#like... i wasn't going to watch it until there was something about ahsoka
"The Bad Batch" S3 Review- Spoilers
Alright guys, we made it. After 3 years of this lovely show, it has finally come to an end. I definitely plan on doing a review of the entire show and see where it fits with the other big animated shows. However, that will come after my Crosshair Character Study. For now, let's focus on S3. Like Season 2, I'd definitely say it's a solid 8.5/10 for me. Although, S2 might still be my favorite. I honestly think Rebels might be the only show that has a 9/10 final season for me. Look, I loved CW and Siege of Mandalore is phenomenal, but that Ahsoka arc was not it. The final season of TBB has so much I absolutely loved and so much I wished it handled better. So, let's jump right into it!
This season felt so different for me and I definitely know why. The story is much more plot driven than the first two. In the first two seasons, the Batch were more worried about survival and kinda just went on adventures all around the galaxy. The Empire really didn't know where they were so the stakes weren't as high. Crosshair himself was stuck in the Empire meaning he didn't focus on the Batch as much until they crossed paths with him.
S3, however, sees the Batch and Omega specifically being hunted relentlessly. They need to figure out what's going on or else they will never be free. This shift from the Batch galavanting around the galaxy to a more plot driven narrative does change things up. Looking back, I think the creative team just needed more time. S3 has so much going for it and there just isn't time to flesh out the ideas to their fullest potential. That being said, I am overall satisfied with everything they pulled off, especially Crosshair. This show has solidified him as one of my top 3 favorite SW characters and fave clone. He's so well-written and I adore him.
What I loved:
The atmosphere this season was so dark and I loved it. There was a maturity to the ideas and threat level that I honestly really appreciated. Just like Andor, TBB really demonstrates just how monstrous the Empire is. There is nothing that Palpatine won't do in order to achieve total domination and subjugation of the entire galaxy for all eternity. And Hemlock is right there beside him. That man's passion for his craft knows no bounds; it doesn't matter who's strapped to his table. It's so horrifying to think how Tantiss is probably just one of the many, many inhumane and monstrous things the Empire has running. TBB, like Andor, is peak Empire imo. If there was any doubt that this monstrosity could last as long as it did, these two shows erase it.
I also really loved the character relationships, particularly Omega and Crosshair. Their bond is so beautiful and reminiscent of ones I see in my own life. There's nothing Crosshair wouldn't do for her and it fits really neatly with who he is as a person. Omega brings out the best in him, just as she does all her brothers. This season really emphasized how much Omega's brothers have influenced her. Their lessons really come into play by the end of the season. To see her grow from a naive young girl into a mature (but still childish) teenager/pre-teen was beautiful.
Crosshair this season was everything to me. I could be here for hours talking about him. I was beyond thrilled with how they handled him. He has changed so much and this season highlights that growth in every way. Crosshair remains to be the best written character and nothing about him felt OOC. I loved his dynamics with the Batch and Omega. (The hugs were perfect)! I loved how his struggle was something he worked on the entire season; it wasn't just one and done. I love how the themes of trust were woven so perfectly into his story. Crosshair was perfect (I'll touch on the hand thing later). I couldn't have asked for more (except just give me more Crosshair. I will never be tired of him. I could watch a whole show of just him doing stuff).
I don't have a burning desire to punch Hunter anymore. Yay! But in all seriousness, I have developed a soft spot for him. As much as he got on my nerves in S1, I really do appreciate him a lot more. He does care deeply and has a lot he's struggling with.
Echo showing us why he's the ARC Trooper. Seriously, those scenes of him will always live rent free in my head.
Emerie! Really great character and very interesting.
*hides in a corner* Rampart.
The music and animation were phenomenal. Honestly, both were flawless. The music in particular moved me to tears several times. Props to the animators and Kiners because this is some of their finest work yet. That one shot of Crosshair catching CX-2's knife was outstanding.
I also loved the action, seeing the boys fight together, and final shot of the Batch + the epilogue. There is so much I adored in those moments and the rush of emotions I got each time. The epilogue was so personal and I might do a separate write up on it.
The themes of family and hope were also front and center and I loved every second of it. If anyone asks why I love TBB, it's because this is show about family more than anything. The Batch are a family and seeing them learn to be one is so beautiful. It means so much that Hunter, Wrecker, and Crosshair got to settle down together and raise Omega. It's just beautiful.
What I didn't like:
I wanted more deep convos. Whether it was because of a preference for action or time constraints, the writers just needed to have more deep character emotions and let them sink in. It's why "The Outpost" and Tech's convo with Omega are so well loved; they let us really be with the characters. I wish S3 had more of those moments because they make this show that much better. I just wanted more. And I know this show is capable of that. It sucks knowing what it could've been. So many moments could've hit more had they been given time to breathe or worked in a bit differently.
The way Tech was handled. Hats off for actually keeping him dead. I just wish we got proper closure on that 😐. Although Tech's death looms largely over the Batch, it feels like the writers brushed it off. Why didn't we get a scene of Crosshair learning what happened? I know the time skip implies they all processed Tech's death, but it still felt like something was missing. It felt like the writers expected us to also process it like the Batch and move on. Except, we're not the Batch. We don't know what went on in their heads because they're fictional. The audience relies on the writers to show us that grieving process and we don't get it. It also didn't help that it felt like they were baiting us with CX-2 at times.
Some of the plot lines being dropped for plot/time reasons. Look, I know that it's about the Batch and their journey on becoming a family. However, it felt like more was being set up and it might go no where. One thing I love about TBB in general is how it showed us how the Empire began to change the galaxy the moment Palpatine got what he wanted: total dominance. Clones began to take a stand. Talks of rebellion were already being whispered. I just hope that these storylines revolving around Rex, Riyo, and Echo don't wither away because TBB has ended. Or the Ventress thing. I know they said she'll be back but who knows when that'll happen. I also wanted to know more about the CX Program. That’s what fanfics are for, am I right?
The pacing was brutally fast. This ties into my points about the narrative being more plot driven and lack of time to fully flesh out ideas. It felt like there was almost no room to breathe at times because we jumped from plot point to plot point as each episode progressed. Don't get me wrong, TBB handled this way better than Ahsoka, but I just needed like two more episodes of the boys and Omega running around, ok?
Overall, this season just needed time.
What I am neutral on:
Scorch. Man was done dirty, but I didn't know who he was til this season. Sorry guys. Including him and not giving him anything wasn't a good idea imo though.
Crosshair's hand. I get both sides of the argument, I really do. First off, I'm a sucker for whump. I can't help it. Also, you can say that him losing his hand connects to him severing himself from Tantiss and the pain he went through. But at the same time, Crosshair's trauma isn't going to magically vanish by just chopping off his hand. If anything, it'll just add to the trauma. I applaud the writers for dealing with such a sensitive topic, but from a certain POV the hand chop is a quick fix to a storyline that could've had more substance with another season. I'm neutral on it because again, I see both sides of the argument. I think if we got more of a reaction from Cross, the situation would've been more clear (he was doing some crazy compartmentalization during the back half of the finale, let's be honest here).
Anyways, that's my review of S3 of TBB. Despite it's flaws, this little show still went out on a high note and I am very pleased with it. I love TBB with all my heart and I will hold it cherish it forever. Until next time everyone. I will still be talking about Crosshair and this show, don't worry. No matter what, I will never tire of this beautiful family ❤️
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guardian-angel12 · 5 months
Flames {Rexsoka}
Prompt: They’ll hear us/you
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Mandalore was in flames. 
The city burned at the same time, so did Rex's heart. 
All his Mandalorian roots seemed to scream as he watched the destruction, an orange hue cast over his shielded face and making eerie shadows dance across his visor and armor, like the ghosts of the past katarn armor-wearers giving their final breath. 
He knew somewhere deep inside that this place would fall to ruin, something about the thick smoke that rose into the dark blue night and disappeared into the stars. 
Maul may have been captured, but he knew that wasn't the end. 
He breathed a small Mandalorian blessing out over the edge of the balcony he stood on and turned around, blinking back the angry tears that rose into his eyes, but not with much effort when he felt his entire being soften. 
She was waiting there. He felt that tingle inside his chest the moment he turned around. 
"I'm sorry, Rex." Ahsoka said softly, her face not in view yet for the shadows, but he made out her frame, lithe and disciplined and beautiful... her colors contrasting with the horrors of fire and smoke and battle. 
"You completed the mission. That's all that matters." he replied, voice filtered of his sadness through his helmet, but she sensed it. 
"We should get back to the others, we're leaving soon." she said, eyes flickering around his face and going down until they stayed on the ground. 
He only nodded, following behind his commander with a slow and steady stride. 
Whatever citizen she claimed to be now, whatever nomad, she would always be his commander, always be the one who earned his respect more and more every day and every time he saw her.
The Tribunal was filled with people, soldiers, officers, and droids alike, ready to leave the planet as Maul was escorted by a few Mandalorians inside a special Jedi holding chamber. 
Rex felt... odd about it, although he knew Ahsoka had handled the Sith apprentice herself, and that she was more than capable, something about still having the monster near her bothered him. 
I should've been there. 
It was all he kept thinking, again and again he felt like he should have been there. 
Ahsoka was led off by a few higher-ups in need of her assistance, and Rex was left alone, pondering. 
Jesse met to speak with him but he knew he wasn't being himself, something about all of this was bothering him, but he knew the main reason was not the fact that his heritage planet was in shambles. No. It was something else, and he felt like perhaps he knew what it was but still the confusion swirling in his head was overwhelming. 
Before he even registered what he was doing or where he even was he met her in the briefing room, an empty hologram table before her as she stood there staring at it, looking lost in a past time and memory. 
Ahsoka felt him before he'd even been close enough for the doors to open for him, sensing his soft hum in the Force that told her he was alive, but sometimes it told her things she didn't want to know, let her feel his pain and his confusion and his sadness. 
She wanted to take it away. She wanted him to have a normal life, a life without war and heartache and loss. Wanted him to have a choice. Whatever he truly wanted in this life, in this vast galaxy that had become so grim. 
"A—are you okay?" Rex asked quietly, watching her from behind. 
"I will be." she turned around, and found that his eyes were distant, lost. "And you?"
His chest tightened, and it was getting hard to breathe, but he just needed to get it out and try to fix himself, try to let himself focus again and just do his duty without feeling like only half his mind was there. "I can't answer that."
"What do you mean?"
The way instant concern flooded her big, starry blue eyes made him feel both worse and better. But she took a step forward, almost like she was worried he had been hurt and decided not to tell her. 
"I just... Some things happened today, and with that and everything else, I don't feel right."
"What things? Mandalore?" Truthfully, she just wanted to run to him, throw her arms around his neck and tell him it was going to be alright, that it would get better from here. 
Tell him what she had been battling with besides the Sith and the Death Watch, and that thing was him. Him, invading her heart and her letting him. 
At war with something she welcomed.
"That's... part of it. But you—when you fought Maul, I should've been there, and if something had happened—something had gone wrong, I—''
Ahsoka shook her head slowly. "Rex—"
"No, please... I, I need to say it. When you left, everything changed, all this," he gestured around the room like he was gesturing to the entire galaxy, his grip on his helmet under his arm getting tighter and then he squeezed his free hand into a tight fist. "it changed, it hasn't felt the same since. And then you came back, General Skywalker told me you were and—and I didn't know how to take it, but I wanted you to, but as soon as I saw you something else changed, and now I... I can't help but think about what you'll do when all this is over, when you leave."
Ahsoka wore a sad expression, but inside she was burning up, she knew he was strong, knew he tried to put his duties first and ignore his personal feelings and emotions but she also knew he was starving, knew he was pining and so was she, but seeing him like this...so unsure of himself and almost like he was guilty, it broke her heart even as she searched for the right words and the right actions. 
A thousand things came to mind that she wanted to say or do, but let him stand there in silence, searching for what he needed to say, what else he needed to get out. 
"I just..." Rex seemed like he was choking. "I won't lose you again. I can't."
That broke her stillness, and she walked straight to him, searching his face and finding all the pain. "Rex..." she said his name like it was the most precious thing, something she cherished with all her heart, and his eyes lifted to meet hers even as they looked down to her shorter form, staring deep into her beautiful face and trying to remember each and every detail. Every line, every pore. He didn't want to go without it. Without her. 
Ahsoka lifted her hands up and gently placed them on the sides of his chest plate, brushing her fingers down and stroking the tiny pock marks of battle and tracing the lines war had left. "You know I never wanted to leave you."
He swallowed hard. "I know." 
"I am sorry. Leaving... it was one of the hardest things ive ever done, mostly for one reason..."
His eyes were questioning, but he asked anyways, voice so quiet it sounded raw. "What?"
Ahsoka breathed in through her nose deeply, eyes flickering down then up again. "This one." 
Then she snatched the sides of his face and slammed her mouth up against his, making him drop his helmet in surprise, stumbling only a little backwards and his hand lifted up, freezing near her head.
He kissed back eagerly, a million sparks seeming like they reignited in his dying fire of a soldiers heart. He put his hand on her cheek, his other on her back like he was trying to keep her there, like she was his and the only thing that mattered. 
She finally pulled back, but stayed so close he could feel her warm breath stirring against his mouth. "I thought of you every day." she murmured. 
He ran his thumb across the white streak on her jaw, not having anything left to say but finally feeling that yearning being met, that wildfire finally being fueled not with sadness and longing but with passion and love that he knew was most likely forbidden to both him and her.
He wasn't exactly sure what he was doing, but the instincts inside of him took over as he cupped her face again, kissing her with every bit of the loneliness he'd felt since he last saw her. With every word he had wanted to say to her since they had last spoke. Her small frame was pushed back from his careless affection, until she was clasping her hand against the rim of the table and finally took his shoulders and turned him around, pushing him down onto it where his armor clanked hard against the surface, but she just kept pursuing with her lips even as he let out a breathy laugh.
"They'll hear you, cyar'ika." he whispered into her mouth. 
"So what?" she purred back, gripping his shoulders with a wicked little grin that made his entire body heat with that fire, knowing completely and entirely that she was that one thing he wanted most in the galaxy.
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just-prime · 2 months
I'm not sure if you've been watching The Acolyte, but my critically high levels of sodium over the Ahsoka series have returned with the revelation that Rosario must have fought Lucasfilm over fight/lightsaber training stipulating in her contract.
Manny Jacinto, who came to the role with a black belt in Tae Kwon Do trained for four months for his fight scenes before filming. Rosario repeatedly said in interviews that she trained for two hours a day while filming, and it was clear that she thought this was a lot.
I tried to write it off last year. Budget and time constraints, George Lucas overspent and Disney is doing things differently, the prequel era is dead-
No, this is not the case.
Prequel era love and care in the arena of bringing characters who are expert sword wielders and martial artists to life is alive and well at Lucasfilm.
Daphne Keen fights like Ahsoka plucked from the middle of the Clone Wars and brought to life. Dean Charles Chapman's saberwork is a beautiful hybrid of Obi-wan and Anakin with lightning fast, graceful Soresu and saber spins, lightsabers are deadly once more and used in ways we haven't seen outside of animation and video games, and characters far, far older than 11 ABY Ahsoka have kinetic, energetic choreography because a 42 year old Jedi is nowhere near over the hill, and I'm done with being gaslit about her age.
There are many issues with this show, yes, but there are no cameos (save for one blink and you miss it), no name dropping to make the audience tear up and feel something based on the hard work of previous content. Nuggets are plucked from the EU and made fresh, like the delightful and creative use of cortosis. New force worshipping sects with their own beliefs are brought to life without being the Nightsisters. The galaxy feels large again.
It's everything Ahsoka wasn't and shows just how soulless an effort that show was. Ironically this is the show that's getting raked over the coals while nearly all criticism of Ahsoka was met with dismissal despite the show being desperately mediocre.
If you had asked me to go in without behind the scenes knowledge and tell you if Filoni or Headland was the one new to Star Wars and who was approaching this effort with genuine love of the material and passion for world building and adventure, it wouldn't be the guy who was recently made Creative Director.
