#lindsay and tyler can do no wrong ever
wheredidalltheusersgo · 9 months
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Total Drama Future designs 12 and 13!
Tyler and Lindsay are 38 in this AU
They remained a couple after the show ended and became a major celebrity couple, even though they're completely oblivious to the paparazzi.
Tyler is only a little bit better at sports, while Lindsay does a lot of fashion modeling.
They never officially got married, but they might as well be.
They wanted kids, but they learned that Lindsay couldn't have any of her own. Fortunately, they could make an arrangement with Geoff for him to be their surrogate, since they already had a romantic relationship with him and Bridgette.
On June 12th, 2013, Lindsay and Tyler got to meet their son, Wayne. They also agreed to share custody of him with Geoff, since he was still Wayne's biological father.
They're happy to have Geoff as an active part of Wayne's life, and they really do love him.
They're all dumb as rocks, but they're a happy family nonetheless.
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kookidough · 8 months
AGRGAGRGAV i always ponder how alenoah reunion would go because like . it could go So many different ways
like how do they feel about each other now?? i always feel like after world tour is over, noah’s irritation would fizzle out and he’d be back to winning the idgaf war, accepting that in the end it was just a game and alejandro ended up playing better than him
alejandro’s feelings on the subject feel more complex to me like. does he accept the fact that, while noah’s words were harsh, they held some truth?? i view his reaction to noah talking behind his back as very telling of how close they were (despite the relatively short amount of time they spent together)
personally i think that pre-london they were close friends because they could match each other’s humour/wit, like how they laugh at tyler on the runway and when alejandro tells a mean-spirited joke regarding lindsay’s intelligence he tells it to noah, and Cmon guys, i know it was a team challenge but they still spent like 18 hours traversing the amazon together i just know they bonded during that!!! i wont even get into the fact that they’re always standing next to each other / hanging out in the background because i will be a pigeon pecking at crumbs and ive already gone off topic from the original reunion idea
anyway i think alejandro was mad because he thought he could consider noah a friend but he can see noah maybe doesnt feel the same way + hes a threat anyway soooo bye bye noah, question is would he hold a grudge over it and if yes then how long for
and what r they doing in their lives now when they meet again?? is alejandro still with heather or did that doomed relationship crash and burn (again)? is noah with emma or did things not work out after the race? and of course this differs depending on which world tour ending you’re going for, because is alejandro finally a winner or does his family still view him as the runner up they’ve always seen him as, second place silver in a robot suit, never quite good enough for gold (had to go off topic again, burromuerto family angst Gets Me)
would they miss the brief friendship they had? does noah ever meet a contestant on another one of him and owen’s reality shows and get a fleeting reminder of alejandro when they flirt or flash him a smile? does he get tired of no one else being on his wavelength and cast his mind back to that one boy that was? does alejandro ever turn on the tv and spot noah on one of those dumb shows?? and if he does what does he think?
ough i got off topic so many times i love thinking abt them in the future, they dont even have to reunite i also enjoy the bittersweet angst of right people wrong time/place… i think things would’ve been better for them if a million dollars wasn’t on the line
also i am not reading all this before i post it so if there are mistakes or it doesnt make sense then . pretend u didnt see it ^_^
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tylejandro · 2 days
I found this "TDI survey" from 2008 and filled it out! You can too here.
Penname: Cavewomania
Age (optional; if you want use interval ranges like 1-100, etc): early 20s
Gender: Female
Location/Hometown (simply stating US or Canada is a'right): US
How did you start watching TDI?: I heard it was similar to Danganronpa, so I watched it when it was on Netflix.
If so, how did you become hooked/what episode got you hooked?: This question applied way better back in the day, but I got into TD again after 4 years of not caring about it much because I saw how many fics were coming out for Alenoah in 2023 and I was like “who’s Alejandro?” Now I’m here.
When did you first see it?: 2019
Favorite episode: In terms of fanworks, I See London. But I should really rewatch Island, it has some pretty good episodes.
Least Favorite episode: Hard to say? I don’t like a lot of the episodes necessarily but I’ve had a lot of fun rewriting some for my Aletyler WT fic. My Island knowledge is rusty and I’ve never wanted to really watch Action for some reason, I’ve only seen around the first four episodes.
I’ve heard Sundae Muddy Sundae sucks?
Favorite Gopher: Owen
Least favorite Gopher: Justin?
Favorite Bass member: Tyler, though I didn’t care for him until WT – during Island I liked Courtney.
Least Favorite Bass member: Ezekiel
Arrange the characters (including Chef and Chris) in order from most favorite to least:
Oh shit uhhh
1. Alejandro
2. Owen
3. Heather
4. Tyler
5. Noah
6. Gwen
7. Duncan
8. Leshawna
9. Courtney
10. Eva
11. Bridgette
12. Geoff
13. Lindsay
14. Sierra
15. Cody
16. DJ
17. Trent
18. Harold
19. Beth
20. Izzy
21. Justin
22. Ezekiel
23. Sadie
24. Katie
25. Blaineley
26. Chef
27. Chris
-ish, this is not a scientific list.
Which character(s) are you most like?: Beth & Tyler. I see a good amount of my young self in Beth.
Are you truthfully, really really obsessively in love with any of the characters?: Nope
If so, who?: I mean Alejandro is my fave, I just wouldn’t say ‘in love’? I’ve cosplayed as him.
Are you on crack?: Thankfully no.
Have you ever been to a mental hospital?: Hm.
Plot Questions..
Who let the dogs out?: Bark!
What came first, the chicken or the egg?: Egg first makes the most sense.
Why is the plane crashing?: It’s just thirsty.
Were you surprised when Owen won?: I don’t recall but I like that he did.
Did you see HxL coming at all?: Nope.
Did you expect Harold had gotten Courtney eliminated before they showed that scene?: I don’t recall.
Did you cry when one of your favorites got voted off?: Nope. Man I should really rewatch this show...
Did you laugh when any of your least favorites got voted off?: Most likely.
Character questions..
Your opinion of Chris Maclean: ‘Maclean’, ha!
He’s my least favorite but he’s fine. I think he’ll grow on me eventually but for now he’s just kind of there.
Does Chef creep you out, even the tiniest bit?: I guess?
Does Chef's cooking creep you out, uhm, alot?: I guess? Is something wrong with me, I didn’t really react to it.
Do you feel sorry for Heather?: She had it coming in Island – I really didn’t like her in Island and it was only until WT that I came around to her..
Why or why not?: see above
Has your opinion of any of the characters changed over the course of the show?: Absolutely. Harold used to be my favorite and I think Cody was my second favorite. Coming back to the show (because I changed so much as a person in between 2019 and 2023) was like a clean slate, though I shipped Nowen before because I’ve always liked both Noah and Owen.
Were you mad at Harold for switching the votes?: No, I don’t think so. I thought it was kind of cool.
Ezekiel or Eva: Eva. No contest.
Noah or Justin: Noah
Katie or Tyler: LMAO
Apples or Oranges: Oranges, they’re not huge like apples often are.
Izzy or Cody: Cody. Izzy’s really hard to write.
Beth or Sadie: Beth
Courtney or Harold: Shit – Courtney.
Trent or Bridgette: Bridgette
Lindsey or DJ: Lindsay
Geoff or Lewshana: Leshawna
Duncan or Heather: Heather
Gwen or Owen: Owen
Opinion of Trent/Gwen: They have some good chemistry, I like them aesthetically, and I’ve read some one-shots focusing on them, but ultimately I prefer them with other characters.
Opinion of Duncan/Courtney: They’re neat and I like how popular they are. If I was naturally more into F/M ships I’d like these two a lot maybe.
Opinion of Geoff/Bridgette: Aesthetically pleasing, but ultimately more interesting with other people in fanworks.
Opinion of Harold/Leshawna: I don’t like them together TBH, I prefer Leshawna/Heather or Leshawna/Courtney. For Harold, IDK, Harold/Ezekiel?
Opinion of Tyler/Lindsey: Aesthetically pleasing, but ultimately more interesting with other people in fanworks. Also Alejandro/Tyler is my favorite pairing in this series so I’m biased to be annoyed by this one – I ship Lindsay more with Trent than with Tyler.
Opinion of Owen/Izzy: I can see it, but also… IDK? Izzy is hard to ship with people and I really like Nowen.
Since Noah/Cody IS TOTALLY CANON WHETHER YOU LIKE IT OR NOT, your opinion of NxC: They can be cute, and I’ve enjoyed fanworks of them, but I prefer both characters with other people. I simply don’t care about Cody too much.
Opinion of FANON: The shit.
If any, favorite fanon couples: Aletyler, Nowen, Duncowen, Djuncan, Lesheather, Gwourtney, Ezzy (as in Ezekiel/Izzy), Trindsay, DJ x Lindsay, Heatherra, Gweather, etc etc. Doing the ‘ship every character with one another challenge’ helped me expand my range a little. I even ship Gwody a little now – freaky.
Misc. Questions..
We're talking 100, 000 dollars. Would you be a contestant on Total Drama Island?: Hell no.
Would you jump off a thousand foot cliff into a lake full of hungry sharks?: Nope.
Would you be offended by Ezekiel's sexist remarks?: I wouldn’t be offended I’d just be annoyed and I would vote him out as soon as I could.
Would you last two days without any sleep?: I’ve tried, but to no success thankfully. A little over 24 hours is my max.
Are you good at dodgeball?: It’s been a while, I think I’d be okay at dodging but shit with aim.
How many times do you suspect you might possible be hit in the face?: ? I can’t punch to save my life.
Any special talents?: Hm, I can sneak up on people?
Would you join Heather's alliance?: No I’d hate Heather.
If you saw Izzy in a bear-suit (ONLY YOU DON'T KNOW IT'S IZZY!) during the camping episode, your first reaction: Oh shit is that a bear.
Your biggest fear: Naked in public? But to keep things in tone with the show I’d say being yelled at/being threatened after I’ve seemingly had a decent conversation with a person. (Can you tell I work in customer service?…)
If you recieved a heart-shaped coin purse given by Geoff, you: Give it back and hope he understands I’m not interested – I think he would.
Do you believe in 'bad luck'?: No but I think I’d avoid people with ‘bad luck’ if I thought I’d be annoyed by them/injured by them.
xD Can YOU take the heat?: I can follow directions but otherwise can’t cook really.
Would you get along with the rest of the campers?: As a 20 something, no. As a 16 year old, I’d be so confused with my own boundaries that I wouldn’t want to upset anyone – overall a worse way to deal with people.
Bootcamp. Your first reaction: Fuck.
Can you handle free-falling 5000 feet in the air?: AHHHHHHHHH
OMG, Harold saw your b***. You: Oops.
Were you able to eat the same way again the first few days after seeing the Brunch-of-Disgustingness ep?: Yeah, it’s cartoon food to me.
Would you be happy to see Eva and Izzy back?: It’s been a while. Wow I’m terrible at answering these.
Trent's elimination, your reaction: See above
Would you vote Bridgette off because she smelled really bad?: Yeah, I’d want the money.
Would you do well during the bike challenge?: That challenge is so confusing, I’d want to do well so I’d aim to get first.
Would you tell off Heather if you were Lindsey? (Simple enough): I wouldn’t have the guts...
Horror movies, yay or nay? No, though to be fair I never watch scary movies so maybe it wouldn’t be too bad.
Robotic racoon armies? Suddenly cute little animals don't seem as friendly: Sounds like a TF2 thing – maybe I could tame the raccoons with sour cream...
Out of the finally six, who would you least want to be chained to?: Duncan.
Your opinion on Mr. Coconut: Can I eat it?
Your opinion on sticky buns: I looked in the thread this survey came from and apparently this is just a random question. Eh? I prefer other sweets like cinnamon rolls.
Your opinion on Heather's haircut: Honestly kind of relatable – I shaved my own head a couple of years ago and it was difficult and messy. It was my own choice though so I can’t relate to Heather on that front.
Before you found out who the winner was, Owen or Gwen? I was on Team Gwen.
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crazycoke-addict · 1 year
Total Drama World Tour Elimination (who voted for whom)
Walk like an egyptain Part 2- Ezekiel
Leshawna voted for Ezekiel because of him loosing the stick.
Lindsay didn't know what she was supposed to do so she basically stamped all their passports.
Bridgette voted for Ezekiel because of him loosing the stick.
Harold voted for Ezekiel because of him loosing the stick. He also seems upset even though it was his idea to poke the crocodile with the stick
Ezekiel voted for DJ because it has somehing to do with the curse believing in the long haul, DJ cost his teams a lot of lost if he ever keeps hurting animals.
DJ voted unknown. He appears to have a hard time picking who to vote, but it's likely he voted for Ezekiel.
Happy Funtime Japan- Harold
While Harold does quit, it's possible that it was DJ who was going to go home.
Lindsay voting is unknown since she really didn't vote at all.
Bridgete voting is unknown. She see her stamping a passport but the photo was covered by the stamp. She would likely voted either Harold or DJ. I think she voted for Harold since she was annoyed with him when they were making the commercial.
DJ voted for himself. He felt so guilty of what happened to the panda and want to stop the curse.
Leshawna voting was unknown since she was undecided between Harold and DJ. My guess is that she voted DJ since she was getting tired of the curse.
Harold most likely voted for himself. Earlier Alejandro is seen talking to Harold by mentioning about doing what he believes is honor and that it would make Leshawna love him.
We see a panda voting DJ. While his vote should not be taken seriously, back in Total Drama Island when Leshawna got eliminated, a bird said her name twice and chris accepted it as a vote.
Anything Yukon Do I can do better- Bridgette
Leshawna voted for Bridgette because she cost the team to loose by not going with the plan.
Bridgette possibly voted for DJ due to the animal curse.
Lindsay may have voted for Bridgette since she got cost them to loose.
DJ may have voted for himself or Bridgette but I'm leaning towards Bridgette. Because she cost them to loose.
Slap Slap Revolution- Leshawna
Lindsay voted for Leshawna due to her hurting Heather and in possible fear on who she might hurt next.
DJ voted for Leshawna due to her hurting Heather and in possible fear on who she might hurt next.
Leshawna voted for DJ because she was getting annoyed with the animal curse.
The Am-AHHH-Zon Race- this was an reward challenge but Heather was likely to be eliminated.
Courtney voted for Heather as seen in the confessional. Her, Gwen and Seirra conspired with each other.
Gwen voted for Heather as seen in the confessional. Her, Courtney and seirra conspired with each other.
Seirra voted for Heather as seen in the confessional. It is likely that she was going to vote for Gwen, but Gwen made a promise to stop being nice to cody.
Heather voted for Gwen as seen in the confessional. Gwen saying that this was their lucky day and led them to the wrong path.
Cody voted for Seirra as seen in the confessional. Seirra has been harassing and rummaging his belongings.
Falling in Lourve- Lindsay
Since there was only two members in Team Victory. Chris decided a fashion judgement. The Judges liked DJ's design more than Lindsays.
Jamaica Me Sweat- Izzy and DJ
Izzy was through injury due to the plane falling on her and she discovered Time Travel. The army came to take her.
DJ was the only member of Team Victory.
I See London- Noah
Chris says that Noah had three votes against him but the voting doesn't make sense.
Alejandro voted for Noah. Alejandro watched them doing the challenge and heard Noah calling him a slippery Eel.
Tyler voted for Noah. Alejandro definitely conspired with Tyler to voted for Noah. Tyler saw Alejandro as his friend also.
Noah voted for Alejandro. The reasoning that Noah doesn't trust Alejandro and is shown to bad mouth about him.
Owen voting is unknown. He didn't vote for Noah becauae he seemed upset when he was eliminated and in the next episode, he mentions Alejandro and Tyler conspired to vote noah off. It's possible that he voted for Alejandro, but later on up until his elimination. He hasn't realise that Alejandro is the bad guy. I'm going to guess that he voted for Tyler.
The only way for Noah to have the 3 votes is if Duncan voted for him. But Duncan just returned and was just put in team chris is reallyx4 hot. So Chris must've miscounted.
Greece's Pieces- so, an intern ended up getting pushed however its likely that it was Duncan.
Alejandro voted for Duncan. Alejandro manipulated tyler tell everyone what happened between Gwen and Duncan. I think he saw Duncan as a threat.
Tyler voted for Duncan. In the next episode, Tyler is shown his distaste towards Duncan due to him cheating on Courtney.
Owen likely voted for Tyler. He was relief when Duncan was allowed to say. I think he choose Tyler because lost the tie-breaker.
Duncan wasn't around but my guess is that he voted Tyler since he told everyone about him and Gwen.
X Files- Tyler
Alejandro voted for Tyler because tyler wasn't a value as an alliance. He also promised Duncan
Duncan voted for Tyler because of his injuries. He and alejandro did make a promise that Alejandro didn't vote him off.
Owen most likely voted for Tyler. Throughout the episode, Alejandro has put owen in a hypnosis so it's possible that Alejandro hypnotise owen into voting for Tyler.
Tyler voted for Duncan. He doesn't like Duncan that much due to him hurting Courtney.
Picnic at hanging dorks- Gwen
This ended in a tiebreaker where Courtney and Gwen had to feed hungry baby koala eucalyptus. Gwen lost because she's allergic to eucalyptus which something that Chris would know.
Courtney voted for Gwen in revenge for Gwen kissing Duncan.
Seirra voted for Gwen because of the whole boyfriend kisser but it's likely so if Gwen is out of the game than Cody focus on her.
Gwen voted for Courtney. Gwen knew that Courtney was out to get her and is going to vot her off. So, she needed to send courtney home first.
Heather voted for Courtney. Heather was getting tired of Courtney making them loose and how Alejandro has all of sudden flirting with Courtney.
Cody voted for Seirra. Cody was orginally suppose to be voting Courtney in order to make Gwen happy and noticed her. Cody was drugged up and was out of it. You don't really see a stamp in any of the passports so I think Chris intentionally made it into a tie-breaker.
Sweden Sour- this turn out to be an rewards challenge but it would've been likely that Courtney was gonna be eliminated.
Heather was gonna vote for Courtney due to Alejandro flirting with Courtney and completely ignoring her.
Seirra was gonna vote for Courtney with reasons unknown. I think she was still holding grudge towards Courtney where she insulted Cody back in Greece.
Cody was gonna vote for Courtney. I think it was to redeem himself since he didn't vote for her back in Australia.
Courtney most likely voted Heather or Cody. For Heather, she's been butting heads with her whether it be because of Alejandro or because of leadership. For Cody, she probably doesn't see him as a valuable teammate and he used their stuff to built Gwen's face.
Niagara Brawls- Owen
Alejandro voted for Owen because he was threatened by Owen's popularity and it been and Owen was starting to become aware of him.
Seirra voted for Owen. After Alejandro witnsessed Seirra successfully getting Cody to say I do. Alejandro convinced Seirra to vote for Owen.
Cody voted for Seirra. It's because she keeps harassing him.
Heather voted for Owen. Heather want to vote for Courtney but since owen got immunity. Heather had to vote off Owen due to his popularity was a threat.
Owen voted for Heather. I don't have a reason why.
Blainley voted for Seirra. Mainly because Seirra pulled on her hair extensions during the tight rope challenge.
Courtney voted for Owen. Alejandro probably seduced her and his popularity was a threat.
Duncan voted for Heather. I can't explain why since I don't think he vote off Owen because since Owen was his ally.
Chinese fake-out- Courtney and Blainley.
While was not meant to be a double elimination ended up becoming one because of the producers hounding on chris about the budget.
Alejandro voted for Blainley due to Heather wanting her gone.
Heather voted for Blainley because two were butting heads and she wasn't playing the game fair because Blainley illegal alliance with Chef.
Duncan voted for Courtney because this could be to get revenge for Gwen and them hating each other.
Cody voted for Seirra even though she had immunity.
Blainley voted for Courtney. Reasons are unknown.
Courtney voted for Blainley to repay Alejandro for helping her when the tricycle got stuck.
Seirra voted for Courtney which I can't explain why but it could be how Courtney insults Cody.
African Lying Safari- Duncan
Alejandro voted for Duncan because of his alliance with Heather by taking down the most threatening player.
Heather voted for Duncan becauae her alliance with Alejandro and to taken down the most threatening player.
Cody voted for Seirra because you know why as this point.
Seirra voted for Heather because she probably blames Heather when the monkeys took Cody.
Duncan voted for Alejandro because of him being a threat to the game.
Awww, Drumheller- Seirra.
Originally Alejandro was gonna get the boot since Heather, Cody and Seirra voting him off when they realise what was happening. But because of Seirra accidentally blowing up the plane. She ended up getting disqualified by Chris.
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12colors · 1 year
TD All'n'Awful - "Even Bigger Sleep - part 1"
First shot we see are the two trailers. One has males from both Explosive Eagles and Ferocious Ferrets, while the other has females from both theese teams.
We get the glance inside the male one, where Geoff, Scott, Ripper and Bowie from Explosive Eagles, and Tyler, Harold, Sam and Zee from Ferocious Ferrets are sleeping.
In the female one, there are Katie, Courtney, Blainley, Dawn and Nichelle from Explosive Eagles, and Leshawna, Sierra, Zoey, Scary Girl and Priya are.
Well, something is off, but I can't put my finger on it...
Anyway, the camera shows the face of Scary Girl, who is sleeping on the lower bed.
Her pet skull is next to her head.
Her eyes open instantly, in a clasic „jumpscare-like” way.
