#literally hate every character design in that manga
goldrogerstits · 1 year
fairy tail literally just looks like an off brand one piece with way worse character designs i read like 300 chapters of that shit when i was like 15 and i cant remember any of it most forgetable manga off all time god bless
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worldseer · 2 months
Who are your top 5 (or top 3) favorite characters from JJK? And why you loved them? And your top 5 favorite moments from the series? Thanks.....
I admit, most of my favorite characters from JJK I somewhat thirst over but I'll try to keep those thoughts out of why I love them (because I do have some genuine reason besides thirst for liking them). 1. Toji Fushiguro
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First and foremost, I like his calm attitude yet snarky way of talking. Also he's just a badass. We all all saw him kick ass any time he came on screen. His physique and strength is something to envy ngl (which I had big muscles too). And yes, not the best dad but I KNOW this man was the best fucking husband he could be. 2. Kento Nanami
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HE DESERVED SO MUCH BETTER! It's obvious he cares a lot about people, especially young sorcerers. I like to believe that while he hates how Jujutsu Society operates, he tries to make the small changes necessary to make it better (aka not having child soldiers die and get traumatized like he did). Plus I fully agree that both aspects of life (living as a sorcerer or working a normal job) sucks too.
3. Ryomen Sukuna
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HOLD ON HOLD ON HOLD ON BEFORE YOU ALL STAB ME TO DEATH CEASAR STYLE- He's genuinely an interesting antagonist to me. He has layers, I think that's apparent. He's cocky, but for good reason. And there have been moments where I near shat my pants watching him (we all saw that Jogo vs. Sukuna fight and those jumpscares he did. Also both VAs did amazing cackles). His true form from the Heian Era is also so cool to look at as well, and I think may inspire me to be more creative with my own character designs in the future.
4. Suguru Geto
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HOLD ON, HOLD ON- Once again, I love a layered antagonist and HOLY SHIT HE HAS LAYERS! Like- ok- I get what his goal is. I get what he wants. And frankly, if my lover best friend died, came back to life, and close friend I was meant to protect died as well, yeah I'd be kinda fucked up so see people celebrating and not batting an eye. Yes, running a cult and committing literal genocide are. . . choices. But in the end, his goal is to protect sorcerers (a group constantly being used and controlled by the majority of non-sorcerers) and that makes some sense.
5. Toge Inumaki
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I personally think he's a bit underrated, and underutilized. Sure, I know he's not loaded with Cursed Energy but like- that technique he has can be overpowered as hell. Also, I like how he insists on using ingredient names to convey how he feels when he could just- avoid commands? Like he can obviously use nouns. As long as there's a proper subject, then verbs won't use the cursed speech technique (Don't flame me if I'm wrong, I haven't read through too much of the manga). He's cute, I love his vibes, and he is my son. As for moments in the series, they're more small than most expect: 1. Whenever Mahito gets his ass beat - Self explanatory. Yes I'm still fucking mad about what happened to Nobara and Nanami.
2. When Yuji met Toge in the streets of Shibuya - SALMON! But fr, I love the small moments that show friendship between sorcerers that otherwise don't meet up much. And Toge just being there, chilling with a megaphone to help people is funny to me.
4. THAT Nanami scene - MAPPA served us good as did Kenjiro Tsuda. "The number and locations of your allies," anything for you, love. Let's go to Malaysia and sit on a beach. I giggle every time.
5. The phone conversation Suguru and Satoru have - The expressions and conversation kill me everytime. They're 'close friends' your honor.
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Concept : Reader is a shrine priestess and have a crush on the shrine priest. But he is so powerful that people made a contract with the snake demon. They let him eat the priest in exchange for not attacking the village. The priest tried to fight the snake, but he was defeated. The villagers cut off his arms, so the snake can eat him better. Reader tried to save him, but was locked away in the shrine. But the priest cursed the village and his fused with the snake making him a snake monster he killed all the villagers and cut off six arms to replace those he lost. And now he can claim his sweet shrine maiden all for himself. (Sorry if its quite long and detailed, do as you wish) Thanks! —anonymous
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—a/n: alright, i’ll bite and do this one with my own take, but please add the source behind such suggestions next time lol this one is originally from the compilation manga ive read forever ago, Hachishaku Hachiwa Keraku Meguri (TW!!! under-age, noncon, horror, extremely dead dove!!!), specifically the 4th story. i…don’t recommend reading every story btw, some of them are very…yikes, but the 4th one is pretty good if you can get past a certain issue (namely, the mc’s vague age range). the main difference is that the monster is a woman and mc’s a guy.
if you want my personal recs, stick with reading 3rd (the statues, is okay), 4th (6-armed snake lady, fave if only because of the monster’s beautiful design and backstory but wished the mc would be someone older), and 5th (swamp-worm monster in the forest, warning, pregnancy/birthing is involved, is okay) story and ignore the rest. 2nd (the monster on the road) is okay, actually, but i hated the monster’s creepy old man design lol rest is just a big fat no to me for various reasons.
anyway….i rambled enough. i think…i might actually keep this character, even if he isn't entirely original and is (almost) literally the genderbent version from the manga. i actually envisioned him with dark-colored skin though. hm, so the setting might even be different! i’ll let yall decide~enjoy!
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—tw / tags: gn reader, horror, gore, violence, imprisonment, neglect, implied multiple deaths, amputations, general yandere themes, sfw…ish
—featured character(s): 6-armed snake-god / cursed priest
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You can hear the screaming in your ears, the horrible gut-wrenching shrieks heralding the arrival of death. The earth rumbled distantly beneath your feet, striking unspeakable fear in your cold veins, pounding your heart, and your empty stomach twisting with nausea. You shuddered and your voice came out weak, dehydrated, “N-no…”
Raking your throbbing nails down the wood, bloody raw from scratching and pounding on the chained door, you fell to your knees and bowed your head. You’ve warned them, that the demon would not accept the trade—or that the priest wouldn’t retaliate in some way. A choke erupted from your dusty throat at the vision of the priest you cherished so, so much flashed within your mind.
His warming smile and the crinkles in the corners of his eyes, had transformed into something wrathful and malicious. His expression became one that spoke of murder, of dark, malevolent intent, as the hateful village men severed his arms and fed him into the yawning mouth of the snake-god. It wasn’t his cruel fate that had broken your heart and shattered it into pieces though.
The very moment before he disappeared into the slicked depth of the demon’s belly, the priest saw you and wore a horrified face. With blood tears running down his eyes, he interrupted his furious cursing with a soft whisper of your name. You remembered screaming through your tears and fighting against the fisted hands of burly men then, when the snake-god folded its mouth shut and swallowed him whole.
That was the last you’d seen of him and wept his name as the men dragged you from the forest clearing, satisfied that you were too weak to save the one they all feared.  
He shouldn’t have died fearing for you.
As they’d thrown you into the dilapidated shrine, you were numbed with fury and sorrow and shouted that the demon would hunger for their flesh once more, that the priest had cursed them all, when they slammed the door shut and leave you for the dead. Your pleas and cries grew hoarse as you screamed your grief to the sky. There was no reply, only jeers from the village in the distance, as if laughing about your foolishness, that you shouldn’t have fallen in love with the priest.
Their cruelty was beyond your comprehension
You had no idea how long time had passed, there was no light in this rotting shrine, not even a single peek of any warm sunlight or the moon’s soft glow. There was no water, for your throat ran dry and your skin tightened on your bones, and there was no food as your stomach stopped rumbling some time ago. The villagers intended to let you die alone, pitifully and bitterly alone.
It could’ve been days, it could’ve been weeks, when you rose your head from the coarse ground, confused.  Weakly, your hand reached towards the wooden door, and your calloused fingers traced around its edges, feeling along the rough surface and finding the raw marks you left behind, until they settled on a crook. Something familiar electrified the air, the sense of power pressed into your senses. You furrowed your brows—before fear sunk in your nerves once more.
The demon had returned to welt its hunger.
