#little livvy is on her way
a-strange-inkling · 2 years
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Isn't She Lovely?
Chicago, Illinois
November 20, 1987
Laying quietly in their bed, head and shoulders propped up comfortably against a few pillows, Chrissy watches the powdery violet clouds hanging lowly in the pale orange sky out the window. It’s almost sunset. The days are growing shorter now. Colder too. She’s tucked under their flannel sheets, the ugly burnt orange afghan with its loose stitches and its torn holes, and a few of May’s old quilts that Wayne packed in the back of the van despite Eddie complaining there wasn’t any more room left.
“It gets cold and windy in that city, punk. Your poor little lady is going to freeze to death.”
The two of them were repressing their emotions about the move and it was coming off in passive aggressive grunts and jabs all morning.
“No, she won’t.” Eddie rolls his eyes as Wayne passes him after he successfully managed to shove three patchwork quilts between the stacks. As soon as his uncle is back in the trailer, he saunters up behind her, wrapping his arms around her waist while she’s busy loading the last few boxes through the sliding back door, making her squeak in surprise. He tucks his face in the crook of her neck. “I’ll keep you plenty warm.” he whispers, planting kisses along her skin, lips parting and then slowly closing against that soft sensitive place just behind her ear, lighting her skin on fire.
She feels her cheeks burn, smiling foolishly despite the nervous ache throbbing in her chest. He certainly kept his promise over their last year together. She’s never cold for very long.
Fingers fiddling with the fraying edges of the top quilt, she glances at the slim plastic stick on the bedside table atop a neatly folded paper towel, its padded tip very much the color blue. Not remotely white.
It’s been hours since she snuck across the street to the pharmacy after Eddie left for work. The cashier, Janice, gave her a smirk when she tried to place the little box casually on the counter beside her bottle of ginger ale and aspirin.
“Didn’t you just get back from Huron a few weeks ago?” she asked in amusement. 
“…yeah.” Chrissy sighed.
“Mmmm.” she hummed knowingly.
Knees swaying back and forth beneath the blankets, her own little patchy mountain to hide behind, she absentmindedly wonders when it happened. They’d always been careful, but after the wedding there were admittedly a few times they got carried away, too desperate and thoughtless, too lost in one another.
She can’t be certain, of course, but she thinks she knows… That first morning in Michigan, hazy beneath the red and gold leaves, the mist slowly burning up under the heat of the early sun.
There’s a chill in the air, they forgot to close the windows last night, but they’re warm and safe, tucked away beneath a shelter of their sheets and blankets.
It’s just the two of them in the middle of nowhere, woven together so tightly she doesn’t know where she ends and he begins.
This must be what it means. She thinks. When they say two become one.
“I love you, I love you, I love you, Chrissy, I love you…” he pants dazedly against her lips, still half asleep. “Chrissy… Chrissy… Chrissy…”
Joyful tears trail down her face from the corner of her eyes as she tries to respond, tries to tell him too, but she’s breathless, gasping, he’s never been buried so deeply inside her.
With an open kiss to her lips, he begins moving again, slow and languid, hand curling in her hair. “Eddie, I love… I-I… oh…” she sighs, tilting her head back, relishing the feel of him, eyes tightening, fingers digging into the skin of his neck and shoulder blade when he reaches that special place within. She can’t think, let alone speak. She feels his forehead resting against hers, lingering there for a while, his shuddered breath spilling over her, flushing her skin, filling her lungs.
When her eyes flutter open, she’s met with his dark lidded gaze, soft and adoring. Sunlight flares between them from the window. Heaven’s light. He looks so young, so happy. Her husband. Her family. With a little sob, she pulls him into another kiss. “I love you.” she tells him. “I love you so much.”
The front door opens, and she turns her head toward the digital alarm clock. He’s a little late, but that’s not unusual on Fridays.
Taking the test, she opens the drawer of the side table and hides it inside. She hears him through the thin walls, taking off his shoes and coat, hanging them up in the closet. He’s moving slowly, trying to be quiet.
A few moments later, the door handle turns, the hinges whining. He peers in tentatively, in case she’s asleep. His face lights up, making her heart flip in her chest. “Hey, Mrs. Munson,” he whispers.
“Hi,” she breathes a bashful, silly smile, watching him as he crosses the room. He’s covered in a thin layer of sweat, his clothes blotchy with motor oil, hair still tied back.
“Feeling any better?” he asks softly.
“Mmhmm,” she hums as he leans down, parting her bangs to kiss her forehead. “Just tired.”
“No fever, right?” he asks against her skin, peppering his lips along her temple, lingering a moment, applying more pressure to check her temperature. She shakes her head faintly as he pulls away, blinking up at him.
“Hmm,” he muses, looking her over. She can see he’s a little worried. “Might want to get this checked out if you’re not better tomorrow.”
“I’m okay.” she promises. “Really, I probably could have gone to class today.”
“I’m glad you didn’t, you’re still pretty peaky.” he carefully brushes against the tender skin under her eye with the back of his fingers. “Have you been able to keep anything down?” he asks.
“Yeah, I had some toast for lunch.” she replies.
“That’s good,” he whispers as he kisses her mouth tenderly, sweet and slow. The last few days have been hard for him, watching her bent over the toilet in the early morning hours. It’s probably brought back memories of their summer in the trailer when she would lock herself in the bathroom.
She promised him over and over it wasn’t voluntary as he held her hair above her head. “I know.” he told her, holding her close when it was all over, stroking her back. “I know.” She hasn’t purged for over a year, but she knows that was his first thought, his first fear.
“I’m going to take a shower real quick.” he tells her. “You need anything?”
She shakes her head, leaning up for another kiss. “Just you.”
A goofy, flustered smile spreads across his face, and she wonders if their child will have his dimples. He pecks her lips softly, then her nose. “Be right back.”
She leans back against the cushions, turning her gaze back to the sky, her smile faltering a little, a shaky sigh escaping her.
It’s not long till he’s back, changed into his sweats and a loose, sleeveless gray Dio shirt, a mug of steaming ginger tea in his hand. He exchanges it for her empty one that’s sitting on the coaster beside her.
“Thank you.” she whispers softly.
He smiles, kissing her cheek as he climbs over her, settling in, resting his head against her chest with a content, tired sigh. “God, I missed you all day,” he breathes, wrapping his arms around her snugly. “I just kept worrying about you being home alone and sick.” She wraps him up under the afghan, holding him tenderly against her heart, stroking his long, towel dried waves. His warmth and weight anchor her, slow the racing of her heart. After a while, he tilts his head up, his large eyes peeking above the small swells of her breasts, making her smile. “What?”
“You sure you’re okay?” he asks gently. “You’re so quiet.”
“I’m always quiet,” she points out.
“Mmm no,” he leans up on his palms. “This isn’t normal Chrissy quiet.” he counters, kissing her again, a little longer than before. “This is something’s going on quiet.” he lowers himself back down but keeps his gaze on her.
“Give it to me straight, Cunningham.” he teases, grinning coyly against the fabric of her rose-pink pajama top.
“Munson.” she corrects pointedly, making his smile grow.
“Oh, yeah, that’s right.” he replies cheekily, leaning his head to the side, as if he didn’t know. “Made an honest woman out of you, didn’t I?”
She exhales a soft laugh, brushing back his bangs, cradling his jaw in her hands, taking in the face of the man she loves. She can see the dark flecks in his eyes in the light from the window as he stares up into her, his irises amber glass in the glow of the sun. They move back and forth, searching. He sobers. “Chrissy?”
“…I’m not sick, not exactly,” she brushes her thumb over his chapped lips. “…I’m pregnant, Eddie.” she whispers faintly. “We’re having a baby.”
His eyes widen as his lips part beneath her thumb, his whole body stilling. “You’re…” he pauses, blinking rapidly.
She nods, pursing her lips, waiting for his mind to catch up with what she just said.
“You’re… We’re…” And then he breathes a smile so bright and beautiful it makes her insides ache. “A baby?” he whispers giddily.
“Yeah,” she sighs in relief, returning his smile.
“Really?” he asks, joy and excitement dancing in his eyes, holding her tighter. “You’re sure?”
She sniffs softly, shrugging a little before pulling the test out of the drawer, holding it out to him. “Probably want to make an appointment to make sure sure, but I’m late and it’s… really blue.”
He takes it carefully, looking it over, opening and closing his mouth, not knowing what to do or say. She tucks his hair back behind his ear patiently. It takes a lot to render Eddie Munson speechless. “Jesus Christ… yeah, it’s like super fucking blue.” he releases a watery chuckle, setting it back on the table, his hand sliding back down over her as he rolls to his side, touching her stomach in amazement. “Chrissy… I can’t… God, I’m… I can’t breathe… I’m so…There’s a baby in here? We’re having baby…” his hand stills once more as he looks back up at her, his smile falling when he meets her eyes. “What’s wrong?”
Her lips begin to tremble, eyes misting over. He can always see right through her.
“You’re okay, right?” he asks worriedly, reaching up to hold her face. “Chrissy, right? You’re okay? You’re happy?”
“Yes, I am, I promise, I’m so, so happy, Eddie… I’m just…” she lifts the back of her hand to her mouth.
“…Scared?” he whispers.
She bursts into tears, nodding shakily as she releases a soft little sob.
“Oh, sweetheart,” he pulls himself up to sit beside her, kissing her cheek, then her lips deeply, over and over again, swallowing her sobs, wiping away her tears. “Don’t be scared, please, it’s all going to be okay.” He trails hurried kisses to her jaw, down her neck. “You don’t have to be afraid; I know… I know it’s not much right now, but I’ll take care of you,” he vows. “I’ll take care of both of you, I promise.”
“No, Eddie, no,” she shakes her head firmly, pulling back so she can face him. “I know that... I know you will, that’s not it at all.”
“Then what? What is it?” He pecks her lips a few times. Prompting. “Come on, talk to me.”
“It’s just…” It’s all thick in her throat. This moment is supposed to be wonderful and as usual she’s ruining everything for him, with her fears, her weakness.
“It’s me.” she confesses. “What if… what if I’m not a good mother?”
“What are you talking about?” he exclaims softly in disbelief, pushing back her hair.
“It’s not like I have the best example,” she replies. “She’s in me, you know? What if deep down I'm like her? What if I…”
“Chrissy, you’re nothing like her,” he murmurs. “You’re kind and gentle and loving… Christ, do you have any idea? Any idea how much this kid is going to adore you?”
“Me?” Her heart swells almost painfully, tears falling more abundantly. She turns into him, burying her face in his chest, squeezing his neck.
“Are you kidding? I mean, I’ll be okay, I’ll try my best… but God, you? I’ll be nothing compared to you.” she feels his hands slide down her back soothingly.
“That’s not true,” she’s laughing through her tears, she doesn’t know how he always manages to make her feel everything all at once. “You’ll be the fun one, I’ll be so worrisome and boring.”
He smiles against her temple. His fingers sliding back up to hold her face, pulling her back just enough to meet her gaze. "You’ll be amazing.” he whispers reverently. “You are amazing.”
“I’m still…” she sniffs, leaning against his palm. “I’m still healing.” Maybe not as much physically anymore, but mentally, emotionally…
“So am I,” he reminds her softly. “I think we’re always going to be, sweetheart.” he keeps pressing kisses against every surface of her face like he can’t help it. She closes her eyes, relishing his love. He pulls her back into him, tucking her tight the way she likes. “I still want this, a family with you, I always have, ever since… Jesus, ever since the first night with you.”
“Me too.” she confesses, already feeling warmer, safer in his arms.
“We’re having a baby.” she hears him say again after a long while, as if he still can’t believe it.
She smiles against his chest. “Yeah.”
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vivwritesfics · 8 months
Hooked On A Feeling
Chapter Twelve - Mr Ricciardo
Daniel is a Formula One driver, but, more importantly, he was a single dad to a wonderful little girl. He wants her to be a normal little girl, to have a normal social life, so he sends her to daycare. That was where she met Milo, her future best friend.
