#lol wow it sounds insane when I type it all out
davnittbraes · 1 year
Okay friends, I’m admitting defeat. I concede to this day. I bow my head in shame and slip away into the shadows to live with the burden of my failure for the rest of my miserable days.
AKA I’m only halfway done editing the next chapter of TWILE and I have approx 1384844920103 things to do today, so I don’t think I’ll get to posting. Unless someone can clone me? Anyone? No? Sigh. Worth a shot.
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leossmoonn · 2 years
Falling For You
pairing - steve harrington x fem!reader
type - fluff
summary - after unwillingly tutoring steve, you both begin to fall for each other 
warnings / includes - s1 steve! mlid language, food consumption, underaged drinking, suggestive, making out. nancy and steve never dated in this, but they're friends. also I haven't watched s1 since it first came out so im sorry if my depiction of douchebag Steve is wrong lol
*gif isn’t mine*
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“Oh, hell no!” you scoff, slamming your locker shut. 
“Please, Y/n? He’s failing so bad and really, really needs the help. It'll only be for the semester,” Nancy begs. “Only for the semester. Nance, that’s like an eternity!” you laugh sourly. 
“He’s not that bad, I promise,” Nancy assures. “Oh, yeah, him smashing Jonatha's camera makes him “not bad”,” you snort.
“He’s really sweet once you get to know him,” Nancy says. “That’s what they all say. I’m not going to waste my time with some idiot who would rather make out in a dirty bathroom than be in class,” you remark. 
“I mean the benefits outweigh the consequences,” Nancy shrugs. You give her a “seriously” look. 
“I’m kidding! But his mom won’t stop bothering me about it. And since I don’t have the highest GPA…” 
“And I do?” you raise your brows. “You really want Mike to tutor him? They would rip each other to shreds,” Nancy says. 
“Oh, that really sells it,” you roll your eyes. “Look, thank you for thinking of me, but I’m not the right person to tutor him. Find a teacher or something. Or hey, you can just tutor him, but I’m not interested.” you spin on your heel and walk away, Nancy calling after you. 
“You don’t even want to earn an extra buck?” Nancy asks. “You forget that I have a job!” You exclaim, continuing to walk away. 
The idea of tutoring Steve “the Hair” Harrington is so ridiculous, you soon forget about it. That is until he sits down next to you at lunch 
The eye-watering, overwhelming scent of men’s cologne wafts into your nose. You scoot away from the smell, trying to focus back on your book.
“God, you are such a cliché.”
Your brows raise when you hear Steve’s voice. You should have known it’s him by the insane amount of hair spray you could also smell. You don’t look at him when you reply. 
“And you aren’t?” You scoff. Steve shrugs “yeah, but you’re sitting here alone reading a book while drinking chocolate milk from a straw.”
You don’t reply to him. Instead, you ignore him, blocking out any sound from him. But it fails when he begins to tap the table and hum. You groan internally, covering the ear that’s right next to him while you read the same sentence for the 10th time in a row.
“Um, hello? Are you okay?” Steve waves his hand in front of your face. You swat it away, sitting up and slamming your book closed. “What do you want?”
“Nancy told me you can tutor me since I’m failing,” he explains. Your eyes widen and you grit your teeth. “She said what?”
“Woah. I thought you knew,” Steve says. “Well, obviously not! I-I told her I can’t tutor you. God, I’m going to kill her,” you mumble. 
“Hey, why can’t you tutor me?” he frowns. You laugh dryly. “No offense, but you are… you, and I’m me.”
“Wow. That sounds like something I would say,” he chuckles. “That’s great because then you know what I mean,” you say. 
“Okay, but seriously, why won’t you tutor me? Are you like, too busy or something?” he asks. 
“Nope,” you shake your head. “Then what is it?” he presses. 
“Can’t you just accept a simple “no”?” you remark. 
“Your “no” needs an explanation.”
“Alright, fine,” you sigh. “I don’t want to tutor you, Steve. Not because I’m too busy, but because I don’t like you, and I refuse to spend time with someone whom I don’t like.”
“Wow, you have hurt me,” he pouts. “Good. Now, can you please go away?” you gesture your hand to shoo him away.
“But I really need a tutor, and Nancy recommended you. And trust me, I begged her to tutor me, but she said she doesn't like to tutor people.”
“Of course she did,” you sigh. “Look,” Steve states. “I wouldn’t be begging if it wasn’t important. I understand that you don’t like me. My reputation does not treat me well, but I really need your help. Just a couple of sessions to prepare me for a couple of my tests. Please, Y/n. I-I’ll even pay you.”
You look at him, feeling sorry for the guy. He looks sincere enough, with his brows furrowed and bottom lip pulled into a pout. Although you did have a job, the extra money would really help pay for college. Every penny counts, right?
You figure you could charge Steve anything since he’s so desperate, and you’ve heard his family has money. 
“Alright. 20 an hour or nothing,” you propose. “The hell? 10,” he argues. 
“16,” you bargain. “13,” he says. “15,” you frown. 
“Sounds like a deal,” he nods. “You’re so cheap,” you roll your eyes. 
“And you’re a very good person. I’ll see you at your place tonight?” He suggests. 
“Um, no. The library,” you frown. “Really? That’s such a boring place,” he groans.
“Library or no tutoring at all,” you threaten. “Fine, fine. After school?” he asks. 
“Sure,” you nod. “Fantastic! I’ll see you then, tutor girl,” he smiles. 
“If that becomes a thing, then I will make sure you fail.”
His brows raise. “You’re a bigger party pooper than Nancy said.” 
“Good to know that’s what my friend thinks of me,” you flash him a fake smile. “Bye, Harrington.”
“Bye, Y/n,” he gives you a little wave, jumping out of his seat and prancing back to his regular table. 
You make a mental note to pick a fight with Nancy. You also mentally prepare yourself for the worst couple of hours you’ll ever endure.
Steve’s late, as expected. You keep glancing at your watch, scolding yourself on how stupid you were to say yes. Now Steve is 15 minutes late. He probably isn’t even coming, you think. You decide to just pack up the textbooks and go home. There’s no reason to help someone who obviously doesn’t want to be helped.
As you’re about to walk out the door, it swings back, revealing Steve. Your immediate reaction is to yell at him, but you quickly taken in his appearance. Loose shirt, messy hair, face flushed. You would have thought he had been making out with someone, but his eyes tell a different story.
“I’m so sorry,” he spills out. “I-I got into a fight with my dad and he wouldn’t let me go until he was done yelling at me. And because I knew you would be mad, I asked Nancy was your favorite candy was and I got you some.” He holds out the grocery bag of chocolate and sour candy.
You open your mouth to speak, but quickly shut it when you realize you don’t know what to say. You never thought that Steve Harrington might actually have a more difficult life than he leads on at school. And he bought you candy because he felt bad, so that earns him a few points.
“It’s no problem. I… thank you.” you give him a small smile as you take the bag from him.
“I’ll try not to be late again,” he promises. You nod, “sounds good. Let’s get started, yeah?”
He nods and follows you to the desk you were sitting at. You unpack your bag, pulling out his transcript you printed.
“Woah, How did you get that?” he asks. “I asked the principal for it,” you shrug.
“Oh, are you and the principal like best friends?” he smirks.
“No, I just tutor a lot of kids and it’s easier for me to see what areas they are struggling on if I have this.”
He nods, “I see. So, how many other kids do you tutor?”
“Three others,” you answer. “Do they all suck as bad as me?” Steve chuckles.
“Actually, one of them sucks worse than you. He doesn’t even try. All he does it play guitar in his band, and he’s part of this D&D club, too.”
“Wow. What a loser.”
You shake your head. “He’s not a loser. He’s just gotten the short stick. He’s really smart, he just never has been encouraged to do better.”
“Are you nice to everyone?” Steve asks. “I try to be. Everyone except you, of course,” you give him a sweet smile.
He rolls his eyes. “Of course.” You read his transcript, raising your brows at the numbers. Steve leans over the paper anxiously. “Why are you making that face?”
You glance at him from the side, shooing him away. “Don’t get in my bubble.”
“Sorry, I’m just trying to see what you’re seeing.”
“Well, what I’m seeing is actually better than I thought. You aren’t failing too bad.”
“I’m still failing.”
“Yeah, but you’re getting 60% and 70% which I know is below average, but it’s more than half, which means you know some of the material on tests. Are you just confused about what you’re doing in your class?”
“Yeah, kind of,” he admits. You stare at him, smiling a little bit once you reach your conclusion. “I see now. You’re actually really smart, but sometimes you don’t understand the material. That causes you to be embarrassed so you don’t reach out for help.”
Heat rises to his cheeks and he looks down at the table. “Isn’t every kid like that?”
“No. I tutor this one girl who actually has no idea what is going on, and not because she doesn’t pay attention. It looks like tutoring you will be easy.”
“That’s good,” Steve beams. “Yes, but you still have to learn to ask for help. I know, guys are all “macho” and they hate losing whatever dignity they have, but you’re going to need help all the time in your life. Might as well ask for it now,” you state.
“I-I know how to ask for help!” Steve frowns. “Alright. Then after this tutoring session, I want you to ask at least two of your teachers for help. If you can do that, then I don’t really think you need me as a tutor,” you say.
“That’s such a stupid idea.”
“Well, deal with it. I mean, I can just not tutor you at all, if that’s what you want.”
“No, no!” Steve exclaims, earning glares from people. “I need your help. Please,” he begs.
You smirk at him. “Look at you, already taking the next step.”
The next couple of hours aren’t actually horrible. Nancy was right, Steve is really sweet. He’s also naturally funny and can be serious when he really wants to. You wonder if the “King Steve” act is all a lie, or he is just playing nice with you because he knows you’re his only chance at passing this year of high school. Either way, you enjoy his company.
As for Steve, he is surprised by how not stuck-up you are. He’s only had you in two classes, and that was in freshman year. You knew every answer to every question, which annoyed him to no end. Then you went off to more advanced classes, which enabled him to never see you again. Until now, of course.
You’re surprisingly funny, and a lot more sarcastic and a little bit more brazen than he expected, but he enjoys the time with you anyways. As expected, you’re very down-to-business, but you have a soft side that Steve looks forward to seeing more in the next couple of sessions.
“Good work today, Harrington. I actually think you’re going to pass,” you tease.
“Thanks. You have so much confidence,” he rolls his eyes.
You grin, “I’m kidding. Just put in the work, and ask for help. You’ll be getting A’s in no time.”
Steve can’t help but smile as well. One, because your smile is contagious. But someone having faith in him is nice. The last time someone had faith in his academics was when he was in elementary school, and at that time, it didn’t matter if you were smart or not. Even though you joked about Steve’s academic career, he can see that you meant well and you did believe in him. It feels nice.
“Thanks. So, are we doing this every Thursday?” he asks.
“If that works for you,” you nod. “It does,” he says.
“Awesome. Well, I’ll see you tomorrow, probably.” you stand up and pack your things, holding your hand out for him to shake.
He laughs, “sounds like we’re business partners.”
“In a way we are,” you say. He looks down at your hand and back up to you. “Really?”
You sigh in frustration. “You’re making me look like an idiot!”
“You don’t look like an idiot,” he assures. “But you do look like a dork,” he says as he shakes your hand.
“Jeez, thanks,” you mumble. “See you, Harrington.”
“See ya,” he smiles. “Oh, hey! When can I pay you?”
“End of the month!” You answer while walking away.
He watches your retreating figure, snorting at your words. “Definitely like business partners.”
The tutoring sessions went on as planned, each time lasting an hour longer than the last. You both were surprised by how much you actually enjoyed it. Steve obviously didn’t want to have a tutor because that was time taken away from hanging out with friends, and you didn’t want to tutor him because well, we know why. But you exceeded each other’s expectations.
Not only were you able to find out Steve’s learning style, but you found out fun facts about him. Like that he’s an only child, his first kiss was when he was 10 — it was while playing spin the bottle. He’s always wanted a dog, something like a golden retriever — typical. And he’s more sincere than you would have ever guessed. He actually has a heart. Who would have thought?
But as for you, Steve knew absolutely nothing about you. Nothing super personal, anyways. He did learn little quirks about you, though. Like how you like to drink everything out of a straw. How you always pinch your nose right before you sneeze. That when you think something is super funny, you’ll wheeze laugh and snort. And when you get flustered, which it’s not difficult to make you very nervous, you tend to deflect by insulting the person.
He figures that knowing all these little things about you is better than knowing super personal details. For the time being, at least. Girls love it when guys pay attention to things they do. It usually gets Steve lucky. But, funnily enough, Steve wasn’t paying attention to you to get lucky. For one, he spent almost four hours once a week staring at you and spending one-on-one time with you. It was hard not to.
Steve should have known the signs earlier. The fact that he couldn’t wait to get out of class to see you to do more school. The blush on his cheeks he gets when you tease him. The little pitter-patter in his heart when you say his name with an annoyed smile on your face. The fact that you never fail to lighten up his mood, whether that’s when he’s actually with you, or when he thinks about you if he’s feeling sad and lonely. This all means that he has a little crush on you. Which is bad.
Steve is convinced that you would never date him because he’s not up to your standards. Hell, he’s not up to his standards for you, either. With that being said, he’s Steve Harrington, which means that he can surely woo you enough to date you. But he secretly hopes you like him for who he really is.
Steve shows up to your tutoring session with a bouquet of roses and another pack of your favorite candy.
“Oh, thank you. What’s this for?” You ask as you grab the roses.
“Just thanking you for putting up with me,” he explains. “Well, thank yourself. You make it easy,” you smile at him.
He smiles back, staring at you for a little bit too long. You nervously laugh and step back.
“Do I have something on my face?” you ask.
“Hm?” his eyes widen. “Oh, no. I’m sorry. I zoned out.”
“Are you high or something?” you joke. “No!” he exclaims. “I don’t do drugs.”
You cock your brow up. “Don’t worry. I won’t arrest you, but that’s good. You’re saving your brain.”
He lets out a breath laugh. “More like you are saving my brain. Because of the, uh, you know, tutoring.” he awkwardly scratches the back of his head. He doesn’t know why he’s so awkward all of a sudden. He’s usually so confident, that people tell him to tone it down, but with you, you just make him so tense.
You giggle softly, warming his heart. “Good one, Harrington. Are you ready to study?”
“Yes,” he nods. He follows you to the usual study space, getting started on his homework. 10 minutes in, he finds it hard to focus on economics. His eyes keep sliding to you, and not being able to look away. You look so pretty, like you do every day. He just can’t help but admire you, especially since he’s so close to you now. Usually, he would stare at you from afar at lunch, but he gets to appreciate your beauty during the study sessions.
“Harrington? Harrington, hello? Steve!” you snap your fingers in front of his face.
He jumps back. “Y-Yeah?”
You frown, “what is wrong with you today? Are you tired or something?”
“N-No. I… I’m sorry. I have a lot on my mind,” he says.
“Well, if you don’t think you can focus today, all you have to do is just reschedule. I can do tomorrow evening,” you offer.
He shakes his head. “Tina is having a party.”
Your eyes widen in shock. You feel embarrassed for no reason. Of course he’s going to a party, you think. Why would he want to spend his Friday night studying in a library with you?
“Oh, yeah. Sorry. Um, are you busy Sunday?”
“No,” he answers. “Do you want to do Sunday then?” you ask.
“No, I can do today,” he says. “Are you sure?” you ask.
“Yeah,” he confirms. You sigh, “alright. If you say so.”
Steve bites his lip, anxiously chewing on it. He feels bad. He can see the frustration on your face. He wishes there is a way he could make up for it, besides obviously paying attention to you. As he thinks for a second, a lightbulb turns on above him.
“Hey, are you busy tomorrow evening?” he asks. You stare a him, giving him the most unbelievable look ever. “Are you seriously inviting me to that party?”
“I- why not? It’ll be fun,” he says. “Steve, I’m not a party person. Well, not that type of party person,” you say.
“It’s not gonna be that type of party. There’s only beer.”
“I don’t really want to be surrounded by sweaty, drunk people.”
“It’s really not like that.”
“Then how come everyone is always hungover the day after?”
He opens his mouth but it shuts close.
“See? It is like that type of party. Thank you for inviting me, but I’ll have to decline.” you look back at the textbook book, re-reading the material to become more familiar with it.
“I’ll stay with you the whole time and I won’t drink, I promise.”
You sigh, “That’s real noble, Steve, but I know what those parties can be like. You’ll want to have fun like everyone else, and that’ll cause you to drink, which will cause you to forget all about me. And it’s not like I need you to babysit me, but I don’t want to be alone.”
He shakes his head and grabs your hand, looking you dead in the eyes. Your heart stops as he touches you. You’re nervous to look at him, but he compels you. You stare into his pretty brown eyes while he tries to convince you.
“I will not leave you alone, I promise. I won’t drink and I will not keep you up past your bedtime, which I know is super early, so we might only be able to stay for an hour,” he finishes with a little grin.
You roll your eyes with a smile, making him even more infatuated with you.
“I… I’ll think about it, okay? But don’t be surprised if I say no.”
“Alright, sounds great!” he exclaims. “I said maybe, not yes,” you remind him.
“But it could turn into a yes,” he adds. “It might,” you agree.
The rest of the tutoring session you were debating whether or not going to that party. It’s not like you were a total party virgin. You had been to one, and you didn’t hate it, but you didn’t know anyone and you also didn’t like smelling B.O. and vomit everywhere you walked. After that, you steered clear of them. It just wasn’t your thing.
But the bad-smelling atmosphere and wasted teenagers aren’t the only things you are worried about.
You hate to admit this, but you’re falling for Steve. You swore to yourself, to Nancy, to Barb, and to your stuffed animals that you would never ever be caught dead falling for someone like Steve. Yet, as it turns out, he gives you butterflies. Makes you laugh and smile so much that your face hurts after each day of studying. You find yourself thinking about him at night and each morning. You get excited when it’s the day you get to tutor him.
It doesn’t help that he keeps proving that he’s not so much of a jerk. He has his moments, but to you, it seems like he’s just been misguided and pressured to be someone he’s not by his unfortunate friend group. Does that excuse the things he has done? No. But it does off an explanation.
You don’t want to embarrass yourself in front of him at the party is what you’re most worried about. You probably would have one drink, but because your tolerance is so low, you’re afraid that you would get drunk off of a couple of sips and fall flat on your face. Or in another scenario, you’re worried that you’ll be too socially awkward to do anything, and you'll just be a wallflower, either forcing Steve to stay with you or end up with him abandoning you. Both scare you, but there is a benefit to going to the party.
You’ll simply be able to spend time with him. Spending 4-5 hours with him once a week is great and all, but you barely talk about anything other than school. You want to get to know him more, have him know more about you. You want spend the whole night with him if that’s possible.
“So, have you decided yet?” Steve asks you after you’re done tutoring him.
“I’ve been focused on this Steve,” you gesture to the textbooks.
“So is that a no?” he asks. You roll your eyes and gently punch his shoulder. “It means no. I’ll let you know tomorrow, how about that?”
“Alright. If you decide to go, let me know an hour before so I can pick you up. And make sure to give me your address,” he says.
“Will do,” you nod.
He stands in front of you, clutching his binders close to his chest. He stares at you, a million words running through his mind. How pretty you are, how excited he is to go to the party with you, how he likes you and wants you to be his girlfriend.
You can see it in his eyes that he wants to say something. Your chest fills with hope, wondering if he’ll ask you out on a date, but he disappoints you like he manages to do every time after your sessions.
“See you tomorrow, Y/n,” he gulps harshly, cursing himself in his head. He sees your face fall and his stomach twists. Before he can say anything else, you’re already telling him goodbye.
“See you, Steve. Goodnight.” you give him a little smile, walking away with your head down. Your shoulders sag and Steve knows he did something wrong. He hopes he can make it up to you tomorrow at the party.
