#listen to dice shame people please
stuff-and-such-art · 1 year
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hey soooo dice shame?? ever heard of it???? it’s really fucking good is the thing and there’s almost nothing in the tag and I’m nowhere but tumblr so like, get with the program people. It’s weird to be so into something that doesn’t have a wiki.
I drew Jack with a raven during the whole imp arc thing and now he doesn’t have it and I feel 😑 but whatever I’m keeping it and yeah I’ve never seen him use a lightning spell but whatever it’s cool. Orc splitter and Doran are really funny together. Red is one of my favorites but I don’t know how to draw him yet and Craeloft my poor buddy just can’t leave his past behind him 😥
[ID: 4 digital drawings and paintings in different styles.
The first image shows Jack in a painterly style with black lines on top of the painting to show details. He is a half-elf with white skin and orange hair wearing a blue robe with gold highlights. He is conjuring lightning which connects between his fingertips. Raven flies behind his right shoulder. He looks mildly angry. The background is a rough gradient of cyan to dark gray.
The second image shows Doran kissing his axe in a cartoony style with flat colors and thick black lines. Doran is a dwarf with tan skin, brown-red hair, and red clothes with chainmail underneath, pauldrons, and a large belt. He is holding a chipped and well used battle axe that is covered in blood. He kisses the blade in a cartoonish fashion. He is covered in blood. The background is pink.
The third image shows Red holding a bow and arrow and smiling while looking to his right. He is depicted in a loose painterly style with rough brushstrokes and black lines on top for detail. Red is a tabaxi fox creature with orange fur, a snout, claws, and clipped ears with earrings. He is wearing a simple leather vest, a green hood, a tan belt, and arm protectors. The background is a gradient of light gray to dark gray.
The fourth image shows Craeloft looking upwards towards a light source while a skeletal figure stands behind him whispering in his ear. He is depicted in a smooth painterly style with black lines over-top for detail. He is a black human man with a tiny bit of hair but is mostly bald. He is wearing a green cloak with gold clasps that have a scale on them, silver armor and pauldrons, some leather straps, and some blue under-armor. The skeletal figure behind him is translucent and a little bit radiant and depicted mostly in cyan. The background is a purple gradient. End ID.]
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warlordfelwinter · 11 months
the problem with being a fan of dnd podcasts is that instead of satisfying my need to play dnd listening to one actually just makes it worse
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mellowwillowy · 8 months
HEAR ME OUT!! Please please please!!
Yandere!prince who fell in love with the lady in waiting of the princess he is supposed to marry
A forbidden love that he is ready to do WHATEVER it take to make it happend
Why would he marry a princess when there this being who can but the queen of fae to shame with theire beauty ?
Yan! Prince x (neutral-f/m) Lady-in-waiting reader
I've actually written fics similar to this concept! This one is about a princess and a crown prince, the crown prince was supposed to marry another noble of higher status but the crown prince and priest found a way to make you the wife instead! (fem! reader)
This one is about reader being the former Empress' lady-in-waiting with the crown prince snatching reader from his brother's grasp! You were supposed to marry his brother (a knight) but he broke his legs and gave him the illusion of choice by becoming a priest instead. (gn intersex reader)
And as for this concept...
mmh... I can see the Yan! Prince going feral over you... you are the most beautiful woman (right?) he has ever laid his eyes on, even more than the garden of flowers he fancies so much! What do you like? What do you dislike? He wants to know everything about you this instant. He needs to.
I don't have much to say but yeah, Yan! Prince is capable of doing anything, even going as far as convincing everyone with the stage he prepares for you. Oh, you are a guy? Just keep up with the farce and no one will know though he would wonder why the princess had a guy dressed as her lady-in-waiting... were you her fucktoy or what? That irritates him and you are not spared with his gentle ass.
I'll use Erickson again for this idea (hehehe crown prince...). Erickson, falling in love with you? The crown prince? Say goodbye to your kneecaps or ankles once he gets his hands on you.
So how does he annul this whole wedding? With the help of his twin brother, they'll both dig or make scandals that will trample the princess family's reputation. It's nothing hard for two people of status and power after all.
Now that her reputation is tarnished, the prince's family will annul the wedding and he'll convince his mother to take you in as one of her ladies-in-waiting. He'll praise you and coax her mother into taking you in, anything, as long as you get to stay under the same roof as him. You bet your life would be a living hell the moment you upset or piss him off even just for the slightest.
Next would be having your hand in marriage. This will be tough, considering his status as the crown prince. Should he convince the former Empress to make his brother the next Emperor instead? He doubts she'll allow it as the prophet's dice had chosen him to be the eldest despite being born second.
If he can't do that, then all he has to do is make a stage for you, a fake family of reputation that was at the edge of a downfall, convincing rumors of you circulating around the citizens and a load of lessons about the royalties' history.
Now that you are completely perfect, suitable to be his suitor, this nation's Empress, another problem spurts out. Noel, his brother, has also taken a liking to you.
Seriously, of all the affections he had received, he wishes to have you as well? He sure is a gutsy bastard, perhaps he should strip him from his status as a knight to teach him a lesson?
The same turn of events happened again, Noel's legs were broken, he was sent to the church and you were wed to Erickson, everything was smooth perfect.
Depending on Noel's love for you, if it was high, it'll reach the same conclusion, with him coming back to overthrow Erickson in the name of the church and God. The only difference was that you did not share that much fondness for the two of them, alas the ending had you died without any last words to them.
If his brother didn't love you that much, he wouldn't return and you are forever stuck with him until he dies. (yup, you don't get to die first, magic is not as hard as it seemed.)
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marlasomething · 1 year
(my) Mag a Week: The Brothers Non-Slayer
 Hello there!
I am participating in the "a mag a day" idea by @a-mag-a-day which is BRILLIANT and I decided to do "statement a week", rolling dice with the characters and fears that were ftw that week in the episodes I have listened. This week I am publishing late...I have a hell of a week, sorry.
For today I rolled Archivist!Tim (FINALLY A NORMAL ONE) and The Web (Eps. 58-65).
As usual, please do forgive my quick tipper and non-native speaker mistakes, Marla
CW: THIS IS A HEAVY ONE --> Domestic abuse, murder, explicit violence, child neglet, manipulation, police brutality, trauma of varios kinds, corruption of the "soul", paranoia
Also on AO3!
Statement of Ashley Giles, regarding how he believes he has managed to sell his soul to his lawyer (more or less).
Recorded by Timothy Stoker, Headless Archivist of the Magnus Institute, London.
Statement begins.
  Sometimes I wish I was actually guilty of the charges I was being accused of. At least, that way, I could…I don’t know; feel less guilty about the crimes I am committing now? You know, since I would already be a “felon in soul” or something on that style.
That is not the case, though: I am completely innocent. I didn’t kill my brother. That cop did, that bloody cop did kill him and all because…all because he was delusional and thought he had found an actual vampire and, er, murdered him.
Yeah, yeah, I know how it sounds: in less than ten lines I have already told you that I am currently involved in multiple criminal activities, that I was accused of murdering my very own brother and that he himself had killed someone believing he was a Hammer’s classical bloodsucker. Oh, yes, and don’t forget there is a cop in this story, which that makes it a bit more terrible.
However, this is not a Goncharov type of story. There is no tragedy larger than life taking place, neither a lot of mafia-esque characters going around. It is just the story of two brothers, one sick in the head and other sick in the leg, and how the system just managed to push them aside until working to be paid by the hour in the most shameful of positions was all they had left.
 It all began when my father died and we were left alone with our mother. I have not mistaken the words: the man that died was just my biological father, for my older brother (Iago) was the son of our mother’s first husband, who hung himself when he was barely a baby. However, we both went by her maiden’s surname because…I actually don’t know why, sorry about the side-note.
My father was a complete asshole that drunk himself to the tomb and that, one evening he was feeling especially outraged by how dumb and useless and lacking of any remarkable future I was, came to me as if he was possessed by some evil deadly spirit and started hitting me until I was left unconscious.
Iago did nothing; he was too scared to even move. My mother locked herself in the bathroom and pretended nothing was happening, almost as if we were no longer her family, just people that happened to look just a lot like her. My father went out, probably to try to cheat on his wife just to realise he couldn’t get it up even if he took a full box of Viagra (which I hoped he would have done, being the chances of giving him a heart attack quite a delightful thing to look forward).
Meanwhile I…I crawled to the kitchen, since there was a framed picture of the four of us in my room and I couldn’t even begin to handle the thought of facing it for the time being.
Maybe, if Mister Sinclair had appeared back them; I would be able to even remember him with something ever so slightly reminiscent to kindness. But he didn’t, and I was just there, alone, crying in the kitchen while trying not to look at my mangled leg.
 My leg started to go black and, since my parents would do nothing to put a remedy to it and I was…rather afraid of hospitals as a concept, I took it upon me to find how to get it back without dying in the process.
As the teenager with zero to none medical knowledge that I was, I couldn’t; so I ended up cutting it off with the help of my brother.
That is exactly how we found out my brother was sick in the head. In some manner at least, though it isn’t as if doctors ever diagnosed him properly and, as you likely can imagine, we didn’t have the kind of money to get an expert opinion.
He blanked out. Not in shock because of the blood, not because he felt asleep due to tiredness, not because he was high or wasted. No, he just spaced out. He sometimes did, I just hadn’t realised until then.
What a brother I was…
Anyways, I was about to bleed out when he came back to his senses and, in spite of my prejudices, in spite of the more than certain repercussions from our parents…he called an ambulance.
I, obviously, didn’t die and we both silently formalised the fact that Iago wasn’t ok either. Our mother stayed home and…my dad got infected. After cutting himself in the doctors’ bathroom, where he entered without permission, feeling somehow entitled to use “the best facilities” due to, well, I don’t know: most resistant liver ever to have been born on this wrecked Earth?
Anyways, it is not important. My father died of a hospital infection before I was even released and, since both Social Services and The Police believed this was all related to the jerk that had just become a corpse; they released us to go to our mom.
To find she had flown away, never to be seen by either of us again.
I can’t say I blame her. At that moment, I was fifteen and Iago, seventeen; in her old-fashioned mind, we were likely old enough to survive on our own, and she had had enough of a life she had never asked for.
I am not saying I forgive her either, nor that what she did is ok by any means. Just that I understand how she came to be so broken and willing to make such a harsh decision.
The both of us, being the brainless teenagers we were, refused to call anyone and chose to fight for ourselves.
Oh my god we were so stupid, so bloody stupid…
  Flash-forward to almost ten years later; when my brother decided that vampires were, obviously, a real thing.
Now, my brother became extremely superstitious the moment we started living on our own, almost as if he hoped that, if he deposited part of his soul on growing a faith, the World would give something back to him for his…devotion? Patience? Open- eyed mind?
Among all those things he began to take a liking to investigate monsters, the sooner they had begun being spoken around humans, the better. I considered this a waste of time, especially since he had less free time than me as I could work less hours since got extremely tired much easier due to the whole, well, only-one-leg thing (and that my hand-made fake one wasn’t exactly the epitome of comfort).
He wouldn’t listen, though, and he should have! He should, and, then, he would still be alive.
And I would still have the whole of my soul with me.
  It all happened one day I left him alone to have a date because, yes, even in the life of barely-above-misery that we were living I refused not to have fun. Not to, basically, Live . So I kissed my brother goodbye in the cheek as he complained we were both far too manly for those gestures and headed back to the Soho.
Meanwhile, my brother got one of his attacks and, when he came back to himself, there was a rail thin person with their mouth disproportionally opened right next to him. Layers and layers of shark-like-teeth were about to close around his neck while a tubular tongue of an unnatural purple colour twirled with anticipation from the back of their vocal cavity. It could barely be seen, but, the moment you did, there was not mistake possible to be made.
On an act born out of pure reflexes, he pushed the creature to the window and threw our only remaining candle to hit It, just in case.
It burned to the ground.
  Yes, I know, if your brother with, very likely, medical mental-health problems, clear traumas and a life-time of being worn out had told you this…you would probably have not believed him but, here is the thing: I know my brother, he would have never, ever, lied about any of this.
If he told me so, this was what had happened. At least, from his perspective point of view.
 This doesn’t mean, of course, that I condemned his behaviour or encouraged it in any way imaginable, but I couldn’t change it. He had found a mission and started to dedicate more and more time to find and take down vampires (and, apparently, werewolves and insect-like-people too? I am not certain about that point, sorry), occupying this hobby of his more and more time while real-life occupations mattered to him less and less by the hour.
I tried not be mad at him for it, I had also screwed up a few too many times before and he had always been exemplar until that point, but I couldn’t help but letting an animosity as nothing I have ever felt before come into me and fill my entire soul. Everyone around us noticed, too, and the whispers about us began to grow; the rumours about how the two brothers that had always had their backs were about to stab each other.
All nonsense, that much I knew. Or, at least, I think I did.
  One day, as I was wondering around the market, I saw a knife with an intricate cobweb design on sale and, somehow, I knew I had to buy it. After all, I was a disabled person living on a very dangerous city; it was a cautious measure to be
taken. As I bought it, I was told that my brother and another customer had bought its
twin , but I didn’t truly process the actual words, just getting the idea that
my brother had a fucking knife as a shiver run all through my back.
What if my brother thought I was a vampire too?
So, I made up my mind: that very night I was going to go and find my brother dear and begged him to come to his senses.
Little did I know, he was bringing his knife too, and he wasn’t the only one with one of them. By the time I arrived, he was bleeding out, his knife fallen next to him and a figure standing nearby. There were a sandy-blonde haired female-presenting person, in their mid-thirties, muscular and with a face of not being messed up with.
They were holding a knife, just like ours and, when they realised I was in that very same position (if you could equiparate my utter harmless pose to their deadly one) to her clear murderous aspect), they shrugged, muffled a “you are likely not much better” and knocked me down.
 I woke up already at the station, handcuffed and with a concussion that could only be rivalled by the one thanks to which I lost my leg. The first thing I did was, obviously, asking whether my brother was ok or not. By the cops’ reactions I could already tell the whole story: he had been found dead and I was the main and only suspect.
I even have the murder weapon with me! What an easy win at the trial; or that is what they thought.
They didn’t count with Ronald Sinclair.
  Ronald Sinclair is a private lawyer whose usual fee I couldn’t have payed even with all the money I had earned in my entire life. However, from time to time, his firm takes in some free cases, usually in exchange of recruiting whoever they chose to represent. This might sound cynical and harsh, but I was almost certain he had chosen me because they were lacking on a corporative image including someone with a visible physical disability.
