#listen. i appreciate him. so much. but i am going to whack him
lit3rallyll0yd · 1 year
Hii!! How are you?
I'm in love with your blog! <3
Your writing makes me feel like I'm floating on clouds, you are very good at writing, thank you very much!
Could I request one with Dazai, chuuya, atsushi, ranpo and akutagawa with a cute and distracted couple? I'm sorry if this is something very cliché, has been running through my head
๋࣭ ⭑ them with a (cute)distracted partner. bsd x reader
gender: gender neutral
type: headcanons
warnings: lowercase writing
characters: dazai, chuuya, atsushi, ranpo, and akutagawa
a/n: i'm good, hbu? tysm for your kind words anon<3 much appreciated! glad you like my work!!
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๋࣭ ⭑ dazai osamu 🩹
"however, that's not the poi- ... belladonna, are you listening?"
"hm, oh yeah, i'll let atsushi know..."
dazai chuckles.
he never gets mad, he thinks it's cute how the littlest of things can distract you.
"dazai, look!" you would point at a rock, "hm~ what exactly am i looking at?"
"that rock has a paint stain!"
dazai: 🙃
"it's a pretty stain indeed, it would catch my eye as well~"
"it was never there before!" you laughed.
he brings you back to reality.
usually when there's a meeting, that he's actually apart of??
all he needs to do is softly take your cheek and pull your face toward his, "i know this topic isn't up to your excitement, but after this we can do out for ice cream! my treat~"
now your shaking in your seat with a huge smile on your face, waiting for this meeting to end.
kunikida doesn't know if he should "thank" or whack dazai for his actions
you zone out a lot when on the job, so dazai was assigned to aid you and help you try to pay more attention,
but come on, he didn't even try and just took in the time he had with you<3
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๋࣭ ⭑ chuuya nakahara 🍷
he walked beside you, eyeing you as you looked to the right and zoned out for a second.
the moment you got to the wall in front of you, he pulled you in his direction and turned in the hall away,
"dumbass, watch where you're going!" he would scold, but sigh in the end, knowing what he'll say will go from one ear and out the other.
so he just tries to keep you undistracted when there's something important going on.
during a meeting and your zoning out, mori would look at your boyfriend and eye you, causing him to look at you and groan.
you were playing with the rim of your coat. smiling at the ends bounce up and down.
chuuya took your hand and pointed at the boss as you followed his finger, "this is for your next mission! if you don't want to get yourself killed because "you forgot" don't expect me to rescue your ass!"
we all know he will anyway if you really needed his help.
he kinds it cute when you zone out when your bored.
your eyes are just glued to anything, the wall, the floor, the tv, a piece of furniture, or even him.
he once caught you starting at him, and he hasn't told you
"you're so cute~" he would kiss your temple as your zoned out, and that would knock you out of your trance, "hm? what did you say chuuya?"
"i said 'i like your boots'"
sometimes he gets annoyed. but he also knows your trying your best to not get distracted by the smallest of things so much, so he's not as annoyed.
"dude, is your partner okay?" tachihara would whisper over to chuuya, who looked up from his book and saw you laid down on the floor staring at the ceiling.
your body in a star position.
"they're fine. don't worry, i'm used to it."
well that just makes it better!!
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๋࣭ ⭑ atsushi nakajima 🐯
"done! babe, have you finished your papers?" atsushi peeks over your shoulder to see nothing but a blank page.
cue his shocked face thingy idk but he makes that face
"y/n! i gave you one page to finish-"
atsushi saw your eyes locked onto the door, watching it open and close each time someone walked through it in and out.
the pen in your hand spun arouns your fingers as your other hand was resting on your chin.
with a sigh, he would take your paper and finish it for you.
moments after just looking at you, not in a weird way but in a way to see when you'll get out of your trance, your boyfriend tickles your sides..
that brought you back.
"AHA! bahahabe?!"
you giggled as you rubbed your sides, looking at atsushi who smiled at you, hands resting above his stomach in a claw form.
"sorry, but you we're zoning out again! you really do get distracted easily."
you felt..flustered. you didn't know why, it just..made you blush each time he catches you zone out.
you look back at your paper to see he's done it for you already
"oh, i'm sorry.."
he would kiss your lips each time you would apologize, "don't be. it's cute. also, you can't help it. that's nothing to be sorry for. all we can do is help you try to get better!"
that took longer then he thought-
"okay, so what we need to get is milk, eggs, and- BABE DON'T WALK INTO THAT FRUIT STAND-"
he pulled you back, causing you to squeak as your back landed into his chest.
atsushi looks to see what you were looking at and it was the window. must've seen something that caught their eye.
never gets angry with you, but gets tired out having to look over you everyday.
but hes grown used to it, and finds you 10x more adorable<3
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๋࣭ ⭑ ranpo edogawa 🔍
"y/n- are you paying attention to a single i'm saying?!" kunikida scolded you, and ranpo answered for you, "nope. they're not!"
your boyfriend was sitting beside you while you had your head resting on your arms, looking out the window that shined bright behind the closed curtain.
the moment you felt him tug on your nose, you rocket upward and sneezed.
"huh- what? i'm here!"
"of course you're here, however your mind is else where~" ranpo teased gently tapping on your forehead.
he knows all the time when your about to zone out, ot get distracted for a long period of time so he plans ahead.
"y/n! there you are- i'm all out of candy! can you run to the store and get me some?" he would ask the moment your about to zone out.
with a smile on your face, you agreed. leaving him feeling successful.
he finds it cute.
he doesn't even get mad at you, he just giggles and pokes your arm, leg, side, cheek, anywhere!
always keeps you on your feet so it's kinda hard for you to get distracted, however he doesn't control you.
when your on break, he sometimes catches you staring into space, or about to fall asleep due to how long you've zoned out for..
he catches you staring at him all the time, and he 100% teases you for it.
"did you know i have the cutest partner in the world~"
you shake your head.
he kisses your lips, "never change, sweetheart~"
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๋࣭ ⭑ akutagawa ryunosuke 🩸
he snaps his fingers in front of your face.
"i asked you once already, pay attention, y/n!"
you blink at him, nodding your head.
2 minutes later he notices you've zoned out again.
he honestly doesn't know what to do other then to snap you back to reality.if yourhe doesn't know how to help, so when this happens more then twice a day he's kinda pissed.
but your his partner, so he can't stay mad at you forever<3
he tries to be softer when you, "y/n, this information's important, you have to-"
"they're not listening man-" chuutya butss in,
"i know that!" he glares at the gravity manipulater, and just lets you be.
when he see's you zoning out but nothing serious is happening, he'll kinda just look at you and try to figure out what's got you so fixated.
won't admit it, but they way your so focused is cute to him.
"what are you looking at?" he asked, standing behind you and tried to look in your direction...that just lead to you screaming, finally realizing he's there and punch him.
"omg- aku, i'm so sorry! are you okay- here let me-"
"i'm perfectly fine! don't touch me!"
it hurts, please hold me-
your zoning out and about to go to sleep- he'll wait to you go to sleep and either wrap a blanket around or kiss your temple whle walking out of the room.
he kinda just lives with the way you are, and would be pretty upset if you changed on him all of a sudden.
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kurov1864 · 4 months
Milgram characters as animals
I am so very high and sleep deprived so I apologize if my writing is whack
Amane: Cat. More specifically, a kitten. A traumatized one. She would be a very curious kitten. Always exploring around the house and very eager to try new things. She doesn't get shaken up by new people that easily unless they actually do something to her, and treats the owners with a degree of indifference. Pet her? She won't melt or purr. Call her name? Maybe a head turn if you're lucky. Try to pick her up? Hisses and scratches. Your hand will not escape unscathed. Death to the unbeliever.
Fuuta: Another cat. I think many people are gonna be cats but like. Oh well. Very aggressive. Will bite and hiss if you so much as try to touch him within the first month of getting him. After you break down his walls though, he'll allow you to touch him with minimal grumbling. Would absolutely 100% melt into your pets, unconsciously would purr then immediately stop when he sees you chuckling. Very touch starved so he'll stare at you from around the corner begging you to pet him with his eyes. Either he's a cat or a very angry, short and loud chihuahua.
Kotoko: Wolf. Pretty obvious. She's also not your pet, more like a wild animal that you befriended but you're not sure. Kinda hangs around your house, maybe she's protecting you? Or she could be seeing if you make a good meal. You honestly never know, since you're not a professional wolf reader and neither am I. Would only allow you to touch her fur once in a blue moon, if she growls then you're better off just staying away from her. She appreciates you leaving out food and water, though you would have to bring the bowls inside often seeing how she only comes back like once a month.
Mikoto: Raccoon. Why? I don't know. It's cute, so I'm gonna forcibly smash his character into a racoon stereotype. He's probably very friendly and comfortable around you, since he's been living in human neighbourhoods for a very long time. He tried becoming the new Vincent Van Gogh by dipping his tiny grubby paws in your paint and tracking it across the floor and walls. You don't mind much, it's kinda cute. Would have lived in your kitchen cardboards if you didn't babyproof the place, so now he just visits your house every day begging for food.
John: Doberman. Has that no-nonsense and constantly tired of the stupid shit you do face, especially since your safety is number 1 to him. Probably a rescue, so he'll be very on guard against you at first, but once he starts to really trust you, then he'll simply become on guard against the rest of the world. After all, you're the stupid human that keeps stubbing their toe or falling over nothing, so obviously you need his protection against this cruel and unusual force of nature called life. Loves head scratches though, probably the only time when he lets down his guard and allows himself to relax and enjoy the moment.
Haruka: Bunny. Listen. Bunnies can die of loneliness. That's him. That's him right there. Very shy at first, but also really clingy. He probably has a lot of health issues from constantly ignoring his need for survival (is that even possible?) to potentially spend more time with you. This makes you hand-feed him, so he just does it even more. Congratulations, you are now in a dependent relationship with a very blue bunny. Clap clap clap.
Muu: Pomeranian. Turn up your thermostat all you like but this girl is never going to stop shaking. She's also the shy type, but only at first. After you make it clear that you won't harm/sell/throw her away in any manner, then she just becomes your very spoiled daughter. Constantly demands your attention and so does her body that has what I like to call "the constitution of a Victorian orphan". Try to give her low-quality dog food? She won't even glance at it. Anything less then a 100$ dog shampoo and conditioner will make her fur fall off. Soon after you take her in, you'll be spending more than half your income on her. And if you even dare try to reprimand her for bad behaviour, oh what do you know now she's sulking and whimpering and acting as if she's Y/N and you're her evil stepmother trying to sell her off to the big bad alpha werewolf mafia boss CEO of Korea.
Mahiru: Golden retriever. Not a surprise. Jumps on you the moment you get home and showers you with love. She's like happy 24/7. How does she do it? We'll never know. But hey, at least now you have a miniature sun running around your house. You'll never have to pay electricity bills again! She is quite clingy though, so be prepared to start suffocating every morning when she pounces on you. Probably thinks she's a cat that can sit on your face and lap with little problems, but she's actually a very big and heavy dog that's half your body size. So no Mahiru, you can't keep trying to sit on them. You're going to crush them with your weight. I'm not fatshaming, I'm just trying to save a life.
Shidou: Birb. What birb? Just birb. Pretty chill for the most part. Idk, I don't really know much about Shidou. Either he's a birb or a turtle. Like the type that just sunbathes in an artificial light on an artificial rock 24/7. I think he would be a parrot, maybe. One of those white/gray ones, with a bit of yellow on their heads. Are those parrots? Dunno. He vibes to music pretty well, and also shows concern through very strategically placed pecks on your skin. Similar to John, he feels as if he has to take care of your stupid human tendencies so he collects items that he thinks would be useful and brings them to you. He's just not very good at picking out which items are useful, so don't blame him when he tries to bring a frying pan and accidentally dislocates his claws or something.
Yuno: Cat. Temperamental and only acts according to their mood. Store-bought or literally auctioned off. She gives off those smarty pants vibes, like she knows how to act to increase her value. She'll be very affectionate and well-behaved at first, but when you realize she's getting more moody and haughty, you'll ask the seller. Turns out that's just her natural personality and you've been deceived, but what does that matter? She's your pet so now you're obligated to take care of her for the rest of your life, whether you like it or not. Good thing she's absolutely adorable right? Only a monster would be able to say no to that face. And when she's in a good mood... boy you better drop everything you're doing and savor what little attention she'll give you. You think she's the pet? Nah. You're the pet and she took you in.
Es: Cat!!! Again!!! Very tsundere. Similar to Fuuta, but in a much more serious manner. I'm not sure how to describe it, like imagine they will just try to walk everywhere with a ~purpose~. So with this ~purpose~ they'll walk into your lap and subtly hint that they want head pats, and again with ~purpose~ they'll walk away when your stupid ass can't understand what they want, acting as if the whole time they're this evil mastermind and that whole drama sequence was to confuse you so you'll stay on guard around them.
Kazui: Horse. Desires freedom and whatnot. How did you even get a horse. How rich are you. Not very high maintenance, well as low maintenance a horse can get anyways. He's probably the only one that I wouldn't write something goofy for. Very fast horse, but he'll try to keep things moderate so he doesn't damage your slow-ass brain. I take that back I can totally imagine him doing something goofy. Sentimental, and also kinda delusional. Wants to ride off into the sunset type shit except that he's the main character so he's just running alone with no one riding him. Speaking of which, he low-key kinda hates anyone trying to ride him but you're okay I guess since you don't try to control him much so as long as he doesn't send you flying you just let him do whatever he wants.
Jackalope: ... He's literally a jackalope. Why am I even including him. I'll lock him up in a cage and hang him from my rooftop, praying that he gets struck by lightning.
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mslanna · 8 months
Disclosed Desires
Chapter 4 of A Mortifying Ordeal now up on AO3
95% smut. You can skip when he vanishes his clothes.
I have no idea how I got through that dinner. The food was delicious, like utterly out of my budget and Raphael just sat there like a statue of Adonis only looking better and alive. Has the world ever seen eyes so brown? Probably not because it didn't implode and gods know I was so close.
Also, that voice. Once he realised The Purr had me in a stranglehold, he defaulted to it. Kept quizzing me about Baldur's Gate 3, too. Embarrassing and the one thing that saved the chair I sat on. I'm bad at meta, won't lie, so trying to explain things to him was pretty excruciating.
He kept insisting on me having a favourite way to play dialogues and such being a sign of me remembering and trying to be who I was before. Looking at that sopping soft guy who hid a complete devil under that face, was close to making me believe. No other reason anybody's pursue me with such fervour. But then I also have a favourite way to play Dragon Age 2 and I'm certainly no Hawke.
The thought of Varric turning up and trying to convince me to return to Kirkwall stuck around for almost half a minute. Mind you, he wouldn't have such convincing arguments for making me want to be Hawke and return.
Raphael, though? He's truly impossible, not gonna lie. I have to admire his staunch belief that I am in fact his Tav!Tav. Almost enough to make me doubt myself.
And gods do I wanna be them. He woos with the fierceness of a thousand suns, looking about as hot. Doesn't help if he's in his human form, guy is on fire! And not backing off. I am be as red as his devil skin when we arrive back at my room. Godsdamned, it is shabby. I am shabby. And he doesn't even care.
Also, he's utterly gorgeous. Tall. I have A Thing for tall guys, might be a reason none of my guys was under 2 meters. And in devil form Raphael is even taller. And so big. Need I say I wanna be all over him? Probably not, I am thirsty. I am horny and I want to cry so bad.
Poor sod deserves better. Deserves his actual real Tav. I know they'd love him so good. Kiss every inch of that man. Empty him like the last capri sun on the planet. Damn, they lucky. And I just have a finger under my chin and stare up into those damning eyes. Needs a licence for those, he does.
"Having second thoughts?"
Gah, I hate the soft insecurity in his voice. "Not about the – the thing itself no." Honesty, I whack myself internally. Honesty served me well so far. Gotta keep it up. "I wanna bang you so bad. 'til we both see stars and worse."
"I know you think I'm your Tav. And man do I wish I was." I take his hand that holds my chin between mine. "But I'm not and you – you deserve better," I sigh. Can't hold his gaze either.
Waiting for him to react is the worst. My flight or flight instinct kicks in hard and my heart at least listens and pumps like mad. Thanks body.
Raphael is silent way too long. Probably having second thoughts himself and third thoughts and fourth thoughts, too. He's a crafty one. What am I even thinking? He got better things to do with his life than me. Which is why I can't let the Tav angle go. It's my one and only chance to get my hands on him. I am corrupt down to the bone. Or at least down to the cunt.
Doesn't help I had a taste already after amarettini and espresso. How he tastes so good, flavoured with almond and coffee. It's a small miracle we ended up in my room again and not in jail for public fornication. Coulda climbed him like a tree there and then.
"I appreciate your concern," he finally says. "It is very – consistent for you to put me and my feelings before yourself despite your obvious state. Please know that I acknowledge your worry, though I do not share it. Of course it is up to you, if you want to proceed. I will accept your withdrawal, much as it pains me. But you don't have to do anything more than let your gut guide you. Trust me."
How did he make so many words for before getting to the point. I get lost in his voice immediately and barely surface for the final 'trust me'.
"I do." Gods it is the most stupid thing ever. But I trust him. And I want to believe him, not only because his voice is utterly gorgeous but also because he says things I am desperate to hear. I want to believe so bad.
"Then, with that out of the way, you should ignore your misgivings for now. "
Wish it was that easy. Like, in theory it is, people making their own decisions, being their own people and you having to accept that. But it is hard to watch somebody you love, of fuck, I'm up in delulu-land further than the maps chart it. Still, it is hard to watch him throw himself uselessly at the nearest lump that looks like his Tav.
He must read my hesitation all wrong (unsurprising) because he takes my hand and brings it up to his lips. Damn demon devil. The way his index finger pokes into my palm is outrageously suggestive for it being mere hands. Good lord, sir what those fingers do?
"Maybe it will help bringing your memories back." He straightens with that predatory smile and my inhibitions don't even pretend to put up a fight.
"You fucked?"
"In a manner of speaking."
"You know that Tav fucking Haarlep and you fucking Haarlep in Tav's form isn't really you two fucking, yes?"
"Well," he grins like a wolf, "maybe it is time then to do the real thing."
In a swoosh of hellfire. Raphael transforms and also, sheds all of his clothes. I freeze except for my mouth that manages to go completely dry and water at the same time. Raphael's smile turns sharps as a knife as he points downwards. "Kneel."
Oh. Oh, hot damn, I will. I so will. But first – I cannot not touch him. His chest is broad and inviting and the skin is hot and all those ridges swirling everywhere. Gods strike me down if he didn't shudder when I placed my hand on him. He's burning under my fingers that move down his sides, up his arms and head. I can't reach very high on the horns but it doesn't matter. They feel alive under my palms, rugged.
The smile spreading on my face threatens to split it in half. Raphael is a sight. A whole banquet. More than I can hope to ever eat and most likely more than my mouth can hold. My hands round back over his shoulders, feathering over the collarbones. So many delicious ridges. I wanna bite them all. Nibble and munch until my jaw tires.
"Something you like?" His tone is only half mocking. "I am not used to having my orders disobeyed."
My eyes hitch on his mouth, that moves temptingly as he speaks. "Kiss me." I don't think. And when his hands alight on my sides, I jump at him, wrap myself around him any way possible and strain towards his lips.
Raphael laughs, low, and I feel it hum through my body. He takes it slow, lips tantalisingly out of reach until they meet mine ever so softly. I moan. He tastes so good. And as soon as his tongue demands tribute, I open up and swallow it whole.
Bad in bed whatever. He can kiss. If I didn't cling to him like a desperate koala, I would have melted into a puddle on the floor. As things are. My with feet hooked at the small of his back my legs can go as wobbly as they want. I am secure against him, ruining my pants and trousers too. Totes worth it.
He pries me off way too soon. The coronas in his black hole eyes burst with fire. "On your knees," he repeats and the low rumble is in itself enough to send me to the floor.
Not quickly, mind you. Can't pass on the chance to kiss all them ridges. And that is obviously allowed. My hand vanguards between his legs and damn. He's big. He's full of bumps and ridges I can't wait to pommel my insides with. But first – the chest. Only a little hair remains, but I'll take it.
As long as my head is on a slow descent, I can nibble on the red skin wherever. Don't care if my moans are louder than his. I'm in heaven. His problem now. Then I reach the happy trail and boy does it make me happy. I want to slurp it up, swoosh down and suck up the whole devil cock first.
