#like. i cant put it into words but i wanna give them hugs and see their faces when they smile and akdbdn
sweetsweetbumblebee · 11 months
unrelated but i DO kinda feel guilty for my little crush for reasons i will not explain. but. yeah its wild over here tonight
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sophsbookstore · 5 months
Sims Stream
Tumblr media
Lando Norris x reader 。・:*˚:✧。
Word Count: 1,354
“So, what do you want to do today?” a shirtless Lando said, coming up and hugging me from behind as I make us breakfast.
I turn around, giving him a quick yet passionate kiss before turning back around, just finishing preparing a fruit salad for the both of us, his head nessling between mine and my shoulder, his arms wrapping around my waist.
“Your day off has barely started and you're already bored huh?” I laugh, a smile creeping onto his lips.
“I already trained, did simulator practice, took a nap, and now I want to hang out with you my love.” He squeezes me tighter as I nestle into him.
“Well I was going to stream sims today.” I make my final cut, mixing all the fruit together before putting some in a nearby bowl and handing it to Lando. He gives me a thank you, before turning to lean against the kitchen counter, now facing me.
“I could join you.” he states, scarfing down the fruit, taking a few pieces of fruit from my bowl as well.
“We cant join games” I frown, wishing he could stream with me today.
“I know, you always watch me play video games, I wanna watch you play something you really like doing” he smiles, placing both his and my empty bowls in the sink, wrapping up the leftovers and placing them in the fridge.
I take his hand in mine, leading him to my office/game room. I pull up a chair for him, placing a pillow on the seat as well as the back of the back of the chair for comfort. As I get settled, He takes the armrest of my chair, pulling it closer to him. I drape a blanket over both our legs and start the stream, the sims loading screen shining bright in the backlit room.
As we start talking both to one another and the stream chat, more and more people start joining, freaking out at the sight of Lando and I streaming together for the first time. Chat being so used to just hearing Lando, and never seeing him. Lando starts talking to chat, telling them how excited he is to play with me.
Soon the game fully loads, I choose to start a new game, not wanting to ruin any of the storylines I have going with my other sims lore. “Why don't you make us? We can live out our lives through the sims” Lando asks. Chat, all Lando fans, loving his idea and agreeing immediately.
Embarrassed, I go to my library and select the premade Lando I had made just a few months back on another stream. “Already did.” I blush with embarrassment, he turns to me with a big grin on his face, getting closer to the monitor screen to observe his custom made sim.
“You did so good love, thank you for making me look so handsome” he says leaning closer to me, giving me a forehead kiss. As he gets closer, he moves his hand from his lap to start squeezing my thigh. I lean into his body, moving the armrest out of the way, holding his arm that's squeezing my leg. Chat absolutely loses it at the interaction, spamming mom and dad in the chat.
Once we make some adjustments to our sims outfits we start the game, going into a random starter house, customizing the interior to our liking with what little funds we have, and finding jobs for our respective sims. “Can I be an F1 driver here?” he questions.
“No, but you can be an athlete” he makes a sad face, not getting what he wanted. “The good thing is, there's a lot of job options in the game” this perks him up. I continue to scroll though the list, showing and describing all the jobs to Lando.
“WAIT WAIT WAIT I CAN BE A SECRET AGENT” he practically screams. “Why didn't you tell me, that's way cooler.” 
Lando picks the job of secret agent, I settle with the streamer career, wanting my sim to be as accurate as possible. 
“Can you fuck in the sims?” Lanod says out of nowhere. I playfully smack him on the shoulder.
“Lando there's kids watching, also our sims aren't even dating yet, they are just roommates.”
“How come sim Lando hasn't asked out sim Y/N yet?”
“Maybe he's too scared, sim Y/N is way too hot for sim Lando” I shrug, Lando giving me a side eye. “Dont side eye me, I said what I said, chat did I lie?” chat clearly siding with me.
“Tell sim Lando to ask out sim Y/N, we have to date her before anyone else tries to steal my girl” Blushing, I click on my sim, making Lando's in game alter ego flirt with her.
Soon, my sim walks away from Lando's, moving away to talk to another nearby towns person. Lando watches in disbelief as my sim, against my control, starts talking to another man. “WHAT THE HELL” he stares at the screen, sitting up a little more. Chat going absolutely insane, clipping the moment to probably use for another couples compilation.
“I DIDN'T DO ANYTHING, SHE DID THAT ALL ON HER OWN” I argued back. Lando takes the controls, choosing my character and moving her away from the random sim man, to go back to talking to him.
“How do I kill someone in the sims?” he questions, going to the settings and looking around for a kill button.
“You can't, I dont have the mod.” I laugh, holding my stomach with laughter, pulling him away from the screen, to go back to cuddling me.
“Can we download it? I want him dead, he tried to take my girl” lando pouts.
We continued the game, Lando and I switching off the controls whenever we wanted our charters to do something. Soon enough, Sim Lando and Sim Y/N start dating. Lando and I both chanted “kiss, kiss, kiss” when they shared their first kiss with one another.
“Does this mean that we can fuck now” Lando turns to me waiting for my approval.
I sigh, a smile forming on my lips. “Yes lando, they can now.” he cheers, taking the mouse and clicking on the bed, happily selecting the woohoo button.
I take the mouse back from him, moving the game to show a different room. “I don't want to show it on stream, it's an invasion of privacy '' I look at him sternly, he silently nods in agreement.
We wait a couple more seconds, talking to chat about anything that comes to mind until finally seeing the notification that they are done. Lando grabs the mouse before I can, clicking on my sims and taking her to the bathroom. “Lando, what are you doing?” I ask confused.
“I wanna see if Sim Y/N is pregnant.” 
“LANDO WHAT!” I shout taking the mouse back from him instantly. We’re both waiting anxiously (for different reasons) for the notification of sim Y/N’s status. I let out a sigh of relief when she's not.
Lando slumps back in his chair. “Lando what were you thinking? They've only been dating for a day! It's far too soon for them to have a baby! They barely have any money, no space, do you need me to go on?” I lecture him, moving the controls slightly away from him so he cant make anymore rash decisions.
“I just wanted to see what a little us would look like” he said sadly, it breaks my heart, chat spamming awww’s in the chat. “I know it's too soon, I just got excited.”
“Lando it's ok, how about the next stream, we MAYBE have them try?” this perks him up.
“Really! You mean it? Everyone spam baby names in the chat, we’ll use the best one.'' Lando starts talking to the chat about how excited he is for the next stream, and virtual fatherhood.
As I watch Lando go on and on about this potential sim baby, I can't help but get excited for the day it happens in real life.
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sl8yter · 3 months
3005 - Mühl
Don’t drink when you have an inexplicable yearning for your bestfriend.
Nika Muhl x Fem Reader
You stood underneath the basket in the huskies gym. Lost in a daze as a familiar Croation girl was practicing her form. Her concentration left a mark in between her eyebrows and her lips slightly pursed. You had been thinking about how tough two had first met. Starting off as roommates who would speak maybe every other day to doing everything together. When you first started talking to Nika as a friend instead of a roomie, you had acknowledged the girls very obvious beauty. The way her eyes shined when the sun hit them, how whenever she was frustrated her accent would be more pronounced in every syllable, and how she was incredible person and an even better athlete.
Your fall for her was quick and without warning as you had begun to notice the way your body would involuntarily heat up with the smallest contact. Not to mention whenever she was just a little closer to you your heart would pick up and you could hear the blood flowing within you. Without your noticing Nika had stopped when she had realized your out of touch look.
“Hey are you okay?” Concern laced throughout her words.
“Yea sorry I zoned out.” Your response not convincing her as she started her walk towards you giving you a small smile. As she walked closer to the rim, she took out her ponytail and began to talk
“Are you sure? we can go, I was practically done anyways.”
“Sorry, I’m just not feeling a hundred percent today” Not lying but not being completely honest, the feeling of boredom from just catching Nikas rebounds was starting to get to you. You also just wanted an excuse to retreat to your dorm as it was starting to get late and you had an essay due later in the week.
“It’s okay, plus I know you have that paper due soon. Can we go out after you’re done. I kinda wanna get drunk tonight.” She smiles at you with a large grin at her last few words. Her eyes comparable to a puppies.
“I dont know Niks, I kinda just wanna stay in tonight.” Your response causing her to lock you into a tight hug, she moves you side to side as she began to yell please a million times over. Her grasp unrelenting until another girl clad in a UConn practice jersey walked over.
“Twin can you like stop making out with (yn) in the gym, thanks.” Paige spoke as she peeled Nika off of your body. Your face a slight hue of pink due to the hug and Paiges statement.
“See, look at her, poor girl.” She continues to point out the spread across your cheeks. All Paige ever did was tease you about Nika. She was a very observant girl, a skill acquired from years of basketball, so she was quick to deduce that you had a major crush on Nika. Faster than you were able to in fact.
She had offered to put in good word for you and try to “gas you up” to her. But you had declined in fear of rejection. All her past relationships were with men so why would that change now was your mindset.
“Ughh, she doesnt want to go out tonight, and I wanted her-”
“Youre going out tonight. Were actually all going out tonight. I know you have major FOMO too so boom I win.” Paige quickly cuts Nika off.
“Thats actually so unfair. What time?” You ask rolling your eyes, as you can feel a small smile move its way onto your face.
“9, Nikas driving since she offered, be at my dorm by 8:30.” Paige quickly finishes as her coach, Geno, walked into the gym area. Saying her quick goodbyes as she went to follow him.
“See this is why Paige is my twin, cause she always manages to convince you to go out with me.” Nika says smiling at you as she dragged you both out of the gym.
“Thats unfair Niks you know I cant say no to group events.”
“Well thats your fault you should already know to never say no to me.”
“How toxic of you. I dont know how I manage being roommates with such an evil girl.” You joke as she unlocks her car.
“Please, you love this evil girl. I see the way you look at me.”
You scoff at her reply, internally however, your heart racing in your chest. The last few words were dancing on the line of serious and playful banter.
A sudden laugh from her eases your heart however as you look out the window searching the tree line for seemingly nothing. Missing the look she gives you.
“WHO WANTS SHOTS?” A drunked Paige shouts right next to your ear as she looks over your shoulder to see a good portion of her teammates. You recoil from the loud shouting, to be honest you don’t even remember arriving.
You look around the bar in search of Nika who had been missing for the better part of the meet. You remember her saying she was going to go the bathroom. In good will you started to make your way towards the bathroom hoping she wasn’t in there dying from what felt like a couple of hundred shots Paige had made the both of you down earlier.
“Yo (yn) wait” The same blonde stops you, gripping your shoulder and harshly turning you around. The alcohol seemed to make her forget her own strength as she quickly patted the area she grasped.
“Drink this, trust me.” She said as she handing you a long shot filled with a clear alcohol.
“What is it?” You pondered familiar with the looks of it, but with Paige you wouldn’t chance it knowing how much she wanted you to confront Nika about your feelings.
“Just trust me, okay? You’ll be more open with her I promise. And if it goes south, then you can take another and you wont even remember how embarrassed you are.” She answered your question with full confidence
Taking turns looking at Paige and the shot, not knowing if it was the alcohol that you had downed earlier finally kicking in or Paiges convincing smile, you had downed the shot quickly recoiling when it had burned.
“Fuck Paige, what is this?” You ask her as your face involuntarily scrunches
“Everybody’s favorite, Everclear” she laughs as she began to push you in the direction of the bathroom. When you had finally reached the door, she had pushed you in, giving you a small smile and thumbs up before locking the door from the inside and quickly retreating. From the outside Paige had found an out of service sign and promptly put it infront of the door before heading back to her teammates table, all while giggling to herself about playing cupid.
From inside the somehow empty bathroom you heard slight hiccups and a sniffle.
“Nika? Is that you?” You ask even though you knew it couldn’t be anyone else.
A few shuffles later from the other side of the large stall, the door opens and reveals a disheveled Nika, who very obviously had too much to drink.
“Take me to yours please” She stumbled out of the stall, collapsing into your arms as she put her full weight on to you. Her body was on fire, you could feel the warmth radiating from off her, it almost felt good if she wasn’t slick with sweat. Her head rested upon your shoulder as you took her back into the big stall, you walking forward as she walked backwards to which she rose her head and looked at you confused.
“I cant right now, Paige made me drink another shot and I can feel it in my legs.” You explained, you would of drove both of you home by now if you didn’t feel a fuzziness erupting from your lower half.
Nika released a big sigh before leaning herself against the wall and sliding down to sit with her head laid back against the wall and her legs fully extended.
“Sit with me” She had demanded without even looking up
“Yea no, that floors dirty.” The alcohol had you speaking without fixing your tone as you came off a little harsh.
“I don’t care I want you to sit with me.” Nika picked her head up as it was heavy to look up at you. The way the light had hit her eyes made them shine in a way that softened you. Without a fuss, you had begun to kneel down to sit next to her without even realizing. Her smile as your back rested against the wall made the grimy floor somewhat bearable.
“You make me feel so full” Nika blurbed out. Her cheeks dusted with a sheen of pink that complimented her tan.
“Mhm, remind me not to let you drink next time we go out.” You replied jokingly, if she had said that comment earlier when you were sober you might’ve exploded on the spot. Luckily the drink had calmed your demeanor and even made you a little braver.
“Actually, you know, like when im with other people. Its different. Empty, you know. Even with people im interested in, they never make me feel the way you do.” The way she stumbled over her words tugged strings in your heart.
“Who like your ex? Obviously Niks, he was kind of an ass”
She chuckles at the thought of her past lover and your obvious distaste for him. Sure he wasn’t that horrible but he only did the bare minimum. And for some reason Nika could never explain unless she was under the influence, whenever he or anybody, would fuck up her first thought was to compare them to you.
“Yea, but everything’s different when it comes to you” She said in a hushed voice, her eyes never moving off of yours. Instinct from basketball or not you relished in her undivided attention. It made you dizzy.
“In what way?” You asked, discreetly shuffling yourself a little closer to her body.
“Fuck everybody but you.” Her response made you smile. Here you were sitting with a drunken Nika who was trying so hard to explain herself to you.
“Fuck em?” You laughed out, her sudden brazen attitude towards the world surprised you. For somebody so level headed like her, she seemed like a teenager trying to find her way.
“Fuck em” She clarified while grabbing your hand. Given, she was usually touchy with you. But it felt different this time. The warmth of her hand had lit a possibility. Taking your chance, you interlocked your fingers with hers, taking your eyes off of her for a moment to fully take in the occasion. The way her hands were mostly soft except for some calluses entranced you. You used your other hand to trace her own. Slowly you felt her slump her head on to your shoulder. Her scent was overwhelming, invading your brain until all you could think of was her and nothing else. Nika was all that mattered.
She looked at you through her eyelashes prompting you to move your head ever so slightly to lock eyes with her.
Maybe it was the alcohol or the way you could smell her perfume but the way she was looking at you in this moment was unmistakable. It was the same look Paige would use to describe you looking at her. But she had slowly sat up, she was close enough that you could feel every little exhale against your face. It was a strange feeling, it felt so weird yet so right. Maybe it was the fear of your friendship breaking that made you turn to look straight ahead. But that feeling was quickly shut down when Nika had softly grabbed the side of your face, with her non dominant hand, making you look at her. Her touch felt like fire against your skin.
“Youre so pretty” Her sudden compliment made you feel even warmer. All her actions made you float. Youre head felt dizzy as you involuntarily looked at her soft plump lips as she spoke once again. Youre throat was dry, opening your mouth to try and talk but she quickly covered your mouth before you could speak.
