fynnthebanished · 5 years
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(ooc: Clears throat Hum hi! I did a thing..
Let me tell you a story. It’s the story of Steel, the little doodler artist who wanted to draw one of TT’s instagram pic in the water. And Steel saw that particular picture and was like “omg this picture is so beautiful, so sweet and you can really feel the love between them”. And Steel decided to draw it. 
Steel worked hard on it, and after nearly 2h of work, one of her friends saw the drawing and said “Oh, TT and meg! It’s beautiful! They’re not together anymore btw”. That’s when Steel started to cry because it was like 2 weeks after they broke up and Steel HAD NOT HEARD ABOUT IT. But Steel had already worked 2h on the drawing and she couldn’t let it unfinished. So Steel finished it. And waited a month and a half before posting it cuz she was scared it would be really awkward.
So here it is. It took me nearly 5h to draw it.
If you want to see the time lapse it’s here.
@asktheboywholived, @lizziebennetnotinjapan, I’m so sorry about it please don’t hate me)
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asktheboywholived · 6 years
hey Pappy what dat mouth do?
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azkabqn · 6 years
"It's okay" Myrtle cooed, "We're alone you can talk to me." She floated down to sit next to the pale boy slumped against the cold white tiles. His late night visits to the first floor bathroom had increased over the last month, as did his desire to disappear. His tears fell and Draco had no fight left in him to regain his composure. They were very much alone but he'd rather be struck with a hex than to talk to Moaning Myrtle, though she may be the only soul in Hogwarts who wanted to do so. Talking only made his situation more unbearably real. Myrtles hand reached out to touch Dracos knee, the phantom gesture running a sharp shiver down his spine. The pain bringing him back to his thoughts. He had no choice, like a puppet on strings he would follow his orders, the consequences too great to risk. Dracos blurred vision spilled into the memory he desperately tried to forget.  
Stepping through to the dining room which had once framed Dracos favorite view of the lush green garden beyond the manor, was now drowned out with dark heavy floor curtains. Cracks of light spilled down the sides illuminating the dust in the air. A dozen cloaked masses now sat at his once welocming dining table. His breath caught in the back of his throat as he inhaled before pacing to the empty seat at the table. His mother's hand gripped his knee as he sat and glanced down at the figures now removing their masks. Keeping his gaze low, Draco turned to the head of the table. 
"Young Master Malfoy," the chilled voice prickled at the skin of his neck, "I am sure I need not explain the dire importance of our current situation. Your eavesdropping from behind closed doors should have filled you in quite nicely." Tensing every muscle Draco begged his body to remain still, the grip on his leg tightened keeping him grounded. Locking his focus on the small cracks of the table the figure to his left seemed to almost lounge in his chair, though his eyes searched every inch of his face hungry for attention.
"You shall kill Him Draco," Voldemort's voice hung in the air, a few murmurs came from the lower end of the table but were quickly silenced by a sickening laugh that pierced the room. With the flick of a wrist Draco's gaze was snapped straight in The Dark Lords direction; a smile cracked across the ghastly face in front of him, "and should the Malfoys yet again fail, I won't be so forgiving." The smile widened a fraction as Dracos nerves faltered. "I place their lives into your hands Draco." Silence fell and time slowed to an agonizing pace.
Across from him, Draco saw the moment panic strike his fathers face. Lucius' tired eyes flashed wide and his mother's vice grip dug deep into his leg. It felt like hours that he had been sat there, those words ringing in his head like a thumping headache. The weight of the situation drenched Draco in a cold sweat. Blood surged through his ears and his nails dug deep red patterns into his palms. His mind begged him to run, run and keep running til his lungs gave out. But his body felt like a weight it could not lift. Rooted in the chair his heart pounded, Voldemort's words constricting in his chest. How was he supposed to plot such an impossible task? To kill a man, no. To kill Dumbledore.
His vision blurred and his eyes stung, the memory faded into his silent tears. Myrtle now peered over the top of his knees with a look of pity he always despised. Pushing himself up off the bathroom floor he leaned over the sink and swallowed the wave of nausea, scowling at the disheveled mess that reflected back at him. Myrtle sulked about being ignored and swooped into a near by cubicle as he quickly regained his composure. Swiping the remaining tears away and running a hand through his limp hair, with what little energy he had Draco did his best to fix his appearance. Once he deemed himself adequate enough he swung the bathroom door open and silently made his way along the dimly lit corridors back to the common room.
