#literally wille literally spat when he said that lol
indianchindian · 16 days
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He spat omggggggg 🤣🤣😭😭
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20001541 · 1 month
You know, in AFO's place, I would have really been very angry with Yoichi and felt betrayed, not wanting to justify any of the atrocities that AFO committed, but Yoichi only had the opportunity to live and be good because AFO did the dirty work for them to survive, All for one provided (in his view) everything to Yoichi and while Yoichi contributed nothing other than his presence, and when things are finally working out, and even after giving him a Quirk, he goes there and abandons you, and joins his enemies who would kill you if they had the chance, regardless of whether Yoichi was right or wrong, in AFO's position I would feel devastated and would be very angry, from AFO's perspective it looks like he spat on the plate he eat
I think it's ironic that as a child afo viewed yoichi as something that was weak and provided him with nothing, kept around solely because he viewed him as a possession. only for him to later spend the majority of his life chasing after his quirk as it was one of the few pieces left of him, he even kept his severed hand after he died. then he spends his last moments finally admitting that he needs yoichi.
and yeah I can see how afo would feel this way, but at the same time he kind of dug his own grave there. he treated and viewed yoichi as something he owned and while official english translation left it out, afo said his dream was for everyone in the world to exist for his sake just like yoichi does which just goes to show how he views yoichi as a person, just someone who lives for afo and afo alone. 😬
also remembering this panel from 408 where the left side is how yoichi was living with afo while the right is how he lived with kudou and bruce. just look how much better his living situation got once he was away from afo. and yoichi knows what afo has done for him "you kept me alive", he just wishes afo would stop treating people like expendable things. that's literally all he wants from afo, to stop hurting others for personal gain.
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and afo just expected yoichi to just shut up and follow him as he's always had once he declared his dream, but yoichi just wasn't going to do that anymore lol. which resulted in the vault, and forced isolation for long periods of times is a form of psychological torture. fandom jokes about it a lot, but it's extremely screwed up what afo did just to get yoichi to join him.
but I believe afo truly did want to connect with yoichi on an interpersonal level, but he was unable to because of the way he grew up, learning only to get what he wants by force so he tried that with yoichi (forcing him to stay by his side and conform to his ideals, not wanting to let him go and try to be his own person, only what afo wanted him to be) and all it did was push yoichi further and further away. quite tragic really.
I think it says a lot in how yoichi was willing to run away with strangers that for all he knows could be planning to hurt him later on as a way to get to afo rather than stay with the brother he's known all his life. just shows how unbearable afo's controlling nature was. it's not easy to leave everything you've known behind, but he had to do it for his own sake. afo was only getting worse.
so yeah I don't think afo should've been surprised at the fact that yoichi refused to look back at him when he was running with the rebels in the sewers, too bad yoichi had to pay for afo's own jealousy with his life.
it's not like vestige yoichi takes joy in seeing afo being beaten, you can see him though the fight looking almost sad that it has to come to this. maybe in a different world they could've been happy.
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pt-disconnected · 1 year
Anonymous Ask Responses #20
This one is pretty delayed, sorry about that. But I will say there's some interesting ones here. And some amusing ones. But with that out of the way, let's just get straight into it.
First, some from before the latest iteration in the series. Lots of these ones, so I'm sticking with ones I found interesting.
"Oh interesting~ Toriel now knowing about the soul being Player's... Now thats gonna bring up a lot of questions, especially the way they found Kris in the first place. Though I do have to ask, how is Player going to go around town to the other Dark Worlds without being seen by others?" As we saw earlier, the group made their attempts to hide the Player while headed to the school (with it succeeding to fool everyone except Berdly). However this won't be how it happens every day, so that will get complicated for the group as time goes on.
also @prhthezanko:
"Ah yes, Toby is the one who planned this all. Toby created a connection to another world to get a more immersive story. Though, he didn't plan on it being literally immersive. Here's a small idea, since this time travel is inside said world, and not in the Overworld, it more like an auto pilot, and to keep the paradox, it automatically disconnects at the point to prevent timeline corruption. I don't think Gaster would risk a temporal paradox that might endanger his plan, right~?" Mmm, more like the game window can be open at a given point in time. Normally this would flow with time the same as any other situation, but with the altered SAVE data, it gets a little screwy since it isn't pulling a character in the game back in time, and thus not affecting the actual timeline at all. Everything goes the same until a new element, the Player, is introduced. And since the Player has gone in and out of the timeline already, the game simply works around that- if they encounter themselves, then they likely either change future events or just get pulled back again. This might be due to an error in the code of the 'gateway', since there's not supposed to be two of the same character at any given point. That's part of why the Player needed the avatar in the first place. Errors in the code do usually cause the window to close however, which could mean one of two things. One, the Player is spat back out of the Light World into the Over World again. Two, they become trapped in the Light World until they manage to reopen the 'gateway'.
We'll see which of these options works best for story purposes. :)
"I hope I didn't miss anything here but will Kris play as a party member given that the player is now an individual character that isn't controlling Kris anymore?"
It's less because the Player is an individual character and more that Kris no longer has a SOUL that can get hurt. But we don't fully know that whole mess yet. We'll see soon enough.
"When kris was kicking player in part 8, the only thing I thought of was John Mulany saying 'stay down on the ground you motherfucker' lol" Kinda what Kris was doing. They were sick of the Player choosing for them and wanted to exact revenge, and when they can't fight back it's a lot easier to do that. But, well, we saw what happened in the end. Hitting someone while they're down is a cheap fighting technique, and that's kinda why I put it here. Kris was willing to use such low blows because of how aggravated they were.
"I just realized that in part 8 when player tellis kris to “strike them down and get their freedom” it was referencing the asgore fight in undertale where asgore tells frisk to do the same thing"
Close, but honestly not quite. Asgore says (word for word) "take my soul, and leave this cursed place". But it definitely was a part of what that scene was based on. A small part admittedly. It also is a nod to how the SPARE function works in Undertale, outside of the Asgore battle anyways. You don't fight back- you take each hit, and you just grin and bear it, continuing to try and connect with them and see what they're like. You never really think about what it looks like from the other side though...
"Seam saying the stuff about the player just makes me think of the snowgrave route"
I wonder why? Maybe it was intentional? :) But seriously though, if someone who did the Snowgrave route for fun had gotten this sort of situation, things would be a lot worse. And no, I'm not gonna go down that path for any spin-off stuff. Too dark. (Doesn't mean I'm gonna stop anyone else.)
"Oh I love the details. The souls, the fact that Player will still have control (assuming nothing stops that), and so much. Here's an interesting thing, What would happen if the Player would reset just after Disconnection? Would they be able to go back before the Disconnection or would they end up at the point of Disconnection? Basically, would they be able to reset where Kris would have the soul still or would the Disconnection of the soul lock them out of the previous saves."
The timeline for that segment is fixed- anything that has been witnessed by the Player becomes a fixed event. Timelines are weird, but I'll try and explain it.
The timeline of the Light and Dark worlds is, in a way, separate from that of the Over World. The game is more or less a 'gateway' into a particular time and place in one of those worlds. Normally, the timeline is just an A to B line.
But when the Over World gets put into play, things are different. With the Player witnessing things from outside, those events are locked into place- anchoring points of sorts. This means that if the Player sees or experiences an event, it can't be reset. This is because of the distinction between Kris and the Player. Kris, being part of the world, would pull everything else back with them- otherwise there would already be a copy of Kris there, and that would break things immediately.
But the Player, upon arrival, hadn't existed until then. So while they can go back in time, they don't actually pull the rest of the world back with them. This is why they saw themselves at the Heaven/Hell gate split- they hadn't pulled the edge of the timeline back. As mentioned earlier, encountering themselves directly, with the added notation of directly changing the timeline by altering their past self, would likely cause an error in the 'gateway'. But things like this, where their past self is left unaltered, are stable, and will remain in place.
Since the Player witnessed and directly influenced the disconnection of the SOUL, it is a fixed event. If they were to alter it, then things would just revert to an earlier state before the attempt to change it. Paradox protection of sorts. If the Player never disconnected the SOUL, then they would have never been there to stop themselves from disconnecting the SOUL. Another error in the timeline.
I will say that the particular situation you bring up is interesting. It could have many implications. However, for the time being, the Player is not going to stop themselves from disconnecting the SOUL- likely only to encourage it- and none of the in-"game" characters can change it either...
"I’m guessing gaster will be the reason why player will go back in time again"
"Wait player will go back in time again. how far back will they go?"
Firstly, Gaster may be involved, but that remains to be seen. We'll see sooner or later.
Second, it could be a variety of possibilities. Could end up going back to the beginning of the story. We have no idea.
And now we return to asks from after the most recent story segment. If your ask from before that point wasn't responded to, I sincerely apologize. There's just too many of them to get all of them in one post with a reasonable size. This on its own is a whole AAR segment on its own! (Also back to the usual indicator for between questions, eight lines instead of three)
First, a few of the reaction "asks".
"Ooh things are getting interesting!!"
"I’m excited to see what happens next!"
"Ooh it’s about to go down!"
I'm glad I can make the story enjoyable enough for you all! It's honestly fun to write whenever I'm not dealing with writer's block ._.
"I wonder what will happen now" (x2)
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"Wait so where did player sleep when they were at Kris and Toriel’s house" (also x2)
Probably either the couch or one of the chairs. Pretty simple. (Though I will say I get the confusion.
"Yay you’re back!"
Yeah, kinda ^-^; I still have lots of stuff going on and Christmas break was more hectic than I thought. But I'm still gonna do my best...
"'You went off-topic. Again. You do that a lot. Can you just, for once in all these interactions, just get the information out?' Lol player is literally all of us"
...isn't that the point? XD
But seriously Gaster is the master of monologue. Susie could probably just sneak behind him and scare him to give him a heart attack and win. We don't need three hours of riddles and stuff when you're gonna explain it anyways with five minutes of actual information.
But of course, such is his character and personality.
"Player: I know I said I wanted to be a part of this game but this is not what I was expecting"
Player: sees the game doing stuff without them Also Player: WHY DID I GET SUCKED INTO THE GAME THAT SHOULDN'T HAPPEN
I mean seriously, you see a game doing weird things and don't stop to think "hey that's weird maybe I should just not mess with it"
and instead say "oh cool I want to mess with it and put myself in"
and then are surprised when you are literally put in.
In all seriousness though, you hit the nail on the head.
"So the player is staying in the dark world"
For now anyways. :)
"At long last, we end up at the part where we decided to see things through. But now, this is when it all changes, right~? Will the Player get the timeline control again since Kris should be disconnected? Or will there be some unintended side effects of meddling where you shouldn't? Time will tell, and reality shall break.
Determined to see the end, the Player ventured recklessly, but now, they will face the consequences of their actions, and the consequences shall be seen by them firsthand. Will Gaster keep them there because the soul is needed for his plan, who can tell~?"
...holy crap you just wrote that description they have on the back of the book what the peck
Anyways, we'll just have to see how it works out with the Player in the mix. We don't quite even know what we're dealing with in the first place! So yeah, definitely gonna be a tough part to write.
I will say that I'm gonna try not to go down the path of Chronology (another really good fan-continuation to Paper Trail, go check it out), so while there may be bits and pieces inspired by that, it's not going to be that at all.
So yeah, this one may take a while to write. I need to figure out a lot of unknown factors.
That being said, I'll do my best to make sure it's a really good part. I sadly can't guarantee anything (since I personally have no idea how good it is until I post it and see reactions), but I will strive to do my utmost.
And with that said and done, Anonymous Ask Responses #20 comes to a close. I hope you all understand how difficult it may be for this upcoming story part, plus college difficulties on top of that. However I do have a few ideas already, so it may come out sooner or later depending on how much I can weave together.
Thank you @prhthezanko for continuing to send interesting asks with pretty much every iteration of AAR, and sorry if I do miss your asks sometimes ._.; and also thanks to all the Anons, the asks do keep me somewhat motivated (even though I'm pretty sure there's a few asks that are from the same person, hah).
Hopefully the next part of story will be good, as it definitely is gonna be a tough one to write. But until then, I'll see you all later!
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andypantsx3 · 3 years
Ahh I cannot believe your writing anniversary is here! Happy anniversary and congrats, booboo 💖
For the ficlets, may I request a himbo!Bakugou with the prompt “What the fuck do you think you’re doing?”
Aaand of course, I gotta end it with I love you I love you I love you and I know this event is gonna be so dope.
Rest, my sweet angel princess!! I have no idea how to write himbo!Bakugou but I tried my best lol. Please accept gymbo!Bakugou.
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Just Can’t Weight | Bakugou/Reader
Prompt: “What the fuck do you think you’re doing?” Word Count: 830 words Tags/Warnings: gym AU, slight praise kink, mostly SFW Notes: Thank you @bobawithpomegranate for beta reading!!
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You mostly went to the gym for the hot blonde who functioned as the gym’s saltiest, angriest, most foul-tempered personal trainer.
Katsuki Bakugou had the face of an angel, and the musculature of a Greco-Roman god, with the petty ire to match it. You dared not hire him yourself, willing to part with neither your money nor your dignity, but that did not stop you from watching him constantly as he hovered angrily over his clients, adding weights to their racks with relish even as they sobbed for mercy, jamming the buttons on their treadmills up to speeds with the potential to launch them into orbit.
He was literally fucking terrifying, but so insanely hot that he never seemed to have a shortage of clients. Every morning there was someone, usually of the female persuasion, hanging off his biceps, letting out breathy little complaints of “Katsuki!” and bending over to pick up their water bottles in the most improbably flexible of ways. 
Bakugou seemed immune to their charms, even the prettiest ones. He refused to move close to correct their forms in the manner that they were obviously angling for, instead shoving them about with a flat hand on their back, and he added on grueling numbers of reps and sets any time he was subjected to comments of a salacious nature. You never even bothered to attempt to draw his attention, content to watch him appreciatively from the safety of your own treadmill across the gym.
That was until the morning when things finally came to a head.
Bakugou was finishing up with a client across the gym, a fact you were very aware of because you had not unglued your eyeballs from him for the last fifty-four and a half minutes, eyes hungrily tracing his lean form as he guided the client through a set of very impressive stretches.
You were so focused, in fact, that you were not giving much attention to your bent-over row form.
Something that Bakugou, as he was shoving his charge out the door, apparently noticed.
“What the fuck do you think you’re doing?” he demanded, turning back inside the gym.
You realized with some alarm that he was growing larger in your field of vision—stalking towards you, handsome face twisted in a scowl. A quick glance behind you revealed that the source of his ire was you, as there was no one else currently in the weights corner.
You panicked. What did he mean, what the fuck do you think you’re doing? Had he noticed you watching him? 
Fuck, fuck. 
“Uh, working out?” you asked, trying for a casual tone.
“Working out a way to be fucking hospitalized, more like,” Bakugou spat. 
You stared at him blankly. Was he threatening to put you in the hospital just for looking at him?
Before you could stutter out some kind of rejoinder, Bakugou was already in your space. You caught the scent of some spicy, clean kind of body wash before your attention was wholly and completely captured by a pair of hot hands on you. Bakugou pressed the small of your back down, hard, the other pressing up just under your sternum, dangerously close to the edge of your bra. 
You froze, staring up at him wide-eyed.
“This is the sloppiest fucking form I have ever seen,” he said, sounding disgusted. “Your back needs to be straight, not hunched over like you’re a thousand fucking years old.”
You blinked, having trouble thinking past the feel of his hands on you. They were still there, holding you in place, burning through your shirt like twin fires through a dry forest. He never touched his clients like this. What was he doing?
“I, uh—”
“You, uh are gonna fucking listen to me. Now pull the weights up into your chest,” he demanded.
You did as he instructed, mind numb.
Bakugou made an impatient noise as you did so. The next thing you knew, he was draping himself over your back, a hot line of muscle all along your spine, his calloused hands grasping the weights behind your own hands. He forced them down, and pulled them back up again, so close to your sides that his thumbs brushed the underside of your breasts.
“Pull up into your chest, not your friggin’ neck,” he growled into your ear.
You nodded, swallowing hard. Bakugou lingered a moment, still pressed to your back as you did it again. You were hardly breathing, not daring to do anything but what he had shown you.
“Good girl,” he said, when you’d finally done it to his satisfaction. Then, “Next time you want my attention, try asking for it instead of acting like a fucking idiot.”
Then he was moving off of you, stalking out of the gym in a whirlwind of blonde hair and sleek muscle, smugness rolling off of him in thick waves.
“Wait—” you called after him, “I wasn’t trying to—! I didn’t—!”
But Bakugou wasn’t listening. He was already gone.
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Garbage Fest event masterlist in pinned post!
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judyhopps934-mt-zd · 3 years
Thoughts on Miraculous Shanghai: The Legend of Lady Dragon
Warning: Spoilers! Other than that, have fun!
Also, if you want to watch the full English Dub, click here!
I love how we saw Fei's backstory as to how she became guardian of the Prodigious and how it was actually stolen because there are people who want money from her adoptive father's studio. It was also sad to see that the values her father implemented into her fade due to the circumstances they found themselves in. I speak for all of us to say that this girl needs a hug.
The intro as always is beautiful! Since it was not the first thing we saw, I was confused when looking through the episodes on YT.
I always enjoy Marinette's monologues, and this one was over how she looked forward to her holiday (it was like a vacation type thing). And how she looked forward to spend time with Adrien since his father was going to let him out. It was all perfect...
