#little winged agent of chaos
sukoshimikan · 2 years
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azirafuck · 11 months
GOS2 Spoilers Masterpost (ONLY EP. 1-2)
alright, you read the title, you know what's under here - gonna tag everyone who helped this if I know them, thanks to everyone for their contribution and for being agents of chaos the way satan intended. love you all
[Last update/edit: 24/07 - 14:10CET]
first of all, we got some amazing posts from @incorrectquoteswwdits mostly about the first scene in heaven with crowley as an angel:
angel!crowley creating stars and aziraphale thinking he's calling him beautiful
more on that
aziraphale's lies make the lesbians have problems, apparently
communist aziraphale be like OUR CAR
isolation and doubts
THEN we have a detailed recount of the first episode by a kind anon! again, thank you @incorrectquoteswwdits for sharing <3
@goodomens-hints posted a lenghty and detailed recount of the first episode as well with some little hits at future episodes (nothing too big on the post itself, but BE CAREFUL, the blog is actually posting some other spoilers from episodes past the second one!)
@goodomensjail gave us a detailed recount of the first scene, with angel!crowley starting to question stuff and eventually shielding aziraphale with his wing
@mikubinders gives us SOME GOOD GOURMET SHIT by telling us that:
"Beelzebub kidnaps and threatens Crowley, tells him that ze could put a price on his head but ze doesn't want to. After that Crowley comes back to the bookshop and Good-old-fashioned lover boy plays while he drives there. "I'm back" happens. Aziraphale makes Crowley do a silly little apology dance so he forgives him and so they work together"
after thinking this last spoiler was fake, an anon came through and confirmed its real! we also have new context! (sent by an anon to yours tuly)
anon came through with some details about the Everyday record, told us Queen is actually tied to CROWLEY and not to the Bentley, and gave us more context to the OUR CAR and OUR BOOKSHOP bit (sent by an anon to yours tuly)
as for what happens during the Job flashback, after which the sitting five feet apart on a rock in front of the sea happens, a bunch of different versions of what actually happens are going around. @thesherrinfordfacility kept up with the madness surrounding it, so im gonna post here the last two versions of events/details.
first one:
In the Job section, Aziraphale is questioning gods decision of punishing Job. Then u see him in heaven w Muriel here and they are looking thru a long scroll that has instructions from god and he's trying to make sense of it. Muriel is telling him that god and satan made a bet about what Job would do and that's why they are testing him. And az is like whatttt why would god do that that's mean!
When Az finds out they're going to kill Jobs kids, he goes down to Earth to save them while using his angel voice until he realizes he's speaking to Crowley. He sees Crowley about to enter the kids room and tells Crowley "I know you, you wouldn't do this" and Crowley tells him he doesn't know him really. (
AND TY TENNANT IS SASSY AND FLIRTS W AZ??!??!? (*) And THATS when crowley goes "well he seems nice" from the clip. He wasn't jealous tho, like he thought it was funny since they are literally there to supposedly kill these kids and one of them is flirting lol.
The moment of 'weird-beard Crowley' was actually more focused on azi and him questioning God. Crowley tempts Azi w food and u see him struggle but then he gobbled it down and he cries bc he thinks crowley is going to bring him to hell (that's the scene where they are sitting on that thing with the pretty horizon) Crowley tells him "you're just an angel who follows gods as will as much as he can" and Az says that sounds lonely, and Crowley agrees, which is a callback to when he asked Crowley if he was lonely being on what Crowley calls "his own side", and Crowley said no. Crowley then tells him "i'm a demon. I lied"
(*): it was told this isn't actually canon canon, it's up for interpretation - some reported Ty's character is just the classic bratty teenager UPDATE: NOPE anon cleared it up and apparently it DOES read as flirty because ty's character is a little bitch, love that for us
and then we have the second one:
"Episode 2 is half present day things [...], and half the Job story/flashback. Crowley is the demon sent by Satan to torment "God's favorite human" Job to see if Job will curse God, in one big bet between God and Satan. Aziraphale comes to try to stop him, discovers they recognize each other but haven't seen each other since "the flood" and that Crowley seems to have changed since the flood, because he is willing to sacrifice the goats, and ruin Job's house. Crowley says he "has a permit" to torment Job FROM GOD. Aziraphale brings this up to the archangels that gleefully explain that yes it's a bet with Satan and that Job will suffer, but he will get everything back 3-fold by the end. And he will get NEW children. This disturbs Aziraphale, he does not want the CURRENT children to die, he understands the familial love that the archangels do not. He goes to stop Crowley not with power since he has the permit but to reason with him. Aziraphale says things to the effect "I KNOW you don't want to harm them I KNOW you and you don't want to kill children" and Crowley is defiant, but then…. It is revealed that he never killed any of the goats either, he transformed them into pigeons to hide them. And he is hiding the children away in the basement but destroying the house to make it look like they died. He transforms the three kids into lizards to hide them, then when the Archangels descend to give Job his rewards and tell him his wife will bear 7 new children, Job and his wife are in despair because they love their children. Crowley comes in pretending to be a human doctor and he and Aziraphale LIE to the angels faces about how babies are made and trick the angels into thinking Jobs three original children are NEWLY BORN children. Which fools Gabriel, who has only ever seen God make Eve fully grown from Adam's ribs. Crowley then meets Aziraphale at the rock. Aziraphale is crying and says "im ready for you to take me to hell" because he has LIED to angels and foiled God's plans. Crowley is gentle and comforts him that he is still an angel and "I won't tell anyone if you won't" and they reminisce that it's lonely being a different kind of demon and a different kind of angel that sort of do what they feel is right. Heavily implying that they are the same and have each other now. The end of episode 2.
that's what's going around for now, but ill add stuff if we find anything new - also feel free to add to this yourself or send me stuff!
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henchy5824 · 2 months
Keys and Cats
Oh boi! Been doing a little more digital art (seriously, it's addicting). Been learning a lot. Linework is still atrocious but at least I can mask it with shitty backgrounds now! 😂
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This is going to be a wombo combo of art and headcannon. So here goes:
I got inspired by this little story here https://archiveofourown.org/works/54281104 by @soot-and-salt
My inspiration led me to think about how that could be a concept to be expanded upon.
So we all know Keekee is sort-of the spirit of the Hazbin Hotel. She is at the same time master key, house pet and she can go(or fly) where she wants and open any door.
Now, I think it would probably be a good idea for normal hotel operations for the hotel manager and the facility manager to also have their own keys. We see throughout the show that Vaggie has to constantly borrow Keekee to do her job. Not very efficient.
That's where other keys and the Cursed Cat Alastor character come in
Personal headcannon ties into how Cursed Cat Alastor could possibly make an appearance in the show and this is how:
-Magical Master Key blanks are generic and literally blank until given to a person by Lucifer
-The keys get infused by the souls of their owners to make them sentient. So the creatures that spring from this are somewhat a reflection of their owners. Not perfectly, of course and the owners don't pour their soul into the object. These keys are NOT horcruxes. It's more a guideline/baseline of what type of creature springs into being.
-The cats that turn into keys and can open every door have their own personalities and are only somewhat aligned to the person that lend their soul to its creation. So basically like Keekee only with a way more nerdy explanation. It just kinda made sense to me that way because of what we see from Charlie and Keekee during the show. I might be too over enthusiastic about this, though! 😂
Loom and Ariel.
Since we can't keep calling the character Cursed Cat Alastor, I figured I give him a proper name in my headcannon. So he is called Loom. Like a looming shadow. He has the ability to shadow teleport, similar to Alastor only for Loom the teleport is instantaneous inside the Hotel. Unlike the two girls, he can't fly but he can make himself loooong like a fluffy cat snake (after all, you get longer bellyrubs if your belly is longer! It makes perfect sense! LOL).
He likes bellyrubs and wheedling treats ouf of Lucifer. Because Lucifer has a weakspot for small fluffy animals he always caves. Loom is a chubby round loaf cat with stubby legs. So basically the inverse of Alastor. Which is hilarious. Alastor himself loves his cat because it's just as much an agent of chaos as himself. Loom makes Theremin noises in addition to purring. So when Loom purrs Alastor can add his own background noise /white/grey into the mix to make an entire room sleepy and relaxed.
Ariel was a fun name to pick out because it means 'Lion of God' and that was oddly funny and fitting for a literal winged angel cat.
She is a tall elegant cat with a big fluffy tail. I based her loosely around Duchess from Aristocats. Her highlights and colorpallette are based on Vaggie, of course. I did change the wing color to those of Adams wings because it looked better in contrast to keeping the Vaggie/Exorcist pallette for the wings.
I have a weakspot for kittehs like that. Elegant and cute go very well together. And long fluffy tail is always nice! Like the other two cats Ariel can teleport inside the Hotel and she can fly in general like Keekee, though she has to use her wings to do it. So she doesn't exactly 'float' like we see Keekee do in the show. Ariel has an interesting attachment to Husk. She likes to perch somewhere in the proximity of the bartop (although not directly on it) and watch him work. Although Husk is not a catperson he did come to value her presence over time and sometimes goes over to pet her when nobody is looking.
She likes her ears scratched (especially the folded ear) and Husk is more than happy to oblige. Vaggie is of course overjoyed with her cat. Ariel is best friends with Keekee but the two girls accept Loom in their circle. When they get annoyed by his antics, they just fly out of reach.
Ok this turned out way longer and way weirder than I though. LOL
Sorry not sorry BAIIIIII 😂
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r/AmITheAsshole: u/throwaway478wwx
AITA if I tell my "husband" I love him?
Throw away because my siblings and friends are here. Don't roll your eyes, please. It's very complicated. So I (34M) have been married to my incredible husband Z (34M) for the last 8 years. We went to the same high school but actually ran into different circles. Z, who was a straightA student, didn't like me and my friend circle. Things worsened after I accidentally ruined his science fair project. High school ended with bad blood between us. His older brother, who was a few years senior to us, was my sister's classmate, and he tried to mediate between us, but Z really hated me and would get huffy every time we met.
We met again in Uni. Z seemed more open to the idea of a civil relationship, and things improved tremendously once I gifted him 2 rabbits for his birthday. Z had the cutest crush on our classmate M and would get so flustered when I asked him about M.
In our final year, all of us got very drunk in a party, and I lost the drinking game. As a punishment, I was tasked with safely escorting Z back to our dorm. Just my luck, for such a calm and self-controlled person, Z is an agent of chaos when drunk. We broke into the nearby aquarium to look at the sting-rays, went into a Mcdonald where Z proceeded to buy all the chicken wings as a gift for me and tried to fight a mirror for 'staring at the love of his life'. I somehow managed to calm him down and took him back to the dorm.
Fast forward a year, M suddenly announced her relationship with someone else. I was extremely surprised, but not only Z stoically bore the news, the rest of my friends were very chill about it too. In fact, they seemed more annoyed at me for making a fuss. My angel of a sister, who never spoke a harsh word in her life, told me I was lucky I was so stinking cute.
I tried my best to support Z in this difficult time. We spent most of our free time together. In fact, I invited Z to my sister's wedding to cheer him up. Incidentally, we kinda discovered a big conspiracy to harm Z's brother and his boyfriend, and Z's family was very taken with me. His mom started to joke that she'll steal me to be her own son. Even Z's very stern uncle seemed to soften up.
Finally, M announced her wedding when we were 26. I hastily planned a trip as a means to distract Z. We backpacked and hiked. One night, we got roaring drunk and woke up the next day in bed with each other. Even worse, drunk us thought it was a good idea to apply for a marriage certificate online and make an announcement on Facebook that we were getting married. Our families were blowing up our phones. They asked us how could we do this? How could we exclude them from the happiest day of our life and not give them the chance to celebrate? Before our hungover brains could explain anything, Z's brother was dispatched to retrieve us, and our parents were looking at the wedding venue and cakes.