I'm sorry for once again paragliding into your inbox (yes, this is the salty anon from last summer lol), especially if you aren't interested in The Acolyte, but it just sheds so much light on everything wrong with Ahsoka and how valid our criticisms were. Salt doesn't have an expiration date, so I hope this is a little bit of vindication!
Hello, hello! Hang up your paraglider, you're always welcome in my ask box.
I have been watching the Acolyte! I'll admit, I saved off answering this until the final ep had come out so that if there were any more cool fight scenes, they were not missed in my response.
Thoughts I had Pre Finale
All in all I agree completely.
While flawed (personally I feel like the acting on Osha and Mea is the weakest part of the show as a whole, as well as the fact that this very much felt like a movie idea stretched into a tv show) the Acolyte has been legions better than the previous slop that Disney Star Wars has put out recently. You know why? Because I had fucking fun watching it. Sure, afterwards I'd usually say something along the lines of 'wow the pacing is a bit weird' but all in all? Actively enjoyable. It never made me angrily close the D+ tab mid episode.
It's also been a facinating litmus test for what people are able to be chill about Star Wars and which ones are not able to handle it. The amount of reviewers and reactors whom I previously had massive respect for who just are acting like utter tools is really getting on my nerves.
Because in sooooo many ways this has been exactly what people have been asking for. A new perspective, with new ideas that isn't just focused on the Skywalker saga. And on top of that, holy fuck the fights are glorious. You are absolutely right, both Dafne Keen's and Tommon's fights prove just how well you can have lightsaber skills look from a single person, as well as the Wookie fight showing off some truly impressive choreo between the three.
And then you have Manny Jacinto...hello ARMS
The man is by far the standout joy of the series (followed closely by Sol) as the man just oozes charisma. His big fight against everyone was brutal and I'm glad to see that lightsabers are once again deadly in the Star Wars universe. Watching him mow through a legion of Jedi was so incredibly satisfying to watch, and again he is just knocking it out of the park with the choreo. LOVE the way that they've introduced cortosis into live action, especially in a fighting style. Headbutting a lightsaber was fucking amazing to witness. Though it's actually not the first time that it's appeared in Canon star wars, as it appears in the second canon Thrawn book, Thrawn : Alliances!
The exploration of the Dark Side is being done in such an interesting way, because none of the practitioners we've seen would self identify as 'dark side users' at all. Because sure, you have Manny Jacinto who is out being evil because the Jedi were going to label him as dark side either way so he might as well defend himself, for him it's just the way he connects with the Force. But you also have the witches, who's mind infiltration is certainly Dark Side, but are just out here living their best witchy lives. They live by their Thread, regardless of what the Jedi would call it.
As always, also the "the jedi need to be the coolest and the morally purest people in the whole wide world" people are having hissy fits, which is just like...no? Stop being allergic to nuance? We've seen time and time again how the Jedi were in fact a child taking cult (yes, yes they are, if you disagree i'd recommend going and rewatching TPM which spells it out pretty clearly) usually we've just been on the Jedi's POV so it seems justified. The Sol flashback episode I think shows off this mentality very well. He had good intentions, sure, but all in all, he wants to take and even Trinity calls him on it. It's a fascinating examination of what decades later would lead Anakin down a path of desperation.
Speaking of Anakin...People getting suuuuuper protective over Anakin's super special status as 'the chosen one' was also rather surreal to witness. Personally, I don't see how this invalidates his 'the chosen one' in the first place? But people were definitely scraping the bottom of the barrel for things to complain about, as opposed to offering actually constructive criticism, of which there are plenty of options.
Thoughts I had Post Finale
All in all, nothing really changed for me, as usual, the pacing was absolutely fucked and the action was absolutely incredible, and in the end, I enjoyed the experience of watching it.
I certainly appreciate seeing more of the Jedi actively covering shit up, both in little ways as well in big ways.
Also *waves* Hi Plagueis!
My main little gripe
I really don't get why they needed to actively tie Mr. Darth Hotpants over here to Venesta specifically? I get the want to connect him to an established character, it just rang a little hollow for me. I think I'd have preferred it if he was just a rando youngling who never even got to being a Padawan cuz the Jedi kept trying to basically de-dark side him ala grade schools punishing for being left handed. Donno, I just think that would have been a bit more compelling.
My main BIG gripe
Why...THE FUCK...did they split up??? They burned waaaay more time having their little heart to heart then had it been all three of them fucking booking it to the ship. I just don't get it. I don't get why Mae or Osha would want to leave each other again, and I don't get why Manny Jacinto would willingly give up an additional fighter. I get the whole "There can only be two" bit, but A) Plagueis is already there on the island, so Osha makes it three and B) Osha's probably going to be more motivated with a little living reminder of the Jedi's lies being right there and present and C) Osha and Mae are both so fucking powerful why would anyone just let one half of the pair walk away????
It just didn't fit with any of the character's previous actions so it annoys me.
Kinda ended as I began, relatively neutral on it all. Think if pressed would give it a 7/10 just because the action was SO FUCKING GOOD, otherwise it would probably be lower due to the rather painful pacing issues and the meh acting on display from Amandla Stenberg which was just such a huge shame cuz I know she's got more range than this.
Mainly, I just really really hope future shows take from this just how good lightsaber combat can be when you have properly trained performers. THIS should be the standards, and it's painful that its not.
As always thank you for dropping into my ask box! You always give me so much to work with it's a joy to respond :D
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anakinskywalker97 · 7 months
5 - The Rise of Skywalker
Vader x Ex-Padawan reader - Chapter 5 - Meditation
Previous parts
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Summary: Vader finds out the true extent to how much damage his body endured after mustafar, meditation leads him to an old friend.
Thanks for all the love on this series! Reblogs and comments are what keep me going! <3
Warnings: panic attack description, hurt/comfort
No one would be that stupid. 
Vader wasn’t sure what you meant until he saw it with his own eyes. People had a very healthy respect for you, especially the Rebels and their alliances. You had a reputation, one he didn't realize belonged to you. He had heard of the Shadow Tempest many times. The epic runs, always one step ahead of the Empire. The pilot behind almost all the notable Rebel wins. In all his time with you he always did most of the piloting, he knew there were a million things to do and sort out but more than anything he wanted to take you out and see who would win. 
He sat there in a meeting of people, the higher-ups of the revolution, and watched as they listened to you. You never asked for anything, simply told them that he was on your side now and that he needed the best medical. In return, they would have your help in defeating the Empire. They were very eager to have your support, apparently up until this it was very hard to persuade you into helping them. Something he would ask more questions about as from what he was told your ship had been center stage in most Rebel wins. He was surprised that help from you and Obi-Wan was enough for them to overlook his past. 
Obi-Wan let out a tense laugh as they handed him a bank card. Apparently, all his money was in his account and had been converted over to card technology despite his leaving.  He could go run off and be a murdering psychopath then come home and find out how much interest he had earned off his funds. This wasn't right. He didn't deserve this. People had to accept him at your request, but he could feel the way they trembled in his presence. Fear gripped people tightly and he could even feel their concern for you. Even without being able to read their thoughts, he knew their plans to pull you aside to see if you had stockholm syndrome or if he had possessed you. He guessed that was a good thing, people here cared about you. Everyone stopped what they were doing to greet you, relief that you were safe overwhelming their features, it was good to know it wasn’t skin deep. People really cared. 
He was unsure about the Rebel's plans for the Empire though. But then again he was retiring from this world. He would kill the Sith, try to come back from being one, restore balance to the universe, and hide away with you - hopefully forever. 
Ahsoka had not been pleasant, but she came around for the sake of ending the Empire. He hoped in time he could mend things with her. She had been your closest friend and he missed how easily she fit into the family that was formed during the Clone Wars. A family he had to put back together. 
R2 was beyond happy to see him. He ran around him squealing loudly. Everyone looked horrified but he bent down and put his arms around the droid. Affection towards R2 was easy. He was the most dependable thing in his life for the longest time. He was well-maintained but still looked like he was an active participant in the war. He thought of all the lore that surrounded the Shadow Tempest, more than anything he wanted to pull R2’s memory and watch every bit of footage he had saved. He would come back for it another time. 
“I kept her safe” R2 chirped loudly in his language and he laughed again patting the little droid on what would be considered his head. 
“Thank you, you did an excellent job R2.”  He was grateful he left something behind to help you in his absence even if it was unintentional. 
Then the medical meetings started. Once he saw all his options, he was overwhelmed. From the stem cells they had of his on file, they could re-grow most of his skin to cover the prosthetics. They would have to remove more of his arms and legs as the nerves had been permanently and purposely damaged where they met the metal prosthetics. The rest of his skin could be healed with minor scaring, they could even regrow his hair follicles. 
After looking at the scans and seeing the damage Palpatine did he had to leave. 
He had no idea what he gave up that day on Mustafar. 
He lost the woman he wanted to marry, the ability to give her a nice life, to touch her without hurting her, to touch her and feel her skin. Not to mention the horrible things he had said to you at the end lived rent-free in your mind all these years.  He had given up the one person in the world he considered family, he had tried to kill his brother. All of this was to build something better for them. Yet he spent years trying to kill Obi-Wan, terrified of his old master. The sickness was too much to contain as it all came flooding back to him. 
Let me go - he commanded you as he left the building. It was cruel but he was drowning in pain. He was so consumed with rage and self-hate he left to go to the temple where Obi-Wan had been going to meditate. 
He knew the only true way out was through. He couldn't go on a rampage, couldn't give into weakness. He couldn't lose you again. 
Palpatine had made him suffer to prevent him from his full potential. To keep him from his density. Just as the Jedi had done. Everyone wanted to hold him down, force him to comply, just like Watto. He had been so caught up in thinking he deserved the pain, which in his opinion he still did. Palpatine gave him the illusion of control and freedom. That power was so seductive but what had it gotten him? The lives he took ran through his mind at a speed that made him dizzy. Nausea gripped him as the familiar coldness ran up his limbs to settle in his stomach. It was what he imagined death felt like. The icy energy caressed his body, but he had been here too many times before to know he wasn't that lucky. 
It was his punishment, he had earned it fair and square. A lifetime of suffering would never be enough to make up for the lives he took. His mind ran through this for hours as he sat in the temple trying to find peace and clarity. 
He’d done too much, taken too many.
“You did what the Force deemed necessary.” The voice made him jump, not an easy thing to do. The hazy, glowing form of Qui-Gon was in front of him. 
“I -” He started to argue back. 
“You - are the living force. The Sith willed you into existence Anakin, there is a power in you unlike anything else in this Galaxy.” He explained calmly and his heart sank at the realization of his words. 
“I’m evil.” His voice was so broken. A truth he always should have known deep down. There would be no path leading towards the man you wanted, needed, him to be. 
“No, there is no good and evil in the true force, this concept of light and dark comes from the people sensitive to it and how they choose to use it. You are what it is in its true form” 
“Then why is everything inside me so painful.” His voice was wet with the tears streaming down his cheeks. As far back as he can remember that power inside him has always been anger. 
“Because you experienced great pain. You have to understand that your life was always one with the force. The choices you made were ultimately the direction of the force. It wants balance. The Sith and Jedi were flawed ways of doing things, it’s your job to follow this through.” His words brought tremendous relief and a tremendous amount of anxiety at the same time.  
“I failed you.” He whispered. 
“I failed you. Had I been around I fear that things would have been better for you. Obi-Wan was not ready, but that does not mean he doesn't care for you.” Qui-Gon smiled sadly. “You have done great things, terrible things, and carried the pain of  both of them.” 
Anakin sobbed. This task he was burdened with, the pain he had to cause to settle debts that had nothing to do with him. Seeing Qui-Gon made him feel like he was ten years old again. He wanted to run into his arms and hold him.
“Thank you.” He said softly. 
“Now, you must complete your training with Obi-Wan, I have shown him what is needed. You must also complete training your Padawan.” He gave Anakin a big smile. “She is more important than you realize. The second half of the prophecy rests on her shoulders. You must be there to help her carry it.” 
“What’s the second half of the prophecy?” His voice went dark again. He didn’t want this nonsense anywhere near you. He wanted to end Palpatine and have this part of his life over with. Had he not sacrificed enough of himself for it? Had he not tried to make the right choice every time despite the cost? The only request he had ever had in this life was to spare you and his mother.
“Don’t worry about that. Just focus on training and confronting Palpatine. Only then you will be a Jedi, a true Jedi.” Qui-Gon looked at him for a long moment. “She will be fine.” His eyes held an emotion that Anakin didn’t understand. It scared him, but he trusted Qui-Gon. He didn’t really have a choice in the end, you were too involved to shut out. You were certainly not naive enough to dump off on some planet again. 
He had a million questions but felt Qui-Gon fade out. A new presence took his place, one he knew could have no form or words. She could just manage a feeling and it was enough. It was more than enough, the feeling wrapped around him and he held onto his mother tightly. 
After a long while, he came back to the present moment. He reached out to Obi-Wan, knowing that reestablishing the bond would be unavoidable. 
Master - He reached out and felt the bond attach on the other side. 
Anakin - Obi-Wan sounded surprised and the full force of his calm presence washed over Anakin. How much he had missed being able to reach out and feel his master. The feeling was so overwhelming he needed to stay in it for a moment. 
I need your help - He was unsure of what he would have left to learn from Obi-Wan but he trusted Qui-Gon. 
Obi-Wan rushed to the temple and Anakin could feel his unsettled nature. The concern for him made him want to cry again. He didn't deserve this side of Obi-Wan. He watched his master take in his meditation pose and his eyes softened. He sat next to him and Anakin tried to keep his composure as Obi-Wan’s arm came around his shoulders. 
“I want to apologize again,” Obi-Wan whispered. He could feel Shmi’s presence had not left the temple yet. 
“Please don’t.” Anakin choked. He could tell through the newly established bond just how much sorrow Obi-Wan’s heart carried. He was overflowing with it. He knew he felt responsible for Anakin’s mother, for how poorly the council had treated him, especially when he was a boy. He could feel how painful exile had been, how he couldn't escape Anakin so he moved to Tatooine to fully accept his punishment. How much he hated the sand, but how much he loved being close to the brother he lost.  Then he realized that the fresh paint and seasonal flowers on his mother’s grave was his doing. He could see his master there lighting a candle occasionally sitting with her telling her his best stories, all the moments she missed out on while he was away. The love for him that was often so well concealed flowed through the bond. 
“We failed each other,” Anakin whispered. 
“I was older and should have been wiser.” Obi-Wan said sadly. 
Anakin told him about the prophecy and they sat there together considering things. 
“You must overcome your emotions -” Anakin flinched and Obi-Wan put his hand back on his shoulder “ You must feel them and use them, but not be overwhelmed with them. Once you submit to your anger you lose the light, when you lose your anger and sense of justice, you lose your power. Everything must be about finding balance.” 
Anakin nodded.
“Do you think she will stay?” Obi-Wan looked confused by his question. 
“Why would she leave?” He asked softly, with tenderness in his features. 
“The whole Sith creation thing. She wants me to be better, that doesn't sound good with my track record.” Anakin could feel his insecurities start to rise up and he took a breath. 
Obi-Wan let out a laugh. “If she didn't want to see you she wouldn't have accepted jobs in Imperial air space for the past 7 years.” 
“I still can't believe you let her do that stuff,” Anakin said slightly put out with his master. 
“You think I could stop her?” He laughed again and Anakin shook his head. 
He reluctantly stood in the elevator up to your apartment. He should feel a sense of relief, or motivated towards his plan. Instead he just felt anxious. He wanted you more than anything else in the galaxy. He’d sacrifice what he had to. He didn’t care that it was attachment, you were going to be his at any cost necessary. If you were horrified what would he do? Just force you down and fuck you back into submission again? 
He sighed as the door to your apartment opened, he hated it when you forgot to lock the door.  You were in the kitchen cooking, the sight of him caused you drop the wooden spoon into the frying pan. Your fingers picked it out and you hissed as the heat stung your flesh. 