Camera changes a different perspective, showing Dawn, standing next to Dawn's bed,
Scary Girl:
Hey, that's pretty cool!
Dawn: Caught off-guard and Confused
Scary Girl:
The only thing you are missing is fitting design!
Zoey: Lying in her bed, awoken by them
Guys, If you wanna talk in this hour, do it outside.
Scary Girl:
Oh? Did we wake you up?
I can make it so you never ever wake up!
Umm... No thanks?
Yeah, let's go outside.
Scary Girl instantly stands up from her bed, fully clothed, and grabs her pet skull.
She and Dawn get outsde.
So... What did you mean when you said that I needed a fitting design?
Scary Girl:
We are gonna take care of that someday else.
Now I have a pretty cool idea...
Camera moves to the 2 Cabins. One For Deadly Deer, and 2nd for Aggressive Ants.
We first focus on the Deadly Deer one.
Inside the male room, there are Justin, DJ, Owen, B and Raj, all sleeping.
Inside the female room, there are Sadie, Jo and Millie...
Something is wrong, but I can't put my finger on it...
We then move the outside of Aggressive Ants' Cabin.
= Izzy's Confessional =
You know what's best in my team?
= End of the Confessional =
We are then shown the inside of the Guy's part of the Cabin. We hear loud random noises from Izzy's side, and everyone is awake, except Ezekiel.
Somebody has to go there, and shut her up.
No way! She is gonna kill us!
Lighning needs his 8 hours of sleep!
Then go to her.
I ain't afraid of no spider!
Lightning goes outside the room. The rest wait in suspense until they hear something.
Lightning: from the other room
Hey! Listen there you- AAAAAAAAAAA
Multiple hitting and Banging sounds
We get a glance at the boy's worried faces (Ezekiel is still asleep)
But after a few moments, Lightning barely returns.
Just as he enters the room, he falls on the floor.
I'm sha-faliure!
And he either loses conciousness or falls asleep, lying on the floor.
One final glance at others' worried faces.
We then move into Cruel Crows' Mansion. First we see where the girls sleep, where Beth, Lindsay, Gwen and Julia are sleeping. After that we go to guys room, where Noah, Mike, Caleb and Wayne are asleep.
We focus on Mike, before going into a transition inside Mike's brain.
Not-real Mike is sitting there, on a not-real rock, eating not-real popcorn. There is a cloud in front of him, which he watches. It's a dream cloud.
In the dream, in-dream Mike and in-dream Zoey are in a small, in-dream woodhouse, in the in-dream forest. It's raining outside in-dream.
They are eating something, talking (muted), and just when they are about to kiss...
a in-dream Lightning strikes, and in-dream Mal apears behind in-dream Mike.
Not-real Mike get's scared, and falls behind from the not-real Rock.
We get out of the Mike's head, to see him, wake up with cold sweat.
He looks around the room, and sees where he is.
Man, I need a glass of water.
Mike walks out of the room, and into the kitchen, to see Dakota, sleeping sitting on the floor of the kitchen.
He tries moving through her very carefully, to not wake her up.
Camera then moves to Bloody Beavers, who are in the forest. Everyone are asleep, except for Cameron, who is standing there, looking around.
About 15 more minutes, and It's gonna be MK's shift.
And no monsters in the horison!
He is quite glad.
Until he hears giggling in somewhere in the forest.
The giggling seems to be repeating and echoing around him.
Then, a skull with makeup apears in front of him. He is clearly stressed out, and starts backing off, until he bumps his back onto someone.
Camera zooms out to show that it's Dawn.
Cameron: Clearly relieved.
Oh, thank god it's you.
Then we see Scary Girl, coming out of the forest towards them.
Scary Girl:
You ruined it!
Oh? Sorry?
It was you?
Wait... Are you the one who gave us the meat?
Scary Girl:
What meat?
Cameron points at the empty bloody bag from the preious episode.
Scary Girl:
No... Which contestant's blood it is?
Oh! It wasn't a contestant. It was deer meat.
Dawn got closer to the bag
Poor thing... I can feel the life this blood carried.
Well, someone else already killed it, and left us this bag with just the meat, so there was nothing stopping us from eating it, since it was... well... dead.
Scary Girl:
Maybe let's look around for the corpse of that deer?
Maybe let's not.
I can't anyway. I have to be here, and do my shift.
Scary Girl:
You guys are no fun. Fine! I will look... myself.
She picked up her skull and went back to the forest with her, hopping around.
La la la la la la...
I better get back to my trailer, and catch some sleep...
See you during the challenge.
She walks into the forest.
But he gets scared by the last giggle from Scary Girl.
Camera zooms out, and we see the entire island.
Fast forward effect, until 7am.
We then see the inside of the controll room.
Chris turns on the mic, puts on the air-horn, and in front of that, a megaphone. He presses the air-horn, waking everyone up.
Chris then speaks through the microphone.
Rise and shine campers! I want to see every team, outside, in 5 minutes.
Camera goes to outside the Cabins. Few contestants come out of trailers.
Not only we were sleeping on paper thin matresses, Now Chris wakes us in 7am!
I need my Half-fat, no-foam latte steamed to 102 heat
Yeah, How are you gonna get that?
That's it! We are gonna win today's challenge and get the mansion! At any cost!
Cut to all teams standing grouped in front of the cabins, and by that, I mean the center of the campground. Chris arrives.
Okay, let's make a small check before the challenge. Let's start with out previous winners: Cruel Crows! I see that everyone is well rested... Maybe with one exception...
It's true, and the exception is dakota
= Mike's Confessional =
Well, It might sound weird at first, but Dakota asked me to do a confession for her.
Y'know... cause she won't fit in here.
She wanted to just say that
He takes out a note, and make an „Ekhem” sound
„Don't worry, a good Latte will put me right on my feet”
Man, She really need a better way to sleep.
= End of the Confessional =
Moving to Deadly Deer... You guys seem fine...
And now... Aggressive Ants, what happened?
While Deadly Deer look perectly fine, most of Aggressive Ants look half dead.
Damien: Points at Izzy
This thing over there, was doing only God knows what for almost the most of the night. We got like 3-4 hours of sleep man... Well, someone there seems to have been lucky.
Glances at Ezekiel
= Ezekiel's Confessional =
I live on a farm, eh?
I had to get used to a lot of noise.
That's why I always carry theese!
Shows his earplugs to the camera.
= End of the Confessional =
Explosive Eagles and Ferrocious Ferrets, you guys seem fine too...
And let's see how the night in the forest treated Bloody Beavers...
We take a glance at Bloody Beavers, who look suprisingly fine... Except Bridgette.
Suprisingly well! Did none of the forest creatures attack you at night?
We had Eva. Nothing that wanted to live would aproach us.
You are welcome.
When are we gonna eat? I'm starving here.
Did you already forget? The worst team will have to serve the food themselves, from the forest, until other team will replace them as the new worst team.
BUT! I will be nice enough to serve all of you a breakfast, after you all wake up.
And for that, I have a challenge. To raise your blood flow, everyone has to do a mandatory 20km run around the lake.
So you guys better run, If you wanna eat something.
Challenge 1 – the run around the lake.
So there are some groans, but everyone runs or walks away.
= Sierra's Confessional =
I wonder how many people remember the order of challenges.
Like today is gonna be insominatron, where they were running around the lake, like we are doing today. After that will be big, wonderful breakfast, like in the original episode. And after that, will be the insominatron itself.
If I had to guess the people who will know that, I would say... Priya... and maybe Trent or Eva. And I m not suprised that not many out of them remembers. In their place, I would wanna erase theese awful memories out of my mind ASAP. Wait... I am in their place right now... Doesn't matter.
What matters is that i should be running right now, and not wasting time here...
Well, it's better for me to just walk, and not get tired, cause y'know...
= End of the Confessional =
The camera shows Eva running, and we hear a familiar voice behind her.
Eva! Wait!
Eva stops, and sees her entire team running up to her.
Okay, everyone here? Great. We have to stick together, and we have to finish this race as group. Let's start slowly at first, to save up energy for the finish.
Why do I have to stick to you guys?
So we have SOME people who might not even survive simply walking 20 kilometers.
She points behind her at Staci, Cameron and MK
I'm pretty sure that we have to get the whole team across, so our team will finish the race, as the last person finishes. We can't risk only one person losing us the challenge, so if we stick together, we will know, when someone will need our help and not fall behind.
Well, I could use some help, later on the race... I don't think that this body will handle this long of a distance.
Wasn't this challenge like... a reward challenge?
Maybe... But we still can't leave people behind, and risk losing again.
Okay, now Imagine this...
Ton of other contestants, who will be way faster than us, get to the finish line.
Chris welcomes them: „Congrats, here is the reward”, and shows them the breakfast he promised. The first thing a tired of sprinting full lenght around the lake, hungry contestant will do uppon seeing the breakfast, is to eat it. And if we move with the whole group as in your idea, even if we will be far from the last, noone from our group will get to even see the breakfast if it isn't big.
Or you could shorten it to: „Faster people than us will eat all the food and leave nothing for us”
Well... I guess you guys are correct...
Oh! New idea!
Eva will rush to complete the race, save some part of food for us, and wait there, while the rest of the group will go according to my plan.
THEN WHY DID YOU STOP ME?! I could be far away already.
Okay. Sorry. I made a mistake, and I will admit it.
Now go, and save us some food for us.
… Okay.
And she continues the race.
Anyone opposed going in a group?
No one is opposed.
Okay, let's go then.
The group starts with a slower jog.
= Heather's Confessional =
Okay. No one likes me here, and I get it.
That's why we can't lose much, because I would be extra vulnerable.
I also shouldn't be a complete asshole, I don't wanna make my shitty situation into a bloody diarrhea.
= End of the Confessional =
Camera then goes to the runners, who are in the first place. This includes people like Jo, Lightning, Wayne and Raj... And Dakota, who is just walking.
Jo is clearly upset from this fact, and thinks for a minute, before talking to Dakota.
Hey, Dakota! How do you think Sam is doing?
Huh? What do you mean?
It's sam, he won't be able to do a 20km run. You should go back, and help him.
You are right!
Dakota turns, and starts walking back. Jo is clearly glad of her plan.
We get to the contestants who are dead last in the race. Gwen, Noah, Trent and Duncan. They don't seem to care, and are just walking...
What happened with your team? Did you pull an all-nighter or something?
Trent: Yawns
Izzy is the only female on our team, so she had an entire room for herself.
That does sound like trouble. Feel ya.
Says someone who had the quiet mansion for the whole night.
What is that supposed to mean?
All I'm saying is that we at least have excuse for being slow. You guys just don't care about the reward, smugasses.
1. It's made by chef.
2. I bet it's not worthy the 20 km run.
See? That's how smug people would think. But we are gonna be the ones who will win the mansion today.
Yeah, with Izzy giving you all sleep deprivation, you have no chance at winning any challenge. You would have to get below 3rd place the day before to have any chance.
4th and 5th places would make Izzy sleep with girls from another team, making her not have a whole room for themselves. Or you guys could just get last and eliminate her.
Duncan: Starts running away from them
Yeah, no way dork! If we would lose, you would try eliminating me or something, but hell no! We are getting this mansion today!
Yeah, I better go too.
Well... That happened... Should we also start running?
Camera then moves to another set of runners: Tyler, Harold, Leshawna and Sam.
Harold and Sam are barely holding on.
Come on! The reward for this challenge is what Leshawna would kill for, and if we won't get it because of you, I indeed will.
Umm, Leshawna? I don't see Zee.
He fell behind too? God dammit!
Sam: Breathes heavly, barely concious
I don't think I can continue it for much longer...
But someone arrives from their front. The 4 of them stop.
Hey, Sam! Need help?
Sam: A smile apears on his face
Hi Dakota!
Dakota: Picks him up
Come on here...
Leshawna: Seems slightly annoyed
What do you think you are doing?
Look at him!
He can't hold on any longer.
Hey Dakota... Umm... Scary Girl and Zee from my team fell behind. Mind if we both look for them?
Not a bit!
They you guys look for them, and then catch up with us, okay?
Nods and goes, in the opposite direction, holding Sam.
Leshawna and Tyler start running again, but Harold...
Come on Harold!
Harold: Starts „running” behind them
I'm going, I'm going! But someone could pick me up for once.
No time for that, sugar!
= Leshawna's Confessional =
Leshawna: Clearly upset
Yeah, what's up with that Dakota gal?
Not racing to help Sam? She is in a different team! Unless...
Hold up! If she went with Sam to look for theese two snails, she could just leave him in the forest and continue the race herself to make us lose! Why didn't I think of this earlier? Well, It's too late to do anything about it now.
= End of the Confessional =
Moving to another group: Katie, Sadie and Justin.
They are just walking. BFFFL's are chatting together (which slows the group quite a bit) and Justin is clearly annoyed by them.
Hey, I have to do... something. You continue the race, okay?
Justin then turns in the opposite direction, and walks back.
What do you think he had to do?
I bet he needed to drink some water from the lake.
They both imagine a picture, of him, shirtless, getting the water from the lake in his hands, and drinking it, while winking at them.
Both: Having their heads in clouds
And then we turn our attention at Justin, who is walking back, away from them.
He then he meets Noah and Gwen.
Why are you here? I was sure that you'd be way further.
No way! My Doctor reccomended me to not run more than 5 kilometers at once if I don't wanna risk an injury. And this body is best injury... free...
Justin: Starts walking along them
And I have to be honest, I preffer walk with you, than Katie and Sadie.
I guess that you are right. They can be really annoying sometimes.
I think that they are like that only when they are together. But they are both stronger when they are separated.
Like in the dodgeball challenge, where Katie and DJ eliminated Owen, Heather and Leshawna, almost getting themselves a point.
Yeah. Yesterday, If they were in one team, together, they would do nothing but just chat instead of doing actual work.
Well, one of their weaknesses is that they crush on you Justin... Which gives me a question: Are you still focusing mainly on your looks?
Yeah, Duh!
Don't you think that it would be better for you to change your stategy a bit?
Justin: Slightly Confused
What do you mean? It worked quite well in 2nd season.
Exactly. It „worked” at first. But you were eliminated, because you didn't have anything besides it.
Not even mentioning the fact, that you were already outbeaten.
Justin: Slightly annoyed
Umm, what are you saying?
Justin: Lowers his head.
Noah, Gwen and Justin continue walking in silence.
We then get to see Scott, who is just sitting on a rock, Eva runs past him.
Mildred runs up to him.
What do you think you are doing?
I was running for half of the track, and now I'm taking a break. What about it?
Oh, no you don't! We will win today's challenge! Get up!
She pushes Scott, and he falls.
Scott: Lying on the ground
Hey! What was that for?!
She grabs his arms, and drags him across the floor.
Ahh c'mon.
Camera zooms out, showing the entire island, and we see sun move a bit, as we fast forward about an hour.
We focus on theese 3 again, but this time, as they enter the cafeteria, where everyone else already is, and finished the race. Everyone gives them a sorrow look.
Okay, since now everyone is here, Who is hungry?!
The curtains open, showing huge high-class meal. Everyone is excited again.
Praise the lord! I was starving!
We cut to the scene after everyone is full. Really full.
Well, with few exceptions.
I think some people might start getting their wonderful memories return, because today is... INSOMINIATRON!
Multiple groans were raised at once. There was shock, regret, confusement, anger.
Really? Wait... Yes it is! Oh god no!
Gwen: Turns to Duncan
And There go your chances for the mansion.
Sam: Confused
The what-tron?
If you fall asleep, you get eliminated. The entire running challenge and this breakfast
was supposed to make us tired.
= Sierra's Confessional =
During the breakfast, it was easy to notice who knew what was coming.
Unlike most of others, those who remembered Insominiatron, weren't taking as much food as they could, and overeating. From theese people there was: Me, Priya, Cody because I reminded him, Caleb... Who might just been on a diet with his body, I'm not sure, B, Courtney, Bowie and Zoey. I'm not sure on 100% of them, but that's close enough. Wish me luck!
= End of the Confessional =
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survivor-north-sea · 2 years
Cast Reveal #2 - Hidra
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INTRO: I'm AJ, I'm interested in survivor and I think it's neat! I dabble in lots of things, and am usually mediocre at best. I like to run RPGs for my friends, and I also participate in them - usually local to Discord Servers. This sounds like a lot of fun and I can't wait to see what happens!
OCCUPTION: Student and Aspiring Author
HOBBIES: Writing, Art, and Dance
BIGGEST PET PEEVES: People using your/you're or their/they're/there wrong
PAST SURVIVOR PLAYER YOU ARE LIKE: I'd say I'm a lot like Eric, a bit too trusting for my own good but all around a fun person. More recent seasons I'd say I'm probably most like Lindsay (42) where I'm a mom-friend and competitive.
WHY YOU WILL BE SOLE SURVIVOR: Because you can do anything you put your mind to, and I'm putting my mind to this!
ANYTHING ELSE: If I can't win I hope to at least make it to the jury. I've always thought I'd be a riot as a jury member.
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INTRO: I'm a Californian implant living in Austin, TX with my fiancée and a pair each of dogs and cats. I recently left a career in social work where I worked with folks transitioning out of homelessness and am now working as a literary agent's assistant. I love strategy games, cooking, reading fantasy novels, and writing.
OCCUPTION: Assistant Literary Agent
HOBBIES: Reading, writing, cooking Trinidadian food, video and board games
BIGGEST PET PEEVES: Being interrupted/not listened to
PAST SURVIVOR PLAYER YOU ARE LIKE: A quiz told me Cochran, but I think I'm more Cirie. I value emotional connections and vulnerability!
WHY YOU WILL BE SOLE SURVIVOR: With my history in social work, I'm familiar with how people think and I'm good at working with people to achieve their goals- and also good at getting people to think they've come up with their own goals even who was really me who planted the seed. And as a literature major/someone working in publishing, I'm great at analysis, comparison, and strategy.
ANYTHING ELSE: I started watching survivor when I was 6 years old (when it first premiered) and then took a break after middle school...until the pandemic, when I marathoned all 40+ seasons.
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INTRO: I am Adventurer and love to meet new people. Love traveling, photography, books and movies.
HOBBIES: Watching movies and series, reading books, sleeping!
BIGGEST PET PEEVES: Too Loud and noisy
PAST SURVIVOR PLAYER YOU ARE LIKE: Let me say erika casupanan. Besides that we are both Filipino, i am like her always being regard as weak and less threatening yet is capable of doing great things and winning 😉
WHY YOU WILL BE SOLE SURVIVOR: Because i can, i will and i should be the next sole survivor.
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INTRO: the only song i ever listen to is potential breakup song by aly & aj. i never listen to anything else. if i feel like listening to music that’s what i listen to. it’s been on repeat since 2007. my itunes consists of 1 song, potential breakup song by aly & aj, and the play count is somewhere around 50,000 plays. if you ever see me listening to music, don’t even ask what song i’m listening to, because you know it’s potential breakup song by aly & aj, so why would you even ask
OCCUPTION: budtender & writer
HOBBIES: binge watching tv shows, playing switch, reading tarot
BIGGEST PET PEEVES: chewing with your mouth open. not having a sense of humor.
PAST SURVIVOR PLAYER YOU ARE LIKE: Tony Vlachos as I’m a cis straight white man 🫶🏽
WHY YOU WILL BE SOLE SURVIVOR: Because of my dumptruck ass & my ability to lipsync for my life
ANYTHING ELSE: *john boyega vc* IM READY! friggin large popcorn! Hot dog! Damn slurpy dammit! Don’t talk to me when I sit down to watch this! Don’t touch me ! Don’t breathe in my direction ! This is it!
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INTRO: Hi everyone my name is Tyler, I'm 19 years old and I'm a sophomore at Western Michigan University. I'm a secondary education major and I hope to be a high school english/history teacher one day. I've never played a Skype org before and I'm really excited to meet everyone and play!
HOBBIES: Theater, video games, watching movies, and going on hot girl walks
BIGGEST PET PEEVES: Mouth breathers. Like why are you breathing so extra?
PAST SURVIVOR PLAYER YOU ARE LIKE: Michele Fitzgerald. I think we both know how to stay calm when faced with adversity and are pretty self aware
WHY YOU WILL BE SOLE SURVIVOR: I think I will be the sole survivor because I slay really hard but not in a way that screams "overconfident flop" or "threat!" so people shouldn't be inclined to vote me out
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INTRO: Investment Banker by day filmmaker by night/weekends. I’m a little quirky and never really fit into boxes exactly right. That’s my charm.
OCCUPTION: Investment Banking
HOBBIES: Watching movies, shows, anime and reading webtoons!
BIGGEST PET PEEVES: Being late to something 🥲
PAST SURVIVOR PLAYER YOU ARE LIKE: Ben Driebergen, he always played with his heart and you could always feel his genuine nature.
WHY YOU WILL BE SOLE SURVIVOR: I play with my heart and I truly believe that people with genuine hearts win in the end.
ANYTHING ELSE: I’m a great team player and also a good leader who always leads with empathy. Empathy to me is not just emotional but can also be logical. In it’s best form I believe it’s the correct balance of both.
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INTRO: Hi, my name is Bethany, I'm 23 years old and I live in Alabama. My favorite things are reality tv, cats (specifically my angel baby Cleo), and sushi! I'm a legal assistant and I am extremely passionate about prison abolition and criminal justice reform.
