#loa choices
moominofthevalley · 4 months
love aislinn so much but i will never forgive pixelberry for dressing her up like a flight attendant
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princepotatosack · 2 years
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happy lawz day<333333
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masked-alien-lesbian · 2 months
What are some headcanons for your OCs x LIs?
Oooo...I really need to find one of those lists things so that people can ask me about Hana x Raelyn and Verity x Aislinn.
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Hana Lee x Raelyn Lee
Raelyn's birthday: December 22nd (Fun fact: despite being twins, Riley was born several minutes before Raelyn on December 21st making her a Sagittarius while Raelyn is a Capricorn) Which is just ammo for Riley to tease Raelyn all the time with lol. Hana is a Pisces making Raelyn a perfect match for her.
I headcanon that their relationship progressed much faster than it did in the series. In the series, MC is competing for the Prince's hand and could potentially romance 2 other guys as well as Hana, so I could see Hana being more wary about MC's feelings for her. But in my hc, Raelyn is an OC made solely for Hana. For Raelyn, there's no one else but Hana so that devotion captured Hana's attention and she was able to fall for Raelyn faster than canon.
The Lee Children: Jasmine Lee and Juniper Lee 6 years apart
Raelyn low key really would like to not be a duke/chess. They don't like the fancy outfits, all the balls and galas, and playing nice to backstabbing nobles but feels obligated by their sister to help get Cordonia on the right track, to give Hana the fancy life she only ever known and a good life for their daughters. Hana catches on and the two have a serious talk about their future. Once their children are almost adults, they pass the duchy title to them and live more simply, and are much happier off.
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Aislinn Tanaka x Verity Wright
Star signs: Aislinn is a Cancer and Verity a Virgo.
After getting married they decided to share a hyphenated last name: Tanaka-Wright
There are bars specifically for vampires that humans in the know can go to donate blood either the normal way, the same way you donate blood at a blood drive or in a more intimate way, veins straight to the vampire's mouth. When Aislinn learns of the existence of these bars, she gets jealous, lol. Although Verity is the vampire, Aislinn can be a little more territorial. Verity explains that they only buy their blood stock from there, and rarely ever drink straight from the source, and since meeting Aislinn, they only drink from blood bags, since drinking straight from a human is an erotic experience. If it was completely up to Aislinn, Verity would only drink from her but Verity needs more blood than is healthy to drink from one human so she is fine with Verity drinking from donated blood from time to time but absolutely loves when Verity feeds from her.
Child free lifestyle: They both would be open to adopting a child if the other really wanted kids but they both are very busy people and end up preferring to spend all their free time and love on each other instead. Perhaps a child may fall into their laps in a century or so, or maybe not, who knows 🤭. Their lives are happy, full and complete without children anyway.
Thanks for the ask! Feel free to ask more specific questions if you want! I love talking to you guys! 🫶🏽
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hotchocolatelovesyou · 8 months
The background music for Laws of Attraction is low-key a vibe
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nooloongeractive · 2 years
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nmvord · 2 years
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They know. Goddang, Joaquin, you hot scheming bastard.
(Jona Alvarez is my LoA MC)
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marvelnaturalock · 2 years
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It's been a while but here you go!
I honestly have plenty of mixed feelings about Joaquin's character but is that going to stop me from flirting with him?
Absolutely not. Never.
I will flirt with EVERYONE. And everything. And the MC from The Phantom Agent is literally me in all books.
~~~~ seduction ~~~~
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lightoftheempath · 2 years
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The Joaquin chapter 12 scene lives rent free in my head. This might be my favorite moment between him and MC. It’s so sweet! He turns them around to face his windows so MC can see how good they look together! ��🥺💛
To get this you choose vanilla and then have Joaquin undress MC.
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whatsthesituati0n · 1 year
Laws of Attraction is a great story.. how is there not a book 3? ☹️
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evmonteri · 2 years
Laws of Attraction with Male MC
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ditzybat · 5 months
bernard: i just love true crime, don't you?
tim, trying to impress him: i may or may not be a war criminal with a hypothetical body count in the triple digits who's trained under multiple trained assassins as their apprentice
bernard: ???
