#lmao tell me to my face bitch. haha they were not expecting that
opens-up-4-nobody · 2 years
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fandomfluffandfuck · 4 months
Me when I get the most FOUL stucky thoughts in the middle of my math final:
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S, I can’t BREATHE right now. I’m just picturing a shrunkyclunks situation where it’s the twinkiest James Barnes imaginable and big, fresh out of the ice (any sensitive as hell) Steve Rogers. Built like a brick house, and you look at him and think “Yeah, that guy is Daddy.” But then, one night, the two show up at the tower and throw everything out of the window. 
(listen. I’ve tried so many ways to explain why Steve and Bucky would show up at the Tower in kink mode, but I can’t seem to care. Just accept it.) 
Everyone is there showin’ off their subs, and of course everyone expects Steve to either show up and get red faced and flustered, or not show up at all. 
“They didn’t have this shit in his day, Nat. He’s gonna fucking explode.” 
“Shut up, Stark.”
What they are not expecting, however, is for the elevator doors to open to find Bucky in a nice black suit, holding a leash that’s attached to a collar on Steve’s throat. Steve, in an exquisite contrast to Bucky, is dressed in simply a lacy red, white, and blue lingerie set that pushes up his chest in a downright filthy way. Jaws are on the floor already, and they only drop lower when Bucky sits down on the couch, manspreading so that Steve can kneel between his thighs. Without looking at any of them, Bucky grips Steve’s chin and tilts it up to face him. A smirk grows on his face and a feminine, desperate whine slips from Steve’s swollen, kiss-bitten lips. 
“Can you tell your friends why we were late, puppy?” Bucky asks, his voice calm and collected, as if this isn’t the most erotic sight many of them have ever seen. Steve moans, shoving his face into Bucky’s thigh.
“B-because Daddy had to open me up…” He whimpers, and Tony actually has to sit down. A powerful smile crosses Bucky’s lips. 
“Good boy. What else?”
Steve whines, looking up at Bucky, his eyes heavy lidded and hazy. “Because I got too excited and Daddy had to fuck me so I wouldn’t be bad.” 
“Allfathers give me strength…” Thor curses under his breath, his pants significantly tighter than when the night started. Neither Steve nor Bucky paid him any mind, too wrapped up in each other to give a shit about what anyone else was doing. 
“That’s right, puppy. Can you tell everyone how it felt, knowing you’d be late because you’re so obsessed with Daddy?” Bucky’s tone, so light and calm, sends Steve flying. Steve nuzzles the now veryclear outline in Bucky’s pants, pressing sloppy, wet kisses to the fabric. He moans, squirming where he’s kneeling. 
“Oh, please! Daddy, felt so good. Wanna- ngh- Wanna be good. Daddy’s good puppy.” Steve begs, and Bucky pulls harshly on the leash, leaning down and forcing Steve to look at him. If you looked closely, you could even see the tears wetting his eyes. 
“Quiet.” He says harshly, before kissing Steve like he’s water in a desert. “What do you say? You were late, pup.”
Steve keens and turns to face his friends, blush high and bright on his face, painted down on his shoulders and chest. The blush makes it easier to see the bite marks on his pecs. 
“S-Sorry I was late.” He stutters, and immediately looks at Bucky for his approval. 
“I think I’m gonna pass out.” Banner says, draining his glass of wine in one gulp. 
Lmao, me. My mind is always in the gutter (can you tell? it's not like my entire blog is full of porn, nooo) but especially when I'm supposed to not be thinking about filthy shit. I love that for us, lol.
And I. Love. This.
I will always, always fuck with fresh-faced, big, built Steve Rogers that squirms like a little bitch [affectionate].
Hot damn.
(Fair, haha, maybe this is a BDSM AU? Where, it's just, like, totally normal for kink to be out in public these days? Maybe it was more restrained in the 30s but still certainly around?But who are we kidding, we don't need a reason. This is pure fantasy, haha)
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This has a chokehold on me. I am LIVING for the exhibitionism.
"Jaws are on the floor already, and they only drop lower when Bucky sits down on the couch, manspreading so that Steve can kneel between his thighs."
Yeahhh 😮‍💨😮‍💨
"'Can you tell your friends why we were late, puppy?'"
yes yes yes
I love Steve flipping all expectations and impressing them all. It's just so 🤌🏻good🤌🏻 There's something about it that never gets old. (It's the exhibitionist in me, that's what 💀💀) Just the idea of Steve being filthy and unashamed but still so blushy hits.
Thank you so fucking much for this. I fuck with this hard.
I've been doing a lot of fic rec'ing lately but this feels spiritually connected to "the audacity" by the mcwho. It's bottom Bucky that leads Steve around by the dick, and it's actually crack-smut, but it is everything. It's similar in the flipping of expectations with the Avengers assuming Steve is a boring fuck because he's from the 30s 👀
Thanks again 😘
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forjongseong · 2 years
Jay mopping the floor, using the mop handle like a microphone stand.
we already KNOW thats him irl dhsjakdhajk
“Let me love you,” he sang, dipping you and kissing your collarbones. “Good morning, my queen.”
me giggling all ugly and shit MORNING JAY
He’s really a malewife at this point, you thought.
MALEWIFE DHSJAKDHAJK teach me how to make mine one too
“I checked last night and I think you’re running out of pads, but I forgot which one you use,” Jay explained, stepping closer to the shelf of pads. “Is it this one?” He asked, pointing to a pink packaging.
“Because being a woman is fucking expensive, love,” you chuckled as you replied to him.
DUDE this is so true. pads are fucking expensive. i said the exact thing to my man too when we had to run to the store to buy me some dhajskdhjakdhak he was so shocked at the price ):
You laughed at his reaction and gave him a pat on his shoulder. “You’re a good man, Hwi. If you’re dating someone, let me know. I need to make sure she’s not taking advantage of my assistant.”
“Jay,” you whispered, “I don’t think I have the energy to do anything.”
“You mean like… somnophilia?” Jay asked.
Jay closed his eyes and bit his lips, almost as if he was imagining it happening. “Please don’t judge me, but that actually sounds hot.”
“Because you should give people the stuff that you like,” you answered, remembering that it was a lesson your parents taught you when you were young. “I’ll finish the gingerbread latte.”
“It’s okay, baby, I’ll drink that one.”
THE WAY WE TALKED ABOUT THIS SCENE WHEN U WENT AND GRABBED BOTH DRINKS TOO omfg nana now seeing jay in display im crying bye
“Oh, it feels nice to be called appa by a daughter,” he said, placing a hand over his chest sentimentally. Jay rolled his eyes and just dragged his father to the front door.
“Sweetheart.” Jay’s mother turned to face you, wiping her hands on her apron before she put her hand under your chin to tilt your face up. “You’re not letting anybody down as long as you love him. And believe me, he adores you.”
from experience, FELT. you never wanna disappoint anyone and try so hard to learn to do something for the one you love. and sometimes, you feel like you have no one to turn to or tell to even though you should be able to tell that certain someone. fhjaskdhjak sorry for blabbering T_T like myself for example, i was really afraid to be a part of my bf's family when he proposed. i was scared that i wasnt going to live up to anyone's expectations. but his mother really helped me because i didnt have my mom to teach me while growing up and i didnt know how to do anything. so im very thankful for all of this hdjaskdhjak OKAY ENOUGH ABOUT ME
“I’ve noticed that you’ve been slapping my ass quite often,” you commented, taking a cotton pad and drenching it with micellar water. “Do you like it that much?”
“Can’t really blame me. You’ve got a cute ass,” Jay shrugged, reaching for the remote.
At the same time, Jay spotted you from a distance, and he sent you another text as he smiled, keeping his eyes on you.
“Guys,” she said, flipping her hair back to look at the rest of the group. “Jay’s auntie is here to pick him up.”
Jay moved to shield you from their stares and gave you a warm smile. “I’ve talked with them enough. I’d rather keep you company now. Two minutes, okay? Don’t go anywhere.”
“Baby?” Jay sat up, watching as you made your way to the kitchen.
BABY T_T im sitting back down
He moved closer to you and took your hand, bringing it up to his lips for him to kiss.
“For the first part, you can say my parents raised me well,” Jay explained. He put his finger under your chin and tilted your head up. “And for the second part, I just watched a lot of porn and romance movies, to be honest.”
“I read a lot of smut,” you said, matter-of-factly.
“I’m gonna go shower, and if you’re still working by the time I’m done, I’m gonna get mad,” Jay said. He leaned in to kiss the top of your head before disappearing. You just smiled and continued to work.
ouuuuu so scary~
“Your hands can continue to be occupied,” Jay said, his hot breath tickling your thighs. “Please stroke my hair.”
BRUHHHHHHH omfg ofc jay anything for you!
“That’s sexy,” Jay commented. You just raised your eyebrows and nodded. “You’re sexy.”
“But wear the kimono again,” he requested. “It’s a great color on you.”
“You made me wait for sex for two days?!” Jay spat.
The actual late-night snack can wait.
glad some parts are relatable! sometimes when I write I worry if the scene is too perfect or too good to be true but then comments like yours remind me that LIFE IS LIKE THAT sometimes
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HAHAHA guys im LIVINGGGGG I got my alpha dream lmaoooo
I honestly am dying like what a funny life to live. I-, as you all know i got drunk and followed alpha last night. Put his government on the TL like an idiot.
Earlier today he accepted me and followed me back and it....was overall underwhelming. Which duh it should be, I DONT HAVE ANY FEELINGS FOR ALPHA. Like not even sexual at this point idk...like its not there. But the biggest thing is that, fucking mk, lenina crowne herself was all over the page. I was like fuck, the reason this was supposed to be fun and silly was that i thought he was single. Like i had no idea they were STILL together are you kidding me?
And yea here I am scrolling through pics of them being hot and intensely making out and being the barbie and ken we all remember them to be. And nothing. No emotion, no stomach drops. Happy 4 them! Hope they are great lmao. Its so crazy how a pic of them on my timeline 5 years ago today would make me sob. But i was like, im cured yall
From september 4, 2018 to today. I finally did it, not you not ever. I mean talk about detaching.
Anyways, it was whatever, now we follow eachother. We'll see if he unfollows after he jerks off like last time. But i take a midday nap, and i get my FUCKING alpha dream bitches. Uni said ask and u shall recieveeeeeeee hahaha im so weak.
It was a classic chip party. All of florida was there, extended family, lots of dogs. In my dreams lately ive been like "late" to get ready. Like people are arriving and im like omg, i need to change into my outfit, my hairs a mess, give me 15mins. So that was sort of happening here. Guests were arriving and I was trying to run upstairs before people saw me. And.....apparently i invited alpha?? for line fun?? but i didnt think he would come and also no other of my friends or like people my age or from highschool showed up. Like it was supposed to be like a throw away invite for the drama and ehhh if he shows up he can talk to other people he knows. But i NEVER expected him to show up and i DIDNT think no one else would be there??
But it wasnt awkward that....more of my friends werent there. Like it wasnt like "ha ha ur a loser" embarrassing. Alpha was chillin, the big deal was that we hadnt seen eachother in forever, and now he was in my house and he was just making me nervous like i didnt wanna talk to him.
So , lots was going on. Also he brought lenina? So again, wasnt super weird but i just all in all didnt feel like talking to Alpha and lenina haha sue me. But whatever, suddenly i start seeing him make eye contact with me and rounding corners like looking at me, and no lenina. So im like....okay idk where the gf is but he's obviously trying to....give looks, as me 5 yrs ago would say. And i was like okay well, i am the only one here who is his age and not my family i should probably talk to him since i invited him.
So i was in the pantry in the chip kitchen and he just comes to the side of the table and just sits down legs spread, facing me not saying anything. Black tshirt.....most likely grey sweats. Which isnt a coincidence that hyfr was wearing that too but i'll get to that.
So i was like, ugh i have to bite the bullet and talk to him, and i still wasnt dressed. But he was sitting right next to me on purpose, so im like in the pantry, and i look over like "hey alpha, w-whats whats up?" like STUTTERING i literally hated myself for being nervous but he was making me nervous lmao. Like ahh stop.
I was like "how have you been??" like genuinely acknowledging that i havent seen him in forever and i have no idea what he's been up to. And he was being very alpha and coy and sly smiled, but then he opened his mouth lmaooo.
Tell me how this man says, "honestly i've just been pretty stoned a lot"
UHHMMM WHAT. Tell me whats weirder, hyfr trying to convince me via dream that he's into big brother or alpha via dream trying to convince me he's a STONER. Like the walking tight assed ken doll. Mr, "thats pretty bad" smoking weed aLL tHe TiMe like bull shit, Liam you keep slipping up that its just actually you.
Its so funny to me, that Liam is impersonating all of my exes via dream and doesnt actually know anything about them....so he's filling the blanks, but in doing so he exposes himself. Cause MAYBE i can believe that hyfr is like?? into bb? but no one is gonna convince me that alpha is some heavy stoner. Also the black tee and grey sweats is the last thing i saw Liam in so its absolutely not a coincidence.
Anyway, rightfully so i'm like "wait reallllyyyyyyyyy" like kinda turned on haha i was so shocked but i was like okayyy alpha the stoner like lets go smoke babe thats hot. And i was so shocked so i started asking like "did you smoke in high school or did u start after highschool?" basically like tell me more. And he started trying to explain, and i dropped what i was doing in the pantry and gave him my full attention and we were sorta being flirty, but he kept trying t talk, but over in the den my dad and erikka were having this deep discussion and i was overhearing it, and they were talking about eating, and ed, and stuff that couldve easily been directed to me but i was like so confused like is erikka having eating issues? so i kept trying to eavesdrop and was getting distracted.
And then i would turn back to alpha and be like "im so sorry can you say that again, i was distracted by my sister" and he'd be like "yea so..." and start talking again. By the way he's sitting on a stool and im in front of him, but over and over i kept getting distracted about what erikka and dad were talking about. Like they were talking about how much she was eating in a day and what her appetite was like, and i mean obv that relates to me in someway so idk.
