#loki wants to be a model so bad
demonsandpieohmy · 1 year
Tom Hiddleston saw the jokes about Loki’s hair flips in the first season and decided to just go apeshit bananas this time around
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deathmetalunicorn1 · 5 months
Can I get platonic valkyries x fem valkyrie reader who dresses like chii from chobits
I adore Chii so much <3 she is so adorable
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-You were different compared to your sisters, the Valkyries, you were dainty and delicate, you weren’t a warrior, a battle maiden like they were, but they never made you feel like you were any less than they were.
-You were like their safe space, you were so gentle and sweet, giving them all a place where they could let down their walls and be normal women, just for a little bit, in your arms.
-They were all fiercely protective of you, even Goll, as you weren’t a fighter, you were their little angel, one they adored so fiercely and you loved them, not wanting anything bad to happen to your sisters, which made them cuddle you for being so stinking cute!
-Since you weren’t a fighter, you had to take on another job, being a messenger. You traveled all over Valhalla, delivering letters and packages from the Norse pantheon.
-Your sisters trusted you, but they didn’t trust others, so of course they did worry whenever you weren’t at home, safe and sound, and usually one of them would follow you, a secret bodyguard to put it simply, just to keep others in line.
-Other gods adored you, thinking you were so adorable looking, wearing your beautiful dresses that your sisters dress you up in each day, making you look like a fairy.
-Loki was particularly affectionate with you, always greeting you with a big smile, as he thought you were adorable, but he was respectful to you, as he knew that your sisters were all quite protective of you, and he wasn’t going to risk your 13 sisters coming to beat his ass.
-Aphrodite was one who loved to see you, as she would give you new clothes, having you model for her, and she would always play with your hair, finding your delicate innocence so endearing.
-There’s not even one of your sisters that wouldn’t lay down her life for you, just to keep you safe, but they don’t tell you that, the last time one of them said that you started crying, making them feel so terrible.
-They didn’t want to do anything to risk their safety, as you would be sad if they died, and they would never be the ones to make you cry.
-Now if someone else made you cry, for whatever reason, that’s an invitation for an ass beating.
-It’s a good thing most of the gods know this and know that you are not to be messed with by any means, especially since the whole Norse pantheon is fond of you, as you are like a ray of sunshine to all you meet, and nobody is going to steal their sunshine away.
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shegeekery · 7 months
Reparenting Loki
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I want to talk about a dynamic in the Loki/Mobius relationship (in the Loki TV-series) that I've seen touched on but not really discussed in depth.
Note to Lokius-lovers: nothing I say here in any way precludes a healthy romantic relationship. They're both consenting adults, after all, and this wasn't a formal therapist-client relationship.
There's a technique in therapy called "reparenting". The idea is that trauma and behaviors caused by bad parenting can be addressed to some extent if the therapist assumes the role of a "good parent".
I think we can all agree that the "All-Father" was crap as an actual father. Odin knew that Loki took after him even more than Thor did, but many of those shared traits were things that he tried to hide from everyone, while Thor better represented the image he wanted to project. The result was a cruel favoritism, which was picked up by Thor and the rest of the Asgardians. Frigga's love and support wasn't enough to counteract that cruelty, particularly in a strongly patriarchal society like Asgard.
Side note (because I'm that kind of geek): there were so many similarities between Odin and Loki (Odin's friend and blood-brother rather than his son) in the old Norse myths that some scholars have suggested that Loki was at one point simply an aspect of Odin. There's also evidence that the stories as they came down to us were manipulated by the Christians who committed them to writing to shoehorn Loki into something more like the Christian Devil.
Anyway, getting back to our guys... Within the context of the TVA, Mobius represented an authority figure to Loki, who had a long history of rebelling against (or betraying) authority for obvious reasons.
I think the first turning point in the relationship for Loki was:
Loki: I am smart!
Mobius: I know. Loki is rarely left speechless, but his only response to Mobius's simple affirmation was a very un-Loki-like "Okay..." He didn't know how to respond because he wasn't used to that kind of thing, particularly from someone who had power over him. It happened again with:
Loki: A villain.
Mobius: That's not how I see it.
The dynamic between these two people throughout Season 1 was like that. Mobius's genuine love (whether you read it as romantic, platonic, fatherly, brotherly, or a mix of any or all of these) for and non-judgmental acceptance of Loki was apparent from the start, but of course Loki's experiences during his very long lifetime made it nearly impossible for him to trust that until Mobius's actions convinced him that it was real. Learning to trust Mobius also allowed Loki to see himself in a new light.
For his part, Mobius consistently modeled what a good father would have been: loving and accepting, yes, but still able to apply "tough love" when that was warranted. Mobius didn't put Loki into the bad-memory loop to punish him because he was angry (though he was angry, or at least a bit hurt and disappointed). He was just trying to force Loki to acknowledge a truth about himself so that they could move forward — and it worked!
Mobius's instincts and experience as an actual father to two boys, one reasonably well-behaved and the other a mischievous troublemaker, served him well in this, even if he didn't consciously remember his life on the timeline.
Mobius all but confirmed this when he said:
Mobius:  I see a scared little boy, shivering in the cold... 
It's also significant that when Loki brought this up later, he called it "patronizing", which we usually use to mean "condescending", but can also mean "supporting" and has its root in the Latin word "pater" (father).
I see the hug in episode 1-5 as a sign that the reparenting had taken hold, and that Loki, while not completely healed (it would take a lot more than that!), was at least in a place where he could trust someone, accept love/friendship, and think beyond his own wants and needs.
By Season 2, the relationship between the two men was evolving into one of equals, but even then Loki still occasionally looked to Mobius for guidance. Mobius's approval had become important to him. When Loki witnessed the firm but compassionate way in which Don dealt with two boys who were so like himself and Thor (despite being a stressed-out single dad rather than a god-king with tremendous resources at his disposal), he had to have seen that this was at the core of who Mobius was. Moreover, Loki — and any viewers who had similarly survived a traumatic childhood full of emotional abuse and neglect — probably guessed that Don himself was a survivor who was determined to see to it that his boys would never have to deal with that. If that was the case, then Mobius didn't just see his own son in Loki. He saw himself and couldn't help but empathize.
Don wasn't perfect. His frustration with his younger son was very evident, but Loki, observing, could see the love that lay under it. He may even have thought of times when Odin was driven to anger by Loki's actions and realized that the anger didn't necessarily mean that Odin didn't really love him. Learning to forgive what can be forgiven is another aspect of recovering from childhood trauma.
It's worth remembering that Mobius knew Loki in much the same way we do. We got to see the things that Loki never let anybody see: the fear, the vulnerability, the pain, the longing, and the sadness. (Doesn't hurt that TH can turn a simple reaction shot into a freakin' soliloquy!) The difference is that, while we only get to see the highlights (and lowlights) of Loki's life, Mobius had access to all of it and he had centuries to study it.
Mobius literally knew Loki better than anyone else in (or out) of the multiverse. How could he not love him? And for Loki, knowing that somebody who knew him that well genuinely cared so much for him (same with Sylvie, who understood him in ways that only another Loki could and vice-versa) had to have shaken him to his core and made him rethink a lot of things. The fact that it was Mobius to whom Loki turned in episode 2.6 when he thought he might have to kill Sylvie shows how much he still looked up to Mobius in many ways.
This was a show about redemption, yes, but also about healing from childhood trauma. They did an amazing job with it.
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headfullof-ideas · 1 month
After exhausting myself storyboarding, i decided to do some more doodling. And then i got thinking about certain aspects of the riders dynamics.
Having four fifteen to sixteen year old teenagers traveling with a twelve and thirteen year old leaves a lot of room for the older kids trying to take care of the younger kids. And the aspect of that that I was thinking of was how they handle danger.
Kari has mild anger issues due to an unstable home life with unreliable role models. She will and has gotten into fistfights with other people, something the older kids wished she didn’t do. Ant is younger than her, three inches shorted, and just attracts trouble. This kid will go a whole day purposefully avoiding anything that might end in trouble, and still end his day being chased by bandits through the woods. The older kids grow increasingly distraught at the sheer levels of chaos that Ant just attracts, usually ending in bodily harm on his end. The twins went a whole month being atheists against Loki specifically because they thought their favorite god cursed Ant with bad luck as some sort of prank.
Ant does not always purposefully attract trouble. Kari sometimes purposefully does. They are both tiny, squishy, untrained tweenagers. One of them is missing a whole foot, and is absurdly small for his age. The older kids desperately want them to stay out of trouble. As much as they can with half the Archipelago and then some after them.
So the older kids devise a super thought out, carefully constructed system of fishing them out of danger. And that is simply picking them up and running in the other direction as fast as they can.
Kari and Ant are both considerably smaller than the other riders, being considerably younger. Ant even more so, being small and light for his age. Kid weighs sixty pounds soaking wet (i had to google twelve year old boy weights to find an accurate weight for teeny Ant). They are both very easy to pick up. Carry away, now that depends. Kari kicks and bites and screams indignantly when they do it. Ant goes limp like a scruffed kitten at first, but then he gets comfortable with being around them, and soon also starts squirming and wriggling when he gets picked up and ran off with. Turns out getting kicked by a metal prosthetic hurts a lot, but they have butts of steel from riding dragons everywhere, so what’s a few bruised shins and ankles?
It’s a surprisingly effective method, especially when Ant and Kari fall behind with their much shorter legs, and when Ant was first adjusting to his prosthetic. The other riders start trading tips on where to grab the littlest riders in order to avoid the widest of their horribly frustrated swings and kicks.
It gets a little hard to do their by-then habitual scoop-and-run method when Ant and Kari stop being so little though.
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Doesn’t stop them from trying.