Milo's mother was incredibly stressed. She worked so hard to provide a good life for her son. But then he makes a new friend, a friend who has a hot dad (ofc they fall in love)
Single Dad!Daniel x Single Mum!Reader
Series Masterlist
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"So, tell me, why is it I have to wait for the neighbours boy to tell me that you've got a boyfriend?"
"Mum," Y/N tutted as she chopped the vegetables. "I haven't got a boyfriend, okay?"
Her mother sighed and she could picture her pinching the bridge of her nose out of frustration. "I've seen the clip. I've seen you kissing the man in the white suit."
Daniel, she was talking about Daniel.
"And, was that my grandson behind you? Do you know how heart breaking it is that this is the first time I'm seeing Milo?" Her mother continued.
Y/N rolled her eyes. But she was used to it by now, used to her mother berating her. "You've done this to yourself," she bit back. "You didn't want to support me when I was pregnant with Milo, so you don't have the right to know him." She pulled the phone away from her ear and ended the call.
She took just a moment to gather herself. Conversations with her mother always rattled her, but she couldn't bring herself to remove her mother from her life. Maybe one day she'd give her parents a chance to know Milo, she just wasn't ready for that yet.
"Momma," Milo called as he walked into the kitchen. He climbed into his seat at the table and placed his colouring book in front of him. It was a Formula One themed colouring book and Milo happily tried to colour in the Ferrari.
Y/N placed the vegetables into the pan with the already cooked chicken. "What is it, my little munchkin?" She asked as she sat opposite him.
Milo kicked his legs as he coloured in the number sixteen on the car. "Do you think Mr Ricciardo will take us to another race?" He asked.
Thank God Milo hadn't asked his mother why she had kissed Mr Ricciardo. He hadn't brought it up at all. But he had dragged Y/N away the moment Daniel had pulled away from her. And he had insisting on holding all of her attention on their way home.
She and Daniel hadn't had a moment alone since they returned home two days ago. They'd tried to text, but Y/N immediately went back to work and Daniel was training. Olivia was with her mother, so she didn't even see him when dropping Milo off at daycare.
"I don't know, munchkin," Y/N said as she pulled out her phone. "Would you like him to?" She texted Daniel as she waited for Milo to answer.
"No," he answered, and Y/N looked up.
She frowned at her son. "Why not, Milo? What's up, munchkin?"
Milo muttered something under his breath, something that Y/N couldn't hear. So she asked him to say it again. "I don't want you to date Mr Ricciardo, momma! You won't have time for me if you date him," he muttered under his breath.
Suddenly Y/N stood up. She walked around the stable and stood at Milo's side. "Oh, munchkin," she whispered as she knelt down beside him. She wasn't going to tell him about the text Daniel had just sent her, it would make him far too upset. "If your momma ever starts dating, she's not gonna have less time for you," she said as she pulled him close. "You'll always be my number one guy, even if I date Mr Ricciardo."
"Are you gonna date Mr Ricciardo?" Asked Milo as he swung his legs back and forth.
Y/N let out a sigh. "Mr Ricciardo has asked if I would like to go to dinner with him," she said as she stood up straight. "That means you get a sleepover with Livvy, and her grandparents are gonna look after you," she said and went back sorting dinner. "Are you okay with that, Munchkin?"
He thought about it for a moment. "Yeah, momma. Sleepover with 'Livia!" He cried and went back to colouring.
y/n (milo's hot momma)
tomorrow are you okay if milo stays with olivia and your parents?
daniel riiiiiciaaaardoooo
of course i'll let them know
She plated up dinner and placed on in front of Milo, putting his colouring book and pencils up on the counter. They didn't mention Daniel and Olivia for the rest of the night. As much as Milo said he was okay with it, Y/N still want' sure. So she didn't say anything.
She hadn't been out on a date since before Milo was born. Y/N didn't have any date clothes, which is why she went shopping on her lunch break.
There wasn't a lot she could afford, nothing too fancy. She searched through the shops for the entirety of the half an hour she had for a lunch break. It took a few attempts in a few different shops before she found the dress she'd wear out to dinner with Daniel.
It was black and fit to her body. She skirt was short, with a tiny, little slit on the side. Nothing like what anybody would expect to see her in, but she felt beautiful when she tried it on. It was going to be perfect for her date with Daniel.
It stayed in the back of the car while she completed her day at the office. It stayed in the back of the car when she picked Milo up from daycare.
She got Milo ready for his sleepover at the same time that she got ready for her date with Daniel. She showered as Milo packed away his toys.
For the drive over to his house, she was dressed down, wearing just her sweats. The dress only came out of her car when she and Milo walked up to the house. She kept it clutched tightly in her hands as they knocked on the door and waited for Daniel to answer.
"Milo!" He called the moment he opened the door.
"Mr Ricciardo!" Milo cried, attaching himself to his leg.
He offered Y/N a smile as she walked into the house. Immediately Daniel went to get Milo settled with Olivia while she went to the bathroom to get changed.
When she came out of the bathroom Milo was already comfortable with Olivia's grandparents, telling them his favourite facts about his favourite dinosaurs. He already had Rexy out and the beginnings of Jurassic park was playing on the television in the background.
"Munchkin," Y/N called softly from the doorway.
All eyes turned to her. At Daniels stare she felt herself become rather bashful. He muttered a 'wow' under his breath, but she didn't react.
But Milo still ran over to his momma. "Are you sure you're be okay here with Olivia and her grandparents?" She asked softly as she crouched down to his height (while still trying to keep herself dignified.
"Yeah, momma," Milo said. "Go and have fun." He sounded so grown up, she could have cried. She wrapped her arms around him for just a second before letting him run back to Olivia and her grandparents to tell them the rest of the facts he knew.
Daniel strode towards her and offered her his arm. "Shall we?" He asked. Looping her arm through his, she nodded her head, and they left the house.
She hadn't been on a date in so long, she had forgotten what they were like. Or, maybe no date she'd ever been on before was as good as this one.
Daniel was a perfect gentleman for the entire night. He opened doors for her, pulled out her seat for her, let her order whatever she wanted, and insisted on paying.
Dinner was incredible. The food was good, the drinks were good, and Daniel was even better. She tried to argue with him about the payment, but Daniel wouldn't let her. There was no way he was letting Milo's hot momma pay on the first date.
That night she confessed to him what her dreams were. It wasn't something she liked talking about, not since having Milo. It wasn't that she didn't pursue her dreams because of Milo, but she was a single mum who had moved across the country. She didn't have the time or the money for dreaming.
"I hate to say it," she began as they walked back out to the car, hands joined, swinging between them. "But I'm actually enjoying a night off from parenting."
"Don't feel bad," Daniel said as he pulled open the passenger door for her. But Y/N shook her head. Aside from her little comment, it wasn't something she wanted to talk about. If anything, she wanted to get back to Milo.
Daniel shut the door and climbed into the drivers seat. "Come on," he began. "We've got one more stop before we head home."
"We do?"
Daniel couldn't help the grin that crossed his face. He started the car and began driving, heading away from the restaurant. The further they drove the less busy the roads got. The city lights soon faded but Daniel kept driving.
It was only when they were in the middle of nowhere that he stopped. Out here they could see the stars. "Wow," she whispered as she opened the car door and stepped out. Her outfit wasn't really suited for the cool night air, and she wrapped her arms around herself as she leaned against the hood of the car.
"Have I told you that you look really good?" Daniel asked as he sat beside her. He placed his arms around her shoulders and pulled her into his side.
She couldn't stop her giggle as she allowed herself to rest against him. "Yes, Daniel. Several times." She looked up at the stars with her head on his shoulder. "Thank you, Daniel. You also look great."
He was in a simple pair of jeans and white shirt. But damn did it suit him.
She couldn't stop herself from grabbing his hand and tracing her fingertips over his tattoos. "Tonight has been amazing. I don't think I've been on a date since I was maybe seventeen," she confessed.
"We're gonna have to make up for lost time," he said, leaning his face closer to hers.
He was addicting, and she couldn't help but find herself drawn to him. Drawn in close enough to kiss him. His hand was cupping her cheek, fingers pushing stray hairs behind her ear.
Just like kissing Daniel the first time, it was amazing. He quite literally took her breath away. But neither of them wanted to pull away, not until they were desperate. Even then, Daniel still rested his forehead against hers. "Be mine," he whispered, his lips almost touching hers again.
She couldn't stop herself from stealing another kiss. "Not until I take you on a date, Mr Ricciardo," she said smugly.
Mr Ricciardo. He liked the sound of that.
Taglist (CLOSED): @biancathecool @rewmuslupin @prettiest-at-the-party @hellowgoodbye @cassie0sstuff @spideybv28 @andydrysdalerogers @aundercover @lou-bean28 @landossainz @purplephantomwolf @ggaslyp1 @layazul @phantomxoxo @minkyungseokie @gills-lounge @hollie911 @annispamz @lillians-world-is-f1 @cixrosie @notyouraveragemochii @charli123456789 @amalialeclerc @teamnovalak @tallrock35 @teenwolf01 @chiliwhore @darleneslane @sava207 @thatsusbitch @formulaal @leptitlu @angiesw0rld @yunakynn @landosgirlxoxo @msolbesg @cherry-piee @catmouseggy @bathedinheat @chanshintien @ilove-tswizzle @woozarts @evie-119 @trouble-sistar @mysticalnightenthusiast @lewisvinga @spilled-coffee-cup @starkeyellow @fxrmuladaydreams @viennakarma @radiator101 @lightdragonrayne @angelxxrose @millinorrizz @xemiefx @ellies-world61 @the-depressed-fellow
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jarofstyles · 3 months
Y/N goes over to her friends house to sleepover but then her friend somehow makes plans like while Y/N is still there but she can’t leave cause her friend was her ride. what she doesn’t know is her best friends brother (harry) is home and sees this all happening and is angry because his sister always doing this to Y/N so he spends the night with her
I am a complete sucker for best friend’s brother H… completely down bad so yes !! I got carried away so maybe I’ll continue this as a one shot, I don’t know.
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“What are you still doin’ here?” Harry stopped short as he passed the den, seeing Y/N sitting stiffly with her phone in hand. It wasn’t unlike her to be at their place, but he had heard his sister’s car leave 30 minutes prior. He knew they’d had plans, as they usually did during the weekend, so it had caught him off guard.
That, and the fact that he’d have put a shirt on if he knew she was around.
Y/N startled slightly as she looked up at him wide eyed. She didn’t have time to hide her bloodshot eyes or the fact her makeup was messed up, making his confusion grow.
The fuck had happened?
“Hey… hey, what happened? Thought you both were goin’ out to that new place for your birthday weekend.” He walked towards the couch to see that she was indeed dressed up. A cute little black dress and her hair straightened, glitter on her eyelids. Heels were kicked off to the side and she had her nails done in a deep red, something very unlike her. Harry paid a little too much attention to her, it seemed, and it wasn’t her normal soft pastel colored nails with a pretty design. She looked different.
Like she was trying to be the stereotypical version of sexy or something. He couldn’t exactly tell her that her normal looks were sexy in the cute, girl next door way, but this was more vixen, tear your heart out sort of thing. With a lot of shame, he momentarily wished the smeared makeup and tear tracks had been caused by choking on his cock rather than something birthing her heart- but that wasn’t something he should be thinking about right now.
“Um…” her noise was slightly nasally from the crying, eyes avoiding his gaze as he tenderly sat himself on the coffee table in front of her. “We were supposed to. But she… that guy she was seeing asked her to come to a quick trip.” Picking at her nails, she took a shuddery breath. “So she asked if we could do stuff next weekend.”
Harry’s brows furrowed at the situation. It didn’t make much sense, but neither did his sister. Unfortunately, he had seen that Livvy was one of those people who dropped everything for a man. She could have friends or a boyfriend. Both were a struggle for her.
