#loki engaged
lokimobius · 6 months
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LOKI - S01E02 “The Variant” / S02E01 “Ouroboros”
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lokijiro · 2 months
Odin remembering Loki as the more difficult baby and Thor as the easier baby.
Frigga remembering Thor as the more difficult baby and Loki as the easier baby.
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veggieharumaki · 1 year
just watched the new loki episode. All I gotta say is… THERES A REASON WHY THE LOKIUS SHIP EXISTS OH MY FUCKING GOOOOOOOD
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worstloki · 5 months
Thor sweating as he tries to get Odin off him about marriage to Lady Sif: I--I already have a woman I intend to marry!!!!! Thor: [covers mouth in regret] Odin: Oh? And who might it be? Thor: [muffled] an... elf? Odin, narrowing his eyes: ...an elf. Thor: she's from another realm, you wouldn't know her!
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imzsuzsis-blog · 3 months
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"First, first!!!! even twice!!!! You're listening to Bankai!!!!"
"I saw, don't scream Lando."
"Sorry, sorry, but, but this is a big deal after last time."
I giggled and took a sip of his drink.
"Do you drink beer?"
"Of course it rains well even in this weather."
I looked at his face.
"You're not..."
"Pregnant? Yes, I'm pregnant with twins from Ollie.”
I smelled it in the air.
"Did you smoke? again?!?! Disgusting!!!"
"You're acting like a bitch."
,,Girl??? Bankai, I'm not a girl. My pregnancy just slipped in, it wasn't planned that I would suddenly have two daughters."
I sat down next to him, my belly was a little harder than Kellete's, but I could handle it, and today I had a couple of minor pains, I must have rubbed the girls inside.
"Ugh, it's going to be a fight..."
"MR Norris calm down, it will take a long time."
Then the guy got up in front of me and left, but before that he caressed my back and belly.
,, Braxton Hicks contractions are your problem. If it thickens…”
He pressed a piece of paper into my palm with his number and address on it.
,,Who was?"
"My guardian angel... But he was a private gynecologist and obstetrician, I don't know him."
I stood up and followed.
,,Oh again... Fuck you... Wasn't the Paddock in Barcelona enough? Dock?”
I started whimpering as he pushed me into the Tardis.
"Lando, what are you whining about?"
“This is an island of calm.”
"Don't believe him!!!! He just jerked me around... This guy is a hyperactive crazy person!!!!"
"Oscar, You? Max? So what? What are you doing here? Okay, I'm here of my own free will, but you?"
I went close to them and Oscar and I had quite a kiss, much to Max's shock.
,,Lando, but you didn't go on a date with Loki and you were engaged... Not this..."
We saw that the Doctor was standing behind us with a breezy smile.
"I was wondering if the couple remembered each other."
Max almost beat him to the punch in anger, but rather….
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"I'm going to do it again soon, for the twentieth time, because of you, I'm a bastard!!!!"
"Do you have a problem with the grass?"
A young guy named Max Fewtrell has been fighting with me since we landed.
"Yes, it is... I'm allergic to this ragweed, and I even have hay fever!!!!"
He was floundering and everything was wrong, but he would have gone back if Oscar Piastri and I hadn't kicked him out of the Tardis. He's a smart, decent Australian boy with a crush who is very much in love with two people. Lando and a girl named Lily. I don't think I can say according to the Tardis, but one of them will be badly damaged, and even a few more.
"Who will be my partner in the end?"
"I can't say that, good boy."
,,I see, thank you."
He walked up to Lando and hugged him from behind, they were cute and a real couple. Tears welled up in him eyes when they started kissing again.
. "Doctor, we could go, I can't stand it." "Sorry, sorry, I installed the Tardis, you know it's thousands of years old and it often breaks down."
I lied to him and handed him a screwdriver, to which he grimaced…
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,,Lando!!!!!!!!! Awakening!!!!!!”
"I'm coming, please don't scream."
I yawned a lot sitting in the fromula 1 car.
"Yes, you're pregnant, but you don't have to openly announce it."
"Are you drawn?"
I got out of the car and rather angrily went back and sat down somewhere and left again...
"Lando, wake me up... You are our hen that lays the golden egg, hello."
"Zak, please don't. I'm really tired, sorry.”
I said it in a very tired voice and leaned on his shoulder, snoring and sleeping further.
