#like when a dad shaves his beard and his baby doesn’t recognize who it is
phatcatphergus · 7 months
It’s crazy that if tubbo showers it’ll be the first time Sunny has seen her father actually look healthy and clean
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greg-montgomery · 4 months
on tiktok there’s a video of this dad who shaves his beard and his kids start crying and hiding from him 😭😭 what if when aaron comes back from being deployed in pakistan and he has a beard, his daughter doesn’t recognise him at all and starts crying 💀if jack not liking it wasn’t enough, baby hotchner was where he drew the line 😭😭😭 and obviously you’re all 😞 cause aaron with a beard is just so 🥰😍
pls😭😭😭😭😭😭 you’re DEVASTATED
bc you’ve missed your husband so bad and then he pulls up looking like this and you have to act normal about it
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you find the beard so hot. you see it for the first time and you wanna consume him 🤭🤭🤭 but then your kids are like “💀💀💀💀 We hate it” and it breaks your heart </3
jack is simply like “daddy ew” lmfaooo but your little girl????? she doesn’t even recognize that’s her dad 😭😭 aaron is all like “Hi my little angel 🥰🥰🥰” and she starts sobbing 😭 and hides behind you. which makes him so sad bc he’s used to her running straight into his arms and now she’s scared of him 🥺🥺
so he makes the decision to shave it :( you fight for that beard till the last minute tho 😭 you get your daughter on your lap like “that’s daddy sweetheart 🥰” but she’s still not convinced </3
or you go to jack like “idk….i think it’s kinda cool 🤷‍♀️” trying to act nonchalant about it but jack is still like “i hate it”
but i’ll tell you one thing. the night before he shaves it? you reaaaaaally show aaron how much you like the beard 🤭🤭 and it really made him hate that he had to shave it 🤭🤭
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lives-in-midgard · 2 months
Hi! If it’s okay, totally okay if not!
Can I please request a (Everyone lives au!) husband!Bucky x fem!wife!civilian reader where they have a a daughter who’s a little under a year old? Instead of the Avengers disbanding, they stayed together and Bucky became an Avenger, meeting Y/n after having saved her life and after dating a while got married and had a baby? This is silly, but you know those videos of Dads shaving their beards and their baby doesn’t recognize them? Imagine that happens, like you know how Bucky had long hair and a beard? Imagine he had his long hair and a beard for almost a year after having their daughter (so that’s what she’s used to) but then he cuts his hair to his short hair and shaves his beard when she turns a year and their baby is like “????”😂 Idk I thought this would be cute haha
Hey 🥰
Thank you so much for this request!! This is such a cute idea and I love it! 💗
While writing I got so much more ideas for this little family and maybe we will read more about their story!
I hope you like what I came up with!
You can find your request here.
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blackbat05 · 2 years
A beardful
Rick Flag x Reader
A/N: Wow… once I’m fixated… I’m fixated…
Genre: PG-13, master of fluff (I like to think)
Notes: A short piece in which Dad Rick attempts to get closer to the newest addition of the family - even if it means shaving his beloved beard…
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“Hey darlin?”
You poke your head out of the kitchen to see your husband frowning at the mirror.
“What’s up?”
“Should I shave?”
You raised your brows at the unexpected question. “Well, where did that come from?”
Rick turns to you. “Robin isn’t letting me give him kisses or come near him for that matter,” he glumly tells you about his failed misadventures with the family’s newest addition. “I think it’s the beard.”
You take a look at your husband. Honestly, you didn’t mind the lumberjack look he had. In fact, you adored the slightly grizzly man in front of you.
“Give it time honey, maybe Robin hasn’t got used to that feeling. Besides, I think you look hot.” You purred, walking closer to him.
“You sure have a way with words.”
“You know I’m right.”
Rick sighs. “But either way, I’m going to make sure Robin gives me that kiss before he’s completely under DuBois charms.”
You couldn’t imagine the former marksman once notorious for his brutality trying to compete with your husband to get your newborn’s attention. Now that was something you needed to see.
As you chopped the vegetables in the kitchen, you made cooing noises at the baby who was inside the playpen at the living room. Robin giggles, before rolling around with his stuffed hamster plushie that Cleo had gifted.
The door opens, and you prepare for the onslaught of what were to be your twins, husband and Robert.
“Mama! Mama!” Your twins yell in unison. Like the little cannonballs they are, they almost ran face first into you.
“Woah! What’s the rush there Lightning McQueens?” You set your knife aside to see the identical gleeful looks on their faces.
“Papa shaved! It’s so smooth now! Like the ice rink you took us to last winter!” Freya, the more descriptive of the two starts to pull you by your apron.
True enough, behold a cleanly shaven Rick Flag grinning at you.
“Well look at you! You clean up nicely.”
Robert sets the shopping bags on the table. “Let’s just hope little bugger recognizes his old man here.” You let out snort as you removed your apron.
“Let’s put that to the test shall we?”
As the two men busied themselves in the kitchen, you went back into the living room to retrieve Baby Robin who was babbling at you happily.
“Come on big boy,” you stretched into the playpen to scope him out. “Papa’s back home.”
At the mention of Papa, Robin’s eyes lit up. The little boy clapped his chubby hands happily, squirming around in your arms.
“Where’s my little Prince?” Rick’s southern drawl came behind the fridge as you walked into the kitchen to sit Robin on his high chair. Robert waits beside you with bated breath of this unpredictable outcome.
Robin gurgles, hands waving around as if to signal his father of his presence. Rick finally closes the fridge door and the two make eye contact.
“Hey buddy!”
Robin blinks, and starts looking around causing Rick to be confused.
“Whatcha looking for bud? Papa’s over here.”
But Robin sees you and reaches out with grabby hands. You decided to try a new approach. Lifting his chubby body out of the seat, you walk over to Rick.
“Papa’s here Robin!”
It’s hilarious really, from Robert’s point of view as he sees the poor little chap not recognizing his cleanly shaven father. Lips wobbling at the thought of being whisked away by a stranger, your baby boy starts to burst into sobs.
You rock him back and forth, hushing him with soothing noises.
“That’s not a scary man, that’s your Papa!”
Robin doesn’t seem to be able to process this as his cries bounces off the walls.
“Alright there chap! Come on lemme hold you for a second.” Robert takes his godson from your arms, turning Robin’s body to face him while the two of you stood by.
When Robin realized that he was being held by his favorite uncle, the cries had slowly subsided.
“Well would you look at that!” Robert guffaws. “Knew you were something ya little bugger!”
Robin reaches out a hand to feel Robert’s beard, breaking out into giggles. You figured your husband would need much comforting after seeing the sight in front of him.
“My old friend. I knew it when he saved me back then in the battle of Qurac.” He tells you glumly. “I knew that god would make me pay Robert back one day. I never knew it would be this cruel.” Rick shuffles over to you with puppy dog eyes before burying himself in your shoulder.
“Aw… come on, it’s not that bad.” You and Robert make eye contact and you try your hardest not to laugh. “Give it a little time.”
You wished you had said that a little earlier for Robin gives a huge smooch at Robert’s request. Rick gives you a dead stare, daring you to refute him.
“Okay… maybe I stand corrected.” And the two of you break into laughter in front of a very dismayed husband and a confused baby.
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imagines4thefandoms · 2 years
Scary Facial Hair
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There are many great things about being married to a celebrity. The fancy dinners, the movie premiers, the nice fans. But there were also many terrible things: how they are gone for months at a time sometimes, the little to no privacy, and worse of all they had no control over how they look sometimes. After being married to Chris for two years and dating him for three years prior, you were used to it. You tease him about how he changes his look more than you do. It has never been really bothered you, but you weren’t going to lie and say you loved all the looks.
“Honey, I’m home,” Chris called walking through the front door.
You put your book down and turned to welcome your husband. He held his arms out and has a sheepish smile on his face. He no longer has his beard that you loved so much he had a mustache. Chris looked good no matter how his hair looked but the mustache was the worse.
“No,” you cried covering your face.
“I love you too,” he said wrapping his arms around you.
“How long,” you asked sadly looking up at your husband.
“A while I’m afraid,” he replied kissing the top of your head.
Chris knew how much you hated the mustache. You always joked about how it made him look like a serial killer or a pornstar. Your husband took off his jacket and sat down next to you after having a long day running through lines and other pre-production things he had to do for his new role.
“As your amazing wife I will allow this but I wouldn’t be upset if you just quit and we go away and forget this thing ever happened,” she shivered as he placed his head on her lap.
“You are amazing,” he said turning his head to kiss your knee and your hands went through his hair.
The two of you just stayed in that position in complete silence enjoying each other's company. It wasn’t often the two of you got to be alone. But the alone time was interrupted but the baby talk of your 18-month-old daughter just walking up from her nap.
“Daddy’s home,” Chris said sitting up in a sudden ball of energy.
You would have gotten up but you were too enthralled in thinking of how much of an amazing father Chris is. He always made sure he came home for bedtime and he would sometimes sneak out of your shared room to play with (d/n) in the middle of the night. Chris has been wrapped around her little finger since he first heard her heartbeat.
A big smile fell from your face when you heard your daughter screaming and crying in her room. You ran to her and saw a look of fear on her face whenever Chris tried to pick her up. As soon as she notice you she held her arms out for you and wouldn’t stop crying until you picked her up.
“Is she sick,” Chris asked worriedly.
“No she was fine an hour ago,” you said checking her for a fever.
Thinking she was hungry you tried to hand her over to Chris so you could get her a bottle but she wanted nothing to do with him. It was weird seeing how your husband was her favorite. Then it hit you. She doesn’t want Chris because she doesn’t recognize him. She has only ever seen him with his beard. Your husband was standing next to you worried out of his mind while you started laughing.
“Y/n, why are you laughing,” he asked slightly annoyed that you were making a joke of this poss dangerous situation.
“Hunny she’s completely fine. But I’m not the only one who doesn’t like the mustache,” you explained laughing.
Chris didn’t think it was funny. His little girl didn’t recognize him. You could notice the moment he realized he was the reason she was screaming and crying and could swear you heard his heartbreak.
“Hey don’t worry, she’ll get used to it,” you said walking out of the room with your daughter still attached to your hip.
As soon as you walked out of her bedroom her little eyes went searching around the room. “Where daddy,” she asked wiggling out of your arms to go search.
“I'm right here pumpkin,” Chris said kneeling down to look her in the eyes.
“No, dadda hair,” she said touching her chin as to say so her dad has a beard.
“Daddy shaved it, baby, he looks a little silly now,” you explained trying to fix your giant manchild's heart.
“Dadda no hair,” she questioned. She had this look of deep concentration as if trying to understand this stranger was her father. She was drawn out of her cute little train of thought by dodger running down the stairs and licking (d/n)’s face before turning to Chris and knocking him on his ass.
Seeing how dodger was with him helped her connect the dots. Her little face it up and she ran and jumped on Chris’s stomach making him groan in pain.
“Dadda home,” she squealed as she sat on his stomach and started bouncing.
“Yes I am pumpkin,” your husband replied letting out a sigh of relief. She then stared him down as she moved up his chest and placed her little hand on his chin.
“No like daddy,” she said with a very serious tone making you bust out laughing.
“Mommy doesn’t like either,” he said laughing at the seriousness of his 18-month-old.
She looked over to you to get a confirmation that you didn’t like your husband's new look. “Mommy doesn’t like it but I do love daddy. Even when he looks silly,” you said ripping her off Chris and placing her on the ground next to him. She let out a little giggle at the sudden movement and when dodge thought it was playtime and he started licking all over her face.
After the brief playing and a tickle fight ending with your daughter being a trader and teaming up with your husband, the three of you just laid down you on your husband's right side and your daughter on his left.
“Dadda why no hair,” she asked sitting up.
“For work baby,” he explained pushing some of her hair behind her ear.
“Work bad,” she replied crossing her arms with a little pout.
Your husband let out a little laugh and looked over at you. “I wonder where she gets that,” he said kissing your nose.
“I know sweet pea, I’m going to call daddy’s work tomorrow,” you told her ignoring his previous contact.
Chris just laid there watching as his two favorite girls “talked” about grounding his boss and everyone on set. There was no place he would rather be than being harassed by his wife and daughter about his facial hair.
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wienerbarnes · 4 years
The Undercover Mission (3/3)
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Pairing: Bucky x Reader (Cheek to Cheek)
Word Count: 1,380
Warnings: still some Lowkey angst but y'all always know there's a good ending ok
A/N: ok promise ill let them live for a bit now and leave them alone w the angst LOL
Your father sits in handcuffs in the interrogation room. No one has yet to tell you anything, according to everyone else, you don’t even know that there’s an ongoing case right now. You, once again, snuck down here after hearing that your father was in custody. Only this time, the interrogation room is open.