...until she went to deliver Uncle Wang's package and found out Adrien left for Shanghai at the last minute. But all is good though because she could go to Shanghai, deliver the gift personally, and see Adrien.
It hurts me to see that the writers made Marinette's purpose to go to Shanghai is to see Adrien when she can do that in Paris! It frustrates me that her character development goes back to square one, even as the protagonist of the show. People might point out this was before season 3, but I have a few points that say otherwise or that the writers are mixing things up. But first, the plot points and thoughts of everything else.
Also, I get that Marinette is 14/15/16 at the time of this episode, but how likely is it to send your child on their own halfway across the world??? On SHORT NOTICE??? I swear Sabine and Tom are too chill with this, but then again, there would be no story.
Also, I love how Ladybug and Chat Noir took the opportunity of their patrols without akumas to bond more. The Ladynoir in this episode I stan!
Gabriel you piece of trash! If you did not plan to spend time with your son, why take him to Shanghai when he was hoping to spend time with you?! And do not say "for business purposes" because even though Adrien is a face in the brand, at least don't give him false hope and that bs!
Nooro, thank you for trying to talk Gabriel out of it, but he is literally a wall (talking to Gabriel=talking to a wall)
I will say, the waiting for 15 years thing is very concerning.
Uncle Wang has been looking forward to see Marinette in person in Shanghai to learn more about her roots. He is ecstatic and its just heartwarming and heartbreaking when you think that part of Marinette's stay will be related to Adrien.
At least we see one thing that makes Marinette's stay not all about Adrien though: she is genuinely interested in her origins! Like when she asks about her family's traditional songs and about her mom, even learning her real name!
Speaking of which, Sabine's name is Xia Ping and only called herself Sabine when she started living in France. Also, I love her photo!
Bastille the bird that was around since forever is an icon!
Also, I can't believe Uncle Wang has not taken a break since Sabine moved to France, like what the hell??? Give this guy a break for goodness sake.
Thank you Gabriel for having one brain cell and allowing your son to leave the hotel! We still hate you for everything else though.
Its cool that Kwamis speak all of the languages. It is also the most logical thing because their wielder could be from anywhere. My question is are they taught the languages, does it form when a concept forms in the universe and they start existing, or like everything else is it magic?
Gorilla is iconic for two reasons: he is still a self care king, and he was willing to give Adrien some space to get action figures.
And now as I wrote that, this is where I am getting confused and start to believe this is post season 3: 1) Gorilla seems less anxious about being in a new place (unlike NY where he stayed in the hotel room the entire time), and 2) His obsession for action figures was shown in Party Crasher (season 3), which makes me wonder if the explanation is during season 3 or this episode hints at season 3. For the first point, it could be because Gabriel was not in NY to his knowledge.
Fei appears again and explains how she views the world and how she also uses that to help and take advantage of others.
She almost steals Adrien's phone and miraculous until Gorilla steps in. It hurts me because she is a good person but had to resort to stealing for a reason that we will explore soon.
Plagg, we always say your stomach causes trouble, but this time, you brought Adrien to Marinette's uncle...
...but also that ironically separated them as Marinette found them just as they climbed into the taxi.
This is also where Fei (wearing a disguise) crosses paths with Marinette and steals her purse. Then she went for the kwagatama and miraculous.
Things get worse for Fei as these boys that took a photo with Adrien earlier started chasing her. Then Marinette started going after them.
That is when she realized she was robbed and understandably, she was more horrified of losing her Miraculous.
Adrien shows up to Uncle Wang's home/restaurant. So many iconic moments happen.
1) Bastille says something about love between Marinette and Adrien. And Adrien responds with the line that makes us want to jump into the TV and talk some sense into him.
2) You say that "she's JuST a fRIenD" yet you stay over with her mom's uncle so you can surprise her lol. Adrien, you kill me and every other Adrienette fan with this contradicting statements.
Speaking of Marinette, she gets lost and has trouble communicating with others because she does not speak Chinese. And at some point says that she regrets not taking lessons?! Uh, what does this imply, that she refused lessons or that she did not have the opportunity for lessons??????? I NEED ANSWERS!
Can we say once again how talented and artistic Marinette is? Bad time? Moving on!
Uncle Wang is unaware of Marinette's tardiness, and Adrien just jokes about it. Considering that she is technically missing (reality is that she's lost), I don't think its time to joke about it.
The lady that gave Marinette some earrings that look like the Miraculous is so nice and bless her soul
The person from the pawn shop is the bad guy that we see at the very end of the NY special! And he knows about what happened to Fei's father! I am grateful that he sees no value in Marinette's stuff so he won't sell it for a lot, but I hate how he's greedy for money and was willing to exploit Fei's hunger for answers and Marinette needing her miraculous for personal gains.
Meanwhile, the boys from the photo with Adrien that chased Fei were trying to get Marinette's attention (they found her kwagatama when Fei dropped it running away and fighting them), but she thought they were gonna attack her. And then she bumps into Fei, who helps her escape.
Marinette finds comfort in Fei for being willing to "help" her (remember that she was gonna bring her to the pawn shop). She also finds Fei as a helpful, kind person who is brave: something that Fei does not see in herself, but does not have the heart to tell Marinette the truth.
Meanwhile, Chat has transformed to find Marinette and its the most endearing thing I've seen! Adrien, you blind oblivious fool! You care about her more than you think!
They arrive in the pawn shop, Tikki escaped the claw machine, and Marinette finds the earrings...for 100000 Yuan.
Fei, understanding what its like to have something entrusted to you be stolen, gets in a spat with the pawn shop owner in Chinese, accusing the owner for greed and accusing Fei for theft, while Marinette just stands her.
Also, when did Marinette become naive???????? I get that she's in another country and they are speaking in a different language that she does not understand, but based on the tone of their voices and shouting, I feel like she should have sensed something was off.
Fei swaps the earrings the lady gave Marinette and took the miraculous back. To the lady, this is why your soul is blessed. So bless your soul!!!
Apparently, Marinette realized what happened and said that Fei stole her earrings and feels bad for the man. Girl, you do not have to feel guilty for the man! He was about to destroy them before he thought about sentimental value! Also, he did not pay Fei anything for them! (Felt that this should be brought up because even though Fei was wrong in stealing her stuff, she was also robbed from potential cash and answers, therefore the man was owed nothing.)
The boys from Adrien's photo are actually vigilantes of Shanghai (and will be referred as such from now on), wanting to bring Fei to justice for stealing, which catches Marinette's attention, but not enough to ask any questions.
Also Marinette is not wanted as a criminal. She is missing as Uncle Wang called the police.
Fei still lives in the school, which has been in ruins. Despite not having much, she still offers Marinette a cup of what I believe is water (or tea?). See peoples, Fei is a good person at heart (if y'all aren't aware of it by now)
Gabriel saw and recognized Marinette. This is horrifying and if it is prior to season 3, we see why he tries so hard to target her. Or reasons why he targets her in season 4 along with everything else we know from "Truth".
Fei should have been given the chance to explain why she stole Marinette's things, but the pawn shop owner was like "you know, I might as well expose Fei myself"...
...and it really broke Marinette, who heavily trusted her. But she can't dwell on it for long...
Also, Nathalie was involved in obtaining the bracelet years ago. Again, the 15 years thing is concerning.
Marinette flees to transform, but not without telling Fei how she broke her trust and how she feels that Feinwas not genuinely helping her. It hurt me so much!
Ladybug transforms, hears Chat's voice-mail (to which she is swooned by the fact her kitty cares for her civilian self), and calls him. The best Ladynoir scene so far!
So the prodigious is like a jewel with powers, there is only one prodigious from what we see, and that one prodigious has multiple renlings that only the wielder can see. Oh, and the bracelet is like a key. Cool.
I don't like how Fei's Lady Dragon outfit looks whitewashed, but at least her hair is red instead of blonde (which still does not make this okay)
Epic Showdown between the akuma, Hawkmoth, Ladybug, and Lady Dragon. Hawkmoth corners Ladybug and Lady Dragon gets caught in some rocks.. All hope seemed lost...
...until Chat shows up and frees the akuma with the help of a basketball.
We learn something new folks: the same butterfly can create a different akuma. This is very frightening because...
The statue that determines who is worthy of the prodigious gets akumatized! The horror!
Also, if the statue says Fei cannot become the dragon because her intention to seek vengeance for her father is not noble and worthy, then what makes Hawkmoth think he will be successful in becoming the dragon??? Because it seems that his intentions are not pure or noble. Just saying.
Hawkmoth notices the akumatized statue heading to the city and all of a sudden remembers about Adrien. Confronting the statue, he gets turned into ashes(?).
Fei is understandably upset and blames herself for what happen. I want to hug her so badly.
Marinette reassures Fei and forgives her, even though Fei felt that she could not be forgiven.
The structure they were standing on collapses and it was Fei as the Dragon who saved her, not Chat. Honestly, I love how it turned out as it strengthens their friendship, but I still prefer a Marichat alternative. WHERE IS THE MARICHAT PEOPLES???
Final showdown!
Poor statue guard was upset about the damage they caused as an akuma, but Miraculous Ladybiug fixes everything.
Fei learned an important lesson: let justice take its course, not enact revenge. But it was quite funny to have the pawn shop owner be flown away to court in a literal sense.
The bracelet has a renling-like creature, who is just so adorable, especially since they missed Fei and was waiting for the day they would be reunited. Aww!
Ladynoir version of the Moon scene from NYC! Except no dancing, just them challenging each other over who will get to Paris first if they traveled in opposite directions. No one shall ever know we were in Shanghai as civilians lol (Reminds me of my best friend when eating grapes during choral rehearsals)
Marinette, Adrien, Fei, and Uncle Wang enjoying a birthday (?) dinner was wholesome.
I love how Uncle Wang calls them boyfriend and girlfriend because of how they act around each other, yet Marinette and Adrien both deny it. Bruh, these children need to open their fricking eyes! I really wanted to jump through my phone screen!
The Shanghai Vigilantes came to return Marinette's kwagatama necklace. They are so precious even though we thought they were enemies in the trailer.
Even though they were at odds at first, love how the Vigilantes blushed when Fei played the accordion and she's just like "whatever". I stan an asexual queen.
Do I even want to know what Marinette accidentally said when she mispronounced "sister" in Chinese? Based on what Fei said, probably not.
Uh...NOW I WANT TO SEE MORE OF ADRIEN TEACHING MARINETTE CHINESE! While I do take some issue of Adrien (a white French boy) teaching Marinette her culture like most of us had issue with in "Kung Food", I also want to see them interact outside of school and hopefully bond. ML writers need to keep their word otherwise Adrienette stans will riot!
Love how the final scene turned out! Its just *chef's kisses*
Also, the hell with the business trip?? It was mentioned once again IN THE ENDCARD! It might not be as interesting, but I want to think that there was more truth to it.
Also, wifi troubles kept interrupting the show at crucial moments, but okay.
Overall, I live for the Shanghai episode! The animation is just as incredible as the NY special (which I also live for) and I love how this episode has a great focus on Fei and the prodigious. I mean, before the intro, she tells her story. And she has her monologues alongside Marinette's. In many ways, it's refreshing. Also, Ladynoir and Adrienette stans will be satiated with the scenes associated with each ship. Also, I love Fei's character development! And the final scene is wholesome!
I won't lie though: there are a few issues regarding whitewashing Fei's transformation and such. It is important to see these things and as a good friend of mine always says: you can enjoy something while also being critical of it. And that is very important no matter how devotive to something you actually are.
Anyways, we are being well fed with all the Miraculous content and I will see you all very soon! Also, get some sleep peoples! I know some of you aren't sleeping!
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nightowlfandom · 3 years
Levi Ackerman- I Got a Dirty Mouth
Girl you better prepare your WAP...im sorry lol Also for continuity ....if you’re tall...pretend he’s taller lol.
In a split second, you were floored. The wind was quite literally knocked out of your lungs as you landed on your back. A smirking Levi glared down at you, his foot on your chest. (LEVI STEP ON ME)
“Yield.” he spoke.
“Fine.” you glowered. You tried your best to ignore the surprised stares from the other cadets. You had never lost a fight before. You pushed his foot off you, rolling over on your stomach to try and ease the pain. One of the younger cadets, Sadie rushed to your side as Levi walked off, that self-satisfied look on his face.
“Miss Y/N!” she helped you to your feet.
“I’m fine.” you waved her off. “I’m good.”
“That wasn’t a fair fight!” she commented as she led you off the training ground. “I hope I never have to spar with him.”
“Trust me. If I get my hands on him again today, no one will have to.” you glowered. You were especially upset because of what you’d have to do now.
“This is humiliating.” you seethed. Not only did you look ridiculous, but the pair of cat ears perched on your head with an ugly unsightly bow didn’t help either. The outfit that looked like it belonged to a maid cafe uniform closet made you wanna hurl. 
“This was out arrangement, was it not?” He asked, crossing his arms. “You lost, therefor-”
“I have to be your maid for the next month. Don’t remind me.” you cut him off. “If ANYONE finds out about this-”
“Not my problem. I’ll be gone for the day, clean my office.” he left without another word.
“B-but it’s already clean?” you looked around. It looked pretty normal to you. “Did he mean just...dust around?” you look confused.
You were no stranger to the clean freak, but you had a problem pinpointing what he meant. There was a bucket of cleaning supplies at the door. “What am I supposed to-” you cut yourself off with a groan.
Three hours of scrubbing non-existent dirt but you did it! 
“I’ve returned, I hope my office isn’t a complete mess!” you could hear Levi’s voice. You were in the middle of throwing the cleaning rag back into the bucket when he had made his presence known.
He took one look at you, then looked around the room. His face was expressionless. “...Y/N.”
“What?” you dusted yourself off. You were pretty sure you smelt like bleach. Utterly gross.
“Did I, or did I not...ask you to clean my office?”
“I did.” you said lowly. 
“Really? Because it looks worse than how I left it!” he snapped. “You can’t even clean windows the right way!” he nearly exploded.
“WAIT A MINUTE!” you cut him off. “You wanted me to clean...and I did!”
“These floors are filthy! The windows look disgusting! Had I known your cleaning skills were a reflection of your fighting, I wouldn’t have taken this stupid challenge.” he spat.
“Now you listen here!” you stormed up to him. “YOU challenged ME! If I didn’t know any better I’d say you just used this as an opportunity to be alone with me.” you rolled your eyes. “I’m willing to bet the only reason I’m here is because you like me.”
Levi grew quiet as you raised an eyebrow. You put your hands on your hips and waited for him to speak.
“Waiting....” you said boredly. “I’m out of here.” you marched over to the cleaning bucket and bent down, attempting to grab it by it’s handle. Before you could stand all the way back up, Levi had somehow gotten behind you. You were surprised when he grabbed your bow and made you stand to your feet.
“I love when you bend over, L/N.” he mewled in your ear. He held the laces of your bow and moved your head to the side. “You look so good as a maid.”
“Huh?” you were surprised. The way he held your bow didn’t allow you to move. 
“I should’ve made you wear your hair in pigtails.” he grunted.
“Huh?!” you repeated. “Levi, what has gotten into you!”
“If you can’t clean the right fucking way then maybe you’ll be useful for something else.” he seethed. He let got of the bow allowing you to turn towards him. 
“No seriously, what had gotten into you?” you raised an eyebrow. “L-levi?”
“You’re gonna be my maid...but in a different way.”  he stepped towards you.
“I mean what else would you have me do?” you put your hands on your hips. 
“On your knees.” he replied.
“I’m sorry?” you raised an eyebrow.
“I said on your knees.” he growled. “I won’t ask again.”
Obediently, you lowered to your knees and stared up at Levi. “Now what?” 
“Tell me I’m your superior. Tell me I’m your captain.” he said. The way he looked down at you, you would dare say it was with adoration. “Say it, maid.”
“You’re my captain.” you whimpered. You began playing with your fingers.
“Hm, tell me you’d do anything for me?”
“I’d d-do anything for you.” you repeated his words. What was getting into you?!
“Do you want to fuck me Y/N?” he caressed the side of your face with his fingertips. “Do you want your captain to have his way with you?” His eyes were completely blackened with lust. 
“Um...I- I’ve never been with anyone.” you replied sheepishly.
“What?” Levi seemed surprised. “You’re a virgin?”
“Please,” you scoffed. “Don’t act surprised.” you still felt shy.
“I mean, I would think a woman with your looks...would at least have one suitor.” you could see his cheeks become tinted with a rose color. 
“Don’t have time for it.” you shrugged. “I mean...I’ve done things, with myself...” you trailed off again. “But not with anyone else.”
Levi’s eyes widened. How were you so casual with stating something so lewd to him? Levi studied you. You couldn’t look at him without looking away from him. You were gripping the hem of your maid’s outfit super tight. “So answer my question. Do you want me to have my way with you, Y/N?”
“I mean...I’d rather lose it to someone I actually like than-” you instantly shut your mouth. When you met his gaze again, Levi was smirking.
“Hm, as your captain, it’s my job to teach you.” in another swift movement, Levi had scooped you up into his arms. You were set down on the desk. You were forced to look up at Levi. “So let me teach you”
... (Hours later)
“So...” he began. “This maid thing...we’re gonna extend it indefinitely.” 
