redcated · 2 months
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Yaoyao being adorable
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cronicasofistica · 1 year
En la cárcel por su propio divorcio: El caso de Liu Ye y su auto-matrimonio.
Hombre chino que se casó consigo mismo, termina en la cárcel por complicaciones por su divorcio: "No me aguanto ni yo mismo" Afirmó Liu Ye después de haberse casado a sus 39 años.
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askfordoodles · 2 years
So I've fallen head-over-heels for the world-exploration and aesthetics of Genshin Impact, but the game's writing seems to assume that I am just here to be horny for the waifus, so every time a new character I've JUST MET immediately and brazenly flirts with my character I'm just-
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dew-of-repudiation · 1 year
I'm really happy about the open world rewards of the new area, it's nice being able to get precious chests from puzzles and makes exploration feel worthwhile
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squiddy-god · 20 days
types of affection
(xiao, childe, albedo, zhongli)
What types of affection do they prefer giving and receiving? Yet another re upload
♥︎REQUEST ARE OPEN♥︎ don't be shy, send request for any of the fandoms on my fandom list, you can even recommend shows/games if they aren't there. Or even if you just want to chat! Anon is also always open!
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Giving : gift giving, acts of service 
Alright so xiao knows very little about affection, his words are to rigid and his actions stiff, so those are out- 
But he gifts you things, its cute really, the bright blush on his face when he gifts you unusual gifts. 
Anything that reminds you of him, a pinecone he saw under leaves, small trinkets and animals made from leafs, rocks and smooth stones he finds by the water reeds, anything really
You won't know it at first but all the gifts he gives you are adeptal amulets, they ward of evil and bring protection, he'd never admit this fact but it's true, he fears for you so if you find hilichurls suddenly running from you its most likely coming from the small gift xiao gave 
Acts of service can vary, anything from accompanying you on a commission to clearing out a camp of hillichurls that was in your path, xiao finds himself doing little things for you
Receiving : acts of service, physical touch, words of affirmation, quality time 
Xiao has been serving liuye for thousands of years, if you do anything for him hes going to be smitten 
Xiao likes to say that the things he does is solely his burden to carry, but the things you do for him he appreciates greatly, anything from making him almond tofu to rubbing his shoulders after a fight
His favorite to receive is if you play an instrument, even just humming a tune, it calms him and lets him feel at ease, like the karmic debt no longer beats on his soul. 
While xiao is stiff when giving physical affection at first, to scared of hurting you to initiate it, he does love it 
Xiao has most likely never felt or has forgotten the feeling of genuine physical affection, the feeling of your skin against his, your hands spread against his chest, its addicting t him 
Xiao likes to feel loved, the fact that you want him close to you, that you feel safe in his arms, it warms his heart and makes him realise what he's been missing for so long, and now that he knows the feeling, he craves it 
Xiao won't initiate physical touch, but he longs for it, and if you're on the roof of Wangshu Inn he expects you to be near him, as close as possible.
Xiao is insecure, his thoughts rage and cloud his mind, he often has doubts, and while he knows that you wouldn't simply leave him, and he has faith in you, words of affirmation are appreciated 
Tell him that he's loved, that you aren't going anywhere, that he’s enough and will always be enough
He claims he doesn't need reassurance but the way his arms hold you tighter says otherwise 
Xiao is also a fan of quality time, simply being in your presence calms him and he craves the feeling of you next to him. 
At times like this spoken words are not needed, he just wants to know your next to him.
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Childe (tartaglia) 
Giving : gift giving, acts of service, physical touch 
While the concept is the same, the execution is far different from xiao 
Childe gifts you lots of expensive things, if he sees it and ir remiss him of you, or you stare at something to long- there's no holding him back 
That being said all of his gifts are very well thought out and usually very sentimental 
He gifts things that have meaning, things that relate to your interest and hobbies- and trust me, he knows all of your interest and hobbies (S I M P) 
I have a headcanon that childe is hopelessly pathetic at arts and crafts, it always ends up as a disaster and he gets embarrassed, so he’s probably tried to make you something and it turned out,,,charming yet awful,,,he was about to scrap it when you saw it and it's probably the only time you've seen mr. saveu fatui so flustered 
Childes acts of service are a lot difret from xiaos-
Xiao wants to make your life a little easier, childe wants a hit list 
Deadass this man wants names and, if you would be so kind, addresses 
If you need someone taken care of then he's your man, and he gets excited about it too (psychopath) 
Of course he’ll also do normal things for you, like helping you lift boxes too heavy for you, or beating up hillichurls, he’ll even cook for you! He’ll honestly do anything you ask (S I M P) 
Childe is especially clingy as work takes him away so often, besides that he strikes me and a generally touchy guy, he likes to feel close to you 
Big fan of having you in his lap but he’ll settle for anything he can get, be it hand holding or an arm around your waste he’ll take it. 
Receiving : gift giving, physical touch, words of affirmation 
Child doesn't want you to buy thing for him, he wants handmade things, even if your as hopeless as he is, his heart melts if you gift him something you made,
Anything you make him becomes one of his most treasured possessions, it becomes something he genuinely cherishes and he wont shut up about it 
He’ll gush about it for weeks and no one can stop him 
As i said before, childe is a touchy guy, he likes to feel you against him, but you initiate affection? YES YES YES YES YES sign him up 
 He seems like he'd enjoy if you came up behind him and hugged him, hed tease you at first but inside hes melting and squealing 
Praise him, he lives for it tbh 
If he beat a hard monster tell him how strong he is, childe is a prideful man and your praise is something he greatly enjoys 
Complimenting him on just about anything will get you rewarded with a barrage of kisses and a firm hug 
Btw he gives great hugs, theyre strong hugs that make you think “holy hell did you fight a bear?” and they have a warmth to them that makes you feel at home. He doesn't do side hugs, it's full on hugs or no hugs 
Back to words, if you get sappy and genuinely sentimental he will get SO flustered 
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Giving : quality time, gift giving 
Albedo loves spending time with you, weather you simply keep him company during his experiments or walking with him thru the streets of mondstat, albedo loves spending time with you 
Claims he focuses better if your in his presence (it's a total lie) 
Albedo likes to be able to sit with you while you eat, he's big on eating together and it gives him a (much needed) break 
He also loves taking walks with you, the closeness brings a warm feeling to his chest and a smile to his face 
Albedo also enjoys giving you pictures, often times theyre of you or things that make him think of you, anything from a sketch of you working or of a flower that made him think of you, a cute bird or a simple landscape, no matter what the sketch is of he always takes time to explain exactly why he decided to sketch that particular item or moment 
His reasons are always very sweet, especially when he shyly tells you he just thought you looked cute in that moment. 