You turn the knob and step inside, past the two agents guarding the door, and take a seat across from your shackled father.
“Didn’t know there was more questioning to be done; I told Agents Barnes and Carter everything already. I confessed.” He states.
He doesn’t recognize you. Why would he? The last time he saw you, you were a baby.
“There’s not.” You confirm; he doesn’t move to make any follow up questions, just accepting that you’re now going to be in the room with him.
“What’s your name?” He asks.
That just makes you angry. Your own father asking you what your name is.
“That’s need-to-know. And you don’t need to know.”
He briefly raises his eyebrows at you in surprise, before settling back in his seat.
“You a Marine?”
Your eyebrows twist up in confusion, “How did you -”
“Can just tell.”
You don’t respond. You can’t respond. You don’t know what to say to him.
Suddenly the door opens, and Sam stands at the doorway, “Agent 51, you’re needed elsewhere.” That means, get the hell out of this room.
You stand and go to make your exit when your father’s voice stops you, “Hey, 51.”
You turn your head to hear what he has to say.
“Semper Fi.” The motto of the Marine Corps.
You sigh and slump your shoulders, “Oohra, Gunny.” You respond, before exiting the room and going out into the hallway.
As soon as you make it far enough, you place your hand over your mouth to quiet any sobs. If being a crazy, psycho killer yourself wasn’t enough, finding out your absent father was also a murderer really put the nail in the coffin.
How hilarious is it that daddy’s a killer, too! Now, we know where you get it from! I guess killer doesn’t always recognize killer, though, huh?
You feel Sam wrap an arm around you and pull you into his chest, comforting you silently for a few minutes until you can compose yourself enough to make it into the elevator and up to your room.
Except, your night can’t just end there. Bucky’s standing outside your door.
You hate his undercover look. A Marine buzzcut and fully grown out beard, long enough to knot a hair tie in it. You saw pictures in the file earlier, where he had different colored contacts, more prominent freckles, a flesh arm. It’s so… not Bucky.
But you’d figured he’d come talk to you about all of this eventually. This was the reason he had to break up with you.
“Hey.” He starts.
“... How are you?”
“I’m doing… pretty fucking shitty, Bucky.”
He nods, agreeing with you, “Yeah, I’m doing pretty fucking shitty, as well.”
You two of you stand outside your door just staring at each other; taking each other in and everything the two of you have missed.
“You got your neck tattoo covered up.” Bucky points out. A large, black butterfly now takes that angry face’s place on the side of your neck.
“Yeah, Sam let me invite that guy that did my leg tattoo to the tower.”
“I’m happy for you; I know how much you were dyin’ to get rid of it.”
It’s awkward. Bucky doesn’t know where to start. And neither do you. And as much as you want to be mad at him; as much as you want to hate him, you can’t find it in you. You could never hate Bucky.
“So -”
“Listen -”
The two of you start at the same time. You begin first,
“Listen. I haven’t had a good night's sleep in months. My head is loud as shit. And I’m tired. Can we just… put a pause on this mess we have going on right now and resume tomorrow?” You ask.
“Yeah, of course. You’ve had… a long day, to say the least. We can talk tomorrow.” Bucky agrees before going to walk past you and back towards the elevator.
“I didn’t say for you to leave.” Your voice stops him. He turns back around, waiting for further explanation.
“Don’t sleep well without you.” You confess to him, a repeat of words he said to you when he was in the hospital.
He gives a gentle smile. A smile of agreement, a smile of I’m so glad we’re thinking the same thing here. He steps back over to you as you open your door, walking inside.
“You’re shaving that shit off your face before getting in my bed, though.” You call out behind you.
Bucky laughs to himself before following you inside. Your conversation can wait until tomorrow.
And the two of you finally sleep well for the first time in two months, twenty-three days, and sixteen hours.
Can’t sleep forever, though. Not when there’s incredibly difficult conversations to have; conversations no other couple in the world has probably ever had or ever will have.
“So… Fury made you break up with me because of my dad’s involvement.” You confirm. You figure the more you say it, the faster it’ll finally click in your head.
It’s morning, now. The two of you are laying on your sides, facing each other with your big, fluffy blanket covering up to both of your shoulders. You’re close enough to Bucky to see the tiny spot of discoloration on his chin from where he nicked himself shaving last night.
“He said that if there was any chance that he knew about you and who you were, it could risk you and your real identity being exposed. Fury didn’t want to take that risk.”
You sigh. You can’t be mad. Do you wish you would’ve known? Yes. But it makes sense. And knowing yourself, being involved wouldn’t have helped your curiosity anyway and you would’ve gotten yourself involved, just as you did this time around.
“Did he… mention me? At all?” You ask, timidly, because you have a feeling you’re not going to like the answer.
A quiet sigh from Bucky, “No.”
“I saw him yesterday. He asked me what my name was. He had no idea who I was.”
“That guy’s a piece of garbage, babe -” Bucky begins to reassure you, but stops himself at the slip of the pet name.
What now? Bucky broke up with you because of a lie for the mission. But the mission’s over now.
“There... wasn’t anyone else… right?”
You’re scared to find out the answer.
Bucky shakes his head No, “I meant it when I said I love you. I’ve meant it every single time I’ve said. You don’t understand how much I hated doing what I did to you. And you won’t understand the guilt I carry because of it. I’m sorry.”
The two of you lay there and stare at each other for a while. It was a really long two and half months. Felt like eternity, though.
“As much as I want to, I can’t stay mad at you, Bucky. I don’t think I can ever be mad at you. I… I want - wanted - to hate you for what you did, and I tried so hard to. But I couldn’t. I still can’t.”
“You should.” Bucky reassures you.
“I can’t -”
“But, you should, though.” Bucky repeats, almost begging you to. He thinks he deserves it.
“Bucky, I forgive you,” Bucky closes his eyes for a moment, almost disappointed that you were so easy to forgive him, “What was your other option, Bucky? You didn’t have one. And as fucking terrified as I am to admit, I can’t live without you, okay? I love you.”
“I love you, too.” He interrupts.
“And I can’t live without you, either. That was, like, the hardest two months of my life.” Bucky admits, and a humorless chuckle escapes your lips.
“It was the hardest two months of my life, too. That fucking sucked.”
Things are complicated. But if there’s one thing that the two of you are sure of, it’s that the two of you are madly, deeply, and utterly in love with each other. And that’s the only thing that’s important to the two of you now.
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pero tovar
character headcanons
note: what do i do when the power’s out? analyze tovar’s character, i guess. these are a bunch of headcanons i came up with about him, some pulled right from the great wall, and some i took liberties with to fit his character. they may be a bit of a mess but, hey, that’s just me. (ps if you use any of these to write something of your own, please tag me because i would love to read it)
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- He has difficultly with the concept of loyalty. He’s been betrayed in the past, he doesn’t expect loyalty and doesn’t expect to give it.
- Despite how many times he’s been betrayed, he really is kind of gullible.
- He doesn’t actively hold grudges. He’s been betrayed enough times at this point it shouldn’t be a surprise. Won’t seek vengeance, but if it falls in his lap, won’t hesitate to take it either.
- May not hold grudges, but doesn’t forget either. He’ll bring it up if he feels like it.
- The man may combust if shown dedicated loyalty and care. What is this??
- A ride by the seat of his pants kind of guy. Knows he can die at any moment so what does it matter if he is betrayed? So what if the plan sounds crazy? It’ll work out or it won’t. He doesn’t mind killing his way out of it.
- He sometimes comes off as an idiot. That couldn’t be further from the truth. He’s good at languages, has picked up fighting and healing techniques from all sorts of practices during his travels, and spending time with William has taught him to think when he’s fighting. Strategy didn’t come to him naturally. He studied it, and learned to analyze the situation.
- He travels light. He doesn’t want to be weighed down by things that are unimportant.
- That being said, he is surprisingly sentimental. He’s kept the first knife he ever used to kill a man. He’ll wear a braided piece of cloth from his mother’s shroud on his wrist. He keeps the charm his lover gave him around his neck.
- Traveling light has one exception: weapons. The man will pick up any and every blade he comes across to tuck somewhere on his person. He is the person when asked to disarm will take 20 min. And still have another one hidden somewhere.
- No, seriously. Where did he hide that??
- The guy who’s always hungry. Did he just finish a six course meal? Yes. Will he have another one of those fresh rolls with cheese spread? Yes. And another slice of the smoked meat? Yes. And perhaps another bowl of the stewed potatoes? yes…how is he still eating…
- The fastest way to a man’s heart his through the fifth left intercostal space. Second fastest way? The stomach. No lie. Feed this man, don’t judge how fast he eats, and he may just fall in love with you.
- Not too long after you’ve met, he’s probably considered the best way to kill you. It’s a defense thing. If he really likes you, he will still do this. And then makes sure absolutely no one gets close enough to do anything of the sort.
- He’s no coward. But he’s isn’t bothered by being accused of it. He values his life, and if he knows he’ll lose it, he’ll run. It doesn’t feel great, but being alive is better. A live to fight another day kind of thing.
- Knows swears in probably a dozen languages. Even if he doesn’t know any other words. He thinks it’s fun.
- Sarcastic af. Half of what he says is sarcastic. Sometimes he makes it obvious. Sometimes he doesn’t. It’s led to a lot of trouble.
- He will roll his eyes at anything and everything.
- He isn’t surprised by female warriors. But…he is hella turned on. He’s impressed, and he’s respectful. But again…boy is thinking.
- He’s seen a lot of shit in his life. He thinks nothing will surprise him anymore. Stuff still does. He’s learned to adapt quickly.
- He has a surprisingly good sense of humor. Its dark and dry, but he’s been known to crack a joke. And chuckle at one too. If you can make him laugh, it’s an incredible feeling.
-He doesn’t like to be the center of attention. He will slump and hang is head and try to melt into the background.
- He does want attention though. From a select few people, people who are genuine and care. He will refuse to admit it at all costs.
- He gets jealous. He doesn’t want to be, he doesn’t like the feeling. But it happens. It’s a pain when someone is better than him and is recognized for it. He doesn’t want the attention he realizes, but he wants the recognition. If someone he cares about doesn’t give him the attention he wants, it hurts. He’ll watch and see who receives it. Silently hates them.
- He's logical thinker. Not an idealist. Sure, some things would be nice. Like someone to love, who loves him. A place to come home to. A lot of money. He knows he can get some things. Others are just a dream, and quite frankly, a waste of time (or so he tells himself).
- He’s rough. It comes with the life. He is not nice. If you expect him to be, you will be disappointed. But he’s protective, and loyal if it’s serious.
- He hates changing his mind. It feels like he made a mistake the first time. Or the second, depending on the situation. Don’t make him do it. He will be grumpy for a long time.
- He likes to see things through. He went to the effort of making a plan, and he’s going to go through with it, consequences be damned.
- Keeps his past and personal life close to his chest. Even William doesn’t know much about the man.
- He sleeps like a rock. Hates being woken up. He’s disoriented and grumpy, and probably assumes there's danger.
- If you save him, he is indebted to you. whether he likes it or not. Will either be grateful and want to return the favor or will be so cross you think he might be following you around to kill you himself.
- Doesn’t love easy. Doesn’t trust easy. But when he feels safe, that’s when he realizes. And he doesn't let go easy.
- He thinks about keeping a full beard way too much. It happens when he’s been travelling, he’s busy, just doesn’t get to it on a job. But he always shaves it off. Then kind of regrets it. At least he didn't shave it all this time.
- When he’s away, he misses ‘home’. When he’s home, he doesn’t know why he did. Perhaps he just wants to have a place to belong.
- He has more scars than he can count. He’s never felt self-conscious about them. He knows most were well earned. He learns to take pride when someone is intimidated. If his healed flesh scares someone, honestly it becomes more amusing to him than anything.
- He doesn’t want to be a dad. He’s lived a dangerous life, and still is. settling down and having kids always sounded outlandish to him. What would he do with a baby? However, should he ever find out that he is going to be a father? He’s going to be the best father he can be. He tries. He may not have a choice when he has to leave for another job, but he does everything for his family now. You can bet his son or daughter is waiting at the door for him, practicing moves with the wooden sword he made for them, climbing him as soon as he shows his face down the path. As soon as he sees his family, it’s like he can breathe easy again. After he has one kid and gets used to the idea, he…kinda…wants another. The kid should have a sibling right? He doesn’t know when to stop.
tagging: @ficsilike-reblogged @perropascal @yespolkadotkitty
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What is this? 7 of 14 prompt requests for my follower celebration!
What is the prompt? “For your drabbles I got an idea from a video I saw where a dad shaved his beard and him and his wife do a face reveal for their toddler and the kid doesn’t recognize him and starts crying, it was the cutest thing. What if Poe and reader do something similar with their kid/s?” This was hella specific (which is all good, ILY) but I reinterpreted it a little- hope you enjoy and thanks for the request, Anon! 
