#little amity
moonhowler · 16 days
@jacksdinonuggets very kindly donated to my ko-fi so he gets a quick art request. He wanted baby Amity so here she is with her Otabin plushie.
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ittybittyowls · 8 months
Age Regressor!Amity Headcanons
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Amity started age regressing shortly after she got into highschool, as that’s when her mom really started being strict(er) on her.
She spends a lot of time at the library so she found out about it in a book she read.
Her regression is mostly voluntary and rarely ever involuntary, and after a couple months she stopped denying herself of her regression.
When it’s involuntary she yells and doesn’t want to be touched for the beginning of it, but shortly after she quietly sobs and asks someone to hold her. She usually sleepy very quickly afterwards.
When it’s voluntary she makes sure to plan out all the little gear she might want, and she prefers to play on the floor rather than on a bed.
She regresses to around 0-4, and usually stays around the younger age. She prefers to use bottles and pacifiers and needs constant attention from whoever is watching her. She doesn’t like to be alone, even if it’s just ten minutes.
Her favorite items are a soft lilac blanket with cat patterns, and a small butterfly plush. She also loves crinkly-toys and anything that makes quiet soft sounds. (She does not like electric toys)
She’s a lot more shy when she’s little and is easily embarrassed, usually only giving mall babbles as a response.
Amity loves watching interactive shows that ask her questions, though she never really answers them.
She also loves face paint when she’s 3-4, and asks Luz to paint on her all the time. Sometimes she asks to be painted like a cat to match her palismen.
Speaking of, Amity’s palismen cuddles with her the entire time she’s little. Sometimes they have staring contests that result in Amity giggling and losing.
Her primary caregivers are Ed and Em, but eventually they stopped being as available and she asked Luz to be her CG.
She loves having play dates with one of her siblings or little Luz.
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jacksdinonuggets · 1 year
-first found out about the coping mechanism when reading about in a health textbook. She began doing for research about it and decided to try it out.
-regresses 2-5 but mainly 3. Very rarely will she regress to 1 but it can happen.
-uses almost all little gear.
-Luz, Lilith, the twins, Alador, and sometimes Camila are her caregivers. They love to care for her, they are all protective.
-will bite if her pacifier is taken away. Never take it away. Odalia learned that the hard way.
-very clingy no matter what age! Will cuddle up with her cg at any given moment.
-usually regresses from her ED and stress. It can be involuntary sometimes but her ED reason is mostly voluntary.
-slips a lot during school and has a plushy in the counseling office for when she does.
-since she regresses from stress or bad things, she is not very active while in that headspace.
-took her awhile to get comfortable with being little around other people.
-even when she's really young, she is potty trained and doesn't usually need protection, however, she sometimes wears them. She wears them just in case and it just makes her feel extra small. She also almost never uses them. Sometimes uses pads when she's feeling 3.
-cries at the smallest things.
-since she was never "allowed" to have tantrums when she was younger, she feels more free to have them when regressed. However, when she does have them in littlespace, she feels really embarrassed when big.
-Lilith makes sure that Amity gets relaxation/little time at least once a month. She knows that Amity sometimes puts off her little needs in order to work more. Sometimes she even uses their lesson time to let Amity regress.
-surprisingly, her little aesthetic is very androgynous. Sometimes she likes princesses and other times she wants to be a knight.
-loves being held like a toddler or baby.
-she'll maybe have a fit with eating when her big thoughts come back for a second.
-Alador was actually pretty happy when she came out as a regressor because now he could finally give her the dad she never really had when she was younger.
-alador buys her almost everything she asks for and more.
-Even though Luz is one of her carers, Luz sometimes makes sure an adult is also caring with her.
-sensory issues are a big struggle! She wears onesies (both footy pj's and baby) hoodies, and fuzzy socks all the time because they're the only things that don't bother her this young.
-she is semi-verbal when little! Sometimes she'll speak, Sometimes she won't. All her carers have communication cards she uses with them.
That's it for now! Please give me agere prompts or requests. You can base them off these or make your own.
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3vaniel · 6 months
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An old photo of Ken and his sister, some old Ken’s, and Ken doin’ what he does best (just girly things)
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lilmcttens · 2 years
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ikiprian · 6 months
Ghost Kitchen (brought to you by criminal entrepreneur, Red Hood)
Danny’s got the easiest job in Gotham.
He works as a fry cook at a shoddily-run, independent burger joint. Hardly anyone comes in, despite prices being criminally low, and portions insanely large, and while the manager looks like the average tough-as-nails ex-con, he lets Danny mess around in the kitchen whenever the place is empty. (Which is often. This place has to be the city’s hidden gem or something!)
