#like with a new personality thoughts and memories
drawdotstrings · 3 days
the people of penacony are still (yes, still) stuck in a dream.
disclaimer: i am not a theorist. i just want to present some very suspicious things i've found and speculate on some things because i am frankly going insane over this
firstly, did anyone else get deja vu when first starting the new trailblaze mission? march says the exact same things as she did in ena's dream when trying to get the trailblazer to get up. "wake up, wake up," and then "wake up! the sun's frying your butt!"
the trailblazer has the option to say that this sounds familiar in both quests. the similarities stop after this, but another thing i found weird was how the stellaron was only mentioned once by march and then, to my knowledge, never again. no more attention focused on the thing that helped cause all the disaster in penacony?
onto other things - in the new quest checking out, qingque says this:
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that's exaclty how the 2.3 quest went as well. everything went smoothly, including the deciding of the future of penacony, which i personally thought was going to be much more difficult. after that, everyone just leaves in a silly unvoiced side quest. and we didn't get to say goodbye to firefly in the end. she didn't actually experience her third death either, did she? i thought her third and final death in the script would've been a bit more dramatic, at least.
after going to firefly's secret base and interacting with the railing, you get this dialogue. this is only available after completing the 2.3 trailblaze mission.
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why would the writers want to point out that it's supposedly not an illusion?
on the radiant feldspar, you can listen to these two npcs talking about the astral express acquiring the airship. this npc should be very aware that they're in the dreamscape, being in penacony, right?
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the whole thing with ena's dream was also covered up by the family, with the guests having no memories of it, so they aren't talking about still being in ena's dream. what was the reason for this dialogue, then?
this is from the ending cutscene for the 2.3 mission. we fixed that screen behind aventurine. so... why is it still broken?
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yes, you could say that it's for the people who haven't completed the quest where it was fixed. but that quest, once upon a dreamville, is supposed to happen before this one, so it should be fixed anyways, right?
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i personally don't think hoyo would overlook something like this and leave the cutscene inaccurate for a good portion of players and mess with the timeline unless there was a good reason. trying to hint that something's not right, maybe?
in an optional interaction on the radiant feldspar, welt says this:
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...but that didn't happen. welt knows that jing yuan wasn't actually there, so why wouldn't he mention that at all? iirc, march, himeko, and the trailblazer don't mention anything amiss with this either, even though this is supposed to be a snapshot of the trailblazer's memory and it didn't actually happen. don't you think that's worth mentioning?
you also get these two pieces of dialogue:
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both of which i find very suspicious. i tried to chalk it up to the trailblazer being paranoid after ena's dream, but they haven't expressed that anywhere else, and they're happy in these scenes. so... why would the writers put both of these here?
after interacting with these building blocks near the monitoring room in the dreamscape reverie, you get this strange dialogue:
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i could be wrong, but as far as i know, from my experience and another person's, this dialogue only appears after the 2.3 update.
in this video, sparkle says this:
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firstly, the answer is important. this question is repeated countless times throughout penacony's quests, and answered by multiple different important characters. second, it's also repeated countless times that in penacony, it's not just about being happy. there are so many people in the beautiful dream who are miserable, who threw their lives away to get there, who are forced to work tirelessly to try and fulfill their dreams only to get no where. both of the things she claims are untrue. it feels like they're trying to hint at something or distract us.
yes, you could chalk this up to sparkle being sparkle. but i don't know why they would put this in the official video saying goodbye to penacony if it was just that.
onto some smaller things - robin says this in the new checking out mission:
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...they all woke up from their dreams already, no?
also from the aforementioned video:
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why would they acknowledge that the audience isn't satisfied with the ending? they did that with qingque too, and with something March said at the end of the quest: "so even if there are parts of it that aren't really realistic nor logical, we still hope that their story gets a good ending when it comes." why would they acknowledge this three different times if the story is truly over?
it's also said that the astral express will run out of fuel in two warp jumps if we don't go on more trailblaze missions. why are we going to the xianzhou then, if we need to trailblaze to get more fuel?
one last thing. personally, the conclusion feels all too perfect. despite this, virtually nothing has changed for the people of penacony. the beautiful dream isn't any more beautiful than it was before. people are still spending all their money to get to penacony, still wasting the rest of their remaining lives away in the dreamscape, still failing to achieve their dreams after giving up everything. despite one crisis being averted, it isn't going to get any better for the people of penacony. is this really such a perfect ending?
there are definitely hints i'm missing, but this is what i have for now. if i find anything else, i'll put it in a reblog. also, most of these are things I've noticed myself, but I did get a few from MeganeSimp on twitter.
i know a lot of people were very happy with the ending of 2.3 - and i am too! i don't necessarily want this theory to be true, but i also can't ignore the hints that hoyo is giving us. well, i could, but they've been eating away at my brain for days now. sure, these could all be meaningless, but i don't think the writers would put all of this in for it all to mean absolutely nothing. they're hinting at something.
i am also not trying to say that everything that happened in 2.3 was fake. i believe it did all happen, just while everyone (or just the trailblazer?) was unaware that they were in a deeper layer of the dreamscape and couldn't get out.
alright, that's all. thank you for taking the time to read through this, i hope it wasn't as disjointed as it feels. also, there are admittedly many holes in this theory. if you have anything you want to point out that I've missed or that debunks this, please feel free!
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03jyh23 · 3 days
— facing the fear || choi jongho (part three of finding our way back series)
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<series masterlist> <next>
ex-boyfriend!idol!jongho x ex-girlfriend!single-mom!reader
synopsis: five years have passed since jongho last saw you. your lives have taken drastically different paths, with jongho achieving fame and you focusing on raising your daughter, nari, in quiet anonymity. when jongho discovers he has a daughter, he's determined to be a part of her life.
genre: a slice of life, romance, fluff, some angst
trigger warnings: unplanned pregnancy, illegitimate child, single parenthood, mature language, sex mentioned (this chapter contains an open discussion about heterosexual and homosexual relationships)
words: 11.4k
reminder: what you’re about to read is purely fiction, so let’s keep it separate from reality.
!minors do not interact!
disclaimer: i believe that all my readers are open-minded individuals who support lgbt people and are not prejudiced in any way. i identify as a queer person, which is why i decided to include certain topics in the dialogues of this chapter. inclusivity is important to me, and i would like to be able to include such themes in my fanfictions without worry. before this chapter, i want to remind you once again that this is a work of fiction and in no way represents the true characteristics of the members of ateez.
— hi there!!! AM I SPOILING YOU GUYS WITH ANOTHER PART IN A SPAN OF 5 DAYS? ARE YOU HAPPY? thank you so much for the love i received! i can't describe how much it means to me and how happy i am to see you all enjoying my writing. i hope you will like this part as i'm well aware most of you have been waiting for what this chapter includes. by the way, i'm sorry if i confused the dorm arrangement! (according to my knowledge 1 jongho, hongjoong, wooyoung; 2 mingi, san, seonghwa; 3 yunho, yeosang) since my finals are almost over, i plan to post once a week, preferably on fridays(?). oh, also! please let me know how you guys feel about using korean phrases/words such as hyung/ya/maknae in fanfictions. i tried not to include it but sometimes it just feels weird not to.
love, monika ♡
taglist: @seventeenthingsblr @DALSUWAHA @treehouse-mouse @ateez-atiny380 @sleepy-kat-here @sndeoki @bomi-ja @dearinsaniiiity @vixensss @all-fandoms-rise @finnydraws @hyuckiesgf ♡
(if by any chance i forgot to add someone please remind me once again)
if you wish to be tagged let me know here
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Jongho made his way back to the dorm, the small purple box Nari had entrusted him with gripped firmly in his hand. The quiet of the dorm seemed to amplify his growing anxiety. He knew he had to talk to the boys about Nari, but his day had already been filled with so many emotions. He felt a headache coming on, his head heavy with the weight of it all. Maybe it’s better if he waits a bit before talking to them. He took off his shoes and jacket and approached the kitchen. 
Once in the kitchen, he decided to make a cup of tea, hoping the warm drink would help with his headache and calm his swirling thoughts. He picked up the small purple box that Nari had given him, his fingers tracing the edges gently. A small smile began to play on his lips as he held the box, the weight of it in his hands bringing back the memory of the little girl who had given it to him. He was reminiscing about the way he held Nari in his arms, her little head on his shoulder and big eyes carefully watching him. He already loved holding her, feeling her small body against his. It was the first time he held his daughter in his arms, and he wished he could do it more often from now on. He didn't want to leave, but he knew better than to put his selfish desires first. It was strange, this sudden realization of himself as a father. The idea was still so new, so foreign to him. He'd spent his whole life thinking of himself as an individual, but now he was a part of something bigger, something more important than himself. He was a father. And, despite the fear and uncertainty that came with that thought, he also felt a sense of pride and responsibility. He was a father, and he was going to do everything in his power to be a good one. 
However, the happiness was fading due to one name constantly reappearing in his mind—Hyunwoo. Jongho's lingering thoughts about Hyunwoo began to tarnish his newfound joy, creating an undercurrent of unease that he couldn't shake off. Try as he might to focus on the positive, the thought of Hyunwoo continued to gnaw at him, threatening to overshadow the happiness he had found in Nari.
The sound of the kettle whistling brought him back to the present, and he quickly turned off the stove. He poured the steaming water into his cup; the scent of the tea leaves slowly diffusing into the air. As he sipped his tea, he found his mind drifting back to the day's events. Despite the uncertainty and the lingering questions, he couldn't help but feel a sense of hope. He was determined to face whatever challenges lay ahead, for the sake of his relationship with Nari and, possibly, with you. 
Jongho picked up his cup in one hand and the small purple box of cookies in the other and began walking towards his room. Just as he was about to open the door, he heard his name being called out. 
"Jongho, you're back?" A familiar voice echoed through the dorm. It was Hongjoong, his voice carrying from the confines of his room. The older boy's voice was soft, laced with a hint of concern. 
"Yeah, it's me," Jongho answered as he followed to Hongjoong's room. When he entered the room, he found Hongjoong sitting at his desk, as usual, engrossed in his work. The room was dimly lit, with only a small reading lamp casting long shadows on the walls. Jongho paused at the doorway, watching Hongjoong for a moment. His gaze softened at the sight of the older boy, his usually vibrant eyes now filled with a quiet seriousness, 
"Is everything okay?" Hongjoong asked, lifting his gaze from the laptop to meet Jongho's. 
Jongho nodded, slowly, "Yeah, just a lot on my mind." He knew he couldn't avoid the conversation any longer. 
"Does it have anything to do with Y/N?" Hongjoong asked as he closed his laptop and put his headphones back on the desk. 
Jongho hesitated for a moment before answering. "Yes," he finally admitted, his gaze dropping to the cup of tea in his hands. He took a deep breath, steeling himself for the conversation he knew he had to have. Hongjoong's expression turned serious, and he nodded for Jongho to continue. He knew that when Jongho was ready to talk, he would. 
Just as Jongho was about to speak, his gaze fell on the small, purple box he had almost forgotten about. "This," he held up the box, "is from Nari." His voice was soft, a hint of a smile tugging at the corners of his mouth. "She wanted me to give it to Wooyoung. It's cookies she made." 
Hongjoong's eyes widened in surprise, "That's really sweet of her," he said, a fond smile on his face. "Wooyoung will definitely appreciate this." 
Jongho nodded in agreement, "Yes, he will" he replied, a hint of sadness in his voice. It was clear that he was still lost in his thoughts, the earlier conversation with you clearly weighing on his mind. 
"I know you held a company meeting today," Hongjoong started, he leaned over to pat a chair next to him, a clear invitation for Jongho to sit down. His eyes held a glimmer of understanding, as if he knew that Jongho had a lot on his mind and was ready to lend a listening ear. Jongho took the invitation and sat down, setting the cookie box aside. Hongjoong reached out to place a comforting hand on his shoulder. "Wanna talk about it?" he asked gently, his eyes filled with concern. 
Jongho stared at him for a moment, then let out a sigh. "Yes," Jongho confessed, finally releasing the words he had held back. "I need to talk about it. I need to talk about Y/N, about Nari... and about a man named Hyunwoo." His voice was heavy with a mixture of confusion, longing, and a trace of fear. 
Hongjoong's eyebrows furrowed at this. "Hyunwoo?" he echoed, a hint of surprise in his voice. "Who is he?" 
Jongho sighed, his gaze dropping to his hands. "I don't know," he admitted, his voice barely a whisper. "But he's close to Y/N. I saw a text message from him on her phone. He referred to her as 'love'." His voice faltered slightly at the end, the words leaving a bitter taste in his mouth. 
Hongjoong was silent for a moment, processing the information. The atmosphere in the room was heavy, "Have you talked to Y/N about this?" 
Jongho shook his head. "I didn't get the chance. And even if I did... I wouldn't know what to say." He looked up, meeting Hongjoong's gaze. "What do I even ask? How do I bring this up without sounding like I invaded her privacy?" 
Hongjoong thought for a moment. "Firstly," he began, "you didn't invade her privacy. You found her phone and saw the message. It's not like you went snooping through her texts." He paused, giving Jongho a reassuring look. "And as for what to ask... Just be honest. Tell her what you saw and how it made you feel. It's better to talk things out than to let your thoughts spiral." 
"I don't think it's a good idea to talk to her about how I feel," Jongho said, his hands tapping nervously on the table. "She's reminding me all the time that we are doing this for Nari, yet I can't help but feel all of these emotions when I am with her." 
"What emotions?" Hongjoong asked. 
Jongho paused, searching for the right words. "I don't know... I feel... confused, I guess? And I can't help but feel a bit jealous when I think about this Hyunwoo guy. And there's more... I feel a connection with her, it's like something’s drawing me towards her. It's hard to explain." 
Hongjoong nodded, understanding in his eyes. "It sounds like you're still in love with her, Jongho." 
"How can I be in love with her? It's been five years," Jongho almost whispered, emotion threatening to overwhelm him any moment now. 
"Love doesn't just disappear, Jongho," Hongjoong replied, his voice filled with understanding. "It can lie dormant, waiting for the right moment to resurface. And seeing Y/N again, meeting your daughter... those are powerful triggers." 
The words hung in the air, heavy and undeniable. Jongho didn't respond immediately, his gaze fixed on the floor. Finally, he looked up at Hongjoong, his expression vulnerable. "Maybe I am. But what does it matter? She has someone else in her life. And even if she didn't, it doesn't mean she feels the same about me." 
"Jongho," Hongjoong began, his voice steady and calm. "Feelings are complicated. It's completely normal to feel the way you do. You and Y/N have a history together and now you have a daughter. It's natural to have feelings for her." 
"But what if she doesn't feel the same? What if I'm just holding onto something that isn't there anymore?" Jongho asked, his voice heavy with worry. 
"Then you'll deal with it," Hongjoong stated simply. "You can't control how she feels, just like she can't control how you feel. All you can do is be honest with her and with yourself." Jongho nodded, taking in Hongjoong's words. His heart was still heavy, and the fear of the unknown still loomed over him, but he felt a bit calmer, a bit more ready to face whatever was to come. "Jongho, you don't have to choose between focusing on Nari or pursuing your feelings towards Y/N," Hongjoong continued. "I am not a father but…" At these words, Jongho chuckled, looking at Hongjoong. The older boy had always been like a father figure in the band, always looking out for the others and guiding them when they needed it. Hongjoong laughed softly, catching on to Jongho's thoughts. "I mean, I'm not a real father," he added, a twinkle of amusement in his eyes. "But I believe that if you want to create a family with Y/N, it can't be done in separate stages," Hongjoong continued, his words filled with understanding. "You can't simply discard your emotions and solely concentrate on being a father. It's not that straightforward. These two aspects are linked and need to grow together. You're not just a father, Jongho, but a man who still loves the mother of his child. And that's okay. It's okay to allow yourself to feel this way, to explore these feelings while also focusing on being a father to Nari. It's okay to be human and not have everything figured out. This journey you're on, it's not just about parenting, but also about healing and growing as a person. And part of that growth involves acknowledging and understanding your feelings for Y/N. So, don't try to separate the two. Let them happen at the same time." Hongjoong's words hung in the air, heavy with truth and understanding. Jongho felt a strange mix of relief and fear. The idea of allowing himself to experience these complex emotions was daunting, yet it also felt right. He understood that he had been trying to separate his feelings, handling one thing at a time to keep control. But life, as he was quickly learning, was rarely that simple. 
Jongho nodded, acknowledging the truth in Hongjoong's words. He felt a sense of gratitude towards his friend for offering a perspective he hadn't considered. "You're right, Hongjoong," he admitted, a small smile tugging at the corners of his mouth. "I guess I've been trying to simplify things, to make this all more manageable. But I can't ignore my feelings for Y/N. And I won't." He paused, letting the words sink in. "I need to confront this, for Nari, for Y/N, and for myself." 
Hongjoong returned the smile, his eyes reflecting a sense of understanding and support. "That's the spirit, Jongho," he encouraged. "Facing our emotions may be scary, but it's the only way to truly understand ourselves and move forward. And remember, you don't have to do this alone. I'm here for you." 
Jongho felt a surge of gratitude. He was lucky to have such a supportive friend. He knew the road ahead wouldn't be easy, but with Hongjoong’s support, he felt ready to face whatever came his way. 
Feeling lighter than before, Jongho allowed a genuine smile to reach his eyes. In a playful tone, he joked, "I aspire to be as good of a father as you, Hongjoong." This comment earned him a small punch in the arm from his friend, who couldn't help but break into laughter at the compliment. 
Their moment of levity was suddenly interrupted by Wooyoung's voice. "Who wants to be a father?" the boy, who had just woken up from his nap, asked. Standing in the doorway with tousled hair, he looked at them with curiosity. 
Caught off guard, Jongho and Hongjoong exchanged a glance, both momentarily at a loss for words. "For how long have you been listening?" Jongho asked, his playful demeanor from a minute ago long gone. 
"Well, it's just that San woke up and wanted me to grab him a glass of water, and I just left my room," Wooyoung yawned. 
Hongjoong gave Wooyoung a quick glance before returning his gaze to Jongho. "We were just talking about...things," he said vaguely, not wanting to delve into the details. Jongho nodded, appreciating Hongjoong's discretion. 
"So, San is here?'' Jongho asked, his gaze shifting briefly towards the direction of Wooyoung's room. There was a hint of curiosity in his voice, a subtle shift in the atmosphere as he awaited Wooyoung's response. 
"Yeah, he is," Wooyoung answered, rubbing the sleepiness from his eyes. He stifled a yawn before continuing, "He couldn't sleep well last night, so he came over earlier to catch up on some sleep."  
Jongho nodded in understanding then turned to Hongjoong, seeking his opinion. "Should we just call the rest of the guys then?" he asked, his eyes searching for reassurance in Hongjoong's gaze. 
Hongjoong considered the suggestion for a moment before nodding. "Yes, I think it's time," he agreed, a sense of determination in his voice. "We should all be on the same page about this." 