“I wanna be by your side, but only of you’ll have me” Her confession makes you freeze in your spot, making you quickly sober up. You had started to smell the lingering alcohol that tinged her breath. As much as you would like to accept her confession, she was drunk. You doubted she would remember what she said in the heat of the moment. As your stuck in your thoughts, you feel your head moving down and see her features getting closer.
You stick your hand in between the two of you. Making Nika place her lips against the inside of your hand.
“Youre drunk Niks, let’s talk about this in the morning.” You managed to speak, regretting your actions however as Nika quickly stood up and with glossy eyes she managed to say in a broken voice
“This is so embarrassing, can we just forget I said anything. I don’t wanna lose you as a friend” She looked at you as you followed her up, you grabbed her hands, gently rubbing her knuckles as you assured her
“No, Nika I promise you I want you too. I just cant while you’re drunk. Youre so beautiful and amazing, trust me I want to kiss you so bad, I just cant while you’re drunk. Pretty bad huh, I got an amazing woman trying to kiss me and I refuse” You quickly joke hoping to put her at ease.
She stood there for a second before a small smile appeared with an even smaller tear cascading down her round flushed cheeks.
“Super bad” She replied as she put her arms against your shoulders, leaning her forehead against yours. Swiftly, you pressed a chaste kiss against her cheek before pulling her impossibly closer and hiding your face in her brown hair.
She laughed at your child like behavior but she couldn’t complain since she had longed for a tight hug filled with compassion from you. She didn’t even know she needed it until now. She felt a wave of tiredness wash over her as she whispered in your ear.
“Take me home please. Stay with me tonight”
“Of course”
You had blinked and suddenly had woken up with a familiar weight on top of you. Nika was acting like koala on your side as one of her legs lay across your belly and her arm across your front assuring her grip on you. Guessing from the fact that you both laid on the still made bed, you had both crashed as soon as you made it to Nika’s dorm.
With careful wiggling, you had managed to shimmy Nikas arm off of you as you decided to get up and try to surprise her with a good start to her day, a full breakfast. When you tried to lift her leg off of your stomach, she quickly parried by instead straddling you giving you a quick drowsy smile before leaning down to hide her face in the crook of your neck.
“Goodmorning” Her muffled voice vibrated against the skin of your neck, inadvertently making you smile.
“Goodmorning” You said while you wrapped your arms around her back, gently tracing shapes along it.
“So?” She asked
“So what”
“So wheres my kiss” She said trying to be brave but failing as you could feel her lips dance their way up your nape and to your jaw. Not even kissing, just grazing, which somehow made it feel even better.
She stopped right before she touched the corner of your lips to give a loving yet cautious look to ask for permission.
“I didn’t even get a chance to brush my teeth and you wanna kiss me. Just tell me how bad you want me Niks”
A soft giggle erupted from her as she smiled widely and slid off of your body and off of the bed. Her warmth quickly leaving you wanting for more.
“Youre right, I’ll show you after you’re done.” She said as she walked away, her body language very obviously taunting you as she left you in the empty bed.
Sitting up, you chased after her to find her with a toothbrush in her mouth and waving a new toothbrush package in the air before throwing it at you.
“Eager are we?” You tease her, she rolls her eyes at your comment before rinsing out her mouth and standing behind you as you applied toothpaste to your own toothbrush.
“Im gonna make coffee. I wanna talk more about last night” She told you before kissing your cheek and walking off.
You watched her leave in the mirror, admiring her back profile before finishing up your small task. As you walked into the open kitchen the smell of coffee beans hit your nose and one hell of a view hit your eyes. Nika was pouring 2 cups of coffee, one for you and one for her. It was something that you had seen before as you and the Croatian have had countless sleepovers but never in this context. It was something that you could definitely get use to seeing more often.
Walking up to the counter, you grabbed both mugs before heading into the living area and setting them on the coffee table in front of her couch. You turned on the TV and put on the news to a lowered volume setting for some background noise. For some odd reason you were nervous. Your heart was beating a little faster than usual. Even though you already knew what she was gonna say, she liked you. Right?
“Listen about last night.” Nika had started off as she walked around the small table to sit adjacent to you. Your legs touching as she slid closer.
“I like you, like really like you.” Her pronounced really made her accent come out stronger than usual. Her face was serious and her hands were clasped as she looked down at her mug filled with a light brown coffee. She was just as nervous as you were which put you at ease.
“I really like you too Niks. I wanna be with you too. Can I ask you something?” Her demeanor was more relaxed now as you were completely honest with her. A smile plastered across her face at the reciprocated feelings.
“Anything” She had answered
“When did you start liking me?” You had wanted to know since last night. The question was tugging at you. You had wanted to know how much time you had wasted being friends when you could have been in each others arms.
“I dont know the exact time I really realized. But I knew when I just couldnt stop thinking of you, day or night. Even in my dreams you would be there. I would compare everybody to you. You were my standard. Eventually I just realized I wanted to be with you.” She says before taking a sip of her hot drink. Her earnest tone made you go crazy. She was confessing her love for you, it wasn’t a dream, it wasn’t a delusion, it was real life and it felt so good.
“Mhm” was all you could reply with. You were afraid that if you did speak an actual word you would end up being too loud out of pure happiness.
“What about you when did you start liking me.” She had asked back. You looked down at the table for your own cup, grabbing it and watching the way the liquid would sway with every little movement.
“One day, a while back near the start of spring, I forget what I was doing but I felt sad. I felt like it should have been the two of us there. I forgot whatever I was doing, but I never forgot the feeling of missing you. I didn’t expect it to hurt so much. Then when I got back to my dorm, you were there waiting for me, already watching a movie and finishing off the last of my snacks. If it were anybody else I probably would of gotten mad, but then you got up and ran to hug me and asked where I had been and at that moment I felt a warmth. Like the kind that you get when you hug somebody you care for but it was multiplied by 100” You hadnt looked at her your entire speech. You set back down the coffee without even taking a sip. You just needed the focus on something else so you could speak your mind freely. Putting your attention back on Nika you noticed a look you had seen before. The same level of concentration she had while on the court except instead of a fierceness it held a soft look. As if she was taking in every feature across your face and engraving it into her soul.
“Can I kiss you?” She had asked, you smiled at her politeness, before nodding. Without a second between she had quickly leaned forward to press her lips against yours. Slowly, you moved your lips against hers. Taking in the softness of her lips and how she tasted like coffee. Not breaking the kiss, she had sat herself onto your lap as her arms wrapped around your neck ensuring you wouldn’t be able to back out this time. Not that you would.
Your hands found her waist. Firm from constant practice and conditioning, you started to grip her sides with your hands while also pulling her forward making sure your chests were flush against each other. Nika let out a soft groan as she opened her mouth, her nose brushing against your cheek as she went to hide her face in your nape, prompting you to kiss against hers. You kissed up and down her neck, her breath had fastened and she started to get louder in your ear. Her sounds made you grip her even harder as you opened your mouth slightly, you started nipping her. Making sure to leave faint purple and red marks across it. Nika had started to slightly grind on your body, erupting a feeling deep within your stomach before a sudden alarm went off on her phone making her quickly turn around to check it.
“Fuck!” She had yelled, extremely frustrated as she had hopped off your lap.
Stunned for a moment at the fact that your guys session had comed to an abrupt end. You stood up asking her what was wrong. Following her into her room as she threw some items from the drawers into her bag.
“I forgot today was Tuesday, im so so so sorry, I have practice today. Geno will kill me if I dont show up on time” She said quickly before heading back out of the room and grabbing her keys off of the kitchen counter.
“Please please please, be here when I get back.”
“So we can..?” You asked, you wanted to joke with her so she could see the irony in the situation, that and the fact she seemed incredibly stressed out over her coach and being late to practice.
“So we can pick up where we left off obviously. You have a weird thing for getting me to say that I want you.” She laughed as she stood in the door way.
“I just love hearing you say it. Sounds good” You smiled at her, admiring the way her hair was slightly frizzy and how pretty she was even with a bare face. If she wasn’t a basketball star she could have easily been a model.
“Okay, ill make sure to tell you just how much I want you when I get back, but you gotta be here babe” She had begun to tease you back, after giving a chuckle at her remark, she stole a quick kiss from you before walking down the dorm buildings hallway.
“I’ll be here, don’t take too long Mühl” You had said down the hallway. She turned around, and suddenly started bolting down the hallway. You didn’t even have a second to react before she kissed you in front of her dorm.
“I don’t know I suddenly feel kinda sick. Im going to text Geno that im going to get the doctor to treat me. Go to the bed. Ill be there in a second.”
Without saying a word, you swiftly turned around and made your way down the dorm and turned into Nikas large room. Sitting on her bed before hearing the door close.
“Yea, im going to see a doctor sorry Coach, yea her name is Dr. (yln). I will, thanks bye.”
Okay W ending once again. Going to write the 2nd part to this later. Maybe post it in 2-3 days. This was my longest post yet brudda.
Send in some requests pretty please. Im out of ideas and had writers block before pushing this baby out at like 1 AM 🙏.
Also W you if you got the multiple references in this fic.
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sister-lucifer · 2 years
Got any ideas for the demon bros with an MC who can carry them?
The Demon Bros with an MC who likes to carry them 
Demon Bros x Gender Neutral Reader (separately) 
Genre: Fluff
Content/Warnings: Mammon being a dumb tsundere, Asmo’s innuendos, Reader is a big strong sweetheart, very brief and small mentions of NSFW 
Not fully proof read, let me know if you see any errors!
Like my writing? I take requests! NSFW or SFW for any fandoms in my bio! 
Also, please reblog! it’s free, takes two seconds, and really helps me out 
Feed back is encouraged and appreciated:)
*Asmodues uses he/she pronouns 
Oooohhh man 
Luci is, to put it bluntly, quite startled the first time you pick him up 
He’s used to thinking of humans as these fragile, puny little things 
So this was…jarring 
“W-What do you think you’re doing, human?!”
He’s used to being the one in charge, being the big domineering force 
So to suddenly be made to feel so small and frail is so foreign 
It puts butterflies in his stomach in a way he cannot explain and has never experienced before 
“Put me down, foolish human! …Why? B-Because I cant have anyone see me like this!” 
But he’ll think about it for days after 
He won’t ask for you to do it again, but if you do he’ll fight you significantly less 
He’ll grumble, but he won’t thrash in surprise 
“I don’t understand why you insist on doing this…No, that does not mean put me down. If you like it then…continue.”
Once he gets more comfortable with the idea he’ll start “asking” you to pick him up 
I put “asking” in quotes because he’ll really just hug you tight and whine and hope you get what he’s asking 
If you don’t, he’ll get frustrated and simply demand it 
It feels so nice to be held and carried, to finally be the one being supported 
To be lifted off his aching feet and give his body a break 
He needs more of that
His favorite time to be held is after a long day 
Especially if you carry him to his bed 
He’ll cuddle into your chest and cling to you until you put him down 
Please stay and lay next to him 
Nearly shits his pants he’s so scared
Kicks and flails like you’re holding him over the side of a cliff 
Hold him a bit tighter and shush him and he’ll calm down 
Only for a few moments though 
Then the embarrassment sets in, and his face goes red hot at the close proximity 
“Okay, okay! Y-You’ve had yer fun! Now put me down before somethin’ bad happens, ya idiot…” 
Crosses his arms and huffs as you put him down 
Like Lucifer, he won’t stop thinking about it for days 
Won’t do anything in front of his brothers, he couldn’t take the teasing 
But in private he’s much more open 
He’ll plop himself in your lap and simply demand to be carried 
And if you’re alone in the House of Lamentation he loves to be held while you do stuff around the house or just walk around 
He’s always looking for an excuse to jump into your arms as well
“I think I saw a demon rat! What? N-No, I’m not scared, I just don’t wanna get bit! Those things are wicked good at hiding, so maybe you should hold me for a while, just in case!” 
Likes to be held against your chest the most, but if you throw him over your shoulder (especially if you’re going up to the bedroom for…alone time) he’ll get so flustered his brain shuts down 
Give his ass a playful slap too
You’ll have him wrapped around your finger
Nearly flatlines 
Red faced immediately 
Melts when he looks up to see you smiling down at him 
A thousand anime scenes of this scenario are flashing through his head guarantee it 
He tries to speak but it just comes out as whimpers and stutters 
Physically cannot form words
So instead he gives up on speaking and just throws his arms around your neck
He can’t say a word or look you in the eyes, but he’s definitely not protesting 
He might be trembling a bit, though 
Don’t worry, it’s good nervousness 
You make him nervous in the best way 
“O-Oh my stars…I-I didn’t…this is…woah….” 
Poor sweet baby is flabbergasted 
Assure him he’s okay and that you won’t drop him, and then he’ll calm down a bit 
“I’ve imagined being swooped up by a brave hero before, but…this is even better!” 
His love language is definitely physical touch, so he enjoys not only being held and cuddles but carried as well 
Especially if you talk down to him sweetly 
Oh, he’ll look up at you with the most love drunk expression 
He’s definitely the most forward about wanting to be held 
He’ll sit on your lap or if he’s really desperate even jump up and wrap his legs around you 
“Will you, um…p-please carry me? You don’t have to, I-I just…really want to right now…” 
He WILL reach up and do the cute little grabby hands
And he WILL say “pwetty pwease” if he has to 
He loves his strong human
One of the more nonchalant reactions 
He’s a bit surprised at first, but doesn’t really mind it 
“Oh, what are you— Human? Is this some kind of game? …No? Hm, alright then.” 
Once he’s ascertained that you don’t need anything and simply wanted to pick him up, he’s done asking questions 
As long as you let him read while you hold him bridal style, he’s all good 
It’s quite nice, being rocked by your steps and small movements while he gets back into his book 
He’ll blush a bit if one of his brothers sees, but he doesn’t care enough to make you put him down 
If you have this skill, you may as well use it 
And you like carrying him too, so it’s a win-win! 
Every once in a while he’ll plant himself on your lap and ask to be carried, but he doesn’t particularly desire it, so he’ll simply wait for you to do it if you’d like 
He’ll gladly oblige any time 
Squeals in delight the first time you pick him up 
She’s simply giddy with excitement at this newfound ability! 
“Oh, human! You’re so strong! You know I loooove being manhandled…” 
His mind wanders to the gutter very quickly, so be ready for that
Jumps into your ames whenever he sees you 
He’s the shortest/smallest one, so it’s not like it’s particularly jarring or anything 
She’s always taking you to stores with her so you can lift her up and help her get stuff from the top shelves 
“Oh dear, those shoes are so high up! Could you be a dear and lift me? Pretty please?” 
Giggles like a schoolgirl with a crush whenever you lift her 
He’s pretty much always clinging to you, even if he doesn’t have a good reason 
He’s shameless 
And he wants what he wants 
And he is going to make it everyone else’s problem until he gets it
So be a good little human and hold her, okay? 
Definitely the most unbothered 
Doesn’t even stop eating his snack
It’s a bit odd seeing as he’s used to being the biggest and strongest, but  it’s definitely not bad 
Doesn’t crave to be held, but also doesn’t dislike it 
If you want to carry him, feel free to do whenever you’d like! No need to ask 
He trusts you enough to hold him tight without so much as a word 
Which is good since 60% of the time he can’t even say words with all that food in his mouth 
“You wanna carry me? Uh…can I ask why? ‘Just because?’ Alright then, but I’m not putting down my sandwich, okay?”
