#like….I’m still on a high from making paintings yesterday
dimsilver · 2 years
girl help I can’t sleep because I’m thinking too much about the near-infinite aesthetic richness of the human experience available to me
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lovebugism · 8 months
Ok but what about Eddie dating a reader who snores and the gang is like wtf but he finds it cute.
ty for requesting anon! this is dedicated to everyone who gets sleepy at 5pm like i do hahah — eddie's girlfriend falls asleep during movie night and it's a big deal in the sweetest way (sleepy gf!reader, established relationship, 1.4k)
fictober (㇏(•̀ᵥᵥ•́)ノ)
A masked serial killer slaughters a group of pretty teenage girls. Their screams are high-pitched and painfully artificial. The murderer’s chainsaw is way too loud and far too dramatic a weapon. The bright red blood splatters across the baby pink bedroom in several obnoxiously vivid splotches. 
Eddie Munson has never been more grateful to be alive in the golden age of slasher films — the absolute peak of godawful cinema.
He turns to the pretty little thing dozing on his shoulder and grins quietly to himself. 
You’re the purest essence of beauty in all forms, but especially compared to the barbaric horror flashing across the television screen across the room. In the darkness, the neon glow paints you in varying shades of blue, green, and dark red. 
You’re so pretty it hurts.
Eddie didn’t think he could love anything more than dumb slasher movies. Not until he met you, anyway.
“Tired?” he whispers to you when your lashes flutter across the apples of your cheeks.
It’s hardly seven o’clock — the sun has just barely set over the horizon — and more than anything, the tiny trailer is filled with fake screams and faker blood. Most people would be too horrified to be so drowsy. Not you, though.
Everyone’s always admired your relationship with sleep, but maybe just a little extra now.
Your features are blurry with the longing of slumber. They scrunch in refusal when you shake your head, cheek rubbing against the soft cotton of Eddie’s thrifted tee. “No,” you hum with a softness that says otherwise. “‘M just cozy…”
Everyone knows what that’s code for.
All the gang was over for movie night — some more begrudgingly than others (Steve, namely). The brunette boy shares a side eye with Robin on the other side of the couch before both of them turn to look at you. 
Lucas sits on the floor and stuffs his face with popcorn, which he almost chokes on when he laughs. Max giggles at the boy in response from where she’s sandwiched between him and Dustin.
Each of them can practically count down the seconds until you’re fully asleep.
You inhale once — deeply, sharply. The curly-haired boy turns his wrist to check his watch. 
“7 p.m…” Dustin observes with raised brows. He nods to himself like he’s impressed. “That’s gotta be some kinda record, right?”
“I’m pretty sure she was out by six when we were at Steve’s yesterday,” Robin tells him as she leans over Lucas’ shoulder for the popcorn bowl he’s holding hostage.
“Full on snoring by six-thirty,” Steve concurs through a mouthful of candy. “And her legs were on my lap, too, so I couldn’t move for, like, two hours.”
“What about last movie night?” Max questions with pinched brows. “I’m pretty sure she was asleep before it even started.”
Lucas shakes his head. “She was just napping, right? I’m pretty sure she woke up, like, halfway through.”
Dustin nods — the official connoisseur of you and all your sleepiness. You had been asleep by the time Steve turned The Outsiders on, but your internalized love for Dallas Winston had woken you part of the way through. 
“It had to be scrubbed from the records,” the boy explains like it’s something a whole lot more official than you just being tired. “It only counts if she stays asleep.”
“What if her eyes are closed, and she’s using your arm as a pillow, and you don’t have any feeling left in your fingers?” Robin questions with narrowed eyes, recounting the events from the last movie night in question. “What about that?”
“Still doesn’t count,” Dustin shakes his head with a feigned sympathy.
Eddie listens to them with a distant smile on his face. They’re not making fun of you exactly, just noticing all your little idiosyncrasies that he loves so much. It’s what makes you you — the quiet, sleepy girl that’s all but the glue of the group. 
If you’re somewhere else when everyone’s all hanging out together, and not snoozing on someone’s shoulder, something just doesn’t feel right.
“Isn’t she the fuckin’ cutest?” the boy muses amidst the light-hearted banter, the horror movie long forgotten. 
His bright smile and twinkling eyes are met with a group of deadpanned stares. 
It isn’t because you aren’t cute, because you are. Why else would Robin and Steve let you use them as pillows even after their appendages have long gone numb? You’re like a cat sleeping on their stomach — it’s too much of an honor to wake you. 
Their dumbfounded gapes are more so a result of Eddie’s adoration for you. Because you’re you, and Eddie’s… Eddie. 
You’re polar opposites. 
You’re quiet and sweet and gentle, and Eddie’s never been any of those things once in his life. 
You’ve brought out a softer side of him — one that none of them thought a brash metalhead like him could ever have. He talks to you far sweeter and far more gently than he’d ever speak to the rest of them. Mostly because he knows you get spooked too easily and that you always wince whenever people yell. And his PDA is an innocent kind, full of held hands and forehead kisses and boops to the tip of your nose. 
Eddie Munson is so soft for you that he lets you drool on his shoulder and unknowingly steal all the covers from him when you fall asleep during movie night. 
He’s so far gone for you that he’ll let you drag him to bed when most people his age are heading out to party for the night — just so you can drool on him and take all the covers from him in his bedroom, where you can sleep more comfortably than on the couch.
It’s all so sweet, it’s downright disgusting.
“It’s gross how in love the two of you are,” Steve monotones, the only one brave enough to say it out loud even though they’re all thinking it.
“I know,” Eddie affirms with a wide grin. “It’s amazing, huh?”
They all grumble under their breaths about it, obviously not as mushy with adoration as he is. 
It isn’t his fault they’re miserable because they don’t have their own soulmate who gets tired at 5 p.m. and snoozes on their shoulder accordingly. They’d be a lot less crabby if they had someone like you to gush about. 
Not you, though. ‘Cause you’re his and everything. But someone just like you, maybe.
Everyone dissipates when the credits of the movie start to roll — either to get more food, or use the bathroom, or stretch their aching limbs. 
Eddie stays unmoving. He doesn’t want to wake you up.
You begin to rouse on his shoulder, shifting as you wake with a deep inhale-exhale. Your eyes flutter slowly open, and through the haze of sleep, you notice the empty living room and the scrolling names on the television screen.
“’S the movie over?” you question, slurred with the heaviness of slumber.
Eddie nods lazily against the couch. 
He’s about as tired as you are now, with his legs cocked up on the coffee table and his head lolled back against the cushions. “Yeah. It’s okay, though. You didn’t really miss anything,” he assures with a crooked smile.
“Didn’t mean to fall asleep…” you murmur, like you’re embarrassed to have slept so soundly.
“I know,” the boy hums softly to you. “’S okay…”
Your temple rests against his shoulder once more. “Wake me up before you start the next movie?” you ask when Eddie presses a lingering kiss to your hair. Your eyes are already fluttered shut again.
“Sure,” he answers, despite lacking any real intention to wake you. 
He’d much rather let you sleep. He knows you need it. He doesn’t mind that you get tired before the sun has set, even though he knows how much you hate it. He couldn’t love it more, personally.
So, he lets you fall back asleep on his shoulder and tries to ignore how much it makes his heart swell. His ribcage shakes with the intensity of how much he loves you — how privileged he feels that you trust him enough to drool on his shoulder and not be embarrassed about any of it. You know he loves you too much for any of that.
“She still asleep?” Steve questions when the gang settles back in the living room. He rattles M&Ms in his palms before chucking a handful into his mouth. When Eddie nods, the boy snorts. “I’m glad it’s your arm falling asleep this time and not mine.”
Eddie’s glad for it, too.
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Kiss me before you leave.
John Egan X Female! Reader
Summary: Y/n and Bucky's relationship during the years of the war.
Warning: crying/ mention of POW camp/ use of Y/n/
Word count: 2k
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1940, Manitowoc, Wisconsin
He was leaving, he was actually going on the boat and leaving to fight the war. She couldn’t believe it, and he just gave her a letter. She read it again, in case she missed something.
My dear Y/n,
I’m leaving for England today at 9:30 at the docks, I’m sorry I couldn’t tell you in person, but I’m so scared of hurting you. I want to fight for my country. When I come back, we’ll get married because you’re the love of my life. If you still want me, of course, I’ll send you a letter when I’m assigned to a base, so you can write to me. I’ll think about you every second, I’ll think about you in ways that can’t be written. I love you so much, my darling.
Forever yours, Bucky.
She looked at the time, it was 9:05, she could make it in time. Without even thinking, she took her brother’s bike and rode it down the street, she was pedaling so fast, but she didn’t care if she crashed, she wanted to see him one last time before his departure. She didn’t want to cry, but if she missed him, she was going to. She felt a lot of emotions, sadness, anger and love. She was sad that he was leaving, angry at the way he left and in love because he promised to marry her when he got back. Her hair flew in the wind, her skirt too, she couldn’t care less, she wanted to see him.
He felt bad for the way he left her, but he couldn’t bring himself to tell her in person. He was looking at the window when he saw someone riding a bike, really fast. Then he recognized his girlfriend. He let out a small laugh before sticking his head out the window. ‘’Y/n!’’ he yelled her name, she searched for a second the person that called her name, then she saw him. She ran in front of the window, but he was too high for her to reach him. ‘’Seriously Bucky! That’s how I learn you’re leaving? You could’ve at least kissed me before you left!’’ she screamed, in anger, but she was painting from the bike ride she just had. ‘’Sorry honey, I can’t hear you!’’ he was smirking, he heard her, he just didn’t want to argue with her.
Soldiers that were still boarding saw the scene. ‘’S’cuse me miss, if you want, we can help ya get up’’ one of them said to Y/n. ‘’Please’’ she begged. Next thing she knew, she was being lifted by a group of soldiers, she didn’t care if they looked under her skirt, she could reach her boyfriend. When she was equal to him, she pulled him by the tie, an inch to her lips. ‘’You’re really lucky that I’m in love with you John Egan’’ she smiled before kissing him. He instantly kissed her back, adding more passion to it. Soldiers beneath them were cheering for the couple. They pulled back to catch their breath. ‘’I love you too, doll’’ he smirked. They kissed for what felt like an eternity, but they were stopped by the boat horn.
‘’Be safe, I want my future husband in one piece!’’ she said as the soldiers brought her back to the ground. ‘’I promise, I love you so much!’’ he blew a kiss to her. She looked at the group of soldiers that helped her. ‘’Thank you so much, be careful’’ she thanked them. She smiled at Bucky as she watched the boat leave the dock. He was waving to her, she was crying from sadness, but smiling and laughing at the same time. Other wives and girlfriend were on the dock, crying too. ‘’Write to me!’’ she yelled. She only saw him make a thumbs up. She stayed on the dock until the boat was out of sight, she kept crying until tears didn’t fall down. She couldn’t wait to write to him.
1942, Thorpe Abbotts, England
Bucky smiled as he saw the envelope with his name on it, it was from his girl. He sat down on his bed before opening it. Inside there was a letter, a picture and one of her hair ribbons. He opened the letter, smelled it before reading it.
My dear John,
I miss you every second. Yesterday, one of the kids at school asked me if I was in love. I said yes and got to talk about you with little Timmy Harrison. I even showed a picture of you in class, Ruby said you were really handsome. I found out someone took a picture of us at the dock, I put it in the envelope, so you’d have it. I found it really funny and quite beautiful. In your last letter, you said that you were homesick, I hope it goes away. I hope you're giving the Germans what they deserve. After Pearl Harbor, a lot of men left, we woman, are lonely too. I also give you one of my ribbons, I thought you might like it. Oh, and I have gossip. Do you remember Olivia Dunham? Well, I found out that she cheated on her husband and got pregnant with none other than William Rogers, her music teacher. It was quite the gossip this week. You’ll be pleased to hear that the Yankees won their match and are going to the world series, but I think you found a way to listen to the game with a radio. I miss you, John, I pray that you come home safe, I can’t wait to be Y/n Egan. I love you so much. It hurts when you’re not around. But I know you’re away for a good reason. You’re my hero and the kid’s hero. They call you super John.
PS: Say hi to Buck, Croz, and Curt for me. And tell Curt to stop spooning with you, or I’ll come on the base to tell him.
Forever yours, Y/n
He laughed and smelled her ribbon; it smelled like her. He looked at the picture, he missed her so much, but he was happy that she was okay. Her job as a teacher was keeping her busy, so she had less time to worry about him. He put the picture on his wall, and he tied the ribbon around his right wrist. Bucky sniffed the letter one last time before putting it with the others. He couldn’t wait to get home, he wanted to be with her so much, so he picked up his pen and started to write.
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1942, Manitowoc, Wisconsin
Y/n and Marge sat at the table with their letters in hand. Buck actually sent a letter to Y/n in 1941, asking her to look out for Marge, they became friends ever since. ‘’Ready?’’ Marge asked, holding her letter. Y/n nodded and opened the envelope, inside, it had the letter, a picture of a dog and a dollar bit that had two corners bitten off.
My darling Y/n,
Of course, I remember Olivia! I can’t believe she cheated on her husband. I’m glad that the kids like me and think I’m a hero because I don’t really feel like it. It’s hard here. Missions are more regular and harder. The dog on the picture is Meatball, one of the guys brought him on the base, and I know how much you like dogs, so I thought you might like him. He even flies with us sometimes, but he’s howling all the time. Tell Ruby that I’m already in love with someone, or don’t I don’t want to break her heart. Thank you for the ribbon, I wear it around my wrist. It’s my lucky charm. That’s why I send you my lucky deuce, I have a new charm, I don’t need my old one. The guys love the picture of us. They’re jealous of us. I can’t wait for you to be my wife. Thank you for the Yankees news. Can you keep me updated on their journey to victory? I love you most, my darling.
PS: The guys say hi. Curt says he can’t stop spooning with me, even if it’s the fifth time you asked him, it’s cold in England.
Yours truly, John.
Y/n was giggling at the letter, God she was in love with him. When Marge finished her letter, she was smiling too. She even had happy tears streaming down her face. ‘’What’s wrong?’’ Y/n asked. She showed the ring that Buck sends her. ‘’He popped the question’’ she giggled. ‘’Oh my God! I’m so happy for you! Congratulations!’’ she hugged Marge, laughing in happiness. ‘’Will you be my maid of honor?’’ she asked her. ‘’I will be honored to be your maid of honor’’ she smiled. They both squealed in happiness. ‘’I’m getting married!’’ she giggled.
1944, Stalag Luft III
He couldn’t wait for her letter, ever since he got captured, he missed her letters, he hoped she could get his. Because if not, she was going to think he was dead, he didn’t want that, but when his name got called by the mailmen, he was relived, he practically ripped the letter from how hard he grabbed it. There was just the letter inside.
Dear John,
I hope you’re well; I received your letters saying that you got captured. I hope these Krauts are treating you well, otherwise I’ll riot. The kids can’t stop asking about you, so I decided that everyday, 15 minutes before the end of class, I’m talking about you to them. I think Ruby is head over heels in love with you. I’m so happy you’re Buck’s best man, that means we’re going up the aisle together. Marge and I are doing well, we just can’t wait for you guys to return. To know you’re both alive and well is reassuring, we were worried. I love you so much, words on the street are that the war will be over soon. Be careful, say hi to Buck for me.
PS: I forgot to tell you in my last letter that the Yankees won the world series!
Forever yours, Y/n.
He was smiling like the idiot of the village. He couldn’t wait to be back home. He was happy she received his letters; he didn’t think she would. He hoped the war would be over soon, from the camp, he didn’t hear any news, the only one he had was from Buck’s handmade radio.
1945, Manitowoc, Wisconsin
A knock on the door made her jump, she wasn’t expecting anyone, and the mailmen already delivered the letters. When she opened, she couldn’t believe her eyes.
‘’Hello darling’’ he was standing in front of her, he was back. He survived. She dropped her book on the ground and hugged him tightly. ‘’You’re back! Please never leave again” she cried in joy. His embrace made her believe he was real; he was in front of her and real. ‘’I love you so much’’ he said, looking at her. God, he missed her so much. ‘’Come in, do you want anything to drink?’’ she babbled. He shook his head before kissing her, he wanted to do that since he left. ‘’I’m so happy you’re here, I still can’t believe it!’’ she mumbled. He smiled as he kissed her again.
‘’I’m back for good this time, darling, I never should’ve left the way I did, I couldn’t believe my eyes when I saw you riding your bike. I thought about you every second of everyday. Now that I’m back, you’re stuck with me. I love you too much to be apart from you again.’’ He got down on one knee. ‘’Darling, will you marry me?’’ he asked, smiling so hard it made his face hurt. ‘’Yes, thousand time yes!’’ she exclaimed as they shared another passionate kiss.
They were apart for long, but Bucky kept his promise, he was never going to leave her again. Till death do us part, they took their vow seriously…
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realmofimagines · 2 years
Don’t Make A Habit of Dying (Simon “Ghost” Riley x Reader)
follow @cowboybxtch (my other account) for more ghost content, as i will not be posting on this blog anymore <3
Wordcount: 3241 Content: swearing, near death, graphic depictions of gore, blood, injury, ghost is in love with u, soap is oblivious, heroic ghost, pre existing relationsip, tension  Request: no Note: *just wanna preface this by saying it is not proof read lol* i am absolutely unashamed to be jumping on the ghost bandwagon. i finished the campaign yesterday and honestly i sort of rushed through it bc it was a lot of fun so this is sort of based on one of the missions but it’s all from memory so if anything is wrong or out of place just ignore it and lets call it canon divergence AO3 version here
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“Fox, how copy?”
You grunted, clawing at the rain-soaked concrete and grit beneath your fingers as you stretched to reach your communications device. Your head was still spinning from the impact, and your eyes blurred as if you were lying underneath a moving river staring at the wrinkled water surface above. A high-pitched whine resonates in your ears, and you are intensely aware of the urge to vomit.
With a sharp breath, you are able to level yourself onto your knees. Your hand closed around the slippery radio, and you pulled it toward your mouth whilst collapsing your back against a slick brick wall. Your free hand pressed against the sharp, pulsating pain in your abdomen.
“(Y/N), I repeat, how copy?” Ghost’s voice crackled.
You swallowed the dryness in your throat, before pressing the voice activation button on the radio. The strong rush of adrenaline burned in your chest, but it didn’t match the wash of relief upon hearing and recognising Simon’s voice. You closed your eyes and relished in the sensation for a moment.
“I read you.”
He audibly sighed. “Thought I lost you there.”
“Nearly did.”
“You injured?”
You stared down and shakily inspected the palm pressed against your wound. Your fingers came away glistening with rain and blood, and your undershirt was soaked a deep red around the site of the injury. You replace your hand on the wound, applying as much pressure as you can muster with a heavily clenched jaw. As much as you wanted to be honest, you knew that due to the personal obligations Ghost felt toward you because of your secret relationship, letting him know just how hurt you truly were could compromise his position. He would, without a doubt, make his way straight toward you.
“I’m alive.”
“That’s not what I asked, Sergeant.”
“I’ll manage.”
“Good. Are you in sight of the church?”
You blinked hard to clear your vision and glanced around your surroundings. Through a rusted, paint-chipped iron gate, you could see the distant glow of the religious building and gathered that it was about half a mile away. You weren’t sure how much steam you had left in the tank, but you sure as shit were going to use every last drop to get your ass to that church.
“Yeah, I see it.”
“We’ll RV there. Johnny’s on his way now.”
“Copy that.”
“Do you have a weapon?”
You fumbled with your gear, cursing to yourself when you found nothing but empty holsters. All that remained on your person was a singular, small combat knife hidden within your boot, and you silently thanked yourself for taking such precaution.
“A knife.”
“That’s all you need. Stay safe, Fox.”
“Sure, Ghost.”
