#listen I just think that women
captainswan618 · 4 months
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recently had a very important realization
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scintillyyy · 6 months
i actually like to think that in the world where they didn't kill off jack immediately after he found out tim was robin, the next relatable storyline that tim would have undergone would have been "oh my god, tim's dad and stepmom are having a baby!" *cue tim's shocked face*
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animentality · 4 months
I've never read Claymore or anything, but I think it does monster character design better than most manga, or even just, monster media in general, particularly the female monster designs.
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not female, but a girlboss nonetheless
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uncanny-tranny · 3 months
Finally listened to Dylan Mulvaney's song and?? I don't get the negative hype about it, it was frankly a cute song. Also the "playin' catch-up 'cause we missed the pre-game" made me laugh, it was a good line. Dylan, you've done it again!
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rottiens · 1 month
Stepmom Yuki has severe breeding kink 😔✊️
she fucks you nice and deep, putting her hands on your belly looking adoringly at the way the cock separates your slippery folds and she would love nothing more than to fill you to the last drop. she in fact, debates whether she would love to cum in your folds or so deep inside you. her thumb moves from your belly button to your clit and strokes it sweetly as she takes the leg above her shoulder and kisses your calf, moving her hips in such a way that she manages to get even deeper.
the idea of her seed inside you, your tits swollen from pregnancy and her lips on your sweet sensitive nipples is what makes her cum silently, calling your name as she bites your skin.
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vikingpoteto · 4 months
okay but where is the fic in which Reiju is just a giant simp for hot men just like Sanji is for hot women and she goes insane when she meets Zoro and then Sanji has to deal with it
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unovaslankiite · 19 days
Prolly gonna be my one and only rwde post (cus the fanbase is rancid and I'm not rlly a rwby fan, just a person who watches the show): some of you rwby fans are too comfortable using your queerness as a shield to silence BIPOC voices about the racist writing and your 'precious' bigoted CRWBY. You guys unironically act/think that just because you have to deal with queerphobia; you are IMMUNE to being bigoted yourself and you are INCAPABLE of parroting bigoted beliefs. Cus I know there will be a dumbass ant1-rwde posters who will try to drown out this post by saying its 'lies from the EVIL RWDE!!!': You would rather weaponize your queerness to bash on BIPOC voices, while claiming to care about our voices. You would rather be complicit with the racist writers and their racist writing, just because your racist writers gave you a queer ship. There is no shame nor issue in projecting the abused you suffered onto the characters, however you refuse to see through the characters and their writing through a BIPOC lens. You do not get the right to impose your perspective of the characters at the expense of BIPOC voices, you do not get to twist our voices to be alt-right bigots because we called out RWBY's rampant racism. You do not get the right to say you give a shit about BIPOC and have #BLM in your bio when you fervently defend your bigoted company. You do not get to pretend to care about racism when you buy merch off of your bigoted company. My fellow BIPOC (especially the queer BIPOC): why are you guys so comfortable dismissing your fellow poc about their discomfort with RWBY's racist writing? BIPOC are not a monolith with the same opinions about racism in media; but some of you guys are weirdly comfortable with turning a blind eye to your fellow BIPOC getting dogpiled by the white fandom. We can and will disagree, you not agreeing as a BIPOC about RWBY's racist writing is not what I take issue with. The issue lies within you upholding the racial colourblindness in the fandom; like how the fandom was ok with throwing the racism under the bus in favour of queerness, you are ok with throwing your BIPOC peers under the bus for white queerness. Sincerely, a POC who has been watching the fandoms rampant racism problem ever since 2019.
