#like with apostrophes like in “you're” sometimes it will stop at the apostrophe
cindersnows · 2 days
typing styles in my headcanon
TSC: The quick brown fox jumps over the dog lmao XD
starts sentences with caps usually due to autocaps, doesn't use ending punctuation very much unless excited or asking a question, but uses lots of emoticons! tends to contract words and uses lots of abbreviations, inconsistently uses apostrophes ("I don't think Im ready"), tends to use ellipses in place of commas "Guys... We had homework"), emphasizes words by talking in all caps, uses tone indicators inconsistently
YELLOW: The quick brown fox jumps over the dog, haha.
"Type like a human /lh." uses proper punctuation and capitalisation, doesn't contract words very much, doesn't use emoticons unless to look ominous ("Watch out, Green :)"), generally has more of a sophisticated vocabulary, grammar police, uses tone indicators consistently, only swears when flustered or frustrated
RED: OMG OMG. the quick brown fox jumps over the dog
"bark like a dog. ur below me moron" generally types in all lowercase except when excited or yelling, ends clauses with a full stop instead of a comma or a connector ("guys. there's a BUG. in the garden!!"), overuses all punctuation tbh, lots of abbreviations especially omg and lmfao, uses kaomojis and "owo" ">w<" instead of classic emoticons, uses u and ur instead of you, your and you're
BLUE: the quikc brown fox jumsps over the doggg XP
queen of typos especially when drunk or sad, overuses emoticons to indicate the tone of the message, uses u and ur instead of you, your and you're, shortens basically everything she says ("n then i was liek girllll ur 2 stressed chill out 4 oncee!!!! r u insane m8"), drags out words and syllables a lot when typing, self proclaimed keysmash connoisseur
GREEN: pfffttt, the quick brown fox jumps over the dog.
frequently uses onomatopeia ("pffft, hahaha, BOOM, lalalalala."), generally always uses punctuation, but capitalisation depends on who he's talking to and how desperate he is to impress them (better grammar = more desperate), drags out words sometimes when calm or upset, doesn't really use emoticons other than :/, fairly sophisticated vocabulary but very informal language ("i am trapped in some sort of fucking kafkaesque nightmare"), says chat
PURPLE: the quick brown fox jumps over the dog
dry ass texter tbh, all lowercase except when emphasizing something ("i Did Not hit her i did not"), doesn't usually contract words, rarely uses punctuation except for the occasional full stop, sometimes uses abbreviations but not often, frequently goes "uhhh" "mmmm" "hmmmm" and uses filler words often, picked up saying "chat" from green, whether he's joking or not is between him and god
MANGO: The quick brown fox jumps over the dog.
proper capitalisation and punctuation, takes 2-3 business days to respond, very ominous messages ("Goodbye Purple, make sure to watch your back." <- "chat wtf is he talking about im shaking hes so ominous"), always contracts when possible, never abbreviates
DARK: the quick 8rown fox jumps over the dog
replaces his "b"s with "8"s as well as any syllables pronounced as eight ("she 8, cmon m8") much to purple tsc and yellow's horror, sometimes uses apostrophes but sometimes doesn't, talks in lowercase usually but yells a lot, lots of abbrevi8ions i mean abbreviations, swears every other message, if he doesn't reply within 2 minutes he's in a fight, sometimes uses emoticons
CHOSEN: It jumps
texts dry as the desert, very short messages, will take an hour to respond and it will not be worth the wait, dark usually elabor8es on their behalf, capitalises and has proper grammar solely due to autocorrect, also frequently the victim of autocorrect ("What the duck I mean duck I mean fuck"), no ending punctuation
VICTIM: The quick brown fox jumps over the dog— ah fuck it i dont fieel like typing liek a normal person rn im drunk off my ass
two modes: "The public's opinion of me is very important." <- types like mango or yellow, and "dudeee idgaf abt any of them i coudl literally launch a nuke rn n kill them all but i dont bc freedom will get upset" <- typing without any effort whatsoever, extremely informal, typos galore, drags out words and uses lots of abbreviations
bonus (too lazy to give explanations, or still figuring them out):
PALEO: The quick brown fox jumps over the dog (just imitates the typing of whoever she's talking to)
HAZARD: i am not doing that (uses aac to type, still getting advice on this one)
STRIKER: The rapid mahogany fox leaps over the dog. (showoff smh)
FREEDOM: The quick brown fox jumps over the dog (fairly normal, no ending punctuation)
HANGMAN: the uhhh,,,,,,, the quick brown fox jumps over the dog im pretty sure (extremely uncertain)
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dravidious · 5 months
Typing Tips That I Stumbled Upon Randomly:
The Ctrl key lets you jump between words really quickly. If you hold Ctrl and press the left or right arrow keys, instead of moving your cursor 1 character you'll move it a whole word; if you want to edit that word that's 3 words back, you can just hold Ctrl and left-left-left, and you're there.
Even more useful in my opinion, if you hold Ctrl and press Backspace you'll delete the entire word you're on. That's just really nifty because a lot of the time when you're deleting you want to delete the whole word, so this is much faster.
Also, idk how well-known this is but holding Shift and moving your cursor will make you highlight any characters you move over. That's useful on its own, but combining that with Ctrl lets you quickly highlight whole words or sentences, so you can easily copy+paste them. You can also hold Shift to edit any selections you made with your mouse or something.
Also it took me too long to realize that the Home and End keys are actually really nice sometimes. Home takes you to the start of the line you're on, and End takes you to the end. Hold Shift while doing that and you can highlight the whole line. Very nice for programming. Also holding Ctrl and pressing Home or End takes you to the top or bottom of the page, but I barely use that.
A similarly useful key that I also overlooked is the Delete key. It's like the Backspace key, but it deletes the character in front of your cursor instead of behind it. Just like with Backspace Ctrl+Delete lets you delete a whole word in front of your cursor.
Also Ctrl+A lets you highlight the whole page.
Also even when you're not typing and instead just browsing a web page or something, you still technically have a cursor; if you click a piece of text, then hold Shift and press the arrow keys, you'll start highlighting text.
Practice Exercise: Click on the t in this word, then hold Shift and press left and right on the arrow keys! Now try holding Ctrl+Shift while you press the arrow keys! Hold Shift and press Home or End! Hold Shift and use your mouse to left-click on different spots in the paragraph and see how your selection changes!
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That comma
Or, connections my brain makes when I don't sleep well for over a week because of a cold - read at your own risk :)
"I went to one meeting ten years ago. They were wittering on about the Christmas lights and passed a resolution condemning the improper use of apostrophes on signs in windows." (Mr. Arnold, s2e5)
This line always makes me laugh because I get super twitchy about certain grammar and punctuation errors. But errors happen, and you can usually tell what someone meant vs. what they wrote, so you correct it in your mind based on what you presume they meant and move on because there are bigger things to worry about in the world. Right?
Maybe we shouldn't always be so quick to presume and move on, though. Sometimes, things are supposed to be written a certain way for a reason. That reason is important, so we're taught the right way to write that thing. We all learn how to do it, and it's generally not something we screw up because there are consequences for doing it wrong. Like an address, for example. Addresses tell something or someone where to go. Maybe to a pub called The Resurrectionist - that one's at 66 Goat Gate in Edinburgh, right? It said so on the record that Maggie gave Aziraphale:
The Resurrectionist
66, Goat Gate
Except - there's this annoying little comma in there that I've been ignoring for months. Right after the 66. Exactly where it shouldn't be - not if you're writing a street address. So I'm going to stop ignoring it and ask a question.
Is this actually a street address? I'm not questioning that the pub is in Edinburgh - that's well-established. It's that middle line - 66, Goat Gate - that I'm not sure of anymore. I'm having trouble making excuses for that comma.
If it isn't a street address, then what is it? I'm not sure, and I don't know if we have all the information to figure it out. My sleep-deprived brain has come up with a couple of crazy questions and ideas though. Starting with - what if the Clue is actually multiple Clues? What if we've just been thinking about the pub, but that second line contains a separate clue or clues about Edinburgh, so that Aziraphale Knows Where [He's] Going? (see what I did there?)
These ideas do require an assumption that we shouldn't just take season 2 at face value, but they aren't tied to any specific theories like time loops, dreams, etc.
This post from onceuponathyme about references to the number 66 in the show and promo posters, and gallup24's comment that the press pass in Newspaperman!Aziraphale's hat also has the number 66 on it got me thinking about whether the "address" and the hat are meant to be connected. The references to the number 66 could be an easter egg - the Book of Revelations is the 66th book of the Bible. But is it an in-show clue, too? Is the 66 on Everyday single telling Aziraphale to wear it on his hat, maybe as a signal to someone? ("The clarinet, it makes beautiful music.")
Moving on to Goat Gate. It could still be the name of a road. I have two other ideas though:
We've already seen goats turned into crows. Gate is an old term that can mean road or street. Goat Gate = Crow Road? (I don't know that I love this, but I'll put it out there anyway.)
There's also the symbolism of goats tied to Hell, Satan, and Crowley in particular - drconstellation has a lovely meta about sheep vs goats, so I'm not going to go any farther into that. But I do want to stay on Crowley, and the second place we see Aziraphale - the cemetery.
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Not quite this, but I can find a gif for just about every other part of the scene except for the line I'm looking for. The one where after a bunch of hilarious noises, he says, "Do I sound like a goat?"
And then, a short while later...
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The ground opens up (a gate to Hell?), and Crowley disappears, pulled down to Hell. And then we get one continuous shot of Aziraphale turning around in that spot that starts in 1827 and ends in present day.
We still don't know exactly why Aziraphale went to the cemetery. Maybe "Goat Gate" is the clue that sent him there?
One final thing I noticed in that episode that feels a little off to me now - Crowley's reaction when Aziraphale calls and asks him if he remembers Mr. Dalrymple. "Oh yeah, not a doctor, a mister! Whatever happened to him?" It's surprisingly normal and relaxed, considering what happened at the end of the night, isn't it?
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randomfoggytiger · 1 year
Starting a fic rec chain for my friend that wants to get into writing! What are some quintessential x-files fic that showcase the talent of our massive writing community?
A loooooooooooot, a lot, a lot.
I know it's a biiiiiiiiiiit of a cop-out, but my fic lists here have a lot of "the bests" under each list category; so, if your friend wants to see the same main idea done in different ways... there's that?
If you want, tell me something your friend is interested in, and I'll make a list packed with fics that fit the bill! :DDDD
Ummmmmmmm how about I stick to the different style and talent of various authors to "show them off" for your friend?
*pulls up sleeves to more successfully wrangle Google Docs*
@baronessblixen, @welsharcher, @o6666666, @ghostbustermelanieking, @lokisgame, @mldrgrl, @tinglingworld, @sigritandtheelves, and @kateyes224 write THE BEST short but complex fluff imaginable. The shorter the better for me, because it leaves a lot of room for me to fill-in with my imagination. (And don't forget yourself~, heheheh.)
Edit: Needed to add @settle-down-frohike and @cyb3rpeach to this list~!
@enigmaticdrblockhead rips my heart out and sews it back in with her gut-wrenching short fics on humanity's cruelties. I always cite her fic Ascension as the one that makes me cry every time.
@suitablyaggrieved does great at short fic, too. Her bent is less about fluff and more about dread and horror~.
