#lol she knew they wouldn't believe her for a second if she tried to make it out as me being a flirt
ahsoka-in-a-hood · 1 year
I am involved in THE stupidest situation
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zepskies · 9 months
Hey could I please request headcanons for how Dean would react to reader texting him "she's busy" as a joke, yk kind of like
Dean: Hey baby
Reader: She's busy
I really hope this makes sense and isn't so confusing 😭😭
Ooh I think I know what you mean. 😏
Pairing: Dean Winchester x F. Reader Word Count: 850
Imagine: Texting Dean when he's on a hunt.
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Once again, Dean sighed while he waited on his brother.
They were stopped at a 7-Eleven gas station after a hunt, but Dean had long ago filled up Baby's tank. Sam was inside, grabbing a few snacks for the road tomorrow. Supposedly.
Dean fished out his phone from his pocket and texted him.
Hey, Driving Miss Daisy. You good in there?
A couple of minutes later, Sam responded.
Yeah, just getting a few things.
Dean rolled his eyes. Right.
For half an hour? What, you taking a shit or something?
Sam's response was testy, just as Dean predicted.
Dean, give me a minute. Jesus.
Dean sighed, with a roll of his eyes. He scrolled back into his texts and found your name. He was a couple of states over from Lebanon, but still within the same timezone. You should still be awake back at the bunker.
He decided he wanted to hear your voice, let you know that he and Sam were going to catch one more night of rest here at the motel before they made the long drive back home.
But...you didn't answer when he called.
Weird. You were typically a night owl, either watching something or plugging away at your laptop. He tried texting you instead.
Hey, baby. You up?
He eventually saw the three gray dots pop up. You were typing...
She's busy.
Dean frowned. What the hell?
Had you invited someone over? Like Jody or Donna?
But neither of them would've replied like that...so he texted back.
Stop messing around.
Dean tried calling you again, but it went directly to voicemail this time. In came another text from "you."
She'll call you back, dude.
Dean's jaw ticked with annoyance. And despite himself, unease began to creep in and churn his stomach.
What the fuck is this?
She's in the shower. I'll tell her to call you back, no worries.
All right. WHO is this?
Ooh, are you the boyfriend? Yikes lol.
A deep, slow breath made it through Dean's nose. He closed his eyes, counted to ten, reminded himself that he did, in fact, love you.
Then he responded.
Babe, if you don't call me in the next 30 seconds, there's gonna be hell to pay when I get home.
Dean checked his watch and actually counted. About ten seconds passed before his phone rang with an incoming call...from you. He answered.
"Promise?" came your teasing voice. When it ended on a giggle, Dean rolled his eyes and rested his head back on the seat. He blew out a frustrated breath.
"Oh, trust and believe. You're gonna fuckin' get it this time," he said, though his lips curved on a reluctant smirk. You full on laughed at him then.
"You make it too easy," you replied.
He knew this. It wasn't the first time you'd teased him, and he knew it wouldn't be the last.
Still, he couldn't help being a bit irritated this time.
"You know, how would you like it if I did that to you?" he asked. "Wouldn't be so fucking funny then, would it?"
"...Okay. You're right. I'm sorry, baby," came your more contrite voice. But he could still hear your smile. Could imagine the way you might soothe a hand along his arm, if you were here.
"How about I make it up to you?" you offered.
That worked a slow smirk onto his face. "Yeah? What did you have in mind?"
For the next few minutes, you purred into his ear about all the things you'd been thinking of while he was gone. Daydreaming about the talents of his hands, lips, and tongue.
In particular, you reminded him about a certain birthday wish that he still hadn't claimed from a couple weeks ago, when he and Sam got wind of this hunt.
Two weeks really was too damn long, in your opinion. (He agreed with you.)
Now with a half-straining bulge in his jeans, Dean licked his lips and tightened his hand on the leather wheel of the car.
"All right. Sounds like a plan to me, sweetheart," he said, deceptively breezy. As if you'd just told him you planned to make tacos for dinner.
"When are you getting home?" you asked.
He heard the tone of your voice, like black silk. It sent a tendril of heat down his spine, raising the hairs on his forearms.
"Tonight," Dean said. Deeper, a note of gravel in his words. "I'll see you tonight."
"Good." Once again, he heard the smile in your voice. "I love you."
He sighed, and raised a hand to card through his hair.
"Love you too...even though you play too fucking much," he muttered the latter bit.
Your laughter once again reached his ears, reluctantly making him smile.
He hung up with you just before Sam finally opened the passenger seat door and climbed in with two hefty grocery bags. Did he do a whole damn shopping spree in there?
...Whatever. Dean shook his head and started the car.
"Change of plan," he said. "We're heading home."
"What? Thought we were gonna catch a few hours of sleep. It's a long drive, Dean," Sam said, earning his brother's gaze.
"Yeah, well, you'll live," Dean snarked. A more devious grin spread across his face. "I've got a date."
And she's about to get punished.
The Impala's tires screeched as Dean pulled out of the parking lot and onto the main road.
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AN: Ha! This one was fun. 😘 Thanks for the prompt!
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Dean Winchester Imagines
Dean Winchester Masterlist
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periprose · 10 months
Okay I gotta request something JUST HEAR ME OUT
Black Cat!Reader trying to tell Tasm!Peter she's Black Cat while he tries to tell her that he's Spider-Man at the same time. Queue up Peter being baffled, while reader just doesn't believe him lol
Also I am loving Florence, it's so good and rich, I'm still only on chapter three but I want to kiss your Peter senseless- he's such a sweetheart🫶 Also I love youuu🥰
AHHH bby i love this idea and I love you!! (also thanks for the support on florence)
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Secrets are difficult to reveal.
They're especially terrible when you're telling something so tumultuous to your best friend, something that could either make him judge you severely or run away from you.
How do you confess that you're a thief? An villain turned anti-hero?
Even worse, Peter is someone you really love. Someone you know is too good for you- he would never feel the same way. But that's why you have Spider-Man, right?
You always knew it wasn't always going to be fun and games to be Black Cat. To be the very symbol of bad luck- it's a bad premonition.
You stare in the mirror. Peter will be here any second- he always climbs up the fire escape into your apartment's bedroom, and you told him you had something important to say.
There's a knock at your window, and you turn a little too abruptly.
Peter watches from the outside. He has a tentative smile, but he can see that you're worried, and you make the conscious effort to relax your face.
Peter himself is worried. He's about to confess something very important to someone very near and dear to him- he's Spider-Man, and not just that- he's having a sort-of affair with Black Cat.
He doesn't even know how it happened. First she was stealing wealth from banks, then a few months later she came with him with the notion to be good, and Peter always believes in someone redeeming themselves... but that doesn't mean she had to be so goddamn hot, all black leather and white fur, and Peter's just a horny dude who could not help but kiss back when she made a move on him yesterday.
And it was hot, it was good for him to take out some very human emotions by making out with her, but it wasn't everything. It wasn't you, and now he feels incredibly guilty. So he wants to come clean. Peter wants to let you know the whole truth, and even if that means you'll never like him again- Peter will never act on his unspoken feelings for you- he knows you deserve to know.
"Hey." You let Peter in, and he immediately walks in with an air of anxiety, hands already shaking as he paces around. "You good?"
"Uh, yeah. Yeah." Peter shakes his head immediately. "No, not really. We need to talk."
"Oh." You give him a look as you sit on your bed. "You have something to say, too?"
Peter nods, and you think it can't be nearly as bad as what you're going to tell him.
"Okay. Let me go first- I've been hiding something from you." He starts, but you shake your head. "I haven't been around."
"I haven't been around, Peter." You tilt your head at him. "I... I haven't been telling you the truth."
"Just wait. I'm trying to tell you something important." Peter insists, wanting you to know the truth but you keep going.
"I'm a bad person, Peter." You murmur, and Peter stops, interest piqued. "I've been misusing our friendship- you wouldn't want to be friends if you knew my past."
"No. That's not true." Peter sits down next to you on your bed, feeling that he should comfort you before potentially breaking your heart. "I'll always be your friend. Tell me what's going on."
"Don't sound so sure." You grimace at him. "I... I'm Black Cat."
"I know, it's so terrible. I stopped with all the stealing and killing, but... I'm still not sure if my so-called good deeds are enough to forgive me." You lean over your legs. "I don't... I work with Spider-Man every now and then, too."
"But-" Peter tries to interject, and you keep going anyways. He's incredibly baffled- it's not that you don't match the size of Black Cat, it's just that he's sure he would've recognized your mouth under her mask. He's fantasized about your lips long enough.
"He kissed me yesterday." You admit, and for some reason it feels like a slap in the face to say, even if you know that Peter doesn't actually like you like that. "And I've always liked you, Peter, so I just have to get this off my chest, because I feel so terrible. I'm sorry."
Peter is snickering.
"What?" You shove him. "I'm trying to tell you about my actual, serious pain, Peter, and you're just laughing-"
He loves this. He can actually be with you, no questions asked, and you have to be Black Cat- who else would know that Spider-Man kissed you? Peter feels a little bad that you're clearly agonized about it still, and he is laughing, but he can't help it.
"I was trying to tell you the same thing." Peter shrugs, as you hang onto his every word. "Okay, not the same thing. But that I'm Spider-Man."
You raise your eyebrows. "Really?"
"What do you mean, really? What's so shocking?" Peter asks, somewhat affronted, still finding it funny. "Do I not look like I have Spider-Man's build?"
"No, no. It just... feels a little too convenient." You give him a pitiful glance. "Maybe you could prove it?"
"Wow." Peter shakes his head, stifling a small smile. "Why would I lie?"
"No, Peter, it's not that you would lie. It's just... it's too obvious of a happy ending for me, and I-" You wince. "I don't normally have those."
"Oh." Peter knows about your past, your unhappy origin story, and he doesn't want to say anything to negate that truth.
So he simply thwips out a web towards your desk, planting your water bottle against the wall, and you don't look too surprised, although you do inhale.
"So that means- I was working with- and you-" You try to make a coherent sentence. "We... we kissed?"
"Tell me if this feels the same." Peter murmurs, half jokingly, mostly serious, and he pulls your face up in the same way you remember he did yesterday.
Knowing that you were the one in that leather black suit with the white trimming stirs something more inside him- yeah, he loves you and he's so glad to have you here now- but it makes yesterday even hotter in hindsight.
No mask this time. Nothing to get in the way of you dragging your fingers through Peter's hair as he presses his lips against yours, not hesitant at all. His lips are firm, plying against yours, and he inhales in a way that screams that he's wanted to do this for a while- even if he kissed you a few days ago, it wasn't like this- and it has you understanding he doesn't want to be gentle. He wants to finish what he started.