He’s pretty good at picking up on emotions, so to him it’s plain as day that it makes you happy 
And it makes him to happy to know you’re happy 
So he gladly goes along with it 
Because why shouldn’t he? It’s not hurting anything 
Even if it was, he would readily accept the consequences if it meant seeing you smile 
Oh this sleepy motherfucker is IN LOVE 
Absolutely melts against you when you pick him up 
Sighs happily and shit too 
You’re so warm and he feels so secure in your arms, he could sleep here forever! 
“Wow, this is so comfy…how much would I have to pay you to get carried around all day?” 
You’ll gladly do it for free, don’t worry Belphie 
He likes when you carry him while you walk, the steady movements of your steps lull him to sleep 
90% of the time he’s asleep within the first two minutes of being held 
He’s the best at asking to be held or carried to 
“Hey, human, ‘m getting sleepy. Would you hold me until I fall asleep? I can’t get comfortable without you.” 
Bonus points if you hum him a lullaby 
He’ll fall asleep with a smile on his face 
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onskepa · 1 year
Can you do a reader who has an accent with the sully family + spider?
Hello darling! So I dont know what accent you wanted, so I am going with a Mexican accent. Since it is easier for me. I also take it you wanted a human reader so that is what we are going with! This might be short, idk, I type as I go! Hope you enjoy!
Italics means na'vi talk
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Another day in the thriving planet of pandora. Meaning, another day with their good friend flor! A nice, loving human that the sully kids love to see as their teacher and friend. Spider enjoys spending time with flor as she gives him some insight of what planet earth was like many years ago. Spider loved flor, she was like a mother figure to him. The closes thing he has to a parent.
To the sully kids, she was the best. Teaches them some English but other languages that she knows. Of course in secret as to not let neytiri know her children are learning other demon languages.
What makes flor more outstanding compared to the other humans was because of her accent. Sounded very odd yet very interesting. As young as the kids remember, Flor would try her best to speak in na'vi rather than english, according to flor, "na'vi is easier to speak than english because of the dialects". Whenever flor would speak in English, its comes out....a bit funny. Of course the kids wouldn't point it out as means to be nice and respectful but it was so odd how english comes out of her mouth compared to neytiri or other na'vi.
Spider woke up feeling excited for a new day. Getting 'dressed', he waits in the main area of the lab for flor. And as always on the clock, Flor walks to the main room exactly at 7:00 am. On the dot.
"good morning flor!" spider says with a wide happy grin. Flor smiles and hugs in, giving him a soft kiss on the head. "Good morning araña" flor replies with a kind smile.
Putting on their masks and doing the needed procedure, they both left the lab and into the world of pandora. Making their way to the village, spider cant help but spike a conversation with flor.
"ok ok, so how about, 'I went to get some water'?" spider asks. Flor took a moment and replies "I whuent to get some whater". Spider grins, its not like he is making fun of her and should flor feel uncomfortable he will stop.
That is a game they play, spider or any of the sully kids say a sentence, flor would repeat it but with her heavy accent.
Arriving at the village, the sully kids were quick to see flor and spider and ran to greet the two. Tuk, abusing her cuteness power, jumps into the arms of flor, snuggling into her embrace and just enjoy to be with flor again.
"good morning flor!" tuk says cheerfully. Flor chuckles and boops tuk's nose, "good morning mi niña pequeña". Tuk doesn't 100% know the meaning but from how flor is saying it, it must be a good thing.
"move tuk! I wanna hug her too!" lo'ak tries to nudge tuk but the little one has a good grip on flor. "ok ok, you two, plrease colm down. Lo'ak, you are a beeg boy" flor says in english. Most of the time she does it on purpose since the children like to hear her accent.
Lo'ak pouted cutely, his tail swinging low and ears pinned down. Reminds her of a toddler not getting what he wants. "lo'ak, its ok, we can hug later as much as you want" flor says kindly. Lo'ak liked the idea and returned to smiling happily again.
Kiri looked a bit imaptient, ready to have the full day with flor and her siblings. "can we go now?" she asks. Flor laughs inwardly.
"now we cahn go. Be shur to be close and together pleez. Neteyam, you can leed the way tooday" flor says, which neteyam happily complies.
There, spider and the sully kids surround flor as they go on another day full of adventure and learning new words.
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Credit goes to my mom since she has a heavy accent so I took some words from her. I hope this is what you asked, I don't mind re-writing it! Tell me what ya'll think! until next time! see ya!
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These are some spanish words!
Araña = spider
mi niña pequeña = My little girl
Flor = flower
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garcargofarfar · 3 months
do you write for female characters? if so, can i request a mystreet lucinda (cant remember how she acted in pdh,, its been a while since ive watched it) x gn werewolf reader? (up to you if you wanna include them being a werewolf, just thought itd be cute!) maybe just reader being clingy while lucinda's trying to get some potion work done? 🙏 thank you!!
A/N : YES OF COURSE I WRITE FOR THE GIRLS <3 Lucinda was my gay awakening. Thank you for the request!!
So Clingy, Darling
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"Two drops of citrus.." Lucinda muttered as you turn the corner, finding her by her brewing stand. "And.. there! That was easy."
"Mm.." You walk up to her, hugging her from behind and snuggling into the crook of her neck. You feel her stiffen and jolt a little, turning her head slightly as she relaxed.
"Oh, it's you. Hey, darling."
Lucinda reaches a hand up to your head, scratching the back of your ears, making them flatten uncontrollably.
"Aw.." She giggles. "You're just the cutest thing ever."
"Mhm.." You reply.
Lucinda chuckled, enjoying the embrace from behind. "You're so clingy today." She teased, gently rubbing your arm with her free hand.
"Just love you." You reply meekly, now holding onto her hand.
Lucinda chuckled, her heart melting at your words. She intertwined her fingers with yours, giving your hand a gentle squeeze. "I love you too."
You didn't respond and simply stay put, clinging onto the witch.
Lucinda stood there silently, enjoying the moment as you clung to her. She took a brief glance at the surroundings before breaking the silence with a soft voice. "Your tail's wagging." She acknowledges. "Someone's excited to see me."
"I always am." You respond, drifting away in the warmth of the ginger in front of you.
"You alright, darling? You're awfully clingy."
"Am fine." You nod against her neck. "Just wanted to keep your company."
Lucinda chuckled, a playful grin spreading across her face. She gently spun around to face you. "You're being so quiet. What's going on in that pretty little head of yours?" She teased, gently poking your forehead.
"Wanna be with you." You quickly embrace her once more, keeping close distance with her.
Lucinda chuckled under her breath, amused by your clingy behavior. "You're adorable. I wish I could stay like this longer with you, but I can't."
"Mm.." They showed no intent of moving, simply clinging longer.
"Sweetheart, as much as I enjoy this... I need to get going soon."
"The potions can wait."
"You're so demanding today, aren't you?" She teased, still holding you close. Despite her playful tone, she knew she had responsibilities to attend to.
"And what makes you think that you can tell me what to do?" She questioned, her tone playful and not taking your stubbornness too seriously.
"Because you love me."
Lucinda rolled her eyes, a fond smile on her face. "Oh, you play dirty." She teased, playfully pinching your side. "But sadly, I also love finishing my brewing. Now if you dont mind."
"I mind."
. "Why do you have to be so stubborn today?" She questioned, a hint of mock annoyance in her voice.
"Because I love you."
Lucinda couldn't help but chuckle. "You're going to use that excuse to get your way every time now, aren't you?" She joked, gently poking your nose.
"Not an excuse. It's true."
"Even so, I really need to finish these potions, darling." She sighs, letting go of you. "Katelyn came up with a serious cold and I need to brew her a potion."
"I'll get back to you later, okay?" She says, giving you a peck on the cheek.
"Okay.." You reply, tail stopping its wagging and ears pinning back against your head. "Okay."
"Don't give me that look, darling." Lucinda pinches your cheek before turning to her workbench once more. She picks up ingredients and continues her brewing.
"Can I watch?"
"Of course."
So there you are, sitting in a corner and watching Lucinda brew a potion. Occasionally, you give a few remarks about how she's being too slow and you miss her warmth. She'll reply with a "you can't rush brewing" but come over to give you another kiss.
"Thank you for being so good for me, darling." She says, finally turning with a finished potion in her hands. However, she turns to find you curled into a ball on the floor, snoring.
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What were you doing?
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Tom Hiddleston x Reader Smut
word count: 1197
i hope you guys like this one its kinda my first i put a lot of work into it also i'm just not that strong of a writer so enjoy :)
warning contains: smut oral (f&m receiving) unprotected sex idk i think that's it
you and tom have been dating for a good long while almost a year. you still don't live together, but tom basically lives with you with how much he sleeps over.
tom had been off on a job for a few days, so you guys have not talked much and you could not see him you missed him dearly. getting desperate to see him in some way or another you go on tik tok and watch edits people made of him, there was a lot of them it made you kind of sad to see so many people who like tom and that he's with you when there are so many people who are better looking then you who want him. you roll your eyes and get those thoughts out of your head.
you kept watching until you hear the door close lightly he's home you look up and there he is you lock your phone and turn it over.
"Hello my love I missed you," you say getting off the bed to hug and kiss him. he gives you a short kiss then says in a curious tone
"darling what were you doing on your phone that made you turn it over so quick" he looks at you with a semi frown
"nothing love" you turn around so he cant see your blush and you gather some bedclothes he left here for him to sleep in tonight "here you are I'm sure you're exhausted" you gave him the clothes with a kiss then got in bed.
tom started changing with you watching it was kind of normal you could not keep your eyes off of his god-like figure. once he was done he turned around and looked at you with a serious face.
"Y/N what were you doing on your phone were you talking to another guy," he said getting more sad as he said it
"what no god no I was watching a video," you said getting up and rushing to him and putting your arms around his neck, he put his arms on your waist.
"a video what kind of video," he says in kind of a relieved sigh you blush and look down, you go to grab your phone unlock it then hand it to him. "this is me you were watching me?" you look up blush getting stronger and you start pacing the room really embarrassed
"I... uh... I missed you we hadn't talked in a while so I wanted to see you and this was really the only way I could... um yeah and then I started getting insecure about how many prettier girls want you and you deserve better than me-" tom cut you off
"what do you mean by deserving better you take care of me make sure I get enough sleep, makes me food, all the things I don't need you to do but you do anyway that's why I love you your everything to me and your the most beautiful person in the world I don't care what you say" you look up at him with tears in your eyes and you kiss him full of passion.
"oh, tom you always know just what to say" you kiss him again and pushed him on the bed you straddled his lap once he sat up and kissed him once again while grinding on him he gives little moans and groans as you do it which make you feel yourself grow wetter.
"I wanna make you feel as good as you make me feel tom" you go down on your knees and untie his sweat pants and pull them down along with his boxers while his boner popped out and hits his stomach. you look up at him and he smiles the slightest bit.
"love I want you to fuck my face" he looks at you unsure but you smile and then open your mouth, he puts his hand on the back of your head and the other on his dick. he puts himself in your mouth then he starts thrusting and groaning which makes you moan he starts losing control and starts going harder and faster until you feel him twitch he puts himself deep in your throat and cums you swallow all of it and open up to show him.
"Baby thank you that was amazing" you stand up and give him a peck.
"anything for you my love" he kisses you more and lays you on the bed. he gets on top of you and starts kissing you he grinds himself on you, you both moan into the kiss.
he starts kissing down your neck trying to find your sweet spot once he does he nibbles, sucks and kisses it while you are a moaning mess. once he is done he starts moving down he takes off your shirt with your help and starts sucking on your nipple while fondling your other breast. after a while he switches and gives the other one the same attention. after that, he left a trail of kisses down your stomach then when he reached the line of your pants he took them off.
"my darling you are the most beautiful person on this planet," he said while kissing up and down your thighs, you shifted to try and get him to eat you already but he just pinned your hips down,
"patience my darling I will make you feel good," he said and left a small kiss on your bud and did a small kitten lick all the way up you letting out a moan.
"that's it darling let me hear those pretty little moans," him saying that makes you moan louder, he starts going faster sucking on your clit then he starts sticking one of his long fingers in me making me arch my back and moan louder than I wanted to.
"oh tom please I need you please I need you now" you moan moving your hips trying to get him to suck on you more but he just moves away from you, you start to frown but then he starts to push into you and you moan as loud as you can be, mixed with toms moans and groans.
"ugh love you're so tight for me so good for me" you are moaning and groaning uncontrollably and he is groaning sweet nothings in your ear that just bring you that much closer to your release you try to moan out that you're close.
"ugh tom I'm- tom so close I'm so close" you struggle to say he kisses you and then after a few seconds he says
"let go my love let go for me" you scream as you release and he groans he falls on top of you then rolls over to "his" side of the bed.
"love I hope you know that you are more than enough for me and that I love you," he says kissing the top of your head.
"I know it's just hard sometimes also you are MORE than enough for me I love you so much" you kiss him and cuddle up to his tall body and fall asleep together.
I hope you guys have a great day-night whatever.
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lildashofheaven1 · 2 months
“Love me Instead”
Jamie Campbell Bower x female y/n
Jamie confesses his love for y/n on the ‘happiest day of her life’
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Todays the day, im marrying mathew.
We met while i was working on sweeney todd where i played Johanna. Recently im part of the stranger things season 4 cast where i get to work with one of my best friends, Jamie Campbell bower.
Its not secret that we have a past together, we dated during filming of Sweeney Todd then we broke up after two years. We’ve kept in touch as friends however I’ve always had a thing for him.
“Knock knockkk” i heard from the other side of my hotel room door, everyone invited to the wedding has been staying at the venue which is also a hotel.
I open the door to see my bridesmaids, Maya Hawke, Millie Bobby Brown, and two childhood friends called emma and grace, as the girls walked in i saw joseph quinn and joe keery also walk in with jamie trailing behind similar to how a toddler acts when not given a toy.
“You excited?” Millie beemed up at me, throughout filming season 4 we have all become so close and i see millie as a little sister at this point.
“Yeah mathews great, i cant wait” i smiled at her as i resumed getting my and make up done.
“Never heard more bullshit” jamie scoffed to which he was met with all of us to look at him.
“Im just gonna go” jamie mumbled and left the room, why is he being so pissy?!
“Ignore him y/n, we have no clue whats up with him” joseph said smiling at me.
For a second i pondered the idea of Jamie being jealous of me and mathew, sureley not right? We broke up two years ago.
After i had gotten ready my bridesmaids left to get ready for the wedding, before the others left i said
“Joseph, would mind if i had a word?” He smiled at me and nodded while everyone else left
“Whats up?” He smiled and sat on the bed.
“Weve known each other for a while right” i said to which he nodded
“And you know how my dad isnt here today?”
“I was wondering, if you would walk me down the aisle?” I said nervously looking down at my hands
He stood up next to me and hugged me
“I would honoured to y/n, you ready for this?” He asked
“Yeah, i think, am i doing the right thing? I mean jamie always says that mathews gonna disappear as soon as he looses interest, and that hes using me and i.. i just” i cut myself off with a sigh.
“Y/n, dont let jamie decide for you, this is entirely your decision, you want me to tell you your beautiful then shove you down the aisle? Your beautiful now start walking or else, you want me to phone someone just to yell? Im your guy, you wanna freak out and call it off and run away? I have my car keys ready, this is a big decision y/n whatever you want to do, ill back you 100%” i smiled at me.
“Im ready” i said confidently and got ready to go to the ceremony
Meanwhile-Jamies pov
“ Im just gonna go” i muttered and left the room.
I walked along the hallyways until i saw my dad walking out of his room, seeing as me and y/n were so close, she grew close with my family.