Screams followed and you remained in the shrine, with no more tears to shed. You couldn’t weep for the cruel men and your tongue was too dry for you to utter even a single prayer for the innocent children you once tended to. You bowed your head between your knees, but you were still alive.
You still knew fear, trembling with the desire to live.
Your hands were shaking wildly, but you forced them back into prayer as the screams continued unabated. The walls rattled with thunderous crashes. Louder and louder, until finally, after hours of agony, they stopped. Silence followed.
Only silence and the smell of blood, lingered. And an ominous feeling.
You slowly rose from your hunched position, your gaze fixed on the wooden door. The air had turned heavy with tension, and the hairs on the back of your neck stood on end. Something approached, quietly grinding the pebbles and dirt underfoot as it moved closer and closer.
Somehow, the walls started swaying and the sound of cracking timber reached your ears, rising above the deafening sounds of your heartbeats and your shuddering breathing. You clasped your hands into a prayer once more and begged the gods to answer, to spare you from the belly of the snake-god. Your prayers became desperate begging, for mercy.
As if in response to your prayer, the ceiling creaked and groaned and a low growl emanated from above. Your eyes widened, and you stumbled backward, barely catching yourself on a nearby pillar. The walls rumbled, and cracks began appearing along the floorboards.
Then, the light.
It cut into the pitch-black darkness you’d been trapped in for days and blinded you. Clasping your hands over your eyes, wincing in discomfort as if light burned you, something exploded overhead, shattering the roof tiles and raining tiny chunks onto your head. You flinched at the loud noise, shielding your face and ducking your head between your legs from any further danger.
As the crackling groan quietened, you remained still—half expecting the pain to cut into your skin and long teeth tearing into your brittle flesh. But, silence hangs thickly above into the air. As if in waiting for you to unveil your eyes to the world.
You hesitated, before slowly lifting your head, squinting and blinking against the light. When you adjusted to the brightness, you blinked and saw shadows. Shadows cast by a massive serpentine being coiling amidst the splinters and rocks littering the ground all around you, staring down at you with glowing golden eyes.
Your breath caught in your throat and you staggered forward, your arms reaching above your head, “—! You…you came back…?” Your words broke and dissolved into hiccupping sobs that shook your frail frame.
Long discolored arms distended from the being’s side, wrapping around you in a dangerous embrace. The priest’s pale face buried into the crook between your neck and shoulder, nuzzling into your dirt-caked hair and releasing a deep purr. Its body vibrated and you felt yourself being lifted from the ground. Your arms instinctively snaked themselves tighter around its thin neck, your cheek pressing against its strangely scaled skin, and you squeezed your eyes tightly shut. “Don’t leave me…please don’t leave me again…” You cried, with rivers of tears falling down your cheeks.
Tears you thought were completely dried out.
This was not the priest you remembered, his ashen body protruding from the mouth of the dead-eyed snake-god, his grin jarring with a smile too large for his handsome face, and having a few arms too many stitched to his sides. But as his fiery golden eyes warmed and his touches overly gentle on your skin, you knew. This was the same man you loved, the very man who never ceased to cherish you and always looked for ways to make you smile on bad days. Even after all this time. Even when everything else changed, he remained steadfast, loving, and kind.
—though, only to you, as he held you as if you were the most precious jewel in his world. Despite his loving gaze, he was dressed in the blood and guts of those he’d gleefully slaughtered for their slights against him, glimmering on his eternally long tail in the moonlight. Yes, he gripped your tiny body tighter to his emaciated body, all he’ll ever need is you.
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danganronpafan777 · 6 months
Rei x Reader (Part 1?) I’m in Love with the Antagonist!
A/n - Life’s been kinda rough, and I don’t think I’ll go back to writing requests just yet. I just felt inspired by the latest episode of I’m in Love with the Villianness (Hated the Lene and Lambert plot tho). Idk if I’ll make this a series.
DISCLAIMER - This story is heavily inspired by the anime/manga, I’m in Love with the Villianess. Literally the same kinda plot with diff characters, but no knowledge of the series is needed to read this.
“Incompetent! Are you dosing off right now? Honestly, I can’t believe a prestigious school like Hope’s Peak doesn’t give out entrance exams to be rid of nitwits like yourself.”
Rei’s harsh words echoed through your mind as you read them off her text window. Her dialogue wasn’t spoken aloud, only a single “Hmph!” voice bit accompanying her written speech. You liked to imagine her voice as stern and demeaning, adding a few of your own headcannons to it.
 Rei Mekaru was a girl who worked her way to the top, and looked down on you, someone she thought was nothing but useless and spoiled.
This girl was your escape from reality. The daily pressures of work and school, trying to socialize but not having anyone who shares your interests, and parents who only demand more and more. With life’s chains wrapped around your body, straining your every movement, your sole outlet of freedom was this silly otome game.
Funny enough, Rei Mekaru was not a love interest, but the antagonist of the story. In this game you could ramble about for hours, the MC was a student of Hope’s Peak’s 79th class, the Ultimate Baker. It may have been a choose-your-own-path type of game, but when your favorite character wasn’t a love interest, it felt a bit limiting. The love interests consisted of the nine boys in your class: Utsuro Maeda, his twin Yuki Maeda, Tsurugi Kinjo, Kinji Uehara, Yamato Kisaragi, Mitsuhiro Higa, Teruya Otori, Haruhiko Kobashikawa, and Kakeru Yamaguchi with specific events, affection levels, and cgs for each character. 
You had your favorites, but weren’t really interested in any of them. Instead, you’d comb through their routes to explore new dialogue and cgs with Rei Mekaru, who over the course of the game, ignores, humiliates, and tries to best the MC in every way. 
She was just so cute!! Rei may seem cruel, but she has a distorted view of the world, sorting people as competent and incompetent, thanks to her backstory of being abandoned by her parents and studying to keep herself off the streets. It was a shame for it all to be sidelined in favor of the love interests. 
Your eyes drooped, and you began to fall asleep to your favorite game for perhaps the hundredth time. But that was okay, the game’s background music and annoyed sprite of your favorite character was enough to keep you content, even after a rough day of being worked to exhaustion.
You were jolted awake by the sound of a hand pounding on the school desk you had been resting your head on. 
“Incompetent! Wake up! Have you not heard a word I was saying!?”
Rei looked pissed, now straightening her posture and glaring down at you.
“…Oh my god….”
You weren’t in your bedroom anymore. Hell, you weren’t even in your world anymore. You didn’t need to look at the classroom scenery twice to know you were in Hope’s Peak. And you wouldn’t, as the beautiful and familiar girl in front of you captured your complete attention.
Rei Mekaru was here in front of you. This wasn’t a cosplay or just a dream. The girl whose design, backstory, and character you loved so much was standing right in front of you, with her classic annoyed expression and her voice as irritated and angelic as you imagined. 
“…Do I have to repeat myself again?” She sighed, “You-...?”
Were your eyes sparkling? Maybe, you resembled your designable avatar, and was basically an anime character now. Were you shaking? Not a bone in your body could remain still, and you fought the urge to hug her right there. 
“You are amazing…” You breathed. 
“Wh-What..!? D-Don’t speak such nonsense!” Rei looked completely taken aback. 
You still couldn’t believe it. Not only were you in your favorite game, but you could do and say whatever you wanted! You could spend time with Rei! You could get close to her! And maybe even…!
You took a breath. She is a person, not an object. You couldn’t force herself into anything. Plus, this game is supposed to be centered around boys.
But with your knowledge of her future, her past, and her character…
You may be able to forge your own path.
