#listen I see ship talk on the dash I get indulgent and want to write ships. I love writing ships but having Viv as my only current muse
syringia · 8 months
listen one day I'd love to ship Viv with someone but he's so difficult to work with that I have many doubts it'll ever actually happen. that being said the thing I want to see most is a ship where him and the other person involved are both convinced they're manipulating the other person in some sort of villain cat-and-mouse game
or, basically,
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flightofaqrow · 2 years
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✿ NAME:    Ray!
✿ PRONOUNS:    she/her/hers
✿ PREFERENCE OF COMMUNICATION:   tags on posts, tumblr IM moving to discord
[inactive]: Minako Arisato ( @orokana-riko ), Robin ( @invisibleimpossibilities ), Basilio ( @feroxiox )
[other active]: Robyn Hill ( @trickshottruths ), Briar Rieka ( @hopeandharmonizing​ )
✿ EXPERIENCE/HOW LONG (MONTHS / YEARS?): Since Sailor Moon was showing on Toonami in the USA and that was the only way you could see it. A long time.
✿ PLATFORMS YOU’VE USED: yahoo forums, other forum board, AIM, tumblr, discord
✿ BEST EXPERIENCE: I always talk about the Persona stuff, let’s do something different. I was part of a small group in the FE rpc that helped organize some comm-wide events including volleyball tournaments, masquerade balls, muse auctions, zombie invasions, hedge mazes. It was always a good time.
✿ RP PET PEEVES/DEALBREAKERS:  I’ve been waiting for the pet peeve word to come up, because it’s not a deal breaker or something I super judge, but just a little peeve? yes: too many memes that put the burden of writing/creativity on the sender (make up your own question, send a nightmare, send a reaction to x, etc) like ‘send a kiss’ things are fine because ship fuel usually has extra reserves, poking for headcanons/meta/ships sometimes is fine bc you just want to open it up to hear what people think. but for the most part you’re the one posting the meme, you’re the one with the drive, you’re the one asking for interaction. Make it easy. Like, I want to interact and indulge, but If I have to do more than send a symbol or copy/paste a phrase when I’m already working on other drafts or tired and lurking, that just seems unfair. Especially if there’s a bunch like that in a row or every day.
Dealbreakers are too much vagueblogging, constant negativity that vastly overtakes regular interactions, not respecting my headcanons/boundaries.
✿ FLUFF, ANGST OR SMUT:  Blood, tears, and orgasms fuel my soul. But I’m up for anything that helps the muses develop, explores some depth or expression of character. If you’re willing to do some development first, then fluff in between can be fun too. (Also fluffy/soft/slice of life topics can still have development, in which case I wouldn’t consider them “fluff” threads.)
✿ PLOTS OR MEMES:    both. usually the best comes from a meme that kicks off some plotting. I don’t always have the brainspace for big plots these days, but some context and tentative direction for the thread is always good.
✿ LONG OR SHORT REPLIES:  I’ve done both. One-liners are rare and usually silly bouncing with muses already developed together. I can’t do full rps that way. I can get up to 1000-2000 words in replies, but lately just been loving the ~300-500 word medium length.
✿ BEST TIME TO WRITE: When I have the house to myself, which is usually only a few days a week and about to get less once I start work again lmao. In an ideal world, I would wake up, watch/listen/read some stuff/ catch up on the dash for inspo then churn some stuff out. Maybe take a break then repeat the process. Rare are the days responsibilities don’t break that up somehow. Such is life. I usually have more writing energy when other people are around on the dash or discord. Keeps the juices flowing and feels less like screaming into the void. Gotta agree with Shrimpy that sometimes the opposite extreme of everyone being quiet the whole time can help focus, though (if I have enough mojo to start in the first place). 
✿ ARE YOU LIKE YOUR MUSE(S): I think we all fit our perceptions, values, pieces of ourselves in our muses somehow. That said, I am not very much like qrow except for some of those shared values (dislike of mainstream and propriety, caring about people, depth of emotion/sentimentality, some empathy) and maybe some trauma responses lmao. I’m not a 40 year old unlucky alcoholic fighter uncle man who travels the world and works with secret clubs. Although, we Qrow muns seem to agree some extra Misfortune slips into our lives since taking on this muse. The Qrow Curse (affectionate).
tagged by:  @lupusmatra <3
tagging: @the-gray-maiden​ @slaughtermachine @clockwork---heart 
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mariaiscrafting · 4 years
no, you know what, I’m going to stop vague’ing on the dash. my anger is about to get extremely direct and enraged, so fair warning, but I don’t care about anyone’s comfort right now. I’m going to get fucking mad, and you all will fucking deal.
not a single one of us has the right, or should even have the option, to guess about ccs’ sexualities. I’ve kept my mouth shut when it comes to people analyzing george/dream and guessing they’re some kind of queer, but I’m fucking done. I’m going to go into every single reason “truthing” about ccs’ sexualities is just so beyond fucked.
first of all, this is in response specifically to ranboo and tubbo truthing. being a kid and getting thrown into such a massive spotlight, where you will undoubtedly be subject to some fuck shit eventually because the internet is full of thousands upon thousands of people, is already terrifying and anxiety-inducing and damaging enough. but for their own audiencemembers - their own supposed fucking “fans” - to take it one step further and speculate about their sexualities? oh, for the love of god. I can barely believe I even have to explain how fucked that is. it is one thing to be friends with or close to someone in real life and recognize your own queer struggle in them, to approach them with sympathy and support in case they are questioning. it is another thing entirely to speculate about the sexuality of someone you don’t even know, and to then take it a step further and “truth” about your fucking theories. you are not an expert, you are not their friend, and you are not a fucking oracle. you can guess all you want about a cc’s sexuality, you can comment on how their actions or behaviors or words resonate with you when you were questioning or closeted, but to go ahead and take your own speculation as truth is arrogant, presumptous, and damaging as all hell. 
I can just imagine what it would’ve been like if I’d grown an online platform that ripped me of my privacy when I was a teenager and trying to figure out my own sexuality. if I had a section of my audience analyzing my every social media post, the inflection in my voice and the nature of my laughs, my every interaction with my best friend, you know what I would’ve done? retreated so far into the closet that I would probably have tricked myself into thinking I was heterosexual. I would’ve been so fucking terrified and felt so stripped of any privacy or control I had over my own goddamn thoughts; do you understand how fucking vile that is? have none of you ever been terrified of giving away your own sexuality through your mannerisms and facial expressions and words, while you were closeted? have none of you ever experienced that utter fucking terror when you notice someone start to question your sexuality, the immediate urge to retreat and back up and act and believe the complete opposite just to prove them wrong and go back to the safety and security of them believing you were straight? for fuck’s sake, now imagine that feeling amplified a hundred fold, applied not just to one instance or one person in your life, but to thousands. do y’all not understand just how a) morally fucked it is to inflict this same kind of practice onto someone you supposedly care about and support, and b) potentially psychologically damaging this could be to ccs who are closeted, especially the fucking minors? oh my fucking god.
that isn’t even to point out why people do this shit - which is to project and find solace and derive some kind of enjoyment out of cc’s. that’s what cc’s are there for; they are entertainers, first and foremost, which continues outside of streams and bleeds into fandom culture and the kind of enjoyment fans can make out of interacting with other fans and creating their own fan content. the problem with this fact is that fans take it too far, like 85% of the time. cc’s aren’t just there for our own enjoyment. they are fucking people, oh my lord. they are real people that we will never know, and while we may have our fun with our little theories and talking to other fans and making and watching cute compilations and writing fanfiction and making fanart, we are just deriving entertainment from the parts of themselves they choose to show us. that persona they put on for the stream, that is not 100% them. they are real, rounded, 3-d, full people who we only ever get the privilege of witnessing a small sliver of. and we need to fucking remember that, because we can’t just keep running with the ideas of ccs that we have in our heads and treating them like they’re malleable characters for our own entertainment. 
anyways, specifically about truthing (and mind you, this is the point in the rant where a little of my anger starts to seep out because I’m tired and it’s 1:40 AM and I have class tomorrow): there’s so many things that can be said about gaydar. I’m not here to argue whether or not it exists, or the details of the morality of straight versus non-straight people engaging in the practice of truthing. I’m just here to say that, even if you believe gaydar exists and can be accurate when employed by non-straight people, that still only applies to people you fucking know. what you see of a cc is not “getting to know” them. what you are seeing is one face of a multi-faceted jewel, cut in far more ways that you can ever hope to one day perceive. your theories are just those - theories. whatever you might think of the giggles you heard or the pickup lines you saw uttered or the softness you imagine between x and y, human interaction is far too complex and laced with meaning for some rando on the internet who watches youtube videos and twitch streams to fully grasp from two entertainers working from behind a screen. your gaydar is not going to fucking work through a screen, fuck off with that shit.
another thing that’s fucking bothering me so much is this assumption that comes with being at all open about queerness when you yourself are not queer. ik this is just one of the many factors “truthers” use to justify the findings of their totally infallible, prophetic gaydar, but it’s a factor nonetheless, and it bothers the fuck outta me. someone being willing to express support for lgbt people or donate to lgbt chairities or open to conversations with other lgbt people about lgbt endeavors is not evidence of queerness. to say that it is contributes to the harmful belief that cishets still have that they cannot be any of those things - that is, exceedingly open about and to queerness - without being perceived as queer themselves. 
anyways, and now we are at the bottom line, which is that, this entire conversation wouldn’t even have to be had if people just fucking listened to cc boundaries. ranboo and tubbo do not like being shipped. it is that fucking simple. i know that it is tempting to ship two people you think are cute together. i know it is tempting to indulge in a dynamic you find comforting. but idgaf. temptation is not an excuse. find some fictional characters to ship, and kindly fuck off.
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starilicious · 3 years
ishq wala love (echo x gn!reader)
》 summary: reader comforts an insecure echo after the end of tbb episode 4 "cornered" about having mechanical parts as part of his body.
》 word count: ~2.2k
click here to read on AO3
》 warnings: slight sensory overload, mild panic attack (i think it could be classified as relatively vague in regards to the description), insecure echo about his body, a teensy bit of in universe swearing, lots of flufffff and a dash of angst here and there, no use of y/n [if i should add more warnings, please let me know!]
》 spoilers: extremely mild ones from tbb episode 4 "cornered"
》 a/n: hello! this is my first tbb fic, so i really hope i do the show, the characters, and the fandom justice hehe ^_^ over the past few days, i've become obsessed with tbb fics, particularly the echo x reader ones bc my GOODNESS this man is such a soft bean who deserves all the love in the galaxy. as a result, please enjoy this sleep-deprived frenzy of a fic that i wrote at 1 am and let me know your thoughts! :)
》 misc. notes:
• title of the fic is from the hindi song "ishq wala love" from the film student of the year. i've linked the song (in blue) with some pretty good english translations in case you would like to take a listen, but it isn't necessary for the fic–i just thought it fit well!
• i kind of got way too invested in building up the environment at the beginning, so apologies if it seems like a slow start! i just had to indulge in having the other characters there too <3
• please ignore the inaccuracies of the havoc marauder. i don't really know what the ship looks like, especially the living quarters, so i unintentionally ended up using the ghost from swr to guide my writing for that part.
• what the reader says at the end about the word in love in her native language is true. the language i'm referring to here is hindi, and we have several different words for love. in my very humble opinion, i think it’s one of the many characteristics of the language that makes hindi so sweet-sounding and poetic :)
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After Tech piloted the Bad Batch away from Pantora and safely entered hyperspace, you all decided to turn in to get some rest–or at least attempt to. With the bounty hunter scare, you and the boys figured it would be best to discuss what to do tomorrow morning, for Omega’s sake.
You tucked Omega in with her doll and offered her a comforting smile. “Don’t worry ‘Meg,” you said softly, running a gentle hand through her cropped blonde hair. “You’ll be safe, I promise. You’re stuck with us for life.”
Omega smiled sleepily at your teasing and held her arms out for a hug, one which you gladly indulge. “Sweet dreams, love,” you murmur as you let go. You shut off the lamp in her makeshift room and closed the curtains as you climbed down the ladder.
You turned around to find Hunter looking at you from his seat in front of the blinking controls. You raised an eyebrow as you plopped down in front of him unceremoniously, the exhaustion of the action-packed day catching up to you.
"You're good with her," he murmured as you both glanced at the light beige divider and you shrugged in response.
"Just looking out for her. Besides, you're not so bad yourself. She mimics your every move," you grinned. Hunter chuckled fondly as he recalled the memory where they were all stuck in the Kaminoan prison cell and Omega copied his every gesture.
The two of you lapsed in a comfortable silence as you mulled over the day's events, the hum of the ship thrumming beneath your feet.
"We'll be okay. It's tiring and difficult and none of us know how to raise a child, but we'll be okay," you said, breaking the quiet with optimism. You placed a hand on Hunter's shoulder and smiled. "Crosshair will be okay too. Have faith."
Hunter sighed but nodded in agreement as he put his hand over yours. "Goodnight," he said as he stood up, stretching his muscles.
"Sleep well."
You sat at the small table for a few more minutes to think before standing up yourself. You quickly checked in on Tech in the cockpit since he was on watch, and he immediately shooed you away, insisting you get some sleep. You had a feeling he only did so to optimize the ship in peace without distractions.
Nevertheless, you obliged and left him alone. Walking to the back of the ship, you completed your rounds. Wrecker was snoring loudly and you stifled a laugh. At least he was sleeping well–it was all you could ask for really. But frankly, you had no idea how Crosshair was ever able to sleep through it. Thinking about him and seeing his empty bunk made your heart pang in loss, but you were as determined as the rest of them to somehow bring him back. You had to.
You opened the door to Hunter and Tech’s shared room to find Hunter already sleeping soundly and you quickly left. With his enhanced senses, he was already a light sleeper, and compounded with his responsibilities as a leader, he rarely got any rest. You worried for him.
Last stop was your and Echo's room. You stepped in to find the light still on. Echo was sitting on the floor in front of your bunk, staring at the ground.
"Hey there handsome," you joked lightly in an attempt to get his attention and mask your unease. Echo usually only came near your bunk when something was wrong and after everything that happened today, it was safe to say you were concerned.
Echo didn't respond. Did he hear me? You make your way over to your lover and sit down in front of him. You place your hands on top of his.
"Echo, honey?" You said softly and finally finally he looked up at you. Your heart dropped into your stomach.
"Oh, darling," you breathed and you moved to his side to envelop him into a hug, his head resting comfortably in the crook of your neck. You didn’t say anything more–you saw the deep pain swirling in his eyes, the grief, the loss. The anger. You let Echo take the lead; you knew how difficult it was to wrangle raging thoughts and muster them into words.
You didn’t know how much time passed of you two sitting on the floor, breathing each other in before Echo spoke.
“Today… when we went on the supply run, I was dressed as a droid.”
You bit your lip, knowing exactly where this was going. But you didn’t interrupt, letting him continue. Your thumb rubbed absentmindedly on his arm as you listened.
“That vendor we were talking to wouldn't take what we had. And then he saw me,” Echo took a deep breath. You stayed quiet, holding his hand in a manner that you hoped soothed his anxieties at least a little bit.
“Hunter sold me as a droid to him. I-I know he doesn’t see me as a droid. I know that. But–” Echo’s voice cracked. He cleared his throat of the emotion building up. Echo didn’t know how to express what he wanted to say. He didn’t even want to speak it aloud–that would make it feel too real. And Echo severely doubted he could handle the heartbreak. Can I do this?
“Cyar’ika,” he murmured and you hummed in response. Echo pulled away from you, his hand still in yours. Now or never. “I need you to be completely, absolutely, 100% honest with me,” he whispered. Echo steeled his expression, doing his best to hide how terrified he truly was.
You nodded because of course you would be. When were you not?
But the way Echo gazed at you threw you off. Something was wrong, very wrong. You were almost scared of what he would say next, but you made a gesture for him to say what was on his mind. Clearly, this was important.
“Do you really want to be with me when I’m just–” Echo struggled with the last few words and you strained to pick them up with how they caught in his throat. “–a pathetic, disgusting, hybrid machine?” It’s out, I said it. I said it. Echo felt like he couldn’t breathe, the pressure on his chest too much, too much. He stared down at the floor, face flooded with shame.
You stared at him in blatant disbelief, eyebrows furrowed and mouth open from a shocked laugh. No no no Echo. You’re nothing of the sort. You didn’t move. Echo’s breath hitched as he looked back up at you, broken and open and raw.
“Don’t lie, please don’t lie to me. I know there's no way you could ever love me when I… when I look like this,” Echo whispered, but he may as well have shouted with the way the blood was rushing through your ears.
And then something in you snapped.
You removed your hands from his and placed them on his cheeks, pulling him in until your foreheads were touching. “Echo, you need to listen to me,” you instructed and heaved a breath as you tried to sort your own rushing thoughts into articulated words. But the effort was futile as your careful speech turned into a haphazard and passionate stream of consciousness.