"What are you guys even talking about?" Wooyoung asked, clearly confused, as he leaned into the doorframe. His eyes flicked between Hongjoong and Jongho, searching for answers in their serious expressions. But before Jongho could open his mouth to explain, a loud voice from Wooyoung's bedroom caught them all off guard. 
"Ya! Wooyoung, do you want me to die of thirst?" San's voice rang out, filled with exaggerated distress. The three of them turned towards the direction of the voice, a look of amusement passing between them.  
"Quit being so dramatic!" Wooyoung shouted back, rolling his eyes but not able to hide the smile tugging at his lips. He then pushed himself off from the doorframe and finally made his way into the kitchen. 
"I thought separating those two would earn me some peace," Hongjoong sighed, his gaze following Wooyoung as he made his way into the kitchen, "But what was the point of dividing us into three different dorms when San is always here." He shook his head, a small smile tugging at the corners of his mouth. Despite his grumbles, it was clear that he wouldn't have it any other way. The bond they all shared was unbreakable, and no matter how often they bickered or teased each other, at the end of the day, they were family. "I'll send a message to the rest of the boys," Hongjoong offered, pushing himself up from his chair and stretching his arms above his head. He looked at Jongho, a determined expression on his face. "In the meantime, you should go and grab some food for us. We'll need something to keep us going while we discuss everything." He paused, a smirk playing on his lips. "Ever since Yeosang moved in with Yunho, I swear those two live off air and video games. I bet they haven't had a proper meal in days." He shook his head in mock disapproval, his tone dripping with dramatic exaggeration. 
Jongho chuckled at Hongjoong's dramatic performance, acknowledging the truth in his words. "Alright, I'll pick up some food. Any preferences?" he asked, standing up from the chair. 
"How about something spicy? The spicier the better," Hongjoong suggested, a mischievous glint in his eyes. "I bet that would wake San and Wooyoung up pretty quickly." 
Jongho laughed, shaking his head at Hongjoong's antics. "Spicy it is then," he conceded, pulling on his jacket. As he was about to leave, he paused at the door, turning to look at Hongjoong. "Thanks, hyung," he said, his voice filled with genuine gratitude. 
Hongjoong simply nodded, a warm smile on his face. "Anytime, Jongho. We're all in this together, remember?" 
Jongho smiled at his older friend and nodded, "I'll remember that" he said, his voice filled with gratitude. 
"Hey, San! Rise and shine, sleep is for the weak!" Hongjoong shouted with a mischievous grin as he entered Wooyoung's bedroom. 
Jongho smiled to himself, pulling on his jacket. His conversation with Hongjoong had left him feeling a little lighter, a little more hopeful. The road ahead was still unclear, filled with unknowns and potential challenges, but he was not alone. He had his friends, his brothers, standing by his side, ready to face whatever came their way together. 
Just as Jongho stepped out of the dorm, he fished his phone out of his pocket and dialed your number. As he made his way towards the nearest restaurant, he could feel the nervous energy coursing through him. He still hadn't fully processed everything that had happened, and despite the reassurance he got from Hongjoong, he was still filled with a sense of unease. He wanted to call you to discuss the decision he had made about telling the boys about his newfound fatherhood. He felt he needed your consent to move forward with this, and he was hoping to get your approval. He waited for you to pick up, each ring echoing in his ears, amplifying his anxiety. Just when he was about to end the call, assuming you were busy, he heard the phone being picked up. However, instead of your voice, he was met with a male voice, catching him off guard. 
Jongho's heart skipped a beat as the unfamiliar voice echoed in his phone. "Hello, Y/N's phone. Who is this?" the voice asked, a hint of curiosity lacing his tone. 
Jongho cleared his throat, trying to keep his voice steady. "This is Jongho," he replied, his mind racing as he tried to figure out who the person on the other end of the line was. 
"Oh, Jongho? Y/N's mentioned you," the voice replied, sounding slightly surprised. "This is Hyunwoo." 
The mention of the name sent a shock through Jongho. This was the Hyunwoo he'd been worrying about, the one whose name had been haunting him. He struggled to find his voice, the shock leaving him momentarily speechless. 
"Is Y/N there?" Jongho finally managed to ask, his voice barely above a whisper. 
"Uh, she's in the shower. Can I take a message?" Hyunwoo offered, seemingly oblivious to the tension on Jongho's end. 
"No, it's... it's okay. I'll call back later," Jongho replied, quickly hanging up the phone. His mind was a whirlwind, the implications of the call leaving him breathless. He stood there for a moment, trying to collect his thoughts, before continuing his walk to the restaurant. 
Jongho tried his hardest to shove the thoughts to the back of his mind, but they kept creeping up, filling his thoughts as he mindlessly entered the restaurant. He ordered the food, his eyes glued to the menu but his mind somewhere else entirely—on Hyunwoo, on you, on Nari. The anxiety was clawing at him, the gnawing feeling in the pit of his stomach growing with each passing minute. He couldn't help but imagine Hyunwoo there with you, spending time with Nari while he was away. These thoughts consumed him as he waited to pick up his order, his heart pounding against his chest in rhythm with the ticking of the clock. 
Finally, he left the restaurant, his hands clutching the bags of food tighter than necessary. He was about to enter his building, his mind still swirling with what-ifs and worst-case scenarios, when his phone rang. It was you, calling him back. He felt his heart skip a beat, the sight of your name on his screen both comforting and terrifying. He took a deep breath, bracing himself for the conversation that was about to follow. 
Just before he picked up the call, he steeled himself, reminding himself that he needed to focus on the bigger picture. With a deep breath, he answered the call, his voice steady as he greeted, "Hello, Y/N." 
"Jongho you called earlier? I just got out of the shower. Is everything okay?" Your voice echoed in his ear, a mixture of concern and surprise. 
"Yeah, everything is fine," Jongho quickly reassured you. He paused, trying to figure out how to approach the conversation. "I just... I wanted to talk to you about something." He could hear the hesitation in his own voice, his mind racing with thoughts of what your reaction might be. 
"Sure, what's up?" You asked, your voice filled with curiosity. Your calm demeanor helped Jongho to steady himself. He realized he needed to be honest, to talk to you about his feelings and the decisions he had made. 
"I... I've decided to talk to the boys about... about Nari," Jongho confessed, his voice barely above a whisper. He held his breath, waiting for your response, the silence on the other end of the line amplifying his anxiety. 
After what felt like forever, you finally responded. Your voice, when you spoke, was soft, filled with understanding. "Jongho... I think that's a good idea," you reassured him, your words lifting a weight off his shoulders. "They are your family. They deserve to know." 
Jongho let out a sigh of relief, his heart pounding in his chest. "Thank you, Y/N," he whispered, gratitude flooding his voice.  With your consent, he felt ready to face whatever came next. Yet, Jongho was dying to ask about Hyunwoo, to understand who he was in relation to you. Just as he was about to give in to the urge to know, he heard Hyunwoo's voice in the distance, calling your name. His heart skipped a beat, the sound of Hyunwoo's voice serving as a stark reminder of the complexity of the situation. 
"Love, are you still on the phone?" Hyunwoo's voice echoed in the background, his tone casual and familiar. The sound of his voice sent a sharp pang of jealousy through Jongho, stirring up a whirlwind of emotions that he struggled to keep at bay. 
"Who was that?" Jongho found himself asking, the words escaping his lips before he had a chance to fully process them. He could hear the curiosity lacing his tone, a direct reflection of the whirlwind of thoughts swirling in his mind. However, as soon as the question left his mouth, he immediately regretted it. He could feel a sudden rush of apprehension washing over him, a stark reminder of the delicate line he was treading. This was not a conversation he wanted to have over the phone, and certainly not one he wanted to rush into. Knowing that he had stepped into a territory that he was not ready to traverse, Jongho quickly tried to deflect his previous question. "Actually, never mind. It's not important," he said, his voice filled with a forced casualness. He didn't want to pry into your personal life, at least not yet, not when he himself was still trying to figure out his own feelings. 
There was a brief silence on the other end of the line, making Jongho's heart pound in his chest. He could almost feel the wheels turning in your head, deciding how to respond to his sudden withdrawal. "Jongho, it's okay," you finally spoke, your voice gentle, almost soothing. "Hyunwoo is..." 
However, before you could finish, Jongho, eager to end the call, interrupted you. "I'm actually about to talk to the guys now." There was a certain finality in his voice, a determination that suggested he had made up his mind and was ready to face whatever came next. "We'll talk more later, Y/N." With that, he ended the call, his heart pounding in his chest. He took a deep breath, trying to steady his nerves. 
Upon reaching the dorm, Jongho paused at the entrance to gather his thoughts. He took a moment to look at the bags of food he carried in his hands, a small smile tugging at the corners of his mouth. "Here goes nothing," he whispered under his breath, drawing in one long, calming breath before he pushed open the door. 
Inside, he was greeted by the familiar faces of his friends. Their expressions were a mix of curiosity and concern. His gaze naturally found Hongjoong, who gave him a reassuring nod, a silent message of support that eased some of the anxiety Jongho felt. 
Taking a deep breath, Jongho broke the silence. "I brought some food," he said, setting down the bags on the table. His voice was steady, but the members could sense a hidden tension beneath his casual demeanor. 
Yunho immediately stood up and walked over to Jongho. "Let me help you," he offered, taking some of the bags from Jongho. With Yunho's help, the food was quickly spread out on the table. 
"But before we start eating," Jongho began, setting down the plates and chopsticks. His voice had turned serious, causing the members to pause mid-conversation and look at him. "There's something important I wanted to discuss with you all." 
"What's up, Jongho?" Seonghwa asked, his brow furrowing in concern. The atmosphere in the room had noticeably shifted, the air charged with anticipation. 
Jongho paused for a moment, taking in another deep, steadying breath. His heart pounded rapidly, echoing loudly in his ears. The reality of what he was about to reveal made him feel as if he was carrying an enormous, burdensome load. He looked around at everyone gathered in the room, their expectant gazes only adding to the pressure he was under. Summoning every ounce of courage he had, he finally spoke up, his voice steady despite the nerves. "I have something important to share with you all," he began, his words hanging heavy in the air. He took another pause, letting the seriousness of his statement sink in. "Something... significant." 
The members exchanged curious and worried glances. "What's going on?" Yunho asked, instinctively sitting up straighter, his eyes keenly focused on the youngest. Jongho momentarily hesitated, his lips parting as he searched for the right words to convey his news. 
"Are you okay?" Mingi asked, his voice filled with genuine concern. The members had picked up on Jongho’s hesitation, their worry for their friend evident. 
Jongho nodded his head affirmatively, his eyes reflecting a sense of calm acceptance. "Yes," he began, his voice steady and reassuring, "I'm perfectly fine." He paused momentarily, gathering his thoughts before continuing. "Recently, I found out that..." His expression softened, a hint of vulnerability seeping through. "I... I have a daughter. A beautiful little girl who has made me see the world in a whole new light. Her name is Nari." The room seemed to swallow itself in a stunned, thick silence, as if the air had been sucked out in one fell swoop. The boys, taken aback, could only stare at Jongho, their gazes boring into him as they grappled with the enormity of the revelation he had just made. 
"A daughter?" Wooyoung repeated, his voice barely above a whisper, the word reverberating around the room. His eyes were wide with shock, disbelief etched into every feature of his face. His mind was spinning, trying to comprehend the unexpected news. "Since when?" He finally managed to stammer out, the question hanging heavy in the air. 
Jongho nodded again, his eyes meeting each of theirs in turn. "Yes, a daughter. She's going to be four years old soon. I only learned about her, well… yesterday." 
Struggling to comprehend the situation, San managed to stammer out, "How... how did this happen?" His facial expression was a perfect illustration of his bewilderment and surprise. 
Wooyoung, attempting to alleviate the tension in the room with a quip, scoffed and said, "Did you seriously just ask him about the birds and the bees?" His attempt at humor served as a brief respite in the heavy atmosphere. 
Jongho chuckled nervously at Wooyoung's comment, appreciating the attempt to lighten the mood. "It's... complicated," he admitted. "But what's important now is that she's here, and I want to do right by her." 
Yeosang, who had been quiet the whole time, finally spoke up. "Jongho, this is huge. How are you handling it?" 
Jongho sighed, running a hand through his hair. "It's overwhelming, to be honest. But I want to be a part of Nari's life. That's why I needed to tell you all. I need your support and understanding as I navigate this." 
The members were quiet for a moment, processing the news. Then, Yunho spoke up, his voice gentle. "We're here for you, Jongho. Whatever you need, we'll support you." 
Seonghwa, who had been quietly absorbing the revelation, finally voiced his thoughts. "What about your daughter's mom?" he inquired; his tone full of worry. "Don't tell me you're married!" His terrified expression was somewhat amusing. 
Jongho laughed lightly, shaking his head at Seonghwa's worry. "No, no, I'm not married. Her mom is Y/N. We dated a while back, but… let’s just say things didn't work out." He paused, the mention of your name bringing a soft smile to his lips. "But despite everything, we're trying to work together for Nari's sake." 
"I can't believe there's a mini version of Jongho walking around this earth," Yeosang exclaimed, his eyes wide with astonishment. The room, previously filled with shock and concern, lit up as the other members burst into laughter. 
"Yeah, imagine a tiny Jongho running around, breaking apples left and right," San joked, grinning widely. 
Jongho found himself caught up in the infectious laughter, his shoulders dropping as some of the tension he had been carrying seemed to melt away. He said, "She's got my eyes," a clear note of pride resonating in his voice. 
Yunho, his expression painted with curiosity, tilted his head slightly, "Does she also have your voice?" he asked. 
A warm smile spread across Jongho's face as he spoke. "She's definitely got some musical talent. Y/N told me she loves singing along to our songs." 
"Looks like we've got a future idol in the making," Hongjoong remarked, a twinkle of excitement in his eyes. 
Seonghwa leaned in, a playful smirk on his face. "So, Jongho, when are we going to teach her the choreography for our next comeback?" 
"One step at a time, guys," Jongho chuckled. "First, I need to actually get to know her better." 
Mingi nudged him with his elbow. "You know, this means you'll have to take her to one of our dance practices. She must see her dad in action." 
"She would love that," Jongho admitted, his heart warming at the thought. 
"I honestly thought Seonghwa, with his baby fever, would have a baby first," Wooyoung laughed, resulting in a smack from Seonghwa. 
"Ya, Wooyoung!" Seonghwa responded in mock outrage, though the corners of his mouth lifted into an amused smile. "Just because I like kids doesn't mean I'm ready to have one yet." 
Hongjoong couldn't resist joining in on the friendly banter. "And who in their right mind would want to have a child with Seonghwa?" he teased, a playful grin spreading across his face. 
In response, Seonghwa fixed him with a mock stern look. "Watch it, Hongjoong," he warned with a playful glint in his eyes, "Or I'll make sure you're the first one to babysit." 
The room filled with laughter again, the light-hearted teasing helping to diffuse any lingering tension. 
"You know," Wooyoung said, still chuckling, "if Seonghwa did have a kid, that kid would be the most spoiled child on the planet." 
"Only the best for my imaginary child," Seonghwa retorted with a smirk. The room erupted in laughter again, the playful banter easing the tension even more. 
Jongho couldn't help but laugh along with them, feeling a deep sense of gratitude for his friends' support and humor. "Thanks, guys," he said, his voice filled with emotion. "I really appreciate all of you." 
"Seriously, though," Mingi said, looking at Jongho with a sincere expression. "We’re all here for you. Anything you need, just let us know." 
"Yeah," Yeosang chimed in. "We’re Uncle Ateez now. We'll spoil her rotten." 
Jongho’s heart swelled with gratitude. "It means a lot to me. I was nervous about telling you all, but your support means everything." 
Hongjoong nodded. "We’re a family. We stick together no matter what." 
"Plus, we can teach her all the important things," San added with a mischievous grin. "Like how to prank you." 
As the teasing and laughter continued, Jongho felt a profound sense of relief. His brothers' acceptance and support meant the world to him. It gave him the strength and confidence he needed to face the challenges ahead, knowing that he wasn't alone. He had his family by his side, ready to support him as he stepped into his new role as a father. 
Wooyoung grinned, trying to lighten the mood. "So, when do we get to meet her? I mean, she's part of the family now, right?" 
Jongho cleared his throat, feeling a sudden rush of nerves. "Actually... you've already met her," he confessed, his gaze dropping to the floor. 
The announcement was met with a stunned silence as the members stared at him, their eyes wide in disbelief. "What do you mean we've already met her?" Yunho asked, his voice filled with confusion. 
Jongho nodded, taking a deep breath before continuing. "Y/N was at our fan meeting with Nari." The memory of the fan meeting caused a wave of realization to wash over the members. They remembered seeing a little girl there. 
"That little girl... That was Nari?" Mingi asked, his voice barely above a whisper. 
Jongho nodded, a small smile tugging at his lips. "Yes, that was Nari." 
Wooyoung, who was completely dumbfounded, finally broke the silence. "Wait, so you're telling me the sweetest little girl who jumped right into my arms, that pure angel... is your daughter?" His voice was filled with astonishment as he stared at Jongho, the realization slowly sinking in. 
Jongho chuckled lightly at Wooyoung's reaction, appreciating the humor in the situation. "Yes, that's right." 
Wooyoung laughed, a mischievous glint in his eyes as he declared, "It's over for you bitches! I'm already her favorite." His confident assertion was met with a burst of mocking laughter from the other members. They playfully booed and wooed him, their friendly banter echoing throughout the room. The energetic atmosphere was infectious, and despite the weight of the revelation he had just shared, Jongho found himself joining in the laughter. 
"Well, I made her laugh," San argued, crossing his arms indignantly, "Everyone knows that laughter is the key to a kid's heart. So technically, I should be her favorite." 
"Laughter, huh?" Wooyoung retorted with a smirk, "Well, I actually got a hug from her. Physical contact beats laughter any day." 
Yunho decided to chime in, "Guys, I think we're all forgetting that I'm the one who gave her a high five. So, I'm pretty sure I'm her favorite." 
Jongho couldn't help but laugh at the ongoing friendly competition, feeling a sense of warmth spread through him. "Guys, it's not a competition," he finally managed to say, his voice filled with amusement. "But it's great to see that you're all excited to be a part of Nari's life." 
"Of course we are," San responded, his voice sincere. "She's part of our family." 
Hongjoong, who had been silently observing the playful chaos, decided to intervene. "Alright, that's enough," he declared, a playful smirk on his face. "Jongho, you need to tell us who her favorite is. A man's pride is at stake now." Wooyoung looked at Jongho expectantly, a triumphant smile already forming on his lips. 
Jongho sighed, wishing he didn't have to say this, didn't have to admit that indeed Wooyoung was her favorite. But he needed to end this friendly debate, so in a dramatic tone he stated, "Alright, you got me. Wooyoung... you are indeed Nari's favorite." A collective gasp filled the room followed by Wooyoung's triumphant laughter. 
Wooyoung's laughter echoed through the room, his chest puffing out with pride. "I knew it!" he exclaimed, pumping a fist in the air. The other members rolled their eyes at his display, but their smiles betrayed their amusement. 
