#does the timeline make sense?
aroacesetitoff · 2 months
Statement of Tulip Olsen, regarding her seven month disappearance, and an allegedly infinite train. Recorded direct from subject, August 5, 2019. Statement begins.
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justarandombrit · 3 months
I don't know
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batbabydamian · 2 months
A Quick Guide to Damian’s Furry/Feathered/Scaled Companions
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LEFT: R:SOB #1 Cover RIGHT: R:SOB #6
Introduced in: ROBIN: SON OF BATMAN (2015) #1
DAMIAN'S BABY AND BEASTY BESTIE!! On a mission during the Year of Blood, Damian kills the family of bat dragons guarding his objective. Goliath, despite being the youngest and last of his kind, forgives Damian. Goliath goes on to become one of Damian's most loyal companions, even featuring beside him in Batman Beyond (2016) #10, #11, #43-#47!
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LEFT: B&R #13 RIGHT: B&R #4
Introduced in: BATMAN AND ROBIN (2011) #2
A Great Dane gifted to Damian from Bruce as an effort in fatherhood. Funny enough, Damian finds him a nuisance at first and briefly refers to him as "Dog". Titus is a good boy that follows Damian's every step, even joining Bruce on his mission to resurrect Damian!
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LEFT: Batman Inc #1 RIGHT: Batman Inc #7
Introduced in: BATMAN INCORPORATED (2012) #1
Bat-Cow, branded with a star signifying which cattle were contaminated, was saved from a slaughterhouse to run some tests (which they do find of a mind control variety). Damian declares himself a vegetarian, and calls her Bat-Cow! She also sorta has a running gag of literally standing in the face of danger to save the day.
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LEFT: Batman Inc #6 RIGHT: Batman Inc #7
Introduced in: BATMAN INCORPORATED (2012) #6
Considered a "hopeless case" by the animal shelter, Alfred gifts him to Damian. The cat is a bold lil guy, which Damian takes an immediate liking to, and names him Alfred (likely because tuxedo cat = butler lol). After hours of chicken, playtime, and scratches, Damian and Alfred become friends! He makes his first appearance alongside Damian’s first appearance as Batman in BATMAN (1940) #666
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LEFT: Batman: Li'l Gotham #2/#1 RIGHT: Batman: Li'l Gotham #23/#12
Introduced in: BATMAN LI'L GOTHAM (2012) #2 (Digital) #1 (Printed)
The Penguin unleashes an army of turkeys at the Gotham Thanksgiving parade which Damian turns into his own li'l turkey march by playing the trumpet. He ends up bringing one of them back for Thanksgiving dinner (as a friend), and Jerry becomes a fairly regular appearance in the world of Li'l Gotham!
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Introduced in: NIGHTWING (2016) #42
A sort of filler issue where Damian has been kidnapped for his blood by the "Crimson Kabuki" in Tokyo, and Dick goes through a series of boss battles to save him. The dragon's blood has been the group's main source of power, so it ends up teaming with the duo, and returns home with them.
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Wiggles was originally named by a fan, "Shanootnoot" on Twitter!
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*Goliath, Titus, Bat-Cow, and Alfred the cat have been Damian's main canon cast of furry companions, but SUPER-PETS SPECIAL: BITEDENTITY CRISIS (2024) may have just added Jerry and Wiggles!!
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majunju · 1 year
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solargeist · 3 months
i keep mistaking some of ur kidxelqua art for ur grian art so i have to stop and read the captions/tags every time 😭😭 is there a fundamental difference im missing that would make it any easier
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hi !!!!!!! no i understand it can be pretty confusing !! its pretty messy on my blog ahahah i'll try to explain them and their place in the AU
All the kid drawings are Xelqua ! Originally it was Grian, but as the character Xelqua developed, I changed it to him. When people send requests for kid Grian, i'm drawing Xelqua, as that is the AU.
This isn't 100% accurate as I forget to do it, but Grian and Xelqua part their hair differently, kid Xelqua does too. Xelqua's hair is always a bit longer. (Grian got a haircut when he joined the Watchers, thats why his hair parts different now in evoAU and HC, he just kept it shorter ! Xelqua used to wear his hair in a ponytail during his time with the Watchers.)