#rwde#bitches be like: 'yeah we know that rwby handled racism bad :)))'#then get fucking furious when you say 'adam taurus being retconned from a minority rights fighter to an abusive ex was kinda bad'#go watch unicornofwar's white fang video and think about it holy shit. listen to the white guy if u dont wanna listen to poc#white fans get furious when you say that rwby has a racism problem TO THIS DAY#you dare mention how the 'villains' are all poc with visible ethnic traits/darker skin tones#while our heroes are white as fucking paper with zero ethnic traits#they would scream to the heavens that ruby and yang are chinese#despite being very much modelled off of white women/afabs#while also be giddy about whitewashing james to fit their evil facist dictator narrative#despite james being modelled off of an ACTUAL asian man unlike ruby and yang#and is one of the few characters who have visible ethnic features unlike ruby and yang#fandom racism goes unchecked over here and i have never felt so unsafe in a fandom#at the end of the day: ig white ppl will always prioritize themselves at the expense of bipoc#'omg we're ur allies#i totally understand how it feels like to be discriminated against 🥺'#<- not even a week later you borderline gaslight a poc rightfully saying its fucking weird to be making animal jokes about blake#at this point? call me a slur#dont pretend you give a shit about me as a poc#dont even fucking bother being my friend as a white queer if ur just gonna spout the same shit i see online#rwby fans you guys are one of the most racist fandoms out there#btw if you guys are gonna come at me with racism and harassment#you will be blocked <3#especially if u are as slavic as the vikings#do not bother lecturing a poc about how ur racist anime isn't that racist
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orbdotexe · 8 days
its 1 am and im reading The Hidden Dossier and thinnking about Ticker and how these are both games about hope. what is evil if not indifference. stars only shine at night. irrational hope is the only rational end. and in existing, it survives. feeling things tonight
>extinguished entire galaxies of allied life, but before they came, those ecumenes accomplished titanic works. What do they have to show for all their conquest? >>the value of stories isn't in telling you there are monsters
>no matter what one prisoner does, the other benefits from turning on their ally. So both players will rationally defect, and rationally doom each other to five years >it is only by disregarding the logic of mere survival that we can create a possibility of existence outside that logic >>we have more binding us together than pushing us apart
>>every one of them workin' against the impossible to make things right for them and theirs. >never give up hope. If it is possible to live well, then it is worthwhile to try >>when we had all given up for so long, you lot came along and said: "Let's see what happens if we don't." And the whole world turned 90 degrees in a brighter direction >by acting unreasonably, we escape reasonable limits.
>>it sometimes feels a shame that it took a time of conflict to know you. I suppose it's true what they say. That a certain darkness is required if one is to see the stars. >darkness helps us avoid death. It helps us to go on existing. It is necessary. We must remember what hurt us so that we will not be hurt again. >but darkness alone points to an eternal existence of mere survival
>the question of how to live well in a universe of indifference, cruelty, and deprivation is the ONLY question >the most formidable blow we can strike against our true enemy, is to offer irrational grace: to choose unreasonable hope and unreasoning compassion even if it goes against calculated advantage >>someone like you faced up to what might as well have been a god - never blinked, saved a world
>"purposefully making a suboptimal move in order to make a game more 'interesting' is a misunderstanding of the nature of a game" >one move's grace, so both of us could play a better game
>>someday things will be different
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idolomantises · 2 years
there's something so comforting about artists you admire talking about their own struggles and insecurities
#txt#was watching supereyepatchwolf's video on chainsaw man again and listening to fujimoto express regret about things he didnt learn#and how he's clearly envious of his peers is so... comforting?#i think about my own strengths and flaws and often times i get so frustrated with my shortcomings#im not good at drawing feet; my backgrounds are purposefully simplistic and lack a lot of detail; sometimes my designs have a tendency to#overlap or feel very 'safe' in terms of what i really want to do#its why; despite my love for clowning on media and animated works. i never want to feel like its from a place of malice#the joy of art is always seeing those little mistakes and nuances. its also noticing the achievements other creators have made that you#still lack#even for a certain hell-based show i love to poke fun at for its many. many issues. its undeniable how incredibly passionate the work is.#and i do respect anyone who is willing to get their flawed media out there (myself included)#i see stuff about people calling me their inspo or how flattered they are when i compliment their work and its like. gee. i hold myself at#such a high bar and even still im always surprise when people tell me how much my work moved and changed them#i really love writing just little fun things that i just dont really see anyone else touching and its kind of fun how despite my own#personal grievances with my own flaws and mistakes#people really do find things that they love within them.#anyways I know this is getting long but I’ve just been getting sentimental abt the creation of art#sometimes people make fun of me for love of drawing women and lesbians and bugs and so on#and while I will never let me deter me from my process. sometimes it does get to me#but then I remember that I love doing this and could ever see myself holding back#and knowing despite how other people feel. I have so many followers who resonate with my weird ass shit#that it’s all worth it. ya know?