Mr. Manager’s the only one ever there with Danny, except for sometimes when his buddies come over to smoke and play cards. Danny would find it shady, except part of his job is not to ask questions. Literally, he was told during the interview.
(It was a weird interview. Why would they need to hire someone who’s been in a gunfight before? Like, he has, but Gotham’s idea of “hirable qualities” is so bizarre.)
So instead he whips up some killer burgers with the frozen ingredients, and basks in the praise as the guys tell him he shouldn’t have, he does too much for this joint, ain’t that friendly!
Now, Danny’s a chef on the newer side. As a teen he’d preferred the look of Nasty Burger over anything with Michelin stars, and he only really took up cooking after Jazz moved out for college. But just like ecto-exposure used to turn the groceries sentient, Danny’s low-level ecto signature imbues all his food with something historically haunted Gothamites just love! And Danny’s never been one to half-ass a job when it makes people happy.
With fresher produce, real meat, Danny’s sure he can take his dishes to the next level. It takes a couple months of badgering, but his manager finally agrees to contact the mysterious store owner, who keeps the place going, despite profits Danny knows have to be in the red.
Danny spends the morning prepping. He pours his heart into his food, eager to impress. The big boss will be here soon, and he wants to prove that despite the dangerous location, this place has real potential!
It isn’t until the Red Hood shows up that Danny realizes he’s been working for a money laundering scheme.
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bluerosefox · 2 months
Her Astrophel and Sterling
You know what.
You know those AU's where the Batfam finds or learns about either hidden or thought to be dead Al Ghul Danny! with a deaged/daughter Dani (Ellie) (I should know, I created a few of those storylines) but what if, now hear me out, what if instead of them finding Danny first its Talia.
Do I want Talia discovering her thought to be dead son to be alive? Yes. Do I want her to find him while investigating Amity Park when the League gets reports of 'Lazarus creatures/water'? Yes.
DO I WANT HER TO KNOCK ON THE FENTON'S DOOR, fully ready to pretend/honey talk her way into the house to uncover what the Fenton's know, ONLY TO MEET A LITTLE ELLIE?!
Ellie whose eyes and hair look like a copy of her Beloved but she can see bits and pieces of herself as well. Talia knows the child in front of her was not fully her's though but everything makes sense when she hears a voice, a voice she hasn't heard in ages but as a mother just knows, speak out.
"Ellie! I thought I said do not answer the door my Sterling."
"But Daddy, yous was busy fighting the hotdoggys!"
Talia's eyes widen when she finally catches sight of familiar black hair and blue eyes.
and she could only lightly whisper a old nickname she hasn't dared uttered in ages, a name she secretly gave her son due to his love of the stars "Astrophel..."
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lionfission · 1 year
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When the dweeb who keeps getting you in trouble is the only other person in the world who likes the same awful flowery book series as you
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bluebrrytea · 7 months
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Screencap redraw 😎
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regonold · 4 months
So twins au, but they both know and are in regular contact with each other like danny was to be killed but was instead placed with the fentons and he kept up semi regular correspondence with damian
He helps damian acclimatise to normal life... kinda he is still a fenton and his veiws are skewed by it but he helps a bit
And Danny's enjoying his new life no longer does he have to hide his powers his parents discovered and accepted and he even set up a schedule with his rouges they now have a scheduled time where they can come through the portal and fight
Everything was going great until somehow the bats found out about him and seem to think he needs help form his crazy parents
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moonhowler · 16 days
I just found out ibispaint records your drawing process. I think from now on I will show these too so everyone.
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hibiscuit-rose · 4 months
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mlp owl house au! in this au, coven sigils work like the equal sign mark from starlight glimmer
they can be applied to any creature, which is why raine has one despite kirins not able to have cutie marks
ponies without coven sigils have their own cutie marks, which are replaced once joining a coven (this is reverted for everyone in the epilogue)
this is just their debut appearances, theyd have different cutie marks after covens are disbanded
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jacksdinonuggets · 22 days
The Demons of the Brain (You are my Sunshine AU)
Tw: abuse
Night was coming up soon. Amity just spent 15 minutes staring at the very comfy looking guest bed that she was given instead of getting ready for bed. She didn’t exactly want to sleep that night. It was hard because of all the nightmares she was getting. Waking up in tears and hyperventilating never was a good way to wake up.
“Amity? It’s time to go to bed,” Lilith said, standing in the doorway. Even though she wanted to give her some independence, she didn’t want her to end up sleep deprived.
“I- I was just getting ready for bed,” she nervously lied. The intimidation of Lilith got her to get motivation to start getting ready. She really didn’t want to let those horrible nightmares get stuck in her brain again.
