#like. lmao they introduced a new guy just for the movie of course he was going to be the villian
lees-chaotic-brain · 1 month
Hi Lee for the song event
Enchanted by Taylor Swift, Gojo, fluff
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WC: 1.6k
CW: mention of beer (no active drinking), college au, reader is very me-coded sorry, reader is a bit of a nerd,
listen to this while reading
note: hi gigi!!!! thank you so much for sending in a request!! this was so cute 🥰 i also feel like this isn't my best work, but i think it's cute and i've spent too much time agonizing over it lmao
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Parties were never really your scene, but your best friend told you that you needed to leave your room from time to time, so here you were, at some random house party. The cool smoothness of the wall you were leaned against seeped through the thin top you were forced into as you chatted with a face you vaguely recognized from one of your lectures. 
Smiling idly, you nodded along to whatever they were saying, trying to block out the pounding music and sour scent of spilled beer. It was easy enough to pretend you were having fun, but internally you just wanted to be in your dorm reading a book or watching a movie. You knew your friends were right and that you did have to get out of your house sometimes, you just didn’t want that time to be now.
There I was again tonight Forcing laughter, faking smiles
It wasn’t that you didn’t want to be social, or make new friends, to the contrary you actually wanted that very much. You just didn’t want to have to put in the work to make new friends because of the stress it caused you. You knew you were different from other people your age; more focused on your studies and happiest when you were alone, and it normally didn’t bother you.
No, it only began to make you feel bad in settings like this, where everyone else was mingling and laughing and you were glued to a wall, not even able to recall the name of the person talking to you. Shifting uncomfortably, you made up an excuse and escaped the train wreck of a conversation you were in, pushing your way through the crowd and out onto the back porch.
Taking a deep breath of night-chilled air, you could feel some of the stress and tension leave your frame. The wooden planks of the deck creaked as you made your way across them to lean against the railing, not noticing the man to your left until he spoke.
“Hello there. Come to steal my hiding spot?” You jumped, letting out a small yelp and clutching your chest. “Oh my god, don’t scare me like that! I…”
You looked up, and your voice trailed off. Vivid blue eyes met yours, a mop of fluffy white hair falling into a finely chiseled face. Of course. Of course you had to stumble across the finest man you had ever had the pleasure of laying eyes on in your pursuit for peace and quiet. Because things can never be convenient when it comes to your life.
Walls of insincerity, shifting eyes and vacancy Vanished when I saw your face
Maybe…maybe bumping into the handsome stranger wasn’t the worst thing that had happened to you tonight. At first when he introduced himself as Gojo Satoru, you didn't have high hopes. You’ve heard about Gojo. Everyone had. The most popular guy on campus, athletically talented with the good looks and effortless charm to match.. Of course you knew about the Gojo Satoru.
However, instead of idolizing him like everyone else, you had assumed he was a bit of an egotistical asshole who enjoyed playing with girls' hearts and thought himself better than all. Which is why you were pleasantly surprised when you found yourself enjoying his company.
For one, he was funny, with a witty sense of humor that had you cracking up more than once. You lost track of how long you stood there, shoulder to shoulder, engaging in humorous debate. But aside from his quick wit, he was also kind. Sure he had a bit of an ego (you weren’t wrong in that assumption) but he wasn’t a bad guy. 
Second of all, he was surprisingly intelligent, engaging you in banter about various academic topics. From analyzing the true meaning of Shakespeare’s plays to debating the nature of dark matter, you found that he was able to keep up with your somewhat nerdy interests. Honestly this might be the most interesting conversation outside of your lecture halls that you’ve had in a long time. Who would’ve expected it to be with your school’s resident pretty boy?
The playful conversation starts Counter all your quick remarks
As the party winds down, Gojo finds himself offering to walk you home. Conversation flows smoothly as you walk, your laughter floating through the crisp air, warming it with your invisible light.
“Look!” You point up at the sky, delight shining in your eyes. “The air is so clear tonight. You can see so many stars!”
And while you may be marveling at the sparking stars scattered across the night’s navy backdrop, or how full the moon was, as cheesy as it was, he found himself admiring you instead.
When he had left the party to get some air and escape the hordes of people whose expectations and demands suffocated him, the last thing he had expected was you. You who had stumbled out onto his back porch, your presence a refreshing breath of fresh air blowing away the stifling needs of others. 
So, yes. As cheesy as it was, he found himself admiring you, with your childlike delight in the mundane. Before tonight, the beauty of the night sky would never have crossed his mind, but now as he watches you, he thinks it must be the most beautiful thing in the world to make you light up like that.
Noticing that he got quiet, you turned to check on him and caught him staring at you. Suddenly shy, both of you quickly avert your eyes, faint pink brushing itself across your faces. You continue walking, this time in a heavy silence that speaks more than your mindless chatter.
By the time you finally let him know that you’ve arrived at your house and bid him goodnight he wishes you lived a little farther away, if only so he could spend a little while longer in your company.
This night is sparkling, don't you let it go I'm wonderstruck, blushing all the way home
The cracked white plaster of his ceiling looms above him as he lays sprawled on his bed, unable to get you out of his head. Most girls who he talked to merely liked him for his looks, his popularity, or his cocky personality. But you had been interested in him for his mind. His intelligence and quick wit. 
And he can’t get you out of his head. Surely someone like you has a boyfriend. Someone as caring, beautiful, sweet, intelligent, and funny as you must have people falling for you left and right. But if that was the case, why did you spend so much time talking to him tonight? Was it possible that you were single and he had a chance? 
Letting out a loud sigh, he rolled over and closed his eyes, attempting to fall asleep. He had never believed in love at first sight, but meeting you changed him in a fundamental way. Maybe he did believe in love at first sight, because if not, what else could he call the impact meeting you had on him? Maybe, if he tried hard enough, he would be able to see you again in his dreams.
The lingering question kept me up 2 AM, who do you love?
Cuddled into your stack of blankets and surrounded by your many pillows, you were unable to fall asleep, thoughts of Gojo Satoru plaguing you. He was just…not at all like you had expected. He was smart. And funny. And kind. And he actually paid attention to your rambling, responding and expressing interest unlike many others.
And maybe (just maybe you’re neither confirming nor denying it) you find him just a teensy bit attractive. As much as your mind screamed at you that you couldn’t fall for the first guy who shows even a hint of interest in you, your heart felt otherwise, hoping you would see him again.
Despite your assumptions, you had genuinely enjoyed spending time with him, and found yourself hoping that tonight was only the first of many such conversations and the start of a long friendship. Maybe even more than that if you were being honest. If only you were able to tell if he felt the same way…
This is me praying that This was the very first page Not where the story line ends
You start dating a couple weeks after your initial meeting, and several years later finds you laughing about the foolishness and insecurity of your younger selves.
When you bumped into him on campus the day after you met, you assumed it was some stroke of luck and worked up the guts to ask him for his number, not ready to let the opportunity to have him in your life escape you.
Little did you know the only reason he was there was he begged asked one of his friends to find out your schedule. From there your relationship continued similarly, each of you believing you were the only one who felt the pull between the two of you, and that the night you met didn’t hold the same significance for the other.
In fact, it wasn’t until your one year anniversary when you were reminiscing on your first meeting that you truly realized just how enchanted the other had been the first time you met.
I was enchanted to meet you
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taglist: @ponderingmoonlight @arlerts-angel @m0k0k0 @pandora-ophelia-blog
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rottmntsimp · 5 months
Hello how are you? I hope you're doing good.
If i can request Casey jr x female!human!reader? Platonic, fluff hc.
About reader - who isn't related to turtles or April, you can say they met at school - is begin a sweet person and understanding, when she met CJ she didn't push him to open up and waited for him to be comfortable, she knows a lot about cooking so she's making a lot for Casey and whatever he wants.
Personal chef
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Pairing[s]: Casey Jr + Reader A/N: Part 2/2 of the B'Day double upload!! HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO ME!!~
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💖 - Ok, let's say it's about a few months, maybe a year post-movie. Casey's settling into this new life, and is still currently adjusting to his new lifestyle!
💖 - Oh boy. Lowkey, I would expect this kid to be really excited about going to school.
💖 - Meeting kids his age, learning, being out in the public and not having his life in constant danger? Sign him up!
💖 - He's not...the brightest per say, but he's willing to learn! He never had time for a proper education in the apocalypse, and will probably require some heavy tutoring.
💖 - That's where you come in!
💖 - After April's mother so kindly offered to be the one to enroll him, she made sure to include the fact that he may be a bit behind and would probably require some extra classes.
💖 - First day, he was in the principal's office during lunch, waiting for his supposed tutoring buddy. With how he'd seen kids walk in late to class all day, he sort of expected you to walk in late, but to his surprise you were right on time!
💖 - Walking in, you introduced yourself to him, smiling sweetly, a stark contrast from the behavior he's seen in the hallways. Of course he's still on guard, but it's nice to see a green flag every now and again, right?
💖 - Since Casey doesn't really have a "normal" place, and won't open up on where he lives, you guys decide to have your tutoring sessions at your place!
💖 - Imagine his surprise when after each and every session, without fail, you send him off with a treat or two.
💖 - He'll probably put it aside once he gets to the lair, afraid that it might be poisoned or drugged or whatnot, but after seeing Mikey and Leo munch away at them, he starts to warm up to you.
💖 - Before you know it, he might even bring a snack or two himself [either having Mikey bake them, or just buying something off of a street vendor]
💖 - You guys sit next to each other at lunch!!
💖 - If you eat alone during lunch, pray that you're fine with him tagging along, because once he's hooked, he's hooked.
💖 - And if you have any friends, don't feel shy to introduce him to them, he may not open up to them easily, but he's still kind!
💖 - I hope you like to bring snacks to school, because my guy will be hungry during class [What?! I'm not projecting onto him lmao /sarc]
💖 - If you guys get to a point in your friendship where he's really comfortable with you [most likely after years of knowing you], he might introduce you to the others!!
💖 - Speaking of the others, you know for a fact he's ranted about your cooking to Mikey before. Hell, he'll probably act as a little messenger boy while you two swap recipes-
💖 - He loves that you're so patient, and might even feel a little guilty for not opening up that much, but it'll all be worth it, because trust me, you guys are going to be attached to the hip at one point.
💖 - If he ever sees you getting picked on at school, he will sock the person hurting you in the jaw.
💖 - He might be a little over protective, almost like an overbearing father or older brother, but give the kid a break, he survived an apocalypse!
💖 - On the topic of the apocalypse, he might not tell you about the whole time travel thing until years later.
💖 - He half expects you to burst out laughing and call him a madman.
💖 - To say he was surprised when you just sat there, looking so...genuine.
💖 - He couldn't help but warm up inside as you hooked onto every word he said. Listening as he spoke of his sensei and his mother with such genuine interest it made him feel as though he'd lucked out. As though he'd won the friendship lottery.
💖 - At this point you guys have no secrets whatsoever, to the point where you two share passwords for random stuff. Spotify, Gmail, hell even your phones.
💖 - Teach him how to cook, oh please-
💖 - His taste buds were ruined after surviving off of rats for years.
💖 - If you and Mikey ever meet, please band together and show Casey the joys of working in the kitchen.
💖 - He may not be good on his first try [or possibly ever] but you'd be lying if you said it wasn't fun having him around.
💖 - Make sure to introduce him to different cuisines as well!
💖 - Chinese, Mexican, Indian, everything!
💖 - I am a firm believer that Casey will not hate anything till he has tried or seen it at least once.
💖 - Expect him to be a bit sentimental about things.
💖 - Maybe on your friend-aversary, he bakes you a batch of the first treat you made him.
💖 - Or maybe on your birthday he takes you out to the first place you guys hung out!
💖 - And yes, this guy will be your taste tester for everything.
💖 - Although he may not understand the concept of "good food," teach him and he'll learn! Explain to him how to recognize if there's too much salt or too less seasoning, and before you know it-
💖 - ✨Refined taste palette✨ /j
💖 - But yeah, overall, I feel that your friendship would help him grow more as a person. And as soon as he recognizes that, he'll make sure to shower you with appreciation <3
@lemme-be-cringe-damnit @sleepytime-fics @ray-of-midnight-storm @hamthepan @charismakat @flapajacker
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satellite-evans · 2 years
Kick Harder
Pairing: Chris Evans x actress!reader
Summary: if the whole world was watching, Chris would still dance with you.
Word count: 1.3k words
Warnings: fluff, talks of anxiety, rude fans
A/N: are we surprised that it's another dad!chris fic? Lmao I hope you will love it guys. Sorry that it's not my greatest work, love you all xxx
English is not my first language, so I apologize if I made any (grammar) mistakes. Feedback, requests, questions, recommendations, or just vents are always welcome.
happy reading <3
I do NOT give permission for my work to be translated or reposted on here or any other site.
As a child, you’ve always dreamed of being an actress. When kids your age were watching Disney movies, you were watching movies from Jodie Foster and Tom Hanks. The world of Hollywood and the filmmaking industry were so fascinating. In your eyes, it felt like a fever dream. Everything about it was drawing you in slowly. Nothing in this world could change your love for acting or the goal of becoming one.
There was a slight problem.
You had social anxiety. And that is not a good quality, especially for a want-to-be actor.
Being an introvert and having social anxiety was not so easy for you. Hell, it was difficult for anyone that was suffering from it. Children made fun of you for not answering back. They never picked you up during gym and made fun of you when they heard you wanted to become an actress.
After many therapy lessons, you became a little more confident and finally got the nerves to audition for a role in a movie.
The movie changed everything for you.
It was a daughter-mother dynamic, and Michelle Pfeiffer played the mother. You were thrilled when you got the callback, saying you got the part. It was one of the year's best movies, and Michelle won an Oscar, and they nominated you as the best supporting actress. It didn't matter that you won nothing because it was never about the awards. You wanted to become an actress because it gave you happiness. It also gave you your current boyfriend, Chris Evans.
You and Chris met in 2017 when they announced that the two of you would play lovers in the new Greta Gerwig movie. He was dating his girlfriend back then. The two of you immediately hit it off. He was always nice to you and wanted to hang out with you. Chris was mesmerized by how you looked and how professional and childish you could be on set.
If he had a smile, it was because of you. Everything good happening to him was because of you. And Chris wasn't complaining. He took you out for coffee during breaks and introduced you to his dog. Chris was friendly to you, and you were nice to him. Social media went crazy when they saw pictures of you together and speculated that you and he were together. Of course, those weren’t true, and you would never do something like that to another woman.
But the truth was, the more Chris spent time with you, the more he fell in love. You had so much in common that he thought you were like his female version. There was a slight age gap, but not too big. Chris thought seven years were reasonable enough to have a relationship with you. But he had to break up with his girlfriend first.
It wasn’t a big surprise to the media when Chris and his girlfriend announced their breakup. It was a big surprise to you because never thought he would break his relationship to be with you. Not even once during your conversations did you ask him to do something like that. You didn't even 'hint' it to do so.
He started dating you five months after the breakup. Chris didn’t want to rush things and get all the media’s attention on you. So, he waited. He bought you gifts, took you back to Boston so you could meet his family, and even took you back to his place to make you his famous pesto eggs.
Everything was perfect. Until you found out that you were pregnant. You and Chris were beyond excited and happy with the news. Building a family was one of his biggest dreams, and that It came true because of you couldn't be better in Chris' eyes. You knew it was a little early in your relationship, but you loved him, and he loved you, so it didn’t matter.
Chris announced the news to the world and proudly said he would be a father. The media was shaking when they got the information, relieved that Chris would finally be a 'daddy.' But a group of people also wanted to hate on you.
The fans of his former relationship were not so kind, to say the least. Messaging your death threats, spreading fake rumors, harassing your family. It took a toll on you. The fact that you weren't the most confident woman in the world didn't help with the situation, either. You were trying hard not to read them since you didn’t want your baby to feel any stress, but you couldn’t help yourself. You read every single threat and cried about it every single time.
That’s how Chris found you when he got back home. He met with his team about the situation, trying to protect you as much as possible. It hurt him a lot, too. To see that the love of his life and his baby were getting threats made him sick. He had one purpose in life: to protect both of you.
He saw you sitting on the couch, crying. His heart broke immediately. He felt tears building up in his eyes and slowly walked towards you.
“Honey, talk to me. Is everything okay?” He wanted to punch himself in asking you a question like that. Of course, everything was NOT okay. He broke his promise to you. He swore to protect you and the baby forever, and he failed. He failed as a partner and as a father.
You slowly looked him in the eye and saw him crying like you. You hugged him hard, burying yourself in his chest and wanting never to leave there. His heartbeat was the only thing that comforted you, the only thing that gave you a smile on your dark days. Nothing else could help you.
He panicked a little when he heard your high-pitched voice. Millions of scenarios went through his head only 2 seconds after you said his name.
“What, what is it? Is it the baby? Is there something wrong? Do you want to go to the ho-” You stopped his talking by putting his hand on your swollen belly, and time stopped for Chris.
He saw your lips were moving, but he couldn’t hear a thing; everything went silent.
The baby kicked. The baby kicked for the first time. The miracle that both of you created just made a move, saying that it was living inside you.
Chris couldn’t control the laughter leaving his lips and the tears escaping his eyes. He looked at you and saw that you weren’t much different from him. You were smiling like crazy and crying your eyes out.
“I think our baby wants to kick the people that made mommy and daddy sad. Is that right, huh, bubba?” You slowly rubbed your belly, and Chris felt the baby kick harder.