Honestly, he’d been shocked that Y/N stuck around long as she had. He loved his sister to bits, but he wasn’t oblivious to her faults. Being boy crazy had never faired well for her friendships. Sometimes he had seen how she swooped in and took attention away from Y/N. He knew she loved her and cared about her, but his sister had some serious issues when it came to jealousy.
Y/N was ridiculously pretty. He’d been warned away from her, sure, but he had eyes. And a weird little distant crush he’d felt for her the last few years she’d come around. They had a polite friendship, but Livvy had been irritated about it and told him to keep a distance. Still, he knew she had to be jealous. They were both different types of pretty. He didn’t think much of his sister all things considered, but he thought a lot about the type of pretty Y/N was. It sort of thumped you in the chest and grew the longer you looked at her. And when you talked to her? Forget it. She was so fucking kind and attentive, one of those people you never doubted were listening to you. She was a little quiet at first but came out of her shell the longer he was around, and he’d liked everything he’d seen from her.
“That’s shit.” He whispered. “It’s your birthday weekend. It won’t be the same next weekend.” However that was the wrong thing to say, considering her eyes filled back with tears and he felt like he’d been kicked in the stomach. “Fuck, I didn’t mean to upset you. I’m sorry.” Reaching out for her hand, he squeezed lightly as he tried to make it better.
Maybe Livvy would be pissed about it later but she’d have no room to complain when it was her doing. When she got back he was going to chew her out, tell her how good of a friend Y/N was and how lucky she was to have her- but for now? It was his mission to make her happy.
Y/N was going to have a good birthday weekend. He’d be sure of it.
“Listen. Let me go get dressed and we’ll go out t’eat. Okay?” Maybe he was a little presumptuous by thinking she’d want to spend time with him, but he had to imagine she was upset because she didn’t have other plans. “We’ll go out to eat and then go to the store t’get your favorite snacks and stuff. Can even bake a cake if you want. We’ll come back n’eat and watch whatever trash reality show or cheesy movie you want. You can sleep in the guest room and I’ll make you breakfast tomorrow or I’ll pick you up… I’ve got the weekend off.”
Harry was getting ahead of himself by assuming she’d want to spend the weekend together but he really fucking wanted to. He never got to spend alone time with her. How could he possibly complain about spending his weekend with a pretty girl?
“You’d… you’d really want to do that?” Her eyes met his in disbelief. “Don’t you have other plans or something? I don’t want to bother you. I swear I didn’t sit here to get pity, I just need to call an Uber or something and I can leave-“
“I don’t have any other plans. I really don’t mind. It would be fun to get out and do something. We don’t have to.” He reassured, reaching out to fix her hair. It has stuck to her damp face and he knew it had to be uncomfortable. “I know we don’t hang out a lot or anything but I consider us friends. My sister is extremely shitty for doing this but I really would like to make sure you have a good birthday. If you’re uncomfortable-“
“I’m not!” She peeped, grabbing his arm. “Not at all. I just don’t want to ruin your plans.”
“Well, my plans are now yours. Let’s get dressed and go out for our own celebration, shall we?”
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It's a Scream, Baby
Ghostface!R. Ripley x fem!reader
cw: 18+, domme rhea, sub reader, fingering, dirty talk, degradation + praise, strap-on use, possesive rhea?, knife/blood play, mask kink, basically rhea fucking reader in a ghostface mask
happy halloween babies 😚 / not proofread, may be spelling errors - plus i gave up halfway through so this isn't my best
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You were getting ready at your vanity for a party Liv invited you and Rhea to; Rhea wasn't home yet, she was still at the gym.
You had finally finished putting your outfit together, You and Rhea we're going as ghostface and you were going to be her victim. Your outfit was basic, just a cream colored sweater with a black skirt; somewhat similar to Casey's from the original film.
You decided to send a photo in your group chat with rhea and a few other friends, including Liv, hoping responses could give you a second opinion. After hesitating you finally hit send, only having to wait a few seconds before a response came through.
Livvy 🩵
damn girl, you look HOT! Rhea's lucky 😩
ugh, stop it you're gonna make me blush if you keep it up
Putting your phone down, you look in the mirror to look for anything that needs fixing. Noticing your lips were already starting to smear, you decided to start with that.
You were touching up your lipstick when you heard your phone ding behind you. Not bothering to go check it, you continued what you were doing. As you put your lipstick down, you heard the front door open.
"Rhea?" You yelled, no answer. "Rhe? Are you home?" Again, no answer. You turn towards your bedroom door, contemplating on if you should go down or not. With a sigh, you call Barry over (who was sleeping on the bed), to come downstairs with you.
"Rhea?" You called out again. Reaching the bottom of the steps, you turn into the kitchen only to be met with a hand pulling your head back by your hair. You gasped, going to scream but a hand clasped over your mouth. "Shhh, baby."
Still freaked out, you try squirming out of the persons hold. The sound of Rhea's voice doesn't immediately register to you, but the scent of cologne was familiar enough that part of you knew. The cool blade of a pocket knife is pressed against your neck in a millisecond, and without thinking a soft moan leaves your lips. "Dirty girl." Rhea husks into your ear.
That time, you heard it, almost instantly relaxing into her touch. She chuckles, pressing the blade just a little harder. "Knew you'd fuckin fold the moment you found out it was me." She teased, voice echoing under the mask as she removed her hand from your mouth.
"Should've known it was you. I mean, we both agreed on the costume, didn't we?" You giggled, tilting your head back against her shoulder. The hand that was originally clasping over your mouth was now gripping your hip, playing with your waistband.
"Rhea, we have to leave in 20 minutes." You sigh. "Hm, yeah. Gives me plenty of time to fuck you though, right?" She whispered next to your ear as her free hand started rubbing up and down your thigh, slowly inching higher.
A soft gasp left your lips, absent-mindedly spreading your legs wider. "No.." You muttered under your breath, biting your lip when her gloved hand sneaks up your skirt and over your panties. "Upstairs, on the bed. I'd take off anything you don't want ripped in half before I get there." She ordered, tapping your ass before you quickly ran back upstairs. You discarded your sweater and skirt, deciding to keep your underwear on for her to take off.
Not even a minute passed before she was walking through your bedroom door, quickly shutting it before making her way over to you. "I love seeing you like this, y'know?" Rhea spoke as she ran her hands down your body, starting at you tits and ending at your waistband. Her hands gripped the lace, tearing it in half. "God, already? Fuckin' pathetic." She chuckled, running her middle fingers through your slit and rubbing at your clit before pushing into you with ease.
You let out a soft moan, hand reaching up to grip her forearm. "Fuck," you sigh, closing your eyes. "Look at me, Y/n." Rhea said, almost immediately as she curled her fingers into your sweet spot. A high pitched whine left your lips as you opened your eyes, looking up at her. She still had her costume on; leather gloves, black ripped jeans, corset top, ghostface mask and that tiny little knife hooked to her pocket.
"You love this, don't you, slut?" Rhea's fingers sped up as she tilted her head. "Liv can only dream to be the one doing this to you, huh? Every night, making you cum over and over, fuckin' you til you cry." You knew the text from Liv set her off after that, so of course you'd play into it. "Mhm, but guess what?" You started, breathing ragged. "You're the only one who gets to fuck me, to touch me. I'm all yours, mommy." You added the extra whine to your voice that you knew she liked.
"That's right." Was all she said before her free hand undid her belt and pants, pulling the strap out. She pulled her fingers out, wiping them on your stomach. "All mine. I think I should prove it."
You giggled, spreading your legs for her. "Needy girl." Rhea teased as she ran the tip through your folds, purposely bumping against your clit before slipping into you. "I wanna see you," You whimpered, hands tugging at the mask.
"Yeah?" She husked, pumping into you at a slow pace. "Please, please," Your voice was barely above a whisper as she sped up. "Mmm, tempting, but no."
One of her hands reached for the knife, opening it and pressing it against your thigh. "So many things I could do with this little thing, huh?" Rhea hinted, gently sliding it across your skin.
A mix of fear and arousal spread through your body as you felt a small tinge of pain that quickly turned into pleasure shoot through you. As herhips remained occupied, she was carving wards onto your thighs, talking to you as your moans and whines for more filled the room.
"Taking me so well, slut. God, if only you could see how pathetic you look like right now." She chuckled as she brought the knife to her tongue, licking off the little bit of blood that got on it. "I should take a picture. Look, Y/n." She grabbed your hair and pulled you up, forcing you to look at the words she wrote on your thighs.
"Rhea's" on the Left, "Bitch" on the right, blood still dripping from the letters. Rhea brought her middle finger down to the letter 'T' on your right leg, getting blood on it and sticking it to your lips. "Suck, bitch." She smirked, hips not stopping for a second.
You took her finger into your mouth, moaning around it as you felt your orgasm getting closer. She removed her finger from your lips, stroking your cheek as she grinned. "Such a good little whore for me." Rhea praised before pushing you back onto the bed, thrusting into you with more force.
"Fuck!" You moaned, head tossing back as she began hitting your spot repeatedly. "Gonna cum, baby?" Rhea asked, hands rubbing at your sides. All you could do was nod, pleasure clouding your mind. "Think she could make you feel like this, huh? Come on baby, who's making you feel this good?" She whispered, thumb pressing against your clit in small circles.
"You," you mumbled under your breath. "Louder." Rhea spat, rubbing faster as the coil in your stomach got tighter and tighter as you tried to hold it off. "You!" you said, louder this time. "Cum, baby. Scream my fucking name." She ordered. "Fuck, Rhea!" Crying out, you dig your nails into her shoulders as your back arched, vision going blank. "There we go, good girl." Rhea smiled, slowing down to help your ride it out.
Once you recovered, she pulled out, pulling her mask over her head and laying down between your thighs to clean you up. Her tongue pushed between your folds, softly sucking on your clit and prodding at your entrance. You squirmed, quiet whines leaving your lips. "Shh, I know baby." She mumbled against you. Rhea came back up a minute later, kissing you.
"I think we may be late." You giggled, pulling your sweater down over your head. "Please, that was only 15 minutes." She grinned as she put your skirt back on you and put the mask back on.
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winstonsns · 3 months
this is gonna sound Rlly funny/ridiculous, but... Gang w reader from 2024??? Somehow????? LMAO. i jus thought itd b funny. LOLOL
the gang with 2024!reader (request)
authors note: sorry i’m doing requests late! i have many requests and i’ve been busy. also i have 100 followers!! this post is gonna have a lot of brainrot words so sorry about that LMAO. sorry this post is really short again!! i hope you enjoy!! 💗
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includes ponyboy, johnny, soda, darry, dally, two-bit and steve
word count: 1.9k
warnings: cussing, brainrot slang, alcohol, slightly suggestive but as a joke
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you and ponyboy were in his room, reading stupidly romantic books as a joke
the two of you were close to tears due to laughing, both of your stomachs hurting because the book was so cringey
“oh my god! this reminds me of this one tiktok, so this girl was like ‘i think i made the new booktok anthem—‘ wait i told you about booktok, right?” you paused after talking
“yes, yes, very weird. continue on!” your boyfriend said, smiling widely at you
“so basically, the girl was singing, ‘i’m looking for a new book boyfriend. billionaire. six five, brown eyes.’ and would go on and on with the song!! literally everyone made fun of her and she responded to a hate comment, but then a comment on that video was like ‘we love an unbothered queen!!’” laughing at the end of what you said, ponyboy hunching over, dropping the book and wheezing
since he’s a teenage boy, he picked up on your vocabulary very quickly, using words like ‘sigma’ ‘grimace shake’ ‘gyatt’ (but only to you) ‘rizz’ etc
once he was saying those words too much and his brother, darry, got annoyed and said, “pony… just, stop saying those words. please, i’m getting a headache.”