OCCUPTION: Legal Assistant
HOBBIES: Reading, hanging out with my cat, watching random video essays
BIGGEST PET PEEVES: People calling me Beth
PAST SURVIVOR PLAYER YOU ARE LIKE: I think the Survivor player I am most like is Evvie Jargoda because they were mainly seen as a social player during their season but they were also very smart and strategic behind the scenes.
WHY YOU WILL BE SOLE SURVIVOR: I believe I will be the Sole Survivor because I am never one to back down from a challenge and do everything I can to accomplish something once I put my mind to it.
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INTRO: One of few Malaysian guy who still a fan of Survivor who will not get the opportunity to be part of this awesome game in real life due to demographic and different culture.
OCCUPTION: Digital Marketer
HOBBIES: Gym, karaoke, watching movies
PAST SURVIVOR PLAYER YOU ARE LIKE: Sandra because she won twice and a such a queen
WHY YOU WILL BE SOLE SURVIVOR: Because I think I have the luck and the thought. Now I need to go for it
ANYTHING ELSE: Umm I'm from Malaysia. Hi!
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INTRO: Good day! I'm Clefford Rimandiman Millos, 20, from the the country with 7,640 islands, the Philippines!
HOBBIES: Watching films, TV series, and reality shows.
BIGGEST PET PEEVES: Someone spoiling a show.
PAST SURVIVOR PLAYER YOU ARE LIKE: Todd Herzog for being social and strategic.
WHY YOU WILL BE SOLE SURVIVOR: Because I am competitive and will do anything to further my game.
ANYTHING ELSE: Everyday is a new day.
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INTRO: Im kind shy usually and playing a game like this really put me out of my comfort zone I love challenges and I hate to loose. I'm willing to do EVERYTHING it takes to go to the end.
OCCUPTION: Agent reservations
HOBBIES: Shopping
PAST SURVIVOR PLAYER YOU ARE LIKE: I'd say im a mix Abi Maria Gomes & Michaela Bradshaw even tho their are not my fav players I do see myself in them.
WHY YOU WILL BE SOLE SURVIVOR: Because I fear no competition and I dont do things halfdone.
0 notes
girlfrommars28 · 3 years
This is a new version of my TD characters sexualities bc I rewatched it and I changed my mind on a couple of things
Chris is the embodiment of being gay and homophobic
Chef is gay
Beth is straight in my opinion, I know I said she was my pan child but I rewatched the show and she just doesn’t give me that vibe + I don’t like her that much anymore so... yeah
DJ is still my gay child, I’ll do everything for him and his two mums; TDWT did him dirty
Gwen is still the goth bisexual queen; for my own sake I’ll ignore what the writers did with her and act like the kiss never happened and you should do the same; her and Duncan should’ve remained friends, case closed drive safely 
Geoff is giving me bisexual vibes
Lindsay is either bi or pan, but I’ll go with pan; she was robbed, I’m telling you, ROBBED
I’d say that Heather is a lesbian, but since aleheather is my ride or die ship, I’ll say that she’s bi
Duncan is just giving me bi vibes, maybe bi with a preferance for women, but bi nonetheless
Tyler is a chaotic bisexual; just watch his first interaction with Alejandro and you’ll understand
I see Harold as straight, but I could be wrong
Trent is my bi child; they did him dirty in TDA, he deserved so much better
Bridgette is pan; she is my second favourite character and I’ll not argue on that; this girl was robbed, I’m still mad about it
Noah remains our sarcastic gay pal, he’s probably ace as well and most likely in a relationship with Owen
I want to say that Leshawna is a lesbian but I’ll say she’s bi; I love her and her elimination in TDI was stupid
Sadie and Katie are lesbian girlfriends, try to change my mind
Ezekiel is aroace, I don’t have an explanation for that, he just is
Cody is a bisexual king, I also see him as a trans boy
Eva is a raging lesbian, she has a special place in my heart
Owen is our chaotic bisexual king but we all know that; it was made very clear from the first episode
Courtney is yet another chaotic bisexual; I can see her and Gwen getting together after the show
I think Justin is aroace
Izzy is pan in my opinion
Alejandro is just really bisexual, you can argue with the wall
Sierra is bi with a preferance for men (Cody)
Jo is our hardcore butch lesbian; I’m pretty sure I had a crush on her when I watched TD as a child, should’ve told me something sooner 
Scott is ace and maybe bi but with a preferance for women
Zoey is a chaotic pansexual queen, she is my child, even though I feel like putting my hands around her neck ever so often for some of the stupid stuff she does but anyway
Mike is most likely bi with a preferance for women; as for his alters, Vito is a pansexual mess, Svetlana is a raging lesbian, Mal is a they/them aroace brat, Chester is just... Chester and I don’t even know what to say about Manitoba Smith so...
Lightning is so gay, he’s most definitely best friends with Jo bc lesbian/jock solidarity; he probably takes Jo to buy clothes and gives her fashion advice; I mean, just look at him, this guy has a super bowl champion father and trophy wife mother, you can NOT tell me that he doesn’t dress well and take care of himself religiously 
Brick is yet another gay man; and a bottom
B is aroace, maybe even a trans man
Dawn is my favourite character from the whole thing so I’m probably projecting this but she is unlabeled, but if it would be to put a label on herself it would probably be pansexual, cuz she doesn’t give a frick about gender, she just loves
Dakota is bi with a preferance for men
Anne Maria is either really bi or really straight, no in between
Staci is probably straight but idk
Cameron is my aroace child
Sam is giving me bisexual vibes
I won’t do the whole Pakitew Island cast bc I haven’t rewatched it and I’m not really planning on it but I do have some opinions about some of the characters so...
Scarlett is a raging lesbian
Topher is gay
Jasmine is bi and so is Shawn
I like to say that Max is aroace, maybe a they/them or he/they as well but idk
Samey is a chaotic bisexual, lesbian could also work
Ella is yet another lesbian, she could also be bi but I’m going with lesbian
Special mentions to Brody who I personally see as pan and also in a poly relationship with Geoff and Bridgette
and also, Josee is a lesbian
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heathneycanon · 4 years
okay so i ranked 113 total drama/ridonculous race ships based on how much i like them with explanations below the cut.. fair warning that i’m a lil mean to some of the ships lower on the list.
also i forgot to include dwayne senior and that one girl’s mom from rr because i literally forgot they existed until now, and i don’t want to manually add them in so i’ll just say that i think they’re cute but not super interesting.
EDIT: this has been updated post-roti-rewatch. i switched around the order of a couple ships, and added a new one. if i ever rewatch rr or pahkitew i’ll probably edit it again, but the likelihood of me rewatching either of those seasons any time soon is... ok i was about to say it was slim but it’s probably not
also i’m not ever adding in dwayne and the mom because i like it being a part f the description lmao. an afterthought. as it should be.
113. stephanie/ryan - i HATE the daters/haters. they’re like a weird, shitty mix of tda gidgette and duncney. like, they’re either annoyingly all over each other, or they’re toxic and fighting. tbh, they’re pretty toxic all the time. they stuck around for way too long imho.
112. jacques/josee - I CHANGED MY MIND IGNORE THIS
111. tom/jen - tom is canonically gay, and i hc jen as a lesbian. so i’m not a fan of this ship.
110. nemma - yeahh, knowing me, this is also a predictably low ranking. i hc noah as gay and emma as a lesbian, so again, i don’t vibe with this one.
109. coderra - i can only deal with this ship in rewrites. i’ve seen super well thought out rewrites of coderra and sierra’s character, but as it stands, i really don’t ship this at all.
108. davesky - dave is an incel lmao. anyway yea this ship initially seemed like bootleg zoke, which was kind of bootleg gwent, but then BOY did davesky get worse. i can’t stand dave and i can’t stand pairing him with sky, either.
107. leonard/sugar - why. i hate both of these characters. no thank u.
106. ella/dave - ok so u know i don’t like dave. i also hc ella as a lesbian, she hasn’t realized it and is dealing with comphet. i don’t like this ship.
105. topher/ella - i hc both of them as gay. they are friends tho.
104. macarthur/brody - in case you’re noticing a trend, i do in fact hc macarthur as a lesbian. i also don’t really care about her at all lmao. anyway, not a fan of this one. i really don’t understand why fresh thought this was a good idea.
103. noah/katie - again, i hc noah as gay, but this ship is more funny to me than anything else because these characters were shipped together so often early on, when they both a) barely had any characterization and b) had never interacted? anyway yea i don’t ship it.
102. cameron/sierra - this one’s weird? literally sierra had a crush on him or whatever because he reminded her of cody even though they’re… nothing alike? dude please get sierra some therapy oh my god
101. heather/justin - i knew someone who really, really shipped them once, which is why i’m including it. anyway i cannot see this ship at all, next.
100. amy/rodney - i guess this existed? i barely remember pahkitew, and i know rodney had a bunch of crushes, but this is the main one i remember so it’s the only one i can be bothered to include. anyway this relationship didn’t seem healthy at all.
99. max/scarlett - i don’t like max and i don’t really care about scarlett, but i also hc both of them as gay, so this is a no from me.
98. gwody - creepy and bad. i don’t trust people who ship this or davesky.
97. dashawn - shawn can do better. that one scene where they look at each other when dave has to kiss the person next to him is kinda funny tho.
96. topher/dave - marginally better than all other dave ships just because topher is there and i like topher. again tho, topher can do much better.
95. malejandro - why does this ship exist.
94. ezekiel/bridgette - not my thing at all. i don’t care about zeke too much, and i have a lot more ships with bridgette that i prefer over this one.
93. cody/beth - i only care about cody in certain contexts, and i practically never care about beth. i wouldn’t click off of a fic if this were a background pairing or whatever, but i definitely wouldn’t seek it out.
92. ezekiel/beth - again, don’t really care about beth or ezekiel that much. but in certain contexts, i can see why this would be cute.
91. courtney/jose - the only way this is cute is alongside aleheather, so that courtney and heather could marry into the same family. but also, why is this a ship that exists?
90. scourtney - i love both scott and courtney, but no thank u. they had absolutely no chemistry, and courtney was using scott both in the competition and as a rebound. not a fan.
89. gwen/cameron - is this a thing that exists? i found a screenshot of gwen kissing cameron on the cheek but is that edited? if it is real, i probably blocked it from my mind.
88. courtney/cameron - now i know this one exists in the weirdest, stupidest way the show could’ve gone about it. barely even qualifies as a ship, and it’s definitely not a good one.
87. duncan/zoey - i kind of see why others would like this one, but at the same time, it doesn’t really appeal to me.
86. alejandro/courtney - i love alejandro and i love courtney. but i can only see them as friends, tho i can see them like. kissing just because they’re bored. or to fuck with people. they did that in the show, right? kind of? i forget the specifics.
85. chris/blaineley - while i guess i can see why people ship this, chref is canon and blaineley is a lesbian.
84. katie and/or sadie/justin - why would katie or sadie date justin, when they’re in love?
83. gwuncan - maybe could’ve been good, but literally everything about how they got together and their relationship in canon has tainted my view of this ship. i definitely preferred them as friends in tda anyway. there’s a lotta cute gwuncan fanart out there so i do rb it sometimes tho. i see why people ship this, i get the potential, but for me it’s soured by world tour.
82. laurie/miles - who?
81. mary/ellody - yea ok they’re smart gfs, but also i literally don’t give a shit about either of them.
80. pete/gerry - they’re definitely dating but again i don’t care about them.
79. mike/cameron - not a horrible ship by any means, i just don’t really like cameron that much.
78. alejandro/justin - there are so many superior alejandro ships. and a handful of slightly better justin ships.
77. carrie/devin - wow they didn’t have a storyline that was original in any way! they’re pretty cute tho.
76. sanders/macarthur - would be higher but acab.
75. macarthur/josee - i really like the whole rivals to lovers thing, but again, acab. this is higher than sanders/macarthur because of the rivals to lovers, but mostly it’s because there’s only one bastard cop here rather than two.
74. owen/alejandro - i don’t really mind this one, but i see it as more of a one sided crush on owen’s side.
73. lightning/cameron - i don’t really care about cameron, but the jock/nerd dynamic is kinda good.
72. rockspud - they’re definitely a couple, but as the trend indicates, i really can’t bring myself to care too much about rr ships.
71. lindsay/beth - best beth ship, worst lindsay ship. i like one this better if lindsay is also dating tyler.
70. lindsay/lightning - a crackship i made up when i was eleven. i just think it’s really funny.
69. noco - not a bad ship, it’s just not my thing. i definitely see why other people ship it, i just ship both of them with other people.
68. ella/sugar - i see why people ship this as well, but i just really don’t like sugar. i can bring myself to see past that because this dynamic is genuinely good.
67. sierra/heather - i’ve seen this in au’s and rewrites of sierra’s character, and i see the potential. not bad.
66. bawn - they’re cute i guess? i just never really saw the appeal. they’re not bad by any means, it just seems kind of bland.
65. dakota/zoey - okay so i’m adding this one in as i’m reordering stuff because i rewatched roti. i didn’t have this here initially but their friendship was cute until zoey was all “she’s scary” and voted her off. just saying, if zoey wasn’t written as a hypocrite and was actually written as a COOL character that lived up to the potential of her concept, this would’ve slapped. also i love any combo of dawn, zoey, and dakota, because they’re cute. i’m not including poly ships on here because that’d make things wayy complicated, but i’d be here for a poly ship of these three.
64. scott/zoey - UPDATED. was originally “yea something about this rubs me the wrong way. i feel like if i rewatched roti i would remember what, but i’m not going to do that just for this list. maybe someday.” i ended up rewatching roti for unrelated reasons the next day, and honestly? this one is not that bad. could be cute, potentially.
63. dj/katie - i guess this one’s pretty cute? i don’t really remember them interacting, but i guess i can see why someone would like this.
62. dunhar - i see why people ship this one. i kind of like it? i feel like it would work really well in an au or a rewrite.
61. dott - UPDATED. was originally “i used to kind of like this ship, but now i really don’t. i do love the idea of dawn and scott as best friends who bully each other in the friendly kind of way, though.” but i rewatched roti and... this has potential. i kinda like it. still prefer the bullying friendship tho.
60. scott/mike - again, i see why people would ship it. i’m not sure if people actually do? but it seems like the sort of thing i might have shipped in middle school, so someone probably likes it. but meh, it’s not really my thing anymore.
59. topher/shawn - i don’t remember if these two interacted but i guess this could be cute? maybe?
58. sky/ella - yea it’s cute i guess? i don’t really have an opinion on this one beyond that.
57. dawn/dj - i mean… i get where this comes from. i fully understand. i personally see them becoming close friends, but i also see why people would ship them.
56. dawn/brick - again, i see them much more as friends, but i get why people would ship them.
55. geoff/gwen - this ship kinda interests me because it was originally going to be canon in camp tv, but because of that one gweoff friendship episode in island i see them as unlikely friends.
54. dj/bridgette - maybe you’re sensing a trend here, but i see them as friends. i could probably get on board with shipping them, though.
53. deather - i like them as friends more, but i do think a relationship between them could be fun.
52. ella/dawn - i feel like i’ve seen this ship? it’s not bad! i’m not the biggest fan of ella but this is pretty cute.
51. zoke - i really want to like them, and i wish they were written better. as is, i kind of ship them? there’s nothing wrong with zoke. but both as characters and as a ship, they could’ve been so much better.
50. noah/justin - this one’s interesting! i’ve never actively shipped it, but i can see it for sure. it’s cute!
49. owen/justin - again, not something i’ve actively shipped, but i like it!
48. carrie/kitty - i think they’re both in their late teens? like 18ish? appropriate ages for each other? if so, i like this one. they’d be cute
47. josee/jen - yea i like this. i feel like they would get along pretty well. they’re both successful in their own right. power couple for sure.
46. tom/jacques - again. power couple. i also think they’d go on double dates with jen and josee, which i like a lot. honestly both of these teams are the epitome of mlm/wlw solidarity. i like this one.
45. alecody - i like it! i don’t have much to say about them at all, but i like it.
44. brody/geoff - good ship! putting the romance in bromance. i like this one more when it’s combined with gidgette though.
43. anne maria/vito - originally i put “what is the appeal of this ship? genuinely asking.” as the description, and then an anon sent in this reply: “You wanted the appeal of anne maria and vito? Well here it is; they are both so dumb. Not a brain cell between the two of them. Imagine them trying to do anything domestic like. They could not assemble a bookshelf or make a pot of spaghetti without it turning into a horrible, but memorably fun, mess. They’re soft for eachother but would kick anyone’s ass for so much as looking at the other. Sorry im rambling lmao i just think they are so funny together”. i get the appeal now, so i’m moving this one up.
42. lindsay/courtney - lmao their dynamic is so funny. i don’t know how well a relationship between them would go, but i can see court realizing over time that lindsay is a lot smarter than she initially seems to be. idk courtney’s observant and lindsay is actually pretty smart. i can see it happening.
41. trent/justin - best justin ship, worst trent ship (that i can think of. i’m sure there are more trent ships but i can’t think of them lmao). i can see them getting along pretty well! i bet in universe a bunch of drama brothers fans ship them, because of course they do. i can see the potential here.
40. lindsay/heather - yea this one could be good. i’d like to see a post world tour version of this ship, or an island au where they get together. either way, i like the idea of this one.
39. lindsay/gwen - again, this ship is pretty good. gwen was kind of rude to lindsay at points, but i think after she stood up to heather, gwen gained some respect for her. idk i can see it happening.
38. lightning/scott - is this jock/farmer? jock/asshole? i’m not sure, but i really like it.
37. harzeke - tumblr user harzeke has opened my eyes. their posts are enlightening. the reason i kind of like ezekiel. harzeke is a good ship.
36. sadie/lindsay - remember in phobia factor when they were hyping each other up? yeah. they’d be cute together.
35. dundie - you know, i really didn’t expect them to make this one canon, but total drama dundie came outta nowhere. i wasn’t sure i was going to like them together, but fresh pulled together it’s first coherent plot in years and created a beautiful love story. very well done.
34. chref - chref is canon and u can’t tell me otherwise.
33. katie/sadie - after they got over their comphet, they realized they were in love and they end up having a really cute wedding.
32. ozzy - this ship is cute! they’re both bi and i hc they talk about cute people together because of course they do. also they would be so much fun to be around. i like them.
31. dj/geoff - djeoff? yea i like this. i think they’d both go out of their way to do sweet things for the other, but of course, they’re still geoff and dj. dj would probably bake a lot for geoff, but at least once, he’s gotten nervous and dropped it by accident. and geoff practices pick up lines and jokes before their dates but they’re like. the bad ones. dj loves them. anyway! this ship is good.
30. courtney/trent - i really, REALLY love them as friends, but i like them as a ship too! honestly i just love them getting along in any capacity. i think they’d be cute.
29. dawn/dakota - i made this up five minutes ago and i love it. i have no idea if people actually ship this but they should. just… think about it for a second. think about it and then try to tell me i’m wrong. u can’t.
28. alenoah - noah had a crush on alejandro during world tour, and u can quote me on this. i think they would be a power couple for sure. i like this one.
27. gidgette - season one gidgette is amazing. gidgette in the context of the killer bass five is amazing. season two and three gidgette is kind of meh to me, but not horrible i guess! i like geoff and bridgette and i think they’re cute together.
26. duncan/dj - i like the idea of this one. remember when duncan found dj a bunny? yea. they’d be cute.
25. jock - jock is good. rivals to allies to lovers. that’s the path i see this ship going down. i really like picturing them in any sort of au where they can kick ass together.
24. gwourtney - i used to like this one a lot more, but it’s still very good. i love the idea of them both mistakenly attributing their feelings for each other to duncan and accidentally ruining their friendship in the process. and by love i mean hate but also think is a good interpretation of the love triangle. i can see them together in an au, or after seriously reconciling in the future. or, honestly, in any universe where sundae muddy sundae doesn’t exist.
23. leshawna/gwen - did i hear u say best friends to lovers? no? well you’re getting them anyway. leshawna and gwen would be amazing i’m telling u. it’s a good ship.
22. tyler/alejandro - this is the third time i’ve said someone had a crush on alejandro during world tour, but. tyler had a crush on alejandro during world tour. i think they’d make a cute couple.
21. jashawn - this is a relationship built on respect and trust and i am here for that. they’re both a lil weird but neither of them mind, and they care about each other so much… i’m soft.
20. jasammy - i like this only marginally better than jashawn. honestly, i like all three dating the most. but anyway, jasmine was the first person who saw sammy as more than an extension of her sister… she stuck up for her. she was sammy’s first real friend. can i just reiterate… i’m soft.
19. evzy - they would light your house on fire together just cuz they were in the mood. eva bench presses izzy every morning. do not try to challenge them to any sort of competition, they will win by any means possible. eva picks izzy up at every opportunity. whenever they cook anything, they burn it. is this by accident or on purpose? i’m not sure. izzy likes lighting stuff on fire and eva likes eating burnt food for some reason, so it doesn’t really matter. i love their dynamic so much.
18. jomaria - if u were talking shit about either one of them, they would both get together and beat u up. they’re both legends and i love them.
17. gweather - total trauma comic has truly opened my eyes… i really like them in a future setting where they’re both more mature and can understand how they were both in the wrong at times during total drama, and ended up hurting people and were hurt themselves, and work through that together. so basically… in the setting of the total trauma comic.