“Wow, look at you, bubba, not even born and trying to protect your parents from the bad guys.” While keeping his hand on your belly, Chris looked at you and gave your lips a sweet, gentle kiss. When the two of you parted, he watched with so much adoration in his eyes, asking himself how lucky he got with you.
“What do you think about a trip, honey? Just me, you, and our little protector. I know these last days were hard on you and our little bubba, and I’m sorry. I just wished people could see how much I loved our little family, and I swear in my life that I will do everything in my power to protect both of you. I love you so much.”
Before answering, the baby kicked again and made Chris and you laugh hard.
“I think the baby just answered both of us. Just know that people will always talk, Chris. We decide whether or not to listen. Let's be honest, we didn’t handle the latest situation well, but that doesn’t mean it will always be like that. I love you and will always love and support every decision you make. Never leave us, and we will be more than okay.”
Yes, thought Chris. Everything will be okay, because there was no way he would ever leave you.
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tbyfandoms · 2 years
Gorgeous | Austin Butler x Reader
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Pairing: austin butler x f!singer!reader
Word Count: 4.8k
Summary: after meeting austin at a party, y/n is left with a desirable impression and immediately writes a song about it. set to perform at the cannes elvis premiere after party, y/n takes the opportunity to let her true feelings be known. based off the song gorgeous by taylor swift
Warnings: depictions of intoxication, thoughts of infidelity, mild swearing
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A/N: i had this song stuck in my head and the more i thought about the lyrics, the more i realized it fits austin perfectly. i came up with this idea quite literally right after that, i love it and thought it turned out pretty cute. also i know kacey musgraves covered can't help falling in love, but for the sake of the fic she covered another one or just wasn't on the soundtrack in general lmao. lastly, reader is dating calvin harris in this (iykyk) but if that makes you uncomfy you can imagine someone else! anyways, i hope you enjoy and lmk what you think! :)
To say you were having a good time tonight would be an understatement. You've probably only been here for a few hours, but with the amount of drinks you've already had, it was enough for a whole night, maybe more.
You weren't really trying to get drunk, but who were you to turn down drinks from fellow friends who are also very much enjoying themselves at this party?
The point of tonight is all about acquainting yourself with fellow musicians performing on the new Elvis movie soundtrack. Practically everyone who is on the soundtrack is here, and then of course the actors and actresses from the actual movie.
When you were reached out to about being on the soundtrack, it felt like a dream come true. It really hit you when they asked if you'd like to cover Can't Help Falling in Love. It's truly such an honor to get to record a song that means so much to so many people. It was nerve-wracking, but you adore how it turned out and hope the fans will feel the same when they hear it in the film and on the soundtrack.
Taking a look around, you admire all of the other musicians you've gotten to know. Baz did such a great job in creating a modernized and diverse group that can translate Elvis' music to today's generation. It's so insane to you how you were given this opportunity and you'll forever be grateful for it.
Shaking your head a little in disbelief at it all, you turn your attention back to the people at your table. You've been moving around all night, whether it be from table to table or on the small dance floor. You've spoken to everyone here. Well, almost everyone.
There's quite literally only one person here that you haven't spoken a word to yet, and that's none other than Austin Butler, Elvis Presley himself.
It isn't that you don't want to talk to him, it's just you're not sure you'd be able to have a conversation with him. You've never met Austin in person but from all the pictures and clips you've seen of him, you just know that man will make you so nervous. He seems so flirty and you can tell he knows what he's doing when he gives people that look. It's infuriating but also captivating and you kick yourself every time you find yourself flustered over him. Get it together, you'd think, you've never even met the guy in person.
When you found out this party would be happening, you promised yourself you'd work up the courage to talk to him. You'd introduce yourself, have a quick conversation, realize he's just like any other guy, and then he'd be out of your system.
The liquid courage you've downed since the moment you got here was supposed to help, but so far you still haven't sought Austin out, and you're not sure you will. You're drunk, but it still doesn't change the fact even just the thought of him makes you giddy. Curse his good looks and seemingly charming personality.
"Hey, Y/N, some of us are gonna go hit the dance floor again. You wanna come with?" Olivia DeJonge, actress for Priscilla Presley, asks as she begins to get up from the table.
"Maybe in a bit, I'm gonna go to the bar and get some water, I've definitely had one too many tonight," you giggle and Olivia nods her head, knowing exactly what you mean.
"Okay, come find us when you want, we'll probably be out there for a while, gonna burn off our alcohol with our moves." The two of you laugh and you shake your head before getting up from the table as well, making your way to the bar while Olivia follows everyone else to the dance floor.
Leaning against the bar, you ask the bar tender for some water and wait while he gets it for you. A new song starts playing and you hum along to it while the bar tender hands you the glass. Taking a sip, it feels refreshing and you can tell how much you needed it. You can feel the hangover you're gonna have in the morning, but at least you feel good and are enjoying yourself right now, that's really all that matters.
"Uh 'scuse me, can I get a whiskey on ice please?" The sound of the voice coming from your right side nearly makes you spit out your water. It's so southern and sounds so wrong coming from someone who's in a bar in the middle of Los Angeles. You can't help the fit of giggles that escapes your lips.
Turning to look at whoever it is next to you, your laughing abruptly stops when you realize exactly who it is. It makes complete sense and yet you wince at the fact you didn't connect the dots instantly over who at this party would be talking like that. It's Austin, of course.
He's looking at you with an amused expression on his face and damn did those pictures not do him justice one bit. Words cannot describe how ethereal he looks in person. "You makin' fun of the way I talk, darlin'?"
You swear to God you'll never drink again because even though nothing is funny at this moment, your current state of overactive giddiness causes you to simultaneously laugh again on the outside and melt on the inside over his use of the word 'darlin''.
Clearing your throat to try and cover it up, you shake your head and begin to reply. "Definitely not, I think your accent is just what a town like this needs. Screw the valley girl standard, southern is in."
Austin lets out a low laugh and hangs his head before looking back up at you. His eyes are so incredibly blue, you're surprised you can even tell considering how dark it is in here, but you guess they're just that bright. The flustered feeling doesn't seem to be going away like you hoped. Oh boy.
"I don't think we've met yet." The bar tender places Austin's drink down in front of him and he takes it, immediately sipping from the glass. You can't help but stare as he runs his tongue across his bottom lip as he sets the drink back down. "I'm Austin."
You fight the urge to say 'I know' because how could you not? He was everywhere lately, including your mind when you know he shouldn't be, especially with having a boyfriend and all that. You're sure he's at yet another club doing who knows what, but the fact you have a boyfriend still stands, even though you have a feeling it's not gonna last much longer.
"I'm Y/N, it's nice to finally meet you." You give Austin a smile and you pray it doesn't look stupid. You're feeling a little lightheaded and you're not sure if it's the alcohol or the proximity of the blonde in front of you, probably both if you're being honest.
"Likewise," he replies, his eyes flicking up and down your body in a swift movement. Your grip on the bar counter immediately intensifies.
A moment passes, Austin's eyes locked on yours, it's silent between you both but it isn't uncomfortable. You're not sure what it is about him, but there's this force making you want to be closer to him. It's practically magnetic the way your body wants to inch towards him.
Austin's the first to break the silence. "So, you gonna be at Cannes next week? I heard they wanted you to perform at the after party." You blink a few times, trying to snap out of the trance you've found yourself in and get your thoughts together.
"Yep, I'll be there. I couldn't possibly miss the premiere of your movie now could I?" Austin takes his bottom lip in between his teeth and the sight alone makes you weak in the knees.
"No, you can't," he drawls. There's literally no explaining exactly what's happening right now. This is the very first time you've ever spoken to Austin Butler, and yet here the two of you are flirting as if it's the norm for you.
Taking a breath, you grab your glass of water and take a long gulp. You're not sure what else to say to the blonde in front of you. His stare, that stare, is so intense and makes you feel things you should not be feeling.
Letting your eyes flick over Austin's face, you take in all the small details. The shape of his jaw, the small smirk on his lips, the crinkles by his eyes that seem to somehow sparkle when the light hits them just right.
Jesus you need to get away from this man right now.
Thankfully, Olivia appears at your side and she's gripping your arm, pulling your attention away from Austin's intoxicating aura.
"There you are! I changed my mind, I definitely need some of that water you were talking about earlier!" Olivia laughs and you do so as well, grateful for the out. Your nerves and alcohol are beginning to catch up with you and being left alone with Austin for any longer may just end up with you making fun of him again, or worse. "I see you met Mr. Butler here. Austin you better be treating my girl right."
Running his fingers along his jaw and holding his chin, Austin replies, "Oh I think we're gettin' on quite well."
That's it, time to go.
Looking anywhere but at Austin, you quickly rush out, "Well I better get out there while the night is still young! Nice to meet you, Austin. Olivia I'll be waiting for you!" You flash a quick smile, more so looking at Olivia, and then race away from the bar and Austin's infuriating effect on you.
The night went on smoothly after your encounter with Austin. Olivia did in fact end up joining you on the dance floor and you allowed the music to help ease away your tension and flustered state. For a while you were mentally cursing yourself for letting Austin root deeper in your mind and make you feel all out of sorts. This man was ruining your life and he didn't even realize it.
You're back at a table now, actually feeling like it's getting time for you to go home. You have a studio session tomorrow afternoon and you'd rather not be completely hungover when you get there.
Packing up what little stuff you brought with you tonight, you begin to say your goodbyes to the people around you. Majority give you hugs and promises of meeting up soon, others shake your hand and tell you they were happy to meet you.
It's the home stretch now. You got through the rest of the evening without having to talk to Austin again. You caught his eye a few more times, but always made a point to engage in conversation with someone else before he came over. You're not sure how considering this place isn't very big and he could've interjected at any moment, but who cares you did it! The exit is literally right in front of you, just a few more-
"Leavin' so soon, sweetheart?" You stop dead in your tracks. No need to question who that voice belongs to this time. Dammit.
"Uh, yeah. I have some work to do tomorrow, so I gotta get home and get ahead of this hangover!" You laugh lightly, and slightly wince because what?, and then spin around to face Austin. You may not be able to handle talking to him well, but the least you can do is face him when he's speaking to you.
Maybe moving so fast to look at him was a bad idea because next thing you know you're stumbling a little and suddenly Austin has his hand on yours to steady you.
The room is still incredibly dark so thankfully Austin can't see the way your face heats up at the contact of his skin on yours. Doesn't he realize his actions have consequences? There's no way you're getting over him any time soon now, and you barely know the guy.
"Well I guess I'll see you in Cannes then. Have a good night, Y/N." Austin nods his head and gives you a smile and it's in this precise moment you realize you're utterly done for.
"Wait so what happened again? You're telling me the first interaction you had with him was making fun of the way he talks?" Stephanie, one of your best friends and fellow songwriters, says before laughing and shaking her head at how ridiculous the situation sounds.
You groan and cover your face with your hands. "Don't laugh! It's not funny, it's actually kind of embarrassing. I shouldn't have let myself get drunk like that, let alone talk to Austin Butler while drunk."
"Girl, don't even worry. If anything he should take it as a compliment! Don't people say if someone teases you that means they have a crush on you?" Tilting your head you contemplate that idea, you have heard that before. "But then again I'm pretty sure that's just for elementary school situations."
"Steph!" Pouting, you fall back onto the couch in the studio. You're supposed to be writing new songs for your upcoming album, but it's turned into more of a therapy session with your best friend than a music one. "I don't even know how to describe it. It's like I can't say anything to his face. We flirted for a second but it was nothing compared to the way I would essentially freeze up trying to think of something to say to him. I literally tried to avoid him the whole night. He's just so...so-ugh, gorgeous!"
"Y/N, you are so down bad for this man," Stephanie says while getting up to come sit next to you on the couch. You sigh and sit up, meeting her gaze.
"I know! I just wish there was a way I could explain it to him. I know it's just a dumb little crush and nothing could happen considering I'm with Calvin right now but still."
"Why don't you explain it to him then? If you can't talk to him, why don't you sing it! You can write a song about last night and perform it during your set at the Cannes after party!"
"What? Are you being serious right now?" You shake your head at the idea. No way, that would be crazy, right?
"I am! C'mon, Y/N, singing and songwriting is your calling, it's what you do best. It's the best way for you to get your feelings across without actually having to talk to the guy. And don't even worry about Calvin, half the time he can't even be bothered to check in on you, you deserve way better! Besides, it's just a song, it's not like you're asking Austin out."
You take a moment to mull over the idea. Stephanie has a point, there's really no harm in it and it'll allow you to put your feelings into words. You're sure you can get your manager to convince the after party hosts to let you switch out one of your radio hits for a new song instead. It's not the worst idea...
"Okay, let's do it!" Stephanie claps her hands and reaches towards the table in front of you, grabbing both your notebooks and handing you yours.
"Alright, let's start from the beginning. Tell me everything that happened, even the small details, and we can work off that." You nod your head and open to a blank page in your writing journal.
"Obviously first thing's first, I was drunk and I made fun of the way he talked because of his Elvis accent." You cringe at the memory but then shake it off. He had laughed at the joke you made afterwards so clearly it's fine. "Ooo also I remember he ordered a whiskey on ice, that's how I heard him talk in the first place. When we were standing there I just kept looking at his face too, I noticed how blue his eyes were. I swear it was like looking at the ocean, felt like I could sink and drown and die in them." Stephanie smiles at you and you feel a faint blush on your face.
"Keep going, this is cute, I love it."
"Okay, um, we were on Sunset and Vine at this secret bar you have to walk through a restaurant to get to. I don't know if the street matters but it's something. Another thing, when we were talking I just remember feeling this, like, magnetic pull towards him. He has this aura about him that's so addicting. It's infuriating how attracted to him I am, it's like he makes me happy but also sad because I can't have him, you know?"
Stephanie nods her head, she knows first hand what that feels like and she'd never judge you for it. She knows how hard it can be to admit your true feelings, and she's always been here for you every time you needed someone to talk about them with, just like you are for her.
"When we were talking earlier you said you saw him again on your way out, did anything happen then?"
"Oh God, yeah I forgot to tell you! Steph he grabbed my hand and when I tell you I nearly died at the contact! To be fair he only did it because I almost fell but still." Stephanie laughs and you join in with her before suddenly something dawns on you. "Wait! Oh my God, do you think he has a girlfriend? Why didn't I think of that! I was sat there flirting with him and giving him goo goo eyes and all the while he could have a girl at home waiting for him."
"Hey, that's on him if he does because from what I can tell he was flirting back! Besides I don't think he does. I know he was rumored to be with Kaia Gerber but I haven't seen anything about them in months. As far as I know he's single."
"Ugh, well if he does have one, I'm jealous of her. But if he's single that's honestly worse because the only thing between us is Calvin then."
"Please, he barely counts. You should break up with him, you know you're not happy with him. No matter what, Austin or not, you deserve someone who will treat you better and actually be there for you." You smile at Stephanie and reach over to squeeze her hand. How'd you get so lucky to have a friend like her?
"You're right, I should break up with him soon. It's almost like we've split anyways, we barely talk anymore. Maybe I'll do it and get drunk again after and then just stumble on home to my cats, alone."
"Y/N, you don't even own any cats, what in the hell are you talking about?" The both of you bust out laughing and you nearly fall off the couch because of it.
"Okay, yeah, but I could. Unless Austin wants to come along home with me instead." A fit of giggles erupts from your lips again and Steph wheezes and then shakes her head while she writes notes down.
"Babe, I can't with you right now. C'mon, we've got work to do."
Tonight was the night you’d been waiting for for over a week. It’s Cannes night which means you’d be seeing Elvis for the very first time with a theater full of people, and then performing your cover of Can’t Help Falling in Love at the after party, including the new song you wrote about Austin.
For an instant you’re more scared to perform your new song than you are about the cover. You can’t tell if that’s good or bad.
The movie is already well over, now you’re backstage getting ready for your turn to perform. To say you were blown away by Austin’s performance would be an understatement. There were so many moments where you were watching and for a split second swore it was Elvis Presley himself up on that screen. You can tell the time and dedication Austin put into the role and you can only imagine how proud Elvis’ family is.
On a less serious note, the film did nothing but add fuel to the already blazing fire that is your crush on Austin Butler. The way he looked, the way he sang, the way he moved! Indescribable. You definitely had to take several moments to collect yourself while sitting in that theater.
Right now Mäneskin is performing and once they’re done you’ll be up next. You’ll be performing three songs; Can’t Help Falling in Love, one of your recent hits, and then your new song. You were so grateful to your manager for convincing the hosts to let you perform a new, unreleased track. To be honest you’re surprised you even had the song ready to go. Usually it takes a few weeks to get down the lyrics and then the instrumental parts, but with this song it just seemed to come so naturally.
You and Stephanie had stayed well into the night that day at the studio, finishing the lyrics within a couple hours and then going straight into the actual music part of it. You’re so proud of the song and think it came out great. It’s catchy and funny but also says everything you wanted to and you hope the message will be clear.
“Y/N, you’re up in sixty seconds!” A stage manager says, breaking you away from your thoughts. You nod your head and thank him before turning to the girl helping you set up your in-ears and audio pack.
“All good to go! Good luck out there,” she says, giving you a warm smile.
“Thank you, I appreciate that.” You smile back at her and then make your way to the side of the stage. The band is thanking the crowd and then they’re passing by you right after. You exchange greetings and you compliment them before you turn to step out on stage.
Breathing in deep, you physically shake out your usual pre-show jitters. No matter what happens you’re gonna go out there and have a good time. You’re in Cannes, at a premiere for a movie on one of music’s most iconic artists. It doesn’t get much better than that.
Stepping out on stage, you smile and get ready to take it all in.
Here we go.
