#lmk yandere monkey king x reader
yanderelmk · 1 year
Hello! Could I request how Wukong would react to a female reader (she/they) who was previously in a toxic relationship? She has a hard time opening up and is often very hard on themselves when they do stuff wrong? Perhaps some Fluff?
After watching observing Y/N for a while, Wukong had finally nailed it! He grabbed their favorite flowers, their favorite movie, and their favorite snacks. All he had to do was not mess this up. He was about to knock on their door when he heard sobbing. He paused, instantly worried. Hopping onto the roof, he used his Phoenix Eyes for a birds-eye view of the inside of her house. Y/N was in their room, crying with her phone beside them. Squinting, he was able to read the...rather nasty messages. This wouldn’t do. Hopping back to the front door, he knocked.
When Y/N, after a few minutes, opened the front door, it was to see a smiling king holding out some flowers. When he noticed their red eyes, his expression changed to concern.
“Had a feeling you could use these, and it looks like I was right. What’s wrong, Y/N?”
“Oh...nothing. Just something dumb.” Y/N wiped her eyes. "C'mooon. You can tell me." Wukong smiled and playfully leaned his head on their shoulder. "It's me! You know I wouldn't judge you. I'm the last person who can judge others. Y'know glass house, stones, blah blah blah." "I still don't wanna talk about it."
"Okay, okay, that's fine. Say, why don't we head inside? I got your favorite movie, and..." He lifts up the arm carrying all the food. "Snackies!"
Y/N thinks for a bit. "I still want to take some time to myself, but...maybe being with someone would be better than stewing alone."
Wukong's smile brightened. "I promise, I won't be a bother." Even as he speaks the words Wukong knows he's a goddamn liar, but that doesn't matter right now. Once Y/N allowed the Great Sage inside, he set everything down and the two began setting things up. He noticed Y/N had left their phone on the coffee table, so the second Y/N went to the restroom he dove for it, unlocking it and going over to the text messages. The further he scrolled, the more his expression changed to one of pure anger at the many messages this ex had left behind. He had a name...good, this would make things much easier... When he heard the door open, he nearly dropped the phone in surprise, scurrying to place it back down and leap on the couch in a semi-casual position. "Heyyyyy Y/N! So I just remembered I got somethin' to take of really quick and I promise it won't take long. Sage stuff, y'know? I promise I'll be right back as soon as I can." "Oh! Um...okay. Be safe, Wukong." The Monkey King gave a totally inconspicuous smile before he left the apartment. The second the Great Sage shut the door, he immediately hopped on his cloud and flew off... ...it would be about two hours before he returned to Y/N and the awaiting snacks and movie. He cursed himself for taking so long, but blood took a while to clean off. Considering he had just gotten through playing baseball with the head of a particularly revolting individual it was safe to say he'd gotten carried away, as he usually did. Now when he opened the door, he found Y/N crying upon the couch. Quickly he went over and gently put his hands on their shoulders. "What's all this about, buddy? I know I was gone for a while, and I'm really sorry, but I didn't think-"
"Wukong, am I... am I a burden?"
His golden eyes widened. "What? Of course not! What would make you say something like that?" "It- it- it's just-" She sobbed for a minute or so before gathering up enough breath to speak. "I- m-my...I just broke up with someone an- and-" They gulped down more tears threatening to escape. "I thought when you left that you weren't coming back, and I th-thought that you ditched m-me and then I thought that everything my ex said about me was right, that...that I am a burden, a nuisance, a- a mistake!" Here she dissolved into more sobs.
The cries broke the Monkey King's heart. He held Y/N in his arms and rubbed her back, shushing her and rocking them back and forth. "Y/N don't you ever listen to anyone who says that. The last thing you are is a burden. Anyone who tells you that clearly isn't worth listening to. Hey..." He moved Y/N's chin, making them look up in his fiery eyes and golden pupils. "Guess what you are, Y/N?"
"Wh-what?" Wukong put his forehead to hers. "My treasure. The most beautiful and unique thing to grace the mortal realms, and don't you let anyone tell you different." He rested her head upon his shoulder. "If you ever feel like this again, I want you to call me, okay? No matter what the hour or circumstance."
"I will...thanks, Wukong." They sat there like that for uncountable minutes, just Wukong holding Y/N and giving the comfort they needed. At length they would eventually begin watching the movie and sharing the provided snacks while sharing a warm blanket. Towards its end, Y/N had fallen asleep, head on Wukong's shoulder. Seeing this, Wukong turned off the TV and slowly moved to lay down, letting Y/N rest on top of him. As he ran his fingers through their hair, he made a promise to himself: He would wipe from creation any who made his darling feel a fraction of the pain their bastard ex made them feel this night.
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ihatemyselfhoho · 10 months
i’m with this scenario on my head for quite some time now-
what would be wukong and macaque’s (separately) reaction when their human s/o accidentally eats a peach of eternity or just somehow manages to get immortal by accident?
their s/o just stand there (like pomni from tadc when she realizes there’s no escape lmao) while trying to process that now they are immortal and the monkeys trying to comfort them but they are actually celebrating this on their heads
sorry it took so long to answer this!!
sun wukong:
So you were on wukongs mountain enjoying life like usual, until you saw a basket of peaches!
Of course you took one, it wouldn’t hurt anyone after all! It’s just a simple peach!
As you happily ate the peach you saw your love of your life! Wukong.
wukong eyes gazed over the peach in your hand and the basket before his eyes widened with realization.
of course your confused and worried so you ask what’s wrong with a smile.
wukong struggles to form his words before blurting out in one breath.
” you just ate a peach of eternity-“ wukong immediately cringes at your reaction.
you drop the peach, with wide eyes.
you’re immortal now?! What about your family?! Friends?! you stare into the distance rethinking your life choices, wukong walks to you and gave you a comforting hug, unknowing of his relieved smile he had on his face.
now you can’t possibly leave him.
(this one is going to be a bit more Yandere)
Macaque asked if you could come over by text, you text him back that you’ll be there in a bit.
once you knock on his door he opens it quickly with a smile.
”hey plum! How’s life going?”
macaque chuckles as he lets you in, you answer his question with a small smile of your own.
“It’s been great, at least so far!”
you smile and sat on his couch, macaque eyes held something a bit dark but you ignore it, he’s your best friend after all.
“want some peaches? I cut some earlier and have leftover.” Macaque asks with a smile.
weird, he really doesn’t like peaches himself, but you accept anyway.
you eat the peaches he handed to you with a small smile, it felt like you shouldn’t be eating this to be honest, like a cookie you stole from a jar your parents told you not to eat.
macaque only watches you with a pleased smirk, you ask him what’s wrong, feeling uneasy with his stare.
”oh it’s nothing to worry about..”
you shrug and finish the peach without a care, you place the pleats down before chatting with him unknowingly becoming immortal.
now you can’t possibly leave him, your forever his, macaque thinks with a smile.
sorry if this sucks I’m like writing this at 3 am lol.
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riuhere · 1 year
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Made a fanart for @/storiesfrom3AM from Wattpad and Ao3 dedicated to her book of oneshots. Her oneshots and short stories are all lovely! Really recommend reading it!
Here's the link to one of her book oneshots:
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emelinstriker · 1 year
{Twice As Bad AU} Wukong & Macaque ♤ Even Little Things
Art drawn by me.
My little take on @semisolidmind's TAB AU due to peeps asking me to cover that as an X Reader ever since that one doodle I once did for it.