Lilith left to let her get changed into her pajamas. Once she was finished, she snuggled up into bed with her stuffed Otabin sleeping next to her. Hopefully her stuffy will help protect her from any nightmares while she slept. Even though she knew it wasn’t going to help, pretending it would helped take away some of the anxiety.
The lack of rest from the previous nights out of fear and insomnia, had her falling asleep rather quickly.
Amity walked downstairs to find her mother sitting at the kitchen table. She wanted to turn and go back upstairs and skip breakfast. Anything to skip talking with her money.
“Mittens~ Come here, I need to talk to you,” Odalia sing-songed in her sickenly sweet voice. It was manipulating and really confused Amity.
She walked slowly back downstairs, holding her skirt tightly in her fist. She sat down at the kitchen table, across from her mother.
“Y-yes, Mother?”
“Do not stutter, Amity, you are a Blight,” Odalia scolded. She hated it when Amity wasn’t 100% perfect. She had paid for her to get private speech therapy when she was younger, even though she didn’t need it. Odalia only cared about how others would see her if she accidentally said a w instead of an R.
“Sorry, Mother,” She quickly apologized.
There was a silence for a few moments as Odalia slurped her tea, keeping eye contact with Amity, making her extremely uncomfortable.
“You’re grades have been going down, Mittens,” She stated. Amity sucked in a breath, trying to calm her nerves down. “I’ll give you thirty seconds to give me an explanation and if I find it valid, you won’t be punished as bad,”
Amity froze up for the first 5 seconds before talking, “w-well, School has been really stressful lately a-and it’s really l-loud and hard to p-pay attention. I try my best b-bu-”
Hot tea was splashed onto Amity’s face. It was scolding hot and burned her cheeks and chin. She winced but tried not to show weakness.
“Trying your best isn’t enough. You need to work harder. Do you realize how embarrassing it is for me when you act like a disappointment?” She asked.
“Y-yes, mother,” Amity mumbled.
“Your bed will be taken away for a week and you won’t have access to your scroll. You will study until I say you get a break, got it?” 
Amity nodded.
“Until we get your bed out, you will be training with our newest abomaton,” Odalia demanded, getting up to pour herself a new cup of tea.
“Of course,” Amity excused herself and made her way down to the basement. She stepped into the big training room, dried up blood still covering the floor and walls from her last punishment. Time to start hell.
(skipping over the abomaton bit but it did happen in her dream)
Amity awoke with a start, hyperventilating and tears running down her face. The image of the abomaton charging at her was still fresh in her mind. She hugged her Otabin stuffy and cried into it. Why didn’t Odalia love her? Why couldn’t she just leave her alone? She’s at Liliths house but was still incredibly upset with Odalia. Why was she plaguing her mind?
Without thinking, her legs carried her out of her room and into Liliths. A part of her was a bit proud that she didn’t have an accident but she was still really distressed that pride barely was felt.
Amity knocked on Lilith’s door, clutching Otabin tightly to her chest. She shifted nervously while she waited.
“Amity? Did something happen?” Lilith asked when she opened up the door and saw her. Amity whined and nodded.
“Ni’mare,” She mumbles, voice quivering.
“Oh, Baby…” Lilith bends down and wraps her in a hug. A new wave of tears starts as she soaks Lilith’s night shirt. 
Amity melted in her hold. The comforting scent and compression of the hug made her feel so loved and cared for. It was a feeling she barely experienced due to Odalia. Sure, she had felt it a bit during her stay in the human realm, but it felt different.She stayed like that for multiple minutes.
Lilith picked her up and carried her back to her bedroom. Amity clung to her as she was carried. She was laid back down on the bed. She tucked her back in and laid down with her. 
Amity was still a bit scared to fall asleep. What if Odalia came back and took her away? She didn’t want to leave Lilith again. She whimpered quietly.
“You know, when Edalyn had nightmares, I used to sing to her to help her fall back to sleep. Would you like to hear a song?” Lilith asked. Amity nodded, snuggling up more. The historian stroked her hair as she thought of a song to sing. Then, she remembered the song that her mother sang to her before she got neglectful.
“You are my sunshine~”
“My only sunshine~”
“You make me happy when skies are gray,”
“You’ll never know, dear, how much I love you,”
“So please don’t take, my sunshine away,” 
After a few more verses, Amity was fast asleep. Lilith stayed with her the whole night, making sure no nightmares plagued her mind again.
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3vaniel · 6 months
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Ken & Amity character sheets and outfits. Ken usually wears casual/athleisure when he’s not playing dress up. Amity enjoys grungey clothes.
