#long hair harry x reader
deadricslover · 10 months
tracing roses
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a/n: first post for the loml! I'm a harry Stan 'til I die.
summary: with a whole bunch of changes for the future of one direction, harry doesn't know how he will cope and thankfully you're there to comfort him in his favourite ways.
warnings: no established relationship, anxiety, cursing, Zayn leaving :(, mentions of the management ugh (that deserves a full tw), short post?
pairings: lhh styles x sixthmember!reader
I know that the timeline of events doesn't match the real life one but it's all for the post ok?
What the media portrayed harry to be was the complete opposite of what he was actually like. His reputation was the womanizer, cool and reserved guy who didn't have the time of day for anyone other than the band, and really, it was just unfair because none of that was true. Really, Harry was the sweetest guy who cared for every single person he met and would make a whole room light up with the sparkle in his eyes. Despite what the media thought, He had feelings, and needed comfort here and there like every other person.
This particular upcoming show was an important one, it was Zayn's last show in the band but the public didn't know yet, so they had to make it count. Nobody was really themselves today as they knew they had to make a good impression for management if they wanted to continue touring and making music without him as a five person group. These emotions were hightened due to the overwhelming sudden surge of sadness and loss due to Zayn's news. Zayn was your best friend alongside Harry and you honestly didn't know how you were going to cope with not having him around when writing songs or performing anymore.
You stumble into Harry's dressing room to let him know we will be going on stage soon, but are met with a teary eyed Harry with his head in his hands. You make your way over to him and wrap your arms around him from the back whilst tracing circles on his arm and place your head on his shoulder, comforting him.
"I know, Haz. I know" you whisper kissing his temple slightly.
"this is just such a big change" he cries
"I know. and it's going to be so hard for us all to adjust to. But, we have gotta support his decision" you explain squeezing him a little tighter. he replies with a teary sigh, gazing at you through the mirror silently asking to be comforted
"even though I can't fix it, I can help you through it" you add leaning your head on his, sadly smiling a little bit, closing your eyes momentarily.
"I'm just gonna miss him" he confesses, the tears making their way to his eyes once again. Seeing him upset always made your heart drop with sadness, and a set of your own tears pricks your eyes seeing one of your favourite people upset.
"I know, haz. let it out, ok? I'm right here" you comfort as he stares blankly at the desk ahead of him
"I think that the mix of Zayn leaving and the anxiety because this show being so important is just making me so much more emotional" he explains his feelings and you listen intently the entire time, empathizing with him as you feel the same way. This is about him though, he doesn't need to know.
you plant kiss after kiss onto his face, cheek, temple and hair in comfort and keep twirling pieces of his hair around your fingers to calm him down. He takes a deep breath in and out to regain himself before looking back at you through the illuminated mirror.
"what time are we on?" he asks
"we have time" you lie. you came into him with fifteen minutes before the show and now you're running late, but, for an important reason. You didn't want him suppressing any feelings.
he looks at you confused, not entirely believing you but leaning back into your touch and closing his eyes nonetheless, while tracing shapes onto your arm wordlessly telling you that he's grateful for you.
your moment is rudely interrupted by Louis Bursting in the door chaotically.
"guys, why the fuck aren't you on stage. we are late. stop cuddling and kissing and get out and get your mics" Louis demands
Harry hops up and looks at you accusingly. You shrug and leave the room with him, both of you following Louis to the stage. You get your assigned microphones and head towards the stage. Harry grabs your arm on the way and stops you both, facing you and looking down at you with a hand on your upper arm.
"Thank you so much for that. I don't know what I would do without you, I really don't" he informs you referring to you comforting him, making your heart throb.
"it's nothing, harry. just want to make you feel better" you reply smiling wholeheartedly at him.
"I love you so much" he confesses, wrapping you in a hug around your arms and you slip yours around his waist to reciprocate.
"I love you too, haz. always here for you" you reply before the six of you get on stage and open with clouds, and nobody can deny that this show wouldn't be the same and that you would all be acting different.
halfway through 'story of my life' harry was sitting down towards the back of the stage looking quite down and nervous as he knew come the end of this song, you guys would have the encore and then the show would be over, concluding the chapter with Zayn in the group. you jog to the back and sit down next to him grabbing his hand in yours lightly and he lays his head down onto your shoulder.
"you good?" you ask him
"mhm" he replies humming. you didn't buy it, you knew him better than that.
you look down to his hand in yours and examine his tattoos for a minute. your eyes land on the rose tattoo next to his elbow and the perfect shading. Your thumb starts tracing the petals and thorns on the design, comforting him as he is focusing on the feeling of your hand. You knew this calmed him down. He takes a couple of deep breaths and continues singing after Louis finishes his part whilst visibly calming down yet again. He gets up from where he was sitting and starts walking around the stage interacting with a couple of fans and the guys maintaining the hold on your hand bringing you around while you giggle to yourself. This doesn't go unnoticed by fans and you were sure you would see some twitter posts about it later, but in the moment you didn't care, all you cared about was making him feel better and calming his anxiety about this whole show.
you were super lucky to have a harry in your life. You think everyone should have a harry in their life too. And he feels the same about you, he thinks everyone should have one of you in their life too. But then again, he didn't want to share you with anybody. He loved you comforting him, and knew that you would always be there for him and visa versa.
everyone needs a you and harry pair in their life.
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Double The Cravings*
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a/n: this was a request by @cicicavill7 (sorry i didn't post the entire ask it was too long 😭😭😭😭😭)
Summary: you're very pregnant, and harry has to go to a fundraiser. you don't feel like eating because of your growing body, feeling insecure but harry's always there to take care of his pretty pregnant girl.
Words: 3.7k
Warnings: smut, fluff. mentions of pregnancy, insecurities. p in v sex, sex while pregnant, creampie, aftercare, kissing.
"You look absolutely stunning, darling." 
Harry's warm breath tickled the shell of your ear as his arms wound around your waist from behind. His large hands came to rest reverently on the swell of your pregnant belly, cradling the twins you were carrying. 
You bit your lip, smoothing the silky fabric of your dress down self-consciously. While you didn't doubt Harry's sincerity, it was getting harder to feel confident about your changing body lately. Your cravings had been intense and unrelenting, and you felt like you were gaining more weight than a typical pregnancy.
"You really think so?" you asked, unable to mask the uncertainty in your tone as you examined your reflection again. "I feel like this dress is getting a bit snug..."
Harry's brow furrowed, and he turned you to face him, tilting your chin up with one finger. "Of course I think so. Have you looked at yourself? You're glowing, Y/N. Absolutely radiant carrying our babies."  
He leaned in and nuzzled his nose against yours affectionately. "I've never seen anything more beautiful than you right now, my pregnant little wife."
You felt your cheeks warm at his words, ducking your head bashfully. It was getting more difficult to accept the compliments the further along you got. Your hormones were all over the place and you felt big and awkward rather than the radiant fertility goddess Harry seemed to see.
Sensing your reticence, Harry cupped your face in his large hands, forcing you to meet his intense gaze. "I'm serious. You're so bloody gorgeous, Y/N, especially with this new lush, curvy figure of yours." His eyes burned with sincerity and...something darker as they raked over your body. "Gonna let me show you later just how much I appreciate these new assets?"
Despite your fluttering nerves, you felt desire curl low in your belly at the rumbling promise in his gravelly tone. Harry always had a way of making you feel utterly desirable and worshipped.
"If you insist," you murmured demurely, though you knew he could see the want simmering behind your eyes.
Harry groaned, ducking to capture your lips in a searing kiss. "Cheeky girl. You know I do." He punctuated his words with nibbling bites along your jaw. "Going to cherish every new inch of you, angel."
A fluttering in your stomach prevented you from getting too carried away. You placed a hand over Harry's where they still cradled your bump.
"Alright, alright, down boy," you giggled breathlessly. "We've got somewhere to be, remember? And these two are getting impatient."
Chuckling, Harry pressed one more smoldering kiss to the corner of your mouth before releasing you. "Fair point. Shall we, my pregnant goddess?"
With a wink, he offered his arm which you took with an eye roll and a fond smile. Despite your persisting insecurities, you felt reassured by his doting attention as you exited your bedroom.  
This fancy fundraiser gala had been on your schedule for months, a can't-miss event Harry had been looking forward to all year. You'd been nervous about going, worried people would judge your ever-expanding figure. But Harry had been adamant that you were going to shine like the stunning, fertile vision you were. Now you were just hoping you could make it through without any embarrassing incidents.
Your breath caught as soon as you stepped into the opulent ballroom of the posh venue, immediately feeling underdressed and frumpy next to the glamour of the high society crowd milling about. 
Harry, always in tune with your wavering confidence, leaned over to murmur in your ear. "Try to relax, love. You're the most beautiful woman in the room, and not a single person here holds a candle to you carrying my children."
You flushed at his ardent assurance, trying to calm your nerves as he led you toward the refreshments. Of course, not five minutes after arriving, the doubts began creeping back in. 
All of the hors d'oeuvres being offered were deliciously unhealthy, aromas of rich foods and sharp spices assaulting your sensitive, pregnant senses. Your mouth watered just looking at the arrays of canapes, bruschetta, sliders, and mini quiches laid out enticingly. 
But your hormonal self-consciousness quickly took over. You worried about stuffing your face and exploding right out of this tight dress, about people watching you pile food onto your plate and whispering behind your back. About looking sloppy and out of control.
So despite the intense cravings rumbling in your stomach, you shyly waved off the passing servers offering treats and settled for sipping some water and nibbling on a few breadsticks. Out of the corner of your eye, you could see Harry frowning in concern, his brows drawing together as he watched you avoid most of the appetizers. But he didn't comment, simply squeezing your hand reassuringly and turning to engage in conversation with some donors.
As the evening wore on, your stomach was grumbling so loudly you feared passersby could hear it over the music and mingling voices. Your cravings were getting worse by the minute as you tried desperately to ignore mouthwatering aromas wafting all around. You pressed one palm against your belly, rubbing soothing circles as the babies kicked in protest.
"I know, I know," you whispered, feeling guilty already. You didn't want to deprive your little ones of anything, but the thought of stuffing yourself in front of all these judgemental rich folk had you paralyzed.  
You jumped slightly at the feeling of a large hand settling over yours on your bump.
"Everything okay?" Harry ducked his head close, green eyes full of concern as he searched your face. "You've hardly eaten anything all night. Are you feeling ill?"
You bit your lip, averting your gaze briefly as you weighed whether or not to open up to him. After a beat, you decided there was no sense in hiding it; Harry could always see right through you anyway.
"No, it's not that exactly. It's just..." You sighed, gesturing vaguely around the ballroom. "I feel so out of place here. Like everyone's judging me for how big I've gotten already. If I gorge myself on all the food I want, I'll probably tip right over."
A soft, sad look flashed across Harry's face. "Oh, my sweet girl." He pulled you gently into his arms, stroking a soothing hand down your back. "Is that why you've barely touched your plate tonight? Because you're self-conscious?"
You nodded against his chest, comforted by his solid warmth and the faint whiff of his cologne amidst the richer scents of the food. "I know it's ridiculous. I should be listening to my body's needs, not worrying about stupid societal expectations. But I just...I feel huge already, and my cravings have been so intense this pregnancy. I'm scared if I give in, especially to this rich food, I'll get even bigger and--"
"Y/N." Harry pulled back, cupping your cheeks to force you to meet his suddenly intense gaze, brow furrowed sternly. "You listen to me right now, alright? That's nonsense and I won't hear another word about it."
You swallowed thickly at the fierceness in his expression, heat pooling in your belly at the hint of that commanding "dad" tone you'd come to crave during your pregnancy.
"You are...stunning. Incredible," Harry breathed, his warm hands drifting down to splay reverently over your belly, like it was the most precious thing he'd ever held. "Have you looked at yourself lately? You're absolutely glowing, every inch of you fuller and softer and just...exquisite." 
His voice lowered to that rumbly timbre that could have you melting even at your horniest. "It's been a struggle to keep my hands off you as you fill out, love. Seeing you all lush and fertile like this..." He groaned softly, burning gaze raking over your body. "It's everything to me, and don't you dare deprive yourself or our babies with these silly hang ups."
You were panting softly by this point, squirming under his heated stare and the blunt weight of his words. Your arousal was a thick, heavy thing thrumming through your veins as Harry laid his desires out before you.
Harry's lips quirked in a heated, knowing smirk. He leaned in close, his plush mouth brushing the shell of your ear. "So I'm going to take you around this buffet...and pile both our plates high with anything and everything you've been craving, my insatiable girl."
A shudder rippled through you at the low, gravelly promise in his voice. Harry nipped at your earlobe teasingly before pulling back, satisfaction glinting in those emerald depths as he took in your flushed cheeks and parted lips. He knew exactly how to unravel you.
"Then tonight, after we get home..." Harry's large hand drifted down to palm your lower belly, fingers splaying possessively. "I'm going to worship every new lush inch of you. Indulge my own cravings for this luxurious fertile body of yours."
You bit your lip on a small whimper, already aching for his touch. This man would be the absolute death of you.
Chuckling darkly, Harry slid his hand into yours and began leading you back towards the lavish buffet spread. Your cravings had reached a fever pitch between his heated words and the enticing aromas surrounding you. Hunger and arousal swirled dizzily within your core.
True to his promise, Harry loaded up two plates with every kind of indulgent treat - rich canapes dripping with cheese and pesto, crispy bacon-wrapped prawns, creamy mushroom vol-au-vents, and far too many miniature quiches and savory tarts to count. When you tried to protest the overflowing portions, he merely fixed you with a stern look until you subsided.
Finally, when not another morsel could be crammed on, Harry handed you your precarious tower of food with a soft smile.
"There we are, my perfect girl," he murmured, stroking a knuckle down your flushed cheek. "Now eat up for me, won't you? Gotta keep your strength up for later."
You swallowed thickly, throat suddenly dry under the heated promise in those guileless green eyes. "Yes, Harry."
The next hour or so passed in a lush, sensual haze. You found a quiet corner to tuck yourselves into, allowing you to relax and satiate your fierce cravings under Harry's reverent, watchful gaze.
With each sinful bite, each savory indulgence on your tongue, you felt your nerves melting away, replaced by the most delicious anticipation. Especially when Harry's eyes would hungrily track the movement of your lips around each morsel, his large hands roaming possessively over the swell of your belly and newly full curves.
More than once, his deft fingers slipped a decadent bite past your lips, emerald gaze darkening in blatant lust each time you laved your tongue along the thick pads to clean away any lingering flavor.
By the time your second plate was nearly cleaned, a delicious lassitude had settled over your limbs. You were absolutely stuffed and sated, the fierce edge finally shorn off your hunger. You felt...content. Sexy, even, the way Harry's heated stare roved over your figure.
Sitting back with a small sound of satiation, you let your free hand drift down to caress your rounded belly. You could've sworn you felt the twins doing pleased little flips and kicks within, satisfied by your indulgence. You smiled tenderly, lifting your eyes to find Harry watching you with naked adoration glowing in his gaze.
"Look at you," he murmured reverently, using his thumb to gently wipe away a stray crumb from the corner of your mouth. "Positively radiant and plump, my gorgeous, well-fed queen."
Then, to your utter delight and arousal, he leaned over and pressed a lingering, openmouthed kiss to the swell of your stomach, humming in contentment. "We'll have to ensure we get you home soon...I have some urgent worshiping of my own to take care of."
By the time you finally tumbled through the door of your flat, lips swollen and gasping from the heated make-out session during the Uber ride, you were both achingly worked up.
No sooner had Harry kicked the door shut behind you than he was pressing you into the wall, large hands roaming greedily over your body. The sound of your muffled moan against his mouth only spurred him on, his grip tightening possessively on your hips.
When you finally parted, panting, his eyes were blown wide with sheer animal need. Harry wasted no time in shucking his jacket and tie, practically tearing apart the buttons of his shirt before moving on to divesting you of your clothes.
Your dress was peeled down over your curves and dropped unceremoniously to the floor in Harry's haste. Soon you were bare before him, the crisp air caressing your flushed, overheated skin and the delicious ache between your thighs.
Harry hissed out a breath, strong hands mapping the lush new terrain of your body with unbridled reverence. He swallowed hard enough for you to see his throat work convulsively.
"Fucking perfection," he grated roughly. His palms smoothed over the gentle swell of your belly, fingers splaying in wonder before sliding up to cup the full, sensitive weight of your tender breasts.
A strangled sound escaped your lips as he rolled the pebbled peaks between his fingertips, the jolt of sensation arrowing straight between your legs.
"Look at you, love," Harry crooned, nudging your thighs apart to slide one thick, muscular thigh between them. You cried out softly, canting your hips to ride the delicious friction provided by his leg. "All lush and fertile and utterly exquisite. Made to be lavished and cherished. To be devoured."
His mouth was on yours again, hot and wild and devouring you just as promised. You dimly felt him undoing his trousers, kicking them and his pants aside until he was finally as bare as you.
Then Harry was everywhere His huge hands spanned your back in a heated caress as his mouth mapped every new heavenly curve and swell of your body. His broad shoulders rippled between your splayed thighs, tongue swirling hotly over your peaked nipples until you were mewling. And still he paid reverence to your heavy, aching breasts and rounded belly, pressing fervent, worshipful kisses over every inch.
By the time the slick, insistent pressure of his cock nudged against your dripping entrance, you were already trembling all over, heat coiled impossibly tight in your core.
"Let me properly cherish you, my queen," Harry rumbled, the words a gravelly prayer as he slowly, achingly buried himself to the hilt within your welcoming heat. You both groaned in unison, your walls fluttering maddeningly around his thick length as he stretched and filled you completely.
That first slow drag nearly had you shattering right then and there. Each thick inch of Harry's cock glided along every perfectly swollen, sensitive inch of you as he thrust home, dragging against that sweetest spot inside over and over again.
His large hands cupped your ass, hips rolling in a torturously languid grind, burying himself deeper with every unhurried stroke. He was devouring you from the inside out, cherishing every silken inch, and the utter reverence in his gaze as he drank in your pleasure had you spiraling higher.
When one hand came up to cup the flushed, damp curve of your cheek, the tender intimacy of it nearly undid you.
"I love you," Harry breathed, mouth finding yours in a claiming, soul-deep kiss as his hips picked up their pace, driving into you with reckless abandon now. "All of you, every lush curve. My everything, my goddess, my gorgeous wife. Mine."
You were powerless against the tide of sensation and emotion Harry wrung from you, spiraling higher and quaking apart on a broken cry of his name. Your climax swamped you with blinding pleasure, pulling Harry right over that dizzying edge with you as your convulsive inner walls dragged him under.
He buried his face in the curve of your neck with a soul-deep groan, hips jerking erratically as he poured himself into you. You clung to him as if he was the only thing anchoring you to this world while wave after wave of bliss wracked your joined forms.
By the time the tremors finally began to ebb, you were both slumped bonelessly against the wall, sweaty and utterly spent. Harry shifted just enough to pull you more securely into his arms, face still buried in your neck as you both caught your breath.
Gradually, he began nuzzling soft, reverent kisses along the slope of your shoulder, across your collarbone, up the column of your neck. His large hands stroked soothingly over your back, your sides, cradling you close against his solid warmth.
"My everything," Harry murmured, the words a hushed vow against your overheated skin. "So incredible, so loved."
You hummed softly in contentment, nosing into the damp curls at his temple as you basked in the afterglow. Despite the lingering tremors shooting through your limbs, you felt completely at peace bundled in Harry's embrace.
One of his hands drifted down to settle over the swell of your belly, fingertips tracing idle patterns across the taut skin. "Thank you, darling," he said quietly. "For taking such wonderful care of our littles ones. For giving me this precious gift."
Tilting your head, you met his shining emerald gaze with a tender smile. "As if you need to thank me for that. This—" You placed your hand atop his, cradling the firm roundness. "This is our gift, H. One I'll never stop being grateful for."
Harry's face did that crinkly thing where his eyes squinted with the force of his smile. Leaning in, he brushed his lips sweetly, reverently across yours.
"I love you incredibly, Y/N. Every inch of you, always."
Those words, combined with the sheer depth of adoration in his gaze, had your heart turning over in your chest. You tucked yourself further into his solid frame, relishing his strength and the soothing drag of his fingers over your sated body.
"I love you too," you whispered. "More than anything."
You stayed like that for a long while, trading soft caresses and murmured endearments, until Harry insisted on getting you into a warm bath to relax properly. He drew the water himself while you waited on the plush bed, arranging the tray of sumptuous treats leftover from the gala.
When he emerged wearing only a towel slung low on his hips, you felt your breath catch at the sheer masculine beauty of him. Harry merely quirked an amused brow at your reaction before holding out one large hand.
"Shall we, gorgeous? I'll even feed you those petit fours you've been eyeing, if you'reopen to it."
You took his proffered hand with a giggle, allowing him to lead you to the ensuite bathroom where aromatic oils wafted through the air and the enormous tub awaited. Harry situated you between his legs, your back to his chest, before plucking one of the miniature chocolate cakes from the tray nearby.
He presented the treat before your lips with a soft, "Open up, darling," and you obliged with a smug grin. The rich sweetness melted over your tongue as you accepted each bite Harry slipped past your lips with careful reverence.
Eventually, you drifted off into a light doze, replete and cocooned in Harry's tender embrace. He continued soothing you with quiet praise and gentle caresses, not even bothering to rouse you until the bath water started to cool.
You awoke to Harry murmuring instructions to dry off and slip into some comfy pajamas. He watched you through hooded eyes as you complied, admiring the new softness and curves that pregnancy had gifted you. With a tender smile, he ushered you back toward the bedroom, already turned down and cozy.
As you snuggled beneath the plush duvet, Harry slid in behind you, his chest warm against your back and one large palm splaying over the firm swell of your belly. You sighed in pure contentment, feeling cherished and utterly adored.
"I meant what I said earlier, you know," Harry rumbled, the words a quiet rumble against your nape. His thumb stroked soothing arcs over your stomach. "This new lush, fertile body of yours is utter perfection. I'll never stop worshipping it, worshipping you."
You bit your lip on a pleased smile, arching back against his solid frame. His free hand slid around to cup your breast, and you shivered at the careful, weighted touch.
"Let me take such good care of you both," he murmured, ducking his head to trail kisses along the sensitive curve of your neck as he cradled your heavy breast. "Make sure you stay well-fed in every way, satisfied, comfortable...like the goddesses you are."
With a blissful sigh, you melted fully into Harry's tender embrace. Every word, each featherlight caress was a balm to the lingering worries of your earlier self-consciousness. He adored this pregnancy body - round and soft and beautiful - and you knew he would move heaven and earth to ensure you felt utterly cherished and revered through it all.
Safe and loved in Harry's arms, you allowed your eyes to slip closed once more, reassured that whatever cravings or changes came next, you wouldn't face them alone. You'd meet them together.
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x0xomady · 14 days
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But Daddy I love him! (pt.2)
(part 1)
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warnings: smut, 18+, phone sex, angst, sex toys (this gets kinda filthy at the end lmao)
summary: after graduating from high school, harry decides he wants to move back to England for University. (long distance relationship)
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watching harry get ready to leave is terrifying.
as i stood watching harry pack his belongings into the box, my body tensed with unease. there was something about the way he moved that filled me with uneasiness, and i couldn’t quite put my finger on what it was. finally, i spoke up, breaking the heavy silence that had settled in the room.