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I really liked how the Emma Watson portrait turned out so I made another one. @asktheboywholived @lizziebennetnotinjapan
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luna3141 · 7 years
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Drawing of @lizziebennetnotinjapan taken from the angstiest fucking HP thread to grace the internet. Go read it if you too love pain [HERE].
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moony-luna · 5 years
Who are your tumblr crushes?
Oh my lord I have so many… if you are (or are not) on this list please say hi to me! I crave friendship and want more rp-ing friends!!!
FIRST OFF: I HAVE A MAJOR CRUSH ON @arabella-prongs. I apologize for nothing. And Arbs, if you see this? You kill me softly dear, keep doing what your doing (or don’t, as I’m not sure if my heart can take any more). 
@megathy-two, @claud-illich, @meganhufflepuffrp, @thismayflower, @departmentofroleplays and @2yeetor2yoot tolerate my dumb questions and requests for cat gifs/collabs, so I’ve got major platonic-crushes on them.
@actinganimagus and @jenlizrose are ridiculously nice to me on snapchat, and I love the heck out of them so they’re on the list (love y’all!).
@kapitan5o and @space-marauder are crazy talented and both so freakin attractive (have I messaged them to confess my undying love? no. I’m a coward.)
@asktheboywholived and @sirussly, for obvious reasons. The Snowball Effect was the first rp thread I ever saw, and I fell in love immediately. Whether or not that is a good thing is yet to be seen–– I now have even less of a social life, but I do have an absurd number of wigs and gifs my relatives can blackmail me with. 
Everybody else I’ll list here, as I am sick and sleepy but still want to express my love for my pals/folks I want to contact but am too scared of rejection to do so haha please love me ppl:
@siriusly-not-over-remus  @siriussly-serious @pighmypuff @metamorph-magus @theonewholivedahundredlives @lizziebennetnotinjapan @egdramaqueen @the-ginger-magician @askmissevans @askwhathasthiscometo @askmischiefmanaged @asktheblacksheep @gryffindorkus @smolbeanbella @askpadfootsiriusblack @siriusfirstchocolatesecond @scamandergenes @astroboletos @paradoxes-and-plotholes @scarheads-malfoy @azkabqn @jencala @captofthesswolfstar @horcruxhoarder @hprpposts @masksofmickey @gryffindor-blood @askwizardsandwitches @asksiriuslycharming @askanotherweasley @i-am-a-were-remus @askdoratonks @girlswillbeboys11 @culbleu @elvendork-evans @michael-the-angelo @ravenheartedgirl @theelderswear @askjamessirius @asklilyluna @gayslytherinbitch @allthefawkesigive @idkmaybenotthatcool @geethanksinternet @dontthinkonithermione @askdeanthomass @askdeantheslytherpuff @muggle-on-main @strolling-in-the-moonlight @seriouslyprongs @sunshineandrainyflowers @lupinbitten @siriuslymooningformoony @desicosplay @sleepyandwitchy @pans-parkinson @acb-cafe @bookworm3741 @sneakysneakyslytherin @pleb-petal-potter @waninglupin @mk-the-niffler @marvelousmisterscamander @lord-lunatic @chaser-not-a-seeker @mymischiefisnevermanaged @ami-acts @thediariesofastoriagreengrass @devilwearsmadammalkins @tired-lupin @alwithcolorfulhair @askslytherin-dorcas @youngwolfchaos @slytherinsiriusblack @marvellouspotter @siriusblacktothefuture @vanilla-overdose @lilysandhooks @whatupitswendy @ravenclawits @asklilyevanss @talesofafoolishboy @thatcutewerewolf @mis-98 @headgirl-lilyevans @siriuslygifted @stuff-of-pi @dorathemetamorphmagus @bats-are-sinistros  @quite-operational @klassikally @asktonks @cosplayerintraining @steelchildrocks @itskitsworld @looktothewolfstars @moonyandfriends @hermioneonthereg @unafraidoftoil @didyaputyanameinda-gobletoffiya @potterdeer @m4r4ud3r @timeforsomehprp @thegirliththechanginghair @shapeshiftrr @maraudersandlily20 @rpforhufflepuff @parchment-and-constellations @transaurus @siriusorioff @honeysuze @d0mremus @marauders-andco @the-moon-and-stars-my-love @whataboutpadfoot @azkadammit @almosttheboywholived @ask-theirlsirius @olivandersdaughter
I can’t write anymore. My poor fingers are crying. If any of y’all on the list want a new annoying pal to rant to or about Harry Potter, pretty please message me! And if I forgot anyone– I LOVE YOU! YOU ARE MAGICAL! I AM SO SORRY FORGIVE ME!
