#literally goals until i ruined im sorry
squid-seraph · 1 year
What's Sydney's story, and how'd she end up with so many kidneys?
(rubbing my hands evilly...)
Sydney is an octoling from the domes who moved to the splatlands!
She was supposed to join the military along with her sister after finishing up with school, but dropped out of basic training pretty early on due to health issues.
Sydney wasn't interested in any of the other job positions offered to her either, which her mom hated. They argued a lot; Sydney wanted to take her time to figure things out, and her mother seemed to always be in a rush to get her to do something with herself. Work. contribute. This was a very prominent mindset to have for dome octarians, if you weren't working then you weren't being helpful. When Sydney met her partner, Rihya, (affectionately nicknamed Riot by her fellow elites) she basically cut contact with her mother and their relationship has been rocky ever since. But who cares here look at the lesbians
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Now I'm going to crush you.
Riot is never seen with Sydney or the kids in current art because she went missing for about 2 and a half years. Search parties were sent in the metro, looking for missing octolings, but it was too late in most cases. All santitized octolings are prohibited from returning to their housing units or moving to the surface until a cure can be found and they are deemed ready to re-enter society. For the first time in years Sydney got to see her partner again, only to be told she's basically a zombie and will probably never return to normal.
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 She moved to the splatlands pretty soon after that, home just didn't feel like home anymore. With splatsville becoming pretty popular, a lot of inkfish were looking to move there, and Sydney was hired by a family friend of some housing company and has been working for them as of now.
And to answer the second question.. Completely by chance. Octolings from the domes tend to not have as many as they would on the surface, most of the time just  one or maybe two eggs that are actually going to hatch. Sydney and Riot just got lucky. Or unlucky, depending on who you ask.
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hannieehaee · 10 months
them accidentally ditching you on your bday pt. 2 - hhu
content: angsty, gender neutral, established relationship, conflict resolution, direct continuation to this, fluff, happy ending, etc.
part 1
wc: 3889
a/n: literally so many ppl requested thisjhdf im glad u guys liked it!! im working on vu and pu versions for this rn btw <3
seungcheol -
seungcheol sat there for a minute or so, simply pondering at what had just happened. it was 100% his fault, that was something he was very well aware of. he knew that it had simply slipped his mind, but that did not wipe away the hurt he saw in your eyes upon entering your shared apartment. knowing that you had been waiting for him all day made him feel like an asshole. he couldn't believe that he had forgotten about your birthday even upon coming home at midnight the night prior. he felt like such a hypocrite, always whining at people to give him royalty treatment on his birthday but absolutely ignoring you during yours. you, his most favorite person.
he felt hurt that you had decided to spend the night with some friends, instead of in the arms of your boyfriend, but he understood. this was what he deserved. god knew that he wouldve pulled out all the dramatics if you had done the same to him, which was why he was now at a standstill, not knowing what he should do. he wanted to see you so badly, get on his knees and apologize, letting you know over and over again that you were the most vital person in his life and that forgetting you was something that not even he could forgive himself for.
now, he could've sat there and lamented himself over his stupid mistake, or he could run after you before you made it out of the building. he did not want you going to bed angry, or much worse, sad, so he picked the latter and got off his ass to chase after you, not caring about his current exhaustion as he took the stairs rather than the elevator in order to be able to catch up to you before you made it to your car.
luckily for him, he was able to catch you just as you stepped out of the elevator (having ran down five flights of stairs and almost injuring himself in the process), completely unsuspecting to his sudden ambush. he hadn't noticed until now, but you had dressed up, clearly ready to go clubbing or partying with your friends. he felt bad to get in the way of your plans. no, he felt horrible to accidentally ditch you and then ruin your plans. but he needed to at least try and make amends. he knew that if this were him, he'd want you to try and make it up to him.
you jumped back a bit at seungcheol's sudden apparition as you rounded the corner upon exiting the elevator, seemingly not having expected him to come after you.
"cheol, what are you doing?", you didn't seem mad, but your tone let him know you were clearly not content with him.
okay, he didn't think as far as this. his main goal was just to convince you to stay, then he would come up with a way to make it up to you.
"baby, i ... i'm so sorry. i know how hypocritical this is coming from me. i never meant to forget, you know that! there's nothing i can do to make up for having forgotten about you today, but please, please let me try."
"cheol .. i don't know," you paused, "last year when i texted you at 12:03 you complained about it for over an hour. you're the one always making a big deal about this. i assumed you'd care when the shoe was on your foot, but apparently not."
"i do! i do care. baby, please. let me take you out. ditch your friends. i'll take you somewhere. anywhere. i'll even take you out tomorrow too! i'll take the day off. how does that sound?"
"you cant take the day off, cheol. you're an idol-"
"i dont care! they can come and try to drag me away from you if they want. i want to be with you. please let me. please don't leave. cant stand the thought of you going to sleep alone after what i did."
you chuckled at the first half of his statement, feeling touched at the second part of it.
"are you sure?"
he scoffed, deciding to go on a leap and hold onto your hands, pulling you closer to him, "yes! there's nothing i wanted to do more today than be with you! it mightve slipped my mind that today was the day, but i had a beautiful day for us planned, baby. will you let me show you? please?"
cheol knew it was hard for you to say no to him, specially when he whined and pouted at you, giving you his best performance in order for you to understand how badly he felt. it didn't take much more for you to break, finally letting a smile graced your face as you squeezed his hands in yours.
"you better make this worth my while, choi seungcheol," god, he hated when anyone called him that, but you were the exception.
wonwoo -
wonwoo was astonished at himself, for lack of a better word. he had never been more disappointed in himself than in this moment. sure, he didn't take birthdays too seriously, and he knew you didn't either, but you always made him feel so special on his day he had only wanted to do the same. he was a lowkey guy, so his ways of showing love sometimes went unnoticed by most people, except for you. you accepted the subtlety of his love, loving him all the more for it. he felt terrible that today he showed you the exact opposite of what he had planned. he had taken weeks to perfect the dinner he had wanted to make for you, having prepared a romantic night for the two of you. all he wanted was to make you feel loved as he held you through the night, but his plan had stupidly slipped his mind.
what kind of asshole ditches their significant other on their birthday? for a stupid video game out of all things? as soon as wonwoo communicated what you had texted him to mingyu, his roommate couldn't help but scold him, telling him this was very uncharacteristic of him. which it was. everyone knew wonwoo to be a very sensible guy. it was very rare for anyone to have their feelings hurt by wonwoo. the guy was just simply too emotionally intelligent to ever be perceived as a hurtful individual. except now he had shown a careless part of himself that rarely ever faced the surface.
he was unsure of what to do. it was clear by your messages that you did not want to see him. you quite literally had asked him to not come. your texts to him were always filled with love, somehow being able to have your affections to him transcend even through text. but these were cold, and with good reason. still, wonwoo did not want to give up. the only thing that would be worse than ditching you on your birthday would be to stay where he was, knowing you were not only upset but also hurt by his actions. or rather, lack there of.
so, wonwoo was now on his way to you. well, to your apartment. you had mentioned in your messages that you would be out with friends due to his absence. it killed him that you had chosen to be with your friends over him, but he was fully aware that he only had himself to blame for that. he was glad you at least had someone to be with while his forgetfulness kept him away from you.
he had a key to your apartment, often heading over to fall asleep in your arms after a grueling day of being an idol. upon arriving there, he knew you'd be gone, so he allowed himself in, hauling in all the ingredients he had packed with him in order to make you the dinner he had been planning all these weeks. he was unsure of when you'd arrive back home, so he needed to hurry just in case. there was also a chance you'd come back in the early hours of the morning, knowing you would sometimes stay out with your friends til 1 or 2 in the am. having practiced this dinner multiple times, wonwoo was able to have it all done by 10, hoping that you'd arrive soon so the dinner wouldn't go to waste. he took care of the ambience, lighting candles and even moving furniture aside to make space for his set up. all he had to do now was wait for your arrival.
it had taken you around two hours to arrive. wonwoo had simply sat there waiting for you, not wanting to contact you as to not disturb you. okay, maybe he had maniacally texted you back earlier, apologizing for his mistake over and over, but had received no response, so he had decided it'd be best to just wait for you to arrive on your own. and now you were here, crossing the door to your apartment.
you stopped upon spotting him, widening your eyes before taking note of the dinner table behind him, "wonwoo? what are you doing here?"
he smiled sadly at you, slightly unsure of what to say, "i cooked for you," he paused, continuing upon seeing your confusion, "im so sorry. time got the best of me. i cant believe it slipped my mind. i knew it was today, but i got too distracted. i never wanted to make you feel like i didnt care. i do. so much."
you stood there without saying anything, still carrying a slightly shocked expression on your face. so he continued.
"baby ... please, have a meal with me. i prepared all this for you. this is what i had planned for today, if only i hadnt forgotten. let me make it up to you, please. i already called off tomorrow. i had a whole day planned for us, but i'll do whatever you want. if you want me to leave, i will. just, please. i need you to know how much i care. i love you, you're everything."
you continued to stare at him for a bit, a soft smile slowly breaking into your features before responding.
"nonu .. you didn't have to do all this. i'm sorry if i made you worry. this is ... it's such a sweet gesture. of course i want you to stay. all i wanted all day was to be with you," it melted his heart that you had wanted him all day, but were separated by none other than himself.
he pulled you into his arms halfway through your response, humming as he felt you hug him back. nothing felt as nice as your touch against his.
"im so sorry, beautiful. this will never happen again, i promise."
"i love you, wonwoo. thank you."
"happy birthday."
mingyu -
mingyu had never hauled ass quicker than at that moment, not even bothering to say goodbye to his roommate before grabbing a jacket and sprinting out of the door.
he couldn't believe his behavior towards you. you had always been a top priority to him, and to now realize he had forgotten your birthday gutted him tremendously. but what got to him even more was the knowledge that you had probably been waiting all day for him, having agreed beforehand that he would make space for you on your special day even through his packed comeback schedule. the sole thought that you, the bestest person he had ever met, had sat alone waiting for him all day, made him feel like the worst boyfriend. so now he was quite literally running in order to get to you.
the dryness of your voice during that call should've been the first hint that something was wrong, but what really made the alarms go off in his head was your lack of response when he said 'i love you' to you. mingyu knew it was dumb to care so much about it, but he thrived off words of affirmation, so your lack of response made him immediately assume something was wrong. you had never not reciprocated his words of affection, much less hung up on him. the moment he expressed his concerns to wonwoo, he was reminded by his roommate that 'oh wait, isn't it their birthday this week?' suddenly his mind started spiraling, now remembering that he had forgotten his boyfriend duties on the most important day.
it didn't take him too long to get to your apartment. okay, he didn't actually run there, he was just being a tad bit dramatic. but dramatics were necessary in this situation, which is why the moment you begrudgingly opened the door after his incessant knocks, allowing him inside, he immediately dropped to his knees, looking up at you as he rambled apologies at you.
"baby, i'm so fucking sorry. god, i don't know how i forgot. i swear the day just slipped my mind. i had plans ready, i swear! i've just been so busy with the comeback- not that that's an excuse! you have every reason to be mad at me. it won't happen again, i promise, i-" mingyu wasn't sure when exactly he was going to stop listing off constant apologies to you. he wasn't really paying attention to what he was saying at this point, just repeating himself over and over again, letting it slip past him that you were now standing above him, holding in your amusement at the state of the pleading man before you.
"mingyu, please get up."
like an obedient boy, he got up, now towering over you as he usually did. he immediately held onto your hands, bringing them up to his chest as he continued his apologies.
"you have every right to be mad at me. i neglected you and forgot about you when i shouldn't have. i didn't even wanna come home to wonwoo tonight! i wanted to come to you! but we have a schedule early tomorrow morning, so it was just easier. but i'll cancel! i'll stay here with you! i wanna make it up to you-"
"mingyu, shut up!"
that was enough for him to slam his mouth shut immediately, looking at you as he waited for your next command words.
"mingyu, listen. i understand. i was hurt you forgot, but i understand you're really busy right now, okay? i'm not angry at you. you don't have to cancel your schedule either. i don't want to get in the way of-"
"i'll do it! you're my top priority, baby. you know that."
"i still don't want you to cancel, gyu. it's fine. i'm not angry. i appreciate your apology. just wanted to be with you today .. i'm sorry if i made you worry," you looked down, almost as if embarrassed by having felt hurt by his actions. this made mingyu melt with guilt.
"no, baby. fuck. how can i make this up to you? can i stay here tonight? hmm? i'll cook you dinner and wake you up with breakfast. i'll even cut my schedule short for tomorrow so i can be back home with you earlier. how's that sound?"
"sounds perfect mingyu, thank you," he took this as confirmation to finally hold you in his arms, swaying you back and forth as he hummed the birthday song lightly against your ear, causing you to giggle against him.
vernon -
everyone was aware that vernon could sometimes be a little too chill for his own good. he didn't make too big of a deal about most things, simply going with the flow and allowing things to evolve on their own. except that could not be done in this situation. right now, he needed to make a choice. give you your space, or run home to you, tail between his legs as he apologized for ever having forgotten about you. the last thing vernon would ever want was for you to not feel the immense amount of love he's always had for you. he knew he could be bad at showing it sometimes, but you were the absolute love of his life, which made him feel devastated over and over again as he kept rereading your texts.
'maybe you should stay at the dorms tonight. not really in the mood for you to spend the night. im sorry. love you.' that was what you had last sent to him exactly thirty-eight minutes ago. how could he just sit with that for the rest of the night? specially when all he wanted to do was be with you and hold you and kiss you and show you how incredibly obsessed with you he was. he was never good with dates, but he had always gotten any and all dates pertaining to you right thus far. he even had a gift for you he had purchased a few months back, but he had stupidly forgotten the day he had been preparing for was this week. this mistake was an outlier, truly, but it hurt you nonetheless, which was all vernon cared about at the moment. he couldn't believe you'd been having to hint at your birthday while your boyfriend remained clueless. you must've felt so dejected. he winced at the thought.
however, right now was not a time for lamentations. even if you kicked him out and told him to get fucked, vernon had to at least try to come home to you now. he quickly went over the situation with his members, explaining that he had been a total douchebag and neglected you. that earned him scoldings from all members present, calling him all types of names and demanding he head over to your apartment right this instant to beg for forgiveness and hope you wouldn't just send him right back.
so now he was on his way to you, despite you having instructed him to stay away. he wanted to respect your wishes, but he couldn't go to sleep tonight knowing your heart was still hurt because of him. he needed to at least see you and have you know that he was willing to try and mend things. vernon wasn't one for public displays, nor was he one for dramatics, but he was willing to pull all stops for you if it meant you'd forgive him. which was why he was currently running through the hybe hallways as he called up his driver to be ready to take him to your apartment as soon as he reached the parking lot.
he had had time to think over a game plan on the way over, except nothing came to mind. the two of you had never fought before. sure, there had been a few minuscule spats here and there, but he had never seen you angry at him before; he'd never given any reason to be until now. he didn't want to freak out over this, but knew how hurtful it must've been for you to feel so neglected by the person who's supposed to love you most, so he felt a pit in his stomach with the worry that maybe this would be enough for you to finally snap at his forgetful tendencies and end it. he didn't have much time to think about this, however, as he now stood in front of your apartment door, fearful of knocking on it.
the decision to open the door was made for him, as you incidentally opened it yourself, yelping at his apparition on the other side of it.
"vernon? what are you doing here?", you didn't seem angry. you seemed more confused at his presence. that was good.
"i- uh ... i'm sorry."
okay, kind of a bad start.
"vernon. i told you not to come over tonight. i'm sorry, i'm not really in the mood to see you right now," even though you didn't appear angry, your eyes wouldn't meet his, making him deflate a bit.
"are you mad at me? i'm so sorry. i didnt mean to forget, i swear," vernon knew there wasn't much he could say past that, but he wanted you to at least know he regretted his neglect.
"i'm not angry, vernon. i'm just a little ... sad. i tried to be subtle about it. i mean, i dont even care for my birthday that much, but i hoped my boyfriend would at least remember it."
"baby, god. i am so fucking sorry. i never meant to make you feel like i didn't care. it just slipped my mind. i know it's not a valid excuse, but i need you to know that it doesnt mean anything. i'm just a fucking idiot. i'm sorry."
he was rambling now. somehow you being hurt by him trumped the chance of you being mad.
"vernon, it's fine. i dont want you beating yourself up about it. i'll get over it. i just need space tonight. i was about to go meet with a friend before you got here," you seemed like you just wanted to get out of the situation, clearly feeling awkward at even expressing your disappointment at him. it made vernon feel like even more of an asshole.
"no! be mad! you shouldn't get over it. i should be making it up to you. stay. please. i'll do anything you want. i'll take tomorrow off. we can do something together. anything you want. i have a gift for you and everything! i got it while in japan, the date just slipped my mind, i swear. please stay. i don't want to leave you alone if i made you sad. please."
"vernon ..."