I wouldn’t complain, though. A stable job! Well-payed! And the only thing I would have to endure would be condescending looks from time to time was perfectly fine with me.
Oh, and the whole not-being-declared guilty of murder, of course.
 Since the first moment we had a proper lawyer-client meeting, I sensed something was off. First of all, the contract I signed said that I bounded myself to work with Mother & Co. Associates as long as my thread remained intact. It made no sense to me, and it was rather ominous, but I wanted to get out of there and I wasn’t getting a better change, so I signed it and, as I did, I swear
something was guiding my hand.
I’ve haven’t had such a good calligraphy never before (and never after that signature).
 The trial went as smoothly as possibly imaginable and, still, I didn’t feel comfortable for a single second.
Yes, Ronald allowed me to talk and let me explain everything to him before each session so he could defend me and teach me how to answer every possible question those answers based on what had really went down; but somehow…each time, he just, he just managed to convince me things were to be understood in a particular manner, usually not the same I was coming from beforehand, and that, actually, this was what I meant in a much more succinct and clear way.
And I believed it, somehow, it wasn’t until I was alone that I started to point out the moment in which I could have said something, in which I have thought
something and just…let it go. And, here is a very funny thing, when a version of reality is only in your head, completely incorporeal and the other one is being spoken, real sound waves sending the message across space and time…no matter how strong your convictions, one is clearly going to bury the other in the mud.
I won the case, he even found the cop who was the actual killed, whose name was Alice Tonner, and she got convicted for it (to what he smiled a bit to widely and said, without further explanation, she works for the competence ).
Then, I started working for Mother & Co.
  It was all paralegal at first; they paid for a speed education so I had the the basicest and I am rather proud of being able to say that, from working at housewares, I learned pretty quickly and handle my way around better than much of the people with fancy degrees that worked alongside me.
Then, more morally dubious stuff started to come in right to me desk and…I don’t want to keep writing for much longer (my hand starts to hurt and, with the leg thing is more than enough, thank you very much), so I will just tell you about the very first time all red flags started to show up in my head.
And, as the fucking coward I am, I did nothing against it.
What is even worse, I am not even sure if I wanted…if I
want to do something about it.
  There was this kid; Wesley, he was called, that had got into trouble with his step-mother, claiming she had been substituted and was no longer the woman his biological mother had married thirteen years before.
He was making charger and with everything he had in his entire persona (both practical and metaphysical ) to take her down and we, well, we defended the mother. Also known as the scariest woman I have ever faced while being also the most vanilla person in all of Creation.
You know what is the worst part? This Wes kid…he was a lot like Iago had been. He was cunning, hot-heated, a bit of a nerd even if it was of the things usual nerds would mock him for, too naïve while being too mature…Shit! They even dressed a bit alike!
I have always been instinctively good with technology so, the moment I had access to a proper education on the subject, I wasn’t just good, I excelled. So, what I had to do was simple: play with Wes, twist his little world up-side-down via the Big Net so by the time the trial began, he is the least believable person in the history of trials.
Not only that: while I made conversation with the boy letting the precise words to rise his curiosity in the most troublesome spaces, to generate nonsense questions that had no answer so he believed he had found The Holy Grail of information. By the end of this process, if I did well my job, his behaviour would belong to us as it truly never belonged to him in the first place.
I was... am amazing at my job, so I didn’t do well . I did
I was conscious that what I was doing was bad. I knew deep down the boy was right, even if the pictures of his step-mother clearly matched the ones of our client. And I wanted to do something, I wanted, I don’t know, go full American movie and renounce my freedom sentence.
However, every time I felt as acting, something else happened. Usually, small
events where to be blamed: a text message, a person in the office suffering from some health issue, a casual meeting in the elevator (and, you know, I cannot simply take the stairs), a song sounding in the background…just the exact thing to trigger in me a thought that, sooner or later, made me realised I should act.
So I didn’t, though until the very last moment I thought that, in the end, I would be the hero. I would defeat the bad guys. Like Iago would.
That is what heroes do, right? And what wasn’t I except the hero of my own
  Well, apparently, I was the villain for, the moment the trial began, my boss came into my office and told me I had to tewak a little bit the online presence of Wesley. Not only the one that I had affected directly, but the previous one too. Not to change, steal, erase or manipulate anything on itself, just alter the order they were presented, the elements external to Wes’ presence around which each file appeared.
I am ashamed to admit I actually enjoyed the challenge and put an extra effort to it.
  When, in the trial, they tried to prove that the recent mental and sentimental state of Wesley was not representative of who he had been when he had begun this whole
Hamlet-esque fight; his very own lawyers almost dropped death at the stage when they started to realise the information they had wasn’t exactly accurate…once again, as I began to feel bad, I wanted to do something but…the ambiance (we were watching on video the trial as it happened, I still don’t understand how they have access to basically all cameras; the only explanation I received “the pathetic old man owes us” ), the interactions…before I could realise it I felt fitting in this web of people I hadn’t actually choose, behaving that someone that wasn’t who I truly was.
Though I might be becoming him piece by piece.
  The alleged fake step-mother won the trial, delighted us with her presence one more time and, in a very Ofelia manner, Wesley drowned himself. I even went to the funeral. I was devastated, I felt hopeless, for Wes but also for myself; especially because part of me was, still is, proud of me being there, of my actions having such a determinant impact on someone’s life.
It scares me, it scares me that I am losing myself in this other me that is still me and yet…sorry, I am rambling. Please, take this statement and, I don’t know what kind of influence you handle but, if you can destroy them (I am not even to pretend I am in too deep now), do it.
For me, for Wes, for my brother, for so many other (except all the cops they have ruined, there had to be something good about Mother & Co. ).
  Statement ends.
   Wow, Ash; that is…wow (since you opened so much to me, I hope you don’t mind I call you Ash). Good calligraphy, by the way.
I remember Ronald Sinclair; he was the only survivor of Hill Top Road, after the fire that burned it to the ground. Apparently, he was hidden in the basement… He always wanted to go to that…sorry, I was digressing.
About the statement on itself: everything can be verified (well, except for the morally deplorable practices of a successful lawyer firm, but that is so blatantly true I guess there is no problem with believing that).
On a sad note, I looked upon what had happened with Ash and…quite recently, Ashley Giles got a promotion in Mother & Co. He seemed completely at home in the picture.
Embracing being a worst version of yourself…I wish I could say I cannot relate.
End recording.
   SUPPLEMENTAL : Melanie King came by the other day and, when Jon went to talk to her, she started screaming. Not regular screaming, crazy-mad-out-of-your-mind-horror-movie-death kind of screaming. She kept saying that wasn’t Jonathan Sims and even texted Georgie Barker (who, apparently, used to know Jon…I want the full story there…) a picture for her just to say…that he was clearly Jon.
Sad, I thought I might count with an ally in Melanie, since I don’t feel comfortable about no one around here…
…I am royally screwed.
End recording.
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marblejams · 1 year
I will finish these podcasts, mark my words. If I don’t that means I quit on one or all of them.
Update: I added two more podcasts and I dropped one because they had to stop because of personal reasons
Update 2: I added more podcasts again. Will I do this again? Maybe. I don’t know? Podcasts both don’t speak to me and speak to me at the same time 
Here’s the list:
Unprepared Casters - I finished arc one and it is everything to me.
A mutual on Twitter swears by the show 
Dice Shame -
I saw an animatic about this on YouTube so yeah 
QUITTING FOR NOW because my phone storage is full.
I’m on episode 5, it’s pretty rough but it will get better
Dumbgeons and Dragons but only the episodes where Kyle guest stars - SKIP
skipping this one for now
I’m going to audio drama marathon mode starting with a horror sci fi show and ending with whatever Welcome to the Nightvale is
Janus Ascending - COMPLETE
The ending is what I thought it would be. It’s a horror podcast, everyone was either going to die or go mentally insane and both happened. 
The Vesta Clinic - COMPLETE
One of my favorite podcasts so far, it’s short and sweet to the point. I like hearing about all these aliens across the universe.
Waiting for season 2 but not excepting it or I’ll hurt my heart
Starship Q Star - COMPLETE
Season 1 was great and I was kinda shocked when they said the c word but they’re Australian so I knew it was coming.
Where the Stars Fell - COMPLETE
Fun 2 seasons. Hoping season 3 is the final season, also Brian David Gilbert is Jesus next season which kinda suits him
Greater Boston - QUIT
The beginning is too boring and I feel no connection to the host whoever they are
Welcome to the Nightvale - IN PROGRESS (MIGHT QUIT) - DID QUIT
Cecil is meh but the world is interesting. I don’t understand why he’s a Tumblr sexyman, he’s so boring minus that he wants to date Carlos the scientist which he should so he can get his heart snapped in half.
Astronomica - STARTED & QUITTED
I like the concept, but the first few episodes were too slow. The player being the AI was the best part for real
Fawk & Stallion - at the bottom
Please be gay Sherlock Holmes
Intra Quest- at the bottom
iHeartRadio keeps doing limited series podcasts and they end up being pretty good. I really enjoyed Blood Thirsty Hearts and Maxine Miles. They’re making a season 2 for Maxine Miles which is fantastic and I’m excited. 
The only thing I know about Intra Quest is that it’s a limited sci-fi series and I’m waiting for it to be finished so I can binge all of it 
The Last Echos - at the bottom
I don’t know if I’ll like it because it’s going to be political and I don’t understand politics and I can’t ask for help on that.
I’m just going to hope that it’s LGBTQIA+ and cling to that
Auricle -
I know this is a sci-fi thing I just not touching it until the season is over. They need to tell me it’s over. 
Lavender Scare -
A few friends from Dimension 20 Twitter or on this but I don’t I think it’s finished. I will eventually get to it, none of them follow me on Tumblr so they can’t yell at me about it. 
Kingmaker Histories -
a YouTuber I like has this audio drama podcast 
Mansfield Mysteries -
A bunch of audio dramas I follow did a promo on it, but I didn’t listen to the promo. I’m just going in blind, not solving the mystery. I never solve mysteries; I’m not smart enough for that. 
Breaker Whiskey -
I’m pretty sure Lauren Shippin, the creator of Bright Sessions is on this and she’s a genius. 
Wait, I saw an out of context spoiler for Night Vale. Are there going to be other voice actors? That can’t be right, they can’t do that. I’m not attached to Cecil, I’m just shocked that they would hire more people to voice act because they doesn’t seem like their jam at all.
I added tags because yeah
I added a new podcast to the list again
I actually updated this list earlier with different thoughts, but I didn’t save it because I had a the app did not save my draft so now it’s here 
I replaced the old video with a new video. That broke this post for a bit but it did update properly.
This list is for me versus anyone else
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z-exo-l · 1 year
My Top Kpop songs of 2022
So, 2022 was a rough year for me and mine. We survived it, and truly things could have been much worse, but it didn’t make for many happy repeat listens, Kpop wise. It’s a shame, because there were SEVERAL well-deserved solo debuts this year, and I feel like I didn’t give a lot of the songs the appreciation they deserve. To be clear, I did enjoy this music, and the year wasn’t wholly without happiness, I just couldn’t muster up as much enthusiasm as normal. But that’s okay, I’m going to desperately hope that 2023 is a better year, for all of us. 🤞🏻
There’s plenty of artist repetition, like always, BUT, this year has the most female entries so far! (Even those are a little repetitious, but I digress!) Let’s begin.
Honorable Mentions
Veil by Lay: Yixing nailing it every time! I didn’t love this song, (an unfortunate trend for Lay songs lately) but I have to mention it, if only for his sheer talent. ♥️ Bite by D.O: I’ve still got to watch this drama, but I’ll take any opportunity to hear Kyungsoo sing! Especially in a spooky, punk r&b style!
Dice by Onew: Even if I didn’t exactly care for how Jinki sang this, the MV is quintessential SHINee, the black and white look was A+, and his dancing was delightful!
Zoom by Jessi: I know who Jessi is, of course, her music just doesn’t really suit me. But this song had me giggling from the lyrics and dancing from the beat. A fun little earworm. 
⚠️Good Night by Rolling Quartz: PLEASE check these girls out if you haven’t yet! They’re a kickass girl K-Rock band (their vocalist Jayoung has an outstanding rock voice!) that are hustling their hearts out and not nearly enough people know about them! The only reason this is in honorable mentions is because this is a Dreamcatcher cover.
TOP 20
20. Vision by Dreamcatcher: I appreciate the environmentalism concepts the girls did this year, and to me this track is far superior to Maison.
19. Diamonds Only by WayV: Phantom had some excellent aesthetics, but this groovy B-Side had the best sound on the album.
18. Cursor by Purple Kiss: I’ve grown to appreciate an angsty pop-rock song, and the stripped down instrumental paired very well with PK’s voices. (I’ll miss you Jieun 😢)
17. Don’t Wait by Super Junior: A goofy, happy SuJu track is always welcome. It’s kind of fabulous that one of the silliest groups around is also one of the oldest; and the drag in the mv is just the cherry on top.
16. Bear Hug by Suho: I loved Suho’s powerful vocals here. And like I’ve mentioned, I think his time on stage really helped his stability. Beautiful singing!
15. Summer Rain by Purple Kiss: The vocals of this song are just right for a rainy day, and the melody is very folksy.
14. Traveler by Chen: A gentle, toe-tapping song that was a great addition to Last Scene! His ballads are obviously excellent, but more mid-tempo Jongdae numbers, please. (Bye Babe w/ 10cm was a BOP, mkay?)
13. Fire Flower by Purple Kiss: The rhythm and Eastern influence on this track are very compelling! Unfortunately this song gives me a terrible case of musical amnesia, so even though I like it a lot I always forget how it sounds. 😅
12. Love is Dead by Purple Kiss: A very catchy and almost haunting song; the kind of track I love from PK. And I’ve tried to figure out what era of music this makes me think of, and outside of a sample (I think) all I can come up with is 90′s or 00′s girl group. Works for me!
11. INVU by Taeyeon: The AESTHETICS of this MV!!! It hooked me like you wouldn’t believe, it is GORGEOUS! And musically this is my first Taeyeon song to top Spark! Goddess indeed! 😍
10. Devil by Changmin:
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This song is AMAZING! Give this man all the praise and appreciation for putting Gospel and Blues into a KPOP song!! And that’s not even talking about his voice! His voice is so high, but forceful that he’s able to match it pitch for pitch! Criminally underrated!