your boyfriend responded with, “you’re such a beta, can’t handle a sigma rizzler like me.” a proud look on his face, darry sighing and walking to a different room
ponyboy thinks you’re the funniest person ever and even started using your vocab when talking to others or about something, and people would stare at him weirdly because they didn’t know what he was talking about, or what the words meant
you and johnny were outside, staring at the sunset together as a date
he was in your arms, feeling protected by you, you ran your fingers through his hair while the two of you were softly talking to each other
“i love you like how baby gronk loves livvy dunne…” you said with a smile on your face, knowing he’d think it’s funny and would laugh
he let out a loud chuckle, continuing to giggle multiple seconds after
then johnny sat up next to you, saying, “look over there!!” so you gasped, looking to where he was pointing
he lightly grabbed your jaw and moved it towards his direction, giggling when the two of you were making weird faces once you saw each other
you would always tell him that from your time, people would joke and do that gesture all the time but never in a serious way
he really loved the little diy gifts you would make him, telling him you would watch tiktok’s about cute cards to give your partner or friend
along with the pink bows you would put in your hair, sometimes asking him to tie them into your hair, telling him that coquette became back in style in your time
although others would stare at you on the street because they weren’t used to your style, you could care less
he knew you were so unique and perfect, so he would try to show you as much affection as he could to make you stay
“no one can rizz me up as well as you can, sodagyatt…” talking to your boyfriend in a joking tone
“ooh… yes, pookie… talk to me like that… maybe i’ll get you a grimace shake…” he replied, smirking and leaning in for a kiss
you giggled and lightly grabbed his face, pulling him in for a kiss, his hands on your waist
after the two of you pulled away, you looked into each others eyes before bursting out laughing, falling onto soda and curling up into a ball, your stomach hurting
he picked up on your words very quickly, specifically using the word ‘rizz’ a lot after you told him he had a lot
he began to call his brother, ponyboy, ‘ponygyatt’ because he thought it was funny
whenever one of his brothers did something embarrassing, he would tell them “your aura is decreasing. minus seven hundred points, darry.”
but he absolutely loved your sense of style, the way you would dress because it was from your time, but from his time, everyone wore denim and flannels
darry, your boyfriend, was baking a chocolate cake for you and his brothers
he was measuring the flour and cocoa powder, pouring them into the bowl
his back was facing you, your jaw dropped and eyes widened, you had a wonderful idea, and went through with it
“GYATTTTTT” you yelled, and spanked your boyfriend hard, on the ass
he yelped and you ran to the other room, him chasing after you, he caught up to you and grabbed you, spanking you too while you laughed
the two of you were out of breath, so you went back to talking like nothing happened, and darry wondered ‘how does she always manage to act like nothing happened..’ but in a funny way
so both of you waked back to the kitchen, going back to work on the chocolate cake dry ingredients
he never really picked up on the slang you used, him being an adult so he never cared much to use those words
plus he had a reputation to keep up, so he didn’t want to use those words but thought when you used them, they were funny
but you made his brothers laugh, and he really appreciated that
when you would help ponyboy with his homework if darry didn’t have the time, if you were confused, you would say something like “what the sigma is this bro!?”
you were at your house, making roses made of pages of a book for dally, your boyfriend
then you heard a loud ring, it was your phone, you wondered, ‘who would be calling at this hour? it’s like… 2am, man..”
so you lay on your bed, kicking your feet while you thought about dally, picked up your phone and asked, “y/n l/n, what do you need?”
“mmm… hey baby, uh, i’m at the station right now. do you think you could pick me up? i’m sorry if i woke you up…” your boyfriend said
you gasped and covered your mouth with your hand, kicking your feet and nearly screaming at the thought of seeing your boyfriend, even though the two of you saw each other four hours ago
“say on skibidi to prove that you’re in the station right now.” you teased, wanting him to be embarrassed
you heard a sigh from the other end of the line, dally muttered a “on skibidi..” you giggled, saying you’d pick him up
“love you dal!! i’ll be there in a few minutes, i promise.” you continued, and he responded with a “love you too, doll. look forward to seeing you.” you hung up
he loved how you would ask people weird or rude things, but they wouldn’t understand, once you asked someone “why do you act like a fucking millennial?” and dally had to pull you away, laughing quietly because you told him what a millennial was
or when you quietly said to him, “why is that guy built like a discord mod…?” except you didn’t tell him what that was, so he had a confused look on his face and asked, “what…?”
you’d ask him if you were his skibidi alpha pookie bear, he would sigh but nod his head, repeating what you just said
he thinks you’re really fucking funny though especially if you have brainrot humor, no one besides him understands you and he loves that
you and your boyfriend, keith, were at a store when you saw a couple making out
the girl looked young, too young, and the guy looked in his mid 30s, but they were acting very touchy and sexual
“erm, what the sigma..” you said in a certain voice, two-bit looking at you, shaking his head and sighing, trying to keep a straight face
then he couldn’t hold is any longer he chuckled and looked at where you were looking
he mumbled a “what the fuck…” squinting his eyes, blinking multiple times to see if he was seeing what he thought he was
what looked like a young girl full on making out with a guy who looked like he was in his mid 30s, you and your boyfriend looked at each other, eyes wide
then the two of you bursted out laughing, you unintentionally but loudly said, “bro is NOT a certified lover boy, certified—“ but two-bit covered your mouth, seeing the couple pass by you
once they passed and got to a certain distance, the two of you giggled to the point of your stomach hurting
when you started saying some slang from the 2000s, he picked up on it and started saying it too
when he started saying that type of slang around the gang, they had no idea what he meant and thought he was crazy
he even changed the lyrics to an elvis song into a ‘brainrot remix’ according to him
whenever he wanted to annoy someone because they wouldn’t know what he was doing or talking about, he would do a ‘shh’ motion, a finger up to his lips, then moving his finger to his jaw, tracing his jawline to his chin, which you taught him and called it mewing
he also did it when he wanted someone to be quiet, they would be confused so they would shut up
but when he picked up a bottle of alcohol, jokingly twitching and shaking, trying to act like he was tweaking, you said, “boy, it’s just alkahal!!” and he nearly dropped the bottle, chuckling loudly
“shh… i’m about to mew…” putting your pointer finger to your lips, moving it to your jaw, tracing down your jawline to your chin, doing the motion again but on the opposite side of your jaw
“the fuck are you talkin’ about?” a slight sense of concern in steve’s voice, people staring at the two of you as you walked down the street
he never really used the slang from your time, he thought it was funny but really stupid, so he never used it because he didn’t want to make people confused
he was a smart person, but of course people wouldn’t expect that because of the way he acted
besides that one time when he was with the gang, two-bit said something stupid, so steve said, “shut up you beta, you have a negative canthal tilt and a negative aura.”
they stared at him weirdly then all began to laugh, not knowing where he got those words from
but he loved your style, you had money but it was hard to find clothes from your time
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authors note: i decided to post again because i feel bad for missing the post yesterday. i guess the one i posted at midnight counted for yesterday!! i get out of school super soon so i can post more yayyyy!!!
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perfctvelvet · 4 months
I need more of Olivia Rodrigo x reader!!
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Vanilla; Olivia/Reader
Summary: Olivia is embarrassed to admit that something so innocuous turns her on so much
Content: 2nd POV. Established relationship, fluff, teasing, strap-on sex.
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It was the perfect day to go to that ice cream shop close to your apartment. Olivia had been the one to drag you there to mark one of the first hottest days of the years. It was so warm out today that people sat outside the shop with melting cones in their hand. You didn't like the mess, but you were more than happy to get your vanilla swirl with sprinkles all over.
"I can't lie," you say between licks to your swirl, "I'm glad you didn't shut up about coming here today."
Olivia giggled at your confession and the state you were in. For someone who fussed about being sticky earlier, you surely didn't care now. You were just like everyone else now; outside in the hot sun that makes you ice cream drip down to your hand. However, Olivia didn't have any room to talk. Traces of ice cream were left on her bottom lip.
"Don't laugh at me! You got ice cream all over your face!" You poke back at her.
You have a stupid smile on your face as you reach up to wipe it off with her thumb. Olivia's bottom lip was soft as ever. You've done this a million times in your almost year of dating her, so much so that it didn't mean much anymore. At least no to you. For Olivia it still gave her butterflies when you touched her like that even if it was innocent. The fact that you were so comfortable to do it in public too where anyone could easily recognize. She was nearly speechless when you sucked the ice cream off of your thumb. It was almost funny how you didn't even realize how hot it was that you just did that.
Olivia's laughs died down and you could tell that the mood had changed. You just hadn't realized yet what that mood was. She got really quiet and you instantly noticed it.
"What? Was that too much."
It's easy to forget that Olivia is more than just your girlfriend sometimes, she's famous. You worried that the PDA might make her a little anxious. You were just doing couple things -- no big deal to you.
"N-No...it's not too much." It was too much but not in the way you'd assume.
Olivia felt a heat creep up her neck that's not just from the sun beating on her skin. Why was she like this? All you did was brush your thumb against her bottom lip and she was turning into a feral animal.
"You're lying to me. I know you are," you look at her intently to try to read her face, but she averts her eyes and turns her head to the side. "What is it Livvy? C'mon spit it out..."
When you look at her like that, as if you're dying to hear what the next word that's gonna come out of her mouth is gonna be, she is compelled to be truthful with you. You command so much attention that it leaves her in awe sometimes.
"Why'd you do that?"
"Do what?"
"Touch my lip and then lick your thumb."
As each word left her mouth, you began to realize what was going on. A smile that you can't stop creeps onto your face. Livvy was turned on.
"Because I wanted a taste." You thrust the hand holding your ice cream cone in her face. In the minutes you'd been preoccupied with what was going on in Olivia's head, you created you're own and ice cream was slipping down the back of your hand. "You should have a taste too."
In the middle of a busy afternoon and crowd, Olivia stuck her tongue out and slowly licked the sweet cream off of your hand. She didn't pull her eyes away from yours, wanting you to give you the same effect you gave her. You're heart skips a beat. Olivia is successful in turning you on too, but her desperation still tops yours.
"I think we should go back to my place. This place is getting too crowded."
When you walk the two blocks to get back to your apartment, you give Olivia something else to lick. The entire walk home she felt like she could barely breathe as she waited for this moment.
Her lips are so soft wrapped around your thumb. She somehow manages to keep her focusing on it while she's sitting on your lap, your strap buried deep in her needy pussy. She grinds slowly, humming while your gripping your hand with both of hers. You're speechless at the sight. This is not the first time Olivia has rode you, but the moments were few and far in between. Whenever she's on top of you, she takes a silent control over you that makes your brain melt. Sometimes you forget that you're the one who's supposed to be fucking her right now. Her eyes are closed in blissful delight as she sucks on your thumb as if you still have ice cream on it.
"It feels so good to finally get what you want, huh?"
Even though you're fawning over how hot it is to have Olivia on top of her, you still have that bite in you that loves to see Olivia blush from too much teasing. You grab onto her hip with your other hand and do your best to fuck up into her. This causes her to unwrap her lips from your thumb and she gasps. You take this chance to hold onto both of her hips and bring her down hard on your lap. Her tits bounce with every single bounce. Her little gasps turn into full moans that she can't control. The head was hitting all the rights spots. Each moan encouraged you a little more to fuck her to her peak.
"Ride me baby," you push. "I wanna see you cum for me so fucking bad."
Olivia's obedient, moving in tandem with your hips to meet each thrust. The sound of your skin slapping together fills your ears. She creates her third mess of the day with her arousal dripping onto your skin. It sticks to both of your skin every time she slams herself down to take every single inch you have to offer her. You enjoy the feeling of her wetness on your skin.
Soon Olivia's moves become sloppy and she's cumming all around your strap. She throws her head back in pure ecstasy and it's contagious. Watching her cum is the hottest thing you could ever see on Earth. She loves to ride out her high. She just keeps going and going until she feels like her body can't take anymore. Her moans turn to pathetic whimpers. She hunches over, so close your body now. You wrap your arms around her and pull her in so your bodies are directly touching. Her hard nipples poke against your skin.