“You okay son?” He asked me
I wasnt facing him,
“I love her” i blurted out, tears in my eyes
Dad just sighed,knowing the pain
“Why didnt i let her love me? I kept my gaurd up and she never felt like i heard or saw her, if she could just give me another chance, i can show her that shes my biggest priority and that i will never put work before her ever again” i ranted as he put his hand on my shoulder.
“I love her dad, please tell me its not too late” i said as he hugged me.
“You love someone, you tell them, doesnt matter if you think its going to make things 100% worse and like itll make the world explode, you love them you tell them” dad said to me as i sat and thought about what i can do.
I caught a glimpse of my watch and said “shit it starts in 2 minutes” we near enough ran to the ceremony.
Me and my dad searched to find where mum and sam were sat, we sat down with them.
“Yalright mate?” Sam asked me as i sat next to him.
I just nod, im not letting this happen.
Y/ns pov
All of the bridesmaid and groomsmen had been down the aisle and now its me and joseph turns to me
“Your ready?” I nod back as he held hands and began to walk down the aisle.
As i walked in, everyone stood up and looked towards me as i walked down in my long white dress, it was the most beautiful dress I’ve ever seen, lace and sweetheart neckline with sparkles dotted through the skirt. I walked calmly while smiling, i turned slightly and saw Jamie on the seat closest to the aisle, his eyes held so much pain and hurt, and almost longing.
I looked forward and saw mathew stood looking almost bored?
I looked at jamie one more time as i got to the altar, i tried to show him that i was happy but that man knew me like the back of his hand, he could see through my charade.
“Take care of her yeah? She means so much to so many of us” joseph said sternly at Matthew, i gave him a hug as he went to sit on front row.
“If anyone has any rightful excuse as to why y/n m/n l/n and Mathew Jean Robinson shouldnt me united in holy matrimony, speak now or forever hold your piece” as the preacher said this jamie stood up.
Everyone looked at him and he obviously had moved before his brain caught up.
“Sit down you bastard, were happy thats all that matters!” Mathew snapped at him, as he said this i smelt the alcohol on his breathe, i looked at jamie, unable to read him.
As jamie sat back down the preacher repeated himself. “Or for ever hold your pie-“.
“I love you, y/n”
Jamie stood again and was met with everyone staring at him and gasps where heard
“I love you, i love everything about you
Even the things i dont necesarily like, i love
And i want you to be with me” his eyes watered and his voice broke slightly
“I love you since the day i met you and i will love you for for ever more”
“I love you for all the reasons that you dont love yourself. When i think of you marrying him, it breaks my heart. Lifes too short not to say that you are with the person you love”
“ i promise you, i swear to you, my love for you will never falter”
“I love you and i think that you love me?” He added
Everyone started looking at me.
I looked down but looked back up at him when he said
“Do you? Do you love me?” He said looking me in the eye, tears began falling on both of our sides.
I felt an unsteady hand shove me aside as mathew walks towards jamie saying
“Your that selfish you cant let people be in love, me and y/n are meant to be so why dont you take yourself and g-“
“ I love you Jamie!!” I yelled over mathews arguing.
Mathew swayed about next to jamie, how had no one noticed how drunk he was?!
“I love you! I love you!” I said again to jamie as he ran towards me and picked me up.
After i was in his arms he span us around while kissing.
“You bitch!! I was that close! Just marry you, divorce and i would be minted!!” Mathew yelled having an actual tantrum. Joseph looked disgusted as he and Joe Keery went to Mathew and dragged him out of the ceremony, they were later followed by Mathews family and friends.
I looked up to see Jamie’s piercing blue eyes full of love.
“Ive loved you since we were 17” i whispered to him.
“And i will love you forever more” he whispered back to me.
We kissed at the altar and Jamies dad and brother stood up cheering first.
“Shall we?” Jamie asked, nodding to the door at the back of the room.
“We shall” i smiled at him as he held his hand out for me.
We both ran out the ceremony laughing and smiling.
I texted the wedding group chat saying the after part was still on, i was getting into my second outfit, a shorter one meant for the party.
I was stood looking in the mirror when Jamie came behind me, still in his white shirt and black trousers with his black tie from earlier, and wrapped his arms snaked around me and he smiled and whispered into my neck.
“Cant wait to plan out wedding my love, thank you so much for giving me another chance”.
I looked up and said “what convinced you to speak up”.
“You love someone, you tell them, doesnt matter if you think its going to make things 100% worse and like itll make the world explode, you love them you tell them”.
We walked hand in hand to the after party, ready to spend the rest of our loves together.
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hannahlovesluca · 11 months
So i heard about u doing nijisanji matchups so why not :DD
Nijisanji male matchup pretty plz w cherry on top
Gender:Gender is nothing but a social conCepttTttt(jk cis female but there were times ppl mistook me as a guy once LMAO)
Pronouns:I don't have any in particular,i don't mind any of them as long as its not they/them
Sexuality:....i..don't know actually.Like.Women.But Men.But women.i'll just say bisexual..
Appearance:Shoulder length black hair,i'm kiiinda tall?Im taller than most of my friends.Black fox-like(i think thats what they call them??) Eyes,and i wear literally anything.Like imagine someone in a black turtleneck and some random ass floral button up shirt with the most obnoxious pants ever(for clarification this isnt my attempt at getting in r/builtdifferentfromothergirls i just get cold easily).Oh and im as blind as a bat without my glasses,i only put them on when i wanna put myself in the attractiveness scale for shits and giggles sometimes i wear random jackets i find in my room like that one hot pink jacket i covered in the bee movie stickers for some reason
Idk my ennagram sorry :((
Personality:im pretty laid-back but based on sources(aka my mutuals) i am the embodiment of a living cockroach because of me almost dying like 5 times(vibe checked by god 5 times and he did NOT approve of me...like mf be frfr) i procastinate until like a day before the deadline cause i only work with pressure cause my brains just built like that(rushing calculus my beloved) I LOVE MATHS SO MUCH U CANT IMAGINE(and the cries of my discord besties cause the moment they go back on vc they see the discord whiteboard filled with god knows what) and im preeeeetty confident in myself unless someone genuinely compliments me,if that happens im just gonna disintegrate into dust
Likes:that one meme where the green guy from avengers goes "why is galora",yugioh,jumping into my friends random vc comedically 4 shits and giggles,resident evil,taking care of everyone(and not taking care of myself cause im a self aware hypocrite),DEBATES I LOVE THEM SM THEY GIVE ME SO MUCH ADRENALINE
Dislikes:when someone gets into my persona space toooooo much.oh and the fact that u can divide 91 by 7.literally unreal.and thunder??dunno it sets uncomfy in me i probably offended zeus in my past life or smth
Love language:
I dont know what that is....i mean like,id send whoever i get random memes i found at 3 am,shower thoughts??and hugs??and cuddles??and giving them reassuring words??does that count?
Extra:im bilingual(swedish,russian,korean,german) so i can make ppl say what seems like romantic words when its a deez nuts joke this is a flex btw.i pace around tasks pretty fast,sometimes im too lazy to get up sometimes i go around doing literally everything at once
Im sorry if this is confusing to u this is my first time doing this :((
i pair you with…
Ver Vermillion!
Tumblr media
hear me out…
• you guys will absolutely nerd out over yugioh and will probably end up playfully arguing and malding over the other (i dont know much ab yugioh im sorry 💔💔)
• if you let him nerd out to you and rant to you about the most random things he will immediately fall in love
•likewise if you nerd out/rant to him he will fall in love bc the fact that you confide in him???
• similar to shu yaminerd, he is a huge nerd but hes better at hiding it
• call him a dork. he says he hates it but he loves it.
• youll sit in discord vc, no sound except the little giggles erupting out while you read each others memes and random messages that you just keep on sending
• will randomly whip out the “why is galora” meme to make you laugh out loud in vc with others, on stream, etc even in public
• god, he loves your hair
• your cuddles up in his arms, half-asleep, and hes running his hands thru your hair AHHH
• will also send you hot-takes out of nowhere so you guys can debate on it solely because he knows how much you love it
• “banana pizza is good.”
• “soggy socks feel nice.”
• will also throw you random compliments because he knows its the only thing that will get you
• “are you a hot mom because damn mama you hot.”
• will assist you in sending deez nuts jokes to your friends in korean
• “내 불알을 빨아.”
RUNNERS UP: Shu Yamino, Doppio Dropscythe
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Stick with me- lyney & lynette
TWS: Heavily implied Child Abuse & PTSD ,also slight implied transphobia if you look .
Extra’s: all of the siblings are autistic.Lyney is also ADHD, transmasc lyney , Also [——] isnt any other character its just a replacement for Lyney’s deadname bc i dont wanna give him one
WC: 1034
Rule one.Dont cry.
The unspoken rules had left the siblings scarred for years, it had been a while since they had last spoken with their ‘father’.
Each of the three had different ways to avoid the treatment if they were caught, it varied usually from a comforting hug when they were younger. Or sometimes at the beginning of their distraught. But quickly switched into words harsh enough to give you whiplash.
Lyney could still hear the words ringing through whenever he felt himself get upset. “Its just a dress, get over it.” or even worse. He could still feel his younger self crying and begging his caretaker to spare him the slightest glance, apologising over and over again in a futile attempt to please her.
It never worked, he would be ignored until the verge of a mental breakdown, sometimes well after it. When Arrlechino would finally give a sharp “youre forgiven” before continuing her current task.
Lynette suspected it was why he liked the attention so much, why he needed to be in the spotlight. Being ignored reminded him of the times he would be neglected in his harshest times. Lynette hasnt seen him upset since a few years back.
It was a nice evening, she was walking home with her brother. Not that she knew it at the time. He hadn’t had come out by that point in time. Freminet hadn’t joined their little trio then. They were only about six.
Lyney was rambling about his day, they had been put into separate classes unluckily, and lynette was more than happy to listen. By the time they got to the house. Father had already been standing at the door. A sweet smile on her face. Something felt off about it. “Lynette , would you mind coming upstairs with me? [——] you stay there”
She walked up with her Father, her cat ears twitched as she heard Lyney’s feet following them. If Father found out he would be in big trouble. So she hoped that he would turn around. Her Father led her into a side room, it was her office. Although, Father stopped, suddenly letting go of Lynette’s hand. And slowly turned to look at the door. Lynette’s breath hitched, she didnt want her brother to be hurt. “Lynette, stay.”
She sat down on her Fathers’s desk. Unfocusing her eyes to the best of her abilities. She didn’t want to listen.

Soon enough there were kicking sounds, shouts and screaming ringing through her ears. She felt bad, Lyney had only went to make sure she was ok. But now he was getting hurt instead. The screaming held up, eventually everything went pitch silent. And the noise of footsteps up the stairs, they were lighter now. She wasnt angry.
“Lynette!” She opened her eyes, seeing her twin staring at her. “Yes?” she replied, standing up. They had a show soon, but she wasn’t sure how long she had been zoned out for. “have you seen the concealer anywhere?” He said, making a show of glancing about. “i cant find it at all! Everywhere i look its not there!” he rambled, digging through some boxes. “Oh, i used the last of it” she admitted, her breath pausing for a second. Trying to gauge his reaction before continuing.
“oh.” he paused, suddenly his energy drained, and his hand went up to cover his eye for a second, his finger ghosting over the area under his eyebrow. She immediately knew why. So she spoke up.
“I can do some eyeliner to cover it up?” Lyney contemplated it, before nodding hesitantly. He didn’t like anyone going near his face, let alone touch anywhere near his eyes. Not even Lynette. But he was rather desperate now. He silently walked away, grabbing some eyeliner and eyeshadow.
“Be careful—“ he said, as they both sat down on the couch. She nodded, adding in a little hum when she realised he had closed his eyes. Up close you could see it,a small sunken in scar there. She knew when he had gotten it. But she never asked what had happened. And he had never told her either. People assume they tell each other everything, but somethings they preferred to keep quite, but they usually had some idea what had happened.
That night, about four AM. Lyney was lead back into their shared room by their Father.She closed the door without saying anything. Lyney walked over, shaking. Half of his face was covered in bandages , and he had a few bruises here and there. He crawled into her bed. And stayed there every night for the next few months.
She doesn’t think he sleeps properly anymore, neither does Freminet. They bond over it sometimes. She doesn’t mind missing out on their midnight snack adventures. She prefers her catnaps.
She finished the lines, making sure to cover up the scar. “you know nobody can see it while youre on stage?” she added, putting away the kit. And she’ll act tomorrow like nothing was said. And so will he.
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skiifff · 1 year
“Anger Management”
Small Adokoga fanfic
Adonis has always been there for Koga. Even if he himself was feeling down, there would always be time for Koga. In most of these scenarios, it would be Koga ranting over the phone with him about the latest things that has been bothering him.
Today, Adonis noticed Koga acting a little off during their training together with the rest of their unit. He was a little bit more aggressive with words and was being ignorant towards Rei. This didn’t hurt Rei’s feelings, however Adonis was a bit curious to why Koga was feeling like this.
After training, Adonis walks over to Koga, who was preparing to head to his room.
“You doing ok?” Adonis asks as Koga quickly hides his face from view
“Yeah. Im just not myself today” Koga responds in a calm tone, different from what Adonis heard during training.
“Well, do you wanna talk about?” Adonis asks.
“No.” Koga says as he begins to dash out of the room, Rei and Kaoru getting knocked over by the force of Koga’s push between them.
“Whats up with that guy..” Kaoru asks as Rei helps him up.
Adonis walks over to the 2 guys and reassures them that Koga is doing ok, even though he also is heavily concerned for Koga.
Later that night, Adonis messages Koga if he wants to talk about it over call. Shortly after, Adonis gets a call notification from Koga, which he quickly answers.
“Koga?” Adonis says into the phone, “How are you?”. For a few minutes, all Adonis could hear over the phone is just silence, occasionally hearing Koga’s breathing. “Koga, I cant help you if you are being unresponsive”. Adonis says as he continues to hear silence and occasional breathing.
Just then, Adonis hears a different noise coming from the line, sniffling.
After saying his name, Koga begins to speak in a rather shaky but almost angry tone.
“I.. I can’t..”
Adonis is confused as he continues to listen as Koga continues sobbing.
“Koga, take deep breaths please.” Adonis says, trying to calm Koga down so he could explain to him whats happening. In return, Koga does what Adonis asked.
After calming down, Koga begins to speak, still sniffling.
“Before training.. these group of people in the streets.. were talking bad about me..” Koga pauses before continuing.
“They saw me walk past them and..” Adonis can hear how Koga’s voice started to shaken up once more, probably from pure anger.
“And they started throwing stuff at me!” Koga growls as he continues to scream about these people.
“I might not be the best idol, but they should at least have some respect towards me!” He screams before going silent, sobbing once more.
“Koga.. Im sorry that happened to you.” Adonis says, trying to comfort his sobbing friend over the phone. “Is there any way I could make you feel better?” Adonis asks calmly as he waits for a response.
“I know its late already.. but you wanna meet up somewhere.. maybe outside our rooms?”
“Anything for you, my friend.” Adonis says as he ends the call and prepares to exit his room.
They both meet up. Adonis seeing Koga’s face, all blushed up and eyes light red from crying.
Before leaving his room, he grabbed some leftover meat that he had from yesterdays dinner to give to Koga, hoping to make him feel better.
“For you, Koga.” Adonis hands the bowl with meat inside. Koga smiles as he carefully grabs the bowl from Adonis’ hands.
“Thank you.” Koga softly says as he holds the bowl in his hand to feast on after their meetup.
“You know, you mean a lot to me, Adonis.” Koga says as he stands in front of him. Adonis softly smiles and wraps his arms around Koga, Koga still holding the bowl as he is shocked from the sudden movement.