You released the radio trigger and clipped it back onto the front of your tactical vest. With a deep breath, you managed to pull yourself to your feet with the solid support of the brick wall. Your bloodied hand mixed with the rain, dripping down your chilled fingers and spreading the blood down your arms. You looked like a damn mess. You felt like a damn mess.
You first attempted to push through the iron gate but found it chained and padlocked from the other side.
Never the easy way, you murmured to yourself.
Turning back on yourself, you stumbled through a fruit market. Bruised and trampled limes and apples rolled across the puddled floor, seemingly abandoned in a hurry rather than packed away in their crates. Upon leaning on a stall for aid, you noticed that the civilians, presumably the shopkeepers, had been shot dead in their stalls. It was bloody and gruesome and told the tale of just how relentless the military-for-hire group were.
Your wobbly vision was clouded, and your lashes were thick with rain droplets concentrated with the blood dripping from your head. Your lips and fingers were icy cold, and each breath felt like the air was taking shots at your lungs like they were punching bags. You pressed onwards, however, knowing that if you wanted a chance at living that you needed to make it out of the Shadow’s web, and you could only do so by pushing yourself forwards.
The detour through the fruit market leads you to a couple of Shadow mercs, who chatted idly amongst themselves as if they weren’t standing upon the consequences of their war crimes. Families, including children, cried and screamed in the distance. Gunshots followed, and you tried not to flinch against the sound.
The mercenaries were armed, and they were blocking the only route you had. There was no easy way around this, but you had to improvise given your lack of weaponry and physical power. Your body was betraying you, and try as you might, you’d never be able to take these men in your current situation.
You tossed a beer bottle down the alleyway, hoping to distract them enough to get the upper hand. The left merc stubbed out his cigarette with a sizzle under his boot, before trailing down in the direction of the smashed glass in pursuit of the sound. Noticing your chance, you steadily crouch-walked your way over to the lone hostile and plunged your knife into his side and then into his neck.
“Just an empty bottle. It’s nothing,” the other merc stated, then turning on his heel with a final glance at the broken glass before he whipped his head around with a double take to notice his friend in a gargling heap on the floor, and you standing above him. “What the fuck?!”
He raised his gun toward you, leaving you no choice but to slam straight into him to throw off his aim. His gun flew upwards as he pulled the trigger, spraying an arc of loud, bright bullets into the air whilst you attempted to disarm him. He retaliated with a hard shove, though not before you were able to get your hands on the pistol in his hip holster. You flew to the ground with a thud and splash, but before he had the chance to regain composure and take aim at you again, you’d blasted two rounds into his chest, and then his throat. He collapsed on top of you in a heavy heap.
Another soldier rounded the corner, but you didn’t quite have the energy to recognise the threat before it was a second too late.
You were just lucky that Soap barged through the cafe door on your left and took him down with a clean shot straight through the temple. He turned his gaze from the man on the floor after confirming his death and reached over to you on the ground. He heaved the dead mercenary off of your chest and offered you a strong hand. You grabbed onto him and groaned as he yanked you upright, a firm hand on your shoulder to steady you as you fell towards him. With a concerned eye, he straightened you with a gentle nudge.
“Christ, Fox,” Soap murmured, eyeing the wound on your side. You immediately clutched at it defensively. “You’re not lookin’ so hot.”
You wheezed a breath and mustered a smile. “I’m running on fumes, but I’ll be fine. Let’s just get to that church.”
“Aye, Sergeant. I’ll take front.”
“Be my guest.”
You trailed sloppily behind Soap, cursing yourself for your inability to be as sharp as you usually were. You hated being a burden, but you hated letting the team down more. Your carelessness in the fight that broke out with Graves had cost you a life-threatening injury in a team that refused to leave anybody behind, even if it got them killed. You only worried that if you weren’t going to make it, you wouldn’t be able to see Simon before you went and that you wouldn’t be able to tell him you were sorry.
Your heart ached at the thought.
You and Ghost had been dating, briefly. It happened slowly. First, there were inside jokes, and then there were gentle teasing pet names, and then more than friendly touches… until one night the tension seemed to break, and you slept together, which was just a week ago now before everything went to shit. You almost regretted doing so, for fear that now you’d never get to see him again, to touch him again.
You stumbled to your knees and caught yourself barely by planting your hand solidly on the gravelled floor. Soap spun around and cursed under his breath before reaching for his radio.
“Ghost, we have a situation here.”
He leaned forward and grabbed at your biceps, throwing your arm over his soldier for support.
“What situation?”
“Fox was WIA,” he grunted with a low voice, pulling your body towards cover as a squadron of Shadows passed by in pursuit of the gunshots from only a few moments prior. Any second now, they would find the bodies and be alerted of your presence.
“Don’t piss around the bush, Johnny. How bad?”
Soap studied you with an uneasy glance.  “We’re gonna need backup if we’re gonna get the lass outta here.”
“What’s your location?”
“Uh—” Soap paused and checked for any noticeable landmarks. “We’re at the coffee shop just a ways from the fruit market—”
“Hang tight. I’m on my way.”
“What about the RV?”
“Stay put, Serg.”
“Yes, sir.”
The distance from the church to the market was about ten minutes, but Ghost cleared the distance in about four. His eyes were cold and steely behind his mask but became soft and expressive upon noticing your strained face and bloodied abdomen. He was gentle when he leaned for you.
“Jesus Christ, Fox,” he murmured, his tone an edge softer than usual. He leaned toward you to help stabilise you on your feet and apologised under his breath when you yelped in pain. “Who did this to you?”
You grunted and leaned against one of his large arms for support. You blinked the rainwater away from your eyes and maintained eye contact with him. Even now, at a time like this, you felt your stomach flip. You were so in love with him and that somehow made everything scarier.
“One of Graves’ boys. Not sure who. Didn’t get a good look before I killed him.” You answered.
“Atta girl,” Ghost praised. Your heart clenched.
Soap stared on with a worried look, his back tense with stress.
“Hold up,” Soap said, raising a fist before lifting his gun to level his eyes with the sights. mercenaries stormed past the windows, and there was a sudden series of heavy bangs on the cafe door that Soap had barricaded with bar stools. “We’ve got company, Ghost.”
Ghost nodded, and then turned to you with an urgent look in his eyes. “Can you walk?”
You cringed at the stabs of pain and clenched your jaw. “Simon, I’m a liability. Leave me here and I can hold them off—”
“I am not leaving you here!”
You blinked in shock at the intensity of his tone. His eyes beyond the mask seemed desperate, and he clutched your face in a gloved hand as if uttering his silent pleas through his palm. You truly believed him and his words, for there was no reason for a man like himself to lie to you at a time like this.
“I said, can you walk?”
You nodded stiffly.
“Then let’s fucking walk,” Ghost answered, tossing your arm over his shoulder to carry the most of your body weight as he essentially dragged you toward the exit point of the cafe. His other hand gripped his pistol so hard that his knuckles began to numb beneath his glove. “Cover us, Johnny!”
Soap tailed your backs with a raised gun, and Ghost was just able to tug you out of the door before the hostiles blasted through and started swarming the place with bullets. Ghost seemed to lug you along with desperation, as you were practically limping at this point.
“You stupid girl, getting me all worried like this,” he cursed, turning briefly to shoot one of the incoming adversaries before continuing onwards. “Do you know how lucky you are that I’m here?”
He was acting characteristically sharp and dry, but you knew that it was just to glaze over his worry. Ghost didn’t often lose his cool, but you were certainly shaking his faith. You couldn’t judge him for his words and simply offered a weak smile in response.
You heaved a laugh. “Let’s just say I owe you one.”
He seemed to soften. “Let me take you to dinner when this is all over. Call it even.”
“It’s a date,” you wheezed, your words accompanied by laboured breaths. The pain was intense and radiated in waves of white-hot pulses and aches that made you limp and shudder in the agony. Your feet and hands were starting to feel numb, and your head felt like it was full of TV static. You just needed a short break, and then you would be able to continue.
You began tripping over your feet, and albeit he tried to keep you upright, Ghost’s strength wasn’t enough to counter the sudden push of gravity as you slumped to the floor.
Your face was white, and your eyes rolled back. He was immediately at your side, grabbing your face in his hand to inspect your breathing, and then the pulse on your neck with fingers that he’d torn a glove from. He was momentarily relieved when he felt the feedback of your heart, regardless of how faint it was. It was enough to keep going, to revive the easily extinguishable flicker of hope.
Soap rounded the corner, seeming urgent as he fired shots down the alleyway.
“Ghost, they’re gaining on us!”
“Shit!” He cursed.
Without a second thought, he unsheathed his pistol and handed it over to Soap who took it without question. Simon scooped his arms under your legs and back and held you securely to his chest before nodding at his comrade.
“You keep us safe. That’s an order, Serg.”
“Sure, LT, but we need to get a move on— now.”
“Let’s go!”
You jostled in and out of consciousness. It was soft and gentle, like a slow beat of butterfly wings. You would open your eyes momentarily, but there wasn’t enough adrenaline supply in the world to keep you awake, and things would quickly return to darkness. Your grasp on reality started to slip when the blood loss became critical, and the only thing you were aware of was the bruising grip Ghost had on your flesh and the overwhelming fear that you were about to die.
You vaguely notice the sensation of cold marble on your body, and then the tightness of gauze and tape being wrapped around you.
Ghost was manic as he watched your pale, lifeless body show little to no reaction to his movements. He’d torn your battle vest off and inspected the damage beneath your vest. He’d swallowed his anxiety and wrapped you up as best he could with what little supplies himself and Soap had scrounged from the village and proceeded to perform CPR on you when he noticed your breathing had come to an abrupt stop.
Thud. Thud. Thud.
You couldn’t move.
Thud. Thud. Thud. Crack.
A blooming pain in your ribs.
A warm press of lips on your own, and the uncomfortable sensation of being filled with air.
Thud. Thud. Thud.
The thrum of helicopter blades. Distant shouting. Ghost’s voice.
Ghost’s voice.
When you next woke, it was a slow and unpleasant sensation. White, fluorescent lights pierced through your eyelids, which felt heavy to open. The sharp sensation of the gunshot in your side felt dull, and you could tell by the swimming sensation in your head that you were drugged. You vaguely recognised the sound of a beeping monitor, and you flinched. The smell of bleach filled your nose.
“Good mornin’, sunshine.”
Your eyes fluttered open, wincing against the harsh ceiling lights. You turned your gaze to the figure hunched over in a small brown chair— a heavily-built man, adorning a balaclava with a skull painted on it. Ghost.
You attempted to lift yourself into an upright position, and immediately felt a flare of agony that had you coughing out a broken sob.
“Hey, hey, take it easy there, Fox,” Ghost murmured, immediately reaching forwards to settle you back down. You grit your teeth together and blinked away the sudden onslaught of tears that were born from the shock of the pain. He tried to sit back down, but you caught his gloved hand before he could leave and he didn’t have the heart to pull away. His stature immediately softened, and his thumb smoothed over your fingers and knuckles in an attempt to comfort you.
“They outta put more drugs in you. They sure did a number on you. Surprised you’re still with us.”
“I thought I was going to die.”
Simon huffed through his nose and tugged the chair closer so that he could sit beside you and hold your cold hands in his. “I thought you were, too, sweetheart.”
“How the Hell did you get me out of there?”
You couldn’t see it, but by the wrinkle of his eyes, you knew he was smirking. “This old dog still got his ways.”
A concern suddenly popped into your head as bits and pieces of memories began to slot together. “And Soap?”
“He’s fine, unfortunately.”
You smiled gently, feeling yourself relax a little. You turned to him and held his gaze, suddenly feeling intimidated by his sharp eyes. The heart monitor next to your bed began to beep at an increased pace, and your cheeks flushed.
Ghost seemed bemused. “Am I makin’ you nervous, darlin’?”
You buried your face in your hands and only dared to peek through your fingers when you heard him start to laugh.
“Don’t hide from me just yet. You still owe me a date.”
You threw your hands down to your sides and smiled. “Look who’s gone all soft. I wonder what the boys would think of you right now.”
He rolled his eyes. “Don’t make me regret saving you.”
“Don’t kid yourself, LT, you loved playing hero,” you retorted, a glimmer of mischief sparkling through your grin. You suddenly felt the atmosphere become slightly tense and heavy with the weight and reality of the situation. You could’ve and likely should’ve died back there. You weren’t aware enough of your surroundings to remember just what Ghost and Soap went through to get you out, but you could only imagine.
“Thank you, Simon.” You said, more serious this time.
He glanced away as if embarrassed. “It’s nothing.”
You reached closer and grabbed his masked face. In private, he would remove his balaclava just for you. You felt the selfish desire that he would do so just now so that you could kiss him but swallowed your urges for you knew he couldn’t compromise himself in the med-bay. Too many prying eyes.
He grabbed your hand from his face and kissed it, the warmth and pressure of his lips still present even through the fabric on his face. You were butter in his touch, practically melting through his fingers.
“Just don’t make a habit of nearly dying, you hear me? Nearly gave me a bastard heart attack.”
You smiled, staring at him dazedly. “Yes, sir.”
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frenchkisstheabyss · 10 months
♡ the patient in 206 ♡
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♡ Pairing: patient!mingi x curvy!fem!reader
♡ Summary: You always keep it professional at work but, when an attractive new patient begins to push the boundaries, you find it difficult to resist his charm.
♡ Genre: fluff/suggestive
♡ Word Count: 1.8k
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♡ Warnings: reader’s short so there’s references to how tiny she is, mingi puts his face in your boobs nonsexually. they're just comfy for him, mention of blood/anesthesia
♡ A/N: This is based on an idea @urlacuna threw into my asks. I hope I did a good job interpreting what you wanted into a fic!
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Red licorice, if you eat enough of it, does a hell of a job mimicking internal bleeding. That’s why the patient in 202 is here today for a colonoscopy. Just to make sure. You know this because the husband of a patient is draped over the nurse’s station while you’re doing charts, huffing and puffing because he has to be here instead of presumably lounging on a couch wiping flaky orange Cheeto dust on the arm of his recliner. This is about as sexy as a job in nursing gets but it’s what pays the bills so you listen, partially anyway, fighting off the urge to throw what’s left of your watered down iced coffee onto his face. 
“Sir,” your coworker interrupts, her lack of patience for his bullshit obvious from the start, “Your wife’s asking for you. If you’ll go in and see her…” Before she can finish her sentence he’s stomping off, mumbling something to himself. She’s your favorite coworker for a reason. She takes a seat on your desk like you’re not in the middle of something. “I’d rather get two colonoscopies with no anesthesia than be married to that asshole,” she says louder than she should. You bury your face in your hands, muffled laughter escaping the spaces between your fingers, “You can’t say that!” 
She crosses her legs, thumbing through a patient’s file, “Like you weren’t thinking it. Anyway, I need you to take a patient for me.” “I’m already assigned room 205,” “Now you’re not” she declares, opening the folder to face you, the face sheet glowing like an ancient text in an adventure film. You see the name Song Min Gi. The picture, oh, the picture. “Remember him?” she asks. Remember? How couldn’t you? You’d been thinking of him ever since he came in last week. Not that you’d tell her that. Not that you need to. It’s painted all over your face the same way it was when you first saw him. 
Mingi came in with his best friend, Yunho you’re pretty sure his name was, to drop off some paperwork for his endoscopy. The other nurses swarmed the desk like moths to a flame, a sea of fluttering eyelashes and girlish laughter. It wasn’t often…or ever…that two tall handsome men sauntered into your job. And they weren’t just gorgeous. They were complete gentlemen, taking time to ask each of you about your day and making cute little jokes that eased some of the tension of such a high stress job.
As attractive as they both were, it was Mingi who had you wrapped around his finger from the moment he walked in. “We could climb him…” your mind whispered. The smile on his face whispered back that he might let you if you asked. “The little one” Mingi had called you, a suitable nickname with you being the shortest nurse on staff. 
“I like you, little one.” 
“Thank you, little one.” 
“See you soon, little one.”
The timbre of his voice echoed through your chest, the aftershock still felt when you returned home that night. You’d thought of him often since then, hoping that you’d see him again. You’d even peeked at when his endoscopy was scheduled for, excited to find out that you’d be on that day. Today. But you’d forgotten. Yesterday had been so chaotic that you rushed in this morning barely knowing which planet you were on, let alone the day.
Hair a mess. Makeup nowhere to be found. Mismatched socks on. At least your sneakers were on the right feet. You slam the folder closed, “I can’t. Look at me!” “Oh, stop it” your coworker shushes, brushing your hair back, “You look beautiful. Now go! 205 needs me and Mr. Song Min Gi needs you. Go, go, go!” She has you up from your chair, rushing you off with his file in your arms, quicker than you can register what’s happening. “Have fun!” she teases, shoving you into room 206 where Mingi lounges in the bed, his long legs stretched out.
He’s already loopy, you can tell by his low eyes and the blissful smile on his face. Yunho stands beside him, deep in conversation about something that becomes irrelevant when they see you. Mingi sits up, recklessly shifting his arms as if he doesn’t have an IV jabbed into one of them, “Little one!” “Oh my god, be careful” you gasp, scurrying to his side before he accidentally rips the IV from his arm. “So, are you my nurse now or did you just come to see me?” Both. The answer is ‘both’.
You dodge the question, “It looks like she got you all set up for me so let me just go check with the doctor and see if they’re ready to take you back. In the meantime, don’t injure yourself please.” Mingi winks at you, “Anything for you.” “You’re disgusting you know that?” Yunho groans, rolling his eyes, “Sorry about him. It’s the anesthesia kicking in.” You assure Yunho that it’s fine, slipping back out of the room under the watchful eye of Mingi who waves at you like you’re the prettiest thing he’s ever seen. When you return a few minutes later he’s already out cold.
“Be careful with him” Yunho warns, “He might try to, uh, force himself to wake up.” You aren’t worried. You’ve dealt with it before. Patients try to fight it off all the time. Eventually, they all succumb to it though. Even on the off chance that they do wake up the anesthesiologist has them drifting back off to dreamland in a millisecond. It’s almost annoying how cute Mingi manages to be, worthy of a full page spread in a magazine even in those dreadful blue tissue paper clothes they make patients wear.
Rolling him to a room not too far down the hall, you hand him over to the doctor and get back to your other duties. Checking on other patients, making sure they have their discharge papers, and shoveling some lunch into your mouth in between. You’re hiding in the office kitchen, cheeks packed with food and another fork full coming your way, when another nurse rushes in to grab you. “Y/N, room 206! He’s out of his mind!” You check your watch. Mingi? He should be out but he shouldn’t be awake yet.
No questions asked you race behind her to find his room full of nurses. Mingi’s up bouncing on the balls of his bare feet and…rapping? Your closest friend there, the matchmaker herself, scurries over to you, ushering you closer to Mingi. “We’ve been trying to get him to lay down but he won’t do it because he wants, uh, well…” “My wife!” Mingi shouts gleefully, long arms embracing you. His chin rests on the top of your head as the two of you sway back and forth. “Isn’t she cute?” he coos, petting your hair, “Mmm and she smells nice.” You pat him on the back, a mother soothing her agitated baby,
“You guys can head out. I’ve got him.” The room empties out except for Yunho who helps you seat Mingi safely on the edge of the bed, his arms still around you. Mingi sighs, resting his head on your chest, “Soft. Mmm. So soft.” He nuzzles his cheeks against your breasts and Yunho nearly chokes on air. “I’m so sorry. Mingi, stop it!” Mingi groans, shooing his best friend away, “We’re married. I can do what I want. Right, baby?” He looks up at you, his brown eyes are angelic under the fluorescent light, and you can’t bring yourself to disrupt his delusion.
