#listen i will be my own biggest fan. i will create the content i want to see with my own two hands
olivsie · 6 months
Something I like about epic the musical is that it Gives it's changes to the original text an actual Purpose
( The first couple paragraphs are basically a rant regarding retellings. If you only want to hear about epic Skip to paragraph 4)
1. I am a bit annoyed by the lack of. Understanding as to why RETELLINGS aren't the most historicaly accurate things in the world. Sorry to break this to you, but that's both just how they work and I would guess how they reach success. Ancient Greece is a much different culture than our own, And most of us would be terrified to actually live back then. When you are Trying to create content That is based on ancient Greece And you want it to be successful/ At least reach a wide, and notably, MODERN audience. You're likely going to have to take some creative liberty And change a few things. Don't get me wrong, YOU DO NOT HAVE TO LIKE RETELLINGS KNOWING THAT FACT ( Me personally, I'm not the biggest fan of Miller's novels Even though I do like epic) BUT IT IS SOMETHING TO BE AWARE OF. And because of that I don't think I would ever expect a retelling to be perfectly accurate And I don't. I had interest in mythology LONG before epic the musical But I didn't actually read the Odyssey until getting into epic. I did not expect it To be just like the musical, I knew Odysseus was going to be much more of an asshole, along with other characters. The odyssey and epic are different pieces of media to me And I am not less of a mythology nerd for liking epic ( Though I will admit that sometimes I take tiny little fun facts of mythology And like to think of them in the context of epic, but that's just for fun.)
2. The Only time being a fan of retellings is wrong as if you genuinely believe they are perfectly accurate And refuse to listen to anything else ( Which has definitely happened, And mythology nerds have the right to be annoyed at that)
3. Some people only like to consume real mythology media, Others like both real mythology and retellings, Others only like to engage with retellings (I would hope they have the self-awareness to know It's not real mythology, From what I've seen some do and some don't, Unfortunately)
4. Ok. now on to what the title of this long ass rant says
I like that epic the musical Retells the story, Not only to both cater to modern audience But Also with its OWN purpose of man versus monster.
Obviously, this is not the point of the original text. Mythos Odysseus does not give a single fuck About the stuff that epic odysseus does. I don't know why the creator Decided to rewrite it this way, (If he's ever said why let me know) But I would assume he wanted to make something about the oddessy And this was simply a very creative way to Translate that for modern audience.
I like this because, yes, holy damn. It does have changes from the original text. But it's not JUST changing it. It's changing it with a purpose
It feels reminiscent of some kind of Dramatic play. the way that epic characterizes.
Polites' kind nature is Representative of the Concept of being merciful Represented in his lines such as " This life is amazing when you greet it with open arms" /"There is so much guilt inside your heart, So why not replace it?"
While in contrast you have eurylochus with more ruthlessness and cautious nature, this is Found in some of his lines such as "You rely on wit, and people die on it" /"we don't know what's ahead" / "I say we strike first. We don't have time to waste so lets raid the place-" /"Let's just cut our losses, You and I and let's run"
And then you have Odysseus, the man/monster. The first act of this Musical is his internal struggle With what He should be On that scale. And the other characters Represent this struggle in the song monster
" Is the cyclops struck with gilt when he kills, is he up in the middle of the night? Or does he end my men to avenge his friend and then Sleep knowing he has done him right?
When the witch turns men to pigs to protect her nymphs, is she going insane? Or did she learn to be colder when she got older and now she saves them the pain?
When a God comes down and makes a Fleet drown Is he scared that he's doing something wrong? Or does he keep us in check So we must respect him and now no one dares to piss him off"
He then Applies this to himself
" Does a soldier use a wooden horse to kill sleeping trojans cause he is vile? Or does he throw away his remorse and save more lives with guile?"
And this marks his turning point of deciding that Ruthlessness It's ultimately worth it if it means Getting home, as aeolus says "The end Always justifies the means"
It's in my opinion, a very creative way to go about retelling a myth. Is it accurate? Absolutely not. For example, circe (From what we know) is not protecting When she turns men into pigs, For all we know, she could just do it because Shits and giggles.
Her character and most others in epic is changed from the original. But it's not ONLY changing for the sake of apeling to the modern Western audience and being successful like Many other retellings. It is also and mainly changing for the sake of influencing the plot that Jorge Rivera herrans crafted For the sake of Retelling epic. It is creative and I enjoy it despite knowing it's not accurate.
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damn ok malleus
yes. i am back. and i am gonna not shut up about the last main story update but specifically about the mixed opinions on Malleus' actions.
There's been interesting sides I've seen, both on Twitter and Discord. You have the Malleus stans, mostly the Malleyuu stans, who feel very conflicted about Yuu not being "included" in the dream worlds that Malleus sent the boys to. Then there's the other Malleus stans who are like "lol those Malleyuu stans were in absolute delulu for thinking Malleus would treat Yuu so specially". Thennnn you have some fans who would start discussions about that discourse just to insert their Malleus dislike opinions, where at that point I wished I said pls take that shit out of the topic 🤡
And for me? Well, after a week, I am now sitting here all like . what dafaq
No because there’s something I don’t get and it’s the thing I want to address first: how Malleus' UM works and the whole 'Yuu isn't in the dreams'. You all can correct me on this since I've only been relying on TL summaries and the little context clues I can glean from listening to the main story. From my understanding of how his UM works, Malleus can put people to sleep and put them in their own dream worlds. He can watch these dream worlds since he's the one who has the magic to put these people to sleep.
But he isn't the one conjuring up said dream worlds.
Malleus sent Idia to sleep, but he's not the one creating the scenario where Ortho is still alive and studying in RSA. That's a dream world created not from Malleus' magic but from Idia's inner desires, his inner subconscious. And we are just seeing that his dream world is a world where his brother is alive and happy.
If we are to assume that Malleus created that dream world for Idia, that would mean that he would have known Idia's backstory and grief for Ortho. But like, he doesn't.
Suffice to say then that since Idia's dream is centered around his subconscious, of course Yuu won't be in the dream. To him, Yuu isn't that important in his life. This extends to Grim. While Grim is a cute kitty, ultimately he isn't that important to Idia either, enough that he'd be part of his dream.
And that's why none of the dreams we see so far have Yuu in them. I don't really think it's Malleus excluding them, it's that the other boys don't really find them important enough in their lives to have a spot in their dreams. Sounds harsh, but it is true, especially since this is strictly main story we are talking about. No events being included whatsoever, barely any personal stories being included either (Robe Idia personal being the notable exception as it was actually featured in main story).
Now the second important thing that I don't really have to address but want to really talk about: Malleus' actions. A lot of people find themselves at a point of contention with this. Again, you have a good amount of Malleyuu fans who ended up in their divorce era lmfao. Then there were people who don't necessarily stan him but still felt displeased by his actions.
I don't really have an issue with people not liking what he's doing or acting. I'm not the biggest fan of Malleus either, and people who have either followed me for a while or regularly talk to me on Discord will know this. But what I have an issue with is that it feels like there's been a lack of willingness to understand where Malleus' actions come from. I will acknowledge, I used to not want to understand him, but after some self reflecting and talking to the right people, I can see the dude in a better light than before. The poor guy's been judged pretty badly, maybe not as bad as the judgment that Vil and Leona got, but the shift in opinion and the little willingness to understand him is . welp. kinda lolz. Especially when this has been built up for a while.
People have mentioned already that Halloween 2 shows Malleus' selfishness, and I agree with this sentiment. He sent people to the ghost's dimension, thinking that everyone would be happy. But consequently, while the ghosts are happy, the students are upset at what he and Lilia did. And for good reason! Some of them were possessed, and the others had to save them, which meant getting into fights. It was a dangerous situation to throw them in, especially when they were somewhere else.
Halloween 2 is a perfect example of Malleus doing things thinking that everyone would be happy. But really, it only makes himself happy, and he doesn't see or understand the perspective of others.
Malleus' dorm card and story was also released pretty early on in chapter 7's story for a reason as well. His story shows that selfish side of him, on a much more mundane scale, which is bringing all dorm leaders to Diasomnia for a dorm leader meeting, thinking that it would satisfy everyone. But they were upset of course, because without consent, they were just teleported like that. And that's a pretty scary situation to be taken away unexpectedly.
In short, Malleus' selfishness has always been a part of him. People can have their criticisms and dislike it, just as how you would dislike something in a person. But you can't deny that it is a part of Malleus, just as how him finding value in forgotten things like old architecture and gargoyles is a part of him.
And then you apply this to Chapter 7 where Malleus puts everyone to sleep so that Lilia wouldn't leave. It can and does leave a bad taste that Malleus is putting an entire island to sleep for 1000 years just for one guy to not leave. It’s also maddening that he can watch everyone’s dreams especially when they’re going to be so personal. The show of power, the disregard for others, it can be irritating to people, and if it wasn’t for the fact that it meant getting to know the rest of Diasomnia more, I’d hate it too lol
But personally speaking, I see where the dude’s coming from. Loneliness is a bitch, and it's worsened by the fact that his reputation drives people away. It's no secret either that Malleus' grandma is very busy to the point that there were some dinners with him that she had to cancel last minute due to work. Malleus' parents are dead. And the rest of Briar Valley would treat him with utmost respect and nothing more. So of course he'd cling onto the few things and people in life that make him feel less lonely. It's why he has fondness for Silver and Sebek. It's why he's so interested in people like Yuu and Grim who aren't afraid of him. It's why he values architecture that's been long forgotten.
Lilia of course has been the most influential to him. He's been with him for majority of his life. He's taken care of Malleus, he's kept him company. And for Lilia to suddenly leave and possibly to never be seen again. I think that would be absolutely crushing for Malleus. It's all the trauma and hurt and war flashbacks (that can unfortunately be literal) coming to bite him.
All the powers of the world in his hands, and he cannot gain his happy ending. Poor man.
In short, loneliness really hurts. I also say this personally speaking. When Chapter 7 came out, I was really struggling with loneliness, so it kinda made me empathize with Malleus.
It's also worth noting that Malleus doesn't act entirely on his own feelings. He hears from others their own feedback and feelings and will do something. One of his motivations in doing what he's doing was seeing Silver's and Sebek's reactions. When the two of them reacted to the news, Malleus was the one who told them to accept Lilia's decisions, even if he himself was probably the most hurt by them. Malleus saw Silver cry about it.
It's definitely something ingrained in him as crown prince: that he would have to hear out a problem and come up with a solution. Not that he’s good at it (because interpersonal matters apparently didn’t matter that much to his teachers /hj.) But he does it because he’s taught to. And because he's so powerful, people will look to him to solve the problem. You really see this in Glorious Masquerade, especially when Idia, Azul, and Malleus went up the tower. Idia would be like, "Let Malleus take out the flowers!!" but Azul would use his magic to take them out. In hindsight, when Malleus complimented Azul for his ability, I now wonder if part of it was not just awe for such magical ability but also admiration that someone didn't just rely on Malleus, but stepped up to do something and succeeded in helping out.
There’s really a lot to Malleus right now that’s causing him to do these things. And hey, it’s just like with every other OB that we’ve encountered. Trauma that has hurt them since childhood affects the things that they do in the present, and either the trauma itself or their present actions will bite them back in the ass.
I don’t know anymore man, I’m literally like supposed to be the last person to defend Malleus 🤠 but there’s just some brainworms in the head that I want to let out because damn….. it sucks to see how too much devotion to a fanon version has caused this split and conflict and simultaneously see people who really dislike Malleus take the opportunity to dunk on him without really having substance and understanding in their arguments.
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Quarter Finals - Catholic Character Tournament
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Propaganda below ⬇️
In sonic destruction (the AI generated fan thing snapcube made a while ago) shadow was catholic or something which I think is reallyyyyyyy funny
Ok listen. I know this is a stretch but hear me out. He says “oh my God” in the Twitter takeovers so we know this is a possibility. I see him as a Christ-like figure because I saw his whole confrontation with Mephiles and was like “this is a thing that happened in the Bible??” and the pose Mephiles shows him in is literally like a crucifixion and Mephiles is meant to be a demon / false prophet reference. And also he’s called a demon in Shadow The Hedgehog 2005 then the guy who calls him that is like “I was wrong I’m sorry” and that also reminds me of a thing with Jesus in The Bible. But the biggest reason is his whole thing with Maria cause I think he’d come to earth and hear Ave Maria once and convert to Catholicism idk he’s like we’re comforted by a female familial figure named Mary sometimes called Maria?? And her color is blue????? Heck yeah I’m in because I Will Cry. Also feel free to share this as propaganda obv even if he doesn’t get in the bracket just. It’s funny.