As usual, tweaked some things a bit in the AU just for the sake of the plot- And also cuz I haven't really kept track of all the canon things in the AU, so I'm mostly just using the basic premise of the AU and added/removed some things for the story twist, humor and all that. So please don't take it as canon y'all-
Also, I speedran this within three days to post it earlier than planned, so... Happy birthday, Semi! Have 4k words of ya bois as birthday gift, I guess. :D
TW: Descriptions of death and gore
[TL;DR] Monke have 'yummy' berry if customer have coin.
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♤ ~ Emotional Mix ~ ♤
It started out as a regular day at the market for you.
You owned a little stall where you would sell berries you and your little monkey friends collected. You kept on insisting that you wanted to collect them on your own, but the two ginger-furred and dark-furred monkeys just wouldn't leave you alone. Though, their kindness and willingness to help you did prove useful in the end. You managed to garner a lot of berries by the end of the day. How they managed to get them all? You would never know. You didn't exactly question it much either due to how many you were able to sell. Sales were pretty good today as well... And as per usual, your two little monkeys were practically guarding you and your stall, which you found really adorable. They looked like two innocent and fluffy puppies looking out for their beloved owner. And their cuteness did definitely contribute to your berry selling success.
Though, while they were pretty quiet and polite towards your customers that were just there to buy berries, there were some they truly didn't like to have around you at all... More specifically, those who showed even the slightest bit of romantic interest towards you.
Especially that farmer boy.
God, they really hated that guy for some reason.
Even if they just saw him walk across the street, far away from where you actually were, they would already start letting out aggressive sounds of pure hatred. Meanwhile you would just awkwardly wave at the poor guy. Though, besides the few customers that had interest in you, your monkeys were pretty well-behaved when you were around. You found it adorable how they would even help fill up tiny bags with berries like little helpers. And if they weren't doing that, they would either sit or lie around on your stall or cling onto you while you worked. They especially loved body contact with you, so they mostly clung onto you. All they wanted in return for their help was your affection, oddly enough. No snack either, just affection. You only had to give them little kisses or cuddle them a bit and they were already melting in your arms. Another cute thing they would do whenever you were selling berries was to give you gifts...
Well, it certainly sounds cute in theory.
However, their gifts ranged from not only some simple shiny rocks and flowers, but also to literal little animals and insects... Which were usually alive whenever they were the dark-furred monkey's gift, but were most definitely always dead in the ginger-furred monkey's case. Of course, you would still praise them as to not upset them... And while they were highly aware of your discomfort whenever they brought in animals and insects, they just ignored it. Then again, you never thought much of it since in your eyes, they were just monkeys. Just two simple, silly, little monkeys. Why would they respect your discomforts when they couldn't even talk?
Well, despite your little monkeys not being able to talk to you, they did seem to understand you. Which felt really nice, considering most in the village either didn't trust you or enjoy talking to you... So their company was very endearing and appreciated.
Especially in certain moments...
"What do you mean you're out of berries?" A tough-looking man asked, definitely pissed off. So you tried to stay calm and defuse the situation as best as you could.
"Sorry, sir... But all berries are already sold out. The last batch was sold a few minutes ago. B-But you could come back tomorrow and-" "I don't have the fucking time to come back tomorrow! I need those berries now!" He rudely cut you off.
"I, uh, understand, sir, but-" "I know you still have berries in stock! I can see a bunch in the basket over there!" He cut you off again, yelling in your face as he pointed towards the basket behind you. You grimaced a little in discomfort.
"Sir, those are berries I'll deliver after work to a woman who already paid for them-" "Then give her that money back or some shit, will ya?! Just give me those damn berries instead already!" The man looked like he would jump behind the stall's counter any moment now to launch himself at you, when you suddenly heard very familiar growling coming from behind the man... He turned around, only to see two small monkeys glaring furiously at him.
The man scoffed. "The fuck are those doing here? Are those your pets or some shit?" You gave your monkeys worried glances, not wanting them to get involved and get hurt. This man looked tough and would have no problem getting rid of two little monkeys...
But your monkeys were different.
Instead of backing down, they slowly approached the man aggressively on all fours. Their tails were dangerously swaying behind them as they snarled at him... While they could tolerate the presence of customers in most cases, this was one of the few cases where they really were just out to murder. All they needed was an opening...
Wukong then seemingly stopped snarling for a moment as he whispered something extremely quietly, to which Macaque nodded. While Macaque continued to aggressively approach the man, his brother gave the man one last glare before running up to you instead, launching himself at you. Startled, you stumbled back a bit as he jumps at you. And with seemingly extreme strength, he managed to knock you down to the ground behind your stall. Your stall obscured your vision of the man and your other monkey. You groaned a bit in pain before you looked at the ginger-furred monkey, who just smiled at you with a love-struck gaze. He didn't attack you or anything, his tail just swayed happily as he nuzzled you. You, of course, were confused by his sudden mood change. "Why did you tackle me-"
Then, you heard a scream from the man for just a split second before the other monkey's snarling suddenly stopped. Everything was silent. Suspicious and confused, you held the ginger-furred monkey against your chest while he continued to happily nuzzle into you. You then stood back up and looked towards the front of your stall... The man was gone. But the dark-furred monkey was still there, sitting contently like a good boy where the man once was. His tail happily swayed behind him as well as if nothing ever happened just now...
The man's decomposing body was found hanging from a tree by his own guts in the forest a few days later. According to those who found his corpse, his body was completely mangled. His face was seemingly ripped or mauled off, displaying his skull with his eyes missing. His rib cage seemed to have been crushed and his abdomen was torn wide open. Part of his organs were missing, and a single bloody peach was found buried inside the body. His tongue was ripped off and literally stuffed down his throat, as if it were there to tell him to forever keep quiet... Not to mention all his broken bones that were not just simply snapped, but crushed into pieces. The entire scene was extremely horrifying for those that saw his remains. Some sort of brutal demon must've killed him. Yet the reasons were unknown as to why this man would be murdered in such a gruesome way... What did the man think in his last moments? Was he immediately dead or was he tortured alive? The people of the village seemed to mentally point their fingers in your direction, however. Especially due to how you were one of the last people they saw him with.
That was just one of the strange happenings surrounding you and your monkey companions.
Something else the villagers noticed was the other rather recent murder cases looked similar, though less brutal. Whoever, or whatever, killed the other people also killed this man. But the other victims usually only had their abdomens be ripped open and their organs ripped out, for whatever reason... Though, they all were found with a single bloody peach inside them.
And of course, villagers kept you in mind as a major suspect. Which was sort of understandable since all those people were people who basically told you to get lost and fuck off, telling you that you don't belong in their community. The more people suspected you to be at least involve in the serial murders, the less people would stop by your berry stall. Which in turn made you feel sad and confused... Did you do something wrong?
Your two little monkeys noticed your guilt and self-doubt creeping in, and they didn't like seeing you beat yourself like this over whatever those other humans thought of you.
Thus, they decided now was the time to make themselves known and 'save' you from this unworthy village.
And what better way than to go out with a bang?
So, they decided to help 'sell' some berry bags personally and directly. They packed them up themselves again and snuck into peoples' houses, taking some of their coins and leaving a bag of berries everywhere they went. The two of them were extremely helpful. They came back to you with coins everytime, so you assumed they managed to sell their little bags to happy customers. All would be fine again soon...
...At least, that's what you had hoped.
News spread fast in the village.
A death was reported in the east.
Another further north.
Few more in the west.
The southern area seemed to have multiple dead people already...
People were dropping dead like flies everywhere within the span of just a single day...