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nyxlaufeyson · 1 year
I have a one shot request? 😬
Loki and y/n live in the avengers tower, they’ve been getting closer in the last few months. Y/n is a tough nut to crack and doesn’t like to be vulnerable with people till one day Loki finds her asleep in the library, a book on Norse mythology resting on her chest…
Oneshot Masterlist - Main Masterlist
MY FIRST REQUEST GUYS AHHH!!! I hope I wrote this somewhat to what you imagined, great idea!!!
POV: Second
SYNOPSIS: You have been living in the Avengers tower, curtsey of your uncle Tony, and have been becoming closer and closer with Loki. One day, he finds you asleep in the library with a book on Norse Mythology lying on your chest.
TYPE: Fluffy fluff, maybe a lil tiny bit of angst if you squint
TW: Light mentions of not-good parental figures but not really super relavent to the story
You had been living in the Avengers tower for several months now. Your parents weren’t the best role models in your life, so when you decided to move to New York and started looking for your own place, your uncle Tony offered for you to stay in the tower. 
You had gotten along with everyone, quickly establishing friendships with everyone. You even managed to befriend Loki, as he was staying at the tower since he was forced to help the Avengers to repay for his crimes. 
You always seemed to wear a smile on your face, despite the never-ending college assignments your professors seemed to give you. 
You and Loki had been getting closer the past few months, and you were one of the only people he would enjoy talking to in the tower. Sure, he enjoyed pestering the others, but he didn’t mind having a simple conversation with you. 
Despite your appearance as an open-book, Loki noticed that there was more to you than it seemed. 
He noticed how you would sometimes overwork yourself as a distraction from reality. He picked up on the way you seemed to deflect certain questions, and the way you managed to change the subject of a conversation.
Of course, he didn’t just notice the bad. He noticed the good things too. He noticed the days when you decided to do something with your appearance, whether it be fixing your hair or doing your makeup. 
Not that you needed any of this to be beautiful, he knew that. You just appreciated that someone noticed when you did these things, and it made you giddy whenever Loki would compliment your eyeliner or hairstyle. 
Just the little compliments and gestures of kindness Loki would give you made you fall head over heels for him. Of course, you doubted he would feel the same. 
You weren’t very experienced with romantic feelings, so you hoped they would eventually go away. However, as the days passed by, your feelings built up and became more complex. 
Loki also seemed to develop some feelings that were unfamiliar to him. At first, he mistook it as friendly love, as he had not had many true friends before, but he began to realize that it wasn’t just friendship sprawling in his heart. 
Unfortunately, you struggled at expressing your feelings. You weren’t used to a lot of affection. In fact, when you first moved to the tower, it took a while to get used to people checking in on you. 
Due to this, Loki wasn’t sure how you felt about him. He was happy just to have you as a friend, but inside he longed for something more. Something more than the friendship you already shared. 
“Stark, have you seen Y/n?” Loki asked, walking through the living room. He had looked in your room, but you weren’t there. He wanted to return a book you had lended him. 
Tony scratched his head before answering. “Uh, no. I do remember she said something about studying though… Maybe check the library?” Loki nodded in thanks and started towards the library. 
“Y/n? Are you in here?” Loki called, walking towards the middle of the library where you two would often lounge on the couches, reading with each other for hours. 
He smiled as he found you lying fast asleep on one of the couches, strands of hair resting on your face and a book pages-up on your chest. 
Loki brushed some of the loose strands of hair behind your ear, enjoying the way you looked when you slept. You found it embarrassing, but he couldn’t help but think it was cute. 
Conjuring up a bookmark, Loki grabbed the book and marked your page before closing it. 
His eyes skimmed over the cover, and then he went back and reread it, breath hitching. 
Norse Mythology 
You hadn’t told him you had been reading up on Norse mythology, and Loki decided to flip through some of the pages. 
He smiled at the illustrations of Asgard and the rainbow bridge leading up to it. He flipped through some more, sitting down on a nearby couch and losing himself in the pages. But don’t worry, he made sure to keep the bookmark marking your spot in place. 
After who knows how long, you stirred to the sounds of pages flipping. Your eyes slowly fluttered open and you looked around, realizing you were in the library. 
You gradually sat up, realizing Loki was across from you. He looked up from his book, smiling as you rubbed your eyes. 
“Welcome back to the land of the living, darling.” He said, and you blushed slightly with a chuckle. 
“What time is it?” You asked, not sure how long you had been asleep for. “It’s eight in the evening.” Loki responded, and your eyes widened slightly. 
“Damn…” You muttered, surprised. “I slept for 4 hours.” Loki nodded, flipping a page. The sounds of his book made you remember your own, patting around the couch for the book. 
You looked around, confused when you couldn’t find it. You could have sworn that the last thing you were doing was reading your book on Norse mythology. 
Loki smirked as he watched you look around, and you finally caught his eye, glancing down as he showed you the cover of the book he was reading. “Looking for something?” He asked, holding up your book. 
Heat rushed to your face as you quickly stood up, running over to him. “Give it back!” You whined, but Loki stood up and held the book above your head, leaving you trying to jump and grab it. 
“Come on Loki…” You pleaded, but Loki still held the book, smiling down at you. “You didn’t tell me you were studying Norse Mythology, love.” 
You sighed, knowing it was no use to try to reach the book, and flopped down on the couch. Loki finally handed your book back to you and sat next to you, and you were happy to see that your page was marked. 
“What class is this for?” He asked, and your face turned red, yet again. “Uhm… History. We had an, erm... Religion paper.” You lied, and Loki raised his eyebrow. 
“While it is amusing to watch you try to lie to me, I would like to know the truth.” You hugged your knees to your chest and buried your face in them, trying to get out of the situation. 
Loki gently pulled your head back, moving your gaze to his. “Darling?” He asked, and you huffed, giving up. “It wasn’t for school.” You admitted, embarrassed. 
His face lit up, and he tilted his head. “That means that-” He started, but you interrupted him. “Yes, I read it on my own, okay? I just wanted to know more about you.” 
You averted his gaze, and he chuckled. You began to worry that he was going to make fun of you, but you were wrong. “Well dear, you could have just asked.” He said, and you once again met his gaze. 
“I didn’t want you to make fun of me.” You confessed, fumbling with one of the buttons of your shirt. Loki chuckled again, grabbing one of your hands and taking it in his. “Darling, I would never make fun of you.” 
You felt the sincerity of his words, and gave him a soft smile. “Really?” You asked, and he nodded. “Really.” 
You and Loki sat there for a minute, hand in hand, basking in the silence. Your breath picked up as he brushed a strand of hair and tucked it behind your ear, causing your face to flush. 
Loki noticed, chuckling. “My my, it really doesn’t take much for you to get all worked up, does it dear?” You grabbed a pillow from the couch and slapped him with it. “Oh, shut up!” You said, laughing as he fell back onto the couch from the pillow slap. 
You continued assaulting him with the pillow, eventually ending up on top of him as the pillow fell to the floor, leaving you two face-to-face in a rather intimate position. 
Your heart had nearly exploded, realizing that your lips were mere inches away from Loki’s.
Loki’s heart rate also sped up, watching you as you bit your lip and your cheeks became that familiar shade of pink. 
Without thinking, he pulled your head down and kissed you softly on the lips, and then pressed his forehead against yours. 
Your eyes widened after the kiss, and Loki quickly pulled away with a worried look on his face. He was about to say something, but then you pulled your head back down, colliding once more with Loki’s lips. 
This kiss was more heated, proving how long both of you had waited for this moment. His tongue found yours, enwrapping it. Eventually you had to force yourself to come up for air, mesmerized in the moment. 
“Wow.” You breathed, processing what just happened. Loki caught his own breath, relieved that you hadn’t stormed out of the room yet. 
“Wow indeed.” He chuckled, sporting a blush of his own. 
“I was not expecting that.” You said, shaking your head, still finding it hard to believe. Loki shrugged. “I have a tendency to be sporadic.” You laughed at his comment, letting your body rest on his. 
“What does this mean?” You asked, head leaning on his chest. Loki smiled, stroking your hair with his hand. “It means, darling, that next time you want to learn more about me, you can come straight to me.”
You buried your face into his chest, causing him to laugh. “Don’t be embarrassed, I find it adorable that you want to learn more about me.” 
You brought your head up, remembering something you had read in the book. “Well, I do have one question.” 
Loki nodded for you to continue, and you hesitated before asking him. “Is it really true that you birthed a horse?” You asked, causing him to laugh.
“No. That was an illusion, which made for an excellent prank. Especially if it made it into your Midguardian books.” He said, and you laughed. 
“What did Thor say?” You asked, finding it hard to imagine Thor seeing Loki give birth to a horse. 
“Oh, he didn’t say anything. He screamed and then went to get Mother.” Loki said, smiling, still playing with your hair. 
“Yeah. He would do that, wouldn’t he?” You chuckled, and Loki nodded. “It was hilarious. Frandal made fun of him for screaming so loud for a whole month after. Rumor has it the entire realm could hear.”
You snorted, not even beginning to imagine the ears that must have broken from Thor’s scream. After all, he was the god of thunder.
“Now, how about we get you some dinner?” You nodded, recognizing that you were hungry, and Loki picked you up bridal-style, carrying you to the elevator. 
“Loki, put me down!” You squealed, grabbing ahold of his neck. He continued to carry you, pressing the button of the elevator to call it down. 
“We can’t let the princess tire herself from walking when her prince can carry her instead now dear, can we?” You blushed and playfully slapped him on the arm. 
The elevator dinged, and the doors opened, revealing one very surprised-and-pissed-looking Tony Stark, glaring at you and Loki. 
“What the fu-”
~~~~~ I really hope you liked this! Have a great day everyone!
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fermentedfanfics · 1 year
a little wine and charcoal.