In a similar vein is @dreamingofscully, whose works are longer but have that teeter-totter between weighted rumination and blissful happiness; and @wtfmulder, who is one of the best writers for "male voice" (making three differently brooding male character sound distinctly different from one another) and does the best Mulder crack headcanons and memes.
astronaught writes like David Duchovny for me (which is a high compliment)-- ex. "He needed to get out of L.A. He needed to stay in L.A. There was a comforting nausea to the unreality here. Funhouse, Pleasure Island, Lotus-Eater nausea. The subtle horror of a museum of plastic toys. Violently happy faces fading from a material that wasn’t meant to age. //Everything was a bit grotesque in L.A. and so was everything out of L.A. Who said that Hollywood lied?"
Jo_B writes a complicated, heartwarming Mulder who is relieved Scully's effortlessly sees his humanity and good intentions.
defnotmeyo writes both the best crack (heartwarming and fun and realistic) and angst short fic. She's gone from Tumblr; but some of her fics can still be found.
@melforbes is another fic author that made me ALMOST sob (but definitely cry) with her seaglass blue fic (Ao3)-- that and, again, Ascension as mentioned above.
Lapsed_Scholar wrote the best collection of Requiem variations (Mulder doesn't leave due to various snags in his departure, all involving Scully in some way.) But all of her work is FANTASTIC (as are these other authors, too!) I always pair up anything Lapsed wrote with --
Anything Apostrophic (i.e. @mappingthexfiles), @seek-its-opposite, @wtfmulder, @sigritandtheelves, and @onpaperfirst touches is always gold. They write IWTB/S11 so well; and as a "stop after S8 the canonical ending" fan, they make me love anything beyond it-- and those aren't not even including their other fics. I always think of Apostrophic's "miniseries" fics Agua Mala-Arcadia-Alpha... stupendous work.
Can't forget the multi-chapter, shot-in-the-veins of 90s grounded...ness that is @cecilysass, @aloysiavirgata, @amplifyme, and @slippinmickeys (though she also loves to dabble in AUs that are wildly entertaining.) You FEEL like you're in the X-Files era reading their work.
For Torture!Mulder (yep, it's a thing) there's Vickie Moseley (Gossamer, Ao3) and Donna-- I prefer Donna's work, but sometimes Vickie NAILS it.
For Gossamer/older fics I reread obsessively (and they're famfic, ngl):
Suki Tawdry's The Way Things Are (Mulder and Scully have a one-night stand aligning w/ Gillian's pregnancy. I skip Chapter 12-- personal preference-- but the BANTER and sarcasm on Scully is top-tier. And Mulder's journey as a slowly morphing family man is... chef's kiss. Not to mention Skinner, Maggie, Melissa, even a well-intentioned but annoying Bill, etc.) and LuvTheBeez's Snow (S5? Mulder and Scully are married and expecting a giant baby... and become hostages in a stick up. The in-control thought processes, banter, and intelligent planning on both their parts while keeping it completely lighthearted is also the best) AND Jamie Greco's Breathing (on the way to Scully's Lamaze class, dialogue only, AMAZING characterization of Mulder and Scully. All of Jamie Greco's other fics do the same-- Scarlet has Mulder high on a hallucinogen and seeing Scully as an angel.)
I'm plowing through RocketMan's works on Gossamer-- WOW are some amazing. Chef's kiss. Not finished yet (taking my time-- just reached second page), but I'll probably make a separate author shoutout when I'm done~.
I haven't even BEGUN to touch the fill-in or fix-it fics that span the series (or at least one season of it) that are incredibly impressive-- like @darwin-xf, @scenes-in-between, and touchstonea's Odyssean epics-- but I've got to cut this list short because... honestly, my list would be endless; and I have not even BEGUN to list them all. If I haven't listed anyone, it's not for lack of trying or because of any attempt at snubbing. I, a mere mortal, can only do so much. XDDD
Thank you for the ask~! Again, if your friend likes a specific category, let me know and I'll drum up a fic list! :DDDDD
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lesbolordo · 1 year
Leander P. X Sebastian S | Hogwart's Legacy.
Fifth Part.
"Leander confesses everything to his worried best friend."
Tags : Garreth and Leander talking, angst, hurt and insecure Leander, Prodigee-potioneer-Garreth giving love advices, minor Garrinis, heartbroken Leander, best friends Leander and Garreth.
Two months. It had been two months since the two last had talked, in private. Their usual bickering and fighting still went on per usual -even maybe stronger and more vulgar- but other than that, Sebastian fully ignored Leander.
The Gryffindor had no idea how he had managed to last for so long. Not just without sex, but also with that... Unresolved, awkward and uncomfortable tension between him and his ex partner. Each time they were accidentally alone, one of the two would immediatly find a way to escape the embarassing situation.
Leander thought he was doing okay, other than that. Apparently not. Garreth had asked him about his "foul moods" and "weird behaviors". The two red heads then had an awkward conversation, where Garreth tried to be a good friend and have a serious talk with his obviously hurt best friend, and Leander didn't want to talk about it. Kind of like a teenage son and his dad, Garreth thought.
In the end, the taller red head had given up and just told Garreth that he'd tell him about everything later. Garreth simply had agreed and left, sensing that it was a serious matter and that it was hard for his friend to open up.
Leander honestly had no idea how Sebastian was taking their "breakup" (-could he even call it such ? They weren't together, not really.). Either the Slytherin really didn't care, or he was just very good at hiding his hurt -unlike Leander apparently.
So here was he, waiting for his best friend on one of the old and ugly bright red armchairs of the Gryffindor's common room. They had agreed to meet there and not in their dorm room because there was a Quidditch match going on, and nobody was there anyway.
Leander almost felt comforted by the harsh warmth of the fireplace in front of him, and his gaze was lost in the flames as if he tried to burn his retina so he would never have to see anyone -Sebastian- again. His trance was interrupted by Garreth's arrival.
"-Hey, Lee. The curly red haired boy said with a voice softer and less enthusiastic than usual as he sat down on the couch nearby. Leander was grateful that his friend wasn't too cheerful, or else he'd look like the party pooper with his terrible mood. You good mate ?
-Fine I guess. He shrugged. He really wasn't. He was too prideful to admit it.
-You... Want to talk about it ? I mean, yes, you do. And yes, you will. Garreth went on, letting his friend know that he wouldn't give up this time. Leander chuckled.
-Alright, alright... Just... It's a tad weird alright ? Well, bizarre things don't usually frighten you, but this is about me so...
-Yes, yes, go on. I'm curious. Leander knew that he could trust him.
-... It's about Sebastian.
-Ah, he broke your heart ?
-Yes- What ?? The taller Gryffindor threw a scandalized look to his friend. How- how did you come to that foolish conclusion ??
-Well, let me see... As usual, Garreth's smug grin appeared on his face, and Leander knew he had made a terrible mistake asking. So, you've been in a terrible mood for a while, right after Sebastian was said to having stopped seeing his "girlfriend" -he made apostrophes with his fingers- Also, the tension between the two of you is stupidely weird ! Before, it was sexual, playful and maybe sometimes angry, and now it's just... Sexual, very angry, and mostly awkward. Also, don't think I'm stupid enough to not hear you sneak out of bed at night - which you've stopped doing 2 months ago, by the way, and no need to tell you since when he stopped seeing his girlfriend, I think you're good enough to do the math on your own... I also heard people talk about you two being in the same cubicle in the restrooms, which is very naughty I think, didn't take you for that type... Oh, and, lastly, you called him Sebastian and now you're bright red. The other Gryffindor's smug grin appeared again. So, am I correct ?
-I.... Leander did regret asking for explanations. He felt his whole face burning with both shame and ridicule. So he WAS that obvious. Merlin's beard... Well, you are correct but.. He didn't break my heart, I think that's a bit dramatic. He thought for a moment, avoiding his friend's gaze to stare into the flames again. Garreth could see that he was ashamed, so he didn't say anything. We weren't in love, we were just fooling around. And if anything, I'm the one who broke his heart...
-Oh, come on, Sebastian's way too cool to get heartbroken ! Leander shot him a glare, and the other red head chukled. Right, sorry, you're cool too... Just, not "Sallow-cool". Anyway. What happened, really ?
-... Well, I might have said that he was undatable and unlovable. Kind of an asshole move, isn't it ?
-Godrick's sake, yes. Worst thing to say to the boy you're courting !
-I wasn't courting- He was shushed by Garreth's hand on his shoulder, and for a second he could see his best friend's mom instead of his best friend. It was amusing, he scolded him the same way she scolded them when they were young and careless.
-Now listen here Lee ! Garreth-the-prodigy-potioneer will give you some love advices ! He had his chest proudly puffed out, and a cheeky grin on his lips. The taller of the two was both curious and waiting for the worst. First of all, as I said, Sebastian is definitely not heartbroken ! Or at least, he still thinks that there's a chance you might come back ! How do I know that ? Mate, you get Sallow, I get his best friend, the biggest gossip. Anyway. He's not heartbroken YET ! So you have to win him back !
-Win him back ? But I wasn't even dating him ! Wait a second, did you just say you're dating Gaunt- He was once again hushed by Garreth.
-It doesn't matter if you were dating or not, you obviously have feelings for him ! Leander became all red again, and the smaller boy looked at him baffled. You... Didn't know ?
-How could I have known ??
-I don't know, I'm not the one in your head !
-Well I wish you knew, so you could tell me what to do because apparently I've been doing it all fucking wrong !! Why would he even want me when there's such smarter people around him ?? People who won't say that he's unlovable and an asshole, I bet !"
Garreth was taken aback by his friend's sudden reaction and self depreciating words. Of course, he knew that Leander was very insecure at time, but he didn't expect him to be that bitter toward himself when it came to Sebastian.
Embarassed and ashamed by his outburst, Leander brought his long legs to his chest, and turned his head away from his friend so he wouldn't have to force him to look at his irritated and pained air. Garreth always was so happy go lucky, he'd hate to ruin his mood.
The smaller Gryffindor was worried for his best friend, he didn't think that it was this deep. How was he supposed to help make things better when Leander thought of himself as worthless ? Ah, he wasn't as smart as Lee said he was, because he couldn't think of anything right now.
"-Listen, Lee... I know you're hurt but... Come on, I'm sure he wants you back...
-For sure, he wants me to crawl back to him so he can laugh at how much I need him... His words were bitter, and Garreth didn't miss how his large hand passed on his face and subtly wiped away the little tears that were forming in his usually confident and happy brown eyes."
The curly haired boy didn't know what to say. He took his best friend's silence as his cue to leave. He knew that Leander liked to be alone during breakdowns, and so he left with a painful feeling straining his chest.
Hopefully tomorrow would be a better day.
I love Garreth. He's my soppy baby. I wish I could have him as a tiny person in my pocket, and when I'm happy I can hold him in my hands close to my heart. I wish I could drown and burn him too. That's how much I love him.
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passerine-writes · 4 months
Silent Sparks - Volt 95
Warnings: A bit of overthinking paranoia and a little medical talk Word count: 3830
Notes: Italics - Tsukare signing Bold italics - Family member/friend signing 'Italics with apostrophes' - Thoughts
Volt 94 | Volt 96
"How did the doctors go, babe?" Denki asked once I walked back into the dorms.