Don't be surprised if you get a random branch or twig on your desk or nightstand, because albedo with casually take leaves and turn them into twigs (like in his idle animation) especially when he finds his mind wandering to you
Albedo is a sweetheart and wants to spend time with you.
Receiving : quality time and acts of service 
Albedo loves that you want to spend time with him, he wants you to be as interested in him as he is with you, so your enthusiasm to spend time with him makes him happy
He likes doing domestic things with you, cooking, cleaning, eating meals together are all things he greatly enjoys
He also loves it if your interested in his work, sitting and watching him work makes his heart soar and makes him feel loved 
Look, i like albedos voice a lot, it so calming and gentle- so like, sitting in bed by candle light, leaned against albedos shoulder while he reads outloud, occasionally planting a kiss on the crown of your head
Albedo appreciates you doing little things for him (his quest be like) 
This isn't just you running errands for him but also things like bringing him a little snack or a cup of water, dusting his study (don't move things, just dust) helping him button his shirt (dse it even have buttons?) things like that, small things that just make his life a little easier 
*cough* kissing his temple and handing him a cup of coffee, sleepy voice whispering a little encouragement while he turns to give you a proper kiss. *cough* 
Overall albedo is very chill and his affection is much the same, gentle domestic things and time spent together never fails to put a smile on his face 
I love domestic albedo 
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Another domestic husband 
Giving : quality time and words of affirmation 
Zhongli absolutely LOVES quality time spent with you, he loves to simply be able to bask in your presence, to calmly sip tea and listen to your voice 
Its often that zhongli will be sitting quietly in whatever room your in, it doesn't matter what your doing, be it dishes or reading, he’ll be sitting and watching you with nothing but adoration in his eyes 
He also loves when you sit next to him, curled up by his side while he reads to you or tells you stories 
His voice is *chef kiss* and listening to his storeys is always so calming 
The gentle like filtering threw the windows as his voice recounts tales of many years ago, his gloved thumb gently smoothing over your cheek. His arm wrapped around your shoulders as you sip your tea and eagerly listen to him. 
Zhongli is domestic, long hours of time where he does nothing but savor the feeling of being with you, no need for spoken words when everything feels as if it has slipped into place. 
Zhongli has a very proper way of speaking, his words carry the weight of mountains behind them, nothing spoken without meaning and intent behind them
Zhongli has no issue speaking his mind, and the same applies to you. 
He gives lots of complements, especially when he notices something different about you 
You'll never doubt zhonglis love, how could you when his words are always spoken like facts? 
I mean how can you argue when he states complements as if theyre set in stone? 
The simple answer is that you can't. And if you try to argue you’ll face the wrath of the rock (his kisses lmao)
Receiving : physical affection and quality time  
Shhhhhhhhhhh- zhongli loves physical affection and i'll die on this hill
 Zhongli after so many lonly years finally has you,  and he longs for the touch of your hands and the feeling of your lips on his 
Zhongli melts into your touch, leaving into your hand cupping his face while he kisses your wrist with the utmost gentleness 
Zhongli can't imagine he's comfortable to cuddle with, his skin is tight and has little to no give, his body is as hard as a rock, yet you snuggle into his side- it always brings a smile to his face 
Zhongli is not an impulsive man yet he is often overcome with the burning urge to kiss you, he thinks hes slick but its all to obvious how his eyes drift and fixate on your lips, if you look close enough you might even see the way his pupils dilate, drawing into thinner slits when they stare
Zhongli loves if you take the time to get ready with him in the mornings, spending the morning with you is always very pleasant 
Idk bout you but i'd be glad to get woken up if i was getting woken up by zhonglis voice 
He wakes up early and brews tea every morning, and once its done he’ll rub circles on your back to gently wake you up, placing a kiss on your head and asking how you slept. 
PLEASE offer to tie his tie for him he will melt 
Hed smile and let you tie his tie, gently taking your wrists in his large hands and placing a kiss on your knuckles before planting a kiss on your lips 
Domestic zhongli is the best zhongli
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malereadermaniac · 1 year
Now you know how it feels ~ Tartaglia x Male Reader
Brief Nsfw / MDNI ~ amab m!reader / FDNI word count: 440
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You loved you boyfriend
Tartaglia was goofy and affectionate but he was very serious and dominant when he needed to be
If you HAD to say something bad about him it would be that....
"Hahhhh Fuuuck, baby~" the ginger moans as you slurp around his dick
His soft, long fingers weaving through your (h/c) hair
"Nghh-" you moan and gag around his big dick, Ajax's hand pushing your head down on his cock as he groans in pleasure
As soon as your boyfriend cums, you jolt off his dick
"Fuck you... ha... ha... you dickhead..." you say as you pant, his dick literally suffocating you moments before
That's right
Your beloved boyfriend, who preferred putting your pleasure above his, is a head pusher...
