#literally just changed all my documents
marsontheweb · 1 year
The trans masc urge to change your name every two weeks
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endusviolence · 6 months
Rowling isn't denying holocaust. She just pointed out that burning of transgender health books is a lie as that form of cosmetic surgery didn't exist. But of course you knew that already, didn't you?
I was thinking I'd probably see one of you! You're wrong :) Let's review the history a bit, shall we?
In this case, what we're talking about is the Institut für Sexualwissenschaft, or in English, The Institute of Sexology. This Institute was founded and headed by a gay Jewish sexologist named Magnus Hirschfeld. It was founded in July of 1919 as the first sexology research clinic in the world, and was run as a private, non-profit clinic. Hirschfeld and the researchers who worked there would give out consultations, medical advice, and even treatments for free to their poorer clientele, as well as give thousands of lectures and build a unique library full of books on gender, sexuality, and eroticism. Of course, being a gay man, Hirschfeld focused a lot on the gay community and proving that homosexuality was natural and could not be "cured".
Hirschfeld was unique in his time because he believed that nobody's gender was either one or the other. Rather, he contended that everyone is a mixture of both male and female, with every individual having their own unique mix of traits.
This leads into the Institute's work with transgender patients. Hirschfeld was actually the one to coin the term "transsexual" in 1923, though this word didn't become popular phrasing until 30 years later when Harry Benjamin began expanding his research (I'll just be shortening it to trans for this brief overview.) For the Institute, their revolutionary work with gay men eventually began to attract other members of the LGBTA+, including of course trans people.
Contrary to what Anon says, sex reassignment surgery was first tested in 1912. It'd already being used on humans throughout Europe during the 1920's by the time a doctor at the Institute named Ludwig Levy-Lenz began performing it on patients in 1931. Hirschfeld was at first opposed, but he came around quickly because it lowered the rate of suicide among their trans patients. Not only was reassignment performed at the Institute, but both facial feminization and facial masculization surgery were also done.
The Institute employed some of these patients, gave them therapy to help with other issues, even gave some of the mentioned surgeries for free to this who could not afford it! They spoke out on their behalf to the public, even getting Berlin police to help them create "transvestite passes" to allow people to dress however they wanted without the threat of being arrested. They worked together to fight the law, including trying to strike down Paragraph 175, which made it illegal to be homosexual. The picture below is from their holiday party, Magnus Hirschfeld being the gentleman on the right with the fabulous mustache. Many of the other people in this photo are transgender.
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[Image ID: A black and white photo of a group of people. Some are smiling at the camera, others have serious expressions. Either way, they all seem to be happy. On the right side, an older gentleman in glasses- Magnus Hirschfeld- is sitting. He has short hair and a bushy mustache. He is resting one hand on the shoulder of the person in front of him. His other hand is being held by a person to his left. Another person to his right is holding his shoulder.]
There was always push back against the Institute, especially from conservatives who saw all of this as a bad thing. But conservatism can't stop progress without destroying it. They weren't willing to go that far for a good while. It all ended in March of 1933, when a new Chancellor was elected. The Nazis did not like homosexuals for several reasons. Chief among them, we break the boundaries of "normal" society. Shortly after the election, on May 6th, the book burnings began. The Jewish, gay, and obviously liberal Magnus Hirschfeld and his library of boundary-breaking literature was one of the very first targets. Thankfully, Hirschfeld was spared by virtue of being in Paris at the time (he would die in 1935, before the Nazis were able to invade France). His library wasn't so lucky.
This famous picture of the book burnings was taken after the Institute of Sexology had been raided. That's their books. Literature on so much about sexuality, eroticism, and gender, yes including their new work on trans people. This is the trans community's Alexandria. We're incredibly lucky that enough of it survived for Harry Benjamin and everyone who came after him was able to build on the Institute's work.
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[Image ID: A black and white photo of the May Nazi book burning of the Institute of Sexology's library. A soldier, back facing the camera, is throwing a stack of books into the fire. In the background of the right side, a crowd is watching.]
As the Holocaust went on, the homosexuals of Germany became a targeted group. This did include transgender people, no matter what you say. To deny this reality is Holocaust denial. JK Rowling and everyone else who tries to pretend like this isn't reality is participating in that evil. You're agreeing with the Nazis.