But....somehow, alpha also overheard and was like wait maybe i shouldnt be talking about how much weed i smoke/you smoke in front of your dad and your sister bc that plays into appetite and i gues he was trying to be sensitive but also in a silly way so he was like "nevermind, i should have never brought it up"
and i was like "no no no lmao you can keep going" and we were giggling. and he was just like "no, it seems like a touchy subject i wont-"
So then i was laughing, so i playfully touched his arm with my shoulder and it wasnt a big deal but i felt him flinch like- uhhh woops dont do that. Like he didnt say anything but i felt him flinch a little. And i was thinking in my head like.....is it bc he has a gf i didnt think that was that weird.
So then im like leaving upstairs to go get ready and im like "okay okay alpha we're continuing this conversation later, im serious, im gonna come find you in a few and we're talking about this" like being jokey and cute and he was like "uh huh okay lol"
And i ran upstairs to get ready.
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gaysimpsstuff · 4 years
Accidentally Injuring Their Partner PT. 2
Part One Here
Y’all- the last one is like, my most popular post. As I’m currently writing this, it’s literally almost at 1K notes so... yeah. This one needed a lot of thought and effort if it’s going to meet people’s expectations. 
Please read the note I added at the end of the fic
Genre: angst
Type: drabbleshot
Warnings: gore, mentions of hospitals, crying, cursing, toxic relationships, self blame, some real ‘who cares how I feel, how do you feel?’ kind of unhealthy vibes, hazbin hotel reference (found in Todoroki’s section), talking down on oneself,
Other: this was requested multiple times, but this bitch was planning it before it was requested haha I’m so cool no I’m not I still feel like shit lmao. 
Angst Taglist: @smolchildfangirl @combat-wombatus @mandalorian-baby-bird @waffleareniceandfluffy @catcherisvibin @thesubtlewhore
Tomura Shigaraki
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It was really all he could do to stare at you.
You’d moved from the theatre to an abandonment hospital, mostly to find any leftover supplies to help with your arm, or rather, lack thereof.
You’d only sort of expected this. Tomura lashing out at you, you getting hurt, you just didn’t expect it to result in you loosing a fucking arm.
Toga was helping to change your bandages, and Magne was speaking quietly with Twice, Spinner, and Compress.
Dabi was speaking with Shigaraki outside the room, and you couldn’t hear what they were saying. You were glad, you didn’t exactly want to hear his voice right now.
You didn’t think you were being that annoying, you thought you were just helping him. And you usually did. When he’d have his little tantrums, he’d get upset at you sure, but he’d never hurt you.
You knew you didn’t do anything differently than usual, maybe he was just more stressed than ordinary? Maybe you should’ve recognized that and altered yourself to fit accordingly.
Or maybe he’d just been horrible, and attacked you for no reason, and you had just been trying to help him.
You knew it was more likely the latter, but you couldn’t help but blame yourself. People don’t just try to kill their partners that they love so much
The door slid open, and Dabi stepped in. He glanced around the room, waving his hand to usher Magne, Spinner, Twice, and Compress out of the room. Today stood up, but you grabbed her hand.
Dabi pushed the door open a little wider, and your boyfriend stepped inside. For once, you were glad he had that horrible hand in his face, you knew that if he took it off you’d probably vomit.
“Call us in if you need anything.” Dabi offered uncharacteristically, sliding the door shut behind him.
Everything was quiet.
Not even the people in the hallway wanted to say anything.
He slowly walked towards you, pulling up a chair and sitting down.
You sat cross-legged on the creaky hospital bed, staring at him as Toga held your hand.
“Why are you here?” You asked quietly.
“I- I um. Why is she here?” Tomura ignored your question, pointing to Toga next to you.
“She’s here because she chopped off my arm after you dusted it. She’s here because she saved my life. Why are you here, Tomura?”
One of his hands lifted to his neck, scratching lightly.
“Shit- I didn’t want anyone else in here-“
“Why not? Don’t want anyone to see you loose yourself and hurt me more? Don’t want anyone here to save me?” You snapped.
“You- you know I didn’t mean it-“
“It doesn’t matter if you meant it or not, Shigaraki.” He flinched away when you spat out his last name like that. “I still got hurt. I lost a fucking arm because of you. How horrible are you that you have to cover up your own insecurities by trying to kill me? No really, I could have died.”
“I’m sorry!” He exclaimed, nails digging deeper into his neck. “I love you, okay? And I promised I’d protect you so-“
“So you broke your promise in the worst way possible.” You swung your legs over the side of the bed, squeezing Toga’s hand before letting go. You walked up to Shigaraki, lifting your hand and gripping his shoulder tightly.
“I’m going.” You whispered. “I can’t be around you. I still have family outside the League, friends that aren’t villains. I can build myself a semi-normal life. I’ll be happy without you.” You turned back to Toga, offering her a smile. “You can come over whenever you want, you’re my friend.” You headed towards the door.
You paused when you heard a soft noise, like a gargled scream. You turned around, seeing Shigaraki shaking.
“No, no please no- don’t go!” He spun around, grabbing your shoulders. You shoved him off you in an instant, curling into yourself
“GET OFF ME!” You screamed. But he was already launching himself at you again, you saw his palm flying towards your face. This time, it wasn’t an accident.
And you knew you wouldn’t make it out this time.
You were pulled back by a strong force, realizing Magne was holding you tight. Compress and Dabi were on either side of Shigaraki, holding him back, while Twice had ran to Toga.
“No! I’m sorry! I’m so sorry! Please don’t leave me!” He screamed, the hand fell loose on his face, tumbling down to the floor. You turned away, not wanting to see him.
You could only imagine his expression.
“Goodbye, Shigaraki.” You whispered, ducking out of Magne’s grip and rubbing off.
Touya Todoroki/ Dabi
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It had been a week since he’d seen you, a week since he’d felt your hands on his. A week since he’d heard your voice. A week since he’d seen your smile.
A week since he’d burned you.
Called you inferior.
Threatened to kill you.
Well there was certainly a reason why he hadn’t gone to see you since the incident.
He missed you.
He felt so guilty, knowing what he’d said and done to you, and he needed to see you.
Maybe he was just being selfish.
Maybe he knew he’d done something wrong.
Maybe he needed to call you.
He flipped his phone upside down, then right side up again on the counter of the bar.
Toga sat on a stool next to him, tapping her hands against the marble in boredom.
“So... what’s up with you?” She asked, cocking her head and glancing at him.
“Like I’m telling a brat like you.” He growled, flipping his phone over again.
“You’ve been off all week!” She exclaimed, leaning towards him. “Somethings happened to you.”
“If i tells you a little, will you shut up?”
“Mhm mhm!”
“Ughhhhh fine. I had a fight with someone close to me. I... I really hurt them. I know it. I haven’t spoken to them in a week.”
“So... Dabi has a soft spot?”
“That’s not the point of this. Also say that again and I’ll kill you.”
“Oookay then. You should just call them. Say something to them and apologize.” She offered with a shrug.
Dabi sighed, pressing his face into his hands.
“They don’t want to talk to me. Trust me on that.”
“Welp- that’s just my advice. Cent for my thoughts kind of thing except you didn’t pay me. You owe me a penny.”
Toga shrugged, hopping off the chair and leaving the room.
“Don’t owe you shit.” Dabi grumbled, glowering down at his phone again. He pulled up your contact, staring at the picture he’d set for you.
You had a bright smile, emoji hearts decorating your cheeks. It was from your first ‘date.’ When you’d hung out at your place after he broke in looking for shelter and food.
You’d taken care of him, let his spend the night, and even offered to let him stay whenever he needed to.
You were an Angel on earth.
And he’d burnt you.
Called you dirty.
And selfish.
You were anything but.
“Why the hell are you calling me?”
“Dabi. Why are you calling me? You hate me, don’t you?”
“I don’t hate you...”
“Jeez, coulda fooled me.”
“Don’t call me that.”
“I- I didn’t mean it.” He choked out. “Everything I said, I didn’t mean it. And I-“
“I really don’t care. The doctors said my arms would scar. I’m burnt and scarred like you. Are you happy? Is that what you wanted to achieve? Make me like you so that no one would want me? So that only you could have me?”
“No! I never wanted to hurt you, ba- Y/n please,”
“Please what? Please what, Dabi? What do you want from me? Huh? You want me to cradle you and say is all going to be okay? You want me to kiss your scars and tell you you’re beautiful? You want me to suck your dick and tell you I love you? After everything you’ve put me through?”
“It’s not just you burning me. You’ve left me for days without contact, and then showed up like nothing’s happened! You’ve hit me and then groveled and cried for my mercy! You’ve made me do so much shit for you in bed that I never wanted to do! Our entire relationship, I was scared you’d get sick of me and kill me!”
“You really thought that?”
“Well guess what motherfucker? You can’t come after me! I’ve told the police what happened. Everything between us. They’re helping me move across the country. You’ll never see me again. Happy?”
“No. No no I’m not happy why would I be happy? You made me happy, when I didn’t even know what the word meant, you don’t have to go through with this, please don’t go through with this!”
“Don’t flatter me. I never made you happy. Nothing could make you happy except watching the world burn. I don’t make you happy, Dabi-“
“Yes you do!”
“Just shut up. I’m going to hang up. If I’m being honest... I’ll miss you. You made me happy. But with so much anger and fear surrounding you, it’s hard to even remember the last time we were happy together.”
“I’m... I’m sorry.”
“I know.”
You were gone.
Shouto Todoroki
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If you thought Shouto was quiet before, you should see him now, wait, you were seeing him now, in class, eyes boring into your spine.
You still had a large bandage on your face, being hit in the face with plus added fire power is bound to leave a mark that lasts for over three days.
Did I mention it had been three days now?
It’s very hard to ignore Shouto, seeing as you were in the same class and lived in the same dorms. 
Plus everyone in class wanted to know what happened between the two of you, why Shouto seemed so down, why you had the bandage on your face, and if it was all connected.
You’d only told one person what had gone down between the two of you, and that was Bakugou.
Which maybe was a mistake, because he took to trying to fight Todoroki every time he saw him, and repeatedly told you that he ‘fuckin knew that icy-hot bastard was a good-for-nothing bag of of poorly packaged horse shit.’
You appreciated his comfort, but it hurt you every time he said something about Todoroki.
“I don’t get why you’re defending the scumbag. His hand hasn’t even healed off your face yet!” 
You and Bakugou were heading to the dorms after class, and he had gone on his usual tangent about how Todoroki did this, Todoroki did that, Todoroki was an asshole, etc etc.
“I mean... he’s technically still my boyfriend. And he’s been nothing but kind to me up until this point. He just... he was stressed, and I was being a bother. I’m sure the injury will fade at some point, then he’ll talk to me again and we can get back to normal.” you shrugged, rubbing at the back of your neck. “We’ll be fine.”
“You know what you are? A pushover.” Bakugou glared at you. 
“Wha- I am not! Where did you get that idea?” 
“Oh I don’t know, maybe from the fact that You forget to check in with how you feel and keep thinking only about that Half n Half bastard! ‘Oh, he must be so upset with himself!’ Fuck that! How do you feel?” 
You kept your eyes on the ground, speeding up. Bakugou grabbed your sleeve, tugging you backwards. His hands found your shoulders, thumbs rubbing soft circles. Your breath hitched, did Shouto ever do this for you? 
Not that you could remember.
“I feel... nervous.” you admitted. “I’m nervous that he meant what he said to me. That I’m nothing but a bother to him. I’m nervous that he’ll never come and talk to me, never apologize. I’m worried that if he does talk to me, he’ll think it was my fault. It wasn’t was it?”
You looked up at Bakugou warily, and squeaked when he tightened his grip on your shoulders.
“The fuck? Of course it’s not! Idiot.” he poked your forehead, and you couldn’t help but giggle a little. “Keep talking.”
“Um... I’m...” you took a deep breath. “I’m angry. I’m angry that he hasn’t talked to me. I’m angry about what he said. I’m angry that he even hit me to begin with. If we were training, of course it’d be different, but we weren’t training. And he hurt me. And now I’m doubting everything between us.”
Bakugou was silent, Cardinal eyes met yours. The tension was thick enough to cut with a knife, and for a moment, you feared Bakugou would try to blow your ass up for being a pathetic little weakling.
I mean... compared to people like Todoroki and Bakugou, you were right?
Bakugou took a step forward, pulling you into his arms. You held your breath, wondering if he was going to finally snap and kill you. 
But... it felt nice. 
You lifted your arms, wrapping them around his body and tugging him a little closer. You buried your face into his uniform shirt, body shaking a little as you cried.
You almost wanted to scream, but then the school would panic.
So you just cried, sobbing into his arms and letting him hold you. His embrace was war and comforting, nothing like you’d felt from your so-called boyfriend.
Maybe he was right, maybe you really shouldn’t try to think about him.
You did deserve better.
You sniffled, pulling off Bakugou with a soft smile.
“Thanks, Bakugou. I really needed that. And you’re right.”
“What was that second thing?”
“You’re right.”
“Hmmm?” Bakugou cupped a hand around his ear, feigning deafness.
“Oh my goodness- I said you’re right!”
“That’s it.” he patted you on the shoulder, proud smirk traced across his features. You chuckled. “Now you’re going to tell that to Mr. Daddy Issues and get the fuck over him.” 
“Alright, but you’re coming with me!” he nodded, keeping his hand on your shoulder as you returned to the dorms, heading to his dorm.
You paused just outside his door, knocking lightly. Bakugou was a few feet behind you, out of the way, but close enough to step in if something were to happen.
The door swung open slowly, revealing a bored-looking Todoroki. WHen his eyes landed on you, he jumped a little, taking a step back. His hand tightened around the doorknob, his other hand gripping his pants
“Y-Y/n-“ he stuttered, eyes flickering between you and Bakugou. “I-“
“We need to talk.”
“Listen I- I’m sorry!” He exclaimed.
“Todoroki, I don’t think you get it. ‘Sorry’ doesn’t cut it. You might have scarred me, so your one mistake might stay with me my whole life!”
