#loneliness induction yandere type
basementstalker · 11 months
Shackling type
SUBTYPE: Easily jealous
Variant:- (reminds me of monopoly yandere type)
It is rare for a yandere to be okay with their love interest to be around other people than not, so this is an very common variant. There are differences in whether or not the yandere shows it or not, but they are mostly easily jealous. It may be impossible to talk things out with yanderes whose feelings surpass jealousy, so they are more dangerous than most. The extent of their jealousy decides whether or not they are emotionally ill or a healthy person. If you notice them act slightly abnormal when you meet their gaze, or see them feeling annoyed when they’re alone doing nothing, that is when they are first recognised as having something off about them. Note: Jealousy does not affect sociopaths and those who have emotional abnormalities. The Love is Blind variant of the Intoxicated type does not “see” anyone other than their love interest in its truest meaning, so they may not care about the existence of other people. They either look down overwhelmingly upon others or don’t even notice them, so most of the time something is obviously off about them.
SUBTYPE:Self imposing
Variant: Dependency (reminds me of manipulative yandere type, loneliness induction yandere type)
Yanderes of this variant bear a close resemblence to the YES meme1 that went viral for a short period of time. As this variant takes care of the love interest in everything, they seem like the Self-Sacrificing subtype at first glance. However, because their goal is to make the love interest dependent on them they are this variant. They are extremely calculative, and their self-sacrificing trait differentiates them from the Controlling subtype. By the time the love interest notices anything the love interest will have become (mutually) dependent. The likelihood the love interest is the one who becomes useless without the yandere is overwhelmingly higher than the reverse. There are rarely any male characters who will fall under this variant. However characters such as the first-born son who has sibling(s) much younger, or mother-figures who make meets end financially for the family are attentive characters who are highly able to earn a living. These traits make it comparatively easy for them to fit into this variant.
Variant: Contact
Being with the love interest is the goal of yandere of this variant and is not affected by their ability to support themselves. There are some who may end up in the love interest's care so making their way into the love interest's life is the kind of contact they make and end up becoming financially dependent on the love interest. However, for this to work out the love interest must have some affection for the yandere so there must be something about them that the love interest is attracted to. At the core of this variant are the traits of the Shackling type, so if the yandere discovers any factors of unease in their shared life with the love interest, they’ll often show their jealous nature. It is easier for those of the ‘useless man’ or ‘younger man’ types that tickle the love interest's maternal instincts to develop into this variant.
SUBTYPE: Overprotective
Variant: Doll (reminds me of protective yandere type, loneliness induction yandere type)
Having the love interest under their surveillance is the major prerequisite for this variant. They are also doting. These yandere do not wish for the love interest to be independent. As long as the the love interest is within their monitoring range, the yandere will spoil them. However, they will not allow the love interest to do as they please at all. Compared to the Glassware variant, the Doll variant is undeniably more self-centered and rather aggressive, but they are also highly sensitive to maliious and aggressive intent from others. They can be considered a ‘360 degree security protection’ type, one that even the love interest finds a nuisance.
Variant: Glassware (reminds me of protective yandere type)
The love interest is so dear to the yandere of this variant that they are afraid of losing them more than anything. They have similarities to the Deprived subtype but don’t cling nor are they determined to get the love interest back after losing them. This type is simply extremely fearful and is timid in their approach to the love interest, which is a characteristic of this variant. As the traits of the Shackling type are at core of this variant, they want to safeguard the love interest extremely carefully. They are compatible with the Worshipping variant and sometimes the two may be combined in one person.
SUBTYPE: Easily lonely
Variant: - (reminds me of dependent yandere type)
This variant is afraid of being alone above all else. They tend to be self-preserving most of the time, and love themselves and the love interest. They don’t want to be alone so shackling the love interest to them becomes their aim. Unlike the Overprotective subtype, if the Easily Lonely subtype is betrayed their nature makes it easy for them to shift into the Love-Hate subtype. They have more in common with characters who are categorised as lunatics than not.
SUBTYPE: Matching
Variant: -
Psychological identification is the ultimate aim of yandere of this subtype. Everything needs to be matching or the same. This is the secret to keeping them emotionally calm. They are more common when the yandere and the love interest are of the same sex. If the yandere choses to match with the the love interest, they fall under one of the Intoxicated variants. If they force the love interest to match with them, they fall under this variant. By matching in appearance, their aim is to keep those around the love interest in check, create a world no one else can enter freely in order to shackle the love interest to them. The yandere is scared and will hate that they might wear or have something that doesn’t match what the yandere does, or show interest in different things. They won’t allow even the slightest difference.
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stonechatcher · 5 months
Yandere! Hazbin Hotel x Reader
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Charlie & Vaggie x Fem! Reader
Vaggie is Training, and Removal type.
Charlie is Wrong Idea Delusion, and Harmless type!.
Vaggie would train you to love her. She doesn't like to do it, but it's for the best.
Charlie gets the wrong idea a lot. Even breathing on her will make her think it's a love thing.
Vaggie would threaten anyone, and soon, everyone is getting away from you.
Charlie loves you, and she doesn't like it when Vaggie "trains" you.
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Husk & Angel Dust x Male! Reader
Husk is Dependence, and Wrong Idea type
Angel is Delusion, Self-Sacrifice and Obsession type.
Husk is depend on you. He can't live without you. Your he's everything.
Angel Dust is delusion and obsessed, he would do anything for you. He even steals things you have in your room.
Husk gets the wrong idea. Not as bad as Charlie, but he does see most things as love.
Angel Dust would kill himself for you. But it hasn't come to that yet.
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Alastor x GN! Reader
Alastor is a Restraints, Loneliness Induction, Bizarre-Seeking and Removal type.
He restrains his lover, making them all alone, kidnaped, and scared.
He would kill anyone. He removes people from your lives who he sees as a "rival".
He kills in the name of love. You can't blame him...
(Let me know if you want a Lucifer on next!)
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linawritestwst · 1 year
"it grew and burst into a love so bad that it feels good" (gn!reader)
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YANDERE!READER IS BACK BABY!! i've been in a mood to write something yandere-themed, so.. yeah, this is a part 2 to these hcs! this time, however, it's just the characters that i wanted to write for and not really the "scariest" or "most weird" twst characters. you can consider this a halloween post too, if you want! (though i'm also working on the actual halloween special post >:3)
(also, this time yandere!reader won't really have a "defining" personality trait, but their yandere type will be mentioned)
(also [2], the title is a reference to this suki suki daisuki eng cover. i know that the original song isn't actually exactly "yanderecore", but the lyrics fit so well!)
characters: cater diamond, leona kingscholar, azul ashengrotto, vil schoenheit, idia shroud, sebek zigvolt, neige leblanche
genre: horror
warnings: general yandere content, toxic relationships, descriptions of manipulating and stalking, implication of murder and the reader character is.. a little bit delusional.
character: cater diamond
yandere type: loneliness induction
♡ oh, cater. someone who tries so hard to convince people that he's fine, that he's doing great, that his life is so perfect and fun and bright.. but you know what he's really like. you know what's going on in his head. you know what kind of person he is. you know how much cater is suffering. of course you know. you know everything about him after all! this is why you two are such good friends!.. but hey, why not become something more than this? why settle for something like friendship, when you can have more? come on, it's okay for you to be a little greedy, considering how much you've done for him!
♡ you are so nice to him. you are so kind to him. you make sure to listen to him. you like all of his posts and leave comments. he wants to take a picture with you? you're more than happy to do that! and if he feels like nobody cares about his problems and he can't be honest with anyone, well, he's wrong, because he has you. oh, but he doesn't need anyone else! you're the only person in this school who actually cares about him, he should know that. honestly, you're probably the only person in this whole world who cares about him.