In an assortment of limbs, you two laid behind the desk away from the door.
“...If I must.” you tried to hide the blush on your face.
“And um...you’re going to be moving into my quarters with.” he exhaled. “Effective tonight.”
“Dually noted.” you agreed. 
“I would highly recommend you inform any future suitors of your current situation.” he finished. “It would make both our lives easier.”
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sonitavalentine · 3 years
Sometimes I can’t believe I used to be okay with the whole “Yuki chose both guys, so everyone should be happy.” I recently watched the anime to give the series a fair chance, and I think Yuki should have definitively chosen Kaname over Zero, and Zero should have found someone else…
Like… Yuki said she loved Kaname since that day in the snow, that he’s the beginning of her world and everything in it. And because of that, she wasn’t scared that she has no memories of her past. She was willing to literally spend eternity with him should he ask her. He supported her when she was turned back into a vampire, and she gave her life to make him human again! Yuki loved Kaname with all her heart, and he did in return!
When watching season 1, I was actually okay with her and Zero. I liked how much Yuki tried to support Zero for the 4 years they’ve known each other, man had a lot of issues he was working through. I liked their dynamic as close friends, I used to be able to understand the ship. But when it came down to Yuki needing support after realizing that she was originally born a vampire and dealing with that new realization, he fucking just… spat in her face, and threw their entire relationship away like it meant nothing. He didn’t allow her to explain when she went to see him, or even try to be sympathetic to her situation. Instead acting like Yuki tricked him the entire time despite seeing how much she suffered not knowing the truth, I was so damn disgusted… and I still am.
I honestly prefer how the anime ended because Yuki doesn’t deserve to be torn up or even end up with a guy that hurt her like that after everything they went through, she has Kaname and other vampire friends that will accept her for who she is. And it was really sweet that Kaien was able to see her leave with the man she loves, and being able to accept herself with a smile
Sorry for the vent… I just agree with a bunch of your vk opinions and wanted to express my own to someone, even if I’m sure it’s an unpopular one
I understand you and honestly, I had similar opinion. After the manga had ended for the first time lol, I was pretty much okay with the ending even though Yuuki had to live her life with Zero, not with Kaname. But there was something so bittersweet about that ending, especially with the scene where Yuuki came to revive Kaname after all the years she'd been living with another man, it was kinda tragic but still so beautiful that I had no other feelings but peace and tenderness inside me. I was okay with Zero as a character, he's... not a bad guy to be fair, just annoying af lol. But then a lot of things happened that made me feel more hostile towards him and the ze/ki pairing, and it's not only the fandom that did this to me but Hino's choices as well. They're ambiguous at best and horrible at worst. So my opinion also changed, and not once. During the time of the bloody shipwars I wasted so many emotions and so much time protecting what I love only for me to gradually see how Hino destroys practically everything in her story. And no, it's not about Kaname and Yume, it's basically about everything - every character and every ship, she's doing dirty to all she has in this story (in my opinion, let's emphasize this).
So now I have no other feeling but bitter irony towards VK and especially VKM, and it's very saddening to me because no matter what VK gave a lot to me. Like, A LOT.
And Kaname is still my no.1 male character, always will be.
Thank you for sharing your thoughts; perhaps my answer isn't what you expected to get but I guess it was kind of exchange of thoughts between us haha. Thank you once again and I appreciate you trusting your words to me.
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aizawaskittenwhore · 3 years
𝐞𝐲𝐞𝐬 𝐰𝐢𝐝𝐞 𝐬𝐡𝐮𝐭
pairing: cartel!shota aizawa x fem!reader
words: 2.4k
warnings: swearing, this will be a cartel!au, so mentions of c*ke and distribution...yeah lol, suggestive content towards the end of the chapter (vague description of a bj), angst, cheating, aizawa just ain’t shit in this story LMFAOOO
a/n: this is the third fucking time i’ve tried to post this so if it doesn’t work i’m gonna cry. but I AM SO EXCITED FOR THIS ONE and i can’t wait for you all to see what i’ve got planned. so uh...strap yourselves in it’s about to get crazy. sorry ms joke </3
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𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐨𝐧𝐞: 𝐂𝐨𝐜𝐚’ 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐂𝐚𝐥𝐥 𝐆𝐢𝐫𝐥𝐬
The salty, warm breeze from the ocean whipped its way through Shota’s onyx locks, tossing them around with a gentle force. Miami was gorgeous from the water, skyscrapers alight with the buzzing energy of the city, streets crawling with good food and even better looking women. Gorgeous full lips wrapped around martini glasses, criminally short dresses clinging to any skin it was given. He didn’t care much for the nightlife, opting to observe the partygoers from a distance.
He wasn’t here to socialize.
He was here to work.
His wrists draped over the edge of the rail that separated him and the water, a small portion of his weight against the cool metal. When Hizashi suggested that he get a yacht he nearly spat out his whiskey, face contorted in an expression of annoyance and disdain. Shota didn’t understand why someone would need such a flashy boat, it was merely a watercraft meant for travel and or fishing. This wasn’t the 1400’s where one’s worth was tied to the size of a man’s ship. Just another glorified pissing contest for rich people with too much money, and not enough couple’s therapy in the world that could keep them home for days at a time.
It’s not as if he was in any position to judge though, his pinky coming to rest just below the silver band that rarely inhabited his ring finger these days. He doesn’t entirely know what possessed him to wear it, whether it be the ever-crushing guilt from lying to his wife, or the text he’d received from Emi this morning that read:
“Make sure to bring me back a mojito! Don’t work yourself too hard, and remember how much I love you!💕”
If only she knew that these tri-monthly “Inter-Departmental Hero Conferences” were just fronts for selling a literal boat-load of cocaine.
Turns out, yachts were really good for that.
In the span of just five years, superhuman society was nearing it’s peak. Upon the graduation of all the students in the 1-A Hero Course, and Izuku Midoriya’s induction as the new Symbol of Peace; the world began to see an astronomical shift. Crime rates were the lowest they’d ever been, with Japan and the States sitting at 2 and 4.5 percent, respectively. Newly minted Pro Heroes roamed the streets, bringing security to those who needed it and striking fear into the hearts of those who were on the wrong side of the law.
But this utopia came at a price. With the sudden influx of fresh and talented pros, crime decreased exponentially, leaving little villain-based work for Heroes to get paid for. Hostage situations and evacuation efforts took backseat to helping older women across the street and assisting young children with their schoolwork. Soon enough, peace became a burden for those whose careers surrounded chaos.
Aizawa was no exception to this dilemma. Once Midoriya and his classmates graduated and obtained their Hero Licenses, he’d ended his tenure as an instructor at UA. He felt that he’d done his civic duty as a teacher and a Pro, and produced some of the finest Heroes the world would come to see. So he began to settle down. Surprisingly, he’d begun to tolerate Joke’s incessant laughter and boisterous personality, and soon fell in love with the eccentric woman. Between patrols and giving advice to aspiring Heroes at the community center, he and Emi explored all the the world had to offer; swapping out steel-toed combat boots for soft plush flip flops against hot sand. After three years he’d proposed, much to Emi’s delight (and Ashido’s upon hearing that Mr. Aizawa could actually tolerate another human being). The ceremony was small, and intimate. Shinsou serving as the ring bearer, and Eri as the flower girl. Mic even shed a few tears during the toast, though he’ll deny it if Kayama ever brings it up.
For a while, things were good. Life was good. Emi was glowing with the energy of a new life blossoming inside her, and Shota fantasized about meeting his little girl, counting all of her dainty fingers and toes, and doting on her for all to see.
Or at least it was, before agencies began to close. Paychecks got smaller and smaller. Heroes were struggling to find work and their pockets began to struggle along with them. With Emi on maternity leave, and Hero society coming to a standstill, things were looking grim. He needed to provide for his family, his wife, his children.
He needed a plan, and fast.
Luckily, Hizashi always did have good standing with everyone’s favorite Bird Boy. So he called in a few favors.
“Just for a couple months man! We stir up a little bit of noise, make a couple ripples and bam! Crime rate’s back up, and we get back to makin’ money. It’s temporary. Nobody will ever know, I’ll make sure of it. I got you.” Hizashi pleaded, an arm slung across Aizawa’s shoulders as he pensively gazed into his glass of amber liquid. He’d done some vigilante work here and there in his twenties but this....this was outright criminal. But what choice did he have?
Just a few months, he’d said. If only it’d worked out that way.
“I was getting worried you wouldn’t show, Eraser!” Zhu thundered, hands clapping joyously at the other man’s timeliness. “That’s some boat you got there, let me guess...the wife’s idea?” He queried, eyebrows waggling emphatically as Aizawa descended from the metal ladder and onto the wooden pier; eyes rolling into the back of his head at Zhu’s...excitable personality. The two had known each other for about two years or so, having gotten acquainted over the course of Shota’s many trips between Japan and the States, and sometimes South America. Zhu Kanaka was a man of the lower ranks, opting to use his easygoing disposition to negotiate deals for Takami “Lord of The Skies” Keigo, better known as Hawks. Standing at a solid 6 foot 4, with thick black locks that spiked into a point reminiscent of an onion, thick bushy brows and a set jaw, you’d think he wouldn’t hesitate to punt anyone like a football.
At least until he opened his mouth.
“As it turns out, Emi hates the damn thing. Makes her seasick. Hizashi talked me into getting the fuckin’ eyesore.” He intoned. His left hand palmed his slacks for the emergency pack of cigarettes he kept in his back pocket for when he was stressed during a deal, although he never really needed them anymore after Eri said she wanted him to quit. He still held on to them though, just in case. “The hell you waiting for? You know the deal man. Let’s see it.” He muttered, silently willing for Zhu to get on with it so he could get in a bed. Three and a half hours on a goddamned boat (that you didn’t even want to begin with) will do that to you.
“Someone looks like he needs a nap. Alright, I got ya. Count it, make sure it’s all there. I had Thing 1 and Thing 2 back there pack it, so you might wanna double check.” Zhu quipped, jerking a thumb towards the two young men currently engaged in a heated game of Rock, Paper, Scissors; the pair of them flushing upon receiving one of Aizawa’s infamous stares. Two thick black duffles were handed to his two bodyguards, the men immediately unzipping and checking the stacks, a mental tally steadily climbing higher and higher as they sifted through the cash.
“He’s good. Four hundred thousand in each bag. It’s all there, Eraser.” Sato affirmed, Toru nodding alongside the man. “Good. Go ahead and call Jamie, tell him to bring the car around. Zhu, I’ll send Sato and Toru to help your men unload our shipment. It’s a hefty one, so you’ll need the assistance.” Shota offered, shoulders visibly relaxing at the thought of getting some alone time in an empty hotel room.
“Yeah that’d be great, thanks! How long you in town for?”
“Until about 3pm tomorrow. I’ll be on my flight back to Kyushu then.” He states, right arm extending to clasp the other man’s hand in a firm grip. “You’re goin to that meeting the Big Man’s holding in a few days right?” Zhu queries. “Unfortunately, yes. Gonna miss my little girl’s first doctor’s appointment for this shit.”
“No way! She had the baby?!?!? Congratulations man! How’s it feel?” Zhu exclaims, eyes alight with joy for his friend’s new addition to the family. “Feels good. She had a smooth pregnancy, everything worked out fine. Hana’s beautiful, and healthy. I couldn’t be more proud.” Shota brags slightly, heart swelling at the thought of his little girl and how proud he was to know he’d helped in making someone so...ethereal. “Wow. Raising another kid, you flying out all the damn time, along with whatever else you got goin on?? No wonder you look like shit.”
Red eyes and floating hair caused Zhu to immediately retract his former statement.
“Aw I’m just joshin’ Eraser! But I hear ya. It’s a lotta’ sacrifices that go into this, but they’re who we do it for. All of it. Ya know?” Zhu amends, eyes shimmering with the reflection of the city lights off of the water.
Did he even know who... or what he was doing this for anymore?
Shota found himself asking that question more and more often as of late.
“Anyway, you’re probably spent, so I’ll leave you to it. It was good seeing you man, send Emi my love!” Zhu shouted as he slowly walked towards the men unloading his boat. “Likewise. Tell Macie and the kids I said hello.” Aizawa responded dryly, body screaming for some kind of relief from this exhaustion.
“Will do! Oh, by the way! You might wanna bring some cooler clothes and sunscreen with your pale ass, I hear Guadalajara’s pretty sunny around this time of year! See you in a few days man!” The male laughed, throwing him a wave as he slowly disappeared into the darkness of the port. Massaging the bridge of his nose in irritation, Aizawa nodded in acknowledgement as Jamie pulled up alongside him; his hand reaching for the handle and dragging his siphoned body into the backseat.
Jamie could sense his employer’s weary expression, and didn’t make any attempts at conversation, merely opting to start making his way to the hotel while smooth jazz floated through the car. Forehead against the door of the towncar, Shota typed out a quick message to his wife:
“Alcohol is the last thing you need sweetheart, and I love you too. Got another meeting in a few days, mandatory. I’ll in be in Mexico, so I’ll miss Hana’s appointment. I’m sorry. I’ll make it up to the two of you.”
The message sat for a few seconds before Emi read and typed out a response:
“Aw, bummer! </3 Dont worry, work is much more important right now. I’ll be sure to take lots of pictures!”
“You don’t have to make it up to us, you caring is enough. Get some sleep old man, me and the girls love you. xoxo, Wifey 😘 ”
He didn’t deserve her.
He didn’t deserve any of them.
This he knew. And yet, it didn’t stop him from responding to the unknown number that texted his phone every time he happened to be in town.
“Same time and place? Desperately in the mood to play....My toys just aren’t as good as yours, Eraser. ;)”
His heart sank. A beat passes. Then two.
Calloused thumbs move fluidly across the screen. He’s done this far too many times.
“Be there in 10. You know the routine.”
And in retrospect...he would’ve been way better off just blowing off Guadalajara and going to Hana’s appointment.
Because while he wrapped her slick ponytail around his hand, as a head that wasn’t his wife’s dipped between his legs, he didn’t think this would be his last moment of peace. Shoved down the throat of a woman who’s name he had long forgotten, settling for calling her whatever pet name he felt like adorning her with, her hands clawing at the soft and sleek cotton of his trousers.
Aizawa never anticipated that this would be the last time he would be in a room without immediate reinforcements, and be content.
The last time someone he didn’t trust with his life knew his location, and he wasn’t terrified.
The last moments of peace in his world before it all went to hell.
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Temecula, California;
The office floor was barren. Dark, coffee stained carpet congealed with the bacteria of old and new; giving it a sad beige color from the creamy foam-like white it was when the building was built. Cubicles cluttered with miscellaneous paperwork from separate departments, all of it raining down from desk to desk like a fresh layer of snow on the first day of winter. Tired, weary hands typed at a computer with precision and accuracy, the warm glow from the screen illuminating the buttons on her blouse as she plowed through each document. Her body raged for a moment of rest, but she couldn’t give in. Not when so much was at stake, not when so much needed to be done in so little time.
After a few minutes, and approximately twelve sips of bittersweet lukewarm coffee, the fingers came to a halt. A sigh of relief was freed from her body as she pushed the enter button on the dusty, tan keyboard and began to pack up for the night. Since the computers were set on an activity timer, there was no need for her to physically shut it down. After 30 seconds of no visible movement, the screen flashed a message declaring that the activity would be suspended within the next 2 minutes if no motion was detected. Content with her work, she slung her work bag over her shoulder, and trudged towards the elevator, mentally clocking out for the night.
As the elevator slowly carried its passenger down, the computer continued its countdown before discontinuing its power, leaving the following words for nobody but its future recipient to read:
Drug Enforcement Agency Operative Travel Request:
Agent: L/N, F/N
Current Operation: Potential formation of a rising cartel under the leadership and or affiliation of Pro Heroes Hawks, Endeavor, and Eraserhead. Agent has been undercover for eight months and twenty-seven days.
Investigation Status: Active
Location of Travel: Guadalajara, Mexico
Reason for Request: Possible gathering of multiple Hero-Run plazas to discuss further movement. Will gather more intel and gain trust of suspects involved/acquire more resources for investigation.
Travel Request Status: Accepted.
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Realm of the Quarantine Reread End-of-Book Questionnaire: Assassin’s Quest
Any differences between your first/previous reading experience and this one?
Keep in mind I’m writing this months after finishing the book lol (it’s mental illness innit). I have LOTS of notes to go off but yeah, things aren’t as fresh in my mind overall. With that said the biggest difference I can think of between my first and second experience with AQ is my feelings towards Kettricken. I think the first time around reading you know that Fitz is an unreliable narrator but you are still limited by his viewpoint so you can get a bit trapped seeing things the way he does. For this reason, I think I pretty much just forgave Kettricken when he did on my first read, whereas on this read I was like……. Waiting for her to actually apologise and show some sympathy towards Fitz and it just…. Never happened.