Panic raced through him. Memories of Mustafar bit into his still aching flesh. He grabbed your wrist with too much force, using the other hand to manhandle you towards the sink. He put your fingers under cold water and tried to breathe. 
Anakin’s gloved hand had a painful grip on your wrist as he held it under the cold water. The fear in his eyes scared you as a cloud of darkness wrapped around him tightly. He wrapped his other hand around your torso and rested his cheek on the top of your head. You could feel his tears sinking into your scalp. 
“Anakin, it’s alright.” You said softly holding on to him with your free arm. “It won’t even scar, it doesn't hurt.” 
Your words were from this moment in time and you knew his mind was far away. In a world you probably wouldn't be able to reach. You let him hold you tightly. 
“I’m a Sith.” He said quietly making you jump slightly.
“I know.” You werent sure what exactly he was referring to. 
“What do you know?” He asked pulling away to look down at you. He was so much taller, you felt swallowed by his frame. 
“I had this vision? Not sure you could call it that exactly.” You tried to figure out what you wanted to tell him before you realized the best thing to do would be to read what you had written about it right after it had happened. No details would be missed or confused. “Here, I’ll grab my journal.” Your words did nothing to lessen his grip on you. 
He gave you a conflicted look. With the force he grabbed a jar of burn salve from the fridge. He opened it and stuck your fingers in it. 
“Just stay.” He was worn so thin it reminded you of when he had left you all those years ago. Three days he was at the temple, that probably meant three days without sleep. Not a good idea for Anakin. 
“Which journal is it?” He asked looking for guidance. 
“Erm - I’d have to help.” You picked the jar of salve up and kept your fingers inside it to appease him. Where did people go to get help for this sort of thing? You had no idea how to reassure him when he got like this. You just did what he wanted or had sex with him. 
He was satisfied with this. He moved with you to the bedroom. He followed your gaze to the few shelves that held notebooks, knowing full well he wouldn't listen if you told him not to read them. 
You pulled three from the shelf from around that time frame with the force and started flipping through them. His attention was engrossed with the colourful writing and drawings. You found the part you were looking for and handed it to him, returning the other two back to their place on the shelf. 
You reluctantly gave it over to him and returned back to the kitchen. Thankfully dinner hadn’t burned, as he’d turned the element down. He followed you leaning against your island while you kept cooking. His red eyes making sure your fingers stayed coated in the salve. 
You didn't hear him read the lines but you felt his heart clench. He rested his head in his hands for a moment. 
“Why did you come back?” He groaned. When you had written down what had happened you were completely terrified. You’d faced him and thought he had killed you. You woke up a shaking mess and wrote down every detail you could recall in case it came back to hurt you one day. You could feel his shame at the fear bleeding through the pages. 
“I didn’t I got captured.” You said evasively. You didn't know how to answer the question he was asking you. 
“Why did you bring me back.” He clarified his eyes devouring you. A memory came to you of laying in a field with him after a mission had ended and you were waiting on the ship to be repaired. The grass was covered in wild flowers and you laid in the sun, you had feelings for him but didn’t know how to tell him. You’d almost been hit on the mission and the way he had hugged you after was replaying through your mind. 
“I promised you I would always come back.” You referenced that moment when he had almost lost you for the first time. “There’s enough of you in there to make the risk worth it.” 
He closed his eyes and you felt him breaking down. You turned the element off half expecting to get jumped. 
“I’m sorry.” His words were so thick and raw. 
“Me too.” 
“No, you haven’t done anything. I did it all, turns out I had to in the end. But still, the things I’ve done to you-” His voice broke. 
“I wanted you to.” You felt his mind revisit that first night you had back together. 
“You didn’t.” 
“I did. I don’t know if you know this but I’m quite vocal when I’m unhappy.” You smirked.  
“You tried to push me away, I thought it was you pulling us together -” He took a deep breath. He needed to eat and then sleep before he got too carried away. 
“I don’t care. I wanted you back. That’s what I got.” 
“There’s another part to the prophecy.” His voice was low. 
“Oh boy.” you whispered. 
“Qui-Gon won’t tell me what it is, but it’s about you.” His features looked manic and you knew it was time to shut things down before he went over the edge. 
“I can handle it.” You said staring him down. You wouldn't let him be an idiot about things this time. “Now. I’m going to wash my fingers off, we're going to eat. Then sleep.”  He considered you for a long moment. You could tell he was recounting what happened last time he got this worn down and scared. 
He gave you a reluctant nod. You both ate quickly and despite it being 7:30 at night you got washed up and into bed. 
Anakin fell asleep quickly leaving you time to think about everything. The true power of the darkside was a mystery to you.  Having been Force resistant for the past 7 years, you felt particularly extra sensitive to it now. You could feel two sides of the force battling inside him, even as he slept the conflict radiated off of him. The pain still ate at his bones and his lungs were still struggling. Despite warring on him, the force was so strong it kept his body functional, making up for the gaps and the failings of his flesh. 
Just like everything else about Anakin Skywalker, this was something unheard of. Even when he wanted to die, even when his body was decaying, the force still pushed him forward.
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graylinesspam · 2 months
Can I get some serotonin in the form of Fives and Echo moving in with Echo’s s/o? Kind of the idea you had in another post about having to buy a house for your s/o and also their brothers.
He didn't own much. None of them did. What the three of them could scrounge together would fill one small dwelling. "Apartment" as she called it. Two bedroom, one bath. "like the nice dorms in college" she'd laughed.
It was new.
somehow bigger and smaller than anywhere he's ever laid his head before. The little square space behind the sliding door at the end of the hall. It was his now. just big enough for a bed set into an alcove in the wall and a small bit of space in front of it.
He'd already done his best to messy it. Thrown his gear over the small table and the bedding he'd been gifted was piled awkwardly in the center. It wasn't enough stuff to actually make a mess of anything though.
The room was bare.
Two doors down was a room of the same size. Where Echo and his Cyare would be staying. Her things were already spread across the room. bed made up in a feminine fashion. Two pillows, thick cover layered with something softer and flimsier over the top. screw in lights had been chosen with a soft blue color overhead.
Shoes were placed side by side. Her things one one side of the table and Echo's on the other. Her clothes hanging from the bar and Echo's gear stacked on the shelf, even now gathering dust.
It was more luxury than Fives had ever know. He ran his hand curiously over the soft fabric, the fur bending under his palm placid and smooth silky as rain. The smell even had something entirely feminine wrapped up in the same generic soap and sanitizer scent of his brother.
It made something wistful and maybe a little jealous flex in his chest. It wasn't as if he were missing out. The real luxuries of the apartment were free for him to use. A personal fresher with a real water washing system. A kitchen equipped with some fancy gadgets he had to be taught to use, but had immediately grown fond of. Stocked with real non-instant Caf and real food, bread even.
A holoscreen and lounging furniture. And a web access panel complete with long distance communications so he could stay in touch with his brothers near and far.
But it still felt terrifyingly new. fragile and barely tangible. He couldn't see himself laying down on this rack- this bed alone tonight.
It wouldn't be the first time. Since Echo found himself attached Fives had been spending most of his nights out. With the boys or with some lucky so and so. He'd been bed jumping since they'd been released from duty. Too anxious to stay anywhere long. Until she'd come to him. With a wide smile and open arms. Talking very seriously about how much help Echo would need adjusting, especially with his limbs being the way they were. She'd asked him politely to move in with them.
She was moving to an area closer to where Echo would be receiving his military health benefits. She was getting a new place with an extra room just for him. "you'll have to pitch in on rent." She'd said like he could possibly argue.
Of course he'd go where his brother went. Without question or leverage or bargaining as she was trying to do now. Without the guilt trip of Echo needing someone to lean on, physically. He would go in a moment if he asked.
"I'm asking because I know he won't. He wants you to go do whatever you want to, with or without him. But I think we both know you'll need each other." She'd said with a fond smile.
So here he was with his one pile of cloths and his blanket and nothing more, watching the two of them giggle and wedge past him in the cramped hall to get to their room. He moves out of the way backing through his own door way to make room.
He'll go out tonight, he decides. There's no way he'll settle like this, besides maybe they'd like some time to themselves.
He shrugs on his coat, the shiny leather thing Ahsoka had gifted him that had pulled no less than three companions, He swiped a hand through his hair and clipped the com to his wrist.
He's almost out of the door when there's another commotion of giggles behind him.
"Where are you going, vod?" she calls.
He can't help the strike of amusement. shuffling back to the hall to glance into their room where his brother is reclined in his new bed, pillows tossed onto the floor and his girl is perched beside him with her knees tucked under her.
"giving the two of you some privacy." He snarks popping his hip out and resting a hand on it. "You sound like a couple of rylothian shriek birds in the spring."
Echo covers his face with his forearm. "ugh, don't remind me." That sound had kept them all up for days, the birds giving into their very loud mating rituals.
"We'd rather have company that privacy." She insists reaching a hand out to him where he's leaning against the door frame.
Fives makes a dramatic facial expression and turns up his nose. "I don't know what you've heard but we don't do any of that twin stuff you see in the holovids."
He's too busy staring at the ceiling in his mock (mostly mock) disgust, to realize she'd stood until she has him by the wrists.
"Don't be fucking gross." She bites out at the same time that she pulls him over letting Echo get his hand around one of his elbows. The both of them force him down onto the bed.
"Okay, you're saying one thing and then forcing me into your bed-" He cuts off as she snatches a pillow from the floor and smacks him in the face with it.
"I'm just saying! these are really mixed signals."
"Shut your trap Vod." Echo grits out as he wraps an arm around his brother, dragging him further onto the bed.
The little thing really shouldn't fit all three of them. But Echo and Fives have spent so much of their lives folding around each other that not even Echo's metal embellishments can get between them.
She's opposite them, sitting up with her legs tucked between their bodies and her back to the wall. She'd chattier than he expected for someone attached to Echo. The two of them have been talking nonstop since she'd started this strange situation. Echo chiming in now and then but mostly content to listen to them go on and on.
Maybe some part of it fills the silence. That echoing emptiness that he'd been trying to drown out at 79's. He doesn't dwell on the sad parts as he prattles on about anything and everything. Content to watch the way she doubles over laughing. Her hands crawling under Echo's pant leg and her thumb digging it's self into the spaces between his muscles. Digging in and massaging away any stiffness.
His brother blinks slowly like Ahsoka does when curled in someone's lap and particularly appeased.
And the three of them drift from moment to moment until he wakes somewhat sweaty and wrapped in that sinfully soft blanket. Echo pining one arm down and the girl wedged between their legs curled in a ball like a content cat.
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grapenehifics · 7 months
Making of Monday: Can't Stop the Suns Part 1
(I am thinking SO positively rn that I am calling this part 1, like I will remember to actually write more. YMMV; we'll see how I do.)
I'm hard at work on the concluding chapters of Pick Up the Pieces right now, and working on Pick Up the Pieces means I also need to do a fair bit of rereading An Uncivil War, so it's very much on the forefront of my brain, and also I have yet to participate in a single MoM, so: here's some backstory on An Uncivil War.
Okay I actually need to back up even farther than that, all the way to Solsbury Hill and February 2020. I started Solsbury Hill - it wasn't called that, then; it didn't have a name, just 'weird doc file/outline I'll probably never finish because I don't have a track record of finishing creative writing projects, ever' - and then the very next month I started working from home AND season 7 of Clone Wars premiered.
To get ready for season 7 - and because I was home a lot more during the day, now, and didn't have to commute to work - we decided to do a rewatch of Clone Wars season 1 through 6. And you know how we joke about plot bunnies, and why they're called that? That the hardest idea is your first one and once you have that the ideas just keep multiplying? So, I'm sitting on an outline for what would become Solsbury Hill, and we're watching Clone Wars, and we get to season 5, and the episode with Ahsoka's trial, and I think to myself, huh. That's weird. Why is Obi-Wan acting like that? Why is he not sticking up for our Padawan? If he had, I bet things would have turned out differently. Ahsoka might not have left the Order. Anakin might not have turned to the Dark Side. Clone Wars is full of all these little things that individually might not be enough to push Anakin over the edge, but they start stacking up, collectively...
From there, it was a pretty easy leap to, 'what if Obi-Wan left the Order instead of Ahsoka', and that created this whole domino effect because Anakin would obviously leave with him, right, and Ahsoka was getting kicked out anyway, and now I've got this scenario with three Jedi on the run in the middle of a war.
And that was fascinating to me. Once I started thinking about it I couldn't stop. But I was also getting really into Solsbury Hill, at that point, so this new story needed to take a backseat. I dumped a bunch of notes into a Word doc and went back to my AU.
It turns out, though - and this was the first time I'd learned this about myself - that I liked having both an AU and a canon project going at the same time. Solsbury Hill and An Uncivil War both used such different parts of my brain and required a different skillset and researching vastly different things, and if I got bogged down in one it was nice to be able to switch to the other one and hack away at that one for a while. So I ended up, from early 2020 until August 2022 when I posted the first chapter of Solsbury Hill on AO3, working on both projects nearly simultaneously, although obviously Solsbury Hill (despite being three times longer) got to the finish line first.
For a long time - almost three years - An Uncivil War was just called, An Uncivil War. And it had this expansive outline that I just kept cracking away at, and whenever I came across something cool in another piece of Star Wars media or another show premiered or I read another book I'd think 'Ooh, that's neat! That's going in the fic!' and I'd add it to my to-do list. And at some point I looked at my word count and realized I was pushing 100k and not anywhere close to the end of the story I wanted to tell.
So, I started thinking about sequels, and series. I had (still have) this outline, fortunately, and there was one pretty obvious stopping point at what was then the mid-point of the plot. (I say, 'then' because it has since, of course, expanded. It turns out I'm very bad at guessing word counts.) So I took half my outline, dumped into a brand-new doc, called that one Pick Up the Pieces, and wrote the 'ending' of An Uncivil War, as much as possible, as if it were the ending, just in case I for some reason never got around to writing Pick Up the Pieces.
Because it was important to me that An Uncivil War be able to stand on its own. It's got a beginning, a middle, and an end, and the end calls back to the beginning, and the main threat to the characters is resolved, and they talk about what they're going to do next but even if that was the only story you had, it should still be a satisfying conclusion (or, at least, I hope it is).
But it isn't the entirety of the story I wanted to tell. Because they originally were one big story, I actually had maybe half of Pick Up the Pieces already written by the time I started posting An Uncivil War, so while the first part took me three years to write, the second has technically only taken me a year, but I was definitely not starting from scratch.
I also - and this should shock absolutely no one - was once again wildly off in my word count estimate. Pick Up the Pieces is, right now, already as long as An Uncivil War (120k), and I've still got three chapters left to go...plus a bunch more things in my outline I haven't gotten to yet.
So, in true Star Wars tradition, I'm now plotting a part three! Pick Up the Pieces, like An Uncivil War before it, has a logical ending point, so it will wrap up there, but the plot will move merrily along to the next thing on my to-do list, which is in fact the same to-do list I've had since March 2020. (It's a good thing I love this story so much or I would have quit long ago.) Part Three, at the moment, is tentatively titled Sometimes Fate Steps In, and I'm really, really sorry to have to admit that that's where all the smut is going to be. (I know. It's Solsbury Hill all over again.)
(I do love it, though. I feel like I should...apologize, to my fics, somehow, for having a favorite? I do have a favorite, though. It's this series. I love it so damn much. This is the one thing I write where, if you told me right now that I would never get a single comment or kudos on it, I would still write it anyway, because I just get so much enjoyment out of researching and writing it and re-reading it.)
(Which is not to say you shouldn't comment on it. Please, please do! You will absolutely make my day, week, month, year! But I love it enough to do it anyway.)
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questforgalas · 1 year
Thoughts while watching Ahsoka Ep 5!!