But of course, you knew that already, didn't you?
Edit: Added image IDs. I apologize to those using screen readers for forgetting them. Please reblog this version instead.
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witchwhaat · 1 month
the urge to chop off all of my hair vs the "you know it takes forever to grow them"
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twicethetrouble · 1 year
I'm going to start a Daily Posting fic. Help me choose what
Explanation. I've gotten out of the habit of writing daily. I do not like this. The best way i know to fix this (for me) is to write a fic that's soul purpose is for me to write a little bit each day and post that little bit immediately.
I plan on trying this again, but posting the little bits here daily and eventually posting it (edited and formatted properly) onto AO3. and since i'm posting it here first, you all get a choice of what this project will be. in the form of a poll. (b/c why not.)
and just to make it interesting, i'm only putting the weird document names (with fandom and basic vibe)
(all of these i have a varying amount of stuff written for them already but I will post that first before going from there)
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hella1975 · 1 year
Hi, I followed you for your fic and I saw you had some posts about having ADHD.
I'm also ADHD, could you tell me about your writing process? I get stuck with things staying in the notes app and they don't really get past that stage.
I'm not sure if it's an interest thing, if the notes fulfill the want so there's no need to put it together. If you have anything thoughts about how to keep up the consistency for fic that'd be appreciated.
Hopefully this isn't too serious of a question, I just have some trouble with wanting to write but not having a purpose for it and I was wondering if that was a brain thing/relatable.
Thank you in advance for any response ☺️ also good luck with your uni stuff~
thank you anon! and dw this isn't too serious at all. i think it's interesting that you ask about keeping consistency bc ironically the biggest tell of my adhd in my writing is my INCONSISTENCY, as you can see with the way updates happen. i wrote 200k words of taob in one year and now i update twice a year on average. i wrote 60k words of tams within a few weeks and now it hasn't been updated since july. and these are just my public projects where i at least have the added pressure of knowing people are waiting for an update, you should see the state of some of my original wips! basically my point here is that my adhd is VERY apparent with my writing habits, but these days i work with it instead of trying to fight it. even before i knew i had adhd, i was aware that my writing came in periods. id go a few weeks churning out insane amounts daily and then dry up for months on end, and each time id enter the 'have i lost it??? will i ever write again???' spiral until low and behold, something would inspire me again and id be back to typing like a madman. i used to seriously fight my dry periods bc of that fear of 'losing' my writing, but that never helped and honestly turning writing into a need instead of a want probably made it worse.
it's one reason - aside the fact it is rude and annoying, i dont want to pretend it isn't or put the blame on me bc that's not what im saying here - that constant demands for fic updates bother me so much, bc people dont realise that the writing style i have now where yes we unfortunately go long times without updates is actually how my writing comes out at its best standard. so yeah! it can be incredibly frustrating and even scary to feel physically unable to write, but if it's something you like and want to do i do truly believe it'll always come back sooner or later, or at least that's my experience :)
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hawkeyedflame · 2 years
#im not vagueing anyone specific so if u think this is abt you don't get your underwear twisted okay this is about like. so many ppl.#but it's so fucking frustrating seeing people i know (friends/family/coworkers/etc) going thru so much mental health struggle#often accompanied by physical health issues like weight/skin/pain problems#and knowing their diet is absolutely dogtrash#and trying to come up with a way to tell them that is nice but will maybe get them to think or change their ways#i know i know. you can lead a horse to water and all but it's just fucking agonizing knowing that people are suffering so needlessly#and it would go away if they just put the right food in their bodies#and no this isn't even an injunction to carnivore you can recover significantly with meat-heavy noncarnivore ketogenic diets#but people are so resistant to the idea that they can eat their way out of mental illness even though this is well documented#it just makes me want to rip my hair out that people would really rather stay the same than try something that could make them better#like i really can't fucking relate the whole reason i ended up a carnivore is because i was so *desperate* to be healthy#and trying something for a month just to see sounds so much better than letting everything get worse until i'm literally dying#but then i see so many sick people with garbage diets just completely resist the suggestion that the solution could possibly be so simple#like what more can i do for you? i dont want you to be sick. YOU dont want you to be sick. what do you lose from just trying??#ugh i cant. im so. i know this is going to be my career path but god fucking damn if it isn't infuriating