9. Feedback by Xiumin:
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This is a song, like many dance tracks, that absolutely SLAPS when the mood is right! If this came out during the dubstep era, (the very tiny window where I went clubbing) this would’ve been on constant repeat. As it is it’s still a really fun song to bop around to. ☺️
8. Pretty Psycho by Purple Kiss:
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Outside of a really niggling, almost distracting Britney Spears sample, this is an awesome song. It’s very dance-able, but still has that signature wickedness that I love about PK. And the vocals menacingly glide over the instrumentals in almost a Eurythmics style. Easily the best track off MemeM!
7. Decanting by Suho:
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Mature idols being allowed to sing sbout mature subjects will always get me, and while I compared it Baekhyun’s Drown, Decanting feels like a much slower, more lavish type of seductive sound. You could play this during a rainstorm, or on a commute, or at a café, and by the end you’d feel contented and satisfied. Beautiful guitar, and stupendous vocals. Well done Junmyeon!
6. Hot by Seventeen:
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Even though I think the autotune almost teeters into too much, this song is immensely delightful and catchy. You can always count on Seventeen for something fun and happy, and that was something I needed a lot this year. And it was probably the best song released in 2022 that I could just shut my brain off and boogie to.
5. Voyager by Kihyun:
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I obviously love rock and kpop, so it was especially exciting to learn that not only was Kihyun having his solo debut, but it was a rock song! This was such a great track; very easy to sing along with, as well as just rock out to around the house. Kihyun has the perfect voice for the genre, and I’m already very excited for his next comeback. 
4. Brand New by Xiumin:
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I’ll be the first to admit the sample took some getting used to, but once I did, this song was stuck in my head constantly. Even without the sample though, I love Brand New’s retro sound; most people brought up the 90′s, but what came to mind to me were the effects from the late 60′s/early 70′s, which I love, and it’s a great match for Minseok’s voice. Not to mention it has crazy athletic choreo that showcases what a talented dancer he is! It was the perfect debut song for Minseok, and I’m SO proud of him!
3. Mango by Super Junior:
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I LOVE this song and I LOVE that it’s from SuJu! This came at a point in the year when I wasn’t enjoying a lot of the releases coming out. But omg, this song! The pre-chorus, the colorful mv, the KRY bridge, the display of experienced talent all around (vocalist Eunhyuk, center Shindong!) Ahh! The song is a gotdang BOP!
2. Love by Monsta X:
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I pretty much always give high spots to the songs I can dance to, and on the rare occasions the urge struck me this year, Love was the was the song I was most often shuffling to in my kitchen. It didn’t start out this high on the list, but more and more often I caught myself wanting to play it just to brighten my mood. The chorus is super catchy, but at the same time it’s still laidback and easy to listen to thanks to the instrumental, and Joohoney’s parts make me giggle. A great track if you need a pick-me-up!
1. Hurdle by Suho:
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The biggest surprise of 2022! I was so stunned that Suho released a song like this, but the funky pre-chorus had me hooked immediately! Plus for as high register as Suho sings, it works shockingly well against the 80′s pop rock sound. It almost gives Joan Jett with Pink Floyd vibes??? …If those comparisons make any sense! Anyway! Then you throw in an almost wacky, utterly surreal mv, and this track all but demands a revisit. It was one of the only songs this year that had me on first listen, and I’m still not sick of it. I hope the other members follow in your tracks Junmyeon, and dare to be just as experimental, because damn does it pay off!!
So ends the countdown for 2022. Kyungsoo has said that he was recording for his album, Jongin said that he’s deciding on a title track right now, and Chanyeol wants to release a solo album as well. Then Suho declares more than once that there will be an EXO 2023 comeback as soon as Baekhyun is back from the military. …I’ve been an exo-l long enough that I’m handling this with a healthy bit of skepticism, but I’ll hope for at least the exo comeback, and go from there. Who knows, with any luck at all my next top 20 will be chock full of exo songs. :-)
I hope you all had a great, or at least survivable 2022. Happy New Year, and have a great 2023!
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gotnofucks · 4 years
Pot of Gold
Pairing: Steve x Reader
Summary: You went broke and bet your pussy.
Words: 2k
Warnings: Fluffy smut, slight dom Steve, language, 18+ ONLY
A/N: dedicated to the anon who said she needed fluffy Steve smut so that she could get out of her bed. Hope you feel better hon <3
“And what do you bet?” Thor asked you, stacking other’s money in the center of the table. It wasn’t game night yet, but since no one wanted to go out you lot pulled out a few board games. It was going great until the betting started, because the Avengers just can’t play like normal broke people. You had like an amateur lost all your cash in the last round of poker, and now sitting around some stupid board game with pictures and dices, you were the only one who was penniless. Everyone else had tossed on hundreds of dollars and looked at you curiously.
“I bet my pussy” You said at last and a hush fell around the table. For the first time tonight, you were glad to be the only woman present. The reaction you received from the men was very flattering.
Tony, Steve, Thor, Sam, Bucky, and Clint all looked dumbstruck for a moment, their mouths hanging open in surprise. It was when Tony snorted in amusement that they shook their head and gave you disbelieving looks.
“Don’t look at me like that. I have it on good authority that its like a pot of gold.” You remarked and saw more than one man blush. You didn’t care much about modesty, or shame for that matter.
“Y/n, you can’t be serious” Bucky said, and you shrugged nonchalantly.
“Of course, I am Buck. My pussy is worth more than your money put together, so whoever wins will be more than pleased with the outcome. If someone else wins that is. I have every intension of winning this time ‘round” You declared while cracking your knuckles.
“Cool then. Game’s simple enough. Roll the dice, get big numbers, and cross the obstacles. Whoever reaches the finishing line first wins and takes the prize.” Tony said and Steve looked scandalized.
“You can’t be serious Tony!” He exclaimed and you rolled your eyes right along with Tony’s.
“Listen up Capsicle if the lady wants to bet her cooch, so she can. I for one really want to win this round.” Tony said winking at you, and you giggled.
“You got competition here Stark. I want that pot of gold.” Thor stated and you would be a liar if a fire didn’t start in your belly. You wouldn’t mind any of the men taking you, or all of them.
“Oh baby, you are gonna get some chocolate spread this evening” Sam was rubbing his hands the way villains do and you gave him a once over, licking your lips at the end making him groan. “Cap and Tin Man make be from the 90s, but I can give it to you good.”
“I can give it as good as you Birdguy. Just you wait and see. She’ll be screaming from the rafter!” Bucky was also flexing as if it was a wresting match. You couldn’t help the smug smile that was splitting your face in half. This was much better than any evening out would have been.
The game began without preamble now and you saw more than one salacious look tossed your way. Even Steve and Clint who had so far not made their desire known were looking at you with hot eyes, each person rolling the dice with greater gusto. Sabotage became common, someone trying to knock their elbows and move their pieces. Arguments broke out, the board was almost flipped twice, and the game was nearing the end. You were holding the dices in your hands, rolling them between your thumb and finger as you carefully measured your score. You’d need a 10 to win. Or else you were out. Everyone’s eyes were trained on and you felt the pressure mounting. You breathed deeply then let the dices fall with a loud exhale, holding your breath as they came to a still.
5 and 4
“Fuck!” You shouted and the sentiment was echoed, more like cheered. You sat back on your chair with a huff and cross your arms while Thor puts a hand around you.
“Its okay Y/n, I’ll make sure you win even as you lose.” He made his move and the other guys booed as Thor lost too. You were at the edge of your seat, watching as one by one everyone else rolled the dices across the board. Clint groaned and mimicked your actions when he didn’t make the line, followed by Sam who simply got up and left. You watched Tony, Steve and Bucky battle it out, their tongues between their teeth. You were as anxious as any of the others, legs bouncing in anticipation. You made a small noise of dejection when Bucky lost and pouted. You really wouldn’t have minded that metal hand between your legs.
“Capsicle, why not give up now. It’s not like you’ll know what to do with a woman like our girl here.” Tony goaded Steve who glared at him.
“Make your move Stark.” He simply replied and you leaned forward as the dices rolled. They spun on their edges, making the suspense comically longer and when they finally laid still you started chuckling.
“Next time, Tony.” You consoled, your hand patting his knee. He looked so forlorn that you almost suggested a rematch.
“He still has to make a move! He hasn’t won yet.” Tony pointed at Steve who with all the stoicism bred into him tossed his dices and got the perfect score.
“In your face, playboy!” Steve triumphed and to everyone’s surprise just lifted you onto his shoulders like a sack and began walking away. “Leave the cash with Buck. I’ll take those earnings after I’m finished with the real prize”
Cheers and howls followed you as you dangled over Steve’s back. You had no idea he could be this passionate, but you had no reason to complain. You let him haul you away to his room in relative peace, only getting a slap on your butt after poking Steve’s ass through his joggers. He threw you on the bed and shut the door behind him, turning to look at you with fire in his eyes.
“Velvet or silk?” He questioned and your throat went dry as he walked to his closet in the corner. He raised an eyebrow when you didn’t respond, and you cleared your throat.
“Velvet?” You answered, unsure what you agreed to. Steve came back with velvet lined handcuffs in his hands and you creamed. Holy shit, who would have thought that prim and proper Captain could have a kinky side too.
“Hands behind your head” He ordered in his captain voice and you swore your thighs were trembling in need. This was something so out of the realm of possibility you felt out of your element for a while. You complied, your hands holding the headrest as Steve came forward and cuffed them, the velvet delicate on your skin. He rattled them a little, looking at you in question. “Feel okay?”
You only nodded, too stunned to speak, and licked your lips when Steve removed his t-shirt, his bare chest only serving to make you hotter. You didn’t realize you had parted your legs in welcome until Steve climbed between them, his blue eyes almost black with lust.
“Do you have a safe word?” He asked and you nodded.
“Oatmeal” You answered, and Steve paused as if making sure he heard right. “It is a long story.” You sighed. Steve smiled before leaning over you to kiss you softly, his hands travelling from your hips to your sides, caressing them languidly and then reaching your breasts. You moaned in his mouth when his fingers found your stiff nipples, and you bucked up trying to bring him closer.
“You need to tell me if I hurt you, okay?” Steve urged, his mouth licking a fiery trail on your neck. You nodded, too busy in the feel of his mouth to do more than moan. Oh god, Tony was sooo wrong. Cap knew what to do with a girl alright.
He pulled back enough to take hold of your top and tear it straight down the middle, his inner caveman coming back. Your bra fared the same and Steve wasted no time in lapping up your supple flesh. You were sure your voices carried all the way down to the common room, Steve’s tongue making you go wild.
“No holding back sounds tonight, sweetheart. Or I’ll hold back your orgasms, that clear?” He said and hooked his hands into your pants to pull them down, his hands tracing your bare legs. The look in his eyes made you feel like you’ll combust if he didn’t touch you down there right now.
“Please Steve, don’t tease.” You whined and he bent over you, pulling your panties down with his teeth. You are going to write him a fucking glowing performance review and mail it to Tony tomorrow. Your wildest fantasies couldn’t have prepared you for it. He slipped out of his joggers and boxers, his cock hard and weeping. Your mouth watered and you downright salivated when he stroked it. Steve saw your expression and chuckled.
“You’ll get a taste later. But right now, I’m gonna dip my prick in your pot of gold.”
You wished your hands were free when he fitted himself between your legs, helping you wrap them around his thick frame. He torturously lubed himself up in your juices and entered you sinfully slow, letting you feel every bit of him. You both moaned, your mouths meeting for a sloppy kiss when he started moving, getting faster by the minute. One of his hands reached between your bodies to tweak your clit, alternating rough and soft until you bordered on the edge of your cliff. He was so thick you were stretched almost uncomfortably wide; each inch of your walls being rubbed in the most delicious way. You chanted a crescendo of “yes” and “oohs” and “please” and “faster” along with his name. You didn’t seem to be making sense, but he clearly didn’t care since he did little but grunt in pleasure, hips hammering in you hard enough to bang the headboard against the wall.
“Come on darling, scream for me!” He ordered, his fingering pinching your bud and you exploded around him, your body arching in pleasure. He fucked you through your high, thrusts getting sloppier with every second. “Are you on the pill?” He really should have asked earlier.
“I get a depo shot. Don’t you dare waste a single drop. Need you in me!” You honestly didn’t know what you were saying, instead you seemed drunk on his passion and power. You needed him to fill you up, the very primal animalistic part of you craving his seed.
Steve stuttered, his breath coming out in broken gasps when he finally released in you, hips lazily moving until he went limp right over your body. His weight crushed you, but you didn’t tell him to roll off just yet. The warmth of him fell nice.
He raised his hands and reached to undo your hands, massaging your wrists gently and you fisted them in his hair, pulling him into another deep kiss before letting go. He settled beside you, sweaty body holding yours close.
“You’re not leaving tonight; I still need to taste you.” He murmured in your ear, biting the earlobe, and making you squeal.
“Yes captain” you conceded, and his hand swatted your behind before pulling you closer.
“Can I tell you a secret?” You whispered in his ear after your breaths had settled to normal. He hummed in reply and you sat up, your eyes twinkling. “I lost on purpose”
Steve blinked before a laugh bubbled from deep within him, his arms pulling your body under his as he caged you.
“My god, I think I’m gonna have to fuck you good enough that you never think of letting another man fuck you. This pot of gold,” he cupped your pussy, “I have no intension of sharing it”.
Gonna re-blog with tags later
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lucysometimeswrites · 3 years
hey!! are you taking request?? if so, could you please write a tom x latina!reader where she’s listening to reggaeton while doing something and tom catches her?? thank you so much 😍😍
hi there!! so sorry this took so long but you know life, here it is tho!! i hope you like it! play some reggaeton del viejo while you're at it ;)
Growing up, Sundays were always deemed the cleaning day. You'd wake up to the musicón playing from the living room and your mom dancing around while leaving everything in her wake spotless. So, naturally, you'd kept the tradition after you moved to your own place and, now, after you moved in with your boyfriend Tom almost a year ago.
The cool morning breeze caressed your skin, just like Tom's arm would have if he were in bed with you. That's what made you wake up completely, wondering where he'd gone and why he wasn't there to give you your morning cuddles and kisses. Then you remembered the faded memory of him giving your temple a soft peck and some jumbled words about going to golf, so you sighed and got up to make yourself some breakfast.
After a nice cup of coffee and a quick meal enjoying the solitude for a little while, you slapped your hands on your thighs with a bueno!, and made your way to the supplies closet to grab the broom. You decided to start your cleaning ritual with the second floor of the house and by the time 10:30 hit, you were doing the living room with your very own musicón blaring through the speaker. You usually would play soft songs, taking your time with the cleaning and doing it meticulously. Today, however, you felt like relieving the memories from when you would help clean back home, so your "latino feelz" playlist was playing everything from bachata to the dirtiest reggeaton ever. The broom in your hands had become your dance partner, its stiffness highlighting your sensual moves.
