embarrassed that you take care of him because he thinks it should be the other way around
he was already protective of you before Raccoon City
but he becomes even more protective after
mans is like a guard dog okay?
he's not trying to be overbearing, he just wants to know where you're going out to incase something happens
reminiscing on his favorite memories with you before everything happened
having you by his side helps ground him when he feels a panic attack coming on
communication becomes more important than ever (even if it's the hardest thing he can do sometimes)
him thinking you deserve better than him
yet being so in love with you that the thought of losing you makes him physically ill
makes sure to tell you that he loves you at least once a day because that’s all he could think about during Raccoon City
no he doesn't tell you about how the government threatened yours and Sherry's lives if he didn't join
that isn’t your burden to shoulder
he tries to do his best with keeping certain details from you
mostly because it makes him sick to think about and he doesn’t want you to worry more
you're the last thing he has from his life before Raccoon City
he wouldn't dare dream of letting you go
can't imagine his life without you
Okay so this was a bit tricky for me! I personally think that Fearless (from Fearless (Taylor’s Version)) and The Great War (from Midnights) fit RE2R!Leon the best. For those who aren’t familiar with Taylor’s music, Fearless is about the start of a relationship and the fearlessness of falling in love. I think that it’s a happy and upbeat love song and perfectly fits RE2R!Leon before Raccoon City. The Great War is about a couple having a rough patch in their relationship, but promising each other they’ll stick together throughout it. Which if that doesn’t scream post Raccoon City Leon then I don’t know what does.
Leon may have physically survived that devastating night in Raccoon City, but mentally, huge pieces of who he was had died. No longer was he that bright eyed rookie ready to help change the world. Now he was an ex cop who got an unwanted promotion that only reminded him of the horrors he witnessed.
Hopelessness was something that hung in the back of his mind every day. His smile didn’t reach his eyes anymore. It had only been two months, but he was still constantly on his guard. Even when he attempted to get some sleep, he couldn’t allow himself to relax. Nightmares of what happened in Raccoon City had constantly plagued his dreams. Sometimes he swore he could hear that monster’s loud footsteps down the hallway in the shared apartment.
One of the only things that seemed to keep him pushing through the dark was his partner. Being around you helped calm his racing mind. You were like a warm blanket in the cold darkness his mind had been in the past month. No matter what, your hand was the thing he had constantly been reaching out for.
Small things would trigger unpleasant flashbacks which made his stomach turn. A week ago you had accidentally dropped a pan you were reaching for, and the loud bang sounded too much like a gunshot for comfort. One moment he was in his apartment and the next he was back in Raccoon City. He could smell the rotting flesh and hear the groans of the undead. His breathing had quickened, and he immediately got ready to defend himself from monsters that Guilt ate at you as you attempted to calm him down.
"Leon honey, it's okay. You're at home with me. You’re having a flashback." Your honey coated voice reminded him. This wasn’t the first time he had an episode and it wouldn’t be the last. After a few minutes of reminding him to describe his surroundings and breath, you finally managed to coax him out of that state of mind. It had become second nature for you to remind him that nothing from Raccoon City could get to him anymore. When he finally was able to calm down, he immediately reached for you. Tears had brimmed his eyes and seeing that broken look on his face crushed your heart. Why must good people like him go through the worst things?
The worse thing for Leon is when he would unintentionally lash out at you. He couldn't stop the venomous words that accidentally left his mouth. Punishing for things you never did left a bitter taste in his mouth.
"Jesus Christ, just leave me alone for a moment!" He'd snapped the other day when it had been particularly hard to get out of bed. You had been asking him questions about how he was feeling, and if he needed anything. Just being a caring partner. God the look of hurt that had flashed upon your face was one he could never forget. Apologies had never escaped from him faster than that moment. It was like putting Band-Aids over bullet holes (no pun intended) and he knew that these outbursts of his weren’t fair to you.
You were an angel sent down from heaven, this was something he was sure of. Why did he have to keep flying off the handle over the smallest things? Realistically he knew that you were only human and made mistakes. He knew you were just trying to take care of him. Dark circles had begun to form under your eyes from the lack of sleep you had been getting. That was because of him and his night terrors. His heart ached for you, and he had never hated himself more for that.
Leon was so caught up in his thoughts about you and everything that he hadn’t noticed you enter the small living room. The first thing you had noticed was that faraway look in his eyes. You had called out his name before making your way to sit by him on the leather couch. Hearing your voice made him come back to earth, and his thoughts grew quiet once he saw you.
“Hey love. You alright?” Your voice was gentle as you reached for his hand. He hadn’t hesitated to grab it. Of course you knew he wasn’t okay. Leon usually wore his heart on his sleeve. Your thumb gingerly rubbed his knuckles as you waited for his response. Leon was hesitant to tell you everything he had been thinking. After an internal debate, he figured it’s the least he could do as your boyfriend.
