#like yeah we love each other but I dont need all the fancy stuff
zinzabee · 4 months
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POV: It's Valentine's Day but you and your partner are on the aromantic spectrum.
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maryannecrimsworth · 1 year
Yandere wednesday x reader where the reader is very innocent and doesnt know when people are flirting with him or when people are doing dirty minded because he very sheltered his whole life so doesn't have any dirty minded stuff because he doesn't what they mean in the first place so wednesday becomes infatuated with him because he is so innocent which is something you dont see in that type of age range so wednesday would want his innocence to be kept so he gets kidnapped by wednesday as thats the best way to keep him pure and innocent and wednesday would make him meets her family
You, anon, are now the owner of my heart. I LOVE innocent reader and is honestly so nice to write. This one is really similar to me, to be honest...Hope you like it!
Pairing: Yandere! Wednesday Addams x Innocent! gn! Reader
Warnings: overprotective behavior; (failed) attempt of abuse; kidnapping
Extra scene
Tu puridad
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“So, what do you say?” The question made your fingers drum the table of your booth again. “Both schools are going to be there, all normies and outcasts partying together.” 
He was so excited, you could tell by the way his fangs showered when he smiled; and he couldn’t stop smiling. 
The girl, sitting by his side, intervened hastily. 
“After the movie, of course.” She smiled, one hand moving to the nape of the vampire by her side, and the other moving to your wrist. “You don’t have to drop by the party, but we would love if you watched the movie with us.” Her fingers brushed warmly against your skin. “Just us three, on the back of my truck, enjoying a spooky movie and each other.” She smiled; she didn’t have fangs. You’re not sure of what she is. “You in?”
“Yeah! I love drive-in theaters!” You tapped her hand and leaned back in your seat, not noticing the smirk which spread over their lips simultaneously. 
They looked at each other before leaning closer to you again.
“We’ll pick you up at 11.” “Wear something fancy.” They whispered one after the other.
“Isn’t 11 a bit too late?” You leaned closer and whispered back. The frown in your eyebrows and curiosity in your gaze made them laugh. 
“Not at all!” “Be ready, Y/N!” They stood up from the booth, holding hands while they walked away from you. “See you later!” The girl blew a kiss in your direction, and the vampire winked at you a moment before leaving the Weathervane. 
The doorbell rang and you turned to your table again, to the wooden puzzle which was abruptly interrupted by the couple’s approach. You have to start again. 
You replaced the pieces to their original positions, and paused the counting of the pocket chronometer lying next to your mug. The biggest block, placed on the top of the small board, needed to be slid over to its bottom’s border, without removing any smaller pieces on its way. A classic puzzle, the Klotski. Just a silly game you liked to solve while taking your daily tea cup.
You’ve become a loyal customer; even though the lady from Uriah’s Heap made amazing tea, you preferred the environment of the Weathervane. The quiet, but always agitated place gave you opportunities to meet new people, both outcasts and normies. 
And someone always talked to you as soon as you sat in your usual booth. You did not even have to wave or smile at someone — they approached you, sooner or later. The vampire and the girl, who you then figured were called Darren and Stacy, did it; and now Enid Sinclair and Yoko Tanaka did it too. 
 “Hey, Y/N!” Enid sat in front of you, and you had to stop solving your puzzle once again. “I got amazing news!”
“Hey, Enid, Yoko.” You smiled at them both. “Let me hear about it.” “Ajax agreed on this huge night out and we’re renting a trailer for the drive-in.”
“My virgin mojito and all the Nightshades included.” Yoko added. 
“And Kent will not stop asking me about you. So, you coming?” Enid leaned over you, whispering conspiratorially. “We can hide while they watch that awful movie.”
“I must say Hereditary is an unexpectedly sickening and disruptive modern artwork.” A cold voice came from your side. Wednesday Addams was standing next to your booth. “But I hate to think I’ll watch such a horrifying movie while listening to your screams.” She handed a mug to Enid and sat down by your side. “Hello, Y/N.”
“Hi.” You waved at her and looked back at Enid. “And I’d love to watch the movie with all of you but I’ve just been invited by a couple. You might know him, Yoko, he is a vampire called Darren.”
Enid’s and Yoko’s faces dropped. 
“Y/N, you can not be serious.” The vampire muttered. 
“I’ve told you about them, they’re these weird lovers who keep inviting cute people for their dates.” Enid lowered her voice. “You know, for…”
“Have fun, yes.” You finished. “They said they’re curious to know me more.”
“Exactly, Y/N.” Yoko hissed. “You can’t meet them.”
“Come on, you guys are being mean!” You complained, sipping the end of your drink before arguing one last time: “I’ll meet you all in the party after the session anyways.”
“Which party?” Yoko and Enid asked at the same time, their voices loud and worried. 
“ ‘The’ party, with normies and outcasts.” You frowned. “Were you not invited?”
“We have never heard about it.”
“Oh.” You froze for a second. “Oh, that’s okay. I’m coming home earlier in one way or another. Gramma gets angry when I’m late.” “I thought she had quit this overprotective stuff.”
You shrugged your shoulders and started to pack your things. “I can get away with it every now and then.” You zipped your backpack closed and turned to Wednesday, sat by your side, on the edge of the booth. “Do you mind?” You asked.
“I do.” She moved only to face you. “Joining a couple of thirsty vampires proves that you are either stupid or genuinely clueless.”
“Excuse me?” You leaned back. Both Enid and Yoko were staring at you and Wednesday with widened eyes. “We won the quiz competition together!How can you say—” You were yelling. You did not yell — you were not this type of person. You stopped yourself and rubbed your face before adding: “Sorry, forget it. We’ll meet there anyway, alright? I might be there eleven-ish.” You made your way out of the booth and exited the Weathervane.
“Eleven?” Enid asked Yoko as soon as you walked away. “The movie doesn’t start at 8?”
“It does.” Enid and Yoko held their breath simultaneously. They both turned to Wednesday at the same time, ready to ask for help — but her seat was empty.
She was not there. 
The concept of ‘fancy clothing’ has always been confusing to you: why would someone wear thin, tight clothes when it was so cold outside? Hell no, you’re wearing a coat and comfy pants, nothing of t-shirts and ripped jeans. Your news friends asked you to wear something neat,  something that would make you look good — but you didn't want to. You didn't like to. Why only the uncomfortable made you look pretty? And why did you have to look ‘pretty’ in the first place? It did not matter, and friends weren’t supposed to care about these things, right? Right! So, comfy pants and baggy coats are the best choice(always). 
You kissed your gramma goodnight and packed your things before stepping outside the house. Thankfully, the cold didn’t painfully hit you, and you have prepared yourself for a winter night in the open air. Blankets, bottles with soup, a puzzle: you have got all your need for having a great time with your new friends. 
They arrived at 11 o’clock, and asked you to sit in the backseat. Darren was driving, and Stacy was by his side, humming something under her breath. You were smiling: watching the couple talk nonchalantly until you gathered the courage to show your puzzle.
“Hey, I know we’re supposed to watch that movie but…” You took the box out of your backpack. “I brought this, in case we get bored. It’s a really funny group puzzle.”
Darren and Stacy glanced back at you, and the sight of the wooden game in your hands made the vampire laugh loudly. 
“Sticks and holes? You sure know what kind of games we like, Y/N!” He kept laughing, his eyes now focused on the road. 
You frowned, unsure of what was so funny about his speech, and then lowered your gaze, analyzing the game. It sure was a great game but it wasn’t funny like that — especially because Darren hasn’t even played it yet. Weird.
You were packing the box again when a warm hand reached your wrist. 
“I guarantee you we’re going to have our hands too full to play.” Stacy’s words made you smile brightly. “Don’t worry.”
“Like, you guys brought popcorn and snacks? I grabbed some soup from home, Gramma makes an amazing one, but soup doesn’t go very well with cinema, does it?” This time, it was Stacy’s turn to laugh. 
You pouted at their giggling and leaned back in your seat. No popcorn then. Your eyes drifted away from the couple in front of you, and you soon looked at your surroundings. There were trees, grass, and darkness, but no other cars nor a screen for display. 
There were just the woods, isolated and dark woods. 
“We arrived.” Darren said suddenly, stopping the car. You jumped off the backseat immediately, being driven by your own curiosity. After almost a minute analyzing the horizon, you did find the screen of the drive-in — but it was too distant and no movie was being shown.
“Shit, are we late?” You stepped forward, heading to the area of the open-air theater. “I don't think there is anyone else there.” You felt a grip in your shoulder. It wasn’t warm and soft, like the usual, like Stacy’s, it was strong, tight, cold — hurtful. 
Darren grabbed your shoulders and moved you around effortlessly, pressing you against the back of the truck without any resistance from you.
“Y-you good?” You stuttered, the soup bottle opened on the impact and was now burning your back. “Let’s see the movie, shall we?”
“That is not really our plan, Y/N.” Stacy stepped closer, standing next to Darren. There was a smile on her lips, with fangs, just like Darren’s, and wicked, just like his. You felt her hands cupping your face, the touch suddenly did not feel warm. It felt sickening. 
You tried to dodge her soft grip, but the hands on your shoulder held you still. “I don’t like this.” You whispered. “Let me go.” Her hands went under your clothes, ignoring your pleas blatantly — you shivered under her caressing, your stomach churning as you tried hard not to cry. You rushed forward suddenly — forcing Stacy to step back, but it was not enough to free you from Darren. 
The vampire held your more firmly and slammed you back into the truck. Your bottle broke on your back, soaking your backpack and making you grunt in pain.
You closed your eyes hard. Your head fell back as fear overwhelmed you.
The touches would spread until the boiling liquid became the thing that hurt you the least. You didn't know how, but your instincts knew you were in danger.
The tears began to fall as your breathing increased: you opened your lips in an effort to breathe easier, panting into the vampire's face so close to you;
The last thing you felt was the metallic taste of blood in your mouth — and then the touches stopped.
Everything stopped — and it was all dark and silent.
Somehow, you felt peace.
“Y/N.” A cold voice tickled your ears. “It’s time to wake up.”
“Hmm…” It was hard to open your eyes — they were heavy. Everything was way too heavy. “Five more minutes.”
“No.” A pair of hands sat you up. “You must wake up.”
You grumbled and rubbered your eyes until you felt ready to open them. The clarity hit you like stabs — small needles pierced your forehead as you looked at the figure in front of you carefully. It was Wednesday, her blank face as usual was now frowned because of a small knot between her eyebrows. 
“How do you feel?” She asked after letting you go. The first thing you noticed was the dark walls behind her.
“Wow, that’s so cool!” You jumped up suddenly, running to one of the walls. The room was dark, dusty, and spooky. “Is this place haunted?” You touched the wall, feeling its coldness. 
“Yes.” Wednesday’s voice came from behind you, but you didn’t look back.
“Nice!” You giggled, contemplating the ghostly scenery of the room. The cracked, yellowed windows; the creaking, wooden floor; the dark, spider-filled ceiling; the small bed in the corner, clearly stiff and uncomfortable; a wide desk full of skeletons and random blocks of wood. It was a bedroom in a big old house — one that you didn't really know. You felt a shiver running up your spine again. “Uh…Wednesday.” You turned to her: she was already watching you. “Where are we?”
“I brought you home, Y/N.”
You frowned.
“What do you mean?” “I mean you belong here.” She stepped closer, the frown leaving her features and giving space for an intense gaze. Her cold, freezing eyes, now targeted you with warmth and….something. Something you could not really describe, but that made more shivers run over your body. You were trembling by the time she stood in front of you, only a few inches from you. “You’re safe now.”
“Safe from what?” You shot back immediately, your voice cracking. “How did I get here? Where are Darren and Stacy?”
“None of this matters.”
“Wednesday, what were they—” You swallowed hard. You could feel Stacy’s touch and Darren’s grip all over you again. “What do you think they were trying to do?” “It does not matter.” Wednesday repeated, her voice even more loud and stiff. “I will not let anything happen to you.”
“But what—How? I was just meeting my friends.”
“They are not your friends. And you don’t need anyone else.”
“I will make sure you’re preserved.” She explained. “I and my family will.”
“Preserve me from what, Wed? You are not making any sense.” You sighed, frustrated, walking away from her. You headed to the door while Wednesday followed your steps silently.
“Yo protegeré tu puridad.” She whispered. “I will take care of you.”
You tried to open the door. It was locked. 