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reallywisefairy · 2 months
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Hey everyone*I get pelted with bricks* 4/13 is around the corner & I wanted to practice drawing.. Sooo I drew these eight to celebrate! Took me a few days but I finally finished just in time!!
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completeoveranalysis · 3 months
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It seems your schedule has cleared up! You should have much more time for this now.
And yet, somehow, I can’t believe they kind of make me feel things for Kyle Rondart. I can't believe I'm kind of into the tragic figure of Kyle Rondart. I can't believe I could be tempted into writing fanfiction about this.
I can’t believe they did this to me in five pages or less. 
BUT ALL THAT ASIDE, thank you for celebrating this (almost) Clamp Day with me! WHAT A DAY?? IN TEARS for half of it and then A GIFT for me personally?? Thank you Clamp. You never cease to amaze me.
And thank you even more to all the people who support me over on Patreon! It makes more difference than I can ever really say. 
First Tier of Patrons
Rien [Ri]
Luke Wilson
Stupid Kitsune
Jordan Fredriksz
Corinne Burr
Qatari Pekarsky
Fer E
Higher Tier of Patrons:
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Honestly the THINGS we are put through in this arc.
What could possibly be left.
But until next time, be careful of surprise Kyle Rondarts hiding in places you might not expect! You just never know!
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hoshi-kawaii · 3 months
Arthur Conan Doyle: what if there was a detective and he was super mysterious and badass and like the smartest man alive but of course was misunderstood and an outcast but in a cool way.
Agatha Christie: what if there was a detective but he was a tiny little fancy man and no one ever took him seriously no matter what he does because of white on white racism. and he's got a silly mustache.
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scintillyyy · 5 months
anywho i think that 2024 should be the year of making an unrepentant female villain who just wants to be bad simply to be bad (but definitely not the year of taking a character with previously interesting nuance & flattening her out to just make a bad guy character because dc is uncreative). like i don't mind exploring nuances in female villains, but i also want none of this sad backstory about how she was wronged or failed by anyone, none of this she went through a tragedy or was manipulated so it is kind of shitty to make her a full-on villain so we will soften her edges & make her an eventual anti-hero, none of this having anything to do with the joker being so evil he inspires or victimizes yet another woman into becoming evil. give me gladys, who from the get-go just wanted to rob banks & also always wanted be a dinosaur so she genetically altered herself with alligator dna for funsies & now she roams the sewers causing havoc just cause she can. she needs no redemption. i call her. gladiator gator.
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ct-multifandom · 11 months
I don’t usually make posts like this, but I’ve been seeing a lot of anti-intellectual junk lately, and I really think we need to put the word “pretentious” up on a shelf until people learn what it actually means.
It doesn’t describe someone who likes artsy-fartsy deep meaning media. People who are pretentious are fake. They’re posers trying to be sophisticated and unique, not like other girls. They pretend to only like stuff they think will make them sound cool when they talk about it. They want to act like they know something you don’t, and they want attention for it.
By definition, if you genuinely enjoy something, you can’t be pretentious. If it resonates with you, and you analyze it, and you don’t care what people think, that’s the polar opposite, actually. If you love obscure experimental prog music, if you watch underground high concept indie films through English teacher eyes, if you spend hours in a modern art museum reading each piece as a vessel for storytelling, if your backpack’s full of poetry books that inspire you, if you play underrated games that were someone’s passion project, if you have an interest in studying the classics or the masters, you are not pretentious.
Of course, some people just don’t like some stuff, and that’s fine, but that’s not what this is about. Don’t let anti-intellectuals shame you for enjoying things just because your interests are inaccessible to them, because they refuse to be brave and put effort into critical thinking. You’re not stuck up for refusing to overlook the craft of artists.
