#lilie’s chaos
lilieboo · 2 years
i am crying screaminn happy tears as we speak
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rinboking · 1 month
Razlili... RAZLILI!!!!
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Also a little headcannon I have! ↓
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Raz is very good when it comes to learning. (Like, he learns really fast!) But I think it would be funny if he struggled just a little to learn how to control and use his hydrokinesis.
I also like to think Lili would help him as much as she can.
I can imagine her shouting things like: "you can do it!", "Don't stop now, you're almost there!", "Almost! Try again!" And more, trying to cheer him up like those movie coaches with a megaphone.
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simandy · 4 months
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"Now what is left from me? An old widow with a child missing from my nest. Survival is a painful experience, I wish I had perished to the past, too."
The Yen Royal Family (before and after the war)
Queen "Solari" Yen
Prince Consort "Kiran" Yen (deceased)
Princess Amaris Yen
Princess Serena Yen
Prince Nevan Yen
Princess "Lily" Yen (deceased)
Prince Oliver Yen
Prince "Chaos" Yen
"With the multiple tragic outcomes for the Yen family, Princess Amaris is expected to depart from her former home in Lumina to fill the empty throne left by Princess Lily, in Luften. The same is told for Prince Chaos, the youngest, about his father's previous role as the prince of Ild. The queen has refused to give further explanations."
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bklily · 7 months
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Hey! Who let this guy in here?!
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etarripuitdiem · 3 months
specificaly i want friends like the marauders.
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James: *just having a casual conversation with Regulus in the hall*
Lily: "POTTER!" James: *his head turns on a swivel and his eyes go wide as he processes how she's running at him, full fucking speed* "Oh, Merlin no not agai-" Lily: *She then proceeds to grab him, and straight up suplex him into the ground before flipping him off and casually walking away as if nothing happened at all*
Regulus, standing over James with an amused smirk: "You alright down there?"
James, coughing, wheezing, and struggling to take a breath: "Oh yeah, love, just peachy."
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Because I want more chaos child reader, can you do headcannons of how the other ancients react to pure vanilla technically adopted them?
Sure thing! Sorry this took took a while this ask got sent to me. At 3 am my time, and I had to then go get my nails done in the morning lol
Prompt: headcanons
Characters: Dark Cacao, Hollyberry, Golden Cheese, White lily
Pronouns: They/Them for child of chaos
He finds it rather cute, I mean, to think a child born of chaos could be this dang adorable
Then, he hears you call pure vanilla dad, and this, is one of the only times, you will ever hear cacao snicker. That snicker turns into laughter.
He will give, (not good-) tips to Vanilla on parenting
Mainly how it’s good to teach you the art of sword wielding young, pure vanilla, doesn’t take this advice
He’s like, Gordon Ramsey, he will call his friends stupid, but when it comes to you, you can do no wrong. Turned the clouds into Cotten candy? You were just experimenting.
Idk why, I just, see cacao as being really good with kids. For being kinda not the best dad to choco, he really try’s.
He’s happy pure vanilla adopted you, and he’s glad you’re able to get the world and more.
Holly as soon as pure vanilla gets called dad, she just says. “I call dips on being the wine grandma.”
Will brag about you to pitaya, tarte tatin, basically anyone who will listen.
“Have you heard of my other grandchild? Now you have.”
She absolutely loves you! She takes you and princess cookie out on trips.
So. Many. Gifts
“No kiddo, you can’t have Berry juice just yet!”
White lily:
Like your mom. Pure vanilla is fine with this.
She encourages you to use your powers.
Absolutely adores you, she has taken you from pure vanilla before, pure vanilla was very sad :(
They find you the perfect type of kid for Pure vanilla!
She will help explain your magic to pure vanilla, helping him understand the different types of magic you use, and how to reverse it!
Would cry if you called her mama (/pos way)
Golden cheese:
Makes fun of pure vanilla in like the friend way.
Cool aunt, it will always happen. Canon event for cheese.
She will buy you anything. ANYTHING. Pure vanilla has no say anymore
New toys, clothes, she loves throwing little fashion shows with you.
She will teach you how to fly, you have wings like her after all!!
She absolutely loves spoiling you, she doesn’t call it spoiling rotten she calls it spoiling sweet! Pure vanilla will have to take you back. Cheese would totally just keep you lol
Hope you enjoy!
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prizzzyyy · 3 months
i need more on remus, lily and regulus' friendship.
like imagine, them talking about books for hours and hours, roasting each other, the GOSSIPING, roasting other people together, the snide remarks, the inside jokes to which they are smirking looking at each other mid conversations and the others are like " *-*?? ", them rolling their eyes simultaneously and...
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Could you do "How are you?" "I have been better" for those Jily prompts?? Im absolutely obsessed with your writing!
from this prompt list
James hasn’t been here in a week. 
That probably makes him a lousy Head Boy, but wasn’t he already anyway? Besides, he’s been so busy (kept himself so busy), there hasn’t been time to hole up in here in the way he’d grown accustomed to since Halloween. 