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cass-cc · 2 years
diagnose me how you see fit but I just want to have a blueprint/floorplan laid out for the archives if not the most of the institute before I start actually drawing tma stuff with backgrounds
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im-with-nasa · 2 years
why??? did almost everyone i knew from my high school turn to some sort of extremism when we graduated??? was it the pandemic??? being chronically online??? COLLEGE??? i just wanna know omg
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becca-alexa · 2 years
i understand the technological gap between generations but at what point does that gap just turn into incompetence
#becca.txt#i don't mind fixing presentations and documents and PDFs for my coworkers i really don't it's not what they hired me for but i do not mind#but it's another thing entirely for you to give me the ugliest piece of shit i've ever seen and just expect me to make it presentable#especially when making this shit is YOUR job which you were HIRED for and which you were doing BEFORE i got here#how is any of this acceptable#and why are you hinging YOUR job security on whether you can get ME to fix your shit#your incompetence is not my problem#in this day and age if you've been working (at my job) for X years and you can't align a fucking PPT deck i'm sorry that's on you#my coworker had to be walked through changing fucking FONT COLOR on a word doc#and this is her JOB#i'm sorry i am just getting fed up with it#and she comes to me about how the manager is picking on her for her shoddy work and one of these days i'm going to snap#and just tell her yeah our manager's right this looks like shit you've been doing this for ten years and this is just not it#there is no reason for someone who's been here as long as you have to be producing this quality of work#and i don't want to be rude but it's just what it is#and she keeps trying to blame her executive dysfunction and how she has adhd and whatever else#like bitch so do i but you don't see me trying to pass off garbage and hoping nobody says anything#everybody at the company has been coddling this woman because she is a literal sugar cube of a lady and they all love her#and at the core of it it she isn't half bad at what she was hired for - which is GIVING training presentations#but lady the other half of that job description is MAKING the goddamn presentations#but our manager's new and he's having none of it and it's upsetting her so she's coming to me#and i don't know what to say about it anymore i am sick of it#pls ignore i am upset
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pears-trinkets · 3 months
#my colleagues and i get officially bullied at work 👍#until now it was mostly vibes and passive aggressive looking the other way#and telling us to stop bullying the coworkers who literally screamed at my colleague and spread rumors about us#but now they actually tell us into our faces that they wont do their job if its for us and tell clients that we're not in when we are#my colleague asked the office manager to check on some postal stuff he kept messing up really bad#like sending out original documents without any tracking and it got lost#and she asked him to check if he put tracking on the new documents#because she saw that he didnt#and he just replied 'i will not' and forwarded it to all the office partners#and im 90% sure he gossips about me working from home because of personal circumstances#he just got all mean and laughs in a sassy way how i dont work and im never in#so thats why he doesnt even check the phone tool whether im online and tells people im not in today#and then doesnt even tell me that someone tried to reach me#i hate everyone so much its like school where people gossip and are mean and kick down and call you freak when you point out their behavior#i hate how i wanted to quit in November but was told to stay put and wait until march#then wait til may#now its october#i hate that i cant quit earlier than that#i hate the whole situation#i hate that my only chance at a job is waiting for our team leader to bring us with him when he applies for a new job#and i dont even know what ill be doing then because i have no formal training or education#i hate how im unable to get a job on my own not to mention doing something i dont hate#yeah yeah i am in control of my life if i wanna change anything im the only one who can do it but i seriously can't
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delicatetaysversion · 3 months
slowly becoming everything i was afraid i would be: resentful and bitter