The entire panic rising within the village only seemed to enhance your uneasiness as well. You were mostly outside around your stall after all... What if this so called serial killer found you? Or perhaps there was a deadly virus going around and you shouldn't even be outside in the first place...
You held your monkeys close in worry as you feared for their and your own safety, standing behind your stall once more. While you were feeling uneasy, your monkey companions only seemed all too happy and content with no care in the world as you let them nuzzle into you with cute little chirps. Sighing, you looked at all the berries you still haven't managed to sell. Feeling a little hungry, you decided to eat a few of the berries you had. After taking one of the berry bags the monkeys had packed, you grabbed a few of the berries and were about to eat them.
Suddenly, the ginger-furred one stopped you by quickly switching from clinging onto your chest to clinging onto the arm that was holding the berries, stretching his body from your arm up to your hand to clasp his own little hands around it, keeping you from eating the berry. He looked at you with seemingly slightly concerned eyes, shaking his head as he let out quiet noises, which sounded like he was begging you not to eat them. It was strange how strong this little monkey actually was... His tiny hands were preventing you from even opening your hand. The dark-furred monkey also seemed to join in on stopping you from consuming those berries as he nuzzles into your neck, wrapping his tail around the arm that's holding the bag. The sight must've looked funny to others if they were passing by, to be honest.
Confused, you decide to just listen to the monkeys and not eat the berries... Maybe they were just upset that you'd wanna unpack and eat the berries they had so nicely packed for customers earlier. Which would make sense.
Another day had passed and...
Where was everyone?
You set up your bags at your stall and were patiently waiting for someone, anyone, to even just walk past. However, everything was silent for a few hours. Dead silent for a village that had a bunch of gossip going around. Not even your monkey companions were following you this morning, oddly enough. This only added to your fear since those little guys were like your comfort pets.
Another hour passed and finally some sound was heard in the distance. Were those... screams?
Now more on edge than ever, you decided that maybe you should sit this day out on trying to sell... You didn't exactly want to lose your life to some massacre or virus after all. A bit panicked by the scream, you quickly tried to pack up the little berry bags into a basket. But as you were starting to pack up, you could hear a male voice fake coughing to grab your attention. Startled by the sudden noise after all the dead silence, you almost dropped one bag before you turned to face the person in front of your stall... Or, uh... Monkey...?
This dark-furred monkey seemed familiar... Maybe he was related to one of your little monkey friends?
He smirked at you as he leaned against the stall, his tail swaying slowly behind him. "Hey there, sugarplum. Did I arrive a bit too late? My brother and I heard you sell delicious berries here."
You waved your hand dismissively, nervous as you never had a monkey, or rather a demon in this case, being a customer. The nickname was also making you a little nervous, but maybe he was just one of those people who give everyone they see nicknames. "Oh- No, no- You're not late- I just... Didn't think I would get any customers today..."
He leaned in a bit closer to you. "Oh? Why's that? Aren't your berries said to be the best in this village though?"
"Uh, well... Yes, but usually some customers would've already bought some at this time in the day... But you'd be my first customer today." You admitted sheepishly. He only seemed to grin... You didn't know he could hear your anxious heartbeat. He knew you didn't exactly feel safe. But you were still trying to be calm and polite towards even a dangerous-looking demon him. Which he found cute. That's when his ear twitched as he heard something you couldn't hear, making his grin turn into a more... seductive one.
"I'm actually not here to buy any of those bags you're offering. I am interested in one specific berry from your stall, however."
You blinked at him in confusion. "...What berry? They're all pretty much the same?"
"Not all of them." He responded. The simian chuckled as he looked at you with intent. "There's one berry my brother and I have been keeping a close eye on for quite a while now, and we want to claim that berry for ourselves... It simply sticks out. Just like a delicious peach amongst a bunch of mediocre berries. My brother's words, not mine. But I do have to agree with him on this one." He then leaned in a little closer to you, still giving you this sort of seductive grin. "And as an honorable and kind merchant, surely you would love to fulfill a customer's simple request... Right?"
His deep voice made him sound so smooth, but his words and the way he said them also just sounded... Off... This was not a regular exchange for food, that much you could tell. But before you could reply, you heard another voice coming from behind you. "Well, well, well... How's business? Did I miss anything, Macaque?" You turned around in shock, noticing a ginger-furred simian behind you. Some sort of red and gold staff is held loosely on his shoulder as he smirked. Though, the thing that set you off the most were the clear blood spots on his fur, his clothes, and especially on one side of his staff...
"Nah, you didn't miss a thing. I was just mentioning what we wanted to 'buy'." Macaque responded with a shrug as he leaned back a bit, though still resting with his arms on the stall's counter.
They could clearly tell you were scared. And of course, as your beloved monkeys, they wanted to make you feel as comfortable around them as possible. So, maybe a little bit of an introduction would make things easier. The ginger-furred monkey raised his free hand with a little wave, smiling kindly as if he didn't just murder humans a few minutes ago. "Hey, peaches! My name is Sun Wukong. Legendary Monkey King and Great Sage Equal To Heaven! Also strongest demon you'll ever see as well as the most sexy monkey in existence- Aaaanyway, this is my sworn brother, and second-in-command, the Six-Eared Macaque." He said to break the ice, gesturing towards the dark-furred monkey as well.
"Just call me Macaque. And him Wukong." Macaque added with a bit of a shrugging hand motion. Then he moves his hand just enough to point towards his brother with a taunting, shit-eating grin. "It's much easier than Six-Eared Macaque and whatever the fuck long ass title Wukong decided to give himself." He grins smugly, to which Wukong huffs in a rather arrogant way.
"Well, excuse me for having achieved more in life than you." Wukong retorted.
"Great Sage Equal To Heaven was not an achievement if you practically begged for it."
"But Warlord was."
"You didn't even name that title in your introduction though??"
"I didn't wanna make them feel more anxious than they already are, okay??"
"And since when are you the most sexy monkey in existence?? That's bullshit and you know it."
"Hey! That title may be a tiny bit opinion-based, but it is an accurate description of me."
"Could you stop letting your ego go to your head for like five minutes? I'm still the brains in this duo. And the brain doesn't need the muscle's ego surrounding it."
"...Okay, now this is getting fucking personal, you goddamn hypocrite-"
To be honest, you weren't exactly scared at this moment anymore, just confused and uncomfortable due to them arguing and practically being so close to just claw at each other's throats over petty titles. Macaque rolled his eyes at Wukong before turning back to you, trying to get back on topic to avoid Wukong getting pissed at him over nothing again. "So about that 'peach amongst berries' talk-" Suddenly, Wukong quickly wrapped an arm around you, pulling you against his blood-stained armor with a grin. His annoyed mood immediately flipped like a switch to a more love-struck one again.
"Oh? Did our peaches agree? Was my pick-up line enough to convince them~? Did you tell them about the real us yet?" He hummed. You grimaced a bit in discomfort at him suddenly touching you so casually. Especially because you could tell he reeked of death... Was... Was he the one who killed those people...? The more you thought about it, the more connections clicked in your mind... The peach references, the way people described the latest murder of the man who yelled at you, the fact that for some reason it's all connected to literal demon monkeys...
Your heartbeat rose up, making Macaque smirk. "Well, not verbally... But I think they're starting to understand what's happening on their own. What a smart human we've picked!"
"Y-You- Wh- Wait what-" You stammered out in shock, definitely now more scared than ever before. Wukong quickly picked you up into his arms after making his staff seemingly disappear into thin air. His strength was no joke either as he clearly didn't struggle at all in holding you. His tail was happily moving behind him in excitement.