Like, don’t get me wrong, I still love Kettricken as a character and I fully recognise that she has been traumatised. I don’t expect her to be nice or act rationally, and in the case of being willing to take Nettle for the crown… It’s cold but she’s doing what she feels she has to. My issue is - do what you have to, but don’t expect Fitz to understand or forgive you (same with Starling). But I think what bothered me the most was how Kettricken would constantly confide in Fitz and break down to him and he was always there to let her do so, yet she NEVER gives Fitz the chance to do the same. The one time he does “open up” in a sense is when she forces him to air out his traumas in front of everyone, and she didn’t show him any sympathy for what he’d been through then or later. She has been through hell, absolutely, but while her plight may not have been any better than Fitz’s it certainly wasn’t any worse. She pretty much had two modes in this book: completely cold or a crying wreck - but she was only ever crying for herself. She lets Fitz console her but she never consoles him. Again, this is a result of her own trauma and I don’t expect her to act any differently, but it just reaffirmed for me that while she and Fitz care for each other deeply it is not an equal relationship. Fitz feels an obligation to serve her and she - knowingly or not - takes advantage of that. Like, after realising that this is their dynamic it is so obvious that the same is true in Royal Assassin as well, and it will be interesting to see how it changes (or doesn’t) in Tawny Man as I don’t remember it well enough to say.
Must reiterate: Kettricken is still a great character and I still have a lot of respect for her, unfortunately she just falls into the overfull camp of people who love Fitz but have an unhealthy power dynamic with him.
The other big difference I noticed was that the Verity stuff just wasn’t as devastating this time. Not because it was any less sad but it just didn’t tear out my heart like it did the first time. That’s not a fault with the writing at all, I think it’s just the fact that, knowing what would happen to Verity and that we wouldn’t see the real Verity again, I kind of already let go of him at the end of Royal Assassin.
Something you can’t believe you forgot
I guess more of a misinterpretation/wishful thinking but like, realising that there is no passage explicitly stating that Fitz and the Fool were actually spooning in the mountains murdered me and spat on my corpse.
Oh also!!! Fitz yeeting himself out the window at Tradeford castle jskaskjf
Favourite character introduction moments/scenes
I love Kettle in general and the way we’re introduced to her as a cranky old lady sets her up perfectly
Favourite character arcs
Man they’re all so fucking sad lol but I guess the Fool? He goes from thinking Fitz is dead and his purpose failed to reuniting with Fitz, their relationship growing into something really real for the first time, and actually completing his mission - at least for now lol. This book is really the first time you get to see the Fool be properly vulnerable. Even when he was getting beaten up by Regal’s guards he always had his veneer of snark and superiority to hide behind - and I doubt when he went through his sicknesses at Buckkeep he would have revealed his weakness to anyone in order to be helped. But in the mountains he lets so much of that facade of the King’s Fool fall away - at least when it’s just him and Fitz. When he and Fitz meet again he lets Fitz see his grief and pain and hopelessness and joy as the Fool looks after Fitz, and then later when it’s the Fool who needs looking after he lets Fitz look after him. When was the last time the Fool had anyone really care for him like that, ya know? Had someone protect him purely out of love? Ouch dude!!!!
Also he gets to kiss Fitz at the end so good for him!!!!!!!!!! Be gay ride dragons!!
Favourite quote/s
“I would kill Regal. It only seemed fair. He had killed me first.”
“I had looked into the heart of my enemy. I still could not comprehend him.”
“The more I drank, the less tolerable my situation seemed. And the more intolerable I became to my friends.”
“I had never thought to be disdained by a tree.”
“The Fool, the Fool, only the Fool. I sought for him. I almost found him. Oh, he was passing strange, and surpassing strange. He darted and eluded me, like a bright gold carp in a weedy pool, like the motes that dance before one’s eyes after being dazzled by the sun. As well to clutch at the moon’s reflection in a still midnight pond as to seek a grip on that bright mind. I knew his beauty and his power in the briefest flashes of insight. In a moment I understood and marvelled at all that he was, and in the next I had forgotten that understanding.”
“When you can either laugh or cry, you might as well laugh.” - the Fool
Favourite relationships
Also fitz and nighteyes (speaking of which, Nighteyes’ arc in this book is also fascinating and surprisingly complex) and Fitz/Nighteyes/Fool mwah magnifico chef’s kiss
Favourite setting
Kelsingra baybeyyy. I remember the first time reading this having no fucking clue what was happening in that chapter but I guess it was the gay agenda all along
Favourite chapter
It’s gotta be the chapter where Fitz and the Fool reunite, right? Catch me just gradually losing my grip on reality with every lingering stare 
Most loved character
Most hated character
Ya know, for a minute I was actually wondering if I would like Starling this time round but yeah no lol. She was actually okay for a while but as soon as she sold Fitz/Nettle out she became The Worst, just as I remembered her. It’s not even because she betrays Fitz but because, like Kettricken, she expects Fitz to forgive her for it, to the point of running to tattle to the queen because Fitz isn’t giving her enough attention (I’m also not impressed with Kettricken for actually getting involved instead of just telling her to grow up). Not to mention her constantly misgendering/gendering (??) the Fool or just assuming the Fool’s gender and loudly fucking proclaiming it to everybody is just truly fucking disgusting. Like I cannot even explain how furious I was reading her incessantly using she/her pronouns for the Fool despite no confirmation that her theory is right or that the Fool is comfortable with this and despite EVERYONE ELSE using he/him pronouns. God I’m mad now lol. She just acts like a spoilt brat and it makes my blood boil. But that’s probably because I have known many people like this so… Good character writing lol congrats
Raise your hand if you’ve been personally victimised by Robin Hobb (most heartbreaking and/or visceral moments)
The whole first chapter/s are just so heavy and carry on that gut wrenching feeling from the end of Royal Assassin. Fitz just has no real desire to live and watching him systematically severing the last few ties he has to his human life is just so sad.
Even though I wasn’t as attached to Verity this time, his goodbye to Fitz still made me cry
As did Fitz giving Kettle her skill back
Verity using Fitz’s body to have sex with Kettricken really got to me this time, mostly because I either didn’t notice the first time or had forgotten just how much it affects Fitz. It’s no wonder he doesn’t want to acknowledge Dutiful as his son when the event that brought that fact into being was so fucked up and traumatic. It’s really upsetting.
Burrich saying he almost took Fitz to Chivalry and he should have never let the Farseers take Fitz just …… breaks my heart. Just seeing Burrich so raw like that in general is so unusual it really takes you aback.
Details, observations, spoilery notes made with the benefit of the full picture
Strap in lads this part is lonnnngggggggg
Is it bad to immediately want to cry just from seeing “Sandsedge” on the map and thinking of Sandsedge brandy
I never really thought about how poor Hap didn’t get the real Fitz all those years and how their relationship could have been if Fitz hadn’t been partially forged
Pls I have no idea why but to picture someone as emotionally repressed as Fitz actually sitting down and writing about his life makes me want to fucking cryyyyeeeee
Fitz in the prologue talks about needing a purpose as something to distract himself from sinking [into his chronic pain, mental illness and addiction] and boy howdy if that ain’t relatable. As someone with mental illness and chronic pain Fitz is just painfully relatable way too often.
“I have never forgiven myself the triumph I ceded him when I took poison and died.” Fitz :(((( my guy :((((((( forgive yourself for surviving however you could baby!!!!!
This book mentions Bingtown providing slaves to Chalced
It’s so funny to me when people expect Fitz to have social skills as if he didn’t literally live as a fucking wolf for weeks at a time. It’s a miracle he bloody speaks
The state Fitz is in at the beginning of this book was literally Burrich’s greatest fear for him, yet Burrich doesn’t just say I told you so and leave. He stays, is patient and even optimistic.
“He (Burrich) is not bigger than I.” Why does this feel so wrong lol??? I just can’t picture Fitz as bigger than Burrich
“When you were younger and not supposed to go into taverns without me…” So it’s fine if the child goes into taverns and gets drunk as long as you’re also there. Got it, Burrich.
Fitz calling Chade “the grey one” wow get rekd old man river
Seeing Chade and Burrich interact is so bizarre
Fitz is still having seizures at the beginning of this book! I had forgotten that
God okay so idk if I can articulate this point super well but the whole thing of Fitz going through this extensive abuse and then essentially becoming an animal feels like a metaphor for the way your brain’s “higher” needs and functions just shut off sometimes under certain levels of stress. Like in order to cope with the trauma you don’t think about concepts, or long-term goals, or other people. You just take care of your basic needs - food, sleep, shelter, water - long enough that you start to feel safe and secure again, at which point your brain can open up a bit more and allow you to really think again; to want again, to plan again etc. Like obviously literally becoming an animal is a heightened version of reality, but the functionality of it is the same; our wounds and our fear stop us from fully embodying ourselves.
Burrich be like, Fitz was getting way too dependent on drugs before all this so let’s steer clear of those. :) LET’S GET HIM ABSOLUTELY SHITFACED INSTEAD
I  love how Fitz has his own unique relationship with Lacey and she’s not just Patience’s servant in his mind
Fitz talking about how even his memories from before his time in the dungeons are soiled by his trauma :( baby boy
Dude it’s so rich Chade lecturing Fitz about not making a life for himself, having friends or just chilling out like???? WHO TRAINED HIM TO BE AN ASSASSIN CHADE?? Like I get your point but what the hell kind of life did you think he was gonna have? Who ever took the time to teach him the importance of making connections with people for their own sake, and when would he have ever had the time anyway? I think Chade himself doesn’t actually know what he expects from Fitz.
Fitz saying he’s bad at making decisions because he’s never actually been allowed to make any is literally a point I’ve made lol. This is what happens when you teach teenagers how to murder in lieu of any basic life skills.
Burrich + Chiv were luv at first sight. No I will not elaborate.
“We kept you a boy, looked after you too much.” Huh??????? Fitz was never fucking sheltered lol. He didn’t have autonomy. There’s a difference.
I’m so fucking glad Fitz hugged Burrich before he left and that they actually left off on okay-ish terms. I didn’t remember that and it vaguely dulls the blow of knowing we don’t see Burrich again til Fool’s Fate (and that he thinks Fitz is dead the entire time between now and then).
“If I shaved my hair back from my brow” bitch disgusting
“Honey was the older of the two women. Perhaps my age.” jskfjnajgbl my guy those aren’t women then those are children!!!!!! U freak
I was wondering for ages why Fitz doesn’t mention the Fool like literally at all bc that’s so unusual right? Even in Assassin’s Apprentice he thinks of him when he goes to Moonseye and just in general the Fool usually enters Fitz’s thoughts pretty frequently. So why now, when Fitz doesn’t even know if the Fool is okay, is he just not thinking about him? And then I realised that that is exactly why. Because the only two people from his old life he doesn’t think about are the two people whose fates he knows nothing of: Kettricken and the Fool. So he can let his mind wander to think what Patience and Lacey might be up to at Buckkeep, or who Molly is with or whatever, because he knows they are all safe. But in such a fragile state I don’t think he can bring himself to really wonder whether Kettricken and the Fool made it to their destination - he probably doesn’t really believe they could have, and that is far too painful a road to go down when you are trying not to think at all.
I know the first act of this book is slow and that bothers some people, but I think it is so necessary, not only for Fitz’s arc but also because it really demonstrates just how severe the situation has gotten with the red ships and forged ones AND it shows just how destructive a king Regal is. Without this perspective it would probably be much harder to buy that the extreme measures taken at the end of the book are really worth the sacrifice.
Fitz is Demisexual, Exhibit A: when Honey is coming onto him, all he can think about is Molly.
Fitz is so scared of the Forged ones :( his trauma affects everything. He has no faith in himself and less heart for the violence than ever.
Speaking of trauma metaphors: the way Fitz tends to drift off into the wit or Skill after a traumatic experience is… pretty much just dissociation but magique
I forgot that witted folk can apparently communicate with each other mentally, not just with animals
“Her head was the size of a bushel basket.” Ah, yes, a bushel basket, a thing whose size we are all intimately familiar with.
Fitz finally finds others like him and even then he is not fully accepted. Told he is doing the wit wrong. Othered by the Others. It’s the queer experience innit.
Also forgot that apparently the forged are attracted to the wit as well as the Skill?
“I wondered if I had as many wolf mannerisms as they had halk and bear.” Yeah no probably not you only bloody LIVED as a wolf, Fitz.
Okay I know it doesn’t need saying but Patience is just so fucking cool!!!!!
Jesus fucking christ, Fitz skilling out to Molly when he knows Will knows he’s alive and is looking for him is just… so dumb. So so dumb. I know he’s just fixating on her because he’s miserable and she’s like this unsullied thing he had before everything went wrong but holy moly is it frustrating 
Not to mention he doesn’t connect the dots between the fact that Burrich went to “help a friend” and every time he reaches out for Molly he sees Burrich sajkdbshkhja dude
Nighteyes leaving just goes to show that Fitz cannot rely solely on Nighteyes for companionship. No matter how innately the same they are they are equally as innately different. Fitz needs Nighteyes but he shouldn’t have JUST Nighteyes (which is why he, Nighteyes and the Fool are the holy trinity). When Nighteyes leaves, Fitz is in way too fragile a state to be left alone, but Nighteyes cannot think of the future or what might happen. All he knows is he’ll be back at some point and that’s all that matters.
“My anger fed my competence” whatever you need to tell yourself sweetie
I think I had blocked out the fact the Regal was keeping animals trapped in filthy cages so they could ravage people in the king’s circle uggggghhhhhhhhh I hate him
Fitz is down on himself saying that without Shrewd’s largesse, Chade’s information and Verity’s protection his idea of himself has been stripped away and that he’s not actually competent etc. but like. This is an extreme situation!! You’re literally alone in the wilderness with nothing and no one!! Who would thrive in this situation? And nobody gets by without help anyway! The people in our lives do define us to an extent. You don’t have to be able to stand 100% on your own at all times with zero resources to be considered capable. It’s human to depend on others. Yes I am chiding myself as much as Fitz here :))))
Burrich’s earring is the repressed gay earring. No I will not elaborate.
Fitz refusing to sell Burrich’s earring is frustrating yet something I would 100% do lol
Direct from my notes: Celery hiding out in caves?? Bad bitch
“I felt I was within the flames looking deeply into the Fool’s eyes” um okay gay
It’s actually surprising that Fitz admits he would not have gone after Molly even if he had known she was pregnant when she left. On one hand so self aware yet this doesn’t stop him from completely idealising their relationship.
And then you have Molly who says he was supposed to come after her “so she could forgive him”, that he was supposed to be the one to light the candles for her childbirth etc. The fact that she in any way thought he was mature enough to be a father just shows how little they really knew each other.
Burrich treating Molly like a horse while delivering Nettle is way funnier than it has a right to be jskakjasd makes me think of Dwight treating Phyllis’ back injury in The Office lol
The first thing Burrich notices about Nettle is that she has Chivalry’s brow are you fucking kidding me. Gay!
Fitz is Demisexual, Exhibit B: He had no interest in Tassin whatsoever until she literally started kissing him. At this point his body reacted, which is normal, but as soon as he got a second to actually think about it he stopped, because for him it would not be satisfying to sleep with someone he didn’t have feelings for.
“It seemed to take years for the dried beans and lentils to soften.” Okay mood
I love how Fitz just assumes Molly will take him back. “I have a woman and child awaiting me.” Says who bitch?
Small ferret? More like big legend
Ya know, we give Fitz so much shit but honestly with so much physical, mental and emotional stress on this journey how can we expect his mental faculties to be at 100%? I wouldn’t be making good decisions either, in fact I would be long dead.
Starling telling Nik that the earring once belonged to Chivalry is truly a smooth brain move
“Do not fear, little brother, I am here to take care of you again.” Words can’t explain how much I love Nighteyes and how often his dialogue makes me smile :’)
It’s so cute how Nighteyes is worried about Molly and Nettle until he knows that Burrich is taking care of them
It’s really interesting when Fitz claims “I’d rather be with Molly even if it meant rocking a crying baby in the middle of the night” because, well, he’s literally made other claims to the contrary, saying he wouldn’t have gone with her even if he’d known she was pregnant. Because at the end of the day as much as Fitz is compelled by others to do work for the greater good, I think deep down a lot of the time it is what he would do anyway. Like I really don’t think he could actually enjoy being with Molly knowing that the world is burning down around them. He would want to get out there and help somehow; not only to secure their own future but to reduce other people’s suffering as well. He’s an empathetic boy even though he’d like to be selfish.
Every time Fitz calls Molly his wife I lose ten years off my life
Again, I understand why he’s thinking like this, but Fitz’s ownership of Molly is just so uncomfortable. The fact that he can’t imagine her not having a place ready and waiting for him in her life when he returns just illustrates that she is not a fully realised person to him. She is just a comforting idea.
Oh yes, it was definitely Starling’s “pillowtalk” that got you captured and not the fact that you fit the exact description of the witted bastard right down to having Chivalry’s earring and a whole ass wolf
Somehow forgot that Jhaampe is basically a city of tents with only a few permanent buildings and people constantly coming and going
Fitz’s first words to the Fool are “I’ve come to you.” I’m gonna fucking die
Literally every single word from the moment Fitz realises it’s the Fool and starts describing him is a full body assault and personal attack I am seeking reparations
God the tenderness, the angst, the relief……… shall i pass away
“I doubted he was much taller, but his body was no longer a child’s.” My dude this is a gay awakening if I ever saw one
Fitz be like *spends 87 pages describing the Fool in painstaking detail* anyway I love being a heterosexual male
I’ve heard ppl cite Fitz’s descriptions of Kettricken as evidence of a crush (hard disagree) but literally nothingggggg even comes close to the way he describes the Fool. Not just this once but over and over again it’s insane.