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wonnieluvr · 12 days
thinking of you
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pairing -> grayson hawthorne x fem!reader
summary -> grayson can’t get you off his mind even years after your messy breakup. do you still think about him too?
warnings -> angst again lol 😭 i tried to make it a happy ending but idk yet
a/n -> pt.2 to this fic but can be read as a standalone :) this one is long, woo 😮‍💨 i also dk if gray is a bit ooc, i tried..
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you had been grayson's first love. and sometimes, he believed you were the only one he had truly loved.
you were perfect. and you knew him so well. it had never been difficult with you.
he had never been as happy as he was with you. he hadn't even imagined a world where the two of you broke up.
and yet... you were standing there, across the room.
and you weren't his anymore. how could he have ever let you go?
he could feel his chest tightening, it was becoming harder to breath.
all he could think of was you, you were right there. could he really see you again? he knew in his heart that he still loved you, he could feel the painful twinge in his heart at the thought of you leaving again. leaving without even saying goodbye, without even trying to make this right.
"gray? what are you doing?" he barely registered jameson’s voice, his brother nudging his side to get him to focus. they were meant to be taking photos for the paparazzi and all grayson could do was stare at you.
jameson posed for him, wrapping his arm around grayson’s neck to pull his attention away long enough for a good photo. or at least, one that wouldn’t spark any rumours.
grayson’s scowl was a normal sight, normal enough to please the paparazzi.
“gray” jameson hissed as they moved away to a further less crowded area of the gala. “what the hell are you doing?”
“she’s here jamie..” grayson’s tone was airy, filled with unresolved emotion. he didn’t sound anything like himself. that immediately set off warnings in jameson’s mind.
“who’s here?” jameson was an inconspicuous as grayson had been, head wildly swinging around the room to find who his brother could possibly be talking about.
that seemed to snap enough sense back into grayson. “stop it” he snarled, pulling on jameson’s shoulder in an effort to stop him. “you look stupid, come on”
jameson finally turned back, frowning in offence. “rude. so you’re allowed to act weird and i’m not?” he huffed, subtly glancing around the room this time. “can you just tell me who we’re talking about now?”
jameson froze, eyes widening. “what?”
grayson didn’t reply for a moment, too busy looking for you again. he had almost given up, you probably weren't even here anymore.
had you seen him? had you left at the sight of him? he sucked in a sharp breath at that thought, trying to believe you wouldn't but he knew you would. you would turn and leave the minute you saw him.. it was his fault, after all.
jameson was staring at him, trying to decipher what he was thinking. "look, i don't think this is going to go well.." he begun, the look of disapproval an unusual one for the younger brother. "but, if you're going to talk to her, take it somewhere private"
grayson blankly stared at him back for a moment, struggling to believe that his brother was really encouraging this.
"what?" jameson raised an eyebrow at him. "we all knew how much she meant to you gray, you were never the same after she left" he shook his head, "i don't know if you, or we deserve a second chance but you should try"
"thank you.." grayson's shoulders dropped their stiff posture slightly, grateful for his family for once. not his mother, his aunt, his grandfather but his brothers.
"go on, i've got distraction" he didn't like the look of jameson's proud grin but he could care less what jamie was up to this time. he needed to see you.
he caught sight of your dress first, across the ballroom. he made an immediate dart line for you, weaving between people and looking over their heads to keep track of where you were. you were moving again when he finally reached out, fingers clasping around your wrist.
he could feel himself at a loss for words, his breath even leaving him when you turned. you looked as beautiful as you had back then. even more so, maybe.
you were confused but that quickly turned to a look he knew all too well, one that didn't suit you at all. the sadness, the melancholy, the pain.
"gray.. what are you doing?" your voice. oh, how he had missed hearing you say his name. your beautiful voice.
"y/n i-" he could feel his throat tightening. "i need to speak to you. please"
grayson hawthorne was not a man who said please. not to anyone. but you, he would plead on his knees until you came back to him. if you came back to him.
you looked unsure, but eventually you agreed, pulling him along casually as though you were just talking like anyone else. but you weren't anyone else. not to him.
he couldn't help the way his eyes stayed glued to your figure, taking in everything that had changed. you still managed to leave him breathless, even after all these years.
when you were out in one of the more secluded corridors you finally parted from him, dropping his hand and taking a step back. even the way your arms tightened around you waist broke his heart, you were protecting yourself. from him.
"what did you want to talk about?" you were trying to be assertive, short. you wanted this over with.
he winced slightly. "i'm sorry" he had never said that to you as desperately as he did now. he should have.. "i should have defended you, i should have stopped them, i should have- i should have done a lot of things. and i'm sorry, i'm so sorry, y/n. please, you have to understand-"
"i do understand, gray. but you never came after me" your voice was meek and full of emotion. you were trying not to cry. he had hurt you. badly. "you never called, you never texted, you never spoke to me again. what was i supposed to think then? was i just a game? did even really want me? or was i just a fun summer fling? someone you could let go of when you're done messing around with them?"
you were getting angry.
"i can't let you go!" he snapped, loudly echoing down the hall. he didn't even notice, didn't care. you had to understand. "i can't stop thinking about you. you never left my mind. i see you everywhere i go. i kept all of our pictures in the foundation, i can't go anywhere without thinking about you! i never wanted anyone else. i just wanted you and i was stupid and stuck up and i left you! i loved you"
you stayed silent as he breathed heavily, running his hands through his hair. he couldn't look at you, not after that.
"i'm sorry, i shouldn't bother you-" he begun, voice quiet. he was ashamed. he was the solid hawthorne, he never broke. but you weren't a hawthorne game, a mystery. you were not what he was used to and he as much as he hated feeling like this, you were worth it.
you cut him off, "stop it" he looked up now as your voice cracked. you were crying. his hand raised, instinctually, ready to hold you but paused as he remembered you weren't his. "stop it" you repeated, turning away from him and fiercely attempting to wipe away your tears.
you hated him, you hated the way he made you feel. you hated that you loved him.
he stayed quiet, unsure what to say. was this it? were you telling him to leave, to never talk to you again. you stepped towards him again, eyes narrowed and trying to keep up the angry facade.
"i hate you so much, grayson hawthorne" he could practically feel his heart break the minute those words left your lips. "you're so-" you threw your hands up, unable to voice just how frustrated you were. "how dare you come here? how dare you come back to me now? you're so annoying! i hate you! i hate how much i think about you. i hate that you're always on my mind. i hate that i can't stop watching your interviews, that i can't stop looking up whether you have a girlfriend. i hate you so much.." you trailed off, hands clutching at his suit jacket as you teared up again.
"i loved you, gray.. i love you so much" he didn't know if it was a mistake that you had changed the tense of that sentence but he wasn't going to question it. not now that you were in his arms. he gently embraced you, head pressing into your neck, breathing in your familiar perfume. you were so beautiful.
"y/n?" a voice called from down the hall, confused. "i heard yelling, are you okay?"
you froze in his arms, slowly pulling back and patting your face dry. you looked just as you had when you'd led him down the corridor. beautiful. "everything's fine, darling. we were just catching up"
darling. grayson's heart twisted in a painful way at the word leaving you mouth. his eyes narrowed coldly at the man standing at the end of the corridor. "gray, this is my date.." you gently introduced the two, frowning slightly. unnoticeable to your date but he knew.
as you went to leave again, you took his hand, squeezing it tightly. "gray" you whispered, your eyes shining. "wait for me, please? please, i can't lose you again" he almost couldn't speak, stunned. he nodded, dumbly. hand chasing yours as you disappeared.
his hand may have been cold, but his heart was warm. for you, he would wait forever.
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tags 🫶 @pockyyasii
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teaffrogy · 2 months
Hi! I saw you were looking for ideas so I'm going to submit a couple if that's okay! Feel free to ignore if not lol
First idea is for Gale (he needs more attention in this fandom!!) Tav who's kind but completely oblivious when it comes to flirting getting hit on and just not picking up on it, how would Gale react or not react? Would his reaction be different if he saw it from afar, up close, or just heard about it? Can be pre-relationship or during :)
Second idea can be for any or all companions (personally tho I think it'd be interesting for astarion, halsin, and gale) Their reactions (separate) to Tav realizing there's mutual attraction so they take them aside and nervously confess that they're asexual and would understand if they don't want to be partners after knowing this about them and that they wanted to tell them before things got serious.
Sorry for rambling in your inbox but I hope this was atleast somewhat helpful :D
Omg yes both I love sm omggg okay imma work on one first then the other. And I totally agree! Gale deserves more attention! I adore that man sm😭❤️ also so sorry it took me a while I have been taking care of my cat who got surgery
Oblivious Tav
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Gale x Reader(Tav)
I honestly believe Gale immediately Knew Tav was super oblivious to people Flirting on them And he first found out About it when Lae'zel made the first move. Instead of falling for her words, you just gave her a puzzled look. “I'm sorry Lae’zel. I don't want to fight with you.”
The second time he saw it was with Astarion at The tiefling party. Of course he put his Vampiric charms on you but it just flew past you. And Astarion had this look on his face that made Gale burst out laughing. Some of the tieflings gave him a puzzled look.
Another interaction was when a tiefling was flirting with you. She rubbed your hand up and down softly that he himself even felt the shivers. She had tried to tell Tav how gorgeous they are and how even better they would look under her. But that left you confused. “Why do you want me to lay down?”
Like always, he found it funny because what you say and the other is the person's reaction. But Gale wouldn't lie, he had fallen in love with you the day he taught you how to cast spells just so you could feel what he feels, the magic of it. It was just the way your eyes shined as you looked around you. The moment you Two had made him realize how much he wanted you in his life, read a book beside you, be on his balcony, have a cup of tea or coffee, whatever you like to drink! And just read a book with you, watch the sunset, see the boats sail away, watch the waves of the sea. And just be with you. He loves you.
After that, he did try to make some moves.
Gale didn't know if he should feel bad or
embarrassed for you.
No matter how many times he tries to flirt, it simply just flies Over your head. You two were in the shadowlands and he took so much time and dedication to say those words to you that it simply flew past you. Astarion couldn't help but let a Laugh. Shadowheart was holding hers in. He knew you were obviously but not that much!
He tried it again, a small pick up line and you just stared at him and gods he loves you but oh my god he also is embarrassed when you simply don't get it. He had to actually say those three words.
“What I am trying to say is that I am in love with you. I love you.” Gale says and your eyes go wide at those words. “And I have been trying to make you get the hints that I am really in love with you but it just flies by you. I was thinking it was the tadpole wiggling those words out but that's just how you are.” He says and you feel embarrassed. “Oh.” You say and Gale holds your hands. “I'm in love with you Tav.” and he brings your hands close to his lips, kisses each one hand and looks up at you. “I love you too Gale.” You say and he's more than happy to hear those Words come out.