"Asthma. He said I must have developed it after the explosions, but now I have to figure out all of my triggers for asthma attacks." He looked at me confused along with all of our friends who sat on two of the surrounding couches. "So emotions, like laughing, stress, anger and stuff sets it off. Sometimes overexertion does it, I know when I helped out Rock Lock the other day, pollutants almost kicked it into gear. Now I have to figure out the hard way if infections, any medications and cold air make it happen. I was also given a better inhaler I guess, plus two back ups for being in the hero course."
"The colder weather is right around the corner though." Denki said, clearly concerned.
"I know, but I'll be okay. I've gotten through worse." I told them softly, not daring to make any eye contact.
"Speaking of going through worse," Mina started, making me look at the floor instead, "you know if you ever want to talk about what happened, we'll listen and we're here for you. You know that, right?" She asked, almost hesitantly.
"Yeah. Yeah, I- I know that." I mumbled, hoping she would believe me. That was one of my fears, that as soon as they realized I had more baggage they would leave, they would realize I was too much work to even be friends with. That they would just be scared after hearing what happened.
"Tsukare." She said in a slightly firmer tone and I finally looked up at her, tears starting to form for some reason. "You can talk to us." She said again and I nodded, scratching the back of my head. "We'll listen and we're here for you."
"I know." I whispered, hanging my head to hide my emotions.
"Why do you keep shutting us out?" She pressed, Denki and Hitoshi looked at me, both clearly ready to intervene if either felt that they needed to.
"Because I don't believe anyone actually wants to hear. I know I don't want to hear myself say it, so I don't think anyone else wants to. And I wouldn't even fault you guys for that. I wouldn't be mad if you didn't want to hear me lament about how I was tortured for hours on end over the course of almost three days and how Bakugou had to sit there and watch all of it. It's different from talking about my childhood, cause most of those people we're never going to see again unless we run into them on the street for a brief moment. The League is still out there and they still have it out for me and Izuku and probably Bakugou." Denki rested a hand on my thigh and rubbed his thumb back and forth softly, while I nervously rubbed the scar on my neck.
"'Ryo. When have we ever bullshitted you?" Hitoshi asked and I licked my lips. "Never. I can speak for myself on that, but as far as I know, none of us have ever given you a bullshit answer. We want you to talk about it when you're ready and we want to hear about it cause we care. Yeah, I already know everything that happened cause I was listening when you gave a statement, but I don't care how many times you wanna talk about it or if you feel like a broken record. If it helps you and it gets you to stop bottling it up, then so be it."
"Hey, let's go up to my dorm, yeah?" Sero offered, subtly gesturing to the people starting to trickle into the common room. I nodded a little and followed everyone up to his room, Kirishima dragging Bakugou with us. "Amigo." He said, looking at me as I sat on the floor, my arms resting on my knees that I had slightly pulled towards my chest. "Remember, if you're not ready then you don't have to talk about it." I sniffled and ducked my head down.
'It's now or never. If you don't get it out now while you can, who knows how long until it comes up again.'
"I woke up muzzled. I remember that I couldn't breathe because of how much I was panicking from the flashbacks. I got muzzled a lot as a kid. They wanted us to join them. I recognized Dabi, I met him once when I was a kid and he went to tie my hands because I signed to Bakugou. I- I flipped out, broke the chair they tied me to. Then Shiroka showed up." My voice was cold with a small shake to it, I took a breath and lifted my head seeing everybody's terrified expressions. Mina already had a steady flow of tears running down her face and Kirishima was close behind her. "Dabi put the muzzle back on me and I got warped to a room with Toga. There weren't any windows or doors, I don't know how long I was in there but she didn't stop until we were warped back out. Shiroka tried getting me to join again and when I said no she slapped me. I kept fighting but it wasn't enough, so I made sure not to make a sound. I didn't- I didn't want to give them that satisfaction. I figured with Shiroka there, they made a deal, so I- I told Bakugou that no matter what he couldn't break." I said through the tears starting to make streams down my face. "He had me sign something else so he knew what to say and my dumbass told them I would join if he would, so they should give me their worst because it was child's play. I turned off my hearing aids and Shiroka broke my hand. They didn't stop for hours, Shiroka, Dabi and Toga, they all just took turns. Then Shigaraki took a video. He couldn't figure out the names in my phone because of everyone being named a pokémon so he sent it to our Dad's work phone. I made sure to sign with my good hand, let them know as much as I could tell them without being caught and our Pops and Nedzu figured it out. They had to see me like that. I tried to stay awake, Twice and Magne brought us snacks and water, just enough to keep us alive when the others weren't there. They would come back at random and just pick up where they left off. Toga stabbed a knife into my thigh and hit my femoral artery." I wiped my face but the tears kept falling. "It's my fault though, I told them to take it out on me. I told them to leave Bakugou alone and made myself a punching bag."
"Tsukababes." Mina breathed out with a tear drenched face.
"It's not your fault, Min. It's mine and I gotta accept that."
"Babe, none of that is your fault." Denki said, tears also falling down his beautiful face. "They're the ones who did that. They probably would've gone with that route even if you hadn't said anything." He tried to ration but I hung my head in shame.
"Onryo." Hitoshi said and I looked up. "I just wanna make this clear to everyone, I'm probably the only one here that he will ever allow to make a comment revolving this, so don't ever think about saying this to him." I looked at him confused as he leaned forward from where he sat beside Kirishima, who looked on the verge of throwing up or sobbing. "Onryo. Kaminari's right." Denki looked at him confused but he held up a finger to silence him. "They wanted to psychologically break you. Look at your arms." He whispered and I licked my lips, the saltiness sticking to my tongue from my tears. "Any villain that looks at you, is going to think that's a weakness. They don't know you. They don't know what you've been through. And they don't know that it made you stronger. So Kaminari's right, they probably would've targeted you anyways because in their eyes, you're not as strong as Bakugou. You are one of the strongest people I know."
"Watch it, mind fuck." Bakugou grumbled.
"I'm not as strong as I act, Toshi. And you of all people know that." I told him and watched as his face fell.
They don't know, do they?
I'm sure they all have an idea, but I've never openly admitted it.
"Hey, you two can talk to us. We're not gonna judge." Mina pouted, clearly trying to lighten the mood.
"Do you wanna talk about it?" Kirishima asked with a broken voice.
"Wait, does it connect to why you don't think you're as strong as you act?" Sero followed up with and I nodded.
"I tried to kill myself when I was in middle school. That's what All Might was talking about during the final exams. The manhunt that he got 'roped in on'. Detective Tsukauchi called in a favor to try and get him to help. Hawks is the one that found me." I weakly admitted.
"Can I ask?" Denki said weakly and I licked my lips.
"Shiroka was stalking me, all the doctors appointments, everything that's wrong with me on top of getting bullied, I wanted out. I felt like the biggest burden to our parents, I was tired, I just wanted it to be over. Worst part was Shiroka still showed up at the hospital." I sniffled and wiped my eyes. "Okay, it's someone else's turn to trauma dump, please." I squeaked out, wanting to lighten the mood a bit but also because I couldn't take the pressure any longer.
"I was homeless when our Pops found me." Hitoshi said, everyone snapping their heads towards him. I never thought I'd hear him talk about this again, let alone so casually and to take the heat off my back. "It was my last set of foster parents before our Dad's. They said my quirk was villainous and didn't want a son with a quirk like that. I stayed on the streets for some of January and early February. Cops found me and dragged me back, ended up getting locked in my room for three days with no food before I was kicked out again. They dropped me off a few hours away so they wouldn't have to see me again with a muzzle on. I was walking down the street about two weeks later and our Pops found me."
"Holy shit." Kirishima said under his breath. "How did you get by?"
"Slept in alleyways, park benches, boxes, sometimes old people felt bad and would give me food. Homeless shelters and soup kitchens helped a bit but nobody wanted a kid there, they all thought I'd steal something."
"That's horrible." Mina said quietly, her eyebrows pinched together while she tried not to cry again.
"Why are you crying, Pinky? It's not like it happened to you." Bakugou said in the calmest voice I'd ever heard from him.
"Because it's sad! Nobody should have to go through that stuff." She said through her tears. Sero reached over and pulled her into a side hug, while Denki rested his hand on mine comfortingly.
"I'm okay, Mina." I told her softly and Hitoshi nodded in agreement.
"You're far from okay, earbleed." Bakugou commented and I rolled my eyes. "Why was I even brought into this?"
"Because we don't want you feeling left out, Bakubro. We're your friends."
"No you're not." He scoffed and rolled his eyes.
"Don't be like that, Bakubabes!" Mina chided, making me laugh slightly. The solemn mood starting to dissipate little by little.
Toshi, have you talked to Dad and Pops yet about when you're meeting your birth family?
They want to meet on Thursday since it's their main day off of work.
Weird, but okay, I take it we're going after school?
I nodded and leaned into Denki's side a bit, feeling drained after opening up. Bakugou, Kirishima, Sero and Denki all played video games for a bit, Bakugou getting worked up since he got second place in Mario Kart.
"Onryo! Hitoshi! I need your help with something!" Izuku yelled as he broke open Sero's door.
"With?" I asked slowly, waiting for his response as he heaved out a few breaths.
"Come with me." He said. Hitoshi and I shared a look but shrugged and got up. I gave Denki a kiss on the cheek and followed our green haired friend. "So Togata and I visited Eri today at the hospital." He started and I remembered Dad talking to the small group of us that attended work studies and participated in the raid, saying how the only requests Eri has made thus far was to see myself, Midoriya and Mirio. I decided to leave it to the other two today so we didn't crowd or overwhelm her. "And I realized, she's still trapped. She still has Chisaki in her mind and after everything that's happened, I'm not exactly surprised."
"So, where do we come into this?" Hitoshi asked softly, confused as well.
"I want both of you to help me convince Aizawa to let us bring her to the festival." He said and I thought about it for a second.
"That's actually a good idea." I told him and he cheered while Hitoshi nodded along.
"Okay, let's go ask now!" He exclaimed and hit the button on the elevator for the ground floor. We sighed but nodded, Hitoshi and I started walking towards the school, knowing our Dad wouldn't be back just yet. He always stayed to go over education plans and rubrics and training schedules with other teachers. The entire way, Midoriya explained his train of thought.
"Onryo. Hitoshi. Midoriya. What are you three doing here after hours?" We heard Dad ask from behind us, making all of us jump.
"Mr. Aizawa! We had an idea!" Izuku said and Dad raised and eyebrow, waiting for us to elaborate.
"Would Eri be able to come to the festival?" I cut to the chase and he hummed, thinking it over for a moment.
"I take it this was Midoriya's idea?" He asked and I shrugged. "Okay, let it out. I know you're prepared with something." Dad sighed.
"Okay, so the festival is already going to be limited to staff and students only with the few exceptions which mean anyone left from the Hassaikai won't be able to get to her since it isn't open to the public. Her horn is extremely tiny, which the doctors said means her quirk shouldn't be acting up but even if, you'll be there so we have a back up if anything goes wrong. Me, Izuku and Mirio will be there too, all people she's comfortable around. Plus it'll be a start in acclimating her to socialization, something she has never properly had. That alone can help with her quirk control because it will slowly stop being a stressful situation that could spark an emotional reaction. We'll even talk to Nedzu about it so you don't have to." I added in, sealing the deal.
