#little b
martiancount1877 · 2 months
He didn't choose the Chive Life
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"When you feel it, you'll know."
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ffmaschine · 9 months
Fast X Jakob x Brian
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Their relationship is so cute 😭😭 Why did Jacob die? i dont want to wait till 2025
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ddwcaph-game · 1 year
I just realized something about Roselyna and Little B...
I know Rosie can be too childish sometimes (especially since I aged her up to 12 when she still mostly has her 8-9 yo personality), but when Little B or kids younger than her are around, she tends to dial it back quite a bit. She loves playing with little kids, but she knows when to be stern (or manipulative) when they're being naughty or too playful so they don't get hurt.
So I rewrote the scene where Little B steals some candy from Rosie, and now she channels a bit of her "inner Ma'am Bianes" to make Little B give the candies back. Yaya Connie then jokingly asks Tito Mariano if she can borrow Rosie for a bit since she's clearly better at getting Little B to behave.
Rosie wants to be a teacher and have lots of siblings/a big family, so I think it makes sense that side of her shows up whenever she's not the youngest in the group (except JM because he's much more mature than her). I guess she's more afraid with the concept of growing up, than the responsibilities it entails (she loves being babied, but she's not fussy with doing chores at all).
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cricketnationrise · 2 years
for the fest could you do Tater on June 30th 2016 at Jack and Bitty’s apartment?
Thank you so much, your writing is everything <3
Thank you! Your prompt plus a comment from @itsthekiks on the other Tater ficlet (Hotel Room, Mar. 1) sent me into companion piece mode. So if you think you recognize lines, you do and it's on purpose! I hope you like it 💜
_X_ _X_ _X_
Jack's Apartment, Jun. 30, 2016
Although he’d woken up hours ago, Tater still hasn’t turned on a light. He wakes up before his alarm, stretches magnificently, and soaks up the pre-dawn stillness of Jack's apartment.
He watches, eyes unfocused, as the pink- and orange-tinted light moves lazily across the ceiling, heralding a new day.
When he finally looks at the clock, there’s still an hour until he even has to think about getting out of bed. He’s got PT at eleven, and then lunch at a new restaurant with B and Zimmboni. Tonight Bitty’s going to teach him how to make blueberry pie properly.
This summer has been good for Tater. Aside from the Cup win, he’s happier than he’s been in a while. He’s able to shake off his melancholy about his injury easily, focusing on one session at a time and feeling stronger every day and lunch on me today boys. But today, today is especially great. He’s well rested, the only sore muscles are a good sore from working out, he’s got a call with his parents scheduled for tomorrow, and time with Little B and Jack is always welcome.
With them, there’s no pressure to talk about hockey (unless Bitty is freaking out about being named Samwell’s captain again). Sure, he and Jack chat about their teammates’ vacations, and Thirdy texts him funny pictures of his daughter. But the cautious checking in on him from earlier this year is noticeably absent. 
Every local Cup Day is a party for the whole team. The rookies, the coaches, even the old guys who normally go to bed early. Even Jack “Too-Busy-Looking-At-My-Boyfriend-To-Drink” Zimmermann joins in the celebrations. Tater laughs louder and longer than anyone when Jack and his parents recreate the photos of Jack being put in the Cup as a baby.
Tater loves his team, is the thing, wants to be there for them as much as possible. Tater knows they love him too, that they want him whole and healthy – not for the team’s sake, but for his own. For them, he’s enough. Tater isn’t desperate to prove anything anymore, content to dig deeper for one more joke, one more hug, one more memory; buoyant that he gets these people in his life.
Watching Jack and Bitty in their apartment is like watching professional dancers. It’s a cliché, but they move around each other like they were born for it, like two halves of a whole, constantly aware of the other. If Tater wants for anything, it's for that feeling, to find his person. Wants to soak up the kind of love that proves even the worst cynics wrong, that makes people sit up and take notice. But he’ll happily bear witness to the kind of love that stories are written about in the meantime.
Summers like this don’t happen to everyone, he knows. Intellectually he accepts that he’s got more PT ahead of him, walking farther, lifting more, stretching just a little bit more— But something in his heart sings at the thought of being fully recovered from this injury. Tater prides himself on being dependable, cheerful, someone his team and his friends can rely on. He delivered on that and more during the play-offs – who’s to say his injury didn’t inspire his team to be that much better?