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hello welcome to my first writing that wasn’t a rewrite in a while. i hope you guys enjoy this ?? i randomly thought of this idea at like three in the morning and wanted to write it so bad– so forgive me if this is a little all over the place or written badly because i finished writing this at like six am and wanted to post it immediately. i might make a sequel to this, i kinda wanna write some smut for them. please know that this fic is explicit and for 18+ audiences only, minors dni.
summary: you enjoy taking figure drawing classes at your local college a few times throughout the year– this month you take up figure drawing again and find you’ve caught the model’s eye. (model!loki x artist!f!reader)
warnings: (possible smut for future sequel) fem!reader, make out sesh, reader is a little drunk, more than a little she’s a lightweight like me, light praise kink, kind of dry humping, orgasm denial, slight dom/sub dynamic (reader calls loki sir.) i’ll add more if i think of anything. word count: 3.2k
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You are keenly aware of a pair of eyes on you, and you’re almost afraid to lift your gaze off the newsprint paper in front of you.
For a moment you wonder if you’re the only person who feels uncomfortable, but when you drag your gaze across the room you find everyone hard at work– focused on properly taking in the form of the man in front of you. Was he really a man though?
His ivory skin is chiseled like a marbled statue, and his thick, pitch-black hair was pulled back tucked behind his ears at the start of the class but has loosened and fallen into his face now. It’s given him a disheveled look and you’re rattled by how attractive he is. You’ve barely drawn anything, but you’re glad he’s not fully nude. Well– he is, but the way he’s posed has completely covered himself. You aren’t sure how you’d hold up if you were able to see him completely.
These figure drawing classes were supposed to be a source of relief for you. Twenty-five dollars and three hours of drawing live figures in silence with a couple of cups of wine was such a steal, and you’d truly enjoyed the last few times you’ve been– but the recent model has stolen that comfort from you.
At first you didn’t want to be conceded, clearly he was not staring at you directly. But the entirety of this month, each time you’d come and sit in that stuffy little classroom and painfully tried to draw the most beautiful being you’ve ever laid your eyes on, you could always feel him staring. It’s intensified by the wine you sip on throughout the class, your skin humming with the warmth of the alcohol and hot just from his mossy shaded eyes watching your every move.
Your hands delicately slip around the epicure of the glass next to you, it’s red and stinks of cheap wine but you drink it anyways to break the edge. Finally taking your eyes from the paper in front if you to the model, you swallow thickly when your eyes meet. You didn’t mean to look directly at his face, but curiosity got the best of you. Gripping the piece of charcoal in your hand, you begin to sketch.
You avert your stare from his face and to his body, and your mind wanders as your hand moves. Does he like your gaze? Observing every curve and rocky edge to his sculpted form– does it turn him on as much as it does you? You’d probably notice if it did. Each sip of the wine has your mind cloudy, and fills you with a kind of confidence you know isn’t good for you. Sneaking a peek to his face, you instantly regret it. His stare is intense, and the shine on his lips indicate he’s wet them with his tongue sometime between you taking your time studying every part of him and the last time you looked him in the eyes. You shiver.
The class wraps up faster than you expected. The conductor of the class brings the model a robe, and when he leaves the room bursts with conversation. “My god he was sexy, I couldn’t focus the entire time!” One of the women next to you boasts. Each class has a set of people who've never tried it before, or you’re simply just not lucky enough to get paired with anyone you’ve drawn with before. You feel seasoned among those around you, but you would be lying if you said the model hadn’t affected you in the same way.
You swallow the rest of the wine from your last glass, setting it down on the nearby tray it sat on. Trying to drown out the chattering and clattering of the class putting themselves together to leave, you try to pull an image of the model from your brain. You’ve seen him three or four times now, you didn’t keep count– each time you try to engrave him into your mind. You think this drawing is the closest you’ve ever gotten, fingers stained with charcoal. You decide to take this drawing home instead of leaving it like that last time.
By the time the room is empty, you’ve finished gathering your things. You take your time, knowing you have to call an uber since you finished about three cups of wine and you were a lightweight. Taking one last look at your drawing, you begin to take it down from the isle you used.
“I think yours is my favourite out of the bunch.”
His voice completely startles you, causing you to tear the top of the paper for a split second. You quickly stop yourself, letting go of your drawing allowing it to float helplessly to the ground so you wouldn’t completely destroy it. Instantly annoyed, your hazy, drunk gaze looks over your shoulder. It’s then you realize the class model is speaking to you.
He’s fully dressed, the first time you’ve seen it. It seems more intimate, you feel yourself burn hot at his voice as he apologizes, bending over and picking up your drawing. Smooth, sultry, and thickly accented– he’s rendered you speechless. “I always like the ones you draw– you’re very good.” He offers the paper to you.
“Thank you..”
You barely whisper your thanks, carefully taking the drawing from him. The rip doesn’t reach the art, thankfully. All your words are caught in your throat, he’s openly staring at you this time and you think he knows the effect he has on you. Swallowing your spit, you visibly relax ever so slightly as you begin to roll it up ready to leave.
“Do you come here often? I’ve seen you before.”
“Couple times a month.”
“Mr. Kilmyer let me keep some of yours of me, they’re hanging in my home. You’re incredibly talented– is this your profession?”
You’re trying to be respectful and listen to him, but you can’t. Your skin is boiling and the way the stupid cashmere turtleneck he wears fits him so perfectly that you can practically see his sculpted form beneath it is driving you up the wall. Though, that’s probably because you’ve seen him naked before and want to see it again. It’s fresh in your mind, and every time you blink you get a flash of his intense gaze. Wine plus him does not mix well.
“No.” You breathe out. He’s stepped closer, you’re in a full blown conversation with him now and you can see the quality of his face better. He has beautiful high cheekbones and strong brows giving him an intoxicating expression. His lips are thin and pink, you see he’s put chapstick on now. You wonder what it tastes like.
“It’s just a hobby. Um, thank you– I’m glad you like them.”
He cracks a smile, and your heart leaps so far into your throat you’re sure you can taste it. He seems to realize he hasn’t introduced himself, and offers you his hand. You’re delighted. “I am Loki, it’s a pleasure.” Your hand slips into his easily, a friendly shake sending electrifying shocks across your sensitive skin. You’re too drunk for this.
A little smile curls onto your lips, finally he thinks. “Y/N.”
He catches the slow blink of your eyelids, it’s late. You’re tired, and drunk– he can tell. He pulls his hand away and tucks a strand of his own hair behind his ear, drawing you in more. Does he know how sexy he is? You think he does. “I apologize, you must be tired. I don’t mean to take up your time, it’s just amazing to me how you’re able to master the human form in such a beautiful way.” His compliments give you a dopamine rush, your brain is fuzzy like the sizzling of a firecracker.
“I have to order an uber, so it’s okay..I have time.” You simply respond, he watched you drink those three glasses of wine.
Loki opens his mouth to say something, closing it as a thought come across his face. He sucks his lip in ever so slightly, biting it. He thinks for a moment, finger coming to his chin to caress it. His skin looks so soft and you’re instantly jealous of his own hand. Everytime you see him your mind floats away. Every single time he models, he’s fueled the bank in your mind to use late at night when you’re feeling lonely. You feel guilty a lot of the time, using a stranger to pleasure yourself– but you simply think of it as a one night stand. (That you keep going back to.)
You’ve imagined what it would be like to kiss his pretty lips, how it would feel and taste. You think he tastes like some kind of bourbon, and maybe caramel. A delicious mix. You especially enjoy remenecing on how he’d look at you while you drew him, how his mossy eyes bore deep into your soul and ignited a sexual flame in you faster than anyone ever had.
“Those can get quite pricey, hm?” He pauses, drawing your mind back to your conversation and away from your intrusively nasty thoughts about him. Loki rubs the side of his neck slightly, almost as if he’s embarrassed. “Well, I know we only just officially met– but I could drive you home if you’d rather save the money?”
His offer lingers in the air for a moment, before a surprised oh leaves you and your brows raise. Free ride from the pretty model that eats you up with his stare every single time you see him? Yes please!
“I would hate to bother you..”
“It’d be my pleasure, truly! I do feel a bit honoured talking with someone who views me in such a lovely perspective.”
You don’t fight again after that, a sheepish grin taking hold of your lips– you giggle. It’s heaven to his ears. “Sure.”
The walk to his car was short, but he continued to ask you questions– egging you to socialize with him. You wanted to just stare and eat up his features, engrave as much as you could of him into your brain because you’re sure this is the last time you’ll see him. You’re able to muster up questions to ask him, so you’re not such a boring chatting partner. He is giving you a ride home after all. Loki does not model often, but he did get roped into it after his brother suggested him. It’s relaxing for him, because he’s able to mentally check out for a few hours and not worry about anything– it’s nice.
You realize he may have just been spacing out in your direction and you’re deeply embarrassed that you came to the conclusion that he was equally staring at you. Loki opens the door of the passenger side for you, it’s amusing to your intoxicated little brain and you can’t help but laugh as you get into the car. “It feels like you walked out of a fairytale.”  You murmur.
“Never had a gentleman open the car door for you? Such a shame.” He tuts at whatever past relationships you’ve had, and you can feel your standards raising.
Your drunk limbs find immediate comfort in the seat of his car, relaxing and laying your head back. The car ride is peaceful, and he lets you roll your window down so you can feel the cold wintery air on your skin. I’m a fan of the cold. Loki simply stated when you worried over him becoming too chilled. The cold air feels good on your warm skin, you know you’re in for a good night sleep.
Loki comfortably chats with you the entire car ride to your home, giving him weak directions as you try not to drift to sleep. Is it weird you feel completely at ease, and safe, with a complete stranger? Yes. But so far, he hasn’t given you any reason to feel any other way. In reality you wanted to fall asleep in his arms, but his car would have to do.