"The problem here is not that you are tired, but that you should give interviews."
"It doesn't bother me, a good night's sleep would be good."
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Lando turned over in bed again and threw the covers off him again and screamed in an incomprehensible voice over and over again. I started caressing his back, but he didn't calm down and kept kicking me.
"My dear, it's okay."
I started to kiss his forehead when he got up and hugged me with tears in his eyes.
"I read it, if it calms you, the dreams will start now."
We looked at each other in silence after that. After that, Lando burst into sobs, yes, on Tuesday, a psychologist told him that he has pregnancy depression, that's why he's like this.
"Come on, let's solve this together."
,,No no no!!!!!!!!!!!!"
He starts spinning again in my hands, like a few days ago between my little ones and Ollie, we could barely hold him.
"I'm telling you there is a solution."
He left and I only heard the slamming of the bathroom door, I went after him so he wouldn't do something stupid. They said that they have a pill, if you swallow it, it could end up being anything, take care of it. I went in and just as he was about to take the pill, I tore it out of his fist and flushed it down the toilet.
"No, okay, It's silly, I love you, but don't."
"I'm not stupid!!!!"
,,I know. I didn't say that, but that it was stupid."
I am embraced by Lando, who is writhing in hysterics, who is just screaming something.
"Let's lie down, you're very tired."
I caressed his hair, but he was still hysterical, I knew it was difficult with an autistic person, especially when he was tired. I try to calm him down as his parents and Oliver said, but it's very difficult, he's getting hysterical from the fatigue. We are very well, the mother is right here in our room.
I asked.
"But I can't stand Lando, he's very tired and increasingly irritable."
"Are you Leah?" Come..."
He went over to her and sucked not only one finger, but two, then slowly crawled back into the bed. The mother started to tell him a story, which I also gladly listened to, until the end...
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sylvies-kablooie · 11 months
word on the street says that sylvie haters will come out in full force tonight. reminder that 1. i do not care and 2. it’s way funnier to let people on the internet complaining about superheroes yell into the void than give them responses.
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dakotakazansky · 1 year
A Million Nights • One
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Huge Thank you to @mayhemmanaged for creating the photo for this. I love you so much!
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Warnings: Angst, Mentions of drunk drivers, wrecks, hospitals.
Word Count: 1.8k
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The day started off like it always did, same mundane Navy job, and after the day's work, another night spent at the Hard Deck. That’s where Bradley Bradshaw had met his now fiancee, Lieutenant Gunner “P.A.” Savage. Gunner was an Aviation Machinist’s Mate. While she loved being on the flight line, fixing engines wasn’t what she thought she’d be doing for the next 4 years. Her head was always up in the clouds and night sky, but she’d missed the age range to be a Naval Pilot, so working on the jets was the next best thing for her.
After a particularly rough day, she ended her night once again at the Hard Deck, drinking the stress of the day away. Her bright ice blue eyes dulled the more she drank, while her jet black hair found its way down her back by the end of the night, the tightly wrapped military bun had become a thing of the past. 
Not paying attention to the world around her, Gunner eventually danced her way right into none other than Lieutenant Bradley Bradshaw, who had his hands full of beers for his squad buddies. Now feeling the cold sticky liquid on her back, Gunner whipped around to face Bradley. The man was wearing a god awful Hawaiian print buttoned down shirt, with a skin tight white t-shirt underneath. “Oh my god, I’m so sorry!” Gunner squeaked out, “I wasn’t watching where I was!” 
Bradley chuckled, “Here you might need this.” He said as he pulled off the Hawaiian print shirt, and handed it to Gunner. “Oh uhm, thanks. Stay here! I’ll be right back!” Gunner said as she ran off to the bathroom to remove the now sticky shirt. She pulled on Bradley’s shirt, buttoned the third button down before rolling the rest of the shirt up, and tying it in the front as a crop top. She made her way back over to where she had left Bradley. 
“Oh you listened.” Surprise filled her voice seeing Bradley in the spot she left him. “I mean it’s not every day that an insanely pretty girl dances her way into your beers.” Gunner laughed lightly, “I wouldn’t say insanely pretty, but thank you…” She trailed off, not knowing his name. 
“Rooster.” He said. 