She tastes of sweet vanilla when your mouths meet. Your skin feels like it's sticking together as her body becomes heavier on top of yours. You moan when her tongue slides into your mouth as she gives you the best post-orgasm kiss. You're unsure if you love her hot and bothered or tired kisses more. She pulls away and looks at you with lust still in her eyes.
"I think I want another taste."
Once the strap is off, Olivia is between your legs and licking your inner thighs. You shiver when her cool tongues glides across your sensitive skin; you could almost cry from it.
She indulges of the taste of herself on your thighs. It's sweeter than any ice cream you can get from the shop.
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Ty the Protector
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Art: @cassandrajean
Ty is many things. A detective, someone who is kind to ghosts and animals, a person who speaks out when others are not being treated right. However, I believe the root of all these traits can be boiled down to one fact that strikes at the essence of who Ty is: he's a protector.
We see his protectiveness in scenes like this:
"You little-" Barnabas launched himself across the table at Dru. She slid out of the booth so fast and collided with someone's torso with an oomph. She looked up. It was Ty, a shortsword in his hand, pointed directly at Barnabas's chest. He put one arm protectively around Dru, his gaze never wavering from the warlock. "Leave my sister alone," he said.
But we also see them in scenes like this:
"You won't punish him," he said, his cord wrapped tightly around the fingers of his left hand, "will you?" Julian turned around, clearly surprised. "Punish Mark? For what?" "For all the things he said." Ty was flushed, unwinding the cord slowly as it slid through his fingers. "Of course not," said Julian. "None of us would punish him." "It's not his fault if he doesn't understand everything," Ty said. "Or if things are too much for him. It's not his fault."
And even scenes like this one, believe it or not:
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Art: illustrated by @aliceduke and colorized by @rinadragomir
When reading the thoughts of other characters in the books it can feel like they speak a lot about protecting Ty but we also see in many scenes that Ty is perfectly capable of protecting himself and is even fiercer about protecting those he loves. He's willing to stare down a powerful warlock to protect Dru. He's willing to confront the only father he's ever known, Julian, that he loves so much because he thinks Mark could be mistreated by him. He protects Mark no matter how it could affect his relationship with Julian. And yes, he raises Livvy because he wants to protect her. From a death he's sure she doesn't want or deserve. But he also wants to protect his family and make them whole again by resurrecting Livvy. Livvy has protected him countless times over their life and his family has as well, I don't think it would be a stretch to say that he believes that he owes it to them to bring Livvy since he has the ability to because of that. Now, I'm not saying he didn't raise Livvy because he felt like he himself needed her back. He actually says in QOAAD that he did it all because he wants her to be with him in any way possible. However, I do think protectiveness for his family and Kit was threaded all through it as well.
Ty has learned from his mistakes and I feel that he will spend the entirety of TWP atoning for them. I also think he will spend all of TWP protecting those he loves. Protecting Kit from the ones who wish to harm him as the Last Heir. Protecting Dru while she deals with the predicaments of Ash and Jaime and also processes her grief over Livvy. Protecting the shadowhunter universe because it contains those he loves most in it. I believe Ty will be a beautiful protector in this series and I can't wait to see it. I just hope that he remembers that he also deserves to be protected and loved.
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miss-kuki-nz · 4 months
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R-Truth x reader (platonic)
R-TRUTH: Y/N, come quick!!
Y/N: Truth, why are you out of breath?
R-TRUTH: You need to see this.
Y/N: See what?
R-TRUTH: Just follow me, come on!!
Y/N follows R-Truth out of the arena and into the parking lot. R-Truth quickly ducks down beside a parked van and then pulls Y/N down to sit beside him. After a few minutes, he slowly moves to peek his head out from behind the van.
Y/N: Truth, what are you doing?
R-TRUTH: Shhh, just look.
*Y/N comes up behind R-Truth and peeks her head out to look.*
Y/N: What are we looking at?
R-TRUTH: Look at the black car near the trailer.
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Y/N: I see Finn.
R-TRUTH: Just wait for it.
Y/N: Huh?
2 minutes later
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R-TRUTH: Bingo!
YN: *Gasps* Wait, that's Liv!
R-TRUTH: Yes it is.
*Y/N and R-Truth quickly move to hide behind the van again.
Y/N: What the hell are they doing together?
R-TRUTH: I don't know, but something fishy is going on between them.
Y/N: Come to think of it, last week when I interviewed Jey Uso backstage, I caught Liv coming out of one of the back rooms, and guess who followed shortly after her?
Y/N: Tom and Nick Mysterio *Giggles*
R-TRUTH: *Gasps* No way!!
Y/N: Yup, little miss Livvy is up to something, and by the looks of it, Finn and Dom are in on it too.
R-TRUTH: You know what this means, right?
Y/N: Nope.
(Gif credit @r-truth @who-do-you-want-to-be
R TRUTH: *Smiles* We're going undercover.
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Y/N-Your name
Y/N/N-Your nickname
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trentlife · 1 year
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summary: you walk in on a shock surprise of trents new hair and the day after you both attend louis vuitton fashion show in paris, and he's obsessed with you and your perfectly fitted dress.
authors note: im still getting used to writing smut, so bare with.
warnings: language, smut 18+
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a long day of shopping for your 3 night trip in paris was finally finished. your boyfriend wanted to treat you, like he always does, to go out and shop for yourself. along the way, you also picked trent a few bits up too for your upcoming trip to ibiza after paris, just the basic, shorts, tops etc.
you walked over to your car, full handed with your bags, and placed them into the car trunk.
"finally" you mumbled to yourself, as your hands were literally about to fall of if you didn't put the bags down.
you made your way out of the city centre of liverpool and went back to trents house. you hadn't seen him since this morning, and you couldn't lie to yourself saying you hadn't miss his little face.
when you pulled up, there was a car that you hadn't seen before, and didn't look familiar, but you just went on thinking it's probably a worker or someone trent knows.
you took the bags out of the trunk and opened the door to the house. you were greeted with koba and prince jumping all over you, and their tails wagging happily, as you leant down and fed them with hugs and kisses. until you heard the sound of slippers approaching you which made you look up to see your man. but strangely looking very different.
"w-woah, hang on, when did this happen?" you were shocked, even though, he was looking a little too hot you had to say.
he placed his hands out in front of him, and you placed yours in his as he helped you off the floor.
"do you like or not?" he asked you giving you a spin of his head.
"i actually love it, different, but very cool" you gave your opinion to him and felt his hair as he gave you a smirk.
"i've missed you" you told him as you wrapped your arms around his neck, as he placed his hands on your bum.
"ive missed you more baby" he replied, closing the gap, and connecting your lips together.
the next day
today was an exciting day. you, trent, his brother and tylers girlfriend, we're all heading to paris for a louis vuitton fashion walk. the excitement you was feeling was amazing. i mean, louis vuitton? it felt surreal.
you finished packing up yours and your boyfriends last bits, like chargers and your makeup kit.
you where stopped when you had a trail of kisses up your neck, and big hands curling around your waist.
"t-trent" you gasped, with the feeling making your heart beat so fast.
"trent let me finish this, maybe we can do that tonight ok love" you said squeezing his cheeks, and he gave you a pouting face.
the car that was taking you to the airport was finally here, you got your suitcase and handbag while trent got his. you texted livvy, that you were both on your way, and you took a seat in the car next your boy.
he placed his hand on your thigh and gave it a quick squeeze.
"omg, no way kim k, zendaya and beyonce will be there tonight" you we're scrolling through your socials, and that news was like a present, you were such a big fan of beyoncé and loved zendaya in her films, and kim, she's just iconic.
"it will be packed there, but it will be boss" your boyfriend replied to you with no we're near the same energy.
you pulled up at liverpool airport, and met up with tyler and livvy. you all gave your passports in before being escorted to the pj. (private jet)
as soon as you got comfortable, sitting next to trent and opposite livvy, the first thing you done was eat one of your favourite snacks in the world, nutella and strawberries.
"so trent, what was the inspo for the hair do?" livvy asked him, looking at his hair.
"you know what, i was thinking, this is like the only hairstyle i haven't had, so why not." he replied, running his hand over his hair.
you couldn't help yourself, as you sat there, you leant over and started twirling your finger at the end of his braids, getting ready to finally took off.
you fell asleep on trents shoulder, with his hand still on your thigh, and his head leant over yours.
eventually you touched down in paris airport, and woke up. you picked your bags up and walked off the jet to the cab, and made your way to the hotel.
"being her is giving me flashbacks of last year" trent spoke, as he watched out the window.
"yeh when we got robbed, and them poor fans" you interrupted him, because this isn't a trip you wanted him to feel down on.
when you arrived at the hotel you checked in, and you and trent made your way to your shared room. as you went in.
trent's outfit was already sorted by his personal shopper, a cream lv jacket, pants and shoes, but you knew the main attraction of this look would be his new hair style and everyone would go insane over it.
you had a quick warm shower and then began getting ready doing your hair, slick back, long braid and then began doing your bronze eye makeup.
your outfit was classy to say the least, a long black maxi dress, that showed your figure well, and it also held your boobs nicely, and they looked. perfect.
you matched it with black diesel denim heels, lv earrings and jewellery and obviously your lv bag.
you where finally done and you were just waiting on your boyfriend to come out of the bathroom so you could leave.
"y/n have you seen my a-"
he walked out, and as soon as he saw you, he couldn't take his eyes of you, he was lost for words.
"omg, you look insane y/n, fuckkk" he said making you twirl around him to get a better look of you.
"so do you my love" you smiled up at him and held his face in your hands, and slowly gave him a few pecks making sure to not get your red lipstick on him.
"allow me to undress you later?" he asked unable to take his eyes off your perfectly placed boobs.
"of course mr handsome." you giggled and started walking out of the hotel room with your hand in trents and waiting in the lobby to get picked up.
you all arrived at the event, and your hands were still locked with your boyfriends as you walked threw the crowds to get to the red carpert.
the photographers shot a few pictures of you both and you knew how much of a hot couple were, but then you decided to leave him so he could get a few solo shots.
you and livvy were walking together behind your boyfriends linking, as they lead you to the seats. you sat down carefully, making sure not to crease your dress and waited for the show to begin.
trent kept whispering his opinions to you about each look that walked past, and telling you what he liked about each one.
"oh my fucking god trent, there's beyonce!" you tapped his knee, and your excitement was bursting out of your body right now.
trent just looked at you and giggled, seeing how happy you looked, seeing your favourite singer just across the runway from you.
the show eventually finished, livvy and tyler went out on their own and on the way back you stopped at a restaurant in paris city centre for the after party, where trent met up with his best friend jude and his brother jobe.
trent was welcomed by them both and he introduced you to them. "jude and jobe this is y/n," trent said.
"ah hi y/n nice to meet you" they both said pulling you into a hug to greet you.
"you too!" you smiled at them.
you sat down and ordered your food and it eventually came, you were so hungry after a busy long day.
the conversations flowed so naturally between the three of them. they got along so well, especially trent and jude, and you where happy for him because he was like another brother to him.
trent and the boys were already onto their 5th drink and you only on your 2nd, you wanted to be sensible, so in case your boy got a little too tipsy you could be there and take care of him, but although it makes you giggle when he's like that.
later on when you all left, you and trent said your goodbyes to the boys and they went home to their hotel, while you and your boyfriend waited for your taxi to pick you up outside the restaurant.
the car ride was rather intense. trent wouldn't take his hands off you, especially your boobs, he already told you about 20 times before you came out how good they looked in the dress you where wearing.
"trent, we are in a cab right now, when we get in." you warned him, making sure the taxi driver didn't hear.
"but you just look to good y/n" he spoke, as he still didn't let go.
"t!" at that point you literally had to slap his arm off you.
you arrived to the hotel and said your thanks to the taxi driver and walked into the hotel holding hands.
there was no words when you got into your room. only with trent already pinning you onto the wall when the door was shut, and kissing up from your lips down to your chest.