“I know.” His head drooped, and his grip on his pants loosened. “I know. I’m- I’m just like him.”
“I promised I was nothing like him but here we fucking are!”
“Shoto what are you talking about?”
“I’m the worst kind of person!”
Shouto looked up, eyes brimming with tears. You took a few steps forward, taking his face into your hands.
“I’m sorry.” You whispered “it was an accident, and you didn’t mean it. Please don’t talk about yourself like that.”
Bakugou grabbed you, yanking you away from him
“Uh, what the fuck? You came here to sever ties with him, not fucking comfort him!”
“Look at him, Bakugou. He needs me.”
“Trust me.” You smiled at Bakugou, pushing him away from you slowly before turning back to Shouto. You took the boy into your arms, rocking back and forth with him.
You ignored the heavy feeling in your chest, and the screams your brain slew ar you to get off of him, get away from him, and let Bakugou protect you.
You ignored logic, emotion, and all better judgement.
For this boy who’d hit you.
But Bakugou would end up being right, he was smart.
You’ll see.
Katsuki Bakugou/ Dynamight
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Shit wrong Pomeranian
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That’s better
Katsuki stood outside Recovery Girl’s room, waiting for Kirishima to come out and tell him what was going on.
He was chewing on his nails, foot tapping against the ground as he stared at the door. He could hear people moving around and talking inside.
He couldn’t get the sound of your screaming out of his head, the large dark patch that formed on your skin around your face, the way you just... fell.
The door slid open, and Bakugou stared forward and Kirishima stepped out, smiling and thanking Recovery Girl.
Bakugou was on his feet in an instant, grabbing Kirishima’s arm.
“How are they? Do they hate me? Can I see them?” He rambled, Kirishima gently pushing Bakugou off him.
“Uh, they’re fine for the most part, they haven’t said anything about you at all, and ask Recovery Girl.” He said, backing off down the hall as Bakugou stared helplessly after him.
“You uh- you might want to apologize. They are really upset.” Kirishima told him, quickly running off down the hall. Bakugou faced towards the room, stepping inside.
A cyan curtain blocked him from seeing you, and he heard shuffling behind it. It slid open, Recovery Girl stepping out. She looked up and saw Bakugou.
She wacked his leg with her needle/cane, and he yelped, stumbling backwards.
“You have no shame!” she snapped. “With what you did to them, you should be cowering outside right now!”
“Shhh!” Bakugou pressed up against the wall. “Do you want them to know I’m here?”
“Are you that clueless?” she grumbled, pulling herself up into her chair. “They’ve gone temporarily deaf.” Bakugou froze, glancing back at the curtain.
He’d blown up your eardrums.
He felt Recovery Girl press something into his hands, and he glanced down. 
It was a small whiteboard, with a pen and washcloth.
This was how he’d have to talk to you.
On a fucking whiteboard.
RG pulled the curtains aside, revealing you.
You were laying in the bed, half your face wrapped up in bandages, hands resting on your lap.
“Y/n...” he murmured. You remained still, staring out the window. Bakugou cleared his throat, and you still didn’t react.
“They can’t hear you, remember?” RG shook her head, waddling over to the other side of your bed, pointing at Bakugou. He watched your face slowly turn, before his eyes shot away from you, staring at the ground.
He heard you swallow, and you let out a soft whimper.
Were you scared of him?
Bakugou lifted the whiteboard, quickly scribbling some kanji on it 
ごめんなさい (Translation: I am sorry)
You reached forward, taking the whiteboard from him and erasing his words, putting your own down instead.
分かってる。(Translation: I know)
Bakugou pursed his lips, fidgeting with his shirt before he watched you put more writing down
どうして?(Translation: Why?)
Bakugou reached out, taking the whiteboard back, quickly putting down his excuse explanation
私は弱いと感じました。 じゃあ霧島を助けてくれたんだ。 うらやましくなってきた (Translation: I felt weak. Then you helped Kirishima. I got Jealous)
お許しください (Translation: Please forgive me.)
He handed you the whiteboard back, tapping his foot against the ground. You passed it back to him, and he hurridly read your response.
私はそれについて考えます (Translation: I’ll think about it.)
He had a chance. His eyes finally lifted off the whiteboard, landing on you.
The visible part of your face looked exactly the same, although there was a large bandage on your ear. Your eye looked sad, fearful, and nervous. You had a shaky smile on your face, trying to make him feel better.
You were always thinking about him.
それは再び起こらないだろう (Translation: It won’t happen again)
You sighed, smile falling.
本気?(Translation: Are you sure?)
Bakugou felt his heart drop into his stomach.
Well of fucking course you didn’t trust him, look what he’d done to you!
おっしゃる通りです。. もうお前を放っておいてやる さようなら、y/n。(Translation: You are right. I will leave you alone now. Goodbye, y/n.)
He stood up, leaving the whiteboard on your bed. He headed towards the door, with his hands stuffed into his pockets. He ignored the soft cry of your voice, surprised he was leaving.
He ignored the way you managed to choke out his name in a warbly, unsure voice.
He slid the door shut behind him, slumping against it and sliding down until he sat on the cold ground. He buried his face into his arms, finally allowing himself to cry.
He wasn’t going to try and talk to you, he resolved. He wasn’t going to bother you or scare you.
He’d keep you safe by refusing to talk to him.
He’d let the author end the fanfiction right then and there.
The door slid open behind him, and he flopped backwards, staring up at your face. You were holding the whiteboard.
オマンコにならないでください。 事故だったのは分かってる 頑張って俺を捕まえるのか諦めるのか? どんなヒーローがあきらめるだろうか?
(Translation: Don't be a pussy. I know it was an accident. Are you going to work hard and get me or give up? What kind of hero would just give up?)
A smirk slowly spread across his face. Yeah, he’d work hard. He’d never scare you or hurt you again. He’d do better.
He’d be the best boyfriend.
And he’d accept your help to stand up next to you.
After fic note: ohmygod I’m finally finished. This took fucking forever. You loved part one so much, I had to make sure part two was perfect.
Some of these ended in heartbreak
Another ended in a questionable descision
The last ended happily
All of them are different! 
I hope you get my references, and appreciate the Japanese Kanji I put in Bakugou’s part (if any of it is inaccurate, please let me know so I can try my best to fix it. I don’t speak or write Japanese, I used this translator to get what I needed). 
I worked hard on this, so if y’all could tell me what you like and dislike about this so I can improve my writing, that would be lovely. Don’t be afraid to pop a comment or pop into my ask box, I do my best to respond to every comment and ask, so don’t worry about being ignored.
I love all of you, and I’m so glad to be able to write for you.
Thanks for all of your support, I promise I’ll work hard on all of my drafts to make sure you get entertainment constantly! 
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yeosatinyngz · 2 years
Yo wassup bitch, it’s me. I’m demanding that you do Kazutora w/ prompt #21 and that he’s jealous of all the Kpop posters you have over your room
Me rn:
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Demanding?! You rude ass bitch🙄🤚 #cancelyeosatinyngz. Sorry lmao, I had this idea in my head for a while and decided to entertain myself
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#21: "The only person that should be on your walls should be me."
Join Event ➣ Masterlist
You and Kazutora have facetimed many times before but you never facetimed him in your room. Today you were too lazy to set up in your living room so you decided to just stay in your room. You got the facetime popup notification and then accepted. “Hey Kazu! How are you?” “I’m good, how about- wait a second, what’s that behind you?” You turned around to look at your wall behind you. “Oh it’s just a bunch of posters of my favorite kpop groups.” “Why are there so many?” “Because as I said, they’re my favorite.” You let out a laugh but Kazutora wasn’t laughing. “Are you ok?” “No, why do you have so many pictures of other dudes on your wall?” “If that’s what you’re so concerned about, I also have a bunch of posters of my favorite girl groups!” You excitedly said while panning your phone to your other wall that couldn’t be seen in the previous position your phone was in. Kazutora was mortified to say the least. You were now admiring your posters and not paying attention to him and he was jealous. “The only person that should be on your walls should be me.” You then finally looked back at your phone. “Omg Kazu, don’t tell me you’re jealous over my kpop posters pfft.” “It’s not funny!” You see him pouting on the screen and crossing his arms. “Okok, I won’t laugh at you, if it makes you feel any better I have a wall where I put your pictures on, see.” You panned your camera to the area you plastered Kazutora’s picture on. Instantly Kazutora is back to smiling, “Aww that’s so cute but wait, they’re so small compared to your posters.” “Hey! Be grateful that I actually have you on my wall.” “True true, I know what to get you for your birthday now.” “If you’re thinking of giving me a giant poster of your face for my birthday, that would be hilarious.” His plan was busted, “How’d you know?!” “It’s so obvious that you’re thinking that haha you’re so cute Kazu.” “Just saying, once you get it, I expect you to replace your poster wall with it.” “Hmm, I’ll think about it.” “Hey! Who’s your boyfriend huh?” “Taeyong from NCT.” “What are you saying?! I am!” “I’m just playing with you, you’ll always be my favorite ok?” “I better be hmph.” He pouts once again.
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elysianslove · 4 years
hihi, can I request smth! Idk of this comply to your request rules cause I can't find it in your blog (sorry!!) The request is hc with Atsumu, Kuroo and Iwaizumi with an s/o that is considered a bitch by people. Like they don't let anyone walk all over them, people are scared of them but admire them esp in terms of academics but they're actually v loving and a big clumsy mess.
hii!! yeah i don’t really have a set of rules for requesting mainly cause i couldn’t think of any haha, but your request is more than okay! i’ve been obsessing nonstop over atsumu especially recently, and today wasn’t the best of days for me, so this was nice to write heh. thank you for requesting it. i hope you enjoy <3
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miya atsumu 
atsumu is obsessed w you
seriously, he is just enamored by you. the way you hold your ground and always stand up for yourself, never letting anyone saying anything about you pass by you, your presence so intimidating. he loves it so much. he’s especially fond of the way you’re not even a bitch, you’re just confident in who you are, and everything you’re good at.
he observes from afar at first, the way people shrink in comparison to you regardless of your height. your aura just seems so. powerful? he really wants to approach you, and because this is miya atsumu, the first thought that crosses his mind is this person needs to be mine <3 no he will not take criticism.
so he does. approaches you, introduces himself in a way like you’re already meant to know who he is and he’s just doing you a favor. his heart breaks into tiny little pieces when you just go, “sorry, but no.” 
like literally just that you don’t go in detail or anything. you just reject him so plain and simple it’s actually worse than a full fledged out angry rejection. osamu’s so impressed he ready to have you added to his future will. 
he grows on you, though, over time. atsumu’s so quitter, and your rejection had only spurred him on. he would’ve backed off, because is a consent king, as they all are and should be, but you’re always so prepared with a quip back at him and you never actually push him away. it’s like a flirty game of tug of war between you two. eventually, he asks you out again, and just for old time’s sake, you jokingly say no lmao. all blood drains from his face that you actually kinda feel bad.
generally, he’s very proud to have you as his s/o. he himself has dealt with people constantly being put off by him and his attitude, so to see you deal with it so well is kind of? encouraging? uplifting? yk? 
he also likes how people are both scared of you and admire you. like. he relates to them! you’re incredible! 
he’s always snickering when he sees a student approach you literally trembling like a leaf and asks for your help in something academics related. you always say yes, which is something that just. pinches at his heart. the student is also always so surprised at the fact that you’re willing to help. god. atsumu will never have enough of their reactions to you. 
when you grow more comfortable with each other, and he discovers what you’re truly like, the person you really are beneath, atsumu just straight up falls in love. he didn’t think you could be any more perfect for him, honestly. 
he’s loves the way people are so intimidated by you but he knows that just a few minutes ago you were doodling little hearts in his notebook. 
a part of him wants so many more people to be aware that sometimes you can trip over air, and that you’re not as elegant and stoic as everyone thinks you are, but then he’s reminded of the fact that only he knows you’re truly like this, and he shakes that part of him off. atsumu genuinely adores knowing this additional, secret part of you. he doesn’t think you’re fake at all for having what’s seemingly a facade. he just thinks not enough people know what you’re truly like, and that you’re a gem, truly. 
he’s also like weirdly obsessed with the two of you as a couple? he knows people are intimidated by him, and it’s so painfully obvious people are intimidated by you. he just. eats that shit up. 
he’d also be really supportive if it ever gets to you. super ready to fight anyone. he’ll always tell you “these fake bitches don’t matter babe we the only real ones 😼💯” god havejkdkd 
anyways i been fantasizing about having miya atsumu as my bf somebody help im going insane 
kuroo tetsurō
kuroo knows of you. everybody does. you’re like, exceptionally good at being one of the most talked about people and also being the most mysterious person in school. the duality has him heart eyes for you. 
what probably catches his attention is the way people talk about you, in general, but specifically regarding academics. he overhears a group of people like whispering to each other about you while you’re just standing there minding your own business. they’re just encouraging one of them to approach you and kuroo’s like hm ! let me butt in bc why not ! 
as a joke, he slides up next to you and points at the group of students and whispers, “they’re talking about you.” 
this obviously ticks you off and without looking back you stomp over to the students and just go, “if you have something to say about me say it to my face!” and kuroo’s just watching like ,,, damn that’s hot. the students are so confused and ten times more scared than they first were and one of them just squeaks out that they only wanted to ask for help and you just , “oh. okay! :D.” kuroo’s just ,,, he’s losing his damn mind. 
he finds you really interesting, honestly, the way you’re just so strong? like mentally especially. you’re really mature, and you have a strong sense of self. he admires that about you, and continues to love that even when you start dating. 
he does ask you out, and he’s a little surprised you said yes, he’s not gonna lie. but you did, from the first time, and he just took you out to a simple picnic date. it was very cute, and the whole time he made you laugh and you were a completely different person than what he had first seen and expected. 
he really likes the fact that you’re really confident in yourself in that you won’t let anyone step on you or walk all over you. like he just loves watching you hand someone’s ass to them because they decided they wanted to make a smart comment about you. seriously, he’s insanely in love with it. 