"C'mon, Macaque. We got what we came here for." Wukong stated as he walked a bit further away from your stall. You attempted to escape by trying to move out of his grip, but despite barely even gripping onto you, you were simply just flailing around a bit, clearly unable to escape your cage that were his arms. He simply ignored your attempt at an escape as he smiled contently, giving you a very familiar love-struck look...
That reminded you of your little monkey companions. Your heartbeat spiked and Macaque took notice. He raised an eyebrow at you in confusion because your heartbeat didn't change much since you started flailing in Wukong's arms. "Is something wrong, (Y/N)?"
You stopped in shock, looking at the dark-furred monkey with wide eyes. "W-Wh... H-How do you know my name?"
Ah. Right, right. You didn't know yet.
Macaque chuckled as he cupped your cheek with you still in his brother's arms. "Well, you see... We sorta picked up your name during the weeks, or I guess months at this point, when we were helping you around the village. You know, packing up berries and all that... We even made sure the latest batches had the freshest type of toxin for the best quality!" He grinned maliciously as he crossed his arms. Your mouth hung agape in shock as some tears gathered in your eyes...
"You... Y-You were those two monkeys...?" You asked quietly in disbelief... All those deaths... If they put those toxic berries in the bags you were paid for... Didn't that automatically make you a form of accomplice in their schemes? And you got paid for basically allowing them to kill all these people. You started to sob, "...Oh my god... No, no, no... This- T-This can't be- I-I would never h-help... kill- I-I d-didn't mean t-to-"
Wukong then leaned his head down a bit to kiss your forehead with a faint blush and a soft smile. "Shhh... It's fine, peaches. Don't cry. You can just put all the blame on us if that helps." He said quietly, trying to sound comforting. The warlord clearly didn't care about all the dead people, he only cared about wanting to see you smile. He summoned some form of cloud and hopped onto it with you still trapped in his arms. Then he gave his second-in-command a malicious grin. "Macaque, I'll take them home. Sweep through the village one last time. If anyone is still alive, you know what to do."
Macaque returned his own malicious grin as he bowed a little. And with his bow, a shadow-like portal opened up beneath him, swallowing him into the ground. Meanwhile, you could only helplessly watch as Wukong made his cloud fly high up into the skies at pretty high speeds. If you managed to escape his grasp now, you would just be dead. Looking back towards your village, you could see bodies lying outside, most had no blood as they probably died to the berries, but some were clearly attacked earlier by Wukong... You also witnessed houses collapsing within giant flames...
Even the sky above the village itself seemed to look doomed from afar...
You could even still see another human begging for help before being tortured by Macaque's shadows...
You were just silently crying as Wukong took you away to Flower Fruit Mountain, which would soon become your new home. Whether you would like it or not. You were theirs now. And it all simply started with some small berries...
If only you had known that even the littlest of things could snowball you down to hell.
[ Masterlist ]
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newkatzkafe2023 · 6 months
I have one! Do you know those delicious Monkey King pieces of yours? May I please ask for a bit of simultaneous comfort for the reader & the SWKs. Bandage them up, maybe the reader found time to gather them fruit? Both are protective af (yandere-esc) of each other. Genders are the dealer's choice. Thank you so much!
🙇‍♀️ 🙇‍♀️ 🙇‍♀️ 🙇‍♀️ 🙇‍♀️
Yandere x Yandere🥰😍😈🔪
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(Lmk Wukong) You have catered to him for years. He is a the apple of your eye and vice versa He Was so in love and so attached to you that he couldn't take it anymore. He just couldn't lose you So he made you immortal so he can have you forever. Not that you Mind he was the cutest monkey you ever met. You told him that you will take care of him. Such a good care of him your both are each other's world and your gonna love each other forever and ever 💛🐒.
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(MKR Wukong) Oh you to are a very dangerous combination married couple. His Possessive nature and you're the jealous type You guys are the very definition of Yandere Couple. He made you immortal many years ago but you loved him so much so it was never a problem. You always share everything together from fruit. People were deeply concerned about your marriage it was cute how much in love you guys are but your both very obsessed. You once murdered a female demon out of Jealously and her was chirping and purring sweetly towards you. Your both extremely lethal but you also wouldn't have it any other way🔥🐒.
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(NR Wukong) You guys are both so unpredictable it is insane and nerve racking. You share everything together from fruit to Alcoholic drinks and go on rides together and people see you everywhere together. There is never one without the other Li and Su Eventually became very concerned when they keep finding you together. The activity you always loved to do together the most was dancing to together where you would hold each other close like If you dare to let go you would loss each other forever. Rip to those who would dare separate you too🐒😈
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(HIB Wukong) He is so Hot. People hated him for his looks but not you. He was not only very handsome but protective, caring, and more or Least grumpy. The biggest thing you loved about him is how well he takes care of children which checked all the boxes in you head. So you made your moves chirping and purring at him with hearts in your eyes and he look like a god-forsaken cherry but the end of it. He couldn't take it anymore and had to have you immediately so the next day Pigsy jaw dropped and the kids confused as to find a celestial monkey woman sitting in their dad's lap as Wukong introduced you as his mate and their brand new mother 👩🐒.
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(Netflix Wukong) What a cute little monkey boy🥺. You can't get enough of him and vice versa. One day after watching him save the village you approached him a let out a cute flirty little chirp at him and he was on you like white on rice. Lin had found him being fed fruit by you occasionally your licking fingers you blushed but did nothing to stop him. Every time the village was in trouble he would make quick work of the demons and run right back to you. You have killed a couple of demons before for trying to hurt your sweet baby monkey and he was more in love then ever 🥰🐒.
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HELP!! I RETOOK THE QUIZ AND I GOT THE MONKEY KING!!! What makes this more ironic is the fact that all of the AI characters on my character, AI app are LMK characters and most of the yander AI characters that I have are mostly Sun Wukong
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hexologh · 11 months
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Honestly I forgot that I made a story about this but forgot it in my notes lmao.
This comment was in the yandere macaque singing thing? Anyway thanks @sp00kywrites
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It's been who knows how long, and frankly, you don't even care anymore. You've longed for someone, anyone, to come and save you.
But is that truly what you wished for?
You were sick and tired of Macaque who tries every day to win your love, attention, and praise, among other things.
You gritted your teeth as you clutched you hands that were held down by chains.
Suddenly, you feel a hand on your shoulder. You flinch at the sudden touch, immediately turning to look at the unknown individual.
Your eyes widened as, in front of you...
"Monkey...king?" You muttered. Suddenly, Wukong put a finger to your lips, "He isn't here, is he?" Wukong asked, and you nodded.
Wukong gave a smile, "Good," he said.
Suddenly, he broke the chains but not fully for some reason, there was still the chains that binded your hands, Before you could react, he carried you in a bridal position.
He led you outside, and you could almost feel tears welling up.
This was the first time in a long while you had seen it, and you felt alive again.
All those months you had been trapped in that dark room, all the months you had struggled to deal with Macaque's obsessive behavior, had finally come to an end.
You looked at Wukong with a grateful smile, thankful for him saving you from that tournament.
But who's to say Wukong wouldn't do the same...?
After a few moments, Wukong and you arrived at Flower Fruit Mountain. He gently placed you down, and you looked around, a smile lighting up your face. You turned to hug Wukong.
"Thank you," you whispered. Wukong hugged you back, but suddenly, you felt his touch tightening...
"Hey, ow..." you uttered as you looked up, your eyes widening.
He gave you a look...