It’s the next say and you’re still nervous about the party. You haven’t officially told Steve you will go yet, and each moment that passes when you don’t tell him, you feel yourself backing out. As much as you don’t want to spend your Friday night partying till the sun rises, you also worry that this will be your only chance at starting something with Steve. So you find him at his locker at the end of the day.
“Hey, Steve,” you give him a shy smile. “Hey, Y/n!” he chirps. He shuts his locker and leans against it, running a hand through his hair. You catch yourself staring at the lion's mane on his head, hoping you’ll get a chance to run your fingers through it tonight.
“What’s up?” he asks.
Now it’s your turn to admire him. The little stubble on his chin and upper lip, the moles on his cheek, and the one on his jaw. His annoyingly perfect hair that you just know feels like a cloud. His cute and charming smile that makes you melt. It all convinces you to go to the party to spend time with him.
“I wanted to tell you that I decided to go to the party,” you answer.
His face lights up and he’s smiling from ear-to-ear. “Really?”
“Yep,” you nod. “That’s awesome! It’s going to be so much fun, I promise,” he beams.
“I don’t doubt it will. But you have to promise not o leave me or anything. I don’t need you to babysit me, but obviously, you’re my only friend that is going so —”
“Don’t worry. I will be your party buddy the whole night.”
“Great, thank you.”
“Of course. I’ll always be there for you.”
There’s a weird couple of seconds where you two are just staring at each other. For a moment, you swear you see his eyes drop down to your lips before they appear looking into your eyes again. You feel a pull towards him, but you remind yourself you’re in school, and everyone is in the hallway. You don’t want your first kiss to be here.
“I’ll see you tonight?” you confirm. “Yes. Oh, I need your address,” he says.
“14056 Copper Hill Drive,” you say. “14056 Copper Hill. Got it”, he nods.
“Cool. Um, what time will you pick me up?”
“Is 7 okay? Or we can go earlier if you want to get dinner.”
The idea of getting dinner with him makes your heart flutter, but you turn it down. You don’t want to go to dinner then to a party right after. You’d rather have them was exclusive events. He looks a little disappointed when you decline, but the light in his eyes doesn’t diminish.
“7 is it. See you, Y/n,” he waves. “See you, Steve,” you smile.
You spent the rest of the day worrying about what to wear, but when 7 o’clock rolled around, you were all dressed up.
You peer out your window, watching with jitters as Steve’s car pulls up. You tell your parents goodbye, practically jumping down the stairs to go outside. As you open the door, you’re surprised to see Steve out of his car. You both stop in your tracks once you see each other.
“Hey,” he smiles, a little breathless from how beautiful you look.
“Hi,” you smile shyly, not being able to take your eyes off of him. He looks so handsome.
“I was gonna go up to the door, but it looks like you were already watching out for me.”
“Sorry. I’m excited.”
His smile gets wider. “Good. I’m glad. Let’s go, shall we?”
You nod and walk to the passenger seat of his car.
“Your house is nice,” he comments once he starts driving. “Thank you. I bet your house is nicer, though. I’ve heard the Harringtons are wealthy.”
Steve shrugs, “we do okay.”
A comfortable silence falls over you two. You arrive at Tina’s party in 15 minutes. You begin to open your door, but Steve stops you.
“M’lady,” he smile as he opens your door. You giggle, “thank you, kind sir.”
You slip your hand into his as you climb out of the car. He shuts the door and locks the car as you two walk to the house still hand in hand.
Steve opens the door and your ears are already bleeding. You look around the small room, scrunching your nose as you see people making out and others having drinking contests.
“Yeah, they go wild,” Steve clicks his tongue. “Let me get you something to drink, yeah?” he suggests.
You nod in agreement. Your heart stops for a moment as you feel his hand on the middle of your back, just an inch higher from where your skin shows.
“This okay?” he leans down to whisper. His breath fans over the neck, making you shiver. “Yeah, yeah,” you nod a little too much.
He smiles a little and guides you to the refreshment table. He grabs himself a beer and pours you some punch.
“Thank you,” you say. You take a sip, trying to taste it it’s spiked. “I can’t tell if it’s alcoholic or not.”
“Here, let me taste,” Steve says. You have him take a sip of your punch. “Oh, it’s a little bit spiked. I can see if she has water.”
“No, no, it’s okay. I won’t have a lot. It won’t hurt me too much,” you shrug.
“Are you sure? I don’t want you to get sick,” Steve worries. You smile at him, your heart warming at his words. “Yes, I’m sure. I’ll only have one cup and then you can find me that water.”
“Alright,” he agrees.
“Yo, Steve!” Tommy exclaims. “Hey!” Steve smiles, bringing him into a hug.
“Look what you brought,” Tommy grins at you, looking at you like a piece of meat.
You look down at your feet, hoping he’ll go away. Luckily, Steve notices your uneasiness and realizes that Tommy is being gross.
“This person is Y/n. She’s my tutor,” Steve explains. Tommy snorts, “you brought your tutor to a party?”
Steve glares at him. “She’s a regular person, too.”
“Yeah, she’s hot,” Tommy says, speaking as if you’re not there.
Steve huffs and wraps a protective arm around you, gently pulling you into his side.
“She’s off-limits, Tommy.”
Tommy holds his hands up in surrender. “Just sayin’. Nice seeing you, Steve.”
“Yeah, you, too,” Steve says bitterly. He turns to you when Tommy leaves. “I’m sorry about him. He’s a horn-dog.”
You sigh, “it’s fine. If he comes back I’ll make sure he stays away.”
Steve laughs, “good plan. Hey, are you sure you want to be here?”
Your head shoots up. “No, I do.”
“You sure? We can leave and just like, watch a movie or something,” he suggests.
You shake your head. “I’m okay.” “Okay. If you want to go home just say the word,” he says.
You nod and smile at him. Your attention strays from him to the radio. “Oh, this is my favorite song! Can we dance?”
“You like Elton John?” Steve raises his brows. “Yes, do you not?” you ask.
“I love him,” Steve says. “I’m just liking you more and more,” you grin as you pull him onto the dance floor.
You two begin to bob your heads, getting more into the music as it progresses. Steve can’t take his eyes off of you. He’s seeing such a different side of you. Someone who is carefree and has sweet dance moves. It’s impossible for him, but he’s falling for you even more.
“I like your dance moves!” he shouts over the music. “Thanks! I’ve had practice,” you grin.
“Oh, really?”
“Yeah! My friends and I have dance battles.”
His smile gets impossibly wider. “That is the most dorkiest thing I’ve ever heard you say.”
“Well, it pays off, right? Plus, you can barely dance!”
“Oh, thanks,” he snorts. “Always speaking the truth,” you wink.
After I’m Still Standing plays, Every Breath You Take plays, allowing you and Steve to catch your breath.
“Do you like The Police, too?” Steve asks. You nod, “they’re one of my favorites.”
“Mine, too,” he agrees. Your body jolts as his hand rests on the small of your back, right where the little sliver of your skin is showing. He leans down, noticing your jumpy eyes and heavy breathing. “This okay?” he breathes against your neck.
You don’t know if it’s because you’re a little tired from dancing or the alcoholic punch, but your mind is spinning now. You don’t even hear the music anymore. All you can focus on is his warm skin against yours and the fact that his lips are so close to your neck.
“Yes,” you say quickly. You decide to put your drink down on the floor, having enough of it for tonight. You wrap one arm around his neck, pushing yourself flush against him. His eyes widen and his throat becomes dry. His hold on you tightens. His free hand traces up your bare arms, reaching your shoulders and skimming your jaw. Goosebumps form on your skin as he lights a trail of fire. He eventually cups your cheek, unleashing butterflies in your stomach.
“Have I told you how good you look tonight?” he asks.
“No,” you shake your head. “Well,” he looks you up and down, causing your stomach to twist. “You look fantastic.”
Your smile gets so wide your cheeks begin to hurt. “You think so?”
He states into your eyes, captivating you. “I know so.”
God, you could fall in love with him.
Your breath is caught in your throat as you see his eyes drop down to your lips. You grip his shoulder with one hand, pressing yourself closer to him. He’s so warm and smells so sweet.
His fingertips glide across your skin, his thumb stroking your cheekbone. Now you’re staring at his lips, your chest heaving up and down. You want to taste him. Feel his lips on your skin.
“Y/n,” he breathes out, voice raspy and low. “Steve,” you say, your throat hoarse. He’s so close to you now, closer than he’s ever been. You can smell the beer on his lips and almost feel how soft they are. Steve wraps his hand around the back of your head, his fingers tangling with your hair. Your eyes flutter close as you lean in. His lips skim yours. You’re hungry now.
“Wait,” he says. You glance up at him, furrowing your brows. “Is something wrong?”
“I… I don’t want it to be like this,” he explains. “I want it to be more special.”
“Oh, Steve,” you awe. “This is special.”
He shakes his head. “No, it’s not. Let me take you somewhere nice. Let me be the guy for you.” You both are shocked by the words that come out of his mouth. His face turns tomato red and you feel giddy inside.
“I didn’t mean to say that. Shit. Just let me take you out to dinner,” he mumbles. He hangs his head low in embarrassment.
“Steve,” you say, a silly grin on your face. You take his face in your hands and hold his head up to look at you.
“Yeah?” he asks, fearing the worst of what you’ll say.
You shuffle closer to him, leaning up to his ear. “You’re already the guy for me.”
With that being said, he wraps his arms around you and pulls you into a breath-taking kiss. Your eyes flutter shut and you melt against him, burying your hands in his hair and kissing him harder.
He’s so addicting, even just from the first movement of his lips. You never want to stop. Your senses are on overdrive as all you can smell and taste are him. The only thing you can hear is your pounding heart. You kiss him open-mouthed now, gliding your tongue across his. As the kiss gets more intense, he pulls away. You both are panting, grins on your faces.
You don't need to speak. You already know what the other it thinking just by the look in your eyes.
Steve pulls you close to him, kissing the top of your head as you sway to the slow song playing. You hold each other, forgetting you're in a crowded room. You both are so immersed in each other that nothing matters.
“I think I’m falling for you,” you whisper against his neck.
He hugs you closer. “Good, because I already know I am.”
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hi tumblr you get to hear my insane sgdlr ramblings theories whatever about mr vein which mifht be wrong but I DOTN CARE
ok sooooo first i connected the dots with cheng xiaoshi and vein bc they had the same shadow that dropped from the top left in the anniversary pv’s. most people reacted with “you didn’t connect shit”, but i’m telling you, i connected the dots.
what caught my eye on the shadow thing is that vein’s shadow didn’f have the same circular borders as liu xiao and xia fei who were obviously meant to be the same style. so they deliberately kept it at just the top left (to cover him up also). and did i mention cheng xiaoshi looks like he is trapped behind glass in the anniversary artwork? no i didn’t. i personally think all of the anniversary artworks are supposed to represent a special part of each character (qiao ling stepping out. you know).
i have not fully analysed vein’s outfit design because frankly i’m not sure what else to search up but. i’ll talk about the parts i did find
Tumblr media
so. first of all the pattern on his shoulders looks like blood. isn’t rhat fun!
second of all the little knots around his design, i’m pretty sure are ‘round brocade knots’ which represent “balance, completeness, good fortune”. i haven’t made exact ties between that and vein myself yet but it’s worth noting it.
i didn’t find out anything else about his design. the necklace is cut off just perfectly to not be able to see what it is (like liu xiao’s)
anyway. i’m just gonna jump to my theory. i think he is connected to either cheng xiaoshi or the disappearance of his parents!!!! wow. it might sound unlikely i am aware but this is what theories are for.
the biggest reason i came up with this is because we don’t need a new villain. we don’t need to be introduced to someone new when we already have liu xiao. but you know what liu xiao wouldn’t do? GET HIS HANDS DIRTY. at least, most likely, he strikes me as the type to work behind the scenes.
so what other reason would there be to introduce vein? “you could make the same argument for xia fei” well yeah but xia fei is a pushing force in how cheng xiaoshi and lu guang discovered their powers (probably. idk)
okkkk back to vein and cheng xiaoshi’s parents actually. why i think it’s likely they’re either missing because of vein or, if they’re dead, their bodies got disposed of for some reason? it’s because if they were caught in the earthquake THEIR BODIES WOULD BE FOUND BY NOW. at least that’s what makes sense to me lore wise. and i don’t think they would just ghost their child for like 12 years. and because from narrative storytellijg it would make sense if vein was the one that did something. (let me redirect you to pattern that looks like blood on his shoulders)
of course this could all be a red herring but the last time i said something was a red herring it turned out to be true. so i choose to stick to it this time!
the other possibility (or actually, both possibilities could ring true) is that vein was the one who shot cxs. who else would? (feel free to debate lol) i don’t think xia fei would have interest in that after the whole overseas trip business, liu xiao wouldn’t want to do it himself (he’d make someone else do it) and li tianchen is an option but we don’t know if he will be the one to do it in the end. so
i don’t have a good way to end this weird theory bit. if i think of something else i will add it. it has been plaguing at my mind. thank you tumblr user for reading my weird theory rambling and feel free to debate me. if i tjink of anything else myself i will edit and add it
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Incorrect Quotes Tag Game - Ships Edition (Part 2)
It’s been a while since I last did this. Link to the incorrect quote generator:
And link to part 1 of this:
I’ve been starting to share more of the Steph’s Crew sequels with you all (UVC in particular), and there are so many more ships to explore in them. I only did 2 ships last time… the two main ones of TMM. So I think I’ll do 2 more here - Dalice (Dylan + Alice) and Chelise (Charlie and Elise). The two ships from last time are still pretty big ships in the sequel, btw. I just want to explore some different ships/characters this time around.
Here we go!!
Alice: I love you. Dylan: How many people have you said that to? Alice: Everyone. Dylan: What? Alice: I told everyone that I love you.
Alice: PEASANT. I REQUIRE SUSTENANCE. Dylan: You know there are other ways to say you want McDonalds. Alice: FOUL PLEBEIAN. YOU DARE SPEAK AGAINST ME— Dylan: *sigh* What do you want? Alice: Chicken nuggets please.
Dylan: I would let you ruin my life. Alice: Sorry, but I’m busy ruining my own. You’ll have to wait.
Dylan to Alice: Turn that frown upside-down! (a little while later) Dylan: What are you doing? Alice, trying to do a handstand: You told me to “turn that frown upside-down” but it’s not working!
Dylan: This is a bad idea.  Alice: Then why are you coming along?  Dylan: Someone has to help get your injured ass home.
Alice, texting Dylan: Any plans for tonight?  Dylan: No.  Alice: HA! Loser.
Alice: I can't take this anymore, someone needs to take me out!  Dylan: In a dating type of way, or an assassination type of way?  Alice: I don't know, surprise me!
Charlie: They don’t make them like me no more. I’m the last of my kind. Elise: Thank God...
Elise: You know, when I first met you, I really didn’t like you. Charlie, after a moment: …I thought there was going to be another half to that sentence? Elise: Nope! That’s it.
Charlie: Hey.  Elise: *pissed off* You… complete …ASS, Charlie!! You show up here after WEEKS, and you say “hey”?!
Elise: Oh shoot! Elise: Um. Excuse my vulgarity. Charlie: I’ll let it slide.
Charlie: El is playing hard to get… Charlie: Little does she know, I'm a master at playing hard to get rid of.
Charlie: I’ve been dropping them the most insanely obvious hints for like a year now. No progress whatsoever.  Elise: Wow. They sound really stupid.  Charlie: But they’re not. They’re really smart actually. Just dense.  Elise: Maybe you need to be more obvious? Like, I don’t know… “Hey! I love you!”  Charlie: I guess you’re right. Hey El, I love you.  Elise: See! Like that! Just say that. Charlie: *frustrated* Holy fucking shit. Elise: If that flies over their head then, sorry Charles, but they're too dumb for you.  Charlie: Elise-
Elise: Hey. So, about that love letter you sent me… Charlie: *blushes* Oh. W-what are your thoughts? Elise: The fourth sentence- Charlie: Yeah, that’s where I got really deep and emotional and I- Elise: It’s “you’re,” not “your”.
And we’re done! Woo-hoo!
Maybe I’ll do an update version of the Bephanie and Brelise incorrect quotes as well lol. This was fun! (I think my fave is the third Chelise one… reminds me of Harry Potter lol)
I’m also planning to do a part 3 for Rachel and Gordon at some point.
Anyways, I’m tagging these folks to do it next:
@mysticstarlightduck, @fire-but-ashes-too, @exquisitecrow, @toribookworm22, @winterandwords, @aziz-reads, @sam-glade, @waywardwizzard, @janec23, @rbbess110, @clairelsonao3, @ember-writer, @harleyacoincidence, and @writinglittlebeasts. Plus anyone else who wants to do it is welcome to. 🤗
Let me know what your favourite incorrect quotes were!
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wikiangela-fanfics · 2 years
Fictober22 - 29. You love this, don't you?
Fandom: 911
Ship: Buck/Eddie
Summary: Clipboard Buck makes a reappearance, and Eddie's forced to confront his feelings.
Words: 1307
Edit: now there's part two lol
“Okay, who gave Buck a clipboard again?” Chimney complained, as he walked up the stairs. “Haven’t we learned anything?”
“He’s just doing inventory.” Eddie shrugged, fighting hard to hide a smile. He understood why everyone got annoyed with Buck’s bossiness when he got his hands on a clipboard, but honestly, Eddie didn’t mind. He almost enjoyed it, though he didn’t want to admit that even to himself.
“He’s insufferable.” Chim flopped down onto the couch. He gave Eddie a look, and smirked. “But I bet you love this, don’t you?”
“What?” he asked in a weird tone, feeling his face heat up. Oh no. He could hide a smile, but not a blush.
“Oh, yeah, you do.” Chimney laughed. “You’re loving this, Diaz. Wow.” he shook his head. “Honestly, no idea why I’m even surprised, you love everything he does, even if he’s being a pain.”
“What are you even talking about?” Eddie frowned, looking away. He knew his face was betraying him, but he could pretend he had no idea what Chimney was saying. Truth be told, he did like it when Buck was being all bossy and controlling. Was it weird that he liked that? He knew everyone else hated it. But it made him… feel things. That he wasn’t sure he was ready to name just yet. His body usually reacted to Buck, whatever he was doing, but his brain did not want to focus on that at the moment.
Before Chim could respond, most likely continuing to make fun of Eddie, Hen came up to join them, also complaining: “I swear I’m going to strangle him. Who’s responsible for that this time?”
“Come on, he’s not that bad.” Eddie said before he could stop himself. Chim and Hen looked at him, Hen disbelieving, Chim smug. Then, they looked at each other, exchanging knowing glances.
“Told ya.” Chimney grinned. Hen rolled her eyes and took a seat beside him.
“Told you what?” Eddie was confused. Or, tried to act confused. “What’s happening?”
“Hate to break it to you, but someone has to. It’s been too long, you guys are too oblivious.” he responded, while Hen just sighed and shook her head, muttering something about it being ‘their business’ and not interfering. Chimney looked Eddie in the eyes. “You’re into Buck. And he’s into you.”
“What?!” Eddie’s voice got a bit high, so he cleared his throat. There was no way- why did Chimney think that? Did they all think that? There was no way they knew. He was trying to hide it even from himself for the longest time, so how did they figure it out? “That’s crazy.”
“Is it, though? You’re clearly even into all that clipboard insanity.” he was smirking, and Eddie’s face was burning, and he needed to get out of there.
“I think you’re seeing things that aren’t there, Chim.” he responded, trying to sound calm and amused. He got up. “I’m just gonna go- yeah.” he shut up when the only thing he wanted to say was that he was going to go check on Buck. Chim knew what he was gonna say anyway, if the look he gave Eddie was any indication.