16. heather/leshawna - rivals to lovers…. au where leshawna and heather get together during tda… i’m telling u it’s a good ship.
15. nowen - imho, this is both the best noah ship and the best owen ship. they complement each other so well. world tour nowen is just. the peak of their dynamic. i think enough has been said about nowen that you can understand why i would like it, so i’m just gonna move on.
14. trody - this one came outta NOWHERE a while back, i’m telling u. but i love it?? i liked their friendship in island, and i just. i love the idea of cody having a crush on both gwen and trent during island, misunderstanding that and thinking he just has a crush on gwen, and realizing after island at some point that he also liked trent. and then trent developing a crush on cody after the breakup with gwen and just… dijfalsfjla honestly i like them in so many contexts. thank u tumblr user gothcody for bringing the trody hype. anyway they’re a good ship!
13. bridgecourt - my favorite bridgette ship! idk i loved bridgette and courtney’s friendship in island, and i can see them having a best friends to lovers type of deal. i just think they’d be cute together, and their relationship would be really healthy and balanced.
12. gwoey - u can try and tell me there wasn’t a little something between these two in all stars, but u would be wrong. their designs compliment each other really well, they’re cute together… i’m a fan.
11. lesharold - SO valid. harold drinks his respect women juice every morning, except for that one time he rigged the votes in island to vote out courtney because he was mad at duncan smh. anyway this is a relationship built on RESPECT and CARE. they’re very cute together, and i love them.
10. dawn/zoey - the superior doey. listen the only reason these two weren’t friends is because fresh decided that zoey was going to think dawn was “weird”? but what if zoey just said that because she didn’t know how to deal with the fact that she found zoey cute… zoey is the epitome of that “i had a crush on a girl and i didn’t know how to deal with it so i sent her a letter that said ‘get out of my school’” tweet. n e way they would be such a good couple.
9. samkota - dafjlsflkaakf i think about samkota and i freak out i’m telling u. like is there anything. ANYTHING. better than a guy loving and respecting his girlfriend unconditionally? and mutual love and respect? … well i mean there are several more entries on this list, so okay, maybe a couple of things, but this shit is galaxy brain right here.
8. aleduncan - ok so apparently something i like slightly more than partners who are soft and even softer for each other is total assholes who care about each other. like alejandro is a gentleman… but he’s a manipulative jerk too. and duncan’s a fucking asshole and i love him for it. anyway when they teamed up in world tour, especially in that episode where they hunted ezekiel (??? what is total drama??) i really liked their dynamic.
7. lyler - ok back to love and respect. tyler and lindsay are so good!! tyler got so excited when lindsay remembered who he was right? and lindsay never stopped asking ppl if they were tyler ok. like she knew she cared about tyler enough to want to be with him even when she didn’t know who he was?? i feel like we don’t talk about the implications of this enough. honestly… i feel like people overlook how much the period in between tyler’s elimination and slap slap evolution must have sucked for both of them? like it was played for laughs but… that shit’s sad :( ok i’m done being sad they’re cute and they love each other and i love them.
6. gwent - yea u got me i still care about them. tdi gwent was really sweet! there was a lil pining. a lil outside meddling. and a lot of cute. and GOD during the finale when trent ran alongside gwen with that boulder? he cared about her so much!! of course action ruined it with the shitty portrayal of ocd and a healthy portion of not fucking communicating with your partner, but before that it was good.
5. truncan - you got me, i like the idea of trent serenading duncan with his guitar and duncan liking it a lot more than he anticipated. i think they’d have a dynamic that’s a little more turbulent than most other trent ships, but less so than most other duncan ships. they’d be a lot more balanced i think. i’m a fan of that.
4. scuncan - okay so u remember how i said i like to ship two fucking assholes together? scuncan is peak asshole/asshole rights. all stars totally missed their chance to have these two team up by dumbing scott down, whatever they did with duncan, and of course, introducing scourtney, i’m just saying. scott was actually playing the game pretty well in roti, and duncan was a veteran of the series. the two of them could’ve dominated the game. those fuckin assholes.
3. aleheather - okay now this ship was like, the only central ship that started out good and ended good in this entire series, except maybe jashawn but they don’t count because they were literally only in 13 episodes. anyway they did rivals to lovers right here. also, they simultaneously gave heather a great character arc and wrote alejandro super well. so the characters as individuals were great at the time they got together, and the couple was great together, so what i’m trying to say is… aleheather was and still is amazing.
2. duncney - in case u couldn’t tell from how high gwent is on this list, i am a fan of the tdi ships. another thing you might be able to tell from this list- duncan and courtney are two of my favorite characters in the series. so of course duncney gets a high placement on this list. not only that, but they go from disliking each other to really liking each other, which is something else that i really like. tdi duncney is opposites attract in the best way, where they compliment each other each other instead of clash. beyond that… ugh. eughhh. i don’t even want to think about that. but duncney in tdi alone earns itself number two on the list.
1. heathney - yes i love girls. yes this ship is pretty fucking basic. and no, there are no heathney fics on ao3. i will be attempting to remedy that. anyway, i could see them pulling a rivals to friends to lovers as well, which is one of my absolute favorite tropes. i think they’d be a total power couple. and to top it off, i love them both. a lot. so much. thank u for ur time.
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heronwritingx · 4 years
chapter 5
woooow I said this would be out last week and it wasn’t. I got seriously busy. I finished my degree and had my final suitability interview, don’t know how I went yet. I also get my teaching number and well, I'm officially a teacher, I guess. here is chapter 5. its long. its my longest chapter. I hope you enjoy it. 
Heather sat at her lunch table with Lindsay beside her and Tyler with Lindsay, as well as some of the other boys from Tyler’s lacrosse team. Heather had known about the party they were discussing for some time, she was obviously going but as they spoke, she had an idea. Courtney was easily one of the most boring people Heather knew, she would NEVER go to a party – Duncan could easily confirm that for her. However, Heather knew if Courtney wanted to get more votes on her side, she needed to go to this party. Courtney needed to look cool, she needed to win over the people that initially were voting for Heather. Even with Heather on her side, many were still sceptical of Courtney and Heather wanted to bring an end to that.
“Anyone can come, right?” Heather spoke up, not looking up from her phone.
“Well, duh, the more people the more fun it’s going to be.” Tyler replied, a big grin on his lips.
“Oo, are you bringing a date?” Lindsay asked, raising her eyebrows in excitement.
“Don’t even try to bring Court, sweet cheeks,” Duncan interjected from the end of the table – Heather liked the pretend he wasn’t there, “She never came for me, what makes you think she will for you?”
“Maybe because I didn’t cheat on her with that loser goth girl.” Heather retorted back, rolling her eyes.
Duncan grumbled a response, but Heather ignored it, she wasn’t going to get into an argument with Duncan of all people. She met up with Courtney after school after cheer practice, the girl packing away the debate room on her own.  Heather folded her arms and leaned against the door frame.
Courtney knew what the girl wanted. She had heard about the party all week. She didn’t want to go; she didn’t go to parties. She found no fun in them. A bunch of teenagers drunk sounded like a recipe for disaster.
“I don’t go to parties.” Courtney said, not looking at her, “Even you know that.”
“Not even if it helps increase your chances of winning?” Heather asked, raising an eyebrow.
“Is that really how you’re going to spin this?” Courtney huffed and looked up at her, narrowing her eyes.
“Courtney, you’re not cool. Like, at all. If you come to this party, people won’t think that and they might just vote for you,” Heather stepped in the room, “Noah wouldn’t ever lower himself to go to a party and those people that don’t like him know that. God, knowing him he’ll like try to ban them or whatever.”
“I don’t know, I don’t even know what to do at a party.” Courtney frowned.
“You don’t even have to drink; you just have to go. I’ll even go with you, so you’ve got a mentor.” Heather said.
Courtney grimaced and Heather just batted her eyes at her, the girl wasn’t going to give up until Courtney went along with her. Courtney knew that. Heather was determined to win, and Courtney knew she was right deep, DEEP down. Courtney wasn’t “popular” like Heather, her “overwhelming” personality caused her to struggle to make friends sometimes.
“Fine, I’ll go with you, but I refuse to drink.” Courtney huffed, her eyes rolling from Heather’s triumphant grin.
“That’s fine with me.” Heather replied, absolutely giddy that she’d convinced Courtney to go with her.
Not only had Heather managed to convince Courtney to go, but she managed to do something Duncan couldn’t! She couldn’t WAIT to rub it in his face. It was known that Duncan had regrets cheating on Courtney, yet the girl refused to even acknowledge their relationship or him in general. She hated Duncan and it was something Heather didn’t often bring her – even she wasn’t willing to set Courtney off with that.
“I’ll come over at six and help you get ready, and you better not cancel. I know where you live.” Heather told her.
“Yeah, yeah, I won’t cancel.” Courtney grumbled.
Heather just smiled and Courtney wasn’t impressed but nevertheless, she obliged. Saturday rolled around and Heather once again found herself in Courtney’s room, her eyes scrolling through her phone as she waited for Courtney to get ready. Heather did offer to help but she thought Courtney would have at least begun to get ready by the time she was there! The girl was standing in her closet still deciding and Heather was already tired of her.
She stepped out in what Heather could only describe as “boring meeting chic” and that was being kind. Courtney always dressed like she was about to lead the debate team and read out a speech and she bored Heather to death. She stood up and scoffed, and
“Are you for real?” Heather snapped, pushing her back towards the closet.
“I don’t know what else to wear, I feel comfortable in this!” Courtney retorted in defence.
“We’re going to a party, Court, we want people to think you’re not a total loser!” Heather said, groaning, “I’ll pick something.”
Courtney huffed but didn’t stop her, Heather flicking through Courtney’s clothes in her closet. Heather made a few disgusted faces and even pretended to gag at some others, it was all very Heather. She then stopped and pulled out a green dress, something Heather never ever thought Courtney would own.
“This, this is perfect.” Heather said, pushing the dress to Courtney’s chest, “Now put it on.”
“I don’t know, I’ve never worn anything like this before.” Courtney frowned, “Besides, it’s not even mine.”
“Trust me, just put the dress on.” Heather waved her off and sat back down, her eyes returning to her phone.
Courtney frowned and walked back into her closet and slipped into the green dress Heather picked out. She didn’t know what to think or feel, she just stared at herself in the mirror for a moment. It reminded her of her older sister, the dress was hers, after all. Courtney sighed and grabbed a pair of nude heels – she knew Heather wasn’t going to let her go in flats, after all. She strapped them on and fixed her hair, which she curled slightly and applied another layer of gloss to her lips.
Heather gulped as Courtney walked out, her eyes widening and her body stiffening up. Courtney looked unhappy but Heather couldn’t get over how she looked. The dress was perfect. It hugged her perfectly. She chose to pair it with a small jacket, and it looked even better. In heels, Courtney would reach just up to Heather’s face and it made her heart race thinking of Courtney so close to her. Her hands became clammy and she didn’t know what to do, these reactions were getting out of hand. Heather almost had to slap her cheeks to snap herself out of the daze the girl left her in.
“What do you think?” Courtney asked.
“it’s…fine.” Heather muttered.
Heather knew it was coming and she was dreading it. She had come to understand these strange feelings even if she didn’t like it. She knew damn well what it meant when her heart would race, and sometimes stop, when Courtney smiled at her or did something remotely cute. She didn’t want to believe it and Heather was going to push those feelings away at any cost. She couldn’t…she wouldn’t allow herself to like Courtney like that.
“Let’s just go.” Heather grumbled, pushing herself up.
Heather’s initial plan was to get people to believe Courtney was cool and she was going to stick to that, but she also had another plan. She was going to get herself into a drunken stupor to forget these horrid feelings that were plaguing her. She would find herself some cute guy and he would help her forget Courtney. He had too. She had to forget these feelings. She begrudgingly took Courtney’s hand and led her into Tyler’s house, Heather could tell the girl was nervous.
“Finally, you took so long!” Lindsay whined as she ran up to Heather, shots in hand.
“This one took forever.” Heather rolled her eyes, taking the drink from Lindsay.
“’This one has a name, thank you.” Courtney snapped at her.
Heather wanted to roll her eyes again at Courtney but instead, she downed the shot she held in her hand in one go. Heather’s body shivered but she felt more relaxed, the beer wasn’t the greatest tasting thing she’d had but it sure did take the edge off.
“I’m so happy you came!” Lindsay turned her attention to Courtney and pushed the drink toward her as well.
“Thank you but I’m not drinking.” Courtney let out an awkward laugh and Heather groaned, taking the drink from Lindsay.
“Oh, okay. That’s a bit boring.” Lindsay said quite bluntly, making Heather snicker.
Lindsay wasn’t wrong, after all, Heather could drag Courtney to all the parties she wanted too but she knew damn well the girl wouldn’t drink – she’d never “lower” herself like that. Heather proceeded to finish off Courtney’s drink as she, Lindsay and Courtney found Tyler, he was in the kitchen on the counter chanting something with a few other guys in their grade – including the one Heather wanted to see most (and least). Her shit eating grin couldn’t be missed. Heather had gotten Courtney to come to a party – something Duncan could NEVER accomplish in the months they dated, and his eyes should it. He glared at her for a moment, just a moment, before a smirk formed on his lips and his legs began to move. Heather didn’t know what to do, should she jump on the offence or defence?
“Get your slimy ass away from me.” Courtney’s hand almost hit his face as she shoved it out to stop him, but Duncan was clearly used to her antics and he dodged it.
Heather wanted to snort but she kept by Courtney’s side, though she spoke to Lindsay and acted like she had wasn’t completely eavesdropping. 
“Never thought you’d show your face at a party.” Duncan sounded less “happy” now and his true feelings were coming to the surface, “Always thought you were above it.”
“I just never wanted to go with you.” Courtney rolled her eyes.
Heather glanced down and noticed Courtney’s hands shaking at her side and behind her back, and it caused a sting in her heart. Courtney’s nails were digging into her skin and Heather knew. Courtney hadn’t forgotten about Duncan. Courtney wasn’t over Duncan.
“Oh, come on, Court, let the harshness go. You know you and I were good together.” Duncan’s voice slurred a little and Heather knew he’d been drinking for longer than he was letting on, his arm trying to snake around Courtney.
It wasn’t surprising. Heather had considered this happening. Duncan had made comments about “winning Court back” for some time – she just paid him no mind.
“Obviously not as a good as you and that goth freak.” Courtney spat back, as sharp as ever and unwilling to break, even if her hands were giving her away.
She smacked his arm away, and the punk was lucky she didn’t grab it and twist it. 
“I’m here to have fun, not deal with you, Duncan,” she said his name so spitefully, she wanted to hate him so badly, “So leave me the hell alone.”
She dropped her foot down hard on his own and he let out a small yelp, Duncan hopping back and spitting out obscenities at her. Courtney’s hands felt a little less shaky and she grinned triumphantly for a moment before returning to her more threatening gaze. Duncan wouldn’t ruin her night.
“Next time, it won’t be your foot.” Courtney threatened.
She grabbed Heather’s hand and began to pull her away but not before Heather managed to score her fourth drink off of the counter. Courtney pulled her into an empty room – Heather recognised it as Tyler’s room – and she shut the door behind them.  Courtney took in a deep breath and the sigh that left her lips made that sting in Heather’s heart a little sharper.
“Why’s that asshat got to be here?” Courtney muttered just loud enough for Heather to hear.
“It’s a party, obviously he’s here.” Heather rolled her eyes.
Heather’s nails dug into her palms and she tried her hardest to quash the anger that was building up inside of her. She hated that it made her angry, she hated that her heart stung. She hated what it meant. She could only fight and ignore the truth for so long, after all. She felt something boiling inside her and for just that moment, she was perfectly fine with pushing Courtney away if it meant she didn’t have to deal with these strange feelings anymore. Maybe it was the alcohol or maybe it was the fact she was upset over Duncan, but Heather wasn’t going to hold back.
“I’m not going to sit here and babysit you if you’re going to cry over Duncan.” Heather’s voice had a cruelty to it that shocked Courtney, Heather hadn’t spoken to her like that in a while, after all.
“I’m not—”
“Duncan’s a loser, and you’re an even bigger loser if you still like a guy that cheated on you.” Heather cut her off and Courtney’s eyes widened, “Cry all you want in here, but I don’t care. I’m going to have fun with my friends, not stand in a room and listen to you cry all night.”
“Heather!” Courtney scoffed, but before she could even THINK of a rebuttal, Heather stormed out of the room.
Heather stomped into the kitchen and grabbed the closest shot, downing it in one go and then downing another, and then another. Her goal was to get so stupidly drunk she forgot about the sting, she forgot about her anger. She wanted to forget Duncan and she especially wanted to forget Courtney. She reached for another drink when a hand touched hers and Heather turned her head, her eyes daggers as she mustered up every ounce of cruelty and hatred she had inside her to glare at the person who dared to stop her.
“What?” She seethed out, her eyes flashing red as if she had a demon inside her.
Her rage stopped as she got a good look at the person – the young man, who stopped her hand, however. She had never seen him before and she won’t lie, he was handsome. He had fair skin and a rather gentle smile, and maybe it was the alcohol travelling through her system, but even she thought he was cute. He had brown hair that curled at the ends and maybe it was because her vision was blurring, but his eyes reminded her of the ocean.
“Looks like you’re in need of a drink,” he laughed a little and Heather felt herself blush from embarrassment, “but you probably don’t want to be sick an hour in.”
“Tell people not to be stupid then!” Heather snapped back childishly, stepping away and suddenly stumbling backwards.
The alcohol hit her harder than she thought. She felt dizzy and her face wasn’t red from embarrassment anymore, she was pink from alcohol. She huffed as he placed his hand on her back and quickly helped her to a stable standing position before letting go.
“Who are you?” Heather asked, huffing as she led her to a couch to sit down.
“You don’t know? We’re in the same Chemistry class, Heather.” He replied.
“You think I bother to remember every person’s name I’m in a class with?” Heather scoffed.
“It’s Wes.” he told her, taking a swig of his drink.
“Wait, you’re on the football team with Tyler!” Heather clicked her fingers, her eyes widening in surprise.
“Ah, so you do know me.” He laughed once more and Heather pouted her lips, thinking his was cute once more.
She sat there for a moment, her mind wandering back to Courtney and that sting in her heart returned. She clenched her fists and let out a loud whine, taking Wes by surprise and he leaned away from her for a moment. Heather wanted to forget about Courtney.
Heather had to forget about Courtney.
“I want another drink!” She announced, forcing herself up onto her feet, “You come with me!”
Wes was quick to his feet to make sure she didn’t fall back – which she almost did. He wasn’t about to stop her or disagree with her, so he followed her into the kitchen.
Courtney just stared at the door for a moment. In reality, she knew Heather was right – she wouldn’t admit it, but she knew. It was ridiculous that Courtney was still kind of torn up about Duncan. He cheated on her. She hated him. She had every damn right to hate him! Courtney huffed and folded her arms, now she was stuck at a stupid party she didn’t even want to be at and the one person she didn’t mind now wanted nothing to do with her. She shoved the door open and walked back into the actual party, wanting to find Heather. She didn’t want to be at the party if she wasn’t with her, and she didn’t feel comfortable or want to talk to anyone else there. She took a deep breath and headed into the crowd of people, knowing that Heather would likely be in the kitchen where the alcohol was.
Courtney huffed in anger when she reached the kitchen because of course Heather wasn’t there! Heather could’ve left for all Courtney actually knew and Heather was too mad at her to let her know! Courtney, for the first time in her life, wanted a drink. Heather of all people had led her to actually wanting alcohol. She found the keg and grabbed a cup of beer and did what Heather had done – downed it as fast as she could.
Courtney gagged and spat, wanting the taste of her mouth. It was horrid! And people actually liked the taste.! People actually wanted to drink that crap!? She groaned and tried to see if she could see Heather in the crowd of people, and she did manage to spot Lindsay and that was something. She pushed through the crowd but was disappointed to find Lindsay with only Tyler, dancing to music and their faces smashed together. She wasn’t going to get in between that no matter how desperate she was.
It took Courtney hours. Heather was nowhere to be seen. It was like she was purposely hiding for her! She huffed and pushed the door to the Tyler’s back garden open, stepping out into the colder air and the noise inside quietening down for her. The party had been an absolute waste of her time, sure a few people had noticed her and all, but was it really going to help her reputation? Wasn’t she there to seem cool?
“This is ridiculous,” Courtney muttered, “this was never going to work.”
She wrapped her arms around her body as shivers went through her, and she tried her best to keep herself as warm as she could. She didn’t want to go back inside, she just wanted to leave but Heather was her responsibility. She took another deep breath and rallied all her strength together to enter the party once more, completely determined to find Heather and go the hell home. Tyler’s house was so much bigger than expected, no wonder he had a chance at every sports team, his parents probably paid the coaches.
The party had, in retrospect, died down a little – some had gone home, others had passed out, so finding Heather wouldn’t be as huge a task now. She entered Tyler’s living room, where the music had lulled, and she could hear the drunken slurs and chatter. Courtney’s fingers curled up into fists as she finally, FINALLY found her. Heather was in the corner of the room with some guy Courtney didn’t know, pressed against a wall as she locked lips with him. Courtney was pissed. Courtney was beyond furious! Heather LEFT HER to make out with some RANDOM? FOR HOURS? Courtney wanted to scream!