Taking time is so hard, but then, so is he. Oh how delicious to arrive at a full on erection. My fingers mover over the pronounced ridges, feeling for future pleasure as I lean in. He's got a little crown of bumps just under the tip that looks absolutely delish.
A hand slips under my chin and raises my head. "Look at me."
Oh hot damn, if that's how he wants to play it. I lock my eyes to his and slip my lips over the very tip of his cock ever so slowly. He's so very still I can feel the tremble of his muscles tense to keep in place. I press the tip of my tongue against his tip, move it slowly, keep his eyes caught. This is a battle of wills he won't win.
Listen, I may be a little out of practice but I know my stuff. And he's signalling like nobody's business. Gods, he tastes so good, little burning flecks of precum on my tongue and the way he shivers when my tongue laps it up.
My head moves on without breaking eye contact. His cock slips in easy and deep and my tongue can't get on to those ridges fast enough. I'm sucking him like a lollipop. Every inch is to be explored, tasted, caressed. Rumbling sounds fall over me from above and only entice me to go down deeper. I want all of him inside of me and if this is how it happens, I will swallow.
His hands tangle in my hair. Gotta hand it to a guy who can find purchase in a pix cut. Not that it'll help him any. I help myself liberally to all of his cock abolishing my gagging reflex on the spot. Ain't nobody got no time for that.
I suck him in as deep as I can and then some because I am greedy. I want all of him and that's what I'll have and if it kills me. I don't care. I suck him in hard, deep and hungry. My teeth hitch on the ridges. My hands tighten on his balls and I wanna wring him dry, crush him like a lemon in the squeezer. Mine now. All mine.
Raphael's hands close on over my scalp. I am rabid. Clawed fingers press in tightly. I feel the nails pierce my skin as I go all in. The pain is familiar and exquisite. Unlike the fire erupting into my mouth, running down my throat like whiskey and chili.
I gulp it down as if I hadn't just feasted on the finest Mediterranean food. Gotta keep going. The cock is easier to take now that it softens and damned if I won't gurgle it down to the hilt. I'm almost offended when he pulls me up and definitely too short when he bends to kiss me.
Doesn't deter Raphael the least. He's big (oh yeah) and strong and just stands me on the bed so we can smooch good. He's sucking his taste from my mouth as if I stole it. Well, I'll gladly give him all I got. Also, I'm having an advantage because my hands run over hot skin (oh those swirling ridges!) and I'm still dressed.
His fingers bunch the fabric of my shirt and his tail wraps around my right ankle. Oh that's driving me wild. I'd be moaning all over the place if my mouth wasn't busy exploring every inch of devil it can reach. Little tugs of the tail in reaction to what goes on further up. Enough to turn my knees into pudding.
Raphael pushes me back a little, running a hand down the button tab. A knowing smirk plays over his lips. I wanna kiss that away. I wanna drink it up until it fills my whole existence. And he knows. Raphael tilts his head a little. "Open up."
Oh there is good reason that line isn't in the game spoken by him. I'd open up my legs wide no questions asked. Unfortunately, he's still looking at my shirt. Reluctantly I take my hands back to myself. If that's what he wants, he can have it. Gods, this guy can have everything. (Doesn't he know it.)
I hold his gaze and open the first button. Very slowly. I can see the fire flare up in his eyes. I can also feel his adventurous little tail move up my leg. The next button and another upwards slide wraps the tail around my knee. Raphael's grin a threat and a treat. Sweet hells. I can't even slow down any further because I started at least possible speed.
My fingers play with the next button and the tip of his tail dances against the inside of my thigh. Swallowing hard, I open the button and let the caress of skin snaking around my thigh wash over me. Two buttons left to go.
The second to last button brings him up against my cunt. The tail has no problems slipping between my folds; I'm wet as a waterfall.
I open the last button and nothing happens. I cock my head in a question and Raphael motions to brush the shirt of my shoulders. With a dry mouth I do and as soon as the fabric crests my shoulders, he moves in. His tail is hot, smooth and prehensile. I drop the worst moan ever as my knees give in, shirt hanging forgotten at half-mast.
Raphael catches me. Shirt forgotten he buries his face against mine again, tongue digging deep as his tail. My hands are on his chest again, gripping and grappling. Raphael pulls me close. His left bunches my shirt behind my back, trapping my hands as he bears down for another kiss. I'm flush against him, and my mans is working up an erection again already.
My cunt rises like a neon invitation. I arch perfectly against his chest, diabolical alchemy, I'm sure. Can't think further with my cunt full of tail and moth full of tongue – both slithering and slipping and demanding.
Clawed hands move down my sides, leaving red trails of fire. His fingers close in on my pussy and while I am all for that, he is in his cambion form. Pain is fine in moderation but there is some things I am not ready for yet.
"Before you can even think of putting any of those in down there, we gotta file of the claws," I gasp. In retaliation, I get his index finger into my mouth I suck down hard and accept the middle finger that follows.
His left still presses me against him, tail working up my cunt and fingers down my throat I hang on by that thread. I'm overflowing. I still need more. And he's generous. Boy is he giving. I may not be stuffed, but I am not empty either. My walls clench taking what they can and my mouth is muffled by fingers and want as he bends me backwards.
I fall freely and unworried. Hit the mattress soft enough. Barely registers through my horny haze as I rut at him like the last freak alive. He tastes so good. I wanna suck his mouth dry as well. Doing my best. Getting paid in hungry growls. Oh we feasting tonight.
Then he goes down. Not even slow. Skips all the in-between steps (it's fine, nothing to see there) to breathe hot air over my clit. And before I finished gasping out a hopeful moan, his tongue descended and I am deceased.
Doesn't matter if he'll come two thrusts in. I'm fucked already, writhing like a snake on silk sheets, getting nowhere but deeper into desire. Devil down there hums, send that reverberation into my bones through my sogging wet pussy. I'm so far gone, I can't even wish for him to finish me off.
Raphael's mouth works my clit as if I won't ever need it again, hungry tongue making short work of my arousal. I clench around the tip of his tail, riding on waves of ecstasy. Best night of my life.
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anxious-witch · 10 months
we still can't send asks from sideblogs? okay then
I just came here to say yes hello hi, I used to not care for soulmate fics and only got into them a year or two ago through a soulmate fic in another band fandom that also ripped my heart right out for many tens of thousands of words, and now here I am, feeling like a crushed bug in a useless class, ready to take a nap on the table or floor at 9:30 because I'd had the Inertia tab open for weeks now but always put it off because it was so long already and I didn't have time for it, and said yesterday night when I already should have gone to sleep "I'll just read the first chapter to get into it and then go to sleep" and idk how much later I have suddenly finished the whole fic and went through the full spectrum of human emotions while Jan slowly learns that maybe maybe he can let Nace in and he can talk to his friends about his soulmate troubles and they'll listen and be there for him even if they might metaphorically whack him over the head and tell him he's being a dick, and he's also going to therapy to work towards a better happier life with his friends and Nace as his friend and his soulmate and his boyfriend 🥰🥰🥰🥰
anyway I love so many things in each chapter, I hope I'll have time during the christmas break to go scream in the comments about each chapter and have my heart crushed and rebuilt in each chapter again ❤✨💖🥰🥺🌈
Apparently so, but dw, I also saw your reblog so I do know who you are 🤗
Funnily enough, I used to have a very similar view on soulmate au few years back, until a really good friend of mine didn't write the most heartbreaking soulmate au ever, and it was the best fanfic I read. After that I became kinda obsessed too, so it's nice to know I am participating in the cycle now 😂
Felt you sm about putting off a fic and then once you pick it up just reading it in one breath. I am honored my fic was one of those for you, that's a huge compliment.
I love writing through characters who go through the transformation, even if they only needed to realize they just need to let people care about them instead of pushing them away. For Jan, in this fic that isn't easy, so I'm really glad that roller-coaster of emotions is something that one can feel while reading.
I appreciate every comment so if you do decide to make them about parts you liked the best, that will definitely make me happy but this comment already means so much. Thank you so much for taking the time to let me know you liked my fic ❤️
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finniestoncrane · 2 years
Lovely Finnie~!! Congratulations~!! 🎉🎊🎉🎊🥳🥳🥳🤩🤩🏆🏆 We're so proud of you~!!
If you've a mind, may I get a #9? Pretty please? 🥺
I am an American, I live out west, and I'm a nurse assistant! (If you've ever been to a hospital, odds are you met one of me! We work with the registered nurses to make sure our patients are well taken care of, clean, happy, healthy, and safe!) (At least I think so, we aren't exclusively American are we?) (Let me know if I'm talking too much >///>) My method of assistance is usually "Show me what you can do, I'll do the rest" mostly because they just got out of surgery. But I also know when to push my patients, and stand my ground if they get too mean or back off if they start getting physical.
In my free time I'm a writer, I write fanfiction, too~! On ao3! I started on FF.net about... lord in heaven, 15 or so years ago? (I'm turning 30 this year, ugh) I listen to music (a lot of musicals and Broadway), play video games (rpgs), and do 3d puzzles and wood kits (lots of them 🙃)!
Fun fact! Before I worked in the hospital, I worked in a prison! XD I have a lot of stories from working there, let me tell you. (Also a nursing home before that, so loots of stories from there, too)
(If it matters, I'm thereabouts 5'5, plus size, and pale. Dark hair and green eyes.)
(If you can't work with this, no worries, completely understand~! Again, congratulations~!! 🥳 have a treat special from me~! 🍪🍰)
🎀 No.9: Ever Fallen In Love With Someone 🎀
tell me a little bit about yourself and i'll give you a rogue pairing a/n: thank you so much!! ;-; 💚 ok this was difficult, i almost chose a different boy (a scarecrow, oddly enough) but then i just knew in my heart this was right 1k milestone info! 🔞minors dni🔞 • kofi • tag: finnie1k
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ok i don't mean to make comments about his age but hello? when he reaches a point where he can no longer do his cool zippy moves with his gadget, a live in nurse wouldn't hurt to have around. and i think he would appreciate your methods. he's independent, but would be so stubborn and would never tell you he needed help. so you would be perfect for him in that sense
he can also be a but rude and a little bit stand-offish and you seem like you're tough enough to handle that, but understanding enough to know it comes from a place of hurt and discomfort more than hate or malice, which is important to him because he might find it difficult to control his emotions or reactions
he strikes me as the kind of guy who would be very much into quiet hobbies like reading and writing, so he would probably be very keen to read what you wrote, especially if it was a little risque (also side note, i'm also 30 this year and started on ff.net around the same time EEP!!)
and 3D puzzles???? wood kits??? are you trying to give him a heart attack? he can't possible love someone that much, but you whack one of those out on a friday night and ask him to join you and he'll literally be head over heels
the drama this man exudes? you can't convince me he isn't into musical theatre and wouldn't plan special weekend trips with you just to go see as many shows as you can possibly fit in
ah, ok remember i said you'd be able to handle him? with prison experience that just makes you even more capable. and honestly, as much as the various riddlers might not enjoy being held in blackgate, there might be something deeply erotic and kinky lurking within the surface that a commanding tone of voice would trigger well...
he's not very tall, so you're perfect height for him! he can still feel bigger, which would make him feel a bit more dominant (fragile ego, y'know?)
and the dark hair and green eyes? i headcanon that every riddler is so full of themselves that they would fall in love with someone who shares the same features as them, so tick that box too
and look, i think puzzle grampa deserves someone plush to snuggle into, he's all bones, he needs warmth and softness!!
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Ship your moots 💞
Alrighty, this'll be interesting. Granted that I have a good number of moots, so I'll only list the ones for whom I can think of a ship ^^'
Anshi @simpingforthisonedeer - I ship you with none other than Julius. I think you two share an interest for the world, as well as a passion for learning. And thus, I think you'd make a cute ship who understand each other
Lyra @lyranova - I ship you with... Fue. Actually. I know that he's not your The Fave. But I think that you're hard working, kind and compassionate, and would best thrive with someone who is like that as well.
Erika @loosesodamarble - I'm so tempted to ship you with Fue too, for similar reasons as with Lyra, but I do have to go with someone who'd appreciate you with everything he has; Nacht. I think that you're a sweet, understanding and reflective person, who could help Nacht deal with his issues, and he's give you appreciation and devotion you deserve.
Aine @bowandcurtsey - I do ship you with Yami. I think you'd share a good laugh, and while you're more hardworking than he is, I think you'd do your very best to support each other through anything and everything.
Whack @whackdreamer - I ship you with Morgen (and I am very much ignoring his death in canon), my reason for so being is that I think he would be a calming, positive energy in your life, and would most definitely help you unwind after work and other responsibilities. Meanwhile you'd bring humour and a down to earth mindset to life, into his life.
Melissa @luminouslion - I actually would ship you with Marx. I think that you'd bring a more relaxed mindset into his life. You'd, while taking care of your own responsibilities, remind him about having fun every once in a while (and Julius would just have to deal with that)
Donna @delirious-donna - I think you should be shipped with someone who is sweet and caring, just like yourself. But who has a little bit of spunk. So, I ship you with Magna. He's Husband Material, but with a little glimmer in the corner of his eye.
Sun @succulentsunrise - You're so sweet and diligent, but I also think that you are dedicated and passionate. Call it a Tani influence, but I do think that you'd balance out Mereo wonderfully. Life isn't all about battles, sometimes it's about kicking back and "loitering" in the sun, or perhaps tending a garden. She's not afraid of a little dirt, well all know that ;)
Blaze @prince-of-peacocks - I ship you with Kirsch. What can I say, I think you'd sparkle together. We've talked a bit about how Kirsch probably has insecurities underneath all the glitter (which probably affects his need to make things beautiful). And I think you'd make a beautiful couple who work through what life throws at you.
L @bakugossanity - I ship you with Yuno. I think you're both calm people, and hard working, but I'd say you're more caring than he is. That is not to say that he wouldn't care, it's just that he has trouble expressing it at times. But I think you two could make it work, and create a balance within your relationship.
Lauren @darkcloakedinfinitevoid - I'd ship you with William. I think he's be a kind, caring, tentative partner for you who'd try his best to help you with your responsibilities, as well as listen when you need him to. And you'd be a kind, caring addition into his life, just by being yourself.
Camy @hybridanafrost - I ship you with Zora. I think you could be mischievous together, but still have a 'building' relationship. Zora is a little bit harsh with his feedback at times, but he doesn't do that to be mean. It's simply something he developed while surviving on his own. Because of which I think you'd be the more compassionate part of the ship, teaching him that you can be right and kind.
That's only a couple of you, and I'm sorry for you who I missed, but the cursor in my brain is blinking ^^'
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lunarcheeseybakery · 2 years
Sunlight cookie
Nicknames: Sunny, Solar flame, Lemon soda(undercover identity) Morning Star, and Morning Light.
Maturity: Semi
Height: Almost as tall as Pitaya
Pronouns: She,/her, they/them
"I am the great sun goddess, praise me!"
"Impress by my beauty? tell something I don't know mortal!"
"I will turn everything in the blink of an eye"
"Bow down to me!"
"Hot? why yes, I know."
"Not everyone can handle me!"
Sexuality: Bisexual
race: Celestial Goddess cookie
Where is she from:
The celestial realm is a pocket dimension where all of the most important gods live and look after the world of cookies and another world similar to it.
great Grandmother-friendly-she loves her grandmother while she hasn't seen her. She has fond memories of laying on her hand and listening to her talk about the cosmos.
grand-fathers-friendly-like with her grandma, she hasn't seen her grandfather since she was little but she does remember enjoying coming to their farm and being spoiled much more than she did come over
mom-tension-part of her sitll cares for her mom but she can never forgive her for what she has done. She simply can't forgive her for simply brushing the abuse aside and she & husband's failing marriage by distracting sunny with presents to make her feel better stuff.
Zeus- tension-She has no love for him whatsoever, not what he put her through for all of those years of abuse. Maybe at one point, she did love him but she doesn't anymore. She no longer even calls him dad, it's either Zeus or king of the gods.
golden cow of prosperity-pet-She and Goldie have had a close relationship ever since they met. Goldie is the only one, she actually has been open with. She keeps the cow little stable outside of her home and always makes sure to visit her every day.
Friends/enemies :
Papayra-friendly-she meet the girl once when she asked herself, sunlight, for her help. The little girl accidently put eternal darkness onto her little town. Sunlight was able to fix it in no time and send the girl back home. Papaya hasn't stopped bothering her whenever she sees sunny. Sun goddess of course doesn't mind this...to extend
Sunflower-friendly-she hasn't met sunflower in person but has heard nothing but good things about her. She is glad that the mortal she picked looks after the island village.
moonlight-tension-She truly hates moonlight simply because she believes she believes better than her. She was taught to think the sun was the most important; and was better than anything or anyone else, especially the moon. That's why she feels like moonlight is sub goddess and she should grace to be in presence of her.
fire spirit-friendly-they are acquainted what each other though she wouldn't call them friends exactly. She gets well along with him well enough and thinks he is one of the most tolerable gods, she has met.
cupid-tension-she never really liked cupid, she found it annoying, but she was forced to hang out with her cuz of their parents. Cupid did grow on her bit when they reconnected as an adult. They became somewhat friends and even later lovers at one point. But after cupid cheated on her, she has no interest in reconnecting with her again.
nature-friendly-She has seen nature a couple of times but never formally acquainted with her.
Honeycomb-family-She is close to honeycomb or at least she was, it's been a while since she has last seen her. She appreciates everything honeycomb did for her, without her teaching she probably wouldn't have made it, and considers her to be so what of a motherly figure despite her being older.
Opium poppy-tension-she had to whack him out of her garden a few times, she does not have the best impression.
Ananas-tension-she has met ananas a few times when going to her island that worships her. She doesn't have the fondest memories of him but he was kinda cute.
butterscotch/solar flame -friendly- She has always been close to her maid and looks up to her like an auntie-like figure. She always made sure to stitch her clothing when it got torn or help when she got hurt. She was a bit scared of her at first but soon warmed up. Despite her being more loyal to ehr parents. She has made her childhood a bit more bearable.
summoning solar fireball
solar manipulation: this power allows her to manipulate aspects of the sun such as the temperature, plant growth, and the weather to an extent.
controlling the clouds to her will
fire resistant
can send powerful large fire beams to burn everything she can into ashes.
supernova: she can turn into a being purely made out of the fire and destroy everything in ehr path, leaving nothing but ashes.
enchanted strength 
levitate things.
create little glowing lights, that can explode to blind someone.
rekindle fire being, by sharing her magic
Strength/mental skills & physical skills:
seduction, belittlement, pretty agility, cooking, cleaning, and pretty sociable.
Since most of her power has been taken away from her, she can't do the things that she could once do. And she needs bit careful when using it or else she could end up drained with few injuries, or die from it.
ignorant of the subjects she doesn't know.
Positions/society class: Goddess of Sun, next heir to the throne
One object they can't live without, and why is that: Her staff, she couldn't do much magic aside from levitating and making light balls.
Favorite hobbies, foods, etc: cooking, staring at the sun set & rise, dessert, brushing her hair, spending time at her island & relaxing, reading a book, drinking, having sex, spending time with her cow, gardening, and listening to music
Personality/main attributes: She is a prideful, quick-tempered cookie. She doesn't like taking crap for anyone and is very seductive especially when it comes to getting what she wants. though she is quite sociable, she keeps people at arm's length and doesn't let them get too close to her. she can be kind and a bit awkward toward someone .in those times, she temporally lets her guard down, letting her true self shine through before putting the mask pack on.
She was born in the celestial realm into a life of luxury. She was the daughter of the great zesus cookie and breaking dawn cookie. She was raised to one day rule the realm, taking over for her parents. Growing up she was a spoiled brat. She yelled & hitting people. It seems like her parent didn't seem to ken correcting this behavior. However, behind closed doors, she was emotionally abused every day by her dad while her mom did nothing .it started when she was just 5 and wasn't that bad at first but soon it soon escalated. And since she was homeschooled, there was no escape except staying over at one of her friend's house for as long as she had to do
 she grew quite rebellious, especially in her adult years, and decided to sleep with a couple of other gods to piss off her parents. And it worked, they almost kicked her out for it though she didn't care as long as it got under their skin. All of her hooks up were just one-night stands while she did try to date, it did the relationship didn't last long, the only relationship she would say lasted the longest was between her and another god who was her childhood friend, Cupid, after she found cupid cheated on. She quickly broke it off.
