#liveblogging rhato
striveattemptfail · 2 years
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various issues of red hood and arsenal (2015-2016)
me: i'm pretty sure you're already very firmly in a partnership jason......
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goatsghost · 2 years
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i love how the batfam all have their own little injury clean-up squads it’s so girlboss of them
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This one is titled 'State of the World', and it fills my square for 'forced to beg'. You can find it on ao3 HERE or read it below. Cheers!
Jason knows it’s bad the moment he steps into the safehouse and an arrow thuds into the door frame right next to his head.
“Lotta nerve, Jaybird,” says a voice, deep and full of anger, from the shadows across the room.
For how vague the sentence is, it sure says a lot.  Jason can hear it all in just those three words: he’s got a lot of nerve to come here—to take up the mantle of a peacekeeper—to accept bounties on their friends and family—to exist.  The acid and pain laced through every implication is enough to curb the way Jason's body instinctively tries to untense at the sound of that voice.
It’s a good thing he doesn’t.  He’s pretty sure the rigid way he’s holding his side is the only thing stopping him from bleeding out.  Also a good thing because he’s pretty sure the next shot is going through his eye.  One wrong move and he’ll be deader than he was the first time around. 
The only reason he’s here at all, honestly, is because he’s already well on his way back to that grave. 
He licks his lips behind his mask.  Then, standing as still as he can, he slowly raises the hand that isn’t pressed against the wound in his side so that Roy can see it.  There’s no weapon, no threat—nothing but the slow trickle of blood down his side, between his fingers.
Roy studies him for a long moment, eyes sharp gleams in the darkness, before he lowers the bow.  He doesn’t set it down or unnock the arrow, but the slant of his shoulders is more ‘annoyed’ than ‘ready to take an eye out’ now.  He steps out into the dim light coming from down the hall—putting himself between Jason and the bedrooms of the little apartment, Jason notes.
“Whatever you’re here about, I’m sure it can be best dealt with elsewhere,” Roy says, his lips turned down in a frown.  “In fact, I think you should go.”
“Roy—“ Jason tries, his voice coming out in a rasp as his throat squeezes closed.  He doesn’t know why the simple fact that Roy doesn’t want to see him, traitor to the cause, feels like such a stab in the chest.
The next words are somehow worse.  “Jason.  I know you like to test boundaries and piss people off, but showing up on my doorstep is a bit much, even for you.  You don’t belong here.”
Right.  Because he was a fool for ever thinking he could belong with the Outlaws.  Jason bites the inside of his cheek, digging in even as a wave of light-headedness washes over him.  Doesn’t matter.  Can’t dwell on it.  He made his choice, and he has to live with it.  Or die with it, as the case may be.  Because he’s well aware that he won’t make it to his next safest option if he leaves now.  The likelihood that they’d even let him get within fifty feet without taking his head clean off is… well, it’s low.  Jason chose Roy for a reason, even though he knew it was a long shot. 
He didn’t think it would hurt quite so much, though.  And he doesn’t mean the mass of tangled metal and garrote wire wedged in his side.
Speaking of.  He breathes in, trying to keep his lungs from hitching.  The blood loss is really starting to get to him, cold sweat breaking out across his skin.  Roy is still staring at him—cold, wary, ready to protect whoever is in the bedrooms at his back if Jason makes a single wrong move.
It feels so wrong.  Jason knows what he’s done, the sins he’s committed, but he wasn’t ready to feel like this.
Roy isn’t giving an inch, no scrap of sympathy for the peacekeeper in his home.  “I think I said to leave,” he says, and shifts his bow again, a pointed movement. 
Jason can’t breathe.  He’s trying, but it just feels like his lungs are curling into themselves, shriveling up inside of him.  He has to press his free hand to the door frame to stop himself from crashing to the floor, though he’s not sure how long that will keep him up.  When Roy still doesn’t move, he manages to squeeze a bit of air into his lungs and say, “Please.  Roy, please.  At least hear me out, I’m begging you.”
A long moment, stretched like the energy of a dying star being sucked into a black hole, longer and longer and longer.  Then, finally, Roy huffs, setting his bow aside.  “…Fine,” he says.
Jason nods.  Then, instead of talking, he slowly raises the bloody hand from his side to reveal the projectile lodged deep in his flesh.
“Shit,” Roy says, with feeling, just as Jason’s knees start to give.
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chainsawcorazon · 7 months
came across my rhato liveblogs and got flashbacks to all that terrible writing and the fact that i paid for those books at the time bc i wanted to support the creators despite being dirt poor, only to be so terribly disappointed that i quit reading dc for nearly ten years
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quiet-faun · 13 years
Roy is not allowed to live.
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striveattemptfail · 1 year
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rhato (2011) #0 vs batman (1940) #427 vs wfa #96
just comparing some mother-son hugs whenever jason's involved 😭😭😭
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wfa #96
if i had the energy i would 100% recolour this as catherine and jason (ಥ‿ಥ)
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striveattemptfail · 1 year
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rho #51 vs #13
if talia says "you've gained the mark" in reference to the tattoo covering jason's right shoulder/bicep, imma be real sad bc i thought it was him and roy having matching tats together 😢😢😢
no, jason's tattoo doesn't really match any of roy's upon further inspection, but i thought it could just be bc they wanted different designs while still getting tats together
if the tattoo is only bc the lazarus pit left a "mark" on jason:
1) interesting take, bc idt i've seen a version of the pit that's ever done that, and i hope talia's words aren't just a throwaway line if that's the case
but mostly 2) rip my jayroy matching tattoo buds headcanon 😔😔
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striveattemptfail · 2 years
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an absolute unit of a man
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striveattemptfail · 2 years
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i am so in love with the fact that artemis is taller than jason and that he has to look up at her
the correct size difference tbh
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striveattemptfail · 2 years
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literally going "this is your turf, so this is your problem, peace out ✌️"
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striveattemptfail · 2 years
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jason my dude you're turning into tim here (derogatory) oh my god PLEASE rest
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2) did artemis carry him to bed? did she carry him bridal style? 😏🥺
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*struck to the heart 💘💘💘*
oh my god i wanna tuck him in with the fluffiest blankies and kiss his face and give him a teddy bear to nap with h e l p he's so precious look at that little smile ahhhhhhhhh
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striveattemptfail · 2 years
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tbh all this tells me is that jason is in fact a lil kitty cat 😌😌
yaya i know the imagery is just that the red hood is like a feline stalking its prey before going in for the kill etc etc
but tbh all i wanna do now is draw cat ears on red hood's helmet LMAO
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striveattemptfail · 2 years
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i actually don't like their character/relationship dynamic in this webtoon at all but who tf cares
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striveattemptfail · 2 years
rho #18:
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rho #26:
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striveattemptfail · 2 years
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striveattemptfail · 2 years
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a boy!!
and i just realized he's covering up w the wound with artemis' cape, which i guess means It's Srs Bsns Now since she left it behind
but fr jason here is just the embodiment of
🧣\(。-_-。) kick his ass, bby. i got yo flower cape.
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