“I’m…sorry for snapping at you the past couple of months.” He finally responded after a moment. You furrowed your eyebrows in response. As much as you had appreciated his apology, it felt like it came out of nowhere. What the hell had triggered this?
“I’m sorry about being the reason you haven’t slept well, and just sorry in general. You deserve better than me.” Words were overflowing from his mouth before he could stop it. He squeezed your hand as he continued. “I don’t know why I’ve been so… awful towards you and there’s just-“
“Leon stop.” You interrupted him. For a moment he seemed like his old self as he looked at her with those puppy dog eyes of his. “Look, I appreciate your apology. But you also just went through a traumatic experience. You’re not gonna just bounce back.”
Scooting closer, you wrapped your arms around his waist. Your head rested on his chest and you could hear his heartbeat. It was a soothing sound, reminding you that your boyfriend was alive and here in your arms. His arms fell into place on your back.
“I don’t care if you think I “deserve better”. You’re what I want, no matter what. I will always be yours.” Pulling yourself back, you cupped his cheeks into your hands. Hearing you vow your love to him like that made his heart flutter. Leaning forward, you planted a soft yet tender kiss on his lips.
Yes, Leon knew that there was no way in hell you guys could return back to the way your relationship was before. He wasn’t the same person as before, but he was slowly realizing you weren’t the same person either. In this moment with you, he knew you guys would survive this war zone inside his head.
He would make sure of it.
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magnoliacharmed · 4 months
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18+, Shawn Michaels x Bret Hart one shot
[Also available on Archive of our Own!]
Tags: Lace panties, daddy kink, creampie, porn with feelings (they say "i love you")
Word count: 2491
Shawn has a surprise for Bret.
Shawn stepped out into the beaming Texan sun, shielding his face with his hand while he squinted his eyelids. The parking lot of the strip mall was weirdly crowded for a weekday at noon. He wondered why no one was at work, then immediately remembered someone was probably thinking that about him too. Technically, he was at work. Or at least preparing for it. Having a good tan was a crucial part of being a wrestler as far as he was concerned. 
Clutching a tiny black gift bag in his free hand, he made his way through the parking lot to his rental car. With the way the sun beamed off of the surface of cars and the blacktop of the lot, he wondered why he even bothered to stop at the tanning salon. A tan just as nice as the one he received from the salon could have been achieved by letting himself fry like an egg right there in between cars. When he threw himself into the driver's seat and tossed the bag behind him carelessly, he sighed. He just wanted the night to turn out well.
Another show, another match, another win. Shawn was sweating like a sinner in church as he headed backstage, high fiving and waving at his adoring fans while he walked. It's not like it  was a particularly hard fought match against Goldust. They'd ran it about a million times by this point in house shows around the country and it was beginning to get a little stale in his opinion. Despite it not being the most fulfilling experience, he was happy that he wouldn't be too exhausted after it. His sudden case of sweat could only be blamed on the contents of the gift bag that was burning a hole in the trunk of his car. Worst case scenarios flashed hot in his nerve-addled mind; what if some carjackers chose his vehicle out of all the ones at the arena? They'd steal the damn thing, pop the trunk looking for valuables, then bam! A pair of tights with "Shawn Michaels" scrawled on the back and a bag that had--
"What's your problem? You look like you're about to shit a brick." 
"Huh?" The alarm in Shawn's voice shocked Diesel just the slightest. He seemed kind of coked up, like he'd snorted one bump too many. 
"You're sweating. Your little mirrors are all wet." Diesel flicked a thick finger against one of the dangling mirrors on his vest.
"Shit. I'm good, man. Aaaaalllll good." 
"Yeah, sure. Whatever you're on, remind me not to take any tonight. You comin' out with us or are you headed home?"
Shawn shook his head no quickly. Luckily Austin was only around an hour, hour and a half drive away from his home in San Antonio. Whenever Diesel decided to head out, he was going to grab up his duffel bag and peel out of the arena in a hurry. If this conversation ever ended. 
"Gonna head home. Not feelin' so hot tonight."
Diesel wanted to pry more at Shawn's strange behavior, but decided against it. Whatever problems he was causing himself, he didn't really feel like getting himself involved.
"Okay, well page me if you change your mind." 
Diesel's eyes followed Shawn's laser-locked stare in the direction of Bret Hart. He gave Diesel a short nod as he walked past them, ignoring Shawn completely. He had an air of determination in his step, walking as if he didn't immediately head to the locker room right that second his night would be ruined. The muscles in his thick legs mesmerized Shawn with every step. Everything about Bret, from the way his oiled up arms gleamed under the lights like the cars in the lot earlier to his post-match fluffed out head of brown hair, got Shawn all twisted up. Shawn began to chew on his bottom lip absentmindedly, Diesel's words not registering in his mind.