His eyes glistened with unshed tears and your heart broke into pieces. Echo gave you all of his attention. What are you going to say? He didn’t want you to agree, but he would understand if you did. Echo felt disgusted with himself. The walls were closing in on him. Breathing was getting harder.
“You are the best damn thing that has ever happened to me. I don’t give one flying banthashit about any of your mechanical parts. If anyone ever says anything about them, they’re di’kuts and you can send them my way because I will not hesitate to punch some sense into them,” you spat with pure determination, not even noticing the Mando’a slip. After being surrounded by clones for so long, you absorbed bits and pieces of the language. You didn’t even register how Echo picked up on the word, much too focused on getting your point across. You were a person on a mission and nothing would stand in your way.
The knot in Echo’s stomach was loosening a bit, the storm in his mind beginning to break. The walls were a bit farther from him. He wasn’t drowning in his own presence anymore.
“Because you know what? You’re still my Echo. You’re a man, my dear. Not a machine. You never were, and never will be. These parts?” you gestured to his scomp link, his legs, the cybernetic implant in his head. “They mean nothing. Absolutely nothing. Don’t focus on them.”
You smiled sadly as you rubbed your thumbs gently on his cheeks. “I fell in love with you, Echo, not your body. I love the way you make me laugh, the way you comfort me, the way you cry with me. As much as I kriffing hate that you have been through so much pain because of those damned Separatists, I’m grateful for the fact that I’m in love with a man who would do anything for his family, for his brothers.”
A tear slipped down your cheek as you remembered Fives coming back home from the Citadel but no Echo in sight. You would never admit it to anyone, but you swore a piece of you had died that day.
Echo felt like he was going to cry. The pressure that had been building up in his chest was releasing. He could breathe again, slowly, slowly. His only focus was you, was your words. The artificial lights didn’t seem to be as glaring now. They were softer, calmer.
“Echo, my love, even through it all, you not only survived, but you came out on top, victorious,” you paused, briefly overcome with how much love and gratitude you had for this wonderful man. “You came back to me, Echo, and you’re as handsome as ever. I have never stopped loving you, and never will. Don’t you ever forget that darling.”
Echo drew in a shaky breath. The harsh cold of the floor grates was biting into his skin, but he didn’t care. It grounded him as much as your warm touch on his face. He could breathe again. My cyar’ika.
Your fiery and passionate emotional speech came to an end as you stared into your lover’s eyes. There was so much more you could say, but you feared words would not be able to convey it all. You hoped your eyes would be enough to soothe his pained and tired soul.
Silent tears trailed down Echo’s face and you gently brushed them away as you pulled him into a tight hug. It was all you could do to not cry yourself. Echo was always so strong–you admired him for it.
“Thank you,” he whispered, voice thick with appreciation and love. You didn’t say anything. There was no need to. The charged air between you both was enough. The two of you sat in a comfortable silence on the floor of the Havoc Marauder, deep in your own thoughts.
“Ishq wala love,” you muttered fondly after some time, still caught up in your own mind.
“Hm?” Echo questioned, curious as to what you said. The soft sound gently pulled you out of the clouds and back to the man in your arms as you attempted to explain.
“There’s a phrase in my native language, ishq wala love. You see, in Basic, there’s just one word for love, which is love. But back home, we have several different words for love, each with their own subtle, but distinct meaning,” you blew out a breath as you tried to figure out what to say. Echo was hanging on to your every word.
“There’s… there isn’t really a direct translation, but the best I can come up with is that the love that we have, ishq, is much deeper than just romantic love. It’s deep and strong and pure and unyielding. It–it reminded me of us,” you admitted, a bit sheepish. Your fingers dance along Echo’s scomp link, nervous.
Echo took a moment to process your explanation before smiling. You felt your heart stitch itself back together again after seeing that beautiful smile. You would do anything to keep it on his lovely face.
“Ishq wala love,” he echoed, his pronunciation a bit off. You giggled in response. “Close enough,” you teased and Echo simply beamed. You leaned in and planted a chaste kiss on his soft lips, rubbing his metal arm gently.
Echo stood up then, offering a hand to you to help you up. You took it and he led you over to the bunk you shared together. You both quickly climbed in, relaxing in the warmth of the well worn blankets and the other’s presence.
Your head was near his chest and you could hear the soothing dull sound of his steady heartbeat. Your arm curled over his waist protectively and your head rested comfortably on his flesh arm. Echo shut off the light and you were ensconced in black velvety darkness.
“Goodnight, cyar’ika.”
“Sweet dreams, Echo. I’ll be here, waiting for you.”
please consider reblogging! it really helps me and is super encouraging ^_^
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Fic Writer Review (thanks to @gondalsqueen for tagging, this is a fun one!)
1. How many works do you have on AO3?
2. What’s your total AO3 wordcount?
3. How many fandoms have you written for and what are they?
Six, but the vast majority for Star Wars. I wrote one Batman story that was very dashed off, mostly a quick character sketch for a possible AU. One Sherlock Holmes story that still gets some love on AO3. Two Lord of the Rings stories. A couple of reworked fairy tales. And five for Dragon Age.
4. What are your top five fics by kudos?
Well, the top two are my Star Wars Rebels smut epics, Fade to Black (514) and Fade to Black and Back (396), which are literally just about all the sex Kanan and Hera have in the offscreen moments in every episode. I have zero shame about this.
Then there's Talk About It (335), which is another smutty piece based on a bit of party banter in Dragon Age: Origins.
Wedding Dance (312 kudos, and back to Star Wars Rebels) is my most popular non-smutty fic, but Passion, Serenity (263) is big time smut about cartoon characters again. Listen, it's not all I write; it's just what I write best, apparently!
5. Do you respond to comments? Why or why not?
I do, although I'm behind in responding, because I get overwhelmed easily. I have all the comment notifications saved in my email though so I can stroke them over lovingly like a dragon admiring her gemstone hoard. Every now and then while I'm being dragonish over my comments I get a burst of virtuosity and think "I'll reply to some of these!" and then I do, so I am slowly working through my backlog, and I can only apologize to those of you who are getting your responses years and years later.
I always meant to answer. I always treasured your comment.
6. What’s the fic you’ve written with the angstiest ending?
Scenes from Rivendell. By like, a lot. If you've never thought too much about Aragorn's mom Gilraen, please let me invite you to all the feels.
7. Do you write crossovers? If so what’s the craziest one you’ve written?
I don't think I ever have! I should do that, sometime, it sounds fun.
8. Have you ever received hate on a fic?
Yes, I had someone chide me for writing smut on a kid's show. But I try to be really careful about tagging so only the people who WANT to see the smut end up finding it.
9. Do you write smut? If so what kind?
The dirty kind ;o
(Though there generally has to be at least one girl involved for me to be interested. I have written some m/m content, but not a whole lot.)
10. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
No, not that I know of.
11. Have you ever had a fic translated?
Yes and it's the BEST thing!! I absolutely love it when anybody does translations, art, podfics or spin-offs of my stuff. It feels amazing to see my work out there in the world, living and traveling.
12. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
None of my AO3 works are co-written. I had an original story that got picked up for a fiction podcast that was co-authored with a friend. Although the story behind that honestly was that I wrote the thing and insisted he accept the co-author credit because it was based on one of his characters in a roleplaying game.
Something similar will probably happen with a different friend and the space pirate novel that I'm working on now, if it ever gets published.
13. What’s your all-time favorite ship?
I don't know! Certainly Kanan and Hera is what I put the vast majority of my fic-writing energy into. But I was a huge X-Files shipper back in the day and Mulder and Scully still hold a special place in my heart.
14. What’s a wip that you want to finish but don’t think you ever will?
I'm super grateful to @gondalsqueen for doing Fade to Red so I can feel like that project actually got finished properly! I think I no longer have any outstanding wips?
15. What are your writing strengths?
Dialog, and sometimes cadence/rhythm, when I hit a good stride.
16. What are your writing weaknesses?
Self indulgence. In fanfic that's a tendency I don't even try to fight though, because it's what fic is for. In original fic though it's always a struggle to keep it tight and keep it flowing. And not try to show off Everything I Know About Mythology, or How Cool This One Idea I Had Is, or whatever.
17. What are your thoughts on writing dialogue in other languages in a fic?
Tricky! Relying on Google Translate is probably a bad idea.
I'll give an example from my current project. There's a scene set in a laboratory on Mars where Something Has Gone Terribly Wrong and I wanted automated warnings playing on a loop in various languages for maximum spook factor.
The English is "Warning! Please evacuate the building!" so I ran that through Google Translate for Russian... and then asked a Russian-born friend to verify that it was a good translation. He responded that it was not, because in fact that phrase needs some cultural translation before the literal one will make sense. As he put it: "The Russian would be a lot more direct. And they wouldn't say 'please.'" So instead, he gave me "Vnimaniye! Vyhodi zdaniye!" which is something more like "Attention! Exit building." And I absolutely love that.
So, I think before you can really write dialog well in another language you either need some direct knowledge/understanding, or a native speaker who doesn't mind looking it over for you.
18. What was the first fandom you wrote for?
I thiiiiiiink it was X-Files. All those fics were lost in time, like tears in rain (no it's fine they were terrible).
19. What’s your favorite fic you’ve written?
It's hard to pick, but it might be one of the Sabine stories. Heart's Blood, maybe.
I always stress about tagging people and being annoying or leaving someone out, so please consider yourself tagged if you want to be!
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petekaos · 4 years
2020 creator wrap + a follow forever
rules: it’s time to love yourselves! choose your 5 (or so) favorite works you created in the past year (fics, art, edits, etc.) and link them below to reflect on the amazing things you brought into the world in 2020. tag as many writers/artists/etc. as you want (fan or original) so we can spread the love and link each other to awesome works!
hiii hello everyone! sorry it’s taken me so long to get on this BUT it’s all for good reason! i thought i would combine this post into me sharing some of the works i am most proud of this year as well as spreading more love in this wonderful little community because i truly love you all tons and being a part of such a lovely group of people has made me beyond happy this year. it’s been a difficult year for all of us and i’m just so glad that i can give back the love and care y’all can give to me 💛
onward to spreading love to people who tagged me, in no particular order! thank you all for tagging me, it means so much and know that i have read through your posts at least twice with a smile on my face.
@wjmild: kylie!! you constantly surprise me with how kind and insightful you are, as well as your dedication to watching absolutely every show with lee thanat in it. you are so smart and educated and every time you talk about your research and your studies i can’t help but feel so incredibly proud of you. i really hope life brings you the peace and fulfillment you deserve. i love you!
@gigiesarocha: cata - it is always such a pleasure to see you on my dash. i can rely on you losing your shit over ingredients every two weeks and every time i see jeff doing things it 100% reminds me of you! you possess such a kind soul and i’m so glad to have had the pleasure of following you this year :’)
@yihwas: sometimes i still can’t believe you know who i am and that we’re grouped together, soph! your blog is such a refuge to me, i adore scrolling through your replies and laughing at all the witty things you say. you are simply so kind and thoughtful in your responses and criticism and you have such talent in gifmaking! i am forever grateful to you for introducing me to new lakorns and to you and shannon for creating @lakornladies​. 
@morksuns: sumaya! my url twin! i absolutely love seeing you on the dash, it really is that trans desi solidarity, no? your moodboards are always so aesthetic and your blog is so soft and calm. i see you sending such lovely asks to people, including myself, and i truly admire your personality so much!
@gayvlad: nico, my sibling! i love you so much and seeing you on the dash always makes me smile. sometimes you’re too hard on yourself, but that’s okay, because i’m always here for you. i loved your reactions to dbk in live time, and that you’re now as attached to the show as i am. we love a lot of the same things, and i’ll forever be grateful to you for indulging my headcanons and developing them with me, like the ram and bohn friendship. the ram fic of him finding the gym as a home was developed through much of your influence, and i’ll never stop being astonished at how kind and supportive you are. i love you! 
@khaotungthanawat: saaaam! your gifs are always a beauty to behold. i admire you so much for making those bl compilation gifsets because that takes so much patience and dedication, especially to find all the moments. i can always count on you for underrated gifsets, too, and i smile every time you send me an ask!
@tanwirapong: roa! oh i adored getting to know you better this year through the gifted gays gc. i remember still when you made a post about there’s an art to honesty and it truly made my day - i sent it to my partner and best friend and they were so fond as well! i will always be so happy about the fact that we both lose it over petekao every now and again, it means the world to me :’)
@emisfritish: your wisdom and way of expressing your thoughts will never fail to amaze me, emma. i can always count on you for calling things like they are and writing out well-worded, thought-provoking posts that express everything i have ever thought about fandom but could never quite write down. it’s such a pleasure seeing you on my dash and honestly, whenever i see tay, he reminds me of you!
so that was everyone who tagged me, for which i am eternally grateful! (if i missed anyone... i am so sorry ily...) now onto me rambling about how much i love specific people in the fandom generally that i haven’t already mentioned.
@earthfluuke: maddie... where do i even start. getting to know you this year means the absolute world to me and i love how many thoughts we can share together and how many aus and ideas we can plot out to the finest detail, but i also love how we can talk about serious topics and irl issues affecting us both and know that the other person will be there. i admire you so much for going on and persevering despite the many difficult factors in your life right now. know that i will always be there - to listen to you, to support your gifs and fics, to develop characters with you, to weigh in on problems or ideas you have. i love you!
@asianmelodrama: faiza!! i can never address you without immediately adding ‘jaan’ after it honestly. you are a sister to me in all things and knowing you has been such an honour. your wise words, your calmness in dealing with things, your infectious excitement - they are all facets of your personality that i both admire and adore. whether it’s getting angry about shitty muslim rep or freaking out about a movie, i know that i can always count on you to be there for me if i ever need it. i hope light and love touches your life always, and you find peace in everything you do. if i ever happen to be in england, i am definitely coming over for your chai :’) i love you!
@yioh: yura my laddoo! i say this all the time, but i simply am so grateful that we met. i love seeing your tags on my posts and i just... adore seeing you doing your thing on your blog, your posts always make me smile. i know school is hard right now, but know that i’m always rooting for you and believe in you completely. words cannot express how happy i am to have found another tamil lgbt person who can understand the same experiences, it really does mean everything to me. and know that i will begin reading tyk soon, i promise, and i’ll tell you all about my thoughts! i love youuu!
@1akorn: shannon!! i still cannot believe people group us together because i’ve always admired you from a distance - imagine my absolute surprise when i found out that you followed me! i 100% rely on you for the good mek content and love your gifs so much. you’re so articulate and speak your thoughts incredibly well, which i truly admire.
@brightwin: jelly - you already know the amount of love and fondness i hold for you. you’re such a kind and bubbly person and your personality shines not only through your tags and responses to people, but also through your gorgeous gifsets that are just so warm and lovely. i can always rely on you to give me updates on all things related to brightwin and 2gether. you’re wonderful!
@yibobibo: aamna! i know i can always get my yibo content from you, and i adore it. i love seeing updates about your bunnies and your kind responses to your anons, you truly are a ray of light! you’re also one of the fairly concentrated cql blogs i follow - and for that i am always grateful.
@metawwin: ali! your gorgeous gifs are always such a light on my dash. i remember once you called me ‘rahulito’ and it made me so soft. your voice and songs are so lovely and i don’t even know where to begin thanking you for sharing your art with us. i know it means a lot to me, and it means the same to many others.
@taytawan: nuriaaa! i remember seeing you so often in the petekao tag and i gotta say that your sets of both petekao and sarawatine, especially the heart eyes series, always make me so soft. and of course, the fact that you gifted me this wonderful url! i will always be thankful for that and for your general kindness and warmth that you bestow upon everyone.
@piningbisexuals: axelle! although we don’t talk that much, i always love seeing your gifs and your thoughts on shows on the dash. i’m wishing you all the best with your thai classes and hope that everything goes well with you! also, you should know that i read that manboss fic you gifted to me at least once a week because it just means that much to me - and i’m so glad i got you into this little silly ship of mine. 
@sunsetchimyeon: nene, my pk anon! i love seeing your asks in my inbox and writing essays as replies. having conversations with you was one of my absolute highlights and i’ll always be blown away by how kind and calm and supportive and patient you are! i hope life is treating you well, my friend.
@toptaps: zey!! oh i love seeing your gifs and kindness on my dash and know that whenever i see toptap in anything, he always reminds me of you! also your gifs of sammy? absolutely gorgeous!
@giftedgays: i love you all SO much it is truly insane. being part of our tumblr gc that evolved into a discord server with a thousand channels has been one of my 2020 highlights. i loved yelling with you all about tgg every week and i must thank you all for sitting through my chanonpom breakdowns every second day. 
in particular: 
@pangwave - dawnie, i love you! i admire you and your no bullshit attitude so much. i know you’re going through a process of change right now, and i could not be prouder of you for persevering through it, regardless of the painful and strange circumstances we find ourselves in. i have full faith in you, and i know that you got this. we’re all here for you! 