Wisin y Yandeeel,
Si tu cuerpo me pide un deseo (Damas y Caballeros)
Te lo calmo cuando hay perreo (La gerencia)
Y de repente recuerdo lo viejo
To' el mundo pega'o, la disco, bailoteo
You squealed as Como Antes by Wisin y Yandel came on and instantly started singing along, pointing to imaginary people as if you were in a nightclub. Just like old times, you thought.
Mírala bien, bien pega'o
Ahora es que es pa' la pared
Ponle dembow, pam pam pam
Ahora es
You popped your hips to the rhythm, ready to drop your ass to the floor when the beat hit and the broom long forgotten.
Si tu cuerpo me pide un deseo
Te lo calmo cuando hay perreo
Y de repente recuerdo lo viejo
To' el mundo pega'o, la disco, bailoteo
You dragged your hands sexily down your body, closing your eyes, perreando like there was no tomorrow as the song went on.
"Well, what on earth is this?"
You jumped in fear and whipped your head to the door, finding Tom there with a shit-eating grin and crossed arms as he watched your little show unfold.
With a nervous giggle you answered, "Well, it's cleaning day".
"I can see that," he said, his eyes raking over your body and leaning against the door, "Oh, don't let me stop you" he chuckled.
I can have a little fun with this, you figured, so grabbing the broom once again, you joined into the chorus and kept swinging your hips (a little extra now that you had an audience).
A faint groan was heard from behind you, so you turned around and with hooded eyes made your way to your lover, with an extended hand inviting him to join.
Tom matched your vibe, and grasping your hand firmly, he twirled you around so his chest was pressed up against your back.
Si tu cuerpo me sigue, entramo' en el juego
Y si recuerdas, no lo dejes pa' luego
Echa to' eso para acá o voy pa' allá
O voy pa' allá de nuevo
En una esquina acequiarte, toda besarte
Baby, conmigo te llevo
You grinded your ass against Tom's front, his hands strongly taking hold of your hips and helping them move. His breath fanned over your neck, and you tilted your head to lean on his shoulder as he placed open-mouthed kisses on your neck.
Te veo froteando hace rato, tú me quieres dar un roze
DJ sube el volumen pa' que la disco destroce
¿Cómo es que tú dices baby? (Papito, tú me conoces)
You huskily whispered in his ear the last line, which apparently drove him mad because he suddenly turned you around and threw you over his shoulder with smack to your ass.
"Wait, it's cleaning day!" you squealed, but you both knew it wasn't a real complaint.
"That's a shame, because we're about to get real dirty" he answered smoothly kicking the door shut and leaving the broom long forgotten, once again.
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mrs-amber · 3 years
PLEASE write an el dorado fic 🙏🏻♥️
The crowd gathered around them, as roll after roll Auguste threw the dice and they won. Well, not exactly like that. Nikandros knew from experience that they couldn't play too much with the same people or it would become quite clear that they were cheating, but Auguste had no limits.
Nikandros had to be his "limits", but Auguste didn't really like to listen to the voice of reason.
Nikandros clasped his hand on Auguste's shoulder and addressed the men before them.
"Nice game! Thank you all for joining us, it looks like it wasn't this time that we got to see you all winning, huh?" Nik said and looked down to see Auguste beaming at them, eyes gleaming with mischief.
"Yeah, it's a shame," Auguste traced said notes on his lute and looked up at them with his best puppy eyes. "But we can come back here next week when you're all ready to face us again!"
They wouldn't. They would be far gone by then, if the "wanted" charts with their faces painted on were any sign, this wasn't a place they could stay for much longer. Lucky that those charts never quite pictured the way they really looked, so they could go a few days unnoticed before they had to flee to the next town. They always painted Auguste with chubby cheeks, which he certainly didn't have, and Nik's hair was always spiked to all sides. He didn't know who could possibly have seen him with spiked hair like that, his hair was very good, always tied on a high ponytail. Auguste was more likely to have his hair messy, always wearing it in a low bun.
Anyway, it was now time they left. The day had been very good already, and the men had started to whisper among themselves, which wasn’t a good sign.
“One more roll!” the man in the center yelled.
Auguste laughed dismissively.
“Uh guys, I don’t know how to say this, but… You’re broke! To play we need to bet with something, remember?” Nik said. Yes, it was good they were already broke, Auguste and he needed to go.
“Oh, yeah? But we have this!” the man said, bringing one hand to the inside of his robes and unfurling a map. His friends all hummed in agreement by his side.
“A map!” Auguste cried. Oh boy.
“A map?” Nik wasn’t interested.
“A map of the wonders of the New World,” the man continued.
Nikandros huffed, he didn’t even want to look, but he knew how Auguste’s eyes would be sparkling at the tone and words used by the man.
And as predicted, “wow, let us see!” Auguste grabbed Nikandros by the collar and dragged him closer with him.
He muttered to himself, analyzing all the details on the map, and then took it off the man’s hands without further ado. “Nik, look!” Really, sometimes Auguste could behave like a five years old.
“Excuse us for a moment,” Nik said to the men watching them.
“Nik, look!” Auguste repeated, “that’s the map to El Dorado, the city of gold! It’s our destiny, our fate, we’ll be rich like no man was before!”
“Auguste, shut up. You know that if I believed in fate we wouldn’t be playing with loaded dice. We need to leave. This map is probably fake, the money we got so far is real.”
“But Nik…” and there he was, proving once again he was in fact a five years old, making faces and giving Nik his puppy eyes.
“Oh, don’t look at me like that!” They both knew Nik was weak to Auguste’s whims.
“I said one more roll!” the troll of a man shouted again, taking the map from Auguste’s greedy hands. “My map, against all your gold.”
“Okay, okay, all right,” Nik said, and Auguste beamed up at him. “You’re on.” He got his dice back from his pocket-
“Not with those,” the obnoxious man said. “This time you’ll be using mine.”
Nik glared at Auguste, who started blushing and tried a little smile. “Ugh.”
“Got a problem with them?”
Because this art gives me ideas and I finally surrendered. Thank you @finnthebunneh for this!
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thecolordemon · 4 years
Haha hi :) I already asked but I wanna do it properly here. So, can I request headcanons abt the brothers reactions after knowing that MC had an incurable disease and they're gonna die soon? Thanks! 💕 (Btw I LOVE ur drawing)
Of course you can😊 It will be my first time writing Angst in the english language🤣😅 but I hope you'll enjoy it either way because who doesn't like to suffer a little bit? @flyme--tothemoon I added some shortstorys to the headcanon because...I couldn't help myself.
Request: Headcanons-How would the brothers react after knowing that MC had an incurable disease and that they're gonna die soon?🥺😭
⚠️Angst, Sadness, mentions of illness and death⚠️
he noticed some sickenly sweet scent lingering over your small frame since you arrived in Devildom
but he couldn't put his finger on it
he never lived among humans how could he know?
he couldn't
and that's the whole point
he asks you about it during having dinner with all of the brothers
when your laughter dies down everything else turns quiet too
he knows immediately that something is wrong
"Did someone else noticed it too?" you ask without looking up
they nod
"Well...I guess...I have to tell you something."
Angsty/Sad Short story (other brothers below):
They all looked at you with big eyes. Filled with questions and worries because of the sad little smile that crept on your face and conquered your lips like a dark sky swallowing the sun. All of them noticed that sickenly sweet scent over your normal aroma. They just didn't thought that it would be such a big deal... "Well...I guess...I have to tell you something."
You cleared your throat and put down your cutlery. It was weird...I kind of felt like the day where you got your deadly diagnosis.
But this time you were the doctor.
And your beloved demons were the patients.
You knew that you couldn't hide it from them forever. Being here was like a daydream and it made you forget your disease a little bit more every day. Living with the demons brought so much new adventures in your life that the illness seemed so far away. It was like you left it at home. In the human world. Somewhere where it couldn't reach you. Throughout the day you never wasted a single thought about your approaching death. And why would you? Death was unavoidable. In the end everbody dies...Just for you it meant, that death would greet you a little bit sooner.
"Two years ago...I fainted. I was not feeling good for a...very, very long time after this. And it did not get better. I thought I hit my head a little bit to hard on the concrete. I...vomited very often and that one night my parents took me to a hospital because of it. They wanted to make sure that I'm okay..." You stopped and looked down at you fingers which were intertwined with the black tablecloth. This night was branded inside your mind like a tattoo you never asked for. Neither did you like it. The brothers did not dare to interrupt you. You could just feel them all staring at you. It was so quiet...so terribly quiet.
"It truned out that...I have a very dangerous disease." you continued. The swallowing felt so much harder now...like something big and bitter was stuck in your throat. "And...sadly...there is no cure..." The bitterness stung in your eyes and you had to fight back the hot upcoming tears. The hopeless and shocked faces of your family were something you could never possibly forget. And right now all of the brothers had this exact same shattered expression on their faces. You bit your bottom lip and your nails digged into the soft skin of you thighs.
"...Is it...deadly?" Lucifer asked and his voice sounded oddly thin. For a little while you did nothing but to stare into space. You did not want them to see you cry. Not when you had to be strong for them again...but then you nodded.
"yes." you breathed. "Yes, it's deadly. They said I have 3 years left-"
The following opressive silence was broken when some of the brothers shifted uncomfortably in their seats. One of them dropped a knife. But nobody saied something. It was like some higher power turned the volume of the universe down. 'Well-' you thought to yourself. 'Maybe this is what shock sounds like...' When you forced yourself to look up, the effects of your confession showed.
All of them were pale. Nobody seemed to breath. Nobody talked. You could see them falling when you looked into their eyes. They were all being swallowed by the big black hole that was your disease and there was no safe shore in sight. You broke them...
All of them.
"I'm so sorry-" you whispered. "I'm sorry for doing this to you." None of them reacted. You couldn't stop the tears from flowing down your cheeks anymore. The salty liquid dribbled over your warm skin like raindrops over glass and ran down to your chin. "I wanted to tell you but--I couldn't-you all made me feel so good that finally I stopped worrying about it-I didn't mean to hurt you--please forgive me-" The sobs came out of your mouth like little hickups.
'They hate me--they hate me for breaking them-I'm a terrible person-'
Lucifer suddenly stood up. His jaw was clenched and his hands were balled into fists. He shoved his chair back and walked around the dinner table until he stood before you. Sadness and anger radiated of him like a upcoming thunderstorm and it scared you.
Would he hurt you? Would he send you back? Would he banish you from the Devildom?
You thoughts were interrupted when he suddenly embraced you in a very thight hug. His fingertips digged deep into the flesh of you back and he hold you so close as if you were going to disappear right on the spot. It took your breath away. "L-Lucifer?-"
The avatar of pride trembled. And there was something wet in your hair...was he crying?! Finally he spoke. His voice broken like a shattered mirror. "You're--telling us--that you're going to die--and still you're-apologizing for it?!-" His grip thightend. "I thought you would hate me now--" you cried desperately. His hug send shivers down your spine. "MC, you're part of our family-We could never hate you-" His voice broke again. "I'm the one who needs to apologize! I ripped you away from your human family! While you have such little time left-I brought you here without checking your whole background-my research was horrible and icomplete-I am the one who has to apologize! Not you! Not you!!" He grabbed you by your shoulders and now you were able to see it. He was really crying. Lucifer, the avatar of pride, was crying. His crimson red eyes were glassy and shimmered with so much regret.
"No-No don't say this Lucifer, please--I'm so happy here--this is my home too-I'm so glad I got the chance to meet all of you-" Your hand reached his wet cheek and he shivered when you did so. "You all made my time so much better than I could've ever imagined-And I'm so grateful-" You whimpered and burried your face in Lucifer's red tie. Your attention was pulled towards Mammon when you heared his sobbing.
"This--this is not fair--" Mammon stood up too and he trembled like an earthquake was running through his body. "Finally I meet someone who is nice to me-someone who listens to me-someone who doesn't treat me like shit or like I'm dump--and now-" His thin voice broke in a shaky cry. "I fucking love you-" He broke down and fell to his knees, his face twisted in deep hurt and despair. His glasses and cheeks were already covered in hot, steamy tears and his hands fisted into the rough carpet. Satans hand touched his back but even he did not know what to do. It was a sad single try to calm Mamon down but it didn't work. "Mammon--" you breathed with a hitching voice while still beeing hugged by Lucifer. "I'm sorry-"
"QUIET APOLOGIZING, WILL YA?!" he screamed and then went back to crying hopelessly. His horns showed. He was interrupted by Leviathan's weak voice.
"I-I don't understand-", he whispered and stood next to the quivering Mammon. He looked like he saw a ghost. He was so pale that it looked like he was starting to disappear. His eyes were red and the tears streamed down like little waterfalls. His small frame trembled uncontrollably and his hands were deep inside his pockets. "We were having so much fun together-we were staying up all night together to play videogames-and now this all is--ending?" A new wave of tears gushed over his face. "This wasn't healthy at all--I hurt you-I didn't knew--I-I'm sorry-" His fingers fisted into his lilac hair and he pulled harshly as if he tried to wake himself from this nightmare. "You're my friend---" Asmodeus tried to stop him. "You will get bold-stop-" But he was also not in a good condition. Neither was Satan.
He normally really payed close attention to his mimic and gesture. But right now...He couldn't even think straight. It was clearly visible that he was deeply upset and his left hand massages his torso like he had a heart attack. "MC-why didn't you tell us sooner?-" There were tears appearing in the corner of his eyes. "I read so much--maybe we could find a magic cure-I newly read a paragraph about-" But you interrupted him right away. "Satan--I know you want to stop it but--there is no solution in no book-I talked with Simeon about it-I asked if he could miracle it away--but he couldn't. He said that only guardian angles are allowed to do such a thing--and they have to be very powerful to do that-and since there are people on earth living under worse conditions-" Your voice broke and Satan looked away in shame when he couldn't stop the tears anymore. He hated not being in control-He would lose you-.
"God does not throw dice-" Asmodeus whimpered and everyone looked at him. His beautiful eyes were red and puffy from all the crying and not beautiful at all. It looked like he had a terrible allergy against something unknown. But right now he couldn't care less about his appearance. "That's something I always hated about god--They say there is a reason for everything but they won't tell you an actual reason--and then you're still stuck with your problems all by yourself-" He cried out in despair and hid his face behind his fingers. "-without a solution-" he added with a very thin voice. That was just to much for him and he had to cuddle up to Satan for more support. "How can they leave you to die--you-such a perfect human being like you-you should be the top of their creation-how is this possible-." His pink painted fingernails clawed over his flawless skin and left red stripes. He looked like a locked up animal-trying to break free.