And even now that you two are together, it simply flies by you. From times you do get his little pick up lines, but there are those other times where it flies by.
But Gale loves that about Tav and finds it cute.
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my-own-walker · 1 year
Ever Fallen In Love (With Someone You Shouldn’t’ve?) 
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note: this special request was sent to me by @the-goblin1. thank you, my dear. you have the mind of a mastermind. 
summary: evan gets the hots for his co-star during a scene
warnings: sm*t, fem!reader, p in v, evan being horny lol
Evan’s POV
The success of the show was unexpected. When the second season was announced, I wasn't told anything about it. Just that I wouldn't be playing Tate again.
The new season brought many changes. Doing an anthological series came with its challenges. I would be playing an entirely different character, in a different story, set in a different place.
Kit came pretty easily to me, minus his accent. That kind of challenge is what you look for as an actor, though.
It was announced that my love interest would be played by a relatively new actress named Y/N Y/L/N. In the spirit of changing things up, Taissa wouldn't be returning this season. She wouldn't be my scene partner anymore. It was like going to school after summer break and finding out your best friend wasn't in your class.
It was a total gut punch, for sure. Until I actually met Y/N.
She and I clicked really well. We had a mutual understanding of the motives of these characters and our scenes went off without a hitch. She was quick as a whip. She knew exactly how to make me laugh. We bonded over our love of acting and our tastes in music.
She got her start only a year prior to shooting Asylum. Some Disney Channel show, she said. I nearly cackled when I found out. I sort of didn't want to relive my time as Seth in 'Phil of the Future,' but she gave me no choice. We talked about our experiences with Disney sets. She had some sort of bit part, kind of like mine. She said she played the bully in the episode.
It helped her get cast in other more serious roles. She must have really sold that bully part. A couple episodes on some medical dramas and crime shows led her to the part of Grace in American Horror Story, and I couldn't complain.
It's worth mentioning that she was absolutely stunning. Just visually a marvel. I tried not to let it affect my work, but god, was she beautiful.
It was impossible to ignore my feelings for her. It physically hurt to keep myself away. I didn't want to compromise the work we were trying to do, but man I was starving for her. Ah, the genius of pain. It was like a knife in my stomach, poking and prodding at me each time she walked into the room. A constant feeling of disquiet and adrenaline.
The tension I felt worked for the story, thankfully. I found that our scenes were more believable because of how enamored I was.
It was like I had a schoolyard crush. I found myself frightened by the bite of rejection, entirely unsure of her feelings toward me. The aforementioned knife twisted every time I thought I might fall short of the mark. That she would be repulsed by me, or disinterested in the most soul-crushing way.
I didn't want to compromise our friendship. We had grown so close. The season's filming was going so well. I didn't want to risk it all and lose her due to the shame of rejection and uncomfortable feelings between us. And I for sure didn't want her or me to lose the job because our scenes got awkward.
But then came the sex scene.
Written into the plot was a love story blossoming between our two characters. It would come to a boiling point in an intense scene in the bakery.
It was as if a softly spoken magic spell granted my ultimate wish. Being that close to her, all over her, was all I could think about since meeting her. Now it was coming true. And in a way that made it so that I didn't have to actually put myself out there and get rejected.
The shoot started without a hitch. We were briefed by the intimacy coach ahead of filming in order to make the scene as comfortable as possible for the both of us. We were fitted with the necessary modesty undergarments that kept things sanitary, but convincing for TV.
After running through some things a couple of times, both of us felt ready to start. I began the scene, Y/N walked in and we exchanged dialogue. The lines flowed naturally, growing in intensity until I had to hoist her onto the table, hungrily gripping at her clothes.
I thought I could stop myself. I thought that being in character would prevent it from happening. But my true feelings made themselves known as soon as I had to act out thrusting inside of her. My mind wandered. I pictured her and I doing this, but for real, just the two of us. No cameras. No lights. Just real and raw. Before I knew it, I felt a tightness in my pants grow. My groin began to throb. Y/N looked down at my erection and blushed, breaking character and giggling a bit.
'I'm so sorry," Y/N laughed, straightening herself up. 'We can take it again, I got distracted.' She looked down at me from atop the table and smiled. My face flushed.
Was she grossed out? Fuck. I thought.
'U-uh-' I stuttered. 'Can I actually take five? I think my uh- costume malfunctioned.'
The crew obliged and I quickly made my way to a back room, hidden from everyone on set. I was so embarrassed. My cheeks burned so hot, I thought they might burst into flames. I began to adjust myself, making sure I didn't have to clean anything up before returning to work.
'Boo,' a voice said behind me. My heart nearly stopped.
'Fuck!' I yelped, shoving my dick in my pants and turning on my heel to see a very coy Y/N standing before me.
'I thought I might find you here,' she smirked. She turned around and closed the door behind her, quietly locking it.
'Hey listen, uh-' I began. 'I'm so sorry about earlier I just-' She cut me off by putting her lips on mine. I tensed at the touch but didn't pull away. I just couldn't believe it was real life. My arms wrapped around her frame, just as they did in the scene, cradling her closely. We made out feverishly, every bottled-up desire I had bubbled to the surface.
I felt for the hem of her dress, beginning to lift it up before stopping dead and separating myself from her.
'What's wrong?' she panted, looking up at me with her big sparkly eyes. My stomach lurched.
'I just, I don't want to do this if you don't,' I muttered, sheepishly. I'm not even sure if that's what I actually wanted to say, but it came out nonetheless.
'I want this, Evan,' she whispered. 'I'll confess, I think I really like you.'
'And I think you feel the same, based on what happened a few minutes ago,' she continued.
'Y/N, I want to be professional, but fuck, do I have feelings for you,' I replied. 'But I think, I think for work's sake, we should hold off.'
'We're playing two people in love, why would it compromise our job? If anything, it would help us,' she argued.
'If we do this, I’ll run the risk of losing you, and that’s worse,' I breathed.
She didn't reply. Instead, she grabbed me by my face and pulled me in, resuming our make-out session. I couldn't hold it in any longer. I grabbed her shoulders and led her backward, pressing her up against the wall. She moaned softly. The pressure in my pants returned. Or had it ever even left?
Her hands fumbled around at my waistband, looking to unhook my belt. I helped her out, removing it in one swift motion. She took the button of my pants in her fingers, unlatching it hastily, then at last, she unzipped my fly. I tugged the trousers off and my cock sprang out, throbbing immensely. I couldn't wait to feel it inside her warm, wet pussy.
She removed her panties and reconnected with my lips, wrapping her arms around my neck. I hoisted her up the wall hurriedly, my dick finding and sliding inside her dripping cunt almost instantly. We both let out loud moans as I thrust further into her, feeling her warmth encompassing my member. Her walls tightened almost too deliciously around me, making it tremendously hard for me to stop myself from coming. I groaned.
'Oh my god,' she cried, eyes screwed shut in pleasure. Her face was so contorted by ecstasy, it made me fuck her harder.
'I'm gonna come,' I moaned, thrusting just a few more times before blowing my load unceremoniously inside of her. Months of tension released. She threw her head back and cried out, signaling that she had as well.
I removed myself from inside of her and guided her back down to her feet, holding my hands on her shoulders to keep her steady. My knees were weak, too. Pure adrenaline was keeping me upright.
'Holy shit,' she panted. 'Holy shit.'
'You're so fucking hot,' I growled, punctuating it by peppering kisses up and down her neck and chest. Finally having caught her breath, she laughed.
'I think we may have to, you know, do our job now?' she snarked.
'The job where I get to pretend to fuck you? Don't mind if I do,' I replied, wrapping my arms around her waist and pulling her in close.
'We can go for round two after we nail this next take, okay?' she smirked. My chest tightened in the best way. She took my breath away.
LOL I HOPE THIS WAS OKAY!!! writer's block had me in a chokehold. i have so many requests to get through i was like 'damn where do i even start???' clearly it was with this one. thanks for breaking the curse. more to come very very soon...
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justallihere · 3 days
Dain and Violet are meant to be besties and only besties.
“To you,” Dain said, and Violet laughed harder at the affronted look on his face. “He’d kill me and chop me up in tiny pieces to sprinkle at your feet if he thought it would make you happy.”
That line was so fucking funny bc its so true. Everyone and their mother knows who whipped Xaden is for Violet
Does Liam actually want to be squad leader or is he only saying he wants to, so Sloane has competition?
Sloane and Dain 👀👀👀👀 I can imagine Sloane is giving Dain the biggest stink eye and Dain is just 😊 BC EXCUSE ME THAT LINE????
Dain smiled at the back of her head indulgently
The motherfucking consequences of your actions Xaden 😊
“I wish you would have stayed home,” Xaden said. “Did you come by yourself?” He sounded tense, though not quite angry. “I’m doing what you married me to do,” she replied, and he made a sound that might have been a growl 
I love how Vi can actually aim and she doesn't have to be stressed out figuring it in the middle of a battle. Canon had me stressssed
WE GOT TO SEE MIRA 😭 Will the 3 siblings be seen together anytime soon? I need to punch Brennan
For a split second, I thought Xaden became a venin when Sgayel screamed but he has to know better in SITQ?? riGHT ???? RIGHT???
Now its Vi's turn to be concerned for her husband 😊. We love equality. Xaden has watched Vi be mended twice now right (stabbing and torture)?
Seeing strong women in charge and being COMPETENT will always be a kink of mine
“You know,” Xaden said unexpectedly in a low, hoarse voice “You make a very good queen.” 
Xaden is such a smartass, never change shadow boy. One of these days, Xaden's going to smooth out her furrowed brow and warn Vi against wrinkles LMAO
They are so in love, just kiss already jfc (and i saw this not in a pressuring way but in a disgusted way LOL)
She spat it out, and it rolled across the grass, bouncing once, twice, three times before it came to a stop. 
This was so funny though 💀 I'm imagining the head is bouncing like a soccer ball
“I believe your husband is about to lose consciousness, Violet.”  
Andarna is so snarky I love it
Vi is such a good queen!! I can't get enough. I noticed she always asks for people's names and thanks them for any help they've given. THATS MY GIRL!!!!
Listen Xaden Riorson is not fucking subtle and it's so funny that even DAIN knows it. Poor guy never stood a chance against him and he tried to get with Vi before she ever even knew Xaden in this world
Liam wouldn't mind being squad leader! And he'd be very good at it. He also just likes to push his baby sister to be the best she can be (and annoy her in the process)
If Dain can put up with Violet, then Sloane is nothing. The man...has a type
Vi's aim still isn't perfect, but it's better (two-thirds, so we'll take it). Her training with Felix works!
