#I can buy and make and wear clothes that are lovely and functional and interesting in their own ways!
dimsilver · 2 years
girl help I can’t sleep because I’m thinking too much about the near-infinite aesthetic richness of the human experience available to me
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bwabys-scenarios · 11 months
Heyy what do you think Chrollo’s icks would be? 😵‍💫
Chrollo’s Icks
-literally learns everything there is to know about your interests and then explains the complexities of it to you like you’re a fucking IDIOT. he thinks you’ll love it because he’s interested in YOUR interests, but it only pisses you off
-he tries so hard to be suave and cool that it makes you cringe. you’re pretty sure you heard the line he just used on you from a shojo anime…
-he’s really rude. it’s not on purpose, I swear, but if you wear something he doesn’t like he’ll just look at you all displeased. “are you really going to wear that to the function? I did tell you it was formal… right?”
-analyses everything you do, but is often wrong. will try to predict what you’re going to say/do next only to be proven wrong, embarrassing himself
-snobby when it comes to books, even if his favorite thing to read is manga. will criticize you for liking the Percy Jackson series with a copy of Naruto in his hand
-he’s handsome and he knows it. is a bit too cocky about his looks and ends up relying on them too much. unfortunately, you don’t care about how handsome he is after he’s missed the fourth date in a row
-speaking of dates, he’s bad about canceling last minute and/or leaving mid date for his job(if you can call it that)
-he’s so clingy at times, sometimes when you would rather not be held. then when you’re in need of some comfort or cuddles, he’s distant and cold. WHAT DO YOU WANT FROM ME
-has definitely used a line from fifty shades of grey in the bedroom, turning your coochie into a desert immediately
-gives you gifts that you don’t even want, like expensive jewelry and clothes when all you wanted was some roses and a teddy bear. he often buys you things that you can wear that are HIS style. not yours
-if he’s gone for a while he may send someone to watch over you, that person often being Feitan or Pakunoda. Pakunoda is okay, bringing you desserts and hanging out. Feitan however watches you from a distance, and only after you call the police on him because he looks like he’s going to murder you, does Chrollo inform you that Feitan is his friend. Feitan isn’t a bad guy though. Once you invite him in his creepiness dies down. A little.
-talks down to you a lot
Things that ick him out
-people that smoke(he hates the smell)
-sloppy/messy people
-if the person he’s interested doesn’t like his friends, he loses interest in them immediately. He may not want you to be around the Troupe a lot, but you at least have to like them. They’re basically his family!
-never, and I mean NEVER try to convince him that his lifestyle is wrong or try to change him. He’s not changing, and you’ll only give him the ick. If you want chrollo, you gotta accept him, flaws and all. And those flaws are him being a wanted criminal
-he doesn’t like people that are ungrateful or take life for granted.
-anyone that insults Meteor City will not only give him the ick, but will cause that person to lose a limb. if you aren’t from meteor city, you don’t get to trash talk it
-he hates strong perfumes/lotions. it gives him a headache
Random HCs
-despite all his icks he’s actually a really sweet lover. genuinely cares about you and your well being, and his icks will improve over time if he’s pushed in the right direction,
-I think we all know this but chrollo is a huge cock warming fan. it doesn’t matter if he just wants to read a book at his desk or is out at a restaurant, he’s amazing at hiding the fact he’s buried deep inside you
-if you two get a pet the pet will always end up hating him or loving him more than you, there’s no in between
-he’s so silly, he pretends that reality tv is below him but will also watch it from the kitchen when you’re not paying attention, gasping when they do something shocking
-he’s actually a little shy the first time you two have sex! it’s not that he’s a virgin, he just loves you so much he’s a bit scared he’ll cum too quick. he’s been imagining this for a long time, and just seeing you naked underneath him is enough for him to be leaking profusely
-he has autism. this is a very biased headcanon because I’m also autistic, but just look at that guy, it screams undiagnosed autism
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being-addie · 1 year
Online aesthetics and the effects of social media trends
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Let's talk about this.
How it can affect young teenagers
Open Tiktok or Instagram and everything on my For You Page now shows "How to achieve a Clean Girl Aesthetic"', "Old Money Aesthetic Hairstyles", "Cottagecore Hobbies", "How to be a Femme Fatale"
It never ends. Trends keep popping up left and right and it's inescapable.
As a young, impressionable teenager, I was, of course, naturally going to be influenced by these ever-changing trends. I'd constantly change my room aesthetic, buy new clothes, and I was never satisfied with my appearance. Why? Because I didn't look like the girls on screen.
News flash. You're never going to look like them. All that content they produce which gets 100k likes is done with excessive attention to detail, expensive lighting and sound equipment, and top-notch editing software. OF COURSE, you can't look like that. It's completely manufactured. It's heartbreaking to see young girls develop body image issues because of the constant bombarding of these "aesthetics" which are basically different beauty standards and stereotypes all wrapped up in a neat little package that is labelled "personality and style". I don't have anything against the concepts of aesthetics. I love how Dark and Light Academia is centred around learning, and how Cottagecore is all about relaxation and not conforming to being part of a 9-5 and just living life. I like how the Clean Girl is focused on being healthy and productive. What I don't like is how all these healthy things, which normal functioning humans should be doing are now turned into "trends" and you must "choose" between them.
Why it's so harmful
Fashion: Since aesthetics keep changing, you're going to find multiple that appeal to you. What happens when you discover you really like cottagecore, but your closet is filled with dark academia tweed? You turn to fast fashion. It's cheap and stylish. But it's horrible for the environment and that floral dress you're wearing was made by a woman in a sweatshop in Bangladesh, while fashion giants like Shein pocket the money.
Makeup: It's always there. Always. You cannot find a "how-to" post regarding aesthetics and makeup is not included. Its always how much blush to apply, why mascara is your best friend, blah blah blah. You know what I want to see? An aesthetic which promotes a clean, fresh face. I do wear makeup, not saying I'm perfect(yes, I wear lip tint and sometimes eyeliner), but it's the ridiculous notion that there's a specific makeup look for each aesthetic, and they say it's not very heavy, but really is concealer, foundation, blush, mascara and lipgloss light makeup?
Other: Then comes the things you should own, the bags, the shoes, the jewellery, the house decor. Did you notice to achieve the look, we're spending money bit by bit? Then you don't even realise it's made a dent in your savings.
Mentality: I hate this part about aesthetics so much. A while ago, I was really interested in Dark Academia and how it was centred around learning and studying. But everything was gloomy and dark and said I should be tired and bitter to achieve this. I'm not a serious person by nature in the first place, but here were blogs telling me to be "mysterious" and how I should be getting only 4 hours of sleep to be true Dark Academia? What is this dystopia? There's this weird obsession with how someone should behave if they like an aesthetic.
Online trends are all consumerism based. It's all to get you to blow your money on things that don't even benefit you.
There's a reason I never include and never will include tags like #clean girl or #pink pilates princess in my posts because it sort of reduces you to a certain aspect. Why confine yourself to these barriers? Wear what you want. Read what you like. The one "aesthetic" I believe in, is "that girl" which in reality is different for everyone, but boils down to being educated, well-mannered, and considerate. I will make a post on this. Being educated and kind is such a flex, not wearing one flowy white dress and "thinking" you're in a meadow. Break out of the pattern of being influenced by algorithms. Don't restrict your identity because of FOMO and the urge to be trendy. You've got this.
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falloutjuli · 1 year
Back on my shitposting Bullshit. This posts theme is something I had already done on my older writing blog and I always love making headcanons so here it is for JJBA. (Jodio not included yet)
 Feel free to drop in my ask box if you miss any character and wanna hear what I think or for literally anything else. (Please remeber to not send in too many charcters, Ill set the limit for now at 6)
Anyways, I hope yall get a kick out of my funky ideas. 
1-8 JoJo’s x Reader - Playing Animal Crossing Together
Short summary: My personal headcanons on the JoJo’s playing Animal Crossing with references to you and their friends.
Warnings: None. Only wholesomeness here., except for Joseph srynotsry
Loves it, huge fan of the tiny wholesome animal game.
Speedwagon showed it to him, knowing Jonathan would love it.
Jonathan puts a big effort into keeping his island pretty, villagers happy, filling the museum, sending gifts and letters to his friends and you.