“You mean a lot to me, and other people too, Koga. Don’t let a small group of people get to you next time.” He continues to hug Koga as Koga begins to lower his head onto Adonis’ shoulder, sniffling.
Koga later died that day.
The meat that Adonis gave him was marinated with rat poison. Which was purposely put in there by Adonis himself to finally get rid of Koga. The actual leftover meat is still sitting in Adonis’ fridge.
Adonis gets ready for another day of training, happier than ever.
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percy-ils · 2 years
Nooo I have become unrecognizable even to you I don't even really like my new url but I didn't know what else to come up with
I have been feeling pretty bad apparently one of his editors called him a horrible person on Twitter today? I'm not very sure but after learning about that I decided to uninstall Twitter and just chill out for a while basically
Sorry for not answering right away as well it's because I literally stood up and went and busied myself I have started coding and you know just yesterday I was thinking wow I'm doing something Dream was doing at this age too I wanna make him proud which maybe it's rather silly but it helps me keep wanting to do it
You shouldn't abstain yourself from your own coping mechanisms because of what other people could possibly think about you if you know hearing his voices and seeing him would make you feel better then go ahead and do so you don't have to punish yourself or anything it makes me really sad and worried to hear you are going through so much pain right now I wish I could be there and give you a hug
You put it into words but now whenever I log on I just feel the same pit on my stomach that I felt when we learned about Techno but just like back then I'm sure we will make it through
I also don't really understand it very well I also think so many people were just fed up and saw this as a good moment to dip like they saw his face the meetup the live panel and the pictures it's like their storyline was finished and now they can move onto something new
But remember it's not your fault the fact that you got a special interest isn't your fault you are in your full right to have it and to keep enjoying and loving Dream I know for a fact I'm staying on Dreblr and whenever lore drops I'm watching it and whenever he streams I'm watching it and whenever he makes a video I'm watching it because at the end of the day no matter what I can't help loving him
Also remember it's only been like two days since this whole thing has started there's a lot we don't know yet so we just gotta wait and see
I still think very much that by the next Saturday everybody will have moved on and those who stay will continue to enjoy it and those who don't will be missed and we will all come out stronger from it and more united
Don't lose hope after just two days we will get through this eventually
I love you too <3 sending you all my hugs and strenght and hope :) - Beloved and idk how to introduce myself anymore ex-Drellumina I suppose
You literally mean the world to me thank you for taking your time to write this all <3
I didnt answer this until now because I had to make my mind about things and I'm pretty clear about what I think now.
I'm not changing my blog, im not leaving the fandom or Dream. I read so many things and listened to many people and I'm pretty sure that Dream is innocent and I trust him. I'm not gonna apologise for loving and following him and there's so many people already sure that he's innocent and this Amanda girl's story makes no sense and it keeps changing, it's just untrustable and inconsistent and she's just seeking clout.
So many people are just acting weird and I cant understand them and you know what. I'm giving up on trying to understand. They do what they want. I'm gonna keep watching Dream. I was saying that I'd trust him with my life last week, that still stands and I trust him with his. He's gonna handle it and it will pass.
But I'm still mad at these people for treating Dream like shit and ruining everything only for a little bit of attention, or the "fifteen minutes of fame" as it is. I'm pretty calm and content right now, just gonna wait for it to pass.
Take care of yourself :))
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safetyobstacles · 3 months
Parte dois of my giant post to hold all my reactions as i watch Desconjuração because my original post somehow got MASSIVE
so spoilers under the cut starting on ep 9 BBBB)))))
parte uno
update from episode 11 this post is also massive help
you know that song "our house in the middle of our street" thats what this half of desconjuração is like but its just "our house" over and over and over and
i am sad about liz but its okay im fine its im so sad im rotting im dust my bones have turned to acid and liquid and theres no putting me back together its okay at least i still have arthur and kaiser and erin and joui and WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA
EP 9 im going to its 130 am and i have work in the morning but i actually cant sleep until i know what happens to Ivete
cellbit got a haircut for christmas
the void room looks so cool ????????? joui doesnt get a line sus
ABSOLUTE COMEDY GOLD THIAGO AND BEA that was the funniest shit ever "careful asking questions" "GOT ANY SUGGESTIONS??" KKKKKKK i had to pause to breathe if ivete dies because of this at least it was really fucking funny
??????????????????????????????????????????????? i have trust issues is this even real
off topic but ivete, kaiser, and arthur all living together is actually the cutest thing ever i want to crush them like an orange to make juice
joui why are you being so vague over this phone call sus sus sus sus
cellbit says the word photos and i wanna throw him out a window leave kaisers photos aloooooooooooonnnnnneneeeeeee oh nvm the photos are normal :)
joui looking good with his 26 hp 69 sanity :)) erin slowly going crazy with her 13 sanity :))))))) dante is just kinda homeless rn isnt he
ok i feel like this is probably real enough that i can go to sleep without worrying
i think my favourite ordem song is in the second half of this season but that also doesn't bode well for the team...
tristan FUMBLES with the pool question
joui wasnt in the spooky room joui wont hug tristan.............. sus
im so glad everyone else thinks that bea asking for suggestions was funny as fuck dude i was in tears over it
LOOOOL dude i couldnt figure out why Mia was so familiar shes in the GAME her and Lupi i cant believe i didnt recognize her at first its okay ivete i also cant do math in my head
'yeah she fought the god of death thats why shes old' this is so awkward for fernando specifically
why is erin's grandma an elite hacker i think we should open the possible ransomware for fun good thing erin passed her sanity test wtf kaiser's apartment is haunted his computer is haunted his face is fucked up one of his friends just died someone go buy him some gum erin i think your grandma might have joined a cult
kaiserrrrrr he cares so much about his people, giving ivete money to find a new place for now agatha really grows on you shes just a little guy with deadly tendencies and fun hobbies
joui vs modern technology is such a good bit
kaiser about to dislocate his knee all over again door strong
'tem dois pufes' WHAT A GOOD WORD PUFES I LOVE THAT INCREDIBLE suspicious note in the haunted wine cabinet kaiser with the haunted cigarettes and the haunted weed idk which team is more cursed team 2 has a cellbit npc but team 1 has the guys that are seeing phantom eyeballs everywhere
quatro pessoas..... fofoca..... bro arnaldo fritz got around EVERYWHERE are we sure thiago is his only kid the plumbing might need some work wow thats actually like my worst nightmare whats happening to kaiser erin with 13 sanity about to start her singing career
water being used as a horror element makes this 10 times harder to get through for me just the idea of it freaks me out lolll enigma of the printer they're never going to get this file printed strong feeling that tristan is going to get mangled in the haunted house
if i was cellbit and all my players were scattered around the house trying to do 7 different things all at once i would just cry
dante's lost, tristan is trying to set up erin and joui, arthur and fernando are arguing over a printer, kaiser is pocketing a laptop, bea is trying to advance the plot, joui is panicking over groups of 4
kaiser dont go to the bathroom the water is trying to drown you CAN WE LEAVE THJE HAUNTED HOUSE why all these houses fucked up kaiser no more houses for you thats horrible thats horrible thats horrible why do you hate photography cellbit
tristan dont look out tristan stay hiding tristan shut the fuck up the evil monster is in the hALLWAY oh nevermind oh nevermind never mind oh shit oh FUCK DAMN DAMN DAMN BRO GOT OPENED LIKE A CAN OF TUNA
EP 10 theres no way this can go worse than the Virgulino house fight
this season's opening is so good last season's was as well i love good opening sequences DAMN i just watched osnf opening again and now im sad once more i watched it 4 more times i am in AGONY
THE TRISTAN CORPSE erin with 18 sanity doing better nevermind fucking hell maybe we get erin out of here bea runs TOWARDS the corpse thats crazy hello luciano this is really awkward for you to show up right now
go downstairs go downstairs go downstairs go downstairs leave the house leave the house leave the house guys joui has the right idea get the hell out
would be crazy to be one of the neighbours looking out the window right now ERINNNNNNN its ok its ok joui about to beat up dante not the van cellbit looks sus as fuck i think they should go visit the neighbours all the blood might make it a bit awkward tho
so glad i can read portuguese so this notebook could make me sad before Bea even started reading it who's letting their kid answer the door when you live across from a haunted house
little tiny Arthur terrorizing these kids he doesnt mean it puppy fernando probably would have been the better person to talk to the neighbours kaiser repeating their names so he doesnt forget like he did in the house im gonna break something
'its us three forever' AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA im going to deastroy ecveryhting rgresrebhvaljkvbfdsahlvnfakdv
ok but at least if we are going back in the house can we figure out whats up with the printer are we suuuuure the laptop doesnt have a charger is there a ladder that we can use, have kaiser or arthur climb up look through a window, see if they can see the spider woman
the plan is dont die IM SURE THEY WILL ALL BE OKAY bea i think if you go with you die maybe the spider woman is turning tristan's body into a puppet and shes gonna start a puppet show
im so glad we're going in the house at night im so glad theres a red light in the haunted house at night im so glad this is a group of 4 Joui got me paranoid PICTURE DEVELOPMENT ROOM thats not very scary nevermind kaiser get away from the sink its gonna try to suck you again is that bastet ive seen his doki doki stream
i was just gonna comment on how cellbit suddenly sat up straight but he just became grandma again bro erin has 8 sanity one of her best friends just died in front of her she needs to go home ooog idk if we go upstairs ooooggggrgrgbrehgrdf joui idk if you go in front ur kinda freaking out
i hate this house haunted wardrobe about to eat dante the haunted eyeball is contagious ok what do we all have in common that the eyeball is haunting them ABSOLUTELY NOTHING that i can think of the odds of dante putting that number in his phone thats crazy has anyone thought about looking up at the ceiling while they walk
ok now open the door again thats how the eyes work they disappear after you see them ok nvm stop trying to open the door shut the door shut the door KICK THE DOOR???? EXTREMO??? joui that room is hella haunted "hehe nao sabe" wheres kian, kian sabe
i would like to ask again has anyone considered looking up at the ceiling this entire time oh lol they actually looked up just now LAPTOP CHARGER POG who the hell is moving a whole stove upstairs if it broke just put it outside joui is afraid of the upstairs stove
i feel like whatever monster is in this house isnt resposible for kaiser's memory problems/photo problems because his photos got messed up all the way back at Liz's apartment, and the dripping sound was happening before that or maybe its just a part of it since joui and dante have seen the eyesballs now too but why does ivete see it too ? ?? ? its linked specifically to kaiser maybe? maybe its like the flu and hes spreading it by coughing on everyone but then if it is linked to kaiser why him?? i dont remember anything especially specific happening to him at the end of osnf
if thats a photo of them right now ill die thats another horror trope i hate is when you get confirmation that something is indeed watching you please look out the window i have to know ok maybe it isnt
wait didnt that old lady call them an uber like 3 hours ago maybe they can print a key for one of the doors the most obvious crack in the wall everybody missed it for so long
alright buddy cellbit why do you keep calling out the time thats sus why is he counting it out by the minute stop it joui you loser that was cute maybe we burn it outside have you guys ever thought of that maybe we burn it outside so we arent trapped in the house
couldnt have tried burning it outside joui hiding in rocks like a crab okay kaiser runs INTO the house okAY kinda figured the door would do that ah fhfdvnfjdavbklfrdhaij; this music is awesome bea going to hide in a pillow fort idk if that ones gonna work bud wait yeah maybe we dont go in the van something vandalized it last time
"you still dont hear footsteps" ok but last time thats when tristan got plucked also the hell music is still playing so luciano HIIIDE JUST HIDE maybe break the window??? JKUST HIDE STOP FIGHTING THE WINDOW JUST HIDE NVM OK JUMP OUT THE WINDOW LEEEEEAVE NAAO no gkd danmnmuit LUIS BEAAAA shes hgonna shoot him on accident dante got the fuck out lmaooooo
LUCIANO LIVES??????? HE LIVEDDDDDDDDDDD leave the house leave the house leave the house leave the house theres still a half hour left this episode is stressing me out so bad its awesome
headless doll how nice how friendly how normal for a haunted house nvm now the doll has a head erin needs a vacation she has 8 sanity this fucking laptop is the actual boss of the house no way theres only 10 minutes left we're gonna be stuckj in this house for another episode mom pick me up i want to go home
burn the photo OUTSIDE wehats wrong with you guys THANK YOU JOUI NO KAISER wait so it wasnt reacting to the photos getting burned not the POV photo damn poor record guy AWESOME COFFINS GREAT ONE IS OPEN COOL
ep 11 shoutout to orpheu for living this long
rakin did something different with his hair
opening the unchained coffin is wild but you go dante dont let anyone stop you grabbing the floating tape is wild but you go bea dont let anyone stop you taking a picture of the monster is such a good idea you just have to not die in the process\
'kills victims after devouring their memories' KAISERRRRRR 'you guys are getting tired and hungry' ok well maybe if someone didnt fuck up their van they could go to a waffle house
CUP NOODLES POG why are you judging joui's cup noodle flavour listen just send arthur to the old lady's house sure he has one arm and a scarred face but hes arthur hes so small hes the kind of person old people love joui about to get sucked by the sink oh nevermind is this water even safe to drink tho theyre about to get parasites
joui and arthur sharing ramen :) so cute so small so cute how have non of these people eaten ramen before this isnt even real ramen its instant noodles this cooking break is kind of nice if you ignore the invisible spider stalking them no way we take a nap in the haunted house
this is supposed to be sad i can tell but im obsessed with memory loss kaiser going 'wow look at my totally normal faceless parents in this totally normal picture' and arthur just being 'no kaiser no no no'
really admire how we're all just chilling in the haunted house erin so quiet joui you are such a loser i love you NOO ERIN CAN ALSO HEAR THEM KKKKKKKK luciano gnawing on a brick of instant noodles is so real joui and erin gonna make my heart bones dissolve stop it ill die nobody smile at her she may have a heart attack
am i crazy is it not wild to be napping in the haunted house i feel crazy cellbit saying 'you feel strange' but its just luciano changing back had me so scared for half a second fernando this is so awkward you know that tristan is dead right
POLICE OPEN UP joui just let the cop in joui is incredibly charming nvm not that charming english jumpscare wheres thiago when you need him he could talk his way out of this uh oh
STOPPP the english is killing me also these cops are about to die horribly dante playing splinter cell ana about to get SNATCHED JUAREZ MOOOOVE dude that thing looks awesome her arms are so long AHHH HE MAKES IT OUT THE WINDOW THIS TIME we shoot the monster as its trying to hug joui okay 8 damage is fucked
kaiser is playing pokemon snap meanwhile the monster is trying to turn arthur's chest into a bread bowl luciano doing crazy damage this fight beaaaaaa bbbro its eating her DESASTRE??? nah wait doesnt this thing eat memories before it kills you dude come on bea barely has any HES ABOUT TO PUNCH THE BIRD ORPHEU IS GLOWING AGAINN dante stumbling through the window
erin is so real hiding this whole fight DAMN snapped orpheu like a pencil HE SAID THE THING ???????????? this thing hates knowledge specifically it has so much HEALTH IT CAN REACH OUT THE WINDOW JOUI FUCKIGN SLIPPPPPEDDDD kaiser so mad about being the photographer JOUI YOU'RE SO COOOOOL
cellbit you fucker i dont think tiny bird cpr is going to help YO????? erin chilling with 2 sanity open the door open it open it thats a whole book cellbit...........................