It was just drunken kisses; Heather had no feelings for the guy. She was certain she couldn’t even remember his name. It was working though. Her mind was clear, and her heart no longer ached, she didn’t think of she who would not be named and she, for the first time in weeks, Heather felt like was able to relax without any confusing feelings creeping up on her. She was wary of his hands and he hadn’t mentioned anything about taking in any further.  
Her body froze and every damn thought she’d been pushing down resurfaced. She grimaced and her hands dropped from the boy’s body as she crossed her arms. He stepped out of the way and Heather’s face screwed up in anger and disgust – it matched Courtney’s very similar one.
“Finally, I’ve been looking for you for hours!” Courtney stomped forward and grabbed her wrist, wanting to pull her away and not cause an absolute scene.
“I clearly wanted to be left alone.” Heather retorted rudely but allowing Courtney to pull her.
She didn’t even get to say goodbye to the boy she’d met, Courtney had dragged her outside that damn fast. It was obvious to Heather that was furious and honestly, it made Heather’s night completely. Courtney’s face screwed up so much when she was angry and Heather, in her drunken state, thought it was adorable. She was huffing as she tried to find the words to say and Heather just took a seat, her lips curled into such a disgustingly smug smile that it infuriated Courtney even more.
“What the hell is wrong with you?” Courtney shouted, throwing her arms up in the air, “You DRAG me to this party and then just LEAVE me!?”
“Yeah,” Courtney could’ve slapped her, she wanted too. Heather was SO DAMN smug.
“I told you, Court,” Heather was trying to stay stable, but the girl had had more to drink than even she’d liked to admit, “I wasn’t gonna deal with you crying about Duncan.”
“So you left me for some guy you don’t even know? To suck face all night?!” Courtney yelled once more, her fists balled so tightly her nails were dug into palms of her hand.
“Like you wouldn’t do the same.” Heather rolled her eyes; Courtney’s voice was loud, and she couldn’t be smug if Courtney was going to keep shouting at her.
“I would never! I respect myself enough to not go out and act like I’m easy.” Courtney scoffed, folding her arms.
Her eyes were full of judgement, like she was herself as better than Heather and it made Heather furious. Courtney had a way of getting to her, she had a way of getting under Heather’s skin. She was the only one that could get Heather that furious especially over a comment like that.
“Easy?” Heather’s voice was hard to read, and Courtney hesitated, unsure how to react. Heather had been drinking and therefore, Courtney couldn’t quite predict the route this argument would go – there were too many variables.
“That’s how it looked to me.” Courtney huffed, turning her head away.
At least if Heather tried to hit her, Courtney could fight back. She didn’t know how it would look with her being sober but at least she had a better chance at winning.
“Shut up.” Heather’s voice was threatening, and Courtney could tell she was still holding back, but she was also boiling with too much rage to stop.
“Don’t tell me to shut up.” Courtney snapped back.
‘Shut up,” Heather voice got scarier as she stepped forward, “Or I’ll make you shut up.”
“Are you threatening me?” 
Courtney didn’t know to react when Heather stepped forward and her nails touched her tanned cheeks, or what the look in her eyes meant. What she did know is that their bodies had never been this close, and her breath stopped. So did her heart. She hadn’t had anyone that close to her since…. Duncan. Heather’s nails never dug into her skin and her fingers were surprisingly cold, Courtney only able to stare at her in disbelief as Heather’s face moved closer to hers.
13 notes · View notes
syahaz · 4 years
Camp TV Short Story - Guyliner Interest I
Notes: This short story has the majority of the Camp TV casts. So if this AU ever gets adapted into a chronological timeline, some of the characters (except Trenton, Heather, Lindsay and Tyler) may be absent due to elimination as the main possible reason. It also has an alternate plot that is very long. I usually don’t address it as the previous one is very short compared to this story you’re about to read. As I stated earlier, since many characters are present, the main event will be dragged for so long to give space for said casts to have their own moment before the actual event starts. 
Cut confessional/scene means confessional or scene that has never been released to the public because of Chris moderation and the editing crew work. Doesn’t mean it is purely protected from possibility of loss and leakage though.
I don’t know if I want to add Cody when writing this as I’m not sure what kind of personality I want to write him with for this AU.
I usually try my best to do less ‘tell’ than ‘show’ but for some very complicated scenes, I just had to do it because I find it puzzling when I read it myself. Sorry for that. Maybe I could try it for shorter fics in the future if applicable.
The ending of this first route of this story is rough, at least for me. If you want a more mellow ending, go read the second route of this story. You can skip reading where the altered ending starts (indicated with “///”).
It’s a fine lovely morning with the birds chirping and the ocean beating the beach sand. Several campers gathered around Lindsay because she made invitations the day before.
“Okay everyone, gather up! We’re going to do something exciting today!” Lindsay announced. “Well as you can see, I first thought this show was gonna be a talent contest. So I brought a lot of makeup leftover. You know what that means?” She added, holding a dazzling makeup pouch. “Makeover!” Katie & Sadie excitedly scream. “Yeah… No.” Lindsay opposes. They aww in disappointment. “Okay technically you’re both right because we all girls are going to make-up the boys here!” She backs up. Katie & Sadie back to their cheerful selves. “Whoa! Is that why we’re all guys here bra? I already bring myself for the groove.” Geoffrey dances a little despite being surprised as he expects a morning party will be going on. “Not all guys, I’m outta here.” Dunc leaves without wasting any second. “Can’t believe I waste precious time for sleep or planning pranks.” He mumbles as he walks away. “Duh, what else is the reason to bring you boys here?
Okay, so now I’m going to assign the pairs for our makeup session.” Lindsay replies. “But wait. Where’s Eva? Owen, and Zeke?” Bridgette interferes. “Eva is on her routine jogging with Zeke. You know, to let him get around the outdoor world. Not sure about Owen though.” Lindsay shrugs. “Alright, let’s begin! Ahem, ahem. Lewshana, you’re with Harold.” she continues. “Yesss. A makeover by a beautiful woman. What a lucky day!” Harold makes a yes hand gesture with a happy grin and glimpses at Lewshana. She naturally rolls her eyes, hands on hips and shakes her head. 
“Katie, Justin.” Lindsay assigns the next pair. Sadie gasps. “But I wanna make up Justin too!” “Too bad that I just got lucky to give him the best makeup ever.” Katie sneers. “How dare you!” Sadie was irritated. “Ladies please, calm down. I don’t like to see you two best friends fighting over someone handsome like me.” Justin puts both his hands on Katie and Sadie then pulls them closer to him. “You see, I have two faces, and by that I mean the right side and the left side. Sadie can do my right and Katie can do my left side. What do you say?” He makes peace between the girls. “Deal.” They both agreed satisfiedly.
Lindsay shakes her head and rolls her eyes seeing the girls’ instant tension. “Beth, you and DJ.” She points at both Beth and DJ. “Nice. We’re so going to have so much fun!” Beth utters and high-five DJ, he smiles. “ … Bridgette, hm… you’re with…” She taps her right index finger on her chin while she tries to pick either Geoffrey or Trenton, the boys left for options. Geoffrey is a bit panicked because he wishes to be paired with a particular girl. Meanwhile Trenton is just static as he’s not seeing what’s befalling him, same as Bridgette. Heather contrarily bites her lips. Nervous about the possibility of Lindsay’s choice. “Geoffrey.” Lindsay finally picks her choice. “YESSS!” Geoffrey shouts excitedly and jumps to the air as high as he could. Bridgette raises her eyebrows at him. Totally confused with his reaction. Heather gawking at Lindsay’s selection.
“Wait, so that leaves me with-” Trenton speaks under his breath. “Heatherrr!~ You go with Trenton.” Lindsay says. “WHAT? NO!!” Trenton objects. Heather hugs herself and takes a few steps away from him. “Aww, come on. If you go then who’s Heather gonna put makeup on?” Lindsay insists. “Well uhh, Tyler’s there.” Trenton points at Tyler who stands beside Lindsay from the start. “Sorry man. I just can’t do that.” Tyler declines. “What the? Then why are you here then?” Trenton perplexes. “I’m Lindsay's assistant for today. Never heard of makeup assistants?” Tyler states. “Well, to be fair, nope. I don’t.” Trenton replies. “You’re one poor guy. That’s why you need a makeover. C’mon, light up your face! The world would looove to see it.” Lindsay persuades with a sweet smile on her face. “Really?” Trenton feels a little delighted. Lindsay and Tyler smile and nod in sync. “Ahahaha, alrighty then.” Trenton complies. “Everyone! All of you can choose your spot around this area. Call me and Tyler whenever you’re done alright.” Lindsay says to all campers. After the grouping segment, all the participating campers took their spot facing each other. The girls get assorted makeup tools that they can trade with others or Lindsay later on.
“Sadie no, not there. Here. Katie, you dab a little lighter there.” Justin half-complains to make sure the makeup won’t ruin his looks while Katie and Sadie happily put blush and eyeliner on him with glittery eyes.
Lewshana suddenly stops from working as something is ticking her off. “What’s wrong, Lewshana? Are you alright?” Harold asks worriedly. “Oh yes I am until you keep smiling at me non-stop! It’s creeping me out.” She tells him what’s bothering her for minutes. “Ah sorry… It’s hard to resist when seeing such a magnificent woman like you this close.” He apologizes, rubs hands in guilt. She smiles pleasingly with raised eyebrows seeing him like that. “Just... keep still until I say I’m done. Okay, dreamy guy?” She tries to compromise with his silly behaviour. “Anything for you~” He willingly agrees.
“It’s been quite long since I put makeup on others. So I’m not sure which blush colour suits you hmm.” Beth being indecisive determining the suitability of DJ’s skin tone with the several colours available on the blush palette. “This one.” He casually points at one of the colours available on the blush palette with a friendly smile. “Wow, how did you know right away? Oh oh. Teach me! Teach me!” She was amazed by his confidence. “Of course. I can makeup you too if you want.” He gladly replies. “Yes please!” She gleefully accepts his offer.
“So Bridgette right? How long have you been surfing?” Geoffrey tries his best to spark some chatting time with Bridgette in an attempt to get to know her more. “I’ve been surfing since I was a little girl. My parents are such advocates for appreciating nature, saving wildlife and enjoying the breeze of the ocean. For short, it’s in my blood.” She proudly answers. “That’s awesome bra! Maybe we could surf the next day or whatever.” Geoffrey invites her by chance. “Sure, why not?” She’s being the same mind as him. “Cool.” He  says shortly.
Trenton slouches on his seat while Heather fakes her excitement getting him as her partner with a split-second insincere smile. They both groan as soon as they meet eye to eye. “What an unfortunate day.” She throws her head back. “I was about to say the same.” He acknowledges her frustration. She calmly breathes. “Let’s… get this over alright?” “Okay.” He replies shortly with no enthusiasm.
While the others are busy with their makeup business, Owen comes to the scene with brownies smeared on his mouth. “Owen!~ Where have you been? I thought you wouldn't come.” Lindsay welcomes Owen. “Hello guys! Sorry for coming late hahaha. I've just finished my mission just now.” He claims. “You mean stealing brownies from Chef's kitchen?” Tyler notices the thing on Owen’s mouth. “Oops!” Owen wiped his mouth. “Hehehe, please don’t tell him. Or he’s gonna kill me! I mean, who could resist those delicious brownies?! The chocolate, the chunks, the yumminess!” He then starts to weep in fear. “Alright alright, we promise. Now that you’re here, why don’t you join the rest doing makeup?” Lindsay pats his back gently. “Did you say makeup? Ohh, I love makeup!” He claps lively. “Lindsay! We’re donee!~” Katie and Sadie finish their task. "Nice. Show me your work girls!” Lindsay encourages. “We presenting you, ... JUSTIN!!!” They proudly reveal Justin with makeup on. Lindsay & Owen ogle Justin’s beauty. Their view filled with imaginary hearts and sparkles on Justin. Tyler gasps. “Wonderheart!” He was annoyed with Lindsay’s reaction. Lindsay snapped out of her dreamy world. “Oops, sorry. But that’s what makeup does, Tyling. Maybe you could have some makeover on you?~” She teases her lover. He pushes both his palms towards her. “Uh, maybe save that for later, or never.” He anxiously rejects her offer. “Guys, I don't want to cut the scene but uhh can I see my face now?” Justin slips in. “Whoops! Sorry Justin.” Katie & Sadie give him a mirror. “Hmm, not bad. Could do a little more work here and there but this will do.” Justin comments. “Yayyy!” They gleefully cheer. Katie, Sadie and Justin go their own way after Lindsay takes a picture of them three. “Hey Owen, you can join us here. DJ is reaaally good at makeup. Look at me!” Beth invites Owen. “Wow! You look gorgeous, Beth! Maybe Justin will notice me more with cool makeup on me. I’m on your way guys!” He dashes to Beth and DJ.
“Geoffrey…” Bridgette sighs deeply. “What is it?” He concernedly asks. “I’m sorry... Like very sorry.” She apologizes all of a sudden. “What’s wrong?” He put hands on her shoulders. “I’m just… Not good at this makeup thing.” She shamely covers her face. He gently holds her hands trying to calm her down. “Aww Bridge, I’m sure people gonna like it.” He notices Lindsay and Tyler that are sauntering while checking on pairs that are still working on their makeup. “Hey look! It’s them. C’mon, show them your makeup skill.” He convinces her. “Are you sure? B-but you don’t even look at your face yet.” She opposes him. “I don’t need to look at it to know that you're very talented bra.” He assures her with a bold grin. She smiles sweetly.
--- Confessional ---
“Wow, this is the first time someone who barely knows me praises me for something other than surfing. It’s like-” Bridgette says joyfully then takes a quick breath. “-a fresh breath of air!” She continues.
“Lindsay! Tyler! We’re hereee!” Geoffrey waves with both arms up high.* Lindsay and Tyler walk together to them. They hold their laugh halfway when they get a close look at Geoffrey. “What’s so funny dude?” Geoffrey asks. Truly curious of their reaction. “Your face my man. Very funny.” Tyler replies and takes a pic without Geoffrey and Bridgette ready. “This is a gold comedy.” He adds. “Funny? Don’t you mean beautiful?” Geoffrey tries to be as positive as he can. “Perhaps you have to take a look for yourself.” Lindsay lends Geoffrey a mirror. Geoffrey quickly becomes wordless but screams terrifyingly as he terrorizes with what he sees. He then glances at Bridgette. She slumps her shoulders. Looking down with frown seeing his reception on her makeup work. “Bridge. … I-” He tries to console her but she collects tears in her eyes in flash.  After that, she covers her face then runs away in embarrassment. “Bridgette? Bridgette! Argh, I messed up!” He regrets his actions. Possibly mad at himself as well.
Lewshana brushed a few last strokes on his face. “Mmm mmm! I think the cooking is ready now!” She speaks satisfiedly. “You can cook while doing makeup? Wow, what a superwoman you are!” Harold was amazed by her supposed abilities. “That means I’m done with the makeup, Funky Guy.” She corrects his statement. “Oh, so my face is like food? If it is, is it delicious?” He says in pure enthusiasm. She facepalms as he takes her words too seriously. “Hey you two over there! I’m all done with this dreamy white boy. So what do we do now hmm?” She calls out Lindsay and Tyler that happen to arrive nearby. “Wow, Lewshana! Your makeup is so... fantasy-like I’d say. In a good way of course.” Lindsay comments and Tyler nods along. “Is that true? Let me see my face first for confirmation. Even though I will say it’s perfect anyway.” Harold was eager to see the makeup. Lindsay passes him the mirror in her makeup pouch. “Woooowwww. I look…. like… a beautiful princess!” Harold is so amazed that he subconsciously enters his fantasy world while imagining himself in a beautiful dress and Lewshana in knight suit. He then kneels down and holds both her hands with pleading eyes. “Oh Lewshana, would you be my knight in shining armour, protect me from those mad dragons?” He points at Lindsay and Tyler. “HEY!” Lindsay and Tyler exclaim but less serious as they know he is just goofing around. Lewshana laughs amusingly at Harold's unscripted skit. “Your imagination is truly something sugar.” She pinches his cheek playfully. “Cut cut! Acting's over hehehe.” Lindsay claps an imaginary clapper meanwhile Tyler is ready with the camera. “Camera will be rolling for the next pic. Pose and say cheese in 3,2,1!” She counts with her fingers. Lewshana and Harold pose and smile accordingly, arm on each other’s shoulders. Harold has a big grin of proudness in the shot particularly.
Bridgette stumbles upon Geoffrey while trying to collect herself at the beach. “Sorry. Oh, umm. What are you doing here?” Geoffrey apologizes for the incident between them earlier and asks in concern. “You know, just umm, getting some time to cool off a little?” She replies. “Cool. Can I join?” He says. “Sure.” She says shortly. They sit down together on the sandy beach. Trying to dim their tension. “Sorry about that. ... You know?” He starts after a couple seconds of silence. She shakes her head. “I know I’m kinda being dramatic and because of that, I owe you an apology. So, I am sorry. I knew you did that just to be nice and stuff, but that's not an excuse to not improve myself. Next time, try to be honest with yourself, alright?” She nudges him. “A-are you sure about that?” He stutters. Unsure he hears things right. “Of course. We all humans have flaws. The difference is some people are more open about it, some people are not. Others might lie, and the rest never notice it. Well... maybe until someone else points it out.” She lectures humbly. “Whoa. That’s a lot of word bra! Might take me awhile to understand it.” He massages his forehead. She giggled and pats his shoulder. “It’s okay. I’m sure you’ll get it eventually.” “If you say so.” He chuckles. They next exchange slow eye blink and charming smiles.
DJ, Beth and Owen are happily sharing moments together with the makeup time. “Y’all seems so alive here. What’s the buzz all about?” Lindsay asks sportively. “Of course hahaha. Look at me! I’m beautiful!.” Owen answers. “Wow! DJ, you’re soooo going to be my makeup assistant!” She shrieks excitedly.
--- Confessional ---
“I secretly played with my Mama’s makeup one time. One day, I got caught. Thought I was gonna get punished but I ended up getting a makeup lesson from her.” DJ puts some blush on his cheeks with a proud smile.
Tyler gasps. “Wonderheart!” He was a little jealous. “Aww, of course you’ll always be my first and forever, Tyling. *Lindsay gently strokes his chin. “Hehehehe okay~ Alright, everyone. Get in your place and ready for a shot.” He gives in and sets up the camera for another shot. DJ, Beth and Owen all make peace signs and delightful grins as a trio unity. Tyler flashes the camera. “There, all done. I think we can call it a day now. Great job everyone!” He gives a thumbs up. The trio makes the same gestures back as a reply. “Is it though? I feel like we forgot someone. … Or sometwo?” Lindsay tries to track back their list of the makeup event participants. “Who could it be? Hmm…” Beth slips in. “Well, I saw Justin, Katie, Sadie, Geoff- Ah huh! Now remember. Did you?” Lindsay then turns to Tyler. “… Oh…” He pauses for a couple seconds and nods. “But before that can we take a break under the tree there? All the walking makes me a bit tired.” He says. “Aww, of course Tyling. Bye you three. See ya later!~” Lindsay and Tyler hold hands and casually leave the trio after they finish and return her stuff.
“What took you so long, porcupine?! I already can feel like we’re definitely the last one to finish.” Trenton whines. “Excuse me but this is a work of ART, greasy hair. Of course it’s going to be long to finish. Just shut your mouth and eyes so that my job will be done in a minute. Sheesh!” Heather replies sharply. “Urgh, fine!” He rolls and closes his eyes and mouth. “Phew!” After a couple minutes, Heather wipes her forehead with the back of her hand. “Your face is one big wall but this will be worth it.” She was satisfied with her work. “Whatever, can I see my face already? He asks dryly. “Sure thing!” *Passes him a mirror while holding her laugh.
/// ENDING 1 ///
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“Wha-WHAT HAVE YOU DONE TO MY FACE!???” Trenton screams hysterically, seeing his face resembling what he was terrified of as a kid. “Give a makeover that you deserve!” Heather burst out a laugh as soon he was horrified by his so-called new look. “You kidding me!? I look like a mime!!!” He shouts ragingly. “Okay, what about it hmm?” She replies with a sassy voice. “Do you know how much I hate mime?!” He furiously asks. “Judging from your face, I just so happen to know it now.” She boldly faces him. “You give me bad makeup, I give you bad makeup!” He angrily snatches eyeliner from her hand while threatening her. She gasps and fastly snarls. “Oh no you don’t!!!”
Somewhere nearby Trenton and Heather, Zeke was huffed slowly stopping from running. “Who told you to stop pipsqueak?! I’m not slowing down all day just to see you being lazy!” Eva runs and shouts far behind him. “But my legs are starting to cramp! Ah!!!!” He tiredly sits and massages his legs. “That’s because you don’t warm up correctly! I already warned you but you don’t listen!” She reprimands of his carelessness. He suddenly hears some commotion. “Did you hear something?” She eventually stops from her running. “Now that you’re mentioning it, yes I do. I wonder where it came from?” She wonders, scanning her left and right. “I think it’s coming from over here.” He directs her to the sound source. Zeke and Eva instinctively hide behind a huge growing tree. They’re seeing Trenton and Heather fighting tooth and nail. “Great. Now the angry pants are making a show.” Eva puts hands on her hips and rolls eyes. “But I’m enjoying it.” She adds with snickers. “Uhh aren’t we gonna check them if they’re just playing around? They look serious, like that one couple who fight to death on the TV.” Zeke anxiously persuades her to check the fighting duo. “Nah, I’m sure they’re good.” She brushes him off confidently. This makes him stare at her in concern and worry.