“Well if we’re going by callsigns then, I’m P.A.” she replied to the just over 6ft man, with honey brown hair and eyes to match. She debated how much she would be able to handle the ferret that adorns his upper lip. 
“P.A. huh, what does that really stand for?” Rooster questioned her. 
Shyly she mutters back, now embarrassed, “It stands for Party Animal. I might have a reputation around here.”
His eyes widen in realization, “Wait, you’re the infamous Party Animal I’ve heard about around here?” 
She cringes before scrubbing her face, “Please for the love of god, tell me you are fucking joking.” Bradley starts laughing, “Don’t worry Honey, I’m definitely joking with you.” He gets soberly serious for a split second, “Or am I?” He busts out laughing once more. Gunner can’t help but laugh herself, “Oh now I know you’re actually just fucking with me.” 
Her hand extends out to him, “I’m Gunner. Gunner Savage.” the strong grasp of his hand is now on hers shaking it, “I’m Bradley, Bradley Bradshaw.” 
“Here I thought my parents hated me by naming me Gunner Savage, and you’re out here walking around as Brad Brad. Wow what peas in a pod we are.” She says, chuckling. “Can I grab you more beers?” 
“Of course you can Honey, what kind of man would I be if I didn’t allow the pretty lady to buy my drinks.” He says back confidently. 
That night, sparked something in the both of them, and they really had become two peas in a pod together. Bradley’s friends immediately warmed up to her, and accepted her as one of their own. She eventually got assigned to be the lead mechanic for Bradley’s squadron as well. Every night ended the same, after working with the squadron, Gunner and the squad all went out for drinks. It became tradition for them, until the day where Bradley, Phoenix, and Bob got orders. They were needed for a mission, and Bradley had to leave his fiancee in the care of Jake, and the rest of the squadron. 
“How long are you going to be gone again?” Gunner had asked, her voice barely above a whisper, afraid that if she spoke any louder, sobs would break the dam that she was holding in place so well. She buried her face in his chest, inhaling the scent of him. Zesty citrus, with cedarwood overtook her senses for a moment. 
“Only 3 months Honey, The time will fly by, and I’ll be back before you know it.” He said, trying to reassure his fiancee. He rested his head gently atop of hers, holding her small stature to him, and swaying softly from side to side. 
Gunner held on to him as tightly as she could for as long as she could. “You’re gonna come back to me in one piece right?” She questions him. 
“Honey, you know I’m going to try my hardest, but I can’t promise that.” He replies burying his face in her hair, inhaling her scent as well, soft delicate apples flood his senses. 
The loud garbled sound of the PA System screamed out, letting the sailors and pilots know it was time to say their final goodbyes, and start boarding. One more really tight hug, and a promise to behave for Jake and the rest of Roo’s squad, and Roo himself was boarding the carrier, with Natasha, and Bob. 
Gunner stood on the dock until she could no longer see the carrier in the distance. Night had fallen by that point, and the stars were out in the clear sky. She climbed into Bradley’s Bronco, and drove it home. For the next 3 months anywhere she went, was in that Bronco, as it made her feel that much closer to Roo. 
Jake, Javy and the rest of the squadron kept up the tradition of working the entire day, then meeting at the Hard Deck when the work day was over to let off steam. 
2 Months and 29 days later, they were still enjoying their night out. Gunner chose to only have one drink, calming that party animal within, so that she could really party tomorrow when Rooster got home. “Hey guys I’m gonna head out, I’m kind of tired.” She said to the group before hugging them all and leaving to get into her car, since she was having the bronco detailed for Bradley’s return. 
Gunner always messaged Jake when she got home, but tonight 10 minutes later, the time that it took for her to get home, Jake never got the message. He jumped into his truck and followed Gunner’s route home. 5 minutes into the drive his phone started to ring, as he pulled up onto what looked like a gruesome crash site. 
“Hello.” He answered as he slowed down to the traffic that was around this accident. “Is this Mr. Seresin?” The voice on the other end of the line that was Gunner’s spoke. “Y-yes” he stuttered out, clapping his hand over his mouth. “Ms. Savage was in a car wreck-“ the voice said, but Jake cut him off, “I’m here, about 5 cars back.” In no time Jake’s truck was ushered up to the mangled mess that is now Gunner’s car.