Eddie went down to where Buck was doing inventory with a probie, who looked very annoyed and tired, but as Eddie looked at Buck, all authoritative and confident, he felt hot in a very different way than the embarrassment before. Buck always made him feel some type of way, and clipboard Buck? Well, that was a whole other level. Usually, though, he tried to bury those feelings so deep he’d be able to forget they ever existed. Chimney’s comment unlocked something, though, and made it impossible to ignore.
“Eddie!” Buck finally noticed him just staring. “You’re gonna just stand there or are you gonna help? Come on, get to work, see what I’m working with here?” his tone of voice was so commanding, and Eddie felt like he’d do anything Buck told him to at that moment. He wanted Buck to tell him what to do, in various scenarios that flooded his head suddenly, and it was in no way appropriate to think at work. What the fuck was happening right now, all those things were very well repressed, at least until it was the middle of the night and he could pine and long for his best friend in peace. He didn’t want to revisit them now.
“Yeah, okay.” he responded, taking over from the probie. He had no problem doing whatever Buck said, including saying the obligatory ‘check’ every time. He couldn’t help a fond smile on his face, he was kind of amused, kind of endeared, kind of… well, aroused – he had to be honest with himself here, there was no denying it. It never used to be a problem at work, though. God.
Once they were finished, and Buck checked off the last item on the list, he noticed Eddie staring at him again. And Eddie wasn’t sure what his face was even doing, but if a fraction of the way he felt was visible on his face… well. Plus, Buck was always good at reading him. He smiled sheepishly. “What?”
“It suits you.” Eddie said, nodding at the clipboard.
“Really?” Buck chuckled. “I thought everyone hates when I have it.”
“Yeah, you can be a pain.” Eddie grinned. “It’s cute, though.” he shrugged, knowing that he was red in the face now. He wanted to say ‘hot’ too, but that felt like a lot for now. He wasn’t sure what possessed him to start talking about it, but suddenly he kind of wanted to push it a bit, move this thing between them a bit further. He spent too much time trying not to think about how he was in love with his best friend, and how fucking attracted to him he was. At the moment, it was stronger than him, he couldn’t really control what was coming out of his mouth. Buck had that effect sometimes.
“Are you calling me cute, Diaz?” Buck raised his eyebrows, a surprised smile on his lips.
“So what if I am?” he tilted his head and bit his lip, waiting for Buck’s response. For a second he seemed taken aback, not sure what to say, while his cheeks got a bit pink. Okay, that was good. Right? 
“Well-” Buck stepped closer, his voice low, so that everyone around wouldn’t hear. There was a smile on his face. “I’d say let’s meet up after work and talk about it.” he licked his lips, and Eddie couldn’t drag his eyes away. He wanted to taste them so bad. Fuck, he used to be better at blocking those feelings until later.
“Yeah.” he breathed. Honestly, at the moment, the last thing he wanted to do was talk. Unfortunately, they were still at work. “Okay.”
“By the way,” Buck smirked, voice even quieter. “I think you’re cute, too.”
“You wanna know something else?” Eddie asked, suddenly emboldened, coming even closer to all but whisper into Buck’s ear. “You’re kinda hot, too. Especially with that clipboard.” he took a step back and enjoyed the dazed and surprised expression on Buck’s face. Eddie briefly wondered what the hell he was even doing right now. Flirting at work? So unprofessional. And with his best friend, too. If he could think clearly, he’d never have said anything like that. Then again, maybe it was the push they needed…
Before he could say or think anything more, the bell rang, and he immediately switched into firefighter mode, as if at the snap of a finger – he still could be a professional, after all. This whole thing with Buck would wait. Now he at least knew there really was something there. He was really looking forward to seeing Buck later, outside of the firehouse.
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starsunfirelight · 6 months
Ok so
I was too scared to post this before, but I think I'm going to do it now:
inspiration to finally post this:
a channel I watch all the time at the end of the year/when I remember/when it gets recommended to me lol
finally validated my opinions, when I thought I was alone
then someone in the comments mentioned a different channel so I thought i'd check it out:
and things started making a lot of sense. it's like this one person had the common sense that I could feel was missing from seemingly everyone I interacted with (watch videos) on the internet.
So I watch this:
after another video, and it's one I'd been meaning to watch a lot sooner, but it's been in my watch later for a long time and I guess it just got buried and I forgot about it lol
I never really check the watch later playlist unless I'm really bored and it's something I remember
(I am 100% a Spooky girl by the way (though for a different- I guess not directly but I have the vibes and those are things that I would do if it wasn't for the fact that I can't for some reason (yes I see the hypocrisy here but trust me on this)) and have been aware of it this whole time and it's also the exact type of person that I really hate and I think the word for it for the general public is "poser") (which is way more accurate to what I am imo)
(but like I get where they're all coming from and hope that they can all move on and get a more happier life where they can commit :> not sure what (face expression in the form of an emoticon/emoji) to put here but oh well )
but anyways, here we go!
(copy and pasted from my notes app) (wrote in the style of a YouTube video (at least at first) bc I am not original or creative but I just wanted to have fun lol) (more like have fun complaining and it was really bothering me and I just had to get it out there somehow) (I legit listened to this song for like 3 days straight until I had memorized all of the lyrics before the song would finally leave my head. :[ ) (again with the face thing, wanted to indicate mildly sad but frustrated not disappointed)
thoughts from today:
(the sentiment is totally taken straight from the comment section of the above videos and her performance with the cake being all messed up on SNL recently)
oliv (sic) is good and bad at the same time, but she’s getting better :)
I got target audience hit so hard like wow
olivia needs to learn to “kill” what she doesn’t like and go all in on being herself, :) it’s already happenin :)
still totally hate her producer by the way, if not specifically for these songs
like Blake put 90's(? idk I forget exactly it's been a while since I went obsessively looking for every single reaction video to her new song to see if anyone out there had the same opinion as me, but more as a way to see what opinon I "should" be having which sounds insane, I know, but I can't/ok couldn't help it and now I realize this is just high school glorified 😔 (ok real last edit so far (haha take that edits later) this was something I only begun to notice starting from Casually Explained's video (found via a hasanabi clip on my recommended who I clicked on bc of QT(he's a podcast host with her and his takes are so bad they're funny but I only know found out (have a better idea of now that I grew up more) they're bad because of other streamers but anyways-) https://youtu.be/MspHbnfEGno?si=KiiMRDYPIc9TK-TF) (here's a link to the original full video: https://youtu.be/l4Ioj4BA6N0?si=gUQ3ZeoyZ3DcGXLy) and then this one https://youtu.be/pII6mLdNawk?si=EWSF_g8Pl0fLOXHG and finally make the connection here myself lol)) but anyways put those drums on the track as a backing and it sounded SO MUCH BETTER than the original
so like yeah she definitely has the spirit, she just needs to talk to the right people, trust and learn from them, and have more people say "no" to her.
like seriously, and then she'll be really good!
like I mean it, her tracks are SO CLOSE to being really good, and I can see the idea behind them, that it makes me a little mad
all it needs is just a little creativity, or at least someone who really knows what they are doing and how to best implement it
like people think the production on the 1989 vault tracks left something to be desired and started making their own mixes, and I think that's what people should do with some of olivia rodrigo's music too! ok but like pretty isn't pretty was pretty much perfect so don't mess with that one lol
and also why I think the live performances sometimes sound so much better than the recorded version lol
y'know what? that could be a solution right there!
If you're bad at mixing, just do it live! Then it's all better anyways lol
haha ok time to let you guys see what I wrote when this song came out lol
like I really didn't want to be "that person" who complained about the thing that every teenager loves right now, but now I see that my complaints were valid because it's just a matter of opinion, and it's not the reason I was so mad lol (ok maybe like 0.01% but like I've been through this before and didn't hate the thing that was popular, maybe I was jealous? idk but still my complaints were mostly not for that reason, let's say lol (was looking for 😥 but couldn't find it lol - me from later, still editing this by only adding comments as I think the original should be preserved as much as possible bc it's interesting to look back at ¯\_(ツ)_/¯) 😓😢😭💀👍🙂🐛✨ (man your recently used emojis really tell you a lot about your personality huh))
ok but anyways
here we go lol
the time is from when it was last edited on the notes app
August 3, 2023 at 18:10
hey guys! So, today we’re going to be talking about 4 time Grammy winning musician Olivia Rodrigo’s latest hit single, vampire. This song reached number #1 on the Billboard hot 100 last week, and that’s almost to be expected of an artist like her. It also took YouTube by storm, (since it was sponsored, in part, haha, though I doubt it wouldn’t have blown up anyways) and I’m pretty sure it’s really popular on TikTok as well. (though I wouldn’t know, because I spend all of my time on YouTube shorts instead, lol) Ok now, personally, I liked her last album Sour, so I was excited to see what new song she came up with next! So, curious to see what it was, I checked it out on the trending page and… suffice to say, I was a little disappointed. I mean, it had such good parts, and musically, it was nice and I could tell what she was trying to do, but I mean, lyrically, I just felt like it could be better. Like, I’ve heard Taylor Swift songs in the past, and even if you don’t like her style, you’ve gotta admit she’s really good at writing lyrics. Not only does she convey her thought with such vivid imagery and a poetic stricture, but the words sound really nice to listen to as well. I’m not an English major, so I can’t go into too much depth there, but I’m sure there’s a lot of videos out there that can explain what I mean here. And as a personal anecdote, my 7th grade class was given her lyrics to Red to analyze for an assignment lol. So I mean, there’s one frame of reference for you guys, haha. But getting back to Vampire, her lyrics on there just don’t feel the same. I know they aren’t supposed to, but in its place they should adopt her own style. But to me, it just feels a bit… idk childish? I know I’m not that much older than her, but still. (Turns out she was 19 when she wrote this, which makes so much sense now, and that’s basically still a kid lol.) Taylor and Demi Lovato have both written great lyrics when they were both around her age. But, Taylor is kind of a lyrical poet, and Demi probably had a lot of help, since I looked on the Genius page and it said the song I want to compare later was cowritten by Nikki Williams, who was 25 at the time. So it’s a bit unfair to compare, but we’ll see.
Musically, I maybe I just don’t get pop opera, but I think the transition from piano to full on pop song is cool, but feels a bit misplaced. Like, it sounds like a good idea in concept, but I don’t know if it translated well. (as maybe she or the producer might have hoped.) But aside from that, maybe it’s just me but I think she liked the bridge-like(? idk just guessing here based off of my own feeling) chorus a bit too much, that she ended up relying on it to make the song great. Don’t get me wrong— musically, it’s a great part, and she should definitely be proud of herself for coming up with it as she did, but do you really have to repeat it 3 times?? I can definitely say that that it’s the key defining highlight of the song, but when you repeat it so much, it sounds tiring and overused. Imo People don’t care if you repeat the chorus a lot, because the chorus is almost meant to be repeated, but I really think that it sounds a bit too same when it’s repeated in this context. The beginning too, now that I mention it. But hey, this part could just be my own personal preference, and that’s valid too, I guess, since it’s just my opinion lol. 
And also, I heard someone say that the instrumental at the end left them wanting more, and I agree that it felt like it ended abruptly, and either it should have ended sooner, or maybe padded out a bit more? idk, but the ending just felt abrupt.
But I do have to say, I really liked the bridge part, and the rest of the song after. I just wish the whole song was good! I mean, imo they should have gone harder on the dramatic angle of it all, like maybe have her in black and white with red lipstick at the piano or something. Extend the craziness of her mind, even if she wasn’t? I don’t know haha, I don’t relate to the song, so this again this is probably just a personal preference. (lol Otto)
Especially the “girls your age know better” part was fire!!!! :)
Also, it sounds kind of like her previous songs, but that’s not really anything to worry about imo, because all artists are a bit privy to that, she said that’s what she was going for, in which case she nailed the “same but kinda different” kind of thing, and it’s not a bad thing imo.
But, I guess, now it’s time to look at the ;lyrics. (warning, I think some of it is childish and a bit cringe. if not, just hoping it could be better :(. )
Now, I know that writing good lyrics really doesn’t have to do with age, but more about your own maturity, and your maturity as a writer. I know it’s a bit unfair to compare as I made those comparisons before, but if you look into the lyrics a bit, hopefully you’ll start to see what I mean.
without further ado, here we go…
I ʜᴀᴛᴇ ᴛᴏ ɢɪᴠᴇ ᴛʜᴇ sᴀᴛɪsғᴀᴄᴛɪᴏɴ Asᴋɪɴɢ, “Hᴏᴡ ʏᴏᴜ’ʀᴇ ᴅᴏɪɴɢ ɴᴏᴡ?” “Hᴏᴡ’s ᴛʜᴇ ᴄᴀsᴛʟᴇ ʙᴜɪʟᴛ ᴏғғ ᴘᴇᴏᴘʟᴇ ʏᴏᴜ ᴘʀᴇᴛᴇɴᴅ ᴛᴏ ᴄᴀʀᴇ ᴀʙᴏᴜᴛ?” Jᴜsᴛ ᴡʜᴀᴛ ʏᴏᴜ ᴡᴀɴᴛᴇᴅ Lᴏᴏᴋ ᴀᴛ ʏᴏᴜ, ᴄᴏᴏʟ ɢᴜʏ, ʏᴏᴜ ɢᴏᴛ ɪᴛ
Ok, so this isn’t too bad, (now after listening about 100 times I like the first 4 lines! :D) but “Lᴏᴏᴋ ᴀᴛ ʏᴏᴜ, ᴄᴏᴏʟ ɢᴜʏ, ʏᴏᴜ ɢᴏᴛ ɪᴛ” sounds a bit playful, if not childish. If she’s taking on a childish tone on purpose because she’s still very “naive” as she mentions later, then I have to commend her for her genius. But also, it might show up unintentionally, as she mentioned that this song just came out of her head one day after a bad experience, so as a child, this might be just how she thinks, and on the spot, this is what she thought of. It makes me kind of miffed, and it’s a bit hard to listen to, but you can’t really blame her at the end of the day. Plus it sounds kind of cool! :D lkokolololol <- me on no sleep
I sᴇᴇ ᴛʜᴇ ᴘᴀʀᴛɪᴇs ᴀɴᴅ ᴛʜᴇ ᴅɪᴀᴍᴏɴᴅs sᴏᴍᴇᴛɪᴍᴇs ᴡʜᴇɴ I ᴄʟᴏsᴇ ᴍʏ ᴇʏᴇs Sɪx ᴍᴏɴᴛʜs ᴏғ ᴛᴏʀᴛᴜʀᴇ ʏᴏᴜ sᴏʟᴅ ᴀs sᴏᴍᴇ ғᴏʀʙɪᴅᴅᴇɴ ᴘᴀʀᴀᴅɪsᴇ I ʟᴏᴠᴇᴅ ʏᴏᴜ ᴛʀᴜʟʏ Yᴏᴜ ɢᴏᴛᴛᴀ ʟᴀᴜɢʜ ᴀᴛ ᴛʜᴇ sᴛᴜᴘɪᴅɪᴛʏ
Yo, can we take some time to take in the scenery? No? Ok, I guess that’s ok, and I’lll be in my own corner doing that I guess, lol :D (also comes up later, but that point it’s slow and I think it’s— you’ll find out later :))
Again, it’s fine, maybe trying a bit too hard, but the one thing that makes me mad is “stupidity”. It sounds so childish compared to the rest of the lyrics there, and I can’t think of a better lyric off of the top of my head, but I just know I wouldn’t use that word there— it gives me the ick, if you know what I mean.
it has real “they ask you how you are, and you just have to say you're fine when you're not really fine, but you just can't get into it, because they would never understand.” vibes lol.
here’s the chorus!! (though it feels like a bridge imo until the last two lines, but maybe that’s just the genre haha)
<3 love it sm omg !!! heart heart heart!!! :)
‘Cᴀᴜsᴇ I’ᴠᴇ ᴍᴀᴅᴇ sᴏᴍᴇ ʀᴇᴀʟ ʙɪɢ ᴍɪsᴛᴀᴋᴇs Bᴜᴛ ʏᴏᴜ ᴍᴀᴋᴇ ᴛʜᴇ ᴡᴏʀsᴛ ᴏɴᴇ ʟᴏᴏᴋ ғɪɴᴇ I sʜᴏᴜʟᴅ’ᴠᴇ ᴋɴᴏᴡɴ ɪᴛ ᴡᴀs sᴛʀᴀɴɢᴇ Yᴏᴜ ᴏɴʟʏ ᴄᴏᴍᴇ ᴏᴜᴛ ᴀᴛ ɴɪɢʜᴛ
I ᴜsᴇᴅ ᴛᴏ ᴛʜɪɴᴋ I ᴡᴀs sᴍᴀʀᴛ Bᴜᴛ ʏᴏᴜ ᴍᴀᴅᴇ ᴍᴇ ʟᴏᴏᴋ sᴏ ɴᴀɪ̈ᴠᴇ Tʜᴇ ᴡᴀʏ ʏᴏᴜ sᴏʟᴅ ᴍᴇ ғᴏʀ ᴘᴀʀᴛs As ʏᴏᴜ sᴜɴᴋ ʏᴏᴜʀ ᴛᴇᴇᴛʜ ɪɴᴛᴏ ᴍᴇ Oʜ, ʙʟᴏᴏᴅsᴜᴄᴋᴇʀ, ᴅʀᴇᴀᴍ ᴄʀᴜsʜᴇʀ
Bʟᴇᴇᴅɪɴɢ ᴍᴇ ᴅʀʏ ʟɪᴋᴇ ᴀ … ᴠᴀᴍᴘɪʀᴇ
mentions the theme at the end, yay! lol like it wasn’t present before haha
and here comes my theory that the management wanted this part to take off on TikTok all along, because it’s really good (musically imo) but didn’t really put as much attention on the rest? Like girl, I thought we were on the same page about hating songs only made for TikTok! really short, and only having one good part, like you can tell! 
Like “If We Ever Broke Up” by Mae Stephens is the perfect _counter_ to this argument, because it got popular on TikTok and every part of that song is catchy and good, and I think the whole song is perfect. But then again, it’s also kind of short, but also I don’t think it needs to be longer, because then it’s overdone. 
But maybe the way Vampire was written was just because it was difficult to come up with! Idk, but I think it could really be due to anything, and I can’t say for sure, I know that. But anyways, I think lyrically, it’s a bit weak. and the ending made me want to listen to it more, which is a TikTok move, but also just because the song has some really good parts in it, which is just because the song is nice and not a TikTok move I don’t think haha :)
Honestly, “‘Cᴀᴜsᴇ I’ᴠᴇ ᴍᴀᴅᴇ sᴏᴍᴇ ʀᴇᴀʟ ʙɪɢ ᴍɪsᴛᴀᴋᴇs” has kind of the same energy as “For one day, one day / I was really, really, really, really sad” by One Whole Day by Dixie D’Amelio. And she didn’t even write that song!
and so every time I hear that lyric, I get kind of cringe, it’s a bit sad. :( lol
but now I don’t mind after listening to it for like the 100th time lol
Moving on…
“Bᴜᴛ ʏᴏᴜ ᴍᴀᴋᴇ ᴛʜᴇ ᴡᴏʀsᴛ ᴏɴᴇ ʟᴏᴏᴋ ғɪɴᴇ” this line is fine, and it would probably be fine among a sea of other lines that are better, but even still, it would be the weakest out of those lines, but satisfying nonetheless.
This song may be musically satisfying, but lyrically, it’s not. (edit, again, after listening to it about 100 times, I now don’t care about most of it but “dream crusher” still sounds cringe, but the go version probably isn’t.) I may not understand the pain, and I understand that in the middle of writing this song, she was probably thinking about her own emotional pain and not really caring about the lyrics, so I get why it’s like this, and I don’t mind one bit, because that’s her song. And, I mean, She probably wouldn’t have released it of she didn’t like it. haha, unless she was rushed? idk. probably not though!