I feel like he’d battle a lot with being seen or portrayed as a demon and how the aliens he’s related to very much look and act like demons idk lmao- and also I feel like confession would just be good for him I think he needs it for his mental health
There is a debate on the lovely website tunblr that Shadow T. Hedgehog is an allegory for Jesus Christ.
He is Jesus, idk what to tell you. He lived, he was sealed away, he was awakened again and deemed the ultimate lifeforms, he’s angry but not evil, does what he believes is best for people and the world at any given time. Total loser.
Vote for Shadow the Hedgehog
There seems to be some confusion in the notes. He is Catholic. It may not be explicit, but it can be inferred.
Shadow was created by Professor Gerald Robotnik, and for the early part of his life, lived with Gerald and his granddaughter, Maria Robotnik.
Robotnik is not a made-up name. Google Search results may only bring up pages related to the Robotniks of the Sonic the Hedgehog series, however, it is a rarely used Polish surname. Poland is a historically Catholic nation, and… come on. Maria is the most Catholic name ever. The Robotniks are Catholic. Shadow was created and raised by Catholics.
Now you may be wondering to yourself: Does Catholicism even exist in Sonic? The answer is yes, at least in the Archie comics, where Protestants are explicitly mentioned.
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Couple this with the fact that several characters, including Shadow, have canonically taken the Lord’s name in vain, it is reasonable to infer that Christianity, and therefore Catholicism, exists.
So… while Shadow’s own religious beliefs may not have been explicitly addressed… at minimum:
Catholic is a cultural designation that Shadow will always be allowed to claim based on the family that made him.
Whether he’d actually want to claim that designation is a different conversation, but the other propaganda does a fine job of explaining why it may be appropriate to headcanon him as a practicing Catholic.
Now that we’ve established that Shadow has as much of a right to be in this tournament as anyone else, there’s one very important reason you should vote for him:
It would be funny if he won.
Thank you.
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Essays are done!! Here’s some Shadow propaganda because the propaganda we currently have sucks and I need to fix that. While yes, Shadow being Catholic is a meme, there is more to outside of the simple “fandub said so” and its not quite stated its Catholicism but just how he behaves and his actions. There’s a lot of Sonic content so I will try to keep this brief. Gonna get headcanons out of the way.
Shadow is Chilean and so are Maria and Gerald Robotnik because I fucking say so and they’re Catholic. He definitely had un rosario next to his like. Bed or test tube whatever he slept in. So did Maria btw. Alright let’s move on because I am 100% correct.
Let’s start with some background for Shadow. Shadow was created as a cure for a girl called Maria and he grew to care for her as a sister and loved her deeply. He was artificially created but still holds a soul that is similar to Maria’s. Long story short, Maria is killed protecting Shadow who watches as she’s shot in front of him. He has his memories tampered by Maria’s grandfather, Gerald, who manipulates him into carrying out revenge on the Earth, even if Shadow ends up as collateral.
Shadow struggles with frequent identity crises, even before Maria’s death and always wondered what his purpose was, what he was made to do. Was he a weapon? Was he a cure? He’s the Ultimate Lifeform, but what does that truly mean? ? He’s Shadow, but what more is there to him? He doesn’t know what his purpose is other than what others have prescribed to him, and he guides himself through the will of others (something that he breaks through afterwards but not yet). Shadow at his core is self-sacrificing and constantly punishes himself. This is where you can see some of that good old guilt that everyone has been using as propaganda, but we also see someone who is giving and kind.
He is snarky in the game, especially when interacting with Sonic, but he’s having what is essentially an ongoing mental breakdown but keeps moving because it is his duty to his sister. He doesn’t believe himself important enough to continue on after her and sees it in himself to act out on “Maria’s wishes”. After the revelation that Maria’s final wish for Shadow was for him to make those on Earth happy and to protect them, he immediately sacrifices himself to do so.
Okay, that’s a lot and you’re probably asking “Okay, you mentioned he is a giving person and yeah he has guilt, but that’s not really Catholicism” and yes you would be right! So let’s go into the more important part of being Catholic. The charity, the community, the kindness, etc. Shadow is a very reserved person and has the habit of being a dumb teenager because well. Yeah. Anyways, he definitely has a soft spot for those he cares about and while his whole arc (in my opinion) is about finding the freedom of self-autonomy, it is also Shadow growing as a person and deciding not to save people because others have told him he needs to, but because he wants to. It is born from his soul and its his nature to care for people. It is who he is, and he knows it now. He’s not doing it because he’s a hero or because he is told to do so. Shadow is a very giving person and I think people tend to forget about that especially due to bad writing from the past decade or so. He is also stated to help out at food shelters and volunteers a lot. He is proud and a bit prickly, but he cares so deeply about those he loves. He is stronger with his loved ones and will always do his best to protect them. These are minor, yeah, but you don’t need sweeping and enormous acts to get attention for the good deeds you do. Most of what you apply of Catholicism is done at the personal level, between your friends, family, and community.He also goes to Mass whenever he can and if he can’t he goes to the capilla and also does the sign of the cross whenever he runs by a church. Cutting this off because this is already 740-ish words and I had to send these across multiple asks I am so sorry Catholic mod
I'm pretty sure you've already got plenty of submissions for her so I'll just say she was raised in what is basically a cult (technically a nunnery but let's be real) dedicated to keeping the body of the thing that will kill God behind the rock. One of their prayers is actually "I pray the rock is never rolled away". Harrow is extremely devout as penance for her earlier heretical actions in the tomb as a child (spoiler!) so the Catholic guilt really comes through
imagine being a catholic nun and you meet god, but it turns out he’s a twitch streamer from new zealand who became god because everything got a little bit out of hand. and just before you met him you gave yourself a diy grief-fuelled lobotomy with the help of your best frenemy. imagine how insane you’d be. now multiply that insanity by nine. that’s the fictional love of my life right there.
she meets god. she’s not inspired
she’s number one practitioner of space Catholicism. The locked tomb is chock full of Christian (catholic) imagery themes metaphors etc. just look at her she’s got a bone rosary
They're Catholicism with extra bones. Everyone is a nun. They have what is basically a rosary made from knuckle bones. They technically worship the same God as everyone else, but they're waaaay more focused on The Body in the Tomb (Mary) and we get a moment where we find out that while everyone else prays the equivilent of The Lords Prayer, they're doing the equivilent of Hail Mary. And they paint their faces with skulls.
She thinks leaving dry bread in a drawer is taking care of someone. She's in love with a 10,000 year old corpse (the same one they worship). She spent ALL NIGHT digging with her bare hands to make sure a field had bones every 5 feet so she could fight her girlfriend - I mean, greatest enemy. Spoiler territory: She's been puppeting her parents corpses since she was 8 years old. Instead of grieving her dead girlfriend, she gives herself a lobotomy. She makes soup with bone in it so she can use the bone IN THEIR STOMACH to try and kill them.
The author is/was Catholic and the entire series had heavy Catholic overtones. https://www.tor.com/2020/08/19/gideon-the-ninth-young-pope-and-the-new-pope-are-building-a-queer-catholic-speculative-fiction-canon/ A good breakdown of how it's Catholic
Anti-propaganda (spoilers)
I love the Locked Tomb series but Harrowhark has daddy issues with God, had a childhood crush on God's cryogenic partner, and is in love with God's daughter, not to mention that she's essentially a bone-bender. The religion on her home planet exists in a way that is technically against the will of the canon in-universe God, even. All of this to say, Harrowhark is heretical at minimum if not an outright witch. Terrible Catholic. Burn her.
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taehyungfirst · 2 months
(sorry this is long)
as a boycotter who's stopped music, and almost everything from the entertainment industry across the globe (particularly songs with zionist writers/producers/singers) I just wanna say, this whole "armys only boycotted taehyung" or "armys are silent about the boycott now when it's the fav" is disingenuous at best.
A) The reason most taehyung fans even heard about the boycott in the first place, is because tae's content was included in it.
tae fans focused on what Palestinian armys were doing only when it affected tae, and were completely ignorant otherwise (for the most part).
So why do some of these fans think that just because they personally haven't seen anything, that the boycott has somehow ended, or isn't going just as strongly?
Those fans haven't seen much cause those fans don't focus on much outside of tae.
Tae has faced lots of sabotage by company/industry over the years, but reducing the boycott, which was made by those who don't hate tae at all (or any of the members) as some sort of ploy to sabotage tae, is ignorant af. especially when the movement was created by actual Palestinians trying to get HYBE to fire an actual extremist zionists who is directly complicit with what's going on.
Scooter isn't just a guy who believes in Israel, he's actively worked hard to benefit Israel. Mf got a shoutout from Israel. He visited occupied Syria and posed with the same tanks that have killed innocent people. Not to mention where he spends the money he earns, and the effort he's put in to spread dangerous propaganda worldwide.
His influence in Hybe is also growing, and that's exactly what we were afraid of.
Hybe's done nothing except ignore us and try to silence us, and continue to have their artists collab with the biggest zionist brands, and work with zionists.
Idk, Tae is my bias and I always thought a lot of tae fans were kind of smart, but seeing how literally all fans, whether they're ot7 or solos or akgaes, behave in the same exact way, has shattered that belief.
Pal armys could call out every member, but every fan will choose to be blind during that UNTIL the member they bias or stan is the one being called out, then suddenly it's "oh you only focus on X, but not on *insert other member* who did so and so"
literally every time.
Like right now, Tae just posted about McDonalds. majority of ta fans ar gonna go 'y'all have a problem ONLY with tae. Y'all HATE Tae. This fandom is ANTI Tae, and you didn't say anything about other members..." which is immediately just clown talk, considering how much Jin was being called out for being a torch bearer in the olympics (olympics was officially on the bds list) and for signing with a zionist brand very recently.
B) Perhaps part of the reason y'all haven't heard more about the boycott this time around (despite more and more people actually joining the movement) is because while before, fans would boycott but still talk and be excited by the content, now a lot of fans are focusing more and more on things outside of Kpop, so less and less boycotters have even spoken about Jm's albums (although files have been shared, and boycotters have been reported and suspended for it, still)
Idk, if you don't agree with the boycott movement , that's one thing, but to play sabotage olympics specifically about this, when it has nothing to do with biases or whatever, and everything to do with not wanting to give a dime to HYBE's greedy, capitalistic, zionist ass, is frustrating.
No one is exempt from being called out, and doing so isn't because "we're anti", and nor is any specific member, or group, or artist being specifically targeted, everyone is.
Also, OP, the harshness of my ask isn't directed at you at all, you've said nothing wrong, but this idea seems prevalent with a lot of tae fans, and I've seen this take too many times today.
No one bothers listening to Palestinians fans to learn what's actually happening. Everyone just makes their own assumptions to suit their narrative and then runs with that :/
I’ve seen lots of people saying “you only focus on x member instead of…” and I assume it’s because of laser focus: your tl is all about your bias so you see people complaining about it making it seem like they’re only calling him out, kind of like an echo chamber. But they really all got called out, be it Jk with Golden, Jin and his new brand/olympics, Nj and his daily posts, the zionist collabs…
Now this case specifically, the mcd picture, I think it was just to show how tiny were the fries compared to his hand and considering he took that one year ago it’s harmless, the problem is choosing to post that RIGHT NOW, with an active boycott going on. So I do agree on educating him, that’s the best thing you can do. I don’t agree with it being used for fanwars, for a dick measuring contest where you wanna show that x is better than y, that’s not activism, that’s you trying to win a moral competition in a stan twitter fanwar. That’s the furthest you could be from activism. I also won’t stand with armys who have tried to make him a scapegoat for months and are now resorting to call him with the worst names and throw the worst allegations on him, that’s not educating. Don’t hold him to standards you don’t even hold yourself to, that’s what I’m saying. But I am 100% in for educating him.
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totallynotmeems · 7 days
not even gonna hide that im asking twice. anyways, i also think that smosh + the fanbase create this wonderfully frustrating problem of pigeonholing.
as an example: it's fun to say that arasha's a great host, and no one thinks much of it because it's a compliment. now that more people are saying it, if you comment it on a video, you have a higher chance of people agreeing with you, and you get that sweet sweet internet validation.
but what do we mean, really? that arasha is only funny if she's hosting, and not if she's a contestant? i mean, i wouldn't mean that if i said it. i'm sure that most people don't mean that. but by nature youtube is a very reactive job, where you kind of have to grab onto the persona that gets the most engagement.
this is more of a theory because i don't exactly think that we can spot the reaction in real time (currently working on a chart because i think the time between shoot videos and releases is one of the biggest misconceptions in the fandom) but i have a feeling that it's easy to fall into one's "niche" (as in, trevor making jokes about video games, shayne leaning into a conversational psychologist persona, and to mention arasha again, her embracing her role as a mediator on reddit stories) for a joke that they know will appeal to at least one part of the audience, because fans then get validated when they see it from them, too. it's fun to feel as though your prediction is correct.
but i don't know if they even do this. maybe i'm the one that's reading disconnected signals. (the only evidence of this i would consider "concrete" is ian saying out loud that sometimes he embraced the role of the "downer" because he knew it was how people interpreted him)
i just find it a tad bit boring when it seems as though they are playing static characters -- i don't thinkk this is the sort of thing where you only have to be good at one thing and you can never try anything new for fear of that not immediately creating a dedicated niche.
i totally agree. i think it's like typecasting, but with online personas. people want to see their faves, but they also want each person to have their own bit.
honestly, i wouldn't care if smosh didn't listen to us. it's not my right to demand certain content from them. they know best. that doesn't mean i don't like to see arasha in videos, or that smosh never makes mistakes, but it's not my job to determine which content gets made, it's smosh's. no hate to fans or anybody, just my opinion.