A blush on his cheeks and a wide smile that revealed his fangs.
He was giving you a look, the same one Macaque always gave you...
You tried to move away, but his grip only tightened more.
"... Finally," Wukong said as you looked up at him.
"You're mine."
Oh no.
Suddenly, something inside you... snapped.
You managed to break free from his grip, raised your hands still bound with heavy chains, and struck Wukong hard at his chin.
"GAH!" Wukong yelled as he stumbled back.
You turned away and ran, sprinting as fast as you could. You weren't going to let another person lock you up and try to win your love.
Never, and never will.
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trashlama · 1 year
can you please do a monkie kid X reader where mk turns into his monkie form to cuddle the reader this is just pure fluff (if you don't know mk is short for monkie kid and his monkie form first appeared in season 4)
Of course! Sooo few things first I didn't know if you wanted a one-shot or a drawing or somthin', I wasn't really sure. Soooo— I just did a little thing. Let me know if you meant a headcanon or somethin' .
Also I didn't know the 4th season was out already and dubbed! I just gotta find a site to watch it since the site I usually go to hasn't added the newest season yet. Otherwise I'm completely caught up.
Alrighty with that out of the way... on with the show!
Guys please bear with me this was my first time drawing in Lego style. I both found it a challenge and I loved it. I think I might draw some more~
Also the reason why it's so rough is because I was really considering coloring it since I kinda love how this came out.
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Thank you for looking! I hope you guys have a great day!
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platinumrosetail · 1 year
Hi it been a while
I have a really cool request
Can I ask for a
Yandere Journey to the West x Tampka great great great great granddaughter
So the reader is in monder times but some how feel into the past . Meeting her Grandpa.
So when the reader fall into the past Tampka really took her in because of the same power as she has is his.
But PIGSY Sandy sun and Macaqua and Bai long fell in love with the reader and so did the reader .
But the reader was teleport back to her time with a baby on the way.
And then 3 months later after having the little bean
Some how they find the reader and there kid
But the reader doesn't know it then cuz you know it been so long. But when they bump into the at the park. The reader is having trouble trying to clam down there baby cuz they been crying a lot. And want there Daddy.
And they walk up to them saying maybe I can help.
And the reader shock on how they got them to clam down so fast
Until they tell them who they are.
( Also I am really serious on how you going to have them be in monder times like how they do it. Did they drink something or make a deal? I mean for sandy pigsy Bai Long I can't really remember there real names.
I think sandy and pigsy’s real name were sha wujing and zhu bajie and Bai long ma is ao lie real name also this is such an interesting idea too! 🤩
Warning: noob author, female reader, yandere romantic characters, and others.
Characters: sun, macaque, sandy, pigsy, Bai long ma.
You were just in the library of your family clan reading up on some of the spells your great, great, great, great grandfather; Tripitaka, or tang sazang, when you came across a interesting looking spell that seem like it was calling to you which made you unintentionally do that spell which brought you to now, in the past.
Sun wukong:
You had fallen on top of him when you met him and true others in the group you quickly apologized for falling on him when you fell before your fourth great grandfather had asked who you were and why were you falling in the first place.
You explain on how you were entranced by a spell that was made by your fourth great grandfather; Tripitaka, and unintentionally said it out loud which activated it which brung you to their timeline which is the past for you, very far in the past that is.
They were all shocked by the fact that you were tripitaka’s great, great, great, great granddaughter mostly Tripitaka as he is a Buddhist and they usually don’t marry, you soon explain how it’s possible and clearing his confusion by saying how that changed soon after they finished the journey and as long as the marriage doesn’t lead you of the path of enlightenment then it’s fine to marry.
When sun get’s in trouble with Tripitaka which made you quickly scold your grandfather as sun is still learning the Buddhists way and that reciting the chant will traumatize him if he keeps on doing that to him, you suggested a gentler approach for sun to help him not kill which made sun entranced by how gentle and caring you were even if your family still practice Buddhism (you can pick how much Buddhism that your family is.). You two soon get in a relationship albeit secretly only to Tripitaka as you noticed your grandfather’s overprotectiveness and wanted to slowly get him to notice you two being in a relationship so as to not get any negative reactions from him.
Though you soon had to go back to your time unwillingly which was by a demon that could do that but the demon know, al they know is that he can teleport anybody to somewhere out of his way that made sun angry and which resulted in the demons death. When you got back to your time it seems that time pasted faster and it was a year since you went missing to your family though while the family did a check up as per orders of your father, you soon were told that you were pregnant with a suns child which shocked your family upon this new discovery as well as you but you guess it was understandable the more you think about it.
you decided to take your now 3 month baby to a park for kids of that age. when it was an hour in of staying there your baby mk began to cry and repeat 'da da, da da!' you try to calm him down before someone intervene and helped you out with mk.
the male soon introduced himself as sun wukong that you knew and loved. you didn't realized until now as you had mostly been focused on the baby and the studies you need to get done to become the head of your clan. after that you too got to know each other again and you soon learned that sun had spent centuries trying to find you which made you sad and think it's your fault though sun soon reassured that it wasn't your fault.
Macaque had joined the group when you fell on sun which made him laugh so hard at sun’s predicament. You soon explained how you’re from the future and that you’re Tripitaka’s great, great, great, great granddaughter.
You also explained that the reason you got here was because of a spell you had unintentionally casted when it entranced you. After that you joined the group as Tripitaka didn’t want to leave you alone by yourself plus he wanted to know more of this spell that brought you here and how he was married even though Buddhism doesn’t allow you to marry, which you explain on how as long as you stay on the path of enlightenment then you’re free to marry and love your spouse.
You two got to know each other pretty soon and started dating after a month of spending time together. When you did tell the others about you two dating both pigsy and Tripitaka fainted, Tripitaka fainted because his granddaughters grew up too fast and pigsy because he wanted to date you but now couldn’t.
You and the group soon made a camping spot to rest gain energy again but as you rest in your tent you didn’t seem to notice that you’re fading with sparkles emanating from the disappearing limbs that started from your feet all the way up your chest before macaque came to check on you and woke you up in a panic as the sparkles reached up your shoulder and began to travel down your arms and head the last thing he sees before you disappeared was you reaching out and then you were completely gone which made him sank to the ground in shock as he look at the spot you were previously in as tears casted down his face.
You woke up to the face of your mother with her having a relieved look as she gently hugged you, she explained how you’ve been gone for a month now and the finally got you back with one of Tripitaka’s spell that seemed to reverse the one you accidentally casted on yourself with.
You were apparently with a child which made you blush at the reminder of what happened in the past. The days had past until it was three months after you’ve given birth to bai he a little girl that was adorable and most definitely bring ‘aww’s to anyone who looks at her.
You brung her to the park to help her get used to many environment and noises and so she can play around though the peaceful silence changed as your daughter started to cry, at first you started thinking that she was being bullied but she had started to calling out ‘da da!’ Which you guess she means her father which breaks your heart as you try to come her down until someone interrupts and asked if he could help, the voice is familiar before you noticed the same features bai he has is on him as well, it’s been a while since you thought about macaque with taking care of bai he and studying to become the head of your clan and all but all you had to do is say macaques name and the stranger smiled and say ‘glad you still remember me.’
Sandy had caught you when you met the group your fourth time grandfather was traveling with. You had fallen after chanting your fourth time great grandfather spell and thankfully he had caught you before you could get hurt.
It was then decided that you would stay with them until they figure out a way to get you back to your original time.
You two got in a relationship after 2 months as both of you were shy to confess each other and fear that the other only sees the other as a platonic spouse than a romantic one.