“Her Fiance is due home tomorrow, I’m her contact when he’s deployed.” Jake rambled out jumping into the ambulance with Gunner and the paramedics.  The ride to the hospital was pure silence aside from the paramedics talking and keeping track of her vitals. 
She was immediately taken into Surgery and then was placed in an ICU room to recover. Jake stayed by her side, while Javy waited outside. Jake now had to do the hardest thing imaginable, he had to call Bradley and tell him that his fiancée was in a wreck, and now in a Coma. He paced the room before deciding to call the emergency line on the ship. He spoke to the commanding admiral aboard, and they rushed Bradley back via Helicopter. 
An hour or two later, Bradley rushed into the room with a nurse in tow behind him. “What happened?!” He quietly shouted to Jake after the nurse ushered them out into the hallway. 
“She said she was tired, and decided to drive home. She was sober, you know I wouldn’t let her drink and drive and ruin her career with the Navy.” Jake paused, gasping out a sob, “They said a drunk driver blew a stop sign, and t-boned her, tossing her car over a few times.”
For the first time Bradley broke down in front of Jake. His body wracked with sobs, learning the news of his fiancée, his future wife. He raced back into the room, with Jake behind him, and he took a seat in the chair next to the bed. 
“Honey what happened?” He said softly to the comatose woman in front of him, “We’ve had a million nights just like this, what happened?” The tears poured down his face as he remained planted into that seat. 
A few days later the Daggers had convinced Bradley to go home, shower, and change, and that Nat will stay with Gunner, until he returns. It took almost 2 hours of convincing before Bradley budged. 
Jake drove him home and led him into the house. Jake sat in the living room while Bradley quickly made his way to the bathroom to shower, just wanting to get back to his fiancée already. He completely bypassed everything. It was only then after his shower that he saw what was laying out on the bed. The loud sob that the man released shocked Jake so much that he ran into the room.
There stood Bradley in fresh clothing, sobbing, his hand over his mouth, looking down at the tiny article of clothing on the bed. As Jake approached his heart shattered for the future Bradshaw’s. There was a onesie laying on the bed, that in the cutest script font, said “Daddy’s little copilot.” Jake gasped, “She’s…” Bradley finished his statement, “Pregnant.”
They both rushed back to the hospital. Running through the hospital to get back to her room as quickly as possible. Nat left as soon as they got back, making her way back out to the rest of the Dagger’s in the waiting area. Bradley quickly pressed the call light on the bedside remote. The doctor came in with the nurse, and Bradley told them they had found a onesie in the house, and asked to see if the baby was okay. 
They agreed and left to go get the equipment needed to verify if the pregnancy was still viable. Bradley leaned over the bed pressing a soft tender kiss to Gunner’s forehead. “Honey, it was never supposed to happen this way, please come back to me, I still need you.” He choked out another sob, before placing another soft kiss to her forehead. 
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Part 2
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Tagging some people who might be interested:
@mayhemmanaged @roosterforme @startrekfangirl2233 @desert-fern @roostette @cassiemitchell @sarahsmi13s @lavenderbradshaw @lovinglyeternal @bradleybeachbabe @thedroneranger @cherrycola27 @twsssmlmaa @bobby-r2d2-floyd @that-one-random-writer @horseshoegirl @footprintsinthesxnd
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punch-love · 5 months
Also "sit stay heel" 👀
This is the summary I have typed for it in the document.
Loki reflects on the pet allegations. Mobius also reflects on the pet allegations.
I just really want to write porn + character study on the fact that Loki never once refutes the pet allegations (or Mobius for that matter)
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lokiinmediasideblog · 11 months
My prediction is that TBI!Loki will win the tournament.
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musclesandhammering · 9 months
Friendly reminder that there’s only one multiverse in the mcu. It covers everything- Marvel, Sony, Fox, etc. Those are all universes inside the multiverse… of which there is only one :) :)
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bitchliteraria1906 · 11 months
Look, no hate to Slylki shippers, but there's so many things wrong with this ship.
Like, even if you choose to ignore the selfcest and the fact they share family members and DNA, I don’t see what is there to like about their writing?
I don’t dislike Sylvie or anything, I understand her reasons to do what she did. Her character? Solid. Her relationship with Loki? Not so much. Even when you put aside her betrayal and how weird it is for Loki to hold zero anger for it, the way he's obsessed with finding her and she seems to be perfectly fine without him just makes the ship seem one-sided.