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The reason why i say they're "technically the same" is bc Xelqua is just another Grian from a different timeline, he just has a different name. Xelqua only exists because this one Grian joined the Watchers, new possibilités opened new timelines, ones where he died, ones where he's a Listener instead, or ran away to different servers, or stayed. Xelqua is the only one to have reached Sainthood.
Because of this, Xelqua can hop around timelines, he usually just bugs other versions of himself, helping them, giving them tnt. He finds This Grian during s8 of HC, bugging him through the boatem void, briefly possessing him later, but hey ! water under the bridge !
Xelqua's timeline doesn't exist anymore after becoming That, but by becoming That he has essentially rewritten history in other timelines, solidifying himself as a saint of destruction, a destroyer, this is what the Watchers know him as, this is what evo Grian knew him as, even if Grian caused it--It already happened--Xelqua has always been here. (It makes Grian's head hurts when Xelqua explains this to him.)
Basically: Grian set off a chain reaction when he joined the Watchers, and that opened new universes, and in doing that, Xelqua is made.
Xelqua is powerful, but also very lonely and has a lot wrong with him, which is expected he spent many years with the Watchers. Xelqua can mimic any version of Grian he wants, but if he stays in that form for too long, he'll start to forget himself and instead think "Xelqua" is a patron, rather than himself. This is why kid Xelqua will usually praise the Saint Xelqua and be proud of his own name, he just doesn't know ! It takes a little while to remember himself and change back. This also happens in high stress, (bc of course it does, i love when a character loses control of their powers hahaha,) the memory is much worse if it happens from stress. You can't talk kid Xelqua out of this, it'll stress him out further and you'll just have a little god child throwing a temper tantrum then, never a good idea.
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After s8 in HC EvoAU, Xelqua hangs around, popping up sometimes in s9, mostly in his adult watcher self. They don't get along too well at first, Xelqua has a little bit of bitterness over Grian having such a fun life, all these friends, needed, wanted..... But whatever ! Xisuma doesn't know how he keeps getting in, but Xelqua has been on good behaviour, so...... Shrug... Just let him visit sometimes....
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Xelqua's version of the Watchers are gone, the unfortunate conséquences of becoming a destroyer, you kinda rip your own timeline apart. This, added with the fact that he is a cautionary tale in every other reality to Watchers, means if he tries to visit other versions of his Watcher family, they won't really know who he is, and just see something destructive and chaotic. If he wants to see Aether, he'll just... hop in a timeline and change himself into a kid and quickly forget what he's done. He's lonely, ok !!
Xelqua starts doing this kid bit on HC (late s9/early s10) too, he doesn't exactly mean to, but he does feel safe there. He eats Grian's food and takes over his couch and no one can get mad at him bc he is just a little kid--grian puts him in the corner. timeout. a few dead birds hit the roof as a result.
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lemonwrap · 9 months
Imagine: Ghost’s mask is permanently attached to his face.
It’s probably with pins in the bones, or something like that to make it extremely difficult or even impossible to remove. It hurts to eat and talk, so Ghost doesn’t speak much, and it keeps his identity hidden at first. It was Roba’s doing, of course.
It had been the 141’s job to take down Roba, which is why they were in Mexico in the first place and came across Ghost as he was escaping after killing Roba. They take him in, and Ghost becomes familiar with Price, Soap, and Gaz, the members of Task Force 141. Despite his trauma and initial reluctance, Ghost grows very close to Soap, begins to see Price as an almost father-like figure, and becomes good friends with Gaz.
They make it their mission to remove the mask.
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brofightiscancelled · 29 days
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end of first year
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spliqi · 1 month
higuchi thoughts of the day: as much as i love the idea of her having some devastatingly destructive ability… her having a healing/support ability would explain so much of her character. like. her high ranking in the mafia despite (as far as we know) not being extraordinarily strong. her assignment to akutagawa + his resentment of her + her being so overprotective of him. the irl author’s connection to mori and yosano. dw about it
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sweet-potato-42 · 9 months
ohhhhhhhhhhhhh lets fucking gooooo the time machine HAS to be at least somewhat preplanned lore.
like he must have seen how fun people saw the deepslate chest timetravel shenanigans and planned some more story. Hoping for a goofy dr who esque story with lore and fun shit
like i bet the stream would have gone like he tried to find a way to break up fitpac and he thoguht "what if htey never got together" and thats how he started time travel but hte tubhole snow incident was a good way as well.
could also be the way his backstory is explained and it owuld be so fun.