“Wednesday, this is not funny.” You turned back to her, who was right behind you. “Let me go. I need to stay with my gramma and go to school and—”
“I've taken care of all that.” Wednesday touched your face: her cold hand caressed your cheek as her gaze changed completely. The heat and intensity was replaced by a deep gentleness. Her eyes fell to your lips as you gasped quietly, the fear now chattering your teeth. “My protégé.” You froze. You wanted to run but her voice paralyzed you. “I will do anything for you.”
Whether it is killing a couple of vampires or sending your grandmother to an asylum — whether it is lying to everyone at school and sending goodbye letters to your family.
Wednesday Addams will do anything to protect you — she will do anything, only for you.
And she will never let you go.
[Extra and odd scene]
“Pugsley wants to go in the maze with you.” Wednesday told you deadpanly.
“Maze? Where?” You sat up in your bed immediately.
“We have a hedge maze in the garden.”
“You’re kidding.”
“I am not.”
The bright smile you showed made Wednesday look away.
Pugsley then appeared at the doorway, waving shyly at you. 
You jumped up and sprinted over to him.
“Hell yes!” You cheered, hugging Wednesday’s younger brother. “Let’s go!"
It was your chance to escape.
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zellkernchen · 28 days
I need an info dump about Mimi plsplsplspls
Anyways. Miminskl infodump alright. I don’t even really know how and where to begin. I don’t want to spoil too much of her since I’m writing a fanfic series about her and don’t want to reveal all the secrets yet 👀👀👀 (though I probably will because I absolutely suck at keeping secrets (please feel free to check it out I promise chapter one of part three is coming soon (sorry if I say this too much I suck at promoting stuff bsnxxndbsjbd))) so I’ll mostly stick to 44- 27 BBY Miminskl???
Okay so starting off with her orgins (suuuuper mysterious orgins/s):
Miminskl was born on a very specific planet within wild space territory (I wonder which one it could be 💔) but she didn’t live there for too long, not even a full year before she somehow landed on Corusant. (will be expanded on later in my series in some way) The people who had her at that moment were unlucky and had to have a security check performed on them because they seemed kind of “off” in a way. Then one of the guys was like: “Holy shit, we’re busted. These ppl can’t know that we have a baby that we’re planning to sell or smth” so they run away with the baby and randomly handed her out to some woman. That “some woman” was Snäils Flink who was like super shocked once it happened. Like, this random baby just low key spawned in her arms. She was kind of like: “Okay. This is my baby now.” (Snäils was feeling kind of lonely at that moment since her children had just moved out and she might or might’ve not eaten her husband some years ago) So she sort of makes the selfish decision to adopt Miminskl because she was lonely and thought that Miminskl was the cutest non- Rii’käu baby she had ever seen.
But how did Miminskl even get named Miminskl? You might’ve probably not asked.
Well you see Mimi’s first word back at her totally mysterious home planet was her own name; Miminskl. It was like the only word she really knew to say and Snäils noticed that she was very responsive to that name so she just assumed that her name was indeed Miminskl (she was correct ✅)
Buuut if this question were to refer to the reason of her being named Miminskl by her biological parents then this is your answer: Her dad was absent during her birth/ hatching so he didn’t have a say in her name and her bio mom named her after the woman who raised her. (I wonder who her parents could possibly be 💔 oh, how I wonder 👽/s)
Now to her as a toddler:
Miminskl’s first three years of life were actually pretty “normal”. You know, as normal as it can get when your adoptive family is super rich. She was used to being taken to super fancy restaurants and events on the weekends. But only on the weekends because that’s when her siblings came to visit from school and her mom was definitely not working. Snäils works as a lawyer btw and the Flink family are well known lawyers back in their homeplanet. Snöökle and Kaak are studying law since m the time of 43 BBY.
Though there were three specific events Miminskl can vividly remember from her childhood: A “blood test”, the nightmare (Strike one.) and getting visited by the Jedi order. The blood test and the visit are connected to each other as all children who live on republic territory do a blood test which then gets submitted to the Jedi Order to check for their Midichlorian count. Miminskl’s test was done rather late as she was adopted and all that. So at two years old (42 BBY) she does the blood test. She and her adoptive family were like: “Yeah that’s it. Surely this will never be relevant later.”
(The nightmare is also connected to the two but shhhh)
As some may know, it was indeed relevant later.
While usually the Jedi only recruited new Jedis who lived on republic land at max. 1-2 years after their birth, Miminskl was a slight exception. Her Midichlorian level were some points above the average Jedi Midichlorian count (which is around 10’000 Midichlorians per cell). So of course the Jedi Order wanted to recruit her I mean come onnn guyssss
And then, as some may know too, Miminskl does accept to join the order. Everything is rather normal for a while, Miminskl visits her family whenever she attends one of Rii’käu’s many fests and whatever until when she is around eight years old. She had always been rather bothered by having the most random and nonsensical dreams almost every night but this one was different. She remembered the girl’s face. That was new. And guess what, Miminskl does eventually end up meeting that girl irl too. She had to switch clans because she was butting heads with the other children quite a lot. What a funny coincidence right???
Anyways so from ~ 36 to 27 BBY Miminskl has the best time of her life (this will be expanded on trust 🙏) until one day her life comes crashing down.
Now nothing is okay anymore and Miminskl is miserable. What happened? Bad stuff. Really, really bad stuff. She now uses a cybernetic reinforcement for her recently burned hand and does physiotherapy and psychological therapy. Physiotherapy was a massive success, psychological therapy wasn’t . Miminskl was having a hard time opening up. And not just to her therapist, but also to her Jedi Master, family and friends. So instead of actually getting better she picks up very unhealthy “coping mechanisms”. One of them actually taking advantage of her ability to dream.
Speaking of dreams: As mentioned earlier, Miminskl dreams… a lot. Especially in her early childhood and from 28 BBY to 24 BBY. She dreams of the most cryptic stuff every night. Sometimes there’s even people in her dreams she doesn’t know/ remember, a planet too. With temples, a very snowy mountain and a huge sea. If only she knew who those people were though. Was this a vision? A flashback from someone else? From a previous life?
Who knows? Miminskl certainly doesn’t and won’t know for a while.
I don’t really know what else to add on here??? I feel like I’ve already rambled and summarised things enough. If you have any more questions, feel free to comment/ ask. I love answering questions especially when they’re related to my own creations. I might even spoil more stuff. I’m just afraid sometimes (this time too) that I’ll reveal too much stuff and people will get bored or disappointed ToT
(But then again I don’t really feel like my minuscule audience even cares about this at all I’m sorry 😭😭😭 (I have self esteem issues and all that 💔💔 (Pov: You were bullied in kindergarten for having niche inerests (Autism go brrrr))))
Hope you did enjoy reading through this though :3
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penroseparticle · 25 days
Penrose Song of the Day Day 30: Runnin' Outta Moonlight by Randy Houser
Listen. Listen. I know ok. This is the hates rap and country website. LISTEN OK I NEED YOU TO LISTEN
People who say they don't listen to Rap are boring for racist reasons. And people who say they don't listen to country? They're boring too. But the reasons are a bit less clear cut.
Like I know there's some issues with Bro Country. I know there's issues with like, the co-opting of Murrica style country music after 9/11. I know there's like. Stuff to talk about here. But country is the genre that will still tell you a story. That will be personal and heartbreaking and direct. It's also the genre of like. Unions. Of workers and poverty and class. There's such a class aspect to country and honestly that might be closest to the boring hate or rap. But yeah, it's not Lemon Demon! Sometimes the songs are misogynistic, or are really, aggressively white, or are promoting drinking culture, or blah blah blah blah blah. Sometimes they are very specific- your experiences are not universal etc.
When I talk to someone that loves Country music, they will, inevitably, let on to what flavor of old or new country they are partial to (We all love it for the sound, which means, like it or not, you will find something recent you love. I'm a pop country guy, a classic riverbank blaster, and some sad soulful bluegrass type person. I also unironically like Fancy Like by Walker Hayes. Take my tastes with a grain of salt). Dierks Bentley, Thomas Rhett, Dolly Parton, Carrie Underwood, Orville Peck. All stuff I like.
And listen, newer country music has some good stuff. I know Morgan Wallen got blasted for the N word stuff and is, quite frankly, in his Saloon 5 era, but he was THE country act to watch coming up by both public and critical ears. We all heard the Luke Combs Fast Car. Orville Peck is making waves with his new album (Cowboys Are Frequently Secretly Fond of Each Other? Unbelievably good, give it a listen, even if it's a cover. In fact, let that springboard you into a back catalog or two.). It is not all My Girl Is Hot and My Beer Is Plentiful.
But I gotta say, there's nothing wrong with My Girl Is Hot and My Beer Is Plentiful honestly.
This song is very nostalgic for me.
Like yeah it's got the cliches. You dont' need makeup you're too pretty, We're out on the riverbank, getting away from the city, yadda yadda yadda.
But I like songs about being in love, what can I say. This song is just. Girl what if I took you out to be in love, under the stars. You can't get more me than that.
It's got the classic rock country trappings. There's something so bombastic and expansive about the honestly fairly simple orchestration. The song is simply, unabashedly country. The drum track is so unbelievably spare, it's hard to jive it with the country crossover that's popular now, with the trap beats they imported. It feels. Simple. Like this song isnt' doing too much like recent things. It's just a simple song. Let's kiss under the stars.
I love it. And hey. You could be dead right now. Go listen to something you love.
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sinkableruby · 7 months
Ougi 1-26
mother mother - ghosting...........................
balance.... balance balance balance balance reason balance
show them being spooky and weird. ougi must be weird and spooky at all times this is a requirement GOD i love ougi
misogyny, transphobia, homophobia (less this but still)
yes because i love them. i would have to get better at cleaning my room but i definitely could as long as i did that
obviously. i appreciate their tricks and i would go along with their lies and laugh at their jokes because i already do that. we would be so tricky and fun together
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12. loves hats and other hair accessories but just never gets the chance to wear them because COUGH always in the school COUGH (i say this bc of the amount of official arts giving them hair accessories n hats) 13. 🤭 14. hmmmm.... it's not quite right to just say "goth." ougi absolutely wears black (could even say another headcanon is that its their favorite color bc i mean. cmon) almost if not all of the time... if i'm going off official art, cute clothes, sometimes with frills. if i'm going off a whim headcanon, fancier, elegant stuff (like smth you might wear at a fancy party), maybe formal attire, or just plain black shirt and skirt/pants. if i'm going off both, lots of dresses, long or short. if i'm picking specific styles/genres of fashion, probably either casual, business casual, or evening wear. maybe some goth too actually, but not lolita and probably no eyeliner to go with it 15. hmm.................. i dont ship ougi so much. but tsubasa/ougi kismesis rivalry ship is real. 16. >:((((((( koyougi. setting aside that it would never happen bc they dont see each other like that bc of who they are, it would put ougi in a really bad spot that i really dont want to see them in to the point where it physically pains me. koyougi can only exist and make sense by being mutually toxic and destructive and i'm fine with torturing koyomi but i refuse to subject ougi to that. 17. was gonna say this for 15 but then saw this. for a more traditional romantic ship, i think ougi/tsukihi is alright 18. well assuming this doesn't have to be romantic... koyomi, probably. she does so much for him and loves him so much. their dynamic is so unique and interesting and... intimate and special. and touching, too :) (and of course, fun and mischievous and all the good stuff) other than that... maybe nadeko? because of nademonogatari. and how nice he is to her 19. mmm don't think i have one of these? 20. TSUKIHI!!!!! TSUKIHI TSUKIHI TSUKIHI!!!! ive talked about this in another post but. they share similar situations and ougi had a heart-to-heart with her in ougi dark!!!! besides koyomi ougis opened up the most to tsukihi, and tsukihi genuinely respects ougi (ln)! ougi can unbalance tsukihi but the reverse is also true so they're on an equal footing. and tsukihi would help ougi out on whatever they needed, too bc tsukihi's just like that. they'd be really good friends i think nisioisin should scrap whatever his next novel idea is and write this instead 21. oh absolutely the gags. its soo fucking funny to think about how the hell ougi would take the piss out of something. i cannot count the number of times i've read my own fics and burst out laughing because god ougi is such a little shit and would totally do this. something i dont like........ second guessing myself on whether they would in fact, say that. alternatively, trying to figure out how to give them character development in a satisfying way because nisioisin forgor 22. there's no one thing because everyone other than me gets it wrong in an unforgivable way. HOWEVER, the thing i see people doing the most (or just remember the most) is making ougi Too intellectual. ougi isn't Not intellectual, but ougi is also not stuck up their own ass. this is the person who said "*blush*" out loud. ougi gets silly with it. ougi is a jokester and disrupts the balance and preserves the balance by disrupting it. if ougi is being too much of one thing, they will take notice and immediately shift gears to be the opposite. ougi is incredibly self aware. if ougi was ever using an average of 6 long and sophisticated words per sentence, they would cotton on and then make "Huh WHUHHHHH" their next sentence. 23. WHAT YOU CANT ASK ME THIS OK I KNOW WHAT IT IS NVM. its this (explanation in the link)
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there's two to tie with this, or runnerups perhaps: this, which is just. fun and playful and lonely. a moonlit waltz, and ougi's leading him around wherever she wants. wonderful
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and this vofan art! love these so very much. this one just feels like im in school and the sun is shining through the windows. which is what literally is in the picture but it feels like i'm there. ive always loved seeing the sun shine on things and it's no less beautiful here, especially when it's lighting up the euler's identity proof on the blackboard. the big ZERO scribbled a few times over is a nice touch too
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THIS VOFAN ART IS ALSO SO SO SO GOOD! LOOK AT THEM!!!!!! IN THE MIDDLE LIKE THAT!!!!!!!!!! AND ALL SMILING AND ACTING ALL HUMBLE WITH THEIR FANCY LITTLE TUX THING. GOOD FOR THEM!!!!!! LOVE THAT FOR THEM LOVE THEM YEAHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!! 24. thought i didnt know this one, but actually... ena from. ena lol. it's the inscrutability + the gender + the formality 25. "wait who is this? did i skip a part by accident?? am i supposed to know who this is??? ive never seen this character as part of the lineup for mono girls. huh." then this became admiration and joy when she started doing interesting philosophizing and harassing of koyomi. not to mention the GENDER. and how entertaining they always were. without even realizing it i started rooting for them...... and now of course. they're the most important thing to me 26. "Are you really always right about Ougi?" hehehe...