Most wholesome player you'll ever encounter, that happily trades anything he has.
Loves to buy furniture and clothing for you to surprise you with it.
Wasn’t that big into it until he discovered the custom pattern function.
Now he's a menace, using loads of cursed patterns to paint his island in and give his villagers ugly shirts.
His own character wears a "Pussy Master" shirt.
Will visit Caesar’s and your island just to mess with you and gift your villagers ugly clothing and furniture.
Avid time skipper.
Biggest troll you two know and yet you love him.
Not interested, didn't know what it was until he saw you having fun with it.
He asked Kakyoin what the game is, and he happily showed Jotaro.
Jotaro eventually surprises you with a friend request on your switch.
He doesn't do much around his island, just places some stuff here and there.
Is absolutely obsessed over aquatic Villagers and filling the fish part of the museum to take pictures there with you.
Organized Town, pretty layout, casual player that takes his time to slowly work towards everything.
Will make his house gaming themed.
One part of the island is dedicated to recreating the cafe and fill it with references to you and his other friends.
Eager to get his friendship up with all his villagers, loves to give them gift and talks to them daily.
Loves the Nookmile tickets/ Kapp'n trips and goes on them whenever he can.
Froggy Chair obsessed.
Owns the Sanrio Amiibo cards and decorates with it.
Also has all the villager amiibo cards and everyone is welcome to borrow them to get their favorites on their respective islands.
Loves the museum and eagerly works on filling it, gifting anything he already has to you.
Cute natural island theme with loads of plants and occasional duplicated statues spread around.
Made a cute park for you that has lots of hybrid flowers and cutesy furniture.
Loves all villagers, but his favorites are the frogs.
Surprisingly organized in a sense?
Like you, Ermes, FF and her share a group chat where everyone posts their newest decoration updates, what villagers moved in and might move out, turnip prices.
You trade furniture for the catalog and help each other's museum, teamwork makes the dream work.
Loads of pictures of you four hanging out in the coffeeshop.
One room in her house is dedicated to you and filled with references to your relationship.
Anasui is banned from all islands, and you designed a custom pattern with his face and a red X on it that all of you have next to your airport.
Johnny wasn't big into it at first and then got completely hooked.
Only Horse and Mouse villagers.
Western themed all the way. Kentucky state flag as his island flag.
Loves Gyroids and has multiple in each room.
Gyro and he trade furniture and ignore the museum completely. They are only interested in decorating their homes and island to have it perfect.
Made it big with turnips but refuses to explain to Gyro how it works.
Was confused at first why you liked the game so much.
Yasuho and you made him his sailor outfit and buy him some furniture to start him up with.
You two explain the whole concept roughly to him and then let him play.
You never expected him to figure it out super quickly and making loads of money with turnips.
His house was upgraded faster than yours and Yasuho’s, he began making his own custom paths, made an orchard on his island.
He quickly takes a huge liking to the game and loves everything about it.
He leaves the island largely as it is, the only stuff he really decorates are his house, the orchard (reminiscent of the Higashikata one) and the little area with his villagers.
The rooms in his house are all dedicated to a person that he then decorates accordingly to. (You, Yasuho, Holly, the Higashikata Family etc)
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alhilton · 4 months
I'm partway through Hunters Unlucky and just wanted to say I LOVE the biology of a Telshee. As a transman who is possibly intersex, I feel very seen. Which does make me wonder if any of the Lidian species would have an understanding of intersexism or transgenderism? They are still animals, even if they're intelligent, and seem to have pretty rigid gender roles from what I can tell. Your essay on lions and creaisa(sp?) was very interesting too! More penis facts to tell my friends lmao Thank you for your time. I'm loving the audiobook thus far
Hey, thanks for buying my book! When I came up with the telshees and their biology, I was thinking of the many species of sea creatures who can change sex or who are both sexes. It's fairly common in fish. Why not? I'm also pleased that trans and intersex people see a kind of experience that mirrors their own. However, none of the creatures on Lidian are intended to map perfectly onto human experiences of sex, gender, and reproduction. Rather, they are intended to showcase the immense breadth and variety of sex and gender in nature, as well as the variety of reproductive strategies. I take a lot of inspiration from the natural world, which is full of strange and wonderful ways of being. These animals don't have a clear theory of sexual orientation or gender. They spend a lot of their time near the bottom of Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs, without the luxury to contemplate these things. They're not wearing clothes, though, so they would be aware of the wide variety of physical appearance. They would be aware of the occasional intersex individual. How that would play out as far as that animal's role in society would really depend on the species and the individual's personality. Lyndi (Roup's beta), for instance, is probably intersex. She is a sterile female who plays an entirely male role, but her scent during estrus is mentioned several times as a distraction and source of discord among the males she is leading and working with. Lyndi doesn't have any concept of intersex or trans, and some of the ways her body has developed have caused her great emotional distress. She doesn't see herself as male, although she functions as one. She has carved out a place for herself and is liked and respected. As you get farther into the story, you will probably notice others who exhibit possible trans traits. Sauny, Caraca, and Roup all exhibit some traits associated with the opposite gender. My books barely scratch the surface of the variety of sex and gender in nature. If you haven't read the book Biological Exuberance, it is an eye-opener.
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amybizarre · 23 days
More Headcanons for the Cottagecore AU
Like II Siad, I already posted this on Wattpad and AO3, which is why I can post these so quickly one after the other, lol..
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(Cottagecore! Julie sketch for your enjoyment ^^ + more content under the cut)
Wally is an artist through and through. It's one of his special interests that he burns for with never ending passion. It's hard to buy art supplies in and around their village, so Wally taught himself how to make them from scratch! Brushes and paint are easy enough. Making a canvas is a bit more difficult though and he doesn't always have all materials. Thankfully this isn't a big problem with his creativity! Anything can be a canvas! From stones, to wood, to plates, to clothes, anything! If his neighbors want anything to look more beautiful, Wally is the first one to turn to! His other special interest is you of course! And his other neighbors!^^
Howdy HCs!
1) He is a big floof! With an even bigger heart!^^
2) His green fur has lots of little darker spots and speckles, that look a lot like freckles! They cover his back and shoulders, including his upper arms.
3) Because of his fur and the hard work he does every day, he rarely wears a shirt during the warm seasons. Overalls and a straw hat will have to do.
4) He cares very much for the other neighbors. As the only farmer in the valley, he views it as his top priority to keep everyone fed.
5) If he hears about any of his neighbors having a shortage of supplies or trouble to pay for what they need, Howdy will be the first to give it to them. For free!
6) He will vehemently refuse payment in this situation.
7) People who help him on his farm, will often go home with their arms full of goods and gifts at the end of the day.
8) As a caterpillar food is his greatest joy! Especially sweet little treats to sweeten the day every now and then!
Poppy HCs!
1) Poppy's house is a giant, old tree stump!
2) The top of it, or better, the roof, is accessible of course and functions as a terrace.
3) Poppy loves to drink tea up there!
4) She also invites neighbors over for cake and tea pretty often.
5) She's a kind and gentle momma bird. <3
6) Poppy loves to teach her neighbors everything about cooking, baking, herbs and everything else she collects or does in the forest! All they need to do is ask!
7) Sometimes she will accidentally call her conversation partner "child" or "my child". Simply because of her motherly attitude. The others don't mind and happily embrace the nicknames.
8) Another reason Poppy views the other neighbors as children is, because she's the oldest one in the village!
9) A bit more spooky: Poppy can sense and sometimes even see spirits!
10) She wouldn't call herself a medium though. Poppy prefers the term light witch.
Julie HCs!
1) Julie regularly accompanies Poppy on her walks.
2) Yes, she can still talk to plants! ^^
3) She looooves flowery dresses and these big fancy hats with a wide rimb and ribbons or flower ornaments.
4) Julie has a giant greenhouse, where she grows the flowers for the village.
5) In her greenhouse is also a spot to sit down at a small table and share tea or gossip.
6) Her and Frank often meet in front of the community center to tend to the flowers there. When they do, they share the latest news and gossip and just can't stop talking!
7) Julie and Frankie are besties! ^^
8) To get him out of his study more often, she usually insists to take him along on walks through the valley. They are looong walks that sometimes even take the whole day.