There was a lot of yelling into my hands in just the first 15 minutes
WOWEEE we haven't event started to watch and we're already emotional because HAYDEN IS THERE IN ALL HIS ANAKIN GLORY ON THE HOME PAGE BANNER *sobs in prequel fan*
"Ahsoka confronts her past" we have still not even started and the episode description has me on the edge of my seat for the crumbs I'm desperate for
Yes those crumbs are live-action Rex. Don't worry I have my clown hat ready next to me.
Oh my god was that a clone trooper helmet???
Dear god i need to calm down
Dave loves his samurai vibes
Jacen and Chopper will continue to make me emotional until I die
Hera and Din Djarin should meet about parenting styles
Jacen popping out behind Chopper
"I told them to stay together" OH MY GOD I NEED TO GIVE HUYANG A HUG 😭
The title is "Shadow Warrior"?????? Fuck this is giving Maul crumbs
She's still so excited to see him oh my god I'm still not ready for this
Oh my god we're getting live-action Anakin teaching Ahsoka guys we ARE GETTING LIVE ACTION PADAWAN AHSOKA AND MASTER ANAKIN
Is this like the ghost of christmases past but Star Wars?
"I'm here to finish your training" alright, now actually crying. Why do these two do this to me dear god Tay
"It's a little late for that"
Every time Hayden says "Snips" a year is added to my life
I desperately hope Hayden did all that saber work because that choreography was siiiiiick already and we just started
"We have no hope of following" USE THE PERGILL
How fucking funny would it be if Din and Grogu just showed up and Carson was like "This is my buddy I call whenever something weird happens"
Heyo love Jacen saying there's something about the water and then the little force trill plays when Hera turns
Let you weird force sensitive kid tell you about the water
Seriously, I feel like Hera and Din need to start a "force sensitive kid" parent support group. They're the only two members. It's just the two of them talking about the weird shit their kid pulled off
Ok yeah fucking cool with the lightsabers in the waves. You go Jacen!
LOLOLOLOL at Carson just going "Yeah ok fine whatever"
Now that wasn't very nice Skyguy
Seriously, is this the night before christmas Star Wars edition because I'm here for it
Ok ok ok, hitting play
We are only 13:22 into the episode and I've paused yet again because Hayden Christensen is in Clone Wars Anakin armor and I'm so overjoyed and overwhelmed by the site of it and there's baby clone wars snips right there and oh my god the jaig eyes are right around the corner I know it and I'm not ready
Her green saber 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭
So help me if those jaig eyes show up
Hayden looks so amazing I'm so happy
"What if I want to stop fighting" "Then you'll die" ok stab me in the heart Dave that's fine
It was a crumb but it was the most scrumptious crumb
Oh fuck the flash to Vader DAM
I'm serious I would fucking die laughing if Din and Grogu showed up like "Hey, we're here to help the search party. Carson beeped us"
Errbody talking about Anakin this episode huh
"Intense" lol Huyang was not an Anakin stan
The Jacen-Chopper friendship is everything I needed without knowing I needed it
LIVE. ACTION. SIEGE. OF. MANDALORE?!?!?!?!?!?!?!? LIVE. ACTION. SIEGE. OF. MANDALORE??????????????????????????
We are 21:32 into this episode and I've had to pause (not exaggerating) 7 times to yell into my hands
We got past the clone wars flashback and I made peace with myself we wouldn't hear him speak but oh my fucking god what if he speaks now
Yes we're still paused, yes this episode will probably take twice as long for me to get through purely because of Rex sightings
Why am I crying why does Star Wars do this to me
Hearing Temeura Morrison refer to Ahsoka as Commander in Rex's armor makes me want to cheer and cry at the same time
Awwww Hayden's Canadian came out when he said "about"
Ok these fucking flash cuts to Vader's suit are fucking sick
Bye Hayden I love you
Ok so this is the Star Wars A Christmas Story, you can't tell me otherwise
Mysterious goop rising up? That's a nope from me dawg
Seriously holy fucking shit everyone say "Thank you, Dave" holy shit holy shit this is is Mona Lisa, this is his Last Supper, this is his Pieta, he loves these characters and Star Wars so much oh my god
WAH so jarring to see her without her little headpiece thing
It's like when Echo showed up in TBB without his Kama I was like "SIR YOU ARE NAKED" I'm having the same feeling with her
"We were hoping you could explain what happened" well, ya see, we were stubborn per usual
She's so Gandalf the White right now
Yas force visions for the win
Like literally the Gandalf imagery is so obvious
My babygirl needs so much therapy I love her
I swear if I was in Star Wars they'd all have their answers in 1/4 of the time
Ahsoka is so dramatic I love her freaking lineage so much they love overdramatic entrances my god
Oh hello Gandalf
She could honestly get me to do anything with her little side smile I love her so much
What a fucking love letter to Star Wars this show is
Carson if the friend of all friends. "Hey make sure the fleet doesn't get near us" "yeah sure I can do that" stalls said fleet via ridiculous chatter
Hera tells Jacen about Ezra 😭😭😭😭
Cannot wait to see all the cosplay of this fit of Ahsoka's, this grey and white is siiiiiiick
Would fly to wherever Dave Filoni is to shake his hand if it ended with the purgill just taking a chomp and thus killing them. Would be so freaking funny
Oh hello shot tribute to inside the asteroid worm in ESB
Look at her learning her little Jedi lessons
"Jacen's too young to fly through galaxies" fucking mom of the year
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enigmatist17 · 1 year
Being that Master Obi-Wan Kenobi often fought alongside Jedi Knight Anakin Skywalker, the 501st, and 212th respectively worked together far more often than most battalions.
So when they're requested to join the Resolute, it's not really questioned until the Negotiator comes out of hyperspace in orbit around the moon of some unnamed planet. It seemed a strange place to meet, but the ship hovers beside the Resolute dutifully as Anakin comes aboard with Ahsoka on one side, and Jesse flanking the other.
"Seems a bit strange Captain Rex isn't with you." Obi-Wan comments, a jest that goes unanswered.
"Obi-Wan, we need to talk." The serious tone coming from Anakin now gains Obi-Wan's entire attention, and for the first time since he could ever recall, Anakin doesn't crack some joke. "I'd like Commander Cody to join us as well."
"Is something the matter?" The older Jedi frowned, and something coils in his gut at the way Ahsoka doesn't even smile up at him.
"Trust us, this is important. We have information about a Separatist factory somewhere nearby." Jesse stood at perfect attention, placing one hand on Anakin's shoulder as if to reassure him. "We'd like for you to come to the Resolute, if that's alright, my men have schematics for us to look over."
"Certainly." Obi-Wan doesn't have to look around to see his men are picking up on the energy leaking from the other soldier into the Force, despite Jesse doing his best not to broadcast.
Fear, exhaustion, and pain.
That feeling is only magnified tenfold when the small party returns to the Resolute, and the normally loud halls filled with jokes and laughter are eerily silent as they're led to one of the medbays.
"Why are we in the medbay?" Commander Cody asked, drawing his weapon but holding it down when the door locked behind them. "What is going on?"
"We had to bring you to where there weren't ears listening in." Anakin sighed, shoulders slumping as he takes a seat on one of the beds.
"What do you mean? Has my ship been compromised?" Obi-Wan asked in concern, and Jesse stepped forward with a small cough.
"Sirs, every ship has been since day one of this war." Jesse removes his bucket, and Cody eyes the fresh scar on the right side of the ARC trooper's head.
"Where is Rex?" Cody frowned as he cut right to the chase, and feels dread coiling in his gut when Anakin glances over at Ahsoka with a pained expression. "I haven't heard from him in days, and I don't see him here."
"He's on the moon below." Ahsoka seems finally done with spitting around the bush, and steps forward. "We...we have a lot to tell you both, and it's best we wait until you're...examined Commander Cody."
"Examined? For what?" Cody wasn't sure what she was implying, just frustrated as he watched Kix come out from his office with two tools on a tray.
"They won't say it, so I will. Sir, you are a danger to everyone in this room right now, all of us here on the Resolute were until recently. The longnecks created us to be weapons to kill the Jedi, but we know how to prevent that." The medic pointed to a bed, and after a gentle nudge from Obi-Wan, the confused and stunned marshal sits down. "Everyone, out until I remove his chip."
"I'll stay," Jesse commented, and the three Jedi move to leave the room, the door relocking after the Jedi stepped through it and out into the hallway. "Rex ordered me to make sure he made it."
"I know. Cody, you won't be out for long." The medic grabbed one of the tools on his tray, and injected Cody once he was lying back.
It seemed like Cody had just closed his eyes when he blearily opens them, his head aching somewhat fierce as he sat up with a groan.
"Kote?" Blinking a few times, the room swims into focus as Cody looks around, locking eyes with the person sitting beside his bed.
"Rex?" The two had seen each other only a mere month ago, sharing some time on Coruscant off-duty just exploring a small part of the planet. The man sitting beside him was not the Rex he had spent his time with, this Rex looked as if he had aged twenty years and had the guilt and loss to back it up. "What...what happened to you? What's going on?"
"You know I'd never lie to you, right?" Rex is looking at him as if memorizing how Cody looked, in case he vanished right at this moment.
"Of course." Cody fully sits up as Rex continues to watch him, and knows full well the pain that is swirling deep in his eyes. "Talk to me."
"....I died, vod'ika." Rex swallows as Cody stares, but the marshal commander has enough sense to keep silent and let Rex speak uninterrupted.
What he hears? Cody doesn't realize he's crying until Rex moves to sit with him on the bed, the slightly older clone bringing Rex as close as physically possible while he just listens. He cannot fathom the years Rex lived, and the thought of being alone with no vod to turn to was a thought that made Cody's blood freeze.
He doesn't miss the way Rex flinches when the Jetti enter, instinctively moving to be between Rex and Anakin. The Knight looks slightly ashamed, and Obi-Wan places a tender hand on his shoulder, looking just as horrified as Cody did at the moment. For a moment no one says a word, Cody and Obi-Wan sharing a look that only they know the meaning of.
"Why are we here? At this moon?" Cody finally manages, not wanting any more of the stifling silence.
"This area already strangles any signals that could make it back to Coruscant, so the first move will be to strip the Negotiator," Anakin answered, pointedly looking everywhere but at the marshal. "After we get all of the chips out of the rest of the 212th...I don't know."
"We should try and alert the Jedi Council." Kenobi frowned, hand resting on his chin as he looked at his former padawan.
"We should look into Kamino as well, sir." Cody frowned. "Get the chips removed...the longnecks, they'll know how to stop this."
"Kamino is a good idea..." Anakin turned to head out, motioning for Ahsoka to follow suit. "Come on Snips, we have work to do."
"Yes master." Sparing Rex one last small smile she followed suit, and Rex seemed to breathe a little easier when Jesse followed like an attentive hawk.
"A dead zone isn't the only reason we're here, is it?" Kenobi sat on the bunk opposite Cody's, his tone kind as he watches the captain glance out the viewports on the opposite side of the room.
"The only reason Ahsoka and I survived...after she helped me, we had to fight against every single vod here."
He can still see the look of horror on her face when he couldn't fight the chip any longer, blasters raised and firing in the blink of an eye.
Jesse and his brothers, all bonded by blood and batch, firing when his plan failed. He can still hear their screams as the ship falls, some trying to save themselves while most tried to keep killing them.
Mangled body after mangled body pulled from flaming wreckage, helmets removed to mark graves that would fade away over time.
No one left to mourn the once illustrious 501st and newly formed 332nd.
Rex isn't sure if he said any of this out loud, or if Kenobi did some sort of Force magic, but Cody is hugging him tighter than he ever had. Kenobi has taken one of his hands, and it's the first time Rex had ever seen the older Jetti ever cry. The moon was barren when Rex flew down alone in his old Y-Wing, but he remembered where the fatal crash had occurred, and gave respect to the land that held no dead.
He promised that this wouldn't come to pass, not this time.
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obislittleone · 11 months
Ohh I love HOM so much. I‘be been wanting to ask this for a long time actually! Who knew of obi’s and little one’s relationship? And how did they find out?
The list of who actually knew about Obi and Little One goes as follows, chronologically.
Padme (she was the first person that Little One confided in about her feelings)
Ahsoka (she was accidentally revealed the truth on the ship for that one mission)
Anakin (ahsoka told him... honestly valid tho)
Mak Lotor (through his own speculation as well as personal interaction, he gathered the pieces together long before he even admitted to knowing anything... Little one just gaslit him so badly he was afraid to say something lmaoo)
Various other padawans (don't get me wrong, they were very secretive... but obi and little one still had a connection like no other padawan had with their master... so obviously rumors amongst younger generations of padawans and jedi started up, and since no one put then to rest, everyone just eventually assumed it was official. Though they would never say anything to the higher ups, as they didn't believe the same way older jedi did.)
Dex (yes, I included Dex. Whenever Obi-Wan needed information he knew he could go to Dex, and likewise, Whenever he wanted to talk to someone about something he couldn't confide with other Jedi, he went to Dex. That's why when Little One showed up in the diner, even though there was mass hysteria going on, Dex didn't hesitate to help her and Mak, because he knew what she meant to Obi-Wan, and wanted to help protect her.)
Rex (i think it was probably just accidental word of mouth from ahsoka and anakin, they honestly don't know how to keep a secret from him, even intentionally.)
The entire 212th (listen as soon as cody know something, they all know. Of course, good soldiers follow orders, and they were told to keep quiet about it from their commander, so obviously they ain't gonna spread it to anyone but each other lol)
Mace Windu (this kinda was hinted at with the plot starting in chapter 43. When they were trapped, i think Mace got a better understanding of why their connection was not only important to the Jedi, but also important as a symbol of the future generations. He too has probably loved many people but could never embrace them the way he wanted to because of the Jedi code. I think at first he was almost jealous of the way they behaved, even though under his watch it was mostly just as master and padawan, Otheriwse just as good friends... but after that situation, he felt hope for future generations to not have to be so tightly wound about the laws of attachment. That they could cling to those they love as long as it benefits the jedi order and makes them stronger. After they were rescued from being trapped, Mace saw the dedication Obi-Wan had to finding her. If one thing coukd be said, he was certain that this entire was was going to be won by Obi-Wan, if only to keep her safe, and i think that's when his approval settled in. Now, he by no means ever receivedactual confirmation, but let'sbe so for real, he absolutely knew about their relationship.)
Master Yoda (his feelings through meditation were always very in tune, but he never set his mind to try and confirm something like so many other did. His suspicion did not outweigh his need to just feel the force around him, therefore he never went searching for answers as he believed whatever was happening would reveal itself in time. I think that's why he was genuinely a bit in shock at the revelation of obi and little one, and when he dropped that baby bomb during order 66. Yoda has suspicion like all the other masters, and he'd also heard the rumors, but since he never went searching for answers, he never actually had any confirmation that the speculation was true. Until it was all dumped on him at once in a time of need. I think that's why his compassion for them was so strong. He wasn't angry or even disappointed, he just knew that the world around them was crashing down and he wanted to keep them both safe.)
Okay so like this is my list, i didn't give specific names to the other jedi/padawans that knew simply because there were probably a lot that didn't say anything based on what they witnessed. The one in the Kenobi series was definitely one of them, I think I signaled that pretty well tho lol
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melanie-ohara · 8 months
Whumpuary2024 Masterpost
Tumblr media
As well as every story I've written this month I also want to include some Fun Stats! about my experience of the challenge, as well as a playlist of all the songs I used lyrics from in my titles. Here we go:
The stats:
Words written: 53,034 (!!!!!)
Stories released: 17
Longest story: Oh, The Weather Outside is Frightful, 4,165 words, Mass Effect Andromeda
Shortest story: Like a Mouthful of Rain, 963 words, Original Work
Favourite story: Do You Want Me On Your Mind? 2,950 words, Baldur's Gate 3
Chocolate bars consumed: 20
Times cried while writing: four
Main prompts used: 27
Alt prompts used: 3
The stories:
These are all available on tumblr too, but for expedience and convenience these are all AO3 links. I'm also listing the song I used for the title, which wasn't something I was doing intentionally until the third story, at which point I figured it was better to lean into it and find songs that work for the characters I'm writing about rather than straining my poor brain to think of an original title.