YES. I AM ALWAYS RIGHT ABOUT OUGI!!!!!! *cackle* *cackle*
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mojaves · 2 years
OH??????? OHH????????? MARRIGE??????? WHO PROPOSES
so like. the basics of ghosts yes. there's that whole theory about people becoming ghosts because of "unfinished business" etc etc yes. and with eric being a ghost, what's his unfinished business?? he was supposed to be a parent right. and then that got snatched away from him. and then jason came along right. yes. with me so far. okay. SO. whats a [GOOD] parent's job?? look after their child, make sure theyre happy. all the good stuff.
and jason, as he existed from a child up until this point, was very much NOT happy. but now ruthie and danny are gone, and he has friends + a boyfriend who love him SO so much, and a dad who would literally give him the world given the opportunity. so eric is finally starting to achieve his 'purpose' right.
but at Some Point in the story, jason and marcus have a HUGE argument [details to be Confirmed. but hogirhgjhfgh it hurts!! IT HURTS!!!] and they kind of break up but not really, don't talk to each other for WEEKS. jason is in the trenches. on his own again. everyone turned against him [in his eyes] AGAIN. and now he's right back at square one. alone. he doesnt want to bring this up with eric. but eric Knows. he is a father after all he KNOWS.
and yeah it's still a very rough idea so i dont have All the details, but. something to do with marcus, morgan, + lou going to sort danny and ruthie out themselves, because they think jason's left Them, and abandoned the whole revenge idea. so theyre dealing with it alone now. none of them being strong enough to actually physically/mentally deal with the two of them, so things go downhill for them Very Very Fast.
while that's happening, jason finally decides to be Brave and confide in eric. BUT!!! THE THING IS!!! eric??? he's not home. he's not answering his phone. he's gone. gone where, you ask?? good question!! he's GONE. gone. like. vanished. into the ether. FULLY dead this time. forever.
jason Was happy, and eric knew that bc they spoke almost every day. and then suddenly, all contact had dropped. and he knew Something was up, that something had gone on between him and marcus. he knew. again bc Fatherly Instinct. and so, his genius idea was to make sure the two of them were together again, for good this time. no more breaking up, no more heartbreak etc etc. they Needed each other, they were meant for each other and the sooner both of them admitted that the better. so.
so what he does is. WHAT he does. right. gets his and ruthie's old wedding rings, puts them on the table, with a little note. and the fancy ring he needed in order to like, yknow, Keep Him Alive. thats there too. the note simply reads "you know what you have to do." the last thing eric ever said to him, the last message jason will ever get from him. RIGHT.
but what i do have is that marcus gets really badly injured, like critical. fatal. every bad word here. he is GOING to die and no one can help him. lou and morgan are, at this point, too far away, too weak etc to be able to get to him. but you know who CAN get to him?? our little hero jason.
so he's there. distraught of course, they havent spoken in weeks and now his kind-of-still-but-not-really boyfriend is DYING. in front of him. did eric know?? is that why he gave jason the ring in the first place?? haha (:
anyway! so. jason finds him, a little conversation, bla bla bla. he gives marcus the fancy ring - and remember. well no one remembers the lore post but I DO. so. fancy ring goes on the ring finger yes. important note. so jason puts the ring on his finger, and marcus is like "haha are we getting married or something" and jason is like. funny you should say that actually. because of. b. because. the wedding rings. yes. so. YEAH. so. THAT. YKNOW. YEAH. MARRIAGE. WELL THEY DEAL WITH EVERYTHING ELSE FIRST THEY DONT GET MARRIED THERE AND THEN BUT!!!!! IT DOES HAPPEN AND IT'S NICE BUT THE PROPOSAL. ACCIDENTAL PROPOSAL? INTENTIONAL PROPOSAL???? IT KILLS THE MAN [ME]
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soupyboiiiii · 6 months
0, 2, 6, 8, 9, 10, 11, 16, 19, 22, 26, 29, 36, 44!!! for the ask game!!
so basically all of them lol,
0: Height. 170 something centimetres. im actually not 100% sure.
2: Shoe size. US womens 7
6: Age you get mistaken for. like somewhere between 18 and 20. and people at resturants always try to serve me alcohol and then im like "hey buddy im a child" and theyre like "WHAT". one time someone thought me and my mum were sisters and im like no dude shes like 40 something and im her teenage daughter, we r not the same.
8: Want any tattoos? hell yeah (dont tell my parents or irl friends who are on here lol) one day i will get a bunch of tattoos and dissapoint my mother. possibly. (<- is deathly afraid of needles) (<- has never tried getting a tattoo but probably will not be able to sit still long enough while getting tattooed without throwing up) (we shall see tho cause needles in different settings are different levels of scary, sewing is fine and as you will see i have multiple piercings). Anyway, I want angel wings on my back i think that'd be pretty epic - and like a proper biblically accurate angel with 6 of them, and obviously i want the triforce on my hand, i want a six leaf clover somewhere, and "art is the weapon"(cause i think the statement is cool and meaningful not just cause mcr said it, although danger days is one of my favourite albums of all time), and a goldfish, and probably a venus flytrap, and a bunch of other random stuff. probably the lyric that's in the bio of this blog. but not tooooo many i dont want them all over, they need space to breathe and not look all squished up (<- studies art and appreciates the importance of composition and framing).
9: Got any piercings? I have a few. (<- guy who has 7 holes stabbed in his ears) (although the regular lobe piercings should really be counted in pairs as one piercing each) (which would make 5) only on my ears tho. I've got normal ear lobe piercings, and then second ear lobe piercings and ive got 2 helix piercings on one side and 1 on the other.
10: Want any piercings? Yes ehe. i will get more (: One day im gonna get an eyebrow piercing, and possibly a lip piercing. but right now my father will not let me ):
11: Best friend? this is a rlly hard question i have like 3 best friends. I dont really do one individual person bff i just have a few close friends
16: I’ll love you if… you talk to me about any of my interests
19: A fact about your personality. I talk a looooott
22: What I want to be when I get older. aaaaa i never know. (<- is very much in their "what will i do with my life" existential crisis era) I wanna do art but idk how to get a job in that and i really hate graphic design. id like to be a botanist plant science is cool. tbh i wanna like run a random really niche shop that sells something I like. or i wanna be in a band or actually get paid to just do my art, but that doesnt count as real career aspirations.
26: My biggest pet peeves. when people leave powerpoints switched on when theres nothing plugged in.
29: A reason I’ve lied to a friend. really boring but i lied to my friend about who i do/dont actually have a crush on. no one will ever know (except the one friend who does know)
44: A random fact about anything. Fancy goldfish have an average lifespan of 10-15 years, which is actually longer than a domestic cat.
0 notes
reidsnose · 3 years
love letters
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overview: spencer has a wonderful idea after finding out that reader had never gone to her senior prom
genre: fluff fluff fluff
a/n: i mixed two ideas that have been sitting in my notes app for this lol but i think its sweet!! i wrote it a little rushed and definitely not bc im not getting a prom this year due to miss rona👀 LMAO but as always please lmk what yall think ab it :)
the idea had fully occupied his thoughts the second after the words left your mouth.
it was "the buttcrack of dawn" as you had called it, though spirits were high on the late jet ride home. it was a rare but much needed positive end to the case, and everyone was happily chatting with each other. since the case was involving high schoolers, the subject fell on prom. everyone went around sharing their prom stories one by one, recalling awful dresses and questionable dates til the questions turned to spencer.
"what ab you, pretty boy, what was your prom like?" morgan asked, still smiling widely from recalling his own.
you watched spencer shift uncomfortably for a second.
"i uh..i never went to prom." he stammered, a tight lipped smile on his face.
"no! you just dont wanna tell us!" prentiss cried, throwing her hands in the air.
"i graduated high school when i was 12! why would i have gone to prom?" he reasoned.
"you had to have gone when you were older or something! everyone has!" jj countered.
"thats not true, i never went to prom either," you defended, subconsciously inching closer to spencer.
before anyone could even ask you to explain why, spencer got the idea. he mentally left the conversation after you gave your answer. he spent the whole rest of the ride home and the next couple of weeks brain storming and planning.
and casually after work one day, as he was walking you to your car, he asked you if you wanted to hang out with him that weekend; at his house.
you and Spencer had hung out before, but mostly at your house or at coffee shops; he didn't invite people over very often.
of course you agreed but you grew confused when he told you to dress fancy.
you raced home afterwards to raid your closet, looking for any fancy dresses you may have stuffed in there.
spencer spent the whole day preparing his apartment. he put up streamers and balloons. he made a playlist of all your favorite songs. and then he rushed to get his clothes from the cleaners.
and when you knocked at his door the breath that left your lungs struggled to come back after he opened the door.
he stood in a gorgeous suit, different than he had ever worn to work. he rubbed the back of his neck and gestured to the living room, revealing the adorable (albeit poorly made but its the thought that counts) decorations.
"um.. welcome to prom," he said, turning back to you, revealing a blushy smile.
he tried not to stare too much at you, but it was difficult. your eyes sparkled as you stepped inside and looked around. and the dress you were wearing fit you so gorgeously he truly couldnt take his eyes off of you.
"spencer, i..." you trailed off, enchanted by what he had done.
"sorry if it looks bad. or if you think its weird that i did this. i just thought cause neither of us went to prom maybe you wanted to have a little one with me? yeah now that i say it out loud maybe you hate it im sorr-" he rambled behind you.
you turned quickly to him as he got lost in his words, eyes glued to the floor. cutting him off by wrapping your arms around his neck and hugging him as tight as you could. you could feel the tension leave his body as he melted into the embrace, returning it gladly. he doesn't like to be touched by anyone really, except for you.
"i love it. thank you," you whispered, giving him one last squeeze before letting go.
he has a spread of snacks lying out on the coffee table which he has mooved to the corner of the room to make space for a makeshift dancefloor.
he turns on the music and you two start talking and dancing and laughing. two fools with four left feet completely and obliviously in love. well, oblivious the the other anyway.
a slower song came on, an old one that you had wanted to slow dance to ever since you were a little girl. and somehow naturally you two came together, his hand dropped to your waist, the other delicately cradling your own. your other hand found its way up to his shoulder, feeling as though a magnet was pulling you two closer. and closer.
he looked absolutely stunning. the soft lights he had strung around the apartment sparkled like stars in his eyes; its was...dizzying, in the most incredible way.
unbeknownst to you, as you stared at the stars in his eyes he was looking at his whole world that he had been somehow lucky enough to hold in his arms.
he held his arm out, allowing you to spin and when he pulled you back both of your arms ended up wrapped around his neck, and his around your waist. you were less dancing now and more...hugging. with your head pressed to his chest, he hoped with all his might that you wouldn't be able to hear his hammering heart. you most definitely could, but it was calming to know he was as nervous as you were. you smiled, listening more to his heart than the music he had played for you.
you were both sure that you could burst from pure bliss. the song ended a little too quickly for either of your liking and reluctantly you let go of each other. and suddenly Spencer was hit with the realization that he forgot something.