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11queensupreme11 · 6 months
Your favorite and least favorite things about ror and pjo?
favorite things:
pretty much the entirety of the first series!
i love how rick was able to perfectly (imo) entertwine the ancient greek world with the modern world
i especially love how most of percy's journey was similar to the ancient greek heroes' journeys in the myths
no seriously, i LOVE how instead of being selfish and becoming a god, he tried to actually fix the root of the problem so no other child would ever go through the same things his generation of demigods went through THATS HOW YOU END AN OPPRESSIVE REGIME, I'M PROUD OF YOU PERCY
everything about the last olympian. he writes war and battle SO well, my heart was literally pounding throughout the whole book!!!
the character deaths.... they gutted me, but they were executed so well
least favorite things:
the gods weren't very similar to the mythical counterpart.... like how pjo!poseidon was a chill, mostly nice guy whereas in the myths he was a rapist psycho.... and how pjo!ares was implied to be abusive towards clarisse whereas in the myths ares respects women and killed his daughter's rapist (tho i get why he couldn't do that since this is a kid's book)
the entirety of heroes of olympus 💀
no seriously, i didn't like any of it
the lost hero and the son of neptune were okay, but after that things started getting messy. probably because of how many main characters he had to write about
the plot was very very.... weird??? especially around the part where they were looking for the physician's cure. a side quest took up a major chunk of the book
the final battle against gaea was so lame!!!! the seven weren't even fighting here, only a few of them were!!! the fact that piper was able to put her to sleep too even though rick literally wrote a list of ways charmspeak would fail AND GAEA CHECKED EVERY ONE OF THEM???? yet piper succeeded anyway???
no seriously, i was expecting the last olympian kinda shit in blood of olympus, but i got NOTHING
rick's shitty view of 'feminism' wasn't feminism at all, it was more misandry (the hunt) and piper ESPECIALLY had some glaring internalized misogyny
i get he was trying to make her a feminist icon, but he really failed with piper. piper clearly hated femininity and looked down feminine girls AND SHE WAS PROVEN RIGHT because 99% of her enemies (major or minor) were girls that were comfortable with their femininity and rick had her triumph over them every time
rick's favoritism over piper. her charmspeak worked on opponents that it shouldn't have worked on (gaea and khione), every other female character suddenly gets downgraded whenever she's around (drew, aphrodite, annabeth, the entire fucking aphrodite cabin, etc), none of her actual flaws were called out (this is mostly because rick never intended for her internalized misogyny and obsessiveness to be her flaws, they were created by accident and noticed by the readers).... and you get the point
favorite things:
the character designs are sooooo 🤤
99% of the characters have 8 pack abs OR MORE
THE GORE!!!! WOOHOO I LOVE THE VIOLENCE (in the manga at least.... the anime censored it smh 🤦‍♀️)
there isn't really much worldbuilding yet but i love what we've been given so far!!!!
the fact that the mangaka was able to create a universe where ALL the gods of ALL the pantheons are in it and it doesn't look like a hot mess??? much respect!
the death scenes!!! yes they're tragic, but they're so well done!!!! the way lu bu's men rallied up to join him in niflhel, the way every human grieved when adam, their father, died, how tesla's last words were to give hope to humanity, I LOVED IT ALL 😭😭😭
least favorite things:
i really need them to explain wtf a demigod is cuz i get how humans are considered demigods (they're humans with the strength of a god) BUT I REALLY NEED AN EXPLANATION ON HOW THE VALKYRIES ARE CONSIDERED DEMIGODS 💀
the gods were.... kinda underwhelming. they seemed more like superhumans than actual gods. poseidon didn't use his water powers? hades didn't summon the dead? no lightning from zeus? most of the gods were fighting physically and not using their actual powers which was kinda...... meh
the list of fighters for both humans and gods.... the gods literally have 5 greeks and 3 norse gods whereas the humans have 4 japanese fighters 🫤 i'd like a lil more diversity
the way the fight scenes are animated in the anime..... they are so bad..... like SO bad 😭😭 my jaw dropped when i watched them
the censoring of the violence and gore in the anime 😔
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fairygeek777 · 8 months
In my personal and 100% valid opinion
Aside from actual motion of the characters, the og Crystal artsyle was beautiful and very closely resembled Naoko Takeuchi's artstyle.
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The problem was the lack of consistency. The artsyle in seasons 1 and 2 is highly detailed as is Takeuchi's artsyle. But this isn't very ideal with animation. However, I think if handled *better* it could've been an absolutely beautiful anime.
I know that I talk about how season 3 vastly improved the anime, and it did. But it also made it feel less familiar. The style and movement feels less like Sailor Moon. I've never watched the Precure series but the artstyle is like crazy similar to that anime. It's cute but I don't know if it works too well.
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That includes the transformation animations. There is some nice work with glitter and spotlights, shininess and whatnot. Nothing to say about the inner and outer senshi sequences since they're remakes of the classic ones. But in Sailor Moon's case, she has a unique one each time. (At least up to episode 32-ish) and how to put this... Usagi's s3 transformation sequence animation is *jarring* there's like- too much exaggeration. And tbh I don't like it at all.
So going back to season 1, the CG that I've talked about before? Yea its jarring too if you're not expecting it. However its also really beautiful. Specifically Usagi's sequence!
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Look. At. The. Camera. Angles!!! Like the focus on her hands (which is a consistency in this anime) and the use of panning! Especially in the Tiara shot how it revolves around her as the beams light up from her forehead. It's just so pretty!
And the other recurring clips are really nice too!
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Look at the arch that Usagi's arm makes as she performs her signature intro! I love looking at this scene everytime for that part! And the timing with raising her arms before quickly bringing them down as she says "Oshiokyo!" (or "I'll punish you" in dub) Those are things that this clip do better than every other version of this iconic gesture.
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And then here, the camera angles again are on point. And the forshortening on her hand is just *chef's kiss*
And something I just wanted to mention, Makoto looks gorgeous in some of these shots from s1 and s2. The artstyle is like perfect for her.
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Moving on now, I wanna touch on Eternal. In terms of quality, Eternal is easily my favorite. The character pallets are accurate, and the character animation is excellent.
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However. In terms of matching Naoko's artstyle, well it doesn't. Its an homage to the 90s anime. They even recreate the transformation sequence animations for Usagi. Things like the character's hair having less strands and detail. Actually there's less detail in general. But the eye highlights match the manga pretty well. I mean it all works. I could endlessly rant about all I love from Eternal because literally the only issues I've found are with the pacing of the whole thing. I've seen people say that the characters are still really expressionless. I personally don't see that? But like its a valid opinion when comparing it to the 90s anime they were clearly honoring.
I would have loved to see the outer Senshi in the s1 artsyle. Specifically Michiru. One of the things I love about the way Naoko draws her is her flowing gorgeous wavy hair. And she draws it fairly long. Past her shoulders and sometimes longer.
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Crystal s3 her debut season, usually drew her hair as long as it should be. And she looked as gorgeous as her manga counterpart. But then Eternal came, and Michiru's character design more resembled the 90s anime. And no offense, but I hate her 90s anime hair. She always looks like someone awkwardly chopped her hair right at her shoulders. Its just not nearly as pretty as she should be designed. Eternal did a mix of the two. Its still pretty but also inconsistent. Because in some scenes it has the choppy look. So yea I'd love to see Michiru and all the other characters in the s1 artsyle. I know it will never happen but still wanna see it.
This is my long winded way of saying I am in the minority and love Crystal seasons 1 and 2 for all its faults and successes. It really had amazing potential to be absolutely beautiful and a big win for shojo anime. If only the time and care was put into the show as a whole and not only certain individual frames or clips.
Because there's some really fricken great sh*t if you look long enough!!
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cookiekat-blogz · 20 days
Why is Akutagawa literally like the best Bungo Stray Dogs character ever?
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this is half satire by the way, but I mayyy go into depth for SOME things if I feel like it. (big fat silly kinnie rant with spoilers)
hes a cutie patootie. yeah he's brow-less but like, its 2024, who isn't? seriously. show me an alt person on tiktok with eyebrows /hj
hes silly. Yeah he may be extremely violent especially twoards Atsushi (the foot in the face was definitely personal) and anyone else he is made to defeat, but that's quite literally how he was raised. Don't forget we're talking about PM Dazai here. He was raised by Mori, what can we say? (#justice4dazai2024) We can assume (using the BEAST manga) that up until the point where Dazai turned him down, the things that occurred were relatively close to canon.