"You'll talk to him?" Dad clarified and I nodded. "Then sure. Saves me from having to do that. Knock yourselves out and tell Nedzu to send me any details." He said before walking off. I grabbed Izuku and Hitoshi's hands, dragging them down the hall excitedly, freezing when I saw Takai walking down the hallway out of Nedzu's office. I forgot he would be coming back soon. Midoriya simply smiled and cheered and ran in front of us dragging us one at a time, a few laughs falling from my mouth.
"What a pleasant surprise. What brings the three of you here?" Nedzu asked.
We explained and said our piece, watching as he carefully thought it over. His mind not allowing him to leave anything unthought of.
"You present very good points. My main concern, however, is what if she does set off her quirk from being overwhelmed?" He asked and I shot up.
"I actually had an idea for that. Mirio is currently out of school right now, he's on leave after the raid. If he agrees and can get the hospital staff on board, he could walk around the hospital with her and get her acclimated to all different types of people in different sized groups. It wouldn't be the same size as the festival, but it would be the closest thing." I told him and he nodded.
"Very well then. If you can get Togata to agree to that, then I see no issue with her coming to the festival. But you all are to remain on your best behavior, if not then the punishment will be her not coming to the festival." He said and we all agreed.
"Yes sir." I told him. "One last thing, would you mind giving all the details to our Dad? He asked that you do."
"No worries. Now the three of you head back to the dorms while I start on some of the paperwork."
As soon as we walked out of the office, we all cheered, Izuku giving each of us a hug. My cheers died early though when I saw Takai standing against the wall a few feet down, simply watching us. My brother went to step forward but I moved in front of him.
"Toshi. He is not worth it. Keep a lid on it for Eri." I said to him softly and watched as he took a deep breath. "Let's get back to the dorms." I said gently and they both agreed.
"Tsukare?" Takai said but I kept my head down, only stopping when I saw his feet in front of mine. "Look- I- Can I talk to you?" He managed to get out. "Alone?" He pushed and I shook my head.
"If you want to talk to me, then you can say whatever you need in front of them. I don't trust you, so I won't be going anywhere alone with you." I told him and he sighed.
"Onryo? Is everything alright?" I heard Nedzu ask from his office and I nodded.
"I'm okay, Nedzu." I told him, turning around to catch the look he was giving me. "I'm okay." He nodded and walked back into his office but I had a feeling he was already watching the cameras again. "What do you want." I said, not wanting to converse with him.
"I'm sorry." He mumbled and my head snapped up to look at him. "I'm sorry. For how I treated you and how I acted. That was wrong of me." He mumbled.
"Then why did you?" I asked. I wanted to know why. Why he went out of his way to act the way he did. And why he couldn't just leave me alone.
"You intrigued me at first, for lack of better words. Not a lot of people stand their ground around me. So I wanted to get to know you better, and when you rejected me, I figured I'd push to be friends but it got out of hand."
"But for what I said during orientation. I was confused and kinda hurt, I was pissed at the world on top of it and I took it out on you." He said and I looked back down.
"What were you confused about?"
"Why you kept avoiding me. Why you wouldn't let me talk to you, to try and befriend you."
"I gave you a reason. I told you that I knew you wanted a chase and that was it. I don't know what might have sparked your obsession with me after that, but the fact that I avoided you countless times should've been an answer in and of itself. Why did you keep chasing? You could've stopped at any time. I asked you multiple times to just leave me alone."
"Broken knows broken." He said and I took a step back reflexively. "Most of the people in my class don't get me. They don't get why I'm cold or distant, why I act the way I do, they don't get how I grew up. Most of them come from stable families and money and had a bunch of shit handed to them except for a spot in the hero course. You're like me. And I wanted a friend that I could relate to." He explained and I swallowed the lump in my throat.
'Is he lying or telling the truth?'
'Is he just trying to manipulate me?'
'Trying to guilt me maybe?'
"Onryo? Hey, hey, breathe. Look at me." Hitoshi said and my eyes darted to his face.
I want to leave.
"Okay. Then let's leave." He said, guiding me away from the situation but Takai remained unmoving.
"What's going on? Is he okay?" He asked but Izuku put some physical space between us, giving my brother and I enough room to walk away until he caught up and left Takai in the hall.
"Hey, what happened back there?" Hitoshi asked after a few minutes of us walking.
"I got too far in my head and it freaked me out. I couldn't read him." I mumbled and the two looked at me in shock.
"You couldn't read him?" Hitoshi echoed and I shook my head.
"No. I haven't been able to clearly read him outside of the first few interactions. But he was able to read me a bit. Plus, I couldn't tell how he was trying to act, I think it set off my fight or flight."
"What do you mean?" Izuku asked.
"He said a lot of things that Hitoshi and I could personally relate to. Especially with the upbringing. But he said he just wanted a friend he could relate to. I couldn't tell if he genuinely meant that and was being vulnerable or if he was trying to guilt and manipulate me into befriending him finally." I said with a sigh. "I hate that I can't read him. The only other time this has happened is when I met Dad. I couldn't get a good read on him but I still got something, I could tell he wasn't going to hurt me and that was all I needed. Then again, I was eight."
"You being able to read people is scary." Izuku said with a shudder.
"I view it as less scary and more of a means to survival." I countered and he looked visibly upset by that. "Sorry." I whispered.
"Don't apologize. I think you should just take the day to relax and think about things." He suggested and I nodded.
It seemed reasonable enough.
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haitokunohonoo · 10 months
Meme thing because I'm procrastinating. Originally from here. Don't feel like answering every question though.
1. What is your species? - Ugh....
2. Are you out? To whom? - I talk to friends about it sometimes but I know most of them think it's weird. Twitter and Tiktok kinnies have made things... difficult.
3. How old were you when you realized you were not human? What made you realize it? - [REDACTED]. Friends joked about it. Went and read some studies and anecdotal essays about it. Realized they were right.
4. Do you identify as a part of the “otherkin”, or, “therian” community? What communities do you identify with? - I stay on the edges and just observe but sometimes I use the 'kin label. Can't narrow it down between "otherkin" and "fictionkin," hence an apostrophe.
6. Have you faced any abuse because of identifying not human? - No. There have been jokes but people shut up when I put my foot down.
8. Do you believe there should be non-human pride? What do you imagine it being like? - It'd be nice if more people were accepting of alterhuman identities but it's very hard to get anyone outside the community to take it seriously. Even parts of the community itself don't take it seriously. If these obstacles were overcome, I think a non-human pride event would be similar to a furry gathering but with a larger variety of non-animal things. Maybe similar to a combination furry/anime convention.
9. What does being not human mean to you? - Slow organization of whatever the hell is bouncing around inside my skull.
10. What have other people said about your non-human nature? - They're jealous of my excellent night vision and high tolerance for spicy food.
14. Tell us about a time you met another non-human, whether in real life or online. - The sister of a friend of a friend once dated a guy that was a vampire. Him and the sister had gotten frisky and he'd bitten her and left marks, which her brother was not happy about. I don't think he knew it was just a foreplay thing but the family was weirdly religious. Who knows. Anyway, the brother ambushed the guy and sucker punched his balls. It was brutal, I don't know why they didn't just talk it out. After the guy recovered, they finally came to an understanding about it but the whole thing was wild. He got punched when I was like 4ft away lmao
16. Your favorite “non-human” book (as in, non-human characters are the main focus). - Monstrous Affections by Kelly Link & Gavin J. Grant. It's an anthology.
17. Your favorite “non-human” movie. - Lost Boys is good. Terminator on a technicality.
19. Is being non-human spiritual for you? - No.
20. Tell us a few thoughts about what it’s like being your species. - Always fogging up the damn windows. Weird dreams.
22. What do you believe causes non-human identity? - From the studies I've read, it makes sense that in a lot of cases it's a coping mechanism for some difficult to process trauma. There's the spiritual aspect too, though I haven't read as much on that and won't write about it here. Another possibility is that everyone plays pretend as a kid. You're supposed to just stop doing that once you reach a certain age? Alterhumanity is deeper than just "pretend," but it's bullshit expecting people to not ever feel like something else as adults.
24. Write something or post a picture about non-humans that upsets you. - Two words: Twitter kinnies.
25. What is the worst argument you’ve heard against being non-human? - "It's just a social media/reality/delusion/etc disorder and shouldn't be taken seriously." Like no shit something's off.
26. Who is your biggest ally? - They follow me here (hi)
27. What is your favorite types of cake? - Local place has this chocolate mousse thing with chocolate shavings that's awesome.
28. What is your favorite type of pie? (Or, is pie an acceptable replacement for cake?) - Pie and cake are both killer. I like pumpkin or strawberry & rhubarb pie.
29. Where did you first learn about being non-human? - DeviantArt back around 2005-2007. I knew a lot of wolves, but I was young and mean about it.
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purple-babygirl · 3 years
First I wanted to say that I'm in love with everything you right and I've lost count on how many times I already reread all your work, thank you for sharing your masterpieces with us!!
Second, I don't know if you're takin requests and I totally understand if you aren't or just don't feel like writing it, but after reading Fallen Angel I was wondering if you could write something about the reader being little for the first time around Bucky and maybe the first time she called him Daddy....
- Foxy nonnie 🦊
(I'm sorry if this emoji is taken by another nonnie, please let me know so that I can pic a new one!)
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Pairing: Mafia!Daddy!Bucky Barnes x f!little!reader
Word count: 2,270
Warnings: ddlg dynamics, mentions of a thunderstorm, mentions of light outage, the rest is fluff.
A/N: Foxy Nonnie omg:')💜 i love you and honestly thank you for reading and being so kind like that. You're amazing. And I'm not taking requests but I loved yours so much I couldn't help but give you something and if it's okay with you, I combined another request with yours as well. I hope you like this one and that you're having a beautiful day. You're lovely. Please enjoy xx💜 (and no, it's not taken. The emoji is all yours, dear Nonnie 💜)
officially Daddy
They were taking it slow, taking their time because Bucky wanted to make sure she was 100% ready and comfortable. He wanted her to be sure she wanted this relationship and that she wanted it with him. This helped Bucky become a very good beginner Daddy. Not once did he make her feel unaccepted, weird or dumb. He respected all her boundaries and did his best to show his love for her without being suffocating or overwhelming.
He treated her as the angel she was and he took care of her. Bucky understood the difference between being treated little and being belittled and she loved that about him.
She preferred calling him “her Bucky” at first, not fully used to actually using the word she was dying to use.
Baby steps, she decided and Bucky was more than fine with that.
At first Bucky was still learning but with time, his need to be there for her all the time grew more and more. He loved the short moments where she would go all little on him, sometimes without even realizing fast enough to stop herself.
Bucky was absolutely adoring it. He would stick by to open doors for her, lift her up on chairs, and get her anything out of her reach just to hear her shy voice when she would say “thank you, my Bucky.”
It filled his heart with so many unprecedented emotions. The way she said his name was different, so gentle and so pure and so so beautifully needy.
Bucky couldn’t remember a time he was happier or more peaceful than he was being her lover and caregiver.