"please. i don't want to force you. if you want to leave, i'll accept it, but let me make it up to you. i dont want you to feel like i dont care. i do. i know i dont express it much, that's on me. i'll make it known. i'll show you. i don't want to hurt you again, i-"
he was unable to finish his sentence, now stumbling back due to a sudden weight against him. you, with your arms now wrapped around him as your face nuzzled his neck. he instinctively wrapped his arms around you, squeezing you in as he lowered his head to breathe you in, humming as he felt the relief of having you in his hold.
you pulled away too quickly for his liking, eyes slightly glossy but not enough to consider it worrisome, "i forgive you. i'm sorry, i didn't mean to exaggerate. i did feel neglected, but-"
"but nothing. don't apologize, please. this won't happen again, okay? i love you."
"i love you too," you smiled at him before pausing, "i .. do you wanna come in?", you seemed a bit sheepish, probably feeling awkward at hearing vernon ramble apologies at you for the past five minutes, showing way more emotion than he usually did.
"come in? oh, you're not leaving? wait, don't answer that. yes," he held onto your hand before you could say anything, pulling you in for a quick kiss before leading you into your apartment, all under the promise to make up for his previous carelessness and never make you doubt his affections for you ever again.
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Warning! This post contains spoilers up to chapter 170 of Tsubasa (and Chapter 71 of xxxHolic). Please skip this if you have not read that far.
Please also make no comments about what happens after that point in either manga.
SO here is the other splash image that really stuck out to me:
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This time not because of the Seresu arc but because of how the Infinity arc itself ends.
Here's the link to the original post the image is from if you'd like the full context, but the particular quote from that post I want to use as a reference is here:
"Syaoran also sits on the throne - which as far as I can tell, isn’t his. ... The only one ever wearing the crown they’re all wearing [on their clothes] is Sakura. Now, does it make sense that Syaoran has usurped her throne? Heck yeah! He’s stolen everything from her. He’s stolen her journey (they’re following him now, always a step behind), he’s stolen her feathers, and he’s stolen the person she’s in love with."
Where I was kind of on the right track but couldn't have possibly guessed what all the chess imagery was ultimately feeding into. Looking back now the initial liveblogs for all of these Chess-related splash images are such a big mix of different iconography, so it’s very fun reading through all my old guesses back then. I think I did a really good job of trying to decipher some of it, especially the Cinderella and Snow White imagery in Chapter 140, but the Chess was a bit trickier.
Which, like, understandable, because the chess game that was happening in the chapters was stressful as heck and did not end well, but there is a nice conclusion to it with this image which is easier to read now - especially in regards to Sakura. Because it's made very clear to the viewer that the symbol of the Queen piece is in reference to her; both in these splash images (where she wears the crown at one point, and every character wears the symbol in ways that reflect their allegiance to her) and in the plotline, where she functions as the Queen of the battles taking place. Here is another good example of the symbol being used for Sakura with it right there on her throne, and the two Syaoran's wearing the symbol in smaller ways to represent their relationship to her. But with that all in mind? I had no idea what it was really getting at with Syaoran on Sakura's throne here.
If you go back to that example I just gave with Sakura sitting on her throne? It's a different throne! It still makes it very clear that she's undeniably the Queen piece, with the symbol in gold actually being a key part of the throne itself.
And the throne Syaoran sits on? It has the crown symbol as part of the decoration, but it's not representing him, it's just a small symbol to show that matches Sakura's throne. This throne is his own.
He's the King piece.
(And, important distinction; the throne is not Lava Lamp's, but our original plotline Syaoran who is now in Autopilot mode.)
This wouldn't have occurred to me the first time through because I was focused so much on what this might mean for Sakura, and how she related to everyone else, but the way the Infinity Arc ends really hammers this home. After all, Sakura is the mastermind in this arc - everything that happens is according to her plan. She's not playing chess just during the literal chess matches, but during the entire plotline, moving every character and circumstance into place to enact her final plan; to activate both Chi's at once, absorb both their feather's, and trigger Fai's curse - resulting in her pseudo (if purely physical) death. But like we see in the plotline, this isn't a loss - it's a win. It's exactly how she planned things to unfold, and it will lead her to winning the game.
Just in case anyone isn't familiar, in Chess the queen is the most powerful piece capable of the widest variety of moves - but the queen is not the endgame goal. You can lose the queen piece in any game and (besides losing a powerful piece) it's not the end of the world. You can still win the game without the queen piece. It's the King piece that's the Win/Loss condition. The King is the piece you have to keep safe at all costs, even if you lose other pieces in the process. The second the King dies, the match is over. You've lost.
And this matches exactly how Sakura played the series events. She was the Queen in control of every move, and Syaoran was the Win condition she was focused on. She foresaw Fai killing Syaoran in the future - which, for her, is the Losing Scenario. She planned everything to avoid this, and she succeeded! She lost the Queen piece (ie, her physical body) but won the ultimate goal of keeping the King safe. She won the 3D future chess game that she was playing by herself, and positioned herself in the place that would have the most benefit for the victory at the end. (Which I still haven't seen, but she was VERY confident about this having a better result than Fai killing Syaoran.)
I'm also super happy that this ties in really well with the fairy tale allusions I talked about back in Chapter 140, but in ways I wasn't aware of back then either.
I talked about Snow White and how the apple (that shows up in a lot of the splash images in Infinity) may have been referring to Sakura's tendency to sleep a lot. What I didn't realise was that Sakura was essentially about to pull the Big Brain Snow White maneuver on herself to ultimately win her chess game. While in Snow White the poison apple is a trap, here Sakura sprung the trap intentionally. Fai is the apple she bit into deliberately - she arranged it so that killed her body, breaking his own curse, and sent her to the World of Dreams (and thus, she is asleep) which also placed her in a Glass Coffin (aka The Jam Jar of Dreams - Im sorry I have no memory of what it's really called). So the Snow White metaphor is now complete.
But also Cinderella! In the image for 140 Sakura is trying on a glass slipper - so she's Cinderella figure as well. But at this point in the plot the clock hadn't struck midnight just yet - like Cinderella, Sakura knew the exact time limit she had to work with, and for her the timing had to be PRECISE. She spent all of Infinity stressed out of her mind about this plan she couldn't trust anyone else with, knowing full well that if she missed the window even slightly it would ruin absolutely everything and they would all lose. Which, funnily enough, makes Yuuko the fairy godmother, since she provided Sakura with the magic she needed to make her plan happen (via wishes). This also means that Fai stabbing her with the sword is the exact moment the clock struck twelve - and like the spell finishing, Sakura could finally drop the act and explain what she had done, even as all the magic disappeared (ie, her luck being traded away). There's even a detransformation sequence of a sort, with her body and soul going in two different directions. But either way, the Cinderella metaphor is also complete!
And with all that done the last part I want to talk about is back in the image of Syaoran on the throne. He's framed on either side with the curtains that portray the chess board, and they're tied back by chains with him in the very centre. He is visually chained to the board - which, like, of course he is. With his Autopilot programming in place he's essentially just a chess piece without any will of his own - a winning piece, for sure, but he's still being moved around without his choice. He's playing the game on auto, making the moves that will lead him to the winning gambit, but without his individual soul he has no choice but to keep playing until the game is over. The goal he's working towards isn't even his - it's Evil Wolverine's. So in the same way that everyone else was a chess piece in Sakura's strategy (if, sort of, willingly), including Sakura herself, Syaoran is a piece being moved around in Evil Wolverine's favour - though if he dies, it's game over for Sakura's side as well.
I'm unclear if Syaoran dying would be a game over scenario for Evil Wolverine, but at the very least it would end the game he is currently playing.
So, in the hyper future 3D chess game that Sakura was playing by herself she couldn't properly win the game for her side by taking out Syaoran because he's her king piece too. Syaoran is the piece at the centre of everything, and will be the key to winning the game for either side. We just have to wait and see if Sakura's gambit will pay off in the way she thinks it will.
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shyrose57 · 3 years
2nd part than.
8: (This ones longgggg) Their rooms all have the same beige (like brown mushroom color) walls and floors. As their not allowed to change that. But Watson has some bookshelves in his room along with a old adventurer cape that goes in front of his body and hangs to his ankles (Item-Ya Adventurer Cape is a perfect example. Idk the actual name for the kind of cape it is), some display cases featuring his strongest bows and arrows, along with a sword and axe, along with pictures of the group toghere and pictures from his travels on the walls, he has a single lone desk that is only used when designing new bows or arrows. Ran also has bookshelves, but his is bigger and takes up a whole wall, he also as a winter cape with fur on its shoulders hung up (he lived in a snow biome for a little while and made the cape himself), along with a single weapon case that features a lone damaged neitherite sword, he also has chests stacked along a wall filled with random stuff that he sometimes gives as gifts or uses to throw at people. Jackie has a few paintings and posters in his room, along with the only carpet in any bedroom (that he totally didnt steal from Grievous), a panting easel, he has a single display case in his room that displays the sword Porkius gave him for winning, theres also pictures of the group toghere and a small chest next to his bed filled with things that belongs to someone in the group. Grievous has a small bookshelf (one book is a naming book Watson jokingly gave him), a chest filled to the brim with blankets and pillows (cause for him comfort is a necessity), he also has a desk that he tends to fall asleep at when doing literally anything on it. Everyone also has a good sized wardrobe somewhere in their room that is filled with different outfits and w statue stands with either iron armour or empty. There is also a four-way-bunkbed in the living room/area, they typically use it when someone is having or had a very bad day and needs comfort, or when Jackie's separation anxiety is bad and needs to sleep with everyone nearby. 
Ran loves reading and sometimes gets mad when someone intrupts his reading. Watson loves designing new bows and arrows and just designing weapons in general (Grievous does too and helps him sometimes). Jackie likes to paint and has a interest in adventuring one day. They are well known but only in Subbin and surrounding cities. Though word does travel about them at times which can bring people to Subbin. They have 2 titles actually! First is used in typical matches, while the second is used in more formal or serious matches (like those for general). Ran: The Enderman, Partikel Tari (Dancing Particles, referencing how when he fights when serious its like he's dancing as he teleports around the field). Watson: The Archer, Multi (Referencing how he has more experience than anyone in the use of all kinds of weapons and can quickly adjust to situations). Grievous: Multi-Named, Unpredictable (referring to how he is by far the most unpredictable person in serious battles). Jackie: The Child, Diremehake (Underestimated, referring to how he gets underestimated a lot during any battle). They get recognized quite often and get called their stage names, when they dont want to deal with people recognizing them they often either yell at them to go away or just run away. 
9: They do all of the above! It depends on the match up (Jackie and Watson stay out of eachothers way mostly, Ran and Grievous make it one on one, and Ran and Jackie take them out quick). Oh the first time Ran threw Jackie was hailours. You could hear Watson screaming from the stands in fear and Jackie just head-butted the guy in the stomach. Then when Jackie recovered he just yelled for Ran to throw him again, and once again you could hear Watson screaming no and threats at them from the stands. Ran agreed and threw Jackie at the last person, who he just bear hugged as he hit and held them down. Then after the battle Watson smacked the two and chastised them.
10: At first he drops stuff and trips over his feet on a regular basis. But after about 3 weeks he fully regains his balance, and is able to finally walk without tripping at the start. While the attempts at bonding do work to get Ranbob and Cletus closer the two never get as close as the rest. Neither can really name what's stopping them from getting closer though. For the first week people need to constantly remind Ranbob to do all of those things. As he thinks the constant hunger, thirst, and tiredness is all normal when its not and their trying to get him to understand that. And while he eventually starts to do it himself, theres still some nights where he doesnt eat or drink or sleep. They just leave the two in the house, but later they do start to expand the house a bit to fit the new addition. He does not get his own place up, he just gives up after some time. He doesn't fall asleep out there to often thankfully, but since the house keeps falling on him he does get cuts and bruises quite often. He gets stuck in a rain storm only 2 times which isn't bad, but he does get semi-bad burns from them sadly that Benjamin has to sit him down for and have Charles distract him for long enough to wrap his wounds properly. And it only took Benjamin like 4 weeks before he finally got fed up and forced him inside and had him stay with them. He has dealt with a storm before when he was young! But it was when he was about 12 so its been a long while. 
11: He spends all of his free time glaring at them. And for the first few days whenever he sees someone from his group hanging around his brothers, he'll go over and pick em up and just carry them away. The fishermen worry for a bit that Ran may hurt them, but Watson assured them that Ran knows the two groups like eachother and wouldn't hurt them incase that could hurt his families feelings. 
12: Ranbob is extremely happy about potentially getting new members of his family! And eagerly tries to talk with them. But Ran is far less happy and actively avoids them (and drags his family away at times).
13: At the start they have no idea where their going. But when Grievous brings up about Rans damaged sword they decide to find a nether portal so they can find whats needed to repair his sword! And Watson decides on the way he can show them all the different biomes in the world, which Jackie is extremely excited for. 
14: If the fishermen get separated from Ranbob for too long he actively goes and searches for them. And refuses to stop until he finds them. When upset Ran loves to pick up members of his Haunting, though he doesnt do them often as he knows his Haunting doesn't like it when he does it to often. He and Ranbob also pick up blocks though as it's a comfort action and soothes them. Cuddles piles do happen! They happen more for Ranbob to comfort him after a nightmare or just a bad day, or when he basically relapses and wants to go back to Dream. But cuddle piles are more rare in Rans group, as cuddle piles only happen when anyone is doing really badly mentally or physically and just need comfort, or when they all just need some comfort. But their much more sentimental and have more meaning than Ranbobs groups. 
15: Oh definitely. I forget if I included it when I first introduced my Au. But soon after Ran escaped Mizu, he was hunted for his pearl and respawn ability. Though he killed the people hunting him. Every year he was out of Mizu and every year before he entered Subbin he was hunted by multiple groups. He's become legend just for avoiding so many groups and killing a vast majority of them. He's known as the "Green Eyed Enderman." and is a top goal amongst hunters. There are some times Ran got jumped in Subbin for being a hybrid but he quickly defeated them. 
Karl has played his role in this! Though maybe I could make it so he comes in later on during a really difficult part between the  brothers, and helps out. Using his own experiences in the SMP and seeing what ruined relationships like brothers does to someone and others, to make sure their relationship doesn't stay so broken and hurt so many people. Maybe at the end I'll have them go back and face Dream so Ranbob (and even Ran slightly, with how Dreams presence affected him) can finally be completely free. As of rn no one has a pet. But that question made me really want to give someone a raven and idk who. I want to have bits of the other Tales in it! Im not quite sure how yet but I want this to be a mostly Tales ONLY au (no main SMP stuff unless needed or necessary) as the Tales don't have enough love. He does write down the experience he had with the Dream Experience and writes down very important things, but other than that he leaves it behind. 
Im really happy to hear that you like my au. I love world and story building a lot and can't control how much I write sometimes, again im sorry this is so long and I'll do my best to not make anything this long ever again. Sorry if this bothered you
8: Sounds pretty interesting, overall. Was Watson-as his cape suggest-perhaps an adventurer? And he designs his own bows and arrows? Very cool. What kind of things does he come up with?  Ran also sounds like he’s traveled a bit. He knows how to sew? Has he ever made anything for anyone else? Where did he get his sword? Jackie’s got a carpet? Very nice, he deserves it. And a painting easel? How good is he at painting? Or is it more of something he’s just trying? Grievous sounds like he could build a very good pillow fort, and honestly, good for him. How often do they camp out in the bunk bed room? 
Ran not liking being interrupted is understandable. Does he ever read to anyone, or is it more some alone time for him? Grievous and Watson must design some terrifying weapons. Where is Jackie looking at adventuring to? Anywhere specific, or just around? And what language(s) is Ran and Jackie’s secondary titles in? Latin? 
9: Very smart of them, means it’ll be harder to pick up a pattern. And hearing about Ran tossing Jackie-I’m laughing. I’m not going to lie, kind of assumed it was planned pre-match, but hearing that they just decided to throw him? Watson’s reaction? Just...hilarious. Was Jackie even prepared for it, or did Ran just toss them without warning? Honestly, it kind of sounds like people might come to the Pit for the comedy just as much for the fighting. If this was the kind of thing that went down, I’d probably come to watch.
10: Oh no, Ranbob! At least he’s getting better. So Cletus and Ranbob never quite click, huh? Well, that’s alright. Sometimes people just don’t. Doesn’t mean they don’t care about each other! Ranbob thinking it’s normal, oh god. Does he ever say something along those lines, or get confused why the others are so worried about it? If so, how do the fishermen react to that question, and how does Ranbob react to the answer. As for the house, well. He can say he tried if nothing else-and hey, funny story to share with the gladiators later on. It’s good that he wasn’t caught in too many storms, less that he was caught in some at all. I’m sure that was a big help in convincing Benjamin to finally just put his foot down, which, honestly good for him. You go, Benjamin!