Author’s note: This can be read as a sequel of sorts to Arrivals but can totally be read as a stand-alone. 
Summary: dad!Poe, husband!Poe, modern!Poe domestic cuteness.
Word count: 1977
Warnings: pregnancy, fluff, wifey  x hubby flirting and light sexual innuendos, and typos.
GIF credit: here
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“I’m not ready to say goodbye. You’re really going to shave it off?” you ask, with a pet lip, as you run your fingers through your husband’s glorious salt and pepper beard one more time. “It’s just so hot. You look distinguished, like a... hot Duke or something.”
Poe’s eyes twinkle with amusement. “But you like me without a beard too, right?”
“You’re hot all the time. It’s infuriating, actually. Just maybe I’m gonna miss the tickle of your beard on my skin.”
“Between your thighs, you mean?” he teases, his voice a low rumble. It’s not meant to turn you on -his tone is light-hearted- but it does anyway.
“Maybe.” you sing-song, nipping your lip between your teeth.
“You’ve forgotten how much you liked my stubble grazing you there. I’ll be happy to remind you, sweetheart.”
“I’ll hold you to that.” you promise, hopping up on the counter as Poe continues his application of shaving cream and takes his shaving blade in hand.
Ok, maybe you could get used to him without a beard again. There’s something disconcertingly hot about watching him shirtless, shearing the stubble from his chiselled jaw. Something about the smoothness and then the roughness which follows. The smell of those lotions on his skin.
You watch him fondly for a while, careful not to distract him as he moves the blade precisely over the more sensitive contours of his neck. He hums as he does so and, you realise, you’re glad to be reminded of this morning ritual. You tune-in to what he’s humming, and smile as you realise he’s unconsciously humming the theme from your little one’s current cartoon of choice. This man can go from sinful to adorable in the bat of an eye. He really has it all.
“Do you think Juno will like your new face?” you ask, and Poe’s eyes soften immediately from the mere mention of your daughter.
“She’s been strongly encouraging me to shave it off. In fact, she keeps trying to yank my beard right off. Yesterday, she hated it so much she mushed porridge into it and it was stuck in there for hours.”
“Gross, Poe.” you chide and he throws you a feigned angry look. “What if she doesn’t recognise you?”
“What?!” your heart grows several sizes upon hearing how concerned Poe sounds at the suggestion. “She’ll know me, I’m her Papa!” it’s more of a plea than a statement of certainty. He drops the blade down, seeming as if he might halt right there and remain half-bearded if there’s even a slight possibility Juno wouldn’t recognise him.
“I’m sure she will, Poe.” You say, hopping down to rub circles into his shoulder blades. “Just don’t be surprised if she gets a shock when she wakes up, ok?”
Well now he looks more than a little glum. “Maybe I shouldda kept it.” He keeps going, the other side of his beard disappearing stroke-by-stroke. The only patch which remains sits on his top lip. “Should I keep this bit?”
You smile warmly at him in the mirror. “It’s gotta go, Poe. I can’t take you seriously with a moustache.”
“Do you ever take me seriously?”
You respond by giving his ass a squeeze through his relaxed joggers. “You’re seriously sexy.” 
He smiles and you think you might be distracting him a little too much now. “I’m gonna go start on the laundry. Come remind me what that handsome, cleanshaven face feels like when you’re ready, baby.”
You mosey out of the room, swaying your hips as you know he’ll be looking to catch a glimpse through the mirror. 
You are pottering in the utility room downstairs when you hear Juno’s cries from the bedroom. You keep an ear out, but you know Poe is up there and likely rushing to her. Still, you wander into the kitchen so that you’re on hand if you’re needed, and so you can greet them when they make their way down to you. 
The crying doesn’t subside and you get a little furrow in your brow. “Everything ok, honey?” you call up the stairs.
You look up at the mouth of the stairs with light concern, and you see Poe approaching across the landing, a bawling little poppet slung at his hip. Juno spots you and stretches her arms towards you with cries of “Mama! Mama!”.
Poe looks upset as he hands Juno over to you and you bundle her into your arms. You give her a gentle bounce on your hip. “Jungle ‘Juno’ Dameron. What’s got you so upset after your nap, huh?”
You look at Poe’s face and he is so distressed that it’s almost comical. You’re not sure who to comfort more - him or the child. “She doesn’t recognise me, honey.”
“Aww. Course she does. Don’t you Juno?” You rub you palm over Poe’s cheek, feeling the smooth skin and the sharp contours of his jaw. “Look Juno, it’s Daddy.” You give Poe a friendly kiss on the cheek. “We love Daddy, don’t we?”
Juno wrings her chubby little hands together, a tremble in her lip as she looks between the both of you, her cries having stopped but crystal ball tears still lingering on her cheeks.
He reaches out to Juno, brushing her tears away. “It’s me, baby.”
“Do the song she likes.” you nudge him, knowing she’ll respond to his familiar and soothing voice. He begins to sing to her and immediately, her face brightens. Although she still looks a little apprehensive, her cheeks apple with her gummy smile.
To your relief, Poe’s face brightens too and soon they are both smiling again.
Now that she’s settled, Juno wriggles against you and signals she wants to be put down. “Ok, baby girl. Shall we get some fresh air in the yard? Where’s Beebs?! Shall we go find Beebs?”
Juno claps her palms together and toddles in the direction of your yard. You follow closely behind her, momentarily confused as to why Poe isn’t following too.
“You coming hubster?”
“In a second. I just need to do something upstairs.” 
You shrug and tootle outside, perching yourself on your back step and smiling softly to yourself as Juno plays in the grass with Beebs at the end of your garden. You pick up the stuffed animal strewn on the patio by your feet -a blurrg Poe had custom-made for Juno’s birthday- and your smile spreads further as you give the ridiculous creature a little snuggle.
Eventually, you hear the approach of Poe’s footsteps through the kitchen and you turn to look up at him as he plants a warm, broad hand on your shoulder. Now you might actually be able to appreciate that clean-shaven face of his. 
You squeal as you turn towards him, however, and observe that he has something inexplicable and black and furry strapped across his chin.
“Woah.” You startle, pressing your palm over the shocked “o” of your lips before a hearty laugh filters through your fingers. 
“I made a beard.” he offers by way of explanation. “I did not like upsetting Juno.” He perches himself by your side on the step. You think he’s smirking beneath the monstrosity strapped to his face, crow’s feet radiating from around his eyes. “Do you think she’ll buy it?”
You laugh. You laugh at this ludicrous man. Your fingertips coming up to tug at... whatever this is. You see he’s been quite creative, hair ties hooking it around his ears.
“What is it?”
“Ok, don’t tell Juno.” he leans in to you as if confessing a secret, his voice dropped low. “I maybe cut up a stuffed animal from that sack of stuff destined for goodwill.” 
You feel overcome that he would do all of this, just so he didn’t upset her. Happy tears brim in your eyes at how loved your daughter is. You run a hand over his makeshift beard. “You are the sweetest man on earth, you know that?”
He gently presses a hand to your rounded, expanding belly. “Anything for my joint-favourite kiddo.” Your pending second child was about to be the joint-luckiest kiddo in the world, you could swear.
You look at him again in disbelief, so utterly wonderful and so utterly ridiculous. “Poe, you know you have a stuffed animal strapped to your face? This. This is one of the reasons people don’t take you seriously.”
“I thought I was seriously sexy.” he purrs, dipping his head towards you to steal a quick kiss from his wife while Juno is happily occupied.
The fibres of the fabric tickle at your nose.
“Just to be clear, honey. There’s no way you’re getting that beard between my thighs.”
You are joined in laughter until Poe’s attention is diverted by Juno making loud, nonsensical noises and tracking her way across the garden to you both. Her hands make a grabby motion as she toddles.
“I’ll take care of you later.” he promises, with a swift press of a kiss into your hair as he stands. “For now, let’s see if Juno recognises me again. I gotta be honest, it broke my kriffing heart when she didn’t know me.” you smile at his newly invented swear word to use around the little one.
You feel warm inside as he runs to Juno and lifts her in the air, joined in a happy moment as he aeroplanes his baby girl around in his arms, Beebs snapping joyously at his heels.
You reach for your camera phone. You must remember to take a video of him in that ludicrous beard. You don’t want to forget a single, silly, loving moment and you know it is impossible to capture them all. But this one? This one is far too good to let slide.
You stand and mosey down the garden, until you fold over with a jolt of discomfort in your belly. Poe catches it instantly and turns towards you. “Honey?”
“I wasn’t sure earlier. But now I’m pretty confident I’m having contractions. Pretty regular.”
His eyes scold you for not saying anything sooner but at the same time they are only full of love.
“It’s happening! Honey!” he looks like he might smile and cry and freak out all at once. He slings Juno on to his hip so he can wrap his other arm around you, his thoughts evidently going a mile a minute. “I’ll drop Juno next door with Finn until we can get hold of Grandma Leia and Grandpa Han. The bags are in the car. We can do this.”
You look at him in shock. “It’s happening. We’ve got to go. Meet our new baby.”
He presses a loving kiss to your lips, despite that infernal fake beard still adorning his jaw. “I love you so kriffing much,” he says, voice cracking with emotion, “and I’ll be right back. Call your mom, ok?”
He dashes through the yard and you call out to him. “Poe!”
He looks back at you over his shoulder.
“Take that thing off your face, or Finn and Rose will never let you hear the end of it.”
“There’s no time, sweetie! Plus, I wouldn’t want people to start taking me seriously.” He flashes you a grin before resuming his dash through the house.
You stand in the garden alone for a moment, saying softly to yourself. “I love you so much too, Poe Dameron.”
Then, you remember that you’re not quite alone as Beebs rubs up against your calf and yaps at you, as if to helpfully yank you from your slight panic and disbelief as the reality of the situation hits you. It does the job, and you remember suddenly that you need to call your mom, Leia.
When you look down at the phone in your hand, you’re delighted to see you never hit the button to end the video you were recording. You’ve captured that whole exchange.
Tears brim in your eyes, overwhelmed by the family you already have, and the family you’re about to have. You are so glad for every moment.
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CO 1101: La La Land
The Vuolos travel to LA, making fun stops along the way. Ben shaves his beard and decides to pull a prank on his kids. Joe & Kendra prepare for a new addition. Miscarriage TW: Joy & Austin grieve a loss. Finally, John & Abbie host a gender reveal. 
At the main house, Michelle is playing with Felicity as Jinger and Jeremy prepare to head to LA. They delayed their move due to Grandma's passing, which makes this move extra difficult. Jinger and Jeremy head off, and JB says their pace of life is going to pick up. Jinger recalls when she said it would be cool to marry someone who lived in a big city, and getting to live in LA is even bigger than she had imagined. They head off, and they will make stops to break it up. Jinger recalls her RV travel days and so she knows what to expect and it will be fun to make memories as the Vuolos. In Oklahoma, they make a pit stop to fill up on gas and change a diaper. Jessa tells a story from a drive when Spurgeon threw up all over his car seat.
Back in Arkansas, Jessa is cooking with Henry and Spurgeon while Ben and Ivy chill on the couch. Henry is talking more and Spurgeon likes to help out. Ivy is so chill and relaxed, she is an easy baby. Henry is delighted with his pancakes. Ben says he is going to trim his beard, and he thinks he might shave it off. He says it requires more maintenance at this length and it is time for a change.  Ben is curious to see if he does it if the boys will recognize him with no beard. He calls Jessa over to show her his goatee look, and then he does a hipster mustache. Jessa thinks its cute and he should keep it. He decides to dress up and knock on the front door to see what the boys do. Ben comes in, full Irish accent going, and his kids are looking at him with a lot of doubt. When they go looking for their dad, they don't see him. Ben then shows him the video him shaving, and they realize that their dad is with them. Ben thinks he did fool Henry but he isn't sure about Spurgeon. Spurgeon tells Ben he likes his beard on. Ben says he is planning on growing it back, but keeping it shorter.
Jinger & Jeremy arrive is Roswell, NM. Jeremy recounts the alien rumors about the town, and they are excited to check it out. They visit some kind of alien haunted house type thing, and take pictures with Felicity. Felicity laughs at the aliens. All the Duggars do not believe in aliens, although Abbie just says "I feel like an alien sometimes" which I found oddly relatable. The Vuolos had fun tho, and head on their way.
Joe & Kendra are upgrading their baby gear since they are expecting their second child. They got a new carseat for Garrett and a double stroller. Kendra is 30 weeks. She says she thinks this time around the baby will be earlier. Garrett is mobile now and fast- he's running around which is tricky for very pregnant Kendra to keep up with. Kendra says when the new baby comes, Garrett will be daddy's buddy. Joe and Kendra try to figure out how to put the car seat in the new stroller. They read the instructions. Kendra says she doesn't feel ready yet, but Joe says he does.