“Right, you can do what you want but can you do something for me?” “Anything” he sighs, his nose buried in your cleavage as his hands traverse your curves. “Let’s lay down, okay? I’m a little tired.” You fake a yawn and he nods, easing you onto the bed with him. His face still in your chest, Mingi goes on telling you how much he loves you. He smiles at memories of how nice your honeymoon was. “It was nice, wasn’t it?” “The best.” This was far from what you expected coming in to work today but, in the back of your mind, you’re enjoying the affection, even if it is medically induced.
After a few minutes, Mingi drifts back off to sleep, giving you the chance to sneak away. The rest of the day goes on as normally as it can after something like that has happened. It’s not like you can tell anyone. You should just forget it. Maybe Mingi will. Yunho better let him. When you get the news that Mingi’s awake for a second time you beg another nurse to take him. You don’t even want to think about what might happen if he does remember and you’d rather not find out. 
Thankfully she takes over, allowing you to finish out your shift uneventfully. “See you tomorrow!” you shout over your shoulder, waving to your coworkers as they filter out behind you. You turn to check that the coast is clear before crossing the parking lot only to slam face first into a brick wall. You stumble backward, and strong hands grip your arms keeping you on your feet. A brick wall? Not a brick wall. Mingi’s chest. It’s your turn to look up at him now, his cheeks are tinted a strawberry red. 
“Are you okay?” 
“Uh, yeah, I’m fine. Sorry…” 
“No, I’m sorry…for a lot of things apparently.” 
You glance behind him and see Yunho leaning against a car nearby. You wave to each other, the context of Mingi’s apology clear. “Look, I…” “Don’t worry about it. It happens.” Mingi narrows his eyes at you, skeptical of how often this actually happens. “Okay, it doesn’t happen” you relent, “But it’s really okay. I swear.” “I’m still sorry. I shouldn’t have done that. I’m such an idiot. Clearly, that date I was gonna ask you on is out of the window.” “Date?” you shriek, clearing your throat to regain your composure, “I mean, date? You were gonna ask me on a date?” Mingi hangs his head, hands in his pockets, unable to meet your gaze. “I was but it’d be kinda weird now, wouldn’t it?” You stand up straight, arms folded across your chest, “Well you’ve gotta ask to know, don’t you?” “Oh, uh, does that mean that you’d…would you…date…with me?” “When?” “Now?” “Now?” “No?” “Fine. Let’s go. My car” you demand, strutting to your car with some newfound boldness overtaking you.
You aren’t sure if he’s even following you until you spot him out of the corner of your eye. Clutching your purse close to your chest you try to suppress how giddy you are then the panic sets in. A date? Looking like this? Unlocking the door, you throw your purse into the backseat, “I should probably go home and change into something cuter.” “Cuter?” Mingi asks, holding the door open for you, “You’re cute enough. Plus, you don’t have to impress me anymore. We’re married, remember?”
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blissfullyecho · 1 year
another list of ways i’m adding luxury to my life because i deserve to be comfortable
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sleeping on a featherbed in addition to my mattress (game changer for your night’s rest)
investing in high quality nail polish (chanel, louboutin, etc., which costs half as much as going to the salon and painting my natural nails at home. i have beautiful strong natural nails that can grow very long and i am pretty skilled at nail painting, so this is an option for me. if your nails can’t do the same, i suggest still going to the salon. for me personally, i don’t like being at the salon for hours and having someone touching my hands the entire time.
i said yesterday that i wasn’t planning on drinking alcohol unless it was for a special occasion— but i only plan on drinking high quality wine or champagne only
using personalized stationary
buying fresh flowers whenever needed— even if they are flower delivery and i send myself a couple dozen red roses and chocolates because… why not?
stop buying mass-produced art pieces and find a local artist and commission their work which would be completely original.
buying high quality lingerie and wear matching sets underneath my clothes— making it a daily thing and normalizing dressing nice from beneath
adding a water filter to my shower for a more fresh and clean environment rid of any harsh chemicals, detergents, etc.
getting high-end candles for a lovely smell at home (there is definitely a difference in quality when it comes to candles and you get what you pay for)
when ordering online, select the “gift wrapping” option to treat myself a little more.
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bangtanflirt · 1 year
Wait, Little Rabbit! (Part 4)
fluff, angst, smut
Bunny Hybrid (Fem) Reader x Human Seokjin x Dog Hybrids Jimin and Hoseok x Cat Hybrid Yoongi x Wolf Hybrids Namjoon, Taehyung, & Jungkook
NSFW. 18+
Part 1 >  Part 2 > Part 3  > Part 4  > Part 5
Summary: You, a meek little bunny hybrid, find family amongst six predator hybrids and their lovely human caretaker.
Warnings: mxm smut, anal fingering and penetration, handjob, mild pain and overstimulation kink, dirty talk with lots of teasing, lovey dovey dom and sub dynamics, ptsd from past abuse manifested in a nightmare and anxiety attack, prejudice against predators this time because I like to switch it up, Joon and y/n still have boatloads of sexual tension, overall this is mainly hurt/comfort more than anything else tbh
It’s the next morning, when you’re using some of Taehyung’s art supplies in the dining room, that Namjoon excitedly walks towards you. A hint of your prey instincts creep in, fazed by the Alpha coming at you so quickly. Namjoon notices your unease, and you’re worried he’ll ridicule you for being so on edge, but he doesn’t say anything. Instead, he slows down his movements. When he’s reached the dining table, he puts down a stack of ten or so books and stands proudly before you. You look at the books, seeing titles of “Memoirs of a Prey Hybrid,” “What Predators Don’t Get” and such. You look up at the tall wolf with curiosity.
“I did some reading” He states, eyes searching yours for approval.
“Oh my God, Namjoon. This is so much! You really got through all of these…for me?”
He nods, puffing his chest out. “I told you I would try to understand you better, and I don’t say things I can’t commit to. I’ve gained a lot of perspective reading these.”
“This is..wow, thank you Namjoon, really.” You’re amazed. You’d never expect an apex predator to put so much work into understanding a little prey like you. “No wonder Taehyung and Jungkook look up to you so much. That thing you told me about wanting to lead with respect—you’re doing an amazing job with that, really.”
The wolf’s dimples make an appearance, shy smile making your heart jump. It’s almost enough to make you forget his stunt last night. Almost.
“But I’m still annoyed with you about yesterday. That was mean.” You stand up in front of him, pouting and with your arms crossed across your chest. The height difference really doesn’t help you to be taken seriously. Namjoon’s kind gaze changes to a mischievous one once more as he chuckles down at you. “That was payback for making me think about your topless figure the whole day.” You narrow your eyes, “You could have done something about it. But you left me high and dry.”
“I knew you wouldn’t be high and dry too long, not with the dog hybrids at your beck and call.”
“That’s not the point..why didn’t you do something?”
“Because you didn’t beg for it.”
You gawk at him but he just shrugs, doubling down.
“I’m an Alpha, y/n. You really think I’ll just give into you because you want it? That’s not how things work around here sweetheart. If you want me, you’ll have to kneel and beg first.”
He punctuates his statement with a wink, then walks away before you even have time to process. You shake away the growing neediness in the pit of your stomach, feeling your pride slip away from you. Surely, he’s not serious—right? He’s just messing with you a little more. He won’t make you actually kneel and beg. Surely not.
An hour goes by as you go back to mindlessly painting, brain still hung up on the Alpha wolf’s frustrating demands. You’re so tangled in your own thoughts that it takes you a minute to see Jimin has woken up, making his way to the kitchen for a glass of water. When you do notice, you call out for the dog hybrid, wanting to wave him good morning. Strangely, he doesn’t respond, instead keeping all of his attention on the glass he’s filling. You try one more time, but cut yourself off when your eyes zero in on his face. It’s not the bright morning face you’re used to; the dog hybrid’s eyes are puffed up and red, and his lips are twisted into a rigid frown.
You make your way to the kitchen in an instant, taking the man’s face into your hands and asking what’s wrong. He doesn’t respond, just pulls you in and starts sobbing loud enough for the other hybrids to hear from their rooms. It takes no time for everyone to gather around you two, minus Seokjin who’s at work.
“Chim, what’s wrong? Is it the nightmares again?” Hoseok’s voice overflows with concern as he rubs the younger dog hybrid’s back. Jimin doesn’t respond, too occupied with the growing pain in his chest.
“Nightmares?” You question, still firmly in Jimin’s embrace.
“He gets like this sometimes when he has nightmares of his old owners” Yoongi explains, “some kind of PTSD that also triggers an anxiety attack. Not as frequent as before but they do still happen.”
Your heart drops as you hug him back tightly, tears prickling at your own cheeks from seeing him this way. Hoseok lets you tighten your embrace for a minute before carefully prying Jimin off of you to hand him water and a prescribed pill. Everyone watches with worry; Yoongi stresses for him to do his breathing techniques while Jungkook brings him his favorite tennis ball. The dog hybrid holds the tennis ball close, using it to ground himself.
“They moved a long time ago Jimin, they can’t hurt you anymore.” Taehyung says in the most serious tone you’ve ever heard from him, “Plus you have us now, and we’ll rip their throats out before they can even breathe the same air as you or Hobi hyung. There’s no reason to be scared when you have us.”
Taehyung’s words seem to help relax Jimin, his breathing getting less frantic between the sips of water Hoseok nudges him to take. This talk isn’t new; one hybrid or another usually says something along the same lines every time he gets like this. Still, it helps to be reminded. Hopefully one day he can internalize it, but until then, the people around him are more than fine with reminding him.
The original plan was to spend a lazy afternoon together, huddled around watching a movie and waiting for Jin to return. That plan, however, is so boring. No one is feeling the movie anymore, but you’ve already watched too much to switch to another one right now. It doesn’t help that Jimin’s morning anxiety attack is still fresh on everyone’s mind, and the dog hybrid himself doesn’t look up to his full self either. This is when Namjoon does what he’s best at: lead.
“Okay that’s enough of this movie. Let’s go to the hybrid park.”
The atmosphere immediately changes, dog hybrids now wagging their tail and all.
“Wait” you inquire “Is it okay to go without a caretaker? Won’t Jin not like it?”
Jungkook chimes in, “Relax bun, Jin doesn’t mind as long as Joon hyung supervises on his behalf!”
And so everyone puts on their collars and tags, ready to set out. It’s the first time you get to wear yours for something other than a vet visit. You admire the baby pink belt with the silver tag. You didn’t think you’d ever get another one. Namjoon swiftly takes the collar from you, telling you to turn around as he tightens it around you. You don’t miss the way his claws every so slightly graze the sensitive skin of your neck, and he doesn’t miss the tiny gasp you let out. However, he’s back into leader mode in point two seconds after, telling everyone to put on sunscreen and bring water bottles. You hate how easily he can get you riled up.
Places like these usually have a “no hybrids without a caretaker” policy, but you know that no seventeen year old—earning minimum wage—at the entry booth is going to argue with a pack of wolves.
The hybrid park in this neighborhood has a completely different vibe than the one you went to before. Your old neighborhood was mainly made up of people like your previous caretaker: elderly and there to relax with their hybrids. Here, however, the caretakers were young and more than willing to play around with their hybrids. The higher energy vibe does intimidate you a little, but not too much considering you’re here with six other hybrids—and all except Yoongi are pretty high energy themselves. It’s after a good hour of playing around does Jimin feel like himself again, making everyone around him visibly less stressed. The vibe is back to usual, and running around in fresh air is exactly what all of you need. Namjoon chooses to sit out of the antics to instead sit and throw a fetch toy for you and the dog hybrids. You notice just how intently he keeps track of each hybrid, causing you to feel further protected. Taehyung and Jungkook are kicking a football around, tackling one another quite aggressively at any chance they get (yet giggling the whole time). Yoongi, predictably, has found himself a nice place to lay around with headphones in. Everyone’s in a state of content by the time Namjoon gathers you all to leave.
“Everyone ready to go?”
“Can we stay for ten more minutes? Pleaseee” Jungkook pouts, but Namjoon stands his ground.
“Wait, look over there” Taehyung urges, pointing to a corner of the park where you see an injured hybrid and no caretaker in sight. “I’m going to go help him really quick!” The wolf says before running off.
“TAEHYUNG NO” Namjoon yells but it’s too late, the beta wolf’s speed has him there in a second.
“What’s wrong?” You ask, lost and taken aback at Namjoon’s raised voice. The Alpha takes two fingers to pinch his forehead, “That’s clearly a prey hybrid.”
Uh oh.
“I’ll go get him” Jungkook offers, waiting for confirmation.
“No. Anymore predator hybrids will just make things worse.”
That’s when everyone looks at you.
“Do you think you can go get him bun?” Hobi asks gently. You give them a determined look, nodding before hopping off.
The scene you find once you get there is heart wrenching; the mouse hybrid is crying in fear, screaming for Taehyung to spare him. Taehyung, on the other hand, is repeatedly trying to tell the mouse he’s not going to hurt him, face getting more and more dejected with each failed attempt.
“I promise I’m not going to hurt you! I’m here to help.”
“Yeah right! You think I’m dumb just because I’m a prey hybrid, don’t you? Leave me alone you monster!”
“Woah woah” you interject, “relax! Taehyung is harmless! He’s here with me. We can help you!”
You hope your presence can persuade the hurt hybrid, but all you get is a scoff.
“Don’t kid yourself. It won’t be long until he turns on you. It’s a new type of game predator hybrids have started to play: they lie and act until you trust them only to rip you apart after. He’s not your friend. He’s just playing with his food.”
It’s not long before tears prick Taehyung’s eyes and he’s running off. You chase after him, surprised to see where he’s going. Taehyung doesn’t run off mindlessly, nor does he run back to Namjoon and the others; no, he goes to some random caretaker and asks her to check up on the hurt prey. It’s only after his request is accepted does he dispiritedly trudge back to everyone—with you silently trailing behind. The walk back home has reset the mood to once again somber, but this time you’re the one who tries to fix it. You grab the wolf’s hand, keeping him in place, everyone else stops walking as well.
“You know I don’t believe what that mouse told me, right? I trust you, Taehyung. I know what kind of person you are, regardless of what hybrid species you belong to.”
“I just…I hate being feared. I hate it so much. I know I joke around but those are just jokes, I swear.” His voice is meek and broken.
You bring him into your embrace, “I know Tae, I know. I don’t fear you, though. You make me feel safe. That has to count for something, right?”
He pulls away from your embrace, big eyes staring into yours. “Really? I make you feel safe? You’re not just saying that?”
“I mean it.” That causes Taehyung to crack a small smile, along with the other five men. You continue your trail home, feeling Namjoon’s hand slowly pull you to the back of the group.
“Thank you for that y/n. I owe you one.”
Your bunny nose scrunches in confusion. “I did it for him. You don’t owe me anything.”
“I know, but as his Alpha I can’t help but feel grateful. Taehyung’s a great guy and all he wants is lots of friends. It’s always been hard to tell him he couldn’t talk to someone because of his species. And nothing I say can give him the affirmation a prey hybrid’s words can. Just this talk and the way you treat him has done a lot for his mental health.”
You take one of Namjoon’s hands into your own, giving it a reassuring squeeze before pulling away. Namjoon, however, takes your hand back into his, interlocking fingers with you the whole way back.
It’s when all of you are back under your own roof does the Alpha use his serious tone again, telling all of you to not mention any of today’s misfortunate events to Seokjin. “Jin hyung doesn’t show it, but I can tell that work is not going well for him right now. If he finds out about Jimin and Taehyung, the stress will really be too much for him.”
You all nod earnestly.
So when Seokjin does come back, everyone greets him with bright smiles and enthusiastic conversation. The park trip is mentioned, but only up to the part before it all went downhill. You see what Namjoon is talking about when you look at your caretaker’s drained visage.  He might be smiling and joking around, but the traces of burn-out are more than evident.
“Y/n,” Namjoon comes over and pokes, “can you sleep with the dog hybrids tonight? I think Jin hyung needs me.” You nod, ready to do anything to help. Jungkook steals you away after, complaining that you hardly ever cuddle with him.
“I’m glad Namjoon’s going to talk to Jin tonight. He does look tired.” You mention as the beta wolf wraps himself around you on the couch.
“Yeah, talk.” Jungkook snorts, amused at your naivety.
You’re too oblivious to ask further.
“Hey bun, thanks for what you said to Tae hyung earlier.”
“You’re the second wolf who’s thanked me for that today.”
He smiles, “We’re just really protective of him. Hobi hyung isn’t lying when he says he’s the nicest wolf hybrid you’ll ever meet.”
“You’re pretty sweet yourself, Kook” you nudge his side with your elbow. He pulls you in closer, fingers tracing shapes on your floppy ears. It’s not long before his relaxing movements lull you into sleep. The wolf delicately carries you to the dog hybrids’ room and tucks you in; Jimin and Hobi do well to not make any sound that could wake you up, sliding carefully under the covers and sharing your warmth.
Namjoon lays on his hyung’s bed, on his back with legs spread open—cock standing tall and pretty against his stomach. Only thing he has on is what Seokjin’s allowed him to wear: his collar and leash. Jin tugs the leash to make the younger man look at him properly, the two exchanging long looks of adoration. Never in his wildest dreams did the Alpha think he would let someone take control of him in such a way, but that all changed when he opened his heart to Seokjin. As much as he’s a natural leader and loves to dom the other hybrids, it would be a lie to say that always being the decision-maker didn’t take a toll on the wolf. Jin, on the other hand, never much gets to be the decision-maker in his life; constantly being pushed aside and ordered around at the law firm. But here, with his beloved Alpha hybrid, is the one place he can take full rein.
“What a needy little wolf,” Seokjin muses while taking in the sight, “your hole is twitching baby. Does it want me inside that bad?”
Namjoon whines, feeling needier by the second. The Alpha gasps at the feeling of Jin’s finger entering his puckered rim, the cool, lube-covered digit making him squirm. The second finger has him arching his back, making Seokjin chuckle at the desperate sight.
“Need m-more hyung…cock…please”
“Just my fingers have you unable to talk in full sentences, but you’re still asking for my cock?”
Namjoon’s eyes widen at the feeling of Jin’s fat tip prodding at his hole. The older man takes his time, pushing in slowly while memorizing the younger’s face every second he’s plunged deeper into him, occasionally tugging the leash as well. It’s when Jin touches that special spot inside of him do Namjoon’s lips let out their first moan of the night. Once he’s bottomed out, Jin begins moving at a torturously slow pace.
“Hyung! Stop—ngh—teasing please! Can’t take it.”
“Alright, alright. I’ll give it to you like you need baby.” And with that, Seokjin starts thrusting at a brutal pace, mercilessly pounding into his lover’s tight hole. It’s not long before the wolf’s whole body starts shaking into a violent orgasm, topped with tears of pleasure running down his face. A couple more sloppy thrusts and Seokjin is pouring his seed inside as well. Before he can even catch his breath, Namjoon feels a firm grasp on his cock, causing him to yelp.
“T-too much! Hurts!”
“Safe word?”
He shakes his head, “No, keep going!”
Seokjin laughs, loving the painslut he has on his hands. He works the Alpha’s cock over with expert fingers, alternating between stroking the middle, swiping over the tip, and squeezing the base. Ever the gentlemen, Jin does well to not neglect the balls either— going down to cup them firmly every minute or two. His free hand grips the man’s thigh, digging his fingernails into the hybrid’s toned flesh. The pain on his thighs mixed with the pleasure on his cock forces another orgasm out of the wolf, causing white ropes to shoot all over his own stomach. Jin stands back to admire the sight—his big bad Alpha, covered in and dripping cum. After changing the sheets and a hot shower for two, the men snuggle up against each other to turn in for the night.
“I know things are hard at work. I can read you hyung.”
“I know you can baby. I just don’t want to bring my problems home. Home is for forgetting about work and focusing on my amazing hybrids.” He emphasizes with a kiss to the wolf’s temple.
“Whatever’s going on, you’ll get through it. You always do.”
“Thank you Joonie.”
“Goodnight hyung.”
“Goodnight baby.”