Oh, The Weather Outside is Frightful
Mass Effect Andromeda, Sara Ryder/Vetra Nyx
Prompts: Snow, Captivity
Title stolen from Let It Snow by Ella Fitzgerald
My Heart Was Wired in Thorns
Baldur's Gate 3, Dark Urge (Sithla) & Wyll, Dark Urge & Lae'zel
Prompts: "Get away from me", Choking
Title stolen from Circus Bazooko by BRMC
In The Woods Somewhere and Take Yourself Apart For Me
Star Wars Ahsoka, Wolfwren (Sabine and Shin)
Prompts: Stabbed, Used as Bait, Lightheaded, "Help me"
Titles stolen from In The Woods Somewhere by Hozier and Haunt by BRMC
Hollow Yourself in the Mercy of Man
Original Work - Sci-fi
Prompt: Can't Move
Title stolen from Mercy of Man by Robert Levon Been ft. S.G. Goodman
Like a Mouthful of Rain
Original Work - Medieval
Prompt: Kidnapped
This one was hard to write. The previous day's story was such a failure in my eyes that I scrapped the planned second chapter and almost didn't write anything at all, until I threw this together at the last minute. I liked it quite a lot, in the end.
Title stolen from Revolver by Isobel Campbell and Mark Lanegan
Alive, Just to Watch the Bruises Heal
Mass Effect, Shepard/Thane Krios
Prompts: Exhaustion, Old Injuries
This one got pretty dark, but it's something I've been thinking about for literally years. I'm not the first person to justify the ME1 scars not being in ME2, but I might be the first person to think about Shepard putting them back.
Title stolen from Bruises by Band of Skulls
I'm Not Here Looking For Absolution
Star Wars, Nitearmor (Bo Katan/The Armorer)
Prompts: "I didn't know where else to go", Bruises
It is genuinely surprising to me that this is the only smut I wrote for this month
Title stolen from Bedroom Hymns by Florence + The Machine
Like a Broken Sail
Dishonored, Billie Lurk
Prompts: Hostage, Muffled Screams
I really liked this one because I got to subvert the second prompt a little. I was looking forward to it for days before I got to write it
Title stolen from Future Starts Slow by The Kills
The Working of My Hands
Baldur's Gate 3, Tav (Emily of Rivington)/Lae'zel
Prompts: "Do you trust me?", Restraints
Title stolen from De Selby, Part 2 by Hozier
No Hope For Me, Your Last Serving Daughter
Original Work - Etagne Empire
Prompts: Desperation, Can't Stay Awake
This is a story about a character from my work-in-progress book, MYSTERIES IN THE LAND OF ICE.
Title stolen from Hope In The Air by Laura Marling
Do You Want Me On Your Mind?
Baldur's Gate 3, Nocturne/Shadowheart, Tav (Mellephora)/Shadowheart
Prompts: Memories, Forced to Watch
Another prompt I had fun subverting
Title stolen from Fuel to Fire by Agnes Obel
Rulers Make Bad Lovers
Dishonored, Emily Kaldwin/Wyman/Alexi Mayhew
Prompts: "You're awake", Unfair Fight
Title stolen from Gold Dust Woman by Copilot Music + Sound (originally by Fleetwood Mac)
See How Deep the Bullet Lies
Mass Effect, Shiara (Shepard/Liara)
Prompts: Left to Die, "I'm fine"
Title stolen from Running Up That Hill by Kate Bush
I'll Be Your All For Now
Dishonored, Cecelia/Callista
Prompts: Sleep Deprivation, "Let me see"
These two are my number one rarepair, I love them
Title stolen from Echo by BRMC
Can't Touch You Now and A Soft Caress, As Cold As Death
Baldur's Gate 3, Tav (Calarisa)/Karlach
Prompts: Touch-starved, Aftermath
Titles stolen from Because the Night by Garbage & Screaming Females (originally by Patti Smith), and I Want to Live by Borislav Slavov ft. Ilona Ivanova
The songs I stole lyrics from
Here is a spotify playlist of all the music I used, most of which fit the stories or characters in them. They do not flow into each other at all and there's an over-abundance of BRMC (they're my favourite band, shoot me), but these are all songs I really love. Apart from Let it Snow. That's there because I didn't plan any of this.
Final thoughts
Whumpuary2024 is the first month-long challenge I've undertaken, and it was extremely hard and really rewarding. I aimed to average a thousand words a day and blew clear past that most days, and a few times I barely stumbled across the line as beaten and bloodied as the people I was writing about. I'm incredibly glad I did it and I will probably try again next year (though maybe not a prompt a day next time!). Thank you @whumpuary for the fun event and for randomly crossing my dash at a moment when I was feeling creative enough to sign myself up
If anyone made it this far, thank you for reading! I hope you like the stories. It's not a secret that I'm adding a secret 18th story as a follow up to the Wolfwren series, but this is your special confirmation that it'll be out February the first and second
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vanishedangels · 1 year
As the stars are shining
Summary: Jedi Luke Skywalker's world turns upside down when he comes to the aid of a force-sensitive child only to find that Din Djarin, the only man he has ever loved and pushed out of his life six years earlier on Dagobah, is the kid's guardian.
Includes a scene inspired by Secret place by talented 3D artist @lil-dormouse This chapter is for you, bestie.
Blame it on the storm & Castles on the sand sequel
Pairing: Din Djarin/Luke Skywalker
Characters: Din Djarin, Luke Skywalker, Grogu, Paz Vizsla, Ahsoka Tano, Greef Karga, R2-D2, Anakin Skywalker (Force Ghost), Leia Organa.
Rating: Mature
Tags: AU, Canon Divergence, Post The Mandalorian Season 2, Getting Back Together, Fluff and Angst, Hurt/Comfort, Mutual Pining, Tumblr Prompts, POV Alternating, Mostly Luke's POV.
Chapters: 3/3
Navigation: <- Previous Chapter •
Part 3 of Wonderwall series
You came back.
The Jedi smiled "Welcome, Din." And he was staring at his visor with sincere eyes, full of love. He closed them leaning forward and Din met him halfway, eliciting a sigh from him when the cold beskar touched the skin of his forehead, feeling Din's strong hand caressing his waist, his hand finding Din's elbow, holding him there, welcoming him in every single way. He opened his eyes softly, smiling, glistening, pulling back a little to gaze at Din feeling his heartbeat thumping in his ears as the water drizzled onto the rocks behind them and Grogu chirped between them caressing their boots.
Chapter 3: Your destiny may keep you warm
For a couple of months Din kept returning to them after spending some time with his tribe, it felt like the old good days, when Luke was receiving him at the Hoth base, longing for his lover's affection, except this time Din wasn't his lover but his good friend. The hours they spent talking about their feelings and thoughts, slowly opening themselves up to each other, made him feel at home somehow.
One day Luke woke up in the middle of the night, sitting up onto the mattress, panting and sweating profusely, he squeezed his eyes shut running his hands through his face as the thumping beat of his heart overwhelmed him. It happened again, and again, until he started to feel anxious before going to bed every night, and every time, he couldn't remember if it was a bad dream that disturbed his sleep, but he knew something was wrong and even when he couldn't decipher what was it, he was certain that it had to be the force, trying to show him something.
"You look like you're parsecs away, Luke." Din said resting against a tree, tilting his helmet, his visor on Luke.
Luke met his visor and blinked "It's nothing, I just-" He frowned staring down, wetting his lips with his tongue "I could feel that something is off." He swallowed tightly looking at his Padawan, the kid was playing with some rocks before him "I don't know if this is about him, or-" His voice trailed off.
"Or?" Din leaned forward and started walking towards him.
When the mandalorian was right beside him, Luke looked up at his visor "Or about you." He said quietly "The worst part is that it isn't clear, it's not a vision, not even a thought, it's just an unfathomable feeling, a continuous pressure in my chest." He shook his head slowly, deep in thought.
He parted his lips and drew in a long breath the moment he felt Din's gloved hand on his shoulder "Are you worry about us?"
Silence. They stared at Grogu for a while, Luke smiled fondly watching the little child playing peacefully on the grass, Din's voice bringing him out of his mind "I was thinking about him." Luke looked at the mandalorian. "You said that he could live for hundreds of years, I'm-" He tilted his helmet "What is going to happen when we're not longer here?" Luke's heart wrenched, he knew exactly what Din was feeling at that moment, he pursed his lips and frowned, it wasn't like he hasn't thought about it himself.
The Jedi sighed "I know what you mean. He's going to be a child for a while." He nodded searching for Din's eyes behind the vision "He needs community, a family."
The mandalorian remained silent, therefore Luke needed to cut to the chase.
"You're planning on taking him to your tribe, aren't you?" He asked quietly, noticing the way Din slightly flinched.
"Are you thinking about taking him to Nevarro?" Luke added crossing his arms over his chest. Din lowered his gaze and then he looked at his face again.
"He's with you now."
Din sounded so soft by saying it that it warmed up Luke's heart. He shook his head slowly, staring down and half smiling "Din, I can't give him community." He looked at Din's visor "I'm alone." He added as his lips curled up slightly in a fake smile that didn't light up his blue eyes. A feeling of numbness invading him. There, with those words he was telling Din that he regretted not being able to find a way to share his new life with him in the past, regretting he didn't even give it a try.
To Luke's surprise Din seemed to understand him in a way that only Leia and Han could, the man in beskar, the man he loved, closed the space between them and took Luke's breath away by saying "You don't have to." Din's voice soothed Luke, he stared at his visor frowning, his heart leaping and his mind running wild. Was Din saying what he thought he was saying? "You were important to me, Luke. You are important to me."
"Din." Luke managed to say as Din's hand found his. He looked down as they intertwined their fingers.
"Look at me, Luke." The Jedi obliged. "I'm here. And I think you know what I mean."
Luke could tell by the way Din's breath was hitching that he was growing uneasy and, presumably, pulling out all the stops to make Luke understand what he meant to him. Din squeezed his hand and sighed quietly, and Luke knew that he needed to show him how much he knew what Din meant.
He fluttered his eyelashes until he finally closed his eyes as he leaned forward, slowly, softly, resting his forehead against Din's helmet and a much-missed warmth traveled through his whole body, making his heart flutter while Din wrapped his arms around his middle. He drew his hands up, desperately, grabbing the back of Din's helmet, pressing his chest against Din's, he could feel the mandalorian's heartbeat quickening through the thickness of his beskar and he chuckled almost letting a tear roll down his cheek.
"Luke?" Din said under his breath as he pressed his fingers against the blonde's small back, adding more pressure between their bodies. "F-Fuck-" He stuttered rubbing his helmet against the Jedi's forehead "Fuck, Luke, I'm here." He said again, this time his voice broke a little.
Luke nodded against him and sighed opening his now twinkling eyes "I know." He finally said stroking Din's helmet, hands roaming the beskar until he reached Din's neck, the tip of his fingers finding the soft skin beneath the fabric. He stopped when Din groaned, digging his fingers into his waist "The kid, Din." It took everything in him to say those words, but he wouldn't go any further knowing that his young Padawan was playing sitting on the grass a couple of feet away from them. Din nodded still holding him tight and then he looked at the child, still absorbed in his rocks and giggling at the distance ignoring whatever was going on between his mandalorian friend and his Jedi Master.
Luke stroked Din's arms around his waist and his hands tickled while he was looking dumbfounded at his silver helmet, his eyes traveling down dwelling on his neck and shoulders, longing for drape his arms around them "You're leaving tonight." He said pulling back a little, instead.
Din's visor shifted from Grogu to Luke's face, he nodded "Tonight." He said withdrawing his arms from the blonde and pulling away letting go of him completely. He looked at Luke for a while, in silence, Luke held his gaze without even blinking until Din walked away and towards the child.
Luke stood there, rooted to the spot, his mind swirling around Din's words "You don't have to." , "I'm here. And I think you know what I mean." and he was trying to embrace his feelings, to welcome the way Din's body against his own set his skin aflame.
He walked in the Temple's direction, clenching his hands into fists as intrusive thoughts started filling his mind, making him feel insecure, the internal conflict torturing him in that familiar way again, something that he believed he has had left behind him. Wrong.
There, within the confines of his Jedi Temple he finally realized that this duality, this struggle between his mind and heart, has cost him his own identity. He sat down on the floor in the meditation room peeling off his heavy robes, staying in his undershirt. He crossed his legs and leaned his forearms on his knees, sighing and staring at the ceiling.
Who are you?
He asked himself, frowning and running his forefinger on the floor doodling absentmindedly while thinking about the person he once was, the boy from Tatooine, the rebel pilot, the guy in love with a mandalorian.
And then, that unsettling feeling creeping on his soul again. He tried to compose himself, he eased his mind, closing his eyes and he was trying to reach out using the force, certain that this time he would get answers.
"Son." He heard a soothing voice making him open his eyes slowly until he could see the blueish image of his late father and his heart skipped a beat.
"Father." He said astounded widening his eyes "Father, I can't believe you're here." He added staring at the vision of his father's former self.
Anakin Skywalker smiled slightly, standing before his son "Seemed like you needed a little help."
It was uncommon for Luke to see the ghostly manifestation of his father, therefore he was grateful but worried at the same time.
"Why now, father? I've been struggling for so long and you haven't shown yourself until now." He rested his hands on his knees.
"Because this time you won't be able to work things out all by yourself." Anakin tilted his head, his eyes looked full of kindness, the same way Luke remembered them.
"Is this because I can't understand what the force has been trying to show me these last days?" Luke inquired.
The force ghost hummed "You will see it when the moment is right." He folded his hands in front of his body, his robes dancing eerily around him "Until then, you should be patient."
"Patient." Luke sighed lowering his gaze.
"I know you think it's about that mandalorian." Anakin said and Luke flinched a little looking up at his eyes again.
"He's going to Mandalore with his people." Luke explained frowning "He said they are going to retake their home world. He's leaving tonight."
"I know, and I know what you are thinking." Luke bit his lower lip listening to his father "You are not going with him, Luke."
His father's words made him feel stripped and utterly vulnerable, he ducked his head trying to hide his shame.
"Oh no, Luke, you can't fool me, I'm aware of the feelings you developed towards this man."
"Father, please." He said under his breath staring at the floor, as a scarlet shade was spreading from his neck to his cheeks.
"I had made a terrible mistake, son, and I paid for it, and even worse, I hurt a lot of people along the way. It doesn't mean it would happen to you as well." Anakin's voice sounded soft and soothing, still Luke was feeling anxious as he started rubbing his hands against his thighs.
"I'm confused, father. I know how I feel about him, but I don't know if I should-" He trailed off.
"You will know, you will get there." Anakin stared at his face trying to catch his eyes "Tell me now, when you are trying to know about your future through the force, what do you see?"
The blonde Jedi shifted a little on the floor, he blinked and then he narrowed his eyes "Shining stars above me and I am at peace, and I know in my heart that as the stars are shining nothing would hurt me, and I feel warmth, and I feel at home." Luke frowned, saying it out loud for the very first time left him perplexed, although it made him feel powerful and his heart was thumping with excitement, brimming with love and hope.
"You're not me." Anakin replied nodding as a gentle smile appeared on his face.
"What?" Luke snapped his head up.
"I know Ahsoka told you about my fall and the reasons behind it. And I also know you think that the love you feel about Din Djarin would eventually lead you to fear and anger." He made a pause "Every time I tried to see what my future would hold for me, I only found darkness and regret. You're not me, son. And this is why you will let him leave tonight all by himself, and you won't interfere in the internal affairs of Mandalore, they need to do this by themselves." Anakin stated holding Luke's gaze "This is why you are here now and not out there with him, this is you trying to accept that you can't interfere, and I think that you know I'm right."
Luke covered his eyes with his gloved hand, sighing deeply, feeling the way his throat tightened and his heart was pounding against his ribs. He drew in a deep inhale and rubbed his face with his hand, he held his breath when he saw Din standing by the entrance.