[tw: miscarriage]
Joy & Austin found out they were expecting earlier in 2019, but when they went in for their 20 week ultrasound, there was no heartbeat. Joy broke down, and Austin said it didn't feel real. Joy had to be induced, and Austin was focused on Joy being ok. When she got through it fine, Austin said they began the grieving process. Joy says they named her Annabell, both for the meaning and because it was a childhood nickname of Joy's. Elise, the middle name, went well with that. Annabell was buried out on Fort Rock. Today, they place a headstone where she was buried.  They also plant an oak sapling, which Joy would be able to watch grow near where she is buried. Austin said they have supported each other by how blessed they are which helps overcome the despair. The Forsyths pray by the new headstone. Joy says it is comforting to have the support of her mom and sisters. Lauren says she recalls when Jessa and Lauren were pregnant together and she lost Asa, how Jessa supported her and now she is trying to do that for Joy. Jessa said they had that big photoshoot with all the pregnant girls, and she is still so excited for everyone but how hard that must be for her. Austin told Michelle in the hospital that they still wanted to be happy for all the babies on the way. Joy says having the headstone and tree brought closure for her, and while it is hard, they'll get through it.
[/end tw: miscarriage]
In Nevada, the Vuolos arrives in Vegas.  Jeremy has never been before, but Jinger has been to the area before- in particular, the Hoover Dam. The Duggars talk about their perceptions of Vegas and do Elvis impersonations which is funny. Kendra doesn't know "what" Elvis is. Jeremy has decided to do the Sky Jump- and 829 controlled leap from the stratosphere building. Jinger is worried about watching this. Jeremy heads up, and Jinger tries to talk him out of it. She waits at the landing for him. Jinger tells Felicity that this will be scary, and Jinger is clearly worried for him. It is a wild thing to do and a long way down. Jeremy says he is and idiot and keeps asking what is he doing. He's got a go pro and Jinger is filming from the bottom. Jeremy is terrified, but he makes the leap and seems to enjoy it- it's actually quite a smooth and slow descent, and he is glad he did it. He kisses the ground. Jeremy says you do feel like you are free falling and it was exhilarating. Jinger says she wishes she was that brave. They go take a pic with the Vegas sign and then tomorrow they will head to LA.
John and Abbie are having a big gender reveal party at about 16 weeks pregnant. Coming up with an original idea was very difficult, and they have boarding passes for everyone. Everyone picks a pink or blue boarding pass which have 4 numbers on them. Jeremiah is going to do 3 passes with the plane: one will have the first two numbers, a middle one which will narrow it down to two passes, and the final one which will have the last number. The four numbers will match either a pink or a blue ticket, and that's the gender. (Maybe just stick to cakes?) But anyways, they all head outside to wait for the plane. Jer is taking off and heading towards the house. Jer does the first pass, the number is 82, and then everyone with an 82 steps up. Next, they look on the side of the plane and see a 7. The two last people are Abbie's mom and her sister Carinna. The plane comes around again, and they look for the last number on the other side of the plane. It's a 3, and that reveals it is a girl. Abbie and John pop pink confetti over everyone. Jer says the flight went great and he is super excited for John and Abbie. Both John and Abbie were hoping for a girl, and they're thrilled. Everyone congratulates them.
The Vuolos finally arrive in LA, and Felicity claps. Their trip took 5 days, and they are happy to be in the big city.  
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oingos-bitch · 4 years
Another JoJo Mall Fanfic™ -- Rainforest Café (Part 1)
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Part 5, Part 4 and Part 2 Spoilers!
Giorno  gulped.  The  short  boy  stalked  over  to  him,  glaring  daggers.  
"I  haven't  forgotten  about  you,  I  hope  you're  ready  to  pay  me  back."  
Echoes'  summoning  was  stopped  by  a  hand  on  his  shoulder.
"Koichi,  dude,  are  you  alright?"
"Yeah,  Okuyasu,  I'm  fine."  He  trembled  in  anger.  "Unless  you  wanna  help  me  put  this  blond  son  of  a  bitch  in  his  place."
A  bass-boosted  fart  could  be  heard  as  a  blue  figure  appeared.  
"Why  didn't  ya  tell  me  sooner?  Whose  ass  are  we  gonna  kick  first?!"  Okuyasu cracked  his  knuckles.
"That  blond  bastard,  who  else?"
"Uhmm...Which  one?"  He  whispered.
It  was  then  that  Koichi  noticed  the  much,  much  taller -- 'And  scarier!' -- blond  male  sitting  across  from  Giorno.  And  he  did  not  look  amused.
"Are  you  done  yet,  piccolino?"
"Wha- what?"
Caesar  sighed.  "I  would  just  like  to  get  my  order  without  any  trouble,  if  that's  not  too  much  to  ask.  However,"  his  green  eyes  narrowed.
"If  it's  trouble  you're  looking  for,  then  I'll  be  glad  to  indulge  you."
His  chair  fell  over  as  he  stood  up.  Maintaining  his  glare,  he  spread  his  arms  as  a  large  bubble  formed  between  them.  Anticipating a  fight,  the  two  teenagers  defensively  posed, shouting  their  stand  names.  Caesar was  just  about  to  strike  before  Deus  Ex  Josuke  appeared.
"Guys,  as  much  as  I  would  love  to  help  right  now,  there's  people  here. . ."
Koichi's  blood  ran  cold.  He  had  the  sense  to  immediately  call  back  Echoes  and  nervously  regain  his  composure,  straightening  his  pose.  Okuyasu,  however,  did  not.
"So  what??  Everyone  should  see  this  asshat  get  a  well-deserved  beatdown!"  He  growled.
"Okuyasu,  no."  Josuke  pulled  his  best  friend  aside  and  leaned  into  him.
"I  know  you  mean  well,  but  we're  probably  gonna  get  fired -- and  I  don't  wanna  make  my  great-gramps  sad!"  Josuke  slightly  teared  up at  the  thought.
Okuyasu's  face  flushed  in  embarrassment.  
"I  don't  wanna,  either!  I-I'm  so  sorry,  Josuke!"
He  began  to  sob  on  the  spot.  
"I-I'll  do  better  next  time!"
"It's  alright,  man,  just  calm  down  a  little."  Steak-hair  patted  his  back.
Everyone  within  a   ten-foot  radius  stared  wide-eyed  at  the  scene.  Even  passerby  stopped  for  a  few  good  minutes!  Josuke  slowly  got  up  and  let  go  of  Okuyasu,  facing  the  crowd.  He  knelt  down  and  waved  his  hands  vigorously.
"Aaaaand,  SCENE!  Uh,  we  hope  everyone  liked  it!"  
He  smiled  from  ear -to-ear,  sweat  beading  down  his  temple.  A  lone  clap  sounded  from  the  middle  of  the  restaurant.  A  few  more  claps  were  soon  drowned  out  by  diners  resuming  their  meals  and  their  conversations.  Josuke  let  out  a  relieved  sigh.
He  looked  around  to  see  if  anyone  else  was  staring -- 'Nope!' -- then  proceeding  to  step  towards  Caesar,  looking  him  square  in  the  eye.
"Next  time  you  mess  with  my  friends,  you  may  not  be  so  lucky."
Caesar  smirked  and  returned  his  icy  stare.
"That  doesn't  sound  like  much  of  a  threat,  coming  from  someone  like  you."
"What's  that  supposed  to  mean?"
Caesar  looked  him  up  and  down.  "Look  at  yourself. . .A  teenage  delinquent,  working  at  the  only  'high-paying'  job  that'll  accept  you,  picking  fights  with  those  obviously  more  experienced  than  you."
"You  don't  know  how  many  fights  I've  been  in!"
"Hm,  no,  but  with  that  attitude,  I  can  guess."
"Wanna  find  out?"  Josuke  grinned.
Caesar  cocked  his  head  to  the  side,  the  boy  seemed  familiar,  but  he  just  couldn't  put  his  finger  on  it --
"Yoo-Hoo!  Caesarino!~"
Caesar  groaned  and  turned  around.
"It's  my  old  outfit! I  needed  it  for  my  job  and  it  still  fits  perfectly!"  He  laughed  heartily.
His  friend  buried  his  face  in  his  hands.  Joseph  took  this  as  a  sign  to  flex  in  front  of  him.
"Whaddaya  think?~"
Caesar  pushed  him  away.  "Awful,  awful,  everything's  awful.  If  you're gonna  dress  in  drag,  you  should  at  least  do  it  right."
"HEY,  that's  what  Jolyne  always  tells  me!"
"And  she's  correct.  Ugh,  JoJo,  you  could  have  at  least  shaved  your  beard."
"But  I  think  my  beard  makes  me  sexy. . ."  He  pouted.
"It  does,  but  that's  beside  the  point --"  Caesar  froze.
No,  absolutely  not,  this  was  the  last  thing  he  needed  today.  The  day  had  started  off  so  badly  already,  he  couldn't  have  Joseph  knowing  his  secret,  too!  It  would  all  be  too  much!
Thankfully,  Joseph  broke  the  silence  quickly.  Grinning,  he  posed  some  more.
"Sexy,  eh?  You  really  think  so?~"
Caesar  tried  his  hardest  to  sound  annoyed.  "If  you  say  so,  JoJo."
"Ah,  but  you're  the  one  who  said  it.~  So,  d'ya  really  think  so?"
The  Italian  pulled  his  face  away  from  his  hands  to  get  a  look  at  Joseph.  He  didn't  really  need  to  look  at  him  for  so  long  to  see  that  he  was  handsome,  but he  really  needed  to  save  his  skin  right  now.  So  he  eyed  Joseph  from  different  angles:  profile,  front,  three-quarters  view,  even  worm's  eye  view!  
This  went  on  for  longer  than  expected,  and  Joseph  began  to  whine.
"C'mon,  you  already  got  a  good  look,  just  tell  me  already!"
Begrudgingly,  Caesar  moved  his  eyes  away.  
"I  guess  so."
"Really?!"  Joseph  beamed.
He  nodded.  "I  mean,  I  think  Suzi --"
Inwardly,  he  groaned.  He  hated  to  think  it,  he  hated  how  it  sounds,  and  most  of  all  he  hated  to  say  it,  but  he  couldn't  risk  raising  Joseph's  suspicions.  Or  worse,  risking  their  friendship.
"-- I  really  think  Suzi  thinks  so."
For  a  moment,  Joseph  seemed  surprised -- and  a  bit  disappointed?  No,  must've  been  Caesar's  imagination.  He  rubbed  at  his  neck  and  shot  Caesar  his  signature  grin.
"Haha,  well,  thanks!  I  hope  she  thinks  so!"
He  placed  an  arm  around  him.  Caesar  jumped  lightly  at  the  contact.  He  knew  it  was  friendly,  something  he  was  used  to,  yet  he  couldn't  help  but  feel  so  wrong  after  what  just  happened.  It  wasn't  fair  to  think  about  having  a  chance  with  his  best  friend  when  he  already  had  a  life  to  live,  a  wife  and  a  kid,  and  a  grandkid,  for  crying  out  loud!  
And  he  had. . . Well,  nothing.  Any  chance  he  had  before  was  snatched  away  so  abruptly.  When  that  bright  light  enveloped  him  and  he  found  himself  laying  on  the  Earth's  soil  again,  he  was  ecstatic!  He  expected  to  find  everyone  else  in  the  same  situation,  waiting  to  reconnect.  Embarrassingly,  the  first  person  he  thought  of  was  Joseph.
Oh,  Joseph.  That  lovable,  goofy  bastard  had  no  idea  just  how  much  he  missed  him.  He  had  planned  everything  out -- how  he'd  introduce  himself,  how  he'd  explain  his  chance  at  a  new  life,  how  he'd  spill  his  heart  out  to  him  and  say  what  he  never  got  a  chance  to  say,  and,  hopefully,  how  he'd  grin  and  say  he  felt  the  same  way.  And  it'd  all  be  uphill  from  there.
However,  he  did  not  plan  to  run  into  Lisa  Lisa  first.  And  he  did  not  plan  to  sit  down  and  catch  up  with  her  over  tea.  And  he  did  not  expect  her  to  be  the  one  to  catch  him  up  on  what  had  happened  while  he  was  gone.  
And  he  certainly  did  not  expect  Joseph  to  be  married  and  have  a  kid.
The  deep  ache  in  his   gut  was  incomparable  to  the  pain  he  endured  before  his  death,  and  it  still  haunted  him  whenever  that  damned  memory  was  brought  up.
Much  like  now.
Caesar  smoothly  moved  Joseph's  arm  back  to  his  side.  Before  he  could  dwell  on  the  thought  any  longer,  he  changed  the  subject.
"So,  what  brings  you  here?"