Our mothers combined are a force to reckon with. I tried to explain things, but mom said she thought she raised me better, and Z's otherwise very kind brother told me he'd feed me into a woodchipper if I backed out of the wedding.
Long story short, we got married that spring. We planned to let things settle a bit, but disaster struck. A friend of ours had a baby cousin whose parents suddenly passed away in an accident. The baby's nearest kin was his grandma, who was very frail and terminal, and my friend didn't have the means to support the baby. Z and I promptly applied to adopt the baby.
Our little radish is almost 9 this year. Z is not only a great dad, but he's an incredibly good husband, too. He's kind, warm, sweet, and patient. He's a wonderful cook. We are compatible in every way, and I mean every possible way. My parents love him. And I think I have fallen in love with him too. But would I be an asshole if I told him that I loved him? We have a good thing going on here. I don't want to rock the boat.
Update 1: Thank you so much for your kind words. I have decided to confess to my husband. Wish me luck.
Update 2: To the person who DMed me calling me "so dumb that light can enter through one ear and exit via another," JC, I know your writing style. Push your luck, and the whole of reddit will know what happened in our third year.
Update 3: So, I told Z that I loved him. He was reading our baby boy's half yearly report. Have I told you guys how handsome he looks with his glasses on? He raised his eyes and said, " And I love 'my name' too. Always have." So I guess that's settled? We have been in love for the last decade? That's good. Thank you for all your support. And I love you too, Jie.
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Long Time, No See: Cole Cassidy x Mechanic!Reader (Implied NSFW)
No matter the stenches that linger through the air, the whole watchpoint always seemed to smell of the ocean. It was understandable, you were all surrounded by it on the island. Nestled somewhere in the Mediterranean sat the long forgotten Overwatch base from the Omnic Crisis, that was, until Winston and a few other agents had sought refuge here. It was here that Winston had sent out the call for Overwatch to reform and it is here where you all are currently residing.
Only a few had answered the call right away, most terrified of it being some sort of trick from Talon and some not even believing that it was real at all until the stories had started to take the internet by storm about Talon uprisings and Omnics going rogue again.
You were one of the few Winston had sought out after right after he sent out the call. Ex-Blackwatch mechanic picked up by Reyes somewhere down the line of chaos that was the Omnic Crisis, you were the only one Winston could think of short-notice who could help Lena with transportation of Overwatch agents and getting the watchpoint back in working order.
You had heard something coming from deep within your garage. You had felt sick hearing the noise, it sounded like a transmitter far back inside of your garage; with your Blackwatch uniforms and other bullshit. Actually, it was all Blackwatch stuff, some Overwatch stuff too.
You had pulled open the door to the garage, the collapsing door rising with a slam of each slat folding in on each other until you were met with the wall of failed contraptions and old items you tinkered on when Blackwatch and Overwatch disbanded almost a decade ago.
When the door opened, you jumped a bit out of your skin as you were met with a very much deactivated E54 model from the crisis times. The tall rectangular light cracked and dimmed the gray of a passed omnic. You had forgotten it was there along with most of the contents inside. You don’t know why you kept the damn thing, you had failed years ago to get it working again.
Various guns were gutted and tossed around in different crates, old uniforms from both sides folded with an inch of dust covering them, hell you even had wings of an old small transport ship.
You suddenly heard the noise pop up again, the back of the garage turning a light blue from the glow of something. Little bells dinging away for about a minute before it stopped. You had pushed your way through most of the forgotten junk and painful memories until you had reached what hurt the most. Your workbench with all of your Blackwatch stuff and memories piled neatly, your old weapon setting fractured on the flat surface with a photo of you and… Cole. You picked up the frame and blew off the caked on dust, your eyes never leaving his face. His smile was so bright and his eyes were so warm. He had his arm draped over your shoulder at some party, for Jack you think judging by the glimpses of a ‘Happy Birthday Ja-’ banner behind you both.
You felt tears prick your eyes at the pained memories, the photo frame shook in your rattling hands.
You heard the dinging again, your eyes suddenly hurting from the sudden flash of blue light from before you. Once your eyes had adjusted, you glanced down to your old uniform sitting folded, a small disk sitting on top with a hologram floating above it.
Your heart had dropped, it was the Overwatch symbol.
Frantically you snatched up the disk and fiddled with it, unsure on how to answer the call anymore until you heard a grumbling from the other end.
“(Y/n)? Is that you?”
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You tossed the screwdriver back on the workbench and sat on the rickety old barstool with a sigh of relief. You glanced at the small transport ship sitting beside you ready for use by dozens of agents. You wiped the sweat off your brow and glanced to the pile of other ships exactly like the few you had just put back together and wanted to scream. You couldn’t wait for Torbjorn to arrive (with Reinhardt in tow), you didn’t know how he could keep up with Overwatch when you could barely keep track of the four other members of Blackwatch. You were thankful for the extra room as Winston and another member had taken the majority of the small ships out.
You hadn’t left your little “garage” since two days ago, wanting to fix as many as you could for Lena returning with dozens of agents in tow on her transport. It was sometime today that they would arrive, and judging by the alarm clock blaring angry red numbers at you stating it was already growing towards evening, you wouldn’t be surprised if they had all landed already.
You nudged the ship away from you until it was floating about a good five feet from your workbench and powered it off, allowing it to gently rest its underside against the linoleum floor before you returned to the tattered barstool. You had opened several drawers in search for certain tools when you heard footsteps approach your “garage.” It was anything but a room underneath where Winston had sent out the call big enough for you to work (and sleep to the dismay of Winston and Lena who had found you slumped over the workbench on more than one occasion).
A sharp knock rang on the metal door to which you didn’t turn around, adamant on finding the tools you needed.
“Come back in like an hour, I’m busy,” you stated as you turned over tools and such.
“Now ain’t that a way to greet yer friend,” a southern drawl rang out from behind you.
You had dropped the pair of pliers you had picked up and swung around to face the man now standing in your doorway.
And there he was; tall, broad, tanned and handsome - as handsome as the day you left him.
“Cole?” you whispered.
“Ya know it, darlin’.”
You couldn’t believe your eyes, you thought you were seeing a ghost. You knew Cole made it out of the explosion albeit hurt, but you never thought you would see him again.
His hair had grown shaggy and so had his beard. You remember Reyes telling him to keep himself clean and shaven countless times and how Cole would always scoff and spit back sarcastic comments as if Reyes were his father. He kept the whole cowboy attire right down to the spurs and red serape draped over his arm. It was then you noticed he was using it to hide something, but you caught a glimpse of a metal hand.
Almost as if he knew where your eyes had landed, he pulled his mechanical arm forward from its covering and revealed a dented and sparking arm. Cole smiled at you sheepishly, just as he always did when he was hurt and refused to go to Moira for help.
“I like the way you spin the bandages,” he always stated with a wink.
“Couldn’t keep yourself out of trouble, could you Cole?” you smiled back.
“Heard the best mechanic I know was here, wanted to pay 'em a visit, ask 'em somethin’ too.”
You pat the workbench space next to you, nodding your head to the other barstool in the corner by him. Cole dragged it over and sat close to you, very close to you. Close enough for you to feel him warmth, close enough for you to smell his cologne and the faint hint of cigars and whiskey, close enough for you to blush ever so slightly.
You two had fooled around in the past but nothing could ever be serious with Reyes around and Jack being the top dog (even though you both knew they were fucking in broom closets when they could). And here he was, sitting next to you as you both had done a decade ago.
You gently took his dented arm in your hands and began fiddling around and fixing it. The entire time, Cole would not take his eyes off of you until you had finished. It was just a few torn wires and a bent plate, nothing you couldn’t fix quickly.
As you had finished putting away the little screwdrivers, Cole cleared his throat and retracted his arm.
“How’d you like to show me around? Tonight?” he purred at you, his big brown eyes looking right into your soul.
“Why not? I’ve been cooped up in here, could use some fun.”
“Sounds like a plan, darlin’.”
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You had only gotten to show Cole the outskirts of the island that Overwatch had yet to build on before. You were by the shore, rocks blocked the view behind you both to the rest of the base. Waves crashing drowned out sounds around you. It was nice and private.
Cole had pulled you aside just to make sure you both were out of the camera’s view and slammed you up against the nearest rocky wall and captured your lips in a rough kiss. His human hand reached up and grasped at the side of your face to bring you in closer as his metallic one slammed palm-first into the stone behind you, cracking it with ease.
Your hands latched onto Cole’s flannel shirt behind the serape and yanked his body closer to yours, the man before you now has you pressed flushed against the rocky wall behind you and his solid form before you. You could feel everything before you, especially the hard proding towards your lower waist.
Cole pulled away for a second to look wildly into your eyes, teeth grit as he started breathing heavily.
“I’ve waited years to do this again,” he growled lowly at you. Your sudden gasp ran short and he snatched at your thighs and lifted you up, wrapping your legs around his waist and still keeping your back to the wall. His fingertips dug into the meat of your thigh as he got in your face a bit. “I ain’t waiting another damn minute.”
Your lips connected again in a wild and fiery kiss, your hands went to snatch at his broad shoulders to his shaggy brown locks to even scratching down his back. Cole kept you up with just his metal arm as his human hand went to grab at you, tugging at your clothing and caressing your skin. Whenever you both would pull away for a brief moment to breathe he would like to whisper dirty little things to you until even he lost his fleeting patience.
“I missed the way you felt darlin’,” he growled in your ear, nipping at your earlobe.
“Cole, please,” you whisper back, sinking your nails into the back of his neck.
It always drove him nuts.
Cole dropped you for a mere moment only to catch you before you both fell onto the plush, soft grass beneath you both as time seemed to melt away.
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1-xo-xo-xo-7 · 27 days
The JLA meets The BatFamily gone wrong. ^^
Superman : Good morning, Batman -and Agent A! I see you have brought company-
Batman : Nightwing. Red Hood. Red Robin. Robin. Signal. Spoiler. Orphan. Oracle. There, do your meet and greets. Let's go, Agent A. [Very dramatically flaring his cape before exiting with Agent A]
Flash : Wait... Did he just call her an orphan-?!
Wonder Woman : Hello, children of Batman! I am-
Red Hood : Wonder Woman.
Wonder Woman : Ah, I see you already know who I am. Now, I would just like to give my appreciation for agreeing to meet up with us, I know you all have a very hectic schedule-
Red Hood : Wonder Woman.
Wonder Woman : Yes. That is I, my boy. [Is smiling like a ray of sunshine, regally standing with her hands to her hips, and a flutter of her midnight hair]
Red Hood : Wonder Woman.
Nightwing : Please, excuse him. He died once, it's gotten to him.
Flash : WHAT?!
Flash : Sooooo... Hi.
Red Robin : [Is practically like a zombie with his eye bags and coffee-stained mouth, nevermind he just got shot but it isn't really relevant right now] Hi.
Flash : Are you ok?
Red Robin : Peachy.
Green Lantern :...
Robin :...
Green Lantern : You're scary.
Robin : Good.
Aquaman : [Is actually having a great time chatting with Signal, just yapping about his knowledge about different sea creatures before-]
Signal : Can skinwalkers shift into sea creatures too? Since, it is confirmed merpeople are real. [Is looking up at him with eyes filled with genuine and innocent curiosity]
Aquaman : Uh... Uhm, I guess?...