Trenton hardly grips her shirt and pulls her closer to him with his other hand ready with eyeliner, held in a way to attempt stabbing it to her eyes. Heather grabs his arm with the eyeliner and hardly pushes it far enough for her jaw to open and presses his arm with her teeth solidly. He is only barely able to scratch her face with the eyeliner and throws it aside as his plan fails. In no time he pulls his bitten arm away to let it free from her jaws grip. After that he used the other arm to try snatching a bottle of white foundation that rolled nearby to continue his messing-up-her-face mission. Out of rage adrenaline, she swings her leg high and near his head with her front leg (read: high roundhouse kick). He hastily grasps her motionful leg, causing a huge pushing impact on his side face and losing body balance in split-second.
“Wait a minute, that’s illegal! Zeke, I think you’re right. We need to do something.” Eva is fancy watching Trenton and Heather like they're amateur wrestlers for a couple seconds until she realizes they did some illegal moves in wrestling. “Oh now you’re agreeing.” He crosses arms and sulks. “We have no time to waste, pipsqueak. Go get help and FAST!” She raises her voice up. “Then what you’ll be doing?” He asks, dissatisfied of her sudden direction. “I stay here because I’m your instructor. Now go go go!” She commands sternly. Having no much choice siding him, he sighs then runs in order to find someone nearby for the emergency. “HELP! HELP! SOMEBODY HELP!!!” He screams. “Who’s that?” Lindsay heard Zeke but unsure whose voice it was. “Sounds like Zeke. Looks like he’s in trouble.” Tyler dashed towards Zeke as Zeke is soon seen by him from far away and Lindsay tags along. “Hey dude, you look hurried. Is there anything we can help?” Tyler asks worriedly. “They. Fight. Real. Argh, I have no time to explain, just follow me!” Zeke rushes back to where he and Eva saw Trenton and Heather while the couple tail him from behind. They’re very shocked to see a huge altercation between Trenton and Heather. Without a question, Tyler impulsively joins Eva giving an extra hand to drag raging Trenton away from Heather. Meanwhile Lindsay and Zeke lock Heather’s arms and abdomen to avoid more injuries than they already had.
“YOU! What are you so mad about?! Did you know you could kill her in any second?” Eva scolded him. “What if that’s what I wanna do...” Trenton growls, glaring both Eva and Tyler intensely. They’re bulging their eyes of terror as they don’t get to see much of his face while the two are fighting because his hair covers most of it. “I was about to ask that too. Ahahahahahaha… haha… ha...” Tyler tries to break the silence with awkward laughter.
--- Confessional ---
“I swear, if Eva and I lose our grip for one second, Heather would definitely be a dead beaten meat in no time with Trenton in that much anger!” Tyler shudders remembering the incident.
Heather collapsed as soon as Trenton was far away from her. “A-are you okay, Heather?” Lindsay gets Heather up sitting on the ground and patting her back. “Other than my face smeared with bonus makeup, I’m alright… I think…” Heather says, seeing her injuries inflicted by Trenton’s massive rage. Some part of her was satisfied but other part felt it was wrong of her for causing him to do so. “Don’t guys are not supposed to wear makeup?” Zeke slips in. “No, you get that wrong, Zeke. Trust me, once you see DJ’s makeup work, you’ll change your mind.” Lindsay puts a hand on his shoulder and the other hand wipes the air. He nods in trying to understand Lindsay’s statement. “So if what you’re saying is true, that means YOU’RE the one who gives the wrong kind of makeup to him.” He points to Heather. Heather gasps in shock. “What? No! It’s a work of art. He’s the one who can’t appreciate it. You too!” She crosses her arms, looking away. “Then why would he be so mad?” He sighs as he gets tired because he had too much information to digest in one go. Something that is still new to him due to him being homeschooled where he was taught things slowly one by one. “You know what, suit yourself. I’m outta here. Geez…” He’s so done for the day and walks away. Lindsay shakes her head seeing them two.
--- Confessional ---
“I can’t believe that even the homeschool boy said my makeup sucked! Why am I surrounded with uncultured people? Arghhhh!” Heather rants in dissatisfaction with “everyone” trying to burn her down.
--- Cut Confessional ---
“Yes, correct and A+. I know the fight is gonna happen. Too bad I don’t get to take some shots of them. Actually, I do plan to mess up with other Gophers beforehand but putting Trenton and Heather together is easy instant drama. Stab the surface then ambush the interior! Ahhahahahahah! But to be fair, Heather is the one who gave him the makeup. She digs her own grave. Not me.” Lindsay disclosed the essence of the incident.
Later in the evening, Trenton knocks the girls’ cabin door. Coincidentally, Lindsay is the one who opens the door. “Oh.” She says half-surprised. “Lindsay hey! Good that you’re here. Well, umm I want to say that err I’m very sorry about this morning. I don’t mean to ruin your makeup tools.” With his back slightly down, a hand brushing his nape and eyes on the floor, he politely apologized. “Aren't you supposed to say sorry to Heather?” She low-key tries to stir his mind but actually curious with his reaction as well. “Maybe for the later time. Besides, she left me all these marks and bruises.” He gently brushes his bandaged arm. “Man, that girl is something grr! I don’t think I even want to talk to her for a couple days unless I reaaally have no other choice.” He complains. “Understandable. I would be mad too if I get horrible makeup done on my face… She nods in understanding his difficulty. He then bitterly smiles. “So what do you say?” “Alright alright, forgive you. Besides, my stuff's all fine. Don’t sweat it. I worry more about your injuries here. It looks ... so serious.” She inspects his covered wounds half-worried knowing that she’s part of the cause. “Yeah… Umm, can I ask you something?” He tries to change the topic. Not wanting to keep dwelling about it. “Sure what is it?” She goes along. He scans his surroundings and beckons after that to whisper his request to her. She simply nods to what he's whispering about.
Skipped to the next day. Almost all campers except for one are already gathered around Chris. At this point they’re hoping for the last camper to join them as soon as possible or the challenge will not be started. Impatience started to get into Eva. “What took him so long??! Urgh! I swear if he doesn’t turn up in the next second, I’ll-” “Sorry for making you wait awhile, Miss Eva, and everyone.” Trenton interrupts while catwalks towards them. “Oh, you again... No wonder.” Eva sighs gladly that she doesn’t have to wait any longer. “Yeah… Hey, thanks for yesterday, and you three too. I owe you guys a lot.” Trenton thanks Zeke, Lindsay and Tyler with smiles and keeps walking. All other campers stare at him with assorted reactions. “Whatever”, weirded out, curious, wonder, and even impressed, all jumbled in.
“Well, well, well. What we have here hmm?” Chris asks. So puzzled with Trenton’s new style. “I just got a new routine. That’s all.”  Trenton shrugs. “Yeah yeah. I can see that. Make sure to beat the clock next time dude, the clock is still ticking when you’re not walking.” Chris taps his watch that is hugging his left wrist. “Heheh alright.” Trenton replies shortly. “Man, you’re looking like you have an attitude with that face, and the bandages too.” Duncan sportively taunts. “Oh Dunc! I already had that actually. But only for a PARTICULAR person. You know who.” Trenton smashes Dunc’s words including a smirk. “Haha, Nice one.” Dunc was thrilled with Trenton’s wit. Trenton then seeks for remaining seats. He feels disappointed as no other seat other than next to Heather. Eventually, he reluctantly sits beside her.
“Well, well, well…” Heather tries to needle him but he quickly snarls in front of her. “Okay, okay. I-I’ll give you some space.” She pushes palms towards him and slides herself slightly away from him. “… I’m sorry alright…” She looks down and brushes her arm with guilt. He only blows steam through his nose and rolls eyes. Not in the mood to respond to anything from her.
--- Confessional ---
“Yesterday's event was very harsh with all these hurties, but it inspires me to start having a new look. You know, trying something new hahaha. All thanks to Lindsay.” Trenton pulls out an eyeliner, presumably given by Lindsay from his trouser pocket. “... Okay maybe porcupine as well urgh!” He finally admits begrudgingly.
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secretkidcolor · 4 years
A Good View from the Sidelines
A simple game of basketball with a bunch of sweaty guys in shorts shouldn't be that big of a deal. Naturally, it ends up being a bigger deal once Tyler meets someone from the other team for the first time.
Also posted to fanfiction.net and Archive of Our Own under the same title~
Happy Pride Month!
“Bro, you might want to sit this one out.”
Tyler adjusted the sweatband keeping some of his hair out of his face as he heard his friend’s advice. Well, friend was a loose term. He and Geoff weren’t exactly close, but they got along fine. Geoff, who oozed coolness with his fondness for open-chested shirts and cowboy hats, had no reason to invite Tyler to hang out as often as he did. But that was Geoff’s character-defining trait. He was cool in every sense of the word. That included being nice to everyone. So when he advised Tyler to sit out, Tyler knew it probably wasn’t in a way that was meant to be disrespectful.
“No way dude,” Tyler said, “I just got warmed up. Afraid I’m gonna beat you guys?” Tyler and Geoff were at the local park with two other guys, DJ and Duncan, and were supposed to be shooting hoops together. They hadn’t started yet though, which was why Tyler was confused. Usually he’d play a couple rounds, hurt himself, and sit out to watch, but he was in perfect shape still and wanted to take advantage of that for what little time he was able to maintain it.
“Pffft, as if,” Duncan cut in, rolling his eyes. “That new guy, Alejandro, is going to be coming by with some of his buddies to play us in a little game of three on three. And no offense, but we want to win.” Unlike Geoff, Duncan was most likely intending to be disrespectful. With his bright green mohawk, various piercings, and constantly pissed off expression, Duncan scared the crap out of Tyler. Whether it was death threats (followed by an unconvincing “Kidding!”) or just senseless violence against people Duncan deemed uncool, Tyler tried to stay off his radar as much as possible. There had been a brief conflict between them when Tyler had dated Lindsay, and the jock had truly feared for his life for a moment, but that had come to pass.
“Ale…” Tyler’s voice trailed off as he tried to replicate the name. It was clearly Spanish, but Tyler wasn’t the best speaker to begin with. “Alejandro,” he managed to say finally. The name sounded vaguely familiar. “He’s new?’
“Chyeah dude,” Geoff said, dribbling the ball in place. “He just transferred here over the weekend. Bridge said that all the girls were talking about him today. Even Heather.”
“I was getting an icepack from the nurse when I heard him introducing himself to Principal Mclean,” DJ spoke up from his spot on the ground. “That man doesn’t like anybody, but this guy pushed all the right buttons. Mclean even offered to let him skip his first class of the day. He’s smooth as Mama’s gravy.”
“Which is why it’s important that we beat his ass at basketball today,” Duncan said, his eyes narrowing. “Nobody makes our chicks talk but us.” Tyler winced a little at the possessive wording Duncan used. Duncan’s girlfriend Courtney would probably throw a fit if she heard him talk about her like that, and Tyler wouldn’t have ever dared claim ownership over Lindsay.
While Tyler’s relationship with Lindsay was solid, it was certainly an anomaly to everyone at school. At first the idea of a pretty- no, beautiful. Tyler believed she was the most beautiful girl he had ever met. The idea of a beautiful, blonde cheerleader dating a jock was a given. It was less of a given when it was apparent that Tyler wasn’t very good at any of the many sports he participated in. He was clumsy to a fault and spent more time on the bench than actually playing, and the few times he did play he usually ended up getting hurt. This normally didn’t put a damper on his spirits though. He had won the Team Spirit award every season since freshman year. His teammates had given him flack for it at first, but Lindsay’s immense popularity and their immediate connection had helped with that. By now, most of the other school athletes admired (at least secretly) his perseverance and now that he was a junior, he saw some of his younger teammates actually looking up to him. Rival schools still gave him a hard time, but he had come to rely on his teammates to have his back when that happened.
Tyler wasn’t an overly spiritual man, but he thanked the higher powers for putting Lindsay into his life. She was the perfect girlfriend. Sweet, caring, smar- okay she wasn’t that smart. But that hardly mattered anyway, especially after she had gotten past always getting his name wrong. Their relationship had started as a quick burst of teenage passion and had actually developed into something meaningful. As they got older they began to rely on one another for more than just a physical release. Tyler considered Lindsay to be his best friend and he trusted her with everything, and that bond only seemed to strengthen when they had stopped dating (there was a bad incident with her forgetting his name in front of his parents). He trusted her with everything. Well, almost everything…
“Chill dudes,” Geoff said. “Alejandro’s bringing three friends so it’ll be four guys to a team. Tyler can sub in at some point. Is that cool?” He looked at Tyler as he asked this, and Tyler nodded.
“Yeah, it’ll give me extra time to warm up!” With that, Tyler began to do some push-ups for effect. Soon enough, four guys could be seen walking toward the court as Tyler flopped on the ground after his push-ups. He groaned as Geoff, Duncan, and DJ greeted the approaching four guys. There were a couple of voices he could recognize as the guys talked.
“I’ll be the first one sitting out,” said Justin, a guy who ran a modeling Instagram account. “This is the perfect lighting for some sporty pics. You guys just let me know if you need me, okay?’
“Pfft, whatever,” Duncan said and Tyler could practically feel his eyeroll. “Are we gonna stand around all day or actually play?”
“Lightning’s ready to play!” That was another voice that Tyler definitely recognized. Lightning was the star quarterback and the only student who referred to himself in third person almost constantly. Tyler never really cared for him as he was one of the less kind football players when it came to Tyler’s habit of injuring himself. His dad was a big name in sports broadcasting and donated generously to the football team though, and Tyler did like the new uniforms each year.
“My friend, are you in need of some assistance?” A voice flowed through Tyler’s ears like silk and he looked up to see a tan hand being offered. He grabbed it and was immediately surprised by the firm, but careful grip that pulled him to his feet. Tyler steadied himself and found himself face to face with one of the most attractive men he had ever seen. That…sounded weird, but it was true. This man was jacked, and while Tyler himself was pretty muscular he felt a little self-conscious as he looked at the guy in a totally objective way. He was wearing a dark red shirt, not too much darker than Tyler’s own, which clung to his muscles. There was something tied to a cord around his neck. A skull of some kind. His hair was long, but well-maintained. The closed-mouth smile he gave Tyler seemed to just be polite, but his eyes were…calculating. Not recognizing him, Tyler assumed that this must be Alejandro.
As Alejandro’s eyebrow raised, Tyler realized he must have been staring at him for an unusual amount of time and looked down, only to see that he was still holding his hand. He quickly withdrew his own hand and sputtered out the first thing that came to mind, “I-I uh, I like girls!”
Alejandro didn’t even seem fazed by the remark. “Noted,” he said politely. “Although probably not relevant to basketball.” He chuckled and Tyler really hoped that nobody else had heard his remark. “My name’s Alejandro,” he said, confirming his name. “And you are?”
“Tyler,” the jock responded quickly. “Uh, nice to meet you…er, yeah.”
“Um, are we gonna play or what?” Duncan asked impatiently from a few feet away. He held up the basketball.
Alejandro nodded at Duncan and turned back to Tyler. “Best of luck Tyler,” he said with another closed-mouth smile.
“Uh thanks but I’m actually gonna be sitting this one out,” Tyler said, backing up off the court.
“Pity,” Alejandro replied, “but I hope you enjoy watching the game then.” Another smile. Tyler felt his face begin to heat up, but fortunately the guys were quick to start their game.
Thirty seconds of watching the game and Tyler had come to the conclusion that basketball was the world’s most unnecessarily sexual sport. Growing up, Tyler had played more sports than most, and he was just now deciding on this fact. Contact sports, while intensely physical, usually involved the wearing of gear for protection. Basketball? While it wasn’t an intentional contact sport, there were still plenty of points of contact during a single game. And with no gear, there were no barriers between skin. Nothing between smooth, sweaty, tan skin.
Tyler had started the game trying to focus in on his friends and provide moral support from the sidelines, but that quickly stopped when he saw Alejandro on the court. Tyler had never seen someone play basketball so gracefully before. Alejandro moved with confidence and power, but he clearly possessed total control over himself and the ball when he had it. None of the other guys could even touch him as he practically glided across the court. At one point, he even seemed to turn and look right at Tyler.
His calculating eyes.
Slowly widening in alarm.
A large orange orb slowly growing bigger over his face.
A flash of pain and Tyler’s vision temporarily darkened as the basketball collided straight into his face. His head snapped back, his neck making a soft pop as he fell onto his back. Fortunately, he had been sitting in the grass and the back of his head came into contact with untrimmed grass and not the concrete of the basketball court. Tyler may have developed a high pain tolerance, but he wasn’t invincible and concussions were no joke.
Tyler could hear laughing, and some concerned shouts, but soon that seemed to fade away as he saw Alejandro’s face appear hovering over him. “I am so incredibly sorry,” he said, and Tyler could feel a hand on the side of his face. Alejandro had such smooth skin. He slowly helped Tyler up to a sitting position, asking him the usual questions that coaches and trainers asked Tyler after he got took a hard enough blow to the head. It was all very professional sounding coming from someone who likely was the same age as Tyler, but there was something else too. Alejandro had come off as so confident and in control of everything when he had introduced himself not even fifteen minutes ago, and yet now he was flustered and worried and just reacting. And yet he still oozed confidence. And if anything, he was even more beautiful for it.
“It’s all good dude,” Tyler finally said after the round of questions and Alejandro was convinced he didn’t need medical attention. “I’ve taken way harder hits before.” He reached up to rap his knuckles against his skull for effect, Alejandro’s soft hiss under his breath made him reconsider. “But,” he offered, “I’ll probably stay out for the whole game to be safe.”
“Yes, I…I think that would be best,” Alejandro agreed. “It was an accident, I swear.”
“Doing us a favor honestly,” Duncan muttered. Geoff jabbed him with his elbow. “Kidding,” he added.
“Is it cool if we keep playing?” Geoff asked Tyler. “As long as you’re good.
“I’m good,” Tyler said with a slight nod. Duncan went to get the ball and the guys tried to figure out where to position themselves for the game to resume.
“Hey Alejandro,” Tyler said with a grin as Alejandro stood up to resume playing, “I knew what you were doing. I know you just needed to take out the strongest player before he could turn the game around on you guys.”
Alejandro look’s initial look of alarm quickly changed to match Tyler’s grin. “You caught me,” he said in a teasing tone. “It seems you’re too smart for me Tyler, and I was intimidated by the athletic prowess you possess. I do hope you’ll find it in your heart to forgive me.” They shared a laugh and after a few seconds Alejandro gave him a nod before heading back to the game.
Tyler rubbed the bridge of his nose, feeling where a bruise was going to form, and leaned back. If he wasn’t going to play, he was at least going to enjoy watching the world’s most unnecessarily sexual sport. Of course, there was one player he tended to focus on more, and he was pretty sure that player caught his glances multiple times without breaking his concentration on the game.
In the end, Alejandro’s team had won by a lot of points. Duncan was annoyed, DJ seemed a little embarrassed, and Geoff was chill like always. The guys still shook hands with one another, and Alejandro walked over to shake Tyler’s hand as well.
“Again, I do hope you can forgive me for your bruised face,” he said, which Tyler just waved off. “Maybe next time, when you’re able to play, your friends won’t lose quite as badly.”
Tyler looked over at his friends and then at Alejandro, meeting his amused gaze with a smirk. “Yeah,” he said, standing up, “because next time…we’re gonna win.”
“Well then I might have to hit you with the ball again,” Alejandro remarked, again with that teasing tone.
“Well then I guess we’ll have to keep playing until my face becomes so strong it bounces the ball right back at you!” Tyler declared.
“Sounds like we’ll be playing basketball together for quite a long time then,” Alejandro said, and Tyler realized that while their handshake had stopped, neither of them had let go of the other’s hand. Tyler felt his face begin to heat up.
“Guess so,” Tyler said, but his voice sounded much less confident than it had moments ago. Alejandro chuckled and released Tyler’s hand.
“I’m sure I’ll see you around Tyler,” he said before turning to leave. “Let me know if you ever want to just play one on one.” It was a normal enough offer but the way he said those last three words sent Tyler’s mind racing as he watched Alejandro walk away.
It hadn’t been a lie when he told Alejandro he liked girls. It was more of a half-truth. But maybe Alejandro had known that from the start. He would have to ask Lindsay what she thought of all this later tonight.
As Tyler said goodbye to his teammates and headed home, he used his phone to check the bruise on his face. It was big, but it would heal quickly. Just in time for another game of Tyler’s new favorite sport.
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TDI Part 2 with my OC Kasey.
*Intro plays*
Chris: Okay. Today's challenge is three-fold. Your first task is to jump off this 1,000-foot-high cliff into the lake.
Bridgette: Piece of cake.
Kasey: Oh yeah baby! Cliff Divin’!
*Bridgette and Kasey high five*
Chris: If you look down, you will see two target areas. The wider area represents the part of the lake that we have stocked with psychotic *laughs* man-eating sharks. Inside that area is a safe zone. That's your target area, which, we're pretty sure is shark free.
Leshawna: Excuse me.
Kasey: Can I take my enthusiasm back?