When she became of age(100) she was supposed to go catch and kill a magical cow that roamed the earthbread a. She went to earthbread in disguised as a normal cookie named"Lemon Soda" She looked the same but except she was the height of a normal cookie and was less god-like.
It wasn't easy as she expected. Every time she got close to catching it but damn cow managed to escape. she was eventually able to catch the beast by luring it using its favorite flower. She was about to bring it back though started having second thoughts. She looked back cow letting it go off on its own, it then gave her a blessing our gratitude by giving her a special golden gauntlet to bring home. So she announced to her parents that, she lost the cow and instead received a gauntlet instead. They were mad at her bit for losing the cow but let slide since she brought home something of value. 
However that changed a few months later....to this day, she doesn't know, spilled the beans but someone let her parents know that she didn't kill the cow and instead let go. This was the last straw, sunlight cast out of the celestial realm in front of everyone. She never felt so low in her life and was thrown into a world of earthbread to be forever conditioned to live there, have most of her power taken away, and have no contact with other gods.
She was knocked out and found herself laying in the mud with it started to rain. She still had her powers but it wasn't much, especially since her staff wasn't with her. It was the main thing that held most of her powers, it probably still had some left that could help her. Though nowhere in sight, she just lay there crying for a while before getting up. She used what remaining power she had to transform into lemon soda from what little power she had, she knew needed to place to stay, she couldn't bear walking around as a fallen goddess. She didn't need more embarrassed even more.
She started looking for a place to stay before she can go looking for her stuff, but everyone rejected her either cuz they didn't have enough room or simply didn't trust her. She thought she gonna sleep on the street until a cookie named"Honeycomb" found her and offered her a place on the condition she would help her with her bakery. Sunny quickly accepted, it was a struggle since she didn't how to do the basic stuff without magic. Sunlight expected her to fire & kick her out but she didn't instead take her time to teach her basic stuff. Including how to bake desserts and clean around the shop. she learned more from her than she got from her homeschool teacher. In return, Sunlight slowly opened up over time about stuff, leaving out the god stuff. Honeycomb listened to her.
for the first time in ehr life, she felt safe however doubt started to seep in. What if honey crumb was doing this to keep her? She didn't want to believe it but the more she thought about it, the more it made sense to her. Besides even if it wasn't, she was probably gonna ruin this relationship sooner or later. She had been able to find her staff, which was a thrift store of all places. She wasn't at full power but it would float away and make a new place to call home. She said her goodbyes a message to miss Honeycomb, thanking her for all she has done. the baker was sad but wished her good luck, hoping they could see each other again...Sunlight went off on her own and settled at her new home on a hill surrounded by sunflowers and that is where she has to this day.
Daily routine and cure for the crumbly day:
She wakes up earlier in the morning before the sun raises and then gets ready bathing in the tub & brushing her hair. She then watches the sunrise set from her balcony with honey tea. She continues watching it until it is almost completely up in the sky before attending to her duties. She listens to what her fateful followers want by using her staff. And she granted their wish one by one, using what little power. Some wishes can be solved in a short time, while others need a bit more time.
She sometimes doesn't answer them right away instead looks after her garden. Or She occasionally reads a book or rides on her cow & wanders the forest bit. Occasionally, she travels by herself on a cloud, sometimes watching the cookies from afar and even sometimes joining them as lemon soda. When it's nearing sunset, she will go watch it on her balcony before cooking & eating dinner, She then turned in early and goes to sleep.
For a really shitty day, she usually burns some stuff to make herself feel better.
What is she attracted to?/What type of (X) do they like?: Strong and muscular and big boobs.
Sexual experience: She has plenty of in her time celestial realm in the world of earthbread, she usually does it alone since mere cookies are beneath her.Though she has slept some of the other gods' here.
Romantic experience: while she has been successful in her sexual life, her love life is another story. While there were partners, she has been with, They have always been just one-night stands.
her hair tends to bubble up when angry and spatters similar to a solar flame.
when sad her hair will lane in dulled color and frizz at the ends when happy will just right back up similar to pinkie pie hair even more sparkly & bouncy.
Fears: getting hurt by cookie, she lets in.
becoming the best goddess.
people only hurt you when you let them close, so keep your wall always up.
she is not good enough and never will be.
What they most often look down on people for is:  nosy/clingy
What makes her/him feel alive: She likes to play in the snow since never snows where she is from and usually ends up melting.
What do they feel loved, and who was the person to make them feel that way: when someone doesn't belittle ehr instead offer a helping hand through things, honeycomb.
Top 3 things they value:  beauty, perseverance, and strength
Side note/I didn't know where to put this:
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stardustprompts · 3 years
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be more chill soundtrack   sentence starters change tenses/pronouns as needed !!  some lines have been edited for clarity / length / ease of roleplaying tw :  language ,  nsfw ,  drugs ,  alcohol / underage drinking ,  mental health
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‘if I'm not feeling weird or super strange my life would be in utter disarray 'cause freaking out is my okay.’
‘ ugh, god, I wish I had the skill to just be fine and cool and chill.’
‘I don't wanna be special, I just wanna survive.’
‘no time to wallow, no, instead, just clear your brain and move ahead.’
‘if I continue at this rate the only thing I'll ever date is my macbook pro hard drive.’
‘how was class? you look like ass. what's wrong?’
‘I saw on discovery that humanity has stopped evolving!’
‘evolution is survival of the fittest, right? but now, because of technology, you don't have to be strong to survive which means there's never been a better time in history to be a loser!’
‘I am not the one who the story's about.’
‘if this was an apocalypse I would not need any tips in how to stay alive.‘
‘I love play rehearsal and I get depressed as soon as it's done.’
‘I am passionate a lot! I have mad, gigantic feelings, red and frantic feelings about most everything!’
‘life is easy in rehearsal, you follow a script so you know what comes next.’
‘anywho, the point that I'm getting to is sometimes life can't work out in the way it works out in the play.’ 
‘most humans do one thing for all of their lives. the thought of that gives me hives.’
‘why am I telling this to you? guess there's a part of me that wants to.’
‘my brain is like "bzzz", my heart is like "wow"’
‘freshman year I didn't have a girlfriend or a clue. I was a loser just like you.’
‘my little penis was depressed, he was so lonely. poor guy.’ 
‘so ... it's like ... drugs?’
‘picture this: your weekend's just a full on slate of blowout benders, of teenage rockstar splendor.’ 
‘right now you're helpless, you are almost hopeless.’ 
‘dude, you are cooler than a vintage cassette, it's just that no one else but me thinks that yet.’
‘it's no big, 'cause you and I are a team.’
‘nobody here appreciates but soon we'll be together where they do ... 'cause guys like us are cool in college.’
‘high school is hell, but we navigate it well 'cause what we do, is we make it a two-player game.’
‘as losers, we have fought together for years, both nintendo zombies and our popular peers ... now we’re stuck on a level, and I wanna move on.’ 
‘high school is whack, but we have each other's back.’
‘you know that you are my favorite person.’
‘is it really true? i'm your favowite person?‘
‘if I assist you will be more chill.’
‘so, do you wanna ride?’
‘home in a snatch, only one catch: we gotta stop for frozen yogurt first.’
‘soon you'll see that if you listen to me, everything about you is going to be wonderful!’
‘I might be the one who the story's about, now that someone's helping me out.’ 
‘you're used to thinking about him in a certain way,  and then something changes. and he changes from a guy that you'd never be into, into a guy that you'd kinda be into.’
‘I don't always relate to other people my age.’
‘I guess a part of me likes to talk to you.’
‘yeah, that guy that I'd kinda be into is ...  (name).‘
‘your life was so pitiful before, now it's time to go all the way.’
‘don't worry about the guilt you feel, just take a breath and seal the deal.’
‘my parents won't be home so its alright. they laundered money, now they're on the run.’
‘never hung with a girl like you before. I don't know if you know it but I am sure that, for me, you are an upgrade.’ 
‘to upgrade you must be willing to make sacrifices.’
‘I don't wanna be special I just wanna be chill as life will allow.’ 
‘a halloween party's a rad excuse to put your body through mad abuse.’
‘well, I might pass out, but it's alright 'cause I'm halloween partying hard tonight!’
‘i've had sex in pretty much every room in this house.’
‘do you wanna hang for a bit? just you and me, intimately talking about all of our feelings and shit.’
‘I am hanging in the bathroom at the biggest party of the fall.’
‘I could stay right here or disappear and nobody'd even notice at all.’
‘everything felt fine when I was half of a pair.’
‘he's out there just ignoring all our history.’
‘it sucks he left me here alone, here in this teenage battlezone.’
‘my big mistake was showing up.’
‘and I can't help but yearn for a different time.’
‘it's to fucked to type this shit. it's ripe, call back, I'll yell you every word.’
‘it's just so terrible I don't want to relive it all.’ 
‘(name) set a fire and he burned down the house.’ 
‘it's just so awful, so I'll talk about it a lot.’
‘when you love somebody you put your pants on for them.’
‘if the road gets muddy focus on the goal 'till the rough stuff's gone.’
‘if the fight gets bloody just keep pushing through 'till the pain is gone.’
‘you are the person I want to be with every day.’
‘naw, man! you tell her that she excites you sexually.’
‘there are voices all around and you can never mute the sound.’ 
‘it's embarrassing-  to find out, deep down I just want things to be easy.’
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stxleslyds · 3 years
Red Hood and the lost art of telling Joker to shup up.  
Okay, I know that I talked about Jason and Joker in a recent post but this is something different, I promise.
I really want to talk about how different Jason has been written since UtRH when it comes to him confronting Joker. Jason hasn’t been put in that position a lot but the times that he has, he lets Joker talk for far too long and actually pays attention to whatever he has to say.
The Jason vs Joker thing is basic in on itself and letting Joker talk isn’t exactly the problem here, the real problem is Jason letting Joker’s thoughts shape his future thoughts and decisions, I do understand that that’s exactly what writers want though, they want to build the problematic of: “Jason is just like Joker and the fact that he uses the name Red Hood only proves that Joker made who Jason is now”.
But the thing is that THAT problem is overdone at this point and the only time it worked was the first time it was brought up and it worked because Jason shut the Joker down.
Let’s see all the times (that I remember) the Joker and Jason have had a little chat and/or the times Joker’s words actually influence Jason’s thinking and decision making.
 Under the Red Hood – Batman (1940) #649
This is the first real confrontation we get to see between Jason and Joker after Jason’s death and it is beautiful. It's absolutely amazingly written, Joker goes on and on forever about how he killed Jason about how Jason is just as bad as him but that he is also just like Batman because he hasn’t killed him yet.
“You let me live after everything I did, you couldn’t pop my balloon. You just couldn’t. The apple doesn’t tumble too far from the paterfamilias. You are just like daddy-kins”
Jason lets him talk, yes. But he absolutely destroys Joker with what he tells him next.
“You couldn’t be more wrong about me. If right were a country on earth you’d be circling on the edge of the milky way. Yeah, I let you live but like always, every damned minute of your addled, posturing, psychopathic life, you think this is about you. You’re a worm. I’ve pitched you on a hook and dropped you into the brine. And I will beat the hell out of you Pagliacci because it was too much fun not to.”
“Listen to me Joker, I’m not you. I´m nothing like you. I know what I do and I know why I do it. You, you are, clinically speaking, a whack-job. But I know a secret, a good one.”
“You are not nearly as crazy as you would like us all to believe or even as crazy as you would like to believe. It just makes it easier to justify every sick monstrous thing you’ve ever done when you play the part of the mad clown. You are crazy, bubba, but you ain’t that crazy. Look at that. I wiped a smile off of Joker’s face. I have been waiting a long time for that.”
Everything about this is perfect, Jason gives Joker no room to mess with him. Whatever the Joker had planned on saying he had to eat because Jason wasn’t playing games and he was ready for any kind of lie the Joker had ready to tell. This is Jason Todd. He won’t let the Joker get under his skin because he knows the Joker and he, also, knows better. 
Red Hood and the Outlaws (2011) #15
Here Jason comes across Joker during the “Death of the Family” event. In this issue the Joker has information about all of the members of the “Batfamily” and he uses that to mess around with each one of them, in Jason’s case he insinuates that he was present in very specific moments of his life when Jason’s father got shot, when his mother overdosed and when he was on his own before joining Batman.
Jason doesn’t quite believe that Joker was there but as the reader, we can see this sort of sense of doubt in Jason. He hesitates a few times before resolving that the Joker is playing with him.
But as far as this issue goes let’s just say that what the Joker says doesn’t get to Jason, this changes though in the issue that follows up this story.
Teen Titans (2011) #16
This is where that story continues and where Jason starts to buy the story that Joker is selling.
Joker convinces Jason that he has his father and Tim’s father and that the only way for Jason (or Tim) to save their dads is by killing the other (Jason or Tim). Tim doesn’t believe it but Jason is ready to shoot Tim almost immediately.
However, Jason changes his mind about killing Tim just as Tim comes up with a plan for them to not actually have to kill each other. Here is where Lobdell’s writing shows all of its flaws, Lobdell is so desperate to show that Jason and Tim are besties that he forgets that Jason had no reason to stop trying to kill Tim to save his shit father because it is later revealed that Jason truly believed that Joker had found his father and had him captive. It wasn’t until Tim explained his thought process as to why those men weren’t their dads that Jason just goes “you realize, of course, the only reason I didn’t kill you right off is that I knew your big brain will figure out some way out of this” HA, nice save Lobdell but I see right through your bullshit.
Jason bought what the Joker was selling and that is the beginning of Jason’s downgrade when it comes to not playing Joker’s games.
Red Hood and the Outlaws (2011) #17
Well, in this issue Lobdell goes back to Jason kinda not believing what Joker told him, and Jason asks Bruce of all people if he thinks the Joker truly “made him or not”. Bruce says that he doesn’t believe that and that he didn’t have anything to do with the man that Jason has become either. For some reason, Jason is actually happy with what Bruce said and for a couple of moments, Jason goes back to being sure that the Joker knows nothing and that he is his own man.
It doesn’t last long though. At the very end of the issue, the trap that Joker had set up in Jason’s helmet triggers and Jason gets his face fucked up with acid or something.
But that’s not all because a hologram of Joker has something to say: “you were supposed to be my masterpiece from start to finish. But you were too stubborn to stay dead. So here is what we are going to do… You’re so determined to be your own man? Fine, let’s start with a clean slate”.
Basically, the Joker insinuates once more that he had something to do with who Jason was supposed to become and that Jason isn’t truly “his own man”, This is all a setup for a very dense storyline that will be continued in this run later.
Red Hood and the Outlaws (2011) #18
In this issue, Jason is in a coma after he is dosed with that gas in the previous issue. The Joker isn’t really present in this issue but he does make an appearance as part of Jason’s “nightmare” while he is unconscious.
That’s not all though, Jason has an illusion of Ducra (someone that he appreciates a lot), telling him that “after you left the All-Castle after you went back to the world you continued to let your life be defined by the actions of that man. You became a killer, lashing out at people who may or may not have deserved it. Eventually, you will hurt all those you have cared for. In that way, how are you any different from the Joker?”.
In this statement, there is a lot of wrongs that can come from two places, either bad writing on Lobdell’s part or just Ducra telling lies as a plot point.
“Let your life be defined by the actions of that man” is a sentence that horribly simplifies Jason’s thinking during the events of UtRH, because while he did resent the Joker, his real problem was with Bruce who had not avenged his death by killing the Joker himself. Also, Jason was doing other things back then, like being a pain in the ass for Black Mask and disrupting the drug trade in Gotham as well as trying to control the drug dealing to children. So that little sentence is just a gross misinterpretation of the true events which means that Ducra was wrong, and “she” continues to be wrong when she says that there might be no difference between Jason and Joker.
Luckily Jason thinks the same because he tells “Ducra”: “…don’t you dare compare me to that monster Ducra. I am nothing like the Joker! Nothing!”
Once again please don’t be fooled by Jason’s thinking because in the next issue it turns around really fast and really bad.
Red Hood and the Outlaws (2011) #19
Just a heads up this issue has a change of writer, Lobdell isn’t writing this arc, the writer that gives us this hellish story arc is James Tynion IV.
All that talk about Jason not being affected or not believing what the Joker told him is yeeted out of the window and it’s not a fun ride.
In this issue, Roy and Kory find a Jason that doesn’t know who they are or who he, himself, is. This is because S’aru that little floaty little shit took his memories away after Jason asked him to do so, well Jason asked S’aru to erase every memory that darkness has touched (Joker) and he does that. But him doing that is apparently erasing everything which, holy shit, how messed up is that?
But let’s take a look at what Jason says before he gets his memories taken away: “Not only did the Joker almost take my face, but he tells me he might have manipulated my entire life from the beginning! Even the good is tainted by him now. I can’t do it anymore. I can’t have that kind of doubt. If you take it away, I can go on living. I can keep fighting”. So, yeah that was a pretty emo speech. But the thing here is that if Jason is asking this dude to erase every memory that has been tainted by the Joker and he erases all of them then we might be facing one of two situations, either Joker has been messing up with Jason’s life from the beginning or S’aru is just a little bitch.
We will later find out in #20 that S’aru and Ducra planned the whole thing, meaning that they took all of his memories for ulterior motives not because the Joker had actually tainted all of them.
For many issues Jason has no memories and now that I am revisiting these issues, I now remember the twisted and completely insane plot they came up with for the “League of Assassins” and Jason being the “Chosen One”, everything was happening in this run, my god, it's like they wanted Jason to be the center of every single trope in writing history.
It’s in issue #26 that Jason asks for his memories back but the Joker having tainted his memories or not isn’t important anymore to anyone, including the writer (because he is too focused on telling this messy story), Jason (because he has enough problems at the moment) and the reader (because this book makes zero sense and it changes the story and motivations every single issue).
But there is another truth to be revealed in the next issue.
Red Hood and the Outlaws (2011) #27
Jason has planned along Ducra and S’aru to give up all of his memories to be cleansed so he could defeat Ra’s Al Ghul. But (there is always a but) Ducra says this: “Your greatest enemy returned and nearly took your face away from you. And in the process, shook your sense of identity to the core” “The final battle here will take place in the Well of Sins, and with all the doubt and fear clouding your mind, it would eat you whole”.
So yeah, now we have confirmation from Ducra that Jason had indeed let what the Joker told him cloud his sense of self and made him doubt who he was and if he really was in control.
All that back and forth for these many issues just to say, yes, Jason let Joker’s words affect him.
So here it is, let Joker get in Jason’s head to build the plot of a story, fantastic, the story was a mess because it had so much information, the mischaracterizations of Roy and Kory were at their maximum potential, and in this particular story arc not only are the events of Red Hood: The Lost Days officially erased from Jason’s canon but something quite out there is added to Jason’s canon from before he was even Robin (that’s a whole different story that I won’t be talking about here).
What an insane ride this arc was. Definitely not the kind of story I enjoy in a Red Hood book but that’s just my preference.
*This whole arc was written by James Tynion IV.
Red Hood/Arsenal #11
Joker is dead during the events of this run but the person who has something to say to Jason about how the Joker made the person that he is now is Duela Dent (“Joker’s daughter”, she isn’t his daughter she just found Joker’s face somewhere and she puts it on and “becomes” crazy, she is an incredibly weird character).
She says this, “You’re a lot like dad in that way” to which Jason says “He is not my father. He’s not even your father” but Duela continues by saying. “You’re kidding yourself if you genuinely believe that. Yeah, he took your life but look what you got in its place, you ingrate. You got your freedom. You were reborn.” 
Jason doesn’t fall for it or anything of the sort but once again writers are bringing up the Joker as the maker of the Red Hood and “suggesting” that what Jason has been doing and who he has become is all thanks to Joker. The idea of Jason having no free will is still present in this narrative, even when Jason doesn’t believe it.
Red Hood/Arsenal #12
I talked too soon because in this issue Jason is having some weird thoughts.
“Funny, isn’t it, so easy to call Duela “crazy” because she wears a dead man’s face. Because isn’t that what I’m doing? Before he was the Joker, he was the Red Hood. So maybe the line between men and the Joker’s daughter is a lot thinner than I’d like to admit.”
Here he is comparing himself to Duela and to the Joker to an extent, writers often bring up the fact that Jason uses the code name that his killer once had and they have people or Jason himself questioning why he uses that name.
Personally, I don’t think there is much to build from it (at least not from the perspective of Lost Days and UtRH), it was just a joke, a morbid one if you will. He wears the mantle of the person that destroys Gotham and fills its people with fear while he is trying to control the city’s drug trade and trying to keep the people safe in his own way. And the way he wanted to do it is almost the complete opposite of the way that Batman does things.