"see these, these are mine." he told you pointing down at your boobs.
"yes all yours." you replied to him, slightly rolling your eyes, knowing hes was basically drunk.
you took your shoes off and he locked his soft lips with yours and he roamed his hands around your hips and then to your ass, and gave it a squeeze.
he reached the bottom of your dress and slowly began lifting it up off your body and chucking it on the floor beside him.
his hands landed on the back of your bra, and he unclipped it as soon as he could.
your nipple was in his mouth before you could even say anything, and he cupped your other breast in his hand.
he circled your nipple with his tongue, while he was in the process you ripped off his jacket, and started tugging at his pants, until he was left in his boxers.
he picked you up, and you wrapped your legs around his waist with your arms around his neck.
he placed you on to the bed and hovered over you, slowly reaching his hands to your panties, and began pulling them over your curved hips.
you did the same with his boxers until you were both complete naked.
he placed his finger over your clit and began rubbing over it slowly, while he reached down and gave you a passionate kiss, as he slipped his tongue into your mouth.
"t please," you moaned into his mouth, before he eventually slipped two fingers inside of you.
"your so fucking beautiful, why did i let you go out looking this hot?" his voice tickled in your ear.
you didn't even reply to him, you where just lost in the moment. he slowly removed his fingers from you, and slipping them into your mouth.
"trent please, fuck me good, especially with that new hair, you look sexy." you begged him, you just couldn't get over how bad boy he looked with the new braids, they were doing stuff to you.
trent wasted no time, and slipped his length slowly into you, and gently adjusted himself.
you grabbed him and kissed his face off. your surroundings were going blurry as he fucked you passionately, just how you liked it.
your back arched into the covers on the bed, as you began coming on his hard cock, until you reached your orgasm, and trent eventually pulled out and cleaned up the mess around you both.
he settled back into bed with the both of looking out of the balcony and seeing the eiffel tower in the distance, with trent stroking your back as your bare chest laid on his, this really is the city of love.
the end.
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margareturtle · 4 months
Thinking about the Blackthorn Siblings as one does
No but really
Just thinking about the Blackthorn sisters and how Helen is to Dru as Julian is to Tavvy.
Let me explain:
1) Same age difference (about 10 yrs between Julian+Tavvy, about 10 yrs between Helen+Dru)
2) Tavvy is Julian’s baby, just like I think Dru was Helens’. We know Helen was parentified at a young age as well. Dru was the baby of the family for almost 6 yrs till Tavvy was born. Of course for a while Eleanor was still alive, but being the oldest Helen still would’ve stepped up especially as Eleanor was getting sicker in the years before Tavvy was born and she died. (Although now that I’m thinking about it Mama Blackthorn couldn’t have been that sick if she was still able to have a full pregnancy with Tavvy right (?!)) (And who knows what Andrew was doing but not being a super present father and running the institute ig— tho his teen son was able to do both smh)
3) but anyways yes Helen and Dru. Helen was Dru’s go to for stories and comfort when she was little. Oftentimes little Dru wouldn’t be able to keep up when the twins + Jules+Emma went exploring, but she would stay back with Helen.
4) in addition Julian and Helen are both the main (or one of the main for helen’s case) parents in Tavvy + Dru’s lives during the same time in both their lives. Dru and Tavvy were both about 2-7/8 and Helen and Julian were both 12-17/18.
5) Which is what makes Helen’s exile and return and Dru’s reaction to it (though understandable) more tragic. Bc Dru was Helen’s baby, and at one point Helen was Dru’s main person. But now Helen is back, and while being Dru’s older sister/parent was such a big part of Helen’s identity for so long and she remembers it well, Dru’s memories of Helen are now more distant childhood memories :((
This parallels Julian + Tavvy’s relationship a bit as well (though they are not as extreme bc ofc Julian will check in often and come back to stay in LA a lot) but Julian will no longer be Tavvy’s main parent. And in time although being Tavvy’s parent was such a big part of Julian’s identity it will be more distant childhood memories for tavvy :((
6) the parallels!! Like how Dru is said to be the one who looks most like their mother but Dru barely knew her while Helen was the closest to their mom. (We learn most that we do about Eleanor from Helen’s pov) So Helen (+Emma) are the closest to maternal figures that Dru has ever gotten.
Similarly Julian is always compared to looking like Andrew, and he had to kill his own father (most of what we learn about Andrew as a parent is from Julian). But Tavvy doesn’t remember Andrew, and Julian is the best father figure he could have.
7. Finally, the way Julian + Helen switch off in their little siblings lives. Helen was one of Dru’s main parents till she was about 7/8, then Helen is exiled and Julian is Dru’s main parent from 8-13 (close to when Dru is ready to go to the academy). Where as Tavvy is the exact opposite since Julian was his main parent till he was about 7/8 and then Helen is taking over as Tavvy’s main parent from when Tavvy is 8 till presumably when he follows in Dru’s footsteps and goes to the Academy (15ish—till he’s sent back to LA bc of the pandemic lmao)
So Dru + Tavvy had the same parents just 6 yrs apart
The Blackthorn siblings as divided by who their parents were:
Helen + Mark: Eleanor + Andrew (+nerissa when they were babies but don’t rly remember)
Julian: 10 yrs Eleanor + Andrew, 2 yrs Helen + Mark + then himself :(
Livvy + Ty: 1/2 Eleanor + Andrew, 1/2 Helen + Julian
Dru + Tavvy: Helen + Julian
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witchlingcirce · 4 months
One of my predictions for The wicked powers, is that Dru will have the blackthorn sword.
I don’t think this is an uncommon theory (probs one of the more popular ones). We know that Julian has the hilt of the sword and is planning on getting it reforged- how cute would it be if he gave it to Dru? Who would probably get more use out of it since Julian’s weapon of choice is a crossbow
Also, Julian telling Dru that she’s she’s the heart of the family and than giving her the family sword? Perfect full circle moment me thinks.
And on another note, I would love if the sword was reforged into a sabre.
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Something like this would honestly be really cute and a great way to honour the family AND Livvy 😣.
It’s also my little headcanon that after Livvy passed Dru started to fight with Sabers to honour her sister ❤️
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widowbitessting · 11 months
We never got to know how wanda’s dentist appointment went ☹️ could u maybe uhm, write about how it went? 🥹
The amount of searching, reading and re-reading I had to do for this😂 I hope you like nonnie, it dusted my writing fingers off for sure!
This is for the people who need just that extra bit of fluff today xox
Love Livvy
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To say it put a damper on Wanda's perfect day, was an understatement.
Day. Officially. Ruined.
All because she has to go to the dentist.
There isn't anything she hates more than going to the dentist.
Except this very moment right now.
Leaving you back in the apartment with Carol, while she has no other choice than to go sit in a chair while a woman sticks her fingers in her mouth.
God, she doesn't like the dentist.
From it's too sterile smell, to the overly cheery receptionist (who blushes every time Natasha speaks to her), to the reclining chair that squeaks every time Wanda sits in it.
Yeah, the dentist sucks.
Wanda is pouting in the car, chin resting on her hand as she glares out of the passenger window.
Natasha sits next to her, one hand on the wheel while her other rests on Wanda's thigh.
Her thumb softly moves in small circles in a way that normally soothes any anxiety Wanda has.
But today it just irritates her.
As Natasha brings the car to a stop, Wanda grips her hand and puts it back on the gear stick.
"Still being grumpy, hmm?"
Natasha can only let out a small laugh before glancing at her pouting partner.
"Really don't wanna go today, eh?"
"No I do not." Wanda grumbles, letting out a huff to ensure Natasha fully knew how annoyed she was.
"Not only did you carry me to the car, which was extremely embarrassing - "
"You don't hate it when I'm taking your ass to bed."
"...irrelevant. Anyway. You carried me to the car and you let Y/N watch!"
"And she loved every second, bunny." Natasha smiles.
"But you also took me away from our new girlfriend! We've been official for like 2 hours! It's not fair."
"Carry on, sweet. Get it all out." Natasha starts driving again.
"And not only do you take me away from her, mid kiss may I add, you drag me away to go to the dentist!"
"Sorry but you had an appointment, baby girl."
"We also have a new girlfriend!"
"Don't raise your voice at me, baby. Remember your place." Natasha warns.
Wanda quickly backs off.
"Better. And we haven't left her. Carol is with her. They'll still be there when we get back home."
"But she's there now. And we're not."
"Wanda." Natasha says, glancing in her direction. "I know you're sad about having to leave Y/N. But I had to leave too. I even rang ahead and tried to postpone your appointment but it was too short of notice."
"Exactly. We won't even be an hour, my love. In and out, back under the blanket with Carol and Y/N before you know it."
"I swear to God, if we get back and they're doing stuff I'll -"
"Be my jealous little bunny?"
"How about we do our own stuff in the back of the car when we're done here. See if we can really make the receptionist blush."
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"I just can't believe I didn't get a lollipop."
"You bit her finger, Wanda."
"And? She was hitting on you; while her fingers were in my mouth. What was I supposed to do?"
"Not bite your dentist." Natasha is smiling, biting her bottom lip as she tries, and fails, to suppress her laugh.
"I reacted perfectly, thank you." Wanda smiles. "Now she knows not to hit on what's mine."
"Is that so, bunny? Didn't like the fact that your daddy was being hit on?"
"Not at all."
The red head leans down to drag Wanda's lip into her mouth.
"I think I like it when you get jealous, darling." She says. "It's hot."
The two stumble into the wall.
"Shall we go and see our ladies upstairs?" Natasha asks. "Tell them how brave you were and how healthy your teeth are...and how you now have a warning next to your name."
"Not my fault, she deserved it."
The two kiss again.
And when they get back upstairs, they kiss you and Carol.
Over and over until you're a giggling mess under their bodies.
"Y'know," Wanda says, nestling into your neck. "The dentist isn't too bad."
"Yeah?" You ask.
"Yeah." Wanda replies, "'cos now I get to come home to you."
"Oh, I see how it is," Carol gasps. "Me and Natasha aren't enough for you!"
The blonde flops back dramatically.
"My heart! Oh, it's wounded."
"Oh can it, Danvers." Wanda smiles. "You knew what I meant."
"I can't - oh, I'm so upset..."
Wanda moves from you to jump on Carol, causing them both to fall off the couch and onto the floor.
Natasha pulls you closer as you enjoy the show, of Wanda tickling Carol relentlessly.
"I hope you know what you've gotten yourself into."
"I do," You say. "I do.
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vivwritesfics · 8 months
Hooked On A Feeling
Chapter Three - Playdate
Daniel is a Formula One driver, but, more importantly, he was a single dad to a wonderful little girl. He wants her to be a normal little girl, to have a normal social life, so he sends her to daycare. That was where she met Milo, her future best friend.
Milo's mother was incredibly stressed. She worked so hard to provide a good life for her son. But then he makes a new friend, a friend who has a hot dad (ofc they fall in love)
Single Dad!Daniel x Single Mum!Reader
Series Masterlist
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Daniel held Olivia's hands as they walked towards the house. There was a cat sat outside of the door, watching as the approached. When they got too close, the cat scarpered, running into the neighbours garden.
Stepping up to the door, Daniel knocked. He squeezed Olivias hand as they waited for the door to open.
"Coming!" Came a faraway voice. In no time at all the door was open and Y/N was welcoming the two of them into her house.
"Hey Olivia!" Y/N cheered as she pulled open the door.
Daniel grinned as he and his daughter stepped inside. "Hey," he said as Y/N shut the door. "Thanks for doing this." He muttered the last part, trying not to let Olivia hear him.
"It's no problem," she said, walking in front of them and leading them into the living room. "Can I get either of you something to drink?"
As soon as Olivia was in the living room, Milo was on his feet, shouting his name as he ran towards her. The two embraced and Milo pulled her into the middle of the room, where he had a collection of toys already set out. "My Momma said we can watch a movie while we play," he said, sitting on the floor.