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My year in selfies
((OOC: So I know that a lot of these aren't actual selfies but I just also wanted to mention all the cute people I have been able to hug irl this year.
I went skiing in a crop top, roadtripping through the US and met nerds in the UK this winter.💕
I am now broke.
I was tagged by @metamorph-magus and @actinganimagus
And I'm tagging everyone in this post even tho they already did the thing @asklilyluna @callmegoddaddy @dorathemetamorphmagus @sirussly @asktheboywholived @lizziebennetnotinjapan and @acciocauldroncakes and @scamandergenes))
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starnsun · 5 years
Which 5 books would someone need to put in a pentagram to summon me?
Thank you @moonllotus for tagging me.
This to me is more on the lines of “which books have shaken the very basis of my reality”.
Here are my top 5 go-to books.
1. The Palace of Illusions by Chitra Banerjee Divakaruni
2. The Mahabharata and Bhagwat Geeta (Hindu epics)
3. One Hundred Names by Cecelia Ahern
4. Perfect by Cecelia Ahern
5. Girl on the Train by Erin Cressida Wilson
I feel like I could have given a much longer list if I'd been asked about fanfictions (it seems to be the only literature I've been consuming for months 😅)
It was fun though, to be reminded of stories that once had been engraved in me.
I am tagging @astoundinglymade and @lizziebennetnotinjapan
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girlswillbeboys11 · 6 years
Two Types of People
James: @egdramaqueen Dorcas: @lizziebennetnotinjapan Remus: @siriusfirstchocolatesecond​ Marlene: @sirussly Peter: @geethanksinternet Sirius: @asktheblacksheep
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Who would you cast in your marauders film and why?
DAMNIT. I saw this question making the rounds and was hoping it wouldn’t find its way to me lol xD Here we go!
Remus - @asktheboywholived
I’ve started and erased an explanation so many times, that it should show you how good TT’s Remus is because I am literally too overwhelmed by how good it is to tell you why it’s good.
Sirius - @siriussly-serious
Jay is the KING of Sirius okay?! He does such an amazing job at portraying him! He does a great balance of everything that makes a good Sirius: the sex appeal, the wit, the mischievous prankster, the teenager, the darkness. INCREDIBLE OKAY.
James - @actinganimagus
Okay Ash is literally the perfect James though? Fight me? Acting and look completely on point. I have nothing else to say.
Peter - @geethanksinternet
Kaye was the first person to ever make me actually like Peter?? Her Peter is so sweet and wonderful and I love himmm.
Lily - @askmissevans
Joanna is one of my absolute favourite Lilys!!! She brings this innate kindness to the character, but also doesn’t forget her wit and her badassery. It’s amazing.
Marlene - @sirussly
Jess SLAYS Marlene. From the look to the acting, her Marlene is absolutely perfect and matches up exactly what my head canon of her is!
Dorcas - @lizziebennetnotinjapan
Meg is SUCH a cute Dorcas, I love! Matches up really well with my head canon. Also Jess and Meg together as Dorlene? UMMM YES.
Mary - @arabella-prongs
I never even thought much about this character until The Snowball Effect, but absolutely fell in LOVE with the character by the way Arbs plays her, so wonderful!!
Snape - @severus-snickerdoodle
Tanner does a FANTASTIC Snape! It makes me feel things for a character I’d never thought I’d feel about. There’s this spectacular vulnerability to their Snape that I really love.
Regulus - @masksofmickey
Mickey is my FAVOURITE Regulus!! Matches up super well with my head canon and both the look and the acting are so entirely on POINT I cannot EVEN.