"OH!  I  just  wanted  to  see  my  son!"
"Your son?. . .I  thought  you  had  a  daughter. . ."
Joseph  smiled  sheepishly.  "Uh,  yeah,  about  that. . .Let's  just  say,  I  don't  think  Suzi'll  ever  trust  me  the  same  again. . ."
Caesar's  eyes  widened.  Inappropriately  enough,  his  heart  fluttered.  Maybe  he'd  have  a  chance?
'No!  He  doesn't  need  his  marriage  damaged  any  further!'
While  he  was  still  deep  in  thought,  Joseph  brought  over  a  familiar  angry  teen.
"Ta-Daaaa!  This  is  my  darling  baby  boy!"
Caesar  did  a  double  take.  Oh,  he  couldn't  be  serious --
"T-this  is  your  son?!"
"You  bet!  Doesn't  he  look  just  like  me?"  He  brought  the  poor  boy's  face  against  his  cheek.
"A  chip  off  the  ol'  block!"
"Dad, stop  it."  Josuke  averted  his  eyes.
"Awwww,  but  it's  true!  Isn't  it,  Caesarino --"
He  scanned  the  room,  searching  for  him. "Caesar?"
He  found  him  by  the  aquarium,  making  his  way  to  the  bar.
"Oi,  Caesar!  Don't  you  wanna  say  hi  to  Josuke?"
Caesar  reluctantly  turned  around.  "Maybe  some  other  time,  JoJo.  My  lunch  break  is  almost  over,  and  I'm  still  waiting  on  my  order."
"Oh,  the  pink  girl  and  blond  boy  took  it."
"The  pink-haired  girl  and  the  blond  boy,  they  took  your  food."  Repeated  the  elf-eared  bartender.
"Oh,  thank  you.  Where'd  they. . go. .?"  
The  bartender  pointed  to  the  west  of  the  mall.  
"Ah,  grazie."  He  made  his  way  there.
Trish  had gasped  once  Caesar  stood  up,  ready  to  fight,  but  soon  lost  interest  once  Josuke  showed  up  and  started  speaking.
"So  boring."
She  and  Giorno  sat  silently  the  entire  time.  There  wasn't  much  to  talk  about,  and  she  didn't  recognize  anyone  else  (yet),  so  she  passed  the  time  counting  down  the  minutes.
She  had  attempted  to  ask  Giorno  about  why  the  midget  had  a  vendetta  against  him,  but  he  just  responded  with  an  "I  don't  want  to  speak  about  it."
'Tch.  You're  no  fun.'
Then  Joseph  appeared  and  she  giggled.  It  was  so  much  fun  to  see  her  usually  stoic  co-worker  get  so  flustered  by  the  old  man,  and  it  was  amusing  for  a  while.
That  is,  until  he  didn't  make  a  move.
She  spent  the  rest  of  the  time  reading  over  the  specials  pamphlet.  Luckily,  she  soon  heard  a  small  "Excuse  me,  Ma'am."
A  tiny,  tall-haired  boy  anxiously  held  up  a  stack  of  To-Go  boxes.  
"H-Here's  your  order."
"Oh!  Thank  you."
He  hurriedly  mumbled  and  speed-walked  over  to  the  waiter  from  earlier.  Shrugging,  she  and  Giorno  stood  up  to  leave.  Once  they  realized  Caesar  would  be  a  while,  they  exchanged  glances  and  walked  out  of  the  place.
Caesar  found  them  sitting  on  the  fountain,  digging  into  their  food.  They  nonchalantly  looked  up.
"Sorry,  we  just  couldn't  wait  any  longer."
"It's  fine.  Sorry  I  took  so  long."
Trish  smiled.  "Even  with  how  long  you  took,  you  still  couldn't  flirt  with  him  good  enough."
". .Shut  up.  Let's  go  get  Suzi's  wings."
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vaguely-concerned · 4 years
Ryder twins headcanons
Because I woke up this morning in a cold sweat going ‘I need to draw bb!Ryders RIGHT NOW’ and I need to channel that emotion somehow!
- alec used to call the twins (it especially stuck with sara) ‘tadpoles’ as an affectionate nickname when they were little, after they found some in the garden one time when they were like four or five and called him over to explain how frog development works. (this was one of my very first headcanons, actually!) 
- scott is actually very smart under his self-effacing ‘aww don’t you worry about me I’m the dumb twin’ exterior and probably would have figured out the whole reyes situation a lot sooner if he’d been thinking with his head instead of his... well let’s be charitable and also sadly accurate and go with ‘heart’ 
- scott shares his dad’s mannerism of running his hand through his hair when he’s stressed or thinking. his hair tends to flop back down instead of sticking up afterwards, though. 
- reyes does know how to dance properly and teaches scott with all the confidence of a man who habitually wears steel-toe boots for career reasons (to everyone’s surprise, especially his own, scott ryder does not have two left feet when shown how and gets pretty good at it!)
- less a headcanon but ellen and alec helping the kids learn how to control their biotics tho ;______; I like to think they had the least traumatic experiences growing up biotic than basically anyone and that’s why they don’t mention it very much, it was normalized in their household. I guess training in general would be where they had most contact with their dad, considering he gave them some N7 pointers.  
- scott grew a beard not too long before the arks launched to try to look older and it actually worked; if he ever shaved a lot of people would lose their minds over his little baby face lol
- alec ryder is one of those dads who’re only funny when they don’t really mean to be (I will admit that helpless exasperated “They’d only ask for a refund” caught me off guard lol). Based On A True Story
- scott has tremendous older brother vibes with his crew (except cora because cora has too powerful Big Sister Energy despite being an only child) and immediately reverts to lovable little shit whenever sara’s around. once he finds out about kalinda he’s like ‘peebee I recognize that you’re literally more than four times my age but I’m your big brother now and if she tries anything I am ready to punch her at your slightest signal. standing offer.’
- sara reads whatever non-fiction she can get her hands on, scott reads almost exclusively fiction and has incredibly varied taste; trash or masterpiece, he’ll go for it. however they do share taste in movies and tv and bond over it, including the joy of watching bad stuff together. yes, they both unironically love blasto and can quote entire sections of the movies back and forth. also while trademark ryder snarky, sara is mostly earnest and socially awkward in her private life, and scott is jovially closed off but definitely the People Person of the family after Ellen was gone. between his sister and his dad he has a lot of experience trying to make up for other people unconcernedly committing social faux pas around him haha
I’ve had a playthrough for each of them (sara first and then scott, who’s my canon now tbh), and sara is more a natural fit for the scientist explorer part of being a pathfinder and scott is better at the being the face of the operation part and navigating the politics. (sara Does Not Care and only grudgingly gets into it for the sake of Science, much like her father)  
- scott is incredibly soft for kids. I don’t think he’s ever imagined himself as a dad, but he is good with children and extremely protective of them. give it a couple of decades of maturing and he’ll probably end up adopting a bunch of orphans all in one day lol. *stumbles through the door with a krogan baby cradled against his chest while a turian kid clings to his left leg and one asari and one human toddler are sharing the right* “okay sara I know what you’re about to say and let me counter with all these reasons why it is in fact an excellent idea” 
- it wasn’t until after the end of the game, when there was suddenly some time to breathe, that scott finally realized his dad was actually gone -- he won’t come back this time, no matter how long they wait, he’s not away for work, he’s not coming home ever again. thankfully sara was there at that point to hug him; as much as he’s getting closer with the crew of the tempest I don’t think he’d let any of them close enough to help him through that yet. 
(it must be so strange and confusing to be presented with the possibility of getting your mother back just as you’re mourning the loss of your dad though. I don’t think scott ever really processed losing his mom either, so y’know he has a lot of shit to figure out) 
- my scott just has such beautiful dark soulful eyes ;____; that is my son (too bad I can’t give him the longer curly hair he canonically has in my head. oh well normal ponytail it is in-game). I quite like how my sara looks too, it’s surprising how close I got to my initial concept for how limiting the mea character creator is!
- scott had his ears pierced as a kid, sara didn’t. she took one look at the piercing gun, went ‘haha nice try suckers you’ll never take me alive’ and ran, while scott was perfectly willing to suffer a bit for sparkly things. (when he’s off-duty for a good length of time scott does still wear an earring when he remembers/bothers to)
- sara can only get away with seeming sensible when she’s standing next to her brother for comparison and is keenly aware of this fact, using it for all it’s worth haha. however, fun fact: in most cases outside his questionable taste in men scott is in fact often the more reasonable between them, despite appearances! sara has just inherited alec’s ability of being completely bananapants without anyone noticing because she speaks so earnestly and with such conviction you forget what she’s saying is crazy. 
(scott has inherited more of the ‘actually more like 15000 barely contained feelings in a trench coat than a man’ aspect of alec under the goodnatured sarcasm, though he doesn’t realize it. I like how naturally their shared traits with their dad sort of just... happened as I played them, actually, even before Initiation gave me more info. I’d love to have more stuff for ellen too but there’s less to work with there yet)
- the tempest crew is still rightfully skeptical of reyes, but they are also mollified by the way ryder keeps smiling dreamily for days whenever they set off from kadara. 
- I can never decide if sara would get together with someone as the non-pathfinder twin (I didn’t romance anyone when I played her, I panicked at the last moment about how much painfully earnest emotion I had to be witness to with jaal lol). I think she might easily end up with either suvi or jaal, to be honest. 
- scott sort of had a cute thing going on with a technician back in the milky way before he found out he was moving galaxies with his family, and it was an amicable breakup. one of the few uncomplicatedly nice men he has ever dated, but alas it was not to be. 
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yoshimickster · 5 years
Rwby Volume 7 Episode 1 “The Greatest Kingdom”-MICKSTERECAP
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Wiggity what, what’s that, its the Micksterecap, wiggity what, what’s that, ITS THE MICKSTERECAP!
HEY everybody,  how y’all been? I’ve been good, working a lot, the usual. For anyone who doesn’t know,all Micksterecaps will be aired a WEEK after they air on Rooster Teeth and Vrv to avoid spoilers, and so I don’t have to tag as spoiler as HEY HEY I don’t get as many notes logically. With that-CLICK THAT READ MORE BUTTON AND LET’S LOOK AT SOME SHIPS!
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HELL YEAH-aircrafts!
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0:41 We then see the first shot of Team RWBYQOMJNR looking ALL sorts of terse about flying into the the occupied as ALL HELL kingdom of Atlas.
Weiss: I’ve never seen our forces deployed so aggressively before.
Ruby: What about at the Vytal festival? Bunch of ships there.
Weiss: Trust me, that was SLIGHTLY less aggressive than how aggressively they’re deployed here, its like coke and pepsi, a SLIGHT differentiation. 
The crew then decide to go seek out Winter(the only Schnee besides Weiss still worth a damn) and then get distance from the fleet and THEN WE SEE-
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1:31 -one HELL of a cityscape, man I’d love to Batman that shit in a video game, just grapplin’ around like a fool, it’d be SWEET. We ALSO see-
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1:54 -JAMES VIA BROADCAST-in all his bearded glory, a beard that I REALLY  hope he doesn’t shave off dramatically to signify that he’s getting better or some shit because DAMMIT-beards are not a symbol of depression their just awesome facial hair! You know what movie I’m talking about.
The crew then get told by the radio-lady that they gotta dock their ship, but its okay because Weiss says her sister will TOTALLY let them sneak in-
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2:57 Winter: -failure to cooperate with Atlas military personnel is a punishable offense. 
Aw man, I wanted to see Winter and have her conspire to murder her and Weiss’s terrible dad. *SIGH* Maybe next episode.
Maria then decides to take them to a totally not important person with relevance to previous characters, docking their ship, and then meeting some of the local flavor of Mantle including:
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3:57 Loose exposition about the current political state that wasn’t lazily explained by a main cast member(for ONCE)-
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Antles Joe, preparing to play his Banjo-
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-random graffiti that the show focuses on for NO foreshadowing reason, none at all so stop talking about it-
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-A camera drone whose JUST two weeks from retirement.
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Yang: GAH-my visage, it has been stolen!
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Yang: YEET!
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Yang: OOH. Maybe we should pick up the pace?
Ruby: Maybe YOU shouldn’t kick surveillance drones!
Weiss: For real, that shit gets uploaded to the cloud IMMEDIATELY.
The group then continues their leasurely stroll and see NOTHING that bums them out about the city they’re i-
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-ooooooooooh right, exploited Faunus workers...’dat not good.
After Blake makes a light comment about the crappyness of the city, they are THEN verbally acosted by-
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-DRUNK GORDON FREEMAN! Man, the wait for the final Half-Life game is messing him up to huh?
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Seriously, TELL ME this dude don’t look like Gordon’s shitburg little brother, its un-CANNY!
Blake being the nice young lady she is apologizes for insulting his hometown, and then Drunk Gordon fucks up in the worst way possible.