(or not idk I didn't finish the mangas. why read some rando's essay that can't even spell's abt some sassy victorian man child on the internet, infact, why are you even reading this in the first place?)
So we can assume he's been through a hell-of-alot of trauma with everyone close to him. His siblings and friends dying, and even himself tasting death and Dazai was practically his savior-- his controversial, abusive, strict, hot, gay, problematic, silly, teenage savior. Even if that's not what went down in the main series, what he went through was enough for Akutagawa to idolize Dazai, the same man that has hurt him oh so much.
(hey its the cycle of abuse, and guess who was next in line?) that's right, Kyouka. (even if Kyouka was more impacted by Kouyou) But no, this won't be a rant about Akutagawa and Kyouka's relationship, it's simply "Why you should love Aku" and totally nothing else. wait, what was I saying??
he's headless, be nice /j
the fit is fire. I mean like, bring back ruffles frl. he ate down. he's even so silly he doesn't even know the name of the ruffle thing he's wearing (the collar ruffle thing is called a cravat.)
hes a Picies. They do no wrong. Trust me, I know. (totally not biased or anything)
His relationship with Atsushi. Their so cute like every scene together even when their fighting its just like 'make out alr'. He seems heartless and cruel and its like he hates Atsushi, but really as you can see when "Where's Your Head At?" by Basement Jaxx started playing, he cares for Atsushi deep down inside. Deep, deep, deep down. Must be really deep if it took literally dying to be nice. Seriously, even if he called him a 'damn fool' he's smiling, it's so sweet it makes me cry. As the blood traversing in his neck goes on its repetitive journey for its sole purpose of bringing oxygen to the rest of his body, it suddenly changes direction, hurriedly spraying out of the newfound opening made by a time traveling sword, and finally escaping through his pale, soon to be lifeless, dark red soaked neck. Yet, he is smiling through it all, telling his furry boyfriend "rival" to run. he cares. Just look at this beautifully colored pannel by Akutagoth on reddit:
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def didn't want an excuse to show this beautiful art or anything.
hes an introvert, fight me on this real.
hes fruity. you don't even have to ship sskk to agree, just listen to how he talks. either this or he's a time traveler from the 19th century.
the hair solos, like seriously, his hair is so cool I want it. bring back dark to light fade. /srs
#9 1/2 (I made a specific post just for this so you can just skip it.)
Also, speaking of hair, anyone else ever notice how yin-yang Akutagawa and Atsushi are? Yeah they are both orphans that were taken in by Dazai and "abused by their handler" ('handler' is wild ngl) but in the main series Atsushi is more Yang and Akutagwa is more Yin, character wise, and even design wise. Yet, in Beast (a spin-off where Akutagawa ends up in the ADA and Atsushi ends up in the PM) the roles are reversed and Aku is more Yang and Atsu is more Yi, further emphasizing that this difference between the two isn't accidental (not claiming simply speculating).
Akutagawa is relatively bad but he has shown how he could be good, in the main series, Wan, and beast. he's undeniably a good brother (just look at how much he cares for his sister in beast, he even joined the ADA and made it his purpose to find her after he learned that she was in the mafia.) He keeps promises, hates meaningless torture-- which believe it or not shows a bit about his character-- (haha he does have emotions even if it may be stemmed from a deep psychological trauma). He also has a mainly dark but light accent wardrobe, from the ends of his hair to the very same accessory that he can't even name. help I ran out of good character traits I think I'm failing
Atsushi is relatively good, and even seems to be blind to it at times, but he has shown his not the best traits. He's kinda like Gon, but less merciless, even when it comes to fights with Akutagawa (sometimes). His good:bad ratio is pretty skewed though, no matter how much he may envy or hate his kindness kinda just... drowns it out. Evil headmaster dies? cry. Evil goth boyfriend partner dies? scream. Evil American enemy still lives? team up with him. Evil 14 year old serial assassin in the port mafia exist? save her.
Although, he's pretty rash/blunt (that Dazai diss was wild aku didn't do anything to deserve that) and its also shown in wan and other scenes in the main series that he would probably participate in a 2017-19 roast battle(hj) and holds some strong grudges. (help I ran out of bad character traits he's too good, its like he's so good and he doesn't even try.) Butttt apperence wise, his singular black hair streak in a head of light whatever-colored-hair (in contrast to Akutagawa's) and accents of black (suspenders, tail-belt-thing that moves as if he was Cat Noir, tie, gloves, pants, shoes) do what Akutagwa's 19th century ruffles do best. Be utterly useless and ugly and feed into the theory that he is a time traveler Contrast.
Basically, Shin Soukoku canon because opposites attract.
back to number 2, he's silly. he's super sassy and may be a bit slow sometimes have thought that shrimp grows from the dirt but just watch/read bsd wan! he's so cute <33 sure his back may be bigger(j) but still, just look:
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hope that was enough to convince you cause I'm out of reasons sorry bro.
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tamelee · 5 months
Personally I don’t really get people who say they acknowledge Sasuke and Naruto’s romantic bond but still ship Sasuke with a woman… Like, they saw that he was gay (he’s shown to not be attracted to women so he’s not bi) but kinda don’t care?
Actually I don’t really understand the whole shipping culture, or even mainstream fandom culture… I don’t know, I just don’t see the point in just making up content for pre-existing characters while completely destroying what made the characters unique in the first place by ignoring canon entirely (like crack-shipping). I get why people wouldn’t like everything about canon, it’s my case too, but if they don’t like anything about canon… Why are they here in the first place?
Nooo now I sound grumpy. I must be bothering you I’m so sorry 😭😭
Anyway, you’re amazing and I hope you know it 🥰
You don't sound grumpy to me dw 🫶
Well, I don't believe such ships have much to do with Canon either way. And I doubt all of them hate Canon per se, though some change 'Canon' to like Canon, which is funny. "This is my Canon." Yeah, not how it works, but ok- have your Canon your way ofc ┐( ̄ヮ ̄)┌
Side-note though, I don't think Sasuke even knows who Hinata is? 😆 It's as you say; crack-shipping. (I saw that giant/small-yaoi meme here on Tumblr again. No idea what it's called, and immediately thought; a yes, Sukuna and Levi. Kinda want to draw xD Makes no sense at all.) A lot of Headcanon is derived from personal... ideas/desires/inspiration or self-inserting reasons? (Isn't that exactly what 'x-reader' fics are?) Or even trend-posting. As much as characters are used to tell a story for the original author/creator (they're essentially tools), do fans use them to create new ideas. "Ah yes, we all know this character, let's create something around it simply because I want to." Which is completely fine, right? Look at rare pairs. And to be fair, a lot of content, fictional writing and art aren't even based on canon either. The closest thing through fan-work are Manga analyses or meta's, even panel redraws- stuff like that. People adapt 'canon' into fanwork through various degrees or sometimes ditch it altogether. Nsfw/spice is by default made up and entirely Headcanon :') (Though personality can be depicted in a way ig, through expression/behavior and whatnot.)
I totally get what you mean though, although I guess I'm caught up in fandom-culture now. Personally, I do like characters as 'canon' as possible, but it really depends. For some Animanga I don't really care. I think I ship pretty much all TR/BlueLock-characters for literally no reason, but I wouldn't claim it to be Canon in any way (˚☐˚! )/
However, I don't like it when Naruto and Sasuke's characters are butchered. Made-up context or not. The originals are so special to me and it's the reason why I'm a fan, though I don't mind too much in fics, depending on the story. I find it hard to feel the same when they've practically become someone's OC's with only the same name and design. I can't even read height/age-differences because I can't imagine it xD But anyway, this all includes "official" work made for financial/marketing reasons also- especially those damn novels. Those never have anything to do with canon, nor does it align with it. No matter how passionately people claim otherwise.