A/N: Thank y’all for being patient! My health and assignments made this part take a little while longer to post, but I hope it’s to your liking <3 Your comments and reblogs help a lot! Spoiler for Part 5: Y/n goes into heat ;)
Taglist: @osakis-gf @strawberrysweetness @yoongiigolden @welcometomyworld13 @xjiminsthighsx @btsiguess-kpop @kirakombat @iheartsvt @pb-n-juju @shabbamadapot @bxcndd @se-oul @mageprincess7 
**It won’t let me tag some blogs, idk why. If you asked to be on the taglist but tumblr won’t let me tag you then I will be DMing you when each part is up!
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heesdreamer · 2 years
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let you break my heart again
PAIRING ➩ jake x reader
SUMMARY ➩ attending the same college as your childhood friend ( and longtime crush ) jake sim, you weren’t prepared for the complete change in his personality.
GENRE ➩ playboy au! jake. based off the lyrics of the ‘let you break my heart again’ by laufey. romance ( slight angst )
WARNINGS ➩ suggestive content at times
WC ➩ 9.08k
feeling kind of sick tonight all ive had is coffee and leftover pie, it’s no wonder why
“I’m doing fine here mom…. no it’s great, I’ve made lots of friends. Of course I’m eating well mom, but I really don’t have time for this I’m super busy. No I love you too. Yes I will, talk soon bye.”
Hanging up the phone, you let it fall onto the floor beside you. You were sprawled out on your stiff couch, staring up at the chipping paint on the ceiling and letting your hand dangle off so your fingers were just barely brushing the carpeted floor.
It was starting to become exhausting to lie to your mom, at first it was merely an annoyance but now you genuinely felt like you were committing some sick act every time you spoke. Luckily for you, the longer you were away from home, she called less and less.
Moving away from your hometown always seemed big and scary to you and that’s why you longed for it so bad.
But here you were now and the excitement of an unpredictable independent city life was dimmed down and you were just left with a low amount of funds, and possibly a stress induced head cold.
oh, still you take up all my mind
Your phone buzzing lowly against the carpet caused your head to turn dramatically, leaning over with a groan and fumbling to grab it from off the floor in a haste.
Holding it up above your face, you squinted at the bright screen, and sighed when you realized it was just another spam email and not the message you’d been awaiting. Around this time yesterday you had drunkenly sent a message to Jake Sim, more on him later, and now you were sitting in misery waiting for his response.
Jake Sim was the only other person from your hometown that you knew who had made the move to the city. He actually was the original inspiration for your plans in the first place, being one year older and moving before you even finished high school.
At one point you’d have like to consider yourself friends, running in the same social circle and even hanging out one on one more than a couple of times. You weren’t exactly sure if he thought of you the same considering outside of your few close friends, he had lots of other connections and you completely lacked in that department.
i dont even think that you care like i do
Still, a true naive romantic at heart, you fell for him years ago and despite your knowledge that it can’t be more than a fleeting crush at most, you still felt the want to stay close to him even now.
When you first moved here and met with your dorm roommate, a small chirpy girl named Brit, she was kind and friendly and invited you out to a ‘start of the year’ party with a big warm smile.
“Y/N?” A voice coming from behind you caused you to freeze slightly at the recognition, never being able to miss his smooth low timber, before taking a deep breath and putting on a casual face as you turned around.
“Oh my god, Jake hi.” You were relieved that your voice came out surprised and natural, adorning an affectionate smile and resisting the urge to tug down your dress.
The dress in which his eyes were scaling down, an eyebrow cocked and then lowered when he met your gaze again and realized you were watching him check you out.
You were making your own quick assessments, his newly bleached hair looked darker than it did on his social medias, coasting closer to an ash honey color. You subconsciously raised a hand and pulled your hair in front of your shoulder.
“Why didn’t I know you went here?” He was taking a step closer to you and pulling you into a swift side hug, not moving away even after you both pulled apart. He was leaning against the wall and titling over you.
For a moment you almost frowned, almost told him that you had mentioned it a few times on both socials and in the slowly disappearing group chat of your high school friend group. Then you quickly remembered tonight was the first step in your attempt to stop being embarrassing.
So instead you slowly raised your shoulders in a relaxed shrug, turning so your back was against the wall he was leaning on and you weren’t facing him anymore. A smirk appeared on his face and for a moment you thought he might be seeing right through your act.
“Well, hit me up sometime then.” When he spoke this time it was a low murmur, leaning down to whisper it against your ear. You were positive he saw the shiver wrack through you and judging by the way he laughed and pushed off the wall, heading back into the crowd, you were right.
i should stop, heaven knows ive tried
You grabbed the couch pillow from beside you and pressed it tightly over your face, screaming into it and flailing your feet against the cushions. Their lack of foam and spring caused a low dull of pain to form in your legs but you ignored it.
You didn’t ever take Jake up on his offer, deciding that part of your new persona was definitely not going to include pining over boys who never looked your way. That didn’t mean you were giving up on your feelings, you just planned to have him come to you.
That lasted a total of five weeks and four glasses of wine before you were tipsy and sending him a message on Instagram that included four emojis and way too many exclamation points, inviting him to the party your roommate was throwing.
Said party was happening tomorrow and you felt weak and sweaty at both the thought of him not showing up and how awkward it would be if he did. A large part of you wanted to unsend the message but you imagined him seeing the notification that you did so and then questioning what you had said would be far worse than him seeing your invite and ignoring it.
“Girl is it that serious?” The sound of your roommates voice caused you to toss the pillow across the room and turn to see her judging face.
“Why did you let me do that.” You groaned out the words and turned on your side to face the couch. You felt the cushion dip as she sat next to where your head laid and let out a small sigh.
“What’s the worse that’ll happen?” Her voice was soft and you once again silently thanked the universe for giving you the nicest girl in the city as a roommate. “You said you’d been into him since like middle school.”
You didn’t say anything for a while and the guilt seeped in when you heard another small sigh fall from her lips.
“It’ll be fun regardless if he shows up, I promise.”
You were absolutely not having fun. It was almost impossible to considering you had spent the whole night anxiously keeping an eye out for Jake incase he decided to show up and ruin your life.
Giving up on trying to hold conversations, you started to swiftly make your way to the kitchen with the plan to duck behind the counters and wait for the night to end so you could crawl back onto your couch, which was currently housing multiple make out sessions, and resume last nights position.
“Are you avoiding me?” You had just turned the corner into the off limits room when you smacked into a strong frame, his voice immediately following and alerting you of who it was.
You backed away quickly and looked up at Jake, eyes trailing down to his black button up before stopping at his belt and looking to your right awkwardly. He let out a small chuckle and leaned forward to tap a finger against your head softly.
“Did you hear me?” He teased and you came to the realization that he was a lot different than he was back in your hometown, and unlike you, his cool show of confidence was genuine.
one day i will stop falling in love with you
You felt like a total idiot as you brought your attention back to him, looking up through your eyelashes to hold his gaze and you suddenly realized that you liked this newer cockier version of him too.
Being so used to his younger personality, his loud attention stealing laugh and big boxy smiles, you were hoping that the sight of his low lazy smirks would unnerve you. You wished his lack of usual dog like goofiness and awkward clumsy movements would wake you up out of your years of pining.
Yet watching him casually leaned against your wall and taking a slow sip from his cup, keeping eye contact with you over the brim, you considered the fact you might be more into him than you’d realized.
“I’m not avoiding you.” You finally replied, furrowing your eyebrows and crossing your arms in an attempt to show annoyance at the (totally true) accusation.
“I think you might be.” He let out a low hum, clearly enjoying teasing you and you felt your face flush when he leaned closer, similar to the way he peered over you the last time you’d seen him. “You know what else I think?”
You forced yourself to hold eye contact with him despite the close proximity and you raised an eyebrow in question. You felt the ghost of his breath on your face and you wondered what you would look like if somebody were to walk in right now.
“I think you look pretty.” He finished off his thought and you felt like your stomach flip upside down, your breath stuttering as you faltered backwards a few steps. Your felt the wall of the doors archway hit your shoulder blades and stopped.
Jake followed your movements, taking a few steps so he was just as close to you as he was previously.
Despite your obvious reaction to his effect on you, you still tried to show some dignity here before it was totally clear to him what a loser you were. You sucked in a deep breath and crossed your arms infront of you so he couldn’t come any closer.
“Who says I care what you think?” He smiled widened at your annoyed tone, clearly catching on to the fact that you were playing hard to get. His eyes dropped down to your chest where your arms were crossed and then back to your face.
You tried to control your breathing as you felt his hand smooth it’s way up your tensed arm, stopping at your face as he held your chin between his thumb and pointer finger. You watched him through your eyelashes as he titled your head up slightly and you, for a second, thought he let out a pleased scoff at the way you let him adjust you without complaint.
He was leaning in to talk again and you briefly noted that it wasn’t nearly loud enough for how close he was getting to your face, your eyes were darting around his features nervously as you waited for him to speak.
“Y/N.” The tension popped like it’d been stabbed with a knife, or rather by a poorly timed interruption by the name of Lee Heeseung. Jake didn’t back away from you, although his hand caressed your cheek before falling back towards your side, even when the other boys eyes widened at the sight of you pinned against the wall.
It didn’t surprise you when he leaned over your frame and gave Heeseung a handshake in greeting, considering he knew everybody, but what did slightly shock you was the annoyance on his face. Despite greeting his friend warmly, he didn’t seem at all happy to be interrupted.
His eyebrows were tensely pulled to the center of his forehead and he glanced at you with anger, eyes softening again when they met yours.
You, on the other hand, were extremely grateful for the excuse to get out of this room that was suffocating you with tension and confusion. You titled your head in Heeseung’s direction to ask why he had come to find you in the first place.
“Brit’s throwing up.” He winced as he said your roommates name, glancing back behind him towards the direction of the party. “Like kinda everywhere… I figured you’d want all of us out of here.”
You sighed softly and ignored the way Jake lowly groaned and took a few steps away from you, seemingly understanding the situation was too important for you to ignore. You offered him an apologetic smile and avoided his gaze.
“I’ll see you around?”
some day, someone will like me like i like you
It had taken just short of two hours to clear the apartment, and then almost double that to clean up the absolute destruction that was left behind by random classmates and passerbyers. Not to mention the almost extreme amount of vomit your roommate had managed to spew in multiple corners.
“I just want to be dead.” Said roommate was currently stealing your favorite position of sulking in misery on your couch. “And why does our couch fucking suck this bad.”
You let out a small laugh and she groaned at the noise, putting her hands over her eyes and mumbling about how embarrassing it must’ve been.
“I’m so sorry you had to clean it all by yourself.” She was mumbling and you smiled in her direction, doubtful she was looking at you or even able to see that far in her current state.
“I wasn’t by myself don’t worry.” She perked up at this, sitting up on the couch with another groan but looking far more alert. You shook your head and sighed out an explanation. “Heeseung stayed back to help. I felt bad that he did so I offered to get him coffee today”
“Oh my god.” She chirped loudly and threw her hands up in the air, hangover momentarily forgotten. You let her show a theatric amount of excitement, knowing she was desperate for you to have any sort of social life outside of stalking Jake on Instagram. “You have a date!”
“I absolutely do not have a date.” You shook your head again and left the kitchen, sitting cross legged next to her on the couch and looking at her intensely. “I’m serious Brit this isn’t a date, so don’t tell people I have a date.”
She pouted at you, and then even deeper when you rolled your eyes at her attempt to woo you with her cuteness.
“But it’s a big deal if it’s a date.” She tried to reason with you. “Besides even if it’s not a date maybe hearing you went on one will wake Jake up to the fact he’s missing out on all of this.”
You ignored the way she gestured down your body and seductively wiggled her eyebrows, remembering that you had forgotten to mention your intense stare down with Jake from last night. You decided it was best to not mention it so she wouldn’t feel guilty for getting sick even more than she already did.
Her idea of making Jake jealous was completely baseless and had no chance of working but for some reason you recalled the anger on his face when Heeseung interrupted you and your stomach turned with anticipation.
“Okay but you can only tell one person.”
until then, ill drink my coffee and eat my pie
It had been an hour and a half of sitting at the designated meeting spot Heeseung had texted you earlier that morning, and you were still alone minus the three empty coffee cups surrounding you.
You were trying to feign casualness so the waitress couldn’t tell you had been stood up on your date that wasn’t a date and that you were failing to prove that you weren’t a total loser still.
The chime of the door didn’t register to you, at this point you had stopped expecting him to show up and you were fully prepared to hide your face in class for the rest of your life and ban all contact with Lee Heeseung. Not even the sound of the seat next to you being pulled out caught your attention, only sinking lower in your stool at the bar.
A few moments of silence passed and you were just about to turn your head to the side, curious why the person sitting so close to you hadn’t made any move to order or seemingly breathe when they cleared their throat.
You hoped the way your eyes widened, mouth parting slightly in surprise, weren’t the reason for the proud smile on Jake’s face as he shifted in his seat next to you.
“Oh my god, what the fuck are you doing here?” You groaned and attempted to shrink in on yourself. Not only were you humiliated from being stood up, but now the last person you’d want to see you like this was here and smiling over at you.
“Here to save you from loneliness.” He was still smiling brightly, pointing at your emptied cup in a signal to the waitress for a refill. For a moment he resembled the younger Jake you were familiar with and your frown worsened. “Being ditched sucks.”
“How do you even know about that.” You grumbled, energy lost from the day. You gave a nod in thanks to the server who was filling up the mug you clutched tightly.
“Brit.” He shrugged and you groaned again at the realization your roommate had infact told more than one person about your meetup. “But you’re here alone so I pieced it together.”
pretend that we are more than friends
“Not technically alone I guess.” You reasoned and he smiled again as you spoke, seemingly happy that you were teasing back. You glanced at the waitress who was back behind the counter and she smiled when she met your gaze. Your face flushed, she must’ve figured your date had finally shown up.
“Well I don’t know about you but I feel like there’s better things we can do than sit in this coffee shop for another few hours.” He was standing from his stool as he spoke like he was positive you’d follow him and you hated that he was right.
“Do you even know where we are going?” You were looking out the window and watching hills fly by in a blur, eyebrows furrowed even though Jake couldn’t see you.
He chuckled softly and you turned your body a few degrees to glance at him as he drove, one hand on the steering wheel and the other shoved out the open window. His hair was going in different directions because the force of the wind and you noted his dark roots growing in.
You were curious if he planned to keep bleaching it or if he’d let it go dark again. If you were closer, more friends than whatever it was you were, you’d tell him you like it best black.
It was easier to picture the version of him you knew like that, you were so used to seeing his dark locks sleeping at random desk during free hours or rushing through the hallways so he wasn’t late for lunch. This new look and personality felt so unfamiliar.
“Just because I’m not telling you, doesn’t mean I don’t know.” He responded, sparing you a quick glance and raising an eyebrow when he caught you staring lost in thought. “Besides we are almost there, have some patience maybe.”
You slumped back in your seat, staring out the window again as you spotted a parking lot coming up in the distance. Your lips naturally formed a pout as you squinted and tried to make out where you were.
Jake pulled into the parking lot, gravel crunching under his tires as he pulled his hand back into the car and parked outside the lines. Only a few other cars were in this lot and you quickly realized where he had taken you.
“The beach?” It was starting to chill out now, the time of year where you much preferred sweaters and movie nights over days outside. You glanced over at him for confirmation and studied his expression.
For just a moment he looked nervous and slightly fearful, like he thought you wouldn’t be pleased or maybe you’d ask to just go home instead. Then it was replaced with a half smile and a shrug as he opened his door and hopped out of the car.
You took a few seconds to process his change of expression. You didn’t take this new Jake as somebody who cared what random girls they barely knew thought, maybe you were reading too far into a blank expression.
Before you could consider it further your door was thrown opened and you turned to see Jake waiting outside of it, holding it open for you and fully smiling now.
After a few minutes of silently walking down the sandy trail you couldn’t stand the silence. “How’d you find this place anyways?”
“You know Sunghoon?” You hummed softly in confirmation to his question. “He showed it to me when I first moved here. I guess I was complaining too much about missing home… missing…”
His sentence slowed to a stop and you glanced over at him, waiting for him to finish whatever thought he was having. He was already looking at you and he looked slightly pained before looking away and gesturing in front of you.
You turned your gaze away from him reluctantly and your features softened in awe at the view in front of you. Two sand hills were parted to reveal the result of your hike, a hidden beach with a light pink sunset off in the distance.
“It’s not as good as the ones back home but.” He didn’t finish his sentence again and this time you didn’t expect him to. Without thinking your hand was reaching down to tug on his sleeve, pulling him forwards and continuing your walk to the beach.
You let him go once the water was close enough that you could hear the waves, nearly drowning out your excited voice as the cold water splashed up and wrapped around your ankles. You heard Jake groan behind you and turned with a smile to see his jeans darkening with wetness.
The two of you played in the shallow water for a while, throwing splashes at each other and squealing everytime the bitter water touched your sun warmed skin.
Eventually the childish play tired you out and you were sat against a log a bit aways from the water, watching the sun set behind the ocean and covering your feet with the chilled sand.
A noise behind you caused you to turn your head, frowning deeply when you saw Jake kneeled in the sand with a camera in front of his face. The same noise went off again and you threw sand in his direction.
“Stop that.” You groaned and he laughed, dodging the attack and falling back onto his butt next to you by the log.
“Sorry sorry. I’ve just never seen you like this before.”
im just trying to understand what i am to you
“What do you mean?” You squinted your eyes in his direction but he wasn’t looking at you, keeping his gaze on the setting sun or down at his fingers that were pushing through the sand.
“You were always too cool to hang out with us at places like this.” He laughed softly but you felt a strange tension settled in his words like he was thinking of something specific.
Your stomach turned in confusion at what he was saying and you felt the need to question him, swallowing it when he made eye contact with you again and smiled softly. It didn’t meet his eyes and you titled your head slightly.
“I’d say it was the other way around.” You managed to say, trying to keep your tone light despite the meaning behind your words. In your version of events it was definitely Jake who had never been around in high school, always off with cooler older kids.
He’d always been more liked than the rest of your friend group but it escalated after his final prom when his presence pretty much became nonexistent up until he moved for college.
He was watching you and not saying anything and you were starting to curl in on yourself a bit self consciously. You reached up your arm to tug on your shirt sleeve and his eyes followed the movement.
“You’re cold?” He was asking but before he even finished the sentence he was sitting up off the log and pulling his sweater over his head, handing it in your direction as he fell back against the log. You stared at it as it dangled in his grip and he shook it a few times to get your attention.
You took it from him hesitantly, fingers brushing against his and he watched closely as you pulled it over your eyes and tugged your hair from the collar.
His eyes were seemingly tracing shapes on your frame as he looked at you, a strange expression on his face at the sight of you in his clothing.
“Why are you always staring like that?” You mumbled under your breath, shifting uncomfortably and he shrugged.
“You’re pretty.” He answered simply like it was the most obvious answer in the history of the world and your mouth parted in surprise. He’d said it before, but it sounded different when it wasn’t being whispered in a damp crowded room.
You felt your cheeks flush again but this time you didn’t attempt to hide your reaction. Despite the major differences, you needed to remind yourself that this was Jake, a boy you knew and cared about before you ever had this crush on him.
more than songs, we’ve exchanged. midnight calls, sunset views
He was still watching you, you could see him from the corner of your eye and you were half tempted to turn and meet his gaze. A few beats of silence, accompanied by the sound of the waves, and you succumbed to that temptation.
He didn’t falter when you looked over, only cocking his head slightly like he was expecting you to say something. However you didn’t and you just looked at him the way he was looking at you, in a heavy tensioned silence that made your stomach turn in dizzying circles.
Jake was always handsome, even before he had gotten older and his features were still soft and not yet matured, but he was particularly remarkable right now in the soft blue lighting of the nearly set sun.