“Talk fell off between us. The bottle of brandy was empty. We were reduced to silence, staring at one another drunkenly.” skjakfnajghajgnaLNGJ is it gay to silently gaze into thine homie’s eyes
The Fool protecting Fitz from everyone - especially Starling - in Jhaampe is often hilarious and always heartwarming
Realising Fitz was skinny enough for the Fool to lift on his own ahhh no wonder he said the famous “When I recall how beautiful you were” line, Fitz is a total wreck
I love that the Fool actually gives Chade shit for his plan to take Nettle. I love him.
“Too few folk cared for me. I could not hate a single one of them.” Oh, Fitz :(
I always wonder how the Fool really feels about Molly. Is he jealous? Does he compare himself to this woman Fitz idolises and he doesn’t know? Does he know that Fitz is barking up the wrong tree or is he stuck thinking Molly must really be Fitz’s soulmate since he won’t shut up about how much he loves her and can’t wait to get back to her? He just never really lets on how it makes him feel when Fitz has relationships with women. We know Fitz gets jealous of the Fool (for litch rally like no reason lol), so with the Fool being much more honest with himself/in general about his love for Fitz and having much more legitimate reason to be jealous, is he? Or is it just something he’s made his peace with, that these women give Fitz something that he cannot? Is he okay with that cos he has to be or does he have a different, less monogamous view of love and relationships (he does have three parents after all). I dunnoooo dude I just have so many questions. Like obviously - OBVIOUSLY - if Fitz and the Fool didn’t have romantic feelings for each other before, there is no doubting that romantic feelings appeared the moment Fitz appeared in the Fool’s hut. Fitz won’t admit that but mere chapters later the Fool is talking about how he loves Fitz in every way so like. He knows. So how does he feel when Fitz is calling out for Molly in his sleep, or openly speaking of seeking her out when all this is over, and lying to the Fool to protect Molly and his daughter. Really makes u think!!!!
Fitz reuniting with Sooty and going to see her every day in Jhaampe is so cuuuute and made me so happy. Sooty is a good girl :’)
Fitz be like *leans against the table where the Fool is carving and watches his fingers at work like a true repressed gay*
Verity is literally so strong???? He submerged himself in skill and was able to pull himself back from the stream can u imagine? Go off king!
Bro I literally can’t with the Fool mentioning Jofron so casually and Fitz immediately thinking wow oh my god they’re definitely fucking oh my god the Fool has a girlfriend - Fitz sweetie calm down
I love how Fitz and the Fool just naturally walk together :))) and Nighteyes babysitting Kettle is so cute
Molly never once says that she misses Fitz. She says she always expected him to do the right thing, to come after her and not leave her alone with a child. But she doesn’t look back on their time together fondly or have much positive to say about him as a person. And all that is fair, but it’s also just… Not really the behaviour of someone who’s been separated from their soulmate. It’s more just someone who’s been left in a shitty position by someone they cared about but hardly knew.
Fitz asking the Fool what is between him and Starling when they’re literally just being civil is sooooo fucking funny. Not everyone finds the Fool as irresistible as you do, Fitz.
The Fool just casually finding a pretext to call Fitz the light of his life
Fitz telling Kettricken firmly that he will not travel if the Fool is ill is one of the only times he ever puts his foot down with her GEE I WONDER WHY
I’ve said it before I’ll say it again…… there really do be something about the way Fitz can’t meet the Fool’s eyes………. It’s not like they’re weird and colourless anymore like they used to be!!!
The Fool already talking about Clerres in this book!
Fitz and the Fool and Nighteyes playing in the stream is too fucking pure omg, it’s what they deserve
And then Starling has to bloody ruin it bc she’s homophobique
But seriously, Fitz actually lets go for the first time in ages and has a nice evening only for Starling to go tattling to Kettricken, and Kettricken having the gall to confront Fitz about it. And then Fitz solves the problem by saying he doesn’t disdain her when like!! He has every right to!!!! She sold him out, sold his daughter out. She never even apologised but instead has just been totally petty and self-righteous and stirring up trouble amongst the group. She hasn’t earned or even asked for his forgiveness. So fitting that she’s the one constantly judging Fitz for his relationship with Lord Golden in Tawny Man lol, she just cannot let Fitz and the Fool be the queer icons they are!!!
Verrrrrrrrrrry interesting that Fitz only “suddenly missed the human warmth and comfort” of Starling taking his arm or sleeping against him literally IMMEDIATELY after the plumbing and love confrontation with the Fool. I mean he has been doing all of those things with the Fool (sleeping together, walking arm in arm etc.) so it’s not about human touch at all, it’s about convincing himself that a WOMAN’S touch is somehow inherently different.
He does the same thing with Starling as with Kettricken. She technically apologises but it’s not sincere and that’s not why he forgives her. Same as Kettricken, she tells her sob story and he can’t hold onto his anger. It makes sense, but it’s just very toxic. It would be nice if at least one person would really recognise how much they’ve hurt Fitz and really, genuinely want to atone for it, or apologise without expecting forgiveness. The onus should not be on Fitz to forgive Starling but on Starling to grow up and not need Fitz to like her in order to remain civil and do what they have to. Also “I do not find your wit bond offensive” has the same energy as someone telling you out of nowhere like “It’s fine that you’re gay :)” like wow thank u?? lol
Fitz is Demisexual, Exhibit C: “I wanted her with a desperation that had nothing to do with love, and even, I believe, little to do with lust.”
“By his love he is betrayed, and his love betrayed also.” So fate agrees with me, Fitz and the Fool are in love? :)
Anytime the potential that Fitz might have to choose between Molly and Nighteyes I lose brain cells. That’s ur brother Fitz!!! It’s not even a choice!! How dare u
It’s just sooooo intentionally laid out for us in this book that Fitz’s relationship with Molly really wasn’t good or healthy and that his fixation on it is misguided, and I think that’s why I struggled sooooo hard with the ending of Fool’s Fate, because it kind of implied the exact opposite. I’m hoping on this reread I will pick up on it being laid out as a result of Fitz getting his memories/teen feelings back rather than it just feeling like a lowkey retcon, but I guess we’ll see lol
“I felt I was a bit in love with him, you know. That sort of lift to the heart.” the confirmation that the Fool KNOWS HOW IT FEELS TO BE IN LOVE sends me deep into the swamps goodbyeeeeeeeeeeee
“The one who loves him best will betray him most foully.” So fate agrees, the Fool loves Fitz best :)
“You do love me! … Before, it was words. I always feared it was born out of pity.” Godddddd Foooooooooool!!!!!!!!!!! 
Everything about Fitz, the Fool and Nighteyes meeting in the skill for the first time is just truly perfect iconic unparalleled.
Fitz’s love for Verity hurts my heart so much. Just think of the relationship they could have had if they weren’t stupid royals.
Kettle’s whole speech about Fitz and Molly… Just yes to every word.
Look I’m just gonna say it… The way Burrich reacts to Molly’s advances … like I know it’s probably not intentional but it just reads as very much fitting in with my headcanon that he is gay. As soon as she makes it clear she wants to sleep with him he like leaps across the room lol. I do believe he cares for her and loves her in his way, but it does feel mostly like he’ll just do whatever he needs to to care for her and the baby.  Sowwy
I wonder why the Fool wasn’t as affected by his giving up of memories to Girl-on-a-Dragon?? Or was he, and he just gets them back before we see him again in Tawny Man?
“Take my hurt that I never knew my father, take my hours of staring up at his portrait when the great hall was empty and I could do so alone.” um this is so fucking sad
It was the Fool who sent Starling to find Fitz after Verity uses his body and again I have to ask, wtf is going on in your mind, Fool!
Fitz is Demisexual, Exhibit D: Even once he actually sleeps with Starling he has no enthusiasm about it, he just kind of goes along with it, likely to prove to himself that he has really let go of his past/Molly. 
I always wonder why the Fool leaves now. Is it because he thinks their work is done and doesn’t want to risk messing things up by hanging around his catalyst like at the end of Tawny Man? Does he intend to come back and find Fitz again but get sidetracked by a lead or a new dream? Like it’s just weird because at first he was like “Prophet and Catalyst stick together” and was gonna stay with Fitz - or was that just an excuse because he was obsessed with Girl-on-a-Dragon? Fool u spicy lil enigma
It’s blood and the wit that wakes the stone dragons so does that mean King Wisdom was witted? Or is that obvious lol
Fitz isn’t even bothered by the Fool’s kiss, just shocked. I am looking.
Patience shouting orders at Verity-as-Dragon is beautiful ksjjk
Of courrrrrssse Burrich names his first son Chivalry
In the epilogue, the Fool is the only one Fitz actually says he misses. Exquisite.
I know some people have an issue with Regal’s death but personally I find it delicious
Okay that’s all (I say as if this wasn’t 139841989 pages long). See y’all in 92 years when my sister finally starts reading Liveship!
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akindofmagictoo · 3 years
manuscript search tag game
I was tagged by @dragon-swords-prophecies :D thank you! 
my words are cat, water, storm, book 
cat (Dragonsong) (there is a legitimate cat making a cameo in each of my WIPs, but I loved this excerpts as well) 
The door slammed open once again to reveal an armed and armoured knight, a fair-skinned woman with brown hair. Her surcoat was spotlessly clean, and her armour shone brightly. A citadel knight. One hand on the hilt of her sword, she said, “We saw some children come this way. Anyone here?” 
Who was she to try and oppose this? She might have been just one woman… but these children would be taken away against their wills. Taken from their families, taken to do a job they didn’t necessarily want. Isi couldn’t stand by and watch something like that happen. 
“Well? Cat got your tongue?” 
She needed to make a more definitive choice. 
water (Dragonsong) (is anyone surprised that I first thought up this metaphor while at the beach myself?) 
Sierra had been the child who loved the ocean. She would let herself be swept along in its currents, dive deep and surface laughing. As much as Isi loved the ocean they had grown up with, she had always been the one with her feet planted firmly on the ground. She had been the one to fish Sierra out when she went too deep. She had preferred to let the water flow around her, but never to let it take her. 
Yet she didn’t quite want to let go of Fintan. Not just yet. There was a beauty in the fiery chaos, and it warmed her from the inside out. In the tumbling ocean, she always felt more alive. She felt the same here, alive and bright and strong. 
storm (Hurricane) (this chapter is literally called The Storm lol) 
It turned out that staying belowdecks while the storm raged wasn’t [Theo’s] idea of fun, either. He tried sitting in his hammock, reasoning it would move with the ship, but the movement and the apparent frailty of the rope and cloth made him more nervous, so he found a post to put his back against instead. That wasn’t much better. Aside from the bruises he knew he’d have from being thrown against the walls, his stomach flipped with every pitch and roll. The ship seemed terribly flimsy, more than it ever had before, setting his heart pounding. His fingers ached from his futile efforts to hold onto anything that might stop him flying across the ship every time it rocked. 
He had no idea how much time had passed, but he’d long since emptied the contents of his stomach when Aella reappeared, soaked to the skin. “Get up. You’re needed on deck.” She peeled a few strands of wet hair off her cheek and wiped her mouth. 
“We need all hands on deck. This is a large storm and it came on very fast. And this isn’t our ship, so she’s unfamiliar.” She was speaking in a rush. Theo had to concentrate to understand. She spat and continued, “You’ll be an extra set of hands to get the sail and rigging under control. Sequoia’s still up the mast ‘cause the bloody sail came untied again, and Elizabeth and Emmy are out of action. Just do what I tell you.” 
book (Dragonsong) 
“I expected no less.” A wry look came over Baya’s face. “I don’t think I did mistake you for someone else. I think you were a knight when last I saw you. Weren’t you, Tor Isadora?” 
Isi sighed. “That’s me. Well… it was.” Tor Isadora had followed every rule, every law to the letter. Tor Isadora had kept herself clean, avoided getting her hands too dirty, made sure her armour was always polished. Everything had been by the book, strictly governed. Sterile. 
Isi stood here now, her skin sticky with capybara blood and smudged with days-old dirt. Her braid was starting to come loose, and her shirt had a rip in it that she was yet to fix. But she felt more alive than she had as a knight. This wasn’t sterile, simple change. This was tangible. She could still smell the blood. 
She liked to be clean and tidy. But really, it had all been for show. Here and now, she had done something. There would be time to clean up later. 
I will tag @rosiewritesandrambles (i’ve been tagging you a lot lately. no pressure of course!) @zmlorenz and @etjwrites! and anyone else who wants to play is welcome. your words are maze, mumble, mould, melt 
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purplesurveys · 3 years
survey by pinkchocolate
Hi there! This list is based on some things I've done recently. Let's say, within the last few days. Have you done any of these things in the last few days?
Worn make-up? I never wear makeup. I’ve never felt the need to.
Worn perfume? Sure. I went out last Sunday to bring Cooper to the vet and to take myself out to a coffee shop for a few hours, so I wanted to make sure I smelled decent.
Taken selfies? I think I may have, but I’m sure I deleted them almost immediately.
Shared some photos on social media? Yes, I posted a couple photos of Cooper because he was being super smiley the other day. I also shared a photo of my laptop, which was playing Friends, beside my Friends mug the other night.
Woken up to the sound of your phone vibrating? Technically. But this usually happens when I’m trying to fall asleep in the evening, i.e. someone sending a late-night message, and not in the morning.
Heard the rain outside your window? Yes. It’s literally happening right now haha it just started raining.
Added sugar to a mug of tea/coffee? No. I use 3-in-1 coffee packets, which are already pre-mixed and all I have to do is add hot water. I’m terrible with measurements and starting from scratch and I doubt I’ll ever get the hang of manually combining coffee + sugar + milk + creamer + whatever else goes into coffee haha.
Refilled your drinks bottle? I don’t use a tumbler. I’m at home nearly every day of the week so I always have access to our glasses.
Felt emotionally involved while reading a book? This has happened before for sure, but not in the last few days.
Chuckled/laughed while reading a book? Uhhh I guess. My employer recently lent me this book on PR that they thought would help me gain a richer appreciation of the industry and I guess I did lightly chuckle at a few humorous anecdotes in it.
Spilled a drink? I don’t think so.
Eaten something that was sprinkled with sugar? Nope. I’ve eaten sweets here and there but nothing sprinkled with sugar.
Googled the definition of a word? At least a few times a day.
Read a Wikipedia article? Yes, I love Wikipedia. The last entry I read was a list on notable last words.
Laughed at a video you watched online? So many times. The main reason I watch videos is to be entertained and to laugh, to be honest; so it’s nice that a lot of creators make great, funny content.
Craved a savoury snack of some description? I’ve been craving gourmet donuts for weeks now. Nothing sweet; I’m looking for those with creative, out-of-the-box flavors.
Cursed after dropping an item on the floor? Probably.
Been amused by your pet's behaviour? I am always amused at their behavior. Kimi’s approaching 13 years but he still makes me laugh every single day.
Recognized an actor in a TV show, from another show you'd seen? I’ve only been watching Friends, soooo nothing to compare it to.
Seen an actor on TV that you thought attractive? Courteney Cox, always.
Typed something in a word processor? I had to look this up lol, but I guess I have if Google Docs counts as one? I use it a lot for work.
Been asked a question that you found awkward or difficult to answer? Sure. My grandma called up when I was stuck in a particularly tough period of my shift and she was asking how it’s been. I didn’t want to worry her or overshare, so I paused for a bit and just said “it’s going great!”
Smelled a pleasant food aroma? Yeah, my dad cooks up some great stuff al the time.
Dipped your food in ketchup, mayonnaise or another sauce? Tartar sauce.
Forgotten a hot beverage, then found it had gone cold? I don’t make hot beverages, so.
survey by kellyburnsred
What music video do you wish you were in? I don’t watch music videos a lot, mostly because they’re usually not at all related to the song it corresponds to and I never saw the point. Buttt idk, the one I had some of the most fun watching was One Direction’s Best Song Ever because it was hilarious. It’d be cool to fuck around with the characters there.
Who makes you laugh the most? I’d say it’s either Andi or Hans. JM and Kate are good runners-up.
You only can eat three things the rest of your life, what do choose? That would make me sick of those foods so fast...but if it were a legit life-and-death situation, I would go with surf and turf (so that I at least have a bit of variety), rice (because I can’t live without rice), and macarons (for something sweet).
What's one thing you wish you had in your life right now? Macarons. I recently liked a slew of local macaron shops on Facebook and even though I know it’s my fault, I hateeee that my feed is filled with macarons now haha.
If you had to give up your style, what other style would you choose? I’m not really sure. I can think of more styles I’m not willing to adopt, than those that can be my back-up.
What's your favorite ice cream topping? Hot fudge.
What is the bare minimum of sleep you could function on? I guess 3 or 4, but that’s the barest of the bare minimum. I would still be cranky if I was only able to sleep for that few hours.
When you drive, do you generally speed? Yeah, if I can. You’re always stuck in traffic in Manila so if you have the chance to press harder on the gas, you typically wouldn’t want to miss out on it.
Are you an animal lover? Yes, except for pests and insects I don’t like, like cockroaches.
What's the dumbest thing you've done because someone dared you? I once ate a piece of siomai that already fell to the ground; when I ate it I felt a lot of tiny pebbles and other debris so I promptly spat it out in a nearby bin.
What is the most disgusting trait that you have? Idk...typical disgusting habits make me wince myself. The worst thing I can think of is that I tend to keep my nails super long just out of neglect; and I usually only clip them once dirt starts getting trapped under the nails, or once it starts to become hard to type.