The atmosphere in the room had lightened considerably. What started as a serious and nerve-wracking discussion had somehow turned into a friendly competition. Jongho couldn't help but feel grateful. His brothers, his family, had not only accepted his news but were also excited to be a part of his daughter's life. 
San, still grinning at Wooyoung's antics, turned to Jongho. "We're really happy for you, Jongho." His words were sincere, his gaze soft. "And we can't wait to be the best uncles Nari could ask for." 
Mingi nodded in agreement, a smile spreading across his face. "We'll be here for you, every step of the way." 
Jongho felt a lump form in his throat, his heart swelling with gratitude. He never doubted his friends' loyalty, but hearing their reaffirmations was comforting. It reassured him that he wasn't facing this journey alone. 
"Thank you, everyone," Jongho said, his voice choked with emotion. "I'm really lucky to have you all." The warmth in their eyes was all the confirmation he needed. He was surrounded by his family, ready to face the challenges of fatherhood together. 
"Do you think we will be able to properly meet her soon?" Seonghwa asked, his gaze filled with anticipation. 
Jongho nodded, a hopeful expression on his face. "I've been talking to Y/N about it, and she agrees that it would be good for Nari to get to know all of you. We just need to figure out the right time and place." The members nodded, understanding that this was a big step and one that needed to be handled with care and consideration. They all agreed to be patient and wait for Jongho to make the arrangements, knowing that this was a sensitive matter. 
The atmosphere in the room was filled with understanding and support, but Seonghwa finally voiced the question that had been lingering in the back of his mind. His tone was gentle, not wanting to intrude on Jongho's privacy, but curiosity and concern for their friend prevailed. "Jongho," he began, his gaze steady and kind, "I hope you don't mind me asking, but... why didn't things work out between you and Y/N?" Everyone in the room turned their eyes towards Jongho, waiting patiently for his response. It was not a question asked out of idle curiosity, but rather one rooted in genuine concern for their friend's well-being. 
Jongho took a moment to collect his thoughts, appreciating the gentle way Seonghwa posed the question. His gaze fell to his hands, fingers lightly drumming on the tabletop as he sought the right words to convey the complicated history that existed between him and you. "I met Y/N before our debut and… well, you can imagine how that was," Jongho began, his voice trailing off as he lowered his gaze to look at his hands. Speaking about it was more difficult than he had anticipated. He had spent countless nights pondering over whether he should've allowed himself to get so close to you, especially right before ATEEZ's debut. He knew he had risked not just his career, but also the harmony within the group. However, he also understood that honesty was crucial. If the boys knew about Nari, they should also know about his past relationship with you. 
Mingi broke the thoughtful silence that had settled over the room, drawing everyone's attention to him. "So, the infamous dating ban?" he asked, his voice echoing softly in the quiet space. 
"Yes, the dating ban," Jongho confirmed. There was a trace of melancholy in his voice, his lips curling into a sad smile that didn't quite reach his eyes. 
Wooyoung let out an exaggerated sigh. "Dating ban was such bullshit," he complained. Jongho chuckled at Wooyoung's dramatic sigh. He found a sense of solidarity in Wooyoung's words and nodded in agreement, his response a silent testament to their shared sentiments. 
"Well, if there's anyone here who should be talking, it's definitely you," San interjected, causing Wooyoung to furrow his brows in confusion, not quite grasping the implication of his words. Without skipping a beat, San continued, "I mean, I believe we all remember that you had a boyfriend back then. It's not exactly a secret, is it?" 
Wooyoung's eyes widened, a look of surprise flashing across his face. He opened his mouth to respond, but no words came out. He glanced at Yeosang, who was trying to suppress a grin, and then at Mingi, who simply shrugged, a knowing smile on his face. 
"Wait, you knew about that?" Wooyoung asked, his voice filled with disbelief. 
"Of course, we did," Yunho replied matter-of-factly. "You weren't exactly subtle, Wooyoung." 
"Yeah," Jongho added, his grin widening. "Your secret rendezvous weren't as secret as you thought." 
Wooyoung groaned, burying his face in his hands. "I can't believe you guys knew all along and didn't say anything." 
"Well," San said, trying to suppress his laughter. "It wasn't our place to say anything. And besides, it was kind of fun watching you think you were getting away with it." 
Just as Wooyoung was gathering his thoughts, preparing to open his mouth to speak, Yeosang, with a sly grin on his face, suddenly interjected. He smoothly diverted the conversation to a memorable event, saying, "I remember this one time when we were recording the music video for Deja Vu." Yeosang continued, his tone teasing, "You came to set sporting this huge hickey, it was impossible to miss." He laughed and added, "You really thought you had fooled us when you blamed it on the stylist, claiming that you were accidentally burned by a hair curler, didn't you?" 
Wooyoung's face flushed a deep red as he stammered, trying to find a way to defend himself. "I... I mean... it... it was a believable excuse, wasn't it?" He blurted out, his voice wavering slightly. The room erupted in laughter, each member clutching their stomachs as they bent over in mirth. The memory of Wooyoung's failed attempt at deception amplified the hilarity of the situation, and even Wooyoung himself couldn't help but join in the laughter. 
Mingi decided it was time to share his piece of information. "Well…" he began, drawing out the word to create a sense of suspense among his friends. After a dramatic pause, he continued, "Wooyoung wasn't the only one in a relationship." 
As these words left his lips, all eyes in the room turned to him, their attention now fully captivated. After enjoying a moment of being the center of attention, Mingi finally added the crucial piece of information. "Yunho was dating too," he revealed, his voice echoing in the sudden silence that followed. 
The room fell silent for a moment, all eyes turning towards Yunho. The surprise on their faces was comical, but the atmosphere was far from tense. There was no judgement in their gazes, just a mild shock and a lot of curiosity. Yunho simply shrugged, a small, sheepish smile spreading across his face. "Yeah," he admitted, scratching the back of his head in embarrassment. "I was seeing someone back then too." 
The announcement was met with a range of reactions. San whistled, a playful smirk on his face. Seonghwa, on the other hand, let out a light chuckle. "I knew it," he said, pointing a finger at Yunho. "I could tell there was someone on your mind." 
"So, the girl with pink hair, right?" Yeosang asked, a wide grin spreading across his face. He leaned forward, resting his elbows on the table, his eyes dancing with amusement. His gaze was fixed on Yunho, who was visibly taken aback by the sudden inquiry. "The one who was our assistant when we were shooting Kingdom?" He continued, the question lingering in the air, adding an element of suspense to the conversation. Yunho shifted uncomfortably in his seat, the unexpected spotlight making him squirm. He scratched the back of his head, a nervous chuckle escaping his lips as his eyes darted around the room, meeting the curious gazes of his bandmates. From the corner of his eye, he could see Jongho trying to suppress a grin, clearly enjoying the sudden turn of events. Yeosang leaned back in his seat, the satisfied smirk on his face signifying his victory. 
"How did you... know?" Yunho asked, his eyes wide with surprise. His voice echoed softly amidst the silence that had fallen upon the room. 
San, a grin playing at the corners of his mouth, turned his attention to Yeosang, who was enjoying his moment in the spotlight. "It seems like Yeosang knows everything," he voiced out, a note of amusement in his tone. His words hung in the air, drawing a round of chuckles from the other members. 
Yeosang, a smirk tugging at his lips, leaned back in his chair, crossing his arms over his chest. His eyes sparkled with amusement as he met San's gaze, clearly enjoying the unexpected attention. His laughter filled the room, a sound that was contagious, causing the other members to join in. His response to San's comment was delayed as he tried to control his laughter, the sound echoing off the walls of the room. Once the laughter died down, Yeosang finally addressed San's statement. Still chuckling, he nodded in agreement, a playful glint in his eyes. "Well, someone has to keep tabs on you guys," he retorted, earning a round of laughter from the others. "But to answer your question," Yeosang began, his smile broadening as he turned his gaze towards Yunho. There was a playful twinkle in his eyes that prompted a round of chuckles from the other members. "I just have a good eye for detail," Yeosang responded with a shrug, a smug grin on his face. "It was pretty obvious with the way she looked at you, Yunho." He concluded, causing Yunho to blush at the accurate observation. "And let's not forget those late-night 'phone calls' you used to have," Yeosang added with a wry grin, air-quoting around the words 'phone calls'. "I mean, I didn't know phone conversations could get so... intense." His words, filled with playful insinuation, caused another wave of laughter to ripple through the room. "And let's not forget the mysterious 'noise' that came from your room during those late-night 'phone calls'," Yeosang added, a teasing glint in his eyes. "I mean, I didn't know phone conversations could get so... loud." He concluded, causing another round of laughter to fill the room. 
"Alright, alright, that's enough," Yunho finally managed to say, his cheeks flushed with embarrassment. "I get it, I wasn't as sneaky as I thought I was." 
"I guess the Dating Ban was bullshit for all of us," Wooyoung quipped, earning a round of laughter from the others. 
In a moment of sudden revelation, Hongjoong, with a hint of disbelief in his voice, asked the room, "Was I really the only one not involved in dating?" 
Nonchalantly, Seonghwa, with a teasing glint in his eyes, responded in a humorous tone, "Well, you were sort of dating... you were totally absorbed in your work." Hongjoong's question was met with a round of laughter, Seonghwa's quick wit lightening the mood even further. 
"That's true," Hongjoong admitted with a chuckle, "I was indeed dating my work back then." 
"Wait a minute," Yeosang interjected, an intrigued look on his face as he turned towards Hongjoong. "Weren't you seeing this one guy from Balmain? You know that guy with really cool tattoos? I remember you mentioning something about him right around the time they were considering lifting the dating ban." The room fell silent as everyone turned to look at Hongjoong, their eyebrows raised in surprise and curiosity. Caught off guard by Yeosang's unexpected revelation, Hongjoong found himself at a loss for words. "I mean... it was... what I'm trying to say is," he stuttered, pausing as he tried to gather his thoughts. "It was way later than the others…" he finally managed to say, the admission hanging in the air amidst a room full of intrigued pairs of eyes. 
Before he could recover, Mingi, who had been quietly observing the exchange, suddenly burst out, "Wait, hold on a second! Was Hongjoong the reason they decided to lift the ban?" He pointed at Hongjoong accusingly, his eyes wide with disbelief and shock. Hongjoong spluttered, his face flushing a bright red as he scrambled to deny Mingi's claim. The room erupted in laughter at his flustered reaction, the seriousness of their earlier conversation forgotten. 
"No, no, that's not how it was at all!" Hongjoong exclaimed, his eyes wide as he tried to explain himself. He paused for a moment, collecting his thoughts before continuing. "I had absolutely no idea that the company was even considering lifting the dating ban when I started seeing him. It was all just a coincidence, nothing more." Hongjoong looked around the room, his gaze meeting each of his bandmates in turn, hoping they would believe him. 
Despite the surprise that had initially taken over them, the members of the group couldn't help but join in the laughter at Hongjoong's flustered state. A tinge of amusement was evident in their eyes. San, with a grin spreading cheekily across his face, chimed in, "Alright, Hongjoong," His tone was teasing but friendly. "We believe you...for now." 
Wooyoung, still unable to completely stifle his chuckles, moved towards Hongjoong. With a comforting pat on Hongjoong's back, he tried to reassure him. "Don't worry, captain," he said, his grin never leaving his face as he looked at Hongjoong, "Your secret is safe with us." His words, filled with sincerity and a promise of trust, hung in the air, solidifying the bond among them. 
"Let's just get one thing straight, Hongjoong," Jongho began, his voice carrying a serious undertone that instantly caught everyone's attention. His gaze was steady, his eyes reflecting the confusion and a hint of resentment that had been brewing inside him. He wished he didn't have to disrupt the light-hearted mood that had settled in, but he found himself compelled to voice the question that had been nagging at him for far too long. The room fell silent. The laughter that had been resonating just moments ago seemed to have evaporated, replaced by an air of anticipation. All eyes were now on Jongho, waiting for him to continue. He took a deep breath, preparing himself to voice out the question that had been weighing on his heart. "If we were all, at some point or another, involved in dating despite the ban..." he said, his voice steady despite the serious topic. His gaze never left Hongjoong, seeking answers in the leader's reactions. He paused for a moment, gathering his thoughts before he continued. "Why was it me who had to give up on Y/N? Why did you force me to break up with her?" The question hung in the air, raw and potent. It was a question that dug deep, unearthing a past that Jongho had tried to bury. A past filled with regret, heartache and unspoken words. The question was met with silence, the members exchanging glances, each lost in their own thoughts and recollections. Hongjoong looked taken aback, clearly not expecting Jongho's question. He opened his mouth but closed it again, seemingly struggling to find the right words. The silence that followed was deafening, all eyes now turned towards Hongjoong who sat quietly, his gaze steady on Jongho. 
"Jongho," he finally started, his voice steady and calm. "Our situation back then, it was... it was different." He paused, carefully choosing his words. "We were only rookies. The risk was too great. It wasn't just about you, or me, or any of us individually. It was about ATEEZ." His words filled the room, silencing any potential objections. He looked around at his bandmates, his gaze lingering on each of them as he continued. "We all made sacrifices. We all had to give up something, or someone, for the sake of our dreams. It wasn't easy, but it was necessary." The room was silent as Hongjoong's words sunk in. Each member was lost in their own thoughts, reflecting on the sacrifices they had made and the choices they had to live with. "I know it was hard," Hongjoong added, his gaze returning to Jongho. "And I'm sorry you had to go through that. But we made it, didn't we? We're here because of the choices we made, the sacrifices we made. And I believe it was worth it." Jongho remained silent, his gaze fixed on Hongjoong. He understood where Hongjoong was coming from, and he knew that the decisions made back then had shaped them into who they were today. But that didn't make the pain of losing you any less real, any less raw. The laughter and friendly banter that had filled the room just moments ago seemed like a distant memory now. All eyes were on Hongjoong, each member taking in his words and the weight they carried. "I know that I am partially to blame for your absence in your daughter's life," Hongjoong continued, his voice laced with a palpable regret that filled the silent room. "I realize now that my actions and decisions back then have had a profound impact, not only on you, Jongho, but also on a little girl who deserved to have her father by her side. For that, I am truly sorry." Hongjoong cleared his throat before continuing, "If I ever hurt any of you with my actions or decisions, I am so sorry," his voice filled with raw emotion as he looked around the room, "As a leader, I'm the one responsible and I wanted nothing more than for all eight of us to be successful." His voice trembled, and he was on the verge of tears. And then, in a voice barely above a whisper, he made a confession that hung heavy in the room. "I... I gave up on someone too." His confession was met with silence, a solemn moment of understanding passing through the room. Hongjoong continued, his voice barely above a whisper, the attention of the boys fixated on him in the quiet room. "She's married now. She found someone who makes her happy, someone who was there when I couldn't be. I genuinely am happy for her," he paused, his gaze falling on his hands as he battled with the emotions welling up inside him. "But sometimes I find myself thinking 'what if.' What if circumstances had been different? What if I had made different choices?" His voice trailed off, leaving the unsaid words hanging in the tension-filled room. Each member was lost in their own thoughts, reflecting on the sacrifices they had made and the choices they had to live with. 
"Hongjoong, I don't blame you," Jongho interrupted, his voice firm yet gentle. His heart ached for his friends who were shouldering an immense burden of guilt. "We both didn't know Y/N was pregnant," he continued, his gaze softening as he tried to reassure Hongjoong. "We were all in the dark about her pregnancy. None of us could have predicted what was to come." The room fell into a contemplative silence as Jongho's words echoed, a reminder of the unforeseen circumstances that had led them to this point. "And while it's true that I missed out on some moments in Nari's life," Jongho added, his voice steady with conviction, "I'm here now. And I'm ready to make up for lost time. We all are." His words were filled with resolve, a promise to do right by his daughter. 
Hongjoong nodded, acknowledging Jongho's words. "We're with you, Jongho," he said, his voice filled with sincerity. "We'll support you and Nari every step of the way." 
"And if anyone tries to mess with our niece," San added, a fierce determination in his voice, "they'll have to deal with all of us." His words were met with nods of agreement from the other members, their faces reflecting their shared resolve. 
"And Jongho," Hongjoong began, his voice heavy with the weight of his words, his gaze locked onto Jongho's with an intensity that demanded his undivided attention. "We all made sacrifices. Each of us, at one point or another, had to let go of someone we deeply cared for, someone we loved." He paused, letting the gravity of his words sink in, their echoes filling the room with a solemn silence. "Considering all the sacrifices we made, for the sake of our dreams and for the sake of ATEEZ," he continued, his voice steady despite the heavy topic, "you owe it not just to yourself, but to all of us, to fight for Y/N." His words were punctuated by a determined nod, an unspoken pledge of support hanging in the air between them. "You have to muster the courage within you, fight against the odds and fight for your love. You have to fight for the chance to be with Y/N, to be a father to Nari, to build the family that you clearly want." He concluded, his gaze softening as he offered Jongho a reassuring smile. "Because at the end of the day," Hongjoong said, his voice softer now, "love is a battle worth fighting for. And I want all of you guys to know," Hongjoong voice carried a seriousness that instantly drew the attention of his bandmates. "That even though our personal lives are evolving, we still need to stay focused on our work. We've been doing such an incredible job, and I couldn't be prouder of each and every one of us." He paused, allowing his words to resonate in the silent room. Hongjoong continued, "But moving forward, let's make a pact to be honest with each other. Let's not hide our feelings or our relationships out of fear." His gaze swept across the room, meeting the eyes of his friends who listened attentively to his words. "We shouldn't be scared of a scandal or of what others might think. We should remember that love is what makes us human." He took a deep breath, the weight of his next words hanging heavy in the air. "So, for the love of God, guys, let love in. Embrace it. And most importantly, talk to us about it." Hongjoong concluded, his voice filled with sincerity and a hint of urgency. "We're a family, and there should be no secrets between us. Let's support each other in all aspects of our lives, personal or professional." 
Mingi, who had been quiet for a while, cleared his throat, drawing the attention of his bandmates. There was an air of anticipation as they turned to face him, the room falling silent as he prepared to speak. With a small, nervous smile on his face, he looked around at his friends and admitted, "Actually, I'm... I'm seeing someone now." The eyes of his bandmates widened in surprise; their gazes fixated on Mingi. His words hung in the air, creating a moment of stunned silence. "It's still really fresh," Mingi continued, his voice filled with a mix of nervousness and excitement. "But I really wanted to tell you." He took a deep breath, steadying himself before continuing. "I'm... I'm dating a guy." His confession, delivered in a soft voice, echoed in the silence. The room remained quiet for a while as his words sunk in, each member processing the revelation. The atmosphere was one of uncertainty, as Mingi waited for someone to break the silence. Then, slowly, smiles began to form on the faces of his bandmates. Nods of understanding and acceptance started filling the room, each member expressing their support for Mingi in their own way. 
Wooyoung was the first to react, his surprise quickly turning into a wide grin. "That's great, Mingi!" He exclaimed, his enthusiasm breaking the silence.  