@doctorbahnjit: - alexa! i still remember when you wrote the first manboss fic and an anon sent me a link regarding it. you are genuinely one of the funniest people i know and you deserve the absolute world. i read out of the blue every day, no kidding, because it means so much to me! thank you for being my fellow chanonpomer, my fellow manboss-er, and just being an all around ray of absolute sunshine.
@gunatps: vee! i have already embarrassed myself enough in my post to you but it’s worth repeating. i adore our eden chanonpom breakdown sessions, which we should have again soon when you have time, and i love us roasting modi in the chat, it truly cracks me up! we have so much in common and i just want to say that i am so proud of you for studying and taking your exams - i know how difficult they are. 
@wavelovespang: cass!! how i adore your analyses and breakdowns of scenes and relationships, you have so much insight and wisdom that you spread in such thoughtful ways! you’re so supportive and kind and such a great teacher, i know that. your writing is so wonderful and i’m truly so honoured that we all get to read it, it’s a gift!
@class2clown: angel! i cannot say this enough but i admire your art so much, it’s so so beautiful! you’ve always been so kind and lovely, and just like with cass, thank you so much for organising the gifted week events! although i couldn’t properly partake this year because of time constraints, i loved seeing everyone’s creations and it was super thoughtful.
@soulmatelines: i’ve said this before, jo, but it must be said again: i cannot believe you thought i was cool. i’ve always adored your gifs from afar and you’re such a sweet person! i love love love talking with you in the kpop channel (even if you personally hate 3racha smh), and you truly do bear the novel agenda! i’ve learned about so many more novels i must read and for that i am so grateful :’) 
@billkinpp: violet, i will never fail to crack up at a) your and kylie’s plans to run away and get married, and b) you having a thousand sideblogs and complimenting yourself on your own gifs in the tags, as you absolutely should! i hope the next year is kind to you and that your sleep schedule isn’t too fucked up :’)
@vihokratanas: mel, i will always be in complete awe of your gifs! they are always so clean and crisp. i remember still when you were fondestphan and my phannie days flashed in front of my eyes fhsnfg but either way, you’re so kind and sweet! 
@pvrrish: eleni!! i don’t think i’ve ever told you this before but i’ve always loved the 2gether poster that you made, i sometimes go on your blog to look at it for like 5 minutes, it’s truly so beautiful! i hope you’ve had an okay year, all things considered, and that life is kind to you!
@lee-thanat: another leesbian, ke! y’all always crack me up in the lesbians for lee thanat channel truly. your simping for ms ladda is so valid, i miss her so much honestly. i hope that the coming year is kind to you, and that you find the peace you deserve!
okay, so i think that’s everyone that i either talk to regularly or admire a lot! in case i didn’t mention you, please please feel free to reach out to me because i mean no offense at all - my brain is small haha. would also like to shout out all my anons who send me asks and bear with my late responses these days because of life, i adore you all and i love answering your asks.
if you’re still reading after this... whole monster of a post, i’m just gonna quickly mention some things i’ve been proud of either writing or making this year. in no particular order:
1. my weary heart has come to rest in yours. this is a fic i wrote in an... interesting headspace, and i was really going through my chanonpom feelings at the time. i’m really proud of how it came out and i adored writing chanon through pom’s pov. also i kinda love how i tied in p’bird’s song prip dtah in with the fic because i adore the song and it fits so well with them.
2. petekao week 2020. i guess this is sort of cheating, because these are technically 7 fics, BUT. i am actually proud of myself for writing seven, and i think they’re all of fairly good quality. i just really love this little universe i created for the dbk characters after the show and this whole week was just so warm and lovely to be a part of.
3. this set of num and prang from a gift for whom you hate. this moment really stuck with me from the finale and i actually am really proud of the colouring and how it came out! i think the blues really popped and i managed to lighten this dark ass scene without whitewashing mek or aye. the fireworks gif also is one of my favourites i’ve made! num and prang’s whole relationship was so pure throughout the entirety of this show, i adored them. 
4. but love is impossible and it goes on despite the impossible. this is the longest fic i’ve posted so far and i’m super proud of it - it’s also my most well-received fic. the yunmeng brothers mean the world to me and i just... wanted to write about jiang cheng and his love for his brother and give them a somewhat happy ending, in one future at least.
5. there’s an art to honesty. i think i really nailed my version of kao in this work! i just really loved writing this fic so much, especially because it was right after the whole ‘scandal’ with new happened. i was really just finding a way to separate kao from him, and i delved into my feelings with this fic as well, because i relate to kao in multiple ways. either way, i thought writing this fic was fun and a lot of people loved it too, which made me so soft!
if you’ve read this far, i personally adore you! while this has been a difficult year, i am blessed to have been part of this loving community, and i really hope that next year will be kinder to us all and give us good shows and discussions! i love you all. stay safe and stay kind, friends 💛
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moskaisley · 4 years
thin walls
Tumblr media
gif cred: @mrpascals​
rating: NC-17 lol
word count: 3.1k 
warnings: SMUT SMUT SMUT!! 18+ !! graphic depictions of sex, auralism, mentions of alcohol, jealousy, dumb oblivious clownery, a lil pining, a smidge of angst at the end u know me
this is a side story for my ongoing series “migraine” !! 
i NEEDED to write something fun since the last part of migraine was so angsty. i really wanted to just explore them having fun together and being bros!!! just vibin!!! being young and dumb!!! and ofc their obvious sexual tension before migraine girl and mando started their romantic relationship. idk when part 5 will be out since i have finals next week, but i definitely dont want to wait a month to post it LOL 
for now, enjoy this fun and sexy romcom bullshit 
“You’re the worst wingman ever,” You tease as you kick his calf lightly.
He kicks you back, “Look, the night isn’t over yet. I bet I can get at least one of these people to talk to you.”
You ponder over his challenge for a moment, and then shoot him a mischievous grin. Reaching into a pouch on your belt, you slap some credits onto the table.
“Spoils go to the winner,” you say with a smile, “You have one shot. Blow it and we both go home, casanova.” 
ao3 link
A rough shove from behind nearly had you on your ass in the middle of the firefight. A blaster shot whizzes by your head, nearly clipping you as you struggle to maintain your balance. Another shot goes off, and you hear a body crumple to the ground. You snarl as you bring your elbow around, only for it to be caught by a strong hand. 
“Easy!” Qin’s voice echoes in your ears, “A ‘thanks’ would be nice.”
You scoff, roughly tearing your arm from his grip, “I nearly sliced you in half, crazy bastard.”
“Oi, don’t get all riled up, sweetheart. If it weren’t for me, you’d be dead.”
“I’m not your fuckin’ sweetheart, Qin.”
He grunts, waving you off in annoyance. Rolling your eyes, you turn around to proceed forward, ready to berate your beskar clad partner for not watching your back. Yet, to your frustration, The Mandalorian is already far down the hallway, Xi’an bouncing in tow.
You’re not jealous.
You say it to yourself when you wordlessly slip away from your coworkers upon returning to one of Ran’s hangars, ignoring their confused looks and the “Oh Mando, you’re so in trouble” from Vidar. You say it to yourself when you lazily bonk your head against the shower wall in frustration, and you nearly scream it when you hear Xi’an’s breathy giggles from his bunk. 
This had been going on for weeks now.
A scrap sheet of durasteel could probably muffle more sound than the current wall you shared with the Mandalorian. And while for the most part, he was a respectful neighbor, it was times like these that you wished you could throw yourself into dead space. The first time you confronted him about the noise, it was almost cute at how awkward he was in apologizing to you. That night, amidst the wanton moans and cries of ecstasy coming from next door, you kept hearing him shush the Twi’lek in that gentle, gravelly voice of his. Even then, every noise still drifted into your bunk, but you decided to be merciful and save him any more embarrassment by keeping quiet. (You made a note in your head, though. He so owes you for this.) Instead, you picked up an old busted radio from the market, fixing it up and tuning in during crises like these. It only connected to one station, but you’d take Val Syko’s Quenk Jazz Jams over the sounds of your partner’s pleasure any day. 
But tonight, drowning in the funky sounds of Val’s extensive music collection wasn’t doing it for you. Mando’s groan echoes dully off the walls of your room, and your thighs instinctually press together in an attempt to quell the warmth pooling at your core. You press your fingers to the bridge of your nose. It was unfair, really. Mando was getting action at least once a week, yet your pool kept coming up empty, and you refused to fuck around with any of your current colleagues. Sighing, you check your watch; the night is still young and therefore, incredibly long. Your eyes dart over to your tiny closet, pursing your lips together in apprehension. Another one of Xi’an’s moans rings in your ears.
You know what? Fuck it.
It’s almost comical how the ship falls into abrupt silence when you knock on his door. 
“I’m going out,” you say quickly before he could open the door. Silence follows and you roll your eyes. 
“Don’t wait up. I’ll be late.”
You’re not sure why you thought your luck would change tonight. 
You were nursing your second drink, lazily twisting the straw in the glass and scanning around the cantina for anyone who could catch your eye. On your first round, there was a cute redhead who gave you a sweet compliment on your outfit, but your hope died when she slipped into a booth next to her boyfriend on the other side of the room. You let out a long, exasperated sigh, letting your head drop as you squeeze your eyes shut. This was a dumb idea. You’re gonna be listening to those two all night while Val plays that one song from Mooneyes for the thousandth kriffing time–
“Is this seat taken?”
You groan loudly at his stupid fucking modulated voice.
“I’ll take that as a no.” 
Mando slips into the stool next to you, leaning against the bar as he tilts his head.
“I wondered where you ran off to.”
“I can have my fun too, Mando.”
“Clearly,” he quips, gesturing to your lonely exasperated form, huddled over your drink.
“You’re so annoying, you know that?” 
You shove him and he laughs, head shaking at how easy you are to tease. Rolling your eyes, you take a sip from your drink. He shuffles a little, subtly leaning to the right, visor skimming over your backside. You smirk, catching him in the act.
“Hey!” You snap your fingers in front of his helmet, “Eyes up here, tin can.”
Pushing your hand to the side, he takes the hem of it in between his fingers and says, “I didn’t know you had clothes like these.”
“What? This old thing?”
Though your lifestyle didn’t allow for a big wardrobe, there were a few times you would indulge yourself in some of the finer things. The dress was oxblood in color, made of soft velvet with a high neck and open back. It hugged your body snugly, ending just above your knees with a leg slit that traveled up your thigh. It took a decent chunk from your paycheck, and you were so compelled to buy it that you didn’t even consider where you’d wear it. But you loved the way it made you feel, and it was a lovely change of pace from the typical bounty hunter getup you often sported.
“It looks nice on you,” he tells you, nonchalantly.
You swallow hard as his gloved fingers brush against your thigh. Dizzying warmth washes over you. What the hell? Drunk already?
“What’s the occasion?” He asks you, releasing his hold on your dress.
You shoot him a sardonic smile as you raise your glass, as if you’re toasting.
“I’m taking applications for a new partner. My old one was too busy getting his dick wet and I almost got shot. Had to be saved by Qin, of all people.”
“I dunno, Qin could be a worthy candidate. He seems to be very friendly with you, too.”
“Are you insane? He’s a kriffing psychopath. Almost as crazy as your girlfriend.”
“Hey, she’s not–”
You cock your brows at him and smirk.
He playfully punches your arm as you take another sip. 
“Alright, alright. I get it,” he says as you laugh at him, “Let me make it up to you. Are you trying to go home with someone tonight? I can be your wingman.”
You snort at the thought, “Yeah right. I don’t know if you’ve noticed, Mando but you’re not exactly the most approachable person. And besides, no one here is really catching my eye. I think I’m just gonna go.”
You’re moving to stand up and pay until he grabs your arm to keep you still.
“No, wait. C’mon, stay. Lets–Let’s just have some fun.”
You smile earnestly at him; Mando’s insistence to spend time with you genuinely warms your heart, so you lean back to your seat and flag down the bartender.
Though a second set of eyes helped in checking out people that you may have overlooked, it kind of defeated the purpose when that set of eyes was known for being one of the fiercest warriors throughout the galaxy. You thought you were able to catch the eye of a particularly dashing fighter pilot, exchanging flirty glances and a little wave. But the second he saw you in an exchange with a Mandalorian, he was quick to dash out the cantina without so much as saying a word to you. Mando kept insisting you both stay, denying that his intimidating armor had any effect on your chances of getting laid.
“Mando, I’m telling you this in the nicest way possible, but you’re scaring people off.”
“Maybe they just like what they see.”
“You’re the worst wingman ever,” You tease as you kick his calf lightly.
He kicks you back, “Look, the night isn’t over yet. I bet I can get at least one of these people to talk to you.”
You ponder over his challenge for a moment, and then shoot him a mischievous grin. Reaching into a pouch on your belt, you slap some credits onto the table.
“Spoils go to the winner,” you say with a smile, “You have one shot. Blow it and we both go home, casanova.”
Needless to say, he fails. Miserably. 
The first person he goes up to must’ve been guilty of something. Because as soon as the Mandalorian stalks around the corner to his seat, the poor soul tosses his drink at him and dashes out the door. The metal man stands for a second in shock, and you see his shoulders slack as he lets out a defeated sigh. He rounds the bar back to you, Corellian rum dripping off his helmet and all over his beskar. Your stomach hurts trying to suppress the laughter building inside you, but you couldn’t help it. Your hand flies to your mouth as you snort loudly, laughing so hard that tears almost form in your eyes. You didn’t expect the night to go this way and your endeavors for a hookup had failed terribly, but it still made you happy to spend time with your friend all the same. 
“That wasn’t fair. Let me try again.”
You struggle to form a response between your laughs, “No–no way! I–I can’t watch that again.”
“C’mon, I didn’t even get to try. Gimme another chance.”
You shake your head, taking your credits off the table and slipping them back into your pouch. 
“Nope, rules are rules, Mando. Let’s just get outta here.”
“No way, I refuse to give up so–”
“She asked you to leave, buddy.”
You turn to look at the new voice, confused and a bit irritated for interrupting your exchange with Mando. You’re met with green eyes, strong shoulders, sexy scruff, olive skin, and a very dashing smile. Your retaliation dies in your throat, and your lips curl into a smile. Speak of the devil, and he shall appear.
Mando didn’t pick up on this though, “No, it’s not like that. We were just–”
“He was just going, actually. Right, Mando?” You look back at him and give him a wink, “I think I’ve had enough of you today.”
His helmet tilts upward in surprise, and then he chuckles lightly.
“Okay, then.”
He slides off his stool, gesturing to it for your new friend before walking out of the cantina. You watch Mando walk out the door, and the man takes over his seat.
“Was he bothering you?”
“No, actually,” You give him a sweet smile, “He’s a friend.”
He raises his eyebrows in surprise, “Friends with a Mandalorian, eh? What’s that like?”
“Well, they make awful wingmen,” you joke. 
“Is that so?”
“Why? Looking to take his place?”
“No, I’m here to buy you a drink.”
Catching your bottom lip with your teeth, you smile and your heart flutters.
“What’s your name?”
He presses you up against the wall of the cantina outside, hands snaking up your waist and lips pressing hard against yours. Deo grabs and pulls at your flesh, slipping his tongue in your mouth and you moan against him. It’s been so long since you’ve felt someone this way, and it makes your skin sing in pleasure. When he pulls away, he keeps his forehead up against yours, breaths labored and heavy.
“So, mine or yours?”
A devious grin crosses your lips, “Mine.”
“Lead the way, sweetheart.”
You take his hand into yours, clinging to his arm for balance. The drinks have finally caught up to you and there’s a pleasant buzz warming your body as you try your best not to stumble through the streets. As you make it back to the Razor Crest, you stop in front of the side gate, opening the hatch as Deo’s hand meets the small of your back. You pull him up into the loading dock, and he digs his face into your neck, biting at the skin as you press buttons on the door panel. When it shuts, he pushes you up against the wall of the ship, sucking at the skin beneath your jaw and grinding his pelvis up against your ass. You try to suppress a mewl, as you push off the wall and turn to him. 
“Not here,” you whisper.
“Why not here?”
A muffled whimper comes from further away, and both of your heads abruptly turn to the source of the noise coming from behind Mando’s door.
Deo looks back to you, brows furrowed, “You sure this ship is yours, honey? Looks occupied.”
“Roommate. He won’t bother us, though.”
You shove him off of you and saunter over to your own bunk door. You turn around and beckon him to come with a single finger.
Your dress, along with Deo’s clothes, was left forgotten on the ground of your tiny room. He was quick to the draw, pulling your legs up so they wrapped around his hips and holding your ass for support. He pressed you up against the wall, pushing his cock inside you. You moan loudly, relishing in the feeling of his length filling up your pussy and the pressure of him crowding you against the metal. 
And that’s when you realize–
Deo is fucking you up against the wall you share with Mando. 
The mere thought of it makes you clench tighter around him and the smile on your face is downright devilish. Your partner can hear every lewd noise you make, just as you’d heard his, and it drove you crazy. Your body flushes with heat, wetness pooling at your core. Your arms pull Deo tighter against you, burying him deeper inside and mewling against his neck.