♡ of course, he has someone to go to if he's not feeling so good! that person is you! you will always be there for him. you will listen. you will tell him that his feelings are valid. you will tell him how much you understand him. oh, but you also will tell him that nobody else in this school will get him. you will tell him to look at the other students and think: do they care? do they understand him? would they feel sorry for him? the answer to all those questions is no. so it's okay if the only person who can hold him while he cries is you. and it's okay if he's been crying a bit too often lately.
character: leona kingscholar
yandere type: wrong idea
♡ leona treats you the exact same way he treats all the other students.. or so other people say. some people say that he actually finds you more annoying than most students. but you know they're wrong. you know they are so, so wrong. because you know the truth: leona kingscholar is madly in love with you. hm? how do you know that? uh.. well, you can just feel it! you can feel it from the way he looks at you, you can feel it from the way he talks to you, you can even feel it from the way he breathes when he's asleep and you're right there next to him!.. w-was that too much?
♡ so, why he still hasn't confessed to you? you're not sure actually. you think that he's just a little shy. aww, wouldn't that be so cute? imagine someone like him secretly being too shy to confess his feelings! you can just feel yourself falling more and more in love with him. well, you have no choice but to wait for his confession.. probably. you want to believe that you have more options than that. you know that you have to be patient, but it's just so.. hard.. there must be a different way out, right?
♡ oh, why don't you just give him a little push? no, no, you don't want to confess first, that'd be so embarrassing, haha.. why don't you just leave a hint for him? why don't you try to tell him that he should be honest with his feelings and that if he wants to say something, he should say it with pride? yes, you will do exactly that!.. huh? i-it didn't work as planned.. haha, he's just saying that if you want him to be honest, he's gonna be honest with you and say that he hates you right to your face.. ahaha.. come on, he's just being a tsundere, right?
character: azul ashengrotto
yandere type: manipulative
♡ you know how weak and vulnerable azul really is. you know. but it's okay. he can always rely on you. he can always trust you. you promise that you will never leave him. seriously, even those twins who follow him around would leave him sooner than you. the moment they get bored, that's it, they won't spend another second with him. of course, azul assures you that jade and floyd really are loyal.. but your words still make him a little uncomfortable. haha, so he really doesn't want to be left alone.
♡ it's okay, you will always be here to tell him how smart and talented he is. you will praise him as much as he wants to be praised and you will comfort him as much as he wants to be comforted. he doesn't have to put on a mask when you're around. he doesn't have to make you sign any kind of contract, because you're definitely planning to keep your promise and you really will stay with him no matter what. he's just too fun to manipulate, why would you even think of leaving him?
♡ if he ends up breaking down and crying and showing you his true feelings, you will give him a gentle smile and wipe his tears away and softly kiss his cheeks. you repeat the same words again. it's okay. it's okay to cry. it's okay for him to be weak. it's okay for him to be slow. he doesn't have to pretend to be better when you're the only person who's around. actually, you like him much better in this state. so can he promise you to be more honest with himself?
character: vil schoenheit
yandere type: monopoly
♡ vil is.. beautiful. very beautiful. so beautiful that if you ever forgot your whole life, you would still remember his face. and of course, no matter how much you love him and no matter how well you know that you're going to be loyal to him and treat him better than anyone else can, you have so many rivals, you can't even count them. ugh, getting rid of them is gonna be so much work.. especially considering that a lot of them are from pomefiore and trying to poison them is probably not a good idea.
♡ it's okay, you can just outsmart them. you can manipulate them, you can convince them that they're just not good enough for him. come on, how can they even imagine themselves standing next to vil schoenheit himself? seriously, that's not even brave, that's just stupid. you can just make everyone's self-esteem become so low that they will never even think about trying to confess to vil or even looking at him. oh, but you also have to convince them that whoever vil chooses is the only person who will be worthy of him. i wonder who that person could be..
♡ but of course, some rivals are stronger than others. seriously, what is wrong with his vice dorm leader. this is the guy that spends the most time with vil and also compliments him the most. he's like, his biggest fan here. and.. uh.. trying to get rid of him physically is not a good idea. outsmarting him is also not an option, because this guy is probably not even worried about the possibility of being able to date vil. he just admires him a lot and wants to see him every day and that's all. well, here's the thing.. you want to do exactly that as well, so you need this guy dead.
character: idia shroud
yandere type: protective
♡ idia shroud is a quiet, introverted type. the things that he would do so that he didn't have to leave his room at all. idia shroud doesn't remember the last time he had ever touched grass. and he's exactly your type. and you will do anything to make his life easier. he doesn't have to socialize! he doesn't have to leave his room! you will do everything for him, all he has to do is ask! actually, no, he doesn't even have to ask, you always know what he needs. hm? and what does he need right now?.. well.. you, of course!
♡ people say that you spoil him too much, but you can't agree. this is how you express your love for him, what's so bad about that? and idia is just someone who needs a little bit more love than other people do. he's just so fragile, so weak, so.. haha, no, this guy won't survive without you. you know that better than anyone. idia shroud doesn't have to socialize and leave his room. you'll make sure he doesn't do that.
♡ this world is way too scary and dangerous for him! anime, manga, video games, they're so much better than real world! and whenever he has any doubts or wants to ask you a question, you can just say that you want to play with him or watch his favorite show with him and that's it, he won't remember anything that bothered him. he's like a puppet in a way. you don't even have to do much, idia would actually love to have someone that can make decisions for him so that he doesn't have to think about what's going on in his reality. just.. uh.. make sure he gets more attached to you instead of his faves.
character: sebek zigvolt
yandere type: removal
♡ you don't know what you did, but wow, you must be a very unlucky person to fall in love with a guy who only thinks about his young master. like you just know that if you ever went on a date, he'd still only talk about malleus. you just know that if you ever got married, he'd still be more loyal to malleus than you. you know how bad your situation is. you know that you deserve better. but you don't want better, you want sebek zigvolt and you will do anything to make him notice you.
♡ "but y/n, you know you can't do anything to malleus, right? he's malleus draconia, he's way too strong-" you don't care. your love for sebek is stronger than malleus's magic. also, who said that you have to use magic to fight him? you can just use your brains. malleus is actually very, extremely lonely and he needs affection. sebek is.. kind of an idiot, so you don't even have to try hard to manipulate him. you just have to ruin their relationship somehow. maybe convince malleus that sebek isn't actually that loyal to him? you know for sure that trying to convince sebek that malleus doesn't care about him isn't worth it: even if malleus really didn't care about him, he'd still walk into a burning house for him if he had to.
♡ you will still find a way to get rid of malleus somehow. you just know that even if this guy's magic is strong, he's actually more weak and vulnerable than he looks like. you just have to say the right word and hurt him so bad, he won't be able to look sebek in the eyes. or you can just try to completely ruin his image. he's already feared by most people, you don't have to do much to turn that fear into hatred. you will find a way to make sebek forget about him and give all his attention to you. you're sure of it.
character: neige leblanche
yandere type: stalker
♡ neige is so nice. so kind. so pure. so perfect. no, you are not his biggest fan. sure, you admire him, you love his work and you think he's extremely talented, but you're more than a fan. you're his soulmate. but sadly, he doesn't even know about it! what a shame.. you want to let him know that you're the one so bad.. but how should you do it? you don't want to be like those creepy fans who are obsessed with him after all.. ugh, you hate them so much..
♡ you don't want to scare him off, so you'll just send him some cute letters first! you know everything about him. you know where he lives, when he'll be able to read them, you know everything about his schedule.. nothing can go wrong. you're sure that he will answer. or that he'll at least read them. and if he doesn't answer, it's okay, you'll give him some time first! you understand that it can be shocking for him to find out that he actually has someone who was created specifically for him, his own special soulmate. you're so kind and patient, hehe~
♡ huh.. still no reply.. even though you've given him so much time.. guess you have no choice but to send more letters. maybe you should be more direct? you know, like, you should be more honest about your feelings! you should let him know that you'd like to go on a date or two, get married, start living together, maybe even start a family, just all normal things that all normal soulmates do!.. okay, you're done with this letter! hehe, you should thank your fellow neige fan for letting you borrow some red ink from them, you have no idea where your pen is.
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What would nightmare sans be like as a yandere? How cruel would he be? Would he kidnaps his darling? Punishments?
Yandere! Nightmare Sans Headcanons
Fandom: Dreamtale / Undertale Multiverse.
No spoilers.
Character Version: Corrupted Nightmare.