I just think that he is being ironic and acidic about the whole thing. He has obviously moved on from the fact that Joker killed him but he has issues with the fact that Batman has yet another child working with him while the Joker is still alive. And Jason really wanted to make Bruce suffer, so him taking the name and a similar appearance to how the joker used to look is also done to get a reaction from Bruce.
I really don’t think there is any sort of connection to make between Jason and Joker beyond that, much like there is no connection between the name Nightwing and the Court of Owls. Even though Lincoln March tried to convince Dick Grayson that he chose the name Nightwing because Owls fly at night and that meant that he was supposed to become a Talon and all that Dick still didn’t believe it because he knew why he chose that name and no one can twist his reason.
Red Hood and the Outlaws (2016) #10
Finally, I can stop re-reading New 52 books, I don’t enjoy it but I have to do it if I want to talk/complain about stuff.
This one is a little different because while Jason does talk with the Joker, the Joker isn’t really there he is just part of Jason’s imagination just like the Robin Jason that he is also seeing.
In this story, Jason is helping Artemis discover who she is but he gets captured in Qurac, yup that place, and worst of all from where he is being held, he can see the place where he died. All of that is helping Jason have some very vivid memories/illusions. He does actively hold a conversation with the imaginary Joker and Robin Jason though, and he is also having a lot of thoughts that let us know how the Joker affects Jason.
“This is why it was stupid of me to come back to Qurac. Even to help Artemis, even if I thought I could handle it. Physically, I am alone, but in my head? I’m drowning in memories of the worst day of what was my very short life. The day I was murdered.”
That’s what Jason is thinking but what I write next is what Jason’s saying as he talks to the imaginary Joker.
“Not interested in replaying this over again, like I have every night of my life since it happened Joker”
So, we are told that Jason thinks about that day very often, the Joker might not be involved much in Jason’s books but he definitely has a bigger role inside of Jason’s head. They chat for a bit up until Jason decides to “kill” the Joker, he knows, of course, that it is not real but it does give him satisfaction. (If only they would have let Jason actually kill the clown for real, or at the very least chase him just to show the reader that Jason does actually want to finish the job since the Bat won’t do it himself).
Having said all that, Joker’s imaginary death doesn’t last long because Jason is trapped in his mind and the Joker is basically functioning on a loop inside of it.
That is where the problem lies in this issue because Jason is letting us know that he is still heavily influenced by what happened that day and that he hasn’t been able to walk away from it. But once more that’s not the worst thing, because all of these thoughts have led Jason to think that he (in the present and as a fifteen-year-old) is the one to blame for having ended up dead. Yeah, it is messed up.
This is what Jason says to imaginary Robin Jason, “He is never going to die, Jason. Not here. Not in my mind, not if at some point I don’t stand up and walk away from my memories. From you.”
This is a major downgrade, from the Jason that we had in UtRH because that Jason had moved on from the fact that he had been killed what he was looking for was for Batman to avenge his death. He had other things in mind as well, like I said before in this post Jason had a lot of things going on, killing Joker wasn’t his only plan.
And this situation (written by Lobdell) is also very different from what was going on in New 52 where Jason being influenced by the Joker was used to build a plot. This is just a writer letting us know that this “new version” of Jason hasn’t worked out his problems when it comes to his death and his killer. That means that we are going backward.
After he realizes that he was unconscious all that time and that he was being tortured he does get his shit together in order to get out of captivity and go help Artemis.
The Joker and that whole thing that happened in his mind aren’t mentioned again, it was just for the reader to know that Rebirth Jason has unsolved issues with his death.
Batman: Three Jokers #1
Oh yes, here we are, we have arrived to that dreaded book, awful writing gorgeous art. In this book, the “Joker made Jason as he is now” trope is at its full potential; Johns drives this hellish truck of a book at full speed into our homes and then ends it by giving us one of the worst takes on Jason Todd’s characterization ever.
But first, let’s talk about the Joker and Jason interaction in the first issue. As Jason and Barbara are left alone with the Joker that they came across moments ago the Joker begins talking because that’s what he does.
He says this, “I’m the loop-de-loop, the hamster-wheel-of-doom. The cycle of pain each one of you is trapped in. Take “Red Hood” here, for example. Have you ever wondered why he uses my former moniker? Who in their right mind would take on the identity of their killer? Am I right?”
He is obviously being a little shit on purpose and is waiting to see if somebody will take the bait. Jason is the first to talk and he says this: “I took it because I’m owning what you did to me. You made me into this. I will be your destruction”.
Congratulations Jason, you took the bait, and now Barbara will fight with you over it.
Jason raises his gun to “break the cycle” and Barbara is like “please don’t do it” and boy is Joker having the time of his life! Both of these idiots are playing his game, Johns really did both Jason and Barbara dirty with this.
Here is where THE problem with letting the Joker talk is. This Joker got under Jason’s skin in seconds and Barbara did nothing while it happened.
This is what the Joker had to say. “Let’s look at the facts here bat-people. I bashed this boy’s skull in. I killed this Robin” to which Jason says “You didn’t kill me, you only made me stronger” which is weird because the Joker did kill him so I don’t know what kinda comeback that was supposed to be but Joker wasn’t done because he continues by saying “Yes, you crawled from the shallow grave I left you in. You lived on to fight another day. Hurrah! You survived because of your tenacity! Or maybe… maybe I beat you to a bloody mess… I took you right to the edge… because I wanted to leave you alive.”
Great that’s where the clown is going, just fantastic, more of the “I made you” but that’s not all because the Joker tells Jason that him having hurt Jason wasn’t because he didn’t like Jason, it was all about Batman, Jason doesn’t matter.
But that’s not the worse thing that was written in this awful book, Geoff Johns seems to have felt that the trauma that Jason went through in the original “Death in the Family” story wasn’t enough because he decided to add something new.
That’s why the Joker says this next, “Do you recall what you said to me while I was breaking your head in with that crowbar? As your blood streamed into your eyes and your skull cracked? Because I cherish those words. I’ll always cherish them. ‘Please stop! Please! If you let me live, I’ll do anything you say. I’ll be your Robin’” “And look at you now my little “Red Hood” shooting up people and making Batman’s life miserable! You are my Robin!”
What a nightmare Johns decided to put Jason and Jason Nation through huh? I hate this, this is the worst thing that has ever been written in a Jason Todd story (although I can say that about many things that were written in this three-issue book).
Jason kills the Joker after he says all that, Barbara does (for some reason) try to stop him from doing it but luckily, she can’t stop Jason.
But here is the thing, Jason killing the Joker doesn’t make me feel as satisfied as I would have liked, and it doesn’t feel that way because Jason let Joker talk for far too long and what Joker said ended up getting in Jason’s head and messing with him.
Batman: Three Jokers #2
Yeah, there is no rest for us, Jason Nation, in this issue Jason goes looking for another Joker to kill and he finds one but he gets captured. Johns really had to get Jason naked for Joker to torture him mentally and physically? Johns is, himself, a major red flag but that’s not what I am here to talk about.
In this issue the Joker that captures Jason has the same things to say as the other one, DC writers really have no imagination when it comes to building conflict between Joker and Jason, huh?
Anyway, Joker says this, “tell me something. Why would you put on that helmet and call yourself Red Hood after what we did?” Jason of course replies “Come on, is every one of you copycats gonna ask me the same thing? It’s a joke” the answer isn’t enough for Joker (the two of them that are here with Jason) so he continues talking. “A joke? We left you with brain damage and permanent nerve pain. Physical and emotional trauma so severe that the only relief you ever find is when you inflict pain on others. You and me, boy, we’re more alike than you’d care to admit. But you know that already. You nearly died and you blame the Batman. You hate him for it. Me too. You hate him most of all don’t you?”
Now, here is the thing, that whole thing is bullshit, none of it makes sense. From Jason having permanent nerve pain to Jason hating Batman the most, everything is a lie. And my confusion here is that I don’t know if I have to feel like Joker is doing it on purpose to be a little bitch or if Geoff Johns was on crack when he wrote this and he had actually never heard of Jason Todd in his life before.
The whole thing is a mess, it feels like he is writing Jason from an origin and story that we never read. I don’t know how to explain it, but the whole thing feels cheap, it’s a cheap trope and it’s a cheap take on who Jason Todd is, was, and will be.
The nightmare doesn’t end Jason Nation because these two Jokers have something else in mind, you see, if they said that they made the Red Hood when they killed Jason the first time, maybe if they kill him this time then he could possibly come back as the Joker. Yeah, this book did nothing for Jason.
Let’s make something clear, Jason does NOT hate Batman/Bruce for not being able to save him, he hates the fact that Batman/Bruce didn’t kill the Joker to avenge him. That simple thing doesn’t exist in Three Jokers and that’s why things like the ones that happen next are allowed to happen in this story.
Bruce and Barbara find Jason and when Bruce asks if he is okay Jason just goes berserk, he says: “Am I all right? What do you think Bruce?! You did this to me. You put me on this path. And I do hate you for it. For leaving me in the dirt. Replacing me one Robin after another without a thought.”
This, everybody is what you get when you mix bad writing with Jason being mentally manipulated by the Joker.
It's a shame that Jason is being treated this way at this point in time, in a book that came out in 2020 when Jason was able to shut the clown up with a knife and a couple of words back in 2005. What a downgrade.
At the end of this issue, Jason is safe and recovering but he still is in the same mindset, he says, “What the Joker said about how I’ve been on the path to being like them for years… they are not wrong. I don’t want to be like them though. I really don’t.”
It’s like a never-ending wheel of pain with this book. Jason is talking to Barbara when he says that and he is trying to look for comfort in her. And here is where the Jason/Barbara subplot begins and I only bring this up because something that happens in the next issue is based on the kiss that Barbara gave Jason but then was like “that doesn’t mean anything, I was just trying to comfort you”. Johns shouldn’t be allowed to write Barbara and Jason ever again.
Batman: Three Jokers #3
It’s in this issue that we find out the big subplot that Johns has prepared for Jason, are you ready for it? Yup, Jason should stop being the Red Hood because if he keeps it up, he will eventually become the Joker.
I know, I know! Jason would never stop being Red Hood, he is not on a path to become the Joker, that’s crazy! Jason’s Red Hood is a character on its own and he is amazing and just because he has different morals from Batman doesn’t mean that he is a bad guy! Right?...
“I’ll give up being Red Hood for us. I can be something else. Or I can be just Jason.”
To this day I cannot believe that those words supposedly were written by Jason Todd to Barbara Gordon after Barbara rejected him three times. The level of “what the fuck is this” is incredibly high with this one…
This whole book was a mess and I am so glad that it didn’t last longer.
Anyway, that’s it. In conclusion, Jason didn’t let the Joker get under his skin the first time they interacted after he came back from the dead but later when DC decided that UtRH was just too good of a book they came up with stories where Joker does get under Jason’s skin and Jason becomes convinced that he has no free will (or at the very least he doubts his free will) when it comes to him becoming his own man.
As I have said before, that for Jason Todd is a major downgrade. And it's one of the many things that hurts Jason’s characterization in current comics.
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gemma-collins-ily · 3 years
It’s my birthday today and I was wondering if you could do Jesper celebrating the reader’s birthday?
Jesper Celebrating the Reader's Birthday
a/n - keep in mind, fics don't normally come out this quickly, but I saw this and wanted to release it on your special day! This may be a little uncoordinated but I hope you enjoy and have a brilliant day! Also, just to let everyone know, requests are closed for a few days, just so I can catch up on requests xoxo 💞
Warnings: nothing?
Tagged: @mrs-brekker15 @i-am-the-1930s @inthegistoftime
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it is guaranteed
you hear me?
that he will try to plan you a party
it's Jesper, he has to
so he'll set up streamers and a huge poster displaying your age
for all who enter the Slat to see
he'll get Nina to distract you, taking you out for waffles probably
his words would probably be exactly like this:
"I don't know Neens, just take them away from the Slat and don't come back till, like ummm seven."
she'd look at the half hung decorations and many more still in boxes disapprovingly and ask:
"You didn't plan this out did you?"
"Are you accusing me, the Jesper Fahey, himself, of being disorganised?"
She grabbed her coat and you, covering your eyes as she went, very clearly conveying something was happening, then left without a word more.
so, by now, you knew something was happening
or at least suspected it
but would go along with it for Jesper
trailing after Nina until your feet were sore
finally having enough and asking if you could stop and sit on a bench
she agreed with a groan
so, she was obviously tired too
"How long do we need to stay out?"
"I really do not know what you're talking about, (Y/N)."
"Come on, I know there's a surprise back at the Slat, I just need to know how long I have to wait to go home."
she'd continue to blatantly refuse the very idea of a surprise until she randomly gave in
and you'd smirk, happy to get the answer
as soon as it neared seven, she'd try to drag you back to the Slat but you'd tell her they wouldn't be ready yet
Nina would not listen and take you firmly by the wrist, marching back to the Slat
when you got there you were right
of course
bestie, can you predict the future?
no, actually
you just know how frazzled your boyfriend can get
but you were surprised to see even Kaz was helping
it did not look like he wanted to be there voluntarily
but still
you take what you can get
it was an effort so you appreciated it
when Nina would let out a dramatic gasp at the sight of Kaz Brekker hanging up decor, Jes would notice you
yelling at Nina to take you out again or to your room
just go over and peck him on the lips, tell him you don't really care about the streamers and he'll relax
even if he wanted it to be perfect
you have all the calming techniques down bestie
Kaz will sigh exaggeratingly and drop the colourful swirly thing he was eyeing with disgust
it would be between his forefinger and thumb as he did so
and this meant it was twice as funny to you
oops you may have laughed
you received a glare in return
aww such a nice present
everyone say thank you Kaz
there's probably a table with gifts on it
kaz got you a new book
but left it anonymously
no message on the tag even if you know it's him
you thank him and he pretends he has no clue who gave it to you
"Awwww, thanks Kaz."
"I didn't get you a gift, (Y/N). It's obviously from someone else."
Inej would get you some sort of herbal tea I think
if you don't like tea then it's probably also a book
wow what a match for those two
thinking the same thoughts
Nina may have forgotten to get a present and would promise waffles instead
or she'd have tried to sneakily get a board game while you were out earlier
you acted like you did not notice
it's a grammy award for you
Matthias could have either gotten you some kruge because he wasn't sure what you wanted
or a new scarf, coat ect.
he has a pretty good taste in fashion
now, Jesper would either wait till later to give you his gifts
because aww, sentimentality
or he'd give you them with everyone else's to make you blush publicly
at that point, you wouldn't care
either way, he'd keep at least one spare to give to you in private
I think his gifts would be a little something like this:
a type of jewelry, whether it be a necklace or an anklet, it would have a J on it
he probably bought a matching one for him with your initial on it too
a necklace feels a little more personal but could be taken advantage of by enemies
like in finding out you were together
not like it was oBVIOUS or anything
but an anklet would ultimately be sturdier and less likely to be taken as a means of affection from a loved one
so anklet it is
chocolates that are actually quite rich in flavour and are rare in Ketterdam
he saved up some money for those
if you like to play with his rings
he'll have bought you one
again, it may be a little blander to avoid it being interpreted as a gift of love by enemies
you didn't mind it being a little more hidden
Jesper was happy with you and you with Jesper
so you felt no need to show off to the world
you would probably take it off if you had to do any good old fashioned fist fighting
pocketing it quickly
he'd also give you a nail makeover the next day
but you would have to paint on his nails in return because if he tried, he would probably mess up while using his non-dominant hand to paint the other
you could match because #couplegoals
he'd bring you breakfast in bed the day after your birthday
being so busy planning the day before, he didn't get you any
I hate to disappoint but it would not be made by him
he would burn everything
so Matthias' second present to you is the breakfast
delivered by Jesper
he'd probably be sat at the counter making snarky remarks about Matthias' cooking
until he got whacked with a tea towel
if you're an early bird
Jes would be given the task of distracting you and stopping you from walking downstairs
or getting out of bed at all
this could be easily done with the persuasion of cuddles
then Matthias would yell for him and he'd have to leave to get the tray
when he brings it up he'll sit you between his legs, leaning your back against his chest and resting the tray on your knees
may feed you bites that sOMEHOW end up like a lady and the tramp scene
even if it's a slice of french toast, he'll manage
would tactfully steal little bits off your plate
and you couldn't really be mad at him because he would just smile charmingly
(maybe with half a piece of bacon sticking out of the side of his mouth)
but charming none the less
he might have a gift hidden in the corner of a chest of drawers somewhere you find one day and he remembers he was supposed to wrap that up and give it to you
if it's almost a year later and near your next birthday
just leave it on his dresser
no words need to be exchanged
the only difference is now one of your presents is less of a surprise
oh cards
kaz would write in his a simple,
'Inej made me write this. Have a good day. You are one year closer to being dead. Congratulations.
-Signed sincerely, Kaz Brekker'
Nina and Matthias share a card
meaning she wrote it and he signed his name with an extra
'I hope you have a lovely day, (Y/N).'
Nina's message/ the main one in the card would be:
'I can't believe we're all growing so old now! Anyway, we love you, hope you enjoy the presents and your birthday. You deserve it! Xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Nina'
Inej's would have a very sincere message:
You are truly a wonderful friend and person, helping everyone with anything they may need. I feel so lucky to have you as my friend and I hope you will continue to be for years to come. You deserve a fantastic day and I hope you get one, I know Jes will try to make it perfect!
-From, Inej x
p.s - I tried to get Kaz to sign a card, but he was smirking and wouldn't let me see it before he put it in the envelope, so I'm terribly sorry if it's rude.'
now to Jesper's
I adore you with all my heart and wish you a truly happy birthday. I hope you like the gifts I bought, I wanted to symbolise my love for you through each. I know one or two presents are a little bland but I hope they mean as much to you as they do to me. You are the most amazing partner I could ever dream of having, and every time you do something, I never expect it.
You are unpredictable, my love, and I can honestly say I do not mind it. In fact, it is one of the many factors that made me fall in love with you. Have a happy birthday!
-Love from Jesper, xxx
p.s - Kaz looked terrifyingly happy when he finished signing your card so be careful, he probably pulled something.
you might have cried
you, a Crow, feared on the streets sniffled over even Kaz's message
knowing if he didn't actually want to, there was no way he would have signed that card
all in all, you have a great birthday and Jesper (and everyone else) makes you feel really special
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hcs for poly! tlb with a fem! s/o who’s style is dark academia and is really blunt/logical and smart. she basically gives off a ‘mysterious, quiet, dark, critical’ vibe (she also doesn’t really know how to handle people who are extremely emotional and she doesn’t know how to soothe someone. she’s just really oblivious/clueless when it comes to others feelings). i’m so sorry if what i requested doesn’t make sense or if it was too much. i am seriously incapable of writing anything without making it look like an essay lmao. love your work btw 💕✨
Dark Academia Fem! S/O 
Poly Lost Boys x Fem reader
I had so much fun writing this! I love the dark academia aesthetic! And it made perfect sense and it wasn’t too much! Having a lot actually helps me expand and write more so thank you. And I’m the same, once I have an idea, I write a lot, so you’re all good! And awww!!! Thank you!!! 💗💗✨✨ I really appreciate it! I hope you enjoy!
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Okay, so you are very different compared to the large number of characters on the boardwalk. Your style consisted of button shirts, sweaters or turtle necks, dress pants or a plaid pleated skirts, cardigans or waistcoats, oxford shoes or even wire framed glasses if you wore them for seeing or just for the look. 
To say that you caught the boys attention would be an understatement. You seemed to stand out amongst the crowd and they became curious. You were a mystery to them and they love the challenge. 
Somehow, someway, after days or weeks later, you became good friends which soon lead to you dating four trouble making punks. It was tough on both parts, but it happened, and hey, you weren’t complaining. 
You were very blunt when you first met them, not really interested in them and more or less interested in the book in your hands. It took a lot of “accidental” run ins to even get you to hang out with them. 
You slowly opened up when they offered to take you out for dinner at a local diner. They’re constant joking soon had you letting out small, almost whisper-like giggles and tiny smiles that sent them into a frenzy. 
When you would start talking about yourself, your ideas of fun were different from theirs. You liked museums, opera houses, bookstores and going to theaters to see plays. The games you played were chess and cards, and the music you listened to was old. You were pretty sure they thought you were boring but you actually peaked their interest. 