Martian Manhunter : *Please... Stop. Speaking...* [ Is about to combust after having to hear about Spoiler's 30th recounting of her latest fight with a goony]
Spoiler : And so I suffocated him with my cape! You can't blame me Mr. Martian Manhunter! I'm just a girl and he was about to hit me with a BAT! Do you get my joke? But seriously, he WAS about to hit me with a bat and-
Martian Manhunter :... I am happy for your victory, Miss Spoiler. [Is practically close to a brain aneurysm]
Spoiler : Awwwww! How sweet, Mr. Martian Manhunter! But you can just call me Spoiler. Anyways-
Martian Manhunter : T<T *Stooooop...*
Flash : So, you're not really an orphan? You're just NAMED Orphan?
Orphan : Sure.
Flash : Ha. Ha. Ha. Haaaaa...
Green Lantern : So, what's your favorite color?
Orphan : Triangle.
Green Lantern :...
Superman : Hello, Nightwing. I am glad to see you again.
Nightwing : Hey, Supes! And me too you.
Superman : Oh, where's Oracle? Wasn't she just here?
Nightwing : That was a hologram. She's with Robin now.
Superman :... [Tweaking...] What?
Nightwing : She's with Robin-
Superman : She was a HOLOGRAM? [He didn't even NOTICE she was a hologram despite him being SUPERMAN]
Wonder Woman : I must say, Robin, it is quite rude to not acknowledge a friend who is right in front of you.
Robin : Are you a friend? No. No, you're not. [Is continuing to play online checkers with Oracle on his IPad]
Red Hood : YOU LITTLE SHIT! DON'T TALK TO WONDER WOMAN LIKE THAT-! [Is getting held back by both Nightwing and Red Robin]
Red Hood :...
Red Robin :...
Nightwing :...
Red Robin : How?
Nightwing : I don't know, Little Wing.
Red Hood :... [Grumbling] That's unfair...
Robin : [Is being held by Wonder Woman as she snuggles on his head of spiky black but, surprisingly, soft hair, now playing online chess with Oracle] I command you to stop.
Wonder Woman : Aren't you cute, My Little Prince? [Is chuckling, fondly]
Oracle : Your move, Little Prince. [Is, most definitely, smirking in delight at Robin's current predicament]
Robin : Hmph! [Is very much scowling and unamused]
Pennyworth : Master Bruce, you are quite cunning.
Bruce : Admit it, Alfred. A day without my children making chaos left and right, is a day filled with rest and relaxation. [Having a spa day and is currently sun-bathing by his football court-length pool]
Pennyworth : Hm. [Is playing golf with his specially made golf clubs and golf balls implemented with an 'A'] Do you want to play with me after your sunbathe, Master Bruce?
Bruce : Sure, Alfred.
Basically, Bruce made The JLA babysit his already grown children and I'm here for it. ^^
Green Lantern : So, what's your favorite color?
Orphan : Triangle.
Green Lantern :...
This bit was from a JLA meets BatFam Fic on AO3 but I forgot what. T-T
I've read too much fics I can't differentiate anymore...
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datrb · 28 days
Okay, okay, okay, you don't need to yell
Hair tutorial? Art process??? Choose for yourselves
Assuming you're talking about Agent's hair in the latest art posts, it'll be exactly what i'll use as an example. So, first things first, we need a head to put our hair on. It doesn't need to be perfect, we're using it as just a guide.
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Then i personally like to add a little line showcasing where the hair will go Now our fella doesn't look so bald anymore!
Then i figure out what kinda hair flow i want to have. Usually its determined by the hairstyle itself and how messy it should be. Personally, i just wing this whole process, but having a proper reference will help immensly.
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In case of Agent the hair is being separated into two halves that flow against eachother. From here you start building the overall shape and volume (Don't forget, kids! Hair has volume!). Don't be afraid to get messy with this. Sometimes best shapes come out out of chaos. You'll be able to clean all of this mess later should you wish to, but for now just relax and get with the vibe.
After that is done you can start adding details to your hair, like loose strands, more layers and stuff like that. This is where you make the thing pretty. Don't be afraid to erase and redraw as much as you want. No one's rushing you, just enjoy the porocess.
It can take me up to 4 tries to get the hair right, so you really have nothing to worry about.
Also, if you like the look but not the shape you can always use transformation tool to adjust it.
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And once you're happy with the result it's... Kinda it.
Unless you're interested in my render process... But that's a different topic xD
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sink-me-in-your-ocean · 9 months
𝔊𝔥𝔬𝔲𝔩𝔦𝔰𝔥 ℌ𝔢𝔞𝔡𝔠𝔞𝔫𝔬𝔫𝔰 V
Spooky season edition!
No specific prompt, just random Halloween shenanigans and general buffoonery with the nameless goons ghouls
Thank you @endhisbloodlineinmyesophagus for inspiration and scream laughing with me as I finished these!
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No warnings; cut for formatting.
Once this ghoul learns about Ouija boards, no one can dissuade him from using one
You happened to have one that you had been too afraid to use
He begs and pleads to use it
Does not understand how to use it and does not want to learn
Asks WAY too intricate of questions
To no one's surprise, he gets impatient
“Swiss!” You slap his hands off the board again. “You can’t ask such convoluted questions, it would be impossible to get an answer!”
“What?” He shakes his head, “I just wanted to know how they died!”
“Yes, and that’s a rude question to ask.” He let out a huff so you continued, “Let’s just stick with ‘yes’ or ‘no’ questions, shall we?”
“Fine.” He grumbles, placing two fingers back on the planchette. You follow his l4ead, holding your breath as he thinks of a question. “Did you like music?”
The planchette moves to indicate yes.
“See now we’re getting somewhere.” He bites his bottom lip in deep concentration, “What’s your favorite K-pop group from the last ten years?”
You wanted to throw your hands up in exasperation, but you settled for narrowing your eyes at him, “Swiss, really?”
“I did it again, didn’t I?” His expression went sheepish.
The planchette moves on its own, guiding itself to land over yes again.
“Shit, sorry spirit!”
The two of you ask a couple more easy questions before proclaiming the session closed, moving the planchette to “goodbye”. After closing safely and packing everything up, you give Swiss a playful smack on his shoulder and he just grins at you, knowing full well he deserves to be scolded.
He found a box of Halloween decorations and made the executive decision that it wasn’t nearly enough
After trips to several stores for outdoor decor, he tasks you with helping to put everything up
You two even make a spooky playlist to blast while you work
The decorations look amazing, but are very scary at night
By the time Halloween actually rolls around, kids are too afraid to come up to the front door to trick-or-treat
“Where is everybody?” He’s been pacing since three in the afternoon.
You check your phone: it’s quarter past six now and well-past dark. You pat his bat wing-clad arm, “Maybe the house is too frightening, sometimes when people go overboard the little kids get too scared.”
He squishes his face against the front window, watching groups of trick-or-treaters going up and down the street, kids that pass by do so in a wide arc, you were right: they were too scared to come up.
“I’ve gone overboard!” He exclaims. 
Before you can react he grabs the candy bowl and sprints out the front door, tearing down the pathway as the motion-triggered spiders drop down and animatronics all spring to life. They light up, scream, and cackle with voice lines as Phantom reaches the sidewalk and starts tossing candy out like it’s a sport.
Distantly, you hear him yelling, “I promise it’s not scary! Here’s the candy! I’m sorry!”
You cover your mouth as you smile. His enthusiasm is endearing to say the least. “There’s nothing for it now.” You say to yourself as you head out to join him.
You bring the rest of the oversized candy with you and two folding chairs. The two of you sit out front in your costumes and hand out candy to the trick-or-treaters until you run out of candy… because then Phantom starts giving away random things from the house, and that’s where you draw the line.
This ghoul wants to be an agent of chaos on Halloween
When you agree to go along with his mischievous plans, he shows you his plans
It’s basically just charcoal scribbles on a lined sheet of paper with random “X’s” on the page
He explains it’s his game plan, the map of where you’ll go to prank houses
When you ask about disguises, he is already prepared with ski masks and black gloves because he “doesn’t want to leave fingerprints”
You don’t waste your time explaining to the ghoul that his clawed fingers won’t leave fingerprints, instead nodding along with his antics
“Get back here!” A grumpy middle-aged man chases you and Dew across his lawn after you’d pelted his front door with eggs.
“Run!” You two split off into two different directions, following his plan perfectly and heading in a roundabout way towards the next victim’s house.
After stopping to catch your breath near some tall hedges, you straighten and walk briskly around the corner to find Dewdrop with his back to you. He looks on high alert, scoping out the area to make sure he can execute his pranks. 
Might as well sneak up on him and have a little fun.
“Get off my lawn!” You scream and tickle his sides and he jumps, shrieking and whipping around with the most scared look on his face you’d ever seen.
You fall to the ground, holding your side from the leftover pain from running combined with your inability to breathe from laughing so hard.
“That’s - you! You’re not - ugh!” He stomps his feet, mad as a hornet, which only makes you laugh harder.
As the steam eventually dissipates from Dewdrop’s ears, you rally him to TP the last two houses on the map with you. His devilish grin returns and he cackles as he puts all his effort into throwing the toilet paper rolls over the unsuspecting person’s trees. Meanwhile, you await the ideal opportunity to sneak up behind him again.
He is in a rare wholesome mood, asking you to go apple picking
You sense an undertone of delinquency in his request, but you go along with it
Once at the orchard, you lose Rain immediately
You find him later, and he has an entire wheelbarrow full of apples 
He climbs from tree to tree like a wild animal
“Save some for everybody else, Rain!” 
Your warning goes unheeded by the water ghoul, and he scrambles up the branches up the next tree, “I have to get all the best ones!” 
After an exorbitant amount of money spent on apples later, you get home and make several gallons of cider and set it out in a giant punch bowl for everyone to enjoy. 
You took a swig of the beverage, expecting a crisp, refreshing taste, but you were instead met with the burn of alcohol. There was only one ghoul to blame. “Rain, what did you do to the apple cider?”
“Uh,” He makes an innocent face, but is unable to meet your gaze, “nothing.”
“It tastes weird, you definitely did something.” You scowl at him, poking him in the shoulder.
He throws his hands up in defense, “Twist my arm why don’t you! I spiked it, what’s the big deal?”
You glance around the room, much to your dismay you realize that everyone is on their second or third refill of the stuff.
“The big deal, foolish ghoul, is everyone is getting lit from what they think is apple cider!”
Because of Rain’s antics you punish him by making him help you clean up the absolute mess everyone left. Hopefully scrubbing the floors of sticky sweet juice will make him think twice before pulling such an idiotic stunt again.
No matter if it’s hot or cold on Halloween night, Mountain wants to be outside
He happens to be a great story teller
And you happen to be a great s’mores maker
Outside + fire pit + scary stories = happy ghoul
(& happy you!)
He gets a crackling fire started in a little fire pit as you arrange the blankets and pillows you stole from the couch, making the space comfy and nice.
You set out the s'mores-making ingredients and tools, and since it’s Halloween, you have some candy to use instead of just plain chocolate bars.
Mountain tells you a scary story about a creature summoned from hell to devour unsuspecting people’s toes. You listen intently as you toast the marshmallows on long skewers, cooking them to the perfect consistency and assembling a s’more for yourself and him.
“That story is true, you know.” He takes a huge bite of his treat.
You reply with your mouth full, “What?”
“That story is about Dew.” He speaks matter-of-factly. You want to laugh but don’t get the chance before -
Speak of the devil.
“Who took my peanut butter cups?!?!” The two of you flinch as Dewdrop’s shrill screech hits your ears.
“Shit, hide the evidence!” You and Mountain shove as many candies in your mouths as you possibly can just as Dew stalks outside, surveying the area, scowling, and heading back inside.
Now you two laugh so hard your sides hurt. Once you finally stop giggling, you resume toasting marshmallows together. Of course, you have to just eat the plain roasted marshmallows by themselves since the chocolate is all gone now. But the sacrifice was well worth it if it meant saving yourselves from a fiery wrath.