9) Unfortunately her sense of direction isn't the greatest though and they get lost frequently. :(
Frank HCs!
1) Frankie sadly does not have a lot of stamina and tires from physical activities quickly. :,)
2) While the ground floor of the community center is open for anyone, the top floor is not, because it's where Frank lives!
3) The top floor is basically an attic, but he made it a cozy place.
4) His study is a very messy, chaotic space. It feels pretty stuffed with how many shelves, books, tables filled with papers and storage boxes are in there.
5) According to Frank however there is supposed to be order to the chaos. Welp, you know what they say: Only a genius reigns over the chaos-
6) If you ask him about his notes about a subject, he'll go up there and find them for you in a heartbeat!
7) Frank has crazy photographic memory. Thanks to that he's always able to bring Julie and himself back home whenever they get lost. It's also useful for remembering where stuff is.
8) Frankie mostly studies anything entomology! Yep, still a bug enthusiast.
9) He studies insects mostly for the fun of it. But it is his dream to publish a scientific paper one day.
10) Light academia vibes for his clothing style, baby!
Eddie HCs!
1) Instead of his usual post hat he's wearing a vintage newsboy cap.
2) Eddie has a few of those in different colors. Those being brown, grey, grey and white checkered, olive and a dull blue! Looks like he's got the start of a collection going. ;)
3) He gets spooked easily.
4) He's actively trying to get over his fear of bugs, so he can spend more time with Frank.
5) Whenever he's helping Howdy on his farm, he makes sure to give the baby animals extra pets.
6) His favorites are the chickens and calves.
7) The animals really seem to love him and would become protective of him if neccessary.
8) With plants on the other hand... He's not that lucky. Eddie does not have a green thumb. And whenever he stands under a fruit tree for example, a fruit always ends up falling onto his head. It's comical how this event is practically guaranteed to happen.
Sally HCs!
1) Her styleof music is very calm and serene. There's a sense of longing in her songs that's hard to describe. It's not clear what exactly she's longing for.
2) Sally has a beautiful singing voice, that easily captures her audience.
3) She doesn't mind starting duets with her neighbors. In fact, she encourages them!
4) Sally believes that everyone has a good singing voice. You just need to find it! ^^
5) Her guitar broke at one point. She managed to fix it and now the neck of the instrument is replaced by a birch branch.
6) Sometimes she will host a small poetry competition for the village. The task usually is to write a short poem about a set theme.
7) She likes to collect the poems after each competition and turn them into small booklets, which she gives to the library so everyone can read them anytime.
8) When she's not strumming away on her instruments she is often found lounging around in one of her favorite spots, engulfed in poetry books from well-known authors.
Barnaby HCs!
1) When Sally hosts her poetry competitions, Barnaby likes to open the event with a comedic skit!
2) For some reason his poems also always turn into jokes at the end. It slightly upsets Sally, that he's not taking her competitions seriously.
3) He just can't help it though. It's in his blood!
4) Him and Howdy are great buddies, who regularly crack up to each other's jokes.
5) No matter what his neighbors need help with, any job that requires a handy man, inside or outside of the house, he's always ready to help. And happy to do so as well!
6) When he's taking time off of his odd jobs, Barnaby can often be found hanging out with Wally, accompanying him on his artsy escapades. Be it on the search for more ingredients for art supplies or a new scenic view to paint; or even if it's just to help Wally carry his easel; the blue doggo will be right there with him!
HCs for YOU! ^^
1) You're a doctor in this AU! Fresh out of medical school too-
2) You moved into their village, because they didn't have a doc yet. You may not own a clinic, but your small little cottage provides more than enough space.
3) Speaking of your cottage, it's a charming, rustic little building with a thatched roof. It is hugged by vines and surrounded by your herb garden.
4) On your first morning in the village, Wally knocked on your door to introduce himself. You invited him for tea in your garden, which he happily agreed to.
5) It was a foggy and cool morning though, and the little fella was not wearing a jacket. When you saw him shiver in his chair, you wasted no time and put your cardigan around his shoulders.
6) When you did, his pupils dilated in joy.
7) Welp, and that's how you lost your cardigan forever-
Facts about the setting!
1) The village lies within a vast valley. Blue mountains surround it all around, exept for a small passageway between them.
2) Aside from the village, the valley is filled with ongoing flower fields, grassy hills, a clear river running through them and a comparatively dark forest.
3) Spring is probably the most beautiful time of year, when most of nature is blooming and coming back to life. The temperatures are at a comfortable level, were a cozy jacket is more than enough to keep you warm. It does get a little windy still though.
4) It doesn't get too hot during summer. But it does get warm enough to take a dip in the river. The occasional breeze will reliably move the clouds away from the sun.
5) Autumn is a quite stormy season, with its typical golden days sprinkled into the mix. It's raining a lot more often during this season. All flora takes on a golden and orange hues in this season.
6) There's typically a lot of snow fall during the winter, with the eventual blizzard rolling by. It's the season of lit fireplaces and hot cocoa. Of fuzzy sweaters, thick coats, big shawls and beanies. Especially because the mountain air becomes bitter cold during winter.
7) The valley has many, many breathtaking views to offer. They're Wally's favorite motifs to paint! He just wants to capture the beauty of his home and of his neighbors sharing this lovely home with him.
That's all I have for now. (Still a whole lot, probably-) If you want to know anything else about this AU ort he characters, feel free to ask! ^^
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kaneydas · 2 years
I've been seeing a lot of Kaneda content but do you write for Kaisuke? If you do could write what it'd be like to date him?
I literally had to answer this ask as soon as I saw it, I love him!!
Arguably would make the best boyfriend out of the entire gang. No, I do not take any criticism on that statement. Not like he’s perfect or anything, but he’s quite well-rounded in comparison.
Kai is really sweet and attentive, especially in the beginning, I think. Would take you on semi-proper dates whenever he can afford it.
Buys you small gifts really often. Nothing extravagant, but if you mention how you really like this one soda he’ll have it for you next time you see him. Or if you offhandedly complain about your phone charger barely working, he’ll get you a new one. Stuff like that..
He’d always invite you to hang out with him when he’s working on one of the motorcycles. He’s over the moon if you’re interested (or act interested) and let him ramble about the logistics and function of the engine or whatever. You just think he’s cute when he gets excited.
Big, big fan of you wearing his clothes. His jacket, shirts, ties, whatever. Take it, it’s all yours. Is in love if you wear his clothes when you’re just out and about.
Not particularly jealous as a person, at least not outwardly. He trust you, and if anything, it’s other people he doesn’t trust!! Still likes to show people that you’re together if you’re out in public by holding your hand, or just by being close to you in general. He’s not super crazy about PDA tho, so don’t expect anything over the top.
Would like it if you tied his ties for him. Or, even better, if you learned how to tie them just for him lol
Kai is weirdly conflict avoidant when it comes to any potential issues in your relationship, so brining stuff like that up with him is absolute hell. He just avoids it all together. He might do well with a more confrontational person.
Would like it if you got along with his friends (mostly Yamagata tbh..)
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confusedinfj · 2 years
hi i'm curious how does an 3w4 esfp who only focus on her goal would look like ? but has an intj complex and think of herself she's one?
i engaged with her a few times
i will describe her behaviors first
she doesn't talk much but she likes to hang out just by herself or with someone she really close with. Hanging out means grabbing some coffee and read some books there or riding bicycle alone.
she's very goal oriented person she doesn't care if its not important for her. she has very big Fi like very. she said she could hate anyone without anh reason. do immature intj can be like that??????
i introduced her to mbti and take test first cuz it would be a good start.and yess she got intj on every test and now think of herself one since some common behaviors match her. i explained her about the functions stacks and everything i observed about this.
her response was ''trust me i'm intj'' without any explanation. even i asked do u know how Ni works she only said 'i dun know about that much but ik i'm one'' 😧 that doesn't make sense. and her another reply was 'i never tell or show the side of me solving problems''. well this is even worse than the above.
she even said dr.strange is similar to her cuz he will do anything for his love. that's wht she focused. so i told her if u wanna know about him try to profound him do not look at the traits only she said she did that. so i said tell me about ur opinion and who he is? she said '' didn't u watch the movies . u should know it''😶.i think real intj will understand my question.
so i wanna know ur opinion about this behaviors
ik i might look way too much in data i'm still learning so plz help me out
if it were u how would u prove or slove in the way she believe?
oh and do u think young intjs would buy stuffs like clothes and bags that doesn't really necessary? cuz she does that too. she even bought sunglasses with different styles but doesn't use it.