What was the last thing you talked to your friends about? Angela had made this really cute, DIY foldable collage for Hans for his birthday yesterday and I just checked in on her earlier to ask if he loved it.
What part of your day do you look forward to the most? The moment my shift ends.
What are your favorite song lyrics? This week, it’s probably “It isn’t the same, but it is enough.” It’s oddly calming no matter how sad the actual context is.
Who are your closest friends? Angela and Andi.
What profession do you admire the most? All are worthy of admiration. I don’t really have a ~favorite~
Do you believe in karma? Not strictly in the spiritual sense; but it can be comforting to think that the people who have hurt me will have their ass handed back to them someday.
What do you think is the funniest show on TV? Ooh, I don’t watch a lot of TV anymore...I have a sitcom in mind but it ended 17 years ago and it’s still pretty polarizing to this day, lol.
Are you an organ donor? No.
Did you have imaginary friends when you were younger? Just one, but I didn’t get the point of it and I got bored very quickly.
Have you ever smoked weed? No but a friend knows a supplier should I ever want to start getting into it.
Who do you look up to for your style? Idk, whatever girls my age are wearing these days.
What's the most expensive thing you've ever bought? With my own money, probably the hotel accommodation I purchased for my dad’s birthday this weekend. I’m super stingy with my money and I can’t imagine spending 4 or 5 figures on something just for myself.
What's your favorite amusement park ride? Not too big on rides.
Who was the craziest teacher you've ever had? Ironically, it was my Christianity/religion teacher from 5th grade. We bumped into each other a few weeks after I graduated high school and his first remark towards me was about my breasts. He did a lot of stupid shit too when I was in 5th grade but I don’t feel like getting into them because he was just one big headache of a man.
Where would you like to travel that you have not been? Thailand, if within Asia; Spain if outside.
If you could be any musician for a day, who would you be and why? No thanks.
Do you have any tattoos? No.
What are your favorite scary movies? Some favorites are Carrie, The Shining, and Scream.
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I reread Dany's early AGOT recently, and this passage stood out to me: "For half a moon, they rode through the Forest of Qohor [...] there were great elk in that wood, and spotted tigers, and LEMURS WITH SILVER FUR AND HUGE PURPLE EYES, but all fled before the approach of the khalasar and Dany got no glimpse of them." TARG LEMURS??? What's your thoughts on this? I'm guessing it symbolizes the Westerosi Houses (Baratheons and Lannisters) and is foreshadowing her return? (1/2)
(2/2) My guesses as far as possible symbolism goes are this: the tigers and elk (Baratheons and Lannisters) ran from Dany's forces (the Dothraki) so that could foreshadow her return to the West/her battling them? But she barely got to look at the animals before they ran off, so could that foreshadow her not being in Westeros long (like, returning to Essos), or dying in Westeros? ;__;
Srry to keep spamming you lol, but I wanted your opinions. My fave ending 4 Dany is 4 her 2 realize that her heart is in Essos, not the West. So while she goes West for a while & helps with the LN/rules, she has the epiphany that she was trying to reclaim the IT for her family, not for her OWN happiness, and that her true home is Essos. I think of that line abt her wanting to be a sailor as a child; she craves domesticity, but has become more than that for the sake of others, to help them. (1/2)
(2/2) So I think a good ending for her is to get what she truly wants, after sacrificing her happiness for so long; a house with a red door, literally or metaphorical, that simple life she's always wanted: a home. Basically the reward of being able to rest after she has labored and did her duty as queen: freeing slaves, giving so much, etc, etc. I can just see her in this quiet, beautiful Essosi meadow where she's settled down with her closest friends and it just makes me so emotional. Thoughts?
Don’t ever apoligize for spamming me, lol! I love it when I get asks like this!
As for the Lemurs, Elk and Spotted Tigers being foreshadow for Daenerys choosing to leave Westeros and go back to Essos, I don’t know if I can say that I agree or disagree. I think it’s an interesting portion that grrm put into her story, but I don’t know if it means anything in terms of her endgame.
I’m on the same page with you where I want nothing more than for Daenerys to just be happy and free and surrounded by loved ones.
But Daenerys has an obligation.
Daenerys isn’t throne crazy and she isn’t power hungry like a lot like to paint her as. In fact, she wants nothing more than to go find the house with the red door, be simple common folk and be man and wife with Daario. Daenerys believed in Viserys once, her brother, her King, the true heir to the iron throne, but he died, and that responsibility fell to her.
“I was alone for a long time, Jorah. All alone but for my brother. I was such a small scared thing. Viserysshould have protected me, but instead he hurt me and scared me worse. He shouldn’t have done that. Hewasn’t just my brother, he was myking . Why do the gods make kings and queens, if not to protect theones who can’t protect themselves?” - Daenerys, ASOS
She doesn’t want the throne simply to have the throne, she wants the throne because she wants to help people. That’s who Daenerys is at her core, someone who just wants to help and protect people. She would abandon this quest for the throne if she could, but since it fell into her lap as the last Targaryen, and she has the willpower and the means to attain it, she knows that she must fulfill this quest or else all these people would continue to be murdered, enslaved, raped and harmed by those who are in power.
What’s so funny about 8.05 is that Daenerys said, “I have no love here, I only have fear.” which is such bullshit, considering they killed off those who did love her, because book!daenerys is used to be mocked, scorned and unloved. She is constantly surrounded by enemies because she’s the single thing standing in between a predator (slavers) and their prey (freed slaves). We see this when she is Khaleesi and stops the Khalassar men from raping the goat girls and women, when she brings them under her protection she’s cursed at and spat at. We see this when she frees the cities, because the slavers then form the Harpy to reclaim their slaves. Daenerys Targaryen isn’t unaccustomed to these things. She’s used to this kind of behavior, she’s used to this kind of treatment, it doesn’t deter her at all, because she knows that no one else will do what she is willing to do.
Dany agrees to marry a man she hates and sacrifices her happiness for the sake of her people:
… but Daenerys Targaryen had other children, tens of thousands who had hailed her as their mother when she broke their chains. She thought of Stalwart Shield, of Missandei’s brother, of the woman Rylona Rhee, who had played the harp so beautifully. No marriage would ever bring them back to life, but if a husband could help end the slaughter, then she owed it to her dead to marry. - Daenerys IV ADWD
“It is not,” she agreed, “but it is important to me that you should understand. My people are bleeding. Dying. A queen belongs not to herself, but to the realm. Marriage or carnage, those are my choices. A wedding or a war.” - Daenerys IV ADWD
When Dany is offered yet another choice to go to Westeros, and this time with a powerful alliance with Dorne, Dany sacrifices this for her people and still decides to marry Hizdahr:
“It would please me if he had turned up with these fifty thousand swords he speaks of. Instead he brings two knights and a parchment. Will a parchment shield my people from the Yunkai'i? If he had come with a fleet …”
“Sunspear has never been a sea power, Your Grace.”
“No.” Dany knew enough of Westerosi history to know that. Nymeria had landed ten thousand ships upon Dorne’s sandy shores, but when she wed her Dornish prince she had burned them all and turned her back upon the sea forever. “Dorne is too far away. To please this prince, I would need to abandon all my people. You should send him home.” - Daenerys VIII ADWD
Her desires and her wishes aren’t matched to her desire and need to protect people. Even in the most recent book, we see that Daenerys wants to simply be a young carefree girl who’s in love, but she can’t, because she has a duty.
She would rather have drifted in the fragrant pool all day, eating iced fruit off silver trays and dreaming of a house with a red door, but a queen belongs to her people, not to herself. - Daenerys IX ADWD
It was time, though. A girl might spend her life at play, but she was a woman grown, a queen, a wife, a mother to thousands. Her children had need of her. Drogon had bent before the whip, and so must she. She had to don her crown again and return to her ebon bench and the arms of her noble husband. - Daenerys X ADWD
A quote from Emilia Clarke,
“It’s not a kind of surfacey ‘I’m gonna take the throne cause I want it.’ This is her destiny and she can’t fight it. The only person that she can trust is herself. It’s a pretty lonely path that she’s going down.”
Daenerys finding unwelcoming arms in Westeros isn’t something that she’ll be shocked and upset and go mad over, as I explained above she’s used to that kind of treatment. Daenerys duty is to her people above all else. If the people don’t want her help, she won’t leave them still. Regardless of her own desires, her own needs, her own dreams, her duty is to the people who need her.
I agree with you, I want nothing more than for her to say ‘fuck this shit I’m out,’ but she won't, because she's not the kind of person to abandon those in need, as Tyrion said, she is an all above rescuer.
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svtmatokis · 4 years
Matchmaker P6
I couldn’t go to bed without posting this. Literally worked on it for like 4hrs lol~ hope you like it!
Plot: You’re a small name model who is close friends with Joshua and Taehyung and just moved to Korea after signing with an agency. You’ve been a fan of BTS for as long as you could remember and biased Yoongi. Little did you know, despite not being well known, you had caught Yoongi’s eye a long time ago and now you guys get to meet. Even though the two of you become friends, Yoongi’s apparently too shy and you’re just apparently oblivious to his feelings. Will it take a push from Taehyung and the rest of his members for you two to finally get together or will Yoongi be able to do it on his own?
Words: 4010
1 - 2 - 3 - 4 - 5
Warnings: This particular chapter contains alot of swearing~
Genre: flufff/ slight angst
Pairing: You x Yoongi
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“So have you heard anything from the other side since you left?” Jihoon asked as the two of you sat at one of your favorite restaurants that you used to go to a lot.
“By otherside, I assume you mean my old agency?” you asked playing with the napkin on your lap as Jihoon nodded. “Only from what I know from Hara...It’s kind of put me on edge though…” 
“How’s Hara associated with all this again?” he asked confused. You only told him that she knew who your old manager was but not the connection between but he had a feeling that if Hara sparked this much fear into you, that it was a serious thing.
“She’s his younger sister believe it or not...Did I tell you that she cornered me during the show yesterday?” you asked with a small frown and Jihoon almost spat out his drink,
“No? When were you going to tell me this?” he asked with clear shock, “After she did something stupid? Do you know if she has access-” 
“One question at a time.” you said holding up a finger, thankful that you were sitting in a quiet corner at the back of the restaurant where no one was around. “It was the main reason why I wanted to hang out today...If I went out with Yoongi, I would’ve asked you to meet up after...Josh and my sister are the only ones who know...” 
You looked down, “I walked out of the bathroom yesterday and she was right there. She didn’t say anything...she just held her phone up and all the proof was there...She threatened me again...she said that if I don’t stay away from them, she’ll go to the press...We all know that as long as there isn’t any written proof, we can’t accuse her of anything. There’s a part of me that’s going crazy and struggling to stay sane through all this but another part of me wants to say fuck you because it’s really none of her business but if those get leaked, it would reflect badly on me and the agency...I just wanted to leave that part of my life behind so I could have a fresh start...but it’s actually followed me here.” You let out a big sigh and felt tears well up in your eyes and shut them tightly. You refused to cry over this, you were stronger than that. “Why do you think I keep my friendship with Yoongi so casual and secretive? Even if we went out today, I wouldn’t want to take it any further knowing…” 
You shook your head as you remembered the scene you saw today at the cafe today, “And it’s not like it matters anymore anyways. They looked really comfortable today and they’re in the same agency…Maybe it’s just best that I leave it alone now and let this all go...If anyone found out I was associated with Yoongi romantically and things got out, think about how negatively it would reflect on him as an artist...I can’t let that happen to him...” 
Jihoons eyebrows furrowed when he saw your true state of mind. Knowing that Hara threatened you was one thing but knowing that you were willing to let your feelings go for someone whom you felt strongly for in order to protect them was another thing. He could see the pain in your eyes and it was the same pain he saw before, you were so desperate to have a fresh start, you waited so patiently for your contract to be over to start a new life and now you were once again crumbling before his eyes. At least this time, he didn’t have to fly across an ocean to be there for you.
He reached over and put his hand on top of yours, his thumb gently caressing the top of your hand as you muttered.
“I don’t know what to do anymore Ji...I like this guy so much but I can’t be with him if it means putting his career and image in jeopardy…” 
Jihoon frowned and thought for a while, “Would you...consider telling him? Like everything? From start to finish...it’s Yoongi, Y/N...he’s probably the most sane next to Namjoon...he would understand…” 
You shook your head quickly, “I can’t...not while this is still happening. Imagine how he’d react...he’d go to his agency, they wouldn’t believe him because he has no proof Haras threatening me...it’d make him look bad...I just can’t” you said as a tear slipped from your eye and Jihoon leaned over to wipe it away.
“Let’s finish eating and then I’ll take you home.” he whispered, “We’ll stop by for icecream again along the way.” 
Meanwhile, none of you were aware of the people standing outside the restaurant who were watching the scene with a different idea in mind.
“Hey, isn’t that Woozi and Y/N?” Hoseok asked pointing to two people at the back. They had just finished eating at a different restaurant and happened to pass by. You had your back facing the window but they all had a clear view of Jihoons concerned face and many thoughts invaded their mind.
“How do you know it’s Y/N?” Taehyung asked as Yoongi watched the scene intently with his fists semi clenched.
You had yet to respond to any of his texts and now here you were with Jihoon at one of the more upscale restaurants in the city. There was a bottle of wine between the two of you and Jihoon’s hand was still resting on yours. 
“The tattoo on her back.” Hoseok stated pointing at the orchids, “Plus, isn’t it a fact that those two are close friends?” 
“Looks like they’re closer than they’re letting on.” Jin observed, “I wonder what’s wrong...the conversation looks serious…” 
“And look at Woozi’s hand on top of Y/N’s.” Jungkook pointed out, “Did he just reach over to touch her face?” 
“Guys, it’s not right to stare.” Namjoon said though he was doing the same but looked at Yoongi from the corner of his eye, “We should leave them alone...whatever it is, is between them.”
“Have you talked to her at all today Hyung?” Jungkook asked Yoongi who shook his head.
“She said she was busy today.” he muttered while shoving his hands in his pockets.
“Well obviously if she’s out with Jihoon right now…” Jimin said, “Maybe we should go say hi?”
“No way, they look like they’re about to leave. If they see us staring they’ll think somethings up. Let’s just go.” Taehyung said looking down at his phone as his eyes widened after seeing a text from Minyoung. Though he was curious about what you were doing with Jihoon, he didn’t want to intrude on an obvious private moment. 
Yoongi must’ve obviously thought the same thing because he just said he was heading to his studio and left without another word leaving the rest of his members to stare after him with concern.
“If anything, it looks like a date.” Jin said finally voicing his opinion and most of the guys nodded their heads.
“I don’t think that’s the case…” Taehyung muttered as he continued to look at his phone with texts from Minyoung and the puzzle pieces were slowly coming together.
[8:45pm] Minyoung: So I left my phone at home today during my date with Chan and I come back to see this?
[8:45pm] Minyoung: -Sends a photo attachment-
[8:45pm] Minyoung: What the hell is going on? I thought you guys had a meeting with your agency today?
“Shit, shit, shit, shit, shit!” Taehyung said as he started responding to Minyoung quickly but he also caught the attention of the other members who were now looking at him weirdly. 
“Tae….?” Namjoon asked as the group started walking back to their dorm.
[8:46pm] Tae: It’s not what it looks like I swear! We had a meeting with the agency today but Jin, Jungkook and Yoongi went out for lunch! They were there too, I swear! Hara must’ve been there already and saw him while the guys were getting coffee! How’d you get the photo anyways?
[8:47pm] Minyoung: Y/N and Jihoon saw them...they were hanging out today after Yoongi cancelled on their supposed date. Jihoon sent me the photo.
“FUCK!” Taehyung yelled making everyone stop in their tracks. 
“What the hell Tae.” Namjoon said, “What’s going on?” 
“I need to go find Yoongi like right now.” Taehyung said as he continued to text Minyoung, “I’ll see you guys later.” and with the final word, he was gone but the other members caught the tail end of his muttering.
“Why the heck didn’t he say anything?”
[8:50pm] Tae: It HAS to be a misunderstanding, I’m going to find Yoongi right now to clarify everything. We just saw Y/N and Woozi at a restaurant having dinner and Yoongi left in a huff...Now I’m understanding why Y/N hasn’t responded to his texts…
[8:51pm] Tae: I swear Minyoung, it’s really not what it looks like…
[8:52pm] Minyoung: Good luck trying to convince Y/N of that...according to Jihoon, she shut herself off fairly quickly and it took him a few hours for her to at least smile…
[8:52pm] Tae: She can’t be THAT upset over this can she? I mean….
[8:52pm] Minyoung: Tae, she has severe trust issues and I’m sure you know that Hara hasn’t been the nicest person to her...It runs deeper than you think…
[8:53pm] Tae: But Hara’s just a trainee…there’s something you aren’t telling us….
[8:54pm] Minyoung: It’s not my place to tell...Just...try to figure things out on your end and I’ll see what I can get out of Jihoon. He’s taking her home right now.
[8:54pm] Tae: I’ll be at the agency in  bit and once I talk to Yoongi, I’ll let you know...Fuck I swear, he really like her Minyoung...She’s all he ever thinks about…
[8:55pm] Minyoung: And she likes him...but that doesn’t mean that she can be with him just like that either…I’ll talk to you in a bit.