Also, how long did they know each other for before that kiss, again? Isn't it kinda weird and forced for Loki to be head over heels in such a short anount of time?
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kkintsugi · 1 year
Can we please stop saying the Loki show is queerbaiting? Two men having a close relationship ≠ queerbaiting. It has been made VERY clear what the endgame couple will be from the start and yet I still foresee people whining and turning on the show when it doesn't go their way in the end.
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iamnmbr3 · 2 years
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(disclaimer: do not come after me with pitchforks and torches. this is a lighthearted joke. obviously it’s fine to enjoy a character however you want...even tho some of you are wrong...and I am silently judging)
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msue0027 · 26 days
Why couldn’t I get into something normal, or at least something with consistent canon? Now I am digging into depths of Whoniverse (and we all know the canon doesn’t exist (it is what you want it to be (a bit like Schrödinger’s canon: it both exists and does not, and a bit like a Young Experiment, different when observed, and in 3 places at the same time))); and I am studying Arthurian legends – where every source gives you different facts. And I’m trying to make sense out of it. And create for those universes. It’s fun. And the greatest torture.
#how come two british stories with no consistency can be oh so beloved after so many years?#yes i know fans live in the plot holes#and we use them as our playground#to create something new. something fascinating#to look at it from a new perspective#it’s as if you gave us toys; or rather tools; and we’ve made creation of our lives out of it#how we can create something from nothing to fill those gaps (maybe even if less of an actual story the greatest creation there can appear?)#oh how i love humanity#one canon does not matter it’s the story that is important#that it is amusing and engaging#how it makes you feel#that it entertains you#that it talks about something important to you. close to your heart#friendship. love. adventure. values. pain#we are the same#and for other things i’m into that fascinate me and give me terrible headache#(30 tags is not nearly enough (i should’ve put more into a body of the post but alas)):#religions of the world – their similarities and differences. their rules. subtlety of the same in various shades of christianity#apocrypha. damn me. it’s fantastic. (here goes angelology and demonology too)#folklore. as in tradition of our ancestors and their myths and believes.#dragon-lore. symbolism. types of dragons. their lives habitats and habits.#vampires. no one can agree upon them. and they are so cool.#you don’t expect it but omegaverse. are there commonly agreed upon rules? no.#so. if anyone wanted to talk. i’m open (can you say that in english?) oh.#and languages (does anyone want to talk about etymology?)(they are constantly changing and are different in diff parts of world and even th#dw#doctor who#arthuriana#merlin bbc#one thing I should not get myself into: marvel’s multiverse. Or mcu in general. Or just marvel. And I’m trying. But spiderman. And loki.
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worstloki · 5 months
saw someone on twitter say "one of the main characters in a loki show should have been thor odinson, not some random Sylvie or Mobius.
...... It's like a written law"
wdyt do you agree
I don't think it was necessary to make Thor a main character in a Loki show, the same way it WOULD be possible to throw together a Thor movie without having Loki be a main focus.
The issue comes in the quality of the narrative itself, and writing that if evidently without intention to care for (whichever) main character's importance will not work out. Neither the Loki series nor Thor 4 cared about the arc, motivations, history, or continuity of the titular characters beyond trying to make the media marketable.
Overall messaging can add a layer to the impact a story will have. Musical score can be a bonus way to control tone or tie a story together. Supporting cast can be vital to tell a good story. Prioritising their presence over anyone's (especially Loki's) characterisation is what the Loki series suffered from, not that other, original-adjacent characters were there.
#i'd say it was tell not show but frankly the plotline was so poorly done i don't think showing would have helped#it would have solidified the side characters better though#if they had put effort into characterising Loki right then poorly done side characters could've been a non-issue#messing up the main characters which are supposed to be part of a continuity is the number 1 issue#not managing the screen-time well was the number 2 issue#too much time wasted setting up characters that were going to monologue about their importance anyway??#too much time spent trying to establish the TVA as something important and controlling but somehow good#so much could have been cut out of the show and still gotten all that across#the relationships people built did so in like 2 days in-universe iirc so i wouldn't call them solid#season 1 was a useless introductory setup for the multiverse that didn't have any impact because there were like 4 other setups#scrap the characterisation and call it a reboot and it still threw Loki out as a weak and completely conventional protagonist#that's not engaging when every other character is also boring overall#even if their concepts weren't boring the way it was done was#The Loki Show#i can't be bothered thinking about the show because there's just so much#where would one start#i don't care enough about it to hate the show but i did find the fight choreography lacking too#the camera angles and general videography wasn't good#i have the same complaints about the choreography with every other disney+ show they put out#not even bothered with the MCU frankly#i'm happy to pretend the movies stopped after phase 2
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imzsuzsis-blog · 3 months
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Dream ( Lando)
“Loki? Hello?"