And uhhhHHH I know there’s more characters I’m missing, but these are the only ones I could really decide on soooo. There ya go :D
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stitchedsunflowers · 6 years
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Doing my best to make my fav lesbians proud--- Marlene and Dorcas 😘
@sirussly @lizziebennetnotinjapan @askwhathasthiscometo
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miharusonoda · 6 years
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So~ there you have another drawing^^ I warned you, I wasn’t finished with drawing fanart :3 @asktheboywholived And now I go cry in the corner, because of kimi no na wa (Thanks @lizziebennetnotinjapan ;D) It’s a really beautiful movie! You should watch it~ <3
Wish me luck for tomorrow (it’s time for my Sanskrit exam)^^
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askanotherweasley · 6 years
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(Ooc: okay so, I tried to do a nice picture of @sirussly @lizziebennetnotinjapan and @asktheboywholived...no other facial expression would suffice for TT, but I think it’s pretty accurate)
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purplechimera8 · 6 years
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I an finally taking the plunge & am going to read Pride and Prejudice, after dancing around it for most of my career. I blame @asktheboywholived and @lizziebennetnotinjapan for being entirely too cute
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@lizziebennetnotinjapan x @asktheboywholived aka gay goals
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I was tagged by, @yessweetpeaches Thank you so much! Well, here we go!
Rules: Answer the twenty questions and then tag twenty people you want to get to know better.
Name: Tessa
Zodiac sign: Gemini
Height: 5'6
Languages spoken: Completely fluently... just English, I do know enough French to get by, and am currently learning Spanish and in the future I want to also learn ASL.
Nationality: American
Favorite fruit(s): I love strawberries, kiwi's, grapes, and bananas (<--If they are in a pie!)
Favorite scent: Burning firewood, no contest. (Though rain comes in at a close 2nd.)
Favorite color: It changes quite often, but I seem to favor purples, blues, and reds.
Favorite animal: Realistic: Horses and cats are completely even with each other as my favorite. (But I do of course have a soft spot for dogs I'm not specist 😝). Fantasy: Dragon! 🐉
Coffee, tea, or hot chocolate: Most often coffee, but there are days where I really need a good cuppa.
Favorite fictional characters: ( Be prepared for so much Harry Potter)
• Sirius Black
• Hermione Granger
• Hagrid
• Fred and George ( It's wrong to put them on separate bullet points)
• Luna Lovegood
• Molly Weasley
• Harry, yeah, duh
• Draco Malfoy (More my headcanon versions of these two-^ -v than actual canon.)
• Lucius Malfoy
• Remus Lupin
• James and Lily Potter
• Aragorn, Son of Arathorn (Strider)
• Frodo
• Sam
• Gandalf
• Treebeard
• Abe Sapien
• Hellboy
• ( ...Pretty much all the characters invented by Guillermo del Toro now that I think about it)
• Quasimodo, from Disney's Hunchback of Notre- Dame, (not to be confused with the hunchback of the book of the same name, he's scary as f**k)
• Esmerelda -^
• Belle and Beast from Beauty and the Beast ( I'm never gonna call him Adam)
There's hundreds more guys, so I'm gonna stop here.
Dream trip: To tour all over the UK, maybe even find a place to live there. Highlights would be, England, France, Ireland, and Scotland. Oh! Italy too!
When blog was created: Oh geez, it hasn't really been that long. A month or two ago? Maybe three?
Last movie seen: A cute little romcom on Netflix called Set It Up, unless you mean in a theater, that would be The Incredibles 2. :)
Four songs on repeat: (Recently:) Good old days by Macklemore, featuring Kesha, and New rules by Dua Lipa, (Always:) Hallelujah by Jeff Buckley, and Yesterday by The Beatles.
Favorite candy: Jolly Ranchers
Favorite holiday: Halloween, but I'm growing more and more fond of Christmas as the years go on.
I tag: @thediariesofastoriagreengrass @muffledwordsleftunspoken @slytherinstation @pickacharacteranycharacter @askmischiefmanaged @asktheboywhohadnochoice @askmissevans @askmoonyloonylupin @asktheboywholived @lizziebennetnotinjapan @sirussly @littlebeatlemaniac123 @asktonks @actinganimagus @moomsyy @annjonesbooks @poljupci @foxy-filly @jellyfishnshakespeare @cyrusorion
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