But still, if you take that aspect away, it’s a bit hard to visualize, appearing weak at times, with a tell not show kind of approach, and at other times it feels like she’s trying too hard, giving the whole song an amateur kind of feel. But Sour wasn’t like this, and I just can’t get why. Like good 4 u had a lot of repetition too, but that was fine, because it felt like that part that was repeated was _meant_ to be repeated, and it was satisfying when it did. You knew what to expect, and it was a little predicable but that was fine. It was nice, even. But this song feels predictable in a kinda bad way, and I don’t really understand why. :(
Ok, back to looking at the lyrics, lol.
“I sʜᴏᴜʟᴅ’ᴠᴇ ᴋɴᴏᴡɴ ɪᴛ ᴡᴀs sᴛʀᴀɴɢᴇ Yᴏᴜ ᴏɴʟʏ ᴄᴏᴍᴇ ᴏᴜᴛ ᴀᴛ ɴɪɢʜᴛ”
These lines are fire, and I like them. :) Not trying too hard, but not too weak either. It’s great :)
“I ᴜsᴇᴅ ᴛᴏ ᴛʜɪɴᴋ I ᴡᴀs sᴍᴀʀᴛ Bᴜᴛ ʏᴏᴜ ᴍᴀᴅᴇ ᴍᴇ ʟᴏᴏᴋ sᴏ ɴᴀɪ̈ᴠᴇ”
These lines make it sound like she still is very much naive, even if she didn’t mean it to sound that way. It’s also very her, especially in the way that she phrased it while singing, so I have to give her credit for that. Maybe this one is just a personal preference, for me lol Like maybe it rings true for her because it was and it’s just something that I’ve never thought about lol :)
Listening back, it sounds more like a facepalm than anything.
More lyrics…
“Tʜᴇ ᴡᴀʏ ʏᴏᴜ sᴏʟᴅ ᴍᴇ ғᴏʀ ᴘᴀʀᴛs As ʏᴏᴜ sᴜɴᴋ ʏᴏᴜʀ ᴛᴇᴇᴛʜ ɪɴᴛᴏ ᴍᴇ”
Ok, this part just sounds like she is trying too hard, which just makes me sad :(
Like I get imagery, for imagery’s sake, and like she really wanted to make this work, but still, I believe you’ll find the right balance someday as you mature as an artist and a person! :D I believe in you!!! <3
“Oʜ, ʙʟᴏᴏᴅsᴜᴄᴋᴇʀ, ᴅʀᴇᴀᴍ ᴄʀᴜsʜᴇʀ”
“Bʟᴇᴇᴅɪɴɢ ᴍᴇ ᴅʀʏ ʟɪᴋᴇ ᴀ … ᴠᴀᴍᴘɪʀᴇ”
 I like this part, especially the rhythmic feel to it as the song speeds up later. I think the clean version is a bit silly though, and having the not clean version in the second line really delivers the impact. Though that same impact isn’t really felt for me in the first line, and “ʙʟᴏᴏᴅsᴜᴄᴋᴇʀ” had more impact than when she used the bad word I think trying to have an impact (but that could also be just because I don’t know the context of that word, or it just sounds weird coming from a child like her, not really understanding the power that that word holds, but still wants people to take her seriously and think of her as a person who uses that word like “I’m not the kid that you think I am”). Haha, at this point I think she has more impact when she writes from the heart and isn’t trying lol. But that could be totally untrue, but it would be funny lol.
“Aɴᴅ ᴇᴠᴇʀʏ ɢɪʀʟ I ᴇᴠᴇʀ ᴛᴀʟᴋᴇᴅ ᴛᴏ Tᴏʟᴅ ᴍᴇ ʏᴏᴜ ᴡᴇʀᴇ ʙᴀᴅ, ʙᴀᴅ ɴᴇᴡs Yᴏᴜ ᴄᴀʟʟᴇᴅ ᴛʜᴇᴍ ᴄʀᴀᴢʏ Gᴏᴅ, I ʜᴀᴛᴇ ᴛʜᴇ ᴡᴀʏ I ᴄᴀʟʟᴇᴅ ᴛʜᴇᴍ ᴄʀᴀᴢʏ ᴛᴏᴏ Yᴏᴜ’ʀᴇ sᴏ ᴄᴏɴᴠɪɴᴄɪɴɢ”
This sounds like classic high school drama from one perspective, but like her friends really care about her, from another. 
Musically, I wish it was more different than the opening, but I guess changing the beat kind of does that haha. It’s not bad, I guess. :0
“Hᴏᴡ ᴅᴏ ʏᴏᴜ ʟɪᴇ ᴡɪᴛʜᴏᴜᴛ ғʟɪɴᴄʜɪɴɢ?”
What does this mean? Is this just there for the rhyme?
Like, if you’re only going for rhyme, I found this in the BuzzFeed article I was reading earlier of of curiosity “"Maybe then we could pretend / There's no gravity in the words we write / Maybe you didn't mean it / Maybe "blonde" was the only rhyme."” -Skin by Sabrina Carpenter
which I thought was way better lyrics than most of Olivia Rodrigo’s entire song Vampire. Just looking at the lyrics, and has nothing to do with their personal relationship, as I don’t really know about that.
But then again, maybe I was just too harsh, and this is just a reference to something that I don’t understand. Like I wouldn’t personally think about “flinching” when it comes to lying unless it was under a very specific context, but maybe that’s what Olivia Rodrigo is hinting at here, without explaining the whole story.
“(Hᴏᴡ ᴅᴏ ʏᴏᴜ ʟɪᴇ? Hᴏᴡ ᴅᴏ ʏᴏᴜ ʟɪᴇ? Hᴏᴡ ᴅᴏ ʏᴏᴜ ʟɪᴇ?)”
Initially I thought Again, trying a bit too hard here, or maybe it didn’t really come across, but I like the idea that they were going for. 
But after reanalyzing the line before this, it makes more sense in that context, and also explains why she would be really hurt here. Especially because she repeats the line a lot, maybe meaning that he lied multiple times and really hurt her to make her want to repeat that line that much.
“Oʜ, ᴡʜᴀᴛ ᴀ ᴍᴇsᴍᴇʀɪᴢɪɴɢ, ᴘᴀʀᴀʟʏᴢɪɴɢ, ᴛʀᴀɢɪᴄ ʟɪᴛᴛʟᴇ ᴛʜʀɪʟʟ Cᴀɴ’ᴛ ғɪɢᴜʀᴇ ᴏᴜᴛ ᴊᴜsᴛ ʜᴏᴡ ʏᴏᴜ ᴅᴏ ɪᴛ Aɴᴅ Gᴏᴅ ᴋɴᴏᴡs I ɴᴇᴠᴇʀ ᴡɪʟʟ Wᴇɴᴛ ғᴏʀ ᴍᴇ ᴀɴᴅ ɴᴏᴛ ʜᴇʀ ‘Cᴀᴜsᴇ ɢɪʀʟs ʏᴏᴜʀ ᴀɢᴇ ᴋɴᴏᴡ ʙᴇᴛᴛᴇʀ”
This part is nice, “Oʜ, ᴡʜᴀᴛ ᴀ ᴍᴇsᴍᴇʀɪᴢɪɴɢ, ᴘᴀʀᴀʟʏᴢɪɴɢ, ᴛʀᴀɢɪᴄ ʟɪᴛᴛʟᴇ ᴛʜʀɪʟʟ” is kind of a lot to say at once, but I can respect it, it’s kind of like a emotion cake lol. “‘Cᴀᴜsᴇ ɢɪʀʟs ʏᴏᴜʀ ᴀɢᴇ ᴋɴᴏᴡ ʙᴇᴛᴛᴇʀ” :) those two last lines remind of her last album, and she does it so well here. :)
The bridge and chorus again sound epic with the increased tension from the instrumental :)
“Yᴏᴜ sᴀɪᴅ, “Iᴛ ᴡᴀs ᴛʀᴜᴇ ʟᴏᴠᴇ”, ʙᴜᴛ ᴡᴏᴜʟᴅɴ’ᴛ ᴛʜᴀᴛ ʙᴇ ʜᴀʀᴅ? Yᴏᴜ ᴄᴀɴ’ᴛ ʟᴏᴠᴇ ᴀɴʏᴏɴᴇ, ‘ᴄᴀᴜsᴇ ᴛʜᴀᴛ ᴡᴏᴜʟᴅ ᴍᴇᴀɴ ʏᴏᴜ ʜᴀᴅ ᴀ ʜᴇᴀʀᴛ I ᴛʀɪᴇᴅ ʏᴏᴜ ʜᴇʟᴘ ʏᴏᴜ ᴏᴜᴛ, ɴᴏᴡ I ᴋɴᴏᴡ ᴛʜᴀᴛ I ᴄᴀɴ’ᴛ ‘Cᴀᴜsᴇ ʜᴏᴡ ʏᴏᴜ ᴛʜɪɴᴋ’s ᴛʜᴇ ᴋɪɴᴅ ᴏғ ᴛʜɪɴɢ I’ʟʟ ɴᴇᴠᴇʀ ᴜɴᴅᴇʀsᴛᴀɴᴅ”
Now this really feels like her old album, and I really like this part :)
It’s really good, maintains her style lol, and no notes from me here :)
this part emotion makes up for aaall of the lyrics haha :)
or maybe that’s the lyrics? rhythm? idk, I just like this part, haha :)
“Yᴏᴜ ᴄᴀɴ’ᴛ ʟᴏᴠᴇ ᴀɴʏᴏɴᴇ, ‘ᴄᴀᴜsᴇ ᴛʜᴀᴛ ᴡᴏᴜʟᴅ ᴍᴇᴀɴ ʏᴏᴜ ʜᴀᴅ ᴀ ʜᴇᴀʀᴛ” especially goes hard, and she’s finally writing in a way that’s not only really good poetry but sounds good to hear! I’m so glad! But she doesn’t have to do this if she doesn’t have to, I just think it’s cool that she did it here, haha
At first I was like did you really have to repeat the iconic part a third time? or is it the chorus at this point? Or was it all along? (yes) :thinking: emoji, but after a while, it’s not that bad. It rocks! And only listening to the last part of the song is epic!!!!!! :D the leadup, however it was executed, was worth it, haha :)
Overall, this song is not bad, great at times, even, but I just wish it was better because I get frustrated at its potential, especially because it reminds me of other songs that are really great at times like Heart Attack by Demi Lovato, and I really love that song, and it makes me frustrated that this song isn’t that one :(. After the “‘Cᴀᴜsᴇ ʜᴏᴡ ʏᴏᴜ ᴛʜɪɴᴋ’s ᴛʜᴇ ᴋɪɴᴅ ᴏғ ᴛʜɪɴɢ I’ʟʟ ɴᴇᴠᴇʀ ᴜɴᴅᴇʀsᴛᴀɴᴅ” I’d often go into the chorus from Heart Attack lol :).
But seriously, Like, I get your range is limited, and it’s all about holding in that tension and not letting it go until the line drops (you know the one), but would it kill mainstream music to not hover around the same three notes every time? I’ve noticed it was a problem since Halsey’s “Without Me”, where I really felt that, (editor me from now stepping in to say that I didn't think of this, I just held it in my brain from another youtube video that I had watched years ago but then thought I should "agree" with it without really knowing about what I really thought (based on actually listening to the music) myself lol but then again I did notice it a bit more after I had it pointed out to me, mostly in Halsey - Without Me and Katy Perry - Never Really Over but that last one kinda I had the thought myself a bit at first but then I watched another youtube video and they really pointed to it there as the "death of pop music" but maybe not necessarily with the repeating/range I think idk it was a long time ago and I also liked Paramore - Hard Times a lot at this time but anyways) but maybe it’s just a stylistic choice that I got frustrated by lol, and in general all music isn’t like that. idk about this to say any more.
alright, I think that’s all of my thoughts about this song. ok bye! have a good night/day! :)
Oh wait one more thing. I want to address stan culture, the thing that I wanted to make this video about the most. You see, if you’ve noticed, on the comment section of this song, in most places that I looked, it was hard to find a single comment that was even sightly negative. Now, this could just mean that it’s a good song, but given the complaints I just had that I talked about earlier, it was hard for me to believe that was the case. In fact, that was what kind of started this whole thing, lol. But then, as I looked a bit further on the reviews for the iTunes store, I saw that there were a few people that had the same complaints as I did. There were very few “nope”/“bad song”’s. You don’t like the song? Maybe you’re just not a fan of the genre as a whole, and that’s ok. It’s always (I think) ok to have an opinion. It’s too “copy and paste”? Not original, but still good? Yeah ok, but still, they didn’t comment on whether it was bad or good, and the others admitted it was still good. idk if it’s good to copy and paste or not, but it might e subconscious, and imo who cares (besides the record labels) (as long as you give credit) because it can end up with some really fun music out of it! :) The other comments said it was rushed and it sounded like an amateur. This is something that I kind of talked about in the section before, and if it’s true then I really hope she gets better! :) And a few people were like “meh”, essentially, and still though admitted it was good in some way. So, I guess most of the internet agrees it’s good, just some of us hoping for better. 
Now, the really interesting part happened when I looked at another video by a different artist, for just another reason, not really related to this, just kind of happened to see it by chance. It was Taylor Swift’s Anti Hero lyric video, and in the comments, most of them were positive too. But, they were positive in a different way. Both positive, don’t worry :)
Taylor: I love the lyricism, even if you don’t like her you gotta admit it’s good, I relate heavily to this, and just generally pointing out a certain lyric that they like, with some fans just being a fan of the artist. But most people I think were there just () for the song.
Olivia: Kind of the same vibes, but more people liking “omg olivia you’re awesome I can’t believe you did this so proud of you!” which is great but also can lean towards stan behavior (:/), and also “I just love how she sings with emotion”. :) and occasionally “that one line hits really hard.” (hey, I said that too! glad we agree :)) (editor me here to say that I took those comments to heart and formed my own opinion after hearing theirs) But there were also people who were like “I really resonate with this song” “thank you for helping me get through a tough time” and feeling cathartic, which is really nice to see :’)
So, future fans, I advise you to be civil, and maybe not just blindly support your favorite artist because you like them as a person or like their past work. This is just a reminder, just because you like an artist, or even just one song by an artist, doesn’t mean you have to like every sing one of their songs, or go to great lengths to defend them of any wrong lol. You should personally not be responsible for the financial success of your favorite artist. Just tell your friends, but if they’re not into it, leave it alone, chill. If you like it, then you buy the song. If you like it, you listen to the song. that’s really it.
just be happy :)
just be you :)
it’s ok to have an opinion! even if it’s different from people that you love! (unless it’s a super serious important one that’s just mean or something, then hopefully you can try to respect others even if you don’t agree, and try to see other’s pov I hope again unless it’s really bad)
otherwise the world would be boring lol (I mean about having different opinions from one another)
also absolutely no hate to the teens and people that needed this song the most <3 hope you’re ok 😭👍
ohh maybe 
(I feel a disconnect with this song) bc teens relate to this song and I’m not a teen anymore. ok, yeah, that explains a lot haha. :0 :)
I’ve always wanted to let the world “let teens be teens”, and give them a lot of love as they grow up, and it looks like it’s finally happening :)))
this song is addictive fs, at least it definitely is/was for me
also it’s funny how she was a fake celeb and now she’s a real internet celeb, and that’s funny lol
I don’t have to like this song, nor do I have to force other people to like it too.
teens like it. let em be.
(ok editor me here, this is the part where I was jotting down random thoughts as I had them, kind of like a notebook lol)
y’know I like this song but I feel like it’s missing something…
I just feel like if she used jazz chords instead of the normal boring generic ones she’s already used before, it could be a much cooler song! Like driver’s license was meant to be generic, and the chords work well there, but this feels like it could use something more!!!!
Oh, ok, I see the Queen inspo now. (editor me, this was in response much later to reading a comment that said so lol, bc I didn't hear it at first lol)
Also explains why everyone likes it, haha xD
it’s like her own style combined with their’s
Like songs
Heart Attack
Some piano ballad - Queen, Taylor Swift
Avril Lavigne
Emo - the last two lines of the chorus
Birthday - Katy Perry
ABBA, duh!