Beelzebub is a quiet soul by nature. Not a man of big and a lot words. And now he seems even more quiet than before. He can't wrap his head around this new, horrible informations. He grew so fond of you, he needs you, you make him feel better-Fuck it all you brought his brother back! And now you're going to be punished with-Death?! That's not fair at all-that's not okay-he can't lose you-not like he lost Belphie-not like he lost Lillith-he-. With big steps he walked towards you and Lucifer. He towers above both of you like a big mountain that's ready to collapse. Without hestiation he pulls you and his oldest brother into a crushing hug. Tears dribble down from his face into your hair and mix with Lucifer's tears. "We can't lose you MC-your family-family means that nobody gets left behind-."
He is the calmest of his brothers. At least it seems like that. He is just sitting there processing what you just said. You are going to die. In less than a year actually. You're going to die and this means that you're going to leave. His eyes flutter in confusion. He was never upset about humans dying. That's what they do. They live, they die. It's that simple. He knew that. He always knew that. He also knew that you were going to die. One day.
...But why so fast?! Why so damn fast?! His heart beats harder, nearly bursting with anger. His tail and horns appear and his whole demon form starts to mainfest in front of you and his brothers. "No!!", he shouts. "I'm not having this! We need to do something-we-" His eyes land on you and that's just to much. "Who do you think you are?! Huh?! You come down here and wreck our worlds, you live with us, you eat with us-you improve our lifes-and-now--" His tail flinches with agression. Belphie's eyes are drowing in tears as his angers makes place for the deep grief that takes over his whole body. He also, like Mammon, falls to his knees. "You can't leave Mc--I need you-"
(Okay I'm gonna leave now, I cried a little bit while writing and...yeah...maybe I'm just sensitive🥺 I hope it's angsty enough though...)
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chalkrevelations · 3 years
Episode 32 of Word of Honor, and once again, this is just. A LOT. A LOT is happening, and all of it is A LOT. Also, show, what is even happening? I have questions. A LOT of questions.
(Spoilers. Go ahead and scroll on by, then come back later, if you want to watch it unspoiled.)
BUT FIRST, before anything else, you know I have to yell about this for a minute because we once again see that the Gu Xiang/Cao Weining relationship and the Wen Kexing/Zhou Zishou relationship are the same relationship. We get the same scene with A-Xiang and Cao Weining – again – that we’ve already seen with Wen Kexing and Zhou Zishu, this time from Ep 27, with Fan Shishu in the role of Ye Baiyi. Fan Shishu (YBY) asks “Do you know who she (he) is?” and this time, Cao Weining knows, just as ZZS knew in Ep 27. Cao Weining (ZZS) literally throws himself in front of A-Xiang (WKX) to protect her (him). “Kill us both” (Ep 27). “If you’re going to hurt her, kill me first” (Ep 32). Fan Shishu, like YBY, eventually lets A-Xiang and Cao Weining go, despite having them in a position where he could do them in. Color palettes between the two couples in these scenes match again, with the younger couple being more intense this time – A-Xiang and Wen Kexing in pinks, Cao Weining and Zhou Zishu in blue. (ZZS is mainly in creams and grey, but the piping on his robes is a very light blue, I think the greys have a blue undertone to them, and when you stand him next to Chengling in more intense blue while he’s wearing that particular outfit, it really starts to pull out the blue of ZZS’s outside robe – you can see this at the end of Ep 26.) Between the way these relationships continue to mirror each other and the hairpin scene from the last ep, I honestly don’t know what our takeaway is supposed to be, other than that WKX and ZZS are essentially married.
I also find it interesting - although this almost seems like too much of a stretch to be anything other than coincidence - that we get a specific callback to Ep 27 in this episode, as Ep 27 is also when WKX talks about not wanting to lie to Chengling about who he is anymore, and this ep is when they finally (apparently) meet again after Chengling learns the truth.
Aaaand now A-Xiang is crying, so of course I’m crying. Aaaand then we have the mournful montage. Give me a minute. And some tissues. I notice how much of this mournful drunken montage is ZZS remembering all the times he was cranky with WKX. Oh, honey. No. That’s what you’re remembering, because you feel bad, but it’s not what he would remember at all, if he was looking back over his time with you. And even if he did, it would be with great fondness.
Yeah, so, if I haven’t mentioned, this episode is a LOT. We get a big confrontation between WKX and half the jianghu/the Scorpions/some of the Ghost Valley contingent, ZZS showing up to support his man, Fantastic Cranky Grandpa of my heart getting in his eleven cents, Chengling shooting one of his dads, and two yeets off a cliff. And that’s only 15 minutes into the episode. This is too much, show. And I have too many questions. Also some observations. Also some wild speculation, not just about the fact that Wen Kexing is not dead but also about how he may have (not) got that way. And not just because there’s still four episodes left, and it’s too early for him to be dead.
First a small observation but pretty significant, I think: WKX is NOT in his blood-red Ghost Valley master robes during this confrontation. In fact, I think we’ve seen this set of robes in happier days with Zhou Zishou and Chengling. Just noticing this. Also noticing WKX’s face when Shen Shen starts going on about WKX’s parents and how omg if they could see WKX now they’d die all over from the shame, and WKX’S expression is like, the fucking audacity of Shen Shen saying this, and if he could actually kill people with the power of his mind, Shen Shen would be twitching and frothing on the ground. Also noticing the complete change when WKX sees Chengling – it’s like Shen Shen ceases to even exist for him. Gong Jun, your face, it’s killing me. Anyway, I’m going to start wildly speculating here for a minute, because WKX is willing to let Chengling kill him, because he’s so tired and wants to stop fighting, but he’s going to kick everyone else’s ass who even tries it? And then Chengling is actually the one who shoots him and yeets him off the cliff? Is this a set up? Is Chengling in on this? Is he the one who’s supposed to “kill” WKX? If so, at what point did we get Chengling in on this? And who did it? Did Chengling send what’s his name, Jing Beiyuan’s guard, away on purpose at this particular point, because he knew ZZS would show up in time for this confrontation if he heard about Chengling’s reaction to the news about WKX? And do I actually believe Chengling is smart enough – and a good enough actor – to pull off any of this? (Look, I love our little goldbean plenty, but let’s face it, he’s not the brightest kid running around here.)
Also, my dudes. My clever little killers. Xie Wang and Wen Kexing. I am unwilling to believe that you two aren’t somehow still together on this in some way in order to fuck over Awful Yifu. Your antagonistic back and forth seems a little bit like playing roles. Xie Wang gives Awful Yifu a weird side-eye a few times when Awful Yifu talks about how tricksy and cunning WKX is, like maybe he’s reconsidering, and do not tell me you’re questioning and reconsidering whatever deal you’ve made with WKX, little gambler. Why does your Awful Yifu’s bs always work on you? This is really not the time to roll the dice again. I’m assuming A-Xiang is still the only one who knows about their tete-a-tete? If so, this is a side-take I never would have expected on “you don’t fail me, and I won’t fail you.” Honor among thieves? Stick to the plan, Xie’er, whatever the hell it is. Do not blink.
So then, Ye Baiyi shows up, and my immediate reaction is NO. My beloved cranky grandpa, don’t fuck this up, because whatever is going on seems to already have a lot of moving parts with a lot of places for things to go wrong! But … are you in on it, too? Have YOU coordinated with Chengling? (If so, maybe you should have warned him to expect ZZS’s wild-card self-yeet over the cliff’s edge, since you’ve already seen how self-destructive self-sacrificing these two can get over each other.) Making me even more suspicious, Ye Baiyi later proceeds to walk out of a banquet before even eating anything. This guy is walking away from food? There is no clearer sign in this ep that something is up.
Also, while we’re on the banquets, listen. I cannot be the only one who wants to punch Zhao Jing in the face during his interminable yapping during both post-fight banquets. This is one of those places where the show and the actor have done their job too well, because he is so dislikeable and so off-putting that I almost can’t bear to actually watch him. And yet, I can’t fast-forward, because what if I miss some info? Like the fact that … you know, I went back to watch this bit three times, and that is a very … interesting series of camera shots during the second banquet - after the toasts, just as a couple of randoms start advocating for Zhao Jing as head of the Five Lakes Alliance, and we move from Xie’er to Shen Shen to Chengling, all of them still standing, facing Zhao Jing after their individual toasts, all of them in a formation that’s almost caging him in from the front and both sides. It gets more interesting every time I watch it. Is … is Shen Shen also in on this, somehow?
See, I know that is a lot of wild speculation. I know Wen Kexing got yeeted off a cliff, and Ye Baiyi was busy catching Zhou Zishu. And we saw a body. And ZZS set that body on fire. But I also know that Liu Qianqiao was the person holding vigil outside the shed where the body was being held. And I know she’s the other person, besides ZZS, who we know of that knows the facemask disguise technique (in fact, didn’t she learn it from ZZS’s shifu?) We actually get reminded of this later on in this very episode. Which makes me wonder if that was actually WKX’s body, or somebody else, in the shed. Who “found” that body and recovered it? Was it a Scorpion or one of the Ghost Valley contingent? Also, where’s that key WKX was waving around, and why does no one seem to remember it?
 Other things:
lol at A-Xiang’s reaction to Jing Beiyun talking about how ZZS used to ask him to set ZZS up with girls. Further lol at Jing Beiyuan, “And funny enough, he was NEVER interested in them. Welp, time for another drink!” Seriously, Qi Ye, we like you, you can absolutely stay.
Still at the banquets, Xie Wang seems discombobulated during a lot of this. And then when Awful Yifu calls him Zhao Xie’er in front of everybody, holy shit, he’s getting everything he ever wanted. Xie’er, you … you’re not going to fall for this again, are you? Please tell me you are not falling for this again, at what is likely a crucial moment. This is NO TIME to take another roll of the dice, little gambler. Stick with the plan, whatever the hell it is.
Oh, hey! Are we finally getting some backstory on Fantastic Cranky Grandpa? Oh. OH. “Our child?” What is up, my friend? (I did go back to Ep 16, when WKX calls Chengling “my child” while defending him against Ye Baiyi, and looking at the Mandarin subtitles, I can’t entirely figure out (with my Level 2 Duolingo Mandarin) all of the nuances of these two references, but it doesn’t look like they’re using the same words to describe these relationships.) So some further wild speculation: Apparently, Cranky Grandpa Fantastico is solitary drinking in the dark instead of feasting at the banquet, over someone who (he feels) foolishly wanted to save the lost souls in the Ghost Valley? And now he feels like fate is making fun of him? And he’s asking Dead Beloved what he would do in Ye Baiyi’s position? Ye Baiyi, is it possible that fate is making fun of you because you have found yourself in the position of saving a lost soul from the Ghost Valley? Also, Ye Baiyi, I’ve noticed the children have been turning you grey. I don’t think you had that grey streak when you showed up for the first Hero’s Conference, did you? In fact, I feel like you got offended when WKX talked shit about possible grey hairs on your head. 
Duan Pengju, this asshole, omg … OMG. Well. I guess you got your confirmation, Xie’er. Were you really considering rolling the dice again? AT THIS POINT?
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anne-chloe · 3 years
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Through her many losses over the years, Wanda is learning to accept her grief.
Wanda/F!Reader (Platonic)
Mentions of violence, blood and death // fluff, angst, platonic love between wanda and the reader
“Where’s Steve?”
Tony glanced up from his project, loose scraps of metal and trinket devices scattered around him, presenting him in a light that reminded you briefly of a compulsive hoarder. He blinked slowly before shrugging his shoulders in a disinterested manner.
“No clue, kid, sorry,” Tony answered in short, waving you off before returning back to his intense thoughts. His skilful fingers worked away at the technical objects, a skill that you often admired. Where Tony found comfort in fixing and creating, you were quite the opposite; you tend to break everything you touch, accidentally, of course.
You stepped out of his lab and wandered back into the main room of the compound, scratching the back of your neck in an obvious frustration. The super soldier had seemingly vanished since breakfast that morning, and to say you were concerned was an understatement.
Eventually, you found yourself pausing in the kitchen, where you spotted Wanda speaking quietly with Vision. The two stopped and glanced over as you began to approach, their conversation fading out as you greeted them with a smile.
“Did you find him?” Vision inquired, now turning half his attention to the diced onion scattered on the chopping board. He wordlessly scraped the vegetable into a frying pan, filling the room with a satisfying sizzle.
You shook your head. “Nope, the old guy seems to have disappeared,” you half heartedly joked, taking a seat at the breakfast counter opposite the duo. “But it can wait, I guess, it’s not overly important.”
Wanda moved around the counter and wrapped her arm around your shoulder, pulling you close into a hug. “Your family history is definitely interesting,” Wanda mused, her fingers tangling themselves into your hair, twirling and playing. You leaned into her touch, enjoying the comfort she brought.
Vision started to add chopped mushrooms, bell peppers, crushed garlic and tomatoes to the pan, all filling the air with a delightful smell. “It is highly possible that your grandfather served in the war alongside Mr. Rogers. Have you discovered any possible information that could link them?”
You sighed, beginning to feel doubtful. “No, but I’m aware Steve served in the same regiment that my grandfather did…”
“Might I ask why you want to know? Is it curiosity or desire for knowledge?”
You watched as Vision added some spices to the mix of whatever he was cooking. “I never knew much about my family growing up, but I recently found out that my grandfather passed away. I guess it would be nice to have a connection to something, especially since I was named on his will to inherit his farmhouse.”
“I see,” Vision hummed. He gestured for Wanda to taste his concoction by holding out a spoon; Wanda beamed and gave a supportive thumbs up, pleased with how the dish was turning out.
Tilting your head to the side, you fell quiet as you witnessed the genuine peace settling across her face. For the first time in a long time she was comfortable, and that very realisation made a loving warmth spread throughout your chest.
Later that night, while curled up in bed, you lay silent, staring thoughtfully at the ceiling. Everything was quiet, a comfortable quiet that allowed you to recollect yourself. And while you admired the patterns above your bed, you became aware of a person loitering outside your door.
Sitting up, you blinked slowly before flicking your wrist, opening the door with a small ‘click’. Light gushed in to your bedroom, spotlighting you as you squinted to see who it was.