he realizes pretty quick that the only reason people are so thrown off by you or are scared to approach you is because no one really gives you a chance to be yourself? like they’re always expecting the worst from you, having heard all these terrible things about you that half aren’t even true, that they don’t even bother trying to get to know you. and that fact really bothers him a lot, he’s not gonna lie, because he believes you’re the best person he’s ever had the pleasure of meeting. 
he really loves that you don’t let it bother you though. he’s impressed with how it doesn’t matter if some friends turn out fake, because, in your words, “good riddance.” 
the two of you kind of feed off each other’s energies? like he’s super confident in himself, and so are you, so you two only benefit each other in your presences. 
to put it simply, kuroo is incredibly impressed with who you are as a person, and it warms his heart so much how you’re so incredible of a person in so many ways, in that you neither let anything pass you by, and in that you’re the cutest, kindest soul he knows. 
iwaizumi hajime
brat tamer #1 <3 
i think iwa genuinely doesn’t care. not about you! about the things people say. like he hears so many rumors about you and he’s like .... ok. oikawa’s always feeding them to him but he’s just? not bothered by it? doesn’t care? it’s irrelevant information for him anyways? 
but then. 
but then. 
he walks past a scene where he sees you just destroying this poor kid. you’re verbally destroying him. the kid’s buried six feet under at this point. you’re not even yelling, but the guy’s shrinking under your gaze and your words and iwazumi’s so mesmerized by the way you do it so flawlessly. you don’t stutter because you’re so sure of your words and so confident in your stance. iwazumi. hums in approval. like. hm. good for them. as they should. 
after that he starts paying more attention to anything he hears about you, because he wants to know more. he doesn’t know why. he just does. and then he hears all these different things like “they’re so good at everything they do they can’t be real” and “i would never speak to them if they were the last person on earth” like ? he’s so confused WHICH IS IT
so, because iwaizumi’s a pretty straightforward person, he approaches you. 
do not confuse this though, because iwa is a blushing and flustered mess as he asks you to hang out. he’s never done this before, and this is not his style, but he’s just so interested in who you are as a person he was doing it before he realized it happened. 
the way you react is so? sweet? 
it’s so different than that day he saw you murdering that guy for talking smack, you seem so light and loving he actually feels his heart beat a little too fast in his chest. 
as his s/o, iwaizumi likes that he can trust you with yourself. like a part of him will always have that protective side to him, because that’s just the person iwa is, and he’ll always feel the need to step up and speak for you. but another part of him is really amazed by the way you can and are so able of speaking up for yourself. he feels really proud at the lack of insecurity. 
he also feels really smug about being with you. because he knows people are intimidated by him, and especially by you, but now that you’re together, he feels untouchable, and he knows you are too. he likes that feeling of power a little too much. 
if you ever step out of line at some point, iwaizumi will definitely let you know. he’ll point it out, and if you resist, he knows how to get you down off the pedestal. he’s had brat taming training for years lmao 
but he doesn’t think you’re a brat, not at all. in fact, he thinks you’re the sweetest person ever. he loves the versatility of your personality and attitude, in that you’re not just black and white and there’s so much more to you, there’s always grey in between. he likes that you’re endlessly dimensional and that he’s always learning something new about you. 
he especially loves the side of you that’s so soft spoken. it’s so endearing to him how you’re one moment so angry you could murder someone in cold blood but then all of a sudden you’re pinching his cheeks and kissing the tip of his nose telling him how cute he is. 
yeah iwa really loves you hehe <3
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doyelikehaggis · 3 years
it has been a hot minute but i am BACK and i also just drank like a whole ass can of monster so this is certainly gonna be something
currently watching s6 e8, it is evil chloe hours and i am HERE FOR IT
is it just me who thinks it’s hilarious that ryan and chloe are the only ones not grounded. like somehow bird is grounded but ryan isnt?? who would’ve thought.
the fact that chloe is inherently disadvantaged in her chances of signing up for the trip. how the hell is she gonna wheel herself there faster than everyone can run without getting herself grounded anyway for going too fast in the house. that was such a stupid system, honestly
everyone: wow ryan’s so mean and unsympathetic
also everyone: *doesn’t even try and be kind up chloe when she got them ungrounded for the trip*
ryan is like,, really not a bad brother? i honestly do not understand why chloe seems to think he’s so terrible (“unfortunate to have a brother who’s ryan” in her words) when she loved him so much before that one episode with the festival in the garden, and now she suddenly dislikes him because he burned sasha’s poster? like i’d get it if she blamed him for her accident but she doesn’t. and literally no matter what she does and says, he still loves her snd helps her? she’s literally like the only person he’ll put above himself and help without some ulterior motive or getting something out of it (mission totally possible notwithstanding) and yet she acts like he’s the worst unless he’s helping her and even when he is (“sometimes it’s hard admitting that someone we love is less than perfect. i should know”) like BITCH you’re worse than him! wow i am unreasonably angry about this
sasha listening to metal and knitting is such a mood. would literally kill to be her
why does bird always get framed for these things. you’d think people would learn it’s never him but somehow everyone always believes it? that kid would never do anything outside the rules unless he was helping someone he cares about *cough* jay and candi-rose *cough*
for fucks sake even ryan thinks framing bird for locking finn in the shed is too far, but noooo he’s the worse sibling, not chloe. she really blackmailed him into dressing as a fucking clown when he was meeting the mayor, but him accidentally saying that chloe was the one who locked finn in the shed is apparently so much more of a betrayal 🧐 (i’m so mad about this help)
“you’re just like ryan” WOW JAY WHEN HAS RYAN EVER REACHED THIS LEVEL OF MANIPULATION. like i know he’s bad but he’s never gotten anyone almost kicked out (i don’t think so anyway, might be forgetting things)
why does chloe get away with all of this with just a telling off and an apology (that she clearly didn’t entirely mean if “enjoy the musical. my musical.” is anything to go by) but ryan gets permanently hated. what. the injustice of this-
and then she really just tricks ryan about supposedly having given the sweets back? she is n o t the lovely person the narrative makes her out to be and i am mad
i’m sorry that most of this was just one long rant, oops 😂 also i hope you make your deadline you mentioned, good luck 🤞
Oh god, okay, I definitely know how it feels to be rambling about TDG while drinking a whole can of monster lmao (though sometimes for me it's like three cans of mountain dew.)
Honestly, I really liked evil Chloe. 1) she deserved the chance to do it at least once or twice, you know? and 2) I just love her more than usual when she acts more like Ryan, there's just something about it.
It is actually quite funny now that you're saying. But also I am now confused, is that still about 6x8? Because if so, I don't remember, was Bird grounded for lying for Jay?? Why was EVERYONE grounded other than Ryan and Chloe??
Wait, hold on, did you mean 7x8? "Snake"? Because that one I understand. But, really, Bird would never have been grounded if it wasn't for Chloe, we all know he is too precious. It is a surprise that Ryan wasn't already grounded on his own, though, I agree
That really was such a stupid system and I absolutely understand why Chloe was so mad about it. She was the one who got them the chance to go again, it was obvious she wanted to go, her name should have automatically been on the list to go. But either way it was going to be unfair because the older ones could easily get there faster than the younger ones, too?? What were they thinking?
It is really annoying how Chloe treats Ryan. He genuinely tries to help her all of the time, and as you said, would put her above himself when he literally would not do that for anyone else. And now we're never going to get anything better than what we got because they're both gone!
Oh my god, yes, Sasha with her knitting and heavy metal. She reminded me of my sister in that scene; crocheting and listening to screaming emo. Sasha is a blessing.
Seriously, it should be so obvious to everyone by now that Bird would never do anything wrong unless he had a really good reason. He's not cruel just for the fun of it, doesn't break stuff and not own up to it. If anything, he's likely to take the blame!!
Ryan's face when he realized what Chloe had done. I do think that was more because we know he does care about Finn and thinks that was a step way too far. I quite liked Ryan accidentally giving up what Chloe had done because he genuinely didn't mean to do it and looked like he regretted it right after, which is interesting for him.
I'm not sure what exactly Jay could have been referencing, it's been a little bit since I've watched it as well, but I do actually kind of see where he was coming from. I think he should have said "you're worse than Ryan" because that would have hurt a lot more, but in that kind of situation, I can see how the first thought would just be to say they're the same because it would still hurt Chloe. It makes sense dialogue wise for what realistically would be said, but I do agree that Chloe was worse than Ryan in that episode. And I loved it.
I don't know why Chloe just got away with it, to be honest. If it had been Ryan, there would definitely be some lingering grudges. Maybe they do just expect Chloe to have learned from it and never do anything like it again, so they're willing to move on and forget it, but because Ryan has slipped up again after being "forgiven" they don't believe he'll change anymore.
Haha, it's okay! And I did not make the deadline, it was for a ship week thing, but it's okay, I'll probably still finish the fics anyway and just post them on their own.
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bluespiderlilies · 5 years
Pillars x Modern reader? Please if it alright with you
hi!! i was going to say no tbh bc my rules say only two charas max but,, i'll let it slide i guess lmao 
modern! pillars x reader!hcs: 
himejima gyoumei:
okay so like,, in a modern au i like to imagine that gyoumei would be a sculptor hehe (yes, i know, not v original).
and you a painter!! 
and like,, the two of you are secret admirers of one another 
like he would often see you at the art gallery he frequents just staring at his sculptures & just,,, looking at them w pure awe?
 which he finds so heartwarming & makes him super motivated & happy in what he does!! 
and at art auctions when he buys your paintings? you feel like fainting from happiness bc the guy you admire so much BUYS YOUR PAINTINGS?!?! 
so then one day the two of you just,, bumped into each other coincidentally while at the art gallery the two of you go to often
the two of you chat comfortably before asking for one another's numbers & discuss about a potential coffee date!! 
and so, after that & a couple more dates, the two of you became official!!
iguro obanai:
hmm i feel like snek boi would be a tattoo artist 
you a florist (FUCK i hate my unoriginal ideas) 
your shops are right beside each other's haha
you sometimes talked but it was only about small awkward things like the weather BYE
but then one day you got locked out of your shop oops
so you,, sort of stayed w/ obanai in his shop until the person you called to help came
 which he didn't mind at all btw
surprisingly, the two of you got along really well? not to mention you guys liked a lot of the same things & had similar hobbies??
 from then on the two of you were kinda Whipped™™™™™ for each other lmaoo,, you often went to each other's shops when you guys didn't have any customers/had a slow day 
so then you decided to confess and!! he accepted your feelings & said he felt the same way!! (screams) & ever since then the two of you began to date uwu
rengoku kyoujurou:
okay so kyoujurou in the kimetsu academy au is a history teacher, right? 
and you are the english teacher!! 
honestly the entire school love the two of you so much
 and they even ship the two of you super hard\ but!! the thing is? the two of you are already dating, haha~ the students just don't know that yet
so it's hella amusing when the two of you witness them trying to set the two of you up with one another 
so you and kyoujurou had a mutual agreement to just act innocent and go along w what they do (which the students totally fall for)
until one day you accidentally let it slip (whoops) 
"hi guys, sorry for being late, kyoujurou won't be here today 'cause he's sick and i had to take care of him for a bit—oops did i just spill everything?"
 from then on the entire school knew the two of you were dating (and thank god, bc now you guys could be affectionate in public lmaoooo)
tokitou muichirou:
muichirou would be like that quiet, asocial first year *wheeze*
& like...there's tons of rumors of him being rude n closed off to others that try to be friends w him
n you're like!! haha!! fuck those rumors i want to be friends w him!! (plus he's cute wink wink) 
so, you try to approach him by sitting in front of his desk during lunch, or talk to him front time to time in your close (surprise!! the two of you are in the same class) 
he ignores you tbh & even tries to push you away,,, but you're super persistent (in an annoyingly,, cute way?) 
but like one day, you're absent from class two days in a row, and he's like,, fuck?? is it my fault??? did i do something to them?? is (name) not here bc of me?? i miss (name) surprisingly a lot and idk why???
and like for the two days he feels like he's fuckin hallucinating or some shit bc he always turns his head to the direction he expects you to be, or like hears your voice even if you're not there? 
but then you came after those two days, and he immediately comes up to you and questions you as to why you were absent 
you just laugh and smile, telling him that you were sick (& tease him too) which he gets really flustered at and even blushes bc he missed you a lot bye 
so then he confesses to you, and tells you that even if it was two days, it felt like forever and he just really missed you and wanted you to be by his side?? and you found that hella cute (also bc of his blushing face) so like uh,, ever since then the two of you started to date
tomioka giyuu:
kimetsu academy au where he's the gym teacher (duh it's canon) & ur the assistant nurse of tamayo uwu
you often supervise whenever giyuu has a class bc you know how rough he can be,, so you're just there in case anything happens
 cue the students being in love w you bc you're the literal opposite of giyuu
cue the students lowkey shipping the two of you too (& the two of you are HELLA oblivious about about, too) 
you like to chat w him sometimes, even if you're the one who's doing most of the talking
despite his rough nature you actually find him really cute and like??? attractive 
and giyuu?? is naturally attracted to you too?? but then one day a student fight breaks out and while giyuu tries to stop it he ends up getting injured
so you, of course, treat him the best you can—tending to the bruises on his face & the cuts on his arms & legs,, and like your touch is so fucking good and gentle and like??? bitch is about to melt too
he ends up telling you that he likes you,, and you're shocked bc omg?? the guy i like just confessed & asked me out (btw u said yes haha)
uzui tengen:
aight so spy!au where he is sent to spy on you bc you're under suspicion working under an illegal organization (wait this counts as a modern au right? yeah anyways,,) 
he moves in to the apartment right across from you as your new "neighbor" 
he also works as the cashier at the bakery you work at too!!