“This last song I have for you guys is actually a new one I just wrote with one of my best friends.” The crowd lets out some enthusiastic hollers and you grin at the sound. “We wrote it after I met a certain someone a little over a week ago. I won’t say too much more than that, but hopefully you’ll get the gist when I’m done. This is ‘Gorgeous’.”
Your band begins the opening notes and you feel the rush of adrenaline that courses through your veins. Performing is one of your most favorite things to do, it never gets old.
“You should take it as a compliment that I got drunk and made fun of the way you talk.” The opening line already gets the crowd excited, a bunch of your fellow singers cheering you on. Your eyes scan the crowd, it takes only a second or two to find those blue eyes you can’t stop thinking about. Based off the smirk on his face you can tell he already knows this song is about him. Good.
“You should think about the consequence of your magnetic field being a little too strong. And I got a boyfriend he’s older than us. He’s in the club doing I don’t know what. You’re so cool, it makes me hate you so much.”
This song is even better to perform live than you thought, you can feel the beat rumbling the floor beneath you and you’re feeding off the insane energy the crowd is giving you. You couldn’t ask for a better response.
“Whiskey on ice, Sunset and Vine. You’ve ruined my life by not being mine.” You grab the microphone off the stand, really getting into the song. “You’re so gorgeous. I can’t say anything to your face. ‘Cause look at your face. And I’m so furious at you for making me feel this way. But, what can I say? You’re gorgeous.”
With every lyric you’re moving a part of your body, whether it be swaying to the beat or using your hands to exaggerate what you’re saying. It’s a blast and it’s even better seeing the way Austin’s reacting to it.
You continue to make your way through the song, feeling lighter the closer you get to the end. Stephanie was right, writing about and then singing your feelings was the best thing you could’ve done.
“You make me so happy, it turns back to sad, yeah there’s nothing I hate more than what I can’t have. You are so gorgeous it makes me so mad. You’re gorgeous.” You finish the song and can’t help the huge smile on your face as you take in all the cheers and clapping that surrounds you.
“Thank you so much, it’s been an honor to perform here tonight! I love you, thank you!” Taking a bow with your band, you blow kisses at all your friends and fellow attendees before making your way off stage.
Immediately, you’re met with crew to help you out of your audio pack and in-ears. People around you give you compliments and you thank them all, feeling so appreciative, before heading back out to the party.
When you reach the dance floor, you see a bunch of your friends waiting for you. They shower you with love and rave over your new song. You assure them it’ll be out at midnight tonight and they all lose it over that. You’re so grateful to have such supportive people around you, it’s such a wonderful feeling to know people believe in you and your work.
After a few minutes of chatter about other performances, and of course the Elvis movie, you excuse yourself to go get a drink. You don’t make it very far before you’re met with a familiar blonde blocking your path.
"That was some song you performed up there," Austin says, standing with his hands in his pockets. You give him a once over, per usual he looks incredible tonight. Black suit with a bowtie to match, black leather shoes, the prettiest blue flower pinned to his suit pocket, and his hair styled to perfection. Once again, gorgeous.
"Yeah? Did you like it?" Tilting your head to the side, you feign innocence.
"Like it? I loved it." Austin steps closer to you, allowing you to get wrapped up in that magnetic aura again. "It actually reminded me of somethin' that happened to me just last week."
"Oh really? That's so interesting, I can't believe we shared a similar experience within the same timeframe." You widen your eyes in 'disbelief' and then bite down on your bottom lip to try and prevent the smile that wants to peak through.
Austin lets out a laugh and shifts a little before looking down at you and into your eyes. "Well, I'd love to share another one with you sometime. Maybe you'll actually be able to say somethin' to my face."
Your flush a little at the actor's comment. Oh, he's good.
It's takes everything in you to not break the eye contact, to not lose the confidence you gained from performing. Shaking your head you say, "Hey, mister, who said the song was about you in the first place? I could've been singing about the bar tender for all you know."
"Somethin' tells me that's not the case, but whatever you say, darlin." Austin leans in a little closer to you and you fight the urge to take his lips between yours. You definitely needed to meet up with Calvin and end things asap. "I'll see you back in LA then?"
Humming, you take a step back from Austin and make your way around him. He turns to face you and as you start to make your way towards the bar again you say, "We'll see about that...,gorgeous."
The last thing you see as you look over your shoulder is Austin smirking and running his fingers over his lips, his ocean eyes raking up and down your body as you walk away.
You can't wait to get back to Los Angeles.
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sugarschnaps · 9 months
Leland HCs, because he died in Chapter Four
My heart has been broken by fanfiction countless times with Leland dying omg. (You know who you are) Anyways so I decided to write some Leland Golden boy McKinney HCs!!! They're mostly for my comfort and my inexplicable thoughts. Went from Leland hater to Leland brainrot real fast. Thank you, fanfiction authors! You're a gift to the planet <3 Not used to writing for characters that aren't my ocs, and these are purely my own comfort hcs, so hopefully you guys don't mind my little contribution to the fandom. I might post other hcs if people want? idk Side note: These are also kind of somewhere between "soft boyfriend" and "part time group dad" energy, interpret these how you want. :D
He's not big on slushies originally. Probably not a big fan of cold things generally with a few exceptions of course, but he can't resist seeing you so excited to try the new flavour and wanting to drag him along. (At the time, probably blue raspberry. It came out in '74!) And of course, he'll go with you. You manage to persuade him to try it. He winds up enjoying them quite a lot. Blue raspberry is his favourite from then on, though you can never quite tell if it's the flavour that he likes or the fact that you introduced it to him.
He doesn't like hot custard. Can't explain that one, it's just a thought, honestly. But he'd rather die than eat hot custard, he just doesn't like it lmao
He absolutely has a thing for you wearing his shirts or if he has a jacket on, his jacket at the time. Especially when it's colder out, and he knows he can help you warm up. He protects his friends from literal cannibals in game, so why not from the elements too? And to build on this, I also HC he doesn't really like leather jackets because of his arms. They're always tight for his shoulders. But he still wears them sometimes for style points, you know what I'm saying? (When I say "a thing" here it means his heart is swelling and he can't stop smiling. Proud dad, maybe happy boyfriend, I dunno I'm just here for happy and alive boy Leland)
He gives the best hugs out of the whole group, for sure. He's always warm to the touch, even in winter, it's like he's literally got a built in heater or something. Plus, look at him. He is literally built for hugs. Wrestle hugs? Are those a thing? They are now I said so He'd definitely have anyone he cuddles with feel safe when he holds them. (He also prefers to be hugged around the waist than higher up his body.)
If you ever go out to watch a movie with him, you're absolutely leaving there laughing. Leland is a master of comedic timing and stupid comments. He'll find a way to spin any movie to be a comedy. Horror, Romance, anything. He'll make a terrible joke, and it'll be funny. Maybe less because of the actual comedic value, more in how he delivers his jokes, or how he ends up laughing halfway through them and ends up laughing also. His laugh is infectious.
Leland gives me dad joke energy. I will not elaborate.
He is literally just such a ray of sunshine. He's a bit dim-witted at times (it's ok bb me too <3) but he makes up for it in how pure he generally is. He's a good shoulder to cry on, especially while hugging him (literally speaking as well as emotional things- sorry, I'll shut up about his arms now). He might not be 100% certain how to comfort you most of the time, but he's trying his best.
One thing I can conform for an absolute certain is that he has the most banging record collection anybody has ever known. Man has brilliant taste in music. Queen, ABBA, that whole vibe is his favourite to listen to. He has a collection of vinyls he tells nobody about. You're probably the first to know, likely from him knowing the words to things like Killer Queen especially.
His favourite song, however, is definitely Hooked on a Feeling. It's just... I can't explain it. He'd dad dance to this, for sure. He's just a little silly goofy boy <3333
If you're the type of person that sees fluffy and/or soft hair and immediately wants to braid a bit of it, he will gladly let you do so. He'll probably have to lean down for it to be more comfortable for you. He doesn't care if you're a bit messy or not used to braiding hair properly, he'll happily keep it in for a day at least. He has the SOFTEST hair anybody has ever known, he's just a very fluffy boy and I love him.
In the winter, if you forget to bring gloves or whatnot, he'll hold your hands to warm them up. Referring back to the little portable heater energy thingy we've got going for him. Also, doesn't matter who you are his hands are always bigger than yours even if it's very slightly.
He gives me golden retriever energy he's so baby That's it that's the post, love y'all, thank you for coming to my Ted Talk <3
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Oooh that's an interesting premise for requests! :] May I perhaps suggest then... Uh honestly kinda feeling Terry/Nicky for this one! Also ehshsjskkwjwke maybe Jodie/Ron??????
silly little fan kid prompts
in a wildly out of character moment for me, i COMPLETELY skimmed over the rodie part of this ask fdhjgbdhb so i will ! do that next and @ you in it! BUT hey. hey. shakes a terrick kid at you
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this is cameron, my new baby girl sweet daughter cameron. i like to headcanon that samantha always did terry's hair when he was young, so it was cute to me to imagine that terry would do the same to her :] and of course, nicky has to introduce cameron to all the sick ass movies that glenn showed him, including the ever famous predator handshake.
both the stamplers and the close-foster-etc families have very specific like. through-lines in their families which make this combo interesting for a fan kid? im gonna put my further notes under a cut along with some etc rambling because this is just. exciting to me. i usually make fan kids with a story already in mind, but this exercise is kind of the opposite where i have to figure out the story as i go, and thats really fun to me :D
mild spoilers for the newer episodes of season 2, but i decided to uh. Pay Attention To Biology here since terry jr was revealed to be infertile, and i think thats interesting, so cameron is adopted!! this obviously left my options pretty open, but i decided to still stick with a mixed kid, Black/Chinese, since 1. feels kinda against the point of a fan kid if i just did a random design lol and 2. considering nicky's odd genealogy as well as his severe issues with wanting his dad(s) to be proud of him and the way hes so lopsidedly attached to his family, i figured he would be the type of guy to want his adopted kid to look like him. i dont think terry would care, but he would want nicky to be happy, so it all works out in that regard ! i went back and forth a bit on if i wanted her to have freckles, i thought it could be a cute tie back to jodie, but decided against it.
she does follow the Ron -> Terry -> Ron -> Terry naming scheme, originally i was gonna go for a terry name but i figured a ron one would make more sense lol so her name is cameron! i think she would take a lot of fashion inspiration from her parents, ive always seen them as both very. emo/alternative. terry less so as he grows older, but nicky definitely clings to it, and i think that would rub off on cameron. shes not as dark and edgy as they are - i think she would be a pretty bright and bubbly kid, actually - but i kinda like the idea of her being lowkey scene/scemo. yes im biased because thats one of my favorite sub-cultures, but its CUTE. i didnt really feel like doing full outfit sketches but just know that if i did. she would be scene. and like both of her dads as teens (and nicky still into adulthood), she does dye her hair pretty heavily hehe
the only real unfortunate thing about fan kids for a series thats like. already very heavy with canon kids. is that it kind of leaves everything in a weird place where its like... do cassandra and taylor exist in this? do veronica and scary? and uhhh i dunno ghbfjdgdfhjh up to interpretation, i suppose. its easy enough to just have cassandra and nicky be divorced, but the veronica/terry of it all is murkier ... food for thought, i guess. scary would fuckin hate cameron though i think they would argue LMAO
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canmom · 10 months
seasonal animes: Zom 100/Bucket List of the Dead
watched 5 of the current 6 episodes of Zom100 (I'm watching Zoombie's releases, which have Crunchyroll's translation with better typesetting).
tricky to know what I think...
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visually there's nothing to fault - it's got energy and style all over and every episode brings a new crazy impressive sequence, with great choreography to music and inventive staging. that's why I'm watching it, and it consistently delivers! kVin has already written about the strength of the team behind it in great detail. the consistent bright colours of the zombie blood, the use of yellow, the seamless transition between real and abstract - all kick ass.
narratively... it's certainly direct with its themes, but not at all in a bad way, and it's a meaty subject matter for which the whole irreverent take on zombie movies is a fitting metaphor. it won't say it in so many words, but it's clearly about philosophy, finding the 'good life'.
As You Know, the zombies in Romero's movies stood for Consumerism(TM). if the modern world has a deadening, dissociative affect to it, we pull that further, and we get literal walking dead. alongside that is a huge element of wish fulfilment in zombie/post apoc stories: the idea of a reduction to a simpler world, where all the complications of society are stripped back. sure, everyone may die, it's tragic, but the protagonists are given a stage to come into their own as a badass hero type full of Machiavellian virtù.
zom100 doesn't bother with the smokescreen of tragedy, and indeed it uses the contrast between the feelings of of the protag who's getting to live his best life against the backdrop of collapse as a source of comedy. but then it's about poking and prodding at that wish fulfilment, trying to define it more sharply.
our protagonist wasted years at a hyper-exploitative 'black company' but now he's freed, he has to face existential aimlessness; his friend found material and social success but no personal fulfilment and had to conquer his fear to pursue his real dream; the blatant tsundere love-interest girl is too narrowly focused on survival to enjoy her life - each one seems set up to explore some facet of the human condition. the ED shows a fourth member of the MC group, who will presumably explore some other angle of 'how do you live'. if you know how much I like NieR Automata, you can probably imagine that's a theme that's up my street.
so what's the "but"? well it's just so much hetero guy pov lmao. I just... do not connect to the MC, and the show is very heavily structured around providing a stage for him to work out his shit.
for example, it's maybe a little too obvious in introducing characters to demonstrate the theme of the episode, then feeding them to zombies as soon as their purpose is served. the fate of the flight attendants in episode 4 especially bugged me: for our main two boys, the flight attendants are an opportunity to prove their masculinity and sexual prowess (the MC's ability to 'score' is questioned, while it comes effortlessly to his friend). so these girls show up and they hang out; one of the girls has sex with the friend and then promptly dies. the other refuses sex to our protagonist but she talks about her ambitions providing some insight to him and then gets chomped - don't you see, she was reminded of her childhood memories, she had one good day, ah, mono no aware! meanwhile the cynical and slightly arrogant leader of the flight attendant group is the most fun of them all, but she's just zombiebait. the protagonist grieves for all of one minute but then cheers himself up.
and of course you expect characters to die frequently in a zombie story; and the whole point of the show is that the MC's cheerful affect is completely inappropriate for a zombie apocalypse. but the effect of storylines like this is to that it's so manifestly a world of effectively invincible protagonists, where everyone else is basically an NPC. our protagonist will embarrass himself and suffer pratfalls for a joke, but ultimately this is a world that exists to serve him, and he acts like on some level he knows it!
all the same, I'm curious where it will go once it finishes establishing the main cast group.
on a more niche note, it's interesting observing that 'hypercompetent hacker girl in a big coat' is becoming fixated as a love interest pattern. the big coats are cool, so fair enough.
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insectsinsects · 6 months
December is always really vivid to me. I hadn't had a memorable July till this year but winter months seem to carry everything and more about a year. Maybe to it's detriment? It's overwhelmed with thoughts and greetings and travel and metamorphosis? I wonder if those guys who don't use the Gregorian calendar are forced to feel it too. Just the majority of people worrying and smiling and maybe it's a regular Tuesday for them?
Anyway 6 Decembers ago was my first Christmas away from home. I'd spent the summer carelessly and I was tired from boarding school. I think I've always been reckless and volatile, though I feel I am perceived as a stable element. Careless summer was spent driving around my hometown with a funny girl who I knew from choir and we were twitter mutuals. The brutal semester was spent with a person who'd patiently sit down with me and share the ways in which they loved physics. And of course, my parents came down and I hadn't been 4 months separated from them but I was used to their presence after 16 years so it was actually nice.
5 Decembers ago I was unknowingly allied with a future friend's enemy O_O She'd sit on my couch in my dorm and played the role of a wise confidant, as an upperclassman. I hope nothing was ever malicious but oomf did come to hate her next semester for fine reasons so? 😭 Her birthday is tomorrow, and I've always remembered that Saggitarian... And honestly by sometime that year I had begun avoiding physics person (on brand..) and I wrote a time capsule email about it (to myself in 5 year's time!) because I didn't have a blog and because I wanted to see if I could possibly get over it (I did!!!) I was a bit afraid of spotty wifi in the Philippines, so I submitted college apps 3 weeks early LMAO Victoria was waiting on a job offer from her boss who we'd come to learn was a little terribe, but that same night she was confirmed and moved to DC a week after we came back from that trip to the motherland.
4 Decembers ago?! I had met the newest crop of friends I was going to make. New York was so fun. Everything endless and memorable. Flying back used to be tough! They only introduced nonstop flights to Oklahoma like last year😑 But I flew out early and away from my beloved suitemates, my terrible roommate, my friends on other floors, classmate-turned-oomf, and so much more.
3 Decembers ago I'd been attending a different university since NYU was being stingy😭 OU actually treated me so well omg and my classes were fun. I guess by December I was wrapping up but I took a class on film music and I would joyously write an essay about some movie music each week and my professor just littered it with happy comments. I think she was glad I read the textbook and was enthused to learn. Also two weeks later, I got my whole head bleached and my hair was pretty long (not really, but Rapunzel-like to ME and probably if you've only ever known me with a bob/wolfbob). Also (2) I was in the Gensh*n pits (I don't want it in the tags...)