Not-so-secretly watches you making stuff in the kitchen before asking to join you
After you taught her the basics she is basically a sweet treat expert
She doesn’t mind getting her hands sticky, but you do give her your black apron so she can protect her clothes
She is currently obsessed with making the perfect Halloween cookies
After already having created a plethora of treats, Cirrus now refuses to leave the kitchen, staring at the oven with the light on to intimidate the dough inside. “These ones are going to be the best out of all of them.” 
“You said that about the last batch, Cirrus.” You grin at her.
Ding! The timer goes off on the little pumpkin-shaped timer next to you and you get up to take the cookies out of the oven. 
The heat blasts your face but you’re a seasoned baker, Cirrus, on the other hand, keeps her distance. She hasn't liked the “evil” oven ever since she got a little tiny red burn on her thumb from a baking tray. A burn you promptly treated and covered with a Hello Kitty bandage.
You set the tray on a little potholder on the counter and glance around. Popcorn balls, rice cereal treats, caramel apples, Oreo spiders, and chocolate pretzels all sit on the counter staring at you waiting to be wrapped up.
“I think we should get these cleaned up before everyone gets home, what do you think?” You ask.
“Yes! I can’t have them gobbling up all the goodies like the greedy goblins they are.” She promptly gobbles a fresh cookie to emphasize her point.
Cirrus helps you package up everything nicely, using Halloween-themed containers, sneaking samples of every item at least once as you clean up. You both have to lock everything up so the rest of the siblings don’t come home and tear through all the snacks before you get a chance to have seconds.
This ghoul has so much creativity and she has to get it out
You two decide to go to a pumpkin patch to find the ideal pair of pumpkins to carve
Cumulus picks out matching outfits for both of you, perfect for photo opportunities
With a couple of sweet fall drinks, you load up in the car ready to go
She drags you along to the patch of overpriced pumpkins 
“Hurry up! All the good ones will be gone!” She calls your name over her shoulder and skips quickly ahead of you into the fray of kids and young adults scrambling over pumpkins laying about on hay bales.
After much deliberation, Cumulus has chosen a perfectly round pumpkin for herself and a nice, tall one for you.
You’ve barely got the pumpkin guts out and your hands are covered in slime, wrists weak from the effort as Cumulus asks you if you want to see her creation.
“You’re finished already?” Disbelief coats your tongue.
“Well, yeah!” She pivots the orange pumpkin to face you, and you see the intricately carved cat and moon she has free handed. “This was so fun! Can I help you with yours?”
“I’d love that, actually.” You fling your hand to remove some of the sticky seeds.
You need not dwell in despair for long, as Cumulus will surely help you with the carving of your pumpkin. They look amazing all lit up on the porch at night, and you take a cute selfie with her to commemorate the occasion.
It’s a mistake to bring Aurora with you to the store when all of the Halloween candy and decor is out
She wants everything
Good thing you have Papa’s credit card…
Sooner rather than later you have a cart full of stuff and she’s still not satisfied, filling her arms full of goodies with as much as she can carry
“Oh can we get these too?” She holds up a pack of 50 cellophane bags, each printed with pumpkins, bats, and skulls.
“Put it in the cart.” You’d given up at this point on telling the sweet ghoul “no”.  
Finally satisfied with her menagerie of candies, snacks, decorations, Halloween themed pencils and miscellaneous items, you push the cart to the check out.
The cashier looks you up and down and sighs, being forced to scan all of the things Aurora picked out apparently is the bane of their existence.
She puts on the aux in the car, and you listen to “This is Halloween” from the Nightmare Before Christmas soundtrack for the ninetieth time today while you shove the bags inside the trunk.
You two drive back home and lay everything out all over the floor, making a huge mess. It will all be worth it though.
Aurora shines as she hands out the goodie bags to all the trick-or-treaters on Halloween night. You smile widely until you hear Papa yelling from the other room as he discovers how much money you two spent.
I hope these make you ghesties laugh as much as I did ○( ^皿^)っ
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jax-o-lanterns · 8 months
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Meet Punkin !
I have been obsessed over @gooseworx ‘s The Amazing Digital Circus.
I saw everyone making Ocs and I had to make my own !! Punkin is inspired by Halloween decorations. Their pronouns are She/They!
Fun Facts :
1. The rope suspending them leads to absolutely nowhere. Just up into the endless void.
2. They flap their wings to move around.
3. They can lower themselves onto the ground to walk with their little bell-string legs!
4. They arrived at the circus right before Zooble.
5. When naming themselves, they said ‘Pumpkin’, but Caine “misheard” them, and now they’re Punkin.
6. Her eyes and mouth glow in the dark as if they were a real jack o’ lantern.
7. They are troublesome, finding the torment of others mildly amusing.
8. When they’re surprised or startled, candy pops out of their top.
9. They somehow get along with Jax the least and the most. Two agents of chaos that respect the other. Still, they get on eachothers nerves constantly.
10. They are, in human years, 24.
I hope everyone enjoys them! I’ll be coloring this tonight on stream!
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nomsfaultau · 1 year
Reverse Fault Au for April 1st
Basically, what if SBI + Tubbo were humans working for the SCP Foundation, as well as anomalifying villain ocs at the end (which is where most of the tws come into play) 
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Tommy: Thomas. A Threat Assessor, like Dr Blake. He has an uncanny knack for driving even the most docile objects to bloodlust, which is useful in ascertaining exactly how much resources must be allocated to containing that SCP. No one is quite sure how he does it, only that a simple conversation can send objects into rages that somehow never touch the man. Thomas simply wears a delighted grin as devastation unfolds. Why does he do it? Why, the love of chaos of course. He’s only bringing out their innate evil, after all. The anomaly wanted to do it, he just gave it the push to act upon its violent nature. 
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Philza: Dr. A. Gon. Is an ancient decrepit old man from The War. He picks up little favorites among the anomalies and is super kind to them. Basically acts as a father figure for them, offering advice, giving little treats, limiting punishments, and helping them cope with the trauma of the Foundation…up until the moment he grows bored. After that it’s experiment after experiment trying to squeeze any last drop of interest out of the object before he discards them and moves onto the next. Anomalies tend to be completely psychologically and physically wrecked by the time he’s done with them. Likes to trap anomalies in complex promises that the Foundation can exploit easily. His cane is actually a sword stick, and the cape he has (to mimic wings) can act as a weighted net. 
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The Blade: Agent Boore. An MTF captain who leads a squad that somehow literally never manages to fail to recapture an anomaly thanks to his leadership. A lot of anomalies are terrified of him, as he tends to handle the containment breach punishments after catching them. Anomalies don’t tend to try to escape ever again after encountering Agent Boore. He armed to the teeth with near batman levels of gear. Tactics include pumping adrenaline into his veins, filling a room with toxic gas (immune bc of his gas mask (he wears it even while sleeping)) and the humble bazooka. Definitely on steroids. Agent Boore sees a containment breach as a challenge. He likes proving humanity (but mostly himself) stronger than monsters. Is insanely paranoid and tends to be the straight man who is secretly more insane than everyone else. Met Dr. A. Gon in WWII but got Captain America’d, and is actually now trying to sue marvel for using his life story. He does the job in order to protect the poor orphans of the world (evil)
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Tubbo: Security Camera B. Is a security officer. Not a single thing goes unnoticed in the entire Foundation. The second an anomaly is out of line they’re reported and appropriately punished. Their personalities are represented in reverse fault by their favorite monitors. Jasmine has a picture of a dinosaur as her screen saver, Rhodes is a picture of an apple tree and technically it’s the oldest of the new computers but they run a mean legal complaint software that really saves the Foundation’s hide. Rosalind is a pic of someone meditating in a field of flowers and Sec Cam B secretly uses that computer to play games to distress. Sec Cam B also works as a recruitment officer given how much conviction about the Foundation they have. ‘It’s the moral thing to do, you have to join. Don’t you want to save humanity?’ They’re insufferably righteous in moral conviction. Lawful evil. 
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Wilbur: A. Void. Initial contact researcher, as he has a sharp eye (the other lost to an anomaly years ago) and an even sharper tongue that tends to not only save his life but also weasel out information from the object that would otherwise not have been gotten. His prejudices are flipped from Fault Au. Now, he thinks it unfair that anomalies have more power than humans, and that such a dominance would only lead to subjugation if given time. After all, the powerful always abuse such might don’t they? He believes everything he does is necessary for his own survival. He thinks his punishments are fair, which they could almost be considered to be compared to actual sadists like Agent Boore or Dr. A. Gon. 
And on to the villain SCPs!
Webb: A humanoid SCP with eight eyes, six arms, mandibles. Webb has incorrectly healed surgical scars on its throat from an encounter with Dr. A. Gon’s scalpel. An anomaly that can shoot out tendrils of spiderweb that, when making contact, suppress heightened emotions. Effect is strongest while webbing is attached to both object and target, though loses effect about ten minutes after creation, so it is sometimes used to capture other anomalies. While not strong, it is important that Webb doesn’t escape because any urge to recontain it will be suppressed. At most extreme, it can shut down a person till they’re paralyzed, which on a few occasions was enough to stop a human heart because continuing to beat was simply too much effort. 
Dr. Blake: The Scimitar Smile. It is a set of 32 humanoid teeth with a crack through the upper right incisor due to an encounter with Agent Boore. The teeth can move somehow, and tend to hunt in a pack. On their own, a person within their aura will be acutely aware of their own flaws. Often persons with disabilities such as PTSD or anxiety will be triggered by its presence. Exposure to this object leads to strong self loathing and occasional suicides.
It’s when it gets a Host that the Scimitar Smile is at its most dangerous. Once a Host is selected, the teeth will crawl up them and burrow like ticks into the flesh of their cheeks in the arrangement of an external smile. The Scimitar Smile prefers to keep Hosts for a while, but will inevitably abandon it, and during escapes will take many Hosts in rapid succession. Old Hosts tend to scream when they hear their own names, have very little agency, and are incredibly compliant to orders.
Once assimilated, both the Host and the Scimitar Smile’s mouths will begin to speak, saying different things. When recorded and replayed, it sounds like chattering nonsense. Despite being unaware of its contents, the noise is regarded as a cognitohazard as it tends to drive people insane. Only a few reports of what individuals hear in person exist, as those that survive are left in psychological annihilation and refuse to talk about what they heard and did as a result. What we can piece together is this: Past being aware of their flaws, a listener is manipulated into acting on them in the most self destructive way possible.
The Scimitar Smile brings out the worst in people.
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the-coffee-fandom · 9 months
Thanks to @abyssal-ali for the tag! This took so long to compile lol
Rules: Go to your published works on AO3 and list the first fic you ever published there, the last fic you published, any fic that you wrote for a fandom/ship only once, your favorite fic you wrote in the fandom/ship that has the most works, the fic you wish more people read, the fic you agonized over the most, the fic that sprang fully formed from your mind without any effort, and a work you are proud of—for whatever reason.
Uh oh 😅
❥ My first fic was actually a disgustingly long word doc that glitched out my computer and someone deleted 😔 just for a fun fact ✨
❥ My first fic would be Will you be my fairy tale?
𓍊𓋼𓍊 Agents of SHEILD 𓍊𓋼𓍊
❀ Daisy Johnson/Daniel Sousa
✐ Set in 7x07, beginning of 8. Daisys in the healing chamber and Daniel Sousa decided to stay there with her. Just a cute little snippet of what he was up to while he was waiting for Daisy to arise from her slumber/healing.
❥ Last fic published was Dreaming Of Anemone (though my last work published was HaiBOO but it’s an original work)
𓍊𓋼𓍊 Maribat 𓍊𓋼𓍊
❀ Bio dad au
✐ The Wayne's might have been public figures, but there's a lot of mysteries behind those grand closed doors. Mr. Wayne for one was quite suspicious. They were hiding something and Marinette would figure out what. Even if it exposed a secret or two. Identities weren't the only thing they were hiding.