And as much as it turns you on, you have to admit that your gag reflex isn't good enough to handle how big Tartaglia is
It hurts a lot, especially as Ajax keeps you down for long periods of time
I mean.. you love the feelings, letting him take all of the control, forcing your throat to his will as he pushes your nose into his ginger pubes
But nonetheless it hurts like a bitch afterwards
So you decoded to give him a taste of his own medicine
You plan was in motion, you'd especially bought Bananas in Liuye's market instead of your usual peaches
"Bananas??" Tartaglia comedically asks
"Hmhm... yeah they're imported from Sumeru, I noticed a new stall opened up in the market so I bought some" you say with an innocent smile
You totally didn't commission the traveler to grab you some bananas from Sumeru
As the two of you chat about your boyfriend's day, you watch as Ajax grabs a banana
This was it, you inched closer, pretending to go grab something out of the cabinet as the ginger brings the yellow fruit to his lips
And quickly, in one smooth motion, your hand collides with your boyfriend's fluffy ginger hair and keeps pushing
You hear a loud gag rupture through the room as you watch you boyfriend cock on the long fruit
He pulls his head up, his thick saliva connecting to the phallic fruit, his lips plump and tears in his eyes
"Haha! Now you know how it feels" you giggle at him
"Hehe... you got me there baby, but I don't think I mind the feeling... Mind start doing this more~"
Your face erupted into red
God-damn was he good
Your moans echoed through the room that night
Orgasm after orgasm from your boyfriend's skilled fingers inside your ass, while his warm tongue played with your dick endlessly
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priestessame · 2 years
The Emperor's most favored II
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FLUFF Part 2. As requested by 🎐annon ^^ I'm for sure making this a series of one shots~
Warnings: Slightly suggestive (^^) Fluff, angst, slight violence, name-calling, mentions of blood, and bullying. Sleepy mornings~~
Summary: The preparations of the lantern rite, bring unwelcome ghosts of the past.
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You rolled awake, body covered in a thin sheen of sweat. Your eyes adjusted in the dimly lit chambers. You turned so that you were resting on your side, your sight catching the familiar silhouette sitting across from you.
The desk was only a few feet away from your shared bed. Now it had almost become routine for you to stir awake, only to find him like this. The mahogany silks pooled around his waist. You watched as your husband leaned over his desk. Your eyes followed the vast expanse of his bare back, golden and black scales trailing down the spine, the muscles flexing as he continued to work on his scrolls. Dark and gold arms constantly at work.
It was only the early hours of the morning, even before sunrise. But even gentle morning light wasn't allowed in. Even if the emperor was writing, special care was taken so that the curtains in his chambers were shut tightly. The only light allowed, was the dim lantern placed close to his desk. Strong enough to just illuminate the papers scattered around him. His hand was gentle as he wrote, careful not to wake you from the noise of the ink pen scratching on the scrolls. So much care, just to make sure you wouldn't be disturbed.
But the absence of his warmth would make you stir from your sleep nevertheless. Most of the time you would fall back asleep again. But some mornings, just like today you couldn't help but gathered the silks around you, wrapping them around your body before sliding off the bed.
You sunk into him, wrapping your arms around his back. You murmured against the crook of his neck as the emperor chuckled. "Did I wake you again, beloved?" He asked.
"No," You replied, pressing down the urge to drag him back to your bed. If it was up to you, you would have rolled around in each other's warmth, limbs entangled until late afternoon. Fortunately for Liuye and unfortunately for you, the emperor had more discipline than that. Once awake, the emperor would be consumed with his duties. Not that you felt neglected because of it. He always found time, especially for you.
You pressed yourself against him tighter, his skin felt feverishly warm this early in the morning. You looked over his shoulder, at the scrolls pulled open along the desk. The whorls and runes on it were enchantingly beautiful, and the strange script he seemed so fluent in was completely alien to you.
Although now your husband, there was so much of him that was still alien to you. How many languages was he fluent in that you couldn't even begin to understand? You would wonder. There may always be a certain distance between you and his past. Something you wondered if you could ever transcend. But most of your reservations would melt away the moment you felt his touch.
Morax pulled you into his lap and you went willingly. His arms guide you to straddle him. His fingers cupped your face before he pressed his mouth on your forehead. His breath brushed against the hollow of your throat. As he murmured sweet praises, you couldn't help but laugh against his mouth. For a man known for his restraint, he couldn't seem to keep his hands off you. His fingers slid under the silk sheets you had pulled, sliding up your torso. He kissed you between your breasts, lips lingering just above your heart. "You should get more rest beloved," He said,
You brushed the hair framing his face, "Come back to bed Morax." You said through a pout, throwing your hands around his neck, "It's cold." His fingers dug into your hips, it was insane how his slightest touch would send your mind reeling. The scrolls on the desk were long discarded as he scooped you up and you wrapped your legs around his waist. He carried you towards your bed, setting you down while sinking down himself.
His fingers brushed your cheek lovingly, after all, who was he to deny the empress of Liyue?
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It was late in the afternoon when the news reached you. With the emperor and his general out, you and Shi Lian sat in your study, trying your hand at another game of chaurang. The game board was spread out before the two of you, colored tiles arranged across it. Your lady-in-waiting rolled the dice, too engrossed in the game as Ganyu continued to narrate the finished details for the upcoming Lantern rite.
As excited as you were for the festival, you could hardly keep up with all the details. Especially now when Shi Lian was getting increasingly good at forming her tiles.
“And so Lady Nigguang wished to know your preferences.” Ganyu reported.
You gave the Adeptus an endearing look, “Ganyu, tell Ningguang that I completely trust her… aesthetic judgment.” You said, “Swans, deers, frogs- whatever she deems fit.”
Shi Lian moved her rose-carved tile forward, an intelligent attempt at defense but you saw through it immediately.
“As you wish, Your highness,” Ganyu replied.
“T-that’s not fair!” Shi Lian wailed, as you replaced her tile with your own. You laughed at her, feeling so at ease at the moment that nothing could have prepared you for the message the Yuheng had for you.
Keqing walked in just as Ganyu was about to depart, her gait as nonchalant as Ganyu’s was respectful.
“The Mililith have reported early visitors for the lantern rite, apparently.” Keqing continued, her tone as unbothered as ever.
“Visitors already?” You asked, although the lantern rite wasn’t that far away, you weren’t expecting any visitors at the palace for at least another week.
“From your homeland your highness.” Keqing said, “The carriages that brought them to the royal palace both bore the royal emblem.”
Your ears rang. Unconsciously you had dug into the gold-cut pawn so hard, it cut into your palm drawing blood.
Keqing's face twisted, "Clearly they didn't even bother sending a raven to announce their arrival." She started.
