#like y’all i stg
number1abbasupporter · 7 months
if these people on tiktok don’t start putting spoiler warnings when they talk about fanfiction i might actually lose my mind
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lovereadandwrite · 5 months
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he cooked ! he served !! HE ATE😮‍💨🥵
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littleoceanbabe · 11 months
loki: i don’t want to be alone.
the s2e6 loki writers, for some reason: so anyway i have an idea-
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r0semultiverse · 6 months
We gotta go back to tiny Pokémon in rubber ball vending machines being the norm at like every store and chain restaurant.
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strangersails · 9 months
part two of “billy tries so hard not to fall in love with steve (and fails)”.
“look, i know i’m an asshole” billy says, still so close to him. “and i know apes have better mannerism than i have, that i look like i don’t give a shit. but that. is nothing personal. okay? i’m just not a people person, i need constant space and i need to leave when things start to feel serious.”
“billy. you don’t even call me by my name. how is that serious?” steve rubs his face with both hands, then he folds his arms on his chest again.
billy takes the hint and takes a step back. “it is to me. i don’t call you steve cause that feels personal. i don’t stay in your bed after we fuck, cause that feels personal. i don’t want to hear your stories, because that feels too personal.”
“and why is that bad?” steve asks.
this also feels too personal, but now it’s too late.
“because if it’s personal, it means that we’re close. and if we’re close...” it takes him a moment to end the sentence, and he can’t do it looking him in the eyes, so he draws them on steve’s hands and then admits, “it means i have something to lose”.
steve tilts his head back, his arms still folded on his chest while he looks at billy. “i get it, but then i don’t understand this: what’s the point? why’d you kiss me?”
which is a fair question, billy’s gotta say it. “i don’t know. i just... i miss you, i told you.” billy is more honest than he thought he would be, but at this point why would he lie? what good would it do? he’d already exposed himself, anyway.
“you mean you miss the sex.”
billy can’t say if it’s a statement or a question, but it pisses him off whether it’s the first or the second. “i mean i missed you, harrington” he says, and he regrets the name almost the exact moment it slips from his lips.
he surely regrets it when the little muscles around the corner of steve’s lips curl and kind of shape it in a little, sad pout.
“look. i’m not gonna lie, i missed the sex too, but do you really think that you’re my only chance to get laid? i don’t just miss you cause you give me the best orgasms.”
“what do you miss, then? what can you possibly miss about me, when you’ve barely treated me like a hole this whole time? i don’t understand.”
billy’s heart sinks at those words. “i know i was a huge asshole and i’m sorry for that. i didn’t really mean to. i was just trying my best not to let you come too close. i know occasional sex can be tricky.”
“answer me. what do you miss, if it’s not just the sex?” steve sound so suspicious, like he’s sure there’s nothing billy could possibly appreciate about him enough for him to miss his presence. billy knows he really fucked up.
he takes a moment before he answer, and he feels steve’s compelling stare. “you smell really nice” he says then. “your breath” he gulps nervously, interrupting himself, “smells nice.” what the fuck, billy. “you like phil collins, which is embarrassing, but it suits you. i know it cause you’ve got all the damn tapes piled up on the desk next to your bed and they once fell on my face when you were pounding me so g—”
“jesus christ shut up.”
“—and your writing is the ugliest, i still got your stupid ice cream shaped little post it with your number on it sticked in the sun visor in my car, but you made that cute little heart drawing with the devil’s horns and tail, i couldn’t physically throw it away.”
“you kept it?”
“it was a joke, that stupid drawing.” steve’s ears go red.
billy can’t help but grin. “it’s ugly. it’s the wonkiest heart i’ve ever seen.”
steve shoves him gently by the shoulder. “shut up. you kept it.”
“i kept it.” billy curls his finger around the front belt loop of steve’s denim, and tugs him a little closer. he can’t help himself. “i like the fact that you’re a nice person, even though you don’t believe it, for reasons that i ignore.”
billy also ignores the little twitch of steve’s eyebrow that confirms what he just said.
“i like that you’re dyslexic but it pisses me off that you won’t—”
“wait, what?” steve’s face flushes a hot, fluorescent pink while he nervously laughs. “you like that i’m dyslexic? what does that even mean? it doesn’t even sound like a compliment...”
“that’s cause it’s not a compliment” billy lets his fingers graze on steve’s hips only to get to wrap his arms around his tiny waist.
“i’m not joking, i like it. it’s a steve thing. it’s part of you and it’s... i don’t know. look, i suck at this kind of things. i know you a little, i know how i feel when i’m with you and i kind of miss it.”
steve has his arms folded on his chest between them. he hums. billy would pay to know what’s going on under that nest of messy, fluffy hair. he hates the silence and that stance too. like steve wants to put distance between them. but at the same time he could get rid of billy’s embrace, which he didn’t, and that gives billy a little hope.