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moominofthevalley · 4 months
pixelberry i am begging you on my knees to give us laws 3 GODDDDDDDDD
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rad-batson · 1 year
Multiverse AU where different variants of Damian Wayne Al Ghul are accidentally hailed to one universe and Damian is in the middle, trying to get all of them back home, but it only gets worse and NOT for the reasons you would think.
So picture this: there’s a sea of Damian variants crowded into the Batcave. One’s a leader of the LOA. Another became the next Harley Quinn? One is a mute assassin. Another is Red Hood’s apprentice. One’s Batman. One’s a meta for some reason. Another is the leader of a revolution. One’s a monk. And another is a clone. They’re all somehow involved in vigilantism or the LOA.
And then there’s a completely normal one. He goes by Dami. He’s in college :) He works at an art studio. He’s got a heart condition. He has a boyfriend, and he has never been Robin before. In fact, he doesn’t even know his dad is Batman. So in a room full of wildly different versions, this Damian sticks out like a sore thumb. He’s like an NPC just standing in the middle of a final battle.
What he does know is that his mother, Talia, left the LOA with him when he was two because she fell in love with Bruce. Since then, the three have lived a Perfectly Normal Life as Perfectly Normal People in a moderately nice house in the suburbs of Gotham.
And you know what? No one questions it. Out of all the problems the Damians are having right now, Normal Damian is the least of them. So he just sits to the side, completely chill, and doesn’t interfere.
But then some chaos happens, the Damians are all sucked into a battle at some secondary location, Normal Dami is kidnapped, gets killed, and everyone’s super depressed about it. (Gosh, he was so nice. Why did it have to be him? Boo hoo. We didn’t even have time to recover the body.)
Until they head back to the cave…and there he is. Respawned. Alive. Confused.
He was literally dead on the floor two hours ago. They checked for a pulse! He bled out. Normal NPC Dami is supposed to be dead. But nope. He’s right there. “Hey, what happened? The last thing I remember is being tied up. Did I faint again?”
Everyone else, the whole batfamily and the mini Damian army, is like “wtf how’d you get here, buddy?” While he’s just like :) so Bruce, who put a bug on the security cameras or whatever, checks the footage and what he finds is absolutely horrifying.
Just after he died, Normal Dami’s eyes snapped open. Glowing a deep Lazarus Green. He stood up, walked out, and immediately fucking decimated the remaining group of kidnappers like a rabid animal. Literally anyone who got near him were goners, and Thank Sweet Jesus he didn’t run into anyone on the walk back because he didn’t care to clean off all that blood. Nope, he just walked right through the front doors of the manor, found a clean set of clothes, completely on autopilot, then all of the adrenaline wore off, and he collapsed from exhaustion.
So everyone watches the footage. NPC Damian is horrified. He insists that’s not him because he doesn’t kill people! How could they ever accuse him of killing people?! He has never done something like that. He can’t even walk up a flight of stairs without getting winded for Christ’s sake!
Nonetheless, he agrees to sit in their itty bitty holding cell as they do some fun little tests, and lo and behold: he is so genetically fucked up. Why? Because his DNA isn’t like the other Damians. It’s completely mutated by this green glowing substance that they know all too well.
The verdict? Normal Dami has been permanently mutated by the Lazarus Pit. The Lazarus Pit is inside of him. It IS him. Or maybe Normal NPC Damian is the Lazarus Pit.
When Normal Dami was two and he and Talia still lived with the LOA, there was an incident involving Damian drowning in the Lazarus Pit (à la Ra’s Al Ghul's Stellar Grand-Parenting Skills.) However, since he wasn’t dead, the Lazarus Pit devoured him, consumed him with violent pit madness, spat him back out, and Damian became this completely, unstoppably rage-filled toddler that can throw you over his shoulder and snap your neck. So Talia, terrified of what Ra’s would do with him, escaped to Gotham, found Bruce, begged for help, and they devised a plan.
Step 1: Raise Lazarus Damian as a completely normal kid.
Step 2: Take him to therapy. Maybe give him anger management classes. (Monitor his sugar intake. That couldn’t hurt.)
That was literally their whole plan. They had no other ideas ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Occasionally, he’d snap and kill someone in cold blood (whoopsie daisy) but his parents were an assassin and the world's greatest detective. No one’s gonna know.