She hasn’t been avoiding the Head Office like he has, something he’s spent a ridiculous amount of hours turning over in his head. Is it because she knows he has the Map and won’t impede on her space? Is it because she wants him to find her there? Is it because she doesn’t care at all and isn’t as pathetically miserable as he is?
He pushes into the office, with the intent of getting some homework done in his break before lunch. He didn’t check the Map, but Lily has Potions anyway.
Or—he thought she did?
“Oh.” James freezes at the door. “I thought you—I can just…come back when—”
Lily shakes her head, a quick, anxious movement. “No, it’s fine. I was just leaving. Slughorn cancelled class so we can revise before—never mind. I finished the patrol schedule if you wanna glance over it before I send it out.” She slides the parchment across the desk toward him, but as soon as he starts moving toward her, the chair screeches loudly against the floor and she hurriedly rises. “You can just…” She takes a backwards step and gestures limply toward the parchment. “Leave any notes you have and I’ll…adjust it this evening.”
"Okay," James responds, his own unease palpable in the silence that follows.
“I’ll be back around eight,” she tells him, and he knows why.
“I have Quidditch anyway.”
“Right.” He hates the way her shoulders sag in relief. She grabs her bag from the floor and takes a step toward the door. “So I’ll just…”
“Well then, er…” Lily falters, her gaze flickering uncertainly toward the door. “Bye.”
“Wait!” James blurts out, the word escaping before he can stop it, and he immediately regrets his impulsiveness. He wants to kick himself or slam his head down on the desk or something because he's supposed to be done with this. This impulse, to act like an idiot every time she's in his general vicinity. The Lily Evans Effect, as Sirius calls it.
Lily stops, her hand hovering over the door, her expression curious yet guarded.
James swallows. “If you can hang on a second, I can…I can look over this and then you can get it sent out by…dinner.”
“Oh.” She reshoulders her bag, but gives a small nod. “Yeah, okay.”
He takes a seat at the spot she's just vacated and deliberately focuses on the parchment in front of him, determined to ignore, ignore, ignore the lingering scent of vanilla and oranges that she always carries with her. He hasn't been close enough to her to smell it for days, but it's like flying a broom, the way it comes back to him unbidden.
His eyes skim across the parchment, noting the familiar quirks of her handwriting. She always forgets to dot her 'i's, a detail he's found amusing since it's her own name. The cursive loops of the 'h's are large and exaggerated, evidence of her habit of going back over them. But she still doesn’t bother to dot the ‘i’s. It’s infuriating. He loves her so much.
“This looks good,” he says. “Is Parkinson still in the Hospital Wing?”
“Yeah, that’s why I—”
He nods, understanding. “Right, yeah, I see that.”
“Do you think—”
“No, I think this is better because—”
“Okay, that’s what I thought, but what if—”
“No, he’ll be fine. And if not he can just—”
“Fuck right off,” they both say simultaneously, locking eyes. He wants to laugh—or cry, maybe. It’s a fine line these days.
She looks like she’s on the verge of crying herself.
He rakes his hand through his hair and sinks back into the chair, a heavy sigh escaping him. “This is stupid. I don’t…” He looks back at her, his voice trailing off. “At least tell me…I—how are you?” His words emerge with careful deliberation, a sharp contrast to the frantic thudding of his heart.
“I’ve…been better,” she says softly, and maybe it makes him terrible, maybe it makes him a right prick, but somehow the misery in her admission gives him hope.
Straightening up, he leans toward her. “Lily—”
She cuts him off with a shake of her head, her eyes squeezing shut. Her fingers find the doorknob, a silent plea evident in her trembling form.
“Just—hang on a second, okay?” he presses. “Can we…I don’t know—”
“Please don’t, James.”
He groans, rising from the chair and pushing his glasses up the bridge of his nose. “Aren’t you miserable?”
“You know I am,” she sighs.
“Then let’s—” He stops as her hand twists on the doorknob. “Please.”
“Leave it, James.”
He lets his head drop between his hands. This is worse than before, worse than fifth year, and he just—he wants to hold her. Instead, he keeps his eyes on the floor, unable to watch as she leaves, again.
“Sunday,” she says suddenly.
He looks up, surprised to still see her standing there. “What?”
“I just need—the Potions practical is Thursday and you have a match Saturday, so we—let’s just get through the week and talk on…Sunday.” She looks at him expectantly. “Okay?”
“What kind of talk?”
“I don’t know, James,” she says, with a bit of exasperation. It’s halfway between genuine irritation and fondness, but James has never minded those odds before. “Let’s just see how we’re feeling after the weekend.”
“You know how I feel. You know I—”
“Will you still…are you going to the match?”
She fixes him with a frown then, and this time—he’s positive he sees fondness. “Just because things with us are…” She sighs. “I’m still a Gryffindor, aren’t I?”
And he just can’t help himself. The Lily Evans Effect. “Will you cheer for me?”