Flowers can kill after all.
❥ A fic with a ship I’ve only written once is Coming Home To Peaceful Disaster
𓍊𓋼𓍊 Maribat 𓍊𓋼𓍊
❀ Luka Couffaine/Marinette Dupain-Cheng/Damian Wayne
✐ Damian is so tired, all he wants to do is come home, have a cup of his girlfriends famous hot chocolate, and fall asleep in his loves arms.
But this isn’t too bad either.
❥ My favorite fic. That’s a hard one. I think it have to be Dreaming of Anenome despite its incomplete status but since that one’s already on this list I’ll promote another: Death Bouquet
𓍊𓋼𓍊 Maribat 𓍊𓋼𓍊
❀ Cassandra Cain/Marinette Dupain-Cheng
✐ It's hard to figure out whom your heart longs for when you've spent so long ignoring it. Letting the flowers bloom in your throat as you struggle to breath always left wondering.
Marinette lived her days in Pairs, her eyes on Adrien. But...was that truly what her heart wanted? Or was it a face she hadn't seen in a long time but still haunted her thoughts like the scorch marks left after a fire.
❥ The fic I wish more people would read is Rose Gold Eyes
𓍊𓋼𓍊 Maribat 𓍊𓋼𓍊
❀ Selina Kyle/Marinette Dupain-Cheng
✐ The rooftops were often silent at night, the streets were where havoc rained.
The rooftops were often silent at night, a cat endlessly chasing darkness.
The rooftops were often silent at night, and so that’s where she lay.
The rooftops were often silent at night, so was her suffering.
❥ The fic I agonized the most over is literally any fic in my Flowers Aren’t Always A Love Language series (especially Dreaming of Anenome) because I always try to put as much flower language in as possible to put a story within the story. Otherwise it’s An Angel With Demons Wings. I wrote that to get back into writing after a tough time and put a lot of pressure to get it perfect for my wonderful friend @tylindel whom I love. I did a lot of dancing research and made art to go with it.
𓍊𓋼𓍊 Maribat 𓍊𓋼𓍊
❀ Damian Wayne/Marinette Dupain-Cheng
✐ “They call you a demon but all I’ve ever seen in you was an angel.”
“Even in my worst moments?”
“An angel with anger issues.”
❥ The easiest fic is From Your Favorite Chaos Gremlins. I was spouting ideas like a sprinkler and was really ahead of my writing partners to the point they couldn’t keep up with me. I got overexcited and wrote all but one line of the second chapter. Of course this fic has ended early despite all the ideas left over as authors split so it remains forever unfinished.
𓍊𓋼𓍊 Maribat 𓍊𓋼𓍊
❀ Platonic Marinette Dupain-Cheng & Tim Drake & Damian Wayne
✐ Family is defined as a group of people related to one another by blood or marriage.
None of them were related by blood nor marriage nor any magical force, only their own love for one another.
Family to them was each other.
And all it takes is a pinch of coffee and a whole lot of chaos.
On the streets of Gotham, the chaos gremlins reign.
❥ A work I’m proud of is Hold Me Tight Till Morning Light. Originally written for the lovely @tylindel ’s birthday, I wasn’t sure how much I liked it though but @tree-reads really helped my confidence in it with her appreciation of it and it makes me love it too. Otherwise it be Dreaming of Anenome or anything in my Flowers series because I work hard on them and I love hanahaki so much.
𓍊𓋼𓍊 Maribat 𓍊𓋼𓍊
❀ Damian Wayne/Marinette Dupain-Cheng
✐ Sometimes your demons take control of your body and mind, you never had full authority over yourself as your plagued with memories time and time again, filling your head with thoughts you'd rather rid. Sleepless nights were always in the cards. But that's why there's always your rope, your light, your love, your life, that will be there to pull you back from the darkness.
3 times Damian helped Marinette with her demons and one time he didn't have to.
❦ My Ao3: The_Coffee_Fandom
❦ My Insta: the_coffee_fandom
✮ No Pressure Tags: @tylindel @tree-reads @tim-drake-is-underrated @timinette-is-best @velveteenshadow @verymuchimmortalcat @the-witches-you-couldnt-burn
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me and the devil / hotch x reader / chapter one
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Summary: It seems like another night at work, but will the dark-haired man Y/N keeps eyeing finally say hello to her?
Pairing: Aaron Hotchner x AFAB Reader
Word Count: 2367
Warnings: strip club, cursing, hotch being kind of creepy, pole dancing
Key: y/n = your name
me and the devil series masterlist
This work is meant for readers aged 18 and over. You are responsible for your own media consumption.
The drive to the club is short, as it’s only fifteen minutes from my apartment, but I drag it out as long as I can, driving under the speed limit with all my windows down, blasting music trying to drown out all my thoughts. I get to the club only a few minutes later than normal, park, roll up my windows, and rest my forehead on the steering wheel. Dancing is the last thing I want to do after the day I had, but I have to make money. I hear a tap on my driver’s side window, and groan, sitting back up. It’s just Tia, grinning at me. I smile back. Tia’s one of my closest friends at the club, seeing as she took me under her wing the first time I showed up to start dancing. I motion at her to move out of the way, grab my bag, and get out of my shit-box excuse of a car.
         “You okay today, Y/N? Bad day at school?” Tia asks, slinging her arm around me as we make our way to the side door of the Cat Scratch Club.
         “Something like that. Do you know how many of my patients vomited and or shit themselves today?" Tia fakes a gag.
         "Do I really want to know?”
         “No. I’ll spare you the details. But hey, just one more semester, and I graduate with my BSN. Then it’s off to take the NCLEX and find a job in a busy city’s emergency room.”
         “That’s my Y/N, thriving in the chaos!” Tia exclaims, and I chuckle. The bouncer, Alex, waves us in and we make our way back to the locker room. Tia takes a shower as I get ready. It’s a Friday night, and even though we’re just a shitty town in Virginia, the local FBI agents tend to come out in droves tonight. They’re most likely tired of the stressful jobs they keep and look to us girls for a little bit of excitement in their routine lives. I go through my skincare routine and start on my makeup. Even though it’s usually fairly dark in the club, it’s important to wear makeup, just as an enhancement of our natural beauty. I’m finishing up my eyeshadow, today opting for a smoky look with a dramatic cat eye when Tia returns from the shower.
         “Damn look at you!” She says, sitting down next to me to start her own makeup routine. She likes to wear a lot of fake rhinestones on her face, and they look so pretty on her. She’s been begging me to let her put some on my face.
         “Think it would look better with some rhinestones?” I ask with a sly smile, and she squeals.
         "Yes, bitch of course it would! Let me do my makeup first, and then I’ll put some on you!” She rushes through her makeup, as both of us are very practiced at this routine. I put on some false eyelashes while I wait and then Tia asks me to face her so she can put gems on me. She settles on a half-moon of star rhinestones along the outline of my eyeshadow. I look at myself in the mirror and my jaw drops a little bit. I look sexy – very much unlike the day version of myself.
         “What are you wearing tonight?” Tia says, slipping into a see-through purple dress and a matching G-string.
         “I actually got something new!” I dig around in my bag and pull out my newest set – it’s a black corset top that I almost spill out of and a high-waisted black satin thong to go with it.
         “You’re gonna make so much money tonight,” Tia says as I slip out of my sweats and cropped tank and into my outfit.
         “Hey bitches! We’ve got a full house tonight!” Gina, the house mom, shouts as she makes her way into the noisy locker room. “Lots of FBI agent’s girls, you know the drill.”
         “Get them drunk and bleed them dry!” We shout back and she chuckles.
         “Think your guy is gonna be here?” Tia asks as I slip into my heels.
         “I don’t know. He doesn’t show up every week,” I say, buckling the left shoe before moving onto the right one. “And he hasn’t even approached me yet so I wouldn’t call him ‘my guy’.”
         “Whatever you say, sugar. I see the way you literally undress him with your eyes every time he’s here.” She says, winking at me.
         “TIA! SHUT UP!” I say, smacking her shoulder before getting up and putting my stuff in my locker, locking it with a red lock when I’m done. We make our way out into the main area of the club after that, and split up, each having our regulars to deal with.
         I just finished giving Edward a lap dance when I see him. “My man,” as Tia likes to call him. He’s leaning against the bar, sipping what looks to be whiskey and our eyes lock. He’s been coming for about four months now but has never gotten close enough for me to say hello. I don’t know if I’d even be able to say hello if I got the chance. To say he’s intimidating is an understatement. The man oozes power just in the way he holds himself. He’s over six-foot, with dark hair and dark eyes to match. Something about him makes the alarms in my head go off, he seems dangerous, someone I shouldn’t mess with, but I feel drawn to him all the same. I’m about to get up the nerve to go and talk to him when a man with a goatee approaches him. Wait, I know him. Derek Morgan. That’s his name. He’s a regular here, and he’s nice and always pays well. He’s definitely a player though. The dark-haired man’s eyes never leave me despite talking to Derek, and Derek takes notice of this, following the man’s line of sight and grinning when he sees me. I’m saved from any interaction when my stage name is called to get ready for my set on the pole. I wait for Tiffany to bag up the money from her set and fling my hair over my shoulder. I look out over the crowd and see several people turning their attention from each other to the stage. I get butterflies in my stomach, just like I did when I auditioned, but I shake them off. I’ve done this too many times to get nervous. I make a show of fixing my shoe (that didn’t need fixing) bending over slowly and fidgeting with it, giving the club a generous view of my backside. Someone hoots and I bite back a grin, trying to maintain my image of a sensual seductress. I slide back up, running my hands over my hips and my chest, then to my hair, under the guise that fixing my hair again was my only intention. A brief glance at the crowd shows that even more people are watching now, and Tiffany’s done, so that’s my cue.
         I stalk onto the stage; people cheer, and I walk right up to the pole waiting for my music to start. “Closer” by Nine Inch Nails, starts playing and I sway my hips to the beat. When the words start, I grab the pole, swinging around with ease, wrapping one of my legs around it. I hear Tia cheer from somewhere in the club and I smile at that. When the chorus starts, I place both my arms on the pole, supporting my upper body as I contort my body to show off my assets. I dismount with ease, the crowd cheering and throwing money as I reset my position on the pole, now walking my way up it. My core burns, but I know I look hot as fuck when I do this if the money being thrown on stage is any indication. When the second chorus starts, I dismount getting on all fours and crawling towards the end of the stage. Several men come up to the end of the stage, all holding money, and I slowly make my way up, arching my back and putting on a show. Thankfully, these men are all respectful, tucking money into the sides of my thong and under the straps of my corset. I blow them a kiss and go into a floor routine. Those years as a competitive dancer really paid off, it seems. It’s getting closer to the end of the song, and I can feel his eyes on me. I easily spot him in the crowd, standing with his friend Derek and watching me with dark eyes. I put my all into the rest of my routine, coy yet lustful. On the last note, I blow him a kiss and the corners of his stern mouth actually quirk up in a smile. I blush at that, and Gina hands me my money bag to collect everything I earned. It’s a lot and takes a couple of minutes. I take my bag back to the locker room and lock it up quickly.
         “BITCH I SAW YOU WINK AT HIM!” I hear Tia shout from behind me, and I chuckle. “Feeling bold tonight, are we? Now all you have to do is actually talk to him.” I groan at that. “Hey, it looks like he’s friends with our very own Derek Morgan, maybe that’s your ticket in?”
         “Could be. If I’m going to talk to him, I need a drink though.”
         “Well, you’re in luck.” Tia rustles around in her back and pulls out two shooters.
         “Bitch, Gina will beat our ass if we have a drink that’s not from the bar!” I whisper, grabbing the shooter from her.