But you weren't listening, your hands going very very cold. "Who is it?" You asked, breath shallowing as you spoke.
"The 2nd princess and her Lord husband, your highness," she replied, her tone sensing your sudden discomfort. The two watched as the walls of safety you had built around yourself shattered like glass. You felt as if you were underwater.
"Your highness?"
Your eyes snapped towards her, “Take me there.” You said breathlessly.
Ganyu shifted on her feet, “Your highness, it might be better to wait for the emperor to return-
“No,” You replied at once, a morbid silence falling in the study. You stood up, placing the tile back on the board. Shi Lian followed your suit clumsily. “M-my Lady-“ she started. But it was like your mind had gone entirely numb.
“Take me to her, now.”
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She was already in your chambers, her tall silhouette reaching to inspect the ornate draperies.
Saili turned towards you, lips pulling themselves in a perfect smile. "Sister!" She exclaimed, reaching a hand out as if she expected an embrace. You felt as if you were about to throw up. Anger and disgust clouding your mind. Why, why after all these years was, she here again? Hadn't she made your life miserable enough?
You gave Shi lian a quick nod, dismissing her. Your lady-in-waiting gave you a concerned look but obliged. She scurried outside your chambers, leaving the two of you alone.
Your fingers curled, and you closed them in a fist, trying to hide the tremble. "I hope the weather was kind to you, sister." you tried.
"Look how lovely." She said, dismissing you entirely. Her fingers glided through the ornate curtains in your chambers. She inspected the fabric like she wanted to rip them up. She turned towards you again,
Her face was as beautiful as you remembered. Chestnut hair and wide eyes. The kind of beauty that makes people falter their steps. But those who could see past that really saw her crudeness. Out of the ones making your life miserable back home, the 2nd princess was one of the worst.
She walked towards you. You unknowingly took a step back for everyone she took forward until your dresser hit the back of your legs. "I'm afraid my husband, was rather upset at not receiving at least an invitation for your first Lantern rite." She said.
Her smile was razor sharp, "I thought they held high regard for family here in lieuye."
Family? You wanted to ask her, strong words for people who basically sold you off for convenience. Her face was close to you now. She smiled painfully wide as her fingers reached for your sleeves, "How long would it have taken to dye the fabric this deep blue?" She mused.
"I wouldn't know." You replied, mouth going dry. For that moment, you were back in your homeland. Fear coating your insides, your fingers dug into the dresser behind you.
They had called her the nation's first love when she was born. Lovely even as a child, she was perfect in everything she did. Even her most venomous words and actions were simply endearing to everyone else. Her violence was written off as harmless tantrums, especially because they were all directed toward you.
It had never mattered to her that her sapphire accessories were way more precious than yours. That given your status, you never were any competition to her, you couldn't be. Maybe it was that very reason that gave her a kick out of it, knowing you couldn't fight back.
Like ripping apart wings of insects, she liked to yank anything you were wearing off of you. Ripping out clumps of your hair as she pulled off your moon-stone hairpin in one tantrum, or tearing out the skin off your ear lobes when she demanded she wanted to wear your earrings instead. Her fingers would dig into you ruthlessly, nails scrapping your skin, the grip leaving marks across your hands.
Her mother, the princess consort would just pull her in her arms and laugh her tantrums off. Coaxing her with talks of sweets or new silks. Leaving you hunched over yourself, blood trickling down your face. Even then what hurt more was that you didn't have anyone to cry to. So, you had just stopped the tears or pain and anger, pulling on an emotional armour even her nails couldn't carve out.
As you two had gotten older, her violence towards you had receded, and she had just discarded you like a toy she no longer wanted to play with. To your own disgust, you were more than happy to be unseen. Elated that she had finally grown tired of you. But the fear would crawl up now and then. That one day as she saw you brush past her in the halls, she would remember the old doll she had thrown away. Wanting to rip it apart again. 
"Didn't you get lucky Y/n?" She mused, backing away from you.
She gave out a sigh looking around your chambers. She walked around curiously, her long robes flowing behind her. You felt pinned under her gaze, pushed into a corner just like you used to when you were younger. Suddenly seen again. The shadows that you thought you had left in your past, crawling back. You pushed through the pain, pulling your eyes away from her figure.
"Does your ship leave tonight sister?" You asked hating how your voice still wavered. Saili let go of the amulet she was inspecting, letting it clatter to the floor.
She had the audacity to look offended, "Why Y/n, you make it sound as if you want me gone." She laughed, her dazzling smile cutting into your skin. You felt the disgust coil in your stomach, although honey-tongued now, you remembered her morbid smile as she had told you about Morax's ugly scales and horns. How his talons would rip through your skin when he tried to touch you.
"It's a long trip back home." You replied, "It would be terrible if you got caught in sea-storms."
"It is a long trip, isn't it?" She said, your stomach dropped at her tone, "It's days and days on the sea, so much of the same blue makes you sick. You start wondering if there's anything alive this far into the ocean at all." She gave a chuckle, "Doesn't it feel like the ship would sail off the edge of the earth? She continued, suddenly sounding a lot more malicious.
You found yourself holding your breath, waiting for the mask to fall.
"We threw you away to the remote end of the earth and you still managed to wobble up like the trash you are." She sneered out.
"Sai-" You tried to reason with her, but you knew your words wouldn't matter. Her expression became more erratic, thoughts of who she was and where she was standing clouded by her rage.
"Just because they gave you a pretty jade crown doesn't really make you a queen, low-born." She growled out, her hands reached for your face and you flinched. She curled her fist into your thick hair, yanking you hard.
For the first few seconds, your body shut down from habit. Going limp against her anger, mind retracting within itself taking you away from the situation entirely. You were far too used to it. Far too used to just shutting your eyes close until her tantrum was over.
"Don't forget your mother was just a common musician whore." she said, her breath putrid on your face. For the first time in years, you reached for your anger. And the beast leaped up like it was waiting for your one command all along.  And just like that, you snapped.
She gasped as you threw her down, your jade ornament clattering down with her. Your hair tumbled down, falling around your face.
Her eyes were wide with shock. Her figure sprawled on the floor, looking up at you, mouth stuck half-open.