“You should let your hair grow out.”
The days were passing by quickly now and fall break was swiftly approaching. You had no plans to go back home to your small town and neither did Brit. Currently she was packing hastily, not sparing you a glance as you laid on her bed and watched her fast pace.
“We leave in only two hours you know.” She was remarking and you shrugged softly, hiding a smile at her impatience. “I’m happy you’ve even agreed to this so I’m not going to nag you anymore than I need to but we are really short on time.”
She was referring to the fact she had somehow managed to convince you that going along to one final friend camping trip was what you should do with your break. Not only was it colder than you’d prefer, especially the night time, but others were also going and you weren’t big on social interaction.
Still you had agreed, and if part of the reason had been because Jake posted he was also going on his story than she didn’t need to know that.
After she had forced you to pack, and then ushered you out of the apartment with a swift shove and irritated eyebrows, you were eventually stuffed in the back seat of Sunghoon’s rented van. It was bigger than an average car but the more stops you arrived to the more you dreaded the drive.
As if things couldn’t get more stressful, right when you had thought you’d gotten away with an empty seat next to you he was pulling up to the final house. You watched as Jake closed his door behind him with an excited grin and waved at Sunghoon who was leaning out his open window.
You still didn’t stop staring even after he shoved his suitcase into the trunk and circled around the van, pulling open the slider door and scanning the vehicle for a spot to sit. His gaze first fell on the seat next to you and then scanned up to your face.
His smile faltered for just a second before it was replaced with another one, this one somehow both more genuine and two times as tense.
You hadn’t talked much since the other day at the beach due to the fact he hadn’t bothered texting you. You weren’t too caught up with the fact knowing you’d see eachother soon anyways but you were feeling a bit confused on the meaning of the hangout.
Your headphones stayed in as he walked with a ducked head to the back of the van, ignoring the glare Yang Jungwon was sending him when he accidentally stepped on his foot. You paused your music as he sat next to you but you didn’t take them off your head.
After he was seated, the van was officially full. Sunghoon and Brit were taking the roles of driver and passenger with Jungwon, Park Jay and a boy you hadn’t met before named Riki directly behind them. That left you and Jake in the back sat next to some of the bags that hadn’t fit in the trunk.
Another car was coming later in the day with some more friends of Brit and Sunghoon, the more social of the group.
Your phone vibrating in your grip stopped you in your mental roll call and you furrowed your brows down at it, ignoring the buzz. That plan didn’t last long considering it buzzed two more times immediately after.
jake : hi
jake : you have a habit of ignoring me i think
jake : !!!
You let out a small laugh and your eyes shot to the side, expecting to see him already looking at you and preparing to speak. Instead he was leaning away and keeping his gaze firmly out the window, a tight grip on his phone.
you : are we playing the silent game?
jake : yes
jake : i didn’t take you for the camping type… did anything inspire you to come along?
You looked at him again and this time he was looking at you too, an eyebrow raising slightly in question as he glanced down at your phone screen. You thought for a second before responding.
you : i could ask you the same thing
you : if my memories correct i distinctively remember you whining the whole entire week during that field trip sophomore year
jake : i don’t whine
You snorted a laugh and you felt Jake’s elbow poke your side in annoyance. You nudged him back and he pretended to be wounded, leaning against you so your shoulders were pressed tightly together. Brit’s eyes met yours in the mirror for just a split second before looking away.
jake : maybe i had my reasons
Then his hand was falling forward onto your knee and you stiffened up at the sudden contact. Your reaction caused him to freeze too and he started to quickly retract his hand, stopping when you placed yours on top of his and kept it where it was.
You were suddenly hyper aware of how close the two of you were and also the fact you had chosen to wear the most hideous pajamas pants you owned. Jake didn’t seem to mind, his thumb caressing the soft fabric without realizing he was making your head spin.
You squeezed your hand that was on top of his and he leaned forward to look at you, head resting against the seat infront of him as he turned his body slightly to face you. His hand was shifting up your leg slightly and you held his gaze, an eyebrow raising in permission.
Without hesitation, you gave it to him, nodding and loosening your grip on his hand. Your hand slid to his wrist instead, not wanting to remove it from his warm skin and you felt his arm muscles tensing like he was applying effort to resist moving his hand more.
Your knee was swinging towards his instinctively and his eyes shot down to the way this caused your legs to part more.
Then his stare was back on yours, eyes heavier as he watched you. For a second you thought he seemed nervous, gaze fidgeting against yours.
Your phone buzzed again and you glanced at his free hand in confusion, eyebrows furrowing when you realized his phone was shut off and laying forgotten in his lap so it couldn’t have been him that messaged you.
brit : what are you doing back there
You met her gaze in the mirror expecting to see a teasing smirk or maybe proud eyes at the fact you weren’t losing your cool due to Jake flirting with you. Instead her eyes were dark and squinted in warning. She picked her phone back up off her lap.
brit : jake invited a girl this weekend
brit : sunghoon told me im rlly sorry yn i was going to mention it when we got there
Your entire body locked up and Jake’s thumb stopped caressing your thigh in worry, leaning back against his seat to try to look at your phone screen to see the cause of your sudden tension. You quickly shut it off and shifted in your seat, swinging your knee so his hand fell limp against the seat. You leaned against your side of the seat, frowning and looking out the window.
You stayed like that for the rest of the ride, ignoring your phone buzzing in your hand and a few attempts to get your attention from the boy next to you.
Once you’d finally arrived at the campsite you were the first one to leave the van, nearly tripping on Jay in your haste to be out of the suffocating situation.
Hands on your lower back were suddenly leading you away and towards the empty site kicking your feet out of their frozen state, you glanced at Brit as she ushered you away from the boys, telling them briefly you were going to set up your tent in the distance.
You were thankful for her quick lie and the comforting arm she was wrapping around your side as you walked away from them, ignoring their confused murmurs.
“Are you going to cry.” She whispered once you were a good distance out of ear shot, you met her eyes and she winced. “Or maybe throw up? I can’t tell…”
You shook your head and glanced behind you. Jake was frozen as he watched the two of you with a worried frown, only looking away when Jungwon abruptly handed him a few bags to unpack.
“Neither.” You forced out and she looked relieved but like she didn’t even slightly believe you. “I don’t care who he brings.” You shrugged and nodded to try to convince yourself.
She watched you in silence, leaning back slightly like you were a live wire as she waited for you to snap.
“But tell me who he is bringing.” You gripped her hand tightly and she groaned in relief at your more expected reaction, squeezing your hand in hers and taking a step closer.
“I don’t even know just some girl from one of his lectures I guess.” She was whispering close to your face and your heart sank. “Sunghoon said she practically forced him to say she could come but you know he has a reputation.”
And she was right, you did know that this new version of Jake had quite a few whispers about him and how frequently he’d leave parties with girls he’d never be seen with again. You felt foolish for letting yourself separate this side of him with the boy from the beach.
Maybe the boy from a few years ago was worse with girls, cared about them more and awkwardly stumbled through flirty conversations or teasing comments but it seemed like this new Jake was the type to not think too deeply about feeling up an old friend in a packed car.
One half of you wanted to not care, happy he had paid you any attention at all even if it wasn’t ideal but the more realistic half knew you could never be casual with Jake without breaking your own heart.
“I’ll be fine don’t worry.”
You were absolutely positively NOT fine.
After setting up quickly before the sun set, the second car had arrived with the rest of the people you’d be camping alongside of and you were quickly regretting your last minute acceptance to come along.
A few slightly familiar faces had stumbled out of the car, like Sunoo from your history class who had waved with a yawn followed by a bright smile. He was immediately replaced in your line of sight by none other than Lee Heeseung, who froze at the sight of you and then practically scampered away.
And finally a girl you hadn’t seen before, and who hadn’t bothered to introduce herself. The girl was currently on the receiving end of your glare, across from you at the fire as she leaned over and whispered something lowly to Jake in the chair next to her.
You hoped the flames were blocking the obvious annoyance on your face, her high pitched squeals and refusal to do any of the work setting up required was slowly eating away at you. It had absolutely nothing to do with the fact she spent most the day draped over the boy you’d been infatuated with since before puberty.
Only adding to your growing frustration was the tense awkward boy beside you. Heeseung was practically curled into a ball in his camping chair, avoiding eye contact with your side of the earth and not speaking the entire fire. You were sick of it at this point and the combined anger at both situations got the better of you.
“Can we talk?” You were leaning over towards him to ask and your tone was heavy. He reluctantly looked at you and his eyes softened with guilt before he nodded.
Standing from your chair and wrapping your coat tighter around you, your gaze instinctively went to Jake. He was already watching you, eyebrows furrowing as he saw Heeseung stand and wait for you to leave so he could follow. You looked away from him in anger and started off towards the trees.
“Are you going to kill me be honest.” Heeseung eventually was groaning behind you as you walked in silence, cutting through the trail as you ended up near the dock.
“Why would I kill you?” You sighed and sat on the creaking wood, feet dangling and skimming the water of the green lake. He followed suit and sat a few inches away from you.
“For being a dick.” He shrugged and you laughed, kissing your teeth and nodding. “I’m sorry… I shouldn’t have not showed up without a text like that, regardless what Jake said.”
His words caused you to freeze in confusion and he seemed to notice your reaction, mouth parting in realization.
“You didn’t know…” He sounded both confused and like he had finally made sense of things in his mind. “Now I get why Brit keeps glaring at me in the hall.”
“What are you talking about Lee Heeseung?” You turned more towards him with sharp eyes and he shrunk in on himself slightly.
“I told Jake about our date and he told me I shouldn’t go because you had a boyfriend back home.” He was speaking fast and his eyes softened again at the hurt and confusion crossing your face. “I’m figuring now that probably isn’t true.”
You didn’t give him a response, staring down at his lap as you zoned out and tried to understand what he was telling you. Jake had not only sabotaged your date not date that apparently was a date but in doing so he made you seem like some awful cheater.
“Are you okay?” Heeseung was speaking again when you didn’t respond, leaning closer slightly and talking in a whisper like he was scared to break you from your trance. You looked at him hesitantly and his features softened at your teary expression. “I can go get Brit?”
You nodded in confirmation and offered him a small sad smile, hoping he got the memo that it wasn’t him you were upset with and you understood he had been caught in the miscommunication. He was patting your back softly before standing and jogging back towards the camp.
promise i don’t mean to cry but i get overwhelmed and confused
Sitting alone on the dock you allowed yourself to cry for just a few moments, you felt completely lost and confused. That mixed with the anger and jealously you’d felt all day and you were simply a mess of overstimulated emotions.
You didn’t understand why Jake would do that, what motive he would have. Maybe revenge for Heeseung interrupting his chance of a quick fuck the night before but you liked to believe that even if he changed, he still respected you enough to not spread rumors.
After ten minutes had passed your tears had slowed do a few sniffles and puffy eyes, using your thin sweater sleeves to wipe your face in preparation for your roommates arrival. You didn’t want to ruin the weekend by being overtly upset.
“Y/N?” The sound of the familiar voice caused you to freeze like it always did. Your shoulders tensed and you felt your fingers flex against the moist wood of the dock. The footsteps stepping onto the dock gave you a sick feeling.
“What do you want Sim?” You spit the words without turning to look at him and you shut your eyes tight when his hasty steps slowed with hesitation.
“I came to check on you… Heeseung went to get Brit but she wasn’t feeling well and went to sleep.” He was speaking slowly, getting closer but stopping a bit behind you like he wasn’t sure he was allowed to come closer. “Did he say something to you? What did he do?”
Now you were turning to glare at him, only briefly scanning his figure to see him wringing his hands together in anxiousness. “What did he do? What do you mean what did he do…what did you do?”
He didn’t even have the nerve to pretend to look confused, only being taken back for a second at your tone before a guilty dark look took over his expression.
“Okay listen, I had a reason.” He was holding his hands out in front of him in defense, eyebrows downturned. For just a second you felt bad at the way he frowned and then you remembered your anger.
You stood from the dock, turning your back on the water to face him. He seemed more taken back by this, your stance rigid and expecting. You raised an eyebrow at him and waved a hand to signal for him to continue.
His gaze dropped to his feet and then back up towards you, avoiding meeting your eyes and nervously wringing his hands together. “Okay maybe I don’t have a reason.”
Your shoulders deflated and you groaned.
“So you just made me look like an idiot for no reason.” You spat at him and he shook his head as you kept talking. “Not only an idiot but like some sketchy cheater.”
“I didn’t mean for it to be like that I just panicked.” He was rushing in his words and you were growing more confused with everything he said. Why did the idea of Heeseung taking you on a date make him panic?
“I deserve a better explanation than that Jake.” You were shaking your head now and he sighed. “I thought we were starting to be… I don’t know, friends.”
“Oh really?” He was sneering now and you faltered slightly, taken back by his sudden show of anger. “So now I’m cool enough to be friends with?”
“What the hell are you talking about?” You took a step towards him, your voice desperate in confusion.
“No don’t worry I get. Years of acting like I didn’t exist but now that I’m not a loser anymore I’m worthy of your time.” His voice was venomous and your head was swimming with confusion.
The incredulous look on your face only seemed to anger him further, neck vein protruding as he glared at you. He was holding your stare and softened just for a second at the genuine lack of understanding on your face.
“Are you talking about highschool?” You tried to keep your voice steady, wanting to understand what he was referring to without angering him. He gave you a look like it was obvious and you shook your head. “That’s not what happened at all, if anything it was the opposite.”
At this, he let out a loud scoff and took a step backwards in bewilderment. You watched him wrestle with this information, at the same time you were wracking through your memories with Jake to try and find what point in time he was referring back to.
You’d never thought of Jake as a loser, sure a little clumsy and awkward but that was the first thing you had liked about him. It wasn’t easy for you to spend time with him alone because you’d always end up embarrassing yourself, your crush on him bringing out the worst in you, but you definitely still hung out from time to time.
“You totally rejected me.” He was speaking again, his voice weaker this time as the embarrassment replaced his anger. “You not even remembering the worst day of my highschool life makes it ten times more awful.”
“Rejected you when?” Your head was starting to hurt from the crying and pure confusion. As awkward as you were around him, you know even highschool you would never have rejected Jake Sim.
“Prom.” He spat the word like it was obvious, like he was expecting you to suddenly remember your supposed rejection and make sense of this conversation but if anything it was only confusing you further. “You really just don’t remember?”
“There’s nothing to remember.” You spat out, angry at his persistent accusations. “I didn’t go to prom either year, you went with Lily and I stayed at home.”
Your stomach was turning with bitterness at the memory, this fact followed by his sudden avoidance after prom still hurt as it lingered in your mind.
“You think I wanted to go with Lily?” His laugh was humorless and cold. “Everybody knew I wanted to go with you only, I couldn’t not go just because you said no, I’d look like a total idiot.”
“Then why wouldn’t you just ask me?” Your voice was hoarse and angry but your stomach was turning at the thought of Jake wanting to go to prom with you.
You remember that year clearly, it was Jake’s final school dance and your friends had jokingly teased the possibility of him asking you. Of course at the time it seemed baseless to you, you were just friends since you’d never had the courage to put your feelings to action.
Like you had anticipated, a girl from your grade named Lily was posting the next week that she had been asked by Jake and they were going together. Even though you’d accepted long ago he’d never notice you in that way, you were still devastated and decided to spend this year at home alone.
“I did ask you.” He was stressing the words, hands thrown out in desperation for you to understand. You tensed up as you looked at him.
You started to slowly shake your head in denial and his shoulders lowered, coming to a realization.
“You never got the letter.” It wasn’t a question but a statement and the look on your face further proved it to be true. “I… I put it in your locker I don’t understand.”
“My locker?” Your voice was soft with exhaustion and a guilty look crossed his face.
“Two weeks before the dance.” He explained and he was taking a step towards you. He looked slightly relieved when you didn’t back away from him or raise your hands in rejection.
You scrunched your nose and tried to remember such a specific time in your life, only remembering one major detail that caused your face to light up in realization.
“Jake.” You groaned and he raised an eyebrow and nodded in anticipation. “Jake I had that nasty stomach flu everybody was getting. I was absent until after winter break.”
He didn’t say anything for a long time and you watched him go through different stages of remembrance, the noise of the woods and lake fading back in now that your shouts had died down.
“You never got it?” His voice was barely a whisper, almost like it wasn’t even meant for you to hear. It was a personal realization of his mistake and you reached a hand up to tug on his sleeve. His eyes shot down to your hand and then your face, eyes heavy and guilty.
if only you knew what i felt like
“Why on earth would I reject you.” You tried to keep your voice soft but it was shaking slightly with nerves as you finally voiced your longest kept secret. “Everybody knew how obsessed with you I was.”
“But I was a total idiot.” He shook his head and you took a step closer to him. “I spent so long trying to become cooler and you’re telling me it was pointless?”
He was looking down at you, in a similar stance to the multiple times you held long tensioned stares at parties and you were understanding now that similar to your casual careless persona you’d been attempting to show him, he was wearing a mask of his own.
“I liked that idiot way before I liked you, playboy.” He smiled at your light tone, arm sliding up your arm to hold your elbow and keep you standing close to him.
“Maybe I stretched the truth a tad.” His voice was low and you raised an eyebrow as you looked up at him, liking the way his bangs touched his eyebrows as he watched you.
“What about that girl you invited?” Your smile faltered slightly, remembering why you were out here on the dock in the first place. Your stomach tightened in jealously and you felt the urge to smack away his hand that was sliding to hold your lower back.
You resisted the urge, placing your hands flat on his chest and giving him the chance to explain. Miscommunication was clearly causing issues for years between the two of you.
“She practically forced her way into the van after overhearing us talk about it at a party last weekend.” He was explaining with an annoyed shake of his head and you nodded remembering Brit saying Sunghoon had a similar version of events.
“I shouldn’t have let her touch me.” He looked angry at himself and you wanted to reach up and smooth out the crease in his eyebrows. “I guess I got jealous seeing Heeseung was here. The same way I did when I ruined your date. I’m really sorry about that.”
“So instead of just asking me out yourself, you kidnapped me and took me to a beach?” You smiled softly at him and his lip quirked up slightly despite the look of guilt remaining.
“I know… I guess I’m still an idiot.” His smile fell and a pained look covered quickly his expression. “God, I made you cry.”
“Yeah you totally made me cry.” You balled your into fist against his chest and his eyes looked at the way his shirt scrunched up between your fingers. You gave him a soft smile, rocking forward and trying to ease his mind from the guilt he was feeling.
Then he was looking at you again and his tensioned eyes loosened slightly, a sudden wave of nerves washed over you at the realization of who you were currently having this conversation with.
“Did I hear you say you still liked me?” His voice was low and you felt his breath fan your face, his hand that wasn’t on your back was cupping the side of your face and making you look at him.
You were reminded of the way he held your chin at the party except this time it felt more gentle, his eyes soft and far more nervous than they had been that night.
“God, you’re an idiot.” You were shaking your head and smiling, the end of your word being cut off when he surged forward and pressed his lips hard against yours in his urgency.
Your hands on his chest started to ball up his shirt again, resisting a laugh at the force in which he kissed you, he mumbled an apology against your lips and you could feel him smiling as he cocked his head and kissed you again.
His hand had left your cheek, circling around your side to rest on your lower back with his other one as he, almost unconsciously, pulled you up and tighter against him as you rocked onto your tippy toes and back down.
Even when he pulled back to breathe, he kept you flush against him as he laid his forehead against yours and shut his eyes tight.
“You have no idea how long I’ve wanted to do that.”
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brotherblaze · 4 days
lemon shark —kuroo tetsurō
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—summary: When you admit to quitting your high school club, Kuroo pauses, takes the decision in, and recalibrates his stance. He doesn't understand quitting like that but it's okay, you'll figure it out together. He'll always have your back, just as you'll always have his.