         “Then drink quickly! Drinks here are expensive as fuck!” We crack the caps off and down the shooters quickly. She takes the little bottle from me, shoving them back into her bag. I don’t drink that often, so I always feel it quickly. My body is warm, from the alcohol and the general heat level in the locker room, and I sling my arms around Tia.
         “Love you, girl,” I say, kissing her cheek.
         “Save it for your man! You’re sappy as hell when you drink.” She chuckles, removing my arms from her. “Come on, let’s go make some more money!” I laugh and we head back out into the club.
         I try to approach the man, but every time I try, a customer comes up requesting a dance, or a private room, and I have to oblige them. I mean, it’s literally my job. It’s nearing 2 AM when I finally decide to call it a night. I’m exhausted and I’ve been here since 9 PM. I tip the DJ, and bartender, and then pay the house before slipping back into my sweats and cropped tank, not even bothering to take my work clothes off. I put everything I need into my small red backpack and bid goodnight to Gina and Tia. I wish Alex a good night, and he tells me to be safe. I’m almost to my car when I feel it. Someone’s following me. I’ve got another ten feet, and though the steps behind me sound leisurely, I know better than to assume that. All the hair on my body stands up straight. I have a choice to make – sprint to my car and pray that I make it or take on whoever is behind me and make enough noise to alert someone. I quicken my pace, and the steps behind me quicken as well. I make my decision. I stop abruptly and whirl around, not looking at who is following me before grabbing their shoulder, moving my hips against them, and flipping them over my shoulder and onto the ground. Then I see who it is – the dark-haired man. He looks a little dazed and I feel like shit.
         “Well, hello to you too.” He says, looking up at me.
         “Don’t you know not to sneak up on a woman??? You could’ve said something to me rather than following me like a creep!” I exclaim and extend my hand to him helping pull him up from the pavement.
         “I’m sorry. I didn’t think about that.” He looks embarrassed as if the thought truly didn’t occur to him. Men, they’re unbelievable.
         “Of course, you didn’t,” I mutter. I watch as he rubs the back of his head. “Sorry if I gave you a concussion. Just a precaution.” I say, shrugging.
         “I’m glad to see you’re capable of taking care of yourself.” Cryptic. “Where did you learn how to do that?”
         “Can’t a woman have her secrets?” I say, smiling at him, and he grants me a smile in return. My stomach does a somersault at that. “I’m Y/N, by the way.” I stick my hand out and he shakes it.
         “Aaron. Aaron Hotchner, but my friends mostly call me Hotch.”
         “Your friends, such as Derek Morgan?”
         “I assume you’re familiar.” I grin.
         “He’s quite a regular here. But you? Not so much.”
         “It’s not really my scene.”
         “Then why come in the first place?” I ask, and he says nothing, just looks me over and I blush.
         “I have my reasons.”
         “Oh.” I push my hair behind my ears awkwardly. “Sorry, but I have to go, I have homework that’s due on Monday.”
         “You’re a student?” He asks.
         “Nursing student. It’s my last semester. That’s why I dance here – so far, I haven’t had to take out any loans and I intend to keep it that way.”
         “Makes sense. Well, have a good night. I hope I’ll see you again. And maybe not get flipped onto my back.”
         I wince at that, but he chuckles. “I hope I’ll see you again too. Maybe you can actually come and talk to me instead of just staring.” I wink at him, and his cheeks grow pink.
         “Goodnight, Y/N.”
         “Goodnight…Hotch.” I say, getting into my car. I lock the door, throw my bag in the passenger side seat, and let out a deep breath. Aaron Hotchner. What a pleasure to meet you.
chapter two
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aikaterini-drag · 3 months
Chapter 15 Wronged
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Warnings (whole series): Violence, Non-Con Abduction, Explicit Sexual Content, Fluff, Enemies to Lovers, Sexual Tension, First Time, Emotional Sex, Protective Bucky, Angst with a Happy Ending, Soft Bucky Barnes, Bucky Barnes Recovering, Barnes Gets all the Love he deserves.
Find more chapters of the "Fading Scars" Series here ♡
Almost a month had passed ever since the team of three began to infiltrate Hydra compounds. Using his experience as the Winter Soldier, Bucky guided Steve and Sam through a series of potential locations. At first, their attempts yielded no results. Five bases had been checked out, each revealing nothing but desolate remains.
But when they arrived at the HYDRA Herefordshire Facility in England, chaos erupted. Armed agents swarmed the vicinity, engaging in fierce combat on all fronts. Steve and James counterattacked from carefully chosen positions on the ground, while Sam fought from the distance, using his wings to fly above his targets. Silas was giving orders to his men from his hiding spot and engineered the perfect distraction: Rumlow.
The Hydra operative came running through a fortified wall, creating an opening with the sheer force of his body.
"Watch out! On your left!"
Sam's voice cut through the battle as Bucky turned to face Rumlow, who was charging straight at him. Bucky changed direction and ran fast down a corridor, but even with his superhuman speed, Rumlow caught up with him. Bucky found himself tackled to the ground, the impact jarring his body. His weapon was flung aside, and when he attempted to retrieve a concealed gun, Rumlow's fist collided with his nose. Strong palms clamped around his throat, Bucky's eyes narrowed, his efforts concentrated on breaking free.
But the Rumlow he was looking at was different, evil and had near-godly strength.
That meant only one thing; he had been injected with the new super soldier serum.
The serum had affected Rumlow. Though the scars on his face had disappeared, his flesh had turned unnaturally brown, too many veins protruding from his skin. With a grunt, Bucky kicked the vulnerable spot beneath his ribs, then propelled him away. Dragging himself up, he rose to his feet, retrieved his firearm, and began to fire.
"Pathetic," Rumlow sneered, skillfully evading Bucky's shots. "I'm beyond your reach now! I'm superior!"
Bucky didn't reply and rained punches, kicks and slaps against Rumlow.
"Where's your pretty girl, Soldier?" Rumlow taunted, evading a sweeping attack with a grin. "Where's your precious Grace? I've missed her."
Well aware that Rumlow was playing with his sentiments, Bucky clenched his teeth and gripped his neck with his metal hand. He forcefully slammed him to the floor and delivered a forceful kick to his abdomen. But he was careless. Rumlow thrust a knife out of his holder. James sensed the weapon a little too late and watched it in slow motion as it headed straight for his head.
"Oh no, you won't!"
Steve's scream resounded as his shield blocked the lethal attack, successfully saving Barnes. Bucky let out a sigh of relief as Cap launched himself at Rumlow with a dive-kick. The enemy lost consciousness, out of strength. Panting, James and Steve drew back and searched around for Sam.
"Sam, where are you?" Steve's voice resonated through the communication device. Most of the Hydra agents had vanished, and a sudden quiet took over.
"I'm holding up," came Sam's voice. "I've got visual on Silas. He's heading northeast, escaping. I need backup!"
Bucky and Steve pumped their legs and followed Sam's instructions, making it closer and closer to Silas. They saw his chopper and what was left of his men when an unexpected opponent lunged at them, coming out of nowhere. The sudden assailant headed straight for Bucky, tackling him backward. James grimaced, disbelief in his eyes. The man attacking him was clad in a black suit, his face hidden beneath a panther-like mask. Lethal claws extended, they pierced through Bucky's vest and scored his flesh, igniting searing pain. 
Bucky's vision went fuzzy in the corners, the venomous claws of his opponent sending him into the darkness.
Bucky blinked as his consciousness grappled with the onslaught of pain. He tried to move, only to realize that his limbs were restrained, secured by unyielding metal clamps. He was sitting in a chair– a cold, metallic contraption. Heavy clamps encircled his chest, hands, and ankles with an iron grip, rendering any movement futile. Blood trickled down his cheeks, from a gash Rumlow had carved into the flesh just inches from his left eye.
Steve and Sam were five feet away, defensive but safe. Two women were keeping them at arm's length. They were fierce-looking and intimidating. Adorned in red tabards embellished with beads, charms, and rugged leather studs, these fierce figures wielded long spears with an air of unwavering confidence.
The enigmatic warrior who had donned the panther suit had discarded his mask, his intense gaze fixed firmly upon James. The dark costume seemed out of place in this confrontation, leaving Bucky pondering the nature of these people. Why the strange suit? What sort of people were they? Were they even human?
"You're awake..." the man in black declared, his thick accent resonating with authority. "I am T'Challa, King of Wakanda and the son of the man you killed in the bombing attack."
"I didn't kill your father," Bucky said feebly, his voice glazed from the sedative.
"Your words are hollow," T'Challa responded, his tone unyielding. "You killed my father. And you shall pay for it."
"I assure you, I did not—"
"Do not deceive yourself or me," T'Challa interjected, his conviction unshakeable. "My father's blood stains your hands, and you shall answer for it!"
"You can't condemn him like that!" Sam said with a surge of frustration. "You've got it all wrong, he's not the one!"
"Then you must prove your innocence," T'Challa said to the accused with a bitter smile.
"Your accusations are misplaced," Bucky breathed out, closing his eyes then reopening them. "I wasn't even in Washington!"
"He possesses spirit, my King," Ayo, one of the women, commented with disapproval. "I like that and I shall enjoy it all the more if you give me the command to break him."
"We can solve this without being so hostile toward each other," Steve said and glared at the spear threatening his best friend. In any other situation, he would have taken his chances and attacked, but with Bucky there, he had to be cautious. "Trust us. Isn't my word enough?"
"I know you, Captain Rogers. But that is not enough."
"I swear on my shield's honor," Steve said. "Can't you at least discuss it peacefully with us?"
"The Black Panther has been a protector of Wakanda for generations. A mantle passed from warrior to warrior. Now because your friend murdered my father, I also wear the mantle of King. So I ask you, as both warrior and king, how can I remain indifferent to my father's death?"
"Let's reason together," Steve said. "We can find a way to uncover the truth without further conflict."
"Barnes orchestrated the explosion that claimed my father's life," T'Challa said, raw pain written in his features.
"Hydra is manipulating you, using your grief—" Steve attempted to interject.
"I don't care," T'Challa said, his voice a reflection of his turmoil.
Bucky lifted his gaze and addressed T'Challa. "Check the camera footage then."
T'Challa frowned. "What?"
"I'll prove my innocence," Bucky said. "The day your father died, I was in Vienna. Check the footage of the town of Hollabrunn. That's where I was at the time of the bombing."
For once, T'Challa looked at the man he was condemning with a look other than hate. Repressing his pain and agony, the King of Wakanda tapped the button on his watch and activated a holographic screen. Using Wakanda's unparalleled technology, the advanced algorithm scrutinized every face captured by the CCTV systems.
The display painted an unexpected truth—James Barnes had indeed been present in Vienna at the time of the bombing, confirmed by the footage from the town of Hollabrunn. And he was not alone. T'Challa witnessed him smiling and walking along the roads, a young woman embracing him fondly. Quite fondly.
A wave of confusion washed over T'Challa. "How can this be..."
Could it be that on his path to revenge, he almost convicted an innocent man?
"I'm sorry for your loss, but I didn't kill your father," Bucky said with determination.
"How do I know that you're not an imposter?" T'Challa said, but this time, he was less hostile toward him.
James let out a harsh sigh. "Seriously?"
"Someone is impersonating him!" Sam supported him. "A simple comparison is enough to prove that the man from Washington is wearing prosthetics and a wig!"
T'Challa's gaze shifted towards his female guards, who appeared to have been convinced by the evidence and said, "Where is the woman from the footage?"
"That's none of your business!" Bucky said, breathing rapidly through his nostrils. He was going through all this hell for Grace to not get hurt. He didn't bring so much pain upon himself only to ruin it.