Miley Cyrus
BTR (I think, probably just the vibes of the genre)\
Lewis Capaldi
used to ba a sad boy with (idk just lyrics) are jepson era
Without Me - Halsey ^
Linkin Park
it needs more 💖aesthetic 💓💝💘!!!! ❣️💝❤️‍🩹(couldn’t find the sparkles lol)
Piano Ballad/Queen
(editor me, this is where I pasted the original lyrics and jotted down some of my thoughts there lol, so it's kind of like a "behind the scenes" of the YouTube video lol)
(editor me, but also more of in the notebooks vein where it's what I "cut out" from the video lol to stay on topic/not make it too long winded but here I am writing about it here lol (gosh I really hated part of this song, and I still kinda do, and I'm not going to deny it/hide it anymore because that is what I feel is the right thing to do) (but like not going to bring it up when nobody asked lol, except I guess this could be different lol since _I_ asked and I can post whatever I want as long as I think it's ok and hopefully not being unfair/mean 😥))
(editor me here, also this was me desperately trying to find what this reminded me of, and I was struggling really hard here lol (still am kinda miffed about that, but I chose to accept it and move on after I calmed down caring about this song lol, who knows maybe I'll start looking again by listening to more songs about (I mean in!) that era, haha (*insert indescribable emotion here*) (by me rn at least, :/)))
(editor me from a little later, also went back and saw that I was trying to improve it, so I guess that these were my initial frustrations with the song, or might have been from either before or after or both from when I wrote the whole YouTube video
ok I definitely remember coming back and adding to the list OFTEN as I thought of more, plus I looked up the lyrics in the process of writing the YouTube video, so I guess it was after, after all :) (me being happy I figured it out, NOt being happy about the song >:( ok I'm not that mean (or am I? 🤨 sounds fun actually lol) but didn't want it to be the sad emoticon :( <- ok now I'm a bit sad about the situation, again not the song lol (I don't think? maybe? I mean I suppose since I did say I was a bit sad earlier and I think I still feel that way about the song plus it's a "sad" song so...) (ok stop writing now the sleepiness is really kicking in right about now) )
(editor me again, I know you said stop but this is the last one I think, yeah I definitely found the lyrics again and pasted them here _after_ I was done writing my whole video up there, just so I could analyze them in the way that I mentioned before lol)
(still editor me here yeah and I would re paste certain parts and they reminded me of things, as I saw fit) (mmhm yes I am aware I sound like a derange obsessed lunatic and that's because I kind of was) (editor me still, don't worry now I have a love hate kinda thinking towards her lol, and have grown up a bit and try really hard not to be like the fans here, y'know fandom rememberings and what not sheesh the name-shall-npt-be-mentioned fandom is like REally bad and is like this one but like is just BAD on a lot of levels, I think it's worse (than this) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0a4yt5h5rRg like the problem is their behavior, not the content or I'd argue even the fans themselves, necessarily, the problem is when it goes too far 🙁 bit a bit more ^, like 😕 one side for both (the aforementioned side could be either, depends on the mood but both are ok ), slight frown :/)
(editior me, ok this is last now, please, yeah it's just me basically trying my best to improve the song, I think, or at least that's how the latest draft of all this reads to me anyways lol)
(still editor me, like at the time I didn't know if I wanted it this way because it was what I stereotypically "expected to hear", or just because it sounded cool (anyways it was still what _I_ expected to hear/would do, given the opportunity, I was really thinking of what would make me happy here, looking for outside influences on top of that + seeing if they match what I hear/the vibe I'm going for in my head like yes! no, maybe and all that))
I ʜᴀᴛᴇ ᴛᴏ ɢɪᴠᴇ ᴛʜᴇ sᴀᴛɪsғᴀᴄᴛɪᴏɴ Asᴋɪɴɢ, “Hᴏᴡ ʏᴏᴜ’ʀᴇ ᴅᴏɪɴɢ ɴᴏᴡ?” “Hᴏᴡ’s ᴛʜᴇ ᴄᴀsᴛʟᴇ ʙᴜɪʟᴛ ���ғғ ᴘᴇᴏᴘʟᴇ ʏᴏᴜ ᴘʀᴇᴛᴇɴᴅ ᴛᴏ ᴄᴀʀᴇ ᴀʙᴏᴜᴛ?” Jᴜsᴛ ᴡʜᴀᴛ ʏᴏᴜ ᴡᴀɴᴛᴇᴅ Lᴏᴏᴋ ᴀᴛ ʏᴏᴜ, ᴄᴏᴏʟ ɢᴜʏ, ʏᴏᴜ ɢᴏᴛ ɪᴛ
Same, bit of Taylor Swift, especially in the chords
I sᴇᴇ ᴛʜᴇ ᴘᴀʀᴛɪᴇs ᴀɴᴅ ᴛʜᴇ ᴅɪᴀᴍᴏɴᴅs sᴏᴍᴇᴛɪᴍᴇs ᴡʜᴇɴ I ᴄʟᴏsᴇ ᴍʏ ᴇʏᴇs Sɪx ᴍᴏɴᴛʜs ᴏғ ᴛᴏʀᴛᴜʀᴇ ʏᴏᴜ sᴏʟᴅ ᴀs sᴏᴍᴇ ғᴏʀʙɪᴅᴅᴇɴ ᴘᴀʀᴀᴅɪsᴇ I ʟᴏᴠᴇᴅ ʏᴏᴜ ᴛʀᴜʟʏ Yᴏᴜ ɢᴏᴛᴛᴀ ʟᴀᴜɢʜ ᴀᴛ ᴛʜᴇ sᴛᴜᴘɪᴅɪᴛʏ
but also her own style I guess
Definitely her own style, or I just can’t tell what it’s copying (opera!!! :))
‘Cᴀᴜsᴇ I’ᴠᴇ ᴍᴀᴅᴇ sᴏᴍᴇ ʀᴇᴀʟ ʙɪɢ ᴍɪsᴛᴀᴋᴇs Bᴜᴛ ʏᴏᴜ ᴍᴀᴋᴇ ᴛʜᴇ ᴡᴏʀsᴛ ᴏɴᴇ ʟᴏᴏᴋ ғɪɴᴇ I sʜᴏᴜʟᴅ’ᴠᴇ ᴋɴᴏᴡɴ ɪᴛ ᴡᴀs sᴛʀᴀɴɢᴇ Yᴏᴜ ᴏɴʟʏ ᴄᴏᴍᴇ ᴏᴜᴛ ᴀᴛ ɴɪɢʜᴛ
I ᴜsᴇᴅ ᴛᴏ ᴛʜɪɴᴋ I ᴡᴀs sᴍᴀʀᴛ Bᴜᴛ ʏᴏᴜ ᴍᴀᴅᴇ ᴍᴇ ʟᴏᴏᴋ sᴏ ɴᴀɪ̈ᴠᴇ Tʜᴇ ᴡᴀʏ ʏᴏᴜ sᴏʟᴅ ᴍᴇ ғᴏʀ ᴘᴀʀᴛs As ʏᴏᴜ sᴜɴᴋ ʏᴏᴜʀ ᴛᴇᴇᴛʜ ɪɴᴛᴏ ᴍᴇ
Paramore Oʜ, ʙʟᴏᴏᴅsᴜᴄᴋᴇʀ, ᴅʀᴇᴀᴍ ᴄʀᴜsʜᴇʀ
Avril Lavigne
Bʟᴇᴇᴅɪɴɢ ᴍᴇ ᴅʀʏ ʟɪᴋᴇ ᴀ … ᴠᴀᴍᴘɪʀᴇ
Her style, more tension rising buildup in the instrumental, pop ->
“Aɴᴅ ᴇᴠᴇʀʏ ɢɪʀʟ I ᴇᴠᴇʀ ᴛᴀʟᴋᴇᴅ ᴛᴏ Tᴏʟᴅ ᴍᴇ ʏᴏᴜ ᴡᴇʀᴇ ʙᴀᴅ, ʙᴀᴅ ɴᴇᴡs Yᴏᴜ ᴄᴀʟʟᴇᴅ ᴛʜᴇᴍ ᴄʀᴀᴢʏ Gᴏᴅ, I ʜᴀᴛᴇ ᴛʜᴇ ᴡᴀʏ I ᴄᴀʟʟᴇᴅ ᴛʜᴇᴍ ᴄʀᴀᴢʏ ᴛᴏᴏ Yᴏᴜ’ʀᴇ sᴏ ᴄᴏɴᴠɪɴᴄɪɴɢ”
This is something but can’t figure out what it is
“(Hᴏᴡ ᴅᴏ ʏᴏᴜ ʟɪᴇ? Hᴏᴡ ᴅᴏ ʏᴏᴜ ʟɪᴇ? Hᴏᴡ ᴅᴏ ʏᴏᴜ ʟɪᴇ?)”
More emo? idk leading up towards a genre change (makes sense from a theatre perspective) (editor me, I had just heard a comment/maybe it was a (reaction?) video or both say that this was inspired by theatre and was like ohhh, that makes a lot of sense actually)
“Oʜ, ᴡʜᴀᴛ ᴀ ᴍᴇsᴍᴇʀɪᴢɪɴɢ, ᴘᴀʀᴀʟʏᴢɪɴɢ, ᴛʀᴀɢɪᴄ ʟɪᴛᴛʟᴇ ᴛʜʀɪʟʟ Cᴀɴ’ᴛ ғɪɢᴜʀᴇ ᴏᴜᴛ ᴊᴜsᴛ ʜᴏᴡ ʏᴏᴜ ᴅᴏ ɪᴛ Aɴᴅ Gᴏᴅ ᴋɴᴏᴡs I ɴᴇᴠᴇʀ ᴡɪʟʟ Wᴇɴᴛ ғᴏʀ ᴍᴇ ᴀɴᴅ ɴᴏᴛ ʜᴇʀ ‘Cᴀᴜsᴇ ɢɪʀʟs ʏᴏᴜʀ ᴀɢᴇ ᴋɴᴏᴡ ʙᴇᴛᴛᴇʀ” -add a sick drum line after this
Victorian/Gothic (imagine the background music and she’s running away) (or else if it’s positive it could pass as emo)
either way this part sounds cool, because of the way she sings it and builds the rising tension
‘Cᴀᴜsᴇ I’ᴠᴇ ᴍᴀᴅᴇ sᴏᴍᴇ ʀᴇᴀʟ ʙɪɢ ᴍɪsᴛᴀᴋᴇs Bᴜᴛ ʏᴏᴜ ᴍᴀᴋᴇ ᴛʜᴇ ᴡᴏʀsᴛ ᴏɴᴇ ʟᴏᴏᴋ ғɪɴᴇ -> hit the minor key or the 2nd or the 5th or the 7th or sustained or whatever that chord is, like I said, makes the song cool! I sʜᴏᴜʟᴅ’ᴠᴇ ᴋɴᴏᴡɴ ɪᴛ ᴡᴀs sᴛʀᴀɴɢᴇ Yᴏᴜ ᴏɴʟʏ ᴄᴏᴍᴇ ᴏᴜᴛ ᴀᴛ ɴɪɢʜᴛ
I ᴜsᴇᴅ ᴛᴏ ᴛʜɪɴᴋ I ᴡᴀs sᴍᴀʀᴛ Bᴜᴛ ʏᴏᴜ ᴍᴀᴅᴇ ᴍᴇ ʟᴏᴏᴋ sᴏ ɴᴀɪ̈ᴠᴇ Tʜᴇ ᴡᴀʏ ʏᴏᴜ sᴏʟᴅ ᴍᴇ ғᴏʀ ᴘᴀʀᴛs As ʏᴏᴜ sᴜɴᴋ ʏᴏᴜʀ ᴛᴇᴇᴛʜ ɪɴᴛᴏ ᴍᴇ
Paramore Oʜ, ʙʟᴏᴏᴅsᴜᴄᴋᴇʀ, ᴅʀᴇᴀᴍ ᴄʀᴜsʜᴇʀ
Avril Lavigne
Bʟᴇᴇᴅɪɴɢ ᴍᴇ ᴅʀʏ ʟɪᴋᴇ ᴀ … ᴠᴀᴍᴘɪʀᴇ -> country? for some reason? :)?
This is classic her style, I would say Taylor Swift but this is her style that’s inspired
“Yᴏᴜ sᴀɪᴅ, “Iᴛ ᴡᴀs ᴛʀᴜᴇ ʟᴏᴠᴇ”, ʙᴜᴛ ᴡᴏᴜʟᴅɴ’ᴛ ᴛʜᴀᴛ ʙᴇ ʜᴀʀᴅ? Yᴏᴜ ᴄᴀɴ’ᴛ ʟᴏᴠᴇ ᴀɴʏᴏɴᴇ, ‘ᴄᴀᴜsᴇ ᴛʜᴀᴛ ᴡᴏᴜʟᴅ ᴍᴇᴀɴ ʏᴏᴜ ʜᴀᴅ ᴀ ʜᴇᴀʀᴛ <- expect a run here for some reason, but then it’s cool but not her style? I ᴛʀɪᴇᴅ ʏᴏᴜ ʜᴇʟᴘ ʏᴏᴜ ᴏᴜᴛ, ɴᴏᴡ I ᴋɴᴏᴡ ᴛʜᴀᴛ I ᴄᴀɴ’ᴛ <- a darker sound? ‘Cᴀᴜsᴇ ʜᴏᴡ ʏᴏᴜ ᴛʜɪɴᴋ’s ᴛʜᴇ ᴋɪɴᴅ ᴏғ ᴛʜɪɴɢ I’ʟʟ ɴᴇᴠᴇʀ ᴜɴᴅᴇʀsᴛᴀɴᴅ”
Now this is more pop/emo/her style, which is cool because it’s like the final act of the play, ABBA! :)
‘Cᴀᴜsᴇ I’ᴠᴇ ᴍᴀᴅᴇ sᴏᴍᴇ ʀᴇᴀʟ ʙɪɢ ᴍɪsᴛᴀᴋᴇs -> piano glissando, elton john, very dramatic Bᴜᴛ ʏᴏᴜ ᴍᴀᴋᴇ ᴛʜᴇ ᴡᴏʀsᴛ ᴏɴᴇ ʟᴏᴏᴋ ғɪɴᴇ -> twist a crystal ball that’s dark blue as the protagonist runs away in fear I sʜᴏᴜʟᴅ’ᴠᴇ ᴋɴᴏᴡɴ ɪᴛ ᴡᴀs sᴛʀᴀɴɢᴇ Yᴏᴜ ᴏɴʟʏ ᴄᴏᴍᴇ ᴏᴜᴛ ᴀᴛ ɴɪɢʜᴛ
I ᴜsᴇᴅ ᴛᴏ ᴛʜɪɴᴋ I ᴡᴀs sᴍᴀʀᴛ Bᴜᴛ ʏᴏᴜ ᴍᴀᴅᴇ ᴍᴇ ʟᴏᴏᴋ sᴏ ɴᴀɪ̈ᴠᴇ Tʜᴇ ᴡᴀʏ ʏᴏᴜ sᴏʟᴅ ᴍᴇ ғᴏʀ ᴘᴀʀᴛs -> sees shadow As ʏᴏᴜ sᴜɴᴋ ʏᴏᴜʀ ᴛᴇᴇᴛʜ ɪɴᴛᴏ ᴍᴇ -> shadow
Paramore Oʜ, ʙʟᴏᴏᴅsᴜᴄᴋᴇʀ, ᴅʀᴇᴀᴍ ᴄʀᴜsʜᴇʀ
Avril Lavigne
Bʟᴇᴇᴅɪɴɢ ᴍᴇ ᴅʀʏ ʟɪᴋᴇ ᴀ … ᴠᴀᴍᴘɪʀᴇ
end on cymbals + and a guitar
hmm “play”…. it sounds theatrical, I guess :)
Someone analyze this further please TT hands /\
https://youtu.be/PdTg-JT8FPM is pretty good :) but not complete, more could be said!!!
>hates song
>proceeds to listen to sing for 3 consecutive days
(now 4)
I appreciate the lyricism, it works wonderfully on the stage :) (red curtains emoji)
haha kool-aid is funny
“Lᴏᴏᴋ ᴀᴛ ʏᴏᴜ, ᴄᴏᴏʟ ɢᴜʏ, ʏᴏᴜ ɢᴏᴛ ɪᴛ”
“I ᴜsᴇᴅ ᴛᴏ ᴛʜɪɴᴋ I ᴡᴀs sᴍᴀʀᴛ Bᴜᴛ ʏᴏᴜ ᴍᴀᴅᴇ ᴍᴇ ʟᴏᴏᴋ sᴏ ɴᴀɪ̈ᴠᴇ”
most of the song is just her being helpless(not really), sad, and most of all confused, but this really proves her innocence, and that she’s a good person, (editor me, clear projection here, if it just wasn't _me_ being naïve, if that wasn't already obvious lol) because maybe they would say the second lines, but they would never say the first line even as a joke if they were not a good person 
mean TT
where’s the 2000’s drums at???
what on earth is rocky horror picture show
ok so the final genre is rock
it makes sense now, and is not in fact repetitive 
paid(editor me, this was an autocorrect of p!atd though I don't think I saw the autocorrect until now ) vibes apparently -reaction video from a video with two people (editor me, I think it was one where they were old white dudes with a purple background who listened to mainly metal, but I could be wrong on this)
playlist is 2000’s indie (editor me, I was researching olivia's inspiration and she said her playlist was this lol or at least the comments did, lol)
its in minor
all of this could have been summed down to “I don’t like the new drummer”.
the parts that aren’t her sound like Selena Gomez :) Like, they could collaborate and it would be neat :)
I guess I don’t like the vocal technique because even if it wasn’t billie’s style I thought it sounded more mellow? idk
Lorde??? I guess, but don’t really see it much beyond the opening/structure of things (editor me, yeah, this was definitely a reaction to a comment and I see it now haha)
Songs that belong on a playlist
Better Than Revenge
good 4 u
paid or something paramore???? idk just what was on the radio 
oh, that one similar song, ok
enchanted to meet you
rolling in the deep? idk
mine tv
icona pop “i don’t care” 
taylor swift look what you made me do (on spot/hits the spot/pinpoint accuracy) 
tove lo
katy perry - teenage dream
needs more guitar
"the song was a tissue of threadbare clichés" -google for threadbare (editor me I think I miiiight have read this on a comment on apple iTunes reviews, because I definitely did not know that word before)
nice lol haha totally not this one amirite :) (ominous smile) (you should be concerned) (about me, not you) (thankfully) haha
ok I made a playlist on spotify ✨nuf said ✨💐🪷
this is tearing my soul away :D (never thought this was possible, so this is cool lol)
—the centrol theme is people sobbing in their songs—
also teenagers being teenagers, or at least music targeted towards them
why hate?
-billie eilith
-almost sampled but not quite
-the way words are pronounced
-straight up the production
-“cool” = cringe? (to adults? lol haha)
-maybe that last point is really it :)
-“look at me I’m important”
-fire this drummer
-also consider help for the producer
-overused, cliche, generic, boring <— this is it for sure, I think
-not enough out of the ordinary/expected
-make it stop pls
-imo the last part is better bc she has more confidence :)
-Olivia Rodrigo Vampire - Creativity Don't Pay Reaction I agree it’s trying too hard and going nowhere
-also on the fact that it appears that she’s trying to be edgy - “The swearing to me seems forced and unnecessary and trying to be edgy.” also see “I'm ancient so not the demographic it's aimed at.” “ I maintain that it's not particularly inspired songwriting or production in my opinion.”? “ it's an unfair comparison,” also true
no hate
-but she’s got a good spirit :)
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selfundiagnosed · 10 months
everyone says theyre having prophecies with glaring discretion and elusiveness. sounds big and important. im just having sensory perceptions of something thats gonna happen to me or near me in about 30 minutes. like smelling a dead animal half a mile down the path im walking. I’ll find it if i walk for 45 more minutes if i dont have to stop and investigate the current surroundings for whatever dead thing is here. Its not here… YET. Youre just given a small warning to prime your gut. A lil heads up. Hey get ready for something that will upset you deeply. I feel like youre all having religious and profound revelations bestowed upon you saying “im having prophecies” meanwhile my nose ears skin and tongue time skip up to an hour to put the idea in my head that something deeply upsetting is gonna happen to me so it doesnt catch me sideways and abruptly ruin my day. wait maybe thats what youre all experiencjng too when you say youre having prophecies? it does kind of feel like youre responsible watching the seeds get sowed into the soil and not being able to dig them out. in a weird way i think i could understand them being deemed prophecies. But idk to me theyre visions not prophecies and I know theres no discerning discrepancies between those two words but to me they convey two different types of experiences. In MY head. Every word & its synonyms mean EXTREMELY specific things to me that seldom reflect the reality of the linguistic nuance and discussions around it LOL its like made up in my head. visions and prophecies and premonitions all mean distinctly different things TO ME!!! and probably no one else. idk. I dont have people i can talk to about these experiences. They happen so much but i know it sounds like im so mentally ill. i just wish it WAS in my head and it never happened but they always come true no matter what. But if it is a byproduct of my mental illness why is my mental illness predicting the future I just don’t understand its not like coincidences its a near-daily thing at this point its just rapidly gotten more and more frequent the more ive paid attention to the details. i know other people experience this shit and i firmly believe everyone is capable of this i just cant like backtrack anymore like it used to be once in a blue moon growing up every few months to every few weeks and the more experience i harbor as i grow up the more frequent theyve become i just never paid attention to it before i just thought oh wow 8th wonder of the world : human intuition and splicing past traumas to current circumstances but now its fucking freaky and idk how to find support groups for this shit. And IDK if its all jokey memey to you guys on tumblr and the prophetic visions and dreams posts are a joke or if it isnt AND impedes you guys to this degree idfk but i would like to find a forum or support group or some sort of confirmation that i am not like alone in this experience and what you think of it.. i just dont know if im experiencing mental illness (in which i’ll say: genuinely study the symptom of being a psychic and sensing the future ASAP because holy shit thats an insane mental illness symptom and could be used by the cia or something LOL) or if i can talk to someone older than me with more experience who deals with this too. i hate it sooo much either my anxieties command reality way too frequently or im predicting the future! thats not in my head dude! its ACTUALLY continuing to happen to me over and over and over. like i know my anxiety is misfiring crazier than it ever has in my life & thst im obsessing over colors and shapes and numbers but i just cant entertain the idea this is in my head when it happens to me every other day, almost every day. i just smell shit coming from a mile away, literally & figuratively lol
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stevethehairington · 2 years
thank you @oatflatwhite and @pizzaqueen and @alligator-writes for the tags!! <3 <3 <3
Total word count on ao3?
548,354! wow!!! that is. kind of wild to think about, ngl. like i wrote all of that? shit.😲
How often do you write?
the answer to this is SO varied. like, it honestly depends on the day. i could spend anywhere from 20 minutes jotting something down in my notes app to literally the whole day on a weekend just clickety-clacking away at the keyboard. it truly just depends on how much time i actually have, and what my motivation and inspiration levels are looking like. i try to write as often as i can though!
Do you have a routine for writing?
i suppose i do! when i'm like properly sitting down to write at home i like to make a big cup of iced coffee to keep me going, i put on a playlist of either whatever i'm really digging at the moment or whatever fits the mood of the fic i'm trying to write, and i just. sit and write until i can't write no more lol
What’s your favorite trope/pairing?