San followed, a soft smile on his face as he nodded at Mingi in agreement, "We're happy for you," The atmosphere in the room had shifted from shock to acceptance, and soon enough, it was filled with a renewed sense of brotherhood. The bond they shared as a group was stronger than ever. They were not just bandmates; they were a family. And in a family, love and acceptance were all that mattered. 
In the aftermath of Mingi's revelation, Hongjoong directed a playful question towards the group. "So Jongho is a father, Mingi is a taken man... Is there anything else you guys are hiding?" His tone was light, but there was a hint of curiosity in his eyes as he scanned the room. 
Seonghwa, with a broad grin on his face, let out a chuckle that echoed through the room, breaking the silence that had momentarily settled. "Well, we all are uncles now, that's a new one," he remarked, his words drawing a round of laughter from the others. The thought of being 'uncles' was still a novelty to them, a new role they were more than willing to embrace. After the laughter had subsided, Seonghwa added another revelation, his tone teasing. "And Yeosang might just be a part-time detective," he said, earning a surprised look from Yeosang and another round of laughter from the group. "With the way he's been figuring out everyone's secrets, he might as well consider it as a second career." His comment was met with nods of agreement, each member recalling Yeosang's uncanny ability to notice the smallest of details. 
"And we can’t forget San's newfound addiction," Wooyoung chimed in, a playful look on his face. "Protein shakes, protein bars, protein everything!" His comment drew laughter from the group. San responded with a playful smack on Wooyoung's arm, his face flushing with embarrassment but a grin on his face. 
"Hey, it's not an addiction, it's a lifestyle," San retorted, trying to defend himself amidst the peals of laughter. His attempt to justify himself only made his friends laugh harder. 
"Guys let's also not forget one of the most entertaining aspects of our group dynamics," Mingi chimed in, a playful glint in his eyes. He paused for dramatic effect, causing the room to fall into a moment of anticipatory silence. Then, with a smirk tugging at the corners of his mouth, he finally revealed his thoughts. "If only San was gay, Wooyoung would have already married him by now!" His words, delivered with impeccable timing, caused an eruption of laughter to fill the room. The members doubled over, clutching their stomachs as they laughed. 
Wooyoung, upon hearing Mingi's teasing comment, was left speechless for a moment. He then burst into hearty laughter, his face flushing a deep shade of red, but there was a twinkle in his eyes that revealed his amusement. He managed to retort between bouts of laughter, "Well, if San would have me, I wouldn't say no!" His comment added to the hilarity, earning another round of laughter from the group. 
After the laughter had died down, San, still grinning from Wooyoung's retort, chimed in. "Well, I guess we'll have to see about that," he said, winking at Wooyoung. His comment elicited another round of laughter. Then, with a mischievous glint in his eyes, Wooyoung made a kissy face at San, causing the room to burst into another round of laughter. San responded with a playful roll of his eyes. 
"But let's not forget," Yeosang added, his eyes glinting with amusement, "Mingi is saying all this as if he wouldn't risk it all for Yunho." His statement, filled with playful insinuation, hung in the air, causing another round of laughter to ripple through the room. 
Yunho, who had remained quiet for a while, finally chimed in with a chuckle. "Well, I guess we all have our secret crushes... or not-so-secret, in some cases." His comment, accompanied by a teasing look towards Mingi, added another wave of laughter to the room. 
"Thank you guys so much," Jongho started, his voice carrying a heartfelt note in the room filled with his bandmates. "I know that this is the beginning of something new for me. Things are going to change, my life will definitely take a significant turn." He paused for a moment, his words hanging in the air as he collected his thoughts. "But to know that I have the support of my bandmates, my brothers," he continued, his voice stronger now. "It means more than I can express. It gives me strength and confidence to face the challenges that lie ahead. To know that I'm not alone in this journey, that I have you guys standing by my side, it means the world to me."
"Eight make one, right?" Mingi smiled at Jongho, his words echoing the sentiment they all held close in their hearts.
"That's the spirit!" Yeosang chimed in, his smile matching the warmth in his voice. "We're a team, a family. We've been through a lot together and we'll continue to face whatever comes our way, together." The room was filled with nods of agreement and smiles around. The atmosphere was light, yet filled with a profound sense of unity and resolve. They were more than just a band – they were a family, bound not just by their shared dreams and experiences, but by the love and respect they held for each other.
"Let's continue to work hard, for ourselves, for ATEEZ, and for ATINY," Wooyoung voiced out, his tone determined yet filled with heartfelt sincerity. His words were met with a chorus of agreement, each member expressing their shared commitment to their dreams and to their fans.
"We've come a long way, haven't we?" San mused, a nostalgic smile tugging at his lips. His words prompted a round of nods, each member reminiscing about their journey – the struggles they had faced, the victories they had celebrated, and the countless memories they had created together.
"And we still have a long way to go," Hongjoong added, his voice ringing with determination. His words were met with nods of agreement, the resolve in his voice reflecting in the eyes of his bandmates.
"But as long as we have each other, we can face anything," Yunho concluded, his gaze meeting each of his bandmates in turn. His words, filled with conviction and unwavering faith, hung in the air, solidifying the bond among them.
"I hate to say it but could we maybe... do a group hug?" Jongho suggested his voice barely above a whisper. He hadn't even finished his sentence when Wooyoung, unable to contain his excitement, was already all over him, pulling him into a tight embrace. The others quickly joined in, forming a tight huddle around Jongho, their laughter and chatter filling the room.
In the comfort of the group hug, each member felt a sense of relief and unity. They were there for each other, through thick and thin, a testament to their unbreakable bond.
"Eight makes one team!" Hongjoong shouted, his voice echoing in the room. The rest of the members joined in, their voices blending into a chorus that filled the room with a sense of unity.
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ikamigami · 2 days
Love how Sun gave Moon that dig of "I wonder where he gets that from", which was a fair dig, and yet he immediately apologized, just goes to show ya
Yeah.. I think that Sun was scared for a hot minute that Moon will get angry.. cause previously when Sun tried to make such a remark Moon always got angry..
Hence why I'm glad to see that Moon told Sun that it's fair for him to say that.. there was no anger behind it..
It'll be small steps.. but Sun eventually will forgive Moon ^^
But yeah.. it shows that Sun still is wary if he's allowed to vocalize his feelings.. but it'll get better, I'm sure of it ^^
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elsa-fogen · 2 days
Sudden thought of Inside Out AU, but it's Alastor's emotions we see. What would they look like? :0 (it's okay if you're not into this idea)
GET OUT OF MY HEAD i was just thinking that (i'm not gonna draw it tho lol i'm gonna die kjdhjlfkdgdljhk it's stupid) (they're all just mini alastors but in different color IFUVJIHLGKDFLGKDFGKLJDUH i told ya it's stupid)
but i was thinking what if a person like has very organised mindscape, there would be mini version of themselves controlling all emotions and having access to any memory at any time, and that would be what is happening in Alastor's head lol
Also he (in my headcanon) has that other voice in his head, and i'm not sure about that, how it would look... like another entity in there? possibly...
also, big question which emotion is the main one?... i'm not sure, my variants are anger, joy or disgust (SADNESS IS LITERALLY BANNED LOL) (sometimes (very VERY rarely) it manages to get to the controls and it's a disaster) (i haven't seen inside out 2 yet, if there any important lore then i don't know it, but i know there are like new emotions, is there hate? can Alastor have it? that would be very fitting for him (DON'T TELL ME IF THERE HATE IN THE MOVIE i dont' wanna spoilers)) (all other emotions and mini alastor are fighting sadness and The Voice is just watching them with popcorn) (also sadness made all the memories with mom sad because yyyeeeaahh)
ALSO??? like. Alastor doesn't remember those 7 years, but they aren't forgotten compelitely, just blocked, how would THAT look?? A huge wall?
also, core memories. one with mom, for sure. one with his first kill (his dad cough cough). sOMETHING ABOUT RADIO! Yes! Question, can core memories form in afterlife? if so then Rosie must be in one.
i'm thinking too much about this silly crossover i never gonna draw lol
but feel free to use these headcanons btw, if anyone wants to draw anything let me know i'd love to look at it (and die probably)
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wilsons-journey · 2 days
Neeve Wynther
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Looks like someone never told us about his twin Sister.
Both were raised to serve and kill. Yet both deal very different with all the shit in their life - but in core, both are incredible stubborn, just in their very own way:
Valefor thrives on spite - "I was dragged to my worst place, and I won't give anyone the satisfaction of dragging me further down."
Neeve on the other hand thrives on optimism - "I've been at rock bottom, so things can only go up!"
(Special thanks to Rolan (BrightwingedBat) for putting it in these wonderful words)
More about her and Valefors relationship under the cut:
Despite connected in blood - they never really bonded. Until later in their life.
Neeve was ready to give her life to the idea only to live to serve and kill. She was good in that. Everyone praised her for her incredible skills, while Valefor struggled during their childhood.
She soon becomes a valuable asset to Israfils servants. She is happy to be a tool - that makes her useful and makes her seen. The urge to feel important to someone - no matter who - gets stronger after a seemingly stranger saved her life. The feeling she got out of this situation moved something in her view. At first she saw this as granted, because she is valuable. She is needed - nothing goes without her! Its later when she understands, it had nothing to do with her - that person just did, what he thought was right in that moment.
Some years later, when her brother once again entered the organisation, she learns how easily you can get replaced. She fails in a mission and Valefor was tasked to get rid of this mistake.
Valefor offered her to let her go - let her live. Even if they spend most of their life apart and barely knew each other, he hesitated to put his sister down. Neeve in her stubbornness refused this offer, thinking if I kill him fist, I prove my worth once again and can go back.
But she looses. Both siblings take some scars from this fight - Neeve more than Valefor (I decided some of his face scars are from her). The Scars in Neeves Face and the blind eye are the result of that fight. Also a scar on her head, covered by her hair, is from that day. Valefor knocked her out to spare her life.
This head injury sadly had some lasting effects. She experiences memory loss and nasty headaches from time to time, that also triggers bad memories/nightmares or even hallucinations. In best times the head injury just makes her zone out - completely forgetting everything around her.
From that day on she had to pull through some years of extreme memory loss. But this also helps her to develop to be her own person - not only a tool. The basic urge to matter to someone still remains.
At first she tries to force friendships. Later she tries to form friendships by favors like - I do this thing for you and you're my friend. But none of this ever feels real. Not like this vague memory she had of the moment this stranger saved her.
So her life becomes a journey to find a placeor someone that cares and sees her - the real her. During this time she works as mercenary and befriends a small merchant group. Her first real relationship, that might started on favors but developed with trust. From this group she received her new Name "Neeve". From that day she no longer goes by the name Valafar, that only gave her a bad feeling after the head incident.
Some years later, to a time when Valefor broke free from Israfil, she seeks him out, in hope to reconnect with him. She hopes their connection in blood matters - automatically giving them a meaningful connectiong.
This don't work out - not as fast as she had hoped for at least. Valefor initially refused to welcome her back in his life. He still sees the stubborn, competitive warrior in her, that only seeks to be better than everyone else. And in part it's still true. She wants to show everyone how awesome she is - how strong she is.
It's in another heated fight Valefor realized the true nature behind her behavior. But also the weight of his past action - he realitzed the permanent damage he had caused to her, when he tried to spare her.
This soften up the grumpy man,... and slowly accepting Neeve back in his life - accepting her as his sister. They still have to work through a lot - like Neeve still have to learn a lot about trust and empathy. But they will work through it - giving each other something back, they never able to experience - a family.
She will settle down near Valefor's and Kyings home and open a Forge, where she crafts excellent weapons and armor. And with the difference put aside, she and Valefor have the opportunity to become a powerful duo in combat. While Valefor is best in Meele, Neeve thrives in ranged combat - making these two very deadly to face.
So it's no surprise they soon or later train together, giving Kying some rest. Before that he had to help Valefor satisfy his urge to fight. Now the demon siblings can bash their heads, while also working on their relationship.
And funny lil sidenote: She will adapt Valefors passion for music. So you can see these two kick some beats together.
And I guess from that moment on, Neeve truly starts to be more herself. Doing things she enjoys without a second thought.
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Some short facts:
Neeve real name was Valafar
She is AroAce
She is a Guardian like Valefor, casting cold / blue flames
She is also part Demon
She has Chains around her arms , she uses these as an extension of her weapon. She attaches her blades to these, to turn them into ranged weapons (similar to a Kusarigama)
like her brother, she cares little for food
Her passion is blacksmithing. She values a good crafted blade and goes nuts over hit. Its the only thing she truly understands
She believes: If you try hard enough, things will work out - with that mindset she often tries to force things, like reconnecting with her brother
Thats also makes her a try hard (perfectionist) - she tries to optimizing the shit out of everything.
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h2llish · 1 day
for your event: gn!reader x idia
prompt: black calla lily + "i honestly don’t even know who you could possibly be referring to.”
sorry if it's a bit vague and let me know if i forgot anything. i like this event, though! remember to take breaks '^'
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✉ ─── 200 follower event ♡ idia shroud
prompt ─── black calla lily: reincarnation ─ to live again and again, to go through the motions of wanting and needing from the very beginning, it was exhausting. but it was easier when you had them in your life every new breath. it's unfortunate you're only the one who remembers the before. + "i honestly don't even know who you could possibly be referring to."
warnings ─ angst, romantic, pining, gender neutral, lowercase intended, open ending
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reincarnation has always been seen as nothing more than myth. the idea of living life after life was quite ridiculous. there are people who choose to believe, the idea of living again comforting in it's own way. but then there were those who truly thought it nothing more than a story told in books and legends. ─ and you'd agree with them, if you hadn't experienced a new breath every moment you took your last.
you no longer remember a number to put down for the centuries you've lived ─ for the many times you've been reborn to a new family. you have experiened death a thousand times and you'd experience it a thousand more. you have fought wars not in history books and witnessed the birth of people who would go on to change the lives of many. you have bled out on the roots of a thriving tree, and suffered from plagues that broke your skin. you have lived and you have died for so long that you no longer had much to experience. you have lived through it all, and you will live through it again.
you once thought it to be a blessing ─ to try again at another life and remember it all. but after so many lives, the excitement of it wore off, and you wondered if it was perhaps a curse. if you had angered the universe in one of your lives ─ perhaps your first ─ and it cursed you to have to live all over again, to remember things that often tore you apart from the inside.
many would think such an experience ─ to be born again and again ─ would be exhausting. and it was, the moment you could remember the memories from old lives in every new birth, you would find yourself with the same feeling ─ the feeling of anguish to have to live through it all again.
but although you often loathed to be born anew ─ to have to relieve moments in which you'd find yourself at the receiving end of hard feelings ─ you also had fond memories of your past lives. memories that filled you with warmth even after so many years. memories you always hoped, and intended, to relive again and again.
the universe worked in odd ways ─ and the universe did not leave you to suffer its gift (blessing or curse) alone.
you don't quite remember your first lives, you've lived too many after all, but you know you've never been alone. your dear lover has always been there, you have searched for him again and again, in every life. you have been drawn to him since the moment you took your first breath as every new person. you have loved him in every life, and in every in between.
but you've always thought the universe cursed you ─ despite gifting you the only person who has lived as many lives as you ─ it has forced you to live through the same heartbreak of knowing he will never remember you from the life before.
you don't know why it has only ever been you, you who is the only who remembers every life that has come before the one you live now. you have loved him since your first life, but every new life you can only seek him out, grasp at him and hope he falls in love with you again, as you always have been. ─ he always has, the universe was cruel you deemed, but it did not leave you to pine for your lover for too long. and you hoped it would only continue ─ to live a life where he was not beside you would be the last of your joy in continuing again.
and you can only wish again that the universe will not choose to be cruel come next life, as you grasp the hand of your aging lover, fingers intertwined and holding him close to you. ─ death did not bother you, you have died too many times, but you grieved the loss of your lover, as you have done come every end. you will find him again, you have promised that same promise every life, and you've no intention of breaking it. you will find him, again and again.
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"[name]?" you blinked, snapping your head to face the confused eyes of your peer, a clover near his eye and concern on his face.
"you were zoning out again." cater said, phone in his hand and looking at you with the same concern to match the clover beside him.
"sorry." you said, repitive, as you do it much too often ─ apologize for your thoughts running off from you, and taking you away from your present company.
trey smiled at you, that awkward smile he always seemed to have, "you're always zoning out. even in class."
"yeah," cater agreed, "makes you wonder how your grades are still so good."
if only they knew, that everything the college put in front of you, was everything you knew. you lived the history they taught you, and you've mastered the spells and potions they've introduced. you knew it all and more.
you forced a chuckle, "perhaps i'm just lucky."
your new person was fortunate to end up in night raven college, a prestigious maic academy, where you were now a freshman. ─ but lucky was not a word you'd use to describe yourself ─ you didn't much believe in luck, even if you had, it wouldn't be of much help. if luck truly had an effect, you must lack any for it to do anything, unlucky was most fitting.
and unlucky you were ─ after all, you found yourself pining for the reincarnation of your lover all over again. you knew where he was, you knew who he was, and yet, you found yourself unable to grow closer than a screen to look at and the sound of his voice. he was in a new body, but you knew it was him, you'd always know ─ but he did not.
the universe was cruel ─ but you still pleaded with it silently to help you reconnect with your lover all over again. it had been only a year since your new life has brought you to night raven college, since the pull of your soul has led you back to your lover who did not remember you. but you have only found yourself with so many glimpses of him, he was a closed off individual this life. you believe it to be what this reincarnation has done to him ─ you aren't sure what, but you can see it when you catch sight of him in the rare moments he leaves his room. he was withered and hurt, something has scarred him, and you can only wish to be there for him, to compensate for all the time that you were not before.
it was not easy, loving someone ─ it was a pain you had been through for far too many lifetimes. but you made a promise to always find him, and you intended to keep that promise for as many lifetimes as the universe puts you through.
─ even when it seemed as if he wanted nothing to do with you in your current lifetime.
"hi, [name]!"
you smiled at the boy who waited for you on the other side of the mirror to ignihyde's dorm, "hello, ortho." ─ the technomatic humanoid, ortho, you had come to know as idia's brother in his new life, had become a friend. he was quite different from idia ─ other than being made of technology ─ he was a lot more energetic and extroverted. he didn't hide away in his room and avoid people like your reincarnated lover.
"my brother is in his room! come with me!"
you had been paired with idia for a project nearing freshmen year, and you had come over to start and plan. ─ you did agree with idia the day before about it in class. (but you're not all that sure he was actively listening to anything you said.)
as ortho ledyou down ignihyde's halls and towards his brother's room, you followed ─ it had been many lifetimes, yet you always felt the same feelings of nerves that came with seeing your lover again.
"wait here!" ortho said, just before he called out to his brother through the door. "idia! [name] is here!"
you could just manage to hear his muffled response of, "who?" ─ and your chest tightened.
"[name]." ortho repeated, almost pouting now.
you should be used to it, after so many lives where he has forgotten, where you are the only one who remembers your past lives where you two would reunite and love again. but it is never easier to listen to him express his confusion about who you are. much like now ─
"i honestly don't even know who you could possibly be referring to."