She laughs, in spite of herself, as she opens the door and James feels like he’s already won the match. “Sunday, Potter.”
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shares-a-vest · 5 months
Prompt: Mean Girls (Discord Drabble) "i'm on a bit of a writing hiatus" i say as i write something that is definitely not a drabble and want to write more of...
"What in the hell are you two doing?"
Steve and Robin turn in unison to find Erica standing on the other side of the front counter, one hand hovering over the bell, the other holding My Little Pony... Something.
And Robin is smart enough not to attempt to guess which outing in Equestria the younger Sinclair sibling is going to gallivant into this weekend.
"People watching," Robin shrugs.
"But..." Erica begins, giving Family Video a sweeping glance, "The store is full."
Robin tents her fingers, "The store might seem busy, my young friend. But we have entered, Limbo."
She wiggles her fingers in Erica's direction, but the kid swats her away.
"Meaning?" Erica asks.
"The store is filled with people who just got off work on a Friday Night," Robin explains, propping herself up on the counter with her elbows, "Lonely souls. Boys and girls getting ready to impress on Movie Date Night. Sleepovers. R&R time... Sensual adult – "
"Please do not finish that sentence," Erica interrupts, recoiling.
"Boom!" Steve beams, clicking his fingers before jotting a point on their inventory list-turned-scoresheet, "Penny from the Pharmacy just picked up a copy of Friday the 13th."
"Wait!" Robin yelps, rushing to her best friend and crowding him against the computer, "How could you have possibly guessed that?"
"Because she's dating that dickhead from the dry cleaners," Steve states as if it's totally obvious, "And he only rents horror shit. Plus, Friday is..."
He raises a brow expectantly, leaning into her side.
Robin sighs.
"Friday is Date Night."
"And yet, you lose," Steve teases and honestly, Robin wants to donk him on the noggin with their stupid clipboard.
Smug bastard.
"Can I be served!"
Robin snatches back the scoresheet, certain that Steve must be cheating. He cannot possibly have a perfect score!
She turns back to their demanding customer and finds Erica craning her neck to get a look at the clipboard.
"If you won't let me join in, that is," she adds with a challenging pout.
"Sure," Steve says, breathing down Robin's neck now, a grin evident in his voice, "Can't be any worse than Rob, here."
Robin swiftly elbows him in the stomach on her way to pick up the scanning gun.
She waves it around for a moment, carefully searching for the perfect candidate and soon settles for Scott Clarke.
"Mr Clarke..." she declares, slowly raising the scanner with an Ellen Ripley level of accuracy.
"Easy," Erica shrugs, "Mr Clarke is a boring nerd. I bet he watches documentaries in his spare time, on a Friday night, like a boring nerd."
They watch as Mr Clarke does, indeed, meander to the store's (very small) Documentary Feature section.
"Wait!" Steve panics, yanking back the clipboard, "I didn't have that."
"Oof..." Robin hums, pointing the scanner at her best friend and making a kapow noise.
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lilieboo · 2 years
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simping-4-voldemort · 11 months
Onion Headlines and Harry Potter Characters part 9/?
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gymjunkie412 · 8 months
🟣Chaos Dragon Slayer AU🟣 Part 18
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More characters yay! This time the sabers! The sabers just doing their random visits. Obviously, Chaos Natsu is not looking forward to it , but he still can talorate them.
Gajeel doesn't really mind them unless they mess with him. Happy is most excited ofcourse, he gets to talk with his exceed friends!
Lucy, of course, will have a girl chat with Yukino (I love their friendship so much).
This scenario is after the grand magic games.
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galacticghoste · 2 months
I really wanna see the conversation Tails and Cream had after Lily came into existence
I never really thought about that so thanks for suggesting it.
I don't think Cream would ask since all she knows is that Tails needs help and would want to help him. Since they are not in a romantic relationship (YET) when Lily came into existence, but Tails would tell her since she was willing to help him.
It would happen when both are in college and Cream would be Baby-Sitting to earn some extra money.
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I really don't draw these guy's enough so thx for reminding me.
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heybrownieboy · 25 days
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Next >
Of Chaos And Spirits Masterlist
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©️heybrownieboy 2024
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lapascale · 4 months
I just rewatched Tower of Sweet Chaos story and something kinda surprised me:
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So Dark Enchantress Cookie existed before White Lily Cookie... Maybe everyone knew it before and I'm just too stupid or I don't know a part of the lore (it may be in OvenBreak I don't know) but I have so many questions...
Dark Enchantress Cookie had an old body/vessel before... Who was it? Were they important? She must have tried to conquer the world before... what was her personality like? She's just an old spirit who gained the memories and the body of another Cookie, right? How much was she different from before? Is Dark Enchantress Cookie like just the embodiment/representation of Pure Evil? Then we can say that Dark Enchantress Cookie isn't really White Lily Cookie, DE has her own morals and personality and she existed before WL. Did the Ancients heard of her before the Night of the Witches? Like in history or something like that?
Or maybe I just misunderstood what she said...
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