CW: Stalking, kidnapping, possessive behaviour, mentions of murder, implied emotional abuse.
(If there’s anything else I need to add to the TWs please let me know).
Thanks for this ask anon!
If there’s anything I didn’t touch on that you’d like me to answer, feel free to send in another ask!
- Nightmare as a yandere…
- I’m going to put it simply: his darling is screwed.
- I see Nightmare as a possessive, sadistic, and loneliness induction type yandere.
- First question, is kidnapping on the table? Yes. Yes. And yes.
- Though he won’t jump to kidnapping immediately, it’s definitely on the to-do list.
- He’ll indulge in some stalking beforehand, this can last from weeks, to months, even years, depending on how quickly his obsession worsens.
- Once he’s finally acknowledged it, Nightmare would blame his darling for his obsession. Yelling at them, telling his darling that it’s their fault he’s like this. That it’s their fault they’re stuck in this situation. If only they hadn’t caught his attention, they wouldn’t be trapped with him.
- Second, cruelty…
- Nightmare is an inherently malicious and cruel entity. This behaviour extends to his darling.
- As his abilities are feeling-based, Nightmare focuses on mental torment rather than physical pain (most of the time). He focuses on wearing his darling down, grinding their hope to nothing, and forcing them to depend on him.
- He intends on making his darling solely dedicated to him. Solely interacting with him. Solely thinking about him. Nothing else and no one else, but him.
- One thing to note is that completely breaking his darling is not what Nightmare wants. A blank slate with no thoughts or feelings isn’t any fun.
- To add to this, although he’s a remorseless monster, Nightmare’s aware that constantly subjecting his darling to pain and torture won’t benefit him in the long term. After a while his darling would just end up shutting down. And he doesn’t want that. So, rarely, he’s affectionate, almost kind, to them.
- Although he prefers mind games, a bit of good old-fashioned violence is still on Nightmare’s table.
- If his darling is deemed to have stepped too far out of line, a few nights in the dungeons should straighten them out.
- If that doesn’t work, Nightmare would target those close to his beloved. Threatening, torturing, or simply murdering them. All in front of his darling, of course.
- As last resort, Nightmare might physically harm his darling. He’s careful not to cause a lethal amount of damage, but he’d make them wish it was.
- However, Nightmare despises when other people harm them. Jealousy claws at his mind whenever someone other than him dares to hurt his darling. He hates the thought of someone else seeing them so vulnerable, of someone else making them suffer and squirm. He’s the only one who’s allowed to cause them pain. And his methods of getting the message across are rather… extreme.
“Oh darling, don’t give me that look... You knew what you were getting into, so you shouldn’t be surprised that I’m keeping you all to myself~”
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b000mbayah · 2 years
(G)I-dle as yanderes
Requested: Yes
Word count: 1,162
Warnings: Mentions of mental, physical, and emotional harm, kidnapping, chaining, stalking, suggested violence.
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Miyeon- Doll type
●Miyeon sees you as a literal object within her possession.
●Takes it upon herself to make sure you don't shatter like her very own personalised porcelain doll.
●You were created for her!
●She'd worship you.
●Miyeon doesn't truly believe she was given such a thing.
●She absolutely adores everything about you.
●Would dress you up,
●Do your makeup,
●Bring you to fancy events,
●But God forgives anyone who looks at you in a way she classifies as "wrong"
●Miyeons favourite thing to do is play with you.
●It's like she's a part of your dolled up life.
●She could be the female Ken to your Barbie if necessary.
●Anything to be near her precious Doll.
"Let's play family Y/n, and we can have a child this time. What do you think of that?"
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Minnie- insecure/clingy
●Minnie is far too emotionally dependent on you.
●She fears your disappearance every waking moment.
●Every time you let go of her hand, her brain jumps to conclusions of you running away and never coming back to her,
●Causing her desperate need to seek out validation.
●Minnie will feel overwhelmed and tense when you're not around her.
●Who knows what you could be doing if you're seeing someone else.
●But it worsens tenfold when she can see you talking to someone who's not her,
●Even if they are family to you or her.
●Would definitely steal your hoodies or hats.
●She claims it keeps her sane when she's not near you,
●That they smell of your perfume and shampoo.
●Minnie will work to intertwine herself in with your every activity,
●She'd cause a plague to almost cover your day as she'll make sure she's always on your mind and the only person on your mind.
"I know I'm a few hours early, but I really wanted to see my baby"
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Soojin- Loneliness induction type
●Incarnation of evil,
●But you never would guess so with her flaunty hips and intense eyes.
●She has everyone smitten for her, but she only wants you, and it should be the same coming from your end.
●Soojin wants nothing less than to cut you off from the world.
●To seek out you for herself.
●She wants you.
●Soojin would spread rumours,
●And she'll be there with wide arms when you come running for support.
●Soojin would happily corrupt your relationships like it was an amusement park.
●Her only joy came from you, so she'll be your only comfort.
●Soojin would entice you into living with her once your world seems to hit the fan.
●Once her plan has worked, she'll continue to give you backhanded insults.
●This way, you'll subtly agree and furthermore stay beside your new love.
"I'm sorry your parents said this to you, the world seems to hate you. But I don't babygirl, I love you with all my heart. How about I make us your favourite dinner, mmmm?"
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Soyeon- Sadistic
●Soyeon will purposefully induce pain and terror into your life by dragging out emotional or physical harm to you.
●She'll desire pleasure from doing so, too.
●She'll similarly spread lies and rumours to isolate you,
●But instead of giving you intense care, she'll give you intense suffering.
●That, or She'd let you escape so she could give you false hope.
●Just know you'll always be in her tight arms by the end of the week, though.
●You'll always be her little punching bag.
●Absolutely fascinated with physical, mental, and emotional limitations.
●Leading her to push you to excel past your limit whenever she pleases.
●She just wants you to squirm underneath her.
●She wants to see the fear in your eyes,
●She wants to hear you cry out her name,
●Because at least she has you this way.
"You'll never escape, when will you learn that? Even death isn't an escape"
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Yuqi- Obsessive
●Yuqi is inclined to fight, guard, shield, and observe you from a safe but also obsessive vantage point.
●Yuqi would be everywhere, but nowhere.
●You'll never catch a glimpse of her because she's learnt your habits through excessive and careful observation.
●Definitely has pictures of you pinned somewhere in a secret room within your house.
●Or a shoebox under a broken floorboard full of all the gifts you've given her.
●She believes she's doing this for your best interests,
●When in reality she is just overbearing sometimes.
●She couldn't possibly leave you alone though, what kind of person would she be if she did?
●What if you got in trouble and needed help but she wasn't there?
●She doesn't know how to leave you alone anyway,
●It's just built into her yandere system.
●She doesn't know how to balance and divide her concern and respect for your freedom and independence,
●So you have none.
"Why were you at your friend's house earlier? I thought you said you were going to the shop?'
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Shuhua- Restraints type
●Shuhua had fallen so deeply in love with you that her emotions drove her to the only thing she saw logical, kidnapping.
●Shuhua would shackle you to her house.
●This way, you won't just wander off.
●The only time you are allowed to walk around her house freely is one of two reasons:
●1) To let you go to the toilet.
●She can't deal with her house marinating in last night's meal,
●But even then, you're guided to the bathroom and put on a timer.
●2) Once she's accumulated enough trust.
●But that's going to take months, possibly years to build and earn.
●She's cautious and smart, and she knows when you're deceiving her.
●So if you try anything stupid, she'd know right away, and all trust would be lost in an instant.
●Would have little dinner dates in the room with you still chained to the wall.
●Would feed you mouthfuls and have you drink enough water to keep you healthy.
●Would also bring small gifts whenever possible. Your room is covered in pyramids of teddies, plastic flowers, and jewellery you rarely wear after the first time.
●Shuhua's house is constantly locked, with no windows or doors for you to access.
●You're stuck with her forever.
"You're foolish if you think you're leaving. You can't butter me up and slip past me just like that, or are you just stupid?'