After a while of being friends with them, they asked you out. You liked them and the only logical step was to see if you liked them the same way they liked you was to date them, so you said yes. 
In general, them having a girlfriend with a 1940s/1950s dark prep look was fun. David and Dwayne like it the most. Paul next, then Marko. 
David actually really likes picking out your clothing on most days. You have an extensive collection of clothing with material from cashmere to linen, all the colors consisting of browns, black, cream and even a little dark green. 
His favorite thing to put you in is trench coats. Doesn’t matter what color it is, he just likes seeing you in them. Also, there are a handful of times that he has MADE you wear his trench coat. Yeah it almost swimmed on you, but he thought it made you look cute and it fit in perfectly with your look. 
Dark academia isn’t only your style, but it’s your way of life. David is the one that plays chess with you. You had to reteach it to him and pretty soon, the two of you had your own little set up in the cave that was always ready for a game of chess. 
David is sort of like you… in a way when it comes to others feelings. But deep down he knows that he really likes you and tries to show it the best he can. He took you to a theater to see a play that you were constantly talking about and so he took you on a date. You being you, didn’t realize that’s what it was until he told it straight to your face. Let’s just say you were speechless for the next hour. 
Also, when it’s just the two of you, deep inside the cave where your nest is, classical music is playing from your record player. It could be Beethoven, Tchaikovsky or Mozart. Whoever it is, David is the one that will listen to it with you the most. I think he really enjoys classical music and he enjoys it even more if the two of you are cuddling in your bed. 
Occasionally Dwayne would join the two of you. You would be sitting in between David’s legs as Dwayne sat in between yours, his head leaning back against your chest. It was like a cuddle pile… cuddle train?? Whatever you wanted to call it, it was cuddling while the three of you relaxed listening to classical music. And it was darn cute. 
Dwayne loves listening to you go on and on about any books you were reading at the moment. Whether or not it was nonfiction or even about any type of history. He was down. He lived through a lot and he knew about half of the stuff you gushed on about, but for some odd reason, it never bored him when you talked about it. 
He would be the one to get you new books, leaving you sweet little notes tied to them. Of course you thought it was just him being nice and thanked him for it without thinking there was any romantic meaning behind it. Yeah he was one of your boyfriends but it never really crossed your mind that way. He would just shake his head at your obliviousness and give you a small peck on the lips. 
Don’t ask him why, but his favorite look on you is a light cream colored blouse with a plaid skirt and Mary Jane shoes. Dwayne is a leg man so… he’s very happy when decide to show off some skin if you decide not to wear knee-socks or stockings with it. Even if you did wear them, he would still be attached to your side the entire night. 
Like David, Dwayne would bring you out to a lot of places that were opened late at night. If there was an art exhibition in town or even a museum that was open late, just say the word and he will happily drive you on his bike. Heck, David might even tag along. 
Also, late night bookstore dates… oh my heart, it’s too sweet it hurts. There are times that he does have to throw you over his shoulder when the bookstore is closing and you're pretty much refusing to leave. When he does that, you just stay frozen over his shoulder, not knowing if you should be blushing or cursing at him for carrying you like a sack of potatoes. 
If anything, you and Dwayne connect very well. You’re naturally very quiet and so is he. Not much is said between you two but there's a mutual understanding that can’t be explained. While the others are out causing trouble, you and him are on the sidelines watching hand in hand or your reading and he's just staring at you as you do so. 
Paul and Marko kind of give you whiplash. They’re loud and rowdy and definitely 100% opposite from you. But they interested you. They had a very chaotic outlook on life which made you ask many questions. 
Paul found your look sexy. He’s horny and you give off preppy school vibes, he’s living for it 24/7. Constant teasing of you giving him ‘private lessons’ which results with you whacking a book against the back of his head. But it doesn’t stop the reddening of your ears which doesn’t make him stop.  
This man is also your designated jewelry expert. You only wear some accessories and they're very simple. So you are very surprised when Paul finds you jewelry that is your style and collects it for you. You like leather watches, guess what, he’s got it for you. You want some fancy victorian looking brooches, he’s got that too. Simple rings with a single jewel in the middle, expect constant ‘will you marry me’ jokes, but he gets you the best.
Also, he’s not overly big into your music selection. He does try to get you into his type of music, which you only like very few and far between. But when you do get him to listen to your type of music, it’s only if you agree to listen to his music the next night. You guys come up with a system and decide to switch every few nights. 
Each of the boys have their favorite look on you and Paul's is when you wear a button-up of any color with a simple black tie, a pencil skirt and a pair of Dr.Marten boots. He especially likes the tie… for reasons. God damn it, you know the reasons, get out of here. 
He’s a very affectionate boy and he finds your looks over confusion some of the cutest shit he’s ever seen. Probably the first one to tell you that he loves you and you honestly like glitched out. Did you feel the same way? Yes, but poor little thing you doesn’t say it right away, but Paul knows that you aren’t really used to saying things like that without warming up to it. Which is okay. He knows even if you don’t say it. 
He definitely steals one of your blazers to put pins on it. Marko helps, putting a few patches on it that they both know you would like. It’s the one item that stands out in all of your clothing and you will wear it if they ask you to. 
Marko definitely thinks the look is cute and it suits you very well, but why no color?! You wear dark colors but nothing bright like the colors that are on his jacket. He tries to slip in some colorful clothing into your everyday look, it never goes as planned but you give him an A for effort. 
He loves how dark you can be at times though. You want to go to a local graveyard just because? Sure! Let’s go! He’s your designated graveyard buddy. You have many date nights there, looking at all the different gravestones and finding it interesting when you jot down some names in one of your notebooks. 
Speaking of notebooks, you have many of them. They were filled with notes from books you’ve read, real life observations or even just some random poetry and short stories that you wrote. Marko would go through them a lot and even sometimes draw little doodles or rough sketches that were thought up from your writings. 
When you spend nights down at the Boardwalk, your go to drink isn’t a slushie or a milkshake or even a soda. It’s coffee or tea. Yeah, and only Marko knows your drink orders by heart. None of the others seem to remember them correctly which you thank them for trying but Marko has got them all beat. 
Marko likes seeing you in sweaters and in your trousers or linen shorts with chelsea boots. If anything, when the two of you are alone, just wearing a knit sweater and shorts were perfect for him. He likes how cozy and warm you look. He’s very happy when he cuddles you and you are warm. 
Now when they tell you that they’re vampires, you think that they’re joking. Vampires aren’t real, they’re a work of fiction. Yes there was a real man named Dracula, but there was no way that they were actual vampires. 
Then they showed you hard proof and then there was no denying it at that point. Instead of running away, you were fascinated. You wanted to understand your boyfriends vampire ways that lead to you conducting extensive research and a notebook dedicated to them. 
They showed you everything about them, how they feed, to which you didn’t bat an eyelash of watching them feed one night. You were one morbid chick but they saw that as a plus that you didn’t react. You had graveyard dates for crying out loud, nothing really surprised them at that point.
Flying came next and they had a lot of fun showing you just how high they could go with you in their arms. You never screamed at the height, you were too caught up in seeing the overhead view of the town. You could get used to seeing a view like that every night.  
Then came the other things; how they slept before you came along, what actually hurt them and what didn’t. There was one time that you stared at their vampire faces for hours because you were taking notes on how their facial features changed. 
Soon you had to stock up on more turtlenecks because of the many bite marks they would leave behind from feeding on you if the weather was bad one night. It wasn’t tough adapting to their occasional feeding. A lot of your clothing already covered up your skin so it was easy to hide from people on your nights out. 
Not too long after, they popped the question. Would you want to be a vampire? Live forever, never grow up? Be with them for all eternity? You didn’t really need to think about it for too long, you knew what your answer was and so did they even if you didn’t say it out loud. You loved your boys and not much would change.
When you did change, it was entertaining for them to watch. You soon started taking down notes about your progress, comparing and contrasting your experience to their own. 
To the eyes of many, you became even more dark and mysterious. You had an aura around you that drew people in, it’s what got you your four vampire boyfriends, only now, it brought in your meal for the night.
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kyotarou · 4 years
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title: a little more noise
pairing: kyōtani kentarō x gn!reader
synopsis: in a world of constant silence, he’s the noise you need in life, even if he’s a bit quiet.
warnings: fluff, angst, mutual pining, slowburn, strangers to friends to lovers, lotta tropes and cliches, two swear words if i counted correctly
word count: 4.8k+
a/n: i wrote this in two days which i’m very proud of, go me! always wanted to write a kyōken fic and here it is. kinda scared to post this bc he’s quite tough to characterize imo and i’m terrible at writing longer pieces. oh well :,) no indentation because that’d be such a pain. hope you like it, feedback is always appreciated! (this is also my first time writing slowburn so please lmk if it’s still too fast)
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Your parents were not bad people—that was a fact. They were kind, and you did everything an ordinary family would; eat dinner together, go on trips, attend school events. Things were quiet, a little too quiet for comfort. It never felt… right. You heard stories of parents arguing, nasty divorces, and custody battles. They tore your friends apart, made them feel a pain you could never understand. You knew how terrible it was, yet sometimes you wished you went through that to fill the silence in your home. The same monotonous, “good mornings,” and “hellos,” became sickening to hear. You told yourself to push on until after graduation where you’d escape. As the years dragged on, you weren’t so sure you could keep your sanity intact.
It was how you met Kyōtani Kentarō, a second-year from your school who was in a different class. Your friend told you of a gym nearby that was secluded at night. With a sly grin, he said he met up with students from other schools to smoke, and sometimes as a hookup spot. You wrinkled your nose at his comment and flicked his forehead. These were the people you hung out with; not so bright, but easygoing and fun. They were the ones who satisfied the need for noise, the bit of excitement in your life.
You snuck out after your parents had gone to bed. It didn’t hit until halfway through your walk that several things could happen. You were alone with nothing to defend yourself with except your phone and bare hands. Looking down at your outfit, an old dark hoodie and some sweats, you hoped it was ominous enough to ward people away. Besides, the last thing you wanted was to go home and wallow in its emptiness.
To see the lights on in the gym was a surprise. Upon closer inspection, you heard the squeaking of shoes and the cannon-like sounds of balls slamming the floor. You peeked your head through the door. The only person inside was a boy, no older than you. The first thing you noticed was his oddly dyed hair which resembled a tennis ball. The second was his piercing gaze as he turned his head and stared at you. You jumped. He looked as though he was going to charge at you. Instead, the boy huffed, walked to the other side of the gym, and picked up the ball. You spotted a familiar white and blue jacket on the ground.
The boy turned to you again. “Yeah.” His voice was low, but powerful enough to rumble the earth.
You swallowed. “I go there, too.” This was a waste of time, you thought. You should’ve gone home, and you almost did until he spoke again.
“Never seen you before.”
The ball flew into the air with the boy tailing it. His body bent in a way you didn’t think was possible, face pinched in concentration. It hit his hand then the ground with the loudest smacks you had ever heard. It was incredible, but also scary. He picked up another ball behind him and did the same, and again, and again, until his side was empty and yours was strewn with several blue and yellow volleyballs. The more you watched, the more mesmerized you became.
“Can I stay?” You felt stupid for asking, but if he was trying to concentrate, you didn’t want to disturb him. Surprisingly, he nodded. You sank to the floor with your knees to your chest and listened to the constant thwacks and smacks all night.
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You only learned his name a little while after. It was by accident. You were walking by a group of boys at school when one of them called him Mad Dog-chan, and you bit your lip to stop your laughter. Luckily, they didn’t notice. It was kind of cute the more you thought about it. It fit his appearance quite well, too. That night, you found him at the gym once again. Instead of a curt nod, you waved.
“Hey, Mad Dog-chan!”
You immediately regretted your words when he stopped bouncing the ball and flashed you a murderous look. You muttered a hurried apology and sat on the floor in your usual spot. He whacked a ball a couple of times then came over to grab his water bottle. After a few quick gulps, you expected him to get back on the court, but he stared at the spot beside you.
“It’s Kyōtani. Kyōtani Kentarō.”
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Some nights, he didn’t practice. You sat in a playground nearby with soda and snacks from home. Originally, they were meant to replenish his energy when he overworked himself. Now, you were the one eating most of them, with Kyōtani nibbling on a custard bun as you wolfed down chip bag after chip bag. One thing you could say with confidence was Kyōtani was a great listener. At first, you sat in awkward silence. Then, you started rattling off all the things you did that day. It led to you talking about anything and everything, including the funny-looking dog you saw on the street last week. You hoped he didn’t think he reminded you of it.
Talking to Kyōtani was equivalent to talking to a wall. If anything, you were talking at him. He barely looked your way, and if you asked a question, he responded with a grunt or a simple, “Yeah.” Even though you wished it was two-sided, it felt good. You could finally break the silence that shrouded you for years, something you yearned to do but never had the confidence to. With Kyōtani, because of how quiet he was, you felt you could say anything without judgment. You did this for a while, rambling to him in the playground while he sat and listened.
Together, you sat on the swings with fruit sandwiches you made earlier that day. Your feet dragged against the sand and dirt as you swung back and forth. It seemed like Kyōtani enjoyed it. You noticed him eyeing your sandwich while licking his lips. You laughed and handed the rest to him. You started your daily tangent; woke up, ate a meat bun for breakfast, went to school, did homework, then came here. Somewhere along the way, you mentioned how you were home alone since your parents had lots of meetings to attend. You wished it was a little more lively. It was why you left the house every night, to find some noise in the suffocating void of it all.
You talked some more about your family, which you never did. You were too distracted to see Kyōtani’s head perk up. He stopped munching on the fruit sandwich and leaned forward, trying to look at your face. You continued to ramble, feeling your irritation slowly rise.
“Am I a bad person? I mean, they’re really nice, and I adore them. But it’s unbearable sometimes, and then I end up feeling like an asshole.”
You let out a dry laugh, ignoring the pain of the metal chains holding up the swing as they dug into your palms. You pressed your lips together in a thin line, unsure of what to say next. You chose to draw circles in the sand with the tip of your shoe.
“I understand how you feel.”
You looked at Kyōtani in surprise. You waited for him to say more, but he didn’t. The night felt a little brighter.
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The last thing your “friends” expected was for you to ditch them for him. “Looks like a tennis ball,” one of them said. You chuckled since it was your exact thought when you first met him. You were relieved but also disheartened when they didn’t seem to mind too much. At least you knew where they stood. 
Hanging out with Kyōtani was much different compared to your nights at the gym or the playground. You got lots of stares from the third-years who never thought he could behave like this. Some people in your class whispered about the two lone-wolves banding together. You pretended not to hear.
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“You’ve been cheery lately.”
You stared at your mother, trying to process her words. They never asked about you, which you grew to appreciate. It meant not having to force out a conversation. You almost brushed it aside until she spoke again. Your chin rested in your palm as you picked the vegetables on your plate, stomach full with snacks.
“I met a new friend.”
Your mother raised her brows, impressed. “Oh? Tell me about him.”
“How do you know he’s a boy?”
“Just a hunch.”
You sighed, continuing to stir your food. “He’s quiet. A little weird, but he’s nice. I can talk to him about anything.”
“That’s good.”
Your father glanced at her, and she shot him a strange look. Don’t, it said. He backed off and ate as if nothing happened.
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You managed to weave yourself with the other boys from the volleyball team. They were a scary bunch at first, most of them glaring at Kyōtani the moment he walked through the door, but they were nice to you. He had left his jacket at the playground one night, and you made a mental note to return it to him the next day. Except, like Kyōtani, you also forgot about it. When you saw the boys flood to the gym for practice, you raced home then back to school and shyly followed a group of girls to the gym who were there to gawk at the captain.
During their break, you nervously approached Kyōtani and poked his shoulder. They watched you return his jacket but didn’t expect his, “Thank you,” afterward. When you left, Oikawa bugged him to invite you back. Kyōtani shrugged. He usually ignored him at all costs. Oikawa took it as a good sign.
Hanging out with them was a lot more fun than you anticipated. They were better than your previous friends, and even though most of them didn’t like Kyōtani, they seemed to be warming up. Your favorite moment was the movie night at Oikawa’s house. The living room was packed, with little room to wiggle, but it was comfortable. That night, you laughed so hard your stomach hurt, and the tensions between you, Kyōtani, and the rest of the boys dissolved. You belonged here.
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Yahaba caught him staring at you outside your classroom. You sat across from another classmate, helping her with a few assignments for her art class. You posed and let her take pictures. Some were silly, but the others captured your features perfectly. In one of them, you rested your cheek in your palm with the tip of your pencil wedged between your teeth. You looked at the camera through your lashes as your classmate continued to snap more shots.
“Cool it.” Yahaba clapped him on the shoulder.
“I’m not jealous.”
“Never said you were.”
You helped your classmate pack her things. While you followed her out the door, she twirled a lock of hair around her finger and fiddled with the hem of her skirt. You bid her goodbye as her friends called her over, then turned to Kyōtani and Yahaba. 
“Ready to go?”
Yahaba nodded, as did Kyōtani. You walked ahead of them, listing off that day’s menu. Behind you, Kyōtani’s eyes zeroed in on your moving form, the shift of your hips as you took each step. From an outsider’s perspective, it looked like he was honing in on a kill. Yahaba prodded his arm.
“Don’t be a pervert.”
You swore you heard a slap.
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Friday after school, your parents were home from work much earlier than anticipated. A game show played on the television. They barely noticed your arrival until you called out. The TV turned off, and your mother looked over the back of the sofa with a wry smile. Your father drummed his fingers on the arm of the sofa. His eyes stayed glued to the empty screen.
“Welcome back,” your mother greeted. She glanced at the boxes in the kitchen, filled with old plates and cutlery you hadn’t touched in a while. You assumed they were throwing them out.
“So…” she drawled. “What do you think of Tokyo?”
Your hands shook as you set your school bag down on the kitchen table. The boxes made more sense. You remembered your father talking about a school his friend’s son attended. Nekoma, was it? He told you how great it was there, that it’d be easy to make friends in such a populated area.
“Tokyo…” you repeated. A heavy lump formed in your throat. “It seems… nice. Why do you ask?” You couldn’t stop the waver in your voice. Your mother caught on too.
“Dad’s company moved areas. It’s a big shift, but it’s too good to lose. So-”
“We’re moving.”
“I didn’t say that.”
“But you were about to.” 
Your head hung over the table. There was a crushing weight in your chest. Of course they wouldn’t tell you. They never did. It was too much to not expect this betrayal. If you told them how happy you were at Seijoh, maybe things would’ve been different. I could’ve prevented this. You shook your head. You couldn’t stop an entire company from moving, nor could you convince your father to find a new job in Miyagi. You had to follow them like you always did.
“If we can stay, we will, but most likely-”
“I’ll start packing.”
You grabbed your school bag and stomped to your room, vision obscured by your tears. Why now? Why did it have to be when you were starting to fit in, when you found real friends who made you happier than ever? Just when things looked like they were turning around, you were back at square one. You’d be there for a while, stuck in a new city far away from Seijoh. If you were with your old group, you wouldn’t have been this upset. But to not see them again—Yahaba, Hanamaki, even Oikawa.
You opened your phone and stared at the lock screen: a picture of you and Kentarō from the movie night at Oikawa’s. His arm was slung over your shoulder, a scowl on his face, but the peace sign he held up made it worth it. You remembered taking it and everyone gasping that Kentarō would even allow anyone to take a picture of him, let alone save it. Your heart fluttered. When did he stop being Kyōtani and become Kentarō?
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Kentarō faced the empty playground. He sat in the right swing as he always did, scanning the area for any sign of you. In his hand was his attempt at a fruit sandwich, messily covered in cellophane with whipped cream oozing between the bread. A bandaid wrapped the tip of his finger where he accidentally cut himself. Damn those strawberries.
Kentarō kicked at the dirt. He waited, and waited some more, but after twenty minutes, you didn’t show. He pulled out his phone and sent you a quick text. Your absence made his skin crawl. His phone lit up with a response. Sorry, was all you said.
He couldn’t shake the heaviness as he trudged home.
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The view outside the window gave you an excuse to be distracted. The voices of the boys were loud, but you chose to focus on the birds circling the courtyard. Two of them swooped down and landed on the thick branch of an old tree. They ruffled their feathers and nuzzled their beaks. You saw your old friends walk out of the main building. The one who introduced you to the gym glanced up. His eyes met yours momentarily. He went back to talking to someone you didn’t recognize and led them to the other side of the campus.