He blinks up at the suddenly bright ceiling, realizing he’s been grinning only when his cheeks start to hurt. He can just hear Zimmboni’s soft voice in the spaces between the garbled flood of Georgia-accented words from Little B through the wall. The smell of baking cinnamon rolls wafts through the air, bringing another smile to his face.
Tater is better than he was in March. There’s always someone to hang out with, to hug, to joke with, to just fucking talk to. Today’s going to be a good day. Today he’s got PT and lunch sitting outside with friends and a nap and learning to make pie and his leg feels strong and he slept well and it’s no effort at all to bring out a happy face. Twenty more minutes, he thinks, and closes his eyes, drifting into an easy sleep.
_X_ _X_ _X_
if you follow me and want your own ficlet, details are here!
(anon prompts aren't guaranteed to be filled; if i do them at all it'll be at the end 💜)
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1-800-dreamgirl · 24 days
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this is what everyone has been saying!! no one is looking at celebrities for political statements, but they should and must use their platform to amplify the voices of those who need and most importantly be against this genocide!!
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hinamie · 2 months
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surprise it's yuri!!!in 2024
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xamag-draws · 11 months
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I had a wonderful opportunity to make some pixel art for this Welcome Home update!! Huge thanks to Clown for having me, I hope these brought at least 1% more joy to your peepers than the site already has 🙏
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lildoodlenoodle · 1 year
Have we talked about the Miguel Burger yet?
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I just wanna know if it was his idea, if he authorized it, or do the other spiders just think it’s rlly fucking funny and do it to annoy the guy?
I need to know WHY
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pokeberry5 · 5 months
boy hostage (spiritual successor to this)
big brother to the rescue:
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while we wait.
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may i offer you all a pubby?? lil bby barns?
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rock-in-robins · 2 months
"Tim feels abandoned" "he's being ignored" "tim is jealous of the attention they give damian" "tim is-" tim drake would break out into actual literal hives at the thought of anything resembling an adult monitoring him, he'd starting hissing like a feral cat if Bruce tried to get involved with his business, he'd saw his own arm off if his family tried to demand he checks in more than once a month with heavily coded messages
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ionomycin · 4 months
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zoe-oneesama · 4 months
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Nat, are you really that surprised he’s a Drama Queen?
Episode 52 Part 9 First < Previous > Next Season 1, Season 2, Season 3, Season 4, Season 5 Ep 41, Ep 42, Ep 43, Ep 44 Ep 45, Ep 46, Ep 47, Ep 48, Intermission, Ep 49, Ep 50, Ep 51
Ko-fi | Patreon
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foolsocracy · 3 months
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gotta add another noir variant to the gang
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astorianyxkings · 7 months
There's always people theorizing how the Batfamily hides Jason disappearance and reappearance, but I literally haven't seen anyone use the best explanation: Witness Protection.
Like this literally answers every question. The Death Certificate? They had to fake his death. The empty grave? Obviously it had to be believable. The time when Wayne Heir "Richie Wayne" refused to step foot in Gotham and talk to his father? He was pissed about Jason's (non) death. Brucie Wayne's very real depression after his death? Well he lost contact with his son and he was under immense stress from the government.
Like this literally answers every question I can come up with. Why has no one said he was in witness protection? And if people have done it, send me fics and prompts because I'm obsessed.
And the best part is, the Waynes are so stupidly rich that they could pull it off. Lex Luther could try and conduct his own investigation but somehow he can never find anything concrete. And if he gets too close either Babs hacks them or Tim just calls up Conner for a distraction.
One time Jason gets cornered and asked how he felt about returning to his life after being in Witness Protection. Unfortunately, him and Bruce weren't on the best terms to explain the whole story but he comes in clutch. He spins the tale about how heartbroken he was to see his brother, father and grandfather grieving and how honored he was when he learnt his new little brother idolized him. Tim got ahold of a copy of the interview and will never let Jason live it down.
The media doesn't ask Bruce questions about Jason's death because last time they did he broke down and a suddenly furious reporter chastised them and reminded them that while Jason may be alive Bruce still mourned his death. The picture of Bruce in tears at the interview is currently one of Jason's favourite lockscreens.
Same goes for Dick. Any questions of his brother's death results in (1) Richie Wayne ready to throw hands at any and everybody, (2) his wife (well one of them) Barbara Gordon threatening the reporters or (3) That same Metropolis reporter chastising the whole community again.
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