—cw: none
—wc: 1,9k
AO3 version
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He finds you where always does when you’re not home and there are no other pressing responsibilities: the arcade.
“You’re going to develop carpal tunnel like that,” Kuroo says, peering at the backglass of the pinball machine over your shoulder. Half of it is an incomprehensible mess of a ruined city skyline with a tall figure standing at the forefront, a gun in his hand. It’s very pointedly not the backglass of a pinball machine. Or maybe the nigh-incomprehensible art there and on the sides is a feature, not a bug. The score on the display board on the bottom of the backglass keeps ticking up. He can hear the pinball in the machine dashing up and down, bang against the obstacles littered on the map, and the flippers at the bottom.
“No, I’m only moving my fingers.” You don’t look at him, stare at the pinball in the machine, press the buttons on the sides to make the flippers jump. The pinball bangs against one and is sent catapulting back into the playfield.
Kuroo steps around you and stops next to the machine — he knows better than to lean against it. His hands are buried in his denim jacket pockets. The pinball isn’t overly difficult to follow but he still gets thrown for a loop every now and then when it ricochets off one of the bumpers underneath the glass in an unexpected direction.
It’s really no surprise you’re this good at pinball. With the amount of time you spend in this place, he’d expect you to be able to clean out the shelves of cheaply-made toys and weird little useless gadgets with ease. Regular arcades are fun, he’ll admit it, but this one, American in style with its ticket system some hail as a scam (and claw machines with butterfinger claws that are definitely a scam to boot), he doesn’t see the appeal in this specific arcade.
Somehow, you do.
The pinball in the machine drops. The lights on the machine blink rapidly.
“What are you doing here, anyway? Don’t you have practice today?” You pat down your pants’ pockets for the points card and swipe it through the machine.
Kuroo raises his brows. “It’s 7:30.”
“What? No, it’s not.” The argument is immediately on your tongue because it isn’t 7:30 PM. That’s impossible.
He pulls one hand from his jacket pocket, presses the power button on the side of his phone, and turns the screen to face you. 7:36 PM.
Kuroo glances at his phone screen, then slides the device back into his pocket. “How long have you been here?”
You shrug. “Like… 11.” You look away from him, opt to stare at the painted side panel of the pinball machine. It depicts one long white hot lightning strike with a blue aura. Yeah, there’s absolutely no way this frame was originally for this specific pinball game.
When you look up, he’s narrowed his eyes at you, lips tilted into a frown. It’s that look he gives a particularly difficult English homework task. Analyzing. Solution-oriented. “So, what, you skipped swim practice?” Because he knows how long those run. He knows when and where and how and who. It’s embedded into and around his own club schedule.
“I quit, actually. Yesterday.”
You raise your gaze to meet his, hold it, wait for his reaction.
Kuroo’s face spasms, fleeting expressions cycling so goddamned clearly until he pulls himself together, and puts up a nonchalant facade. His brow twitches and his expression morphs just slightly, finally settling on neutral. It’s almost eerie. He pulls his gaze from you, lets it drop to the pinball machine side panel as if he’s processing or looking for the right words to continue, then looks up at you again.
It’s a measured response. His voice is carefully neutral.
You tilt your head to the side, look over his shoulder at the distance, then tilt it to the other side, stare at the claw machine behind him. Your mind races, thoughts colliding and avoiding collision by near-misses, traveling parallel to each other, splitting at intersections. Possible outcomes on top of outcomes race with them, anything and everything from a prolonged lecture on the importance of perseverance, to disappointed resignation, to quiet acceptance. All of them horrible in their own way.
You settle on a half-truth with a shrug of your shoulders. “Got boring.” You don’t want to see his expression morph into the outcome of his choosing and turn away from him, scan the room for one more victim to acquire enough tickets for the top-shelf prize at the prize counter. “Quit while you’re ahead, or whatever they say.” A victim appears; a lone Street Fighter copycat game tucked right by said prize counter.
Kuroo falls into step with you. “That’s for risky stuff.”
“I don’t know, the stock market.”
“What do you know about the stock market, Romeo?”
You dare a glance at him from the corner of your eye but his expression remains carefully blank. It would be infuriating with anyone else. But Kuroo knows how to read people, how to play to their strengths, what to say and what not to say. You think you can read him well enough; he’s keeping his composure neutral to probe your thoughts and/or feelings on the subject so he's able to give the most effective response. It's almost clinical. The thought leaves a sour taste in your mouth.
He positions himself next to you but he doesn’t take up the player 2 slot on the arcade game. You don’t comment on it and hit play.
Your character dashes, jumps, kicks.
The opponent A.I. dodges, jumps, dies.
The game screen flashes GAME OVER in large blocky letters. You swipe the points card, cross your fingers, and saunter up to the prize counter.
You have an abundance of points, it turns out. The woman behind the desk grabs a hook on a stick and with the help of a step stool, pulls a yellow shark plush down from the high shelf. You point to a small raccoon plushie keychain to drain the rest of your acquired points.
Kuroo stares at the bright yellow shark plushie. Its eyes are embroidered hearts filled in with glittering thread. Its felt teeth are bent. “That’s the ugliest thing I’ve ever seen,” he lies. “It’s a horrifying monstrosity; you could get a better one from IKEA.”
“As per usual you have no taste.” You turn the large plush in your hands and tap the pad of your finger against the glittering eye. No residual glitter catches to your skin. “Well, since you hate this, you wouldn’t happen to want the raccoon, either, huh?”
“Never said that.” He holds his hand out, palm up and you place the small gray and brown raccoon into his waiting hand. He lifts it to eye level, stares back at its large vacant acrylic eyes.
“C’mon,” you jerk your head towards the exit, “you can continue gazing into each other’s eyes soulfully on the way home.”
The summer evening air is slowly cooling as the sun sets. Its orange rays glint off the skyscraper windows.
Rush hour draws to a close and the crowds on the train ease up. You manage to snag two seats near the front of the train as an old couple disembarks.
Your newest companion is sandwiched between your neck and the window, its face pressed flat against the glass. You angle your body slightly so its first dorsal fin is pressed against your throat, your knees pressed against Kuroo’s.
Kuroo spends the ride scrolling through social media. Every now and then he swaps apps, texts someone. You catch Kenma’s picture at the top of the messages. Another time you catch sight of the picture for the volleyball team’s group chat.
It’s hard to lean your head back against the cool window, the best you can do with the shark propped behind your head is turn your face towards Kuroo. It gives you the perfect angle to stare at his profile. He’s slightly slouched, shoulders lax. His posture straightens ever so slightly, jaw tensing, brow creasing. His fingers fly across the screen to type out a response in the group chat with you, him, Yaku, and Kai.
You let your eyes wander his face, the curve of his nose and his lips to —
To the thin scar running along the slope of his cheekbone.
“What?” he asks then, looking up from his phone. He locks and pockets it. You tap on your cheek where his scar is. “Does it bother you?” he asks.
“Sometimes.” Because it does. Sometimes.
“As far as first meetings go, it’s probably on the more interesting end of the scale.”
“You’re the one who yanked me from behind.” Because he did.
“Would you have preferred death by way of a moving vehicle?”
You roll your eyes playfully and look away as you always do when he brings that up. Sure, it’s the logical conclusion to you literally trying to run into oncoming traffic way back then; but that doesn’t mean he needs to say it out loud. He doesn’t. It’s the logical conclusion.
“Yeah, well, what a story to tell your grandkids in 60 years.”
You peel yourselves from the seats once your stop arrives and you tuck the shark under your arm. Kuroo keeps to the road side on the sidewalk. The crowds grow even more scarce as your street comes into view.
You pass Kenma’s house; the blinds aren’t drawn and you can faintly see the glow of the TV from Kenma’s room. The lights in Kuroo’s house are on. Some houses on the street are completely dark, others completely alight. There’s a window cracked open somewhere, broadcasting a football match.
You pause in front of your gate, almost at the end of the street, and make no move to cross the threshold.
“I got half the family sicced on me because they’re not fans of me quitting, y’know? Word travels fast.” You stare at the lit living room window obscured by a cream-colored blind. “Somehow they’d gotten it into their heads that I was going to go to the Olympics and now they’re…”
“That’s putting it lightly. Pissed and everything else under the Sun.” You purse your lips. “Probably gonna hear how I wasted my Olympic potential for the rest of eternity. I think they’re delusional for thinking I could ever make it that far.”
There’s a lull in the conversation. Birds swoop down from the sky, land on the power lines draped above your heads.
“You wanna stay over tonight?” Kuroo asks, jerking his head in the direction of his house. “Dad’s making pancakes first thing in the morning.”
You shake your head with a small smile. “Thanks, but I might as well get lecture number three million about how I can ‘still save my Olympic career’ over with. Good night.”
Kuroo lingers by the gate as you step through and take the short cobblestone path up to the house. He watches you pause at the door before you slot your keys in and throw it open. Still, he stands there as the door closes and stares at your bedroom window. It doesn’t take long before there’s movement, the blinds being rolled down and the lights turning on.
Only then does he take off towards his own house, clutching the raccoon keychain in his pocket.
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part 2
divider by @/kafekitsune
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strniohoeee · 7 months
Matt with a gf who likes to paint and read, and since so many people compare Matt to Flynn rider they dress up as Flynn and Rapunzel for Halloween. A little smutty if you want 🤭
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Pairing: Matt Sturniolo X Female Reader
Synopsis: Matt and Y/N are dating, he loves how artsy and cute she is. And they decided to go to a costume party as Rapunzel and Flynn. 💐
Warnings⚠️: Suggestive parts, but no sex in this one😙
Song for the imagine: K.- Cigarettes After Sex
Flower, gleam and glow
Let your powers shine
Make the clock reverse
Bring back what once was mine
Heal what has been hurt
It was such a beautiful day today, and I was getting a little tired of spending it cooped up in the house. Matt and his brothers were still sleeping as expected it was 7AM.
I decided to get up and do my morning routine before making myself coffee. I sat in the living room opening the curtains to let the warm light in as the sun was finishing rising. The sky, beautiful tinges of orange and blue. This feeling made me all emotional and happy.
I sat down facing the window as I sipped my coffee sitting in silence. I was listening to the birds chirping and the wind rustle through the palm trees. So sad that we take advantage of such simple things like this.
I got up to make myself a bagel when I realized I purchased a book yesterday. As my bagel toasted I walked into Matt’s room, tip-toeing over to the bag on the desk pulling out my book.
I walked back over to the kitchen as I put my bagel together and went back over to the couch. As I ate I read my book “A stolen life” . It was a true story about a girl getting kidnapped and escaping about 20 years later. It was good, but it was so sad
After eating I washed my dishes, and decided to put my book back in the room. Then I remembered I was painting yesterday out in the yard
I headed out back with a cup of water to clean my brush and some paper towels. I connected my phone to the speaker as I began to finish my painting.
This feeling was everything to me. The cool air around me, the beautiful morning sky, the birds chirping, no cars on the road. I was actually painting a picture of a sunrise. Matt always told me he’s never awake for one, so I wanted to paint him one super realistically, so he’d always have a sunrise to wake up to.
K. By Cigarettes After Sex started playing, and immediately a smile grew on my face. This was the first song Matt and I ever listened to and it was on our first date. So weird how the timing was.
I was singing along lowly as I painted when I heard the side door open. Turning my head I smiled at Matt.
“Morning sunshine” I said laughing
“How are you up so early?” He asked rubbing his eye and walking over to me
“I’m not too sure, but I just wanted to see the beautiful morning sky” I said continuing to paint
“You’re odd, I love that” he said laughing and pulling me in for a kiss
“I love you too” I said pulling away from the kiss and rolling my eyes playfully
“And our songs playing” he said smiling down
“Timing is so strange right” I said continuing to paint
“It is, what are you painting?” He asked standing behind me
“A sunrise for you. Since you told me you’re never awake for one I thought I’d paint you one to hang up in your room. And then this way you’ll always wake up to a sunrise” I said
“How’d I get so lucky, this shit makes me fall in love with you more and more” he said wrapping his hands around my waist and leaning his head on my shoulder
“Matttt” I said blushing
“What it’s the truth” he said pulling away
“My beautiful talented girlfriend who paints sentimental things for me I LOVE IT” he yelled the last part
“Shhh” I said laughing and covering his mouth
“Would you ever paint me?” He asked pulling me in and looking in my eyes
“You know I’d love that actually I haven’t painted a person since high school art class” I said looking back at him
“Mmm I have the perfect set up” he said
“Oh yeah and that is?” I said leaning in and kissing him
“Me nude surrounded by plants and shit like a Greek god” he said after pulling away from the kiss
“Mmmm I don’t know that I’ll be able to focus” I said trailing my hands down his arms
“Too much for you?” He asked with a smirk
“You know you’re too much for me” I said alluding to his size
“Ouuu my ego baby, just grew” he said clutching his heart
“I’ll consider it though, I like that idea” I said snaking my hands over his shoulders and pulling him in for a hug
Matts hands started trailing down my back and to my ass squeezing slightly.
“Behave Matt” I said looking at him
“On my best behavior” he said winking
“Don’t forget the costume parties tonight” he said pulling away
“Oh my gosh yes how could I forget” I said pulling away
“Do you have your whole costume?” He asked me
“Of course I do Matt I’m not an amateur” I said cleaning up my brushes and getting ready to head inside
“Flynn and Rapunzel” Matt said
“Except I don’t have the long blonde hair like Rapunzel” I said laughing
“Doesn’t matter you’re Rapunzel in my eyes” he said smiling at me
“And they say chivalry is dead” I said grasping my heart
Matt rolled his eyes and pulled me in for a kiss. It slowly became heated as his hands ran down my back and gripped my ass. His lips moved down to my jawline and then my neck.
“Oh Matt” I sighed out as I tilted my head back
“I love you so much, I can’t control myself” he said pulling away
I ran my hands through his hair as he came back in to make out with me. I was about to sit him down on a lawn chair and get to business but we were cut off
“AHEM” we both heard and we broke apart looking over
“Oh….hi Chris” I said smiling
“I come out to feel the breeze and enjoy the light and what do I get? My brother and his girl about to get busy” he said
“Chris shut the fuck up we were not about to do anything” Matt says rolling his eyes
“Yeah yeah whatever I know what my eyes saw” he said walking back into the house
“My own brother…..a cockblocker” Matt said pulling away and sighing
I just laughed and began to clean up my stuff before we headed inside.
Matt and I spent most of the day laying around, cleaning up, chilling with his brothers and I cooked some lunch for them.
Matt actually forced all of us to watch Tangled in light of our costume idea. His brothers found it corny, but I found it funny.
The house party started at 9, and Matt and I were currently getting ready. I finished my hair and makeup and decided to get dressed
I put on the purple corset with the purple short skirt and my white heels, I grabbed my plushy chameleon and put my crown on
I stepped out into Matt’s room from the bathroom
“Thoughts?” I asked spinning for him
“Wow” was all he said as he looked at me
“Starstruck?” I asked him
“Very, you look so fucking good” he said
“You look hot too as Flynn” I said walking over to him
“We could ditch the party” he said giving me a sly smile
“No Matt we’re not ditching the party” I said rolling my eyes
He pulled me in by my waist looking down at me before smashing his lips to mine. Slowly turning it onto a make out session as he let his hand rest on my neck
I pulled away before looking at him
“Matt my lip gloss” I said pouting
“Oh please” he said rolling his eyes
I smirked at him before pulling him in for another kiss. My hands raking through his hair.
“Okay no more or I won’t control myself” he said pulling away
“Awww but I was enjoying it” I said pouting and running my hand down to his dick lightly squeezing
“WOAH OKAY” he said pulling away
I smirked at him before stepping away. I reapplied my lipgloss and we decided to take pictures for his Instagram.
We stood infront of his mirror as he snaked his arm around my back gripping my ass.
“Mr. Handsy” I said giggling
“Says you” he said back
We snapped a few pictures and he posted some on his story
We decided to head out with his brothers and went over to the party. We enjoyed ourselves the whole night. Occasionally teasing each other with lingering touches and frisky dance moves.
“Want to head upstairs?” Matt asked me
“Sure lover boy” I responded
Matt and I made our way up to an empty room shutting the door behind us. He immediately smashed his lips to mine back tracking us to the bed.
Matt sat down and I sat next to him as we continued to make out.
“I need you” Matt whispered
I nodded and slowly moved my hand down to his dick palming him through his pants as he whimpered out.
“So good to me” he said letting his head fall back
I began to kiss down his neck as I palmed him. I went to unzip his pants when the door busted open
“OH SHIT SORRY GUYS” some random guy said before slamming the door shut
Matt and I sighed….the mood immediately being ruined
“I guess we’ll have to wait till we’re home” he said
“Yeah” I said giggling
Matt pecked my lips one more time before we got up and headed out to enjoy the party.
That night when we got home we finally had some much waited alone time.
The End
Hiiii hope you guys enjoyed this one. I got two more stories to write before I open my requests. I LOVE YALLLLL🤭🖤🖤🖤
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axelsagewrites · 11 months
My dear author, can I get a fluffy pet play with modern Daemon x poc fem reader, where after days away (maybe he's away on business) reader decides to prepare a surprise (a romantic evening) and welcomes you dressed as a kitten (or bunny, fox or something like that) with full costume (including ears and tail) Just soft Dom Daemon having a super passionate and exciting night with reader (with lots of caresses, praise, affection, light spanking, use of vibrator/dildo, nipple play, multiple orgasms, p in v, rmming and maybe aal sex and aftercare?) please?
Daemon Targaryen*Missed You
Pairing: Daemon x f!reader
Word count: 2810
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Warnings: caressing, praise kink, pet play, butt plug, collar, light spanking, vibrator, slight teasing, nipple play, finger, p in v sex, after care smut 18+
Masterlist Here
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It wasn’t often daemon had to travel for business but when he did it was painful to say the least. He’d been gone for only a four days you still found yourself watching paint dry you were that bored without him. Bored and horny of course. Daemons nightly phone calls didn’t help, telling you what he missed and what he wanted to do. It was good but gods did it make it harder to wait.
But finally, tonight he was coming home. When you asked him if he wanted you to pick anything up for him arriving home, he declared that you were all he wanted. And you he would get. When the text came through saying he landed you knew you only had just over an hour to set your plan in place.
You had told him you had planned a romantic private dinner to welcome him home and you supposed that wasn’t a lie. You had made one of his favourite pasta bakes, placing it the oven so all you had to do was finish heating it up and melting the cheese. However, as the dinner finished cooking you slipped into the bedroom to set up the rest of your plan.
Pulling out the box from under your bed your eyes scanned the line of options. Every toy, every type of lingerie, everything you could possibly need for sex. Your eyes settled on the fluffy black cat ears a friend had bought you for halloween years ago but that drove daemon mad with lust every time he saw them. They matched perfectly with the chiffon black collar, complete with a bell and all, that daemon had bought you.
You slipped on the cat ears first before tying the fabric collar around your neck with a pretty little bow in the back. Next was the wardrobe. Daemon loved all of your sets, even picking out half of them, but there was one in particular you knew he liked. It was black and lacy sheer dress and according to him made your butt look fantastic. That might also be because it barely covered your ass.
Thigh high stockings just topped off the look but as you looked in the mirror your eyes wondered to the bag in the corner of the room. It had been a purchase you and daemon had discussed for a while but had yet to buy. You opened the back and unboxed the furry black tailed butt plug you had bought yesterday.
Daemon sent another text. Be there in 15 love. Right, you thought to yourself, lets do it. You returned back to the box to grab some lube, smoothing it over the bulb of the plug before kneeling on the bed. It wasn’t like this was your first ever butt plug but something about this one felt different.
Once you managed to slip it in, you stood up to realise that it actually felt quite comfortable already. This would be fun after all you thought as you walked over to the full-length mirror, inspecting your own behind and the tail now poking out of it.