"You fuckin' fiend." 
Shawn blinked dreamily. What?
"What?" Diesel mocked Shawn's accent. Added a little more drawl to it, to Shawn's amusement. "You may not be on anything tonight, but I can tell you need a hit of something." 
"I don't know what you're talking about." 
A violent blush colored Shawn's cheeks. He was just too easy.
"Aww, so that's why your tan looks so fresh tonight. I was wondering why you were hitting the booth for a house show. You had to get all ready for your boyfriend." 
Diesel made kissy noises at Shawn and laughed. He was so obvious when he had a crush. It was sweet when it wasn't so over the top. A quick punch to the arm, one with no real violence behind it, only made Diesel crack up harder.
"Have fun!" he called out as Shawn stomped away in the direction of Bret.
"Shut up!"
Shawn brushed past Bret leaving the locker room just as he was entering. As usual, his expression was relatively unreadable… to the average person. But Shawn was anything but average. Searching Bret's eyes, Shawn saw the embers of a fire beginning to light up. 
"Already headed out?" He asked, tamping down any worry in his voice.
"Yeah. Got a little bit of a drive. Shouldn't you be on your way out too?"
"Yep, was just grabbing my stuff." Shawn jutted a thumb in the direction of his waiting duffel bag. 
"Guess I'll see you soon, then." 
"I have a surprise for you!" 
Bret widened his eyes at Shawn's outburst. Is this why he was being so fidgety? All over a silly surprise?
"You'll see it--" Shawn cleared his throat and coughed, lowering his voice to what he thought was a whisper. "Ahem, later." 
"Alright, Shawn."
Bret turned away from the nervous man and began to head out to his car. He could be such a strange guy sometimes. Cute, but strange.
Even though he left a few minutes after Bret, Shawn arrived to his home before him. He knew the drive like the back of his hand. Plus, he was speeding. Not so much though that he'd risk getting pulled over, and even worse, arrested. There was no way he'd be able to explain his mystery bag to a cop. He breathed a long sigh of relief as he shut his front door behind him, making sure not to lock it so Bret could walk right in. He peeled off his jeans and t-shirt, stripping completely down to nothing with every step towards his downstairs bathroom. Placing the gift bag carefully on the bathroom sink, he held his hands up at it as if it was about to get up and walk away. He had to be quick. Bret was pretty good with a map, but the Texas highways were still unfamiliar territory to him. 
Shawn's shower was efficient. He took the extra few minutes he saved by being fast to assess his tan. It looked great, nice and even. The trunks he wore created an appealing tan line that he was sure Bret would appreciate, especially in tandem with the real star of the night. He raked a brush through his damp hair in a hurry. The sound of a car approaching signaled him to reach into the bag and finish the final part of his look. God, he hoped this all worked out.
Bret pulled into the driveway and shut his car off. It was time to find out why Shawn was being even weirder than usual. He could tell he wasn't high or drunk at the show-- he was a lot more loose with his words when that was the case. He was the opposite, a tightly wound ball of nerves that was very unlike him. 
Bret approached the front door and reached up to knock. He stopped before his knuckles hit the wood. Something was telling him to turn the knob instead. When he twisted it to find the door unlocked, he was surprised to see that his instinct was correct.
"You should keep your door locked, you don't want any intruders-- Oh, wow." 
Shawn's feelings of worry melted away when he heard the breathlessness in Bret's voice. He approached him slowly, pressing right into his personal space as he reached behind him to lock the door.
"What do you think?"
Before he was able to answer, Shawn pushed Bret down onto his couch. He wasted no time straddling him, a picture perfect sight that Bret was still processing in his mind. Dragging his eyes down his body, he came to rest on what Shawn was apparently so stressed about. 
A pretty, white lace pair of panties.
They were bleach white, almost glowing against the tan surrounding them. Shawn's erection strained against them and tented the delicate fabric up invitingly. A tiny wet spot was starting to form against the surface of them, no doubt from how turned on Shawn got wearing them. The fabric was alien to him, yet at the same time felt normal, felt right.
Bret could only take ragged breaths. There were so many things he wanted to say, but he couldn't make the words leave his lips. Shawn reached to grab his hand and place it against his ass, wanting him to feel the stretch of the underwear there too.