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Anytime a character spits after someone talks, you KNOW their gonna start shit.
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Gordon: Shtupid faunus like you, wouldn’t understand-
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It was at this point Drunk Gordon realized, he fucked up.
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Weiss: Ain’t NOBODY shit-talk my girlfriend’s girlfriend.
After giving a drunk racist what for, the group then go to-
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6:00 THE HEALING STATION-to replenish the HP and MP! I just hope it works Toad House rules where you don’t gotta pay, at least until the NEXT game where you pay for replenishing, which I GUESS was okay given you can earn more coins but BLEH.
Its here where we meet-
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-PIETRO-absentminded genius of Atlas, and adjuster of Maria’s cybereyes and that is all he is, stop asking if he’s related to someone important SO THERE!
Pietro then gives them the straight shit telling them that after the fall of Beacon, James got SUPER paranoid given that whoever hacked Atlas’s codes was either a genius...or one of their own. And I just can’t even IMAGINE who it could be-Watts, its gonna be Dr.Watts, the trailer pretty much proved it.
Its at this point, where Pietro FINALLY realizes that he’s talking to Team RWBY, and given his absentmindedness he’s the ONLY  person I’ll allow for not recognizing said celebrities right away. And when Yang tries asking  him about Mantle he goes all-
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Pietro:...you PAINTED it...and added bad ass scratch marks!
Yang: Well the scratch marks were an accident, but I’m not sure why you’d care abou-HOOBAZAWAH?!
The team is surprised he knows them(for some reason despite celebrity status) due to his daughter telling him about them, said daughter baring...NO meaning...to...the plot(KEEP IT TOGETHER MICK). Right before Rubalubes asks about his daughter-RANDOM GRIMM ENCOUNTER TIME-to which EVERYONE is fully armed fo-
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10:07 Blake: DAMMIT-my blade is still symbolically broken, guess its bullets only.
And then Team RWBYQOMJNR just kics EVERY Grimm’s ass, Ren goes that way, Ruby goes the other, just a BILLION awesome attacks I’m not even gonna BOTHER clipping because this is just a still recap blog post and their all really fast and the next episode is 20 minutes after I’m finishing this so don’t call me lazy.
HOWEVER-I will show ONE awesome clip, LASER TIME BABY!
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11:45 NICE cuh-leeeeeeeeeeeeeean cut!
Then lasers here, lasers there, LASERS EVERYWHERE! WHO-is the bad ass laser lady? Like I EVEN need to FUCKING say it!
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12:15 Ruby:...Penny?!
Jaune: Oh so YOUR almost-girlfriend gets to come back to life, that’s fair.
SHE’S ALIVE MOTHER FUCKERS! Brought back to life by sacrificing a Maximal protoform, ALSO giving her flight capabilities! And yes I’m comparing Penny to Optimus and you can’t stop me.
And the next scene is JUST adorable.
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Penny: Sal-
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Ruby:(...OH SHIT-)
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Penny: -TATIONS!
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*PFFT* Paused at the RIGHT moment yo!
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Ruby: Uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuugh.
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13:04 Pietro(who is also her dad if you weren’t paying attention) than reveals that after the fall of Beacon, they were able to recover her Spark Chamber, I MEAN Core from the arena and fixed her RIGHT up! Even gave her flight abilities that look NOTHING like in the manga, but that’s loose canon at best so whatevs.
After Penny flies off to fight the rest of the Grimm, Nora then channels the ENTIRE Rwby fandom in one sentence:
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13:46 Nora: I can’t tell if I completely understand what is going on, or have like a MILLION questions!
After that craziness, the team then follows Professor Polendina to his house where nothing else bad happe-
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SHIT-anime streaks, BRACE FOR IMPACT!
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DAMN-critical Dexterity fail all around.
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Close it out with the team being arrested for saving the day because television, and that’s EP ONE yo! Really fun, glad Penny’s back, and can’t wait to see Ironwood either apologize or shittalk the team for doing their jobs because as said, TELEVISION! EITHER WEITHER-see you next week on MICKSTERECAP!
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whatsurimagine · 6 years
[request overwatch]:Loved the papa mcree x reader and their baby. How would the baby reaction if Jesse shaved his beard? I can’t help but think of the YouTube video called baby misses dad’s beard posted by asuperchicken
That video’s so sad and funny at the same time (*≧▽≦)
You cover your mouth trying to stifle a giggle. “Babe, I think she wants you to put it back,” you say, muffled from behind your hand.  
Jesse, a man who’s looking a somewhat tortured, and somewhat amused by the bewildered look on his little baby’s face, pleads with the infant. “Sweetheart, it’s your papa, don’t ya recognize me?”  
From the evidence, the answer would be: no. McCree holds her seated in his lap. Her head falls, chin to her chest, the way she does when she’s meeting strangers for the first time. Shy is what she’s acting like now. Versus the wide-eyed confusion that she first sported when McCree removed his hat from in front of his face to reveal himself to be cleanly shaven. 
Jesse attempts to hug her to his chest, but it doesn’t help. She looks to you and outstretches her little arm as she starts to wail. He rubs her back trying to console her, wholly sorrowful now. McCree looks at you with a face seemingly just as pitiful as the one his daughter is wearing. 
“She’s breakin’ my heart.” 
One more attempt to get her to look at him has the baby using a balled up fist against his chest, pushing herself away. Desperately trying to get to you. Now they’re both begging for you to take her, so you do. 
“That’s papa, baby, look-look,” you coo.  
She refuses to comply, and instead finds solace by burying her face into your neck. You’re still amused even if neither of the most important people in your life is very happy at the moment. You bite your lip to keep yourself from looking too cheeky. 
“It’ll be okay.” You pat your sniffling baby on the back, bounce her gently until she settles down, and then reach out to cup McCree’s cheek. Marvel on the inside at how alien the smoothness feels after going through your whole relationship with him having a full beard. “It’ll be back in a couple of days.” 
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beautifulprompto · 7 years
Haircut (Carl Grimes X Reader)
this is something i wrote two years ago, but after this msf, i think we should share the carl grimes love, and since this is probably my fav carl grimes fic ive written, and its fluff, i thought id share it here !! its also set around season 5 !! i posted this to my dA here 
During the time you survived with Rick's group since you were taken in from Woodbury you noticed that absolutely no-one has had a hair cut for a long time. Rick furiously needed a shave, Maggie's hair was starting to cover her eyes, and Daryl's eyes could barely be seen anymore. What annoyed you the most was Carl's hair. Since you were both around the same age, you had grown close to him and taken care of his baby sister Judith with him. But his hair had started to grow out to brush lightly against his shoulders, and you could tell it was bothering him slightly. On hot days, he would sometimes sigh and push back strands of hair that stuck to his forehead. When it was cold and the wind was strong, it would blow into his face and he would fumble about, trying not to trip over. Everytime you brought up his hair in a conversation, he would subconsciously pull his hat further over his head, stating that it was 'fine' and 'he wears his hat every second so it wouldn't matter if her got it cut'. It still managed to bother you though. You wouldn't deny that his long hair made him look attractive, it still needed at least a trim.
It had been 2 days since you settled into Alexandria. Since the group was still a little unsure about this community, Rick had told everyone to share one house together, but now that he's slightly relaxed, he let everyone back to the house they were given with. Rick and Carl were given separate houses, and Carl instantly offered to share his house with you. You accepted, noticing the way Rick was muttering to Carol and how they both had slight smirks on their faces and were chuckling. "What do you bet?" Rick lowered his voice when talking to Carol. "I bet Carl is gonna be pre-occupied with other girls soon." Daryl muttered. Carol gasped and lightly hit his shoulder. Rick and Daryl laughed slightly; the first laugh in a while. Rolling your eyes, you walked into your new home with Carl, smiling. It was like a mansion. It had all the first class life that you lived only a few years ago: a front room, a kitchen, a bathroom (with running water) and two bedrooms. After talking about sleeping arrangements, and admiring the house from top to bottom, Carl said that he wanted to shower (to which you blushed at). You nodded, stating that you'll take care of Judith. Judith was seated in the front room, with some toys the community generously offered (once you made sure they were safe), and she was happily stacking some colorful building blocks. Feeding her some apple sauce (which again, was made sure it was deemed safe) and teaching her some basic colors with the blocks, you suddenly heard the sound of running water upstairs, and a glass door sliding open and shut. You blushed madly, trying to think of Walkers, Terminus, Eugene's mindless droning, anything to get your mind off of upstairs. Smiling, you tried to play with Judith so you could try to forget. A few minutes later you heard a knock at the door, and you opened it to reveal Rick, who had shaved off his beard. "You look like a baby!" You teased, and he smiled. "I barely recognize myself anymore." He said. "I barely recognize you too." You said with a small grin. He chuckled slightly. "Where's Carl?" Once again, you felt heat rise to your cheeks. "Um-he's in the shower." Rick nodded, but then smirked slightly. "Are you blushing right now?" You blushed more. "Noooo..." Rick laughed slightly, placing his hand lightly on your shoulder. "You know, you probably shouldn't walk into his room unannounced after he's had that shower." You pouted. "Rick!!" He laughed again. "Anyway, I was just stopping by to pick up Judith. She's doing okay?" You smiled, glad he changed the subject. "Yeah, she's in here. I already fed her, I reckon she just needs a walk." Rick smiled. "Thank you for taking care of her." "Anytime." He said goodbye, and walked out of the house, Judith in his arms. When you shut the door you realized the water had stopped. Blushing slightly over Rick's comment, you sat down in the front room, staring out the window. After a few minutes, you heard bare feet padding downstairs, and braced yourself mentally. "Hey. How long was I in there?" Carl asked you, shuffling in. He had put on some new clothes, and was drying his hair with a towel. Your breath caught in your throat; he looked cute. "I'd say at least half an hour." You said with a sheepish smile. He chuckled, sitting down next to you. "I'm not surprised. I feel amazing." He said, slinging the towel around his shoulders. He smiled at you, making you blush slightly. A glint of something silver caught your eyes, and you quickly glanced away from his face to see what it was. By the kitchen sink was a pair of scissors. "Aha!" You said triumphantly, striding over and snatching the pair of scissors up into your hands. "No excuses, we're cutting your hair now, mister." You said with a smirk. Carl ruffled his hair. "But my hair's fiiiine." "No its not. Grow it any longer and it could become a hazard." You grabbed a nearby chair and pulled it towards you. "Now sit. Otherwise I'll tell Rick how much more of a baby you've been than Judith." Carl huffed, and sulked over to the chair. "Calm down, stroppy, I'm not shaving off your hair. Luckily I was caught how to cut people's hair by my mother, she was a hairdresser." Carl nodded slightly. Gingerly, you ran your fingers through his hair. They were soft and light, as you imagined it. Lightly threading your fingers through his hair so as to make sure it was smooth enough to cut, you lightly grabbed onto some of his hair and cut it off so it reached slightly more above his shoulders. He flinched slightly. "Don't worry, it's just a trim. If you keep still it will be over before you know it." You said, silently cutting his hair. When finished, you dusted any hairs onto the towel he had wrapped around his shoulders and found a mirror. "What do you think?" You asked. Carl smiled at himself slightly. "Thank you." He said. You nodded, a sheepish grin on your face. He threaded his fingers through his hair and sighed. "It doesn't feel the same." "Well, it shouldn't but you'll get used to-" "Not the new haircut. It doesn't feel the same when I thread my fingers through my hair. It's nicer when...you do it." Your eyes widened slightly. A small blush crawled up to your cheeks. "Um...okay?" You squeaked. Carl chuckled, walking up to you and lightly grabbing your hands in his. He brought your hands up to his hair, and you couldn't help but ruffle it slightly. He smiled. "You hair is nice." You blurted out quietly. Tightly pressing your lips together, you stared at him, expecting him to question what you said, but he laughed and leaned into your touch. "Carl, your dad wants you-" Daryl walked unexpectedly into the house, and you quickly jumped back from him, staring at Daryl with wide eyes. He smirked. "Oh, sorry, I'm interrupting something. I'll tell Rick to give you some privacy." Daryl said, walking out and closing the door behind him. Both of you blushed. "That was..um..." You drifted off as Carl walked up to you again, grabbing your hands. His face was close to yours, and you suddenly felt as if you were in a dream. Smiling at him shyly, your hands went back to his hair, pulling him slightly closer. "I think I can have some time alone with you." Carl breathed, sending slight shiver down your spine. "Really now?" You said, glancing down at his lips and back up to his eyes. "Yeah, I do." He whispered, lightly placing his lips on yours. Isn't it strange what growing out your hair can do to your life?