“okay” steve says, eventually.
“okay...?” billy repeats prompting him to be more explicit.
“i believe you.”
of fucking course, he wants to say. he didn’t make a fool out of himself admitting all those embarrassing things to him only to be questioned? why would he lie about it, anyway? stupid harrington. he won’t be hearing of any more of those nauseatingly sweet things anytime soon.
“well, thanks” he just says, still a little anxious about what’s coming next. he hopes it’s not a but.
“but” here we go... “i don’t know what you expect from me, then. you want to fuck and then what?”
billy lets out a heavy sigh and lets his hands drop from steve’s waist.
“hey. get back here.” steve doesn’t sound like he’ll accept no's.
so billy gets back to wrap his arms around him, even though his stomach is still tense.
“i did not tell you to get off, did i?” steve sounds dead serious.
billy holds him tighter out of spite. and nostalgy.
steve unfolds his arms and let his hands linger on the other boy’s biceps.
“what do you want to do, billy?” he asks again. “you want to fuck and then what? because if we’re going back to you treating me like a hole we’re not going to—”
“please don’t say that” billy interrupts him.
it’s steve’s turn to sigh, this time. he draws those slender fingers of his on his chest. billy is glad he busts his own ass off in the gym. “alright. but i mean it, we’re not going far if you plan on going back to strangers fifty seconds after you give me the best orgasms of my life.”
billy’s pride sings for a moment, but he still struggles with the rest, so he can’t brag right now.
“look, i get it. boundaries. we can have them, bills. i’m not asking for you to stay the night and hold my hand and sing me to sleep. just. i don’t know.”
billy wants to eat his stupid worried face and shower it with kisses and the thought makes his stomach twist, but what can he do? the other option is going back to being avoided and he hates the thought even more.
“we can hang out sometimes maybe? when i’m not actually busy or something” he tries.
“i mean, you don’t have to” steve don’t look at him in the eyes, like billy’s jacket is too interesting all of the sudden. “i don’t want you to feel forced to do something you don’t want to...”
“it’s not really like i don’t want to, though” he admits.
“it’s not?”
that stupid hopeful face he makes. billy wants once again to skin him alive.
“can i kiss you again?” he asks, before he can hold himself.
steve’s face goes all red again. “you better. you’ll need a lot of those if you want me to forgive you.”
billy leans in and gives a quick peck on his lips, tightening his grip on the boy’s hips. “oh, it’s like that, uh?”
“it’s like that...”
steve says that with the velvetiest voice, and billy chases his lips, catching them on a kiss that soon becomes sloppy and wet and deep, they kiss with tongue and teeth and hot breaths and fingertips. steve makes the most delicious whines, and billy can’t help but pull at his hair, bringing him closer, licking into his mouth and savoring him like it’s the last meal of his life. steve melts into the kiss, billy can feel the way he goes limp against him, the way his arms are hanging loose and relaxed around his shoulders.
“it’s so unfair that you kiss like this and we only started now” steve whines, pinching his nipple as a punishment.
billy flicks his forehead in return. “ow.”
“you owe me a hundred kisses at least, hargrove.”
billy leans in to kiss his lips again briefly. “yeah, yeah, you already said that.”
steve grins from ear to ear, lips stretched against billy’s. billy bite them.
“what the fuck are laughing for?”
“i can’t believe you kept the drawing.”
he regrets it already and makes that obvious rolling his eyes on the back of his skull. “shut up. i’m throwing it in the trash.”
“no you’re not.” steve kisses him.
“no i’m not.”
and steve kisses him again. and then billy is opening his mouth, angling his head just a little to be comfortable to dive into steve’s parted lips again. steve tastes like booze and cigarettes and billy loves it.
they’re never going back to not kissing.
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cassiopeiasara · 3 months
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vgilantee · 6 months
btw y’all are like… allowed to reblog stuff. you know that right? and comments? in the comments or the tags? you know you’re allowed to do that right?
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formulawolff · 4 months
this is one of the nicest, sweetest, most chill fandoms i have ever been a part of.
i’m glad i joined y’all 🥹
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i hate when people tell me i’m ‘doing better’ like sure i’m not locked in a ward but u have no fucking clue how hard it is for me to pretend everything’s fine and how hard it is for me to just survive
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seaglassdinosaur · 7 months
I love Thuggory he exists to be cool and hype up Hiccup, everyone goes ‘wow, Thuggory, he’s everything a Viking’s son should be, he’s strong, charismatic, and leaderly’ and he immediately turns around and says ‘OKAY EVERYONE, WE’RE LISTENING TO HICCUP NOW.’