Though with the help of sun the two of you finally got into a relationship with the other.
You had gotten back to your time it was when they were fighting a demon that works with water, the demon had surprised you from behind and dragged you over to another part of the water is uses for their battles, Sandy had went after you but was too late as the demon seemed to have died by some light that covered you and the next thing sandy knew is that you were gone.
You woke up to your mothers face which had a concerned look making you question her on why she was making that face, she soon began to explain that they found you in the pond they had in the estate and that you were pregnant after they had a doctor check up on you as you had been gone for 3 months.
You had taken you child to the park that has a water park next to it as your child had a love for water and to run around. Soon enough your child had started to cry, you at first thought they had gotten hurt but it seems like they wanted their dada as they kept crying saying ‘da da!’ Someone came over as you were trying to calm them down and gently took them and began calming the child down, when you looked over you see sandy as you recognized that height he has and started to tear up as he pulls you in for a hug which you return.
You were passed out on the ground near the path they were taking when they found you. After waking up and getting asked questions on who you are, you explained how you got her by a spell that your fourth time grandfather made as you felt a pull by it and unintentionally chanted it which brought you here.
They were all shocked that you’re the great, great, great, great granddaughter of Tripitaka, pigsy flirts with you every chance he gets, even though you don’t like those type of men pigsy seem to have snuck into your heart.
All of the group was shocked that you and pigsy got together, Tripitaka has grown overprotective of you after you and Pigsy started your relationship as he knows from his flirtatious ways and make sure to let pigsy know that if he hurts you then Tripitaka won’t hold sun back as sun started thinking of you as a sister.
You had appeared back in your time after a demon kidnapped you when you and the others were taking rest in the camp that you and the others made and in a panic you quickly chanted the spell that got you here out of desperation which took you back in your time.
Pigsy had threatened the demon that tried kidnapped you only to find out you had disappeared to your time via the chant that brought you here in the first place.
You had taken your son; tang, to the park but afterwards went to a noodle shop for some food and met a pig demon that was the owner and the cook. Tang had started to cry which made you panic as he usually doesn’t do that much though the owner; pigsy, gestured to hand tang over for a minute and was able to calm him down and then you realized that this was the same pigsy you grew to love in your time in the past.
Bai long ma:
Bai had found you when he was trying to find a watering hole to drink from as the others rest up at the camp.
He had woken you up by transforming into his more human form by gently stroking your cheek making it tickle.
(Ao lie in lmk is so cute and adorable!! Though I haven’t seen it yet so please no spoilers, thank you!)
He had brought you back to the group via carrying you in his arms as you explained how you got here to him, he was the one that explained to the others as you already explained it and he thought you didn’t want to explain again.
The others were shocked as he was to find out that your Tripitaka’s four times great granddaughter.
You two got to know each soon after most of the time Bai would be in his human form unless your grandfather needs him to change into his horse form. You had gotten into a relationship with Bai long ma after a month of spending time in the past but apparently you had spend enough time there and was brought back to your time soon after.
You returned to your time seeing both your mother and father looking at you with both relief and concern on their faces before explaining how long you’ve been gone and how you’ve been asleep since yesterday when they found you and how they found out you’re pregnant.
Instead of the park you went to Bai long ma’s family descendant that is related to him by one of of his siblings, you had wanted to introduce them your baby seeing as she and them are basically related. Apparently they are having a guest with them that seems familiar to you though mei brought attention to you two by wailing sand reaching out to that familiar figure that you soon realized is Bai long ma, or in shorter term, ao lie.
(A/n: I hope you like what I did with it!! Also hope you like the surprise on who the baby is! 😁 anyway, hope y’all have a wonderful day/evening/night!!! Bye!)
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lfhh · 1 year
Yandere monkey King x daughter reader x yandere mk. (part 2)
Warning: this family relationship is not incest!!! Yandere in relation to [name]. Sadness. Fear. Blood (?).
Author: here is the 2nd part I was asked! Do not copy or translate my stories!!
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It's been a few years. Mk started working in the city and the coach tore mk. [Name] was very fond of his older brother and father, the monkey king. But she didn't expect to see her father's former friend. Macaques.
When mk began to run through the city often, [name] began to worry. What if he's injured, what if he's been attacked, what if he's sick?! But one day [name] was sitting in her room painting. The girl did not notice that someone was standing behind her yet..
[Name]- Dad l'm...
Before the girl could speak, she screamed.
It wasn't Dad standing in front of her. It was a completely different monkey with black fur, his eyes were purple.
Wukong-peach are you okay? I heard a scream.
Your father came into the room and saw only.... nothing. You weren't in the house!!
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You were on the mountain with mk and the Macaques.Mk was a betrayal in grief with his own staff. [Name] trembled with fear looking at the Macaque.
Macaques: so that's it. So you are the one [name], mk told a lot about you, and he was right, you are very beautiful. ~
Mk: Just touch her and I'll break your damn bones!!!
The macaque grinned, grabbing [name] by the hair.
Macaque: Really? And how? You are no longer selenium as the king of ob..
No sooner had he agreed than he was punched in the stomach with a fist so that he flew into the wall of the mountain.
Wukong: you've gone too far stealing MY daughter! Mk what the hell are you doing with this jerk!!!
Mk just sighed, turning away from his father.
The macaque jumped off the wall smiling.
Macaque: I didn't know that your daughter is innocent, her daddy's little daughter.
Wukong: Shut up! How dare you even get into her room!? Paw with your dirty paws! So also to pull at her beautiful hair... I'll kill you like then... Very many years ago!
The macaque was shocked at his named brother. He knew that he would have lost, since he was already covered in blood from just one blow to the wall. The macaque quickly went underground into his portal.
Wukong: Damn coward!!!! [Name]!
Your father came up to you and gently took you by the face. Your beautiful face was all seneca now. But he will still love you, he is your father. Mk got out from under the Gunpowder and ran up to [name] hugging.
MK: Forgive me [name]!!! The macaque grabbed you and hurt you too! I'm so sorry!
[Name]: Everything is fine mk! I am well.
Oh, if the macaque hadn't run in... he would definitely have died the second time of the angry monkey king and mk. Their beautiful [name] is not touched by anyone. never.
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Well, that's it! I'm sorry for the mistakes in words. And it was not a love story, but a family relationship in the form of a yandere. Bye!!!
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ok, so I think this is the first time I've posted a question as such and it's not just a comment but I'll try to be brief. I have to say that I loved the scenario in which they go to the world of Reader, it's very good and honestly I laughed a lot, but now changing the subject, considering that this is a ShadowPeach x reader universe, before the monkeys became warlords and met Reader, who was the one who became yandere first, Wukong or Macaque, because it would be interesting to have a little background on that. Another question is, if Reader can use her magic through artifacts, and suppose they change with her emotions, what if when she discovers that they are actually Wukong and Macaque, her desperation drags her to another world by accident (Perhaps as a method of survival for the adrenaline of the moment) and take him to another world with another Wukong, perhaps the canonical world of LMK, perhaps that of Black Myth Wukong, perhaps that of Monkey King Reborn, and Reader meets another version of Wukong or Macaque and genuinely becomes friends/falls in love with them and they are not Yandere, how do you think things would happen when the monkeys (inevitably) envelop Reader?
Anyway thats all i Have for Now, your ideas really change The chemistry un my brain, Hope you have a nice day
For Reader's ability. That is a really cool idea! A pure survival instinct truly. Now I don't think that she'll be meeting any other Wukong or Macaque in this au. (Maybe if I make another au and a crossover? But not in my main Cursed Warlords AU)
My reasoning is quite simple. Too much drama, okay thats kinda hypocritical I guess since there's probably gonna be quite a bit of drama.