"You like it, daddy?" Shawn whispered. He wrapped his arms around Bret's neck and stared down into his brown eyes, tilting his head to the side with the best "fuck me" eyes he'd ever given. Bret blinked once, then squeezed his hand against Shawn's ass. He'd never called him that before. The way it fell out of Shawn's mouth, all wrapped in lust and that accent of his only made Bret harder. It wasn't going to take much to get used to, that was for certain.
Bret maneuvered Shawn's body to place him on his hands and knees. He was impressed with how quickly Shawn managed to get into position, arching up just the right way so the panties caught between his cheeks. A flash of untanned skin that peeked from where the underwear had moved made Bret's breath hitch again. 
"Fuck, you look good."
Shawn spread his legs open farther and smiled. Just what he wanted to hear.
"You bought these just for me to see?"
Shawn nodded, his head softly hitting the couch cushion. "Uh-huh."
"So I shouldn't rip them off then." Bret hooked a finger under Shawn's waistband and tugged impatiently.
"Not unless you wanna see them on me again."
Bret worked that over in his head. The ripping would have to wait. Maybe he'd buy Shawn a cheap pair just so they could be torn off. He reached over to the coffee table for a bottle of lube Shawn had remembered to leave out in the nick of time. Messily coating his index and middle finger, Bret used his other hand to move the panties to the side. Shawn's aching cock fell out from the fabric, hanging heavy and neglected below him. Bret pushed his fingers inside of Shawn's tight hole and felt his own dick twitch at the way Shawn groaned from the sensation. When he pushed back against him, fucking himself and begging for more, Bret knew he wouldn't be able to tease him for long.
"Need you, Bret. Need you," Shawn mumbled. His hole spasmed around Bret's fingers, eagerly awaiting what he really wanted.
"Who do you need?"
"You, daddy." Shawn wanted to jump for joy that Bret liked his new nickname for him.
Bret undressed faster than he ever had before. As soon as he'd kicked off his pants and lubed himself up, he pressed the tip of himself against Shawn's hole.
Shawn felt his eyes roll back in his head with Bret's first, smooth stroke inside of him. His body felt loose as he struggled to hold himself up. Bret fit perfectly inside of him, better than anyone else ever had. When he moved, a pace that Bret hoped seemed made him seem like he was in control instead of restraining himself, jolts of pleasure wracked through Shawn. As badly as he wanted to push himself farther onto Bret's cock, both his own body and Bret's strong hold on his hip kept him from doing so. He reached a hand down to stroke himself fast, grabbing what he could of the panties to feel them rub against his sensitive skin with every pull. His frenzied movements made his back muscles move mesmerizingly. 
"Flip me around, please," Shawn's voice was soft and small under the sound of Bret's groans. "I'm close."
Bret was happy to have a second to breathe. He turned Shawn onto his back and thought he would come just from the way he looked up at him. Sweat soaked strands of blond hair cut across his face while his lips parted open sensually. A stream of precome leaked down his cock, staining the panties and turning them translucent. 
"You drive me crazy, daddy."
A renewed vigor took over Bret's body like a specter. He dug himself deep inside Shawn, carving out a new space no one else would be able to fill. Shawn's breathy pleas for Bret to fuck him harder, deeper, just like that, were reverberating around Bret's skull like calls to battle. He would do whatever Shawn wanted, whatever he asked.
"Tell me-- tell me you love me, Bret."
"I fucking love you, Shawn. Daddy loves you."
Shawn gasped as he watched himself come. It leaked out in short spurts across his underwear, ruining it. Bret continued to fuck him through his orgasm, his pace getting faster now that Shawn had came. Bret's muscles tightened up at the base of his neck every time he thrusted. When Shawn gave him a lopsided smile and adjusted the panties around, moving them against and away from his dick to give Bret more access, he abruptly stopped moving. Seconds later he felt himself come deep inside of Shawn, an out of body experience he'd never had before. Bret pulled out and readjusted the underwear back into place just in time enough to watch his come leak out of Shawn's ass and into the fabric. Now they really were ruined with both his and Shawn's release making them damp beyond belief.
"Do you really love me?" 
Bret stopped in his tracks on his way to Shawn's bathroom to turn to face him. "I wouldn't have let you call me… that. If I didn't. I'm not into it."
Shawn huffed out a short, smug laugh at Bret's seriousness. "Seems like you are."
"Well, I'm not. Don't expect it to happen again."
Shawn rolled his eyes and lazily stretched his body out like a house cat when Bret turned back around. "Mm-hmm, you got it. What color panties do you want me to wear next time, daddy?"
"Pink and black." Bret's voice was deadpan, the bathroom door shutting behind him with a strong click.
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ebonyslasher · 1 year
Spicy Alphabet: Brahms Heelshire
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A = Aftercare (what they’re like after sex)
He's either cuddling you or playing with you some more to go for another round. As far as cleaning up, you'll be the only one cleaning. He's content with laying in those juices.