I'm only a tiny bit petty about it >< u&me grumpy 🤝 And aahhww I don't actually, you should see me sitting here in giant red Christmas socks and a glittery green sweater that's kinda itchy tbh. I don't really feel anything other than those glitters annoying me every 3 seconds... which reminds me I should change -.- anw thankyou <3
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warmcoals · 1 year
so. teppu. probably the best sports girl thing ever with the least polish ever, technically finished but certainly doesnt feel that way. the plot is so shockingly twisted and spiteful and selfish and traumatized and it works perfectly. the main character is a freak but the depths of her pain that make her this fucked up serious sadomasochist girl are all haunting: broken heart, loneliness, abuse, autism probably, it's all there in the flashbacks. and such short flashbacks, for her and all the characters; every last side character has a fascinating depth and backstory that is just barely revealed in a 5 panel glimpse while yr left to fill in the blanks of their psyche from their current actions and the fights.
i literally thought "this is the dark souls of sports manga" bc four out of five chapters are strictly combat mixed w insane inner monologue. the exact opposite problem of any sport or shonen youve ever read, we barely get two peeks at training before it's immediate time skip to Big Tourney Round 1. even the school scenes end in brawls, verbal or physical or both. the art is stunning, composition anatomy faces all of it, and the characterization thru the progression of the fight itself is so rich and juicy you arent left wanting for a different pace. even the side characters are fascinating and cool.
the characters! every different age and size and build of girl n woman possible in mma. super cool design super varied and unusual archetypes. theres a catgirl office lady named cameron diaz. amazing. plus the main character and her two primary rivals, basically her messy ex and her clueless crush, are all just so varied and multifaceted and cool. nobody is the weakest link.
rly the only problem is how sudden it ends. in the first third the mangaka sets up a whole Trigger-style power rank progression that u can see escalating over like 50-70 chapters: school rival, real rival, the adult plot, real rivals's rival, etc. it demands time for wins and losses and rematches and growth...that it doesnt get. suddenly the rivals have fought and it's Immediately over. so much left unexplored unexplained untouched. there are notes from the author throughout (even the shit scanlation doesnt miss em) that indicate a struggle to write n draw n complete this series, so im super glad it was Seen Thru, and even Great and Satisfying. it just coulda been so much more. and also as a downside, there's a shitawful older brother central to the plot. blegh. silver lining is the ending isnt a total bummer at least.
overall teppu is a sick story about being fueled by spite and hate and wanting one thing so bad you lose sight of everything else, and then regardless of the result, you wind up a better person in the end for all the effort. extremely recommend.
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bingeeaterblog · 6 hours
// small warning big re touken hate it's a post on why I hate it and how I think it could've been done better BUT I encourage you to keep reading if you do like them and to give me your thoughts whether to tell me why you like them or why you think im wrong in some regards i love a good debate its why i joined Tumblr
I'm gonna start this off by talking about why I loved the original mangas touken.
They start off as strangers, them only having a REAL meeting when she saves his ass from nishio. Initially she was cold and rude, for every reason he was very disrespectful(also for good reason he was scared and all he knew about ghouls is that they are monsters who hurt people, one literally just had him in a choke hold) but I digress. Kaneki starts working at anteiku and he's shadowing touka much to her dismay she feels he can't do anything right and is just a know it all human.
Right off the bat they have a very interesting dynamic, touka learning to care for kaneki him starting to see her(and ghouls as a whole) as a person and not something he should be afraid of.
As time goes on, touka falls for him, it's what makes everything so hard when he abandons her. She feels betrayed he left just like ayato and her dad did no one ever stays for her? How could they? She makes herself so hard to love shutting everyone out. She blames herself partly, not being able to protect him from whatever happened at the aoigiri base.
When she does see him again she's angry! How dare he come back after all this! Why can't he just make up his mind! So she lashes out, she misses him so dearly but she can't tell him that? Let him know she cares? She hits him and tells him to never come back to anteiku (to her).
You can see why it's so appealing!! The angst!! The drama!!! They have it all! Toukas longing and kanekis isolation are what makes them so GOOD.
To explain why I don't like re touken we have to talk about why I don't like re touka.
Touka before was a very well rounded character, she was brash and a little impulsive, she loves the people around her even if its hard for her to show it in a healthy way. She'll do whatever it takes even if it means risking her own life.
Re touka, doesn't really have that. She's very... Water downed. I like to call it house house wife-ification. She's lost any semblance of her old personality. While I do like the idea of touka calming down and becoming more docile it's not done right, we meet her again and she's just... Like that? There's no character development of her changing it just happens! She's shaved down so she can be the perfect love interest for kaneki, it's even shown in her design! Her eyes are softer and she doesn't hold any of the same energy as old touka(this happens with a lot of female characters ishida just ended up giving them all the same face besides eto).
Kaneki is? Fine? I loved haise as a character and him and touka were sorta cute if u kinda ignore that fact touka isn't touka. Kaneki was fine and re and that's it, he's just okay. His Savior complex is removed and it's just "I wanna save people!!" The whole reason his savior complex is important is BECAUSE it ends up hurting more people he should've been developed to learn how to manage that and be the hero he could be.
Now for their actual relationship.
It's very.... Rushed? There's no tension no build up just "are you a virgin?" Which in my opinion is something touka would never say she'd stumble around it. they made her bold at the wrong times she's an awkward lil freak. And then boom! Sex yeah! And it's? Okay? It's not my favorite I felt like a sex scene between them should've been more desperate!! That's when the marriage bite should've happened! It should've bites and messy kisses and promises to never leave again! There was no passion! There was the "why are you crying" but that didn't really do anything for me!!
I do like the end scene where she was petting his hair that was very soft which is what he needs.
Then toukas pregnant!(Which is something I'll get into good another time) And it kinda feels like they only rush into the marriage because she is... Like I feel like they should've atleast had a dating stage y'know!! Everything just felt so fast with them and nothing like the original:(
The end credits scene feels nothing like touka, she looks dead that's not the character I used to know :( kaneki too only the scene with hide felt real
And yeah! I like ichika! But how cool would it have been if touka got pregnant AFTER re and in the end credit thing she was revealed! Another natural born one eyed ghoul!! Idk...
This is very messy sorry I had to get this out. if you like them? That's fine!! That's super duper cool its just not my favorite. Tell me why you think I'm wrong! Id love to hear your opinions
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oudkee · 8 months
inazuma eleven ask game
but im not gonna make you send me asks i am just answering all the questions out of boredom. original by @marmolao , post here
1-Favorite season/game/manga.
aliea season (2) my beloved. super nostalgic and definitely the arc i've rewatched the most
2-Favorite og character(s).
kidou yuuto my son. also desarm he's a funky alien. uhhh rococo and kazemaru too
3-Favorite go character(s).
TENMA, shindou used to be my fave but on my rewatch i was like ok he's kind of a dick in galaxy like he really leaned into it. kinako my beloved and most of all ray rukh. robot son. I FORGOT BITWAY okay no bitway is my favourite go character and prolly my fave inazumer of all time. sexy older alien man and probably the precursor of my love for the equally evil alien miss founder from deep space nine.
question 3 was actually missing from the copypasta and so was question 4. i took a wild guess what 3 was but no clue for 4...
5-Favorite areori character(s).
shimerigawa kageru. i have his license in my wallet and ive mistakenly grabbed it instead of my id at bars lmao. heres my ugly anime boy card.
6-Least favorite og character(s).
no one really occurs to me immediately. i used to be really hateful as a teenager i had like a whole list LMAO uhhhhhh i guess the evil mastermind from ffi season. garfield
7-Least favorite go character(s).
the bear
8-Least favorite areori character(s).
kind of like. everyone lmao. no one appealed to me and areori just feels like a soulless cash grab so absolutely none of the characters were even interesting beyond having some like surface level thing that got resolved immediately every time
9-Favorite coach(es).
kageyama. what a fucked up old man
10-Favorite scout character(s).
i never used them in the games lol but i like the designs of like. the machinery/mechanical themed ones
11-Favorite og team(s).
mikage sennou and all five aliea teams but especially epsilon
12-Favorite go team(s).
perfect cascade and ixal fleet........