Anyways, the pure survival instinct to get her out of the situation is really cool. In my mind, her dimensional travel ability stems from more of a teleportation type.
Because of this, I believe she would either teleport back to her own dimension or she might just teleport far away from them. Even if far away happens to be on Flower Fruit Mountain while they are away. Maybe haven't decided yet.
Anyways love that idea. Will probably use it at some point for the Reader (gonna make it happen at the worst possible moment too, probably. Hehe~)
Spoilers for unwritten Arc below. I will be writing the actual scenes for this later but since I don't have the time write at this moment a few short points from it will suffice.
Read at your own spoiler risk. This is basically an outline for the Arc. Which is the reason I took so long with this ask, Sorry about that, @bluewillbon! Loved writing this though ❤️
Ding... Ding... Ding...
Shadowpeach Arc Unlocked!!
Hehe~ I have a few ideas for this.
Surprisingly, I actually have Macaque go yandere for his husband before Wukong did.
Wukong is pretty oblivious to romantic emotions originally. He just knows he wants something so he takes it.
Basically a short Summery would be Macaque comes to Floqer Fruit Mountain as a traveler and meets Sun Wukong. The two fight each other because Macaque is an 'intruder'.
However, Wukong isn't going all out at, nor is Macaque. Wukong finds that he likes this new monkey demon, and eventually offers him a place in his troop.
Macaque decides to agree, at first to find out more about this other monkey. He doesn't know how he feels at first and is debating what exactly he wants to do.
As they get to know each other and begin to fall in love, but only Macaque seems to realize. Wukong is as dense as a rock (pun intended)
Macaque is already close with Wukong as his right hand man, he doesn't share his feelings. He can be rather shy at times, and believes that he'll have to fight Wukong to the death or unconsciousness like all of his other suitors.
But even though he believes that Wukong won't accept him, he won't let anyone else have him. If he can't have him, no one can. Will he harm his love? No, he'll just kill anyone who shows romantic interest in him.
Of course, he won't tell him, and the person will simply go missing without another word. Macaque is a great actor and no one will suspect him for a while... until...
Everything comes to a head when someone decides to challenge Wukong to a courting dual in public. Obviously, Wukong would have beaten her easily however Macaque who had finally decided to offer his love and picked out the courting gifts and had everything ready, would not have it.
Not only did he have everything ready, but the girl decided to challenge Wukong when Macaque had planned to. So~ yeah, the girl died... at Macaque's hands.
That is how the two got together, by Macaque slaying one of Wukong's suitors (he had quite a few before he became a warlord) and bending the knee to ask for his hand.
It is only then that Wukong actually thinks of his feelings for Macaque as love. Admitting it to himself as Macaque bends on his knee and promises to stay by his side for eternity.
At first Wukong is furious, his right hand doesn't think he can fight for himself- oh. Oh that's why he did it. This Boi was a blushing mess, because it's at this point that his own feelings hit him in the gut (or rather the point where he actually recognizes his own feelings.)
They soon become completely inseparable, more so than they already have been.
So even though Macaque is the first to go yandere, Wukong is NOT far behind him. Of course, there are some stupid enough to try and woo Macaque as well, only to be slain by Wukong's staff.
The suitors only diminish as Wukong and Macaque become Warlords. It becomes widely known who they are and who they are with. Even if some (very few) are stupid enough to try to get between them, they are quickly ended.
No one will come between them, and neither of them are interested in polygamy... at least not until... you.
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yanderelmk · 1 year
Tea looks at him " should I confront him?" 🍵
"No, absolutely not. Azure gets seriously pissed whenever someone doesn't align with his ideals. The best thing you can do if you want to get away from him and the Brotherhood is to skip the country. Get a new name, new identity, new look, everything. Don't even give them the chance to realize you're gone. I can help you, if you want."
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semisolidmind · 1 year
Do you think SWK would go platonic-yandere Dad mode on MK in the modern times? Trying to get him to move to the mountain instead of living/working for Pigsy, monopolizing his time with "training" so he can't hang out with Mei and all that
(i don't really do general lmk asks, so im going to answer this as if it were for the lmk version of bad end. it's gonna get x reader type shippy.)
let's say MK is bad ends adopted son in the modern bad end au, where swk never went on the journey and is one of the major villains (despite this he's surprisingly chill for most of the show? even helping MK and his friends occasionally. though the gang doesn't know that swk is mks adopted dad until later)
so, in this version of the universe, macaque has sorta taken the role of normal wukong, as in he went on the journey and is training MK in secret. he's also protecting the reader here, who's a reincarnation of the reader from the journey, i.e. target numero uno for swk for...reasons. reader is also sorta a mother figure for MK.)
i think, as MK's adopted dad, villain swk would be the strict/fun/scary type of parent. he loves his kid and wants him to be happy, but also won't allow himself to be disrespected and can be harsh. knowing that, the fact that MK's constant begging to "see the outside world" actually worked is a miracle.
MK makes all his friends and convinces his dad to let him stay with the nice shopkeep who gave him a job. swk begrudgingly agrees, thinking that knowing how the modern mortal world works would be good for him.
however, after a few years of this, swk notices that his son is spending more time in the city than with him on the mountain. he decides to visit his son at work to surprise him with a...
...mandatory home visit.
the monkey king disguises himself, knowing that looking like the notorious villain he is would attract too much attention. his deeds have left such an impression that people would still panic at the sight of him even all these centuries later, after all.
when he arrives at the noodle shop, he can't help but sneer at it. this is the place that MK gets so excited about? that he likes enough to spend hours talking about during training? hmf. at least he'll get to meet these "friends" that his son cares so much for. he's particularly interested in–
the king freezes upon entry to the noodle shop.
there, manning the register. she looks exactly the same as when he lost her, though her traveling robes have been exchanged for a shirt bearing the shops logo, and jeans, a yellow hoodie tied around her waist...
it's her.
reader. that insufferable, annoying, wonderful, beautiful, achingly gentle mortal from so long ago. the one who saw the best in him despite it all, the one he had intended to marry. the one that that traitor macaque hid from him so that she could live and die and move on without him.
she's here, reincarnated. it's got to be her. his eyes of truth can't lie, and this mortals' aura is the same as hers. she looks over at him and he's paralyzed for a moment. even her eyes are the same color.
there's a slight pinch in her brow as she gazes at him. does she recognize him after all this time, he wonders, even with the disguise? he allows himself to hope for a second... but the look passes and the customer-service smile easily takes its place on her lips.
"Hello there! What would you like?" reader says.
For you to come home with me, is wukong's first thought.
"Hey," he says instead, somewhat nervous smile on his face. it's been a while since he's interacted with regular people (that weren't cowering in fear).
"Is MK here? I've come to check up on him,"
"I'm his dad, by the way." he quickly tacks on, somewhat bashfully.
"The kid's not here," the chef and presumed owner of the shop cuts in gruffly. the pig demon is scrutinizing him, suspicion written all over his face. "He's makin' deliveries."
huh, the king thinks. one reincarnation so close to another isn't uncommon, but it's still odd to see two of the monks' traveling companions all these centuries later. especially considering the fact that these two didn't get along that well, if he recalls. but, on a more important note-
"Ah, alright then! Perhaps I'll just have some noodles while I wait. Do you know when he'll be back?" wukong attempts to sound calm, but the fact that he doesn't get to see MK right now is grating on him. that and the unease he can sense in reader at his presence.