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Yandere Information - Eric Cartman
Yandere Type
Caring Yandere
Dependent Yandere
Loneliness Inducting Yandere
His Darling
Ever since Eric was young, things never went his way. He had a hard time expressing his emotions in the correct way, ending up always as the villain.
As he grew, Eric started getting counseling for his violent behavior, and slowly started to search for himself, but the damage was done and everyone already hated him, even his so called friends.
His old friends couldn't believe he was changing, not even Kenny. And nobody wanted to be his friend besides his group. It was like he was forced into the role of the villain. That was, until you arrived into his life.
You were like a breath of life for him, so sweet and cheerful, and most importantly, you were new, so you didn't know him before he changed. You were perfect.
Was it really his fault for isolating you from others? He was desperate to keep you all to himself, because if not you, who did he have? Who would listen to him? See him as a person? Who would laugh and share silly jokes with him? Who, besides you?
He needed you as much as you needed him. You just didn't understand that.
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Welcome to my Blog
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• You can call me Mina (Not my irl name but please be respectful and call me this!) ☆
• This is my secondary account! You can find my primary account as imtotallynotobsessedwithyou, my second side blog as imtotallyobsessedwithbeauty and my third side blog as paingivesmecomfort! ☆
• All pronouns but I prefer They/He ☆
• My yandere types are : RAMS, CDDAF, CSWP , LDMT , DADP-W! ☆
• From this I'm: obsessive, monopoly, worship, dependence, projection, manipulative, self-sacrifice, protective, loneliness induction, possessive, lucid. ☆
• I do believe I have ADHD and BPD but I haven't been diagnosed by a professional yet! ☆
• My carrd! ☆
What I support:
• I'm a minor! (Not uncomfortable with nsfw but please don't tell me to participate in anything!) ☆
• My favourite little pet ♥️ ☆
• You can vent in my posts too! I don't mind at all! This is a safe place! ☆
• This is a safe place for people with disabilities, people who have some kind of trauma (physical or emotional), people who struggle with sh,eds and any type of unhealthy coping mechanisms,and also for systems! ☆
What I don't support:
• I don't support Homophobia and Transphobia , and I don't support fetishization of LGBTQ! Please DNI if our opinions aren't the same! ☆
• I don't support racism or any kind of difference between races! I believe that everyone is the same! Please DNI if our opinions aren't the same! ☆
• I don't support fatphobia and body shaming! Please DNI if our opinions aren't the same! ☆
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My dear anons:
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Venting for my ex : 🧌
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lovesixk-demon · 9 months
🔪 ❤️ 🍒💌?
🔪 ~ how far would you go to express your love?
I like to think I would go pretty far. I would love to kidnap my darling and take him away from his home so he could stay with me forever and ever <3 if I kept them in the basement no one would ever find him ! I like kidnapping, but I'm not too big on murder, so I don't think I'd do that
♥️ ~ what's your favorite thing about your darling?
Ohhh there's so many things how will I choose one? I really like his cute little voice, sometimes he sounds so helpless I just want to eat him whole >-< but also I love how he's smaller than me so I can pick them up easily and carry them around wherever I want. He's so attractive too, there's just so much to love !
🍒 ~ what are your yandere types (if you have them)?
Self harm
Loneliness induction
💌 ~ what was your first introduction to the yandere community/how did you find out you were a yandere?
Probably just the internet and anime in general. My first true introduction was actually my darling, though! They helped me figure out I was a yandere because they're one too. We bonded over shared obsessive habits and behavior <3 I really enjoyed lovecore and yancore way before I met them however
Ask game
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izvmimi · 1 year
How about Froppy?
ooh this is an interesting one
i think froppy takes advantage of the fact that they're genuinely cute and sorta harmless to be a menace. it's not like she looks like a liar, so how could she be?
i'd give loneliness induction type. this isn't the same as a manipulative type yandere since they're not really manipulating YOU but they aim to sow discord in all of your relationships in order for them to be the sole provider of your emotional support. if you think people hate you, it's true, but only because froppy has convinced them to do so. she always has a handkerchief in hand, always knows your favorite snacks, always is on your side when you have a moment of sadness, of course you'd come to depend on them. and what is love other than mutual interdependence? she needs you and you need her, so what more should you ask for?
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shizukais · 3 years
10 Tokyo Revengers Characters + Yandere types
Characters: Draken (overprotective); Mikey (delusional/training); Naoto Tachibana (manipulative/monopoly); Kisaki Tetta (obsession/removal); Hanma Shuji (sadistic/self-indulgent); Sanzu Haruchiyo (meticulous/murderous); Takeomi Akashi (clingy/stalker); Izana Kurokawa (possessive/loneliness induction); Kakucho Hitto (dependence/self-sacrifice); Taiju Shiba (violence/domestic violence).
TW: Dark content; Toxic Behavior; Yandere Themes.
Type: Overprotective
Draken is very close to you. You are so dear to him that he would give his own life if you asked. He likes that you depend on him so he always tries to stay by your side in case you ever need. Expect to be very pampered, as Draken will do everything to make you feel good with him. But if he senses that you're going to get hurt in some way, he might be able to do anything to protect you from it, even kill. Just try to avoid making him snap.
"You gave me no choice but to get rid of them"
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Type: Delusional | Training
Mikey is delusional. He needs full devotion and wants you to fulfill that role. Even though you said no at first, he is someone who is unable to accept rejection, absence or death of a loved one, so he creates a new reality where you will learn to love him and then you will live forever together. He mercilessly trains you to be the best boyfriend/girlfriend you can be, regardless of your true feelings and desires.
"Haven't you developed feelings for me, already?"
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Naoto Tachibana
Type: Manipulative | Monopoly
Naoto is very good with words. He knows everything about you and tends to control your life, inducing you to act in the way he expects. Thus, he manipulates both your feelings and your actions, so you truly believe he is the only thing you have and that everything he does is for your own good. You become more and more isolated from everyone else, after all, Naoto's love is all you need.
"Listen to me... Only I can understand you. Don't worry, I'll never leave your side"
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Kisaki Tetta
Type: Obsession | Removal
Even before you knew it, he was already in love with you. He likes to brag that he is the only person who knows you so well and spares no effort to satisfy any desire of yours, as long as it does not override his own interests. Kisaki is a resourceful and smart man, so he doesn't even need to get his hands dirty to achieve his goals. If he wants to remove someone off your life, he simply send any of his subordinates to threat or kill them. With an entire stage planned, Kisaki goes to great lengths to conquer your love and treats you as an unique gemstone. But if you don't respond to his feelings, he will never forgive you and will put an end to your life.
"No matter the method, I just needed to see you again"
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Hanma Shuji
Type: Sadistic | Self-indulgent
Hanma takes satisfaction in seeing you being corrupted/damaged by him and feel great pleasure from doing it. He expects you to submit at him and fulfill his every desire and whims. He can be cruel with you if you don't behave well, or at least that's what you thought. In fact, Hanma doesn't need a reason to be, he just likes being so. But don't forget that even if he's ruthless, he still loves you very much. It's just that in his mind, violence is a fun way to show affection.
"You should know better babe, there's no escape from me"
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Sanzu Haruchiyo
Type: Meticulous | Murderous
Sanzu is extremely loyal and very strict about what he believes in. Since he fell in love with you, he never consider to look at someone else. And likewise, he demands the same from you. Sanzu tends to lie on a daily basis, not that he has a reason to, it's just because that he is used to it. Sometimes he'll use lies as a way of ascertain your actions, and if he suspects that you are hiding something from him, he may become furious. For Sanzu, murder is just a way of dealing with problems, and so it's best to be cautious. As much as he loves you, if you lie to him continually, you may never be forgiven.
"I can still forgive you for this, so promise me you'll never do this again"
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Takeomi Akashi
Type: Clingy | Stalker
Takeomi is greedy by nature. So he works hard to insert himself in your life as much as he can. He can be emotionally fragile and often feels insecure about yours feelings. He needs constantly reassurgence that you still love him. As he can't stand the idea of not being good enough for you (in his head it would lead you to leave him), he try to be with you at every moment, even stalking you if necessary.