Chris: For each member of your team that jumps and actually survives, there will be a crate of supplies waiting below. Inside each crate are supplies that you'll need for the second part of the challenge... building a hot tub. The team with the best one gets to have a wicked hot-tub party tonight. The losers will be sending someone home. Let's see, Killer Bass, you're up first.
Bridgette: Oh, wow. So, who wants to go first?
Crickets chirp
Owen: Hey, don't sweat it, guys. I heard that these shows always make the interns do the stunt first to make sure it's survivable.
Flashback music starts
Chris: We need to test the stunts first. You know that.
Chef: Do I look like an intern?
Chris: No, but the ones we had are all in the hospital. C'mon, just jump it, you big chicken. *cackles like a chicken*
Chef: I don't get paid enough for this, man. (screaming)
Chef: Hey, I made it. I made it, man, uh. Something just brushed up by my foot. Hey, Chris, man, something ain't right down here. (screaming and runs mid-air as the bongo running noise plays)
Chris: Well, that seems safe enough.
Flashback ends
Eva: So, who's up?
Duncan: Ladies first.
Bridgette: Fine, I'll go. It's no big deal, just an insane cliff dive into a circle of angry sharks.
Bridgette jumps
Tyler: They did it. Yeah! Yeah! I'm next. Cowabunga!
Kasey: Aww what the heck. Cowabunga dude!
They both jump. Kasey lands in the safe zone, Tyler lands on a buoy
Tyler: Oh! Ohhh. Ow.
Bridgette: Ooh.*cringes*
Kasey: Oooohh that was wicked man,
campers start jumping
Geoff: Wooooo! Hahaha!
Eva: Look out below!
Duncan jumps but says nothing
D.J.: Unh-unh. No way, man. I'm not jumping.
Chris: Scared of heights?
D.J.: Yeah, ever since I was a kid.
Chris: That's okay, big guy. Unfortunately, that also makes you a chicken. So you'll have to wear this for the rest of the day.
D.J.: Aw, man. For real?
Chris: Bawk bawk bawk! That means the chicken path down is that-a-way. Next.
Ezekiel: Yee-haw!
He hits a rock and spins before hitting the water as the team cheers.
Harold: Yes. (screams) 
Harold does the splits and lands right on his kiwis
Everyone visibly cringes even the sharks as his scream rings throughout the camp
Chris: Oh, hate to see that happen.
Courtney: Excuse me, Chris. I have a medical condition.
Chris: What condition?
Courtney: A condition that prevents me from jumping off cliffs.
Chris: You can chicken out if you want, but it might end up costing your team the win. And then they'll hate you.
Courtney: It's a calculated risk. I've seen the other team, and I don't think nine of them will jump.
Chris: All right, here is your chicken hat. So let's tally up the results. Hold on. That's nine jumpers and two chickens. We're missing one.
Sadie: I'm not jumping without Kadie!
Kadie: We have to be on the same team, Chris.
Both: Please! Please! Can we? Can we, Chris? Can we? Can we?
Izzy: I'll switch places with her.
Chris: All right, fine, you're both on the Killer Bass now. Izzy, you're on the Screaming Gophers.
Kadie and Sadie: Yes!
Chris: That means you're up, girls.
Kadie and Sadie: We're coming, Killer Bass! (screaming)
Chris: Okay, so that's ten jumpers and two chickens. Screaming Gophers, if you can beat that we'll throw in a pull cart to put your crates on.
Trent: Nice. Okay, guys who's up first?
*nobody moves or says anything*
Heather: I'm sorry, there's no way I'm doing this.
Beth: Why not?
Heather: Uh, hello, national TV., I'll get my hair wet.
Gwen: You're kidding, right?
Lindsay: If she's not doing it, I'm not doing it.
Leshawna: Oh you're doing it.
Heather: Says, who?
Leshawna: Says me. I'm not losing this challenge 'cause you got your hair day, you spoiled little daddy's girl.
Everyone recoils and backs up from the fight
Heather: Back off, ghetto-glamour, too-tight-pants-wearing, rap-star wannabe.
Leshawna: Mall-shopping, ponytail-wearing, teen-girl-reading, peeking in high school prom queen!
Heather: Well, at least I'm popular.
Everyone either smiles at the fight or is very concerned, except Justin who looks at himself in the mirror
Leshawna: You're jumping!
Heather: Make me! 
Leshawna grabs her and holds her above her head, then tosses her over the cliff
 Heather: (screaming) Leshawna, you are so dead!
Leshawna: Hey, I threw you into the safe zone, didn't I? Now I just hope I can hit it, too. (screaming)
Lindsay: I thought this was going to be a talent contest.
Chris: (laughs) Yeah. (laughs) No.
The Gophers begin jumping
Lindsay screams
Gwen screams
Cody screams
Izzy laughs ecstatically
Justin jumps
Leshawna: Lookout! Paddle!
Justin is surrounded by sharks, he smiles as angelic music plays and they carry him to shore
Beth: I--I can't do it. I'm too scared. I'm sorry.
Cody and Leshawna cackle like chickens
Lindsay: That is, like, so lame, right?
Heather: Fully lame.
Beth walks away with a chicken hat on
Trent: Let's do this. Yeah! Whoo!
He high fives Owen before jumping
Chris: Okay, campers, there's only one person left. You guys need this jump for the win. No pressure, dude. 
Owen smiles, relaxed
Chris: Okay, there's pressure.
Owen frowns, and tenses
His team cheering for him below
Heather: Jump! Jump! Just do it, Owen. Do it!
Owen: Oh, I was pretty darn nervous.
Owen: See, the thing is, I'm not that strong a swimmer.
Geoff: I'm looking at this guy and thinking, "there's no way he's gonna make it."
Gwen: I actually thought, "if he jumps this... he's gonna die."
Kasey: Bye Bye Mr. Happy Pants. We hardly knew ye.
Chris: Take a good run at it, buddy. You can do this.
Owen: I'm going to die now. I'm going to freakin’ die now.
Leshawna: Come on, big guy.
Owen: Yeah! Oh, crap. (screams)
Owen jumps and makes a splash that sends a boat and everyone onto the beach in piles
The camera pans to a shark on a pine tree
Owen: Yes! Yeah! Oh, yeah! Who's the man?
Beth: Woo-hoo-hoo!
Leshawna: Yes.
Chris: The winners, the Screaming Gophers!
Trent: That was awesome, dude. What's wrong?
Owen: I, uh, think I lost my bathing suit.
The campers complain about Owen losing his bathing suit in the water
Team Screaming Gophers sing 99 bottles of pop.
Cut to Killer Bass
Courtney: Ow! I think I just got a splinter.
Eva: Shut up and pick up your crate... (Eva throws down the crate) Chicken.
*Kasey snickers as she walks by with a crate. Courtney glares at her.*
Courtney: Hey I'm the only one with C.I.T. camping experience here, you need me.
D.J. and Eva look at each other. It cuts back to the Screaming Gophers signing 99 Bottles of Pop.
Lindsay lags behind to pick up a seashell, before catching back up with the group.
Tyler carrying a crate.
Tyler: Ugh, I've gotta take a wiz.
Eva: Hurry up. We're already behind.
Kadie: Ooh, I hate to go, too.
Sadie: You do? Oh, my gosh, me, too.
Kasey: Ugh, anyone else?
*she sets down her crate and cracks her back, everyone shakes their head*
Sadie and Kadie follow Tyler into the woods.
Cuts to Courtney killing a fly, resulting in her hitting herself.
Courtney: Ow. I think something just bit me.
Back to the Screaming Gophers singing 99 Bottles of Pop.
Beth: Hey, look, there’s the campground.
Owen: That was pretty easy.
Cody: I'm pleasantly surprised.
Cut back to the Killer Bass
Eva: Feel better?
Kadie: Yup.
Courtney: Can we go now? I think my eye is swelling up.
Kasey: Quit complaining! Let’s go!
Kadie and Sadie start pushing a crate.
Sadie: Ew, something's itching me. Are you itchy, too?
Kadie: Totally itchy. Really bad.
Cut back to the campgrounds
Chris: Remember, you guys can only use your teeth to open the crates. I came up with that one.
*Campers are trying to open the crates with their mouths, Izzy has a rope in her mouth*
Izzy: (growling) Hey, I think I got it open.
The crate pops open.
Izzy: Ow, ow, rope burn on my tongue.
Cut back to Sadie and Kadie.
Sadie: Ooh, it's really itching now.
Kadie: Mine feels like it's burning.
Sadie: Okay, I have to scratch.
Kadie and Sadie both start scratching.
Chris rides over on an ATV
Chris: You guys are way behind the other team. Like, way behind. What's the problem?
Courtney: Their butts are itchy.
Chris turns to Courtney and notices her eye
Chris: Ahh! Oh, my boxers, that's bad.
Bridgette: Did you guys squat down when you peed in the woods?
Kadie: Yeah.
Bridgette: Did you happen to notice what kind of plants you were squatting over?
Sadie: They were kind of oval shaped and green and all over the place.
Bridgette: Were they low to the ground, about this big?
Bridgette makes a shape with her hands.
Kadie and Sadie both nod.
Bridgette: You guys squatted on poison ivy.
Kadie and Sadie: What do we do? Oh, no.
They both start yelling and panicking.
Chris: (laughs) No way. That's awesome. (laughs)
Kasey: Oh man that is soooo bad.
Kadie and Sadie begin to drag their butts across the sand.
Kadie and Sadie: Somebody, help us.
Back to the Screaming Gophers.
Owen: Hey, check it out, I got wood.
Trent: I got some tools here and what looks like a pool liner.
Heather and Lindsay walk over to Leshawna.
Heather: I just wanted to say, I didn't mean bad about you being a ghetto, rap-star wannabe, and I love your earrings. They're so pretty.
Leshawna: Straight up? Well, I'm sorry about pushing you over the cliff and all.
Heather: No worries. I needed a push. Truce?
Leshawna: Yeah, yeah, you got it.
Heather and Leshawna fist bump.
Heather and Lindsay walk away.
Lindsay: Did you mean all that stuff you said to Lefonda back there?
Heather: Leshawna. Hah, no. She's going down. And P.S. those are the ugliest earrings I've seen in my life.
Lindsay: Oh. 
Heather walks past Lindsay as she looks back before walking up to Heather.
Lindsay: So if you hate her why were you being nice to her?
Heather: You ever seen one of these shows before? Keep your friends close and your enemies closer.
Lindsay: Oh. I'm your friend, right?
Heather: Oh, yeah, for now.
Cut to Izzy, Trent, and Noah building the hot tub.
The Killer Bass finally make it to Camp and drop their crates.
Harold: Finally.
Trent: Hey, what's up, guys?
Leshawna: Hey, aren't you missing a couple of white girls?
Cut to Kadie and Sadie with their pants down in the ocean.
Both: (sighing)
Bubbles come up behind Sadie.
Sadie: Oops.
Courtney: They're getting a drink.
Harold: Yeah, if they drink with their butts.
Ezekiel: Haha, that's funny.
Kasey: Haha! Good one! *high fives Harold*
Courtney walks up to Leshawna. Leshawan stares at her eye. Courtney covers her eye.
Leshawna: Ooh, what happened to your eye, girl?
Courtney: Nothing, just an allergy.
Ezekiel: Think it's getting worse.
Courtney: Shut up. We don't want them to know that.
Cut to Geoff on a bunch of crates.
Geoff: Okay, dudes, it's not too late. We can do this.
Cuts to Harold drooling and Ezekiel picking his nose.
Courtney: Ew.
Ezekiel: What?
Bridgette: That's really gross.
Kasey: Yeah dude. What are you? Five?
Courtney: Okay look, guys, we have a hot tub to complete, and we need a project manager, since I've actually been a C.I.T. before, I'm electing myself. Any objections?
Duncan: Where do we begin, Cyclops?
Courtney: Open the crates. Bridgette, go find those itchy girls. We need all the help we can get.
Kasey: Aye Aye, Cap’N One-Eye! *mocks salutes and high fives Duncan, while Courtney huffs*
Cut to Beth and Justin building a hot tub. Then to Harold, Geoff, and Kasey attempting to build a hot tub. Then it collapses. Back to Trent nailing something in. Then, to Duncan and Tyler fighting for a hammer, then it’s launched into Harold's 'family jewels' then gets accidentally attacked by Bridgette with a plank.
Then to The Screaming Gophers filling the hot tub with water. Then to The Killer Bass's terrible hot tub.
Chris begins to examine the two hot tubs.
Chris: This is an awesome hot tub.
The Screaming Gophers cheer.
Chris inspects The Killer Bass's hot tub and gets sprayed in the face. 
The hot tub falls apart and the seagull inside washes away.
Chris: Well, I think we have a winner here... The Screaming Gophers.
Screaming Gophers cheer
Chris: Gophers, you're safe from elimination and you get to rock this awesome hot tub for the rest of the summer. Bonus!
Screaming Gophers cheer
The KIller Bass look down in shame
Chris: Killer Bass, what can I say? Sucks to be you right now. I'll see your sorry butts at the bonfire tonight.
Lindsay: We won! We all get to stay here for another three days!
Heather, Beth, and Lindsay: Oh, yeah. Woo-hoo-hoo.
Owen hops out of the hot tub naked and dances.
Owen: Woo-hoo! Woo-hoo! Ha ha ha. Yes! We get to stay. We get to stay, we are so awesome. We won the contest.
Owen grabs and hugs Heather and Lindsay. Heather is disgusted and Lindsay is smiling.
Main Lodge.
Kadie: So--uh--what do we do now?
Courtney: We have to figure out who we're gonna vote off.
Duncan: Well, I think it should be the princess or the brick house here.
Courtney: What? Why?
Duncan: Because, unless I'm mistaken, you two are the only ones here wearing chicken hats and if we ever have to lift a truck, I like our odds with the big guy.
Courtney: You guys need me. I'm the only one--
Bridgette: We know, who used to be a real C.I.T. so would you pick?
Courtney: What about him?
She points to Tyler and Lindsay stands up.
Lindsay: No! I mean no salt, there's no salt on the table, bummer.
Duncan: Hey, hey, at least he jumped off the cliff, chicken wing.
Courtney: Shut up.
Geoff: Okay, let's just chill out. This is getting way too heavy.
Duncan: I've had enough prison food for one day. I'm gonna go take a nap.
Courtney: You can't do that. We haven't decided who's going yet.
Ezekiel: Well, I just don't get why we lost, eh? They're the ones that have six girls.
Sadie and Kadie: (gasp)
Bridgette: What's that supposed to mean?
Kasey: What did you say, punk? And if I’m not mistaken there are six girls here too.
Eva: Yeah, home school, enlighten us.
Eva, Bridgette, and Kasey surround him with angry expressions.
Ezekiel: Well, guys are much stronger and better at sports than girls are.
Geoff: Oh snap, you did not just say that.
Ezekiel: My dad told me to look out for the girls here, eh? And help them in case they can't keep up.
Eva grabs him and holds him up by his neck.
Eva: Still think we need your help keeping up?
Ezekiel: *choking* Uh, not really.
Geoff: Okay, guys, let's give him a break. I mean, at least he doesn't think that guys are smarter than girls.
Ezekiel: But they are.
Elimination ceremony
All the girls are glaring at Ezekiel.
Duncan: Dude, you've got a lot to learn about the real world.
Chris: Killer bass, at camp marshmallows represent a tasty treat that you enjoy roasting by the fire. At this camp marshmallows represent life.
Geoff flexes for Bridgette. Bridgette and Kasey giggle.
Chris: You've all cast your votes and made your decision. There are only ten marshmallows on this plate. When I call your name come up and claim your marshmallow. The camper who does not receive a marshmallow tonight must immediately return to the dock of shame to catch the boat of losers. That means you're out of the contest and you can't come back... Ever. The first marshmallow goes to... Geoff. Tyler.
Tyler: Woo-hoo-hoo! Yeah! Place at the table.
Chris: Kadie. Bridgette. D.J.. Harold. Kasey.
Harold: Yes.
Chris: Sadie.
Sadie: Oh, yay. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you.
Chris: Duncan. Campers, this is the final marshmallow of the evening.
(Huge dramatic pause)
Chris: Courtney.
Courtney: (sighs)
Chris: Can't say I'm shocked. I saw you picking your nose, dude. Not cool. Dock of shame is that way, bro.
Ezekiel walks down the dock and leaves f o r e v e r.
 Chris: The rest of you, enjoy your marshmallows. You're all safe for tonight.
Gwen: Yep, this camp pretty much still sucks. But now that I'm here I guess I might as well actually try to win.
Kasey: That Ezekiel got what was coming to him.That no good, misogynistic-
The camera pans to the Screaming Gophers in their hot tub.
Cody: To the Screaming Gophers.
Team: To the Screaming Gophers.
Leshawna: Go gophers, go gophers.
Noah, Leshawna, and Owen: Go gophers, go gophers. Go gophers, go gophers, go, go, go gophers.
Courtney: Are you recording this? Good. They can enjoy their little part all they want, but I am gonna win this competition and no one is gonna stop me.
Kasey: Uh Courtney? You know I can hear you right?
Courtney jumps and looks startled. Courtney looks sheepish as Kasey raises an eyebrow.
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mamawolfblood · 4 years
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Chap 7 fear factor
Iris pov
The Gophers and I walk to the camp fire of the bass. When Duncan saw me he got up kissed me infront of everyone. "Well hello to you too." I said breathlessly. "Do you two mind some people don't want to be sick." Courtney said pulling us apart. "Why are you here anyway?" She asked looking at the others. "Owen stunk up the cabin needs time to air out." Trent said. Duncan pulled me in his lap. It turned into a fear fest of sharing. "What are you afraid of Iris?" Harold asked. They all looked at me wanting to know. "It's embarrassing especially since I want to be a doctor like my dad. I am afraid of being covered from head to toe in blood." I said holding my arm blushing. "Wait I thought Chris was your dad" Harold said looking confused. "She means her step dad dipshit." Duncan said glaring at him. "Ok gosh didn't know." He said before leaving. When everyone left I sat on the log next to Duncan. "You know I get why you have beef with Courtney  but I like her. Is it ok if we..." I stop him by placing my hand on his knee. "Duncan if you don't want to thats fine. It was fun while it lasted. Your a good kisser by the way." I said smiling at him. He chuckled "your not bad yourself" he said kissing my cheek. He left leaving me by the fire. When he left tears slid down my cheeks "guess you can be first place after all Courtney." I said when a hand rest on my shoulder.
*Time skip to the morning.*
I sat drinking some coffee. "Hey you ok sweetpea?" I look at Chef and nod. "Listen Iris when I was your age. I fell in love with one of the most beautiful girl. Well I thought so at the time. I got the courage to tell her how I felt. She rejected me and that hurt deeply. My momma she told me that yeah your hurting now. He is not the only one. You will have your heart broken many times in this life. You will also have joys and eventually you will find the one. So chin up soldier the war isn't over yet." He said nudging me. "Thanks Chef." I said hugging him. "Alright you finish your coffee and I will get breakfast started." He said before going in the back. Everyone walked in and sat down. I sat with the Gophers making thim look at me. Thankfully before anyone could say anything Chris came in. Chris [after he whistles] : Campers, your next challenge is a little game I like to call… Phobia Factor! Prepare to face… Your worst fears!
After people made remarks and laugh Chris smirks. Chris: Now for our first victims, Heather! Meet us all in the theater! It’s… Sumo time!
Heather spits out her juice.
Beth, Cody, and Lindsay gasp.
I just look at him worried.
(Confessionals Iris)
You have got to be kidding me. This is wrong on so many levels. *cross arms* I hope its fake blood.
The challenges started  Beth jumps in a pool of worms. Heather trips a Sumo. Sadie and Lindsay had to where a wig. Izzy and Owen went up in a plain Gwen gets buried in sand. Tren got followed by a mime. Cody had to defues a trash bomb. Bridgette went into the woods. Duncan had to hug a standi of Celine Dion. Then it came to me I stood on a platform Chef and Chris had a bucket in hand. "Sorry honey it will be over in a second." Chris said before they threw blood on me. I scream feeling the woar sticky and slimy. I had to stand ther for five minutes. I was skaking trying to keep my cool but I wanted to cry. Chef hoses me off and Chris held me. "Its over I'm sorry your ok." He said petty my hair.
"You showed no pitty for us." One of the campers said. "Yeah well your not my kid. I didn't want to do this to her." Chris said letting me walk to the others. "Hey if you can't stand the site of blood your going to be a shit doctor." Heather said thats when I punched her. She glares up at me but freezes when I glare back. "Whatever that was a lucky shot." Heather said walking away. 
Tyler couldn't pick up the chicken. That left us to second place Courtney. I smirk knowing her fear. "Alright Courtney I will give your team triple points. If you can jump into this pool of green Jelly."  Chris said making her climb. "Ooo it look so gross. It is probably warm green slimy snotty." Gwen and I said getting in Courtney's head. She told us we won't get to her but we did. Duncan encouraged her making me curse under my breath. When she got to the top she chickened out. The Gophers and I cheer.
Courtney [sniffing]: I’m so embarrassed. How could I be so weak? I deserve to go home! Ugh! Okay, stop it! You’re pathetic! Show some confidence, Courtney! [whimpers and smacks her own face]
(confessional off)
Chris "Alright Killer Bass I will see you a the bonfire."
Chris: There are only two marshmallows left on this plate. The three of you did not complete your challenges today. One of you is going home tonight and cannot return. Ever. The next name I’m gonna call… Is… Bridgette. The final marshmallow of the night goes to… Courtney.