"The woman's location must remain secret, for her safety," Steve said calmly. "Silas is actively pursuing her, and we can't risk her falling into his hands. Please listen to reason, King T'Challa. Trust us."
With a measured nod, T'Challa instructed his guards to release Barnes, willing to consider their perspective. "Who's Silas?"
Bucky sent him a nod of appreciation and answered, "Silas is the current leader of Hydra, an organization created to rule the world. Both the girl you saw in the footage and I are his targets. He's the one who set off the explosion and framed me."
"But why? What motive drove him to such an act?" T'Challa asked, his previous rage completely bleeding away.
"Because I refused to surrender and escaped with the girl."
"I... I... almost killed an innocent person..." T'Challa was struggling to come to terms with his incompetence and how he had been deceived. He wanted to apologize, but the man he had accused spoke up.
"It's alright," Bucky said. "You were misled. Work with us and I'll forget what happened today."
T'Challa nodded with a readiness to forge an alliance. "Your compassion is appreciated. I will help you in any way I can to redeem myself. Let's bring Silas down."
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vader-anakin · 10 months
"Worth all this" - Bucky Barnes x f! Reader (Angel Salvadore) / requested by anonymous
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This takes place after Cap: Winter Soldier and before Civil War, I know her character doesn't live but she's still alive in this.
Word count: 2.1k
You arrived at the SHIELD base in the midst of chaos, as you saw countless agents running in different paths, in addition to the high security that inspected the place. Of course Bucky Barnes would be responsible for installing his own Armageddon on HYDRA's biggest rival company. When you got the call from Steve Rogers, you didn't expect to hear about the Winter Soldier again, or at least, not in that way.
Captain America was waiting near the entrance next to Sam Wilson, who kept an unfriendly expression, considering that what he had in mind was not exactly trying to save Barnes, but killing him to avoid another massacre.
When you got closer, Rogers handed you a comm to keep in touch, and Wilson introduced himself as you have never met them before. Until then, you only knew about the Avengers from the TV and from all the conversations you heard. You greeted them both as the base crumbled around the three of you.
“So, what's the plan?”, you asked, your wings were ready for the battle that would begin in search of Bucky, who was out there nowhere to be found. Steve sighed, a shadow of regret flitting through his eyes as he spoke about the man who used to be his best friend during the 2940s, and before the super serum.
"Bucky wants to destroy SHIELD, he's in contact with HYDRA", he replied with disgust. You already knew about the feud between the two, you knew that during the last decades, the soldier has been in charge of working in the organization's operations. Especially because, not much more than three years ago, you faced him during an assassination attempt before definitively joining Magneto.
“Do you have a plan?” When you questioned the two men, they were getting themselves ready. Wilson explained he planned to keep the agents busy and away from Barnes, who was on one of SHIELD's ten floors.
“To capture him and maybe keep him in cryo. The only way to stop him, for now, is to freeze him," Rogers sounded bitter. It wasn't exactly what he wanted to do with his former friend, but his brainwashing made it impossible for anyone to get that close. And you knew that.
As you walked through the aisles, you started focusing on a plan that wouldn't involve killing him or even getting yourself killed, which was most likely to happen. You spent almost over fifteen minutes looking for Barnes, when Wilson warned you and Steve that the soldier was in one of the rooms, getting some drive and documents for HYDRA.
Watching all around yourself as you had the impression of seeing his shadow through a door and lowered your pace, you decide to slowly walk as you reached a door on the other side of the aisle. You got a pocket knife out of your combat boot and traced his metal arm.
If you could hit one of the engines, it would slow him down a little. Your tattoo from your back turned into wings, giving you more time to figure out how you could stab his arm in silence. The Winter Soldier, on the other hand, would notice any noise from a certain distance, so that would make him become way more alert than the usual, but you didn't know until you aimed the knife and shot it against him.
The robotic arm calmly reached the object and, in a sharply sudden movement, he threw the knife back. You looked to your left side, the sharp device taped to the wall still quivering. Barnes kept you a machiavellian glare, and ran when he saw the elevator open.
"Shit", you thought, wings nimble in an attempt not to let him get away. Inside the cubicle, you grabbed him around the neck with your legs and pinned him hard against the wall, throwing punches at his face and, unsuccessfully, at his shoulders. He was rock hard, and his left arm kept an almost crushing pressure on your leg. He didn't want to kill you, you could tell, at least from the way he held you.
Until that moment, that was what you tried to rely on, but he threw you against the elevator's wall and pressed his metallic hand against your neck. Bucky still had the same murderous look, the blue eyes sporting a paler, less vivid color. As you panted trying to get all the air you could into your lungs, you tried to hold it together on him, both hands wrapped on his collar to keep it from being choked. You had, you know, a greater weapon than any other object. Acid saliva would be a great ally, but you didn't want to use it to solve the problem.
"Bucky, it's me. Angel, remember?", you asked in a sincere tone of voice, keeping your eyes on him. For a second, his eyes flickered, his pupils dilated and on the back of his mind he could tell he saw you before. The soldier didn't show any emotion when you explained who you were.
"I don't know who you are", he replied in a thin voice, his left arm removing the space in your glottis, making you feel suffocated.
"Oh, but you'll remember", you used the moment to your advantage and dispersed him hitting your knee into his stomach, pressing the button for the elevator door to open. Barnes hesitated for a few seconds, but he pulled himself together as soon as he saw you, while you were running to take him to where Sam would be waiting for him.
"Angel, do not engage," Steve snapped into his earpiece, but you were too busy getting out to avoid being forced to death by the Winter Soldier.
"Too late, Captain. Do any of you know the code with the letters? I'll speak in different words with a letter between them. He's got a ultrasonic ear", you asked. The way you had of communicating with the two of them without Bucky knowing what it was about was strange, but it might work.
"What?" Cap didn't seem to understand, but Wilson got the message.
“Oh, she's going somewhere,” he said. "What's the plan?".
"I'm trying to get you to the helicenter," you explained, as you took a deep breath. "He's very difficult to engage, but I'll try to do it my way".
"If it's necessary, use that acidic saliva on his face at least once", the Falcon said it in a playful way and you laughed. Rogers was worried about his friend's attitude, but he found out it was only a joke to try to break the tension.
"Okay, I'll use myself as bait. Try to track me down."
Sam managed to use one of his mini drones to reach you, since you were five floors above them and the helicenter was two floors away from you.
You used your wings to keep yourself in the air as you were throwing several kicks and punches, while he tried to get rid of the attacks. Barnes was never able to control the brainwashing, and as much as he was trapped inside himself with no way to get rid of the Winter Soldier, he had no other option. What he could do, though, was hold himself out and control his mind to not kill you.
While shooting kicks and punches at him, you brought him to the nearest floor, guiding Steve and Sam, who have already followed the way to find you. Bucky used all his strength and the suspension down with the metal arm, knocking you to the ground.
"For God's sake, Bucky, it's me! It's me, Salvadore," you mentioned when you noticed him keeping the pressure around your neck tighter. The man's grimace frightened you, and you thought about giving up and abandoning him to run away. But if he ran away, countless people could die and you would be the one to blame. He stood millimeters away from your face, one hand still around your neck, while the other one he used to search in his holster for his own weapon.
"I. Don't. Know. Who. You. Are", he repeated the words, as he slammed your body against the ground.
"So I'll help you", you were thinking for a few seconds, but used his distraction to your advantage, while you tangled your legs around his robust body, forcefully taking the gun from his hand. Already loaded, you fired the gun beside Barnes' ear, who recoiled just enough for you to collide with the man's head, shoving the gun on him. You got rid of his weight as he fell beside you unconscious, and you saw Rogers and Sam running towards you.
"We heard a gunshot, is everything ok?", Cap asked as soon as he crouched down, in a protective tone, checking on you. Sam studied the unconscious Barnes and celebrated.
"It was either that, or my acidic saliva," you playfully explained.
Bucky woke up feeling a huge weight on his head, his ear was ringing, and one of his arms was trapped in a vibranium cuff. He looked around, the room quite distinctive compared to a standard hospital room. SHIELD had their eyes on him, but at that moment, the three of you were alone with him with the help of Sharon Carter. The soldier let out a grunt in response to the throbbing pain in his head. He looked to the left side and saw you sitting in an uncomfortable chair, while looking at the full moon through the window.
He sighed, he was tired and he knew he remembered her from the first moment she appeared. On the other side of the room, Steve and Sam approached him, both with their arms crossed.
"Bucky?", the blonde asked, he nodded with his head down. Steve stared at Sam, both looking at each other, and Salvadore got to her feet, getting closer to the bed.
"You wore newspapers in your shoes," he replied, amused but still bitter. Rogers knew that no one would know as much about him as his former friend.
"Good to see you again, Bucky", you looked at him and received a pleading look. Your faces spoke to each other. "Do you remember me now?"
"I remember everyone," the tone that came out of his mouth couldn't almost be heard. His face was still staring at the floor. "All the ones I killed and the ones I almost killed."
He glanced at Steve and Sam, the last time they saw each other was at the assassination attempt with the Hellicarriers in Washington. At the time, Barnes brought Cap back from the water, where they both nearly drowned.
Both Steve and Wilson noticed you would like to talk to the soldier in front of you and left the two of you alone in the room. You dragged a chair next to him and sat down.
"Next time you don't cooperate, I'll do as Sam said", your hand reached the shoulder of his bionic arm, where you deposited a suggestive slap, he laughed softly.
Barnes looked up and stared at you, blue eyes sparkling, flickering. You noticed how different he is when he's brainwashed. His pupils, hiding the ocean behind all of that darkness he had. When he's James Bucky Barnes, you're able to see through them, as clear as water.
"Thanks for saving me. I don't know if I'm worth all this," he said. You understand that living inside a head like his leads to endless questions about life, getting second chances, receiving your redemption.
You bit your inner lower lip and placed your hand on the man's chin, lifting his neck in a demonstration that he cannot lower his head and bow down for HYDRA to control him.
"That's not you, Bucky. You're here and now we're going to help you get out of this whole thing."
"All they have to do is say the damn words, I have no control over that", the taste in his mouth was bitter, and so was the tone in his voice.
"You'll be fine," you assured. With his free hand, he took yours. "I'll let you rest".
On an impulse, as you made your way to place a kiss on his forehead, he pulled your neck up and laced your lips with his in a lingering, wet kiss.
The air in the room seemed to have dissipated and it seemed increasingly difficult to breathe during those few seconds. With his forehead against yours and his hand tangled in your hair, Barnes let out between his lips on yours: "I can't thank you enough."
You knew you did the right thing when you decided to agree to help Steve and Sam capture Barnes. You knew that there was an exchange of energy before that had been there for a long time, bound to happen at any moment.
The first time around, things didn't work out the way they should have, but you knew the man behind the Winter Soldier, you knew that behind that stout body, that metallic arm with the imprint of his long past, he was worth all that.
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r3d-m3dic · 2 months
my other scp oc (: Her name is dreamkiller, she's controlled by the mask. Her controller is named NifulKiller, and is the Evil God of Chaos. The mask makes D.K. follow Niful, and want to go along with her plans. DreamKiller is my very first SCP OC, and she has a lot of lore. She originally came from an SCP fan fiction started by my ex in 6th grade. He shifted the writing over to me, and it made her! She's basically a demigod, but only with the mask. Without the mask not only would she be free, but her powers would be stripped. She doesn't exactly exist in the SCP universe, as she's traveling across the multiverse with a total of 300 confirmed destroyed universes. With some help of Niful or Zickery of course. The only reason she doesn't go back to her home universe is because of Drew, an agent of chaos and also SCP scientist. An agent is basically someone chosen by a god/touched some magic rock thats now part of them 👍. DreamKiller has a husband named Тень, who has the same goal of destroying the universe and bringing humanity to its knees. She also has a daughter who is against these goals, but doesn't hate either of her parents. DreamKiller came to the foundation when she was 3, and eventually thrown into a thing called the S.O.C.U (it's being revamped currently, as it doesn't make much sense). It means simulated outside containment unit. Basically it's a large containment unit in Site-[Redacted] that simulates the outdoors. It holds large creatures, like Titanismelosis, and Titanisherangis. Those are also being revamped currently 👍. When she was in the S.O.C.U. she didn't look like this, she was blonde with little yellow wings and small ears and tail. She had to hunt little amphibians in there to live, and make many tunnels and treehouses. She managed to escape due to a group of people breaking into the now abandoned site. She finds the mask in a different containment unit, and puts it on, and is now under control of Niful.