Um, well first, I don't know enneagram. And obviously, I can only go by what you've written here, so I could be wrong. But your friend does sound like a young/developing intj.
An esfp focused on their goals will still be extraverted, outgoing, communicative and fairly chill unless they're very depressed. Your friend doesn't sound depressed from your description, she sounds like she knows what she likes and is taking care of herself (going out for coffee with friends).
It sounds like your friend has the appropriate young ni vagueness/inability to express itself and the young te borderline arrogance (when she says 'haven't you seen the movie?).
And the buying stuff you don't really need sounds like an attempt to use low Se. It's not really a problem unless it becomes one, obviously, but if she can afford to do it it's just a nice way in*js like to connect with the world around them. In general, the es*ps I know would actually wear all the different styles of sunglasses they have, whereas our low se can get us excited about the possibility, but then because it's low we can get overwhelmed and just wear like 1 of them anyway.
I'd also like to add that *ntjs get way to much credit as logical robots, and if your friend seems to have strong Fi that's probably a sign she IS a tj. Because high Fi users don't exhibit signs of feeling like that, it's more apart of who they are (if that makes any sense). They use Fi so easily and naturally you might not notice it, because it's better developed. If you can notice Fi weak spots (like not doing ANYTHING you're not interested in, to the point of arrogance), it's more likely a tj thing. In general.
Also, as a side note, I think Benedict Cumberbatch is an istj, in addition to the character doctor strange (cos he doesn't use ni, he just has time seeing super powers).
The only other types your friend sounds kind of like from this description would be infj (but severely ti grip and miserable, unlikely to buy useless things in this depressed state), i*tp (but ti probably would've given you a better explanation of why they think they fit intj), or possibly istj, but I think si could've explained its logic better. She doesn't really sound like she's engaging with the external world enough to be an extravert (multiple jobs/hobbies/social groups/changes in fashion for no reason/just little adventures out in the world that aren't super planned).
When she says she doesn't show the side of her that figures things out, that seems like a fair argument to me. Te is often confused for ti, but it doesn't sort things out like that. Te is much more likely to just fix things with duct tape because it works, and can actually look like an avoidance of conflict/debates/explanations of logic. It wants to get things done, and tjs usually don't enjoy having other people's input on their efficient solution - like an intp saying, 'you realise given its just duct tape it'll be broken again in 6 months time?' To which they're likely to reply, 'then I'll do it again in 6 months!' Unless they know there will be worse problems from doing it the short way, that's their preference. They can be impulsive in their decision making and not research things properly because it just seems right to them. And since they lead with te, they usually have the capacity to pull that off, especially if their si or ni is well developed. This extends into personal interactions, which can make them ritualistic (offering tea when you're sad, always following etiquette) and unknowingly being blunt (for example, asking 'what do you want me to do about it?' when you're sad, without realising that might sound sarcastic and not like a genuine offer of help).
So I hope that helps! Obviously I can't say for sure from a short description, but that short ask sounded like an intj to me 😊
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alwaysmychoices · 1 year
I know we see him a lot in suits and fancy clothes because of his FC but if we take that away… what kind of clothes do you HC Ethan wears? For work, casual and at home. Do you think he likes designer clothes, or he’ll just go with whatever he likes? Is there one thing no one would think The Ethan Ramsey wears but you totally see him wearing? What do you think was his style before becoming a Doctor and/or being rich?
Ethan is the kind of guy who buys something nice and takes care of it so it lasts for decades. He grew up in a single parent household where Alan worked hard to provide for them. He's always appreciated the value of caring for your things, and he learned how to very young. While Alan worked long hours, Ethan picked up the slack at home and became an expert mender and launderer (so much so that he briefly considered surgery but will never admit that today).
Today, he has nice, luxury pieces that are well loved. He only ever buys the basics -- leather shoes, crisp dress shirts, soft cashmere sweaters, well-cut pants, quality coats, and classic jeans. He's never wearing anything flashy or trendy, but he always looks put-together. If it's trendy, he won't touch it. He only wants to buy things that will suit his tastes for the next twenty years, and he naturally gravitates to simple clothes. He has a few exceptions -- new tennis shoes to avoid injury while running, an overwhelming sweater collection, a new watch every now and then, and a nicely tailored suit -- but he avoids shopping when he can help it.
Ethan has a series of uniforms. At work, he wears a dress-shirt, tie, and black slacks. Socially, he looks nearly the same, except he may roll up the sleeves, don a sweater, or trade slacks for jeans. He's always a touch too formal for outings with Charlie's friends, but for truly casual affairs, he has a stash of plain t-shirts waiting. At home, he looks less polished but still basic -- sweatpants, old t-shirts, unbuttoned dress shirts, etc. Formal affairs are marked by well-tailored, black suits. At most, he'll pick a neon pair of tennis shoes, but those mornings are rare.
Before making his fortune, Ethan dressed the same -- just a bit more casual and with less expensive pieces. He famously wore jeans and a plain tee every day during college and only added in more interesting outfits when he had to layer to fight the northeast cold.
Despite always having simple tastes, he amassed a collection of zany t-shirts and torn up sweatpants that he refuses to part with. Every time he received a free t-shirt, he saved it and wears it around the house or to workout. Charlie tries to convince him to get rid of some of the older ones, like a t-shirt for a pizza place he got in college that is riddled with holes, but he refuses. There's no use in wasting the clothes, especially when they still perform their basic functions. Even when they're far beyond wearing anymore, he keeps them for sentimental value. He likes to remember what it was like to be young and hungry, and those hole-filled t-shirts remind him of how far he's come.
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printbrix1 · 4 months
Take the next step in fashion with custom t-shirt printing!
T-shirts can be personal. Express yourself with a custom t-shirt. Design your own T-Shirt & set the fashion meter soaring.
Now that we’ve confirmed that Custom Printed T-Shirts are uber cool, you must be wondering where you can make your own T-Shirt, get it printed & shipped. We have all the answers, just keep reading.
Where can I buy customized t-shirts online in India?
Design your t-shirt online at PrintBrriix.com and print your Custom T-shirts. There is no minimum amount. T-shirt printing options in hundreds of styles and colors. Buy branded t-shirts, designs or custom logos online. Shipping facilities throughout India.
Why are custom t-shirts cool? 
It always feels special when you tap into your creative side and do something for yourself or your loved ones. Imagine the feeling of pride wearing your design! We make it happen with t-shirts that you design.
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Our range of interesting custom t-shirts include unisex round t-shirts, which are the perfect regular t-shirts, full round t-shirts, fun whether you’re in a band, a party or even planning to go on tour with your colleagues . You can also customize polo t-shirts, choosing between classic and casual stylish polos. You can learn more about them on the product pages.
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At PrintBrriix, we prioritize quality printing for all of our products, and clothing is no exception. For every t-shirt that leaves our warehouse, we always make sure to use the best machinery possible. All prints and t-shirts are inspected and maintained regularly.
Guidelines for different types of printing:
DTG or digital printing
The function of this printing method is exactly what the name implies – it prints the design directly onto the garment – ​​much like an inkjet printer. It is one of the most popular methods of fabric printing. With this method of printing you print almost anything with great accuracy in color and texture. Using this printing method, you can easily get the design details and refinement.
The method of printing a press
The famous number 10 on the jerseys of Sachin Tendulkar and Lionel Messi comes from a transfer printing process, called print-and-cut where vinyl is applied to a fabric using a heat press so computer-aided manufacturing is often used to cut it precisely vinyl to customer design specifications. The cut-out print allows you to transfer the design to almost any part of the t-shirt, including sleeves.
Screen printing printing
This method of printing is over a thousand years old but was first used on t-shirts in 1959. The concept is simple – each design has a set number of primary colors used in it, would these colors will be separated and depending on the design these colors would be allowed on the fabric by using a mesh-like screen Hence the name. It is one of the cheapest forms of printing considering that the only major cost is ink. So if you have a bulk t-shirt order, this is the type of print to go for.