When Bucky entered her bedroom and she was on the floor using the bracelet-making kit he’s got her, his heart soared. He didn’t need her to talk to realize she was fully her little self at the moment. This was it. She wasn’t holding back this time. She wasn’t hiding. She was immersed in being this side of herself and Bucky was ready to embrace it all.
She was so focused he had to clear his throat for her to look up to him and notice his presence. The smile that spread across her face made her look even more like an angel.
No one’s ever been or looked so happy to see Bucky before. He’s never witnessed such a reaction to his entrance in a room. He basically lived for the way her eyes lit up at the sight of him now.
“What are you doing, baby angel?” Bucky asked softly, getting on his knees next to her.
He wanted to let her know he knew she was little and that he was welcoming it.
She lifted up her finished work to show him what she’s been making and Bucky’s heart fluttered. She’s put together the letters to his name plus an S at the end. Her simple, colourful bracelet said “Buckys”, and even though it lacked the apostrophe, Bucky knew she wanted to tell him she was his. All his. Each and every version of her conscious was his to love and care for.
She needed him to know that she felt like she was his and that she liked it too much to hide it.
“Tie it for me, my Bucky?” she asked timidly, holding both ends of the bracelet between her index and thumb.
Bucky could only lean in to kiss her forehead, trying to figure out how someone like him deserved a girl like her.
“Anything for you, angel.”
The first time she referred to Bucky as Daddy, it wasn’t to his face.
Bucky had been caught up in the rain, stuck in his car on his way home from a particularly tough work meeting after which he only wanted to be with his angel, soaking up in her innocent aura as he held her close.
She didn’t want to be clingy or annoying so she only called him once to ask when he was coming back, but it was enough for Bucky to hear the anxiousness in her voice.
He’d noticed she wasn’t a big fan of thunderstorms. The sound of thunder wasn’t exactly the most soothing to her. She would snuggle closer to Bucky’s warm body whenever the clouds shook with the loud cracking sounds on the nights the sky would pour.
Bucky knew she must’ve been scared all by herself in the big house. The only comfort she might be getting would be from Alpine and that if the cat didn’t need to be comforted herself.
The amount of times he’s yelled at his driver to hurry up and get him home was a new record. He was so close to losing his cool and getting in the front to drive himself.
Slippery, wet roads his ass.
When Bucky’s car stopped before the mansion, he was practically racing out of it, dragging the guard holding up the umbrella for him along as he took fast, wide steps.
The storm had caused a power outage and the whole place was dark. He could barely see his own hands. If he didn’t have the car lights lighting up the stairs for him, Bucky would’ve probably been face first on the first step.
Once inside, Bucky was met by another guard, who held up a flashlight for him. He shook off his coat and jacket, carding his hands through his hair a couple of times after handing the garments to a house worker. He got out of his shoes, now feeling tighter than ever on his feet, and rushed up the stairs to their room.
‘She didn’t want us in the room with her,’ the guards by the bedroom door told him, ‘said she was going to try to sleep.’
Bucky knew it was unlikely for her to succeed but he still opened the door ever so carefully just in case she had fallen asleep.
Bucky peeked in slowly only to be met with the sight of her wrapped up in a throw blanket from head to toe while hiding under the thicker bed blanket, Alpine purring on her lap. The place was illuminated by a bunch of scented candles, which added to the serene atmosphere her presence brought about. The room smelled like heaven with her in the middle looking like the most gorgeous angel.
“Shh, it’s okay, PinePine. Daddy will be here soon,” she told the trembling cat.
Her words went straight to Bucky’s heart, flying it across the planet and then slamming it back inside his chest.
She’s called him Daddy. She’s accepted him. She finally felt fully, completely and doubtlessly safe with him. She was his angel and he was her Daddy.
“We have nothing to be scared of. Daddy protects us from all scary things. He’s so strong and he has a metal arm,” she continued to reassure the white feline, softly caressing her head.
In a way, she was saying these words to herself too. She loved Bucky and it made her feel less scared to recall how safe he made her feel when he was around.
Alpine purred back as if in reply so she went on.
“He’s on his way. He promised. Daddy never breaks his promises.”
“Not to his angel, he doesn’t,” Bucky said, entering the room with a smile that she immediately returned.
Her face was hot as she figured Bucky must’ve heard her call him Daddy. She didn’t know if he liked it or not, but he didn’t seem upset or weirded out. And why would he? They’ve discussed everything. Bucky was onboard.
“My Bucky,” she whispered as he leaned in to engulf her blanket-wrapped body in his arms.
She could smell his scent and feel his warmth and it immediately made her feel safer as if the rain wasn’t still beating on the windows. She felt safe despite the darkness and the thunder cracking loudly across the sky.
Bucky was her light; he was her home and haven.
Alpine purred louder, getting up to her feet and rubbing her head into the man’s arm until he greeted her too with a few scratches to her head.
“I’m sorry it took me so long to come home, angel. We got caught up in the storm,” Bucky said, apologetically kissing her cheek because he knew she didn’t like the dark.
The mansion was too big and it being completely dark like that was almost haunting.
“You’re here now.” She beamed, pulling back the covers for Bucky to get in next to her.
“Yes, I am.” Bucky nodded, his own smile lighting up the dark room as contentment filled him.
“Let me change first,” he said, pulling the covers back so she wouldn’t get cold and she nodded, watching him walk to the large closet.
“Don’t go,” she called after him.
“I’ll be in the closet, baby, not going anywhere-” Bucky tried to tell her but she shook her head.
“No?” he asked, a smile forcing its way on his handsome face.
She shook her head again, getting shy and staring at her fingers as they played with Apline’s hair. “Stay. I won’t look,” she mumbled before biting her lip.
“Okay then, but don’t look,” Bucky joked but she nodded in all seriousness, silently promising him she wouldn’t.
They weren’t in a place in their relationship where they’ve been naked together yet. She’s only seen Bucky shirtless like twice and both were accidental situations from which she quickly turned her face and fled.
Bucky brought his clothes out with him, setting them on the end of the bed as he started taking his socks off, followed by his shirt and pants.
She couldn’t help herself as she curiously gazed up and watched Bucky’s back while he slid his pants down his long legs. His skin was illuminated by the candle lights and he looked otherworldly beautiful. He was so handsome and he was her Bucky. His muscles made his figure look as if it was perfectly sculpted by the gods—
“Hey! You promised you wouldn’t look!” Bucky teased, chuckling when he caught her checking him out.
“I’m sorry,” she whispered, quickly casting her eyes down.
Bucky laughed lightly, holding her hands up to his lips to kiss them and reassure her he was only teasing.
Her smile was back to her face as she watched Bucky drop his clothes in the hamper in the bathroom before returning back.
She was at his side the second he was comfortable under the fluffy, warm blanket next to her, her head on his chest, her body cuddling up to his.
“You can always look, baby. I’m yours as much as you’re mine,” Bucky mumbled to the crown of her head before kissing it.
She could only nod shyly, hiding a smile when she pressed a kiss to his shoulder as she cuddled closer.
“Angel?” he leaned forward and kissed her forehead next.
“Yes, my Bucky.”
“Please say it again,” Bucky whispered, “what you called me earlier.”
She looked up at him, wanting to see his face and make sure he was saying what she thought she heard.
“Really?” she checked nervously, her heart rapid in her chest.
“Really.” Bucky nodded, his gaze adoring and assuring.
She hesitated for a second before opening her mouth to let out the softest words Bucky has ever been told.
“I- I missed you tonight… daddy,” her voice was so low, so small and so shy that it made Bucky’s heart burst.
She buried her face in his neck, letting out a shaky sigh as she awaited his reaction.
“Daddy missed you even more, angel,” came Bucky’s tender reply as he hugged her tighter to him, “I missed you so much.”
When she looked back up, tears were already crowded in her eyes and Bucky thought he pushed her for a second.
“I love you,” she told him, biting back the tears that came with being too emotional, “you’re the best Daddy ever.”
She returned her face to the crook of his neck again and let her tears fall silently, her hands clutching Bucky’s shirt making sure he stayed where he was — making sure he was where he was.
Bucky has been called a lot of names by a lot of people, but he could hands down swear that being called Daddy by her was the best title he’s ever earned.
“Only to you, angel. You make me the best me I could be,” Bucky said as she pulled back to look at him again with a teary smile.
His thumb wiped gently at her cheeks before he kissed her forehead once more, letting his lips wander to her hairline and linger there.
“I love you, angel. You are my whole life.”
“Thank you for being my daddy.” It was all she could get out when she wanted to thank him for so much more.
The way she looked up at Bucky had him captivated and he had no intention of being set free. Her eyes were full of love. They were speaking to him, telling him how much she truly loved him, how much she wanted him and how much she appreciated him. He was the luckiest man on the planet and he was never more thankful for anything in his entire life as he was for her existence.
“Thank you for having me.” Bucky’s calloused thumb caressed her cheek, gingerly wiping away any residue tears before kissing her eyelids.
This was only the beginning to a series of warm, love-filled nights they would both happily share, for neither of them had any intention to let the other go.
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rphelperblog · 2 years
Eleanor and Park Quote Rp Meme
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“I want everyone to meet you. You're my favorite person of all time.”
‘Life’s a bastard.” 
"Next time, I'll just say, ‘ follow me down this dark alley, I want to kiss you.'"
“..I love your name. I don't want to cheat myself out of a single syllable.” 
And you look like a protagonist."
“I don’t like you. Sometimes I think I live for you” 
She never looked nice. She looked like art, and art wasn't supposed to look nice; it was supposed to make you feel something.” 
"I don't think I even breathe when we're not together,"
“Nothing before you counts, and I can't even imagine an after." 
“You can be Han Solo, and I'll be Boba Fett. I'll cross the sky for you.” 
"You look like the person who wins in the end. You're so pretty, and so good. You have magic eyes,"
“Can't you just like a girl who likes you back?'
"You're not the Han Solo in this relationship, you know."
‘You look like you.You with the volume turned up.”
'None of them likes me back. I may as well like the one I really want.”
“I just want to break that song into pieces and love them all to death.” 
“You act like there are two kinds of girls. The smart ones and the ones that boys like.”
“What are the chances you’d ever meet someone like that? Someone you could love forever, someone who would forever love you back? And what did you do when that person was born half a world away? The math seemed impossible.” 
“There’s no such thing as handsome princes. There’s no such thing as happily ever after.” 
“The me that's me right now is yours. Always.” 
“I might not use capital letters. But I would definitely use an apostrophe…and probably a period. I’m a huge fan of punctuation.”
"I think you're..." Beautiful. Breathtaking. Like the person in a Greek myth who makes one of the gods stop caring about being a god.” 
“Don't bite his face. It's disturbing and needy and never happens in situation comedies or movies that end with big kisses.
“And because I’m so out of control, I can’t help myself. I’m not even mine anymore, I’m yours, and what if you decide that you don’t want me? How could you want me like I want you?” 
‘It’s up to us not to lose this”
"Yesterday happens.” 
“He'd stopped trying to bring her back. She only came back when she felt like it anyway, in dreams and lies and broken-down déjà vu.”
“If you can’t save your own life, is it even worth saving?”
“...and his eyes were so green they could turn carbon dioxide into oxygen.” 
"Nothing, really. I just want to be alone with you for a minute." 
“I just can’t believe that life would give us to each other, and then take it back.’