B = Body part (their favorite body part of theirs and also their partner’s)
His legs are quite nice for someone who's been in the walls. They are toned and hairy, which makes him feel more like a man.
Your genitals are his favorite. It's the site of pleasure that he can't get enough of. Your private parts were beautiful and his favorite to touch. 
C = Cum (anything to do with cum, basically)
Anywhere. Brahms will cum anywhere on you. He likes feeling cum on himself. He shoots a mean load too. It's pretty astounding.
D = Dirty secret (pretty self explanatory, a dirty secret of theirs)
Considering his whole existence was a dirty secret, he has plenty.
He builds a makeshift sex doll of every nanny that works for his family. Stealing hair, clothes, art supplies, etc to get the doll as close to them as possible.
E = Experience (how experienced are they? do they know what they’re doing?)
Not experienced at all. Although he is an avid masturbator and will read any topic he can on sex. Brahms will learn pretty quickly and will surprise you with tricks he's always wanted to try.
F = Favorite position (this goes without saying)
G = Goofy (are they more serious in the moment? are they humorous? etc.)
Brahms is neutral. Being goofy is not on his mind when he's in horny mode. However, he can be childish. So weird noises and sex lines will make him giggle. 
H = Hair (how well groomed are they? does the carpet match the drapes? etc.)
Unkempt unless you trim it for him
I = Intimacy (how are they during the moment? the romantic aspect)
Moderately romantic. Sometimes it's verbal and/or physical. He's vocal about how attractive you are.
J = Jack off (masturbation headcanon)
There was one year where he jacked off daily. He wants to beat that record.
K = Kink (one or more of their kinks)
Let's see…voyeurism, mommy/daddy little guy, diapers, roleplay, cock milking, ruined orgasm, and much more.
L = Location (favorite places to do the do)
Anywhere through the wall. He loves gloryholes
M = Motivation (what turns them on, gets them going)
If you wear any sexy maid outfits while cleaning or taking care of him. Flashing him randomly. Vulgar dirty talking.
Tumblr media
N = No (something they wouldn’t do, turn offs)
He doesn't like to be bound, so no rigging. No candles/anything that would require fire. He also doesn't want to be humiliated about anything he's into.
O = Oral (preference in giving or receiving, skill, etc.)
40% giver and 60% receiver. His skill could use some work. He'll only do oral on you for a few minutes, then he's ready to do something else. 
P = Pace (are they fast and rough? slow and sensual? etc.)
Fucks like a rabbit. He will calm down over time, but he will still be fast-paced 
Q = Quickie (their opinions on quickies, how often, etc.)
Loves quickies. He especially likes to make a teasing game out of it. Doing regular activities with random sprinkles of quickies. Getting into action in one position for a few minutes, stopping, wandering off elsewhere, and then more action again. It gives him an explosive finish.
R = Risk (are they game to experiment? do they take risks? etc.)
Yes, whatever either of you wants to try. He's very insistent on trying out crazy fetishes. Brahms won't care if you're uncomfortable.
S = Stamina (how many rounds can they go for? how long do they last?)
How many rounds he can go in one session is 3. Spaced out through the day: 5. He lasts around 20 minutes for each one
T = Toys (do they own toys? do they use them? on a partner or themselves?)
He makes his own sex toys. He'd also very much appreciate if you buy him toys. He'll use them often. 
He would like to use sex toys on you or just watch you use them on yourself. Preferably if you weren't intending on him to watch. 
U = Unfair (how much they like to tease)
Brahms is more unfair to himself since he has a habit of trying to give himself blue balls before giving in. In turn, it teases you as well - although that isn't his intention. 
V = Volume (how loud they are, what sounds they make, etc.)
Loud 📢! Not afraid to moan and talk to you. Brahms begs a lot with a low, whiny tone. He sounds desperate the whole time. 
W = Wild card (a random headcanon for the character)
He told you that he wanted to get you pregnant so you could breastfeed him. You looked at him with various degrees of crazy, depending on how possible that idea could even be. 
X = X-ray (let’s see what’s going on under those clothes)
A solid 6. He's uncut. The skin on his penis is slightly more tan than the rest of his body. his girth is on the skinnier side
Y = Yearning (how high is their sex drive?)
Go get a telescope 🔭 and look into space. That'll give you an idea of how high his sex drive is.
Z = Zzz (how quickly they fall asleep afterwards)
If he has no intention of a multiple-round session, then he's taking a nap. 