#he’s there for like five scenes in three books but i stg I love him#so much#y’all remember when he brushed off a rock for hiccup to sit on while he problem solved?#there’s something to say about his modern Viking masculinity#how it reflects a readiness for mass cultural change among his and hiccup’s generation#in the way that he recognizes the value of Hiccup’s contributions and knows when to let someone else#even someone who isn’t at first glance the best choice#take charge#thuggery could have stayed quiet at any point and maintained the status quo but despite that and despite his position of privilege#he yelled at everyone in book 1 to shut up and let hiccup think#when hiccup and Valhalarama were at the prison and calling for supporters#thuggery was the first person to step forward#and importantly—he had the privilege to! he was important to the revolution because he was popular and had social influence!#he was the ideal Viking youth so if he supports hiccup everyone else should too!#in my fire metaphor he’s like tinder—only requiring hiccup’s spark to set him to change#and when he joins the whole prison sets itself ablaze#and again—hes someone willing to give up his privilege to do the right thing (support the weak and unwanted)#I’d say he probably recognizes the flaws in viking society and is ready for things to change#even if he isn’t entirely sure how. he just knows things should be different#he lets someone with better ideas step forward and take command content to back them up in self-recognition of his weak points#and demonstrating a humility not often seen in the Viking parents#am I ridiculous for typing all this out? yes#but in a story about revolution I think it’s work it to analyze the pieces and players#if thuggery has no fans I’m dead#httyd books#Thuggory the meathead#Thuggory#my post#I misspelled his name many times but I’m not going back to fix it!
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theyreallgaylol · 23 days
How straight Deadpool “fans” probably watched this scene 💀
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genius--built · 1 year
yknow it is the internet and all, so I can’t really say I could’ve expected better. but the last drawing I posted was not intended to be ship art. I would’ve been up front about it if that had been my intent. I’ve gone and tagged it at the request of a few people, but this is not a blog where I will be posting stuff that should result in genuinely threatening asks, so I’d appreciate some civility. I’ve been here less than 2 weeks, you don’t even know me.
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Tw: Death threats
Real talk, Idgaf if it’s scripted or not (ie sports or wrestling in general), don’t be like this fucking asshole. Watch the fucking show and chill the fuck out. Goddamn.
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angelnumber27 · 6 months
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What happened opening a conversation with like.. “hey”
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r0semultiverse · 7 months
These organizations supporting KOSA going through while claiming they want to help marginalized kids are actually so disgusting to me. The posts they make about Nex is just virtue signaling & words when their actions say let’s make things worse for these children.
I’m gonna be 100% honest, they should keep that kid’s name out of their damn mouths so long as they support KOSA. Like actually fuck you & eat shit. Actions speak louder than words, traitorous scumbags. You don’t care, you care about your stakeholders more.
Your organization can only thrive & exist so long as there’s a problem to donate towards solving. Of course you would support KOSA, you need a problem to keep existing in order to look like the good guys & solve it. Just go mask off & call us slurs & your “customers” at this point, it would be less disgusting than covering it up behind kind words.
#this goes out to the Trevor project & PFLAG as well as GLAAD & GLSEN#all of you should keep Nex’s name out your mouth when you have every intention to make things worse for trans kids#I can’t imagine going to work for one of these charity organizations & just seeing your bosses make things worse for the people you are#trying to help#I cannot imagine how frustrating & upsetting that is & then the higher ups are just like okayyyy our organization can keep existing...#so now y’all lower rank workers go help these kids whose lives we just made worse!#these charity orgs function like retail stores I stg; they need customers to keep giving them money meanwhile the higher ups make things#worse for said customers while the cashiers & others just try to help the best they can#you’re doing damage control for your incompetent & terrible upper management; it’s just like every other American workplace#you can also compare supporting a bill that would hurt the people they claim to help as a war economy comparison#they need to keep the class war going by supporting this bill in order to keep having money to keep existing as an organization#they’re playing both sides while on the surface saying we are here to help!#no you aren’t! your workers are; but you as higher ups are prioritizing stakeholders over humanity & for that you’ve lost all my respect#I haven’t looked up evidence about the human rights campaign supporting KOSA but they’ve been bad in the past so I believe it tbh#I mean the recent Zionism from HRC is enough for me to be like yeahhh no they absolutely would be in support of the Kosa bill#mine#op#the trevor project#pflag#glaad#GLSEN
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theprideful · 2 years
if you’re wondering why you can’t reblog the gendered names post it’s because i’ve revoked reblog privileges. y’all are annoying me
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