#are you happy father#my sister told me some amazing life changing news and all i could say was oh. accha hai#i hate hate hate being like this but i literally can't summon any other reaction#first im bitter that she told mom first and not me and i basically found out from mom. and she only told me now because she needed somethin#mailed some documents. and#she would (rightfully) hate me so fucking much if i said this but god i hate that i feel like she's leaving me behind#i know it's not about me and i know that just because im sad doesn't mean she should drop everything stop living her life and sit next to m#but just. fuck now im crying#i do ive always wanted her to be happy she visited home for few days last month and dad made her so miserable i hated seeing it#she loses her shine her spark her energy when she's at home. with us#and she's the only family member i truly love and ever since i remember having any memories#she was preparing for jee that's my earliest memory of her when she was in 11th and 12th#and all those fights horrible fights all i wanted was for her to get away. it was always worse for her because dad could see she loves mom#so he treated her like he treated mom and#god it does it kills me it has killed me i can never forgot those memories when he has hit her so many times i can't get the image the nois#out of my head they play like a loop on my worst days#it's just. if she moves out of india. she won't visit that often😭😭😭😭#god this is so fucking selfish i hate feeling like this she needs me to be happy for her#she hates leaving me behind she's always talking about leave home come on come live with me she doesn't make a lot but she's like#tera kharcha toh main utha lungi aaram se#i know it would kill her if i told her how i feel jealous and ledt behind god the guilt would hurt her so bad#fuck man#dni
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unboundbnha · 4 months
I’ve started *gags, chokes* writing….again….*spits out blood, gasps and gurgles as I fall to the ground*
#AUGUUGHDHDHDHDG HHHHGNBDHBGHB#it feels like pulling teeth ngl#I’ve had this fic idea in my head for over a year now and I only ever poked at it#never really like. got deep into it#just wrote the fun stuff#but I didn’t have a timeline or even a true PLOT it was just kind of my brainchild#so tonight I buckled down and wrote out the timeline. like 90% of it at least#I cleaned up my old document and took out the bits that didn’t work#reordered it into something resembling chronological#and YES it hurts but it also feels AMAZING#because. okay. I have a complicated relationship with writing#I used to love it. a lot. it was my favorite pastime#but then I started hating my writing voice because it was (is) *weird*#I like to write horror and I have a writing voice somewhat similar to Douglas Adams#and when I was younger I tried really hard to change my writing voice because again. I hated it. I thought it was weird and silly#and trying to write in a voice that wasn’t mine made me HATE writing#so I literally put down fic for 10yrs and didn’t write a damn word#until January of 2023 when I finally started poking away at this document#I only have 25 pages and it’s not connected or fluid and there’s some things that don’t quite make sense#but I have my timeline now! and I know where all the pieces go#I know how to get from point A to B to C#and. WHEW. it feels GREAT.#again it was like pulling teeth but also so fucking awesome#I’m nervous but excited. excited but nervous#and I hope — with enough time and polishing — I will feel confident enough to publish it :’)#Zilla’s things
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aesadraws · 5 months
Me? Creating character sheets for all my favorite final fantasy characters in my own TTRPG? Absolutely.
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heyitslapis · 7 months
oh shit i keep forgetting i need to fill out a change of address form with usps so my old landlord doesnt contact me about my old junkmail again...
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wekillitwithfire · 10 months
do important assignments due in two days? NO. design personalized covers for all my spotify playlists.
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sugar-plum-writer · 4 months
Company Cam-Girl <3
Tags: Gang-bang [Toji, Sukuna, Gojo and Suguru]; Use of toys [vibrator]; slight-bondage; size-kink; camera; public-exposure; nsfw + more nsfw; porn with slight plot; manhandling; unprotected sex; spanking; over-stimulation; cream pie; c*mplay; rough sex; lot's and lot's of very dirty talk; explicit; MNDI!; (18+); smut
A/n: This is probably the most explicit thing I might have written; my hazy imagination is getting too much. This period is killing me so it's just pure filth, this is pure porn with a little plot so MDNI!
Synopsis: What happens when a slight back talk results in getting railed and over stimulated like crazy by 4 big men in the sex-toy company?
Word count: 2.6k
[Pic not mine I randomly found it on the internet; I'll change it the owner requests ]
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Your heels clicked on the floor as you walked, the place you worked was- explicit to say the least. You would have never expected to work in a company like this when you graduated- literally; a sex toy manufacturing company? beyond your wildest dreams
You were working here all because of pure desperation. Broke with college debts does not make life easy. The position gave good pay, insurance, good bonus, what else could you ask for? hence you continued working.
You worked in the marketing department which was a headache as it sometimes made you wonder how to advertise certain devices.
"Y/n- the manager is calling you to discuss the latest high-intensity vibrator ad!", one of your colleagues yelled giving you the papers and walking away
You looked at the paper which outlined the build, the components, the types of intensity, movements, etc normal people would look away and even be embarrassed but- after a while, it became average to you like another Tuesday.