"oh my gosh," his eyes widened as he looked around the room.
"what?" you asked, mirroring him and looking as well.
"i can't remember where i left your corsage! i was gonna give it to you at the door but i forgot!" he exclaimed, running around the room checking shelves.
you smiled to yourself. he got you a corsage!
"ill help you look" you decided.
"please do," he chuckled.
"i thought you had an eidetic memory, shouldn't you know where you left it?" you joked, shooting him a smug smile.
"y/n, my brain was all jumbled to day and it wasn't just from being around you," he realized what he had said and quickly turned back to the shelf he was looking at, "could you check in my room please?"
his heart was racing at his own stupidity; how could he just say that so nonchalantly? he had been planning to tell you that he liked you for the longest time he cant afford slipping up and having it be anything less than perfect.
you slipped into his room, your cheeks warm from the idea that you make his big brain all jumbled. he probably didn't mean it like that, you were just looking too much into it.
you sighed as you crouched to look under his bed for it. you found a small wooden box that you slid out from underneath. it had your name on it.
is it normal to keep a corsage in a wooden box? you wouldn't know, you never went to prom.
you shrugged your shoulders, "i found it spence!"
with out thinking you opened the box, except instead of a band of flowers you were greeted with letters, all addressed to you. there were annotations written in the margins with purple ink. you furrowed your eyebrows as you scanned the various letters.
dear y/n,
today you complimented my glasses and my heart skipped a beat. thats dumb spencer dont start like that
dear y/n,
im in love with you. too forward
dear y/n,
you make life worth living. shes gonna think youre a creep
you felt a rush of euphoria fill your chest. did he really feel these things for you? your thoughts swirled in the most wonderful way. a wide smile broke across your face, butterflies running rampage through your stomach as you reread his words. his words addressed to you.
"oh thank God i really thought i lost-oh. oh no." spencer started as he walked through the door of his room immediately walking back out. you followed, blinking your watery eyes at him. "i can explain.
"i think youve explained enough, theres like 20 letters in here!" you chuckled, flipping through them.
"i didnt know how to tell you and i dont want to ruin what we already have and i-"
"it wasnt too forward." you stated, grabbing one of the letters.
"what?" he asked, dumbfounded.
"in this one," you held up the letter, "you wrote dear y/n, im in love with you. and then you crossed it out and wrote that it was too forward but i dont think it was."
"youre not mad?"
"mad? spencer ive been trying to admit the fact that im in love with you since i realized it myself, why would i be mad?"
"youre..you feel the same way?" he looked back up at you, a hesitant smile pulling on the corners of his lips.
"more so," you beamed, stepping closer.
he wrapped his arms around you, "thats good or else the rest of this prom would have sucked."
you chuckled, pulling him impossibly closer to you as another perfect song played.
ultra mega super cool taglist
@mac99martin @imhreid @spencersmagic @hollydaisy23 @raelady1184 @a-broken-pact @padfootswife @hey-there-angels @star-stuff-in-the-cosmos @sonnydoesrandomshit @averyhotchner @laurakirsten0502 @reidyoulikeabook @rem-ariiana @spencerreid9 @vampire-overlord @takeyourleap-of-faith @spenxerslut @violetspoetic @aperrywilliams @b-a-utiful @eevee0722 @srhxpci @reidemandweep @imdefinitelyfloating @random-human-person @gurkiloni @luvspence @calm-and-doctor @ssavanessa22 @singularityjc @sydnee-kom-spacekru @sydneekomspacekru
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iwadori · 3 years
Why you break up with the haikyu boys part 2 (Osamu, Iwaizumi, Daichi, Ushijima.)
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Part 1 (Atsumu, Oikawa, Kageyama, Kenma, Akaashi, Sugawara)
Genre: angst
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Osamu: “For fuck sake Y/N, don’t deny it I know that you...”
You and Osamu were basically arranged to be together, you were best friends from when you were little and your parents thought you were a match made in heaven.
Did you love Osamu? Of course, you pretty much worshipped the ground he walked on.
But there was always a strange look he gave you whenever he mentioned his brother. You never really focused on it, but that was something you took note of.
When you came back home, after a long day of work. You see Osamu sitting in the kitchen alone, with some paper in front of him and a drink in his hand.
“‘Samu Babe!” You exclaim sauntering over to him “How are yo-“
“Don’t.” He said simply, taking a sipping some of his drink (to which you could only assume was some form of hard liquor.)
“Why ‘Samu, what’s wro-“
“You bought tickets to his game.”
“Who’s game?”
“Don’t play dumb with me Y/N, you bought tickets to my idiot of a brothers game in an attempt to slut around under my nose..”
“Samu, that’s not what it was I-“
“I don’t want to hear it Y/N!” He yelled slamming his drink down making you flinch.
“Gosh Samu whats wrong with you. I know that I had a teeny crush on Atsumu when we were kids but it was just a childhood crush. An innocent childhood crush.”
“For fuck sake Y/N, don’t deny it I know yo-“
“You know what? That I’ve spent majority of my life, trying to ease your own insecurities and jealousy of your own goddamn brother. How childish can you be Osamu ?”
Osamu eyes opened a bit in realisation, and his lips slightly parted. “But Y/N, you-“
“I what? Brought us tickets to your TWIN brothers final volleyball game, because I wanted him to see the support from his family and friends.”
“I’m sorry Y/N I really a-“
“Don’t.” you say picking up the tickets and turning around “I just thought maybe, just maybe for at least a day you could put your weird feelings towards your brother aside... but I guess you can’t.”
You left the apartment, and got your stuff another day (one where you knew Osamu was at work.)
No you did not end up dating Atsumu, you were most certainly friends and only friends. You did end up going to the game on your own, to cheer on Atsumu who most definitely appreciated it.
You thought you saw a certain Miya twins sitting in the stands at of the game, hiding his face with a baseball cap. Which made you smile a bit...
Well at least he ended up coming to the game.
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Iwaizumi: “I just don’t want you Y/N, I never did”
In your second year of Seijoh Highschool, you were approached by a rough looking boy who had a ‘resting bitch face,’ and looked like they were coming to pick a fight with you.
But no, it was just “Iwaizumi Hajime.”
He was very popular throughout your school, as he was vice captain of the schools volleyball team and he was Oikawa Toorus best friend.
So when he approached you that Friday afternoon at your locker, you definitely didn’t know why.
“Y/N..” he said nervously scratching the back of his neck “umm this is for you..”
In his hands was a bar of chocolate and a scrunched up note that read
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AN: DID I WRITE THAT NOTE MYSELF, yes yes I did anyways...
You were very surprised at this sudden confession as you and Iwaizumi weren’t in the same social circles and you were definitely not the type of girl that would be on his ‘radar.’
You had a quite unsettling feeling, which made you subconsciously squint your eyes at him. But they soon soften as you saw the nervousness that Iwaizumi was showcasing to you as you were contemplating on you answer.
You got out a pen, shaking the unsettling feeling you had out of your head. And ticked the box “Yes” giving it back to Iwaizumi.
He smiled widely and rushed towards you in an attempts in giving you a hug which went awkwardly wrong leaving you both laughing.
Dating Hajime, wasn’t bad nor good... it’s just what you wouldn’t expect it to be.
There wasn’t much of a change to what your usual school routine was which consisted of: going to lessons and spending break and lunch on your own reading a book.
And technically you were still doing that, but you were now just always with Hajime. Wether it was at lunch or at practice (which he always insisted you go to, also hinting that he would like for you to bring him bentos to practice.) which you did end up doing.
One day, whilst doing your daily “bento delivery,” to your boyfriend, you overhear him talking to his friends; Matsukawa and Hanamaki.
“God I can’t stand her, always running behind me like a lost puppy giving me bentos that I didn’t even fucking as for” he complained, making you gasp.
“Really?” Exclaimed Hanamaki “I know you said she confessed to you one time, but I didn’t know it was that bad?”
“Yeah she’s a stalking bitch, it’s getting annoying.”
“Gosh it’s seems someones getting a taste of the ‘Oikawa Experience’” Matsun said making them all laugh.
You entered the room, furious. “What the fuck Hajime?”
“Woah woah woah, it’s seems your stalkers about iwa, we’ll leave you too it” said Hanamaki, with Matsun following behind him as they leave.
“What do they mean I’m a stalker?”
“Well aren’t you?” He responded with a smirk
“Gosh y/n you’ve been following me about for a while now, dont you think it’s time to stop”
“Bu-But you confessed, with your note and w-“
“Are you sure about that Y/N, cause I don’t really recall ...?”
“Hajime don’t lie, we were dating.. we ARE DATING.”
“Okay Y/N let me fill you in on a little secret,” he said leaning down next to your ear “I don’t want you Y/N, I never did.”
“ but why m-“
“Why you? Because nobody knows Y/N L/N and nobody cares, I can tarnish your name and nobody will give a shit.. and that’s why your an easy target” he said still smiling “ I just wanted to rub it into Shittykawas face that I had my own little “fan club”
You were stunned, frozen in shock as Iwaizumi walks past you to leave the gym, making sure to grab the bento you made him.
“Thanks again for the help, I’m definitely going to miss these bentos!”
You should have listened to your gut feeling from before.
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Daichi: “you’re just not marriage material”
Daichi was “the perfect guy,” he was nice to strangers and was helpful to the community and just an all round great guy.
So it was a massive question as to why he went for you, since you were definitely not the girl for Daichi.
“I don’t care what anyone says, your the perfect girl for me” was what he always said.
Even though those statements went out the window whenever his mother got involved.
Daichi’s mum was a strict traditional woman, who believed in family values that went back thousands of years ago.
And she most certainly didn’t like you.
She wanted you to be Daichi’s doting wife, who cooked and cleaned for him. Whilst he works and was the breadwinner of the house.
Although you found no problem with the women that did do this, but this was not for you.
When it comes to meet ups with you, Daichi and his mother. He never told her to stop when it came to the rude comments she made about you, or the times she suggested Daichi go for a more “prim and proper” girl named “Misaki Ayuzawa.”
After the meetings, when his mother was gone, he always tried to reassure that she was wrong and her words didn’t matter.
But you knew they did, that daichi was actually considering some of the things she said about you wether they were true or not.
The tension in your household was strong, since you barely talked to each other anymore. But you had hope for better things...
Until one day, you get a message from Daichi’s mother saying. “It seems Daichi made the right choice, as we all know ‘Mother Knows best.’” With a video attached of Daichi proposing to the one and only “Mikasa Ayuzawa” surrounded by all their high class business friends.
When Daichi got home he yelled, “Y/N, where are you I was at this business party at this fancy restaurant and I got some nice things for you to try!”
“Business party?” You say rolling your eyes “Or Engagement party.”
The shocked look on his face made you smile, as you both knew now that he was caught.
“Fuck you daichi! Why would you do this without even tell me !” You yelled, tearing up a bit.
“Y/N, it wasn’t meant to go down like that it was just I was talking to my mu-“
“Fuck your mum! And you!”
“I’m sorry Y/N you’re just not marriage material an-“
“I don’t care what you’ve got to say, you’ve done it and it’s over with”you said leaving.
“I’ll come back to get my stuff later,” you say “oh and congratulations on the engagement Sawamura-San”
After you said that, Daichi’s heart broke.
He did end up marrying her, and he regretted every day of it. Since she was great and all, but she just wasn’t you...
But he knows now you’re long gone, definitely not going to forgive him for marrying another girl whilst being with him.
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Ushijima : stop being so emotional
You and Ushijima were very much opposite In every aspect, and at first it wasn’t really a problem.
Especially since you always excused it as “opposite attracts.”
But recently all you and Ushijima do is argue, left and right always arguing.
You complained about Ushijimas lack of emotion when it came to you, you don’t think he cared about you or about anything.
Whenever you brought up something that was wrong he would reply with “Y/N this is something you need to be acting all upset about.”
And that would definitely upset you even more, you just wanted him to notice you or shout “Y/N I care about you and I love you.”