FAKE DATING MY BELOVED <3 there is just something so positively delicious about this trope, there is SO much potential, SO many different fun situations you can put them in. also, thee biggest honorable mention to the mutual pining oblivious idiots trope because that one is ALSO another super favorite, like you CANNOT go wrong with it, i fucking love it when two people are so ridiculously into each other and they think the other is not but ohohoh how wrong they are. OH WAIT ALSO dksjfs literally any type of tender domesticity is also my fucking jam, like give me the going grocery shopping together, give me the soft, sleepy early mornings making each other coffee and breakfast, give me gentle bathing/hair washing or literally any sort of moment where one takes care of the other just because they want to. i eat that shit uppppp!!
as for favorite pairing, currently it is steddie!
Do you have a favorite fic of yours?
as the risk of sounding... full of myself (which i promise i'm not trying to skgjsd), i actually have a lot of fics that i've written that i really really love? like i really do write for myself first and foremost, so i am my biggest fan skdljfds. BUT. if i have to narrow it down to one...
lily white, hold me tight might be one of my favorites that i've written. it's a pre-war stucky fic, hurt/comfort, in which bucky never actually enlisted, but was drafted and steve finds said draft notice. it was like one of the first stucky fics i ever wrote and idk i just really liked writing the emotionality of it, and i really liked how it turned out in the end.
and i also have to give a special shoutout to i want to hold your hand, which is one of my steddie fics, because even though i only just wrote that one not that long ago, it's sort of kind of another favorite of mine? like i put as much of the good stuff as i could in that one, and i just really love how it turned out, and i had just the best time writing it too.
What fic of yours has the most kudos?
imagine being loved by me which is my first and only good omens smut fic lmfao. it honestly surprises me that it is my most popular fic, but i'm not mad kslfsd i actually really love how that one turned out, especially for a smut fic because i am. not the most confident when writing those. so yeah. pretty cool!
but honorable mention, again, to i want to hold your hand because it is only like 48 kudos away from overtaking imagine being loved by me and at the rate its been going, that could absolutely happen any day now. which. is INSANE to me!! because this one has only been posted for like oh wow exactly 4 weeks today! (also holy shit its been a month already???) but yeah it's just done exceptionally well which is amazing to me, and i am so so grateful for that.
Anything you don’t like about your writing.
mm, yes, of course there is sgjshg. i feel like sometimes i can get very repetitive with what i'm saying/how i'm saying things. like, i feel like i'll write certain phrases like "he smiled" or "his eyes" or things like that and then. it feels like i start seeing the same sort of line/same verbiage everywhere in my fic, and i try very hard to change it up so it's not so repetitive but i still feel like i can get that way? the feeling gets especially bad when i've been working on something for a long time and i'm like running low on steam with it, because i feel like i fall back on those a lot.
Now, something you do!
i actually take a lot a lot of pride in my characterizations. i feel like i do a good job at getting the voices of characters down and getting their little mannerisms down too.
characterization is something that is SUPER important to me, both as a writer and as a reader, bc like i know how EASY it is for bad characterization to take you out of a fic, and i Do Not want that to happen, so i always try to put a lot of effort into getting that right.
whenever people compliment my characterizations it literally adds like a hundred years to my life and makes me giggle and kick my feet and for real makes me feel so fucking happy because that it truly is like the highest compliment to me.
now to tag!! i am going to tag: @werewolfsteve @ghostfacemunson @mattmaesonnatural @wlwharrys @ruthofrhythm @willbyersgun
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chihirolovebot · 2 years
I’m literally going feral over the reader’s independence. So often in stories, we see the reader glued to their love interest’s side with no motivation or drive of their own. They often feel like a film of saran wrap that the author just kind of, slaps on, which is why the execution of this story is so goddamn incredible.
The reader has depth and a certain je ne sais quoi that’s so undeniably “Danganronpa” that it only could’ve been achieved with intense, in-depth knowledge and thought about the plot and themes of the game. Not only do they feel like they were yanked straight out of the game, the way they behave and act feels real, and tangible, and human. We see them mourn, and grieve, and cope, and recover, and strive to do better, and AOCKEOKFKDJ- forget the fanfiction sector, there’s almost NOTHING in modern media that executes this kind of story well.
Following that train of thought, the reader’s relationship with the other characters has been developed so well. My worst pet peeve in a story is when the reader only interacts with their love interest and no one else, and yet everyone still seems to love them, but this story doesn’t have that problem at all. It’s so lovely seeing the reader interact with everyone, and provides such a nice breath of fresh air from the usual death and despair of Danganronpa.
God- there’s just so much that’s so incredible about this story, but I’m running out of words to describe it without sounding like a broken record. (Not that I think it’d be bad- you deserve a constant source of compliments running 24/7 for the absolute masterpiece)
So yeah, I look forward to seeing a new chapter at some point in time, but please take as much time as you need to get it up there!
OH WOW this is such a long thoughtful comment hello!!! it took me a minute to answer because i like to dedicate longer answers to this kind of feedback SO i apologise for the wait but here we are!!!
i cannot tell u how big of a pet peeve it is when the reader-insert for a story is just, like u said. a piece of saran wrap. like even if the personality the author gives them isn't anything like mine, it's still way more interesting than them just being a mary sue for lack of a better term. PLUS giving the reader a stronger personality makes writing their development so much more fun and interesting?? i feel??
getting the 'danganronpa-esque' writing n dialogue down was SO difficult because there is just a Way they talk which i cant even describe its just. the most normal dialogue ever followed by monokuma giving the most batshit insane monologue u have ever fucking heard. u go from sobering conversations between shuichi and kaito about guilt and grief to tsumugi talking about getting deepthroated by a squid. the whiplash between characters n conversations was definitely one of the hardest parts to pin down lol. i am SO flattered u think the reader-insert fits into the world of dr, and not only that but they feel real to u?? that is Insane. thank u very much u have no clue how much that means to me personally.
AND YEAH ok ok i think i said this in the preface of the fic in like chapter one but holy shit yeah, imagine going thru the whole story and the only one the reader had attachment to was kokichi. it definitely wouldn't work with the themes i highlight in my work (not just living for other people, living for yourself, and establishing a middle ground between trusting everyone and trusting nobody) especially with a character like kokichi, who blatantly flies in the face of those themes. it also just wouldn't work for the type of character arc i wanted the reader to go through — they want to want to live, and first they do this through loving the people around them and feeling that they 'owed' them to stay alive, and just now they're in the process of learning to live for themselves. but they could never have gotten to that point without the affections and connections to people like rantaro, kiibo, kirumi, kaito, tenko and shuichi. like. if the reader ONLY had a strong connection with kokichi, they could never have learned all those valuable lessons and grow as a person. kokichi provides something else entirely for the reader — he is a challenge and someone that makes them question their morality and the way they think. he's not going to be any help in making the reader realise they want to live (except when he's doing a little mansplain manipulate malewife).
thank u very very much for this!! i apologise that i rambled a lil i just Have many a Thought abt this fic and i could probably talk for days abt it. im very very happy ur enjoying it!!!
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ambientbroth · 2 years
Self-Diagnosed Autism Journal Entry 11
My apartment is hell. I can’t wait to live in my school bus, here are a few things that I deal with on a daily basis.
When my downstairs neighbor takes a shower the pipes start “singing” and it’s this high pitched noise for how ever long and it drives me insane you can hear it throughout
The dishwasher accumulates water, therefore, we need to run the dishwasher twice a day and we hate the dishwasher. Hate dishwasher noise
The kitchen vent light makes that horrible electric light noise and so does the overhead sink light.. lots of humming, outdated, dirty electronics in my apartment oh yes
Horrendous lighting - everywhere! All the light switches turn on the most weirdest places and horrible light bulb types
When the AC is turned off there’s this droning, humming sound that is just ongoing.
The cabinets are too deep, inaccessible, broken, caked with grease from previous owners, and weird/horrible placement. You can’t fit anything in this kitchen. You may be thinking “well cabinets aren’t hard to figure out” but these motherfuckers will have you on your ass I promise.
The kitchen drawers are all broken from the sliding wheel thing - you know the thing that makes the drawers move… yeah all broken. So everytime I go to a persons house I open they’re drawers.. it’s.. wow I need to write that down that’s an OCD trait.
The apartment placement is too close to the main road, there’s so much car noise, too many sirens, and the traffic here is so busy. Our porch faces the parking lot so it feels like a spotlight on us
They will randomly shut off the water! That’s ILLEGAL. They do maintenance without telling us and the water shuts off FOR THE WHOLE BUILDING FOR HOURS. it happened yesterday for 6 hours.
My toilet flushes ✨excessively✨ I mean it takes so much water and makes so much noise. The whole thing alone is probably like 2 minutes of toilet sound
My tub drain MY MOTHER FUCKING TUB DRAIN! IT JUST DRAINS! IT DOESNT HOLD WATER! I mean it will but immediately it’ll start the draining process. No quiet bath. Only drain noises
But this is my apartment and I’ve always wanted independence. So even though this is an expensive shit show it’s still my home and I have to love my home.
The hallway lights are all broken. There are 4 big box fluorescent lights. Can’t see shit but it’s way better than bright overhead LED blaring humming lights, plus our neighbor set out a lamp so we get ✨ambience✨
Landlord specials are everywhere❤️ if you don’t know what a landlord special is, it’s when landlords will paint a chunky white paint over layers and layers of other chunky white paint to make the place look ✨brand new✨ - it’s actually disgusting but I love finding Easter eggs in my apartment I think it’s hilarious. In my apartment the landlord specials are; the bathroom cabinet hinges, one human hair in the paint, and one bug
There’s a large outdoor cat community. People set out food and shelters for strays. People will attempt to catch them in small cages to be spayed or nurtured because we’ve had some babies. My cats are spayed so I let them out and there’s really no problems
There’s also a big squirrel, geese, crow, and raccoon community - but big emphasis on the squirrels.. they are actually really scary and extremely dominant. They will bark at you from 9 feet up because they feel threatened by your presence lol
I’m not even naming my apartment things now lol
I guess it’s spacious and I can make different hideouts and different rooms (2 rooms, 2 living spaces, since we don’t have a dining table, and a kitchen)
We can smoke weed and no one will care!
We can vocal stim as loud as we want and no one will knock on the door or call the cops
There’s a meadow about 180 paces from my apartment
Gas fire stove, it have horrible temperature control but I still like cooking with fire
Out of all the big horrible sensory things and realizing a home should be the place where I love the most, it’s still my home.
Which doesn’t really change anything, i can’t wait to move.
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Welcome to Night Vale ep 4
Okay, time for a longer lunch break since I have plans to study tonight instead of right now. (shout out to my friend suggesting one more lab walkthrough before they close it) Fun times for this one since I remember Cecil's job/life was in danger at the end of last episode. Here we go!
PTA meeting ends in bloodshed? seems normal to me. the dinosaurs, not so much. The description here is amazing tbh. Did he say roach-spiders? god help me. Call out NYT Cecil. Is it really free when included in cost?
election season sounds fun for the kidnapped family members. Who doesn't love an abandoned mine shaft vacation? Wait, they get HBO, this is a high-end kidnapping.
Front-page ads sounds like a good idea. wow, daily writers were let go, so they are crowd-sourcing news lol. Is there anything that hasn't been blown up in this town? seems like insurance companies have fun here.
PTA update: the swingset was left open. and there is one dinosaur left to capture, FREE PET! Aging several thousand years is the best cheat for getting a senior discount. And really who isn't insane at this point?
How do you put adults in detention?
Humming and green light? sounds like a Disney villain. Oh wait, plutonium. Actually that probably tracks, the plutonium I mean.
Carlos is beautiful depsite his shorn locks. That sounds like he had a bad phone call. Lavender chewing gum? you do you Cecil.
Dino update: secret police updated the type of dinosaurs they were reporting. Gotta be accurate on the news. 38 deaths? wtf Cecil
ah high school football and small-town rivalry, good memories. I remembered next year is my 10-year anniversary. overdue library books lead to court ordered hand removal.
apartment etiquette is important people. Let it go, let it gooo. Oozing is bad, lights are acceptable. good to know.
mysterious hooded stranger sounds like a great guest, Cecil. thank you for the gender description too for the radio. Honestly, the static is soothing for me.
Weather break!
The missing pterodactyl going to an AU night vale sounds intriguing, can I go? glad they can reschedule the meeting for backpacks causing autism. :/
all species and geological eras can't enter the dog park.
Can i learn about morse code for trumpet quintets? please and thank you.
I feel like I need to keep a counter for just the hardest lines. Maybe another day.
Again, I just love this so much. A great idea for this spooky season.
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jungwonenthusiast · 3 years
hii can i request bestfriends heeseung and y/n who have never done anything together but one night while having a sleepover things just go in that direction 👀👀👀 (using prompts 8 & 12 please🥺)
A/N: this is such a cute concept i love it (u didn’t specify who says what so i chose lol i hope thats okay, I also made hee a soft dom)
Warnings: oral (f receiving), fingering (f receiving), unprotected sex, cock warming
Word count: 3k
You tap lotion onto your face as Heeseung pulls his sheet mask off. He pats the remaining product into his skin.
“You don’t even need that,” you roll your eyes. “Your skin is already perfect.”
“Jealous?” he teases.
“Yes, I one hundred percent am.” you admit and he chuckles.
You finish up in the bathroom and then plop onto your bed. Heeseung leans over you and grabs the remote on your nightstand. He clicks to Bojack Horseman as always then lays down next to you, scrolling through his phone.
You kick him in the shin. “Gimme some space.”
He frowns and sprawls himself on top of you. “What, you don’t wanna love on me?”
You laugh and try to push him off. “I feel violated.”
He rolls away, chuckling.
You’re scrolling through tiktok together when a video of someone joking about porn comes up. You cackle and Heeseung looks at you.
“How do you know about that?” he asks, wide eyed.
“What do you mean?” you ask awkwardly.
“Do you watch porn?” he asks and you turn away from him, giggling.
“That’s a very private question.” you say, covering your face with your hands.
“So you do!” he exclaims and he’s blushing too.
You guys talked about sex occassionaly, only when you were sharing stories about hook ups though.
“What kind do you watch?” he says, only half joking and you punch him in the shoulder.
“That’s an extremely private question.” you say.
“I thought we were for lifers.” he replies and you laugh.
If he were a female friend you wouldn’t hesitate to tell her all of this, but for some reason he made you shy. You still remember when you became aware that he was a guy. It was the summer before tenth grade when he grew three inches, his voice dropped, and his shoulders began to broaden. It was the summer you became more aware of his masculinity and ever since then, things kind of changed. Not for the worse, things are just different now. 
You continue to scroll when another scandalous tiktok comes up. It said something about wanting to be dominated and taken control of.
You groan. “Why do I keep getting these things?”
“The for you page gives you things that it knows you’d like.” he remarks and you scrunch your nose at him. “What? I think it was pretty hot.”
You choke. “You’re a bottom?”
“No!” he guffaws. “I meant to be the giver in that situation.”
“Ohhh,” you say, trying not to get too embarrassed. The thought of him doing that to someone drove you a little insane.
“Are you?” he asks and you shove him.
“You weirdo.” you accuse and he holds his hands up.
“I just think best friends should know these things about each other.”
You shrug him off and turn your phone off. “I don’t trust my phone anymore, let’s watch yours.”
You scoot over to him and rest your head on his shoulder.
He scoffs. “I thought you wanted space?”
“Are you complaining?” you tease.
“Of course not.” He fake yawns to get his arm around you and you cackle.
He taps a gentle beat onto your shoulder while scrolling through instagram. You can’t help but tense up in his embrace. He had been a bit more touchy than usual lately; random hugs, playing with your fingers, adjusting your clothes, and tying up your shoelaces whenever he could.
“Wow I do not like this.” he says at someone’s prom outfit.
“Me neither,” you frown. “It’s kind of outdated.”
“When’s our prom?” he asks.
“I think in a month.”
“We’re going together right?” he asks and your heart skips a beat. You figured that you’d go together but him asking you made you anxious.
“Yeah,” you try to sound confident.
“Are we gonna coordinate our outfits?” he lightly squeezes your side and you squeal.
“But we’re not going as a couple.” you say and he rolls his eyes.
“So? It’d be weird to show up together with mismatched outfits.” he says and you nod in agreement. “Do you have an idea of what you wanna wear?” he asks.
“I think I wanna go more simple and do black.” you say and he groans.
“You always wear black dresses.”
“And? I look hot in them.” you defend.
“You’re right you’re right.” he accepts defeat and you giggle.
As the night goes on you slowly slump further into Heeseung’s side. At one point his arm goes numb so you scooch in front of him and rest your back against his chest. You’ve gotten used to being so close to him, and at this point you just wanted more.
His arms are wrapped loosely around you as you watch Coraline on the tv. He reaches up to run his hand through his hair but instead punches you decently hard in the boob. You yelp and hold your chest.
“Ahh! Sorry sorry!” he holds your shoulders. “I’m sorry.”
You can’t help but laugh through your pain. “Trying to make me lose a boob or something?”
“Noo, no I’m sorry, forgive me.” he asks, sounding genuinely worried.
Sure you were exaggerating your reaction, but what’s wrong with having a little fun with him.
You elbow him in the side and he cries out.
“Revenge.” you say with a smug smile.
He waits a moment before grabbing your waist and flipping you onto your back. He’s always stronger than you would’ve guessed. You yell as he climbs on top of you and begins to tickle your sides.
You kick around and try to push him off but he won’t budge.
“Get off, I’m dying!” you cackle from his relentless tickling.
“You asked for it.” he says.
“I thought we promised no tickle fights?” you grab a pillow to protect yourself but he’s quick to chuck it away.
“I had my fingers crossed.” he jokes.
You muster all of your strength and hook your leg around him to get him onto his back, a trick Jungwon taught you.
Without thought, you climb on top of him and pin his hands down. It take you a moment to realize what position you’re in. You both freeze for a second before bursting out laughing.
You fall onto your back, holding your chest.
“What the hell was that?” he asks, laughing. “Some fifty shades of gray type of shit.”
You kick him in the shoulder. “I’m sorry!” you say through a fit of giggles. You try to push yourself up but your legs are bent in a way that makes it a little tough. Heeseung assists you and pulls you up into a sitting position by your waist.
You’re still giggling a bit when you feel his nose brush against yours.
“Hi.” you whisper and he waits a moment before gently pushing his lips against yours. Your heart leaps into your throat but you try to stay calm as possible.
He pulls away (to your disappointment) and looks at you with wide eyes.
“Fuck, I’m sorry-” he says and before he can finish your hold his face and kiss him back. His arms snake around your waist and he pulls you flush against him.
You can’t believe that this is happening. You wonder if all the things you’ve fantasized about would happen tonight. Of course not, you’re crazy, you think. But you could already imagine with hands adventuring your body, touching you just how you like it.
Your fingers dip into the back of his shirt collar. You’re barely touching his skin, but it still feels so special.
His lips move to your cheek, then your jaw, then your neck. Your breath becomes increasingly ragged as his kisses become more open mouthed and messy.
He looks up at you. “Is this okay? Like do you want this?”
You nod eagerly and he smiles. “Cute.” he says to himself.
He gently rests you onto your back and traces your waist before pushing your top up. He peppers kisses all over your stomach and ribs before getting to the band of your bralette.
You blush. “I would’ve worn something nicer if I knew this was gonna happen.”
He shakes his head. “I like it, it’s pretty.”
You tug your shirt over your head along with your bra. He lets out a small gasp and you rush to cover yourself.
“Wait, no no.” he pulls your hands away.
“You’re making me shy.” you turn your head away and he chuckles.
“So perfect.” he says before softly kissing your chest.
You let out a small moan while running your fingers through his hair.
He slowly runs his tongue over your nipples while rubbing your sides. You can feel wetness starting to pool in your underwear.
You instinctively swivel your hips, looking for some kind of stimulation and he smiles.
“Do you need something?” he asks teasingly and you feel your cheeks heat up.
“Yeah,” you answer.
“What is it?”
You shake your head out of embarrassment.
“Well you’re gonna have to tell me or I’m just gonna leave you like this.” he says nonchalantly and you sigh.