“Maker, you think he can hear you, honey?”
“Probably,” You let a breathy laugh against him, “Thin walls.”
A distinctly modulated groan echoes from behind you and you can’t suppress the grin that spreads along your lips.
You pull at the base of Deo’s neck, and guide his head to your chest. He nips and sucks at your collar bone, leaving another mark along your skin. Lifting a hand from your ass, he brings it to your breast, kneading it in his hands and running his thumb over your nipple. You whine as he begins to pinch it in between his fingers while he fucks up into you. Coincidentally, Mando’s moans reach your ears again only seconds later. 
So we’re playing this game, are we?
You squeeze Deo’s shoulder, the knot in your lower belly getting tighter and tighter the more you focus on the noises coming from the next room over. You know you shouldn’t, but you can’t help the image of your partner holding you like this, fucking you relentlessly against the wall you shared. You wonder if he looks anything like Deo; does he have the same green eyes? Or are they brown? What about his lips? How do they feel against yours? Your neck? Your cunt? You imagine that it’s his hands clutching and squeezing your soft flesh, his cock stretching you open, his stupid fucking voice whispering praises in your ear. 
“F–Fuck! I’m gonna cum,” you panted, pressure building up inside you, aching for release.
You swore, you heard Mando’s breath hitch behind you.
“Cum for me, sweetheart. Cum all over my cock.”
You nearly scream as you come undone around Deo, waves of pleasure washing over you. In your haze, a single thought crosses your mind: Mando was chasing his own release as well.
You know it, you feel it.
So you moan again.
“I had a good time tonight.” 
“I did too.”
You hug your body tightly, the air of the hangar was cool against your skin, and you were clad in only a thin shirt and shorts. Deo is holding your upper arms, smiling softly at you as you shivered.
Brushing a strand of hair away from your face, he presses a kiss to your forehead.
“We should do this again sometime,” he whispers against your skin, “Maybe, somewhere without your little roommate?”
You giggle, warmth heating up your cheeks.
“We’ll see.”
He bids you goodnight, and you walk back into the Crest, shutting the ramp behind you. You’re turning to go to bed when the sound of your partner’s door makes you freeze. The Mandalorian emerges, free of his beskar armor save for his helmet. He stops when he sees you, surprised by your presence at this hour. You stare at each other in silence for a few moments. 
And then you snicker, and he does too.
A pleasant feeling blooms in your chest at the sound of his laugh. You take a few steps closer to him, letting your arms fall to your sides.
“So,” he begins in a low voice, “You didn’t hear any of that, right?”
“Hear what?” You ask him, innocently, “I was a little preoccupied.”
“Really? I didn’t notice.”
You hold a hand against your mouth and giggle. 
“So,” he murmurs, “Who was he?”
“Wouldn’t you like to know?”
Mando cocks his head to the side, and you swear you see a glint of mischief flash along the t-shape of his visor. 
“Well, if I’m not mistaken,” he starts, taking a step closer to you. Your heart picks up in pace.
He gently pushes aside the collar of your shirt to reveal deep red marks blooming along your neck. Your stomach flips at the feeling of his bare fingers along your collarbone. Your throat goes dry.
“You owe me some credits.”
He stays still like this for a moment, and you take a deep breath, his touch feeling electric against your skin. When he goes to remove his hand, it’s instinct when you reach for it, clutching it and holding it in place. You feel him tense beneath you as your fingers wrap his palm. You swallow hard, drinking him in beneath the lowlight of the ship: the shine of his dumb helmet, how he towers over you, the warmth of his presence. 
You squeeze his hand, and to your surprise, he squeezes it back. His thumb traced over your fingers, and in your boldness, you gently pull it towards your cheek. 
“Mando?” you hear Xi’an’s voice call from his room. 
You shut your eyes tight, heart dropping to your stomach. Her call felt like ice water dumping over you, killing the warm, fuzzy feeling that engulfed you only moments earlier. You drop his hand quickly. You hug yourself, fingers buzzing so wildly with nerves, you need to hold it close to keep your hand from shaking. You clear your throat and shoot him a weak smile, avoiding his gaze. Bristling past him, you stop in your doorway and whisper.
“Goodnight, Mando.”
“Goodnight, Y/N.”
i imagine deo as jake gyllenhaal when he played mysterio just less of a crackhead. :)
@bella-ciaao @tiffdawg @peggers-n-beggers @sinnamon-bunn @adlerorzel-blog​ @theocatkov​ @paryl
thank u for reading, space cowboys <3
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eryiss · 4 years
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   Whats New!
Eight Days In Transit (Tumblr | Ao3 | Fanfiction) - Completed 5/4/2020
Laxus' life has always been hard, and he has to make tough decisions. One such decision leads him onto a luxury train to Paris which he doesn't have a ticket for. He's stranded on the vehicle, with no money and no plan. And then he discovers Freed Justine, a writer who offers him a chance to survive this damn situation. [Victorian AU | Complete | 22.0k Words]
Wrestlers Retrospective (Tumblr | Ao3 | Fanfiction) - Completed 26/6/2020
Laxus Dreyar and Freed Justine are two of the most famous and influential sportsmen in Fiore, revolutionising the culture of modern wrestling. In this unique, exclusive retrospective, two of the most powerful people in the sport speak of controversy, succeeding in wrestling, and finding love while doing so. [Modern AU | 18.1k Words]
Pride Month One Shots (Tumblr | Ao3 | Fanfiction) - Completed 30/6/2020
As part of the Fairy Tail ‘I Take Pride In What I Am’ event. I had written 30 short one shots, half of them for Fraxus. These included canon compliant, modern AU and Victorian fanfics. They can all be navigated by master list linked above, and there’s indivdual summaries of each of them. [Varied Verses | 34.4k Words]
Multi-Chapter Work & Collections
Gambler’s Luck (Ao3 | Fanfiction) - Completed 30/12/2018
A drunken night at a bar; that's how it always starts. A few shots, some self loathing and a decision you would never make when sober. But for Laxus Dreyar, the morning after doesn't include regret, copious amounts of aspirin and a stranger in his bed. For he only made one drunken decision, becoming the personal driver for professional gambler - Freed Justine. [Modern AU | Complete | 141.1k Words]
The Captain’s Charm (Ao3 | Fanfiction) - Completed 20/7/2018
Freed Justine: infamous captain of the ship Raijinshuu and pirate of the seven oceans. Laxus Dreyar: faceless night in a society he doesn’t belong in. Fate brings them together, but will the knight succumb the the captain’s charms [Pirate AU | Complete | 10.7k Words]
Blade Of The Wanderer (Ao3 | Fanfiction) - Completed 18/2/2019
Laxus’ life was fine. Not comfortable, not as good as it could be. Then a stranger entered the walled town of Magnolia, a stranger named Freed Justine, and everything changed. [Samurai AU | Complete | 31.8k Words]
A Vow To Protect (Tumblr | Ao3 | Fanfiction) - Completed 15/3/2020
Laxus Dreyar, prince of Fiore, has been trapped in the town of Magnolia for months by order of his grandfather. After a failed attempt at leaving ends up with the prince injured, his grandfather punishes him by adding a new guard to his retainer team. An arrogant, up-tight, overly confident, handsome bastard named Freed Justine. [Fantasy AU | Complete | 37.6k Words]
Smut Requests (Tumblr | Ao3 | Fanfiction) - 29/3/2020
A variety of one shots based around a request list I reblogged. All one shots contain different prompts but are all explicitly N S F W. [Canon | N S F W | 18k Words]
One Shots
Demon Hunted (Tumblr | Ao3 | Fanfiction) - 29/3/2020
It’s Laxus’ birthday, and Freed makes sure it’s a day to remember. His final gift is simple: indulge in Laxus’ most sick and twisted fantasy. So now Laxus stands half naked in a forest, hunted by his demonic husband. [Canon | N S F W | 2.3k Words]
The Training Retreat  (Tumblr | Ao3 | Fanfiction) - 16/3/2020
With the Grand Magic Games fast approaching, Freed suggested that he, Laxus, Lucy and Natsu train together for a week. In the isolation of a forest, the two couples get closer and unlikely friendships are made as their magic improves. [Canon | Request | Contains Nalu | 4k Words]
Portrait of a Lightning God (Tumblr | Ao3 | Fanfiction) - 22/1/2020
With a crappy job and no financial support, Laxus needs money. On Bickslow and Evergreen's advice, he goes for an audition to model for the reclusive painter Freed Justine. A man he knows nothing about, but finds himself enthralled by. [Modern AU | Request | 4.7k Words]
A Pattern of Dots and Dashes (Tumblr | Ao3 | Fanfiction) - 19/1/2020
Laxus has always been good at seeing patterns. So when Freed starts to tap out a pattern, Laxus can't help but pick up on it. The more he thinks about it, the more it drives him crazy. But as he looks into what this pattern means, he starts to realise just how romantic his boyfriend can be. [Canon Verse | Request | 2.7k Words]
Both Addictive and Electric (Tumblr | Ao3 | Fanfiction) - 10/1/2020
After finishing filming for the final season of the fantasy series Fairy Tail, Laxus finds himself at a party. Across the dancefloor is Freed, a co-star and a man who Laxus respects more than any other actor. But his feelings are more than just respect, and the space separating them is an ocean, but Laxus wants to change that. He just needs some time. And courage. [Acting AU | Request | 2.5k Words]
Walking Through the Year (Tumblr | Ao3 | Fanfiction) - 21/7/2019
The walk to and from the guildhall had always been something that Freed had taken for granted. But now, dating Laxus and sharing that walk with him, he found himself enjoying the scenic pathways more than he could have expected. [Fraxus Week | Canon Verse | 4.4k Words]
Feast of the Dragons (Tumblr | Ao3 | Fanfiction) - 20/7/2019
After a fire takes place at the girls dorm, Wendy finds herself sleeping in a guildmates house until something more permanent can be organised. After waking up to Laxus entering the unfamiliar house, the young woman finds something new about her guildmates and shares a midnight snack with the unfamiliar dragon slayer. [Fraxus Week | Canon Verse | 4.2k Words]
A Complicated Type of Hope (Tumblr | Ao3 | Fanfiction) - 19/7/2019
Sitting in his bed, Laxus beside him, Freed's mind starts to wonder. He thinks back to the first time he met the man he would fall in love with, and the hope that came with that meeting. A complicated type of hope, but hope none the less. [Fraxus Week | Canon Verse | 3.7k Words]
Solace and Steam (Tumblr | Ao3 | Fanfiction) - 18/7/2019
Having been given a second chance to become an S-Class mage, Freed had put his focus on making himself strong. The issue was that he overworked himself, and Laxus couldn't deal with it anymore. So what else could he do but take his husband to a hot spring to relax? [Fraxus Week 2019 | Canon Verse | 3.7k Words]
A Second First Date (Tumblr | Ao3 | Fanfiction) - 17/7/2019
After a continuous steam of bad things happening, Laxus finds himself in an almost constant bad mood. Not wanting his husband to feel like this for any longer, Freed devises a plan to cheer up the man he loves. All he needs to do is have a second first date with the man.  [Fraxus Week 2019 | Canon Verse | 3.6k Words]
Late Night Drinks (Tumblr | Ao3 | Fanfiction) - 16/7/2019
On a seemingly unassuming mission, Freed and Laxus' lives change when the former proposes to the latter. After returning, one of the first things they decide to do is celebrate their engagement with a group of their close friends and family. [Fraxus Week 2019 | Canon Verse | 4k Words]
The Beasts of Fairy Tail (Tumblr | Ao3 | Fanfiction) - 15/7/2019
The idea of performing a Unison Raid had previously felt unattainable for Freed and Laxus. But after hearing stories of their guildmates managing to perform the spell, the two powerful men make it their goal to do the same. [Fraxus Week 2019 | Canon Verse | 3.7k Words]
The Life of His Deskmate (Tumblr | Ao3 | Fanfiction) - 26/4/2019
Laxus Dreyar: Reporter for Fairy Tail and member of an elite group of investigative journalists: The Raijinshuu. When trying to get evidence to bring down a criminal family, he finds himself at the wrong end of a gun and is saved by someone he didn't believe existed. A vigilante who is closer to Laxus than he could ever imagine. His deskmate: Freed Justine. [Superhero Au | 22k Words]
The Champagne Suite (Tumblr | Ao3 | Fanfiction) -  17/3/2019
On the one year anniversary of their wedding, Freed and Laxus chose to go on a vacation to the beutiful town of Akane. Their love as strong as they day they wedded, they find themselves in the luxury Champagne Suite. [Modern AU | 2k Words]
A Night On The Cobbles (Tumblr | Ao3 | Fanfiction) -  16/1/2019
The streets of Magnolia have always been beautiful, more so in the dead of night. After a day of drinking and celebrating Makarov’s birthday, Freed and Laxus find themselves alone on the cobbled streets of their home town, and get caught up in the beauty of it. [Canon Verse | 2.8k Words]
The Heart Grows Fonder (Ao3 | Fanfiction) -  20/7/2018
After months without so much of a conversation, Freed gets a letter from the exiled Laxus asking for a meeting. During their reunion, they will both come to the conclusion that distance makes the heart grow fonder. [Fraxus Week 2018 | Canon Verse | 4.3k Words]
A Spectacle For All (Tumblr | Ao3 | Fanfiction) -  21/7/2018
When called upon by the organisers of the Grand Magic Games to entertain the crowds during the day of rest, Laxus and Freed indulge in a stage match and truly make a spectacle for all. [Fraxus Week 2018 | Canon Verse |4.6k Words]
Thought’s of an Old Man (Tumblr | Ao3 | Fanfiction) -  22/7/2018
Freed and Laxus are soon to wed, and they have called upon Makarov Dreyar to write a speech for their reception. The old man faces some difficulty with getting out the right words, but when he manages to listen to his heart he makes something beautiful. [Fraxus Week 2018 | Canon Verse | 4.9k Words]
A Patchwork Romance (Tumblr | Ao3 | Fanfiction) -  23/7/2018
During a difficult mission, Freed is injured and Laxus is called upon to patch him up. As a form of distraction, the two begin to talk about the times they have taken care of each other throughout the years. [Fraxus Week 2018 | Canon Verse | 3.9k Words]
Our Lives In Print (Tumblr | Ao3 | Fanfiction) -  24/7/2018
While moving some old boxes from the attic, Laxus discovers one filled with old Sorcerer Weekly editions, all containing articles about Freed, Laxus or the Raijinshuu. As he and Freed start to read through them, they reminisce about the years and about their relationship. [Fraxus Week 2018 | Canon Verse | 3.5k Words]
Stories of the Stars (Tumblr | Ao3 | Fanfiction) -  25/7/2018
When a calm evening alone in a forest leads to Freed and Laxus resting under the stars, conversation slowly turns to their opinions on the idea of gods and how they view mythical creatures. [Fraxus Week 2018 | Canon Verse | 2.3k Words]
Solace In Your Arms (Tumblr | Ao3 | Fanfiction) - 26/7/2018
The war is over and Laxus is back in Magnolia. But his husband hasn't yet returned and Laxus finds himself feeling more and more nervous. And then, as the afternoon begins, a train arrives. [Fraxus Week 2018 | Canon Verse | 4.1k Words]
An Evening With Makarov (Ao3 | Fanfiction) - 5/11/2017
After being a couple for some time, Freed and Laxus decide to take the next large step in their relationship. But to do this, they need to survive an evening with Makarov. [Fraxus Day 2017 | Canon Vere | 4.1k Words]
The Newest Member (Ao3 | Fanfiction) - 5/11/2017
Upon stumbling into the guildhall on a late night, Freed and Laxus happen upon the last thing they expect to see. But when called upon, the men are more than capable of looking after the new, infant member of Fairy Tail. [Fraxus Day 2017 | Canon Verse | 4.1k Words]
The Start of an Eternity (Ao3 | Fanfiction) - 5/11/2017
Today is the day. The day they meet at the end of the alter. The day that is theirs and theirs alone. The day where they promise themselves to one another, for and eternity. [Fraxus Day 2017 | Canon Verse | 3k Words]
Teasing and Treachery (Ao3 | Fanfiction) - 5/11/2017
On a vacation in one of the most romantic places in Magnolia, Evergreen and Bickslow are sure they can nudge Freed and Laxus into finally getting together. The only problem: Freed and Laxus are together, and are well aware of their teammate’s previous nudges. [Fraxus Day 2017 | Canon Verse | 4.8k Words]
Romantic Beginnings (Ao3 | Fanfiction) - 5/11/2017
Romance doesn't come easy to Freed and Laxus. They’ve prioritised other things for all their lives, so it’s not second nature to them. But, on their first date, they decide that maybe romance isn't such a bad thing. [Fraxus Day 2017 | Canon Verse | 2.6k Words]
By His Bedside (Ao3 | Fanfiction) - 5/11/2017
Being a mage, danger is everpresent. But knowing that doesn’t make it any better when you’re at your lover’s bedside, hoping to god they’ll recover but knowing it might not happen. That’s the situation Laxus finds himself in. [Fraxus Day 2017 | Canon Verse | 4.3k Words]
During The Storm (Tumblr | Ao3 | Fanfiction) - 20/10/2017
During a week away from Fairy Tail, Laxus finds himself enraptured by a storm. After Freed mentions his previous opinions of storms, Laxus begins to make comparisons between the mage and his element. Soon, the couple find themselves making love during the storm. [NSFW | Canon Verse | 3.8k Words]
The Nightly Routine (Tumblr | Ao3 | Fanfiction) - 20/7/2017
A task by the guild master has driven Freed and Laxus to spend their spare time in separate rooms, much to their displeasure. So when an opportunity arrises for them to have the night off, the leap at the chance. After all, it’s healthy to break the routine. [Fraxus Week 2017 | Canon Verse | 3.5k Words]
Reversal of Fate (Tumblr | Ao3 | Fanfiction)  - 21/7/2017
At a low point in his life where everything seems to be on top of him, Freed finds himself sitting alone on his apartment stairs. He finds himself questioning why fate was being cruel to him. But, in a complete reverse to what he expected, fate decides to send Laxus Dreyar to his door. [Fraxus Week 2017 | Modern AU | 4.4k Words]
Overnight Training (Tumblr | Ao3 | Fanfiction)  - 22/7/2017
Being apart from your partner is a part of any mages life, it's normal and unavoidable. But when you have a bad day and your boyfriend is away, walking through a forest in the middle of the night is justified. At least to Laxus Dreyar, it is. [Fraxus Week 2017 | Canon Verse | 2k Words]
A Nervous Habit (Tumblr | Ao3 | Fanfiction)  - 23/7/2017
Everyone had a different way of coping with being stressed, Laxus used his music. So here he sat, in a hospital corridor, blasting music through his headphones to distract himself from reality. Just waiting to hear the news about his fiancé. But until then, his world is music. [Fraxus Week 2017 | Canon Verse | 2.1k Words]
When The Games End (Tumblr | Ao3 | Fanfiction)  - 24/7/2017
A night of poker can be exhilarating, dramatic and endlessly entertaining. The Raijinshuu's monthly poker night was something they always looked forwards to. But for Freed and Laxus, what happens after a game of poker can be just as enjoyable as what happens when you play. Even if it's just sleeping. [Fraxus Week 2017 | Canon Verse | 1.9k Words]
A Day For Spoiling (Tumblr | Ao3 | Fanfiction)  - 25/7/2017
There are certain moments in a relationship that are special. Landmark moments that only happen once. So when Freed and Laxus Move in together, they decide to celebrate the landmark by spoiling each other rotten. [Fraxus Week 2017 | Canon Verse | 4.1k Words]
Playing By The Pool (Tumblr | Ao3 | Fanfiction)  - 26/7/2017
Laxus and Freed could be seen as stoic and only focused on their work. This wasn't true. they had more than enough of stupid, playful fun with each other. Unlike most of Fairy Tail, however, they reserved these moments for rare occasions. By the pool on their honeymoon, it was the perfect moment to have stupid, playful fun with each other. [Fraxus Week 2017 | Canon Verse |2.4k Words]
The Longest Walk (Tumblr | Ao3 | Fanfiction) - 30/1/2017
Laxus was tired, all that was in the way of sleeping was the short walk to his bedroom. But it seemed his rune wielding boyfriend had something else planned. A walk that should have taken minutes at the most became the longest walk of his life. And damn it was the best walk of his life. [Canon Verse | 4.6k Words]
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starlene · 4 years
If you’re still taking the asks, 79 and 96?