11: Ran, bud, chill. I like how you said his free time though-my first thought was that he immediately finished a book and went over to glare at them. Probably not true, but a hilarious mental image. Very glad Watson has reassured the fishermen-how did Ranbob react to that worry of theirs?
12: Ran’s actions are pretty understandable, but still a bit sad. How does Ranbob feel about them? Is he resigned? Determined? Upset?
13: Adventure! Into possibly dangerous places! How fun! Can’t wait to see where it goes. What do they see? What’s the first stop? How long are they heading off?
14: He won’t stop? Like, potentially will work himself into the ground won’t stop? Ran just picks up his members like blocks. And, oh boy. Ranbob wanting to go back to Dream? That’s just. Oof. Very much oof. How do the fishermen deal with that, and how do they feel about it?
15: Ran sounds like he’s had a less than enjoyable time out there. Do these hunters ever go after them once they leave Subbin? Do they target Ranbob? I mean, he’s another Endermen hybrid, and one who definitely isn’t as skilled as Ran, or as used to them. He’d be a much easier target.
So Karl’s gonna come in towards the end. Nice. Ran was also affected by Dream? How so? Obviously less than his brother, but did he ever notice? Did Ranbob? Sounds like it’d be a good final showdown, over all.
As for that pet raven, may I offer some suggestions? You could give one to Jackie and Grievous, so it can help them cause havoc, or maybe one to Benjamin, so it can help him keep an eye on his dorks. Maybe even Cletus, to help snag things, and mess with people, or Isaac, maybe to help find things. Even Watson, or one of the brothers, to help keep watch over their groups. Really, you could give any of these guys a raven. Depending on said bird’s personality, it could fit anywhere. Just depends on what you want to do with it.
I completely agree with you, we need more Tales AUs. Ranbob and Ran did come from what was basically a city of historians, perhaps you could use that to tie in the other Tales? Or even have them across the old ruins of areas on their adventure. Even chunk in more time travel, via Karl or otherwise, if you want to toss in more characters.
Ranbob pretty much starts over then. Good for him. How does Ran feel about that? Actually, who was Ran’s idol, and his general life on Mizu, before the Dream incident?
Other questions:
One thing I’d like to know is how the groups react to each other’s experiences and general life styles. Like for one, Ranbob and the fishermen generally seem more physically affectionate with each other, while Ran and the gladiators seem fairly less so, but no less close. 
For another, the fishermen probably still remind Ranbob to eat or sleep, which would probably seem a bit confusing for the gladiators. How much do they know about both sides? Obviously enough for them to want to help get the brothers back together, but like.
How much do the gladiators believe Ranbob’s side. Are they wary, or skeptical, or do they believe it completely, and if so, why? 
How long was Ran left running, evading hunters, and how has that affected him? How many times do both brothers say something concerning, and how do they react to what the other says?
You’ve said Ranbob occasionally relapses and wants to return to Dream. Does this happen on the trip? And if so, how do the gladiators react to such a thing-depending on how much they know about the whole thing, I can imagine mixed reactions. How does Ran react?
How do both groups react to the new endermen hybrids? They seem to have dealt with different instincts before now, so seeing Ranbob trail the fishermen and Ran just pick up the gladiators must be a bit strange. 
What can Ranbob keep down? Not only was Dream in control, and not particularly careful with his body, but supplies were probably also somewhat limited when he did eat. So how has that affected him? 
Are there any nicknames within in the groups? How do the gladiators react to the schedule change, considering they had set times for so much before? How do the fishermen react to the new areas? What habits are/become shared, and what habits are restricted to one group.
In general, just...how the fishermen and the gladiators differ in lifestyles, basically. 
For another, in one of the earlier post, you mentioned both Isaac and Cletus wanted to return to Mizu. Isaac kind of gives me a historian vibe himself, or some sort of archaeologists. Just a kind of person who wants to learn about history-perhaps something to do with the fact that he was played by Karl, and the whole time traveler thing. 
But anyway, what exactly did those two want to do down there? Explore, learn, steal?
And how would you say everyone’s personalities are like? Will you be introducing anymore characters, Tales or otherwise. It’d be interesting to see a Pit version of Tommy, or Puffy, or such.
How does Ran react when he finally accepts the truth, and what exactly pushes him to that? 
Hope this isn’t too many questions. I’m pretty invested, not gonna lie.
And seriously, I don’t mind the length. Long or short, I’m really just happy to hear more about your AU, and I look forward to more.
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skiijumpinng · 3 years
ok ok i'm done gifmaking for now, which means it's debrief time! this fht felt very chaotic in comparison to others but frankly i think it's just a combination of the pandemic and the fact that i've forgotten the details of the other tournaments jgkfkgddf
obviously ryoyu is a legend and more than deserved the tournament win (i swear to god karl will get it one day!!!!!! ONE DAY!!!!!) - it's kind of a shame that he couldn't become the first double grand slam winner, but also who can begrudge dani huber his first win!!!
i'm slightly depressed about the viability of my "karl geiger for 21/22 overall winner" agenda now, although he's only something like 56 points behind; also, i wish that halvor had been a bit more consistent in the first part of the season so that we could have a proper three way battle for the overall!
lovro was absolutely awesome and i'm so sad about his fall ruining his chances of a fht podium! also, michi and manu have randomly started fucking killing it (i... didn't even notice that manu was in the world cup until bischofshofen dkfgjdfkg) and i hope that michi gets to keep a spot in the world cup team for now.
i'm beginning to get properly stressed out about olympic team selections now - there's a lot of tough choices to be made for loads of the teams (germany and austria in particular have too many strong jumpers), and then even once they've picked five to take, they'll have to narrow it down to four for the competitions and i just know that i'm going to be distressed no matter who does or doesn't make the cut. (also, do you remember the drama on tumblr when stephan and markus were being considered for the last place in the german team for the individual competitions in pyeongchang jkfjgkdfg everyone wanted markus to DIE)
also, holy shit, i can't believe we have to do it all again this weekend! i'm fucking exhausted, so i can't imagine how the jumpers are feeling (although maybe they want the extra competition practice before the olympics?). i'm kind of glad that the sapporo competitions were cancelled - obviously it sucks for people in japan that they won't get that competition, but i feel like the last thing all the athletes (not to mention technical staff!) need is to fly all the way out to asia for a weekend, come back to compete for two more weekends, and then head out to beijing.
(the secret other reason i need a break is that every morning for the past 10 days my dad has asked me what my plans for the day are and i have been forced to mumble "uhhh there's ski jumping on" while he laughs at me and i CAN'T TELL HIM THERE'S EVEN MORE ON THIS WEEKEND)
i have to mentally prepare myself to answere these im sorry it took so long
i literally have no more words about ryouyu it would have been TOO GOOD if he did another grand slam and honestly huber winning was so unexpected but also so overdue??? the pure happiness and the fact that it happened at home (giving me some stephan in willingen vibes) AND THE INTERVIEWS HE DID !!!
i can sense your karl geiger manifesting will come true, remember when pero was always second behind sevi and the next season pero won everything? yeah that
also i feel kinda bad for the germans because they really wanted him to win 20 years after sven's grand slam and on the 70th foru hills but maybe they were making too much pressure?? insert another rant about media here
and yes for lovro, although he seemed really chill about it in the interviews and he kept repeating that his goal was to make all 8 jumps BOY YOU WERE 3RD IN THE OVERALL so i don't think he is even a little bit disappointed but i can see great future for him
AND HOW DARE YOU MENTION OLYMPIC GAMES TO ME like i don't think about it everyday since november ahhhhhh
the decision is gonna be so stressful but i trust horngacher (more than i trusted schuster at that point) to chose the right 5 guys (pain) and then 4 for the team (more pain) and i also keep reminding myself that its JUST the olymoic games that only happen every FOUR YEARS (i really wanted to write a reasonable argument why i should not worry who goes but i can't find it) (also wouldnt it be iconic to go to your 4th olympic games at age 26???)
AND YES i remember that how could i forget??? i was checking the training results and every time sephan jumped good but schuster still didn't chose him for the competition my heart broke a little and at the team comp i was this close to going there myself and hiding markus somewhere just so he would get ONE chance (poor fannis was at the olympic games too and he did not compete once and i did not want that happening to stephan)
we need to stop with competitions during the week, i can't get anything done because my self restraint is not THAT good to miss 4hills which makes me spend 3 hours watching these guys jump - unhealthy
by the way the only day i could watch it without feeling guilty bc i was sick in bed it was cancelled!!
if it makes you feel any better the embarrassement about watching ski jumping for the 10th consequitive day is mutual
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itseivwhore · 4 years
Hey! May I please get some headcanons for how Edward, Shay, and Arno would react to their S/O being worried about a college application and whether or not it'll be accepted? I applied on Thursday, and Im honestly so scared... thank you in advance
Heyo @prctectedlegacy (why the cazzo can't I find you in the usernames when I try to tag you???I just hope you will see these,once published) !Thank you for requesting this ;) Listen here,it's normal to feel scared/stressed/preoccupied/anxious about something so important like this,but try to think for the best,mh?For example: I cry. HAHAHAHAHAH,my dark humor and obvious sarcasm apart...for real,teake it easy buddy. But I would love to know if they'll accept you!So let me know,will you?
Also,I noticed that I became,literally from all of sudden,the CEO of comforting people with my headcanons. Like uh yes,feel free to confess your preoccupations to me: come get some you fuckers,I'm here to make you happy with my weak writing skill.
Now let's start,shall we?
|°Edward°| :
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He has been with you through everything,and with him,you passed and overwhelmed any kind of fear you had in the past: encouraging you when others put you down,rooting for you when others didn't believe in you,pushing you do to your best in and for everything all the time,being by your side with everything you had to face.
Edward was always here,with his strong determination and with his endless support for you.
Unless these times when he was drunk:in that case you would have found him passed out,either on the couch or on the bathroom's floor,blabbering things under his breath...but that's a negligible detail.
Getting in that college would have been a big step in your life,the one you always have wanted.But,for as much as you were excited and happy about it,needless to say that you were also,and obviously,scared.
You firstly tried to hide your preoccupation away from Edward,not wanting to ruin his costant,almost natural,'chill' nature,letting him playing his guitar in peace.
But nothing passed unseen under these deep blue eyes of his: nothing.
Finally deciding to open up your mind and sharing your thoughts with him,after he came back home from a pub where he played with his small,cheap band.
When Edward listened to you freely speaking about your worries,he gave you such a big smile and a relieved sigh.The bastard knew that something was off with the way you were behaving,but he didn't dare to touch that 'weak' spot,deciding instead to wait for you to take your time.
So there you were,sitting together outside the balcony of his apartment,in the middle of the night: you softly speaking as he carefully listened to everything,blue eyes fixed in your ones.
Comforting you in all the ways he knew,pulling and squeezing you in an endless and tight hug,not letting you go until you have calmed down.
He might haven't been a master with gentle words and philosophical speeches...so silence was all what he could give you.But,after some moments where he intensly observed you,he found his way with words:
"Why don't you go and take something to drink,mh?" as he gave you a sly wink and a lopside smirk.
"Let's drink to forget our sorrows" he exclaimed before taking a long sip from the bottle you brought him,actually managing to make you laugh.
Jokes apart,after drinking that beer,he became more serious,wrapping an arm around your waist,pulling you in his lap as he whispered to you truly and purely comforting words,genuinely soothing you down once for all.
Maybe it was his low,deep voice,speaking so firmly and decisively;or maybe it was the way he was lively convincing you that you will get in that 'goddamned college' -his own words.
Spending the other days together.
Slow/rough sex for making the stress go away.
Edward playing his guitar in the living room most of the time for you,with you sitting on the couch while you had his cat in your lap:listening to him playing something slow and nice always helped you to relax.
"You will get in that college.If you don't?That doesn't exist,darlin' "
Yes,he does have his own way with words,when he wants.
|°Shay°| :
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Shay was a man of few words,he was a man of action.And,most of all,he knew you way too well:so you possibly and literally can't hide anything from him.
"I have eyes and ears everywhere,little dove,remember this" he said with a serious voice once he started to talk about that almost crucial subject,but the sly smile he had on his lips just betrayed (see what I did there?I'm not sorry) his deep tone.
So you two had a long,long talk,him letting you speak freely as much as you wanted and needed,for only starting to talk and to exprime his thoughts just after you finished.
You didn't had idea of how he could have been so convincing,firm and ardent and triumphant while trying to make you reason:trying to let you understand that you WILL get accepted in that college.
Giving you a severe,yet gentle expression,telling you that you didn't had to be preoccupied of anything.
For as much as Shay was hopeful,he also was very,very stubborn and consequently he made you become a bit stubborn too: you,scared and convinced that everything was going to be a distaster;him,angry and almost desperate to change your mind,wiping off those bad thoughts you had.
He even called Haytham,one day.You heard him talking to the older man one afternoon,and you immediately found Shay in the living room,approaching you as he handed you the phone.
Needless to say that Mr Kenway said the exact same things that your boyfriend told you all the time the other days.Haytham loosing himself in a long,philosophical and almost paternal speech.
And Shay was glad when he actually managed to change your mind,even if a little,relieved when he saw you starting to see and think about things in a different way.
So,when he noticed that you were calmer,he started to spoil you.
Bringing you out for a date in such a nice restaurant,spending the whole evening together.
Sex,a lot of sex,all around the house,comfort sex to relieve you and to make you relaxed.Worshipping you all the time,always.
Giving you his four-leaf clover that he kept wrapped in an old and ruined bag,placing it in your hand,closing them around it.
"I hope it'll bring me luck" raising your almost teary eyes on his warm brown ones,him just giving you a snarky smile.
"You make your own luck"
"And if you won't get in,I will hunt these bastards down" he might have said with a light tone and a vague gesture with his hand,making you amused,but...oh he was able to do that.
|°Arno°| :
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Oh no...
You were convinced,more than anything,that Arno Dorian was a man who was able to read in your mind:he only needed an intense,deep stare at your eyes for finding out what was bothering you so much.
And when he finally understood what was wrong,he immediately...well.
If this man was anything,anxious was one of them.Quickly becoming anxious and preoccupied too,his thick eyebrows furrowed with worry as he sat beside you,taking your little hand in his big ones,bringing them up to his mouth,leaving a chaste kiss on the back of them.
"We can be anxious together,amour"
He tried to joke with a low voice,a bitter smile on his lips,hope starting to grow within himself as he saw the corner of your lips rising up slightly.
He had always known how much getting in that college was important for you.
The young man knew that so well:listening to you talking with passion about it,sharing with him your secrets and dreams;dreams and goals that he liked and shared a lot.
He loved seeing you so determinated and gritty about that: Arno knew that,if you wanted something,you HAD to get it,in all the ways you were capable of.And he was more than willing to help you.
But seeing all that passion,will and hope being overwhelmed by anxiety,worries and pessimism?
It was a big problem for Arno,too: he was so emphatic,and seeing you being so preoccupied just put him down.
The last thing he wanted for you was to be upset.So he tried his best to make you feel in a better mood,rising your spirit up by telling you that he truly and firmly believed in you and in your skills.
He truly did.Nothing fascinated Arno more than seeing how your eyes light up with that ardent glimpse whenever you talked about the things you were passionate about.
Cheering you up by preparing a hot bath,candles lit up all around the dark room as steam raised from the bathtub.
Cuddling together way more than before.Lots,tons of cuddles for you.
Distracting you by walking hand in hand in the city,in the middle of the night,enjoying the quiet and paceful atmosphere as you both silently talked about anything.
Forehead kisses. Oui.
Him reading out loud some of his favourite poems,his hands wandering in your ones,playing with your fingers as he continued to read for you,calming you down a lot.
"A croissant?"
That man makes love,he doesn't just fuck.
Arno was totally and utterly devoted towards you: a romantic man if you wish,a man who always gave you endless support and a man who would give his heart and soul to see,and make,you happy.
Ta daaa. Hope you liked them buddy ;) <3
(Also,a little note: I just hope I got their personality right?Especially with Shay,since I rarely have written something about him ;/)
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lunavadash-creates · 3 years
Have I ever told you that you are the sweetest cupcake ever?❤️ It’s impossible to not smile at your posts! I sincerely thank you for all your sympathy towards me! My heart just melts! It’s so rare to find such a pure and kind soul like you. Please, don’t change. Ever.
You made me worried a bit with your last paragraph - maybe I am oversensitive, but I am really worried. It breaks my heart honestly, I feel like you belittle yourself. Babe, you are wonderful! I am not saying this just for you to feel better, but because you REALLY are. Think for a moment about things you’ve already achieved! Darling, you graduated! It’s really something. It is even more something when you study two different majors at the same time and study in language school at weekends. It’s real hardcore! I am proud of you. SO FREAKING MUCH! You did so well and you did so much! Please, be aware of it. You are incredibly talented and creative. YOU are hard working, not me. And you know what? Please, have a proper rest. Don’t overwork yourself anymore. You have to have some space just for you. You have to rest and regain your balance. Don’t think about writing as your duty. I know you feel responsible for all requests you have. But they really won’t run away or disappear. They all will be waiting to be written when you rest. Don’t pressure yourself, I beg you. You know I love your writing. We all here love it. But we love you even more. Taking a break it’s not bad. It’s necessary. When you rest you will be able to concentrate, you will have a fresh mind and new ideas. Just remember that you are a priority.