 bc of that, naturally, the two of you got close
you thought he was v attractive and funny lmao,, you especially found his "flamboyant" catch phrase hella endearing too 
yeah right lmao bc he did end up falling in love w you. so he even asked you out (which ofc you said yes?? like bro tengen is literally the person of you're dreams) 
but he reminded himself that he still had a mission to do, so he used it the fact that the two of you were dating to his advantage to find more about you (aka snooping) 
you didn't really mind that + the fact that he asked lots of questions about you
but once he found out that you were completely clear, he was?? highkey happy and relieved, so he could date you comfortably without being paranoid lmao
kanroji mitsuri:
idol! mitsuri and manager! reader au hehe 
honestly you have been w mitsuri ever since she debuted
you watched her grow as both a singer and as a person—you saw all the sides of her personality, habits, flaws, etc; which honestly? made you fall in love w her 
however, you kept your feelings a secret bc you didn't want anybody to find out plus ruin mitsuri's reputation?
like okay you get fired but you don't want to hurt mitsuri or the years of hard work to be destroyed 
but it's so fuckin hard you know? bc she's super affectionate w you, and you're over here trying to keep your feelings in? 
so eventually you just,,, confess to her—all the feelings you had pent up just finally spill out
unexpectedly?? she says she feels the same way?? but she's been in love w you ever since she first laid eyes on you?? 
so lmao you keep your relationship a secret, even from the agency you work at lmao 
despite the hardships that you guys often face, you get through them together and the two of you couldn't be anymore happier w one another??
kochou shinobu: 
roommates au in which the two of you are college students 
shinobu a pharmacology major & you in toxicology!!
bc of you living together and even sharing some classes, the two of you spend a lot of time w each other 
you guys have plenty of study dates too haha 
and cute stuff like night outs or movies nights!!! 
honestly the more time you spend w her, the more time you?? fall in love shinobu. like. head over heels for her. 
and shinobu's like??? I FEEL REALLY NICE AND FUZZY AROUND YOU (in her brain, though) 
so the two of you end up confessing at the same time during movie night bc the movie reminded the two of you of each other a lot?? uh?? 
when the two of you realize what you said two each other, the two of you laugh it off and just? begin dating 
nothing really changes tbh!! just more affection, dates, spending time w each other, and being more intimate ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
shinazugawa sanemi:
bodyguard au :D in which sanemi is your newly appointed bodyguard and you're a millionaire that needs to be protected 
honestly he thought you'd be snobby as fuck considering that's how rich people usually are in his eyes
 but?? you're really freakin chill and cool?? not like he'd admit that aloud lmaoo
you like to tease him a lot bc he's so uptight w you, but apologize & give him ohagi (which he really fuckin loves?? Uh??)
you always try to convince him to play video games w you lmaoo esp mario kart (he declines though *eyeroll emoji*)
since he's almost always serious around you, when you find him tending to your dogs and being so soft around them you're like?? fuck?? my heart?? 
so basically the two of u dumbasses have feelings for each other but are oblivious + don't want to confess,,, like the more time you spend w one another the more you fall in love?
and he absolutely just,, loves it when you visit orphanages and help w the kids and the way you treat them is so sweet? 
yeah. he's so in love. 
but it wasn't until you ended up in a life-threatening situation that he actually confessed to you—which, as serious as the moment was, you cracked a joke and accepted his feelings.
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kaptain-k-pop · 3 years
Alright ladies!!! After a full 65 hours of the album being out I am Finally sharing my Thots 👀
I have three full 8 hour shifts of listening to Nothing Else under my belt, (plus an unspecified number of hours listening outside if work...) so I'm Basically an Expert 😌💗
Dear my universe: We love a space/space-adjacent themed Astro song in this house 😌😌😌 this is such a nice choice to start off the album (also I'm a fucking nerd and so the way that the First Song on The Album is called 'Dear my universe' like addressing a letter? Like as if the album itself is kind of like a love letter from Astro to Aroha?? 🥺 Okay I'll stop. But it's just a thot that came into my head and now I'm having Feelings 🤧💜) the echoey parts and the harmonies?? So yummy, so pretty, I love it 💗
Butterfly Effect: HELLO my Love 😍💓💌💝💜💞💖💘💕💗 I was Warned by @entry-777 to be prepared for Rocky Vocals, which is a Good Thing bc if I wasn't ready for it I probably would have started crying or somethin lame like that and looked Quite Foolish in front of my coworkers, however I was NOT warned about JINWOO VOCALS (Danny you slipped Queen!!! 😭) It was like. 6 seconds. But it was there and it's gonna live in my head rent free for the next full calendar year, also Moonbin and Eunwoo's falsettos??? GOD everyone sounds so great in this song. I love our Six Vocalists 😪💜
ONE: my ONE opinions have Grown and Matured over the course of listening to it quite literally like 75 times. Do not be mistaken, I never disliked it, but I did have Certain Opinions. For example, it is a Certified Fact that I have stated before: an Astro Title Track is not an Astro Title Track without MJ throwing up Angel High Notes above the last chorus. And when I listened to ONE for the first time I was not satisfied in that department. He did like, A Few, but I was waiting for more to come and like picturing in my head what it was going to sound like and then they didn't come and I was Mildly Disappointed. So that was just one thing that like, I wanted a little more than what I got, which does not mean that I didn't like what I did get!!! Anyway, after listening to it Many More Times and paying close attention to harmonies and such I am a bit more satified with the ad-libs he did get, it's just that this song is Different than other Astros Title Tracks, it is a different style so I guess what they gave him fits more with that style than what I was expecting (still wish he had gotten to shine a little more in this Title but what are you going to do?) It could very well be the 'you listened to this song so much you are tricking yourself into liking it more' thing, but my love for this song has definitely grown in the past few days (and again!! I never disliked it in the first place!) it is still not one of my top faves on the album but that's only bc Astro are B-side Kings! I still do really like this song
Someone Else: (okay at first I Did Not Realize this was just an MJJinjinMoonbin song?? I did not Know we were getting unit songs in this album, but that explains why I didn't hear anyone else's voices in it 🤷 agdjahdjakd) in any case, I like her! She is very Fun and Funky 😌 definitely one I will continue to listen to often (also fun fact: that electronic sound at like 2:32 the first time I heard it my body physically reacted like one of Pavlov's dogs bc that same sound is also in the song that I have set as my alarm ahdjskahdjsj 'oh? we are Waking Up now? :)' Queen calm down, you are awake lmao)
SNS: Ma'am..... Hello????? Omg I love this song so much, the beat, the vocals, the soda can (yes I noticed!!! Omg when I tell y'all I got a rush of serotonin when I heard that...) another thing I absolutely adore about this song is the 'ah-ahhh, ah-ahhh' part bc it makes my brain do the same thing as when it sees an optical illusion where the thing I'm seeing switches back and forth based on what I'm focusing on like 'oh, now I see a vase, oh now it's two faces' that except with sound (so an aural illusion I guess is what that would be??) Like 'oh, that's Human Voices making that sound' but then if I focus on it it sounds like an Electronic Phone Buzzing Text Notification Sound (and then I focus on it again and it's Voices) which is probably what was intended considering it's a song named after texting? I just think that's so cool, I love that they did that and it sounds really Neat
All Good: oh my GOD this song, oh 👏 my 👏 G 👏 O 👏 D 👏 All Good........... my BELOVED™ 💜💜💜 Mental Illness?? Idek her. Lee Dongmin said "Gonna be alright" so Everything is Fine now actually. I'm gonna Do Drugs (this song) and forget my problems 😌 this song qualifies as a Hardcore Party Drug. I am going to grind this song up into a fine powder and snort it like cocaine. Holy FUCK this song is good. I'm saying something controversial (it's not controversial, lmao, I know I am not the only one who thinks this) yet brave: Miss All Good is Title Track Material 👀 now idek anything about marketing so maybe ONE was a better choice for Title Track from a marketing standpoint idek, all I know is that All Good FUCKS I literally could talk about this song for hours omg, I need to stop this post is already so long but ALL GOOD I LOVE YOU QUEEN 👑 😭💓💘💗💕💜💌💝💞💖
All Stars: "yeah let's go haha" alright yes, whatever you say 😍 okay so in this song ofc I immediately noticed the "you're my one&only" we love that self reference 😌💜 but when I was looking at the lyrics I also noticed that we have "When you call me I'll run to you" and the Very First Line is "I've got a dream, when I run breathlessly" coincidence??? 👀 ....... yeah probably, I analyze things way too much agjdjdjdjd but ANYWAY I Love MJ's bridge(? is that the right word? the '이룰 테니까' part. U know what I mean) and the "everything is OK (lala la la)"??? Alright, Depression Cured, thanks Kings 😌👑💗
Our spring: if ONE left my thirst of Angelic MJ Runs not fully satisfied Miss Our Spring came through for me I LOVE ALL HIS PARTS IN THIS SONG SO MUCH AND THE R U N S yes 👏 king 👏 yes 👏 king 👏 thank you SO much 😌💖💜💗 Idk why but I just really latched on to this song, I love the chorus and Rocky's (설레는 날에) part, also I believe if I am Not Mistaken Rocky contributed to the lyrics on this? 👀 we love that for him! Especially bc the lyrics are so pretty and not just bc I am biased 💜
Stardust: another Space themed song it's my favorite concept again 😌😌😌 and y'all know that I am a Strings Appreciating Bitch 💗 so ofc I immediately had Feelings as soon as I heard them in the back. This song is so so so pretty?? the instrumental, the vocals, the lyrics? It's so calming and peaceful listening to this song, it feels so nice and cozy 😔💗 On all levels except physical I am laying on the roof stargazing and Astro is wrapping a blanket around my shoulders and giving me a lil kiss on the top of the head. This song would really be the Bloom of the album, if not for.....
gemini: the BLOOM of the album 😭💓💌💝💘💗💕💜💞💖 Miss gemini my beloved... 😔💜 "will you protect me? Even after the long night passes the place we embroidered together stays in our hearts" Don't TOUCH me 🤧🤧🤧 I can, have, must, am, and will cry about this song if I think about it for too long. Myungjun contributed to the lyrics, arrangement, and composition and it turned out so good?? (I mean of course it did) I'm very proud of him and I got more pretty Angel High notes in this song so I am Very Satisfied, I LOVE her so much 💗💗💗
And that's that!!!
If you are reading this, ps I love u for sticking around to read all my rambling pls accept a hypothetical forehead kiss or some fingerhearts sent @ u from a respectful distance 💗
Also my askbox is always open if you want to share your opinions, I love talking about these boys..... 👀
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bangtancentricsblog · 4 years
the hunger for love and life
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❒ pairing: jeon jungkook x demon!reader
❒ genre: fluff and angst
❒ alternative universe: supernatural, college
❒ rating: NC - 17
❒ word count: 1.1k
warnings/disclosures: implied sex at the beginning but no smut, demons Yoongi and Yoonji, half angel Hoseok, talks of hell, madness, starving demons 
a/n: this was supposed to be a typical good boy bad girl fic but somehow my brain was like ‘oh shit lets throw some demons in that bitch’ and now here we are lmao i might still do the the other fic haha so if the other one seems similar then thats why. also my brother helped me name this hehe
my AO3 | main masterlist
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 “He’s here!” The girls chatter excitedly as the sleek black Ducati pulls into the parking space right beside last year's model of Nissan. The engine cuts off as the kick stand comes down the driver moves to stand hands reaching up to undo the clip of his helmet. The air is thick with anticipation as the growing crowds of eager college girls set aside their differences to watch the man before them. The helmet comes off before any of them can even blink, cheers pouring from ever which direction as Jungkook shakes out his hair. The long curls stiff from being confined beneath his helmet. 
He’s used to this type of behavior especially from girls on campus but he just wishes they didn’t make such a huge spectacle of it every time. To be honest he’s not quite sure where this idea of ‘big bad boy Jungkook’ came from; he's never done anything remotely bad in his life. At least none that any other normal consenting adult had, he doesn’t smoke unless it’s with his friends at a party, he drinks on occasion and he’s not a one night stand kinda guy, so he wonders where this idea came from. He can feel the beginning of a blush creep along his cheeks the longer he stands in the open with what feels like a million sets of eyes watching. 
“Kook!” You squeal rushing up to him, easily settling his nerves and throwing your arms around his neck. He smirks down at your hands finding their way to your hips as you lean up to kiss him. He sighs against your lips a nervous tick he’s developed throughout the years you’d been dating, but even now you still smile into the kiss. It’s easy to forget about the crowd when you’re around and maybe that’s because he’s only ever had eyes for you or it’s the hand that’s cupping his dick through his jeans. 
“Not here.” He almost whines because as much as he enjoys the feeling of your hand on his growing problem he’s not okay with an audience though he knows you are. 
“Okay.” You mumble, quick to pull away and take his hand instead. He likes the way your hand fits in his, always has probably always will. And much like a man in love he’s busy thinking about all the little things to notice the empty classroom he’s been pulled into. You're quick to shove him against the wall unbuttoning his pants and slipping your finger beneath the waistband of his boxers. Jungkook isn’t new to this in fact despite your angel-like features it’s you who’s prone to breaking rules and doing reckless things. But he supposed that's what he liked about you in the first place.
“Is this okay?” you ask wrapping your fingers around his dick making him gasp at how warm your hand is. 
“Y-yes.” he hisses as your teeth sink into the skin of his neck the pain is minimal, but one he likes a little too much. He can’t relish the feel of your lips for long as you drop to your knees in front of him with a grin that is a little too sweet compared to the dark look clouding your eyes. ‘*
“You’re starving yourself.” Yoonji says through gritted teeth. 
“Where’s Yoongi?” you ask pointedly ignoring the girl as she trails behind you. 
“___, please feed properly if you’re going to play with the human.” 
“I’m not playing, and I’m fine. Stop worrying so much.” you scoff eyes narrowing when you catch sight of Yoongi. Your nose burns at the stench that comes from the group of boys you’ve come to know as Jungkook’s friends. They’re nice enough you guess but boring nonetheless as far as humans go, super attractive but still boring. You wished humans nowadays were more interesting. Yoongi meets your stare before you can approach the group, slipping away from them and meeting you halfway. 
“What?” he drawls scowling at his twin sister who hisses at him. 