"Enough." You breathed out. Your body practically convulsed from the pent-up rage. Unlike her haphazard rage, yours was composed and cold. "Touch me again," You spoke through the tremble, your voice dangerously low "And I’ll have you thrown off Qingyun Peak. "
In the moment of silence and shock, you thought you had actually won.
"How dare you?" she said, "Do you think you can command me? You wrench?" she screamed at you.
In that split second, the door flung open. Keqing was a blur of violet. She moved so swiftly; your own eyes couldn’t keep up with her. Her blade was pure lightning. Within a split second, she was between the two of you.
She wrung the 2nd princess’s wrist behind her as she cried out in pain, "Daring to touch the Empress will cost you much more than just your hand." She said.
"Let her go Keqing." You said sadly, much to your Yuheng's surprise. "She poses no threat to me." you completed.
Before you, she really looked pathetic. The frizzled hair, fingers still tightly curled around your jade crown, her eyes wide and whimsical. She pointed it accusingly at you, "You have no right," she sneered.
"Get the princess's ship ready." You commanded, "She will not be staying for the lantern rite."
"Making an enemy of your own kingdom, do you think your Beloved emperor wouldn't cast you away if he knew your true bloodline?" she whimpered at you, already lost.
"Is that so?"
The sudden voice surprised you too. A voice that could move mountains.
Morax stood at the end of the room, flanked by Xiao and Bosacius by his side. He wore traditional liyue clothes, gold and ebony robes, with a rounded neck. They fell across his tall frame like a waterfall of dark colors. Dragon scales were sewn in along the elaborate sleeves, the beast made of gold thread, curling around the bodice.
He walked inside the chamber, unforgiving eyes pinned on the 2nd princess. “Slander against the Empress herself is high treason.” He said, "Just the thought of profane words against her is subject to Lingchi."
Her face dropped with horror.
His voice was still low, yet stripped of any kindness. Urging, beckoning her to try and challenge his authority. It sent chills down your spine. "You will ride the ship willingly, or I will have you and your husband impaled to the mast on the way back."
Silent tears ran down her face as she dared not looked up at any of you, surprisingly you felt no real satisfaction. Finally realizing how little she had always been compared to you. Keqing moved to take your ornament from her hands but you stopped her midway.
"Keep it." You said to her, hold its weight for the rest of your life. Let it remind you of where you really stand. "It's the closest you'll ever come to holding true power."
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His fingers moved deftly as he fixed your hair. It was just the two of you again, your silks pooling around your frame as he placed you in front of the mirror. Experienced fingers running through your locks gently. The afternoon had bled into a crimson evening, painting your shared chamber a deep auburn. The failing light caught the scattered gold embellishments around you, making them glitter faintly. Not wanting to break the somber silence, you couldn’t help but stare at the gold pieces instead. The beading of the draperies, the curved points of the chandelier, and most of all the molten-gold color of his irises.
You winced as his fingers brushed against a particularly sore part and he halted at once.
"I'm sorry." He said finally.
Morax wrapped his arms around your frame, "I promised that I would protect you." He said, sounding broken. He hung his head on your shoulder, and the lamp in your room flickered. "And yet I have failed you." His voice was heavy like you had never heard before. He hugged you lightly, as if he put any more strength in this touch, you would shrug it off.
The whole thing was so absurd that you laughed as you leaned back into him. Wrapping your hands around his arm. It echoed around the room, you looked up at him, his eyes wide with confusion.
“You’re a bit of a fool aren’t you emperor?” you said.
“I couldn’t even stop them from hurting you.” He replied.
You sighed against his warmth, shaking your head softly.
"My past was mine to confront," you told him.
“Y/n-“ He began again, “Even so..”
“All my life, I have only had bruises.” You replied, “Some of hurt and some of shame.” Your fingers ran over his as you inspected the bump on your head, “For the first time, these don’t feel so bad.”
“If it wasn’t for the peace you give me Morax, I would have been ashamed of them all my life.” You said, sinking back into his warmth.
Being held like this was the safest you had ever felt in your entire life. “The kind of safety I feel with you cannot be measured in actions.”
“So,” You picked up the ornate comb beside you, “Just go back to brushing my hair.” He finally chuckled, deep voice ringing in his chest. He lifted your hair from the name of your neck, pressing a feverish kiss on your skin, “As you wish.”
(っ◔◡◔)っ ♥ 0 ♥---- (っ◔◡◔)っ ♥ 0 ♥---- (っ◔◡◔)っ ♥ 0 ♥----
Ayyy I finally finished this one ^^
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A Child Abandoned by the World Itself
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Post ready please view with caution.
Summary: Bennett sat in front of you, behind the Cathedral, yet you weren’t with him.
TW; Angst, reader is dead, 
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  A child abandoned by the world itself.
  Bennett sat in front of you, behind the Cathedral, rummaging through his bag. He was ranting about the new situation his luck brought onto him, how he and one of his friends, Razor, had gotten caught in a fierce battle between them and a Cryo Regisvine. 
  “We won, though! Don’t worry.” He chuckles, finally pulling something out of his bag. “Look! I even got a Hoarfrost Core!” 
  “Can I see?” You ask, holding your hand out for the Core. He nods, passing it over to you before he continues looking through the bag in his lap. 
  The feeling of the cold Hoarfrost Core in your hands was oddly soothing. A faint glow coming from the item, almost like a heartbeat of the creature it was taken from. You held it to your chest, watching the glow seem to sync with your own beating. 
  Bennett, catching this from the corner of his eye and smiles at you. “You can keep it if you want!” He offers, gesturing to the Core. 
  “Are you sure? I mean, you’re the one that earned it.” You point out, looking at the cuts and bruises on his arms. 
  “Of course!” Bennett’s smile somehow gets wider as he nods, his emerald eyes closing. “Besides, it’s not like I have a use for it. I have a Pyro Vision after all.” 
  “That’s true but how do you know that I would have a use for it?” You laugh softly, glancing back up at him. 
  A child abandoned by the world itself.