Speaking of your visit to Prague. OMG, THIS ASTRONOMICAL CLOCK!! I envy you soooooo much! I wish I could see it by myself someday! Thank you so much for the photo! And geez, you are the very first person admitting that museums are wonderful! No one amongst my friends likes them and it hurts so much, because I couldn’t go to the Uffizi museum and Palazzo Vecchio in Florence. I would love to go to any museum with you then! Museum of sex toys sounds really interesting, mostly because it’s not about modern toys. Like, I would never thought that people could have such rich sex life! I heard that in Amsterdam and Paris there are similar museums. But! I bet you would love icelandic museum of punk. Ohh, I am pretty sure you would enjoy it! It’s really small, because well..Its former public toilet. Buuuut, if you like non-obvious museums this is definitely for you. Whale museum was also pretty good. Or I enjoyed it just because I love whales. I was also in a museum of teddy bears in Seoul and it was the cutest museum I have ever been in! Tell me more about that vegan restaurant! What good did you eat? I am not vege myself, but I avoid eating meat on a daily basis so it’s easy to make me excited with such things!
I am not sure if I am better. I mean, I changed my mind about being able to sleep all day. I am not able to sleep at all at the moment. I am tired and my eyelids are so heavy, but sleep never comes. I guess insomnia hits again, it's a never-ending circle. But I am concerned about your leg! I guess you had spoken with doctor since you got xray and usg. Did they say anything? Any ideas of what it could possibly be? It has to be something serious if you have problems with walking! How did you manage to go sightseeing in Prague? Babe, please, take care of yourself! And what does “health problem AGAIN” mean?! Have you had such a problem before?? It scares me like.. we just started adulthood? My friend sneezed and it made him lay in bed for 6 days not being able to move. Literally.
Yeah, I was in South Korea, but please, do not perceive me as your role model. Gods, it would be a terrible decision, really. But, I would love to share some stories with you if you want! I know it's a popular destination these days because of kpop. I used to listen to it, but I think a few years ago kpop was better? More interesting? Now I’m more into khh, but I think I can’t say that I’m into it anymore.
Talking about music! I discovered two new songs and I bet you know them already, but for me it was huge woah woah woah! First of it - Sabaton. Thay covered Metallica’s For Whom The Bell Tolls and they did it so good! Secondly - The Heart Asks Pleasure First. They basically made their own song based on one of my favourite piano songs. Oh my.. it’s sooo good!
And still talking about music! I just wanted to say that I also love our Wombo edits! That one with Ezio singing Stressed out was perfect! Mr Auditore looked very believably singing it. I liked the one with Edward and Haytham. I don’t know the song but it had such a christmas vibe! It made me think of Edward and Shay singing Last Christmas or some other shitty Christmas song together. Why them? No idea. I love Altair, but your latest headcanons could make me love them even more.
And! I just wanted to tell you that you inspired me to take japanese lessons on Duolingo. I am aware that such app won’t help me with learning such a language, but at least I can tell you that katakana sucks. Gods, I hate it so much. Hiragana is so pleasurable to learn. And I know katakana is visually similar, but it is a no no from me. I have learnt some basic kanji signs. And I just admire you so much more.
I hope you will have wonderful and peaceful week, Babe! Once again, please take care of yourself. Remember to have proper rest, sleep at least 8 hours and drink water! I hope your leg will be better soon!
Hey Knifey! I finally have the right mind set to respond to this ask!
So first of all thank you. You always make me blush with your kind words and I have no idea how to react! I want to squeaze you in a hug and give you all the sweets in the world!
As for the rest. You see i have always worked to hard on studying, so hard it actually burned out everything inside so now all i want to do i nothing! But i cant, i really want to go back to spending my free time in more creative way!
Omg Knifey! Finally i met a museum lover! And gods i want to visit them all! And you know? That Icelandinc museum sounds like such a goal, i want to go there 🥺 and Seoul museum of teddy bears?! I want to go there!
Honestly I love all museums and generally history. I enjoy visiting ruins of castles and villages, going to museums of everything! Art, machines, objects! There are always so many things and so many different ways to find the inspiration! And I always take so many photos for 'future references'. Some time ago i was in a gardens which showed different time of gardens of the world and there was this amazing exhibition of demons from Slavic mithology. That was so awesome! As well as Japanese garden!
In began restaurant i have this fried soy bites in some sweet-spicy sauce. So tasty! Im trying to recreate this recipe but so far its 1:0 for the soy :/
As for my leg. Its swollen AF bht i just... Put on my shoe and pretended it didnt exist. I can walk in good shoes but still im worried. As for that little again... I generally have some weird health issues. I had 5 surgeries for different stuff (spine, tumor, nose) so like... Generally i am healthy... Or at least i was until thst damned foot decided to show off. Its been 4 weeks and im still looking for a solution, running different tests and all. Hopefully they will figure out whag is going on.
Yes TELL ME ALL THE STORIES ABOUT KOREA.! I love stories, tell me everything!
Tbh i never listen ed to k-pop. I guess its just nkt my type of music but I enjoy some Japanese and Chinese songs (one i like is Arrogant by Xiao Zhang). I know songs you sent me and gods they are amazing! I love sabaton, rock/metal im general but I listen to all kind of music. Like Italian soundtrack from Winx, music from burlesque, Dragonforce, shanties. If there are k-pop songs you like you can always send then to me! Ill gladly listen to them all!
Im glad you like those wombos i guess i should make more! 😂😂
And gods. Katakana. 4 years of learning Japanese and I still need katakana board to remember those signs! And tbh i feel like Japanese duolingo has some mistakes ;/ but for Japanese i used lingodeer app and it was nice!
Knifey Im very sorry you have troubles sleeping. Is there something you can do to make it easier for you? Maybe you can take some melatonin pills? Maybe you are stressed? Can you maybe contact doctor, maybe they can help? I dont want anything bad to happen to you! Please take care of yourself? Pretty please?
Love you so much Knifey, you are such a sunshine and I just want you to be happy and healthy!
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bsdwhore · 4 years
Hi hi! Can I have male Haikyuu or/and Bungou Stray Dogs matchup?
Pronouns & sexuality: she/her, straight
Appearance: 160cm, have a dark dirty blonde hair with black roots and I wear a black glasses, love to wear dresses and skirts
Personality: cold to new people (also very hard to make me open up to people) but wild and weird around close friends, i get shy sometimes but awkward and even cringe at myself most of the time even when I'm just having music jamming session all by myself, stubborn, determined in the things I set my mind to, independent and often too scared to ask for help, always act tough and bottle up my feelings but actually very sensitive and cry baby, kinda bit tsundere but can get very very clingy, will pour all my heart and soul into the things I like (be it relationship or work or other stuffs)
Mbti: ISFP-T
Horoscope: pisces sun, virgo moon and aries rising
Hobbies: listen to songs, play video games or watch esport tournaments which is the only sport i care lmao, sometimes shopping cuz i like fashion related stuffs
Random facts: very picky eater, rage a lot in video games and will not hestitate to open mic to scream at my teammates if they ruin my game (but won't do that to my friends), tend to say weird stuff or give weird reply when I'm lacking sleep even though I still can function normally
Values I look for in a partner: loyal, sweet and caring, protective/dominance, able to accpet every part of me because I tend to lose myself or change myself if that means they will like me more which is not a good thing
My love language: words of affirmation, physical touch and actions
I hope these infos are enough for ya! Thank you for doing my request!!!
I MATCH U UP WITHHHH: CHUUYA (p.s im so jealous)
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both of u are 160cm and u’ll fight over whose taller and if u r he’ll just deny it lmfao
okay so i feel like it wasn't that hard to open to chuuya bc he’s just so jkdnkjdf i forgot the word but he just makes u comfortable around him bc he’s just that type of person
and he loves that when u finally open up ur more wild than he is
he’ll try not to put u in situations where u’ll feel shy or awkward and he’ll try and comfort u if u do
istg ur so lucky i love him
both of u r super stubborn so fights with him would be frustrating af 
he loves how strong and independent u r but he’ll remind u from time to time that there’s nothing wrong in asking for help and ur stun attitude doesn't work on him bc he can read u like a book
will have jamming sessions together
u’ll to teach him how play video games bc bro has a flip phone for gods sake 
and he’ll get so into the game
both of u will be shouting out into the mic together 
#angry couple goals
loves loves LOVES shopping with u
will literally beg u to come shopping with him
both of u have IMMACULATE fashion sense, u both will just roll up to the port mafia lookin like such a fashionable couple
anyways lmfao
when u say weird stuff he knows ur lacking sleep and his protective mode is on
wont leave u alone until u go to sleep with him
chuuya is very very loyal
he loves u more than his wine collection
he’ll show his love for u by buying u stuff all the time like he just loves gifting u with stuff
some random guy from the port mafia will just show up and gift u flowers from chuuya or chocolates or anything
he’s very protective 
especially when dazai’s around
when u tend to lose urself he’ll be there
and there’s no need to change urself if it means they’ll like u more bc he loves u for u (and u shouldn't for anyone😡😡)
for haikyuu i match u up with atsumu!
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a/n: i hoped u liked this! sorry it took so long!
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itssolonelyhere · 4 years
Like your fics! Question i came for joker and wonder why sakura? i dont get the buzz for her. shes a obsessed sasuke fangirl so she wouldnt chose joker of him right? and i watched ns and she's not at all that. idt he would go for her either. there's harley that fits better. please dont take this offensively im just curious
This has been sitting in my ask box for a bit (I’m lazy... sorry!) and wasn’t sure how to answer it. So, first... Thank you for liking my stories! Second... @radita328 reminded me of all the reasons I like Sakura so much and chose her as my lead female character in all my stories. I try not to take anything offensively and have been asked this multiple times since I started writing for this ship. 
This might be a good way to explain it... And if I get questions like this again (which I undoubtedly will), it’s already been thoroughly answered. 
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Sakura was quite insecure as a child, and the other brats often bullied her. For a while, she silently endured it and tried to ignore the comments on her appearance. It wasn’t until her friendship with Ino and crush on Sasuke that she really started to bloom and find her confidence. Sometimes we need an outside source to see ourselves in a different light or find what’s inside. I’ve debated whether it’s okay for a person to try improving for themselves or someone else. To me, it doesn’t matter. The results and finding that inner-strength is important. Sometimes it takes an outside influence or another perspective to bring out the best version of a person, and that’s the case with Sakura and myself. Those with a self-deprecating mindset rarely see what others do. 
Sakura’s infatuation with Sasuke temporarily ruined her relationship with Ino (we all make mistakes) and she became obsessed with perfecting her appearance based on rumors of what girls think he likes. Extreme dieting (even at the expense of her training), growing her hair out, fussing with everything. This is something many do in hopes of attracting their crush, especially teenage girls. During the Chunin Exams, she realized that spending so much time on her looks instead of training was a waste The boy she wanted to impress couldn’t care less about it and she put her teammates in danger by not focusing on what’s important. This arc shows the beginning of her character development. To save Naruto and Sasuke, she used her body as a shield and cut off her ‘beloved’ hair. After being beaten to a pulp, she still refused to give up, knowing it might end in death. 
Later on, Team 7 is split up as her teammates are taken to be trained, leaving her behind. Kakashi took Sasuke and Jiraiya with Naruto. Her own sensei and everyone else walked away, despite being in charge of helping her improve. Sakura took it on herself to go up to one of the Legendary Sannin and most feared woman to ask for training. She spent years studying, being pummeled by Tsunade, and honing her skill-set to the point of eventually surpassing her shishou, which is not an easy feat. The Strength of a Hundred Seal that took her three years of storing up chakra to create is a Jutsu very few are able to complete. 
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Sakura went from a small girl that was extremely self-conscious, to a top kunoichi within a few years. People doubted, overlooked, and underestimated her from the beginning, using gender and appearance as an excuse. She smashed through all those barriers (literally). People often despise her for the loyalty she’s shown to Sasuke, who doesn’t deserve it—whatsoever—and blame everything going wrong on her. There are so many instances that plenty of characters (especially in the war) would’ve died without her power, it’s not even funny, yet those facts get tossed aside carelessly. She’s had amazing character development, overcame diversity and bullying, improved herself as a person, and became one of the strongest shinobi through sheer determination. 
As a woman who’s been teased for her appearance and underestimated, I resonate with her the most. Being half-Asian in a predominately white area as a teenager when my family moved came with its own trials and tribulations. Seeing a minority character grow and develop into a strong woman is very inspiring and why I chose her. I don’t blame Sakura for what the male creator of the series decided to do with her after building up so much potential. 
Canonically, Joker and Sakura would probably kill each other, but that’s one of the points that I enjoy. He thinks everyone’s beneath him and has zero empathy, while she has an enormous heart and tries to improve to feel worthy of standing beside her comrades. They’re very different, but their strange appearance, penchant for violence (in various forms), and fanatical drive towards their goals is where they meet halfway. I’m a fan of the whole ‘enemies to lovers’ and ‘bad guy/small woman’ trope. Canon relationships are irrelevant in AU’s and fiction, in general. That’s the entire point of fanfiction, crack pairings and crossovers. 
Harley Quinn makes appearances throughout most of my stories, but we’ve all seen how her relationship with Joker plays out. It revolves around abuse, manipulation, and abandonment. Not that my ship doesn’t at all, I’m just saying... They’re unhealthy relationship goals if that’s what you’re looking for. Personally, I like Harley better with Poison Ivy compared to J. Pam has been a big part of the healing process after Harley had enough of his shit. Saying she fits better includes keeping a woman in a toxic environment where she’s never respected or appreciated and constantly hurt without a single care. 
I like to think that J has a good-eye for talent and would see that Sakura is brimming with it, even if it’s to use her as a weapon. He’s intelligent, cunning, resourceful, with ingenuity in spades. The freedom from the restraints that society puts on everyone that comes with J is very liberating, and I enjoy putting Sakura in that kind of atmosphere where she has no limits holding her back, like the Narutoverse does. Her appearance, race, gender... None of that matters in Gotham where it’s all about survival and playing the game. Him pushing Sakura beyond her limits and rattling the cage is what I’m totally living for.
Thanks for the ask and hopefully my incessant rambling answers this question now and moving forward. I get it often and not really sure why, considering all the crack pairings I’ve seen over the years, especially with Sakura. 
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AU: Post Game Simulation V3
lmao i rushed this because i wanted to add so much so its messy and im sorry
It had been a couple of months since a small group of school kids with extraordinary talents had been forced to endure a traumatic life changing event. Slaughtering each other left and right and having to kick start survival senses just to make it through. Even if it was all virtual, the pain of dying and the pain of betrayal was all real for each of them. Although through the misery of a killing game, these kids found a bond between them all, having learned all of the best and worst parts of each other.
After they woke up, they had made an oath to always keep in touch and check in on each other no matter where their future paths may take them. So far, that vow had stood strong. As the seasons changed and the healing continued, they made time for each other. 
The air outside grew colder and colder until dew from the day began to frost as the sun disappeared in the horizon. Kaede Akamatsu and Shuichi Saihara walked down a long asphalt paved driveway towards a large white home that reminded the both of them of a mansion from movies. Complete with carved pillars and a green garden outside with flowers that popped against the white and cream of the structure. The grass around the property looked like it was just as green as golf fields.
Kaede held a tub of cookies in her mittened hands while Shuichi carefully walked a pitcher of apple cider he had homemade with Kaede not too long before their departure. 
“I knew Kirumi was well off with her talent but jeez!” Kaede’s bright voice cut through the cold.
“I’m not r-really surprised.” Shuichi responded, shivering and stuttering.
Kirumi Tojo had decided that they should meet up for the holidays and have themselves a “Friendsgiving.” She informed everyone that she would be making the main dishes but if anyone had anything else they specifically wanted, she would welcome the aid.
“I’m so excited to see everyone! They’re all getting a big hug whether they like it or not!” Kaede always spoke with such determination and confidence and luckily that same attitude had slowly begun to rub off on Shuichi.
“I’m s-sure they’d l-love that.” Shuichi turned to look at her and smile before glancing back towards the front door.
As they had gotten closer, they noticed a fall wreath hanging on the front door. Yellows, browns, and oranges littered the leaves and flowers that circled it. As they stepped on to the small stairs that lead to the porch, they saw a couple of the flower picks had fallen off; hot glue bubbles still on the ends. Shuichi determined that this must be a homemade wreath. 
Kirumi would not have let her creations fall apart like that. So they wondered just who would have taken part in the decorations. 
Kaede reached out her hand and softly knocked on the wooden door. It only took a moment before an excited Angie swung the door open.
“Ah! Atua told me that it was you two!” She tilted her head from side to side.