“why do you have to go?" i asked harry, my voice low and laced with vulnerability. he looked up at me, his face betraying signs of tiredness as he let out a weary sigh.
"i miss london," he said, his tone carrying a hint of nostalgia. "and i have to go to medical school. it's something i've always wanted to do, and this is my chance to follow my dream.” harry meets my eyes for a second before leaning back down to put his clothes away. “plus… ya know being a doctor will make me loaded someday.”
as he spoke, i could see the passion and excitement in his eyes. i knew how much he had always wanted to go into medicine. we spent countless times together with harry ranting about how badly he wanted to become a doctor. he has always had the natural urge to help others, which is ironic considering he sells weed to make extra cash.
i couldn't begrudge him for taking this opportunity. but the impending feeling of loneliness and separation only grew heavier. i sit down on his bed and cross my legs watching him pack.
"but what about me?" i asked, my voice hitching in my throat. i felt a pang in my chest as tears welled up in my eyes. "what am i supposed to do without you?"
it felt horrible being this vulnerable in front of harry. i know i should smile and cheer for him, but the sense of abandonment i am feeling outweighs the excitement.
harry let out a sigh and stepped closer to me, his expression sympathetic. "you’ll be fine," he said, placing a gentle hand on my shoulder. "we can make it work, i promise pretty girl." he pulled me into a hug, and i buried my face in his chest, feeling the comforting beat of his heart against my cheek.
even as he held me, i couldn’t shake the feeling of anxiety and doubt that persisted in my mind. but for now, i chose to bask in the warmth of his embrace, treasuring the moments we had left together.
"you just don’t get it, do you?" i said, my voice tinged with frustration. i was tired of his nonchalance, as though everything was so easy and simple. i stood up, my fists clenched at my sides. "you're leaving me behind, and you're just acting like it's no big deal!"
harry looked at me, his expression a mixture of frustration and exasperation. "that’s not fair," he replied, his tone equally defensive. "i’ve had this planned for months, and you knew about it the whole time. you can’t expect me to just abandon my dreams."
"that’s not the point!" i shouted back, feeling my emotions rise to the surface. "i’m not asking you to abandon your dreams, but sometimes dreams can change. what about us? what about our relationship? can’t you just go to university here? there’s plenty of good schools. you don’t need to go to london!"
harry ran a hand through his hair, clearly growing frustrated. "it’s not that simple," he said, trying to maintain his composure. "i’ve been accepted into one of the best medical schools in the world. this is my chance to study with some of the top doctors in the field. it’s an opportunity that i can’t pass up."
i felt a rush of anger and disappointment wash over me. "so that’s it then?" i said, my voice cracking with emotion. "you’re just going to go halfway across the world because it suits you, and i’m just supposed to be okay with that?"
"what do you want me to do, y/n?" harry retorted, his patience starting to fray. "i can’t just give up my dream because it would make things easier for you."
i turned away, tears welling up in my eyes. "i don’t know what i want," i muttered, feeling defeated. "i just want you to understand how hard this is for me. i’m not just some afterthought in your life."
harry’s expression softened, and he took a step towards me. "you’re not an afterthought," he said, his voice quieter now. "i know this is hard for you, and believe me, it’s hard for me too. but we can make this work. i promise."
i turned back to him, my gaze locked with his. "how?" i asked, feeling desperate and uncertain. "how can we make it work when you’re halfway across the world? we’ll be stuck in different time zones, and we’ll barely get to speak."
harry gently took my hand and pulled me close, his expression earnest. "we’ll find a way," he said, his voice full of conviction. "we’ll talk every day, text each other any chance we get, and facetime on the weekends. we can make it work, i know we can."
the stubborn part of me wanted to resist, to continue the argument, but the look in his eyes made me falter. i knew he truly believed that we could make it work, and i didn’t want to hurt him any more than i already had. i let out a shaky breath and nodded, reluctantly giving in to his optimism.
"okay," i said softly, feeling a mixture of frustration and resignation. "we’ll make it work."
even as the words left my mouth, i couldn’t help but feel a nagging sense of doubt and uncertainty about the future. but i pushed those thoughts aside, choosing to believe in harry's optimism and trust in our love. besides, he didn’t need anymore stress at the moment.
and with that, our argument ended, leaving behind a strained atmosphere. we continued packing up his belongings in silence, both of us lost in our own thoughts and concerns about the impending separation.
as i'm helping harry pack up the last few items, the sound of the bedroom door opening interrupts our silence. harry's mother, anne, walks into the room, her expression a mixture of sadness and excitement.
"harry, it’s time to go," she says, her voice tinged with a hint of urgency. "we don’t want to miss the flight."
harry nods, zipping up the last of his luggage. i can feel the tension in the air, the realization that the moment we’ve been dreading is finally here. i glance over at him, my heart heavy in my chest. the sight of my beautiful, loving, sarcastic boyfriend hits me like a gun. this is the last time i’ll be with him until christmas.
“come give me a kiss, pretty girl” harry’s usual flirty tone returning, masking the sadness both of us are pushing away. he gives me a playful smirk and holds out his arms. the sight of his bright green eyes looking at me is enough to pull me into his arms.
harry places sweet little kisses all over my face, making me laugh lightly despite the situation. he peppers my cheeks, eyelids and forehead with delicate kisses. as he peppers my face with kisses, harry whispers "i love you" in between. he pulls back, his expression filled with affection and adoration.
"i love you, y/n," he says, his voice full of sincerity. "always have, always will."
he takes my hand in his, intertwining our fingers.
harry smirks and leans forward his lips against my ear whispering so only i can hear. “and i’m especially gonna miss that sweet little-” i instantly cut him off by smacking a hand over his mouth.
“harry edward styles!” i can’t help but giggle at his words, despite his mom standing in the doorway. he grins smugly and places a kiss on my lips.
“alright lovebirds, we need to head out soon or harry is going to miss his flight. let’s get going.” we hear harry’s mom call out, her tone filled with affectionate reproach, she smiles at the scene in front of her but nods for harry to hurry up.
harry just gives me one last kiss before turning to his bags, picking them up and heading towards the doorway. “oh! i have one last present i need to give you baby-“ harry turns around and faces me.
i can’t help but raise an eyebrow in curiosity, watching as harry searches through his pockets. he withdraws a small black bag, a cheeky grin spreading across his face. “don’t open it till you’re at home”
his words are accompanied by a wink, leaving me to wonder what his surprise could be. i take the bag cautiously, feeling the weight of whatever is inside. i’m about to question him further when harry’s mom calls out again “we really need to get going”.
i nod, pocketing the gift into my purse, before letting him pull me into a tight hug. his arms wrap snugly around my waist, his chin resting on my shoulder. i bury my face in his chest, taking in his scent and memorizing every little detail of him.
with a sigh, harry reluctantly pulls away, knowing it’s time to say goodbye for now. his thumb gently brushes against my cheek, a silent gesture of reassurance. “i’ll call you as soon as i land, okay?” he reassures me.
i nod, mustering a small smile, trying to hold back the tears threatening to fall. harry leans in and places a tender kiss on my forehead before stepping back. “i love you curly” i smile and kiss his cheek one last time.
harry grins at the nickname, his eyes softening. “love you too, pretty girl. don’t worry, we’ll make this work.” and with that, he turns and follows his mom out of the room not without throwing me a dramatic little kiss and a wink.
⋆౨ৎ˚⟡˖ ࣪
i lay on my bed, boredom and restlessness gnawing at me. i can't help but think about harry. i SHOULD be doing something productive like cleaning my room or hanging out with my friends, but for the last 7 hours i’ve done nothing but sob and stare at pictures of harry and i. oh and of course, listen to lana del rey like i’m in a heartbreaking movie.
so far, life without harry was not thriving.
i was feeling incredibly anxious about everything. what if his plane crashed? what if someone kidnapped him? i know he’s a muscular 6’0 man but, it’s possible!
finally, my phone breaks the silence, a chime signaling an incoming call. i quickly grab it, my heart skipping a beat.
"hello?" i answer, my voice carrying hints of anticipation and nervousness.
"hey love," harry's deep, familiar voice replies, instantly erasing my doubts and fears. i can practically hear the smile in his voice, and i can't help but feel a wave of warmth wash over me.
"how are you holding up?" he asks, his tone filled with concern and compassion. i can hear the soft hum of music playing in the background, and i imagine him sitting in his dorm room, surrounded by his belongings, making a new life in a foreign country.
"i've been better," i admit, my voice cracking slightly. "i tried to convince myself to be productive, but all i've done is cry and look at pictures of us." i can hear the sound of his soft chuckle on the other end of the line.
"i know it's hard," harry says softly. "i miss you too." his reassuring words calm me down a bit, but the ache in my heart remains.
"you know, i bought this new phone case in the airport just because it had sunflowers on it." harry suddenly blurts out, causing me to giggle.
"yeah? what's so special about sunflowers?" i ask, my curiosity piqued. harry laughs on the other end, his voice sounding fond and amused.
"they remind me of you," he says simply.
i can feel my face heat up at his words, a mixture of happiness and shyness coursing through me. "why's that?" i ask, my voice still a bit shaky. harry takes a moment to respond, and i can sense him contemplating his answer.
"well, sunflowers always turn towards the sun," he explains, his voice tender. "and you have this way of brightening up every single room you enter. you're like my own personal ray of sunshine…. plus you’re always chasing the sun so you can tan.” i can practically hear the smug smile on his face.
i can't help but burst into laughter, harry's dumb sense of humor never failing to put a smile on my face. "yeah, yeah, very funny," i reply, still giggling. "but i can't help it, sunbathing is like a way of life, you know?"
"oh i know trust me," harry responds, his tone full of familiarity and affection. "i've seen pictures of you on the beach, don’t think i've forgotten." i can basically hear him smirking through the phone.
my cheeks flush at his words, a mix of embarrassment and fondness washing over me. "yeah, you've been stalking my instagram, haven't you?" i tease, my voice laced with playful accusation.
"i wouldn't call it stalking," harry replies, his tone filled with mock defensiveness. "more like admiring from a distance." i can practically hear the cheeky smirk in his voice, and i can't help but smile.
"yeah right," i say, rolling my eyes even though he can't see me. "i know you're secretly glued to your phone, checking my insta every five minutes." i can hear harry chuckle on the other end of the line, his voice full of amusement.
"guilty as charged," he admits, his tone full of playful admission. "i just can’t help myself, my girl just happens to be so fucking pretty." i can feel my heart flutter at his words, a warm feeling spreading through my chest.
“yeah okay h.” i smile and roll my eyes at his words.
“oh speaking of- have you opened your present yet?” harry asks.
i’m taken aback by the sudden change in subject, but intrigued all the same. “my present? no, not yet. what is it?” i ask, unable to hide my curiosity, glancing over at the black bag harry had given me. i was too busy crying earlier to open it.
i can practically hear harry’s cheeky grin on the other end of the line. “oh it’s nothing special,” he says, trying to play it off nonchalantly, but i can tell there’s a hint of excitement in his tone. “just a little something to remind you of me.”
i feel a mixture of curiosity and excitement wash over me. i’ve always loved surprises, especially when it came from harry. “well, now you’ve got me intrigued,” i reply, my voice filled with eagerness. “i can open it right now, if you want.”
my mind can’t help but feel a little bit concerned at the gift. sure harry was a great gift giver, but he always liked to give me sex-related jokes to annoy me. there is a 50% chance that’s a dildo.
“yeah, go ahead,” harry says, a smile in his voice. “but you have to let me hear your reaction.” i can hear the anticipation in his tone, mirroring my own eagerness.
"okay, i'm going to open it now," i say, nerves and excitement mixing together. i grab the black bag from my bedside table and start to carefully pull out its contents.
as i pull out the contents of the bag, i am instantly hit with a smile. i find a little baggie of weed from harry with the note ‘light up 4 me ;)’.
i can’t help but laugh at the sight of the baggie, a mix of amusement and fond exasperation washing over me. “really, harry, weed?” i ask, still laughing. he chuckles on the other end of the line, obviously pleased with his gift choice.
“what, i thought it would help keep you entertained while i’m away,” harry replies, his tone playful. “plus i had to get rid of my stash before i flew on the plane and i knew you would use it wisely”
"oh, so you were just trying to get rid of some excess baggage, huh?" i playfully retort, shaking my head at harry’s antics. "but i guess i can’t complain, it’ll definitely help me unwind after my emotional breakdown earlier."
“see, i always know what you need,” Harry says, his tone pleased. “and how could i not get you some weed? it’s part of our love story after all.” I can’t help but laugh at his reference to our past, remembering all the memories we made together while high.
"oh yeah, how could i forget,” i say rolling my eyes and smiling. “our first date was basically a joint and a make out sesh. romantic.”
“hey that was fun!” harry is practically cheesing through the phone. his playful tone instantly makes me feel better about this whole situation. “oh and theres something else in there”
"oh really?" i say, lifting up the small black bag and checking inside. my hands brush against something small and my heart races a bit. could it be-
i gingerly pull out the object, instantly bursting out laughing when i see a vibrator. harry never failed to make sex jokes in serious situations.
“really?” i ask, unable to keep the laughter from my voice as i eye the vibrator. “harry, if you wanted me to use this, you could have just come right out and said it…” i tease, waiting for his reaction.
“oh trust me, if i was there, i would be the one replacing that thing,” harry teases back, his voice low and seductive. “but since i can’t…” he drawls, his playful tone making my heart skip a beat.
“harry i seriously can’t believe you casually handed me a bag of weed and a sex toy in front of your mom.” i burst into a fit of giggles at the randomness of harrys actions.
“what?” he responds casually. “my mom practically raised me with weed and sex toys. she understands the importance of self-care.” i can practically hear him winking on the other end of the phone.
"god harry. what would i do without you?" i ask, feeling a rush of affection for this ridiculous man. i am so in love with his dumb cheesy smile, bright green eyes, and unbrushed mop of curls.
“probably be bored out of your mind,” he teases, his voice filled with confidence. i laugh in response, knowing he’s probably right. “but don’t worry, i’ll make sure you never have to find out.”
“yeah yeah okay calm the ego down.” i smirk and roll my eyes teasingly. harry’s deep chuckle comes out the speaker and i can’t help but smile.
“oh cmon! open the vibrator babe” i can hear harry’s smile.
“are you seriously trying to have phone sex with me right now, h?” i continue giggling at his words.
harry scoffs playfully. “um duh. open that thing up.”
i hesitate thinking about the fact that my VERY strict parents are asleep down the hall but harry’s voice convinces me.
“fine fine” i put the phone down and connect my headphones so i can do this hands free. my hands pick up the vibrator and i look at it curiously. “you sure about this h?”
“fuck yeah baby. cmon y/n reach down there and play with your little clit for me.” his deep voice sends shivers down my spine as i follow his words. my hand reaches down beneath my pink sweatpants to my panties.
“just how i would do it, love. play with it like you know i would if i was there with you.”
i imagine it was harry’s hand instead of mine. reaching beneath my panties and pushing between my legs. i gasp softly as my fingers reach my bundle of nerves.
“o-okay” i mumble as i close my eyes, wishing it was harry’s hand searching between my legs.
"bet you're wet for me, aren't you pretty girl?” he murmurs into the phone. i hear him unbuckle his belt as it hits the floor on the other side of the phone.
“yeah…” my cheeks flush as i feel the wetness beneath my fingers. i gently trace my slit gathering my fluids.
“oh fuck…” he groans out. my hole flutters at his noises as i imagine his tattoo and ring clad hand taking ahold of his thick cock. “taste y’self for me baby…”
i obey and bring my hand from beneath my panties to my lips. my lips instantly wrap around my two fingers just like i would if harry was here instead. i hum at the taste and clench my legs together in search of relief.
“good girl. my mouth is fucking watering at the thought of you baby… wish i was there in between your legs right now.” he lets out another soft groan making me moan quietly in return.
my hand moves quickly from my lips to my panties desperately looking for that feeling. as my fingers reach my silky clit i gasp softly. without hesitation my fingers start rubbing tight circles on the sensitive area.
“shit… h-harry” i bite my hand to muffle my moan as my other hand stimulates my bundle of nerves.
“that’s it pretty girl… i’m throbbing at the thought of you playing with yourself.” he mumbles into the phone. “pick up the vibrator for me y/n.”
i obediently pick up the pink vibrator sitting on the bed next to me. confusion hits me as i look at the vibrator trying to find how to work it. “h? how do i- ”
“don’t worry bout that baby… i’m gonna control it on my phone.” harry says smugly.
blush instantly scatters across my face when i hear his words. i should’ve expected it though, harry always like to be in charge. “o-oh.”
“good. put it in for me baby.”
i bite my lip and do as he says, moaning loudly as i push the vibrator inside of me. i can practically see harry’s smirk as the vibrations start inside me. the throbbing at my center increasing as the sensations fill my body.
“there ya go pretty girl… push it all the way inside.” harry moans out. my thoughts are filled of him and his fat cock filling me up as i push the vibrator all the way up.
the dual tips of the vibrator hit my clit and g-spot at the same time making me release a pitiful whine. it doesn’t take long before harry is turning up the vibration speed even more.
my body shakes with pleasure as harry plays with the different settings. “fuck harry!” i gasp as he turns it on all the way.
“yeah? does my girl like that?” he lets out a whimper that sends shocks through my body.
“so much harry- shit!” i whine fucking the vibrator into my sopping entrance quickly.
“oh- no fuck this i need to see your face when you cum baby.” harry quickly hangs up the phone before calling me back through facetime. i smile a little and pick up the phone.
“fuck there ya are” harry’s bright green eyes and flushed face meets my own pulling a smile out of me.
i instantly let out a whine as harry situates his phone on his bed. his large fat cock now visible to me. i do the same with my phone and continue fucking the vibrator into me.
“that’s it good girl.” harrys face scrunches up in pleasure as he fists his cock steadily. i match his pace feeling my climax approaching steadily.
my droopy eyes are fixated on harry’s bright red tip and thick shaft. his creamy pre-release dripping down the sides of his cock deliciously. i let out a muffled moan as i watch him move his hand at the same pace i’m moving my new vibrator.
i watch harry do something on his phone and i’m instantly hit with the strongest vibrations yet. “f-fuck!” i groan into my hand and buck my hips up into the vibrator.
“that’s it pretty girl” harry watches me carefully through the phone, his own hand unrelenting. “how’re you so fucking wet?” he lets out a little laugh “i’m flattered baby- i mean i’m not event there and you’re making a mess.” he teases with a smirk.
i’m too focused on the pleasure coming from the powerful vibrations on my clit to come up with a retort.
“h- i’m gonna cum” i whimper out and press the vibrator as far as it goes. the dual vibrations on my clit and the spot between my walls is too much.
“yeah? good. cum with me beautiful.” he throws his head back and leans against the wall. harry’s hand grips his cock tightly as he quickens the pace. my eyes are locked on the way his body reacts, his pants, the way his hips buck up in pleasure, i just want to kiss him.
it only takes a few more vibrations from the vibrator for my cunt to clench tightly around it and release. i let out a whine as i fuck myself through my orgasm. harry finishes himself moaning through the last few strokes.
after the sensitivity gets to me i pull the vibrator out and watch as harry releases onto his stomach. his ferns being painted with his cream.
“damn- ” i giggle and clean myself up as harry sits there with a smirk still panting softly.
“yeah damn is right.” he chuckles and picks up his phone. “that was a good way to celebrate me being in london.”
i smile and laugh softly getting back beneath my covers. “i love you harry.”
“you know i love you, pretty girl”
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cupid-styles · 9 months
lace (grumpy!h)
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in which Harry is grumpy and mean to Y/N, who's just shy and trying to get through the day, and they're both teaching assistants for the same class.
word count: 4.9k
content warnings/author's notes: h being a dick, grumpy h x soft girl trope <;3 part two will be posted a week from today!
masterlist | talk to me |
part two | part three
Y/N thinks Harry hates her. 
Which is kind of silly, really, because they didn't even know each other prior to being assigned as teaching assistants to the same literary seminar. They roam in two completely different circles and never would have crossed paths if not for the fact that Y/N is an English major and Harry got an A- in the course last year. 
Y/N's initially really excited that Professor Donnolly asked her to be one of her TAs. At their first one-on-one meeting together, she lets Y/N know that there will be one other TA this semester since it's such a large class, but this isn't concerning to her. She's quiet and introverted and an expert at keeping to herself, and she's far more focused on helping students in the seminar and building up her resume. 
So, she's generally pretty careless about the whole thing until Harry strolls in on the first day. He's dressed in all black, a tattered band tee decorating his torso, inky tattoos covering his arms, and a coffee in hand. He doesn't even have a backpack with him, which Y/N finds weird — she'd spent the previous night printing out worksheets and contact information for her batch of students, all of which were neatly filed in a folder in her bag. 
He plops down next to her at the front of the lecture hall and pulls his phone out. Y/N isn't typically very nosey, but she can't help that as she sits there, anxiously awaiting for the class to begin, she notices just about 20 missed texts lighting up his screen. She doesn't think she receives that many messages in a week. 
Because she's shy, she's hesitant to introduce herself, but maybe he doesn't realize there's another TA for the course despite sitting down right next to her. So she clears her throat and nervously picks at a loose string on her knitted cardigan before mustering up the courage to say something. 
"Hi," her voice is scratchy since it's the first time she's said anything all morning, aside from ordering an iced vanilla latte at the on-campus cafe, "I'm Y/N. Are you the other TA for this semester?"
Harry peers up at her with a glaring look. His eyes are so piercing that it almost makes her jump under his gaze. 
"Yeah, I'm Harry. Please don't continue this conversation, I'm hungover."
Y/N's jaw snaps closed at his bluntness, a warm blush encasing her entire body. She's so embarrassed that it physically hurts — and it's enough of a reason to stay quiet every time she sees Harry, twice a week at the seminar.
Weeks go by and nothing changes, the pair seemingly fine with their lack of verbal communication. Every now and then they'll have to physically interact, whether it be passing papers or the one time Harry held the door open for Y/N when they were leaving the lecture hall. She's surprised he didn't purposely slam it in her face.
She'll admit, it bothers her just a tad, but it's just another facet of her personality — an incessant need to people-please — that she scribbles down in her planner as a reminder to bring up in therapy sometime soon.
On Tuesday after class has ended, she's packing up her things, her back to Harry when Professor Donnolly strolls over to their table, the sound of her pumps clacking against the tiled floor. 
"Harry, Y/N, are you two available right now?"
In any other instance, Y/N would find a reason to be busy — her social battery is drained from today's workshopping class, where she went around discussing thesis statements with her assigned group of students — but this TA gig matters to her, especially after she did some online digging on Professor Donnolly and found out she has connections at multiple publishing firms Y/N could only dream of working at. So she sucks it up and bears herself for whatever her presence is needed for, even if it means being around Harry.
"I'm free," Y/N replies and Harry grunts out some form of affirmative answer. 
"Great!" Donnolly claps her hands together, "So listen, I'm seriously behind in going through these outlines and they need to be graded and handed back by Thursday's class. Do you guys think you could make a dent in the stack this afternoon? You could use my office while I teach this next lecture."