Duncan: You’ll get that chicken next time, dude.
[elimination music]
Chris: Looks like a new pecking order has been established here.
Duncan: it’s not like who could cry… Fowl.
Geoff: Time for Tyler too… Fly the coop.
Bridgette: He won’t be flying high tonight.
Courtney: Okay, that’s enough.
[boat motor running]
[sad music]
[chickens clucking]
Tyler screams
(confessional: Lindsay)
Lindsay: Aww, I’ll never forget out time together Taylor– uh, Tyler! [blows kiss] Bye!
(confessional off)
After the Bass left Dad and I sat by the fire talking. He offerd some advice. "It wouldn't matter because he will pay soon very soon." I said  before the camra stopped rolling.
0 notes
rosesandcoconut · 7 years
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Chaz Shiggy Bop Wolcott is a 29 year old man who has been dancing ever since he could walk! HOW COOL IS THAT?? He did his first show when he was around the age area of really young, and he went to do regional shows more into his adult life! He did so many regional shows, like 42nd Street, Meet me in St Louis, Seven Brides for Seven Brothers, Gentlemen Prefer Blondes, and my personal favorite role of his, Legally Blonde! And so many more! (Note- One of the regional productions of Cats he did, in which he played Pouncival and the understudy for Misto, was directed by none other than Jacob Brent! The Misto in the movie! Ahhhh!)
At some point after his graduation(really short time, I wanna say a day but that’s probably wrong), he was called and asked to audition for the national tour of CATS! THAT’S SO AMAAAAAZZZINNGGGG. And thus, he got his first touring experience as Mistoffelees in the first national tour of Cats! So exciting!
Some regional shows and dance classes later, a little show that some of you might know called NEWSIES!!!!!!! started on Broadway! With Jeremy Jordan! And Kara Lindsay! And Ryan Steele! Omg!
Chaz saw the show and LOOOOOOVED it! He even took his mom to see it once because he’s an A+ son like that. Everyone he knew was texting him and saying he’d be perfect for it! Which he was! So he auditioned! Sadly, it was not meant to be. But he kept trying! And trying. And trying. And trying. :( 7-8 Newsies auditions later, he got a call that would change his life forever. He got in as Buttons in the FIRST NATIONAL TOUR! Nobody could be more proud of him.
And thus, a new(sie) chapter of his life began!
There’s a saying that says that a cast is like your family, and the cast of the tour of Newsies was no exception! For over a year they toured together, and people did leave the tour, and people did join! But no matter what happened, they still remained a family, even if one wasn’t there anymore.
And as so many do, he stagedoored after almost every show to meet his fans! There’s a good bunch of broadway people that don’t do this, so it was amazing when he treated every single fan with love and respect, and didn’t treat them like he was above them or like they weren’t worth his time. Which every single fansie appreciates more than words can say. And it didn’t just stop at the stagedoor! Social media as well! He’d respond to fansies through Instagram and Twitter all the time, and even help them through their personal problems. Which is something that he doesn’t have to do, yet he does anyway. And I think that’s amazing.
But it wasn’t all fun and games. In June of 2016, something happened to his leg/foot in the middle of the show, so he had to call out, because every dancer must know their limit, and his was reached.
He took 3 months off, which was a sad experience for every fansie who wanted to meet him. And honestly, for every dancer who loves what they do and couldn’t imagine life without dance, I can’t imagine it was a pleasant experience for him either. (But he went to a Tony Awards party thing, was on the Tyler Mount vlog, went to a gay pride parade, and saw many shows, so hE’s aLrIgHt). And he still kept in touch with his fans on social media, so that was cool.
3 months later, he finished his physical therapy and was finally cleared to go back to the tour! Yay!
A little more than a week before his first show back, I had a friend who offered me an extra ticket she had to the show, so of course I had to take her up on the offer!
The ticket ended up being for his first show back, which made me more happy than words could say.
Without going into details about literally everything, he was astounding in it. Truly amazing. You wouldn’t even think he was injured in the first place. I screamed during his broom solo. Sue me.
I surprised him at the stagedoor cause he’s my guy and I love him. Not gonna go into details, but he was kind enough to take me backstage(which made me feel bad cause there were at least 100 more people at the stagedoor), which was an experience I’ll never forget.
Sooooo, he was back up and running on the tour again!
It was also announced that this amazing show would be filmed live and put in movie theaters across the globe, which only made everybody sob in delight. My friends and I were terrified because Chaz never actually said online that he would be in it, but I was lucky enough to confirm with him that he indeed would.
But, all good things must come to an end. October 2nd of 2016, the tour ended. All tears and tissues aside, Newsies on Tour was something that nobody will ever, ever forget. Which brings us back to… Don’t cry because it’s over. Smile because it happened! The cast and show had brought so much hope to fans everywhere, and nobody can thank them enough for that.
But Chaz’s career most certainly didn’t die. He became a member of the Broadway Collective, a company that travels across the US and gives jazz, tap, and vocal lessons to aspiring actors and actresses everywhere. I was lucky enough to be able to take a dance class from him, so I mean this when I say this, if you ever get the chance to take a dance class from him, please do. You’ll have the time of your life.
And there’s definitely more chances to do so! Ever since he finished the collective, he has been teaching non-stop at the Broadway Dance Center, which is $20 a class(Not bad at all!), and he has his own classes called Jazz with Chaz that he has scattered through the week! And that’s only $5!!! Amazing, right?
My favorite thing about his classes is that he still makes it an amazing experience even if you don’t see yourself as an amazing dancer. He finds a way to make it fun and energetic, without you having to be crazy flexible or know how to do a million tricks, which is something I think a lot of people can appreciate. I know I can. You always come out of his class feeling like you just did something amazing, which you did, even if you didn’t tilt your leg over your head. You feel like you did something amazing because you had //fun//. Each one of his classes gives you such an energetic high that you can’t keep a smile off your face, because of how supportive he is and how obvious it is that he wants you to succeed. And to me, having someone teach your class who doesn’t pick favorites and looks at you with a smile worth a thousand words when you even just do a single pirouette, is the best kind of support a dancer can have.
And to end this, Chaz is an amazing individual, and if you’re ever in any situation where you can meet him, take a class from him, or even just see him in a show, I can guarantee you that it’ll be something you’ll never regret or forget. He’s done so much for so many people, and treats everyone he meets with love and kindness, and that’s something everyone needs more of nowadays.
I never know how to end these things so
Love, Hannah 💙
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Shot by the Gods- God to Goddess
Summary: A series of One Shots, Ficlets, or Drabbles from my Gods of LS AU. Ryan shows off one of his abilities as a god.
Word Count:946
Previous / AO3
Note: Takes place after Till Death do us Part
Jack and Gavin were sitting on the couch in the living room of the penthouse. Meg had gone out for the day with Ryan. Ryan had said that the two of them were gonna go hang out with two other reapers that were also residing in Los Santos. Gavin hadn’t been concerned about any of that since Meg had said they were just having free play time in the city.
Jack had just turned on the TV to see if any news stations had picked up on any crew related criminal activities. Gavin raised an eyebrow out Jack. “I just want to see if we’re missing any crew related criminal activity.” The news started talking about deaths that had taken place at the park baseball field.
“Eh. Why’s it matter? We’re used to it already. Besides, Mariel is just a regular reaper, and I guess Tyler decided they should kill people at the baseball field today,” Gavin calmly explained.
Jack stared at him. “How do you know all of this?”
“Well, when you’re dating a reaper, it’s kinda hard not to know these things,” he said with a shrug.
“But, I just remembered that you said that Ryan took her out. Does that bother you?”
“Nah. Ryan told her to stay on earth. And Meg told me that it was so the two of us could be together.”
“I don’t get his logic.”
“Me neither, but I’m not worried about that. I’m pretty sure they’re just, like, boss and employee.”
Suddenly, the front door opened and Ryan walked in. he peeled off his mask and he made his face paint disappear off of his face. He yawned slightly and walked over to the fridge in the kitchen.
“How was your little ‘death play’ time?” Jack asked.
“Death play was good. It was nice meeting up with Tyler and Mariel again,” he answered as he grabbed a diet coke out.
“’Where’s Meg?” Gavin asked.
“I dropped her off back at your apartment,” he answered as he took a sip. He walked over to the chair in the living room and sat down. “Besides, I didn’t think we need to get her anymore involved with the crew than she already is.”
“Fair enough.”
“Now, Ryan, I have a question,” Jack started to ask.
“About the activities that transpired today that the news hasn’t covered?”
“No, no. I noticed that when you first walked in, you had face paint on. But then it literally disappeared off of your face.”
“Yeah, I didn’t need it on anymore, so what was the point of keeping it on, you know.”
“But how did you do that?” the question was finally asked.
“In human terms, shapeshifting.”
Jack looked confused. “Shapeshifting?”
Ryan nodded. “Shapeshifting.”
“I don’t understand.”
“For all of time, gods have been able to change their physical appearance. Back in the beginning of time, we shifted just for the hell of it. When humans came around, we shifted to be able to accomplish goals that we had involving humans,” Ryan explained.
“So, what about the look we know you by?” Gavin asked.
Ryan chuckled. “Funny enough that’s actually my natural look, minus the outfit. The outfit came when I moved to Los Santos in the first place.”
“It’s how I was able to recognize him the day he finally admitted that he was Vaga,” Jack explained.
“How much can you shapeshift?” Gavin asked, curiously.
“Well,” Ryan started. Then his hair got shorter and turned dark blonde. “I can do subtle changes like this.”
“Uh huh,” Jack nodded.
“And I can do much more drastic shifts, like this.” Suddenly, his hair got much longer. He grew a feminine body shape and a pair of feminine breast to go along with it. He had turned into a woman.
Jack started cracking up. “Oh, my you! Finally, another mature woman! Because it doesn’t matter that Lindsay’s a mother now, she still doesn’t count!” she laughed.
“Finally, you’re not alone!” Ryan joked, joining in on the laughter.
“We can paint each other’s nails and talk about cute boys!”
“Baby Lucas Jones is adorable, right?”
Jack snorted. “That’s not what I meant and you know it!”
Jack and Ryan continued to laugh. Ryan looked over at Gavin and calmed down. “Gavin, what’s wrong?”
Gavin’s face was very red, he was blushing very hard. “It’s just, you look very pretty, Ryan,” he stuttered out.
“Thank you.”
“Maybe, you could, like, stay like that more,” he suggested with that stutter.
Ryan sighed. “Gavin, no. If you’re going to enjoy looking at me, you’re going to have to look at me in my natural form,” he said as he shifted back to his natural form.
“No, you’re right. Besides, you’re very handsome anyway.” Gavin continued to blush. Then he scrambled to his feet. “I’m gonna go to my room now,” he said as he quickly ran away to his room.
Jack looked up at Ryan and smiled. “Well, that’s a good sign.”
“Eh,” Ryan said with a shrug.
“You made him have to leave to go take care of something,” Jack wiggled her eyebrows.
“No, female me did. This is just stupid. Just like Meg’s plan.”
“Meg has a plan?”
“Yes. Meg’s plan is to figure out how to get Gavin to like me back. Which doesn’t make sense to me. She loves Gavin and Gavin loves her. I made it her mission to date Gavin, since I doubt I’ll ever be able to date him myself.”
Jack shrugged. “You know, we always used to think you were the one with the death fetish. But maybe, Gavin is actually the one with a death fetish.
Ryan just sighed in response.
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duanecbrooks · 8 years
"Girl(s)"-Watching     In an earlier article I held forth concerning Baggage Claim, a cinematic black-oriented rom-com that I saw on DVD that I was initially attracted to because of its lively, funny trailer as can be seen on YouTube--and that, as I also disclosed, has made the list of My All-Time Favorite Theatrical Offerings. I have since purchased, and seen, the DVD of another picture that initially caught and held my attention due to the quality of its trailer--which, as is the case with Claim's trailer, is available on YouTube. Namely this flick, which, by the way, started out as a play, is Some Girl(s). It is, let it be said flat-out, a dazzler, laden with searing dialogue, meticulous direction, and--and this is the clincher--genuinely touching and humanistic performances. To catch and stay with Girl(s) from beginning to end is to be on a journey accompanied by a collection of really dimensional, truly flesh-and-blood-and-feeling characters, folks who, although entirely fictional, will certainly, definitely strike chords deep within you. It sincerely is that recognizable, in the human sense, a work.           Before getting into said work, a couple of explanations are in order. First, the story itself has to do with a soon-to-be-wed writer (Adam Brody) traveling around the country re-connecting with different exes and attempting to make amends with them. Secondly, since the structure of Girl(s) is, thanks be to God, honestly individualistic--the picture consists not of some convoluted, showy Plot but of a succession of scenes wherein Brody's character (he is entirely unnamed in the flick, henceforth he'll be referred to The Fellow) re-encounters the aforementioned prior girlfriends and, in various ways, clashes with each of them--what will happen is that the tangiest of the relentlessly tangy dialogue will be spotlighted.               So we commence...             Upon getting back together with Sam (Jennifer Morrison):             .Sam, upon entering The Fellow's hotel room: "I've never been here before. (Pause) Unless you're seeing someone illicitly."             .Sam, after The Fellow tells her of his romantic misadventures after breaking up with her and what he's learned from them: "It's funny how much you know about women--now."           .Sam, after The Fellow does an enormous amount of hemming-and-hawing concerning what this rendezvous with her is about: "[You need to c]ut to the chase because my kid's getting home at 3."         .The Fellow, at last finally cutting to the chase: "I'm here because I want to...right a wrong, make things OK."               .Sam, incredulously: "You want to air this [past romantic] stuff [that was between us] now?"         .Sam, after The Fellow does his buck-and-wing as to how "we [supposedly he and Sam] broke up": "There was no 'we.' It was you! You ended it."                 .The Fellow, regarding Sam: "You were a girl I could take a glance at and see her whole future."       .The Fellow, at last finally fessing up: "I suppose I got nervous and backed out of the situation [with you] the best way I knew how."                   .Sam, becoming frustrated about this whole deal: "I don't want to be thinking about this [past] shit [with you] now! I'm a wife and a mother!"                 .Sam, her frustration growing: "We talked about getting engaged but not this [situation they're now in]!"     .Sam, in her final comment to The Fellow before taking off: "Married, huh? Good for you." And off she goes. For good.             Upon getting back together with the ever-flirtatious Tyler (Mia Maestro):               .Tyler, upon The Fellow's telling her of his personal and professional triumphs: "Married? Holy shit! And New Yorker magazine [published you] in the same year."           .Tyler, upon seductively suggesting that she and The Fellow have a one-night stand and The Fellow demurring, citing his upcoming marriage: "Even if it just happens here, with nobody the wiser?"             .Tyler, upon The Fellow's breaking down and coming on to her: "Don't forget your [wedding] vow thingy."               .Tyler, in response to The Fellow telling her of "this whole [marriage] thing I'm about to embark upon": "It's not a cruise."                 Upon getting back together with the mega-bitter, mega-resentful Lindsay (Emily Watson):           .Lindsay, sarcastically initiating conversation: "So the prodigal son returns."             .Lindsay, continuing to throw her darts: "This is the part where you say something charming in return. That's why they call it 'banter.'"             .Lindsay, hurling yet another dart: "You left at the end of the second semester, so you have...no idea how it was for me."             .Lindsay, keeping up her dart-throwing: "How do you help me get back some of the dignity I lost?"               .More Lindsay dart-hurling: "You are quite capable of fucking me. You used to do it all the time."     .The final last thrown Lindsay dart, this one concerning The Fellow's profession of love and devotion to her: "You were good at [claiming that you cared about me]. Making an honest...woman like me fall for it, gobble it up."               Upon getting back together with the ever-giggly, ever-girlish Reggie (Zoe Kazan):             .Reggie, after using a somewhat foreign (to her) word: "Is that a word--'happenstance'?"           .Sam, acknowledging a key character flaw of his to Reggie: "I have never been good at keeping up with everyone from school. You want to know a secret? I'm not even on Facebook."             .Reggie, upon catching The Fellow in a lie: "You're not really good at making stuff up, are you?...Not for a man who makes his living doing it."               .Reggie, disclosing her genuine past attitude toward The Fellow: "I used to watch you. You were the favorite of [my childhood girlfriend] Kelly's friends."             .The Fellow, upon discovering a previously-unknown (to him) layer of Reggie: "I didn't even know you kept a journal! At 11?"             .Reggie, telling The Fellow of how she, too, once wrote a tale of fiction: "Like you did in your story. Only without all the--what do you call 'em?--motifs."           .Reggie, getting into she and The Fellow's past together: "Your hand was there [upon my body]. Slipping into my panties."               .Reggie, flatly refusing to let The Fellow off the hook for taking sexual advantage of her: "I was the kid. I was the little girl...You were a man...Maybe you couldn't vote or go to war, but you had a car and everything...You had no right to [exploit me sexually]. Ever!"             .Reggie, upon, before leaving, very soulfully kissing The Fellow: "That's what a woman kisses like. You feel the difference?"               Upon getting back together with the sensitive-yet-far-from-malleable Bobbi (Kristen Bell):           .Bobbi, upon The Fellow's relating to her his plan to revisit his exes and see whether or not there's any bad blood: "So I was one of [those exes], huh? The lucky ones."                 .There's this dialogue between The Fellow and Bobbi regarding the former's emotional/psychological self, the former is the first speaker, Bobbi the second:                                           "Part of your life begins to come up for you."                                     "Like vomit?"             .Bobbi, again commenting on The Fellow's visit-exes-and-see-whether-or-not-there's-any-hard-feelings strategy: "Well, I'm glad I made the cut."             .Bobbi, becoming sincerely pissed at what is in effect The Fellow's plying his snow job: "Just don't do some pathetic thing like pretending to smooth things over."                 .Bobbi, upon giving The Fellow a gift certificate and him at first refusing: "Just please don't be an asshole about this. Just take it!"                   .Bobbi, spiritedly rejecting The Fellow's attempts to gloss things over: "I don't need any friends! Let me be more specific: I don't need you!"                 .Bobbi, when The Fellow tries to smooth things over by serving up the I-didn't-mean-any-harm gambit: "Fuck you!...It's not about the meaning, it's about the doing!"               .Bobbi, still staunchly refusing to give The Fellow a free ride: "When you do what you do [sexually exploit females], people get hurt!...It makes you more than just an ex-boyfriend. It makes you a killer, an assassin, an emotional terrorist."                 .The Fellow, at last finally honestly attempting to make amends: "I've done a host of things that, if you nit-pick, look pretty awful stacked up...I'm not doing this [going around to his exes and trying to set things right] haphazardly, it's for Esquire...I may have done a lot of stupid things, but I was young!"                   .Bobbi's final last words before she leaves, in a quiet, weary tone: "It's very late...It's late." Referencing said gift certificate, in the same modest, tired voice: "It's for 100 dollars." Then Bobbi leaves.                 Next we see The Fellow upon a plane, presumably heading back home, making loving small talk with his intended via cell phone. Afterward his eyes meet with those of this hot young blonde flight attendant (Kathleen Christy) and they smile fondly at each other. The clear inference is that, despite The Fellow's upcoming wedding, they'll eventually get together sexually.             And thus we have Some Girl(s), an often gripping, frequently affecting, always, always deeply human multiple portrait of relationships, of sexual politics, indeed, of love itself. Adam Brody, coming off (for me) his mega-successful turn as Paula Patton's dyed-in-the-wool-homosexual co-conspirator/best buddy in Baggage Claim is, if anything, even better here, deftly constructing an often heart-rending portrayal of a guy who is either unable or unwilling to freely acknowledge, even to himself, that his efforts to make up for his past sexual crimes, however sincere and however well-meant, amount to too little too late. Kathleen Christy offers just the right helpings of flirtatiousness and expectation as the flight attendant who, at the end, lights The Fellow's fire. Neil LaBute, adapting his own stage work, shows that a first-class theatrical script can also be a first-class cinematic script. And director Daisy vonScherler Mayer quite adeptly orchestrates both the interaction of the players and The Fellow's various travels.               That leaves the women with whom The Fellow re-connects. All of them are expert, with two standouts. The first is Emily Watson, flinging her vengeful venom at The Fellow with the kind of stiff-upper-lip dignity and oh-how-you-hurt-me bravado that, far from turning us against her, have us feeling her pain and admiring her for fully refusing to be any sort of wounded bird. And then there's Kristen Bell. Currently riding high thanks to her leading-lady role on the rather fluffy television sitcom The Good Place, she sincerely reaches her pinnacle here, skillfully blending open-faced girlishness, lingering hurt, and steely resilience with the ease and the grace of a champion poker player handling cards. When she closes the door behind her after walking out, we feel the same devastation as does The Fellow--although, unlike his, it's mixed with firm respect and, indeed, admiration for so forcefully holding her own against him.                 It was the powerhouse actor Viola Davis, accepting her (richly well-earned) Best Supporting Actress Golden Globe Award for her performance in Fences, who said, in part, that adapting a play, even a highly-esteemed play, for the big screen "doesn't scream 'moneymaker.' But it does scream 'art.' It does scream 'heart.'" Patty West and Chris Schwartz and Andrew Carlberg--Girl(s)'s producers--have, in bringing the aforementioned play to the large screen, brought us a work that indeed freely scream both "art" and "heart." And it is we cinemagoers who are the beneficiaries.
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