*send your smosh takes (among other things) in my inbox*
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3. SOURCES - Intertextuality and Transmedia
Intertextuality and transmedia are powerful tools, that allow the consumers to enjoy the same franchise as different mediums. We can not only enjoy the comics about the superman, but also watch the movies about the character, play games as a superhero and so on. This allows us to explore our favourite franchise even further, speculate more with friends about the lore, and generally have more excitement with the franchise. That is what makes transmedia a very interesting and exciting concept.
Henry Jenkins describes transmedia as… “a process where integral elements of a fiction get dispersed systematically across multiple delivery channels for the purpose of creating a unified and coordinated entertainment experience.” (2011) One of the biggest challenges of converting the medium (for example, adapting the movie into a video game), is understanding what made it great in the first medium, and then attempt to make it great in the second one. During the adaptation of the medium, artists must understand that, for example, applying the same rules from movie art to a game art will completely cross out the video game as a medium. 
Andrzej Sapkowski’s (1990) Witcher, as a franchise, is a great example of transmedia - Coming initially from books, then into games, into comics - and then finally into a series. The great fact about Witcher as a transmedia is that no matter which type of medium you choose, you will always get a story-oriented content: No matter if you read, play, or watch a movie - you will always have an opportunity to experience the world that the title is settled in, it’s characters, their level of actions and finally - the setting. Developers of each medium took the Witcher (1990) story as an independent source, ignoring the aspects of the original medium and focusing on the details of a new one. Each medium excitedly experiments with the original Witcher text and its own medium to expand on the existing world from a new perspective, such as an interactive world (video games), deep characters (books), and strong immersion (series). If the consumer did not enjoy one medium from the franchise - they can always try a different one and see if they will like it or not.
When the Witcher TV series (2019) was released, people did not enjoy the fact that the characters did not look familiar as from video games, but I don't think that they had to. Here, I agree with Henry Jenkins one quote where said that “Some have tried to argue that games are a key component of transmedia, but I do not want to prioritize digital media extensions over other kinds of media practices.” (2011), and I agree with this quote, since there are other components of transmedia like books, music, drawings that could also share the transmedia.
My final example of a media, that could support the quote above would be Sonic The Hedgehog (2020) - Coming from the game industry, and being released as a movie - it became extremely popular in the cinemas, claiming the viewer's hearts. What's great about this example is that the viewers do not have to play the game to love the movie. It became popular not because there was a game about the hedgehog or because of a large fan pool from the said game, but because of masterful use of the movie genre, good writing and so on.
Conclusion - Transmedia allows the creators to expand their ideas beyond one medium. With transmedia, people can not only read about their favourite fantasies but also listen to them, play them, and watch them. In other words - enjoy them in the best way they want to. With Transmedia there is only one big challenge -and it is to properly transfer or expand the selected media to a new medium, making sure it will be constructed reasonably and be enjoyed.
Andrzej Sapkowski (1990), Witcher (9 vol.). Poland: SuperNowa.
Sonic The Hedgehog (2020), directed by Jeff Fowler. [Feature film]. Paramount Pictures
The Witcher (TV series), Netflix, December 20, 8:00.
Jenkins, H. (2011) “Transmedia 202: Further Reflection,” Henry Jenkins Pop Junction, 31 July. Available at: http://henryjenkins.org/blog/2011/08/defining_transmedia_further_re.html
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brejecat · 1 year
Dorothea MoonWater/Moonseeker Mugle AU:
“Hey, Dorothea, do you ever stop and think about me?
When we were younger, down in the park.
Honey, making a lark of the misery”
I was listening to Dorothea by Mrs. Swift the other day and suddenly this AU idea was born:
Walburga was once a famous actress that had fallen under obscurity and wanted her children to pursue a career in the model/movie industry. So, she decided to raise them in a restrictive way since birth. Sirius obviously couldn’t handle that treatment so he left after sometime but Regulus stayed with their mother (kinda similar to canon).
Our lover boys had their first real interaction under the bleachers, Regulus was thinking about showing support to his brother during a game but decided to back off in the last second and Remus was never the biggest fan of crowds so he decided to follow his brother’s friend to see what was going on. Two introverts sharing an awkward moment but that doesn’t necessarily felt bad in their personal opinion, something has changed that day.
Those two become friends and closer after some other experiences and meetings, bonding over academic stuff, books, weird tv shows, love for cats. Their relationship grows in a good slow-paced way until both of them were aware of their own love feelings. Remus decided to confess first expecting the worst (he’s so oblivious sometimes) but it was Regulus who had initiative for their first kiss. Due living in quite a small town they had to be really careful, specially about Black’s mom, her sons not being straight would never be something okay for Walburga considering she believed and planned for the future, Regulus sadly never had the courage to talk about that to anyone besides his closest friends and Remus.
Their love create a cute love bubble but soon Remus slowly start to notice how much pressure is put over his boyfriend shoulders, everything revolving around him being the perfect boy to please his mother wishes. One day, after Regulus prom has passed, they were discussing about the future, their relationship and career plans. It doesn’t ends well, they get into a big fight and after that happened they stop talking to each other with Walburga deciding to move to a big city to focus on her son’s career as a future celebrity.
“I love performing, i love acting, the atmosphere, all the praise and applauses. It’s been like that for such a long time, just because I talked to you about some minor insecurities it doesn’t mean that wouldn’t be a good future for me.”
“Of course not, I know you had a lot of good moments and how much talented you’re, I was sitting in the front row of that play last month remember Love? You know I’ll always support your decisions, don’t you Reggie? I just want you to think if they’re truly yours! I want you to be the happiest and content possible, that you’re doing it for you, not for her but for you own good…”
Some time is passed, Regulus really become famous showing up on tv and commercials, his face is all over magazines and outdoors, now living in a big city and never coming back his hometown. However, miles away from there, in a old small town, everything they did, the time spend together, all the love and memories their shared still is so vivid in Remus mind. Even after all the years passed without communication, Lupin still remembers how they would be going for hours just talking about their favorite books, favorite nerdy tv shows, their kisses and secret dates…
As for Regulus? He tells himself how much lucky he’s, how he’s living ✨the dream✨daily. But sometimes, when his deep thoughts starts bubbling into his mind, Black thinks about missing every day that one person who truly got him, the one who saw behind his facades and fake smiles (but that’s talk for some other time)
(Was it at least decent? That’s my first AU idea so sorry if it sucks haha)
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notanrp-system · 6 months
Introject Ask Game
For Alastor
Thank you for sending me some my dear.
3. How connected do you feel to your source?
Quite. I rather like my source and while I understand I am not the most source compliant of introjects I enjoy the series and much of the fan content. I feel... better. More myself. When I try to connect with my source more.
4. Do you have any exomemories? What's your favourite one?
I actually don't. I wish I did. The closest to an exomemory I have is the feeling of home when I think of muggy, hot woods. Or listening to radio while it rains.
9. What do you think are your biggest differences from/similarities to your source?
Well a key difference between myself and my source is I have never killed anyone. Even if they deserved it. I think we have similar ways of finding solutions to problems. Some observation, careful thought, a smile, and then a plan. I'm told in headspace I'm quite condescending. That may also be a similarity.
10. Do you like being compared to your source?
I only want to be compared when the comparison will be that I and my source are alike. I do not have any desire to hear how different we are.
11. What's your favourite thing about your source?
I think the characters are quite entertaining. The whole cast really does shine just so when presented as they are. It's no wonder so many people have found it fun to create more art and music for.
12. What's your least favourite thing about your source?
It has spawned so much shipping. I could go on for ages about my opinions about shipping. I also find that the episodes seem to end rather abruptly. They ought to be somewhat longer.
13. Any funny exomemories?
Sorry. None to share.
18. What's your favourite clothing item/accessory that the system owns?
We have a pair of black leather boots. They have a very slight heel. fit under pants well. They are well made, good quality. One of the more expensive things he owns. If I were to replace the entire wardrobe I would spare those shoes.
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mopillow · 2 years
“Nothing personal but I’m getting tired of the hate some people throw at my baby brother in law”
And yet you’re casually interacting with the biggest tianshan hater of the entire fandom.
Hello Anon, no idea if you have any experience with me or if we have ever talked but I have a feeling that we haven’t interacted enough since you don’t know that I don’t push away anyone and I’m always open to respectful and friendly debate, everyone is entitled to their opinion and I’m completely fine listening to people that think different than me, the world would be absolutely boring if we all had the same ides, to make this clear I want to tell you that I have talked to people in the past who detest He Cheng and i haven’t try to murder them not even once, now I think we need to understand the difference between getting tired and I refuse to talk, hate or interact with them, I don’t even hate my past abusers so kind of a lost cause there but I am indeed getting tired of the blindness that comes when talking about toxicity when both couples are not exactly the epitome of romantic relationships, this is a comic no one should be here taking romantic advice from it, the comic is free, the translation is free thanks to the nicest people on earth, if anything they could say that they lost time reading it but a simple glance of the image and you know this is not your chapter. I tend to talk a lot in metaphor so let me explain this to you with one
Imagine a person who hates 🍌 on a smoothie, they detest that 🍌 , they would rather add 🍒 but they are the ones making the smoothie and still complain that there’s 🍌 on it when it was them who decided to add the 🍌 instead of the 🍒, the first times I thought oh well they didn’t notice the 🍒, the second time I just started laughing because it is funny if you think about it, but now is like they are suffering and complaining because they like to, that’s the reason why they add the 🍌 in the first place, it wasn’t an accident and here I was trying to understand them, they probably get diarrhea with that smoothie and that’s why they hate the 🍌 but they’re the ones creating the problem and bothering other people around them
Is not like I go look for this kind of people, they’re the ones tagging post about TianShan, they’re the ones commenting in obvious TianShan content, some of them even behave like moral👮‍♀️, they even send hateful messages, I don’t see a lot of TianShan fans complaining about ZhanYi content, we can celebrate or ignore if is not our thing or if they behave in an obviously problematic kind of way, because as I said before this is a comic, the comic is about 4 people but for some reason they believe is just about 2, this is not the regular bl comic and yet they want it to have that structure, if they want a polite conversation Im here for it but is not worth my time when they want me to change my mind but refuse to open theirs to my point of view, is not a conversation when is just them trying to get more people to join their cult that is full of hate, I don’t want to be a part of it, I have my own is called Q move the fuck away and let me have He Cheng, wanna join?
This is a welcoming space, I said so before She Li fans, ZhanYi fans, TianShan fans all are welcome but be respectful, you don’t need to love all of them, I don’t like them all as well, let’s be respectful with each other if anyone wants to make a post stating all the wrong a comic book character or couple does go ahead just don’t do it in other people’s personal space because in the real world if you come to my house to look for trouble I can defend myself, I won’t shoot at you because I don’t own a gun but if I did I would use it to get rid of Q, chances are he would kill me so hold your panties Q lovers he is safe, jokes aside this is more about manners, internet manners like don’t send nudes without asking first, have your opinions but don’t go insulting and attacking people only because they don’t think or have the same beliefs
Have a great day Anon hope we can talk about who’s the greatest TianShan hater of the entire fandom
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sylvies-chen · 2 years
Hi hello!! I would love to see your top 5 chenford picks and why so considered me an anon 👀
HAHAHA AWWW thank you!! I loved all your picks especially because I’d totally forgotten about Crowded Heart by Samuel Jack and I loved that song when the episode first aired! And then I started thinking about what 5 songs my brain has decided to permanently associate with Chenford and I just really wanted to give it a go so thank “anon” *wink wink nudge nudge etc.* So here they are, in no particular order!