13-Favorite areori team(s).
none oops sorry
14-Favorite hissatsu technique(s).
stargazer... shoot pocket uhh. god there were actually so many but i just don't remember any of them. i think perfect cascade had like the command ones that were cool but i dont remember im geriatric
15-Favorite hissatsu tactic(s).
REALLY dont remember any of these
16-Favorite keshin(s).
plasma shadow.........
17-Favorite keshin armour(s).
every single one of them slapped. they all looked so good. tenma's and ray rukh's were the best tho
18-Favorite miximax(s).
i dont like them.
19-Favorite soul(s).
bitway's fucked up tentacle monster
20-Favorite character design(s).
WAY too many. with a series with hundreds of characters im bound to be obsessed with a lot of the designs. so i really like all the ixalens from a design standpoint because they're almost... insect like but then they have that vorta paleness that's like okay you definitely came from a planet with a dense atmosphere that doesn't have a lot of natural light. the bird people had really good designs. tenma has that awful early 2010s shonen protag look about him but he's just so cute it works i love the cinnamon roll hair. chrono stone had a lot of random background characters that really slapped like engir and rudzhik it's baffling to me that this was the same season that had those awful mixi max designs. speaking of chrono stone i ALSO like the creepy factor of all the robot boys looking like. essentially the exact same like same height same body same skintone but with different eyes and hair it's so icky creepy i LOVE IT. i wish they were explored deeper because i love mechanical horror and the relationship between artificial beings and the organic life that surrounds them. not only that but their maker has like gendo ikari vibes. if u havent noticed i have a lot 2 say.
21-Favorite opening(s)/ending(s).
maji de kansha literally actually changed my life. i got through a lot of really low points because of maji de kansha this isn't even a joke. it's been a decade now and the song still hits just as hard. as for endings uhhhhhhhhhh katte ni cinderella was the best but i don't like the full version only the short anime version
22-Favorite character song(s).
ice road, starline, and yasashii mirai. OH and don't stop that's such a fucking banger from ibuki munemasa himself. he did that for us
23-Favorite friendship(s)/character dynamic(s).
i like the dynamic everyone has with endou like he actually becomes friends with like. everyone even the weird italian kid that thought it was okay kageyama tried to murder him. well he didn't think it was okay he just didn't even really care which is almost weirder
24-Favorite ship(s).
im almost 27 i dont really find fulfillment in shipping teenagers together
25-Favorite protagonist(s).
tenma and kidou my boyz
26-Favorite villain(s).
BITWAY OZROCK!!!!!!! and kageyama
27-Favorite character’s backstory.
i have this really messed up and long origin story for all the aliea season kids that i wrote years ago lmao... as for canon i just don't care i guess. it's not so much the backstory as how the character handles it in the end like the backstory can be Aww Sad all it wants but if the character acts like a dick or just unintersting in the plot bc of it then why should i really care. fudou akio im calling u out
28-Favorite sidecharacter(s)/NPC(s).
the clown
29-Headcanon(s) worth of sharing here.
i remember i had this whole kageyama family/shindou family/tachimukai family tree headcanon that was like basically shindou was kageyama's illegitimate son. kageyama's brother married tachimukai's older sister or cousin or whatever and they had hikaru. and way long down the line hikaru was related to sakamaki who created perfect cascade. much to think about
30-Free ask!
i need everyone to know that inazuma eleven is intrinsically linked with star trek: deep space nine by way of deep space nine's japanese dub. the lady who dubbed ezri dax was the lady who voiced toramaru. that is all
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longhands-the-second · 11 months
Trimax vol. 3 notes
This cover is so sexy. The colors make my brain go brrr
I read and typed this the night before, oops. I needed something to make me less bored and sad and by god I got it. (<- has so much homework he doesn’t even want to look at it)
1- Based on what i’ve seen of future installments there’s a trend in the particular kind of body horror nightow likes to draw huh
The color of blood? Literally blood? I wasn’t sure if he was actually crying blood in the previous volume or not or if the tears were just darker bc art shit. I think his vibes are like that of a bird of prey. If that’s what we’re getting at here? (At least this version of him is. Stampede is a different beast. Somehow both cuttlefish and like, crow? I’m still yelling about the stampede finale-)
Does having high bullshit tolerance make you less human somehow…? What’s the logic here?
Is wolfwood saying that to him directly? Fucked up if so. He does NOT need more piled on him right now
2- im just flashing back to 98 wolfwood saying he’s never fired a gun before-
Does gray have the same sort of top that Vash had? The almost-tubing on the sides? Or is that just a favorite design thing?
That was pretty much all just fight scene huh.
god, it’s only just now hitting that these are the faces of people he knew. People he cared about. Christ.
:( i want to get off of mr bones wild ride
I’m not like. Gagging or anything i just hate it.
The thing about Vash being quiet angry is that it’s almost got this elegance to it. Like his mind has left his body and he’s just running on his experience and skill now. He’s pissed and he’s dissociating. I feel like the whole room gets icy when he’s like that, even if you’re outside in the suns.
4- does. Does he know him???
Oh hell.
He set off the sprinklers???
5- brad is much more of a character than i was expecting.
God i can just hear wolfwood in that moment
Well. Yikes.
HAHAHSJSJJS milly jumpscare
6- what the fuck that piano is so cool
Seeing vash with both arms feels illegal somehow
Or no, does it have some kind of cover on it? Or is that what it looks like below those gloves?
He is SOOOO not okay right now
Woah damn is that what luida looks like here?
Im sure he’s just beyond relieved to see people lived.
Oh wow. Im… proud of him for admitting it? Something like that? God he looks so tired
“Woah vash you’re fucking ancient aren’t you???”
7- he is a solid 70% leg. Good for him.
He looks so normal it’s very strange.
True immortality???? Maybe that’s why knives is baby smooth every time we’ve seen him. (Ick.) (there’s some part of me that wants so badly to like knives on the grounds that I understand where he’s coming from but he’s literally the fucking worst.)
There goes his arm. Again. Why is it always that one?
He genuinely reads like a different person with his hair down. Maybe that’s just me.
Did. Did nightow give mike mignola a copy of trigun. Better yet did he read it? We’re asking the real questions here.
(I made a poll for Vash’s vibes and the results are mostly exactly what I expected? Will post my findings. Manga Vash has the most variety so far.)
((Will I be able to do anything cool for Vash’s birthday? Who knows. Crossing my fingers I can hold it together that long, I am SO done with my summer classes and I wanna go home.))
(((I have had the worst stampede brainrot recently. It’s the purple color scheme and the flowers and the everything at the end. It fuckin EATS. I want to hold him gently.)))
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woesunf · 5 months
You make me want to go and read that Unordinary, is it worth it
IMO it is worth it
This is a long post but I need to get every thought and side about this comic out there.
Before I try and persuade you to read it, I’m gonna say that a lot of people like to hate on unordinary.
But there’s also a lot of really hard-core fans (like me lol)
I think the reason a lot of people like to hate on it is because the writing can be slow at times because of the format, which is webtoon.
When it comes to original webtoon creators, unless they’re on hiatus, they profit off of weekly episodes you can choose to buy or can choose to wait for (obviously a lot of people pirate them, but whatever I’m definitely not guilty of it ;))
OK so let’s get into it.
Here’s my colored index if you wanna skip through it a bit, idk how else to do it lol.
Why I like it
A little abt Uru-Chan (the creator)
Some cons (for evenness)
A short synopsis of unordinary:
In the world of unordinary mostly everyone is given a power known as an aura, most of the time it is hereditary (to be honest I’m really not sure if you can be unique) they grow into their ability and are able to utilize a different ages, some people never get an ability they are known as “cripples” (ik that word has negative irl connotations it’s literally what they are called I’m sorry 😭) the story follows the character John Doe, a cripple, as he attends Wellston Private High School. As well as a banned book called Unordinary, that is said to have caused a spike in vigilantism.
Now on to why I like it 😚
The story of UnO to me, first of all is very nostalgic, I started really getting into it in 2020 during March (quarantine) though I was reading it in 2019 during August I believe, but at that time I didn’t finish it bc of laziness.