“Don’t listen to her. She looked outside the window and noticed Kaede walking up!” Tenko shouted behind her. In her hands was a banner with many fall colors. 
“Nyehh…” A small voice beside Tenko mumbled. “Tenko, I can’t put that above the window. I’m too short. I have to save my magic for dinner.” 
“Don’t worry Himiko! I will get it and all you have to do is hold the end and look pretty!” Tenko grabbed Himiko’s hand and pulled her off towards a grand window facing the front of the house.
Angie bounced on the soles of her feet before moving out of the way to let Shuichi and Kaede through. “Now we are just waiting on Gonta! I hope he did not get lost! Atua would be very upset if he did not make it in time for the turkey!”
“Oh I’m sure he will get here! We just have to be patient.” Kaede nodded and then walked further into the house to find the dining room. Shuichi shut the front door behind him and trailed after her.
As they passed through the living room, more and more familiar faces appeared. On the large sectional sat Tsumugi, Hoshi, and Korekiyo. The three of them were facing towards the TV that was mounted on top of the fireplace in the middle of the wall. Korekiyo, sat criss cross on an arm rest of the sofa, kept his attention on a small book that he had brought with him. Tsumugi and Hoshi sat on the cushions, their attention on the TV that had the Netflix menu on it.
“Tsumugi. It’s Thanksgiving. Can we not use my account to watch your trashy cartoons please?” Hoshi’s calm deep voice questioned her. He leaned back and adjusted the candy cigarette in his mouth, something he always kept to curb his previous addiction.
“Not all of it is trashy! I can find some very sweet slice of life animes! Like Ouran! Or Fruits Basket!”
“I don’t care what’s in the basket. I just don’t want it in my watch history.” Hoshi pulled his beanie over his eyes and sighed.
Shuichi had to bite his lip so that he didn’t outwardly laugh at the quick witted response. Kaede didn’t want to get involved in that argument and moved forward into the hallway.
“You little fucker!” A shrill voice stopped them in their tracks.
“Get your short ass back here!” 
A small figure zoomed out of a room and into the hallway. Of course Kokichi had gotten himself into trouble already. 
“It’s your fault your hair is so long! Maybe you should cut it or something? I hear being bald is totally in right now!” Kokichi giggled and raised a finger to his lips, a signature move as he teased.
Iruma followed into the hallway, holding strands of her hair. “You better open your tiny little mouth and get to eating this shit out. I am not about to let it dry and ruin my beautiful blonde hair!”
“Don’t you know how to use a hairbrush? Or do you not know hygiene either?”
“That’s it. Say you’re fucking prayers!” Iruma lunged forward but a hand covered with rings wrapped around her forearm. 
“Iruma. It’s just jello. It won’t ruin anything.” Rantaro came into view. He let go of her and folded his arms across his chest. “And Kokichi. This is a special time. Don’t waste food by throwing it at people. We’re literally trying to celebrate being thankful.”
Kokichi sighed loudly and slumped his shoulders. “Fine.” He drug the word out in annoyance. “I’ll just go steal the remote from the weeb or something then.” He turned on his heel and pushed past Shuichi and Kaede down into the living room.
“Hey guys. Sorry about that.” Rantaro’s previous firm attitude fell and the normal carefree one appeared. “Guess I gotta keep a better eye on him while we are here.” He put a hand behind his neck and looked down at their hands. “Oh yeah Kirumi is in the dining room now looking to place the food. So go right ahead.” He moved out of the way and followed Kokichi’s path.
Iruma had been messing with the strands of hair, trying to pick the food out. “He’s lucky that Rantaro was here to protect him. Again. One day I’m gunna beat the shit out of that little twink.”
“Ah I think he’s just, just trying to g-get a rise out of you.” Shuichi offered.
“I don’t want that kind of rise for me!” Iruma smarted off, making Shuichi shut his mouth quickly.
“Okay!” Kaede interrupted. “We’re going to go set these down then!” She wanted to cut it off before it got anymore vulgar. Shuichi nodded and the two of them started towards the kitchen.
“I’d close my eyes before walking through there.” Iruma warned.
“Why? Is the food cooking in there just that appetizing? Will we want to eat it the minute we see it?” Kaede’s eyes widened with joy.
Iruma blushed brightly. “Uh. No!” She struggled to find words. “Worse! Actually just go see for yourself. Embarrass him more while you’re at it!” She let out a boisterous laugh before turning her heel to another room down the hallway that had to be a bathroom.
Shuichi and Kaede exchanged looks before walking into the kitchen, slightly afraid of what they might find. What they didn’t expect was the see Kaito and Maki in the middle of the room. Kaito leaning on a cabinet with something in his hand in front of Maki, keeping her in place.
“How many times do I have to tell you? Wrong holiday.”
“Isn’t it close enough though?” Kaito’s voice pleaded. “Come on. It’s tradition.”
“Yes. For Christmas.” Maki sounded like she was way past done with the conversation. 
“So you admit that you’ll kiss me under the mistletoe at Christmas.” Kaito smirked and looked down at her with his “famous smolder.”
“I am not admitting anything. I am stating a fact Kaito.” Maki’s face flushed and she reached up to play with the hair that had fallen in front of her shoulders. 
That’s why Iruma had mentioned embarrassing someone. Kaito had mistletoe and had been trying to get Maki under it.
“Sidekick help me out.” Shuichi didn’t think Kaito had noticed him.
“I uh, uhm. Well.” Shuichi stumbled on his words.
“See? He agrees with me!” Kaito said matter of factly. 
“He just stuttered like always.” Maki glared.
“Yeah and I can understand his language!” Kaito leaned back offended. “Don’t hurt his feelings like that!”
“Why don’t you get him under that first then.” Maki challenged. 
“I will! Get over here sidekick!” Kaito stomped his foot down and motioned for Shuichi to come forward. 
Shuichi panicked slightly and shook his head. “Actually Kaito uh, actually I n-need to take this to Kirumi. You just, uhm, just keep trying.” He struggled to appease the taller male in front of him. He ducked his head nervously and turned into the grandiose dining room, Kaede giggling behind him.
The room had a yellow mood lighting with a large table in the middle. A white lace table runner down the middle with some plates already sat at the chairs. At the end of the table they found that they had finally met their goal. Kirumi and Kiibo stood down at the end. In Kiibo’s hands were two sets of plates that Kirumi would reach for as she set the table.
“Oh hello Kaede. Shuichi. It’s so wonderful to see you.” Kirumi’s pleasant tone was a nice change from the chaos they had just previously endured. 
“Kirumi is letting me learn how to properly set tables!” Kiibo seemed genuinely excited to be able to help out. 
“That’s wonderful Kiibo!” Kaede looked for a place to set her tin of cookies and gestured for Shuichi to do the same with the pitcher.
“We just have a couple of plates left to set and then everyone can come and eat.” Kirumi gently placed some utensils down into a designed napkin.
“I do not believe Gonta has arrived yet. I am hoping he will be here soon.” Kiibo pointed out and frowned in concern.
“Gonta will make it in time. It’s part of being a gentleman.” Kirumi pointed out and placed her hands in front of her on her skirt. Kiibo took the last set of plates and placed them on the placemat along with the proper utensils.
“I think we are ready now.” Kiibo nodded.
“Alright. Well why don’t the three of you pick your seats while I go and inform the others.” Kirumi seemed to glide as she exited the dining room.
It wasn’t long before the empty spaces were filled with bodies chattering with each other. Kirumi was back and forth putting the main courses on the table. Angie sprung into the dining room with a large figure behind her.
“Look everyone! Gonta made it! Atua helped guide him to us! How divine!” She collapsed her hands together before sitting down next to Himiko. Everyone lifted their heads and greeted him with delight.
“Gonta very sorry everyone! Gonta not sure what to bring as gift but finally found amazing thing!” Gonta held up a wrapped present and smiled wide.
“Gonta why did you bring a gift?” Kokichi questioned.
“Well Gonta just do what Miss Kirumi tell him. It Friendsgiving. So Gonta bring something to give friends!”
Kokichi began to laugh loudly. “Gonta you are so gullible! It’s a play on Thanksgiving! It doesn't mean giving to friends!”
“Oh!” Gonta’s face fell. “Gonta so sorry everyone! Just wanted to do the gentlemanly thing.”
“You did.” Kirumi walked back in for the final time and took the gift from Gonta. “I will go ahead and open it. Alright?” She peeled the wrapping paper away to reveal a diorama of different beetle types. Something used for educational purposes in the classroom. “This is wonderful, Gonta. I am sure we will learn a lot from this. Go ahead and have a seat.”
Gonta nodded before sitting down next to Kokichi and unfolding a napkin to put in his lap.
With such varying personalities, the chances of them all being friends under normal circumstances was low. However, they were all grateful for the friendships they had gained and found within each other. Kirumi cut into the turkey and served a piece to each person. Everyone  was just happy to forget about their lives for a while. Despite everything that happened, this holiday was panning out to be one of the best ones they’ve had.
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crewhonk · 5 years
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Cop!Bucky X Reader
In which your best friend, Maria Rambeau goes into labour on your couch and the freeway has other plans to get you to the hospital
Warnings: Swearing, Traffic, labouring mother, fluff, cop!beefy!bucky, im suffering from intense baby fever this is pretty self indulgent, GREYS ANATOMY SPOILERS
Words: 3.5K
@nomadsgrogers i tagged you now you have to name yours and seb’s first daughter after me
Your knuckles were white with the grip you had on the steering wheels of your Jeep, the engine purring louder as you pressed your sneakered foot harder on the gas and passed several cars very illegally. You could feel the sweat beading at your temples and you heart pounding in your ears, blood rushing to them in a roar not loud enough to block out the screaming from your passenger side seat. 
Maria Rambeau had come over to your house earlier that day— something not uncommon from one of your best friends, and you greeted her with a hug and a kiss on the cheek and a whispered hello to her swollen stomach. You, Maria and Carol, had served in the Airforce in your late teens and early twenties both you and Maria had left to pursue goals which were just a little closer to Earth. She had curled up on your couch, barely hiding her discomfort as you handed her an iced tea— made just the way she liked. She had just been about to lift the glass to her lips when there was a sound of rushing water and she doubled over, pain electrocuting her body so deep it felt like the marrow in her bones was frying. 
You had immediately busted into action, quelling your tears of fear as you sprinted to your room for a change of clothes that may fit the very pregnant and soaked woman on your couch while yelling at her to time the spaces between her contractions. 
So, you were in the jeep now, racing down the freeway and drumming your fingers over the steering wheel, shushing Maria as she tried once again to apologize for ruining your couch. 
“Maria if you apologize once more I’m going to steal the birth certificate and change the name to dark roast coffee. Stop, I can get a new couch.” You bit, clenching your jaw as you swept back into the lane you were supposed to be. You thought you saw a flash of a middle finger but you genuinely couldn’t care less as the screaming woman in your car took precedence over all else. 
“Did you call Carol, yet?” You asked, trying to attempt to take your friends mind off the pain rocketing through her body. 
“Yeah, when you were in the bedroom. I think she screamed and swore and I’m pretty sure she said she was on her way to Brooklyn General. You know how she gets when she’s excited.” Maria smiled tiredly as the pressure lifted from her stomach. She sat back and patted the swell of her belly and looked down at it fondly. “You better calm down in there, soldier. Mama needs to get to the hospital before you meet her.”
“Yeah, and I already gotta get my couch replaced, I can’t afford to get the bloodstains out of the car.” You joked, winking over to Maria. 
“I’m sorry!” She cried, laughing before gasping as the felt another contraction build in her stomach. Instead of replying you just laughed and pressed your foot harder to the gas. 
It was another five minutes of speeding down the highway when you merged onto the freeway and found yourself at your first problem. 
“Oh my god, oh my god, oh my god this is not normal!” Maria pressed her forehead against the dash and you looked over worriedly before placing your hand on her back and rubbing it in soothing circular motions. 
“I’m pretty sure it is.” You hummed, noticing the there were a lot of red tail lights ahead and slowed down the jeep, flinching when you heard a low moan erupt from somewhere in Maria’s throat. 
“Shut up yes it is.” She growled, biting her forearm to stifle her keens of pain. There was a moment of silence before the contraction passed and she looked over at you, eyes tired and regretful “Sorry for saying that.”
“Stop apologizing. You’re literally in labour. You could say anything and I wouldn’t be offended.” You hummed, brows furrowing as you tried to see if you could fit in the space between the cars and the blockade to see if you could bypass the traffic. 
“No, no, no. What is this traffic, are you kidding me?” Maria cried when she looked up. You pressed your lips together and pulled over as far to the side as possible. You clicked the seatbelt and looked at Maria very seriously. 
“Do. Not. Leave. This car.” You said, pointing your finger in her face. Maria looked like she would like nothing more than to bite it clean off. Instead of giving your best friend the satisfaction, you opened the door and stepped out of the car. 
“Y/N. Bitch! Where the fuck are you— OWWWW!” She keened and you hesitated to leave her alone. Instead of doing so, you kicked on a car door beside you and alerted the car of young adults to your presence. The driver smiled politely and turned down the music before rolling down the window and smiling. 
“What’s up, Miss?” He was cute. Young, innocent, perfect for guarding a labouring soon-to-be mother. 
“Y/N. Call me Y/N, please.” You dug in your bag and pulled out your wallet, giving them each as much cash as you could before asking them; “Would you mind watching my very best, labouring friend while I go and see if I can get us a ride to the hospital, please?” You begged. His eyes widened and he looked at his round friend and beautiful, but very nerdy friend before stuttering out an affirmation. 
“Great, her name is Maria. I’ll be back in five minutes.” You rushed before beginning the short jog up to the front of the jam. There were a few police cars guarding the wreckage and you winced at the sight of crushed metal before running to the nearest cop car and leaning forward to rest your hand on your need and catching your breath. 
“Ma’am, are you okay?” A grumbly voice sounded above you and you shot up, hands on your back and a tired smile on your face. All was very well until your eyes landed on his beautiful, gorgeous, almost offensive face. His hair was hidden with a combination of black police hat and bun, a light sprinkling of scruff on his strong jaw and crooked nose between two very intense eyes. There was a gap in his eyebrow due to a scar and his rough appearance had your knees weak. 
“I— um. Yeah. I’m fine. How— how are you?” You tried to smirk and lean against the cruiser, remembering why you were there before straightening up. 
“I’m fine?” He replied, a smirk on his face and eyes thoroughly amused. Sure, he had been flirted with on the job before, but not in this situation and most certainly not by someone who took his very breath away. “What can I help you with?”
“I— I have a friend back there and she is trying to stop herself from pushing a watermelon-sized human out of a space which is not watermelon sized.” You blushed as if you were in fifth grade and just hearing about the works of childbirth for the first time again. God, why did the first cop that helped her need to be a walking Adonis? A very, very amused Adonis. No way it was legal to wear a uniform that seemed to be ripping at the seams trying to keep muscles on muscles at bay. 
“Jesus.” He swore, looking around and seeing that all of his coworkers were busy. “I— okay, where is she?” 
You and officer James “Bucky” Barnes, as you learned his name was, jogged back t your parked car, all three teenagers had since piled into the jeep and were trying their very best to quell the pain Maria felt shaking her to her very soul. The tiny kid looked as if he was going to explode if Maria squeezed his hand any tighter. At the sight of you, each teenager relaxed into their seats and smiled at you when you pulled open the passenger side door. 
“Hey, soldier.” You smiled, wiping Maria’s curly bangs from her forehead. She looked up slowly, as if in a daze and offered you a weak smile. 
“Did you know these kids are going to graduate top of their class at Midtown?” She hummed, looking back fondly at them. The pain was making her delirious and you blinked stupidly as you heard Maria’s giggles turn into a low moan of pain. 
“Hey, Maria, shhh. You’re okay, you’re safe.” You pulled her head to rest in the crook of her neck and looked back at Officer Barnes who looked a little too pale to be normal. She clutched your sides, pulling your shirt up to dig her nails into the soft skin of your waist, crying low not the safe crook of your neck. He knew right now really wasn’t the best time, but he’d be damned if the sight of your waist covered in long, dark claw marks make some of the blood drain from his brain to his stomach.  
Once the contraction passed, you pulled her chin so she would look at you and you spoke very slowly. The gentleness and care you showed for the people in your life made Bucky’s heart swell and he had to very much remind himself that he was, in fact, at work.
“This if Officer Barnes. He’s going to take us to the hospital, okay?” You hummed, staking her hair and smiling softly when she leaned into your touch. Seeing this side of Maira was rare, but you were living for every minute of it. 
“M’kay.” You took her hand and helped her down from the car, the teens taking the hint and exiting the car, all but the small boy climbing into the old beater. Maria’s knees buckled once she tried to put weight on them, and Bucky acted swiftly, catching her and stopping her into his arms as if she weren’t a heavily pregnant woman, and, at the very most, just a toddler throwing a tantrum. 
The boy walked to stand next to you as Officer Barnes began walking away, in the same state shock as you were right now. 