   Bennett sat in front of you- no, your grave. Bennett sat in front of your grave, the smile you liked so much still on his face. Yet it didn’t reach his eyes, not fully. 
  His Vision’s light was dull but still glowing, a mimic of his mental state. Broken but still there, missing it’s normal stride with only a small fraction still in the present. 
  He sat in front of your grave yet it felt wrong. There were no clouds in the sky, no rain to trail down his shoulders and to mix with the tears that were nearly cascading down his face. 
  Your vision was resting in front of your headstone, the color having long faded and forgotten. He never even got you to tell him which Archon had shown their blessing upon you, claiming you as one of their own. The Hoarfrost Core he had given you sat next to it, the glow having somehow faded only a few hours after you were brought back. 
  Bennett reached into his bag. It was nearly empty, and had been for the past month. Moving his hand around a little bit, it made contact with something warm and disgustingly comforting. Grabbing onto the Everflame Seed, he pulls it out of his satchel. Holding it in both of his hands as if it would break into pieces, he places it down next to the Core he had given you. 
  “Why?” He always asked himself, “Why would you travel all the way to the edge of Liuye just to get me an Everflame seed?” 
  At this point, he didn’t know if he was really looking for an answer. Bennett just wanted you back. He wanted to hug you, cling to you and have you hug him back and tell him everything is okay, like you always did when someone left his adventure team. He wanted you to laugh with him at the stupid thing that happened to him after his latest adventure. 
  Bennett let out a loud cry, head tilted up to the ever so clear skies of Mondstadt. He let his tears flow freely, stinging his eyes as he let out loud sobs and hiccups. He didn’t like crying in front of you, always claiming that he prefers to put on a brave face when those times arise. 
  As he cried, he remembered something the Honorary Knight had told him after their venture to Liuye. 
  “A young girl, Qiqi, has been revived by the Adepti and walks along the earth once again.”
  Maybe, just maybe, luck would be on his side as he clasped his hands together, still crying and sobbing.
  “Lo- Lord Barbatos-'' He stutters out between shaky breaths. “Please, they did not-nothing wrong…” 
  “Please give them back- they're the only thing I have.” His voice cracks as he lets out loud sobs. 
  Bennett hadn’t cried like this in years; He always refused to, but knowing his cries would go unanswered, he gave up, sobbing loudly as he let himself curl up into a ball. 
He truly was a child abandoned by not only the world, but everything in it.
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kilxen0 · 2 years
About the rain
Kazuha x reverse comfort? gn reader
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Storms were quite common in the life of a wander. Nothing was much different when you recently joined a young man named Kazuha on your journey. Though you might not know the most about him, you trusted him with your life. You had met him in the outskirts of Liuye harbor, as also a wanderer from Sumeru, you both decided to travel until paths took you both separate ways. He was a free spirit, never one to fret over a small inconvenience, such as the one you were in right now. 
Over traveling the land of Liuye a storm covered the sky in a dark gray, vast and strong as the wind began to pick up, rain hitting the ground. The trees started to sway in Minlin. Not further on Kazuha spotted what looked to be an old cabin. Reaching it only furthered the storm with light thunder cracking in the background. 
“We made it,” Kazuha looks up to you drying his dappen clothes. The cabin was small, only a single chair in the middle of the room by a fireplace, a bed pushed to the corner with a tattered blanket, and only a small window looking down through the valley. Starting a fire and taking off your coat, you set yours and Kazuha's clothes near to dry. Kazuha followed by setting down his blade and a few of his belongings before sitting down on the bed. 
Making your way towards Kazuha, you sit down on the edge of the bed beside him, not leaving much room between the two of you. Though the window was closed, the draft still sent a tiny shiver down your spine. You look over to see him gaze out the window. 
You knew few things about him, but he was a quiet man, only speaking when necessary and with calculated words. He said few when you asked about his life in Inazuma, only saying that he yearns to go back but he was not ready; you didn't press any further. 
“Everything alright Kazuha?” He only looked back at you momentarily before looking back out the window. 
“I used to love the rain when I was small.” you look back at him, his complexion was lit by the storm. “The sound of it would lull me into a peaceful night's sleep,” His red eyes glanced down for a second, as if he was pondering his next words. “But since I’ve grown older my feelings have become more…complicated.” 
You knew he was sharing something with deep meaningfulness to you, you only inched your hand towards his, Putting a hand on his hand. Slowly rubbing circles with your thumb to comfort him to some degree. “I still like to listen to the rain today, but.” He looks back at you this time. A fond smile reaches his lips, although his smile does not quite reach his eyes. “Whenever I see the storm clouds start to gather, my heart sinks...” You could see a lone tear escape from his eye, before he turned his head back to the window. 
“You aren't where you used to be. With me you are safe. Although I do not know everything, I'm willing to learn and listen.” You speak, gently turning his face towards your, wiping the tear from his eye and brushing the loose strands of hair behind his ear. 
“Thank you, y/n” He leans into your touch, putting his head on your shoulder as you put a hand on his head, slowly brushing your fingers through his stands of white locks. The fire cracked and the room filled with an orange hue. 
It was true you didn’t know much about Kazuha, but you wanted to learn more.
An: I was feeling a little down today, although the rain today really inspired me to write about Kazuha (plus his voice line loll). I would also like to thank you all for the love I’ve been receiving on my last couple posts. I’m still really new to writing, and I’m just doing it as a side little hobby :) Have a good night/day -x 
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kaeyahiya · 1 year
Kaedehara Kazuha x (GN) Reader [platonic]
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Pairing: Kaedehara Kazuha x (GN) Reader
Warnings: Mentions of alcohol, platonic friendship, implied depressive episode, mentions of feeling directionless, hurt/comfort, aka angst with a semi happy ending
Word count: 916
Authors note: Hi I'm writing this as another ✨ self-indulgent fic ✨ however I hope this can also provide solace for anyone else who is at a weird crossroads in their life. This is all over the place, I just needed to put this out. If not for me then for someone else. I see you and I feel you. You aren't alone ❤️ I choose Kazuha specifically bc of that fucking line he has when it rains. It always strikes a chord in me. Anyway, I hope you enjoy or find some peace here.