2 Decembers ago! My sister and her now husband were engaged and the three of us went on a mini-roadtrip to Dallas 😭 I like Garrett, he's like if a father figure was considerate... and Kathryn's got 17 years of light parentification on her belt ☠️ Garrett and I got XL Blizzards from DQ and almost died finishing them. Oh they also saw me get my roots done :O Barber cut it way too short but maybe it was cute. Junior year was so funny and cute💖 I worked hard and I was back home pretty late due to a stats final (Bombed)
Last December I spent my last week with my last set of randomized roommates and my friends! This was a funny time of year. I did a crazy amount that last week and in many ways it was a bender (Avatar in 4D cocktail☠️) but I do know oomf (yes you!) was the last person I saw. We played Minecraft on your Xbox after I obtained a second controller over Thanksgiving. We drank tall boys? I checked into my flight easily and I went home anxiously. I wonder if I could've seriously applied to school back then (Because it was lowkey not that serious lol) [actually I should be forced to reckon with my tantrums and the many times per week I was like IT'S OVER..] but I hadn't applied to school! And I was nervous to tell my parents that though I was a big investment, I was a failure. I cut my bangs too short on December 18 and hid it under a hat for a week till it grew a little more. I felt weird having red hair in Oklahoma, though it was cool to my contemporaries? My mom was sad knowing how much grief the thoughts were causing me. She told me I should rely on her more and talk to her. It's taken me all of the ensuing year to really be good about that advice. It's just easier to fail myself. I had tunnel vision— the potential for shame was only accompanied by a sense of pity and contempt. I genuinely couldn't believe my family would continue loving me. I drank with my dad so we wouldn't talk about anything real, and I painted with my mother to divert from the chaos.
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amber-angel · 2 years
So I was thinking, and I really hope a lot of people watch Bob's Burgers, because I went and saw the movie last week and loved it. Going in I was hesitantly optimistic, because even though the show has been running for a while it hasn't lost its heart, and the characters, while consistent at their core, have managed to grow and develop in a believable way. And watching the movie, it was so obvious how much everyone involved loves this world and these characters, and I just love that! I love when cast and crews love their shows, when they make things not for the money, but because they just genuinely care about the characters and their story!
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radiant-reid · 2 years
The Public Eye
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Summary: Spencer gets closer to a famous actress, discovering they're incredibly similar and she really likes him
reader is the famous actress that reid kisses in the pool instead of lila archer with s/8 spence, and the team teases him ofc but he thinks nothing of it, but later in an interview she says he’s the best kiss she’s ever had and penelope (bc who else would be up to date on pop culture hotch? LMAO) is ecstatic and shows it to him
A/n: I went for season 8 Spencer because he deserved some of the happiness the CM writers refused to give him,but this isn't a direct rewriting of the plot in 1x18 Also, there is a part two coming
Pairing: Spencer Reid x Fem!Reader
Content Warning: stalking | being held at gun point | discussion about the dark side of Hollywood (disordered eating, racism, sexism)
Word Count: 8.6k how ? idk and i'm sorry
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When the first few murders happened in LA, Y/n was slightly concerned. Of course, crime had never been uncommon in the city, but the people being viciously killed were her fellow celebrities, people she'd brushed shoulders with at the Oscars or Golden Globes. Usually, she only heard about burglaries in their neighborhoods.
The terror sunk in when the notes started coming in. The threatening content caused enough grave concern for her manager to be dragging her to the police station. She was worried for her safety, but there wasn't any way she would get a reputation of being noncommital.
When the police detective introduced her to the BAU of the FBI, she didn't understand what part of her situation warranted that level of seriousness.
The team immediately recognized it had to be the same person. Especially when the note came right after the latest victim was found. They didn't wait to go and talk to the actress and her slightly irritating manager, Stephen.
Spencer didn't know much about pop culture or celebrities. Obviously, he figured they had to be attractive and appeal to the golden ratio. His expectations were exceeded an impossible level when he met Y/n L/n. So beautiful, in fact, that Spencer was considering watching some of the movies and TV shows she was in. If it wasn't unprofessional.
"It's only letters." Y/n tried to plead with the six agents and the high-ranking members of the LAPD. She turned to look at her manager, eyes begging him to side with her. Being put in protective custody wasn't something she could afford to do. "Seriously, I've had crazy fans before. Remember the guy that broke into my place and cooked me dinner." She reminded him and the police detective who had handled the case back then.
Spencer frowned at the anecdote, amazed it was something she could casually deal with. He'd seen it in other stalker cases, but somehow it hadn't occurred to him that famous people weren't always adored.
"Situations like this almost always turn violent if you don't comply to these demands," Spencer informed her of a part of their profile, reading over the note. "Especially since this person has already killed."
Y/n turned to him, frowning as she looked around the room like she was asking if Spencer was serious. She was dumbfounded, both by what he was saying, and his lack of bedside manner.
Her manager looked at her sternly. "This is just as serious as I told you it was, Cariño."
It wasn't easy news to process, but her initial reaction was stubbornness, giving everyone the allusion she was just like any other pretentious celebrity. "I'm not just going to bail on my commitments because of some creep." She firmly stated.
Morgan was looking increasingly irritated, picking up a headshot to show her. "Do you know who this is?" He asked her.
There was no confusion on her features, just annoyance, but at the photo, not the situation. "Of course, she's doing this. In the last week, she's done two interviews where all she did was drag my name." She told them, most definitely still irritated about it. "Girls supporting girls has not caught on in Hollywood." She scoffed, meeting JJ and Blake's eyes in the hope they'd relate.
Spencer knew what Morgan was about to do, and he wanted to stop him from sliding the photo to her because he could see a flicker of another emotion in her eyes. "She turned up dead this morning." He informed her.
Her eyes widened when she looked at the photo, jaw falling open. The color was draining from her face when she looked at the brutal wounds. It was, for lack of a better term, a bloodbath. The unsub's most vicious kill.
Guilty, she looked between Hotch and the police chief. "I-I didn't. I swear-" She stammered out, assuming that's what they were insinuating.
Alex placed a hand on her shoulder. "We don't think that you did." She assured the younger girl, who finally looked like she could breathe again after hearing that.
"What am I meant to do?" Y/n asked, her eyes shifting to Hotch, who she could see was in authority.
"She needs to go to set today," Stephen informed Hotch like her life was worth less than his paycheck. She nodded anyway despite how scared she looked.
Hotch sighed, glancing at the police chief as he came up with a plan. He could see how persistent the two of them were. "Make sure they clear all the nonessential personal from the set, and Morgan and Reid will go with you." He instructed her manager before looking at the two younger male agents, who nodded. They caught the underlying meaning of studying her victimology. "Ms. L/n, we're going to have to comb through everything about your life. There will be officers around you all the time. It's likely you know who this person is."
Her face paled again, and she had an urge to be sick. "I'm sorry, I'm not sure if I can be of any help. I meet so many people each day." They always profiled before having suspects anyway.
While Y/n was handing all her information over, Hotch rounded up the team to go over their job. Spencer and Morgan, obviously, were going with her, Rossi to the latest crime scene, JJ was dealing with the media circus, Blake to the ME, and Hotch was running point from the precinct.
"Did you really have to show her the gruesome photos?" Spencer asked Morgan on the short walk to the SUV while the paparazzi clamored around them. The sun was almost too hot and the atmosphere too muggy for Spencer to be in a suit.
Slightly, he frowned, eyeing Spencer with suspicion, like he was trying to find out what he was thinking. "You're sweet on her." He spoke after a moment, with a teasing tone.
He tried to stop his eyes from bulging. "N-no, I'm not." His attempt to sound firm was futile. "A serial killer is stalking her. I just... feel bad for her, that's all."
"Mmhmm," Morgan commented, completely skeptical. "All I'm saying is she's pretty."
It was an understatement, and Spencer wasn't about to ruin his career, but if it was in a different universe, he'd be jealous of the fact she'd be interested in Morgan. Trying not to think about the hypothetical, he got in the passenger seat.
Morgan drove, getting directions from Y/n. He tried to engage her in some form of conversation and drag her attention away from her phone. "So, you like LA?"
She half scoffed, half chuckled, still scrolling on her screen. "Does anyone?"
He shrugged at that. "I saw your last movie. It was good." He complimented, causing her to look up at him.
"Thank you," Y/n replied, the second time Spencer had seen her genuine, even enthusiastic. "It was the first all-star, A list cast movie I've ever done. I remember being nervous the entire week before the first day." Spencer was taking in everything she was saying, profiling but also admiring.
"Your performance was incredible." The smile she gave Morgan was, as well. Spencer wished he'd seen it if it meant he got to see her smile like that. "You won an Oscar, right?"
She grinned even wider at that. "Best supporting actress and the movie won best picture." She replied, not in a boasting tone Spencer had expected from a celebrity. "I really wasn't sure what to say when I got up on stage because I definitely didn't think I'd win." Y/n continued, blushing when she replied she'd been rambling like she was scared of showing them her true personality. "It's in my bedroom if you wanna come see it." She offered, flashing him a flirty wink.
Morgan's reaction was what Spencer expected. The smirk Morgan was trying to hide was an expression he made at bars. "Who's your favorite person you've worked with?" He asked her, diverting the conversation to keep his professionalism.
She had already turned off her phone, gaze fixed on Morgan through the mirror. "Emma Watson." She answered without hesitation. "And, she knew who I was, so that was like a 'wow, I made it' moment. Blake Lively and Ryan Reynolds are also fun, but I've only seen them at parties. Just as funny as they are on Instagram and Twitter." She realized she was doing it again, truthfully expressing herself, and stopped, getting out of the car once Morgan had parked without another word.
Two FBI agents acting as an entourage was not how she expected to arrive at set, but she didn't let it deter her from acting naturally. Her public, bubbly persona was something she wore like a shield. They trailed after her while she greeted everyone. Sociable, Spencer acknowledged, talking to everyone from the people putting food out on the buffet table to the producers.
Y/n turned back to them, clearly in her element. "You guys can have anything you want to eat or drink." She offered, spinning away from them when someone called her name.
It was a guy Spencer didn't recognize. Probably a celebrity since he wasn't wearing a shirt, muscles rivaling Morgan's. Spencer knew it was illogical, but it made him insecure. His brain went back to studying her victimology like he was meant to be doing.
The guy, who Morgan identified as her co-star, wrapped his arms around Y/n and lifted her up as he hugged her. "Brought some bodyguards today, princess?" He asked, reaching out to shake Morgan's hand with Y/n tucked under his other arm.
Spencer noticed her stiffen, but it was slight enough no one else did. "Yeah, something like that." She replied, pleading with the agents to not reveal her secret. They didn't even have a chance to before Y/n was being called to hair and make-up.
"I'll check her trailer, and you go with her," Morgan instructed, already stepping away like he knew Spencer would protest.
"What? Can't I go to the trailer?" Spencer challenged, feeling increasingly uncomfortable about being left alone with at least a hundred people on the film set. Profiling her trailer would be much less challenging, providing him with fewer possibilities to look like an idiot. Morgan turned to shake his head, already walking off. "Please, man?"
Spencer didn't get an answer before Morgan was gone, and he followed the direction Y/n went. He found her sitting in a swivel chair with her name on the back, dressed in a white robe.
"Hi." She waved when he came in, nodding at the seat next to her in a silent invitation to sit down. "Riley, this is Spencer. Spencer, Riley." Y/n introduced them. Spencer hadn't realized she knew his first name, but it sounded nice coming from her.
She shut her eyes when Riley put what Spencer thought was a pen on her eyelid. Intently, he watched as she drew perfect straight lines. She could sense he was looking at her, confirming her theory when she opened her eyes.
"You can ask me anything you need to in front of her," Y/n assured him with a smile. She could feel the nerves coming off him, noticing he was out of his comfort zone.
Spencer nodded, all of the questions he'd thought of asking her slipping out of his head. "D-did you know the beauty industry is valued at $527.4 billion a year?" He immediately blushed, already feeling like an idiot.
It wasn't exactly the question she was expecting. She could sense Riley chuckling at him warmly, but Y/n wouldn't have hesitated to kick her out if it was malicious.
"I didn't, but this set probably contributes half of that," Y/n answered, unknowingly reassuring him. "You're some kind of a genius, aren't you?"
Spencer could not contain the blush on his cheeks, hoping they'd think it was the weather. "I, uh, have a Ph.D. W-well, three." Apparently, it wasn't the answer Y/n or Riley had expected, from the way their eyes widened.
"Beauty and brains," Riley remarked to the actress, but Spencer caught it. His blushing only intensified when Y/n shot him a wink.
He tried to focus on the investigation, asking her questions about what she did each day so he could feed the information back to Penelope, who was digging through her life. He struggled to differentiate between her public eye character traits and her authentic personality.
"Spence, can I do your hair?" She asked him while she was having her hair done. His eyebrows furrowed together as he watched her snap the hair straightener together in her hands.
"And ruin those beautiful curls?" Riley commented, effortlessly twirling strands of Y/n's hair into perfect ringlets. Hearing people talk about him like that made him blush while his ego grew slightly.
Y/n was still grinning hopefully at him. He couldn't turn that down. "Uh, yeah, o-okay." Spencer agreed.
He turned around while Y/n adjusted her position, letting her clamp strands of his hair between the hot irons. It didn't take her very long to have his hair all straightened, running the end of a comb through it, so he had a middle part.
"Hey, pass me your phone." She requested, holding her hand out for Spencer to place his phone in.
Without thinking, he gave it to her, unlocked. There were secrets on the phone, but he was willing to do just about anything she asked. Y/n took a photo of his hair from the back. Before turning the camera around to hold it in front of his face. Using it as a mirror to show him the front view of his hair, she grinned as she looked into the lens, snapping a picture. Spencer always objected when Penelope tried to get him in her selfies, but he was sure he wouldn't be deleting the one she just took.
Y/n's fingers were still in his hair, gentle as she adjusted it. Spencer knew he shouldn't, but he liked being around her. Even if he was really just a bodyguard trying to figure out as much as he could about her because she was being obsessively stalked.
"I think it looks great." She told him when he spun back around to face her.
"Okay, you're done," Riley informed her, fluffing out her curls at the end.
Y/n looked at herself done up in the mirror for a moment. "Thank you. It looks amazing." She replied, flashing her friend an award-winning. Her phone buzzed on the dressing room table, and she picked it up to glance over the message. "No time to rest around here." She joked, getting up from her seat. Spencer followed, and they farewelled Riley before the tent.
Spencer insisted on walking her towards the wardrobe tent. Although the set was essential personnel only, it was still bustling with people. "If you, uh, n-need anything, I'll be... around." He assured her, awkwardly fiddling with his fingers.
"Thank you." Y/n sincerely replied, squeezing him on the arm before disappearing.
Spencer walked back across the set in search of Morgan. He found him stepping out of Y/n's trailer, his phone to his ear.
"Hey, baby girl, I'll call you back real quick," Morgan said as soon as his eyes locked on Spencer, or more specifically, his new hairdo. He walked to Spencer with a teasing smirk, shaking his head gently. "Pretty boy." He singsonged, clearly amused. "What happened to you?"
Spencer rolled his eyes, dodging Morgan's hand when it came to messy it. "She wanted to straighten it." He answered, trying to casually shrug it off. It only made Morgan chuckle. "It was for victimology!" He defended far too loudly, drawing the attention of some passersby.
"Garcia's collating information, so we'll have a file on her life when we get back," Morgan informed him, ignoring his reasoning. "So we're just sitting around here until she's done." His glance wasn't on Spencer. Instead, he was waving to three girls who were clearly talking about him as they walked past.
Figuring he'd make the most of her previous offer, Spencer went to the food tent. Thinking about the fact she had a stalker, he made sure he picked a bag of sealed chips. He and Morgan watched while they shot her scenes, one of which was Y/n kissing the guy she'd hugged when they first got there. Spencer could see how her hand slightly clenched like Y/n wasn't thrilled about the plot. Which was most likely why she insisted on retaking it twice with accompanying profuse apologies.
Once Y/n's scene was over, she made her way to Spencer and Morgan, talking to a few people along the way before pulling a seat over to sit next to them.
Casting a brief look around, she reached across to take some from the packet. "Thanks." She said, gently smiling at him. Spencer mirrored her smile, tipping the packet closer so she could have more if she wanted, while he purposefully ignored Morgan suspiciously eyeing the interaction.
Spencer was thankful he didn't have to give her an awkward reply when a young blonde came up to them. Someone Y/n closely knew, judging by how she jumped up to hug the girl.
"Ally!" She greeted her, turning back to Morgan and Spencer. "This is Spencer and Derek from the FBI. This is my PA." She informed them.
"Oh, about the stalker." Ally realized, eyeing Morgan up and down with a smirk. So she was close enough to Y/n to know what she was trying to keep secret. "Someone dropped these off at your trailer, maybe your on-screen, maybe off-screen romantic interest." She suggested with a smirk.
Faking enthusiasm, she took the teddy bear and box of fudge. Her excitement turned genuine when she read the label. "All the way from England! My favorite!" She cheered.
Morgan and Spencer shared a frantic look, springing up before she could do anything else. "Don't," Spencer said, shaking his head while Morgan took the box and bear out of her hands.
"Really?" Y/n exclaimed, looking irritated once again. Ally put a reassuring hand on her shoulder, trying to calm her down. Morgan was already on the phone with Hotch, getting the rest of the team there.
Only 15 minutes later, Y/n was in her trailer, with Morgan, Spencer, the police detective, Hotch, and Blake, desperately trying to calm herself down. Spencer noticed the odd looks they gave him at seeing his hair.
"We can's get a hold of Stephen at the moment, but Rossi's going to go see him once he's finished helping Garcia," Hotch filled them in. "And JJ's... busy." Understatement of the century.