─ you believe you could very well hear a crack in your never-dying soul, one of many after so many lifetimes of the same response.
you don't quite remember much of ortho's response, other than reminding idia that you were his partner on the end of freshman year project.
it always hurt more; despite so many times you've been through this. it always did, the pain of being forgotten by the only person who you had by your side every life, it was always worse every new beginning. and it was more unbearable the longer you stood at his door, listening to your lover express uninterest and confusion in who you are.
"they're waiting, idia! you agreed to work with them here!"
"ortho," you said, cutting him off before he could further try to push his brother into coming out of his room. you smiled at the robotic boy, "it's alright. i should've checked in beforehand. i don't wish to make him anymore uncomfortable. you have my number, don't you?" ─ a nod from ortho, and you continued, "give it to him and we can figure out another way to work on the project on his terms."
"are you sure?" ortho pouted; you have no doubt the boy could manage to convince idia to come out of his room, or at least send out his tablet, but you weren't sure you could handle that right now after experiencing the familiar feeling of rejection from him.
"of course." you nodded.
it was never easy to reunite with him every life ─ but you always had your promise you made to him many lives ago that kept you going.
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idia didn't contact you until the next morning, and you only seen it after breakfast. he told you to meet him in the library after classes, where you'll work on the project together ─ you knew it would just be the tablet he sent everywhere so he didn't have to go in person, but that did nothing to stop your heart from beating quickly. even after so many years of loving him, he still had that effect on you.
you were the first to the library once classes ended, sitting somewhere in a corner near the entrance with your head down as you pulled out the supplies you needed for the project. you eventually stood to wander the aisles of the library, looking for books you think might help the project ─ although it was mostly for idia, who did not remember the topic of the project like you did.
you expected to return to the table to find idia's tablet looking for you ─ only to be caught by surprise as that wasn't the case at all.
with books in your hands, you stopped before you could completely leave the cover of the towering shelves. your body felt heavy as you stared at the entrance of the library with wide eyes. ─ it was not his tablet that waited in the library's doorway, but rather the reincarnation of your lover himself. blue hair flickering and eyes glancing around with such obvious anxiety, you felt terrible for being the reason he stood in a public space where other students loitered about.
you swallowed thickly, pushing the books up in your grip and approached, fighting back whatever nerves you had that came with seeing your lover (or, at least, his reincarnation) so closely. as you approached, he seemed to finally notice you, tensing up in a way that made you frown.
"hello, idia." you greeted upon reaching him, and nodded your head politely. ─ because while he was your lover in many lives before, right now, he was only a reincarnation who did not know such a thing about himself. and you've no intention of ever telling him ─ there was no guarantee he would ever believe you even if you did find yourself holding him as you have done in your past lives, and neither would he remember such a conversation. ─ you'd learn your lesson long ago, there was no point.
"uh, yeah, um, hey." anxious as he was, you found yourself fighting back a fond smile; you'd hate to scare him off the first time you actually managed to exchange conversation with him.
you gestured down at the books in your arms, "i found topics i believe would help us with our project, follow me and we can get started." you turned away, and began toward the table you'd taken in a corner, only sending a glance back at him to make sure he followed you.
perhaps you were getting ahead of yourself, but you surely hoped this gave way to a start of another life where you could have him by your side. ─ but for now, you suppose you should get through this school project.
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"so this our tenth reincarnation?"
you hummed, running a hand through his hair that felt smooth against your fingers as you stared up at the stars from where you lay together against an old tree, "that's correct." he shifted in your grip, and you finally turned your attention towards him, meeting his eyes that held obvious confusion. you made an attempt not to get distracted and doze off into your thoughts as you stared at him ─ you had a habit of doing that.
"why can't i remember?"
you paused, "i don't know." you sighed, "it's been this way for all our past lives, including this one. i'd hoped telling you now might do something to help you remember me when we reincarnate again."
"and if it doesn't?" he asked again, and you found yourself at another pause.
if it didn't? well, you suppose you'd just have to keep loving him.
you smiled, "even if you don't remember, i promise i'll always find you."
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notes ─── first request done! hope you like it ferris, mwah mwah.
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do not repost, translate, copy or run my writing through an ai
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whoopsyeahokay · 3 days
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October Sun
summary: you hadn't talked about it. had believed you'd never have to. but then you'd been alone in a classroom with a madman and the walls had been closing in, no hope, no escape. and then it'd screamed, LET ME OUT.
pairing: Wally Clark x fem!reader
warnings: panic attacks. eventual smutty smut smut. and mad spoilers. and obvious Canon divergence. very involved, very dense plot.
this one may be difficult to follow as i use omniscient POV in some instances rather than third-person. i hope i managed to make the head-hopping clear 🫶
bon reading, frens
tick. tock.
tick. tock.
Question 1: Why did Frankenstein create the Monster?
Mr. Anderson sat behind his desk, marking that morning's pile of tests. Yours was underway, everyone's heads down, the room silent apart from the scratching of pens on paper and the occasional creak as someone shifted at their desk.
As soon as you'd received your copy, you'd read through the questions; simple enough. Determine metaphor and allegory, write about what's between the lines, not what's on the page.
This wasn't your first rodeo. You loved the practice of analyzing books, finding things the author probably hadn't meant to give deeper meaning to but had, for the sake of high school English. It was where you excelled, earned As and A-pluses, 10/10s, 99/100s.
Mrs. Boudreaux, your junior English teacher, had been the driving force behind your application to the English program at Berkeley. With her guidance, you'd applied in your final semester last year and already had the acceptance letter stashed where your mother wouldn't snoop.
You were really fucking good at English.
And yet...
tick. tock.
tick. tock.
Question 1: Why does Frankenstein create the Monster?
You couldn't focus. Your mind kept slipping, the edges of cordoned-off memories bleeding under the tape. What you'd almost said to Simon earlier—"I'm gonna end up going after him with a—" crowbar crowbar crowbar—your stomach churned. You'd bitten the threat on your tongue and swallowed it back down before it'd had the chance to spill into the world.
Why that? Why, of all things, that? You hadn't...you'd never use...you wouldn't DO that.
"Sissy May! You're not looking! You have to look!"
A quiet, sharp inhale. Like sucking air through a straw. It wasn't enough, but you didn't want the attention. You folded over your desk to lay sideways on your arm, putting your back to the class. Pen on paper, unmoving, blue dot growing as ink seeped through the pages.
Write. Do it. Write something. Anything.
But you couldn't. Half of you was pulled in one direction while time wrenched your other half in another, fracturing in impossible countermotion. Existing forward and backward at the same time.
tick. tock.
tick. tock.
Question 1: Why does Frankenstein create the Monster?
Your vision swam as memories wedged themselves between the seconds, left hand singeing where it was cradled in the crook of your neck and shoulder. The pain shot from the outermost knuckle up to your elbow and struck outward in Lichtenberg figures behind your ribs.
"—the Split River police are considering this a missing person investigation—he lures her to the boiler room—blood blood blood on the walls—and you chose that person to be there—you're stuck here?"
Dialogue ran into each other, warped, distorted, a record played in reverse. Mr. Hartman's speech on Monday, your conversation with Wally, Simon's despair, and private thoughts emulsified into an incoherent sludge that pulsed in your ears.
"—she's stuck she's stuck she's stuck—body could be anywhere—I know this is alarming news, but we have every hope she'll be found safely—aren't friends supposed to trust each other?"
tick. tock.
tick. tock.
Question 1: Why does Frankenstein create the Monster?
Hesitant, careful, you tried not to draw attention as you sat up. Your left hand felt wet and when you looked down you saw tiny pinpricks of blood beading within the crevice of your scar. The pinpricks swelled into each other, more and more, scar tissue splitting up the middle and folding back. Blood gurgled out around the bone and spilled onto your desk. Drip-dropped onto the floor. Dribbled across blank test sheets.
You snatched your hand into your lap—don't look, it's not real, don't look—and clenched your eyes shut, dragging in quick, rabbitty breaths as best you could without making any noise.
"—if you know anything, anything at all, please come forward—he's hiding Maddie in there—I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm sorry—no questions asked, remember?—get your stuff and let's go—I'm sorry I'm sorry—Sissy?"
Your eyes snapped open, immediately trained on the supply closet door. Ominous. Unbelonging. Dry, grey wood and rusted handle. You looked down at yourself, at your hand, open wound spewing a pool under your desk. Clothes and skin stained red. Hair in tacky strings that fell to your waist, much longer than it'd been when you woke up that morning.
Blood. So much. Blood.
tick. tock.
tick. tock.
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The rusted handle rattled furiously, wood expanding and contracting like the lungs of a nightmare. You were paralyzed in your seat, joints completely fused, unable to open your mouth and scream for help. Tears welled in your eyes, streaked down your face, as you watched the hinges loosen and the doorframe splinter around the strike plate.
"You can't keep me here! Do you hear me!? LET ME OUT!!"
Suddenly, there were hands on your face, a voice in the distance calling your name.
"Go get the nurse." Mr. Anderson instructed, spooked, standing from his desk and rushing down the aisle.
"With all due respect, sir," Xavier said over his shoulder, crouched beside you, hands staying firm on your jaw, "You do it. I'm staying with her."
He turned back to you, repeated your name, told you where you were, that you were okay, that he had you and wasn't going anywhere, shh shh it's okay, I'm right here. Until, finally, thank Christ, finally, your eyes refocused and you seemed to recognize Xavier.
"I need you to breathe for me, kiddo." He said in as soothing a tone as he could given his panic. He grabbed your left hand and put it over his heart, settled his open palm on your sternum, and inhaled deeply. "Come on, May, you can do this. You're okay."
The old nickname stung like a lash, defunct for a reason, but despite wanting to tell Xavier off, you couldn't speak. Your throat was too tight, tongue too large, fuck, you were going to die. Not there. Not in the school. Not where you'd never get out.
Not like this, you pleaded. And then, all at once, you were released, gasping and wailing, toppling out of your seat and onto the floor, into Xavier's arms. He tucked himself around you, protective, safe, and held you as you sobbed.
Outside, Wally almost doubled over, uneven contractions of pain in his chest, over and over, worse and worse. Disoriented, he held himself up on the side of the bus stop.
Rhonda was ranting at Charley about secrets, Maddie's secret—Simon could see them!—and Charley was frantically apologizing and Maddie was gone—where had she gone? It didn't matter—nothing mattered, he had to find you.
"Where are you going?!" Rhonda yelled after him as he took off toward the side door.
And all he could think of to explain his sudden departure was, "I just need some space right now!"
Right then, he didn't care if she believed him. If either of them believed him. If they followed him and found you and found him with you—he didn't fucking care.
He just had to get to you.
Mr. Anderson returned with the nurse, pale and uneasy. Xavier ignored them both as he helped you to your feet. The classroom had thankfully been on its way to empty when Xavier had noticed you'd been unresponsive. Sat stiff as a board at your desk clutching your left hand, the whites of your eyes visible as you'd stared into nothingness.
"I'm taking her home." He said, brooking no argument, holding you against him with an arm secured around your waist and you were almost out, almost away from the terror that had gripped you, but Nurse Laine had to shine a flashlight pen into your eyes first.
She asked questions that you answered with curt nods and shakes.
"Are her parents home?"
Xavier informed, "Her grandmother. I've already said I'm bringing her back." Between convulsions. Had reached into your bag to fish out your phone. Punched the code in easily and found Abigail's number in your contacts. Why the hell was it still 0-6-1-2? Why torture yourself?
It was then that Wally barreled through the closed classroom door. He looked every bit as shaken as you felt. In four long strides, he was at your side, observing Xavier with more scrutiny than he gave to the scene itself.
"I want to go home," You said, weak, wet, directed to everyone in the room, but especially to Wally. Because you couldn't talk directly to him, couldn't touch him; no matter how much you needed him to be who held you, you weren't so far gone not to recognize that that wasn't possible.
Mr. Anderson spoke as Xavier guided you to the door, "You can retake the test on Monday. It's no problem." And it was both a relief and a kick in the gut.
You couldn't look at him. At the man who had abducted Maddie, hurt her, abused her, forced her out of her body.
You wrenched forward and vomited into the garbage pail beside the door.
Mr. Anderson took a single step and you whimpered, curling into Xavier as if attempting to hide from the man. Xavier looked between you and Mr. Anderson, a dark expression of suspicion seeping into his features.
"Don't worry about it." Mr. Anderson said of the garbage pail like that's what you were scared about. Like that mattered at all. "I'll take care of it. Just get her home safely."
Xavier gritted out a thank you to Mr. Anderson on your behalf and practically carried you out of there, stopping only to peek into the hallway first to assess how to get you to the car without witnesses.
Minus a couple of students jogging to their next class a few minutes late, the hallway was empty.
Wally remained a stalwart presence at your other side, down the two flights of stairs and out the door into the parking lot.
Lead-rubber limbs caused missteps, scuffing the toes of your sneakers against the gravel. Xavier never let go, every stumble counterbalanced, patient as you found your footing again only to lose it moments later.
He bundled you into the passenger's seat—sideways against the back with your legs still outside the car—and crouched to tell you, "I'm going to grab my bike. I'll be right back, okay?"
After a hard press of his lips to your forehead, he was gone, and Wally took his place.
It felt too much like your sophomore year, Xavier swooping in to the rescue, leaving Wally in the dust. Only, this time, Wally knew you could hear him. More than that, Wally knew you'd answer when he asked:
"Baby, what happened?"
You shrugged, fragile, tired, and, "Panic attack," you said simply. "I think this whole thing with Maddie is getting to me."
Wally nodded as if he understood, but he didn't, though he so wished he did. What he'd felt, what the connection between you and he had delivered into him...if he'd been alive, the pain Wally had experienced would've killed him, he was certain of it.
Are you okay? He almost asked. Instead, he dropped to his knees and wound his arms around your waist, coaxing you forward until you tilted out of the seat and allowed Wally to take your weight. He leaned back and sunk onto his haunches so you were entirely seated in his lap, face under his chin, arms around his neck, fastened to him in a way he was beginning to prefer.
Eventually, "Something happened. Six years ago," you revealed, so quiet Wally nearly missed it.
He kissed a crown into your hairline, "You don't have to tell me, pretty girl, it's okay."
"I want to." You insisted, but Wally felt the tension in your back when you said it.
Plastering on his best smile, he craned his neck so he could see your face, practically melting as those big, marbled eyes blinked sweetly up at him. "Some other time, then, huh?" He suggested and was pleased when you agreed. A little nod and then you nuzzled yourself back into his throat with a sigh. Cute as a baby bird.
Xavier returned a few minutes later and set about preparing the car so he had enough space to deposit his bike in the trunk. Once finished, he climbed into the driver's seat and tapped you lightly on the shoulder.
"Ready to go?"
Contrary to last night, when you'd slammed back into your body at speed, you seemed to simply rouse as if from sleep. A far gentler experience that you hoped was the new norm.
"Get some rest, baby," Wally said and stood, dusting off the knees of his sweatpants. "I'll see you tomorrow, right?"
You answered with a smile since Xavier was watching you; refusing to start the car until you'd positioned yourself properly with your seatbelt buckled and the car door closed.
As Xavier drove out of the parking lot, the warmth of the connection between you and Wally fell away like a cloak slipping from your shoulders.
Xavier didn't hesitate to reach over the console and take your hand as if he could sense you needed the comfort. He squeezed and promised, "No questions asked."
You kept your head turned toward the window, heavy on the headrest, and squeezed back.
note: this chapter was written to Amber Run's I Found (TXME Remix). i have a whole soundtrack for this series that i'd like to present once October Sun is complete, but i couldn't keep this one to myself. it's so intense and perfectly captures the fracturing of Reader's mind as she sits in that classroom with her friend's possible abuser.
if you'd like to be kept up to date, please FOLLOW ME and TURN ON NOTIFICATIONS, since the taglist has malfunctioned 🙈 i'm still adding ppl to it, but i can't guarantee that i'll ever use it since attempting to fix the problem is starting to destroy my sanity 💀
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"Forget I asked"
@summer-of-bad-batch week 3 alt prompt
Fandom: The Bad Batch Characters: Crosshair, Hunter Set after the finale when everyone is living happily (?) on Pabu. Technically Part 1 of the Beach Days & Hair Braiding series. Word Count: ~1875 Read Here on AO3
Synopsis: Crosshair tells Hunter he wants to join the Resistance
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“Your regrets will go wherever you are, Cross. You have to find a way to live with them.”
“I am. The Empire is still out there, Hunter. If I can help keep them at bay… If I can keep them away from you and Omega, that I can live with.”
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Crosshair stared at the bed, the covers and sheets stripped, the end of the mattress adorned with the small collection of his belongings.
It wasn’t much. But then, clones had never had much in the way of personal possessions. Most of their ‘belongings’ were military issue gear, able to be recalled and replaced with the supply whims of the GAR.
What was there now was his. Really his. Clothes that had been gifted to him by the people of Pabu, even if he had balked at the charity. A pebble with dark veins spidering across it which Wrecker had found on the beach and brought back because ‘it has the same tattoo as you’. A beat-up datapad which Phee had sourced for him, and to which he had downloaded all the data from the recorder on Tech’s goggles – not that he had accessed the files since.
He was wearing the bracelets Omega had woven for him, dyed leather and coloured thread standing out against a grey-white fabric wrap bound round his left wrist.
That had been Mayday’s.
It felt like stealing to take the strip of bandaging from Mayday’s empty helmet when they had returned to the outpost on Barton IV, and he had kept it hidden for many months whilst guilt gnawed at him. When he had been ready he had taken it out and simply run it though his hands, remembering.
Recently the pain of those memories had instead faded to a bittersweet ache, and he had added the length of fabric to the bracelet stack Omega had made. When the rip-tide of his regrets threatened to drag him under, he pinched his thumb and forefinger to the material and rubbed softly, grounding himself with the rasp of the rough fabric.
His fingers left a grubby mark, but he didn't wash it. That would mean taking it off, and he couldn’t bring himself to do that.
He found himself worrying the knot of fabric now, right hand trembling slightly as he forced his breathing into the calm cadence Omega had taught him and gathered his thoughts for this next step.
Omega knew he was leaving. She’d worked it out – she was smart like that. She’d spotted the tell-tale signs of his inability to settle to life on Pabu, and had confronted him about it in that special oblique way she had that spared him any feelings of judgement.
“So when are you leaving?”
“When are you leaving?” She kept her head down, gaze focused on tying yet another colourful string bracelet round his wrist. “That’s what you’re planning on, isn’t it.”
It wasn’t a question. She knew he was already decided.
He flexed his right hand, then crossed it to his left to adjust the new bracelet. He pinched Omega’s hand affectionately, touch lingering on the soft web of flesh between her thumb and finger.
“Don’t tell the others,” he said, voice low, not meeting her eyes. “I don’t know how they’ll take it.”
“They’ll be happy for you,” Omega said, but he could hear the sadness in her voice. “If this is really what you want.”
He shuddered an inhale. “We’ll see.”