"I'm the only one who should be allowed to touch you"
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Izana Kurokawa
Type: Possessive | Loneliness Induction
Izana goes to great lengths to isolate you from the world, nor does he care about the methods to do so, whether through threats or force. He forbid you from going outside and cuts off all your means of communication with other people, you are his property, after all. To do this, he induces mental trauma and manipulate you into believing you don't have anything else besides him.
"Where did you go? You don't have anywhere else, don't tell me... you've saw him again?"
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Kakucho Hitto
Type: Dependence | Self-Sacrifice
He just wants to see you happy, above all things. However, Kakucho's love is so extreme that it becomes unhealthy. He can't function without you and often sees himself on the edge of a cliff, overwhelmed by the feeling that he won't be able to live if you ever leave him. He is willing to die for you and deep down he feels that's his mission in life.
"I don't care if you choose them, just string me along... Please, don't leave me alone!"
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Taiju Shiba
Type: Violence | Domestic Violence
Violence is Taiju's twisted way of showing how much he loves you. He doesn't care about your pleas to stop, in fact, he thinks this is very rude of you. How can you don't understand that he loves you so much that he needs to hurt you badly to show that? In short, you have nowhere to run.
"I won't allow you to leave, not even by dying"
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Thanks for reading and like/reblog if you can!
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basementstalker · 1 year
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"You can't do anything without me, huh?"
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haitaini · 3 years
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about: what kind of yandere are they?
characters: manjiro sano, nahoya kawata, rindou and ran haitani, sanzu haruchiyo, tetta kisaki, izana kurokawa, kazutora hanemiya.
warnings: yandere (obv), stalking, kidnapping, implied murder, manipulation, blackmail, toxicity in general
tagging: @ultmugi @waskasa @bajisbabe @raizelswitch
minors dont interact, dark content ahead
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you’re his whole world, and not in a healthy way. will beg you not to throw him away cause he wouldn’t be able to live without you, he’ll genuinely feel his will to live leave him, will manipulate and guilt trip you to stay. and you will, cause you know he’ll do crazy shit like go on a murdering spree, killing people youre close to, blaming them for you leaving him.
“you can’t leave me, i already lost everyone and im not going to lose you next,” he gets on his knees in front of you, begging you with tears in his eyes. “how am i gonna live? do you know what’s gonna happen to me when you leave?” he whispers, eyes widening by the second before getting up and tugging you by the collar of your shirt, “i’m gonna fuckin’ die, and it’s gonna be your fault, please stay with me,”
he wants be with you, 24/7, not a single minute passing by without him spending it with you. he saw you once, and he wanted to make you all his, just for him. his little cutie that’s there for them whenever he needs them, thats you. so he kidnaps you, locks you in his room and ties you up to his bed, so he can come back home to you waiting all prettily on his bed, dried tears on your face, physically unable to cry again.
you only wanted to help, thats all. you saw his wallet falling off his pocket, and you run to him and pick it up, tapping his shoulder and smiling at him. “hey! sorry to interrupt but you dropped your wallet,” his eyebrows raised, eyes quickly scanning you and his face immediately softens at your smile. he’s obsessed. he wants you, he wants you all to himself and no one else’s. that’s why he did all the research he needed about you and decided to make you his. he kidnaps you from your own house, bringing you back to his house, tying you up on his bed. “finally! arent you excited baby?” he smiles, blush dusting his face as he strokes your hair with your fingers. “we’re gonna be together forever! you won’t ever leave me.”
he uses a reward system on you to shape you into whatever he wants. he’s manipulative, and you’re just so easy to shape. he takes advantage of the “love” you have for him and he turns you into something that satisfies his obsession. this can also come under the restraint type, they’d let you go for a day, a couple of doors unlocked for you while watching you with a hidden camera to see if you’re all good for him, and if you were he’d reward you so well. and you, deeply brainwashed by his manipulation, get super excited over the fact that he’s rewarding you after weeks of training and punishment.
“oh baby, i just got home and realized that i left a couple of doors open,” he walks into the room, spotting you on his bed with his pillow between your arms, just laying down. you immediately get up at the sound of his voice before you let out a small smile. “oh.. i didn’t know,” you mumble and he’d chuckle at you. “mm i know, you were so good for me today weren’t you? staying in the room the entire day waiting for me, hm?” you nod, completely brainwashed from the weeks of his words and manipulation, training you like a dog. “what a good pup you are, you deserve a reward,” he says and sits next to you, taking his phone out and giving it to you. “you can order whatever clothes you want baby, you deserve it.”
hes a scumbag. the type to forcefully make you want to want him, or need him even. the type to get your attention using fucked up shit, for the sole purpose of your attention being on him and him only. kind of similar to the dependent type, but the opposite. he wants You to be dependent on him and he’s gonna do whatever it takes to make it happen. whether its by spreading rumors about you to everyone, blackmailing you, even fucking your mentality up just for your attention.
you look at him with tears in your eyes, fists clenching on his shirt. “you said you’d stop cheating on me if i didnt meet (name),” you let out, throat all choked up from frustration. “i stopped meeting him, what more do you want?” he chuckles and brings a hand to stroke your cheek with his thumb, blood filled with euphoria as he see’s you all desperate for his attention and his alone. “awe, baby you know i’m already yours,” he grins, looking at your eyes welling up tears again. “you’re so dumb for thinking any of the other bitches matter to me, you’re the only one i love,”
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theodora3022 · 3 years
Yandere profile – Azul Ashengrotto
Summary: What is Azul like as a Yandere.
Content warnings: Possessiveness behaviors, emotional manipulation, solitary confinement, mentions of drugging and violence(non graphic)
A/N: Courtesy to @dovesgrave for the template! (Go check out her fantastic works too!) This took way longer than I originally expected... I have not been writing much, and is behind on many WIP yet I managed to get myself together for this! Sfw and reader's gender is not mentioned, gender neutral reader by default.
I been watching too many documentaries so the vocabulary choice could come off as odd. At the end I feel like psychologist-
Disclaimer: This is not healthy love and is meant to make you uncomfortable. I do not condone real-life abusive/harmful relationships; all of these are just analyzation of a fictional character in a video game.
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Yandere type
Azul falls into the category of obsessive and manipulative type primarily, with a mix of loneliness induction type to have you depend on him solely. He is lucid, aware of what strategies should be used to win your affections, and others should the previous attempt fail. The Leech twins will be on his beck and call: to keep you under constant surveillance, to finish the dirty job for their boss! Just so the Octopus can present himself to you as innocent as he can be.
How would they confess?
In short, it is not a part of his plan.
Despite his suave façade, Azul’s looming insecurities would make him terrified of the concept of confession The idea of you rejecting him is both unbearable and frightening. So he would delay the inevitable for as long as he can.
However, when push comes to shove, the closet you can get out of the Octopus is borderline phrases in the heat of the moment. Most likely a consequence of you questioning him directly, why is he treating you as such?
“I-I do not hate you, on the contrary, I am very fond of y-”
The shock in his eyes is no act, along with flushed cheeks and tightened fists due to frustration and panic. (To see this scene would cost you lots, and Azul would not take money as payment)
Reaction to rejection
He does not take rejection well, but where is the surprise here.
Maybe you had begun pushing him away from your life, maybe you started developing feelings for someone else, or maybe one of your mindless gestures simply triggered his paranoia, the list is never-ending. But any behaviour that causes him to feel that: the carefully mapped-out master plan is not functioning as it should, would make Azul’s already crippled self-esteem worse.
Why is it that you do not respond to his romantic gestures?
Is it because he invited you to tea too many times?
Have you grown uncomfortable under the eel’s watchful eyes?
The analysis can wait; however, the alternative plan must be put into action at once.
Azul is now left with no choice but to take more drastic measures for you. Things are going to get complicated, but surely you will be worth the effort.
If you reject him in a confrontational exchange (Don’t, I wouldn’t wish that fate on anyone)...
Looks like your licence to roam freely in Twisted Wonderland has been revoked!
How well they hide their obsessive traits
As aforementioned, Azul will try to put out an innocent front to gain your affection, nevertheless, everything else suggests otherwise.