Thankfully you’re able to keep yourself awake, and when he pulls into your driveway you raise your arms above your head to stretch. It’s a damn good stretch, a euphoric feeling rushing through your body as you feel your muscles contract. Loki delightfully takes in the rise of your shirt, the sliver of skin showing your belly before you plop your arms back into your lap. You’re eternally thankful to him.
Looking back over to Loki to thank him for the ride home, you’re unsettled by his deep stare on you. It makes your chest and head thump once more. “Thank you for driving me home, Mr. Loki..” You try to be respectful, but you’re only turning him on.
“Of course,” He hums, not sure if he wants to let you leave just yet.
You don’t think your night will go much further with Loki, your hopes are not high. But when you grab for the handle to open your car door, his warm hand is wrapping around your free one. “Y/N..” He starts, and the way Loki says your name is magical. It’s the first time, and you’re a little worried at how much of an effect it has on you. You shiver once more, gulping thickly. “Yes, sir?” Your voice wavers for a moment, and you can’t help your usage of sir. You do wish to be respectful to him afterall. Your usage of sir seems to break him, make him snap– Loki is quickly leaning over the console and caressing your face with his hands.
“May I kiss you, Y/N?”
“Yes, please.” Your response is quick, and his lips crashing into yours is quicker.
Your stomach explodes like fireworks feeling his lips on you, and the desperation that follows only makes the heat rising in your core burn brighter. His lips are much softer than you were expecting, coating your own in that chapstick you can now taste is strawberry. You moan after tasting it, and Loki takes this free time to work his tongue towards yours. His lips are sweet like strawberries, but his tongue and mouth is minty and the stark contrast makes your head spin.
Loki’s left hand is wrapped around the back of your neck, pulling you closer while his right hand cradles your face like you’d simply disappear if he let you go. The desperation in his kisses make your stomach twist in the familiar sense of need, want. Your hands have found his biceps to hold onto, fingers digging into the fabric of his pine-green cashmere turtleneck. “You taste so divine.” He breathes into you, devouring the whimpers and moans that float from your throat with every kiss.
Each compliment he spews is another match thrown into the fire thats on your skin. Your head is indescribably fuzzy, and you feel like you’re going to pass out. But it’s good. It’s so, so good. You might doubt this to be a dream later on.
The hand on your face is exploring you now, and it doubles all of what your feeling. His hand slides to your hip, rubbing circles into the fabric of your shirt. It’s overstimulating at best, and turning you on even more. You instinctively rub his biceps, feeling his muscles underneath. Loki drags his hand down your thigh, rubbing and caressing just the same as you are to his biceps. It’s stimulating the heat growing in your pants but it’s not enough and when you buck your hips ever so slightly all thoughts are thrown out the window.
Loki’s hand palms your clothed cunt, ripping a ragged groan from the back of your throat. He hasn’t even moved yet and you feel like you’re about to melt, about to cum. Please, please, please, please. Your tortured voice peeps into his mouth as he bites your lip. You spur him on without even trying too hard. Slowly, but with pressure, Loki begins to rub his fingers and thumb up and down the length of your cunt.
You hiss, and before you can moan out his kisses are occupying you once more. His tongue barrages your crevices once again, exploring your tongue, teeth, roof of your mouth– anything he can. “So good for me, good girl.” He moans praises, and you echo his vocal pleasure with your own. Thank you Mr. Loki, please! Feels so good, sir.. Your groan hitches when his thumb glides over your clit through your jeans and panties– he’s instantly dragging his thumb across the area. It shocks you like a voltage, your body tensing in utter glee as it begins to climb for it’s release.
Please, sir! You gasp as his simple drags of up and down have turned into calculated wiggles and zigzags that have you keening. Your skin is burning, and you’re so close. So, so close. He can tell by your breathing, your gasping between kisses– it’s so cute. Just as you’re about to reach your climax, just as your about to cum Loki seamlessly removes his hand from your warm, wet clothed cunt and grabs the side of your face in a deep kiss.
You finally tap his biceps, and he releases you from the passionate, breath-stealing kiss he pulled you into. You’re gasping for air, trying to ignore the wetness of your panties and dull ache coming from your hole. 
Loki catches you slightly as you slump, head far too heavy for you to hold up now. He remembers you’re drunk, and a giddy smile comes to his features. “Oh dear, I ‘ought to get you inside, yes?” He’s so sweet again, like he hadn’t just stolen your soul and heart with those kisses. If you weren’t so drunk you’d be pissed.
Scratch that– you are pissed. Your body is screaming for release, and you know you’re going to be too tired to rub one out once you’re inside your home. But Loki looks so mesmerized by you, so encaptured.
A small line of drool has dripped from the corner of your mouth, and tears have streaked your cheeks– your eyes still welling from lack of release. “Oh, princess..” He murmurs, kissing your cheeks where your tears roll down from.
Without another word, Loki gently releases you to rest against your car seat before exiting the car and making his way around. He opens the door for you, and helps you get out of the car. Your legs are wobbling, like a new-born deer. You want to throw yourself against him, beg him to come inside and finish what he started but you’re too tired. You’re too exhausted, and it’s hard keeping your eyes open. Perhaps it’s best the two of you stopped here.
He escorts you to the front door of your house, and places a loving kiss on your forehead and lips. He watches you fumble to open your door and get inside, bidding you a goodnight before heading back to his car.
You’re still buzzing with excitement by the time you crawl in bed, your bag and rolled up drawing laying haphazardly on your desk. You want to cry, weep even. You’re unbelievably horny and he simply just left you like that– although you want to keep thinking about how much he screwed you over and how much you’re going to pounce him the next time you see him, sleep has taken over.
You fall asleep with Loki on your mind, and a determined mind for next time.
Next time.
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adachimoe · 1 year
Persona Stalker Club Episode 5 "I SEES It! Adachi Edition" Q&A
These were the questions asked about Adachi on the Persona Stalker Club broadcast where Mitsuaki Madono (Adachi's Japanese voice actor) was a guest. I've seen the answers to a couple of them floating around in English before, but not all of them.
Question from "Mochi-filled Cabbage": Good evening, Isomura & Kajita! When I heard about the "I S.E.E.S It! Adachi Edition", I couldn't help myself, and submitted a question. Now, my question is: Why do Dojima and Adachi wear the same red tie? It's weird that the two of them wear a plain, bright red necktie that would stand out like a sore thumb even if they weren't detectives. Was it just a coincidence, or is there a reason for this? Answer: Dojima couldn't stand seeing Adachi wear some old wrinkled worn-out tie, so Dojima gave Adachi one of his spares.
"No wonder Adachi is something of a tsundere"
"Was he wearing the same tie for 10 years before?"
Question from "Loki": I have a quick question. Adachi's hobby is supposedly "revolver maintenance", but it doesn't seem like he can do things that require dexterity very well, and he's never shown actually maintaining a revolver in the story. Can he really do revolver maintenance? Answer: He does maintenance on model guns he owns at home since he can't take his police-issued revolver home.
Adachi can't take his revolver home because it stays locked up at the station. This is due to citizens stealing them from officers during the 1950s. Additionally, since he's a "plain clothes detective", he wouldn't be able to take his on the field unless he gets permission to bring it along for something specific.
Question from "Class 2-4": In a particular scene, Adachi whips out a lighter from his pocket. Does he smoke? Answer: Adachi doesn't smoke himself. He keeps a lighter on-hand in case Dojima asks for a light.
"Adachi is like Dojima's slave"
Question from "Hearing Madono in anime makes me think of Adachi": Adachi always calls the main characters "naive", "dumb kids", and generally looks down on them, but he's quite relaxed when it comes to Dojima, and I don't think he's ever said a bad thing about him. I want to know why Adachi is like that with Dojima. What happened when they first met? Thank you for your time. Answer: One of the reasons why is because when they first met, Dojima got him sushi so Adachi thought he was a good guy.
"He's like a dog"
"Dojima must have fed him uni"
Question from "1st Year in the History of Persona Stalker Club Class": In the story, Adachi buys a lot of cabbage. What did he make with all of that cabbage? (Actually, can Adachi even cook?) Answer: Adachi would cut up a fresh ball of cabbage vertically into large pieces like it's a watermelon, and have it as a beer snack with some miso and mayo.
Madono's simple cabbage recipe: "Shred some cabbage, then shred from seasoned seaweed, and mix them both with sesame oil - easy and tasty."
Question from "I want to Become a Cabbage": I always love playing Persona games! Adachi, one of the characters in Persona 4, is now a popular character. He's become Persona 4's ratings guy / crowd pleaser. That said, when you were making Persona 4, were you consciously trying to make Adachi a character that wouldn't be hated but rather adored by the players? What is the appeal of Adachi, who, despite being "egocentric" (reference to his P4U2 epitaph), has acquired a loyal fanbase? Answer: During production, we cared about all of the characters, not just Adachi. We're quite pleased to see when a character unexpectedly becomes popular. As for his appeal, that's up to you.
Insane to me that Dojima found a dog, put a red collar on it, then fed it uni and taught it how to hold a lighter!
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imzsuzsis-blog · 3 months
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"Second place again... I hate this whole thing."
"Lando, since you've been coughing, not so much, but we're scared of girls inside."
“Shut up!!! You know how shitty it was when I was out, sometimes one kicker, sometimes the other. Because they were really bothered by the loud noise my car made."
I sat and coughed on my cell phone to see what the news was about me.
"They're starting to screw me up again!!! What the fuck are they talking about, Martin's girlfriend? Huh? I only get a fucking jacket out of my closet because it was windy.”
I grimaced and hit the table with my palm, and yes, you felt that too, it was very embarrassing.