'That's not even the right kind of racist.” 
“And when she smiled, something broke inside of him.Something always did.” 
“The world turned itself into a better place around him.” 
“Goodbye. Just tonight. Not ever.”
“Everytime, he breaks your heart. And everytime, he expects me to pick up the pieces.” 
I want to be with you all the time. You’re the smartest girl I’ve ever met, and the funniest, and everything you do surprises me. And I wish I could say that those are the reasons I like you, because that would make me sound like a really evolved human being …‘But I think it’s got as much to do with your hair being red and your hands being soft … and the fact that you smell like homemade birthday cake” 
"Don't talk about after."
“I'm not ready for you to stop being my problem.”
“I don’t think there’s enough of her left.” 
“Ophelia was bonkers, right? And Juliet was what, a sixth-grader?” 
“We're going to listen music in my room.'
"I just meant that... I want to be the last person who ever kisses you, too.... That sounds bad, like a death threat or something. What I'm trying to say is, you're it. This is it for me.” 
“It was the nicest thing she could imagine. It made her want to have his babies and give him both of her kidneys.” 
“My girlfriend is sad and quiet and keeps me up all night worrying about her.” 
“They agreed about everything important and argued about everything else.”
“I'm not even mine anymore, I'm yours, and what if you decide that you don't want me? How could you want me like I want you?” 
“Because being assaulted with maxi pads is a great way to win friends and influence people.” 
“She couldn't repay him. She couldn't even appropriately thank him. How can you thank someone for The Cure? Or the X-Men? Sometimes it felt like she'd always be in his debt.” 
“It’s easier for me to make peace from a distance.” 
'I told you to smile because you're pretty when you smile.'
"Don’t laugh. It just encourages me.” 
'It'd be better if you thought I was pretty when I don't.” 
He knows I'll like a song before I've heard it. He laughs before I even get to the punch line. There's a place on his chest, just below his throat, that makes me want to let him open doors for me.There's only one of him.” 
"Don't get so hung up on gender roles,"
'Just don't get anybody pregnant.” 
“Girl, you need to learn a lesson about standing in your own light.” 
All I do when we're apart is think about you, and all I do when we're together is panic. Because every second feels so important. And because I'm so out of control, I can't help myself. I'm not even mine anymore, I'm yours, and what if you decide that you don't want me? How could you want me like I want you?"
“There's no reason to think we're going to stop loving each other,” 
“They’re a metaphor for acceptance; they’ve sworn to protect a world that hates and fears them.”
"This fight doesn’t change that. You can’t start kicking people every time someone thinks I’m weird or ugly … Promise me you won’t try. Promise me that you’ll try not to care."
“Dumb. He should have gotten the pen. Jewelry was so public... and personal, which was why he'd bought it. He couldn't buy her a pen. Or a bookmark. He didn't have bookmarklike feelings for her.” 
"You always ask that. Why. Like there’s an answer for everything. Not everybody has your life, you know, or your family. In your life, things happen for reasons. People make sense. But that’s not my life. Nobody in my life makes sense …” 
“Like more tired than usual. Hard and crumbling at the edges.” 
“He kept making her feel like it was safe to smile.” 
She’d be brave and noble, and she’d find a way.”
“I'd want to fly. I know it's not very useful, but ... it's flying.” 
“All I do when we're apart is think about you,and all I do when we're together is panic” 
“It was like their lives were overlapping lines, like they had their own gravity. Usually, that serendipity thing felt like the nicest thing the universe had ever done for her.”
“His eyes missed her as much as the rest of him.” 
The children of hell shan’t go hungry on my watch.” 
“She didn't know there were things worse than selfish.” 
“But he kept finding new pockets of shallow inside himself. He kept finding new ways to betray her.” 
“All of her bones seemed more purposeful than other people’s. Like they weren’t just there to hold her up, they were there to make a point.” 
“But the explanations fell apart in her hands. Everything true was too hard to write--he was too much to lose. Everything she felt for him was too hot to touch.” 
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willowcrowned · 2 years
Can uh we get the Karen Traviss mando’a rant?
you may :)
So Mando'a falls into the realm of what we call a fictional language—a conlang created to accompany, inhabit, and (most often) enrich a fictional world. Star Wars, surprisingly, is actually mostly bereft of conlangs (there is famously a star wars language that is just mispronounced french smurfs books), which makes Mando'a very special ...and very disappointing.
See, while Mando'a technically accomplishes its goal of enriching a fictional world by adding an element of realism, that only stretches so far. Mando'a sure looks good when you see it on a page, but the second you try to do anything with it, you're sorely disappointed.
There are, generally, two major parts of language: a lexicon and a grammar. The lexicon is the words used within a language, and the grammar is, well, the grammar of a language. When creating a conlang, one doesn't necessarily want to emulate both the lexicon and grammar of real-world languages—toki pona is a great example of when someone is trying to do the opposite—but as fictional languages are generally intended to add realism to a world, rather than take it away, there's a baseline expectation that the language acts realistically.
Part 1: The Lexicon
This is where Mando'a first fails. Its lexicon, while home to a good few words, lacks a good deal of realism. I'm not going to complain about its scope because it's a conlang and we've all got to stop somewhere—I'm going to complain about the depth of what we do have.
Words are composed of roots and affixes. "Writer," for example, is composed of the root "write," which means write, and the affix "er," which generally means one who does [insert root here]. We see both the root and the affix in wide use in English, and familiarity with them helps a speaker understand words they don't know. If an English speaker saw the word "blurpler," they would have a fair guess that it means someone who blurples.
The first place Mando'a falls apart is its lack of roots and affixes. Because so many of its words are compound words, it appears to actually have some linguistically linked morphemes, but that all falls apart when you look closer.
"Verd" for instance shows up in a lot of compounds, sometimes in its plural form as verde. We have verde (soldiers), along with al'verde (commander) and ol'averde (company). Technically, we might classify it as a root here. But then we'd have to classify al' and ol'a as affixes, and... they're really not. To be affixes, they'd have to show up in other words. And they don't
But Willow, you say, even if al' doesn't show up in other words in Mando'a, al does! And if you assume the apostrophe is just there because of a phonological pattern [it's not btw. the apostrophes in mando'a are totally random], then it doesn't matter if al' never shows up, because it shows up in all the ways that matter.
To which I reply: Yes! 'Al' does show up as a prefix in other words in Mando'a—aliik (armor sigil), aliit (clan; family), and alor (leader), to name a few—but for it to be an affix, it needs to have a meaning attached. It needs to be modifying the roots its attached to in some way. And it doesn't! None of the words I've listed above have a common thread. They may all be nouns, but the roots they're modifying—if they have one—aren't not nouns to begin with. The al isn't doing anything.
But it doesn't even matter, because the roots the al should be modifying don't exist either.
iik only shows up in more than a few words. So many, in fact, that I'll only list a couple: aliik (armor sigil), bes'uliik (basilisk war droid), abiik (air), araniik (cordon), and briik (line). If iik were truly a root, we would likely see some common thread between at least half of these. We don't.
iit has a similar problem. It shows up in fewer words—aliit (clan; family), traat'aliit (squad; team), miit (word), miit'gaanar (write), and naumiit (signal). In this case, we see how a few words are linked—aliit and traat'aliit, miit and miit'gaanar—but these are compounds of nouns and verbs, not roots and affixes put together.
Alor is actually the first place we see more of a root/affix combo come into play, but even then it's limited. Alor (leader) becomes alorir (lead) through the addition of the affix ir. Cheers! We found an example of language building that rings true to real life!
But I hope it's clear by now that that sort of word-building is the exception, not the rule.
Traviss actually did build in a few affixes to make comparatives + superlatives and to turn nouns into adjectives. I think that was actually a great idea on her part, and works fairly well for what it is, but again: that's the exception to the rule, not the rule. A believable conlang would have more than six or so affixes.
Part 2: The Grammar
If the lexicon is paltry, ill-constructed, and difficult to work with, then the grammar is the opposite. It's well-founded in real-world examples, it's got a solid answer for any grammatical conundrum, and it's even intuitive to English speakers!
Because, with a very few exceptions (the general-use interrogative particle being one, and the common lack of articles being another), it's literally fucking English.
In English (unless we're Yoda, who we're ignoring as a statistical outlier), we speak in SVO. That is to say, when we construct a sentence, we place the subject first, then the verb, then the object. Ahsoka throws the lightsaber. Anakin kills the child
Mando'a also does this! Ahsoka goora jetii'kad. Anakin kyr'amu adiik.
This, on its own, would not be enough to annoy me. SVO is a popular grammar pattern irl. What does annoy me is that it's clear Traviss picked it not out of a desire for realism, but rather out of laziness.
There's a reason there's only one inflection of verbs in Mando'a. There's a reason there's no past and future tense, nor any perfect and imperfect to make up for it (like in Biblical Hebrew). There's a reason that Mando'a largely only differs from English in what it drops, rather than what it adds.
That reason is this: Karen Traviss was not making a conlang. She was making a vocabulary list to supplement her writing.
Traviss accomplished what she set out to do: she created a list of words to enhance her fictional world. She did not, however, create a conlang, and it's immensely frustrating that the lack of other offical conlangs in Star Wars means that people pretend Mando'a counts as such.
Mando'a is not a conlang. Mando'a is a list of random, unrelated vocabulary, coupled with what barely counts as even an attempt at a real grammar.
tldr; it fucking sucks as a language. because it's not one
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panther-os · 2 years
👏 What Not To Do Time!
Translation Version
Tbh these are just my biggest pet peeves as I'm reading a lot of fics with Mando'a in them, so I'm going to be using that as examples and tagging the post for tcw.
Please for the love of God double-check everything and make absolutely sure you understand how grammar and syntax work. The plural of "vod" is not "vods" or "vod" or "vod'e" it's "vode". If you're working in a universe where clones don't know much Mando'a they might use -s for some plurals but such frequently used and culturally important words as brothers would not be that. Especially not when canonically they are at least aware of the phrase "Vode an".
If you translate words or phrases to the actual language, don't italicize them unless it's for emphasis, especially a single word. Your readers are almost always going to read italics as emphasis and there is a wealth of difference between "Hey" "Yeah, vod?" and "Hey" "Yeah, vod?"
If you're italicizing or bolding English words to show that they're in a different language don't translate and then transliterate it. Having "buddy" as "little soldier" because "buddy" in Mando'a is sometimes "verd'ika" is just. no. please don't. Just say "buddy". Don't strip things of context just to be Xtra EdgyKool because you feel like you have to in order to show No These Really Aren't Plain Wonderbread White People.
Please remember that in many, many languages, including Mando'a, an apostrophe is a glottal stop, which is a consonant. Specifically it's the consonant represented by the hyphen in uh-oh. Please pronounce things accordingly in your audial media and please stop inserting random consonants because you think it would look cool. Writing "vod'e" instead of "vode" is essentially writing "cowks" instead of "cows". It's recognizable but it might take a second and it still throws you off and makes you go "why the fuck is there a k in there?"
In conclusion, please everybody be normal about other languages in your writing.