“He’s like, a real-life Hollywood superhero, huh?” He muttered, patting you on the shoulder. You nodded before turning to him and wrapping your arms around his neck, pulling him into a hug. 
“Thank you for everything you’ve done today. You’re a good kid— whoever raised you did a bang-up job.” You smiled, and he flushed bright red, sheepishly looking down at his feet briefly before pulling his phone from his back pocket. 
“I— would it be okay if I gave you my number? I just— I wanna know what happens.” You blinked before a wide smile spread across your face, handing him your own phone and waiting for him to give it back. When he did you looked at the name and smiled. 
“I’m sure she’d love to see the brave young man that held her hand in the freeway, Peter. I’ll be in touch, okay?”
“Yes, ma’am.”
You had all piled into the cop car quickly, Officer Barnes going to inform his Captain that he was going to take two women to the hospital before helping you both into the hard plastic seats of the back. You buckled Maria in as she went through another contraction and nodded at Officer Barnes that he was good to go. 
“You buckle up, too, Doll. Need you safe.” His gaze through the rearview mirror was intense and he didn’t miss the way you flushed pink at the nickname. He bookmarked that one to use again— there was no way he wouldn’t be seeing you after this day. 
The car pulled out, sirens and lights blaring as Bucky pulled out of the middle of the freeway, engine roaring as he sped his way to the hospital bay doors. Maria's contraction subsided and she slimed over to you, grabbing your hand and intertwining your fingers together. 
“You’re a real life genius, you know that? In another life, I’m pretty sure you were a superhero.” You rolled your eyes at her compliment and physical affection, smiling widely and letting your eyes flicker to the rearview mirror, meeting those same blue, intense eyes once more. He seemed to smile at MAria’s comment, agreeing with her. 
“I cannot wait to tell the little baby that this is how she got her way to the hospital.” You laughed, placing your hand on her belly and rubbing. Maria hummed. 
“She’ll be sick of it by the time we tell it at her graduation.” Maria laughed, and you heard Bucky let out an amused huff of air through his nose. 
“And her wedding.”
“And her wedding.” She replied, eyes welling up with tears. “This is really happening, isn’t it?”
“You’re gonna be a mama.” You whispered, a new kind of excitement in your eyes. 
“And you’re gonna be a godmother.” She replied, the same excitement lacing her tone. Bucky’s heart damn well swelled in the front seat at the interaction. There was a pause before Maria jut her chin in the officer's direction. 
“I’m pretty close to revoking Sam’s title as Godfather and giving it to this guy. He’s the real hero of the day.” She smirked, winking at you and wiggling her eyebrows. 
“I don’t think he or Riley would be too happy about that— you know how much they want a little one in their house.” You laughed, nudging her shoulder but keeping her close. 
“Oh, I’m sure they can wait for the next one. I’m pretty sure I’m in a little bit love with this guy.” Maria smiled at the bashful laugh she pulled from the officer. The warm smile and flustered pink on his cheeks making his hard exterior nothing more than a soft teddy bear. Or a street mutt that everyone adores. 
“Me too.” You agreed quietly, winking at the man and blushing when he wiggled his eyebrows. Before you could get caught in your own feelings once more, Maria began rocking back and forth, breathing heavily and clutching your shoulder tightly as another contraction ripped her in half. 
Bucky pressed his foot harder on the gas. 
The cop car careened into the ER bay, and a very familiar face runs out, worry deep get in his brow at the sight of two of his closest friends in the back of a cop car. Tony Stark meets the car as it stops, opening the door to see Maria Rambeau keening in pain and you with tired, worried eyes. He nods towards the familiar officer and pulls Maria from the car and into a wheelchair. Bruce runs outside at the sight of two familiar faces and immediately starts asking questions. 
“What the hell happened?” He half-shouts, meeting you and looking back at Maria who is now surrounded but the best team of doctors. Helen Cho breaks through the crowd with a smile and a wink and immediately sweeps her up further into the hospital. 
“She came over and went into labour all over my couch and then we got stuck in traffic and I managed to find this Officer to help us.” You rushed, eyes darting anxiously to see if you could see Maria or Carol or anyone at all. Bruce looks back at Officer Barnes and smiles, jutting out a hand for Barnes to shake. 
“Thank you, Officer. Maria is one of our people, and you helping her and Y/N means more than you know.” Bucky blushed and smiled, stepping away and watching as Bruce turned to walk back into his ER. 
“Thank you, for everything, Officer.” You say, voice quiet. The toll of the day has already made your shoulders slouch and your blinks slow, but you know you have so many more hours to go before baby is here. There was no way that you would be missing your Godbaby’s birth. 
“Bucky. Please, it’s Bucky.” He smiled, leaning casually on his car and crossing his arms. You lick your lips at the sight of the bulging muscles, and he subtly flexes at your reaction to him. 
“You tell all the girls to call you Bucky or somethin’?” You joke, swaying up on your tip toes and back down. 
‘Only the pretty ones who care too much about their pregnant friends screaming in my backseat.” He said, his voice low and rumbly and making your core tighten. You flush and your eyes dart around the ambulance bay nervously before settling back on him. 
“I uh— I should go. Make sure her wife is okay, and everything.” You say, voice sad and regretful and you relish in the way his shoulders drop in disappointment. 
“Yeah, you should. I’ll see you around, though okay?” He asks, watching you start to back away to the sliding doors. You smirk. 
“I’ll drive a little bit faster these days then. Maybe you can give me a ticket or somethin’.” You smile and he threw his head back to let out a roaring laugh that echoes against the buildings around you. God, what you would give to drown in that sound. 
“I’ll be lookin’ forward to it, Doll.” His voice is low and you can feel your face heat up under his intense stare and nickname. 
“Me too, Officer.”
It’s almost six hours later when Monica Lawson Danvers-Rambeau is brought into the world, Carol on the left side of Maria and you on the right. Monica is six pounds, 9 ounces of pure squealing baby and she is immediately the centre of the group's lives. The first baby to be born in the friend group warrants a few life-altering feelings one would think.  
It’s almost midnight, and you’re curled up in one of the armchairs pressed into the corner by the window, Monica asleep in your arms. Her eyelids flutter with her very first dream and your heart feels like it's going to explode with love when you let one gentle knuckle brush her cheek as light as a feather. You could have stared at her forever, and would have too if it wasn’t for the son knock from the open door only a few feet away. 
Officer Barnes stands there, a grey sweater and dark jeans adorning his body, his hair loose and tucked behind his ears and he has a pair of sunglasses to keep the rest of the strands from falling into his face. There's a large, colourful bouquet of tulips and sunflowers and babies breath in his arms and you nod your head to the table beside the bed holding the sleeping wives. You stand and walk over to him, Monica making a tiny, squeaking noise in your arms before settling back in, nuzzling her face deeper into your chest. Bucky’s heart swells at the sight. 
“How’re you?” He mumbles, eyes never leaving Monica. To think she was inside his car only a few hours ago trying to escape blew his mind. She was so quiet. So peaceful now. 
“I’m the best I’ve been in a long time.” You replied honestly. Life had always given you a rough hand, but this-this made everything worth it. 
“That’s great to hear.” He whispered, leaning against the doorframe. You turn your head to yawn and your eyes look impossibly heavy. 
“This is little Monica. You probably saved her life, you know. You got us here safe and sound. Thank you, Officer Barnes.” You hum, smiling softly, and Bucky can feel his heart rate double in pace. He clenches his jaw nervously before looking at you hopefully. The sight of his puppy dog eyes peeking through his long, dark lashes has your knees weak. 
“What d’you say I wait around for as long as you need and I drive you home. We can stop at some 24-hour diner and get coffee and breakfast— I haven’t eaten in a few hours and I would like to see you some more.”
You sucked in a breath through your nose and let it out of your mouth quickly. God, he really went for the kill, didn’t he? You’d be lying to yourself if you said coffee and a beautiful date didn’t sound like the best thing in the world right now. 
“The nurses are due to check up on us in a few minutes if you want to wait? I don’t wanna just leave them.” You mumble, blushing, nervous gaze softening when you look at the little pink bundle in your arms. 
“She loves you already.” He smiles, gently brushing one long, thick finger over the small tuft of curly hair. She looked so much like her mother. 
You smile up at him— a smile of mischief and confidence. “Well, what’s not to love, huh?”
Buckys eyes flick up to your own and your breath catches at the intensity of his stare. His moist, plump lips are turned into a small smile when he says “I can’t find anything that anyone wouldn’t.”
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seongwhy · 5 years
ateez reaction the their crush making the first move
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hongjoongie !!! would be so happy !!! that you felt that way about him !!!!
he didnt make a move bc he didnt wanna make u uncomfy :(( so he disregarded his feelings for u
unknowingly to him, u like him back !!!
but since this lucky man didnt get the hint (and with all the touching and attempted flirting you're surprised he didnt)
you decided you had to make the first move
but being all nervous and shi ,, you gotta plan it out
just like hongjoong u dont wanna make him uncomfy !! yall the same mfs
so what u planned to do was grab some takeout and bring it to hongjoong when hes producing an chat him up an shit
and once u get to his place and have him all alone your heart starts racing
and so does his !!
and you're eating and laughing and has showing you a beat he just made
and you put your hand on his leg and hes like big eyes blushing and his mouth drops a lil
and you're like 'this is rlly good hongjoongie' bITHX HES CRYIGN
and you lean in and kiss him on the corner of his mouth and hes just
'o-oh thank you' he says
and u smile at him and ask him to show you more
he takes a second to recover but blushes even more
and ur ready to kiss him til he stops blushing
so u do
but he doesnt
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seonghwa tries his best ok
he just really likes you
so he ends up stuttering and tripping and literally falling for you
like oh one time he was trying to bring you water and he got too excited and was running and some of the water from the full glass fell on the floor and he just slid right on that shit
thank god you had your back turned talking to yunho bc holy shit he didnt know what hed do if u saw that
but the rest of the boys will never let him live that down
'hyung, remember when u fell trying to get water fo-' 'shut up wooyoung'
but seonghwa is just a shy lil boy around you fam
and it's not like you didnt notice bc hed be rlly chill rlly calm and funny when he doesnt know you're around
and then he sees you and hes all 'o-oh hi I'm going to go w-wash the dishes' he cleans when hes stressed
and when u ask the boys what's up w him they're like '..... are u dumb'
anyway after that it was just so obvious
youd catch him staring and make eye contact and hed look away so fast
but you didnt miss dem red ass cheeks
and you honestly like the attention he gives you
and when he gains a little confidence around you and makes a joke or does girl group dances or smth
you cant resist him
so one day you go over to the dorm and tell all the boys that they're all gonna have to leave so that u can get seonghwa to yourself
and they reluctantly agree bc 'but I'm tireddddd'
and when seonghwa gets home hes like . where is everyone.
and you're like 'oh them??? they just went to the store to get snacks I'm sure theyll be back soon come watch this show w me'
and hes like ,,, right
and you're just smiling and nodding and patting the seat next to you
so he sits obviously sweating
and you're watching this show and hes watching you
with every laugh nd movement his stomach coils a lil
and after a bit you look at him
and you're looking at each other
and you're eyes are watching his lips and you just say yolo and go for it
hes taken aback at first but leans into it
and you're a rlly good kisser
then you pull back nd hes looking at you with the prettiest smile on the prettiest face you've ever seen
'thank u' he says 'for what?' 'for that'
'just kiss me again dummy'
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puppy!! lil baby boy!!!
ok so like the first part , let's say you two have been besties for a while now
and it's just a mutual attraction and mutual liking ykno
but yunho doesnt want to mess up the friendship you guys have by trying anything
the members are all 'bruh she likes you back' and hes like 'nuh-uh you're lying'
like.... they told u sis
and one day wooyoung tells you like.. listen sis yunho has a crush on you but he refuses to do anything abt it bc hes worried itll ruin your friendship that I wouldnt even call a friendship bc of all the sexual tension but wtvr
and you slap him across the chest for that last part but
wait,,, yunho has a crush on you ?????
'are u sure ???' 'yes, bITCH ARE U BLIND'
blind w love babyyyyyyyy
this is groundbreaking news bc what the heck your longtime crush and bff likes you back !!!!! aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
so one day bc you guys are honestly just so comfy around each other and you've been holding back for so long theres no reason to delay this any longer
you walk up to his room where the door is closed and knock on it (u guys have a special knock)
and he opens and you latch onto him and kiss him
tangling your hand in his hair and clutching the shirt hes wearing
and he immediately kisses you back
no hesitation
but then
'guys. I'm still in here. like im happy for u but god just do a quick room check next time will ya' san says walking out of the room shaking his head
you both blush and turn to look at each other
yall laugh then shrug your shoulders and yunho says 'are u sure abt this? I dont want to wreck what we have'
'I'm more excited about what we're gonna have baby' you say, and he smiles, nods and leans in to kiss you again hehehehehe
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ok dis man loves his chocolate
and you know that so .. you decide to make him sum desserts!! a whole bunch
bc you LIKE HIM
and u want him to LIKE YOU
and the best way to get yeosang to fall for u is by giving him chocolate right
but what you didnt know is that he already likes you (shocker!!!)
so you bake up some brownies and cookies and cupcakes and idek other chocolate tings
and bring them all over to the dorm for him to try
and hes so excited !! 'chocolate!!! for me !!!!'
'yes !! all for u yeosangie'
he just looks as you in awe and love
and picks up a fork ready to take a bite
he stops tho and looks at you and licks his lips
and you blush but laugh
and he puts the food in his mouth and just dies because its SO GOOD
and hes just mouth open eyes wide 'holy shit'
'what?? you dont like it'
'nonononono I LOVE IT'
and he runs around the kitchen counter and hugs you so tight
'thank you!! this is amazing!!' he says looking directly into your eyes
'youre amazing' you say
'what?' he says 'o-oh nothing nothing I didnt say anything'
',,,, you just called me amazing !!! omg YOU JUST CALLED ME AMA-'
hes cut off by you pressing your mouth against his
he pulls away and says 'what was that for?'
'I had to get you to shut up somehow'
yeosang laughs and leans down towards you but gets cut off again!!!! this time with a 'omg are these cookies??????'
',,, get out mingi'
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bruh yunho looks so funny wtf
sannie is such a happy boy :(
his life goal is making you laugh or smile
he just wants u to be happy!!! and his smile is so contagious!!!
and that's why you fell for him
and now everytime he makes u laugh or smile or smth a lil bit of a blush creeps up your cheeks
san doesnt seem to notice tho but you're ok with that
n e way
yall get along rlly well
hes the reason you're at the dorm every friday night for movie night
and someone chooses a horror movie
its scawwy
and san (tho also scared) sits next to you so he can whisper jokes to u throughout the movie
through hushed giggles and smiles at one another u realize u wanna be in a relationship w this guy
and the next time you're at the dorm, you decided nows the time to make it happen
but when u see san he doesnt seem like himself hes slouched down on the couch cuddling with his stuffed animal staring at the tv screen with nothing playing
when he sees you walk over to him he perks up a lil but not like he usually would
so u sit next to him and ask what's wrong
he fiddles his thumbs and doesnt look at you
so u rub his shoulder and put your other hand on his thigh and ask him again
this time he just looks at you
'I'm sorry' he says
'for what?' 'you're not smiling and it's my fault'
'san!!!! it's ok you dont have to be happy all the time!!!! especially not for me'
his head hangs and he sighs
you lift his head and kiss him slightly
'its ok' you whisper
instead of saying anything back, he leans his forehead to yours
you kiss him again
and again on his lips cheeks forehead nose hands
and by the end of it hes shyly smiling
'there it is!! theres my boy'
he hugs you and for the rest of the day you stay snuggled up on the couch
that day it was up to you make him smile
and you did !!!