The thought of sitting in an office alone with Harry sounds absolutely humiliating, but to her surprise, he's the one that agrees to it before she even has a chance to run it through her brain. She zones out while Donnolly hands Harry the keys to her office, providing instructions on where the papers and rubric are, before he's turning on his heel and heading in the direction of the English department. Y/N scrambles and throws her bag over her shoulder, her chunky oxfords squeaking as she rushes to catch up to Harry. 
"You don't have to join me," Harry grumbles once she finally reaches him so they're walking side by side, "I'm perfectly capable of grading these outlines by myself." 
With a wrinkle in her brow, Y/N hugs her backpack strap closer to her body. "She asked both of us, so I'm helping."
"Yeah, but she doesn't have to know if you duck out to do whatever shit you do in your free time. Volunteering with the elderly or summat."
He mutters the last part under his breath, but Y/N hears it. Pain quickly zips through her stomach but it's gone just as quickly as it entered. 
"I don't volunteer with the elderly," is her final comeback, albeit mumbled as they reach Donnolly's office. Harry stuffs the key in the lock and twists the door open before flicking the lights on and zeroing in on the stack of papers on her desk. 
"Right, well, you act like a fuckin' church mouse, so apologies if my assumptions are a bit off." 
Y/N huffs and drops her bag on the cushiony couch. She doesn't even know Harry, so what gives him the right to talk about her like that?
"You're the one that told me not to talk to you on the first day," Y/N says pointedly, walking over to where he stands with the papers in hand, "I'm only doing what you asked of me. And don't call me a church mouse, you don't know anything about me."
She snatches the folder from him and halves the papers as he cackles from above. She can't help but notice that he towers over her, and it makes her swallow nervously. 
"You took that seriously? Jesus, you need to lighten up. Haven't you ever been hungover before?"
Y/N rolls her eyes as she sits down on the couch, folding her legs so her skirt doesn't ride up. She digs in her bag for her favorite red pen, fetching it from her pouch of writing utensils.
"Oh wait, you probably haven't. Because you're a church mouse." 
Y/N grits her teeth. She's never had someone care to provoke her this much and it's so annoying. Harry is so annoying!
"Can you please stop?" She says softly, removing the cap from her pen. "You don't have to be mean to me just because you don't like me." 
"How do you know whether I like you or not?" Harry scoffs as he sits down at Donnolly's desk, "I don't even know you." 
Y/N has to admit, that one hurts. So instead of responding, she swallows the lump forming in her throat and starts to read over Amanda Mai's outline. 
Harry doesn't bother her again that day. In fact, he doesn't even say goodbye when he's done. 
⋆。゚☁︎。⋆。 ゚☾ ゚。⋆
The following weeks go similarly. 
Donnolly stops them both after class with some ask of grading papers or outlines or otherwise, claiming that she thinks they work well together, which Y/N thinks is some cruel joke from the universe. Every time her and Harry walk the familiar route to her office in silence, she wonders what she did wrong in her life and what bullshit karma she's on the receiving end of. 
At a certain point, she wonders if someone has made a voodoo doll of her just to torture her, especially when she thinks Harry's finally skipping one of their grading sessions together, only to find his tongue down some sorority girl's throat. He nearly pushes the girl off of him when he notices Y/N's unintentionally interrupted their makeout session. She holds back a snicker when she hears the girl ask what his problem is as she unlocks the door.
"Gotta go," Harry tells the girl lowly, brushing past her to follow Y/N into the office. The girl garbles out a surprised "what?" just as Harry's shutting the door and plopping down at Donnolly's desk chair. 
It's quiet for a moment and Y/N debates saying anything, knowing that however she chooses to approach the situation — whether she ignore the confused, pissed off girl outside or comment on Harry's apparent distaste for her — he'll dole out some rude response. 
She rolls her lips into her mouth as she passes him his half of the papers, eventually settling on, "You probably shouldn't bring your girlfriend to your job. It's unprofessional, I think, and you both could've gotten in trouble."
Harry chuckles dryly and Y/N immediately regrets her decision. 
"Mind your business, little mouse." he mutters, but not before he utters something out under his breath. "She's not my girlfriend either."
Y/N nods slowly and lowers her eyes to the assignment in front of her. Today, they're working on editing the first drafts of the class' papers, which is guaranteed to take hours. She grimaces as she reads over Ty Baker's introduction, realizing that she has a hefty load of grading ahead of her. 
When she pulls out her pencil case from her bag, she hears Harry scoff from across the room. Mentally, she hopes it's due to the poor writing he's reading, but she knows she's wrong.
"Do you always wear shit like that?" he sneers. A hot flush instantly pulverizes her body, making her feel embarrassed and self-conscious within seconds. 
She doesn't reply, but of course — of course — Harry continues. 
"I mean, seriously, how old are you? 23? 24? And you come to campus in little skirts and cardigans and those stupid Doc Martens. Are you trying to look half your age?" 
Y/N swallows harshly, attempting to focus on the words on the page. If she ignores him, he'll stop eventually. Harry thrives on her attempting to fight back. 
"Are you even gonna defend yourself?" Harry spits, leaning back in Donnolly's chair, "Kind of pathetic, really—"
Y/N's head snaps up, tears blurring her vision. She sniffles and looks at him, the embarrassment now overwhelming when his face falls, realizing that he's made her cry. 
"Please stop," Y/N says in a watery voice, "You're just being mean."
Harry stares her down with low eyes, his raspberry lips slighted parted. She can feel his intimidating gaze even as she tries to redirect her attention back to Ty's draft, attempting to blink the salty tears away. She thinks she's made it through until a shudder racks through her body, a sad and involuntary quiver sounding from her chest.
The room is dead silent so she knows Harry hears it, and she wants nothing more than to dig a hole in the ground and bury herself alive. It would be better than having to face the fact that Harry made her cry over rude comments. 
She braces herself for another tongue lashing but instead, he stands from the desk, grabs his things, and rushes out of the room, leaving Y/N sitting on the couch by herself with tear-stained cheeks. 
She wonders if she's ever been this embarrassed before in her life.
⋆。゚☁︎。⋆。 ゚☾ ゚。⋆
Y/N spends the weekend wondering if she can ask Donnolly to transfer her to another section.
As she cuddles with her kitten, Ginger, on the couch, binge-watching episode upon episode of Love Island, she contemplates how to approach the situation. 
"Ging, what do you think I should do?" she murmurs to the orange cat perched on her thighs, "He's kind of awful and he's so mean to me, I don't understand why. I never see him act that way with anyone else. I don't think I did anything to him."
Ginger meows.
"Okay, meow again if you think I should try to move to Donnolly's other seminar."
The kitten jumps off her legs and traipses to her food bowl. Y/N lets out a sigh and falls to the side face-first into a mess of throw pillows.
⋆。゚☁︎。⋆。 ゚☾ ゚。⋆
On Tuesday morning, Harry is tired.
He stayed up way too late last night and Jenna wouldn't stop blowing up his phone, wondering where he was over the weekend and asking if he wanted to come over and hookup.
(It was a Monday for Christ's sake, and she clearly couldn't take a hint — if he hadn't replied to her last five texts, why on earth would he want to go and get his dick wet now?
He realizes that he's done worse, so he takes it back.)
He typically spends his weekends ambling through parties and bars with his mates. Jenna is just one of his current and most reliable hookups, and he clearly made a mistake by tonguing her in public last week while he waited for Y/N to unlock Donnolly's office. It had been a spur of the moment rendezvous — Jenna happened to be walking through the English department just as Harry was, and she surged towards him for a kiss that quickly grew to a heated makeout once she stuck her tongue in his mouth. 
Harry was weak and rarely one to turn down a midday hookup, but the second he heard Y/N's clunky footsteps (those Doc Marten oxfords she wore were a dead giveaway), he tore apart from Jenna. 
Because of their public snog session, he assumes that she thinks their arrangement is something more. And she couldn't be more wrong, because ever since Thursday afternoon, all he's been able to think about is Y/N.
He doesn't even know why. She's quiet and shy and the complete opposite of any girl he's ever been attracted to. She rarely even fights back when he tries to rile her up, which he thought would be fun, but then he went and made her fucking cry last week and now he feels like the worst person to walk the planet.
In hindsight, Harry knows he was a fucking dick to her on Thursday. He doesn't know what it is about her, but it annoys him that she's so shy. She's smart and pretty and sweet and he doesn't know why she doesn't see that, instead opting for quietness and soft smiles and a constant hope that no one will notice her. 
Harry very much notices her, and it makes him grumpy.
So on Tuesday morning, he decides that he's going to attempt to make it up to her. He can't promise that he won't be rude, but when he makes his daily stop at his favorite coffee shop, he orders his own drink and hers, an iced vanilla oat milk latte. He hopes that she also didn't grab one before class but figures that at the very least, the effort would be appreciated. Maybe.
And Harry is actually kind of... nervous as he strolls into the lecture hall. He usually arrives a minute or two before class starts but today he's a whopping 10 minutes early, giving tight smiles to the students that wave hello to him. He's surprised that Y/N isn't there yet though he's never been this early before — maybe she likes to get there with five minutes to spare, even if she strikes him as an obsessively early type of person.
His eyebrows furrow when Donnolly enters the room and greets Harry with a grin, setting her things up at the podium. Clearing his throat, he tries to seem as normal as possible as he glances at the clock at the back of the hall. 
"Where's Y/N?" he asks, turning to look at Donnolly. 
The professor glances down at Harry, who's sitting at the TA table, his leg bouncing. He's clutching his own coffee cup and Y/N's is next to him, but now the plastic cup is beading with condensation and sweating onto the wooden desk.
"She's not feeling well today," Donnolly replies casually, her eyes peering over to the extra coffee on the table, "She said she'll try to make it to grading this afternoon, but I told her that wouldn't be necessary if she needs time to rest."
Harry coughs awkwardly and nods, ignoring the pang of guilt zip through his heart.
Donnolly purses her lips before clearing her throat and typing something on her laptop. "You have her number, right? I haven't had a chance to check on her but I want to make sure she's doing alright. Would you mind?" 
"I don't have her number, no." 
She hums and nods, "I just emailed it to you." 
Harry goes to reply, but Donnolly is already clapping her hands to announce the start of class.
⋆。゚☁︎。⋆。 ゚☾ ゚。⋆
Harry can't stop staring at Y/N's phone number.
At this point, he knows he's being a total and utter weirdo. Donnolly gave it to him to check on her, but instead of texting her, he opens her email and stares at the 10 digits until they blur together. He types it in his phone twice but can't decide on what to say. He knows it doesn't have to be a big deal — he's never been this stressed over having a girl's number before! And besides the fact, this isn't even that kind of deal, it's Y/N. 
Silly, stupid Y/N, who he can't stop thinking about, who he feels bad for being mean to, who he wishes came to class today so he could give her her dumb iced latte but instead had to throw out the melted, watered down beverage.
He doesn't text her, but he does the next logical step of looking her up on social media. Of course, her Instagram profile is on private and she hasn't posted on Twitter in five years. He tries to find any public trace of her online only to come up empty, so he groans and leans back against his pillows, pulls up the empty text thread and pastes her number in. 
It takes him four rewrites and 10 minutes of agony to finally land on: Hey. Donnolly asked me to see how you're doing.
Harry wants to throw his phone across the room but he resists, instead clutching it tightly in his palm. It buzzes a moment later and he nearly yelps to see her number on his screen. 
who is this?
"Oh my god," he grunts, slapping a hand over his forehead, "I didn't even say it was me!"
Grumbling, he quickly types back. It's Harry. She said you weren't feeling well.
He keeps the text thread up and watches as the speech bubble appears, then fades away. It happens three times before she replies. 
yea I have a migraine. im fine thanks
Harry swallows. His mouth dries as he tries to figure out how he can continue the conversation but she's really not giving him anything to go off of. He can't say he blames her, though.
Do you need anything?
Again, the three dots pop up on his screen and disappear twice more. 
no thank you
This time, he replies quickly: Do you think you'll be able to attend class on Thursday? If not, I can bring you the papers you have left to grade so you don't fall too behind.
He figures that's a decent response — maybe one that warrants more than three words, and he even wonders if it portrays his attempt to patch things up. 
if i need anything im capable of doing it myself. 
Harry sighs and locks his phone. He definitely deserves this.
⋆。゚☁︎。⋆。 ゚☾ ゚。⋆
On Thursday, Y/N doesn't show up to class again. 
And at this point, Harry is ready to call her up or text her, or even email her to demand some answers. He's not sure what answers he's looking for — she said she had a migraine on Tuesday, but how could she still be dealing with it two days later? — but he's annoyed that she's not here. 
When class is over, Donnolly wordlessly hands her keys to him. He flashes her a tight small, dumps the rest of his coffee, and walks the short distance to her office, stewing in his anger. Had he really been that mean? He didn't think so; he knew he was a dick and yeah, he still regrets making her cry, but was it worth missing two days of class? She'll be so behind in grading, what's the point in even being a teaching assistant if she's just going to—
Harry's face wrinkles in confusion when he approaches the small office space, noticing that the lamp is already on, radiating a warm glow from the corner. The door is unlocked, too, which Donnolly never does. 
"Go fuckin' figure," he mutters to himself, prepared to have to deal with some sort of English department break-in, when he pushes the door open to find Y/N inside, sprawled out across the blue velvet sofa with her pink cardigan bunched up over her eyes.
He's immediately perplexed, and he wouldn't know it's Y/N if not for those clunky Doc Martens on her feet. Instead of her usual Levi jeans or rotation of mini skirts, she's wearing leggings and a baggy t-shirt over her form, her hair tied up and flopped over her head.
He can't tell if she's awake or not, so he very quietly shuts the door behind him. Her lips part and she takes a deep breath, her hand flying up to her temples with a wince.
"Y/N?" Harry whispers, dropping Donnolly's keys on her desk. 
"Leave me alone," she croaks, "Everything hurts, just shut up. Please."
Harry smiles gently as she tacks on a please at the end of her request. Something about her delicate state is very sweet, but it's quickly replaced with concern as he kneels down next to the couch. 
"Are you okay?" he asks quietly, fingers itching to move the cardigan covering her face.
"What's the matter?"
"Why are you on campus, then?"
"Stop asking me questions." 
He does, allowing her to ruminate in the silence as he decides what he should do. It's but a minute or two more before she slowly moves the cardigan down her face, revealing tired, squinty eyes that stare up at Harry.
"I've missed two days of classes and I didn't want to miss anymore. I came to campus this morning and I couldn't even make it through my first one. Donnolly said I could rest in here."
"All from a migraine?" Harry presses, a bemused expression on his face.
"Yes. I get them from stress."
It's the most that she's spoken to him in days and he chalks it up to her disoriented nature. Her hair is a mess and her eyes are bleary, fatigue and pain apparent in her every move. 
"Do you want to go home?" he asks. He doesn't know much about migraines, but his sister gets them sometimes and she always complains about his voice being too loud. He tries to keep his questions at minimal volume, teetering just above a whisper.
"Yeah, but I don't have a car and it's too bright outside to walk." 
"I can drive you," Harry murmurs without a second thought, "My car is in the building lot." 
"Isn't that a faculty lot?"
He rolls his eyes, "Are you really gonna harp on that right now?"
Y/N doesn't reply to this, instead trying her best to sit up, only to be met with a painful recoil. Harry jumps to keep her stable, his hands stretching out to steady her arms and keep her upright. 
"Sorry," he quickly mutters, "Don't want you to pass out on me."
She nods, and that's how Harry knows she must be really sick. He scrambles up and digs his car keys out of his pocket, then grabs his sunglasses dangling from his tee-shirt. 
"Here, you can wear these." 
Y/N doesn't reply and his shoulders droop in concern, carefully reaching forward to place them over her eyes. 
"Don't tell me if I look dumb." she mumbles, making him laugh.
"You don't. You look quite sweet, actually." 
He ignores the compliment that seems to fall from his lips effortlessly, instead choosing to focus on getting her home safely. Harry grabs her backpack and swings it over his shoulder, "Do you need help getting up?"
With squinted eyes, Y/N looks up at him, nodding once. She looks so sad and it kills him, mumbling out an "alright" as he reaches his hands out to help her stand. Once she's on her feet, she's capable of moving on her own, clutching her soft cardigan in arms. He doesn't want to touch her any more without her permission, especially if she hates him as much as she acts. He may be a dick, but he'd never intentionally try to make her feel uncomfortable when she's in such a vulnerable state.
Together, they walk out of the building and to the parking lot, where Harry's navy sedan is parked. He wants to make a joke about her pointing out that yes, technically he left his car in the faculty lot, but she just looks so exhausted that he doesn't have it in him. Gently, he guides her to the passenger's side and unlocks the car, making sure that she gets in safely. When she does, he rushes around the vehicle, placing her bag in the backseat and starting the car. 
"Where do you live, Y/N?" Harry asks quietly. She looks over at him in his black Ray Bans and a small smile quirks at his lips. He knows she would never be caught dead in this style of sunglass, but for the time being, he wants to take a picture on his phone so he never forgets the way she looks.
"On Maple." she grunts out as she tucks her arms into her cardigan. It's the end of summer, slowly crawling towards fall, but the daily temperature is still quite warm. He frowns and lowers the air.
"Do you have a roommate that can take care of you?" 
"I live alone."
His frown deepens at this as he pulls out of the parking lot and down the road. Yes, they're in grad school, both fully capable adults, but she has to get lonely living by herself, didn't she? He's never seen her out at bars or parties, and if stress migraines are a persistent thing in her life, how does she typically get through them alone?
Harry lives a few streets over from Maple so he knows how to get there. She makes some grumbly noise to let him know that he's reached their destination, so he parks outside and turns the car off. 
"I'll walk you in, if that's alright," Harry says. She pauses as she undoes her seatbelt, taking a moment to glance at him through the dark sunglasses. 
"Okay. But only because I need you to carry my bag in and make sure I don't puke on the way to my bed."
"Sure," he murmurs, making quick work to follow her inside. He realizes he must look ridiculous, dressed in all black with her pastel pink bag looped over his shoulder.
Y/N's house is very... Y/N. He's not sure what he expected since he's never really wondered about her living conditions, but the one-bedroom apartment is small and cozy, filled with art and plants and candles. Her favorite colors — or what Harry assumes to be her favorites — are constant threads throughout the home, accents of light pink and forest green dancing through her kitchen on mugs and in her living room on throw blankets and pillows. She has a large vase of sunflowers on her coffee table and a sting forms somewhere in his body, wondering if someone — a romantic someone — gave them to her.
Harry notices a small cat toddle towards her, instantly pawing at her shoes as she kicks them off. 
"Not now, Ging," Y/N mumbles, "Love you bunches, but 'm still sick."
"Ging?" Harry asks as he gently places her bag on the velvet green armchair in her living room. He picks the tiny kitten up and strokes the white patch on its head.
"Short for Ginger," she replies, turning to look at him. Her eyebrows raise behind the sunglasses when she sees that Ginger is already in Harry's arms, purring away at his pets. If she wasn't in so much pain, she would roll her eyes at the little traitor. "Um... I'm just gonna go upstairs and change and go to bed."
Harry nods, "Do you need anything?"
If she's being honest, Y/N hates going through migraines alone. She can't do anything by herself and she feels far more isolated and lonely than usual. In college, her roommate, Kelsey, was helpful and understanding, but Kelsey moved across the country after graduation. Besides her parents, Y/N doesn't have anyone else to help her in times of need like this.
"Yeah," she finally sighs, much to both her and Harry's surprise, "Can you... just stick around for a little? It's fine if you have things to do, but migraines give me a lot of anxiety and I... it helps to have someone here. Also, Ginger is lonely."
"Well, if Ginger needs company, then I'm more than happy to stay."
It's the first time he's ever made Y/N smile.
Read part two here :) | Read part three here :)
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fkinavocado · 11 months
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Warnings: 18+, smut, dom/sub dynamics, breath play, unprotected sex with a stranger, slight degradation
Word count: 800
Neighborly welcome
"Excuse me?"
"I said, are you sure this is where you're getting off?"
You blinked at him confusedly, stopped in your tracks just before you were about to step out of the small confinement of the elevator. Maybe it was just his cologne that had rendered your brain cells useless, your mind wrapped into this hazy veil of lust, but at least it allowed you to fully ogle him as you stared at him stupidly, "this is my floor."
"You sure you wouldn't rather get off at the penthouse?"
Your mouth opened and closed a few times but no sounds were produced, to which he smirked and reached for the buttons of the elevator, causing the doors to close shut, and for it to continue its ascension.
"'s what i thought. You'll be getting off, alright."
This wasn't like you. None of it. And definitely not the way you came riding his fingers as he pinned you against the other side of those elevator doors as soon as you stepped into his penthouse suite, his tongue down your throat.
He'd made you come in record timing, especially considering you didn't even know his name. But turns out you didn't have to, when he instructed you to call him sir when he asked you if you'd like another (orgasm). To which you nodded frantically, but he told you to use your words, and, well, turns out just "yes" was not going going to cut it.
"Yes, what?"
"Yes, please."
"Yes, please, sir. Let's try that again."
You moaned pathetically at that and called him what he'd asked you to, and for some reason it made you even more desperate to feel him inside of you. Thankfully he didn't make you wait long. For another orgasm, that is. Because he didn't give you his cock until you'd come 3 times.
The second time you came on his tongue, your knees on either side of his head, catching strands of his long hair underneath, but he seemed to enjoy the sting of it as well as being smothered in your plushy thighs and slick juices.
The third time he made you touch yourself while he fucked your face, slid deep down your throat when you began moaning around him and commanded you to "come, right this second, you hear me? come if you wanna breathe, pretty girl."
It was only then that he pulled you off of him and didn't even wait for you to regulate your breathing between coughs that he pushed you over the edge of his kingsized bed and sank himself into you while you were still coming down from your third.
He reached over to press your head into the mattress as he held you by the back of your neck and pounded into your mercilessly and you came again within the first few thrusts, making him laugh sardonically after he groaned loudly feeling you spasm all around him.
"Such a cockdumb little slut, aren't you? How long has it been since anyone gave it to you good, hm? Your pussy's desperate for it, bet I could make you come until you passed out. Lucky for you, I just moved in, won't have to grow desperate again if you keep being a good girl for me."
You were too far gone to even try and talk back. It's not like he wasn't right. It had been a while, and nobody had ever fucked you that good if you were being honest. But you weren't about to inflate his already colossal ego.
"Gonna be my good girl, baby?" he spanked your ass, prompting for a reply and after you stupidly just replied "yes", he pulled your hair back, and spanked your ass in earnest until you cried out and finally corrected yourself.
"Yes, sir!"
He dropped you to the mattress like a rag doll and never once slowed down his punishing pace, drilling into you so deliciously good you were surprised you hadn't passed out already.
When he pulled out abruptly and flipped you over, pushing you further up on the bed and discarded his remaining articles of clothing you knew this was only the beginning, though.
And hopefully he would keep you around. Because everytime you caught rare glimpses of his stunning face ever since he pounced on you, coming out of that elevator, you were awe struck. He truly was a work of art. And he was apparently loaded too, judging by where he lived and what he wore, how he smelled. He reeked of sugar daddy. And it wasn't something you'd have ever considered before, but he really must have rendered you cockdumb because all the cells in your body were attracted to him in a magnetic way.