“So we should just keep going the way we have been then, it’s not… worth the risk…?” “Unless it is” TELL ME THIS LINE ISN’T THIS SONG PERSONIFIED like when Hayley Williams sings “And up until now I’d sworn to myself that I’m content with loneliness ‘cause none of it was ever worth the risk but you are the only exception” with her whole paramussy I’M GONNA MAKE IT A CHENFORD SONG. PERIOD.
Half Moon Run is such an underrated band and this song of theirs is like the quintessential slowburn song. Like the first line is “Yes I know what it means to have six year behind us and waiting” mhm yeah it’s slowburn. And it’s angsty too?? It mentions sirens??? Like idk the vibes just give Chenford to me.
Now listen. I’m convinced that Swift girlie writes songs specifically for Chenford because there are so many that fit them really well. But I’m also a firm believer in something I’ve created that I like to call the Taylor Trifecta Theorem: that you can only pick three songs that really and truly sum up a fictional ship, and any more is just overkill because her songs are so malleable. But I’ll save that speil for another post. Anyway, I think since it’s still impossible to sum up Chenford’s journey with one Taylor song, they are firmly in their Snow On The Beach era!! They are just such a snow ship. They give off the same energy as snow falling. Some don’t. They do. So there.
I’m not the biggest fan of Ed Sheeran’s music like I think he’s kind of fallen off but his old stuff hits so hard and this song is EVERYTHINGGGG. It’s slow and the soft bass just gives me such Chenford vibes because their moments and kisses and even their angst this season has felt really soft??? Like they are so much gentler than I ever imagined and this song makes me think about that until I cry a little lol…
Listen, if I hadn’t attached this song to Chenford I don’t even think I would love it that much??? It wouldn’t be one of my favs on its own, that’s all I’ll say. But I saw an edit of them to this song once and it was so phenomenal that it altered my brain chemistry and I just had to download the song and think of them every time I hear it. It’s SO THEM. (Seriously, go watch the edit. It’s amazing.)
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rewirelessify · 1 year
How many Speakers Needed for a Whole Home Audio System?
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A whole home audio system can provide a seamless and immersive listening experience throughout your entire house. With the right setup, you can enjoy your favourite music or podcasts in any room, at any time.  However, one of the biggest questions when setting up a whole home audio system is determining the number of speakers needed to achieve the desired level of sound quality and coverage. The number of speakers needed for a whole home audio system depends on the size of your home, your desired level of sound quality, and your budget. Single-speaker systems are simple and affordable but may not offer the best coverage. Multi-room audio systems offer flexibility but can be more expensive and complicated to set up. In this article, we will explore the different types of speaker configurations for whole home audio systems and provide recommendations for determining the number of speakers needed to create the optimal audio experience for your individual needs.
Factors to Consider When Determining the Number of Speakers Needed 
As a music fan, I have considered some factors while choosing the number of speakers. The first step in determining the number of speakers needed for a whole home audio system is to consider the various factors that can impact the sound quality and coverage of the system.  These include the size and layout of the home, the type of music or audio content to be played, and budget constraints. Size and Layout of the Home  The size and layout of the home is an important factors to consider when determining the number of speakers needed for a whole home audio system. A larger home will typically require more speakers to achieve the desired level of sound quality and coverage.  Additionally, the layout of the home can impact the placement of the speakers, which can further impact the sound quality and coverage. In my experience, I found that my relatively small apartment only required two speakers to achieve the desired level of sound quality and coverage throughout the home. However, when I moved into a larger house, I quickly realized that two speakers were not enough to provide good sound coverage throughout the entire home. Desired Level of Sound Quality  The desired level of sound quality is another important factor to consider when determining the number of speakers needed for a whole home audio system. If you want high-quality sound with rich bass and clear treble, you'll need more speakers than if you're just looking for background music. Personally, I'm a bit of an audiophile and really enjoy high-quality sound. When I set up my first whole home audio system, I made sure to invest in high-quality speakers that were designed to deliver clear, crisp sound across a wide range of frequencies. Type of Music or Audio Content  The type of music or audio content to be played is another important factor to consider when determining the number of speakers needed for a whole home audio system. If you're primarily playing low-volume, low-frequency music such as classical music, you may not need as many speakers as if you're playing high-volume, high-frequency music such as rock or electronic music. Budget Constraints  Finally, budget constraints can also impact the number of speakers needed for a whole home audio system. If you have a limited budget, you may need to prioritize certain aspects of the system. Such as the number of speakers or the quality of the speakers.
Different Speaker Configurations for Whole Home Audio Systems 
Once you've considered the various factors that can impact the number of speakers needed for a whole home audio system, it's time to consider the different speaker configurations that are available. There are several different speaker configurations to choose from, each with its own pros and cons. Single Speaker Systems  Single-speaker systems are the simplest and most affordable option for whole-home audio systems. These systems consist of a single speaker in each room that is connected to a central audio source. While these systems are easy to set up and affordable, they are limited in terms of sound quality and coverage. In my experience, single-speaker systems are best suited for smaller homes or apartments where a high level of sound quality and coverage is not required. Stereo Pair Systems  Stereo pair systems consist of two speakers in each room that are set up in a stereo configuration. These systems offer improved sound quality and coverage compared to single-speaker systems but may require multiple speakers in each room. When I upgraded my audio system to a stereo pair configuration, I immediately noticed a significant improvement in sound quality and coverage.  Multi-Room Audio Systems  Multi-room audio systems are more flexible and customizable than single-speaker or stereo-pair systems. These systems allow you to play different music in different rooms or to synchronize the music throughout the house. Multi-room audio systems typically require multiple speakers in each room and a central control system to manage the music playback. While these systems can be more expensive and complicated to set up, they offer a high level of flexibility and customization. Surround Sound Systems  Surround sound systems are designed for home theatre systems and offer an immersive audio experience. While these systems are not typically used for whole-home audio systems, they are worth mentioning because they can provide an excellent audio experience for movies and other video content. Surround sound systems typically consist of five or more speakers that are placed strategically around the room to create a surround sound effect.
Pros and Cons of Each Speaker Configuration 
Each speaker configuration for whole home audio systems has its own pros and cons. Single-speaker systems are simple and affordable but are limited in terms of sound quality and coverage. Stereo pair systems offer improved sound quality and coverage but may require multiple speakers in each room.  Multi-room audio systems offer flexibility and customization but can be more expensive and complicated to set up. Surround sound systems offer an immersive audio experience but are not typically used for whole-home audio systems.
Recommendations for Determining the Number of Speakers Needed 
Based on my experiences with whole home audio systems, here are some recommendations for determining the number of speakers needed: - Consider the size and layout of each room in the house. A larger room may require more speakers to achieve the desired level of sound quality and coverage. - Choose a speaker configuration that meets the desired level of sound quality and budget. If you're on a tight budget, a single speaker or stereo pair system may be the best option. - Experiment with different speaker placements to find the optimal setup. This may require some trial and error. But it's worth taking the time to find the best setup for your individual needs. - Consider professional installation for more complex systems. If you're not comfortable setting up a whole home audio system yourself, it may be worth investing in professional installation.
Frequently Asked Questions About How Many Speakers are Needed for a Whole Home Audio System
Here are some frequently asked questions about how many speakers are needed for a whole home audio system: Can I use my existing speakers for a whole home audio system? It depends on the type of speakers you have and the desired setup. If you have wireless or smart speakers, they may be able to be integrated into a whole home audio system. However, if you have traditional wired speakers, you may need to invest in new speakers that are compatible with the system. How many speakers do I need for a large home? A large home will typically require more speakers to achieve the desired level of sound quality and coverage. A multi-room audio system with multiple speakers in each room may be the best option for a larger home. Can I control the music playback in each room separately? Yes, multi-room audio systems typically offer the ability to control the music playback in each room separately. This allows you to play different music in different rooms or synchronize the music throughout the house. Do I need professional installation for a whole home audio system? It depends on the complexity of the system and your comfort level with setting up electronics. A simple single speaker or stereo pair system can be set up easily. But more complex systems may require professional installation to ensure everything is set up correctly. Can I use a surround sound system for a whole home audio system? While surround sound systems offer an immersive audio experience, they are not typically used for whole-home audio systems. These systems are designed for home theatre setups and may not be practical for playing music throughout the entire house.
I have found that the number of speakers needed ultimately depends on several factors. Factors like the size of the home, the desired level of sound quality, and the budget for the system.  After trying different speaker configurations, I have found that stereo pair systems offer a good balance of sound quality and coverage. But multi-room audio systems offer the most flexibility and customization. It's important to take the time to consider these factors when determining the number of speakers needed for your whole home audio system. By doing so, you can create a setup that provides the optimal audio experience for your individual needs. I hope you all liked the article. For more articles, please visit: Rewirelessify Read the full article
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prof-peach · 3 years
if fans wanted to include peach in stuff they write, would that be okay? and how would they write peach's personality? aside from "FIGHT ME" anyway, i think that much is a given lol. i only really write the anime characters 'cause that's what i know, but it sounds like it'd be kinda fun to try making a version of ash that fits into this blog's universe! nerf'd Obviously, but i think she'd probably appreciate how hands-on he gets when training his pokemon!
Ok, I get a lot of these messages, and I often hear folks wanting to throw peach into their stories and comics and writings, and I will always simply ask that if it’s published online publicly, to be linked to it so I can snoop and enjoy the content too. If someone asks about her in your work, let them know about the blog I guess? But literally I love that people take this stuff, these characters and stories, and make new stuff with it. No ones making money off my work here? So where’s the issue? Go for it buddy, knock yourself out, I’m all for it.
For you, and all the others out there who want to add peach, and other characters to your world building, I will give you a detailed rundown of the main lot, and how they behave, what they do, how they function. You can use that, use bits, or use none of it, I do not mind at all. If you’re creating something, you’re in control, not me.
So, peach doesn’t actually fight people as much as you’d think. She’s very aware most cannot and do not want to do that, and so she likes to keep to herself with regards to that aspect of her life, she doesn’t ask to spar with people, or even bring it up at all, but people ask her all the time, even if they clearly would lose or become hurt should she miscalculate during the fight. She looks at people like they usually create problems, and often has a somewhat reserved nature to other humans. You have to work quite hard to get anything more than formalities out of her. She will dead-pan handle people with blunt and very to-the-point statements, aid whenever possible, but very quickly get back to handling the Pokemon she so carefully tends. Her focus is clear, she’s all about hard work, her very small select family, and the Pokemon.
Her brutal, loud and brash personality only comes out with friends, family, difficult humans, OR any Pokemon. She will joke and laugh and play with Pokemon, but clam up around humans, maintaining tight body language and generally will be a little cold by regular standards. She does however have some weaknesses in this emotionless shield she puts up. When peach was young she was always angry, which swung so fast to sadness, back and forth. Her teenage years it just got worse and worse, it was crippling at points. She is to this day, full of fire and rage, even sadness, but now she has learnt to control it, to use it. When she sees that in others, it’s familiar, and she is pushed to drop the front, and be very real with the person. Underdogs I suppose, people who get bad reps, but deserve the same as everyone else. She can’t ignore it.
Once you start to pry open her personality, you’ll find she’s a lot more laid back and fun than originally appeared, you just have to work hard to find that side of her. She will meme reference, can’t dance to save her life, loves her coffee, and can be caught in quiet contemplation while gardening. This hobby is her calmest, and often is why she can stay so level headed when her quiet rage boils up again. Without time outside she will become grouchy, a little snippy, and lethargic. Will not go in the ocean for any reason other than life or death, is fine with ponds and rivers, or water at wading height. Likes the rain.
With regards to her training others, they usually have to tolerate her somewhat strict nature. She is a little....unforgiving, holds a grudge if you make a lot of mistakes, and has no tolerance for ignorance in the age of information that we all live in. In previous posts I’ve mentioned she’s only recently selected two students, after many years of testing kids who want to learn from her. Hundred tried out, only two have ever been approved. How she teaches is very fast paced, be prepared to get some scrapes and bruises, she will test your physical and emotional tolerances with intense tasks, carefully watching students like a hawk. Bad posture in your stance? She’ll be the first to tell you to sort it out. Not hearing your Pokemon partner? Right, now you spend the day without using words trying to communicate, let’s see how you like not being listened to.
This is a woman who has spent her life saying very little, and watching everything, she watches Pokemon and can see an issue from a mile off, and in battles, her observations are why she can react fast, and chose effective strategy to avoid damage and achieve results. Don’t let her body fool you, her strongest asset is analysing, watching, planning. Those skills have over the years transferred to people too. As a student, mistakes don’t go unnoticed with this professor.
Her methods are harsh but fair, and should you prove yourself, she will protect you with her life.