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mingo mango
the gif is what he looks like whenever you're near him
hes always whining for you whenever you're not
and when hongjoong sent you a video of mingi doing just that you though it was the funniest thing ever
'I wish y/n was here you're all a bunch of losers' 'you guys suck!!! I miss y/n'
freakin hilarious
this is something u love making fun of him for
liek damn mingi am I that special? I didnt know u liked me that much? u got a crush on me mango?
and u notice that whenever you ask that question, no matter how much of a joke it is, he never gives you an answer
but u dont rlly think about it until you start developing a crush on him
at first it's like,, oh what a baby hes so cute eating the food I made for him
and then it's like wow I wish he would dance on me like dat me too sis
and then u start complaining whenever hes not around 'wheres mingi?? I've been waiting for like an hour' nd 'ykno what would make this even better? mingi'
and everyone is like ok we get it u like mingi
and when mingi catches whiff of this oh boy it's over for you
'so ig it's me that's special now huh?' he tells you one night
'what?' 'u gotta crush on meeeeeee y/n's gotta crush on mingiiii'
and you roll your eyes because . idiot
but then step closer to him and say 'maybe I do'
and that's when his eyes go wide 'wait rlly???' he asks and you can hear the hope in his voice
'all I'm saying is that if you kissed me rn I wouldnt be opposed' is what you say back
and kiss you he does
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ok so wooyoungie and u
have such blatant chemistry
yall are constantly flirting and idk yall just click
but u dont notice it
I mean u see the eyebrow wiggles and sly smiles some of the members give u
but all that does is confuse you
one day when wooyoung is in the washroom yunho says 'so you nd wooyoung huh?'
and you're like ...huh
yunhos like 'u dont like him? all yall do is flirt'
and when he says that a whole wall came down in your head
a wall blocking you from accessing emotions of attraction and love and shit you're emotionally scared sis
and you turn firetruck red
yunho just laughs and says 'I knew it'
wooyoung comes back and asks what's going on
'I'll just leave u two alone' yunho says chuckling
you glare at him as he leaves youre gonna get him back for that
but wooyoung doesnt sense anything and swings his arm around your shoulders pulling you into him
and he asks what you wanna do for the night
but you're quiet and distracted with these new feelings you've just found out you have
wooyoung asks if you're okay
and you look up at him but suddenly cant look at him in his eyes. his really pretty eyes
so you turn around and go to grab your stuff bc you 'forgot abt that... thing' you have to do
wooyoung, confused watches you scurry across the room
'uh.. ok.. I'll see you tomorrow?'
'yeah yeah see you' you say not looking at him
you just need to figure your feelings out and then you can see him again
so back home you're racking your brain tryna figure out if theres anything you can do to stop yourself from falling in love w wooyoung
and speak of the devil, u get a call from wooyoung
u contemplate not picking up but decide that wooyoung is still your best friend
'hello?' 'y/n!!! are you ok?? you left really suddenly earlier' 'yeah wooyoung I'm fine dw'
'are you sure? we dont want the prettiest person alive to feel sad now do we?'
you open your mouth to say something back but nothing comes out
you feel the heat rise to your cheeks as you ask 'are you still free?'
'uh for u? always'
blushing even harder now you say 'I'm coming over' and end the call
once you get there you're knocking on the door frantically
wooyoung opens up with a 'jeez y/n what's the ru-'
you basically jump on him and kiss him hard
you latch your hands onto his shirt nd he wraps his hands around your waist
when you pull away for air, wooyoungs looking at you with a smile on his puffy red lips
you smile back and say 'that was the rush'
wooyoung smiles harder and pulls you back into him
'took you long enough'
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jongho cant believe u two have met
you're one of his favourite new idols
and you met at a show
and you told him how amazing ateez's performance was
blushing, he tells you how much he likes your music
you ask him if hes hungry to which he says yes bc 1) hes always hungry and 2) he cant say no to u ever
so u buy him one of those sandwiches w the jam and the coleslaw or wtvr you know what I'm talking about
and you sit to talk and eat for a while before you have to leave
you ask for his number and tell him you'll call him sometime
and you do
all the time
at first hes shy and boyish which makes you laugh
but after a while he gets comfy and will brag and sing to you and joke
you guys catch each other up on everything
he tells you all about the boys and the boys all about you
and you realise how good a listener this guy is nd how handsome!! and cute
and so at the next show you see him at you walk up to him
and with your heart doing flips and take his hand and tell him to walk around with you
he does and you lead him to a less busy hallway where you just look at him and say 'I like you'
jonghos like... wait. huh. what. wait i- and hes blushing so much even his ears turn red
'me? you like me? bc I like you too and if you're joking or something I would be really sad and I've told the members that I like you and they made fun of me so this would be great of u did like me but if you dont and this is a joke id be really upset' and hes rambling and not looking you in the eye
so you lean in and kiss him
'it's not a joke' you say
'its,, not a joke? are you sure?' 'I'm sure'
'you're sure' 'are you going to keep repeating everything I say? or are u gonna kiss me again?'
jongho, blushing even harder now, chooses the second option
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Decompression - zutara ff
Just wrote this oneshot thursday so its CONTENT HOT OFF THE PRESS. 
Im fresh off a rewatch of A:TLA and I finished Southern Raiders on wednesday with a Mighty Need to write a missing scene. I was so striken by Zutara feels that I had to bang out this one shot in a single day.
Here is 3000 words of shameless enemies-to-bedsharing-trope. Set in missing scene during Southern Raiders.
I really need feedback as iv never written zutara before and idk if I have their Voices down. concrit welcome as id like to improve before a longfic. PLEASE message or comment. 
i also need blogs to follow..
So here we gooooo
Katara and Zuko stop to rest and talk about what happened that day. They get a little closer than expected. Zuko wonders how he became so lucky.
Zuko looks up from Appa’s saddle at Katara, seemingly just as determined to get back quickly as she was on the way here. She is beautiful, he thinks to himself not the first time, even now leaving the scene of an almost murder. Her wrists were flicking occasionally, bending the water in the clouds around them to give them a modicum of safety from any eyes that might look to the skies. He knows she must be exhausted at this point. He saw see the circles under her eyes hours ago. Appa himself is starting to slow down and he knows this pace can’t last forever.
“Katara, we have been flying for hours and Appa needs to rest.” He didn’t mention Katara herself. He knew without asking that she would not appreciate any comments on her ability to keep going. He hoped she might stop and process some of what happened today instead of going full speed back to their training regimen. His uncle would have said so, at least. The day was a lot more intense than even he expected.
“What we need is to get back to Aang. The comet is approaching and this was a waste of time,” Katara said.
“We won’t make it back to Aang at all if Appa collapses and we land in the middle of a fire nation village. Look at him. His eyes are starting to droop.” It was true, the bison was not at full strength. Katara did not turn around but her shoulders dropped a bit. She wouldn’t want to hurt Appa.
“So, where do you have in mind we stop? This is the middle of the fire nation and you are pretty hard to miss,“ she said.
“We can make camp in one of the many caves in this region. Look how rocky it is down there. I know that is how your gang usually hides from the fire nation. I think I see a decent spot down there right now,” he pointed down to an outcropping of rock high on a hillside, protected on all 4 sides from direct view.
Katara remained silent. “If this is some kind of trick Zuko…”
He tamped down the biting response he wanted to give. “Katara, I would not have come here with you and helped you find a firenation ship and captain just to trap you in a random cave. Appa needs rest, that’s it. So do I. and you,” He said, the last bit under his breath.
“Fine.” She said, after looking him in the eyes and finding some answer she wanted. “But only until sunrise. We don’t have time for this.” She snaps the reigns and directs Appa back around towards the overhang. He is relieved she agreed.
When they land, Zuko inspects the cave. It’s not so much of a cave as it is a large overhanging rock. It’s not deep, but big enough to hide a bison in. Unfortunately, he deduces they won’t be able to have a fire tonight. The smoke and light might attract too much attention. They will have to eat from the dried stores and sleep in the dark. He knows Katara will agree with him about the fire. Katara…
He had no idea she was so strong. He keeps thinking back to the sea raven ship. He is pretty sure she bended a living person. Not supposed to be possible, but he guesses there is much he does not know about water bending.
Even now, her back is ramrod straight and she is standing in front of her bedroll a little lost looking now that they arent moving towards a goal. He promised to help her on this mission but he is the last person who knows how to help her with the aftermath. He isn’t sure what he expected from this trip.. things went very differently than he imagined. She needs to talk her brother or Aang or literally anyone other than him, he thinks. He considers that he might be a monster for even suggesting this murder mission as he leads Appa under the rocky overhang.
With the Bison in the “cave” with them, there is not a ton of room. He puts his bedroll by Katara’s where there is a little space and dry ground and pulls out the last jerky they have. Its stale and he thinks he can start to taste the beginnings of mold on his piece. They were preserved in a hurry and it’s been a little too long since the group resupplied. But its food and it’s all they have. He holds one out to Katara.
“Uh, you should eat something.” He tries, “It has been a long day. We have a lot of flying to do to get back to Aang.” Damnit, but it’s not just about the flying. He doesn’t know how to breech this subject.
“Of course we do, Zuko.” She whips around, “I am fine. I didn’t even want to stop.” She still takes the jerky and rips into it. She finally leans back against the wall of the cave, sitting on her bedroll. He watches her face and almost panics. Her eyes are shining with unshed tears and she is nowhere near sleep tonight. It races through his mind again that she faced her mother’s murderer today and is somehow still standing.
“Ok.” is all he says for a while. He has to say something else. What would uncle say? What would the Avatar say? He doesn’t know. He knows she might need more than he can give. In the end he says nothing and silently berates himself. He knows sleep will be a long time coming for both of them.
It starts to rain. He looks out of the wet, terrible cave into the storm. The rain is beautiful in a way. It runs in shining rivulets down the other pale rocks, the nearly full moon reflecting in the puddles, and he tries to imagine what it would be like to bend water instead of this horrible fire. He starts talking and hopes he’s not ruining things again.
“The rain is nice. I’ve always loved the sound. As a child I never hated the rain as much as the other fire benders in the palace. The rain restored the land. Brought life back to the burn scars in the garden from our training.” Then, as an afterthought, “The turtleducks loved it, too.” He thinks that’s what got her to speak.
“It never rained in the south pole. Always snow. I didn’t see the rain until I left with Aang. Standing in the rain for the first time and feeling the pull of each raindrop at the southern air temple is one of my favorite memories.” Katara said. She is staring into the growing tempest outside now too. “I always hoped I would get to see it. My mother used to tell me about the rain from her travels with dad.”
She is sitting against the wall very close to him. The thought crosses his mind that if he scooted over, he could reach out and touch her. He doesn’t think he should. Instead, he quietly, so quietly hes not sure she can hear it over the rain, asks, “Do you want to tell me about her?” He closes his eyes and waits for the anger.
“I would like that.” She whispers. “My mom was not a bender. Her father and both of her sisters were. She lost them all to the fire nation before I was born.” More pain and suffering at the hands of his people, he thinks to himself. “My mother was still powerful in her own way. I remember she helped our tribe remember how to create houses without water benders. There was a while we thought our tribe could not survive without benders to keep the ice at bay. How would we do anything without benders to make new ice houses? But she figured it out.”
Zuko realized all over again what cruelties the fire nation had forced on her people. Taking away the benders of a tribe completely reliant on it for survival. It was only through sheer force of will they were still here. He lets her continue.
“My mother was the best cook in the village. Sokka thinks my cooking is good, but I learned only a little for her before she die- before she was killed.” Tears leaked from her eyes now and her voice shook. “The worst part is Sokka is right. I barely remember her now.”
“I’m sorry. I know it’s not enough, especially from me. I really hoped that by taking you to her killer I could help you. Help you get closure and a bit of payback. I see now that was a mistake and I’ve made it worse” He chokes out. The whole trip was a mistake. She would never trust him now either, being reminded of all the sins of the fire nation.
“It wasn’t a mistake. Zuko I thought that by coming here I could finally get revenge. Aang was right about that. I was not seeking justice or closure. If my mother’s killer had been that man on the ship, I think I would have killed him.” 
The man she had.. bended. He knew she was not lying right now. “Katara, whatever you did to him, he.. he deserved it.”
“No, he didn’t.” She was still trying to hold back her tears and failing. “I bended his blood Zuko. A technique I swore I would never use. I was just so angry! He had the gall to stand there on the ship meant for raiding my people and claim he didn’t know what I was talking about. Probably just coming from another murderous raid against another town. There was water everywhere, we were on a ship! But I reached inside him and took something that should never be taken. I could do that right now to you, or anyone else.”
Zuko’s eyes widened. Blood bending. He hopes that man never realizes what exactly she did to him. The fire nation would not stop until every waterbender was extinct if they knew that was possible. He is in awe of the woman beside him. “Katara, I think you are amazing.” He blurts out, before he can even explain.
She barks out a half laugh, “What? Zuko you SAW it-” 
“Yes, and that is the first time I have ever seen it. Iv chased you all over the world and seen you fight many times. All those times, you didn’t use that power. Do you know what the fire nation would be doing with that power if they had it? Marching people right into prison camps. Stopping a whole fleet of human hearts before the battle even starts.” He meets her eyes now, “But this blood bending you can do… you didn’t even hurt the man with it. If there is one place its justified to lose yourself, I’d say on your mother’s killer is one. The restraint you show in not using it against every one of your enemies, your enemies who have murdered your family for generations, is more than I have ever had. I would use any weapon at my disposal against Azula or my father if I thought it would give me an edge. You’re nothing but good and even more powerful and amazing than I thought.” He means it. and he hopes she can hear it in his voice.
She only cries more and he thinks he’s made things worse, his eyes close and his heart drops- then he feels her hand on his shoulder. “Is this ok? Zuko, I.. I don’t want to sit alone right now.” She looks exhausted in the weak light of the moon filtering through the storm as she leans into him. He almost forgets to answer.
“Yeah, this is fine, this is.. this is fine.” Zuko doesn’t know what to do. He has never been able to comfort anyone with his touch. He slides his arm around her shoulders because thats what it seems like she wants. She exhales shakily and turns further into him and his heart skips a beat. She is warm in the chilly air and clinging to him like she needs it to breath. She is almost in his lap and he has already never been this close with anyone.
“I’m not as strong as you think Zuko.” she whispers into his shoulder. “I’m so sorry for how angry I’ve been at you. I knew this whole time, ever since the South Pole, there has been good in you too. I just didn’t want to be wrong again, after the crystal caves so I lashed out. I was fighting my instincts to trust you. This journey just proves to me again that I was right from the beginning.” A pause, her tears coming harder. “I’m sorry I’m such a mess right now.”
“Il do whatever you need of me Katara.” He says quietly, instead of what he wants to say. I need this too. You are stronger than I think. Don’t ever leave this spot. He tightens his embrace and she does too.
They listen to the storm outside. Finally, Katara sobs openly against him. He rubs circles on her back and lets her cry. He doesnt press her to talk anymore. He breaths into her hair and can’t pinpoint what he has done to earn this trust, but he will do everything in his power to make sure she is never this upset again. If he has to personally kill every fire bender who has wronged her. Eventually her sobs clear and she relaxes, still not letting go of his shirt. They fall into steady silence, with only the sound of the rain outside, and he can only think of how wonderful it feels to be a comfort to another person instead of a source of pain. 
It gets steadily chillier in the cave and he eventually releases her to reach for her blankets and pull them over her shoulders. He’s not going to push her off anytime soon, he will let himself freeze to death and not sleep a wink if she needs it. When he brings his arms back around, Katara still doesn’t speak and pulls them down from their sitting position leaning against the wall. His heart is about to beat out of his chest and he knows she can probably feel it. She pulled them so he’s lying down on his bedroll and placed her head on his chest like she means to sleep this way.
Zuko is absolutely frozen. One of her knees is resting on his thigh, her arms are around his torso, and she is so soft. He wants to curl around her. He wants to express something unnamed.
“Zuko, you home?” He can hear the smile in her voice. At least she is feeling better, his racing mind supplies. “I hope this is ok too. Please.”
He stiltedly brings his arms back around her now prone form. He lets one of his long legs tangle with hers. His shirt rides up and her fingers are quick to find a bit of his skin. He doesn’t know if this is right but it feels like it is. He sighs and tries to live in this moment forever before he speaks and ruins it.
“Katara, I just don’t want you to regret any of this tomorrow and realize that I’m the enemy again. I don’t know if I can take it if you hate me again tomorrow.” He admits. He pulls her even closer anyway. Every part of their bodies touching. Gods she feels so good against him. Like she was made to be there. Why has he never done this with anyone before? “And iv never…” He tries to pick the right words. “I’ve never been this vulnerable with anyone.”
“I promise you that I won’t hate you again. I’ve wanted to trust you for so long and truthfully, I already did. I wouldn’t have come with you if I didn’t.” Katara said, “This was not easy for you either. Offering to take me across the world where we planned to murder a man from your country in cold blood. I would have never known who killed my mother without you and no one else in my entire life would have come with me for this. Aang and Sokka never understood what I needed and they still don’t. I love them both but I knew you wouldn’t judge me no matter what I chose, even if I was rude to you this whole time.” 
“I could never judge any choice you make.” He shivered and lowered his face to her hair. “I’ve admired you since I met you. Even when I sent pirates after you. I really hoped you would choose my side then. I’m glad you didn’t now.”
Katara seems embarrassed for a moment and squirms. He jerks slightly when a knee brushes an intimate part of him and he feels a slight grin from her against his shoulder. He has no idea if that was an accident but his head is spinning. She speaks, “I know fire nation royalty aren’t particularly touchy feely.” She runs a slender hand down his ribcage and he struggles not to let on how much the sensations are affecting him. “but my people are. and it has been what seems like a lifetime since anyone has just let me cry and comforted me like a human. Even when I was still at home.. our village lost so many of its softer customs to the demands of war.”
“The only people who have ever even hugged me in my entire life were my mother and my uncle, Katara.” He admits, embarrassed too. “I.. you.. this is nice.” he settles on. Nice doesn’t even begin to cover it.