But Of course he didn’t.
One night he came back late (again) after promising to be home early to have a meal together.
“What’s taken you so long Ushi?” You asked
“I was at practice. I told you this.” He said simply, remaining as stoic as ever.
“But you said- you promised that we can have dinner together.” You said
“ oh well I’m sorry. We can have dinner now if you like.”
“I’m not hungry anymore” you mumbled past him, going to your bedroom.
“Y/N, what’s your problem” he said following after you.
“It’s nothing...”you said tears filling your eyes.
“Okay I’m going to go eat now.” He said leaving you alone in the room going to the kitchen, making you sigh.
After you calm yourself and collect your faults, you go into the kitchen where Ushijima is at the table eating.
“Ushijima, we need to talk.” You said taking a deep breath.
“We should break up.”
“Is that all you have to say?” You say tearing up again.
“Yes, I’ve been thinking that for a while now.” He said bluntly “since Y/N, you’re just too emotional.”
“Oh I see.” You say now full on crying.
Ushijima looks up to see you all teared-eye, and he is kind of suprised because ‘why were you upset.’ He got up and tried to console you, but you flinched away and said “Don’t, just don’t Ushijima.”
“I’m sorry Y/N...”
“Why are you sorry? Do you even know what you’re apologising for?”
“Well then, just seems to prove my point further...” you go to leave before saying “thanks for the wonderful time... I guess we just weren’t meant to be.”
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AN: can someone appreciate what I did with Iwaizumis....no? Okay 😃 I feel this one way way more angsty then part one but oh well. What did you think.
General taglist[bold can’t be tagged]: @sakuxxi @iimoonii @hamdehlesmis @Shoyosupremacy @meadowsinjapan @iambashfulperson @kayleighbeccaa @dearkousei @bakugouswh0r3
Get on the taglist here
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sexy-bee-juice · 3 years
which hq boys would let you paint their nails
This is the first time I’ve written something on here so feedback is welcome <333
Im trying hc’s so-
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- He would. 
- 10/10 would recommend.
- He would stare at you for a minute and be like, “what?” then you would show him the bottle of nail polish and he would just U N D E R S T A N D
- He would definitely flaunt it to his team. would be so proud.
- Honestly doesn't care about the color, just wants his nails DONE.
- Like, you could be the worst at applying it and get it all over his cuticles and fingers and smudge it everywhere, but he will still love how you did it . It doesn't even have to be all fancy with a design or something or rhinestones he will still love it.
- But...
-Please do the rhinestones and designs. H e will literally be so happy. Smack a volleyball or a dumpling design on those nails and he will literally cry. Rhinestones? He will carry around a little flashlight and shine it on the stones to see them sparkle.
- He just wants to do it and maybe have matching nails with you.
- Don't even ask he’ll do it.
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-No. NopE.
-Im sorry bby, but he will not.
- Would stare at you for a whole of two seconds and say no then go back to whatever the heck this man was doing
- Might consider it if you chose a flat or rlly subtle color like...grey. or white.
-Boring. maybe if you included dinosaurs.
-or do it when he’s sleeping. and put some dinos on it.
-Will be mad at first, but will eventually get used to it.
- Only sneak attacks will get this man to accept it.
-Will ask you to remove it if he needs to go somewhere.
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- 1000/10 would recommend
- Won’t flaunt it, but will totally be proud to tell everyone why his nails are painted.
-Probably get everyone else to get their nails painted by you as well.
- Gets you to paint his and the rest of the teams nails before every big match. team colors.
- Whenever he goes shopping with you low-key looks for new nail polish and buys it when you aint lookin’.
- Probably has a whole variety of slightly different shades of the teams colors.
- Isnt too flashy so might not want rhinestones or sparkles, but will definetely love any little chibi designs you put on.
- Especially the animals. Give him a giraffe and he will be so i love with them, he will be staring at his nails the whole time.
- Will be so happy he asked the first time.
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-Will definitely be shy at first. 
-If you ask him he will be all blushy and stuttery, but will agree.
- But after you finish, he will definitely end up smudging it and ruining anything you put on it.
- Designs? Gone. Ruined.
-Rhinestones? Fell off. never to be seen again.
-Glitter? Mess. Don't even ask.
- Will apologize about a million times and might even let you fix them, and will not move an inch until you tell him to move.
- Will basically be a ragdoll when it comes to you doing his nails, but will ask you to get the. STUFF. OFF. WHEN HE LEAVES.
-Otherwise is totally open about whatever. maybe makeovers and stuff is welcome, but only after a lot of bribing and begging.
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-”Daichi?” You hold up the bottle. “will you-”
-and thats how he came to practice will bright pink nails and sushi figures on his fingers. You can be the worst, and much like Hinata he will still love whatever you did.
-Like, this man will be openly obsessed with nail polish and manicures, even though he knows it isnt something that a guy like him, y’know, big(ish), plays volleyball, most likely has calloused hands, would do.
-Will most likely make it a routine to do each others nails every weekend, with a new style or design, with you doing his, and him doing yours.
-just do it. he loves you and he will do whatever without question.
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-Do I even have to say it?
-He would got he full 10000000000000000000000000000%
-just let the boy do what he must, but supervise him otherwise he might try to dye his hair with the glittery nail polish.
-might be one of the most hyped out of everyone to get his nails done.
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-he will be skeptical at first but will do it eventually after a lot of bribing and maybe making him a bit jealous if you go do one of the teammates nails and hint at it.
-otherwise no and im sorry
(oh here we go-)
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-now imagine in the gif above that you are Hinata.
-that’s his exact reaction.
-no matter how much you beg, he will not do it.
-bby even if you burst into tears he wont.
-actually scratch that he will. he will be the definition of  P A N I C
-and thats when you say if he lets you do his nails then he will look away with a light blush dusting his cheeks then will mumble a very quiet quiet,
-of which then you will be so happy and the tears will vanish and he will be pouty but will let you do whatever the fuck you want to his setter fingers
-and his gorgeous nails will be decorated with whatever.
-so go crazy :)))
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-now heres where im stuck
-im sure he will be flustered and refuse,
-but i also think hell agree immediately.
-so... probably with bribing, and like tsukki, he will want flat colors, no design.
-and subtle colors.
-not much to this guy but if tsukki starts to make fun of him he will be pressured to remove the nail polish and might start subconsciously picking it off.
-poor bby tell him its ok and that he’ll be perfect and look amazing with his pretty nails
-that will make him feel really good and prideful about it and he might let you do his nails again, so long as he gets to wear gloves around tsukki.
thank youuu feedback is welcome!
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tastyykpop · 4 years
hii! can i request a jeno very angsty scenario where its his s/o and his anniversary but he forgets abt it bc the dreamies wanted to go to an amusement park and then the managers took his phone so when he comes home his s/o and him get into a fight and they dont talk to each other but she always goes their dance practices since his s/o is so used to taking care of him and he gets sad bc his s/o doesn't look at him at all and he's tired because since he's so stressed with the cbs he just wants love but he knows he's wrong and they make up and stuff:) I'm sorry if this is long! you dont have to do it if you dont want to:)<3
a/n: jdjsjsjsj thanks for this beefy request it was fun to write :)
Sitting on your bed, you wondered when your boyfriend was coming home. After texting him where he was and wondering when he'd come pick you up to celebrate your guy's anniversary, youd started losing hope seeing as he never answered or bothered reading them. You knew jeno to always answer after just one second but it was like he was ignoring you.
Furious and heartbroken, you threw your phone on at the other side of the bed and decided to just take off the dress you were going to surprise him in. It was his favorite color too. A deep shade of blue silk, comfortable and cute yet still appropriate enough to wear at the fancy restaurant you guys were planning on going to. But those plans were thrown out the window quickly once you noticed how late it was.
"Why do men?" your eyes rolled as you moved in your bed, trying to get comfy.
"Why do men what?" You shot up in the bed from the sound of jenos voice as it basically frightened you back to reality. He was so quiet, you didn't even hear him walk through the door.
"Its about time you showed up." Jeno raised an eyebrow at your sudden aggression, not knowing why you were suddenly angry at him. He thought you'd be excited to see him.
"Woah why are you getting mad at me?" He questioned as he started changing out of his work clothes and into his pajamas.
You grit your teeth. How could he forget this special day that only comes once a year? "Did you forget what day it is?"
Jeno cocked his head to the side, "Um...Tuesday?" He really was clueless on where you were going with this, but your face made him realize he was missing something.
"Jeno..." your head fell into your hands, your boyfriend sat next to you in the bed, still wondering what he was missing and why it was on the tip of his tongue, "Our anniversary, you missed our damn anniversary."
The boys eyes bugged, he knew he missed something and the whole day he couldn't figure it out. He had been so stressed with the recent comeback and the upcoming one that even something as simple as an anniversary date slipped his mind.
God, he felt so bad just thinking how excited you probably were today to go out with him and enjoy your guy's day together, but because of him, your day was long gone and passed up.
"No wait, that was today!? Babe I'm so sorry, I was with the dreamies at the amusement park and I didn't have my phone with me because my manager took it and-" jeno stopped mid sentence before noticing he still didn't have his phone and forgot to get it back from his manager. He messed up bad today.
"You could've told me beforehand you were doing something with dream, although I still wouldn't have appreciated you missing our anniversary, but at least you wouldve told me where you went." You showed your annoyance by rolling over in bed, ignoring jeno.
Jeno growled at his sudden frustration, he already apologized and explained himself why are you still mad? "You know what? At least I told you what the hell I was doing and why I couldn't respond. Yeah I missed the anniversary, but you know what? Its just the fucking time of year we started dating, the day will come again."
"So what you're telling me is you don't care about the day we started dating? Whatever I'm not in the mood to argue right now." You never turned to look at jeno once you finished talking, needless to say you didn't care what he was going to reply with. It wasnt like he cared anyway.
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The bass of the music boomed in the practice room. Everyone was so tired these past few days and were anxious for the upcoming comeback that all they wanted to do was relax for once and take a break.
Jeno especially.
After the little argument you both had last night, he couldnt get that out of his head. There were no words spoken to him this morning and you didn't even spare him a glance. His heart broke for sure and he didnt know what to do because he knew he messed up bad. Saying those words to you and knowing how much it meant to you, was something he wish he could take back and start over.
Walking through the practice door, you took a seat on the floor where you rested your head against the wall with bags of food for the members. They were doing so well preparing for their comeback you wanted to congratulate them for working so hard. Plus, you wanted to make sure jeno had eaten today.
"Is that food for us!?" Chenle came barging towards you, giving you a strong squeeze as you laughed into his shoulder.
"Yeah I got food for everyone to congratulate you guys for working so hard." You smiled and handed the bags of food to chenle who looked about ready to take it for himself and eat it.
"Thanks so much y/n! You're the best!" He hopped away happily with the food. Jeno stared between the food and you. He loved how you took care of everyone and still came to their practice though you both weren't on best of terms at the moment, but you weren't even looking at him or acknowledging his presence again, only returning your attention to your phone.
Jaemin wrapped an arm around jenos shoulders as he was eating a chicken wing and looked at the you as well, "Whats up with the both of you all of a sudden? Normally you guys are being so disgustingly cute that I have to walk away for a solid 5 minutes." Jaemin sighed.
"I-its nothing. We just-"
"What is it?"
Jeno shook his head and put on the best smile he could muster while patting jaemins back, "its really nothing jaemin." He said and walked over to the food.
You on the other hand felt bad for causing jeno to be this way. He was silent and didn't really interact with the members when they were eating and goofing around. Not even haechan or mark could crack him. You sighed, putting your phone down and leaned your head against the wall. The only way for all this tension between the two of you would be to settle this and forgive one another. It shouldn't be that hard.
"Jeno," you called, startling your boyfriend who perked up with full cheeks, "come here please."
The dreamies silently watched jeno amble towards you, too invested in what was going to happen to continue talking. You didn't seem to care though, just wanting to get it over with and talk with jeno.
You still stared at the ground avoiding eye contact with jeno, but he couldnt take it. All he wanted was your attention on him.
"Can't you just look at me," he muttered before taking a seat in front of you, "I know I messed up, but please?"
You blinked up at him, "wait...jeno are you tearing up?"
Jeno sniffled back the tears and looked at you with big puppy eyes, your heart sank at the sight. You didn't intend to hurt him, you were just sad and angry about one important thing. And now you think maybe ignoring him had gone too far.