Y/n brushed it off, knowing his schedule. "He's in a meeting, negotiating a New York Fashion Week contract for me." She told the group. "Can we read it now?" She questioned, looking at the letter still in Spencer's hand. It was in the fudge box, which was on the way to the lab for analysis.
Delicately opening the letter, Spencer read it. Then decided the extensive content was too violent to speak allowed. The silence tensioned the mood of the room as everyone's suspense grew.
"Blake." Spencer handed the letter, waiting for her reaction.
There were pictures, too. Of Y/n in the police precinct with the BAU. Even more troubling, photographs of Morgan and Spencer at set, labeling them as a threat.
She confirmed she was thinking the same thing with a direct nod, handing the letter over to Hotch. "The stalker's a woman." Even just from the number of adjectives.
Y/n clamped a hand over her mouth, the tears threatening to spill. It was all too real when she realized the stalker had been on set and potentially in her trailer. The thought made her sick to her stomach.
"Can I just read it? Please?" Y/n questioned, her emotions swaying between mad and sad.
"You don't want to do that." Spencer tenderly said, sitting down next to her on the couch. If he could have hugged her, he would. Hell, he would have done anything to make her smile.
With a frantic look, she turned to the agent she was closest to. "I can't put my life on hold until you catch whoever's doing this!" She vented, bouncing her knee up and down.
"Ms. L/n, I can assure you, we have our profile, and we will find this woman," Hotch assured her, restating the facts before dividing the team. "Reid, take her home. The rest of us will give the profile and run it against your acquaintances."
She opened her mouth to argue about the one scene she had left to shoot but stopped herself. After all, they were trying to protect her. It didn't mean she had to like it. "Okay, and thank you." She mumbled out.
The rest of them left the trailer, Hotch waiting back to slip Spencer a file on her. "Are you sure you don't want Morgan to do this?" Spencer asked, trying to keep his voice low while Y/n grabbed her things. "He'll actually be able to defend her."
"She needs someone she feels comfortable with who we know isn't involved, and from what I can see, that's you," Hotch told him, glancing at Y/n, who looked like fragile glass about to shatter.
Spencer frowned at the underlying message of the Unit Chief. "You think it's someone close to her?" He asked, worried about the effect it would have on her if one of the few people she seemed to be herself with was the stalker.
"We can't rule it out." Hotch reminded him.
"71% of stalking victims are stalked by someone they know and 27% by a stranger." Spencer justified his point before backpedaling. "But she's in the public eye, so I'm not sure the statistics can be interpreted the same way."
Hotch looked over Spencer's shoulder to see Y/n was almost ready. "They'll be officers outside. It's the safest place for her to be." He assured Spencer, leaving with the rest of the team when Y/n finished packing her things.
"So, you didn't want to be the one babysitting me?" She joked when they reached her car. A dark grey, two-door, convertible Ferrari with a red interior.
"I-it's not, uh, l-like that." He awkwardly defended himself, eliciting a giggle from Y/n, who clearly wasn't offended. "I can drive if you want." He suggested, hoping she'd turn him down.
Y/n softly stroked the door of the car. "Not my special Quicksilver." She joked, unlocking the car and getting in.
"You named your car?" Spencer asked, frowning slightly as he fumbled around to take his bag off and get in.
"Of course," Y/n replied like it was blatantly obvious. "Plus, it would be nice for me to do something myself." She said playfully, grinning at the other bag Spencer was holding. Hers. He was slightly apprehensive, not about her driving but because he knew how fast a car like that could potentially go.
She was a good driver, even in Los Angeles traffic. The 25-minute drive gave him enough time to read over her file Hotch had slipped him. But it was slightly uncomfortable with her being there.
"That's my entire life, isn't it?" Y/n asked, glancing over at him while she drove.
"Sorry. I just, uh, I have to." He cringed at the part of his job he hated, dealing with living victims.
Taking a left, she drove up a driveway Spencer wouldn't have known was there. "I just feel it should be thicker to summerize 27 years."
"The font size is small," Spencer explained, making her laugh even though it wasn't his intention. "I read really fast too."
"How fast?" She asked, unsure if he was serious.
Spencer wasn't sure he was ready to admit it, but she already knew how many PhDs he had. "20 000 words per minute."
She frowned to figure out if he was serious. "I don't know if I could read that many words in an hour."
"If you could, you'd be reading at 1.6x the lower end of the average 200 words per minute rate of an adult." Spencer rambled, about to say something else, when he stopped once the trees cleared. The house was impressive, but behind it, he could see the whole city in the distance. "Wow."
"Cool, right?" Y/n asked, parking the car near the garage. She wasn't deterred by the police cars there.
Stunned, Spencer nodded. The house was incredible as well. Luxurious, but not in an old-money rich type of way. It was minimalistic and modern. There were floor-to-ceiling windows along the entire bottom floor, and he could see the grand staircase in the entryway from outside.
He scrambled to get out of the car after her. "Your house is amazing." He complimented, following her to the front door.
"Thank you," Y/n replied, holding a key card up to the door panel like it was a hotel room. She opened the door and entered.
Inside, he could see all the way across the ground floor to the impressive view. The furniture didn't show much of a personality, all lavish and, Spencer was sure, expensive. He'd been in Rossi's mansion, but this was something else. The whole house was open-planned, with lots of squeaky clean glass. Technological too, by the complicated-looking control panels and automatic lights.
"You can put our stuff anywhere." She told him, watching the way he awkwardly stood there. Her statement contrasted the cleanliness of the mansion, where there was nothing was out of place.
Out of place himself, Spencer put his satchel and her bag on a chair at the kitchen island. It was like the rest of the house, with marble countertops and shiny floors.
Her attention was turned across the room when she heard paws against the floor. Spencer followed her gaze. "Buddy, hi!" She greeted the massive Saint Bernard, bending down to pat him. The dog nuzzled into her palm as she scratched around his head. She spun back to look at Spencer. "I promise I'm not a crazy dog-mom." She assured him.
"Dog mom?" Spencer questioned what he assumed to be a pop culture reference.
Upon speaking, the dog's attention was drawn to Spencer. He let out a low bark, suspicious of the new guest. "Hey, none of that," Y/n commanded. "This is a friend." Even though she was telling a dog that, Spencer smiled. "His name is Judge." She told Spencer. Suspiciously, Judge walked over to sniff the new guest, causing Spencer to step back. "Not a dog person?" She asked with a smile.
"Uh, I guess, but he's kind of big." Spencer froze as the dog sniffed him.
Y/n stoked his red-brown coat near his back while she spoke. "172 pounds." She informed him, grinning at her pet. Spencer reached down to pat his ears. "Someone abandoned him when he was just a little puppy. I've had him for 5 years now, and he has not stopped growing. He's kind of lazy, but Ally takes him out walking most mornings." She continued while they both petted the dog. Then her attention was elsewhere. "Do you want something to eat?" She offered. "I keep the good snacks by the pool."
Spencer followed her outside, looking around at the furniture before going past the big glass doors. The view of the city was even better out there. With trees lining the property, it almost felt like they were the only people in Bel Air.
There was an outdoor kitchen on the left side, with two bathrooms and a pool shed. Like a puppy, Spencer followed Y/n and Judge along side the pool's edge towards the kitchen.
She opened the mini-fridge to reveal drinks, jello, and ice cream in the freezer and a drawer to reveal chips, pretzels, cookies, and candy. "Gummy bears?" She suggested, giving him a packet.
"Can I have jello?" Spencer requested, causing her to grin at the fact he was relaxing a little. Before she could hand it to him, his phone started ringing. He checked the screen to see it was Hotch. "Sorry, I've got to take this." He apologized, stepping away so she couldn't hear the conversation. "Yeah, Hotch." He answered.
"Reid, her manager, Stephen, he's dead." Hotch filled him in. "Don't tell her yet."
Spencer frowned, spinning back to the happy-ish actress. "You want me to lie?" He returned.
"No, just don't tell her." Technically, a lie by omission. "The unsub is picking targets closer to her. Morgan, JJ, and Blake are on their way over to you. Make sure she's safe and don't do anything reckless." Spencer realized that was probably why he was sent there instead of Morgan.
"Hotch, this place has seven bedrooms and twelve bathrooms, and it's over 13000 square feet. She could easily already be here." Spencer whispered quietly, looking up at the second floor and realizing how easy it would be to be there without her knowing.
Although Spencer couldn't hear it, Hotch was concerned about the same thing. "Be prepared to talk her down then."
"Alright, bye." Spencer farewelled once Y/n walked over, plastering a smile back on his face.
"Sit," Y/n instructed, handing him the jello before sitting on the edge of the pool with her feet in the warm water. Spencer sat next to her, crossing his legs. "Did something happen?" She asked.
He gulped, well versed in hiding his lies. "No, I'm sorry." She drew her lips together, taking a handful of gummy bears. "Before, when Morgan asked if you liked Los Angeles, you didn't really answer."
"Are you looking for an answer now?" Y/n asked, waiting for a nod from him. "I like that." Her head turned to look at the sky glowing pink as the sunset.
"You're good at deflecting, too," Spencer observed, carefully eyeing her.
Instead of being mad, she smiled. "Thanks." She replied although she knew that wasn't the reply she wanted. "Do you ever feel like you're meant to adore your job? Just because everyone wants it." Her voice was quieter when she was being truthful.
Spencer knew how to reply to that. "Every second Wednesday of the month, they bring people in the academy or college students into the FBI to show them around. And they walk around our floor with dreams of being part of the team or the Bureau." He described, thinking back to last week. He realized he needed to open up if he wanted her to do the same thing. "I just lie when they ask me if this is the job I want to do."
"I've wanted to do this since I was 6," Y/n admitted.
"When you got played Dorothy in your elementary school's production of The Wizard of Oz?" Spencer cut her off to ask.
She turned to him with raised eyebrows. "You really know everything about me, don't you?"
"It was on the front page of your hometown's newspaper," Spencer informed her, thinking back to the contents of the manilla folder.
"My mom was so proud," Y/n said, smiling at the memory. The moment she decided, on stage with the spotlight on her. "I was so thrilled, just to be in the paper. Not the second time, though." She shook her head.
Spencer knew what she was talking about, 15-year-old Y/n on stage with jealous high school seniors while she had the lead. "You moved just after that." He recalled.
"Jet-set right into stardom." She dryly added. "I love this job, and I know I'm so fortunate." She prefaced while Spencer ate his jello, handing off her every word. It was nice, for once, to have someone to talk honestly to. "I was only 16 when I moved here, which is every 16-year-olds dream. And my mom was with me for a while, but this wasn't her home."
That wasn't exactly in her file. "You were here alone?"
"Sort of. I mean, you're never alone in LA." She answered, trying not to make it seem sad. "I loved it, and I still do, but I was kind of... groomed for this."
This was very clearly her. Not filtered for the public eye. "I know." He informed her, having noted the behavior. She frowned, not knowing how that was possible. "You flirted with Morgan when you spoke personally." He explained, Y/n cringing as he said it. "I know what it's like. I was 12 when I finished high school, and I left Las Vegas to come here and go to Cal Tech. I was 22 when I joined the BAU, and that's all I've done."
"What did you want to be as a kid?" She asked, trying to keep the conversation light.
"A magician," Spencer replied, beaming.
It was adorable. Without a doubt, Spencer had the prettiest smile Y/n had ever seen, and she couldn't help verbalizing it. "There's a lucky girl somewhere in DC." When his eyes snapped onto hers, she realized she might have said the wrong thing. "Or guy."
Spencer chuckled, shaking her head when he realized what she was saying. "No, there's not."
"There should be. You're a good listener." She absentmindedly commented, causing him to blush bright red nonetheless.
"It's more about listening to what's not being said," Spencer spoke. "The nonverbal communication. Like how there's something else you don't like about Hollywood."
How he could know, she wasn't sure. When she nodded to the food in front of them, it clicked in Spencer's brain; how she looked around at set before eating his food and the hidden fridge. "You've always got to look perfect." She mumbled. "I eat what I want, but Stephen is always pushing clean eating, even when I was 16, so it's easier if he doesn't know." Spencer hid his detectable reaction, and while it was sad he was dead, it didn't make him a good person.
"Why does he call you Cariño?" Spencer asked one of the things he still couldn't figure out while consciously using the incorrect verb.
She smiled slightly, showing their good bond. "It means-"
"Darling. It's Spanish." Spencer cut her off before she could continue. He worried she would take it the wrong way, but she laughed softly at him.
Y/n went on to explain it. "His real name's Esteban, but it's much harder to make it in LA with a name like that." Another thing that made her bitter towards the city. "So, what do you actually know about me? Or were we just hanging out today?"
Profiling people while they were there wasn't something Spencer liked, but he was confident in what he knew about her. Just because of their similarities. "I think that most people would assume you're extrinsically motivated, but they would be wrong. You've always been driven, which I know from how dedicated you were this morning about going to the set. I'd say you were a perfectionist" Y/n chuckled at her own stubbornness, but she could tell he knew what he was talking about. "People see it as self-importance because you're a celebrity, but you're extremely careful about your public image because you've never really felt like you belong." It made her slightly uncomfortable, feeling stripped from her carefully constructed qualities. "Private, too. No one knows just how much you donate to charity, and even your dog is a rescue. Your team manages most of your social media, and you try not to look at articles about yourself." Those were less of her dark secrets and more of her morals, something she wasn't ashamed he knew. "You don't trust too many people, although you appear warm towards everyone, again, because you're desperate for them to like you." There was the same uncomfortable feeling in her stomach, and she bit her lip as she tried not to cry. Spencer didn't notice enough to stop himself from continuing. "But I think you're lonely. When you're finished with award ceremonies, parties, or on set, you come back here, and you just feel empty." Spencer understood. He knew from the nights out with the team and trailing home to an empty apartment while everyone else had families. Y/n's heart was pounding, and her eyes were stinging as she bit back tears. "Of course, you don't need anyone because you've learned to be alone, but you overcompensate with a big house and a need to please. The praise is addicting to you. Once you started getting it, you needed more each time to feel good about yourself like a drug addiction."
When the tears streamed down her cheeks, Spencer wished he'd stopped the psychoanalysis before it got too personal. He felt guilt-ridden about it, unsure of what he would do if someone profiled him so thoroughly.
There was so much honestly Y/n didn't know what to do, trying not to sob out loud. He didn't say anything she hadn't thought before but hearing it aloud hurt.
By the time he realized what he'd done, she was already wiping up the tears. "S-sorry, I shouldn't have-"
"No." Y/n placed a hand on his arm, smiling gently. "It's okay." He didn't look like he believed her. "Seriously, Spencer. I asked what you knew, and I'm impressed. You're good at your job."
Spencer was still worried about what he'd done, even more so when Y/n got up. "Where are you going?"
"Just to get changed." She replied, with a genuine smile, assuring him nothing was wrong. He waited when she left, looking at the darkening sky as the stars appeared while he thought. What he had said was just what he wished he could say to himself in a mirror.
He didn't even notice she'd walked out of the house until there was a splash in the pool. "Y/n, what are you doing?" He asked when she popped her head up.
She floated on the surface, cheekily grinning at him. "Swimming, duh." The heating made the pool perfectly warm, and it made her feel like there everything was normal.
"We need to go inside," Spencer told her. "It's getting dark, and the unsub could be out here." Halfway through his talking, she put her head under the water. "Y/n? Seriously, come on." He begged, looking around at the dark hillside. "Get out, please."
"Why? This is fun." She replied, running a hand over her wet hair. "Come in."
Spencer quickly shook his head. "No." He firmly replied. "I'm meant to be protecting you."
"So, you've got to be close to me, and I'm in here." Y/n reasoned with flawed logic.
"Please, just get out." Spencer requested. He liked seeing her smile, but he didn't want to put her in danger.
There was a smirk on her face before she conceded. "Okay, give me a hand." Spencer reached down to grab her wet hand and pull her out of the pool. She took it, letting him pull her up a little before tugging hard and pulling him in.
When he came to the surface, he was spluttering, attempting to push his hair out of his eyes. "Y/n! I could have drowned." Spencer complained, his voice rising as he swam to the side of the pool.
"I would have saved you," Y/n assured him, floating around with a proud smile.
"Well, I'm wet now, and so is my gun." He grumbled, taking it out and putting it on the edge as he neared the steps.
"No, don't go." She begged, reaching out for his arm. He looked cute soaking wet with his hair pushed back and his shirt tight around his body. "Live a little."
Spencer stopped, turning to look at her wide grin. His frown quickly broke into a grin as he shook his head at her actions. "I'm drenched now, so thanks."
"You're welcome." She softly replied, swimming closer to him. His lips were too captivating for her to think before she acted. Holding his forearm, she pushed her lips onto his, kissing him roughly.
It was far too perfect a kiss for Y/n to care. He started to kiss her back when he tore himself away from her. "This is unprofessional." He insisted, trying to get some space between him and the half-naked actress.
"No one's watching." She guaranteed, pulling him back. One more light kiss convinced him.
Against his better judgment, Spencer cupped her cheek, long fingers reaching around to the back of her neck. His fingers were cold on Y/n's skin, holding her face firmly and spreading out. It was so genuine. The most real kiss she'd maybe ever had. She let him lead it, moving her face to follow his as the kiss deepened. Each time one of them moved away, the other dove back in, addicted to the feeling.
JJ clearing her throat promptly stopped them, and they both pulled away as quickly and as guiltily as possible. Caught red-handed. They scrambled to get out of the pool, Y/n grabbing the towel she'd brought and wrapping it around her wet figure.
Morgan walked past with some guy in handcuffs, dragging him while he was read his rights. He flashed Spencer a smirk, but he knew there was more teasing to come.