You stared out the window until Mattsun shook your shoulder. You turned and put on a faux smile. Your classwork was still strewn across your desk even though it was lunch. A few drops of chili sauce had landed on your math homework. You scowled at Hanamaki, his face stuffed with food.
You wiped it off with an eye roll then stuffed it into your bag along with your other notebooks.
“What’s buggin’ ya?” Mattsun asked. 
You shrugged. “Nothing. I’m ready for the day to end.” It was the last thing you wanted. There was a bit of time before you left for Tokyo, but the countdown moved fast. You ignored Mattsun’s opposing look and ate. They couldn’t know yet.
Kentarō knew there was more than what met the eye, but he bit his tongue. He was paranoid, he told himself. The guilty look on your face as the boys laughed, unaware of the shift in attitude, said otherwise. He threw his arm over the back of your chair. You relaxed, but the sad look remained. Remembering the fruit sandwich he made, Kentarō grabbed it from his bag and slid it across your desk. You raised your brows.
“What’s this?”
“I made it.”
You unwrapped the sticky mess of whipped cream and strawberry jam. Kentarō watched you take a small bite, followed by a bigger one.
“This is delicious!”
He showed you the tip of his finger. “The price I paid for it.”
Your knees knocked against his under your desk. He flinched. You pressed your finger to your lips, then to the bandaid. “Thank you. Hope it feels better.”
Your cheeks swelled as you took more bites than you could chew. Pink syrup stuck to the corner of your mouth. Cute, Kentarō thought.
“What was that?” you mumbled. A crumb lodged itself in your throat. Mattsun rushed over and slapped you so hard on the back it echoed. A handful of other students looked over. Hanamaki scolded you for gulping down your bottle of water without taking any breaths. Kentarō cheeks turned a darker shade than the strawberries when you gripped his arm for support. You didn’t ask again.
“Cute,” he whispered anyway. He knew you wouldn’t hear over Mattsun’s teasing. “You’re cute.”
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Kentarō invited you to the movies. He planned on having it at home, but his parents occupied the TV, and his laptop was too small to enjoy anything. He met you at a plaza a walking distance’s away. He let you pick the movie, curious about your tastes. Action? Romcom? When he looked at his ticket, it was for the latest horror movie. Critics raved about it, calling it the best of the decade. Impressive.
The movie started a while ago. The critics were right, it was scary, a lot scarier than he expected. You enjoyed it like a comedy movie, clapping your hand over your mouth when the entire theater shrieked at the killer, including Kentarō.
“You’re a sadist,” he whispered.
“Am not, just think it’s funny.”
He shook his head. Another jumpscare happened, this time worse than before. Several people jolted in their seats and bits of popcorn flew into the air. Kentarō didn’t realize he had sank into his seat—your seat, actually—until you nudged his foot with yours.
“Scared?” Your breath was warm against his ear.
You patted his hand which clutched the armrest with a vice grip. Kentarō’s heart beat faster.
“It’s okay,” you said. “I’m right here.”
The movie ended and the lights switched on. People left the theater with wobbly legs and pale faces. You headed to the exit holding your empty cups and popcorn bags with Kentarō in tow. He wished the movie was longer. Not because he enjoyed it, but because the smile on your face made it worth it.
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Your room was bare besides your bed and desk. Most of your stuff was packed neatly in the many cardboard boxes piled inside your now empty closet. It’d been a few weeks since that Friday, and you still hadn’t told Kentarō or any of the boys. You weren’t sure how to break the news. He noticed how clingy you became, tailing him wherever he went at school. Not that he minded. You talked less at the playground. It was him who filled the silence instead, though his daily recaps weren’t as interesting as yours.
Next week was the last with Kentarō. In your shaky hands was an envelope, the edges indented from how hard you gripped it. You took out the letter inside, read it over, then slipped it back in. You thought about sealing it for the umpteenth time that day. Before your tongue swiped against the flap, you quickly scanned over the letter once more as if the words would disappear. You’d seal it later, you told yourself.
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Your over-the-top cheeriness was so evident it was painful. They asked what was up, and you said you were simply having a good day. Kentarō knew better than that. At lunch, when you were away from everyone else, he prodded your shoulder and asked what was wrong. You frowned at him, then smiled.
“Everything's fine.”
Before he could probe further, you grabbed his wrist and led him to the cafeteria.
“There’s chicken! It’s your favorite, right?”
Something slipped out of your pocket. Kentarō thought it was your school notes. He bent down to pick it up and saw it was a white envelope, unsealed. You were already gone, dragged away by his teammates. He didn’t want to pry, but curiosity got the best of him. Turning the other direction, he grabbed the note inside. His name at the top caught his eye.
Dear Kyōken-chan,
He snorted.
Sorry for not telling you this sooner. I’m still trying to process this too.
A crease formed on his forehead as he squinted. The letter was quite long, the handwriting messy. He repeated the phrases in his head over and over, but he couldn’t fully understand what they meant. He flipped it to the back and sighed when there was more. He decided to scan it this time, except a handful of words made him reread it in depth.
“Kentarō!” In your arms were several wrapped buns from the cafeteria. He tried to stuff the note into his pocket, but you already saw.
“Oh.” The buns fell to the ground. “Oh no.”
Kentarō’s face was a mix of frustration and hurt. The hand holding the letter shook, the other balled in a fist. You wanted to run, but if you moved, you swore you’d collapse.
“(Y/N),” he murmured. “What is this?”
A weary laugh escaped your lips. “Um. Can we go somewhere else?”
Not waiting for an answer, you grabbed his wrist and led him to the school’s courtyard.
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“One week,” he huffed.
“One week.”
You sat beneath a large, shady tree in the farthest corner away from the main building. Kentarō rubbed his temple and sighed. He held onto your letter. You fiddled with your fingers in your lap.
“For how long?”
“Probably forever. Not literally, but it’ll feel like it.”
“So you’re graduating from Nekoma?”
You nodded. Kentarō tapped his knuckles against his cheek.
“Wished you told me sooner.”
You blinked at him wearily. “You’re not mad?”
He shook his head then turned away. You grew quiet for a moment. He took it as his chance to butt in.
“So, you like me?”
“It’s all in the letter.”
“I want to hear you say it.”
You looked away. Your hands were clammy, and the air felt ten times hotter. The word you used was stronger, much stronger than he anticipated. It made his cheeks burn and a smile threatened to pull at his lips. He wanted to hear it come to life.
“I love you, Kentarō.”
It sounded sweet, almost tooth-rotting sweet. Kentarō chewed the inside of his cheek. He liked you, he really did. He just wasn’t sure if it was the right moment to say it. Would there be a right moment? After this week, you’d be in Tokyo in another school—a rival school, to make matters worse. He wanted his words to hold weight, and in that moment, they didn’t. Not as much as he wished.
“If you don’t feel the same, I understand.”
“I do.”
You opened your mouth to speak, but the bell cut you off. Kentarō hoisted himself from the ground then held his hand out. His palm was rough under yours, but his touch was gentle. Once you got to your feet, you let go, but he kept his pinky locked with yours.
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Friday arrived quickly. Sadness filled the air as you said your goodbyes, thanking your classmates and teachers for the short, but pleasant year. After school, the team led you to the gym with your eyes covered. The boys’ gym was decorated with a banner and a table with food. There was even a cake, the word Seijoh iced and crossed out on top. You let out a hearty laugh before inviting the boys to dig in.
“Of course,” said Oikawa. “I paid for it.”
On one side, Mattsun smeared frosting over Hanamaki’s cheek. On the other, Oikawa tried to spoon-feed Iwaizumi only to be smacked on the head. You sat on the floor next to Kentarō and looked around with a big smile. His thumb reached out to wipe a dollop of frosting from the corner of your mouth. The phrase, “Time flies when you’re having fun,” held up its end of the bargain. When you looked outside, the sun had begun to set.
You thanked your friends, took one last photo, and managed to hold in your tears until your walk home. You promised to visit and to cheer them on at nationals, even if you were on Nekoma’s side. They laughed, waved with sad smiles, then watched you leave.
Kentarō caught up with you a third of the way home. His hand slipped into yours, a habit he recently picked up. It wouldn’t last much longer. You stopped a few houses down from yours. You didn’t want to let go, not yet.
You learned many things this year. One, life wasn’t fair. It never was. Two, people weren’t as shitty as you thought, proven in your new friendships. Three, seeing Kentarō cry made your heart ache in a way you never wanted to feel again. His head fell against your shoulder with a hard thump, tears soaking through the uniform you’d wear for the last time. You rubbed his back and pressed your lips to the top of his head.
“Stay,” he pleaded.
“I wish I could.”
“Please don’t go.”
“I have to.”
Kentarō looked up through his watery lashes. Your lips connected. Who initiated it was a mystery. His kiss was slow but fervent. You leaned in, deepening it until you swore your teeth clashed. Kentarō’s hands rested on your hips, yours on the nape of his neck. His kisses were magnetizing, drawing you closer with each movement. You broke apart for air, foreheads pressed together. He still had tears in his eyes, and so did you. You stayed like that for a bit, wrapped in each other’s arms until you knew you had to let go.
“Call me everyday, please,” he whispered.
“I promise. I swear on my life.” 
You kissed him again. 
“Goodbye, Kentarō. I love you.”
“Goodbye, (Y/N). I’ll be waiting.”
“So will I.”
Kentarō didn’t say it, but he didn’t have to. You knew he loved you, proven by his daily text messages and calls thereafter. Even if it only lasted a couple of seconds, you never missed a day. Sometimes, you heard his teammates' voices in the background. The audio would become crackly before a new voice replaced your boyfriend’s: Mattsun, Yahaba, Oikawa, and even Iwaizumi. 
Boyfriend. The fact made your stomach fill with butterflies. Kentarō was yours, and you were his.
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It’d been months since you last saw him in person. You finished your second-year at Nekoma, a school that welcomed you with open arms. You met lots of people, found new friends, but the boys from Seijoh never left your mind. The picture you took hung on the wall of your new bedroom, a space you were still getting used to. Summer vacation was here, and you promised to come home to Miyagi for a week or two. On the train, you checked your phone to see how many kilometers were left. Just a few more minutes.
When it came to a halt, you burst from your seat, duffle bag in tow. You sent Kentarō a text, only to be face-to-face with him the moment the doors opened. You leapt into his arms, knocking him back a few steps. His chin rested on your shoulder as you hugged, swaying side to side.
“I missed you so much, Ken.”
“Missed you, too.”
Your fingers clasped around his, resting perfectly in the dips between his knuckles. Hopefully, he hadn’t dropped his habit. The months you were apart flew by, but they were also the longest you had ever witnessed. Seeing Kentarō for the first time in a while felt like a breath of cool, fresh air.
You tugged on his wrist, ready to head to town. He stayed put.
“What is it?”
“I love you.”
He grinned shyly at you. Kentarō brought color into your dull life, your source of noise in the thick silence. The summer wouldn’t forever, and you had another year left to endure. But as long as he was there, even kilometers away, you’d get through it together.
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jamilelucato · 4 years
Popcorn Taste [F.W]
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Pairing: Fred Weasley x reader
Summary: It’s a bit awkward spending Christmas in the Burrow after what happened between you and Fred.
Warning: there’s a drunk scene, but the characters are not underage; fluffy;
A/N: of course I’m participating in my own challenge, why not? So this is Day 7- Making A Popcorn Garland for the A Very Harry Potter Christmas with @whack-ed​
Harry Potter Masterlist ||  Musical Hogwarts Series
Generally, being invited to spend the holidays with the Weasley was all you could’ve wished. This year, however, staying in that small house locked with tons of red-heads was not your first goal.
Nevertheless, when the letter arrived, there was nothing you could do but sigh and reply with “thanks for the invite; yes, I’m coming; no, I’m not bringing someone with me.”
Mrs and Mr Weasley had a special place in your heart — for all the days they allowed you to stay with them, particularly during the dark times of war, and after it, when you were alone. You had no choice but to show up and, fair enough, it wasn’t all that bad. You liked the older couple; you always laughed around Bill; Charlie had unique stories to tell, and even Percy remained quite pleasant and able to communicate when you were around.
It was the next son in line that worried your guts and caused the butterflies in your stomach to fly around.
You took one last look at your flat before holding tight to your luggage before Apparating to the Burrow. It was one week before Christmas, but it was the exact day — and time — that Mrs Weasley had written for you to show up.
The loud sound (of what probably used to be) a vase breaking echoed in the house, and you involuntarily ducked, even though there was no one in the living room to see you.
“[y/n]? Is that you?” Molly’s voice found its way to where you were still scared to move and break something else.
“It’s me, Molly,”— she would never allow you to call her Mrs Weasley in front of her — “and I think I broke something.”
She found her way to the living room, carefully stepping away from the broken pieces and reaching for you with her hands, firstly cupping your face and squeezing your cheeks before pulling you in a proper hug.
“It’s okay, dear! I’m so happy you came,” she whispered in your ear, before pulling you away and reaching for your luggage, not even asking if you wanted help.
“She’s been talking about you all week.”
At first, the voice seemed familiar, and it made you shiver until Molly stepped out of your sight and revealed the real speaker, standing near the door sill — and although he looked a lot like who you thought he was, he still wasn’t him.
“Hi, George,” you smiled sympathetically, slowly moving towards the younger twin, paying attention not to step on the broken vase.
He received you with a quick but tight hug. When you pulled away, your eyes searched for the other half of that pair, but you didn’t find the other identical face.
“Fred’s coming later,” George explained the question that you didn’t ask aloud.
“I wasn’t looking for him,” you denied with some charm, more out of fear of Molly listening and having second thoughts than fear of George finding out what was going on in the dark corners of your mind.
After all, you were pretty sure that George already knew.
When you surreptitiously looked back, however, Molly and her bags were no longer in the room.
“Since Mum’s taking care of your accommodation, come help me with de-gnoming the yard,” George suggested, putting one of his long arms over your shoulders and pulling you close.
“I thought this job was Ron’s,” you said, having a vague memory of a Christmas years ago, “and Potter’s.”
George smiled. “Ronniekins and Harriekins are only coming later in the night,” he explained, guiding you out of the Burrow. “But I think you’ll like to see who’s helping me out in the yard.”
As soon as he opened the door to the back, your eyes scanned the place, soon finding red hair in the wind, too long to belong to any other Weasley but: “Bill!!” you shouted, running towards him.
Bill smiled when he turned and saw you, and greeted you with a warm hug, as he always did when you spent days at the Burrow and felt left out.
“Hi, little one,” he stroked your hair before putting you back on the ground. “I think we have a lot of catching up to do.”
“Tell me about it! You’ll never know...” Bill let you vent until you saw the platinum blond woman coming towards the three of you, and she had a hand positioned at the end of her belly as if it was too heavy to carry. “Oh, my Merlin!!!”
Bill chuckled at your reaction at his pregnant wife.
You rushed to get closer to Fleur, afraid she was too slow because of the child she carried in her womb, but you slowed down when you got close, scared you could hurt her.
“Fleur! I can’t believe it! Can I...?” you looked down at where her hands were placed.
“Sure,” she said with her French accent still very strong. She smiled at you while you delicately pressed your hands on her belly, trying to feel the life growing on her. 
“How long...?”
“Four months,” Bill answered from behind you. “We wanted to be sure before telling the family.”
“And you were right in doing so,” you said between gasps of surprise — you were still very much fascinated with it. “Hey, George, when are you and Angelina....”
“Don’t even start!” he interrupted you in a protest and soon everybody was laughing, just like old times.
You weren’t surprised when, after a long two hours of de-gnoming the backyard and a well-deserved hot bath, you found your suitcase in the twins’ room.
Molly had installed you there for two reasons. The first was that gradually over the day, the rest of the Weasley siblings were arriving, and so the rooms filled up.
Bill and his wife stayed in his room; Percy and his wife switched places with Ginny in search of a larger one, so Ginny and Hermione were cramped in Percy’s old small room. Ron and Harry would share Ron’s room upstairs, and Charlie had his room to himself, as it was also a tiny room.
Therefore, the only room large enough to accommodate an extra mattress was the twins’.
The second reason was that you had been used to sleeping there since you were fifteen when on the hottest summer nights you ran away from Ginny’s room and were welcomed next to Fred and George. When you were a teen, you believed you did a great job being discreet, but now at 21, you reconsidered that maybe Molly always knew, but pretended not to see.
You quickly changed, afraid the boys could come in at any moment. You had heard Fred’s voice — Merlin, you’d recognize it at any distance — when you were getting out of the bathroom, so you were extra nervous when you left the room and headed to the kitchen, where the majority of the family was. Except for Fleur who needed to rest and Percy, his wife and Charlie that were in the living room.
“Here, she is!” Fred’s voice greeted you in that heartwarming way that only he had, and with just a couple of steps he reached you and held you in a tight hug, slightly taking your feet off the ground. 
“Hi, Freddie,” you whispered in his ear with a chuckle while he put you back on the floor. You saw his cheeks turning red because of the nickname and thought it was the cutest thing ever.
“Hope you’re hungry,” said George from behind Fred, but you couldn’t see him — Fred was your only view at that moment.
“Always am, Weasley,” you replied, placing your hands in the back pockets of your jeans and walking towards the smell of warm food. You had no idea what it was — you always sucked with scents — but it looked good. Fred turned in the direction you were walking, watching you.
Like you, he was scared to death that you both would be startled the next time you saw each other, but as soon as his eyes met yours, he couldn’t contain the joy and desire to at least embrace you.
The thing was, last time you two had seen each other was on a party in the twins flat, and, after a couple of drinks, you ended up kissing Fred in a bathroom. It actually happened like this:
“What are you doing here?” Fred asked when you stepped in the small bathroom of his room. He wasn’t angry, just surprised. Besides, he wasn’t naked or something — he had already done whatever he needed to do in the bathroom, but he needed to wash his hands before leaving.
“I know you said for us to use the guest bathroom, but whoever is in there hasn’t left since,” you sighed, staring at him slowly, taking your time to appreciate the view, “and I need to pee.”
“Oh, I’ll leave.”
“Please, don’t,” you said, a bit too fast. Even drunk, you noticed that you didn’t even hesitate. “It’s just... I’ll get lost in here alone.”
Fred looked around. He was drunk too, but he still had a clear idea that his flat wasn’t at all that big.
“Okay,” he agreed slowly, unsure of what else to say. He then turned to face the door, allowing you to do whatever you needed to do with some privacy.
Deep down, he loved the idea of being in a small room with you. It’s just, he was drunk, so it wasn’t the first scenario he had in mind.
“You can turn now,” you said; your voice followed by the sound of the flush. You stepped closer to the sink — there really wasn’t much space there — and after washing your hands, you were left to confront your darkest fears.
Fred stared down at you, his head above yours just like always, only this time, he was so close that it was almost terrifying. It made you weak in the knees. And you were so drunk...
“Kiss me.”
“Huh?” Fred shocked his head. He had heard you, he just wasn’t sure you wanted to make his wildest dreams come true.
“Kiss me, Freddie,” oh, the nickname — it was his weak spot, and he was so close now. Your hands cupped his cheekbone.
“You are drunk,” he stated, noticing that at any other circumstances, you wouldn’t have the balls.
“So are you,” you smiled, leaning closer to him and finally ending the last millimetres that were in your way.
Both of you remembered the kiss, even though the approach seemed to be like it never happened. It didn’t last much — someone knocked on the door, asking for Fred, saying they needed to say good-bye, and so he left you alone in that bathroom with just your thoughts and his smell all over you.
It had been two months since the kiss, and you two ignored each other since. Some nights, you wish you could’ve forgotten it, but how could you when every time you closed your eyes your brain replayed the moment?
“Lost in thoughts?” asked Molly as she placed some food in your plate during dinner.
You stared at her — truly lost in thoughts. She smiled, forcing you to smile back, but the corner of your mind was still thinking about Fred and the fact that in a couple of hours you’d be sleeping in his room. With him.
Dinner went well, and even the late hours by the fire — even though Ginny and Ron left you to sit on the floor. It was easy to distract yourself from Fred when he had like, a ton of other siblings to talk to. And unfortunately, that’s what you did — avoided talking to only him the whole night.
When you finally gathered enough courage, you went to the bedroom, already in your pyjamas. You came across a snoring George (how easy it was for him to sleep, it was a mystery), but Fred’s bed was still empty.
As you entered the room trying to make as little noise as possible, you realized that there was already a body on your mattress on the floor.
Red hair fluttered, and in the dim light of the only candle in the room, you saw Fred’s eyes shine when they met you.