You swallow your pride. “Touch me, please?”
“Attagirl.” he says and tugs your shorts off. “Show me how you like it.”
Your eyes widen. “Huh?”
“You heard me,” he says. “Show me first.”
You breathe in nervously before sliding your hand into your underwear. You circle your clit once and do your best to hold in a moan. He pulls your underwear to the side to watch you.
“Do you think about me when you touch yourself?” he asks. “When you’re home alone and it’s late at night?”
You nod sheepishly and he smiles. “What do you imagine?”
“I’m not telling you,” you blush. “It’s embarrassing.”
“Don’t be embarrassed. If you tell me, I'll tell you what I think about too.” he suggests and you accept the deal.
“I-I imagine my fingers being yours,” you swallow thickly.
“Mhm,” he encourages you while gingerly kissing your thighs.
“And,” you hesitate for a moment. “I imagine your tongue on me, and you filling me up. What about you?”
He smiles. “I imagine touching you like this,” he rubs his hands down your thighs and reaches up to pinch your nipples. “I imagine kissing you here,” he kisses your inner thigh, “and here,” he kisses you so close to where you need him the most and you quiver. He grabs your hand and pushes your fingers into his mouth. Your eyes widen and he smirks. “You taste good.”
You nearly cum just from seeing and hearing that.
“I imagine doing this.” He lowers his head and licks a gentle stripe up your pussy. Your thighs snap around his head and he pushes them back open.
“Relax sweetheart, let me make you feel good.” he says before delving into you. Your back arches off the bed right away and your fingers find his hair. Goddamn he’s good.
He circles his tongue on your clit, hungrily but still gently.
“Fuck,” you exhale and he smiles.
He pushes a finger into you with ease and soon adds another. You roll your hips against his tongue as his fingers pump in and out of you. You whimper as the overwhelming pleasure runs through your body.
“Oh my god,” you squeak as your legs begin to shake. Already? You think.
His fingers stay at a steady pace as he messily sucks on your clit. You tug at his hair and he moans into you.
“Please don’t stop.” you beg and he obeys.
Your hips begin to lift off the mattress and he pins you down, keeping you in place. Your orgasm pours through you like sweet syrup, leaving you trembling under him.
He comes up to kiss you, letting you taste yourself. You wipe your juices off his chin with your thumb then lick it off.
He watches you in awe. “God you’re hot.”
You pull his hoodie over his head and push him onto his back. Your fingers trace his shoulders, then his waist, and every muscle on his torso. You kiss him down to the band of his sweats before pulling them down along with his Calvins.
His cock springs up and hits his lower stomach. You slowly kiss up his shaft then waste no time getting him in your mouth. He hisses and caresses your hair.
He hits the back of your throat every time you bob your head but you don’t care. His head drops back with a tempting moan.
“Fuck you’re good.” he says with a small smile.
You stroke the inches you can’t reach with your hand.
You wish you could imprint this image of him in your mind: his head lulling back, his adam's apple bobbing every time he swallows, his brows furrowing, his mouth parting open. You’re almost tempted to take a photo.
You take him all the way into your throat and swallow around him. The moan he lets out sounds better than a song.
You look up at him and watch him rake his hand through his hair. His abs contract every time you come down on him.
“Just like that,” he purrs, sending heat straight to your core.
You feel so dirty with your spit dripping down your chin but at the same time, it feels so good.
“Such a good girl,” he coos. “Sucking this cock so well.”
You nod at him and he smiles.
“Come here,” he pulls you into a position where he can reach you better and squeezes your ass. He tenderly traces his fingers down your spine before slowly pushing two fingers into you. You whine on his cock and he smirks.
“Still so wet.” he says while slightly curling his fingers, you jolt and he chuckles. “Feels good huh?”
You nod and he pets your hair. “Keep going, that’s it.”
His fingers pick up the pace as your sucking and licking becomes more sloppy.
His moans become more desperate and when he expects you to pull off you keep your head down, taking his cum down your throat.
“Did you just swallow?” he asks you, still breathing heavy.
You nod with a smile and he pulls you into a passionate kiss.
He flips you onto your back, eagerly kissing down your body before lining himself up with your entrance.
“Fuck me please,” you exhale and he smiles.
“Of course,” he pushes into you and you whine from the feeling. He stretches you out just right. “God you have good pussy.” he moans and you giggle.
He leans down to kiss you and you whimper into his mouth.
“Don’t stop,” you plead and he kisses your neck, sucking and nibbling to leave a hickey. “People are gonna see.” you say and he smiles.
“That’s the point.” he says. "Don’t you want people to know how good you are for me?”
You blush and nod.
“Give me one too sweetheart.” he says softly while leaning over you.
You rub up and down his sides while gently biting and licking at his neck, leaving a pretty red blush on his neck.
His fingers trail down to circle your clit while grinding his hips into yours. Your eyes roll back as he does so and he smiles. He can’t stop thinking about how captivating you are. He can’t take his eyes off you. Which gives him an idea.
He grabs your jaw and turns it to the mirror next to your bed. “Look at yourself.” he says.
Your heartbeat quickens, not used to seeing yourself in this state.
“Look how good you take it.” he says and you can’t deny it, you look hot as fuck.
He looks at you watching his cock disappear in and out of your cunt. You drag your hands over your waist and go to roll your nipples between your fingers.
His fingers are so slick on your clit from your juices and everything feels so good that you can’t really believe it.
He grabs onto the headboard for leverage and he looks so fucking good like this. Ever since he turned your head to the mirror, you can’t look away. You only turn to face him when your legs begin to shake and the fire in your stomach starts to dance.
“Please don’t stop,” you say with sparkling eyes. “I’m close.”
“Cum for me sweetheart,” he says right by your ear. “Be good.”
That alone sends you over the edge.
You’re back arches and your eyes roll back as your orgasm surges through you. He moans into your neck as he releases into you. You’re still pulsing around him when he finishes.
He kisses your cheeks as you come down for your high. “You did so well princess.”
You can’t help but cling to him and he chuckles. “I have to pull out of you eventually.”
“I like the way you feel.” you whine and he smiles.
You opt to cock warm him. He lays on his back and pulls you on top to straddle him. He gently pushes into you as you lay on his chest and enjoy the feeling.
He strokes your back and kisses your shoulder for a bit before he starts to subdtley thrust up into you.
You give him a look and he smiles at you sheepishly. “Wanna go again?”
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1111jenx · 3 years
Astrology Observ Rants: 🌜random placements🌛
Heyyyy!! So I was really inspired by this one fellow blogger that i have mutuals with on my tumblr feed and decided to start writing some rants!😆 Take this easy and have fun! Lemme know what you guys think down below:)
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1. Leo Moon/Venus/Rising. You do not need others validation to feel happy. When people tell you to back off, back off. Repeat after me until that becomes real. I'm a Leo Rising/Venus so I truly know this best. Some of us really see red flag as a sign to chase lol
2. Are you really bestfriends with a Scorpio Venus if they never told you all of their sketchy schemes? Oh you didn't know that they created a fake Tinder account and spent 2 hours swiping left on the app at 1AM in the morning to see if they will find their s/o account? Even if their s/o is sound asleep next to them? You didn't know they do that? They probably not your bestfriend then😬 (Mix this with Virgo/Libra energy and you get a demon)
3. A big hug then a loving slap to all of my Gemini Sun with Leo Venus out there! Some of y'all are simply crazy possessive but refuse to show it somehow? Why do you feel so much but show so little? Being in love will not make you guys distracted. Show the world how big your heart is. My Leo Venus will really appreciate this thank you.
4. Sagittarius moon people... Are you guys like... Okay? Literally any sun with sagittarius moon are the worst overthinkers I've met in my life, worst temper too. I'm not sure why some people believe Sag moon slacks off and ignore the problem. In my experience I have not met any Sagittarius moon thats not either 1. confrontational 2. extreme anger issues 3. extreme identity crisis 4. truly feel bad when they did someone dirty and can owe up to their wrongs 5. STUDIOUS ( My mom has this and her sun is in Gemini and despite her age, she's currently learning 2 new languages and has traveled to most countries in the world, I'm serious)
5. I didn't really get why Sagittarius men have such a bad reputation until I met one. Wow. And y'all have the audacity to call Gemini men evil? Have you met a Sag man with water placements?
6. Gemini Rising please please please calm down. I love your energy when you're at your best. Literal sunshine! But your moodiness is INSANE and you guys have anxiety so bad sometimes I just wanna give y'all a hug.
7. Hey Aquarius Rising! It's time to let go of this toxic cycle. You know you deserve better. Clinging on people who won't share the spotlight with you don't do any good.
8. I'm sorry I typed formla instead of *formula! Now can you shut up and stop taking screenshots of my grammar errors? Yeah I'm talking about you guys, Virgo Moon/Mars.
9. I feel like no one ever talks about how Cancer Mercury can either never freaking open up??? Like at all??? Or can't shut up about their emotions??? Like its either the former or the latter it's tiring boo.
10. Gemini Mercury aspecting Venus. Please. Make a decision.
11. Capricorn mars energy makes me wanna bend over and let them torture me sometimes. But only when they're heartless and don't give a damn about me. When they start to care it's like they want us to elope ASAP.
12. I think it'd be best if Aries Moon people sit down and lock themselves up in a room when they're about to throw a tantrum. This will really help your relationships.
13. Pisces sun women and their relationships with their grandparents. A lot of Pisces I know grow up with their grandparents!! Not a rant just a fun fact lol.
14. Pisces Moon people are delusional. I said what I said. Y'all really believe blasting "Attract my ex come back to me affirmations RHZ" will manifest your ex back in your life. Get a therapist. (I'm a Pisces moon so I know. Don't come for me)
15. Finally, Leo sun with Libra venus❤️ I read somewhere saying that you guys are angels! You are. But in the same time. Some of y'all will risk it ALL when you want someone. I mean literally. Stop it.
saint jenx🪐
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honouredsatoru · 3 years
JJK Characters x You on a date
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notes : I tried including Gojo's love for Digimon since I also grew up watching Digimon and loving the anime with all of my heart, also because Gojo's seiyuu, both Japanese and English versions, voiced for characters in Digimon, so I wanna pay homage to the both of them. other than that, I also included my love for arts and history, something I tried to incorporate into my writing, just to make it like.. lilith's style, ya know?
extra notes : also I wrote megumi for Elli, just because haha.
warnings : slight cussing. not proofread lol. other than that, none. 100% fluff!
characters : gojo satoru, fushiguro megumi, kugisaki nobara, nanami kento, itadori yuji.
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Gojo Satoru - Arcades, vintage shops, especially collectors, especially Digimon, comic book/manga stores.
[Your name]! [Your name!]! Look, look! It's the Digimon Adventure V-Tamer 01 series! All 9 of them! Let's get in!"
"Ahh hold on. Towu! We're supposed to visit the cat cafe, you promised that you would go with me and take pictures with the cat hairband on! And I'm starving!"
You jokingly scowled at him, tapping your Doc Martens feet on the ground, arms folding.
"Fucking adorable. Let me see if I can tease her more, hah." A smirk soon appeared on this blue-eyed darling of yours.
"Let me get the manga and I promise, I'll go to this cat cafe with you, baby. Hm?"
"Oh alright."
"I love you, sweetheart. I know how much you wanted to go there but the manga. I- ahaaaa"
He started pouting as he kept pointing in the direction of the Digimon manga by the window. You quickly opened your camera, taking pictures of him sulking, emitting a soft giggle that actually made his heart squeezed with joy.
He presses his lips against your forehead, thumb circling your cheek, gently squishing them before opening the door, yanking you into the comic book store with him. You vowed to hide the comic books once he goes on a mission. After all, he made you wait a month before the two of you finally get to go to this cafe you always wanted to visit.
"Baby, I can read what you're thinking. Your face shows it too. Hehe. Watch me hide your panties."
Taking in a few gulps of air to deepen your breath, you opened your eyes, to meet the love of your life's own eyes, snickering at you, his large hands on the crown of your head before ruffling your already messy hair. There is no way you can stay mad at this man, as childish as he is, you know he loves you and deep down? He knows you love him too.
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Itadori Yuji - Thrift stores, internet cafes to play online games with you, cinemas.
"Candy! [Your name] love! Don't! Make! Me! Ahhh cover up for me! I am gonna lose! I am gonna-"
He turns around to face you with soft eyes, his eyebrows slightly droopy before looking back at the computer, taking in the seconds in his head to register the fact that he lost in his mission with you in Inferno.
"Awww sorry babe. I mean.. you just started playing CSGO, so tell me, why- again- damn it- you wanna- AH. Damn it! Throw the fucking grenade! I mean why you wanna play this game, you need more practice- FUCK YOU."
Gentle chuckles were heard, emitted from his throat, his soft, peach toned lips landed on your cheek repeatedly as he rubbed soothing circles around your back.
"Breathe, bunny baby. You're so feisty whenever you start having online matches. Breathe. I love you, and I don't want you to get your blood pressure rising because of these dumbos, hm?"
Your lips curl into a faint and appreciative smile, nodding while your eyes are glued to the screen, ignoring the fading laughs and snickers from the people acknowledging your mini rage.
"I love you too. If I win, I'm getting us boba and chicken nuggets. So let me fight them, okie?"
"Yes ma'am!"
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Megumi - Museums, art galleries, photo exhibitions, aesthetic cafes.
"Oh Gumi bear, look at that! That is the Raft of Medusa, it was done by Thèodore Géricault, he himself interviewed two survivors from the shipwreck."
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He looks over your eyes that shine with excitement and pure happiness.
Was what he thought every time he laid his sight onto you. God knows that he falls in love with you every single time he is blessed with your presence. Resting his arm around your waist, pulling you closer, inhaling the scent of mixed berries and wild roses, he swore he heard his heartbeat increasing every two seconds in a span of one minute.
"Oh really? What do you think this painting is all about?"
Glancing at him before returning to the painting, you puffed your cheeks, pressing your lips together with your index finger curled on your chin and your thumb under it.
"Lord, she is so cute whenever she does that. Can I kiss her? Should I? No wait, she's trying to tell me her own interpretation of this painting. To me. Oh wow. I'm gonna kiss her... later. I can't interrupt her." That is all he could think of. You. He is deeply, madly, beautifully in love with you.
"In my opinion, it tells me the ways of how men, or human beings, seek out in order to survive. When we are at the brink of desperation, insanity, happiness, greed, lust, desire, wrath, grief, don't we all do things unimaginable to help us go through the day? They even resolved to cannibalism. I think even I would commit to that if I was in an extremely dire situation."
You looked at him, a wide smile on your face, emitting a soft giggle that entered his right ear and stayed within the chambers of his mind. He closed the spaces between the both of you, sealing his lips onto yours, with the intention of making this very moment last a little longer heavy within his heart.
Was what you thought of him.
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Nanami Kento - Theatres, historical museums, fine dining restaurants.
You squealed, lightly clapping your hands as you ran to a block of marble, your foot tapping against the floor. He chuckles, hands in his pocket, taking fast strides towards you.
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"Namnam! Look look! That's the Parthenon Sculptures! It was founded in hm... Athens, yes! If I am not mistaken, around 438 to 432 BC. These sculptures decorated the insides of the Parthenon, it is a temple located at the fortress of the Athenian Acropolis. It is said that this temple was built to appreciate and worship the Goddess Athena, she was the deity worship in Athens. Also, ah ah! Did you know that the word parthénos means "maiden", "girl" or ‘virgin"? And I-"
You look at him, your magnificent lover wearing a dark brown trench coat, with ecru brown trousers and a black turtleneck tucked in, his neck layered with white gold necklaces. Your hand unconsciously scratches your sideburns, giggling at the side of his stoic expression, eyes piercing yours beneath that yellow-green glasses he constantly has on his chiseled face.
"Oh... I am sorry... I didn't mean to bore you. I was just so excited because you know me! I love anything that is related to ancient greek history and mythology. I can't seem to get enough of it and it is absolut-
"I'm not bored, [your name]. I was just paying attention to every single word that pretty lips of yours uttered. It's magnificent that you knew all of this. It shows just how smart, curious, bright your mind and soul is. And darling?"
"I am lucky to be blessed with someone like you. With Gojo constantly following me, there is no way I can read the books I bought for myself. However, having you around, breaking the ice with your random history tib bits, I feel like I am reading the pages, savouring each word, alphabet, sentence, thus expanding my quest and love for knowledge."
You looked down. Normally, you're not the type to tear up this easily but seeing how this man, this angel of a man, appreciates the little things you loved and adored, you can't help but let the waterworks out. You lifted your head up to meet his gaze, the tip of your nose slightly stuffy. You grabbed his arms, clinging onto him, the difference of height and size makes it sweet to the eyes of strangers surrounding you both.
"Oh Namnam. Thank you so much. This means the world to me. Shall we... go and see the best of Ramesses the Great? I've loads to tell you!"
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Nobara - Shopping malls, ferry rides, beach dates, parks with cherry blossoms.
"Baby... tell me, have you ever seen anything as joyous as the ocean?"
You two stood by the seashore, fingers intertwined, your head resting on her shoulders, the sound of the seas splashing against the rocks and the warmth around your foot, it tingled but it feels good at the same time.
"I don't want this moment to end, [your name]."
"Why is that, pretty one?"
A faint sigh leaves her lips, you feeling her body loosen up.
"I just.. school is sort of stressful so my time spent with you liberates me from the pressure, fatigue, and image of curses embedded in my brain. Walking with you... through this airy womb of skies and clouds, don't you know it makes me happy?"
You leaned closer, pressing a soft peck on her cheeks, earning yourself a pair of scarlet cheeks with a gorgeous smile from the one next to you. You turned yourself to face her, hands on her shoulders, bringing her body closer to yours.
"Whenever and wherever you need me, I will be there. I might not be perfect, but I am gonna do my best to be the one you can always count on."
You pressed a kiss on her left cheek.
"I love you."
A kiss on her right cheek.
"I love you."
A kiss to the lips of the woman whom you shared your entire universe with.
"To the moon and back, I love you, Kugisaki Nobara."
The end.
tags : @tojisveryown @sookyshima @megumifushi @sixeyesgojo @sirthisisa-wendys @sasso-oda @fushigurocockslut @nkogneatho @kotarousgf @noritoshiikamo
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getofy · 3 years
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bakugo as your boyfriend would include...
request: what would dating bakugo be like?
gn!reader (but there are slight fem themes if you squint); fluff; headcanons; no spoilers
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character: bakugo katsuki
a/n: this goes out to my one & only <333. ilysm deku kinnie pls enjoy! also, @ bakugo simps i hope this feeds u well. he’s sm fun to write for. headcanons + a short playlist are under the cut.
*ty to my bakugo kinnie/simp friend for helping me write this. i appreciate u. A LOT of these ideas r hers!!
04. IN TOO DEEP by SUM 41
katsuki is a very emotional person. he feels incredibly deep and profound things, but has trouble expressing it in a healthy manner. this being so, him as your s/o would consist of a lot of subtle displays of affection! such as...
he’ll teach you small things about his hobbies. will 100% show you how to play the drums, mountain climb, etc.
literally you learn so much with him it’s insane. he claims it’s because he couldn’t stand dating an incapable person, but in reality it’s just because he likes feeling useful/needed HAHA.
this man is lowkey super clingy...so he will always find a way to be physically close to you.
a BIG fan of putting his arm around your shoulder fs. don’t mention it to him though because he’ll IMMEDIATELY stop doing it.
if you’re comfortable with it, he’d adore it if you sat on his lap!! like fr if you walked up to him when he was lounging on the couch and did it this is how it would go...
“what’re you doing?”