Because of her disinterest in kids and lots of noise, she does pass the training of students on to the other staff members whenever possible. Grey takes on the lions share of battle lessons, he is far calmer, more open and friendly, with patience for people, and an empathy that peach sometimes struggles to have. When you go through a lot of harsh training, and difficult events, it’s hard to change how you feel or think, with peach, well, she’s been through it. Most do not come out the other end in one piece, but she did, and it made her strong. You may think I mean strong like buff and big, and yeah sure she is, but I mean it mentally more than anything. Peach will not quit. She has learnt to destroy the boundaries that stop people getting hurt, gone is the fear that freezes you in your tracks, that feeling that you’ll pass out if you go one more step. She’s learnt to ignore it.
This means she’s a little forgetful at how it is to be normal, to be vulnerable and soft and squishy like students so usually are.
She has her issues, but for the most part, visitors get a laugh, a smile, a calm assertive confidence, and facts. She will indulge those who have genuine interest, or show a connection with nature, an understanding of the balance that needs to be struck for everyone to live well together.
Despite her many flaws, she’s fiercely protective, and will go above and beyond to defend the island, it’s staff, the Pokemon and the visitors. Injustice is her biggest gripe, along with littering, and she doesn’t stand by quietly if something happens that seems unfair.
You will not see her without Valka, her vulpix, close by. That Pokemon doesn’t like to be touched by strangers, at all, and will run the second someone comes at her with that intent. Peach will scold you for pushing yourself onto her, should you persistently try to get close to pet Val. They are in sync, if peach is sad, Val is sad, if Val is stressed, peach is stressed, and so on. They are inherently connected, it’s just been that long, the psychic bridge between them has been built, and reinforced over the years.
The only other Pokemon who follows her so endlessly is Booker, a teddiursa who’s pretty rough looking. He quietly trots behind, grouchy and stoic, they fight closely together a lot. He lost his mom a long time ago to poachers, and peach took him in, and changed her whole life for him. Not many people know, but Booker was the reason she left the rangers, changed career, and got so strong. Will tolerate people petting him but isn’t keen at all, grumbles a lot and tries to move away.
You may also need to know about the others, for the sake of writing, she here a few more bits that may be important to you, or others wanting to do this.
Grey is very tall, very burly, composed, tells bad dad jokes, is a bit of a goof if allowed to be. If he sees a pun, he’ll say it. Can’t help himself. Very nice guy to work with, good at keeping people calm and grounded. Pokemon are drawn to him like a moth to a flame, he gives off warm energy, and has inhuman amounts of patience. If you wrong his family however, he will snap back.
He grew up in the city, loves to swim and hike and cycle, can snowboard, is really sporty. A total brain box with held items, and boosting stats. He will explore many paths, to make sure visitors and students get the information they need, in a way that can be remembered and retained for later. Is a huge guy, but will get on the floor to play with a tiny Pokemon. Treats big “meaner” looking species like babies, very good with all pokemon.
His free time is spent either tinkering, swimming, or trimming his bonsai trees. This guy stares at screens a lot, so appreciates time away from them. Peach built him his own little greenhouse for his trees and tools, which he keeps clean and loves dearly.
His methods as a teacher are built around fun and games, he makes hard work easier to do by distracting trainers from the difficult bits, and focusing in on something more interesting or compelling.
His most commonly seen Pokemon would be a houndoom, Saxon, old battle veteran, retired now to herding and being a good boy. Very gentle, loves a pet.
Pari, now a fully fledged nurse, often oversees the labs front desk and pokecentre features, such as healing pokemon, and informing trainers who come to visit. Her skills with eggs and hatchlings is high, she’s great with younger Pokemon, and hands out good advice to trainers a lot. She’s not a fighter, never was, but can find any file, any study, any book, and any refrence you may need. A true bookworm, loves her romance novels, chat shows and upbeat celebrity gossip mags. Will cry at a lot of stuff, be it sad or happy.
She’s got a seriously upbeat personality, but if caught off guard or shocked, she gets a little flustered. Too much chaos will overwhelm her, but usually she’s on top of things. The years spent on the island have made her better at maintaining composure in emergencies. With lots of siblings, she’s very competent with others, and has a good ability to disarm cagey people with her jolly nature. Because of this, she can sometimes gain information from trainers that some of the more harsh professors may not have access to. Charming is a word for it.
Her partners are an eevee, and a happiny. They are quite sweet and well adjusted, the eevee gets a bit bouncy if you get it too excited.
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martsonmars · 2 years
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This is the first time I've made a banner for a fic, it took me too long and I love it, so I'm using it again.
Welcome to my I Know What You Are bonus content mess! It's a chaos of backstories, headcanons, jokes, me laughing at my own funny lines, a couple of deleted paragraphs... Enjoy!
Davy, Natasha, the Coven. Politics and personal life.
If you know me, you know I hate the Mage with a burning passion. And every time someone says that not everything he did was wrong (a good meta about it!) or that he's smart or that maybe he really loves Simon in his fucked up way or anything else about him being human and complex, it just makes me hate him more. (As a person, because as a character, the fact that I hate him so much proves that he's well built and well written, and not a flat villain.) So, even though explorations of his character are interesting, I keep hating him in canon compliant fics, or in AUs/divergences that give him the same role he has in canon.
But I wanted to try and give him a chance, in a different universe.
I assume Davy wanted to change the world in this universe, too. He spent his years at Watford saying that he would, and talking about prophecies, and injustice, and power. I do understand this desire to burn everything down to rebuild it better, but sadly you can't just reshape the world as you please. The road towards change is slow and often unsatisfactory. This Davy dealt with it healthily, though.
He started dating Lucy, and while she listened to him, she also held her own. She agreed with his ideas on principle, but she told him that a magickal saviour wouldn't fix everything.
Andrew Salisbury was an important member of the Coven, on the progressive side even though he came from one of the most important and wealthy families. He was head of the Coven for at least 15 years until he died (when Simon was 13), and Lucy learnt a lot from him, and used her knowledge to help Davy channel his revolutionary impulses into something productive and helpful. (Not to say that revolution is always bad! But we saw the results of Davy's ideas in canon, and that was bad.)
So, Davy went to therapy.
And not only therapy, maybe, as @johnwgrey suggests with this meme:
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But anyway, Lucy didn't run away with him, she introduced him to her parents, they lived their relationship in the open and got married pretty soon. They conceived a child because they both wanted one, and not to create a weapon or magic's saviour. No children were harmed in the making of this fic—Simon was born, and his parents loved him for who he was.
Davy managed to fight his battles without casualties, or weird dangerous rituals, or wars, or paramilitary organisations. He became a Watford teacher, then he joined the Coven and went on the reform road—even though it's slower, and harder, and doesn't solve everything. He used his eloquence to make people see that change isn't always bad, and he had the opportunity to bring some real change when vampires attacked Watford.
I have more to say about how the vampire attack went here that it wasn't Davy's fault, but I'm planning on doing it in another fic. Let's just say that it was an attack to Natasha's racist politics, and the fact that she wasn't able to protect the school made her lose her job.
Davy became headmaster, and the Coven approved his first reforms. He made education free, and opened the school to creatures and low powered magicians, removing the tests that had kept them out of Watford for centuries.
And he kept fighting for a law against the discrimination of magickal creatures until it was approved a few months before Simon and Baz started Watford.
He was never head of the Coven—when Andrew Salisbury died, Mitali was elected, and the Coven passed a law to have elections for the office every six years.
About his personal life, he's a good husband and a good father. Ruth sometimes acts like she's not his biggest fan (she isn't), but she knows he's the right person for her daughter, and he's raising Simon well, so she's only playfully antagonistic. (All is good, though. I have had bad experiences with grandparents hating parents, and I don't want that for Simon. Ruth and Davy get along, and deep down they kinda like each other. They just bicker from time to time.) The idea of them sitting together at meals, anyway, is hilarious.
(The whole concept of family dinners now that Baz and Simon are dating is hilarious.)
Mitali and Davy have the same kind of relationship as Ruth and Davy. She started liking him more when he stopped talking about prophecies and weird stuff, and she saw he was a good husband for her bestie, and really appreciated Davy's efforts and accomplishments in magickal politics. But they're both too stubborn and too sure of themselves, so they argue a lot.
(Davy and Martin have wine night where they talk about magickal theories and history and linguistics, and Davy has an outlet to discuss his (abandoned) research about the Chosen One prophecies. Martin is happy to listen, and maybe one day they'll start studying the prophecies together, as two middle-aged men who love rituals and don't feel the need to create a baby to prove their theories or save the world.)
We see more of Natasha's personal journey in the fic, but I have some notes.
She came from one of the most conservative families, and she was so secure in her biases that it took her so long to actively challenge them. Though, in a way, she started going against her family's wishes when she married Malcolm.
(A little note about him—Malcolm goes by Grimm-Pitch too in this fic. He doesn't give a fuck about politics, that's his wife's field, and at some point it becomes his son's field too. He just wants his son to have a happy life, and that's the only topic that gets him involved in political stuff. Other than that, his only interest is magickal stock. He's less emotionally constipated, a generally happier man, and he tries his best not to be homophobic—I think he pretty much succeeds, though he still has much to learn on how to interact with his son's sexuality without being weird. He's doing great, he'll just embarrass Simon and Baz a lot in his attempts at being a good ally. He and Natasha raise Baz together, and Fiona helps them a lot. He's not bothered by Baz's vampirism much, he has fewer biases than Natasha because he grew up on a farm, more in contact with nature and all its creatures, and probably has some magickal creatures as friends—so his love for Baz never wavers, and he helps Natasha fight her bigotry.)
Anyway, even though she tries to fight her own ideas to be able to accept Baz's vampirism from the beginning, her change really starts when she doesn't vote against the anti-discriminatory law, and then when Baz asks her if she hates him because he's a dark creature. There she realises that just ignoring the part of her son that she doesn't like isn't enough. And she starts her journey to overcome her own bigotry. Malcolm supports her a lot, and Fiona does too.
And Ruth, Ruth helps her too! They are friends, and Ruth has never shied away from telling Natasha that her ideals were fucked up, and when Natasha realises Ruth was right, Ruth is there for her.
(I like the comedic potential of Baz knowing Ruth pretty well because he visited her with his mother. I imagine Simon introducing his boyfriend to his grandmother, and Baz and Ruth immediately catching up on what they've missed since the last time they saw each other. Simon is like WHAT THE FUCK HOW DID I MISS THIS TOO??? And Ruth is like, “darling, I thought you knew your roommate and I have known each other for 18 years.”)
Natasha and Davy simply hate each other. Even though Natasha and Lucy are friends (they met through Ruth, and they bonded over having children of the same age), and Malcolm and Davy are friends. At first it was political hate, since they basically were on opposite ends of the political spectrum, now it's “no matter what our ideas are, we just can't stand each other”. (I can't wait for them to have to interact because their children are dating. It's going to be so passive-aggressive.)
Back to Natasha fighting her bigotry—she literally wakes up one day and decides to go All Rat. She just kind of ignored Baz's vampirism for years, because it made her uncomfortable even though she was trying to accept it, until one day she didn't anymore, and she taught him to kill rats. Character growth at its peak.
Not 100% related but I don't know where to put this: in this universe the mages who are also magickal creatures, especially dark creatures, are a lot. Baz and Nico aren't the only vampire magicians, and so on.
Baz and Simon at 11. The start of an era
Baz grew up listening to his mother's conservative ideals (never about magickal creatures, but about everything else), but also to Fiona's pseudo-anarchist ramblings, and Malcolm's “can we please exist quietly and let other people exist quietly too?”.
When he was 11, he could feel that his mother was distant, more emotionally unavailable than Malcolm and Fiona were, so he decided to make her proud by hating the same people and the same things she hated—starting with Davy. He decided to antagonise Simon to please his mother, and just picture him—a lame eleven-year-old boy who pretends to be fifty inside, with his stupid haircut, a too straight posture, and his uniform already on. He tried too hard to be mama's boy, can't blame Simon for just walking away.
But then he meets new people, gets out of the sheltered environment he grew up in, has that talk with his mother that makes him realise that her ideas aren't exactly the best, and that instead Cadwallader fought for people like him, and he starts his own “who I want to become” journey.
And he's grateful for what Cadwallader did. He stops antagonising Simon (though that's mainly because he realises he wants Simon's attention in a positive way, but it was already late for that), and Davy's fight for dark creatures is important in Baz's journey towards self-acceptance. I think Baz started seeing his vampire therapist when he was pretty young, so when he starts Watford he doesn't hate himself (he never really hates himself as in canon, but he did struggle at first), but it's only in 3rd year that he starts needing blood to survive, and it's important for him to be reminded that his existence is not something to be ashamed of. Davy is important in Baz's path towards self-love.