You will get subtle but unfair, patronizing treatment from his inner circle(him, the tweels etc.).
By the way, the subtle does not apply to Floyd but the Eel will try, he is doing his best.
It might feel like he holds a grudge against you (thus would result in the confrontation mentioned above)…But he is only doing that because he likes you! Perhaps a little too much.
Likelihood to kidnap darling
It won’t be his entrée. Azul rather you come to him willingly, sign a contract that devotes yourself to him for the foreseeable future(does this count as willing? Questionable). But whisking you away is not off the table either. Any significant change in your behavior or his loss of patience could cause the incident.
Depending on Azul’s state of mind, you got two scenarios for abduction: 1. the violent way (eels, definitely not in a friendly manner) or 2. he adds something special into your tea.
Hostile situations such as rejection would result in 1, otherwise 2.
(For 1 the executioner would most likely be Floyd since Jade would need to console the sulking, crying Octopus)
Level of violence
Now we tread in some tricky waters, as this is the ever-pragmatic Octopus we are discussing here. Azul is not particularly violent himself. However, he will not hesitate to use violent means should the situation calls for it. He is not sadistic (like some other merfolk), but you are better off staying on his good side.
No physical harm would be inflicted on you. Threats of it could be a regular occurrence. As to whether or not he would make them a reality? The answer is no, but you got no clue concerning that.
Intent to kill
“...I see, what a shame. Now, onto plan B.”
Towards any competition and potential threats, blackmail and coercion from the Eels would be his first measures. If that is not enough to scare them off? Azul would take the matter into his own hands. A tasteless, scentless poison that would not leave any trace would work wonders. He would hold some pity for them deep down. Maybe Azul would wipe away some imaginary tears and tell them in their final moments: things did not have to end this way, if only they listened.
How do they punish their darling?
No physical violence, it is beyond Azul to hurt his lovely partner in such ways.
Isolation is his favourite way to get a rather unruly, stubborn darling to comply. He loves mind games and psychological tactics way more than the practice of brutes.
He would be your only source of communication, not even books would be allowed near you until you admit your wrongs(genuine or not), cling to him by the sleeve, and promise you will be good for him.
Likelihood you could escape from them
You’ll be under lock and key, stuck in a comfortable but heavily guarded apartment in the Coral Sea... The chances of you getting out of there as a human is slim, next to nothing to say the least. Azul does intend to get you turned into merfolk in the future, so you can accompany him everywhere he goes. But until you prove yourself to be trustworthy, prepare to spend some time in solitary confinement. Of course, he will visit you as much as he can.
If in the unlikely scenario that you did escape the apartment? You would not be able to make it far before one of his sources spots you, and they are ever willing to do Azul Ashengrotto a big favour.
When he personally drags you back to his residence, you will be able to tell he is frustrated.
It would probably be the first time Azul loses his façade completely before you, sobbing and pleading you to not abandon him with a shaky voice.
Pretty sure this is not the reaction you are expecting, why did he turn into an inspirational mess when he is supposed to be angry? This is an excellent use of vulnerability present in both parties, to guilt-trip your compassion. Yes, those emotions are very much real, it is just he is desperate enough to use his own emotions to trap you. You must be scared of him getting mad upon your forced return, that fear can be exploited if he pulls the correct strings. This guilt and sympathy would tie you to him better than locks and chains can ever do.
An unbreakable, life long contract of devotion, as he so romantically label the "relationship" you two shares to be.
@squid-god-supreme because they are a big Azul Simp :)
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im-657-mv · 3 years
ateez yandere headcannons
yandere ateez
yandere ateez types
-POSSESSIVE- Yanderes with possessive behavior usually wish to own their love interest. They tend to treat them as if they are an adored pet or a porcelain doll that they keep tucked under their thumb. Possessive yanderes cannot fathom the idea of another touching or looking at the object of their affection. If they feel as if they are losing their grip on their love interest they could go as far as using force to prevent them from leaving anywhere they deem safe.
TYPES: shuuchaku gata - sokubaku gata - haijo gata - kyouki gata
obsessive - restraining - removal - bizarre seeking
a bit of a stalker
also the type to put cameras in your room
likes to observe you and the situation before diving into your life
would learn how to paint portraits just so he can paint you
always has a piece of you with him literally, maybe a fingernail, hair, or something else
absolutely does not like you talking to anyone other than him
very jealous, like REALLY jealous
WILL make sure that hes the only one you love
not sure if he would actually commit murder
might send death threats
border-line delusional
HAS A SHRINE, full of paintings, photos, and trinkets of your things
loves to draw you in erotic poses
would never hurt you, like ever
very perverted
masturbates to videos or photos of you
-POSSESSIVE- Yanderes with possessive behavior usually wish to own their love interest. They tend to treat them as if they are an adored pet or a porcelain doll that they keep tucked under their thumb. Possessive yanderes cannot fathom the idea of another touching or looking at the object of their affection. If they feel as if they are losing their grip on their love interest they could go as far as using force to prevent them from leaving anywhere they deem safe.
TYPES: dokusen gata - haijo gata - koritsu yuudou gata
monopoly - removal - loneliness induction
puts up a cute facade to charm you
molds you into doing everything he wants
prone to murder sprees if he gets angry/possessive enough
does not like you talking to anyone other than him
his eyes can show the stars or can burn a hole through the wall
kind of sadistic in a way too
kinky too
takes pleasure in killing the people you love
he can't have anyone close to you other than him
likes to control you
likes to feed you things
might get aggressive if you dont do what he says
if you start to question things he will fuck you out of your mind until you cant think about anything other than how loving your boyfriend is
will not physically harm you, but will emotionally manipulate you
loves it when you call him titles (master, sir, your majesty, daddy)
will slowly remove you from society
-CLINGY- They are rarely found away from the object of their affection. They are usually more childish and relaxed than other yanderes as they have trust in their darling. This trust usually derives from a close platonic or romantic relationship. However, they do not have trust in others and this can lead to intense jealousy; especially if they feel as if someone is attempting to replace them. It is usually jealousy and insecurity that leads these yanderes to break.
TYPES: ison gata - sokubaku gata
dependence - restraining
very clingy
will kill to keep you by his side
might kill might not
would never want to upset you
gets jealous of your parents
loves to have his hands on you at all times
might threaten to hurt himself if you leave
likes to buy plushies for you
LOVES to do your makeup
has a little shrine in the bask of his closet
likes to think about you before falling asleep
would definitely keep you tied up in his basement until you love him
does not feel guilty for his type of love
never wants to leave your side
if you two are apart expect 100 calls and texts
-OVERPROTECTIVE- These yanderes are usually close with the object of their affection before the revelation of their dangerous tendencies. It’s not unusual for them to not realize their actions as yandere behavior because they believe they are being protective. They prefer their love interest to depend on them and could refuse to allow them to leave their side under the guise of the yandere keeping them safe. If they feel like their love interest will be harmed in any way they will cross the line and become more than just overprotective.
TYPES: sutookaa gata - shuuchaku - gata
stalker - obsessive
looks quiet but is secretly freaking out inside
loves everything about you
writes fanfiction about you
learned how to draw so he could capture your face
favorite things to draw are your hands
if you ever feel someone starring at you its just yeosang
has a very professional camera to take your pictures at night
the type to go on a murder spree
-MANIPULATIVE- Yanderes with manipulative behavior desire control over the person of their affection. Their love interest may already love them, or that is what they make them believe, before the revelation of their dangerous tendencies. These are the type to place their love interest in dangerous or unethical situations to play savior and push them closer to dependency. It is important to note the push and pull method where they will test the object of their affections interest by making them jealous or concerned. They are not satisfied until they believe their love interest is equally infatuated with them.
TYPE: shuuchaku gata - dokusen gata - sokubaku gata - haijo gata
obsessive - monopoly - restraining - removal
clingy and a little sadistic
likes to see the fear in your eyes
will be close to you at first and then would confess his love
would kill your parents and then show their dead bodies to you
favorite thing about you is your neck
likes to sniff you
dislikes everyone except you
hates your friends and even threatens them
very twisted
loves to dance for you while youre tied up
might get a kick out of licking you
-CLINGY- They are rarely found away from the object of their affection. They are usually more childish and relaxed than other yanderes as they have trust in their darling. This trust usually derives from a close platonic or romantic relationship. However, they do not have trust in others and this can lead to intense jealousy; especially if they feel as if someone is attempting to replace them. It is usually jealousy and insecurity that leads these yanderes to break.