#anti intellectualism#media#movies#books#music#critical thinking#my friend who primarily listens to one very popular band once said that people who listen to obscure music are annoying and pretentious#which rubbed me the wrong way because 1 she knows that I listen to obscure music and 2 it’s such a cowardly consumerist take. anyone can#make music and hey a lot of the people who do make GOOD music. and this goes for all *obscure* media#this post was mostly inspired by people talking about Barbie and those anti pick me girls like the pick nobody girls who insist thinking is#for boys and having fun with an empty brain is for girls. Greta gerwig is an artist. I haven’t seen the movie yet but I know it has a deeper#message than haha cute pink! I’ve seen the summaries about the true meaning. the pinkness and popularity doesn’t negate the narritive.#though in the notes I saw a lot of tumblristas comunistas shitting on the film for being one big ad that people *fell for* which tbh is#tbh almost as anti-intellectual. don’t get me wrong they milked this film to sell hella shit but I don’t believe kids who play with dolls#are the target audience as these people claim. Barbie is a culturally iconic symbol almost archetypical of societal expectations for women#you say barbie people think unblinking perfect plastic pink girly. reminds me of the poem The Last Mojave Indian Barbie. yeah yeah you all#hate brands but this one carries undeniable significance and makes for a powerful literary device. it’s been used many times before#sorry for writing a tag essay about a film I haven’t even seen but I’m tired of internet people focusing so much on proving others wrong#that they end up oversimplifying everything just as much as the other person. god I saw people doing this to Nimona saying transphobes were#looking too deep into her character and they’re reactionary clowns for making that jump. like for once the transphobes are right. she is#trans. it’s a queer story. and irl the first people who notice queerness are the bigots who can tell you’re different. sick owns telling#them the story’s not that deep is harmful and it’s like they’re ignoring the real message on purpose. okay enough rambling hehe! thanks#barbie#nimona
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transwolvie · 3 months
worth adding that bechdel is like a transmisogyny centrist at best (defending/praising michfest's "anti male socialization" policy of attendance) tho just saying
I'm gonna disagree. Bechdel has also stopped attending certain lesbian marches within the past decade or so because shit was getting too TERF-y and has gone out of her way to talk about how trans women belong in the lesbian community overall.
There is, imo, a bit of a fixation on holding Bechdel to some of the psychological ideas she's thrown out in the past—for example, I still see her get critiqued for bringing up penis envy and Freudian thought in Fun Home even though that book is old as shit—considering that she has always been very open about the fact that her relationship with lgbt philosophy and the community is, as it should be, an ever-changing and evolving thing.
She is very vocal that trans women belong in the lesbian community, belong in women's bathrooms, and that she will not accept TERF behavior at supposedly lesbian events. I know that seems like it should be a baseline expectation, but let's be real, in our current day that is not a "transmisogyny centrist."
I think people are very uncharitable to the fact that Bechdel is very much willing to be a messy, complicated person so publicly. She actively talks about how in the current day she may have become a trans man rather than identifying as a butch lesbian, and she's unwilling to really say whether she believes that's good or bad, just that it's the case, and people will go off on large tangents about whether it's saying that trans acceptance is bad or putting butch lesbians at risk. Like I said, she tends to really ride along with pop psychology when it first drops, only to later think it through and usually come out the other side with a more nuanced view. It's not that she's a centrist imo, but rather that she chooses to be very open and frank about her ongoing and changing opinions, and sometimes the things she initially goes along with are bad. I think that's actually very important, because we are basically seeing a real person who is prominent in our community navigate the community in real-time, and she doesn't spruce herself up or omit things in order to seem more progressive. She's wrong a lot, but she also tends to come around. I think to be able to see that is to be able to make space for growth in people who may be misguided, which is what we actually need in a community that is expected to stay together in solidarity and grow.
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You don't get it. The point is that HE SEES HER!
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Nobody else did. Not even her closest friend. No one. But the d(o)rk lord does. He looks at her and he sees an equal. Someone as strong as him, as powerful as him, as smart as him.
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And she likes it! She likes the feeling of BEING SEEN!
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