Katara only hums. He feels her sigh contentedly and hopes she is done teasing him. Katara is pushed against every plane of his body and he thinks his heart might still fail from how lucky he is to have earned her trust despite everything between them. Her breaths slow until he is sure she is asleep. The rain still falls outside and he watches her and he watches the rain and just feels until finally the warmth and contentment begins to pull him toward sleep. His last thought is about how he hopes he will get the chance to do this again one day… tomorrow they have to go back to the Avatar and face their destinies.
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littlebabycrybtch · 4 years
im sorry but sometimes it is so see through that you fake and corrupt ‘pro recovery’ people are literally just so frustrated and annoyed with nd people and thats all your mindset revolves around. like you’ll throw one or two fucking random self care tips at us and we’ll rightfully say ‘that doesnt work for me’ and yall instantly go on these absolutely unnecessary and brutal TANGENTS you were saving up abt how we’re ‘’’’wallowing’’’’ and that therapy takes ~Actual Effort~ so if ur special universal tips arent working for us we’re ‘’’being difficult’’’ and ‘’’’lazy’’’’ and ‘’’’hurting ourselves’’’’’ like. idk man sure i am sorry i cant ‘take a shower to feel better’ bc my symptoms make the task more stressful actually and take away from my other more necessary tasks, im sorry i forget to take my vitamins and drink enough water bc i just dont feel a difference anymore, im sorry i rely on medication instead of therapy bc therapists also teach me things that dont seem to work, except im trying, which means no matter how hard i might seem to be failing, i am ‘pro recovery’. idc how the fuck it Looks to you personally, i deserve your support. and i shouldnt Feel the Need to apologize to a stranger who claims to be my ally for experiencing mental illness symptoms and not being able to immediately correct them ! if i could do that i wouldnt be mentally ill !! i especially should not be made to feel ashamed to even Talk about my struggles just bc i know yall will try to put a bandaid on it and then guilt me when i say it didnt work. smfh like. ur children. sometimes things just have deeper rooted problems and u dont have to take it personally that you specifically cannot cure me. 
ik it blows ur fucking goddamn mind but yes actually some people just Do really struggle to shower, to drink water, to take their meds, as in it takes actual personal efforts for them it wouldnt take for you and they have to work harder than you to accomplish them, and there are in fact some things nd people personally Cannot do and will Never be able to do without going backwards and sacrificing their happiness and quality of life exhausting themselves for an unattainable goal. only they know their limit, and pushing yourself past your limit is unarguably damaging. this ugly ass assumption you cannot be happy enough while still ‘allowing yourself’ to experience some symptoms... the idea that its just laziness and ‘anti recovery’ to openly struggle with what you view as the ‘easy’ or ‘beginning’ steps of recovery... is an inherently ableist and Harmful mindset you are all falling victim to and fucking over this community with. to be perfectly frank you are not ‘pro recovery’ when you demonize and shame people who are not ready for recovery. bc that doesnt do anything to help them recover. its genuinely just your excuse to hate and bash ‘severely’ nd people bc ur uncomfortable with them and wanna claim theyre doing it on purpose so you feel rightfully angry abt it. when you throw tantrums over us Being Mentally Ill and not ALREADY recovered like good boys or w/e all you are is pro nd people conforming to your standard of functioning and shutting the fuck up abt their actual identity and symptoms and experiences until they reach that level when ur comfy listening to them again. you’re pro neurotypical people, or those pretending to be for your comfort. its literally starting to border on an eugenics attitude by claiming the only healthy end goal is to be virtually indistinguishable from a neurotypical and match their functioning as best as possible. not all nd people Can do that, would be Happier doing that rather than accommodating their issues in other ways, and nor should that be the default goal to push on all nd people. also a lot of the shit yall push at us for even nts dont always conform to, so why is it us being made to walk on eggshells? why when i skip a shower am i evil and destructive but nt bob can go a week without one and no one bats an eye or they just joke about it???
lbr recovery doesnt look the same from person to person, you cant apply one broad standard like this, not to mention its not always an uphill battle, which doesnt just mean; ‘oops i relapsed :(((’. it means breakdowns, it means self harm, it means slacking off, failing hygiene, forgetting things, missing things, bad behavior, risky behavior, things that are Going to inconvenience you. and the second you forget that or decide to no longer care about those people, when you decide to have a baseline where you stop respecting or supporting nds for not trying hard enough to be like you, when you Drop them until they meet your standards as if they arent still nd people who need you on a basic level, ESPECIALLY IF YOU’RE A FUCKING NEUROTYPICAL WHO DOESNT HAVE THE RIGHT TO CHERRY PICK AT US LIKE THAT (!), is when you have inverted and ruined your own fucking cause by corrupting it with selfish conformist ableism. 
tldr i understand why statements like ‘just go to therapy’ ‘thanks im cured’ would frustrate you, but i also VERY MUCH understand and NEED for you people to TRY and understand why mentally struggling people would be adverse to going to therapy, and not bc they goddamn hate recovery and wanna be sad forever or w/e strawman youve come up with, but bc of their issues which are valid and Can hinder these types of decisions and even affect how much aid these coping skills actually provide, and they dont deserve your fucking Unbridled Malice and Shame over it bc they are not literally trying to be more mentally ill. its simply a symptom and consequence of their already existing mental illness. like i really... cannot fathom the level of disconnect you must be on with nd politics to take that and assume they are truly just rejecting the possibility of happiness for the sake of being unhappy. i truly think if you cant wrap your head around ‘mentally ill people, whos minds are literally experiencing sickness, are not always rational or able to help themselves, or sometimes it only appears that way and they just know better abt it than you do’ you just. arent even an ally. you’re an ableist in activists clothing. people struggling with the concept of recovery arent inherently ‘anti recovery’, yall are honestly just really fucking BAD at how you push for recovery bc most of you dont know shit and are just mean and wanna whine abt nds to be quite blunt with u lol. the whole ‘tough love’ mindset is Bullshit ok it isnt real your love doesnt have to be tough and callous and come with conditions you just wanna be abrasive to validate ur judgement and then excuse it as secretly helpful, just be supportive and 📣 LISTEN 📣 to us or get the fuck out honestly bc u arent helping anyone with what this shit has unfortunately become
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hyunjizns · 6 years
dating hyunjin
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⤷ hyunjin is like my ULT bby so  my heart is just crying rn
how you guys started dating
so basically you’re minho’s bestie and ofc like the good friend you are you go to his dance competition to give all of your support
and you support his partner in crime felix because y’know, friendship goals
anyway this is like minho’s biggest competition yet and his biggest rival himself is there, hwang hyunjin
you would never ever tell minho that you found hyunjin hella attractive 
because you know rivals !!
but that didn’t stop you from admiring the boy
like how does he move his body like that??
so what happens is that there’s the lil break for the dancers to get themselves together
and felix and minho just disappeared so you were left all alone looking at the dancers do their thing
and hwang ! hyunjin ! just slides up next to you like okay boy shouldn't you be stretching or something?
and he just goes like "hi there" shyly
hello,, heart are you still there??
but unfortunately you don't get to talk much more after that because minho and felix return just to ruiN your guys' moment
so hyunjin just smirks at minho beacuse again, rivals and returns to his dancer friends
minho is like wtf y/n?!??! and you're like i dunno
anyway so the whole competition's over now hyunjin like waits until he's sure minho and felix have gone about their business
and then he comes back up to you
now lemme tell you that this boy has been wanting to ask for your number for agEs now but he just couldn’t
because he’s a shyy boyy okay
anyway he finally got the guts to do it and he starts up a conversation with you until he smoothly asks for your number
like 10/10 flirting skills mr. hwang
and there blossoms a beautiful friendship
so you guys like talk every hour of every day like what is hyunjin without y/n at this point ??
and ofc minho notices but he supports it because y’all are cute wtf
and you know it you can feel yourself catching feelings for this boy
usually you'd try to get rid of feelings fast but this hwang hyunjin we're talking about
i mean it’s inevitable anyway from all the selfies he sends you, his charming personality, your guys’ 4 hour calls, everything is just great
and you guys go out together so often pls
each of your friend groups are like jUst datE AlReady 
it’s killing them the mixed ! signals ! you give each other
one second you're acting like a couple, shamelessly flirting and the next being super shy
but as we know, mr. hyunjin is a shy boy so you take it upon yourself to ask him out
it was on one of your lil friend date thingys 
and you’re both eating your ice creams and joking around and laughing until you take a deep breath and are suddenly serious
and you turn and look hyunjin right in his pretty dark eyes
and he’s like y/n ???? you okay???
he gets worried easily he doesn't wanna mess anything up
and you’re like taking his hand in yours and giving him a nervous smile
“hyunjin, i like you, a lot”
and he’s taken aback for a few seconds so you start panicking until this boy grins
“i like you too, y/n”
and it’s unspoken but you two know you’re a couple now and you’re that couple too
cue all of your friends rejoicing because finally
you two gave them the biggest headache ever
hyunjin as a boyfriend
my favourite part yes
sooo hyunjin for one is that soft boyfriend that just melts !! at everything you do
like heck you could just be there lying down and this boy is crying because you just look like the most beautiful person to ever grace this earth
like bare faced you ?? yes
you in literally any outfit? yes
you who just woke up ?? BIG YES
he’s that guy who’s big on sleeping with you (in the soft way duh)
he lives for morning kisses
and cuddles okay, he loves cuddles
and yes i will say it, he sometimes like to be the little spoon because he just likes the feeling of someone being there for him okay
usually he’s very touchy with you, he absolutely cannot keep his hands off of you
i mean c’mon, you’re his baby
but that’s after he gets super comfortable
he doesn’t wanna make you feel weird or uncomfortable so he has to make sure you’re okay with everything
he loves to play-fight and tickle you to death
when he’s done torturing you he makes sure to hug you so tight
you’re like hyunjin, please i can’t breathe
and he just does his cute little giggle and kisses your forehead
let me tell you, hyunjin loves these, both giving and receiving 
this boy also lives for temple kisses so expect a lot
kissing in general is something you guys do pretty often and they’re usually short and sweet
for your first kiss together it’s gonna be the shy confidence radiating from hyunjin
his hand is either cupping your face, holding your waist or on the small of your back
he likes the feeling of you being close to him
it just makes him feel real good, you know what i’m saying?
if you guys do make out, it's passionate because you wanna express all your feelings through the kiss
he lives for neck kisses but you can only mark him when he's sure he won't get into trouble
he likes marking you tho
NSJX im screaming pls
kissing in front of the members is something he does not do frequently
he’s a shyy boyy like mentioned before
and though he likes to show them that you’re his, he doesn’t wanna take it too far
the boys’ teasing gagging sounds make him blush HARD
you too
so you guys just kinda refrain from kissing in front of those fools
you guys would cuddle sure, hold hands or just be under each other all the time
chan’s like rolling his eyes at you love birds
i think hyunjin would also really like matching outfits
personally, i also feel like he has absoultely no problem with you stealing his sweaters
so go for it 
he thinks that matching outfits is just the ultimate couple goals so 
yea prepare to match pretty often
this boy also LOVES to send you selfies of himself
and kkami don’t get me wrong
kkami is his child
well, your guys’ child
so your gallery is filled with hyunjin’s selfies in every situation 
and his gallery?
full of pics of you, including the selfies you send in return to his selfies to the pics he takes of you off guard
he really values your relationship and he’s quite the emotional one so
if you guys ever get into any aruments or fights he’s the first to crack and talk it out
he hates seeing you sad
all he wants is for you to be smiling so you bet that if you’re feeling down that he will do the absolute most to make you feel better
he’ll attempt to make you your favourite food even though he’s a mess in the kitchen
or he'll make the room super cosy for you and put on your favourite show and never leave your side
if you need space though, he's very respectful of that and will give you space that you need
i'm sorry he wouldn't be able to stop worrying about you
he loves dancing with you too like he doesn't care if you can't dance
he just cares about you having fun with him so he's gonna be the happiest man alive when you jam out to a song with him
he's gonna choreograph a dance, specially for you because you're that important
and like when he sings for you, you just go uwu
he doesn't like to do it often but when he does your heart just goes skbfksbfkwdl
at night if you're unable to sleep he'll hold you close and whisper sweet things to you
he'll peck your face all over and rub your shoulder
and he definitely won't be sleeping until he's sure you are
to sum it up, hyunjin is the most caring boyfriend you could ever ask for
he just wants you happy and healthy and would do anything for that
everyone deserves a hyunjin
omg my heart- :((
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bunnis-babes · 6 years
I finally made it when the requests are open! OwO Can i please get some head cannons for Bakugou, Shouto and Dabi with a s/o that absolutely loves Christmas and the cold weather? They love giving and getting presents, the food and candy, and especially the decorations? They love fluffy blankets and fluffy socks and over-sized hoodies to keep them warm?
IM FUCKING SCREAMING! I WROTE FOR HAWKS INSTEAD OF DABI IM SO SORRY!!!! It’s really late though, and I’m proud of this one, golly I’m sorry. If you still want that dabi one, swing into my askbox at anytime so I can write my wrong sweetie.
My goal is to try and have each HC set focus on a different aspect of the cold and winter and all that Jazz. I dunno if I can pull it off though, fingers crossed. Also, sorry this is so late, I should’ve gotten it done, but alas I couldn’t. I’m sorry about that.
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💥He hates the cold. It doesn’t allow him to use his quirk properly, it’s literally so uncomfortable, and it brings about snow. Fuck snow.
💥But there is something about it that s/o just adores, and he doesn’t get it. What exactly could be so great about winter?
💥His s/o obviously takes this as a challenge and goes above and beyond to make sure he experiences everything they love about winter.
💥They start with taking him out to play in the snow and make snow angles and snow men, all that fun stuff. At first Bakugou was really hesitant about it, but when they gave him puppy eyes he couldn’t resist them.
💥He hates to admit it, but he has a lot of fun outside with them. They had compitentions on who could make the better snow angel or who could make the better snow man, simple things like that. He won the snowman making competition, but lost the snow angel one. He’s way to impatient to get up slowly enough to not ruin it.
💥His favorite part was when Izuku challenged him to a snow ball fight, eventually having most of the class fighting each other. He beat all of them, and they all are very bruised up— everyone but s/o of course.
💥He likes after all the activities where he gets to go in, warm up, and relax in the commons with his s/o. Drinking hot cocoa and cuddling under a blanket without a care in the world.
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🔥❄️He’s a bit indifferent about winter. It’s nothing special, just another season. He’s actually surprised by how much his s/o loves the winter, he doesn’t really get why they love it so much.
🔥❄️Obviously they feel they need to show him what so great about the holiday season, so they divide a plan to show him what so awesome about it.
🔥❄️They start by taking him out shopping for presents. They tell him to buy something for each of his classmates and really think about what they would like to have. Yeah.. he’s not great at this.
🔥❄️He winds up choosing a few things that would down right offend some of his classmates before s/o takes over buying things. They feel bad, but they will not buy Tokoyami bird seed Todoroki.
🔥❄️After the shopping failure they decide that taking him around town to see the decorations would be something he would like. The bright, festive lights shining down and casting a joyful feeling over the area.
🔥❄️He enjoys looking at the lights and being near his s/o. He likes to see what kind of decorations different shops put up, and was pleasantly surprised to see how much effort was put into some displays.
🔥❄️When the sun starts to set, they take him back to the dorms and tell him to wait up in his their room. He obliges, albeit a bit reluctantly, not wanting to leave their side just yet.
🔥❄️After a short wait, they come in with hot cocoa, extra blankets and a couple of Christmas movies they must’ve bought at the stores earlier.
🔥❄️They curl up next to him, sipping the cocoa and melting into his side for extra warmth as the first movie starts to play.
🔥❄️Suddenly Todoroki understands what’s so great about winter.
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🦃Hawks adores Christmas, and he goes all out for it. He’s extremely relieved and ecstatic that his s/o feels the same way about the holiday.
🦃He makes sure that the entire house is decorated, not a single piece of furniture left un-festive for the holiday. He plans out the entire layout with s/o and has a blast decorating with them. He even sneaks in a few butt squeezes when their distracted.
🦃Loves to take them shopping for presents, and is such a good buyer. Knows exactly what everyone wants and needs somehow and just… gets it. He’s so good, like his s/o probably won’t even be able to do anything because he already has everything.
🦃Christmas morning comes and suddenly there are a lot more gifts than there was before? And their all for S/o? Where did he hide these? This is so much!
🦃He likes to watch them open up every single gift and watch their reactions with a huge smile. He feels so satisfied every time they tell him they liked a gift he got them. He sneaks in a few special items for later, if you know what I mean.
🦃He tries to make a really nice breakfast for the two of them, but ultimately fails and decides to just let s/o do it. He’s a bit salty about it, until he get to eat their food and forgets why he was mad.
🦃He just really likes the holidays and his s/o.
Did I do good? I don’t know, I’m really tired and I’ve been writing school shit for the past few hours. I hope this was somehow okay at some point in my writing. Enjoy regardless.
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