"Din?" He asked looking around trying to find Anakin's force ghost but he was already gone "I'm sorry, I was meditating. What time is it?" He asked trying to reach his robes next to him on the floor, but the mandalorian was already sitting down beside him. The blonde stopped in his tracks staring at his helmet.
"I hope you don't mind, I already fed Grogu and he's sleeping now." Din nodded at him.
"Oh." Luke frowned "I lost track of time." He pressed his lips together.
"I came to say goodbye." Din said putting his hand atop Luke's making him sigh, Luke interlocked their fingers thinking of the possibility of never seeing him again and his heart broke into pieces.
"Please be safe." The Jedi said boring into his visor.
"As always."
"No, I mean it." He retorted bringing Din's hand to his face, Din understood the unspoken plea and started brushing his fingers against his cheek, gently, softly. Luke's lips curled up into a smile "I want to give you something. It might help you." Luke said slipping the fingers of his free hand between his boot and leg, Din tilted his helmet down, his visor fixed on Luke's hand until the Jedi pulled a vibro-knife out of his boot.
When Luke put the knife in Din's hand the mandalorian curled his fingers around it "Luke, this is-" He looked up finding Luke's eyes "The vibro-knife I gave you."
The Jedi nodded and his smile reached his blue eyes "It's very important to me, so I want it back." He held up his forefinger at Din "Bring it back to me, Din." His eyes traveling down to the floor where Din was leaning his hand to support himself while pressing his helmet against Luke's forehead.
"I'll bring it back to you, cyare." He promised and Luke closed his eyes reveling in the moment and in the way his heart melted at Din's term of endearment.
Yes, love, I'll be here waiting for you.
He was resting his hands on the table, the dim light casting shadows on the wall, his eyes were fixed on the little child next to him, the kid was eating his stew with his little hand wrapped around a big spoon, he was twitching his big ears, making little happy noises and Luke found himself chuckling and caressing Grogu's head, then he blinked realizing that the time he spent with the kid was filling his heart with some pleasant feeling, he withdrew his hand staring down, understanding that things weren't happening the way they supposed to, he grimaced thinking that Grogu was more than a Padawan to him, and he froze terrified, he was caring about this child in a way a Jedi Master shouldn't, he was caring about Grogu as a son, and he felt confused. This was getting a bit out of hand.
All of a sudden he pressed his hands against the table, digging his fingers into the wood as Grogu whined letting the spoon slip from his hand. Luke gasped as the unsettling feeling reached him through the force. He squinted looking at the wall and it was as clear as daylight, he felt a sharp pain in his chest, he twitched his fingers finally closing his hands into fists. A disturbance in the force.
He looked at Grogu sideways, the child was staring at him with a worried look on his little face "You felt that too, didn't you Grogu?" The child nodded babbling.
Later that night he was sitting on his bed, with his head hanging down, holding his hands, finally he understood what was the force trying to tell him and he knew right away that he didn't think things straight the moment he took the child in, what was he supposed to do now? He didn't have a backup plan, if he needed to go through the galaxy to find the source of the disruption in the force he also needed to leave the child in the Temple, but, as he told Din, he was alone. No. Leaving the Temple wasn't an option, he sighed lying on the mattress thinking that he would wait for Din to come back and then he would be on his way. And if Din never came back, he considered that and shook his head as his heart clenched painfully in his chest at the mere thought, then Leia was his only option.
Grogu and Luke were wandering in the forest, three days had passed since both of them felt that switch in the force, although they never felt it again and Luke started to wonder if the source was already extinct. They came to a halt in front of a creek crowned by a curtain of water surging and plunging down the mountain, like a source of infinite life, Luke breathed in closing his eyes, the sound of water flowing and the humidity curling the end of his hair soothing him, the child amusingly strolling by the shore warming his heart, he chuckled and then he frowned when he felt a well-known presence through the force, he spun on his heels only to find the mandalorian walking towards them and his heart gave an extra beat.
He crossed his arms over his chest, staring down and kicking a little rock letting Grogu run to Din, his eyes on them as his lips curled up into a soft smile. When the mandalorian let go of the child, he closed the distance between him and Luke.
He came to a halt in front of him, tilting his helmet "Hi, Luke." He said sending shivers down Luke's spine.
You came back.
The Jedi smiled "Welcome, Din." And he was staring at his visor with sincere eyes, full of love. He closed them leaning forward and Din met him halfway, eliciting a sigh from him when the cold beskar touched the skin of his forehead, feeling Din's strong hand caressing his waist, his hand finding Din's elbow, holding him there, welcoming him in every single way. He opened his eyes softly, smiling, glistening, pulling back a little to gaze at Din feeling his heartbeat thumping in his ears as the water drizzled onto the rocks behind them and Grogu chirped between them caressing their boots.
"I brought you this." Din said handing him the vibro-knife and leaning an arm on the wall above Luke's head, encasing him, almost pressing his body against Luke, the Jedi realized that he was refraining from actually touching him, but the mandalorian's body language was betraying him. He seized the vibro-knife staring at Din's visor.
"I'm glad you're back." He said under his breath and Din hummed. Luke frowned staring at his utility belt, he slid his hand over it and he tried to ignore the low rumble coming from Din's chest "Din, where's your saber?" He frowned staring at his visor, Din took a few steps back.
"It's gone."
Din sat at the table and the Jedi followed him suit, the mandalorian breathed in "Luke, that saber means nothing to me or my people, it's a symbol of destruction and segregation, it didn't unify the mandalorians in the past." He looked down "We fought together this time, different tribes, different houses, and we're trying to understand what's the meaning of being a mandalorian. Together."
Luke was attentively listening to him, absentmindedly curling his hand around Din's over the table.
"We fought together and we retook Mandalore, and we decided that we didn't need a reminder of our bloody past. We destroyed it." Luke was holding his breath. "It's time to write a new history, it's time to leave the old ways behind us, those ways fractured us as a community, it didn't work in the past so why we should keep on trying to follow a rule that only brought pain and death upon us?" He asked tilting his helmet and Luke's heart was pounding in his chest.
Din was right. He frowned avoiding his visor, he could feel Din's words hitting in all the right places, his mind swirling around what he father told him, "You will know, you will get there."
And he knew right there and then that he wouldn't run away from his feelings anymore, that he could walk a new path as well, he felt an irrepressible urge to show Din how he felt about him, he opened his mouth to say something when the mandalorian talked first.
"We need to talk, Luke." He said staring at the Jedi and he sounded serious.
He told him about an imperial base beneath the mines of Mandalore, how they fought against troopers that carried beskar armours and Luke's blood was boiling inside his veins, his heart skipped a beat when Din explained how Paz, Bo-Katan and him barely walked out in one piece of an encounter with three men in red armours wielding weapons he has never even heard about before. Luke widened his eyes when he heard that they destroyed the base and managed to kill a dozen of clones of Moff Gideon.
"So that was it." The Jedi muttered "I felt them through the force, Grogu too." He stared into Din's visor "They are creating force-sensitive clones, we felt them before they were killed."
"Are you sure?"
"Yes, I'm positive." Luke said standing up, Din tilted his helmet up to stare at him "They're back, I won't let them." He said clenching his jaw "Din, go back to your home world and take Grogu with you." Din rose to his feet towering over him.
"I'm not planning on going back." The mandalorian said making Luke frown "I left Mandalore, I won't go back, I want to hunt imperial remnants down. I was thinking-" He looked around "Maybe you can talk to Leia, you can count on me."
Realization hit Luke "You want to work for The New Republic?" Din nodded.
"And with you." He added and Luke could notice the way his voice trembled a little.
Luke considered it for a moment, and a lopsided smile crossed his face "Like the old times, huh? Leia hiring you." He chuckled, Din folded his arms defensively. Is this really happening? Luke thought staring at him for a while "Alright, Din, we're going to Chandrila." He walked away glaring at Din over his shoulder, the mandalorian was staring at him, frozen. "Now."
"Fuck, Luke!" Leia ran her hand through her long hair closing her eyes "Shit!" She slammed her hand on the table, then she bored into his brother's eyes "I knew it, this is not over, huh? It was never over."
"Just, please, I know it's hard to swallow, but I'm here, I'm gonna do this, I'm gonna find them. We are gonna find them." Luke held her hand in an attempt to reassure her.
"Anything you need, you got it. You hear me? I'll see to it." She nodded and rested her chin on her palm "So, you're together, huh?"
Luke shifted in his chair "I wouldn't say together." He retorted, although it felt like that in so many ways.
"But you're in love with him." She added leaning forward. Luke's mouth set in a hard line. "What about your academy?"
"I don't know." He shrugged one arm "We're taking the child with us. The lines are blurred, Leia, I can't pretend that Grogu is just my Padawan, I took care of that baby for months. I'm still training him though, but as-" He blinked.
"As your son?" She arched one eyebrow.
"You think I'm crazy?" Luke snapped back. He was being honest with her, wearing his heart on his sleeve and his heart was pounding fast.
Leia shook her head still staring at him "Of course not, I'm happy that you're opening your mind and not living like some exiled Jedi." She smiled fondly reaching out to take his hand in hers "You don't deserve that kind of life, brother. You can make this work. I know it." She added squeezing his hand and joy and relief welled up inside Luke.
Leia arranged and apartment for the three of them, Grogu was already sleeping in his little bed in the small room when Din walked into the kitchen, Luke was resting his backside against the countertop, he was holding a cup of caf between his hands, his eyes curious, following every move Din made. The mandalorian walked towards him until he came to a halt in front of him, he grabbed the cup from Luke's hands and put it down on the countertop behind him, instinctively Luke drew his hand up, curling it around Din's biceps, he sighed "There's only one bed, Din."
Din snorted out a laugh, pressing his body against Luke's, eliciting a groan from the Jedi.
"I'm sleeping on the couch then." The mandalorian teased, running his hands down Luke's waist and hips.
"Din." He leaned forward pressing his face against Din's neck "Take me to our bed, Din." He said caressing his chest plate and he couldn't believe that this was really happening, that he was being true to himself for the first time since he pushed Din out of his life on Dagobah and he finally let emotions flow through him.
Din pulled away staring down at him in silence, and Luke's skin prickled with want, the mandalorian grabbed his hand taking a few steps back, guiding him to the main room.
When they were finally inside the room, Luke leaned in closer to Din pressing his hand on his helmet right where his cheek would be and planted a soft kiss on his visor.
"Luke." Din said in a low-pitched voice and wrapped his arms around the blonde's torso. He gently pushed Luke against the mattress and rubbed his stomach with his gloved hand, pressing his helmet against the Jedi's cheek, instantaneously tying knots in Luke's belly .
His entire body was aflame with his touch and he closed his eyes relishing in the way Din's body pressed against his own had tension rapidly coiling hotter and tighter in his gut.
"Din." He said as his hands roamed over the man's back "Wait." Luke hated himself for spoiling the mood but there was something that he needed to say if he wanted to give them a chance. Din growled as his hand stopped right around Luke's thigh making him shudder. He opened his eyes staring at Din's visor "Can I ask you something?"
Din growled again, pulling away and Luke gave him the once-over realizing that the man was growing impatient and he felt miserable knowing that once again he was making Din feel rejected.
"No, wait, stay like this for a while. Please." He whispered encircling Din's neck with his arms bringing him close again "Din, why did you show us your face on Mandalore?"
Din sighed and brushed his fingers against Luke's cheek "I wanted to show you my face, I've always wanted to give you that, although I couldn't, that was the only time I could show you my face and I used it."
The blonde looked down nibbling on his bottom lip, he looked at Din again when he felt his thumb pressing on his lip softly, freeing it from his teeth.
"What is it, cyare? What is going on inside that mind of yours?" He asked amused, brushing his fingers against the blonde's lips now, making Luke's breath leave his body.
No more lies.
"I always knew how you looked like, Din." Luke said feeling the way Din's muscles tensed up under his hands "Even when we were just pretending that we were dating."
"What did you do, Luke?" He asked and Luke could hear the way his voice cracked.
"Oh, no." Luke sat up moving his hands to grab him by his biceps "I saw your face through the force, I didn't know anything, like anything at all about the force back then, I didn't know how to stop it, I think that my desire to see you was so strong that the visions came easily." He was desperate clutching Din's pauldrons now "I'm sorry Din, I couldn't control it." Din didn't say a word, his visor fixed on Luke's face. "I'm sorry Din, I know I betrayed your trust, you must feel so vulnerable now, I'm so sorry, please." He stroked Din's helmet adoringly.
"You saw my face and you still liked me?" Din asked catching Luke off guard.
"What?" He frowned "Well, yes. Din, I know every inch of your skin, every freckle, every scar. I like every aspect of you." Din was hovering over him, it looked like a dream come true "And, I love your eyes." He said sighing and he couldn't hold it back anymore, he moved his hands slowly, caressing Din's pauldrons finally lacing his fingers on the back of his neck, bringing Din closer and pressing their foreheads together.
He let out a shuddering sigh, closing his eyes and tilting his head a little, savouring every little detail, Din's hands leaving a trail of electricity on his skin as Luke rested his head on the mattress letting Din guide him, he move his leg up to hook it around his waist as the tip of Din's fingers were burning against his thigh through the fabric of his pants. All of a sudden Din pulled away, and Luke opened his eyes only to find him straddling his lap, he parted his lips, his eyes on his helmet, the mandalorian tilted his head grabbing his hand and making him touch his chest plate, the blonde's fingers twitching, encircled by Din's hand "Take my armour off, Luke." He said under his breath as Luke stared at him dumbfounded. He blinked a few times and then looked around.
"Are-are you sure?" The Jedi stuttered.
Din nodded slowly, reaching out to toy with a lock of dark blonde hair with his free hand and tucking it behind Luke's ear "Uh-huh, I don't need my armour here, I got a Jedi to protect me now."
That made Luke blush from ear to ear as he bit his lip down to suppress a chuckle, he shook his head and chewed on his bottom lip utterly smitten with his mandalorian, gingerly picking at the buckles of his chest plate. He removed Din's armour piece by piece and his heart was thudding heavily in anticipation, he understood that this was a gift, something that Din was offering him for the very first time and when his warm fingers found the skin underneath the flight suit something stirred inside him, he pulled the suit down admiring him for a while and then he leaned in closer nuzzling his chest relishing in the way Din's breaths quickened, he looked up at his visor stroking his stomach and he closed his eyes pressing open-mouthed kisses on his neck.
The mandalorian groaned threading his fingers through his blonde hair, bringing him impossible closer, emboldened by the inebriating salty scent of Din's skin and the little noises he was making, Luke pulled the flight suit all the way down, exposing Din completely, he pulled back to stare at him searching for his eyes behind his visor, his glistening lips, red and plump matching his crimson cheeks, Din looked at him and chuckled "I forgot how beautiful you looked like this." He muttered running his thumb along Luke's jaw "Perfect, cyar'ika. You're perfect." He sighed undressing Luke slowly, the Jedi rolled his shoulders slightly letting Din slip his fingers under the tunics. The moment they were pressed flush against each other, Luke smiled playing with the soft curls on Din's nape under the end of his helmet, completely lost in the feeling of Din's skin against his own, their chest moving in sync with every breath, he looked into Din's visor cupping his helmet "I love you Din, I've always loved you." He said out of breath and his heart leapt in his chest.
Din sighed deeply "I love you too." He said pressing their foreheads together "I never fell out of love with you, cyar'ika." Luke nodded against him, utterly touched by his man's worlds, finally at peace knowing that this was right, this has always been right. The blonde fumbled with his robes discarded next to them on the mattress finally clutching his black belt, wrapping it around his head, and the last thing he saw before covering his eyes was Din grabbing his waistband and pulling his pants down. In the darkness of his blindfold he felt at home, hissing when Din's mustache tickled against the corner of his lips, and Luke kissed him. It felt like they had been kissing each other for hours, between giggles and whispers and when his man pulled back he was threading his hands through his dark hair, Din's mouth felt so good and warm on his chest, on his belly, on his thighs, he shuddered knowing that they belong together, he smiled tilting his head down caressing Din's cheeks, and this time the visions of his lover pleasuring him weren't present, he sighed relieved, moaning Din's name as they became one.