EP 12 whats on the laptop whats in that room can we go home yet
hi everybody welcome to the next episode here have some trauma
nobody smile at erin she's liable to just straight up kill herself if you arent careful 'im gonna tell bea i liked her writing :D' oh dear erin dont even worry about it joui, erin's just gonna talk to tristan's blood splatter
dante with the haircut can the paranormal fix my vision too i would become an occultist for that how is this door STILL stuck who in there not-dead-bea isnt gonna freak out is she thats gonna be reallyyyyyyy
theres no way i would be opening one of these coffins after all the shit we just went through what if theres another spider woman in there joui with a shotgun... does this count as grave robbing is kaiser going to be haunted by even more spirits
wait i forgot thats how blood zombies work cellbit you fucker dont you dare did dante just try to hockey check the zombie joui doing an epic move nevermind this is not very friendly bea :( guyssssss you cant just keep her like this forever will she even go back to being not angry not to be that guy but even if you do manage to chain her up shes probably just gonna mutilate herself to get to you guys
doorways and hallways are the most dangerous enemies in ordem theres too many people climbing all over each other trigger discipline luciano????????????? joui you're so cool
thIS IS SO AWKWARD i just dont know if erin is the best person to be breaking this to fernando erin i dont know if you should be transcending right now but maybe this will be good for you
kaiser and erin got that energy like their parents know each other and wont stop talking in the aisle of a grocery store wait i forgot kaiser has that doll what is it FOR escolha..... WHY DOES EVERYONE THINK JOUI AND ERIN ARE GONNA KISS fernando, erin is the resident grenade and shotgun user she cant stay in the back
the longer they stay in this house the more i can see the actual players going crazy i love that joui's perfect series of events goes back to liz being alive hes so right got rolled by a door
do you think cellbit made the puzzles in this house like "these are kind of difficult but i think they can do it :)" and then dante is just forgetting to finish reading the damned diary and we've been stuck in this house for 4 episodes erin has the right idea blow it up LOL wait luciano is actually gonna let her
ARTHURRRRRRR so small its okay arthur you're a good person RRRRRRRAAAAAAAAAAA the arthur kaiser joui relationship making me violent
cellbit i dont like the face you made when fernando went to try and transcend sus DOLL ROOM wait i recognise this music wtf but the song im thinking of is from the calamidade soundtrack
EP 13 cory in the house theme song playing we're never leaving this house
o carente but its not really or maybe it is i dont actually know what the song is for in calamidade joui is not a fan of the doll room who is the eyeball who is the eyeball the drippy sound are the eyeballs the dolls god dammit kaiser at least arthur isnt looking joui vs a closet joui lost
is the eyeball related to death since its basically stealing time away from kaiser ill start fist fighting i still think the eyeball issue is connected specifically to kaiser and hes accidentally spreading it to other people but if thats true why can dante see them whats the connection GRAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHH do they have to be told about it???? will lu and erin start seeing them now too
cellbit doesnt believe in the power of the safari search engine someone needs to take luciano's gun away hes shooting everything
did daniel hartmann also write this book so glad we're reading the haunted doll book in the haunted doll room in the haunted house no way theres a portuguese test erin and dante dont know portuguese cursive writing defeats yet another player
hey can we figure out who cut the wires in the van thats yet another haunted house mystery unsolved WASHING MACHINE POG NEVERMIND 4 dolls 4 people that can see the eyesballs ive got it we have to sacrifice joui, arthur, dante, and kaiser portuguese defeats yet another player
THIS HOUSE IS IMPOSSIBLE do they have to take photos why is kaiser filling up the bathtub is he gonna take a bath erin's lighting incense to try and make the house smell nicer dante was climbing boxes eu sou luciano what the hell are joui and dante even doing
voce é um gênio arthur!!!! eu sei :))) JOUIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII kaiser dont let arthur in that bathroom ??????? huge brain moment kaiser hang on hes about to fucking drown no way arthur is coming to rescue him alright nobody's allowed near water by themselves anymore what the fuck was that
whaAAAAAT thats crazy anyways jouixarthur?? also happy pride month FOUR DOLLS POGGGGGGGGG erin's not allowed to open any doors if she has to roll a sanity test she'll explode english jumpscare i can hear the drippinggggg
going off the name of the song from calamidade im going to assume all the ghost kids just want a hug and then we can leave no problem :) none of these people have ever talked to a kid in their lives wait the emo kid from across the street??? goth is a lifestyle joui
ah nao we're about to go kidnap the goth kid from across the street luciano might just be the absolute worst person to go and talk to some kid send arthur and joui they are by far the friendliest ?????????????? what do you mean luciano what do you MEAN erin also a good choice shes friendly happy pride month the chair moves incredible
please stop comparing your abs please im begging you stop please por favor pare por favor eu vou morrer guys you cant just bring this kid into the haunted house with luciano shirtless thank god
is this joui's first date this is horrific joui you're soooo this is going incredibly poorly already where are these kids parents cellbit playing three believable NPCs at once is so fun omg Hugo the little brother is MISSING??? joui dont threaten the 16 year old omg Hugo so small manga and snacks thats all he needs joui HATES teenagers joui is so cool to hugo
dante and luciano absolutely RUINING their cover guysssss you're scaring the 15 year olds DAMN JOUI absolutely rolled luciano amigos imaginarios.... bruxo...... hugo about to be kaiser and arthur's new lil bro dante HATES teenagers maybe tim is hiding in the washing machine actually maybe hes in the doll closet bro tim is 11??? they made it sound like hes 5
nevermind ive got it tim is hiding in the coffin tim better not be in the van theres a bea in it why the fudge is this kid in the van :(
im well aware that theres a monster in some season thats called the imaginary friend so tim is making me awfully nervous jesus christ do eduarda's parents know she can do this anyways horrible feeling one of these kids is gonna get possessed and they'll have to fight it
music picking up uh ohhhhh luciano listen i get it i also think they should kill not-dead-bea but this isnt a conversation you should be having with 4 kids in the room tim is one of you imaginary friends in the room with us
dont worry guys ive got it kian is currently possessing tim thats the solution ok the neighbour is kian ive got it for sure kian is everywhere hes in the sofa in the sink in your shoes kian is the neighbours dog ive got it all figured out INTERIOR DESIGN
if i read assombração forçada literally it definitely doesnt sound like a good thing wtf is a forced haunting kian sabe.... are we talking like they took all these live kids and made them possessed or something are there a bunch of kids buried under the house joui's having a brain blast alright ive got it all figured out for sure for real kian is being passed around to different kids bodies so that he never dies thats the solution KIAN IS OROCHIMARU LOLLLLL
dante i think you need to admit that some of your friends from the orphange are all fucked up now and have done really bad things
CATS KIAN IS A CAT IVE FIGURED IT OUT KIAN IS JENNIFER ooooooooooooooo arthurrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr WAAAAAAAAA OW???? OUCHIES voce ta bem??? CLARO QUE NAO joui needs a rabies shot now cellbit if you hurt hugo im gonna be really upset ????????????????
daniel hartmann you motherfucker guiltiest man once alive and you deserve it what the hell was wrong with you
erin with 21 sanity really doing well for herself the real boss of the house is the handwriting in these notes luciano and dante are getting rolled we still haven't unlocked that stupid laptop thats kinda awkward daniel has a whole fanbase waiting for a new book but he got chomped in half
someone get hugo away from the blood pile hes gonna start trying to steal some jennifer isnt like.... infecting them is she dante if the teenagers think you're cool then you are so cool cassiano probably wants your autograph wait so its not the cat ok ive got it the cat is obviously trying to protect them from the monster jennifer would never hurt anyone
kaiser is accidentally infecting everyone with the eyesballs somehow i know it we keep talking about time sus sus sus sus sus sus
ok ive read the last three paragraphs many many times and all ive gathered is this monster is following jennifer but it realised kaiser is super hot so now it wants to kiss him and also all of kaiser's friends and also ivete so the solution is kaiser and arthur take a nap while everyone hides and watches
ordem paranormal sleepover if theres only 16 cat eyes then that means one of the cats (JENNIFER) escaped idk about this one dante noooo arthur im sure jennifer isnt evil she just has an imaginary friend following her around and it wants to eat your face joui i dont know about this one 18 cat eyes jennifer is NOT haunted
joui quit being a bitch you're only carrying a drawer full of eyesballs what if we try to burn only 1 eyeball dante and kaiser defeat the singular eyeball joui burns the eyeballs this surely wont have a negative affect
o game cheiro LMAOO i cant stop thinking about the game cheiro now
i have the solution dante should sit ON TOP of the wardrobe then he can jump whatever comes out of it oh my god i thought cellbit was roleplaying someone muffled screaming but its arthur's phone ringing ivete :) wait doesnt ivete have the possibly haunted jennifer with her ARTHUR TELL IVETE TO TELL SOMEONE YOUR VAN IS FUCKED YOU GUYS ARE STRANDED
are we bringing ivete to the haunted house idk about this one guys joui wants his bow so bad WHAT WHAT WHAAAAAAAT YOU SAW WHAT IVETE YOU SAw wghaaaaaaaaaaAAAAAAAAT YOU SAW HUH WHAT THE FUCK GUYSSSSSS the girls are fighting again o dear kaiser fernando this is really a horrible time to show up
ivete is here i have anxiety do we really bring jennifer in the house tho do we really bring ivete in the house tho aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa joui i love you you're such a little loser just let him hold the shotgun for 5 minutes nobody in the call trusts cellbit with jennifer IM SO WORRIED listen if i have to pick between ivete and jennifer i pick ivete every time please dont murder her cellbit
we're at the point where they're just threatening cellbit this is like the absolute worst thing i could be watching at 3:30 right before bed what the hell NOBODY HEARS ANYTHING cellbit's having the time of his life KAISER GETS UP???? WHAT HTHE FUCK IS THAAAAT THATS BEEN HAUNTING JENNIFER???????????? THATS BEEN HAUNTING KAISER AND ARTHUR AND IVETE????? DANIEL HARTMANN YOU ASSHOLE
cellbit it so hyped for this im so afraid wow what a nice heal dante oooooo erin using her energy kaiser was not ready if they let this thing escape im gonna wait they're bullying it ???????? QUE FODA IS RIGHT AI WAIT ARTHUR HAS 4 HP luciano remembers everything??????? we leave kaiser alone with fingers and not-kaiser okay OUCH NOT-ARTHUR IS CRAZY WITH IT REAL ARTHUR IS ALSO CRAZY WITH IT kaiser is getting rolled all because he took a nap DANTE CANT HIT SHITTTTT cellbit you YOUUUU 'isnt kaiser one of your important people?" youuuuuuuuuuu
joui stop getting shot by kaiser challenge failed 12 DAMAGE??? DANTE WITH ONE HEAL EARLIER porra ivete minha querida ???????????????????????????????????????????????????? erin. JOUIIIIII we're all failing everything today ivete is fucking nasty with it IVETTTEEEEE PLEEEASE KILL KAISER 2 cellbit you're gonna have to drag ivete out of guaxi's cold dead hands KAISER IS SO SLEEPY kaiser failing EVERYTHING kaiser 2 is fucking CRAZY HES SO STRONG HES IN THE MATRIX arthur rolled a one im gonna lose my brain my mind its all crumbling to dust kaiser rolled a 1 cellbit what the fuck
ivete putting in work FRAKAISER joui you arent allowed in the kaiser 2 fight you already lost dante a true healer about to start beating his patients to near death aaaaaaAAAAAAAAAAAAA luciano just demolished kaiser 2 HES STILL ALIVE???? NEVERMIND LETS GOOOO joui has broken free of his hallway prison kaiser killsteal
kaiser and arthur taking a little nap joui going to treat ivete :))))))))) no matter how many times cellbit tries to explain first aid it will never not be confusing jennifer i knew you werent evil just haunted sick tattoo arthur but im not really feeling it theres still ghosts up in here
EPISODE FIFTEEEEEEEN i have a bad feeling that if erin dies im going to be really sad how has this happened i kind of love her
kaisers taking a nap onnnnnn the floor arthur hugging im grthgbfdsahvgkjbldsav damn luciano straight to the point at least its a cool looking tattoo arthur tries to transcend with the tattoo and he just explodes oh kaiser is just laying on the ground with the espreitador
still cant get over the fact that daniel hartmann made this thing dude if i was him and i made these kinds of creatures without fully realizing i would also feel horrible
the doll face is kind of horrible get it away joui kaiser doesnt need more drugs he needs bedtime hes gonna have a heart attack "foi legal" ok mister i got shot in the chest OOP? KAISER AND JOUIIIIIIIIIIIII AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA this is so 'dante can you grab my shirt from the floor?'