He hovered over you and sank back inside your sopping cunt, snaking his hand around your throat at the same time while you'd been too busy admiring his tattoos to notice how close he'd gotten.
"Best welcome to the neighborhood I've ever gotten, might just wanna stick around for this one," he mused before bending to kiss you as he squeezed slightly, making you even more lightheaded.
Yeah. This man, wherever he'd come from, was going to ruin you. You just knew it.
And you were going to let him. Ask for it, even. Making sure you addressed him properly, of course.
A/N: i present to you elevatorry 🥵 just a quick little blurb because i miss writing for lhh 🥲🥲🥲 (outside of the wolfrry fic)
💕 like & reblog if you enjoyed this, lovelies, and most importantly, please come share your thoughts on it here 💌
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Summer Love
(Long Hair Harry Styles x Reader)
Warnings- smut: Slight hair pulling, nipple play, p in v, oral (female receiving), breeding kink, spanking, daddy kink
A/N- I know what you’re thinking. Smut?! Em! I never knew you had it in you! Yeah well surprise!
Summary: Harry surprises Y/N with a picnic yacht date while he’s on break from tour. But he has other plans. Smut, if you don’t like it, please see my masterlist for my non-smut work!
“Hurry up, Y/N! Let’s go!”
I giggle and shake my head at his eagerness. He grabs my hand and starts pulling me towards the dock.
“Harry, why are we even doing this? What’s this big surprise?”
He turns and gives me a sheepish smile before he lifts me into his arms and carries me the rest of the way, walking onto a yacht he rented. With a kiss to my cheek, he sets me down on my feet again.
“Get yourself comfy, Y/N. Just got to get a going and then we’ll get to your surprise. And before you ask- no, I don’t need help. I got it love. Just sit there looking beautiful as always.”
I blush and giggle as I sit down on the cushioned seat, eating for him. As soon as we get far enough away from the shore, Harry begins to pull things out and sets them up on the floor. When he’s finally done, he runs over to me and takes my hand excitedly. He pulls me over to the front of the yacht where he has a little picnic set up.
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I tear up slightly and throw my arms around him, to which he hugs me.
“Harry! You didn’t have to do this!”
He lifts me up and spins me around just a little before he sets me down.
“I know, but I wanted to. You’re so supportive when I’m on tour and I wanted to show you how much I appreciate you.”
He guides me to sit down on one of the cushions, and I remove my sandals as he takes a seat across from me.
“I do it because I love you. You know that.”
He opens up the champagne bottle before he looks at me.
“Yes, but to matter what time zone I’m on, you stay up to talk to me after the show… You never miss our goodnight call.”
He pours champagne into 2 flutes before he pecks my lips and hands me one. I smile and take a sip of my champagne.
“I’ve got all your favorites, minus sushi. Wouldn’t do so well being out like that. And-.”
He pulls out a small bouquet of Daisies and hands it to me.
“Picked them myself. Hope they look okay.”
I smile and nod before I lean over and peck his lips.
“They’re beautiful! You did a great job.”
He smiles and fixes me a plate with all my favorites. After a couple hours, he cleans up and we lay cuddled up on the blanket. I’m about to fall asleep when Harry pulls me on top of him, and I look at him in surprise.
He smiles and pecks my lips.
“I’ve missed you, Y/N… So much. I know you’ve got work and you can’t tour with me but… I’ve just… I’ve missed you. All of you. And I never have the alone time to do what I really want…”
He adjusts me in his arms and something becomes very apparent to me. He’s hard.
“Tell me to stop, Y/N. Because if we start I don’t think I’ll be able to.”
I lean down and kiss him, Harry immediately melting into my lips. His grip on me remains sure as he flips us over. He pulls my sundress up and throws it behind him, leaving me in the matching set he has bought me a couple months before.
“Fuck look at you. Wear this for me, did you love?”
I giggle and shrug.
“Maybe. But you know, I think you’re wearing too much and we need to fix that.”
I unbutton his dress shirt and he slips it off before slipping off his shorts, leaving him in his signature Calvin Klein boxers. He unclips my bra and as soon as it’s out of sight, he begins to kiss and nibble down my body.
He pays extra attention to my breasts, his teeth biting at my nipples before he sucks slightly, moaning on my sensitive tits as I squirm underneath him.
“H-Harry… Please… Wanna taste you…”
He lifts his head up and smiles, shaking his head.
“You know how I love giving you everything you want, but that’s the one thing I just can’t give you right now. Now, sit up. Take off your panties. Then come sit. You know where.”
He lays back and I sit up, doing as he instructed. I slip off my panties and sit on his chest, one leg on each side of him as I wait for further instruction. He slaps my ass rather harshly and I can’t help but moan at the contact.
“That’s not what I said, baby. Sit. Now. Don’t make me tell you again.”
I nod and scoot up a bit, hovering my sopping wet core over his mouth. Another slap hits my ass and I squeal, collapsing out of reaction. He wraps his arms around my thighs, securing me in place as he begins his attack on my clit.
“F-fuck Harry!”
Another slap hits my ass and I squeak. He growls and scolds me from between my legs.
“That’s not my name right now, love. Say it right or you won’t say anything at all.”
I bite my lip and nod as he continues to lick and suck on my clit, biting lightly every little while.
“D-Daddy! I can’t! I-I think I’m gonna come!”
He slaps my ass again and pulls me down more, sucking and licking as I moan and pant.
“Come for me, Y/N. Do it baby. You can come.”
I lean down and grab his hair, lightly pulling as I start to come undone.
“Fuck Daddy! Y-You’re tongue! Mmm!”
I pant as I come down from my orgasm, Harry rubbing my thighs to soothe me.
“Up, baby. I’m not gonna wait anymore.”
My legs shaking, I scoot myself back down before I roll myself off of him to catch my breath. Before I catch my breath, Harry is already rolling on top of me, pinning my hands about my head.
“You know… We wouldn’t be so frustrated if you were on tour with me. Maybe I should just- put a baby in you. That way I can keep you with me. How’d you like that baby?”
My eyes widen and my mouth gapes.
“Y-You’re kidding. You want a baby?”
He nods and leans down, pecking my lips.
“I want a little you. And a little me. I want it with you, Y/N. Can I..?”
I bite my lip and I nod with a blush.
“Do it. Let’s have a baby.”
He smiles and kisses me fiercely. He moved his hand down to my clit and I grab his hand to stop him.
“Don’t. I don’t need it. I want it hard, Harry. I want you.”
He smirks and spanks my ass again. He lines his cock up with my clit, rubbing his tip against a few times before he pushes all the way in, hitting my g spot almost immediately.
He smirks and jerks his hips, causing me to cry out.
“That’s right baby. Gonna make me a daddy, aren’t you? Gonna look so perfect, big and round with my baby. You want that sweet girl?”
He starts thrusting at a steady pace, groaning as he thrusts.
“Fuck! Daddy! H-Harder!”
“Yeah baby? Think you can handle it? I can feel how close you are. Hold it for me, sweet girl. No coming until I do.”
He starts to thrust harder, hitting my g spot with every thrust.
“Gonna be such a good mumma, aren’t you baby? Gonna look so beautiful feeding our baby… God I get so hard even thinking about seein you nice and pregnant. Never gonna stop fuckin’ my sweet girl.”
He continues to thrust, going harder with each thrust when eventually, he starts to groan loudly and pant.
“Fuck Y/N! Baby! I’m gonna come! Come with me, baby! Come with daddy!”
I cry as I ride out my orgasm, clinging on to Harry as best I can as I feel him spill into me, burying himself deep inside.
“F-fuck… Harry…”
He pulls out and he keeps me in his arms, kissing my forehead a couple times and he cuddles me.
“I love you Y/N. So, so much. It’s just you and me.”
I smile and peck his cheek softly.
“Don’t you mean us three?”
He smiles devilishly and holds tightly onto me, knowing that it really was us. Just Harry, our baby and our future.
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eveningepiphany · 1 year
learn to knock | H.S
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my masterlist <3
if you have any requests, send them here
summary: not knocking on your door has led to harry walking in on you… with your hand between your legs.
warnings: f and m receiving hand job, some nipple play, a lot dirty talk, mix of praise and degradation to represent their love hate relationship.
a/n: literal filth I’m sorry I have nothing to say for myself.
It was mid-afternoon and you were laying in bed, scrolling and enjoying your rest day from your usual hectic schedule.
Nothing in particular had led you to start doing what you were doing. Just the random urge. And future you will be thanking you for that.
One hand was placed between your legs and the other pushed over your mouth. Short snippets of fantasies flowing in and out of your mind— nothing certain— just little things, words and ghosts of touches. Pleasure was building in your stomach from the fast circles you were rubbing onto your clit, and it was hardly long until you’d be biting into the palm of your hand and riding out your orgasm.
That was until the door to your room flew open.
Your legs flew shut around your hand as a mutual gasp was shared.
I mean, you knew it was Harry, not only because he’s the only other person you live with, but more going by the no knock on the door, barge the fuck into your room for whatever reason he initially was coming in here for.
But whatever he’d come to ask you had obviously died in his throat at the sight. The sheets were half pulled over you, outlining your now clamped-together legs and the arm tucked between them.
No getting out of this one.
“You need to learn how to fucking knock.” You hissed immediately at him, whole face flaming as you pulled the twisted sheets to fully cover your upper half.
“What the fuck— it’s like 1 o’clock in the afternoon I didn’t think you’d be jerking off!” He immediately jumps to defend himself, pushing a hand through his long hair.
“What am I not allowed to?” You sigh, slipping your hand from your clit, laying it on your stomach.
“Not what I’m saying. Just was caught off guard”
You stare at eachother, and despite the embarrassment that naturally should come when you get caught touching yourself, your eyes are eating up his tall figure and stern face. A voice in the back of your brain wondering how good he could make you feel.
He’s not blind to the way you’re looking at him, hunger laced deep into your eyes, and it’s unmistakably for him.
“What, need some visual stimulation to get yourself going again?” He deadpans at your completely obvious act of checking him out.
You roll over, face pushed into you pillows, your cunt aching to be touched again, “Can you shut up, Harry?”
He walks over to the side of your bed, “sorry love, didn’t hear you, say it again for me?”
It was a challenge the way he said it, even so much bordering on a warning— but god you couldn’t find it in you to care. He can expect you to go polite all he wants, but he knows very well from living with you that is not what he’ll get. And maybe that’s how he wants it to go.
You push your body to face him, “Shut up. That is what I said.”
His cock has hardened in his jeans, and desire is starting to take the wheel on his actions.
His hand comes up to your chin, “Don’t stop on my account darling. I can even help you out if you want.”
His voice is like honey, but both of you know the intent behind that is yet again a challenge. To see how far you’ll take it.
“I was doing just fine before you barged in here.” You rolled your eyes at him.
“But I bet you’d love to get your hand between my legs.” You cave in, slipping your hand back down, sighing at the contact of your fingers to your clit.
“Wouldn’t you like to find out?” He sits on the edge of your bed, watching the silhouette of your hand under the sheets.
“Already know you do, can see how hard you are from here.” You tease.
“Well are you gonna do something about it?” He raises his brows.
“No. I’m just gonna keep doing what I’m doing. You deal with it yourself.” You glare, pushing a finger into your entrance, and you realise you’re almost dripping now.
This entire situation is hot. You cant deny it, and neither can he.
He palms over himself, the tightness of his jeans making him almost ache. You’re staring at him with that fucking defiant look on your face and he just wants to kiss it off.
So he does just that, leaning down to capture your lips with his. He holds your chin, humming in the back of his throat as you open your mouth for his tongue to slip in.
He unbuttons his pants with his free hand, shucking them off his long legs, leaving him in just black briefs.
Your fingers are still pumping in and out of yourself as his tongue maps out your mouth.
He reaches into his briefs, quickly pulling back, “this ok?”
“Yes.” You replied without a second thought, watching as he slips himself out.
His cock flicks up to hit his stomach, hard as a rock.
You try not to let the shock show on you face as you see it, it’s large. Of course it fucking is. It’s pretty too. The head is same flushed pink as his lips, with neatly trimmed hairs at the base.
His hands are twitching to pump himself, and you clock it like a hawk.
“Go on, touch yourself.” You prompt.
“Pull down the sheets.” He states, “then I will.”
“Need the visual stimulation?” You laugh, waiting for him to smile a little at the tease.
“Mmhm, wanna see you fucking yourself.”
You push them down, exposing you panties that had been impulsively pushed to the side, and your hand thrusting slowly in and out of you.
“Fuck sake…” he curses at the sight, palm moving to wrap around himself— squeezing.
You both watch each other for a minute, taking in the movements and little noises that were being sounded.
You were the first one to breach the gap, reaching over to stroke your thumb over his tip and have his head thrown back.
“Thought it was a hands to ourselves policy.” He moans.
“Decided I want you to make me come.” You boldly state, sitting up and pulling him closer to you.
“‘Course you do, knew y’would cave. See you looking at my hands all the time, know you want them in y’cunt, needy little slut.” He says, voice gravely and making you clench around your fingers.
“Whatever, you probably want my mouth around your dick just as much.” You kiss his neck, biting the skin there.
“Bet you’d love a bit of throat fucking.” He grabs the tank top you were wearing and pulls it over your head.
“No fucking bra either. Jesus Christ.” He takes a breast into his hand, tweaking the nipple between his fingers which has you struggling to hold back a moan.
His hand has finally slides down to your cunt, pushing your own out of the way to take over.
You follow suit, wrapping your hand— fingers still damp from your own arousal— and stroke over his cock.
You’re both panting, it feeling so unbelievably good to be touching each other like this. His fingers flicking over your clit and yours squeezing his cock.
“Your fucking soaked, bloody dripping all over y’sheets.” He curses, rubbing his fingers through your slit.
“Well you practically edged me by coming into my room when I was about to come.” You griped.
“Oh yea, I bet you can totally make yourself drip like this. Don’t lie love, it’s from me. You probably weren’t half as wet before I came in.” He was hardly wrong, but he doesn’t need to hear you confirm that.
“You’d love to hear me- fuck- say that. Tell you I’m soaked ‘cause of you. Egotistical son of a bitch.” He pushed a finger into you, sliding all the way in, the chunky ring around the base of his middle finger hitting your entrance.
“Such a fucking brat you are, have quite the mouth on you, yknow that?” You squeezed around him, already feeling like you could come.
“I do. Bet you just wanna fuck it quiet.” You said, sounding a bit out of breath. Still trying to keep up, stroking his cock faster.
“Hardly could be considered a punishment since you’d enjoy it so much.”
His hands were speeding up at your words, one moving to play with your clit while the other fucked your entrance, slipping in another long finger.
It made you tingle, “Fuck— Harry!”
He hummed, “There we go, good girl. Finally have you moaning f’me.”
It was hard to figure out if you loved or hated how good his hand felt. Well, mentally you weren’t sure, physically though you were pushing into every movement he made.
Your hand had stuttered from stroking him, so you quickly made to move it again, to outdo him. You tightened your grip on him, stroking faster— swiping over the beading precome on his tip.
“Jesus, trying to make it a competition darling…” he grunted
Everything with you was always a competition, and especially this. Your hand kept pumping him, hearing his moans fueled you to keep going— to keep pushing him closer to the edge. He wants this as much as you do, and even though he would never admit it with his pretty pink lips, it’s true.
“Bet you want to make a mess all over my hands.” You whispered into the shell of his ear, licking a stripe along it.
“Maybe I do, darling. Maybe I wanna wreck your pussy too.”
You whimpered at the thought, rolling your hips with his fingers curling inside you.
“Ohh.” He coos, “listen to you now, whining for me, acting like such an angel. Trying to be a good girl now I’ve put that on the table.”
“You’re not though, are you? You’re a slut.” He speeds up his fingers, and your jaw is going lax.
You can’t even feel your hand, let alone keep moving it on his cock— the only sensation you have is the burning one in the pit of your stomach.
“Please, please.” You beg.
You’re teetering on the edge of bliss when his hand pulls away. You cry out, clenching your legs together, squirming at the empty feeling.
“I hate you, hate you so much,” you whine, “please, let me come.”
He doesn’t listen, “Open your mouth.”
You part you lips instantly, despite wanting to punch him in the stomach.
He puts the fingers covered in your arousal onto your tongue, “Show me you can be a good girl and suck.”
You oblige, not without the frown on your face though.
“Taste yourself?” He asks, and you nod around his fingers— his eyes darkening a little at the sight.
He slides them from your lips, “get on my lap.”
“Stop being so pushy.” You snap, frowning at him.
He chuckles, “acting like you aren’t into me bossing you around.”
Another moment where he couldn’t be more correct, but you are not going to admit it out loud.
You slide onto his thigh, and he sighs out a breath, taking a short moment to slip his tshirt over his head.
“You’re so wet, baby. Feels s’nice.” The mix of praise and degrading has your head spinning, it’s such a jump from one to the other. And fuck is it hot.
You rub yourself on his warm skin, “lay between my legs, actually, wanna make sure you can see my fingers fucking you.”
He doesn’t give you time to move yourself, he just pulls you there— cock resting on your bare back.
He strips your panties off you, moving to gently tease your clit. Your legs part wide for him.
“You gonna be a good little slut now?”
You stare at him, biting your lip to keep the moans from slipping out.
“Keep your attitude in check for me baby? Reckon you can do that?”
When you still say nothing, his finger rubs down your slit to trace around your dripping hole.
“Can make you feel so good, love. I’ll have your little pussy clenching so hard around my fingers if you just be good.”
“Fine.” You say breathlessly, hating having to submit to him like this.
He hums, rewarding your reluctant agreement with his finger filling you up again.
Suddenly, your pride was worth the feeling.
“Fuck!” You moan as he pushes another one in.
He isn’t messing around now, he fucks your hole with fast strokes, the palm of his hand rubbing against your clit perfectly.
“Taking it so well, letting me fuck your pussy with my fingers.” He praises into your ear, his other hand sliding up to play gently with your breast.
“Harry— oh god.” You cry, squirming in his grip. You were ready to snap after being edged twice.
“That’s right, darling, watch my fingers fuck your cunt.”
His filthy words being uttered are enough to have you coming alone, paired with the euphoric feeling of his fingers in you has you a mess.
“I’m— holy shit I’m gonna come. Please!” You beg, worried he was going to pull away.
“Tell me you hate me.” He says, grabbing your chin— making you look down at his movements between your legs.
“I hate you! Please, H.”
Your peak held for that blissful, breathless moment. Expecting to be deprived of that final push for your orgasm.
“Come for me, Y/N.” He’d said, and you cried out— a tidal wave of pleasure hitting you.
You were clenching so tight around his fingers, spots coating your vision as he didn’t let up his pace.
He fucked you through your orgasm, “can imagine how good my cock would feel getting squeezed by your pussy.”
You were pushing his hand away, once the pleasure ebbed and you couldn’t handle his fingers anymore. Panting as you laid your head back into the crook of his neck, eyes meeting his.
“Look at you, all beautiful and fucked out.”
You blinked slowly, brain scrambling for a witty comeback.
“I hate you.” Was still all you could say.
Your hand nonetheless found it’s way to his cock, pressing hard into your back.
“Don’t have to if you’re tired, babe.” He smiles, gently holding your wrist.
You shake your head, “you made me feel so good, can’t leave you high and dry.”
Your hand wraps around his head, immediately stroking down— causing him to moan.
He was definitely vocal, and god did you find that hot.
You picked up the pace of your strokes, fully turning your body to watch his reactions, and how his stomach muscles rippled with pleasure.
“Are you gonna come on my hand, Harry?” You cooed, squeezing him.
“Fuck, fuck, fuck.” He cursed, bucking his hips up into your warm palm.
He was clenching his jaw as you rubbed him rhythmically, quickly coming undone with your movements.
“Darling— god—“ He groaned, hands threading through your hair and pulling at the roots.
“Mmm, you’re so gorgeous.” You hummed, placing a kiss onto his lips as he was shaking with the pre-pleasure of his release.
It didn’t take much more to have his stomach muscles contracting under you, a moaned curse falling from his lips as white ropes of his come spurted out his tip, painting your fist and his chest.
His muscles all relax, and he slumps onto the bed, and you join him, flopping down.
“God, you’re so…” he sighs out, sentence trailing off.
You trace his tattoos with your pointer finger, “Hate you. Hate how pretty you are, H.”
He smiles, eyes half-lidded, “Hate you just as much, love.”
“We can clean up soon. Just wanna lay for a bit.” You whisper.
“Whatever you want, darling.”
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shroombloomm · 7 months
The Dark King*
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18+ (mature content warning; choking, air play, spanking, dark themes, murder, blood, obsession.)
11.5k words.
Over the trees laid a thick fog across the top of the greens. The sun was rising over the horizon as the cold air sent goosebumps over anyone who dared to step outside of their homes. At this time of the morning, the birds would chirp to wake everyone up; but they hadn’t done that in decades. Raven didn’t remember the last time that she heard a bird sing in this land anymore. 
Not since He took over. 
Actually, she didn’t remember anything before He took over. 
There were vague memories each time she took a step outside of her door. When Raven would walk past the dead bushes with brittle branches, her dainty fingers would reach out to caress them; a sudden memory of the bluebells that used to sprout from them. This land used to be covered in green grass; it was soft enough to fall back on and feel no pain from the landing. 
The sun used to be warm. Now, when the sun is out, they were more aware of it; but it still felt very cold. Summer and spring no longer existed, only fall and winter. Raven didn’t know how this was possible, but anything was possible. 
Anything in Neverland goes. 
Her only alarm clock she had since Him was the loud poundings on the door. He made sure to send out the guards at half past five every morning. They had a schedule and if anyone was late; well, it wouldn’t have been in their favor. The Dark King didn’t like tardiness, he liked punctuation. 
Raven knew a boy once, his name was Duffy. 
Duffy was late once. 
Duffy wasn’t around anymore. 
Raven’s feet hit the hardwood floor with a soft grunt surpassing her lips. The pounding on the door only subsided when she yelled that she was awake. When the sounds of the guard’s feet moved past her door is when she stood from her bed and moved towards her small bathroom made out of rotten planks of wood and leaves. 
Fresh water poured from the spout every morning, it was from the frozen lake. It was the purest water in all of Neverland, but the only problem was that it was only ever one temperature. If she wanted a warm bath, she would have to work for it. 
Raven brushed her teeth with the freezing water, then washed her face with the freezing water, then tried to keep her teeth from chattering afterwards. 
Breakfast at six. She always showed up earlier though. 
That’s why she was His favorite. 
Not a lot of people liked Raven because of that reason. It was unspoken, but everyone knew that she was The Dark King’s favorite. She was everything he wanted of the people of Neverland; she was responsible, she was punctual, and she always went above and beyond for him. 
Despite the poor housing and the bland food given every day. 
She would do anything for her Dark King. 
Raven pulled her trousers up to her waist and buttoned them, then threw her wool sweater on; Duffy had made this sweater for her. In fact, he had made them for everyone one cold winter. She tried to swallow the bile in the throat each time she put it on. 
She missed Duffy, but nobody dared to ever comment about the missing persons of Neverland. 
Doing that is like committing treason. 
Her black hair wrapped tightly around her fingers before she pinned her hair up, then proceeded to exit her small room. The corridors were cold, if it was up to everyone they would forge a fire for these frigid mornings, but there was no room. 