The blonde woke up in the middle of the night feeling lighter and pleased, he stirred beneath the sheets smiling until he realized Din wasn't lying next to him, he frowned finding out that the mandalorian was sitting on the bed, staring at the window, Luke's throat constricted all of a sudden, dread invading him, he sat up on the mattress, watching him in silence for a while. Maybe Din was regretting their night together.
"Din?" He asked quietly, the mandalorian tilted his head down a little, he was giving his back to Luke, hands resting at both sides of his thighs on the mattress, Luke considered it for a second, trying to assess him, Din was only wearing his helmet, still naked, that made Luke realize that this wasn't about regretting being together again but something else entirely. He kneeled behind Din encircling him with his arms, still not believing that they were skin to skin, and pressed a kiss on his shoulder, he felt bold enough to ask "What is it, love?"
Din put his hands on Luke's arms, caressing them, resting the back of his helmet against Luke's temple "You wore a blindfold." Luke froze, his lips stopped against Din's skin. "Why you didn't ask me to take my helmet off?"
The blonde blinked pulling back a little when Din turned his upper body towards him, he frowned "Your creed." He said under his breath.
"I've been showing Grogu my face since I redeemed myself." Luke parted his lips astonished. "I know, I did wrong, I kept that from you, I shouldn't have done that, I'm sorry. But I never stopped considering him my clan, Luke."
Luke pursed his lips not breaking eye contact with him behind his visor.
"Is that wrong?" Din asked staring down.
"No. I do believe that he's your son." He said making Din look at him again. "I won't repeat the Old Jedi Order mistakes, Grogu needs community, I told you, I want to give him that."
"Good." Din sighed and sounded relieved, he ran his fingers over Luke's chest "Because I want to be with my clan." He found his hand squeezing it "And I want to show my face to the people I consider my clan." He drew in a sharp inhale "And that includes you." He went silent expectant and Luke's heart soared.
The Jedi blinked back tears completely choked with emotion "Yes, Din, I'm your clan." He nodded leaning in closer to him and Din curled his hands around Luke's to place them on the sides of his helmet. Their joined hands lifting the last piece of armour between them, Luke's eyes went round when he finally saw Din's eyes boring into his own, brown and gentle as he remembered them, he smiled cupping Din's cheeks, the mandalorian closed his eyes sighing, placing his hands on Luke's hips, digging his fingers into his skin "My Din." He whispered against his lips, kissing him softly, he broke the kiss resting his face against Din's, eyes closed "I love you." The mandalorian chuckled rubbing circles on his back.
"I love you, cyare." And his voice sounded more beautiful than ever.
The mandalorian, the Jedi and their force-sensitive child went on missions across the galaxy, returning home between quests, some people said that they lived in a little cozy cabin on the outskirts of Nevarro, some said they settled on Mandalore, some said they built a Jedi temple on Ossus, and all of them were right, the Galaxy became their home and they were its protectors.
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wanderingjedi77 · 1 year
The Foundling Chapter Three
Summary: As the Liberation Festival takes off, Satine finally gets a family.
1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5
Satine was grounded for two whole weeks when she came back to the Tribe, although she had a feeling that it was more out of Bo being more protective than her actually being in trouble. She wasn't confined to her room but had to constantly help with jobs for the tribe under the watchful eye of members of the covert.
Ahsoka had been interested to learn that she had made a connection with the Griffins, and before she had left for a mission to seek out more Mandalorians and a connection to someone named Thrawn, she had told her about Ezra. A boy who found his family and who could understand the force and creatures like she could.
Satine liked that story. She liked learning about how Ezra had lost his parents like her and that he wasn't alone. She hoped one day she could meet him, but Ahsoka said he was a long way from home.
The Armorer was less than pleased, but she tended to her cuts and gently reminded her that she couldn't wander off like that again. Because what would they do if they lost her?
Satine didn't have any answers for that, but she hugged the Armorer anyway, and thanked her for being so kind to her even though she was mad.
"We are family Ad'ika. I care about you." The Armorer replied and sent Satine on her way. It wasn't until the end of those two weeks that the Armorer sought out Bo when she was alone. She had been gone for a week already with Din, and it wasn't something she wanted to bring up on a holo-call.
Bo put her helmet down and sighed as she sat in their quarters. The Armorer removed her helmet as well, and sat next to Bo on their bed, looking at her expectantly.
Bo caught her eye and smiled before leaning in so she could kiss her wife. "I missed you too, my love."
The Armorer wrapped an arm around her, and Bo sighed. "Is something wrong?" She asked, wondering why she was being so quiet.
"I was thinking about Satine." The Armorer replied. "Her training is going well."
"It is." Bo replied. "Ahsoka's teaching her to be quite the force weilding maniac."
"She is, though." Bo grinned.
"She needs a family." The Armorer said pointedly. "Satine needs to be adopted, Bo. And I think -"
"Then I will adopt her." Bo explains, interrupting. "We both will." She looks at the Armorer and pulls her in for another kiss. When they part, the Armorer is smiling.
"She would make a fine heir. But Satine needs all the love and support a parent can give" She answers and puts a hand on Bo's back. "Is she still grounded?"
Bo shook her head. "No. She's with Paz and Ragnar right now. Learning how to repair blast doors."
"We should take her to the festival tonight that Greef Karga is hosting."
"She has been working hard. The liberation festival, right?" Bo asked, curious. She had little time to pay much attention to what new party Greef was running every week.
"The Bendu festival the children are calling it." The Armorer slipped her helmet back on. "We should go find our daughter."
Bo nodded, her heart warming at the thought of that. She hadn't been around too much, but Satine almost getting killed had softened her, just a bit. She didn't want anyone else looking after Satine. No when they could do a better job themselves. And Bo thought, she was blood. She needed to be there for her. She needed to show how much she cared.
They found Satine watching Paz work with Ragnar, both paying attention the best way children could. By not paying much attention at all. Bo watched as Ragnar punched Satine in the arm, and then Satine hit him back just as hard.
"Did. I saw you staring at that village girl." Ragnar whispered to Satine. "You couldn't even talk when she said hello."
"Yes I did." Satine fought back.
"No you said something that sounded like a word, but I thought maybe you got stung by a bug." Ragnar laughed, and Paz turned to look at them, standing up.
"I'll ground you both next if you don't start paying attention." Paz told them. He looked at Satine. "Next time you go to the village, stop stalling and talk to her. Mandalorians do not shy away from courting." He looked up at Bo and the Armorer. "But I think we are finished for today."
Satine turned and let out a cry of joy before she threw herself at Bo. "You're home!"
"I wasn't gone that long, Satine." Bo laughed and steadied her with her hands on her shoulders. "We came to pick you up."
Satine looked at Ragnar. "For a mission?"
"You don't have beskar yet." The Armorer looked at Bo.
"Rats." Satine whispered.
"We're taking you to the festival. Consider yourself ungrounded, little warrior." Bo explained.
"Yes!" Satine cheered. She pumped her fist in the air. "Thank you!"
Bo nodded. She looked at Paz and Ragnar. "Thank you for watching her today."
"You are welcome Mand'alor." Paz dipped his head and put a hand on Ragnar to lead him away. "We need to go ourselves son."
Ragnar nodded. "Okay, dad. Bye, Satine." He waved as he was led away, and Satine returned it before looking back up at the Armorer and Bo. "Can we go now? Please?"
"Calm down. You need to change and wash your face. And then we can go Ad'ika." The Armorer watched as Satine ran off, and they waited until she came back with a fresh tunic and pants, and a red kerchief around her neck that Din had insisted Grogu had picked out for her.
Satine held out her arms. "See. I'm all clean now."
"Let's go then." Bo replied, amused.
By the time they got to the town in Navarro, the festival was in full swing with people dancing and colorful lanterns hung up everywhere. Satine danced beside them a bit, excited and Bo watched her carefully.
"This is the first festival I've ever been to." Satine told them. She patted her pocket. The Armorer had given her a few credits to spend like her parents had once done for her. Bo had teased her, warning her not to spend ot all in one place. And Satine felt like she was their child. Only parents did that kind of stuff, right?
Satine sighed and looked up at the colorful lanterns before she felt a slight pull on the force. She looked around and then spotted an old lady sitting down. She didn't know why, but Satine wanted to talk to her.
"I'll be right back." Satine looked up at the Armorer and Bo. "I need to do something." She walked off before they could say anything, and Bo sighed.
"Don't act like that, isn't your Clan Kryze impulsiveness coming out." The Armorer watched Satine, and scolded Bo.
"It must be a Jedi thing." Bo counters, and they follow Satine, one cautious, and the other curious.
She stared and watched the old lady sitting on the step, before she approached her.
"Hi. I'm Satine." Satine greeted her. "Why are you sitting down? Are you hurt?" She asked. The old woman turned to look at her with a smile.
"Not hurt child, just resting before I go and see the stalls." The old woman paused. "And I'm waiting for my granddaughter."
"Oh." Satine nodded thoughtfully.
"She's about your age." The old woman replied.
"Maybe I could come back sometime and be her friend." Satine offered.
"Yes, perhaps. Her name is Lyraetha. " The old woman shifted, amused. Satine smiled and looked over at the stalls, before her hand dropped to her pocket. Her hands grasped the credits as Ahsoka's voice came to mind.
A Jedi's worth is not measured in their actions but by their heart.
"Here." Satine said as she took out the credits, "I don't need it." Satine pushed the credits into her hand. "You should treat yourself and Lyra to something nice."
The Armorer put a hand on Bo's back as they approached after watching the conversation from afar.
"Thank you, child." The old woman smiled, looking less weary. She turned her head to look at the Armorer and Bo and inclined her head before they nodded back in acknowledgment.
"Who are these? You're bodyguards?" The old woman teased.
"No. That's my mother-" Satine pointed to Bo, "And that's my Buir." She motioned to the Armorer. "This is my very first festival." She said proudly.
The old lady smiled and looked at them. "It's nice to see parents taking an interest in their children these days." She patted Satine on the head gently and smiled. "Have fun with your parents child, thank you for helping me."
Satine stepped back and bowed her head, smiling. "Let me know if you need anything else. I was happy to help." She turned to Bo and the Armorer and took one of their hands in each of hers so she was in the middle; looking up expectantly.
"I'm glad our daughter was able to assist you." The Armorer nodded and Bo gave the woman a small smile. "Please take care of yourself." She added, before Satine started to pull them away. They walked for a ways, toward some of the stalls, when Satine looked up at them curiously.
"Do you think I did the right thing?"
"I think you did a wonderful thing." Bo says softly. She squeezes Satine's hand. "You're very kind hearted, Satine. Don't lose that."
"I won't." Satine promises. "Can we go and get ice cream?"
The Armorer laughs and looks at Bo. "Well can we?"
"I...yes." She looked at the Armorer, and asked, "Do you really think of us as your parents Satine?"
"Mhmm. Yes." Satine looks up at them. "You take care of me and care about me. That's what parents do." She thinks briefly about Ahsoka. "I have three parents though. Both of you and Ahsoka too." Satine smiles at them. "Do you think she would mind if I called her mom?"
Bo blinked. "Well that might be something you need to ask her when she gets back."
"Okay!" Satine smiled at Bo, and there was a brief moment where Bo felt like she was looking at her sister again. When she was happy. "You know something mother?"
Bo let out a sharp breath. "What is it little warrior?"
"I'm glad I have a family again." Satine told them thoughtfully. The armorer and Bo looked at each other, and the Armorer tilted her head.
"We're glad to be your family Satine. There's something I've been meaning to ask you." Bo stopped Satine and knelt down so she was on her level. "How would you like it if The Armorer and I adopted you? Formally?"
Satine swallowed hard. "Really?"
"Really." The Armorer said from above them. She put her hands on Satine's shoulders and squeezed them.
"I'd like that. Very much." Satine said softly and Bo took one of her hands.
"Ni kar'tayl gai sa'ad." Bo said as she looked at the Armorer. She heard her take in a slight breath, before she repeated the words as well,
"Ni kar'tayl gai sa'ad."
I now know your name as my child.
"Now you are Satine Kryze, heir to the throne. And Princess of Mandalore and its systems." The Armorer said, and they could hear the smile in her voice.
Bo hugged Satine tightly, and Satine tucked her head into Bo's shoulder. "I'm so happy we found you."
Satine felt the force sing, and grasped onto it as she hugged Bo back. As the Armorer watched over them both, knowing that this was the right decision.
And that the force had led her way home.
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fandoomrants · 1 year
Ok, time for ep 8 thoughts
Spoilers, obviously.
-So I have some mixed feelings about the very end. I liked it for the most part but there were some things I'm not sure how to feel about and some that made me a bit mad. Still, I laughed, I almost cried, I gasped, I had to pause at times just because I had to take a breath for a moment while watching. It was intense and it could have been much worse (EZRA COULD HAVE DIEEED) And it's definitely setting things for a sequel in some way. I hope there's either another season, or the story gets further BUT PROPERLY developed in movies/shows (maybe an official Rebels season 5? Or some spin off)
-I liked how in the beginning of the episode they addressed some things, it was about damn time. Especially loved how they talked a bit about Kanan, even mentioned his name before the fall of the Jedi Order. Felt it was important moment. He was a very important part of Ezra and also Sabine's lives, even more so than the other Spectres. Not only a mentor and master but family. It really made me happy. And FINALLY they explained what happened between Ahsoka and Sabine. And they explained what happened with Sabine's family, unfortunately. But at least it explained it. I'm still kinda not sure what they told Ezra off screen about Sabine's decision, I somewhat think they must have said what happened or he gathered two and two together more or less but at this point, I'm sort of glad they didn't comment it on-screen and there wasn't some huge drama, with all else that happened, though.
-Also, the scene with Ahsoka and Sabine right after that. I liked it. In fact, I liked all of their interactions this episode. They finally got to talk and show understanding towards one another and also support, mental and physical. And I'm happy that Ahsoka wasn't mad at her because she can now reflect on how important the bond between a master and apprentice is without what happened with Anakin weighting on her. She acknowledged the fact that she's also made mistakes and also how important finding Ezra was for Sabine.
-I also loved so many of the interactions between the three of them and how they worked as a team. But I especially loved all the interactions between Ezra and Sabine (plus Ahsoka's knowing smiles and glances). Already made a whole post about this "I missed you" and how cute it was, but there was so much more. The parallels between Sabine fighting with a lightsaber and Ahsoka telling her to use blasters (which was a nod towards their previous conversation and how a saber doesn't make you a Jedi. I don't think Ahsoka told her to use blasters because she meant she couldn't use the saber well, I think it was connected to the "train your body" part and knowing that Sabine's style of fighting is mixed and she can use other effective ways), and later Ezra calling for Sabine when he was attacked, saying to be careful because he worried that she might shoot him and immediately getting even more worried for a second once she lit up the saber (BEFORE COMPLIMENTING HER SKILLS AND SAYING HOW HIS EXCUSE WAS MISSING HER). And them trying to open the gate together. And doing THE JUMP! I honestly giggled for a second when he almost fell but at this point I was sure he's not going to die that way (the fear came back once he was on the Destroyer). Loved these moments and the trust and love between them (whatever kind of love it is, I can totally see it either as a deep platonic one but also as an eventual hint at something more. But I think in any case they're not there yet). How they got each other's back while fighting. And also "Where is Ezra?" "Going home." I swear if they don't meet again I'll kill someone.
-So, of course Thrawn returned. I don't think anyone had a doubt he would but I can't wait to see what this would mean. I feel like until this moment I somewhat didn't pay that much attention to this cargo he spoke about because I was too focused on other things but now I really want to know what is it and what he and the sisters are going to do (and who's gonna stop them. HOW?) Here I'm not too familiar with ALL Star Wars media so might be missing something but he repeated "For the Empire." a few times and I wonder what this means and if he'll have something to do with the creation of the First Order later, or maybe some other fraction. Is he eventually gonna have a link to the Emperor's return?