It hadn’t stopped him feeling like he’d failed somehow. Pabu was a paradise, and he should have been happy. Instead he was anxious, restless, unable to adjust to the slow pace of life. It only made it harder to see how enthusiastically his brothers threw themselves into the island community, ready to put down roots for the rest of their lives whilst he was still tumbling like a wind-blown briar.
Wrecker had understood. His broad, honest face was a map of his emotions, and he had been unable to hide his disappointment – but he had understood all the same.
“Gonna miss you,” was the first thing he had said after the lapse of quiet when Crosshair first told him. Then, “But you can always come back, right? If you change your mind.”
Crosshair nodded noncommittally. He was fairly certain he wasn’t going to change his mind, but if it made Wrecker feel better, he could let him have that.
“Echo and I will still be in touch,” he reassured his brother. “It’ll be… better than last time.”
Better than last time they were separated. He didn’t need to say it.
Wrecker picked him up in a huge bear-hug, and for once he didn’t complain too hard.
“Promise me you’ll stay safe out there, vod.”
“Sure, Wrecker. I promise.”
That left Hunter.
And he had no idea how he would react. So he had put it telling him, and put it off and put it off, and now Echo was arriving to collect him today and this was his last chance to corner Hunter, alone, to break the news of his departure mere hours before he went.
An irregular patter vibrated against his thigh and he clenched his right hand to stop it trembling, hissing in a displeased inhale. Time to get this over with.
“Hunter.” He raised his voice so that the rasping edge of his call would reach through the small house. “Could you help me pack?”
He returned his attention to the pile of items at the end of the bed, and waited.
It wasn’t long before Hunter wandered into his room, sipping caf from a chipped mug. “Sure,” he said by way of greeting, taking in the neatly piled items. “Looks like you’re nearly done already. Where you going? Camping trip to the far side of the island again?”
Hunter knew Crosshair would retreat to solitary trips for a day or two at a time, when the pressure of socialising with the island populace got too much. Crosshair kept his gaze carefully on the mug in Hunter’s hand, so he didn’t have to meet his eyes.
“Bit further than that,” he confessed, voice dropping to a near-whisper. His volume didn’t really matter – he could scream it for all the difference it made, Hunter’s enhanced senses meant he would hear either way.
“Off to explore the atolls?”
He jumped at the soft brush of Hunter’s hand against his elbow and turned to him, guilt twisting his gut as his brother squeezed his upper arm with a supportive smile.
“You don’t have to tell me if you don’t want to,” Hunter said, his gruff voice low and reassuring. “I’ll see you when you get back in a few days. What do you need help packing?”
Crosshair raised his arm to clasp Hunter’s in return, taking a half-step closer and tilting his head to rest their foreheads together. He closed his eyes against the confused look on Hunter’s face, lips pressed thin in a grimace.
There was no way Hunter wouldn’t feel the trembling of his right hand where it held his elbow.
“Can you get my armour for me?”
Hunter didn’t pull away, but Crosshair felt the tense of his muscles under his fingertips.
“What do you need your armour for, Cross?” said Hunter slowly, his tone measured. There was a creeping note of dread in his words.
Crosshair tightened his grip imperceptibly, willing his brother to understand.
“I’m going with Echo.”
For a long moment they simply stood, foreheads pressed together, tense and unmoving. Hunter’s breath shuddered unevenly into the space between them.
“Not you’re not,” he whispered eventually, voice low and forceful. “You can’t.”
Reluctantly Crosshair pulled back, straightening to eke out his height advantage as he dropped their arms.
“I can,” he refuted, keeping his face carefully neutral, “and I am.” Then he softened his gaze, looking pleadingly at Hunter. “Help me pack?”
Hunter’s expression fractured, shock and grief breaking through his usual reserved mask.
“When are you going?”
Crosshair swallowed and dropped his gaze to the floor.
With a wounded exhale Hunter sat down sharply, the edge of the bed sagging under his sudden drop.
Crosshair shifted restlessly, not meeting his gaze. "I... I have to keep moving,” he ventured, struggling to voice the explanation into the tense space between them. “I've tried staying still. If I do, everything will catch up to me..."
He trailed off, and neither of them needed him to finish the unspoken sentence. They both knew about his nightmares. Maker knew Hunter had held him through enough of them.
“It’s better this way.”
“Better for who?” Hunter surged to his feet, pressing into Crosshair’s space once more. “You’re just going to… to leave? Without telling us, without telling Wrecker and Omega so we have the chance to…”
His words dropped away as he saw the guilt in Crosshair’s expression, and he shuddered in a deep breath.
“You already told them.”
“I’m the last one to know.”
Hunter shoved him, hard, anger flashing in his eyes.
“And you thought you’d tell me… by asking me to help you pack?”
Crosshair grit his teeth and pushed Hunter away, turning to scoop up the single armful of belongings from the end of the bed, everything he owned in the world.
“Forget I asked,” he said bitterly. “I thought you’d be happy for me. I’m moving forwards.”
“You’re running away.”
“So what if I am?” Crosshair raised his voice in frustration, volume increasing as their argument escalated. “It’s better than staying here, waiting for it to consume me!”
“Your regrets will go wherever you are, Cross,” said Hunter, but he kept his voice low, and Crosshair felt a lick of frustration that Hunter wasn’t matching his anger any more. “You have to find a way to live with them.”
“I am. By helping Echo. The Empire is still out there, Hunter. If I can help keep them at bay…”
His voice wavered with uncertainty, and he forced his gaze up to meet Hunter’s eyes at last.
“If I can keep them away from you and Omega, that I can live with.”
Hunter’s arms folded defensively across his chest, and he tried and failed to wrestle his expression back to neutral. It was like now his mask had slipped, he couldn’t shove down the heartbreak that leached through.
Crosshair mirrored his position, the bundle of clothes and his datapad clutched to his chest.
A chasm of space yawned between them, a mere few feet wide, impossible to cross.
"I want you to stay.”
Hunter's voice ached with so much more than he was saying.
"I want you to stay,” he repeated, and now he gave a shaky, resigned sigh. “But I'm not going to stop you leaving if that's what you want to do."
Crosshair released the breath he hadn’t realised he was holding, the sound punching out of him in a relieved gasp.
“Yeah. It is,” he said softly, willing Hunter to believe him.
Hunter nodded slowly, eyes dropping to the floor.
He stepped forwards, and Crosshair flinched, but Hunter’s hand came gently to the back of his neck as he pulled their foreheads together once more.
“I’ll miss you, Cross. You can always come back, whenever. No questions asked.”
Crosshair squeezed his eyes closed, unable to answer beyond a nod. He leaned into the gentle pressure of their embrace, arms still wrapped tightly round his meagre belongings.
Hunter’s sigh gusted against his skin, warm and sorrowful.
“I’ll get your armour.”
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Aand another prompt ticked off from my @sweetspicybingo card! Hot Drink to Bad News
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nellasbookplanet · 2 days
Book recs: Queer horror, part 1
We all like a good horror story, right? You know what's even better? A queer horror story!
A note: queer here does not necessarily mean “guarantee of an f/f or m/m ship with a happy ending”, but rather simply a significant presence of queerness. Some of the books feature no romance but has a same gender attracted/trans/ace spectrum lead, or features an m/f relationship with bisexual, trans or aro/ace characters, or simply features a world-building which is heavily queer inclusive in ways that don’t always compare to our own ideas of sexuality and gender. I have however disqualified works where the only queer presence is along the lines of “gay best friend” or a blink and you’ll miss it confirmation that never comes up again.
For more details on the books, continue under the readmore. Titles marked with * are my personal favorites. And as always, feel free to share your own recs in the notes!
If you want more book recs, check out my masterpost of rec lists!
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Camp Damascus by Chuck Tingle*
Rose, like her parents, believes strongly that homosexuality is a sin, and holds great pride that her home town hosts Camp Damascus, a successful conversion camp for young teens. But Rose is also experiencing strange and terrifying things: memories of a beautiful girl, a demonic figure that shows up if her thoughts stray, flies crawling out her mouth. Something has happened in Rose's past that her parents won't speak of and that she herself can't remember, and Camp Damascus is at the center of it all. Sapphic, autistic main character, as well as a really cool take on demonic lore that is both inspired by and a subversion of christianity.
House of Hollow by Krystal Sutherland*
Young adult. Something happened to Iris Hollow and her two older sisters when they were little; after having gone missing, they were all returned with no memory of what happened and identical scars on their throats. Years have passed since then, and though seen as strange the girls still lead mostly normal lives - that is, until the oldest, Grey, goes missing, leaving strange clues in her path. As Iris searches for her, a strange man with horns starts stalking her and memories start to rise to the forefront in her mind. To save Grey, Iris will have to find out the truth of what happened all those years ago. Features wonderfully morally grey characters. Bisexual lead, but little to no romance.
Winter Tide (The Innsmouth Legacy) by Ruthanna Emrys*
Aphra and her brother are the only survivors after the government raided their home, Innsmouth. Their only living family are the amphibian people of the deep, whom they will one day join, but until then they are bound to land where they struggle to build new lives for themselves after the great loss of their home and loved ones. Then rumors start to spread of a russian agent seeking dangerous and ancient magic, forcing Aphra to involve herself as they try to stop it. Does contain horror elements but is generally a much more optimistic look on cosmic horror than most lovecraftian stories, told from the perspective of one of his monsters. Lots of focus on found family and rebuilding of community. Asexual main character (however I don’t think that becomes in-text confirmed until the sequel) and multiple queer characters in the supporting cast.
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Rules for Vanishing by Kate Alice Marshall
Young adult. One year ago, Sara's sister went missing. Since then, Sara has drifted away from her friends, but when she receives a mysterious text inviting her to "play the game" - the same game that supposedly stole her sister away - Sara and her estranged friends all come back together to find her. Together they set off on a path that legend says appears only once a year, leading them toward the ghost Lucy Gallows and, hopefully, Sara's sister. Bisexual main character, told in a faux documentary style.
Sorrowland by Rivers Solomon
A young pregnant woman flees a cult that left her body strange and changing in terrifying ways. Hiding from both a world wanting to oppress her and the cult seeking to force her back, she does her best to raise her children while trying to find out the truth of the cult and being pursued by a hunter in a dangerous game of cat and mouse. Bleak and scary, Sorrowland is a book that will creep under your skin with horrors both fantastical and very, very real.
Otherside Picnic (Otherside Picninc lightnovel series) by Iori Miyazawa
Sapphic light novel with a surreal and episodic horror vibe. Following the directions of an urban legend, university student Sorawo finds her way to a reality populated by horrifying creatures from ghost stories and modern urban legends (of which I’m sure you’ll recognize many). Here she teams up with fellow explorer Toriko, both to find out more about this strange world and to help Toriko find a missing loved one. Also available as a manga and (one season of) an anime. Sapphic.
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Our Wives Under the Sea by Julia Amrfield
Miri thought she lost her wife Leah when her deep-sea mission ended in a catastrophe. But Leah was miraculously returned to her - or so it seems. Because something happened down there, deep in the ocean, and whatever it was, Leah has brought it back with her. Surreal and strange, Our Wives Under the Sea will not answer all your questions, but it will give you a unique experience.
What Moves the Dead by T. Kingfisher
Novella. Alex Easton, retired soldier, travels to visit their childhood friends, siblings Madeline and Roderick Usher, after finding out that Madeline is dying. In the siblings’ rural, ancestral home, Madeline walks in her sleep and looks to be fading away, while around it wildlife seems to be possessed by a strange force. With the help of a mycologist and an American doctor, Alex attempts to save Madeline and reveal the truth of her illness. Nonbinary main character.
Alien: Echo by Mira Grant
Young adult. Twin sisters Olivia and Viola’s parents are both xenobiologists, bringing them all over the galaxy. Most recently they’ve settled on a new colony world to study its wildlife, but it proves more dangerous than they could’ve ever imagined. Under attack from alien monsters, the sisters must keep each other alive while also coming to terms with a dark family secret. Sapphic horror. Part of the Alien franchise but stands well on its own.
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Into the Drowning Deep by Mira Grant*
A research vessel heads towards the Mariana Trench in search of answers of what happened to a ship which mysteriously lost all its crew some time earlier. In the deep dark, something intelligent and hungry awaits them. Very much mermaids of the horror variety. Sequel to a novella, can be read as a standalone. Also contains a sapphic romance, however that is a pretty small part of the plot as a whole.
Alice Isn't Dead by Joseph Fink
Based on the podcast by the same name. Keisha Taylor thought she had lost her wife. She even held a funeral and attempted to move on with her life. But then Alice started to appear, all over America, in the background of every single major tragedy in the country. To find her missing wife, Keisha gets a job as a trucker and sets out on a roadtrip, not knowing what horrors awaits her.
Wilder Girls by Rory Power
Young adult. Over a year ago, the Raxter School for Girls was hit by the Tox, a strange disease that killed off many and left the survivors’ bodies slowly changing in terrifying ways. The island the school is on has been in quarantine since then, and the girls dare not leave the school grounds lest they become victims of wild animals changed by the Tox. But as they wait for the promised cure, one of the girls goes missing, and her friends are willing to do anything to find her. Unsettling, spooky, and sapphic, this is a unique read featuring body horror and messy, dangerous girls.
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Meddling Kids by Edgar Cantero
Once, Andy, Kerri, Nate, Peter and their faithful dog were known as the Blyton Summer Detective Club, until they hit their fateful final case in 1977. Now, the year is 1990, and the group hasn't gathered in years. Tomboy Andy is wanted in at least two states; Kerri, former kid genius, is tending bar; and horror nerd Nate is in a mental institution in Arkham. At least he still has the company of jock-turned-movie star Peter - except Peter has been dead for years. Now they must all come together to find out the truth of what happened all those years ago. Lovecraftian horror with a sometimes absurdist vibe and adult scooby do inspiration. Sapphic romance.
Contagion by Erin Bowman*
Young adult. After receiving an SOS, a small crew is sent on a standard search-and-rescue mission. But what they find are not survivors awaiting help, but an abandoned site, full of dead bodies and crawling with something… monstrous. No romance, but features one sapphic co-lead and one who can easily be read as demisexual (however this doesn’t show up until book two, which has more romance).
Sawkill Girls by Claire Legrand*
Young adult. The isolated island of Sawkill Rock has secrets. It hosts the legend of a local monster, and the very stark reality of decades of girls going missing, never to be found again. Now, three girls stand at the center of the horrific mystery - if only they can come together, perhaps they can save future generations of girls from a monster that may very well be real. Asexual and sapphic main characters, including a sapphic romance.
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Salvation Day by Kali Wallace
A decade ago, the massive ship House of Wisdom was abandoned in orbit after its entire crew was killed in an outbreak in a matter of hours. Now, Zahra and her family of outcasts hope to claim the ship as their own by kidnapping the sole survivor to gain access. But the danger of the House of Wisdom is far from gone. Horror, no major romance but one of the main characters is gay.
The Luminous Dead by Caitlin Starling*
Possibly one of the most unstintingly claustrophobic books I’ve ever read, and definitely the most claustrophobic. Gyre, a caver on an alien planet, ventures into the dark and dangerous underground, guided only by a woman who has no compunctions on using and manipulating Gyre as she sees fit to obtain her secretive goals down in the caves. Sapphic in the most messy of ways.
Gideon the Ninth (The Locked Tomb series) by Tamsyn Muir*
Gideon, raised as a swordswoman by unfriendly nuns, would rather run away and make her own life, but her services are needed. The Reverend Daughter, Gideon’s childhood nemesis, has been invited to a trial to win a place as an immortal by the Emperor’s side, and she’s in need of a bodyguard. Listen, if you’re on tumblr I probably don’t need to explain this book to you. Trust me when I say it’s exactly as good as people claim. Humorous and spooky but also absolutely gut wrenching and clever with a lot of political commentary. There are also, indeed, lesbian necromancers in space.
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Family Business by Jonathan Sims
By the author behind the Magnus Archives. When Diya's childhood best friend and roommate unexpectedly passes away, Diya falls apart and, among other things, loses her job. When she's offered a position at Slough & Sons to clean up after the deceased, she sees no other recourse but to accept. Her new job is grisly but important, and Diya starts to get back on her feet - until strange visions of a terrifying man and the dead's last moments start to haunt her. Slough & Sons are hiding something, and it's up to Diya to find out the truth. No romance, bisexual main character and trans woman side character.
Sodom Road Exit by Amber Dawn
Starla didn't want to return to her childhood home of Crystal Beach, Canada, but growing debt has forced her to move back in with her mother, despite the trauma hidden in her old home. But Starla is haunted by more than trauma; she is, in fact, literally haunted, by a ghost that may understand her, but may also consume her. Not overly scary, but handles dark subjects such as childhood sexual assault. Lesbian main character and romance.
House of Hunger by Alexis Henderson*
In a world where the rich drink blood to preserve their health, Marion applies to a position as bloodmaid in a notorious noble house far from home. Suddenly showered with luxuries and debauchery, Marion soon gains the interest and favor of Lisavet, countess of the house. A fresh take on the idea of vampires and deliciously dark sapphic romance inspired by the horrific real-life Elisabet Báthory.
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A Dowry of Blood by S.T. Gibson
Dracula inspired novella, following Constanta, who’s turned from a medieval peasant to an undead bride. As time passes the relationship between Dracula and Constanta grows all the more strained and potentially dangerous. Teaming up with his two other consorts, she seeks to unravel her husband’s secrets. Sapphic and polyamorous.
Dread Nation (Dread Nation duology) by Justina Ireland
Young adult, alternate history. In this world, the war between the American states is interrupted when the dead start walking the earth and hunting the living. Jane McKeene has been trained at Miss Preston’s School of Combat to become an attendant, skilled in combat as well as etiquette to protect the wealthy. But Jane wants a different life, and in her search for it stumbles headfirst into a conspiracy. Bisexual main character, aroace side character (who becomes a POV character in the sequel).
Manhunt by Gretchen Felker-Martin
In a future where those with high testosterone are afflicted by zombie-like disease, bloodthirsty men have become the enemy. Trans women Beth and Fran and trans man Robbie do their best to survive in this brutal world, where TERF movements seek to exterminate them and monstrous men hunt in the wilds. VERY gruesome and bleak, but also very timely in the present political climate.
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Leech by Hiron Ennes*
Unbeknownst to humanity, a sentient hive mind has taken over the entire medical profession to ensure the health of their host species. One of their doctors is sent off to an isolated location where they’re cut off from the rest of the hive mind, only to realize they’re faced with a rivaling parasitic entity. Leech hands you only just enough information to get by, and whether its historical fantasy, an alternate timeline, or futuristic post apocalypse is hard to determine. It’s spooky and a bit weird and wildly creative, and does some neat things with gender.
The Outside by Ada Hoffman*
AKA the book the put me in an existential crisis. Souls are real, and they are used to feed AI gods in this lovecraftian inspired sci-fi where reality is warped and artificial gods stand against real, unfathomable ones. Autistic scientist Yasira is accused of heresy and, to save her eternal soul, is recruited by cybernetic ‘angels’ to help hunt down her own former mentor, who is threatening to tear reality itself apart. Sapphic main character.