Through some trial and error, they found out that abrupt adrenaline spikes were what triggered the madness. So they worked around it. They gave him calm, relaxing hobbies. They spoiled him with emotional support animals. They Never Raised Their Voices. He was homeschooled for a bit then introduced to university, but only AFTER they made sure Jon (the Indestructable Superboy) was his roommmate. (Yes, they told him. Yes, he is now part of the convoluted Keep Deadly Damian Relaxed Task Force. They’re also dating.) They got Damian a FitBit that tracked his heart rate so they could predict when his adrenaline spiked. They Life360’d his ass so fucking hard. Meanwhile, Damian just thought he had some kind of medical thing, none the wiser the entire time.
Long story short? “Chill Normal NPC Damian” Cannot Die. But he can Kill.
If he does “die” (the Lazarus Pit cannot die) then he goes into a murderous rage, kills everyone in sight, it wears off with the adrenaline, and he can’t remember what happened. This Damian is the Most Dangerous of the variants, and he doesn’t even know it because his parents decided that would be best.
And now the other Damians are scared of him, and he’s scared of himself, and no one knows why he's made of the Lazarus Pit, and they don’t know what to do with him, and they still don’t know how to get back, and some of them want to kill him, and some don't, but no one trusts him, including himself, and it becomes an all-out war over the fate of Damian.
Anyway, Normal Damian who's actually a Murderous Lazarus Spirit without even knowing it. Thank you :)
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brainman1987 · 6 months
Hmmm yes colors
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I gotta do scar maps and also full body stuffs next! And outfit changes (mostly for Gid and Gricko (Hootsie too but that’s a given)) which means research! Fun!! I. Thinking of giving hootsie a little Chest plate and gauntlets for when she gets knighted by the fairy dragon (forgot his name) uhhhh feel free to use as pfps or like. Whatever really, just give credit if your using my exact designs or using these drawings please.
Also also (a lil unrelated but still) I might be able to take commissions soon!! Which like- awesomesauce tbh. I‘ve been thinking about doing commissions for a while and while I don’t know how they work or what sites to use or literally anything about how it works I’m definitely excited to try! I‘d like y’all’s views on if you’d like to commission me to get a good gist on the audience I’d be marketing to haha. (But in all honesty I’d draw or paint anything anyone asks, I like drawing more than money haha)
Anywho I hope you enjoy another segment of vagabonds and vagrants :)
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animezinglife · 8 months
I don't think the comment about the rejected mating bond I keep seeing is about Elain and Lucien.
Taking my shipping goggles completely off (and I truly am open to the narrative taking different turns), it would be an incredibly odd move from a writing perspective on the individual level.
Let's completely take Elain out of the equation or forget we know her. Does it really make sense for Lucien--a male who's been rejected constantly and in multiple capacities throughout his life, who has no "home" to turn to (not by his choosing), and who lost his love tragically and horribly--to go through all of that only for a mating bond to snap and for that bond to be rejected?
Let's do the same with Lucien. Let's forget we know Lucien. Does it really make sense for Elain--a woman who's just had her entire life ripped from her, including a future with a man she thought she loved only to be cruelly rejected by that man--to go through of that only for a mating bond to snap with a good man (male) and for her to reject it?
I'm not stating it couldn't happen. It absolutely could. Yet it would be a strange narrative choice, especially after going through the trouble of writing that bond in the first place, elaborating on the care Lucien takes in selecting her gifts, his extremely intentional, careful distance with her, etc. It would be a strange narrative choice for them to not get the happily-ever-after--or at least the happier ever after--when so much of their characters as individuals and as a potential couple seems to be building the foundation for a story on healing.
On overcoming heartbreak, devastation, and having a life stripped away.
On choosing the courage and challenge of loving again.
On finding a simple sort of peace in that love.
I don't think a rejected bond will have anything to do with them. Not with Elain and Lucien, not with Azriel, and not with Gwyneth.
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nooloongeractive · 2 years
Somebody please tell the pb team to stop writing down choices like:
1) beautiful office with digital windows, water fountains straight from the springs in the Dolomites, heated floors and desks imported from the personal rooms of the Chinese emperor during the Han dynasty.
2) hole in the basement of New York City, rats act as secretary, no windows, fuck you.
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