“I see you’re still hanging around angle half breeds.” you snicker. 
“Not this again princess.” he sighs.
“Don’t call me that.” 
“And I wouldn’t have to if you didn't act like a prissy princess of hell.”
“I’ll tell Belphie.” you threaten eyes ablaze. 
“The seventh prince has better things to do, are you feeling okay?” he asks, finally taking note of the way you’ve lost weight. 
“I’m fine.” 
“She’s starving herself because of that human.” Yoonji supplies. 
“You’re not feeding off Jungkook?” the confusion in his tone is evident. 
“It’s none of your business, besides we have more pressing matters. There are more demon half breeds starving on campus than I thought. The population is growing unsteadily and more demons are attacking humans from hunger at this rate there’ll be a war.” you say. 
“What do we do?” Yoongi asks, glancing over Yoonji’s shoulder. 
“I don’t know, I’ll have to go to hell if the situation worsens and I hate hell.” you mutter crossing your arms at your chest. 
“This is because you’re slacking off.” Yoonji scoffs as you and Yoongi turn your gaze to her. 
“What are you implying?” your ask through clenched teeth. 
“You’ve just come back from hell, and you’re no stronger than you were because you refuse to feed properly. Face it, war is inevitable.” She spits, and of the two Yoongi was the more outspoken one but she refused to keep her mouth shut. 
“And what would you have me do?” you whisper in a voice that shocks both of them. Truly of the eight royal children of hell you seemed to be the only one most if not all the demons wanted to become the next king. Yet here you stood starving and sounding like a scolded child who’s lost all fight. Nothing like the sole princess of hell and the raging bitch they knew you could be.
“What do you mean?” Yoongi asks. 
“I can’t feed properly because I’ll kill him. You know what falling in love with a human does to demons. Eternal starvation or going feral at the loss of their mate.” Yoonji’s eyes widened significantly at your confession, because this entire time she thought this was just a fling. Just a passing fancy after all these years by your side she’d never expected you to fall in love with a human. Her fingers curl into her palms nails breaking the skin in an attempt to reign in her anger. She almost wants to laugh, oh the irony that you should fall into the same fate as your father. Falling in love with a human, except you’d apparently rather starve than go mad. She’d lose the only sister she’d ever had, and she wonders how your human would feel knowing that he would be your end. 
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let me know what you think! like are appreciated but comments are a writers lifeblood thank you for reading as always I hope you all have an amazing morning/afternoon/night!
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sunflowerhae · 4 years
Linger Bonus 2
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lmao literally who asked for me to take forever writing this short lil thing idk guys I’m sorry this took so long my mental health said “❤️heart been BROKE💔💔 so many times ❌❌ I-I, don’t know what to believe 😩😩👀 mama🤰🏼🤱🙍‍♀️say that it’s my fault💆‍♀️🤷‍♀️🤦‍♀️ it’s my fault, I wear 🧥 my ❤️ on my ->👚 😔😔😔😭😩” haha..anyway I am finally putting an OFFICIAL close on the linger series dear lord.
This takes place a lil while after you and the dreamies make up, before graduation.
Mobile Masterlist•
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•you were sitting in the library on a Friday afternoon w ur headphones B L A S T I N G (like the good, holy gen z that u are 😌) while trying to study for an upcoming gov & Econ test - the last of the year, in fact - when patty SLAMMED her hands on the mf table
•u, ofc, were startled - being the jumpy person u are - and therefore it was only normal when u practically screeched
•(I want u to know I spent 5 minutes trying to spell yoldle? Yolded? BUT I DIDNT LNOW HOW! And now I’m sitting in a Costco parking lot while evanescence’s bring me to life plays in the background but in my headphones Hello from The Book Of Mormon is playing and my phones at 2% I think this is hell HOW DO U SPELL YOLDLE-)
•”patty! Don’t scare me like that!” You laughed
•she did not
•she quickly moved and sat in the chair in front of u before throwing her back on the table and leaning in closer
•”do you think...”
•you rn: 👀hurry up
•”that maybe..”
•you: bruh
•”i could possibly...”
•you, and everyone: 👁0👁
•i mean,
•when u had learned abt the patty/Jaemin incident a couple months ago, u figured patty would want nothing to do w the males in ur group
•let alone Renjun
•which was unfortunate
•your mind flashes through a montage of times u would see renjun looking off into the distance during lunch, before taking out his sketch book and drawing something in it
•you never questioned him, as renjun was a pretty secretive dude, so you doubted he would tell u what he was thinking if u asked (guys hes an Aries what did u expect-)
•but now that u think abt
•u had noticed that renjun would never show interest in any girls (ten who all Ik is renjun chitaprrr)
•but whenever patty was mentioned (see: Jaemin complaining abt the incident after the two of you were “good”) or came up to you for any reason (see: Jaemin refusing to look up from his lunch while patty asked abt hwk with you, out of fear that she’ll slap him again) renjun would always go quiet and his ears would always go red
•the thought pushed a smile onto your face
•”totally! He would really like you, I’m sure”
•you gave patty renjuns number (1-800-VirginAlert!) and she expressed her thankfulness before booking it out the library
•meanwhile, you hastily texted the bitch boy previously mentioned
•Jaemins phat 🅱️ussy: dude idk abt u but i feel like Tony from skins Rn
•The Fugliest Virgin this side of China: lmao wtf are u talking abt
•Jaemins phat 🅱️ussy: say thank u
•The fugliest virgin this side of China: why? For being ugly and letting me shine bright like a diamond?
•Jaemins phat 🅱️ussy: no, Rihanna, for securing your spot in the “I’m not a virgin” club
•The fugliest virgin this side of China: what.
•Jaemins phat 🅱️ussy: one word: Patty
•The Fugliest virgin this side of China: WHAT.
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Hi Ik it’s short I’m sorry I just wanted to finish it to move on to greater things tbh😔 I still hope u enjoyed it!✨💙
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Survey #307
“you lie so much, you believe yourself”
How long has it been since you kissed someone? Like, two years or so. What level are you on Farmville? Never played it. What are you looking forward to in the next year? I hope Covid just withers away, dammit. I truly, truly hope this vaccine is effective. And that people start wearing their GODDAMN masks. Do you use a lot of emoticons? Not really nowadays. Would you ever climb a mountain? No. Even if my legs were capable of handling that, I'd be too afraid of an avalanche. Colons or equal signs for your smiley face’s eyes? Colons. When was the last time you swam in a lake? A looooong time ago. If you could have anything right now, what would you want? It'd be great to chill at Sara's house honestly, I miss that. What’s your relationship status? Single and I think finally starting to truly accept I need to be right now. I wouldn't want to date myself in my current position, so I shouldn't expect anyone else to. When was the last time someone asked you your age? On my birthday when I mentioned in group therapy that I was trying to make it an especially good day about myself. When was the last time you danced? Very, very poorly with Sara years ago lmao. Has anyone ever tried to physically fight you? Someone snatched my arm and yanked me down to look her in the eyes in HS because she was a jealous bitch back then telling lies, but idk if her intention was to actually try to start a physical fight. Are you avoiding someone? No. What’s your favorite primary color? Red. What do you have pierced? Just my ears and bottom lip now. :/ I want morrrreeee. I'm forever tilted that so many of my piercings closed when I was hospitalized. What is your favorite dog breed? I find pugs to be very cute, but I do not support their breeding whatsoever so would never buy one. Besides them, I have a definite bias towards beagles. In your honest opinion, what is the scariest sea creature you know? Fucking Christ, giant squids. Terrifying. Do you believe there is just one love for everyone, or…? No. There are way, way, WAY too many people on this planet for that. What natural disaster scares you the most? Tornados. What outrageous career could you see yourself wanting to do? Define an "outrageous" career... but I can't visualize myself doing anything very unordinary. In what way would you want to help change the world? I truly hope I can make some considerable amount of contributions to natural conservation and animal education. When driving down the road looking for an address do you turn the radio low? I don't drive, but I know I would, considering I can't concentrate on driving if the radio is on anyway. What do you think of when you look at the stars? How little I and my problems really are. It gives me perspective. If you could say ONE THING to the president, what would it be? Well, Biden just got into office, so I can't really say yet. We'll see what he does. What Disney princess are you most like? Personality wise, I mean. Uh. I'unno. Maybe Snow White because animals? haha Do you believe in astrology? Not in the slightest. Do you look into people’s eyes when you talk to them? I try to, anyway, but I tend to find it very uncomfortable, and I never know if I'm offering too little or too much. So I have trouble maintaining it, especially with people I don't know. You can have one of the following two things: trust or love. Pick one. Trust. What do you think is the most important thing in this life is? Hm, that's a deep one. Perhaps the understanding that you are just as important as the next person and that we should work as one to make this one life that we know of worthwhile. Make the world better than when you entered it. What is your favorite shade of blue? Pastel blue. I just like pastels in general. When's the last time you bought something just because? I don't buy things "just because." If I actually have money to spend, I use it with motivation behind it. What Ozzy lyric describes you best? WHOA NOW HUNNY you are asking the WRONG person because I can just about name his entire discography so there are waaaay too many song lyrics to dig through and pick one for myself. Probably something from "Dreamer," after a short moment's consideration. When was the last time you went for a walk without a specific destination in mind? Not since Sara and I walked down the path near her house. We didn't plan on when we would turn around to go back. Do you daydream? Only all the time. What was your last daydream about? Ha, thanks to that other question, visiting Sara again. It'd be nice, but yeah, financial limitations and corona. Ever won the lottery? Bitch I wish. What was the most important decision you made that screwed up your life the most? Ugh... I'd say putting all my self-worth, happiness, and source of peace into one person was pretty big but also fucking stupid. What is love really about? Don't ask a romantic this and expect a non-essay, haha. But to keep it as short as possible, it's about mutual care, the desire to grow together, trust, openness, the peace to be vulnerable with the other... It's about a lot. It's such a deep, beautiful feeling. What's the most you ever made in a year? lol Do you have an online diary? Only through surveys, really. What's the biggest pot you've won in poker? I haven't played poker since I was a kiddo, so idr. What Metallica lyric most describes your life? Who wrote this and knows my favorite bands????? Like damn. There's a good handful of the sadder songs I relate to; I did some brief digging through ones I know I relate to, and perhaps the one I feel closest is within "The Unforgiven II": "The door is locked now, but it's open if you're true. If you can understand the me, then I can understand the you." Aaaand now I'm gonna go binge Metallica 'cuz it's been too long, thanks. How many concerts have you been to? Just one. :/ Which one was your favorite? I've only seen Alice Cooper, and it was great. What's the most illegal thing you've done? Pirated stuff, oops. Ever get busted by the cops? What for? No. How many pairs of rollerblades do/did you own? I doubt I have any anymore. Ever wear out a CD? What was it? Ahaha... There is some scratching on my mom's copy of Ozzmosis thanks to me playing it so much on my old CD player. Ever have a tornado in your town? Well my city is pretty damn big, so yes, in some spots. I don't think my immediate proximity has ever seen one, though. If you HAD to pick ONE song to listen to for the rest of your life, and that would be the only song you ever heard, what would it be? I would absolutely need something motivating if that was the case, so most likely "Life Won't Wait" by Ozzy Osbourne. That song touches me so deeply and gives me the courage to do what I can to tackle life and try not to waste it. I know, I'm doing a great job at that. Ever heard of Shinedown? Hell yeah; I was actually listening to them in the car earlier. What does your lawn furniture consist of? We have nothing out there. Ever live off of canned soup and ramen noodles for weeks at a time? Er, no. But when I got my tongue pierced, I had to survive off of popsicles and... I somehow forgot the main thing I ate???? How?????? But anyway it was something that didn't involve much or any chewing, either. I actually lost a little bit of weight in that week or so because eating solids was impossible, and I didn't enjoy "eating" liquids either. That piercing (snake eyes, btw) was soooo so cute tho. I really wish it hadn't started to damage my teeth, or else I'd still have it. What musical group/artist do you love, but hide from other people? I used to be kinda embarrassed by artists like Melanie Martinez when you compare her music to my adoration of metal, but at my age now, I don't give a damn. I like what I like and won't hide it. What is the first meal you remember eating? ... Does anyone actually remember this??? What's in your keepsake box/scrapbook? Good God, a lot. I haven't looked in it in a very, very long time though. It brings a usually painful nostalgia. What did you score on your SATs? I don't even remember if I took them. I THINK I took the ACT instead? I don't even know the difference. When was the last time you saw a rainbow? Hm. Been a while. It's not like I'm out of the house a lot, especially nowadays with quarantine. What colors is your lava lamp? I wish I had a lava lamp, they're rad and really relaxing. What's the strangest thing you've ever hung on the wall? Nothing, really. Can you name every place you've ever had sex? I mean I can but I'm not going to. What's the most important thing you ever lost and never found again? My favorite childhood cat Charcoal. He was an outdoor and intact male, so it was very normal for him to eventually vanish to rove. Please keep your cats indoors. What forms of birth control have you used? The pill and, uh, having "barriers." How many webpages have you created, and can you still find them all? I made Wetpaint sites for my two RP mobs back in the day, but the site has since been completely revised, so no, they don't exist anymore. I checked outta curiosity I think last year. How many people are in your family portrait? We don't even have a proper family portrait. Ever punched a wall? No. When's the last time you really lost your temper? In some argument with Mom I don't remember. Ever