"Alright, tell him I'll be there, " you yelled, browsing the pages as you entered the office.
"This design is so outdated… we need a new design-", Suguru muttered as he sat at his desk scrolling annoyed, the cigarette hanging off his lips
Toji clicked his tongue as he leaned back on his chair, "Damn if only we could experiment it on someone and record everything down", his deep voice sent a shiver down your spine
"I could always get a hook-up to try it out~", Gojo muttered with a smirk, "I don't mind"
"You fools", Sukuna scorned, "A hook-up won't give accurate data- her fucking brain will just be mushy, ask any questions-", he rolled his eyes, "her replies will just be fucking moans"
"Don't any of you have a girlfriend or somethin'?", Toji groaned as he grabbed his beer bottle, drowning it down, "You can get her and we can experiment"
"Nah- I asked my ex once she nearly threw a god-damn vase at my face", chuckling Gojo scrolled through his phone
"Ah, shit-"
With a groan, they collectively sighed. The atmosphere in the room was tense- after all, they were your superiors, you were just a mere girl from the PR department
"um- excuse me", clenching the papers tight you looked at them all, "T-The documents have an error-", you tried to keep your voice stable
"Oh shut up woman", Sukuna glared as he walked towards you, "Can't you read the room? or are you senseless?"
"Huh-?", rage-filled your veins, you were already annoyed with overwork- been working so hard not to let it get to you but this- this was the last straw.
"You are the senseless one!", you snapped back, "You assholes can't even design a vibrator properly! Look at you discussing this shit!", you scorned and shoved the paper on Sukunas face as you glared at the others
"What did you just say you fucking bitch-", Sukuna grabbed your jaw pinning you against the wall
"You deaf?", glaring into his eyes you scoffed, "I said you assholes cannot even design a fucking vibrator"
"Yo, calm down", Gojo yelled as he made his way towards you and Sukuna
"Fuck off-", his grip on you tightened choking you
"What a pain in the ass", Toji grabbed Sukuna with Suguru and pulled him back
"Tch", groaning he let go of you while Gojo picked up the fallen papers
"You alright?", Sugurus eyes locked with yours- something about his cold black eyes- gave you goosebumps all over your skin
"Y-Yeah" Gasping for air you coughed as you looked at Sukuna who was starting to calm down more
"You said we can't design a vibrator, right?" Toji smirked with a dangerous glint in his eyes
"Y-Yeah..", You backed away afraid. Something about his expression makes you instinctively back away as if your body subconsciously tried to protect itself
"Why not be our test subject? we lacked one anyways~", with a sneer he leaned in. The atmosphere in the room changed as all eyes were on you.
"Your fool brain finally came up with a good idea", grinning Sukuna fixed his blazer, "What do you say woman? or are you too scared?"
"W-What!? no way never!", you immediately shook your head shaking it crazily
"Awwww come on~ it'll be fun I promise!", Gojo nudged you wrapping his arm around your shoulder
"No way!", slapping his hand away you glared
"See you said we can't design good vibrators", putting out the cigarette in his mouth Suguru shrugged, "Have you ever even used one of our vibrators to know if it's bad? ever cummed dripping wet?"
You blushed hard, "W-what explicit nonsense are you even saying!?", shoving the papers on his face you scowled
"Oh~ is someone scared?" smugly Sukuna leaned in and whispered near your ears, his hot breath sending shivers down your spine
"N-No I'm not! It's just a vibrator!", shoving him away you tried to push the men away
"Great!", standing behind you Gojo wrapped his arms around your waist pulling you close, "I'll even let you try out my new designs baby~"
"Hey! Bun-head, grab the newest vibrators and bring them here", Sukuna yelled, "We found a pussy to try it on!" he chuckled deviously
"What-!?" before you could say anything Toji cut you off, "Bring some lube too, I just know she's tight as fuck", smirking he looked into your eyes
"Alright, alright- I'll even bring a camera to record it. Need the data", with this- Suguru went to get all the items whistling
All while you stood stunned- how did you even end up like this? How did a small comeback develop to- well- this?!