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battlecries-dear · 4 years
Hi I just wanted to let you know, from the standpoint of someone who's very particular about grammar, that your grammar does not detract from the wonderful writing you do at all. You're creating lovely art for yourself and being kind enough to share it with the internet as well and that's honestly dope. Being angry about that anon is 100% valid, though I hope you won't take what they said to heart. You're putting out art into the world, who cares if the grammar or spelling is perfect. 💜💜
Hey, thank you so much!! I love the writing I do, I know grammar isnt my strong suit in some cases (i will die before i stop using comma splices) but its still upsetting for someone to tell you your art is wrong. Even though i can deal with negative messages in the long run, that one hit me in the moment and it was discouraging.
Thank you for lifting my spirits, for convincing me that people do like my stuff. Sometimes its just important to remember that the people who think what im doing is cool are always gonna outweigh the ones who wanna dunk on me for forgetting apostrophes in the word dont.
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im-an-anxious-wreck · 2 years
Memories Aren't Important… Right?
Chapter Sixteen • Patton
Word count: 1425
MAI...R? chapter collection
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Patton was wiping down one of the tables in the bakery where he worked when the doorbell rang and they turned to see Remus.
"Hey, Remus! Want a treat before we go?"
"Oof, not today. I just had a snack. Sorry, Patty-Cake. Maybe next time."
"Are you almost done?" Remus asked, but the gentle way chaos had said it, didn't make Patton feel rushed.
"Yeah, almost! I just have to take the trash out." Patton walked into the back and put the rag in the dirty cloths basket. They clocked out and, grabbing the bag of trash, walked out to where Remus was patiently waiting. "I've already clocked out. Wanna walk to the dumpster with me?"
"Sure! Do you have to lock up tonight?"
"Nope! It's only four."
"Oh, right. The bakery closes at six, so you're not closing up today, right?"
They walked out the door and headed to the dumpster, which fortunately was close as it was just in the alley behind the bakery.
"Hey, you wanna know how I'm like a bicycle?" Patton asked.
Remus quirked an eyebrow. "Because once people learn how to ride you, they never forget?"
"Be— what? No!" Patton felt his cheeks warm. "I was gonna say because I'm two-tired!"
Remus softly laughed. "Ah, I see, my bad."
Patton giggled as they tossed the trash bag into the dumpster, and was about to say something when he stopped as they saw a tan, long haired dog.
"Aww, hi, buddy!"
The dog continued to stare at Patton.
"Um, do you think they have an owner?" Remus asked.
"I don't know," Patton said lowly, as to not scare the dog. "They don't have a collar, but they could've taken it off, dogs are smart like that and collars are a bit too loose sometimes."
"Should we try to find their owner?"
"Yeah, we should. Um… hey, fella." Patton crouched down and held their hand out for the dog to smell, which they did after a moment. They got even closer and Patton patted their head. "Aww, aren't you such a good dog! Yes, you are!"
"Don't get too attached," Remus warned.
"Aww, I know, but look at how cute they are!"
"Maybe we should try and get them to get in your van and to the 'V-E-T air comma S'."
"You mean an apostrophe?"
"Yeah, air comma, apostrophe, same thing, whatever."
Patton tilted his head to the side. "Okay, but why'd you spell it out?"
"Well, I don't know if the dog knows that word, but the dog Roman and I had when we were little kids sure did."
"Oh, and you didn't want to scare them. I see! Hey, doggo? You wanna go for a walk?"
The dog's ears perked up.
Remus laughed. "We'll take that as a yes."
After Patton had successfully corralled the dog into his van, they took them to the vet's office.
The veterinarian gave the dog a check-up and even checked for a microchip. While she did so, Patton looked over the missing pet posters, and Remus looked online for anyone who was missing a dog that's picture looked like the dog they'd found.
They hadn't found anything and even posted a picture in a local missing pets group.
After a few hours of nothing, and since the dog's check-up was done, the veterinarian suggested they take the dog home if they wanted to, or leave the dog here and she would get him to the humane society.
Patton said they'd quickly text their housemates before making a decision, even though he wanted to immediately say yes.
Remus said yes before Patton has barely been able to give chaos puppy dog eyes.
Fortunately none of them minded or were allergic to dogs.
And yes, Patton cheered when they got to take the dog home, but how could he not! They could certainly be introducing a new member of the family into their home soon.
On the ride home Patton thought of something. "Hey, Remus?"
"Yeah, honey?"
Patton smiled at the nickname. "Now that the dog is probably going to be living with us forever, we should name him."
"Oh, good point! We should name him Black Motor Oil."
"Cheeto Dust!"
"Absolutely not! I was thinking of a baked good since we found him behind the bakery."
"Ooh, like what? Devil's Food Cake?"
"No! He's an angel!"
"...Angel Food Cake?"
"Aww, but that's my nickname," Patton pouted. "I was thinking something more like… Hmmm… how about Pupcake!"
Remus barked a laugh. "A pun? Of course you're naming our dog a pun."
"Our dog?"
"Oh, sorry." Remus curled around herself a bit. "Didn't mean to assume. He… he can just be your dog," Remus flatly stated, disappointment evident as not only could Patton feel Remus' emotions, but they could see it in chaos' expression when Patton glanced at her.
"No! I didn't mean it like that!" Patton sadly said. "We certainly can both be his paw-rents!"
The mood lifted again as Remus snorted. "Okay, sounds good, Pat-rika."
"That's a bit of a stretch, but I'll allow it. Puns are just so pun-derful!"
"Wait, back to the Pupcake thing… isn't Pupcake the dog from Strawberry Shortcake?"
"Oh, yeah! I think it is. Oops."
"Well, we could always name him Crocodile Farts!"
"No!! Absolutely gosh darn not!"
"Ooh, watch your profanity," Remus teased.
"Oh, hush."
"...So, what are we gonna name him?"
"Um… Biscuit!"
"Oh, that's a good one." Remus twisted in his seat to look at the dog. "It suits him."
"Biscuit it is!" Patton cheered.
After going to the store to get some dog supplies, including a collar for Biscuit's new tags, Patton and Remus walked into the living room with the newest addition to the famILY to see Janus, Logan, Virgil, and Roman lounging around on the couch.
Patton bit his lip momentarily before cheerfully saying, "Remus and I are parents now!"
"What!" Virgil worriedly exclaimed, sitting up quickly from where he'd been slouching.
"To a fur baby!"
"Oh, yeah. That—" Virgil relaxed again. "Okay. Geez, Pat, you're gonna give me a heart attack one of these days."
"Oops, sorry, kiddo."
"So, who's the dog?" Virgil asked. "I mean obviously he's the one you asked us about, but like, what's his name?"
Patton walked around to in front of the couch, Biscuit, who was still on his leash, followed. "Everyone say hello to Biscuit!"
"Aww!" Roman exclaimed. "He's adorable!!"
Remus beamed. "Isn't he!?"
"He's quite cute for a dog," Janus agreed.
Logan got up and crouched down in front of Biscuit. "Salutations, I am Logan. Please do not eat or destroy any of my things and we shouldn't have an issue," Logan said seriously before pausing for a moment. He gave Biscuit a pat on the head and then went back to sit on the couch and continued reading his book.
"I'm so glad y'all like him!" Patton took the leash off of Biscuit. "Go explore, Biscuit!" Biscuit walked off, sniffing things here and there. "Oh! And don't worry, the vet said that he was quite politely potty trained."
Virgil's eyebrows knit together in confusion. "Wait… how is he politely potty trained?"
"Well, the vet said he was very polite when he asked to go potty."
"Well that's good," Janus said. "We wouldn't want a rude dog."
Patton wasn't quite sure if Janus was joking or not, so he didn't say anything to that. "I know this was kinda sudden, but he doesn't have an owner and we couldn't just turn him over to the humane society! Well, I mean, I— I guess technically we could, but like morally… but anyway, since all of you were okay with it, and I kinda got attached to him even though Remus warned me not to… anyway, it worked out though!"
"It did," Remus agreed. "Oh, we probably shouldn't give him quite as much dog food as the bag recommends for a dog of his weight though," He mused.
"Why not?" Patton asked in confusion.
"Because you are gonna give him so much human food from the table." Remus chuckled.
"But he's the bestest boy! He deserves to have some of our delicious food." Patton gasped loudly. "Oh my goodness! Do you think he's ever had pancakes before?"
Remus bit his lower lip to keep from laughing. "...I don't have future predicting powers, but I have a feeling we're having pancakes for supper."
Patton giggled. "How'd you know?"
"Just a guess," Remus joked.
Patton smiled at his boyfriend.
Things were really looking up.
0 notes
Roleplay Rules:
1. Literacy: I do literate/advanced literate. Therefore, I do roleplays in 3rd person pov and I would prefer you do the same, i.e., use he/she/they. Aside from that use (..), /.../, [...], or {..} for chats out of roleplay..like for casual talking, or simply informing about your activity or plotting further plot for the rp. Lastly, a reminder- use quotations, i.e., "..." For speech while your actions should be outside of the quotation marks. And also for expressing thoughts, I'd prefer using apostrophe, i.e., '...'
2.Length: I tend to do myself around 2-8 big text bubbles ( or instagram bubbles ). Since I like roleplays to be like writing stories-with the description of one's emotions, thoughts, actions, words and actions with a description of the surrounding/atmosphere. Therefore it's a request to try and write 2 bubbles ( especially for starters) or at least 1.5 bubble. Though usually I'll try to keep the rp within 3-4 bubbles ( I'll try not to do more than that as it sometimes takes really long to reply ).If I notice you lacking in response lengths, I'll slowly start to lose up my motivation from the roleplay as it'll no more seem fun to me. Resulting in me ending the roleplay.
3.Replies/Responses: Responses from my part will be a bit slow. I might take maximum a week or two to reply to the roleplay. So I might leave you on seen for hours/days to think of a perfect reply. As everyone has a life out of roleplay, we at times might not want to reply to the rp at the moment, so it'll be really kind of you to not spam me instead send me a reminder after a week. Even if I'm active, that doesn't mean I'll respond to the rp any sooner. Aside from that, I can wait for your response upto a month, mostly I'll send a reminded after a week or two. If you'r going on a hiatus or will be offline for a brief while ( due to some personal or say in real life issues ) please do inform me once and I'll do the same.
4. God modding: Please no god modding. To be honest, it's rather annoying and demotivating. Don't control my characters instead just control yours and I'll do the same. Aside from that, don't make your character that unstoppable and divinely/demonic one! It's unreal and pointless--> hence it's just dissuading
5. For god's sake, don't use racial slurs.
6. If I use this '❄️' it means I'm ending the roleplay. If I use this '⛈️' it's a reminder for leaving me on seen for upto a week or two.
Use '🥪' or '🍭' to send me a reminder after a week or two of leaving your reply on seen.
7. Please no gross kinks!
8. No sending or asking for nudes or any irl picture- even if we're close, it's a NO. I'll block you rightaway.
9. Please respect my choice if I'm uncomfortable with something, I'll do the same for you.
10. Have fun while role-playing, I don't want my roleplay partners to feel tensed up or anything like that. So just stay calm and relaxed while trying to enjoy the roleplay.
11. Also please let me know if the roleplay seems boring to you or there's something troubling about the roleplay or simply me. Don't just stop responding or block me without giving me a reason.
12. I do drp but it shouldn't be the always smutt, or say let's not make the rp only about smutt!please-it makes the roleplay boring at some point, hence resulting with me ending the roleplay. Let's not rush into sex. First let's make our characters develop a good bond. As I do mix of both clean and dirty, if you only wish to do clean roleplay just tell me once.