-Also, these troopers were zombies, huh? Or became zombies anyway. I feel like their movements before being brought back weren't so... well, zombie-like. Also, Ezra said it hasn't happened before. Which reminds me, he did mention Thrawn and how he brought back the Night Sisters (how??) but we still don't know too much about what he himself did during these ten years. Except making friends and mastering the Force.
-I was somewhat so relieved that Sabine got her helmet back. I don't worry about other characters going around without head protection but idk why I somewhat feel uneasy watching a Mandalorian without their helmet in a battle. Like, idk, as if they're in more danger without it (There was a moment when a trooper shot her helmet! If it wasn't there, she'd be dead!). But it just made me think about how somehow her helmet seems to be going off too easily? We saw it falling/being taken off on a couple of occasions this season and I thought these helmets have some way to get attached to the head or something. I don't think we've seen another Mandalorian's helmet coming off so easily. Definitely not Din's. But also not Bo-Katan's (maybe that's why she's always wearing her head piece, it has some mechanism like a magnet or sth, lol) or really anyone else's. Idk, found this a bit weird (and dangerous).
-I feel like in this last episode there were some weird things that were opposite what's been going on in some of the other episodes. The most obvious one was Ezra refusing to take the saber last episode but making a new one. Could pass as preferring to let Sabine have it because she's been training and so she'd have more weapons to compensate not being a Force user (thought she had blasters), or him really meaning it's hers now because he gave it to her. But we've seen characters using someone else's saber before, plus he didn't exactly give it to her for using as he didn't know she had trained with Ahsoka. And this line about the Force being his ally. Idk, good for him to have a new saber (somewhat the same logic like the Mandalorians and their helmets, I know I'm weird) but they made it somewhat of a big deal that he wields the Force much better now and doesn't need a weapon to fight. The only logical explanation I can find is that sabers are somewhat attuned to their wielders and we know Sabine made corrections on his so it's really hers now and he needs his own.
-And another thing that made little sense is Sabine suddenly being able to use the Force. I like the idea of the Force being all around and eventually everyone being able to connect with it but the whole season she was showed as am extremely non-Force sensitive person and now it suddenly connected with it? Idk, I liked the occasions on which she used it but I think it should have happened slower. Either her managing to move something but slightly or sth, or having her show some small abilities during the rest of the season. Or if she started using it suddenly, it happening during some really critical situation (Yes, yes, I know she got her saber while literally fighting for her life but it could have been more intense. Maybe Ezra trying to do the jump himself but failing or when she returned to help Ahsoka. Idk).
-I honestly had forgotten about Baylan and Shin until like, the middle of the episode or sth. And then I was almost sure we wouldn't get to see more of them this season until the end. I still want to know what's going to happen and I believe they have something big planned for them too, with the last moments of them that they showed. We still have no clue what he's trying to do and I was honestly confused by Shin and her saber in the end. Is she gonna fight? Or join these guys? I wonder what they'll do now with the unfortunate and untimely passing of the actor playing Baylan. But lots of things went unresolved and now that Ahsoka and Sabine are also there, there will be interaction sooner or later.
-Finally, I'll speak about the ending. EZRA WENT HOME!!! I'm honestly so happy about it. I was really worried he won't make it for one reason or another. And I was worried when he got on the ship all alone, though I was pretty confident he wasn't going to get caught and just get killed. Not like that. But maybe captured or something. Thoo, I loved it when he took the trooper's clothes, just like old times. And he and Hera finally reunited!!! SOO ANGRY THAT'S NOT A HUG WE GOT TO SEE!! Likee, the Ghost crew was a family and the two of them were so close! We soo need to see what's going to happen. Also, is Ezra aware Ahsoka and Sabine didn't come back? He must be obviously aware they didn't get on the Destroyer but does he think they somehow followed? I think he expects them to come back too. He would be worried otherwise. We last saw how Sabine ran and looked as if she was about to jump too but she returned for Ahsoka and we didn't really see what happened before that. They were too far apart to be able to talk properly but did she somehow tell him her intentions? I doubt she jumped only to then jump back but I don't believe he last saw her running back and didn't wonder what happened. But Ahsoka was sure he's back and safe, maybe he also felt through the Force what Sabine wanted to do.
-Now about Sabine and Ahsoka staying back... Tbh, I'm not entirely mad. Also, Ahsoka looked quite content with it, as if it was some new beginning. There are still things that need to be done there and also, it might be a great opportunity for them to become once again a master and apprentice, and this time do so properly. Also, the owl! Anakin's ghost showing once more and smiling while looking at the two!! Great moments!! But I still think that they could somehow return. Maybe with the help of some giant space friends that can travel through hyperspace? Something else? Idk, I can somewhat see Ahsoka staying there. Maybe after resolving whatever they'll have to deal with and finishing Sabine's training. It could eventually become her official peaceful retirement from everything. But I'm very much sure Sabine's place is not there. Not forever. I'm all about tropes such as sacrifice for someone else you deeply care about and all but I don't think she wanted to find Ezra just so they'll be separated again so soon. And there's something more to it. There's this repetitive theme in this show and the whole SW franchise about the apprentice eventually moving on without their master. I didn't mention the scenes with Ahsoka and Anakin much but wasn't it all about that? After ep 5 didn't Ahsoka finally deal with what happened and moved on? She came back to her past self, joking and sarcastic and not being shadowed by guilt. She showed understanding towards what Sabine did and acknowledged how she had once walked away from her just like her master walked away from her but he finally came back to finish her training and she in return came back to finish Sabine's. It seems like Ahsoka learned all she needed to and moved on. And she's now a master. And Sabine would also eventually finish her training and would need to move on (maybe not exactly become a master but still find another purpose). And I can't see her doing so remaining while there.
In the end, a list of things I want to see in the future:
-Ezra meeting Jacen!!!
-Zeb showing up again!! Him also reuniting with Ezra!! Interacting with Hera and Chopper, maybe Jacen.
-Eventually seeing/hearing about Kallus? The two went to live together and now suddenly Zeb is training recruits, idc if it's a ship, a close (totally non-heterosexual) friendship or whatever, they show and mention one of them, they eventually gotta at least mention the other one too. And it better not be something similar to Sabine's family.
-Ezra doing am Uno-reverse and going to bring Sabine (and maybe Ahsoka) home!!! Even better!! The crew of the Ghost all going back for her(them)!!! Oh, they'd better do that!!
-Seeing Thrawn's plan and how it'll play out (and eventually be stopped).
-Everyone finally believing about Thrawn's return and seeing the threat he is!! (And apologising to Hera!!!)
-Seeing what Baylan's plan is too!
-Shin maybe accepting Ahsoka's offer? Idk, not Shin's biggest stan but I think she's quite conflicted and lost. Maybe both figuratively and literally speaking.
- Some huge Mandalorian crossover! (Would be amazing and it can totally work, now that Thrawn is a big threat and some of the characters already have mutual associates anyway.)
Okay, okay, I stop here. As usual, sorry for any typos. I can honestly barely keep my eyes open and my mind is still a mess from the episode.
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tomthefanboy · 1 year
Dream journal 4/24
Dreamed a star wars AU where Order 66 didn't happen the same way. Anakin didn't fall, and he didn't really have a relationship with Palpatine at all. He was still the chosen one and all that but he wasn't part of the sith plot at all. The Clone Wars happen but when Order 66 takes place there's a mass assassination of the generals in the field who are doing combat operations, but the rest of the Jedi "surrender peacefully". Both Anakin and Obi-wan attacked Grievous and killed him in like, a minute and a half, but then were politely arrested by the clones when they returned to the shuttle.
Yoda and Mace and the surviving counsel members have had their connection to the Force so fogged by the Sith magic that they're not sure WHAT happened with the Jedi who supposedly "betrayed the Republic". All remaining Jedi are escorted back to Coruscant and barred from leaving the planet until the trials of the Seperatist high command are concluded. At which point their intel and testimony will be used to uncover the specifics of the "Jedi Treason". The dream starts several days into this "parole" period where public opinion has turned against the Jedi. The temple has a clone garrison monitoring their comings and goings, but the surviving Jedi are still allowed to move about the planet (and aren't, you know, being gunned down on sight).
That's just the AU. My actual dream is under the cut, but the important bit was how weird a "soft" Order 66 would be. This dream felt like I was watching an episode of the Clone Wars. The POV moved like a camera and not like I was physically there. Everyone was animated in the same style and voiced by the Clone Wars cast. It was also very coherent for a dream. No weird nonsensical transitions or people vanishing. that's one of the reasons it felt worth journaling!
It's almost sundown and we see Obi and Anakin and a third Jedi (a woman that is either Depa or Ahsoka, the dream didn't tell me if Ahsoka left the order in this AU) on a grav train. They are escorting a class of younglings on some kind of field trip outside the temple. Obi-wan is in one car and Depa is with Anakin in the other car. (Their kids ran in opposite directions when they boarded the train).
A new Jedi boards the train at a stop and as the train moves he walks up to obi-wan. The first suspicious thing is that Obi-wan doesn't recognize him. the second suspicious thing is that when he comes close enough to get a good look he turns out to be a Jedi version of Doctor Hemlock from Bad Batch. He has the same slimy, gentle voice.
Jedi Hemlock explains that since the war is over the Jedi have no rank in the GAR. Instead, all Jedi who served with clone troopers have to wear a little pin at all times. So that even if they change in to civilian clothes people will still be sure to treat them accordingly. It is literally the same pin that the ex-Imperials in the amnesty program had to wear on The Mandalorian, but it has a little gold shape around it. He talks about how the Jedi all need to cooperate with these new procedures to maintain the peace and not harm the Treason case against the Order.
In the next train car, Anakin watches him suspiciciously as he gives Depa bilaba her pin. Hemlock greets Anakin by name and provides him with a special pin, one that signifies his great accomplishments (he still defeats Dooku and rescues the Chancelor in the AU.). The pin is the same shape as the others, but it has a dangly gem piece on each side. (because of COURSE Anakin is special)
Hemlock gets off the train at the next stop as do all but a couple of passengers. Anakin and Obi-wan both sense that something is up as the train slows down before it reaches the station, making sure that the sun has fully set on this part of Coruscant by the time they pull into the station. They begin gathering the younglings close and giving them instructions on how to calm their mind and focus so that they can keep up with the group and not get separated. Each of them gives a slightly different piece of advice.
It's a good bit of comedy in the comparison. Anakin's advice is basically a repeat of things Obi-wan said to him in the past. Obi-wan's advice is a list of things to avoid doing (which are all things we've seen Anakin do before). Depa is just sort of "with Anakin" all through the next part but we do see her tell her younglings to trust in the Force and keep their senses open to the world around them but not let the world overwhelm them.
When the train pulls in, the remaining half dozen passengers all push their way to the doors between Anakin and Obi-wan and make for the stairs leading down from the center of the platform. to get off the train in time, Anakin and Depa have to go left and Obi-wan has to go right. Just as the train doors begin to close snipers fire on the Anakin and Depa! The two groups begin running along the skyways in opposite directions.
Due to the noise of the grav train leaving the station, Obi-wan's group didn't hear the blaster bolts (they were already moving away so they didn't see them either). Obi-wan adds another item to the list of rules, telling the younglings to be safe around the force fields and never to walk on them because they could be deactived by an enemy. The younglings voice agreement as they scamper along beside him. One of them, an Iktuchiboy says "Yes Master but what enemy?" right before blaster bolts rain down between them.
Both groups are running and Obi-wan and are yelling into their comlinks about where to go to protect the younglings. They agree to leave the square and head for a commerce zone where there's more cover, but they've gotten so separated that they're on two different levels and about a thousand feet apart!
The Jedi deflect bolts with their lightsabers to protect themselves and the younglings as they try to regroup and exit the wide open set of skyways in this neighborhood. Naturally, Obi-wan has to instruct his kids to ignore his last rule and leap onto the canopy force-field of the nearby stair case to cut across and rejoin the other group.
The dream ends with a wide shot of Anakin running on a long skybridge over traffic with Obi-wan on the holo-gradient force-field serving as the skybridge's roof. The younglings trailing behind each of them and Depa keeping pace in the rear, spinning gracefully to deflect the occasional blaster bolt.
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hi! i got you for OC Bingo, so i thought i'd ask you some questions about your oc grim! 1. what is the biggest change coming from grim ending up in the star wars universe, given she knows how things originally play out?
2. what does grim miss most about her universe? does she ever regret staying in the star wars universe?
3. did you think about giving her any monikers besides The Oracle?
4. how has grim character changed the most since you first came up with her?
5. if she meets them, what is her relationship with rey, finn, and poe like?
1) The biggest change that Grim caused was likely saving Echo during the Citadel Arc as it would prevent him from joining the Bad Batch. Now I haven't watched that show due to the whitewashing and my support for the #unwhitewashtbb movement so I don't know exactly how much Grim affected with this change but I believe it was probably a lot from what I have gathered about the show.
2) Grim probably misses her family the most. Although when it comes to regrets about staying in Star Wars she doesn't regret that choice. It's something that's brought up in The Clone Wars Gets A New Victim:
"I saw my family again, I saw them, master. When I first decided to become a Jedi, I was awestruck, and yes, I was certain then when I made that decision, the fact that I may never return, I didn't consider that. Don't get me wrong, I don't regret it for an instant…but I can't help but wonder about everything I left behind in favor of this life."
- Grim Kennet in Chapter 14 of TCWGANV
3) Grim actually does go by another name while in hiding. She goes by Rue Kenobi. Especially because she spends 3 of those years hiding with Obi-Wan. Because they look related and have had people assume that they actually are during The Clone Wars they end up embracing it as their cover story on Tatooine.
4) Oh boy. Grim has changed a lot. At first she wasn't as pro-Jedi as she is now, and she was far more willing to kill Anakin. She also originally left the Jedi Order with Ahsoka. However now she is an avid defender of the Jedi, once almost starting a fight with someone for implying that The Clone Wars was the fault of the Jedi. She hesitates at the thought of killing Anakin all the way up until she sees the Jedi Temple after Order 66. She stays with Obi-Wan all the way through The Clone Wars and then for another 3 years. Also her fighting Sidious is no longer a joke. And she has a lot more trauma 😅
5) Unfortunately Grim is killed before The Sequel Trilogy takes place. However, if she did survive she would definitely end up adopting them and training both Finn and Rey.
Thank you so much for asking!
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bylightofdawn · 1 year
Awww I got my first spam bot comment inviting me to join some scammy discord community. -wipes tear- I finally made it, Ma.
Of course, I guess my thirsty-ass will take some empty comment about how I have 'great literary talent' all the same so thanks, scammer. But I wasn't born yesterday so I won't be clicking on your random scam link. Pfffft
In other news, I forgot it was Ahsoka night and now it's midnight and I am so full of mashed potato pancakes that I don't know if I'm up for staying up till 1am+ to watch it.
Also, not to be a horrible cliche and embarrassing white person but holy shit, were those mashed potato pancakes phenomenal.
My primarily Irish/Great Brittan ancestry might be showing a little too much here but fuck I love potatoes in general but something about mashed potato pancakes is just the perfect comfort food.
Tumblr media
Tell me that doesn’t look scrumptious as all hell.
Fuck I KNOW Rex isn't going to show up in this episode. But questioning if he's going to show up is gonna haunt me until I actually watch said episode. I've given up all hope of ever finding out what happened to Fenn Rau and have made peace with the knowledge he's prolly be killed off-screen and I'll prolly never know what happened to him but my desperation for Rex content has gotten this bad apparently that I will sacrifice sleep to find out.
EDIT: Or I can get like halfway through the episode and Spectrum can go down in an outage YET AGAIN like it has three other times this week alone after midnight. -flips all the tables-
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