“What are you doing on my mattress?”
“Yours?” he asked in a voice not as low as yours. Perhaps he knew the limits of his brother’s hearing better than you. “You didn’t think I was going to let you sleep on the floor, did you?”
“Fred, please, it wouldn’t be a bother...”
“[y/n], just accept my bed for today. ’M already very well settled here to leave,” he debated, gesturing with his neck towards himself, where he really looked comfortable under a thick blanket.
You sighed, knowing very well, after years of being Fred and George’s best friend that there was no point with arguing. So you jumped on his old bed, trying to find a position, but already knowing it’d take you at least a couple of hours to finally sleep.
In a quick and not calculated movement, your head ended up turned on the pillow, making your breathing more limited, thus having to breathe through it.
It was a bad idea because, without warning, Fred’s scent invaded your nostrils. It wasn’t a bad smell, quite the contrary — it was very much inviting and, knowing that Fred was only less than a meter from you and remembering the taste of his kiss, sleeping was suddenly impossible that night.
You sighed, but could not move, paralyzed in that position — it was as if your body was addicted to his scent, and you wanted more and more. When you finally fell asleep, the dream that invaded your subconscious was not much different than what you imagined before you went to sleep.
“Popcorn duty?” asked Fred, catching up to you with just a couple of large steps.
“Yeah,” you sighed, trying not to sound so disappointed. Of course, spending time with Fred was marvellous, but since you kissed him and he never mentioned it again, it kinda seemed fair to you not want to be alone with him.
Fred didn’t notice something off with your tone, so he kept walking next to you towards the kitchen, where Molly had told you the popcorn was.
Placing yourselves next to each other, you were left responsible for holding the fishing wire, and Fred was in charge of the popcorn. You handed the point of the wire for him, who sought advice with his eyes.
You helped him with your hands — this time, you were the one to blush with the touch. You did not expect his hands to be so warm in the middle of winter.
“Do you reckon Mum would mind if we ate one?” he asked, raising a single popcorn up. “Or two?”
You chuckled at his worries, looking down at the bowl filled with old popcorn. You had no idea why he thought that was delicious. It still smelled like good popcorn, but you knew that, for these types of garlands, it needed to be ready, like, at least, one week earlier.
“They don’t look very appetizing to me,” you commented, tilting your head towards him, holding tightly to the wire since Fred seemed reckless with the thing.
“Ah,” Fred sighed, using the popcorn that he was about to eat to place in the garland. He seemed to be getting the hang of it by now. “Well, I’m just hungry,” he shrugged innocently.
“I bet. It’s not like you just ate breakfast, right?” you chuckled, and Fred joined, looking at you with the same sparkly eyes that captured your heart when you were just a kid. He had no idea that you have been liking him for so long.
“I’ll tell you what, before we go to bed, we can watch a movie and I’ll make you new popcorn,” you offered after a moment of silence. Fred wasn’t the quiet type of guy, so when the room was filled with it, something was definitely wrong.
He smiled with the opportunity you gave him. “Asking me on a date, [y/n]?”
You elbowed him, laughing nervous first, but when you realized that he was just teasing you, your laugh became more real. It was so easy to have fun with Fred.
After a few years of romantically craving him so strongly, you had forgotten that he was also a great friend.
“You wish, Weasley,” you chuckled.
Charlie walked in the kitchen, followed by Ron, and both of the brothers stared at you two for a while before getting back to what they planned on doing.
“Having fun?” asked Charlie with the cutest British mixed with Romanian accent ever.
You exchanged looks with Fred.
“No, he’s pretty boring,” you shrugged, before dropping your act and laughing out loud. 
“[y/n] won’t let me eat the popcorn,” Fred said, getting on board with your joke.
“That’s not what I said,” you raised a brow. Ron was about to roll his eyes, very much tired of your thing with Fred. He remembered you two back in school and how annoying and oblivious you two were. He was just like that with Hermione, but you were never the one to point it out. 
“I said that this popcorn is old,” you reached for one yourself, “and disgusting.”
“Are you complaining about Mum’s food?” Fred asked, dropping the wire over the table and crossing his arms, trying to look intimidating.
“She didn’t make it for us to eat it,” you pointed out. 
Charlie was leaned in the sink counter, watching the scene with a glass of water in his hands, trying hard not to laugh at the fact that you two were acting like an old couple. It kinda reminded him of when he was younger, and Arthur and Molly couldn’t stop arguing about what to do with the too-big-to-enter-the-house Christmas Tree.
“Let’s go, Charlie,” Ron called his older brother. “The ball ornaments won’t paint themselves.”
“You guys are painting the ornaments?” you expression suddenly turned blue. Fred looked down at you, feeling worried. “Oh, I wish I was painting.”
Fred bit his lip before suggesting “Why don’t you go with them? I think I can finish this myself.”
You looked from the bowl of popcorn still full with it to Fred, who had the cutest of faces. 
“Nah, you need me,” you said and then gulped at the double meaning of your words. “I mean, need me to finish this.”
Charlie and Ron exchanged suspicious looks while Fred stared at you, smiling with his eyes.
“Should we...?” Ron whispered to Charlie, who just placed his hands in the youngest’s back and pushed it.
“Just go,” Charlie whispered back, leaving you and Fred to get back to your own rhythm with things, distracted with each other.
When the popcorn garlands where ready, the tree was already inside the house — job done by Arthur and Bill. They had picked a beautiful tree (and to Charlie’s relief, this one fit the house).
Ginny and Hermione were the two focusing on placing the decorations on the right places, following the orders of Molly and Fleur (although the girls seemed to be paying attention only to Molly’s suggestions).
You were about to sit in the middle of Fred and George in the couch when Ron, Charlie, Percy and his wife walked in the house, holding a big transparent box filled with painted balls.
“Ow, let me see them!” you rushed next to Charlie and deepened your hands inside. “Are they still fresh?”
“No,” Charlie replied, noticing you were scared of ruining the ornaments.
The first one your hands touched you brought up, noticing it had two different names on it. In one side, [y/n] was written, but the other had Fred on it.
“Why two names?” you really wanted to ask why it was yours and Fred’s, but there were too many people on the room.
Ron and Charlie gulped, while Percy and his wife exchanged happy side looks.
“Mum wanted two names in each because she felt like our names were too short,” said Ron, but his explanation didn’t please anyone on the room, “or something,” he added a second later.
You placed the ball in your hands back in the box, and Charlie offered you a sympathetic smile.
You headed back to the couch, watching the girls finish placing the ornaments. Molly walked in, with a lot of bags on her hand, so Bill and George got up to help, leaving you and Fred on the couch alone.
“So... our date’s still up?”
You turned your face to him, at first confused, but then giggling.
“It’s not a date.”
“Did you invite anyone else?” he asked, leaning closer to you involuntarily.
“No,” you said as if it was clear.
“Then it is a date,” he smirked. “Don’t worry, I won’t tell anyone you asked me out.”
“Oh, shove off, Weasley,” you pushed him slightly, both of you laughing. Oh, how you wanted it to be a real date.
But sure it wasn’t. It couldn’t be, right? you wondered, staring at him from the corner of your eye.
“Okay, they’re gone,” Fred said, calling you from the stairs. You left his room on tiptoes, scared of waking the house up and reached him at the bottom of the staircase.
You two waited for everyone to leave the living room — where the only TV in the house could be found — and pretended to go to bed as well. When Fred’s watch pointed to one in the morning, he shook your arm slightly (waking you up but you’d never confess you had slept) and you both left for your adventure.
“So what movie did you get us?”
He turned to face you, who was sitting in the couch, bringing the blanket you had taken with yourself closer to your chin.
“While You Were Sleeping,” he answered. “Seemed to be the youngest Mum had around.”
“It’s a romance,” you pointed out, tilting your head provocatively.
“It’s not a...” Fred looked up to the TV where Sandra Bullock started walking around the streets. “It’s a romance,” he sighed, defeated.
You chuckled. “I like it. But do you?”
“Ahn,” he seemed lost in thought. “It doesn’t matter.”
You had no idea what that meant, but you gave him some room to sit next to you in the couch and for him to get under the covers, while the popcorn in your lap kept you two moving your mouths.
The movie seemed quite pleasant, but it was hard to pay attention when Fred’s smell was all over you once again, the only smell your body had no problem identifying.
You gulped in the dark. “Are you enjoying it?” you asked, sure that romantic movies could not possibly be Fred’s favourite genre.
“Yep,” he answered a bit too fast. Suspicious, you thought.
“Who’s your favourite character?” you decided to test him.
“The girl.”
“Why’s that?” his answers seemed too generic so when replied this last question you made, you were surprised.
“She likes the guy, but she’s afraid to give up what she idealized. She’s scared of the new,” he said, and although the answer appeared accurate to the movie, something told you he was not talking about Sandra Bullock’s character.
You turned to face him, noticing that he was way closer to you then you thought. Perhaps all the warm did not come from only the blanket. Fred gulped when he saw you staring at him.
“I think she has a valid reason for that.”
The corners of his lips raised just a little. “What’s that?”
“The guy hasn’t been very clear about what he wants either.”
Fred gulped, feeling his cheeks burn. You were right — he wasn’t talking about the movie character.
“Kiss me.”
Oh, the sentence that has been hunting both of you down this time was voiced by Fred Weasley and that could have not left you more speechless.
So you knew what you had to do, after all, the guy was being very clear about what he wanted.
Your lips met his, this time with no rush. It was like when a hummingbird meets a flower — delicate, even though deep down very much desperate.
At this moment, you two were alone, and you had time, and you weren’t drunk. This time was going to be perfect, and Merlin, how it was! Fred had this unique way of touching you softly but fervently, and each time his hands changed position, your body twisted, wanting more, wanting him to kiss you everywhere, hoping he wouldn’t go away.
When you two finally parted, after several attempts to do so, but neither wanting to stop kissing yet, he smirked down at you, leaving your body in his embrace.
“You taste like popcorn,” he said, breaking the silence of the living room since the movie had ended and neither of you had noticed.
“I hope it’s the good one,” you smiled too, feeling surrendered to his charms.
It was good to have him around you, his body twisted with yours, and it was even best to know that he wanted you as much or even more than you craved him.
“It’s the best one,” he said, before kissing you again.
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rendevousz · 3 years
not a lonely birthday
teen!actress!reader x platonic!jeremy renner
brief reader x marvel cast
req by @maximeevansblog : The reader (me ) is dating jeremy renner its the readers birtday, and jeremy renner spoiling her, taking to the hair salon and to the nail salon , and the trows a party for her, and he asks her to marry him, and a couple months later the reader is asked to been on say yes to the dress and alot of fluff please (i'm so sorry i couldn't write your exact request. i added the other cast too but it's still mainly jeremy renner so i hope you enjoy this still)
summary: you thought you were gonna have to spend your birthday alone but jeremy had other plans.
word count: 3296
note: i told her i couldn't really write romance because my blog is mainly teen!reader and she said i could just turn it into an x teen!reader so i did. i mean, i can write a non teen!reader but it probably won't be anytime soon so i'm not taking requests that aren't x teen!reader as of now <33
"are you sure you'll be okay?"
"yes, mum, i'll be fine here. i've been doing fine for the past two and a half months, what's another week without you guys gonna do to me?" you told your mother on the phone, rolling your eyes at her excessive, unnecessary worrying.
"we're so sorry about this, sweetheart," you heard your dad speak and you figured he must've been listening the whole time. your mum must've had it on speaker since the beginning of the phone call.
"you shouldn't have to spend your birthday all alone. i promise we'll make it up to you, honey." your mother spoke again and you groaned. "i keep telling you that it's fine. and what do you take me for, a loner? i've got the others here, mum, i'll be fine." you told her, a smile ghosting over your lips at how concerned she is of you.
your birthday was coming in two days and having a whole movie to film meant that you weren't allowed to leave the country for just a weekend to celebrate it with your family. so, they worked around your schedule and planned a trip to visit. unfortunately, your idiot of a brother managed to get himself into a skating accident and had to be hospitalised, affecting their whole plan of coming to celebrate your 18th birthday with you. well, not on the day of your birthday, at least.
"i'll make sure sarah'll bring you out to celebrate, okay? i'm so sorry about this, y/n." you could practically hear the pout in her voice and you held back the urge to tell her off for profusely apologising, you didn't want to receive a beating when she finally arrives here.
"i'll be fine, mum," you whined. "as i said, i'll be filming on my birthday too so i'll at least be with the cast then. it's never a dull day with them. and i'll be waiting for your gift from sarah on my birthday." you teased her. you knew she had a habit of getting birthday gifts way too early. for once, she was grateful for that because she had given sarah—your manager and also a family friend— your birthday present for her to safe-keep in case anything like this happened and she couldn't give it to you on your birthday.
"i'll give you permission to whack your brother once we come." your dad tells you seriously and you laughed. "thanks, dad. i'll be sure to remember it. anyways, i have to get back on set soon. i'll talk to you guys when i can?"
"of course, honey. have fun on set!" your parents bid you goodbye and you hung up with an adoring smile on your face. you missed your family and having been able to hear your parents' voices for a mere five minutes was enough to cure it for even just a little bit. sure, you were disappointed that you weren't going to get to spend your birthday with them but spending it doing what you love—acting— with the people, aside from your family and friends from home, that you love—the cast— didn't sound so bad.
"i'm so sorry about this, darling." you heard someone say, effectively breaking your train of thoughts. you turned to the source of the voice, meeting the hazel eyes of your manager and long-time family friend, sarah. she pulls you in for a hug that you groaned into but still returned. you rolled your eyes playfully when she let go. "i'm not upset, sarah."
"i know. but you're disappointed." she says softly, fixing your costume after the hug messed it up a little. "maybe i am, but it doesn't matter. i chose this life so technically i brought all of this upon myself. i signed up to have a normal life stripped away from me." you told her honestly, internally cringing because you hadn't meant to get that deep.
"y/n," her hands rested on both of your shoulders and she looks down at you with that stern mum glare she'd give you whenever you were being a little troublemaker. she was practically your second mum, having promised your own that she'd take care of you whenever you had to travel for filming.
"i know, i know, i'm sorry. i didn't mean it in a bad way. i love my job but it sucks that i have to be far away from family, you know?" you sighed. "i understand, darling. it's hard but hey, i'll be with you the whole day, okay? we'll go out and have a nice girl's day out together, do whatever you want. that sound nice to you?" she places a gentle hand against your skin, careful not to rub the fake dirt and wound makeup on your face.
"that sounds great, sarah. i have only a half day of filming that day, right?" you ask her, knowing she remembers your schedule better than you yourself do. "yup. anyways, they need you on set 3. get out there and make me proud, darling."
"and....cut!" the director called out and you dramatically dropped limp against the wire harness attached to your body, the wires holding up your weight so you didn't drop down to the floor but also didn't have to remain standing on your own.
you heard sebastian laughing, him being the closest to you in the scene you had just filmed. "you tired, y/n/n?" evans chuckled as he walked towards where you and seb were standing. "yeah, i just wanna sleep right now." you told them, standing up on your own when a crew member wanted to get your harness off.
"well, at least you get to rest now. you're done for the day right?" seb asked, the three of you now walking to the snack table together. "yeah but sarah wanted to take me out so maybe not rest but i'll get to relax. that's good enough," you say, peeling off a banana and taking a bite while the two men drank some water.
"she's taking you out later today? is there a special occasion?" chris asked and you smiled at him. "nah, nothing much. she just thought i've been stressed lately." you lied. you didn't want to seem attention-seeking for telling chris and sebastian that it was your birthday so you settled on a little lie.
"she's not wrong. you have been working hard and you deserve a relaxing evening off work." seb agreed.
"oh she's walking over here right now. are you going now?" chris asked, eyes trained behind you as he watched sarah coming closer. you turned around, meeting her frown-etched face and you blinked profusely in confusion. "i thought we're going in two hours?"
"y/n, i'm so sorry. some stuff came up and i have last minute errands to run all day," she told you, offering a guilty expression when your face dropped slightly. "oh.. i– um, yeah, it's fine."
"are you sure it's fine? i promised you though," she frowned. "it's fine, i know you have a lot to handle and it's totally fine if we don't go out today. i'll just take a nap and be on netflix all day, i guess." you joked but sarah didn't laugh. "sarah, it's fine. you know i've been wanting to catch up on a list of shows. when else will i be able to do this?" you assured her, trying to mask your disappointment.
"i have to go now. i'll make it up to you, darling, i promise." she gave you a hug before running off somewhere. you felt bad for her because she probably had to be running here and there all day but it didn't change that you were disappointed. maybe you really did deserve this for choosing this life.
"hey kiddo," you felt someone ruffle your hair and you were almost going to go off on them for doing that before remembering you had just finished your last scene for the day. an arm rested over your shoulder and you looked up to see jeremy taking over sarah's previous spot.
"um excuse me? do we not exist?" chris joked when jeremy didn't greet him nor seb. jeremy rolled his eyes at them, turning back to look down at you. "you did great today, kiddo." he complimented and you smiled, thanking him.
"wow okay, i guess we really don't exist, huh? c'mon seb, let's go somewhere else where people appreciate our presence." evans sassed, glaring at you two as both men strutted away.
"good riddance," jeremy said, dropping his arm so that you two were now face to face. "happy birthday, y/n." he says, handing you a little bronze coloured box. you gasped as you took it in your hands.
"how'd you know it was my birthday?" you asked him, eyes wide in surprise. "of course i know your birthday, kiddo. after all, you are my favourite co-star." he grins, gesturing for you to open the box.
you did and your hand immediately flew to cover your mouth in shock. "jeremy! you didn't!" you gently took out the necklace from the box, examining it closely. the charm was in the shape of your favourite animal and the chain was gold. this must've costed him a fortune.
"jeremy, you didn't have to!" you exclaimed, pouting at him to prevent yourself from bursting into tears right then and there. "kiddo, i love you a lot, how could i not?"
playing clint's adopted, eldest daughter in the films, as well as a member of the avengers, you and jeremy worked together a lot. he helped you a lot with practicing your lines and emotions for specific scenes and you bonded over so many things you two had in common. even off set jeremy still acted like your father so practically everyone knew how close you two were. if sarah is considered your second mum, you'd say jeremy is your second dad.
"so i heard sarah bailed on your birthday date today," he says as he helped you put on the necklace, smiling fondly when you looked down at it happily. "thanks a lot, jeremy. you really didn't have to," you hugged him tight, the man chuckling as he hugged you back.
"and sarah didn't bail. she just has errands to run all day. can't blame her, she's a busy woman." you told him. "yeah yeah, anyways, how 'bout i take you out instead? a birthday lunch and a day out with your favourite cast mate?" he wiggles his eyebrows at you, a smirk playing on his lips.
"you don't have anymore scenes to shoot?" you ask. "i do but i have plenty of time before then." he replies. you agreed happily and he tells you to meet him outside the set in an hour so you two could change out of your costumes.
"you ready for the best day ever, kiddo?" jeremy asks as you entered the passenger seat. "best day ever? then shouldn't we invite the rest?" you teased, buckling your seatbelt. "hey! i'm pretty fun too!"
you chuckled at his childishness. "i'm kidding, you are fun. now let's go already, i'm starving." you complained and he started the engine, letting you play whatever songs you wanted as background to your small talk.
you had lunch first at your favourite restaurant but not before you two had a debate of whether you were allowed to because you were supposed to be on a diet during the length of the movie shooting and him ultimately going 'to hell with that diet, it's your special day' and then dragging you in. after that, he said he had a surprise for you and told you to just get in the car.
when he finally stopped somewhere, you realised it was a pretty well known hair salon in town and you tilted your head in confusion. why would he bring you here?
"you said you wanted to dye your hair, didn't you? let's do it." he says nonchalantly, unbuckling his seatbelt before you both exited the car. "are you crazy? we're still in the middle of filming!" you exclaim in disbelief. this man was crazy.
"yeah but it's not like they can't just get a wig of your current hair and use that for the rest of the filming. scar and lizzie wear wigs all the time, you can too. now let's go dye that stupid colour you want!" he cheers, tugging you along with him by your wrist, into the salon. you chuckled at his antics, letting him drag you.
the next hour or two was spent with you worrying that your parents would kill you for this, or worse, anthony or joe. you knew it would be a meltdown for them if you came back with your hair a completely different colour.
jeremy assured you that the russos, as well as your parents, would not get mad at this but you were pretty sure you'd get an earful from both pairs. you made him promise that he would talk to both parties that he was the one who convinced you to do this. but once your hair was done, all worries flew out the window as you admired your new hair.