13. My triggers are pedophilia, racism and homophobia. If you're a homophobic or racist person then kindly get your ass out of this page.
14. We can always do more than one roleplays. If I ever end a roleplay, it doesn't mean I hate you or anything personal but simply I have lost motivation for it. Aside from that, we can always start a new one.
15. I'd like both of us to carry the roleplay together-not only one. You can always add/create add on characters to keep the story interesting and going since we always need something interesting for the characters to do. I hate those foggy moments where our characters don't have much things to do.
16. We can always discuss the next step of the roleplay or you can just give me a cardiac arrest with an unexpected twist.
17. One of my triggers is CHEATING on my character as well. But I don't mind if it's just some kind of misunderstanding or misinterpretation.
18. I'd like to work with horror, dark, action, fantasy, survival alongside of just romance. Also it's not important for my character to accept your character's proposal or agree with your character all the time. Infact it's not important for my character to blush all the times at small things done by your character. Same goes for your character as well. There can be disagreements, fights, quarrels infact even seperation!Besides it's not necessary for my character to already start liking or having feelings for your character from the start.
19. If you wish to pause the rp and talk, I don't mind.
20. If you want to rp with me then you'll start it, if I want to rp with you then I'll start it. ( Unless we figure out something or you prefer going with the plot I've under my post)
21. Please Don't make me do everything or carry the roleplay-we both need to use our brain and imagination.
22. If you don't feel comfortable doing certain activities, words or etc. Please do inform me, I don't want any of us to get uncomfortable.
23. Now to see if you've read my rules carefully, when you'll fill up the request form instead of sending me MY OC'S name, send me the letters/initials written on the circle logo next to their 'character #XXX'. Like for Snow it's S2. While for Leticia it's AL3 and for Augustine it's AKJ.
24. I don't mind if you're not having a perfect English/grammar as because I don't speak English since it's not my first language but I'll try my best to make the rp interesting for both of us. And I expect the same from you to give it your best.
25. Respect me and I'll respect you. Don't go around being all rude or spread hatred towards me!Especially if I end our roleplay or don't give a fast reply!
26. All my characters are 21+ so I'd like you to try to match up the same group as my OCs. At least not below 20.
27. I don't use human models/real humans as face claims since it makes me kinda uncomfortable since it's an actual person. Aside from that, no gacha characters either.
28. I'd like to only rp with roleplay accounts or any other anime fan/fanarts account. Just no personal account.
29. If you want to roleplay, just dm me. I'm not gonna eat you up as long as you respect my rules. If you wish to chat, You're always welcomed in my dm-just a small reminder!I'm not good with keeping up conversations.
30. Please don't give me dry responses. It's harder to keep up with the rp. Besides I like long terms roleplay.
31. Stopping a rp to start a new one is welcomed or we can always have more than one roleplays.
32. Lastly if you read all my rules, send me your favourite food/fruit/drink emoji. Mine is- 🧁
If you're still here, thanks for reading the rules!I hope to looking out for role-playing or simply chatting with you.
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danahbanana · 3 years
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By Danah Tolentino HUMSS 12-D
This Module is entitled; CREATIVE NONFICTION DEMYSTIFIED. In this lesson, it have the objective to list down the characteristics of creative nonfiction. But first what is nonfiction? Based on my knowledge these are the writing that is based on true events, people, places, and facts. This category can apply to something like this, a blog, hence it is not just blog but also for food, travel, memoir, personal essay etc. Creative nonfiction can appear and can connect the reader and writer because of the emotions, experiences. Always remember, Creative Nonfiction is all based on true life experiences or events, no imagination should be put in writings, or even false facts.
So if Fiction have its Elements and so ,Creative Nonfiction. You'll be somehow confused because the elements of fiction is mostly the same in creative nonfiction. But not at all. So bare with me and have a long patience and understanding.
PLOT, in creative nonfiction plot is where the true events happened. It is a string of events. But here in CNF a Plot also have an elements; scope, sequence, and pacing.
- Scope is the boundaries of the plot. Where and when does the story begin and end.
- Sequence, refers to the order of the events. Hence not only the Traditional sequence is the option, we also have here the
• Freytag's Pyramid
• In media res ( It is when the story happened in between or in middle of the action)
• and, Non linear Narrative, where series of flashbacks, happened back and forth in the nonfiction sequence.
- Pacing. It is just simply the time speed or the flow of your story.
CHARACTERS, this element makes a story alive. Hence, this is nonfiction so a human, environment, or animals can be a character.
CHARACTERIZATION. It refers to the development of the characters, in actions, descriptions, or dialogue.
Tho, the breakdown of characterization comes in two ways. Directly and Indirectly.
POINT OF VIEW. In non fiction, it is just the perspective of the narrative and the emotions attached. In p.o.v to confirm an emotion, we needed tone and mood.
- Tone, is the emotion of the story inserted.
- Mood, is the emotion that the readers felt.
ANGLE, it is the standpoint where the narrative is being told.
SETTING AND ATMOSPHERE, setting is the place where the story or narrative takes place. While Atmosphere is the surrounding mood of the setting.
SYMBOLS AND SYMBOLISM, symbols is how the writer gives meaning to the objects Symbolism is the practice or art of representing an abstract idea with an object or a word.
IRONY, is when you get the exact opposite of what you expected. This frequently results in amusement or emphasis. And there's three types of Irony
- Verbal Irony, it is when a word meaning is actually different from what you're reading or heard.
- Dramatic Irony, communicated through the structure of a work: the audience's perception of the situation in which a work's characters exist significantly differs from the characters', and the characters' words and actions take on a different often conflicting.
- Situational Irony, it is the gradually turned of events. It is where the unexpected scenarios arises/experience.
DIALOGUE, is the communication between the characters.
SCENE, it is the showing of time and place of the subdivision of an act.
Well, that's the elements of the nonfiction. But i doesn't stop there, because in writing a nonfiction, we can also encounter a FIGURE OF SPEECH. There's a hundred of Figure of speeches actually, but these are the most common type that you may see or encounter in a narrative work.
• ALLITERATION, or the repetition of an initial consonant sound.
• ANAPHORA, the repetition if same word of phrase at the beginning of successive clauses or verses.
• ANTITHESIS, the juxtaposition of contrasting ideas in balanced phrases.
• APOSTROPHE, breaking of discourse to address some absent person or thing, some abstract quality, an inanimate objects or a nonexistent character.
• CHIASMUS , a verbal pattern in which the second half of an expression is balanced against the first but with parts reversed.
• EUPHEMISM, the substitution of an inoffensive term for one considered offensively explicit.
• HYPERBOLE, an extravagant statement the use of exaggerated terms for the purpose of emphasis or heightened effect.
• IRONY, the use of words to convey the opposite of their literal meaning is contradicted by the appearance or presentation of the idea.
• LITOTES, a figure of speech consisting between two unlike things that actually have something important in common.
• METHAPHOR, is an implied comparison between two unlike things that actually have something important in common.
• METONYMY, it is when one word or phrase is substituted got another which it is closely associated.
• ONOMATOPOEIA, the formation or use of words that imitate the sounds associated to the actions they refer.
• OXYMORON, it is which incongruous or contradictory terms appear side by side.
• PARADOX, a statement that appears to contradict itself.
• PERSONIFICATION, a figure of speech which an inanimate object or abstraction is endowed with human qualities or abilities.
• PUN, a play on words, sometimes on different senses of the same word and sometimes on the similar sense or sound of different words.
• SIMILE, comparison that usually formed with "like" or "as" between two fundamentally dissimilar things that have certain qualities in common.
• SYNECDOCHE, it represent the while for a part
• UNDERSTATEMENT, a figure of speech in which a writer or a speaker deliberately makes a situation seem less important or serious than it is.
And there you go, that's the Module 3 of CREATIVE NONFICTION. I learned a lot in this lesson, and especially the Figures of Speech part it refresh my memories and knowledge about it. In the end part Activity for this module, our teacher made us compare with the Venn diagram the Fiction and Nonfiction, also spot the elements of nonfiction and figure of speech for the nonfiction work. This module is actually fun. Please look forward for more Reflection Journal of mine. Thankyou, and have a great day.
7:32 P.M
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onyxofborg · 7 years
To smeerp or not to smeerp: a guide for fantasy writers
Ok, so you're writing a fantasy story. That means you get to make up all sorts of weird names for creatures and plants and days of the week, right?
Wrong. At least partially.
Consider this sentence:
Jarek climbed onto his kavar and picked up the simbric, cursing at it in Revanese. He had to save Alespia before the evil gykhan got her!
Yeah. Not really sending me. Too many weird terms in too short a space. There's obviously supposed to be drama here, but if we don't know what it means, it won't affect our emotions much, will it? And stories are, above all else, about affecting emotions. So how do we fix it?
1. Realize that regardless of what language your fantasy people speak, you're writing the story in English. Or Spanish. Or Swahili. Or whatever.
This means that while locals night call it a kavar, if it looks and functions like a horse, you might as well call it a horse. If it's actually a green camel with photosynthetic receptors on its skin... well, we'll get to that later.
2. But what about plants like catweed and fleshbite?
Ok, you got me there. This is mainly a shortcut to avoid having to research the medicinal properties of real plants that might be made into potions. I mean, if you're making a big huge world, you have to stop researching *sometime* or you'll never actually write anything. Though I personally prefer to give imaginary plants names that at least hint at their appearance or function, as in baby's breath or nightshade. Making up weird names for them is perfectly acceptable (athelas, anyone?), but try not to put too many of them in one place.
3. Is there any cultural significance to this creature or item?
You *might* be able to get away with using weird names for money, official titles, and the like, especially if they play a large part in the culture. Maybe there's a ceremonial knife called a gjasta (how the hell do you pronounce that, anyway?) because it was named after the god of assassins. But again, try not to go wild with it.
4. What if a kavar looks nothing like a horse?
Is it a 4 legged animal that lives mostly in grasslands, eats hay, and is used for transportation and carrying things? Strongly consider calling it a horse anyway, even if it's blue. You can make it obvious that it's a horse of a different color pretty easily just by having someone combing tangles out of its luxuriant blue mane.
Is it a 4 legged animal that lives in the desert and is commonly used for transportation and carrying things? Strongly consider calling it a camel.
Is it a giant purple carnivorous lizard that can only be kept from eating its rider with strong magic spells? Ok, *now* you can call it a kavar. It's significantly different than any sort of creature Earth people ride, so it kind of deserves a unique name.
5. But why does it matter how many things have strange names? That's what fantasy is, right?
For one thing, if that's all fantasy was, no one would bother reading it.
For another, a high concentration of weird names, especially if they're long or have weird letter combinations or lots of apostrophes, can negatively impact reading comprehension.
And it's even harder for dyslexic people. This is one reason I generally try not to have everyone's names start with the same letter. I'm not dyslexic, and I have enough trouble remembering the difference between Fingolfin, Finarfin, and Fingon. (Which is another reason I don't advocate using conlangs to name everything, but that's another story.)
Basically, as with anything else, moderation is the key. Nobody ever said you couldn't have smeerps at all. All I'm asking is to use a little forethought.
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