Sure am, thank you! Never too late for some ask games.
79. Strangest dream?
I had this dream just a couple of days ago, and it’s pretty weird!
My dad’s a journalist, and in my dream, he was going to interview Urho Kekkonen, the president of Finland from 1956 to 1982 and dead since 1986. Since interviewing Kekkonen is a bit more special than interviewing someone that’s, say, alive, dad decided to host a dinner in his honour, and he invited me so it wouldn’t be just the two of them alone.
So I went to the dinner... but I also had some work to do with an approaching deadline, so I tried to finish it while waiting for the food. I thought Kekkonen was being pretty annoying, since he tried to talk with me all the time, even though he could clearly see I was working.
At that point, I decided I’d rather go to the swimming pool, and the dream changed.
96. What are you most proud of?
The podcast, I think.
To those of you who don’t know: I host a Finnish-language musical podcast with @obiskus​. It’s been on a corona break since April, but before that, we’ve released over 60 “regular” episodes and a handful of shorter extra tracks (and, pandemic allowing, we’ll be releasing some new stuff this autumn.) It’s about musical theatre, but within that, the subjects vary a lot: we’ve got everything from fandom and shipping to discussing opera with a university professor.
And I’m proud of it because I know we’ve done a good job.
It’s a well-researched and well-edited show, as carefully put together as any professional podcast, and at +60 episodes, the archive’s starting to look good. I studied journalism – and though I knew pretty much from the start it’s not what I want to do when I grow up, it’s still an interesting semi-professional hobby for me, and I’m still good at what I do. I’d listen to us if I wasn’t hosting the show myself.
My top 5 personal favourite episodes:
(In Finnish, and with the caveat that I never listen to these after we release them, so the ranking is based on how I rememeber the making of the episode being like.)
5. Kuuluuko kummia? // Hunting for ghosts in Åbo Svenska Teater. It’s a pretty light episode, we simply sit in Finland’s oldest theatre and tell ghost stories related to theatres in Finland and elsewhere – but the making of it was so cool, since we got the whole 19th century auditorium of my favourite theatre to ourselves, and there’s also a somewhat unusual ending...
One of the Finnish theatres we mentioned sent us a complaint afterwards that there were factual errors in our retelling of the urban legend about their ghost.
4. Oopperaa ääliöille // Opera for Dummies! It’s fun and educational. We had two experts, a professor and a librettist/director, give us a crash course in all things opera: what it is and how to prepare for watching one.
For two people that had never met each other before, our guests got along really well, and I think this is a genuinely informative episode. Learned some new things myself!
3. Miten ohjelmisto valitaan? // The manager of Finland’s largest Swedish-speaking theatre talks about how he chooses musicals for the theatre’s repertoire. Anyone who listens to this will, hopefully, understand why we’re not getting Hamilton or The Lion King in Finland any time soon.
I’m proud of this interview. Our interviewee tells it like it is and talks about the business side of things, which is usually not discussed in Finland – I’m very happy he decided to share that stuff with us. My mom, a journalist with decades of experience, complimented me on this twice, so I know I did well.
2. Maailmanensi-ilta // The time we traveled to see the world premiere of Prince of Egypt the musical in Denmark.
No musical has ever let me down like this one. I’m so glad we got the whole experience on tape.
1. Ranskalaisen spektaakkelin rakennusohjeet // An overview of French musical theatre with a dash of Notre Dame de Paris on the side.
My ultimate self-indulgent pet project. The best time I ever had researching, doing an interview, and watching a show for the podcast.
Top 3 picks from our “Interviews in English” playlist:
3. Enjolras and Grantaire from the Norwegian production of Les Mis where E/R was canon, on shipping // What it says on the tin. This production haunts me. I hated it, but three years later, people still keep reblogging my Tumblr recap of it, and this is our most popular track on Soundcloud. Still a fun little interview, though!
2. The Reeds of Notre Dame // The time we did a full episode in English. We chat with three pit musicians, from the US and UK, who played in the Finnish production of The Hunchback of Notre Dame. For a musical podcast, we don’t talk about music much, so it was fun to feature some genuine nerding out about that!
1. Richard Charest on Notre Dame de Paris // Is it unprofessional to fall in love with your interviewee while you’re interviewing him? Too bad. Just listen to him, oh gosh, what a sweetheart – and I love how openly he talks about things like being compared to Bruno Pelletier. Plus, you get to hear me fangirl!
Good heavens, this turned into a novel. What can I say. I’m proud of the podcast, ask me more about it and I’ll write you another essay.
Ask me questions
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lavenderbones22 · 6 years
Playing The Game- Ben!Roger Taylor
Summary: Roger has been thrust into sudden fame with his band, Queen, and with fame come groupies. Overwhelmed with the amount of attention he's receiving and unsure how to handle it, his girlfriend falls on the back burner and now Roger must try to win her heart back.
Requested: 'I sent you my request yesterday but Tumblr is being useless as always hehe. So, can you write an os where Ben!Roger is so excited with his sudden fame and the groupies all over him that he kinda forgets the reader exists. Then, realizing that this kind of life is good but only for a moment, he tries to win the reader's heart all over again. You know, angst and fluffy stuff.'
Word Count: 3491
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The bright lights, the encapsulating smell of cigarettes and weed, the alcohol, the hard drugs, it was all prevalent in the small venue Queen were playing at. Having gone around playing bigger venues in other countries for a while, they were back at their old stomping ground for a night. The crowd of what used to be mainly guys who loved rock music had seemingly suddenly turned into a crowd of young women.
Maybe it was all the hair, the tight jeans, the bare chests, the sweaty muscles, that drew them to watch the band play but it was thought that it was mostly because they wanted to fuck one of the band members.
Brian and John were single, leaving Freddie and Roger the half of the band currently in relationships. Roger would sit back and watch two of his best mates indulge in the pleasures of these easy young women and he couldn't mistake the feeling of jealousy that would hit him.
He loved his girlfriend, he really, really did. She was a good girl, been by his side for just on two years now and sexy, fuck, she was sexy as all hell but it was the excitement that these groupies would bring that intrigued him.
He'd listen to Brian and Deacy's sinful stories of what these women would let the guys do to them, how they would beg to be tied up, be hung from things, fucked in every orifice of their fit bodies. If he didn't have such a healthy sex life with his girlfriend, fucking most days, Roger would have caved a long time ago. He was satisfied, but he was curious.
He was sat in his usual spot at the drum kit, a perfect view of Freddie as he waltzed across the stage singing his dramatic heart out. He'd been keeping an eye out for his girl, she was meant to come to the show after work but it was after eight and he still hadn't seen her. She knew how much this show meant to him and the guys, it was like coming full circle and he wanted her to be there.
Her hectic work schedule as of late had been playing havoc on their relationship. They were like ships passing in the night, schedules that were completely opposite. She worked in a salon, a hairdresser, and her hours were all over the place.
As he hit the symbol's, pressed his foot down on the bass pedal, he channelled the frustration he felt at not having seen her yet; they were half way through the set, she was probably not going to show.
Roger tried desperately to distract himself from his negative thoughts by going harder at the drums and although one would think that it would be easy to shut everything else out of your mind whilst playing an instrument as intense as they were, it was not.
The set came to an end, the sweat literally dripping down Roger's face, his chest, his arms. He was always so fierce when he drummed, putting everything he had into bringing out the best beats he possibly could. It was part of his charm and his girl would often say one of her favourite things to do was watch Roger lose himself in his music. They'd even fucked on his drum kit a few times.
He lit a fag before he did anything. Grabbing a cloth and using it to wipe his face. The crowd was cheering, the others were thanking them. Roger stood up, waving to the crowd to huge cheers as he stepped off the stage and went out the back.
Deep puffs, strong exhales, he was annoyed.
She had intended to go to the gig, she knew how much it meant to Roger. He'd been going on about it for a couple of weeks now, excited to play for their home crowd again now their careers had taken off and everyone knew every word to every song. She didn't leave the salon until seven forty-five, her feet killing her from standing all day. Knowing the guys went on stage at seven, for an hour and a half, she didn't see much point in going for the last fifteen minutes.
Well aware that it was poor on her behalf by not showing up to her boyfriend's gig, she fought with her conscience on the taxi ride home and by the time she arrived at the doorstep of the flat she shared with Roger, she had come to terms with her decision.
There was more to this though, than what was presented on the outside. She had another reason for this decision.
Along with the bands growth in album sales and popularity came their growth in attention from women, groupies in particular. It seemed that every woman, and some men, wanted to fuck a rockstar. Sure, she'd known it was a fad, she had fancied a few guys in bands in her time, but the extent that it was at currently took her by total surprise.
Women just wanted to have sex with a rockstar so that they could go and brag about it to their friends, maybe sell a story to the newspaper about how big or small his dick might have been.
She had never been bothered by this fact until her boyfriend was the centre of everybody's attention.
Most people who visited her salon knew Roger or had met him at some point in time, but sometimes when she had new clients who didn't know who she was or who her boyfriend was, she would hear things. It had happened on only a few occasions but that was a few occasions too many in her opinion. Young girls similar to her age or a tad younger would come in mouthing off about how hot Roger Taylor from Queen was and how much they wanted to fuck him. She remembered one girl even saying that he had been eye fucking her the entire performance; needless to say, that was an awkward moment for everybody in the salon.
In hindsight, she wished to have made a different decision that night when she left work. She should have gone to the gig, then maybe things between her and Roger wouldn't be so shit.
It was about a month after the hometown gig and Queen were still in England. They were driving around doing shows in smaller parts of the country, being no more than a few days away from home at a time.
Her work had become more demanding, people had found out that she was Roger Taylor's girlfriend and suddenly her client list became endless. Roger, well Roger was playing music and revelling in the attention from all of the groupies. He was still angry at his girlfriend for missing that important show, so he channelled that anger into attracting beautiful women.
He hadn't cheated, or at least anything he had done he'd hadn’t classified as cheating.
A few brief kisses on lips, bites on necks, ass pinches, they were all innocent to him. And besides, he wanted to give these girls something to talk about, make their day.
Oh, and they hadn't had sex in weeks.
She was antsy and had pleasured herself in the shower more times these past few weeks than she had ever in her life. Roger though, he didn't seem phased by it or at least he didn't show that he was.
There was a party tonight down in the nicer part of London. It was an exclusive event, organised by the band's record company to celebrate the number of album sales they had achieved thus far.
She had been angry at him for a while for his behaviour, hearing more and more stories as every day passed but the anger had stopped and suddenly it had turned into sadness. She missed him. She missed who he was, what they were together. She missed just spending nights lying together on the sofa playing with each other's fingers and watching shitty movies. She missed waking up to him holding her tight, his breath on the back of her neck.
He was barely home at a decent hour anymore and when he was he wasn't holding her like that.
She wanted her Roger back, the one who told her that he loved her so much that she sometimes had to tell him to stop. She wanted to hit herself for that. She wanted to hit herself for a lot of things she had done recently.
She also wanted to hit him. He was a fucking idiot for indulging even a little bit in these pretentious women. She missed Roger so much that her heart hurt but if he was going to go around acting like he didn't have a girlfriend, then he wouldn't have a girlfriend.
She loved him, but she could get over him if she had to.
Black slacks, gold suit jacket, black shirt, open half way down so his chest could be seen; that was what Roger decided to wear to the label party tonight. He was stoked, the band had sold more albums than ever expected and the record label were ecstatic at the result. The four lads literally had cash being thrown at them. Roger had no idea what to do with all of the money he was suddenly making.
He was a few drinks down and a little high when he rocked up. His ego was soaring as fans called out his name when he got out of the car. They were lined up outside of the venue, having somehow found out when and where the party was being held. He waved and threw some cheeky winks at the hot girls screaming for him.
There were over two hundred people inside the fairly large venue, many wanting to talk to the charismatic drummer.
It wasn't until someone asked him about her that he realised he hadn't invited her.
Neither the drugs nor the alcohol could prevent his mind from feeling grossly guilty about this revelation.
"I forgot to fuckin' invite her," he had dashed over to Brian who was talking to one of the label executives. Brian excused himself politely, moving aside with Roger who looked frantic.
"Who?" Brian asked casually, knowing exactly who Roger was referring to but rather enjoying watching him freak out. He had had a few conversations with his best mate's long term girlfriend in the recent weeks and knew just how upset she was about his behaviour around town. He had assured her that he knew Roger like the back of his hand and that the excitement of all this new attention would wear off after a while. She had also asked him if he thought Roger had cheated, to which Brian replied that he was ninety percent sure he hadn't. He knew though that the ten percent was all she was thinking about.
Brian had also invited her to the party tonight.
Like he had said, he knew his mate like the back of his hand so he just knew that he would forget to extend an invitation to her.
Roger didn't see when she walked in wearing a gold dress, much like Roger's jacket, that fell down to the floor, deep v neck showing off her cleavage and a low cut back. It was a divine creation, she was a divine creation, glistening in the lights of the room and turning everybody's heads. Her dark hair was behind her back in loose curls, gold hoops hanging from her ears.
She couldn't see Roger, but she didn't really care.
He'd been at the party for nearly two hours and he'd lost count of the amount of drinks he'd had. He felt terrible about forgetting to invite his girlfriend, he couldn't believe he'd done it honestly. It started his mind off, thinking back to the last month or so where he wouldn't come home, instead crashing on Deacy's couch or stand her up when they were meant to have a dinner date. He'd been a positively rotten boyfriend to the love of his life.