TYPES: sutookaa gata - ison gata - suuhai gata
stalker - dependent - worship
only has eyes for you
thinks everything you do is elegant or erotic
thinks of you as above everyone else
you make him very shy
loves to say your name at random times
thinking about comforts him
has a picture of you on his nightstand
uses the same sanitary things you use [shampoo, body wash, toothpaste]
likes to spray your perfume/cologne on his pillow
you are his whole world
obsessed with your hands
like to buy your sweaters in his size so he can pretend as if hes your boyfriend
likes to pretend to talk to you as if you were there
-POSSESSIVE- Yanderes with possessive behavior usually wish to own their love interest. They tend to treat them as if they are an adored pet or a porcelain doll that they keep tucked under their thumb. Possessive yanderes cannot fathom the idea of another touching or looking at the object of their affection. If they feel as if they are losing their grip on their love interest they could go as far as using force to prevent them from leaving anywhere they deem safe.
TYPES: kanchigai gata - sutookaa gata - ison gata - sokubaku gata - mousou gata - suuhai gata - kyouki gata
wrong idea - stalker - dependent - restraining - delusional - worship - bizarre seeking
rose-colored glasses
everything you do has him biting his lip
loves to follow you home
stalking you is his favorite hobby
loves how to do your favorite activities to impress you
very delusional
very perverted and twisted
obsessive to the point where if he couldnt have you then no one can
does not like sharing
steals your things in the night
is always excited when you are near him
says to other people that you are his soulmate
does not take no for an answer
kidnaps you within the first week of knowing you
loves if you call him a good boy
might hurt you
likes to bite you
hickies galore
one time he pricked your finger and kept your blood in a necklace vile that he wears 24/7
loves your eyes
-POSSESSIVE- Yanderes with possessive behavior usually wish to own their love interest. They tend to treat them as if they are an adored pet or a porcelain doll that they keep tucked under their thumb. Possessive yanderes cannot fathom the idea of another touching or looking at the object of their affection. If they feel as if they are losing their grip on their love interest they could go as far as using force to prevent them from leaving anywhere they deem safe.
TYPES: shuuchaku gata - mousou gata - haijo gata
obsessive - delusional - removal
wants to protect you
thinks the world doesnt deserve you
writes ballads for you
very possessive over you
might get aggressive towards you
uses force to kidnap you
kinda delusional but not a whole lot
thinks you are him are meant to be
he loves your smile
makes you were a ring that matches his
pinches your cheeks
wouldnt kill
he knows what hes doing is morally wrong but he just doesnt care
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b000mbayah · 3 years
Twice as Yanderes
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Nayeon- Loneliness Induction type
•Would make you feel like she's the only person here for you
•She'd do this by one of many options, main ones being…
•spreading perpetual rumours about you
•personally dealing with friends and family..
•will only introduce herself when you're all alone
•when you're most delicate and fragile mentally and are in need of some company, then she'll introduce herself
•speaking of company, she'd invite you to certain things to make your supposive "love" grow
•but will also leave you out and ignore you for certain things to damage you even more
•lies 24/7 too..
•likes you to depend on her as it gives her the power to do basically whatever to you
"It's okay, I'm here now. You don't need to cry when you're alone with me.. you don't need anyone else"
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Jeongyeon- obsessive 
•constantly thinking of you and anything about you
•she can't get enough, you're permanently renting out her mind, engraved into her clear memories
•would stalk you to find all the information she possible can
•probably keeps a journal or something for all the information she knows about you
•she thinks it's perfectly normal, you'll never know anyway
•would get concerned when it nears curfew and you're not home… although you're old enough to take care of yourself 
•she doesn't want to monopolize you at all but knowing who you're out with always helps
"Where were you y/n? Tell me, you always tell me, tell me now"
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Momo- Training type
•would break your outer-shell to enable you to love her
•would most likely kidnap or force you into the relationship
•constantly giving you orders, demanding certain things out of you, willingly or not
•you have zero human rights around Momo, your only right is to obey her, or so you've been taught
•Constantly watching over you, making sure you're not doing anything she wouldn't approve of
•definitely seemed suspicious from the start as she just can't seem to hold herself together, her desire to break you was too strong.
-some aggressive traits
•Momo would end up brainwashing you
•there would be a punishment system
•alongside a reward system to allow you to redeem yourself
"Hey! Say it back! I. Love. You. It's not that hard…. Good girl, you've earned a treat"
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Sana- Clingy
•since the moment she's met you she's been overbearingly clingy with severe PDA
•Would have a make-believe fantasy in her head that you're already married, explaining the name calling and strict mood changes when you flirt with others
•her perception of things have been tweaked slightly
•can become dangerous in certain situations.. extremely dangerous
•although she's a clingy type, she still has the correct elements to be Manipulative type
•Sana would drag you away from others, isolating you in a way 
•you can't object either as she always knows your weak spots
•guess you can call it a hidden talent?
"They cancelled last time, they'll do it again, now come and watch movies with me, sit"
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Jihyo- harmless type
•girl couldn't even glare if she tried to
•being mean isn't in her nature
•neither is conducting pain upon others
•She's just too nice, that's her only downfall, her fatal flaw
•obsessive but won't do anything too out of the auditory/ won't do anything insane about it.
•she'll try her hardest but if you alternatively chose someone else then that's your option, she can't change your feelings herself.
•as long as you're happy, that's all she truly cares about
•And who knows, maybe if you and your other half break up, Jihyo could try and be your girlfriend once again
•there's endless possibilities here
"I heard you got a girlfriend, congratulations y/n, I'm happy for you… really, I am"
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Mina- Elimination
•wouldn't enjoy the sight of you talking to anyone else
•whether that be a coworker, your ex, your FAMILY AND FRIENDS and especially your current boyfriend/girlfriend
•they'd all have to go, simple as
•but before that, your exs must go first as they've definitely caused you pain at some point or another 
•mina doesn't care how many people she must take out inorder for her to finally step into her rightful place as your girlfriend 
•she'll kill everyone and anyone in order to accomplish her newly found goal for life, the ultimate goal
•somehow never gets caught
•Mina can deal with watching you from afar for now, she has the patience to do so
"That's fifteen, wanna make it sixteen for this month? Another body is the last of my concerns anyway"
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Dahyun- Restraint type.
•you'd be stuck from the beginning
•you walked into an unavoidable trap this time
•Dahyun would keep you locked away from society, 'restraining' you from doing anything
•SHE just wants to be with YOU and YOU only, no one else.
•will always be by YOUR side
•has no intentions of doing anything other than that too
•worse than a regular restraint yandere as she will also inflict trauma on you 25/8
•side effects may include blood and scars…?
•don't think of it as anything bad, it will all work out in the end…. Hopefully.. 
"You're not leaving, you're here to stay, stay with me, STAY, STAY GOD DAMN IT!"
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Chaeyoung- Dependence type
•she depends on you for everything
•yes everything
•her daily routines, activities and even her life depends on you
•the poor lovestruck girl can't help it either
•if you try and leave, she will beg you not to as she believes there is no other way of living
•will lose the plot without you by her side
•that or she'd go on a huge rampage or something just as illegal/crazy
•is convinced you're her one and only
•She's fallen into your non profitable trap, an unintentional one too.
•she can't just leave, there's no going back now
"What do you mean? You can't just leave me! Please y/n, don't go! I won't be able to live otherwise!"
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Tzuyu- obsessive stalker
•she may not necessarily kidnap you nor force you to love her but she will for sure be with you all the time
•She's always with you in person and whenever she can't be physically there… well…  she has cameras...
•they're planted all over your house
•you're being watched at almost every point of the day
•She'd have all sorts of equipment and it's honestly freaky.