This is a method of publishing without any actual printing in the traditional sense. In the weaving process, the design is embroidered onto the fabric by a sewing machine. Almost every polo t-shirt uses this technique to print images. We can see embroidery on corporate work clothes in popularity. The custom designed embroidery is part of the fabric of the t-shirt itself so it will last as long as the t-shirt. Also, there is nothing as beautiful as a design on canvas. It looks very professional and stylish.
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nd-poite · 8 months
Who do I see when I look in the mirror?
Someone who’s trying. She makes mistakes but to be Frank, I don’t think she is a mistake. She’s a flawed imperfect individual— but she’s also incredibly kind. . . Always looking for more ways to bring kindness into the world. She feels like a failure when others go unnoticed or unlovable—and wears her heart directly on her sleeve. It’s not often she truly opens up, but when she does, I think it’s worth it. . . She aspires to make everyone feel like someone, give them the courage to be something. She wants to leave the world warmer than she found it. . . And she’s one of the first people to worry about you, and then of course worry about how to tell you she’s there for you, or worse, how to let go of you while still worrying about you.
I think she’s intelligent, obsessively interested in knowledge at times. . . Although she had a stutter, she can be very eloquent and articulate with ideas, able to align them in such a way that maybe she’ll teach someday. Everyone has their learning curves, she has hers — she can be extremely stubborn and rigid sometimes — very much a “hands on” kind of gal. . . I think it stems from not wanting to accept help. . . But mostly she’s creative, hungry for life, passionate and sometimes downright volatile—and that’s what makes her special and unique.
Sometimes she feels like a hurricane, rampaging in the shape of a woman’s body, but she’s really just a regular human being who’s looking for assurance that she’s loveable. . . I guess at some point either someone told her she wasn’t or idk, she stuck with the lie and just rolled with it—because as far as I know, it didn’t really come from anywhere. . . And so, naturally, there are times the self loathing gets the best of her and she pushes everyone away, and there are times the self destruction wins and other people unfortunately become casualties—but she’s usually quick to apologize. It’s just her mind is clouded, that’s all — just a little ignorant; and if you asked to see her or tried to call her, I’m sure she’d pick up because she’s the kind of person who will take you anywhere and buy you anything, as long as she has time. . . She wants to be a good friend, a good girlfriend, a good wife, a good person—even if her mind fights her. . . I used to think she was the most confident and indomitable, resilient person I knew — but now I’m not so sure. She’s unbecome herself, a stranger to my eyes. . .
But hey. I do still know that she’s bright, intense, energetic upbeat, eccentric, and bohemian — in a way that’s few and far between these days, and she inspires the lives she touches. . . And people worry about her. . . I honestly think she’s deserving of good things, as much as the next person, even if some days that’s hard for her to believe. She’s trying to be a good functioning person, and that’s all anyone can do.
So in that way — she’s beautiful — her life is music. Her heart is music. Her mind is music. She loves music. And she’s all wild black hair, scarred skin that looks someone carved constellations, big bright eyes that these days look so tired but are still quite lovely. She bounces and sings when she walks, she sings when she eats, she sings when she thinks — out loud. I’m not sure if she’s a skilled singer, but her voice is quite lovely. Her body isn’t perfectly skinny, toned or thick — she’s just average and she doesn’t get enough exercise but that’s that. Her body is a tool, not an accessory — although speaking of accessories, she’s got an incredible sense of fashion. I think it’s the Artist gene. . . And someday she’ll be a professional designer I think whether it be clothes or interior furniture. . . Or maybe it’ll be music. Maybe it’ll be books, poetry, theater plays and movies. . . She spends her time searching for hungry creative souls like her, wanting to be passionate and learn with.
And lastly — I think she’s funny. Her laugh is obnoxious yes, guttural, visceral, but it’s just a sign of joy. She used to be full of it, and one day I’ll pour out of her again. . . On good days, she’s laid back and good for a laugh at any time of day—like throw your head back and laugh until you cry kind of funny. Hangout and chill kind of funny, nothing is off limits unless you say so kind of funny. . . I Will say though, Sidenote, she’s not the best at sarcasm — it clashes with the self loathing and her deepest fear that she’s unlovable. . .
But again, she’s just a person, just a person who’s trying. Trying to survive being alive. Trying to understand why she’s loveable — and trying to understand why she feels she’s not.
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nicegpvtltd · 2 years
Trendy Clothes - Meeting Women's Needs
Women love to shop. What can be more satisfying than to spend money buying trendy clothes? Besides, clothing happens to be a very basic necessity other than food and shelter. If you want to meet a women's needs, you would need to let her shop. Buy sports wear for women online
Wants To Look Good
If you compare between men's clothing and women's clothing, you will find that there is a huge market for women's clothing. In fact, the majority of fashion shows that are being held normally focuses on women's clothing and the latest in fashion designs. The designers need to constantly come up with new and fresh designs to capture the interest of women buyers. That is why they use models to parade their clothing around to show how good they look. This is because women have a higher tendency to shop more than men. They are wired differently and most of them always enjoy buying new trendy clothes. Whenever the fashion season changes and there are newer hot dresses to look at, you can be sure that ladies will be snapping them up because they want to look good and fashionable.
Attract Attention
Other than looking good, women love to attract attention. They do by choosing what they wear. That is why there is such a huge market for hot dresses as it not only makes the ladies look good and attractive but it also allows them to showcase their figures. Even if you don't have the perfect figure, there are sexy plus size clothing available to suit your needs. Looking at history, you can be sure to find that the fashion industry is more catered towards females. It is able to meet their needs to clothe them as well as make them attractive to men. Buy tshirts for men online
Worn For Different Occasions
Not every lady is going to wear sexy clothing all the time. This will depend on what type of occasion or event that they are going to. You can't dress up in clubwear tops to attend a wedding. And neither are you going to wear formal clothing to go clubbing either. Each different type of clothing has its different purpose and function. If you're going partying, you want something that you can slip into fast and that allows you plenty of freedom in movement. Don't get me wrong. You can still look really good in trendy clothes even for formal occasions.
There you have it. I always say that my girl friends that if they are feeling down, then we should do some shopping therapy and go look for some hot dresses or tops to buy. Happy shopping ladies!
Visit Here: Buy shirts for men online
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shopstrongwomen · 2 years
5 Style Tips For Plus Size Women
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While I am not a fashion icon, I do have a feeling of style. Even if I did not have a feeling, of design, I still have an point of view. I recognize that as plus size ladies, you might currently be troubled about your weight. The secret is to make clothes options that will certainly make you look excellent. If you are already unconfident, the last thing you want to do is where clothes that will certainly produce undesirable or unflattering interest. I have actually developed a checklist fashion pointers that will certainly assist you look good will you function to reach your objective weight.
Idea # 1 - Wear The Right Bra If you leading heavy, please be sure to where the right bra. It ought to be one that will lift and offer your breast a natural round form. This can generally be accomplished with an underwire bra. It is exceptionally crucial that you acquire the ideal size to guarantee a comfy fit and to avoid protruding. Buying a high quality bra is additionally essential. Attempt the bra on prior to your purchase it to make certain it will provide your the wanted appearance.shopstrongwomen.com
Pointer # 2 - Select Long (length) T-shirts This is a prominent fashion faux pas for large size females. While discovering a tee shirt in the right dimension might be tough at times, that is not an justification to purchase a tee shirt that is also brief. For some weird reason, some women will get a t shirt that hardly hangs below midsection level. Therefore, when she increases her arms or flexes over, her flesh is subjected. I make certain these females do not want to show off their love handles. The prevent this problem, acquire longer shirts. The size of your tee shirt should a minimum of involved the center of your hips. This will certainly provide your numerous added inches to collaborate with. It also permits you to move without the worry of revealing your flesh to a team of gawking observers.
Idea # 3 - Avoid Low Bikers For many years, we have seen pot belly men walking with their pants snuggly buckled listed below their bulging stomach. Over the past few years, we have seen a comparable sensations accompany women. Mostly due, partly to the appeal of low riding trousers. While the style looks great when you have the waist line for it, it much less squashing when you have the "muffin top" impact. Get trousers that will certainly fasten around your waist at the tummy switch level. Yes, that might suggest purchasing a bigger dimension, however the you will look much better as well as the fit is most likely much more comfy.