"No, stop it, it's embarrassing, please."
I pursed my lips, stood up and started to support the wall and caressed my growing belly to finally calm down.
"Girls, don't worry, no more loud noises, the day is over."
I looked down and inside I knew I shouldn't be here, I should be somewhere else, but not here, because this belly is already too big to sit in a car, but there is a big trial, Pato can't be here and we don't know how long I will compete.
"Pato, you have to live there."
I muttered sadly to myself and looked at Loki, who was talking to the object of my deception, Oscar. I would have liked to have gone there, but I froze at the sight because I knew I was committing a crime by cheating on Loki, with Oscar, and all this was due to the fact that I was kidnapped.
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I was sitting next to Lando in the car, we were late again as usual, the formula 3 will soon be on the track, we're fucking late, Pato wrote that he's already in Vegas at the airport hotel if there's a problem, he'll be there in Silverstone with his sister if he can.
"Lando, is everything okay?"
"Not really... My throat hurts so bad I can't even swallow a cup of tea."
He said very sad and with a cup of tea in his hand.
"Relax, Pato wrote somewhere in Vegas, he's in an airport hotel, he'll come as he can."
"Calm down, calm down... Don't say shit... It's like Bia sitting in my place, you bastard."
"Deep air Lando, think about it, you picked it up somewhere and now your throat hurts. It could be vocal chorditis, I had it a few years ago."
"If it was, I wouldn't be able to speak, stupid."
"Maybe, but if it's more serious, I'd take my tonsils out, you fucker."
He got angry next to me and then ran away with a plastic cup of tea and drank it while doing so. In his eyes, I've become the rotting scumbag he can beat on the track today, both in the sprint and the time trial.
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"Ahh, hello, are you Loki?"
I turned around and a completely different guy than Lando was standing in front of me.
,,Yes me... Ohh You are Oliver's brother..."
,,I am interested..."
,,No, he is not pregnant by me, but by Ollie Bearman"
,,Thanks, but..."
,,Ah...According to my last information, Magui is currently in Portugal. "
"It's not her, the little bitch doesn't even excite us, I'm happy for her if she's hung up on the family and doesn't want to get on them and other celebrities, the money-seeking bitch."
"Is it the (cold) Influenza?"
"No, why is he dating a guy who is even older than him, who isn't even famous yet?"
“ It doesn't bother me, but the media, as I see it, does... “
“That my younger brother is not dating a celebrity..."
I looked at my cell phone, which was full of it. That Lando Norris is not dating a model, social media, singer, athlete or actor. But with someone whose occupation is mundane and earns little in comparison. I put my phone down and hugged Oliver with tears in my eyes because everyone was a jerk to us, I love being a teacher and I wouldn't leave my job for any money. Not even when they write about us.
"Loki, he's my brother... Everything... I'm still talking about the Spanish Grand Prix and last week... Fuck you..."
I held my mouth and cried. Idiot teens record my every fucking move and put it on fucking TikTok without my permission. I've reported and banned several such fucking accounts there. Due to invasion of privacy and harassment. But unfortunately, most fake profiles and they are powerless against it. As with Insta, I don't dare leave the house anymore, even if Amanda strongly recommends it to me.
"Lando, Lando, I have already reported and banned such things, not only on TikTok. But Insta is also, and yes, most of the fake profiles are from somewhere in Africa. Or from parts of America who just want to parasitize or abuse your name. Because they know if you don't have ASD and they love to take advantage of that."
The reality
Lando, snoring and for some reason in his nightgown, crossed his arms and slept soundly, I couldn't get it together and I was dreaming wild things again. I took his arm off me, got up and went to the window and yawned and looked out, but I couldn't see anything except the dark sky and the constellations. I started sipping my water, this stupid dream prepared me for him and Oscar to fight over a competition, stupidity. Lando also got up and blinked at me, he couldn't speak, not only his team doctor and the pilots' doctor told him, but also in the hospital. He has vocal chorditis, but unfortunately he is forced to speak because his profession has to somehow communicate with the press.
"My dear, don't speak, you know you need to rest your vocal cords."
I went back to him unfortunately, he was still coughing as bad as before, he was taking the medicines prescribed by him, which they said a pregnant man could take, but it was of no use to him.
"Would gargling be good?"
I kissed his forehead and felt that his stupid fever was not going away.
"Siri, Amanda!"
I told him in despair, afraid that it was a big problem.
"hospital, Loki, you two may have done everything, but how dangerous was it for the girls..."
I couldn't believe it, we touched our foreheads too, and he too burst into tears when he heard the word hospital. Until now, we only used homemade prakits so that the girls would be well and survive the whole nine months, but not now. He caressed my face while crying and shaking his head he coughed into his other forearm, much uglier than before.
"I have viral pneumonia and I was expecting the news."
I bit my lip, I think it was like that for Loki, how could he have told him that I have Covid again.
"Loki, there's no problem working on it so that you can... Sorry... compete, if my brother isn't here, they'll sit here instead of me, and at the next grand prix... Sorry... Pato will go instead."
"Lando, this is bullshit. Oliver is a simulator racer, they will just find someone who can take your place while you will be a guest of a nearby hospital from tonight."
He hugged me and showed me the ugliest cough in the world and looked down.
"Next time... I'm sorry... But Bia is there."
I saw that it was going to be a gas, he closed his eyes, opened them and passed out.
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luna-rainbow · 1 year
What draws you to a character? Is it moral conflict or cardboard good people ??
Oooh thanks for the interesting question but why do I get the vague sense this is bait 😅
Very few people with an ounce of writing experience or critical analysis skills likes “cardboard people” regardless of whether they’re good, bad, or anything in between. A cardboard person has not been written into a character. They’re just a collection of traits to serve a certain role in a story. Depending on the genre and their importance, that is not necessarily a writing flaw. When you have a 100 minute movie you cannot possibly develop every character. However, if your main character is a cardboard person that means the writer hasn't done their job and by gods other writers pick up on that. Nat, for example, was not a character in IM2, she was a cardboard femme fatale, because she had no inner world and no inner conflict to speak of.
On the converse, a well-written character will always have conflict , regardless of whether they’re good, bad, or anything in between! And a good conflict, one that has complexity - both ethical and emotional - will reveal layers about a character's value systems and psyche and make them a whole person, and that's what I like.
As I've always said, the first character I liked in the MCU was Tony, because here is a guy who was introduced to us self-centered and has it all, then you realise how little he has in term of human relationships (partly due to his own doing), and in the end he lets go of some of his material possessions and earns human connections. The second character I loved was Loki, because he's not a bad guy by nature, and he's perpetually torn between genuine love for his adoptive family, and anger at the lies they built around him and the identity they took away from him. The third character I loved was T'Challa, who through a fairly small role in Civil War was able to go through an entire conflict around grief, loss, compassion and forgiveness.
I came to like Steve and Bucky after I've gotten some context about 1930s America that the movies didn't give us. Steve's entire existence is a conflict with the world. He starts off the direct opposite of the eugenics ideal (I want to say 'save for the colour of his skin' but eugenicists scoffed at the Irish, so his colour didn't give him an advantage there) then through the serum became the Aryan ideal. He himself continually questions and disobeys the system that has tried to make him into an avatar for their agendas. He yearns of moving forward but the only way he seems to do that is after he finds the piece of his past that he had let slip through his fingers in the alps. And Bucky has a similar arc, how does he marry the identity that was forced upon him to who he once was and who he now wants to be? He is also trying to move forward, but can only do that by reconnecting with the past that was forcefully taken from him. Speaking without the shipping angle, Bucky is Steve's narrative mirror, and very similar conflicts drive their stories (which is why Endgame did the equivalent of narrative suicide by making Steve just...abandon all his conflicts and leaving Bucky to continue on with the same conflicts without his mirror) and there's something delicious in exploring that.
Conflict doesn't have to be just the character choosing between right and wrong, although that is a common conflict. You can have a pure good character forced to be in conflict with people around them and that can still be an interesting conflict (when well-written), and it doesn't mean that the character is "cardboard good".
If this ask is about Peggy -- I might enjoy her character if the story had the self-awareness to recognise the moral conflicts in her character. But it doesn't. It writes her as a series of contradictions and presents her as the perfect model of goodness. She fails at even being a cardboard character.
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roninkairi · 7 months
And Now For Something, Completely Different...
Weapons in the Metaverse
Futaba: I was thinking about something that's been bugging me. Our weapons become real in the Cognitive world because they are seen as a threat, right?
Morgana: Yeah, they are.
Futaba: Akechi uses beam swords and a laser pistol to fight, and they are perceived as real. So...
Morgana: I think I have an idea where this is going.
Futaba: Hey Ren, can you talk to Iwai? I need him to get something special for me.
(Joker, Skull, Queen and Mona are facing off against the Reaper)
Morgana: I told you we were hanging around this level too long!
Skull: It couldn't be helped! There were too many treasure chests this time around! Plus we had to talk with Jose!
Queen: Lets just focus on getting rid of the Reaper.
Joker: Good call.
Queen: Joker, we need you to boost our defense, while Skull and I focus on--(a humming sound is heard behind them) Umm, what just got switched on?
Oracle's Voice: Guys, GET BACK!!!
(From behind them, a proton stream is fired and hits the Reaper hard as Oracle steps forward, wearing a proton pack and firing a blast from her particle thrower)
Oracle: How's a billion bolts of pure proton energy feel, sucker?!!
Skull: What the fu--IT'S WORKING?!!
Mona: I'm just as shocked as you.
Queen: Let's not question this---HIT 'EM WITH EVERYTHING YOU GOT!!!
(A few moments later...)
Skull: Out of all the things that you could pick...you went with THAT? What was that anyway? And why not a blaster from a game?