"You did it to yourself, baby girl, ~ if only you hadn't opened that darn mouth of yours", with a chuckle Gojo whispered near your ears
"oh well, I'll look after you well~"
"Is the Pussy visible?" Gojo leaned in as he looked at the screen of the camera
"Yeah, just gotta zoom in more", Suguru adjusted the camera, the RBG ratio, etc as he zoomed in
With your legs spread apart on Sukunas desk- your panties are removed as your cunt's all visible in the camera. Rather than an office it looked like a porn production set.
"Hm…she's tight", Toji looked at your cunt, "I wonder when's the last time she got fucked", Sukuna muttered
"Shut up!? what the fuck do you think you are even saying-", embarrassed you looked at both of them annoyed, "Just by looking at my- my pussy you think you can say such things?"
"Doll, I have seen enough to know what pussy has not been fucked and how well it was fucked", chuckling Sukuna smirked
Hearing Sukuna's comment Toji, Gojo and Suguru snickered
"Damn right", smiling smugly Suguru stood up and walked towards you
"You-", too stunned to speak you just lower your head, "How can they say such things!?" you think as you take a sharp breath blushing; almost embarrassed with the explicitness but it was low-key hot.
You hated to admit it but you were aroused as fuck. The cool air brushed against your cunt making the walls quiver, 4 hot guys gazing at you as they discuss what's the best way to record your pussy holding vibrators in the office. It made you get even more wet with your cunt oozing out and dripping, making a mess on Sukuna's desk.
"Look she's already dripping and making a mess how cute~ how needy", Gojo chuckled
"Well can't leave her like this can we?" with a smirk rolling up his sleeves Sukuna started circling his fingers around your clitoris- flicking it a bit making you gasp
"W-wait!" trying to stabilize yourself at the sudden wave of pleasure you try to focus elsewhere, your hands and body trembled at the way he abused your clitoris
"Where's your mind goin'?" Toji cups your breasts and starts kneading them, pinching and flicking the nipples making you squirm and moan
"T-Toji wait ah-" your eyes widen as your feel Sukunas fingers do deeper stretching you out ruthlessly, "She's tight- Fuck", he gritted his teeth
Tossing your head back you try to cover your mouth but it was instantly pulled away by Toji, "Can't have you cover your mouth now can we sweetheart?", smugly he pulled your shirt up and tied your hands with it
"Nice boobs you got here", Gojo brushed his hand against your breasts, fondling them, "I wonder how hard the nipples can get heh~", smirking he brought his lips closer to your nipples and started sucking on them making you moan even louder, "Gojo- ah! 'tis too much wait-!" earning only a chuckle from him as he sucked even harder biting it
"The Vibrator No 1 is ready~ let's see how well you take it darling", smirking Suguru stood beside Sukuna- turning the vibrator on and putting it down on your cunt grinding it, the movements so good you felt you were on cloud 9; while Sukuna continued to move his fingers deeper stretching you out.
"Smile for the camera doll", smirking Sukuna slapped your pussy which stinged a bit but also made you so fucking wet it was embarrassing
The intense stimulation from the vibrator immediately made you arch your back, toss your head back and let out the loudest moans you could muster, it was stimulating- too stimulating.
It was too much- your poor pussy could not stand so much abuse. It was all puffy, sobbing wet, begging for mercy as it dripped and oozed pre-cum. Tears stained your cheeks as you whined and moaned
Your breasts were off even worse, the biting and sucking of Gojo had swollen your nipples so much. The bite marks covering your breasts stung but also gave you so much pleasure wanting more
"Fuck- who knew we had such a natural cam-girl?", licking his lips Toji just watched your expressions hungrily wanting to devour you
"I know right? Should have fucked her and filled her up first", chuckling Suguru increased the intensity of the vibrator to it's highest limit making you gasp and moan, squirm all at once, "Let's see how loud she can scream eh?"
"Oh my God! it's too much ah-" tossing your head back you squeezed your thighs shut as your eyes rolled back and you climaxed instantly because of the intensity
"Stay still, how bratty", slapping your thighs Sukuna spread your legs open forcefully holding them down, his fingers covered in your release, "Heh- who said the vibrator was bad huh? look at the amount of cum", smirking he licked it off his fingers making you blush harder and be even wetter.