Suggestion # 4 - Avoid Extra Tight Clothes I recognize that it is difficult for several of us to admit that we have acquired a little weight. We still hang on to the idea of putting on limited clothing that flaunts our figures. The trouble is that every shape is not complementary. Some curves are just in the wrong places and also truthfully are not deserving of the limelight. Revealing every lump and also bump of your number leaves extremely little to the creative imagination. Avoid these "TMI" minutes by getting looser fitting clothing, that will certainly enhance your figure.strong women shirts
Idea # 5 - Highlight Your Best Attributes We have all heard the phrase " concentrate on the favorable". Well the very same idea works with our selection of clothes. Highlight your best properties, rather than bringing atttention to your much less lovely features. If your arms are your finest functions, don't hesitate to reveal them. Find the garments, shades as well as devices that match you. Take pride in on your own and also exactly how your existing on your own to the globe. When you do this, you general appearance is boosted. You will certainly really feel much more confident and it will certainly reveal.
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traincat · 2 years
What is 616!Peter’s dressing sense like? Like he’s not into fashion, of course, but is he hopeless? Or average? Well dressed?
This is an interesting question I think in part because I feel like Marvel artists have, as of late, not considered the most important thing you can consider when thinking of Peter Parker in civvies: Does this outfit cover the spider-suit?
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I threw this together ages ago, and it's a small sampling of my favorites, but this is a pretty classic Peter look -- a black turtleneck and jacket and boots. It's a good style choice because it's flattering, and you can mix up things like patterns on the turtleneck or the jacket, it's pretty timeless as styles go, and more importantly it covers the entire spider-suit, from the high neck down to the boots and long pants covering any potential little ankle flashes.
Like, I think it's pretty clear that Peter as a character doesn't -- and shouldn't -- particularly care about clothes. This isn't to say he dresses like a total slob, or that he doesn't know how to dress for a situation, just that fashion on its own doesn't interest him, which is pretty funny considering he dates clotheshorses almost exclusively. (MJ the fashion model, Felicia the high society thief, and Gwen has a Definite Look in the '60s.) So what's going to be important to him are, I think, two things -- the durability of his clothes (because he's not going to be buying new ones every few months) and the function of them (can he wear the suit under them). He also wore a lot of suits and collared shirts in the '60s and '70s, which I think is partly indicative of the time period -- it's hard to talk about fashion in comics without breaking things down by publishing decade -- but also of how the character at that point in time is literally more buttoned up. Later, as time goes on, he kind of relaxes into more athleisure wear -- there's some cute panels of him and MJ in matching workout clothes.
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(Web of Spider-Man #67) But I think that's really more of an at-home look for the character, and again clearly not something he can wear the suit under. It always annoys me when there's redraws of older panels and Peter's wearing short sleeves in them! You saw this a little bit in Ottley's art for Spencer's run where there were a couple key '70s scenes redrawn.
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(ASM #105/ASM v5 #30) Taking the yellow turtleneck and changing it into a blue short sleeve button down is just SUCH a boring choice. Also there's some big expression problems here, but that's another post -- taking Peter and Flash from genuinely happy and bemused respectively to kind of lukewarm scowling at each other is also just boring from a characterization standpoint.
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(ASM #121/ASM v5 #31) At least the sleeves are longer here, but the crew neck and ditching the jacket doesn't really work for me in terms of style updates. (Not to mention all the personality has been completely drained out of Peter's face, totally changing the tone of this confrontation with Norman.) I think for Peter it's fine to kind of keep him, stylewise, in a previous decade, to kind of visually indicate that the character was raised by older people and to kind of set him apart from his contemporaries. He should be a little weird and offbeat, and at the same time he should be timeless -- this is a character who has held public attention for sixty years, and I think attempts to update or modernize him in either personality or appearance make him lose that magic.
So I would personally say he's average, mostly because he doesn't especially care about fashion especially in comparison to function, but that he has a classic look, and he can look good and style forward when his supermodel girlfriend/wife/best friend is dressing him up.
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(ASM #311) Granted, style is in the eye of the beholder.
I guess the only other thing I would add is that the man LOVES a bathrobe.
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(Web of Spider-Man #93) I'm not kidding when I say over the years he's been drawn in at least 30 distinct different bathrobes. Stop buying so many bathrobes.
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theconstantsidekick · 3 years
Truth (1) | b.b
Pairings: Bucky Barnes x Stark!Reader, Past Steve Rogers x Stark!Reader, OC x Stark!Reader (brief)
Genre: Fluff with a touch of angst.
Summary: Sam and Bucky call on the only Stark left in the Superhero business—codename Static—to help take down the Flag Smashers. Only problem is, she’s pretty damn reluctant.
(These scenes incorporate y/n into the pre-existing story as a character without making drastic changes to the plot or mythos. All the major plot points from the MCU remain in place with the addition of the reader as Static, who is not only a Stark but also enhanced)
Warnings: Swearing.
a/n: Aight, aight. Here’s the skinny; I function purely on attention and praise, so please leave a comment. I’m a narcissist; I make no apologies. I love reading your hot takes. Entertain me in exchange for all the entertainment I’m providing you. Also oh, the tag list is open.
sidenote: This episode is my favorite one. I'm so very excited.
The Whole World Is Watching (5) | Truth (2) | Series Masterlist
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“What the hell happened to you?” Sam asks the moment he spots her walking into the same room of the old wastewater treatment plant where he talked to Karli.
Y/n pushes herself up to sit up on a table to his right. She can spot the shield placed on the table he’s leaning on. On the floor next to his feet, however, are his wings—or what remains of them at least—in a bag. They’re broken and beaten. While she doesn’t know what happened between him, Bucky and Walker, she can venture a guess that it did not end well.
“Well—” she's promptly cut off.
“What the fuck happened to you?” Bucky asks with far more alarm as he makes his way in from the same door as her. He rushes to her side, assessing the damage. Concern etched on his face. She gets it because she feels the same for him and Sam. But... seeing as she’s a grown-up who understands how feelings work; she can also acknowledge her worry for Bucky is far more irrational, and therefore must be stem from a much different place.
“I could ask you both the same thing,” she says.
“We both aren’t fucking super spy ninjas who, apparently have trained with the Dora Milaje,” Sam quips back. “Besides, you can already guess what happened to us.” He looks down at the shield next to him.
She cocks her brow and smiles a bit, both actions make her wince. She’s got a cut on his lip and temple. While her previous gash on the cheek has healed, she’s wearing a couple new ones. She also had a dislocated shoulder, three broken ribs, and a nasty scar on her leg but they don’t need to know about that. She’ll heal... Far quicker than any human can.
“Karli,” she answers easily.
“Karli did that to you?” Bucky asks, clearly not buying it.
“No… five of her Soldiers did—”
“—for fuck’s sake!” Bucky cuts her off again. “And you say I’m the one who runs into fights without thinking?”
“Is this the part where I say, you should see the other guy?” She knows she’s being petulant but the worry in his eyes is doing things to her and she’d rather not go down that road for someone who’s probably not interested. She’s had enough rejections for a lifetime, what with the last man she loved choosing to go back in time for his ex instead of staying… for her.
“Yeah well, I don’t really care about the other guy, do I?” Bucky spits out, angry.
And fuck Bucky Barnes. Man’s gotta stop making her fall for him if he doesn’t even intend to fucking have the courtesy to reciprocate.
“I’ll heal—” she tries but is promptly cut off by Bucky.
“That’s not the poi—”
“Can we change the subject now?” She looks over at Sam, silently pleading at him for an out.
And Sam being the great friend he is, obliges. “Yeah, sure. What did you mean when you said you don’t have your powers anymore?”
Ah, out of the frying pan into the goddamn doghouse.
Bucky finally takes a few steps away—still frustrated—and leans on the table opposite to Sam while being diagonal to Y/n. They’ve all changed back into their normal clothes. Bucky’s back in his bomber jacket, a simple t-shirt, and pants. All of which are black, as per usual. While Sam’s wearing his brown corduroy jacket, blue jeans, and a wine color t-shirt, same as they were before they suited up. Y/n however is still in her fighting ensemble, having been too busy being looked over by the paramedics to have any time to change.