The Gilded Abyss by Rebecca Thorne
Nix Marr is a soldier and damned good at it, but that doesn’t prepare her for her next mission: bodyguard for Subarch Kessandra, beloved royal and Nix’s bitter ex. The two venture toward the underwater city of Fall to seek the cause of a bloody murder spree and a possible deadly contagion. But Kessandra has enemies, the answers she seeks marking her as a possible threat for the nation’s rulers. On their way in an isolated and enclosed underwater ship toward Fall, the contagion catches up, and Nix will have to put her hurt feelings aside if the two are to arrive alive. Sci-fi with flavors of horror and the supernatural and a sapphic romance.
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reimeichan · 3 days
I see myself as a person with multiple identities. One person, many identities. Many versions of me, that are all still me. It's kind of hard to describe this and make it sound in any way different from how this new concept of "versions of me" is different from how I used to conceptualize having various "versions of me", but I'm do my best to see if I can verbalize it.
It's like... in the past, these versions of me were disconnected. There is the Green version of me- and that's separate and different from the Purple version of me, which is also separate from the Gray and the Yellow and the Crimson versions of me. There's some overlap sometimes, but in the end they're still pretty distinct versions of me.
But now, it feels more like each of these versions of me *are* me. Maybe in this moment I'm more Cyan-coded and feel most similar to when the Cyan version of me was fronting- but I still have access to the thoughts and feelings and memories of all the other me's inside of me. Just, in this moment, the "me" that I am is Cyan. Not even that "Cyan is the most prominent part of the identity right now", though that's part of it. I mean that Cyan is me and I am Cyan.
It's more like... pre-full integration, we'd use a different name for the system as a whole in different spaces. Right here on this blog I use Reimei or Rei. But irl I have another name I use. In spaces I'm not open about being a system or otherwise try to keep separate from my system-related accounts, I use yet another name. But all of these names, these identities, still describe all of me. In that same way, now I feel like these identities I had ascribed to specific alters are all now very similar to or even the same as those overarching identities I have. I am Ginger, and I am Rouge, and Azure, and everyone else who is in this system. It's no longer that these are specific parts of me- I just, am all of them.
Though, that isn't to say that I can't point out the specific aspects of myself that most align with these parts of me. It can still be fun and even useful to tease out which part of me is "most front and center" or which part of me is feeling a certain way or etc. I can still recognize which part of me is which. But also, at the same time, I'm also all of these parts at the same time. It's kind of trippy and a bit of a mindfuck to wrap around tbh.
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ironunderstands · 20 hours
I’m back, I just recently finished the 2.3 storyline and let me tell you, I fell in love with Jade’s character. She may not have been in the spotlight but she definitely is a highlight.
A like how self aware she is with saying that both her and oti are greedy merchants who want to be in control of the deal. She also seems to atleast have some fondness for Topaz and Aventurine calling them by either their real name (Jelena) or child, she seems to act as a big sister towards the two, which is reasonable enough since she is a senior and those two are probably one of the new members of the stonehearts. But lets be real Jade is like a double edge sword, she is sweet to those two but she is also patronizing in a way, seeing them as little kids and intentionally belittling them to some degree.
I like how while Topaz is totally a Jade fangirl she is aware that Jade is dangerous and should be handled carefully warning her team not to mess around with and warns Trailblazer about a certain stoneheart (probably Jade’s) and how she can see their deepest desires and to be careful. I did like that Jade saw Topaz actions in Jarilo as strategic with currying favor from the Astral Express which was totally not the case, its Topaz empathy towards Bronya, it shows that Jade sees everything as a give and take situation and has a “jaded” mindset. I do wonder what Jade wanted to help Topaz in going back to her previous position.
Now for the bonjade exchange, at first I thought it would be like a scam where Jade would trick her customers into signing contracts that would only benefit her but it seems it a bit more complex than that. She seems to take the phrase “equivalent exchange” to the extreme with her giving the customers what they want if they’re willing to pay the price. Since if you look at the example, sure Jade benefited from the wealth of the pepeshi but what about the other two? She doesn’t benefit from destroying the gambler’s relationship but she does the deal anyway and gives the gambler goodluck anyway, she doesn’t benefit from the intelleron’s memories so why did she make the deal? Simple she said it herself she wants to see the greed in people, their longing for something more despite the fact that they already got what they wanted. She’s built on the philosophy that people aren’t content with their lives and will seek for more, sure she grants your wish but then what? You want more which brings you back to her. You can’t say she’s completely evil, you know what you’re getting yourself into, she makes it clear that you are pawing something of value.
One more thing to add is how she says that the stellaron hunters ans the ipc are similar which makes me wonder, are the ten stonehearts closed to each other or are they simply using one another? Because from what I see Aventurine and Topaz while initially disliking each other, do care for the other and Jade seems to somewhat care for them and is willing to go with their plan, it seems these three are the “ip3” with Ratio being aventurine boyfriend who tags along for the ride.
I actually really appreciate your perspective on Jade, sorry for taking a while to respond to this.
What I like about her is that despite how manipulative she can be, she doesn’t really hide the darker aspects of her, nor the lighter ones either. The true danger lies in whether the parts of herself she’s showing you are real or not, the sweet philanthropist, the knowledgeable senior (in the sense of position) or the cruel businesswoman?
Jade is all of these, and how she uses people to her advantage is by making it unclear which side of herself she’s presenting to who and when.
Topaz knows how bad of a person Jade can be, but what allows Jade to have Topaz’s trust in her is by making Topaz feel as if she is an exception, as if Jade will never show her crueler side to her.
And that’s what makes their relationship so interesting to me, as Topaz truly could be Jade’s exception, or she could simply be just another investment, one which Jade is at the very least appearing to be fond of.
Only time will tell and personally I can’t wait for it to play out.
As for what constitutes as the IP3, it will always be Topaz, Aventurine and Ratio for me, as they were there first and their gameplay synergies much better with one another (also I am an Aventiopaz lover through and through)
Ultimately it’s up to a matter of taste, but personally I can’t wait to see more of Jade.
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severus-snaps · 1 day
Snape's Memories
back again with some Thoughts. so i was either on reddit or quora (shudder at some of the responses there, but some are fun) and this is probably old news but
"Snape's Worst Memory" probably isn't/has potential not to be his actual worst memory
like he lost lily's friendship (but that happened 'officially' later in the day), got roundly humiliated and (depending on how far james went), a lot more than just humiliated, which was probably terrible - but then later on, Lily died, and he had a hand in it - we even see the conversation where he finds out, which I think is a stronger contender, and i expect he witnessed/participated in a lot of terrible things whilst a DE, but especially as a double agent
but it's not called that by snape himself or the characters, it's just the chapter title, unless i'm mistaken. like "the sacking of severus snape", he wasn't actually 'sacked' in the literal sense
and "snape's worst memory" (as one of the comments i read said, and really amused me) sounds a lot better than "snape's third or fourth worst memory"
also new tangent, the occlumency lessons and harry diving into the Pensieve was such a golden opportunity to shed some more light on what his time as a DE was like, even a glimpse
a hook-nosed man was shouting at a cowering woman, while a small dark-haired boy cried in a corner... A greasy-haired teenager sat alone in a dark bedroom, pointing his wand at the ceiling, shooting down flies… A girl was laughing as a scrawny boy tried to mount a bucking broomstick
these memories are not in snape's life order, presumably; snape is a small boy (child), a "teenager", and then when he "tried to mount a bucking broomstick" likely would be in his first year (age 11), when Harry & Co. had their first flying lessons, as they're described as "girl" and "boy" again, not much older than children, and not teenagers
i present as options for nothing other than my own amusement:
a hook-nosed man was shouting at a cowering woman, while a small dark-haired boy cried in a corner... A greasy-haired teenager sat alone in a dark bedroom, pointing his wand at the ceiling, shooting down flies… a masked Death Eater slashed his wand, the man at his feet collapsing in a pool of blood... A girl was laughing as a scrawny boy tried to mount a bucking broomstick
a hook-nosed man was shouting at a cowering woman, while a small dark-haired boy cried in a corner... A greasy-haired teenager sat alone in a dark bedroom, pointing his wand at the ceiling, shooting down flies… Voldemort's cold laughter echoed, Snape twisted in agony at his feet... A girl was laughing as a scrawny boy tried to mount a bucking broomstick
like these are off the top of my head, but Harry and Snape also talk about Snape being a Death Eater, Snape seems proud of his useful role, bragging about it to Sirius whenever he can and to Harry in that particular conversation... and then we mostly just get the Charity Burbage scene and the scene with Bellatrix (which isn't even the usual DE setting, whatever that is, and if 'usual' is a word that can even be applied), and Snape accidentally cutting off George's ear.
So, here would've been a fun little opportunity to delve into either some early DE snape, and my personal preferences include
getting the Dark Mark, with some light context clues for when this occurred
alluding to when he handed over the prophecy, or when Voldemort decided it was Lily - but without mentioning as much
snape actively joining in on some terrible rite/group torture, or
snape passively standing at the edges of some terrible rite/group torture
(my personal favourite) Snape watching as his dad dies - was it "natural"/self-inflicted (e.g. he was ill, or from drinking too much) or poison (snape's doing)
(my other personal favourite) "Muggle torture" like at the World Cup, only somehow dated to when Snape was a young DE Some background to this one to make my case: parallels are drawn between the Muggle torture by DEs at the World Cup and the Levicorpus spell and SWM - Draco threatens Hermione with the same ("D’you want to be showing off your knickers in midair? Because if you do, hang around… they’re moving this way, and it would give us all a laugh.") and then Ron/Harry describes the spell as "just a laugh", etc, and we see SWM ("this'll liven you up, Padfoot" / "Many people in the small crowd cheered; Sirius, James and Wormtail roared with laughter" / "'Who wants to see me take off Snivelly's pants?'")
So, Muggle torture; do we see Snape as an active participant, revelling in being the aggressor for a change, drunk on power and a sense of 'fitting in' - or as an already doubtful, unenthusiastic but in-too-deep Death Eater, not naturally inclined to violence, for whom the threat to Lily is the final catalyst for change?
it need only be a line "a masked Death Eater hung a screaming woman by the ankle above a jeering crowd, her skirt obscuring her face" "a masked Death Eater turned from a screaming woman, suspended above a jeering crowd with her skirt obscuring her face"
and then how does that impact harry's view of snape? how does it impact harry's view of SWM/his dad? in either case, Harry would continue to assume that Snape was a cowardly death eater, a traitor, and a bad person and swiftly resume thinking so even after SWM, but it would offer him and the reader even more insight about the sort of DE snape was before he turned spy
anyway. i just want MORE SNAPE SNIPPETS DAMMIT
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thedarkone121 · 2 days
I have a question about the Anne-Marie fic
Does she know that hyde and jekyll are the same person aka does she know that hyde is also her father?
Cus it's been bugging me for ages and I just couldn't figure it out :3
Ah, someone has finally asked the question I’ve been dying to answer. Sorry if I’m about to ramble-dump on here 🤣
Long story short, yes. She knows Hyde and Jekyll are the same person. Well, I say she knows it’s more of a she figured it out 2 months before Jasper came into the picture.
The longer version is this; Anne-Marie — once she got over her shock of suddenly seeing a man she never met in her home — pretty quickly clocked onto the fact that Hyde looked familiar. This was before she lost her sight, by the way. Like she noticed he looked similar to her father. Hyde, realizing that she could easily figure out the connection between him and Jekyll, immediately began to avoid her after that. For that first year, Hyde was able to avoid her like he avoided Lanyon and Anne-Marie was left to stew with the fact her father’s new assistant looked similar to him.
Then the Chemical Accident came around and Hyde, out of concern and guilt, decided to check on Anne-Marie while she was recovering.
Now, for a long time, Anne-Marie didn’t think much of Hyde. To her, he was her father’s awfully brash assistant who kept getting her angry by calling her Annie, something only her father was allowed to do. In fact, a lot of the early days of Hyde-Hunting was Anne-Marie genuinely being angry at him for calling her Annie.
But as the days went on, Anne-Marie began to notice things.
Like how Hyde would always place her back in her room once she’s tired out from chasing him. How he would sometimes slip into a Scottish accent if she surprised hit him. Or how when he does call her Annie, it’s more of him not thinking twice about it and not actually to antagonize her.
For a good while, Anne-Marie thought Hyde was like a long-lost relative of her father’s because of her memory him closely resembling her father. It’s why she was super against the rumors of the two sleeping together, even though Hyde tries to play it off like that. But then she started to notice other things…
Stuff like how Hyde would talk to himself, like he’s talking to her father when he’s not in the room. How her father would do the same even though Hyde is also not in the room. How at one point, when Anne-Marie slammed a piano lid onto Hyde’s hand and injuring him, her father had the same injury when she touched his bandaged hand.
But the biggest thing that confirmed it for her? It was when she took her glasses off with him the room.
Hyde had a meltdown. He begged, pleaded, screamed at her to put her glasses back on. Anne-Marie, not used to hearing Hyde like that, immediately put her glasses back on. Hyde took a few minutes to calm down. Then he moved on like nothing had happened.
But Anne-Marie didn’t move on. She realized that Hyde didn’t want to see her scars. Even when she commented on this, Hyde’s careless words finally hit her.
“Well, it’s not my fault you stood close to a sizzling potion made by sham of a scientist who didn’t sleep properly that day.”
How did Hyde knew that? The story she told everyone was that she was alone in her father’s lab, how she became curious with his things and started to mess around. That’s what cause the explosion, according to Anne-Marie.
How did Hyde knew the truth? There was no way her father would tell someone like his bad-mouthed assistant.
Then, it clicked for her. Hyde was her father, in some way. Hadn’t her father talked about splitting souls at some point? And looking back on it now, of course Hyde’s very bad impression of a theater villain would be her father’s idea of evil.
Anne-Marie figured it out. But she never told Jekyll and Hyde that she figured it out. Since the two kept the secret, then Anne-Marie figured she could keep it as well.
Anne-Marie knew. But Jekyll and Hyde don’t realize that she knows.
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oatmealzz · 2 days
Aerith thoughts
I like to imagine that Aerith slowly got over Zack after going on her adventure saving the world with friends.
For those who have been in relationships or at least had a boyfriend or girlfriend in highschool, it can be really hard to get over heartbreak if your environment and the people around it don’t change.
For Aerith, her first boyfriend by all accounts ghosts her one day after months to years of causally dating and she is still in contact with his co workers, saying they can deliver letters to him if she wants. It’s natural for her to assume that he just found another girl or died during one of his missions.
Crisis core (a terrible game btw) adds context to their relationship and honestly as someone who was a little interested in their relationship dynamic, I wasn’t expecting the few scenes they have together to be hanging out for a little bit but then Zack gets a call from work so he’s gotta go.
It does add context to the player that hey dude maybe Zack did ghost Aerith. He seems like an amazing person but the game chose to show that he was always too busy and he had other relationships to tend to.
On Aerith’s end, it seems she really enjoyed being with Zack but her time with him was always cut short. That must of really sucked for her because I bet she always wished he stayed longer. To me (the player), it felt like Zack didn’t or couldn’t prioritize Aerith in their relationship and Aerith knew and wished something would change.
Rebirth adds new context with two things: Zack WAS OBSESSED with Aerith. Couldn’t wait to tell his buddies about her. That’s sweet but not really the vibe I got from him in Crisis Core and def not in the OG when he was barely a character.
Another thing is that Aerith rather quickly gets over Zack (whether or not she knows it) after meeting Cloud, Tifa and gang. Having a new boy to mess with was def a fun change in her life but also having a bestie like Tifa must have made her feel comfortable talking about her experiences with Zack as shown in Rebirth. When she met the two, her relationship with Zack still defined her to some degree or at least was one of her biggest hang ups she wanted to inform people about because it was on her mind.
What’s interesting is that before meeting Cloud, Aerith is stuck in this cycle that I’m sure many people who experience heartbreak know well but being stuck in the same environment but without someone you hold dear. For me, it felt like I could never get out of feeling like I was ever going it to get over it. However for me, I got so much better and later got over that person when I got out of that environment I associated the heartbreak with and reconnected with some friends of mine. I believe the timeline of Aerith meeting Cloud and gang to her death, it was around one to two months. I think Aerith legitimately got over Zack (maybe 80%) by nibelheim or if you get her date it’s like 100% by return to gold saucer.
All Aerith had to do was create new memories with new people who gave her a new purpose in life. Not only that but she was travelling 24/7 saving the world with her bestie and new boy toy and a gang of new friends. She left her home and adventured off to actually live life and stop Sephiroth. I’m sure this fulfills her fantasies of creating memories with people and just being a normal young woman. I mean she was kinda living the typical boyfriend girlfriend dynamic but she wanted more out of it. I think Aerith really fell in love with Cloud because he prioritized her more than Zack regardless of infinity levels just from Cloud saving Aerith from Shinra and other smaller things that happened in Rebirth. She def said life got better during her cosmo canyon speech. I will say that in the OG, her relationship with Zack was not as important to her character as it is in the remake series. In the OG, I felt like the story was telling to tell me that she doesn’t want to talk about it because she wants to still look available to Cloud/the player but still have different characteristics (past boyfriend, been in a relationship, experience older girl option, missing boyfriend, etc) when compared to the other girls.
To summarize, I like how they showed Aerith getting over one of her biggest personally obstacles which was her missing boyfriend from her teenage years. She let it be one of her defining aspects of her character and now she’s so much more than a past heartbreak. She could actually enjoy life until her end 🥹
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jbird-the-manwich · 3 days
I was talkin to a friend about covid yesterday and like... I haven't seen a lot about it lately but talking about it got me thinking about how absolutely fucked up and freaky, in hindsight, my last bout of covid was, like... if you've not had it/been asymptomatic, I love that for you, but like... seriously. do still be doing the masking if you can, avoid crowded places with poor ventilation as you're able, try to keep a handle on not letting strangers breathe directly on you, etc. I got the shit last year, before thanksgiving, KEPT it till this spring, (long covid) and it fucking sucks.
Like. It SUCKS. it SCARY sucks. I had nausea, chest pain, tachycardia, extreme weakness and fatigue... like... I had OG-covid, back in 2020, and another couple bouts in the years since then, but that last one? that particular Covid was not fucking playing with me.
That shit tried to kill me. I had a fever so high I was having delirium. I didn't experience any weird horniness, like in the meme, personally, but I did have weird SCARY neurological symptoms, I was so nauseated I wanted to die, the fever (which was recurrent, and intermittent, at 104f, for *months* off an on) had me acting fucking weird, I'd get nauseus, then super aggressive and fighty, had episodes of extreme confusion, not being able to remember simple words and phrases, (I don't mean standard adhd either I mean I could barely talk coherently at times, when I wasnt fucking losing my shit rambling about nonsense) random crying spells, tremors, inability to stay awake, It affected my memory, my ability to walk, and still affects my basic levels of strength and ability to do shit.
for real the shit is serious. I went to the hospital and my tachycardia was so bad the nurse pulled my sister aside (who is not authorized to receive any information, btw) and told her not to let me leave the hospital because they thought I was going to have a heart attack. Cuz my heart rate was so fucked from the fever. I was fucking holding on to walls and shit, could barely walk, I was taking phenergan so consistently it straight up stopped working, and I'm negative, now, but like... I lost 20 lbs by the end of it. No shit. from 151 to 129. and I'm still not entirely better.