Oracle: Well the BFG9000 was too big for me to carry, and Iwai already had several models for sale so...
Mona: Can we discuss this later? Fox is still trying to sketch that explosion of the Reaper while we're speaking.
Fox: It was quite a magnificent display. I wonder if Iwai can provide me with one as well.
Joker: No. I don't want to risk any of us crossing the streams.
Queen: Especially Skull.
Skull: Why? What would be so bad about that?
Oracle: Think of it as the equivalent of getting caught peeping at Queen, Noir and Panther in the hot springs multiplied by 1000.
Skull: (face goes pale) Never mind. Forget I asked.
(The team confronts Akechi inside of Shido's Palace, and Akechi finally reveals his true self)
Akechi: COME, LOKI!!!! I will kill you...crush you...DESTROY YOU!!! Teammates are nothing but TRASH!!! (Loki is summoned before them.)
Joker: Come forth...GOZER!!!
Akechi: ...wait I'm sorry, did you say---(Joker removes his mask and Gozer appears before him, eyes glowing red)
Oracle: Ohh. I like where this is going.
Akechi: You think that weak looking piece of crap can stand with me?!!
Gozer: Are you...a GOD?
Akechi: No.
Oracle: Wrong answer, pancake lad.
Gozer: Then...DIE!! (Gozer raises it's arms and unleashes a very heavy barrage of energy, striking both Akechi and Loki so hard, they are both launched and embedded into the walls of the ship.)
Skull: Dude...always say YES.
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tyrannuspitch · 28 days
for all i like to talk about how thor is deeply sinister and morally grey, i mostly associate him with very soft, gentle, bittersweet music. that's kind of key to how i see him, honestly... he is *trying* to be noble and kind. he's just got a really bad model for what that looks like. and he isn't very self-aware about how awful he is, or how awful other people are to him. he thinks his parents' abuse is normal, just, even good. and he is so much more sensitive than he outwardly looks. there is a lost, hurt, desperate child inside him, just as there is in loki. but loki is all turmoil and existential dread, while there's quiet bleakness to thor's tragedy, underneath it all. loki is full of this catastrophic howling despair because he doesn't know what he wants, he can't imagine a reconciliation of his needs even being possible... but what thor tells himself he wants is so simple. he just wants to go back to how things were, just a few years ago. it's so much closer, so easy to imagine, so immediate - what he's lost is all around him. he is constantly reminded of his grief. but he still can't have it. and he never will again.
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deathmetalunicorn1 · 1 year
Yandere Hercules, Jack, Buddha, Loki, Hades, Indra, Rudra, Ares (Target of her light teasing and playful flirts), Shiva (She basically adopts Ganesha) with Platonic Zerofuku (She adopts him) and Adam (Papa Mode: Activated!) with a Bell-mère Reader?
She was a Marine that retired to raise her 2 adoptive daughters after saving them, and raised them with the best of her abilities (Though she passed down her flirtatious behavior to them), she’s known to be a trouble maker, yet very loving and self-sacrificing towards her daughters as she was willing to only eat the fruit from her grove to have enough money to feed them, and in her final moments she was willing to sacrifice her own life to save them
She had enough money to save herself, but she used it to save both her daughters instead and believed this way she can ‘finally’ become their actual mother, as they’re a family, despite none of them sharing any blood (And in her final moments she smiled at them as she told them she loves them before being killed)
Now she’s resting in Valhalla, tending to her Tangerine Orchard with her newly adopted son Zerofuku, who she won’t hesitate to throw hands for him, because that’s what mothers do (She’ll also throw hands for Ganesha)
I love Bell-mère so much, she was such an amazing character and anyone in the world would be lucky to have someone like her as a mother (Nami and Nojiko are still alive so they’re not in Valhalla)
-You were one hell of a woman- you knew how to fight, you had a heart of gold, but you were also funny and flirty, and you wouldn’t hesitate to put anyone in their place.
-Many admired you around Valhalla, as you would always be willing to help someone out and children loved you, mainly because they liked listening to stories of when you were in the marines- sailing the oceans and fighting bad guys- it was so much fun!
-You didn’t talk much about any other aspects of your life, after you retired and how you had died, you would just smile but anyone could see the pain in your eyes.
-You spent your time tending to a large tangerine grove, something that you were given when you arrived in Valhalla, and while there were bittersweet memories attached to it- you grew to enjoy it again.
-You lived alone most days, as you did have one frequent house guest who sometimes brought another one along with him, but Zerofuku had been adopted by you the first day you met up- the child was just so bright and lively, and you loved to hug him.
-You surprised many when Zerofuku changed into his envy form for the first time around you, the negative emotions becoming too much for him, when you were able to calm him down and let him sob into your shoulder, holding him.
-Another guest that you’ve basically adopted was Ganesha, who had wandered into your grove and was amazed, and you greeted him warmly and he almost instantly attached himself to you- you just felt so warm and you always shared your tangerines with him.
-Shiva was another of your frequent guests, being dragged by Ganesha and you and him were very similar in personality, fun loving and cocky, but you could both back your skills up and you found a good friend in him, in both of them and the day you met his wives, you couldn’t help but tease Shiva, which instantly got his wives laughing and you all became good friends.
-You all flirted with each other, but it was more of the friendly type of flirting, where you all knew there would never be any romantic affections between you, but you were fine with that.
-Adam gave you the father figure you had always wanted, as you grew up in the marines with good role models, just nothing closer and you had always longed for a family.
-You had a family of your own, later in life, but nobody knew that, except for Brunnhilde, who brought you to Valhalla, and Adam, who is the father of humanity and knows all.
-Adam was… to you, besides your daughters, was the best thing that happened to you in life, he was not only a mentor, but he let you be weak, he let you cry into his shoulder, letting your emotions out because you knew he would protect you, and he would visit often, telling you how proud he was to have such a strong daughter.
-You had, somehow, managed to get the attention of several men in Valhalla, either with your cheerful nature, your shameless flirting, or that you could go toe-to-toe with them in a fight when you needed to let loose, or a combination of everything that made you… well you!
-You were a little hesitant about dating, when (Love) approached you with some flowers, asking you out, and for such a confident woman, he was surprised to see that you were rather shy about the idea of dating.
-It’s not that you were afraid of ‘dating’ you were afraid of losing everything again, you didn’t want to deal with the heartbreak of losing those you loved.
-(Love) was heartbroken when you told him, the first person you told in Valhalla, about your daughters, finding both of them in a war-torn country, orphaned, and you quit the marines shortly after to raise them, giving them a real family, on a tangerine grove.
-You swallowed, taking a drag of a cigarette, as you were trying to quit, before you told him of your death, how the pirates took over your island, and to live there, you had to pay for each resident, you had managed to raise enough money, but then the leader turned cruel, saying it was enough for either you or your two daughters.
-Since you couldn’t pay and you weren’t going to risk their lives, you paid for them instead and he shot you right in front of them after you called him a coward to his face.
-(Love) was amazed how strong you were, as anyone losing their family like that, in such a cruel way, would have been much colder to others.
-You just grinned, poking his cheek playfully, “I wouldn’t change the past for anything. My daughters were for the most part safe, so that’s all that matters to me!” he smiled softly before letting you lean into him, finally accepting his affections.
-Adored everything about you, didn’t care if you occasionally smoked, enjoys your playful teasing and it keeps things interesting, but also loves how kind and gentle you are, despite being capable of putting anyone in their place. Has learned not to flirt with you first, because you can and will have him folding in on himself as you shamelessly flirt, but you enjoy seeing him try. Helps out in your grove and doesn’t mind that you’ve basically adopted Zerofuku, he finds it cute actually, because he can see how happy the boy makes you and he knows it reminds you of your daughters because every now and then you will smile sadly. He knows how to solve this easily- with a huge hug and plenty of kisses!
            -Hercules, Buddha, and Rudra
-Admires your strength, seeing how strong you are even in the face of heartbreak and anguish, seeing you smile and doting on other children, like your adopted son Zerofuku. Admires your warmth, your gentleness- he finds you to be a safe space for him, just like how Adam is with you, he can just relax and let his walls down around you. He tries to pretend that he’s not bothered by your flirting, but when you see him starting to get flustered you crack your knuckles and double down. You’re not bothered when he yells at you, you only laugh, when he tells you to give his heart a break, but how can you? He’s just way too fun to tease! Romantic with you, bringing you flowers or other small gifts, as you don’t need anything fancy, and neither one of you would trade this simple yet gentle feeling for anything in the world.
            -Jack, Hades, and Indra
-Has learned not to flirt with you because not only will they lose- they will lose badly and you won’t stop until they are steaming from the head and unable to form a coherent word. You enjoy teasing him since he is so fun to rile up and he will try to flirt back (fight back) but it always ends in your victory. Does care deeply about you and wants nothing more than to make you happy and keep you happy- especially after learning about your past. He admires your work with children around Valhalla and had no issues with your adopted son, Zerofuku and he has actually come to become a father like figure to Zerofuku and sometimes they will sneak off and get into trouble. He adores you and wants nothing more than to stand by your side, but his main goal is to be able to beat you with flirting for once!
-Ares and Loki
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shegeekery · 4 months
Dream Therapy (one-shot)
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Fandom: Marvel Cinematic Universe, Thor (Movies), The Avengers (Marvel Movies), Loki (TV 2021) Rating: Not Rated Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Characters: Erik Selvig, Loki (Marvel), Jane Foster (Marvel) Additional Tags: Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder - PTSD, Emotional Hurt/Comfort
Summary: Dr. Erik Selvig struggles to recover from having a god in his head. A strange dream helps him see things in a new light.
“In related news, a lawsuit has been filed by New York contractors who argue that no-bid contracts are being granted to a small number of well-connected real estate developers, following the large-scale destruction of parts of Manhattan during the alien attacks two years ago.”