“Exactly what I said,” she replies, her eyes staring at her feet.
This is far from an easy conversation for her. She’d rather talk about the merits and demerits of the damned accords again.
“They were working back when…” Bucky pauses, glancing in Sam’s direction before adding, “you had that tussle with Walker.”
Honestly, she’s really had enough of James Buchanan Barnes’s assault on her very cold, very fragile heart. She’s losing her mind over here. Why does he have to go and be so damn considerate?
“You can call it a panic attack,” she supplies, in a small voice. “It was a panic attack,” she says looking at Sam and after a pause adds, “That’s kinda what I mean.” Both men look at her curiously. She breathes in heavily, gathering up all the courage she has, “I can’t use my powers without losing control… without having a panic attack. I—I... Every time I use my power, I get thrown back to the last time I did...”
The words hang in the air, for everyone to mull over. They all know what she means but just to clarify Sam asks, “The battle with Thanos?”
Both of them know that isn't why she's having a hard time talking about it. Both of them know it's the man in a suit of armor whose absence has left her all raw and beaten. But none of them voice it.
She nods before pausing, and declaring, "I’ve got PTSD.”
“Fuck Y/n, why didn’t you say something?” Sam asks. His brows are furrowed and he seems… disheartened and so very concerned. She’s always liked Sam. From the moment they knocked on his window after having been bombed by Hydra back at Steve’s old army base. He’s always been scarily good at reading a room. He’s an intuitive little bitch. He can read the emotions of the people around him pretty damn well while also being tough enough to kick their ass. The best part is, he’s perceptive enough to know exactly when to talk and when to fight. Which is why she never worried about him going against Karli alone. Which is also why she has been trying her best to keep herself as calm and as cold as possible; to avoid the look of pure agony in his eyes. She doesn’t know what to do with it.
And, don’t even get her started on how avidly she’s avoiding looking at Bucky now.
“I did. I said I didn’t want to come,” she defends pointlessly. She’s just being testy for the fuck of it. She doesn’t really know how to act otherwise right now.
“That’s not what I meant and you know it!” He exhales heavily. His voice is back to a much softer tone when he adds, “If we’d known you couldn’t use your powers, we wouldn’t have—”
“—I was a perfectly capable agent for S.H.I.E.L.D. for over 15 years without using my powers,” she cuts him off. “I haven’t suddenly turned into some fucking damsel in distress now,” she spits back at him. She recognizes that she’s trying to antagonize him into stopping him from caring but she can’t really stop herself. Knowing better doesn’t always translate to doing better.
“I watched you Al Pachino your way out of a hail of bullets. You’re the damsel causing the damn distress! I am not saying you’re weak; I’m saying that if I knew that my friend was going through something I wouldn’t have dragged her into a fucking fight,” he says exasperated, almost at his wit’s end.
She doesn’t actually want to piss him off. She knows where he’s coming from. But she hasn’t been a very open person with people outside of Tony, Peggy, and (to an extent) Nat, so this is all pretty damn new to her. So she concedes, sighing she says, “I’m fine Sam. Well, not fine... but I’m in therapy. I’m functioning. Alright?” She hopes her tone conveys her understanding as well as her guilt.
When she sees Sam nod in response she asks, “Now… What's happening with the Flag Smashers?”
“The GRC is conducting raids to try and find Karli, but so far they've only found her followers. They've searched this camp, and just like the last camp, nothing. She's gone. We'll never find her,” Sam spits out, anger present in every movement of his hand.
Torres walks into the room, “Hey, you got your sleeve back,” he says pointing to Bucky. And then he turns at her and almost stumbles, “And you’re… here. You’re Static… and you’re here.”
She can’t help but smile at how adorable the kid looks. “So it seems,” she says easily.
“Sorry,” he stops in his tracks, fidgeting a bit, “I’m just a—I’m a big fan. You’re... awesome”
Her smile grows. “Means more than you think. Thanks, Torres.”
“You know my name,” he remarks almost to himself.
She thinks he’s too cute.
Bucky, however, seems to disagree. He grumbles audibly before pushing himself off the table and beginning to walk away.
“Are you off to take care of Zemo?” Sam asks pointedly, sitting down on the table behind him.
Bucky turns to look at them, there’s so much anger radiating off of him, Y/n doesn’t know what to do with it. He says nothing, turns around, and walks out the exit he came from.
“All right, good to know you survived,” Torres calls out behind him.
“What's our next steps, Torres?” Sam asks.
Torres turns back to look at him as he says, “Captain America killing a foreign national in public, it's kinda like a big deal. Like international incident big. Folks, uh, higher up on the payroll are all over it now. So, unfortunately…”
“They're taking jurisdiction,” Sam finishes.
Torres snaps his fingers and lets out a soft, “Yeah.” He spots the bag on the floor. He takes a step towards them, leaning down, he asks, "What happened to these?” He pulls the bag along with the wings inside them onto the table.
“So is there anything we can do?” Sam asks, avoiding his question completely.
“Not really,” Torres replies, absentmindedly. He’s too engrossed in assessing the wings. “As you can see, they've cordoned off the whole camp, and Karli's a ghost. After what went down, she is laying extra low. Like, under-underground.”
“And that's why it makes sense for us to get involved. The longer we let her regroup, the harder it's gonna be to find her,” Sam says looking at him.
“She's got people helping her from all over the world, on all platforms. She's really, really good at this thing,” Torres explains.
“Yeah,” Sam breathes out.
“How'd these break?” Torres asks again, caressing the wings.
She knows that look in his eyes. She can spot it from a mile away now, that’s how well she knows that look. A part of her wants to crush it because that’s the only way to make sure the kid survives… But another part of her knows, you don’t walk into this line of work without being absolutely, annoyingly stubborn. So the most she can do is send out a prayer, hoping that whenever he chooses to follow in Sam’s footsteps, he’s well prepared.
Sam, though, just sighs in response.
“Anyway, all we can do now is sit tight and just chill,” Torres supplies. “Sometimes, there's nothing to do until there's something to do.”
Sam says as he gets up off the table, “That's bizarrely wise.”
Both Torres and Y/n chuckle in unison “Well, I'm a bizarrely wise man, Sam,” he replies with a smile.
“Well," she chimes in, "Guess you won’t be needing the muscle anymore, Boss,” Y/n tells Sam, jumping off the table. She puts her hands into her jacket pockets.
“You can call whenever you need, you know that, right?” He asks, his eyes filled with worry.
“I know, Bossman,” she replies with ease and a smile. “I appreciate it.”
“Where will you go?” He asks.
She begins walking backwards towards the exit, “Back to my day job.” She shrugs.
“Which is?” Sam asks, cocking his brow.
“Babysitting.” She exits from the same door as Bucky did.
So she does go back to her life. It’s routine, mundane, and while she absolutely loves it… After having tasted the thrill of the Superhero shindig again, a part of her can’t help but miss it. She’s had an on and off affair with domesticity all her (very long) life. But maybe the hero gig will always be her old lady.
And maybe that’s the exact reason why a sense of pure excitement runs up her spine when she gets a call a couple days later and a familiar name pops up on the screen.
“Hello?” She says picking up.
“Hi,” comes the short reply.
After a few seconds of silence, she says, “Are you gonna tell me who this is, or—”
“Oh fuck, sorry. It’s Bucky—James… James Bucky Barnes,” he manages to fumble out.
Y/n can’t help but chuckle. “I'm just fucking with you, James. I know it’s you.”
“Oh,” he replies sheepishly. “Um, are you busy?”
She’s currently dressed in white wide-leg jeans, a white sweatshirt with a denim jacket. She's leaning on her bike, her precious Triumph Thunderbird Storm as it stands parked in front of the Midtown School of Science and Technology, waiting.
“Yes,” she replies, honestly.
“Oh. Sor—”
She cuts him off, “But for the pretty boy who spun me around on the dance floor I could always make time.”
Look, she’s a smooth motherfucker, okay? She’s always been a smooth motherfucker. But she isn’t flirting to be smooth. She just has a very bad, very annoying habit of getting flirty every time she’s nervous. Now, you would think that sounds awesome. You would be absolutely wrong. Cause right now, she’s flirting with a man with whom she’s pretty sure she doesn’t have a shot.