He still refuses to call Simon “Cadwallader”, but he does thank Davy in his mind. Though, when he gets to meet him as his boyfriend's father, it will be awkward. Davy will be perfectly okay with their relationship, but between Baz and Davy there will always be some mild animosity. They argue about every topic, even when they actually agree. But it's never too bad. They're just not compatible as people. They'll be an amazing father and son-in-law, though. Passive-aggressive enough without ever exaggerating.
Anyway, going back to the boys at 11.
They are just kids, with steady support systems, and this allows them to just... choose who they want to be. They are still influenced by their families, of course, but not in a It's-The-End-Of-The-World way.
Simon is chill, polite, a mature boy, maybe a little too sarcastic. He's also funny, and he had a normal childhood that allowed him to really be a child. No destiny or legacy to uphold.
He grew up among people—Davy brought him around when he met creatures to discuss reforms and treaties between communities and new inclusive legislation; Ruth had her parties, and Simon grew up around rich, posh people; Lucy also had plenty of friends and all that. He knows how to handle himself in society, and has no time for bullshit.
So, he sees 11-year-old Baz, and Baz totally fails the vibe check. I mean. Who has time for that sort of negativity? No thank you.
“Do you want to play Who's Got The Longer Name? I win, gel-head.” (Simon Snow Salisbury-Cadwallader is three letters longer than Tyrannus Basilton Grimm-Pitch—they'll bicker about it forever.)
Again, bit 100% related, but Simon has diagnosed and treated ADHD. I almost put an explicit mention to it in the fic, but it felt forced, so I didn't.
The gang
I didn't give Simon and Baz's friend as much space as I wanted, but I did think about them a lot. They played a huge role in making them the people they are at the end of the fic. Their love was important.
Simon and Penny basically grew up together, since Lucy and Mitali remained besties. They met Agatha when they were pretty young, because Davy and Wellbelove worked together on Coven reforms.
Pippa is trans, and the Crucible has no time for transphobia, so she's been Agatha's roommate since the start. They get along well.
Agatha was never forced to conform to a Golden Heterosexual Destiny. She and Simon never felt the need to date, and she could concentrate on herself. When Baz came out in 7th year and founded the Queer Club, she finally had a place and a person (Baz! They ignored each other before, but they become close friends in 7th year) that could help her figure herself out. She's definitely aromantic, maybe demisexual and sapphic.
(A note: it's super funny that Simon knew nothing about the Queer Club, since most of his friends are queer. Already mentioned Agatha and Pippa. Gareth is pansexual. Trixie and Keris are sapphic. Penny's probably on the aroace spectrum too. And yet, clueless boy.)
Pippa and Simon tried to date in 5th year, instead, but it lasted less than two weeks. They found each other attractive but there was no spark.
Penny is Trixie's roommate, can't stand her for years, but this Penny is less speciesist—she can't stand young Trixie just because she's annoying (according to Penny—Trixie has plenty of other friends). By 5th/6th years, though, they both get a little more mature, communicate more, and learn to coexist peacefully. During their last year, they're even friends.
Trixie, Keris and Simon start hanging out together when Trixie becomes Penny's friends. Before, they were just friendly acquaintances.
Keris is one of the first people who become Baz's friends—in the first years at Watford, he is friends with Dev (who isn't actually his friend), Niall (whom he knew before Watford and remains his closest friend), Pippa (they meet at the Drama Club in 2nd year and bond instantly) and Keris. Keris and Baz basically figure out their sexuality together around 3rd year, and Keris, Pippa and Niall are the only friends Baz is out to until 7th year. Then Keris starts dating Trixie, and she becomes Baz's friend too.
Penny and Baz were rivals for the best grades for years, but it's what makes them become friends at last. They study together sometimes. Penny has no time for Simon and Baz's bullshit, so she almost never mentions Simon to Baz and Baz to Simon until they become friends. She's just unbothered.
Simon, Rhys and Gareth have always been friends—Gareth and Simon play rugby together (Simon plays rugby like his mother did! He's even captain of the team for a few years), Rhys is Gareth's roommate and best friend.
Simon kissed Gareth in 6th year because he has a things for belt buckles. (Baz should fear the competition.) (Jk. That's not why he kissed him.) Gareth happily kissed him back. They fooled around a little bit, but neither of them was interested in anything more.
One day Baz tells Simon he's great at blow jobs, and Simon tells him to thank Gareth. (He's a hip thrusts expert, after all.) Baz wishes he had said nothing.
I rarely cut entire paragraphs/scenes from my fics. I should learn to kill my darlings, but I usually don't—if I write something, I either edit it until it's unrecognisable because it was bad, or I fight to keep it in the fic. I did cut a couple of paragraphs this time, though:
1. Pippa. I struggled with her characterisation a lot, because at first she was just Simon's friend with no brain-to-mouth filter and a huge vampire kink. But then I made her Baz's friend too and it complicated things. At some point, she was both Baz's and Simon's friend (so perfectly aware that Simon had always ignored Baz), but there was a whole part (that I loved) where she kept telling Simon “I know you and Baz are friends (because I had written it before, when it made sense for Pippa to be unaware of how much Simon ignored Baz). I fought to keep that part, and wrote this shit to justify it:
(She knows us. She knows we’re not friends, but this isn’t the first time she acts like we are.) (Sometimes I suspect she’s trying to sneak up on me with some reverse psychology trick—maybe she believes we’ll become friends if she behaves like we already are.)
But luckily, I just had to edit things a bit and Pippa's character made sense, so I cut this part out.
2. Time setting. If chapter 2 starts in September, chapter 3 is around October, chapter 4 in November, and Baz and Simon's first kiss would fall around January/February. But the outfits they wear that day, especially in Baz “I'm cold” Pitch's case, aren't winter outfits. So, at first I decided to justify it this way:
I breathe in the mid-winter air, even if it doesn't feel like it's February at all. Bunce is experimenting with her eight year spell, and she managed to come up with one that makes the temperature on the school grounds rise to a late-spring level. Miss Possibelf said we shouldn't mess with nature like that, especially if then we complain about climate change, but it'll wear off soon enough, and Bunce's already found five different spells she wants to try.
(And I'm not complaining about the warmth. It allowed me to put on my favourite outfit.)
But I hated this part, and it didn't fit well in the chapter, so I was like “even though I used time references like “for weeks”, “for two months” etc, I never actually stated in which month the fic starts, so this chapter could be set in late spring”, and I cut my weather explanation out. In the end, since the epilogue is in May and Baz and Simon have been dating for at least two months by then, it was probably February when they got together. But at this point, I don't care. Maybe the day of their date was just super warm.
3. Foreshadowing to the other fic I'm planning on writing set in this universe.
So, if you know me, you know I'm obsessed with Daphne. So I was very sad when I realised that alive and happily married Natasha meant no Daphne, and I had an idea that I hoped to write for @carry-on-sapphic-week Pick N Mix. I didn't make it, but the idea is still there.
The goal is (other than give me Daphne and wlw content) show another angle of this world's politics: everything in I Know What You Are is seen through the eyes of 18 year olds (from privileged families) who are seeing their world change and are happy to finally be able to be themselves in the open. But real life isn't so easy, and a law doesn't magically solve everything. So I'm planning this fic where we'll see the same reforms through the eyes of a woman who suffered from the World of Mage's discrimination (Daphne, who in this universe couldn't attend Watford because she wasn't powerful enough) and now works in the Department of the Coven that deals with magickal creatures, and a woman whose brother suffered from the same discrimination, though because of his vampirism.
I wrote these lines that I wanted to include in the fic as foreshadowing to my other WIP, but couldn't make them fit, so they're here instead:
“Ebb? The goat herd?”
“Yeah. Do you know her?”
“She went to school with my aunt, they were friends. My aunt was even dating her twin, but then he got Turned.”
Fic commentary, memes, bullshit.
Chapter 2:
Baz's plan to catch Simon's attention may be stupid, but is it worse than thinking that summoning a chimera or pushing someone down the stairs counts as flirting???
Good thing Pippa is bringing tequila to our meeting later.
Queer Club meetings under Baz's management are called “Let's get drunk and pine.”
Chapter 3:
He complains every morning that the sun burns him, and it's hard not to keep reminding him that the sun burns everyone, and there's no need for him to invent excuses to want the curtains closed if he just wants to oversleep.
@johnwgrey provided visual example:
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I can't believe he thought this would work, when pretending to be burned by a golden cross didn't.
Baz had to get a cross for this little experiment. Now I want you all to imagine Baz shopping on Amazon for “items to prove my crush that I'm a vampire”. (Reminds me of Impulse Shopping with Simon Snow.)
[I don't understand why he'd pretend to be a vampire when] vampires are the reason why his mother lost her office in the first place. Maybe he just likes black humour.
@sillyunicorn about Simon's ability to jump straight over the point: “He should try out for the track and field team doing the long jump. Or the pole vault.”
Chapter 4:
I don’t want to hear the details about her vampire kink, especially since she apparently decided to fan cast Basilton to embody it.
Simon inside: because the only acceptable vampire kink is Mine and only I can fancast Baz for it.
“It’s not like this is his first coming out, Simon.”
Simon, who missed Baz's very public coming out:
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(Art by @cutestkilla. I would've posted a link to it but I don't know where to find it.)
I’m sure there’s a spell for [fake fangs]—something from Lady Gaga lyrics or a Shakespeare quote.
The Lady Gaga song is Teeth, and there are Shakespeare quotes that mention fangs.
By @facewithoutheart
Simon: I have ignoring Baz down to an artform.
Also Simon: and here is an essay on how pretty his magic is.
Because even when he ignores Baz, he's still the expert. (We see it in chapter 3 too, where Simon is like: it's impossible that I, the Roommate, Do Not Know Baz is a vampire.)
Also, Simon saying that he had to observe Baz when they were paired together for an assignment in 5th year like:
Miss Possibelf: the assignment is to repair a button.
Simon: stare at Basilton, got it.
Also by @johnwgrey:
Simon at the end of the chapter:
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Chapter 5:
Can we appreciate that Baz recognised Simon's attraction for him and didn't try to ruin it for himself??? No drama, no pining, no fake rejections. This is a Baz who's fine with his crush and so ready to act on it—he just wanted Simon to accept him, and then he was down to kiss.
As @bookish-bogwitch amazingly summarised: “We romanticize Baz’s doomed willingness to take whatever scraps Simon will give him, in canon—and it’s sobering to have this reminder that that’s not just the product of love, but of his own self loathing. I love that a Baz who has already known love and acceptance will demand that in a partner, even Simon.”
And yes! You shouldn't settle for “whatever they can give”, you deserve to ask for what you need. Go, non-traumatised Baz, set boundaries and ask to be loved as you deserve!
In a this, even though Baz repeats the Catacombs picnic isn't a date because it isn't, not until Simon accepts him, he totally planned it as a date. And he did great. Simon loves it!
The door opens to my will (I wonder what the old wood is thinking of my need to get past it to show my crush how to drain a small mammal).
I was rereading the bit in CO where Simon talks about the Catacombs and I didn't remember that the door only opens if you have a “genuine desire to enter”. Baz's desire is always Rat, Simon's is always Baz.
Also, Baz asks Simon to cast a spell because he's better at it. Because Simon has a normal amount of magic in this fic! No weirdness. And he's actually pretty good at it, because his parents are both incredibly powerful, and he got help to develop his power in the best of ways.
Baz is maybe a better magician, all things considered, but he's also more attached to steady and traditional sources of magic. As we see in the last chapter, Simon loves experimental spells, pop spells, Internet spells... He dares more, tries things that might not work, while Baz doesn't. (He does try new spells, but only if he thinks the source is reliable and after researching A LOT.)
... covered in skulls that I absolutely loved (I was living an intense goth phase, take it up to the court)...
Baz had his emo phase at 13/14, but it was a mild emo phase. As @johnwgrey suggested, the Avril Lavigne emo phase. So, imagine:
Baz with bad eyeliner stolen from his mother and listening to Avril Lavigne: I am emo shit.
Fiona, eyebrow raised, rolling a joint: if it makes you sleep at night.
Baz: I eat rats! I'm punk!
Fiona: does the skull on your t-shirt have hearts as eye sockets?
Baz: shut up.
(I wouldn't refuse art of this.)
@captain-aralias said this in a comment, about Simon not believing Baz is a vampire even when he's about to bite a rat: “what if he bit you, simon? i think that would be very good proof in some way.”
And yes! I think Baz could have convinced Simon from his first try if he had just bitten Simon. But alas, as comfortable as this Baz is with biting people, he still thinks it's a special occasion, so he would've never done it. (Especially non consensually.) (Though I think Simon would've said: “Yeah, bite me. It's not like you're a vampire.”)