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bennguintweets · 7 years
One Shot: Stranger Danger
Requested by anon: “May we please have a one shot of Jamie growing a beard on the road and Dusty is really little and he doesn’t recognize who he is so he has to shave it…i think it would be so fluffy and cute” 
Jamie parked his car in the driveway of his house, and sighed contently at the feeling of being home. He hadn’t been home in two weeks, as the Stars were on a lengthy road trip. Jamie used to love road trips, as that’s when the team was able to bond the most. However, now that road trips mean leaving his husband and kids at home for days or weeks at a time, he dreaded them.  Jamie had sent Tyler a text when he landed, like usual, to give him a heads up on when he would arrive at the house. He felt awful for leaving Tyler to deal with a toddler and a baby all on his own, but Tyler didn’t mind. He was a natural at being a dad, and he loved every minute of it.
Jamie walked up to the front door, punched in the code, and pushed the door open. He was hit by the smell of Chinese food as soon as he entered the house. Tyler always liked to surprise Jamie with a warm dinner when he walked in the door from a road trip. But little did Tyler know, Jamie had a small surprise for him as well. Jamie had accidentally left his razor at home during the road trip, so naturally his facial hair grew out over the two-week period without it. Jamie didn’t mind, as it gave him an excuse to grow out his beard again. He hadn’t had more than a scruff since Dusty was born, because Dusty never liked the feel of it as a baby. So naturally, Tyler made Jamie stay clean-shaven to please their son.
Tyler was in the living room watching Dusty play with his Legos when he heard the click of the door. He smiled excited and gently took the teething ring out of his baby daughter’s mouth before standing up from the couch, and balancing Riley to sit comfortably on his hip.
“Dusty, do you know who that is?” Tyler gasped enthusiastically to get Dusty’s attention. Dusty snapped his head over to Tyler and dropped the Legos from his hands.
“Yeah! Papa’s home! Let’s go say hi!” Tyler cooed at him while walking over to the foyer to greet his husband. Dusty smiled and started cleaning up his toys quickly, as he always loved the praise he got from Jamie when he picked up after himself.
“Hi guys!” Jamie smiled and set his duffle bags down at his feet.
“Woah, who’s the lumberjack and what did he do with my husband?” Tyler chuckled and pecked Jamie’s lips.
“You like it?” Jamie chuckled while stroking his beard.
“I mean, yeah I do, but someone might not.”
“I think Riley loves it.” Jamie cooed and took Riley from Tyler’s arms.
“You know that’s not who I’m talking about.” Tyler rolled his eyes, but couldn’t help the smile that tugged at the corner of his mouth.
“How’s my Riley Boo?” Jamie cooed and pecked little kisses on her cheek, causing her to shriek and giggle in delight.
“She’s growing in her first two teeth.” Tyler smiled and gently pulled down her bottom lip with his thumb to show Jamie.
“I was only gone two weeks.” Jamie frowned and observed the two little specs of white that had emerged from her gums. He hated the thought of missing his kids’ milestones.
Dusty tucked his Lego bucket back into the bookshelf before pushing himself up to a standing position. He could hear the familiar sound of his papa’s voice coming from the front entrance of the house, so he began toddling in that direction. He couldn’t wait to tell Jamie that he slept in his big boy bed two nights in a row. He knew his papa would be so proud of him, and he might even let him have ice cream for dessert because of it.
“There’s my Dustman!” Jamie smiled and handed Riley back to Tyler before kneeling down and opening his arms for Dusty to jump into.
Dusty panted excitedly and darted over to his papa, but right before he was about to jump into his arms, he skidded to a stop at the sight in front of him. Dusty must have made a mistake, or at least he thought, because the man a few feet in front of him was not his papa. He sure sounded like his papa, but he definitely didn’t look like him. Dusty tilted his head to the side confused while analyzing the man’s face. Dusty’s papa didn’t have a fuzzy thing on his face, so this couldn’t be him. But if this wasn’t his papa, then where is he? Dusty wasn’t sure what to think, but what he did know was that a strange looking man was trying to hug him, and he didn’t like it one bit.
“Daddy.” Dusty whined and hid behind Tyler’s legs.
“Told you.” Tyler chuckled and shook his head.
“It’s just me, baby. It’s okay. Come give me a hug.” Jamie cooed softly, hoping to win over his son’s trust.
“Up.” Dusty whimpered and reached up for Tyler, wanting to be protected from the weird looking man.
“You’re gonna have to shave if you want him to recognize you.” Tyler hummed while lifting Dusty on his free hip.
“Oh come on, Dust. You know it’s me.” Jamie hummed and stood up from his kneeling position, so he was eye level with his son.
“No. Go ‘way.” Dusty whined and grabbed a fistful of Tyler’s shirt.
“Can I have a kiss?” He asked while leaning over to peck a kiss on Dusty’s cheek, assuming it would solve the problem.
“No! No!” Dusty screamed and pushed Jamie’s face away in horror. He couldn’t believe the audacity of this stranger. First he wanted to hug him, and now he wants a kiss? Nuh uh. Dusty’s daddies taught him about stranger danger, and he’s not letting this guy get anywhere near him.
“Jamie, go shave.” Tyler said sternly when Dusty started thrashing around in Tyler’s arms to get away from Jamie, causing Riley to start fussing as well.
“Fine.” Jamie groaned in defeat. He let out a big sigh, and grabbed his bags from the floor before heading to the master bathroom. Tyler couldn’t help but feel bad for being so demanding to Jamie on his first night back home in two weeks. He knew Jamie missed his family, and wanted to hug them and kiss them more than anything right now, but unfortunately, it wasn’t going to happen with that beard on his face. Once Dusty is scared of something, it’s nearly impossible to change his mind about it. There was no use trying to persuade him otherwise.
“Daddy, I don’t wike him.” Dusty cried and buried his face in the crook of Tyler’s neck for comfort.
“I know, baby. Don’t worry though, it’s all gone.” Tyler hummed and started rocking the kids in his arms.
“Where’s papa? I want papa.”
“He’ll be home soon. Let’s go get ready for dinner while we wait for him, yeah?” 
“Okay.” Dusty sniffled and rubbed his eyes with his fists.
Jamie came out from the bathroom a few moments later while running his fingers over his now smooth face. He’d be lying if he said he wasn’t hurting by being rejected by his son. He knew Dusty didn’t mean to hurt his feelings on purpose, but it still sucked. He and his son were really close, and going two weeks without him was brutal for Jamie. He felt deprived of his little ball of energy, and he wanted to make up for lost time. Jamie desperately needed one of Dusty’s famous hugs, and not getting it really stung. He walked over to the table where Tyler and the kids were waiting for him, and sat down across from his husband. When Tyler noticed the slight pout on Jamie’s face, he knew exactly what to do to cheer him up.
“Dusty, who’s that?” Tyler gasped and pointed to Jamie. Dusty looked to where Tyler was pointing, and gasped excitedly when he saw his papa sitting right next to him.
“Papa!” Dusty shrieked and practically jumped into Jamie’s arms from his seat.
“Hi, baby.” Jamie smiled and hugged his son to his chest protectively. All the negativity in the world seemed to have vanished when he got to hug his little boy. In that moment, there was not a single thing that could bother Jamie. He was just so relieved Dusty was no longer scared of him. It was a horrible, horrible feeling, and he never wanted to experience it again.
“He missed his papa.” Tyler smiled and started spoon-feeding Riley her baby food.
“I missed you too, bud.” Jamie hummed and kissed Dusty’s forehead. He gave him one last little squeeze before turning Dusty around in his lap, so he could start feeding him his dinner.
“Sorry I kinda yelled at you. I was just worried I was gonna lose my grip on one of them when Dusty was freaking out.” Tyler said, feeling guilty for his tone earlier. He knew it wasn’t a big deal, but Tyler hated even the slightest tiffs with his husband. They had an extremely healthy relationship, and he would like to keep it that way.  
“Don’t be sorry.” Jamie hummed softly while feeding Dusty his first bite of food. “I should’ve known he wasn’t going to recognize me with it.”
“Well, I know that wasn’t the welcome home party you were expecting, but we can make up for that after we put the kids to bed.” Tyler hummed and wiggled his eyebrows at Jamie subtly. Jamie smiled and shook his head, knowing full well his cheeks were blushing a bright pink.
“It’s good to be home.”
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Suprise Part 3
Bucky x Reader
Warnings: mentions of blood, bombs, fluff
Word count: 3,756
Y/N = your name
E/C = eye color
Summary: Bucky finds out one of his old gal friends is in town and was invited to hang out. But reader has a bad history with her since she too loved Bucky so she wants to come along, but Bucky doesn’t think that it is a good idea. This leads to an argument that doesn’t end with tears of happiness.
Part one  Part two
Justice has been served to you on a silver platter. Bon Appetit!
“Bucky! Bucky, wake up!” Steve couldn’t believe this. Bucky’s nightmares had come back, but they weren’t about him being back at Hydra headquarters…They were about Y/N. And it was always the same thing, Y/N walking out of the door, Bucky trying to stop her, but he can’t move. Or her coming back with his son or daughter and them resenting him for what he did to Y/N. Bucky said they would say things like, “Maybe if you hadn’t told mom you didn’t love her anymore you could’ve seen my first steps, or heard my first words” or “I got married Dad and you weren’t there to walk me down the aisle”.
These dreams were killing Bucky slowly, and all Steve could do was stand by and watch his best friend be consumed by his fears once again. Of course Steve had thought that his friend was stupid for leaving things the way he did, but he thought that they would work it out. Y/N has been gone for five months now, god knows where she is but Bucky has barely been able to sleep, eat, or even talk. He had been looking for Y/N every day, trying to figure out where she’d gone, to no avail. Steve would have to be the one to tell Bucky that it was time to call it quits, sometimes he couldn’t bring himself to do it. Steve also had to make sure that Bucky showered regularly, sometimes he would have to stay in the bathroom with him with his face to the door just to make sure Bucky was actually cleaning himself. The whole team (not including Wanda or Natasha since they’re still pissed at Bucky for what happened) has been trying to cheer him up, trying to get him back into missions with them, or even a simple movie night, but nothing worked.
A girl had come to the tower one day, nobody quite knew who she was but Natasha knew quite well who she was, and had her in a chokehold before she even made it to the elevator. Once the team had found and separated them, she had explained that her name was Claire and she was a “special” friend of Bucky’s. Now knowing her name, Wanda’s fist immediately collided with Claire’s jaw. The second blow from Wanda went straight to Claire’s nose, causing her to fly back and hit one of the various glass windows. Natasha was about to straddle her again, but Clint quickly grabbed her waist pulling her away, as Vision did the same to Wanda. Knowing that Clint and Vision wouldn’t be able to hold them both down for long, Tony had sent her out of the tower with a warning that if she ever showed her face at the tower again that they will put no effort into stopping Natasha, or Wanda, from tearing out her limbs. Once she left the tower Nat had told Steve who she was. Now he wished that he could’ve got a punch out of it too. But knowing that at least a punch could fracture her skull, Steve decided to put that idea in the back of his brain…and probably save it if she ever decides to return.
Bucky had come out of his room for the first time this week to see what all of the commotion was. Once the elevator opened on the first floor of the gigantic tower, Bucky stepped out. “What’s going on?” Everyone’s attention had turned towards him, and they had noticed that he had taken a shower, and shaved his long beard. He ignored their wide eyes and agape mouths as he took notice of Wanda’s red knuckles, and Natasha’s riled up hair. “And what the hell happened to you two?” Quirking an eyebrow, he walked forward to stand in between Steve and Sam.
“Hm, I don’t know, Bucky. Why don’t you tell us why that little rat Claire came to the tower just now?” Wanda spat while making her way to the fridge to find some ice to put on her red throbbing knuckles.
“Claire? I didn’t ask her to come here if that’s what you’re implying.” The mention of Claire’s name made his stomach clench. He couldn’t care less to know why she was here, and why would he? Now being able to fully obtain what he did wrong, he knew that what Claire meant to him was nothing compared to what he felt for Y/N. Now he felt like throwing up but dismissed the urge as Steve walked up to him. 
“No one is implying anything Buck. Wanda is still running on adrenaline is all.” Steve gave him a reassuring pat on the shoulder, as a way of saying “don’t take it to the heart”.
“Well, considering how beat up Wanda’s knuckles are, I know she’ll never come back.” That made him feel a little better to know that he would never see Claire’s face again. And kind of suprised to know that Wanda did all of the damage instead of Nat. But then he also knew that Nat and Wanda didn’t do it for him, they were just getting revenge for what she did to Y/N.
“Oh now you suddenly don’t care for ‘Carol’, was it? By the way, Barnes, have you found where Y/N is yet? Because boy do I have a story to tell her,” Natasha said in a bitter tone.