Dr. Erik Selvig switched off the television.
Two years. Selvig wanted nothing more than to forget the entire thing, especially his own part in it. My unwilling part in it, he reminded himself.
He’d had two years of therapy, medications, meditation, and trying to lose himself in his work. He was better than he had been when he was arrested for running around Stonehenge sans clothing. He could at least stand to wear clothing now, but he still found it difficult to focus with his trousers on. It felt too restrictive, reminding him uncomfortably of the sensation of being totally controlled.
There was no recognized diagnosis for “possession by malevolent deity”, so they were officially treating him for PTSD. Some of it helped, much of it didn’t. He felt more himself these days, but the nights were bad. In his dreams, Loki was still there. Still threatening. Still taunting him.
As a child listening to the old myths of his homeland, he’d loved the stories about Loki, the God of Mischief. He’d been tickled by the idea that there was actually a god for that. Now, just the mention of that name could bring on flashbacks to a time when he’d been utterly consumed by Loki’s blind ambition and disregard for human life, unable to think for himself and enslaved, body and mind, to Loki’s “glorious purpose”.
He sighed and turned back to his work. He’d been at the same problem for months, trying to account for discrepancies between the standard model of quantum mechanics and the observed behavior of Einstein-Rosen bridges. His friend and former student, Jane Foster, had provided some valuable insights, but he still couldn’t make all the pieces fit. 
I’m too tired for this. He shut his laptop and went through his evening routine. He took his medication, including sleeping pills, and hoped this would be one of the good nights.
“How is your work coming along, Dr. Selvig?” Loki asked.
Selvig looked up from the graph on his computer monitor. What had he been working on, exactly? He didn’t know, but it was important. Very important.
“I…it’s…coming along,” he stammered. “Just, um, running some simulations.”
Loki glanced at the monitor. Instead of a complicated graph, it now showed a cartoon in which Garfield was taunting Odi.
“I suspect your heart isn’t in it, Doctor,” Loki replied in that quietly menacing tone he so often used. He raised his scepter. “Perhaps we need to ensure that your loyalty is still paramount?”
Selvig jerked out of the chair and backed away. “No! That’s not necessary. Really!”
Loki advanced toward him. “Oh, but I think it is.”
Selvig ran out of the room and into an endless hallway. He looked back, but Loki wasn’t there. He turned to see where he was going, and there was Loki, ahead of him, grinning maliciously. He ran the other way and back through the door, but now he was outside. It was dark, and he was in a nondescript alley. He kept running, turning a corner only to find himself at a dead end. He whirled around to find Loki advancing slowly toward him with the scepter.
“No! Please, not again!” Selvig pleaded.
Loki took another step toward him, then froze. Confused, Selvig waited for the inevitable, but Loki still didn’t move. The god was as still as a statue of himself.
“What’s happening?” Selvig asked.
“Dr. Selvig.” It was Loki’s voice, but his lips didn’t move and the voice seemed to be coming from…everywhere.
“What…what is this?”
“You’re safe, Dr. Selvig,” the voice said. It sounded surprisingly gentle. “This isn’t real. Just a dream. A nightmare.”
“Is this a trick?”
“No. Well, yes, actually. Your mind is playing tricks on you. But it’s your mind, Dr. Selvig. Nobody is controlling it now. You are free — and always will be, if I have anything to say about it.”
“I don’t understand.”
“Please look at my eyes, Dr. Selvig. What do you see?”
Selvig looked at Loki. In his eyes, he saw the malevolence, anger, and fierce determination that he remembered. “I see…fury.”
“And behind that fury?”
Selvig stepped just a bit closer, staring at the still-unmoving Loki, for the first time trying to really see him.
“I see…” he stopped, afraid to give voice to what he thought he saw.
“Go ahead. It’s alright.”
“I see…fear?”
“Yes, Dr. Selvig. Fear, and self-loathing. I was terrified — and I used intimidation to hide it, trying to make everyone around me more afraid than I was. I tormented those weaker than I was, to cover my own weakness. I wanted to rule by force and by fear, because I thought I was unworthy of true respect.”
On some level, Selvig understood that he was dreaming— but for some reason that realization wasn’t causing him to wake up as it normally would. The dream still seemed real to him.
“Why are you telling me this? Or…am I telling myself this?”
“It doesn’t matter. What matters is that it’s true and that you know it’s true. What I did to you was unforgivable. You’re a decent man, Dr. Selvig. None of it was your fault. Not even a god can withstand the power of the mind stone. Even so, you managed to sneak in an off-switch for the Tesseract’s force field while under my control. That’s a testament to your unusual strength of character and of mind. I underestimated you.”
“How do I make this stop, then?”
“That’s up to you, Doctor. Do whatever makes sense. If you want to hit me, hit me. Or vent your own rage in some other way. Here and now, you are the strong one.”
Selvig stood before Loki, hands balling into fists, feeling his own anger rising to replace the fear. Loki’s body remained frozen, but his eyes were now tracking Selvig’s every move. The urge to pummel him was overwhelming — but now that he’d seen the growing fear in Loki’s eyes, he couldn’t help but feel just a tiny bit sorry for him.
He took a step back. “No.”
“I don’t need to hit you. That’s what you’d do, but it’s not me. Just…get out. Leave me alone and don’t come back.”
Loki simply faded away, leaving Selvig standing alone in the alley, which soon began to fade as well. Selvig felt himself floating, feeling more at peace with himself than he had in a long time. He was floating in a bed of seaweed — no, not seaweed; the long, thin strands that cradled him with warmth were glowing with a soft, greenish light, rocking him gently and lulling him into a more peaceful slumber.
He didn’t even startle when he heard Loki’s voice once more.
“One more thing, Dr. Selvig. In the morning, you may want to take a closer look at the rate of decay of particles entering the Einstein-Rosen bridge. I think you may find it interesting.”
“Erik, hi! How are you doing?” Jane Foster always started their phone conversations that way these days.
“I’m doing great! Listen, I just sent you a rather long document, but the short version is…I think I’ve cracked it! I found a way to square the Einstein-Rosen bridge with the standard model!”
“Seriously? That’s huge! I’ll check it out as soon as I can! What turned it around?”
“I looked at the rate of decay of particles entering the stream.”
“Woah! I didn’t even consider that. What made you think of it?”
“Would you believe it came to me in a dream?”
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Transformers: Rise of the Beasts is a blockbuster so uncreative that it has two separate skybeams in it
Actually, what it really reminds me of is The Forbidden Kingdom, you remember, that movie where Jackie Chan and Jet Li finally teamed up, only it was all focused on some douchey kid? This is the same thing--the Autobots and Maximals finally team up!--only it's all about some douche. Because representation.
I'm serious. The Maximals are barely in this movie. The Autobots aren't in it much more. But we get a lot of this random dude, whose sole characterization is that he's from Brooklyn. Brooklyn! He's from Brooklyn, you guys!
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Could it be? Are these characters in... GASP... Brooklyn?
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There's also this chick, who delivers each line like she just bit into a sandwich. It makes you miss the days of Michael Bay. Sure, the actresses he cast couldn't act either, but at least they weren't 5/10. Let's admit it--the CGI model is hotter.
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The plot makes no sense and is cobbled together from older blockbusters, which slightly made sense. Unicron--you know, Galactus for robots?--eats the Maximals' homeworld. He's trying to get today's MacGuffin, the Transwarp Key, which the Maximals hide on Earth in prehistoric times. Earth: The Transformers' junk drawer. Is there a single fucking widget those damn bots own that they haven't stashed here?
Now, Unicron wants the Transwarp Key because it will allow him to travel to other planets and eat them. The Autobots want it because it will let them go home to Cybertron (this movie is in continuity with Bumblebee, when they all left Cybertron).
This compels a few questions. How did Unicron get to the Maximals' planet if he can't already travel through space? Why can't the Autobots just return to Cybertron the same way they got to Earth? The movie says that Unicron is 'trapped in another galaxy,' presumably since the Maximals left, which I think the movie says happened a couple millennia ago. This seems like a short amount of time to devour every world in a galaxy, since Unicron says that he's starving--maybe he can only get around at sublight speeds? In which case you have to wonder why he can't travel FTL, but his minions can easily make it to Earth. Shouldn't Unicron be able to travel in the same manner his minions do?
Anyway, you know what all this means. Our heroes have to find two halves of the plot coupon*. The bad guys get the plot coupons instead and use it to summon up the worse guys with a portal, allowing for an endless stream of faceless CGI hordes. Rhinox has no lines.
*("This is some Indiana Jones shit," our Brooklyn protagonist from Brooklyn helpfully notes, since the movie is desperately trying to do MCU style meta humor--lots of characters talking about how silly it is that they are interacting with giant space robots)
The movie even rips off the scene from The Avengers where Loki astrally projected to talk to Thanos. Same exact visuals and everything.
Also, it's Representation now, so the first twenty minutes are about how our protagonists are oppressed by jerky white people who do evil, oppressive things like refuse them medical treatment unless they pay their hospital bills and not give them jobs because their references are bad. Which makes it unintentionally hilarious that Brooklyn guy is the first minority lead in a Transformers movie and the first protagonist to meet his Autobot buddy by grand theft auto instead of buying a car. Brooklyn!
The movie also really wants you to know that just because the Maximals came to Earth in prehistoric times, doesn't mean they created the Nazca Lines or anything. Which, bizarrely, is done by the archaeologist lady saying they must've created the Nazca Lines and Optimus Primal saying that humans did it. So... I guess she's racist for assuming Indigenous people couldn't create the Nazca Lines? It's one of those daft moments meant only to do numbers on Twitter.