ERIN CAN FIX THE VANNNNNNNN bea is still in the van danteeee you gotta do something about this erin you are so cool you fix that van you can do anything THE PIZZAS who the fuck stole a slice ivete payed for those erin why are you grinning like that VAN FIXED ERIN I LOVE YOU EVEN IF YOU ATE A SLICE OF PIZZA
Tumblr media
the most van ride ever the sleeping passengers the bea the pizza mystery erin's about to crash the car because of the cheese bread this is gonna be so awkward when they get to the base SO awkward
fuck you kaiser you are a good person when bea was trying to kill you guys you didnt even try to hurt her IVETE I LOVE YOUUUUU WAAAAAAAAAAA bro ivete is actually gonna make me cry wtf health regen humungous we deserve this kaiser with the xqc sticc body type what are the odds that when dante tries to look into bea's mind its just screaming and agony verissimo is missing okaay
I LOVE ERIN erinnnnn you're breaking this in the worst way possible they dont know tristan is deaaaaad kalera is so cool dude
WHAT DO YOU MEAN MARCELA IS MATHEUS' MOM THERES THREE PEOPLE IN THIS CALL THAT JUST STRAIGHT UP BULLIED HIM flashback to alex sneaking matheus a note and the kid just reading it out loud
btw im still obsessed with how they say "hugo" in a brazillian accent thats amazing all hugo should be said like that
clarissa is here this is really awkward are you gonna tell her kaiser orrr oof
"HOW ARE YOU FEELING ARTHUR?" kaiser asks while punching him
cellbit stop smiling when you ask if dante is ready to hear bea's thoughts stop it nvm he sent it to break evil mestre
well i wasnt wrong WHOA WHOA WHA get dante outta there what the hell fuck thats :(
that was horrific kaiser theres alot of people locked up in the base prison joui wants to meditate with kaiser sooooo bad if anyone offered to meditate with him he might cry i fucking love tetris
>:( :(((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((
dante is in unconscious jail OH JOUI thats so awkward you understand what has to be done arthur is TWENTY EIGHT hes so young thats fucked up you stole his whole family from him hes still in his twenties MY BODY IS A TEMPLE
oh. that sucks joui you wouldnt hit a blind man would you
this is so awkward for everyone else living in the ordem prison that can hear this i just think we dont go back to the orphanage?????? that place sucks???? kaiser about to gain the ritual of turning someone into a puppet kaiser thinks omitting details and lying are two different things very interesting surveillance ritual
damn ordem makes me want to punch my monitor
wait DAMN OH SHIT i didnt even realiese until kaiser fucking said something just now but they ARE listening and watching from the symbol tattoed on arthur thats fucked if i had to guess its the sect of masks that did it???? to watch joui?? but strange that the doll face with the same symbol was in the mansion unless the house and the sect of masks are connected somehow
i feel like its better to tell arthur, like who cares if the people listening know, itll be easier to hide shit if arthur understands .... the neighbours? im telling you the neighbour's dog is secretly kian
im a big fan of pizza thats been sitting out for too long thats my toxic trait erin rich as heck we wouldnt make dante sleep on the floor would we hes kind of depressed right now JOUI damn joui they're making dante breakfast and everything kaiser you're being a freak .....we havent heard from grandma in a while
jouiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii u stay here u little
EPISODE 16 WOOOOOOOOO the kaiser thumbnail is wicked
we live in a world where someone or something has definitely gone and dug up bea's body but thats just my opinion
"hm" JOUIIIIIIIIIII JUST HAVE A SLEEPOVER WITH ARTHUR E KAISER "of course, you slept with dante" JOUIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII kaiser is too smart brain too big
ooooooo agathinha foi mal is right arthur's fucking giggle bro stop agatha so mad he got a tattoo without her maybe we ask joui for advice before trying to remove the tattoo "can you hold my hand" arthur makes me want to punch my monitor 11 DAMAGE LOOOL
CARALHO TÁ MUITO FODA joui's so mad hes transcending
they're gonna get back to the house and the kids wandering around it
the computer guys are so funny i think if you turn on an actual light in their room they'll all shrivel up and die letícia is nice but if a strong wind comes she will blow away into dust
to be clear i would steal from the ordem just to see what would happen missed opportunity to see ivete go on a manhunt for who stole her supplies fernando SUCKS at pool joui you're such a little loser i love you kaiser you have to teach arthur how to actually play tetris he doesnt get it
we back in canada baby get the poutine i just noticed the name of this episode :)))))))))) its my favourite ordem song you dont understand
THE OLD PEOPLE DIIIIEDDDD KIAN THE DOG KILLED THEM AND STOLE THEIR BODIES fresta amongus no way we were talking to ghosts bro they ate ghost cake erin's mask is awesome the knowledge and energy guys were kissing in here aren't they supposed to hate each other when did luciano get here
guys kaiser is going through a crisis he's trying to change himself for the better but hes really self conscious about it
HUUUUGGOOOOO hugo dont add random adults on whatsapp even if they like g-force joui would fight a teenager if their name was cassiano
mmmmmmm coffin soup aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa naaaaaaaaaaao lodo preto burn it burn it burn it burn it tchau lodo preto nevermind nevermind nevermind tchau lodo preto arthur dont fucking touch it ...espiral escape room mestre THE PASSWORD IS KIAN THE PASSWORD IS KIAN dammit the password is olho the password is olho
joui you get away from that spiral corpse THE PASSWORD IS HUGO the password is door 4 students desks amongus the password is four the blackboard is haunted haunted chiclete
wowie sheet music if they zoom in on it more i could read it wait thats THE SONG THATS THE BEST SONG some death guy about to come punch them all
i feel like ive lost the plot i need someone to summarize leonardo gomes for me, we think he's kian right??? like his body is kian and we're trying to track leo down to find kian because theyre the same person technically right if not then im watching an entire different show lmao
bmail musicinha if fernando gets fucked up like bea did does the same thing happen to luciano since they share a body or not because they dont really share a mind
its a familiar song to joui... to be clear this is the best song ever dangerous song ?????? cellbit you stop that play the song again joui its so good i dont care if its sending us to hell or whatever
it is boa cellbit fuck you if this song sends you into a coma im screwed oop oop oop oop THAT THING IS AWESOME WHAT THE HELL WICKED COOL SO COOL death has the best monsters
eu fracassei 24 damage is crazy what the hell ah nao she just started the monsters second phase joui get the fuck outta the way erin's demolishing this guy arthur's nice with it luciano playing the drums joui that was so cool theyre bullying this dude
stepped on a lego normal kids room with a summoning symbol in it wait havent we heard if tirigan before TIM'S IMAGINARY FRIEND?? thats not good your imaginary friend should not be friends with other people ooooo arthur so smart liz would be so proud JOUI SAID IT TOO WAAAA
????????????????????????????????????????????????? alvaro was all over the place also CRAZY that alex doesnt get noticed in this paper dudes so unlucky even in death number 1 alvaro augusto hater btw what a guy
LOL THE SKULL luciano how did you not break it into 1 million pieces no way the body were we supposed to burn this thing plEASE DONT THROW A GRENADE TOWARDS KAISERRRRR this song is so good ill actually never get over it joui is escaping the hallway very smart hallways and doorways very dangerous kaiser about to chuck himself down the stairs
joui not jealous joui never jealous someone should touch the sludge for fun they're gonna have to fight the corpse a third time but now it'll deal burn damage erin almost died on the stairs
LAPTOPPPPPPPPPPPP POGGGGGGGGGGG WE MADE ITTTTTT WINDOWS XP UH OH THAT NOTEPAD DOESNT LOOK TOO GOOD anyways my favourite element is death kaiser wanted to hack the email so bad we really moved into a haunted house and THEN adopted a child not what i would do but whatever
'good luck surviving until then' okay buddy dude this guy doesnt stay away THERES MORE are these the dead kids ISNT GRENADE THREE THE DESASTRE ROLL JUST WONDERING JUST CURIOUS erin is these guys' worst nightmare he rolled a 1 against her how sad AI JOUI FUCKIN SLIPPED OR SEOMTHING HIS INSIDES ARE GETTING TOSSED LIKE A SALAD arthur and fernando jamming out who even cares about death skeletons
luciano fucking sucks at playing the guitar foda demais ITS OUTSIIIIDE ARE THE KIDS ACROSS THE STREET SEEING THIS SHIT HUGO LOOK OUT THE WINDOW wwe superstar luciano hitting a frog splash
joui and erin you two are so lame together i say lovingly joui is not jealous at all ever about any attention that arthur gives to anyone else JOUI THATS SO RUDE KKKK DONT JUDGE HER 3 WORDS SHE KNOWS IN JAPANESE
carro chegando who the fuck is here go away this house is haunted as heck off topic but eita is such a good word IVETE GO HOME WHATS WRONG WITH YOU oh she's dante's uber driver
EP 17 tamo junto
dante you missed the party cool sunglasses tho someone should probably keep an eye on dante so he doesnt take a tumble down the stairs yes ivete please leave the haunted house probably wants to eat you WAAAAA I WAS RIGHT I WAS RIGHT THEY STOLE BEA'S BODY was it gal or the mask guys tho gal is more connected to the orphanage and also hes A FUCKING ASSHOLE
ghost footprints kaiser's never seen a shoe in his life arthur making sure dante doesnt take a tumble down the stairs joui also but im pretty sure hes just being jealous again not the bathroom again :DDDDD
fresta amongus "what do you do?" i shut the door and leave the house get a nice minimum wage job and forget i ever worked for the ordem nevermind i run in and try to grab the book out of her hands to see what happens "ghosts dont exist" okay joui jesussss what ythr fuck
really like how even tho dante is blind now he can still use any ritual he needs to, he doesnt just get written off as useless
maybe the book they need is the BIBLE nevermind daniel you fucker wait that could be such a good idea, turn the water main off, turn on all the taps, and then turn the water main back on no problem no drowning
joui sus joui what were you planning last night sus joui where are you going sus joui why are you the thumbnail for this episode sus joui why have you been so weird since the sect of masks incident sus happy pride month
erin thats fucking creepy this house is a mess are we gonna be cleaning it after this is all over succ stop laughing at cellbit's succ rp WE GET TO SWIM NEVERMIND THE POOL WATER IS NASTY no way we walk up to the pool this is how the entire group dies bro surely the kids across the street are seeing this shit
hello i have a terrible fear of drowning and deep water this is awful THAT THING IS COOL SHES GOOEY 'only kaiser can shoot me' you stop that bullying the pool woman ??????dante OW???? JOUI???? jou you are so in the way is there any way you can move slightly to the left thats horrific luciano how is she still aliiiive mmmmm tripas dante you are just so far away nvm you are now much closer joui is getting ROLLED OH YEAH LUCIANO IS DROWNING KAISER IS BEING SMOTHERED
they're getting absolutely demolished by a swimming pool why does this woman have so much HEALTH DANTEEEE NAAAAAO LMAOOOOOOO LUCIANO IS FUCKING DYINGGGGG
what is this scenario cellbit has created were they supposed to go outside and fist fight the pool because this is going so so so badly was there a better way to go about it YEAAAAAH ARTHURRRRRR
"whispers??????? jouiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii THE KIDS WERE WATCHING YESSSSSSS arthur heal steal this house is a horrible mess what do they actually do with once finished
IS THIS THE LAST DOOOOOOOR ARE WE FINALLY GETTING INNNNN i forgot dante is blind this room is awesome
oooo this kid was pissed WHOA WHOA LMAOOOOOOOOOOOOO THATS CRAZYYYYYYY yum blood symbol hate those guys arthur just breathed into kaiser's ear we're not gonna go bother this random guy are we the skate doesnt have a symbol how uncool i want to transcend with the skate
arthur, joui, and kaiser are DISGUSTING together i love them happy............... pride.................... month...................
:) im smiling through the pain joui you stop this you arent going anywhere they should just go smoke some of the weed in the living room next time joui goes to pee the sect of masks are gonna crawl out the toilet and kidnap him
kaiser's nicotine withdrawal is actually just a cover because hes afraid of losing another person hes close to but its okay ill just believe hes really mad about having to buy more cigarettes
why do you say that like you know you have no choice on if luciano allows you to come back or not fernando im gonna break something
we're gonna go ruin this random guy's life arthur if you werent driving this could be a three way hug its impossible for us to have to fight two haunted apartments in one season
fourth floor.... simply i would not answer the door if there were 6 random people standing outside it ooooooooooooooo joui i dont think frederico wants to relive this guyssss hes freaking out maybe we should have brought him some water or a snack
i think frederico needs to find a new therapist probably one that works for the ordem lmao i thought kaiser was gonna start raiding his kitchen we just showed up at this guy's house, ruined his day, and left kian sabe OQ QUE O KIAN SABE no way we're actually leaving someone rob his house or something
sus the whispers also want to stop at a drive thru equipe e WAAAAAAAAA ...this music is...nice rakin staring suspiciously at cellbit is me rn
what the fuck
EPISODE 18 what the fuck
what the fuck
luis talking about an osnf fancam where am i
who is tirigan also isnt the house still haunted
wow i wonder who left this note gfmnksbonçfjksbgrtfsnkjvgbjifostbgpgnfbsjgfs im fine
AGATHAAAAAAAA new csgo knife skin just dropped RITUAL STORE IS AWESOME if joui was here he would be so mad he would also buy something out of spite QUE FODA too bad its not the skate
o violão de ódio incontrolável sounds awesome 44% paranormal exposure kinda nuts arthur kinda crazy kinda know alot arthur glow up next enemy they meet he's gonna bulldoze them dante kinda tense maybe go sit in the sun for a bit absorb the energy
MATH money is difficult you have so much but then you buy 2 things and suddenly you have none kaiser hates shopping i would also buy the spiral ring you can do it fernando i believe in you
wait hes actually doing it pop off fernando you earned this nvm you're still giving it to luciano but at least the other side doesn't hate your ass anymore
i stopped this episode for a whole week because i was so sad about joui where am i who am i i love agatha
i would collect healing rituals like pokemon cards are there occultists selling rituals on ebay we are all so paranormally exposed but how far can you go before it starts to become not such a good thing bea's brain became alphabet soup sooo
WHERE IS YOUR GRANDMA ERIN IS SHE A HACKER IS SHE DEAD IS SHE A ZUMBI DE SANGUE is she kian kian sabe kian out here sleeping with your grandma erin did you know that
question can i use someone else to transcend and learn a ritual like if i drag arthur into the circle and try to transcend with his tattoo do i learn that same ritual also does arthur explode if this happens
to be clear if you could steal a ritual off of Agatha she would either kill and dismember you OR start loading you up with as many rituals as possible just to see what would happen "take this one and this one and this one and-"
agatha and arthur make me want to punch my monitor oh :( agatha :( what are we even talking about bolo de coco ive lost the plot
kian body hopping like orochimaru he'd better not have a thing for snakes arthur doesn't know shit
reading is HARD if you kill kian's body does he swoop into the next one is there a curse mark that he puts on prospective bodies to use once he loses one do you know who else does that
wow i sure do understand this journal perfectly thanks arnaldo fritz but actually the last page hes translating the STONE and its talking about the elements i know this because i can read HUGO????? hugo just stopped my train of thought completely one of the kids is possesed its tim isnt it tim are you housing kian in your soul
HUGOOOOOOOOOOOOO NAAAAAAAAAOOOOOOOO cellbit said you guys are taking too long so this kid is gonna get it joui is hiding in the fridge like a freak
COMO NAO VELHO no illegal weapon modifications allowed i like how cellbit always has to reassure them that they wont get in a car crash unless they roll a 1 they're so afraid
poggers neblina poggers névoa not poggers sangue awkward not to be that guy but the guard is gonna turn into a blood zombie i dont like this song if that one fucker is here im gonna where hugo where hugo where hugo this is not a public bus go away
nvm the car crash fears have been realized oooooooo were leaving the van idk about this one guys occultists hate canada naaaao this freak maybe he's just taking his dog for a walk LMAAAAAAOOOO this guy monologuing and kaiser just 'what the fuck are you even talking about'
this thing is about to ruin everyone's lives wait hes so cool we're so dead HIS CHARACTER MODEL IS COOOOOL TEN DAMAGE :DDDDDDDDDDDDD dante just ruined this guy's life so smart water beats fire or something OW OUCH OW RUINED KAISER'S LIFE HIS DAY HIS FACE luciano idk about getting closer to that guy
i wonder what the inside of the enpap's mind sounds like slapped erin and kaiser the fuck outta the way HE LOVES IT luciano this is so awkward for you this guy's favourite movie is the terminator
wait so was that mark put on arthur originally by gal because how else would this guy know that they had been here
erinnnnnnn just got bulldozed ARTHUR YOU SUCK THAT WAS THE WORST BUT I LOVE YOU ANYWAYS KAISER GFUCKING ATE THOSE HITS if you kill the enpap and it falls on kaiser its gonna squash him like bread "é o kaiser" kaiser is busy dying fuck you his lungs look like a wet towel right now wow erin that was so nice but also you have 2 health
we all suck at dodging KAISERRRRR ERINNNNNNNNNNNN dante doesnt know what the hell is going on btw enpap smol NVM DANTE ACTUALLY RUINED THIS GUY'S LIFE
:DDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD leave kaiser alone "im going to take care of kaiser" kaiser is getting kidnapped right now im gonna im gonna gimgf njgtbtrnsdfov fdeajvrfgfdxhb trsevlfd sbvhgutfirodsbgngjfskblnbjgfskibo
arthurrrrrrrGRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRAAAAAAAAAAAAA bruno you bitch thats your friend hello hello hello am i crazy hello can we leave kaiser alone hello
fucking hell i need like 10 minutes after that
clara is fucking nuts also where did she come from i wasnt looking i was in great distress EH?mommy hey where are the kids from across the street so bea had the answers but because of kian and birds we lost it HOW'S THIS GUY ALIVE luis is so mad damn clara that sucks this guy is nuts :D
wait this song is awesome luciano fuck him up you wanted this so bad nvm you missed he's doing knife tricks
marca um símbolo oh no :) personally i wouldnt step in front of a dante that's aiming a gun bruno sneezed when he swung at the guy nice luciano um ouch how nice how cool i hate the blood element btw this guy is the WhySoSerious emote
punch him in the mouth nice luciano nvm you got fucked up maybe you should sit the rest of this fight out buddy draws a symbol on himself bro's about to pull a hidan hopefully nobody here is asuma
so can we heal over these marks so he cant use them orrrrrr UNDER THE FRIDGE?? we gotta start moving fridges in every house now
so glad we're back in the house also where are the neighbour kids huh what did you do with them cellbit we made ramen next to this fridge and everything never realized there was a basement underneath
'meu enpapzinho meu filho' ok cellbit
EPISODE 19 cadê o hugo
this is like a field trip everyone gets a nametag so mestre doesn't lose them
this song makes me feel so knowledgeable it only took me 2 tries to spell that what if bruno tripped and fell farther into the hall that would suck hihihihihihihi
maybe we don't let bruno grab any more papers KKKKK uh ohh....