Now, about Drew. Drew is 200 years old, born in 1824. She has a 19 year old son whos an MTF soldier and besties with Draven Kondraki. She has a sister named Guri. And guess what, Drew is part of the Bright family. Guri is Bright's father's mom. So Drew would be his grandma. Drew touched a black rock when she was 14, and got destruction powers. Her sister touched a green rock, and got healing powers. Her sister was 9 at the time. They have a 5 year age gap. Drew's parents were killed by a Titanismelosis when Drew was 9. Drew had a wife named Alisha, they met when they were about 13. They married at 18. Drew and Alisha began working at the SCP foundation at age 18 aswell. The reason they got in was because of an 05 at the time named Itri. Drew caught Alisha cheating on her when she was 36. Alisha was cheating on Drew with Itri. They threw Drew in the S.O.C.U. However, Drew has a lot of fucking PhDs in a lot of different shit, incredibly intelligent woman, and very crafty. So, after 5 years she built something to break her out into a hallway. She had decided to destroy the site, and let out all the SCPs in that hallway before getting into a physical fight with Alisha who had came to stop her. However, Alisha is nearly mauled to death by 682. Drew runs, and gets gasoline, along with matches. After coating the place in gas, she makes a trail outside so she could safely light it. However, she is intercepted when Alisha and Itri come out the building. Itri is holding Guri, and a gun to Guri's head. Alisha says that if Drew lights the gas, Guri dies. Alisha also says that her chains will do nothing, and are not fast enough. (drew has large chain whips. Very dangerous.) Drew nods, before pulling out a pistol and shooting Itri in the face. She throws a chain out, grabbing Guri and dragging her towards her, before lighting the match. Drew tells Guri to run as Alisha runs at Drew. They fight, Drew beats her, and knocks her out. Drew goes to Itri, to burn the body before noticing something odd. Itri is also an Agent. An Agent of fire. Drew retrieves the gem from Itri's hand, and it goes into her own, giving her fire abilities. Drew is now an Agent of Destruction and Fire. Drew grabs Alisha's knocked out body, and brings her back to her lab. Drew straps Alisha to table, and wakes her. Drew tortures Alisha before shooting her in the stomach. However, it also grazes the metal holding Alisha's wrist down, so Alisha grabs the gun and shoots Drew in the head. They both die. Now, Drew became immortal back when she was 14 and touched the rock (if you remember that), however, when Drew grabbed the fire rock from itri it cancled out the immortality for about an hour since the fire rock obviously doesn't give you immortality (since itri died.) Drew goes straight to hell (she's insane and experimented on D-class for fun. She said it was to further scp research. She wasn't questioned.) She tricked satan into sending her back, and was a little less insane and immortal again, now with demon form.
Drew finds most sites had been burned down in the time she had been dead. It was DreamKiller. DreamKiller did it. Drew helps rebuild, and watches over a temporary site holding every SCP whilst the others get rebuilt. DreamKiller shows up and Drew beats the fuck out her. DreamKiller leaves. Drew researches DreamKiller and finds out to defeat and what's her goal. Next time DreamKiller comes back, Drew mentions that she knows, so DreamKiller leaves and never goes back to the SCP universe that Drew is in. Drew makes peace with the most of the humanoid SCPs like 049. (drew was originally shit to the SCPs.) Drew tries to become better. A random ass person from a different universe, Lex Zaran! Drew assembles a team that consists of Bright, Clef, Kondraki, Gears, Iceberg, and Glass (to calm Lex. Because none of them know how to deal with human emotion.) Oh, it also has a couple of my OCs, Jamie (A GOC operative), Daniel (Los Vaqueros. Name taken from COD lmfao. It's a small cowboy organization that deals with anomalies in the desert), Bug, and Arachnid! Bug and Arachnid are SCPs that Drew was hiding from the foundation because she didn't want them found. They are intelligent, one is a tv head and the other a radio head that can hack into any radio she wants. They figure out how to get the guy back, and in the process drew upgrades her outfit. The sleeves, elbow down, are mechanical. They can shoot chains (rather then handheld chain whips), and can make a whole ass multiverse portal by having a sharp object come out the end that can literally cut open the fabric of the universe. They send Lex home, and begin their journey to find D.K. and Niful!
did i forget about Zickery? Yes i did. He's a little shapeshifter snake eating fella 👽
that's it.
SOOOOO our heroes (lmao) begin using Drew's Multiverse Person Finder Database Thingy™ to track down D.K. and Niful! They find D.K., and add more people, the entirety of Los Vaqueros, Francis Cooke, and Tobias Barlow! Wait.. Francis and Tobias? Pacific drive? PACIFIC DRIVE SCP COMBINED UNIVERSE BITCH! FUCK YEAH. they're not fighting, they r old at this point. Also yes tobias is alive :D
They r helping with research and science :)
Anyways they find the place, get there, beat the fuck out of D.K., who summons.. Alisha, the Agent of Chaos.. Wait wait wait. Alisha was killed? Nope. She's an agent of chaos, aka agent of.. Drumroll please...
anyways, drew discovers she's immortal, and gets out a device to take the rock out of her hand. She puts the rock in her own hand. Now Drew is an Agent of Destruction, Fire, and Chaos. Also she kills alisha because without the rock she's no longer imortal. Drew is collecting this shit like infinity stones.
They get the mask of D.K. They break it. Niful feels this.
Boss music intensifies. Niful comes out. They fight. Blah blah blah. Niful decapitates Bug, arachnid goes angry sibling and also almost dies. Drew stops this. Niful floats up, bringing up a whole chunk of land underneath her to throw at Drew like thanos throws a moon at tony stark. Drew launches both chains from her wrist canons at the giant chunk, latches onto both sides, spins it around before breaking it inhalf. She moves one chain to hook Niful like a fish hooked on a fish hook, slams her into the ground, and kills her.
Everyone goes back to Drew's workshop. Drew has Bug's TV head, hotwires it, plugs it in, and Bug turns on.
You just read 300 years of events in one tumblr post. Thanks for reading this bullshit. :D
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Things Doctor Alto Clef is No Longer Permitted to Do On Site
As ordered by Site Command, O5 Counsel, The Administrator, several SCPs, and generally everyone who ever met the man, Doctor Alto Clef is no longer permitted to do the following:
Not allowed to point at anyone and state "Someone tell 049 quickly, here's a clear case of the Pestilence if I ever saw one!"
Not allowed to give anything with artificial sweeteners to 999. Poor little blob had a horrible stomachache after the infamous episode with the sugar-free gummy bears. Incidentally, the cleaning bill is coming out of your pay.
Not allowed to suggest anomalies to "reeducate" or "reclassify". We know how you'd prefer to classify 682, but it can't be done. And a more intelligent person would stop trying.
Not allowed to smile at staff or anomalies "in a threatening way". Frankly, you're lucky Agent Markovich only gave you a black eye.
Not allowed to "menace" staff with that damned ukulele. But feel free to torture the Chaos Insurgency to your warped heart's delight; those guys are assholes who can not just eat a bag of dicks, but choke on them.
Speaking of bags of dicks... stop sending them to Doctor Bright. His entire desk is overladen with gummy genitalia.
Not allowed to suggest movies to Doctor Bright. The "SCP Fight Club" was your fault, a bad idea all round, and got much worse once 076-2 tagged in.
Not allowed to read bedtime stories to any children on site. We do NOT need another incident of " Where's My Cow?"
Not allowed to tell D-Class that 096 "just needs a hug" and "he's not so scary, just sing to him and you'll be fine".
Not allowed to suggest Site Spirit Day ideas. Yes, Daganronpa is a great series. But... no one wants to live in Hope's Peak Academy, if only for one day. And the Monokumas were just overdoing it.
Not allowed to follow Doctor Gears around with a music app set to "Mr. Roboto" by Styx. Doctor Gears is NOT a robot or any variant thereof.
Not allowed to cook for anyone. Seriously, those pancakes were so hard you could use them as clay pigeons, and somehow the bacon was so raw the pig didn't even notice it was missing yet.
No more gurney racing! We get more than enough injuries on site to begin with.
Not allowed to dress the anomalies. 173 may not have cared about the wig and dress, but we dare you to try it on 076-2 or 106 if you're THAT bored.
Not allowed to start sing-alongs. You know what you did.
Not allowed to barter, buy, sell, lease, or rent souls. How do you even rent a soul? Never mind, that's a rabbit hole best avoided.
Alcohol is not permitted on site. Even if Doctor Bright drives us to drink. Where did the vodka even come from?
Not allowed to request alcohol from 294. Just in case.
Not allowed to use his ukulele as a melee weapon. Just play it, whomever is attacking will surrender instead of hearing that.
Not allowed to create improvised explosives. Kung Pao Chicken does NOT require gunpowder. How did you even turn a live chicken into a clucking grenade?
Not allowed to practice horticulture. Combustible lemons were bad enough, but making them insult you as they hit you is a bit much.
Not allowed to "decommission" anomalies without authorization from above. Doctor Bright does not count. Doctor Gears does count, but he's not likely to agree.
Not allowed to refer to new hires as "fresh meat for the grinder". First... creepy much, Alto? Second, it's just cruel.
No more than 75 kills per day. Sorry, but in this economy ANY help is hard to find, especially good help.
Not allowed to feed the anomalies marijuana brownies. We don't even know how 073 was even able to eat it due to his properties. But seeing 682 stoned was funny. Who knew the big nearly undead bastard had a plethora of dad jokes? Not the three D-Class who nearly died laughing. Still, don't do it again.
For the last damn time... 714 is NOT a Green Lantern Power Ring, we have no such item, there is no Power Battery hidden in the Keter Wing, and you should stop telling staff and D-Class this. We're losing 6 people a day to this nonsense.
Not allowed to refer to his exploding poultry as "chicken riggies", no matter how humorous it may be.
Not allowed to go "undercover" in the women's restrooms, showers, or lockerrooms on site. No, not even for "research". Especially not for THAT kind of "research". Get a RealDoll, Alto!
Not allowed to encourage Doctor Bright in his shenanigans. Does Jack Bright really need encouragement like that?
Not allowed to perform unauthorized tests on staff or anomalies. Putting a "Free Hugs" sign on 049's back was not funny, and if 049 hadn't noticed who knows what would happen.
Not allowed to point at staff in hazmat gear and chant "Unclean. Unclean." Especially not around 049.
"More shotguns" will not solve all problems. Stop suggesting it.
There will NEVER be a "Dress Like a Ninja" day here. Stop trying to make it happen.
Not allowed to "rent" out his services as a "divorce mediator". No one needs your kind of mediation.
No stalking the staff. Period. No, not even if they're a suspected security risk.
If it's on the Bright List, don't. And stop suggesting new ideas to him.
There are no maps for the Wanderer's Library. Please stop selling them.
Jello shots do not typically involve firearms.
Stop referring to Bright Duty as "Witless Protection".
Not allowed to show episodes of "The Twilight Zone" to anomalies. Ferdinand is still looking for that damned cookbook.
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