“sitting down, why?”
he just stares and then grunts before going back to whatever he was doing
don’t let his indifference fool you, he is very pleased.
probably looked up at the ceiling and thought about it for an hour once you left
he thinks about you a lot
he pretends like it’s a nuisance, but it genuinely makes his day when you eat the stuff he prepares. literally if you’re hungry just ask him to make you smth and he’ll do it. he actually gets angry if you decide to cook without him.
one time, katsuki seemed really tired because of training and school. so you tried to make something for the both of you guys to enjoy together. it uh...didn’t go well...
“what are you doing?!”
“cutting vegetables...”
“no. you’re doing it all wrong. give me the knife.”
“excuse me??”
you ended up giving him the knife
the meal was great!?? but he scolded you for like 30 minutes after PLS.
he’s proud that you’re his s/o, so of course he’s gonna brag about you to EVERYONE.
it’s not overbearing or in an annoying way either. it’s moreso him talking about your accomplishments and stuff like that.
he literally only shows you off for his own benefit. NEEDS everyone to know how cool you and him both are.
it’s an ego thing.
i take back what i said abt it not being annoying. it’s a nuisance to everyone who ain’t you.
like i said before, he needs to be close to you at all times. sooo he always sits next to you. no questions asked.
expect to see a pouting, petty katsuki if you decide to sit next to somebody that isn’t him.
“are you seriously mad that i sat next to deku and not you on the bus?!”
“you’re impossible.”
you took his hoodie without asking ONE TIME and now he’s hooked on seeing you in his clothing.
he’ll always pretend like he’s doing you a favor though.
gotta love how annoying he is! 
i wouldn’t go as far to say that gift giving is his love language, but he’ll buy things that you bring up in causal conversation a whole lot.
he just kinda bashfully shoves the gift in your hands and watches as you fawn over it.
“awww! how’d you know??”
“you wouldn’t shut up about it.”
he loves seeing your pleased expression!! +100 boost to katsuki’s confidence.
we ALL know how smart this man is.
he will 100% help you study for school if you’re struggling!
don’t expect him to go easy on you though.
if anything, he’ll probably be harder on you because he really wants to see you succeed.
he basically carries you through math
i can see him knowing EVERYTHING about you. your birthday, your morning routine, your favorite snacks, your favorite songs, etc.
it doesn’t take a lot for him to remember this stuff either???
like, he thinks you’re unforgettable, so he just knows
he wants you to know how cool he is so bad it’s laughable.
he’ll show off during training exercises FOR SUREEEE
bakusquad teases him abt it when he does lol they ALLL know how whipped he is for you
kirishima: wow, you’re really into it today bakugo!
denki: well (y/n) IS watching
bakugo: SHUT UP.
-> you enable him so much...like way too much. please get on that. someone needs to hold this stupid man accountable. he probably likes it when you scold him despite his protests so don’t be afraid to tell him off baby.
-> your approval makes his heart go $$/!/?!!!error??77776. like, even before you two started dating, he would ALWAYS feel flustered whenever you would compliment his outfits, fighting style, etc. now that you guys are dating, he still feels extremely dazed when you dote on him.
he’ll probably act super cocky about it though
“ ‘course i look good, idiot.” 
he’s trying his best to suppress the stupid smile trying to take over his face. eventually, he lets it out, and tbh everyone in 1A knows that it’s because of smth cheesy you told him.
he is SUCH a softie for you it HURTTSSSS GAHHHH!!
-> katsuki is a very protective boyfriend.
this goes for everything, but especially applies during intense situations.
will literally lay his life down for you without thinking twice about it. don’t fight me on this. it’s canon.
if you’re going on a dangerous mission, you BEST believe this man is tagging along with you.
if for some reason he can’t go, he’ll make it a point to stay up way past his bed time waiting for you to come back.
when katsuki chooses you over sleep just know that you’ve won at life.
he doesn’t see you as inferior in any way. he knows you can handle yourself, but he really wants to keep you safe bc if something bad happened to the love of his life he would be in shambles.
on a lighter note, if mineta bugs you, he’ll absolutely wreck him. will literally punt that grape boy into the next stratosphere.
also!! he’s not the type to care about what you wear. if you’re wearing smth a bit more revealing, the most he’ll say is that you look hot. literally is so unbothered.
he trusts you a lot so it’s like 🤷‍♀️🤷‍♀️
protective ≠ possessive
-> dates w/ him are super all over the place! one weekend, you guys will just chill in his dorm and the next he’ll be laughing maniacally as he chases you down during an intense round of laser tag.
-> he’s big fan of competition, so he’ll turn everything into one.
let him win.
-> his hands are really sensitive because of his quirk, so if you kissed them he’d turn to mush.
im literally begging you to touch this man. help him. he is so touch-starved it’s not funny.
-> he runs hot so cuddles w him are so nice and comforting :(. will pull you in close and tight and NEVER let go.
in short, while dating katsuki definitely comes with it’s quirks, it’s a beautiful relationship. he respects you endlessly and will do anything to ensure your happiness. treat him right and he’ll do the same!!
have fun dating explosion boy!
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*do not repost my work without proper credit and my explicit permission
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jisungsplatforms · 3 years
[Chapter IV: You F*cking Minx!]
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Pairing: Producer/Music Major! Han Jisung x Photographer! fem! reader
Genre: NSFW! Smut; non idol au, college au, strangers to lovers
Warnings: Mature Content! strong language, masterbation (m&f) (only implied this chapter), discussion of kinks, good old nudes & teasing Jisung ;)
Chapter Word Count: 2.8k (lol minus the emojis cause APPARENTLY, they count on docs)
Taglist: @hyunjeongins @seungstarss @es-kay-zee @hyunjinsplaything @formidxble @freckledquokka @lbxgsunshine @cartierbin @solistired @rainbowmagicpixecorn @http-hyxnjxn (want to be added? send an ask or a dm! <3)
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You were starting to think that touching yourself every night was rather unhealthy...
It’s been over a week since you and Jisung met—a week since the both of you started your unspoken arrangement. Breathing heavily, you laid limply on your untidy bed, the only source of light available was the moon’s rays peeking through your curtains. The lower half of your body was completely rid of any clothing; the only thing covering your skin were splotches of your essence. Your phone then lit up with a notification from ‘Hannie Bear’.
1 new message(s) from Hannie Bear 🍯🧸
Hannie Bear 🍯🧸: u okay baby? do u wanna sleep now?
Using your unsoiled hand, you grabbed your phone and typed as best as you could.
Me: Nah, I still have a little bit of energy left in me
Hannie Bear 🍯🧸: really? cool lol
let’s chat for a bit
Me: Sure. Just hold on for a sec
You sat up and wiped your hand on the towel laid under you. Swinging one of your legs off the bed, you used your toes to pick up your garments from the floor, and quickly put them on. Two new notifications from Jisung appeared on your screen. You read his messages as you threw your dirted towel onto the floor.
Hannie Bear 🍯🧸: aight.
actually you know what? just call me please!
You laid back down and tapped on his icon, which now consisted of a selfie of himself from when he ‘needed to use’ your phone a few days ago, at the top of your screen to switch to the call screen. Your phone rang several times before Jisung answered. Through the phone, you could hear the faint sound of rustling and a groan.
“Hey,” he greeted with a raspy voice. You instinctively smiled when you heard him.
Jisung cleared his throat before speaking. “So I was wondering, since— ah wait. Sorry, my throat’s kinda...”
“No, go ahead. I don’t mind.”
“Thanks,” he chuckled. “You should get some water too! You know, cause— yeah. After all that.”
You laughed, heart warming at his consideration. “Yeah. Thanks!” Bringing your phone with you, you walked to the kitchen and grabbed a bottle of water. You set the call to speaker mode before putting your phone down to drink. Hearing the hilarious way Jisung took big gulps of water almost made you choke on your water.
He let out an over-exaggerated ‘ha!’ and said with a funny voice, “Refreshing!” Hearing your snort made Jisung smile. “Okay, so now that we’re both hydrated, I’ll tell you what I’ve been thinking.” You hummed to acknowledge him. “So, you know how we’ve been doing this for almost two weeks now, right?”
“Yeah…?” You picked up your phone to go back to your room.
“Okay. Well, we never really talked about, you know, things that we like.”
“Things that we like?”
“Yeah! You know what I mean?”
‘Huh?’ You thought about it for a few seconds before realizing what he was talking about. “Ohh. Do you mean our kinks?”
“There! That.”
You scoffed playfully. “I knew this conversation was bound to happen.”
“Well, then spill, girl!” Jisung said flamboyantly. “Don’t keep me waiting!”
You giggled. “Weirdo,” you whispered, softly grunting when you plopped onto your bed. “Where do you want me to start?”
“I don’t know. I guess just tell me like, what role you like playing in bed, or if you don’t even use roles at all.”
“Well, we’ve masterbated together long enough for you to know that I don’t mind either; sex is sex and it should be enjoyable, whether or not there are sub/dom roles...but I do like being submissive.”
“Oh, right. Nice,” he snickered, “Okay, now what? Vanilla or Kinky?”
“Kinky, all that way.” Jisung wanted to laugh at how fast that answer came out. “Of course, there’s nothing wrong vanilla sex, in fact, it’s very much appreciated in this household.”
“Ahh. Someone of culture. I respect that.” The both of you chuckled. “So, what are some things you want to be done to you?”
“Like, receiving?” Jisung hummed in confirmation. “I guess I like being marked? And being praised and using pet names, but of course, who doesn’t?”
“I feel you, I feel you,” he nodded on the other side of the phone. “I like that too.”
“I also like being tied up.”
Jisung sat up, wide eyed. “Rope-bunny?!”
You guffawed, hearing him so shocked like that. “What? Surprising? Remember, no kink shaming!”
“No no! It’s not like that it’s just-” he sighed through puffed cheeks, “wow, that’s fucking hot.”
“Thanks,” you giggled. “But that’s only the beginning.”
“Shit, there’s more? Holy fuck— please tell me.”
“Overstimulation & edging, I think that’s fucking hot too.” You could hear Jisung’s breath hitch on the phone, making you smirk. “I also really like choking and being able to see myself getting fucked; I think there’s a name for it, but I forgot.”
Not hearing his reply, you snorted before continuing. “And I have the biggest breeding kink ever. You know what I say: the messier the sex, the better.” You stopped when you heard Jisung take a deep breath.
“Whoa, Y/n. I-” he signed. “Let me calm down before I pop another boner ‘cause of you.”
You felt a surge of pride run through you. “What? Too much?”
“Oh, fuck no. Just insanely hot.”
You laughed, adjusting yourself to lay on your stomach. “Too bad. There was still a lot more I wanted to say,” you grinned. “You should tell me what you like then, baby. I need to know how I could please you too.”
“Hmm,” he thought to himself for a while. “So you already know that I like filthy, kinky sex too and that I usually take up the dom role but if I have to be honest. I’ve always wanted to try subbing.”
“Really?” you smiled evilly. ‘How interesting’
“Yup. I mean, I like being babied, so I think I’d really like it.”
“Oh? Would you like to try it sometime, baby boy?”
The line went dead silent for a while, filling you with worry. All of a sudden, when you were about to ask Jisung if he was okay, he whimpered. “Please?” he muttered, and you swore you could already see him pouting. Now it was your turn to take a deep breath.
“Hold on, baby boy. We both just finished touching ourselves not too long ago. Let’s do this another time.”
“Aww...Boo. You’re no fun,” Jisung’s usual cheeky self returned.
You rolled your eyes. “Sorry, but I already came 3 times tonight. Let my vagina rest, Sung.”
“Fair,” he laughed. “Does that mean I get to sub next time?”
“Hm… If you’re nice to me, then yes.”
“Oh baby, you know i’ll be the best behavior if it means getting topped by you.”
Instead of feeling horny, you only felt playfulness behind his words. “Good. I’ll be sure to give my baby a treat tomorrow then.” Jisung cheered giddily, fueling your own amusement. “By the way, what’s with the kink talk? I mean, I knew it was gonna come eventually but still.”
You couldn’t see it, but Jisung shrugged at your question. “Well, if we’re gonna be together, then I need to know everything about you that you enjoy.” Your face dropped, your chest swelling in adoration and alarm. Not hearing a response from you made him panic. “Uh- unless you don’t wanna be a thing! That-that’s fine too...i guess, w-whatever! I just—!”
Jisung stopped when he heard you giggle. “You’re so cute, Sung.” You softly said in content. “It’s getting late, baby. I’ll see you in the morning, hm?”
“Y-yeah! See you in Jung’s class, baby!”
You ended the call then slid your phone under your pillow. Pulling your blanket all the way up to your chin, you squirmed around until you were comfortable enough to sleep. The only thing in your mind was Jisung and how much your relationship with him developed way too fast. It was a little...frightening for your fragile heart.
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2nd Period; Mrs. Jung’s Renaissance Literature class. Probably the most boring class ever. Everyday, you regret ever signing up for it.
You begrudgingly walked to class, purposely taking small, slow steps so you don’t have to be there on time. However, as boring as the class is, the only reason why you find it tolerable is because it is the only class you share with Jisung. Looking up, you found yourself in front of your Literature class, much to your dismay. Grumbling, you stepped inside the room to find Jisung already at his (now) usual place at the back of the class, right beside you. ‘Weird,’ you thought, seeing how it’s usually you who comes to class before him. Jisung looked up, feeling eyes on him from the front of the class, and smiled when he saw it was just you. He gestured for you to come over to him; your heart racing as you stepped closer to him.
“Hey, baby,” he greeted happily, watching you take your seat beside him.
“Hi, Sungie,” you replied, setting your camera bag onto the floor under your legs and taking your laptop out of your bag. Feeling Jisung staring at you, you tched jokingly. “Am I that attractive that you can’t keep your eyes off of me?” you laughed. What you didn’t expect, however, was Jisung’s blunt response.
“O-oh? Uh…”
“I thought I made it clear that I think you’re the most beautiful person I’ve ever seen in my life,” he said truthfully, giving you a bright smile. Your eyes were wide, face heating up at his straight-forwardness. He threw you a flirty wink and chuckled, going back to sit up straight at his own seat. Flustered, you hid your face with your hoodie, tightening the drawstrings to further conceal your blush. From beside you, you could hear Jisung snort, trying not to laugh at you. Before you could scold him, the bell rang and Mrs. Jung entered the class.
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Jisung’s drowsy eyes wandered the whole room for the umpteenth time. His ears only shut out the mundane information his instructor was teaching. Something about a Scottish poet named George Lauder being responsible for the advancement of the steel industry or whatever? ‘Man, what does that have to do with the renaissance era?’ It’s only been 30 minutes since the class started and he already wanted to get out of here. No matter how hard he tried focusing on the lesson, the words only went through one ear and out the other. Needless to say, it way too uninteresting for him to retain anything.
His eyes then traveled to your hunched form. He had to resist the urge to pull out his phone and take a picture of your cute face all scrunched up in concentration, your figure engulfed by the oversized purple hoodie you were wearing. In the midst of his ogling, Jisung felt a gentle kick on his right leg. His eyes focused to finally notice you side eyeing him. It was as if you were telling him ‘pay attention or else’. All he did was grin and continued gawking at you.
You rolled your eyes, deciding to not mind him and try paying attention to Mrs. Jung; even if you yourself thought the class was boring as hell. You then feel a warm hand on your left thigh. Since it was just Jisung, you shrugged his hand off of you and typed in the shared doc you both created just to talk in this class. You typed:
‘What are you doing?’
Leaning over to his own screen, Jisung read the message on his laptop then replied.
‘babe i’m sorry but i’m so fucking bored’
‘Me too, but you gotta pay attention, baby boy’
‘hmm i love it when you call me baby boy ;)’
You side-glanced him with a ‘are you serious?’ look while he merely smirked, wiggling his eyebrows as if it would seduce you.
‘Funny. Don’t you dare get horny in the middle of class, Han Jisung!’
Jisung made a quiet sputtering noise as he put his head down onto the table. From the corner of your eyes, you could see him fiddling his platform sneakers with his feet. You restrained yourself from laughing at him. He looked exactly like an annoyed kid on the verge of throwing a tantrum. You shook your head. ‘The poor man is really trying’
Sneakily sliding your phone into your pocket, you stood up from your seat, the chair making a slight screech, catching Jisung’s—as well several other students’— brief attention, to head to the front of the class. Signing your name into the ‘restroom log’, you briefly pointed to the door when you made eye contact with Mrs. Jung, and went to the restroom. You grinned to yourself, thinking about how Jisung would react to his little gift.
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The painfully bored boy watched as you left the room. He pouted, his boredom only increased tenfold without you. He went back to his laptop, clicking on another tab to do something, when he felt his phone vibrate from his back pocket. He jolted. ‘Who the hell would text me while I’m in the middle of class?’ Jisung slowly took out his phone to check his notifications. Seeing your name on the screen, he stared in confusion.
‘Y/n? What’re you doing?’ Glancing to see if Mrs. Jung could see him, he unlocked his phone to read your message.
My baby 💘: Remember what I said last night?
Many thoughts, none of which were pg, raced through his mind. ‘What exactly are you talking about?’ He adjusted his keyboard to properly type with one hand.
Me: depends
are we talking about me subbing or your “gift”?
My baby 💘: Hmm sure. You’ll see 😉
Jisung nearly let out an audible ‘huh?’ because of your rather cryptic message. Not wanting to get caught, he hid his phone between his legs and waited for your next text. After almost a minute, this phone vibrated again. Big Mistake…
Strike 1!
‘God, Han Jisung, you fucking idiot!’ The shock unintentionally sent waves of pleasure between his legs, almost coaxing out a whimper from his mouth. He cleared throat, trying to ignore the erection that was threatening to pop up, and inconspicuously took his phone.
Strike 2!
If Jisung died at that very moment, then he wouldn’t even be mad. No regrets or anger whatsoever for his eyes was blessed with the most salacious photo of yourself. There you were, sweater pulled up to show off the lacy red bra that adorned your breasts—your arms deliberately squeezing them together to make them even more tempting than they already are—and pants pulled down enough to show a cheeky glimpse of the matching set of panties hugging your hips. Jisung swore he could feel his blood rushing to his dick and nose; he even went as far as wiping it in case he really did get a nosebleed.
‘Y/n, you minx...’’
Me: baby…
what you’re doing is very dangerous for the both of us
My baby 💘: Oh? Are you sure you didn’t forget what we talked about, baby boy
Jisung anxiously looked back and forth from his phone to his teacher. He covered his mouth when you sent another shameless nude to him. Now it was a picture of your hands cupping your breasts, your bra unclasped, threatening to slide off your shoulders. How you managed to take the photo was beyond Jisung’s comprehension. Though, now that he’s as turned on as a horny 13 year old boy on a porn site for the very first time, it’s safe to say that there was nothing on his mind except you, and you only.
He set his keyboard back to its default mode and put his head down, fingers hastily tapping on his phone to reply.
Me: come on baby
please don’t do this to me
i’m hard. i really popped a boner in the middle of class…
this is fucking embarrassing
Jisung just knew that you were laughing at him, finding great joy in his predicament. He subtly adjusted himself to do something about his hard-on. ‘So fucking embarrassing’ He blushed, biting his lip. He silently prayed to whatever deity out there that his erection was unnoticeable through his sweatpants; he was so grateful that you two sat at the back of the class. His phone buzzed again, it was another message from you.
Strike 3!
He’s out…
My baby 💘: It’s mommy for you today, baby boy 😉😉
Above was a picture of you...Bra hanging from your mouth...Your pearly teeth biting down on one of the straps...Pants off...Panties moved to the side...Showing off your dripping core to the camera...Your fingers threatening to slide inside your core…
Somebody please help this poor man. He might get a heart attack because of you. And if he doesn’t die from that, then it might be because of the rage of sexual frustration he felt when you came back with a seemingly innocent smile on your face. Jisung was just lucky nobody noticed his hard cock throbbing the rest of the session. More importantly, thank god Mrs. Jung is an oblivious old woman.
‘Y/n L/n, you FUCKING MINX!’
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