It's gonna be another second before all the Sorrengails are back together!
your honor they're in love (derogatory)
Andarna my baby girl!! Saving the day and being insufferably smug about it forever!!
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fanfiction-blep · 1 year
Imma need a part two of caught please lol. Like reader is a bad b either with a new man or single but had a glow up and doing good while miles is a wreck and has to suffer the pain of messing up
A lot of people wanted this! And honestly It's a great idea.
Caught: Part Two.
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Warnings: Angst, unrequited feelings. mentions of cheating.
The balls of (Y/N)'s feet hit the cold floor or her room, she had swung her legs over the bed. She knew this day would come, but she didn't think it wouldn't happen so soon. She had been reassigned to security, she had spent the last four months reinforcing security for the new structures being built throughout Pandora. Yet she was needed, apparently the blue team had began to falter. their efficiency had depleted. And she had been brought in to fix the problem. She racked her hands over her face a sigh leaving her lips. She really didn't want to see him, she hadn't gotten back into the dating scene the opportunity for causal dating isn't as abundant on Pandora as it is on Earth. She didn't want to show up see them together and be single. She couldn't think about her personal life with this task, she could make it a quick job. Figure out what's going wrong write up a report listing a solution and then she could leave. She stood up stretching, muscles aching from her late night gym session. Her shoulder length bob brushing against her skin. Instead of focusing on getting back into dating she had focused on herself, working through the emotional trauma of what her ex had done.
She needed to work on herself, build herself back up again. She wasn't about to jump into a rebound and get hurt all over again. She needed this, she needed to build herself up. So she could come back faster and stronger than ever, a glow up. She brushed through her hair, she was in off the record today she didn't need to be strict with her appearance, despite this she dressed herself in long camo trousers and a black tank top. She exited her room, having arrived in the early hours of the morning, no one knew she was here. And she would prefer it stayed that way until absolutely necessary. But that moment was arriving in twenty minuets. She left her room a pit of anxiety forming on her stomach, she wanted to never see him again. She wanted to leave and never have to look back knowing he would be two steps behind her. He had tried to reach out the first few weeks she was gone, and she never replied. In fact she had him banned from accesing her private channel. She knew he would try and talk to her while she was here, she knew he would try to win her back even if he was dating. Her.
She froze, Z-dog was the first in the briefing room. Her face growing pale at the sight of the human in front of her.
"Morning" (Y/N) Spoke trying to be neutral. It would be harder than she thought, but she was too petty to not be the bigger person. Walking over to the hologram projection table she picked up a tablet flicking through the blue teams reviews over the last few weeks. After a few moments she realised the decrease in activity and efficiency had started two weeks after she had left. 'no fucking way' she thought. She heard voices in the corridor increasing by the second she kept her back turned beginning to throw the stats and reports onto the screen. Her job was the present how shit they had been over the last few weeks kick them back into shape and leave. She had the most experience with the recoms and had served with them all as humans. She knew each and every one of them personally, and thus she was chosen for this job. No one bedsides Z-dog had noticed her, the other men just laughing while Miles stood in the corner not paying attention at all. "Right" She spoke turning around, meeting his gaze. Shock and pain filled is expression. He couldn't believe he hadn't seen her when he walked in. "I have been brought back here for one reason. You lot are not doing your job. So in the next day I will tail you. I will see exactly why you aren't performing to standard, I'll write up a report and I'll be out of your hair. Until then, I will be up each and every one of your asses, understood?" There was an unenthusiastic mumble of agreement "See you all on the flight deck in fifteen, get too it" Quaritch just stood there, mouth a jaw. In awe. She was more beautiful that he imagined, her new hair cut suiting her perfectly. Her appearance took his breath away and he didn't know how to respond. She turned her back to him, not giving him any kind of reaction. However a slight smirk was plastered on her lips, seeing how shocked and sad he was to see her made her happy in some way. And seeing that they were obviously not together, even happier. She knew she didn't want him back, but knowing that she had moved on and he hadn't felt like penance in a way. Maybe she wouldn't hate being back Afterall.
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melloween-candie · 1 year
Teenage pregnancy [C.G]
A Carl Gallagher x Fem Reader fic
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You only started dating Carl for about 2 months. That was right around the time when he and Dom broke up. Deep down, you knew you couldn't compete with her. He would always choose her before you. Yet you were only 16 years old when you discovered he got you pregnant. This news terrified you so much. You didn't want to lose him, and you knew he was already going through so much shit stuff with his family and his "business." Better yet, you were scared about how your family would react, let alone his. At least you have Debbie, your best friend, who's also pregnant with you.
A/n - Ok, so listen, I'm not the greatest at slang dialog, sooo don't hate on me, please lol I'm sorry, I tried, ok! Anyways I hope you guys enjoy this. Since it was one of the ones I really enjoyed writing. Not to mention it took me forever only to end up putting this story into parts instead...
Warning! Teen pregnancy, Cussing, Small spoilers, Mention of virginity loss, Small mention of rape, Insecurities, Mention of paranoia, Depression, Lying, Traumatic event
Note! If any of that makes you uncomfortable- DON'T READ THE STORY!
Word count: 1,405
PART 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4, Part 5, Part 6, Part 7, Part 8, Part 9, Part 10 (Completed)
Shameless Masterlist
Fandom Masterlists
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***Y/n's Pov***
How could this have happened?! That stupid pill is worthless!
You were currently sitting on your bathroom toilet, panicking over the pregnancy test you just took. This was the fifth test you've taken this week, giving you the same answer yet again. You couldn't believe it. You only did it once!
You swore to your family that you wouldn't get pregnant as a teenager. You promised your mother you would avoid making the same mistake she and your two older sisters made. Yet it seems like everyone in your family either got pregnant or impregnated someone at a young age, no matter what they did. 
This can't be happening! What the he*l am I gonna tell Carl?!
Knock, Knock~
"Yo, you almost done in there?" Your older brother, B/n, yelled from behind the door. "I need to take a pi*s!"
"Ye-yeah... Give me a second!" You panicked. Scrambling around the tiny bathroom, trying to hide the evidence.
"If you don't hurry up, I'm gonna come in!" He spat, jiggling the doorknob.
"Just wait! Would ya, please! God." You opened the door. "There! Jesus."
"What the he*l were you doing in there? And why do you have that? It's not even that full."
You were holding a plastic bag. Filled with bathroom trash along with your secret.
"So?! Why do you care whether it's full or not?" You spat.
"Jesus, what got you so moody?" Your brother gave you an annoyed look. "You pregnant or something?"
Although he said it with sarcasm, you couldn't stop your heart from bursting with fear when you heard him say that. You about froze in place as he gave you a questioning look. Then he proceeded into the bathroom.
Fu*k me... You started tearing up from the stress. Not again. You whipped away your tears once again as you left for school. Stupid hormones.
Time skip!~
You were walking up towards the school doors until you saw your best friend Debbie running towards you with a massive smile on her face.
"Y/NNN!" Debbie yelled across the schoolyard. "I-huff huh-huff..." When she got to you, she was practically a wheezing mess.
She inhaled a loaded bunch of air before screaming, "I'M PREGNANT!!!"
Her screaming caused some unwanted attention to occur.
"WHA-WHAT!?!?" Your face dropped. "Since when?!"
You draped your arm on Debbie's shoulder as you both walked down the school corridors.
"Since a week ago? I don't know; I took a test today and am pregnant!" Debbie was so excited she squealed. "Remember how I told you about Derek, my boyfriend?"
"Yeah, well, we did it, like- two weeks ago!"
"Wha-what?!" Now your heart dropped. "Why didn't you tell me you- did it with your boyfriend? Did you tell anyone else? Or like- did you tell him that you're p-pregnant!?" You whispered-yelled the last part.
You were panicking. You couldn't believe the situation you were in. What are the odds that you and your best friend got knocked up together simultaneously without planning anything? Well, even if you knew Debbie wanted to get pregnant, you didn't think she would actually act upon it.
"Come down! It's ok. The s*x was mutual this time, and I did tell him. He was ok with it, but Fiona, on the other hand- not so much."
"Oh, ok, well, what are you going to do?"
"What kind of question is that; keep it, obviously!"
"Right, right, I know that. I mean- I-." You paused. Looking her in her eyes. "Aren't you scared? Y-you know... about what others might think-?"
"Peff- No." She gave you a deadpan look. "I couldn't give two sh*ts about what others think of MY choices. I wanted this! Besides, my boyfriend wants this too."
"Are you sure he wanted this?"
"No- well, maybe? I don't know-"
Ring! The bell rang.
"Well, got to go. Can't be late for history- again. Byeee!"
Debbie left you by your classroom door.
What am I gonna do...? How is she not panicking about this!? I mean, knowing her family's circumstances... what am I going to do- my parents are going to kill me...
Time skip!~
You've been avoiding Carl all day. You didn't want to face him. You didn't want to tell him. You couldn't.
Throughout the day, you've been in this paranoid state. Falling into deep thought only to jump out of it whenever someone said something to you or made a loud noise. It became so noticeable that one of your teachers pulled you aside in between classes to ask you if everything was okay. You told them you were fine when really you were a mess.
At some point, Carl finally managed to grab ahold of you. It was during lunch when he asked you-
"Yo!" Carl grabbed your upper arm and turned you around. "What's goin on? Why have you been avoiding me all day?!"
"Carl- uh..." You gave a nervous giggle. "Everything's fine."
"Ya sure? Cause I've been tryin to get ahold of ya all day, and it just seemed like you were completely outta it." Carl gave you that bruff look.
"Sorry, I just got a lot on my mind at the moment."
"Yeah, we can tell, so what's up?" He asked, joining you at your lunch table.
"Well, nothing much. Uhh… I heard that Debbie got pregnant." You said, trying to change the topic.
"Oh yeah- she told ya, huh. Figures." Carl looked at you, agitated. "Ok, whaddya know?!"
"What do you mean?"
"You're tryina change the subject; why?"
You were never one to lie. It just wasn't in your nature. You were terrible at it, so no matter what you said, everyone eventually finds the truth.
You sighed. "Carl- what would you do in their situation? Hmm?"
"Whaddya mean?"
"I mean... If you got me pregna-"
"Woah, woah, woah! I GOT YOU PREGNANT!"
"NO! And keep your voice down!" You whispered-yelled at him.
"Oh, okay then, why ask?!" He asked in that slang accent of his.
"It's just-" You looked down at your food. Poking it with your plastic spork. "I need to know what you would do... If you and I were in the same situation as Derek and Debbie..."
"That's a weird question..." Carl looked into your eyes. He saw a hit of sadness in them. He took a pause the said- "Okay, fine."