And that's what she was, she was the love of his life and for a little second there he'd forgotten it. He'd come to realise that these groupies were never going to stick around, they'd fuck off the second someone more popular or hotter came around; that was what groupies did. His girl though, she was his partner in life and he knew she would never leave him like the groupies would. Well, he hoped she wouldn't. He was overwhelmed with all of the changes going on in his life that he'd derailed for a moment. But he had decided that it ended here, this was the last mistake he was going to make when it came to her.
It was her ass he saw first, then the curve of her back, bare in a tight fitting gold dress.
She was here.
But how?
Brian was watching him from a short distance, chuckling to himself over Roger's confusion, deciding to walk up and enlighten him on how she had ended up at the party.
"I invited her," he put his hand on his shorter friend's shoulder, sipping his beer.
"H-how?" Roger looked up, wide eyed at Brian. "Why, Brian?"
"Because I knew that you would forget," he responded. "You've been a bit distracted lately, mate."
Roger sighed. "I know. I'm fucking terrible," he ran his hands through his long, blonde hair. "I wouldn't be surprised if she ended it with me honestly."
"She loves you," Brian reassured him. "But trust me when I say that you're really going to have to make it up to her."
Roger knew he was right. He knew that she loved him and he knew that he loved her. A lot had happened but it wasn't a total lost cause.
"You're here." His deep voice startled her. She whipped around, meeting his emerald eyes for the first proper time in weeks.
"I'm here," she replied monotonously.
Neither knew what to say. It was awkward.
She accepted her drink from the bartender and thanked him. She turned back to her estranged lover.
"Brian invited me," she told him.
"I know."
"I would have thought you would have," she spoke with no bitterness in her voice, only sadness.
"I'm sorry," he said quietly, sheepish. "I've been fucking horrible lately. I cannot believe I forgot to invite my own girlfriend to a party."
"Not just any party Roger," she looked at him sadly. "A party to celebrate the success of your band!"
He swallowed nervously. This really wasn't the place to have a conversation like this but it was happening and he wasn't about to stop it.
"I am your biggest supporter, you know that! I love you and I love the guys. I want to be included in everything you do. I want to be there by your side as you succeed," she felt herself getting teary but she held it in. "But you've just pushed me away and replaced me with cheap groupies."
"I never meant for any of it to happen," he sighed. "I was angry at you that night you didn't turn up to the home town show. I guess I let it bubble away inside of me too long and used the groupies as a way to make you feel how I was feeling."
She cocked an eyebrow. "Are you kidding me?"
He shook his blonde locks, embarrassed by his childish behaviour. "No, unfortunately."
"You're a child, Roger," she crossed her arms still holding her wine. "Why didn't you just talk to me?"
He shrugged. "I don't know really."
"I felt terrible that I missed that show but I was exhausted after a nearly twelve hour work day and I just couldn't comprehend standing there. Besides, the show would have been practically over by the time I arrived and I would have had to wait around while all the gear got packed up," she explained. "I also couldn't bare to stand in a crowd of women talking about how badly they want to fuck you. I can only take so much."
Roger hadn't always been a self obsessed womanizer, he was always very considerate of other people's feelings. He prided himself on being able to pick up on when someone was upset and doing everything he could to rectify it. He was ashamed. He hadn't even thought about what she had been going through during all of these changes, only thinking about himself.
He would throw punches if he heard men talk about her that way.
Fuck, he was a shit boyfriend.
He stepped closer to her. Her usual 'Charlie' perfume floating into his nostrils. It made him feel like he was home; she made him feel like he was home.
Her big, round eyes looked up at him as he placed both of his hands on either side of her neck. "I'm so sorry for everything baby," he spoke quietly. Although the music was loud, the sounds of people talking louder, she heard him perfectly. "I know nothing I say right now can take back anything that's happened but all I can do is try to be a better man, a better boyfriend for you. You deserve the world and I want to give it to you."
A tear left her eye, rolling down her cheek and she smiled up at him. "You've got a lot of ground to make up," she told him. "But as long as I have your word that you won't let these women have you, that you'll love me and consider me in everything just like you used to," she smiled again as Roger wiped away her stray tear with his thumb. "Then I guess we can begin to move forward."
He laughed and pulled her into him, their lips meeting for the first time in quite a while.
"I love you," he whispered, forehead against hers.
"I love you too you asshole," she chuckled. Roger smiled once more, pulling her to him again, this time deepening the kiss and letting their tongues tangle around each other. She couldn't even help the moan that vibrated their kiss.
"Wanna pop into the toilet's for a sec?" He suggested, brows raised.
She knew she should make him work for her forgiveness a little longer but honestly, she was horny as hell and needed to feel him inside her again.
"We gotta be quick," she told him, taking his hand. "They're serving the food now and I saw some mini hamburgers." Roger laughed loudly at his girlfriend's priorities. Her humour was one of the many reasons he loved her.
Her back was pressed hard against the stall of the female toilet's. Roger's lips were on her neck, hands firmly placed on her bare ass. Her dress was gathered around her hips, thong pushed to one side while his dick was currently buried inside of her.
"Fuck," she cried. "Fuck Roger that feels so good." Her eyes were closed tightly, arms hanging on for dear life around his neck as he pounded into her like there was no tomorrow.
"I fucking love it when you tell me how good I make you feel," he groaned, licking across her throat. "You look so sexy when I'm fucking you."
His dirty words always helped bring her orgasm on and this time was no exception.
His fingers dug into her ass cheeks as his cock kept banging against her cervix. "Fuckkkk, yeah," he groaned loudly. She giggled, shushing him because even though it was noisy, they could probably still be heard if someone was in the bathroom with them.
She was so wet she swore that she could feel it dripping down her leg. Her orgasm started to hit just as she heard voices in the bathroom. Mindless chatter from women started to distract her, she was cursing them in her mind.
"Focus baby," Roger brought her back to him with a hot kiss. He went harder and faster to bring her mind back and within seconds she was right on the brink of coming again.
His shirt had undone all of the way now so she leant forward and licked up his bare skin. She loved the taste of his sweat, especially when she had gone without tasting any of him for so long.
She cried out, expletives leaving her lips as she tightened around Roger's cock, spurring on his orgasm and it would be a damn miracle if nobody heard them. His name was loud from her mouth letting everybody know who was making her feel so good. This turned him on so fucking much.
When they had both finally recovered, they kissed slowly while they both tried to regain their breaths. He was still in her and semi hard. She never wanted to be without him inside of her again.
"Bet those groupies couldn't take your cock as good as I can," she told him with a girly giggle.
"Never baby. You're such a good girl," he ran his hands up her sides, kissing her collarbones. "So sexy. I'm such a lucky motherfucker."
"And don't you ever forget it again!"
TAG LIST: @galileoqueen-mama-mia , @fuckinghurricanesoul , @spidreling , @screaminggalileochickenwrites , @softbenhardy , @meraki--mai , @mortifiedmoon , @ziggysstarrdust , @tanya-is-dead
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dbphantom · 5 years
[inhales] fuck it junpai-7 time
I feel apathetic instead of anxious so here’s a ~bit~ from the H2O AU. It’s a good scene with Clay and Zane (and Quietfoot). Personally, I like the bar scene too (takes place 2 scenes before this one) but the intro to that one is kinda self-indulgent and I am not a brave enough boy for that yet. Listen, I’ll be honest, I picked this scene a) because there’s like no H2O content outside a few throwaway lines and you solely borderlands folk can enjoy it without needing to understand the Deep Merfolk Lore and b) I never write fight scenes and I’m proud of it. I know how can a person write borderlands fanfics and not be comfortable writing fight scenes, I’m such a heathen.
Anyway. Context? Uhhh, this is in the past. Meant to elaborate on that one line about Clay and Zane crossing paths on a smuggling job on Junpai-7 (a water planet). I thought it’d be funny if it turned out they were on opposite sides of the job. I’m also a big fan of a one Cutlord Karuu being the resident pirate queen. Because pirates are cool and her name is kickass.
“Where the..?”
Clay blinked open his eyes at the whisper, tried to move his hands to his throbbing head, and realized he was tied up. Yup, if he wasn’t awake before, he was definitely awake now. And, apparently, sitting on the deck of his ship, tied up against the mast, with nothing but the wide expanse of Junpai’s ocean surrounding it.
Well, damn. That wasn’t good.
He pulled against the binds, but they didn’t give- weren’t even in a position to grab so he could untie them. Whoever did this knew what they were doing.
“The hell’s going on?” He snapped at the disembodied muttering, shaking his head to get the exhaustion out. He’d been drugged, and he always hated that. “Domino, you there?”
The same whirring as earlier returned and Clay finally got to see the source- a small drone hovered before him, chirping merrily and spinning in circles.
“Zoomer? Oh! He’s up!”
A figure moved into view and Clay blinked, because he recognized him. The stranger from the bar a week ago. He was still around?
“Hello again! So sorry about this, didn’t think you’d be the one I had to target. But, hey, remember, I promised- no killing!” He showed his hands, free of any weapon, and grinned.
“What the hell, man, I bought you a drink. Where’s Domino?”
“Domino? Oh, the one on the dock? He’s still there, I think. I took us out to sea so the other two couldn’t come back yet. Don’t worry, I’ll be gone soon!”
“What are you here for? It part of that contract?” Clay had a pretty good idea. The one thing every spot of trouble they’d encountered lately was after.
Zane nodded, opening the lid on a crate next to the cabin door and poking around inside. “Yeah, yeah. From a one Cutlord Karuu. Sure you’ve heard of her.”
Clay groaned, leaning his head back against the mast. “Yeah. Pirate queen. She’s been keeping an eye on our ring for ages. Whatever she wants, we don’t have it.” He noticed movement out of the corner of his eye and glanced to look at what it could be.
Quietfoot was perched up on the sails, crouched and following the man below. He held up the alien compass they were supposed to be dropping off in Mariejois and put a finger to his lips.
Clay returned his sight back to the intruder. “So, what are you looking for?”
Zane sighed. “Ah, you know, a small, little, bobbly alien thing. Points north. What’s the word?” He paused in his searching, putting the lid on the crate down and leaning on it. “Actually, it doesn’t point north. Supposed to point to a Vault Key. You know, one of those things everyone’s losing their minds over these days? I don’t get it. But the actual ones point north.”
The hitman frowned and scowled at the drone as it bobbed around the ship, mouthing something to himself.
Clay watched, confused and slightly worried he had noticed Quietfoot above them.
Clay jumped and whispered a quiet curse. “What is wrong with you?”
“Sorry, sorry. Remembered-”
The two stopped and looked over to see what the noise was. The Eridian compass was spiraling in a small circle, and the two watched it fall without saying a thing.
“… Huh,” Zane finally managed, and looked up at the sky. “Didn’t think I had that pow-”
Quietfoot landed on top of him, sending him to the floor, and snatched the compass back, stashing it in his digistruct pack.
“Holy-! Where did you come from?” Zane asked after he got his breath back, pushing himself up off the deck with a cough.
Quietfoot had already pulled out his shotgun, and he fired it in response.
Zane’s shield took the brunt of it, a few pellets hitting the wall behind him, and he smirked despite the breath being taken away from him again. “You don’t talk much? That’s fine, I can cover for both of us!”
He tossed out a small disc that landed at Clay’s feet, which then projected another, flashier shield.
“What the hell?” Clay demanded, struggling to get out of his binds in order to help his partner.
“Get it?” Said Zane, hands on his knees as he laughed. “’Cover’? Ah, you guys are a tough crowd.”
Quietfoot pulled the trigger again and the barrier absorbed the blast, burning pellets falling around Clay. He felt lucky he was wearing his leathers today.
Zane grabbed the barrier from midair with a button press and bolted towards the rogue, bashing him with it while the man reloaded. He dropped his shotgun and Zane kicked it away, letting it bounce off the railing of the ship and skid across the deck.
“Come on, just give it up! Don’t make me hurt you!” He got a look at the man’s bloodied nose as Quietfoot steadied himself. “Uh, more. Don’t make me hurt you more! … So sorry about that- you seem like a cool fella.”
Clay glanced down at the electronic disc at his feet, then the flashy light shield, and had an idea. He lifted up his left boot and smashed it down on the thing, watching the sparks fly. The barrier Zane held fizzled out of existence for a split second. The hitman seemed surprised, turning his head to see what was going on with his tech.
“I- hey, I just got that fixed! Quit it!”
Clay grinned. He did it again, just as Quietfoot reared back for a sucker punch to the man’s jaw. The barrier vanished moments before his fist reached Zane’s face. He staggered back from the blow, blinking rapidly and touching the blood now dripping from his split lip. “Ow! What was that for? I’m trying not to kill you!”
Quietfoot lunged for his shotgun while Zane was distracted, finishing the reload from his crouched position on the deck.
“Shite,” Zane muttered when he finally looked up, as his barrier still hadn’t returned after Clay reacquainted his foot with the projector. He pulled out another device and pressed the button on its side, and then there were two of him standing side-by-side.
Clay blinked.
Quietfoot blinked.
One of the Zanes grinned and the other one waved.
“What the…” Clay managed. “How many tricks do you have?”
“Enough,” said one, and Quietfoot pulled the trigger on him.
The deck behind him gained a nice fourteen hole pattern, with splinters to boot.
“You know,” said the other, “we don’t have to do it like this. You can just give me the compass and we’ll all go on our merry ways! I’ll even untie you, Clay,” he said, turning his head to grin at him.
Quietfoot whirled around, pointing the barrel of his gun at the talking one and keeping an eye on the other, who was studying him, just in case.
The other opened their mouth to speak and Quietfoot took no chances, quickly firing off his gun. That one stumbled back, shield audibly breaking from the hit. “… Ow!” He wheezed, doubled over from the blow to his stomach. “That’s gonna bruise tomorrow.”
Quietfoot had reloaded while Zane was lamenting over his new injury, and lifted his gun to shoot once more. The hitman looked up and suddenly- instantly- he was standing straight, glaring at the other man.
No, Clay realized. That was the clone- the dude could switch places with it. Oh, now, that was just unfair. And also explained a lot.
“That’s the double!” He warned Quietfoot, who nodded, quickly removing his finger from the trigger, and turned to face the real one. But the original was gone, having dashed off somewhere while his attacker was distracted.
“So,” came a whisper from next to Clay, taking cover behind the mast from Quietfoot’s shotgun. “What do you see in this guy? I mean, not to be rude, but he’s not very hospitable, is he? Or did I do somethin’? ‘Cause, honest, no hard feelings here- just work.”
Clay’s head whipped around to see Zane standing with his back against the mast, peering out from behind it. “What in the- how did you-? Damn it, man, if you’re going to scare me, at least let me fight back first!”
“Oh,” he sucked in a quick breath through his teeth. “No can do. I’m trying to not kill you guys, remember?” He snapped his fingers and his drone buzzed down from its place above them, settling on his shoulder with a small wiggle. “You can play dead, though! It’s like a game!”
Quietfoot had advanced on them while they were talking and Zane grinned at Clay when the man rounded the mast. “Gotta go!”
“Quit running!” Clay yelled, struggling against his binds and kicking his feet as Zane darted out onto the deck again.
“Hell no! He’s got a gun!” The Hitman laughed.
Quietfoot sighed and re-rounded the mast, entirely done with the intruder and stopping first to assess Clay’s whole situation. At the moment, Zane was no threat, just a nuisance.
“You want help?” He asked.
“Holy shite,” Zane said, popping up next to them. “He can talk? For real?”
Quietfoot shot him, but it didn’t do much since the man simply teleported away and popped back up behind him seconds later, leaning over his shoulder.
“Wow! I can’t believe you can actually talk,” Zane rambled with a grin as Quietfoot undid Clay’s binds. “Do you just not like to, or is it something I said? Because I was asking Clay earlier if it was something I said and I’m just not sure. This whole thing we’ve got going on right now is only work, you get that, right? When I’m done with my contract, we should all get a drink together. You all seem like a pretty cool group of fellas. Like your friend, Domino! I remembered. Haven’t met the other two, but they seem neat. I like your shapeshifter- I know what that’s like. Must be cool to do it on command.” He paused momentarily, brain seeming to catch up with his mouth as he blinked. “Uh, I know what the tricking people’s like. Not the- not the other thing. So, what do you say?”
Clay pulled his hands loose and rubbed his wrists with a quiet mutter of thanks, then pulled his pistol from his digistruct pack as he stood. Quietfoot readied his shotgun and the two turned to face Zane, who looked particularly dumbfounded.
“Is that a ‘no’ to the drinks?”
“Listen, man,” Clay said, pulling the hammer down on his pistol and pointing it at him as he backed up towards the railing. “You’ve got three seconds to sit down and shut up, or else things are going to get really, really bad for you. I like your style, don’t get me wrong,” he admitted, “but nobody messes with my crew. And, here’s the thing: I think I don’t want to see your brains lying on my deck, so sit the hell down while we get this ship back to port.”