I was in some white place, a blanket on me, I couldn't move.
“Someone? Hello? Where am I?"
I stroked my belly.
"Where are my twins?"
I cried because there was a fresh scar there.
"Hey, new mom, or should I say it quietly to dad, if you could take a break. I just gave birth, just like you, even though you're a star, even you just gave birth. So stop whining please. Us average people know from the news that they broke up with this certain Loki back in July. After that, she tried unsuccessfully with even more boys of him age because they all said that a boy can't be pregnant."
I craned my neck back, my cell phone nowhere, to look at this nonsense on the internet. Because we definitely didn't break up, I love him.
"Lando Norris, I brought some people."
"Leah, Penelope."
I took them trembling, then I realized that it was really over with Loki, I was left alone with two babies. I looked at them, they are really a mixture of Ollie and myself, they are so beautiful.
"My beauties, my God. It's a pity that the abbots aren't here either, we're breaking up with the foster abbots. Because of a grudge.”
With tears in my eyes, I started to kiss them, and I didn't want to let them go.
"But you have to, dear."
Mother sat down next to me and stroked my hair and I shook my head.
"If I've done it all the way up to now, I can do it all the way now. I am already an adult, a twenty-five year old adult. I won't give them away forever. They are my daughters and I can raise them, their room is waiting for them."
"I know, but you gave up Formula 1 because of them. You even moved from Monaco to avoid the news about you and them. Now what?"
She stroked them too, not just me.
"I will finish my medical degree and fulfill my dream."
"Lando, it's not your dream, it's your father's, it's only you who lived it, that's why you're going to the doctor's office now by mail. You don't belong there, you could become a very good actor, maybe a singer, you are talented in these. Remember the casting of the Avengers, when your friend Tom called you... How would you not like to try what you would really be like in his place, as Spider-Man. How clever you were, you wove webs, climbed walls and jumped everywhere and enjoyed it.”
Mother smiled at me, I just shook my head, I knew where my path was leading.
"My mother was with me for half a year, it was a big party, but I wouldn't try it again. I'm sorry, but it's not my way."
I looked at her and Leah as I woke up next to her sister, a minute here or there will not count, only that they grow up in love and that I find them another daddy. Who is not dismissive like everyone else towards me.
"Mom, I'm going to be a doctor!!!! Leave me!!!!!"
I woke up sweaty and screaming again like the day before the race, Loki and Max comforted me. Then I dreamed that everything went wrong at home during the birth, then mother and father had a fight, then the Olivers, then Max and Pietra and all of them because the good boy suddenly became ugly.
"My treasure"
He knelt down in front of me and started stroking my face in circles.
"Dream and depression are a bit much for you, my dear. You dream up a lot of madness."
"I know, and the reason for all this is the fucking adoption papers. What Ollie throws out, saying that he is responsible for making mistakes, I want to take responsibility too... But it's not my management that won't let me, they gave me this fucking paper and I don't have much time to do it."
I opened my laptop and the first thing that came up was an email to review the ideal foster parents. In my anger, I wrote back that no, I can decide whether to raise two girls or not to leave them alone!!!!! Also, I'm twenty-four, a fully responsible adult, don't let them decide what I wear and where, who I date, where I live, who my friends are or whether I'm pregnant and whether I want to raise my child or not. I looked to my side, read the paper and took deep breaths.
"You know what, Loki gets caught."
I tore the sled apart, threw it up and started giggling.
"I'm a father!!!!"
I squealed with joy and kissed Loki on the lips, who, after taking off his top, began to tease us with his fingertips. He ran sexily into my hair and we started moaning more and more softly.
"I don't know, but there's blood in your underwear."
"You're stupid, aren't you?"
I looked at him in horror and I was in pain again.
“Which? Strong?"