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weebsinstash · 1 year
Not gonna lie if I were the reader after they got replaced by YouTwo I would be a neurotic mess lmao. I already mental issues but I can't imagine going through their trauma on top of everything. I would definitely be scratching myself again out of sheer stress and anxiety about whether or not everybody will replace me again. My arms would look horrible. Oh boy imagine everybody's reaction to realizing they've messed up this badly and absolutely ruined the reader
Other people: fun ways we can write! Coffee shop au! Red string of fate! Hanahaki! Enemies to lovers!
me: what if I sat and tried to seriously and realistically contemplate the ramifications of a severely traumatic experience and the following neurotic habits that arise from the spiral down
Reader gets back to Spider Society, either glitching back in or "being rescued" whatever, and, you're just doing shit like digging food out of the trash "you'd never guess what kinds of perfectly good stuff people throw away, and it saves time to not have to wait for anything to be prepped! Never know when you'll vanish in the middle of a meal or that one serial killer will pop out at you again!! Ahaha!
Someone comes to check on you and you deadass have a fucking, tripwire web trap all around you, you're not even sleeping in a bed you're in your own webbing (because we rock organic webbing here because it fucks) so the second anything like, opens the door of your apartment or comes near you, you're instantly aware. Peter B comes in "heeeey, just wanna check in, make sure you're doing ok--" and there's fucking web wires rattling cans as he opens the front door and suddenly you're wide awake with an actual fucking knife or some kind of equally brutal survivalist weapon and it takes you a few seconds to fully snap out of it and let him calm you down and he has to tell Miguel You Are In Fact Not Doing Ok
You've got real "scaring all your loved ones and everyone around you" energy during those times you're just like going through some manic shit, opening your mouth and going on a sudden 'epiphany' like "i know what would help!! I'm gonna start cutting my face in really visible prominent places and that way you guys will know by the scar who I am :) and when it heals I'll cut myself again :) and again :) maybe I should just cut off a finger, how many of me do you think are missing fingers? Or maybe I could give myself a cool scar!!" And it's just like. What the fuck do they even say to that. A lot of them just genuinely could cry over this, seeing what this did to you. You sound genuinely cheerful at the realization and give no mind to how casually you just suggested self harm out of paranoia and self preservation.
You're just having like hard-core eating disorder issues going from overeating to undereating, binging because you're suffer9ng trauma from starving and then starving yourself "no its fasting, I'm FASTING to save food and money and resources, ok, I can only fit so much in my backpack and--"
You have this backpack from your multiversal glitching travels and keeping it with you basically 24/7 even when you go to the bathroom becomes a comfort habit, because, "never know when your camp has been found by the runners and you've gotta make a break for it" or some other cryptic memory you babble at them like you're discussing coffee when it could be one of the most vile horrifying things they've ever heard
I think the most interesting but tricky thing I've thought of is, what if Reader's trauma-humor coping mechanism gets dialed up to 11 and you can basically never turn it off because, your brain is protecting yourself. It's like you're Doing A Bit but literally all the time like some traumatized method actor and you're just, they're never sure if you're actually telling the truth or actually recounting things you experienced after a while
"Oh man the last time I ate a meal this big was when I finally stopped glitching and I had to break into someone's house and rob them for food! Just call me Santa Claus! But this Earth had suffered a nuclear fallout so all they had was like, DRY CRACKERS and, a lotta canned stuff, icky, and, I was in the middle of trying to pry a tin of lil cocktail weenies open with my teeth when the irradiated house centipedes smelled my blood, just imagine like a normal centipede but, like, the size of a Shetland pony, hey, friendship really IS magic right, and me and these centipedes got SO close, so anyways they smelled my blood, right, and it made them hungry, and--" and here you got like The Entire Squad speechless, Hobies just over here like "fuck, I don't even know what to say to that, you want some ketamine bruv" and yall just hit em with "nah last time I tried ketamine I had a fever dream of being replaced by an evil clone and I was shunned by all my close friends who i thought of like family. Oh wait, that was you guys! That's awkward!"
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natelia-aldelliz · 1 year
"Are you busy right now?"
Gaz lifts his head towards Soap, a curious look on his face. "Wow, that's the first time you actually ask me before kidnapping me, actually yes, I'm-"
"Perfect, come here I need your help."
Roach snorts as he watches Gaz's exasperated face as Soap grabs his arm and pulls him up, pushing him towards his room.
"Yeah, that was too good to be true, should've known," Gaz grumbles.
"No, no, no, you'll see, it's way more interesting that whatever you were doing, I swear!" Soap beams back at him, overflowing with energy. He's so excited that he slams his door closed behind Gaz, not noticing that Roach wasn't in yet.
Five years. He's been dead for five years but he still flinches when things rush his way, as if they were gonna hit him. "Rude," he complains as he walks through the door, shaking his head at Soap's apologetic look. He can't be mad at him though, not when he's behaving like an excited puppy.