thought you (or a girlfriend) were pregnant, but it was a false alarm? I had massive anxiety over it once, but it was irrational and even I knew that. Not that anxiety cares. If 97 is yes, were you glad or sad? I was very glad when my period came lmao. What was the last conversation you had with someone before they died? When I saw my grandma for the last time, I just let her know that I loved her and that she was so, so strong, and she was. No one could believe how long she warded death off when she finally stopped chemo. What do your drinking glasses look like? We have some more unique cups and mugs, but the majority of them are just plain, slightly angular glasses, some short, some tall. How many bottles/containers are in your medicine cabinet? Oh wow, a lot. We're covered for most potential problems. How many funerals have you been to? Uhhh I think one. Maybe even none, just wakes. What was the last bug you killed and what did you use? An ant, I think? I just used my fingers. How many computers in your household? There are three laptops, but no desktop computers. Ever help to solve a crime? There was one occasion years ago when our neighbor's window was busted overnight and cops came to us to ask for any evidence we might have had, but we didn't have any. Idk what came of it. Ever get pulled over by the cops and get away without a ticket? I've never been pulled over. What was your first legal alcoholic drink? I think it was a margarita, but possibly a daquiri. Ever get published by one of those poetry groups? I fucking wish. I've tried, but to no avail. What's the furthest distance you've moved? Not very far at all. Just to the neighboring town. How many friends from high school/college do you still talk to? Only a few now and then. Girt is the only one I have real conversations with, though. What's the most expensive things your parents ever bought you? Probably the laptop I have right now, but idk. I've never asked how much things they've bought me cost, it seems rude somehow. What's the most expensive thing you've bought? The upcoming revamp of my tattoo. Deposit was $100, and then it's probably going to be another $300-400. I can't afford it all myself; as my birthday gift, Mom is helping me pay for it, but I've got most of it covered thanks to Christmas and birthday money. How many times did you intentionally start to commit suicide? Start to do it? Well, I was trying to run for sharp objects to do it twice, but on each occasion, someone held me back 'cuz they knew I was about to do something rash, so I didn't get very far, thankfully. The only time I fully went through with an attempt was my OD. Ever spent the night in the "loony bin?" How fucking disrespectful to call it that, but whatever. If you put all the instances together, I've been in psych hospitals for around a couple months, maybe more. What is your favorite cover song? Disturbed's cover of "Sound of Silence" is absolutely unbeatable. I'd just about call it a cold hard fact. What's your inspiration? Other's success stories, music, art in general, etc. What's the longest relationship you've been in? Over 3 1/2 years. Did you ever drop out of school? I dropped out of college three times, yikes. Three times is enough; even if I think I want to, I'm never going back. That is just way too much money to keep throwing down the drain, and there's clearly a pattern. Ever raise a child that wasn't your own for more than 3 months? I've never raised a kid period. Strangest medical procedure ever performed on you? Look up what a pilonidal cyst is and know I had one surgically removed. Pretty strange and uncomf. Song that has changed your attitude recently? None, really. What's something that you say a lot to be mean? ... Why would I try to be mean??? Who told you they loved you last? Me mum. Ever had a pet frog? Not technically, no, but as kids, my sister, neighbor, and I saved hundreds, maybe thousands of tadpole eggs from a ditch that was inevitably going to dry out. We transferred them all to a kiddie pool and let them grow naturally, hopping out and into the world whenever they were ready. I wouldn't call them "pets." Your worst enemy? IT'S NO SURPRIIIISE TO MEEEE I AAAAMMM MY OWN WORST ENEMYYYYY Do you believe in karma? No, but I wish it was a thing. What was the last hurtful thing you said to someone? I'm not sure. I certainly try to avoid doing so. Do you love someone enough you'd die for them? There's multiple people. The last song you listened to? I wasn't joking when I said I was gonna go on a Metallica spree, haha. "Of Wolf and Man" is on rn. Your most favorite memory as a kid? Too many, man. If you had the choice to work or not, would you work? Yes. I need something to do that benefits others in one way or another. Ever TRULY wanted to kill someone? I can't say for sure, if I'm being totally transparent. When I found out about Jason's gf after me, I can say with certainty I wanted her dead beyond dead, but I don't know if I wanted to kill her, per se. Just to clarify, no, I don't wish any negativity upon her now. I was certifiably insane before and certainly don't think I am anymore, so... Marvel or DC? I don't care. Do you watch anime subbed or dubbed? Both. I prefer dubbed, BUT only if the voice acting isn't insufferable. I like dubbed just because for me, it's very distracting to have to keep looking down at subtitles. How often do you exercise? I don't... I'm still waiting for Mom to move into her actual room versus the living room couch so I can do WiiFit with some privacy. I'm too uncomfortable to exercise in front of anyone. What is your favorite book series? Warriors will forever have a very special place in my heart. What is your favorite OTP? I will probably ship Rhett and Link for my entire life. Their friendship is truly incredible and so so SOOOOOOO cute. Who is your favorite Harry Potter character? I've never seen the series, actually.
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twinklecheeks · 5 years
Friends With Benefits (Jeff Wittek Imagine) Part 2
Summary: Jeff and Y/N have been hooking up for a while. The whole vlog squad assumes they’re dating and Y/N does too but Jeff doesn’t like labels. He eventually starts to express interest in Natalie.
Note: Planning on making this a multiple part series, depending on how good it does. You’re 21 & Latina in this (maybe) series. Also, I’d like to apologize for the typos, if there is any. I’m just illiterate lmao.
Warnings! pregnancy, abortion? mentions of sex.
Part 1
Word Count: 2.4k
Y/n doesn’t know what to do. A million scenarios were going on in your head. “What if I tell him and he doesn’t want it? What if I never tell him and I get an abortion? I mean my body, my choice, right? What if I leave youtube, pull off a Kylie Jenner and reveal it to the world when it’s born? What if I put it up for adoption? Would I choose a closed adoption or an open adoption?” As all these scenarios are running through your head, the doctor asks if you want pictures. “Ummm yeah sure.” This just feels like a nightmare to y/n. The doctor is ready to discharge you and you take an uber home. You feel a buzz in your pocket and it was a text from David. “Hey you should come over and film tonight. We’re messing around with helium and stuff that messes with your voice.” You were about to say yes until you remembered that you were with child. Helium is probably not the best for pregnancy…. “Sorry I can’t come today. Not feeling too well.” “Damn maybe tomorrow. I pulled a prank of Jason’s new tesla and I need some reactions.” “Sure, I’ll be there.” You finally arrive home and you just feel super overwhelmed. Your anxiety already fucks with you at random times and now add the pregnancy hormones, that just sounds like a recipe for disaster. You decide to text Carly and Erin in y’alls gc. They have basically been you best friends since you’ve been a part of the vlog squad but you don’t know if they’ll be pissed once you reveal your secret relationship w/ Jeff. “Heyy, can you guys come over rn? I have to tell you guys a secret and you’re the only people I can trust at the moment.” Erin: “Sure. Well be there in like an hour or so. Carly and I are filming a bit with David. Probably won’t take long.” “Okay great. See you later.” Carly reads the messages from her phone and whispers “sounds serious, what do you think she’s gonna tell us?” “I don’t know. Just hope she isn’t dying or something.”
You say to yourself, “Since Carly and Erin are gonna be here in an hour, I should get pregnancy tests from the store. Just hope no fans recognize me.” You try to dress incognito and you remembered you had some expensive ass wigs in you closet (you’re a boujee ass college student lol) Once you glue the wig on, you get in your tesla (like the tesla Carly has) and you head to target. You have your hood up and sunglasses on like you’re some sort of fbi agent or something. You head to the aisle the pregnancy tests are in and see the condoms right by there and you mumble to yourself “if you woulda just taken the time to come to target and buy those, you wouldn’t be in this mess you dumb bitch.” You grab a couple of the electronic pregnancy tests cause like my bio says “i radiate dumb bitch energy.” You get home, take off the wig and read the text that says they’re 5 minutes away.
*Carly and Erin pov*
“How much you wanna bet that she has a thing for someone in the squad.” “CARLY.”
*Y/n pov*
You hear a knock at the door “heyyy” you say in an awkward tone. Erin sees the hospital bracelets on your wrist. “Oh god you are dying” Y/n: “ERIN WHAT THE-  NO ARE YOU CRAZY” All of you head to the couch and you have a hard time telling them so you say it really fast “SooooIjustfoundouti’mpregantandyou’regonnabeauntsmaybe.” Carly didn’t catch any of that but all Erin heard were the two big words. Both of them start screaming out stuff like “YOU’RE PREGNANT” “WHAT” “WHO’S IS IT.”  Y/n: “Okay okay okay. I’m gonna tell you guys everything.” So you ended up telling them the saga of you and Jeff’s relationship. Carly: “ITS. JEFF’S.” Y/n:“That’s all you have to say?” Erin: “You have to take another test. This can’t be right.” You go to the bathroom and 5 minutes later, the test says ‘pregnant.’ Erin: “ummm how about you go to a doctor so they can run some tests.” Y/n:“I already got a blood test done in the ER. Nothing is more accurate than a blood test.” Carly: “when are you due.” Y/n:“Early April I think.” Erin:“So you’re not gonna make it to my wedding?” Y/n:“Oh shit you get married in April. Dammit.” Carly: “So what are you gonna do?” Y/n:“I honestly have no idea. I just feel like he’s gonna deny everything and say its not his. He’s the only guy I’ve been sleeping w/ since New Years.” Erin: “well, whatever you decide, we’ll support you. Hopefully I’ll have a newborn baby to be my ring bearer or flower girl.” You smiled just thinking about that. Before you knew it, It started to get dark and both of them left. You didn’t want to be alone tonight, so you decided to facetime one of your other best friends. Y/n:“Hey Stass. You wanna have a girl’s night? Stassie: Sorry, I’m already having a girl’s night at Kylie’s house. You hear Kylie yell in the background “YOU CAN COME TO MY HOUSE.” Y/n: “Thanks, I’ll be there in a bit.” Two years ago, you would’ve never thought that you’d be friends with Kylie Jenner. You two hit it off when she invited the vlog squad to a roller rink to celebrate her becoming a billionaire.
You arrived at her mansion, finding both of them upstairs sitting on the floor in the nursery, playing with Stormi. You’re thinking about telling Kylie and ask her for advice. She’d completely understand; she had a baby at 20 and the whole world had eyes on her not knowing whether she was or wasn’t pregnant. You don’t mind if Stass knows because she helped keep Kylie’s pregnancy a secret, so you know she won’t tell anyone. Y/n:“I have to talk to you guys about something.” Kylie: “Sure. About what?” Y/n:“I’m pregnant.” Kylie and Stass: “YOU’RE WHAT.” Y/n:“Why is it so surprising that I’m pregnant.” Kylie: “who’s is it.” Stass: “it’s probably Jeff’s.” Your eyes go wide as she said that, Stass: “and just by the look on your face, you just confirmed it.” Kylie: “is Jeff the fit one with the New York accent?” “Yeah.” Kylie: “Ooooo he’s hot. So what about pregnancy did you wanna talk about?” Before you ask about pregnancy, you had to tell the whole saga for the second time today. Y/n:“I just don’t know what I should do. How did you feel when you found out?” Kylie: “well, I was shocked at first but then I got excited. Did I plan on getting pregnant so young? No. But I know I’ve always wanted to be a mom. Yeah, motherhood came earlier than expected but I honestly can’t imagine my life without Stormi. Hiding it from the public wasn’t easy but I’m lucky that I had people I could trust to hide my secret. And if Jeff doesn’t accept the baby as his, then screw him. He’ll look like the asshole for leaving. So what do you want to do?” Y/n:“I think I want to keep it a secret but that gonna be really hard because 1. I’m a youtuber and people are gonna see me gain weight, 2. I’m a college student and I have to go on campus for classes. Stass: “Can you look and see if they’re offering online courses for the classes you need to take?” Y/n:“Probably but I don’t want to die of boredom and stay in my house all the time.” Kylie: “I didn’t stay in my house all the time. I just had a lot of security around me 24/7. I bought more cars and switched between them all the time so the paparazzi would be confused. I made sure to wear baggy clothes all the time. I really didn’t start to show that much until I was almost 5 months pregnant.” Y/n:“I’d be 5 months by the time the semester ends for winter break. Should I risk it? Kylie: “I don’t know. Every body is different.” Y/n:“Thanks for the advice Ky.” Kylie: “No problem. You can always come to me for baby advice. I can help you prep. Stormi might not be right baby to start off practicing with but you’re lucky Kim just had a baby in May.” Y/n:“Are you sure she’d be okay with you borrowing Psalm to teach me how to be a mom?” Kylie: “Are you kidding. She’d love it. She has 4 kids under 6 years old. She needs a break. Oh and when it’s time to find out the gender, you HAVE to let me plan the gender reveal and baby shower.” Y/n:“haha okay.” Kylie then takes a vid of y’all playing with Stormi and posts it on her insta story captioning it ‘girls night❤️’
You wake up the next morning not feeling great at all. Kylie: “Drink ginger ale or really bitter lemonade. It helped me with my morning sickness.” Y/n:“Thanks. I should get going. I have to get to class in a couple of hours. I’ll text you later.” Kylie & Stass: “call us as soon as you figure out what you’re gonna do” Y/n:“k, bye”
Y/n talking to herself while driving home:
It probably wasn’t the best decision telling 4 people that I’m pregnant cause I’m not past the 1st trimester yet but I just couldn’t keep it in. I had to vent to someone! I’m scared of telling Jeff but I’m 1000x times more scared of telling my parents. When should I tell them? I mean, I’m flying to Seattle next month for a couple days for my moms birthday…. is that a bad time to tell them both?? I mean, my mom has been begging for grandchildren for the past couple of years. There was one time in high school where I was typing an essay in my room and my mom randomly comes in and says “mija, cuando tu tienes un hijo, nombrarlo después de mí” like who tf says that to a 17 year old? What was I gonna do today? I have class later but- Oh shit. I said I was going to David’s today to film a prank reaction. I hope I don’t have to be in the same clip as Jeff. Luckily your class is only an hour long and so you got home, quickly showered and went to class.