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Kaedehara Kazuha has always been someone you turned to in times of crisis. When the Vision Hunt Degree was issued and he went with Captain Beidou to Liuye to collect the travelers help, you felt at odds with yourself. He has a knack for knowing just what to say when you need it most.
After the Traveler helped abolish the Vision Hunt Degree. You stood at a crossroads in your life. You had returned from Mondstat after having the opportunity to study under The acting Grand Master Jean. As a budding tactician, she was an excellent mentor. Kazuha was the one who encouraged you to go, stating 'you'd be foolish not to', so you did. You learned so much there, made so many new friends, and got to experience many different things.
After a few months you came back to Inazuma. You felt like a new person! You even secured a position under one of the best tacticians in Inazuma, Sangonomiya Kokomi. Things were great... At least for a few months. Until you fell back into a routine, where day in and day out felt the same. Again you were at that crossroad.
You felt almost depressed, as if all the struggle and growth you made abroad meant nothing now. You felt the same as you did before you left. You find your days filled with work and sleep, repeat. The few enjoyments you got were getting letters from friends in Mondstat, and seeing your friends back home.
After a particularly long day you found yourself at Ritou Harbor, a bottle in your hand as you stared out at the endless ocean on the horizon. "You seem to be troubled about something." Kazuha's gentle voice observes behind you. You crane your neck to look at him. As he walks over and seats himself next to you at the edge of the harbor.
"Hey Kazuha... When did you get back?" You ask not wanting to discuss the issue at hand. "Only a few hours ago. Captain Beidou is docking here for a few days." You hum in acknowledgement. "I thought I'd find you elsewhere, but Lady Ayaka informed me who was told by Miss Kokomi you'd be in the area for a couple days on personal business." You nod again." This doesn't seem like business." He gestures to the bottle in your hand. "It's personal though." You laugh bitterly, placing the bottle down.
You place your head in your hands. "Kazuha, I don't know what to do." He smiles almost knowingly. "What seems to be the issue my friend?" You sigh. "I'm unhappy. All the stars that once aligned for me seem out of place now. I know I set this plath for myself and even though I've made progress I feel like I'm still stuck at the starting line..." You heave back a sob you can feel coming on. "I wish I was back in Mondstat. I wish I was anywhere but here you know?" He chuckles. " All too well, it's suffocating isn't it? Being in one place for too long." He muses. "However, as you said so yourself you made a path for yourself. Miss Kokomi seems to be very pleased with the work you're doing as well." You shrug. "I know but... I don't know Kazuha... I'm still unhappy. Sometimes I wonder if I should just become a wanderer like you. It's not like I don't have friends I can stay with or meet elsewhere..."
You gaze back out at the ocean and Kazuha joins you." Is that truly what you want? " You snap your head to look at him in confusion. " As simple as it sounds, being a wanderer means you have nothing. You travel from place to place, sometimes in the worst condition. Unsure if you'll even have a place to sleep safely or have food to eat. I'm at the will of Captain Beidou's schedule because I myself cannot operate a boat or run a crew myself." Kazuha smiles out at the ocean sadly. "Sure the traveling is nice but even I sometimes find myself stuck in a loop."
You're quiet for a long time before finally asking Kazuha the question you find yourself always asking him. " What should I do? '' Tears spilled from the corners of your eyes. " Continue on your path. Though the road ahead is unclear, and may be tumultuous and foggy at times, eventually you'll find yourself exactly where you're supposed to be. " "And if I don't?" "You find a new path." You laugh through the tears. " You're a strong person. Stronger than you give yourself credit for. The people around you see it but you don't, at least not yet. " He closes his eyes peacefully. " I have a hunch eventually you will. "
A few more tears spill from your eyes as you gaze back at the ocean. The sun was setting and the view was gorgeous, the ocean looked as if it was a sparkling gemstone surrounded by the vast orange sky. "I don't know how you do that." You finally say. Kazuha cocks his head to the side." Do what? " He inquired. " Know how to fix me. " You sigh before tossing him a grin. "What are friends for if not to lift each other up!" He grins back. "I promise Kazuha, one day I'll pay you back for all the wisdom and advice you give me." He simply smiles and stands offering you a hand. "No need. Just keep being you, that's all I ask."
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kaevillette · 1 year
Okay I love your works and have an idea I need to get out of my head.
So after hearing some complaints from people who visit Wangshu Inn, Xiao learns that there's a rumor of a child's ghost near Dragonspine. He assumes it's another demon trying to get out of Liuye and goes to start hunting it down. Only to figure out it's a small Adepti child who's stuck. They're around 6 or 7, and he brings them back to Wangshu with the idea of letting them eat, sleep, and then finding their family in the morning. He tries to get them to sleep, only for them to refuse and hide away in a corner instead. After speaking with the older Adepti about it, this is exactly how he acted when they freed him. So the whole oneshot is him trying (and failing) not to get attached to a small version of himself and helping them learn how to live a semi-normal life.
Been giving me brain rot so here you go :D
I love the idea of xiao just being so soft with people unknowingly because he doesn't realise that he's just trying to protect people from the same things and same behaviours he went through!!
Man.... I love characters who r tough on the outside and soft on the inside they make me so GGRRAAAHHHHH
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gold-rhine · 1 year
Hello, theres something i’ve wanted to ask your opinion on for a while now if it’s ok with you. Lately, I’ve been hearing rumors that Guizhong might become playable in the far future from reincarnation or revival. I’m not sure if these leaks are to be trusted, but it begs an interesting question for me: if Guizhong were to be brought back from reincarnation or otherwise, would the impact of her death still carry it’s weight? Or would it be undermined because “oh its no problem she can just be brought back from the dead lol”? Could it be done well at all if handled correctly? This is something thats been on my mind for a while since i started seeing these leaks. I wanted to ask you because you seem to be the right person to discuss this with.
Thanks for reading this and have a nice day.