I'm still having memory issues, I barely remember the last year aside from bits and pieces, and the fatigue is fucking unreal. like. I was *stout*, pre-covid, and had a pretty solid vocabulary, and now I feel like half my brain is missing. my energy levels are on the upswing, but that's taken months, and I'm still not half as strong as I was before I got that last round last year, so like... I know not a lot of people are masking, and very few people are still talking about it, out and about, but like... seriously. it is real. It is fucking debilitating. it can affect your goddamn brain.
Do try to avoid getting that shit. I would not recommend it. As diseases go? It's a total bitch. wear a mask if you can. I was a *very* fit, quite strong 30-something, built like a brick shit house, and I lost almost *all* of my muscle mass, and it feels like I got *extremely fucking dumber*. I had projects I was working on, and I don't remember how they were supposed to go together. in the span of less than a year, cuz fuckin covid set up in my (vaccinated) body and was like "oh, I think I'll stay". So yeah. not a hot news topic, right now, anymore, but... for real. It is still there, and it will fuuuuuuuuuck your whole shit up. I am *still* having to have blood panels run, pretty much every doctor I see is just like. "huh. Well that's... pretty shitty..." And I mean im very lucky. I'm alive and mostly undamaged, barring a couple things, but yeah. It is for real still a thing and will totally wreck a whole ass year, if it takes a mind to, so... try to avoid it, where you can. Get vaccinated, if you're not, wear a mask, if able, and don't listen to the people that aren't taking your safety into consideration in their rationale for not taking it seriously as a potentially debilitating disease, particularly if you have any kind of pre-existing risk factors, including previous covid infections. I don't wanna scare anybody but like... the shit is real and it will lay you low, is, I guess, is the point I'm trying to make.
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The ChronoGuard team had just returned from their successful mission in Feudal Japan. As they stepped out of the Timecraft, the familiar hum of the adaptation chamber signaled their next transformation: reverting back to their original selves. Each member entered the chamber, one by one, to shed their meticulously crafted identities and revert to their familiar forms.
As the chamber worked its magic, muscles shrank, hair re-colored and restyled, and familiar facial features re-emerged. Takumi’s beard receded, and his hair grew back into the short, professional cut of Dr. Lila. Kenji’s scholarly appearance melted away, leaving behind Professor Eli. Hiroshi’s rugged hands became delicate and precise once more, turning back into Technician Mia’s. Takeshi’s hardened warrior visage softened into Agent Alex, and Akiro’s commanding presence shifted back into Captain Amelia.
With a sigh of relief, the team gathered in the debriefing room, exchanging smiles and nods of recognition.
"We did it," Amelia said, her voice warm. "But now, we have a new challenge ahead of us."
After a brief moment to catch their breaths, Captain Amelia gathered the team in the central command room, where a holographic display showed a map of divided Berlin. The urgency of their next mission quickly sobered the team.
“Our next mission takes us to the height of the Cold War,” Amelia began. “We need to prevent a nuclear plot orchestrated by a covert Soviet faction. This mission will be more challenging and longer than anything we’ve faced. We will transform into living figures, each of us taking on the identity of key individuals involved in the plot. For secrecy and efficiency, each transformation will be done separately.”
Professor Eli, now back to himself, looked concerned. “Transforming into real people means we’ll not only change our appearance but also adopt their memories and mannerisms. This will be intense.”
Technician Mia nodded. “We’ll need to adapt quickly and thoroughly to maintain our cover.”
Dr. Lila added, “Understanding their thoughts and emotions will be crucial to avoid detection.”
Agent Alex grinned. “This will be our toughest mission yet, but we’re ready for it.”
The adaptation chamber was ready for some of the most profound and comprehensive transformations the team had ever undergone. This mission would take weeks, requiring them to fully integrate into their new identities.
### Takeshi's Transformation
Takeshi was the first to enter the chamber. His target was a Soviet military officer, Major Ivan Petrov.
**Size and Shape:** Takeshi’s body grew taller and more muscular, reflecting Ivan’s imposing stature. His facial features shifted, becoming more rugged and stern.
**Hair and Teeth:** His hair turned dark and was styled into a military crew cut. His teeth became slightly larger and more aligned with Ivan’s dental records.
**Facial Hair:** A prominent, thick mustache appeared, matching Ivan’s distinctive look.
**Skin and Nails:** His skin tone lightened to match Ivan’s Slavic complexion, and his nails became clean and well-kept.
**Eyes and Ears:** His eye color changed to a deep blue, and his hearing was adjusted to match Ivan’s profile.
**Clothes:** Takeshi’s attire transformed into a Soviet military uniform, complete with insignia and medals.
**Memories and Mental Adjustments:** The chamber transferred Ivan’s memories and mannerisms into Takeshi’s mind. He felt a flood of information: Ivan’s training, experiences, and even personal biases.
When Takeshi emerged, he looked and felt like Major Ivan Petrov, ready to navigate the intricacies of the Soviet military.
### Kenji's Transformation
Kenji was next, transforming into a British MI6 operative, Agent William Spencer.
**Size and Shape:** Kenji’s body became leaner and more athletic, mirroring William’s physique. His facial features softened slightly, becoming more refined.
**Hair and Teeth:** His hair turned blond and was styled into a classic 1960s cut. His teeth became whiter and perfectly aligned.
**Facial Hair:** A light stubble appeared, adding to William’s suave appearance.
**Skin and Nails:** His skin tone lightened to match William’s Caucasian complexion, and his nails became neatly trimmed.
**Eyes and Ears:** His eye color changed to green, and his hearing was adjusted to match William’s profile.
**Clothes:** Kenji’s attire transformed into a sharp suit typical of an MI6 agent.
**Memories and Mental Adjustments:** The chamber transferred William’s memories and mannerisms into Kenji’s mind. He felt a flood of information: William’s espionage training, network contacts, and even personal quirks.
When Kenji emerged, he looked and felt like Agent William Spencer, ready to blend into the world of British intelligence.
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### Hiroshi's Transformation
Hiroshi transformed into a French scientist, Dr. Monique Lafleur, an expert in nuclear physics.
**Size and Shape:** Hiroshi’s body became shorter and more petite, reflecting Monique’s frame. His facial features softened considerably.
**Hair and Teeth:** His hair turned a dark brown, styled into a feminine bob. His teeth became smaller and more delicate.
**Facial Hair:** Any facial hair vanished, replaced by smooth, soft skin.
**Skin and Nails:** His skin tone adjusted to a fair complexion, and his nails became longer and more manicured.
**Eyes and Ears:** His eye color changed to hazel, and his hearing was adjusted to match Monique’s profile.
**Clothes:** Hiroshi’s attire transformed into a smart dress and lab coat, typical of a scientist.
**Memories and Mental Adjustments:** The chamber transferred Monique’s memories and mannerisms into Hiroshi’s mind. He felt a flood of information: Monique’s scientific knowledge, professional relationships, and personal preferences.
When Hiroshi emerged, he looked and felt like Dr. Monique Lafleur, ready to operate within the scientific community.
### Takumi's Transformation
Takumi transformed into an American journalist, Sarah Mitchell, who was investigating the plot.
**Size and Shape:** Takumi’s body became slimmer and taller, reflecting Sarah’s build. His facial features became more delicate.
**Hair and Teeth:** His hair turned auburn, styled into a fashionable cut. His teeth became straighter and whiter.
**Facial Hair:** Any facial hair vanished, replaced by smooth, soft skin.
**Skin and Nails:** His skin tone adjusted to a light complexion, and his nails became longer and polished.
**Eyes and Ears:** His eye color changed to blue, and his hearing was adjusted to match Sarah’s profile.
**Clothes:** Takumi’s attire transformed into a chic dress and trench coat, typical of a journalist in the 1960s.
**Memories and Mental Adjustments:** The chamber transferred Sarah’s memories and mannerisms into Takumi’s mind. He felt a flood of information: Sarah’s journalistic skills, contacts, and personal habits.
When Takumi emerged, he looked and felt like Sarah Mitchell, ready to dig deep into the investigation.
### Akiro's Transformation
Akiro transformed into a high-ranking KGB officer, General Anatoly Ivanov.
**Size and Shape:** Akiro’s body grew taller and more imposing, reflecting Anatoly’s formidable presence. His facial features became sharper and more intimidating.
**Hair and Teeth:** His hair turned dark and was styled into a severe cut. His teeth became larger and more pronounced.
**Facial Hair:** A thick, commanding beard appeared, adding to Anatoly’s authoritative look.
**Skin and Nails:** His skin tone adjusted to a pale complexion, and his nails became clean and well-kept.
**Eyes and Ears:** His eye color changed to gray, and his hearing was adjusted to match Anatoly’s profile.
**Clothes:** Akiro’s attire transformed into a KGB uniform, complete with medals and insignia.
**Memories and Mental Adjustments:** The chamber transferred Anatoly’s memories and mannerisms into Akiro’s mind. He felt a flood of information: Anatoly’s tactical knowledge, espionage skills, and personal biases.
When Akiro emerged, he looked and felt like General Anatoly Ivanov, ready to lead with authority.
### Adapting to New Identities
The team spent several weeks adjusting to their new bodies and minds. Each member immersed themselves in their roles, learning to navigate the complexities of their new identities. They operated separately to maintain secrecy and efficiency, with no knowledge of who their fellow agents had become.
One evening, Major Ivan Petrov (Takeshi) was practicing his Russian accent and military commands when he felt a surge of anger, a trait from Ivan’s personality. “Damn, this guy has a short fuse,” he muttered, trying to control the newfound temper.
Agent William Spencer (Kenji) was studying British intelligence files, feeling more refined and suave than ever. “It’s strange, but I’m starting to enjoy tea,” he remarked, sipping a cup.
Dr. Monique Lafleur (Hiroshi) was working in a lab, adjusting to her new body. “These heels are killing me,” she grumbled, switching to more comfortable shoes. “But I could get used to the perks of being a respected scientist.”
Sarah Mitchell (Takumi) was practicing her journalism skills, feeling a mix of curiosity and tenacity. “This is definitely different,” he said, adjusting his trench coat. “But I can handle it.”
General Anatoly Ivanov (Akiro) was reviewing KGB strategies, feeling a surge of authority and control. “This role suits me well,” he noted, stroking his new beard. “Time to see if I can lead without being discovered.”
### The Mission Begins
As dawn broke, each team member embarked on their separate paths, deeply embedded in their new identities. They operated with precision and secrecy, navigating the dangerous world of Cold War espionage.
Their mission began with a series of covert The ChronoGuard team, now deeply embedded in their new identities, began their mission in the heart of Cold War Europe. Each member operated separately, navigating the complexities of their new lives while gathering intelligence to thwart the nuclear plot.
**Berlin, 1965**
Major Ivan Petrov (Takeshi) adjusted to his role within the Soviet military. The power and authority he wielded came with an intense scrutiny that required constant vigilance.
Takeshi stood in front of a mirror, adjusting his uniform. "Ivan was always so meticulous," he muttered to himself, recalling the memories implanted in his mind. The anger that came with Ivan's personality often flared, but Takeshi found ways to channel it constructively.
During a briefing with other Soviet officers, he maintained his composure, issuing orders with the stern confidence expected of Ivan. "We must ensure that our operations remain covert. Any failure is unacceptable," he barked, the words feeling almost natural now.
**London, 1965**
Agent William Spencer (Kenji) had seamlessly integrated into MI6. His refined demeanor and sharp intellect made him a trusted operative.
Kenji sipped his tea, the taste surprisingly enjoyable. "I never thought I'd actually like tea," he mused, a small smile on his lips. His days were filled with decoding encrypted messages and strategizing with his peers.
During a strategy session, he offered insights with the calm confidence of a seasoned agent. "Our contact in Berlin has reported unusual activity. We need to be ready to move at a moment's notice," he advised, his British accent flawless.
**Paris, 1965**
Dr. Monique Lafleur (Hiroshi) found the world of nuclear physics both challenging and exhilarating. The respect she commanded in her field was a new experience.
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Hiroshi leaned over a lab bench, adjusting her glasses. "Monique was brilliant, no doubt about it," she thought, feeling a deep connection to the knowledge that now felt like her own.
During a discussion with colleagues, she presented her findings with confidence. "The isotopic composition suggests a high potential for energy yield. We must proceed with caution," she explained, her voice steady and authoritative.
**New York, 1965**
Sarah Mitchell (Takumi) navigated the world of journalism with a blend of curiosity and determination. Her investigative skills were sharpened by Sarah's instincts.
Takumi adjusted her trench coat, feeling the weight of the notepad in her pocket. "Sarah's drive for the truth is inspiring," she reflected, feeling a surge of determination.
In a newsroom meeting, she pitched her latest story with conviction. "There are whispers of a covert operation in Berlin. I need to be there to uncover the truth," she asserted, her voice carrying the tenacity of a seasoned journalist.
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**Moscow, 1965**
General Anatoly Ivanov (Akiro) embraced the power and influence of his position within the KGB. The strategies and tactics he employed were ruthless but effective.
Akiro stroked his beard thoughtfully, the memories of Anatoly's experiences flooding his mind. "Anatoly's methods were harsh, but they got results," he acknowledged.
During a high-level meeting, he issued commands with an air of unshakeable authority. "Our operatives must remain vigilant. The West is always watching," he declared, his tone brooking no dissent.
**Adjusting to New Lives**
As the weeks passed, each member adapted to their new lives, finding ways to balance their true selves with the identities they had assumed. Despite the challenges, they grew more comfortable in their roles, the implanted memories blending with their own experiences.
**Berlin, 1965**
Takeshi, now fully embodying Ivan, met with a fellow officer. "Petrov, you seem different lately. More focused," the officer noted.
"Just doing my duty," Takeshi replied, his voice steady. Internally, he marveled at how natural the lie felt.
**London, 1965**
Kenji, as William, met with his handler. "Spencer, your work has been exceptional. Keep it up," the handler praised.
"Thank you, sir. Just doing my part for Queen and country," Kenji responded, his British persona fully intact.
**Paris, 1965**
Hiroshi, living as Monique, chatted with a colleague. "Dr. Lafleur, your insights are invaluable. How do you do it?"
"It's all about dedication and passion," Hiroshi replied, feeling Monique's confidence merge with his own.
**New York, 1965**
Takumi, now Sarah, met with her editor. "Mitchell, your stories are making waves. Keep digging."
"Will do. The truth deserves to be uncovered," Takumi responded, Sarah’s determination echoing in her voice.
**Moscow, 1965**
Akiro, as Anatoly, conferred with his deputy. "Ivanov, your strategies are impressive. The Motherland is grateful."
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"I serve with honor and duty," Akiro replied, the weight of Anatoly’s responsibilities settling on his shoulders.
**Mission Coordination**
The team communicated through encrypted channels, each report filled with the subtle nuances of their adopted identities.
"Petrov here. The target is making a move. Preparing to intercept," Takeshi reported, the urgency clear.
"Spencer. We’ve got confirmation on the location. Moving in," Kenji relayed, his voice calm and calculated.
"Lafleur. The scientific data matches our intel. We need to act fast," Hiroshi updated, her voice steady with Monique's confidence.
"Mitchell. On the ground in Berlin. Observing movements. Will report back soon," Takumi informed, her tone filled with determination.
"Ivanov. Coordinating final steps. Ensure all operatives are in place," Akiro commanded, his voice carrying the weight of leadership.
As the mission progressed, the team’s efforts converged. They worked in unison, their individual strengths coming together to prevent the catastrophic nuclear plot. The lines between their true selves and their new identities blurred, but their commitment to the mission remained unwavering.
In the end, their seamless integration and meticulous planning paid off. The nuclear plot was thwarted, and the balance of power in the Cold War remained intact. As they regrouped, each member felt a deep sense of accomplishment and pride in their ability to adapt and overcome.
Returning to the Timecraft, they prepared to revert to their original forms, ready for whatever the next mission would bring.
After a year of intense espionage and subterfuge, the ChronoGuard team members began to make their way back to the Timecraft, each carrying the weight of their experiences and the secrets they had guarded so meticulously.
**Berlin, 1966**
Major Ivan Petrov (Takeshi) completed his final mission with a sense of accomplishment and a hint of relief. He made his way to a secluded forest, where the Timecraft was hidden.
As he approached the ship, Takeshi felt the residual anger and stern demeanor of Ivan start to fade. He stepped inside, the familiar hum of the ship welcoming him back.
**London, 1966**
Agent William Spencer (Kenji) had wrapped up his last assignment for MI6. He felt a strange mix of pride and nostalgia for the persona he had lived as for the past year. He boarded a plane to Berlin, knowing it was time to return to his true self.
Reaching the rendezvous point, Kenji entered the Timecraft, feeling the shift as William’s refined mannerisms started to peel away.
**Paris, 1966**
Dr. Monique Lafleur (Hiroshi) finished her final lecture at the university, her mind brimming with scientific achievements. She boarded a train to Berlin, the realization of her dual existence settling in.
Arriving at the Timecraft, Hiroshi stepped inside, eager to shed the guise of Monique and return to her true form.
**New York, 1966**
Sarah Mitchell (Takumi) had published her last investigative piece, uncovering one final layer of the Cold War’s intricate web. She boarded a flight to Berlin, ready to reunite with her team.
Stepping into the Timecraft, Takumi felt a wave of relief as Sarah’s persona began to dissolve.
**Moscow, 1966**
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General Anatoly Ivanov (Akiro) conducted his last operation for the KGB, his authoritative presence still strong. He took a covert route to Berlin, his heart set on returning to his true identity.
Entering the Timecraft, Akiro felt the immense weight of Anatoly’s responsibilities lift, ready to become Amelia once more.
Inside the Timecraft, the adaptation chambers stood ready to reverse their transformations. Each team member entered the chambers one by one.
Takeshi stepped out, feeling the familiar contours of his body and mind. "It's good to be back," he said, stretching his arms.
Kenji emerged next, a sense of calm washing over him. "William had his charms, but I missed myself," he remarked, adjusting his glasses.
Hiroshi followed, his petite frame and scientific mind fading. "Being Monique was enlightening, but I prefer my own skin," she noted.
Takumi stepped out, feeling his true form return. "Sarah’s tenacity was something, but it’s nice to be me again," he said with a smile.
Finally, Amelia emerged, the stern demeanor of General Ivanov replaced by her natural leadership. "We did it. We kept the world safe," she said, her voice filled with pride.
The team gathered in the central command room, their mission complete and their identities restored. They shared stories of their experiences, each revelation bringing laughter, reflection, and a deeper bond.
"We've been through so much," Amelia said, looking around at her team. "But we did it together. Now, let's prepare for whatever comes next."
The ChronoGuard team, stronger and more unified than ever, stood ready for their next adventure, confident in their ability to adapt, overcome, and protect history.
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