"you look great, kiddo. this colour looks good on you." he looks at you with a fond smile, trying to resist the urge to ruffle your newly done hair but failing. you pouted at him when he did so, reaching up to fix it again. "sorry, y/n/n, couldn't resist," he states, pinching your cheek.
"alright, next stop now, let's go!" he pulls you by the wrist once again and you let him, used to him doing this already. the next time he stopped, you damn right almost had another heart attack because again, this man was crazy.
he did not just bring you to a nail place. surely he isn't about to let you get your nails done, right? the russos would have your head and his too if you were to get them done and casually get back to the studio.
"no." you said firmly, crossing your arms over your chest as you stayed seated in the passenger seat. "c'mon, y/n/n," he whined, throwing a tantrum outside the car door as he tried to get you to leave the car.
"no, jeremy, they'll literally send me back here to get it off because in case you forgot, in all my scenes, i don't have fancy nails." you reasoned, noticing that jeremy has now moved to your side of the car and the passenger seat door has now been opened, the man continuing to make a fuss closer to you now.
"no they will not, i'll make sure they don't. c'mon kiddo, it's your birthday, let's have a little fun!" he says but you were still unsure about the whole thing. "i don't know.."
"okay fine i guess i'll tell you this now. they didn't want to tell you until later today because they wanted it to be your kinda birthday present but your avenger suit has changed. it's not like the one in the last movie, it's got gloves now! and the rest of your scenes excluding the last few ones are all in your superhero suit right?" your eyes widened at this new information, a smile growing on your lips.
"wait, for real? are you sure they're not just fingerless gloves?" he smiles down at you. "yeah. i planned this day well, okay? put some trust in me, geez," he sassed, moving out of your way as you finally exited the car.
"this better not be a joke, renner, because if it is, i'll have your head." you threatened jokingly. "yeah, yeah. oh also, can you just pretend to be shocked when they tell you about your suit upgrade? because i really wasn't supposed to tell you this." he scratched the back of his head awkwardly as you walked two walked into the nail salon.
the entire time, he awkwardly sat at the side, waiting for you to be done. when you were though, he quickly got up, as if he had been restless sitting down the whole time.
"they're pretty," he says as you walked back to his car. "yeah, i really like them. haven't had my nails done in a long time." you replied, getting in the car and waiting for jeremy to get in on his side. once he did, he immediately started the engine and started driving back to the set where he had to continue shooting and where you knew sarah would be waiting for you.
it was after many different topics and finally arriving outside the set did you decide to get a little emotional. "hey, i just wanna say thanks for today. i thought i was gonna spend the day alone watching netflix all day like some loser but you made this day really enjoyable. you have no idea how much this really means to me, thank you so much jeremy. i love you." you pouted at him, trying not to cry. "aw kiddo, of course. you're an important person to me. couldn't let you be a loser on your special day," he teases, bringing you into a hug where he didn't miss his chance to ruffle your hair.
once you let go, he kept an arm around your shoulder as you both walked in. he opened the door for you both and you almost jumped in place.
your jaw dropped at the sight in front you. every single one of your co-stars, along with some crew members were wearing party hats holding up a banner that said 'HAPPY BIRTHDAY, Y/N'. sarah was in the middle, holding a huge birthday cake with a smile on her face. you slowly walked towards her, hand over your mouth in shock.
sarah gave the cake over to robert before opening her arms up for you. you gave her a tight hug. "you didn't have to do all this," you say, letting go of her. "jeremy and i planned this right when your mother called beforehand and told me they couldn't come in time." she explained.
you turned to jeremy who had been standing next to you the whole time, giving him another hug which he happily accepted. "you guys didn't have to." you told them, trying not to cry at the thought that these people loved you enough to do this for you.
"but we wanted to. and the rest wanted to join in too. now before you start bawling your eyes out, let's get this party started!" he cheered.
"but before that, make a wish, kiddo." robert tells you after evans finished lighting up all the candles. you closed your eyes, making a wish and blowing them all out. everyone cheered before walking away to grab food or to talk to others. or in your cast mates' cases, fighting over who gets to give you your present first.
"you knew it was my birthday!" you exclaimed when you locked eyes with evans, who was in the middle of a brawl with both mackie and robert. he laughed out loud. "yeah! i did! your lie couldn't fool me, child!" he says dramatically, before being pushed aside by robert.
you laughed as they continued to fight right in front of you about who you love more and therefore getting to be first to give you their gift. they even managed to slip in a few compliments about your new hair, while they were literally fighting. you watched in glee, realising that even if your biological family couldn't make it for your special day, you still had a second one to make it special.
taglist <3
@amourtentiaa @rqmanoff @abitofeverythinggg @andreasworlsboring101 @cay-writes-fan-fiction514 @teenwonder @sevenmorningstars @fleurlovesbucky
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blu-joons · 4 years
You Appear On Knowing Bros Together ~ Kim Namjoon
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An arm snaked around you as you walked onto the set for the first time, your eyes darted around the place as you took it all in. It was a set you’d seen plenty of times on television before, but now you were really there.
“Excited?” Namjoon guessed, watching as you bounced up and down on your toes. “So am I. I can’t believe it’s taken us this long to go on our first reality show together, it’ll be fun.”
You were stopped just behind the sliding door to walk into the classroom by a producer, spinning around to look at Namjoon. Your eyes studied his outfit closely, reaching out as you spotted the knot of his tie was a little bit wonky, quickly straightening it out for him.
His smile grew appreciatively as you made sure that he wore his uniform perfectly. Namjoon was desperate for the filming to go perfectly today, he knew that the fans were waiting in anticipation to finally be able to see the two of you on television for the first time.
On the way to the studio, Namjoon had told you all about what to expect from the show and all about how much he enjoyed it when he appeared with the boys. You hadn’t even arrived, and you were already beyond excited that morning.
“We’re ready when you are,” a member of staff smiled from beside you both.
Namjoon nodded, tapping your shoulder. “I’ll let you do the honours.”
You listened to their conversations in the classroom, waiting for a moment when someone just began speaking to throw the door back and make them all jump.
The classroom erupted into cheers as they watched the two of you walk in, waving gently as you headed to stand behind the desk. You instantly began to feel comfortable as you looked around and smiled at all of the guys looking back at you.
“I’m Y/N and I come from the school of, I came here from the school of I’m here because my boyfriend can’t handle you alone,” you teased, feeling Namjoon nudge your side.
“And I’m Namjoon, and I come from the school of I’m back with better company than before.”
Soogeun was quick to ask the two of you questions, knowing exactly what the fans wanted to know about you. You could only smirk as he fired away asking all the juicy questions in search of any bit of gossip, he could get a hold of.
“They’re not going to share anything with us,” Heechul chuckled as Soogeun asked about your futures, “they’re not stupid enough to reveal important news on a small show like ours.”
Your head quickly shook at Heechul’s comment, “it’s just that we don’t really have any news to share, we just had gaps in our schedules, so we thought we’d come and see you guys.”
“I’ll get some good gossip out of you by the end of today,” Soogeun teased.
Your head shook, reaching underneath the desk to pick up the hammer and slam it down as a warning to him. He chuckled loudly as Hodong turned around and warned him to be on his best behaviour before he got beat by you.
Once your profiles had been read out, Namjoon headed over to sit in Youngcheol’s seat whilst he moved to the back, and you picked up the first set of cue cards. As soon as you read over it, you couldn’t stop yourself from letting go of a laugh.
“Namjoon is definitely known as the king of destruction for a reason, but what did he do on our second anniversary that topped anything he’s done before?” You asked the room.
His eyes widened straight away as he recalled exactly what he’d done on that night. Janghoon was the first to notice Namjoon’s expression drop, knowing straight away that it must have been something pretty big.
“Did he spill his drink?” Kyunghoon began, raising his arm in the air. “Or did he end up spilling it all over you instead?”
“He’s done it before,” you laughed, hitting him gently, “but that wasn’t on this specific occasion.”
“Did you trip over and end up falling on the floor?” Sangmin asked, following up.
You shook your head in response, “again, he’s done it before, but not that time.”
It brought you a great deal of satisfaction to expose all of Namjoon’s terrible stories from your times together. Many more guesses came from the classroom, but none of them quite got the answer you were wanting. After a while, you gave up listening, and decided to help them all out a bit.
“I’ll tell you what it involves,” you spoke, walking back behind the desk. “The main thing that you need to focus on is the tablecloth, that’s the centrepiece of this story.”
“I’ve got it!” Janghoon yelled, standing up from his table. “Did he try to do that trick where you pull out the cloth from the table and nothing moves?”
“You’re on the right lines, but this definitely wasn’t intentional,” you clarified.
As soon as you finished speaking, Heechul stood up. “Did he trip or stand up and end up taking the tablecloth out with him, so everything on the table fell to the floor?”
“That’s it!” You chuckled, hitting the hammer on the desk. “He somehow got it caught on his belt, and when he stood up to go to the table the whole table just fell to the floor.”
“That sounds too fake to be real,” Hodong chuckled, smiling at Namjoon in front of him. “How can one man get so much bad luck?”
You quickly moved onto the next question to spare Namjoon anymore embarrassment, noticing how red his cheeks already were.
“Alright, number two,” you smiled, “I have a collab on my next album coming up, but who was it that Namjoon banned from helping me out on a song?”
“Me?” Kyunghoon grinned, “I was wondering why you never called me.”
You raced over to him and whacked the top of his head yet as he let go of a squeal.
“You’ll have to think quite close to home for this one, if you think about it, the answer might actually be quite an obvious one.”
Sangmin called out quickly, raising his arm into the air. “Did you want to collab with a member of TXT, but Namjoon told you that you couldn’t?”
You hummed loudly, “you’re on the right lines, but even closer to home than that.”
“A member of BTS?” Heechul quizzed, staring across at Namjoon in disbelief. “Did he stop you from collaborating with one of his friends.”
Your head nodded, still pushing for a little more. “Was it Yoongi?” Soogeun asked, listening off all the other members after that to make sure that he got the right one.
“Yoongi was right,” you smiled, heading back to the front of the classroom. “He told me that if I wanted to collaborate with BTS, I had to do it with the best rapper in the group. I told him that was why I wanted to work with Yoongi, but apparently the best rapper is actually him.”
Once Namjoon had been through his questions, and you’d filmed a segment with Shindong, the shoot came to an end, and the two of you returned back to your dressing room.
“I can’t believe you exposed me as much as you did today,” Namjoon joked, poking your hip.
You turned back to face him, “the fans will be excited to learn so much more about you. The show would have been boring without sharing some dodgy things about you.”
His eyes rolled back at you, “there’s nothing left for the fans to know about me. You’ve let them know all about my embarrassing secrets now.”
“You’re welcome,” you sniggered, smiling across at him.
“You’re the worst.”
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Invisible Chapter 9
Summary: YN YLN has always been third in Class 2-5, right behind Lee Su Ho and Kang Soo Jin but with both of them having left Saebom Highschool, this is her time to shine. That is until Han Seosangnim asks her to tutor Han Seo Jun. A guy who doesn’t even know she existed.
Ship: Han Seo Jun x Female Reader.
Word Count: 2011 words.
Likes, comments and reblogs are appreciated with any reactions or whatever you want to say. Again I really don't know where I am going with this.
Taglist: @thealexalcala @hayateotaku
Anyone interested in being added to the tag list, just let me know 😊.
True Beauty Masterlist
Chapter 8.
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Chapter 9:
Sitting in the Ice Cream shop, opposite you and watching you laugh and joke with Hyun Ji and Cho Rong. This is something Seo Jun could get used to, he could imagine it now, going on dates with you and just enjoying his time with you. Granted before that happened. He had to ask you out to begin with, but imagining your dating life together wasn’t that bad. If Su Ho had been here, he would have whacked Seo Jun and told him to ask YN out already.
Feeling a poke in his side, Seo Jun looked to his side. Ju Kyung was smiling at him. Sighing, he knew she wanted him to admit his feelings for YN to her. It was too much fun to annoy Ju Kyung by keeping the information from her.
“You look her with heart eyes and yet don’t tell me about your feelings for her,” Ju Kyung whispered. Just this whole outing had revealed just how soft Seo Jun was for YN. Not just that, but she knew it was only a matter of time before he asked her out.
Without a doubt, YN would say yes, while Seo Jun was going soft for her. YN was smiling and laughing more around Seo Jun and she could calm him down in a second. He could make her laugh and get her out of her head. They were just well-matched and Ju Kyung like the rest of the class, Si Woo, and Cho Rong were waiting for them to get together.
“My feelings for YN are none of your business Lim Ju Kyung” Seo Jun sneered quietly to Ju Kyung. He knew how much Ju Kyung wanted him to admit his feelings for YN to her. But he wasn’t going to give her that. Annoying her by refusing to tell her was too funny. He thought that Su Ho would’ve spilt the beans. However, Su Ho proved that his loyalty to Seo Jun by not telling Ju Kyung.
Although with how much Seo Jun had been rambling about YN to Su Ho. The guy was losing his patience and Seo Jun could tell from Su Ho’s replies that if Seo Jun didn’t do something soon, Lee Su Ho would tell Ju Kyung and let Seo Jun deals with Ju Kyung’s reaction.
Ju Kyung smirked at Seo Jun. She hadn’t said a name, Seo Jun was just admitting his feelings without actually telling her. Even now, he wasn’t even paying attention to anyone else on the table. All his attention was on YN and he wasn’t even trying to be subtle about it. YN’s blushing cheeks were evidence that she could feel Seo Jun looking at her even if she didn’t look at him.
As the group left, the six of you were walking in pairs. Cho Rong and Ju Kyung at the front, Si Woo and Hyun Ji then you and Seo Jun were walking behind them. Seo Jun was holding your bag. Even though you insisted that he didn’t need to, Seo Jun just smirked at you and picked up your bag anyway. While the rest of the group were talking about school. You and Seo Jun were talking about your next study session that would be at your house. Your mum was quite fond of Seo Jun and had been asking you to bring him around again.
While walking, you heard someone calling your name. You turn around to see who is calling you. You smile and stop where you are, to let the person catch up to you. You hadn’t seen Cha Sun Lee since you’d graduated from Shinhwa Middle School. You hadn’t meant to lose contact with her, but it had happened anyway.
Seo Jun, looked confused as you waited for this random girl to come to you. The other 4 had walked ahead not knowing that you and Seo Jun had stopped. The two of you had been walking at a much slower pace than the others. As this girl got to you both of you hugged and started talking to each other. Feeling quite ignored, Seo Jun cleared his throat. That brought you and Sun Lee out of your reminiscing bubble. You smiled sheepishly at Seo Jun.
“Sorry about that Seo Jun, this is Cha Sun Lee, we went to Shinhwa Middle School together. Sun Lee this is Han Seo Jun” you explained, introducing the two people to each other. Sun Lee laughed and whacked your arm.
“Yah, YLN YN, we didn’t just go to Middle School together, I was also the one who got you and Gong Jae Yi together,” Sun Lee said laughing when you blushed. Nodding your head when Seo Jun looked at you confused.
“Yes yes, sorry forgot Sun Lee’s biggest achievement was being the matchmaker for Jae Yi and me,” you said rolling your eyes as Sun Lee fans herself acting like she is so important. There was no denying that Sun Lee played a big role in you and Jae Yi getting together. But it had been a few years and it was awkward talking about your ex-boyfriend with the guy you had a massive crush on being around there.
“Now that you mention it, Jae Yi is back and there’s a whole reunion happening. So gimme your number and I'll tell you, you can get Si Woo and Hyun Ji to come as well, we all lost contact with you 3 when you went to Saebom rather than Shinhwa High,” Sun Lee told you. You wanted to clarify that she had mentioned Jae Yi first but that would lead to a whole other conversation with Sun Lee. And quite frankly, you were still processing that she had just told you that Gong Jae Yi was back.
You smiled and gave her your number. She immediately called and you saved her number. You smiled at her, hugged her, and then said goodbye to her. Waiting for her to walk out of view, you turned to Seo Jun. He smiled at you, putting his arm around you, and carried on walking.
This shocked you. He didn’t ask any questions, even before he didn’t question you when he heard about Gong Jae Yi. You appreciated that Seo Jun didn’t ask or pester you until you caved and talked to him. No matter the situation, he would wait until you were ready to talk and then just listen to you. Then, he would just let you get all your unfiltered feelings out. Then would give his thoughts, calmly but never invalidating what you had told you.
It wasn’t new for Seo Jun to put his arm around your shoulders. He had been doing it a lot in the last few weeks. It was nice, you were used to Cho Rong, Si Woo or Hae Sung putting their arms around your shoulders. But it was different with Seo Jun, you didn’t have feelings for any of the other guys. When Seo Jun put his arm around your shoulders, you could pretend that you were his girlfriend. It was a little bit heaven, pretending that Seo Jun had feelings for you and that you were together. Sure, you knew it would never happen. Still, you liked the small bit of happiness this little gesture gave you.
It wasn’t until you and Seo Jun were at your home, washing the dishes. That you finally told Seo Jun about Jae Yi, this wasn’t the first time the 2 of you were washing the dishes. Whenever you were at Seo Jun’s house, you insisted on doing the dishes. Especially since Seo Jun’s mum was against you helping her cook and so you had to insist on doing something.
“So, Gong Jae Yi and I got together in the summer before my last year of Middle School and we broke up, a few months into us starting High School,” you told Seo Jun. You knew you had shocked Seo Jun, you’d both been washing and drying the dishes in silence until you broke that by bringing Jae Yi up. Seo Jun stopped wiping the bowl he had been holding. He turned to you and looked at you. You could feel Seo Jun staring at you. However, you avoided looking at him. On a good day, you couldn’t take looking at Seo Jun’s eyes without falling into those deep depths. Now, when you wanted to just get all of this out, you knew looking at Seo Jun wouldn’t help.
“You don’t have to tell me, Princess, I didn’t ask the first time and I’m not going to ask this time either” Seo Jun never asked that first time because it didn’t seem like the right time. So many things were happening in that week that Seo Jun had even forgotten. Well, he hadn’t forgotten but thinking about your ex-boyfriend was the last thing he wanted to do. It helped that, the first time he heard the name had been a busy week in itself. He just let the name go from one ear to another. Happily pretending to be ignorant about the fact that you had an ex-boyfriend named Gong Jae Yi.
“I know, but I want to tell you. Only Hyun Ji, Si Woo and Hae Sung know about us and what happened. We were happy, he didn’t go to Shinhwa Middle School, but we still made our relationship work. Well, that is until he was chosen to go on a High School exchange for the rest of his High School education.” Even though Seo Jun had stopped drying the dishes. You were still washing and just putting them to the side. Though you were over Jae Yi, obviously your feelings for Seo Jun were at a different level. There would always be a small part of you that still loved Jae Yi. Though it had been your idea to break up, that didn’t mean it hurt any less.
Seo Jun, made you put the dished in your hand down. He turned you to face him. Lifted your chin and gently wiped your tears. You didn’t even know you were crying. Guess that break up still hurt a lot. Seo Jun hugged you tightly, holding you close as you sobbed in his arms. Soe Jun hated that you were crying, yet he was happy to be there for you. He always wanted to be the one holding you. Helping you work through your feelings. As you pulled away, you apologised for getting his shirt wet, Seo Jun just laughed and told you it was nothing. Before you went back to doing the dishes, Seo Jun pulled you closer and kissed your forehead. You didn’t know why but you appreciated the gesture.
“Moving on from that sob fest, I need a favour,” you say, going back to washing the dishes. Trying not to think about how you had just sobbed in Seo Jun’s arms about Gong Jae Yi. You were such an embarrassment at times. What weirdo cries about her ex, in the arms of the guy she currently has feelings for. Well, you are that weirdo and now here you are asking Seo Jun for a favour.
“Well, if I can do it, I’ll do it, Princess,” Seo Jun said calmly. Already in his head, he had agreed to whatever you asked of him. Short of something illegal, there was nothing you asked of him that he wouldn’t do.
“I know, there’s a class outing planned for Saturday and I can’t go. I don’t want to be the one to tell the class” before you could finish.
“You want me to tell the class about you missing out on the class outing, sure I’ll do that tomorrow,” Seo Jun said interrupting you. You nodded your head and smiled at him. Not being able to go to the class outing. Having to tell the class about that was making you nervous enough. It was a weight off of your shoulders, that Seo Jun was going to tell the class for you.
Chapter 10.
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