Carl laid his hand on top of yours on the table. He leaned in, looking into your eyes, and said, in his regular voice- "If I got you pregnant, I'd try my hardest to be the best father, role model, and partner. I'll do everything I can so our future fam can live in luxury." He smirked.
You stopped looking into Carl's eyes and drifted down to your knees. Carl saw that your eyes were getting misty, so he leaned in and gave you a sweet kiss.
"Listen, babe. You don't need to worry about that stuff. If you're worried it might happen, we don't have to do anything you're uncomfortable with." Carl cupped your cheek. "I swear, even if it did happen, I would never abandon you. I love you."
You looked into Carl's eyes once again and closed the remaining gap between the two of you. Sharing a sweet kiss for only a moment when you ended it. Pushing him inches away, you said, "Carl, I'm pregnant."
Ring! The bell ranged. People started to get up, throwing away their trash.
"YOU'RE WHAT!?" Carl yelled out of nowhere, causing a few people to look at him. Instantly he pulled back. Jumping up from his seat. "How! We-" Carl only stopped when he saw your face drop morbidly fast.
You started hiccupping as tears rolled down your face. The whole lunchroom was quiet by that point. Instinctively out of embarrassment, you quickly tried to cover your face with your hands.
Now people were really staring.
"Wait, baby, please don't cry. I didn't mean it like that." Carl tried to grab your hands away from your face. But you refused instead; you instantly got up and ran away. Before he could even get up, Nick quickly grabbed his shoulder, stopping him from chasing you…
Carl watched you leave the lunchroom. All eyes turned to him. He stood there feeling guilty and angry. Carl swatted Nick's hand off his shoulder. "What the he*l, man! Why'd ya stop me!"
"She needed space."
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That was Part 1 of a somewhat long story. This story was originally going to be a one-shot, but it was just too long for my liking. It's taken me about like 4 weeks now. With the grammar checking, editing, and organizing... It was a lot, and I really wanted to publish something. Just so you guys know, I'm not dead, lol. Anyways yes, this was the post that got delayed. :( But I'm working on getting everything out! :)
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lov-eable · 1 year
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L♡VETICON *•̩̩͙✩•̩̩͙*˚ #02:ODIE
━━ you had liked chishiya throughout high school and your first year of college, but he always saw you as just a friend. as he gets an opportunity to study abroad for a year, you decide it's time to let this crush go. can you keep him out of your mind when he comes back?
masterlist ◌*ꕤ
A/N: hi!! sorry for the slow updates school is kicking my ass lol but i wrote this on class i hope u enjoy this!! sorry if its cheesy or something i think we all are a bit cheesy and corny sometimes!
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you approached the already known car, kuina's car, and knocked the passenger's window, you saw how they got startled by it and jumped in their place, arisu opened the window revealing you, "hi," you said with a mischievous smile, "get in the back seat! we are late!" kuina yelled from her place as the driver.
you got in the car and arisu handed you an iced coffee and a chocolate croissant, "for you, miss late," he mocked you but you also mocked him back, "aw, you remembered my favorites, you are a cutie pie," he shrugged you off with a gesture and started playing music for the trip.
you arrived at the airport and you couldn't help but contemplate at the big shiny letters, 'tokyo international airport' it said. it was the first time you were there since chishiya's departure.
even if you tried to convince your friend's otherwise, you felt nervous about seeing him. you weren't hopelessly in love with him anymore so that was not the reason you were nervous, you liked and dated so many people since he left after all. it was just because you were seeing him a whole year after he went overseas.
kuina left arisu and you at the front gates, she said you should go ahead and search for chishiya's arrival gate as she searched for an empty spot to park her car.
you entered the airport with arisu side by side, looking for the gate 'g' as kuina told you. as you got deeper into the airport and got closer to your destiny, you started to feel more nervous and it was pretty obvious, of course arisu noticed it and bumped shoulders playfully with you.
"hey, yn, i know we have been teasing you a lot with this but, seriously, if you're anxious or something you could wait for us in the food court," he said, "it's okay, arisu, i'm okay, i don't like him anymore, i'm just... nostalgic and feeling a little bit weird, you know, we don't see each other since a long time ago..." you tried to make arisu believe you, but he did not seem convinced.
"you sure?" you nodded but you were aware a nod wouldn't convince him, "besides, i think i'm still into that guy i dated some months ago," "niragi?" you looked at him shocked and disgusted, "oh, god, don't say that ever again, i wouldn't go back to him not even in my dreams".
you both laughed, niragi was your worst ex so far, a serial asshole, but it did not really matter, "i meant banda," you kept giggling, "sorry, sorry, you date so many people i get lost," you punched him in the arm lightly, "hey!" you shouted. you were laughing until you saw the big letter g sign, "if you are sure you're okay, let's go," you nodded reassured.
when you got to the gate, you looked up at the flight board, chishiya's plane had landed two minutes ago, so you actually had to wait, kuina lied to you saying you were late to hurry you up, you thought.
after some minutes, someone tapped your shoulder, you turned to find kuina smiling, "chishiya said he should be here any minute now," you unconsciously fixed your hair making kuina grin, "what," you said furrowing your brows, "nothing".
"chishiya," all three of you screamed as a pretty familiar guy with dyed blonde hair walked towards you, "hi guys," you all hugged him for some seconds, "ok, enough," arisu looked at chishiya disappointed, "you do not seem surprised or excited to see us".
he slightly smiled, it was really smirk-like but after knowing him for so many years, you just knew he was genuinely smiling, "i knew kuina would tell you, so i skipped that awful job to inform everyone who knows me and i left it for her," his smile went away for some seconds and he faced kuina, "but you did not tell my dad, right?" kuina shook her head frantically, "i would never!" she crossed her arms jokingly upset.
"although, i'm surprised usagi is not here," chishiya eyed arisu expectantly as basically everyone would suppose he knew why, "she..." he dramatically stopped, "died," he fakely sobbed holding kuina arm, as she answered, "she was busy with a project".
he was laughing, not as much as maybe you or any of your friends normally would, but you had never seen him laugh like this, he seemed... different. happier, maybe. "i guess we should dye together our hair now," in fact, your hair was a shade of blue now fading away, "yeah," it was all you said, even stuttering a bit. how embarrasing.
the four of you began your path towards the food court, arisu was helping chishiya with one of chishiya's backpack. they were chatting but you remained silent, it wasn't really voluntarily as you longed to speak to him in person for a long time, of course as friends.
"you're quiet," chishiya said as he took a seat, arisu and kuina had arranged a mysterious plan to leave you both alone, or at least you assumed by how giggly they were when they suggested you should search for an empty table together as they went for the food.
he was right, you were quiet, extremely weird coming from you, "sorry, i'm tired," you had to create excuses because you were so unsure of what you were feeling, "i don't think i have seen you tired since those all-nighters you pulled during high school, odie".
the nickname made your brain stop for a moment, "oh god, you haven't called me that since, like, the ninth grade!" you said a tad bit embarrased byu that nickname.
you used to called him 'garfield' because of his personality as a way to tease, but it became just your special nickname for him, you even still had him added as that on your cellphone. as a way to tease you back, he started calling you 'odie' as the hyperactive dog who would annoy garfield.
you never used that nickname again for him in hopes he wouldn't call you odie anymore, but it did not happen then. he began mocking you even more but, when you started a new school year, the teasing ceased gradually.
"but it still fits you," he smirked. there he was, the chishiya you knew, a professional teaser and annoying but loyal friend, "won't you call me by my nickname? i miss it," you couldn't deny it, your heart skipped a beat when he said the word 'miss'. "leave me alone, mr. fucking garfield". he smiled. and you smiled too. you really had missed him.
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tag list: @trinmadol @yeosangiehwa @hy0ukka @xiaosenthusiast @nijirosz @elysiasgf @luvhyukie @wolfvmin @imasimplol @damarislolop @luvvsnae 
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jung-shook-iieee · 1 year
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Pairing : Jungkook x reader (f)
Genre : angst, breakup drabble?!
Warnings : tbh none, it's angsty...... ( we have a special guest here btw. Lol!!)
" So this is it then? " You nodded your head with tears filling your eyes.
" It is... I never meant to hurt you y/n." He swore and his doe eyes widened when he heard you sob.
" But you did. You did jungkook. " You whispered.
A/N 1- I can not pin point the emotions I feel towards jk here. He lost something very dearly to him just because of his immature behavior.
You noticed how things changed from the beginning, a part of you had always known that the relationship with jeon jungkook was meant to doom. You ignored the nagging voice inside your head telling you that he would never love you as much as you love him.
He would never reciprocate the feelings. He gave you hope even when he knew he would never keep his promises. He made you laugh like no one else did. He had a soothing scent that felt like home to you.
He ran to you whenever he needed a shoulder to cry on but never comforted you in your lowest days. But you didn't dwell on that too much. His eyes held those sparkling glint which you admired the most. He looked so innocent, so pure when he asked you to stay with him. He promised you that he would never leave you and you believed him. You were happy and so you thought that maybe... Maybe you are enough for him just like he's enough for you. But you were wrong, you never were enough for him.
How could you be enough for him when he never gave you his heart? He gave his heart to someone long ago! And he just needed someone in the meantime to hang on. Someone he could escape to, someone who would love him in the meantime. And you naively thought that he wouldn't go back to the same person who wounded his heart so bad. You never thought that he would grab the opportunity of going back to that same person. You never thought that he could use you so damn well.
" You'll never come back. Right? " You asked quietly. he stopped dragging his suitcase towards the door.
He didn't speak for a second and somehow he looked guilty. Maybe guilty for leaving you alone, maybe guilty for using you and your love. Maybe... Maybe...
He bit his lower lip and shook his head. " Y/n...you know I can't. I-"
" So this is it then? " You nodded your head with tears filling your eyes.
" It is... I never meant to hurt you y/n." He swore and his doe eyes widened when he heard you sob.
" But you did. You did jungkook. " You whispered.
" No. " He said firmly and came where you were sitting. He didn't sit beside you on the sofa, but on his knees while holding your hands softly. Making you look at him, you still found him soft. " You know y/n I would never hurt you, it's the least I would do. If I had met you first I thi-. "
" So just because you met her first you'll leave me.? " You pulled your hands back looking at him in disbelief.
" No, I didn't mean that y/n list-. " He furrowed his brows and tried to hold your hands again but you didn't give him your hand this time.
" You forgot how she cheated on you gguk? Not once, not twice but for three freaking months. Even when she met you first she couldn't keep you happy. I was the one who held you when you cried jungkook. " Your tone was harsher this time.
Jungkook's jaw clenched, he diverted his gaze and didn't respond.