 As you got out of class, you hear a ding from your phone. David: “Are you on you way?” Y/n:“Yeah I’m like 30 minutes away.” As you’re driving down David’s street, you see 4 people. David, Jason’s mom, Erin and?.... Of course it would be Jeff. You get out of your tesla and David is getting the camera ready. He opens the gate and you see Jason dressed as Carmelita, showing his genitals all over the car. Everybody is screaming. “NOOOOO OH MY GOD” Jeff: “HOW CAN YOU SHOW THAT TO HIS MOTHER?” Jason’s mom is laughing hysterically. After a couple of minutes, he stopped recording and invited us all in. You haven’t been to David’s house since the incident with Jeff but you were acting as if nothing happened. You were just acting really quiet around Jeff because you’re literally pregnant with his child and have no idea how to tell him. Jeff: “Hey y/n haven’t seen you around lately” all you said was ‘hey” while looking at your phone. Jeff: “What you’re not even gonna look at me? You think cause you’re hanging out with Kylie Jenner, you’re too good for us?” Y/n: “Us? You’re literally making no fucking sense rn, I’ve talked and hung out with everyone except you. Plus why would you care? You kicked me to the curb like I was a piece of trash. Not sorry that I wanna be treated right.” Jeff pulls you to the backyard. Y/n:“Get the fuck off me” Jeff: “why the fuck are you acting like this?” Y/n:“like what? A person who’s finally standing up for herself? I don’t need you and why would you care what i’m doing? Last thing I remember is that you’re with Natalie. I hope you treating her like an actual person, unlike how you treated me. Playing around and fucking me like I was you’re toy.” Jeff: “You consented.” Y/n:“Yeah but now I realize I was dumb as fuck saying yes so many times.” At this moment, you were contemplating whether you should just tell him. You were about to tell him until the last sentence he said left you livid. Jeff: “You said yes cause you were desperate sweetheart. You fucked like a whore. I probably wasn’t the only one you were sleeping with.” At this point, you just wanted to run him over with a car. You didn’t want to be the stereotypical raging Latina so all you said as you were walking away was “Goodbye Jeff.” You didn’t even turn around. Everybody in the house from David, Jason’s mom and Erin heard every single word. On the drive home you made your decision. You’re not telling Jeff it’s his and you’re raising this baby alone. Since you’re still in the first trimester, you’ll keep it to yourself just a little bit longer before you tell the rest of the vlog squad.
*One Month later*
Y/n is officially past the 1st trimester. I’m now 13 weeks. You look in the mirror and see a tiny little bump forming. You telling your parents last week wasn’t the best… Your mom was excited but disappointed; your dad couldn’t even look at you. Your older siblings stuck by you. But now that you have the biggest obstacle out of the way, you have to tell the vlog squad... I wonder how this will go...
I’m surprised at how many people liked chapter 1! It was confusing for me switching back from saying you & y/n but I think I did better in this part. Oh and I’m not sure if I’ll be writing as much as I am in the future. I think the minimum will be 1k words but I’ll probably write more than that.
Oh and just a heads up, I’m starting school at the end of the month! I’ll try to release as many chapters as I can write in the next 3 weeks.
Taglist: @elvlogsquad @siemprestan @zavidzobrik @irisindigonightmare
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rynhaswritersblock · 4 years
hallway bookworm (hc) | p.p.
a/n: hi my name's ryn and i'm in love with writing headcanons... they let me show my two personalities: deep-loving-philosophical-bubbly + memebot-rat-tiktoker-minecraftGOD which i ADORE
summary: girls reading and crying while walking in the hallway sure do seem to have an effect on peter parker.
warnings: some cussing (as per usual), uhhhhh fluff?? yeah????? oh yeah and terrible writing i couldn't deliver as well as i wanted i'm sorry
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- AIGHT FOLKS so listen
- you're in the middle of a really good book, right?
- like, really good
- btw pretend this is your favorite book
- so you're like right in the middle of a SUPER important scene and guess what
- ?????
- ???????????????
- so you're like... autopiloting your way to class, nose stuffed in book, tears streaming down your face bc you're at a serious part
- and that's when peter parker sees you for the first time
- we all know that peter is a complete disaster
- especially when it comes to pretty girls in the hallway who also appear to be nerds according to the fact that they're literally reading and crying while walking to class in the middle of a highschool hallway during passing
- so naturally
- this mans stops walking
- let's be honest: who expected peter effin parker to be able to function after seeing what he saw??
- who?????
- "peter-"
- unresponsive.
- "peter, move your flat ass," ned mutters, shoving him from behind as peter watches you walk in the opposite direction to your class
- he finally regains himself (jeez)
- poor guy's heart is racing and chocolate eyes are wide in bewilderment as he stumbles alongside ned to physics
- "why do you look like you just did drugs for the first time, dude"
- "i just saw a girl"
- "of course you did"
- "no, nED" peter says, looking over at his best friend, a smirk on ned's lips.
- "she was like, reading a book, tears streaming down her face. and she was still walking without even watching where she was going! and she was like, beautiful, too, ned-"
- "jesus, peter! calm down. but yeah, i saw her. that was y/n." ned states, way too calm for peter's chaos
- this man stops in his tracks
- "you know her?!"
- "yeah, like everybody does. she's not one of those people, but like, she's really nice and funny and she's captain of the debate team." (a/n: if one of y'all DARES to say something like "couldn't be me" or "bitch i wish".... first of all this is fanFICTION so we're all pretending to be a better version of ourselves WOOT WOOT and second you can be anything you put your mind to my dudes!!!!!!)
- peter sighs as they walk into class, mind stuck on your name, not paying attention to the lesson at all
- ...WHEW
- so that was very in-depth
- in case you couldn't tell
- peter became dedicated to finding out your classes and where you'd be at certain times just so he could see you for at least a second
- like
- homeboy was WHIPPED
- and to his luck
- !!!!!!
- one day after a particularly long day of school, our boy headed into delmar's to get his sammich (i giggled while writing sammich fyi) before he went on patrol
- YOU!!
- the boy froze in his spot, the door almost crushing him as it flew back in the doorway before he finally snapped out of his trance
- his gaze didn't leave you as he walked up to the counter, mr. delmar clearing his throat after a few seconds to get pete's attention
- "oh! sorry,"
- "it's fine, kid. i see you're particularly interested in that young lady-"
- "UM i'll have a number five with pickles and smush it down real flat, please, thanks" the words tumbled out of peter's mouth, cutting mr. delmar right off
- the man's laugh rumbled as he nodded his head
- pete hesitated before leaning over the counter
- "you wouldn't, uh, you wouldn't know anything about her, would you?"
- a knowing grin tugged at mr. delmar's lips
- "y/n. she comes here at least twice a week, orders the number eight with a coca-cola every time, and always reads a book while eating."
- a slight, crooked grin grew on peter's face as he comprehended everything
- "good to know, thank you, mr.-"
- "go and sit with her."
- "you want me to.. what now?"
- " go sit with her. she won't bite." with that, mr. delmar handed the kid his sandwich and a pack of gummy worms, nudging his head in the direction of you
- peter nervously took the items, clearing his throat and mustering up all the confidence he had (which honestly wasn't much, especially since he wasn't in the spider-suit)
- and he walked over to you and plopped down right across from you
- you jumped (scaredy-cat), eyes leaving the page and meeting peter's, a look of surprise instantly etching your face that made peter regret every decision he'd ever made
- you relaxed slightly when you recognized the face in front of you, setting your book down (still keeping it open though)
- "oh, hi, peter,"
- HI WHO??????
- ME??????????????????
- "you know my name?" peter stuttered out incredulously
- "of course i do, you're on the decathlon team. plus i'm friends with ned and sometimes he just can't shut up about you."
- homeboy silently scolded himself for not even knowing who you were until like a week ago
- "oh," he laughed nervously, "cool,"
- ako-taco moment of silence
- "i'm y/n," you blurt, "by the way,"
- "i know," peter nervously laughs
- by SOME force of nature
- the two of you strike up a conversation!! YAY PETER
- you talk about the book you're reading and decathlon and debate and school and life and stuff
- and honestly peter just about forgets he has to go on duty
- until he hears sirens in the background, eyes widening
- "UHM, uh, i just remembered my aunt needs me home-"
- this kid rambles on a bit too much
- you laugh and wave him away
- "go do your thing. it was great talking to you, peter"
- poor petey was going to FAINT if you said his name like that again
- and so
- THE RELATIONSHIP HAS BEGUN! (reread that in korg's voice it makes it even better)
- peter would often hang around delmar's longer just in case you'd be there
- he deadass made spider-man a second priority to you (although he didn't admit it)
- he's WHIPPED
- alrighty guys real talk i'm in love with this whole concept itself but i don't know how to deliver it right so i'm just gonna give a brief rundown of the rest of the story and let you guys' imaginations do the rest
- you two keep running into each other at delmars
- eventually it leads to you two hanging out at peter's apartment (HOMEBOY WAS HIGHKEY FREAKING OUT LETS JUST SAY)
- and you two become gr8 friends!!!!!!
- and you live happily ever after woot woot
+ + +
the writing in this sucked
it's a really cute concept i am just unable to deliver
oh well lmao
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purplesurveys · 4 years
What year were you born? 1998.
What holiday is closest to your birthday? I’d say Easter. Last year it even fell on the exact day of my birthday.
What is your name if you spell it without the letters "e" "y" and "t"? Robn.
If you named a band after your birth-month and your pet, what would it be? It would either be April Cooper or April Kimi...I feel like the first one would only remind people of Alice Cooper lmao, and the second one doesn’t have enough oomph I think.
Who is your 9th contact in your phone? Aw it’s Angela heheh.
Have you had your birthday yet this year? Yes. It was during the peak of the lockdown but I’m really glad things fell into place that day. My parents got me a cheesecake (the store only had blueberry, but mom scraped the blueberry stuff off and my sister grated Oreos on top to make it an Oreo cheesecake) and Angela surprised me with a box of all my favorite sushi. :)
How old will you be in 5 years? I will beeeeeee 27. That age has always freaked me out because that’s how old my parents were when they had me, and I am nowhere near that point.
How about in 20 years? 42.
Where was the last place you went? The living room to put Cooper back in his crate for a bit. Playtime exhausted me haha.
Do you have a twin? Nah. My only experiences with twins is that I went to school with several sets of them, but twins don’t run in either family.
What was the last movie you watched? Ah shoot this is gonna be crazy embarrassing but I recently watched that really bad Cat in the Hat film with Mike Myers...I CAN EXPLAIN hahaha there was a Cat in the Hat meme I saw on Twitter and I realized I haven’t seen the movie in like 16 years. I looked it up on YouTube expecting to watch a few scenes but I was surprised to find the entire movie uploaded, so that’s how I killed 1.5 hours the other day lmao.
Are you afraid of shots? Terrified of them. I made a tiny scene when I had to go to the hospital last May and I watched as the nurse prepared the stuff needed for my blood test. I can’t imagine how I’d be if I ever needed a shot as an adult, lol.
What color are the walls of the room you are in? Again, white.
How many letters are in your middle name? Five.
Is your last name longer than 6 letters long? Nope, it’s exactly that many letters long.
If you were in an accident, would you rather lose a hand or an ear? I feel like any answer I pick would be potentially offensive but uh I’d go with ear. I have pretty bad hearing on my right ear as it is so I wouldn’t have to adjust as much as I would have to if I suddenly lost a hand.
Have you ever dyed your hair an unnatural color? I’ve never dyed my hair. I gotta say though, college has this way of making you feel left out if you don’t ever ride the waves of trends like these, but thankfully I never felt pressured to dye my hair or get a nose piercing or try drugs or whatever.
If a gorilla and a horse had a baby, what would the new creature be called? Gorse sounds hilarious, I’ll go with that.
Does anyone call you baby? Yes.
Regular Cheetos or hot? I like the jalapeño ones. The flaming hot Cheetos look so unappetizing to me...
How's your heart lately? I think it’s just really bored around the house at this point.
Favorite fruit? Avocado(-flavored stuff).
Are you scared of spiders? I hate that they move so fast it looks like they jump from one spot to another, I’ll say that. But I’m not necessarily scared of them? though I think it’s because we have much smaller spiders here.
Do you have a piercing? I have ear piercings that haven’t been used in 12 years. By some miracle both are still open, though.
If someone doesn't like you, its usually because...? Probably because I bitched them out at one point.
Do you wear the hood on your hoodie? Only if there’s something uncomfortable happening outside is the best way I can describe it. Like if the sun is too bright or if there are too many mosquitoes flying around my face at night.
How long does it take for you to take a shower? 7-15 minutes.
Do you like being around a large group of friends, or two best friends? I have both scenarios and I don’t know if I have any preference, honestly. In both circumstances I’m with friends, and that’s really all I need to have a good time.
Whose birthday is coming up? JM’s was yesterday, though I’m not really sure who among the people I know will have their birthday next. The earliest next birthday I can think of is my girlfriend’s sister’s, but that’s not until next month.
Do you like roller coasters? Hate them.
Do you have a tattoo? Nah. Still gathering up the courage to face the needle.
What is wrong with you right now? I’m at a new chapter in my life and still a little scared to start scribbling on it yet, and the pandemic is just putting some more fuel onto that fear.
What was the last movie you went to? Knives Out.
Do you care what others think about you? Only when it comes to someone whose opinions I value, like my best friends. They don’t just blurt stuff out to me so if they pull me aside and tell me if I’m being a shitty person or generally not being my best, that’s the only time I’ll listen and care.
Do think you'll be married in 10 years? Yes. I’d want to be by then, that’s for sure. Are you afraid of the dark? If it’s meant to be scary, like a Halloween house attraction.
Do you like your life at the moment? I can’t complain, considering how many others are living in more unfortunate circumstances now. It could be better obviously, but I know better than to complain.
Where were you last night? I was at home and had an early night because I was sleepier than usual.
What kind of shirt are you wearing? Black tank top.
Has someone of the opposite sex ever told you they loved you? My dad, my grandpas, and Andrew are the only people to come to mind.
What are you afraid of the most? Losing the people that I love. < This, failure, and rejection.
When's the last time you wanted to punch someone in their face? Around two Mondays ago.
Do you have a crush on someone? Yup.
When is your birthday? April 21st.
What are you doing tonight? Same old, I guess. I’ll be doing some puppysitting and probably finding something to watch on YouTube, and maybe a survey or two.
Describe life in one word: Wild.
What happened at 10:00 am today? Cooper was napping, so I took one as well to recharge and to be ready for whenever he got up.
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