Also so awesome there is an actual in game mechanic reason for qtubbo knowing how to time travel. like it was a natural thing that happened when he was messing around with fit so tubbo took it and made a story out of it. So cool
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Corran Horn: Computer, show me Jedi milfs. Callista Ming: Hi! I’m the computer Callista Ming: You’re not getting that
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iolaussharpe-24 · 5 months
My Initial Reactions to the ENTIRE X-Men Movie Franchise
X-Men: Nightmare Fuel
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(Side note: This was my favorite Marvel action figure and I still have him.)
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X-Men: The Last Stand: Baby, don't hurt yourself. I love your wings. Why are you leaving Mystique behind?! She was your friend! WHAT IS THAT?! IS XAVIER DEAD?!?! Oh my god, Magneto's that strong?!
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X-Men Origins: Wolverine: He scares me. But I want him to chase me.
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X-Men: First Class: Magneto's hot now?
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X-Men: Days of Future Past:
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X-Men: Apocalypse: This is kind of creepy. Wait, that guy is who?! MY BABY'S BACK!!! Why would you do that to him?🎶SWEET DREAMS ARE MADE OF THIS WHO AM I TO DISAGREE?🎶 This is neat. OH MY GOD HE'S A GIANT!!
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Deadpool 2: Super Duper Cut
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X-Men: Dark Phoenix: ..... It's okay. I forgive you for this birthday present. We didn't know it was going to be this bad. We were blinded by Jessica Chastain. At least Nightcrawler got his chance to shine again. For less than a minute of screentime. WHAT THE HELL DID XAVIER DO WRONG?! I DON'T SEE A PROBLEM WITH NOT TELLING THE TICKING TIME BOMB OF A TRAUMATIZED CHILD THAT HER DAD DOESN'T WANT HER BECAUSE SHE KILLED HER MOM!!! LOOK WHAT SHE DID WHEN SHE FOUND OUT!!!! She does not deserve that. SHE DOES NOT DESERVE THAT. SHE DOES NOT DESERVE THAT!
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The New Mutants
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Deadpool and Wolverine announcement/trailer:
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cubbihue · 1 month
In a weird way, it does kinda make sense if Chimmy is trans because he's made from unwishes and in the alt timeline where Timmy wishes he'd never been born, alt universe Timmy is a girl named Sophia. Idk if that makes sense or is even correct in your world building. Just my thoughts.
If i had a nickle for every time I accidentally made a trans-allegory of a series i've started.... i'd have two nickles!!! Which isn't a lot but honestly it checks out.
and not nearly the same amount of nickles as Butch Hartman has, oddly enough...
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kitkats-and-kittens · 6 months
I love a Jason and Damian meet in the league au as much as the next person, but when am I going to get Damian and Cass meeting in the league?!!?
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atlas7seo · 3 months
So I know the cycle in Legend of Zelda is explained in Skyward Sword. But like not as much as I'd want. Like how long does it take for a new incarnation to be born after the previous one dies. Are there incarnations of the hero or Zelda who just never know because there's no danger? Or are they only born if Ganon/some evil is coming?
I'm wondering because how long would it take a new hero to be born if Link died in the original Calamity in BOTW. Like would the Calamity had ended sooner if Link died? Cause it would allow a hero to be born earlier? I don't know, I just think it's very interesting.
(Random rambles in tags ig)
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iwritewhump · 11 days
Gravestone + cemetery
day 12 of whumptember
587 words
warnings: captivity, dead body
Whumpee pulls his jacket tighter around himself and exhales slowly. He gathers his strength and stands up. His legs wobble under him and he almost falls over, but somehow manages to stay upright. 
Exhaling heavily, Whumpee walks through the open door and looks back at the only place he’s been the past year. 