" Pleas-ee gguk. Don't do this. She hurt you and you're still choosing her. Why I'm not enough gguk. Why? I gave you everything... Everything I had..... Then why are you pushing me away.? " You sobbed... It fucking aches inside your chest to see someone slipping away from your fingers. Someone whom you loved dearly.
He hugged you and you cried your heart out on his chest. He felt warm. Safe... He always felt like home to you. But probably this is the last time you're feeling him.
" I loved you y/n please don't forget that. Please don't hate me. She needs me and I-I don't- " He stuttered but you didn't let him complete and pulled back. You knew he is not in love with you anymore but hearing him say the same thing from his mouth...fucking hurts. And He has told you this stupid reason a thousand times.
" Please jungkook. I love you. Please do not choose her over me. Please stay we can sort-. " You were babbling and he cut you in between shaking his head in a no.
" I would never forget what you did for me. " He walked back a few steps.
" Please... " You begged, your voice was shaking by now.
" I know you'll be happy y/n. You are strong you'll move on. " He tried to console you but you were tired, exhausted from his fake hopes and intentions.
" STOP! Fuck you, Jeon. " You screamed and started smacking his chest so hard that you were sure that your wrist would hurt later on. He didn't budge, letting you do it because he knew he hurt you real bad this time. This situation broke you, said the unsaid things, he thought you weren't worth fighting for.
Your tears slowly slowed and faded, you regained your sense and walked away from him. Suddenly his presence was making you nauseous.
" Fine. Be happy with her and don't you dare take your ass back here when she fucks with you again jungkook. " You spoke coldly not even looking in his direction.
" Y/n don't do this. You're angry and don't hate me please. " Jungkook again walked towards you and tried touching your cheeks.
" No... This is over. This is it. You said yourself. " You smacked his hand harshly and your tone was getting cold.
Jungkook looked defeated, frustrated, and more like guilty. " I can ask yoongi hyung to- "
" I don't need your friends to watch my back when you were the one who stabbed me there. " You gritted your teeth. You realized your voice was way harsh when he flinched.
" You said this is over. So leave.! " You said showing him the direction towards the door.
" Y/n, please. " He again tried to speak but this time you aren't having his shits.
" Get out of my house Jungkook-shii. " You said plainly and he nodded accepting his defeat.
You watched him walking, grabbing his things, and moving out of your house.
your body had switched to autopilot, feeling numb as you laid on your bed. Thinking about what could go wrong. you were feeling drained as you stared at your ceiling. Slowly sobs left from your mouth as the realization hit you.....there's no more love, no more jungkook,s presence, no more his face would be the first thing you'll see in the morning. No one to call yours.
You shifted around your bed and found a photo frame of yours and jungkooks on the nightstand. It was a candid shot....your favorite one.....he looked so happy around you in that picture and you were staring at him lovingly. Jungkook didn't know the photo was being clicked, neither you did. You know it'll be hard to move on but you can't sit and grief over a person who didn't even fought for you. Who didn't gave a second thought before leaving you behind?
later you thought of asking for a transfer from your superior, maybe moving onto a new place would help you move on. You had skills, a talent so you'll be able to survive. You had no friends no family to start with...not even jungkook's. Indeed they were great guys but they didn't contact you after jungkook left. And that's when you realized that they never considered you in their group....just an outsider...a stranger. You never fitted between them and that proved jungkook's theory of not choosing you. His friends only tolerated you because of him. you never belonged there.
After a few days, your transfer request was accepted and you were all ready to leave the past and move on to a new city, a new place. You still got those flashbacks of jungkook's memory but you didn't dwell on that too much. It wasn't the time to grieve and cry over him but to let go. It was time to let go of those hurtful memories.
" why isn't she here yet? " Jimin asked irritatingly.
" patience isn't your thing Jimin. Is it? " yoongi replied as he sipped on his drink.
" no, it isn't. Our precious jiminie can't be patient for too long. " Taehyung teased Jimin as Jimin scowled.
" she'll be here soon. " Namjoon replied as he looked towards the door waiting for someone to enter.
It was almost four years to the day you left everything behind. They didn't contact you because of jungkook and when jungkook realized that he did mess up big he came back searching for you, only to find that you were gone.
He never thought that you would leave. You didn't have any close friends just your colleagues who didn't tell jungkook where you went because...let's just say that you asked for a favor for the first time and they did help you. You changed your number, your bank account, you weren't active on social media either so it took time to track you down.
" Are you sure she wants to see us.? " hoseok asked frowning in confusion. Because no one would call them great friends on your part.
"I don't think so. We did her wrong and we didn't even meet her because kook told us not to. Her heart was broken so I guess she did the right thing " jin replied walking towards the crowd.
" Hyung is right. I don't even know why jungkook is so reluctant on meeting her. She probably hates him and us. " Jimin stated the facts while trying to find jungkook in the crowd.
Just after that, you entered the ballroom like a cinderella indeed. almost every head turned towards you. You were beautiful as always in that baby blue gown and a soft and calming smile rested on your lips. You looked younger than before. You felt everyone's every on you and it made you nervous. But you didn't mind that much and walked towards the center. The waiter gave you champagne and you thanked him.
" wow...she looks - " taehyung gaped at your sight
" happy. " namjoon interrupted in between completing his sentence.
You sipped on your drink as you glanced around, several eyes were on you. It made your ears turn red. You were not a big fan of crowds and today you were the center of it. You just wanted to turn your back and hide in your cozy apartment. as you turned around you gasped...eyes widened as you saw who was standing in front of you.......
The sight in front of you froze you. You never expected to see the same pair of eyes again. Jungkook looked more manly and good in his fitted black suit and eyebrow piercing. He looked good there was no doubt in it, but what more shocked you was that how was this possible? how can he be here?
" you look beautiful y/n," he spoke with a small smile on his face and sparkles in his eyes.
Suddenly you felt at the loss of words. All the old memories, emotions flooded back making you nauseous. You could've done anything everything for him if he asked you to. But that was all in past, you've moved on. or maybe not.
" What are you doing here. ? " you replied as your grip on the glass tightened.
" I came to see you," he answered. Honestly.
" well I don't want to so please if you'll excuse me," you spoke coldly as anger erupted inside you.
He shook his head in a no as you were about to walk away. He almost held your hands softly to stop you. You pulled your hands away and frowned.
" It's just not..me...everyone's here..to see you. " His voice was rather soft as he gave you a piece of new information.
" look you need to leave...all of you." you gritted your teeth as he mentioned everyone. Why are he and everyone even here after so long? that makes no sense.
" We just got here y/n..and it's been- " Jungkook tried convincing you but he frowned when you didn't let him speak.
" Yes, it's been four years...four fucking years...jungkook...And I don't want to have any sort contact with you jungkook so please leave. " You snapped raising your voice by now.
Jungkook frowned as you dodged his advances. He still thought you're the same lovesick puppy who'll listen to everything he'll say. " You aren't going to give me a chance to even explain myself? " He said coming closer.
" What chance.? What chance are you talking about Jeon? You left me. That's it. End of the story. " You answered.
" I left I know... But.. I came back but you weren't their baby. Please listen-" His eyes showed some emotion. Which honestly you didn't want to acknowledge.
" I don't care. You have to leave jungkook, please. " You said softly as you don't want to make a scene here.
" Please y/n.....just 5 minutes please.? " Jungkook begged through his doe eyes. Years ago you would've done anything to take that pain away from his eyes but today you felt like you didn't care anymore. It's not your business.
" Jungkook no. Leave. " Your voice was Stern. That's it you won't entertain him anymore.
" Just a dance at least? Please-" He cupped your cheeks softly as you struggled with your inner turmoil.
"Jung-" You were about to say something but then he spoke again.
" I made a mistake I know let me -"
" Excuse me?..... Mind if I say something? " A deep voice cut in between taking both of your attention towards the voice.
Jungkook glared at the person and his displeasure was written on his face. " Yes. We aren't done talking yet. " Jungkook spat harshly.
" Jungkook. " You warned him.
" Oh is he jungkook?. " The same person spoke questioning you.
" I don't know you. So please excuse us. " Jungkook spoke as he glared at the person.
" Jungkook... Meet him. Kim Jongin. My fiance. " You introduced.
A/N2 : personally, I'm very proud of our y/niee.:)
@yellabella77 @bri-mal @sweetwolfcupcake @g-o-bs--fanfictions @miyaohyeahh @dearbambideer @favfanfictsbts @emojkluvr @abcdefjklmno123 @stannorr @kooookie @realhotficshit @sweetlovesjk @kookieboo @sublimekidoafknight @bonny-kookoo
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lightlycareless · 2 years
I can't seem to get the idea of scorned ex-husband!naoya out of my brain. Doing every and anything just to spite his ex-wife (and get her back lol)
Heya anon!!!
Sorry this took a while to get at, I was a bit busy and kind of low-spirited when it came to writing. But I'm finally done with it! Thank you for your patience 🥰
Omg if his ex-wife managed to get a divorce out of him—wow, I applaud you. I don't think Naoya would let go of you so easily, because it can be interpreted as him being a failure to his marriage (not making it work) and allowing the woman to leave, you know?
I'm taking it as if you were the one to file for divorce.
Well, now that the process was done, and you're out of the Zen'in estate, you'd think both parties would be able to move on.
But if there's something that you've learned with your time married to Naoya, is that he's not one to give up easily—and you'll be reminded of that constantly.
You'll try to make the best of your new life as a single woman now. Try out the things that you were forced to put on hold as his housewife—you start by reconnecting with your friends.
You decide to meet up in one of your favorite cafés. As you wait for your friend, you decide to go to the counter and order something, there, you bump into Naoya.
You don't think much of it, after all, the establishment is located in a heavily frequented area of the city, so it would make sense that he would be there. However, it does become uncomfortable, more so when all he did was shoot you a quick glance and leave after you tried to amicably greet him.
Well, the divorce process was kind of messy, so it would make sense he wouldn't want to be involved with you anymore.
Or so you believe, because he always intended to be there. He knew you were going to meet up with someone—how so? Because he hired a private detective as soon as you moved out of his house.
Naoya hasn't moved on from you. At all. Because he still can't believe you actually separated from him.
He spends most of his day wondering what the actual cause of the divorce was. You say that you just didn't feel happy with him (And wanted to detach from the whole dating/marriage scene for a while soon after that, but let's be real, his expectations alongside his family was just... too much)
He thinks you (somehow) met someone else.
But before he can do anything, he has to be sure. Thus, the private detective comes into scene.
When he sees that your meeting is with a woman, he eases off a bit. That is, until the next time you meet up with someone and it's a man...
This is when he decides to take things to the next level—he'll start seeing you much more frequently, but in the company of another woman. He believes that this way, you'll start to see that you've messed up by divorcing him.
Naoya's the kind of person to spend like, allot of money when it comes to show off. And that's exactly what he's going to do.