Oh, and GI Joe shows up at the end. It's supposed to be one of those 'Samuel L. Jackson meets Tony Stark' moments, but that Snake Eyes movie flopped (and the movie is set in the 90s for no reason, so anyone they get would be retirement age if they did a movie in the present day), so they just give Brooklyn guy a business card that says GI Joe on it. That's the big surprise cameo. A business card.
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mxauthor · 1 year
Welcome In
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Disclaimer and Copyright
I do not own any of the show base my writings on. I do not consent to reposting, translating, or copying of my work onto any other site. Reblogs from my own account are 100% alright and appreciated.
Submission Rules
Anything that contains dark content isn’t allowed on this blog. I don’t mind writing about dark content but this blog is meant for average writings.  Any dark content request will have to wait until a separate blog has been set up, until then all of them will be ignored. Angst isn’t my strong suit, but I’ll still write angst requests
They are currently OPEN!! Any requests made will be worked on as quickly as possible, but I have a life too so if they don’t come out as fast that is why I’ll write for a female, male or gender neutral reader I’m also in a lot of fandoms to simply list them, but somehow not enough. If a request is for something specific/ I haven’t written for it just ask With requests I’ll need (a): 1) character name 2) where they’re from [Tamaki from My Hero] 3) the request itself [it’ll need the genre {smut, angst, fluff} and general idea {y/n is having a bad day and (character name) comforts them}. They can be as detailed as you want but you only really need the underlined portion to be accepted.]
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I Will Find You - Loki x Reader Summary: All Loki Variants have one thing that can’t be taken from them. Something that the stars say is true. A soulmate.
Criminal Minds
Spencer Reid
Creativity - Spencer Reid x Fem! Reader Summary: Y/n is a photographer and Spencer is a great model. Overshare - Spencer Reid x Fem! Reader Summary: Y/n and Spencer spend the night together after a long case. Next day JJ and Penelope hear all about it. Not Of The Imagination - Spencer Reid x Fem! Reader Summary: Spencer claims that he has a girlfriend. Derek does not believe him at all. Dangerously In Love - Spencer Reid x Gn! Reader Summary: The long awaited return of your boyfriend makes you realize how in love you are with him. Dangerously in love with him. Coming Soon
Aaron Hotchner
Coming Soon
Dungeon Meshi/ Delicious in Dungeon
Chilchuck Tims
Magic Hands - Chilchuck x Gn! Reader Summary: Chilchuck is having trouble sleeping. Y/n's magic touch just might be the answer. Too Good for Me - Chilchuck x Wife Reader Summary: Chilchuck loves his wife, but he thinks she's too good for him. Beginning of More - Chilchuck x Bestfriend Reader Summary: Two best friends in a dungeon. They might kiss.
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themculibrary · 9 months
One Word Fic Titles Masterlist 2
part one
Action (ao3) - EmilyWeaslette mj/peter N/R, 95k
Summary: Peter stepping into the limelight, as seen through videos.
Anew. (ao3) - IViv tony/stephen M, 130k
Summary: In death, there was no glory, no redemption, no salvation.
Only darkness and ice—or that was what Tony thought. He closed his eyes in a Siberian bunker and opened them again on his 41st birthday, with War Machine flying into the distance.
Assemble (ao3) - Stand_with_Ward_and_Queen T, 201k
Summary: Ten years after Thanos' defeat, Clint Barton, with help from Stephen Strange and a SHIELD agent named Leopold Fitz, brings the Avengers, plus Peter Parker, Scott Lang, and T'Challa, from a few months prior to The Avengers Civil War to show them the future so they don't repeat the same mistakes.
Bulletproof (ao3) - foxxcub steve/tony E, 20k
Summary: At age fifteen, Steve Rogers had been in love with Tony Stark.
By age twenty, he’d (mostly) gotten over it. And then he promptly became Tony Stark's fuck buddy.
Ceasefire (ao3) - ipoiledi steve/bucky E, 4k
Summary: It's too hot out to be alive, is what it is.
Countdown (ao3) - ShesLikeTexas steve/tony, pepper/happy, bucky/natasha E, 96k
Summary: Mob Boss Steve Rogers kidnaps Tony Stark and gives him 365 days to fall in love with him.
Counterpart (ao3) - sara_holmes steve/tony M, 217k
Summary: coun•ter•part [koun-ter-pahrt] [noun] 1. a person or thing closely resembling another, especially in function. 2. a copy; duplicate. 3. one of two parts that fit, complete, or complement one another.
Just because Hydra used the DNA of a Captain America from another dimension to create a lab-grown, six-year-old super-soldier, it doesn't mean that said six-year old super-soldier is biologically Steve's, right?
(Where Steve wants to ban Clint from bringing things home from alternative dimensions, until he doesn't.)
Eternity (ao3) - STARSdidathing loki/tony T, 4k
Summary: Tony's been staying away for days at a time, sometimes longer. He won't tell Loki where he's been or what he's been doing, but Loki already knows the reason. Eternity is a long time to commit to one person.
Heat (ao3) - Deastar bruce/natasha E, 22k
Summary: Bruce tries to think of a different angle; there are some facts they’re stuck with, but they may be able to change how their captors perceive those facts. After a moment, he suggests, “What if we make them think—not try to hide that you’re in heat, that’s the truth we could build on—but make them think… you’re in an omega’s heat?” He can see that Natasha immediately likes the idea, but she’s turning it over in her mind, poking at the weak spots, testing the sharp edges. Imprisoned together in a cave, Bruce and Natasha turn their higher thought processes to escape. But not all instincts are bad instincts.
Heroes (ao3) - Overlithe sam/bucky E, 29k
Summary: It’s their first day off in a month and after an exhausting mission all Sam wanted to do was to stay home instead of being dragged by Bucky on a tour of DC’s touristic highlights. But a superhero’s work is never done, especially not when there’s explosions, problems you can’t punch, and a screening of the Greatest Film of All Time.
A slice-of-costumed-hero-life story about loss and hope, the past and the future, and killer bird gifs. (Set a few years after TWS & CA:CW and featuring BuckyCap and FalCap. Also, they make out while in costume, which I feel is the most important part of this summary.)
Homefront - copperbadge steve/tony E, 12k
Summary: Steve Rogers is a capable leader, a kind and cheerful man, a good friend, a strong role model, and a loyal soldier. He's also teetering on the edge of suicide.
Interlude (ao3) - sarahbeniel bucky/darcy E, 66k
Summary: Bucky and Darcy are having trouble communicating. When Bucky suggests they take a break, she assumes it's over. But sometimes a break is just what the doctor ordered…
Orgasmus (ao3) - OhCaptainMyCaptain steve/bucky E, 13k
Summary: It had always felt like his life was nothing but decision-making; what with work, taking out the dames, making ends meet all the time at home - Bucky was always expected to have the answers. That’s how society told him he needed to be. When he was at home, though, things were different. The second his shoes came off and that front door was closed, the only thing Bucky had always wanted was for someone to take care of him.
Ravioli (ao3) - monobuu bucky/tony M, 7k
Summary: Bucky attempts to get Tony’s attention by claiming Pop Tarts are Ravioli. Tony reacts as one might expect.
Run (ao3) - itsallAvengers steve/tony T, 6k
Summary: Steve took a long breath, shutting his eyes and putting two fingers up the bridge of his nose.
“So you’re telling me… you decided it would be a good idea… to start a fight when you were outnumbered… twenty to one?” He asked shortly.
Tony grinned then, and nodded his head.
Salami (ao3) - L1av steve/bucky E, 25k
Summary: Everyone hears stories about the idiots who have to go to the ER to get random objects removed from their asses. If someone told Bucky he’d be spending his weekend in the hospital for one of the most embarrassing occurrences of his life, he’d probably laugh in their face and tell them to go fuck off. But here he is, in the ER with eleven inches of packaged, cold salami stuck up his ass. To make matters worse, his nurse is really hot. Really hot.
Join Bucky for one of the most awkward and yet comical experiences of his life that leads to self-discovery, trust and maybe even love.
Spellbound (ao3) - missbecky steve/tony E, 31k
Summary: After their alien hosts witness yet another heated argument between Steve and Tony, they are hit with a powerful magic spell in order to teach them a lesson. Now they are stranded and alone on a hostile planet. One of them can't see and the other can't hear, and the only way back to safety is on foot. And the Forest is full of dangers…
Sprinkles (ao3) - The_Nerd_Alert steve/bucky E, 225k
Summary: When people asked him 'So Mr. Rogers… what is it you do for a living?', they expected some epic answer; something heroic and demanding, and completely fitting this Herculean supermodel standing before them. That was not the answer they got. Instead, Steve would just give them a knowing look. Steve would laugh. Steve would always answer with a huge smile, ready to take them all by surprise. What was his answer?
'I bake cupcakes for a living.'
Steve Rogers owns the best Cupcakery in Brooklyn. The garage that just opened across the street, however, may be driving business away with its seemingly dirty and rough-around-the-edges staff. Add in the stress of planning a wedding with his fiancée Sharon, plus a high-strung finance manager, and Steve was a nervous wreck. But when the drop-dead gorgeous mechanic with a sleeve full of tattoos and long brown hair comes into his shop one day with a nervous smile and two dollars in his pocket, Steve doesn't think anything could really come of this chance meeting. It's just harmless flirting. Right?
Boy was he wrong...
Targeting (ao3) - queenmab_scherzo steve/bucky E, 149k
Summary: Steve and Bucky end up playing for rival college football teams.
Winterheart (ao3) - orphan_account loki/tony M, 144k
Summary: For his crimes, Loki’s punishment began in a lonely and endless winter. For Tony’s sacrifice, his imprisonment began with a rescue.
A story of ugliness and beauty, inside and out, and learning what the word ‘monster’ really means.
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