She’s regretting the words while they’re spilling out but they are far too true for her to take back. Especially when she can practically hear the man on the other side of the phone blush.
“... I feel special,” comes the reply.
“Glad I didn’t miss my target.” Smooth-motherfucker! But she’s gotta reel it back, “I’m presuming nothing’s on fire, seeing as you’re not screaming… So, is this a personal call, James?”
“Um. Well no. Ugh but… Yeah, kind of, I guess,” he stutters.
“You sure?” She asks bemused.
“It’s a bit of both actually. Um, I was thinking about going to see Sam once. I’ve got something I wanna drop off and… I don’t know. I think this whole thing kinda beat him down. So…” he drifts off.
“You want to check up on your partner,” she summarizes with a smile.
“No…” he’s met with silence from her end. So he concedes, sighing, “Fine, yes. You happy?”
“Very,” she replies slyly.
“Will you come along?” His voice is soft.
“Would you like me to?”
“Why wouldn’t I?”
“Seemed pretty pissed the last time we talked.”
“Not at you; at the situation,” he defends. “Not at you,” he reiterates after a short pause.
There’s a comfortable silence that falls between the two.
Until it’s broken by a bell ringing in the background and children spilling out of the gate. One of them makes a beeline straight to her.
“Hey, Miss. Stark! You ready to go?”
“Just give me a sec, peanut,” she tells the kid. She pushes herself off the motorcycle, speaking into the phone, “Unfortunately, my day job’s calling. But I’ll pick you up at the airport and we can drive over to Sam’s together. Does that work for you? ”
“Yeah. Yeah, it does.” Bucky sounds… confused.
“Alright. I’ll see you later, Sarge,” she says as she swings her leg, straddling the bike.
“See you later, sweetheart.”
She hangs up with a smile gracing her face and pockets the phone. She hands one of the helmets hanging off the handles, over to the boy while putting the other one on herself.
“Who was that?” he asks.
“None of your business,” she tells him, locking her helmet in place.
“I was just being polite. I know it was Sergeant Barnes,” he says with a smile, as mimics her actions.
She checks the clasp on his helmet and says, “Well, Pete, you should consider changing your name to Nosy Parker, instead.” She pulls the visor on his helmet down.
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He gets on the bike, holding onto her shoulders. “Your references are so old, you know that?”
She inserts the key into the ignition and starts the motorcycle. She revs up the engine twice before she says, “I never should’ve introduced you to Harley.”
Peter just chuckles in response as they both speed off… safely.
tag list: @thisisparadisemylove@justab-eautifulmess​@intothesoul​ @buckyisperfect @aryksworld @ceo-of-daichi @ireadthensuetheauthors @fckdeusername​ @hotleaf-juice@itspetitfantomestuff @jn-wolf@freeflyingphoenix @jeremyrennerfanxxxx123 @geek-and-proud @bduchrnskei
Read part 2 here.
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sluttbuttsstuff · 3 years
What sugar Daddy’s want to see their darling wear (fancy event addition) Part one
HOLY SMOKES this post took way long to make, kept having to reopen the draft and loose data.  guess my laptop really doesn’t like vogue’s website.  
Also, this is mostly for Femme! Sugar babies, i will make a masc! post if i get good references/ideas for it.
Also also, this is just part 5 charachters now, ill have another post for the other sugar daddies
Putting this under a readmore because its LONG:
Abbacchio: Something that isn’t over the top, but still a flare of drama.  Obviously, he has a love for the dark, macabre, and gothic.  Simple neutral colors are his favorite.
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Bruno: He loves flowy outfits, with soft and interesting textures.  They look best blowing in the wind on his boat, and there’s an element of sex appeal, at the possibility of an accidental “slip” of skin.  He also has a thing for whites, and smaller patterns
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Mista: He has expensive tastes, and likes to see avant garde pieces that push boundaries.  However, he also likes it when darling wears things they can dance in; Mista’s a man who appreciates function in an ensemble.  Also LOVES jewelry, and statement pieces with lots of metals.
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Narancia: Cares very little about fashion, so he has a hard time articulating his tastes.  If he had to be specific, he’d probably either pick vintage or classic looks, because they most closely resemble what his mom used to wear.  He also likes bright, happy colors, so lots of neons and bold patterns.  Bonus if the fabrics are soft and fun to play with.  He gets fidgety.
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Fugo: Minimalist, classical looks.  Simple clothing, but high quality that lasts a while.  Probably has a thing for the “librarian” style, or suits.  He hates athleisure and sweatpants out of the house- he thinks it's tacky. It’s also worth noting Fugo buys and wears silk pajamas, so he doesn’t even own sweatpants.
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Trish: She has a deep love for France, and that extends to her style preferences.  A fan of the waifish style, and little black dresses.  Also likes sparkly, eye-catching outfits, as that’s what she wears while she performs.  She’s also the type to have costume changes, and might have darling do the same.  Outfits she’s able to tell a story with, or convey a theme are important too.
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Giorno:  His fashion style has been developed from his modeling career, so he might have preferences for new upcoming indie brands, or brands he’s worked with before.  Obviously, his love for plants and animals extends to his fashion style, so he likes darling in flowery pastel dresses.  Also has a preference for gold over other metals.
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Proscuitto: It’s a bit hard to pinpoint what he wants darling to wear, because it often depends on what darling looks like.  To put it simply, he likes outfits that flatter darlings body type, skin tone, hair and eye color etc.  Whatever darling looks like, however, he will make sure they look their best.  If he had to pin down one particular type, he likes clingy draped gowns that show of darling’s figure, but he’s flexible, and always experimenting with styles.  One thing darling’s clothes MUST BE, however, is well made.  Prosciutto will examine each piece with a magnifying class, and has incredibly high standards.  He also HATES fast fashion for many good reasons, so darling’s wardrobe will be 100% name brand, if not designer.
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Pesci:  Pesci specifically avoided the fashion industry, and has no interest in telling darling what to wear, or how to dress.  If he had to pick, he thinks poofy dresses and shoulders are cute, and likes fun colors and prints, but honestly he’ll trust darling to pick their outfits themselves.
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Formaggio: Loves sexy cutout dresses, see through materials-definitely prefers a “sexy” style.  He also has a thing for heels, the higher and thinner, the better.  If he had his way, darling would wear red bottom stilettos everyday. Also, sequins are cool, but no glue on glitter.  It always comes off so easily and gets everywhere, it's really annoying!
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Illuso:  Has a deep love for the unusual, avant garde fashion.  Every outfit should have a message, he thinks, and will use this philosophy on darling. He likes finding indie newcomer brands, and unusual textures and shapes. Also, he has a thing for masks/face wear.  
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Melone: Obviously prefers a nude partner, but he is surprisingly knowledgeable about fashion and style.  He will often consult color theory, and size/shape guides for darling, and dress based on that.  He does have a thing for different textures-leather, lace, tulle, etc.  He likes having an excuse to touch darling.  And obviously, has a thing for skin tight clothing, and cut outs. Also thinks hosiery is very classy and sexy, as well as high heels.
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Ghiacchio:  Has a thing for “cute” styles: puffy sleeves, over-sized shirts, short skirts or shorts, boots and knee highs.  He likes cool colors, like white, blue, purple, green.  Also has a thing for stripes, he can’t explain it but he finds it adorable
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Risotto: Another one who prefers to let darling choose their own outfits, only because he knows what it’s like when someone makes you dress how you don't want to. However, if darling insists, he does have preferences.  He likes blacks and pastels combined, he thinks they look pretty side by side.  He also prefers silver jewelry to gold, and has a thing for piercings.  Anything that accentuates Darling’s size difference (there’s no way you’re taller than Risotto) really gets him going.  Lacing, like a corset, is also very attractive to him, and boning/ shaping.
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Doppio:  He likes anything innocent and cute.  Lovely pastels, soft textures, delicate lace.  Pleated skirts are also cute to him, as well as bows.  Also has a soft spot for the classic patterns: plaid, stripes, houndstooth, checkers...
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Diavolo: on the rare occasion Diavolo might take one of his pet Darlings out, he’ll probably go the standard sexy route.  A red satin strapless mini dress, a floor length glittery black gown; won’t stand out among the crowd, but shows off his darling's body.  He likes low cut and backless dresses too, because he’s shallow.  
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