"What the fuck happened-" Gaz gasps at the state of the room. There's tinkering material everywhere, hardware on all surfaces, and strange objects scattered around.
"Oh, I'm building my own ghost communication equipment, that's why I need you. You need to tell me if it works!"
"And you couldn't see if it works yourself?"
Roach actually laughs at that. Johnny hesitates, mouth gaping as he tries to find a reason.
"No, I get paranoid, I need a second opinion."
"Not bad, not bad," Roach grins.
"Ok," Soap continues, ignoring him. "Here's a spirit box I made, try it and tell me what you hear."
Gaz takes the offered radio and turns it around in his hands. "Shouldn't we be in a haunted house or something?"
Soap throws a look towards Roach. "Nah, i'm sure it's fine, try it."
"So you don't want to go to a haunted house?"
That could be really interesting, actually. Roach had always wanted to go ghost hunting, but he hadn't been able to convince Simon to come with him. He looks at Soap expectantly. It wouldn't be the same experience now that he's the ghost, but it's probably still gonna be interesting! Perhaps even more if he's the one being hunted.
"You really want to go to a haunted house that bad?" Soap asks.
"Yes," Gaz and Roach both answer at the same time.
Soap playfully rolls his eyes. "Ok, try the equipment first, to see if it works, and then we can look up some place to go if you really want."
They cheer, under Soap's amused eyes, then Gaz turns the radio on.
"Are there any spirits here?"
"Yup," Roach answers.
"Maybe try it with a little more enthusiasm," Soap says, looking at Roach.
"Oh, sorry," Gaz rolls his eyes. "Ooh~ spirits of the underworld, can one of you esteemed beings show their presence by speaking out~ how's that for enthusiasm?"
Roach snickers. "Yes, there is an esteemed being here indeed, and that is me, I'm here, hi."
Gaz jumps. "It said here!! It said! You're not pulling my leg, are you? You didn't record this shit, right??"
Soap and Roach gasp. It works! It has to, he said here and Gaz heard it!!
(spooky sad stuff under the cut)
Needless to say, they almost immediately head to the closest haunted place they can find on the internet. Roach is flabbergasted when Soap drags Simon and Price behind him, happily chattering away with Gaz. They don't exactly look thrilled to be here, but they're here! To be fair, he had only asked Simon in the past, he had never tried not giving him a choice.
It's funny in the beginning. The guide tells them the building's story, something about a criminal fire in the 1890's killing a man's whole family while he was away on business, then he came back and killed himself on the ruins, allegedly from guilt at having been responsible for the fire in some way, Roach didn't understand the reasoning, but okay.
Then the house's debris got covered up by the construction of another building, who had welcomed injured soldiers after WW1, many more people died here, stories about nurses and patients seeing figures in the corridors, children coughing, yadda yadda, very usual stuff.
The building is creepy, that's for sure, but there's no sign of any of the ghosts the guide had told them about. There is one soldier, who looks to be about 40, with his face disfigured, but he isn't active at all, barely follows them with his eyes, and doesn't say a single word. Doesn't even blink when the rest of the ghost hunting equipment beeps in his face. Probably got used to it, the poor man.
Roach is having a great time though. He makes everything go off at the most spooky times, says criptic shit in the spirit box. He's absolutely delighted when even Simon, stoic non believer Simon, starts hanging closer to Johnny, in what he knows is a silent request for touch. He says that to the only one that can actually hear him, and smiles at them when Johnny offers to hold Simon's hand.
It's all fun and games until they head to the basement, that the guide had said was the old house's foundations, and Johnny freezes up.
Roach is confused. There isn't anything here, no ghosts, no interactions, nothing.
"I… I don't feel good," Johnny says and Roach believes him, it's so obvious on his face that he's telling the truth.
"You're cold," Simon frowns, reaching his other hand to brush against Johnny's cheek.
Roach feels… weak. He feels tired. He hasn't had to sleep since his death, and it's like it's catching up to him. It feels draining. Something is wrong, but there's nothing around them still.
A child's voice rises from the radio in Gaz's hands. "I was like you," they whisper hauntingly.
"I don't know, man," Gaz says. "They said 'like' but for some reason I don't think I like that they like us."
"It's not what they said," Johnny whispers, still frozen in place, not even blinking, crushing Simon's fingers in his.
Price grabs his shoulder reassuringly, doing the same to Gaz with his other hand when he huddles closer. Roach tries to shake himself awake.
"Show yourself!" He tries to yell, commanding whatever ghost was playing with them to stop, but it only comes out as barely louder than a whisper. The only answer he gets is the sound of a child desperately coughing, flashes of heat, smells of burning flesh, smoke everywhere. He gasps, the flashes melting into his own memories, the gunshot, fire all around, Simon, Simon, Simon-
"I don't need you to talk, ghost," the child's voice is harder, dismissive, and the flashes suddenly stop. He falls back, panting, trying to catch his breath. "I just need your energy."