"Not our unsub, but he was going to try to sell these," Blake explained, carrying a camera and showing them the photos of their make-out session. If they could blush and cringe more, they would have. JJ was trying and failing at stifling a giggle.
"Are you going to..?" Y/n asked quickly before realizing what she was implying. It wasn't something she wanted Spencer to think when she had enjoyed kissing him. All she wanted was to have one private kiss. "No, I didn't mean it like that." She blurted out.
Blake shook her head. "We won't." It made Y/n breathe out an instant sigh of relief. There was more teasing to do, but the team still had a case to solve. "We think your manager was trying to get him to not sell nude pictures of you before he was killed."
Her heart stopped at hearing that. "Stephen is..?" She couldn't even form the four-letter word that had changed her life. A glance at Spencer proved he was hiding something. "You knew!" She exclaimed, anger taking over her. "We just... and you knew."
"I'm sorry." Spencer quickly rushed out, feeling terrible for what he'd just done. Knowing he'd made her cry twice was a horrible feeling.
With the tears rushing down her cheek, she shook her head. "I'm going to change." She decided, walking away from the agents before she could further embarrass herself.
Spencer looked like he wanted to go after her, big doe eyes growing tearful. "I just fell in." He tried to defend his actions to JJ after Blake went after Morgan.
"It's all here," JJ smirked, clicking through the photos so he could relive it.
"I s-shouldn't have," Spencer said, his brain catching up to what he'd just done.
JJ pulled her lips inward, raising her eyebrows like she was challenging his idea. "How well does she know Allison Cartwright?" She asked, keeping the focus on the investigation.
Spencer's mouth parted in shock, replaying meeting Y/n's friend. "Allison as in Ally who walks Judge and could get into Y/n's house whenever she liked?" He asked, urgency in his voice as he rushed to pick up his gun from the ground.
JJ unholstered her gun, calling Blake quickly with the urgent news. "We think she's in the house." She informed her, waiting for a reply before hanging up. "They're going to lock down the perimeter." She told Spencer. "You go to her room." Their usual don't-split-up rule didn't apply when the house was so big, and Y/n was in immediate danger.
Spencer ran towards the door Y/n went in, dripping wet with his gun at his side. He heard a loud cry coming from one of the rooms, and he quietly pushed the door open.
It must have been her bedroom. With the same view from the big windows as the living room had. It was minimally decorated as well. Stepping into the bedroom, Spencer held his gun up as he scanned the room for danger.
"Spencer!" Y/n cried, coming into view. Ally was holding a gun to her temple and using her as a body shield. She looked as terrified as she sounded, tears on her cheeks as her wide eyes searched Spencer's for a way out.
"Put the gun down, Ally," Spencer commanded, fixing his gaze on her. "You don't want to hurt Y/n. Not when you love her, and you've done so much to help her career."
Ally's fingers hovered over the trigger, definitely showing some sign of hesitance. "I have!" She agreed with his statement. "I love her more than anyone else does. More than you do." Haphazardly, she waved the gun at Spencer, seeing him as a threat.
"Ally, please don't," Y/n begged, unknowingly worsening the situation. With his eyes, Spencer was assuring her it would be okay. She trusted him, but her best friend could still kill her.
"No!" Ally frantically exclaimed. "You kissed him!" Quickly, she was devolving.
With his eyes, Spencer was instructing Y/n to play into the fantasy. It took her a deep breath before she did. "Ally, it didn't mean anything. They're destroying the camera because I don't want to be reminded of it."
Spencer was trying to dissociate from what she was saying. He knew it was too good to be true. She was nothing less than perfect, and he was a lanky, rambling FBI agent. Behind Y/n, Spencer could see Blake, gun raised as she stepped quietly until the barrel hit the back of Allison's head.
"Let her go and drop the gun." She commanded, and, thankfully, Ally did.
Y/n squealed when she was released, running out of her grip while Spencer moved forward to make the arrest. JJ was there too, comforting her with a hug while she cried about the longest day of her life.
Everything seemed to be moving in slow motion around her as police officers came and went, and people made sure she was alright. JJ sat with her until the team had to leave, offering her comforting words of advice as everything sunk in. In one day, she'd lost her best friend and her manager.
The one person she didn't see was Spencer. When she found out he was leaving, she ran out after him.
"Spencer!" He was standing near the SUV with Morgan and Rossi, both of which were teasing him. Y/n figured someone must have brought him a change of clothes because he was in a new dress shirt and pants.
When he heard her voice, he spun around to face her, Morgan and Rossi giving them some privacy. "Are you okay?" He asked, scanning her face analytically.
"I will be," Y/n answered, smiling slightly. "Because of you." Spencer opened his mouth to tell her it was a team effort, but she stopped him. "Thank you."
Spencer nodded, not sure if he should hug her, shake her hand, or kiss her, which he was desperate to do. "You're welcome." He settled for. "I'm sorry for-"
She cut him off. "Don't be." She handed him the card she was holding, unsure about giving it to him. "If you want to call."
Smiling, Spencer took it, brushing his fingers against hers. He memorized it in case he lost it. "I will. Stay safe, Y/n."
"I will." She farewelled, waving at him before she felt Judge against her feet. "Say goodbye." She ordered the dog. He sat down, holding up his left paw and moving it side to side.
It made Spencer laugh, patting his head. "Keep her safe, Judge." He instructed, looking up at Y/n, who was still smiling.
When he got in the car, it was far too quiet. "What did she give you?" Morgan asked suspiciously.
"Her number," Spencer mumbled, reading over the numbers for the 20th time. He wanted to call, of course, but, then again, she was a beautiful, world-famous actress. How would he ever maintain a relationship with her? Plus, he knew what transference was and how the pool kiss was only because she was confused.
"Spencer Reid, my office, now," Garcia commanded, walking into the bullpen before turning around and expecting him to follow. Spencer did, assuming he wasn't in trouble. Morgan's birthday was soon, so it was probably to plan a party. "When were you in LA?" She asked, secretively shutting the door.
"Um, last week," Spencer replied, unsure where she was going with the line of questioning.
"Which date, genius?" She asked, bringing up a webpage and going to Twitter.
Spencer frowned as he tried to figure out her aim. "Wednesday, February the 18th. You know you're not allowed on Twitter at... work." His voice dropped off at the end of the sentence when he saw the video.
Y/n L/n, the one and only. Being asked some questions on a talk show, but his focus was on how beautiful she looked. Even after everything she went through just a week ago, impressively resilient.
The sound of her voice filled the Batcave when Penelope played the interview.
"So, you've had a lot of on-screen kisses, but everyone's dying to know what the best kiss of your life was." The interviewer prompted, accompanied by a cheer from the audience.
Video Y/n blushed, giving him a confident answer. "Before last week, I'm not sure I would have been able to tell you." She started, charismatic and holding Spencer's attention. "But now I can certainly say it was last Wednesday night."
That was why he was there. A grin took over his face, wanting to pinch himself to make sure it was real. Next to him, Penelope was still in shock, eyes flicking between Spencer and the screen to confirm what she already knew.
"And who was this mystery lover?" The interviewer asked, realizing he would get good publicity over the interview.
She held a soft smile with traces of disappointment. "He never called, so I can't tell you. If I thought he might see this, I'd tell him to hurry up, but I doubt he will be watching."
Penelope decided the video didn't need to go on any longer. She turned it off and spun in her chair to point at him. "You! You kissed the Y/n L/n, and I never knew! And she's talking about it! Everyone is talking about it! And you never called!" She exclaimed, not breathing in between each fact. "Why didn't you call?"
"Transference," Spencer answered. He'd looked at the number hundreds of times, sitting on his bedside table, but he couldn't bring himself to do it.
"Which would have gone away!" She reminded him. "She very clearly liked you. Call her." She demanded, waiting for Spencer to take his phone out and call right then.
"Morgan has photos of the kiss, did he not show you?" Spencer asked, smirking smugly.
Penelope was up and out of her seat quicker than ever. "Derek Morgan!!" She yelled once she left the room. Spencer knew whatever treatment Morgan was about to get wouldn't make up for the week worth of teasing.
With the paused video on the screen and a smile on his face, Spencer was confident about what he was about to do. He dialed in the number he'd be able to recite in his sleep. "Hi, Y/n, it's Spencer." He said once she answered.
"I know." She giggled. "You're the only person who knows the phone number."
That made him smile, determined not to let his brain psych him out. Even though Y/n had a complicated life, and Spencer seemed to make things difficult, their relationship didn't have to be hard.
"Can I take you out on a date?"
Part 2 here
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polyghostfacehours · 2 years
Hiii!! Idk if you’re doing requests or not, this is just a suggestion, so the reader gets Stu and Billy into horror games. Like Corpse Party, Silent Hill, Resident Evil, Mortal Kombat, etc. I feel like they would REALLY be into those kinds of games, especially the bloody and gorier ones. Idk if you’ve done something like that already, I know you did one for FF and that one was so cute btw, but I’ve always thought about that ☺️
God yes yes and yes! I love this request so much! Sorry it took so long. Also this is a mix of regular and modern ghostface.
Reader Getting poly!Ghostface Into Horror Games:
The way you three bonded was originally over horror movies. Nothing special, the same way they had bonded before with Randy or how Stu had with Casey.
They knew you were a gamer, but they actually didn't have too much experience with horror games themselves. Stu was a very casual gamer and he mainly played fighting games or FPSs; Billy didn't play games period since he thought they were for kids or loser-nerds.
Stu did, of course, play Mortal Kombat already. He had heard of it during the parental uproar through the news and, given his absentee parents, he easily acquired a copy. He loved it for the violent, splatterfest it was, and he loved playing you in it.
But other than MK, he had very little experience with horror games, as he is like I said, a casual gamer (modern!Stu is, in contrast, a huge gamer lol)
Originally, gaming was a you and Stu pastime. Billy found them boring to watch. He only enjoyed it if it had a interesting and in-depth story, like FF7 or Persona 2. And even then he tuned out when you and Stu had to grind or do side-quests.
When you breach the topic of horror games to them, Stu was beyond enthusiastic. Billy was intrigued, but had a very "normie" view of games, so wasn't expecting much.
Stu easily let you show him the world of horror through video games. Stu loved mindless gore, sure, but he also loved a good fucked up story. So when you introduce him to Silent Hill...he's hooked.
Seeing Harry tackle the horrors of Silent Hill had him enraptured. He especially loved the "other" Midwich Elementary.
This helps in getting Stu to pester Billy to watch/play horror games as well. Billy is there for Silent Hill 2, and before you know it he's playing on his own time.
When you guys play Clock Tower and Night Trap, Billy loves purposefully scaring you and Stu while you play by suddenly grabbing your leg or shoulder and yelling. (I will never get over how much he likes jumpscaring ppl in the OG film 😭)
Now for a more modern setting, Corpse Party would be quite the entertaining ordeal.
Stu thinks Kizami is dreamy because "He reminds me of Billy."
Billy rolls his eyes at this, but secretly thinks Kizami is cool so he's pleased.
They'd both jump right on the Resident Evil Remakes for sure. Stu streams it and overexaggerates getting jumpscared.
The Silent Hill P.T demo actually did scare the shit out of him though lol. Billy, surprisingly, wasn't scared at all, but he loved it so much he through a fit when it was cancelled lmao.
You introduce him to some more "light horror" games too. Specifically Yume Nikki.
Billy adores Yume Nikki, and is the type of person to sing it's praises online for how revolutionary the method of storytelling is and actively engages with fan theory online.
Billy would never admit it, but his fave horror games are pixel indie games. He feels people who undersell them because of their graphics are elitists (which is absolutely hypocritical, because he himself is an absolute elitist when it comes to horror). Ib, Witch's House, Mad Father, The Count of Lucanor, etc.
He also loves Yume Nikki fangames like Fleshchild and .Flow
Patty and Mr. Miles had him genuinely tearing up, but he'd never ever tell you or Stu about it lol.
Hc that Billy feels very literal empathy/sympathy for IRL people (save for a select few people), but feels a LOT for fictional characters. I feel like it has something to do with his blurring of fiction/reality, escapism, and just seeing fictional characters as more "real" than IRL people.
Stu loves anything with gore and/or disturbing and taboo themes. He also loves a good story, but doesn't pscyho-analyze as much as Billy (though he adores listening to Billy and your theories and even has planty of his own.)
Stu stream Animal Crossing and also will go to "haunted"/scary towns and clickbait the title of his streams/videos "The Scariest Horror Game Ever 😱" lmao
Stu played and enjoyed BTD
Side Note: you made Stu play P.T with a VR headset and it was both horrifying for him and hilarious for you and Billy.
Whenever Billy is home alone, he likes revisiting Yume Nikkie a lot. He gets kinda hyperfixated for awhile tbh.
One of Stu's fave games you let him borrow are the Theresia games for DS. The way music is used in that game tickles him pink and he loves the atmosphere.
Stu is the guy who streams Amnesia in 2022 lmao(and it actually brings a ton of viewers, most ppl amused that there's a streamer who hadn't experience it yet)
Horror games become as important to you three as movies are. It's an excellent bonding activity but also just for playing alone on long nights where the other two are gone.
Billy in particular begins seeing games as an medium on par with film when it comes to horror. He loves the idea of being able to actually experience the horror as a player, rather than just watching someone else go through it like in movies.
But...he still thinks games of other genres are for nerds lmao.
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zackcrazyvalentine · 3 years
I hope i'm not late for the screenshots thingy!
Here's who i got!
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(i got lucky cause Epel and Idia are my faves LMAO)
And for the theme, maybe them reacting to MC cooking them meals from their world? Or maybe them visiting MC's world with them? You choose!
(romantic btw!)
LET'S GET THIS BREAD!!! I'm sorry it took some time to get out
I'll do a half and half~
Let's go!
~ Other Worldly ~
With: Epel Felmier, Idia Shroud, Vil Schoenheit, Jack Howl, and MC
Them reacting to MC cooking food from their world, and visiting MC's world
First off, let me start by saying that a good 3/4 of these characters are super picky(? with their food, Vil and Idia being the most critical (according to what Master Chef events tell us)
Hope you have some super cooking skills and/or premium ingredients at hand! ^^''
Some headcanons didn't come out too romantic orz
🍎 Epel Felmier 🧹
Foreign dishes
Epel noticed the peculiar cooking going on in Ramshackle after visiting one time
While he may be critical of ingredients and overall resulting taste, Felmier is curious to try new things (specially if it's in big portions, unlike Pomefiore's dinners)
He approaches MC shily, asking if he could have a taste of what they were eating at the time
"Sure, no problem! In fact, let me cook some for you fresh!"
Before he could even protest to get them to stop, the Prefect already got to work
He tries to help, but MC shoots him down and tells him to patiently wait
Epel's appetite and curiosity are increasing with every second
Once the food's ready to be savored, he digs right in! And will provide some feedback about what he liked about it, what it reminds him of, and if needed be points out what he thinks it lacked
Eager to try out more of the food MC was accustomed to eating back in their world!
Visiting a far away land
He's eager to visit all the places his love adores! Make some memories and have a blast discovering the place such a wonderful person comes from
He wants to know how their two worlds differ, how a world without magic unfolds before his eyes
Let's be honest: this boy right here is excited to wreck havoc in supermarket and fast food places' parking lots. Y'all probably woke up at 3am once and decided to go scream and mess around at your nearest McDonald's parking lot
Please show him vine compilations, I'm positive Epel will love to get to know the humor of this world (although he once used a vine reference when talking with a cashier once, thinking it was common knowledge for everyone in MC's world)
Out of the four guys here, Epel is the one most open to improvised plans
Eager to try out any strange fruits and vegetables, interesting snacks and bizarre cookie flavors that catch his eye
"How can your world have such specific flavors? Rosemary garlic jalapeño bread chips? How???"
💀 Idia Shroud 💙
Foreign dishes
MC probably brought some of their homemade food over to Idia's dorm after getting concerned that this boy's diet heavily relies in junk food and sweets, and when he does eat it's a very small portion
So in MC comes and asks Idia if he would like to try some food they prepared, one of their favorite dishes
At first, Idia is very reluctant, saying how he doesn't feel hungry
But the Prefect has a trick under their sleeve: a crestfallen expression with an adorable pout
Seeing them having a meal on their own while occasionally sighing sadly has the flaming haired boy debating what he should do
Then a memory of Ortho's voice resounds in his skull: "Meals are typically shared between people to develop or strengthen a bond. If you want to win [Name]'s heart, you should take them out for dinner."
That and he can't deny the contents of that container in their hands look appetizing
Shroud finally accepts and brings you over to Ignihyde's kitchen to grab a couple of plates
He's hesitant, but takes a nice first bite of food. Chews it carefully as he analyses the taste, texture, consistency
"I've never tasted something like this before. What is it?"
"One of my favorite dishes, [food name]!"
Silence followed, "Huh? I-I'm afraid I have... never heard of it..." He said
"Yeah, Ace and Sebek said the same when I introduced them to it. Makes me believe this is something only seen back in my world."