Chapter 6:
I struggled a lot with figuring out why Simon was denying Baz's vampirism so much. But then I was like HA. It's because he cares too much. And he's stubborn. And he can't believe his luck—his crush and his vampire kink in the same person. Once I figured that out, this chapter written itself.
(I feel a little bad for [the rat]—I’ll make sure its won’t be a vain sacrifice)
@facewithoutheart said that Baz should have drunk the rat, because the poor rat didn't deserve to be wasted. But I had kissing programmed for later, and I didn't want Baz to bitch about his mouth tasting of rat, so I just made Simon think of the rat's sad sacrifice.
Maybe he’d let me wash it later in our bathtub, and he'd complain about it, and about my rough fingers, but he'd secretly lean into my touch, closing his eyes…)
They did this, btw. Baz feeds before they leave the Catacombs, Simon watches. When they get back to their room, Baz brushes his teeth and they kiss a lot. Then, Simon casually says Baz has a spiderweb in his hair, and convinces Baz to let him wash his hair.
“At least I didn't parade my sexuality in front of you as I did with my vampirism.”
@johnwgrey sent the Snowbaz at pride comic by @krisrix here, saying “imagine if Baz had dressed like that the whole time.”
But as aralias said in another comment, Simon would've ignored it too, or thought Baz was just pretending to be queer, because “he's never had a boyfriend and he's THAT hot!! so it must be a lie!!!”.
Chapter 7:
Right when my tear ducts are moisturised enough to handle my thirteenth reread (or so) of Volume 3, Chapter 16 of Pride and Prejudice.
Baz, face masks and glass of wine, ready to cry over a book: self care time baby.
(I wouldn't refuse art of this either.)
I manage to discern some of the words—blood? death? sparkle?
As @sillyunicorn noticed, this answers the annoying “How would your friends describe you in 3 words?” question for Baz.
He should’ve had rugby practice this morning, but he either skipped (my money’s on it) or overcame his fear of locker room showers.
Simon skipped practice to write down vampire questions. Of course.
Though I would’ve murdered him if he had tried to wake me up when he left for breakfast—it’s Saturday, and I made my priorities in this relationship very clear.)
The day after they first sleep together is a Saturday. Simon wakes Baz up with a kiss. Baz punches him (lightly) and goes back to sleep. Later they talk about boundaries, and Baz is pretty clear: no romance before 11am on weekends and holidays.
You have to thank @johnwgrey if they say I love you and if there's a whole kissing section. I sent her the snippet that ends with Baz saying “You love it”, and she was like it would be so easy if Simon replied I love you. So that's what happened.
I wrote the following part thinking that it was the first time Simon told Baz he loves him (and Baz says it back off screen), but maybe it's not. I feel like they're comfortable enough with themselves and with each other, when they start dating, that saying I love you might not be that big of a deal. So maybe they had already said it before.
(Other ideas by @johnwgrey, who helped me so much with the original outline of the fic: “Oh, clumsy me, I dropped blood on my cuffs again!”; Simon thinking Baz's fangs are props; Simon offering to eat the rat; Simon saying that only a vampire could like salt and vinegar crisps; them bickering over Simon's name being three letters longer; probably other things I forgot.)
Simon and Fiona will become friends. And they will talk about vampires and their vampire kink.
And about that, bite time! I love a Baz who is comfortable enough with is vampirism that he accepts to bite Simon a few months after they start dating. It's clumsy, and a mess, but they do it!
The “I sleep in your arms” is definitely a not to “You slept in my arms!” “Fitfully”. (And Baz is the little spoon.)
What were you doing locked in your room on a splendid May afternoon?” She drawls, and I can feel her eyebrows waggling as she speaks.
Fun fact, when I first wrote this sentence, I hadn't written the kissing part yet. I thought they'd keep doing the vampire Q&A up to Agatha's interruption. So Baz's thoughts after that sentence were “I hear the implication in her voice, and I wish she was right”. But then @johnwgrey made them say I love you and it derailed the fic to kissing times. So, turns out Agatha was right.
“I found a notebook where he wrote our names over and over and circled the last three letters of mine in increasingly aggressive colours.”
The real reason why Baz was writing their surnames in a notebook is that he wanted to figure out the best combinations for their married surname.
... some boring volume about vowels doing weird things that according to Penny will make his eight-year spell work better...
I headcanon that Baz is the first to make On love's light wings work as a spell, and it's his 8th year spell.
Instead, Penny manages to create her Internet spell, and mages/creatures have now a safe corner of the Internet to use without fearing Normals. It improves information, culture, education, politics, etc etc.
Penny and Shepard meet through magickal Internet. They become besties.
Simon does put his video on magickal YouTube, but they have to film it again because they didn't get enough family friendly footage. There was only a lot of kissing.
Anyway, I loved writing this version of Simon and Baz. They deserve happy families, happy childhoods, and a relationship less burdened by trauma. They get to be silly together, to enjoy creepy stuff, to share interests and dreams. They'll have awkward dinners with their families, and kiss a lot, and I'm just overwhelmed by my own fic bye.
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keanureevesisbae · 3 years
I was thinking abt sy with a lil idol gf and omg🥺🥺Bye he’d be so supportive🥰he would go to his gf’s shows and maybe even surprise his idol gf at a fansign and bring 20 albums for her to sign😭😭 the big bear definitely owns a bunch of merch and has a “secret” fan acc, He is overall just mushy for his girlie😩🤚(I’m so soft rn pls😭)
YOU JUST MADE ME THE SOFTEST HUMAN BEING ALIVE. OH MY GOSH, THIS IS ADORABLE, I LOVE THIS AND THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR PUTTING THIS IDEA IN MY MIND!! (side note: i used Jennie's Solo cover for the art and i also went out of my way to make insta edits - yes, i'm that type of person) also, thank you sweet anon for sending me this 💗hope you like it
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Captain Syverson x petite!cutesy!fem!reader
Summary: Sy has a reputation: a strong and powerful captain, who is never afraid and will never turn into a pile of mush. However, there is only one woman who is able to turn him into the ultimate fanboy.
Wordcount: 1k
Warnings: none
Sy is more of a country music kinda man. Growing up in Texas, near a bar with a mechanic bull, he was obsessed as a young teen with the idea of just touring through the state with a cowboy hat on his head and a guitar.
It’s just the fact that he can’t sing what stood in the way of a very promising country career.
He joined the military and forgot about the idea all together, but when he came back from his final tour to Iraq, his friends took him on a little welcome home drive through the country. They visited all sorts of bars, listened to all sorts of music there. Sure, all sorts of music had its appeal, but it would never be like country.
The final destination of the little road trip was LA and they went to a bar for new sing and songwriters to perform.
And that’s where he first laid his eyes on you. He remembers you sitting on a bar stool, back straight as a ruler. You were adorable, he thought to himself. Wide eyes as you were watching the stage, clapping your hands along with the beat and squealing when someone sang something particularly well.
And then it was your turn to get on stage. A sweet pink dress, matched with white sneakers and socks with a lace border. Nothing about the song you wrote and sang was something he usually liked. Very happy, up beat and your high voice sang every note perfectly.
Despite not his taste, he adored every second of it.
You seemed shy off stage, with the way you sat by yourself, but on stage that demeanor completely changed.
You were born to be a singer.
When you sat down at your own barstool again, he grabbed his beer and decided to sit next to you, get to know you. Everything about you was different. Petite, long hair and your feet didn’t even touch the floor.
He was supposed to stay in LA for two weeks, but that changed into a month and then two months, because he couldn’t get enough of you. He left Texas (something he never thought he would do) and moved to LA, where he got a job as a constructor. You quit your own job, one you only took to be able to pay for the bills and musical equipments. He loved helping you out, driving you from bar to bar, hoping your dream of becoming an idol would come true.
And one day, it happened.
You got an offer of one of the biggest agencies in the US and after the two of you read the contract multiple times, you signed and were an official idol.
Life changed a lot after that. You were either in the studio, dance practice and back at the studio again, however Sy made sure that you were well hydrated and fed, just like your back up dancers.
The people at the agency loved Sy and they often joked that he was part of the family that was created at the agency.
It all happened fast. Your first single, music video, first appearance at multiple late night shows and finally you reached one million followers on Instagram.
And he was right by your side.
His friends knew about his love for country, but they also knew about his much bigger love for you. They often would catch the big captain sing to the cute, almost bubblegum pop music you produced.
He didn’t care.
Sy had all your merchandise, whether it would fit him or not. He had your albums (all signed of course) and listened to them when you weren’t around. Sometimes he’d travel with you as you were touring, sometimes he stayed behind, especially after the two of you adopted a two year old American Akita.
The world knew you weren’t single, but you always kept Sy out of the spotlight, something he’d greatly appreciated. While you were born to be famous, he was born to live a more anonymous.
But that didn’t stop you from boasting about him on Instagram.
It had been at least three months since you saw him in real life. Your manager and all your back up dancers knew about his plan. Heck, they even helped Sy with planning it. He watches from the back, the line at your meet and greet stand growing smaller and smaller, until everyone has left. You let out a content sigh and want to get up, but your manager says there is a special fan still waiting in the back.
‘Really?’ you ask him. ‘Who is it?’
‘Very special. Super fan.’
That gains your attention, as your eyebrows are raised. ‘Do I know them?’
‘You’ve met them before,’ your manager says.
‘Oh, I do hope I recognize them,’ you say. ‘I don’t want to come across as such a bitch, you know.’
Your manager starts to laugh. ‘I wouldn’t worry about it,’ he says. ‘Close your eyes.’
You place your hands over your eyes and smile in anticipation. Sy quietly walks over to your table and places his newly bought album in front of you. ‘I’d like this signed, please,’ he says.
Within lightening speed you pull your hands from your eyes. ‘Oh my,’ you say, ‘Sy?’ You jump up, your chair falling behind you. You run around the table and wrap your arms around his neck. He lifts you up in his arms and gives you a kiss on your cheek. ‘I missed you! What are you doing here? How is Kal?’
‘Kal is good. He is with your parents.’
‘But what are you doing here?’ you ask.
‘I want my autograph,’ he says with a chuckle.
You press a kiss on his lips. ‘How long are you gonna stay here with me?’
He shrugs. ‘I brought enough clothing for let’s say… a month?’
Your eyes enlarge. ‘That’s the end of my tour! Oh, Sy, you’re staying with me?’ You have tears in your eyes and whisper: ‘I love you.’
‘I love you too, little lady.’
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Open Letter to Sanders Sides Fandom
I’d like to preface this that I understand that there are some that will probably disagree with my views on the situation and you’re completely free to disagree! I’m open to having discussions and trying to understand one another’s views, but let’s not get hateful about it, okay?
First off, I have to admit that I’ve had to largely distance myself from the fandom within the last year due fandom discourse as well as a few other things getting to me. I’ve been able to reconnect the last month or so due to a desire to finish up some fics and out of nostalgia for the characters and a fondness for the fan-creators that are still around.
This recent fandom discussion has stirred up those feelings that drove me away, but I don’t want to necessarily repress them again. I’d like to state here that I don’t think Thomas & Co. have malicious intents, I don’t think their purpose with Patreon has been to deceive people of their money, I don’t think Thomas & Co. are bad people. I certainly don’t endorse harassing or “informing” them over any of what has been discussed. This includes mass-@’ing Thomas or anyone associated with him, sending direct messages towards them or anything of the sort. It won’t help either side, pardon the pun. 
With that, let’s chat. 
“Thomas needs to be aware of the issues the fandom has and be held accountable for them.”
Maybe it’s old-school of me to say this, but no?? He doesn’t? Look, he can see the views on his own channel, he’s aware. He’s on the internet, I’m sure he has an idea, guys. You can post about your issues w/ SaSi online in fandom spaces but it’s highly unlikely that shoving it in Thomas’s face will get the results you want.
(Which, as far as I know, none of the criticism I’ve seen has advocated for mass @ing or directly messaging Thomas either. Most people creating critical posts strongly emphasize this.)
This isn’t a situation of “We need to blast this Corporation’s twitter so they keep our favorite show on the air” or “This creator did a horrible thing that they need to apologize for or be cancelled for it”
This is a situation where a portion of the fandom disagrees with how Thomas chooses to run his channel/business--I’m not going to reiterate the exact points, you’re all aware of them, it’s been the same exact points that have been argued about for two years now.
Two years. Thomas hasn’t changed how he’s run things since this first started and I doubt he’ll drastically change things anything soon. You and I can argue whether or not he’s running his channel/business in the most productive, efficient way in comparison to his peers but at the end of the day, we don’t have control over it.
Only Thomas has the power and the right to decide how he runs his channel and create content.
