#lily never forgets
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Miri: Papa Kazuki, thank you always!
Ah, Happy Mothers’ Day to Kazuki and everyone who celebrates it.
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Historians say they were the best of friends...
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pearlynia · 8 months
Canon is so scary like what do you mean Sirius black spent more time Azkaban than with his friends
What do you mean the marauders didn't live happily ever after with their lovers
What do you mean Sirius and Regulus never fixed their relationship and died thinking one hated the other
What do you mean Peter wasn't the cool uncle who bakes cake for Harry and Luna
What do you mean Lily Evans wasn't a swiftie and will never know who Taylor Swift is
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stars4sole · 4 months
i hope your rest is uncomfortable voldy, but I just KNOW you would've hated dorlily raising harry (his 3 biggest fears all together)
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fatherfigureneeded · 2 months
sirius black loved The Rocky Horror Picture Show. i don't make the rules. he loved it at a late muggle film night, as soon as the lips came on screen and started singing Science Fiction/Double Feature, and he loved it when he walked out of the theater, gushing about Dr. Frank N Furter's magnificent outfits.
he wanted to dress up as him for halloween the first chance he got, and if you want to make this depressing, you can think that the halloween he was planning on dressing up was 1981, and everyone was going as someone
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espejonight28738 · 11 months
Do y'all ever read a fic and be like. This author not only had a hetalia phase, I am certain they read George DeValier fics. They read the veraverse.
It's not the plot, it's not a specific quote, but there is something. Something about it. I will not ask for confirmation because being wrong would be too embarassing and I would have to delete my social media presence from all the internet, but I still know. I see you, author.
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moonyfr · 6 months
Forget-me-nots (Jegulus one-shot)
(326 Words)
Every Saturday since James read about Regulus' death in the daily prophet, he'd gone to the ocean.
Every Saturday since James read Regulus had been killed for trying to leave the death eaters, he'd brought a flowers. Forget-me-nots.
Every Saturday since James read that Regulus didn't even have a body to bury, he put the flowers in the water.
This Saturday was no different.
Once James was done with all his duties for the day he apparated to the shore he always went to. It had been a long day, the stars were already shining bright in the sky by the time he arrived. He walked over the sand, flowers in hand, and sat down by the water, the waves occasionally drifting over his feet. He looked at the water, saw the stars that reflected themselves in it, and looked up at the actual stars in the sky, letting out a deep breath and closing his eyes for a moment.
He began talking, about his day, what he'd done, how he felt about it. Pretending as if Regulus was there to hear it. For a moment he let himself believe that was true. That Regulus wasn't dead. That they never broke up, because Regulus was never a death eater. That they were on the same side of this stupid war. That they still talked regularly, and that Regulus was sitting beside him, listening to him talk now. But when he opened his eyes again, Regulus wasn't there. Of course not. Regulus was dead. There wasn't even a body.
He sighed and and lifted his hand, gently letting the flowers down on the water. Watching as they float away, imagining that maybe, somehow, they'd find their way to Regulus anyway, before he stood up and apparated home again. Knowing that was unrealistic and childish. What he didn't know was that somewhere, under the water of a dark cave, lay Regulus body with blue petals in it's hair.
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squash1 · 1 year
my perfect, beautiful, never done anything wrong, body burying gang <3
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heartbrake-hotel · 2 years
guys e!twt might really have us beat w their elvies awards event fr bc this is the funniest shit ive Ever seen
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(voting is open here if anyone cares💕 it's fun as HELL) for anyone still asking, voting is now closed ! results will be posted on saturday, 04Feb2023 by .. uh idk actually, either anita or bee, the event forerunners !! check the #elvies tag on twitter for updates i suppose i dunno y’all i don't go here either 💫
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umilily · 6 months
waking up from a poorly timed nap to my friend once more making the worst possible life choices
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arkhammaid · 5 months
4/27 is nazunas birthday !!
remember when he lost the thighs poll against jason
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loserboyfriendrjl · 2 years
when i die, don't look for me in the sunsets...
sirius — look for me in the sky. i know it's a cliché, but there is where you will see me. am i scared of death? no, of course not. i am endless, i am invincible, i am bright; i am the brightest star, actually. i will reach out for you, and i will light up your way. you will find me.
james — look for me in the sky. you will see the sun, bright and scorching. i will warm you up when you will grieve for me, and i will bring closure to you. i might be gone, but i haven't left you alone. i am here, still. and i always will be.
remus — look for me in the river. see the stones, smooth and cold. look at the water, running. its way is freedom, isn't it? it's all ended; it's over. however, that does not mean you can't go on. fall in love. live. without me. we'll meet again soon.
peter — look for me somewhere quiet. there is beauty in quiet, although some people can't see it. it's peaceful. come sit with me, won't you? death is imminent, of course; however, why won't we make the most of life?
dorcas — look for me in my lover's arms. i have been deceived so many times, death does not scare me anymore; it's the last bit of closure i have. look for me in the little things, where i hide. many do not see me, yet i am here. you just have to look for me.
lily — look for me at home. everything has a start and an ending, and i am always coming back. look for me where i can be myself, where everything is warm. look for me at home. maybe, one day, it will be ours to share.
mary — look for me somewhere bright. the sky, maybe. or somewhere colourful. it helps me forget how alone i am, really. i forget about the loneliness that aches in me. someday, i wish you'd search for me. for now, grieve.
marlene — look for me somewhere loud. it helps me forget. scared of death? of course, so i don't think of it. i let myself be washed away with adrenaline, pumped through my brain, and with a moment of pleasure. life is short, after all.
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enbysiriusblack · 1 year
i bet you think about me is so regulily fr
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kevindavidday · 10 months
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james potter in choices by messermoon
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suntoru · 1 year
does anyone else get like depresso espresso when their favourite tv show ends
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