"D-Don't-!" you frantically tried to wipe your cum off his fingers too bad Toji held your arms down all tied up
"I wanna taste some too~", licking his lips smugly Gojo with a quick movement shoved his fingers inside your cunt and licked it
"How sweet I can eat her out forever~ Try some Suguru"
"Oh don't mind if I do~"
Seeing them taste your cum from their fingers made you almost lose your mind and your brain felt mushy. The camera still recording everything that they were doing to you. It was so crazy
"Hah- finally stretched out, what a good fucking pussy", Sukuna smirked satisfied
"We can finally put the vibrator in~ shall we put two?", Gojo chuckled as he gazed at your cunt
"I think she can take it~" smugly Toji looked you in the eyes, "She's such a good girl after all. Aren't you baby?"
"Well" with a sneer Suguru finally put the vibrator inside you with the highest intensity, "Let's see what she can do, go at it girl show what you got~"
Hungrily they all gazed at you, their eyes those of starving wolves who wanted to completely devour you, fill you up- breed you so fucking well like the way you deserve. You had no idea what a raging boner they had seeing you and your cunt.
"Oh my god- ah- hah~", moaning you squirm as the vibrator continued to hit all the right spots- making your whole body-shake, your walls clenching so tight- holding on for dear life; "Fuck it's so good!", biting your lips you closed your eyes as you felt your brain going numb.
It felt like it was designed specifically for you, the way it hit your G-spot was driving you mad. It kept pushing you over the edge again and again.
"Shit", biting his lips Sukuna approached you, his hard-on evident, bulging fully, so big it made you wonder if it would even fit.
"Moaning like a whore just from a mere vibrator", unbuckling his pants he removed the vibrator making you sequel and whimper
"Guy's let's give her the best fuck of her life shall we?", smirking he positioned himself to your entrance and slammed in without warning, doing deep, hard and fast thrusts- hitting your G-spot again and again
"Fuck, so good, shit how was I missing out on such good pussy"
The vibrator already broke your brain in the beginning and now feeling Sukuna fuck you, so big- so hard- filling you up so well drove you even more over the edge. Your throat had gone dry from all the moaning
Toji, Gojo and Suguru also unable to keep their hand to themselves any longer; unbuckled their belts with their hard on started jerking off standing beside you, letting out grunts and moans imagining fucking you. Making you suck on their dicks like the good girl you were.
Seeing how big they all were you wondered how your poor cunt will ever be able to take them all inside.
Your vision was going white with all the pleasure as you clenched around Sukuna's dick, squeezing him so tight he tossed his head back pussy drunk just wanting to feel you all around him.
You don't know many hours went by all you know is they all took their turns fucking you- in all positions, filling you up with their cum; praising you and telling how much of a good girl you are, how well you are taking them.
You were fully- completely knocked out and brain fucked. The office fully messy from the desk to the couch and all vibrators gone.
The next moment you wake up, sharp pain shoots up and down your body as you groan.
"Oh look who woke up, our cam-girl", chucking Toji sat beside you while the others crowded around you
That's when everything hit you all at once and you look down finding yourself completely and utterly naked.
"You took us all in so well baby~ my dicks never been more satisfied", Gojo lifted you making you sit on his lap and kissed your neck
"S-Shut up! I need to go!" you blushed hard and tried to stand up but tripped
"What a brat, you really think you can stand? how annoying, you were better brain fucked", Sukuna immediately grabs you supporting you to not fall
"You!-" feeling your blood boil you immediately try to open your mouth to yell all kinds of profanities
"Oh she's awake", Suguru entered the room smirking, "Still naked is she? are we going for another round? Because I am down"
"I'll die if we do another round!?" in panic you look at them all in the eyes earning a chuckle and a light slap on your ass from Sukuna making you whine
"Shut up you aren't going anywhere from today onwards you are our girl"
"Huh!?", you gasp in shock
"Everything we did is recorded", Gojo chuckled grinning, "Suguru even finished processing it darling~ thank you for your-", he tossed a vibrator to you and winked, "lovely data"
You stand utterly stunned knowing there is no way out from this, they'll eat you alive whenever they please. You are officially the company's cam-girl and test-subject.
Congrats on your promotion~ <3
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