Each room had its own furnace. That was the warmth they were granted after each long day, but during the day they must stay outside in the cold weather and do as they are demanded for their jobs. Raven didn’t mind it. She’d spent three years in Neverland. To the newcomers, she only warned them to keep their bitter complaints to themselves unless they wanted their tongue to be clipped. 
Raven didn’t take lightly to the complaints of her Dark King. 
As she stepped outside of the makeshift dorm, the sun was just barely covering the treetops. This was as much sun as they were going to get if they stayed near the Palace. For anyone who wanted to bask in it would have to travel miles to the frozen lake; that is if they were able to get past the wolves and bears that lingered in the deepest parts of it. 
Raven wasn’t afraid of the animals. She always carried a bow and arrow with her. Hunting was something she did in her spare time, though if caught, would serve a penalty. Red meat was only for high royalty, for the people of Neverland only were served scraps. 
Beans, little bits of pig, and toast. Sometimes even eggs if the chickens felt generous enough to spit out a few. 
“Rise and shine, Raven.” 
Raven turned her head to see her friend, Bode, behind her. She offered a sly smirk. 
“Look who is up early.” She remarked with a snicker. 
Bode always woke up five minutes before he was supposed to be at the dining hall. He would cut it close each time. Raven warned him that she would not be able to save him if he was a second late, but he was so sure about himself. 
“Ha ha,” Bode walked beside her, swinging his arms as he glanced towards her, “Do you know what today is?” 
“Of course I do.” Raven said quietly, swallowing thickly. 
“Do you believe they will make it easy on ole Bootsy?” Bode turned his back to stand in front of her, then proceeded to walk backwards, “I believe his crimes against the king shall serve him a slow, painful death.” 
“Do you believe so?” Raven hummed carefully, she wasn’t much for gossip. 
“I do.” Bode smirked. 
Bootsy was one of their neighbors in the dorms. He dared to enter the Palace to find a drip of wine for a party the people had planned. Bootsy always tended to go overboard with the drinking; he was infamous for being the drunk. On the night of the party, we had ran out of wine and he thought to sneak into the quarters to steal from him. 
In hindsight, it was innocent. 
However, you are not to go against the Dark King, nonetheless steal from him. 
“Bootsy had it coming to him, he was not surprised.” Bode clapped his hands together, turning his back from Raven. 
Ahead, the dining hall was empty, usually a line out the door if you showed up last minute. However, Raven was awfully hungry in the mornings and preferred her food to be warm and readily available when she wanted it. 
“We will see at the execution.” 
Raven dropped the subject after her comment, entering the dining hall. It was warm there, only because of the coal stoves working overtime to cook the breakfast. She rolled her sleeves up, batting her lashes as she was served the same breakfast every morning. 
Beans, toast, and a small egg; poached. 
Of course, with a hot cup of tea to wake up. 
As the room started to fill with people, Raven was already half-finished with her plate. At this time of the morning, she studied the people ahead of her. They sat in their seats, tired, while they either ate their food or enjoyed the hot tea. Some couldn’t stomach the food every morning, but if they were hungry enough, they would eat it. 
The execution was after breakfast. It was easier for those who had a weak stomach not to eat. It was mandatory to attend these, it was a learning lesson for all of them to know the consequences of going against Him. 
Raven finished her food in silence, when she stood to her feet, Bode followed closely behind to discard her tray in one of the bins. Just as she went to refill her hot cup of tea, a loud ruckus came from behind her. 
In the center of the room, a man held a knife to one of the younger teenagers. A shaky hand held a piece of toast; Raven could only guess that he had taken the man’s toast. 
“That’s not good.” Bode frowned. 
“No, tis not.” Raven mumbled, withdrawing her knife from her boot and stomped towards the two of them. 
“Ye stole my toast?!” The older one held the knife tightly to the teen’s neck. 
“I did no such thing, unhand me!” The teen yelled out in anger, thrashing with a sweat. 
Raven pointed her knife at the throat of the older man’s neck and prodded his skin light enough to get his attention. His dark brown eyes glanced back to see the angry woman behind him; a snarl on his lips. 
“There shall not be any fighting in the dining hall.” Raven warned through a light growl. 
“He stole me toast.” 
“Did you see him take your toast?” The knife prodded a bit harder against his skin, if she just barely flicked her wrist it would create a bigger mess onto the floor. 
“No, but–,” 
“Unhand him or I shall hand you over to the guards,” Raven kept her dark gaze on the man, “Have you forgotten the penalty for fighting? Tis the cellar and you shall rot there for laying your hands on this boy.” 
The man stared darkly at the fearful boy. Raven was sweating too, but it wasn’t from the hot air in the room, it was the witness’ of the room. She was now an accomplice. If anyone decided to run to the guards at that moment, she would rot in the cellar as well. 
“L-Let me go–,” The teen boy groaned, there was a bit of blood on his neck from the man’s knife. 
“Ye not worth it, anyhow.” The older one pushed the boy away, putting his knife away as he sent a dark glare to Raven. 
Quickly, she made haste to his side. It was only a prick on his neck, but still the guards would surely question him about the mark. Raven pulled the bag around her body towards her, rummaging through for a clean cloth before dabbing the wound. 
“Are you alright?” She mumbled to the boy. 
“Yes, of course. Sorry ma’am.” He whispered quietly, the toast in his hand crumbling from his grip. 
“Did you take his toast?” 
His eyes fled to the floor, confirming that he stole the older one’s toast. Raven sighed quietly, once done cleaning up the blood, she placed the cloth into his hand and searched his features. 
“I shall not tell,” She fixed his coat as if she was his mother, “Do not steal anymore. Bootsy is an example of what will happen, no matter the object stolen.” 
“Yes, ma’am.” He mumbled. 
Raven turned a blind eye to the boy and made her way back to Bode. The teen boy was new; she had only seen his face very few times in the last few days. He did not know the ways, but she always tried to warn the newcomings as much as she could. 
For those who dare come to Neverland, mind you on their own free will, would find out the hard way without Raven. There were no rules, but there were rules. It was a bit unfair not to give out a handbook, but the Dark King liked to play this game with the newcomers. 
“You are lucky the guards are outside the door today,” Bode warned as Raven exited the double doors. 
“They’ll do no such thing to me.” Raven smirked, tossing her knife in the air and catching it by the handle. 
Bode rolled his eyes, “Of course they won’t, but you are getting cocky.” 
“I’ve earned my right.” She said quietly, but still confidently. 
Bode mumbled something, but Raven didn’t care enough to catch the comment. People judged her for admiring the Dark King. In the other world, she was just as twisted as he was; the only difference is now she gets to show it. She was not hungry for power, but she was hungry for dominance. The Dark King saw that in her. 
Though they had only crossed paths twice, she found herself on her knees to bow to him in those times. He did not leave his Palace often, but when he did, it was a big deal. He was the type to gaze over the land, not be a part of it. 
As Raven and Bode walked down the dirt road, they came across the cobblestone that led them into the small town square. This part of the land many did not spend much time in, for they needed money to spend for the vendors, and little did the people have. Though this was a place where the people could meet others and socialize; very few people under the age of fifty came into the square. The elders, however, loved it. 
Raven passed the vendors selling fresh fruits and handmade clothes and ventured into the middle where the people were gathered. She stood by the wall, far from the crowd, with her hood on and eyes wandering darkly around. He would be around for these events. 
To be able to catch a glimpse of Him was a pleasure, any time the opportunity was given. She thrived for it, and it somewhat gave her a feeling of butterflies. 
“Thank you all for gathering!” 
The crowd went silent as the guard announced the beginning of the act. Raven could barely stand these things much anymore. If they’d change it up, perhaps she’d find more interest, but she was never vocal about that. Raven was a bit of a psycho in those terms, finding things such as this, the only entertainment in Neverland. 
They announced the crimes of Bootsy, dragging him out with a sack on his head and nothing but the trousers to hide his bits. He thrashed around in the arms of the guards, throwing him to his knees and placing his head where the guard could get a clean cut. 
Her eyes wandered again; out of the corners, she found a man in a tree. He sat lazily, one leg propped up, the other swinging carelessly as he bit into a red apple. Raven’s eyes lit up, it was He. She went to take a step forward, only for Bode to stretch his hand out to stop her. 
“Where are you going?” 
It took her a moment to answer, she almost didn’t comprehend what Bode had said. The Dark King’s eyes were so green that he could’ve blended perfectly into the woods. He already did, truthfully. He wore a brown robe, hints of green that sparkled without the sun, and long brown hair that curled effortlessly around his face. 
He looked amused while he ate his apple. Raven could taste the thirst on his lips, he thrived for these moments. It was not that he killed people, it was that he awaited those who would cross him just for him to watch them suffer. She imagined what he felt while he watched, if his body was pumping full of adrenaline, or if he was just simply unbothered by it. 
She took another step forward. 
“What?” Her head snapped towards her bickering friend. 
“Where are you going?” Bode said slowly, yet stern with tight brows knitted together. 
“Well, I was…” When her eyes went back to the trees, he was gone, and a part of her heart broke. She let out a sigh, flicking her gaze to the beheaded man as the crowd dispersed, “I was going to the apple stand, if you wanted to know so desperately.” 
“You do not eat apples.” 
“I do when you are not six feet up my rear end, Bode.” She snapped at him, annoyed that she missed her Dark King. 
“You have been acting differently as of recent.” He retorted. 
“Then maybe you don’t know me at all.” Raven mumbled. 
After dinner that night, everyone resided in their rooms. Neverland did not have a curfew, however if one were to stay up late, it was best to prepare to stay on schedule for the day. Raven typically went to bed early to restore her energy for the next morning. 
Tonight was different. 
She lingered in the square without Bode. Earlier had created some tension between the two; while she cared for Bode, sometimes he smothered too much for her comfort. The reason she left her home was for the sole reason of suffocation; she wanted something meaningful. 
Neverland was meaningful to her. 
She never looked back when she found this place, not that anyone else dared to either. Neverland was made up of misfits, but they all stuck by each other. Well, the misfits who cared for each other, anyway. 
There were a few bad eggs that crossed the lines that were drawn. 
Raven’s heels clicked against the cobblestone, a hood over her head as a few locks of her hair framed her face and hid herself well. Her fingers gripped onto the cloak, pulling it together before locking the golden buttons together. 
She was not on a mission, nor was she trying to hide. It was the simple fact of that, she herself, learned to cross the drawn lines as well. If she were to get caught, which she’d never had, she would surely get executed. 
Above all rules, there is one that the people must not cross. 
Do not, any under circumstances, climb over the wall. 
Their town was separated from the Palace. If Raven were to stand at a distance, she would be able to see the Palace glow in the night; it was beautiful and made of cement. It was not like their shelters, made of branches and old wood. 
The Dark King’s palace was most beautiful. 
Nobody ever dared to think of sneaking into the Palace. Not until Bootsy. 
However, Raven was stealthy. The nights she had spent hunting without a single branch cracking under her boots, she would make herself a nice meal with potatoes from the ground and deer meat. Of course, she kept that to herself. It was why she was the most healthy compared to others. 
Ahead of her, the large stone wall. Across the wall, there were some stones that stuck out, and some nights she would climb it. Never jump over it. But simply sit on it. Her stiff fingers grabbed onto the stones, placing her feet onto the others steadily as she carefully climbed it without a single worry. The night was silent, she needn’t worry about the vendors; they were closed around this time either way. 
Raven huffed softly, making it to the top without a problem. To the side of her, a tree that she liked to sit on. The branch was thick and strong. She hunched as she stood, balancing on the top of the wall as she quickly rushed towards the tree. One jump, her arms grasped onto the branch and pulled herself up. The draping of the other branches hid her well enough, she would never get caught. 
She’d never gotten caught. 
Her feet pushed her back to sit against the bark of the tree. The view of the Palace was beautiful; the glow was different from her small village, town, however they wanted to call it. Raven’s shoulders slumped carefully, placing a hand in front of her as she laid forward onto her stomach and dangled her legs on either side. 
She never got to see the Dark King from this view, but she liked to imagine it all. She liked to imagine what he was like; the infatuation she had with him was hers to keep. From the few times she had came across him, she tried to keep the image of him, but it was nearly impossible when he only showed up once a month, sometimes only once a year. 
“Don’t be afraid, you’re not alone,” She sang under a whisper, eyes glimmering in the Palace’s lights, “Sleep until dawn, for all is well, long ago this song was sung to me; Now it’s just a distant melody,” She pushed herself further towards the end of the branch, her stomach turning at the thought of catching a glimpse, “Somewhere from the past I used to know, once upon a time and long ago.” 
Raven sighed, closing her eyes. In some ways, she was manifesting the sight of him. While she was his favorite, they had never spoken a word to each other. It was evident that she was his favorite; she told herself that constantly. 
She wondered what his voice sounded like. If it was so deep that it could make the floors of the forest vibrate. In the midst of her dreaming, she heard a crackle from underneath her. Eyes shooting open wide, her arms worked to grab her bow and arrow before pointing it down at the floor. 
Raven studied the floor, eyes squinted yet adrenaline shot through her veins. The thought of getting caught didn’t scare her, but it didn’t ease her either. When she heard another crackle, she threw her arrow over her back and stood to her feet on the branch. She jumped onto another branch, looking deeply into the forest, as much as the light from the Palace would admit. 
But there was nothing. 
Just as she was about to turn to jump back over the wall, a hand grabbed her ankle and she fell to the floor of the forest. Her back hit the floor with a loud crack, she bit back the scream in her throat, her hand slapping over her mouth with a soft cry. The pain in her back shot through her in consistent spills. 
Raven turned onto her side, gasping to catch her breath; just as she did, a shadow rushed past her and it caught her eye. As she leaned up to look around, a pair of hands grabbed her cloak and quickly brought her to her feet. Disorientated, she couldn’t see the shadow in front of her. Raven’s back hit the bark of the tree, head thumping against it with a thud. 
“Climbing over the wall?” 
The familiar voice made her eyes cross in confusion, but when the blur faded away, she was faced with the older man from the dining hall earlier. Raven’s blood boiled almost instantly, fists balling up as she used her leg to kick him off of her. 
“You idiot!” Raven hissed through her teeth, quickly pulling her hood over her head once more, “If we get caught, we both get killed!” 
“Would that be the worst thing to happen?” He clutched his stomach fiercely with fire in his eyes, “But I do not plan to get caught, however your luck has been cut short.” 
“What do you speak of?” Raven squinted her eyes at him. 
“You do not know the name I was given, but you have been a misery in my life since you arrived,” He spat angrily, “Dary, that is my given name, but you would not know.” 
Raven stayed silent, staring at him in disgust. 
“You almost killed a boy over a piece of dry toast.” 
“I do what I please.” Dary leaned down to the floor of the forest, his hand disappearing before coming clear with a knife in his hand, “You think you are special, but you are less than the dirt I soil on.” 
Raven’s body froze at the blade. While she had killed many animals, she had never committed such a crime. It had become evident that it was either him or her; and she was planning on getting out alive. 
“You do not dare to touch me.” Raven whispered quietly. 
Dary grimaced, “I do what I must,” He took a step closer to her, the blade shining from the lights, “Who could’ve thought that someone such as you would be such a burden in this village?” 
“I am no such thing,” Raven’s hand wrapped around the bow on her back, “I keep to myself.” 
Dary let out a deep, dark laugh, one that made shivers fall down her spine. Not another word from his mouth, he lunged towards her. Raven was not quick enough, the feeling of the blade slashing her arm made her cry out. Her leg kicked Dary away from her as she ran into the woods. 
“You cannot hide from me, Raven!” Dary called out loudly. 
Raven could hear him chasing after her, when she got the bow off her back, she then quickly turned onto her heel and pointed an arrow in the direction where he was. When she expected the man to be closer to her, she was only met with the silence of the forest. Raven’s breath hitched, taking a step back as her head snapped back and forth to search for Dary. 
It was silent. She didn’t know if that was more disturbing or if she had found that she was thankful for the sudden disappearance. But, where did he go? 
“Dary?” She called out, not loud, she didn’t want to alert the guards. 
Raven tuned into the sounds of the forest; crickets were singing lightly in the distance, even bullfrogs cried out into the night. A mile from where she stood was a creek that could be heard, the water brushing over the boulders. She faltered when she suddenly heard a chewing sound, snapping her head behind her to see nothing; yet again. 
Suddenly, a loud thud could be heard from in front of her. Dary’s body fell from the sky, as if he had somehow opted for the power of flight; something that only the Dark King could do. Raven’s eyes widened in horror, approaching the body in haste, but jumped back just as quick when her gaze set on the mutilated face of Dary. 
Raven gagged, slapping her hand over her mouth to suppress the sound. Sure, she had seen many executions, but this was no execution; Dary’s face was mauled as if a creature had finally found it’s dinner after days of starving. Pieces of his face hung from the sides, revealing the red flesh underneath with his nose vanished and eyes gorged. 
“What in the world–,” Raven coughed, taking a step back only to feel her back hit a body behind her. 
She turned onto her heel, a man with a hood draped over his head, but a pair of emerald eyes glowed down at her. He was still, blinking only once. Raven’s mouth slowly gaped as she took a step away from him, knowing exactly who this creature was. Someone she had been desperately waiting to face again. 
His hood fell back as his hand removed it. Blood covered his face, lathered in vivid red around his mouth. He used the sleeve of his cloak to wipe the remnants from his mouth, but the pigment still stained his pale skin. Raven was in awe as she fell to her knees and bowed with her forehead against the forest floor. 
“My dark king.” She breathed out as her heart beat wildly in her chest. 
Raven stayed in her deep bow, though she was desperate to raise her head and look him in the eyes once more. 
“To your feet.” His voice was deep, just as she suspected, something about it demanded her. 
“Yes, my dark king.” Raven quickly stood to her feet. 
When she flicked her gaze towards his, he was using his pinky finger to pick out pieces of Dary from his teeth. She was in awe for half a moment before she suddenly realized that she was caught on the other side of the wall. Something that she had never done before, not even by a guard, but of course it was her luck that her dark king would be the first to find her like this. 
His tongue ran over his teeth, then swallowed thickly as his eyes searched hers. Raven felt as though her knees would not be able to support her any longer; when He looked towards Dary, she studied the slim feature of his jaw that could cut effortlessly. Long brown curls that framed his face, but yet pushed back in the middle, and his curved brows furrowed together in a tight knit as he studied his late dinner. 
She parted her lips to plead for forgiveness, but he flicked his hand up to stop her. 
“I do not want to hear your pleas,” He kicked Dary’s body lightly, now turned back to Raven, “You have committed a death worthy crime against the Palace.” 
He said it so effortlessly, so carelessly. The Dark King did not care about the lives of those who crossed him, even if it was just crawling over a man made wall. The rules were the rules and Raven broke them in hopes for a glimpse of her king. 
Raven shook, but took her bow and arrows off her back and threw them to the forest floor. Before he could turn to face her, she had her knees in the dirt and eyes glaring up at him with desperation. 
“If I were to enter my last sleep, may it be while I face you, my king,” Raven did not hesitate to take her knife from her boot and offer it to him. 
He stared darkly down at her, amused, even a hint of a smirk tugged at his lips at her offer. Raven had her head bowed, he studied the submissive ways of Raven; it entertained him, something that he never got much of when he was in his own home. 
Not this kind of entertainment anyway. 
Raven felt the knife disappear from her hand, her heart fell to her stomach as she brought her gaze to the man above her and awed into the glowing emerald eyes of his. Shakily, her hands unbuttoned the cloak from around her neck and tilted her head back, still staring deeply into his eyes. 
He twirled the knife in his hand, tongue poking the inside of his cheek as he studied her. The Dark King leaned down, not letting his knees touch the ground in a crouch as his fingers reached out to grab the underside of her jaw. Raven gasped out, suddenly her stomach was boiling inside of her and she felt her skin catch fire from his touch. 
He was touching her. 
“Raven…” He warned carefully with a tsk, the blade of the knife soothed against her neck, holding it lightly at her neck. 
“Do not spare me mercy, for I have betrayed you.” Raven tried to hide the fear in her voice, when she swallowed the tighter the knife felt against her throat. 
He chuckled darkly, the pinch on her chin tightened as he inched closer to her. Raven inhaled sharply, only to find that he was stealing the air from her lungs. She gasped softly, throat tightening, while her fingers quickly wrapped around the wrist of his and flicked her gaze to his eyes once more in pure fear. 
His lips were pursed in a small ‘o’ as the ghostly air frosted against his lips, she was besides herself. Raven felt weak, the grip on his wrist weakening as his eyes turned from a bright emerald to a dark mossy color with spots of brown and black. 
Then, suddenly, he blew back onto her and the air filled her lungs once more. Raven coughed out, relief washing over her as her hand grabbed her chest and hunched over while she tried to steady her breathing. 
“What makes you think that I wouldn’t kill you in seconds?” His knuckles caressed Raven’s cheek, a smirk playing on his lips before tearing his knuckles from her, “Because you serve me no purpose. Do you enjoy your sickly obsession with staring in my palace at late hours of the night?”
Raven was caught off guard by the question, embarrassment washing over her as she avoided his gaze. He tucked a strand of her hair behind her ear, she could feel his cold breath on her skin and it made her skin tingle as her fingers dug deeply into the soft dirt. 
“Speechless?” He chuckled quietly, “I am shocked at your silence. You seem to have quite the mouth with others, do you not?” When Raven didn’t answer him, he raised his voice once more, raspy and dark, “Do you not, Raven?” 
“Yes, my dark king,” Raven whispered quietly, closing her eyes as his touch left her skin, a loss for her needs.
He only tsked, standing tall over her. Raven dusted herself off, slowly standing; he towered over her small stature. She felt intimidated by the height, but still avoided the scalding glare of his. Within moments of her on her feet, she was quickly cornered against the tree. His cold hand grabbed her jaw as he made her look at him. 
“Step on my land again,” His breath hits her cheek, making her breath hitch in her throat, “And your punishment will be similar to Dary’s.” 
Raven shook under his touch, but before she could think to say something, he vanished. Now alone in the woods, Raven blinked hard and grabbed her cloak, quickly putting it on before gliding up the tree she had fallen from and worked her way back over the stone wall. 
When her feet hit the ground in her village, she ran home with an ache in her stomach. 
At home, she locked the door behind her and pressed her back against the door. When the noise settled, she closed her eyes and thought. 
When shall she see her dark king again?
Two days later, Raven sat at a pond with Bode. Since seeing her dark king face to face, there was an itch that needed to be scratched. If she thought about it long enough, she could feel his fingers back on her skin, and the way his cold breath created goosebumps along her neck. 
Bode kept asking questions though, as Raven had been silent for the last two days. 
“It’s been two days since Dary has been missing.” He skipped a rock along the pond. 
“He must be the least of your worries.” Raven said quietly as she doodled with a feather pen tucked between her fingers. 
She doodled the eyes of her king, in case she forgets him. 
“Some people think you murdered him,” Bode said nonchalantly, “You did hold a knife to his neck the night he went missing.” 
“People think what they may, I do not care, I know I am not guilty.” Raven rolled her eyes, slamming her old notebook closed before tucking it under her robe and slouching towards Bode. 
“You shall not care until the guards show up at your door.” Bode was getting irritated with Raven’s lack of care. 
“They won’t.” 
Bode squinted his eyes, standing over her as he crossed his arms. 