“The lack of content has caused the fandom to die out and Thomas should be held responsible for it”
Not true. Even if Sanders Sides had a more consistent upload schedule, we can’t know whether or not if the fandom’s numbers would’ve still been the same as it was the height of its popularity. It can be upsetting to see the fandom not be as active as it was, but I don’t think the blame can be pinned entirely on Thomas.
People change fandoms all the time, sometimes regardless of content consistency or not. There’s fandoms like Danny Phantom whose source content hasn’t updated in years and they’re still thriving. Lack of updates might be a reason for people to leave, but it isn’t always the biggest reason why people leave.
In fact, it can more often than not be the community that drives people away.
“People who are criticizing Thomas/Sanders Sides should just leave the fandom if they’re no longer enjoying the series.”
Listen, for those of you who’ve written critical posts, you have a right to write them just as much as Thomas has a right to how he chooses to run his channel. You can be upset and dislike how your favorite series is managed by its creator, that’s okay. You can choose to criticize the aspects of something while still enjoying it.
I know this fandom for a long time had an attitude of “We’re the most positive fandom out there!” that has long since been disproven but yeah, it’s okay to choose to express negative opinions.
But as good as it can feel to express those negative opinions and have those negative opinions be validated by others feeling similarly, I would tread carefully. Hate is an emotion that’s easy to get addicted to, but it’s also incredibly draining to one’s mental psyche.
If simply thinking about Sanders Sides makes you frustrated and exhausted or you’re obsessively reading other people’s critical takes as a way to feel vindicated/justified in your anger, you might want to consider distancing yourself like I did and find something else that sparks joy or find ways to stay connected without negativity being the sole thing tying you to the series.
You can’t control how Thomas chooses to run Sander Sides, but you can choose in what ways you interact with Sanders Sides, even if that means not interacting with Sanders Sides at all. You don’t always have to leave SaSi forever, you can always return back to it in your own time.
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emisonme · 3 years
This will be big but i felt like sharing my thoughs. I love camila, so so much…but I feel like sometimes people are praising her too much. Camila loves fame, no matter how many of you deny it, it’s pretty obvious that she does. I’ve seen plenty of arguments on twitter regarding the 4H vs C topic and I can’t help but notice some people saying stuff like “camila didn’t choose to be in this position”, “all the girls treated her like shit when it wasn’t even up to her decide”. Well obviously I know the feud between the 5H girls was fake, but it really messes with me that people still continue to paint camila as the victim. Even tho camila may have not betrayed the other girls as they tried to make it seem, she sure as hell accepted this full of privileges position she was given since the beginning. And I’m not saying this is a bad thing, because honestly which one of us would deny such opportunity, if we were in her place? But most of us and I’m also talking about me, tend to forget that camila is also a person who has negative traits, not only positives. Unfortunately one of her biggest negatives, is that she grew to love the spotlight. And if you really think about it, it makes sense since she was always so shy around people and when she got a taste of the “pop star” life, she felt mesmerised by it. From my point of view, as soon as she got that taste she also started craving the “bigger” things. Big arena concerts, awards, people loving her. For example lauren might love her job as an artist, but she undeniably hates the fame that comes with it. She’s just in it because she truly wants to share a piece of her soul and justify the definition of a true artist. And I’m not saying that mila is not, she sure as hell wants to create art. But if you ask me, the difference between these two is that lauren would be completely content with singing in a room full of people who simply appreciate her art, whilst camila would prefer to be in an arena full of people who sing her songs and scream her name. Not that laure wouldn’t like that, but I think you get the point. And I don’t know if anyone noticed, but until a few years ago well actually before the pandemic started, her management continued to push down the image of this “goofy innocent” girl who was happy all the time. She also pushed it herself because that was her job! No matter how much we think we know her,camila is still a pop star in the music industry who plays a part, just like everyone else who works in that damned department. And based on the above I’d like to point out that (no matter how many of you disagree with this) nobody is forcing camila to stay in the closet. Yes I know I sound ridiculous but hear me out. There isn’t a single contract which can legally force someone to hide their sexuality. Yes her management may have warned her not to come out in fear of losing profits and even blackmailed her, but at the end of the day it’s her choice. If she desperately wanted to come out as we all make it seem, she would’ve done it by now. The fact that she doesn’t, should tell us, that afterall she does care about her image. Even if that’s taking a toll on her now, it was her decision to follow that path. It was her decision to stay in the closet, it was her decision to accept the pr with shawn and it was her decision to keep playing the “happy” girlfriend to the media. No matter how much she was manipulated by this hell hole, camila is a pretty clever person. If she didn’t want any of this and simply wanted to be authentic to herself and the rest of the world, she simply wouldn’t care if she lost the title of the pop princess. But she does care. And it’s completely normal at this point, cause in this industry either you lose yourself or you come out stronger. Unfortunately I believe that camila’s case belongs to the first occasion. I don’t think that present camila we see in interviews or shows or whatever is the real camila. That camila is long gone. Anyway sorry if this was exhausting and thanks to anyone who read it all,cause I really wanted to share this with someone
Good Lord, Anon, that's a lot to unpack. I will start by saying, I agree with some, and disagree with some of what you had to say. Now, where to start...
You say it still messes with you, that everyone still portrays Camila as the victim. Are you going to deny that Camila WAS/IS victimized? The truth is, they were ALL victimized. They are ALL victims of an abusive Industry.
You said, "she sure as hell accepted this full of privileges position she was given since the beginning." You are either forgetting, or just plain don't care, that Fifth Harmony was a highly controlled entity. There was no choosing, or "accepting" privileges. They each did what they were told to do, said what they were told to say, and acted the way they were told to act. They were each given a role to play, and they were contractually obligated to play that role.
Yes, they were contractually obligated to act a certain way. There has been ample proof given, that none of the girls had any control over their PUBLIC image. Camila still has no control over her PUBLIC image, because there has been ample proof, she is still operating under her original contract.
Did Camila choose to sign that original contract? Yes, she did. Did she read that original contract? According to Lauren, probably not. None of them did. Did Camila agree to sign her solo contract? Yes, she did. But as I've explained before, if she wanted to continue in the music industry, she had no choice but to sign the solo contract they offered her. That solo contract is still connected to her original contract.
Camila is a human being. We ALL have positive and negative traits. Camila, all the ladies of 5H, you and me, we all have our positives and negatives. None of us are perfect.
You said, "one of her biggest negatives, is that she grew to love the spotlight." Why is that a negative? Hell, they ALL wanted the spotlight. Every person who gets into the Entertainment Industry, wants to get themselves in the spotlight. They all want to succeed in the field of their choice. To succeed, they have to garner the attention, and live in the "spotlight", in one way, or another.
Every one of them auditioned on a NATIONALLY TELEVISED talent show. They wouldn't have done that, if they didn't want to be noticed, and hopefully thrust into the spotlight of success. They ALL wanted that spotlight of success to be as solo artists. It's didn't quite work out that way. But, they ALL chose to try and achieve that spotlight as a group.
If one has been paying attention, from the beginning, Camila made no bones about her desired dream. She has stated from the beginning, she wanted to be a "pop star". Of course she wanted the spotlight. Lauren has said, from the beginning, she wanted to be "famous and travel the world". She wanted to be a famous star, in the spotlight.
Since you have chosen to compare Camila and Lauren, I'll answer to them. You seem to think there is this big chasm between the two. There really isn't. The only difference is the outcome, thus far. Lauren STILL wants the spotlight and fame, she just wants it on her terms. The problem is, it's damn near impossible to get that success on ones own terms, in an Industry that insists on dictating the terms.
That's a more recent decision on Lauren's part, by the way. You seem to be conveniently forgetting, that until 2019, Lauren also "chose" to play the game on THEIR terms. It was most likely, a two year PR contract, with a drug addicted gang-banger that turned her off of THE GAME. Lauren was pissed, that after all that, her debut album got shelved in 2019. I DON'T BLAME HER!!! I'm sure that also contributed to her decision, that THEIR TERMS suck ass.
Does Camila "crave" the big concerts, accolades, and people loving her? Yes, she does. They ALL do, or they wouldn't have signed solo contracts after putting 5H on hiatus. Instead, they would have said "this Industry sucks" and walked away. They didn't. They ALL craved more.
Lauren wants the same thing Camila has, just on her terms. Lauren doesn't "hate fame". She hates the negative side of fame. She hates having her life dictated by terms and schedules. She hates being told what to say, and how to act. She hates that fans get all up in her business.
She loves the nicer side of fame. She wants to see a lot of people come and see her perform. She loves to be on stage and see her fans singing and dancing to her music. She appreciates the accolades. She loves the love she gets from her fans. She would love even more, if her fans would multiply, and buy and stream the hell out of her music, instead of always bitching, telling her who she is, and how she should be, and getting all up in her damn business.
All one has to do, is listen to Lauren and the anger inside her about all this mess. She wants more. She wants more than a fucking "room full of people" enjoying her art. She wants a stadium full of people enjoying her art. WHO THE FUCK WOULDN'T. She just wants that stadium full of people to enjoy her art, and not expect more than that from her. I'm sure Camila would appreciate the same damn thing.
Unfortunately, that's simply not how the music industry is set up, these days. The difference is, Camila has accepted the fact, that she IS the product. Lauren has not. Lauren don't want to be a product. She wants her music/art to be the product.
I've said it a million times, the music industry hardly sells music, anymore. The music Industry sells the artist. The music has become a bi-product of the Artist. The Industry knows which artists will sell, and which ones won't. They know what image will sell, and which ones won't. Be the artist THEY want you to be, THEY'LL make you a star, and maybe even famous. If not, good luck.
Finally, you are completely right. There isn't a contract out there, that says someone can't come out of the closet. That would be blatant discrimination, and wouldn't pass the muster of the legal system. But, when you sign away control of your own image in a contract, that gives the contract holder the rights to dictate what your PUBLIC image will be. If they want you to have a straight PUBLIC image, then you'll have a straight PUBLIC image. If THEY want you to have a "good girl next door" image, then that's the PUBLIC image you'll have. You signed away your rights to be your authentic self, when you signed away the rights to control how others see you, period!!!
IN MY OPINION, Camila has come out of the closet so damn many times, I can't even count any more. She just has to do so, in a way that isn't obvious to those who have control over how others see her. Take her last video, for instance. When one listens to terms she chooses to use, and does a bit of research, you'll discover, what I believe is the hidden meaning behind that video. If I'm correct in MY THINKING, she has yet again, screamed her truth from the rooftops, for those who choose to listen, and understand.
As for the PR contracts...I was the first person to say, Camila made the choice to sign into those particular contracts. When one signs away control over their own public image, it also allows those in control to dictate that one MUST enter into PR contracts to help THEM present the PUBLIC image THEY want for that particular artist. The artist gets a say in which person that PR is with, simply because they HAVE to agree to sign the contract with that particular person.
So, did Camila agree to sign into this PR contract with the human hair ball? She absolutely did....And NO ONE should be surprised by it. It is quite clear that this shit has been in the making, since June/July of 2015. Hell, after that shit show with the British Bore, even the majority of the fandom was asking for it. The timing was right, and here we are.
Lastly, Camila is always stepping out of the closet, like I said above. IN MY OPINION, she wants her fans to know who she truly is, but that doesn't mean she wants to tell the world in definitive terms. Like Lauren, she wishes people could simply appreciate the music, and leave per private life out of it, but she also knows that's a pipe dream, and not reality.
She knows, the second she decides to speak her truth aloud, her career takes, yet another, blow. I also think, that's one of the reasons THEY, through the media, make sure her ignorant youth is continuously brought up. The more she has to fight to get through that hardship, the more she will want to keep her truth a secret. (yes, a definite manipulation tactic)
Camila could decide to say, fuck it all, and come out with her truth at any time, after her contract is up. She could also decide never to PUBLICLY come out. It's her choice, unless people in power decide to take that choice away from her.
Whitney Houston took her truth with her to the grave. Taylor lives with her truth, one foot in the closet, and one foot out. That's basically what Camila is doing now. IN MY OPINION. Her public foot is in the closet, and her music/art foot is out. If people cared more about the music/art, they would get the authentic truth. If you care more about her public image, you'll get exactly what THEY want her to be.
People try to tell you, and others this all the damn time. Take the recent interviews. If you notice, Camila, and others are always saying how vulnerable, honest, and authentic she is, IN HER ART. Her truth is in her craft, whether acting or music. Her PUBLIC image, is just that, an image to sell to the PUBLIC. Everyone in the Entertainment Industry has one...Even Lauren. Yes, she did play the game. She still has her toe in the game, she just isn't playing it at a high level, right now...and, unfortunately for her, it shows!!!
There! I answered your book with a damn novel. As always, I could be wrong with my opinions, but they are my opinions!!!!!! !! !!!!
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