"Please dont cry." You took his hand into yours, softly caressing his knuckles.
"I-im sorry I cant help it. I know I messed up and now you're ignoring me and its just so frustrating because of the comebacks and I'm so used to you taking care of me that I can't even go one day without you loving me." Jeno teared up again. If just a day could hurt him, imagine what would happen if you kept this up.
"You think I dont love you right now?" You asked. Jeno nodded his head slowly, "Babe, of course I love you, I was just mad you forgot or anniversary and went to the amusement park with the dreamies." A sigh fell from your lips before you lifted jenos chin up, "I shouldn't have acted the way I did last night and argued. I dont expect you to be perfect jeno."
There was a smile on the boys face as he brought a hand behind your head and kissed your cheek, "Im sorry, I really am baby. I promise ill make it up to you." He said.
"I know a really cute restaurant. We can have a cute date later." You smiled and jeno nodded his head happily until you heard a groan come behind him.
"This was so disgusting. I need to walk away now."
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Recently saw a tiktok that was like "if you ship [toph and zuko] than you have issues or you see something galaxy brained that i havent" and stumbled upon the concept of aroace Zuko and i concocted this idea ages ago so im posting it now: the epic Toph x Zuko Marriage of Convenience 
Okay what you are all thinking of is book 3 Toph and Zuko, which totally dont have romantic chemistry and with the added age difference is prob why no one ever considers this ship. Four years when you're a teenager is a big difference. Four years when you're in your twenties and beyond isnt that big a deal. So they're adults and they've been friends for years at this point.
You also gotta sit back and look at what they are. Toph is the only child to a very rich and very well known Earth Kingdom family. Her family name in general is huge and carries a lot of weight but you also got her own accomplishments: Master Earthbender, the Creator of Metalbending, the Avatar's Earthbending teacher, and shes a war hero. Thats big. And then you got Zuko, who at this point is the Fire Lord. Zuko himself comes from a prominent Fire Nation family, seeing as he's royalty. He's also descended from a Avatar, but i dont think thats all that well known. Zuko is a Master Firebender, the Avatar's Firebending Teacher, and a war hero. On top of being famous both these people have credibility to fall back on.
So what im leaning into here is not exactly a marriage alliance seeing as the Earth Kingdom has its own royalty but its definitely a political move
Anyways Zuko has a lot on his plate, dismantling his dad's empire and all that. When he's nearing 30 the council is all like "you need to find a bride". Zuko writes up his ex-girlfriends and finds out they're either married or he just cant bring himself to trap someone into a marriage with him after knowing how it destroyed his mom. So he's stuck with no one of his own choosing so the council and high up nobles are trying to fix him up and not-so-subtly set him up with their daughters. Half of Team Avatar comes and visits (lets say Toph, Aang, and Sokka) and witness the behind the scenes of all this. They're having tea with Zuko and two people come in at different times and try to casually talk about the marriage thing. Toph can hear things that happen in the hallways too. Zuko is all "noooooooo guys why is this happening to me" and Sokka probably finds it funny but also a little sucky, and Aang probably hates it because "Zuko should marry for love!". And Toph is all "I know right" because she can totally relate. Her parents were looking for matches for her since she was born, and now that shes visiting again they've started back up again. Her and Zuko start swapping match-making stories ("so i come home and this boy and his father are there and my mom is all like 'Toph have you met __'" "I'm in the throne room for a meeting on road construction and this guy derails the whole thing so he can introduce his niece to me"). Later on after Toph has been listening in on the palace for a few days now and shes starting to really feel sorry for Zuko. Sokka just keeps making jokes until Toph snaps at him. Aang is pretty oblivious and probably spends all day at the market looking for souvenirs to bring home for Katara. And one night while Zuko is up late doing paperwork by candle light Toph stops by because her body cant sleep at night sometimes and they get to talking and Toph jokingly throws out "what if we just married each other? Then everyone will get off both our backs!" and they're laughing and after they've calmed down Zuko has a light bulb moment and he's like "wait, that might not be a bad idea". They spend all night working out the details to their hypothetical wedding and a day later decide to actually go through with it. Theres uproar from the council of course because Zuko didnt choose their pick Toph isnt Fire Nation nobility. And then Zuko starts listing all her family's importance and stuff and the council is forced to admit to themselves its not actually a bad idea. Plus marrying Earth Kingdom would make the Fire Lord more relatable to the colonies where theyre having a lot of problems with people of mixed heritage right now. Sokka and Aang hear rumblings of this because palace servants gossip and they're debating wether or not to believe these rumors when they run into Toph and just ask her and shes all like "yeah we're talking about it" and they boys flip out. Aang still maintains that everyone should marry for love but Toph and Zuko won't budge.
Over in the Earth Kingdom Toph's parents are ecstatic because the only better option Toph could marry was Earth Kingdom royalty. They completely endorse it and only argue to not seem like pushovers and when topics revolving money come up (ex. dowery). The Earth King gets in on this because its too good a opportunity to not capitalize on it. The Earth Kingdom is abuzz because a foreign King is marrying one of their own. Everyone is hyped and Team Avatar are the only ones who find the whole situation weird because to them its not a fairytale its their actual friends.
All-in-all they get married in the Fire Nation and the guest list was awful to make but people from all over the world are there. Toph's mother freaks out the whole time because "what if Toph falls down all those steps!" The wedding is mostly all Fire Nation tradition but Toph wears a Earth Kingdom wedding dress because everything is political now. Toph and Zuko have a relatively fun night and Sokka has the time of his life. And their marriage actually really works out for them because they're friends. They make fun of fancy people and rant to each other in the evenings. Toph is still running metal bending schools but either now they have to come to her or she gets stuck with a Fire Nation security team for like 3 months of the year she spends in the Earth Kingdom and she gets flashbacks to her childhood. And Zuko is sometimes all "i miss my wife" and the servants are all "awwww they're so in love" but the truth is he wants to talk sh*t with her and because shes blind he always has to write letters with the interpreter's opinion/gossip in mind. Toph still sneaks out all the time because shes not giving up her independence willy-nilly and is not above pulling the blind card to get out of things, which irritates Zuko sometimes because that means he has to deal with boring meetings by himself. They gaang visits all the time and by the time Republic City rolls around Toph manages to get herself sent as a "ambassador" (her and Sokka have some fun their shared meetings) and then to stay on to help set up the police force, which is a little dicy since shes representing the Fire Nation but also shes teaching only metalbending so its a controversial thing. This also gives Zuko a excuse to visit Republic City more often so he can see everyone since they settled down there.
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polandspringz · 3 years
I made the decision to watch all of the Case Files of Jeweler Richard in a day and I am ABSOLUTELY LOSING MY FUCKING MIND
(Technically I’ve watched up to episode 11 so I have 1 more episode left but am leaving it until tomorrow because it’s 1 AM right now- but I digress)
Spoilers for up to episode 10 of the anime, and apologies because I don’t know how to do read more on mobile so LONG POST:
Okay so FIRST OFF- On the cover this show isn’t explicit in that it has LGBTQ themes- it’s not labeled as such or with BL or Shounen Ai, the usual genre titles we see in anime. However, when I first tried to watch it a few months ago, within the opening minute I just knew (I just forgot to continue after that first minute until today). A lot of times with anime you can just tell things based on the art style or the dialogue, and if it doesn’t end up having those themes, then you get a situation like Balance: Unlimited where all of Twitter was tweeting “wait, it isn’t a BL???”
That being said, this series DOES have LGBTQ themes, one of the early side characters talks about how she doesn’t want to go through with her marriage because she realized she’s a lesbian or bisexual and is still in love with her old roommate. Another character expresses thoughts about romance and marriage in ways that I’m sure people who are asexual or a romantic can identify with. And this isn’t just with the side characters, oh no. The entire show is centered around the relationship of Richard and Seigi, and oh my god is it wild in how it is presented.
If you go on the wiki for this show, as my sister and I did, you’ll see a sentence along the lines of “Richard and Seigi frequently compliment each other’s beauty and say how much they like one another, to the point that everyone around them believes them to be in a relationship. However it’s unclear if their words are romantic or not.” And then if you go to their relationship page on the wiki, it just says Seigi is Richard’s boyfriend. So what’s the truth? (TLDR: the wiki is right. They’re definitely in love.)
Well the thing that had me rolling is that Seigi says he likes rich. A lot. Specifically throws around the “daisuki” line almost every episode. He says Richard is like a jewel, calls him beautiful and pretty. Richard picks him up in the rain after being dumped. They go alone to fancy restaurants for dinner almost every night. They flirt. It feels almost undeniable that what they’re saying is romantic, and that any kiss confirmation is unnecessary. There is a major plot line during all this though of Seigi trying to ask out his female college classmate however, and the result makes it sort of feel like Richard and Seigi are together but they’re in this open relationship with no labels so Richard just wants Seigi to have no regrets. The plot with the classmate really doesn’t do anything to their relationship. Richard and Seigi still are being as wild as ever.
And the reason I refer to this as being “wild” is partially because while watching my sister and I were riffing on the dialogue a little. For an anime, the show is very progressive in it’s ideas, Richard in episode 1 or 2 straight up calling Seigi out for something he said about a foreign customer and making him promise to not discriminate or judge anyone for their race, religion, sexual orientation, appearance, etc. (My sister literally joked “DONT BE RACIST” and then her jaw dropped when Richard said just that). There’s a multitude of moments in the first half of the show where Richard basically is just glaring at Seigi or telling him off later with a deadpanned expression for being xenophobic or just blunt about things that end up being rude to customers, and it’s because of how surprising it is that the show NEVER misses a moment to be like “YEAH ACTUALLY DON’T BE RUDE” that makes it hilarious. It feels almost unreal when everything you make a joke about happens two seconds afterwards.
Circling back to Richard and Seigi relationship though, early on I called on the idea that the show was going to have the trope of “he’s rich and from Europe so he’s illegitimate or something and he’s going to have to go back and Seigi will run after him in this big airport scene” and I basically got all that. Except that Richard and Seigi don’t meet up again until they’ve both been in England for a while and then we learn that Richard’s family are terrible people because a clause in their dead great grandfather’s inheritance made it so only Richard can inherit this 300 million pound Diamond but ONLY if he married a traditional English housewife. This clause is said to be VERY VERY strict in that it HAS to be an English housewife to the LETTER. And she must be TRADITIONAL. Of course, Richard is refusing to do this. So you’re watching them mess around in England for a bit, I got another cliche/trope I wanted when Seigi fell sick and Richard had to care for him in the hotel room, before the characters suddenly get a phone call and Richard’s cousin goes:
“Hey Seigi! Guess what? Turns out you qualify for the marriage clause! Despite being Asian, the will and the law consider a homosexual civil partnership equivalent to a heterosexual marriage, so you can be with Richard and then he get’s the Diamond! So I’ll see you at the safe where the Diamond will be at!”
(I’m paraphrasing the words obviously but the part about civil partnership was what I specifically remember being said, but forgive me for any errors, as my jaw was on the floor when the show threw that curveball at me).
In case you’re confused, I’m not saying this is bad at all. I’m just saying when watching this show, it feels UNBELIEVABLY HILARIOUS the way these things literally get thrown at the audience. Stuff you would never expect in an anime just punch you in the face repeatedly and I was so shocked from this “viable marriage candidate” twist that I did SENSE was coming (but thought of it more of as a joke, BECAUSE HOW THE HECK DID HE FIT THE CLAUSE OF A TRADITIONAL ENGLISH HOUSEWIFE) I had to pause the episode and rush to spit out the water I just drank before I choked. And if this wasn’t enough to kill me, we learn later on, that the reason this whole crazy clause happened in this dead man’s will was because he wanted to get back at the rest of Richard’s family because the man’s son was marrying a woman from Sri Lanka and LITERALLY SAID “THE WHITE SUPERMACISTS” WOULD HARASS HER so all of this chaos was to give the fortune to their side of the family and piss off the racists. I just cannot believe I’m hearing and seeing all this in a Japanese anime. There was even discussion of how Japan’s traditional gender roles restrict women, and it’s just like HOW IS THIS SHOW SO PROGRESSIVE??? It literally feels like I’m watching a paradox and it’s sad because it shouldn’t but it’s hilarious and enjoyable all the same.