“You believe you are innocent, show you are innocent. I cannot be the only person to defend you, other than the young boy who took the toast,” Bode’s thick brows furrowed together, “If they find reason you may have–,” 
Raven stood to her feet in annoyance, “I shall hear this no longer.” 
Bode grabbed her arm, stopping her from leaving, “And I shall not watch my best friend be slaughtered in the square,” Their eyes met, Bode’s full of worry, “I fear for you. I care, you realize? What has gotten into you the last few days? You have been acting dangerously.” 
Raven took her arm back, rubbing the tension off. 
“I realize you care,” She reaffirmed his feelings, “I act no dangerously than any other misfit in Neverland. I do not understand your worry. I am fine.” 
“I believe it is something to do with the Dark King–,” 
Before Bode could say any further, a knife was drawn to his neck with no hesitation from Raven. Her eyes glew a dark purple as she took a step closer to him. Bode’s eyes widened, disgust on his face as he studied Raven’s features. 
“You dare not speak of him.” Raven muttered.
Bode’s pointy ears twitched, he waved his fist and suddenly Raven’s knife was redirected towards the tree, before it flew from her grasp and penetrated the bark of the thick tree. 
“You care more for him, that is certain, given you held a blade to your friend’s neck.” Bode spat, grabbing his things. 
Raven stood, ashamed, yet shocked. She didn’t know what to think, though, her infatuations are secret to her and her only. The more people dared to speak ill of him, it became more apparent. She didn’t believe that her king would kill her, no. Had she told anyone that she faced him alone? 
Of course not. 
Raven kept it to herself, it was of no one’s business. 
Bode looked back at her, opening his mouth to say something, then shook his head and made his way back to the village. 
Raven sighed, walking to where the blade was. She wrapped her fingers around the handle, pulling it from the tree with ease. Dusting off the blade, she slid the blade in it’s respected spot and sat on a boulder with her chin in her hand. 
She couldn’t stop thinking of him. 
If it was not for him, Dary would have killed her. It confirmed to Raven that she was special and others were jealous of the affections between her and the king. She had to find a way to see him again without crawling over the wall again. 
Picking herself up from the boulder, she ventured down the leafy path towards the village once more. 
Tonight, she would see her king again. 
Raven walked the same path into the woods, this time away from the walls. A bow and arrow on her back with her knife in her hand. At night, these ways are dangerous. While the misfits were sleeping, there were other troubles that lurked ahead. 
A land just across the lake, they often came to Neverland to steal our meat. While Neverland’s people seem to mind their business, they often fight at any chance they can, especially when it is someone that does not belong on their land. 
Above Raven’s gaze, the moon lit up the night enough for her to see the path. When she found a creek, she crossed it as she jumped on each rock, sturdy and careful. Walking up a small hill, she laid on her stomach at the top and stared down at the fields that were below her from afar. 
Creatures lurked here at night. 
While the death penalty is not ideal, she wanted to test her king. Raven removed the bow and arrow from her back and readied her aim; she squinted one eye, searching the moonlight for any creature that was up at this time of night. She knew, at least, it would be deer. 
The lullaby she sang a few nights ago, hummed lightly through her lips as she mouthed the words under her breath. She heard a rustle, tilting her head, a deer trotted into the light. A smirk spread across her lips, she readied her aim once more. 
“Long ago this song was sung to me, now it’s just a distant melody,” Raven sang under a whisper, “Somewhere from the past I used to know, once upon a time and long ago…” 
She let go of the arrow, watching as it just barely brushed the deer before the creature got startled and ran out of the light. Raven’s eyes widened, frowning as she sat herself up with her arms. How could she have missed that shot? She didn’t understand. 
Raven had never missed a clear shot. 
She cursed to herself under her breath, readying another arrow in her bow and waited on her stomach, on the hill. Minutes went by, still no creature. Raven started to feel helpless, maybe it was the hunger in her stomach from being up past her bedtime that made her feel this way. 
Then another rustle, much louder than the last, echoed in the area. Could it be her king? She dusted herself off and stood to her feet in anticipation. Purple eyes wandered around the area, this time searching high in the trees for the hidden man, but found nothing. 
Unsteady on her feet, a suddenly uneasy feeling came over her. Could it be an intruder? Raven started down the hill with haste, she didn’t think she had the guts to murder someone. As twisted as her personality was, she knew her stomach wouldn’t handle such a thing. 
When she came across the creek once more, a body laid in the creek, contaminating their waters with blood. As she got closer, the person’s throat had been slit, so tiny it looked like it was done with a piece of freshly cut paper. Raven swallowed thickly, jumping over the body and asking no questions. 
Someone was among her. 
If not someone, then something. 
Her feet hit the pathway once more, looking back as she walked forward. Shivers went down her spine, she could feel someone watching her, but she wasn’t sure who. It couldn’t have been her king, no, she committed no crime tonight. 
Could it have been Bode watching over her? 
Raven looked forward, finding a man hunched over something. She paused her steps, blood growing cold. When the man stood to his feet, the moonlight hit him and Raven faced the familiar cloak that she had just seen some nights ago. 
Her dark king. 
He turned around to face her, the same emerald eyes glowing bright as he gave her a once over. She stayed still, though dared to take a step towards him. Raven kneeled on one knee as he approached her, he had blood dripping down his white blouse that was so sheer it showed his tattoos. 
“My dark ki–.” 
“Are you thrilled over the power I hold on these lands,” His voice coarse and thick, “Or do you just enjoy being on your knees for your king?” 
Raven blushed wildly, looking away for mere moments before swallowing thickly. 
“Tis always an honor to be in the presence of you, my king.” She said quietly, standing to her feet once more, she crossed her arms under her cloak as a brush of cold wind surpassed them. 
“For you, of course,” When he came closer to Raven, she felt her stomach start to bubble, “You tried to kill my creatures.” 
Raven stayed silent, she knew someone was watching her; she never expected it to be him, though. 
“You were following me?” 
“You called,” He mumbled, “For reasons which bore me, dreadfully.” 
“Called?” Raven pinched her face in confusion, she did not recall calling out to him. Only ever in her dreams, but how would that be possible for him to know?
He hummed the lullaby that Raven had been singing the last few days, her face washed in a pale white, watching as he took slow steps around her, in circles. 
“The lullaby,” He was now behind her, she could feel how close he was, “It beckons me to those who seek me.” 
Raven said nothing, her body was frigid and her gaze was locked onto the body up the road. She didn’t know that the song beckoned him, if she knew that; she would have him any time she wanted. 
“But you still tried to kill my creatures,” His voice darkened, a hand placed onto her shoulder and it made her knees buckle, “Another crime.” 
“A crime I did not commit.” Raven said above a whisper, fluttering her eyes shut. 
In seconds, Raven was whipped around, the king towered over her as he grabbed her face and squinted his eyes darkly. 
“Are you accusing your king of lying, Raven? That would not be very…” His fingers fled to her throat, backing her up until her back hit a large boulder behind them, “Smart of you.” 
Raven didn’t comment on his threat, instead studied the blood on his shirt; his abs flexed as the cold wind hit him, she didn’t think possible for him to feel such things. 
“You murdered those men.” 
“There were trespassers on my land.” He arched his brow. 
“You killed them for me.” 
Her heart raced at the thought. Her king protecting her, it made her heart melt and her skin crawl with excitement. Raven’s lips tugged upwards into a small smile at the thought. 
But then he laughed, a hardy, deep laugh that shook his stomach while his fingers clenched both sides of her neck a bit tighter. He then pulled her closer, inches from her face as he let out a growl. 
“I do not kill for my people, I kill for my amusement,” He spat through gritted teeth, in seconds his fingers wrapped around the black strands of her hair and pulled it tightly at the root. Raven let out a soft sound, rolling her eyes back, “Do you find this amusing to you?” 
Raven’s stomach was on fire; she desperately tried to ignore the way his fingers locked into her hair, but the sensation was more than she could ignore. 
When Raven couldn’t speak a word, it was when He realized that she was enjoying this. A tedious smirk barely showed on his face through the shadow’s of his hood. His fingers lightly massaged her scalp, causing a small sound and physical reaction from Raven, then he gently jerked on it again to make her mewl out. 
“Oh,” He said, “This is quite pathetic, isn’t it?” 
Raven’s eyes fluttered open at the comment, her lips parted. 
“If you believe I have committed a crime, then punish me.” Raven said quietly between the two of them, it was taking everything not to reach out to him and touch his chest. 
His eyes glimmered, “The punishment you haunt yourself with everyday is not enough, is it?” He breathed cold on her lips, Raven was close to closing the gap, “Torturing yourself with the thought of seeing me.” 
His lips grazed her jaw, Raven let out a moan so embarrassing just from the smallest touch. She felt his lips feather up her jaw until he was breathing into her ear. 
“But you cannot,” His voice was below a whisper, “For I do not answer the silent beckons of your wet dreams.” 
Raven’s breath hitched, “My dark king, I must admit my admirations—,” 
“If you feel the need to do so, please call me by my name,” He lapped a strip up her jaw, letting out a low grunt, “But do not expect for me to care for you, for I could snap your neck and walk away without a care.” 
Raven’s eyes darkened, “And what name might that be?” 
“Harry.” He pressed his lips against her ear. 
Her heart fluttered, “I have adored you for ages, Harry.” 
“Cute,” Harry chuckled quietly, creating a distance to rid Raven of the imaginative warmth he gave off, “As if I don’t have everyone on this land feeling the same way.” 
“My feelings are different,” Raven felt a pang of anxiety in her chest, stepping towards him, “I have admired you from afar. I have defended your name when many wouldn’t.” 
Harry flicked his hair back in a state of boredom, “And what makes you different from the rest?” He spared her a glance, “That you treat me with such royalty as if I am,” He then leaned towards her with a small smirk, tilting his head slowly, “Let me allow you to educate you, love. We do not have any kings in Neverland, just me.” 
Raven’s chest burned with fire, she couldn’t tell if it was rage from his rejection, or if it was the still lingering lust deep inside of her. 
“You rule this land, you have been our king—,” 
Harry laughed out in howl, shaking his head. 
“A king,” He remarks, “You humor me, Raven.” 
“Is that not what your title is?!” Raven finally snapped with irritation, fists balled by her side. 
“My title is whatever the fuck I want it to be,” He spat with his white teeth showing, canines sharp and ready, “A king protects his people. I could set Neverland ablaze and watch all of you scatter to the water to escape and feel nothing.” 
Raven’s eyes stared darkly at the man before her. The darkness inside of him excited her, it made the passion she had for him burn brighter than it ever had. If she had a choice, she would burn the place to the ground with Harry just to watch his emerald eyes glimmer with hints of red in them. 
He was darker than she thought he was. 
Raven took a step closer to him, parting her cold, chapped lips. 
“And what would one do to watch this land burn with you?” 
Before he could open his mouth to say anything, she dared to place a hand onto his bloodied chest. The warmth of the blood was the first time she had felt the other degree of weather in years. Her fingers enclosed around the fabric, only for Harry to grab her wrist and raise her arm in the air. One moment she was standing before him, the other she was being pinned back against the boulder, now with his full body against hers. 
“I see the darkness in you,” Harry smirked faintly, showing off his canine teeth in the corner. Raven inhaled sharply as his hand grabbed her hip and burned his fingers into her skin, “You feel it too, don’t you, Raven? You wish to act on it…” His breath hit her cheek as his tongue just barely lapped under her jaw, “But you wish to be a…good girl, for me?” 
Raven’s eyes fluttered closed as a whimper escaped her. She let out a small hum in approval, acceptance, knowing that if given the chance there would be a few people on this island she would cut to pieces with no mercy. Dary being one of them, though, Harry covered that for her. 
“Words,” His fingers pinched her cheeks, forcing Raven to look at him as he squinted down at her; the emerald hues now turned dark and mossy, “I need to hear you say it.” 
Her mind was fuzzy, the close vicinity was fucking with her head. Raven could easily close the gap, ease the burning feeling in her gut and devour every piece of him. When she opened her mouth to speak, it was stuck in her throat, and she kept having to swallow the block from the lack of oxygen she had in her lungs. 
“Yes…” Raven breathed out, shoulders relaxing as she flicked her gaze into his, “I do, my dark king.” 
Silence fell between them, Harry searching her face; she didn’t know what for, if he was studying her, if he was reading her mind to tell the truth. All she knew, and had known, was that she wanted to bite into the obsession that was him. She wanted to feed off of him, she wanted to rule this land and kill off anyone that crosses the two of them. 
Harry’s fingers pinched tighter around her cheek, then let go. When Raven let out a shallow breath, his lips smashed against hers. Her body only stiffened for a second, shocked, then relaxed and fed into him. Her long fingers disappeared into his long curly locks, tugging it to bring him impossibly close to her. 
Harry let out a growl against her lip, when she went to lap her lips, his teeth snatched her bottom lip and pulled on it slowly. She sucked in a harsh breath, he pierced the skin and she could taste the faintest taste of blood on her tongue when she swallowed. Harry’s hand moved down from her cheeks to her neck, grabbing it tightly as he tilted Raven’s head back and started to suck on her lip as if he hadn’t fed in some years. 
Inevitably, the burning in her stomach didn’t go away; only worsened. Raven knew exactly what she wanted, but the only concern was that it would feed her obsession for wanting more. When Harry pulled off her lip, they both tried to catch their breaths from the makeout session, but only gazed into each others eyes while her hand was still pinned against the cold boulder. 
She wished to touch him, and just at the thought, her wrist was freed. It fell by her side and she was able to reach out and unbutton his cloak. In the most unspoken message between them, they started to undress each other. 
Harry let his cloak fall to the dirt, then reached out to her and removed her cloak. He draped it over the boulder, saying nothing, then turned back to her as his fingers caressed the side of her face; he was able to see the deadly look she gave. It made his throat tighten, he could see that they shared the same evil inside of them, the same feeling of nothing. 
“You wish for power, do you not?” Harry’s gravely voice said, deeply, as he pushed her long sleeved green shirt off her shoulder, when his lips met her skin, she closed her eyes and tried to take in the question; but it was so hard when he was touching her. 
“I wish for you,” Raven admitted, untying the thin fabric shaped as a loose bow around his front, when it fell to the side, she started to slowly unbutton him as Harry’s mouth finally attached to her neck and sucked it viciously, “I wish for you in any way…” She pushed the shirt off his torso, exposing the ghostly white skin of his, it was almost gray; tattoo’s meshed together and faded, “Any shape or form…” Raven’s fingers drew down his chest, “I wish for anything you allow me to have, my king.” 
Harry shuddered at her words, drawing a long mewl from him as he breathed through a wide smirk. 
“That’s what I like to hear,” He whispered into her ear, biting down on her earlobe, “Now, get on your knees for me, lovie. I want to show you what I shall allow you to have,” When he met her gaze, he pouted his lip in fake sympathy, “And what I shall offer you, tis just a taste.” 
Raven smirked, biting down on her lip as she fell to her knees. Looking up at Harry, his cock twitched inside of his pants; his fingers unbuttoned the fabric of his brown, stained pants. They fell, it gave no imagination, he wore nothing underneath; Raven was looking up at the long length that dripped from the tip and twitched for her. 
The sight alone made her mouth water, she was swallowing down the pooling saliva in her mouth as Harry took his cock into his hand and pumped it slowly; his fingers glided over the veins that pulsated, with each stroke precum dripped and he’d only use it to lather himself for lubrication. 
“Open your mouth.” His words held no compliments, but Raven loved it. 
When her lips parted, her tongue fell past her lips and she opened her mouth wide for him. Harry anchored himself down to meet the height of her mouth. With his cock still in his hand, Harry watched as the tip slipped delicately onto her tongue and let out a bated breath; Raven closed her eyes, moving forward as she took his cock into her mouth and settled around the thick girth. 
“I can give you anything,” Harry’s groan vibrated through his throat as Raven started to lap her tongue around his cock, her moans vibrating around his length and making his toes curl. The way her tongue felt on the underside of his cock, to the way the tip bottomed out in the back of her throat, “Show me you are worthy–ah, of this, fuck.” 
Raven took those words to heart, she wanted to show just how worthy she was and more. She raised herself onto her knees, one hand around his length as she eased her throat and breathed steadily through her nose; in swift motions, she started to deep throat him, her hand stroking any part of his cock that couldn’t fit into her mouth. 
Harry’s stomach tied in knots, the cold air mixed with the pleasure made his balls tighten, with his thighs shaking. His long, thick fingers curled into her hair as he bucked his hips into her mouth. Watching the view from where he was above her, it was a beautiful sight. The sight of Raven’s spit falling and dripping from her chin, while her lilac eyes flicked upwards to make eye contact with him. 
“What a privilege this must be for you,” Harry tried to breathe, but the pleasure was too much; his chest burned, “Do you like the way my cock tastes? Is it everything you dreamed of?” 
Raven blushed, a flat hand against his thigh as she moaned against his cock. Harry tried to refrain from taking over and fucking her face until she cried; he wondered how her tears tasted, if they were salty, or sweet just like the way she looked. 
He couldn’t control it, he needed to be inside of her, and that was what he wanted; that is what he shall get from her. Harry pulled out from her mouth, a string of spit following from her mouth as a gasp left her. Raven tried to catch her breath, just as she went to wipe the spit from her lips, Harry commanded her to stand with a single flick of his two fingers. 
Face to face, Harry being as calculated as he was, wrapped his hands around her bottom and picked her up. Raven wrapped her arms around his neck as their lips clashed together in a heated kiss. Her tongue ran across his bottom lip, letting him taste himself on her tongue; Harry growled lowly, setting her down onto the seat of the boulder before pushing her back to lay onto her back. 
“You shall take anything from me,” Raven breathed in a moan as Harry unbuttoned her blouse and ripped it open to show her bare breasts, “Take anything you must, my king. You can, and will always, have it all. Anything you want.” 
Harry twitched at her words, staring darkly up at her. When slid her pants off, his mouth attached to her breast, one small inhale before he dug his canines into her skin. Raven cried out, reaching for his hair as her back arched; the pain enclosed around her body, but then a sudden burst of euphoria filled her veins as Harry started to suck the bleeding from her skin. Her eyes pinched together tightly, desperately trying to suppress the moans deep inside her throat. 
Harry let the taste fill his tongue while his hand disappeared between her legs; Raven let out a loud whine as the pads of his fingers slid through her slick folds. Using his fingers, he lapped up the creamy arousal around his fingers and brought it to the engorged pearl that throbbed. Raven pulled his hair tighter, Harry growling against her skin at the tension in his head as his fingers circled around her clit daringly. 
He hadn’t heard someone sing for him like this in decades, Raven was whimpering and whining underneath him as his mouth moved to her nipple and latched onto it. Flicking his tongue, lapping it over the hardened nub; he nibbled it and played with it as her body withered underneath him in pleasure. 
“H-Harry–,” Raven spoke his true name in desperation as the fire burned inside of her, a portal opening up to a new world that she could have, that he could give her. Each suck, each flick, each lick, Harry was feeding her a taste of what she could have and she never knew how starved she was for it until now, “O-Oh…my god.” 
Raven winced at the lack of touch when he latched off of her nipple, his eyes squinting at her before slowly kissing down her stomach lovingly, soothingly, though she knew these feelings inside of her were only ever one sided. 
“Isn’t it beautiful?” He mumbled against her skin, his fingers sliding down to her slick folds and stilling his movements carefully, “What I can give you?” Harry said it slowly as he entered his fingers inside of her, when a mewl left her, his lips wrapped around her clit and started to kitten lick it in slow, short, small circles. 
“I want it all,” Raven didn’t feel like herself, she felt different; suddenly the color of her skin started to mute, as if Harry was converting her into him, “Give it to me, I want–ah!”
Raven watched as Harry’s nose sat at the top of her cunt, digging further into his late night snack. The wet feeling of his tongue lapped in longer strokes each time while his fingers slowly curled inside of her, pumping with each curl, her arousal was pooling around his knuckles and chin as his tongue worked around her. 
Her legs locked around his head, tightly, tighter, each lick made her body contort and twitch; her soul descended, then came back to her. She was seeing the world as it was, as it is, and as it always will be. Harry was doing her a favor, she was feeding into it, just as Harry wanted her too; Raven couldn’t fathom the power of what Harry had to offer her. 
“I’m…” Raven felt her cunt burn, her clit twitched and lit on fire as his tongue circled faster around her. 
It was the end for her, embarrassingly fast enough, the fireworks lit inside of her and her nails dug into the thick boulder as the lower half of her body raised from the surface. Raven cried out in pleasure, whimpers, pleas, Harry worked her through her first, and not the only, orgasm of the night. She drenched his chin, even when her body felt fucked and tired, Harry still sucked viciously on her pearl to make her oversensitive; he wanted to see the tears that he could bring her. 
“S-Stop–ah!” Raven tried to inch away from him, only for his fingers to dig into her thighs and lock her down against the boulder as his tongue worked in circular motions against her. Raven’s eyes watered as her thighs shook violently, lashing above him as the over sensitive feeling washed over her in a hot bath of fire until she drew another orgasm that was so deep and hot, “Ah! Fuck! F-Fuck, y-yes, oh my–,” 
Harry drew away from her, but not before kissing her clit. When he watched her body deflate, he felt accomplished, but there was more he was willing to give; he was not ready for this to be over. Not when he hadn’t shown her everything he had to offer. Tis just a taste. 
Harry kissed her ankle, grabbing her hips as he pulled her close to him. 
“You are right…” She said in a daze, “It’s so…beautiful.” 
His fingers catch the arousal around his chin, lapping it up and bringing it to his lips and sucking it off his fingers. He hummed, biting down on his lip as he positioned himself against her entrance, staring darkly down at her. 
“Are you ready to see the rest of it?” Harry’s voice was filled with lust and devious matters. 
“Please, my king,” Raven whimpered, “I beg of you to show me.” 
Harry hummed lightly, pushing his tip into her. Raven, while she was wet, was tight. Harry had no problem stretching her out with his thick girth, as he pushed himself into her, his lips parted as they glistened in the wet moonlight. 
“You have been such a good girl,” Harry finally praised her, he lifted her dead legs around his waist and pushed himself further; her wet cunt hugged his cock so tightly, he thought he was going to cum within moments. He had to collect himself. 
Raven couldn’t bring herself to react, even physically, the second orgasm brought all the energy out of her. Her walls stretched around him, he was thick and big, it made her sore legs shake before he found himself to pull back and get to work. 
Harry leaned down, brushing her hair out of her face, “But I know you’ve got a demon in there,” He kissed her pale lips, nudging his nose against her cheek as her eyes glimmered, “That little demon begs to come out and play, wouldn’t you agree, lovie?” 
Raven whined out, a sudden urge of aggression vibrating through her as she clutched his locks and swallowed thickly. Dark purple eyes met his emerald ones, and she brought him closer as she just barely touched his lips. 
“Let her come out,” She whispered softly against his lips, when Harry went to kiss her, she inched back and stared darkly, “Let her free.” 
Harry smirked wide, “Of course,” He breathed against her lips, finally tasting her before mumbling against her lips, “Show me your demons, Raven.” 
Their lips clashed once more, just as Harry drew his hips back and slammed them against hers hard. Raven cried out against his lips, wrapping her arms around his back. Harry grabbed her throat, squeezing the sides as he bottomed out to the hilt of hers; Raven lost her breath as the pleasure filled her, his tongue dancing with hers, the stars in the sky cried in showers of dead bursts of light. 