If you're in the same place as him, he'll buy just about anything for his companion, causing the last to squeal about how much she loves him for spoiling her (bribery to act that way, perhaps?), in hopes of getting some kind of jealous reaction out of you.
But you don't. If anything, you glance at them a bit... confused. First, because why are you bumping into Naoya more frequently? Didn't he curse you the last day of the divorce process, saying that he no longer wanted to see you again? Second, why is his companion so dramatic? Is this... staged??
Anyways, you move on from this situation pretty quickly. However, just as stated before, Naoya does not.
He's getting desperate, he wants your attention—so I think he resorts to something even more dramatic, which is contacting your family with the most outrageous claim: before you moved out, you stole some prized family heirloom, and he's demanding to have it back (by meeting up) or file charges against you.
This finally gets your attention, but not in the good way. You don't even know where Naoya got the audacity to make such claim, your family obviously doesn't believe him, but it's not one you're letting slide. You simply limit yourself to meet up with him and tell him to stop whatever it is that he's doing, or you'll have to file your own charges against him.
The conversation is less heated than you expected, mainly because all that Naoya can do is just... stare at you. He's speechless when you're basically telling him that the relationship between the two is over, and never pull that stunt again. After all, he's the one that said that he never wanted to see you again after all the humiliations you put him through with his family, why is he changing his tune now?
Naoya leaves and that's the last you hear of him.
That is, until a week later, you receive a call in the early hours of the morning from him. You were very.... indecisive when it came to picking it up, however, because you grew up with the idea that nobody calls at 3AM in the morning unless there was an emergency, you decide to take the call, listening to a undeniably drunk Naoya (a shocking statement on his own because he never drinks, less to this state), which prompts you to continue with the call.
He's rambling about how he wanted to make sure it was your number, if this wasn't any one of your friends, if you were alone, then hinting it was a mistake to even call you in the first place, all things that are pushing you closer and closer to hanging up, until eventually his mind clears up just enough to finally confess what he's been wanting to tell you ever since you left the house.
He misses you.
He misses you greatly, and that there's not a single time you aren't in his mind. He only conceded to the divorce because his family was pestering him on letting you go, that a partner who gave him that much trouble wasn't worthy to keep around, but if it were to him, he would've fought even harder to keep you.
The reality is, he always wanted to make this marriage work. He wanted you to be with him, he knows he's not the best nor easiest to have around, so... to hear you say you wanted a divorce, well, let's say that his insecurities doubled and that sent him down to a spiraling pit of wrong decisions, one after the other, reflection of his frustrations and wanting to keep you around.
Listening to his side of the story is... surprising, to say the least. If there's one thing you know about drunk people, is that they often say the truth. However, it's not enough for you to look past his last actions, his attempts of contacting you. He's allowed to have his feelings, but not do whatever he wants with them, specially if it's hurting you.
But then, he apologizes. He wept about how he didn't like making your mom or dad angry, specially after all they done to him (let's say they treated him sooo much better than Naobito ever did) and more so when he got to taste your anger as well.
This is enough to have you reconsidering, if only for a second, your relationship with Naoya.
You end the call, telling him to stop drinking and go home, rest, and let things clear up a bit. He begrudgingly agrees, murmuring a quick "I love you" before hanging up.
Contact from there has somewhat... calmed down, but not finished. You'd still see him from time to time whenever you went out, which only made you ponder even more on your relationship.
And after days of ruminating on the matter, reflecting on the good and bad of your relationship with him... you approach him with a conclusion.
:> I'll leave that to you, dear anon.
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fiorimaya · 8 months
JanPepper Week: Day One - The Beginning
@janpepperweek Oh gosh... I'm sorry for how late this is. Going to do my best to have something for all the prompts by October! ALSO I know what Janice said in the show about, you know... how she got Floyd LOL but I'm not going to use that (because I just don't know how LOL) but anyways... hope you all enjoy :)
The board-house full of Muppets was busy and loud as per usual, though the thoughts swirling through Janice's mind seemed much louder. All of it was becoming a bit too much for her, so she made her way to the roof and sat down, looking up at the sky as the sun set and painted the sky so many pretty colors. She took a deep breath; only sound she heard being the traffic on the interstate in the distance. This was "her place". Well, her and Floyd's. They had started going up there to the roof all the time just to talk. It had started just over a month earlier when Janice found herself in a rather difficult situation. She was in a band and one of her bandmates had been given another title: her ex. She and Zoot had tried to make it work, but it just didn't work out that way. The Muppet Show was nearing its second season and the last thing Janice wanted was for things to be awkward. Would the band's performances be awkward? And what about the At the Dance sketches in which Kermit had paired her with Zoot?
Her and Zoot had both kept showing up to band rehearsals, and even then, they still spoke to each other. It just felt different. It was weird. Janice didn't like that, and she was sure Zoot didn't like it either. They were close for the longest time; long before anything romantic started between them. Thankfully, it had gotten much better over the last month and a half. The awkwardness was slowly fading, and they were both thankful. But now... new thoughts spun in Janice's mind.
Floyd was always there to listen to her feelings during the whole thing that was happening with her and Zoot. Right there on the roof where she sat was where it always happened. Not only would Floyd listen, but he made Janice feel heard. He made her feel calm. He made her feel less alone. She truly believed that just him being there for her made the whole situation so much more bearable for her. She felt safe with him; and when she really thought about it, she realized no one else had ever made her feel that way. Not even Zoot.
There was just something about the way Floyd talked to her, looked at her, that made her heart skip a beat. She had known Floyd even before she knew the others in the band. She saw him all the time, yet somehow, she wanted to see him even more. She thought that she was in love with Zoot, but she was feeling something now for Floyd that made her doubt that "in love" was exactly what she had felt for Zoot. She cared about Zoot, of course she did. But with Floyd it was just different. It was more.
What would he, like, even see in me anyways? She thought to herself. And wouldn't it be too soon anyways? Like, Zoot and I haven't even been broken up for two months yet.
She sighed and looked up at the sky above her. It was getting darker now, and the stars were lightly twinkling despite the sun not being fully set yet. She knew Floyd would be here soon, looking for her once he noticed she wasn't with the others while they prepared for dinner. As if her thoughts sent him a cue, she heard the door open and felt his presence beside of her.
"Hey Jan. You okay?" He asked her, something off in his voice.
She turned her attention to him then. "Fer sure. Are you?"
He looked down and didn't answer. "Sorry it took me a bit. I noticed you were gone and started to come up but Teeth wanted to talk."
Had something happened between him and Teeth? She shifted so that she could face him, one leg curled under her and the other left dangling off the edge of the roof. "Is everything okay? Did something, like, happen?"
He kept his gaze down and let out a breath. "We just, uh, got into a bit of an argument."
Janice's mouth gaped. "An argument? About what?"
Floyd let out another breath that sounded more like a bit of a laugh this time. Finally, he looked at her. "You."
Janice was taken aback. "Me? Like, why?"
Floyd looked down again, blushing slightly. He knew he could tell her, that she wouldn't be upset with him for it. Because talking about anything and anything at all was just natural for them. It always had been. "He, uh... he caught on and noticed that I, uh, y'know... like you."
Janice just stared at him, not sure exactly what to say at first. Was he saying what she thought he was saying?
"Like... like me?" She finally got a few words out.
Floyd laughed his usual laugh then. "Yeah, Jan. I like you. Y'know, like that. He's just worried if something did ever happen between us like that, what it would mean for the band. Given your history with Zoot and all that."
That made Janice wonder if Teeth had caught on to her having feelings for Floyd, too.
Floyd continued. "I mean, I don't want things to be even more awkward for you and Zoot again after you two are finally getting back to a good, uh, not awkward place. But I just wanted you to know that I do like you a lot, Janice. And... I wanna be with you. I actually have for quite some time now."
Janice felt her cheeks getting warm as she tried to fight a giggle at how cute his rambling was. She couldn't remember him ever doing it before. She had to bite her lip as his rambling continued.
"And I understand if you don't feel the same or you're not ready or if you're, y'know, done with band members or-"
"Floyd, stop," she cut him off, her giggle finally escaping her lips. He looked over at her again, and she rested a hand on his shoulder. "I-I do like you," she smiled. "Y'know, like that."
"You do?" He blinked a few times.
"Fer sure," she nodded. "And I wanna be with you too, Floyd."
Floyd looked at her in disbelief, and then let out a happy laugh. "So... we're a thing now?"
"I'd like to be," Janice coyly told him.
"And Zoot?"
"We'll figure that out later," she told him, wrapping her arms around him. He returned the hug, her face against his chest. She smiled more. "I'm sure everything will like, turn out fine. All I know is I like, wanna be with you no matter what."
Floyd nodded, even though she couldn't see from her position. He gently pressed a kiss into the top of her head and sighed happily. "I feel the same exact way, Jan."
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frogboy0 · 1 month
How does Lute feel about what happened between her and Vaggie in your AU?
Lute is a commander dedicated to her cause, dedicated to Heaven, everything she knew and believed in was taught to Vaggie by HER. Vaggie was practically an EXTENSION of herself (both literally and figuratively)
I DO think that Lute cared for Vaggie, I think before Vaggie fell, they both cared for each other IMMENSELY. They literally did everything together even outside of training and stuff. BUT.....
My Lute is a very................. unemotional person. Like, she's cool to hang around with and stuff but, she's kinda like your emotionally distant dad. Her and Vaggie were close and I think Vaggie's 'betrayal' (that's how she sees it) really did hurt but since she's not one to want to or even have TIME to think about those feelings, Lute on the outside is cold and unaffected.
Okay this is long so rest is under the cut 😋
I think she tried reason with herself that this was BOUND to happen. 'Vaggie has always been too nice', 'she was never cut out for this anyway', 'She only got as far as she did by sheer dumb luck', stuff like that.
She tells herself this but on the inside, this shit hurts like a BITCH!!!!!!! Because FUCK!!!!!!!! They were each others' everything at one point!!!!! (In a familiar sense) Lute literally taught her eveything she knew!!!! She was her mentor!!!!! They LOVED EACH OTHER!!!!!!! And it fucking HURTS to know Vaggie had gone against Heaven and had broken one of their rules that Lute KNEW that she ALWAYS followed.
I imagine that sometimes, during the RARE instances that Lute finds herself with nothing to do, she thinks about Vaggie. She would wonder what made that Extermination Day any different from the THOUSANDS they've done before? What about one child made Vaggie do a complete one 180? What made Vaggie spare a Sinner?
(What would have happened if Lute pretended not to see Vaggie do it?)
But it happened and it was done. Lute HAD to de-wing Vaggie, she HAD to leave her in Hell. It was punishment. Heaven doesn't do second chances when it comes to the exorcists, it just doesn't work like that (Lute never questioned why).