As the two began playing, Daniel sat on one of the sofas and Y/N walked in with glasses of water for her guests. "What're we watching, kids?" She asked as she sat on the opposite side of the sofa to Daniel.
"Barbie," Olivia said instantly.
"Momma no! I don't want to watch barbie!" Milo suddenly called.
Y/N opened a streaming service and began scrolling through the kids section. "How about we find something we can all agree on?" She said calmly as she searched for a movie.
They settled on the Lorax. The kids played as Daniel and Y/N watched over them, the film playing in the background.
As they played, Y/N shuffled closer to Daniel. "I wasn't sure what to get for dinner so I got several different pizzas. I hope that's okay."
"That's more than okay," Daniel said as he took off his Red Bull hat. "Olivia doesn't get pizza very often."
"Why's that?" She asked as she looked at him, her body full turned towards him (this didn't go unnoticed by Milo and Olivia).
Daniels fingers drummed against the arm of the sofa. "She might have it at her mums place, but Livvy insists she eats like me when she's at mine so she can be just like her daddy."
Before Y/N could push for more information, Olivia turned around. "Daddy, shut up!" She called.
Suddenly, Daniel levelled her with a look. "Do you want to try that again, little lady?"
She blushed pink and looked down at her socks. "Daddy, could you be quiet so Milo and I can watch the TV?"
It was better, but Olivia still could have been politer. But Daniel let it go. He didn't push, didn't want to embarrass her in front of her friend.
Towards the end of the movie Y/N got up. She stood from the sofa and walked out of the room, leaving them there while she went to the kitchen. With the doors open, she could hear as the kids watched TV and played while she put the pizzas in the oven and set a timer on her phone.
After a short episode of scooby doo, the kids were sat at the kitchen table, two pizzas in front of them. They picked and chose which pizza they wanted, leaving what they didn't. Y/N knew they'd never eat it all, leaving what they didn't want for her and Daniel.
After they had eaten, Milo pulled Olivia out of the kitchen, and up to his bedroom. Poppy that cat had made her way up to his bedroom while they were all downstairs, sleeping on Milo's bed. But, as soon as she heard them running up the stairs, she scarpered, running down the stairs and out of the cat flap.
Full and tired from an afternoon of playing, Milo and Olivia soon found themselves asleep on the floor. Their parents found them when Y/N gave Daniel and tour of their small house. She picked up Milo and placed him in his bed as Daniel scooped up Olivia.
"I guess we should get going," he said, holding her in his arms.
Y/N looked towards her bedroom. She and Daniel hadn't had a proper chance to talk, and she wanted to know more. He was intriguing, incredibly so, and she wasn't ready to say goodbye. Not yet. "Well, you could let her have a nice little sleep in here," she said and pushed open her bedroom door.
Daniel grinned as he walked Olivia into the bedroom. He laid her down onto the bed and laid her down in it, pulling the blankets up to her chin.
Leaving the door open to give her some light, Y/N took Daniel back downstairs. They walked through the kitchen and out into the back garden. The porch light was on as they sat on the swinging chair and faced each other. "Can I ask you something rather personal?" She asked as she gently rocked the chair with her foot.
"Go for it," Daniel replied, Poppy the cat suddenly jumping up between them. She ignored her owner, immediately settling onto Daniels lap, promptly falling asleep.
Y/N sucked in a deep breath. It was something that had been weighing on her mind for the last week, something that Milo had told her when he first met Olivia. "Milo says Olivia doesn't like her mum. Can I ask what that's about?"
The smile dropped from Daniel’s face. He did that a lot, Y/N had begun to realise from the two times she had met him, He shifted in his seat as he scratched at Poppy’s coat. “Olivia doesn’t talk to me about what happens at her mum’s house. But she does talk to my parents. She doesn’t hit her, but she does make her miserable. Olivia gets locked in her room whenever she shows the slightest hint of attitude and her mum’s constant stream of boyfriends piss her off. She said that once, that they piss her off. I’ll let you guess where she learned that.”
Daniel went on, becoming more and more distressed. But Poppy pawing at his leg stopped him. He scratched at her chin and looked at Y/N, letting a smile cross his face. “Anyway,” he said. “My turn with the deep questions.”
He asked the one question Y/N wasn’t keen on answering. Not that she wanted it to be a secret, and she was definitely going to answer him. But after five years it still wasn’t the easiest subject to talk about.
“I was nineteen when I found out I was pregnant with Milo. I told my partner at the time, and he wanted nothing to do with me. I told my parents, and they wanted nothing to do with me. So I took off, moved out here, got a job and gave birth to Milo. It’s been just me and him ever since. His dad knows nothing about him and never will. It’s me and Milo against the world.” She sat up a little straighter. As it got later in the day, the sun began to dip and the air turned ever so slightly colder. “How about you? What happened with you and Olivia’s mother?”
Daniel shrugged his shoulders. He actually shrugged. What kind of response was that? But Y/N said nothing as he began talking. “We were in love, moved too fast. Olivia was born exactly nine months into our relationship, when I was racing in Silverstone-“ A fact Daniel would never forgive himself for, that he missed the birth of his daughter. “-Things had been sour between us since before Olivia was born, but we tried to stay together for her. But we realised she would have been growing up in a shitty environment, so we went our separate ways.”
They continued talking through the night, until Olivia and Milo came running downstairs, now wide away. Milo climbed into his mother’s lap while Olivia grabbed a hold of her father’s arm. “Daddy, can we live here?” She asked, reaching towards Poppy the cat.
Daniel laughed. He went to stand up, moving Poppy from his lap, and scooped Olivia into his arms. “Come on, Badger. Let’s get you home to bed.”
She pouted, laying her head on his shoulder. “Can we come back tomorrow?”
For a minute Daniel looked like he was thinking about it. “We could,” he mused. “Or we could take Y/N and Milo to the park, play on the swings and get some ice cream? How does that sound?”
Both kids cheered.
Taglist (CLOSED): @biancathecool @rewmuslupin @prettiest-at-the-party @hellowgoodbye @cassie0sstuff @spideybv28 @andydrysdalerogers @aundercover @lou-bean28 @landossainz @purplephantomwolf @ggaslyp1 @layazul @phantomxoxo @minkyungseokie @gills-lounge @hollie911 @annispamz @lillians-world-is-f1 @cixrosie @notyouraveragemochii @charli123456789 @amalialeclerc @stay1strongbeautiful @tallrock35 @teenwolf01 @chiliwhore @darleneslane @sava207 @thatsusbitch @formulaal @leptitlu @angiesw0rld @yunakynn @landosgirlxoxo @msolbesg @cherry-piee @catmouseggy @bathedinheat @stay1strongbeautiful @chanshintien @ilove-tswizzle @woozarts @evie-119 @trouble-sistar @mysticalnightenthusiast @lewisvinga @spilled-coffee-cup @starkeyellow @fxrmuladaydreams @viennakarma @radiator101 @lightdragonrayne @angelxxrose
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amorhedera6 · 10 months
i have so many thoughts about paulkins kids. there are many options, and lucky for us, we know that paulkins exist in every universe.
in one, when paul and emma aren’t yet dating but are “intimate” emma misses her period. she goes to a doctor and gets confirmation. she panics because she and paul aren’t serious yet, but she realizes how happy the idea of having a family with him makes her. they have a daughter, addison jane perkins-matthews, that everyone calls a.j. she has emma’s hair and paul’s blue eyes, and she loves to swim.
in another universe, they don’t have a kid until they’ve been married for a few years. it took them a while to get there, with emma wanting to take things slowly and paul waiting for her no matter what, but he takes her name and they become the perkins’. when they have their son, they name him matthew after paul’s family. he’s got paul’s lighter brown hair and his blue eyes, but he still manages to look more like emma. he was made for the kitchen, and loves loves loves cooking and baking.
there’s another universe where emma and paul have twins girls, elizabeth and olivia. the two could not be more polar opposites, with lizzie being less feminine, loving soccer and sports, and livvy being so extremely femining, wanting to be a fashion designer, but they are always there for each other. the two love each other and always manage to support each other’s passions.
in another universe, they have a family of five, brianna, christopher, and freddie. bri is an artist, always painting and drawing. christopher loves to dance, and to paul’s horror joins theatre in high school. paul learns to love performances when it’s his son, seeing the joy and determination in his face. freddie loves to read, will devour a book so quickly it’s actually a little frightening. paul and emma watch their kids fight across the dining table and smile fondly.
sometimes, they don’t have kids at all. emma’s commitment issues making her hesitate, or her issues with her own parents (which i am headcannoning). maybe paul, who only ever says “kids, someday, maybe” decides he only ever felt pressured into wanting kids. sometimes only one doesn’t want kids, sometimes both, but either way they always respect it.
sometimes they take too long. paul pines for years, emma doesn’t want to label it, and by the time they’re ready, they’re told emma can’t have kids.
there’s a universe where they keep a foster home, their house a revolving door for kids who need a place to stay. they look out for each and every one of them, giving them a place to feel safe and good people to look up to.
there’s a universe where they adopt a pair of siblings who lost their parents too young, the older maddison always having to look out for her little brother michael. maddie never had time to have a hobby, or a passion, but in their safe space she can admit to herself that she wants to be a filmmaker. mike adores his older sister, and loves to play the guitar.
in one universe, they adopt a toddler who was mistreated by his guardians. harry took a while to warm up to them because of this, but they helped him adjust and recuperate and grow from it all. he grew up to be a botanist, loving learning about biology from his figurative grandpa hidgens.
basically, i just want and need happy ending paulkins who have a happy domestic little life and shit.
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reputationmunson · 2 years
Little Moments | Dad!Steve x Mom!Reader
[1.0K Words]
summary: A lazy Sunday morning with Steve and your two daughters
content: fluff, slight suggestive language, mention of mom guilt, steve and reader being the best parents
It’s a rare occurrence for you and Steve to wake up alone in your bed and when you did, it was a bittersweet feeling. Of course you both loved the alone time, but you also missed cuddles with your babies.
Today was one of those mornings.
You were up before Steve and by some miracle, your two daughters were still sound asleep.
Steve was lying on his side, facing you and he looked so dreamy.
His lips were slightly parted and sure, he might’ve drooled a little, but he was still as breathtaking as ever.
You move closer to him and lay on your side to admire him.
You start to grow restless and begin to slowly trace over his features with your index finger.
Your finger gently glides over his brow bone and he twitches, making you stop in case he wakes.
After a few seconds, you trace his cheekbone, then the bridge of his nose, his cupid's bow, and then his lips. You do it over and over again, while admiring his freckles that you’ve seen a thousand times. You’ll never get tired of staring at him.
“Mm that feels nice” Steve says, keeping his eyes closed.
“How long have you been awake, Mr. Harrington?” You trace your finger over his lips one last time and he gives your fingertip a kiss.
“Long enough, Mrs. Harrington. Are the goobers up yet?” He finally opens his eyes and your heart warms at the sight of his golden irises.
“Do you really think it would be this peaceful if they were up?” You answer and he chuckles.
He moves to lay on his back and motions for you to snuggle up to him.
You lay your head on his chest and let your arm rest around his waist. He wraps an arm around your shoulders and pulls you in as close as possible.
“Do you not love me anymore?” He asks in a faux serious tone.
“What?” You move your head to look up at him.
“I have yet to receive my morning kiss. Should I be expecting divorce papers?”
You roll your eyes. “So dramatic”
You give a peck. Then two pecks. Then three pecks that turn into a slow, intense kiss.
You don’t move for what feels like hours.
“Wanna get lucky?” He wiggles his eyebrows and you’re about to say yes when you hear two little feet pitter-patter down the hallway. You give him one last kiss as a way to rain check your morning plans. 
Your bedroom door opens and your oldest, Olivia, stands in the doorway. “Mommy?”
“Hi, baby. Good morning.” Her hair is an absolute mess, much like yours and Steve’s, and her pajamas are uncomfortably twisted and out of whack. She’s so cute you just wanna squeeze her.