“Alright,” Zane said, raising his hands above his head with a grin. He held his clone’s device in one hand, and his silver digistruct pack in the other. “You got me.”
Clay glanced down at the man’s hip, because he could have sworn his digistruct pack was black.
… It was.
That wasn’t his.
Quietfoot cursed from beside him and began reloading his shotgun, pack blatantly missing from his belt. Clay understood, then, why the man didn’t stop Quietfoot from untying him and instead decided to talk nonsense. He went to take the shot for his partner, but the stupid drone flew over and latched onto his arm, throwing off his aim.
“Kidding. I was kidding!” Zane tossed his digiclone device into his own pack and saluted them with two fingers and a grin, hopping backwards onto the railing and balancing there for a moment. “This was fun! Seriously, let’s get together later!”
“What the hell are you doing? Get off that!” Clay yelled, still struggling to get the robot off of him. “Don’t be an idiot!”
Going overboard on Junpai-7 was a death sentence- everybody who lived and worked here knew that. But the hitman? He was just some stranger from Pandora. He’d have no idea the consequences. And Clay did, admittedly, have a soft spot for the guy, despite his thievery and overly talkative personality; he wanted to make him pay a little, maybe even recruit him into the rogues when all was said and done, not watch him get brutally ripped apart by sea kings and flash whirlpools.
But Zane didn’t seem to care about what Clay said. He looked him in the eye, did a dramatic, sweeping bow, and dropped backwards with a grin and a whistle.
The bot relinquished its death grip on Clay’s arm and flung itself over the railing of their ship with reckless abandon. The clone, too, vanished after a second, as did the broken barrier disc lying forgotten on the deck beside a smattering of bullet holes.
The two rogues were left staring at the place the man was standing, until Clay broke their stupor by rushing to the railing and leaning over.
There was nothing in the black waves.
Clay had half expected them to be pink with blood, or at least see the hitman struggling to stay afloat in the brutal current, but it was like he had vanished into thin air. What, was this another one of his tricks?
“Stay alert,” Clay told Quietfoot, who nodded. “Don’t know where he went.”
“That’s just great. He better not still be on the ship- I’ll blow his damn head open. Now we’re out twenty mil and all my guns. Sorry, Clay, I should’ve untied you sooner. Might’ve been able to get the bastard at the start if we were both up and at ‘em.”
Clay shook his head. “He was a real crafty son of a bitch, don’t feel bad. ‘Sides, one of those Vault Hunting bastards was bound to be strong enough to get what they wanted eventually.” He sighed, putting his pistol away. “Domino was right, it’s probably for the best we don’t get involved in all this alien stuff. Maybe twenty mil is a small price to pay to learn that.”
“Maybe,” said Quietfoot, looking out at the water. “May-be.”
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hellrager · 5 years
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Welp, we cracked the number of the beast m’dudes! I probably would’ve tried to make something way more crazy satanic than this, but sadly I’m drowning in work. So have some of Damien’s handwriting scribbled onto the lockers for you. Was a crazy ride so far. Seen people join the fandom, leave the fandom, and made a bunch of awesome friends! So I’m taking this moment to write down, how much I appreciate some of you guys, cause you deserve it.  ❤
🔥 The Fuck Squad  🔥
( @thezomblr ) Of course I had to start with Cat, because you and me have grown so close over this single year. It’s crazy how we immediately clicked. I’ve only met one other person I’ve grown as close to via RP, and I think that’s something incredibly rare and amazing. It’s not like we aren’t constantly referencing each other in RP already, but this is a special occasion, so indulge me. I admire you so much, you are such an amazing person with your priorities set straight. You have no idea how much respect I have for you as a person and how much I value you as a RP/Shipping partner. Because it  has been ages since I’ve been so invested in a ship, and I’m enjoying it so much. Okay listen, I could fill an entire book with your section but this post is not supposed to get too long. So thanks for becoming my friend   🐺 ❤ 🐱
( @woofjock ) You are the reason I even joined this fandom. I was trying so hard not to make yet another RP blog, but then I saw your post in the Monster Prom tag and wanted to interact immediately. So I went ‘fuck it’ and made the blog. And honestly? I wanna thank you, because making this blog was one of the best decisions of my life. Not only for the awesome RP we had, but also for all the great people I met. I watched how you greeted everyone who was new to the fandom with such kindness, made me almost tear up, man. You are the adult of this group, even if you don’t believe it yourself. You were managing the MP RPC when the fandom got crazy for a while, and you still do us many favors by just being around. Thanks for that! 
( @loveyourfears ) I think the funniest part about us is, that we already used to RP with our Oc’s without even realizing. I really enjoy talking to you and I love interacting with your characters. The chemistry we have with Damien and Oz is pretty much how I imagined this ship to go, and I’m thankful that you’d indulge me when I bring up crazy plots. I hope we get to interact more in the future and get to know each other some more OOC, cause I think we got a lot of stuff in common! 
( @youngsouthey ) We’ve just started getting to know each other but I’m still very glad that we started talking at all! I think its great how we seem to have the same taste in shows or Anime, and how our taste in favorite characters seems to clash so much - yet works so well as shipping material. Of course I’m still really thankful for you being such an inspiration with your art and writing, it really helped me getting out of a slump where I just couldn’t create anything I was happy with. You are a constant inspiration to me, and I hope we can get to know each other some more! 
( @gruselhigh ) It’s kinda funny how I have seen you on Dove for, I guess years? But never had the guts to approach you, since I’m not someone who wants to force their muses on someone else. I always assumed you just were not interested and enjoyed watching your characters from afar. The fact that we actually ended up talking through Damien here - is like faith was doing this meme where you push two characters together going ‘now kiss’. You are an incredibly funny, energetic person and I admire your ‘take no shit’ attitude. I thought people like you had died out on this website, glad to know there is more people fighting the good fight. And holy shit let’s not get started on your brilliant Oc’s. Fuck, yeah. You are stuck with me now. 
( @oz-answers​ ) I still remember that it was a meme I reblogged that got us to actually start talking, haha! And even if we have not gotten to talk that much, I like how we seem to be able to just enjoy the same stuff. You know, like funny animal memes or incredibly gory Manga. Man I love talking manga. But you as well are a great inspiration, and the collab we did was such a fun experience, thanks for being so chill about it! Love seeing you on the dash, stay awesome!
( @glamourwitchcraft​ ) Another Oc I’ve seen on my Oc blog around and who ended up approaching me on Damien. Small world huh? But glad we got to talk and interact, cause I really adore Keiko. He’s such a great, sassy brat. He and Damien have such perfect chemistry - its crazy. I know our busy RL has kept us a bit from interacting, but keep in mind that I highly value you as a RP partner and love our ooc chats just as much!
( @spoiledfins​ ) You know this is a crack mention because we are at that part of our friendship, where you insult each other to show how much you love one another. But this list wasn’t complete without you dumb sea pancake so.. Here you go! I love your stupid face and love that I can drag you into every fandom I go to <3 
😈 My Noobs, Hands off! 😈
@half-reverse-wereray​ ❌ @electrifyingstitches​ ❌ @screvvedloose​ ❌ @monsterxjam​  ❌ @half-reverse-wereray​  ❌ @eldfic​  ❌ @zombfear​  ❌ @zgords​  ❌ @glitchwalking​  ❌ @a-poisonous-gamble​  ❌ @lcbotomy​  ❌ @bcnejones​  ❌ @karismatickitty​  ❌ @lxrosalita​  ❌ @best-wolf-boi​  ❌ @seutahateu​  ❌ @monstersmashed​  ❌ @howlkissed​  ❌ @purpleshopkeep​  ❌ @pseudogaiety​  ❌ @cultmadness​  ❌ @king-of-motor-city​  ❌ @sukkubxs​  
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ripley95 · 5 years
OC Interview
I was tagged by @kenshi-vakarian7 and @rpgwarrior4824 for the OC interview meme. Thank you so much!
I’ve been putting off a ton of other OC memes that mostly @rpgwarrior4824 tagged me in and maybe some others? It’s been so long I can’t even remember, so sorry if I’ve missed anyone! Rather than flooding everyone’s dash with other OC memes, I’m going to do the interview, and add all of the other memes below the cut.
I’ll be doing all of them for Jane Shepard from one of the stories I’m currently writing.
Also, if anyone wants to do a huge OC master post like this with any or all of the memes involved, feel free to consider yourself tagged.
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1. What’s your name?  
Jane Shepard
2. Do you know why you are named that?
My parents were looking for something traditional. Something about remembering where we came from, having connections to Earth. I’m not really quite sure about their rationale behind that.
3. Are you single or taken?
Single? I’m not really sure how this is pertinent information.
4. Have any abilities or powers?
My tactical cloak has gotten me out of a few sticky situations. I guess that counts, right? Not everyone knows how to use those effectively.
5. Stop being a Mary Sue.
I’m afraid that goes against my job description.
6. What’s your eye color?
7. How about your hair color?
8. Have any family members?
My mom, Hannah Shepard. She’s a Rear Admiral now, you know. She’s pretty distinguished in her own right.
9. Oh? How about any pets?
I have a hamster.  His name is Pongo. I have some fish too... actually, I should probably double check that one.
10. That’s cool, I guess. Now tell me something you don’t like.
Intrusive and unnecessary interviews.
11. Do you have any activities/hobbies that you like to do?
I do like my model ships. There’s something about the process of putting them together that’s almost meditative.
12. Have you hurt anyone in any way before?
Hasn’t everyone?
13. Ever… killed anyone before?
I’m sorry, you do know who I am right? I will say, that I don’t take that for granted. I always try my best to avoid death, but sometimes it’s unavoidable.
14. What kind of animal are you?
A human? Honestly, I don’t even understand the point of most of these.
15. Name your worst habits?
Apparently, indulging reporters, for what? Some kind of romance magazine I’m guessing?
16. Do you look up to anyone at all?
Of course. My mom’s been a great example for me. She raised me by herself for most of her life, and she’s always tried to do her best by me. She’s a great role model. Then there’s Admiral Anderson, but, maybe let’s not talk about him.
17. Are you gay, straight or bisexual?
I really don’t see how this is any of your business.
18. Do you go to school?
Not anymore. I was raised going to the Alliance Academy, almost conditioned for military life. Then there was N7 training, but nothing as formal as that since.
19. Ever want to marry and have any kids one day?
I don’t know. Now that the war is over, maybe? I never managed to think that far ahead.
20. Do you have any fangirls/fanboys?
You could say that. I have a VI dedicated to sorting my mail.
21. What are you most afraid of?
Failure. Letting down my team.
22. What do you usually wear?
Usually whatever the Alliance has requisitioned for me.
23. What one food tempts you?
Oooh, anything freshly cooked an warm, and you’ll have me wrapped around your little finger. Let’s just say I’ve become way more accustomed to MRE’s than I care for.
24. Am I annoying you?
Not exactly, though I’m not sure why some of these are so personal.
25. Well, it’s still not over!
26. What class are you (low/middle/high)?
27. How many friends do you have?
Living a life in space hasn’t allowed for much stability on that front, but my crew has become a second family. It’s not about how many, but about the bonds that aren’t breakable, and I’ve found that in my crew.
28. What are your thoughts on pie?
Like I said, anything fresh or home cooked, and you have my attention.
29. Favorite drink?
Water’s never failed me. I’m sorry, were you looking for something more interesting? I’ll say that I am probably too attached to my coffee supply too.
30. What’s your favorite place?
Places have never really been a stability for me either. I guess the Normandy’s become pretty special. 
31. Are you interested in anyone?
Well... there was someone. I’m not really sure anymore.
32. That was a stupid question…
33. Would you rather swim in the lake or the ocean?
I can’t say that I’ve had much of a chance for either, but I remember that sticky gross feeling after swimming in an ocean, so I’ll have to say lake.
34. What’s your type?
I’m sorry?
35. Any fetishes?
Oh, we’re really not going there.
36. Camping indoors or outdoors?
Are you kidding me? You’re going to ask this after that last question? What exactly is this interview for? Outdoors, I guess. I wouldn’t say no to a nice cabin though.
Fairy Tale Aesthetics: Brothers Grimm Version
jade trinket boxes.  taste of iron. fingertips on a mirror.  yellow and green with envy. long handled hunting knives.  sewing by the window.  combs laced with pearls and poison.  an apple white one side and red the other. white doves.  frosted glass.
a blunt axe.  a ring of chalk.  tear-stained cheeks.  sweet pears. hands tied behind back.  shallow rivers.  aching feet, walking for days.  flowing gown.  liquid silver.  wax seals.  blinding lights.
lukewarm bath water. sapphire butterflies.  tiny milk snakes.  baskets of strawberries.  fat toads.  sparkling snow.  fur cloaks.  raw gemstones.  kettles made of copper.  red wine.  a tiny cottage in the middle of nowhere.
a tiny key made of gold.  pools of blood.  stains that won’t rub away.  galloping hooves. treasures from far away lands.  dragging by the hair.  dark and damp cellars.  marble walls.  shivering with fear.  screaming at the top of your lungs.
sitting side-saddle.  daughter of a witch.  nettles.  white feathers.  refusing to smile. needles and threads.  a castle in the forest.  sound of beating wings.  birthmarks.  climbing trees.  balls of yarn.  silver crowns.
wildflowers.  rich-tasting cake.  wicker baskets.  the path rarely trod.  sharp teeth. curtains drawn.  a dying fireplace.  grey pelts.  red velvet.  handmade quilts.  sunlight peeking through branches.  opening corks with a satisfying pop. looking someone directly in the eye.
OC Body Language Meme
arms crossed / crossing legs / fist-like gestures / pointing index finger / karate chops / stiffening of shoulders / tense posture / curling of lip / baring of teeth / brow furrowing / shoulders hunched / sudden, sharp movements / growling
hand-to-face gestures / head tilted / stroking chin / peering over glasses / taking glasses off — cleaning / putting earpiece of glasses in mouth / pipe smoker gestures / putting hand to bridge of nose / pursed lips / knitted brows / scrunched nose / staring to the side / fidgeting
arms crossed / sideways glance / touching or rubbing nose / rubbing eyes / hands resting on weapon / brows raising / lips pressing into a thin line / strict, unwavering eye contact / wrinkling of nose / narrowed eyes / smooth, quick movements / sniffing the air loudly
chewing pen or pencil / rubbing thumb over opposite thumb / biting fingernails / biting lips / hands in pockets / elbow bent / closed gestures / clearing throat / “whew” sound / picking or pinching flesh / fidgeting in chair / hand covering mouth whilst speaking / poor eye contact / tugging at pants whilst seated / jingling money in pockets / tugging at ear / perspiring hands / playing with hair / swaying / playing with pointer/marker/cane / smacking lips / sighing / rocking on balls of feet / flexing or cracking fingers sporadically / hugging themselves / head whipping around frantically / hanging down avoiding eye contact / low growling / shoulders hunched over / sitting with knees pulled up to the chest
short breaths / “tsk” sounds / tightly-clenched hands / fist-like gestures / pointing index finger / running hand through hair / rubbing back of neck / snarling / revealing teeth / grimacing / sharp-eye glowers / notable tension in brow / shoulders back, head up – defensive posturing / clenching of jaw/ grinding teeth / nostrils flaring / heavy exhales / hitting walls and random objects / loud growling / pacing / yelling randomly
OC sense aesthetic
SIGHT. ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
small towns. big cities. six thirty curfews. lights that take the place of stars. blanket nests. light through the blinds as a wake up call. found family. finding a single star in the middle of new york city. window shopping. watching something terrible and enjoying it. growing numb to the sight of injustice. wilted flowers. faded caricatures. bright, bold colours.
crickets and lightning bugs. car engines and a / c units. a phone call to mum / dad. laughing with friends. jokes that are so bad you have to laugh. the clicking of computer keys. noise cancelling headphones. the sound of silence. muffled music from another room. drumming fingertips on a table. clicking of pens. listening to a clock and swearing the ticks get slower. ringing in the ears. the voice of someone you love. pitch shifted songs.
being held close during a long night. fleeting reassurances. holding hands when you’re scared. brushing fingers through strands of hair. freshly dried clothes. bruises on your knuckles. silk and satin. your favourite pet’s fur or feather. wringing your hands anxiously. snuggles. comforters in the dead of winter. nails against skin. cold metal. leather in summer.
coffee in the morning. tea in the evening. bubblegum that lost its flavor. alcohol burning the back of your throat. homemade cooking, no matter what’s made. blood in your mouth. stale air. mint. fresh vegetables. that processed taste of citrus candy. the first meal you cook by yourself that tastes good. foreign sweets. fast food. bittersweet. sour. spicy. sweet. bitter. too much salt on fries.