And you can totally skip this part if you didn't read my fanfic (I wouldn't blame you for not LOL)
Towards the 2nd of the fic, during the Extermination when Vaggie and Charlie reunite and Lute approaches them, Lute has on full Exorcist Angel armor obvi so the others can't see her face or how she's feeling IT'S A METAPHOR BC IM SO ARTSY FARTSY!!!!!!
Lute puts up these walls so no one, not even Vaggie, knows how she truly feels, she does this because of her position, so it makes sense for her walls to personify in her ARMOR!!
In the fanfic, the entire scene, Lute is paying NO MIND to Charlie, her attention is on Vaggie the whole time, which should be concerning as she's a literal exorcist and the princess of Hell is standing right in front of her.
It's a moment of weakness for Lute. She doesn't say anything but it was important that she saw Vaggie. She knew Vaggie would survive in Hell, not just because (at that point, what they all still believed) Angels couldn't die, but also Because, despite all the things Lute tried to convince herself about Vaggie after she was banished, she knew that Vaggie was tough, that she could handle anything.
The surprise wasn't seeing Vaggie, it was seeing Vaggie, narrow eyed (single eyed, because of her), and with her spear pointed at Lute.
Lute was now an enemy to Vaggie.
So Vaggie was an enemy to Lute.
TLDR; Lute did and STILL DOES care for Vaggie and she was SUPER upset about Vaggie sparing a Sinner and she does wish things turned out differently but has repressed her emotions so much that all she could reason within herself is that Vaggie got what was coming to her for betraying Heaven and after seeing her fight on the side of Hell, she understands that they're enemies for all of eternity
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madly-empirical · 1 year
Surprises from reading IWTV for the first time I knew the TV show was a reinvention/reinterpretation from the books, but just coming off of re-watching the movie there were some things that I was surprised to find out: - Louis helps Lestat kill someone before he's turned him into a vampire (???) - Louis kills Lestat's father but makes him forgive him first without knowing the full story (it's like a mercy killing because the old man is dying so that "merciful death" nickname is a whole thing isn't it) - Louis kills a priest for being understandably annoyed when someone confesses to have been killing for a hundred years (did you think he wouldn't be offended be serious louis) - Louis says killing people was not a moral, but an aesthetic choice (very surprised, I thought the killing people was the main point of conflict but no?)
- There's a subplot with another wealthy slave-owning family where Louis tries to stop Lestat from killing a young man and is involved with his sister named Babette when he fails (it doesn't go well for her...) - Louis knows that Lestat wanted to be priest but was taken out of school by his father - Lestat calls books "mortal nonsense" (lol) - Louis' late brother who had religious visions also had yellow hair so parallels - Louis is weird about money (he's spending all my money, but he never has trouble getting his own, I have to manage everything, I keep him dependent on me, etc., etc.) - Lestat massacres the slaves on his way out, and Louis appears to join him (Very hard to tell for sure) - Louis drags nearly everything about Lestat except for his physical appearance - Lestat falls asleep at the opera (they're long Louis!) - Lestat loves Macbeth and will shout lines from the play at passersby on the way home (unfortunately that's the love of your life) - Claudia is colder and creepier in the book (it's interesting that she never plays music after Lestat is gone...) - Lestat threatens to kill Claudia all the time behind her back and at least once to her face - Louis notices that Lestat is afraid when Claudia asks questions about vampires stuff - Lestat, in a clear fib, tells them there's no other vampires besides them - Claudia tells Louis that she's going to kill Lestat and he's in the room where it all goes down - Claudia gots the hubris ("Do you think I will have my power and his when I take him?") - She is also super convinced that Lestat is dead the second time, but girl why? - Claudia and Louis have troubles before Armand shows up stemming from the murder of Lestat (she did tell you what she was going to do!) - Louis pretends to a vampire hunter to explain some weird stuff in Eastern Europe where they find mindless vampires (like some else said, why would you bring your 5 year old daughter to the vampire hunt??) - When they can't find any other vampires like them, Louis is like I might have believed that we were the only ones if Lestat was the kind of person to have been some kind of serious sorcerer — but he clearly ain't (lol) - Louis is totally head-over-heels ignoring all red flags and ready to go as soon as Armand shows up (even after Armand is like killing vampires is exciting that's why it's forbidden and btw I used my powers to influence you to make Madeline a vampire...) - Madeline is a dollmaker and makes elegant miniature furniture for Claudia so she lives like a fairy queen - Armand keeps going on and on about a tower and how a healthy vampire would survive falling off it (-_-) - Armand is like yes, mindless vampire are called revenants and it's like how do you know that but no one asks - Lestat is in Paris when Claudia is killed, clearly tricked and confused he thinks he can take Louis home with him (He is also afraid of Armand. Insane that there's like ten years between the publication of IWTV and TVL, it's so clear that something went down between the two of them but there's zero hints in IWTV on what it was) - Lestat is frantic and weepy when Louis sees him in his grey gardens area. Louis thinks he is dying the way vampires die according to Armand, he can no longer endure immortal life (maybe it was the being murdered more than once that got to him Louis? Just maybe that might have had some effect...) Overall, I found book!Louis infuriating, hypocritical, complicit (NOT passive) and kind of self-involved. Impossible to tell what it felt like to read it for the first time without having knowledge from later books. Reading TVL makes me more sympathetic towards book!Louis because there's just so much he doesn't and couldn't know — especially about Armand and his hypno-powers. Obviously, it's very likely that he was doing a similar thing to Louis to what he tried to do to Lestat. Also, Lestat's version of himself sounds exhausting. He wants to go out every night!!
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giggly-squiggily · 1 year
hi i come with modern au sanekana hcs because that one guy on tiktok kinda pissed me off lmao
kanae notices that sanemi's kinda nervous when he's supposed to come to her house for the first time and she gives him this really sweet pep talk about how he has nothing to be nervous about because her parents are gonna love him and he's gonna get along with them so well and they're so kind and fun to be around and when she's finished he's like "thank you so much i'm actually scared of shinobu tho" and she just goes "oh yeah well lol u should be ngl"
all of sanemi's siblings love kanae, they always follow her around when she visits and draw her pictures (mostly flowers, sometimes they draw her with sanemi and she keeps all of those pictures hidden from him in a box under her bed so he won't be embarrassed)
(butterfly girls are still a thing, they're all shinobu's and kanae's adopted sisters) aoi and kanao actually knew sanemi before he and kanae got together because they've been friends with genya since elementary school and shinobu finally admits he might not be as horrible as she suspected when she sees aoi tackle him at the door and he doesn't even hesitate before picking her up and swinging her around
they'd become a couple at 16/17 and at some point later sanemi gets a motorcycle because don't tell me he wouldn't and kanae's not very enthusiastic at first ("motorcycles are death machines i'm telling you!") until he takes her for a ride and she falls in love with it even more than him ("and there's my giiiirl, looking good!" - "flower i'm like. right here.")
they were caught making out at a party by tengen and mitsuri and when sanemi went "if you tell anyone i'll kill you!" mitsuri immediately reassured him that ofc they wouldn't tell anyone. she then turns to tengen like "right uzui" and he's on his phone; "hang on i gotta send this to the group chat- what were you saying?"
sanemi's hesitant with buying flowers, jewelry, clothes or anything like that for kanae because of his colorblindness and mitsuri picks up on that (besties because i said so) and offers her help so from then on sanemi sends her pictures of things to doublecheck and sometimes she'll go shopping with him and help him pick out flowers
kanae likes to put small gifts in sanemi's locker in between periods when they're still in school so sometimes he'll find small baked goods or a cute sticker or something like that and you better believe he puts all of those stickers on his folders and books (obanai tries to bully him about it but sanemi can't be bothered)
kanae always patches sanemi up when he gets into a fight and makes sure he's okay but it's obvious that she's upset about it and sanemi's trying to hard to stop but it's really hard, then a particularly brutal fight lands him in the hospital and that's what gets him to finally open up to her about it and accept her help (it gets better after that)
kanae loves sanemi's scars and she likes to subtly kiss them when he's feeling kinda down to signalize that she loves all of him (he knows what she's doing but he never addresses it because it kinda works and also he doesn't want to destroy the illusion of being sneaky for her)
that's it for now, sorry for barging in with this list just like that 😭
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AHHHHHHHH *Faints* I ADORE THESE OH MY GOD!!! (And honestly valid! Tiktok's got some wild takes, that's for sure 😅) Lemme just- I need second hold on-
First of all; Sanemi being terrified of Shinobu and Kanae being: "Yeah, you should be" is literal GOLD WKJRJKERKJEKJ She gives this beautiful pep talk and he's all: "What about Shinobu?" "Oh babe you're dead. I'll come to your funeral though :D"
And the MOTORCYCLE YESSS!!! My man's definitely a biker- He'd get a super cool one with wind designs on it- always bringing an extra helmet (and a small one for the kiddos if he's picking up either his siblings or her siblings). He'd get her one with flowers and butterflies on it cause she's adorable and deserves it. They'd go on long drives at night, her arms around his chest and face against his back. He'd love every moment of it.
THE SIBLINGS LOVING THEM YES!!! His little bros and sisters would ADORE HER! Her little ducklings- they'd follow her into around like you said, bringing little flowers or doodles, asking for hugs or for her to braid their hair, she's got such a lovely voice too- they'd ask her to read them stories or sing to them AHH! And I just love the idea of Sanemi and Aoi being a little tag team of chaos! He'd be her number one supporter (and practice patient- the guy's accident prone whoops) when she starts wanting to go to medical school.
NOT UZUI HELP KEJKREJRJKEWRKJEWKJRJK But yes oh my god even in the canon they're besties holy- I love Mitsuri being his guide due to his colorblindness. The Flowers AHHH! He'd get her all kinds! I'm so soft at that part of him finally opening up to her and accepting her help- outside the girlies she's so careful and sweet with him and he feels equal parts guilty and loved cause he hates making her witness all his injuries but also just loves her touch OH MY GOD HELP-
THE SNEAKY KISSES!!!! She's just: "Oh look at that-" *kiss scar on forehead*" Or when he falls asleep against her shoulder she just kinda leans in and *smooch*. She'll run her fingers against them with the warmest of smiles and he's internally melting cause she's so sweet just AKLJREJKLRKJLEKJREJKRJKEJKR I'M SHIPPING IT HELP-
(Oh who am I kidding I've shipped it since I've watched Demon Slayer Comics lols no one ask me which ones they were all titled in Japanese lettering I'm not wise enough to identify which kind).
Thank you for sharing Rey, this was AMAZING! (And no worries- barge in with the list anytime you like :D)
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