I already talked about the way we can meet all dead characters in the main story, which i think would be enough to get them released as playable, without undermining their deaths
but even if hoyo doesn't get my genius and objectively correct vision, i still think she can be brought back in different ways without it feeling cheap. bc like to be fair to hoyo, they did their setup. i've wrote extensively about how guizhong haunts liyue, both map and story. its not like she just died and they're immediately bringing her back, she was gone for hundreds if not thousands years, it affects both the country and entire adepti polycule. zhongli is clearly still in the mourning, ping went into old woman exile, etc. her return will not erase thousands years of acute grief bc we as players also had time to play the game with guizhong-shaped wound in liuye for literal years, so its already not possible to be "no problem lol".
more problematic is which way they'll do it, bc if its smth repeatable, then like yeah, its a problem bc then what, everyone can be just brought back? that would be garbage.
but if its v unique and specific for guizhong, smth that won't work for anyone else, it can work fine. like we still have several chekhov guns in liuye - zhongli has her puzzle, memory of dust, which supposedly has all her knowledge, and we know gods can put their conscience into objects, like raiden literally lives in her sword rn. so like, it could be guizhong's personality matrix. then there is zhongli's deal with tsaritsa, like what did he sell his literal godhood for?
so overall i think hoyo can pull it off gracefully enough if they pull their A game writing and not like, inazuma fallout
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Genshin Impact x Ninjago AU
The ninja ends up in Teyvat. So they have to reunite and find a way to get back home. They get new weapons and clothes. (Takes place anytime after Day of the Departed before season 7)
Weapons and where they landed.
Cole-Claymore-Landed in Inuzuma
Jay-Catalyst-Landed in Liuye
Kai-Sword-Landed in Inuzuma
Lloyd-Catalyst-Landed in Monstat
Nya-Pullarm-Landed in Sumaru
Pixal-Sword-Landed in Sumaru
Zane-Bow-Landed in Liuye
Morro-Sword-Landed in Monstat
This is with what the game currently has, it could be changed when more lands are introduced.
Thanks to the Realm Crystal after the events of Day of the Departed, the ninja end up in Teyvat, however, they are separated, so they have to find each other. They encounter many colorful characters who assist them in their task, especially the famous Traveler and their companion Paimon. They are able to reunite, but the problem of how they get back home arises, especially when the Abyss wants to capture them for a new scheme.
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teyvatofsmut · 4 months
Crack ship: Chevreuse and Hu Tao
Because Hu Tao would, inevitably, end up meeting Chevreuse: the girl has a thing for women of the law~
//Ooooo I like it!!
Both Pyro girls with a lot of cake!!
They both use polearms (and when Clorinde comes out) both have an Electro woman eager to please!!
I think they’d talk about food they like, perhaps Hu Tao tries food from Fontaine and in turn makes Liuye food for Chevvy? :D
Who tops and who bottoms? 🤔🤔🤔
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pyro-only · 5 months
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and after far more hours than it should have taken, Boom. Mond is done. Now a quick grind for two more AR levels and it's onto liuye beloved.
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jasmineandpepper · 7 months
"Perhaps you can find a few friends with which to partake in the activity."
Perhaps someone who could enjoy kite-flying. He was more than capable of finding someone like that in the end. His body was trembling, but not with anticipation. The invisible border between Liuye and Mondstadt stretched in the distance, decorated with ponds and lush vegetation. Xiao unconsciously tightened his grip on the kites. The last, anxious thought tried to convince him to return to Wangshu Inn. But the breeze blew softly, fragrant, promising.
"Barbatos?" He said, and the wind carried away his formal, flat voice. Delicate lotus flowers were swaying in the air. Space was filled with the rustling sound of grass and trees.
Nothing happened.
Of course.
He pressed his lips together and slightly lowered his head. Of course he would do that. Xiao sighed and took a breath in again, shyness tingling his cheeks.
The name turned out so soft, so quiet, he couldn't help but feel the embarrassment creeping lower down his neck. He gulped, correcting his grip on the kites. It would be a shame to crease the delicate material–
"You called?“
He shivered, hearing joyful, teasing almost questions behind his back. He quickly turned around, noticing a familiar figure on the nearby boulder. Venti was sitting with his legs swaying back and forth. A tiny smile was dancing on his lips and he was looking– oh the way he was looking filled Xiao with a desire to run and hide and never be seen like that again. But he stayed, pierced down and speechless, with only his heart racing, shaking his whole body with its rhythm.
"I thought you would never show yourself again," started Venti, and Xiao shrunk into himself, searching for disappointment in Anemo Archon's voice. "Who could guess my poem would be a mighty yaksha weakness?"
The warmth got unbearable. His face was burning, so he lowered his head so much, he could only see grass and his trembling hands on the kites. How could his facade crumble so quickly? He shouldn't have tried this. But how else was he supposed to break months of silence?
"What do you got here?" Venti's voice sounded closer. Soon enough other hands entered his field of view, grabbing his own in a gentle hold. "Are those the famous Liuye kites?"
Maybe a few months were not that much for immortals.
"One of them is modified with a fontainian invention." His voice was so, so quiet, barely audible. His eyes were fixed on the pale hands, now gently caressing his own. "Rex La– Zhongli asked me to enjoy them with friends."
"And you chose me from all the people around you? I'm flattered." And even though Venti's voice was light as always, Xiao couldn't help but fear. What if he ended up offending Venti? The touch was not enough. He let out a shaky breath. Inch after inch, he raised his eyes.
Venti was so close. So close, it was hard to breathe when their eyes met.
"Hello." Only a whisper could fit into the space between them. "I missed you." 
"I'm sorry."
Venti beamed as only the sun could. Not even the most hidden part of Xiao's existence could remain frozen cold.
"Don't be. I would wait a thousand years for you."
Months, years, decades, all was nothing for the immortals.
But not for him. Not with death following his footsteps. Not with sins tainting his soul. Not with–
Not with a gentle hand pulling his chin.
"Whenever my love is too much for you, I will wait. Always."
His eyelids almost fell. The kites fell for sure. His voice was lost, somewhere, anywhere. Those merciless eyes again. Soft, understanding, loving. He was stuck in place again.
"No," he whispered, and Venti's sigh brushed his lips. "I'm already here."
He no longer had any reason to run and hide.
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