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lilmcttens · 6 months
Another headcanon for you:
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Little Mittens indulges in her brother and Sister’s habits. Like Emira’s sitting on a bench trying to do homework and doesn’t like it. Amity comes over and asks a ton of questions about it that encourage Emira to show off how smart she really can be.
Then Amity scampers off to Edric asking what he’s doing and Edric states that he’s tracking a baby bat so Mittens helps him look for it. Baby Batric before he was caught. The Bat springs from his hiding place and grabs Amity’s ponytail!
Edric is overjoyed and tells Amity not to move while she writhing and moving her head not liking that the bat has her by the hair! “Why! He’s a baby bat! I think he likes you Mittens! He must’ve emerged from his nest to look for some fairies and bugs to munch on.”
“Edric! This one is making a nest in my hair!” Amity complains simply freaked and annoyed!
Emira enters the scene with a beginners guide to healing. “Come on you two! We shouldn’t play with the wild beasts in the forest!”
Edric loosens the bat from his little sister’s hair that it was tugging on. “Fly free my eagle!” Edric cheers until he flies and the wind smacks him onto to Emira’s face!
Edric and Amity look at one another in shared fear and a moment of laughter. “Uh oh!”
“Pfffsh!” Emira struggles with the bat on her face! “Now! Here here! You see what I mean!? Everything’s complicated!!” She shoos at the bat. “GET OFF! Shoo! Shoo!”
Edric pries the bat off her as well and he flies off with his parents. Emira starts to heal her forehead from little scratches.
“Thanks for your help Mittens.” Edric ruffled her hair and she hugged his side. Then they all join hands and leave.
Emira looks annoyed and her bangs are all out of place but she smiles at all the bonding. Both wonder what magic abilities Mittens will get. (Of course, when she does she’s not super happy about it afterwards finding out she has to distance herself from her best friend.)
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helloilikepurple · 2 months
Danny Fenton is fourteen when he dies. He's fifteen when he ceases to exist.
All traces of Danny Fenton just gone. No records, no photos, no memories. It's like he was never born. Naturally, without Danny to turn on the portal comes no ghosts, so no Danny Fenton also means the GIW never came to be. Time is carefully set back on Amity Park. There are no longer any ghost sirens, charms, merch, or cracks in the pavement from Vlad knocking him out of the sky or scorch marks on the side of buildings from Skulker's stray shots.
The Fenton's only have one child, a smart, ginger woman who's pursuing psychology in some top-league out of state college like Harvard or Yale or Brown. There's no little brother to keep her confined to the little town in nowhere Illinois where she was born.
Sam and Tucker never became friends, because there was no Danny Fenton to bring them together.
The Fenton's portal never turns on, so they focus their research on the ambient ectoplasm in the air around them. They become leading scientists in clean energy. Ectoplasm is the perfect resource; endlessly reusable, infinite supplies that never deplete, no negative effects on the environment.
Danny Fenton is no one. There is no Danny Fenton. There never was.
And the world is better for it.
Danny doesn't exist, there is no place for him, nowhere for him to go.
This was the only way to stop the GIW from starting a war with the Infinite Realms. It was the only solution.
It still hurts.
Danny is fifteen. He has no last name anymore, no family, no friends, and no home. He could live in the Ghost Zone, but he doesn't want to. He's still human, even if it's only half. He doesn't want to go. It feels final, like turning his back once and for all on all he knew and was.
So he does the only thing he can think to do and watches the stars.
In the frozen tundra, no one around for miles, Phantom lays in the snow and stares up into the speckled darkness. He doesn't move. He doesn't breathe. He stays so completely still he's entirely dead.
The snow doesn't bury him. The sun never rises.
It doesn't stop snowing.
Danny doesn't exist.
He's dead.
What is he supposed to do now? Go and be Prince of the In Between? He doesn't want to. He wants to go home. He wants to cuddle up with Jazz and play Doomed with Sam and Tucker. He wants to hug his dad. He wants his mum to sing to him like she used to when he was little enough they still tucked him into bed.
Maybe he just won't do anything. Maybe he'll just stay here forever, not Danny or Phantom and far from alive. Just nothing. He's nothing. Nothing and no one.
Nobody can see the sun.
It's still there, of course. All you need to do is leave the atmosphere and bam, there it is. On Earth though? No sign of it.
It's like they've fallen into an eternal night.
Best part?
It's caused by very powerful magic.
Listen, Batman has a lot of patience. A lot. But it's been two weeks of this, Zatanna's off-world, Constantine's only just answered his goddamn phone and the planet has collectively decided panic is the only course of action. He's been Bruce Wayne for a collective ten hours in the past fourteen days. It's ridiculous.
Thankfully it only takes Constantine a few minutes to track the source to somewhere in the Antarctic after he finally shows up.
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