Steve again put his hand on Bucky’s shoulder, but he shook it off. ”What about you, Romanoff? Last I checked you’re still looking for Banner, can’t be too hard to find a giant green monster, am I right?” Natasha was walking towards Bucky now, eyes full of animosity, fists clenched, and as she was about to land her jab, F.R.I.D.A.Y had come on the intercom.
“Mr. Stark you might want to check the news.”
Tony had went over to the flat screen TV in one of the nearest rooms across the hall, and quickly turned on the News. There was a female news reporter, covered in black ash with a slight cut on the top of her head.
“This is Serena Fern reporting live from Lansing, Michigan where I have just witnessed a bombing just near the ‘Re olds Transportation Museum’. There’re many fatalities and no word on how many have died. The group who have caused this monstrosity have been identified as members of Hydra. Once they activated the bomb, they had fled to the museum holding exactly forty six people captive. We have only been able to identify very few, but here is some footage that one of the captives was able to take. This video may be disturbing to others so viewer discretion is advised.”
The video that had replaced the reporter was absolutely horrifying. About sixty Hydra men surrounding hostages that were sitting on the floor with their heads down, some shaking uncontrollably from fear. The person holding the camera started to move it throughout the room showing more than five people in a line with bloodied up faces, and hands tied behind their back taking in multiple strikes from one of the Hydra agents. One face had caught Bucky’s eye though, in the corner of the room crying crouched down, was a woman with a hand on her stomach. Bucky’s face went white and the nausea had returned. It was Y/N.  “It’s Y/N! God no this can’t be happening! What are you all standing around for! Suit up!”
‘Just hang in there a little longer love, we’ll be safe I promise.’ You thought to yourself as you held your now watermelon sized stomach. All you wanted was a nice day in the museum to relax, and read, but plans quickly changed when you heard an explosion. Then not even fifteen seconds later you heard multiple gunshots, and men yelling at everyone to get down on the floor, and put their hands behind their head. It all happened so fast, about sixty men of these men swarmed in, all armed with heavy duty guns. Some started to scream in German, and fired more bullets. You quickly, yet carefully got onto the floor, and did as they asked not wanting to put your unborn baby’s life in danger. 
There were some people who didn’t listen to what these men were saying, and were taken to the middle of the crowd. They made them get on their knees and tied their hands behind their back. You had seen the red badge on their suits and immediately recognized it. They were Hydra, your heart sunk, your breathing became erratic. If these men were as dangerous as Bucky had told her, then god knows what they’ll do to us. The men all started to take turns punching those who disobeyed their orders. You couldn’t watch, all you could do was hear the sounds of your crying mixed with others. 
All of the sudden you felt something pop, and a wet spot formed around the floor completely soaking your jeans. ‘No! No! Not right now, why now?!’ You were not due until another five weeks! Then the shock diminished and the pain started to kick in. You started to groan and kick your legs as you felt your pain grow. Others had took notice of what was happening, but were too afraid to move toward you. But an old woman behind you took a hold of your hand, and gave it a squeeze.
“Hi hun, I’m Mable, just keep taking deep breaths you’ll be fine.” She spoke in a low whisper you could barely hear. But gave you a reassuring smile, and you squeezed her hand back as thanks, and followed her orders. “That’s it hun, you’re doing amazing.”
Oh god how you wished Bucky was here, you weren’t supposed to give birth like this. You imagined giving birth in the hospital with Bucky by your side, not in a museum with Hydra assassins threatening to kill whatever blinked.  What if you didn’t make it out alive? No you couldn’t think like that, you had to stay strong. The pain continued to worsen, and you let out a shaky breath, then inhaled another lung full of air again. One of the assassin’s eyes landed right on yours and made his way to wear you were seating. You put your head down trying not to show the immense pain you were in. He pulled your hair up roughly so you looked right at him.
“Oh, tsk tsk look at zee mess you’ve made.” A smirk played on his lips as he continued to taunt you. “How about when zis baby is born, I take it to headquarters. Oh my boss would be z’rilled to have another experiment. Как ты думаешь, Деймен, не хотел бы, чтобы босс не был благодарен?(What do you think Damen, would our boss not be grateful?)” He shouted to the other man across the room, and he gave him a nod and laughed.
You spat in his face. “Go to hell.” He slapped you hard across the face causing you to fall to your side. Mable had got up and tried to help you, but was violently hit in the back of the head with the back of his gun. She yelped and fell to the ground unconscious. 
“Apologize!” He screeched, face red with fury.
“Over my dead body.” You spat back, tears were threatening to spill at any moment but you didn’t want to give him the satisfaction.
“Oh that could be arranged.” He pulled out his gun and aimed it right at you.
As if almost on cue the windows shattered, and you could hear multiple gunshots being sent back and forth throughout the massive room. You could hear the assassins screaming.
“It’s zee Avengers!”
This made your heart skip a beat. You cautiously looked around hoping to see the face that you’ve been wanting to see for the past five months. The man who stole your heart, who gave you love, the man who broke you. And there he was, his metal arm making it easier to spot him, fighting right next to Sam trying to take down as many assassins as they could. His ocean blue eyes spotted yours, and he started to move at an even faster pace in your direction. When he finally reached you, he picked you up, and whispered “I am so sorry doll”, and made his way to try and get out of there as soon as possible.
“No, Bucky the others are still in there, we can’t leave them!” You tried to tell him but he just kept on running.
“I have to get you and our baby safe, your safety is my mission right now! Steve and the rest have everything controlled.” Bucky didn’t even bother to look anywhere else as he got out of the museum took one of the police cars, put you in the back seat, and drove off.
“Bucky where are we going? I’m in labor right now you know!” Bucky quickly slammed on the brakes, and turned to look at you.
“Are you serious!? Right now?! Can’t you hold it?!” Bucky would be happy later, but the nearest hospital was ten blocks away. He slammed on the gas again.
“Did you really just ask me that Bucky!?” You tried to reach out and smack him for asking you such a stupid question, but the pain in your stomach caused you to keep your hand pressed against it. He was at least going at ninety miles per hour. But Bucky crashing was the least of your problems, this baby wanted out. You started clenching as hard as you could on the leather cushions, while trying not to scream to loud. You had finally made it to the hospital in one piece, and Bucky got out of the car carefully picked you up again, and sprinted you inside.
“She needs a doctor! She’s giving birth!”
“BUCKY COULD YOU MAYBE NOT SCREAM IN MY EAR!”  Bucky flinched at your sudden outburst, but quickly turned his attention toward the doctors and nurses that were running towards you and Bucky with a gurney, and he set you down on it.
“Don’t mind her sir it’s a normal part of transition.” She turned back her attention to you as they ran you along the hallway trying to find you an open room. “Hey trooper you’re doing absolutely amazing, just keep up with your deep breathes.” Of course she would say the same thing as Mable did, but this was their job so you once again listened to her orders. 
You knew that the contractions would be painful but every time when it would stop, they would come back even stronger. They finally found you and room and rushed to remove your jeans, and undergarments so they can begin. Bucky was holding your hand the whole way never letting go, even though you were probably squeezing the life out of his flesh hand. 
“Doctor her cervix is already dilated by 8 centimeter’s.”  The doctor nodded, finished putting on his gloves, mask, and looked at you. “Now Y/N I know it hurts, but you’re going to need to start pushing.” You gave him a nod and pushed, the pain was excruciating.
“You’re doing great doll.” Bucky leaned over kissed your forehead, and gave your hand a small squeeze.
“But it hurts so much Bucky!” You cried out as you gave another push.
“I know baby, just keep on trying.” 
“How would you know! You’re not the one with a baby coming out of your-Ow!” Now that push really hit you, you tried to hold back from screaming to loud but that third push set you off. Sweat was pouring down your head, and the nurse wiped it off. The doctor told you that he could already see the baby crowning, and you only needed to push a few more times. Then after those last four agonizing pushes, everything went still. Almost peaceful, as you felt the pain slowly sever. Then you heard the most beautiful cry, your baby’s cry. You quickly looked up to see your beautiful baby. 
“Congratulations, it’s a girl.”
Bucky was crying as he went over to your little girl and looked at you asking for permission. You nodded, and the doctor gave Bucky the scissors to cut the umbilical cord. Once cut the nurse put her into a pink towel, and gave her to Bucky. He looked so happy holding his little girl, and carefully headed over to put her in your arms. He slowly bent over the bed and handed you your baby. She had Bucky’s eyes, and your hair. God she had so much hair you could probably braid it. She stopped crying as you held her small, fragile body. You started to cry again as Bucky sat next to you and kissed your forehead, and said a slow ‘I love you’. 
“I’ll leave you two alone for a bit, and let you settle on names.” The doctor left with a smile on his face as he watched you and Bucky stare in complete awe at your beautiful creation.
Words couldn’t describe your happiness. But you and Bucky did need to settle on a name for her. “Well I had no idea what gender the baby was going to be so I didn’t think of any names.” Bucky gave you a confused look and started laughing.
“How did you not know our baby’s gender?”
“Hush, I wanted it to be a surprise!” Bucky chuckled once more then looked up at you, and gazed into your E/C eyes for a second before speaking.
“You can choose the first name, I’ll choose the middle?”
You nodded and started to think of what you should name your first daughter. Then it hit you. “What about Arista…” He gave a wide smile, and nodded.
“Arista Brissaih Barnes. It is.”
You smiled at the thought of him using his last name. You both agreed, and told the doctor. The nurses soon came in and took Arista to go and get her cleaned. You and Bucky sat there for a while, contemplating on what to say.
“Listen Bucky-” He put a hand up to silence you.
“No Y/N you don’t have to, this was all my fault. You were right, she kissed me and I did nothing about it. I should’ve walked out right when it happened, but like an idiot I stayed. I lost your trust that day, and I walked out on you instead of settling things. I should’ve listened to you and not went at all. Because now I screwed everything up. I am nothing without you doll.  Living without you almost killed me. If it weren’t for Steve and the other’s…who knows what would’ve happened. I know that I abandoned you and our baby, and I’ll regret it for as long as I live. When I saw you in the video on the news, I didn’t know what to think. All I knew is that I needed to get to you fast. I thought I would be too late, that you would be out of my life again. The thought that you were there alone with nobody to hold you, and tell you everything is going to be okay, it burned an even bigger hole in my heart. I wanted to let you know that I do love you. I love you so much, I love it when you snort as the dumbest jokes, I love when you always put others before yourself. I love it when you get into you books, because I can look at you all I want without you noticing. I love when I wake up because you were snoring, and you deny it even though you know I’m right. I am madly and deeply love you Y/N.  You have possessed me body and soul. And if you are willing to forgive me-“
Bucky didn’t finish his sentence as you grabbed his face, and crashed your lips against his. It was so sudden that it took Bucky a second to respond, but he started to melt into the kiss. Mouths moving together in perfect harmony, his lips molding into yours perfectly. This kiss was different than the others, it was mixed with need, happiness, and love. You missed him so much, these five months have been tormenting. There were days where you wanted to not eat, sleep, or drink, but you knew that you were going to be a mother now and couldn’t take any risks. But now you having Bucky back it made all of your heartache go away. You slowly pulled away from the blissful kiss, resting your forehead against his.
“I love you too. Of course I forgive you.” He let out a sigh of relief and smiled, with tears streaming down his face. He was leaning in to give you another kiss, but the nurse walked in with Arista in her arms. She gave her to you and said that you both had visitors. She pulls the curtain to the side, and there they were looking as if though they have just been caught stealing cookies from the kitchen. 
“Look Y/N, it’s ‘zee’ Avengers.” Bucky said trying to hold back his laughter.
“Hey guys nice to see you too, how much did you hear?” You asked as you raised your eyebrows waiting for a response.
“Enough. And Bucky did you seriously quote Mr. Darcy from Pride and Prejudice?” Steve asked as he crossed his arms and quirked an eyebrow at Bucky.
“I knew I heard that from somewhere!” Sam screamed, and the whole room shushed him gesturing to the sleeping baby. “O yeah...sorry.” He said flushed with embarrassment.
They all rushed into the room, almost toppling over eachother, and managed to all give you hugs and kisses without disturbing the baby. Natasha and Wanda made their way over to the side of your bed and asked if they could hold Arista, which you happily said yes to. You had all told them her name and they all loved it of course. And Tony said that her initials spell out ‘ABB’, so that’s Tony’s new nickname for her. They all stayed overnight, wanting nothing more then to catch up with you, and spend time with their new niece. Bucky looked over at you and smiled.
“Are you ready to come home?”
You looked at Arista, then at everyone else. They are your family, and you missed the hell out of them. So you turned back to Bucky, smiled, and took a hold of his hand.
“Ready as I’ll ever be.”
Thank you everyone for being so patient with me! I know the last chapter was short so I made this one extra long for you guys!!! Your support means everything to me, and I couldn’t have asked for any better fans! I hope you liked this chapter! Only one more to go!! Feedback is always amazing! <3
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