Five more minutes. You quickly went into the kitchen, checking the pasta bake before turning the oven off and leaving the pasta in it to keep warm. You’d need food after to regain your energy you thought. As you finished up in the kitchen you heard the front door open and shut.
“i’m home darling,” daemons voice rung through the flat, “gods it smells good, what’s cooking good looking?” He asked, his voice getting closer as he approached the kitchen.
You took one last deep breath, rolling back your shoulders before putting on your best seductive face. “i made one of your favourites,” you said as you opened the door.
Daemon stopped in his tracks just a couple feet from you. His eyes scanned your body, lingering on your hips before finally meeting your eyes. Daemon dropped his bag without even thinking, his coat still on, as he moved to close the gap between you both. His hands went to hold your face as his lips crashed onto yours in a needy, desperate kiss.
You grabbed his shoulders to steady yourself, letting yourself feel his broad shoulders even beneath all the fabric. “missed you,” you mumbled against his lips.
“missed you more pet,” he murmured back, his hands slipping from your face to your hips. His hands squeezed at your flesh before sudden leaving a light spank on your ass making you gasp. Daemon paused for a moment, pulling his lips back, “is that…” he said, his words wondering off as his hands moved to feel your ass obviously feeling the additional fabric. “turn around for me love,” he said, and you did as instruct.
As you waited for a response you couldn’t help biting your lip, waiting for him to say something. Daemons hands wordlessly caressed your ass, squeezing it gently while his eyes stared at the tail. “now this, i like,” he said while his fingers felt the furry fabric, “very cute love,” he said as he took your hand to spin you back around.
“what about dinner?” You said with your best fake pout as you rested your hands on his chest.
“it can wait pet,” daemon said, his hands pulling you flush against his body by your hips, “i wanna have a bit of fun with you first,” he murmured, dipping his head to close the gap.
His lips were slower this time but not any less hungry as his hands squeezed the soft flesh of your ass. You began to push his coat off, desperate to feel his skin. Daemon got the hint and began to lead you to the bedroom, his lips never leaving yours as you helped him shed his layers.
Your thighs hit the edge of the bed while your fingers finally unleashed his belt. Daemon only broke the kiss to kick of his shoes before slipping off his trousers. He grabbed your hips, turning you to stand in front of him while he sat on the bed in only his black boxers.
“cm’here kitten,” daemon said, his eyes raking over your frame as he guided you to straddle his laps, “that’s a good girl,” daemon said, kissing your jaw lightly. “and such a cute little bell,” he said as his finger tapped the collar around your neck.
You couldn’t help but giggle lightly, “thank you,” but daemon only hummed in response as he brushed the hair off your neck, his lips moving to your soft skin.
Daemon may have been gone for a few days, but he knew all the right spots. He knew where and how to kiss your neck to make the moans fall freely. His hands caressed your ass, pushing the sheer dress up to give him full access. Daemon placed a few soft spanks on your ass, enjoying the way your breath caught with each one.
“you gonna be a good girl?” Daemon asked softly, his breath fanning over your chest.
“yes,” you whined, missing his touch more now that it was so close, “i’ll be good i swear,” you said as daemon moved his hands to trace your nipples over the thin fabric. They perked up to his touch, something daemon enjoyed watching as he began to softly squeeze them, “daemon,” you moaned as he rolled them between his fingertips, “i need you,”
“you’ll get me pet,” daemon murmured before he finally met your eyes again, “don’t worry im not done with you yet. Why don’t you get on all fours for me love?” He said but you knew it wasn’t a question.
You quickly positioned yourself on the bed, your ass presented for him as your chin rested on the soft sheets. Daemon chuckled when he saw the box of toys was already out, “you really did miss me then,” he mused as he inspected the box.
“really, really missed you,” you corrected as you tried to see what he was grabbing but to no avail.
Daemon chuckled as he took something out the box before moving to kneel behind you, “such a pretty little thing,” he praised, his hand stroking the tail. He took the base of the plug in his hand gently thrusting in you making you bite back moans, “feel good?” He asked.
“yes,” you said, trying not to let the whine in your voice show, “you feel better though,”
“i wanna try you like this for a bit,” he said, his hand falling from the plug. Every second felt like an hour as you were unable to see what he was doing when suddenly you heard a quiet buzz. Your body shivered when the vibrator lightly ran up your folds, “feels good doesn’t it,” daemon murmured, enjoying the way your body jerked to the additional feeling. Daemon continued to run the vibrator up and down your slit, letting it hover over your clit a moment longer, as he listened to your soft moans.
You could feel yourself getting wetter by the moment and you ached for more of his touch. “please need more,” you whined, your cheek pressed into the bed as your hips wiggled, desperate for more friction.
Suddenly daemon pressed the vibrator directly onto your clit, making your body jerk as the toy worked your bundle of nerves, “like this?” Daemon asked when you felt his fingers circling your hole, “or like this?” He asked as his two of his fingers began to ease their way in. Your hips bucked as daemon began to finger you, his digits curling preciously while the vibrator worked your clit.
“such pretty noises,” he praised as he watched how your body reaction, “and so wet for me as well. You really are such a good little thing. You wanna cum like this?” He asked, his fingers hitting deeper making you whine.
“yes,” you moaned, your body almost unable to hold itself up as you felt your orgasm threaten to crash.
“wanna cum around my fingers with a plug in your ass? Is that it?” He asked, his movements non stopping.
“yes,” you whined, louder than the first. You didn’t care anymore, not about anything than the crushing feeling building in your stomach, “please i wanna cum,”
“do it then princess,” daemon said, “cum around my fingers like a good little pet,” his words were all it took to send you over the edge and your orgasm to spiral. Daemon dropped the vibrator when he felt your body clench up, his arm hooking around your hips to stop you collapsing on the bed. You were panting as you felt his fingers slipping out of you. “so good for me,” daemon murmured as he gently flipped you onto your back.
You looked up at him through hooded lids, “thank you,” you said between pants, still dazed from the orgasm.
Daemon chuckled at your manners despite your head currently spinning, “no problem pet,” he said as he crawled over your body, “but you’re not done yet,” daemon ignored your whines, kissing your cheek instead, “c’mon love i know you have more in you. Need to make it up to you for being away,” he said as he began to suck light hickeys on your neck, trailing them down your collar bones and to your chest. “need everyone to know you’re mine,” he muttered against your skin.
“all yours,” you said but as you came down from the orgasm you could feel the plug pressing in making your hips wiggle for the added friction. Your hands moved to gently tug his soft silver hair.
Daemon laughed at your antics but said nothing as he pulled the thin fabric of your dress down under your breast. He kissed around your breast before suddenly taking on of your nipples in his mouth. You whined as he sucked on the sensitive bud, his teeth grazing over it lightly, while his fingers took the other in-between them and rolled it between his fingers.
Daemon let his body lay on yours, pushing your pelvis down with his body to make the plug move in deeper. He knew it was working by the way you whined with each one of his grinds. “want me to fuck you like this?” He asked, letting go of the sensitive bud, “fuck you with a pretty little plug in your ass?”
“yes,” you whined, your legs trying to wrap around him from the friction, “need you please,” you whined as you tugged at his hair. “been waiting so long,”
“its okay kitten,” daemon said as he stroked your hair, “just let me take care of you,” he said as he stretched over you to grab the condoms out the top drawer. He was equally as desperate as you, something that showed as he pulled his boxers off to reveal his hard cock that already leaked precum.
Daemon slipped the condom on with ease before returning to rest between your legs. “ready for me love?” He asked as he lined his cock up with your entrance which was still soaked from before. Daemon took your nodding and whining as a yes and gently eased into you, pausing to watch your face contort and eyes shut as you enjoyed him stretching you out.
He slowly pushed in, filling you up perfectly before stopping for a moment, “you take me so well,” he praised as his hands grabbed your legs, pulling them to wrap around his hips, “c’mon love you can do it,” he said as your legs hooked around him and he began to thrust, slowly and deeply at first, “that’s it, awe look at you,” he said, his eyes screwing up in pleasure, “taking me so fucking well love,” he praised.
You moaned shamelessly as he continued to fill you up, his thrusts speeding up but not getting any less deep. With each thrust your ass pushed further down into the mattress, making the plug thrust in and out with each of daemons making you feel even more full than normal. Daemon muttered praises under his breath as his forehead rested against yours. You felt his hand slip between your body, rubbing your clit in steady circles.
You felt your body beginning to tighten again and it didn’t take long for another orgasm to crash through your body as daemon continued fucking you into the mattress. However, this time he didn’t stop, chasing his own release. Daemon only pulled out for a second, kneeling again as he grabbed your hips.
You whined as daemon pulled you back to all fours, “you can do it love,” daemon assured you as you felt his cock sink back in, “c’mon love you’ve been so good for me,” he groaned as he continued his assault on your already sensitive pussy. “fuck,” you heard him mutter.
His arm went around your hips to hold you up, his hand returning to keep rubbing sloppy circles into your sensitive bud. “c’mon pet one more,” he murmured, almost coaching himself as he thrusts got messy and deep.
His spare hand moved to hold the plug, pushing it in and out, fucking you with your own tail. That was all it took to make you crash over for the third time, your body shaking as your orgasm ripped through it. You heard daemon gasping, his hands moving to hold your hips, fingernails sinking into your skin. “fuck,” you heard him groan before you felt his body tense.
You took the opportunity as daemon finished to catch your own breath, your face resting against the soft mattress. Daemon pulled out, silently discarding off the condom for now, before gently lowering you back onto your back, before collapsing beside you. “oh my god,” he panted staring at the ceiling like he really saw god in that moment before his head fell to face you, “are you alright?” He asked.
You looked from him to the ceiling as your breathing slowly returned to normal, “better than alright love. Im fucking great,” you muttered.
Daemon chuckled at you before moving to sit up on the bed and pulling you over to lay on him. He took out the cat ears and sat them to the side before softly stroking your hair, “you were amazing love,” he said softly, gazing down at you. “was it good for you?”
“it was perfect baby,” you said as you settled into the position. When daemon asked about the food you told him it was in the oven, and he took it upon himself to bring you both a plate for dinner in bed which also gave you the opportunity to change into some comfy clothes and take the butt plug out.
You lay in bed with daemon, eating your meal in a comfortable silence and wondered how life could get ever get better that this?
Taglist: @clairacassidy @valeskafics @starkleila
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a1sh1teruu · 1 year
hard thoughts you say? well you ask, you shall receive 😈
i saw this tiktok yesterday; it said “if you want me to keep going, you need to keep your eyes on me.” and i was like 🥴 it made me think of hongjoong, and i’m convinced that he’s heavy into direct eye contact. likes making you look him in his eyes as he ruins you; rewards and praises you if you do good. if you start to look away he’ll tsk at you, and use his fingers to hold your chin in place so you have to look at him (and if he’s feeling a bit more rough he’ll wrap his hand around your throat). if you still try to look away, he’ll stop what he’s doing entirely and won’t resume until you can meet his eyes again.
and now let me leave this picture here to go along with what i’ve said —
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imagine him looking down at you like that🤐
a choked moan left your lips as your hands gripped the edges of the large piano hongjoong had you laying on while his cock was dragging against the wet walls of your cunt. one of your legs was wrapped around his hips and the other was draped over his shoulder and the hem of your black dior dress was pulled around your hips, exposing your cunt to him.
"you like it, huh?" he whispered, his warm breath fanning over your bitten lips. "you love it how i fuck you in a room anybody could walk right in?" your lack of answers irritated hongjoong, your head thrown back and eyes closed as you succumed to the pleasure he was giving you. "fucking look at me when i talk to you," he seethed, grabbing your face into his hand and making you look at him. "yeah, just keep looking at me like that, and i'll give you anything you want, yeah?" a gasped ripped out of your lungs as the hand that was holding your face moved down to your neck, firmly gripping it.
as the man above you kept pounding into you, your eyes slowly drifted shut again, but it didn't last. a drawn-out whine echoed through your chest when hongjoong stopped his movements. "joong, please," you cried, tears welling in your eyes at the loss of your approaching orgasm. hongjoong just tsked as his grip on your throat tightened, a smirk pulling on the edges of his lips.
"if you want me to keep going," he paused, taking a deep breath, "you need to keep your eyes on me." you whined, your hand wrapping around his wrist as you tried to wiggle your hips to get more stimulation. it was too fast, the way his hand roughly fell on your cunt, the slap stinging. "did you hear me, princess?"
"yes, yes, i heard you, please, i promise," you cried, your glossy eyes fixing on his, a stray tear running down your mascara stained cheek.
"that's my girl." he laid a kiss on your forehead before continuing to fuck you on the expensive piano. "yeah, just- fuck, like that. keep your eyes on me." you held your promise and kept your eyes on him as he fucked you into next week, your orgasm slowly building up again.
"joong, i'm gonna cum," you whined, urging his hand to your cunt. hongjoong's fingers softly pinched your clit before he began to massage it just the way you liked. and it didn't take long for you to finally fall over the edge of pleasure. you never dared to close your eyes, no matter how hard it got.
the pulsing of your walls made hongjoong see stars as he pressed himself impossibly deeper, painting your walls white with his cum. "just like that, princess. s-so good to me," he whined, rutting into you.
when you both came down from your highs, and exhaustion slowly sunk into your muscles, hongjoong let his face fall into the crook of your neck. "we should really get cleaned up before somebody really walks in on us," he mumbled, his hand softly squeezing your thigh.
"hoongjoong, what the fuck?!"
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scorpioriesling · 2 months
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Unsettled (pt. 2)
✧・゚: *✧・゚:* ✧・゚: *✧・゚:* ✧・゚: *✧・゚:* ✧・゚: *✧・゚:* ✧・゚: *
Pairings: None, yet. ;)
Warnings: None!
Summary: On another trip to the estate, Y/N is faced with a proposition that any girl in the Spring court could only ever desire.
SR’s Note: Read part one first! This won’t make sense if you don’t. I’ll be adding more parts soon!
✧・゚: *✧・゚:* ✧・゚: *✧・゚:* ✧・゚: *✧・゚:* ✧・゚: *✧・゚:* ✧・゚: *
“Why am I always the one having to do the deliveries?” You asked, your whining tone exposing the attitude under your usually mature demeanor. Your mother didn’t meet your eyes as the continued to tie the intricate bow of twine on the bundle of pink tulips laid before her. The afternoon sun cast a warm glow inside the flower shop your family owned, and the stained glass windows sent stripes of rainbow light stretching across the tile floors and light pink painted walls.
“Well, my dear,” your mother begins. Her tone was soft with you, as it always was. “… your father is still finishing the deliveries from yesterday, and the routes for today are a bit longer than the easy deliveries in town.” She completed the bow of twine with a quick pull, and holds the bundle up to inspect her work. “You’ve also got young limbs — you can afford the ride to the estate and back better than I can.”
You were talking yourself down in your head, telling yourself the summer afternoon sun probably wouldn’t cook you like an egg when you hear her mention the High Lord’s home. Your head whips around to her in surprise.
“Tamlin has ordered flowers from us?” You ask, trying not to let the intrigue show in your tone. Your mother only shrugs.
“Someone certainly has. Your father and I had been splitting the deliveries to the estate, but seeing as you are here and on the clock today, I figured you could take it this time.” She seems disinterested in the conversation, but you couldn’t be more invested.
“So… this has happened before?” You ask. She carries the tulips to the front door, pushing it open and motioning for you to follow. You do, and she keeps talking.
“Well, yes I suppose. A few times a week, for… oh goodness I don’t know… maybe since you delivered that uh, wreath the first time,” she’s huffing and securing the flowers into a small riding bag now, my horse already saddled and prepared for the task. “I’m just glad to know someone in that palace liked our flowers so much. They’ve been paying extra for special delivery, every single time.” She stands back up, brushing off the front of her smock and cocking a brow when a thought seems to cross her mind. “Say… what exactly was exchanged the first time you delivered to the estate?”
Your cheeks heat, and you feel the tangled web forming in your stomach. You quickly hoist yourself on your mare, trying to drop the conversation. “I will deliver these as quickly as possible! Wouldn’t want to keep Tamlin waiting, right? Paying extra and all?” You smile sheepishly down at your mother, and she returns the gesture.
“All I’m saying Y/N is that I wouldn’t be surprised by someone pulling out extra efforts just to see my gorgeous girl. High Lord or not.” You grin, and your mother steps back towards the glass door of the shop, waving as you begin your journey to that dreaded estate once more.
゚:* ✧・゚: *
It isn’t long before you’re at the iron gates again. This time, you notice the thick vines of roses and thorns etching across some of the bars, pulling as the doors open without so much as a step near them this time. You’re grateful; your hands are already clammy. Raising a shaky one to knock might have been embarrassment enough.
Each step toward the front staircase has you worried. Will the Vanserra male be here again? You shake your head once, pushing those thoughts out. That’s not the reason you’re here; you’re just here to deliver the High Lord his flowers.
One step. Two steps. Three steps. Ten.
It doesn’t take long before you’re at the massive wooden doors atop the stairs. You didn’t make it this far last time, and seeing the doors up close with all of their miniature garden and beast carvings — well, it’s magnificent.
You knock once, but the door doesn’t open smoothly like the gates did. You wait for a few moments, the stems growing more slick with sweat in your palms with each passing second. Maybe no one was home?
You turn to begin your descent down the stairs and back to your mare, when the door begins to creak open. You pivot, hearing the noise and quickly following that, your eyes do not betray you. The door was inching open, and stepping into the light was the golden-haired, High Lord of the Spring court himself.
He flashes you a small smirk, and you shyly smile back. Words. You need to form words and say something.
“Hi, um, hello. Uh… heheheh…” You nervously fiddle with the cellophane on the tulip bundle in your hands. “Uh. I’m just here to deliver these.” Your eyes don’t leave the mossy green ones peering at you from the now open doorway, and Tamlin crossed his arms and leans against the doorframe.
“Well, it’s lovely to finally meet you, “just-here-to-deliver-these.” He stands there, smiling at you. No teeth, no intimidation. Rather, an invitation. To converse.
You swallow a particularly dry lump in your throat and try not to let your laugh sound too skittery. “Oh! Uhm well, hahah, uh that’s not my name uh… it’s Y/N. Actually.” You bare a wide, toothy smile and hold out a hand to shake.
His grin doesn’t falter, though his eyes seem to darken like he’s eating you alive. He glances at your hand, and meets your eyes again.
Please shake my hand; I know it’s a dumb gesture but spare me please, you beg in your mind.
His fingers take your hand in his, but instead of shaking it, he pulls the back of your palm to his lips and gently kisses it. The sight would have anyone in the Spring court falling to the floor; the High Lord with your hand in his? What an honor…
“Well then, Y/N,” he finally speaks again, sliding the door open farther. “Come in, please. The warm weather must be sweltering after the journey here.” Your eyes widen in response, your hand still in his. He turns to lead you inside, and the instant relief you feel from the aerated estate is wonderful, to say the least.
He walks you into a large front room, with a table and empty vase atop it. He stops before the table, turning to look at you once more. You look up at him, and the matted, tangly string pulls inside of you once more. He offers a tiny grin, reaching to take the bouquet from you. When he does, his fingers brush yours and the string inside of you lurches. You let go of the flowers, lost in the stare he’s offering you when you hear what sounded like a door closing. You almost didn’t register the sound of footsteps, when suddenly you hear-
“Delivering flowers ourselves these days, are we?” You’re no longer focused on the High Lord, but rather his minion who’s taunting you once more. You don’t need to look to see who the voice belongs to, but you spare him a glance anyways.
Just as you suspected.
“You weren’t outside ready to jump on me this time,” a brow narrows and a small smirk forms on your lips. “… I’m glad you allow your High Lord to receive gifts from other fae than just yourself.” He rolls his eyes and huffs a laugh.