Bold Relationship Tag
height difference | mutual pining | first kiss | first love | wedding | in-jokes | lgbt+ | family disapproves | friend disapproves | would die for each other | fake relationship | arranged wedding | cuddlers| pda friendly | and they were room mates | holding hands | secret relationship | opposing world views | opposing personalities | opposing goals | getting a pet | have kids | want kids | grow old together | relationship failures | rests head on shoulder | share a bed | token dummies | relationship doubts | they have a song | first date | share a jacket | sharing a blanket | mutual interests | study buddies | bathing together | crash into hello | accidental nudity | laundry | same hobbies | cooking for each other | big fancy gala | sibling rivalry | hair stroking | dancing | laying in the grass | watching stars together | watching the other sleep | shared values | friends to lovers  | enemies to lovers | lovers to enemies | childhood friends | slow burn | love triangle | toxic relationship | sitting on each other’s laps |  can’t be together | hugs | forehead touches | neck kisses | car/motorbike rides | compliments | nicknames | falling asleep together | late night talks | gifts |
If anyone actually made it this far, I’d be shocked. But seriously, if you want to do any kind of variance of an OC master post for your OCs, feel free to do it and tag me.
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knightshade-ships · 6 years
Self-Insert Positivity Day!!
I think I’ll just...go through all these questions in order. I can’t really think of any way to really tweak it or improve on it.
What got you into self shipping/self insert content? Who or what inspired you?
Honestly, like a lot of the replies I’ve seen, I’ve been shipping myself with characters and inserting myself into their worlds since before I knew it was a common thing that people did. It seems like for as long as I can remember, with every movie or TV show I watched, or every game I played, I’d find some way to imagine myself right in the thick of things, making friends with the different characters, helping them with their fights...and eventually, in some cases, even dating some of them.
It wasn’t that I had a particularly troubled childhood--I had friends at school, a brother to play with at home, and things at home were pretty good for the most part. But I had--and still continue to have--a very active imagination. Being in the “real world” wasn’t good enough for me; I wanted more. I wanted adventure and action and fun, a chance to make a different somewhere, and self-inserting made that possible for me. I still kept in on the down-low, though. I’m...a little too used to the weird glances and questions people sometimes give, so for the most part it’s just between me and fellow self-shippers!
I didn’t actually get into the self-insert/self-ship community until around October of last year. I’m not even sure what really prompted it--I just remember noticing a lot of blogs at around the same time, openly posting and gushing and sharing content about things that I’d...always done, but had never realized that other people do this, too. It was a great moment for me to realize that I wasn’t alone, and that there was a whole online community who would understand my hobby!
What do you like to do when it comes to self ship/self insert? Are you a content creator, or do you enjoy taking part in things?
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I’m largely a writer, and I’ve written all sorts of self-indulgent things for my various ships throughout the years. Most of them were pretty bad, not gonna lie, but I had fun writing them anyway. I kept most of them tucked away in notebooks--sadly, I don’t have much of my older pieces, but I remember filling three separate notebooks purely with a self-insert series set in Pokemon Mystery Dungeon (and these were three separate “books”. I’m actually very proud of past me for cranking out that much work, and I envy that level of executive function).
I haven’t posted much recently, but it’s mostly because I have too many ideas of what to write, and not enough ideas of how to execute any of them. I’ve also tried to get back into drawing more self ship content, too--I’m not always confident in my art, but you can’t improve if you never practice!
I really like taking part in the events the self ship community has--takeovers and “to my S/I” are probably my two favorites, just because it’s a great chance to get to know each other and their various F/Os.
How long have you been self shipping or creating self inserts for?
Like I said above, it’s pretty much been going on for as long as I can remember. Most of my self inserts are just me, but tweaked in some way--stronger, or faster, or with some sort of skillset I only wish I had in real life. In my ff.net days, my self inserts were under the very thin disguise of being OCs (I named them after myself 95% of the time, and looking back I doubt this really fooled anyone. But I was 14 at the time, so I convinced myself that this was a Very Clever and Foolproof Thing).
Have you made any friends within the community?
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Oh geez, yes! I’ve met so many wonderful and lovely people in the community, and I’m partially scared to list them all out in case I forget someone by accident ;-; But I’ll list of a bunch of notable people that come to mind, either because we’ve talked a lot, they’ve inspired me in some way, I admire them and their blog, or some combination of all three.
@mezzanottespazzatura (Discord friendo and always listens when I constantly bombard her with half-baked AUs xD)
@tayshipping (Fellow AC and Overwatch shipper!!! We don’t talk much but I’d love to change that sometime)
@catbov (We haven’t talked much but I see you in my notifications all the time and I love you)
@raspberrylimerickey (Fellow Grimm shipper, also your ship names are A+)
@justafictionalthing (You’re so nice to me I know we don’t talk much but I love you)
@sun-bea-m (You’ve also popped up in my notifications a lot lately--I see you and I love you)
@comic-books-and-snipers (We should definitely talk more, your blog [and also your old one at @xdigital-hearts] is part of what got me to make my own blog!)
@selfshippingsylveon (I remember you being one of the first blogs I followed and I’m so glad I did, I love seeing you on my dashboard!)
@felixschreave (I’m really glad you liked that Jhin letter, also you said nice things about me in the tags once and I still smile when I think about it aslhlhsdafh you’re awesome)
@shiroeswife (it’s so good to have you on my dash, your blog is 11/10 quality)
@husband-of-lucoa (Your ship[s] with Lucoa and Palutena are A+ and so are all of your adopted kiddos??? Such a good family omg 11/10)
@plucky-belmondo (A fellow friend of Kirby and the Gang(tm)! We haven’t talked all that much but I associate Richter solely with you now and that’s just how it’s gonna be on this earth)
@little-fairyfox-ships (You pop up in my notifications every now and then and it makes me smile because I’m still so flattered you follow me?? That could apply to everyone else who follows me too, though, I mean why are you all here I love you--)
@selfshippingnerd (Dude, you’re one of the first self-shipping blogs I found on this site!! You’re honestly art goals and I love seeing the works you make for your ships!)
@magi-roses-draws19 (Every now and then I have to stop myself from rapidly liking/reblogging everything you’ve posted because I just really like your blog, you’ve got excellent taste)
@thadeeliv-si (We haven’t talked all that much but I smile whenever you pop up in my notifications)
@come-along-here-and-spin-with-me (You’re just??? So nice??? We should talk more but tbh I get nervous to because I really admire your blog and I don’t know why you follow me ashlfdhasldfh)
@the-ruby-eyed-rat (I JUST remembered I have that Pokemon ask you sent me sitting in my drafts still ;-; Thank you for sending me asks even though I keep getting distracted by shiny things before I can finish them)
@theno-lifequeen (Thank you so much for sending me numerous Skitty pictures whenever I start getting sad on here, it honestly makes my day and I appreciate it so much <3) (Also I’m amassing an army and soon my Skitty forces will crush my depression into the ground)
And to all of you reading this, even if I haven’t tagged you: I want you guys to know that I appreciate all of you so much, all of your ships are canon, and your F/Os love you even more than I do! Have a great day, everyone!!
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aalinastarkova · 6 years
indulge me my love.... 23 + 44, Nikolai and Topaz!!
THIS TOOK ME WAY TOO LONG. I’M SO SORRY BB. But I hope u like it, it’s stupid and fluffy and badly written with a lame title. 
(for clarification - Topaz is hc as 18 and Nikolai at 22) [ this is for: troupe mash-up! send me two troupes and a ship, and i’ll write a small fic based on it. ] 
flowers have meaning
word count: 1509 pairing: nikolai gogol x topaz mashup: performer au / flowers of romance 
Nikolai’s magic show was hit in Tokyo. It wasalso the only magic show in Tokyo, but Nikolai didn’t seem to care aboutthat- or maybe he didn’t know. Topaz wasn’t sure, but he didn’t question afterit either, not wanting to dash Nikolai’s spirits. He just continued to show hissupport for his eccentric boyfriend by attending said shows. Today, he decidedto bring flowers mainly based upon Nikolai’s early babbling. This show, apparently,was the one Nikolai had been looking forward to since the show’s opening. Thebiggest one yet, he had called it. Topaz, a little disbelieving, was going tomake sure Nikolai didn’t do something stupid.
A regular at Nikolai’s shows, Topaz walked towardsthe rear of the large building, the twilight at his back. Inside, he could hearthe loud crackling thunder of Nikolai’s chosen music: some rock band that Topazthought Chuuya-san would enjoy more than he. Still, he couldn’t help but tapthe beat against his thigh as he pushed open the metal door. It squeaked inweak protest as the redhead peeked into the auditorium. Empty, save for a whiteclad Fyodor Dostoyevsky sitting, heels gently swaying, on the edge of thestage. “Can you hold these, anemia man?” Topaz flashed his most innocent of smiles tolevel Dostoyevsky’s stare, the lavender gaze that flickered from Topaz to hisflowers then back. A hand reached out without a word to relieve Topaz of them.Shouting a ‘thank you’ over his shoulder, Topaz clambered onto the stage andhurried towards the back. He took the stairs carefully, but quickly, headingtowards Nikolai’s dressing room.
It was slightly ajar, letting out a thin ray ofgolden light and from inside a soft peel of laughter could be heard. WasNikolai talking to himself again? Huffing, Topaz hopped over the final twostairs and went to the door. Wiping the water residue off his hands and ontohis jeans, he tapped lightly on the door. Before he could even complete thesecond knock, the door swung open to reveal Nikolai Gogol in all his glory.
His hair was down, a rare sight that left it insoft waves across his shoulders and down his back and his eyes sparkled a dullgolden- reminding Topaz briefly of the fading sunset. Currently, he was dressedplainly, a white button up … That wasn’t quite buttoned correctly. The firstbutton was slumped in its lonesome while the second button took up its hole.Topaz was only given time to see at its disarray before the seconds were up andNikolai swept him up with a laugh- ignoring Topaz’s yelp.
The spin made Topaz dizzy and he fell againstNikolai’s chest when his feet were returned to the ground. “You’ll give me aheart attack,” he accused, and he felt Nikolai’s grin against his hair. “Sorry!” singsonged Topaz’s clown. “Jerk, no you’re not.”
Nikolai giggled, his breath stirring Topaz’smessy red hair. The sound just proved that he very much was not sorry, but hisnext action made up for it. Leaning back, he ducked his head and pressed a kissagainst Topaz’s lips. A surprise ‘mpf’ exited the redhead’s mouth, despite having been kissed by hiswayward magician before. It always took him by surprise, this affection betweenthem. But he easily relaxed into it, wrapping his arms around Nikolai’s shouldersso he could play with his hair, winding the sun kissed locks between hisfingers. Nikolai’s own arms tightened around his waist, one hand pressing intothe small of Topaz’s back and the other sliding upwards to cup the back of hisneck.
They parted after a moment, breathless with thewarmth of their pants heavy on each other’s mouths. Topaz’s eyelids flutteredopen to peer up at his boyfriend, catching the glittery joy in his golden eyes.The joy that made Topaz’s stomach do flips, made it impossible for him not tosmile back. With that smile still stuck on his face, maybe permanently so,Topaz dragged Nikolai back into the room to help him braid his hair. He wasgetting quicker at that, Topaz was. It was often that he found himself brushingout and braiding Nikolai’s hair, mainly when the blonde was much too lazy orsaddened to do it himself. It had become a bit of a bonding experience forthem. Nikolai would talk about the thoughts in his head and Topaz would listen,offering comfort where he could. And afterwards, they’d fall asleep in thewarmth of each other.
This was different, but no less comfortable.
“Alright, sit down,” said Topaz, shooing Nikolaiback into the room and to the chair. Nikolai went without question, ploppingdown into it and letting out a soft hum when Topaz ran his fingers through hisblonde hair. “Are you excited?” asked Topaz softly as he started on the braid.
His jester hummed again, just about bouncing inhis seat. “It’s going to be a big show tonight, Topaaaz!” he trilled, and Topazput his hands on his shoulders to try and contain the bouncing.
“You said that already, what’s so big abouttonight?”
“A magician never reveals his secrets!”
Topaz huffed, silently working on the braid.
They parted with another hurried kiss abouttwenty minutes before the start of the performance, causing Topaz to hurry outto his seat. He stopped by Dostoyevsky and grabbed the flowers, holding themclose to them as he sat. The show opened with Nikolai’s usual bravado, trickafter trick that left the audience in breathless ‘ooo’s. It made Topaz smile,to hear their responses, the soft rippling gasps as Nikolai made somethingdisappear and reappear. Topaz isn’t watching the show as much as he’s watchingNikolai, with that large grin on his face and the lights glinting off the deepred of his cloak. It wasn’t until the finale that Topaz felt real fear.
“And now!” declared the clown, eyes wild andbraid fluttering with his erratic movements. “I will be sawing myselfcompletely in half!”
Topaz’s heart leaped into his throat. He hatedwhen Nikolai did this, afraid that one night he actually would. Hazel eyesfluttered over to the side of the stage where he could see Dostoyevsky loungingin his seat- was he playing a game on his phone? The manager didn’t seemconcerned, but Topaz couldn’t help but be worried and his fingers tightenedaround the bouquet of flowers in his hands. Pressing his face forward and intothem, he breathed in their comforting scent.
Loading himself into the box with an excitementthat haunted Topaz, Nikolai tugged the cover of the box up. Closing his eyes,Topaz tried to get that manic laughter out of his head as the sound of the sawroared to life. He opened his eyes in time to see a soft spray that was muchtoo realistic looking. It brought tears to his eyes and he clamped his teethdown onto his bottom lip, hands tightening around the flowers.
As soon as the curtain closed, after Nikolai’sawkward bow from inside the upper half of the box, Topaz lurched out of hisseat. He murmured hurriedly apologizes to stunned audience members as he soughtout Fyodor. As soon as he saw him, he broke into a jog.
“Is he… okay?” asked Topaz softly as heapproached Dostoyevsky. The Russian’s head tilted up, bored violet eyesscorching holes into the younger boy. Uncomfortable, he shifted at the stare.“I mean, he didn’t hurt himself, did he?”
“No injuries today,” he replied with anonchalant expression, continuing to chew at his thumb nail. “He’s in his room,you can go back.” His eyes flickered, brightened a moment as if mocking Topaz.Or maybe teasing him.
The redhead hurried on past, clinging tighter tohis gift. He took the stars two at a time to get down into Nikolai’s dressingroom. “Nikol-” he pushed open the door and the magician swept him up, just likeearlier with a loud laugh.
“Did you see, Topaz!?” he asked, setting himdown with a grin, as Topaz frantically checked both his boyfriend and theflowers, making sure neither of them were harmed.
He nodded, frowning. “Yeah, I saw… You scaredme, Nikolai.”
Head tilted, Nikolai frowned back. “Did youthink I actual-”
“I thought maybe!” retorted Topaz and Nikolaismiled.
“I wouldn’t leave Topaz like that,” heresponded.
Topaz’s eyes widened, and he blushed, lookingaway before thrusting the flowers at his boyfriend. “Here,” he mumbled, “I gotyou flowers.” Though he couldn’t help but smile at the other’s loud gasp.
“What do they mean?” asked Nikolai, pressing hisnose into the petals.
“Lilies for purity and love, hydrangeas for thegratefulness of your understanding, and alstroemerias for devotion!” he pointedout each flower as he named it. “And this means,” murmured Topaz, cupping theside of Nikolai’s face before kissing him gently, “that I’m glad you’re alive.”
Nikolai hummed and put the flowers down, kissinghim again- not so gently.
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beingabadass · 6 years
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Welcome to another week of my attempt on making the rp community a more positive place! The basics if this is the first time you are seeing this post is that I pick out three people that I just want to shower with compliments, because everyone deserves to feel appreciated and loved. So lets get to it shall we! 
✈ ⏩ Week 3: Positively Friday
@yonblu: SPACE DAD! How could you not love the best blue space dad around? He is motherfucking Mary Poppins Y’all! -coughs- Okay, but seriously, Vince here is down right amazing at playing Yondu. It is always such a joy to see Yondu on my dash, and literally everything I read is so in character and perfect! It is so clear to see the love that Vince puts into their muse, and honestly I am just in love. Quality Space Dad right here. 
@exrussian: BUCKY! What is not to love? I mean it’s Bucky for fuck sakes. Now I’ve never talked to Nyx on this blog but I have done or well... will be doing a small thing with them on my Sam when I stop being a lazy turd. They are super great! Like listen, if you ever want to see the absolute cutest thing in the world? Hand Bucky a baby, it will melt even the coldest of hearts. Nyx plays Bucky so well! I love reading their posts, I can always hear Bucky’s voice in them! All in all, a very good Bucky and a valued part of my dash. <3 
@xagentcarter: PEGGY MOTHERFUCKING CARTER. Listen. LISTEN. Listen. If you don’t love Peggy Carter you are clearly just wrong tbh. Peggy is such an amazing character, a badass woman who should always be given the highest of respect. Now listen here, Cam does an absolutely fantastic job at playing Peggy. It’s clear to see how much love she has for her muse, and it’s just honestly such a joy to write and plot with her. Not to mention she gets all the extra points for indulging my rare AF ships. She is written so well, and honestly it makes Rhodey and I smile every time we see her on our dash. 
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