Once again, and sort of a TLDR, The Case Files of Jeweler Richard is an incredible show. It’s an unintentionally hilarious ride that isn’t baiting because it feels like it’s definitely presenting Richard and Seigi’s relationship as romantic coded without needing a kiss or anything. It’s strangely progressive and open minded for Japanese media, seems meta at times, and has left me stunned in ten out of twelves episodes thus far that I’m so sad I didn’t watch it week to week to see the reactions of the fans live. I highly recommend this series if you’re looking for something to just get you to laugh or just a fun story involving two male leads with great chemistry.
Now, here’s a representation of me watching this show:
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olivarryprompts · 3 years
Fanfic Friday #11
Welcome to Fanfic Friday! Each Friday I post a new here and on A03. Enjoy x
Read and save it on A03 here https://archiveofourown.org/works/33567529
{fancy suits from dad}
Ships: Peter Stark & Tony Stark, Pepper Pots/Tony Stark
Warnings: swearing, just fluff otherwise :)
Wc: 2,319
Here’s the thing, Peter Parker grew up in Stark Tower, which eventually became Avengers Tower of course. So whilst his whole class was buzzing about their field trip, all he could think was, “shit, shit shit.” His dad was going to embarrass the hell out of him. His Aunts and Uncles were going to endlessly tease him.
So, no Peter was not looking forward to the field trip. Not in the slightest. He still wanted to go, though. He knew that the rumors of his internship being fake were started by Flash, the annoying teen. He also knew that Flash had not once said his real name, preferring the name Penis Parker. It didn’t bother him as much as it used to. Also since highschool began, Flash had calmed down with his bullying. Well, maybe Flash hadn’t calmed down and high school was just bigger and he had thicker skin. And a new support system with plenty of people to go to.
Peter had been adopted by the Starks when he was a mere ten years old. At first, he was terrible at receiving any gifts or even too much attention. Slowly but surely, he got more and more used to it. Now, he wouldn’t not know what to do if any of that was taken away. Plus, he really did find a liking for expensive suits, however shallow. He looked good in them, and his father always insisted on buying him more and more. Tony would always find an excuse to spoil the kid a little more, however much Pepper tried to stop him.
“Peter, please see me after class regarding an urgent matter.”
Brough out of his thoughts, Peter swiftly nodded his head.
He looked at the board to see the words from before still written on them, “Field Trip to Stark Industries!” It might as well have said, “Dig Peter Stark’s Grave!”
“So, let’s get started with today’s lesson, graphing imaginary numbers on the complex plane!” He’d done this one a while back with his father. Something about not only learning applicable science and engineering. Peter tapped his glass, and the episode of Arrow he’d been watching on the car ride over began playing. He’d be ever grateful for his father’s gift of EDITH to him. Pepper had tried to ban him from wearing them to school, but hastily gave up when Peter pulled the spiderman danger card.
“Alright, class dismissed. Please remember to do this homework pages 11-18 on this unit’s homework handout.”
Peter, forgetting his teacher's previous request, was very glad to be on his way home. He was one foot out of the door when the teacher called his name. Now, his day had gone pretty well up to that point. Bucky made pancakes for breakfast, which were delicious. There was wayyy less traffic on the way to school. He’d aced an essay and a couple of quizzes, and then he even participated in PE effectively. But alas, all good things had to come to an end.
“Mr. Parker? The discussion.”
“Right,” Peter thought, joining the teacher at his desk.
“Peter, you are truly a great kid. I know you’ve been through a lot recently and in your life, but it is no excuse to make up an internship. We both know that it is not real. Now, acknowledging that you have a bright future, the administration and I have come forward with an offer. If you agree to write an apology, expressing that you understand what you did was wrong and immoral, you will both be allowed to come on the trip and no punishment will be given to you. If you choose to not take this opportunity, you will be banned from the trip and will be chastised.
Peter just stood there, not really comprehending. Apparently Flash’s little rumors were a lot bigger than he anticipated.
“I-i-I’m not lying,” was all he could manage. He had filed all the right paperwork and proved his internship.
“I’m sorry to hear that you will not come forward with the truth. You have up until the day before the trip to hand in the letter if you change your mind. Goodbye Peter.”
Peter just let his legs take him out of the classroom, then out of the school, and then to the road, a couple blocks away, where his dad picks him up from.
“Hello mini-me.”
“Hey,” Peter said, jumping into the passenger seat.
“‘Hi Dad, thanks so much for taking time out of your busy schedule to pick me up each and every day. Sick new car by the way! I’d love to drive it sometime!”
Peter just rolled his eyes with a smile, “Car looks great dad. McLarren’s are superior yet.”
“Ungrateful, so so ungrateful. What’s got you in a mood then?”
“Nothin,” Peter said, pulling out his phone.
“Oh come on, tell me. Tell me or I’ll call Ted.”
“Ned, Dad. We’ve been friends for like three years.”
“Not the point.”
“Just something at school.”
“Wow how very descriptive. You know I’m trying to do the whole feelings thing here, and you should appreciate that coming from my emotionally stunted self.”
“You’re so dramatic. Basically we’re having a field trip to your tower, and I’m not allowed to go because the teacher doesn’t think I really have an “internship.” Which, to be fair I don’t but that’s on you and not me.”
“Nah na na. I offered you an internship, and you said I’d be bored.”
“It would be. Doing a project for your company under strict supervision of some person would be sucky. I mean I can do anything I want from the lab you built me.”
“I know, but remember technically you are my intern. Remember we did that whole personal intern bullshit for the school.”
“Oh right. Is that why you keep harassing me about submitting all my completed projects.”
“No, that’s all your mother. Something about not wanting a lawsuit over a fake internship.”
“Make sense. She tends to be a lot smarter than you.”
“Ah, I feel so attacked. The abuse I suffer.”
“You’re terrible.”
“I am internally crying, kid. Sobbing.”
“Shut up,” we laughed.
“Who’s home?”
“You saw Buck and Sam this morning. Nat and Steve came back from their mission this afternoon. Thor and Loki are back for dinner tonight.. Strange might be coming round, not sure though. Cliff and the family aren’t back for at least a couple weeks. Oh and Bruce is wholed up in his lab as usual.”
“Shit. Everyone staying till the end of the week.”
“Yeah, oh the field trip. You’re screwed. You should have not told me.”
“I love your life Petey.”
Peter walked into the kitchen and saw Steve reading a newspaper.
“Uncle Steve! Your back!” he smiled, dropping his bag off near the sofa. Steve got up to give the smaller boy a hug.
“Yep. Mission completed.”
“Nice. Can you tell me about it?”
“Yeah, it was nothing too interesting. We just needed some more intel into a terrorist organization stationed in the US. Most of the mission was recon. The next steps are being taken in a couple weeks.”
“Good to know there’s an active terrorist organization out there,” Peter said lightly.
Steve just smiled, not quite understanding the modern humor.
“Where is everyone else?” he said, realizing the living room was not in it’s normal chaotic state that he’d come to love. The chaos was his favorite reminder that he had so many people. He liked having lots of people, even after all this time.
“Nat and Buck are training, they invited you to join if you want. Bruce is in his lab, and dont worry he slept and ate last night. Not sure about the rest.”
“Right, thanks. I think I’m going to go train.”
Before he knew it, it was Friday morning, and his school was coming to his home. He was going to try very hard to ignore them. To do so, he asked his mum to let him sit in on some meetings. He had an easy in to the R&D and mechanical side of the company via the other interns. He was actually planning on hanging out with some of the “other” interns later that day. They were always happy to let Pete in on their projects and let him give them a hand. But he was always interested in getting more detail about the business side of the company, and he liked to get a window into it. Pepper was always happy to show her son the ropes. I mean he was heir to the company after all, even if he didn’t know yet.
He asked his mum to only schedule meetings after 12 as he requested a sleep in. Pepper was always happy when Peter slept as he was a little too much like his father. So, he woke bright and early at 11:00 o’clock.
After a scroll through his phone and a quick shower, he was ready to pull on his far too expensive Brunellio’s custom suit. It was one of his favorites. His father had got it custom made when he was in Italy, and told him he simply could not resist getting one for the kid. Pepper just smiled.
He had a large breakfast (enhanced metabolism) and headed towards the 34th floor where his first meeting was located. He’d been shadowing his mum for almost a year now whenever it was convenient, so he had the rointine down. He was almost sure he could take over a few of her meetings.
“Hi honey,” Pepper said, giving the boy a quick kiss on the cheek on the way to her own chair beside him. Peter blushed before resuming his professional posture and facial expression.
“Good morning everyone, as you can see Peter will be joining us today. I want to talk about some of the services we provide for our employees and their feedback. I’m aware we have a large portion to talk about so Kendra please take it away on that front.”
The first meeting went smoothly as planned. It was a discussion on the progress of the internal services, aka the IT department. Peter hadn’t learned much about their IT department, so it was good to listen in to. Pre these meetings, he, of course, does research into the background stuff, so he’s not completely lost. Pepper’s assistant usually provides him with a packet of info about the Stark Industries side of things. He is also given a list of key words and concepts he might want to make sure he understands. The research is fun for him, it makes him feel all professional.
Usually he spoke during the meetings, asking a couple questions and suggesting some ideas, but for this one he just learned and took in. The next meeting, however, was very much so his field. He’d spoken a lot with advertising, becoming very interested in the data analysis behind it. He even took a stats class so he could keep up. In that one he asked questions Pepper was on the verge of asking twice. He also contributed to the analysis of data once. Pepper usually liked him to participate as it was good for him, but he always felt bad suggesting stuff to the senior adults. He usually spoke to his mum or dad about projects for the company, preferring that.
They hung back in the room of the second meeting.
“Good job in this one Pete. Took two questions right off my tongue.”
“Thanks ma,” he said, always appreciating some approval.
“That’s all I’ve got for you today, kid. Rest of the stuff is, ya know.”
“Course. Thanks for these two. It was good to learn about internal affairs a bit more. Have a gap of knowledge there.”
“Yeah. Was that the first time meeting our CIT?”
“I believe so.”
“Well, next time we have a broader IA meeting, I’ll pull you outta school,” Pepper suggested.
“Really? That’d be epic.”
“Course, hun. Jarvis, sort that out please.”
“Of course Mrs. Potts.”
“Thanks J,” Peter yelled.
“Anytime mini-boss. No need to disturb the entire floor.”
“Are AI supposed to be so snarky?”
“Dad programmed it, what else would it be?”
“Valid point.”
“Right, got to run. See you later.”
“Bye, love you mum!”
“Love you too, Pete.”
“Jarvis, could you send me the tour plan for the visiting tour today?”
“Absolutely, sir. They’re on your phone now.”
“Thanks J.”
Looking at the plans Peter smiled. He had successfully avoided them the entire day. It said they were supposed to head back to school at 2:30, and it was about to be three. Smile on his face, he trotted down to the lobby to grab a coffee before going to meet Loki at the arcade. Don’t judge them, it was their thing. Taking the private lift down, and then walking straight to the coffee stand and ordering.
“Mr. Parker!” he heard the angry voice of his teacher, “How dare you show up here aft-”
Shit. shit. Shit.
“Edith, call dad, and tell him it’s urgent in the lobby.”
“Of course Peter.”
“Peter, are you listening to me! You are going to face extreme consequences for this.”
“Your coffee,” the man said, not realizing it was Peter, level ten personal of the tower, that was being yelled at.
“How dare you get coffee! In this building! Security!”
Tony arrived spotting his son instantly.
“Kid this best be impor- I see.”
“Hey Mr. Stark,” Peter said weakly.
“Mr. Harrington is it? Please stop harassing my intern.”
“H-he, he is y-your intern?”
“Yes. My favorite. Please exit the building and never question him again. You will be hearing from me.”
Let’s just say, Monday was an interesting day. At least Flash backed off, he was definitely an intern at SI, and no one embarrassed him on the trip.
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rosiehufflepuff · 3 years
Headcanon : Hufflepuff -fem - and Slytherin(or DRACO ) go to book fair in muggle world
Hufflepuff ran to Slytherin in excitement almost tripping over million of stuff -SLYTHERIN!!!!!!!!!-
Slytherin almost having a heart attack watching Hufflepuff running to him -DUMMY U ALMOST BROKE EACH PART OF UR BODY NOW!!-
Hufflepuff shoves a poster in the boy face. Explaining how she got  it from her half blood friend however as soon as he saw it , the expression changed to disgust in a sec - …….muggle …….stuff?- -NOOO IT ISNT ANY MUGGLE STUFF ! IT IS BOOK FAIR!!-
Hufflepuff kept whining to Slytherin about how it is amazing !! And how they need to go !! Cuz all the book they dreamt of , was there !!!