"Well, who knows with MK. He's a good kid, but he has a tough time focusing on certain tasks," reader says, some of her anxiety fading at the chance to talk about her work buddy. "He tries his best, though."
"Yeah?" wukong smiles at reader. he can see the color in her cheeks. he knows she likes his human form, even if she's wary of him. "Y'know, he's told me about you. You're Reader, right?"
she nods, and the nervous energy flowing off of her fades a little. he can tell she's still unsure if he's actually MK's dad. he supposes he did just...walk in and say it with no way to back it up. the distrust and uncertainty radiating off the pig demon as he subtly watches the conversation is palpable.
wukong watches as reader turns at the chef's call, taking the bowl of noodles carefully and setting it in front of him.
"Here you are," reader says, setting chopsticks down beside the bowl. the king thanks her before digging in. "If you'll excuse me a moment."
though he appears occupied with his meal, wukong takes note of reader saying something in a low voice to the pig demon. he nods, and reader heads out a back door. she pulls her phone out of her pocket as she goes.
hmf. probably to call MK and ask if the (incredibly handsome) stranger claiming to be his dad is really who he says he is. wukong can imagine the way his son will stutter and panic at the fact that he decided to come here instead of one of their regular meet up points.
sun wukong can't help but be glad he did, as he uses his gold vision to watch his little wayward soulmate pace in the alleyway outside.
now that he knows that she's here, he gets the feeling he'll be spending a lot more time in the city. after all, it was because of his lack of vigilance that she taken from him the first time...
he won't let her get away again.
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lotusconstellation · 1 year
Greetings and salutations everyone! My name is Lotus, my pronouns are They/He.
I am a multi-fandom writer, I haven’t posted anything but I do write a lot in my spare time and I would be happy if you guys sent in suggestions or request on what I should write.
For now, the fandom’s I will write for is
-Lego Monkie Kid (LMK)
-The Stanley Parable
-The Monkey King: Reborn
-New Gods: Ne Zha Reborn
-Markiplier egos
-Septiceye egos
-Stardew Valley
(Will add more in future)
I do have to warn you: !!Updates will be slow!!
I struggle with motivation a lot, and I also overthink a lot when I write so please, be patient with me.
I have a few important things to say before I move onto what I will and will not write:
This is a gender-neutral blog. All readers will be classified as gender-neutral or if you are transgender. If you want something specific, then you will have to DM me.
I also write for myself, writing my comfort characters x my persona and will probably post some of my work on here. I am not entirely comfortable with writing others personas or OC’s just yet but I am not opposed to doing so, if you would like me to write any OC’s, self inserts, or persona’s, please DM me and we’ll discuss it!!
This applies to my do's and don'ts, but this is very important for everyone to hear. Do not request anything that goes against the creators wishes, especially if you know that your request is going to be against their boundaries. If you do so, I'm going to say no. We need to respect everyone's boundaries, including the creators! They have every right to have a set of boundaries and should be respected.
What I will write:
-Implied Suggestive content (depending on the fandom I am writing for)
-Yandere Content
-X reader
What I will NOT write:
-Character x Character
-Any serious topics such as sexual harassment, r@pe, self harm (this one might have an exception), etc
That’s all, have a good Day/Afternoon/Night! Hope to write for you soon! 💜💜💛💛
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newkatzkafe2023 · 8 months
What if Monkey King acted like a yandere?
They're all equally lethal weapons😰😰😰
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(Lmk Wukong) His Yandere Instincts are fueled by his fear of losing you. It probably doesn't help that he has severe attachment. Issues needs to be around you at all times or else? Some very bloody consequences will happen. And if you were a mortal at the time you were dating, he's gonna give you an immortality page without you even knowing. So so don't freak out too much when you're like forty six and you look like your Twenty two
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(NR Wukong) Man's would make a very interesting yandere, Because no one can predict anything he would do. Granted, he does love you. And he's never really worried about losing you to someone else. But that still doesn't mean he doesn't worry. Also, he is slightly a pervert. So I can see him like stealing from you. Small stuff that you don't really knowohh this or considering its old stuff, then you definitely won't notice.
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(Mk Reborn Wukong) I don't even think anybody would notice him as a yandere Because he's the freakin same. Possessive, jealous,Violent blood thirsty and insecure But also we might accidentally strike fear into you. But not fear of the outside world like he wants you to feel but fear of him as well. Don't allow him to know you fear him. Or that's gonna break him in a way you really don't need him to
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(HIB Wukong) Okay the worst I see him do is Isolating you. He would not hurt or threaten you whatsoever, but he definitely wouldn't know how to keep you away from people. First he would be low-key with it. And you wouldn't even notice you'll find yourself distancing away from people your family and friends and soon enough from society. What he's really trying to show was that the only person you're gonna need us have for now and forever.
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(Netflix Wukong) If he was a yandere he would be full of paranoia depression and desperation. He is constantly bombarded with dark thoughts About you leaving him for good. So he makes sure Never give you a reason to leave him whether it's about his behavior or his Appearance he will do whatever it takes to make sure you stay with him. And if none of that Is enough he'll just have to make To wear there's no one else but you and him
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🗑️Welcome To The Trash Cave🗑️
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As I’ve stated before; probably in a sea of posts whenever you read this. That I’m finally doing something with this dead ass account.
Fandom stuff is what I’m bring here and imma list those out. It’s going to be long ass list so bare with me. I’m might take requests if I like said request from any fandom that is of interest to you that I have listed.
One more thing: I only write x female reader. M4F or F4F
Characters I Write For…
Longer Works:
A Slight Bit Odd | Genshin Impact/Isekai’d!Fem!Reader ~ Ongoing
Dog Samurai | Monkie Kid FF ~ WIP
“I’m The Monkey King!” | Young Justice FF ~ Upcoming!
Small Things:
Ghost Hunter Oc x Jttw ~ Skits/Thoughts
Fruits Basket
Ranma 1/2
Yona of the Dawn
Wolf’s Rain
Demon Slayer
Hunter X Hunter
Bungo Stray Dogs
Jojo’s Bizarre Adventures
Tiger & Bunny
SENGOKU Night Blood
This list will grow/change depending on if I’m into an anime series or not
Tv Shows/Movies:
Lego Monkie Kid (LMK)
X-Men {Most Media}
Thundercats {1985 & 2011}
Teen Titans
Power Rangers
Star Wars
Video Games:
Genshin Impact
Honkai Star Rail
Fire Emblem {All Media except the two new games}
Pokémon {I only play the games a rarely watch the anime}
King of Fighters
Stardew Valley
Twisted Wonderland
Zenless Zone Zero
Wuthering Waves
Sonic the Hedgehog {All Media}
Bat Family {Dc Comics}
Genderbend Disney
Ensemble Stars {All media}
Will Write:
NSFW {it depends really}
Light Angst
Suggestive Themes
Ships {character x character}
Will Not Write:
Inc*st { No Step-sibling/Step-parent shít either }
Yandere {makes me wanna scream and yell}
Character S*icide
OC x Character {might do that on my own but not oneshots}
Just some things get started. I do have some writings in the works at the moment so I’ll be posting those soon if I don’t procrastinate on them.
I don’t really have a set schedule for posting I just post whenever it convenient to me so yeah, though I do want to work on a schedule of things I think it might help with keeping things consistent. So I’ll work on that too.
Anyways! Hope you enjoy your stay here. Welcome to the Trash Cave!
~Trashy 🦝
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