A guilty smile crept up onto Wanda’s face before she entered your room, sheepishly shuffling across the floor in her fluffy slippers. You pulled the duvet back and welcomed her into your bed, wrapping your arms around her before snuggling underneath the covers.
“Your senses are getting better,” Wanda praised with a pleased gleam in her eyes. You chuckled softly, listening to the sound of the door closing again at your incredible willpower.
“Honestly, I had no idea it was you outside,” you admitted quietly.
Wanda’s finger tapped your nose. “And what if I had been a murderer?” She teased.
“A murderer in this building? Impossible,” you retaliated, setting off a shared bubble of giggles.
A comfortable silence fell over the two of you, and after a minute or so you closed your eyes, welcoming the safe feeling that Wanda offered while with you. The combined warmth of your bodies offered a peaceful opportunity to sleep, and with the past few busy months that had occurred, yourself and Wanda deserved it.
“We should run away together,” you murmured sleepily. Opening your eyes, you locked gazes with Wanda, waiting patiently for her response.
Through the darkness, you could see her smile. “Where would we go?”
“There’s this nice little farmhouse waiting for me in the countryside…”
You felt Wanda shift slightly. “We could have rocking chairs on the porch,” you added gently, your ears now burning red at the exciting idea. “And maybe a chicken coop.”
“We could have a dog and a cat,” Wanda interjected thoughtfully; you felt your heart skip a beat as she hopped onto your idea. “If there’s a stream near by, or a lake, imagine the picnics we could have during the summer season; or the comfort of sitting in front of the fireplace throughout the winter.”
“It’d be so cute having Bertie and Bobby curled up together in front of the fire,” you beamed.
“Bertie and Bobby?”
“Yeah, the dog and the cat.”
Piling cute ideas on top, one after the other, creating mundane scenarios with one another as the night began to creep onwards; you became aware of how much you loved being in Wanda’s presence. She truly was your best friend, your confidant. If anyone could understand you, it was her.
Like you, Wanda had suffered considerably growing up. Having lost her parents, to voluntarily being experimented on with the mind stone, to then losing her brother during the battle in Sokovia. Wanda was pretty much a mirror of yourself, battling through the worlds worst grievances.
To experience a normal life would mean the absolute world to the both of you, having no other choice but to grow up so fast in a world so cruel.
“_____?” Wanda whispered after your hushed giggled died down.
You hummed, feeling the drowsiness sink bank in. You blinked slowly, wishing for the fatigue to disappear, wanting to remain in this very moment for as long as possible.
“Thank you.”
“For what?” You asked softly.
“For loving me,” Wanda answered.
You couldn’t help but smile again. Awkwardly, you moved your hands around under the duvet before locating her hand; you squeezed her hand tightly, bringing your face close to hers before planting a kiss upon her forehead.
A chill raced up your spine as you stood defensively across from Tony, whom was clad in his Iron Man armour, an expression of disapproval obvious across his face.
You never thought you’d go against him, not like this, not when your team was supposed to be inseparable. But he’d betrayed the Avengers tenfold; in your eyes, he was turning his back against everything you were supposed to stand for. Without the Avengers better judgement, it would simply became another military asset.
That’s not what you signed up for.
“I’m disappointed in both of you, Wanda, _____.”
You scoffed, heart hammering inside your chest. You were hurt by his words, because Tony’s opinion mattered so much to you. He was there at the beginning of your unravel; he had supported you through the trials calling for your imprisonment, and he had stuck by your side every moment of every day. Countless times he had saved your life, and countless times had you returned such a favour.
“You don’t get to be disappointed, Stark,” you countered coldly, a tone so bitter and low that it felt horrible to use. “You turned your back on us - you tried to lock Wanda away!”
“I was protecting her! I was protecting you!” Tony shouted, exasperated. It was evident that he was frustrated, and underneath his eyes were deep, purple bags, an indication that this entire situation was losing him sleep.
“Protecting us? I think you need to look at a dictionary and improve your knowledge! That suits clearly gone to your head.”
It wasn’t long before a fight broke out. It was brutal; it felt wrong on every level imaginable. To be fighting your family was everything you stood against; you never thought this day would exist or happen, yet here you were, using your powers against the people you had grown to love and care for.
Firmly standing your ground, you aimed your hand at the nearest object - a car - and willed it to move into the air. Power surged through your body and into your fingertips, lighting your mind with excitement and thrill. It was heavy and took a lot of willpower, but you were able to send it crashing into the man clad in the Black Panther suit.
You turned on your heel and took off into the air, landing atop of the nearby aeroplane where you knew your advantage would be. Below, you could see all your friends engaged in some form of fight. Whether or not they were feeling regretful of their actions, you weren’t sure, you could only be positive of your own guilt and shame.
Sensing a trustful twitch in the back of your mind, you threw yourself to the ground as Spider-Man suddenly swept overhead. He landed a few feet away, catching himself before falling over the edge.
“And who are you supposed to be?” You hissed, feeing no attachment for this stranger. Standing to your own defence, you readied yourself for whatever could be thrown your way.
“I’m Spider-Man.” Your eyebrows shot upwards in genuine surprise at the childlike voice. Your stomach sank at the realisation that Tony had recruited a literal child; was he truly that desperate to capture yourself and the others, just to obey the Sokovia Accords?
“This isn’t your fight, kid,” you warned.
“Mr. Stark said—“
You shot out your hand and made a grabbing mimic, lifting Spider-Man into the air and interrupting him mid-sentence. A surprised shriek left his mouth as you dangled him over the edge, furthering him away from your advantage spot.
“Stark lies. Stay out of this fight, you have no reason to be here other than Tony’s desperation!”
Despite being his enemy, you were careful in lowering Spider-Man to the ground. You weren’t aware of his exact age, but you didn’t want to risk injuring a kid. It wasn’t fair bringing an innocent into a fight like this; he shouldn’t be troubling himself with a situation that could snatch away his future. This only made you all the more furious at Tony.
Steve and Bucky made a dash across the airport, followed closely by Sam and Clint. From your high position, you knew you’d be able to stop anything from stopping their getaway. You just had to be quick and not hesitate.
Your eyes locked on to Tony, Nat and Rhodey, who were all advancing towards Steve. You inhaled deeply and conjured as much power as possible to launch objects in their path, just to slow them down and buy your friends some time. It worked, for the most part; wiping out Tony and holding him back.
The Black Panther had his eyes set like sharp daggers on Bucky, a vengeful thirst driving his motivation to catch the Winter Soldier. You were skeptical about Bucky’s crimes and claim to fighting his way to a better life, but you trusted Steve and his judgement best.
As the Black Panther started to veer closer to Steve and Bucky, you intercepted by launching your body into him. You both tumbled off to the side and rolled across the concrete.
You smacked your head and heard a gruesome crack, and a moment of delirium washed over you. The sky swirled and the world danced in circles; your eyes remained unfocused and blurry as you stumbled and tripped to your feet, to your knees before you fell flat on your face again.
You shot out your hand and mimicked a swiping motion, knocking Rhodey off his feet and increasing Steve’s chance of escape. Even if you couldn’t escape with them, you knew what had to be done.
As Steve and Bucky vanished into the storehouse, where an aircraft waited for them, you realised Natasha was nowhere to be seen. A string of curses slipped through your gritted teeth as you attempted to stand again, not ready to lose against Tony.
Before you could make any advancements, within your peripheral vision, you spotted Wanda in a heap of trouble. Your heart hammered in anticipation as she fought with hesitated strength, and you knew that she felt the same as you did.
It wasn’t right fighting against your friends like this. Ideals and beliefs tearing the team apart so easily; yet, you understood why these things had to be done. Not only that but Bucky is a criminal whom needed to be trialed for his crimes, even if he wasn’t fully in control of his actions.
“Wanda! Behind you!” You shrieked, eyes snapping open in horror as she was tackled and pinned to the ground by Vision. He restrained her easily, and while she struggled against him for only a brief moment, you saw the fight leave her eyes as she caved.
Scrambling to your feet, you focused on Visions hands and forced them away from Wanda. A look of betrayal crossed his face, his eyes narrowing in distrust.
“Stop this, _____,” Vision demanded.
Your knees started to shake as the pressure set in. A dull throb spread throughout your head, and your eyes slowly started to blur. With the corners of your sight starting to darken, the world around you growing cold, you finally locked eyes with Wanda.
The faintest of smiles turned at her lips, her reassuring gaze urging you to relax. And you did; you released your hold on Vision and crumbled to your knees, panting and gasping for air. Wanda then mouthed, “it’s okay”.
It was over.
Just like that.
Tony and his team of traitors tore you from the airport and had you imprisoned in the intense safety of the RAFT. A place where powered individuals were locked away, the key thrown overboard; without mercy or empathy.
You curled yourself into a tight ball and stared aimlessly at the wall, lost in your thoughts, trapped with only the doubtful voice that mimicked your every insecurity.
Across from you was Wanda’s cell. She looked exhausted, like she had given up hope. Eventually, when her gaze turned to yours, at the same time, you both offered the tiniest smile, a reassurance that you were both in this situation together, no matter what.
Wanda placed her forehead against the glass and mouthed, “thank you for loving me.”
And you mouthed back, “always.”
As battle cries rang out across Wakanda, you found yourself lost in the heat of war. Crossing the field in the fastest sprint you could muster, you launched yourself into the air and knocked into one of Thanos’ children.
You both bounced and tumbled across the dirt floor, rolling far. There, you scurried to your feet and directed your attention onto their hands; weapons clutched tightly and pulled back to strike. You ducked and dodged, fighting back with as much force as you could manage.
With every punch you lay on them, they kicked back tenfold. You didn’t escape each small fight unscathed or unharmed. Blood trickled from fresh wounds, mixing with the sweat and dirt that gathered in lumps across your clothes and skin. But you knew you couldn’t stop, not even when your legs ached and screamed for you to stop.
You slid across the floor and tackled another beast, your hand motioning to grab and tear apart your target. It screamed and shrieked a shrill noise, one that made your ears ring, but you lacked the mercy to stop and consider your actions. It was either them or you.
Thanos was on a bloodthirsty mission for the Infinity Stones; whatever reason he desired them, you were uncertain, but you had been summoned to assist the broken-band of Avengers in their desperate attempts to stop him before irreversible damage could be caused.
The battle raged on, seemingly never ending. Both sides took heavy damage, but neither teams showed signs of surrender.
And then it slowed down.
The world grew darker and darker, and the floor drew closer at an alarmingly fast pace. Your head bounced against the floor, a shrill ringing drowning out the noise of battle around you. Your eyes, unfocused and teary, scanned the world for some kind of answer as a strange sensation expanded in your chest.
There was shouting; incoherent and loud, closer and farther away. You zoned in and out, an odd sense of calm flooding your senses while the sky turned brighter and warmer. Your body temperature dropped considerably, and suddenly the ache in your legs vanished.
Panicked, Natasha scooped you into her arms and dragged you as far as she could from the battle field. A string of reassurances fell from her mouth, hands soaked in blood, a mix of yours, hers and theirs. She fumbled uselessly and attempted to slow the bleeding from the gaping hole in your chest.
“Stay with me, _____! Stay with me!” Natasha aggressively demanded, her eyes often flickering towards the dangers around her, and back to the fading life underneath her. She couldn’t afford to lose you, not like this.
And as your eyes fluttered shut for the last time, your final thoughts drifted to Wanda.
Beautiful, brilliant, Wanda.
“Bertie! Bobby! Dinner!” You bellowed into the grassy field, hands clapping together as the twin golden retriever dogs bolted through the garden.
You could hardly see their heads in the blades of grass, but their pants and friendly grumbles assured you of their obedience and loyalty for their promised dinner. You loudly praised the dogs as they ushered past your form, straight into the farmhouse where their meals awaited.
You chuckled and turned, ready to close the door. However, you paused as something caught your attention at the end of your drive. A figure, distant and unmoving, watching you from afar. You blinked and faced them, the hairs on the back of your neck standing on edge.
A grin spread across your face as you darted down the porch with arms spread open wide. You captured Wanda in a tight hug, both of you collapsing to the ground in a heap of relieved laughs and happiness.
“It’s been too long!” You exclaimed after a minute of giggling. You both sat up, unbothered for the grass stains now marking your jeans. You cupped Wanda’s face lovingly and placed a kiss upon her forehead.
“I… I missed you,” Wanda confessed softly, her eyes filling with tears. “You look so healthy— amazing!”
You cast Wanda a strange look. “Missed me? We saw one another last week.”
Wanda began to stumble over her words, a deep red covering her ears. You laughed and poked her nose, and a nostalgic smile spread across her face in awe. “Come on, let’s go inside.”
Before you could stand and lead her into your home, Wanda grasped your hand and held you still. You turned to face her, brows furrowing as confusion marked your expression, and it suddenly dawned on you of the sad, glossy tears in her eyes.
You reached out and cupped her cheeks, examining the saddening smile upon her face. “What’s the matter, Wanda?” You softly asked, your thumb gently stroking her cheek, wiping away an escaped tear.
Her hand reached up and grazed your fingers. The touch was gentle, almost like she was admiring you. But what for? She’d not long been with you; a week ago you had both enjoyed some tea and cake inside your kitchen, living in the moment, carefree and young.
“You died, _____.”
Your nose scrunched upwards before a dry laugh escaped your throat. “Very funny, Wanda.”
But Wanda didn’t laugh. She didn’t confess to her joke, nor did she attempt to crack a jestering smile. You pulled your hands away, suddenly feeling a cold chill rush up your spine.
“What are you talking about? I’m right here,” you muttered. You folded your arms across your front, hugging your limbs close in an attempt to stay warm. What happened to the warm sun? It had vanished behind those red clouds in the distance.
“Five years ago,” Wanda explained, her voice unstable and brittle. She seemed to have trouble speaking, and with the added tears rolling down her face, you found it nearly impossible to detect a lie within her words. “Thanos’ children stabbed your heart. You died in Natasha’s arms.”
As if fazed by her words, a dull, phantom ache spread inside your chest. It wasn’t painful, but there was a brief explosion of pins and needles. You winced, stepping back, disbelief setting in.
“Why are you saying these things?”
Wanda’s bottom lip trembled. “Because they’re true.”
You defiantly shook your head. “No, no they’re not. I’m standing right here, Wanda. Look! I’m real! I’m not dead! Look at me!”
“I have memories from the past five years! How would I have those if I had died?” You challenged bitterly.
“Because I gave you those memories!” Wanda snapped, stepping forwards and grasping your shoulders tight. She shook you slightly, trying to force some sense into you.