- Hufflepuff ….you wanna me to go , wait In line …. and rub elbows with muggles …?!! Aho .. UNFORTUNATE.....I DONT DO THAT !!- waving Hufflepuff away as he talked with full disbelieve 
Frowning at Slytherin who was admiring his thousands something Galleons rings in his fingers , she gets hit by idea !! grinning as Cheshire , she opens her mouth with the most wicked thing that can hit her fav Slytherin - oooookay as you wanna ….I’m going to ask Gryffindor to come I’m confident that he would love it soooooo much -
Knowing the impact of the word “ Gryffindor “ on the boy , she speaks it out as his blood boils and his eyes shot up large , NAH UH !!! NO WAY HE IS HANDING HER , ON  A BLOODY GOLD PLATTER TO THIS ANNOYING “STAR KID “ !!!! 
-NO I CHANGED MY MIND !!! - smiling cheerfully more than she should be , she learned that her fav Slytherin wouldn’t take the concept of Gryffindor replacing him , now with determination asking about everything , they settled about “ the mudblood event “, according to the dramatic boy words .
The next day they go to their meeting area ( where no Slytherin can see cuz “ the status “ ) , as Huff reaches ,she drop her jaw at the Slytherin , she can’t help but stare at his attire
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-are you done staring? - Slytherin couldn't help but  rub his face in attempts in  trying to cover his blush at her gaping -what the hell…… are you wearing ….? - the Slytherin blinks at Hufflepuff , what kind of concern is that ???  - uhhhh…..clothes ??-  
as cunning as Slytherin can be , he is not reading between the lines as the girly hoped so -ummm but it is just a book fair …that is kind of fancy... Don't you think?? -
Slytherin couldn't help but roll his eyes hard, that he swears to merlin !!! that he almost saw his brain at the word “ fancy “ , him going to the muggle world doesn’t mean he need to look unpresentable !!!
 He sigh as he explains to Hufflepuff how that is not fancy and that is ordinary
Hufflepuff blinks non stop looking at the definition of a “ ordinary look”  of the boy in front of her, then she shifts her eyes at herself and her very casual outfit
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-we look as odd as night and day …- Hufflepuff whispers to herself however the words didn't pass the strong ear of the boy in front of her  , leading to sharp scowl at the words ..........at how she thinks of them with this huge contrast , he despises that !! “-are we going or not - by this words , Hufflepuff and Slytherin go to the Muggle world .
As both are waiting in line , million of adoring eyes is staring very hard and non stop at the wealthy blonde boy in full black , all this happening next to our Hufflepuff , she couldn't help but think  -wow I feel like  I’m standing next a celebrity .....the whole realm is staring ...- as she took a fast glimpse to the icy Slytherin next to her - i feel like a standing mosquito next to a butterfly ............ or would it be Scorpio though ..............GAH!! still TT -
 Hufflepuff couldn’t help but think of that ! ....merlin … she swears she saw people are flushing red just by looking at the Slytherin!!
Slytherin was getting so fed up with these gazes by the minute passing, no matter how much he bloody glared , they didn't stop , in the very unlikeness , they seemed to like it !!!  what is wrong with these mudbloods!!!  
.........but he kind of liked the attention…… he wont admit it tho... but still it was his time with Hufflepuff !! FUCK OFF !!
As they enter finally….. to Slytherin knees ……they almost fell off…. …. the warm female grabs his hand saying she doesn't wanna lose him in the mid of the moving crowd, very oblivious to the effect that she has on his heart doing “all odd stuff “ according to him, he has to visit a healer about that issue ….
Hufflepuff can’t stop running around the store going all wild and jumpy about all the books she is seeing from continuing of books either her or Slytherin has or new one she heard about -SLY DID YOU SEE THAT !! -SLY U NEED TO CHECK THIS !!”
on the other hand sly was just keeping eye on her while checking slowly the shelves himself , giving her a hum from time to time , as he tries to find anything he likes  .
finding a book with weird cover , he starts to run his gazes through the first pages of his new found treasure , knowing that he got at least something from this mud blood world ,  his eyes look up for his Hufflepuff .
-Hufflepuff I’m getting this book - as he searches with his gaze range , his intense eyes couldn't find a trace of her , almost giving him a minor panic attack , he calls for her again .
panic and anger at himself taking over , He storms to the nearest worker and grab them by arm giving them a glare with venom dripping with each word -look here I had a girl with me and she is gone ! ........I swear if you didn’t find her I’m going to show you what a bloody nightmare really Is .......that you wish you were-“
 before continuing the venom , Hufflepuff warm voice cut Slytherin icy tone , and also probably saving the worker from getting a scare or hexed .
Slytherin turns to Hufflepuff as he calms down his panic ,however his emotions of being upset speak up in form of -where were ya ?!!” with a sigh , the girl in yellow  explains that she told  him that she is going to bathroom but it seems that he didn’t hear , 
her eyes moves to the worker that is being held as prisoner by the Slytherin , you request him to leave the poor worker arm as people started to group up to attend the drama  ,  giving the best Hufflepuff smile she can, apologizing to the worker saying that her friend wasn’t used to going out much , excusing herself as she dragged the Slytherin to corner in the dark till the heat of the mummers go off
-why are you apologizing!! You did nothing wrong !!- -SHHH-
after some time of both sitting in the corner and calming Slytherin anxiety , both went to collect the the chosen books and as they are walking out
-see I came and behaved too , now u will read me the book I chose !! - Slytherin teases Hufflepuff as she rolls her eyes - yeah except you almost gave a heart attack to poor Muggle ! You will read it yourself !!- as she walk before the Slytherin sulking behind
HIIIIIII!! So this my first time ever doing something like that !! I could not decide on draco x hufflepuff or slytherin x hufflepuff!!so both I guess ?!
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earth-to-taz · 3 years
do you write drabbles n stuff? if so can you do a wolfstar one?
brooo i literally just saw this i'm so sorry but yeah i can do that. sorry if it sucks ass LOLZ
Sirius smoked. Everybody knew that. Some even said it added to his charm. Sirius just said that he needed a couple cigarettes if he was going to even survive with his shitshow of a family. If he didn’t, Sirius very well might have actually exploded out of stress and rage and hate and that was not something Sirius had an intention of doing. Because one, it didn't seem like very much fun, and two, he’s probably miss Remus too much. Which is stupid to even think about because he was in so deep it was embarrassing.
Suddenly, every little thing about Remus became unbearable. Everytime Remus took one of his jumpers off and his shirt rode up a little bit, Sirius had to brutally stomp the urge to press his lips to the sliver of skin that showed. Everytime Remus’s tongue darted over his bottom lip Sirius had to stop himself from doing the very same thing to Remus with his own tongue. Everytime Remus got so involved in something that his hand talked with him and his eyes shone brighter Sirius had to remind himself not to reach over to across from him and kissed Remus until his lips were red, until they both were breathing hard, until their eyes were lidded and they couldn’t help but kiss again. But Remus was straight almost definitely because he went out with that pretty Ravenclaw girl the other day, the same day Sirius tried very hard not to be jealous and failed spectacularly. But then again, as far as Remus knew, Sirius was straight too. Sirius rubbed his knuckles into his eyes and let out a sigh. Jesus. He needed a smoke.
He moved over to the window and propped it open with one of Wormtail's books. Sirius dug his hands into his trousers, searching for a lighter. He lit the cigarette, holding it almost reverently as to not let any wind blow the small flame out. He scoffed at how he could hold something so gently, and then use the same hands to punch and pull at hair and flip off. How ironic. Sirius inhaled on the cigarette and went back to thinking about Remus, because why wouldn’t he? Thinking about Remus is always a good idea. Pretty, pretty, Remus with his oversized jumpers, and chocolate stains on everything, and the way he always seemed to smell like old books and parchment. Remus and his pretty, pretty, face; his wide eyes and blinding smile, and his mouth that always had something to say. It’s a very nice mouth, that Sirius would drop everything for if he could kiss it just once. Sirius exhaled. And then the universe, as if it hadn’t had its fill of laughing at Sirius's life, decided to have Remus come back from the library at the exact time that Sirius is thinking of Remus's lips. Any conversion Remus would try to have with him would be futile because Sirius would be too busy staring at said lips for him to even say anything. It would be incredibly embarrassing.
“Hey,” Remus said and Sirius took him in. He looked more exhausted than usual, but that was probably due to the full moon coming within the next couple of days. Still, there was a weariness about him that Sirius couldn't place. He inhaled, and then decided to go for a grunt as a way of greeting. He was tired too, tired of acting like he wasn’t halfway in love with one of the best friends he’s ever had. It got exhausting. He exhaled.
“D’you think we could share that?” Remus asked, gesturing to the cigarette, “I've got a lot on my mind and could use a break.” Sirius's brows furrowed. Remus smoked? Then they furrowed more and he probably looked stupid. Remus had a lot on his mind? What’s going on?
Sirius handed the cigarette to Remus. “I didn't know you smoked, Rems. And you have a lot on your mind? Why? What happened?”
“I don’t, I mean I try not to. But I'm just,” Remus sighed. “So tired. And it’s so simple, y’know? You don't have to think about anything.” He inhaled and closed his eyes. Remus kept the smoke in his lungs long enough that there was probably a burn, then he exhaled. And Sirius, seeing him there, pink lips around the cigarette, watching a weight come off his shoulders with each exhale, really, really wanted to kiss him. He guessed he would, because technically it was an indirect kiss and suddenly this was a terrible idea.
They smoked in silence together, each taking turns at holding the smoke in their lungs for almost too long before letting it out. It was nice how he could just be with Remus without having to worry about anything. For what seemed like years, Sirius's heart beat too fast, and every touch between them felt scalding, and Remus looked so perfect Sirius could cry. Not a new thing.
Remus passed him the cigarette. Their fingers brushed and Sirius had to stop himself from taking Remus's hand in his own and never letting go. “Why are you looking at me like that?”
“Like what?”
Remus gave him a look. “Dont play dumb.”
“I’m not. You said you had stuff on your mind. What was it?” It was a cheap job at deflecting, but Remus pretended not to notice. Sirius inhaled.
“I dunno Sirius, it’s just that…” Remus screwed his eyes shut and took a deep breath. “Idontthinkimasstraightasithought.” Sirius sputtered on his exhale.
“Gimme that,” Remus said and he snatched the cigarette out of Sirius’s hands.
“Y-You’re not straight? But didnt you go on a date with that girl the other day?”
“Yeah, and I hated it Sirius. It was awful. I’d rather date a Wormtail than do that again.”
“Oh, wow. So you’re..” he trailed off, as to let Remus finish.
“Gay. Probably. I think. All I know is that I'm not straight.”
Since Remus came out to him, he only thought it courtesy to repay the favor.
“Cool. Me too.” this time, Remus sputtered on the exhale then passed the cigarette to sirius. They were almost at the filter, now.
“O-Oh, ok. Ok. nice. So what are you, then?”
“Bi.” Sirius inhaled, and it left his eyes watering. Exhale. Sirius put out the cigarette, and he could feel eyes boring into his head. A quick glance to his left and he caught Remus staring. Interesting.
“What, did you want another one? I can get you one if you want.” Remus's gaze dropped a tad bit lower, and oh god. Remus was staring at his lips. Like he wanted to kiss them. What the fuck.
“No, it’s fine,” Remus said, still staring at his lips. “Have you ever kissed a guy?” Remus asked, and he sounded almost breathless. Sirius nodded. “A couple. Why?” Remus finally, finally, met Sirius's eyes. “D’you think you could kiss me?” Sirius's eyes buggered out of his head, and Remus did damage control. “I mean you don’t have to if you don't want to, of course, it’s just that I’ve never kissed a guy before and I wanted to at least try it so that i could know for sure if-” Sirius cut remus off with a kiss, and it was everything he hoped for and more. Remus’s lips were soft and warm against his, if not a little chapped, and he tasted like cigarette smoke and the fancy chocolate that he liked, and it was perfect. Remus’s hands were in his hair while Sirius's hands were on his hips rubbing circles onto his stomach. Eventually, when they had to come up for air, Remus looked just like he did in his daydreams, with labored breathing and lidded eyes.
Sirius offered him a smile and got one in return.
“So, are you sure that you’re gay now?”
Remus’s smile turned flirtatious. “Y’know, I'm really not all that sure. Maybe you should kiss me again so that I can be.”
And kiss him again Sirius did.
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