Dirt is caked on every inch of the ground, it’s a miracle the bottoms of Whumpee’s feet didn’t pick any of it up. Spiderwebs are in every corner of the room, each and every one of them full of bugs that have been sucked dry of nutrients. The windows cast a dull light into the room, illuminating the corpse rotting on the mattress. 
Shaking his head, Whumpee walks out of the room and leaves it behind him. 
With every step he gains strength and soon enough, he’s running. Running up the stairs from the basement dungeon Whumper had made for him, down the hallway and through the kitchen. 
He freezes. 
Police tape is across the doorway. The door jamb has been kicked in and the door lays on the floor. 
There are no police cars around, so Whumpee ducks under the tape and closes his eyes as the sun hits his face for the first time in months. Exhaling slowly, Whumpee soaks up the warmth from the sun until the cold deep in him disappears. 
For the next couple hours (days?), Whumpee sticks around the house. Mostly, he’s waiting to see who-if anyone-shows up. No one does, so he wanders. 
He somehow winds up at an old, rundown park he used to play on all the time. The swings look mostly sturdy, so he sits down and lets it sway in the wind. 
The sun starts to rise so Whumpee jumps off the swing, not wanting anyone to question why there’s an adult man on the swings. He’s not really sure where he’s going, but every step becomes easier. 
He’s standing at the gate to the cemetery. There’s a service and Whumpee, despite knowing better, walks up and stands in the back of the small crowd. He’s way underdressed, only wearing sweatpants and an oversized t-shirt with an old band logo on it and a jacket, but no one seems to notice. 
The priest stops talking and the sobs turn into sniffles turn into silence as everyone places a primrose on the coffin. Whumpee smiles, those are his favorite flower. 
He cranes his neck to see the name on the gravestone, but everyone is in the way. Reluctantly, he tries to nudge his way towards the front, weaving between everyone to satisfy his curiosity.
There’s only a small group in front of him now and he freezes. Whumper stands with his arm wrapped around Caretaker’s shoulders, her head resting on his arm. 
She sobs softly and stares blankly ahead with unfocused eyes. 
Whumpee tucks behind someone and turns around. Breath coming in quick bursts, he runs a hand through his hair and shakes his head. 
“You’re seeing things. There’s no way it’s him.” He tells himself. He peeks around the person he’s hiding behind and stares at the small group. 
Caretaker stands there, leaning heavily on…still Whumper. 
Why would they both be there? Who could bring them both together like this? 
Whumpee keeps his back turned to the small group and finds the headstone. 
He stumbles backward, hand over his mouth. The crowd doesn’t react. He falls to the ground and scrambles back a few more feet, staring at his name on the gravestone. 
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presiding · 10 months
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you'll never guess which level we're up to in this dishonored 2 rewrite
#if i haven't stuffed up my timezones this post should land on thanksgiving so here's somethin' to read to go with your food coma#dishonored#dishonored shitposting#emily kaldwin#billie lurk#dishonored fic#interesting the way the resurrection was handled - rock up to aramis stilton's powerpoint presentation basically#does anyone else think it would have been cool if you had to do the duke's palace first.#grab delilah's mortality and give it back in the past. like while she's vulnerable#kind of makes sense too from an emily character perspective#because she shows SO much character growth in stilton's manor#and then goes to the duke's palace next and IMMEDIATELY says the dumbest shit she says all game re: her entitlement and obliviousness#stilton's manor: wow ive learned so much i finally get it now!#nek minnet. emily misunderstands class warfare so bad she thinks she needs to sharpen her dads folding blade. emily. no#and if you think about it the duke's palace would have made a lot of sense for an earlier level just from emily's perspective.#hes very clearly her enemy compared to meagan's vague idea of where sokolov might be. a darker timeline perhaps#lovely Off_Topic mentioned hating time travel as a plot device and i have to agree. here's my take on that level anyway#also big thank you to RoseEll (<3) for saying it parallels the limitations of the game's mechanics interestingly ♥#using this meme template was like. 'oh hey lingering hatred for jeremy clarkson i forgot i had you'#making the badly photoshopped heads too big. my beloved.#ah crap rambling again
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