•if things go missing, expect Tzuyu to be the main reason
•She's always got everything you lose, it's almost like magic..
•her house must be your lost and found zone
•plays it off when you find something of yours at her house
•either way, she's like a hawk, she somehow always has her eyes on you
"She's out with him again.. interesting.."
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myonepiece · 4 years
Natural Yanderes in One Piece
description: characters who are yandere without an au!
warnings: yandere, mentions of mental/emotional & physical abuse, mentions of sexual assault
a/n: I wanted to write down my thoughts on the natural yanderes in One Piece. this is probably a pt. 1 because I have a lot of thoughts about other characters too :3
I did some research to find out the “actual” names for the different types of yandere, but most of the characters are similar to multiple types so I just put down the definition/example of the type(s)
disclaimer: I didn’t sugar coat anything so just stay with me- and you might not agree but I’m just trying to explain my thoughts
- when I say darling I am referring to crush or S/O 
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yandere rating: 10/10
obsession, violent, removal (”you don’t need anyone else”), training (trains S/O to love him)
Doflamingo is the whole yandere package- mental & physical abuse and manipulation, stalking, obsession and infatuation, kidnapping, locking away, gaslighting, torture, possessiveness, aggression and violence, toxicity.
Doflamingo’s obsession with his darling rivals Hannibal Lecter’s obsession with eating his victims. I often like to compare Doflamingo to Hannibal Lecter, with his manners, intelligence, and sophisticated taste, and niether hold remorse for their victims- now back to the topic.
Doflamingo can be as stealthy and unnoticed as he wants to be. when he sees someone who specially catches his attention (a future S/O per say), he likes to observe them first and understand them and their thinking, especially if this person is a future lover because he’s already planning what fun he can have playing with their mind, what gets under their skin and gets a reaction.
Doflamingo knows that his actions aren’t “normal” or healthy, or safe, but he doesn’t care. he developes a fetish-like infatuation with his S/O and simply has to have them, no way of getting them is off the table. abuse is an occurrence that happens naturally, rather it be because Doflamingo is angry, at his S/O or at one of his subordinates, it doesn’t matter- because his darling disobeyed him, because he is trying to prove a point, because he wishes to see his partner in pain, or simply because he is bored and torturing his lover is much more enjoyable than torturing his enemies/subordinates.
Doflamingo enjoys a chase and he fancies playing mind games with his S/O, seeing them so distraught and unnerved and fearful is one of his greatest joys, possibly even pleasurable. he likes to make them think they have a chance at escaping, luring them into attempting (and failing) so that he can coo at them and punish them, making them think he’s mad when he’s not, making them think he’s happy when he’s not- their confused expression is remarkably adorable and endearing.
unlike some yanderes, Doflamingo doesn’t try to make his S/O think the world outside is crueler than him, that they’re safer in his arms- while he does tell them they are protected by him, he tells them that he is more dangerous than the outside world, so that they’ll be too scared to leave his side, because he is too powerful to escape.
it slightly hurts me to say this and it might be hard for some to think about, but Doflamingo is not against forcing himself on his S/O- they are merely a tool and a toy for him to use and play with and ruin until it breaks- this symbolizing their will to escape or resist, diminishing and ultimately breaking as a toy would
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yandere rating: 3/10
harmless (as long as they are happy I’m happy”), stalker, obsession (harmless obsession), wrong idea (”they gave me their eraser... they must love me!”), mild possession
we all know that Sanji has an “obsession” with beautiful women, and when he finds one he especially likes, then it becomes a little more. now Sanji would never ever hurt his S/O, never, I want that to be clear- that’s why he is a harmless type. 
Sanji often watches from afar, and it’s not unusal for him to follow his crush/darling around. he’ll usually ask if he can tag along but if they say no he’ll just linger behind and out of sight, mostly to make sure they’re safe but also so he can observe them. he can be... delusional, take things as what they aren’t (wrong idea type)- if his darling compliments him, even just “good to see you Sanji-kun” he’ll interpret it as they missed him dearly and are so happy to see him again. his head is stuck in the clouds and he’s completely lovesick with a fever of 200°.
for a comparison, his actions before getting together would very similar to those of Anthony Hope’s towards Johanna- Sweeney Todd. Anthony is seen standing by the front of the house watching Johanna while she sits in her window, the song he sings about her “Johanna” (I suggest listening to it) contains lyrics such as “I’ll steal you Johanna... even now I’m at your window... buried sweetly in your yellow hair...” Anthony wants to take Johanna because he is obsessed with her but she is also in danger because she did not choose to live there, she is being “looked after”. 
Sanji’s actions always corroborate to what’s best for his S/O, he only wishes to take care of them and spoil them. he is definitely not the most possessive, but he doesn’t like his darling showing much attention to anyone else, in moments they do, Sanji always becomes clingy and pulls them away.
he’s bordering loneliness induction (”it’s okay I’m here, you don’t need anyone else”) and removal type (you don’t need anyone else when you have me”)
I can not stress this enough, Sanji is a HARMLESS yandere, it’s only the possession and infatuation that gives him the title 
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yandere rating: 6/10
worship (”I’ll do anything for you, I’ll kill for you!”), dependence (”please don’t leave me!”), monopoly (”who were you talking to”), obsession (”where were you? what were you doing?”), wrong idea (”they gave me their eraser... they must love me!”)
Buggy is a very emotional person, shown multiple times like when he cried when reuniting with his crew and when they told him they waited for him, when he is faced with danger, when he got angry at Shanks because of something that happened many years ago, etc. he craves an actual emotional bond because he’s quite a dependent person. if someone shows him the slightest comfort and attention or sign that they’ll be there for him, he’s in love- but only with that person, the second he falls in love with them they’re the only one for him.
for comparison, Buggy’s relationship dynamic is similar to Peter Pan and Tinker Bell’s (though they aren’t really in a relationship, but you understand hopefully), that is Buggy as Tinker Bell and his S/O as Peter Pan. Tinker Bell is quite obsessed with Pan herself, often trying to get him away from Wendy and going to extreme lengths to do so, she get’s angry and jealous easily, and she is more than ready to fight to defend Peter. Tinker would follow Peter to the end of the world and Buggy would do the same with his S/O.
Buggy craves affection and stability and trust, a ride-or-die, a one and only, a true soulmate. when he finds someone like that, he becomes possessive and obsessed with them, constantly asking to accompany them somewhere or making on of his crew do it- he has trust issues and one of his greatest fears is his S/O cheating on him, loyalty is very important to him. he needs constant reassurance even though he won’t say it out loud. he wants his S/O to depend on him as much as he depends on them so they’ll only need each other (bordering removal type).
Buggy won’t hurt his S/O unless it’s in a moment of overwhelming emotions, anger most often- in those moments he can do anything. he would close his hand around hs S/O’s throat and tell them not to leave, to stay with him, but he’s crying the whole time because the mere thought of his S/O leaving is terrifying, Buggy is afraid of being alone. he’ll slap or shove harshly, insults and praises alike, pleading and threatening. he tends to forget his strength and  sometimes his grip on his S/O’s throat ends up making them pass out then he freaks out and regrets everything, he feels extremely guilty after hurting them and he tries to show he’s sorry with his actions- it’s kind of ironic because even when he causes them though most pain and that’s one thing he never wants you to go through (pain) he always asks you to stay.
because of his fear of being alone he is willing to do anything for you, if you ask him to kill someone or at least step up and battle with another crew, he will. if not being a coward, or at least pretending not to be, for one moment is what it takes for you to stay then consider his cowardness gone, *poof*. ask for anything and this man will give it to you, similar to buying your love and sometimes he realizes that practically what it is- but he doesn’t care, as long as you stay. god forbid anyone try to take you away though, he won’t hold back on someone who. tries to take away his darling, tries to tell them Buggy is dangerous and the relationship isn’t healthy- frankly Buggy doesn’t really notice if it’s healthy or not because he’s not experienced at all, he doesn’t realize his actions aren’t normal, he thinks he’s just in love with you and can’t be without you, he doesn’t even consider it’s an unhealthy infatuation with someone because they showed interest in him once.
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