When Raven closed her eyes, the vision came more clearly; the vivid rebellion of her in bear skin and finest gold; the nights of her in the bed with Harry, in a king sized bed, while she rode him until he came. Raven envisioned the overlook of the village, the power it brought her, and when she came to…
“Fuck, you’re so good,” Harry grumbled against her skin. 
Raven’s fingers were digging tightly into his skin, blood embedded underneath her fingernails as Harry drilled into her cunt. The quiet of the night interrupted with the powers of their pleasure and skin slapping in the night, they begged for each other quietly, loudly, wildly. 
Harry’s cock worked her cunt, the tip continuously hitting her g-spot as his fingers flicked away at her irritated clit; if there was a God, Raven could see him so clearly in the makeshift religious experience. Her toes curled as she approached the third coming of her orgasm, loud whimpers and moans ripping through her throat as her nails dug deeper to claw into the bloody back of her king’s. 
The pain only edged Harry more to his first orgasm, recklessly thrusting and fucking into her, his stomach boiled with each thrust; his toes curled as he slapped the boulder beside her face and pulled her torso closer to her. Raven now sitting up, Harry grabbed her ass and squeezed it so tight there were marks forming within seconds. He held her up, her legs wrapped around him, as he caught her nipple into his mouth and started stroking sloppily at a hard and fast pace, offbeat and messy. 
Raven’s arms wrapped around his neck, holding him close as her moan ripped through her throat; spilling messily against his cock. She was ripping through her third orgasm, wetting her thighs and Harry’s pelvis, while Harry’s nails clawed into her asscheeks and came in long thick ropes inside of her; marking her as forever property of his, never to leave his side, and that was the silent contract in this game they played with one another. 
Their bodies deflated, when Harry couldn’t hold the weight any longer, he sat her back down onto the boulder and let his flaccid length fall out of her. Both of them fucked, though Harry recovered easily than her, she could barely hold her eyes open. She wondered for a moment, how would she get up and walk all the way back home after this? 
After some moments, silent and thick, Raven and Harry got dressed without a word. She buttoned up her blouse, avoiding eye contact with him. She rested her body against the boulder, taking in the actions and the blur of it all; the memory fading faster than she’d like, but the euphoria still lingered in her veins. 
Harry put his robe over his head, parting his wet lips as he glanced towards her. 
“It’s late…” She trailed off, unsure of what to say, “I must reside back too–,” 
Just as Raven went to walk back towards the dirt road, Harry grabbed her wrist tightly, staring darkly as he pulled her to him. 
“Where do you think you are going?” Harry spat in distaste, grabbing her chin to make her look at him, Raven’s eyes were wide; “You belong to me now.” 
Raven’s eyes softened at his words, slowly a smirk stretched on her lips. 
“Yes, my dark king.” 
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justmeinatree · 11 months
Just A Little Taste
Summary : harry plays into your pain kink in a way you never could have imagined (feat. lhh)
TW : smut, reader pain kink, dom/sub dynamics, safe word use
Word Count : 2.1k
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the handcuffs clink against the metal head board to your bed, harry’s nails scratching down the backside of your naked thighs.
your hands were currently cuffed together, the chain on the handcuffs looped through one of the intricate iron bars that adorned your bed. your head was pressed into the mattress, arms stretched above it, your bum high in the air.
you loved nights like this. where you could both just play. there was no time constraint, which meant harry took his sweet time with you. on nights like these, you’d both slip further into your roles, allowing yourselves to really let go and be all in. 
there was no denying it, you were fairly submissive long before you’d ever met harry. but you never had the opportunity to connect with a partner that was considered even remotely dominant. you’d never been with someone that had the experience harry had, and all the new firsts your body had just been patiently waiting for, made your toes curl.
and well harry did not complain, could barely keep his cock in his pants, when you looked at him with those doe eyes. he saw the need in you from a mile away. so when you two hooked up that night, he gave you a small taste of what he could do for you. always checking in for consent along the way. you had never been so blown away by a man in your entire life.
and so safe. especially the time he explained that even though he’s in the dominant role, you, the submissive, holds all the power. you’re the one that sets the scene. you’re the one that holds the safe word card. he gets pleasure out of your pleasure. the moment it stops being good for you, it stops being good for him. you’d never been so reassured by a partner in your entire life. and as someone with a pain kink, reassured is what you needed.
so that brings you here. with harry’s nails slowly raking up and down your thighs, your bum, your back. all the way up your arms, giving himself the opportunity to kiss against your ear and neck, sucking little bruises into your skin. your body shudders as his hair tickles along your skin, making harry nip playfully on your shoulder, “should i tie it up ?” he hums quietly, not wanting to disrupt the quiet moment you’re both basking in.
you manage a bit of a shrug, as best as you can in the position you’re in, “s’up to you. just tickles a bit.”
harry leans back into his kneeled position behind you, nails raking down your back as he goes to grasp the hair tie around his wrist. holding it up with two fingers, he gets an idea, gently letting it snap back against his skin. 
he hums quietly to himself, pulling the hair tie off his body and holds it taught between his index and his thumb. “do you trust me, poppet ?” harry asks quietly.
“always,” you hum without a second thought as harry places the tie against the back of your thigh, right where it meets your ass. he pulls on it, not too far, as he’s just testing your reaction, and lets it snap back against your skin.
your body jolts instantly, eyebrows furrowing as you groan, “fuck, what is that ?”
“a hair tie,” harry mumbles, mesmerized by the way your skin rippled as the tie kissed your skin. “colour, baby.”
“green, try that again. harder,” you hum, settling yourself deeper into the bed. you had loved the little jolt it sent through you, the way it made your toes curl and your breath drain itself from your lungs.
harry moves his hand with the tie up your body, right to the swell of your ass. he pulls the band up quite a bit higher than last time, watching the jiggle of your skin as the tie slaps against your bum. 
you moan out louder this time, your back arching, as your pussy clenches over nothing. without another second to breathe, harry snaps the tie again 3 more times right around the same spot.
you gasp in a breath as his left hand comes to smooth over the spot, his tongue reaching out to lick at the bright red bruise forming on your skin. “colour ?”
“green, green, fuck harry, why’s a hair tie so good ?” you groan, slightly embarrassed by how much the sting is getting you off.
and if you needed a moment to fall in love with him just that little bit more, his reply holding no hint of shame towards you, “fuck i dont know, but you look so good taking it poppet. want more ?”
“please, please, please,” you breathe out. “never want you stop.” 
harry smiles at that, although you cant really see him, bringing his right hand, with the tie, over to your left bum cheek, a little lower towards your thigh, and closer to your dripping center. he pulls it back further this time, snapping 5 consecutive times.
your body trembles as he finishes, his tongue darting out to soothe you again. he laps over the fresh wound softly, kissing over your skin.
he’s so close to your pussy, you can feel a few stray strands of hair tickling you, making your body involuntarily lean towards his mouth.
harry pulls away, clicking his tongue disapprovingly, “m’trying to make you feel better and here you are being greedy.”
“no, no, i’m sorry honey, your mouth just feels so good, you know how hard it is for me to resist you,” you add, silently praying that he just goes with it.
“stop sucking up,” he chuckles lightly, taking note of your pussy for the first time in a while. and christ, you really are wet. like really wet. dripping down onto the bed, wet. and for a moment harry feels bad. like he’s neglected your poor cunt. it’s desperately screaming for attention. as he goes to run his fingers through your sopping center, he notices the hair tie still wrapped around his thumb and index.
“wanna try something,” harry mumbles without a second though. 
he runs his hands from your hips, down your thighs to your knees, giving you a silent signal to lay down flat on your tummy. as you do what he asks of you, harry helps you turn over, onto your back.
“hi poppet,” he smiles at you, leaning over you to kiss your lips, something he hasn’t done since he tied you on your front.
you smile into the very welcomed kiss, having missed the comfort of his lips on yours. you slip your tongue into his mouth when he goes to speak, cutting him off before the first syllable even leaves him. you tug on the cuffs, wishing you could grip into his hair and keep his lips attached to yours.
but harry pulls away, shaking his head playfully as his index gently flicks your nose. “be good, poppet. wanna try something. think you’ll like it, but you’ll tell me if you dont, yeah ?”
“i will,” you hum, smiling at him. you wholeheartedly trust him, and your toes curl in anticipation, your tummy flipping with curiosity as you anxiously await to see what he’s got planned.
you watch as harry sits back on his knees, your legs on either side of his hips. his hands massage their way over your thighs, working their way inwards as he grips into your flesh, spreading your legs wide open for him. with any other partner, you would have been mortified right now. but not even a speck of that feeling exists with harry. 
his eyes rake over your inner thighs, seeing the mess your cunt has made. his gaze settles around mid thigh, the hair tie coming back into play and snapping against your sensitive skin.
your hips jolt, harry’s hands keeping your legs open before shifting to your other thigh, snapping the band a bit higher. each snap makes your body tremble more as he keeps up the alternating pattern, making his way higher and higher up your thighs.
harry watches as your pussy clenches with each snap, a dribble of your arousal leaking every time, as your hips jump up in search of any kind of friction. his prick is so rock hard, absolutely dying to bury himself inside you. but he needs to try this first. needs to see how you’ll react.
he places the tie taught between his fingers, just higher up than your clit, over your mound, wanting to test the waters out first. harry watches over your face, seeing a bit of apprehension, “s’just me, baby. i’ve got you. can stop anytime. give me a colour, please.”
and as anxious as you were, you were so excited, “green. just do it, please,” you groaned, the anticipation killing you.
harry snaps the band, not too hard, really not wanting to push you. he hears the loud moan leaving your chest, your stomach twitching. he places it a bit lower, right above your clit, “m’gonna need your colour again, poppet.”
“fuck, fuck, it’s green. can go harder,” you whimper, your nails digging painfully into your palms, waiting for it to smack against your most sensitive spot.
when the band hits against your clit, not too much harder than last time, harry notices a small trickle of liquid running down your cunt. “no fucking way,” he whispers to himself, eyebrows furrowed, your ears ringing much too loudly to hear him.
harry snaps the tie two times consecutively, a little harder again, as a bit more than a trickle escapes you this time. 
he can’t believe what he’s seeing, completely mesmerized by your heat, a groan from deep in his throat works its way out of him. without giving you much time to catch a breath, harry snaps it again, much harder this time, as a gush squirts out of your cunt.
“jesus fuck, poppet,” harry groans, dropping down to the bed, throwing the hair tie onto the bed, his mouth colliding with your sensitive pussy. 
your body is trembling from the attack on your clit, not having a moment to breathe before harry delved in to suck harshly on your abused cunt. 
you feel a bit disoriented, tugging hard on the restraints, needing to feel anchored to him somehow. “fuck, fuck harry, yellow,” you plead out, his ears perking up as he hears one of your safe words.
harry pulls away from you, his hands massaging your inner thighs, “what do you need honey, talk to me ?” he asks quietly, not wanting to overwhelm you. a yellow means slow down, and check in. he hopes this doesn’t turn into a red, that’s not exactly the way he hopes his cock goes soft tonight. 
“untie me, please,” you groan, tugging on the cuffs for good measure. 
harry nods without a second thought, reaching for the key on the nightstand and taking them off you, letting them clang to the floor. he holds your wrists gently in his hands, kissing the bruises left in the wake of your restraints.
“were they hurting ?” he asks, his hands gliding up your arms, settling on your back as he looks into your eyes, wanting to really see how you’re feeling.
“no, just a bit overwhelmed. needed to feel you,” you hum, your fingers running through harry’s locks, grabbing a good handful, “you can keep going anytime,” you smirk, adding cheekily.
he groans at the feeling of your hands tugging on his hair. as much as he loves seeing you tied up, the lack of touches torture him a bit too. “lesson for ya poppet, dont ever sass the mouth that’s snogging with your cunt.”
“i would, but your mouth is giving me a lecture, s’not snogging anything,” you challenge back, smirk growing wider. 
harry laughs, kissing your nose, “cant be mad at that. did you need me to slow down, love ? how has it been so far ? wanna check in completely, after that yellow.”
“maybe a bit slower,” you hum, rubbing your nose against his. “we have tons of time, yeah ?” you pause to kiss him, your lips slotting with his, sucking sweetly on the swell of his lip. “s’been really good so far, just really needed the cuffs off. needed to be able to feel closer to you after that.”
harry nods, totally understanding, delving back into your mouth, taking his time with you. reminding himself that tonight there’s really no need to rush, thankful for the odd occasion where time doesn’t exist.
“so, how many times should i make you cum then, poppet ?”
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harrysarchive · 7 months
I love tattooarrist harry and baker!y/n so much!! Can we please have more of them🥺🥺
No big deal; h.s.
Tattooartist!harry x baker!y/n
"I don't see the problem we were just staying in." He tries to defend himself his eyebrows furrowing, a common tell sign that he was getting worked up, "Me and Niall had a good fuckin day at work so we decided to celebrate. We can do date night another day no big deal."
Warnings: Slight angst
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I watch as the candle slowly melts with a sigh leaving my mouth, the cold dinner left untouched and the wine was left getting warm. I look up at the clock and my frown deepens.
I'll be back at 8, just me and you tonight love.
His charismatic voice with a wink rings through my mind. The clock taunts me with the hands striking 10, finally deciding he wasnt showing, I shoved my chair back the legs of the chair weeping from the tension against the wooden floor, and started picking up the dinner left to waste. Wrapping Harry's plate in plastic wrap i shove it in the fridge when a black ball of fur swivels its way between my legs, matilda meows sorrowful and i give her a light smile.
"He probably had to work late 'tilda." I hum giving her a pat before walking towards our bedroom.
As i sit on our bed I pull my phone out and scroll through my contacts, clicking his name i put my phone to my ear and wait as the sound of the ringing vibrates through my ear.
I obviously couldn't answer I'm probably busy at work or with y/n. If it's important give her a call.
I let out a frustrated huff at the voicemail, "Where the hell are you? We had plans tonight remember? Just give me a call back please."
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My body jolts as i hear the sound of keys jingle and the front door snapping open. I grab ahold of my glasses on the side table shoving them on and looking at the clock, 2:00 A.M. glares back at me. Are you actually kidding me? I put on my house shoes and walk towards the living area of the apartment, i watch as Harry pour himself a glass of water.
"And where the hell have you been?" I ask sharply as i glare at him, my hands on my hips Harry stops pouring the water and turns towards me with a frown.
"Out with Niall." He states bluntly taking a swig of water, a harsh laugh escapes my mouth and i nod.
"Did you forget something?" I ask with a sarcastic smile on my face.
He looks as if he's trying to remember something then shakes his head, "not that i recall."
Thats the fire that ignites my anger, "You made plans for us tonight! You wanted to have a nice quiet night in. I fucking made dinner, I had picked out a bath bomb for us to use. I even left work three hours early for this!"
"I don't see the problem we were just staying in." He tries to defend himself his eyebrows furrowing, a common tell sign that he was getting worked up, "Me and Niall had a good fuckin day at work so we decided to celebrate. We can do date night another day no big deal."
No big deal.
"No big deal?!" I snap taking a step in his direction, "We barely get to spend any time together because you're always working late, you fucking promised me tonight and you broke that promise. You come home six hours later from a pub and expect me not to be upset? I mean fuck Harry!" I huff massaging my temples.
"Well maybe you should have called me!" He bites and i sigh shaking my head.
"You know what, this isnt even worth it." I hum grabbing my keys from the key rack.
"Where the hell are you going?" He asks moving over towards me.
"Dont do this," he sighs, "look i'm sorry okay just dont leave please."
I take a look at him, his eyes heavy with exhaustion, hair disheveled and a frown on his pretty pink lips before taking a deep breath, "i need some time to think and breathe before i make a mistake and do something irrational, if we keep going at this it'll turn out that way. Please respect my wishes."
His frown deepens and brows furrow further, "be back tomorrow?"
"I have work all day, i'll be back at 8." I spit his words back at him before throwing the door open and making my escape.
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"...all im saying is he's a prick, plain and simple make him suffer." Martha states as she wipes down the colourful table.
Marthas been giving me a lecture since i walked into her little cottage yesterday at 2 in the morning and she hasnt stopped. I walked in the bakery with a frown at 6 A.M. and it hasnt came off the entire day, regulars constantly coming in giving me a sympathetic smile and wishing my day well.
"But Martha..."
"No but, no nothing. Dont give me that bullshit, sure he loves you and you love him but its the principle of the matter." She hums sitting in an old rustic arm chair next to the bean bags. "Think of it this way, if it was the other way around; him staying home making the dinner and you didnt show till ass crack in the mornin', he would do the same shit. Walk his pretty ass out of the house and drive off to Niall's."
I huff as i plop myself on the bright pink beanbag bringing my palms to my eyes trying to rub out the migraine that was destined to form. I know she's right he would be upset if it was the other way around, and the fact that he was being so blunt and  careless was very disrespectful.
"So what now?" I ask picking at my nails.
"You wait till he apologises."
I let out a deep sigh, "Martha I was also wrong for just walking out."
"No you werent, you told him yourself. You would have done some stupid shit that you didnt mean if you stayed there." She replies sharply, "and while he's at the apologising tell him to come clean the damn tables and dishes."
I let out a snort and shake my head, glancing at the clock 8 o'clock is staring back at me, Martha looks at the clock and hums.
"You can go, Nat is here so she can help clean up."
"No, i'll stay." I smile at her before snatching her rag out of her hands and smirking at her, "get up you old hag it's deep cleaning day."
She gapes at me then glares, "fuck that shit, you can do that yourself for calling me an old hag!"
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I look at the clock on my dashboard, 10:30 it reads. Letting out a huff i grab my purse and some desserts I decide to bring home, everything will be fine i hoped. Walking up to the door i let one last deep sigh out before making my way through. The sound of things being knocked over make me jump slightly, looking up towards the dining area i see Harry with blood shot eyes and a blotchy face.
"You're home." He croaks out smiling at me with watery eyes.
"Yeah, stayed late to help Martha deep clean." I mumble sitting my purse on the coat rack and my keys on the key holder.
"I- um I made dinner for us." He chirps pointing to the meal on the table, "chicken parm your favourite."
I give him a weak smile before nodding and walking towards the dining table, looking at the meal my heart pulls. "Thank you thats thoughtful of you."
"No it's not, it's the bare minimum, you shouldn't thank me for this." He sighs shaking his head, "i have neglected you for weeks y/n. Making you promises and never pulling through, telling you we'd spend time together but it never happens. When you left last night, i um i got to thinking and do you know how many dates i've fallen through on?" He ask and i shake my head, not really one to keep count on things like that, "six, fucking six, that is six to many. I wanna make it up to you, i decided to cut back on my hours-"
"Harry you didnt-"
"I know i didnt have to, i wanted to." He smiles grabbing ahold of my hands, "i want to spend a lot more time with you, i want to be there for you the way you've been there for me."
Tears stream down my face as i smile at him letting out a chuckle, "i'm sorry for leaving."
"Dont be sorry, i would've left to if i was you."
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A/N: oh my god :') hello guys i miss yall so fucking much its insane first off thank you so much for the request anon<3 i've been dealing with personal shit and just been in a reading (and writing) slump </3 and i've also been waiting for someone to request something so thank youuuuu!!!! I hope you guys enjoyed as much as i enjoyed writing this<3
-All the love,
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avatar-anna · 1 year
hi! could i request something in which y/n and harry are childhood best friends and one day harry confesses that he is in love with her but y/n rejects him because she doesn’t think she’s good enough for him so she lies and says she doesn’t love him so that he will move on and find someone better, but instead he still lines for her and eventually she tells him the truth and they end up together? ty!
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this is about as smutty as i get so...enjoy!
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"I—You what?"
Y/n felt like her stomach had dropped all the way to her feet. She felt like she was glitching, like her brain couldn't compute her life as she was living it. Harry was standing in front of her outside her house, jade green eyes wide and earnest as he implored her to respond. His hair, which now curled all the way down to his shoulders, looked unkempt, like he'd been running a stressful hand through it the whole way to your parents' house.
Harry smiled, a small hopeful one that looked like he didn't even know he was doing it. "I love you. In—In like a not-just-a-friend kind of way. I know we've been friends since we could walk and that this might make things complicated, but I just had to tell you before I left for tour."
It was safe to say Y/n was speechless. All her life, she never expected that she would be in this position. Harry was her best friend, the boy she'd grown up with and did everything together. Until his career took off massively, of course. But even then Y/n and Harry considered each other best friends. It was all she ever thought they would be.
"I don't know what to say," Y/n finally said. Part of her wanted to run back into the house, another wanted to run over to Harry and launch herself at him. But her feet seemed to be rooted to the floor, frozen as Harry's confidence wavered.
"That...doesn't seem like a promising reaction," he said, trying to laugh it off. But you knew him, and she could already feel her heart breaking as his own closed itself off to her. "I—It's okay if you don't feel the same, I just—I just couldn't keep it a secret anymore."
Y/n bit her tongue, keeping a lid on what she actually wanted to say, what her heart was practically beating out of her chest to say. "I'm sorry."
Harry's face didn't fall, not in front of her. No, he was too good for that. He would never make Y/n feel bad, not if he could help it. She knew good and well that he would wait until his back was turned or he was in his car to let his face betray how he really felt. And she knew how he was feeling. She felt the exact same.
Since she could make sense of complex feelings, Y/n had been in love with Harry. She loved him when he got her in trouble for passing notes in grade school, she loved him when they exploded flour all over his mum's kitchen when they tried to make a cake for her brother's birthday. She loved him when he made her sit through his band rehearsals, and even when he auditioned for the X-Factor. And she continued to love him despite his other relationships and breakups and everything in between.
"I mean, there was a fifty-fifty chance you'd say you didn't feel the same, right? I knew that," he said. "I just feel like I wasted so much time, and—Shit, I had a whole speech planned and now I guess I don't need it."
Harry was always better than her, in so many ways. Y/n had always been the pale moon to his bright sun. He would get invited to things, and she would tag along because he asked if she could come too. She sat backstage while he performed for the whole world. Y/n had appreciated Harry as a friend growing up, had cherished his companionship, but in recent years she realized she was dead weight. As his friend, Y/n traveled the world, met the most interesting people, made the most amazing memories. Harry did it all for her, and what did she do for him, exactly? Harry deserved more, deserved better. No matter how much she loved him or how long, the best thing she could do as his friend was let him be with someone better.
"Harry, I—"
"No, it's fine, um...Listen, I know the next thing I'm supposed to say is that we can still be friends after this, but I think I might need some time."
"Of—Of course."
For the first time since they'd known each other, neither of them knew what to say. The last time Y/n could recall them not speaking was when she got her period for the first time and she was too embarrassed to talk to Harry. She had a feeling they wouldn't be talking for longer than a day now.
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four months later
It wasn't uncommon for Y/n to not see Harry, but this time the distance felt different, quieter. There were no long text chains, silly Snapchat videos, no phone calls just before he had to go onstage. Her only contact with Harry was through his occasional Instagram posts or talk show appearances. She knew that was coming, Harry had told her plain and simple that he would need some time, but she didn't think the hole in her heart would ache so terribly.