"Did they say Ghost?" Simon squeaks out.
"We need to leave," Johnny says urgently, pulling on Simon's hand.
"Don't leave," the child continues. "Talk with me. You need to know."
"Know what?" Price asks. Roach had almost forgotten the others didn't hear the entire conversation.
The child just ignores the question. "This is what happens when we die," they murmur. "This is what we become. But it's not the end."
A hand grabs Roach's arm and he jumps, his head swivelling wildly. It's the soldier from earlier. He looks panicked.
"You shouldn't be here," he says, arm extended far in front of him, apparently refusing to step off the stairs.
Roach sends a look towards Johnny. There are tears on his face and his whole body is shivering. Simon seems to be trying to get him to move back, but it seems like he's stuck in place.
"It's not the end?" Johnny whispers.
The child laughs. "It's not. We can't die, remember? But our body can disappear." The soldier drags Roach out of the basement, and he feels better as soon as he's on the first step of the staircase.
"Johnny!" He yells, trying to get his attention.
"There was nothing left after the fire," the child keeps going, their voice taking a melancholic tone. "I was so weak, but I could still see my siblings, roaming above the ruins. It was the only way to gain some strength back. They wouldn't have been happy anyway."
Roach thinks he's crying as well. He yells again, feeling absolutely useless as the only person who can hear him doesn't move.
"I can't move him!" Simon says, distressed. Price and Gaz immediately join him in trying to push Johnny back.
"But I don't need to feed on ghosts anymore," the child continues. "After all this time, someone like me comes here. I'm sorry. I hope you won't have to wait for so long. You end up losing yourself, little by little… Tell you what, if you don't fight me, I'll search for someone like us myself, to let you find a new body."
"Grab his legs," Price orders, pushing Johnny back into Gaz's arms. It looks hard, but they eventually get him off the ground and rush to the staircase.
"NO!" The child yells, all pressure suddenly dropping like a balloon popping once Johnny is out of the room.
Johnny gasps and seems to come back to life, thrashing in his friends' arms.
"Leave," the soldier says again, grabbing Roach's arm tighter for a second. "Never come back."
Roach quickly nods, tears incessantly falling from his eyes, unable to find his voice. The soldier pats his shoulder and slowly goes back up the stairs, heading back to his original spot. Johnny is sobbing in Simon's arms. They really need to get out of here.
The car ride back is silent. Johnny is lying down on the back seat, curled up, his head in Simon's lap.
"I don't want to become that," he whispers, tears catching on his lashes.
Roach, squeezed between the front seat and the back seat, in front of Johnny's face, shakes his head. He wants to say something, wants to tell him that he won't, but his voice hasn't returned. He tries BSL, not really knowing how much Johnny actually knows. It seems to be enough, because his exhausted eyes close and he seems to finally fall asleep.
Back on base, Simon carries him to bed and sits next to him for a few minutes. He looks shaken. He takes off his mask and beanie, that he uses instead of the balaclava when in civilian clothing, and rubs his hair, sighing. Roach wants to gather him in his arms and comfort him, kiss his hair, rub his shoulders. He also really really wants him to do that for him. He still feels small after that experience.
"I…" Simon says quietly, his voice breaking hesitatingly. "I don't know what to believe." He speaks quietly, apparently not wanting to wake Johnny up. Roach is confused - Simon had never been in the habit of talking to himself - but he just keeps listening. He's always liked to listen to Simon talk.
"This was too real. But if this was real…" His eyes are red. "Then what I saw was also real…" He sniffs, blinks out the tears building up, breaking Roach's heart. "So… Roach… Bug…" his voice breaks on his nickname and Roach starts crying. "If you're actually still here, I don't know what to do. I don't know, Bug. Can you, maybe, give me a sign? That you're here?"
Roach sobs. He loves him so much. He wants a hug. He wants to be held so badly. He folds in on himself in despair, trying to comfort himself, not noticing Johnny's open eyes.
"He loves you," Johnny murmurs, making Simon jump to wipe his tears before turning around to look at him. "He loves you so much. I wish he could tell you himself."
Simon sniffs, lays down beside Johnny and gathers him in his arms, practically squishing him against his chest. "Thank you," he whispers against his hair.
Johnny still looks really out of it, barely awake. His eyes rest on Roach's crying form and the ghost signs his own thanks. They really need to look into this. He can't let their Johnny become this terrible entity, feeding on other beings, waiting on another like them to take their body. He can't let him lose himself like that.
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