During quarantine though I was ON those updates.
Second, to me, the character of John Doe is very well written.
Without super spoilers, it’s very realistic to have someone have their whole ideology’s set up in their brain and then have it completely broken down in the matter of a few weeks because of events that brings them a lot of stress.
Especially when you’ve been constantly subjected to the negative end of these beliefs that you had a hard time believing in to begin with.
And I think, in recovering the character, it was also quite realistic, because it does take time to change, and to still not be quite “changed” or instantly forgiven by the people around you.
The characters have good stories and pasts, they’re all unique and interesting.
Unless you count Arlo who literally wears armor lol
But besides the writing… 🤭
I love the tropes.
As a consumer of writing, and like anime, manga, whatever, it’s really hard to find a good story about a character that is a heel-face turn to the negative side 😭
And I’ll be the first fan to admit that the heel-face turn in unordinary, also isn’t as well written as I would like it to be, but I’m also not a writer and I KNOW how hard it can be to even write one to begin with-
Uru-Chan (the creator)
-It’s a struggle, and props to Uru for making a pretty good one 👍
And honestly, kind of rarely, the beginning of unordinary is very good in its own way.
Uru-Chan was obviously going for a very comedic action in the beginning of the comic, and the characters, designs and actions reflect that very well, and honestly, I ate it up.
She even admitted to not really knowing the way she was going with the story in the beginning, and usually that’s a red flag in writing, but I think she did really recover the story.
The comic did end up like straightening out I guess, and now it does have a normal storyline, that is obviously planned out probably at least a YEAR in advanced.
So yeah Uru-Chan ate I fear, she’s a good writer I take no criticism, way better than some OTHER webtoon OG creators, not naming names…
Also she was acknowledged by DC or Marvel idrk in an art piece acknowledging the future of super hero comics, with Seraphina being shown in the art piece (I SWEAR THIS HAPPENED I CANNOT FIND THE ART PIECE 😭😭😭)
Ok so the cons…
Obviously kind of slow writing. Me personally, I don’t really care for the chapters about Remi, Blyke, and Isen, I usually skip over them, but if there’s get a new chapter ONLY ABOUT THEM, I have to wait a week for another chapter and hope and pray it isn’t about them again.
It’s not even that their arcs are boring I just don’t really care 😭😭😭
I’m sure it’s someone else’s fave parts tho lol.
Next, the art style.
With 0 hate to Uru-Chan
The art style is simple, it has a sharper style, but it is kinda goofy.
Uru has a team that work with her in illustrations and coloring, and she simplifies her art style in order to tell the story faster.
The way they walk is kinda silly lol.
Also they’ll just have like one eye every once in awhile, maybe no eyes lol, only if the scene calls for it to be that way.
Demonstrated here by Arlo:
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This is all from one chapter I was too lazy to go to other ones.
It’s silly, but honestly I barely notice it sometimes.
I think it’s like an attention tactic, to take attention off certain characters to make other character be focused on.
Like how BG characters always have brown hair and brown eyes in anime but the MC’s will have blue hair or smth.
Maybe I’m biased but I can’t really think of any other cons 🤷‍♀️
Unordinary is a good story to binge, but is up to everyone’s to decide if it’s their taste, like most things.
Despite me not really being into super hero stuff, I do really like the story (it’s not extremely super hero-ish tho, it’s actually illegal to be one in the story 😭)
Also John is a very pretty man 🫣
It’s a school story that is now deviating from the base story of being ONLY at Wellston, we have been moving into another arc for while now, and the season finale is very soon, meaning it will be going on hiatus soon, so honestly now probably is the best time to start reading if you like having a conclusion.
It’s not a series finale tho, so she’ll be back 😙👍
I’m not very good at writing analysis’ or anything adjacent to it because my thoughts are all over the place, but I hope this makes at least a little sense and helps you out 😭
But yeah IMO, it’s a good read.
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httpfrr2 · 10 months
Just some 3am thoughts
Why are my favorite bsd characters dazai and sigma?
Because I just wanna die, have absolutely no will to live, is in the second decade of my life and I already wanna quit it (no wonder why sigma wanted to die after barely three years. If I had the amount of anxiety he's had, I would've buried myself alive) and I'm always tired.
Because I have problems...
I also love chuuya, akutagawa, atsushi, ranpo, poe, fyodor, nikolai, yosano, kunikida, mushitaro, fukuzawa, higuchi, gin, tachihara, hirotsu, kyoka, kenji, tanizaki, tetcho, jouno, teruko, ango, oda, lovecraft and this list just goes on! Literally, it depends on the phase...
The fact that which character gets more spot light and screen time. I literally love every single character introduced in this anime. Bungou stray dogs is the ground breaker for morally grey characters with jokes on suicide and comical nihilism. (Maybe I'm just self-projecting)
Villains have class and elegance! [We don't talk about fukuchi here...] amazing motivations and not two whole episodes back stories that we have to watch BEFORE their introduction...
The characters feel so REAL and well-designed. Every single design is unique and breathtaking, the personality and motivations come naturally to the character.
I even ended up liking all the villains (not the minor ones). I don't hate fukuchi and mori also. [I'm so canceled] because as much as they are annoying and disgusting, their actions make sense. They are the perfect examples of empathetic villains. Fukuchi's war trauma hits hard for a person like me who's witnessed war herself. For mori I gotta say that... that... he is disgusting but his attempts to protect yokohama and his organization gives him value as a character. He is a character with a unique mentality and a much more grounded genius than dazai and ranpo who is as logical as a math equation. I don't like him (I can never forgive him for the things that he made yosano go through) but I like the way he's written. I only say this because beast mori exists...
When I say I like a character, that doesn't mean that I agree with their actions but personally, I have no problem rooting for a mentally ill terrorist on his journey to become a bird. I mean he just silly like that!! I love nikolai and his extreme ideology because gogol is my favorite writer in real life.
Fyodor was an absolute favorite for me, I am obsessed with dostoevsky's books (especially the gambler) so seeing anime boy raskolnikov was a huge 😍 moment, definitely. But he is much more than that (much more than a jerk to the bone for stabbing my sigma like that...) he is canonically soft and humble and his every move is filled with so much grace (I'm not talking about the anime fyodor, the manga fyodor had a way better display of this...) he is extremly intelligent, a tempting deal-maker type of manipulative psychopath and a huge mastermind who has questionable morals... AND his character design is cute. Not just cute, cute in a baby girl way...
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I know what I said... [please leave me and my double standards alone...]
What the hell even is this?!? I wanted to talk about dazai and sigma... this is what I get for typing while I'm barely awake...
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aquamine-amarine · 3 months
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It’s time for Part 3 of “I hate the fucking anime adaption so fucking much”. Part 2 is here.
I clearly need to be buying every single Nakayoshi issue because they keep hiding news in them that no one talks about, unless I see some Japanese fan on Twitter post about it. I saw this ad in the issue the night before the color illustrations were revealed. Like last time, seeing them in color only made me more annoyed. The themes are getting really ridiculous now. This one is "classical train station attendant clothing". Why. I know early on I wanted to see them in clothing besides their uniforms and transformations, I don't like these stupid themes though. Why they won't do a Halloween theme or wedding season theme is beyond...
Fucking anime art again, ugh. Three times now, it's too fucking much. If this isn't proof that they're absolutely planning on doing a reboot, I don't know what is. At least get a new fucking character design, God. I don't think I ever shared this character designer's Twitter account. Here it is. Yeah, that's Amu looking like a slut in the banner.
This needs a DRASTIC change just like the difference between the two Rozen Maiden anime adaptions. Completely different studio and character designer. It was a massive improvement. I'm so afraid of Satelight getting their hands on it again. I just don't see the results being as good as some past examples, where the original studio that fucked up the anime in the first place was also in charge of the reboots and actually redeemed themselves and made the adaption faithful to the manga. I'm talking about FMA and FMA: Brotherhood (Bones) and Sailor Moon and Sailor Moon Crystal (Toei Animation). Please, get a new character designer that actually references the manga art because this current guy does not. It will forever drive me insane that literally no one understand that Ikuto's hair and eyes are DARK BLUE not this shitty shade of blue (or purple) they keep using.