A nice chat develops and, before they know it, the food's gone and Idia himself ate a nice amount of it
It's in the walk back to his dorm, when they're enveloped in a nice comfortable silence, pinkies entwined, that MC confesses they purposefully did all that out of concern for how much he eats
It ensues some light pushing-and-pulling around and tickling, him saying how that was a tactic well taught out, but also saying how he eats just fine and they shouldn't worry about that. You know, light banter between a loving couple
That dish ends up in Idia's list of favorites. He has asked Mc to bring it with them a couple of times when they hang out together and play games
Visiting a far away land
Frankly, he's curious and very nervous about this trip
MC of course is aware of Idia's dislike of crowds and being out in public, so they prepared a nice and calm trip for him
Visiting the less frequented parts of town, quiet cafés (cat cafés!! because those normally have controlled influx of costumers for the kitties' safety), couple of history museums, supermarkets late at night for snack runs, lots of staying at home to play a plethora of videogames and watch many anime series and movies
He's amazed at the variety of games MC's world has, and is also surprised by how some titles are similar to those he likes to play. Same goes for some anime series
While he appreciates how the Prefect tries to show him what their world and society there is like, he much more prefers their stay at home time
He gets to cuddle with them in their room! Their actual legit room with many memories of their life!
He may not look like it, but Idia likes to snoop around and ask what this or that photo, a toy or poster is about and what memories they hold
Honestly, Shroud came over to his lover's world to know about their life, not so much to learn about the world as a whole
Baby pictures, photo albums, the occasional video of their childhood, diaries and old Valentine's cards, he looks through and reads them all!
He will treasure every bit of information he learns about his partner and their life in this world. Probably takes one of their baby pictures with him back to Twisted Wonderland
👑 Vil Schoenheit 🍎
Foreign dishes
Vil is the hardest to convince to try your food out of this group, no doubt
He does know MC cooks, and knows that some of their dishes are uncommon, but the model has yet to asked them for a taste
It takes one brave "Do you want some?" for the model to finally have a taste of the food
He's very hesitant, you can see it clear in his expression, but it all fades away after the first bite
He will openly state if he likes it or not and why
"Perhaps you have other dishes that suit my fancy better? Come on, I want you to show me more."
He genuinely does want to taste more of those unique dishes
Visiting a far away land
Eager to take a little vacation to a world full of opportunities
I see Vil as someone who would like to visit the most prestigious places (though MC will have to tone it down and remind him they don't have an unlimited amount of money to spend)
Art museums and a couple theatre plays are his go-to, along with nice restaurants, popular cafés, and lovely parks to have a picnic on (he jumps into the idea of attending one of those outdoor cinema projections, those are probably his favorite because he gets to cuddle with his lover under the night sky while a movie plays)
He will want to learn about the history of MC's world and the way society, politics work there
He gets word of the horrible things that happened and the threat of climate change, human rights violations and he will want to take action to protest against it
Okay, but Vil will get along so well with the Prefect's younger siblings and mother/aunts/fem guardian if they have one
Get ready to have him judge favorite makeup products. Prefect better lead him away from the beauty and skincare sections of farmacias and supermarkets
All in all, having Vil over to their world allowed MC to visit many nice fancy-ish places and allowed them to enjoy some simple things they forgot
A wonderful person to have by your side in any world and universe~
🐺 Jack Howl 💛
Foreign dishes
With his fine sense of smell, Jack detected the food MC was preparing for their little date was something unfamiliar
"What's that? Something new?"
Yet MC tries to keep the surprise until the plates are presented and served
Seeing the smile on their face, Jack can't help but think that this dish will taste wonderful due to the love shining on their face
"This is [dish name], one of my favorites back in my world. Haven't seen it offered in the cafeteria, so I decided to try my hand and prepare it for you, Jackie!"
First bite, fluffy tail wagged. He compliments their cooking with a smile before diving in for a couple morsels
Jack isn't too picky, he enjoys food truthfully
I think he will be curious about the story behind the dish and why his love categorizes it as a favorite. Ingredients, techniques, tell him all about it!
I'm sure this boy will be happy to try more of the unique dishes found in a world ways away from his!
Visiting a far away land
A visit to his partner's world, huh? Well, Jack is certainly excited to see what sort of outdoor activities and exploring can be done in this new place!
Dates with Howl in the Prefect's world will consist of visiting natural parks, gardens, forest trails, perhaps do some fishing or bird watching
Jack grew up with snow as a constant. He would like to explore the winter sports scene in this foreign world (if MC lives somewhere with snow/with designated paces on which to practice said sports)
Aside from these outdoor sporty visits, the wolf would like to attend concerts or maybe a local team's game
However, he soon finds out these events aren't suited for his acute hearing (poor baby 😭)
So he's content with spending time inside MC's house, get to know their family a little, look through their family pictures, and have pleasant late afternoon walks in the nearby park
Something as simple as going out for icecream is tremendously pleasant with Jack by your side
(but poor MC if they aren't athletic or into nature because this big puppy will drag them to loooots of nature watching dates asdfg)
-- --
Ngl, this prompt was a little hard to fulfill. I'm well aware this isn't the most romantic, but hope it was enjoyable
Thank you for your request!
and sorry again for taking long
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dreamkidddream · 2 years
No. 7 from the fanfic troupes with Dazai pls 🙏✨
Everytime I think of the roommate trope I think of vine lmao. Reader is gender neutral!
Update: I was suppose to post this last night and I passed out instead my bad yall 😭😭😭
CW: minor language, mentions of suicide (cause it’s Dazai) but nothing graphic is mentioned
“And They Were Roommates” Trope with Dazai!
Dream’s 800 Follower Special 📖
Your roommate was… very eccentric, to say the least. That was the nicest way you could put it.
He’s a horrible cook, he uses almost the whole bottle of detergent and doesn’t tell you, takes forever in the bathroom, and you have caught him on more than one occasion trying some new concoction or method to try and leave this world (which scared the hell out of you at first, but now you just scold him for wasting money and out of concern for his mental state).
But he does pay his share of rent and bills on time, he offers to share his bottle of alcohol with you, he’s somehow always find a way to make you crack a smile even when he knows that you’re irritated. He’s made it more…lively here. From your experiences of having past roommates, he’s been the best one you had which is very surprising. Does he have moments that make you very tempted to smother him with his pillow (which he would encourage no doubt)? Of course. But then you think about how fun your life has been recently and how you can’t picture living with anyone else, and the thought goes away.
But something changed recently. You started to notice more about him.
How contagious his genuine laugh was, how the simplest touch made your heart race, how much butterflies you get in your stomach just hearing him say your name- the list could go on and on honestly. You weren’t expecting this arrangement to be like this when you agreed for him to move in- just another body that’s here to find a cheap place to live and that’s it. That was until he came and introduced you to something new, something refreshing, and you weren’t mad that you were proven wrong for once.
The prank wars, unplanned movie nights, late night talks that left you both vulnerable- it was all so refreshing and he helped you welcome it all in. What started out as a business agreement with strangers came to bloom something beautiful between you two, something special. You were smiling a lot more these days because of him, and it made you feel so light inside. It was like you guys were already a couple and-
Then you realized what was happening and your heart sank.
“Oh no.”
“Hm? Everything okay?”
And your situation was only worsening when you heard Dazai’s voice, and you choked when you saw how close he was (he still didn’t understand the concept of personal space). He looked curious and he wouldn’t stop leaning in-
He moved back when you rushed to your room and slammed the door. And you lost count of how many times you screamed into your pillow that night.
Before you made what is possibly the worst decision of your life, you did the responsible thing as an adult- and hid yourself away until you were convinced that your feelings were just temporary. Except that they never went away, and only grew stronger. But just as they grew, so did your pain- you’ve been distancing yourself from him until you get your head together. You can’t fall in love with him, he’s your roommate! Getting your heart broken and then having to live together was a nightmare that you’ve seen come true too many times, and that was not a risk you were willing to take. You weren’t even planning on being this close with him to begin with!
Besides, you doubt that he would even look at you the same way. If anything, you would just be wasting his time, so why not save yourself the heartache now? You weren’t in middle school anymore, you didn’t have time for fleeting crushes. You’re an adult now that has to face the reality that the advice to follow your heart doesn’t always work and that’s okay. It’s time to wake up from this little fantasy and get back into the real world. Just keep acting like everything is normal, like nothing is wrong, like you’re not falling in deeper and deeper each day, and everything will turn out fine.
Everything is not turning out fine.
You and Dazai are just roommates- yep. Just roommates. It wasn’t uncommon for roommates to be laying on each other when watching a movie. Nope, it’s totally common to do this between friends.
And it’s not weird for how he pulled you into a random dance, gliding and holding you in his arms so gentle. He’s just messing with you like always, even if you haven’t laughed like this in a while and didn’t want it to end.
It’s definitely not out of place for what you hear through the walls too. The walls are paper thin, so of course you would hear some of the things he said (but the way your heart felt like it was going to give out at any second when you swear that you heard your name escape from his lips among other things). All normal in your eyes- YEP HAHA. Totally no romantic feelings involved, NOPE.
How you got roped into drinking with him after coming in so late from work still remained a mystery.
Drinking with Dazai wasn’t uncommon, and he already shuffled you to the table and into a chair and poured you a glass before you could even open your mouth. And honestly, you needed the drink to somewhat drown out the troubles of work and your love life. He knew what he was doing- he wasn’t sneaky in getting your favorite brand either. Sly bastard.
The warmth was already soaking into your body from your first glass. It felt nice to chat with him like this, with no stress hanging over your head (at least for the time being anyway). It’s easy to forget about your worries when you’re with him, and alcohol doesn’t even have to be included.
“What is it with you and bothering that Kunikida guy?”
“Can you blame me? It’s free entertainment! You would do it too if you could see how he reacts. It never fails in making my day less boring.” He poured more into your cup, then propped his head on his arm. “One day I’ll take you to the agency so you could see for yourself.”
“Mhm, sure. Looking forward to it.” You sipped on your drink, feeling the tingling sensation in your throat. Glancing at the clock, you saw how late it was getting. Standing up and stretching, you thought it was time to make your leave before you let something slip out that you don’t mean to say, “Well alright. I stayed up past my bedtime, and my bed is calling my name. Try not to stay up too late tonight, okay?”
“Ah, still so caring, even when I don’t deserve it.” He swirled his glass around. “And leaving me so soon? The night is still so young, and there’s still so much I want to talk with you about.”
“Like what? What new ideas you’re gonna torment your coworker with?” You chuckled.
“No, about us.”
That caused you to freeze. You almost choked on your spit, and you’re grateful that you’re faced away from him. “Us?” You gulped. “What is- what is there to talk about?”
“A lot if you would give me the time. There’s so much to say about us.”
“I mean- not really. We’re just roommates, that’s all.”
The silence in the room grew that came after was damning.
“Just roommates?” You couldn’t bring yourself to turn around and meet his eyes, and you could just feel his own burning into your skin. “Really? Nothing else?”
“I mean we’re friends too- yeah. Just- roommates that became friends. Yeah, roommates turned into friends turned into BFFs. That’s what I would call it. Just really close roommates/friends.” Keep your head together, don’t ramble, don’t ramble-
“I see.” And it was quiet after that, and you are trying your best not to squirm. Why did you have to make this so awkward. You turned around and gave him a quick wave, taking increasing steps backwards to your room. “Well, it’s really late so I’ll see in the morning Dazai-“
“Then I haven’t been very clear with you then.”
You did choke on your spit at that moment. “…huh? I don’t- I don’t understand.”
When he placed his glass down and stood up, you just stood there mouth agape. When he made his way to you, you were convinced that you were going to collapse at any second. You weren’t drunk, you’re still coherent enough to know what’s going on, to know how close he was getting- you should’ve made the move to push him away. But how could you when it felt so nice to link your hands together with his? So right?
The look he’s giving you- it’s so soft. His chestnut orbs have this affectionate glow to it, one that made you think you were dreaming, that this couldn’t be happening. You wanted to sink into his touch, you wanted to bolt back to your room, you didn’t want this moment to end- your emotions were all over the place.
“You don’t have to feign ignorance you know. The walls aren’t exactly thick, and I must say- if the last thing I heard was my name falling from your lips, I would die a happy man, especially knowing that my affections were returned.”
“Returned?” You said in a small voice.
Dazai just laughed again, and leaned in closer, nose brushing against yours. “Why of course. I would be a fool to deny them, and a bigger one to let you slip away.”
You couldn’t believe what you were hearing, and your heart soared at his words. But the little doubt in the back of your head had you second guessing.
But what if I mess this up? What if I lose you?
“You won’t. If anything, I’m the one who should be concerned about losing you.” His hand caressed your cheek. You flinched- you didn’t mean to say that out loud!
You couldn’t even look him in the eyes, but he titled your chin up to do so anyway. “I’m more than willing to take the chance. To have you in my arms before I leave this world is a chance I will always take if you allow me to.” When his eyes flickered between your own down to your lips, you closed the distance and hoped that you didn’t come to regret it.
And as time passed, you didn’t come to regret anything at all.
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peachyhours · 2 years
can i request a A-Z for enhypen jay? <3
Jay A-Z fluff
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A/N :: Thank your for your request, you didn't specify if you wanted a fluff or a smut version so I did a fluff one, I hope you don't mind! 🤍
♡ A (Activities) ⇸ What do they like to do with their s/o? How do they spend their free time with them?
As we all know Jay is a fashionista so I bet he will take you shopping and buy you new clothes, he will give you advice on how to dress. I also feel like Jay will play a lot of sports with you because he likes competition. But most of the time you two go out with the members or just stay at home to watch some movie or cuddle.
♡ B (Beauty) ⇸ What do they admire about their s/o? What do they think is beautiful about them?
Your smile. He thinks your smile is gorgeous and he's always amazed by how you look so happy and full of life all the time. He also loves your height, as a tall guy he thinks you look so cute. But what he admires the most about you is your bravery, to him your the most strong girl he has ever met. You always know how to deal with any situation and you always keep your calm. Even if you lived a lot of difficult moments in your life, you're still here, smiling and generous.
♡ C (Comfort) ⇸ How would they help their s/o when they feel down/have a panic attack/etc.?
He will listen to everything you have to say and he'll help you, giving his opinion and advice. When he feels like you feel a little bit better he will do dumb things to make you laugh and will put on a movie or whatever to make you forgot about what happened. And if you have a panic attack he will stay by your side, helping you calming your respiration and patting your head.
♡ D (Dreams) ⇸ How do they picture their future with their s/o?
I think he really focuses on the present, of course he wants to spend the rest of his life with you, but I can't really imagine precisely his future dream life with you.
♡ E (Equal) ⇸ Are they the dominant one in the relationship, or rather passive?
He's the one who lead the relationship, for sure. He has that aura (?). In my opinion his s/o he's a little bit younger than him or his age so because of that I see him being the dominant one. He probably has a strong temper.
♡ F (Fight) ⇸ Would they be quick to forgive their s/o? How are they when fighting?
I'm 100% sure he is easily mad idk why lmao, but he's the type of person who is sensitive and start often a fight for nothing because something you did piss him off. That's one of his biggest flaws. When you two are fighting he mostly scream or sigh. And he's surely resentful.
♡ G (Gratitude) ⇸ How grateful are they in general? Are they aware of what their s/o is doing for them?
Jay is pretty grateful but sometimes he realizes that really late. And I don't think he always shows his gratefulness to you.
♡ H (Honesty) ⇸ Do they have secrets they hide from their s.o? Or do they share everything?
I think he doesn't really "hide" anything but at the same time he doesn't tell you EVERYTHING. You know what I mean? Like you share things with each other but you have little things that you keep to yourself, not to hide the other but just because it's not important to tell them about it.
♡ I (Inspiration) ⇸ Did their s/o change them somehow, or the other way around?
He help getting more mature and more responsible, he helped you with the korean culture and language, introduced you to new ways of thinking and new opinions. And for you, you also helped him learn your language and your culture, and you shared your thoughts, opinion and knowledge.
♡ J (Jealousy) ⇸ Do they get jealous easily? How do they deal with it?
Yes and yes. I think he's a pretty jealous and protective boyfriend. If a guy comes up to you to ask for your number or something like this, he'll stare at him from far away, and then he'll comes to see you, wrap his arm around your waist or shoulder and like "Baby, we're going to be late we should go, say bye to your friend" And then he will talk to you about this at home, saying you have to be more careful and he doesn't like that when a guy talks to you.
♡ K (Kiss) ⇸ Are they a good kisser? What was the first kiss like?
He's 100% a good kisser, and as an American he's not too shy about kissing you. Your first kiss was at Christmas, you two had been dating for a few weeks and you still haven't kissed yet. For Christmas you celebrate with the members and your bestfriend. You come up to Jay to ask him if he wants to make a cake with you for the dessert. On your way to the kitchen you walk under the mistletoe and the members quickly came up to see the kiss. The kiss was pretty short but magical, it was super soft and sweet.
♡ L (Love confession) ⇸ How would they confess to their s/o?
He actually confessed during a night call, he had a really tiring day so he decided to call you to make him feel better, he was half-asleep having a deep ass conversation with you and just before hanging up and going to sleep he just told you "Listen, I have something to tell you, I prefer telling you right now because I'm so tired I won't be embarrassed after. I didn't want to tell you because I was scared it wasn't reciprocal, but... I love you y/n, I really like you"
♡ M (Marriage) ⇸ Do they want to get married? How do they propose? What would the marriage be like?
Yes he probably wants to get married, with Jay there is a big chance he propose in a fancy restaurant to celebrate your birthday or something like this. The marriage would be chic and luxurious but not too formal, but the party after the marriage would be iconic and huge.
♡ N (Nicknames) ⇸ What do they call their s/o?
Honestly for Jay he likes the basic, he'd call you by your name or babe/baby. I don't see him using other nicknames.
♡ O (On cloud nine) ⇸ What are they like when they are in love? Is it obvious for others? How do they express their feelings?
I feel like he isn't too obvious with it but he stares at you a lot, he flirts a little bit too but he's pretty smooth to not making it too obvious. He express his love for you through acts of service I would say. You know the relationship he has with Jungwon? Well I think he will treat you the same way as he treats Jungwon.