As Jihoon walked you home, it began to rain and  thankfully, you made it right before it started pouring.
“Are you sure you’ll be okay to get back?” you asked Jihoon as the two of you stood in front of your apartment.
“Of course, I have my umbrella in my bag so you don’t have to worry...Are YOU going to be okay?” he asked with pure concern and you gave him a tight smile.
“I have to be.” you said, “Thank you again...for being there…” 
“I always will be Y/N.” Jihoon said as you opened your door, “Have a good night and call me if you need anything okay?” 
“I will...thank you again Ji…” you said and gave him a tight hug and watched as he walked down the path knowing he was heading back to the agency to finish what he was supposed to work on for the day. Even though you felt bad that he had set this time aside, you were thankful that you could get a lot off your chest.
You entered your apartment and checked your mail. You found an odd envelope addressed to you and opened it. Your eyes widened as you skimmed the contents and the note that came with it.
Suddenly breathing became an issue as you read the note and the next thing you knew, you were taking your phone out.
“I-I need you to come back.” you said breathlessly as the panic started to get the best of you, “P-please be quick.”
Around the same time, Taehyung was back at the agency and barged into Yoongi’s studio without knocking. He knew that Yoongi would get pissed at him for it but he could really care less at this point. This was more important.
“What the hell” Yoong said as he sat up from his position at his desk as Taehyung took deep breaths since he practically ran to the agency.
“Were you and Y/N supposed to have a date today?” Taehyung asked right away and Yoongi raised his eyebrows.
“Don’t make me repeat myself again Yoongi. Were you at Y/N supposed to go out today?” Taehyung asked and the look on the older members face answered it.
“Why didn’t you say anything?!” Taehyung almost yelled, “We could’ve gotten you out of the meeting! You two could have-” 
“It doesn’t matter anymore does it? It’s done.” Yoongi said cutting him off. He was agitated since you had yet to respond to any of his messages he had sent and even though a tiny part of him felt worried, his jealousy was over playing it. “You saw her with Jihoon today…” 
“Yea, like how she saw you with Hara.” Taehyung stated bluntly and that threw Yoongi off.
“She what?” Yoongi asked as Taehyung took out his phone and showed him the photo. “What the hell? Who showed her that? “
“No one…” Taehyung said, “She and Woozi were hanging out and saw the two of you. According to her sister, who has been in contact with him, Y/N saw more than she wanted…”
“What the heck?!” Yoongi yelled, “Hara literally showed up there when I was with the guys...it’s all a misunderstanding...thats why…” 
“She hasn’t responded to your texts...there was a hair ruffling or something like that?” Taehyung asked, “Yea, Y/N saw all that and got the wrong idea…” 
“She should’ve said something instead of jumping to conclusions…” Yoongi muttered, “Why…” 
“It’s about Hara…” Taehyung said, “Mingyoung wouldn’t tell me the details but Hara hasn’t been the greatest person for Y/N to be around and according to Minyoung, it runs deeper than we all think…” 
“Yea, Hara’s said some shit to her and we’re all working on that right now.” Yoongi stated and Taehyung shook his head.
“I think its worse...Y/N’s been avoiding this topic for a while apparently and I’ve noticed that she’s starting to push us away. I’m not sure what’s up with her but I know that it has something to do with Hara…” he said and looked Yoongi in the eyes, “You need to go to Y/N and explain...if she won’t talk to you over messaging and won’t answer your calls...show up at her house...just talk to her...I have this really bad feeling right now and I can’t explain…” 
Yoongi stared at Taehyung for a moment, “Bad...feeling?” 
“The vibes I’ve gotten from Hara...the way she’s been acting recently and the fact that Y/N’s avoided our agency like the plague as of late...I think it has to do with Hara..” Taehyung muttered with his eyebrows furrowed as his phone went off. 
Looking down, he saw a text from Minyoung, Josh and Jihoon to the group chat and suddenly he wanted to curse again.
[9:45pm] Minyoung: Let’s call this whole thing off. I don’t want my sister around Yoongi anymore.
[9:45pm] Woozi: I agree. 
[9:46pm] Josh: Sigh...I STRONGLY agree
He didn’t want to show Yoongi the text or else it would set him off. What the heck was going on? Why the sudden change of heart?  He looked back up at his older member and said, “If you really like Y/N, go talk to her, the longer you prolong this the worse it can get and she may not be yours anymore…” 
Yoongi didn’t need to be told twice, there was something in Taehyungs eyes that set him off and after grabbing his phone, he was out the door with no regard for the current weather outside.
Taehyung looked down at his phone as the other people in the group started questioning everything and he only hoped that things were going to be okay.
[9:46pm] Kookie: What the heck?! Why? We’ve worked so hard these last three months
[9:48pm] Jin: We saw you two at the restaurant in Gangnam today, you were on a date weren’t you…
[9:49pm] RM: Guys...lets not jump to conclusions here...but why? What’s going on you guys? Yoongi REALLY likes Y/N...you can see that he’s changed since they started hanging out
[9:50pm] Minyoung: I’m saying this as her MANAGER, I don’t want those two around each other anymore. For fuck sakes...I can’t talk right now, I have to deal with stuff. Josh, I’ll meet you and Jihoon at the agency.
[9:51pm] Jimin: What the hell Minyoung, you can’t leave us hanging like this without a good reason
[9:52pm] Josh: Guys...please understand...it’s not what we WANT to do...it’s what we HAVE to do...I’m sorry we wasted all this time…
[9:53pm] Jin: You were literally on board with this two months ago? What do you mean you HAVE to do? What aren’t you telling us?!
[9:54pm] Jimin: Yea, something doesn’t seem right...what the heck is going on?
[9:54pm] Dino: They’re both busy now...it’s not our choice...it’s what Y/N wanted...Like Namjoon said, lets not jump to conclusions...but I REALLY think it’s best they aren’t around each other anymore...I’m sorry, I gotta go…
[9:55pm] Tae: Tough luck you guys, Yoongi’s on his way to Y/N’s apartment right now
[9:55pm] Josh: Fuck
[9:55pm] Dino: Fuck
[9:55pm] Woozi: Sigh…
The knock on your door was quick, you and Jihoon looked at each other from your position on the couch and he nodded his head to open it knowing exactly who the person on the other side was.
You slowly opened your door and was shocked to see Yoongi who was soaked to the bone on the other side.
“What are you doing here” you whispered as Yoongi stepped in and saw Jihoon sitting on the couch looking perplexed. 
To him, it looked like you two were having a moment that had just been interrupted but something about the looks on both your faces didn’t feel right.
“Yoongi.” Jihoon said standing up and picking an envelope up off the table, “I’m heading back to the agency to meet with Minyoung and Josh. You need to talk to him and tell him. If you don’t I will kick your ass myself.” he said to you as he grabbed his coat before stepping closer to you, “Everything’s going to be okay, just tell him…” he whispered and showed you the envelope, “I took a picture of the note but I’m taking these just incase and I’m giving them to our team. I’ll contact you if anything comes up.” 
You followed Jihoons figure with your eyes as he said his goodbyes to Yoongi and the moment your door was shut, you realized that Yoongi was still standing in your living room soaked. 
You quickly went and grabbed a towel out of the closet, you could literally feel Yoongi’s eyes following your every move and when you put the towel over his head to dry his hair, he grabbed your wrists to stop you.
“What’s going on.” he whispered, “What happened in the last twenty four hours that has everything so fucked up?” 
“Nothing.” you said softly not meeting his eyes, “You shouldn’t be here Yoongi…” 
“Jihoon said we needed to talk...so we should talk….” he stated as you tried to free your wrists but Yoongi was obviously stronger. “Y/N…I know you saw me and Hara today…”
Hearing that name made you gasp and made you remember why Yoongi shouldn’t be in your apartment in the first place and you used whatever strength you had to break free of his grasp before pushing him towards the door.
“You can’t be here Yoongi...please...just...you can’t.” you said but Yoongi was unmoving as he took your pushes.
“We had a date today...you haven’t responded to any of my texts or calls…” he stated and held you in place  by wrapping his arms around your body. He could feel you struggle against him but he rested his head in the space between your neck and head. “What’s wrong? Why can’t you tell me?”
Yoongi sounded so vulnerable to you that it almost made you cave...You wanted to tell him everything, everything that was going on in your mind. You wanted to tell him about the thoughts that haunted you but you couldn’t help but think he’d look at you differently. 
It took everything in your being to say these words to him and you tried your hardest to make it sound convincing.
“I don’t want to see you anymore.” you said coldly and tried to push him off of you but that only made him tighten his grip. “I don’t like you like that.” 
He had to pretend like those words didn’t break his heart, they sounded so convincing yet he knew you were lying.
“Bull fucking shit Y/N.” he said slightly muffled, “Because I like you… a lot and I know you feel the same way.”
You put your hands on his chest to push him away but the moment you did, he connected his lips to yours and even though you tried to fight him off, he was still stronger. You felt your resolve melting as his lips moved against yours and instead of pushing him away, you felt your eyes drifting close and your hands fisted the front of his shirt. 
After a few moments, breathing became an issue and Yoongi pulled away but kept his arms securely around you as he rested his forehead against yours and the two of you gazed into eachothers eyes. 
You were both breathing heavily and after a few minutes, Yoongi finally spoke.
“Talk to me baby girl...you know you can trust me…” he whispered, “I know about Hara...and what’s she’s been trying to do...I know she hasn’t been the nicest to you and I swear she ambushed me at the cafe today...It’s not what you think...It’s not what you saw…I need you to know that.” 
His eyes never left yours as he spoke and you could tell that what he was saying was the truth. “Yoongs…It’s more complicated than that…” you looked to the side as you felt your heart crack,, “After today, I think it’d be best if we don’t see each other anymore…”
“You don’t mean that Y/N.” he said as his arms tightened around you, “Look me in the eyes and tell me that.”
You couldn’t.
“Yoongi...I-I’m sorry...I have to…” you whispered, “I can’t keep doing this knowing that it might hurt you in the end.”
“You won’t hurt me though Y/N…” he said softly, “What you’re doing now...that’s what’s hurting me...Y/N please…” he begged, “Stop hurting yourself… for the sake of others...somethings going on and I want to know what it is...I promise I won’t look at you differently, I promise that I’ll listen...I just don’t want us to end what we have like this.” 
You looked in Yoongi’s eyes again and saw the sadness, sadness that you were causing him. You felt so conflicted on the inside that you couldn’t help but let the tears well up and fall over the fact. 
You used your hand and cupped his cheek before leaning up to meet his lips once more and he responded immediately. You allowed yourself to wrap your arms around his neck as the kiss got more passionate and you swore that you had never felt like this before but it ended too soon as you pulled away and Yoongi tried to claim your lips once more but you pushed him back slightly.
“Okay.” you whispered taking his larger hand in yours, “I’ll tell you what’s going on.”
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lululawrence · 5 years
Hey! Have you read any good abo fics recently?
ahehehehehe okay, so, i put this off until now because i needed to be able to look at a few things. so, by recently i am taking that to mean since i last did an a/b/o fic rec, which apparently was june of last year (and january before that). that’s far too long ago, meaning this rec is going to have about 30 fics on it. hahahaha i’m putting them in no particular order other than the order i bookmarked them in, meaning most recent bookmarks will be last, so if june of last year wasn’t recent enough, you’ll wanna scroll a bit. :D
I have also written two more a/b/o fics since my last rec, so i’ll start with a bit of self promo and then start lauding the work of others (hope you don’t mind)
The World Will Open Its Arms - this one is actually one of my more popular fics from last year, which i wasn’t expecting at all. haha my entire goal for this fic was to take a feeling i got while listening to a song on a random drive to take my daughter to her ice skating camp and capture it in a fic. i think i did, and i love the little bit of insight we get into their lives with this one. pregnant and unbonded omega harry, alpha louis. :)
How I Feel Inside - i wrote this one also for wordplay, and while there’s omega harry and alpha louis in there, the real focus of the fic is the fact that niall is missing. you find out why at the end, so i’ll try not to give it away, but i did it kinda as a gag and a joke and loved it so i hope you enjoy it too hahaha
okay! and now to the rest. Let’s do this.
Take What's Mine by @jaerie / jaerieall i’m really gonna say about this one is i first read it as a dark fic read and then she took it off anon so i figured if she was brave enough to say she wrote it then i was brave enough to say i loved it haha so here we are. it’s a bit of a dark fic but is ultimately healing and beautiful imo.
was it all a fake? by @jaerie / jaerieso this is a fic i didn’t realize she was gonna publicly gift to me and i asked for it, so fair enough, but i love it. i love it and it’s not everyone’s cup of tea, so please, like with the fic before, check the tags (i feel like this rec isn’t starting well with me warning about things before people read them, but i really do love these hahaha)
These Lover's Eyes by chasingxrabbitswhat i love most about this fic is it’s a pack fic. i feel like packs are something that used to be explored more in older a/b/o fics in the fandom but that it is often ignored unless it’s in the almost tribal sense of packs, and this is very different. like the summary literally reads “A/B/O verse where Liam is an alpha, Josh, Niall, Louis, and Harry are his betas and an unlikely little omega stumbles into the picture.” and i can’t really say much more than that, but i love it so much. haha so if you’re looking for a totally different dynamic to this verse, this older fic will defo give you that. (if someone also wants to kind of explore this idea and dynamic in their own ways as well, please tag me when you post lol)
hard to confess by @hereforlou / hereforlouACCIDENTAL MPREG! gosh i love fics like this so much and they did this one really well. accidental mpreg with assumptions made that might not be entirely correct and friends to lovers and just SO MUCH GOODNESS OKAY
Desire A/B/o series by @reminiscingintherain / reminiscingintherainthis series is an established relationship, somewhat canon compliant a/b/o series that was such fun to read. super fluffy, super sweet, super cute. basically, if the dark fics i kinda started this rec with aren’t your thing, this probably is. lol
I'm Sure It Happens To All Alphas by @jaerie / jaerieALPHA. LOUIS. HAS TROUBLE. POPPING A KNOT. gosh i died reading this fic. i love it so much. she works her magic, as usual, and does it in style.
The Wilds by @jaerie / jaerieThis fic was just. it was wow. it was such an interesting world for things to take place in and fascinating how it all played out. there are quite a few sensitive subjects that this does broach, so while i wouldn’t necessarily say it is a dark fic, you do need to be sensitive to the tags, so please be careful with those!
You Gotta Swim, Swim For Your Life series by @jaerie / jaeriei swear i do read a/b/o that isn’t done by jenna. lollll but this series is so good. it’s a really incredible fic that takes you through harry’s journey with grief and illness and all sorts of things, so if that’s triggering for you, then please don’t read this, but it’s so so so beautifully done. the emotions in this series are gorgeous.
Where You Lay by @ham-palpert / HamPalpertTHIS FIIIIIIC! gosh it’s a perceived enemies to friends with benefits to lovers fic but there’s such a journey along the way. it’s so so so amazing. it ended and i just felt so complete. hahaha it’s one of those fics. so yeah, love love love.
The Nearness of You by @louisalbumnow / theweightofmywordsTHIS FIC. the nesting in this fic! the description and emotions and just ALL OF IT. it’s just gold. in a 2k wrapper. it’s amazing. i don’t even have words just read it.
One Love by @13ways-of-looking / 13waysthis fic is SO EMOTIONAL. it hit me hard and was another one of those that packs a lot into few words. it was so interesting and a really fascinating world and just. yeah. it’s a great read!
I'll Take Care Of You by @dimpled-halo / dimpled_halojacky wrote me a part 2 of my fic for my birthday! she wrote the part 1 for my birthday too, so i guess she loves me a lot if she was willing to revisit it and write me some more. i love this ‘verse so much, though. the throw back to high school/college like it’s done here is so pure and complex and i love it.
I Know How To Whisk (But Teach Me Anyway) by @2tiedships2 / 2tiedships2mel comes and delivers another great a/b/o fic! i love how she always ties in the idea of soulmates with her fics. and this one is so fun and i love that it entirely revolves around an obsession with a bakery hahaha a great read, as always!
Alpha Seeking Alpha by @jaerie / jaerieOKAY OKAY OKAY. i love this one too. gosh i say that about everyone of these, don’t i? i suppose it’s a fic rec so i would hope i love them all but i’m not thinking well tonight so all you’re getting is read this cause i love it but like ALPHA/ALPHA THROUGH A SERVICE AND JUST AAAHHHHHHH
I Wanna Be More Than Friends by @2tiedships2 / 2tiedships2this is my fav mel fic yet. i kept throwing ideas at her hoping something would stick and then she came up with something completely unique that i’d never heard of before and I LOVE IT SO MUCH. alpha harry does not have a sense of smell. OMGGGGGGGG anyway. toooootally amazing twist on the a/b/o verse.
If I Loved You Less by @allwaswell16 / allwaswell16REGENCY A/B/O!!!! did you hear me? I SAID REGENCY A/B/O!!! With side shiall! i adored this fic because even through the end i was like HOW ARE THEY GONNA MAKE THIS WORK but it does and it’s magical and so great. gosh. so so great.