Even when they were apart, Y/n could always count on him to be there for her. Now they were practically strangers. It was her fault, of course, but that didn't make it hurt any less.
"You're an idiot," Gemma said over the phone. Y/n had been avoiding Harry's family like the plague the last few months. She'd gotten away with it, probably because Harry wouldn't want to talk about what happened, either, but he must've, and now his older sister wouldn't leave Y/n alone.
"I'm looking at the bigger picture here, Gem," she said.
"What bigger picture? The only one I see is the two of you being disgustingly in love and everyone back home having to see it at Christmas."
It was embarrassing to say, even if it was the truth. "He's... He's outgrown me. There are people who would fit into his life much better than—"
"Really? This is about him being famous?" Gemma asked incredulously. "God, you really are an idiot sometimes, Y/n."
"Maybe, but I know he can do better," was all you could think of to say. "He'll get over it."
He'll get over me, she thought glumly.
Y/n heard Gemma's long, exasperated sigh. "Oh yeah? Is that what you think?" she asked, voice sharper now. "I don't know what you're afraid of, Y/n, but Harry is in love with you. He doesn't have a crush, he doesn't just want to have sex with you, he is in love with you. And you have been in love with my little brother for years. So pull your head out of your ass and tell him before he resents you for breaking his—"
Gemma's scolding paused, though Y/n wasn't really sure why. It was definitely deserved. She needed to hear it, especially from someone close to Harry. They hadn't spoken since he came to her parents' house to tell her he loved her, and she perhaps hopefully assumed that he would be okay afterwards. Hearing that he wasn't made Y/n feel worse, but it also made her realize that maybe she and Harry could work.
"Hey, I have to go," Gemma said in a rush.
"Why? What's—"
Y/n couldn't even get anything else out before the line went dead. She looked down at her phone, utterly confused. "Hope everything's okay," she murmured before going back to staring at the TV in front of her. She'd been doing a lot of that recently.
Later that night, Y/n was in her room getting ready for bed. She applied all her serums, and spent some extra time with her face roller, trying to ease the stress of her conversation with Gemma out of her forehead. As she did so, Y/n considered herself in the mirror.
She was pretty, she supposed. Not beautiful, like the models Harry dated or was friends with. She remembered feeling so intimidated and so insecure the first time Harry invited her out to meet some of his "industry friends." But now she was okay with the fact that she wasn't exotic looking or had fluttery eyelashes or a toned stomach. Y/n knew how to enhance the features she did have and was perfectly fine with not dating outrageously attractive individuals.
As she was putting crescent-shaped masks beneath her eyes, Y/n heard pounding on her front door. Startled, she carefully went downstairs, peeking through the peephole before opening it. Her eyes widened when she saw who was on the other side.
"Harry? What are you doing here?"
"Why did you tell me you didn't feel the same?" he said, not bothering with an explanation. "You stood there as I poured my heart out to you, and, what? Weren't brave enough to say it back?"
"I just don't understand why you would just wouldn't say it if you feel the same way," he continued. "Do—Do you think it was easy for me to admit that I was in love with you? Because it wasn't. But I didn't anyway. I just—I just don't understand—"
"I was afraid, okay?" Y/n finally said. She couldn't stand hearing her best friend be so upset with her. "I've—I have...loved you. For as long as I can remember," she admitted, her hands shaking as she spoke. "Since we were kids, you know? And I knew...I knew you didn't think of me that way back then. And then you become this person that everyone loves, and I—I'm not like them, Harry. I'm not."
Harry took a couple steps forward, toward where Y/n was standing in the doorway of her home. He didn't look as angry as he did before, the harsh crease between his brow easing to a soft furrow. "Like who?"
"Don't make me say it," Y/n said. She felt ridiculous enough explaining it to herself. She wasn't like his model girlfriends or heiress companions or artist friends. She was Harry's friend from the small town he grew up in.
But she didn't have to say anything. Harry had known Y/n long enough to realize what she was thinking without her having to say a word. She was honestly surprised he never discovered how she felt about him all these years.
"You really think I'm that shallow?" he said, sounding hurt.
"You deserve someone who's from—who can—"
"I deserve to be with the person I love," Harry told her. "Stop trying to dictate how I feel. Just let it happen, Y/n love."
Harry's voice took on a tone Y/n didn't recognize. It was soft, delicate. Like a caress. And then he did caress her, one knuckle grazing all the way down the side of her face from her temple to her chin. He held her there, his thumb brushing across her bottom lip while he searched for the answer to a question she didn't even know he was asking. Y/n felt breathless as Harry looked down at her, his gaze heavy lidded as he took in every inch of her face. She caught the nearly imperceptible smile as he looked at the patches beneath her eyes, but his expression turned into something that made her stomach turn into knots when they finally reached her mouth.
When he began to lean down, Y/n froze. She'd wanted this so bad for so long, had sabotaged herself and Harry into thinking it wasn't possible. But she didn't stop him, didn't move out of the way or turn her head to the side or tell him not to. Just let it happen, he'd said. So she did.
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"Are we really doing this?"
"Not if you don't want to."
"I—oh—I really want to. Please, Harry."
"Tell me how you want me, love."
Y/n was slightly embarrassed by how quickly Harry had seemed to light her entire body on fire. When they made it to her bedroom, he was all over her—kissing whatever skin was exposed while his hands rid her of her clothes. And she let him, eyes fluttering shut and mouth falling open the whole time. Harry was relentless as he kissed a collar of bruises around her throat, one hand bracing himself above her while the other cupped her breast so casually, like he'd done it for years.
It was hard to imagine that this was what Y/n was cheating herself of when she told him she didn't love him four months ago. No one has ever made her feel this good, and they hadn't even done much of anything yet.
But in the haze of her own pleasure, she wanted to make sure that Harry felt as good as she did. He asked her how she wanted him, and now that she'd taken a minute to think, she knew.
"Lie down for me," she said.
"You sure?" Harry asked, understanding what she meant.
Y/n merely nodded before easing him down against the bed with a gentle hand to his chest. She held his face in her hand, looking down at him and admiring the face she'd loved forever. He probably had somewhere to be, and yet he was here. With her. She kissed his forehead, then worked her way down, down, down. To his nose and lips, to his jaw and the elegant slope of his neck, to his chest, where her stomach flipped when she felt it beating hard in his chest. She kissed his stomach and all the tattoos on his torso, each hip bone and the waistband of his black briefs, and the bulge in them that was becoming harder and harder to ignore. But she continued on, kissing his thighs and all around them, unable to stop herself from making one little mark in the sensitive flesh.
Harry was patient, his pants and breathy groans encouraging. When Y/n had had enough, she dragged her nose all the way back up to his underwear and began to tug them down, easing him out of them and tossing them unceremoniously off the bed.
And then she continued kissing him, loving him the way she'd dreamed about late at night more times than she cared to admit. Her focus zeroed in on Harry, on the sole objective of his pleasure. Nothing else mattered more than making him feel better than anyone had ever made him feel. Y/n got lost in it—in the noises he made, and the feel of him in her mouth, and the dull graze of her nails on the insides of his thighs.
Harry's voice sounded strained as his hand reached for her hair, his grip gentle but firm enough to get her attention. She almost didn't want to stop, but she eventually did, smiling sheepishly when she met his gaze.
"I don't think I'm going to last, and I—I need to—"
"Oh." A blush stained her cheeks.
"So get over here. Please."
Y/n crawled over to him, but not before wiping her mouth on the back of her hand. She was about to awkwardly ask Harry if he wanted to be on top or not when he grabbed her chin a little harshly, pulling her lips down to his.
Every kiss until now had been slow, sensual, passionate but delicate. This one was bruising, toe-curling. Harry's tongue pushed its way into Y/n's mouth, his hand gripped firmly in her hair at the nape of her neck. She didn't even have the chance to whine or whimper, as he devoured each one in a kiss. His teeth dug into her lip, he sucked her tongue into his mouth, he pinched the inside of her thigh and soothed it over with his thumb. And all Y/n could think was that she wanted more.
"Promise me," she managed to get out. "Promise me you're mine." Y/n didn't think she could be with anyone else again knowing Harry made her feel this good. And she knew that part of it was because she loved him so much that enhanced every kiss, every touch of skin against skin.
"I'm yours," Harry promised, easing himself in. "I'm yours, Y/n."
He kept saying it. Over, and over, and over again. That first time, and the second and third that followed later into the night. He kept promising, like he knew she needed to hear it, needed to know that this wasn't going to be a fleeting moment.
And she said it back, mumbling into his shoulder as she clung to him, afterwards when they were just staring at each other because yes, they'd known each other forever, but they were something different. Harry was the boy she'd loved for as long as she could remember, but now he was the boy who loved her back.
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harrycanyonmoonn · 1 year
Hey! Can u do long hair harry recs? Thank you.
A/N: omg i had this request since August of 2022 i'm sorry to the person who requested this and this is my first post in 2023 I was supposed to post on NYE but somethings happened which caused me not post but spring break is happening this week so more posts should be happening enjoy this comeback post
 LHH Masterlist ( @fkinavocado )
Even When The Night Changes Series Masterlist ( @be-with-me-so-happily )
Since Forever  ( @satanhalsey )
— Can you write overprotective long hair harry... ( @muffindaddystyles )
Grinding on Harry's Hand (pussy cupping)(SMUT) ( @watermelonlovershigh )
Thank You, Next * ( @gurugirl )
Thank You, Next Pt 2
 Again & Again* ( @gurugirl )
kiss on the cheek ( @harrysmimi )
P.S these are the only fics i had saved so if i find more i'm going to add it
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butdaddyilovehim-hs · 9 months
Tolerate It II
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"What would you do if I break free and leave us in ruins?"
Read Part I here
Quite frankly, Harry isn’t sure how much longer he can take this. He listens to Y/N’s request for space for all of 4 days.
On Sunday, Harry finds the whiskey he put away when Elle was born. He finishes the bottle. 
On Monday, he works himself into a frenzy looking at pictures of Y/N at their wedding. The smile on her face sends him spiralling as he realises he hasn’t seen her smile like that in a while. 
On Tuesday, Anne calls him and boy does she let him have it. She doesn’t yell but she knocks some sense into him and Harry’s heart breaks. She tells him Y/N has barely said two words since she arrived and if he doesn’t act soon, he’s going to lose the two things that are supposed to be most important to him.
So he breaks out his rock records, blasting the music as loud as he can to drown out the screaming voices in his head telling him that he’s lost his wife forever. Oh and he also drinks himself into oblivion. Again.
On Wednesday afternoon he’s hungover and slightly delirious. And so naturally, he texts her. 
Harry: Y/N I’m so sorry my love. I hope you and Elle are ok at mum’s. She told me you were there. I know you might not be ready but I’m here when you want to talk. I’ll be home for the rest of the week love. Come over when you’re ready. 
He waits by the phone like a lovesick teenager for 20 minutes, almost falling off the bed when the status of the text changes from delivered to read. He waits for another 20 minutes willing for the three dots to appear and when they don’t, he turns the music back on, quieter this time, ignores the pounding in his head and closes his eyes. 
He sleeps the rest of the day away, waking around noon on Thursday, his heart jumping out of his chest when he sees a new message notification. He sighs dejectedly when he realises it’s not Y/N, his eyes widening as he realises the text is from Kendall.
Kendall: We need to talk H. I’m so sorry about the articles. I’m on my way over, hope you’re home.
Harry rubs his faces tiredly before forcing himself out of bed. Kendall is the last person he wants to see right now but he knows there isn’t any point in telling her not to come if she’s on her way. 
So he cleans (barely), shaves and showers, in an effort to make it seem like he hasn’t been living on his couch and off takeout for the past few days.
There’s a knock at the door and Harry drags his feet over to the front door. 
“Hi…” The woman at the door speaks in an almost whisper, timidly shifting from foot to foot. 
Harry thinks his mind is playing a sick joke on him. 4 days of drinking his life away and he’s suddenly seeing visions. But the woman in front of him doesn’t seem to disappear no matter how many times he blinks and so he comes to the conclusion that she must be real.
“Y/N? I... What are you doing here?” Is all he can think to say. As soon as the words are out of his mouth he regrets them. He winces as his wife’s face contorts into a look of hurt and slight annoyance. 
“What am I doing here? In my house? Good god Harry I left for space, I didn’t move out. Can I come in or are we going to keep having this conversation in the doorway?”
“I didn’t mean- Of course come in love. I just didn’t expect to see you so soon.” He steps aside to let her through and follows her as she walks to the couch and takes a seat. He sits beside her and the silence is loud.
“So…” Y/N begins, shooting a tentative look at Harry who’s looking at her intently. 
“How’s Elle? I miss my little bug. I’ve missed you both.” 
“She’s good. Loved the extra grandma time the last few days. I’ve missed you too H. But we need to figure this out before we keep going. I don’t know how many more chances I can give, I don’t know how many nights I can stay up waiting, hoping for you to call. I shouldn’t have to hope you’ll call, you’re my husband you should want to call.” Y/N sighs, wiping her hand over her face quickly to stop the tears from falling. Harry intertwines their fingers squeezing her hand in his. He does it twice more and Y/N gives him a watery smile. It was something they used to do when they were first married; whenever they were in public they would squeeze each others hands three times.
 I. Love. You. 
He lifts her hand to his mouth, pressing a soft kiss to it. 
“Y/N, I fucked up. Multiple times. I haven’t been there for you and I wish I could tell you that it’s simply because work was mental but I was overwhelmed and so I looked for distractions. It’s no excuse I know that. But I love you. I love you more than I’ve ever loved anyone and sometimes I wish I didn’t love you so much because I need you like oxygen. You are the best thing that’s ever happened to me and I’ve been an idiot to take you for granted. I’m going to be home by 5 every day from now on I promise. We’re going to have dinner together every night. We’re going to get a nanny so that you and I can go on dates like we used to. I’m going to-“
“Slow down cowboy.” Y/N grins. A bright smile that reaches all the way to her eyes. 
“We’re going to be ok?” It’s supposed to be a statement but it sounds more like a question when it comes out of Y/N’s mouth. 
“We’re going to be ok.” Harry affirms. He leans in to kiss her, pulling back at the sound of the door opening.
“Harry? You home? The door was unlocked so I just came in. Oh! Y/N, hi.” Kendall’s stilettos click against the wooden floor as she walks into the living room, taking in the couple sitting on the couch. 
“I just wanted to come by to-”
Y/N cuts her off. 
“Did you invite her over here Harry? Is that why you were so surprised when I got here? For fucks sakes.” She looks heartbroken. 
Harry is silent. It isn’t what it looks like. He knows that, Kendall knows that. Y/N… doesn’t know that. It seems he’s silent for too long because Y/N is suddenly standing and grabbing her bag off the coffee table. 
“Kendall, get out. Y/N let me explain. Please love, after all we talked about you have to know I wouldn’t do that to you.”
Kendall leaves, muttering a plethora of apologies as Y/N stares at him with red rimmed eyes, her bag gripped tightly in her hand as though she’s planning her escape.
“Two minutes Harry. You’ve got two minutes to explain yourself before I walk out this door and this time I won’t be coming back.”
Read Part III here
A/N: Thoughts?! All your comments and reblogs are appreciated I love youuuuu ✨🫶
Tags: @lukesaprince @harryspirate @walkingintheheartbreaksatellite @lilyrmason12 @styleslover-1994 @stylesfever @kathb59 @indierockgirrl @bxbyysstuff @gills-lounge @lomlhstyles @opheliaofficial07 @behindmygreyeyes @gem1712 @stylesmoonlight12 @babyiamperfectforyou @harrysrockstarsgf
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cupid-styles · 9 months
own me
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rockstar y/n x groupie tour photographer!harry
content warnings: 1.4k words of breeding kink smut lol (alsooo daddy kink, a little bit of dumbification and degradation, squirting)
masterlist | talk to me
The first time Y/N suspects Harry may have a breeding kink, it's a few months after their first hookup. 
For the first three months or so, Harry shows up whenever he wants. He'll shoot a text to Y/N around an hour before heading to the venue to make sure it's okay he comes, but she never rejects him. Somewhere along the fourth month, the texts stop coming and Harry arrives more frequently, and neither of them say anything about it. 
It's around then that Y/N notices he grunts out a few things during a particularly heated session. They've been going at it for nearly two hours, breaking periodically for water or cigarettes, and Harry is the dominant tonight. Y/N's four orgasms deep, slick and sore between her thighs. He's spooning her from behind and thrusting into her steadily, shudders wracking her body as he encourages her to cum once more for him so he can finally finish. 
Her fifth orgasm makes her gush liquid around his cock as he rubs at her clit, bumping her g-spot with his painfully hard cock. 
"Fuck," Harry moans as he watches her squirt, his balls begin to tighten, "Shit, baby, you're gonna make me fuckin' cum."
"Please," Y/N begs, her hair matted to her forehead with sweat, "Please, please, I need it daddy, please cum inside me."
"That what you want?" he asks as if a switch has suddenly been turned on by her words, "My dirty girl wants me to fill her to the brim with my cum? Make it fuckin' stick, hm?"
"Yes," Y/N whimpers, too far gone to truly analyze what he's saying. It's a pump or two before Harry's making good on his promise and spilling inside of her, mewls and curses falling from each of their lips at the sensation. She'll rarely admit it because she knows how taboo it is, but one of her favorite feelings is having Harry finish inside her, stuffing his cum deep and letting it leak out while he watches and massages her inner thighs.
Afterwards, they don't talk about it, and that's fine with Y/N. The reason why they work so well is because they're generally pretty nonjudgmental — they're willing to entertain each other's kinks or try anything out once.
And she's fine not bringing it up until a few weeks later, when he's waiting for her back at her hotel room after the show, and he just looks so fucking good perched on the end of her bed. She's still a bit sweaty from the night's performance — normally she'll take a shower at the venue, but knowing Harry was in her city, she wanted nothing more than to catch a cab back to the hotel as soon as humanly possible. 
He's wearing a pair of light wash baggy jeans, worn white Vans on his feet and a graphic tee on his torso. He's flicking through photos on his camera when he looks up to see her come through the door, a small smile gracing his lips. 
"Hey," Harry greets, gently setting his camera down, "Great show tonight. You looked amazing."
Y/N doesn't even care to kick off her platforms or jump in the shower before she's surging towards him, wrapping her arms around his neck and tugging him to her for a messy kiss. It's desperate and hot, and she feels like she'll explode if he doesn't tear her clothes off in the next five seconds. 
Harry returns her energy tenfold, reminding her of yet another reason why she adores their arrangement. Without needing any instruction, he's tugging her black dress up and over her body, leaving her in a lace thong. His hands are immediately on her butt as their lips reconnect, squeezing the flesh before giving each cheek a swat. 
"I need you in me," Y/N whispers against his mouth, using quick hands to unbuckle his belt and push his jeans down, "I need you to fill me up with your cum." 
"Jesus," Harry mutters, mainly out of disbelief. They're normally not so focused on reaching the end goal so it's safe to say that Y/N instantly yearning for his peak is a change. He's ready to break away momentarily to make sure she's alright before she opens her mouth again, mumbling devilish syllables against his skin. 
"Need you to make it stick, daddy. Wanna be swollen with you."
Just like the last time she plays into his kink, the switch is suddenly on, and Harry's dragging her to the bed. Her body bounces down against the mattress and she gasps as he tears her thong from her lower half, the bite of pain making her whimper. He kicks his pants and briefs off, not even bothering to rid himself of his shirt before he's kneeling over her, pumping his length.
"You sure you want that?" Harry hisses as he strokes his cock, beads of pre-cum making noisy slick sounds. "You want daddy to knock you up? Fuck my cum into your womb until you can't even remember your own name?"
"Fuck— yes daddy, I need it," Y/N pleads, bucking her hips up to meet the tip of his cock. They know it's just for play, that the second they're done and Harry has the strength to walk, he'll pick her up Plan B to prevent an actual pregnancy, but for now? For now, they both need this more than anything. 
"Can your tight little pussy take me without any prep?" He asks, sponging kisses along her breasts and down to her stomach. She threads her fingers through his curls and pulls at the strands, whining out an affirmative answer. It's all he needs to push inside, eliciting loud, hearty moans from either one. Instantly, she's filled with him, the sensation so perfect that her eyes flutter closed. 
"You feel so incredible, baby," Harry mutters, building up to a quick pace. He's hitting her g-spot with each thrust and she can barely speak, pathetic attempts at moans falling from her lips instead. He smirks at this, leaning down to wedge his thumb between her lips. "Just a cock dumb puppy, yeah? That's okay. Lay back and let daddy fuck you the way you need. If you're a good girl and you squirt for me the way I like, I'll fill you with my cum, 'kay?"
Y/N mewls around his finger, nodding eagerly. Harry chuckles and removes it, making quick work to loop circles around her clit, using her saliva as lubricant. 
"So desperate for me." He mumbles as she clenches around his cock, her orgasm already building. 
"Give it to me, daddy," Y/N whimpers, trailing daft fingertips down to where they're connected and holding herself open for him. "Don't you wanna own me? Make everyone know I'm yours?"
At this point, it's a competition to see who can play into the kink more before one of them bursts. For a moment, it seems like Y/N has the upper hand as Harry groans, his length twitching deep inside of her. 
"Want me to make you a mumma, huh? Is that what you want? Dirty fuckin' slut, begging for my cum."
That's all it takes for Y/N to explode. Her eyes are squeezed shut as she moans and gasps helplessly, having no choice but to let Harry work her through her peak, liquid bursting from below. She makes a mess all over the sheets and Harry's cock, but he couldn't care less — he loves it, in fact, so much so that he's coming just moments after her. He does exactly what she'd been asking for all night, reaching deep inside of her with his length and pumping her full of his warm cum. 
"S-shit, I love it, I love it," Y/N babbles, her pussy still contracting around him. 
"I know, baby, feels so good." Harry says lowly, his voice strained from the intense pleasure of his peak. Y/N can feel that he's come so much, knowing that it's dripping out of her despite Harry still being lodged inside. 
"Wanna keep it inside," she whines, and Harry chuckles softly, brushing her sweaty hairs from her head. 
"I'll get you a plug for next time, hm? That way you can keep me in for as long as you want." 
Y/N nods and clenches around him at the thought, a hiss sounding from Harry's lips at the sensation. 
"Dirty girl," he smirks, pressing a hand to her hip, "I'm gonna pull out now, okay? 'S pretty messy down here, so... maybe we should shower."
"Okay," Y/N murmurs. She grimaces slightly as he removes his cock, noticing the way his eyes linger and his lips part at the sight of his seed leaking from her puffy pussy. "So, a breeding kink, hm?"
Harry rolls his eyes and delivers a playful swat to her thigh. "You're no better."
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fkinavocado · 1 year
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in which you were stood up by a tinder date and decide to walk into the record store you always used to go to back when you were in highschool to stare at that curly dimpled boy that worked there. when a long haired tattooed man approaches you, you almost don't recognize him… but he recognizes you.
Warnings & themes: 18+ (please no minors!!!), smutty smut-smut: this guy is kinky af (recordstore!harry, lhh, longhair!harry)
*miniseries consisting of one-shots (not a continuous string of events / each can be read as standalone)
Recordstore romance
Property of Harry Edward Styles
Primal tendencies
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saltwaterburns · 23 days
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poa!harry and gof!harry will always have a special spot in my heart
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