god dammit guys we all got locked out ??????? impossível ser what succal?????? this thing about to kiss dante or what can we not just shoot this one anthony is making it sound like we cant just kill her is she the key
big group in a hallway this is going to be horrible wild choice to wade in the disease water someone's going to get a parasite are there mosquitos down here have we had our vaccines
?????????????????????? THAT SUCKS BRUNO THAT SUCKS THATS HORRIBLE i would fall over and die pretty sure luciano just saved all their asses cachorro de sangue WOOF WOOF
these knowledge guys are kinda crazy how are the hypnotized death guys somehow the most sane ones in the series so far Ike arent you cold down here without a shirt kaiser rolls a 1 great start bruno fofo dont die tho BRUNO???? THAt WAS THE WORST ATTACK EVER KKKKKK OW KAISER LOL ike went and took all of kaiser's luck with shooting
erin flanking she's playing valorant ???????? ?????? ????????? ??????? ???? ????????? ???????? can we all keep our clothes on in the hunted sewers please bruno i have the solution just kick ike in the knee you're right there wait hes actually trying to kick his knee in thats awesome
surely they dont have to fight bruno later at the end of this dungeon
arthur doesnt miss except when he does
no way why are the children in the knowledge sewer why cant 6 people walk as quietly as 1 why cant we walk on our tippy toes HUGO THATS A SICK GAMING ROOM HUGO WHO IS YOUR FRIEND IN THE GAMING ROOM STOP TALKING TO STRANGERS
HUUUUUUGOOOO WHYYYYY this is the coolest thing that's ever happened to hugo luciano hugo cant pause he's playing an online game wait his name does say lucifer thats awesome so smart dante if hugo dies in the game he dies in real life
hi mia this is a really bad time like a really bad time like you couldn't have picked a worse time 4 d6 is insane hugo i love you omg kaiser and hugo gaming together this is just a game cellbit would actually play
is anyone writing down the directions kaiser is going this could be important rakin looks so suspicious of this game the enemies are about to come crawling out the screen succal you're ruining the gamer vibes OW goodbye sanity
tirigan, the last living escripta?????????????? until kian grows enough?????? TIM IS KIAN TIM ISNT TIRIGAN YOUR IMAGINARY FRIEND tirigan is tim's imaginary friend right im not mixing this up i cant just go to the wiki and look and i dont feel like going back to episode whatever to check i could be very wrong
nvm i went back to check and tim is talking about tirigan dude kian is possessing his body mega sus shelf why they have all these pictures why they have cris and daniel and IS THAT ALEX FROM SEASON 1 LOLLLL
ERINS GRANDMA IS ALIVE SHES A HACKER FOR THE BAD GUYS WHY ISNT TRISTAN'S FACE SCRATCHED OUT thiago :( all these ordem members but not veríssimo am i wrong for not trusting him tristan's head got opened like a hotdog bun hes not alive
o anfitrião....
i changed my mind kian is erin's grandma maybe these are all the bodies kian wants to save so he can just hop between them when he needs to after they die idk what you're gonna do with daniel tho he kinda got ate
check behind liz's picture or else please check alex's photo i have the solution erin's grandma is the host UE????????? meu deus we suck at this puzzle damn they really stole fernando's body kinda messed up kinda :( bit aggressive luciano but you've earned it
19 SANITY arthur you just saved hugo's small teenager brain did they kidnap erin's grandma or did she trip and fall into a chaos lair and become imbued with the power of chaos
can we burn alvaro's body not because he might be haunted or anything but just because he's an asshole DONT PANIC DONT PANIC DONT PANIC THEYRE LOST HLEP HELP haunted shelf
wait i love the emo knowledge duo nvm they're being kinda rude nice one kaiser awesome roll ritual of hate on bruno.... :D erin i wouldnt get in his line of sight dante see nothing LOL HUGO get away from here kish is getting rolled not to be that guy but i think we should be focusing erica
oh no that was her best friend sorry erica LOLLLLLL KAISER RUNNNNN ARTHURRRR NAAAAOOO erin back up erin back up cellbit rolling 1000 dice for bruno's attack OW BRUNO bruno this is really awkward you just fucked kaiser up
no arthur it was a great idea everyone just decided to just hang out around the pissed off bruno
erin vs ammo btw wheres tim wow i understand that paper perfectly the succal is crazy with it WE'RE LOST not lost massive puzzle moment we are puzzling daniel's ass should go on a statue that's called "guilt"
YEAH EDUARDA WHERE IS TIM they're gonna open the door and there's going to be an exorcism to separate kian from tim it's a shame bruno is a cellbit npc so he's probably going to die horribly
can we just kill this anthony guy already i dont like him
gal is the last person tim should be hanging out with
the succ+ is strong against both metagaming and grenades erin's about to go CRAZY NICE DAMAGE ARTHUR NICE isnt knowledge good against energy can we read it a book ive figured it out erin's grandma is the succ+
erin if your gonna go mad at least go try to take anthony out with you
dante hates the energy woman he hates the succ++ wtf
erin... :D what :D no way anthony is still alive can someone go kill him THANK YOU LUCIANO kaiser hes so dead his brain is goo oops lucifer and erin are kind of friends arent they
arthur and kaiser paranormal exposure makes me kinda nervous :D go roll around on the symbol on the ground see what happens
kalera you're so cool
erin's still in the ending credits its not over till its over
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hi! good time zone to you :3 i just wanted to say a huge ginormous massive oversized thank you for your tags on my fic. i think i read them like four or five times. i was cheeeeeeeesing so bad to the point where i definitely teared up both in my car and then again in my bathroom bc it was so….loving? 😭 i’m not sure what is the right word i’m looking for, but it made my heart so full it was bursting like crazy. the time you took out to write it and to kinda dissect it n embrace it n see me as well as be seen in it. i just wanted to come give you a big ol hug, a smooch on the head 😚, and tell you you’re so so so so sweet. here’s a tulip 🌷 for you. oh! and some sweets! 🍭🧁🍰 :3 i’m sorry it took a little bit to reach out to you. i am a nervous bean at times. i’m so very grateful. thank you thank you thank you 🧎🏾‍♀️
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pls dont apologize, its so kind of u to take the time to tell me this!!!! 🥺🥺 ur fic was such a comfort i had to rant abt it a little, it was really my pleasure <3333 i really did love it so so much, im so happy u could feel that thru the tags hehe. and!!! tysm for the tulip n sweets, ur so cute!! here r some for u in return <33 🌻🍨🍪🍬
aaa but…. knowing that my tags made u happy makes me wanna cry pdjdjdj U R SO SO WELCOME….. 🥺🥺😭😭 think i said this in my tags but it really did resonate sm with me, i cant thank u enough for putting it out there!!! <33333 the world needs more gojo hurt/comfort and boy did u deliver!!!!! 
seeing this in my inbox just warmed my heart sm :'3 ur a sweetheart!! im giving u a big hug right back <33 picking u up and spinning u around <3333
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shuxiii · 10 months
hey shuu!! it's me hahaiahsja twice in a day who would've thought
this might be a bit (a lot) big because I just finished my run through of next door and cat page after so long of neglect due to school, so here's your warning for that!!
I'll begin with cat page because I'm excited ashdjam I'm not even going to lie one of the first reasons I put a hold on my reading of it was because the thought of hating cats hurt my heart in many ways and I wasn't prepared for it (even if it would pass and it wasn't anything too evil aaaahasjje) but haerin being petty in the latest chapters had me laughing so much it got me excited to go back to reading cat page as soon as I could!
it makes me cackle so much how cp!yn changed completely because of a crush hahahakshaksj although definitely not in an extreme case like hating cats I too have changed my ways to please a crush in the past and it's so funny seeing this from an outsider perspective I'm loving it (also please don't ever change yourself for someone else unless it's actually a bad habit because people should love you from who you are)
also a bit of a side note but everytime hyein is the younger sister it feels like she's either too stressed or being pulled into complicated stuff that it's none of her business I never know if I should laugh or be concerned tbh 😭😭
and sebastian whiskers is such a funny but actually good name you're a genius shu, a genius.
also also!! haerin being jealous is so funny I'm having so much fun you're insane with humour aaahahdjdj
but I'll stop for now and begin talking about next door already before this actually becomes an essay (I'm so sorry if this is way too big but I don't know if I'll have time today to send more asks so it's easier to send everything together while I can 😅)
now I'll begin this part saying that I love learning new words 🥰 everytime you write a word that's not in english and explain to us the meaning I get all tinglish with excitement because I love learning about other languages and cultures and it's so cool and aaaaahahdhsksj and there's so many of them in next door I love it hihi 😊
and as a musician!! I actually got a bit offended when han said "stupid guitar" on the first chapter I'm not even gonna lie but jake irritates me so much more like mate excuse me I'm trying to enjoy my childhood ""enemies"" to lovers drama can you please move out of the way???
but anyways! poor haerin and dani being pulled into their sisters dramas they deserve a hug and a ice cream each!!
"excuse me?" "you're excused" had me seated with a big bucket of popcorn so hard why are you so good?? aaaaaaahskahdhsk shu you– you bring an unhinged expressionism out of me it actually scares me I love your stuff so much here's a heart 💜
oh! also also! the fact that next door!han is blonde is such a good character detail giving how her personality is here it fits so much!!! you and your amazing brain are so lovely aaajashdj
and their moms and minji being the biggest hanyn shippers they're so cute 🥰 like that's an unspoken rule I have with my stories I think all my childhood friends to lovers have their parents shipping them together because it's just so funny to write that (specially the grandmas I love making grandmas ask every family gathering if the characters are already dating aahskajs)
anyways! I'll speedrun this because it's already feeling like an end of the year school essay and I don't wanna give you that kind of headache hahahaksjdjq
nd!jake makes my blood boil how does a person do that to hanni???? he's so heartless souless foolish I hope his layla bites his ankle so he can't play anymore >:(
well I guess this is it! sorry for it being humongous 😅😅
have a good night amazing shu!!
bye bye shu <3
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winderlylandchime · 1 year
2/3 ‘THEYRE TEACHING HER HOW TO GIVE BLOW JOBS? *starts doing the exercises with his mouth that Em is doing* I AM BEGGING FOR MIKE TO WALK IN NOW!’ ‘Oh Benny is stressed. Wait. Who’s paul?’ ‘BRIAN AND JUSTIN WORKING TOGETHER!! I want more of that! Go make him do another poster or something, that way you can get back together! Justin why are you standing so far away? Sit on his la-EXACTLY STAND CLOSER! ARE THEY GONNA KISS? LOOK AT THEM SMILING! Fucking hell Mike, they were gonna probably kiss and here you go cockblocking again. *pauses on Brian after Justin leaves* oh Brian! My sweet sweet pretty boy. You are so fucking in love and for some reason YOU DONT WANNA SAY IT?! Why is that huh? THAT *flaps his hand at Brian* is a look only a person who is heartbroken and in love can achieve!’ He is once again using Shazam and making his playlist. *flaps his hand at Mikey and Brian getting high* ‘what do I have to do to get something like that with Brian and Justin? Why can’t they lay around and eat and just hang? (mikey mentions paul) ohhh that’s who paul is..was..(i tell him Ben actually did mention paul and who he was)…well in my defense, i don’t usually pay attention when Ben talks’ And Debbie and Carl scene is up: ‘why is he not hugging her? Dude, you just had sex! You gotta cuddle! Provide some safety or something. *his jaw actually dropped* Oh so THAT is how they will piss me off. She did practice! whatever? Whatever?! OH YOU LITTLE SHIT! Who the fuck says that? Even IF SHE GAVE FREE BLOWJOBS TO GO AT THE DINER, YOU CANT JUST SAY THAT TO A PERSON! That’s fucked up bro. That is very very fucked up! Burn his house down debbie! YEAH! GET OUT! AND STAY THE HELL OUT!’ And then he immediately smiled because ‘BRI BRI AND JUSTIN! Plus a bonus? I know damn well it’s because he knows Justin needs money. Who’s Ian? WHAT IS HE DOING HERE?! Oh, Justin for sure is inspired by someone he loves which is why there is a painting of THEM HAVING SEX HANGING ON YOUR WALL!! He’s skipping class? Oh jealousy is a bitch and he is the president of that club. Brian don’t worry, i will personally make sure that he gets run over by a stampede of zebras. Or something’ ‘now why did Lindsay giggle like a school girl with a crush? Usually she’s all “be mature!! Dirty sex talk is weird’ the Ben steroid scene is up ‘so his whole thing is Buddha, working out and cooking.. does he ever do anything fun because this is like asmr for me, im about to fall asleep. Why is he buying vitamins from some random dude? Someone tell him about fruit and veggies’ ‘ohhh i like that coat on Emmett! A nice substitute for the fuck em all coat! OH FUCK YOU CARL. Ohhh that lady also has the coa-oh nevermind i see what they did here’ ‘is that what his friends think is a party? Justin? My boy. You know a party. This ain’t it. They are all so boring, Ben would fit right in. That *waves at Justin* is the look of a person who would rather french kiss a homeless guy than stay at this “party” for another second. YES HE IS AN ARTIST! HA! BRIAN WOULDVE APPRECIATED THAT COMMENT! And he would for sure add to it! But noooo Ethan here is acting like he’s never heard of the word cock.’ ‘OHHHHHH HE MADE AN ACTUAL CARNIVAL! Oh those two are gonna have a stroke seeing this. THAT MAN HAS GOLF BALLS COMING OUT OF HIS ASS *looks at me in shock* is that a real thing? Because if so? XFACTOR! *ethan is back on screen* OH FOR FUCKS SAKE! What did i do to deserve this torture? Oh his friends for sure have a groupchat without him in it. Justin nobody blames you for being tired, this would put an insomniac to sleep! Yes, leave him! Finally a smart decision’ ‘Now why is Carl back on my tv? No you cannot come i- DEBBIE. I SAID NO! HE ASKED LESBIANS FOR A TUTORIAL? Okay maybe there’s some hope for him..BUT DUDE CUDDLE AFTERWARDS!’ ‘Oh fuck you Mel! Fuck you all the way too hell. Not the kind of person you want as the father of YOUR child? And what’s Gus? Chopped liver? FUCK YOU. I am very upset because i like cool chicks in suits but i fear that she is not my cup of tea’
They teach her to give blow jobs... yep. And yes, Carl should cuddle afterwards. And not shame her!
I am so excited for your brother's reaction to Ben's steroid use!
Fandom collection to pay to have Ethan run over by a stampede of zebras. FOR BROTHER ANON!
That coat scene is so amazing. I love that your brother complimented the coat (RIP fuck them all coat) and then they pan to the sex worker wearing it.
Ben would fit right in at Ethan's party. OMG. If only Michael didn't (rightfully) hate Ethan... I would die for a fic where Ben and Ethan meet and hang out. It would cure my insomnia.
His friends for sure have a group chat without him in it. WOW. That is such a specific but clear insult. I'm stealing it.
Not the kind of person you want as the father of YOUR child? And what’s Gus? Chopped liver? FUCK YOU. I am very upset because i like cool chicks in suits but i fear that she is not my cup of tea
I'm just ending on that note because it is everything.
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