I'm happy to see that the Japanese fandom is actually expressing dislike for this (finally, it's about time), and none of them are happy with how Ikuto looks, obviously because he's just so out of character. One of them even posted a fixed version that made all their expressions better. At least Amu actually looks like herself this time, unlike those awful idol illustrations. Although her eye looks a little weird.
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beevean · 3 months
Let's do this: top 10 most hated NFCV characters counting both shows
As a bonus, if you're willing to: top 10 worst episodes
I think I did a top 5 worst characters for both shows but I can do it again :P
11) Drolta. She doesn't do anything egregious, in fact she's kind of tolerable, but she stole Isaac's drip. And for that, I will forever be salty :) (also yeah I couldn't decide for #10 so I added one, whatcha gonna do about it)
10) Sumi and Taka. Ah yes, these two Japanese people who look identical are most assuredly not related, they are just Japanese! Aside from that, they are the emblem of S3's utter failure: they add nothing of importance except for a gratuituous (and OOC) rape scene that is supposed to send the message "humans suck, trusting is for fools"... that in on itself doesn't change a thing, because Alucard is fine afterwards. But hey, you got your bi rep! Aren't you happy with this show's representation? :)
9) Emmanuel. This guy is just stupid. Just because you lampshade how absurd it is to ally yourself with vampires because you think the Revolution is "godless", it doesn't make it any less absurd. We're still at this level of shallow, childish CHURCH BAD.
8) Sypha. You're not cute when you insult Trevor. Stop it. I remembered her being nicer than she actually was :( during the rewatch she was painful, constantly complaining, defending Alucard from Trevor rather than the other way around (but still ditching him when he needed company because yay adventures!!!), and acting bossily with her bf because that's the only kind of character they can write here. Also she's OP af and that's not fun.
7) Maria. Does she even have a personality beyond stereotypical Twitter communist teen? Good god girl shut up you are nothing more than useless backdrop!
6) Carmilla. In theory, she could be an interesting unapologetic female villain who reacted to her trauma with rage rather than sorrow, a female Dracula but even pettier. In practice, she is the parody of a radfem written by a man with zero respect for women, so you can imagine that she isn't exactly nuanced. I hate that Dracula and his boytoys were made to be absolute dumbasses for her to win, only for her to conclude effectively nothing. villain.exe
5) Alucard. You absolute cunt. Am I supposed to like, or worse being attracted to, this piece of shit who spends his time insulting Trevor and treating him like dog shit under his shoe? He has zero of the effortless charm of the real Alucard, but I'm supposed to root for him because he's hot when he cries all boobily. Fuck off with your disingenous fanservice. (also his design is atrocious and the artstyle doesn't flatter him at all)
4) Erzsébet. Literally an OC made by a 5 yo. Look at her! She's so cool and special! She's older than Dracula, stronger than Dracula, more evil than Dracula, more dangerous than Dracula, and she turns into an invincible Sun Thundercat! Yeah good job, but you forgot to give her a personality.
3) Annette. She is not a character. She is nothing more than accurately engineered discourse bait. I refuse to acknowledge this shallow attempt at "badass representation" that I am supposed to like on the sole basis of her race and gender. I am so tired of Stronk Women that are actually giant assholes, all flash and no substance.
2) Isaac. I will concede that he has the most coherent character arc of all characters, but aside from that, he pisses me off something fierce for how overrated he is. Forgettable design, pretentious as fuck, spouting faux-philosophical quotes to hide how petty he is, basically a jihadist in S3, wakes up one day in S4 and suddenly he's Muslim Jesus, disgustingly OP because the narrative finds every way to suck his shiny dick... and his amazing arc that everyone praises him for, the thing that makes him "better than that stupid gay joker from CoD"? It's just a worse version of Hector's from the mangas, which left him Hector here with no arc to speak of. Get him out of my sight.
1) Lenore. Her concept is great. She is an intriguing foil to both Carmilla and Hector, and incarnates an unique type of villainy: she is amoral, kind for her own selfish purposes, with understandable goals but willing to do anything to achieve them. I want to like her. Too bad she is a disgusting, repulsive, inconsistent, bratty rapist that I am supposed to feel sorry for because oh, she's not so bad after all :) she did everything for Hector's own good :) she's not actually evil :) she deserved to smooch the man she raped into slavery, don't you feel bad that she sunned herself like a selfish coward :) Lenore begs to be rewritten by someone who doesn't jerk off to abusive dommy mommies, but in her canon state, she makes me ill.
Now for the episodes :P
10) The Great Work (S4E7): I never watched it because it's boring as shit, which speaks of the terrible pacing of this show and especially S4. I know it has the infamous "vampires dislike crosses because their vision is fucked up" scene lmao
9) The River (S2E6): It's the episode where the zombie bishop resurrected by a dark necromancer who is now working for a vampire with plans of enslaving mankind is apparently favored by God to the point of being able to bless water. Do I need to say more? Well, it's also the episode where the heroes suddenly remember they are supposed to do shit and hack into Dracula's castle, and the episode that fully cements Dracula as an ineffectual pathetic antagonist easily manipulable by the real villain, no I don't care that he's kinda cool in For Love. (at least the scene with Carmilla avoiding the river and the castle is fun to watch)
8) Bless Your Dead Little Hearts (S3E1): The beginning of Alucard's and Trepha's plotlines, two utter mindnumbing wastes of time, and Hector's plotline, which is the show beating me over the head with a nail bat while screeching "LOOK HOW PATHETIC HECTOR IS! LOOK AT THIS PITIFUL WET CAT! LOOK AT HIM COWERING NAKED IN A CELL EATING MOLDY BREAD! FEEL SORRY FOR HIM!". Just unpleasant for all sorts of reasons.
7) It's Been A Strange Ride (S4E10): Trevor miraculously survives Death! Alucard is happy to live with his new bossy gf as if nothing ever happened! Lenore suns herself just for a final kick in the balls to Hector, whose character will forever be remembered as "useless simp"! And most importantly, Dracula and Lisa get to live again as if the dude didn't just try to exterminate mankind, and they will have endless kinky sex until she dies while Alucard will forever mourn his parents but no one gives a shit about that because we love to piss on the games! :D
6) Old Homes (S2E2): It has the double combo "Alucard being the biggest moistest cunt to Trevor while we're supposed to laugh at this hilarious banter" and "Carmilla girlbossily girlbosses all over Dracula who can't even punish this vampire who insults his wife in front of everyone, establishing herself as the cooler villain"! Joy!
5) The Good Dream (S3E6): "Walkies! :D"
4) Back In The World (S4E5): It's the one with the infamous "Oh, shush, you were having fun" :) and all the Lenore apologism that follows :)
3) You Don't Deserve My Blood (S4E6): I get it. Isaac is Jesus and I should drop to my knees to suck his entire dick. Good thing this is his last appearance. Other than that, this episode is the last nail in the coffin for what was left of Hector's character, who is revealed to have been working to resurrect Dracula (a complete spit in the face to everything he stood for in S2) and also chooses to stay with his rapist instead of seeking true freedom.
2/1) The Harvest (S3E9)/Abandon All Hope (S3E10): It's hard to separate the two, and I wouldn't know which one is worse. The Harvest is infamous for being half boring fight scenes, and half "hot" sex scenes that are actually rape by deception: the entire episode is simply uncomfortable to sit through, not helped by the shoddy editing. Abandon All Hope is the season finally dropping its final message: "the world sucks, and you will be betrayed". Everyone except babyboy Isaac is left traumatized and cynical because we are so fucking edgy, we are just like Berserk fr fr. And, of course, in retrospect, Alucard and Hector's endings piss me off even more as all of their pain was for fucking nothing :)
(Nocturne is completely forgettable and doesn't reach the peaks of NFCV so it deserves its own ranking)
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