The Unsuccessful Promise by trysomecatsthis fic actually just got a part 2 added recently and i only just read that part 2 last night! lol good timing, i suppose! anyway, this one is sooooo fun because it’s got feisty didn’t think he’d be an omega louis with super sweet and obviously misunderstood harry with louis’ parents being ZIAM!!! it was a fun story that i really enjoyed reading lol my fav part might have actually been zayn and liam, i loved how they were written
Moments Like These Are To Die For by @fourdrunksluts / alienharrythis is one of those fics that sucked me in and spat me out afterwards and i keep thinking about it! months later i still think about this fic. it stayed with me and i love it. it’s an arranged marriage royalty au where harry and louis are from different packs and AHHHHHHHHH i love it so so so much. PLUS!!! THERE’S AN ACE CHARACTER!!! AN ACE CHARACTER IN AN A/B/O!?!?! I LOVE IT SO MUCH! so yeah this fic means a lot to me and i love it so much so please read it.
Your Touch Is The Only Thing I Feel by @2tiedships2 / 2tiedships2mel delves into touch depri here and i love that being explored! i felt like she did it in a different way than i’d seen it in other fics too, so i really like that as well. as usual, the relationship dynamics in her fics are spot on and hysterical while also making you just love every second. 
The light is coming by @pocketsunshineharry / ishiplouislisten. i have a soft spot for hurt/comfort, especially in a/b/o, and this fic just harnesses ALL OF THAT and makes it just. i can’t. i can’t say much more but i just loved this dynamic and how much louis just needed help and the war within himself and frustration with that but harry was patient and did what he could to help and it was just so great.
It's the Most Wonderful Time of the Year series by @2tiedships2 / 2tiedships2louis and harry didn’t exactly have the best first meeting hahaha it’s okay, though, because niall is there to force them to be friends. this is a super fun christmassy/birthday style two part series that not only explores the up to the point of finding louis’ alpha, but also what comes after that. it’s a lot of fun and i loved it hehe
Do Not Falter (There's a Star Ahead) by @londonfoginacup / LadyLondonderryNESTING HARRY. NESTING OMEGA HARRY. NESTING OMEGA HARRY NEEDING A SAFE PLACE. MUTUAL PINING. CHRISTMAS EVE. AHHHHHH this fic is short and sweet and i want to sit and sink into harry’s nest. it evokes the same warmth and almost magical feel all of emmu’s fics do. i love it.
You Should Be Here With Me by @dimpled-halo / dimpled_haloexes to lovers at christmas with pining and miscommunication and bonding and ahhhhhhhhh. i don’t even know what more to say, other than jacky is queen of exes to lovers, so make it a/b/o and christmas themed and you know you’ve got gold on your hands.
Merry Birthday by @jaerie / jaerieSOULMARK A/B/O. where they don’t even realize they’ve met until afterwards so then they’ve gotta find each other again and it’s just. gosh it’s so great and it’s so much more than just a christmas fic, even though it’s that too, it extends beyond and i love it.
Let Me Feel Your Heartbeat by @angelichl / angelichli love that “louis tomlinson wears harry styles’ clothes” is a legit tag in ao3. anyway. this is another one of those tentative enemies to friends to lovers with heaps of miscommunication and pining and confusion and everything are thrown together when mating cycles come into play and i love it. gosh i love it so so much. it was a great way to kick off the new year with a/b/o haha
Leave Your Mark On Me by @fullonlarrie / FullOnLarriespeaking of kicking off the new year with some amazing a/b/o, lauren tried her hand at it and I LOVED IT. it had so many twists i did not anticipate and i loved it so much. it was as wonderfully written as hers always are and with her signature humor and feelings and development and i adored it.
so that’s what i’ve got for you! i hope you find some on here that you haven’t read yet and that you like them as much as i did! hit me up again in another six months and i’ll see what i can do with another a/b/o rec update hehehe
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negasonicimagines · 5 years
request: Hey idk if you're taking requests, but could you write a fem Reader x ellie where Reader has fire and ice powers and one day she sees Ellie training or something and burns/freezes something around her? And like, they aren't dating yet, but almost everyone knows they have a thing for each other
notes: Rogue’s appearance is based off her look in X-Men Evolution! I totally had a crush on her as a kid, didn’t even realize it lol… I feel like this might not be quite what the requester was looking for, but I did my best & I’m always willing to do a redo!
warnings: internalized homophobia, unrequited love (not the reader), nothing else really
“Hey, E, what do you want on the pizza? I’m buying,” you offer your best friend that you happened to be in love with. She was oblivious. So oblivious. Especially for a girl who could see at least a little bit of the future.
If she wasn’t oblivious, she was hiding it well enough that you knew she didn’t like you back, so, either way, your love life was raw-fucking you in the ass with fifty Shrek dicks.
You were talking on the phone, as you were in different rooms. (With different roommates. That sucked. But Rogue was nice, and the two of you had developed a pretty good friendship.)
“I don’t really care. No anchovies, though,” she replies, and you make an embarrassingly dorky expression of disgust that you’re glad she can’t see.
“I would’ve thought that was obvious,” you tell her, but not in a mean way. Just teasing. “I’ll just get a cheese with extra sauce, yeah?”
On Fridays, students were allowed to go out and get food or order food to the house. It was a chaotic web of Taco Bell, McDonald’s, and random pizza joints.
“That works,” she tells you. Ellie seemed a bit short. (Not height wise, though she was short, she seemed short with her words this evening.) Sure, that could’ve been written off as typical Ellie… For most people. You knew better.
“Everything okay?” You wonder, a bit concerned.
“Yeah, why wouldn’t it be?” she asks, sounding defensive. Her defense is a good offense, really, so it rattles you a bit.
“I don’t know, you just seem off...” you admit quietly. You’d always been a little bit sensitive, especially when it came to Ellie, and the sharpness of how she was speaking threw you off guard. You were only trying to be a good friend, the kind of friend Ellie deserves. Not the loser with a disgusting crush that you saw yourself as.
“I’m s- I’m not off. What are you talking about?!” she snaps, and you know you’re in for it now.
“Never mind, I’m sorry.” Now, you were defensive, though you had a more retreat-into-yourself defensive mode, while she had the opposite. (Obviously, have you seen her powers?)
“Whatever. Just- Ugh- Whatever,” she replies.
“I’ll bring the pizza to you, okay?” You offer, trying to shift the conversation back to the easier, happier start.
“Don’t bother,” she spats.
“Oh. Um.. Okay.. Bye, I guess,” you respond, biting your lip nervously. You’re so nervous, you hang up before she can reply.
“I don’t think I’ve ever seen you look that sad before... I don’t think I’ve ever seen you look sad,” Rogue comments. There was a reason for that lack of sadness: Ellie. You don’t even reply, flopping on your bed. “Whoa... What the hell is going on?”
“She’s mad at me... She’s totally mad at me... I don’t even know what I did wrong,” you explain.
“You mean Ellie? She’s mad at everyone, you know that.”
You sigh.
“It’s her thing,” Rogue adds to her statement.
“I guess. I just thought my thing was being the one person she wasn’t always mad at.”
“No, your thing is being all cute and freezing or burning something when you’re surprised or feel a strong emotion,” she disagrees.
You scoff, rolling over so that you face her.
“Cute?” You ask, though. That was rather sweet of her to say.
Rogue nods.
“Hey, do you still want to get a pizza?” she offers.
“Not that hungry,” you admit.
“You say that now...” Rogue remarks with a teasing smirk, and you find yourself smiling again.
“Yeah, yeah…” you admit. “We’ll split the cost.”
“It’s, like, ten dollars,” she argues.
“Let me,” you request, giving a bit of a pout and some puppy eyes.
“Fine...” She concedes, turning away a bit. You don’t notice, but her face reddens slightly.
When the pizza gets there, Rogue can feel Ellie’s glare burning in the back of her head as you both answer the door. You seem unaware of Ellie’s observations. Rogue keeps it that way.
She knew Ellie fractured your surprisingly fragile heart so quickly, because you weren’t as subtle about your feelings as you probably thought. Rogue looks at you with a sigh. She’d give Ellie (who is even less subtle, somehow) a similar look, one without the same longing, if she wasn’t afraid of being blown up.
However, neither of you would ever believe the truth if she told you.
Rogue sighs again.
“Everything o-?” You stop yourself, not wanting to piss your other close friend off.
“I’m alright,” Rogue tells you reassuringly, hesitantly putting a gloved hand on your shoulder as the two of you walk back to your room with the pizza.
If Ellie’s glare was hot before, it was the fucking sun, now.
That time, you do feel someone looking at you. Rogue urges you forward before you can see who it is, though.
“You’re a good friend, Y/N. You know that, right? That you didn’t do anything wrong?”
Rogue offered to share a bed with you tonight, to watch something together on Netflix and pass out after eating so much pizza. You’re nestled under her arm as you both watch Black Mirror. You’d watched it all with Ellie, but you enjoyed re-watching Fifteen Million Merits with Rogue.
“But I must’ve, she was so mad…” you whimper sleepily. “She hates me now, like she hates everyone else, I know it. Why does she hate me, though?”
You don’t know when you fell asleep, but you wake up, still in Rogue’s arms. She looks at you almost reverently.
“How can you stand to be so close to me? If I accidentally touch you, even for a moment, I could-”
“I trust you. You’re my friend, you’d never hurt me,” you tell her, going to check your phone.
Ellie hasn’t texted you or anything. You didn’t even want an apology, you just wanted your best friend. The one you were in love with.
Later, you sit in the library, playing chess by yourself.
“Why are we even giving him a tour? He’s not going to be living-” Ellie is suddenly cut off. She sees you. “Hi.”
“Um, hey,” you reply, so eloquently. The white pawn you’re holding burns to a crisp with your nerves, and you drop it, hissing in pain. A man in a red and black super-suit is accompanying Piotr and Ellie. Deadpool, you remember Ellie describing him.
“Y/N, this is Wade, or Deadpool. Wade, this is Y/N. She is pyrokinetic and cryokinetic,” Piotr explains.
“Whoa, so you literally play with fire? And ice?!” Wade asks, actually sounding impressed.
“I’m not the only one here,” you mumble, and Ellie narrows her eyes at you. You roll your eyes at her, now a little pissed off. She gets to be an asshole to you, but you say one thing that brushes hands with self-deprecation and she’s going to act like it’s so offensive.
You know you’re acting like an over-dramatic brat, but, hell, you had a right to be dramatic.
“Let us proceed to the training room, shall we?” Piotr offers.
“If these two got even the slightest bit angstier, I think the world would implode. Let’s go!” Wade decides enthusiastically.  
Ellie, Piotr, and Wade leave.
“So, when did you two break up?” Wade asks Ellie once they’re out of earshot.
“Excuse you?”
“Sadly, Ellie and Y/N never dated,” Piotr sighs.
“Sadly?!” Ellie asks.
“What?! They act like they had a terrible breakup!” Wade is astounded, clearly.
“I’m not-! I don’t-!  She’s a girl!” Ellie protests.
Wade huffs out a laugh, and Piotr gives him a stern look.
“Nah shit she’s a girl, puddin’.”
“Language,” Piotr scolds. “And-”
“Are you trying to say something, Douchepool? Because I can say things, too. And by say things, I mean burn you to ashes. Try regenerating then, you used condom,” Ellie snarls, stomping away. Her feet leave scorch marks in the floor and smoke curls off of her shoulders.
“Dear goodness,” Piotr says.
“So, she- Oh… Oh shit!” Wade finally gets it.
“Obviously,” Piotr grumbles, and the two continue. They had been giving Wade a mini-tour as while he wasn’t going to be an x-man, he agreed to help them more regularly. 
“I did a dumb thing,” you later tell your own mentor, Emma Frost.
“And what could that be?” she asks.
“Don’t act like you don’t know,” you grumble at the telepath.
“Well, from what I can tell, someone was strangely over-dramatic and lashed out at her best friend for no reason. And that someone wasn’t you. So, I have no clue what you did that was so dumb… Except for investing your feelings into someone so in denial of her own identity… And then continuing to become closer to someone far more open about her interest in you… Ah, I’ve said too much. Let’s talk about your grades, hmm? You seem to be doing very well.”
You look at her with wide eyes.
“What do you look so look so surprised for? You have almost all As,” Ms. Frost informs you with a smirk. “Speaking of almost, I really do think you can do better in History.”
“I’ve got to go,” you say, striding to your dorm quickly. You needed to talk to Rogue, and then Ellie.
Conveniently enough, they’re trading blows outside your door. It’s kinda hot, but you don’t want Ellie to hurt Rogue, or vice versa. (Especially vice versa.) Steam rises off of you, your hot and cold powers both presenting at once in excitement as Ellie shoves Rogue. Then, you remember that you also care about Rogue and don’t want her to be seriously hurt.
“Hey! What the hell?!” you yell your inquiry in hopes of gaining their attention. Ellie’s fist stops just inches before reaching Rogue’s chiseled cheekbone.
“I can explain. She- She just said that- And Wade, before- And I- I-” Ellie stammers, looking embarrassed at being caught.
“Looks like you can’t fucking explain. There’s no excuse for any of your behavior, no matter who much you or Piotr like to pretend,” Rogue snarks.
“Shut up, Rogue,” you defend Ellie, and they both are shocked at your boldness. “We all have our faults, we all make mistakes. One of my mistakes being that I led you on last night. I- I don’t like you like that, Rogue. So, lay off Ellie. It wouldn’t impress me either way.” At your confession, Rogue sighs in what you sense is prepared acceptance. Ellie looks a bit smug. “And Ellie: You can’t act like I’m yours if you’re not gonna step up. You can’t be jealous of someone nice, someone brave like Rogue making advances towards me if you’re not going to.”
“I- Like I- It’s hard to accept that I like you when I haven’t even accepted that I like girls, period,” Ellie bares her shame. You’re filled with remorse at not being more understanding of her plight. “But I do. I’d do anything for you, you’re my best friend. You’re more than that to me, I think you always have been. I’m- I’m sorry I didn’t see it, even when everyone else did, apparently.”
“Huh?” You understand what she says, mostly, but the last bit confuses you. Everyone else?
“According to Rogue here, there’s even a goddamn betting pool. We’re both idiots,” Ellie scoffs.
“I’m less of an idiot,” you playfully defend yourself. “I knew I like-liked you. It was a whole thing. But, then again, I had a conspiracy theory in my head that you knew about my crush and were so uncomfortable at the thought that you were just pretending you didn’t,” you admit.
“You too?” Ellie replies, gaping.
“I’m gonna go in the dorm and let you two finish this conversation… See you around, Y/N,” Rogue, who you’d honestly forgotten was there, sullenly speaks.
“See you around, Ro-” The door slams. “There goes my other best friend. Can’t have you both happy with me at the same time, I guess,” you joke, but it stings.
“I’m sorry,” Ellie apologizes. “Really. I was scared of myself, of being even more of a freak, and I took it out on you when you saw it.”
“I guess I can let you off with a warning, but next time I’ll have to write you a citation,” you tease, and she snickers.
“What a good girlfriend,” she replies, only the tiniest amount of snark to it.
“I’m your girlfriend?” you wonder hopefully.
“Only if you want to be, but I just figured-”
You kiss her, ice seeping from your extremities. The ice freezes on the floor as it spreads, but melts on your new girlfriend’s cheeks as they increase in temperature, Ellie just barely losing control of her own powers. Steam rises again, now from where you touch each other.
She pulls away from you.
“That’s one way to make things steamy,” she taunts, but her expression is the purest of smiles as her eyes meet yours, water vapor still rising from where your foreheads are pressed together.
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autumnsnuggling · 5 years
Would you ever write umbridges POV? If so, what would she be doing/ what would happen? 😏😏😏
Hey you! Thanks for the ask!
Oookay... Um... I genuinely took an entire day to reply to this for good reason lol, I needed that time to think and I still don’t know! 
Okay, I think the short answer is no. I write my fics by trying to think from that person’s point of view, trying to think their thoughts, and feel their emotions. Now, when I write snappy Draco, that’s fine, because I can be a sassy bitch when I want too, and get very annoyed over nothing, so I can identify with him and it’s not the most pleasant, but it’s familiar at least. Writing Umbridge, the woman who I am certain is actually the most evil person in the HP universe? That would be FAR from comfortable for me! 
My first thought about writing something for her would be something during her reign at Hogwarts. I’m a massive fan of redemption arcs, of giving characters another chance, so I’d love to try and come up with something that makes her less evil, redeems her, or scares the living shit out of her until she believes Harry. But... I don’t see it happening with Umbridge. I don’t see her dropping all of her beliefs without something literally catastrophic happening, like Voldemort appearing in front of her, and honestly, by that point she’d be dead anyway. The only thing I could see working would be to write what happened to her after Harry left her in the forest with the centaurs, but I’m quite happy leaving that up to everyone’s imagination, and I’m not a fan of writing horror, and as I’ve said, I’d hate writing her because she’s such a bitch.
I’m trying to think of a plot where she and Drarry happen, and I would LOVE to see Draco help Harry when he’s in the Inquisatorial Squad, but... I’d rather do a split POV between Harry and Draco, watching them build up to Draco breaking Umbridge’s trust, Harry searching for a way out and Draco psyching himself up. I could add a 3rd POV of Umbridge for a short spat of gloating like, I’ve got you now kind of thing, but that would be it lol.
So, as I said, No, I don’t think I would because she’s a bitch and the idea makes me very uncomfortable lol. But thanks for the ask! It was interesting to think about!!!
Send me an ask starting ‘Would you ever write...?’ and see what I would or wouldn’t be willing to write! :D
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