“What do you remember of our fight against Thanos and his children? What do you remember from Wakanda?”
You glanced between Wanda’s eyes, desperately searching for something to make sense of the situation. But all you could find was sadness; there wasn’t any frustration or irritation present, it was just anguish and despair.
You thought back to the battle in Wakanda, and you quickly found yourself doubting the outcome of events. What had actually happened? Your mind became hazy, filled with thoughts that felt so unreal and false.
“I fought beside Natasha…” you slowly confessed. “We were protecting Vision from Thanos, because he wanted the Mind Stone.”
But you couldn’t speak anymore. You stopped completely. Drawing blanks and endings that didn’t match, your memory ended there, leaving you an empty vessel with nothing more to say. Wanda understood your silence for realisation, and she knew you had finally pushed away her false reality.
You blinked rapidly, your arms unfolding and your hand pressing gingerly against your chest, where a gaping hole should have been. You could remember the indescribable pain that you had suffered in your final moments; the way Natasha held you close and begged you to stay alive.
“… and I died,” you whispered.
Wanda nodded stiffly. She lowered her gaze, hiding her shame away from you.
“How am I here?” You asked quietly.
A tear rolled down Wanda’s cheek. “I created you.”
Your eyes wandered to the sky, where you finally noticed the abnormality of the red shade. It was like blood, a river racing far and wide across the universe. This wasn’t your reality; how could you have been so blind to this moment?
“Because I missed you.”
Your gaze trailed back to Wanda. She remained still and tense, unmoving as she accepted what she had done.
Inhaling deeply, you let out a small sigh. Holding out your hand, you grasped hers and laced your fingers together, bringing her close and resting your forehead against hers. She sniffled loudly while fighting back a sob, and it took all your willpower to not burst into tears.
A golden glow began shining around your body, a lightweight feeling taking over. It was euphoric and blissful; you felt at peace and somewhat free. For the first time in a long time, you were calm and prepared to die.
“Hey, Wanda?” You mumbled.
Wanda hiccuped, “yes?”
You smiled and pulled away, eyes naturally locking with hers.
“Thank you.”
Her face scrunched in confusion. “What for?” She asked.
“For loving me.”
And as the red started to fade in the sky, a blissful blue taking its place; your body started to fade away. Tiny golden swirls danced and glistened under the daytime sun, swishing and vanishing in the blades of grass.
The farmhouse began to fade, too, disappearing into thin air.
Before you could completely disappear, Wanda released an almighty wail of despair, her hands grasping the air in a futile attempt to make you stay.
And as her reality faded, so did you.
Wanda sobbed and crumbled to the ground, holding close her hands to her chest. Looking upwards to the sky, where the final specs of golden dust lingered high above, she mustered out a final farewell.
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mc-doppomine · 3 years
Day 19 Bonus: Buster Bros!!! vs Dotsutaire Honpo
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I’m gonna start with the music this time because just writing like one of the story/character bit...was taking a while. So in terms of music...I have to give it over to the Buster Bros. With their individual albums, it just got so much better for the Buster Bros as they’re becoming more distinct with their personality in their sound. Like Break the Wall is one of my top solos and y’all just unfortunate that Saburo used like one of the classical pieces I thought fucking slapped even before he messed with it. And I’m so happy for them. 
DH has a bit of a disadvantage of being a new group and thus having less to compare. But so far....eh. I think DH is very hit or miss for me. Like Matenrou, they have such differing talents and subject matters that it either turns into a strange symphony or some mishmash that just makes it eh. Which is generally my feeling with their group songs as I really love Ah, Osaka Dreaming Night but I am not impressed with Wara Osaka. And I am okay with their solo songs but to be fair to them, a lot of the songs I prefer for the already established group was their second solo, not the first, which is their introductory ones. 
As for Joy for Struggle, yeah, Buster Bros took that for me. DH I get is supposed to be more carefree than a lot of the other teams that are a bit more serious but I think that attitude really bit them in the ass for this battle. And BB did not have time to be playing around. I thought Saburo had more confidence this time and let that truly nasty attitude leave some spikes behind. Saburo really was like ‘How many times we gotta teach you this lesson, old man?!’ Jiro actually had some good retorts! I’m so sorry, I love him I swear but he had so much to grow in terms of coming with bite and it’s starting to show! The chihuahua vs tiger comparison! And while I do appreciate that Rosho and Sasara stay true in their manzai act...it really just didn’t land for me in the battle and Jiro and Saburo were quick to gnaw at it. 
And then...there’s the verse against Ichiro. I won’t say they stick with me as well as War War War but quite frankly Ichiro vs Sasara and later Rei are more of a battle of ideals. And to me, Ichiro poured more into his than those two. Because Rei’s were just belittling the boys because they’re younger and like they went down some wrong path. Both Saburo and Ichiro weren’t having any of that. Like who the fuck are you to step in and tell us off? At least MTC were more of like ‘come back when you’re more polished.’ And with Sasara, I think Ichiro delivered the line that is my entire thing with this battle: ‘Floaty words like that won’t sting us at all.’ I feel like DH lacked enough bite against BB and it shows. The only real bite back is from Rei and even he doesn’t seem to have that much that actually phased BB in my opinion. 
In terms of story/character wise...it’s really hard to make a decision. Because for all the teams, it’s really a matter of the dynamics against the others. And DH have it so stacked for them just because of Rei. Sure, I may not like him but he is very interesting in terms of being a vehicle for developments to happen. He seems to know a lot of things and people so he becomes such a presence that could tempt so many things into happening. Like if it was DH vs FP, he knows the fuck about Ramuda! He fucking made him! And I have little doubt it was him on the phone with Ramuda in Catch Us If You Can drama track. And at the end of the previous DRB...at least what sticks out in my mind and I may have to double check but I think he mentioned some interest in Ramuda after telling about how the true hypnosis mic being used would’ve shot Chuuoku in the foot. Also added to that, Rei likely knows Gentaro. For what reason? We don’t quite know but it can be assumed it’s because he’s doing something for Gentaro. Either looking into Ramuda since the ‘legal’ way wasn’t reaping anything or if Gentaro is hiding something, then Rei might be helping him hide it. Also also, Rei is one of the few rappers that know who Dice is! He and Otome were talking about their kids! That’s HUGE since Dice hasn’t told anyone about this aspect of his life. Rei alone would make such a juggernaut for FP.
I honestly can’t think of anything for DH vs BAT, sorry. They don’t seem to have any history besides Kuko and Sasara both being in MCD for a time...but I don’t recall that time really being elaborated on soooooo yeah.
If it were DH vs MTC, that’s more of a dynamic between Sasara and Samatoki. Which I think would be the time to figure things out between them. Because Samatoki was left with why and never got an answer. And seeing him again, Sasara can’t run away. He can try but pretty sure that Samatoki could outrun him. It also would be a time of like Sasara’s dynamic between the two men that have been his partners, Samatoki and Rosho. The people that were close to Sasara and whom he feels the most towards. I honestly can’t think of much else besides that but I’m sure KR will find a way to have the guys piss each other off. I’m just here for SamaSasa and SasaRo shenanigans. (I guess we could see if Rio does know Rei since in theory he SHOULD know who he is since it sounds like the hypmic was in development when Rio was serving and he tested some aspect of it).
I think DH vs MTR would be kinda funny. Like for some reason I think that Sasara and Rosho would get really fucking mad at how Hifumi and Doppo just naturally have that manzai energy by virtue of being best friends and roommates. I have personal experience of people being like ‘this IS a show’ of just watching and listening to me and my best friend and roommate just going back and forth. I feel like it’d just be so damn funny if it was over something not as serious I guess? But then that’d all be ruined because I feel like Rei would either expose to Hifumi and Doppo of Jakurai’s cooperation with Chuuoku, which while they don’t have any personal reason to really hate Chuuoku, wouldn’t feel comfortable with it either. Or. OR, my god, let him expose Jakurai’s assassin past, something he seems to feel nothing but shame for and also ruining his perfect image. Because Rei just seems like he’d be willing to do that. 
So yeah, a lot of drama that could happen because of frickin’ Rei and some loose ends to deal with from Sasara. By comparison, BB has some things but they wouldn’t be as dire as DH’s. Like with BB vs BAT, this could be the chance for Ichiro to get his answers from Kuko. He never got an answer either. He was left with heartbreak and never given the why. And Kuko either has rationalized or will be in for a rude awakening having to go head on with Ichiro. Because they were close. Kuko had to care about Ichiro in some capacity to willingly help some group he knew was sketch and didn’t like. Why did that change? He had to have meditated on this at some point! Meanwhile, I really hope that Jiro and Jyushi and Kuko can get along if the reconciliation with Ichiro doesn’t happen! They’d be such an eclectic group but would be so much trouble too! (And please let Jiro and Jyushi play together. Ever since someone wrote about it, it lives in my head rent free) I really am hoping for it. All the while, Hitoya is like ‘shit, now I gotta adopt MORE kids. Why are there so many of these little shits running around without supervision???’ 
I can’t think of much for BB vs FP since I just don’t see their circles running that close and it just didn’t feel like Ichiro was close to Ramuda even back with TDD. Most I can think of is Jiro, who is also pretty thoughtless, saying the wrong thing to Gentaro and it’s The Rivalry 2.0. But overall can’t think of anything too specific. 
It’d hurt me if it was BB vs MTR. Because for some reason I see that most of MTR treat the BB like their little siblings and in Jakurai’s case, it’s like going to go fight his kids (I will go down on the hill of occasional dadkurai shenanigans!). And while Saburo and Jiro have and still do make fun of Doppo, I think he also has their respect because he looks out for them in a different way but still same energy as Ichiro does. Probably because he is an older brother. I don’t really think any of the guys can say anything to bother Hifumi and it’s more of Hifumi being fucking thoughtless and saying the wrong thing. I feel like he’d piss off Saburo somehow. And with Jakurai and Ichiro...it’s a ‘nothing personal, just business’ although I think Jakurai would be proud of Ichiro either way.
And then there’s just rematch energy if it’s BB vs MTC. Honestly? The real thing I would love to see from if this happened is for Jiro and Saburo to have a reevaluation of MTC. Because the main reason they were so aggressive and hostile towards them is because of Ichiro’s grudge with Samatoki. They just took it as ‘if they’re Ichi-nii’s enemy, they’re our enemy.’ But since they’re taking this step of coming on their own, they also need to think about if they can still dislike these guys because Ichiro’s beef isn’t theirs. I mean, Jiro probably still doesn’t like Jyuto because he’s a delinquent and fuck cops y’know sorta rebelliousness. And I don’t think Saburo particularly dislikes Rio and vice versa. The thing with Ichiro and Samatoki is honestly secondary to this. And I feel would be the time for Samatoki to let go since he KNOWS now that it wasn’t Ichiro that got Nemu to leave but Ramuda but it’s a matter of if his pride would allow him. And Ichiro would have to realize that while he lost their fight...he won in the end since he’s the one that kept his brothers while Samatoki lost Nemu. He’s gotta feel for him and understand why Samatoki was/is mad at him. (Also long shot but if they could talk about how Samatoki also exacerbated his hesitance to trust others, that’d be greeeeaaattttt).
So yeah, I’ve thought about how these dynamics and things and you’d think weighing them all would make this choice easy. And it is. In a way. Because for me, I’d choose Buster Bros. I do like Sasara a lot and Rosho I think is fine but their third really sours for me. I know some can keep that bias aside and look, I did talk about what all he can do...but he alone can’t carry the sound for the team. Story, sure, but not the music. While I really would like some of the threads that Rei brings...it’s not completely impossible for him to still be around if any of the other teams do advance. I mean, they’re all the only men stuck in Chuuoku for the time of the DRB and having to pass each other while going to their own rooms or box seating. He has ways. So yeah, if I had voted on DH vs BB, this is what I would’ve gone with.
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frostsinth · 4 years
Siren at the Lighthouse : One-shot
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They didn’t have to lift their head at the knock on the wooden frame of the apartment. They already knew exactly who it was by the strong rush of the salty brine that breezed through the open door. Stronger than that of the ocean waves crashing against the cliff below. A grin filled their face as they set the last of the ingredients on the counter.
“Hey! Come on in! I just started prepping everything-”
They jumped as a large, sopping wet fish was heavily slapped on the counter beside them. As long as their leg and twice as fat. Their nose wrinkled up at the beady little eye winking up at them, and they turned with their hands on their hips to consider their best friend.
He gave them an answering grin, mirroring their own, save for his sharp teeth glinting in his elongated jaw. The siren had long ago discarded keeping up his glamour around them; he knew they didn’t care. Actually, if they were being honest, they preferred him in his natural skin. So that was how he stood before them, the sea-foam colored hair at the top of his head nearly scraping the ceiling of their lighthouse apartment. The rest of the silky soft curls spilled about his shoulders, still damp from the ocean spray. They knew if they reached out to touch it, they would find sand trapped amid the thick locks too. His skin was a shade not too unlike their’s, but his was flushed with deep blues and teals instead of pink. Perhaps due to his blue blood, though they had never bothered to ask. He had a long lavender frill that raised and lowered like a bony sail along his spine with his moods. The edges and creases of his muscles boasted tiny glimmering scales of green, sapphire, and a deep magenta that flashed pink in the light. Had he his tail, the scales would have matched its kaleidoscope of colors perfectly. They were pleased to see he had at least politely donned a pair of torn trousers over their shore legs this time, rather than marching about bare naked as he usually did. Though they’d be more concerned if they had any neighbors closer than three miles away; and if he was more comfortable walking around in his own skin, who were they to stop him? His eyes, a solid purple with only the twinkle of light to distinguish where he settled his gaze, turned their attention on them.
“You said you wanted cod.” Roque teased with a grin.
They rolled their eyes, shoving him with their elbow. “I meant the fillets… not the whole damn fish!”
He shrugged, pushing his hair back out of his eyes. Sending a fresh salty scent washing through the air between them. Their nose twitched, and their heart sped up a little at the sight of his athletic frame flexing with the movement.
“Be more specific next time.” He shoved them back, more gently as he was much larger than them, still baring those sharp, pointy teeth in a wide grin as he leaned over. “Want me to clean it then?”
“The recipe I have is for fillets.” They paused, flicking their gaze over the ingredients on the counter to avoid meeting their best friend’s dark glimmering eyes. Ignoring the dryness settling in their throat and the tickle at the back of their neck at his sudden proximity as he stepped a little closer. “I’m not sure how to adjust it for a whole fish.”