“Want me to fix your pjs, Liv?” You offer and she walks over to the bed. You go to help her up, but as she told you last time she got in your bed, she’s a big girl now. She balls the sheets in her fists to pull herself up.
She plops herself in your lap and you straighten her pajamas out. You kiss her forehead and her little arms wrap around your neck, snuggling into you. Your heart swells so much it might burst.
“What is up with my girls not giving me love this morning?” Steve reaches out and tickles her, causing her to giggle uncontrollably.
“Momma, help me!” She exclaims, still laughing and you start playfully fighting off Steve.
He moves to sit on his knees. “I think mommy needs tickles too”
All of the sudden, there’s a tickle war and the room is filled with laughter. “Okay, okay! I’m calling a truce!” You cry out and Steve retreats, falling back on the bed. You lie back on the pillows and Olivia lays on your stomach. Steve admits he's a little jealous, but he’ll never get over the sight of his girls snuggling.
Eventually, she finds her way into Steve’s lap and he sticks his tongue out at you. “You’re daddy’s girl, huh?”
“Yeah! Mommy’s too!” She’s perfect.
Moments of silence pass until you hear Claire crying and you suddenly feel terribly guilty.
“I got her,” Steve assures you. Livvy crawls over to snuggle you again.
“Why is sissy sad?” Olivia asks, concerned. She looks up at you and is an exact replica of her dad. You can’t help but give her cheeks a squeeze.
“Oh, baby, she’s not sad. She just can’t walk or talk yet, so that’s how we know she needs something” You rub her back to comfort her. She truly is the best big sister. Her and Claire are two years apart, so you were worried about jealousy issues, but Liv adores her baby sister.
Steve always says it’s because she has your heart of gold.
You always say it’s because she has his heart of gold.
You and Liv start to drift back to sleep until Steve walks back in the room.
“Diapers changed and she just had her bottle” He informs you. You give him a loving smile as a thank you.
“How’s my Claire-bear? I’m sorry we had a tickle fight without you, hun” You move to give her a kiss and Olivia does the same.
She coos and smiles at you. She’s always been a smiley baby. “Because she’s gonna be a goofball just like her mom” you recall Steve saying and it makes you smile.
Steve shifts closer to you. He has Claire laying on his chest while Liv lays on yours. Once everyone’s comfortable, he throws an arm around you and kisses the top of your head.
“Liv, are you hungry, baby?” You ask in a worried tone.
“Wanna go back to sleep, mommy”
“She’s fine, babe. You’re the best mom in the history of moms, promise” Steve reassures you, knowing you’ve been struggling with mom guilt. “Isn’t that right, Livvy?”
“You’re my favorite mommy ever” She says and a yawn follows shortly after. You kiss the top of her head in appreciation.
You all fall back asleep in a snuggle pile. It’s a little claustrophobic and you’re definitely starting to sweat, but it’s the best feeling in the world.
You can’t wait for tomorrow morning and every morning after that.
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eepyslut · 6 months
“I let the photo slide, I even let you putting your ass in Nia's face slide, but you won't disrespect me on live TV just because you are a needy slut and get away with it” she tightened her grip on Rhea's hair forcing her to make eye contact through the mirror.
“I'm sorry daddy” rhea gave her the big round eyes and the guilty little tone she used when she felt anything but sorry.
“You're not” she untangled her fingers from rhea's dark locks and occupied herself with her belt instead, taking her time to unbuckle and slide it off “But you will be. Hands behind your back” her tone left no room for disobedience and Rhea quickly followed her command, knowing she was already in deep shit.
She quickly put the belt around her wrists, making sure the brat was only supported by her chest against the bathroom countertop.
“I bet you're so fucking wet already” she slapped Rhea's ass, an almost silent gasp leaving her lips “such a little slut, making a show out there all for what? To get a little rough treatment from daddy?” Unlike the belt, the jeans were undone hastily with Becky pulling them down just above her knees.
“Look at this” she ran her fingers down Rhea's clothed core, “pathetic slut, you ruined your underwear and I haven't even started” a disappointed sigh left her lips before she continued to taunt the girl "My little fuck doll, you miss daddy's dick? Is that why my princess is misbehaving? Your pretty cunt feels neglected without my strap? You're jealous I was busy with livvy and I didn't have time to bounce you on my cock until you're dumb?"
Every question was punctuated by the touch of Becky's fingers over her clit, the damp fabric rubbing her sensitive bud the right way, reducing her to a moaning mess. “Daddy” she whined pushing herself against Becky's hand trying to get more friction.
“What is it, pretty girl?” She toyed with the edge of Rhea's panties, running her fingers along the seams of the small piece of fabric.
“Please, I need you” she lifted her head looking for Becky's eyes in the mirror, when she found them she saw a wicked glint on them, knowing she was going to pay for her earlier stunt.
“You can do way better than that princess, tell me what you want” she hooked her fingers on the ruined fabric and gave it a hard tug “you wear some flimsy underwear for someone that knows I like trophies” and before Rhea could respond the lace gave in leaving her exposed, “that's better” she caressed Rhea's ass “now use your words”
She could feel her cunt dripping. There was something so humiliating about Becky restraining her with her own clothes. If she decided to leave she would have to scream until someone found her with her pants half down her arms bound and a wet fucking mess.
“I need you, please…” she rubbed her thighs trying to get any friction “you were busy the whole week, and I'm so fucking needy” she paused to gather her thoughts. “It's not the same when I fuck myself, it doesn't feel as good as when you do it and I can't wait anymore I miss you and i really really need you to fuck me until I can't spe-” a moan cut through her speech when she felt Becky's fingers knuckles deep in her.
“You're so cute when you get needy and desperate for me” she pumped her fingers with no rush, not looking to make her cum just stretching her for the strap.
“More” she moaned, backing her hips trying to fasten Becky's pace. Digging nails on her hip soon stopped her movements, and right after, a hard wet slap came down on her ass making her gasp at the stinging sensation.
“Greedy girl” Becky stepped back “Eyes closed don't look up, head down unless I tell you different”
“Yes, daddy. Sorry, daddy” she waited, struggling to keep herself still as her cunt clenched around nothing.
“Good girl” she praised while silently adjusting the strap to her hips. She knew it drove rhea insane when she didn't give in, when she didn't give her the rough fuck her heart needed. The teasing, the slow pace, the wait gave her time to grow desperate, and with desperation came obedience.
“Daddy…” her tone was hesitant something in between a plea and a whine, a week of frustration was coming down on her, no touch was worse than slow touch “please, I won't do it again”
“You want me to touch you, angel?” She leaned over Rhea's body, one hand lightly tracing over her bound arms while the other guided her strap along Rhea's folds.
“Yes please” the feather-like touches raised goosebumps all over her skin, making her buzz with anticipation, but the last nail on her resolve was the head of the strap bumping her clit repeatedly. Her brain was on overboard, she couldn't see, she couldn't move, all she could do was feel. “Becky please” she whimpered, a few frustrated tears ran down her face “I can't take it anymore, I need you to fuck me, please I'm sorry I'm not lying I'm really sorry, please I need you”
There she was, Becky smiled. “Now that's a sincere apology. Such a polite well-behaved girl” she caressed rhea's hair moving it so she could see her face “don't cry angel, not yet, I'm going to give you just what you want”.
She slowly entered rhea's dripping hole, watching her mouth fall open as every inch stretched her out, “good girl. You're taking it so well” once she bottomed out she stayed still for a few moments “you can look up now doll, I want you to see how pretty you look on my cock”.
Rhea lifted her head, her face tear stained and Becky standing behind her caressing her hips, the view alone made her moan, her walls clenching around the strap, she could imagine how she looked split open on her favorite toy. “Fuck me please” she was far away from pride and refusing to beg, she would probably sob if Becky didn't start moving in the next minute.
“Since you asked so nicely” she grabbed rhea's bound wrists for leverage and started a fast and hard rhythm, it was a mix in between her hips driving in and her bouncing rhea down onto the strap. The force of her trust filling the space with the sound of their skin clapping and on top of it, the sound of rhea's loud little mouth.
“Yes yes yes yes, feels so good, thank you daddy” her eyes closed in pleasure as she got aggressively dragged onto the strap over and over again.
“That's a good girl, so polite” she chuckled, “look at you taking me so deep”. She was entranced, loud moans filled the room playing in her head like her favorite song. One hand on rhea’s lower stomach feeling the bulge of her strap, her round ass bouncing against her hips at every trust, and if she listened closely she could hear the wet sound of rhea's perfect pussy splitting on her cock over and over again.
“Fu-fuck soo good” her mouth open and panting, Becky was hitting her in places that made her see stars, and she was pounding her so hard it was fucking the air out of her lungs “cl-close”
“Already?” She laughed, “gonna cum baby? All over daddy's cock?” She mocked, making rhea whine in response “don't worry little doll I won't make you wait, now suck” she put two fingers in rhea's mouth gagging her on them “good slut, split on my cock gagging on my fingers” she pushed her fingers deeper into rhea's mouth making her droll uncontrollably before letting her breath properly “so pretty all fucked out for me” she reached in between rhea's legs to play with her clit.
“Daddy I can't gonna…” her legs trembled, her mind was slipping, she could barely think all there was in her brain was the feeling of Becky strap and Becky's fingers, her hips bruising her ass “can I-”
“Yes, yes you can, cum for daddy baby” and that was all it took, she came with a loud moan, jaw slacking as she gushed around her favorite cock “that's my good girl, so pretty, doing so good for me” she kept pounding rhea's cunt, her pace never faltering making rhea whine in overstimulation as the ride of the first orgasm quickly became the start of the second “again baby I know you can give me another” her grip changed from rhea's hands to her hips holding her upright as her legs shook
“I-i ca-cant too much” her legs felt like jelly “da-ddy I can't” she whimpered “can't take it” tears started to fall from her eyes “icanticanticant”
“Yes you can, you're crying, but your little pussy is sucking me in princess, you're my good girl, of course you can and will take it”
“No, I can't” she sobbed in between moans, her brain too overwhelmed to really understand what she wanted “too much” she babbled, too cock drunk to think.
“Just a little longer doll, daddy will make you feel so good” she took a moment to undo the belt around rhea's wrist letting it fall to the floor as her hands went to hold onto the counter “that's better isn't it angel” not like rhea was in any form able to respond, her vocabulary was reduced to a series of whines and I cants at this point, but giving her a bit more of freedom always soothed her when she felt overwhelmed.
If her nails could dig into marble they would, she scratched the countertop as he body went taut once again “I'm- i- daddy- i” was all she could babble too fucked out to form a coherent sentence.
“I know baby I know, we are almost done” she kept Rhea on edge until her pace faltered due to how impossibly tight she was clenching on the strap “come for me princess”
And she did, her mouth parted in a silent scream as her eyes rolled to the back of her head, wave after wave of pleasure rolling down her spine and her thighs as her moans filled the bathroom. It was so good, every slow trust Becky gave her prolonged her ride to heaven until her legs completely gave out. She would have collapsed onto the floor if it wasn't for Becky's hands on her hips, instead she went limp half on the counter, half on her daddy's arms.
“Good girl, you're my best girl, you did so good for me, took it so well angel” she praised.
She stayed still for a few moments, giving her sub time to calm down, tracing soothing circles on her skin until she was able to slowly pull out. She turned Rhea around and held her until she was ready to hold herself up.
Once she came back to earth, she sat her on the counter to inspect her. She massaged her wrists and took her pants fully off. When was done and sure her girl was okay she wiped the trail of tears in Rhea's face and then let her curl into her neck.
“There we go” she carried Rhea to their room and laid down on the bed, letting the girl curl in her lap. She stayed silent, the weight of rhea's body acting like a blanket as she caressed her damp hair “are you okay my love?” a small nod against her neck settled her nerves about taking her girlfriend beyond her limits “I love you my pretty girl”.
“Love you too” rhea whispered, nuzzling further into her neck.
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