♡ P (PDA) ⇸ Are they upfront about their relationship? Do they brag about their s/o in front of others? Or are they rather shy to kiss etc. when others are watching?
He doesn't care about pda, I mean as an American I don't think he will be shy or hide your relationship, I might be the type who brags about his relationship, to show everyone that you're his girlfriend. And in front of other people or the members he could kiss, hug you or whatever he doesn't care.
♡ Q (Quirk) ⇸ Some random ability they have that’s beneficial in a relationship.
The only thing I can think about is, Jay is the son of a CEO so I think he might know how to manage money and the knowledge of things of adults. With things like dating he's more serious and mature so that's an advantage too.
♡ R (Romance) ⇸ How romantic are they? What would they do to make their s/o happy? Cliche or rather creative?
In my opinion Jay is more cliche than creative, he's romantic only when he wants to, for dates he's romantic but besides that I think he stays pretty chill rather than romantic.
♡ S (Support) ⇸ Are they helping their s/o achieve their goals? Do they believe in them?
Yesss of course he do! He had the chance with I-Land to realize his dream and he succeeded so yes he thinks you can do it. It depends on your dream too, but he thinks everything is possible when you work hard enough. And he will help you to when you need support, you can count on him.
♡ T (Thrill) ⇸ Do they need to try out new things to spice up their relationship? Or do they prefer a certain routine?
Because he's an idol he like to try out new things in his relationship. Okay let me explain, if he wasn't an idol I think he would like a certain routine and he could have worked as a businessman like his father so that's why I think that. And as an idol, he always do crazy things and experience a lot of things "normal" people wouldn't, so in his relationship I think it's the same.
♡ U (Understanding) ⇸ How well do they know their partner? Are they empathetic?
It depends, you both don't have the same life and the same job so there is things he might not understand very well as an idol but besides that I think he can understand you well and be supportive.
♡ V (Value) ⇸ How important is the relationship to them? What is it worth in comparison to other things in their life?
I'm sorry to announce that but I think most of idols will think their career is more important than their relationship so for Jay it's the same. You are together for multiple years he probably thinks your relationship his as important as everything else but his career is the number 1 thing in his life.
♡ W (Wild card) ⇸ A random fluff headcanon.
"Baby you need to wake up.." You heard the whisper of your boyfriend, half-awake next to you. It was already 7:50 am and you had school at 8 am. He tried to wake you up one more time tickling you, he heard you chuckle so he gets up. "You really want to be late, don't you? I'm gonna drive you to school if you want but you need to get up if you don't want to go to school in pajamas because you didn't had time to wake-up" he laugh at your frown. He approached you kissed your nose before carrying you to bring you in the kitchen were he prepared the breakfast.
♡ X (Xoxo) ⇸ Are they very affectionate? Do they love kisses and cuddles?
Yes he really likes cuddles, among Enhypen he is not the clingiest member but he loves kissing you and having little make out sessions.
♡ Y (Yearning) ⇸ How will they cope when they’re missing their partner?
If he gets a little depressed because you're not here he will try to do a lot of things to make him forget that you're not with him. But Jay can definitely spend a few days or a week without missing you too much. He knows that he will spend a lot of time with you when you come back. But if you are separated for months then he will miss you a lot because it's too long without you.
♡ Z (Zeal) ⇸ Are they willing to go to great lengths for the relationship? If so, what kind?
Yes, if he chose to date you it's because he wants to put effort for a best relationship, so yes he's ready to protect your relation and make sure both of you are happy.
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Sorry but what exactly is up with the bad batch arc? I've heard people talk about the issues with echo's white skin but I haven't heard that many bad things about the arc itself? (ik you said you don't want to be negative on your blog so I would absolutely understand if you didn't answer this ask)
Oooooooooooh boy. Well I just had a long, long, LONG rant about it with someone, but I guess I’ve got an excuse to put all of my points onto a post and talk about it publicly now that I got an ask x) I’ll keep it under the cut so I don’t throw my salt in people’s face. I really don’t want to upset people who love that arc - it has redeeming qualities, but overall it pisses me off so much for so many reasons. So here:
The first issue is obviously two members of the Bad Batch (minus Echo) being being just about the furthest thing from maori no matter how much you're willing to stretch it. 
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Like... yeah, nah. I wouldn’t even accept Crosshair and Tech (grey haired guy and goggles guy) as Jango’s natural biological sons, nevermind as his clones. 
The problem is that their different appearances are justified by them being described simply as clones with desirable mutations (i.e superpowers). But why the hell did the creators have to change their appearances for that to be a thing? How does that correlate? Sure, the concept of clones with different faces is interesting, except... no, no it’s not, and I’m gonna rant about it in a few secs. But basically it's like they thought giving them different faces would be a good substitute for having different personalities (another thing I’ll come back to). If they really wanted to have buff clones with super eyesight or whatnot they could have just done that, without making them lose what little melanin the lighting of the show had allowed the other Clones to keep. 
But the gigantic problem is... showing that the "regular" clones have VERY distinct identities despite their identical faces has been one of the themes of the show from episode 1. Literally, the first episode of TCW has Yoda taking time out of a mission with galactic stakes to tell the three clones he’s with (who tell him they’re all the same because they have the same faces) that they’re wrong, and that they’re very different in the Force, that their appearance doesn’t matter, that they’re all equally unique and important, and he lists all of their individual skills, strengths and weaknesses. 
And it’s not just me being bothered by that, here’s a post by @cacodaemonia​ saying the same thing. 
Introducing the Bad Batch as "unique" clones who are "different" and "not like their brothers" because they have different faces and skills completely breaks that theme of the show!! Because the entire point of the Clones in TCW is that their faces don't matter, they ARE unique! 
(Plus the Bad Batch’s character designs are so cliche and uninspired it’s just laughable to try and justify bleaching their freaking skin for the sake of visual diversity. 
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This took like 10 seconds. I found the first guy by literally googling “soldier movies,” and the other two are Team Fortress characters that look a LOT like Wrecker and Crosshair. One is “Heavy” and one is “Sniper” lmao.
And behold:
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The above picture is a Team Fortress reference that I found just by looking up “bad batch clone wars,” so I’m not the only person who sees it.) 
And the batchers don't even have personalities to justify calling them unique! They have no character traits beyond the most cliché american soldier tropes ever. We have a token loner sniper, a token "smart tech guy" who knows everything from xenoanthropology to biology to Separatist computers to sound waves to encryption, a token Badass Brooding Leader and a token “dumb muscle guy.”
I dare anyone to find more about their personalities than this: - Crosshair is the perpetually grumpy sniper who looks down on "regs,” - Wrecker likes to blow up stuff and doesn't like heights, - Hunter is the leader and is friends with Cody, - Tech is smart doesn't trust Echo. 
That’s it, that’s literally it. Four episodes about them and that's all we get. These character tropes are literally the least inventive ever. FFS, Hunter even has a freaking KNIFE! Not a vibroblade, mind you, like in kriffing Star Wars. A knife. Against metal droids. Why. They couldn’t make this more of an american-war-movies cliché fest if they tried. (And sure, he can feel electromagnetic waves so maybe it does make sense for him not to carry a vibroblade and maybe this is nitpicking, but he looks like a ripoff of a Predator character and it pisses me off).
Another thing is that when you introduce characters you have to make them likable - and them despising the normal Clones is a terrible way to do that! And they don't even grow from that because at the end of the 4 episodes arc they just see Rex as not bad "for a reg" and they see Echo as no longer a reg, and both of these things are infuriating! 
The worst thing imo is that Echo then becomes part of them (and irreparably loses his melanin in the process, uuuuuuuuugh) when there is nothing to justify this. 
The dialogue goes like this: 
ECHO: You coming? TECH: Not really our thing. CROSSHAIR: Accolades. WRECKER: Yeah, we're just in it for the thrill. Yo! HUNTER: You sure it's your thing? ECHO: What do you mean? HUNTER: Your path is different. Like ours. If you ever feel like you don't fit in with them, well, find us. (they leave) REX: Those are some of the finest troopers I've ever fought alongside. Echo. You and I go way back. If that's where you feel your place is, then that's where you belong.
Echo doesn't feel like he belongs anymore, okay, but why would he feel like he belongs with the assholes who up to the last five minutes of the mission thought he was probably a traitor, and also verbally expressed that he was not worth saving?? In all of the arc, Echo himself never voices that he feels he’s not ‘like the other Clones’ anymore and that he feels it’s a problem. His relationship with Rex immediately picks up where they left things off - the first thing he does upon being lucid again for the first in over a year is cracking a joke for Rex’s benefit. 
Why would Echo feel like he doesn’t belong in the 501st anymore, when we don't even see him interacting with anyone from his past life except for Rex and Anakin (who are both extremely very supportive of him)?? If there had been one scene of a “regular” Clone (ugh) looking at him with horror and disgust or something, or just Kix and Jesse cracking jokes with Echo awkwardly standing by the side not getting it, I could forgive the show trying to make it feel like he has an identity crisis, but this was so shallow!
The only thing that makes Echo and the Bad Batch’s experiences similar is that they *look* different. It’s so against the themes of the Clones I’m seething just from thinking about it. And what the hell? Echo ALREADY didn’t fit in. That was the WHOLE POINT of Domino Squad. They didn’t fit in because they thought they were better than anyone else because they had trouble getting along with their brothers, so obviously it had to be their brothers’ fault (ahem, Bad Batch?). And you know what happened? Domino Squad OVERCAME that. And Echo and Fives still didn’t “fit in” because their personalities were unique and creative, and they became ARC Troopers because Cody, Rex and the Jedi VALUED THEM FOR PRECISELY THAT. Echo having new and unique skills and a modified appearance is the most bs justification for him feeling like he doesn’t belong!! 
And that brings me to my biggest issue: Rex telling Echo the bad batch are some of the best troopers he's ever met. I'm sorry, based on WHAT? What Rex values above everything is loyalty and brotherhood, and the Bad Batch DOESN'T DISPLAY ANY OF THAT. We never see them even expressing concern for each other! Wrecker treats saving Cody’s life like a trivial issue, because it’s just ‘sO eAsY’ for him, and beyond that we never see them supporting each other or genuinely expressing affection for each other beyond boasting about each other’s skills... 
Sure they can destroy a lot of droids, but they're dismissive of Rex's brothers, and the entire Umbara arc and this arc showed what he thought of that. They keep saying things like "not bad for a reg,” don't show any trust in Rex's skills or experience (even though they can't have been fighting in the war for more than a year and a half when he’s been there from the beginning, and he outranks all of them), they are essentially guerilla fighters which has only minimal value in a galactic war, and they never grow beyond their views of what regs are, and can and can’t do. 
None of that should make them good troopers in Rex's book. Going back to Echo not fitting in, remember who taught the Domino Squad the importance of seeing all of your brothers as important and equally valuable? Shaak Ti, true, but more importantly? 99! The guy the Bad Batch are named after. He did have value and was important and was no less of a trooper than his brothers, even though his mutations made him LESS powerful, not more. (And btw, just from a writing standpoint, the batchers don’t have any weaknesses, which is shit.) Cody and Rex mourned 99 as a true soldier even though it wasn’t his sacrifice that brought them victory (which would have implied that he had value as a soldier and a brother because he saved them, as opposed to him having that value intrinsically), because that’s what a fine trooper is to them. A BROTHER first a foremost, someone altruistic, brave and loyal. The Bad Batch distort the meaning of 99's character with their behavior. They’re not altruistic, their bravery is mitigated by the fact that they’re freaking invincible, so of course they take risks (again, see Wrecker saving Cody without a care because it’s easy to him, as opposed to Rex being ready to run into a burning ship about to explode because his brother is in there, and having to be physically dragged away). The Bad Batch denigrate their brothers for being less skilled, thinking their own abilities make them unique somehow, when 99 could barely fight and was still the one who taught Hevy about being a good soldier. 
And again the batchers don't grow from that. Which is all the more frustrating because the original ending didn’t have Echo joining them, from what I remember of the unfinished episodes, and the arc actually ended with them receiving their medals in front of regular troopers who cheer for them, as opposed to them smugly ostracizing themselves and dismissing the ceremony as trivial and meaningless. (original ending vs s7 ending: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ab1eCfzKamw) 
It’s so annoying. Do you know what characters never had an entire arc dedicated to them and still have far more personality and more interesting designs and more symbolic weight?? 
Jesse, for starters. Kix. Dogma. Cut. Slick. Keeli. Ponds. Rys, Jek and Thire. Commander Doom. Commander Fox. Wolffe. Hevy. Hardcase. 
Cody was a more interesting character just in his RotS appearances. 
Waxer and Boil had one episode about them and then only two cameos plus Waxer’s death, and they’re still some of the most memorable, beloved Clones of the whole show. And Boil was grouchy and prejudiced like Crosshair, but he has so much growth that we could make a whole thread about it. 
I'd say the last problem with the Bad Batch is that it has cash grabbing money hungry vibes. Different faces are more marketable, cliché personalities are more toy-friendly, and it's basically a big ad for the Bad Batch series. And they throw Echo in the Batch at the end for bs reasons (again, it wasn’t in the original ep from what I remember) and they tease Cody in the show to make sure fans will still watch even if they notice the lack of soul. And less melanin sells more at Disney apparently. 
So that’s my whole pissed rant. 
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lilhawkeye3 · 4 years
Tea Time With Hawk ☕️🦅
The Bad Batch was... badly designed
If you like the Bad Batch & aren’t open to reading a critical look into their design, don’t read this.
So I’ve already written about The Clone Wars and the issues with Tup and Rex’s character designs. For me, these aren’t reasons enough for me to dislike their characters as a whole (although I refuse to draw Tup’s tattoo when I do draw him).
With the Bad Batch though... I really don’t like them. I don’t want to draw them. Their designs make me uncomfortable, and for two reasons other than just the designs themselves:
1. The Bad Batch was designed for the newest and latest season of TCW, meaning those involved in the creation and in the direction of the Star Wars Umiverse in general are aware of issues brought up in the last decade about POC representation and racism in Star Wars (I say this because it’s been widely talked about, especially after the sequel movies premiered).
2. These characters were introduced specifically as a backdoor pilot for their own series. If the reception to them hadn’t been as good, the Bad Batch series probably wouldn’t have been greenlighted (this is something done in Hollywood in general, not a specific Disney thing). The problem isn’t that they were created in mind to have a series about them, but that these clones have the most whitewashed appearance and were chosen to be the focus of a new series.
So, on to a closer look at exactly what I find issue with these characters.
Crosshair: why the fuck does the sharpshooter look like a white man (this is nothing against white men, but he is supposed to be the CLONE of a BROWN MAN). EVERYTHING about him is changed so drastically that it doesn’t even look like they used the base model of a clone for him.
For comparison:
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Top photo is Crosshair. Bottom three are Fives, Jester, and Echo (after the Citadel, which I’ll get to).
Crosshair’s jaw structure is angular and his cheekbones more vertical and prominent. His hairline is more rigid, his hair is white, and with the painting details you can see it is mean to be straight. His nose is so much narrower it’s as if he had a nose job done. Even his lip shape is smaller, which is ridiculous seeing as the clones already have such thin lips. His eyebrows are thinner and less bold. All these are pbviously changed even when comparing to Echo, who is meant to be thin in malnourished in that picture.
Crosshair’s mutation goes further than being a great sharpshooter. They literally made him into a white man.
And then I wonder why he seems to be the most popular of the Bad Batch members in the fandom... sigh.
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Tech: again, it looks as if they used a whole different base structure than the normal clones. So here we have his “desirable mutation” meaning he’s incredibly smart. He is shorter and less built than the other clones, his hair is lightened, his nose narrower, his jaw narrower and less square... the changes aren’t as drastic as with Crosshair, but he’s still changed to fit more Eurocentric features. Tech is also much shorter than all the other clones? Idk personally I found that strange and unnecessary cause it not only adds to “nerds are smaller” stereotypes, but more troubling, it subtly pushes the notion that the larger brown men are not as smart as the smaller whitewashed man.
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Wrecker: I can’t even begin to describe how animalistic they make him seem in comparison to the previous two. While Crosshair and Tech’s mutations are more mental and refined and thus they are given Eurocentric features... Wrecker’s mutation focuses on brute strength and yet he retains the more typical clone features of the show. Yeah idk just look at the picture and the way he acts in the show. He’s better than the first two but ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
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Hunter: okay enhancing his senses is... fine. Honestly he’s the least problematic in my opinion. But like... they were not subtle in trying to make him like Rambo. His hair, his facial features, even the bandana. He’s not as whitewashed as Crosshair or Tech, but he is obviously modeled after Sylvester Stalone, who y’know is a white guy.
And then they have Echo elevated to the Bad Batch. @thatfunkyopossum made an art that pointed it out best, but there isn’t really an excuse for how much paler they made his skin. Yes brown skinned people can and do get darker or lighter based on seasons but like... we don’t just lose all our melanin and become completely white if we never get sunlight. I hope they give him some color back for this sequel 😅 [Edit 4/2021: LMAO HE GOT WORSE SOMEHOW]
So yeah. The Bad Batch makes me extremely uncomfortable as a whole, and you won’t see me creating stuff for them (I drew Hunter once for a friend but that’s the extent I’ll get involved with them). It’s fine if you do like them, like I’m not going to hate you or anything, but I did want to write this up because enough people were interested.
I am of course welcome to any discussion about it (both in agreement or disagreement) :) but if you start attacking anyone in reblogs I will not hesitate to block you. *Please check the notes if you want to see the discussion!*
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