His soft “Hmmm” answered them, and they swallowed to chase away the lump in their throat. What was wrong with them!! How many times had he come up to visit since they had met years back on the shore below their lighthouse? The siren had washed up, his tail shifting to legs as he dried in the sun, badly wounded. It had taken all of their strength and ingenuity to get him up to their bed in the lighthouse. It had been weeks of them nursing him back to health, and they had formed a fast friendship during that time. Their smile flickered at the corner at the fond memories of reading to him and talking late into the night about his travels in the great expanse of ocean beyond their modest little house.
He visited them often now, so much so that they missed their quiet sunset talks and sunny afternoons on the beach as soon as he left. Being a lighthouse owner wasn’t supposed to be a very friendly, social job. Which is why they had taken it. They had been very pleased and content being alone. They preferred it; others’ company was taxing. There were so much etiquette to maintain and expectations to meet. So many silly things for people to worry about, and they were expected to worry about it too. It was stressful, and they had never found they quite fit in. No, they much preferred their own company and a good book. Drawing in their sketchbook while listening to the gulls and writing up some of their own adventures (the ones they imagined, anyway). At least, up until Roque had come along.
They turned from considering the ingredients they had lined up on the counter and these memories to find the siren in question waiting patiently for further instruction. They sighed, waving their hand.
“You know how to clean it?” They asked, a little skeptical.
His grin grew. “But of course.”
Without further delay, he hoisted the fish easily by the base of its tail, despite how much the huge thing must have weighed. They had to dodge to the side to avoid the thing smacking into their shoulder as he swung it loosely. They scoffed at him, but he just returned a teasing grin, grabbing a sharp knife and the fish scaler from the island counter behind them. They could hear him scraping and slicing, but set their mind to their own work dicing the vegetables and prepping the other aspects of their meal.
The pair fell into comfortable conversation. Roque told one of his big tales about his latest adventure; something to do with a pod of whales that had gotten stuck inland of a bay and he had shepherded them back out to the open ocean. There was probably more than a little embellishment, not that they minded. They liked the musical lilt of his voice, which always seemed so peaceful and lulling. Likely by design, they realized, but Roque had never tried to use that against them. Well, unless they counted that time he had really wanted the last piece of cake. But they could almost picture the siren guiding the whales, and their hand itched to try to put the image to paper.
Soon everything was set to cook, the fillets seasoned and set into the oven. The vegetables roasting on a spit over the open flame. The rice set to steam in its covered pot. They gave them one last gentle brush of the seasoning, a mixture of oils and spices, then sighed.
“We have some time.” They decided, wiping their hands on their apron. “Though not long.”
“Let’s go to the porch.” Roque suggested. “The sun is setting.”
They offered him a smile, and thought they saw the gentle glint of his eyes shift slightly. But it must have been their imagination that he stiffened at their movement as they led the way out to the porch off the front side of the house.
The waves crashed and resounded below them, and a sea breeze whipped up their hair as they came to stand at the edge. Leaning over their elbows on the railing to look across the long stretch of open water beyond their tiny peninsula and rocky outcropping to the horizon beyond. He was right, the sky was washed in beautiful purples and reds, trailing across the heavens like ribbons. The crests of the waves were dotted with gold from the setting rays, and they gave a deep, happy sigh.
“Moving here was one of the best choices I ever made.” They told him as he came to stand behind them at the railing. “I’ll never get tired of that view.”
They straightened slightly as his hands came down, one resting on the railing on either side of them. The motion brought them startlingly close together, and they could feel the heat of his body at their back. It wasn’t uncommon; Roque seemed to like to be close to them. He said it was because they used to be oceans apart. Why stay that way when they were together, he reasoned. They smiled slightly at the memory. At how comfortable they felt with him. They couldn’t remember ever having been this comfortable with anyone else in their life before, save for perhaps their own family. They enjoyed these moments of closeness. But this time, after a few breaths, his hand moved from the railing to the small of their back. Then slowly snaked around their middle, until his body was delicately folded against theirs.
Their heart bounced sporadically. “Roque…?”
“I am glad you moved here too.” He murmured, his lips next to their ear. His sing-song voice sent a ripple shivering down their spine, but despite the proximity of his sharp teeth to their cheek, it was not one of fear. “...I cannot imagine my life without you now.”
They let out a soft breath, the sunset before them forgotten. Surrounded by his warm body and the soft scent of ocean spray. His long hair trailed down around them, draping over their shoulders as he brought his other arm to wrap around them as well. Enveloping them in a body twice their size. At first, they hesitated, the air in their lung fluttering, and their pulse putting a hummingbird to shame. But he was softer than they would have imagined, standing this close to them. And so very warm. After a few moments, they slowly leaned back into his embrace. They heard him give a gentle sigh of contentment. Their heart leapt, and a tiny smile crept onto their lips.
“...I brought you something.”
Their smiled widened, “Yeah, the fish. I saw that.”
He chuckled lightly. “No, something else…”
They curled slightly, not willing to fully break the tender embrace of the siren but wanting to see his face. To see what he meant. Startling lavenders met their own eyes, an uncharacteristic timidness in the depths of his. Their smile became more puzzled, their heart skipping yet another beat as he unwound one arm to dig deep into the pocket of his trousers. Fishing about for a moment. Finally, he pulled out his prize, but kept his fist big balled around it. He shuffled his feet, his other hand lingering about them, and looked down at them.
“I have been… doing a lot of thinking...” He started, and they were surprised that his dark lavender eyes searched their face so fervently. Looking for something, though they couldn’t say what. They noticed the frill along his spine drooped, and his fork ears twitched. They couldn’t recall a time they had ever seen him this nervous. “And…” He sighed, then held out his hand, opening his long fingers from around his prize.
Nestled in his large palm was an oyster, larger than their own fist, its shell looking a little battered but still bright and polished. He held it out to them, shuffling his feet again.
“I thought you might like this… Humans like these kinds of things, yes?”
They took it from him, turning it over and running their fingers over the smooth surface. “It’s pretty.” They offered, feeling a little heat rise to their cheeks but unsure what to think of it.
He gave a small, crooked grin, baring the tips of those endearingly sharp teeth. 
“Open it.”
It took a moment of digging their nails deep into the cracks of the shell. Then a surprising amount of effort to crack it open. But it had already been opened before it seemed. With a soft SCHWICK, it finally gave. Revealing a soft purple pearl in its center.
Their eyes widened, they had never seen a pearl so large. And the color was a beautiful deep lavender that shimmered and shone in the light. Speechless, they slowly plucked the stone from its soft home, the smell of the sea wafting up from the freshly cracked shell. They held it up, smiling. It was just like him; same color as his eyes, the same briny scent.
“It’s beautiful!” They exclaimed.
He watched them out of the corner of those eyes. “I thought you might wear it… so that everyone knows…”
They blinked, turning to look at him properly. “Knows what?”
His big hands came up, cupping around theirs, closing their fingers around the pearl in their palm. Electricity zipped under their skin, and their breath fluttered in their throat.
“... So that everyone knows you belong to me.”
They forgot how to breathe in that moment, and his hand at their back skimmed up, gently pushing their hair out of their face. His thumb grazed along their temple, sending goosebumps skittering across their skin. He hesitated for a moment, then trailed it down along their jaw, until it touched their chin.
“... I-If you want.” He added shyly, and his face flushed blue.
Their smile returned, and their hand shook a little as they lifted it up to his face. Cupping his cheek in their palm. His dark lavender eyes finally met theirs again. They glanced down at their other hand, turning the purple pearl about, admiring the way it caught the setting sunlight. Their fingers closed back around it, and they looked up. Seeing the golden rays catching in his eyes the same way. His smile creeped back to his lips, answering theirs.
“I’ve always been yours.” Their own face flushed, and he leaned down, his hair falling like a curtain around them. “Since the moment I found you on that beach…”
He pushed their hair back again, sliding his fingers deep into the curls at the base of their neck. “And my life is yours, ever since you saved it that day… In more ways than one. I could give it to no other.”
The two stayed liked that for a long moment, breathing in each others scent. The ocean crashed below them, and the sun slowly sank below the horizon. Neither wanted the moment to end.
“Come on,” They said finally, their voice breathy, “Dinner’s probably ready.”
As he followed after them into the house, grinning from ear to ear with his twisted, elongated smile, they felt as though they were walking on air. Already dreaming of the long summer days combing the beaches, and the late nights drinking hot tea up in the light room and watching the stars. Of the cold winter watching snow fall into the ocean, and laying together on the deck and listening to that honey sweet, melodic voice telling them tale after tale. Maybe they could teach them to read, and they could share their favorite passages with each other. If he was willing, they’d love to do some sketches of him. Try to capture the elegance of his scales. They imagined the delicious baking aromas and the echo of laughter in the apartment.
Because even though they really did enjoy being alone, they didn’t fancy being lonely.
Here’s the Second Place Winner Monster Commission by the lovely @dragoninthemoonlight​, who requested a male siren x gender neutral reader. I hope this is something like what you had in mind!
I had a lot of fun writing this sappy fluff! I could see revisiting these two in their cozy little lighthouse.
If you are interested in your own Monster Match commission, DM me for prices and availability! And read some of my other work on my MasterList.
Best wishes!
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marlasomething · 1 year
(my) Mag a Week Special Feature: Threatening Fluff
Hello there!
Here is the thing: I am participating in the "a mag a day" idea by @a-mag-a-day  which is BRILLIANT and I decided to do "statement a week", rolling dice with the characters and fears that were ftw that week in the episodes I have listened. But, then, I thought...what if I made some special features for when each season finishes? And then the mid-seasons breaks camen and I thought...YEAH, THOSE TWO, VERY SHORT FLUFFY-ESQUE FICS! For this ones, I will roll to see who the main character is and what fear do they serve
For season three break (published already on S4 SHAME ON ME) I've gotten Georgie Barker as main character and as a The Dark avatar.
As usual, please do forgive my quick tipper and non-native speaker mistakes, Marla
CW: the Dark very slight usual content, threatening behaviour that can be considered...moraly condenable
Also on AO3!
Georgie would never forget the moment in which Manuela Dominguez, a teacher assistant from some of those science degrees with extremely long names she made an explicit effort to forget held her hand as she faced Death in the most literal manner possible.
She was about to have the strongest existential crisis ever, to even forget how to be afraid, just in order to survive, as a mere copying mechanism that would change her life. Instead, a woman she had barely crossed a few words in the cafeteria brought her back to the rest of reality (all that escaped the staring corpse in front of her) and said, in a voice loud enough to anyone present to hear: “It doesn’t really matter, death or alive, none of us do matter. Isn’t that…liberating?”
And, see, any other day, Georgie would have likely punch anyone with such a take in the face (especially when they used the weakest moment of a person to mould their thoughts and believes as they wished), but, in that moment, believing it made her felt liberated from the impossible situation she had seen herself caught upon and the fear that was about to leave her body for good clung into this new purpose she could embrace.
She held Manuela’s hand closer and never completely let it go.
  Everybody knew Mike Fairchild (born Crew, before being adopted after his childhood fortunate accident) was dating the guy who killed Leitner, Georgie’s ex’s step-sibling and the eldest of the kids the Victorian Asshole that now went by Elias Bouchard had adopted when he had seen the potential for serving the Beholding they had. Gerry and him were, actually, a rather cute couple (as even Gerry’s little brother and Georgie’s aforementioned ex, Jon, begrudgingly admitted).
However, that didn’t matter to Georgie Barker, that felt obliged, as an Avatar of one of the Fears that prayed on people rather similar to the ones The Vast did (at least, in their smallness in comparison to the rest of the World) and an actual friend of said Gerry, to threat the chaotic, little, for some reason a bit French-looking, scared man when she officially knew.
Of course, she counted with the help of The Admiral, that, as a cat influenced by The Beholding, The Dark and The Lonely (Peter loved the animal, much more than his in-and-out husband or even a teeny tiny more than The Tundra itself).
Mike, losing even more skin pigmentation after the attack , just nodded and, before he left after making clear he got the message of what would happen to him if Gerry got hurt by him by any means, he muttered:
“You are even worse than that Gertrude Robinson” to what she just shrugged and commented:
“Well, I think she would have made a better podcaster than me, having she chosen that path instead of reading to a bloody tape recorder”.
And left, she had a date with a certain Slaughter Avatar and she didn’t want to be late, even if the other woman didn’t like to taste new and spicy foods.
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cool-ghoul · 3 years
So, Dicepunk, right?
Calling a game -Punk anything is a choice that merits some explanation, but I’m sure as fuck doing it with GRAVEN, so here we go:
D&D’s about living the dream, isn’t it?
It’s shitty to whinge and moan about what  “punk” is since the definition’s plastic by nature, but it also seems to make people shut off, since people use it like “-core” now. People have been bitching about that for 30 years but it’s not a complaint without merit: it fucks with the central calculus of a “-Punk” genre: sucks the anger right out of it.
I’m a lil bitter about it every time I see it happen. But as the project’s proceeding, I think I hit on something. What I mean by GRAVEN (please look forward to it) being “dicepunk” is that it’s that it’s about “punks with dice”.
This isn’t a loud-n-proud embracing of the tabletop aesthetic, computerized, (dicecore, if you will) we’ve done that to death. It’s made some very good games- I’ve played plenty- but a lot of ‘em just feel... hollow, because they’re so trapped in reproducing the set dressing that they forgot the heart. And you gotta have a lotta heart to be a punk. It’s pretty much only thing that’s mandatory.
So, presently I just think it’s kinda ...backwards to try and make it look so much like a “prosthetic table” for people, or bank on the nostalgia goggles. The point of a computer is to transcend the table. You have so much you could do with it, c’mon!
Way I measure it, you gotta instead bring what the solidarity of a D&D table gives people: social defectives understanding themselves through subculture and DIY creation, where conventional culture offers no such opportunity.
Punks do the exact same shit, and a punk look-- or Nu-Edgy, Post-Chuunni or whatever shitty term I’m trying to what I’m fishing for today-- communicates that visually almost immediately.
I got my history right, too. I’ve read plenty, but seriously listen to No Dogs In Space, they did a whole season-long breakdown of it and it’s real good. Carolina Hidalgo and Dogmeat are the real fucking deal.
But that’s why, as a player character, you work for the circus, by the way. It’s not a hard metaphor to work!
Rather than try to conceal the punk rock I’ve been listening to since GRAVEN’s initial conception near a decade ago like some shameful influence (as I briefly considered), I plan to embrace it, and I’m lookin’ for punks (or whatever) help do it!
(Everyone else’s fine too, come check it out. Or don’t, I’m not your mom.)
Please Look Forward To it.
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