"How the hell do I know???? Ugh!!!!”
I stood up and crossed my palms in front of me and took deep breaths.
,.Amanda now!!!!”
"I'd rather not put my feet up somewhere."
"What's up my dear, we'll go and that's it, home practices won't help right now."
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Dream (Loki)
I've been a star on the internet since July, when he broke up with me. In almost every video or picture, either he or I is crying about the breakup.
"Billy, this sucks, I know it was short, but it's true love."
I told my brother that we may only be half-siblings, but we still tell each other everything.
"Loki, don't whine. You were the bastard for getting him engaged so soon. To you, because he was pregnant from her previous relationship, the guy."
"This is not about the fucking engagement!!!! And not because the guy was pregnant, but because the fucking media won't leave me alone!!!!"
"Do you still love him? Where did your relationship go wrong?”
"It must have been when he finally admitted that he was in love with Oscar. It could still be something he is holding on to from before his kidnapping, or I don't know."
Crying, I looked at Insta, where I saw that was all.
"Finally, the little ones were born, they're fit and healthy."
Burying my face in my palms, I got into my car and went to my usual place at the gas station, because it's in a nice place, I can park in the vicinity, and I can walk up the hill and I always sit on one of the benches when I want solitude.
"I'm not going, our relationship with Lando ended badly, we had a rough time on the open street. Millions of videos attest that it was.”
"Oliver, I say no. Lando doesn't want to see me, he even hates me."
I went through…
“Loki!!!! Not!!!! Ambulance!!!”
"I was hit by a fucking car, fuck me!!!!!"
I just felt that Lando was prodding me and stroking my face to wake me up.
"My dear, if you could, you could even perform this screaming show on stage."
He told me both erotically and sarcastically, so that all the women in the clinic would giggle at this.
"The way you put it, it wasn't fucking funny, bitch!!!!"
"But, but Loki... You screamed, in public. Not me!!!! Where the hell are you going? My love."
"From now on, the pregnancy is your fucking business, cheater!"
"But fuck it!!!! I've said it a hundred times, I'm trying to get my lost memories back!!!!!! I am not a cheater and I would never be cheated!!!!!!”
“This is bullshit!!!!! The way you look at Oscar... You're in love with him!!!!!"
"It's not true, it's just business!!!!"
"Lando, Loki, please don't get lost here!"
"No, if you tell the truth... Oscar or me."
He took off him hat and threw it on the floor like a fucking diva.
"You, but Oscar saw them being kidnapped!!!! Are you happy now!!!!"
"Stupid whore!!!"
I slapped him, got up and left.
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Or knocking on my door for thousands of years.
"Who the hell is that???"
"I'm at Lando, let me in!!!!"
I let him in. His face was teary, his lips were parted and he was shaking from everything.
“What happened? old warrior."
I let him in and he stopped at the wall and barely took a breath. He put his fingers to his mouth, on which the sleeve of his pullover was half pulled up, and it was chewed, as were the cords of his coat.
"I confessed everything to him, but we had a rough fight."
"Fuck me, Lando. But what the hell?”
"I don't know, he figured it out!!!! He said that I was looking at Oscar."
"Who, what, here we go?"
“Patoooooo!!!!! Max, help me!!!!!!"
He fell on our necks and sobbed soundlessly.
"What are you saying?"
"That I'm cheating on you."
"But, but that's not true of you, when we were together you wouldn't have done that for any money."
"I know, Pato. It's a fucking concoction he made up."
"What will happen?"
He hissed between his teeth, he couldn't take it anymore and we saw him calling his mother.
"What are you saying?"
"That this is a real relationship and that we talk about it."
"Are you telling her the truth?"
"She knows in broad daylight that she was kidnapped from the open street, no, I don't give mom the truth."
"It's good that you joke about it, really not."
"Anyone married in the field?"
"Sergio? Good… Pick it up… Please!!!!”
We all saw that he cried more, he probably took Lando's side in the matter. We also knew what a jealous type Loki is, their relationship can no longer survive this.
"On the one hand, he's still here, so he comes here, on the other hand, he thinks he's a jealous dick, and he thinks I should throw him away as soon as possible. There will be another.”
He almost tore the ring from the new one with our help and threw it far away, with an angry face, but not only that, but also the bracelet he received not long ago, he threw it far away and screamed.
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