“Or maybe I was just quicker getting to the door than you this time.” That doesn’t make him happy, as his brows slowly furrow and his arms cross. You match his gaze.
Tamlin, however, clears his throat. “Ah… so I see you’ve met before?” He looks between you and the redhead a few feet away. He scoffs.
“Oh, we met alright. This one,” he points directly at you. “This one has trouble written allllll over her.” Your mouth opens in shock, failing to remember the sassiness you stood up to last time.
Tamlin chuckles, finding amusement in the interaction.
“Y/N, this,” he motions to the cocky male standing before you. “…is Lucien Vanserra. He is the emissary for the Spring court, and has been a good friend of mine for quite some time.” He nods to Lucien. A Vanserra. You knew it. You square your shoulders and etch a curtsy to him, not bothering to hide the smug smile on your face. Lucien doesn’t pretend not to notice, either.
“Pleased to formally meet you, Lucien.” He shifts on his feet, and settles his hands on his hips.
“And your name is…?” He waves a hand, mockingly.
“Y/N. Her parents own the flower shop in the square, correct? Y/M/N & Y/D/N?” Tamlin answers for you before you even have a chance to retort. You slide your eyes to him. He must be the one ordering the flowers each week.
“Yes… uh. Yeah. That’s right.” You say. He nods once and Lucien looks unimpressed, arms folded once more.
“Very well then.” Tamlin says. He finally drops the tulips into the vase, and begins to pace.
“Well, if that’s all you needed-“
“It’s not; actually,” Tamlin says, cutting you off. Your brows curve in suspicion, and even Lucien looks surprised.
“Oh… uh. Okay, uhm… well what else did you…” you trail off. Tamlin settles his hands against the table, eyeing you from across it. Your cheeks heat, feeling his eyes wandering over you like a painting he may never see again. “…need?” You practically whisper.
“Tam, whatever it is, I’m sure myself or someone else could-“ Tamlin raises a hand in a gesture of silence, and Lucien directs a concerned look towards the High Lord.
“Not in an attempt to offend you, Lucien,” he begins again. “But I don’t want to ask you to the Spring Masquerade.” Your heart flutters. “I would rather ask this lovely lady here.” Your eyes widen.
“Wait wait… you’re asking me to the Spring Masquerade? A true invitation?” You ask. Tamlin smiles softly.
“Well, a traditional invitation would allow you to bring a guest with you. I want you to attend this ball as mine.” He says simply. Whatever shade of red your face was before, it has only deepened.
“Me? Go to this ball, with you?” You piece together. Lucien drags a hand down the side of his face.
“Tamlin, you cannot be serious-“
“I haven’t ever been to a ball before.” You say quietly. Tamlin pushes off the table and strides for you. You cast your eyes down to the tile before you.
“Well, allow me to make your first one a magical experience, then.” He pulls a stem from the bundle of tulips, and captures your hand in his. Turning it over, he places the flowering stem in your palm.
“I mean… how could I say no?” You ask, your eyes finally meeting his. A look of sheer delight passes over his features.
“Wonderful answer, Y/N.” He grins at you. You can’t help but to smile back. A ball. A real ball! With none other than the High Lord on your arm — what more could you ask for?
“You might be heading off soon,” Lucien interrupts. “There is a storm moving in.”
Well, maybe you could ask for Lucien to shut up sometimes. Tamlin lets go of your hand, straightening and motioning for the door.
“When can I expect to see you again? Before the ball, perhaps?” He asks. Lucien opens the front door and holds it, as if waiting for you to leave. You turn to Tamlin.
“The next time you order tulips.”
He smirks, waving you off as you descend the stairs. You can feel Lucien hot on your heels, and once the resounding noise of the door clicking close rings through the air, he doesn’t hold back.
“I don’t know why he’d even ask you to go to the ball with him.” He says, rather frustratedly. You’re almost to your horse when you notice the dark clouds ahead. You can’t waste much time arguing with Lucien today, but he would not be getting the last word.
“Oh what, because a High Lord asking a lesser fae to the Spring Masquerade is so unbelievable?” You throw back. He huffs and moves to stand right in front of you, amber eyes boring into what feels like your soul.
“Think about it. Have you even met this guy before?” He starts. You roll your eyes.
“He’s your best friend, right? Shouldn’t you be over here, selling all of his most remarkable traits to me? What kind of wing man are you?” You ask. Lucien’s expression turns… into something else. Something darker.
“Whatever Y/N.” He rolls his eyes and extends a hand, offering to help you onto your horse. You roll your shoulders back.
“I know how to mount myself, thank you.” You swing a leg over, just as a rumble of thunder shudders over the sky. Your mare shifts, in turn throwing you a tad off balance. The tulip you had in your hand is dropped to grab onto the harness instead. Lucien bends to pick it up, and then extends an arm to you. Brushing your hair back gently, he places the flower behind your ear, the touch inviting whatever invisible string in your tummy yet again.
“Have a safe trip home, Y/N.” He smiles up at you one last time before you begin your journey home.
:* ✧・゚
Part 3
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dreadnotau · 5 months
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Happy three years everybody! As always, there’s a lot to say on the occasion, so pop in at the end of the post for the tl;dr if you don’t have time for my detailed diatribes, haha
Boy, time flies, huh? Feels like the second anniversary was just yesterday, but maybe that’s just the several long hiatuses getting to me. I’ve been scarce on uploading anything anywhere for a while now, even though I promised I’d actually pick up the slack this time around. What gives? Well…
For one, college hell, and for two, a lot of unfounded anxiety about putting my art out there. Allow me some theatrics for a moment and I’ll actually get back to the comic at hand… I’ve never had an exceptionally supportive environment for making art. It wasn’t suppressive, not in the slightest, but it also wasn’t… encouraging. It was always treated as a hobby or a distraction rather than something I was allowed to be fully proud of, especially because a lot of my art focused on more cartoon-y and fantasy ideas, rather than still life studies and painting (which people generally outside of the art sphere tend to value more, arbitrarily). Couple that with a childhood full of being bullied over minute shit you hadn’t even considered could be an issue before, and you get a teenager hellbent on never sharing his interests or ideas with anyone, mostly due to the fear of rejection.
I’ve grown, thankfully, but that paranoia and fear doesn’t go away overnight. As I’m sure you all know, Meowchela was the one who originally encouraged me to post this comic, and the only reason she succeeded was because she was the first person in a long time who listened and engaged with my interests and my art in a meaningful way. It’s kind of obvious her friendship had a profound impact on me, and I’d cite her as one of the reasons I was even hopeful enough to apply to an art college in the first place! This comic, and that bond with another person, proved that maybe these things I’m so passionate about weren’t duds, and weren’t something I had to keep to myself.
So, fast forward a few years. About three years, in fact.
During one of my classes, right before this hellish two weeks of exams started, one of the class assistants talked me into showing my comic pages to one of my professors. He’s generally a pretty open guy when it comes to new mediums, but I’m always… apprehensive about showing my less “traditional art”-y things to professors, but, he ended up being genuinely proud of it. Specifically, I showed him pages 85-87 (because they’re my favourites) and, he didn’t read the text, just the visuals were enough for him to say “good job, keep it up” (which is HIGH praise from that guy). When I mentioned I’ve been meaning to simplify the visuals because I didn’t have time to work on the comic very often because of college and classes, he dismissed it on principle. I was honestly caught off guard. Heavily paraphrasing, he suggested that worsening the visuals for an arbitrary deadline was counterproductive to making something that’s Good™.
That’s kinda stuck with me. For a good few years now I was more focused on optimisation rather than visual improvement for the comic, and though it HAS contributed to better visuals in some ways (cutting corners sometimes makes for a less pointy and jagged end result), it’s kind of weird I’m treating an art project that way, isn’t it? I set a lot of… arbitrary deadlines and standards for myself, in the form of expectations and what I “should” or “shouldn’t” be doing at certain stages in my life. I’ve thought of Dread Not as a passion project second and a stepping stone first, if I’m being honest. As if it was too… fandom-y and derivative to be treated with more gravity than that, like it’s an immature project because I was still a child when I came up with it. As if it was something I’m making to Build Up to Something Else, something Bigger and Cooler and More Important, and… the more I think about the future of Dread Not, and even my future career options, the more I realised that’s, ironically, a really immature way to think about it.
If there’s one thing going to this art college has taught me, is that there’s no “right” way to make art, and there’s no “right” way to success as an artist. There’s no clear-cut paths, just more commonly treaded roads, but even those are heavily overgrown. Why should I try to box myself into thinking I have to make things from complete scratch to be taken seriously? What’s so bad about Dread Not as a story and as a comic that’s caused me to vaguely keep it under wraps when conversing with people in my day-to-day life? Why wouldn’t I put all these skills I’ve acquired to improve and expand this project that’s Right There, WAITING for me to finally get off my ass and get pages out there again?
I wish I could say I’ve used all this time away in a particularly clever way, but I really haven’t - at least, it feels like I haven’t. My art has undoubtedly improved over time (though admittedly the art for this post was Very rushed, fuckin exams), and while I’ve been working on projects in the background, chipping away at them in a VERY disorganised way, I haven’t been posting that progress anywhere, and I haven’t made any good progress on my biggest project, Dread Not, because of the other ones. And, honestly? Admitting that kinda stings. This comic means a lot to me, and I wish I actually gave it the time and attention it deserves instead of letting it sit out hiatus after hiatus because I keep failing at structuring my time.
So, my new plan is a little more abstract: find a way to work Dread Not into my school schedule, and slowly build a habit of working on it more often. No clue how long that’ll take, but I think it’ll be worth it to consider it as an option, and hopefully finally end these long, drawn out hiatuses with short bursts of uploads in-between. HOPEFULLY. Building habits was never my strong suit, so please bear with me while I figure this out in what will probably be the most hectic upload schedule in this comics history, which is: no schedule at all.
From now on (until the end of Act 1), I’ll upload pages when they’re ready, and depending on how the weeks go and how complex the page is, they could be weeks or days apart from one another. Hell, some might even take a month to finish if school stuff gets REALLY hectic (god knows Hellish Exam Week number 1 and number 2 won’t be giving me much time to work on the comic), but I’m determined to do this. I want to be able to put my all into this project again!!
(And hopefully finish Act 1 by the end of this semester…)
TL;DR: College is giving me life lessons I didn’t expect, and because of them I’ve decided to give myself a non-existent upload schedule for Dread Not: Pages will be posted when they’re ready, and the spacing between pages could wildly vary depending on circumstances and the actual complexity of the page itself.
As always, thank you for being here, thank you for reading, and thank you for being patient!
If all goes well, there will be new content very, very soon.
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abibliophobiaa · 11 months
Okay so I need you to write something Steve inspired by the song Ode to a Conversation Stuck in My Throat by Del Water Gap. Let me tell you that song is SO STEVECODED OH MY GOD. I’m beginning you.
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just a little blurb, of steve Harrington x f!reader. first time ‘i love you.’ (1K words) — also, i didn’t go literal on the lyrics, but this song just gives me all the summery vibes. so i hope you don’t mind!
The windows are down. Hot summer air curls in through the vents in the beemer. A hand grips your thigh, fingers through yours. Tiny threads sprawl between you, growing thicker every day. Weaving tighter.
His head turns your way. Hazel eyes behind a pair of sunglasses greet yours, his face leaning into your hand as you cup his cheek.
He taps out a beat unknown on the steering wheel, a Madonna song on your cassette tape blaring through the speakers. Your request, and his constant acquiescence to your suggestions. You're dizzy with affection for him.
An endless free fall with the boy you’re sure holds sunshine in his heart.
A few months. In reality it’s been a few months, and yet you’ve not felt this way in a long time. Quite frankly, and possibly, ever. Feelings growing deeper every day for the boy who had pulled over on the side of the road when he noticed your bike had a flat tire and offered you a ride home.
A boy you knew from high school, yet never really spoke to.
He’d always been unapproachable. Intimidating. A dark swirl of hair in the popular crowd.
And you?
You’d preferred the background, the comfort of your friends, the solace of your studies and books.
But it’s been years now, and long gone is ‘King Steve.’
Instead it’s syrupy sweetness. It’s honey kisses after a long shift working your job at the local library. It’s shared popcorn at the movies, rollerblading in the new rink they opened in Hawkins, movie nights, game nights, pool parties and chlorine-smelling skin. It’s mornings spent tangled in bedsheets, his arm around your waist, lips at your shoulder, and his ‘good mornings’ in your ear.
You like him.
You might actually be in love with him.
A fact that becomes clearer every day. Like a painting. Tiny splashes of color on a canvas, dreamy creams, pinks, lavenders and sky blues. All coming together to make up the emotions bubbling in your heart, the lightness of your soul, the way he makes you feel.
The car crunches on gravel as it comes to a stop. The boy with joy in his heart and your heart in his hands rushes around the car to open the passenger side door. Tugs you close to his side to deposit a kiss against your forehead.
Sickeningly sweet, joined by a whisper of, “I missed you.”
To which you giggle gleefully, “You saw me yesterday.”
And yet you understand, even as you take his hand and he leads you in the direction of the fair. You’d spend every day with him if you could. Would devote hours of your time to learning the boy who so seamlessly weaved his way into your heart, and would still find new things to uncover. To discover. Like a stained glass window. Each piece is intricate and detailed. Each serving a purpose. Coming together to create something beautiful, infinite, special.
Bright neons flash in his eyes. Cast glowing shadows across his face. Illuminate the intrigue in his eyes as you clutch his palm in yours and drag him along behind you, your skirt billowing in the cool summer breeze that flutters on by.
He grins as you stop in front of the ring toss boasting an endless array of prizes along the wall.
“Think you got this one, honey?” he asks low in your ear, hands around your hips, chin on your shoulder as you throw your first ring and watch it clatter to the ground.
The bored attendant flips a page in their book, and you try again, when nimble fingers reach over and clasp your hand. Steady it in the air. A puff of breath caresses your ear, the lightest flick of his hand intertwined in yours helping to coax the ring over the lip of the bottle.
A flash of hazel. A broad grin. “You did it.”
“You did,” you say, settling in a pair of arms.
“All you,” he murmurs, nose brushing yours, just as the attendant asks which prize you want. “She’ll take the polar bear.”
“How’d you know?”
“I saw you eyeing it.”
He whisks you away to the bumper cars. Shows you how to perfect your swish on the basketball hoop toss. Holds onto your polar bear as you try your hand at dunking the worker at the dunk tank.
Later, he grips your palm in his as you both spin around the park in your chair swings, watching as the world grows smaller and smaller before your eyes.
Colors bleed together from the sheer speed, until all you can see is him.
You kiss him in the Photo Booth. His hands on your hips, holding you on his lap, skirt fabric bunching high around thighs.
A light flashes and you kiss.
Another and he cups your cheek.
Another and he’s breathing heavy against your bottom lip, his forehead against yours, telling you he loves you.
There’s a final flash as you whisper it back, and the annoyed knocks of a line of teenagers awaiting their own turn greet your ears.
The two of you slip out hand in hand, your scuffed shoes knocking against rocks and dirt, the polar bear still dangling in your hand, giggling as Steve rushes you both back to the car that he winds around a side street before tugging you into the back seat.
“I love you,” you sigh, a little dreamily and a lot in love, still coming down from the high of Steve making you fall apart on his tongue, breaking off into a shudder as he slides your panties to the side and pushes in.
“I love you,” he breathes as he rolls up into you, kisses plastered against your bare shoulder, hand splayed over your back to keep you close. And even closer still.
“I love you,” as you later crawl over his chest after he’s fallen asleep and shut the light.
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sirilush · 11 months
♡Akutagawa x GN!Reader♡
Warnings: possible bad grammer/writing, You/Your being used to address reader, Slight angst (?) But has fluff at the end, implied injures, bandages, casts, possible OOC Akutagawa, and definitely not proofread.
This takes place right after the end of season 1. This can be read as platonically or romantically.
A/N: This is my first one-shot I'm posting ever on my tumbler. It's probably wattpad material since I don't think I'm the greatest at writing stories to be completely honest. I haven't written all that much, probably the last time I wrote a fanfiction was like when I was in middle school. I was also writing this at midnight, so it's most likely pretty bland. I mostly wrote this since I had an idea in my mind in the middle of the night, and I just went for it.
Annoying birds could be heard chirping this bright morning and the high-pitched beating from a heart monitor, too. It was not usual to hear each morning to many, but it has become too familiar in your daily routine.
The sickly white bedsheets blended with Akutagawa's complexion, as he lay on an uncomfortable-looking bed. He was wrapped with bandages, and you could have sworn that he would be able to beat the infamous bandaged wasting machine from the Armed Detective Agency. It has been a few days since Akutagawa came to be here. And only a couple of days before he had awoken. Yet he hasn’t said a thing, not even to the nurses that had been nursing him back to health. Nor to you, who have been coming to visit every morning and every night.
It wasn’t uncommon for Akutagawa to not speak to his fellow peers, but something to you felt off about his silence. It was like he had something on his mind, yet he dared not say what it was. Although recently, there had been some progress, even though his only responses were groans and annoyed huffs.
Another day of you sitting on the chair beside the port mafia’s black dog. He still doesn't dare to speak up or take any action to look at you. He just stares at the wall in thought, as his mind goes into turmoil. His mind went to his last confrontation with the weretiger that happened not so long ago. Even he couldn’t deny what he had felt. Once Atsushi brought his final blow to Akutagawa, he felt like he failed again. He failed again to take down Atsushi. He failed to live up to Dazai’s expectations. And he failed himself. He was foolish and weak. At least, that is what Akutagawa told himself.
Even though he thought he was secretive about his own emotions, you could read him like a book sometimes. Not all the time, but that face he made as he looked at that boring old wall that had chipped paint across it, could tell you all you needed to know.
“You look a little more sour than yesterday.” You leaned your elbow on the armrest of the dingy chair you sat on. Your hand prompts up your head as your gaze meets the side of the pale man's cheek. “And I thought yesterday was already sour enough.”
Akutagawa rolls his eyes in annoyance. You always had the weirdest ways of explaining his emotions. If he could, he would slap his hand to his forehead if he had the energy to. Yet again, he stayed quiet as you rambled about.
“How have you been so far? Feeling any better recently?”
No answer.
“Can you shake your head yes or no? If it’s easier for you…”
Yet again, no answer. It seems like he was completely absorbed in his own thoughts. It looks like another day of him not speaking to you, or anyone for that matter. Even if Dazai came into this room right now to give him praise, Akutagawa won’t even acknowledge his mentor's presence.
You let out a small sigh as you realized there will probably be no progress for today with Akutagawa. You reached into your bag, bringing out a small box, placing it on the side table nearest to his bed.
“I got something for you. I don’t know if you would like it, since I’m not sure how they taste… Make sure to not let the nurses know I snuck it in, okay?”
He gave you no reaction to the sudden gift, maybe he was still stuck in his mind. So you gave up for today, of finally being able to talk to the man. You got up and headed to the infirmary door, but not before looking back, hoping that maybe, just maybe he would say something to you. Just something, anything, even if it was just one word.
But yet still nothing.
“I’ll come back later to check up on you. Don’t try anything while I’m gone, okay?”
Still no answer. You then left the infirmary, carefully closing the door as you headed out.
As you left, Akutagawa finally looked somewhere other than the wall in front of him. First, he looked at the door you left through, and then his gaze went to the box that sat on the bedside table. With his one free hand that wasn’t in a stiff cast. He reached over and picked up the small box. He shook it a bit, to hear rumbling inside like there were small little pieces jumping around. As he opened it up, it was small pieces of lightly coated sugar figs inside.
He took one out of the container and popped it into his mouth.
“...It’s sweet…”
He mumbled out while taking another small fig peice out of the small box.
A/N: If you made it this far, thanks for reading! Idk if this was any good, and if you have any constructive criticism, I would like to hear it. I definitely want to improve on my writing skills and make some small fanfics every now and then.
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